HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnergy Saving Tips for Alaska AEA AHFC-2019-A1 {Ways to Save Energy and Money in your home EnergY Savers Tips FOR ALASKA 2 3 {SAVING your energy bill: In Alaska, we pay some of the highest costs for energy in the United States. As consumers we have no control over the price set for our various resources (for instance, the price of a gallon of heating oil). However, we do have control over how effectively we use our energy resources, and thus, we can control our energy costs by reducing the number of energy “units” we purchase. TWO SIMPLE WAYS TO SAVE: Energy Conservation involves changes in behavior that lead to lowering energy consumption, such as turning off a light when it is not in use. Energy Efficiency involves using tools or devices that can lead to lowering energy consumption when installed and used correctly, such as replacing an incandescent light bulb with an LED or using an occupancy sensor. SAVING ENERGY AT HOME Annual estimated average of fuel and electric costs by region* includes Power Cost Equalization Subsidy: Anchorage..................$3,368 Fairbanks....................$5,292 Juneau.........................$4,374 Bethel..........................$4,659 NW Arctic Borough..$6,223 TABLE OF CONTENTS WHERE DOES YOUR MONEY GO? Energy bills don’t come itemized showing you which appliances and systems use the most energy. Southeast Space Heating..........69% Water Heating..........14% Appliances................17% South Central Space Heating...........73% Water Heating...........14% Appliances.................13% Interior Space Heating..........77% Water Heating..........10% Appliances................13% Western Space Heating...........68% Water Heating...........16% Appliances.................16% *Statistics used on this page are from Alaska Housing Finance Corporation’s 2018 Alaska Housing Needs Assessment Your Home.................4-5 Heating.......................6-7 Insulate & Air Seal....8-9 Water..........................10-11 Lighting.....................12-13 Phantom Power........14 Living Room.............14-15 Kitchen......................16-17 Laundry.....................18 Appliances.................19 $ave............................20 Monitor Usage..........21 Safety.........................22-23 State Programs.........24-25 Resources..................26-27 ALASKA HOUSEHOLD ENERGY COSTS % HOW MUCH ARE WE PAYING EXACTLY?Yukon TerritoryG u lf o f Alaska 4 5 {YOUR HOME WHAT YOU CAN DO: It is important to know how your home works before you start making changes that could affect airflow and pressure, such as covering vents, closing off holes in the garage, etc. Though the goal is to minimize air leakage, it is important to understand the health and safety issues that come with tightening your home. Ventilation helps control pressures in the home and provides good indoor air quality. Without this, harmful health and safety issues can exist, including mold growth and back drafting of major appliances (where negative pressure may pull poisonous gasses into the home from heating systems, rather than allowing them to escape). Your home works as a system. Altering one small part can impact the rest. DO NOT COVER VENTS, FANS OR AIR EXCHANGERS Though these appear to be leaking cool air into your home, they are in fact regulating the air flow allowing heat to be evenly distributed and preventing moisture build up. If you have concerns about the ventilation in your home, consult a professional. MONITOR MOISTURE LEVELS Use a hygrometer to measure the moisture levels in your home. For Alaska, it is best to stay between 30% and 50% relative humidity depending on the season and location. With levels higher than 50% there is a higher potential for mold growth and rotting materials. If you find mold growth in your home, consult a professional or refer to the EPA’s A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home at: www.epa.gov/mold Watch Weatherization Videos These three websites offer videos that cover building science in an easy to understand manner as well as dive into the slightly technical aspects of energy efficiency. The Cold Climate Housing Research Center is a great resource for Alaska’s unique building applications. www.cchrc.org. The Alaska Housing Finance Corporation’s One Minute Energy Man offers homeowners quick tips on how to save energy and money. www.ahfc.us/newsroom/videos WxTV provides educational videos and information that covers the many areas of weatherization throughout the country