HomeMy WebLinkAboutNewtok 2012-VEEP EENNEERRGGYY AAUUDDIITT FFIINNAALL RREEPPOORRTT Results and Recommendations from Energy Audit of Newtok For VEEP Grants City of Newtok, Alaska June 20, 2012 Prepared By: Prepared For: Ameresco, Inc. 6643 Brayton Drive Anchorage, AK 99507 Alaska Energy Authority City of Newtok Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page i Newtok, AK TTAABBLLEE OOFF CCOONNTTEENNTTSS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND PREFACE .................................................................................. 1 1.0 BUILDING DESCRIPTIONS ............................................................................................ 3 1.1 NEWTOK TRIBAL COUNCIL OFFICE .......................................................................... 3 1.2 POWER PLANT (UNUSRAQ POWER COMPANY) ........................................................ 5 1.3 NEWTOK W ASHETERIA ........................................................................................... 7 1.4 NEWTOK POWER COMPANY OFFICE (UNUSRAQ POWER COMPANY) ......................... 9 1.5 NEWTOK COMMUNITY CENTER ............................................................................. 11 1.6 NEWTOK SCHOOL ................................................................................................ 13 1.7 OTHER NEWTOK BUILDINGS SURVEYED ................................................................ 15 1.8 MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS ......................................................................... 17 2.0 UTILITIES ..................................................................................................................... 18 2.1 ELECTRICITY ....................................................................................................... 18 2.1.1 Electricity Usage Profiles ........................................................................18 2.2 FUEL ................................................................................................................... 19 3.0 OPERATIONS/MAINTENANCE PRACTICES ............................................................... 20 4.0 ENERGY CONSERVATION OPPORTUNITIES ............................................................ 21 4.1 ECO DESCRIPTIONS ............................................................................................ 22 4.1.1 Building Envelope Opportunities .............................................................22 4.1.2 Electrical Opportunities ...........................................................................23 4.1.3 Mechanical Opportunities .......................................................................24 5.0 FINAL COSTING AND CHANGES FROM INITIAL REPORTING .................................. 25 5.1 CHANGES FROM INITIAL REPORTING ..................................................................... 25 5.2 FUNDING ALLOCATION SUMMARY TABLES ............................................................. 26 AAPPPPEENNDDIICCEESS APPENDIX A – VEEP PROJECT COSTS & EXPECTED SAVINGS ...................................... A-1 APPENDIX B – ECO CALCULATION RESULTS – NOT FUNDED ......................................... B-1 APPENDIX C – EQUATIONS USED IN CALCULATIONS ...................................................... C-1 APPENDIX D – POST INSTALLATION PHOTOS ................................................................... D-1 Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 1 Newtok, AK EEXXEECCUUTTIIVVEE SSUUMMMMAARRYY AANNDD PPRREEFFAACCEE This Post Installation Report summarizes the results of an Ameresco Energy Audit of the City of Newtok, the initial energy savings measures identified and proposed, and any changes that may have occurred throughout the installation process. The City of Newtok is a recipient of an Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) Village Energy Efficiency Program (VEEP) grant of $150,000. Ameresco engineers conducted an energy audit of the City of Newtok on October 23, 2010. The table below shows the buildings audited and their respective square footages. City of Newtok - Building Summary Building Category Square Footage Tribal Council Office Public Building 875 Power Plant Building Public Building 400 Washeteria Public Facility 1,100 Power Company Office Public Building 750 Community Center Public Facility 1,000 School School 20,000 Post Office Public Building 400 Community Store Public Building 1,600 Tom's Store Public Building 800 The audit identified existing types, conditions, operating modes, and energy consumption profiles for a variety of buildings, facilities and systems. The audit also identified all cost-effective system and facility modifications, adjustments, alterations, additions, and retrofits. Systems investigated during the audit included heating, ventilation, interior and exterior lighting, process exhaust, domestic hot water, motors, building envelopes, utility metering systems, and energy management control systems (EMCS). The table below shows the results of Ameresco’s audit and potential calculation savings, allocated by grant. See Appendix A for more detailed calculation results. Project costs include costs incurred from the site visit, engineering time, materials cost, and labor cost, as well as Ameresco’s markup. It is important to note that the simple paybacks (SPBs) have been determined according to ECO type. For example, the SPB for an electrical ECO is calculated using only the annual kWh savings, even though the equivalent annual fuel gallon monetary savings is reported. Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 2 Newtok, AK VEEP ECOS - PROJECT COSTS & EXPECTED SAVINGS - NEWTOK ECO Cost Savings SPB B01 - WEATHER-STRIPPING $ 602.84 $ 156.11 3.86 B02 - THERMAL INSULATION UPGRADE $ 13,462.44 $ 249.45 53.97 B03 - ENERGY EFFICIENT WINDOW UPGRADE $ 12,025.47 $ 18.62 646.01 B04 - ENERGY EFFICIENT DOOR UPGRADE $ 12,211.72 $ 43.35 281.70 E01 - T8 LIGHTING UPGRADE $ 8,073.71 $ 1,762.50 4.58 E02 - T5 LIGHTING UPGRADE $ 5,106.74 N/A N/A E03 - INSTALL OCCUPANCY SENSORS $ 3,759.84 $ 92.41 40.68 E05 - CFL LIGHTING UPGRADE $ 642.56 $ 50.20 12.80 E06 - STREET LIGHTING UPGRADE $ 44,832.15 $ 4,017.69 11.16 M02 - BURNER REPLACEMENT $ 38,613.76 $ 5,678.44 6.80 AVAILABLE FUNDING $ 10,668.75 * Available funding applied to Kotlik GRANT TOTAL $150,000.00 VILLAGE TOTAL $139,331.25 $12,068.76 11.54 Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 3 Newtok, AK 11..00 BBUUIILLDDIINNGG DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS 11..11 NNEEWWTTOOKK TTRRIIBBAALL CCOOUUNNCCIILL OOFFFFIICCEE Description: The Newtok Tribal Council building houses the Tribal Council and City offices. General Conditions: The building appears to be in good condition overall. The wood exterior and roof are in good condition. Windows are double-pane clear glass and are in good condition. The building could use some envelope upgrades, but is holding up well. Pictures of general conditions found during the field audit immediately follow this building description. Building Envelope: The standing wood exterior and roof are in good condition and do not appear to have any major faults. Most windows are in good condition, though some could use caulking. Insulation is fair, but there is adequate space to add more. Most access points to the attic appear to have been sealed adequately. Heating: Building heating is provided by a single Monitor 2400 electric heater. This heater was set to 88 degrees Fahrenheit at the time of the audit. Lighting: Interior lighting consists of T12 fluorescent fixtures with magnetic ballasts as well as several 60 watt incandescent fixtures. Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 4 Newtok, AK Building Photos: Newtok Tribal Council Office Monitor Heater Typical Window Attic Access Sealed Penetration Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 5 Newtok, AK 11..22 PPOOWWEERR PPLLAANNTT ((UUNNUUSSRRAAQQ PPOOWWEERR CCOOMMPPAANNYY)) Description: The Newtok Power Plant is independently owned by the City. General Conditions: The building is in poor condition overall. There is no heating or insulation. Excess heat is being lost at the exhaust fan in the small building addition. This addition has been somewhat enclosed, but it does not currently contain or reuse the heat that is being lost. Pictures of general conditions found during the field audit immediately follow this building description. Equipment: The power company building houses 3 generators, but only one of these is functioning. If this last generator were to fail, the village would be without power. Many of the village buildings do not have functional back-up generators, including the village clinic which lost medicine that spoiled the last time the power failed. Two of the generators are 100 kW MagnaPlus models made by Marathon Electric; one of these is the remaining functional generator. There is also a failed 125 kW Stamford model made by NewAge, LLC (now owned by Cummins). Loading: At the time of the audit, demand loading was about 125 kW. Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 6 Newtok, AK Building Photos: Newtok Power Plant Damaged Generator Damaged Generator Damaged Generator Damaged Generator Generator Battery Packs Radiator for Generators Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 7 Newtok, AK 11..33 NNEEWWTTOOKK WWAASSHHEETTEERRIIAA Description: The Newtok Washeteria is used by most of the villagers for their laundering needs. General Conditions: The building is in fair condition. There have been some problems with the hot water system, but this could be easily fixed with a Superstor or Amtrol system. Another issue is the loss of heating if power is lost to the building. Pictures of general conditions found during the field audit immediately follow this building description. Building Envelope: The building appears to be in good condition. Exterior and interior walls do not have any major faults. Windows and doors are in good condition, but door weatherstripping is in need of an upgrade. Currently, the only form of weatherization on the building is make-shift weatherstripping from towels and other fabric. Heating: Building heating is provided by two Trane hot water unit heaters. A Nordyne furnace is also in the facility but does not appear to be operating. As stated in the general conditions of the building, if power is lost to the building, however, none of the heating equipment functions. This could