HomeMy WebLinkAboutCordova Assessment of Wood Biomass Energy Resources 12-21-2012-BIO 2012 Douglas Hanson Department of Natural Resources Division of Forestry 12/21/2012 Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................. 1 II. Objectives .................................................................................................................................................. 4 III. Methods ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 A. Base Imagery .......................................................................................................................................... 4 B. Vegetation Classification ..................................................................................................................... 4 C. Field Inventory Design ........................................................................................................................ 5 D. Data Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 5 E. Acreage Summary/GIS Analysis ........................................................................................................ 6 F. Description of Strata ........................................................................................................................... 6 1. Stratum 1, Sitka Spruce ................................................................................................................... 7 2. Stratum 2, Western Hemlock ....................................................................................................... 8 3. Stratum 3, Mixed Sitka Spruce/Black cottonwood ................................................................... 8 4. Stratum 4, Black Cottonwood ...................................................................................................... 9 G. Forest Volume Definitions ................................................................................................................. 9 1. Cubic and Board Foot Measurements ......................................................................................... 9 2. Ton Measurements ....................................................................................................................... 10 IV. Results ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 A. Volume Per Acre of Timberland.................................................................................................... 10 B. Sampling Error by Volume .............................................................................................................. 11 C. Log Grade ........................................................................................................................................... 12 D. Site Index............................................................................................................................................. 15 E. Timberland Area Age Class ............................................................................................................ 16 F. Regeneration ...................................................................................................................................... 17 G. Growth and Mortality Estimates ................................................................................................... 18 H. Volume of Timberland by Landowner .......................................................................................... 18 V. Economic Availability of Sustainable Biomass Fuels ....................................................................... 20 A. Current Delivered Costs ................................................................................................................ 20 B. Potential Accessible Biomass Volume by Slope Class ............................................................... 21 C. Annual Sustainable Biomass Yield by Slope Class ...................................................................... 24 VI. Volume Availability From Proposed Eyak Logging Road Brush Clearing .................................. 28 VII. Concentration of Biomass on a Portion of Eyak Corporation Lands ....................................... 29 I. Literature Cited ..................................................................................................................................... 30 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Inventory volume and acreage summary. .................................................................................... 2 Table 2. Inventory species and weight for poletimber and sawtimber. ............................................. 10 Table 3. Timberland net volume per acre by strata. ............................................................................. 11 Table 4. Gross cubic foot volume sampling error. ................................................................................ 11 Table 5. Puget Sound grading rules. ........................................................................................................... 13 Table 6. Log grade by species. .................................................................................................................... 14 Table 7. Site index by stratum and species. ............................................................................................. 16 Table 8. Average age by strata. ................................................................................................................... 16 Table 9. Number of trees per acre less than 5 inches dbh. ................................................................. 17 Table 10. Growth and mortality estimates. ............................................................................................. 18 Table 11. Project area timberland net volume by strata. ..................................................................... 19 Table 12. Accessible area Timberland Net Volume by Strata . ........................................................... 19 Table 13. Delivered cord prices by slope class. ...................................................................................... 21 Table 14. Accessible acreage by ownership class and strata. .............................................................. 21 Table 15. Cordova area accessible acreage and volume by slope class. ........................................... 22 Table 16. Annual volume availability by slope class and owner. ......................................................... 26 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Cordova area biomass vicinity map. ............................................................................................ 3 Figure 2. Stratum 1 sitka spruce (even Aged Young Growth). .............................................................. 7 Figure 3. Stratum 1 sitka spruce (Uneven Aged). ...................................................................................... 7 Figure 4. Stratum 2 western hemlock . ........................................................................................................ 8 Figure 5. Stratum 3 mixed sitka spruce/black cottonwood. ................................................................... 8 Figure 6. Stratum 4 black cottonwood. ....................................................................................................... 9 Figure 7. Accessible Timberland Strata distribution by area. ............................................................... 