as well as Alaska. www.wxtvonline.org. Common Air Leaks in the Home If you are not sure of the specific function of something in your home, it is best to research the issue or consult a professional before making any alterations. Photo courtesy of Energy Star 6 7 {H EATIN G WHAT YOU CAN DO: There are a variety of heating systems used in Alaska and a variety of efficiencies. If a boiler has an AFUE of 60% efficiency, for every $100 the homeowner spends on fuel, $60 heats the home and $40 is going up the chimney. When replacing an old furnace or boiler, consider a sealed combustion/direct vent unit as they are more efficient and safer by reducing the possibility of back drafting.  Back drafting is a hazardous condition where exhaust/carbon monoxide from combustion appliances does not properly go up the chimney and instead, comes back down the chimney and into the home. NEVER BLOCK A COMBUSTION VENT! SAFETY TIP – Carbon Monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas that can kill you.  At minimum, have a working carbon monoxide detector on each level of the home. Most carbon monoxide detectors last for 5-7 years and should be replaced after that timeframe. Heating accounts for 68-77% of your home’s energy usage - the single largest energy expense. HAVE A PROFESSIONAL TUNE YOUR HEATING SYSTEM All heating systems should be checked every year. Gas stoves should be checked every two years. Furnaces should have the filter changed at least every six months. SEAL YOUR FIREPLACE WHEN NOT IN USE Close the flue when it is not in use or make a fireplace insert. Inserts seal air leaks and can be removed easily. If you never use the fireplace, have it sealed up permanently. CHECK AIR VENTS, RADIATORS AND REGISTERS If they are blocked by furniture or drapes, heat cannot circulate through the rest of your home. OLDER HEATING SYSTEMS If yours is older than 15 years, have it evaluated and consider replacing with a new higher efficiency heating system. New wood stove models can be more efficient than older ones. WOOD HEATING Wood burns best when dry and wood that is split dries faster than logs. For a list of EPA certified woodstoves go to: www.epa.gov/compliance/list-epa-certified-wood-stovesPROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTATS There is a lot of new technology available with programmable thermostats. From high tech to very simple, a programmable thermostat will save you money by automatically adjusting your home’s temperature to maximize your savings. Program it between 62 and 68 degrees in the winter and turn it off in the summer to save energy. According to Energy Star, when properly used they can save up to $150 a year. • Make a schedule. Program it to set back the heat 2 hours before you go to bed and increase it just before you wake. Set it back during the day if no one will be home. • Turn it down 5 degrees. For every degree you lower the thermostat you save about 2% on your heating bill. Turning it down 5 degrees saves about 10%. • Vacationing. When you’re away from home turn the thermostat down. • Health & Safety First! Remember that elders, children and those with medical conditions have greater heating needs when adjusting the thermostat. GAS AND ELECTRIC STOVES Never use your propane, gas, or electric stove for heating. It is very dangerous! Propane and gas stoves can cause carbon monoxide poisoning and electric ovens are not designed to heat large areas and can be a fire hazard. USE ELECTRIC SPACE HEATERS SPARINGLY Depending on the model and cost per kilowatt hour, a space heater running for 5 hours a day can cost anywhere from $50 to $125 a month in rural Alaskan households according to the UAF Bristol Bay Environmental Science Lab. 8 9 { WHAT YOU CAN DO: Insulation and air sealing minimize a building’s heat loss. Air sealing is essential for moisture control when adding insulation. Insulation is rated in R-value and expresses resistance to heat flow. The higher the R-value, the more effective the insulation. Adding insulation combined with air sealing can be the easiest and most inexpensive way to save money on heating bills. Alaska’s Building Energy Efficiency Standard (BEES) has recommendations for minimum R-values based on which part of the state you live. www.ahfs.us/efficiency/bees Insulating, air sealing and other energy efficiency improvements can reduce heating costs by 30% or more according to Alaska Housing Finance Corporation. CAULK CRACKS AND GAPS LESS THAN 1⁄4 INCH WIDE Caulk is flexible and a good way to seal air leaks, especially