HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlatna Village Biomass Heat Pre-Feasibility Study 10-16-2014-BIO Alatna Village Biomass Heat Pre-Feasibility Study Prepared for Interior Regional Housing Authority October 16, 2014 Prepared by: Energy Action, Wynne Auld With Support from: The Alaska Energy Authority 1231 W. Northern Lights #578 Anchorage, AK 99503 www.energyaction.info (907) 744-1085 Page 2 of 15 Contents Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................................................... 3 Community Contact Information .................................................................................................................. 3 Summary of Findings..................................................................................................................................... 3 Statement of Purpose ................................................................................................................................... 3 Community & Facility Information................................................................................................................ 4 Biomass Resource Availability ....................................................................................................................... 5 Site Control ................................................................................................................................................... 6 Permitting ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 Proposed Biomass System ............................................................................................................................ 7 Alternatives Considered ............................................................................................................................ 8 Heat Load & Biomass Requirements ............................................................................................................ 9 Opinion of Probable Cost ............................................................................................................................ 11 Financial Analysis ........................................................................................................................................ 13 Financial Summary .................................................................................................................................. 13 Benefit/ Cost Model ................................................................................................................................ 13 Recommendations ...................................................................................................................................... 15 Figures Figure 1: Biomass Project Site Map .............................................................................................................. 8 Figure 2: Fuel Energy Values ......................................................................................................................... 9 Figure 3: Current Fuel Use & Cost ................................................................................................................. 9 Figure 4: Projected Annual Fuel Use & Cost, Biomass Project ..................................................................... 9 Figure 5: Biomass Project Stoking Requirements ......................................................................................... 9 Figure 6: Biomass O&M Costs (non-stoking) .............................................................................................. 10 Figure 7: Force Account Summary .............................................................................................................. 11 Figure 8: Force Account Detail .................................................................................................................... 