HomeMy WebLinkAboutNoorvik Biomass Heating DanSmith 12-12-2016-BIO Noorvik Biomass Heating Prefeasibility Assessment Dan Smith Project Technician, Alaska Energy Authority dsmith@aidea.org 907-771-3983 December 12, 2016 1 Table of Contents Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 2 Community Disposition ................................................................................................................................ 2 Background ............................................................................................................................................... 2 Existing Systems ....................................................................................................................................... 2 Community-wide Fuel Savings ..................................................................................................................... 3 Scenarios ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 1 – Individual Buildings ............................................................................................................................ 4 2 – District Heating Loop ......................................................................................................................... 6 3 – Wood Stoves ....................................................................................................................................... 7 Biomass Resource ......................................................................................................................................... 9 AEA Recommendations ................................................................................................................................ 9 Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 A – Fuel Assumptions ............................................................................................................................. 11 B – Capital Costs .................................................................................................................................... 11 C – Biomass Assumptions ...................................................................................................................... 11 D – Site Photos........................................................................................................................................ 12 E – Statement of Interest ......................................................................................................................... 14 F – Maniilaq Forestry Inventory ............................................................................................................. 14 December 12, 2016 2 Executive Summary The Native Village of Noorvik has expressed interest in using woody biomass heating systems to displace existing oil based heating and stimulate the local economy. Specifically, the community would like to heat the Tribal Office (IRA Building) with a cordwood boiler module. Evaluation of several different possibilities resulted in potential annual fuel savings ranging from $1,000 to over $30,000. The most plausible of these scenarios would save roughly $20,000 in annual heating costs. However, due to high upfront capital costs and limited woody biomass availability, not all of the scenarios evaluated have long term viability. Community Disposition Background On June 14th 2016 Dan Smith and Devany Plentovich of Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) traveled to Noorvik accompanied by Jackie Schaeffer of WH Pacific. The purpose of this visit was to engage the community about the benefits of biomass heating systems and ascertain the feasibility of such a system. The Tribal Council had submitted a statement of interest to the Alaska Wood Energy Development Task Group (AKWEDTG) seeking more information about the possibility of using a cordwood biomass boiler to heat the Tribal Office (IRA Building). Existing Systems The current heating system employed in nearly every building in the community is either an oil fired boiler or a space heating stove (Toyo stove). In buildings with a boiler, a hydronic (baseboard) system is typically employed to distribute the heat throughout the building. The community is currently constructing a heat recovery system that will pull waste heat from the generators in the AVEC powerhouse to heat the Water Treatment Plant (WTP). This system is estimated to displace 87% of the current heating oil used by the WTP; this figure is expected to climb to 100% once certain energy efficiency measures have been enacted. Based on current oil prices, this heat recovery loop will save the community an estimated $70,000 every year. December 12, 2016 3 Community-wide Fuel Savings In order to calculate any benefit gained from implementing a biomass system the current heating system must first be assessed. In Table 1, estimates were created based on given usage values and values from nearby communities. The estimates, combined with the fact that 1 cord of wood is equivalent to 130 gallons of heating oil1, translate into cords of wood required to heat a given building each year. From there a new cost and subsequent savings are found. Table 1 only takes into account the fuel costs and does not consider any capital costs or Operations and Maintenance (O&M) costs typically associated with woody biomass systems. This table is primarily to show the benefits various buildings would receive from using cord wood for heat, rather that oil. Table 1: Community Wide Fuel Savings Building Size (ft2) Oil Used (gal) Annually Cords of Wood Annually Annual Savings Tribal Office (IRA) 1404 950 7 $ 2,301.92 City Office/Community Hall* 4315 3625 28 $ 8,782.68 Youth Center* 1200 900 7 $ 2,180.77 City Garage* 3500 1750 13 $ 4,240.38 City Shop* 900 450 3 $ 1,090.38 Public Safety Building* 1600 1517 12 $ 3,675.81 OTZ Telephone Building* 850 638 5 $ 1,544.71 Old Hotel (after refurbishment)** 2300 3000 23 $ 7,269.23 Morris Trading Post* 2600 3276 25 $ 7,938.00 Teaching Housing (4 buildings)* 18230 12936 100 $ 31,344.92 Clinic* 3200 5000 38 $ 12,115.38 Native Store + Warehouse* 7300 8614 66 $ 20,872.38 *Estimated values **Assumes building will be retrofitted and repurposed 1 1 cord of wood assumes a 20% moisture content and a volume of 100 ft3, this equates to 130 gallons of #1 heating oil. A typical cord is 4X4X8 ft, but due to the nature of log stacking there is inevitable void space, thus the volume used in calculations is reduced from 128ft3 to 100ft3. December 12, 2016 4 Scenarios To adequately evaluate all possibilities, several scenarios were considered and assessed. These scenarios were based on information collected during a site visit on June 14, 2016. Estimates were created from this information as well as data from previous, similar projects. These estimates assume the cost of heating oil to be $5.50/gallon and the cost of wood to be $400/cord. Sensitivity analyses were also conducted to show how changing the cost of heating oil and cordwood affects the Benefit/Cost (B/C) ratio of each project. The B/C ratio acts as a simplified decision making tool. B/C ratios greater than 1.0 mean that the project will save more money than it costs to implement. When the B/C ratio is above 1.0 the project becomes economically viable, these are shown in green. The values highlighted in Orange are B/C ratios of less than 1.0 and are therefore not economically justifiable. This number is generally driven primarily by the amount of heating oil displaced; the higher the number, the higher the ratio, and the more beneficial it will be. The Operations and Maintenance (O&M) cost for these scenarios are based on the assumption that stoking the boiler will be added to the daily duties of people regularly using the building. The O&M cost is for any replacement parts and/or any cleaning/maintenance that must be done on an annual basis. 1 – Individual Buildings Several buildings were considered for biomass heating; the fuel savings for these buildings are outlined in Table 1. Key buildings were evaluated more in depth; the results are shown in Table 2. These buildings form the basis for other possible scenarios. The Tribal Council and City of Noorvik originally submitted a statement of interest for heating the Tribal Office (IRA building) with a cordwood biomass boiler. However, as shown in Table 2, heating only this building with a biomass boiler would not result in lower heating costs. Heating the City Office/Hall results in a better B/C ratio of 1.00. In spite of this, the high capital cost barely justifies the savings that would result; in fact, based purely on the economic analysis, the community would lose a marginal amount of money. However, when all the periphery items are considered (local job creation, energy independence, etc…) this option becomes more appealing. The teacher housing was also evaluated, and while the building is not owned by the City or Tribe, it would still result in a very impressive B/C ratio of 2.89. This is due to the fact that the building(s) use enough oil that replacing the oil with cordwood would save enough money to justify the high capital cost. This option could be a good starting point for local biomass technology as it would keep over $500,000 in the community over the life of the boiler. This money could be redirected towards other efforts throughout the community. It is important to note that the configuration outlined in this scenario would require approximately 100 cords of wood per year to function. December 12, 2016 5 Table 2: Heating Individual Buildings with Biomass Boilers Individual Buildings Tribal Office (IRA) City Office/Hall Teacher Housing Boiler life 25 25 25 Capital cost $208,000.00 $208,000.00 $258,700.00 Annual O&M $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 Cords of Wood Annually 7 28 100 Oil Used Annually (gal.) 950 3,624 12,936 Annual Fuel Savings $2,301.92 $8,782.68 $31,344.92 Total O&M $12,500.00 $12,500.00 $12,500.00 Total Fuel Savings $57,548.08 $219,567.12 $783,623.08 Lifetime Total Savings -$162,951.92 -$932.88 $512,423.08 Simple Payback (years) 115.43 25.11 8.39 B/C ratio 0.26 1.00 2.89 The sensitivity analyses below show that both the City Office/Hall and the Teacher Housing would see benefits from biomass boilers over a wide range of fuel prices. The analyses also show that under every fuel circumstance evaluated, a biomass boiler for the IRA building would not be a fiscally sound decision. Sensitivity Analysis: City Hall B/C Ratios $150/Cord $200/cord $250/cord $300/cord $350/cord $400/cord $3.50/gal 0.96 0.81 0.65 0.49 0.33 0.17 $4.00/gal 1.17 1.01 0.85 0.70 0.54 0.38 $4.50/gal 1.38 1.22 1.06 0.90 0.74 0.58 $5.00/gal 1.58 1.42 1.26 1.11 0.95 0.79 $5.50/gal 1.79 1.63 1.47 1.31 1.15 1.00 $6.00/gal 1.99 1.83 1.68 1.52 1.36 1.20 $6.50/gal 2.20 2.04 1.88 1.72 1.56 1.41 $7.00/gal 2.40 2.24 2.09 1.93 1.77 1.61 Sensitivity Analysis: Teacher Housing B/C Ratios $150/Cord $200/cord $250/cord $300/cord $350/cord $400/cord $3.50/gal 2.80 2.34 1.88 1.42 0.96 0.50 $4.00/gal 3.39 2.94 2.48 2.02 1.56 1.10 $4.50/gal 3.99 3.53 3.07 2.61 2.16 1.70 $5.00/gal 4.59 4.13 3.67 3.21 2.75 2.29 $5.50/gal 5.18 4.72 4.27 3.81 3.35 2.89 $6.00/gal 5.78 5.32 4.86 4.40 3.94 3.49 $6.50/gal 6.38 5.92 5.46 5.00 4.54 4.08 $7.00/gal 6.97 6.51 6.05 5.60 5.14 4.68 December 12, 2016 6 Sensitivity Analysis: IRA Building B/C Ratios $150/Cord $200/cord $250/cord $300/cord $350/cord $400/cord $3.50/gal 0.25 0.21 0.17 0.13 0.09 0.05 $4.00/gal 0.31 0.27 0.22 0.18 0.14 0.10 $4.50/gal 0.36 0.32 0.28 0.24 0.19 0.15 $5.00/gal 0.41 0.37 0.33 0.29 0.25 0.21 $5.50/gal 0.47 0.43 0.39 0.34 0.30 0.26 $6.00/gal 0.52 0.48 0.44 0.40 0.36 0.31 $6.50/gal 0.58 0.53 0.49 0.45 0.41 0.37 $7.00/gal 0.63 0.59 0.55 0.51 0.46 0.42 2 – District Heating Loop This heating loop was conceived based on the idea of combining the heating requirements of several buildings in the area around the City Office/Hall area. This large district heating loop would serve the following buildings: The old Hotel, The OTZ Telephone Building, The City Office/Hall, The Public Safety Building, The City Shop and The City Garage, The Boys & Girls Club, and The Morris Trading Post. Table 3: District Heating Loop Boiler life 25 Capital cost $557,700.00 Annual O&M $500.00 Cords of Wood Annually 117 Oil Used Annually 15,155.10 Annual Fuel Savings $36,721.97 Total O&M $12,500.00 Total Fuel Savings $918,049.33 Lifetime Total Savings $347,849.33 Simple Payback (years) 15.40 B/C ratio 1.61 The heating loop shown in figure 1 illustrates a tentative design that would incorporate buildings: 14, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25. The new boiler housing (not to scale) would likely be situated behind the City Office/Hall. Figure 1: Potential District Heating Loop Configuration December 12, 2016 7 Sensitivity Analysis: District Heating Loop B/C Ratios $150/Cord $200/cord $250/cord $300/cord $350/cord $400/cord $3.50/gal 1.56 1.30 1.05 0.79 0.54 0.28 $4.00/gal 1.89 1.64 1.38 1.12 0.87 0.61 $4.50/gal 2.22 1.97 1.71 1.46 1.20 0.95 $5.00/gal 2.56 2.30 2.04 1.79 1.53 1.28 $5.50/gal 2.89 2.63 2.38 2.12 1.87 1.61 $6.00/gal 3.22 2.96 2.71 2.45 2.20 1.94 $6.50/gal 3.55 3.30 3.04 2.79 2.53 2.27 $7.00/gal 3.88 3.63 3.37 3.12 2.86 2.61 Under present conditions, this district heating loop would cost roughly $560K and result in a lifetime total savings of roughly $350K. This gives the heating loop a B/C ratio of 1.61. As shown in the sensitivity analysis above, there are several scenarios that would cause this project to be a financially sound investment. However, this heating loop would require 117 cords of wood every year to operate, which is approximately 100% of the regional sustainable harvest. Typical woody biomass projects use less than 5% of the sustainable timber harvest. This will be further detailed in this report; and because of this fact, this heating loop configuration is not recommended. 