around windows and doors. MAN DOORS AND GARAGE DOORS Doors are a frequent source of heat loss. If you detect air leaks, replace the threshold or attach a door sweep. Also be sure to check seals and latches. Evaluate the garage door for insulation and seal with weather stripping so light cannot be seen around the door. REPAIR WINDOWS Cracks let cold air into your home. Install weather-stripping and window insulation kits (clear plastic film) if your windows have drafts. In most cases it is not cost effective to replace windows unless they are older than 1980 and are single pane or extremely damaged. To seal between the frame of a window and the frame of a house, remove window trim and use low expanding foam. INSULATE YOUR WATER HEATER TANK Your water heater can lose heat through the walls of the tank. If recommended by the manufacturer, install an insulating blanket. You can also insulate the pipes. SCHEDULE AN ENERGY RATING A certified rater can identify the most effective energy efficiency upgrades. Measures range from identifying air leaks, testing heating system efficiencies, evaluating insulation levels and quality. To find an energy rater near you, visit www.ahfc.us. HOW TO FIND AIR LEAKS To find air leaks, look for daylight around the frames of windows and doors. You can also light a stick of incense and use it to locate leaks. Hold it in areas you think are drafty. Moving air will make the smoke waver showing you where there is an air leak. Be careful not to place the lit item near flammable materials. Running your hand over surfaces to find cold spots is also a simple effective way to locate leaks. Tip: To remember location of air leak, mark area with a piece of blue painters tape. IDENTIFY R-VALUES IN EXISTING INSULATION A contractor can make recommendations on types, amounts and location of additional insulation and properly install it. INSPECT VAPOR BARRIERS Inspect the condition of your vapor barrier, identify air leaks and repair them. They should inspect crawlspaces and attics which need extra attention because of issues with excessive moisture. ATTIC AND FLOOR/FOUNDATION INSULATION Insulation is relatively cheap and effective in terms of payback as the floor and ceiling have the highest potential for heat loss. A proper contractor or energy rater can evaluate these and recommend improvements. COMBUSTION SAFETY TESTING Air sealing without combustion safety testing can be very dangerous. This testing evaluates ventilation and major appliances to ensure poisonous gases are not back- drafting into the home.INSULATE + AIR SEALWHAT A CONTRACTOR CAN DO: 10 11 { WHAT YOU CAN DO: The water heater accounts for about 10-16% of your energy usage, second only to your home’s space heating system, according to the 2018 Alaska Housing Needs Assessment. You don’t simply pay once for water. If on a municipal system, you pay one bill for the cost of the water itself, as well as the treatment and pumping of that water. If you have your own well, you pay for the electrical cost. Then you pay a second bill for the cost of heating that water. Reducing the amount of hot water you use will save money on both bills. The water heater is the 2nd largest energy user in most homes. INSTALL LOW-FLOW SHOWERHEADS They use one-third to one-half the water that regular showerheads use and still provide adequate water pressure. BUY A WATER HEATER THAT FITS YOUR NEEDS There are several types of energy efficient water heaters you may want to consider depending on your location and circumstances. A conventional storage tank water heater heats the water 24/7 which can be an energy waster. With a boiler, it’s possible to have an indirect water heater where the boiler heats the water and it is stored in an insulated tank. The water heating system then assumes much of the energy efficiency from the boiler. A tankless or on-demand water heater heats the water as its being used. It must be sized correctly to produce the volume of water needed based on the temperature of the ground water. Other energy efficient options may include condensing, heat pump, and solar powered water heaters. www.energystar.gov/products/water_heaters TAKE SHOWERS They use less hot water than baths. FIX LEAKY WATER FAUCETS AND RUNNING TOILETS Thirty drops of water per minute can waste up to 19 gallons of water per month. If your toilet runs, you potentially could be wasting money and energy from an overworked mixing valve. INSTALL LOW-FLOW AERATORS ON FAUCETS These reduce the amount of water flow, saving both water and energy. TURNING