HomeMy WebLinkAboutASRC-ATK-RSA USDW Building 2012-EE1 Richard S. Armstrong, PE, LLC Mechanical/Electrical Engineer Comprehensive, Investment Grade Energy Audit of USDW Building (aka Public Works or DMS Building) Project # ASRC-ATK-RSA-03 Prepared for: North Slope Borough December 29, 2011 Prepared by: Richard S. Armstrong, PE, LLC 2321 Merrill Field Drive, C-6 Anchorage, AK 99501 and Energy Audits of Alaska P.O. Box 220215 Anchorage, AK 98522 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Performed by: __________________________ James Fowler, PE, CEA CEA #1705 Reviewed by: __________________________ Richard Armstrong, PE, CEM CEA #178, CEM #13557 1. Executive Summary 4 2. Audit and Analysis Background 11 3. Acknowledgements 12 4. Building Description & Function 13 5. Historic Energy Consumption 15 6. Interactive Effects of Projects 15 7. Loan Program 16 Appendix A: Photos 17 Appendix B: AkWarm-C Report 21 Appendix C: Equipment Schedules 27 Appendix D: Building Floor Plan 30 Appendix E: Lighting Plan 32 Appendix F: Mechanical Schematic 34 Appendix G: Additional, Building-Specific EEM detail 37 Appendix H: Specifications supporting EEM’s 41 3 REPORT DISCLAIMERS The information contained in this report, including any attachments, is intended solely for use by the building owner and the AHFC. No others are authorized to disclose, copy, distribute or retain this report, in whole or part, without written authorization from Richard S. Armstrong, PE, LLC, 2321 Merrill Field Drive, C-6, Anchorage, AK 99501. Additionally, this report contains recommendations that, in the opinion of the auditor, will cause the owner to realize energy savings over time. All recommendations must be designed by a registered engineer, licensed in the State of Alaska, in the appropriate discipline. Lighting recommendations should all be first analyzed through a thorough lighting analysis to assure that the recommended lighting upgrades will comply with State of Alaska Statue as well as IES recommendations. Payback periods may vary from those forecast due to the uncertainty of the final installed design, configuration, equipment selected, and installation costs of recommended Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs), or the operating schedules and maintenance provided by the owner. Furthermore, EEMs are typically interactive, so implementation of one EEM may impact the cost savings from another EEM. Neither the auditor, Richard S. Armstrong, PE, LLC, Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC), or any other party involved in preparation of this report accepts liability for financial loss due to EEMs that fail to meet the forecasted payback periods. This audit meets the criteria of an Investment Grade Audit (IGA) per the Association of Energy Engineers definition, and is valid for one year. The life of the IGA may be extended on a case-by-case basis, at the discretion of the AHFC. IGA’s are the property of the State, and may be incorporated into AkWarm-C, the Alaska Energy Data Inventory (ARIS), or other state and/or public information system. AkWarm-C is a building energy modeling software developed under contract by AHFC. 4 1. Executive Summary This Comprehensive Energy Audit is performed in connection with AHFC’s Retrofit Energy Assessment for Loans (REAL) program. Subject Building: USDW Shops, also called Public Works Building and DMS Building 801 Tikigluk St Atqasuk, AK 99791 Building Owner: North Slope Borough P.O Box 69 Barrow, AK 99723 Building contacts: Richard Bordeaux, Village Supervisor 907-633-6321 office 907-633-1512 mobile richard.bordeaux@north-slope.org The site visit to subject building occurred on October 26th, 2011. Atqasuk is a small village of approximately 250 residents. The subject building houses the utilities, public works and street maintenance departments, and is nearly identical to the Public works buildings in Nuiqsut and several other villages. The building was constructed in 1988. There appear to have been no significant modifications, other than a remodel of the upstairs into itinerant residences (at some date after the original plans were drawn up) and a window upgrade. The itinerant residences have been unused for several years. The building has several offices, a break room, significant storage and warehouse space and vehicle warm storage for the water and sewage trucks, as well as a light duty shop for public works vehicles and a second light duty shop and storage used by the North Slope Borough (NSB) School District. Overall the interior and exterior of this building are in average condition, considering its age. Energy Consumption, waste heat and benchmark data In addition to fuel oil and electricity, this building utilizes waste heat produced by the village power generators. The auditor toured the power plant and had discussions with the mayor (who is also the village handyman and most knowledgeable about the waste heat system) and the power generation station lead operator. The energy contributed to this building by waste heat has been calculated based on flow rates and temperature differentials observed and calculated at the generation station and temperature differentials at the building heat exchanger. The energy provided by 5 waste heat is included in the AkWarm-C model and in the EUI and ECI calculations below. Fuel oil benchmark data was provided by the NSB. Fuel oil consumption was based on oil delivery receipts obtained from NSB records for the period July 2010 through June 2011. These delivery receipts are inconsistent and typically poorly documented and it is often unclear which building is receiving the oil delivery. The auditor met with the oil delivery truck driver and reviewed the receipts in an attempt to obtain the most accurate fuel oil consumption data. Despite these efforts, there is still some question as to the accuracy of the fuel oil consumption data used in the AkWarm-C software model, and in Table 1 below. The somewhat random fuel delivery’s were normalized into a seasonal distribution curve to obtain reasonable monthly usage figures, which were then used in the AkWarm-C model. Electrical benchmark data was provided by Nortech Engineering, and contains two years of monthly data points. Summarized values for electrical, fuel oil and waste heat consumption are shown in Table 1 below: Table 1   2009 2010           Consumption Cost        Consumption       Cost  Electricity ‐ kWh             