HomeMy WebLinkAboutChugach Electric Watt Buster ApdxH 2010 Watt Buster Final Report H-1 Appendix H: Commercial Component Surveys H.1 Building Energy Assessment Survey Topic Page Survey H-2 Survey Results H-4 H.2 Additional Commercial Research Topic Page Survey & Results H-8 1. Did the Energy Savings Assessment meet your expectations? 2. Were you satisfied with the results and recommendations? 3. In your opinion, was there enough information presented to justify implementing the recommendations? 4. Do you plan to pursue any of the recommendations in the assessment? * * * * Yes nmlkj No nmlkj Yes nmlkj No nmlkj Yes on most or all of the recommendations nmlkj Yes on some of the recommendations nmlkj No nmlkj If no, what additional information, or type of information, would you need? 55 66 Yes nmlkj No nmlkj If you plan to implement some of the recommendations, please list them in the order in which you will implement them: 55 66 H-2 5. If you plan to implement any of the recommendations, on what did you base your decisions? 6. Of the information provided in the assessment, what was the most helpful? 7. Of the information provided in the assessment, what was the least helpful? 8. Based on your experience, would you recommend this assessment to others? * 55 66 * 55 66 * Cost gfedc Ease of implementation gfedc Potential energy savings gfedc Yes nmlkj No nmlkj H-3 Commercial Component Survey Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes 93.3%28 No 6.7%2 answered question 30 skipped question 0 Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes 93.3%28 No 6.7%2 answered question 30 skipped question 0 Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Agree 56.7%17 Somewhat Agree 40.0%12 Disagree 3.3%1 Comments 3 answered question 30 skipped question 0 Respondents 1 2 3 Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes 80.0%24 No 20.0%6 Comments 25 answered question 30 skipped question 0 Respondents 1 2 If you disagree, what additional information, or type of information, would you need?  Q3. There was enough information presented in the assessment to justify implementing the recommendations. We are still waiting on the person who approves this sort of thing to review the  recommendations.  He has been extreemly busy this summer and will likely have some more  questions once he takes the time to review. If yes, please list them in the order in which you will implement them:  1 Investigating and coming up with a plan to control my demand load 2 Doing an blower door  test to ID air leaks and adress them Q2. Were you satisfied with the results and recommendations? Q1. Did the Energy Savings Assessment meet your expectations? Q4. Do you plan to pursue any of the recommendations in the assessment? Very superficial.  Need to get further down in the systems. Hard to interpret.  Deeper reach needed. DDC Programming Changes H-4 Commercial Component Survey 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Cost 82.8%24 Ease of implementation 62.1%18 Potential energy savings 89.7%26 answered question 29 skipped question 1 Answer Options Response Count 30 answered question 30 skipped question 0 Respondents Response Text 1 2 The Energy Star rating will be useful.  The reccomendations from #4 Control issue, lights, CO2, balancing single thermostat, motion sensors in gym, light changes Seeing no reduction in energy usage over the weekends. control groups on the HVAC system to shut down cooling & heating during off hours We are putting money in the 2011 budget to install the demand control sensor, to do the audit  of natural gas uses and submetering in the warehouse. This will give us more information in  order to further implement some of the suggestions. We are looking into getting some of the  programmable thermostats so we can set for day and night settings. As part of an expansion program to the building Not certain at this time but in process of reviewing with corporate offices Not this building, but some information was transferable to another building Check controls ‐ adjust check schedules ‐ adjust check dampers ‐ adjust remaining lights, balance controls Controls on boilers, some lighting Air control/HVAC ‐ landlord issues.  Will pass on. Lighting As near as I can say, without being the person to make the decision.  We will likely pursue the  recommmendations as they all fall under the 3 year ROI.  I can not speak to the order in which  they will be implemented, because they have not officially been approved yet. Q6. Of the information provided in the assessment, what was the most helpful? Not until things are figured out with landlord HVAC system more efficient Lighting controls Q5. If you plan to implement any of the recommendations, on what did you base your decisions?  (check all that apply) Replace equipment with new expansion program,  add 28,000 ? and upgrade electrical system ZONE HEAT/COOL CONTROL LIGHTING Change my HV Company not at this time, hopefully in the not too distant future. All of them if we maintain holding onto the building Still to be decided.  Looking at lights as first step. Thermostats Fine tuning of building systems to promote more efficiency H-5 Commercial Component Survey 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Answer Options Response Count 30 answered question 30 skipped question 0 Respondents Response Text 1 2 3 4 5 6 Our Energy Star Performance rating got some attention and raised eyebrows simply because  we scored so low.  