DOWN THE TEMPERATURE Set the thermostat on your water heater to 120°F. It’s one of the easiest ways to save energy and money. • Water is often heated to 140°F unnecessarily; turning the temperature back will save between 6 and 10 percent on your energy bill according to the Department of Energy. • The lower temperature prevents scalding from hotter water. • Reducing the temperature slows buildup of minerals and corrosion in the water heater and in the pipes. • Avoid turning down the water temperature too low, as pathogens can survive at temperatures below 120°F.WATER 12 13 { Switching to more efficient lighting is a good way to reduce costs. Energy efficient bulbs such as LEDs and CFLs last longer and use a fraction of electricity compared to incandescent bulbs. Start by replacing the lights you use most often. Any light used more than two hours per day is a good candidate for an upgrade. For Alaskans, about 15% of energy usage is attributed toward lighting and appliances. TURN OFF THE LIGHTS WHEN THEY ARE NOT IN USE One 100-watt bulb left on 8 hours a day can cost $102 per year.* BUY ENERGY STAR LIGHT FIXTURES AND LAMPS They use one quarter of the energy traditional fixtures and lamps use and last longer than brands that do not meet Energy Star criteria. USE TIMERS AND OCCUPANCY SENSORS These automatically turn off lights when they are not being used and can lower lighting costs if set up properly. USE LED CHRISTMAS LIGHTS They use 90% less energy, are brighter than standard Christmas lights and last much longer. Through the long, dark Alaskan winters, the cost of leaving inefficient lights on can add up.LIGHTINGWHAT YOU CAN DO: *Source: Energy Star CFL Calculator, based on $0.35 kwh, to reflect average rural costs. To calculate savings for your specific community, check out the the resource page. LEDs last approximately 25,000 hours compared to an incandescent bulb that lasts approximately 800 hours. An LED bulb uses only about 20 watts of electricity compared to an incandescent 100 watt bulb. That’s an 80% savings for the same amount of light and an 80% savings on your lighting costs! LED bulbs cost more initially, but they will easily pay for themselves when they last 25 times longer and save 80% of the energy over a comparable incandescent bulb. They also come in a large array of colors and offer many Smart Bulb options. LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) LIGHTING When purchasing LED and CFL bulbs it’s important to know the brightness and the color of the light. A 100 watt incandescent bulb is equal to 1600 lumens in brightness. A 60-watt bulb is equal to 800 lumens. The other consideration is color temperature. If you like the color of an incandescent 60 or 100 watt bulb look for a color temperature on the box close to 2800k. As the number goes up, the color becomes whiter or bluer. Daylight color temperature is 5000k or higher. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW CFLs last about 10,000 hours or 10 times longer than an incandescent bulb. They will also save you about 75% on your lighting costs. Just remember to properly dispose of CFL bulbs as they contain a small amount of Mercury. CFLs should be recylced. Some local businesses, recycling or waste centers may take them for disposal. COMPACT FLORESCENT LIGHTING (CFL) Photo courtesy of Energy Star 14 15 LIVING ROOMLiving rooms are home to most of the electronics in your house. Your family watches TV, plays video games, turns on computers and listens to music all racking up energy! The living area is ripe for other energy-saving measures as well, especially if it has multiple windows, a fireplace or several air vents. POWER STRIPS: A SMART WAY TO SAVE • Plug electronics into a power strip. Flip the switch off when you are not using them. • If you have many electronics, group them into several power strips. Put things you use at the same time, like the computer and printer, on the same strip. • Put power strips in easy-to-reach places. They won’t save energy if you don’t use them regularly! • Place your TV on a power strip. Though many TVs need to be reprogrammed if they are completely turned off, they still carry a phantom load when left plugged in. • Energy Star Appliances can also lower phantom power. PHANTOM POWER {Don’t spend more money powering home audio systems and electronics when they are off than when they are actually in use. WHAT YOU CAN DO: TURN OFF THE TV WHEN NO ONE IS WATCHING It’s the easiest way to save. Learn how much energy your electronics consume, including