137,280 $  43,782 131,600  $  40,421   Fuel Oil ‐ gallons not available   11,212  $  51,805   Waste Heat ‐ MMBtu not available   683          ‐   Totals    ‐     $  92,226   A benchmark measure of energy use relative to other similar function buildings in the area is the Energy Use Index (EUI), which takes the total annual energy used by the facility divided by the square footage area of the building, for a value expressed in terms of kBTU/SF. This number can then be compared to other buildings to see if it is average, higher or lower than similar buildings in the area. Likewise, the Energy Cost Index (ECI) is the cost of all energy used by the building expressed in $/SF of building area. The comparative values for the subject building are shown in Table 2 below. Table 2    Subject  Building  Nuiqsut USDW  Bldg  Meade River  School ‐ Atqasuk  Energy Use Index (EUI) ‐ kBTU/SF 150 159 224  Energy Cost Index (ECI) ‐ $/SF $5.29 $2.31 $9.46  6 As observed in Table 2 above, the EUI – as it should be - is very similar to the same building in Nuiqsut. It is 33% lower than the school, 3 blocks away, in Atqasuk. The auditor feels that this is indicative of inefficiencies in the school, rather than unusual efficiencies in the USDW building. The ECI is substantially higher than the same building in Nuiqsut – this is a result of the very low cost of natural gas in Nuiqsut versus the high cost of fuel oil in Atqasuk; this difference would be higher were it not for the waste heat used by the USDW building. The very high ECI of the school again reflects the higher than expected energy consumption at the school, as compared to the USDW building. Both the USDW building and the school use waste heat. Various Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs) have been analyzed for this building to determine if they would be applicable for energy savings with reasonably good payback periods. EEMs are recommended for reasons including: 1.) they have a reasonably good payback period, 2.) for code compliance, 3.) end of life (EOL) replacement, or 4.) reasons pertaining to building management strategy, operations, maintenance and/or safety. For example, in Appendix B, several lighting upgrade recommendations are ranked quite low (i.e. long payback periods), but the entire facility should be upgraded, re-lamped and re-ballasted to maintain consistent lighting and standard lighting parts inventory, regardless of the payback. Individual rooms that are infrequently used may not show a very good payback for a lighting upgrade, but consistency and ease of maintenance dictate a total upgrade. All the EEMs considered for this facility are detailed in the attached AkWarm-C Energy Audit Report in Appendix B. Each EEM includes payback times, estimated installation costs and estimated energy savings. The four summary EEM’s that follow are a distillation of the highest priority recommendations from three perspectives: overall efficiency of building management, reduction in energy consumption and return on investment (ROI). Efficient building management dictates, for example, that all lights be upgraded, that lamp inventory variations be minimized, that all appropriate rooms have similar occupancy controls and setback thermometers, etc. These EEM’s are grouped by type (i.e. all relevant lighting upgrades are summed and listed as a single upgrade, all thermostat setback retrofits are grouped together and listed as a single upgrade, etc.) and are prioritized with the highest ROI (shortest payback) listed first. Table 3 at the end of this section summarizes these EEM’s. A.) AIR INFILTRATION In mixed use, vehicle maintenance and storage facilities such as the subject building, it is typical that the overhead doors are opened and left open for long periods of time, even during the winter months. One overhead door was observed to be left open for the entire 6 hours this audit occurred. A single overhead door left open for 1 hour can result in up to 5 air changes in the vehicle bay, which translates to $54 in fuel 7 oil heating costs per hour, per open door (calculation based on 90F inside to outside temperature difference, 3250 sq foot bay x 24’ high). It is recommended to add automatic door closers with integral personnel safety sensors, set to close the (7) overhead 1-3 minutes after opening. This increased frequency of door opening and closings will increase energy usage by the door openers, this offset is included in the summary below. See Appendix B, item 3 and item 26. Item 26 reflects the higher energy use by the door openers (hence it’s negative savings value). Appendix H contains a product specification for industrial grade personnel/vehicle/motion sensing safety devices for automatic overhead door closers. Combined air Infiltration EEM’s (including additional energy used by higher frequency of door opening/closings): Estimated cost $ 4,200 Annual Savings $12,280 Payback 4 months B.) SETBACK THERMOSTATS With a few exceptions, all rooms in this building have thermostats which control room and/or zone temperatures. It is recommended that setback thermostats be installed and programmed to reduce room temperatures to 55F during unoccupied periods. This EEM combines the AkWarm-C retrofits detailed in Appendix B, items 1, 2, 7, & 8. They reflect the incorporation of unoccupied setback temperatures of 55 deg F in all appropriate rooms. Combined Setback Thermostat EEM’s: Estimated cost $3,600 Annual Savings $7,457 Payback 6 months C.) LIGHTING AND LIGHTING CONTROLS Interior Lighting - This building has inconsistent lighting, which adds to maintenance and inventory costs as well as occupant discomfort. It appears that fixtures have been upgraded from magnetic to electronic ballasts, and from T12 to T8 lamps as the original fixtures and lamps burned out. Consequently, there is a large potential savings, from both energy consumption and maintenance standpoints. It is recommended that the vehicle bay lighting be retrofitted from High Pressure Sodium (HPS) to high bay, high output T5 florescent fixtures controlled by dual 8 technology occupancy sensors. There is a negligible energy savings resulting directly from the fixture/lamp change, but T5 fixtures, because they have no warm-up time, allow the use of occupancy sensors, which can result in a 30-60% energy savings. Additionally, in the interest of energy and building management efficiency and occupant comfort, at the next building