be remedied with 2 Toyostove fuel oil heaters or equivalent. Lighting: Interior lighting mainly consists of T12 fluorescent fixtures with magnetic ballasts. Domestic Water: The domestic hot water system is currently out of order. An old A.O. Smith water heater that is no longer operational still resides in the mechanical room. Laundry Equipment: There are 3 Alliance SpeedQueen electric dryers as well as 6 SpeedQueen washers located in the Newtok Washeteria. The washers do not meet current ENERGY STAR requirements, Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 8 Newtok, AK which changed in January 2011. All laundry equipment at the facility, however, appears to be functioning properly and in good condition. Building Photos: Newtok Washeteria SpeedQueen Washers SpeedQueen Dryers Old Furnace Trane Unit Heater Make-shift Weather-stripping Defunct A.O. Smith Water Heater Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 9 Newtok, AK 11..44 NNEEWWTTOOKK PPOOWWEERR CCOOMMPPAANNYY OOFFFFIICCEE ((UUNNUUSSRRAAQQ PPOOWWEERR CCOOMMPPAANNYY)) Description: The Power Company Office houses the administrative offices of the Unusraq Power Company. This building is where residents come to pay their electric bills, and all customer service issues are handled here. General Conditions: The building is in fair condition. The exterior shows many signs of wear and age, but appears to be holding up well. No major faults or defects were found during the course of the audit. Pictures of general conditions found during the field audit immediately follow this building description. Building Envelope: The building envelope is in good condition overall. The windows are doors could be upgraded to be more energy efficient. The attic has some areas that are missing insulation. Heating: Building heating is provided by 2 Monitor 441 oil fired forced air heaters. A Marvin quartz radiant heater is also used from time to time when the heating needs of the building are not met by the 2 Monitors. Controls: There are no additional building controls. Lighting: Interior lighting consists mainly of T12 fluorescent fixtures with magnetic ballasts. Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 10 Newtok, AK Building Photos: Power Company Office (Unusraq Power Company) Office Interior Missing Insulation in Attic Monitor Heaters Marvin Quartz Heater Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 11 Newtok, AK 11..55 NNEEWWTTOOKK CCOOMMMMUUNNIITTYY CCEENNTTEERR Description: The Newtok Community Center is a common gathering place for the village residents. The building is used 7 days a week for a wide variety of activities including traditional dancing and game nights. General Conditions: The building is in fair condition overall. The structure has seen some wear, and the building itself is shifting. The exterior is fairly weathered but appears to be holding up well. Pictures of general conditions found during the field audit immediately follow this building description. Building Envelope: The building exterior has seen quite a bit of wear and is faded and somewhat dilapidated, but the roof appears to be in good condition. The doors do not seal properly due to the amount the building has shifted, and there is no weather-stripping present. Heating: Building heating is provided by a Monitor 41 fuel oil forced air heater. There is also a waste oil burner in the facility, but was not operational at the time of the audit. Controls: There are no additional building controls. Lighting: Interior lighting consists mainly of T12 fluorescent fixtures with magnetic ballasts. Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 12 Newtok, AK Building Photos: Newtok Community Center Worn Doorframe Building Interior Monitor Heater Waste Oil Heater Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 13 Newtok, AK 11..66 NNEEWWTTOOKK SSCCHHOOOOLL Description: The Newtok School houses elementary through high school age students. The school is divided into wings – a high school section, and an elementary and middle school section. The building also contains a gym, which functions as the school cafeteria as well. General Conditions: The building is in good condition and is well-maintained. No major faults of defects were found during the course of the audit. Pictures of general conditions found during the field audit immediately follow this building description. Building Envelope: The standing seam exterior and roof are in good condition and do not appear to have any major faults. Windows are doors are in good condition and seal properly. The building also appears to be well-insulated. Heating: Building heating is provided by 2 Weil-McLain fuel oil fired boilers rated at 643 MBH out each and 82% thermal efficiency. Controls: Zone temperatures are controlled by mechanical thermostats. Lighting: Interior lighting consists mainly of T8 fluorescent fixtures with electronic ballasts. The gym area is lit by mercury vapor (MV) fixtures. Domestic Water: A 90 gallon Bock fuel oil water heater provides the building with domestic hot water. The Newtok School also houses its own water treatment center for building-wide domestic water and wastewater handling. Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 14 Newtok, AK Building Photos: Newtok School Gym Lighting Weil-McLain Boiler Bock Water Heater Circulating Pumps Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 15 Newtok, AK 11..77 OOTTHHEERR NNEEWWTTOOKK BBUUIILLDDIINNGGSS SSUURRVVEEYYEEDD Newtok Post Office: The Newtok Post Office is a very small facility that appears relatively well- maintained. Lighting fixtures have already been retrofit to CFL lamps, and all doors appear to seal well. There are few opportunities for improvement here. Community Store: The Community Store is in good condition. Doors all seal well and the facility appears to be well-maintained. Interior lighting fixtures are primary T12 fluorescent fixtures with magnetic ballasts, and there are no occupancy sensors in the building. Heating is provided by 2 Monitor 2400 fuel oil forced air heaters. Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 16 Newtok, AK Tom’s Store: Tom’s store is a second retail facility that competes with the Newtok Community Store. This store is in fair condition overall, and has no insulation in the attic area. Interior lighting consists of T12 fluorescent fixtures with magnetic ballasts. Heating is provided by an older Monitor fuel oil forced air heater. Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 17 Newtok, AK 11..88 MMIISSCCEELLLLAANNEEOOUUSS OOBBSSEERRVVAATTIIOONNSS Transformer Issues: The existing power poles are being utilized by multiple overhead services and have become heavily congested. Villagers have to coordinate on power usage to prevent outages because of this congestion. Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 18 Newtok, AK 22..00 UUTTIILLIITTIIEESS 22..11 EELLEECCTTRRIICCIITTYY The City of Newtok purchases its electricity from the Unusraq Power Company. The Newtok Community Center (Quyurrvik) is the only building audited to receive power cost assistance. Unusraq Power Company kWh Rate $ 0.80 Power Cost Assistance Rate (Credited to Some Accounts) $ 0.3960 – 0.4082 22..11..11 EElleeccttrriicciittyy UUssaaggee PPrrooffiilleess Community Center 2009 Electric Usage 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberBill DatekWh Tribal Council Office 2009 Electric Usage 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberBill DatekWh Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 19 Newtok, AK PHS 2009 Electric Usage 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberBill DatekWh 22..22 FFUUEELL Newtok purchases its few in bulk shipments that equal 30-35,000 gallons each year at a current rate of $3.57/gallon. Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 20 Newtok, AK 33..00 OOPPEERRAATTIIOONNSS//MMAAIINNTTEENNAANNCCEE PPRRAACCTTIICCEESS The village has a number of designated maintenance personnel that seem to possess the basic skills required to clean and maintain selected equipment. From Ameresco’s observations, if the equipment should fall into disrepair, the staff does not have the skill to repair the equipment per the manufacturer’s requirements and tends to piece together the equipment to maintain operation. Over time, the systems no longer function as required, which currently appears to be the case of most equipment and systems with in the village. Operations and maintenance is one area in energy services where improvement and training costs are lower than equipment replacement costs, and the energy efficiency return is high. During the site audit, Ameresco found that outside of general cleaning, most of the equipment is not maintained to meet standard manufacturers’ recommendations. Dirty filters, boilers in disrepair, systems altered, and control systems disconnected are a result of limited funding and lack of system training. This results in excessive energy use, premature equipment failure, and employee and resident discomfort. An annual system check by a qualified burner service technician to perform services such as boiler cleaning, boiler tune ups, system check out, and control system reviews will not only extend the overall life of the equipment, but improve occupant comfort as well as increase and maintain long term energy efficiency. Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 21 Newtok, AK 44..00 EENNEERRGGYY CCOONNSSEERRVVAATTIIOONN OOPPPPOORRTTUUNNIITTIIEESS The ECO matrix below summarizes the energy conservation opportunities identified during the site survey and baseline analysis. A description of each energy conservation opportunity follows the matrix. Please Note: This matrix applies to the initial proposal and the ECOs identified during that stage of the Newtok project. There are some ECOs included in this section that were not performed, or the scope of work may have changed. Section 4 is for reference only. See Section 5 for updated project information. ECO No. ECO Description ECO MATRIX B=Building Envelope; C=Controls; E=Electrical; M=Mechanical; W=Water/Wastewater; R=Renewable NEWTOK Tribal Council Washeteria Power Company Community Center Community Store Tom's Store School Building Envelope B01 Door Weather-stripping Upgrade X X B02 Insulation Upgrade X X B03 Energy Efficient Window Upgrade X B04 Energy Efficient Door Upgrade X Electrical E01 T-8 Lighting Upgrade X X X X X X E02 T-5 Lighting Upgrade X E03 