3 – Wood Stoves Due to the nature of large woody biomass boilers and the limited woody biomass resource in the Noorvik area, heating smaller buildings with wood stoves would be a better solution for supplementing oil boilers. Wood stoves can come in many configurations that can be easily tailored to fit a particular building’s needs, but are best suited for large rooms (such as public assembly areas) Masonry wood stoves function more efficiently by providing a steady source of heat over a longer period of time than conventional wood stoves. There is currently a light weight masonry wood stove being developed by the College of Engineering at UAA with rural Alaskan villages in mind. The burnwise website run by the US EPA has a wealth of information and guidelines on this topic: https://www.epa.gov/burnwise. This would be an excellent resource to aid in selection of appropriate heating units for key buildings in the community In Table 4 heating the IRA building would require two conventional wood stoves while the City Office/Hall would likely require four conventional wood stoves; these configurations would provide heat equivalent to the existing oil boilers. By using wood stoves, the IRA building would be able to save over $2,000 every year on heating costs; after the initial capital cost and O&M expenses are considered this equates to being almost $5,000 less expensive than operating an oil boiler over the life of the heating units. However, using wood stoves in an office building such as the IRA building, may cause some uncomfortable conditions. The nature of wood stoves would cause some rooms to be very hot, while others would be left too cold. Using wood stoves in the City Office/Hall could displace over 3,500 gallons of heating oil every year and save the community about $8,700 annually. Over the life of the heating units this would add up to over $90,000. However, the most reasonable use of a wood stove in the City Hall would be in the large meeting space to supplement the oil boilers that supply heat to the whole building. December 12, 2016 8 Table 4: Wood Stove Feasibility Wood Stoves Tribal Office (IRA building) City Office/Hall Boiler life 20 20 Capital cost $31,200.00 $62,400.00 Annual O&M $500.00 $1000.00 Cords of Wood Annually 7 28 Oil Used Annually 950.00 3624.60 Annual Fuel Savings $2,301.92 $8,782.68 Total O&M $10,000.00 $20,000.00 Total Fuel Savings $46,038.46 $175,653.69 Lifetime Total Savings $4,838.46 $93,253.69 Simple Payback (years) 17.31 7.53 B/C ratio 1.12 2.43 The wood stove sensitivity analyses for these buildings show that there is a wide range of scenarios that would save the community money. Sensitivity Analysis: Wood Stove, City Hall B/C Ratios $150/Cord $200/cord $250/cord $300/cord $350/cord $400/cord $3.50/gal 2.35 1.96 1.58 1.19 0.81 0.42 $4.00/gal 2.85 2.46 2.08 1.69 1.31 0.92 $4.50/gal 3.35 2.97 2.58 2.20 1.81 1.42 $5.00/gal 3.85 3.47 3.08 2.70 2.31 1.93 $5.50/gal 4.35 3.97 3.58 3.20 2.81 2.43 $6.00/gal 4.85 4.47 4.08 3.70 3.31 2.93 $6.50/gal 5.35 4.97 4.58 4.20 3.81 3.43 $7.00/gal 5.85 5.47 5.08 4.70 4.31 3.93 Sensitivity Analysis: Wood Stove, IRA Building B/C Ratios $150/Cord $200/cord $250/cord $300/cord $350/cord $400/cord $3.50/gal 1.08 0.90 0.73 0.55 0.37 0.20 $4.00/gal 1.31 1.14 0.96 0.78 0.60 0.43 $4.50/gal 1.54 1.37 1.19 1.01 0.83 0.66 $5.00/gal 1.77 1.60 1.42 1.24 1.06 0.89 $5.50/gal 2.00 1.83 1.65 1.47 1.29 1.12 $6.00/gal 2.23 2.06 1.88 1.70 1.53 1.35 $6.50/gal 2.47 2.29 2.11 1.93 1.76 1.58 $7.00/gal 2.70 2.52 2.34 2.16 1.99 1.81 December 12, 2016 9 Biomass Resource In January 2013, Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC) was contracted by Maniilaq Association to conduct an inventory of forestry resources within the Northwest Arctic Borough; specifically, in the Noatak and Kobuk subunits. Based on information in this report it was found that the region surrounding Noorvik contains 1,376,514 ft3 of timber. This equates to a total of 11,724 cords of wood available to the community The wood resource surrounding Noorvik is comprised primarily of white spruce with some cottonwood and trace amounts of other species interspersed. Assuming a uniform species distribution of spruce and cottonwood as 65% and 8% respectively, this equates to 7,167 cords of harvestable spruce and 3,418 cords of cottonwood within roughly a 5-mile radius of the community. The energy content of each species of wood assumes an air dry moisture content of roughly 20%. Table 5: Biomass Resource Information Resource Composition Cord Weight (lbs/cord) Energy (MMBtu/cord) Harvestable Cords Spruce Harvest 65% 3,100 18.1 7,167 Cottonwood Harvest 8% 2,400 15.0 1,139 Other Harvest 27% 2,700 16.5 3,418 Weighted Average 2,936 17.4 Total 11,724 With an average tree maturation rate of over 100 years, the wood used by the community every year cannot exceed 1% of the total available resource in order to maintain sustainability. With 11,724 cords of wood in the harvest area the sustainable harvest equates to 117 cords per year. This figure includes all woody biomass harvest in the community, including timber harvest by residents for personal use. As mentioned earlier, a district heating loop could use 117 cords of wood annually; 100% of the allowable sustainable harvest. This is very concerning as over harvest could negatively affect the local environment and have dire consequences for the local subsistence lifestyle. In addition to the environmental impacts of over harvest, large scale biomass would possibly prevent, personal harvest that residents rely on wood for heating individual homes. AEA strongly recommends a more detailed forestry evaluation of the surrounding wood resources before developing a harvest plan and/or further pursuing any woody biomass heating systems. AEA Recommendations As stated in the Biomass Resource section of this report, the woody biomass availability in the harvest area of Noorvik is marginal at best. Based on the local woody biomass availability a woody biomass boiler project is not recommended. That being said, there are several smaller biomass options available to the community. There are several very efficient cord wood stoves that would be ideal to heat smaller buildings (such as the City Hall). More information about choosing an appropriate wood stove can be found at the US EPA website, burnwise (https://www.epa.gov/burnwise/choosing-right-wood-stove). Using a wood stove would require less wood than a biomass boiler unit, but would still need a steady supply of cordwood. December 12, 2016 10 To reiterate, the limiting factor for any woody biomass project in Noorvik is the availability of woody biomass. Any sizeable woody biomass project should be carefully planned around the limitations of the forestry resources, and should account for wood already being harvested by residents for personal use. December 12, 2016 11 Appendix A – Fuel Assumptions 1. Annual heating fuel use by building is based on available data. 2. When data was unavailable, estimates were created based on building size and equivalent buildings in nearby communities with similar heating requirements. 3. Calculations were conducted assuming a heating oil price of $5.50/gallon and the price of Cordwood is $400/cord which is based on the price in Kobuk as of summer 2016 4. Cords of wood required to heat a given building was based on the energy content of the weighted average of available timber in the region. A typical cord used would be 65% spruce, 8% poplar and contain 17.42 MMBtu/cord. 5. Energy content of wood assumes a general moisture content of 20% which would have been achieved by air drying the wood for 12 months. B – Capital Costs 1. Construction costs are based on estimates from previous studies and completed projects 2. Construction assumes a separate boiler building will be constructed. 3. The District Heating Loop costs assumes two GARN 2000 unit will provide sufficient heat for the target locations. 4. Wood stove construction assumes $2000 for labor, $5,000 for the physical device, $5,000 for shipping per stove Capital Costs 1 Garn 2000 1 Garn 3200 District Heating Loop 1 Wood Stove Housing construction/installation $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $2,000.00 Boiler Cost $20,000.00 $46,500.00 $50,000.00 $5,000.00 Artic Pipe ($175/ft) - - $131,250.00 - Heat Exchanger/Piping $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $114,000.00 - Extra Thermal Storage $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 - Controls/Electrical $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 - Freight $25,000.00 $37,500.00 $68,750.00 $5,000.00 Subtotal $160,000.00 $199,000.00 $429,000.00 $12,000.00 Engineering (15%) $24,000.00 $29,850.00 $64,350.00 $1,800.00 Contingency (15%) $24,000.00 $29,850.00 $64,350.00 $1,800.00 Total $208,000.00 $258,700.00 $557,700.00 $15,600.00 C – Biomass Assumptions 1. Based on data from 2012 forestry measurements by TCC in various parcels in the Noatak subunit. 2. Approximately 35% of the subunit is within approximately 5-miles of Noatak. This yielded harvestable amounts used in calculations. 3. The distribution of tree species is: 1. 65% white spruce 2. 8% cottonwood 3. 27% other/deadwood 4. Cord calculations used 100 ft3 to account for void space in wood stacking, this differs from the conventional 128 ft3 figure used in a 4X4X8ft cord. December 12, 2016 12 D – Site Photos Aerial view of Noorvik. The School is the largest building, it is near the center of the image with a red roof. Map of Central Noorvik. Building Numbers: 15 – School 16 – OTZ building 17 – City Office/Hall 18 – City Storage 19 – Public Safety 20 – Water Treatment Plant 21 – City Shop 22 – Boys & Girls Club 23 – Water Tank 24 – City Garage 25 – Morris Trading Post 32 – Municipal Storage Shed Left Edge: OTZ building Left: Boys & Girls Club Right: City Office/Hall December 12, 2016 13 City Office/Hall Existing Weil-McClain Boiler in IRA Building Toyo Stove (Space Heater) in the Boys & Girls Club December 12, 2016 14 E – Statement of Interest See Attached F – Maniilaq Forestry Inventory See Attached Biomass Heating Prefeasibility for Noorvik Appendix E: Statement of Interest Statement of Interest In Developing Wood-Fired Heating Projects Information from this form will be used in ranking your project for a pre-feasibility assessment that will be conducted by a contractor hired on behalf of the Alaska Wood Energy Task Group. Not all applications can be funded Electronic copies of this form can be downloaded from the Alaska Energy Authority website at http://www.akenergyauthority.org/biomasswoodenergygrants.html Applicant: Native Village of Noorvik / Noorvik Native Community Eligibility: [ ] Local Government [ ] School [ ] State Agency [ ] Not-For-Profit Organization [ ] Federal Agency [X ] Federally Recognized Tribe: ___Native Village of Noorvik___________ [ ] ANCSA Corporation: __________________________________________ [ ]Other: ____________________________________________________ [ ] Commercial Enterprise (identify industry sector): __________________ Contact Name: Lonnie Tibbitts Mailing Address: PO Box 209 City: Noorvik State: AK Zip Code: 99763 Telephone: 907-636-2144 Fax: 907-636-2284 Email: environmental@nuurvik.org Please refer to Frequently asked Questions for more information on completing this Statement of Interest. Please respond to the following evaluation criteria: (Attach additional pages as necessary) 1. Please include a short paragraph on what your objectives are with this project. Our objectives with this pre-feasibility assessment is to truly assess if our biomass resource can sustain one or more projects in our community. In 2011, with funding from the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA), the Northwest Arctic Borough contracted Tetra Tech to complete a Feasibility and Design report for the Upper Kobuk, our neighboring northern communities. This study proved not only that it was feasible, but these projects are currently under construction and show great potential for energy-cost savings for those communities. Our local topography is very similar to our sister communities and we are hopeful that we too can help lower the cost of energy in our village. Questions 2-3 are specific to individual buildings. Applications can include more than one building. PLEASE SUBMIT A COPY OF THIS PAGE FOR EACH BUILDING Facility Identification/Name: ___Tribal Office Building_______ 2. Facility information Approximate size (square footage) of building 1404 Type of construction (wood, cement, etc.) Wood Age of building Unknown What is building used for? Tribal offices and meetings Has building had a recent energy audit? Yes What is the age of the current heating system? Toyo Stove, Weil McClain Boiler 2011 What type of current heating system is in place? (Radiant, forced air, baseboard etc.) Baseboard, Forced Air 3. Current fuel situation Type of fuel used (#1 fuel oil, #2 fuel oil, propane, etc.) #1 Fuel Oil Annual fuel consumption (gallons) 950 Cost of fuel per gallon $ 7.31 Cost of electricity per kWh $ 0.65 Please attach other facility information that would be useful, such as Maps, Photographs, As- built Survey, etc. Questions 4 – 10 are general questions – answer only once per application – not required for every building. 4. Presence of high-hazard forest fuels Describe any forest fires or insect outbreaks in the past 5 years:  Discuss any activities to utilize dead/dying material: Our region has not seen or experienced any forest fires or insect outbreaks in the past 5 years.  Discuss any activities or programs that would mitigate the effects of future fires or infestations: Our region is not affected by this. 5. Resource Issues  Where would you plan on getting wood from? Dry wood, bought from local wood cutters.  Discuss the ownership of nearby forest lands and any agreements there may be to harvest trees (live or dead) from those lands. NANA Regional Corporation owns the surrounding land and an agreement would be signed to access NANA lands for extraction of wood.  Discuss the extent and sustainability of local forest resources and wood supply: We think there is enough local fire wood to sustain a few projects.  Discuss wildlife habitat or other forest health issues you may have: None  Is there a LAND MANAGEMENT PLAN in place for the area of wood source? No  Do you have access to other wood (i.e. drift wood, wood pellets, bio bricks etc.)? Yes , driftwood 6. Availability of local wood processing residues (e.g., slabs, chips, bark, sawdust, shavings, etc.) -  List any known wood processors near your community. Include owners’ names and contact information. None  What do those processors currently do with their residues? N/A 7. Wood Fuel Availability  What type of woody biomass are you interested in for your system (pellets, chips, cordwood, etc.) Cordwood  Provide anticipated cost for the woody biomass planned on being used. Unknown, but a cost comparison could be done with the Kobuk system. 8. Discuss community support/advocacy, or which agency will be the project champion for this project  Please tell us about your community advocate (or advocacy group) Our community stakeholders engaged in the Regional Energy Plan efforts meet regularly, but the Noorvik Traditional Council will be the advocate on this project.  Does your community have any other wood energy systems? If yes, please identify the system. No systems in place.  Have you had any meetings to discuss wood energy? It has been discussed in the NWA Regional Energy Plan as a viable alternative resource to offset the cost of dependency on diesel fuel. 9. Please provide a narrative or description on how you see this project being operated and maintained in your community. This project would allow a local resource to be assessed and possibly be utilized by locals. The operation and maintenance would be a collaborative effort between local stakeholders, the Noorvik Traditional Council, NANA Regional Corporation and Northwest Arctic Borough. 10. Discuss what, if any, public benefit will result from this project. Public benefits would include, a new “local” renewable energy resource that could sustain the Tribal building and possibly households that would like to convert to Biomass. 11. Please include any other information that should be considered for this project. Return Statement of Interest to: Karen Petersen University of Alaska Cooperative Extension Service P.O. Box 19190 Thorne Bay, AK 99919 (907) 821-2681 khpetersen@alaska.edu It is preferred that Statements of Interest are submitted electronically (via e -mail) but paper copies will be accepted via mail (no fax). Biomass Heating Prefeasibility for Noorvik Appendix F: Maniilaq Forestry Inventory NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Presented to: Maniilaq Association 733 2nd Avenue Kotzebue, AK 99752 By: Tanana Chiefs Conference, Forestry Program 122 First Ave., Suite 600 Fairbanks, AK 99701 Will Putman, Forestry Director Fabian Keirn, Forester Jeremy Douse, Forester January, 2013 i NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table of Contents Introduction .................................................................................................... 1 The Region ...................................................................................................... 3 Definition of Subunits .................................................................................... 4 Methods ...................................................................................................... 9 Terms and Definitions.................................................................................... 9 Process Summary ......................................................................................... 