re-lamp all the T8- 32 watt lamps should be replaced with T8-28 watt, energy saver lamps which result in a 4% reduction in light output (typically not noticeable), but a 12% reduction in energy consumption. Exterior Lighting - The exterior high pressure sodium (HPS) lights operate during periods of darkness, which is about half of the year. It is estimated that the use of LED exterior lights can reduce the power consumption by 60%-80% and extend bulb replacement frequency to 5-10 years, yielding an even better payback by reducing maintenance costs. Lighting Controls: Occupant controls sense the presence of occupants, turn the lights on at a pre-determined level, and then turn the lights off after a programmed time period of no occupancy. It is recommended to install motion sensing occupancy sensors in the existing duplex switch boxes for all offices, corridors and stairwells, and to install ceiling mounted, dual technology sensors where obstacles may interfere with line-of-sight sensors, such as in lavatories, corridors, vehicle bays, and storage areas. The second technology in these sensors activates lighting based on sound. Occupancy sensors can reduce power consumption by 25-60%. Paybacks on occupancy sensors range from 1 to 3 years, depending on the light fixture consumption and occupancy of the room. This EEM combines Appendix B, items 5, 6, 10, 12-14, 16, 17, 19, and 22-25. See these items for detailed cost estimates, savings and paybacks on the specific lighting retrofits recommended Combined Lighting and Lighting Control EEM’s: Estimated cost $49,204 Annual Savings $11,174 Payback 4.4 years C.) WASTE HEAT AND HVAC SYSTEM Waste Heat system: This building is supplied with heat generated at the nearby village power generation plant. This is essentially free energy (excluding capital and maintenance costs) but the system is producing poor quality waste heat and is not working at optimal 9 efficiency – this according to on-site personnel and the auditor’s observations. It is recommended that an engineer evaluate the system, make necessary system adjustments, put a set of operating procedures in place and add BTU meters to assure optimal performance of the system over a period of time and through different seasonal conditions. It is estimated that waste heat currently provides 683 MMBTU of energy, which translates to an offset of $23,900 of fuel oil annually, for this building alone (it provides at least 8 other buildings with heat). It is further estimated that an increase in output of 25% should easily be attainable if the system were operating optimally. See Appendix G-4 and Appendix B, item 11 for additional detail. HVAC System: This recommendation for the HVAC system is included in the executive summary for planning & budgetary purposes since the expenditure is so large. Although there are energy savings resulting from this EEM, this capital investment does not provide a high return. Cast iron sectional boilers typically have a life expectancy of 25-35 years. As their end of life approaches, they become less efficient, and require more maintenance. The boilers in this building are 24 years old, are 80% efficient, and will be approaching their end of life (EOL) in the next few years. Normally in a remote village like Atqasuk, engineers design the boilers to be redundant – so that if one boiler stops functioning, the other can carry the entire heat load of the building by itself. It is recommended to replace all of the boilers with higher efficiency, (88%) units. Replace the B-1 boiler (1,941 MBH) with two smaller, 800 MBH units and replace the B-2 boiler with a higher efficiency 1,600 MBH unit. This allows more efficient modulation of the boiler heat output to the building in the summer and “shoulder” seasons (early and late summer). i.e. rather than cycling a 1920 MBH boiler to produce a very limited amount of heat (and hot water) during the warm season, run a 800 MBH boiler to achieve the same results; the control system would bring the second unit on-line as the heating demand increases. See Appendix C, item 11 and Appendix G-5 for detail. Waste Heat EEM: Estimated total cost for the engineering work is $25,000, but this could be shared (proportionately) with the 8 other buildings utilizing waste heat. For simplicity, the full $25,000 is included in the Combined Waste Heat/HVAC EEM summary below. Annual savings $5.975 Payback less than 1 year HVAC EEM: Estimated incremental cost $40,000 Annual Savings $ 5,069 10 Payback 7.9 years Combined Waste Heat/HVAC EEM’s: Estimated (incremental) cost $65,000 Annual Savings $11,044 Payback 5.9 years Table 3 Combined total of priority, high‐ROI,  strategically recommended EEM’s listed above: Estimated total cost  $      122,004   Annual Savings  $        41,955   Simple payback 2.9 years  Does not include design or construction management In addition to EEMs, various Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) are recommended since they are policies or procedures that are followed by management and employees that require no capital outlay. Examples of recommended ECMs for this facility include: 1. Turning lights off when leaving a room that is not controlled by an occupancy sensor. 2. All man-doors, roll-up doors and windows should be properly maintained and adjusted to close and function properly. 3. Turn off computers, printers, faxes, etc. when leaving the office. 4. Close overhead doors immediately after entering the vehicle bay. The total of all 31 recommendations in this report estimate to save $43,382/year, with an installed cost of $125,630. The combined payback on this investment is 2.9 years. This does not include design or construction management services, Some of the costs totaling $125,630 are incremental costs for higher efficiency replacements, so actual budgetary costs for unit replacements will be higher. See individual EEM’s for further detail. 11 2. Audit and Analysis Background Program Description: This audit included services to identify, develop, and evaluate energy efficiency measures for the subject building. The scope of this project included evaluating the building shell, lighting, other electrical systems, and heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment. Measures were based on their payback period, life cycle replacement or for reasons pertaining to optimizing building management, building maintenance, operations and/or safety. a. Audit Description and Methodology: Preliminary audit information was gathered in preparation for the site survey, including benchmark utility consumption data, floor and lighting plans, and equipment schedules, where available. A site visit is then performed to inventory and evaluate the actual building condition, including: i. Building envelope (walls, doors, windows, etc) ii. Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning iii. Lighting systems and controls iv. Building specific equipment v. Plumbing Systems b. Benchmark Utility Data Validation: Benchmark utility data provided through AHFC’s initial phase of their REAL program is validated, confirming that meter numbers on the subject building match the meters from which the energy consumption and cost data were collected. If the data is inaccurate or missing, new benchmark data is obtained. In the event that there are inconsistencies or gaps in the data, the existing data is evaluated and missing data points are interpolated. Waste heat, if it is in use, is calculated and/or estimated based on available data. c. Method of Analysis: The information gathered prior to the site visit and during the site visit is entered into AkWarm-C, an energy modeling software program developed specifically for Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) to identify forecasted energy consumption which can then be compared to actual energy consumption. AkWarm-C also has some pre-programmed EEM retrofit options that can be analyzed with projected energy savings based on occupancy schedules, utility rates, building construction type, building function, existing conditions, and climatic data uploaded to the program based on the zip code of the building. When new equipment is proposed, energy consumption is calculated based on manufacturer’s cataloged information. Energy cost savings are calculated based on the historical energy costs for the building. Installation costs include the labor and equipment required to implement an EEM retrofit, but design and construction management costs are excluded. Cost estimates are +/- 30% for this level of audit, and are derived from one or more of the following: Means Cost Data, industry publications, experience of the auditor, local contractors and/or equipment suppliers. Brown Electric, Haakensen Electric, Proctor Sales, Pioneer Door, and J.P. Sheldon, all in Anchorage, were consulted for some of the lighting, 12 boiler, overhead door and air handling (respectively) retrofit and/or replacement costs. Maintenance savings are calculated, where applicable, and are added to the energy savings for each EEM. The costs and savings are considered and a simple payback period and ROI is calculated. The simple payback period is based on the number of years that it takes for the savings to pay back the net installation cost (Net Installation costs divided by Net Savings.) In cases where the EEM recommends replacement at EOL, the incremental cost difference between the standard equipment in place, and the higher efficiency equipment being recommended is used as the cost basis for payback calculation. The SIR found in the AkWarm-C report is the Savings to Investment Ratio, defined as the breakeven cost divided by the initial installed cost. A simple life-time calculation is shown for each EEM. The life-time for each EEM is estimated based on the typical life of the equipment being replaced or altered. The energy savings is extrapolated throughout the life-time of the EEM. The total energy savings is calculated as the total life-time multiplied by the yearly savings. d. Limitations of the Study: All results are dependent on the quality of input data provided, and may only act as an approximation. In some instances, several methods may achieve the identified savings. This report is not intended as a final design document. A design professional, licensed to practice in Alaska and in the appropriate discipline, who is following the recommendations, shall accept full responsibility and liability for the results. Budgetary estimates for engineering and design of these projects in not included in the cost estimate for each EEM recommendation, but these costs can be approximated at 15% of the cost of the work. 3. Acknowledgements: We wish to acknowledge the help of numerous individuals who have contributed information that was used to prepare this report, including: a. Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (Grantor): AHFC provided the grant funds, contracting agreements, guidelines, and technical direction for providing the audits. AHFC reviewed and approved the final short list of buildings to be audited based on the recommendation of the Technical Service Provider (TSP). b. The North Slope Borough School District (Owner): The NSBSD provided building sizing information, two years fuel oil usage data, building schedules and functions, as well as building age. c. Nortech Engineering (Benchmark TSP): Nortech Engineering Company compiled the electrical data received from the North Slope Borough (NSB) and entered that data into the statewide building database, called the Alaska Retrofit Information System (ARIS). 13 d. Richard S. Armstrong, PE, LLC (Audit TSP): This is the TSP who was awarded the projects in the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, Bering Straits area, and the Nana area. The firm gathered all relevant benchmark information provided to them by Nortech Engineering, cataloged which buildings would have the greatest potential payback, and with the building owner, prioritized buildings to be audited based on numerous factors, including the Energy Use Index (EUI), the Energy Cost Index (ECI), the age of the building, the size of the building, the location of the building, the function of the building, and the availability of plans for the building. They also trained and assigned their selected sub-contractors to the selected buildings, and performed quality control reviews of the resulting audits. They prepared a listing of potential EEMs that each auditor must consider, as well as the potential EEMs that the individual auditor may notice in the course of his audit. Richard S. Armstrong, PE, LLC also performed some of the audits to assure current knowledge of existing conditions. e. Energy Audits of Alaska (energy auditor): This firm has been selected to provide audits under this contract. The firm has two mechanical engineers, certified as energy auditors and/or professional engineers and has also received additional training from Richard S. Armstrong, PE, LLC to acquire further specific information regarding audit requirements and potential EEM applications. 