A prioritized list of recommendations based on estimated ROI from Control  Contractors was the most helpful piece. Lighting.  Cooperative relationship with utility unique and important. Heating and AC balance problem Energy Star rating wake up Comparing gas & electricity and seeing how we fit the norm. Looking at gas & electric costs all was helpful Everything was helpful None. na It was all helpful, not sure what I'd suggest getting rid of. Q7. Of the information provided in the assessment, what was the least helpful? Recommendation to install more efficient lighting (we have already changed all interior lighting  to either T8 or T5HO  Some of the data went into too much detail I suspect for the average business owner, we have  short attention spans. Having a executive summary in the beginning getting right to the low  hanging fruit would be good. If you could include an ROI or payback period. Understand it is  hard for HVAC issues but could do it for lighting. It gets the question away from cost and moves  it to ROI. Energy Star information for planning for the future Finding out where energy dollars are going Breakdown on gas & electric costs Validating and seeing how unbalanced it was comparison of both like buildings and costs ALL OF THE INFORMATION WAS EXTREMELY HELPFUL That I did not have the right HV Company Our energy consumption vs peers of our type The simple recommendations, such as blinds. Showing savings on lighting Knowing how much room for improvement there is. N\A where we are based on other locations How to save energy and be more cost effective. Monitors showed that the main bldg fan was operating after hours. there were a lot os savings for minimal effort Third party review of what we do and quantifying energy cost and potential savings knowing that most of what I am doing is working already The immediate needs was to get programmable thermostats so we can have night and day  settings rather than maintaining the same temperature in the building 24/7. consumption cycle H-6 Commercial Component Survey 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes 96.7%29 No 3.3%1 answered question 30 skipped question 0 Too much information. Hard to prioritize what data is more important. some of the informtion presented was not germane to the way we view our building energy  There was LOTs of information, but it was all interesting. I found all of it helpful Q8. Based on your experience, would you recommend this assessment to others? All of it was helpful and educational even if we aren't able to implement. Suggestions such as  reusing excess heat in the warehouse. This would be costly but it may be something we might  do in future renovations. HVAC recommendations. Was enough detail as to equipment and systems Energy Star rating ‐ doesn't think it's applicable to Alaska Not a high enough level of assessment All information will be used to look at further assessments of operations ALL THE INFORMATION WAS RELEVANT!  I WOULDN'T LEAVE OUT ANYTHING Not appliciable The overall report was helpful i don't think there was a part that wasn't useful N/A CO2 levels gas/electric comparison don't know Don't know Energy Star rating Energy Star rating.   Don't know Weren't able to compose to like facility Energy Star rating such a long way to go from 1 needed more information that would be more useful; CO2 not userful. H-7 1 BUSINESS OPINION SURVEY IVAN MOORE RESEARCH TEL: 278-4600 Hello, my name is _________ and I'm calling for Ivan Moore Research. Could I speak to __________. (OR… I need to speak to the person at your business who is the most likely to deal with issues related to electric service, like, perhaps, your facilities manager.) (INTERVIEWERS, ONCE CONNECTED TO PERSON, RE-INTRODUCE YOURSELF) We're conducting a survey for Chugach Electric today of their largest customers in Anchorage and I would be interested in getting your opinions if you’ve got a few minutes. Your opinions are important to Chugach, and we'd appreciate your participation if that's OK with you, and of course your responses will be completely confidential and only reported in group form. 1. First of all, are your feelings towards Chugach Electric very positive, somewhat positive, somewhat negative or very negative? +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | | CHUGACH'S RATING: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Somewhat negative | 3 | 2.5% | |Neutral | 10 | 8.3% | |Somewhat positive | 59 | 48.8% | |Very positive | 49 | 40.5% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ 2. Please rate Chugach Electric on the following items on a scale of very good, good, average, poor, or very poor. How would you rate Chugach Electric on ________________________? 