19 Figure 8. Accessible Biomass timber type map by slope class. ........................................................... 23 Figure 9. Delivered cost per cord. ............................................................................................................. 24 Figure 10. Delivered cost per ton. ............................................................................................................. 24 Figure 11. Cumulative annual volume availability by slope class to Cordova. .................................. 27 Figure 12. Supply curve for cords to Cordova. ...................................................................................... 27 Figure 13. Supply curve for tons to Cordova. ......................................................................................... 28 Figure 14. Eyak corporation timber types 0-15% slope. ....................................................................... 29 APPENDICES Appendix A Acreage Summary by Stratum and Vegetation Type .................................................... A-1 Appendix B Per Acre Summary by Stratum and Species ..................................................................... B-1 Appendix C Stand Tables Per Acre by Strata and Species ................................................................. C-1 Appendix D Diameter/Height Relationships, Ten Year Growth, and Bark Thickness ................ D-1 Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 1 I. EXECUTIVE S UMMARY The Native Village of Eyak (NVE) is investigating the feasibility of using woody biomass to heat various public buildings in Cordova. Potential sources of biomass include waste cardboard, wood waste generated at a community burn pile, alder along logging roads and standing green trees. This document focuses on quantifying the standing green tree biomass resource with some added information on the potential for alder harvest. The inventory of the standing green tree biomass resource utilizes a United States Forest Service (USFS) satellite image classified for vegetation together with tree measurement plots installed by State Division of Forestry (DOF) and NVE personnel. The project area generally coincides with the extent of the classified satellite image which covers much of the Copper River Delta. From this extent, a subset of potentially accessible biomass based on access, volume and topography was delineated. It is this area that is analyzed and reported on in detail. Three major landowners in the area include the Eyak Corporation, U.S. Forest Service and State of Alaska. Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 2 Project Area Acres Accessible Area Acres Owner Classification Eyak Corporation 50,745 50,132 Chugach Alaska Corporation 40,868 527 National Forest 1,108,265 149,502 State 12,484 9,350 Private 2,201 Totals 182 1,214,563 209,693 Vegetation Type Sitka Spruce 85,324 9,558 Western Hemlock 38,665 13,271 Sitka Spruce-Black Cottonwood 2,239 879 Black Cottonwood 16,649 Subtotal Timberland 13,712 142,878 37,420 Shrubland 333,481 79,701 Harvested 4,832 4,832 Wetland 230,863 38,631 Non-Forest Other 29 28 Barren 146,843 23,209 Water 355,638 Totals 25,871 1,214,563 209,693 Project Area Volume Accessible Area Volume Total Net Volume Cubic Feet (> 5”diameter) 644,822,705 142,616,749 Cords (> 5”diameter) 7,164,697 1,584,631 Tons (> 5”diameter) 12,471,553 2,904,116 Board Feet (> 9”diameter) 2,748,695,864 604,933,059 TABLE 1. INVENTORY VOLUME AND ACREAGE SUMMARY. Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 3 FIGURE 1. CORDOVA AREA BIOMASS VICINITY MAP. Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 4 II. OBJECTIVES The objective of this report is to provide reliable forest inventory data to assist in determining the feasibility of proposed biomass development projects in the Cordova area. A geographic information system (GIS) dataset was utilized for the analysis and allows interactive querying of the spatial data. III. METHODS Forest inventory information was collected through a stratified random sampling design. The project area was divided into subpopulations (timber types) in order to account for variation in species composition. Each timber type was then treated as a random sample population. The number of stands sampled within each timber type was based on the overall area occupied and achievement of acceptable statistics within the available field work funding constraints. A total of 32 individual timber stands were field sampled during the first week of October, 2012. These field samples comprise 320 individual measurement plots. The sample timber types were selected randomly and access to the stands was by foot. Field measurements were made in the selected stands to provide estimates of volume, stocking, defect and growth by individual tree species. A. BASE IMAGERY Natural color .6 meter resolution digital satellite imagery scenes were used for the project. This mosaic was recently acquired by the USFS and made available to NVE. These scenes were utilized for the field sampling phase and provided a means to accurately navigate to individual sample stands. Timber type polygons, ownership boundaries, roads and sample stands were overlaid onto the base imagery. B. VEGETATION CLASSIFICATION The USFS contracted out the vegetation classification and it is still on going. NVE acquired a draft classification map that forms the basis of the acreage estimates in this study. Upon completion of the field work DOF made some edits to the classification to more accurately identify the major timber types. An additional timber type, mixed hemlock-spruce, was added to the coverage. This timber type acreage was combined with the hemlock acreage during data analysis. DOF also classified timber stands on state lands near the town of Cordova that were not included in the draft map. Since the inventory acreage results are generated from the GIS coverage, subsequent changes to the classification map by the USFS can easily be captured and Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 5 revisions can be made. For the most part the classification proved reasonably accurate in identifying the major timber types in the Cordova area. C. FIELD INVENTORY DESIGN The variable plot radius sampling method was used for field data collection of poletimber and sawtimber size trees. The basal area factor utilized was 40 square feet. In each timber stand sampled, ten plots were spaced uniformly on a traverse located systematically through the stand. The traverse was located in such a manner as to attempt to sample the variation within a stand. To minimize travel time, plots were generally located with a maximum interval of 330 feet. Tally trees were selected or rejected with a relascope prism. On five of the ten plots, species, tree vigor, crown ratio, defect type and estimated defect percentage, were recorded and tree diameter, total tree height, bark thickness, and ten-year growth were measured (measure plots). Tree diameters were measured 4.5 feet above ground, commonly known as “diameter breast height” or dbh. Co-dominate and dominant trees were cored at dbh to determine average age and site index of the sample stand. On the other alternating five plots, only the number of trees by species and size class selected by the relascope were recorded (count plots). Count plots generally serve to lower the sample error by increasing the overall plot numbers, but economize time spent in the field collecting data. Only trees five inches dbh and greater were measured utilizing the variable plot sampling method. The