Occupancy Sensors X X X X X X E04 Premium Efficiency Motors Upgrade X E05 CFL Lighting Upgrade X E06 Street Lighting Upgrade* Mechanical M01 Boiler Tune-Up X * E06 is a village-wide initiative and does not apply to a specific building in the matrix Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 22 Newtok, AK VEEP – INITIAL PROPOSAL (FINAL AUDIT REPORT) ECO Cost Savings SPB B01 - WEATHER-STRIPPING UPGRADE $ 3,500.00 $ 156.11 22.42 B02 - THERMAL INSULATION UPGRADE $ 8,000.00 $ 249.45 32.07 B03 - ENERGY EFFICIENT WINDOW UPGRADE $ 5,000.00 $ 18.62 268.60 B04 - ENERGY EFFICIENT DOOR UPGRADE $ 10,000.00 $ 43.35 230.68 E01 - T8 LIGHTING UPGRADE $ 20,000.00 $ 1,762.50 11.35 E02 - T5 LIGHTING UPGRADE $ 15,000.00 $ 3,615.18 4.15 E03 - INSTALL OCCUPANCY SENSORS $ 3,000.00 $ 917.28 3.27 E04 - PREMIUM EFFICIENCY MOTORS UPGRADE $ 2,000.00 $ 51.30 38.98 E05 - CFL LIGHTING UPGRADE $ 1,000.00 $ 50.20 19.92 E06 - STREET LIGHTING UPGRADE $ 40,000.00 $ 5,665.97 7.06 M01 - BOILER TUNE-UP $ 10,000.00 $ 6,298.66 1.59 DESIGN/AUDIT $ 2,500.00 AVAILABLE FUNDING $ 30,000.00 TOTAL $ 150,000.00 $ 18,828.60 7.97 44..11 EECCOO DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS Below are the descriptions of the Energy Conservation Opportunities (ECOs) that Ameresco analyzed for the Village of Newtok in the Final Audit Report. These include Ameresco’s initial project recommendations for the village. 44..11..11 BBuuiillddiinngg EEnnvveellooppee OOppppoorrttuunniittiieess B01 – Door Weather-stripping Upgrade This ECO proposes applying weather stripping to exterior door perimeters to reduce air infiltration into the buildings. Many building doors have existing weather stripping material which is worn or missing. B02 – Thermal Insulation Upgrade This ECO proposes installing roof insulation on existing building envelopes to reduce energy consumption. Insulation can be added to roofs to increase or renew their insulating ratings (R-value). B03 – Energy Efficient Windows This ECO proposes installing new windows with improved heat transfer resistivity. This ECO would improve insulating values of the fenestration and reduce the negative energy effects of insolation. B04 – Energy Efficient Doors This ECO proposes installing new insulated doors. The installation would improve U-values of the current hollow metal doors, single pane glass doors, and un-insulated bay doors connected to conditioned spaces. Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 23 Newtok, AK 44..11..22 EElleeccttrriiccaall OOppppoorrttuunniittiieess E01 – T8 Lighting Upgrade This ECO proposes replacing current T-12 fluorescent lighting and magnetic ballast with T-8 lamps and electronic ballasts. Post-light levels will be nearly equal or better to that of the existing lighting systems. E02 – T5 Lighting Upgrade This ECO proposes replacing high intensity discharge (HID) lighting systems in the medium and high bay areas such as the water treatment plant, maintenance shops, school, etc., with T5 fluorescent fixtures. HID lighting is often used in areas with high ceilings or roof structures. The fixtures generate high luminous flux, are reasonably energy efficient, and are long lasting. Such systems often remain illuminated continuously since the re-strike times make periodic switching in irregularly occupied spaces a nuisance. Continuous operation of HID fixtures reduces the overall energy efficiency of lighting systems designed around their use. Newer, high output fluorescent sources, characterized by quick warm- up, with instant light output and improved efficiency, are now being used in place of many medium wattage HID fixtures in low and high bay applications. Post-light levels will be nearly equal to that of the existing lighting systems E03 – Occupancy Sensors Lighting systems are often left energized in unoccupied areas. This ECO proposes to install sensors to shut off lighting in unoccupied spaces. Common sensing technologies include infrared, ultrasonic, and audible sound, often combining multiple types of sensing in one unit to avoid shutting off lights in an occupied area. E04 – Premium Efficiency Motors This ECO proposes installing National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) premium efficiency motors to replace standard and high efficiency motors. There are various mechanical systems operating with inefficient motors throughout the base. Premium efficiency motors typically increase energy efficiency by 2-3%. E05 – Compact Fluorescent Lighting (CFL) Upgrade This ECO proposes replacing current incandescent lighting with compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs. Post- light levels will be nearly equal or better to that of the existing lighting systems. Typical existing incandescent lamps range from 60 to 150 watts, and the new CFL lamps will use 13 to 26 watts. This is a low-cost retrofit that will result in fast paybacks. E06 – Street Lighting Upgrade This ECO proposes upgrading the existing 150-watt high pressure sodium (HPS) street lighting fixtures to more efficient 40-watt light-emitting diode (LED) fixtures. Village demand would be decreased at night, and savings would be realized in fuel savings from electricity generation. Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 24 Newtok, AK 44..11..33 MMeecchhaanniiccaall OOppppoorrttuunniittiieess M01 – Boiler Tune-Up This ECO proposes a comprehensive re-commissioning of the boilers in each building to optimize system operations. Such efforts include:  Replace, repair, calibrate or install sensors or switches  Repair air linkages  Conduct combustion efficiency test services  Clean combustion chambers and stacks Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 25 Newtok, AK 55..00 FFIINNAALL CCOOSSTTIINNGG AANNDD CCHHAANNGGEESS FFRROOMM IINNIITTIIAALL RREEPPOORRTTIINNGG Due to the brief nature of these contracts and the high cost of travel to and from the villages, audits were conducted a quickly and efficiently as possible. Once engineers have left the villages, communication is strained at best, and gathering additional information is difficult. Because of this, assumptions must be made during the initial ECO assessments and project cost estimates. Occasionally, Ameresco engineers have found that previously identified projects have been externally funded from another source, but this information usually comes too late in the process. As a result of all these factors, some previously identified projects have been modified or abandoned. Final project costs and expected annual savings can be found in Appendix A. ECOs that were categorized as “Not Funded,” whether in the initial stages of the proposal or during construction, can be found in Appendix B. 55..11 CCHHAANNGGEESS FFRROOMM IINNIITTIIAALL RREEPPOORRTTIINNGG B01 – Door Weather-stripping Upgrade Installed as planned. B02 – Thermal Insulation Upgrade Installed as planned. B03 – Energy Efficient Window Upgrade Installed as planned. B04 – Energy Efficient Door Upgrade Installed as planned. E01 – T8 Lighting Upgrade Installed as planned. E02 – T5 Lighting Upgrade ECO removed from scope. A T5 upgrade was installed via another grant between Ameresco’s initial site visit and construction mobilization. This information was not available to Ameresco before materials had been purchased, and therefore VEEP funding was used for this purchase. The T5 fixtures have been handed over to the Alaska Building Science Network per the request of the AEA. E03 – Occupancy Sensors Installed as planned in the Tribal Council building. This ECO was not completed at the Washeteria, Power Plant, Community Center, Community Store, or Tom’s Store due to grounding and work box sizing issues. Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 26 Newtok, AK E04 – Premium Efficiency Motor Upgrade ECO removed from scope. Higher efficiency motors than those previously installed were unavailable for procurement during the construction phase of this audit. E05 – CFL Lighting Upgrade Installed as planned. E06 – Street Lighting Upgrade Newly identified ECO. Initial audit information on street lighting count proved incorrect, and some existing street lights could not be replaced due to code issues and insufficient available hardware at the village. 17 of the existing 30 street lights have been retrofit. M01 – Boiler Tune-Up Removed from scope. This ECO has been replaced by M02. M02 – Burner Replacement Newly identified ECO. Additional funding was used for boiler burner replacements at the Newtok School. Installation was performed by Ameresco technicians. 55..22 FFUUNNDDIINNGG AALLLLOOCCAATTIIOONN SSUUMMMMAARRYY TTAABBLLEESS VEEP ECOS - PROJECT COSTS & EXPECTED SAVINGS - NEWTOK ECO Cost Savings SPB B01 - WEATHER-STRIPPING $ 602.84 $ 156.11 3.86 B02 - THERMAL INSULATION UPGRADE $ 13,462.44 $ 249.45 53.97 B03 - ENERGY EFFICIENT WINDOW UPGRADE $ 12,025.47 $ 18.62 646.01 B04 - ENERGY EFFICIENT DOOR UPGRADE $ 12,211.72 $ 43.35 281.70 E01 - T8 LIGHTING UPGRADE $ 8,073.71 $ 1,762.50 4.58 E02 - T5 LIGHTING UPGRADE $ 5,106.74 N/A N/A E03 - INSTALL OCCUPANCY SENSORS $ 3,759.84 $ 92.41 40.68 E05 - CFL LIGHTING UPGRADE $ 642.56 $ 50.20 12.80 E06 - STREET LIGHTING UPGRADE $ 44,832.15 $ 4,017.69 11.16 M02 - BURNER REPLACEMENT $ 38,613.76 $ 5,678.44 6.80 AVAILABLE FUNDING $ 10,668.75 * Available funding applied to Kotlik GRANT TOTAL $150,000.00 VILLAGE TOTAL $139,331.25 $12,068.76 11.54 Alaskan Village Post Installation Report Energy Audit of City Buildings Ameresco VEEP Audit - City of Newtok Page 27 Newtok, AK VEEP ECOS - ECOS NOT FUNDED - NEWTOK ECO Cost Savings SPB E04 - PREMIUM EFFICIENCY MOTORS UPGRADE N/A $ 51.30 N/A M01 - BOILER TUNE-UP $ 4,000.00 $ 6,298.66 0.64 APPENDIX A VEEP PROJECT COSTS & EXPECTED SAVINGS B01 - WEATHERSTRIPPING Building # of Doors Price Per Door Total Cost Electric kWh Savings Fuel mmBtu Savings Total mmBtu Savings Equivalent Fuel Gallons Savings Annual kWh Cost Savings Annual Equivalent Fuel Cost Savings Total Annual Savings Simple Payback Tribal Council 1 $200.95 $200.95 0.00 1.83 1.83 13.06 $0.00 $46.62 $46.62 4.31 Washeteria 2 $200.95 $401.90 0.00 4.29 4.29 30.67 $0.00 $109.50 $109.50 3.67 B02 - THERMAL INSULATION UPGRADE Building Current Insulation Proposed Insulation Total Cost Electric kWh Savings Fuel mmBtu Savings Total mmBtu Savings Equivalent Fuel Gallons Savings Annual kWh Cost Savings Annual Equivalent Fuel Cost Savings Total Annual Savings Simple Payback Tribal Council R-20 R-39 $7,032.62 0.00 4.90 4.90 34.97 $0.00 $124.83 $124.83 56.34 Tom's Store R-20 R-39 $6,429.82 0.00 4.89 4.89 34.91 $0.00 $124.62 $124.62 51.60 B03 - ENERGY EFFICIENT WINDOW UPGRADE Building # of Windows Price Per Window Total Cost Electric kWh Savings Fuel mmBtu Savings Total mmBtu Savings Equivalent Fuel Gallons Savings Annual kWh Cost Savings Annual Equivalent Fuel Cost Savings Total Annual Savings Simple Payback Power Company 5 $525.00 $12,025.47 0.00 0.73 0.73 5.21 $0.00 $18.62 $18.62 646.01 B04 - ENERGY EFFICIENT DOOR UPGRADE Building # of Doors Price Per Door Total Cost Electric kWh Savings Fuel mmBtu Savings Total mmBtu Savings Equivalent Fuel Gallons Savings Annual kWh Cost Savings Annual Equivalent Fuel Cost Savings Total Annual Savings Simple Payback Washeteria 2 Varies w/Size $12,211.72 0.00 1.70 1.70 12.14 $0.00 $43.35 $43.35 281.70 E01 - T8 LIGHTING UPGRADE Building # of Fixtures Price Per Fixture Total Cost Electric kWh Savings Electric kW Savings Equivalen t mmBtu Savings Equivalent Fuel Gallons Savings Annual kWh Cost Savings Annual Equivalent Fuel Cost Savings Total Annual Savings Simple Payback Tribal Council 7 Varies w/# of Lamps $926.49 224.22 1.85 0.77 16.27 $87.85 $58.09 $145.94 10.55 Washeteria 4 Varies w/# of Lamps $529.42 195.10 1.61 0.67 14.16 $76.44 $50.55 $126.99 6.93 Power Co 2 Varies w/# of Lamps $264.71 64.06 0.53 0.22 4.65 $25.10 $16.60 $41.70 10.55 Community Center 6 Varies w/# of Lamps $794.14 415.83 4.90 1.42 30.18 $162.92 $107.73 $270.65 4.87 Community Store 34 Varies w/# of Lamps $4,500.10 3,366.27 27.74 11.49 244.29 $1,318.91 $872.10 $2,191.01 3.41 Tom's Store 8 Varies w/# of Lamps $1,058.85 232.96 1.92 0.80 16.91 $91.27 $60.35 $151.63 11.60 E02 - T5 LIGHTING UPGRADE Building # of Fixtures Price Per Fixture Total Cost Electric kWh Savings Electric kW Savings Equivalen t mmBtu Savings Equivalent Fuel Gallons Savings Annual kWh Cost Savings Annual Equivalent Fuel Cost Savings Total Annual Savings Simple Payback School* 27 $237.00 $5,106.74 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A *T5 lights were delivered but not installed. T5s had previously been installed by another grant prior to Ameresco mobilization. APPENDIX A - VEEP PROJECT COSTS & EXPECTED SAVINGS - NEWTOK Note: The reported simple paybacks are based on the type of ECO listed. For example, electrical ECOs only use the Annual kWh Cost Savings column to calculate the SPB, even though the Annual Equivalent Fuel Cost Savings is still reported. E03 - INSTALL OCCUPANCY SENSORS Building # of Sensors Price Per Sensor Total Cost Electric kWh Savings Electric kW Savings Equivalen t mmBtu Savings Equivalent Fuel Gallons Savings Annual kWh Cost Savings Annual Equivalent Fuel Cost Savings Total Annual Savings Simple Payback Tribal Council 1 $537.12 $537.12 235.87 0.00 0.81 17.12 $92.41 $61.11 $153.52 5.81 Washeteria* 2 $537.12 $1,074.24 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Power Co* 1 $537.12 $537.12 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Community Center*1 $537.12 $537.12 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Community Store* 1 $537.12 $537.12 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Tom's Store* 1 $537.12 $537.12 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A *Sensors were delivered to these buildings, but not installed due to grounding issues. E05 - CFL LIGHTING UPGRADE Building # of Lamps to Change Price Per Lamp Total Cost Electric kWh Savings Electric kW Savings Equivalen t mmBtu Savings Equivalent Fuel Gallons Savings Annual kWh Cost Savings Annual Equivalent Fuel Cost Savings Total Annual Savings Simple Payback Tribal Council 2 $321.28 $642.56 128.128 0.00 0.44 9.30 $50.20 $33.19 $83.39 12.80 E06 - STREET LIGHTING UPGRADE - QTY 17 Building Current Fixture Proposed Fixture Total Cost Electric kWh Savings Electric kW Savings Equivalen t mmBtu Savings Equivalent Fuel Gallons Savings Annual kWh Cost Savings Annual Equivalent Fuel Cost Savings Total Annual Savings Simple Payback Whole Village 150W HPS 72W LED $44,832.15 10,249.20 28.08 34.98 743.77 $4,017.69 $2,655.27 $6,672.96 11.16 M02 - BURNER REPLACEMENT Building Number of Boilers Increase in Efficiency Total Cost Electric kWh Savings Fuel mmBtu Savings Total mmBtu Savings Equivalent Fuel Gallons Savings Annual kWh Cost Savings Annual Equivalent Fuel Cost Savings Total Annual Savings Simple Payback School 2 2.00%$38,613.76 0.00 222.68 222.68 1,590.60 $0.00 $5,678.44 $5,678.44 6.80 APPENDIX B ECO CALCULATION RESULTS – NOT FUNDED E04 - PREMIUM EFFICIENCY MOTORS UPGRADE Building # of Motors Price Per Motor Total Cost Electric kWh Savings Electric kW Savings Equivalent mmBtu Savings Equivalen t Fuel Gallons Savings Annual kWh Cost Savings Annual Equivalent Fuel Cost Savings Total Annual Savings Simple Payback Washeteria 3 Varies w/HP N/A 130.94 0.07 0.45 9.50 $51.30 $33.92 $85.23 N/A M01 - BOILER TUNE-UP Building Number of Boilers Increase in Efficiency Total Cost Electric kWh Savings Fuel mmBtu Savings Total mmBtu Savings Equivalen t Fuel Gallons Savings Annual kWh Cost Savings Annual Equivalent Fuel Cost Savings Total Annual Savings Simple Payback School 2 2.00%$4,000.00 0.00 247.01 247.01 1,764.33 $0.00 $6,298.66 $6,298.66 0.64 APPENDIX B - ECO CALCULATION RESULTS - NOT FUNDED - NEWTOK