12 Appendix A—Biomass Technology B – Utility Receipts C – Plat Map D – Aircraft Information E – Site Photos Page 3 of 15 Acknowledgements Energy Action thanks the following representatives for their assistance with this assessment: Michelle Sam, 2nd Chief, Alatna Village Russell Snyder, Grants Coordinator, Interior Regional Housing Authority Steven J. Stassel, P.E., Gray Stassel Engineering Community Contact Information Alatna Village Contact: Michelle Sam, 2nd Chief PO Box 70, Allakaket, AK 99720 P. (907) 968 2261 F. (907) 968 2305 alatnatribe@yahoo.com Summary of Findings Alatna Village Council and the public are interested in energy projects that displace oil with local renewable resources and create jobs. Based on conversations at the public meeting on this topic in spring 2014, a biomass energy project seems well-suited to the community’s interest. The project building is the Washateria/ Water Plant. The biomass project would use an estimated 20 cords per year to displace about 85% of the building’s demand, which totals 2,315 gallons per year. The project is considered financially unfeasible at this time, in part due to the relatively small building heat load, the limited temperature range of the existing heat system, and the high stoking requirements due to air freight constraints on the boiler size. There may be an opportunity for Alatna Village Council to own and operate a biomass energy project and sell heat as a third-party. The Allakaket School building is scheduled to be replaced in 5 – 10 years. It appears that a heat sales project, owned and operated by a third-party, may satisfy Yukon-Koyukuk School District’s interest in biomass energy. If the project owner can source fuel at $275 per cord, as the Tanana Chiefs Conference reconnaissance-level biomass resource assessment suggests, the project is considered pre-feasible. Sourcing wood at $275 per cord would result in about $25,000 of revenues per year for the supplier. A pre-feasibility study of the project, “Allakaket Village Biomass Heat Pre- Feasibility Study,” is publically available from the Alaska Energy Authority or Interior Regional Housing Authority. Statement of Purpose Since 2008, the Alaska State Legislature has supported renewable electric and thermal energy projects through the Renewable Energy Grant Recommendation Program, administered by the Alaska Energy Authority. In Round 6 of the Program, the Interior Regional Housing Authority, which seeks opportunities to promote community self-sufficiency through community energy projects, received money to complete pre-feasibility studies of biomass heat in community buildings in seven villages. The following pre-feasibility study has been funded through that grant. Page 4 of 15 Community & Facility Information Alatna Village (population 26) is an Alaska Native village located on the north bank of the Koyukuk River, southwest of its junction with the Alatna River, approximately 190 air miles northwest of Fairbanks and 57 miles upriver from Hughes. Alatna Village is located just west of the municipal boundary of Allakaket Village. In recent years, there has been no barge service. Imported goods and fuel are flown to the Allakaket airport, and then transported to Alatna Village by snow machine or boat. Occasionally an ice road is built between the communities. The Allakaket airport has a 4,000’ x 100’ gravel runway. Alatna Village depends on Allakaket Village for airport, postal, electric, and educational services. Alatna Village is governed by Alatna Village Council. Alatna Village Council owns and operates the project building, which is the Washateria/ Water Plant and Clinic (“Washateria”). This building was selected for pre-feasibility assessment because it is the largest heat load in the community. At the time of the meeting, the Washateria manager was not present. Fuel is purchased in Allakaket Village for $7.00 per gallon (see Appendix B). Delivery is by plane only. Additional transportation across the river, including labor, snow machine rental, and snow machine gas costs approximately $0.62 per gallon. These costs are well-documented in QuickBooks receipts. However, to be included as a fuel cost, these additional fuel transportation costs would need to be invoiced by the fuel vendor, in this case, Allakaket Village Council. The total cost is approximately $7.62 per gallon. The current going rate for cordwood is $400 per cord. The Alatna Village Council office is primarily heated with wood, much of which is purchased from local residents (Council meeting, personal conversation, February 4, 2013). Electricity is 82.85 cents per kWh, delivered by distribution lines from the AP&T power plant in Allakaket Village (See Appendix B). Alatna Village was relocated two miles downriver to its current location after the flood of 1994. All buildings are