fixed plot sampling method was used for field data collection of trees less than five inches dbh. At every other plot in the ten plot traverse (measure plots) seedling and sapling size trees were measured. Species and quality were recorded and tree diameter and total tree height were measured. The fixed plot was a circular 1/250th acre plot (7.45 foot radius). D. DATA S UMMARY Upon completion of the field work, sampled stand data were entered into TCruise, a timber inventory software program. The inventory software calculated volume attributes for the individual sampled stands. These stands were then grouped into strata and re-processed in TCruise. The inventory contains four separate sample strata for which estimates of gross and net volume per acre have been calculated. The strata contain field data from 32 individual timber stands containing 320 plots (Table 4). Total inventory volume was calculated by multiplying the average per acre volume figures for each stratum by the number of acres each sample stratum represents. These calculations were performed in a Microsoft Access database and utilize the GIS acreage figures. Output reports written in Access display numerous stand attributes from the associated database tables and queries. Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 6 E. ACREAGE SUMMARY/GIS ANALYSIS Topographic features were examined to determine potentially accessible biomass. Areas where steep topography, extensive wetlands or numerous rivers existed were deleted from the operable area. When the operable subset was finally drawn, most of the area east of the Copper River was deemed inaccessible and was not included. The resulting subset area represents land with reasonable access to biomass resources. The operable area polygon was then queried in the GIS to determine vegetation area by land ownership. After the GIS operable vegetation and ownership layer was created a digital elevation layer was overlaid and values extracted to determine average slope of the individual vegetation polygons. Much of the land area near Cordova lies either in the Copper River Delta which is relatively flat to steep slopes that create more difficult harvest operations. By classifying the acreage and volume by slope classes more accurate estimates of operable biomass resources can be made. Relatively low slopes such as those less than 15% can generally be accessed by ground based harvest systems. As slope increases from this level greater investments in logging machinery are required for harvest and access construction activities. F. DESCRIPTION OF STRATA The four volume strata are described below. Generally the inventory project area is comprised of Sitka Spruce dominated stands with lesser amounts of Western Hemlock and Black Cottonwood. The composition of hemlock increases with elevation and cottonwood increases where riparian areas exist. The Copper River forms the dividing line between mostly spruce dominated lands to the west to a more cottonwood and mixed forest to the east. Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 7 1. STRATUM 1, SITKA SPRUCE This stratum is found throughout the project area. Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis ) occurs in pure stands and in mixed stands with Western hemlock, and Black cottonwood. It is common on the low elevation, wet, well-drained alluvial fans and outwash plains. On these sites many of the stands are quite young (approximately 55 years) and appear to be a primary colonizing forest on recently deposited alluvial outwash. There is little downed large woody debris and soil depths are quite shallow over river cobbles. These young stands have rapid FIGURE 2. STRATUM 1 SITKA SPRUCE (EVEN AGED YOUNG GROWTH). growth rates and given their easy access would be prime candidates for use as a sustainable biomass resource. Other low elevation areas however have a more typical uneven age older forest ranging in the 200 year and greater class. At higher elevations and steeper slopes, the stands become more mixed with Western hemlock. Ages here are again more typical of an uneven age older forest. FIGURE 3. STRATUM 1 SITKA SPRUCE (UNEVEN AGED). Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 8 2. STRATUM 2, WESTERN HEMLOCK This stratum is found throughout the project area but in lesser amounts than stratum 1. Within the accessible area however it occupied greater acreage. Western Hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla ) occurs in pure stands but generally was mixed with Sitka spruce. Stand ages were variable. Biomass use could be applied as a thinning and improvement tool in some areas with removal of the more defective trees. FIGURE 4. STRATUM 2 WESTERN HEMLOCK . 3. STRATUM 3, MIXED SITKA SPRUCE/BLACK COTTONWOOD This stratum is found near riparian areas and on recently deposited alluvial outwash. It is dominated by Sitka spruce with lesser amounts of cottonwood. Most stands that were sampled were quite young and mostly comprised of poletimber or sapling sized trees. Some of the sites were underlain with river cobbles and gravel with an extremely thin top soil layer. Much of the stratum is too young at this time for efficient biomass use. FIGURE 5. STRATUM 3 MIXED SITKA SPRUCE/BLACK COTTONWOOD. Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 9 4. STRATUM 4, BLACK COTTONWOOD This stratum is found near riparian areas and on recently deposited alluvial outwash. It is dominated by cottonwood but also has lesser amounts of Sitka spruce mixed in. Stand ages were variable and ranged from around 55 years to an underdetermined amount of probably 150 or so. Ages were unable to be determined in some stands due to large trees containing extensive amounts of rot. The younger stands are growing rapidly and would be prime candidates for use as a sustainable biomass resource. FIGURE 6. STRATUM 4 BLACK COTTONWOOD. G. FOREST VOLUME DEFINITIONS Estimates of timber volume on forested lands have been calculated with three different measurements; cubic foot volume, board foot volume and green tons. The cubic foot measurement includes all timber greater than or equal to five inches dbh and is divided among the live and dead poletimber and sawtimber components of the forest. The board foot measurement is commonly used to determine the amount of lumber that can be sawn from a log. Because the measurement is based on actual boards that can be sawn from a log, it disregards all material wasted in the process such as slabs and sawdust. The board foot measurement only includes timber equal to or greater than 9 inches dbh. Although the focus of the inventory is on biomass use some stands may contain material more suited to milling. It is this possibility of merchandizing some of the trees to a use other than biomass that this measurement is included. 1. CUBIC AND BOARD FOOT MEASUREMENTS Volume calculations for both cubic and board foot measurements are based on volume equations produced by the USFS for the Chugach National Forest. The National Volume Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 10 Estimator Library (NVEL) equations (A01DEMW000) are used. The NVEL volume equations are available on the internet as a Microsoft Excel add-in function. Board foot volume is reported in Scribner Decimal C scale and is based on 16-foot log segments (short log scale) and is reported to a 6-inch top. Cubic volume is reported in Smalian’s rule and includes volume to a 4-inch top. In terms of calculations for wood energy resources, the cubic foot value is important in that it can readily be converted into cords and the measurement relates well to delivered wood in round log form. The equations were entered into TCruise, for processing of the volume calculations. 