4 3 2 1 0 VERY GOOD GOOD AVERAGE POOR VERY POOR NOT SURE Being a convenient company to do business with: +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | |CONVENIENT COMPANY TO DO | | | BUSINESS WITH: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Average | 13 | 10.7% | |Good | 51 | 42.1% | |Very good | 55 | 45.5% | |Not sure | 2 | 1.7% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ H-8 2 Reliability, being there when you need them: +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | |RELIABILITY, BEING THERE | | | WHEN YOU NEED THEM: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Poor | 3 | 2.5% | |Average | 8 | 6.6% | |Good | 44 | 36.4% | |Very good | 66 | 54.5% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ Their reputation in the community: +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | | REPUTATION IN THE | | | COMMUNITY: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Poor | 3 | 2.5% | |Average | 12 | 9.9% | |Good | 50 | 41.3% | |Very good | 53 | 43.8% | |Not sure | 3 | 2.5% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ Being a responsive company to do business with: +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | |RESPONSIVE TO DO BUSINESS| | | WITH: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Poor | 1 | .8% | |Average | 14 | 11.6% | |Good | 50 | 41.3% | |Very good | 51 | 42.1% | |Not sure | 5 | 4.1% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ Having good, courteous service in other matters: +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | | GOOD, COURTEOUS SERVICE | | | IN OTHER MATTERS: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Very poor | 1 | .8% | |Poor | 2 | 1.7% | |Average | 12 | 9.9% | |Good | 48 | 39.7% | |Very good | 54 | 44.6% | |Not sure | 4 | 3.3% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ H-9 3 3. Which of the following three factors is MOST important when you are buying electric power for your company, reliability, service or price? +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | | MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Reliability | 70 | 58.3% | |Service | 16 | 13.3% | |Price | 34 | 28.3% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ Which of the three factors is SECOND MOST important? +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | | SECOND MOST IMPORTANT | | | FACTOR: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Reliability | 34 | 28.3% | |Service | 37 | 30.8% | |Price | 48 | 40.0% | |Not sure | 1 | .8% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ 4A. We’re interested in certain trends your business has taken in recent years. Think back over the last 3 years, and think specifically about your operations that exist within the Chugach Electric service area. Consider each of the following items and tell me whether you think they have increased, decreased or are about the same compared with three years ago. The total number of locations: +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | | LAST 3 YEARS - TOTAL | | | LOCATIONS: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Increased | 29 | 24.0% | |Decreased | 4 | 3.3% | |Same | 88 | 72.7% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ The total number of employees: +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | | LAST 3 YEARS - TOTAL | | | EMPLOYEES: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Increased | 36 | 29.8% | |Decreased | 15 | 12.4% | |Same | 69 | 57.0% | |Not sure | 1 | .8% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ H-10 4 Total amount of physical equipment: +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | | LAST 3 YEARS - TOTAL | | | EQUIPMENT: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Increased | 45 | 37.2% | |Decreased | 1 | .8% | |Same | 72 | 59.5% | |Not sure | 3 | 2.5% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ Hours of operation: +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | | LAST 3 YEARS - HOURS OF | | | OPERATION: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Increased | 20 | 16.5% | |Decreased | 7 | 5.8% | |Same | 94 | 77.7% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ Business productivity: +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | | LAST 3 YEARS - BUSINESS | | | PRODUCTIVITY: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Increased | 49 | 40.5% | |Decreased | 10 | 8.3% | |Same | 59 | 48.8% | |Not sure | 3 | 2.5% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ Total electric usage: +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | | LAST 3 YEARS - TOTAL | | | ELECTRIC USAGE: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Increased | 51 | 42.1% | |Decreased | 27 | 22.3% | |Same | 41 | 33.9% | |Not sure | 2 | 1.7% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ Total natural gas usage: +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | |LAST 3 YEARS - TOTAL GAS | | | USAGE: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Increased | 36 | 29.8% | |Decreased | 18 | 14.9% | |Same | 60 | 49.6% | |Not sure | 7 | 5.8% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ H-11 5 4B. (IF TOTAL ELECTRIC USAGE IS INCREASED OR DECREASED, THEN ASK…) If you had to estimate, by what percent would you say your electric usage has increased/decreased in the last 3 years? +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | | PERCENT CHANGE IN | | | ELECTRIC: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |-20 | 4 | 3.3% | |-18 | 1 | .8% | |-15 | 2 | 1.6% | |-12 | 1 | .8% | |-10 | 5 | 4.1% | |-7 | 2 | 1.6% | |-5 | 4 | 3.3% | |-4 | 1 | .8% | |-3 | 3 | 2.5% | |-2 | 1 | .8% | |-1 | 1 | .8% | |0 | 41 | 33.6% | |4 | 1 | .8% | |5 | 4 | 3.3% | |7 | 3 | 2.5% | |10 | 12 | 9.8% | |12 | 2 | 1.6% | |15 | 4 | 3.3% | |17 | 1 | .8% | |18 | 1 | .8% | |20 | 6 | 4.9% | |23 | 2 | 1.6% | |25 | 1 | .8% | |30 | 3 | 2.5% | |33 | 1 | .8% | |50 | 2 | 1.6% | |300 | 2 | 1.6% | |Not