located on high ground. The Washateria was built in 2006. The approximately 2,300 ft2 building has two (2) fuel oil boilers. The fuel oil boilers are Burnham V903A with 301,000 Btu net output. The hi / lo setting is 180/ 160°F. Three (3) Amtrol BoilerMates model transfer heat to the potable supply. A Heliodyne solar water heater is an additional heat source for the BoilerMates. The system is also equipped with an outdoor air reset. The Washateria boilers provide space heating, domestic hot water, and heat to the community’s potable water supply. In 2012, the Washateria used 2,315 gallons of fuel oil #1 (See Appendix B). Five zones deliver heat to various end uses, which include: dryers (2), building heat (2), and hot water generator (1). Hot water appliances include dryers, washers, faucets, cabinet unit heaters, unit heaters, baseboard piping, radiant panel, and shell and tube heat exchangers. Page 5 of 15 Additionally, there are valves for a future recovered heat connection on the boiler return lines, indicated in drawings and verified in the field. There are also available breakers in the panel. The project building is elevated off the ground. There is sufficient space on the south side of the Washateria, near the recovered heat valves, for a biomass project building. The Alatna Village Council Office (“Office”) is located about 400’ from the Washateria. The Office is an approximately 1,200 ft2 log building, built in 1995. According to 2nd Chief Michelle Sam, the Office needs to be re-leveled and the post foundation may need to be replaced. The Alatna Village Council plans to undertake this work in summer 2014. A wood stove is the primary heat source, supplemented by a Laser 56 oil stove, which provides up to 22,000 Btu. The building is in need of weatherization and potentially a wood stove which can supply more heat. To the knowledge of the Alatna Village Council and the consultant, neither the Washateria nor the Council office have ever had an energy audit conducted or undergone weatherization. However, as mentioned, the Washateria is relatively recent construction, built in 2006. Biomass Resource Availability This pre-feasibility study was completed simultaneous to a reconnaissance-level biomass resource assessment by Tanana Chiefs Conference, which will be complete in fall 2014. The draft biomass resource assessment takes account of biomass stocking by ownership, resource distance from Alatna Village, and other factors. In summary, within a 5-mile radius of Alatna Village, there are approximately 144,000 cords of biomass, with nearly 82% of this material located K'oyitl'ots'ina, Limited lands. The average cost for biomass within a 5-mile radius of Alatna Village is about $121 per cord. This figure includes harvest, stumpage, administration, and transport costs, but does not include the cost of processing logs into cordwood or profit. Page 6 of 15 Site Control The proposed project site, Block 18 & 19 of Plat 2002-114 in the Fairbanks Recording District, is vested in “Village of Alatna.” Please see Appendix C. Permitting Applicable project permitting is considered below:  The Alaska Department of Public Safety, Fire and Life Safety must approve the project plans before construction is started. Mechanical and electrical review is limited to that which is necessary to confirm compliance with fire and life safety requirements.  Commercial harvests associated with the project may or may not be required to comply with the Alaska Forest Practices and Resources Act. While most commercial operations are required to comply, commercial operations of minor or small scale are sometimes exempted. The Act addresses forest management along water bodies, erosion mitigation, and reforestation.  The 40CFR63 NESHAP Rule does not apply to the project. The Rule does not apply to a hot water heater, which is defined in Subpart 6J as a boiler with a heat input capacity is less than 1.6 MMBtu/hr and that does not generate steam.  