HomeMy WebLinkAboutChapel by the Lake Biomass Pre-Feasability Study 09-16-2014-BIOPRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 2 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014 Chapel  by  the  Lake                 Biomass  Pre-­‐Feasibility  Study   Submitted  to  CBTL  and  AWEDTG   Greg  Koontz,  PE  and  Bill  Wall,  PhD  of  Alaska  Wood  Energy  Associates     PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 3 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014   Table  of  Contents   1  EXECUTIVE  SUMMARY ......................................................................................................4   1.1  Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................4   1.2  Objective ................................................................................................................................4   1.3  Sources ...................................................................................................................................5   1.4  Scope ......................................................................................................................................5   1.5  Financial  Metrics.....................................................................................................................6   1.6  Resource  Assumptions ............................................................................................................7   1.7  Summary  of  Findings ..............................................................................................................9   1.8  Next  steps ............................................................................................................................13   2  TECHNICAL  SUMMARY ....................................................................................................14   2.1  Existing  Conditions ...............................................................................................................14   2.2  Wood  Fuels  /  Wood  Fired  Heating  Equipment ......................................................................15   2.3  Proposed  Conditions.............................................................................................................15   Scenario  1 ...........................................................................................................................................16   Scenario  2 ...........................................................................................................................................16   2.4  Cost  Estimate ........................................................................................................................16   2.5  Energy  Savings ......................................................................................................................19   Appendix  1.  INTERCONNECTIONS ....................................................................................21   Interconnections  and  the  Impact  on  Construction  Cost ..................................................................21   Thermal  Storage.............................................................................................................................24   Appendix  2.    Photos  and  site  map .........................................................................................26   Appendix  3.    Brochure  for  MES  OkuFen  Pellet  Boilers ...........................................................29   Appendix  4.    Portion  of  Tech  Brochure  for  PEX  Piping ...........................................................31               PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 4 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014         1  EXECUTIVE  SUMMARY   1.1  Acknowledgements       This feasibility study was supported by the Alaska Wood Energy Development Task Group and administered by the Fairbanks Economic Development Corporation. 1.2  Objective       The objective of this report is to document the results of a pre-feasibility study performed for the Chapel by the Lake (CBTL) complex in Juneau, Alaska. The target buildings are the Chapel itself (composed of three phases, the Sanctuary, the Ed Wing, and Smith Hall), the Old Chapel, and the Parsonage, a house located on the property. The buildings in the CBTL complex are currently heated with oil, one oil boiler per building. The primary subject of the study is the feasibility of constructing a wood-fired heating plant to serve all three buildings in the complex. A secondary objective is to evaluate the installation of a wood-fired boiler solely for the CBTL itself. Although the Juneau area has a fairly extensive road system covering the municipality and surrounds, the system does connect to the rest of the state, so everything comes in by air or sea. However, because of the large population and large volume of shipping, oil is basically as inexpensive as it would be in a City or Village on the road system. For that reason, we did not evaluate the two smaller buildings for individual boilers – they do not have the scale to be economical with the local oil prices. Because there are no wood chips available in the area currently, and the CBTL is not interested in stick-fired boilers, this study evaluates only pellet fired boilers. Feasibility studies are often classified as Level 1 (L1), Level 2 (L2), or Level 3 (L3). Level 1 study consists of very rough calculations on a small number of important metrics (unit fuel costs, etc). Some refer to L1 studies as “back-of-the-envelope” calculations. At the other end, L3 studies are commonly called “investment grade studies”; the level of detail and calculation is so high that one could use the results of an L3 study to get an outside entity to fund the implementation of the project. PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 5 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014 Level 2, then, is the bridge between L1 and L3; it is a screening study done to determine if it is worth the