HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlaska VW School Bus Replacement Application 04-13-2019-VWSchool Bus Replacement Application Cover Date of Application Applicant/Agency Name Employer/Taxpayer ID (EIN/TIN) Address City/Zip Authorized Representative Name Contact Title & Association Phone Email Alternative Authorized Representative Name Contact Title & Association Phone Email Milestone Notes Purchase order issued for new bus Delivery of new bus Existing bus scrappage with required documentation Reimbursement request with required documentation Project Narrative Please describe in detail the project, including the number of buses being replaced, bus ownership, timeline of events, and plans for scrappage of existing bus(es). Include information such as voluntary matching funds, timing of other funding sources, or in the case of alternative fueled vehicles, related infrastructure plans and funding. Use the next page or attach additional pages if necessary. Proposed Completion Date School Bus Replacement Application Cover Submit by November 15, 2019 School Bus Replacement Application Cover School Bus Application Cover Bus Data Form for each bus Project Evaluation Form for each bus Map of bus route including fleet yard location for each bus Bus odometer photo Signature of Authorized Representative Date Authorized Representative Name Title Project Narrative - Continued The undersigned certifies that they are the authorized agent of the above stated entity, and that all information and documentation submitted to the Alaska Energy Authority for an award of the VW Settlement Funds are truthful and correct, and that the applicant is in compliance with, and will continue to comply with, all applicable state and federal law, and that they can legally commit the entity to these obligations. Application Check List Application Acknowledgement EPA DEQ emission results report used in the Bus Data Form for each bus School Bus Replacement Application Cover Submit by November 15, 2019 Bus Replacement Application Bus Data Form Applicant:________________________________________________________ Bus ID:_____________ Existing Bus Replacement Bus Bus ID #NA Bus Ownership (complete next page) VIN #NA Engine Serial Number NA Bus Make Bus Model Bus Model Year Bus Class/Type (Class A-D) Gross Vehicle Weight Restriction Fuel Type1 (complete next page) Average Fuel Efficiency (MPG) Annual Fuel (gals)NA Annual Miles Traveled NA Annual Idling Hours NA Total Mileage NA Annual Fuel Reduction (gals)2 NA Remaining Life (years)3 NA Attrition year (please explain) 4 NA Equipment Cost (limited to cost of bus & shipping bus scrappage fee & EV charging infrastructure, if applicable.) NA Labor Cost (includes bus scrappage)5 NA Bus Data for EPA Diesel Emission Calculator Please complete the table below. The applicant must also enter the data into the EPA Diesel Emission Quantifier tool and attach the DEQ emissions results to this form. (https://cfpub.epa.gov/quantifier/index.cfm?action=main.home) Submit a separate Bus Data Form and DEQ output for each bus. For electronic applications, submit one excel worksheet per bus; paper applicants print as many copies of the form as necessary. 1. This funding opportunity is strictly to replace/repower existing diesel school buses MY 2009 or older with at least three years of remaining life. New replacement buses may be diesel, alternate fueled (e.g., propane, CNG, hybrid), or all-electric. 2. Information to be provided by the manufacturer, reasonably extrapolated to the service use conditions for each bus. Example, long haul with intermittent stops vs. frequent urban stop and go conditions. 3. EPA’s DEQ tool uses remaining life of the existing vehicle to calculate lifetime emission reductions associated with a project. Actual remaining life depends on the age of the vehicle at the time of the project, as well as usage, maintenance, and climate. Remaining life is calculated by taking either the maximum life or the median life value and subtracting the current age of the vehicle based on model year. DEQ will use the maximum life for this calculation. For example, if the on-road vehicle replacement occurs in 2019, and the existing vehicle is a model year 2005, the remaining life would be 30 - (2019-2005) = 16 years. DEQ quantifies the median life of on-road vehicles as 19 years and the maximum life as 30 years. 4. Year in which bus would normally be retired/sold by the fleet owner if not for this funding opportunity. 5. Labor cannot include administrative costs School Bus Replacement Application Bus Data Form Submit by November 15, 2019 Bus Replacement Application Bus Data Form Bus owner name Bus owner address Bus owner city/state/zip code Contract expiration date Fuel Type Total Cost ($)Requested Funds ($) Bus Shipping Other - (please explain) Electric charging infrastructure Other alternative fueling infrastructure Labor (includes onboarding, signage, scrapping of old bus)5 Total Project Cost Bus Ownership Information Both school district-owned buses and buses contracted to the school districts are eligible for repower/replacement. If the bus is contracted to the school district, please complete this section. Attach an explanation of the terms of the contract and what happens to the bus when the contract expires. Can the parties enter a legally binding agreement to ensure the new replacement bus will operate within the usage area described in this application? Non-diesel