If State or Federal money is used to construct the project, the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Office of History and Archaeology, State Historic Preservation Office should review project plans to determine whether historic, prehistoric, or archaeological resources are likely to be affected. The Office also offers suggestions to mitigate potential effects on resources. Page 7 of 15 Proposed Biomass System The proposed system is an 180,000 Btu cordwood boiler with hydronic heat storage, to be located in a stand-alone project building on the south side of the Washateria. The project equipment must be suitable for delivery by plane. Contact was made with several air carriers to identify suitable aircraft for the project, which includes the ability to accommodate the project equipment and land at the Allakaket airport. Please see Appendix D. Cordwood systems are not very effective when serving building heat systems that operate in a narrow temperature range, such at 180 /160°F. The project building currently operates in this range, and the biomass boiler operating and maintenance requirements have been modeled to maintain the existing temperature set points. The cost of stoking the biomass boiler would decrease if the building could operate in a wider temperature range. Washateria staff may wish to test the existing heat system by lowering the set point to 140°F to see if the building heat emitters can supply sufficient heat at this temperature. Alternatively, new appliances and/or additional emitters could be installed. It may also be possible to meet heat needs with existing equipment by changing operations, such as longer clothes dryer cycles. The proposed site is owned and controlled by Alatna Village, has sufficient space for the project, and offers good access to the Washateria’s mechanical room and existing supplemental heat valves. The following assumptions were made for the purpose of completing the pre-feasibility assessment, and are not a substitute for heat load calculations and boiler sizing to be completed by the project engineer during project development:  Annual consumption of 2,315 gallons of fuel oil per year, 90% of which serves space heat load, 10% of which serves domestic hot water  180,000 Btu cordwood boiler with 980 gallons of water storage, delta T = 40°F  Maximum 4 stokings per day, with additional heat demand served by oil. Each firing requires 20 minutes labor  Annual inflation o Biomass O&M and scheduled repairs – 1.5% o Cordwood – 3% o Oil O&M and scheduled repairs – 1.5% o Oil – 4.8%  Input prices, year 1 o Cordwood -- $400/cord o Oil -- $7.62/gal o Loaded labor rate -- $20.17/ hr Page 8 of 15 Alternatives Considered The project could also heat the Alatna Village Council office, which uses about 700 gallons of fuel oil per year. However, this office already has a wood stove, and is located approximately 400’ away. This distance is considered too large to consider justify the additional capital and operating expense of integration with the biomass boiler facility. Figure 1: Biomass Project Site Map Page 9 of 15 Heat Load & Biomass Requirements Figure 2: Fuel Energy Values Figure 3: Current Fuel Use & Cost Figure 4: Projected Annual Fuel Use & Cost, Biomass Project Figure 5: Biomass Project Stoking Requirements Gross btu/unit System efficiency Delivered btu/unit Gross $/unit Delivered $/mmbtu Oil (gal)134,500 80%107,600 $ 7.62 70.82$ Biomass, 20% MC* (cord) 16,400,000 65%10,660,000 $ 400 37.52$ *MC is Moisture Content. Moisture in biomass fuel evaporates and absorbs energy in combustion, thereby decreasing the net energy value of the fuel. Facility Fuel Oil (gal)$ / gal Annual Fuel Cost Washateria 2,315 7.62$ 17,640$ Total 17,640$ 15%Oil 85%Biomass 1968 gallons displaced Facility Fuel Type Units $ / unit Annual Fuel Cost Washateria Biomass, 20% MC* (cord) 19.9 400$ 7,945$ Washateria Oil (gal)347 7.62$ 2,646$ Total $ 10,591 Facility Total Stokings per Yr Stoking Hrs Per Yr $ / hr Annual Stoking Cost Washateria 777 259 20.17$ 5,223$ Page 10 of 15 Figure 6: Biomass O&M Costs (non-stoking) Equipment (Btu)180,000 Biomass Fuel cordwood Cost of Labor 20.17$ Cost of Electricity 0.83$ Number of Stokings 777 MATERIALS Yrs to replacement Replacement Cost per lifetime Lower Gasket 23$ 5 92$ Motor mount 27$ 10 54$ Rear cleanout gasket kit 46$ 10 92$ Manway cover gasket 19$ 10 38$ 5" cleaning brush 24$ 5 96$ Motor assembly 518$ 12 863$ 1/2 HP motor 331$ 12 552$ Motor mount kit 87$ 12 145$ Motor mount ring & screws 17$ 12 28$ Misc. 250$ 5 1,000$ Anode Rod 98$ 5 392$ Electricity 1/2 HP fan 40$ 1 800$ Electricity -- pump 173$ 1 3,460$ Chemicals 250$ 1 5,000$ Total Cost per Lifetime 12,612$ Straight-line Average Cost per Yr.631$ LABOR Hours labor Yrs to labor