HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Report AWEDTG 2005-2008AWEDTG 2005 Selected Projects Community Applicant(s) Facility(s) Annual Fuel Consumption Venet ie Native Village of Venetie Tribal Government Tribal and Council Offices Health Clinic Airport facilities Facilities non -existent Facility non -existent Oil: 1,700 gallons Delta Junction Delta -Greely School District Delta Junction School Oil: 102,000 gallons Craig Craig Community Association CCA Community Center Oil: 6,600 gallons Thorne Bay City of Thorne Bay Various City Buildings/ Facilities Oil: 6,850 gallons Thorne Bay South e ast Island School District Thorne Bay School Oil: 11,500 gallons AWEDTG 2006 Selected Projects Community Applicant(s) Facility(s) Annual Fuel Consumption Aniak Kuskokwim Native Association (KNA) KNA Offices , Community Hall, Training Center Oil -- 24,000 gallons Chistochina Mt. Sanford Tribal Consortium and Chees‟na Tribal Council Multi-purpose community center Oil -- 14,000 gallons Copper Center Copper River School District Copper Center School Oil -- 6,000 gallons Dot Lake Alaska Gateway School District Dot Lake School Oil – 5,000 gallons Elim City of Elim Old school and city offices , New school and teacher housing , Water plant , Elim Native Corp offices Oil – 67,000 gallons Fairbanks Northern Alaska Environmental Council NAEC Office Oil -- 3,500 gallons Gulkana Gulkana Village Council Health clinic, Offices, Community Hall, Shop, Teen Center, New Garage Oil – 15,500 gallons Haines Haines Borough Haines Schools Oil – 60,000 gallons Kenny Lake Copper River School District Kenny Lake School Oil – 20,000 gallons Klawock Klawock City School District Klawock School Oil – 14,000 gallons Kokhanok Kokhanok Village Council and Bristol Bay Native Assn. KVC office & hall, Kokhanok School and teacher housing Oil – 8,200 gallons Mentasta Lake Alaska Gateway School District Mentasta Lake School Oil – 15,000 gallons Northway Alaska Gateway School District Northway School Oil – 25,000 gallons Tanacross Alaska Gateway School District Tanacross School Oil – 6,000 gallons Tanana City of Tanana City offices & facilities Tanana School Water plant & washeteria Oil – 55,000 gallons Tetlin Alaska Gateway School District Tetlin School Oil – 15,000 gallons Tok Alaska Gateway School District AGSD Administrative Office , Tok School and Multi - purpose Facility Oil – 53,000 gallons Page 2 AWEDTG 2007 Selected Projects Community Applicant(s) Facility(s) Annual Fuel Consumption Coffman Cove City of Coffman Cove Multi-purpose municipal complex Oil – 6,200 gallons Dot Lake Dot Lake Village Council Community hall/ clinic, Village Council Office, Equipment garage Oil – 4,500 gallons Fort Yukon Yukon Flats School District Ft. Yukon School Ft. Yukon Gy mnasium Ft. Yukon Vocational Education Center Oil: 17,000 gallons 13,000 gallons 16,000 gallons University of Alaska Fairbanks Yukon Flats Center, Interior - Aleutian Campus Oil – 8,500 gallons Council of Athabascan Tribal Governments CATG Regiona l Health Care Facility Oil – 20,000 gallons Kasilof Ionia, Inc Community Hall and domestic hot water Oil – 1,500 gallons Propane – 8,200 gal. Ketchikan Tongass National Forest Visitor /Discovery Center Oil – 20,000 gallons Klukwan Chilkat Indian Village Cultural Heritage Center & Kitchen, Bald Eagle Observatory Oil – 3,000 gallons Nenana Nenana Native Council Tribal Hall, Health Clinic, Council Offices, Little George Hall Oil – 8,000 gallons McGrath City of McGrath