HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Energy Use Policy AIDEA & AEA 05-26-2010* ***~IBE~ "* * AI.nk.a Indu t tri.ll D~\'elopmen t .and Export Author ity Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority and Alaska Energy Authority Topic: PPNo: AIDEA and AEA Building Energy Use 030-001 Original Effective Date: Number of Pages: Revision Date: May 26,2010 2 Authorization : o ) .~') '-Ted Leonard, AIDEA Executive Director f Steve Haagenson, AEA Executive Director ~ Policy: ) It is the policy of AIDEA and AEA to conserve energy and use energy efficiently . Whenever feasible we take a long-term and life-cycle approach to ensure that the products and designs utilized achieve our goals of minimizing energy use and environmental impacts , while at the same time presenting the best life-cycle performance and the lowest cost possible. Procedure: Employee Energy Conservation Measures Starting Wednesday , May 26 , 2010 , employees are asked to participate in the following energy conservation measures : 1. Lights-Each employee is responsible for turning off the lights in their area when not in use . If the work area lighting is shared , it is the responsibility of the last person in the work area to turn off the lights at the end of the day . 2 . Computers-Each employee is responsible for turning off their computer and other peripherals upon their departure each day , and if possible , employees are asked to switch off their power strip . The energy efficiency team is available to assist employees to set up power strips in easily accessible areas , or to provide equipment to make this process easier or automated . 3 . Printers-Teams of employees who share equipment , such as printers and copiers, are responsible for switching off this equipment when not in use at the end of the day. 4 . Window Coverings-Employee comfort and productivity is valued foremost. To the extent pOSSible , employees with external windows in their offices are encouraged to use the window coverings to increase heat gain and natural day lighting during winter/heating months and decrease heat gain during air conditioning days . 5 . Windows-Whenever possible , employees should refrain from opening windows , especially when the outdoor temperature is much colder or warmer than comfortable indoor temperatures (68-74 ° F). If a window is opened , the employee should ensure that it is closed when no longer needed . 813 West Northern Light s Bo ulevard. Anchorage, Alaska 99503 -2495 www .aidea .org • 907177 1-3000 • FAX 9071771-3044 • Toll Free (A laska Only) 888/300-8534 • www .akenergyau thority.org 6 . Double Siding-Whenever possible , employees should print documents double-sided . IT staff will set the default mode of all printers and copiers to double-sided , and any new printers or copiers that are purchased will be Energy Star rated and have the double- sided printing feature . This paper-saving measure will reduce costs and off-site energy consumption . Organization Energy Efficiency Policies 1. An appointed staff member will track energy use monthly through use of EPA 's Portfolio Manager (or similar) and will distribute energy use updates to employees regularly . 2 . The organization will purchase Energy Star appliances and equipment whenever feasible , and will endeavor to be energy efficient in all aspects of work . 3. The organization will consider other energy saving, water saving , and materials saving purchases and procedures , and will select products and implement procedures when feasible to reduce the organization 's overalilifecycle environmental impa cts . We thank all employees for their participation in AIDEA and AEA 's energy efficiency and conservation measures! Together, we can make a substantial positive difference . AIDEA and AEA Building Energy Use Page 2 of 2 PP No . 030-001 May 26 ,2010