Cost of Labor over Lifetime Water test and replace 0.50 1 170$ Cleanout covers and heat xger 2 1 807$ Clean blower motor 0.75 0.5 605$ Clean Ash & Combustion Air Intake 0.08 0.05 614$ Check & replace gaskets 3 5 242$ Total Cost per Lifetime 2,437$ Straight-line Average Cost per Yr.122$ 752$ Total Annual Biomass O&M Cost (non-stoking) Page 11 of 15 Opinion of Probable Cost Figure 7: Force Account Summary Site & Foundation Work $8,315 Biomass boiler building $42,957 Biomass heat system $58,070 End-user building integration $8,674 Miscellaneous $8,700 Overhead $35,010 Freight $43,040 CONSTRUCTION SUB-TOTAL $204,766 Design & Construction Admin $20,477 Construction Management $10,238 PROJECT SUB-TOTAL $235,481 Contingency @ 20%$47,096 Admin @ 4%$9,419 TOTAL PROJECT COST $291,996 Page 12 of 15 Figure 8: Force Account Detail ITEM QUAN UNIT UNIT MATL UNIT LAB LAB LABOR CONTR FREIGHT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL COST COST HRS HRS RATE COST COST COST COST WT WT(#) SITE & FOUNDATION WORK Site prep (layout, excavation, backfill, compaction, grading)1 lump $5,000 $5,000 0.00 0 Wood timbers -- 8" x 8" x 8' 30 ea $63.00 $1,890 0.50 15.00 $95 $1,425 $3,315 70.00 2100 BIOMASS BOILER BUILDING W/ WOOD STORAGE Sill plate - 2" x 6" x 20" PT 5 ea.$20 $100 0.25 1.3 $95 $119 $219 51 255 SIP exterior walls -- 4' x 10' 18 ea.$500 $9,000 0.3 5 $95 $513 $9,513 4 72 SIP roof -- 4' x 10' pkg 11 ea.$500 $5,500 0.75 8 $95 $784 $6,284 4 44 SIP fasteners / hardware / framing anchors 1 lump $400 $400 0 0 $95 $0 $400 500 500 SIP caulk, sealant, expanding foam 1 lump $250 $250 4 4 $95 $380 $630 150 150 Roof, frame 2 lump $900 $1,800 18.00 36 $95 $3,420 $5,220 400 800 Roof, Metal -- 3' x 10' Delta rib roofing 15 ea.$175 $2,625 1.00 15 $95 $1,425 $4,050 96 1440 Floor Insulation, Rigid (2"x24"x96")19 ea.$28.00 $532 0.25 5 $95 $451 $983 1 19 Floor system, metal 1 lump $1,200 $1,200 20.00 20 $95 $1,900 $3,100 1600 1600 Siding, Metal, plus trim -- 3' x 10' Delta rib roofing 24 ea.$175 $4,200 1.00 24 $95 $2,280 $6,480 96 2304 Fasteners 1 lump $250 $250 0 0 $95 $0 $250 100 100 Man-door w/ hardware 1 lump $780 $780 6 6 $95 $570 $1,350 75 75 Overhead garage door (10' x 10')1 lump $1,350 $1,350 6 6 $95 $570 $1,920 250 250 Drywall -- 4' x 10' + tape 25 ea.$27 $675 0.33 8 $95 $784 $1,459 50 1250 Interior paint -- 5 gal 2 ea.$40 $80 4 8 $95 $760 $840 42 83 Fire protection 1 lump $250 $250 0.1 0.1 $95 $10 $260 150 150 BIOMASS HEAT SYSTEM Boiler -- GARN 1000 1 ea.$11,000 $11,000 16 16 $95 $1,520 $12,520 2200 2200 Pipe/Valves/Ftgs/Gauges 1 lump $5,000 $5,000 54 54 $100 $5,400 $10,400 800 800 Circ pump 2 ea.$500 $1,000 4 8 $100 $800 $1,800 60 120 Plate HXR, ( 300 MBh @ 20F)2 ea.$2,500 $5,000 2 4 $100 $400 $5,400 250 500 Misc Strut & Pipe Hangers 1 lump $1,000 $1,000 20 20 $95 $1,900 $2,900 500 500 Tank Insulation 1 lump $1,200 $1,200 3 3 $95 $285 $1,485 50 50 Stack -- 6" dia double wall UL listed + supporting infrastructure 1 lump $1,700 $1,700 4 4 $95 $380 $2,080 3.8 4 Ventilation & Combustion Air Intake 1 lump $1,200 $1,200 3 3 $95 $285 $1,485 50 50 BTU meter 0 ea.$2,500 $0 18 0 $95 $0 $0 0 0 Electrical 1 lump $10,000 $10,000 100 100 $100 $10,000 $20,000 750 750 INTEGRATION Artic Pipe -- 1,5" PEX 60 lf $20 $1,200 0.27 16 $95 $1,539 $2,739 1 60 PEX accessories -- 60 1/ft $5 $300 0 $95 $0 $300 1 60 Pipe penetration exclosure 1 lump $1,250 $1,250 3 3 $95 $285 $1,535 200 200 Temp controls 1 lump $750 $750 8 8 $100 $800 $1,550 200 200 Electrical work 1 lump $1,250 $1,250 13 13 $100 $1,300 $2,550 200 200 MISCELLANEOUS Misc Hardware 1 lump $2,500 $2,500 0 0 $95 $0 $2,500 500 500 Misc Tools & Safety Gear 1 lump $1,500 $1,500 0 0 $95 $0 $1,500 1446 1446 Consumables, Gases, Etc.1 lump $2,000 $2,000 0 0 $95 $0 $2,000 1500 1500 Wood splitter 1 ea $2,700 $2,700 0 0 $95 $0 $2,700 657 657 OVERHEAD ROW Legal Work 0 lump $0 $0 0 Rent Heavy Equip 1 lump $1,500 $1,500 0 Misc Tool Rent 1 lump $1,250 $1,250 0 Commission System & Training 20 hr 1 20 $90 $1,800 $1,800 0 Superintendent Overhd Off-Site 40 hr 1 40 $90 $3,600 $3,600 0 Superintendent Overhd On-Site 80 hr 1 80 $90 $7,200 $7,200 0 Crew Travel Time 10 hr 1 10 $90 $900 $900 0 Crew Airfares 2 trips $680 $1,360 $1,360 0 Crew Per Diem 240 mn.dy.$60 $14,400 $14,400 0 Housing Rent 2.0 mo.$1,500 $3,000 $3,000 0 FREIGHT 20,989 Ground Freight 2200 lb.$1.24 $2,733 Air Freight 20989 lb.