time and expense to initiate an L3 study. Level 3 studies are generally quite expensive and thus not entered into lightly. The L2 study helps decision makers determine which aspects, if any, of a proposed project are worth the expense of an L3 study. A L1 study can be done remotely; a L2 study requires at least a minimum amount of site observation of existing conditions, conversations with the affected parties, and research with second-order parties (local foresters, vendors, local contractors, etc). This is a Level 2 study. Sustainability, Inc (SI) and efour, PLLC (efour) cooperate and do business as Alaska Wood Energy Associates to perform L2 and L3 studies across the state of Alaska, from cities to small villages in off road system areas. We use the same performance and economic models for each type of study; for us, the primary difference between the two studies is the quality of the inputs, which is generally a function of how much time has been spent gathering information and the depth of that information that is available. 1.3  Sources       The primary sources of information that inform this study are data collected on site by SI and data provided by the Fairbanks Economic Development Corporation (FEDC). Data collected on site by SI include existing site conditions, equipment name plate data, current energy cost data, and equally important, information gathered by talking to the local church administrator. In addition to the site knowledge gathered by SI, additional biomass boiler performance and cost data have been accumulated over the past several years from working with local engineers and contractors, and from performing multiple L2 and L3 wood-fired feasibility studies. Hourly weather data for the performance model was extracted from data collected and reported by the Juneau Airport. 1.4  Scope           The original scope of this report is limited to the CBTL complex made up of three interconnected buildings; one boiler, located in the basement, serves the three phases of the Chapel. AWEA expanded that scope to include the original log structure chapel and the parsonage, each serviced by its own boiler. No individual building data was obtained for the amount of fuel used by the log chapel or the parsonage, so this was estimated through square footage and expected domestic water usage in the parsonage. Biomass heating systems can be expensive to install; the economics generally work better for larger buildings, or where two or more smaller buildings can be grouped together and served by a single biomass boiler, using buried piping between the buildings to distribute the heat. A significant part of the cost of a district heating plant (DH Plant) are the interconnections to the individual boilers; in this case, we only have to make three interconnections, which helps contain costs.. Interconnections are discussed in detail in Appendix 1. Although the three-building cluster is the only grouping of buildings we modeled for a DH plant, we modeled two different variations of that Plant (each configuration is called a Scenario, abbreviated as Sc 1 or Sc 2). The thermal performance is nearly identical; the primary difference is the implementation PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 6 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014 cost. In Scenario 1, the DH Plant is built into the basement adjacent to the existing CBTL boiler. This assumes that all the equipment fits through the doors, which we believe to be true or can be brought in through a framed opening into the basement under a walk way. However, as a back-up, we modeled Scenario 2 in which the DH Plant is built into a shipping container, which would then be placed on a purpose-built concrete slab just outside the building. In addition to costing more, Scenario 2 has fewer savings, because an external boiler “plant” (the shipping container) must be heated, as must the boiler combustion air. The existing basement is already heated, so Scenario 1 does not pay this thermal “penalty”. As a third comparison we analyzed just heating the primary building with a single pellet boiler and not developing a district heating system, which was the original requested scope by the Chapel. This boiler was placed in the current boiler room and integrated with the current oil boiler. The basis of most biomass projects in Alaska is the large differential in the unit cost of oil versus wood, measured in dollars per million BTUs ($/mmBTU). This is shown in subsection 1.6 below. The result based on the cost of pellets and the cost of oil and electricity is that we must limit implementation costs as much as possible, and not provide more equipment and “technology” than the project requires in order to be financially successful. 1.5  Financial  Metrics       There are many financial metrics that can be employed to evaluate a project. Many of these require that the source and means of financing the project be known. Many require knowing the expected interest rate that money could be borrowed at, and even the rate of return the client would expect to achieve if they invested the capital elsewhere (not in the project). At Level 2, we use two financial metrics. Net simple payback (NSP) does not require any assumptions about interest rates or escalation rates – it is simply: the project implementation cost divided by the year one savings, and the units are “years”. It demonstrates how long it takes to pay for a project out of the cost saving incurred by the project. The Benefit / Cost ratio (B/C), on the other hand, requires assumptions on both interest rates and fuel escalation rates. The B/C is defined in detail below: The Benefit to cost ratio is an attempt to capture the value of the project over the lifetime of the project; a lifetime of 20 years is commonly used. The output of the calculations included is actually two numbers, the actual benefit/cost ratio, and the net present value (NPV) benefit of the project. The project cost is a one-time event, but the savings accrue over the life of the project. Depending on the assumed