4. Building Description and Function: The site visit and survey of subject building occurred on October 26th, 2011. This building has 9880 square feet on its first floor, consisting of offices, warm storage for water and sewage trucks, and high bay vehicle light maintenance bays. The second floor has 7544 square feet, and consists of warehouse and storage space, itinerant residence (no longer in use) and a mezzanine also utilized for storage. In total, the building has 17,424 square feet. The building was constructed in 1988 on pilings using 24” glue lam beams to support the floor with 9” of field applied, sprayed-in insulation (approximately R-58) on the underside. Walls are pre-fabbed, 8” structural insulated panels with metal siding and finished with gypsum inside. The roof is also constructed of 8” pre-fabbed structural insulated panels supported by steel trusses on 8’ centers, also finished with exterior metal roofing and gypsum on the interior. All windows are in excellent condition, vinyl, double pane, and appear to have been upgraded from their original 1988 installation. Building details are as follows: a. Heating System: Heat is supplied by (2) Burnham 1941 MBH dual fuel, cast iron sectional boilers. Heat is provided by hydronic baseboard fin tube heaters in perimeter rooms and interior offices, all valve and fan controlled by 24V zone thermostats. Heat is provided to storage spaces and vehicle bays via hydronic unit heaters which are valve and fan controlled by low voltage zone thermostats. Additionally, there are (8) hydronic heating ventilators with small (60-100W) fans in the stairwells and vehicle 14 bays, also valve and fan controlled by 24V zone thermostats, with what appears to be a manual over-ride switch. (2) air handlers utilizing hydronic coils heat the large, high bay vehicle bays in the building. In addition to the boiler, there are (3) baseboard electric heaters, each with an integral thermostat, but none are in use. b. Ventilation: Ventilation is provided to the high bay spaces through the (2) Trane air handlers. Air handler heat is provided by hydronic coils valve-controlled by zone thermostats. There is a vehicle exhaust fan in the equipment bay. Each toilet room has an exhaust fan assumed to be approximately 85 CFM. c. Appliances: A clothes washer and clothes dryer are located on the second floor of the building. The set appears to be 10-15 years old, in poor condition, and not in use. A second stacked washer and dryer is located in a first floor janitor closet, appears to be 5 years old, in good condition and used to wash employee coveralls. A refrigerator and microwave are located in the break room. d. Plumbing Fixtures: The building contains (4) toilets, (1) urinal, (7) lavatory sinks and (1) shower. All fixtures are manually operated and appear to be post-1992, so consume between 1.4 and 1.6 gpf (toilets) and 1 gpf (urinals) and 2.6 gpm (shower heads). See Appendix G-1 for EEM recommendations. e. Domestic Hot Water: Hot water is provided to shower, lavatories and clothes washers by a 26 gallon, Amtrol indirect fired hot water generator and an A.O. Smith, 82 gallon electric hot water heater, both located in the boiler room. f. Head Bolt Heaters: There are 7 head bolt heaters on a “bull rail” on the south side of this building, all of which are suitable for retrofit. They are typically used by employees during working hours. g. Interior Lighting & Controls: This building has an inconsistent mix of interior lighting which includes magnetic and electronic ballasts, T12 and T8 lamps, high pressure sodium (HPS) fixtures, compact florescent and incandescent bulbs. All exit signs are either unlit or self luminous. The unlit signs do not appear to have sufficient ambient lighting to meet code requirements. Completion of a full lighting upgrade is recommended in the AkWarm-C report in appendix B. h. Exterior Lighting: Exterior lighting consists of 50, 100 and 250 watt HPS wall packs. All are controlled by photo-sensors. i. Building Shell: The building shell appears to be in good condition, although by today’s standards, it is under-insulated. The high cost and relatively low ROI on adding insulation, precludes any recommendations to increase the insulation value of the shell at this time. j. Upstairs Living Quarters: These quarters have not been used for a number of years; they were formerly used as itinerant housing. 15 5. Historic Energy Consumption: Energy consumption is modeled within the AkWarm-C program. The program typically analyzes twelve months of data. A single year’s worth of somewhat random fuel oil delivery receipts were used to identify fuel oil consumption, this data was graphed into a reasonable seasonal-use curve to create twelve months of data points, which were then input into AKWarm-C. Waste heat consumption was based upon calculated glycol flow rates exiting the village power generations station, piping capacity and friction loss calculations and an assumed temperature difference in and out of the hot side of the USDW building heat exchanger. Energy consumption was analyzed using two factors: the Energy Cost Index (ECI) and the Energy Use Index (EUI). The energy cost index takes the average cost of gas and electrical energy over the surveyed period of time (typically two years) and averages the cost, divided by the square footage of the building. The ECI for this building is $5.29/SF, the ECI for the same building in Nuiqsut is $2.31, and the ECI for the Meade River School in Atqasuk is $9.46. Reasons for the ECI differences are discussed earlier in this report. The energy use index (EUI) is the total average electrical and heating energy consumption per year expressed in thousands of BTUs/SF. The average of the 2009 and 2010 EUI for this building is 150 kBTU/SF; the average EUI for the same building in Nuiqsut is 159 kBTU/SF and 224 kBTU/SF for the School 3 blocks away. Again, reasons for the higher EUI are discussed earlier in this report. 