9 Data acquisition and integration ................................................................... 10 Land cover typing ....................................................................................... 10 Land Cover Typing Codes ............................................................................. 11 Identifying Stands for Field Sampling ............................................................ 12 Field Sampling ............................................................................................ 13 Data Processing .......................................................................................... 14 Results .................................................................................................... 15 Forest Volume Definitions ............................................................................ 15 Timber Volume Summaries .......................................................................... 16 Land Classification ...................................................................................... 23 Estimated Sampling Error ............................................................................ 26 Land Cover Typing Accuracy Assessment ....................................................... 28 Tree Damages and Problems ........................................................................ 32 Regene ration Plot Data Results ..................................................................... 34 Tree Ages and Growth ................................................................................. 37 Appendix A: Land Cover Types and Strata by Subunit ........................................ 41 Appendix B: Net Timber Volume by Strata Summaries ....................................... 49 Appendix C: Timber Volumes by Allotment Parcel .............................................. 61 ii NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory List of Tables Table 1. Land cover typing system used. ......................................................... 11 Table 2: Wood density of tree species in Interior Alaska. ................................... 16 Table 3. Net Timber Volume by Cover Class, Kobuk Subunit. ............................. 17 Table 4. Net Timber Volume by Cover Class, Noatak Subunit. ............................ 18 Table 5. Net Timber Volume by Cover Class, All Subunits. ................................. 19 Table 6. Net Timber Volume by Species/Size Class Without Regard to Timber Type, Kobuk Subunit. .................................................................. 20 Table 7. Net Timber Volume by Species/Size Class Without Regard to Timber Type, Noatak Subunit. ................................................................. 21 Table 8. Net Timber Volume by Species/Size Class Without Regard to Timber Type, All Subunits. ...................................................................... 22 Table 9. Summary of Land Classification acreages and associated timber volumes, both subunits. ............................................................... 24 Table 10. Bureau of Indian Affairs land classification acreage chart. .................... 25 Table 11. NANA Inventory Statistics. .............................................................. 27 Table 12. Contingency table comparing cover type calls to ground observations. .. 29 Table 13. Contingency table comparing species component of cover type calls to ground observations. ................................................................... 31 Table 14. Contingency table comparing size class component of cover type calls to ground observations. ............................................................... 31 Table 15. Contingency table comparing crown density component of cover type calls to ground observations. ........................................................ 31 Table 16. Tree Damage and Problem Summary. Kobuk Subunit. ........................ 33 Table 17. Tree Damage an d Problem Summary. Noatak Subunit. ....................... 34 Table 18. Regeneration data by Strata, Kobuk Subunit. .................................... 35 Table 19. Number of trees measured for age and radial growth by species and subunit. ..................................................................................... 37 Table 20. Mean age, height, and 10-year radial growth by tree species and strata. ....................................................................................... 38 Table A -1. Cover types and strata, Kobuk Subunit. ........................................... 42 Table A -2. Cover types and strata, Noatak Subunit. .......................................... 45 Table B -1. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Kobuk Subunit, Stratum BSP2. ............................................................................ 50 Table B -2. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Kobuk Subunit, Stratum BSP/WSP2. .................................................................... 50 Table B -3. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Kobuk Subunit, Stratum CWP1. ........................................................................... 51 Table B -4. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Kobuk Subunit, Stratum CWP2. ........................................................................... 51 Table B -5. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Kobuk Subunit, Stratum HWP/WSP3. ................................................................... 52 Table B -6. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Kobuk Subunit, Stratum WSP2. ........................................................................... 53 Table B -7. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Kobuk Subunit, Stratum WSP3. ........................................................................... 53 Table B -8. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Kobuk Subunit, Stratum WSP/BSP1. .................................................................... 54 Table B -9. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Kobuk Subunit, Stratum WSS2. ........................................................................... 54 Table B -10. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Kobuk Subunit, Stratum WSS3. ........................................................................... 55 iii NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table B -11. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Kobuk Su bunit, Stratum WSS/HP3. ...................................................................... 55 Table B -12. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Noatak Subunit, Stratum CWP1. ........................................................................... 56 Table B -13. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Noatak Subunit, Stratum CWP2. ........................................................................... 56 Table B -14. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Noatak Subunit, Stratum CWP3. ........................................................................... 57 Table B -15. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Noatak Subunit, Stratum WSP1. ........................................................................... 57 Table B -16. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Noatak S ubunit, Stratum WSP2. ........................................................................... 58 Table B -17. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Noatak Subunit, Stratum WSP3. ........................................................................... 58 Table B -18. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Noatak Subunit, Stratum WSS1. ........................................................................... 59 Table B -19. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Noatak Subunit, Stratum WSS2. ........................................................................... 59 Table B -20. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Noatak Subunit, Stratum WSS3. ........................................................................... 60 Table B -21. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Noatak Subunit, Stratum WSS/CWP3. ................................................................... 60 Table C -1. Timber volumes and parcel acreages by Native allotmen t parcel, Kobuk Subunit. ........................................................................... 62 Table C -2. Timber volumes and parcel acreages by Native allotment parcel, Noatak Subunit. .......................................................................... 65 List of Figures Figure 1. The NANA Region in Alaska. ................................................................ 3 Figure 2. Communities and the location of Forest Inventory Subunits in the NANA Region. .................................................................................. 4 Figur e 3. Native allotment parcels and the Kobuk Subunit. ................................... 5 Figure 4. Native allotment parcels and the Noatak Subunit. .................................. 7 Figure 5. Land cover typing on allotment parcel AKFF 013027, Kobuk Subunit. ... 12 Figure 6. An example of the “spruce needle blight” found on spruce on allotment parcel AKFF 013613 in the Noatak Subunit. ....................................... 32 Figure 7. A sample tree being cored for age and growth measurement s, allotment parcel AFFF 018763A, Kobuk subunit. ................................. 37 Figure 8. Scatterplots of height as a function of age for sampled trees by species and subunit. .................................................................................. 39 1 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Introduction Tanana Chiefs Conference Forestry Program staff was contacted by Maniilaq Association’s Lands and Resources Department about conducting a forest inventory on Native allotments with in the NANA region of nor thwestern Alaska. TCC agreed to conduct the inventory, and work was initiated in early 2012. Fi eld work was conducted in August of 2012, and the project was completed in January, 2013. This report summarizes the project and the results of the forest inventory. Both Maniilaq Association (Maniilaq) and Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC) are non -profit regional Native corporations that, among many other responsibilities, have assumed land management trust functions on Native allotments within their respective regions. These land management responsibilities include overseeing forestry and realty activities, which require information on the forest resources present on the allotments. Collecting and managing forest resource information has been problematic in the remote rural settings in which many of these allotments exist; the parcels are remote and can be difficult to efficiently access, aerial photography may be outdated, remote sensing data may be expensive and difficult to reference to a coordinate system, and basic timber data such as stand tables and volume equations may be sketchy or nonexistent for a particular area. Even the most basic required information, such as where the parcels are located on the landscape, may be difficult to determine. In this environment of uncertainty, the TCC Forestry Program has been able to successfully complete forest inventories on Native allotments in the TCC region of interior Alaska, and has been able to provide valuable information on allotment resources to aid trust management functions at TCC. Because of TCC Forestry’s experience in completing forest inventories of this nature, staff at Maniilaq contracted with TCC Forestry staff to conduct a forest inventory on Native allotments within the NANA region . TCC Forestry may be contacted at: Tanana Chiefs Conference, Forestry Program 122 First Ave., Suite 600 Fairbanks, AK 99701 Phone: (907) 452-8251 Fax: (907) 459-3852 Will Putman, Forestry Director , wputman@tananachiefs.org, ext 3373. 3 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Figure 1. The NANA Region in Alaska. The Region The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 designated 12 regions to be defined within Alaska for the purposes of establishing regional Native Corporations and the land selections they were entitled to. The region designated for Northwest Alaska came to be known as the NANA Region, and is the home of NANA Regional Corporation, Inc., the for-profit Native Corporation e stablished for the region, and Maniilaq Association, the non -profit Native organization responsible for providing a variety of services to the tribes and tribal members of the NANA region. The NANA region comprises just under 40,000 square miles in north western Alaska , and includes those lands in the area of Kotzebue Sound drained by the Noatak River to the north and east, the Kobuk River to the east, and the Buckland River and Kiwalik River to the south (Figure 1). The largest community in the region , and the location of the main offices of Maniilaq Association and NANA Regional Corporation, Inc., is Kotzebue (Figure 2). 4 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Figure 2. Communities and the location of Forest Inventory Subunits in the NANA Region. Definition of Subunits According to a spatial dataset of Native allotments developed and maintained by the Bureau of Land Management, there are 1,619 Native allotment parcels in the NANA region. Much of the region is made up of the drainages of the Kobuk and Noatak Rivers, which are also the location of much of the forested land in the region. Aerial photography was acquired over most of the forested allotment parcels along these 2 river systems, and the scope and extent of this forest inventory project was defined by the extent and coverage of that aerial photography. A total 3 85 of the allotment parcels were covered by the aerial photography, and the project was split into a Kobuk Subunit and a Noatak Subunit based on river drainage (Figure 2). The parcels defined as being included in the subunits include 291 parcels covered b y aerial photography in the Kobuk Subunit, and 94 parcels covered by aerial photography in the Noatak Subunit (Figures 3 and 4 respectively). 5 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Figure 3. Native allotment parcels and the Kobuk Subunit. 7 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Figure 4. Native allotment parcels and the Noatak Subunit. 