HomeMy WebLinkAboutBiomass PreFeasability Statement of Interest Form 01-01-2017-BIOStatement of Interest In Developing Wood-Fired Heating Projects Information from this form will be used in ranking your project for a pre-feasibility assessment that will be conducted by a contractor hired on behalf of the Alaska Wood Energy Task Group. Not all applications can be funded Electronic copies of this form can be downloaded from the Alaska Energy Authority website at http://www.akenergyauthority.org/Programs/AEEE/Biomass It is preferred that Statements of Interest are submitted electronically (via e-mail) but paper copies will be accepted via mail (no fax). Applicant: Eligibility: [ ] Local Government [ ] School [ ] State Agency [ ] Not-For-Profit Organization [ ] Federal Agency [ ] Federally Recognized Tribe: ___________________________________ [ ] ANCSA Corporation: _________________________________________ [ ]Other: ____________________________________________________ [ ] Commercial Enterprise (identify industry sector): __________________ Contact Name: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip Code: Telephone: Fax: Email: Please refer to Frequently asked Questions for more information on completing this Statement of Interest. Please respond to the following evaluation criteria: (Attach additional pages as necessary) 1. Please include a short paragraph on what your objectives are with this project. Questions 2-3 are specific to individual buildings. Applications can include more than one building. PLEASE SUBMIT A COPY OF THIS PAGE FOR EACH BUILDING Facility Identification/Name: _________________________________________ 2. Facility information Approximate size (square footage) of building Type of construction (wood, cement, etc.) Age of building What is building used for? Has building had a recent energy audit? What is the age of the current heating system? What type of current heating system is in place? (Radiant, forced air, baseboard etc.) 3. Current fuel situation Type of fuel used (#1 fuel oil, #2 fuel oil, propane, etc.) Annual fuel consumption (gallons) Cost of fuel per gallon Cost of electricity per kWh Please attach other facility information that would be useful, such as Maps, Photographs, As- built Survey, etc. Questions 4 – 10 are general questions – answer only once per application – not required for every building. 4. Presence of high-hazard forest fuels Describe any forest fires or insect outbreaks in the past 5 years:  Discuss any activities to utilize dead/dying material:  Discuss any activities or programs that would mitigate the effects of future fires or infestations: 5. Resource Issues  Where would you plan on getting wood from?  Discuss the ownership of nearby forest lands and any agreements there may be to harvest trees (live or dead) from those lands.  Discuss the extent and sustainability of local forest resources and wood supply:  Discuss wildlife habitat or other forest health issues you may have:  Is there a LAND MANAGEMENT PLAN in place for the area of wood source?  Do you have access to other wood (i.e. drift wood, wood pellets, bio bricks etc.)? 6. Availability of local wood processing residues (e.g., slabs, chips, bark, sawdust, shavings, etc.) -  List any known wood processors near your community. Include owners’ names and contact information.  What do those processors currently do with their residues? 7. Wood Fuel Availability  What type of woody biomass are you interested in for your system (pellets, chips, cordwood, etc)  Provide anticipated cost for the woody biomass planned on being used. 8. Discuss community support/advocacy, or which agency will be the project champion for this project  Please tell us about your community advocate (or advocacy group)  Does your community have any other wood energy systems? If yes, please identify the system.  Have you had any meetings to discuss wood energy? 9. Please provide a narrative or description on how you see this project being operated and maintained in your community. 10. Discuss what, if any, public benefit will result from this project. 11. Please include any other information that should be considered for this project. Return Statement of Interest to: Karen Petersen Southeast Conference Biomass Energy Coordinator P.O. Box 19515 Thorne Bay, AK 99919 (907) 821-2681 biomass@seconference.org