sure | 11 | 9.0% | Mean +9.5% +------------------------------+------------+------------+ 5A. In the last 3 years, has your company undertaken any specific efforts to increase the energy efficiency of your operations and reduce your electric consumption? +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | | ADOPTED EFFORTS TO | | | IMPROVE ENERGY | | | EFFICIENCY? | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Yes | 95 | 77.9% | |No | 27 | 22.1% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ H-12 6 5B. (IF YES, THEN ASK…) Which of the following energy efficiency efforts have you adopted in the last 3 years? Increasing employee awareness: +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | | INCREASING EMPLOYEE | | | AWARENESS: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Yes | 81 | 85.3% | |No | 14 | 14.7% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ Streamlining of operations and scheduling: +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | |STREAMLINING OPERATIONS: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Yes | 54 | 56.8% | |No | 39 | 41.1% | |Not sure | 2 | 2.1% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ New or retrofitted HVAC equipment: +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | |NEW OR RETROFITTED HVAC: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Yes | 42 | 44.2% | |No | 51 | 53.7% | |Not sure | 2 | 2.1% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ Installing energy efficient lighting: +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | | INSTALLING ENERGY | | | EFFICIENT LIGHTING: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Yes | 88 | 92.6% | |No | 7 | 7.4% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ Installing or upgrading energy efficient motor load: +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | | INSTALLING OR UPGRADING | | | MOTOR LOAD: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Yes | 33 | 34.7% | |No | 47 | 49.5% | |Not sure | 15 | 15.8% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ H-13 7 Installing energy efficient refrigeration units: +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | | INSTALLING ENERGY | | |EFFICIENT REFRIGERATION: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Yes | 29 | 30.5% | |No | 63 | 66.3% | |Not sure | 3 | 3.2% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ Improving building shell (i.e. insulation or windows): +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | |IMPROVING BUILDING SHELL:| | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Yes | 42 | 44.2% | |No | 52 | 54.7% | |Not sure | 1 | 1.1% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ 5C. (IF YES, THEN ASK…) What other measures has your business taken to increase energy efficiency?   Turn off lights/power/equipment more often. X10  Put motion sensors in our building.  X3  Installed timers on lighting.  X3  Energy audit survey.  X2  Efficient heating.  X2  Consolidated/upgraded office equipment, reduce paper and use email.  Keep things up to date.  Each program/department has their own energy consumption plans.  Inventory and start up schedules, preventative maintenance.  Green Star Corp. helped us with recycling and different types of equipment. We did   energy audit with  Chugach, and we shut down our motors for less idle.  New transmitter equipment and tubes.  Installed air handler system on our computer, it turns on and off to save energy.  In process of changing lighting .  Spent alot of money on bulbs and changed engine room.  Put HVAC units on the roof this year.  H-14 8   Had several areas energy rated and updated according to their recommendations.  All motors redone.  Installed computer modular to turn on and off lights, and to balance loads for refrigeration and  airconditioning compressor.  Sealing for air leaks.  Streamling PC units.  Changed out computer equipment and put in new adaptors for more efficiency.  Increased temperatures in summer, decreased in winter, to reduce cooling and heating.  Ajusted unoccupied hours for lights and heat.  Installed dimmer switched, made lights more user friendly and updated the sevice deli.  Chugach has come out to give us information on updates, we try to implement what they suggest.  Battery operated hand towel units, changed out air compressor. Installed plastic curtains in refrigeration  area to prevent losses, as well as regular upkeep on refrigeration units in order to keep them running  efficently.  Preventative maintenance.  Paper free.  During summer we turn off air conditioning units, installed energy efficient valves.  New compressors and HVAC's.  New furnaces and efficient shop lights.  New control system for lighting.  Incentive Award Program, portion of cost savings goes back into the schools.  5D. (IF YES, THEN ASK…) Are there any other energy efficiency measures that you haven’t adopted yet that you are planning to? +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | | PLANNING TO ADOPT | | | MEASURES? | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Yes | 28 | 29.5% | |No | 67 | 70.5% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ H-15 9 5E. (IF YES TO 5D, THEN ASK…) What measures are you particularly looking at adopting? Working on changing/upgrading HVAC equipment.  X5  Retrofit more lighting in the warehouse.  X3  Changing lighting.  