$1.40 $29,307 Air Freight Tool Mob & Demob 2 lump $2,500 $5,000 Misc Small Freight & Gold Streaks 1 lump $6,000 $6,000 CONSTRUCTION SUB-TOTAL $81,432 564 $53,784 $26,510 $43,040 $204,766 Engineering (Design & CCA)10 %$20,477 Construction Management 5 %$10,238 PROJECT SUB-TOTAL $81,432 $53,784 57,225$ $43,040 $235,481 Contingency 20 %$47,096 Admin Fee 4 %$9,419 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL $291,996 Page 13 of 15 Financial Analysis Financial Summary The project is considered financially unfeasible at this time.  Benefit/ Cost: 0.32  Simple Payback Period: n/a  Net present value: ($188,452) Benefit/ Cost Model The following model was designed by University of Alaska Anchorage Institute of Social and Economic Research, for use by the Alaska Energy Authority. The model has adapted to the project and completed according to the aforementioned assumptions. AEA B/C Model (adapted) Project Description Community Nearest Fuel Community Region RE Technology Project ID Applicant Name Project Title Category Results NPV Benefits $86,783 NPV Capital Costs $275,234 B/C Ratio 0.32 NPV Net Benefit ($188,452) Performance Unit Value Displaced Petroleum Fuel gallons per year 1,968 Displaced Petroleum Fuel total lifetime gallons 39,355 Avoided CO2 tonnes per year 20 Avoided CO2 total lifetime tonnes 399 Proposed System Unit Value Capital Costs $$291,996 Project Start year 2015 Project Life years 20 Displaced Heat gallons displaced per year 1,968 Heating Capacity Btu/hr 180,000 Heating Capacity Factor %85% Parameters Unit Value Heating Fuel Premium $ per gallon Discount Rate % per year 3% Crude Oil $ per barrel Alatna Village Alatna Washateria_biomass Alatna Allakaket, Alatna Rural Biomass Page 14 of 15 Annual Savings (Costs)Units 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 Project Capital Cost $ per year 291,996$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Electric Savings (Costs)$ per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Heating Saving (Costs)$ per year $1,074 $1,465 $1,883 $2,329 $2,803 $3,308 $3,845 $4,416 $5,022 $5,667 $6,351 $7,076 $7,846 $8,663 $9,528 $10,444 $11,415 $12,443 $13,530 $14,681 Transportation Savings (Costs)$ per year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Savings (Costs)$ per year $1,074 $1,465 $1,883 $2,329 $2,803 $3,308 $3,845 $4,416 $5,022 $5,667 $6,351 $7,076 $7,846 $8,663 $9,528 $10,444 $11,415 $12,443 $13,530 $14,681 Net Benefit $ per year ($290,922)$1,465 $1,883 $2,329 $2,803 $3,308 $3,845 $4,416 $5,022 $5,667 $6,351 $7,076 $7,846 $8,663 $9,528 $10,444 $11,415 $12,443 $13,530 $14,681 Heating Units 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 Renewable Heat gal. disp./ yr.1,968 1,968 1,968 1,968 1,968 1,968 1,968 1,968 1,968 1,968 1,968 1,968 1,968 1,968 1,968 1,968 1,968 1,968 1,968 1,968 Renewable Heat O&M (non-stoking)$ per yr.752$ 764$ 775$ 787$ 799$ 811$ 823$ 835$ 848$ 860$ 873$ 886$ 900$ 913$ 927$ 941$ 955$ 969$ 984$ 999$ Renewable Heat Stoking $ per yr.5,223$ 5,302$ 5,381$ 5,462$ 5,544$ 5,627$ 5,711$ 5,797$ 5,884$ 5,972$ 6,062$ 6,153$ 6,245$ 6,339$ 6,434$ 6,530$ 6,628$ 6,728$ 6,828$ 6,931$ Renewable Fuel Use Qty (biomass)cords 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 19.9 Renewable Fuel Cost $ per unit 400$ 412$ 424$ 437$ 450$ 464$ 478$ 492$ 507$ 522$ 538$ 554$ 570$ 587$ 605$ 623$ 642$ 661$ 681$ 701$ Total Renewable Fuel Cost $ per yr.7,945$ 8,183$ 8,429$ 8,682$ 8,942$ 9,210$ 9,487$ 9,771$ 10,064$ 10,366$ 10,677$ 10,998$ 11,327$ 11,667$ 12,017$ 12,378$ 12,749$ 13,132$ 13,526$ 13,931$ Supplemental Fuel Qty (Oil)gal.347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 Fuel Cost $ per gal.7.62$ 7.99$ 8.37$ 8.77$ 9.19$ 9.63$ 10.10$ 10.58$ 11.09$ 11.62$ 12.18$ 12.76$ 13.37$ 14.02$ 14.69$ 15.39$ 16.13$ 16.91$ 17.72$ 18.57$ Supplemental Fuel Cost $ per yr.2,646$ 2,773$ 2,906$ 3,046$ 3,192$ 3,345$ 3,506$ 3,674$ 3,850$ 4,035$ 4,229$ 4,432$ 4,644$ 4,867$ 5,101$ 5,346$ 5,602$ 5,871$ 6,153$ 6,449$ Proposed Heat Cost $ per yr.16,567$ 17,022$ 17,491$ 17,976$ 18,476$ 18,993$ 19,526$ 20,077$ 20,646$ 21,234$ 21,841$ 22,468$ 23,116$ 23,786$ 24,479$ 25,195$ 25,935$ 26,700$ 27,491$ 28,309$ Fuel Use gal. per yr.2,315 2,315 2,315 2,315 2,315 2,315 2,315 2,315 2,315 2,315 2,315 2,315 2,315 2,315 2,315 2,315 2,315 2,315 2,315 2,315 Fuel Cost $ per gal. 7.62$ 7.99$ 8.37$ 8.77$ 9.19$ 9.63$ 10.10$ 10.58$ 11.09$ 11.62$ 12.18$ 12.76$ 