6. Interactive Effects of Projects: The AkWarm-C program calculates savings assuming that all recommended EEM are implemented. If some EEMs are not implemented, savings for the remaining EEMs will be affected, in some cases positively, and in others, negatively. For example, if the fan motors are not replaced with premium efficiency motors, then the savings for the project to install variable speed drives (VFDs) on the fans will be increased. In general, all projects were evaluated sequentially so that energy savings associated with one EEM would not be attributed to another EEM as well. For example, the night setback EEM was analyzed using the fan and heating load profile that will be achieved after installation of the VFD project is completed. By modeling the recommended projects sequentially, the analysis accounts for interactive effects between the EEMs and does not “double count” savings. Interior lighting, plug loads, facility equipment, and occupants generate heat within the building. When the building is in cooling mode, these contribute to the overall cooling demands of the building; therefore lighting efficiency improvements will reduce cooling requirements on air conditioned buildings. Conversely, lighting efficiency improvements are anticipated to increase heating requirements slightly. Heating penalties are included in the lighting project analysis that is performed by AkWarm-C. 16 7. Loan Program: The Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) Alaska Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund (AEERLF) is a State of Alaska program enacted by the Alaska Sustainable Energy Act (senate Bill 220, A.S. 18.56.855, “Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund). The AEERLF will provide loans for energy efficiency retrofits to public facilities via the Retrofit Energy Assessment for Loan System (REAL). As defined in 15 AAC 155.605, the program may finance energy efficiency improvements to buildings owned by: a. Regional educational attendance areas; b. Municipal governments, including political subdivisions of municipal governments; c. The University of Alaska; d. Political subdivisions of the State of Alaska, or e. The State of Alaska Native corporations, tribal entities, and subsidiaries of the federal government are not eligible for loans under this program. 17 Appendix A Photos Building elevation looking from the west. Note HPS lighting and good condition of the overhead doors Waste heat entry into the building and utilidor heat trace control panel. 18 Un-used second floor itinerant quarters. Typical valve and fan controlled unit heater; switch j-box should be repaired. 19 Pump 10 (sewage ejector pump, per plans) control panel, switch in “Hand” position – this should energize the lift station and allow floats to activate pump as needed. Must confirm that floats are working properly and pump is not running 24/7. Appendix B, item 4 assumes worst case (that pump is running constantly) 20 Aerial View of Atqasuk and the buildings audited Waste Heat Public Works main supply line building Fire Station feeds all 3 bldgs (subject building) NORTH Power Generation Plant To Airport Meade River School Appendix B Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  USDW Building (Public Works Building) Page 1   ENERGY AUDIT REPORT – PROJECT SUMMARY – Created 12/28/2011 12:23 PM General Project Information  PROJECT INFORMATION AUDITOR INFORMATION  Building: USDW Building (Public Works Building) Auditor Company: Energy Audits of Alaska  Address: 801 Tikigluk Street Auditor  Name: James Fowler  City: Atqasuk Auditor Address: P.O. Box 220215  Anchorage, AK 99520 Client Name: Richard Bordeaux  Client Address: 801 Tikigluk Street    Atqasuk, AK 99791  Auditor Phone: (206) 954‐3614  Auditor FAX:   Client Phone: (907) 633‐6321 Auditor Comment:   Client FAX:   Design Data  Building Area: 17,424 square feet Design Heating Load: Design Loss at Space:  438,263  Btu/hour   with Distribution Losses:  486,959 Btu/hour   Plant Input Rating assuming 82.0% Plant Efficiency and  25% Safety Margin: 742,315 Btu/hour   Note: Additional Capacity should be added for DHW load,  if served.  Typical Occupancy: 8 people  Design Indoor Temperature: 69.7 deg F (building average)  Actual City: Atqasuk Design Outdoor Temperature: ‐41 deg F  Weather/Fuel City: Atqasuk Heating Degree Days: 20,370 deg F‐days     Utility Information  Electric Utility: North Slope Borough Utilities ‐  Commercial ‐ Lg  Natural Gas Provider: None  Average Annual Cost/kWh: $0.301/kWh Average Annual Cost/ccf: $0.000/ccf     Annual Energy Cost Estimate  Description Space  Heating  Space  Cooling  Water  Heating Lighting Refrige ration  Other  Electric al  Cooking Clothes  Drying  Ventilatio n Fans  Service  Fees Total Cost  Existing  Building  $64,572 $0 $1,355 $18,620 $0 $5,677 $0 $250 $2,009 $180 $92,663  With  Proposed  Retrofits  $37,126 $0 $0 $5,719 $0 $4,085 $0 $240 $1,931 $180 $49,551  SAVINGS $27,446 $0 $1,355 $12,900 $0 $1,592 $0 $10 $78 $0 $43,382    Appendix B Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  USDW Building (Public Works Building) Page 2                      $0 $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 $100,000 Existing Retrofit Hot Wtr District Ht #2 Oil Electricity Annual Energy Costs by Fuel Appendix B Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  USDW Building (Public Works Building) Page 3   PRIORITY LIST – RECOMMENDED ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Rank Feature Recommendation Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (Years) 1 Setback  Thermostat:  Equipment bays  Implement a Heating Temperature  Unoccupied Setback to 55.0 deg F for  the Equipment bays space.  $3,083 $600 77.11 0.2 2 Setback  Thermostat:  Storage and  warehouse  Implement a Heating Temperature  Unoccupied Setback to 55.0 deg F for  the Storage and warehouse space.  $3,335 $1,200 41.70 0.4 3 Air Tightening Add timer‐based automatic overhead  door closers, reduce air infiltration by  50%.  See Appendix H for safety device  to prevent inadvertent closings on  personnel or vehicles.  $12,367 $4,200 30.31 0.3 4 Other Electrical:  Pump 10 ‐ sewage  ejector  Remove Manual Switching and Add  new Clock Timer or Other Scheduling  Control  (this is worst case; need to  verify that lift floats are operating  properly)  $286 $100 17.51 0.3 5 Lighting: Interior  lighting ‐  incandescent bulbs  Replace with 9 FLUOR CFL, A Lamp 20W $218 $90 14.89 0.4 6 Lighting: Interior  Lighting ‐ NSBSD  highbay ‐ 250W  HPS fixtures  Replace with 2 FLUOR (4) T5 45.2"  F54W/T5 HO Energy‐Saver  HighEfficElectronic and Remove  Manual Switching and Add new  Occupancy Sensor  $1,345 $1,201 14.11 0.9 7 Setback  Thermostat:  Offices, corridors,  stairwells  Implement a Heating Temperature  Unoccupied Setback to 55.0 deg F for  the Offices, corridors, stairwells space.  $783 $1,200 9.80 1.5 8 Setback  Thermostat:  Overnight  residences  Implement a Heating Temperature  Unoccupied Setback to 55.0 deg F for  the Overnight residences space.  $256 $600 6.39 2.3 9 Other Electrical:  Refrigerators  Replace with Energy Saver refrigerators  at EOL   $56 $75 4.55 1.3 10 Lighting: T8‐4 lamp  Interior lighting;  add OS  At next re‐lamp, replace 13 FLUOR (4)  T8 4' F32T8 32W lamps with 28W  Energy‐Saver lamps Instant  StdElectronic and Remove Manual  Switching and Add new Occupancy  Sensor  $428 $606 4.33 1.4 Appendix B Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  USDW Building (Public Works Building) Page 4   PRIORITY LIST – RECOMMENDED ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Rank Feature Recommendation Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (Years) 11  see  also  Appe ndix  G‐5  HVAC And DHW Boilers are near end of life (EOL), the  system should be evaluated by a  licensed engineer for two options: 1)  replace with straight across similar  units, but with 88% efficiency (requiring  only 1700 MBH each) or replace one  large boiler with two smaller ones and  replace second large boiler with similar  sized unit ‐ all 88% efficient.  Option 2  allows more efficient modulation in  "shoulder" and summer seasons when  less heat is required.  Incremental cost  difference between either option and  straight across replacement is  estimated to be $40,000.  Additionally,  this retrofit bundles a $25,000 cost to  evaluate and optimize the waste heat  system, which is estimated to yield an  additional 25% or 20,000 BTU/hr  ($5865/yr) if optimized.  An estimated  maintenance savings of $5000 is added  since the 24 year old boilers will be  replaced with new units.  For budgetary  and planning purposes, full cost of  replacement of two boilers is $150,000  to $200,000. ($5865 annual energy  savings is added to the $5000  maintenance savings in AKwarm)  $11,044  (added  $5000) $65,000 4.00 5.9 12 Lighting: T8‐1 lamp  Magnetic ballast  Interior lighting;  add OS  Replace with 11 FLUOR T8 4' F32T8  28W Energy‐Saver Instant  HighEfficElectronic and Remove  Manual Switching and Add new  Occupancy Sensor  $197 $333 3.64 1.7 13 Lighting: Exterior  lighting ‐ 250W HPS  wall packs  Replace with 6 LED 72W Module  StdElectronic  $3,698 $6,600 3.58 1.8 14 Lighting: Interior  lighting ‐ high bay  Public Works bay ‐  250W HPS fixtures  Replace with 6 FLUOR (4) T5 45.2"  F54W/T5 HO Energy‐Saver HighLight  HighEfficElectronic and Remove  Manual Switching and Add new  Occupancy Sensor  $345 $6,401 3.06 18.6 15 Other Electrical:  Head bolt heaters ‐  4 of 7 typically in  use  Remove Manual Switching and Add  new Other Controls  $554 $1,400 2.53 2.5 Appendix B Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  USDW Building (Public Works Building) Page 5   PRIORITY LIST – RECOMMENDED ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Rank Feature Recommendation Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (Years) 16 Lighting: Exterior  lighting ‐ 50W HPS  door lights  Replace with 3 LED 17W Module  StdElectronic  $217 $600 2.31 2.8 17 Lighting: T12‐2  lamp Interior  lighting ‐  vestibules, offices,  bathrooms, storage  areas, etc; add OS  Replace with 54 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8  28W Energy‐Saver Instant  HighEfficElectronic and Remove  Manual Switching and Add new  Occupancy Sensor  $2,544 $10,850 2.23 4.3 18 Other Electrical:  Computers  Replace with 3 Laptop $285 $900 1.92 3.2 19 Lighting: T12‐4  lamp Interior  lighting; add OS  Replace with 4 FLUOR (4) T8 4' F32T8  28W Energy‐Saver Instant  HighEfficElectronic and Remove  Manual Switching and Add new  Occupancy Sensor  $235 $750 1.91 3.2 20 Lighting: T8‐2 lamp  Interior lighting;  add OS  At next re‐lamp, replace 37 FLUOR (2)  T8 4' F32T8 32W lamps with 28W  Energy‐Saver lamps  Instant  StdElectronic and Remove Manual  Switching and Add new Occupancy  Sensor  $577 $1,972 1.78 3.4 21  Appe ndix  G‐2  Other Electrical:  Hot Water Heater  Remove this unit, rely on existing  indirect hot water generator   $145 $500 1.77 3.4 22 Lighting: T8‐1 lamp  Interior lighting;  add OS  At next re‐lamp, replace 17 FLUOR T8 4'  F32T8 32W lamps with 28W Energy‐ Saver lamps Instant StdElectronic and  Remove Manual Switching and Add  new Occupancy Sensor  $125 $501 1.52 4 23 Lighting: Exterior  lighting ‐ 100W HPS  wall packs  Replace with 5 LED 34W Module  StdElectronic  $126 $4,000 1.29 31.7 24 Lighting: T12‐1  lamp Interior  lighting ‐  vestibules, offices,  bathrooms, storage  areas, etc; add OS  Replace with 86 FLUOR T8 4' F32T8  28W Energy‐Saver Instant StdElectronic  and Remove Manual Switching and Add  new Occupancy Sensor  $1,124 $15,000 1.04 13.3 25 Lighting: T8‐2 lamp  Magnetic Ballast  Interior lighting   Replace with FLUOR T8 4' F32T8 28W  Energy‐Saver Instant  HighEfficElectronic and Remove  Manual Switching and Add new  Occupancy Sensor  $14 $300 0.28 21.4 Appendix B Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  USDW Building (Public Works Building) Page 6   PRIORITY LIST – RECOMMENDED ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Rank Feature Recommendation Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (Years) 26 Other Electrical:  Overhead door  openers  Addition of automatic timer‐based  overhead door closers (Item 3 above)  will result in higher door opener use,  hence negative savings.  Costs  associated with this EEM are included  in Item 3.  ‐$87 $1 ‐530.88 0 Appe ndix  G‐1  Plumbing Fixtures:  (4) W.C., (7)  lavatories, (1)  urinal, (1) shower  Replace shower head, urinal and  lavatory  fixtures with low flow  versions; replace valves with proximity  sensing on/off controls    Appe ndix  G‐2  Electric Hot Water  Heater  Item 21 above; see Appendix G‐2 for  additional explanation  Appe ndix  G‐3  Fresh water supply  recirculation pump  Either manually shut down, or add  seasonal timer to shut down re‐circ  pump during summer months  $44 $350 8 Appe ndix  G‐4  Waste Heat System  Optimization  See item 11 above and Appendix G‐4  for additional explanation  Included in Item 11 Included  in Item  11  Appe ndix  G‐5  Utility compressor  motors  At burnout (EOL) of these motors,  replace with premium efficiency  versions  $35 $300 8.5 TOTAL $43,382 $125,630 4.99 2.9               27 Appendix C – Mechanical Schedule - Equipment not in Plans THESE SCHEDULES COMPILED FROM ON‐SITE NAMEPLATE OBSERVATION OF  ITEMS NOT IN PLAN SCHEDULES  BOILER SCHEDULE   SYM BOL MFGR/MODEL  Effici ency  BURNER  MOTOR DATA   HP/VOLTS/PH REMARKS  B‐1  Burnham, 4F‐ 209‐45; oil fired 80% .5/115/1  Cast iron, 3‐pass, 1941 MBH Input, 1553 MBH  output, sectional boiler with Carlin Burner  B‐2  Burnham, 4F‐ 209‐45; oil fired 80% .5/115/1  Cast iron, 3‐pass, 1941 MBH Input, 1553 MBH  output, sectional boiler with Carlin Burner  28 Appendix C – Mechanical Schedules 29 Appendix C – Lighting Schedule 30 Appendix D Building First Floor Plan 31 Appendix D Building Second Floor Plan 32 Appendix E First Floor Lighting Plan 33 Appendix E Second Floor Lighting Plan 34 Appendix F – Mechanical Schematic First Floor - Heating and Ventilation Plan 35 Appendix F – Mechanical Schematics Second Floor - Heating and VentilationPlan 36 Appendix F – Mechanical Schematics Piping and Boiler Schematic 37 Appendix G Additional, Building-Specific EEM details G-1: Plumbing fixtures: All urinals and faucets should be retrofitted or be replaced with energy efficient models. Faucet and toilet fixtures should have proximity sensing on/off controls. This audit does not include water usage and AkWarm-C does not allow for the modeling of it, but a typical faucet retrofit will result in 30% water savings and will payback in less than 3 years. Low flow urinals can save up to 66% of water used, and typically pay back within 3 years. These payback periods are reduced by 66% or more if the fixture is replaced at its EOL rather than while it’s still functioning. Then the cost used is the incremental difference in cost between an ultra-low-flow fixture and a straight across replacement with the same fixture. G-2: De-commission Electric Hot Water Heaters, or replace with an indirect Hot Water Generator: Considering that the there is a 26 gallon indirect hot water generator, and considering the building occupancy and apparent hot water requirements (lavatories, 1 shower and clothes washing), the 82 gallon electric hot water heater appears to be extraneous. It is recommended that the electric hot water heater be either eliminated or de-commissioned and left in place. De-commissioning is estimated to cost $150 and save $145/year. Removal is estimated to cost $500 and save $145/yr. 38 G-3: Water supply re-circulation seasonal shut down: Most water supply re- circulation pumps run 24/7/365. Assuming the water supply lines are in an adequately insulated utilidor, shutting the pump down during the summer months will save 20% energy, or approximately $44/year. It may also be retrofitted with a 365 day timer such as the one shown below, to turn the pump off during the summer months, resulting in a 8 year payback. 39 G-4: Waste Heat System Optimization (for cost and payback see Appendix B, item 11): The village power generation facility generates heat for the space heating of 9 buildings. The current quality of the waste heat is poor, resulting in problems in the buildings, most notably, a reduction in boiler efficiency (and operating life) by forcing them to be run at lower than optimal temperatures - otherwise they would be adding heat to the circulating glycol, which is then circulated back and exhausted through the power plant radiators. During 2009- 2010, the glycol discharge temperature from the power plant ranged from 157F to 185F. Good quality waste heat typically ranges from 195F-200F, which provides a 15F to 20F temperature differential from a 180F boiler; and boilers running at 180F are more efficient and have a longer life than cooler running systems. Additionally, it was indicated by on-site personnel, that there are problems with Generator #3 cooling/heat exchange system such that a significant portion of generator heat is being shunted to the outside radiators; so the generator is running cool, and little waste heat is utilized from that generator. It is recommended that an engineer be retained to evaluate the system and implement the corrections required to utilize as much of the waste heat as possible. Typical recommendations might include adjusting/replacing the generator thermostats to maintain operating temperatures of 195F, reset engine pre-alarms to 210F, and generator shut down at 221F. Increase waste heat output temperature to 190-195F, and adjust the flow rate so the return is 20F less, if possible; Replace relief valves in each building if they are too low, so that proper line pressure and flow rates can be maintained. Install and monitor BTU meters (see schematic below and Appendix H for product specification) at each building and at the power plant, so system integrity (leaks will become evident through changing heat supply) and efficiency can be monitored and maintained. Theoretically, if the radiators at the power plant are in use at all, then waste heat is being wasted, while it could be used to heat buildings. It is estimated that the cost of an engineering evaluation and making the necessary adjustments is $25,000. If this cost is spread across the 9 buildings, the payback in less than 6 months. BTU Meter Installation Schematic 40 G-5: Motor replacements: Generally, the payback on replacing an operating 3 HP to 10 HP motor with a premium efficiency motor of the same size is 2-6 years, but this is heavily dependent on the annual usage. The payback on replacing a burnt-out motor with a premium efficiency motor is generally less than 1-2 years – again, depending on the usage. In this building, the only motors of sufficient size to consider replacement with premium efficiency versions are the 10 HP utility compressor motors – but their estimated usage is low (500 hrs/yr), so even the burnout payback period is long. Nevertheless, it is recommended to replace them at burnout with premium efficiency motors. See Table 4 below for details. Table 4 Motor  use HP/Volts/Ph/RPM  Assumed  operating  hours per  year  Existing  name‐ plate  efficienc y  Premium  efficiency  Est‐ imated  annual  savings  Incre‐ mental  cost for  premiu m motor  Burn‐ out  Payback  (yrs)  Replace‐ ment cost  of  premium  motor  Replace‐ ment  Payback (yrs)  Utility  compr essor 10/208/3/1725 500 87% 90.2% $35  $300  8.5 $1,500  42     Assume 66% load factor  41 Appendix H - Duplex Head Bolt Heater Controls 42 Appendix H – Motion and presence-sensing overhead door safety controls