Captain Snow Community Center, water plant and shop Oil – 23,500 gallons Iditarod Area School District McGrath School and IASD Office Bldg. Oil – 36,500 gallons Mentasta Lake Mentasta Traditional Council Multiple community buildings (offices, clinic, day care, etc.) Oil – 6,000 gallons C opper River Basin Regional Housing Authority Shallow Water Apartments Oil – 15,000 gallons Northway Northway Village Council Community hall, Council offices, garage/ shop, clinic, water plant, fire hall Oil – 16,200 gallons Propane – 1,350 gal. Pedro Bay Pedro Bay Village Council Tribal Council Building and health clinic Oil – 2,400 gallons Tanacross Tanacross Village Council Water plant Training Center Multi-purpose C enter Oil: 8,000 gallons 10,000 gallons 14,000 gallons Tok AK Div . of Forestry DoF Offices, garage, warehouse Oil – 2,900 gallons Tok Volunteer Fire Dept. Tok Fire Hall Oil – 4,125 gallons AK Dept. of Transportation AKDOT Tok Area Facility Oil – 30,000 gallons Tyonek Native Village of Tyonek Tyonek Tribal Center an d adjacent buildings Oil – 7,050 gallons Page 3 AWEDTG 2008 Selected Projects Community Applicant(s) Facility(s) Annual Fuel Consu mption Beaver Beaver Village Council BVC multi-purpose bldg., Water plant & washeteria Oil – 14,600 gallons Coffman Cove Southeast Island School District Coffman Cove School Oil – 10,000 gallons Galena City of Galena Abandoned military base Unknown Huslia Huslia Tribal Council and City of Huslia “Downtown” building cluster Jimmy Huntington School Water plant & health clinic Oil: 9,750 gallons 17,000 gallons 20,000 gallons Sitka City & Borough of Sitka Hames Physical Education Center Oil: 51,000 gallons Stevens Village Stevens Village IRA Council Offices, health clinic, water plant, washeteria Oil – 8,300 gallons Additional 2008 Projects (non -AWEDTG) Community Applicant(s) Facility(s) Annual Fuel Consumption Kake City of Kake Community Hall Oil – 10,250 gallons Kake School District Kake School Oil – 20,000 gallons Hoonah Hoonah School District Hoonah School, Pool & Gymnasium Oil – 50,000 gallons Sitka Sitka Economic Development Assn. Sawmill Cove Industrial Park – Administration Bld g. Oil – 9,000 gallons Project Status – All Projects, All Years Community Facility(s) Field Visit Field Report Final Report Project Feasibility Aniak KNA Offices Community Hall Training Center √ √ X Not determined; lack of interest by applicant Beave r BVC multi-purpose bldg., w ater plant & washeteria √ √ √ Marginally viable Chistochina Multi-purpose community center √ √ √ Feasible; construction going forward Coffman Cove Multi-purpose municipal complex √ √ √ Marginally feasible Coffman Cove School √ √ √ Feasible Copper Center Copper Center School √ √ √ Marginal Craig CCA Community Center √ √ Feasible Delta Junction Delta Junction School √ √ Feasible Dot Lake Dot Lake School √ √ √ Marginal Community hall/ clinic, Village Council Office, Equipment garage √ √ X Not determined; lack of interest by applicant Page 4 Community Facility(s) Field Visit Field Report Final Report Project Feasibility Elim Old school and city offices X X √ Feasible New school and teacher housing X X √ Feasible Elim Water plant X X √ Feasible Elim Native Corp offices X X √ Marginal Fairbanks NAEC Office √ √ X Feasible Fort Yukon Ft. Yukon School √ √ √ Feasible – cordwood Unlikely - chips Ft. Yukon Gymnasium √ √ √ Ft. Yukon Voc-Ed Center √ √ √ Feasible – cordwood Not feasible - chips UAF Interior -Aleutian Campus √ √ √ Feasible – cordwood