inflation rate of the various fuel sources, the savings may actually increase each year (if, for instance, oil rises faster than biomass). On the other hand, a dollar saved in year 20 is not worth a dollar today; it is worth the NPV of one dollar at the assumed discount rate. The discount rate is the rate of return one assumes the Client could make if that dollar were invested in some other fashion – in a bank account, or on another project. The PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 7 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014 combination of one time and recurring costs, plus inflation and discounting means that it would be very useful if the lifetime benefits, divided by the lifetimes costs, could be boiled down to one number; the benefit to cost ratio. The current year is always year zero for the calculation, and it is generally assumed that construction would be completed in year one (or, for a long process or project, year two). The NPV of the project cost for a project completed in year one is almost, but not quite the same as the project cost; it has only been discounted one year. This is the COST part of the ratio. The BENEFIT is the NPV of the cash stream of savings (fuel savings, in this case) that the project generates over the 20-year lifetime. Divide the Benefit (in dollars) by the Cost (in dollars), and you get the dimensionless Benefit to Cost ratio; generally, any value over 1.00 is considered good, but different agencies have different target values. The NPV benefit is simply the NPV of the combined (savings minus cost) Cost and Savings cash flow over 20 years. In the year the project is constructed, the “savings stream” is negative, because the discounted project cost is much greater than the yearly savings – all other years, the savings are positive. Take the NPV of that cash stream, and that is the NPV benefit of the project. Unlike the B/C ratio, this value only really tells one something useful when compared to another variant of the same project, or another project that would use the same initial cash input. The project with the higher NPV benefit (n dollars) is generally better. The client discount rate and escalation assumptions used in the B/C and NPV Benefit calculations are shown in Figure 1.1 below. All Building Level and DH Plant summaries indicate the NSP, B/C and NPV Benefit values for that opportunity. These nominal rates reflect recent escalation rates in SE Alaska as provided by input from a USFS representative. Note again that while the escalation rates do not affect NSP, they strongly affect the Benefit to Cost Ratio, which is based on 20 years of energy costs inflated at the rates shown below. These numbers primarily affect the B/C ratio and show the potential escalated value of the project.   Figure 1.1 1.6  Resource  Assumptions       As noted above, the only form of biomass modeled in this report is wood pellets. Figure 1.2 below shows the assumptions that have been made for the existing fuels in Juneau (oil and electrical energy), in the units in which they are sold: PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 8 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014 Figure 1.2 There is a large question as to the short and long-term cost of pellets. The study assumes $300 per ton for the basic study, which is based on the cost of purchasing 40# bags of pellets locally from Home Depot, but we also evaluated the results at $330 per ton, which is based on a quote for delivered costs from a supplier and from the regional mill in Ketchikan. Both sets of result are presented below. In addition, there is a sensitivity analysis performed for up to $360 per ton for each scenario. The more pellet projects that come on line in Southeast Alaska, the more stable a future cost of pellets will become. Because each form of fuel has a differing heat content and is sold in differing units, direct comparisons between the costs of fuels are difficult. To make the comparison simple, all these energy sources are converted to a common unit, one million BTU (1 mmBTU). To make the comparison even more relevant, the conversion efficiency of each source has been factored in. In this case, the conversion efficiency for each fuel is the boiler efficiency (electricity has an efficiency of 1.00). It is different for each fuel – using drier wood results in better boiler efficiency, and the oil boilers have their own efficiencies as well. In Figure 1.3 below, therefore, the $/mmBTU values are those coming out of the boiler into the space, not the gross heat content of the fuel going into the boiler. Figure 1.3 As Fig 1.3 shows, electrical energy is actually less expensive than No. 1 oil (a rare result in Alaska), which in turn is about 1.75 times more expensive than wood pellets. The wood pellets are assumed to contain 8,200 BTU/lb. as per published data from the US Forest Service Wood Products Lab. But in reality, this number varies based on actual quality, species and moisture content of the pellet. PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 9 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014 1.7  Summary  of  Findings       The following Figures summarize the performance and economic modeling that AWEA performed. We have based the model on a pellet cost of $300 per ton and $330 per ton. For that reason, we show the summary results twice one at $300 per ton and one at $330 per ton. Since there is some uncertainty about the price of pellets, there is a graph included, which shows the sensitivity of net simple payback to pellet cost up to $360 per ton. We used $300 per ton because pellets can be purchased locally at $293 per ton in 40# bags in one-ton lots from Home Depot. All prices on pellets are subject to change. The church members could then load the bins by hand for the cost savings, if that was a choice that members wanted. However, the amount of pellets required for heating the primary chapel alone is approximately 68 tons so this would be quite a bit of work over a heating season. Otherwise, pellets can be