2. TON MEASUREMENTS Computation of green tons is somewhat less straight forward because published volume tables by ton are much less available. In past DOF inventory projects for the Copper River Basin and the Tanana Valley computation of green tons was derived from weight ratios produced for Alaska wood species (Sturgeon 1979. Wood As A Fuel.). Wood As A Fuel lists the weight of green cord wood which can be converted into pounds per cubic foot. Thus the inventory cubic foot values can be converted to a green ton basis. A cord of wood is assumed to contain 90 cubic feet of solid wood. Species Pounds per Cubic Foot Tons per Cord Sitka Spruce 34 1.53 Western Hemlock 50 2.25 Black Cottonwood 43 1.935 TABLE 2. INVENTORY SPECIES AND WEIGHT FOR POLETIMBER AND SAWTIMBER. IV. RESULTS Selected results of the analysis are displayed in the following tables. “Timberland Area” refers to those portions of the land area that have been associated with forest inventory volume strata and have woody biomass estimates. It does not include shrubland vegetation types. A. VOLUME PER ACRE OF TIMBERLAND Table 4 lists volume per acre by strata. As can be seen in the data the spruce and hemlock strata have similar volumes per acre. Appendices B and C provide detailed per acre volume figures by strata. Overall the average volume per acre weighted by accessible acres is 3,811 cubic feet per acre or 78 tons per acre or 16,166 board feet per acre. Utilizing an average conversion of 90 cubic feet of solid wood per cord, roughly 42 cords per acre are present. Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 11 Stratum Description Net CF/Acre Net Cords/Ac. Net Tons/Ac. Net BF/Ac. 1 Sitka Spruce 4,958 55 90 21,700 2 Western Hemlock 4,672 52 102 18,321 3 Sitka Spruce-Black Cottonwood 656 7 12 1,137 4 Black Cottonwood 2,381 26 50 11,186 Average Timberland 3,811 42 78 16,166 TABLE 3. TIMBERLAND NET VOLUME PER ACRE BY STRATA. B. SAMPLING ERROR BY VOLUME Sample error was calculated for the gross cubic foot estimate by strata and size class (Table 4). The sample error percent is given within one standard deviation of the mean. This means that there is a 68% chance (one standard deviation) that the volume of the individual size class components are within plus or minus the error percentage indicated. Sample error is relatively high for the mixed spruce-cottonwood stratum 3. This is indicative of the variation of the sawtimber and poletimber component within the mostly sapling sized dominated stands. The other 3 strata which comprise the majority of the useable volume are below the target design sample error value of 10%. Overall sample error for all strata combined was 4.8%. TABLE 4. GROSS CUBIC FOOT VOLUME SAMPLING ERROR. Poletimber Sawtimber Combined Stratum Number Of Plots Gross CF/Ac % Sampling Error Gross CF/Ac % Sampling Error Gross CF/Ac % Sampling Error 1 160 891 10.3 4,294 7.6 5,185 6.5 2 50 963 16.6 4,066 9.3 5,029 8.2 3 60 409 20.1 263 52.9 672 24.0 4 50 135 74.9 2,524 7.7 2,659 8.2 Summary 320 694 8.2 3,226 5.5 3,920 4.8 Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 12 C. LOG GRADE Log grade estimates were made during field sampling. Although log grade has little meaning in terms of biomass utilization, it gives an idea of potential value added products that could be made available in the course of biomass harvest. Generally log grades of #1 or #2 are the higher value logs that could have additional value as an alternative to biomass and could possible meet export grades. Although a significant area of Eyak Corporation lands was previously harvested for export, markets are less available at this time. Local use of sawlog quality material however could still be a possibility. Log grade was only tallied for the sawtimber sized trees (> 9 inches dbh). A grade of one through five was given for each of the first two 32-foot log segments. Blank grades are where logs were deemed culls. Log grades use Puget Sound grading rules which contain specifications for various species including Sitka spruce, Western hemlock and Black cottonwood (Table 5). Table 6 lists log grade results. Log grade by species was not computed by volume but provides grade estimates in straight percentage terms of trees measured in the field. This gives a reference point for the overall grade distribution. Blank table entries indicate that a particular log was cull and did not have useable volume. Sitka spruce contained the most trees where the first 32 foot log was classified as a # 2 log grade (26% of measurements) which has a minimum top diameter of 12 inches. Most of the hemlock and cottonwood were in grades of #3 or higher indicating smaller trees with top diameters less than 12 inches or lower quality utility grade logs. Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 13 Logs will meet the minimum exterior characteristics. Diameter refers to top of log diameter. 1. Sitka Spruce, Hemlock Gross Diameter: 24 inches Grade No. 1 Surface: 75% clear Gross Diameter: 12 inches Grade No. 2 Surface: Sound, tight knots not to exceed 2 ½ inches in diameter. Any larger knots must be well distributed. Gross Diameter: 6 inches Grade No. 3 Surface: Sound, tight knots not to exceed 3 inches in diameter. Any larger knots must be well distributed. Minimum volume 50 board feet NET scale Gross Diameter: 5 inches Grade No. 4 Minimum volume 10 board feet NET scale 2. Cottonwood Gross Diameter: 10 inches Grade No. 1 Surface: Not to exceed 4 knots per log Gross Diameter: 6 inches Grade No. 2 Gross Diameter: 5 inches Grade No. 4 Minimum volume 10 board feet NET scale 3. All Species Shall be logs that do not meet the minimum requirements for sawmill grades, but are suitable for the production of firm useable chips to an amount not less than 50% of GROSS scale. Grade No. 5 Utility Logs Gross Diameter: 4 inches Minimum volume 10 board feet NET scale Note: A log that is burned or charred or is not mechanically barkable, shall not qualify as a Utility log. TABLE 5. PUGET SOUND GRADING RULES. Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 14 Grade 1st Grade 2nd # Of Trees Log Log Measured % Of Trees Cottonwood 11 16% 1 2 3 4% 1 4 2 3% 1 5 3 4% 2 10 14% 2 1 1 1% 2 4 8 11% 2 5 7 10% 4 8 11% 5 13 19% 5 5 4 6% Total for Cottonwood 70 Hemlock 5 6% 5 1 1% 2 2 1 1% 2 3 6 7% 3 10 11% 3 3 1 1% 3 4 10 11% 3 5 2 2% 4 16 18% 4 4 2 2% 4 5 6 7% 5 22 25% 5 4 1 1% 5 5 6 7% Total for Hemlock 89 TABLE 6. LOG GRADE BY SPECIES. Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 15 Sitka Spruce 16 5% 1 2 7 2% 2 2 26 9% 2 3 43 15% 2 4 5 2% 3 30 10% 3 2 1 0% 3 3 22 8% 3 4 14 5% 3 5 14 5% 4 56 19% 4 4 3 1% 4 5 2 1% 5 45 15% 5 3 3 1% 5 4 3 1% 5 5 3 1% Total for Sitka Spruce 293 Grand Total Trees Measured 452 TABLE 6. CONTINUED, LOG GRADE BY SPECIES D. SITE INDEX Tree height has been found as the most reliable indicator of site productivity. In essence, the taller the tree the more productive is the growing site. When height is combined with tree age, the measurements can be reported as a site index number. This number gives the height in feet of a particular stand at a reference base age. Site index of spruce and hemlock uses a base age of 100 years whereas site index of cottonwood uses a base age of 50 years. Site index reflects the combined effect of all environmental factors and is therefore a good index of stand productivity. Site index calculations for spruce and hemlock are based on site index equations produced for Alaska: U.S. Forest Service research paper PNW-53. Site index calculations for cottonwood are based on site index equations U.S. Forest Service research paper NOR-2. Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 16 Site Index (Feet) Stratum 1 Sitka Spruce Sitka Spruce 103 Western Hemlock 76 Stratum 2 Western Hemlock Sitka Spruce 78 Western Hemlock 61 Stratum 3 Sitka Spruce – Black Cottonwood Sitka Spruce --- Black Cottonwood --- Stratum 4 Black Cottonwood Sitka Spruce --- Black Cottonwood 76 Species Average Sitka Spruce 98 Western Hemlock 68 Black Cottonwood 76 TABLE 7. SITE INDEX BY STRATUM AND SPECIES. E. TIMBERLAND AREA AGE CLASS Timberland productivity can also be examined in terms of overall age class distribution. Typically as trees become older productivity declines. Cottonwood generally begins to decline after year 80 or 90 when rot becomes more frequent. Spruce and Hemlock can be much longer lived, but generally starts to decline after year 225 or so. At this age the conifers become more susceptible to rot and insect damage. Table 8 shows the average stand age by strata. Stratum 1 average age is relatively young and reflects the numerous spruce stands that are growing on recently deposit alluvial outwash. Stratum 2 ages are more typical of the hemlock and spruce mixed stands that occur on various topographic features in the area. Stratum 3 is the youngest and is comprised of a significant amount of sapling size trees. Stratum 4 is comprised of stands that are growing near the riparian areas where flooding is frequent. These stands for the most part are being replaced by flooding before they reach old age. Stratum Average Age 1 Sitka Spruce 107 2 Western Hemlock 168 3 Sitka Spruce-Black Cottonwood 32 4 Black Cottonwood 62 TABLE 8. AVERAGE AGE BY STRATA. Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 17 F. REGENERATION Another measure of productivity is whether individual timber stands are being replaced by regeneration. Coastal Alaska tree species comprise a combination of even and uneven-aged stand types and are replaced through natural regeneration following wind, flooding or insect outbreaks. Past timber harvest has occurred in the Cordova area and also influences stand development. In the absence of disturbance, stands are slowly replaced by understory regeneration. In many cases such as the dense spruce and hemlock stands, regeneration is poor because of thick moss cover and cold soils. There may be a high tree count of small hemlock seedlings, but regeneration of quality crop trees is poor. These stands are slow to regenerate unless a stand replacing disturbance such as an extreme wind event occurs. In other cases stands are actively being replaced even in the absence of disturbance. These stands typically are the mixed spruce-cottonwood stands that contain a shallow moss layer conducive to seed germination. Table 9 gives numbers of trees per acre less than 5 inches by species and stratum. Trees are of desirable and acceptable quality as determined in field. Undesirable trees not expected to become future crop trees are not included in the table. Stratum 3 contains the greatest number of seedlings and saplings which is typical of a newly developing forest. Stratum 1 Sitka Spruce Trees/Acre Black Cottonwood 16 Sitka Spruce 244 Western Hemlock 53 Total Trees Per Acre 313 Stratum 2 Western Hemlock Sitka Spruce 270 Western Hemlock 230 Total Trees Per Acre 500 Stratum 3 Sitka Spruce – Black Cottonwood Black Cottonwood 108 Sitka Spruce 850 Western Hemlock 42 Total Trees Per Acre 1,000 Stratum 4 Black Cottonwood Sitka Spruce 460 Total Trees Per Acre 460 TABLE 9. NUMBER OF TREES PER ACRE LESS THAN 5 INCHES DBH. Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 18 G. GROWTH AND MORTALITY ESTIMATES Growth estimates have been determined through projections made with the timber cruise software TCruise. Periodic annual gross growth has been projected utilizing the past 10-year diameter growth increment and bark thickness measurements collected in the field. These measurements sampled trees 5-inch dbh and greater across all diameter classes. By collecting both the growth increment and bark thickness measurement, the software is able to discount changes in bark thickness that would affect the accurate determination of diameter growth. Growth was computed by a regression approach for both diameter and height. The desired growth projection interval used was 10 years (i.e. 2012-2022). The increased volume growth was then divided by 10 to calculate an annual growth rate. This volume figure was then divided by the growing stock base (live tree volume) to calculate a percentage growth rate. The trees were grown out initially by ten years instead of just one year to smooth growth rates because some of the 10-year diameter growth increments were too small to be accurately projected for just one year. Diameter-height relationships, diameter growth and calculated bark thickness ratios (Husch et al. 2002. Forest Mensuration, Fourth Edition.) are shown in Appendix D. In the field sampling protocol dead standing trees estimated to have died within 5 years were sampled to include potentially useable volume and to develop mortality estimates. Field work tree measurement results however, did not sample any recently dead trees and thus percent mortality estimates are zero for the inventory. Some standing dead trees were observed but were all significantly older than 5 years. The average net annual growth for the project area is 155 cubic feet per acre which is equivalent to 1.7 cords per acre or 3 tons per acre (Table 10). Strata % Annual Net Growth CF Per Acre Per Year Growth Cords Per Acre Per Year Growth Tons Per Acre Per Year Growth 1 Sitka Spruce 3.42% 170 1.9 3.1 2 Western Hemlock 2.12% 99 1.1 2.2 3 Sitka Spruce-Black Cottonwood 6.75% 44 0.5 0.8 4 Black Cottonwood 4.18% 100 1.1 2.1 Timberland Average 3.44% 155 1.7 3 TABLE 10. GROWTH AND MORTALITY ESTIMATES. H. VOLUME OF TIMBERLAND BY LANDOWNER In Tables 11 and 12 strata volume figures have been multiplied by acreage to calculate total volume on the entire project as well as accessible area lands. Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 19 26% 35% 2% 37% AccessibleTimberland Strata Sitka Spruce Western Hemlock Sitka Spruce - Black Cottonwood Black Cottonwood TABLE 11. PROJECT AREA TIMBERLAND NET VOLUME BY STRATA. TABLE 12. ACCESSIBLE AREA TIMBERLAND NET VOLUME BY STRATA . FIGURE 7. ACCESSIBLE TIMBERLAND STRATA DISTRIBUTION BY AREA. Stratum Acres Cords Tons Board Feet 1 Sitka Spruce 85,324 4,700,847 7,680,168 1,851,527,422 2 Western Hemlock 38,665 2,007,059 3,935,624 708,366,728 3 Sitka Spruce-Black 2,239 16,317 27,388 2,546,818 4 Black Cottonwood 16,649 440,406 828,240 186,231,668 Total Timberland 142,878 7,164,68 12,471,52 2,748,690,957 Stratum Acres Cords Tons Board Feet 1 Sitka Spruce 9,558 526,589 860,333 207,408,222 2 Western Hemlock 13,271 688,901 1,350,860 243,139,221 3 Sitka Spruce-Black Cottonwood 879 6,406 10,752 999,845 4 Black Cottonwood 13,712 362,716 682,132 153,379,100 Total Timberland 37,420 1,584,612 2,904,078 604,926,387 Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 20 V. ECONOMIC AVAILABILITY OF S USTAINABLE BIOMASS FUELS The economics of available biomass were examined with a delivery point to Cordova. The context of the accessible area was analyzed to develop delivered biomass costs and volume estimates by landowner. For