X2  Going paperless.  Switch propane over to electric.  Putting a generator back in and looking at solar power.  Solar energy.  Looking at everything for when we remodel.  Motor load put on variable speed drive, more efficient escalators, and better automated lighting  controls.  Replace yard lighting with efficient lights and motion detectors for the warehouse.  New boiler.  Sealing around doors and windows.  Lighting and ballast.  Waiting for audit to come back.  Retrofit lighting when we acquire funds.  Install energy management system on refrigeration units.  Energy audit planned.  Newer air compressors.  Community awareness among our residents  New roof and insulation.  H-16 10 5F. (IF YES, THEN ASK…) On a scale from 1 to 5, how significant are the following reasons for influencing your decision to adopt energy efficiency measures at your business, where a 5 is a major reason and a 1 is not a reason. 1 2 3 4 5 NOT A MAJOR NOT SURE REASON REASON Incentives like refunds, cash, grants and tax breaks: +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | | REASON - INCENTIVES: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |1 - Not a reason | 31 | 32.6% | |2 | 5 | 5.3% | |3 | 11 | 11.6% | |4 | 20 | 21.1% | |5 - Major reason | 22 | 23.2% | |Not sure | 6 | 6.3% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ Concern for the environment: +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | | REASON - CONCERN FOR | | | ENVIRONMENT: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |1 - Not a reason | 12 | 12.6% | |2 | 18 | 18.9% | |3 | 33 | 34.7% | |4 | 18 | 18.9% | |5 - Major reason | 11 | 11.6% | |Not sure | 3 | 3.2% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ Increasing energy prices: +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | | REASON - INCREASING | | | ENERGY PRICES: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |3 | 12 | 12.6% | |4 | 24 | 25.3% | |5 - Major reason | 56 | 58.9% | |Not sure | 3 | 3.2% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ H-17 11 Improving your bottom line: +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | |REASON - IMPROVING BOTTOM| | | LINE: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |1 - Not a reason | 2 | 2.1% | |2 | 2 | 2.1% | |3 | 15 | 15.8% | |4 | 10 | 10.5% | |5 - Major reason | 61 | 64.2% | |Not sure | 5 | 5.3% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ Your customers respond positively to it: +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | | REASON - CUSTOMERS | | | RESPOND POSITIVELY: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |1 - Not a reason | 15 | 15.8% | |2 | 16 | 16.8% | |3 | 26 | 27.4% | |4 | 13 | 13.7% | |5 - Major reason | 19 | 20.0% | |Not sure | 6 | 6.3% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ Environmental impacts like the eruption of Mt Redoubt: +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | | REASON - ENVIRONMENTAL | | | IMPACTS LIKE VOLCANO: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |1 - Not a reason | 31 | 32.6% | |2 | 10 | 10.5% | |3 | 17 | 17.9% | |4 | 8 | 8.4% | |5 - Major reason | 23 | 24.2% | |Not sure | 6 | 6.3% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ 5G. (IF NO, THEN ASK…) Are you planning to adopt any measures in the foreseeable future to increase the energy efficiency of your business operations? +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | | PLANNING TO ADOPT | | | MEASURES IN FUTURE? | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Yes | 7 | 25.9% | |No | 20 | 74.1% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ H-18 12 5H. (IF YES TO 5G, THEN ASK…) What measures are you particularly looking at adopting?   Outside lighting/better standard of energy efficiency.  Change lighting and balast units.  We are replacing core mechanical system to improve reliability and energy usage.  Turning off our snow melt systems, also looking to install efficient HVAC equipment.  Replace/upgrade heating system.  Writing upgrades.  Increasing energy efficency.    OTHER PLANS/SUGGESTIONS/COMMENTS:  Install nuclear power, cuts cost 1.5 cents per Kilowatt.  Upgrade to energy efficient appliances.  We are constructing and remodeling our facilities.  Adopting new expansion CEW to cold environment warehouse, instead of evaporators and compressors.  Retrofitting lighting.  LED lighting.  Efficient airconditioning system, automated timers, and use of wind and solar power.  Overhauling our heating unit.  Planning to upgrade on refrigerations units.  Co‐generation.  Wind/solar power.  We are moving to a new building where everything is energy effiecient.  Energy management VFD's on our motors.  Turn thermostats down.  Lighting in common areas.   Contingent on energy audit survey.  Plans are there, finances are not available.  Make residents aware of energy usage and try to conserve.  H-19 13 6. GENDER... +------------------------------+-------------------------+ | | GENDER OF RESPONDENT: | | +------------+------------+ | | Count | % | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ |Male | 80 | 65.6% | |Female | 42 | 34.4% | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ That completes the survey. I have a telephone number for Ivan Moore Research that you can call with any comments, compliments or complaints. Would you like the number? (278-4600) Thank you very much for your help. Goodbye. H-20