9 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Methods Terms and Definitions In the following discussion, the following terms may have special meaning: • A “GIS” is a geographic information system, a general term referring in this case to a computerized system where spatial data may be collected, organized, analyzed, and displayed. The system consists of computer hardware, software, and data integrated together. • A “spatial dataset” is a collection of digital data that contains information about features on a landscape, and can include vector datasets such as Arc GIS shapefiles or geodatabase feature classes, and raster or image datasets such as digital aerial photography or satellite images. • A spatial dataset is “georeferenced” when the features in the dataset are referenced to the proper geographic location using a standard coordinate system. • A “polygon” refers to a feature in a spatial dataset that represents an area on the landscape. • A “Native Allotment” refers to land applied for by an individu al Native Alaskan under the authority of the Native Allotment Act of 1906. A single allotment application may include up to 4 separate “parcels” of land totaling no more than 160 acres. A single parcel may exist in more than one piece if an otherwise con tiguous parcel is split by the presence of a water body or other features, resulting in a single parcel being represented by more than one polygon in a GIS. • An “attribute” is a particular kind of information about features in a spatial dataset. An “attribute table” is a database table containing information about spatial features, where each record or row in the table is unique to an individual feature, and each column, or item, in the table is an attribute, or kind of information, stored for each feature. • A “land cover type”, or “cover type” is a class or category of vegetation or other land cover describing an area with relatively homogenous cover, and is an attribute of cover type polygons in a GIS. • A “timber type” is a forested cover type. • A “stand” is a timber type polygon. • “DBH” is “Diameter at Breast Height”, or the diameter of the bole of a tree at a height of 4.5 feet. Process Summary The forest inventory process consisted of a number of phases: • Available information was compiled and integrated into a GIS. • Land cover types were interpreted from aerial photographs and digitized into the GIS. • A subset of timbered areas, or stands, was identified for field sampling. • The selected sample stands were visited in the field and data were collected with tree measurements and other sampled information. • The field sample data were entered into a computer program for processing. • The resulting timber volume data were organized and processed in a relational database. Using information from the GIS, volumes were calculated and output as reports. • The timber volume data in the relational database were integrated into the GIS, and an application was constructed to facilitate dynamic querying and calculation of timber volumes from within the GIS. 10 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Data acquisition and integration Location s of Native allotments w ere determined by acquiring Native allotment boundary digital spatial data from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) through their Spatial Data Management Syste (SDMS) (http://sdms.ak.blm.gov/sdms/). The NANA region was described in a spatial dataset of ANCSA regions downloaded from the State of Alaska Department of natural Resources (DNR) (http://www.asgdc.state.ak.us). The polygon describing the NANA re gion was used to extract those Native allotment parcels within the NANA region from the BLM allotment data, resulting in a spatial dataset containing the location of 1,969 allotment parcel polygons. The allotment parcel data were incorporated into a geodatabase schema constructed through a joint effort by TCC and BIA to manage allotment forest inventory data. This geodatabase also included feature classes for allotment cover types and other layers pertinent to allotment forest inventory data management. The geodatabase was in a personal geodatabase format managed with ArcGIS software by ESRI, Inc. The forest inventory results are driven by the determination of relatively homogenous cover type area s stored in a cover type feature class in the geodatabase. For this project, these cover types were determined by interpreting digital aerial photographs that were provided by Maniilaq Association on a series of compact discs. The photographs were available as georeferenced digital natural -color photographs at a spatial resolution of 1 foot, and had been acquired relatively recently - within several years of the inventory Land cover typing The process of creating the land cove r type data involved the following steps: • A GIS display was set up on a computer workstation using ArcGIS 10.0 software and several layers of spatial data, including the aerial photography and Native allotment parcel boundaries. • The operator zoomed into the GIS to a particular native allotment parcel or group of parcels. • The operator manually interpreted the land cover on the native allotment parcels. The operator determined the location of the boundaries of the cover type polygons, and entered them into the GIS using a “heads-up” digitizing technique – that is, the operator clicked in the location of new feature directly on the computer screen while viewing allotment boundaries and an image of the aerial photograph on the computer. As a general rule, areas less than 2 acres in size were not typed out, although exceptions to this rule were made, particularl y with small portions of stands near allotment boundaries. • After the new cover type polygons were created or edited, the operator coded the attribute table f or the new features for the land cover type, using a land cover classification system described in Table 1 . As the polygons were created, they were also automatically coded for allotment serial number, stand number, and acreage. An example of an allotment parcel interpreted and attributed for land cover from an aerial photograph is shown in Figure 5. 11 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table 1. Land cover typing system used. Land Cover Typing Codes Forestland WS White spruce (Picea glauca) BS Black spruce (Picea mariana) CW Cottonwood (balsam poplar , Populus balsamifera) BI Paper birch (Betula neoalaskana) AS Aspen (Populus tremuloides) Shrubland TS Tall shrub (alder,willow) DS Dwarf shrub (bog birch, other) Tu Tundra (herb, sedge, grass) Wetlands , water W Lakes, pon ds B Bog, herbaceous species TSw Tall shrub wet WM Wet meadow DSw Dwarf shrub wet R River Special Cover Types Ba Bare ground, gravel bar Cu Cultural/village, roads, airstrips, gravel pits, quarries, mines Forestland calls are further described with size and density codes: Forest size codes: D Dwarf forest/scrub forest < 25 feet tall, < 4.5” DBH R Reproduction < 4.5” DBH on productive sites P Poletimber 4.5” to 8.9” DBH S Sawtimber > 9.0” DBH Forest stand density codes: 1 Low density, 10-24% crown closure 2 Medium density, 25 -59% crown closure 3 High density, 60-100% crown closure Mixtures of species/size class combinations may be coded, with one density code for the overall type. In such a case, the predominant species is given firs t, and the secondary species must comprise at least 30% of the stand. Example: WSP/BIP3; a mix of white spruce poletimber and birch poletimber with the white spruce being predominant, and the overall stand density being 60-100% crown closure. 12 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Figure 5. Land cover typing on allotment parcel AKFF 013027, Kobuk Subunit. Cover type polygons are labeled with cover type code and stand number. Identifying Stands for Field Sampling Only stands interpreted with timber type calls were considered for select ion for field sampling. The total number of stands to be selected for sampling was based on the amount of time available during a scheduled field trip and an estimate of how many stands could be accessed in a typical work day. The fi eld work was planned for 7 days of field work in the Kobuk Subunit and 5 days of field work in the Noatak Subunit, not counting travel days. The field work was attempted in one continuous trip by 4 foresters working in 2 crews of 2 foresters each with ea ch crew attempting to access an average of 3 stands per day, resulting in 42 stands being selected for field sampling in the Kobuk Subunit and 30 stands being selected for field sampling in the Noatak Subunit. 13 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory For each subunit, the number of stands visited in the field for each timber type were proportionally allocated among the timber type calls based on the total acreage of each timber type. For example, there were 12,530 acres of timbered stands in the Kobuk Subunit, of which 799 acres, or 6.4 %, was typed as high density white spruce sawtimber (WS S3). Of the 42 stands to be visited in the Kobuk Subunit, 6.4% means that 3 stands (2.7 rounded up) in the WSS3 cover type were selected for field sampling. To determine which stands within a timber type were to be selected for sampling, all stands were assigned a random number between 0 and 1. Those stands within a timber type with the highest random number were selected for sampling. After looking at a map, if any of the selected stands were deemed to be impractical to access, they were dropped and the next highest available stand was selected. The stands that were ultimately selected were coded as selected in the attribute table for the cover type features in the GIS. In addition, within each timber type to be visited, 2 alternate stands were selected off the random number listing in case difficulties were encountered in the field trying to access selected stands within that type. Field work was to be accompl ished by camping and traveling by boat along the navigable river systems by boat and walking up to a couple miles from the river to access allotment parcels. Field Sampling For each stand selected for field sampling, the stand was attempted to be accessed on the ground and a transect crossing a representative portion of the stand was determined from aerial photographs. Along each transect, 10 plots were established. Using a variable-radius sampling system, trees were selected for measurement based on their DBH and proximity to the plot center. A “BigBAF” system was used to determine w hich trees near the plot centers were selected for measurement. With this system, one basal area factor (BAF) is selected to determine which trees are to be measured, and another BAF is used to count trees by species and estimated 2-inch diameter class. In this way, an estimate of the basal area of a stand is based on a relatively larger number of trees, while the tree measurement data, used to calculate and estimate the timber volume represented by the basal area, was taken on a subset of sample trees. The actual basal area factors used varied between stands and was based on the relative density and size of trees; typically, a BAF of 40 was used for the measure trees, and a BAF of 10 or 20 was used for the trees counted for the basal area estimates. A subset of trees were selected for collection of radial growth and age measurements by increment coring. Sample trees were cored at breast height (4.5 feet), and the growth rings in the removed cores counted for total age and growth measured in units of 1/20th inches radial growth in the most recent 10 years. An attempt was made to select relatively well -growing trees whose growth was representative of site quality, and collection of growth and age data was attempted on any tree species found in each sample stand. In addition to the variable-radius plot data collected for trees with a measurable diameter breast height (DBH), a fixed radius plot was taken at each sample plot to estimate stocking levels of small trees important to forest growth and regeneration. On these fixed -radius “reg eneration” plots, trees less than 1” DBH were counted by species and height class. An attempt was made to take digital photographs in each sampled stand. 14 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Field work was scheduled from August 1 to August 15, 2012. August 2 through August 8 was spent visiting stands along the Kobuk River while traveling downriver by inflatable boat from about 30 miles upstream of Kobuk to Kiana. Access and logisitical difficulties resulted in only 36 of the 42 selected stands being visited in the Kobuk Subunit. The crew traveled by chartered aircraft from Kiana to Noatak on August 9, and spent August 10 to August 14 traveling and visiting stands along the Noatak River. There were 30 stands selected for field sampling along the Noatak River and 30 stands were sampled, but access and logistical difficulties resulted in only 18 of the originally selected stands being sampled, with the remaining sampled stands being made up of alternate selected stands. The crew left Noatak on August 15 and returned to Fairbanks via Kotzebue and Anchorage. Data Processing Upon returning to the office, the field data were entered on a computer into a forest inventory data processing system. The system used was “AK_OpTICS ” (Alaska Region Operations Timber Inventory Cruise System), a timber cruise data compilation software package developed by Dr. Tom Burke of the University of Minnesota for the BIA Alaska Region Office specifically for use on Native allotments in Alaska. AK_OpTICS uses species -specific taper equations to model tree bole dimens ions from collected field data and bases timber volume estimates from those bole dimensions. AK_OpTICS itself is a stand-alone Visual Basic program that uses a MS Access database for data storage. While the AK_OpTICS databases are suitable for storing and processing individual cruise data, the role of maintaining forest inventory data for an entire region is filled by another database developed several years ago by TCC Forestry and Dave Wilson of the Branch of Forest Resources and Planning, BIA. This database, called “AROSI” (Alaska Region Office Stand Inventory), is designed to hold cruise, stand, and strata data on a Statewide basis, and is also maintained in a MS Access format. In this case, a version of the database specific to the NANA region was used. Sampled tree data and cruise record information were transferred from the AK_OpTICS databases into corresponding tables in the AROSI database. AK_OpTICS cruise summary output data are not stored in the database, but were printed out and hand entered into tables in the AROSI database. Stand information was transferred from the geodatabase into corresponding tables in the AROSI database. Using MS Access, a series of database queries were defined in the AROSI database. Through these queries, each poly gon from the GIS with a timber type was associated with a timber stratum in the database, and each stratum was associated with stand/stock tables and statistics produced by the AK_OpTICS application. Reports were defined to summarize the timber volumes and cover type acreages using the defined relationships between cover type polygons and the calcu lated strata timber volume data, and were used to produce the tabular information in this report. 15 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Results Forest Volume Definitions In this report, e stimates of timber volume on forested lands have been calculated with cubic foot volume measurements. Cubic volume units such as the cubic foot refer to the total volume of the bole of a tree regardless of form defect such as sweep or crook, although net cubic volume takes into account other defects such as rot that reduce the usable volume of wood. Often it is considered as the volume below a minimum top bole diameter; in this project, cubic foot volumes are calculated below a minimum top bole diameter of 2 inches. Another unit often used in forest inventory estimates and analyses is the board foot, which is defined as the amount of solid recoverable wood equivalent to a board measuring 12”x12”x1”. It does not include any material not normally recoverable in a sawmill producing solid board products, and as such does not include small material and material usually slabbed off in a sawmilling process. Estimation of board foot volume measurements have been used when compiling timber volumes in previous for est inventory projects, but the lack of a forest industry in the region, the potential importance of the resource as an energy resource, and the generic usefulness of cubic foot volume estimates led to the decision to focus on cubic foot estimates for this project. Another unit used to measure wood is the cord, traditionally used to measure fuelwood. A cord is defined as the amount of minimally processed wood (bucked, split) that can be stacked in a space measuring 4’x4’x8’. Because of the airspace and inconsistency inherent in stacking cordwood, the cord is a relatively imprecise measure, but is nonetheless in common use in fuelwood transactions. The volume space of a cord, 128 cubic feet, is sometimes thought to contain roughly 100 cubic feet of wood (a “cunit”) when the air space between wood chinks in the stacked wood is considered. Other more conservative estimates put the conversion at 85 cubic-feet of wood per cord. When using wood as an energy resource, it is common to report woody biomass i n units of weight, commonly tons (1 ton=2,000 lbs), because the energy value of wood per unit volume varies by species because of varying wood densities. This matter is further complicated by the variability of wood weight per unit volume because of moistu re levels in the wood. There are three units commonly used to report woody biomass by weight: Green tons, or the weight of the wood in tons at moisture levels found when the material is freshly cut, often in the neighborhood of 50% moisture by weight; air dry tons, or the weight of the wood when enough moisture has been removed from the wood to make it feasible to efficiently recover energy from the wood through combustion, commonly in the neighborhood of 20% moisture by weight; and bone-dry tons, the weight of the wood with all moisture removed. The literature is inconsistent in terms of wood density values for the species found in Interior and Northwestern Alaska , but representative values (and their sources) are presented in Table 2. These wood density values can be used to convert the cubic foot volume estimates found elsewhere in this report to units of weight if so desired. 