phantom loads by measuring with a kill-a-watt meter. USE THE SLEEP FUNCTION An average household can cut 60 percent of the energy their electronics use by using the sleep mode. UNPLUG POWER ADAPTERS AND CHARGERS When warm to the touch, cell phone, digital camera and laptop chargers continue to draw power when not charging. Unplug! Also referred to as phantom loads, phantom power is when your electronics draw energy even while they are off. This is energy that costs you money. Power strips help prevent this. SATELLITE/CABLE BOXES In some cases, set-top boxes actually use more electricity in a year than your refrigerator. To find your exact costs, multiply the kWhs by your local electric rate. To read more about this go to: www.nrdc.org/energy/files/settopboxes.pdf 16 17 KITCHENKitchens are home to appliances that use a lot of energy, like the refrigerator, and ones that use a lot of water, like the dishwasher. The kitchen has many high use appliances and using them efficiently will help your savings add up quickly! USE MICROWAVES AND CROCKPOTS TO COOK For small meals, they use less energy than the stove or oven. MICROWAVE Keep the inside clean as it improves the efficiency. Also micro- waves with digital clocks have much higher phantom loads. USE LIDS WHEN COOKING They keep steam in and cook food more quickly. DON’T LET THE WATER RUN When washing dishes by hand you will save on heating water. USE YOUR DISHWASHER IF YOU HAVE ONE According to Energy Star, you can save 5,000 gallons of water each year and $120 in utility costs by using a dishwasher instead of washing by hand. WASH ONLY FULL LOADS IN DISHWASHERS It costs the same to wash one dish as it does to wash a full load! USE THE AIR-DRY OPTION ON DISHWASHERS It saves energy by keeping the heating element off. {In rural areas it can cost $400 a year to run a refrigerator and $50 a year to power a coffee maker according to the UAF Cooperative Extension Service. WHAT YOU CAN DO: CHECK YOUR REFRIGERATOR TEMPERATUREKeep your refrigerator between 36°F and 38°F. Set your freezer between 0°F and 5°F. You lose money if you keep it too cold. CLEAN THE COILS Most older refrigerators have exposed coils where dust can build up and lower the efficiency. Use a coil brush to clean these. REPLACING YOUR REFRIGERATOR When buying a new refrigerator, choose an Energy Star model. It will be at least 15 percent more efficient than regular models. DOOR SEALS AND GASKETS Check seals for leaks and replace them if necessary. Be sure to clean them regularly. Wh at You C an D o: THE FREEZER Improvements in insulation and compressors mean today’s freezers consume much less energy than older models. Energy Star certified freezers are at least 10 percent more efficient than non-certified models and are more efficient than models that simply meet the federal minimum standard for energy efficiency. Another tip is to keep your freezer full if there is extra space. Store gallons of water in your freezer. www.ready.gov recommends storing at least one gallon of water per person/pet per day for a minimum of 3 days in the event of a disaster. The other benefit to this is if the power goes out the things in your freezer may stay frozen longer. 18 19{Each of your appliances have two price to run that appliance over its lifetime. LAUNDRYSome machines are far more efficient at using water and electricity. To find the most efficient machines, look for the Energy Star label. Conventional washers can use 40 gallons of water on just one load of laundry, but Energy Star-rated washers can use fewer than 10 gallons of water. They use less energy and can cut utility bills by an average of $150 per year. That’s a total savings of $750 over 5 years, (UAF CES). WASHETERIAS AND LAUNDRY MATS Using the washeteria is calculated into the costs Alaskans spend on energy. These tips will help you save your quarters! DRY LAUNDRY OUTDOORS ON A SUNNY DAY Save energy and lower indoor humidity. Sunlight is free. WASH AND DRY ONLY FULL LOADS The machines use roughly the same amount of water and energy to wash one item as they do to wash a full load. CLEAN THE LINT FILTER Clogged filters can prevent your dryer from doing its job. Clothes will dry faster by cleaning this before each use. {Washing machines use two types of resources. They need electricity to power their motors and they need water to do the work. ENERGY STAR: A LABEL FOR SAVINGS Products with the Energy Star label meet strict energy-efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy. Before you go to the store to