Replacement Buses Bus Replacement Cost Provide project costs below. Use NA for any fields that are not applicable. Detailed cost estimates from selected or potential vendors are required for all individual expenditures. Attach a copy of the manufacturer/vendor bid estimates for each vehicle replacement. Note that funds cannot be requested for fueling infrastructure for alternative-fueled buses. Verification and documentation of scrappage of the old bus must be provided for reimbursement of project costs; the old bus shall be scrapped or rendered inoperable and available for recycle by cutting a 3-inch hole in the engine block and, if applicable, disabling the chassis by cutting the vehicle’s frame rails completely in half. If requesting funding for alternative-fuel buses (compressed natural gas, hybrid-electric, liquid natural gas, or liquid propane gas) or all-electric buses, identify the fuel type and attach information about fueling infrastructure and indicate if it is in place or provide installation information (e.g., timeline, location of infrastructure, funding source for infrastructure). School Bus Replacement Application Bus Data Form Submit by November 15, 2019 Bus Replacement Application Bus Evaluation Form Applicant:________________________________________________________Bus ID:_________________ Criteria - On-road NOx Emissions Ranking Points % of route/usage area Located in area of least on-road NOx emissions (<10th percentile)1 Located in 10th to 20th percentile 2 Located in 20th to 30th percentile 3 Located in 30th to 40th percentile 4 Located in 40th to 50th percentile 5 Located in 50th to 60th percentile 6 Located in 60th to 70th percentile 7 Located in 70th to 80th percentile 10 Located in 80th to 90th percentile 15 Located in 90th to 95th percentile 18 Located in area of most on-road NOx emissions (95th to 100th percentile)20 Total Evaluation Points for NOx emission Priority Area Criteria - Air Quality Ranking Points % of route/usage area Located in area of least DPM emissions (<60th percentile)0 Located in area with moderate DPM emissions (60th to 80th percentile)5 Located in area of >80th percentile DPM emissions 7 Located in maintenance area 7 Located within non-attainment area 10 Total Evaluation Points for NOx emission Priority Area Each application will be scored based on the relative on-road diesel NOx emissions where the bus being repowered or replaced is operated compared to statewide on-road NOx emissions in terms of total annual tons of on-road diesel NOx emissions. Please refer to Figure A-1 of the BMP to determine the NOx emissions rank of the area where the bus is operated. If the repowered/replacement bus will operate in multiple areas with different rankings, please provide an estimate of the percentage of the route or usage in each category. Bus repower/replacement projects located in non-attainment or maintenance areas or within areas receiving a disproportionate amount of diesel particulate matter (DPM) emissions will be prioritized. Please refer to Figure A-2 through A-10 of the BMP to determine the air quality rank of the area where the bus is operated. If the repowered/replacement bus will operate in multiple areas with different rankings, please provide an estimate of the percentage of the route or usage in each category. Air Quality Priority Area (0-10 points) Complete the Bus Evaluation Form and attach a map of the bus route, including the fleet yard, and the Bus ID; one Bus Evaluation Form must be submitted for each bus. For electronic applications, complete one excel worksheet per bus; paper applicants print as many copies of this form as necessary. As described in Table 2 of the Alaska BMP, each bus repower/replacement will be awarded points based on the criteria outlined below, with a total of 100 points possible. AEA will determine the points to be awarded for cost effectiveness based on the EPA DEQ output of all school bus applications submitted. The maps referenced below can be found in Appendix A and Appendix B of the Beneficiary Mitigation Plan (BMP) and the GIS shape files used to generate the maps can be downloaded from AEA's website at http://www.akenergyauthority.org/What-We-Do/Grants-Loans/Volkswagen-Diesel-Settlement-Grants NOx Emission Priority Area (0-20 points) Identify non-attainment or maintenance areas within the bus route including the fleet yard. If desired, provide additional comments or information regarding air quality plans or goals applicable to the bus usage area; local air quality concerns, or sources of local PM emissions within the bus usage area (e.g., railyard, port, airport, transit bus depot, taxi depot). If desired, provide additional comments or information regarding the local on-road NOx emissions within the bus usage area. School Bus Replacement Application Bus Evaluation Form 1 Submit by November 15, 2019 Bus Replacement Application Bus Evaluation Form Applicant:________________________________________________________Bus ID:_________________ Criteria - EJI - At-risk Populations and Exposure to DPM Ranking Points % of route/usage area Located in area of least exposure of DPM to at-risk populations (Zero to 10th percentile)1 Located in 10th to 30th percentile 2 Located in 30th to 40th percentile 3 Located in 40th to 50th percentile 4 Located in 50th to 60th percentile 5 Located in 60th to 70th percentile 6 Located in 70th to 80th percentile 7 Located in 80th to 90th percentile 8 Located in 90th to 95th percentile 