16 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table 2: Wood density of tree species in Interior Alaska. White spruce, Paper birch, Aspen and Balsam poplar figures are from the State of Alaska, Department of Commerce (http://www.commerce.state.ak.us/ded/dev/forest_products/forest_products5.htm); Black spruce figures are from a Canadian website maintained by Lakehead University in Ontario (http://www.borealforest.org/); Tree Species Green Density (lbs/cubic foot) Air -dry density (lbs/cubic foot) Air -dry tons/cord White spruce 36 31 1.31 Black spruce 32 28 1.19 Paper birch 48 38 1.62 Aspen 43 27 1.15 Balsam poplar 38 24 1.02 In this report, the seedling/sapling component of the forest includes all trees greater than 1 inch and less than 4.5 inches DBH, the poletimber component includes trees 4.5 inches to 8.9 inches DBH, and the sawtimber component includes trees equal to or greater than 9.0 inches DBH. The cubic foot estimates include all timber greater than 4.5 inches DBH and is divided among poletimber, sawtimber and recently dead components of the forest. Volume for recently dead trees includes all size classes. Timber cubic foot volume calculations are based on a net figure for all size classes, where the net volume equals gross volume minus observed defect. Defect renders portions of individual trees unusable or of very limited use as forest products due to insect damage, rot and physical damage such as broken stems. The net timber volumes shown however do not take into account all defect because hidden defect (usually internal rot) has not been estimated. Timber Volume Summaries Timber volume estimate d for the entire inventory is 12,329,735 cubic feet, with 7,413,611 cubic feet (60%) in the Kobuk Subunit and 4,916,124 cubic feet (40%) in the Noatak Subunit (Tables 3, 4, 5). Tables 3, 4, and 5 summarize volume estimates and acreages by cover class for each subunit and overall . Tables 6, 7, and 8 summarize volume estimates by product class (size class) and species for each subunit and overall. 17 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table 3. Net Timber Volume by Cover Class, Kobuk Subunit. Cubic Feet Land Cover Type Acres % Per Acre Total % Forest Sawtimber White spruce 1,238 4.4% 1,532 1,896,746 25.6% Cottonwood 7 0.0% 610 4,536 0.1% White spruce - Hardwood 412 1.5% 1,115 459,467 6.2% White spruce - Cottonwood 274 1.0% 1,156 316,855 4.3% Sawtimber Totals: 1,932 6.9% 1,386 2,677,604 36.1% Poletimber White spruce 3,376 12.1% 565 1,908,649 25.7% Black spruce 1,522 5.5% 93 141,558 1.9% Hardwood 491 1.8% 609 299,337 4.0% Cottonwood 530 1.9% 487 257,739 3.5% White spruce - Black spruce 738 2.6% 103 76,202 1.0% White spruce - Hardwood 2,728 9.8% 588 1,603,679 21.6% White spruce - Cottonwood 111 0.4% 878 97,414 1.3% Black spruce - Hardwood 1,103 4.0% 319 351,429 4.7% Poletimber Totals: 10,598 38.0% 447 4,736,008 63.9% Dwarf/repro White spruce 192 0.7% 0 0 0.0% Black spruce 2,819 10.1% 0 0 0.0% Hardwood 176 0.6% 0 0 0.0% Cottonwood 572 2.1% 0 0 0.0% White spruce - Hardwood 24 0.1% 0 0 0.0% Black spruce - Hardwood 6 0.0% 0 0 0.0% Dwarf/repro Totals: 3,789 13.6% 0 0 0.0% Forest Totals: 16,319 58.6% 454 7,413,611 100.0% Shrubland Shrubland Totals: 6,464 23.2% 0 0 0.0% Wetland Wetland Totals: 3,697 13.3% 0 0 0.0% Rivers and Lakes Rivers and Lakes Totals: 1,117 4.0% 0 0 0.0% Barren and Cultural Barren and Cultural Totals: 172 0.6% 0 0 0.0% Unknown Unknown Totals: 88 0.3% 0 0 0.0% Total: 27,857 100.0% 266 7,413,611 100.0% 18 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table 4. Net Timber Volume by Cover Class, Noatak Subunit. Cubic Feet Land Cover Type Acres % Per Acre Total % Forest Sawtimber White spruce 2,779 23.4% 1,010 2,808,020 57.1% Cottonwood 53 0.4% 703 37,495 0.8% White spruce - Cottonwood 252 2.1% 959 241,860 4.9% Sawtimber Totals: 3,084 26.0% 1,001 3,087,375 62.8% Poletimber White spruce 2,303 19.4% 415 956,806 19.5% Hardwood 7 0.1% 832 5,882 0.1% Cottonwood 1,017 8.6% 626 636,185 12.9% White spruce - Hardwood 71 0.6% 892 63,750 1.3% White spruce - Cottonwood 190 1.6% 874 166,125 3.4% Poletimber Totals: 3,588 30.3% 510 1,828,749 37.2% Dwarf/repro White spruce 17 0.1% 0 0 0.0% Cottonwood 394 3.3% 0 0 0.0% White spruce - Cottonwood 40 0.3% 0 0 0.0% Dwarf/repro Totals: 451 3.8% 0 0 0.0% Forest Totals: 7,124 60.1% 690 4,916,124 100.0% Shrubland Shrubland Totals: 2,679 22.6% 0 0 0.0% Wetland Wetland Totals: 1,230 10.4% 0 0 0.0% Rivers and Lakes Rivers and Lakes Totals: 530 4.5% 0 0 0.0% Barren and Cultural Barren and Cultural Totals: 185 1.6% 0 0 0.0% Unknown Unknown Totals: 109 0.9% 0 0 0.0% Total: 11,858 100.0% 415 4,916,124 100.0% 19 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table 5. Net Timber Volume by Cover Class, All Subunits. Cubic Feet Land Cover Type Acres % Per Acre Total % Forest Sawtimber White spruce 4,017 10.1% 1,171 4,704,765 38.2% Cottonwood 61 0.2% 691 42,031 0.3% White spruce - Hardwood 412 1.0% 1,115 459,467 3.7% White spruce - Cottonwood 526 1.3% 1,061 558,716 4.5% Sawtimber Totals: 5,016 12.6% 1,149 5,764,979 46.8% Poletimber White spruce 5,679 14.3% 505 2,865,456 23.2% Black spruce 1,522 3.8% 93 141,558 1.1% Hardwood 498 1.3% 613 305,219 2.5% Cottonwood 1,546 3.9% 578 893,924 7.3% White spruce - Black spruce 738 1.9% 103 76,202 0.6% White spruce - Hardwood 2,799 7.0% 596 1,667,430 13.5% White spruce - Cottonwood 301 0.8% 876 263,539 2.1% Black spruce - Hardwood 1,103 2.8% 319 351,429 2.9% Poletimber Totals: 14,186 35.7% 463 6,564,757 53.2% Dwarf/repro White spruce 209 0.5% 0 0 0.0% Black spruce 2,819 7.1% 0 0 0.0% Hardwood 176 0.4% 0 0 0.0% Cottonwood 967 2.4% 0 0 0.0% White spruce - Hardwood 24 0.1% 0 0 0.0% White spruce - Cottonwood 40 0.1% 0 0 0.0% Black spruce - Hardwood 6 0.0% 0 0 0.0% Dwarf/repro Totals: 4,240 10.7% 0 0 0.0% Forest Totals: 23,443 59.0% 526 12,329,735 100.0% Shrubland Shrubland Totals: 9,143 23.0% 0 0 0.0% Wetland Wetland Totals: 4,928 12.4% 0 0 0.0% Rivers and Lakes Rivers and Lakes Totals: 1,647 4.1% 0 0 0.0% Barren and Cultural Barren and Cultural Totals: 357 0.9% 0 0 0.0% Unknown Unknown Totals: 198 0.5% 0 0 0.0% Total: 39,715 100.0% 310 12,329,735 100.0% 20 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table 6. Net Timber Volume by Species/Size Class Without Regard to Timber Type, Kobuk Subunit. Total Net Species/Size Class Cubic Feet % % Defect Sawtimber White Spruce 2,410,070 32.5% 13.0% Black Spruce 8,354 0.1% 0.0% Paper Birch 42,799 0.6% 25.2% Quaking Aspen 6,273 0.1% 0.0% Balsam Poplar 73,425 1.0% 14.0% Sawtimber Totals: 2,540,920 34.3% 13.2% Poletimber White Spruce 2,133,011 28.8% 12.1% Black Spruce 633,534 8.5% 3.5% Paper Birch 106,006 1.4% 28.2% Quaking Aspen 210,132 2.8% 0.0% Balsam Poplar 269,152 3.6% 2.2% Misc. Hardwoods 6,999 0.1% 12.5% Poletimber Totals: 3,358,834 45.3% 9.8% Seed/sap White Spruce 513,231 6.9% 9.1% Black Spruce 430,209 5.8% 4.0% Paper Birch 46,860 0.6% 23.6% Quaking Aspen 177,503 2.4% 0.0% Balsam Poplar 37,972 0.5% 4.7% Misc. Hardwoods 95,180 1.3% 11.1% Seed/sap Totals: 1,300,956 17.5% 7.0% Dead White Spruce 170,158 2.3% 53.3% Black Spruce 18,476 0.2% 61.6% Balsam Poplar 24,267 0.3% 10.6% Dead Totals: 212,901 2.9% 51.6% Total: 7,413,611 100.0% 12.7% 21 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table 7. Net Timber Volume by Species/Size Class Without Regard to Timber Type, Noatak Subunit. Total Net Species/Size Class Cubic Feet % % Defect Sawtimber White Spruce 1,579,915 32.1% 18.6% Balsam Poplar 91,047 1.9% 25.1% Sawtimber Totals: 1,670,962 34.0% 19.0% Poletimber White Spruce 1,881,161 38.3% 12.3% Balsam Poplar 515,505 10.5% 20.5% Misc. Hardwoods 628 0.0% 0.0% Poletimber Totals: 2,397,295 48.8% 14.2% Seed/sap White Spruce 423,890 8.6% 14.6% Balsam Poplar 160,877 3.3% 17.3% Misc. Hardwoods 10,477 0.2% 24.7% Seed/sap Totals: 595,245 12.1% 15.6% Dead White Spruce 209,600 4.3% 43.8% Balsam Poplar 43,022 0.9% 43.0% Dead Totals: 252,623 5.1% 43.7% Total: 4,916,124 100.0% 18.2% 22 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table 8. Net Timber Volume by Species/Size Class Without Regard to Timber Type, All Subunits. Total Net Species/Size Class Cubic Feet % % Defect Sawtimber White Spruce 3,989,985 32.4% 15.3% Black Spruce 8,354 0.1% 0.0% Paper Birch 42,799 0.3% 25.2% Quaking Aspen 6,273 0.1% 0.0% Balsam Poplar 164,471 1.3% 20.5% Sawtimber Totals: 4,211,882 34.2% 15.6% Poletimber White Spruce 4,014,172 32.6% 12.2% Black Spruce 633,534 5.1% 3.5% Paper Birch 106,006 0.9% 28.2% Quaking Aspen 210,132 1.7% 0.0% Balsam Poplar 784,657 6.4% 15.0% Misc. Hardwoods 7,627 0.1% 11.6% Poletimber Totals: 5,756,129 46.7% 11.7% Seed/sap White Spruce 937,121 7.6% 11.7% Black Spruce 430,209 3.5% 4.0% Paper Birch 46,860 0.4% 23.6% Quaking Aspen 177,503 1.4% 0.0% Balsam Poplar 198,849 1.6% 15.2% Misc. Hardwoods 105,658 0.9% 12.6% Seed/sap Totals: 1,896,201 15.4% 9.8% Dead White Spruce 379,758 3.1% 48.5% Black Spruce 18,476 0.1% 61.6% Balsam Poplar 67,289 0.5% 34.4% Dead Totals: 465,524 3.8% 47.6% Total: 12,329,735 100.0% 15.0% 23 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Land Classification Through database and GIS compilations all allotment parcel areas in the forest inventory data were classified into broad land classifications: • Accessible forest land: Forested areas that are physically and economically accessible to harvest and are located within two miles from a navigable river or within five miles of a road. • Commercial timberland: Accessible fore st land capable of being stocked with commercial tree species suitable for lumber and available for intensive forest management and sustained timber production. It comprises stands classified as reproduction, poletimber or sawtimber stands with crown cover greater than 30%. • Commercial woodland: Accessible forest land suitable for producing merchantable woody products, comprised of stands with a predominate timber type classification of black spruce poletimber with crown cover greater than 30%. • Forest: At least 10% crown cover of any size, or formally having had such tree cover and currently not developed nor planned for exclusive non forest use. • Inaccessible: An area where access currently is not practical due to economic criteria. Stands that are located greater than two miles from a navigable river or greater than five miles from a road. • Non forest: Land that comprises less than 10% tree cover. Tall shrub, tundra and bogs as well as cultural features are examples of non forest areas. • Noncommercial timberland: Accessible land that may be harvested, but with site quality or current stocking levels that do not warrant investments towards future forest products. This includes stands classified as poletimber or sawtimber with crown cover of 10-30%. It also comprises stands classified as dwarf other than black spruce. • Noncommercial woodland: Accessible land consisting of poor sites. It comprises stands with a predominate timber type classification of black spruce poletimber with crown cover of 10-30%. It also comprises stands with a predominate timber type classification of black spruce dwarf. • Productive inaccessible forest land: Commercial forest land that is unavailable for harvest because it is inaccessible. • Reserved: Forest land that has been administratively withdrawn from harvest for environmental, political, wildlife, archeological or other reasons. Currently no land designation of this type exists in the region . • Timberland: Forest land that is stocked or capable of being stocked with commercial tree species suitable for lumber. The predominate species are white spruce, paper birch, quaking aspen and cottonwood. • Unproductive inaccessible fore st land: Noncommercial forest land that is unavailable for harvest because it is inaccessible. • Woodland: Forest land that is stocked or capable of being stocked with tree species of such form and size that the wood content is generally marketable within t he region for products other than lumber. Typically these products would be fuelwood. The predominate tree species is black spruce Acreage and timber volume summaries using this land classification hierarchy are displayed in Table 9. The Bureau of Indian Affairs has found it useful to report allotment acres in a hierarchical display showing the breakdown of land cover class, reserved class, accessibility, forest class, and productivity class; Table 10 presents the land classification breakdown in such a way. 24 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table 9. Summary of Land Classification acreages and associated timber volumes , both subunits. Forest: 23,443 acres; 12,329,735 CF Accessible: 23,123 acres; 12,202,129 CF Timberland: 18,172 acres; 12,001,288 CF Commercial : 2,878 acres; 1,027,923 CF Non -commercial: 15,294 acres; 10,973,365 CF Woodland: 4,951 acres; 200,841 CF Commercial : 3,120 acres; 28,378 CF Non -commercial: 1,831 acres; 172,463 CF Inaccessible: 320 acres; 127,606 CF Timberland: 305 acres; 126,544 CF Non -productive: 57 acres; 12,031 CF Productive: 248 acres; 114,513 CF Woodland: 15 acres; 1,063 CF Non -productive: 4 acres; 0 CF Productive: 11 acres; 1,063 CF Shrubland: 9,143 acres Wetland : 4,928 acres Rivers and Lakes: 1,647 acres Barren and Cultural: 357 acres Unknown: 198 acres Totals: 39,715 acres; 12,329,735 CF 25 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table 10. Bureau of Indian Affairs land classification acreage chart. 2,878 Commercial 18,172 Timberland 15,294 Non -Comm. 23,123 Accessible 3,120 Commercial 4,951 Woodland 1,831 Non -Comm. 23,443 Unreserved 57 Productive 305 Timberland 248 Unproductive 320 Inaccess. 4 Productive 15 23,443 150,719 Woodland 11 Unproductive Forest 0 Commercial 0 Timberland 0 Non -Comm. 0 Accessible 0 Commercial 0 Woodland 0 Non -Comm. 39,715 acres 0 Reserved 0 Productive 0 Timberland 0 Unproductive 16,272 0 Non -Forest Inaccess. 