any proposed biomass project the scope and extent of the raw resource must be known prior to project development. The success of biomass projects over the long term requires an accurate estimate of economic and sustainable biomass resources. With volume estimates and locations of biomass resources known, harvest scheduling and infrastructure development can be better planned. Although some of the resource for biomass utilization may originate from the brushing and utilization of alder along the Eyak Corporation’s logging road system, additional sources will most likely consist of harvested firewood and commercial grade timber. When biomass is used in this form it is referred to as “fuelwood”. This is the most expensive of biomass sources (Ashton et al. 2008. Woody Biomass Desk Guide and Toolkit). This supply scenario is quite different than the Lower 48 where biomass projects generally rely on a combination of urban wood waste, mill waste, logging residues and increasingly biomass from intensively managed fast growing woody crops. A. CURRENT DELIVERED COSTS Delivered firewood costs are generally correlated to distance traveled from the harvest site. The range of costs however can cover a relatively wide spectrum of distances and prices may be constant until the haul distance significantly lengthens. This is because there are many other variables that contribute to the cost of the delivered product including stumpage price, logging costs, transportation and equipment depreciation. In the Cordova area since the accessible area is mostly adjacent to the limited road system the haul distance is a small factor in the overall cost. A far greater affect is terrain which can greatly influence logging costs. The topography ranges from near level in the Copper River Delta to well over 70% slopes on steeper lower and mid slope hillsides. Harvesting timber on level terrain can consist of a simple operation of ground based logging equipment that employs a small dozer, flatbeds, pickup trucks and chainsaw hand felling. On steeper slopes larger and more expensive equipment is needed including tower yarders, dump trucks, front end loaders, and larger dozers. In the Cordova area individual firewood vendors are not present to establish a base price for delivered wood. Instead delivered costs to other Alaskan communities were examined to arrive at a base price. A biomass analysis study recently prepared by DOF for the Alaska Energy Authority on the Kenai Peninsula researched delivered firewood rates. Firewood generally originates from state beetle killed forest lands. These harvest sites are mostly level and relatively easy to access. In the Kenai area firewood sales originating off of beetle killed Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 21 state forest lands sells for about $150.00 per cord. Seward however is more remote and tends to be more expensive than the other Peninsula communities. Here firewood sells for about $225.00 per cord. It is estimated based on harvest costs on past DOF sales that delivered prices are 25% higher on more complex sales such as those on steeper terrain. Coastal sales on state lands on southern southeast Alaska may increase by 50% due to extensive heavy equipment use and mobilization costs associated with mountainous logging terrain. Below in Table 13 delivered prices are displayed by an associated representative slope class. Delivery Location Delivered Price/Cord Configuration Slope Class Cordova $225 Flat Bed 0-15% Cordova $285 Log Truck 16-25% Cordova $340 Log Truck >25% TABLE 13. DELIVERED CORD PRICES BY SLOPE CLASS. Utilizing the data from Table 13 equations have been established to predict delivered costs for a range of topographic steepness in slope percent from the harvest locations to Cordova. The calculated regression equations for cords and tons respectively are shown below. Delivered Price Per Cord = 3.4508 * Percent Slope + 205.12 Delivered Price Per Ton = 2.2509 * Percent Slope + 133.98 B. POTENTIAL ACCESSIBLE BIOMASS VOLUME BY SLOPE CLASS The accessible biomass area has been categorized by slope to provide a more realistic calculation of the economic availability of biomass. The total accessible timberland acreage by ownership class and strata is shown in Table 14 and by ownership and slope class in Table 15. Figure 3 illustrates three slope classes with the accessible biomass area identified surrounding Cordova. Stratum Chugach AK Corp Eyak Corp National Forest Private State Totals 1 1,814 6,480 45 1,219 9,558 2 2,918 8,124 2 2,227 13,271 3 491 386 0 2 879 4 412 6,868 6,162 2 268 13,712 Totals 412 12,091 21,152 49 3,716 37,420 TABLE 14. ACCESSIBLE ACREAGE BY OWNERSHIP CLASS AND STRATA. Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 22 Slope Owner Acres Gross CF Net CF Gross Net Gross Net Gross BF Net BF Cords Cords Tons Tons 0- 15% Chugach Alaska 412 1,096,371 981,564 12,182 10,906 22,965 20,511 5,177,748 4,611,859 Corp. Eyak Corp. 10,286 34,031,010 31,217,926 378,122 346,866 701,581 641,277 150,181,694 137,046,447 National Forest 8,169 26,560,435 24,445,502 295,116 271,617 532,249 487,553 119,551,646 109,628,655 Private 47 237,327 226,640 2,637 2,518 4,339 4,127 1,036,628 993,361 State 1,287 5,966,789 5,644,316 66,298 62,715 113,089 106,476 25,991,887 24,619,908 Total 20,201 67,891,932 62,515,948 754,355 694,622 1,374,223 1,259,944 301,939,603 276,900,230 16- 25% Eyak 430 2,118,307 1,971,873 23,537 21,910 45,508 42,254 8,463,997 7,839,193 National Forest 5,548 27,988,898 26,201,745 310,988 291,131 583,673 544,533 113,675,706 106,131,328 Private 1 5,520 5,128 61 57 121 112 21,781 20,108 State 927 4,670,432 4,347,856 51,894 48,310 100,738 93,552 18,569,318 17,197,662 Total 6,906 34,783,157 32,526,602 386,480 361,407 730,040 680,451 140,730,802 131,188,291 >25% Eyak Corp. 1,376 6,525,576 6,111,198 72,506 67,902 133,417 124,463 27,097,870 25,325,034 National Forest 7,435 36,552,040 34,361,260 406,134 381,792 736,370 689,399 152,315,213 143,060,249 Private 1 4,695 4,361 52 48 102 95 18,526 17,103 State 1,503 7,598,961 7,097,379 84,433 78,860 160,837 149,764 30,564,923 28,442,150 Total 10,315 50,681,272 47,574,198 563,125 528,602 1,030,726 963,721 209,996,532 196,844,536 Grand Total 37,420 153,356,361 142,616,749 1,703,960 1,584,631 3,134,988 2,904,116 652,666,937 604,933,059 TABLE 15. CORDOVA AREA ACCESSIBLE ACREAGE AND VOLUME BY SLOPE CLASS. Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 23 FIGURE 8. ACCESSIBLE BIOMASS TIMBER TYPE MAP BY SLOPE CLASS. Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 24 FIGURE 9. DELIVERED COST PER CORD. FIGURE 10. DELIVERED COST PER TON. C. ANNUAL SUSTAINABLE BIOMASS YIELD BY SLOPE CLASS Volume availability on an annual basis was determined by multiplying the inventory net growth rate percentages with the accessible area volume. By using the growth rates applied to the available volume the harvest is considered sustainable because only the amount of overall tree y = 3.4508x +205.12 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Price per Cord Percent Slope Delivered Cost Per Cord y = 2.2509x + 133.98 $30 $80 $130 $180 $230 $280 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Price per Ton Percent Slope Delivered Cost Per Ton Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 25 growth is harvested each year. The data was then merged into the five land ownership classes (Table16). The delivered cost information was then applied to the annually available operable volume to develop supply curves in cords and tons (Figures 12 and 13) for the Cordova area. The delivered cost per cord is converted from the total available cubic feet at a ratio of 90 cubic feet per cord. Across all slope classes and land owners there would potentially be available on an annual basis a sustainable net volume of approximately 48,209 cords, 87,302 tons or about 19 million board feet. This volume could be available at a cost of up to $340.00 per cord or $222.00 per ton. Maintaining a simpler harvest operation where only slopes between 0 and 15% were accessed, a sustainable net volume of approximately 24,946 cords, 45,154 tons or about 10 million board feet would potentially be available. This volume could be available at about $225.00 per cord or $147.00 per ton. Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 26 Slope Owner Gross CF Net CF Gross Net Gross Net Gross BF Net BF Cords Cords Tons Tons 0- 15% Chugach Alaska 45,828 41,029 509 456 960 857 216,430 192,776 Corp. Eyak Corp. 1,190,660 1,088,521 13,230 12,095 24,426 22,246 5,323,049 4,839,714 National Forest 1,000,083 917,876 11,112 10,199 20,079 18,342 4,518,603 4,129,786 Private 8,156 7,787 91 87 149 142 35,640 34,140 State 200,814 189,837 2,231 2,109 3,792 3,567 880,196 833,118 Total 2,445,541 2,245,050 27,173 24,946 49,406 45,154 10,973,918 10,029,534 16- 25% Eyak 48,314 45,014 537 500 1,029 956 194,321 180,219 National Forest 694,535 652,044 7,717 7,245 14,226 13,305 2,851,945 2,673,293 Private 117 109 1 1 3 2 462 426 State 103,419 96,388 1,149 1,071 2,216 2,060 412,879 383,030 Total 846,385 793,555 9,404 8,817 17,474 16,323 3,459,607 3,236,968 >25% Eyak Corp. 179,493 168,311 1,994 1,870 3,605 3,367 756,825 708,696 National Forest 1,023,039 963,861 11,367 10,710 20,217 18,965 4,322,190 4,072,023 Private 100 92 1 1 2 2 393 363 State 179,317 167,888 1,992 1,865 3,742 3,491 727,411 679,223 Total 1,381,949 1,300,152 15,354 14,446 27,566 25,825 5,806,819 5,460,305 Grand Total 4,673,875 4,338,757 51,931 48,209 94,446 87,302 20,240,344 18,726,807 TABLE 16. ANNUAL VOLUME AVAILABILITY BY SLOPE CLASS AND OWNER. Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 27 FIGURE 11. CUMULATIVE ANNUAL VOLUME AVAILABILITY BY SLOPE CLASS TO CORDOVA. FIGURE 12. SUPPLY CURVE FOR CORDS TO CORDOVA. 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 0-15% Slope 16-25% Slope >25% Slope Volume Cords Tons y = 0.0048x + 111.13 $200 $225 $250 $275 $300 $325 $350 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 Price per Cord Cords/Year Supply Curve to Cordova in Cords Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 28 FIGURE 13. SUPPLY CURVE FOR TONS TO CORDOVA. VI. VOLUME AVAILABILITY FROM PROPOSED EYAK LOGGING ROAD BRUSH CLEARING Another consideration of potential biomass supply was alder. This may be available as part of brush clearing on grown over Eyak Corporation logging roads. These roads were constructed during export logging operations in the early to mid 1990’s and now have significantly grown over with mostly alder. Although sampling was not performed during the timber inventory, field observations of the roads combined with some estimated alder stocking rates were used to calculate a rough idea of available volume. An estimate of land covered by the roads was made by examining the satellite imagery for presence of alder on the road bed. An approximate average width was determined and multiplied by the overall length to calculate acres. The calculations resulted in roughly 386 acres. Small aspen tree weights compiled in a DOF biomass study in Tok resulted in about 3 pounds per tree with an estimated stocking rate of 5,000 stems per acre. If these values are applied to the logging road alder component, a weight of 15,000 pounds per acre or 7.5 tons per acre is present. This value multiplied by the overall acreage equals 2,895 green tons. This amount is quite rough but could be corroborated by installing small fixed plots in various areas of the road system to calculate a stocking rate and then weighing the individual stems. From observations made during the field work, levels of alder stocking appear to be relatively consistent along the roads. y = 0.0017x + 72.225 $140 $150 $160 $170 $180 $190 $200 $210 $220 $230 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 Price per ton Tons/Year Supply Curve to Cordova in Tons Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 29 VII. CONCENTRATION OF BIOMASS ON A PORTION OF EYAK CORPORATION LANDS The following figure identifies a selected land area of Eyak Corporation ownership and the timber volume and sustained yield present. This area was selected from the GIS coverage as the most accessible land under Eyak Corporation ownership. This particular unit of land was examined because it has the most existing logging road infrastructure, is mostly less than 15% slope and is west of the washed out bridge at milepost 36 of the Copper River Highway. The bridge which is used to access other Eyak lands is not scheduled to be replaced until 2015. At a cost of $31 million funding will have to be secured from the state. FIGURE 14. EYAK CORPORATION TIMBER TYPES 0-15% SLOPE. Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page 30 In this particular selection of Eyak Corporation land on 0-15% slopes almost 4,600 cords could be available on an annual sustainable basis. In terms of tons about 8,150 tons could be available on an annual sustainable basis. Other scenarios of volume availability can be performed utilizing the GIS data set. I. LITERATURE CITED Ashton, S., L. McDonell, and K. Barnes. 2008. Woody biomass desk guide and toolkit. National Association of Conservation Districts. U.S. Department of Interior and the USDA Forest Service. 118p. Husch, B., T.W. Beers, J.A. Kershaw. 2002. Forest Mensuration, Fourth Edition. John Wiley and Sons. Sturgeon, J. 1979. Wood as a fuel. Series No. R10-40. USDA Forest Service Alaska Region. Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page A-1 Appendix A A CREAGE S UMMARY BY S TRATUM AND V EGETATION TYPE Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page A-2 Vegetation Type Acres Field Sampled? Stratum 1 Sitka Spruce Sitka Spruce 9,558 Yes Summary for 'stratum' = 1 (1 detail record) Sum 9,558 Stratum 2 Western Hemlock Western Hemlock 3,605 Yes Spruce - Hemlock 9,667 No Summary for 'stratum' = 2 (2 detail records) Sum 13,271 Stratum 3 Sitka Spruce-Black Cottonwood Spruce - Cottonwood 879 Yes Summary for 'stratum' = 3 (1 detail record) Sum 879 Stratum 4 Black Cottonwood Black Cottonwood 13,712 Yes Summary for 'stratum' = 4 (1 detail record) Sum 13,712 Stratum 10 Harvested Harvested 4,832 No Summary for 'stratum' = 10 (1 detail record) Sum 4,832 Stratum 20 Tall Shrub Sitka Alder - Willow 18,688 No Willow 10,006 No Sweetgale 4,189 No Sitka Alder 33,005 No Summary for 'stratum' = 20 (4 detail records) Sum 65,887 Stratum 30 Wet Meadow Aquatic Herbaceous 4,855 No Mesic Wet Herbaceous 33,744 No Wet Mesic 31 No Summary for 'stratum' = 30 (3 detail records) Sum 38,631 Stratum 40 Dry Meadow Dry Graminoid 13,815 No Summary for 'stratum' = 40 (1 detail record) Sum 13,815 Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page A-3 Vegetation Type Acres Field Sampled? Stratum 50 Bare Ground Sparse/Unvegetated 23,209 No Summary for 'stratum' = 50 (1 detail record) Sum 23,209 Stratum 60 Non-Forest Other Background 28 No Summary for 'stratum' = 60 (1 detail record) Sum 28 Stratum 70 Water Clear Water 25,872 No Summary for 'stratum' = 70 (1 detail record) Sum 25,872 Grand Total Accessible Area 209,693 Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page B-1 Appendix B P ER A CRE S UMMARY BY S TRATUM AND S PECIES Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page B-2 Trees Basal Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net Area CF CF Cords Cords Tons Tons BF BF Stratum 1 Cottonwood 17 8 191 175 2 2 4 4 702 636 Hemlock 68 30 685 616 8 7 17 15 2,229 1,982 Sitka Spruce 210 146 4,309 4,167 48 46 73 71 19,675 19,081 Sum 294 183 5,185 4,958 58 55 94 90 22,606 21,700 Stratum 2 Cottonwood 6 3 66 49 1 1 1 1 266 199 Hemlock 209 126 3,000 2,768 33 31 75 69 12,118 11,033 Sitka Spruce 151 82 1,963 1,854 22 21 33 32 7,461 7,089 Sum 366 211 5,029 4,672 56 52 110 102 19,845 18,321 Stratum 3 Cottonwood 34 13 252 240 3 3 5 5 774 747 Sitka Spruce 90 24 419 415 5 5 7 7 394 390 Sum 124 37 672 656 7 7 13 12 1,168 1,137 Stratum 4 Cottonwood 75 88 2,332 2,061 26 23 50 44 11,294 9,959 Sitka Spruce 26 15 327 320 4 4 6 5 1,265 1,227 Sum 101 103 2,659 2,381 30 26 56 50 12,558 11,186 Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page C-1 Appendix C S TAND TABLES P ER A CRE BY S TRATA AND S PECIES Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page C-2 DBH # of Trees BA Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net CF CF Tons Ton BF BF Stratum 1 Cottonwood 5 3 1 9 9 0 0 6 5 1 12 10 0 0 7 4 1 19 19 0 0 9 1 1 10 8 0 0 10 1 1 20 19 0 0 86 82 13 1 2 40 38 1 1 187 180 15 1 1 33 31 1 1 164 153 17 0 1 15 15 0 0 74 74 21 0 1 16 14 0 0 83 75 25 0 0 8 5 0 0 48 31 30 0 0 10 7 0 0 60 42 Totals 17 8 191 175 4 4 702 636 Hemlock 5 13 2 53 52 1 1 6 8 2 42 41 1 1 7 9 2 50 45 1 1 8 4 2 37 31 1 1 9 7 3 63 60 2 1 90 87 10 3 2 37 30 1 1 160 133 11 5 3 70 60 2 1 313 268 12 4 2 33 24 1 1 157 115 13 4 2 40 39 1 1 193 192 14 2 2 41 41 1 1 195 194 15 1 1 31 27 1 1 155 137 16 0 0 9 6 0 0 37 25 17 4 2 53 46 1 1 261 225 18 1 1 35 28 1 1 172 140 19 1 1 40 37 1 1 215 200 20 0 1 15 15 0 0 76 75 23 0 1 14 11 0 0 68 55 25 0 1 24 23 1 1 138 136 Totals 68 30 685 616 17 15 2,229 1,982 Sitka Spruce 5 19 3 59 58 1 1 6 30 6 106 105 2 2 7 19 5 106 90 2 2 8 35 13 306 298 5 5 9 15 7 169 165 3 3 569 564 10 21 12 274 266 5 5 1,181 1,145 11 19 13 343 328 6 6 1,567 1,499 12 13 11 281 278 5 5 1,373 1,357 13 3 4 113 113 2 2 576 576 Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page C-3 DBH # of Trees BA Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net CF CF Tons Ton BF BF 14 6 8 233 224 4 4 1,169 1,124 15 5 7 214 212 4 4 1,075 1,065 16 2 4 120 114 2 2 625 594 17 4 6 216 207 4 4 1,145 1,098 18 3 5 178 178 3 3 967 966 19 3 7 256 248 4 4 1,413 1,370 20 2 4 162 150 3 3 912 851 21 1 3 119 112 2 2 659 626 22 1 2 100 96 2 2 582 557 23 1 3 129 129 2 2 758 758 24 1 3 107 101 2 2 639 606 25 1 4 161 154 3 3 964 921 26 1 2 83 83 1 1 520 520 27 1 4 135 130 2 2 819 791 28 0 1 21 21 0 0 121 121 29 0 1 44 44 1 1 276 275 31 0 1 51 48 1 1 323 307 32 0 1 32 32 1 1 203 202 33 0 2 84 82 1 1 547 535 34 0 1 39 35 1 1 237 218 35 0 1 30 30 1 1 195 194 37 0 1 16 16 0 0 108 108 38 0 1 11 8 0 0 67 50 39 0 1 13 13 0 0 86 81 Totals 210 146 4,309 4,167 73 71 19,675 19,081 Totals for stratum 1 294 183 5,185 4,958 94 90 22,606 21,700 Stratum 2 Cottonwood 10 6 3 66 49 1 1 266 199 Totals 6 3 66 49 1 1 266 199 Hemlock 6 49 10 211 208 5 5 7 20 5 114 112 3 3 8 22 8 168 158 4 4 9 18 8 168 153 4 4 639 534 10 25 14 304 276 8 7 1,305 1,188 11 17 11 254 243 6 6 1,155 1,104 12 6 5 120 112 3 3 607 565 13 16 14 364 347 9 9 1,767 1,685 14 7 7 157 150 4 4 726 695 Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page C-4 DBH # of Trees BA Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net CF CF Tons Ton BF BF 15 6 7 182 144 5 4 872 697 16 2 3 85 80 2 2 441 417 17 7 9 239 208 6 5 1,190 1,038 18 5 6 180 162 5 4 954 861 21 0 1 37 37 1 1 198 197 22 2 2 63 62 2 2 340 332 25 2 4 109 104 3 3 601 571 26 2 4 103 87 3 2 557 472 27 2 3 69 55 2 1 371 292 28 2 3 72 70 2 2 395 386 Totals 209 126 3,000 2,768 75 69 12,118 11,033 Sitka Spruce 5 39 8 114 108 2 2 6 16 3 59 55 1 1 7 13 5 99 93 2 2 8 17 7 130 110 2 2 9 7 3 64 58 1 1 155 126 10 14 8 193 184 3 3 845 810 11 5 3 83 83 1 1 388 384 12 7 6 157 146 3 2 726 671 13 8 7 149 149 3 3 676 675 14 4 4 86 86 1 1 406 405 15 2 2 54 54 1 1 263 262 16 4 4 97 97 2 2 493 492 17 6 7 224 221 4 4 1,098 1,087 18 3 5 143 141 2 2 726 715 19 1 2 49 46 1 1 251 235 21 2 3 103 103 2 2 537 537 23 1 2 38 24 1 0 181 116 25 0 2 65 52 1 1 384 308 30 0 2 56 45 1 1 332 267 Totals 151 82 1,963 1,854 33 32 7,461 7,089 Totals for stratum 2 366 211 5,029 4,672 110 102 19,845 18,321 Stratum 3 Cottonwood 5 5 1 8 7 0 0 6 8 1 19 15 0 0 7 11 3 52 50 1 1 9 3 1 23 23 0 0 106 106 10 2 1 19 20 0 0 82 84 11 4 3 45 44 1 1 173 169 16 1 2 39 35 1 1 174 156 18 0 1 24 24 1 1 124 125 20 0 1 22 21 0 0 115 107 Totals 34 13 252 240 5 5 774 747 Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page C-5 DBH # of Trees BA Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net CF CF Tons Ton BF BF Sitka Spruce 5 19 3 40 40 1 1 6 21 4 53 56 1 1 7 25 6 112 112 2 2 8 10 4 79 73 1 1 9 8 3 57 57 1 1 43 44 10 3 1 23 23 0 0 104 104 11 3 2 40 40 1 1 170 171 13 0 1 16 14 0 0 77 71 Totals 90 24 419 415 7 7 394 390 Totals for stratum 3 124 37 672 656 13 12 1,168 1,137 Stratum 4 Cottonwood 5 9 1 7 7 0 0 7 10 3 70 70 1 1 9 3 2 39 39 1 1 168 170 10 1 1 23 24 0 1 89 93 11 4 3 72 66 2 1 325 299 12 3 3 77 78 2 2 387 393 13 5 5 143 141 3 3 703 694 14 10 11 323 303 7 7 1,616 1,519 15 3 5 130 125 3 3 653 630 16 7 11 327 315 7 7 1,658 1,596 17 7 13 385 376 8 8 1,910 1,865 18 2 3 104 94 2 2 544 493 19 2 3 110 100 2 2 590 539 20 2 4 87 61 2 1 419 306 21 2 4 94 69 2 1 477 364 22 0 1 43 36 1 1 239 201 24 1 2 42 31 1 1 217 157 25 1 2 35 11 1 0 168 53 27 1 5 96 43 2 1 482 217 31 0 2 32 21 1 0 158 104 32 0 2 32 15 1 0 163 77 34 0 2 35 26 1 1 191 139 38 0 2 26 10 1 0 135 50 Totals 75 88 2,332 2,061 50 44 11,294 9,959 Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page C-6 DBH # of Trees BA Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net CF CF Tons Ton BF BF Sitka Spruce 6 15 3 43 43 1 1 8 3 1 15 15 0 0 9 2 1 25 25 0 0 99 102 12 3 3 74 75 1 1 340 341 13 0 1 21 22 0 0 100 103 16 2 3 76 76 1 1 362 363 20 1 3 73 64 1 1 363 319 Totals 26 15 327 320 6 5 1,265 1,227 Totals for stratum 4 101103 2,659 2,381 56 50 12,558 11,186 Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page D-1 Appendix D D IAMETER/HEIGHT R ELATIONSHIPS, TEN Y EAR G ROWTH, AND B ARK T HICKNESS Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page D-2 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Height Diameter Breast Height Predicted Height All Strata Combined Spruce Hemlock Cottonwood "e" is a numerical constant that is equal to 2.71828 The corresponding Microsoft Excel equation appears as follows: Height = A Coefficient*POWER (e, B Coefficient/dbh) Species A Coefficient B Coefficient C Coefficient Spruce 128.56 -7.2180 1 Hemlock 98.29 -5.8267 1 Cottonwood 93.46 -5.1435 1 Reciprocal dbh height prediction model: Assessment of Woody Biomass Energy Resources in the Cordova Area Page D-3 Ten Year Radial Growth and Bark Thickness by Species Radial Growth (In.) Single Bark Thickness (In.) Sitka Spruce (264 detail records) Average= 0.76 0.59 Hemlock (64 detail records) Average= 0.33 0.65 Cottonwood (66 detail records) Average= 0.77 0.84 Bark Thickness Ratio by Species DBH DIB* Bark Thickness Ratio Sitka Spruce (264 detail records) Sum= 3,832.80 3,522.60 0.919 Hemlock (64 detail records) Sum= 836.70 753.50 0.901 Cottonwood (66 detail records) Sum= 1,025.20 914.80 0.892 Grand Total Average All Species Sum= 5,694.70 5,190.90 0.912 *DIB = Diameter Inside Bark