Not feasible - chips CATG Regional Health Care Facility √ √ √ Feasible – cordwood Not feasible - chips Galena Abandoned military base √ X X City needs to better define proposed project/ scope Gulkana Health clinic, Offices, Community Hall, Shop, Teen Center, New Bus Garage √ √ √ Small district heating system feasible; construction going forward ; „Jump start‟ grant recipient Haines Haines Schools (3) √ √ √ Feasible; Project scope being refined, system being designed . „Jumpstart‟ grant recipient Hoonah Hoonah School, Pool & Gymnasium √ √ √ Strong financial metrics Huslia Downtown bldg cluster √ √ √ Mar ginally feasible Jimmy Huntington School √ √ √ Marginally feasible Water plant & health clinic √ √ √ Feasible Kake Community Hall √ √ √ Feasible Kake School √ √ √ Feasible Kasilof Ionia Community Hall and domestic hot water √ √ X Feasible. Project built. „Jumpstart‟ grant recipient Kenny Lake Kenny Lake School √ √ √ Feasible; Project scope being refined, system being designed Ketchikan Visitor/ Discovery Center a √ √ √ Marginal feasibility Klawock Klawock School √ √ √ Feasible – cordwood Not feasib le - chips Klukwan Cultural Heritage Center & Kitchen, Bald Eagle Observatory X X X Facility does not exist; just a proposal. Provided technical assistance. Kokhanok KVC office & hall √ √ √ Not feasible – too small Kokhanok School and teacher housing √ √ √ Marginally feasible Page 5 Community Facility(s) Field Visit Field Report Final Report Project Feasibility McGrath Captain Snow Community Center, water plant and shop √ √ √ Feasible McGrath School √ √ √ Feasible School District Office Bldg √ √ √ Feasible Mentasta Lake Mentasta Lake School √ √ √ Feasible Multiple community buildings √ √ √ Marginally feasible Shallow Water Apartments √ √ √ Feasible Nenana Tribal Hall, Health Clinic, Council Offices, Little George Hall √ √ √ Marginally feasible Northway Northway School √ √ √ Feasible – cordwood Not feasible – chips Community h all and Council offices √ √ √ Marginally feasible Garage/ shop, clinic, water plant √ √ √ Marginally feasible Fire hall √ √ √ Marginally feasible Pedro Bay Tribal Council Building and health clinic √ √ X Not determined; lack of interest by applicant Sitka Hames PE Center √ √ √ Feasible Sawmill Cove Industrial Park – Admin . Bldg. √ √ √ Feasible Stevens Village Offices, health clinic, water plant, washeteria √ √ √ Marginally feasible Tanacross Tanacross School √ √ √ Marginal Water plant √ √ √ Feasible - cordwood Training Center √ √ √ Feasible - cordwood Multi-purpose Community Center √ √ √ Feasible - cordwood Tanana City offices & facilities √ √ √ Marginally feasible Tanana School √ √ √ Feasible – cordwood Not feasible - chips Water plant & washeteria √ √ √ Feasible. Project built. „Jumpstart‟ grant recipient Tetlin Tetlin School √ √ √ Viable Thorne Bay City Buildings/ Facilities √ √ Larger facilities feasible Smaller facilities not feas. Thorne Bay Southeast Island School District √ √ Feasible – cordwood Not feasible - chips Tok AGSD Administrative Office √ √ √ Marginal feasibility Tok School and Multi - purpose Facility √ √ √ Feasible DoF Offices, garage, wareh ouse √ √ √ Feasible – cordwood Tok Fire Hall √ √ √ Feasible – cordwood AKDOT Tok Area Facility √ √ √ Feasible – cordwood Feasible - chips Page 6 Community Facility(s) Field Visit Field Report Final Report Project Feasibility Tyonek Tyonek Tribal Center and adjacent buildings √ √ √ Feasible Venetie Airport Maintenance Bldg √ √ Marginal feasibility