0 Productive 0 Woodland 0 Unproductive 26 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Estimated Sampling Error Sampling errors were calculated for the net cubic foot estimates for the NANA forest inventory and are reported by strata, by subunit, and overall (Table 11.). Sampling error is a measure of the precision of an estimate (in this case, cubic foot volume), and is calculated from the standard deviation of the sample. It is the standard error of the mean expressed as a percentage of the mean. Sampling errors were calculated for each stratum by the software routines in the inventory application and stored in the stra ta records in the inventory database. An overall sampling error was calculated for each subunit by combining the sampl ing errors from the strata for the subunit with the following formula: []∑∑=)Ns()xS(*)Ns(SE 2 22 where: SE = overall standard error of mean in cubic feet for a subunit Ns = number of plots in a stratum xS = standard error of the mean of a stratum Overall mean for a subunit was calculated from the strata means weighted by the number of plots in each stratum: X = ∑[(Xs)*(PS)] where: X = weighted mean cubic feet/acre Xs = mean cubic feet/acre (CF/Acre) in a stratum or size class PS = percent sample based on number of plots for a stratum Sampling error percent is calculated as the standard error expressed as a percentage of the mean multiplied by the number of standard deviations required for the desired precision: E% = t*(SE)*(100) X where: t = number of standard deviations (used 1) E% = sampling error in percent Similarly, a sample error was calculated for the entire project by combining strata from all subunits together. These statistics are summarized in Table 1 1. When determining a sampling error at one standard deviation, there is a 66% chance (one standard deviation) that the actual volume is within plus or minus the sampling error percentage of the inventory mean. For example, the statistics shown in Table 11 show a sampling error of 2.45% for the cubic foot volume for the entire inventory. This means that for a total volume of 7,731,036 cubic feet there is a 66% chance that the volume is within 189,410 cubic feet (2.45%) of the total volume estimate, based on the variation observed in the sample stands. 27 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table 11. NANA Inventory Statistics. Kobuk Subunit Strata # of plots CF/Acre CF Std. Err. BSP/WSP2 30 103 16.5 BSP2 20 98 34.3 CWP1 10 142 49.7 CWP2 30 625 125.0 HWP/WSP3 60 613 49.0 WSP/BSP1 40 164 27.9 WSP2 40 372 52.1 WSP3 60 933 102.6 WSS/HP3 30 1,192 119.2 WSS2 10 1,160 232.0 WSS3 30 1,651 148.6 Total Plots: 360 Mean Cubic Feet/Acre (weighted by plots): 641 Standard Error of the Mean: 85.8 Sampling Error %: 13.4% Noatak Subunit Strata # of plots CF/Acre CF Std. Err. CWP1 10 800 208.0 CWP2 40 453 72.5 CWP3 10 821 180.6 WSP1 30 117 29.3 WSP2 50 291 34.9 WSP3 20 853 93.8 WSS/CWP3 20 966 164.2 WSS1 10 468 117.0 WSS2 20 783 140.9 WSS3 90 1,149 68.9 Total Plots: 300 Mean Cubic Feet/Acre (weighted by plots): 708 Standard Error of the Mean: 74.9 Sampling Error %: 10.6% All Subunits: Total Plots: 660 Mean Cubic Feet/Acre: 671 Standard Error of the Mean: 19 Sampling Error %: 2.9% 28 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Land Cover Typing Accuracy Assessment Land cover type accuracy was assessed by comparing the land cover type interpreted from the aerial photographs to field observations in those stands where sampling occurred. Table 2 compares the ground calls to land cover type calls made on the aerial photographs. Level s of accuracy depicted for the land cover type calls are independent of timber volume accuracy shown elsewhere in this report. However, they do provide the user with an idea as the variability of land cover classification and error that may have occurred from misclassification. Since only timbered stands were sampled, only timber types are included in this accuracy assessment. The contingency table shown in Table 12 shows how many stands within each timber type sampled actually were found to be that timber type. Producer’s accuracy is the probability that a type on the ground will be adequately represented by the types as interpreted on the photos, and is calculated by dividing the number of stands where the ground call was the same as the photo call for a timber type by the total number of sampled stands for that ground call. User’s accuracy or photo accuracy is the probability that a timber type shown on the photo actually represents that timber type on the ground, and is calculated by dividing the num ber of stands where the ground call was the same as the photo call by the total number of sampled stands with that photo call. The overall photo accuracy is the average of the user’s accuracies for the timber types weighted by the acreages for each timbe r type, and is calculated to be 39%. One consideration when analyzing timber type accuracy is that a timber type call is composed of several elements; species, size class and density, and in the case of mixed type calls, 2 species each with an associated size class. Additional contingency tables were prepared to examine the individual components separately; Table 13 for the species component, Table 14 for the size class component, and Table 15 for the density component. Calculated overall user accuracies for the individual components reveal accuracies of 57% for species, 67% for size class, and 63% for crown densit y. The accuracy for any individual component is a function of the number of possible classes for the component and the ability to determine the component with photo interpretation. Species, size class, and density combined together produce a relatively more difficult attribute to accurately interpret, hence the lower overall combined accuracy. In particular, mixed -species stands are particularly difficult to interpret accurately with regard to all the components of the type calls, and 25% of the timbered acreage was interpreted as mixed -species stands. 29 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table 12. Contingency table comparing cover type calls to ground observations. Ground Calls BSP/WSP2 BSP2 BSP3 CWP1 CWP1/TS CWP2 CWP3 HWP/WSP2 HWP/WSP3 HWP1 HWP3 WSP/BSP2 WSP/BSP3 WSP/HWP2 WSP/HWP3 WSP1/DS WSP1/TS WSP1 WSP2 WSP3 WSS/CWP3 WSS/CWS3 WSS/HWP3 WSS1 WSS2 WSS3 Other Total User Accuracies Acreage Photo Calls BSP/WSP2 1 1 100% 225 BSP2 1 1 0% 645 BSP3 1 1 0% 640 CWP1 1 1 100% 243 CWP1/TS 1 1 0% 103 CWP2 1 3 1 5 60% 839 CWP3 1 1 2 50% 355 HWP/WSP2 1 1 0% 326 HWP/WSP3 1 2 3 0% 800 HWP1 1 1 0% 203 HWP3 1 1 0% 141 WSP/BSP2 1 1 100% 297 WSP/BSP3 1 1 0% 413 WSP/H WP2 1 1 0% 576 WSP/H WP3 1 1 0% 800 WSP1/DS 1 1 2 0% 600 WSP1/TS 1 1 1 3 33% 491 WSP1 2 2 0% 321 WSP2 1 7 1 9 78% 2,056 WSP3 1 1 1 3 1 1 8 13% 2,208 WSS/CWP3 1 1 2 50% 175 WSS/CWS3 1 1 0% 124 WSS/HWP3 1 1 0% 371 WSS1 1 1 100% 191 WSS2 3 3 100% 1,201 WSS3 1 3 8 12 67% 2,476 Total 3 1 0 2 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 11 1 1 0 1 2 7 11 14 66 39% Producer's Accuracies 33% 0% 0% 50% 0% 75% 50% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 100% 0% 0% 0% 50% 0% 64% 100% 100% 0% 0% 50% 43% 73% 31 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table 13. Contingency table comparing species component of cover type calls to ground observations. Ground Calls Photo Calls BS BS/HW BS/WS CW HW/BS HW/WS WS WS/BS WS/CW WS/HW Other Total User Accuracies Acreage BS 1 1 2 50% 4,319 BS/WS 1 1 100% 330 CW 7 2 9 78% 2,573 HW 1 1 2 0% 664 HW/WS 1 1 1 1 4 25% 1,243 WS 1 1 30 5 3 40 75% 9,794 WS/BS 1 1 2 50% 738 WS/CW 1 1 1 3 33% 700 WS/HW 3 3 0% 1,974 Total 3 1 3 8 1 1 34 6 1 1 7 66 57% Producer’s Accuracies 33% 0% 33% 88% 0% 100% 88% 17% 100% 0% Table 14. Contingency table comparing size class component of cover type calls to ground observations. Ground Calls Photo Calls P P/P S S/P S/S Other Total User’s Accuracies Acreage P 22 6 2 7 37 59% 9,245 P/P 2 6 1 9 67% 4,701 S 1 15 16 94% 4,078 S/P 2 1 3 33% 747 S/S 1 1 0% 127 Total 25 12 20 2 0 7 66 67% Producer's Accuracies 88% 50% 75% 50% 0% Table 15. Contingency table comparing crown density component of cover type calls to ground observ ations. Ground Calls Photo Calls 1 2 3 Other Total User’s Accuracies Acreage 1 8 3 11 73% 3,323 2 4 15 3 22 68% 6,873 3 1 13 18 1 33 55% 9,145 Total 13 28 18 7 66 63% Producer's Accuracies 62% 54% 100% 32 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Figure 6. An example of the “spruce needle blight” found on spruce on allotment parcel AKFF 013613 in the Noatak Subunit. Tree Damages and Problems Damages and problems, such as insect attacks, stem rots, and form defects were observed and coded for individual trees, plots and stands. The results for damages and problems found in individual trees encountered in the sample are summarized by subunit in Tables 16 and 17. These data were collected only for those trees sampled on measure plots in sample stands. Tree problem and damage highlights: • In the Kobuk Subunit, evidence of spruce bark beetle activity was found on 7% of the measured white spruce trees. • In the Kobuk Subunit, a substantial portion of white and black spruce trees (11%) had broken tops, possibly from a singular storm event several years ago that appeared focused in the lower portion of the subunit between Ambler and Kiana. • In the Noatak Subunit, 30% of the cottonwood trees measured had dead tops. • In both subunits, an unusual discoloration of foliage on new growth of white and black spruce was commonly observed (Figure 6). It appeared similar to symptoms common to fungal rust infection s and was coded in the damage data as such, but after some discussion following the field trip it was decided that a likely culprit was drought stress, brought on by unusually dry, warm weather during the first part of the growing season in 2012. 33 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table 16. Tree Damage and Problem Summary. Kobuk Subunit. White spruce Black spruce Birch Aspen Cotton wood Willow Total Problem/ Damage # % # % # % # % # % # % # % No d amage 176 38% 72 16% 13 3% 9 2% 12 3% 5 1% 287 62% Spruce bark beetle 20 4% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 20 4% Engraver bark beetles 4 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 4 1% Spruce needle rust/blight 24 5% 17 4% 0% 0% 0% 0% 41 9% Spruce broom rust 7 2% 1 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 8 2% Birch conk 0% 0% 3 1% 0% 0% 0% 3 1% Frost 3 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 3 1% Lean > 15% 4 1% 2 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 6 1% Forked t op 7 2% 5 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 12 3% Broken t op 14 3% 20 4% 0% 1 0% 1 0% 1 0% 37 8% Dead t op 4 1% 0% 1 0% 0% 5 1% 1 0% 11 2% Crook 8 2% 1 0% 0% 2 0% 0% 0% 11 2% Sweep 3 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 3 1% Scar 8 2% 1 0% 0% 3 1% 1 0% 3 1% 16 3% Human c aused 1 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1 0% Unknown 0% 1 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1 0% Totals: 283 61% 120 26% 17 4% 15 3% 19 4% 10 2% 464 100% 34 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table 17. Tree Damage and Problem Summary. Noatak Subunit. White spruce Cottonwood Willow Total Problem/damage # % # % # % # % No damage/problem 210 43% 51 10% 5 1% 266 54% Forest defoliator General 0% 6 1% 0% 6 1% Engraver bark beetles 26 5% 0% 0% 26 5% Foliar disease general 1 0% 0% 0% 1 0% Spruce needle rust 86 17% 0% 0% 86 17% Stem and branch disease general 0% 1 0% 0% 1 0% Porcupine girdling 5 1% 0% 0% 5 1% Wildlife browse 0% 0% 1 0% 1 0% Wind 3 1% 0% 0% 3 1% Frost 2 0% 0% 0% 2 0% Lean > 15% 15 3% 3 1% 1 0% 19 4% Forked top 12 2% 3 1% 0% 15 3% Broken top 3 1% 3 1% 0% 6 1% Dead top 9 2% 31 6% 0% 40 8% Wolf tree 1 0% 0% 0% 1 0% Crook 2 0% 1 0% 0% 3 1% Sweep 4 1% 3 1% 0% 7 1% Scar 4 1% 0% 0% 4 1% Totals: 383 78% 102 21% 7 1% 492 100% Regeneration Plot Data Results The stocking data of small trees less than 1” DBH collected on 1/300th acre fixed radius plots are summarized in Tables 18 and 19. The fixed plot data were compiled and processed for each sampled stand, and the presented results by strata are the results of straight averaging of the data from sampled stands within each strat um. 35 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table 18. Regeneration data by Strata, Kobuk Subunit. Species Trees/acre Avg. Stratum: BSP2 Black Spruce 1,140 6 Paper Birch 30 9 White Spruce 480 8 Stratum BSP2 Totals: 1,650 23 Stratum: BSP/WSP2 Black Spruce 910 5 White Spruce 1,245 5 Stratum BSP/WSP2 Totals: 2,155 10 Stratum: CWP1 Misc. Hardwoods 210 13 White Spruce 90 2 Stratum CWP1 Totals: 300 15 Stratum: CWP2 Balsam Poplar 660 10 Black Spruce 150 4 Misc. Hardwoods 240 12 White Spruce 675 6 Stratum CWP2 Totals: 1,725 32 Stratum: HWP/WSP3 Black Spruce 1,130 4 Misc. Hardwoods 150 12 Paper Birch 165 9 Quaking Aspen 300 6 White Spruce 795 5 Stratum HWP/WSP3 Totals: 2,540 36 Stratum: WSP2 Balsam Poplar 120 4 Black Spruce 660 7 Misc. Hardwoods 420 9 Paper Birch 30 10 Quaking Aspen 1,140 2 White Spruce 795 6 Stratum WSP2 Totals: 3,165 38 Stratum: WSP3 Black Spruce 2,040 5 White Spruce 675 6 Stratum WSP3 Totals: 2,715 11 Stratum: WSP/BSP1 Black Spruce 270 6 Paper Birch 90 7 Quaking Aspen 270 5 White Spruce 330 4 Stratum WSP/BSP1 Totals: 960 20 Stratum: WSS2 White Spruce 90 316 Stratum WSS2 Totals: 90 316 Stratum: WSS3 Paper Birch 30 3 White Spruce 1,220 4 Stratum WSS3 Totals: 1,250 7 Stratum: WSS/HWP3 Misc. Hardwoods 30 5 Paper Birch 120 15 White Spruce 495 12 Stratum WSS/HWP3 Totals: 645 31 36 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table 18. Regeneration data by Strata, Noatak Subunit Species Trees/acre Avg. Stratum: CWP1 Balsam Poplar 450 6 White Spruce 1,170 2 Stratum CWP1 Totals: 1,620 8 Stratum: CWP2 Balsam Poplar 1,980 5 Misc. Hardwoods 240 11 White Spruce 1,538 3 Stratum CWP2 Totals: 3,758 20 Stratum: CWP3 Balsam Poplar 1,260 5 White Spruce 870 3 Stratum CWP3 Totals: 2,130 8 Stratum: WSP1 Balsam Poplar 225 3 White Spruce 2,930 4 Stratum WSP1 Totals: 3,155 7 Stratum: WSP2 White Spruce 1,620 3 Stratum WSP2 Totals: 1,620 3 Stratum: WSP3 Balsam Poplar 705 4 White Spruce 1,905 4 Stratum WSP3 Totals: 2,610 8 Stratum: WSS1 Balsam Poplar 330 6 White Spruce 2,700 1 Stratum WSS1 Totals: 3,030 7 Stratum: WSS2 Balsam Poplar 60 2 Tamarack 30 6 White Spruce 2,220 2 Stratum WSS2 Totals: 2,310 10 Stratum: WSS3 Balsam Poplar 96 4 White Spruce 1,383 3 Stratum WSS3 Totals: 1,479 7 Stratum: WSS/CWP3 Balsam Poplar 435 5 White Spruce 3,225 2 Stratum WSS/CWP3 Totals: 3,660 7 37 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table 19. Number of trees measured for age and radial growth by species and subunit. Subunit White Spruce Black Spruce Paper birch Quaking aspen Balsam poplar Total Kobuk 58 32 10 3 5 108 Noatak 53 13 66 Total 111 32 10 3 18 174 Tree Ages and Growth As mentioned above, trees were selected in the sample stands for collection of age and growth data using an increment core tool (Figure 7). Attempts were made to collect this data for any tree species encountered on the sample plots, and to select individual trees that demonstrated growth and form characteristics that were representative of the site (that appeared to have been relatively free t o grow throughout their life, were not suppressed, did not have substantial damage or defects, etc.). Beyond that criteria, the selection of the trees was entirely subjective, and included collection of data from trees that were in the sample stands but not part of the variable-radius plot sample. A total of 176 trees were sampled. Growth was measured in terms of radial growth in the last 10 years; both age and growth were measured at breast height (4.5’). Table 19 summarizes the number of trees that were measured for age and growth by species and subunit, and Table 20 shows the average age, growth, and total height of the sampled trees by subunit, strata, and species. The age is shown with height because of the common practice to evaluate site potential by analyzing the age/height relationship of trees. Further summaries of the age and height data by species and subunit are displayed graphically in Figure 8. Figure 7. A sample tree being cored for age and growth measurements, allotment parcel AFFF 018763A, Kobuk subunit. 