13.37$ 14.02$ 14.69$ 15.39$ 16.13$ 16.91$ 17.72$ 18.57$ Fuel Cost $ per yr.17,640$ 18,487$ 19,374$ 20,304$ 21,279$ 22,300$ 23,371$ 24,493$ 25,668$ 26,900$ 28,192$ 29,545$ 30,963$ 32,449$ 34,007$ 35,639$ 37,350$ 39,142$ 41,021$ 42,990$ Base Heating Cost $ per yr.17,640$ 18,487$ 19,374$ 20,304$ 21,279$ 22,300$ 23,371$ 24,493$ 25,668$ 26,900$ 28,192$ 29,545$ 30,963$ 32,449$ 34,007$ 35,639$ 37,350$ 39,142$ 41,021$ 42,990$ Proposed Base Page 15 of 15 Recommendations Biomass heat at the Washateria is considered financially un-feasible at this time. The project does create employment and result in operational savings, but the sum of those savings is insufficient to justify the capital expense to develop the project. The project also has challenges with technical feasibility, because the existing heat system operates in a narrow temperature range, 180 / 160°F. Cordwood systems are not very effective when serving building heat systems that operate in a narrow temperature range. There may be an opportunity for Alatna Village Council to own and operate a biomass energy project and sell heat as a third-party. The Allakaket School building is scheduled to be replaced in 5 – 10 years. It appears that a heat sales project, owned and operated by a third-party, may satisfy Yukon-Koyukuk School District’s interest in biomass energy. If the project owner can source fuel at $275 per cord, as the Tanana Chiefs Conference reconnaissance-level biomass resource assessment suggests, the project is considered pre-feasible. Sourcing wood at $275 per cord would result in about $25,000 of revenues per year for the supplier. The project pre-feasibility, “Allakaket Village Biomass Heat Pre-Feasibility Study,” is publically available from the Alaska Energy Authority (contact Biomass/CHP Program Manager, 907-771- 3068) or Interior Regional Housing Authority (contact Grants Manager, 907-452-835). It is also recommended that Alatna Village Council proceed with plans to re-level and improve the foundation of the Alatna Village Council Office, and to weatherize the Office. After weatherization, Alatna Village Council may wish to upgrade the Office wood stove to better meet heat demand. Appendix A—Biomass Technology B – Utility Receipts C – Plat Map D – Aircraft Information E – Site Photos A-1 A – Biomass Technology Although humans have used wood for heat for millennia, modern high-efficiency biomass boilers have only been in use for a few decades. Biomass boilers may use wood fuels such as cordwood, wood chips, or wood pellets, to heat commercial buildings. Biomass boiler projects depend on sustainable forest management, quality biomass fuel sourcing, processing, and storage, and reliable fuel handling. Biomass boilers frequently integrate with conventional hydronic heat systems, which use water to move heat from where it is produced to where it is needed. Small-scale biomass systems often incorporate a hot water storage tank, which promotes efficient combustion and improves the availability of biomass heat. To provide reliable heat, the biomass boiler, building heat distribution system, controls, and heat emitters must be properly matched. Sustainable Forest Management Wood fuel Processing & Storage Handling Combustion Thermal Storage Heat Distribution The Nature of Wood Fuels Composition All wood is made primarily of cellulose, hemi-cellulose, and lignin. It is about 50% Carbon, 44% Oxygen, and 6% Hydrogen. Theoretically, complete combustion (100% efficient) would result in only two products: carbon dioxide and water. In practice, biomass boilers range from about 77 -- 83% efficient. Wood that is not completely burned become carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons, often in the form of smoke and ash.1 Combustion Biomass fuel undergoes fascinating changes as it burns. Pyrolysis occurs at 500 – 600°F, in which organic gasses leave behind charcoal solids. Primary combustion is burning of charcoal solids.2 Secondary combustion is burning of organic gasses. Because about 60% of the heating value is contained in gasses, secondary combustion is essential to high efficiency wood burning. 1 Rick Curkeet, PE, Wood Combustion Basics, EPA Burnwise Workshop 2011, http://www.epa.gov/burnwise/workshop2011/WoodCombustion-Curkeet.pdf (June 19, 2014). 