buy a new appliance, see if Energy Star certifies the type of machine you need. It certifies products including: • Clothes Washers • Room Air Conditioners • Humidifiers • Home Audio Equipment • Dishwashers • Freezers • Refrigerators • Televisions • DVD Players • Light Fixtures • Heating Equipment • Computers and Printers Wh at You C an D o: appliances Over time, the cost of running your appliance will add up. Usually, this price is higher than the actual price tag of the appliance at the store. When purchasing appliances it is important to remember these lifecycle costs. Choosing the most energy-efficient appliances will help reduce operating costs. An EnergyGuide label on each appliance will show you how much energy a model will use. But also look for the Energy Star symbol. It’s only on appliances that meet strict energy efficiency standards. If possible, recycle old appliances. 20 21 {$aVE MONITOR YOUR USAGE Look at your energy bill each month. Compare it to past bills. Before you begin to reduce your energy use, it helps to have an idea of how much energy you consume and what you are paying for both electric and heating bills. Walk through your house and take inventory of the items that remain constantly on and in use. Track where your money is going by taking note how many hours a day items are in use. Become aware of your habits and usage. Often times lights may be left on overnight or the TV may be turned off but not the DVD player, game console and sound system. Track how often your household runs the dishwasher or does laundry in a given week. Measure and Monitor. Take this a step further and measure how much energy individual electronics and appliances use by using tools such as a Kill-A-Watt Meter. This could be a family project. With a few simple calculations, you can figure out how much you spend on each electronic when on and off. Local utility companies and libraries may have Kill-A-Watt Meters available for loan. Kill-A- Watt Meters are also available for sale online and locally in some areas for about $30. Reduce and Save. Once you know where your energy is being used, start looking for ways to reduce it. All of the tips provided through this guide may seem like small changes, but they can add up to huge savings! See how low you can go on your energy bill with these tips. Can you drop your costs by 10%? What about 40%? ULTRA LOW COST • Install foam gaskets under switch plates. • Use transparent window film on windows. • Invest in power strips to reduce phantom loads. • Purchase a refrigerator coil cleaning brush. • Stop leaks by replacing washers in sink faucets. Limited budget? There are simple projects that can be done with a minimum of time and equipment to reduce your energy use. These low-cost energy efficiency techniques can add up to big savings. LOW COST • Switch bulbs from incandescent to LED. • Replace weather stripping around exterior doors. • Get a refrigerator thermometer to monitor temperature. • Replace door sweep on the bottom of exterior door. • Caulk around leaky windows to prevent drafts. • Use low expansion foam around windows and door frames to seal leaks and cracks. • Purchase a Kill-A-Watt meter to monitor energy usage. MEDIUM COST • Install insulating blanket on water heater (if manufacturer recommended). • Install new threshold under worn exterior doors. • Install a low-flow shower head. • Install a programmable thermostat. • Purchase a timer for your engine block heater. • Fix leaky faucets and running toilets. Source: Adapted from Energy Tips: Conserve and Save by: Roxie Rodgers Dinstel Pictured: Nancy Gregory-Anderson. Photo courtesy of Todd Radenbaugh 22 23 {SAFETY what you can do: Your home uses energy in many places and with many machines – and you must take care to operate each of these as safely as possible. Decreasing your energy use means making changes throughout your home. Make each change as safely as possible. Be sure to have properly working carbon monoxide alarms and smoke alarms. INSTALL SMOKE DETECTORS You should have one on every level of your house and one outside each sleeping area. Replace the batteries twice each year. INSTALL CARBON MONOXIDE ALARM Carbon monoxide is a deadly, colorless and odorless gas. This gas can be produced by combustion appliances such as heating systems, water heaters, space heaters and gas/propane cook stoves. Installing an alarm will alert you to this dangerous situation. If a carbon monoxide alarm goes off, immediately leave the house and call 911 from your neighbor’s house or a cell