38 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table 20. Mean age, height, and 10-year radial growth by tree species and strata. White spruce Black spruce Paper Birch Quaking Aspen Balsam poplar Mgt . Unit - Strata Mean Age Mean Height Mean Rad. Growth Mean Age Mean Height Mean Rad. Growth Mean Age Mean Height Mean Rad. Growth Mean Age Mean Height Mean Rad. Growth Mean Age Mean Height Mean Rad. Growth Kobuk – BSP/WSP2 73 33 0.2 61 25 0.2 Kobuk – BSP2 110 32 0.2 60 24 0.4 Kobuk – CWP1 83 54 0.3 Kobuk – CWP2 49 35 0.6 61 28 0.2 52 46 0.5 Kobuk – HWP/WSP3 92 44 0.3 68 34 0.3 55 28 0.3 54 37 0.3 Kobuk – WSP/BSP1 81 39 0.4 57 29 0.3 80 33 0.2 Kobuk – WSP2 85 37 0.3 81 33 0.3 Kobuk – WSP3 103 49 0.2 91 34 0.2 Kobuk – WSS/HWP3 97 65 0.5 68 45 0.4 Kobuk – WSS2 144 53 0.4 Kobuk – WSS3 116 60 0.4 Noatak – CWP1 74 42 0.3 Noatak – CWP2 63 38 0.7 69 37 0.4 Noatak – CWP3 48 24 0.3 Noatak – WSP1 86 30 0.3 Noatak – WSP2 109 25 0.2 Noatak – WSP3 86 46 0.4 50 33 0.3 Noatak – WSS/CWP3 150 59 0.4 66 31 0.4 Noatak – WSS1 133 50 0.5 Noatak – WSS2 179 51 0.4 Noatak – WSS3 137 50 0.3 39 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Figure 8. Scatterplots of height as a function of age for sampled trees by species and subunit. White Spruce White Spruce Kobuk Subunit Noatak Subunit Black Spruce Birch Kobuk Subunit Kobuk Subunit 0102030405060708090 0 50 100 150 200HeightAge 01020304050607080 0 100 200 300HeightAge05101520253035404550050100150200HeightAge0102030405060050100HeightAge 40 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Figure 8. Scatterplots of height as a function of age for sampled trees by species and subunit (continued). Cottonwood Cottonwood Kobuk Subunit Noatak Subunit 0102030405060 0 50 100HeightAge 0102030405060 0 50 100HeightAge 42 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table A -1. Cover types and strata, Kobuk Subunit. Cover Class: Forest Stratum: BSP/WSP2 Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands BSP/WSP1 1 2 0 BSP/WSP2 6 225 1 BSP/WSP3 8 104 0 WSP/BSP2 37 297 1 WSP/BSP3 43 413 1 Stratum Totals: 95 1,041 3 Stratum: BSP2 Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands BSP/HWP1 6 67 0 BSP/HWP2 12 116 0 BSP/HWP3 13 111 0 BSP1 38 237 0 BSP2 60 645 1 BSP3 59 640 1 Stratum Totals: 188 1,816 2 Stratum: CWP1 Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands CWP/WSS1 1 4 0 CWP1 16 67 0 CWP1/TS 7 73 1 Stratum Totals: 24 144 1 Stratum: CWP2 Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands CWP/WSP2 5 45 0 CWP/WSP3 2 5 0 CWP2 28 247 1 CWP2/TS 1 2 0 CWP3 28 140 1 CWS2 1 7 0 HWP/WSP1 12 72 0 HWP1 59 203 1 HWP3 29 134 1 Stratum Totals: 165 856 4 Stratum: HWP/WSP3 Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands HWP/BSP1 5 44 0 HWP/BSP2 12 113 0 HWP/BSP3 21 249 0 HWP/WSP2 31 316 1 HWP/WSP3 63 783 3 HWP/WSS2 1 24 0 HWP/WSS3 1 7 0 HWP1/BSD 4 72 0 HWP1/DS 2 15 0 HWP1/HWR 1 10 0 HWP1/TS 5 12 0 HWP1/WSR 1 11 0 HWP2 36 116 0 WSP/HWP2 53 555 1 WSP/HWP3 69 776 1 WSS/HWP2 8 31 0 Stratum Totals: 313 3,136 6 43 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table A -1. Cover types and strata, Kobuk Subunit (continued). Stratum: WSP/BSP1 Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands WSP/BSP1 4 27 0 WSP1 79 436 2 WSP1/DS 35 315 1 WSP1/HWR 5 44 0 WSP1/TS 23 112 1 Stratum Totals: 146 935 4 Stratum: WSP2 Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands WSP/HWP1 24 139 0 WSP2 147 1,019 4 WSP2/TS 1 3 0 Stratum Totals: 172 1,161 4 Stratum: WSP3 Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands WSP3 127 1,490 6 Stratum Totals: 127 1,490 6 Stratum: WSS/HWP3 Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands WSP/CWP2 4 24 0 WSP/CWP3 3 33 0 WSS/CWP1 3 18 0 WSS/CWP2 3 62 0 WSS/CWP3 3 28 0 WSS/CWS3 4 109 1 WSS/HWP1 1 10 0 WSS/HWP3 31 371 1 Stratum Totals: 52 656 2 Stratum: WSS2 Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands WSS1 12 63 0 WSS1/CWR 3 57 0 WSS1/TS 9 68 0 WSS2 53 309 1 Stratum Totals: 77 496 1 Stratum: WSS3 Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands WSS3 77 799 3 Stratum Totals: 77 799 3 Dwarf/repro types Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands Not assigned to strata: Br/BSD 1 4 0 Br/BSP1 1 19 0 Br/WSP1 1 1 0 BrHWP3 1 11 0 BrHWR/WSR 1 19 0 BrWSP1 2 76 0 BrWSP1/WSr 1 33 0 BSD 187 2,796 0 BSR 1 1 0 CWR 74 572 0 HWR 26 166 0 HWR/BSR 1 6 0 HWR/WSR 1 3 0 WSR 25 81 0 WSR/HWR 1 2 0 Stratum Totals: 324 3,789 0 Forest Cover Class Totals: 1760 16,319 36 44 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table A -1. Cover types and strata, Kobuk Subunit (continued). Cover Class:Shrubland Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands BrDS 2 20 0 DS 242 3,741 0 TS 320 2,703 0 Shrubland Cover Class Totals: 564 6,464 0 Cover Class: Wetland Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands B 460 2,426 0 DSw 57 1,135 0 TSw 31 137 0 Wetland Cover Class Totals: 548 3,697 0 Cover Class: Rivers and Lakes Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands R 191 507 0 W 235 610 0 Rivers and Lakes Cover Class Totals: 426 1,117 0 Cover Class: Barren and Cultural Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands Ba 33 99 0 Cu 27 73 0 Barren and Cultural Cover Class Totals: 60 172 0 Cover Class: Unknown Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands Untyped 1 88 0 Unknown Cover Class Totals: 1 88 0 Kobuk Subunit Totals: 3359 27,857 36 45 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table A -2. Cover types and strata, Noatak Subunit. Cover Class: Forest Stratum: CWP1 Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands CWP/WSP1 1 8 0 CWP1 27 176 1 CWP1/TS 7 30 0 CWS1 1 4 0 Stratum Totals: 36 218 1 Stratum: CWP2 Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands CWP/WSP2 1 4 0 CWP2 69 592 4 CWP2/CWR 1 3 0 CWS2 4 19 0 HWP/WSP2 1 9 0 Stratum Totals: 76 628 4 Stratum: CWP3 Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands CWP3 50 215 1 CWS3 3 30 0 HWP/WSP3 1 17 0 HWP3 1 7 0 Stratum Totals: 55 269 1 Stratum: WSP1 Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands WSP1 22 163 0 WSP1/CWR 2 23 0 WSP1/DS 23 176 1 WSP1/TS 37 208 2 Stratum Totals: 84 571 3 Stratum: WSP2 Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands WSP2 75 1,037 5 Stratum Totals: 75 1,037 5 Stratum: WSP3 Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands WSP3 53 718 2 Stratum Totals: 53 718 2 Stratum: WSS/CWP3 Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands CWP/WSP3 4 24 0 CWP/WSS2 8 26 0 CWP/WSS3 3 29 0 WSP/CWP2 3 37 0 WSP/CWP3 5 38 0 WSP/HWP2 4 21 0 WSP/HWP3 2 24 0 WSS/CWP2 13 70 0 WSS/CWP3 17 147 2 WSS/CWS2 1 1 0 WSS/CWS3 2 15 0 Stratum Totals: 62 433 2 46 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table A -2. Cover types and strata, Noatak Subunit (continued). Stratum: WSS1 Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands WSS/CWP1 1 9 0 WSS1 20 128 1 WSS1/CWR 2 8 0 WSS1/TS 13 82 0 Stratum Totals: 36 227 1 Stratum: WSS2 Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands WSS2 86 892 2 Stratum Totals: 86 892 2 Stratum: WSS3 Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands WSS3 103 1,677 9 Stratum Totals: 103 1,677 9 Dwarf/repro types Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands Not assigned to strata CWR 48 394 0 CWR/WSR 2 19 0 CWS/WSS2 1 2 0 WSR 8 17 0 WSR/CWR 2 20 0 Dwarf/repro Totals: 61 453 0 Forest Cover Class Totals: 727 7,124 30 Cover Class:Shrubland Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands DS 50 1,032 0 TS 197 1,647 0 Shrubland Cover Class Totals: 247 2,679 0 Cover Class:Wetland Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands B 165 862 0 DSw 12 223 0 TSw 16 146 0 Wetland Cover Class Totals: 193 1,230 0 Cover Class: Rivers and Lakes Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands R 114 463 0 W 22 67 0 Rivers and Lakes Cover Class Totals: 136 530 0 Cover Class: Barren and Cultural Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands Ba 42 182 0 Cu 3 3 0 Barren and Cultural Cover Class Totals: 45 185 0 47 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table A -2. Cover types and strata, Noatak Subunit (continued). Cover Class: Unknown Land Cover Type polygons Acres Sampled Stands Untyped 2 109 0 Stratum Totals: 2 109 0 Unknown Cover Class Totals: 2 109 0 Noatak Subunit Totals: 1350 11,858 30 49 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Appendix B: Net Timber Volume by Strata Summaries 50 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table B -1. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Kobuk Subunit , Stratum BSP2. Net Volume Per Acre Total Net Volume Size Class/Species Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Poletimber White Spruce 5 5.4% 9,079 Black Spruce 12 12.9% 21,790 Subtotal: 17 18.3% 30,869 Seed/sap White Spruce 35 37.6% 63,555 Black Spruce 41 44.1% 74,450 Subtotal: 76 81.7% 138,004 TOTAL: 93 100.0 168,874 Stratum Acreage in this Subunit: 1,816 Table B -2. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Kobuk Subunit , Stratum BSP/WSP2. Net Volume Per Acre Total Net Volume Size Class/Species Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Sawtimber Black Spruce 2 2.0% 2,082 Subtotal: 2 2.0% 2,082 Poletimber White Spruce 7 7.0% 7,285 Black Spruce 11 11.0% 11,448 Subtotal: 18 18.0% 18,734 Seed/sap White Spruce 17 17.0% 17,693 Black Spruce 56 56.0% 58,282 Subtotal: 73 73.0% 75,975 Dead Black Spruce 7 7.0% 7,285 Subtotal: 7 7.0% 7,285 TOTAL: 100 100.0 104,075 Stratum Acreage in this Subunit: 1,041 51 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table B -3. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Kobuk Subunit, Stratum CWP1. Net Volume Per Acre Total Net Volume Size Class/Species Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Sawtimber Balsam Poplar 82 56.9% 11,777 Subtotal: 82 56.9% 11,777 Poletimber White Spruce 12 8.3% 1,723 Balsam Poplar 14 9.7% 2,011 Misc. Hardwoods 7 4.9% 1,005 Subtotal: 33 22.9% 4,739 Seed/sap Balsam Poplar 14 9.7% 2,011 Misc. Hardwoods 7 4.9% 1,005 Subtotal: 21 14.6% 3,016 Dead Balsam Poplar 8 5.6% 1,149 Subtotal: 8 5.6% 1,149 TOTAL: 144 100.0 20,681 Stratum Acreage in this Subunit: 144 Table B -4. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Kobuk Subunit, Stratum CWP2. Net Volume Per Acre Total Net Volume Size Class/Species Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Sawtimber White Spruce 2 0.3% 1,712 Balsam Poplar 72 11.8% 61,648 Subtotal: 74 12.1% 63,360 Poletimber White Spruce 23 3.8% 19,693 Balsam Poplar 312 51.1% 267,141 Misc. Hardwoods 7 1.1% 5,994 Subtotal: 342 56.1% 292,828 Seed/sap White Spruce 14 2.3% 11,987 Black Spruce 12 2.0% 10,275 Balsam Poplar 42 6.9% 35,961 Misc. Hardwoods 99 16.2% 84,766 Subtotal: 167 27.4% 142,989 Dead Balsam Poplar 27 4.4% 23,118 Subtotal: 27 4.4% 23,118 TOTAL: 610 100.0 522,296 Stratum Acreage in this Subunit: 835 52 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table B -5. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Kobuk Subunit, Stratum HWP/WSP3. Net Volume Per Acre Total Net Volume Size Class/Species Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Sawtimber White Spruce 103 16.9% 323,039 Black Spruce 2 0.3% 6,273 Quaking Aspen 2 0.3% 6,273 Subtotal: 107 17.6% 335,584 Poletimber White Spruce 105 17.3% 329,311 Black Spruce 161 26.5% 504,944 Paper Birch 4 0.7% 12,545 Quaking Aspen 67 11.0% 210,132 Subtotal: 337 55.4% 1,056,932 Seed/sap White Spruce 39 6.4% 122,316 Black Spruce 49 8.1% 153,679 Paper Birch 11 1.8% 34,499 Quaking Aspen 56 9.2% 175,633 Misc. Hardwoods 3 0.5% 9,409 Subtotal: 158 26.0% 495,535 Dead White Spruce 6 1.0% 18,818 Subtotal: 6 1.0% 18,818 TOTAL: 608 100.0 1,906,869 Stratum Acreage in this Subunit: 2,382 53 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table B -6. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Kobuk Subunit, Stratum WSP2. Net Volume Per Acre Total Net Volume Size Class/Species Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Sawtimber White Spruce 57 16.4% 66,183 Subtotal: 57 16.4% 66,183 Poletimber White Spruce 214 61.7% 248,478 Black Spruce 6 1.7% 6,967 Subtotal: 220 63.4% 255,444 Seed/sap White Spruce 38 11.0% 44,122 Black Spruce 19 5.5% 22,061 Subtotal: 57 16.4% 66,183 Dead White Spruce 13 3.7% 15,094 Subtotal: 13 3.7% 15,094 TOTAL: 347 100.0 402,905 Stratum Acreage in this Subunit: 1,161 Table B -7. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Kobuk Subunit, Stratum WSP3. Net Volume Per Acre Total Net Volume Size Class/Species Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Sawtimber White Spruce 389 41.6% 579,582 Subtotal: 389 41.6% 579,582 Poletimber White Spruce 343 36.7% 511,046 Black Spruce 45 4.8% 67,047 Paper Birch 1 0.1% 1,490 Subtotal: 389 41.6% 579,582 Seed/sap White Spruce 74 7.9% 110,255 Black Spruce 61 6.5% 90,886 Subtotal: 135 14.5% 201,140 Dead White Spruce 16 1.7% 23,839 Black Spruce 5 0.5% 7,450 Subtotal: 21 2.2% 31,289 TOTAL: 934 100.0 1,391,593 Stratum Acreage in this Subunit: 1,490 54 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table B -8. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Kobuk Subunit, Stratum WSP/BSP1. Net Volume Per Acre Total Net Volume Size Class/Species Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Sawtimber White Spruce 33 17.6% 30,866 Paper Birch 3 1.6% 2,806 Subtotal: 36 19.1% 33,672 Poletimber White Spruce 57 30.3% 53,314 Black Spruce 13 6.9% 12,159 Paper Birch 3 1.6% 2,806 Subtotal: 73 38.8% 68,280 Seed/sap White Spruce 45 23.9% 42,090 Black Spruce 22 11.7% 20,577 Paper Birch 2 1.1% 1,871 Quaking Aspen 2 1.1% 1,871 Subtotal: 71 37.8% 66,409 Dead White Spruce 4 2.1% 3,741 Black Spruce 4 2.1% 3,741 Subtotal: 8 4.3% 7,483 TOTAL: 188 100.0 175,844 Stratum Acreage in this Subunit: 935 Table B -9. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Kobuk Subunit, Stratum WSS2. Net Volume Per Acre Total Net Volume Size Class/Species Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Sawtimber White Spruce 981 85.2% 486,854 Subtotal: 981 85.2% 486,854 Poletimber White Spruce 142 12.3% 70,472 Subtotal: 142 12.3% 70,472 Dead White Spruce 28 2.4% 13,896 Subtotal: 28 2.4% 13,896 TOTAL: 1,151 100.0 571,223 Stratum Acreage in this Subunit: 496 55 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table B -10. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Kobuk Subunit, Stratum WSS3. Net Volume Per Acre Total Net Volume Size Class/Species Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Sawtimber White Spruce 797 45.8% 636,636 Subtotal: 797 45.8% 636,636 Poletimber White Spruce 752 43.2% 600,690 Subtotal: 752 43.2% 600,690 Seed/sap White Spruce 75 4.3% 59,909 Subtotal: 75 4.3% 59,909 Dead White Spruce 117 6.7% 93,458 Subtotal: 117 6.7% 93,458 TOTAL: 1,741 100.0 1,390,694 Stratum Acreage in this Subunit: 799 Table B -11. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Kobuk Subunit, Stratum WSS/HP3. Net Volume Per Acre Total Net Volume Size Class/Species Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Sawtimber White Spruce 435 37.6% 285,197 Paper Birch 61 5.3% 39,993 Subtotal: 496 42.9% 325,190 Poletimber White Spruce 430 37.2% 281,919 Black Spruce 14 1.2% 9,179 Paper Birch 136 11.8% 89,165 Subtotal: 580 50.1% 380,262 Seed/sap White Spruce 63 5.4% 41,304 Paper Birch 16 1.4% 10,490 Subtotal: 79 6.8% 51,794 Dead White Spruce 2 0.2% 1,311 Subtotal: 2 0.2% 1,311 TOTAL: 1,157 100.0 758,558 Stratum Acreage in this Subunit: 1,432 56 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table B -12. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Noatak Subunit, Stratum CWP1. Net Volume Per Acre Total Net Volume Size Class/Species Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Sawtimber Balsam Poplar 80 9.5% 17,471 Subtotal: 80 9.5% 17,471 Poletimber Balsam Poplar 624 73.8% 136,275 Subtotal: 624 73.8% 136,275 Seed/sap Balsam Poplar 118 13.9% 25,770 Misc. Hardwoods 19 2.2% 4,149 Subtotal: 137 16.2% 29,919 Dead Balsam Poplar 5 0.6% 1,092 Subtotal: 5 0.6% 1,092 TOTAL: 846 100.0 184,758 Stratum Acreage in this Subunit: 218 Table B -13. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Noatak Subunit, Stratum CWP2. Net Volume Per Acre Total Net Volume Size Class/Species Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Sawtimber White Spruce 21 4.4% 13,198 Balsam Poplar 10 2.1% 6,285 Subtotal: 31 6.5% 19,483 Poletimber White Spruce 7 1.5% 4,399 Balsam Poplar 224 47.2% 140,779 Misc. Hardwoods 1 0.2% 628 Subtotal: 232 48.8% 145,807 Seed/sap White Spruce 40 8.4% 25,139 Balsam Poplar 116 24.4% 72,903 Misc. Hardwoods 8 1.7% 5,028 Subtotal: 164 34.5% 103,070 Dead Balsam Poplar 48 10.1% 30,167 Subtotal: 48 10.1% 30,167 TOTAL: 475 100.0 298,527 Stratum Acreage in this Subunit: 655 57 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table B -14. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Noatak Subunit, Stratum CWP3. Net Volume Per Acre Total Net Volume Size Class/Species Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Sawtimber Balsam Poplar 172 20.7% 46,338 Subtotal: 172 20.7% 46,338 Poletimber Balsam Poplar 489 58.8% 131,741 Subtotal: 489 58.8% 131,741 Seed/sap Balsam Poplar 138 16.6% 37,179 Subtotal: 138 16.6% 37,179 Dead Balsam Poplar 33 4.0% 8,891 Subtotal: 33 4.0% 8,891 TOTAL: 832 100.0 224,149 Stratum Acreage in this Subunit: 322 Table B-15. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Noatak Subunit, Stratum WSP1. Net Volume Per Acre Total Net Volume Size Class/Species Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Sawtimber White Spruce 35 34.3% 19,970 Subtotal: 35 34.3% 19,970 Poletimber White Spruce 36 35.3% 20,541 Subtotal: 36 35.3% 20,541 Seed/sap White Spruce 17 16.7% 9,700 Balsam Poplar 14 13.7% 7,988 Subtotal: 31 30.4% 17,688 TOTAL: 102 100.0 58,199 Stratum Acreage in this Subunit: 571 58 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table B -16. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Noatak Subunit, Stratum WSP2. Net Volume Per Acre Total Net Volume Size Class/Species Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Sawtimber White Spruce 26 9.1% 26,960 Subtotal: 26 9.1% 26,960 Poletimber White Spruce 121 42.2% 125,467 Subtotal: 121 42.2% 125,467 Seed/sap White Spruce 109 38.0% 113,024 Subtotal: 109 38.0% 113,024 Dead White Spruce 31 10.8% 32,144 Subtotal: 31 10.8% 32,144 TOTAL: 287 100.0 297,594 Stratum Acreage in this Subunit: 1,037 Table B -17. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Noatak Subunit, Stratum WSP3. Net Volume Per Acre Total Net Volume Size Class/Species Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Sawtimber White Spruce 295 35.1% 211,884 Subtotal: 295 35.1% 211,884 Poletimber White Spruce 331 39.4% 237,741 Balsam Poplar 32 3.8% 22,984 Subtotal: 363 43.2% 260,725 Seed/sap White Spruce 146 17.4% 104,865 Balsam Poplar 10 1.2% 7,183 Subtotal: 156 18.6% 112,047 Dead White Spruce 22 2.6% 15,802 Balsam Poplar 4 0.5% 2,873 Subtotal: 26 3.1% 18,675 TOTAL: 840 100.0 603,330 Stratum Acreage in this Subunit: 718 59 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table B -18. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Noatak Subunit, Stratum WSS1. Net Volume Per Acre Total Net Volume Size Class/Species Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Sawtimber White Spruce 336 72.9% 76,247 Subtotal: 336 72.9% 76,247 Poletimber Balsam Poplar 125 27.1% 28,366 Subtotal: 125 27.1% 28,366 TOTAL: 461 100.0 104,613 Stratum Acreage in this Subunit: 227 Table B -19. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Noatak Subunit, Stratum WSS2. Net Volume Per Acre Total Net Volume Size Class/Species Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Sawtimber White Spruce 379 48.7% 338,049 Subtotal: 379 48.7% 338,049 Poletimber White Spruce 350 45.0% 312,182 Subtotal: 350 45.0% 312,182 Seed/sap White Spruce 49 6.3% 43,706 Subtotal: 49 6.3% 43,706 TOTAL: 778 100.0 693,937 Stratum Acreage in this Subunit: 892 60 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table B -20. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Noatak Subunit, Stratum WSS3. Net Volume Per Acre Total Net Volume Size Class/Species Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Sawtimber White Spruce 436 36.2% 731,088 Balsam Poplar 5 0.4% 8,384 Subtotal: 441 36.7% 739,473 Poletimber White Spruce 606 50.4% 1,016,146 Balsam Poplar 2 0.2% 3,354 Subtotal: 608 50.5% 1,019,500 Seed/sap White Spruce 68 5.7% 114,023 Balsam Poplar 2 0.2% 3,354 Subtotal: 70 5.8% 117,377 Dead White Spruce 84 7.0% 140,852 Subtotal: 84 7.0% 140,852 TOTAL: 1,203 100.0 2,017,201 Stratum Acreage in this Subunit: 1,677 Table B -21. Net Timber Volume by Species and Size Class for Noatak Subunit, Stratum WSS/CWP3. Net Volume Per Acre Total Net Volume Size Class/Species Cubic Feet Cubic Feet Sawtimber White Spruce 375 37.5% 162,519 Balsam Poplar 29 2.9% 12,568 Subtotal: 404 40.4% 175,087 Poletimber White Spruce 380 38.0% 164,686 Balsam Poplar 120 12.0% 52,006 Subtotal: 500 50.0% 216,692 Seed/sap White Spruce 31 3.1% 13,435 Balsam Poplar 15 1.5% 6,501 Misc. Hardwoods 3 0.3% 1,300 Subtotal: 49 4.9% 21,236 Dead White Spruce 48 4.8% 20,802 Subtotal: 48 4.8% 20,802 TOTAL: 1,001 100.0 433,817 Stratum Acreage in this Subunit: 354 61 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Appendix C: Timber Volumes by Allotment Parcel 62 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table C-1. Timber volumes and parcel acreages by Native allotment parcel, Kobuk Subunit. Parcel Parcel Acres Total Net Cubic Feet Parcel Parcel Acres Total Net Cubic Feet AKAA 084052 159.98 100,851 AKFF 014211 159.98 44,095 AKF 009169 160.05 75,261 AKFF 014408B 79.99 33,470 AKF 009172 159.85 67,603 AKFF 015625A 35.97 8,426 AKF 017323 160.03 28,102 AKFF 015625B 40.00 2,659 AKF 019643A 79.99 4,062 AKFF 015625C 40.00 636 AKF 019643B 39.99 9,662 AKFF 015631 80.00 28,118 AKF 022652 160.02 72,451 AKFF 015632 159.98 19,140 AKF 022747 159.98 53,466 AKFF 015633 159.99 36,417 AKF 023433 160.00 55,714 AKFF 015634A 32.98 23,529 AKF 024287 159.97 7,687 AKFF 015634B 40.00 16,885 AKF 024292A 4.99 267 AKFF 015635A 40.00 0 AKF 024292B 154.97 13,585 AKFF 015635B 39.94 19,648 AKF 026204 160.02 86,525 AKFF 015635C 40.00 40,123 AKF 026389A 159.42 182,298 AKFF 015635D 40.00 5,488 AKF 026389B 0.57 0 AKFF 015638A 24.98 8,779 AKF 031389 34.99 911 AKFF 015638B 39.99 23,075 AKF 035179A 0.54 0 AKFF 015638C 40.08 12,295 AKF 035179B 0.88 0 AKFF 015638D 40.00 203 AKFF 000047A 0.73 0 AKFF 015639A 37.00 14,868 AKFF 000047B 40.00 19,843 AKFF 015639B 120.00 39,398 AKFF 000047C 39.98 0 AKFF 015640 160.03 41,026 AKFF 000047D 39.00 36,377 AKFF 015648 154.93 13,255 AKFF 000047E 40.00 4,539 AKFF 015649A 39.99 26,899 AKFF 000048 0.64 0 AKFF 015649B 74.99 20,446 AKFF 000503A 0.57 0 AKFF 015649C 26.96 16,735 AKFF 000503B 159.42 3,995 AKFF 015664A 40.00 14,974 AKFF 000593A 26.00 8,798 AKFF 015664B 39.34 36,297 AKFF 000593D 94.07 76,973 AKFF 015664C 40.40 5,629 AKFF 009545A 19.96 0 AKFF 015664D 39.98 20,485 AKFF 009545B 19.97 12,440 AKFF 015695 160.00 31,436 AKFF 011926A 39.99 2,202 AKFF 015696 134.98 23,388 AKFF 011926B 79.98 6,195 AKFF 015700 159.92 91,828 AKFF 011926C 39.98 55,822 AKFF 015707A 39.98 6,752 AKFF 011982 160.00 47,612 AKFF 015707B 40.00 20,181 AKFF 012120 160.03 81,375 AKFF 015707C 39.85 22,613 AKFF 013023 159.99 0 AKFF 015708A 39.98 49,279 AKFF 013024 159.97 12,032 AKFF 015708B 39.96 27,738 AKFF 013027 159.97 20,324 AKFF 015708C 39.99 1,438 AKFF 013127B 79.96 25,156 AKFF 015708D 40.01 3,167 AKFF 013264 160.05 80,724 AKFF 015729 160.01 23,216 AKFF 013265 90.01 0 AKFF 015754 159.96 0 AKFF 013266 159.84 35,745 AKFF 015799A 59.98 149 AKFF 013267 159.87 44,821 AKFF 015799B 80.00 19,963 AKFF 013268A 80.00 44,471 AKFF 015849A 79.99 13,657 AKFF 013318A 154.82 16,347 AKFF 015849B 40.00 3,109 AKFF 013318B 4.99 2,172 AKFF 015849C 40.00 52,262 AKFF 013801A 79.96 96,581 AKFF 015850A 79.98 63,648 AKFF 013801B 80.00 7,977 AKFF 015850B 79.99 2,712 AKFF 013871 160.00 40,184 AKFF 015851A 79.99 22,533 AKFF 014167 160.46 135,104 AKFF 015851B 79.98 81,280 AKFF 014169 159.98 14,692 AKFF 015852 159.99 21,081 AKFF 014185B 40.00 4,833 AKFF 015864 159.94 9,976 AKFF 014185C 40.00 0 AKFF 015865 49.79 392 AKFF 014209 159.99 14,577 AKFF 015866B 62.29 0 63 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table C-1. Timber volumes and parcel acreages by Native allotment parcel, Kobuk Subunit (continued). Parcel Parcel Acres Total Net Cubic Feet Parcel Parcel Acres Total Net Cubic Feet AKFF 015866C 17.67 0 AKFF 016371B 79.93 1,684 AKFF 015867 159.49 12,328 AKFF 016372A 80.00 28,363 AKFF 015868 79.94 16,505 AKFF 016372B 73.00 56,789 AKFF 015869 159.97 1,856 AKFF 016373A 79.51 69,446 AKFF 015870 159.53 6,015 AKFF 016373B 80.01 68,864 AKFF 015871A 79.99 11,190 AKFF 016464 159.93 0 AKFF 015871B 40.00 331 AKFF 016569 160.01 10,464 AKFF 015871C 40.00 3,023 AKFF 016570A 79.99 52,608 AKFF 015872 159.97 25,660 AKFF 016570B 40.00 1,172 AKFF 015873 159.97 38,225 AKFF 016570C 39.95 3,365 AKFF 015874 160.03 56,055 AKFF 016572 160.02 12,020 AKFF 015875A 40.00 8,448 AKFF 016573 159.98 51,108 AKFF 015875B 40.00 11,112 AKFF 016574 160.01 9,449 AKFF 015876 160.00 6,949 AKFF 016575 160.00 9,420 AKFF 015877 159.98 5,526 AKFF 016576A 80.00 62,596 AKFF 015878 160.21 0 AKFF 016576B 40.01 15,127 AKFF 015880 159.79 50,887 AKFF 016576C 39.96 11,444 AKFF 015881 159.82 0 AKFF 016578 160.04 37,080 AKFF 015882 160.03 13,912 AKFF 016579 159.94 8,866 AKFF 015883 159.97 24,509 AKFF 016580A 79.97 19,522 AKFF 015884A 80.01 1,013 AKFF 016580B 79.94 1,754 AKFF 015884B 79.99 1,975 AKFF 016581A 80.00 7,194 AKFF 015885 159.97 2,160 AKFF 016581B 79.97 8,584 AKFF 015886A 79.97 9,921 AKFF 016583 159.95 23,986 AKFF 015886B 79.94 215 AKFF 016590 99.96 0 AKFF 015887 160.01 161,280 AKFF 016591 160.01 41,895 AKFF 015888B 80.02 6,434 AKFF 016792A 80.01 10,660 AKFF 015890 159.98 7,378 AKFF 016792B 80.00 22,881 AKFF 015891 160.03 35,286 AKFF 016793A 79.97 43,003 AKFF 015892 89.96 62,933 AKFF 016793B 79.99 4,571 AKFF 015893 159.98 19,239 AKFF 016794 160.01 0 AKFF 015894 160.00 30,738 AKFF 016795 160.01 95,577 AKFF 015895 80.01 40,276 AKFF 016797B 80.00 51,511 AKFF 015896 158.92 70,126 AKFF 016798 160.02 68,104 AKFF 015897 79.98 2,408 AKFF 016799A 79.97 3,342 AKFF 016116A 39.97 2,402 AKFF 016799B 79.98 17,025 AKFF 016116B 119.99 27,557 AKFF 016800 159.97 17,034 AKFF 016117C 79.93 5,958 AKFF 016880 160.00 25,470 AKFF 016208 159.98 15,219 AKFF 016881A 80.00 45,208 AKFF 016218A 79.84 48,270 AKFF 016885 159.96 12,341 AKFF 016218B 79.97 14,649 AKFF 016886 160.03 24,619 AKFF 016366A 79.99 81,675 AKFF 016887 159.98 13,873 AKFF 016366B 39.97 0 AKFF 016888 159.96 39,169 AKFF 016367A 79.98 22,462 AKFF 016889A 80.01 24,514 AKFF 016367B 79.71 0 AKFF 016889B 40.00 28,301 AKFF 016368A 39.99 1,683 AKFF 016890A 39.98 3,790 AKFF 016368C 40.00 23,255 AKFF 016890B 119.99 26,944 AKFF 016368D 40.00 1,586 AKFF 016891A 119.99 89,201 AKFF 016369A 79.96 19,351 AKFF 017028A 79.99 926 AKFF 016369B 79.96 51,879 AKFF 017028B 79.99 6,898 AKFF 016370A 39.99 5,414 AKFF 017462A 79.96 41,822 AKFF 016370C 39.98 9,758 AKFF 017543 159.98 37,732 AKFF 016370D 40.00 2,308 AKFF 017719 159.97 25,829 AKFF 016371A 79.99 9,456 AKFF 017720 159.99 7,536 64 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table C-1. Timber volumes and parcel acreages by Native allotment parcel, Kobuk Subunit (continued). Parcel Parcel Acres Total Net Cubic Feet Parcel Parcel Acres Total Net Cubic Feet AKFF 017721 159.97 132,434 AKFF 018143 159.95 102,817 AKFF 017731A 39.99 6,170 AKFF 018218 160.02 103,151 AKFF 017803 159.96 11,551 AKFF 018439A 39.67 33,871 AKFF 017804 159.96 50,481 AKFF 018439B 40.03 34,504 AKFF 017805 160.00 78,587 AKFF 018567A 80.00 19,099 AKFF 017832A 79.99 3,182 AKFF 018567B 79.99 91,665 AKFF 017832B 39.96 7,909 AKFF 018590A 79.98 3,863 AKFF 017832C 39.98 9,696 AKFF 018590B 80.00 17,312 AKFF 017833A 40.00 6,949 AKFF 018700A 79.99 44,702 AKFF 017833B 79.99 106,862 AKFF 018700B 39.97 2,031 AKFF 017833C 39.97 34,191 AKFF 018701A 79.99 15,109 AKFF 017837B 79.99 0 AKFF 018701B 39.99 3,281 AKFF 017862 159.97 75,921 AKFF 018726D 39.97 16,943 AKFF 017897 159.99 29,658 AKFF 018763A 79.99 47,947 AKFF 017956A 39.98 2,398 AKFF 018768 159.93 85,772 AKFF 017957A 80.01 6,299 AKFF 018822A 120.02 14,010 AKFF 017980A 39.98 29,031 AKFF 018822B 39.99 32,195 AKFF 017982A 79.99 4,815 AKFF 018860B 79.97 38,468 AKFF 017982B 40.03 0 AKFF 018868A 80.20 7,880 AKFF 018001 159.98 0 AKFF 018992B 40.00 6,898 AKFF 018002 159.97 0 AKFF 019018 160.02 37,095 AKFF 018003A 79.99 4,958 AKFF 019030 160.01 50,631 AKFF 018003B 79.99 24,107 AKFF 019180A 39.97 45,761 AKFF 018004A 79.98 18,893 AKFF 019180B 40.00 4,533 AKFF 018005A 80.00 1,614 AKFF 019180C 79.96 22,013 AKFF 018005B 79.95 9,713 AKFF 019197 159.96 33,064 AKFF 018006 159.98 40,161 AKFF 019280 159.94 48,314 AKFF 018007B 79.87 23,480 AKFF 019586 119.98 50,335 AKFF 018007A 79.99 413 AKFF 019587 159.97 41,116 AKFF 018008 159.98 22,713 AKFF 021262B 79.99 1,138 AKFF 018009A 79.97 17,305 AKFF 021295 159.98 0 AKFF 018009B 79.96 22,353 AKFF 082014 160.00 22,895 AKFF 018033A 39.98 0 AKFF 082015 160.14 1,251 AKFF 018095A 79.99 5,542 AKFF 082017 159.96 13,150 AKFF 018095B 79.96 13,617 AKFF 082021 159.96 8,115 AKFF 018107B 39.98 7,239 AKFF 093566B 119.96 42,459 AKFF 018141A 80.02 31,184 AKFF 093567A 82.18 24,245 AKFF 018142 159.97 43,918 Total: 291 parcels; 27.857 acres; 7,413,611 cubic feet 65 NANA Region Native Allotment Forest Inventory Table C-2. Timber volumes and parcel acreages by Native allotment parcel, Noatak Subunit. Parcel Parcel Acres Total Net Cubic Feet Parcel Parcel Acres Total Net Cubic Feet AKF 032355 159.92 62,816 AKFF 013626 159.94 131,036 AKFF 000476B 159.41 121,840 AKFF 013627 138.93 17,351 AKFF 013439 160.01 54,337 AKFF 013754 159.93 156,233 AKFF 013440 160.02 49,631 AKFF 013756 95.38 14,587 AKFF 013441 159.98 92,056 AKFF 013757A 79.96 74,846 AKFF 013442 159.93 13,591 AKFF 013771A 79.98 35,107 AKFF 013486 159.98 30,614 AKFF 013771B 79.99 61,967 AKFF 013487 159.94 113,445 AKFF 013782B 79.99 70,947 AKFF 013588 159.95 84,312 AKFF 013784 159.96 66,027 AKFF 013589A 160.48 83,554 AKFF 013785 159.95 78,770 AKFF 013594 159.94 142,114 AKFF 013831 160.01 7,293 AKFF 013595 160.03 103,151 AKFF 013876A 79.97 43,590 AKFF 013596A 45.03 4,400 AKFF 013877A 80.00 45,897 AKFF 013596B 80.27 67,416 AKFF 013878 159.96 87,468 AKFF 013597A 80.00 1,658 AKFF 013879 159.98 75,094 AKFF 013597B 79.97 78,157 AKFF 014000A 79.97 32,903 AKFF 013598A 80.00 63,348 AKFF 014164 159.96 88,611 AKFF 013598B 80.00 0 AKFF 014165 160.00 1,301 AKFF 013599 159.95 74,863 AKFF 014172 159.84 122,089 AKFF 013600 159.97 81,498 AKFF 014213A 79.96 52,233 AKFF 013601A 79.96 36,611 AKFF 014213B 79.92 5,673 AKFF 013601B 79.97 55,955 AKFF 014221B 79.99 52,358 AKFF 013602A 79.94 33,358 AKFF 015266 159.98 51,253 AKFF 013602B 79.97 5,243 AKFF 015267 159.96 76,856 AKFF 013603 159.99 71,402 AKFF 015268 160.01 45,428 AKFF 013606A 75.93 35,445 AKFF 015269 160.01 54,803 AKFF 013606B 79.98 15,369 AKFF 015270 159.95 15,412 AKFF 013607 160.00 33,727 AKFF 015798 159.92 55,584 AKFF 013608 159.96 59,922 AKFF 016462 144.10 11,268 AKFF 013609 159.95 99,978 AKFF 016466 159.95 104,475 AKFF 013612 159.96 9,530 AKFF 016467 160.00 54,955 AKFF 013613 159.98 4,775 AKFF 016473 159.97 1,413 AKFF 013615 159.95 60,147 AKFF 016478 159.99 77,110 AKFF 013616 159.98 139,118 AKFF 016505 159.95 1,072 AKFF 013617A 79.98 33,780 AKFF 016506 159.92 392 AKFF 013617B 79.96 52,892 AKFF 016508 160.63 1,860 AKFF 013618A 79.97 57,926 AKFF 016895 159.97 46,724 AKFF 013618B 80.00 103 AKFF 016924 159.95 120,440 AKFF 013619A 79.95 17,878 AKFF 016925 159.92 153,939 AKFF 013619B 79.96 27,077 AKFF 016976B 39.98 2,756 AKFF 013620A 79.97 87,565 AKFF 016976C 39.99 642 AKFF 013620B 79.98 10,691 AKFF 017594 159.98 55,216 AKFF 013623A 79.96 7,623 AKFF 017681 159.99 149,884 AKFF 013623B 80.00 32,720 AKFF 018034A 79.97 16,232 AKFF 013624A 79.97 31,331 AKFF 018429 159.97 715 AKFF 013624B 79.99 56,501 AKFF 019178 159.94 17,875 AKFF 013625 160.26 63,415 AKFF 019345 159.99 15,555 Totals: 94 parcels; 11,858 acres; 4,915,124 cubic feet.