delivered in bulk to the bin at $330 per ton based on a recent quote. So the analysis shows both. Figure 1.4 below shows the overall economic summary with pellets at $300/ton (the analysis is set up to allow up to four Scenarios – in this case, only Scenario 1 (Sc1) and Scenario 2 (Sc2) are used). This is the same in Figure 1.5 as well. Recall that Scenario 1 (Sc1) is with the boilers placed in the current boiler room and Scenario 2 (Sc2) is the boilers placed in a container outside the boiler room and thus higher implementation costs. Figure 1.4 Note that in both Scenarios, pellets displace 99.99 percent of the base oil consumption. In both Scenarios, the DH Plant consisted of two (2) Maine Energy Systems PES 56 boilers. The table in Figure 1.4 demonstrates an estimated cost for placing the boilers in the current boiler room of $151,351 in Scenario 1 compared to an estimated cost of $186,069 for placing the boiler in a container. The difference in actual annual savings labeled “total savings” is minor but the net simple payback of Scenario PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 10 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014 1 is approximately three years less than Scenario 2. The B/C ratios is quite a bit higher in Scenario 1. Thus it makes sense if at all possible to place the boilers in the current boiler room and develop a system for feeding pellets to the boiler either through an outside bin or through a shoot leading to an inside bin. Figure 1.5 shows the same metrics with pellets at $330/ton with similar comparative financial results between the two Scenarios. However, one can see the difference between $300 per ton and $330 per ton pellets quickly by comparing the NSP. In Figure 1.4 NSP for Scenario 1 is 9.6 years and in Figure 1.5 the NSP for Scenario 1 is 11.5 years. Figure 1.5 As footnote (3) indicates in Figure 1.4, we have not estimated any increase in annual maintenance with the installation of the pellet-fired boiler. This is because the fuel consistency is so high, the material handling so smooth, and the pellet boilers so reliable that in essence it is as close to being as automatic as an oil fired boiler. We would expect that whoever currently cares for the oil boilers will also take care of the pellet boilers, and that no significant additional time or parts expenses will be incurred. Experience has shown that pellet boilers are reliable enough to be used in residences; this would not be the case if there was significant maintenance and expense required. Using the escalation factors from Figure 1.1 above results in the following 20-year cash flows for the $300/ton analysis only in Figure 1.6. With these escalation factors, the savings increase by nearly seven times over 20 years; the project becomes increasingly more valuable with time. This demonstrates that the project is not only financially doable now but becomes much better through time. Figure 1.6 shows a total savings over the life of the boiler of $1,032,819 for Scenario 1 with the pellet boilers in the current boiler room and only approximately $16,000 less if the boilers are placed in a standalone room outside the building. Of course as the assumed price of pellets increases the total amount of 20 years savings decreases, but as demonstrated by the difference between $300 and $330 per ton the total savings is still quite impressive. PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 11 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014 Figure 1.6 Of course, a primary variable in the financial analysis is the cost of pellets. For that reason, as noted above, we include a Figure 1.7 that shows the effect of pellet cost on net simple payback. In Scenario 1 the payback escalates from 9.6 years to a little less than 14 years at $360 per ton. Figure 1.7 PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 12 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014 When one considers a 20-year project flow of savings as demonstrated in Figure 1.6, even at this price savings are significant over the life of the project. Finally, Figure 1.8 below shows a financial performance summary for the Chapel by the Lake as an individual building without connecting to the Parsonage and the Log Chapel. This was the original request by the Chapel. When we evaluate individual buildings, we use the same cost factors, but a different reporting format. This is because many elements that go into a DH Plant do not apply when looking at a single boiler / single boiler configuration. The soft costs are reduced and it is assumed that no additional study is done. We assume the contractor is largely competent enough to design the interconnects within the system. Some construction oversight is assumed, but at a lower level. The contingency is reduced to five percent, as well. There are three columns in the Figure 1.8, and a Summary section at the bottom. The first sets of values are the current and proposed oil values and costs (note that the proposed boiler would displace 97.3 percent of the base oil). The second column of values shows the value and costs of the added biomass fuel and electrical energy required. The final column is a summary of the implementation costs. In the Summary section at the bottom, it can be seen that the NSP is 4.1 years, and the B/C ratio a very impressive 10.3. Finally, at the upper right, it can be seen the selected boiler is a single Maine Energy Systems PES 56. In this case, only a single pellet boiler is required, and since the boiler is assumed to be located in the basement next to the existing boiler, project costs are very low. So despite the relatively low base oil cost, the Chapel has a very attractive net simple payback of 4.1 years. It is believed that the project costs could be significantly lower, so this should be considered a “worst case”. A minimal amount of field work is all that would be required to refine this implementation cost. This single building project will displace 97.3% of the current amount of oil used in the main Chapel. Figure 1.8 As demonstrated in Figure 1.8 a stand-alone project, the Chapel itself shows very attractive financial metrics at $300 per ton pellets. Although not shown as a stand-alone project at $330 per ton PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 13 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014 would also show very good financial metrics with a payback. If the CBTL management should decide not to go for a DH system to heat all of their buildings then just heating the main building would be a really strong financial payback on investment. Another way to look at the overall project is in phases with the primary opportunity for the greatest savings at the lowest cost would be to start with one boiler in the boiler room of the main Chapel as depicted above. Then at a later time one could add another boiler and connect the other two buildings. 