phone. When using a gas/propane cook stove oven, be sure to use your range hood fan to exhaust any carbon monoxide outside. CLEAR THE AREA AROUND YOUR HEATING SYSTEM Heating systems need air to do their job. Never store anything flammable near your furnace – it’s a fire hazard. OPEN WINDOWS AND USE EXHAUST FANS Use proper safety gear and ventilation while using caulking, spray foam and other products that contain chemicals. PRACTICE PROPER MAINTENANCE Following the manufacturers maintenance schedule on heating systems and appliances will allow for increased efficiency. MOLD AND MOISTURE LEVELS It is important to maintain appropriate moisture levels. Mold can become an issue if not monitored. PROPER VENTILATION Ventilation will help keep your family and home healthy. There are high efficiency bathroom fans that can be used for whole house ventilation systems. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Keep multipurpose fire extinguishers labeled A-B-C near stoves and heating systems. WOOD BURNING SAFETY The smell of smoke from your wood stove means it is not venting properly. This can be both a fire and a safety hazard. SPACE HEATERS: SAFETY FIRST! In the U.S. every year, fires and carbon monoxide poisonings are caused by space heaters. More than 300 people a year die in these fires. Each year 6,000 people are treated at emergency rooms for burns associated with space heaters, mostly in non-fire situations. It’s important to always think about safety when using a space heater. Make sure your space heater: • Meets the latest safety standards, as recommended by the manufacturer. • Is never plugged into a power strip. • Is only used in an open area. Air needs to circulate around the space heater. Only use on level, hard, non-flammable surfaces. • Is at least three feet away from flammable items. • Is vented. Unvented gas heaters are very dangerous. If you do use one, always keep the doors open to prevent pollutants from building up. Alaskan villages have the highest mortality rate from carbon monoxide poisoning in the USA, according to UAF CES. Every year in the United States, more than 25,000 residential fires are associated with the use of space heaters, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. 24 25 THE HEATING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Helps Alaskan households pay a portion of their home heating expenses. Eligibility is based on gross monthly income and family size. For more information, please visit the program’s web site: www.dhss.alaska.gov/dpa/Pages/hap/default.aspx POWER COST EQUALIZATION (PCE) PCE subsidizes rural electric costs in an effort to equalize the gap between the high costs remote communities pay and the rates paid on the Railbelt and in southeast communities. The PCE subsidy is only applied to the first 500 kilowatt hours (kWh) used in a month. For rural residents, keeping your household usage under 500 kWh is an easy way to lower your electric bill. {There are a number of residential programs offered to Alaskans statewide. WEATHERIZATION PROGRAM Homeowners and renters who meet certain income guidelines, may apply through their regional weatherization service provider to receive no cost energy improvements. SECOND MORTGAGE FOR ENERGY CONSERVATION Borrowers may apply for financing to make cost-effective energy improvements on owner-occupied properties. ENERGY EFFICIENCY INTEREST RATE REDUCTION This program offers interest rate reductions on financing a new energy efficient home, or when purchasing and making energy efficiency improvements to an existing home. AHFC also has several loan programs that may be used to finance energy efficiency improvements. A full description of each program can be found at AHFC’s Energy Programs webpage: www.ahfc.us For more information, or to see if you are covered under the PCE Program, go to www.akenergyauthority.org/Programs/PCE The mission of the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation is to provide Alaskans access to safe, quality, affordable Housing. The following is a brief description of some of the programs available. Power Cost Equalization (PCE) Program Eligible Communities STAT E PR O G R A MS 26 27RESOURCESTHE AHFC RESEARCH INFORMATION CENTER (RIC) is a building science library that provides information and technical assistance via the web, phone and in-person visits. Books, fact sheets, videos, reports, catalogs and other resources on northern building, innovative housing construction, energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainable technology are available: www.ahfc.us/efficiency/research-information-center THE COLD CLIMATE HOUSING RESEARCH CENTER (CCHRC) is located in Fairbanks and funded in part by AHFC to help meet the challenge of building energy efficient, safe and affordable homes through applied research and technologies. For more information visit: www.cchrc.org {GOT ENERGY QUESTIONS? TOOLS AND GUIDES KILL-A-WATT METER This tool helps track how much different lights, electronics or appliances cost to power in your home. Local libraries or utility companies may have meters available to loan. They may also be purchased locally or online. LED BULBS MADE EASY www.energystar.gov/sites/default/files/asset/document/purchasing_ checklist_revised.pdf LED LIGHTING Learn more about available LED lighting and technology www.energystar.gov/lighting LIGHT BULB CALCULATOR Discover how much you will save by switching to LED or CFL bulbs. www.energystar.gov/ia/partners/promotions/change_light/ downloads/bulb.html LIGHTING AND FANS www.energystar.gov/products/lighting_fans BUILDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARD shows what levels of insulation are cost-effective for different climates and locations in the home. www.afhc.us/efficiency/bees REDUCING ENERGY COSTS FOR ALASKANS www.ahfc.us/efficiency WOOD HEATING COST CALCULATOR Calculate how much you are spending on wood heating. www.alaskawoodheating.com/calculator.php RENEWABLE ENERGY The popularity of renewable energy, such as solar, is gaining ground in Alaska. When considering solar, the first step is to have a site assessment done by a solar provider. This will help determine if solar is a good fit for the home and if so, how much it will cost to install. If on the grid, check with the utility company about net metering. If off the grid, look into battery packs for solar storage. Other considerations are the payback period/return on investment and whether local, state, or federal tax credits or incentives are available. 28 {sourcesUniversity of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service www.uaf.edu/ces Southwest Alaska Municipal Conference www.swamc.org Alaska Energy Authority www.akenergyauthority.org Alaska Housing Finance Corporation www.ahfc.us Anchorage Recycling www.muni.org/Departments/SWS/Recycling/Pages/ default.aspx Cold Climate Housing Research Center www.cchrc.org Bristol Bay Environmental Science Laboratory www.uaf.edu/bbesl American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy www.aceee.org U.S. Department of Energy www.energy.gov U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy www.eere.energy.gov Energy Star, a joint program of the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency www.energystar.gov Alliance to Save Energy www.ase.org Recycling in Alaska www.dec.alaska.gov/eh/solid-waste/recycling-in-alaska Rocky Mountain Institute www.rmi.org State of Oregon’s Office of Energy www.oregon.gov/energy U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission www.cpsc.gov All estimates for energy savings vary by region and for each family. We have used typical savings. The following is a list of key sources used in preparing this book: This guide has been specifically customized for Alaska by the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation and the Alaska Energy Authority. The original publication was made possible by contributions from the Southwest Alaska Municipal Conferences Energy Taskforce and the Alaska Building Science Network. Subsequent editions made possible by funding provided by the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation and the Alaska Energy Authority. For more information about Project Energy Savers, visit www.projectenergysavers.com. Notice: This booklet was modified from the original publication, and was produced by Project Energy SaversTM, LLC. Neither the Project nor any person acting on behalf of the Project makes any warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the use of any information disclosed in this booklet, or assumes any liability with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of, any information contained in this booklet. The recommendations, statistics and information provided are strictly for the purposes of informing the user. The savings listed are estimated based on research and other findings. They are meant to be suggestive. Actual savings will depend on climate, home size and other factors. ©2019 Project Energy Savers TM, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Fourth Edition 2019