Note: The reported simple paybacks are based on the type of ECO listed. For example, electrical ECOs only use the Annual kWh Cost Savings column to calculate the SPB, even though the Annual Equivalent Fuel Cost Savings is still reported. APPENDIX C EQUATIONS USED IN CALCULATIONS ECO Equations B01 1. Door Leakage Area (in2) = Door Area x Door Leakage Factor 2. Specific Infiltration (CFM/in2) = [ (Stack Coefficient x ΔT) + (Wind Coefficient x [Wind Speed]2 )]1/2 3. ΔT = Heating Setpoint Temp - Bin Temp 4. Air Infiltration (CFM) = Specific Infiltration x Door Leakage Area 5. Heat Loss Rate (Btu/hr) = 1.08 x Air Infiltration x ΔT 6. Heating Load (mmBtu) = Heat Loss Rate x Bin Hours / 1,000,000 7. Energy Savings = Baseline - Proposed Note: This ECO was completed using the RETscreen program. B02 Note: This ECO was completed using the RETscreen program. Inputs are R-values reported in the appendices as well as the insulation square footage. B03 Note: This ECO was completed using the eQuest program. Two building models were created and compared using pre- and post-install window upgrade data. B04 Note: This ECO was completed using the eQuest program. Two building models were created and compared using pre- and post-install door upgrade data. E01 1. Baseline Demand (kW) = (Existing Fixture Wattage) x (Qty) X (12 Months) / (1,000) 2. Baseline Usage (kWh) = (Baseline Demand) x (Fixture Hours) 3. Proposed Demand (kW) = (Proposed Fixture Wattage) x (Qty) X (12 Months) / (1,000) 4. Proposed Usage (kWh) = (Proposed Demand) x (Fixture Hours) 5. Annual Energy Savings = (Baseline Energy Usage) - (Proposed Energy Usage) 6. Annual Cost Savings = (Energy Savings) x (Energy Cost) E02 1. Baseline Demand (kW) = (Existing Fixture Wattage) x (Qty) X (12 Months) / (1,000) 2. Baseline Usage (kWh) = (Baseline Demand) x (Fixture Hours) 3. Proposed Demand (kW) = (Proposed Fixture Wattage) x (Qty) X (12 Months) / (1,000) 4. Proposed Usage (kWh) = (Proposed Demand) x (Fixture Hours) 5. Annual Energy Savings = (Baseline Energy Usage) - (Proposed Energy Usage) 6. Annual Cost Savings = (Energy Savings) x (Energy Cost) E03 1. Baseline Usage (kWh) = (Existing Fixture Wattage) x (Qty) x (Existing Hours) / (1,000) 2. Proposed Usage (kWh) = (Existing Fixture Wattage) x (Qty) x [(Existing Hours) - (Hours Reduced)] / (1,000) 3. Annual Energy Savings = (Baseline Energy Usage) - (Proposed Energy Usage) 4. Annual Cost Savings = (Energy Savings) x (Energy Cost) E04 1. Existing/Proposed Motor Demand (kW) = (Motor HP) x (Load Factor) x (0.746 kW/HP)/ Motor Efficiency 2. Existing/Proposed Motor Consumption (kWh) = (Motor Demand) x (Diversity Factor) x (Annual Hours) 3. kW Savings = [(Baseline kW) - ( Proposed kW)] x (12 Months) 4. kWh Savings = (Baseline kWh) - ( Proposed kWh) 5. Energy Cost Savings = Energy Savings (kW or kWh) x (Energy Unit Cost) E05 1. Baseline Demand (kW) = (Existing Fixture Wattage) x (Qty) X (12 Months) / (1,000) 2. Baseline Usage (kWh) = (Baseline Demand) x (Fixture Hours) 3. Proposed Demand (kW) = (Proposed Fixture Wattage) x (Qty) X (12 Months) / (1,000) 4. Proposed Usage (kWh) = (Proposed Demand) x (Fixture Hours) 5. Annual Energy Savings = (Baseline Energy Usage) - (Proposed Energy Usage) 6. Annual Cost Savings = (Energy Savings) x (Energy Cost) E06 1. Baseline Demand (kW) = (Existing Fixture Wattage) x (Qty) X (12 Months) / (1,000) 2. Baseline Usage (kWh) = (Baseline Demand) x (Fixture Hours) 3. Proposed Demand (kW) = (Proposed Fixture Wattage) x (Qty) X (12 Months) / (1,000) 4. Proposed Usage (kWh) = (Proposed Demand) x (Fixture Hours) 5. Annual Energy Savings = (Baseline Energy Usage) - (Proposed Energy Usage) 6. Annual Cost Savings = (Energy Savings) x (Energy Cost) M01 Savings (MBtu) = (Boiler Input Rating) x ((1/Tested Efficiency)-(1/Desired Efficiency)) x (Hours per Year) Savings ($) = (MBtu Savings) x (Energy Cost) M02 Savings (MBtu) = (Boiler Input Rating) x ((1/Existing Burner Efficiency)-(1/New Efficiency)) x (Hours per Year) Savings ($) = (MBtu Savings) x (Energy Cost) APPENDIX C - EQUATIONS USED IN CALCULATIONS - NEWTOK From the Energy Management Handbook , Turner, 4th Edition Table 13.8 p361 Savings from installing occupancy sensors are as follows: Offices (Private) 25-50% Offices (Open Spaces) 20-25% Rest Rooms 30-75% Corridors 30-40% Storage Areas 45-65% Meeting Rooms 45-65% Conference Rooms 45-65% Warehouses 50-75% FOR E04 Load factor assumed to be 80% except in some cases. Vacuum pumps assumed 100% load factor. Diversity factor assumed to be 95%. Building Characteristics Space Heat Cool Ventilation Education 32.8 4.8 1.6 Food sales 27.5 13.4 4.4 Food service 30.9 19.5 5.3 Health care 55.2 9.9 7.2 Lodging 22.7 8.1 1.7 Mercantile and service 30.6 5.8 2.5 Office 24.3 9.1 5.2 Public assembly 53.6 6.3 3.5 Public order and safety 27.8 6.1 2.3 Religious worship 23.7 1.9 0.9 Storage/Warehouse 15.7 0.9 0.3 Vacant 11.9 0.6 0.3 Energy End-Use (1,000 Btu/ft2-yr) FOR E03 - Hours Reduced Tables 2A and 2B - 1995 Commercial Building Energy Consumption 2003 ASHRAE Applications Handbook, Chapter 35 APPENDIX D POST INSTALLATION PHOTOS APPENDIX D – POST INSTALLATION PHOTOS – NEWTOK Completed Window Upgrade Completed Street Lighting Upgrade Completed Street Lighting Upgrade - Night