1.8  Next  steps       The Owners of the Chapel by the Lake complex must of course evaluate these results using their own investment metrics and criteria. However, it appears based on the findings of this report, that if CBTL can lock down favorable pellet prices and form a team of the right professionals and contractors, and design a lean delivery method that minimizes soft costs, this DH is certainly a viable project, financially. As noted above the next step would be to try to tie down fuel sources and prices, and to spend a minimal amount of time to ensure that the DH Plant can be built in the basement, the piping can be run through the building, and that the interconnections to the existing boiler are simple. All of which the authors of this study believe is the case. At the same time, the viability of the individual Chapel boiler could be confirmed and those project prices sharpened. This would likely be considered an extremely strong fallback project, if the main DH Plant cannot meet the investment criteria of the CBTL. In addition to financial performance, AWEA believes that wood energy projects generate benefits to the owners of the project beyond the obvious monetary ones; we call these VBECS (value beyond energy cost savings), a term borrowed from the Rocky Mountain Institute. VBECS are different depending on the location and circumstances of the project. The value of VBECS can only be determined locally and by the owners of the project. Some of the potential VBECS for this project located in Juneau are: • Use of renewable resources • Reliance on local or regional, rather than remote energy sources if pellets come from Alaska • Reduced carbon footprint • Reduced secondary emissions (NOx, S, CO, etc) • Potential increased fuel price stability (for future budget planning) There are no doubt others as well. As was noted above, a Level 2 study is a screening study, meant to provide enough information to the stakeholders to A) determine how to proceed next, B) determine whether to proceed, or C) halt the project until conditions improve. This study provides the information needed for the CBTL owners and other stakeholders to make these decisions. PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 14 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014 2  TECHNICAL  SUMMARY   2.1  Existing  Conditions       The following statistics in Figure 2.1 summarize the existing conditions in the CBTL complex: Figure 2.1 The primary boiler in the main Chapel is 28 years old, but it has recently been retrofitted with a new burner. The boiler in the parsonage is fairly new and in good condition but the exact date is unknown. The boiler in the log chapel has been well maintained but is likely as old or older than the main boiler in the chapel. The AWEA was not able to obtain exact numbers on fuel usage of the Log Chapel or the Parsonage so used modeled estimates to determine fuel usage. It was estimated that the Parsonage used 960 gallons and the Log Chapel used 1344 gallons per year. The proposed pellet-fired DH Plant would displace over 99 percent of the current fuel oil consumption; however, the existing boilers would remain in place as back up in all Scenarios analyzed. As a cost-savings measure, no additional back up was included in the DH Plant. PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 15 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014 2.2  Wood  Fuels  /  Wood  Fired  Heating  Equipment       Figure 2.2 below shows the properties of the pellets that were used in this study: Figure 2.2 The most pertinent value in the Figure 2.2 is the net useable heat content, 8,200 BTU/lb. Because of the low moisture content (4 percent), pellets are by far the most energy-dense form of wood fuel locally available. There are a number of manufacturers of pellet boilers; the basis of design boilers used in this study are the PES series of boilers made by Maine Energy Systems (MES). We used these because there are other installations in the area and they are a good quality boiler. There are eight sizes in the PES series, ranging from 41 kBTU/h to 191 kBTU/h (output). This project uses two Model PES 56 pellet boilers for the District Heating Scenarios and one for the Scenario that heats only the primary Chapel. The basic system components include: • A pellet bin, which holds bulk amounts of wood pellets. o This bin is kept filled by periodic deliveries to the Chapel by truck from the docks or is filled by members from bags purchased from the low cost supplier home Depot • A means getting the pellets from the bin into the boiler (material handling) o For MES, this is a vacuum system; the bin may be up to 66 ft away from the boiler • The boiler o The boiler uses onboard controls to modulate the firing rate to meet heating demand o Will remain on and operating as long as the bin is kept filled, and no fuel fouling occurs o Is a “hands-off” unit • A vent or boiler stack o This vents the products of combustion and boiler emissions into the air through an elevated stack or vent pipe o May or may not include additional emissions control equipment A brochure of the MES boilers and accessories are included in Appendix 2. 