2 Curkeet, Rick. A-2 Emissions In wood burning, the primary emissions concern is particulate matter 2.5 microns or less in size (“PM 2.5”), which is hazardous to human health. Additionally, unburned wood signifies lost heat and potential creosote formation. Creosote formation results in higher fuel costs, shortens the life of the boiler, and increases other maintenance costs. Boiler manufacturers have certified emissions tests conducted according to the ASTM E2618-13 standard that document boiler efficiency. High efficiency wood boilers emit about 0.07 – 0.3 lbs of PM 10 per million BTU in test conditions. Boiler manufacturers specify operating conditions for the field. One important condition is wood fuel specifications, which include moisture content and fuel dimensions. Other important conditions for efficient operation include proper fuel storage, routine operations and maintenance, and system design (such as proper boiler sizing and incorporating a hot water storage tank). One valuable source of information for seasoning cordwood in Interior Alaska is available at the Cold Climate Housing Research Center’s (CCHRC) website.3 “Properly prepared and stored” cordwood can be dry enough to burn safely within six weeks during the summer. In regions other than the Interior, similar storage principles would apply, but recommended storage durations may be different. Below is a summary of how to properly prepare and store cordwood:  Cut to stove length (two feet or shorter)  Split the wood at least once  Stack in a pile with air space between the pieces  Store wood in a shed or cover only the top of the pile with a large piece of plywood or some waterproof tarp  Allow sun and air to reach the sides of the wood pile to help dry the wood  Season at least six weeks during the summer months  If beginning after August 1st, wait to burn until the next summer  When properly stored, more time is always better Figure 1: Excerpt from CCHRC's Cordwood Handling Brochure 3 http://www.cchrc.org/docs/best_practices/Cordwood_Handling_Brochure.pdf A-3 Wood Fueled Heating Systems Below are the characteristics of cordwood, wood chip, and wood pellet boiler systems. Advantages Disadvantages Cordwood  Local wood resource  Small size (less than 1 MMBTU)  Simple to operate  Higher labor costs, including hand- feeding the boiler, manual ash removal, and manual grate cleaning  Labor is needed intermittently, so someone must be available “on site”  Typically non-pressurized, which may require more frequent boiler chemical additions Pellets  Can operate unattended, and automatically match heat load  Scalable from small to large sizes (generally 100,000 btu – 1 MMBTU)  Relatively small footprint  Typically the most efficient biomass combustion  Pellet fuel is typically not locally produced, and therefore depends on “imports”  Shipping pellets is very costly; even a freight rate of $0.05 per lb. results in an additional cost of $100 per ton.  Relatively expensive wood fuel  Ash removal and grate cleaning may be automated or manual Chips  Can operate unattended, and automatically match heat load  Wood chips may be the lowest cost fuel  Local wood resource may be available or produced  Large projects achieve economies of scale  Creates jobs in the woods and at the boiler plant  Large systems are expensive  Typically large sizes > 1,000,000 MMBTU  Wood chip fuel can be diverse, which can make it difficult to meet fuel specifications. Screens and other devices can improve fuel quality. B-1 B – Utility Receipts   C‐1      C – Plat Map    D-1 Appendix D – Aircraft Information For the purpose of this feasibility study, all project equipment should fit within a Shorts 330 Sherpa, with a maximum cargo length of 29’, width of 75”, and height of 76”. Ravn Alaska charters the Sherpa to Allakaket for an estimated $6,315 with a 4,800 lb. maximum payload. Up to 5,400 lbs. can be accommodated for an additional cost. No cordwood boilers larger than 180,000 btu were identified that would be able to fit into a Shorts 330 Sherpa, McDonnell Douglas DC 6, or Casa 212. No other aircraft that could potentially accommodate the project equipment and land at the Allakaket Airport were identified.   E‐1      Apppendix E               E‐2                            E‐3                      E‐4              E‐5                    E‐6              E‐7         E  E‐8      E  E‐9      E  E‐10      E  E‐11      E  E‐12      E  E‐13      E  E‐14