9 Located in area of most exposure of DPM to at-risk populations (95th to 100th percentile)10 Total Project Points for EJI - at-risk populations and exposure to DPM Criteria - EJI - At-risk Populations and Traffic Proximity and Volume Ranking Points % of route/usage area Located in area with least effect of traffic proximity and volume on at-risk population (Zero to 10th percentile)1 Located in 10th to 30th percentile 2 Located in 30th to 40th percentile 3 Located in 40th to 50th percentile 4 Located in 50th to 60th percentile 5 Located in 60th to 70th percentile 6 Located in 70th to 80th percentile 7 Located in 80th to 90th percentile 8 Located in 90th to 95th percentile 9 Located in area with most effect of traffic proximity and volume on at-risk population (95th to 100th percentile)10 Total Project Points for EJI - at-risk populations and traffic proximity and volume Each application will be scored based on the diesel particulate matter (DPM) concentrations and exposure of DPM to at-risk populations where the bus being repowered or replaced is operated. Please refer to Figures B-1 through B-1d of the BMP, which were developed using the EPA's Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool (http://www.epa.gov/ejscreen). Using the maps, indicate the Environmental Justice Index rank (percentile) for the area where the bus is operated. If the replacement bus will operate in multiple areas with different rankings, please provide an estimate of the percentage of the route or usage in each category. Environmental Justice Index - at-risk populations and exposure to diesel particulate matter (0-10 points) Environmental Justice Index - at risk populations and traffic proximity and volume (0-10 points) Each application will be scored based on traffic proximity and volume to at-risk populations where the bus being repowered or replaced is operated. Please refer to Figure B-2 through B-2d of the BMP, which were developed using the EPA's Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool (http://www.epa.gov/ejscreen). Using the maps, indicate the Environmental Justice Index rank (percentile) for the area where the bus is operated. If the replacement bus will operate in multiple areas with different rankings, please provide an estimate of the percentage of the route or usage in each category. If desired, provide additional comments or information regarding DPM and the population that will benefit from the project. At-risk populations include, but are not limited to, people with heart and/or lung disease, asthmatics, children or the elderly, minority and/or low income populations. If desired, provide additional comments or information regarding traffic proximity and volume and the population that will benefit from the project. At-risk populations include, but are not limited to, people with heart and/or lung disease, asthmatics, children or the elderly, minority and/or low income populations. School Bus Replacement Application Bus Evaluation Form 2 Submit by November 15, 2019 Bus Replacement Application Bus Evaluation Form Applicant:________________________________________________________Bus ID:_________________ Criteria - Voluntary Cost Share Ranking Points Amount Total project cost (from Bus Data Form)$ Total funding request $ Amount of voluntary matching funds $ Percentage of voluntary matching funds % Total Project Points for voluntary funding match Criteria - Cost Effectiveness in Lifetime NOx Reduction Ranking Points Amount Lifetime NOx Reduction (short tons reduced)short tons Capital Cost Effectiveness (Equipment + Labor only) ($/short ton reduced)$/short ton Cost Effectiveness Rank (determined by AEA)rank Total Project Points for cost effectiveness in lifetime reduction of NOx (determined by AEA) Additional comments or information relevant to the project's cost effectiveness. Total Project Points (determined by AEA) Provide information on the type of funds being applied as voluntary match, including certainty on securing the funds, restrictions on use of the funds and time constraints on securing or spending the matching funds. Cost Effectiveness in Lifetime Reduction of NOx (10-30 points) Cost effectiveness is based on the lifetime reduction of NOx emissions ($/short ton NOx reduction) as determined by the EPA DEQ tool. Each bus will be scored by AEA based on the relative cost effectiveness of the project compared to the other bus application submittals. Projects that reduce the most lifetime short tons of NOx and particulate matter (PM) emissions for the least cost (95th to 100th percentile), will be given the highest score of 30 points. The least cost effective projects (<10th percentile) will receive 0 points. Mid-range projects will be scored as follows: 10th to 20th percentile will recieve 3 points; 20th to 30th percentile will receive 6 points; 30th to 40th percentile will receive 9 points; 40th to 50th percentile will receive 12 points; 50th to 60th percentile will receive 15 points; 60th to 70th percentile will receive 18 points; 70th to 80th percentile will receive 21 points; 80th to 90th percentile will receive 24 points; 90th to 95th percentile will recieve 27 points. Voluntary Funding Match (0-20 points) Applicants that provide voluntary matching dollars will score additional points. For every 1% of voluntary matching funds, 1 point will be awarded up to a maximum of 20 points. School Bus Replacement Application Bus Evaluation Form 3 Submit by November 15, 2019