2.3  Proposed  Conditions     As noted above, the thermal performance of both Scenarios is relatively similar – Scenario 2 simply has a few more parasitic losses since it is located in a separate building. What changes from between these two Scenarios is the implementation cost. Some of the details of the expected conditions PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 16 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014 in the development of Scenario 1 are listed below under Scenario 1 and the differences between the two are listed in Scenario 2 below. Scenario  1   Some of the features of Scenario 1 include the following: • Two new 8 x 34 pellet boilers, located in the basement close to the existing Chapel boiler • The DH Plant appurtenances includes new primary piping to connect the two boilers, an expansion tanks, ash container(s), individual boiler controls and a Plant controllers, and all required electrical lighting and wiring • A primary / secondary heat exchanger and variable speed secondary pumps, and secondary loop expansion tank • Distribution piping from the DH Plant to the Chapel boiler, and to the other two buildings as described above. • Connection from the distribution piping to each of the 3 boilers (see Section 3) • DDC controls as required to control the Plant and interconnections • The new piping will be tied into the existing systems in such a way that it will always take the “wood heat” before taking oil heat (Figure 3.2 below) • Distribution piping from the slab to each building • However, if for any reason the wood fired system cannot meet load, the existing boilers will automatically start and fire as required to meet load • Full design and construction administration/management services, with 7.5 percent contingency Scenario  2       Scenario 2 varies from Scenario 1 in the following ways: • A new 8 x 34 containerized pellet boiler plant, piped and wired at the manufacturer, and delivered to the site • The container includes primary piping, two boilers, expansion tanks, ash container, controls as specified, lights, and all electrical lighting and wiring – plus room for variable speed secondary pumps, secondary pumps and a secondary heat exchanger and expansion tank • A new slab constructed to house the container, with pipe and wiring routed to slab • A primary / secondary heat exchanger and variable speed secondary pumps, and secondary loop expansion tank • Once the secondary pipe is in the basement, Sc 2 becomes just like Sc 1 2.4  Cost  Estimate       The detailed construction cost estimate is provided below in Figure 2.3. These are what are commonly referred to as the “hard costs” of the project. The remaining soft costs, fees, permits, engineering, are detailed in Figure 2.4 below. PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 17 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014 PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 18 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014 Figure 2.3 There are two notes that must be amended to Figure 2.3: 1. In Scenario 1, the DH plant is in the basement, next to the existing boiler. Much of the piping runs through the building, to the SE corner. From there, it runs in an insolated soffit in the overhead walkway to the Old Chapel. Between the SE corner and the Parsonage, the PEX piping is direct buried. 2. In Scenario 2, the DH Plant is containerized, and located at grade just outside the building (near the oil tank for the existing boiler). A new slab is to be poured for the container, with electrical and piping from the basement to the slab. All other aspects of the two Scenarios are the same. The DH Plant has reasonable financial performance, if A) fuel can be obtained for $330/ton or under, and B) the plant can be built in the basement of the Chapel (Scenario 1). The first priority of any further work on this Plant would be to confirm those two items. Figure 2.4 below is a summary of the cost estimate, showing the soft costs of the project. These are developed and based on industry standards if grant funding is used from the Alaska Energy Authority. In some cases, if private funds are used, these costs can be reduced. A more detailed construction estimate is contained in Section 2 of the report. PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 19 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014 Figure 2.4 2.5  Energy  Savings       Figure 2.5 below summarizes the Scenario 1 energy consumption, existing and proposed, on a monthly basis. The top two rows of the table are the estimated total gallons of oil and cost used under the current conditions of the three oil boilers in the three buildings. The middle three rows are the estimated gallons of oil used, the tons of pellets consumed and the amount of additional electricity used in scenario 1. These are based on estimated air temperature and thus demand for heat and on the estimated amount of domestic hot water used each month. The next four rows convert the amount of oil, pellets, and electricity used per month into dollar amounts. And finally the bottom row shows the monthly and annual savings for scenario 1 compared to the amount of oil currently used. These energy and cash flows are for the optimistic cost of $300 per ton for pellets. The total annual 1st year savings for scenario 1at $330 per ton is $13,141 about $2500 less than at $300 per ton. Figure 2.5 PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 20 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014 Figure 2.6 shows the exact same data for Scenario 2 at $300 per ton for pellets. At $330 per ton this scenario would have a 1st year annual savings of $12,447 compared to the below value of $15,163. Figure 2.6 PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 21 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014 Appendix  1.  INTERCONNECTIONS   Interconnections  and  the  Impact  on  Construction  Cost   One of the most important features of a District Heating system is the interconnection between the DH system and the existing buildings systems. These interconnections can range from complex (and expensive), to very simple, often with one or more variations in between. The simpler the interconnections get, the less they cost. However, even the least expensive connections constitute a significant amount of money. The goal, therefore, is to first minimize the number of connections, and then apply the lowest appropriate level of technology for each connection, minimizing overall construction cost. One thing that all possible interconnections should have in common is that no operator intervention should be required in the event that the DH Plant fails, or that the biomass boilers cannot meet the peak loads in very cold weather. At the same time, in periods of the very high heating load, the system should ideally use 100 percent of the capacity from the biomass boilers first, and use the “back- up” oil only to cover the peaks. The following is a summary of some of the things all interconnections should have in common: • In all systems, we prefer to install a heat exchanger between the distribution piping and the building piping. Many building systems use glycol, while the DH distribution systems use 100 percent water. The heat exchanger provides a physical barrier between the two systems to prevent cross-contamination, while allowing heat to cross over. A control valve is used on the distribution return line to control the hot water return water temperature on the building side of the exchanger. • The interconnect is always made in such a way that it heats the building hot water return before it gets to the building boiler(s). The basic premise is that the temperature setpoint for the building return water coming off the heat exchanger is 5 deg F (for example) hotter than the setpoint of the boiler itself. The result is simple; if the biomass system heats the building return water to a temperature at or above that of the boiler setpoint, the boiler will not come on, HOWEVER, • If for any reason, the biomass system cannot heat the building return water all the way to boiler setpoint (failure or very cold weather), the return water temperature will begin to fall, and when it falls below the boiler setpoint, the boiler will automatically add enough heat to make its setpoint. • This ensures that 100 percent of the available biomass heating capacity is utilized before any back-up fuel is used. Once the load drops to the point where the heat exchanger can heat the return water to above the boiler setpoint, the building boiler will stop firing. • In order to prevent “drafting losses” when the biomass boiler is providing the heat (the hot boiler would pull room air through the fan and this air rises up the stack, cooling the boiler), a draft damper can be installed in the boiler stacks. This would be hard-wired to the boiler; when the burner is ON, the damper is open and when the burner is OFF, the damper is closed. PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 22 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014 Given the list above, for any given site, there can be many possible variations in the way buildings are connected. In general, the size of the DH Plant, the number and nature of the end-users, and the sophistication of the individual building controls also factor into the decisions on how to interconnect the buildings. • For large DH Plants with extensive piping systems, the cost of the pumping energy required to distribute the heat through the pipes is significant. For that reason, we almost always use variable speed secondary hot water pumps. At any load less than 100 percent, variable speed pumps cut the pumping energy by 1/4th to 1/8th of the energy of constant volume system at the same flow. In these situations, the preference is to use a good quality motor-actuated control valve to control the flow at each building (actually, at each connection – so there may be more than one per building). • A motor-actuated valve generally pre-supposes that the building has a pneumatic or DDC control system to control all of the HVAC systems. Larger, more sophisticated buildings tend to have such control systems; smaller buildings use only local controls. • For a DH Plant that serves multiple buildings with multiple owners, a metering system is installed. This allows the DH Plant to charge the end-users for the exact amount of heat the use. The situation at the CBTL complex is relatively simple; one boiler per building, and no need to sub-meter the heat. Figure 3.1 below shows a relatively common “typical” building, with two boilers (we have only one boiler per building, but the concepts are the same) Figure 3.1 PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 23 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014 Figure 3.2 shows the typical connection detail we would use for a large, extended DH Plant with multiple owners; this diagram assumes a minimum level of control in the each building as well (in this example, B-1 and B-2 have different owners, and must therefore be individually served and metered). Figure 3.2 Figure 3.2 represents just about the most expensive means of interconnecting to an existing boiler. This detail assumes that 1) each boiler must be connected separately, 2) that each end-user must be sub-metered, 3) an external control system exists in each building, and 4) the secondary pumping is variable speed. As noted above, the system is configured to heat the building hot water return before it gets to the boiler. The 2-position valve directly below the pump would be closed, and the other two 2-position valves open; building hot water return flows to the heat exchanger. The building HWR would be heated, and return to the boiler loop just above the point it enters the boiler. Because the HWR is now hotter than the setpoint for the boiler, the boiler never fires. The modulating valves at the HX control the building HWR temperature, and the flow meters at each HX allow the DH Plant operator to measure the exact amount of heat consumed by each residence within the multi-plex. This is clearly over-kill for the situation at the Chapel. First, the amount of flow in the system is so small that the secondary pumps are less than one horsepower. Thus, while electricity is still expensive, there is no need to use expensive control valves at each HX. Second, there are no building control systems to control all the valves shown above. Third, there is no reason to individually meter the heat to each building. PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 24 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014 Instead, for CBTL, we priced an interconnect much like that shown in Figure 3.3, except that, as noted, there is only one boiler per building. We would have one HX, and one self-contained valve at each boiler. The isolation valves are manual, not 2-position. Figure 3.3 The final interconnect detail will be determined during the next steps phase – a brief discovery/design/documentation phase. Thermal  Storage   When referring to a hot water heating system, thermal storage simply refers to a hot water tank, which stores hot water (thus thermal storage). The importance of using thermal storage in a biomass-fired heating plant varies depending on the form the wood. Stick fired boilers are batch fed, with an operator adding batches of fuel as needed. In this case, thermal storage is almost a requirement. This is because once the fuel starts burning, it is impossible to modulate the rate of burn to match the heat load. Instead, the amount of fuel added is sized to heat the thermal storage, while the pumping/piping system extracts heat from the thermal storage as needed to match the load. The thermal storage “de-couples” the rate of burn from the variations in heating load. Chip fired boilers are automatically fed, and can modulate to meet load. It would seem then that they would not need thermal storage, and in fact many chip systems are installed without storage. Where storage really provides value in a chip system is when the heating load varies over a very large range, as they do in Alaska. The boiler can only turn down to about 25 percent of full load capacity – below that heating demand, the boiler will cycle off until hot water temperature drops a set amount, and then restart. A good chip boiler will auto-restart, but they still will not cycle On and Off like an oil boiler, for instance. PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 25 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014 Once the fuel is in a solid fuel burner, it will burn whether the heat is needed or not. They take a long time to cool down, and an equally long time to heat back up. Finally, if the fuel is very wet, the auto-start may take a long time, or in extreme cases, fail. A storage tank help limit the cycling – the boiler now modulates to keep the tank at setpoint, and as above, the system extracts heat from the tank as needed. The thermal storage can keep the boiler running at very low levels rather than cycling. The performance of pellet boilers is as close to an oil-fired boiler as is possible with wood. The fuel is very dry, and easy to re-start. The boilers are generally much smaller than chip boilers, so there is not much fuel in the unit at any given time. They are as heavy, so they heat up much quicker. While a thermal storage tank would again limit cycling at low loads, pellet boilers generally do not need a tank to modulate and follow loads. However, all good pellet boilers have an auto-cleaning feature, where they clean the tubes, generally once a day. Many models cannot do this while the boiler is actually running, so they shut down. Such boilers generally use thermal storage to “bridge over” the time they are off. The Okofen boilers sold by Maine Energy Systems do not shut down while cleaning, and so while one can add thermal storage to the MES boilers, we determine whether to add storage based on the application. In a district heating application, one is likely to have two, or even three boilers. If each boiler has a 4:1 turndown, then a plant with two boilers can turn down 8:1, and a three-boiler plant can turn down 12:1. The buried piping provides a small but constant load, and even on warm days in AK, nights can be cold. So in this DH situation, we do not add thermal storage – the combined turndown of the boilers is sufficient to minimize cycling. In a small single building or residential application, we would likely add a small (50 – 90 gallon) tank even for an MES boiler, space and money permitting. PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 26 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014 Appendix  2.    Photos  and  site  map     Figure  1.    Photo  of  Parsonage  residence  added  to  the  heating  analysis.     Figure  2.    Log  chapel  added  to  the  heat  analysis.   PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 27 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014   Figure  3.    Boiler  room  just  under  stack  and  is  accessible  through  a  small  roof  under  the     walkway  if  needed.    Pellet  storage  will  either  be  in  an  outside  bin  or  through  a  shoot  leading      to  a  bin  in  the  boiler  room.     Figure  4.  Site  layout.   PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 28 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014   Figure  5.    Boiler  label  for  boiler  in  main  building.   PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 29 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014 Appendix  3.    Brochure  for  MES  OkuFen  Pellet  Boilers           PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 30 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014       PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 31 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014 Appendix  4.    Portion  of  Tech  Brochure  for  PEX  Piping         PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY on WOOD-FIRED HEATING PROJECTS Chapel by the Lake, Juneau, Alaska Alaska Wood Energy Associates Fairbanks Economic 32 | 32 Final Report Development Corporation 16 Sept 2014