HomeMy WebLinkAboutASRC-NUI-RSA Nuiquist Trapper School 2012-EE1 Richard S. Armstrong, PE, LLC Mechanical/Electrical Engineer Comprehensive Energy Audit of Nuiqsut Trapper School Project # ASRC-NUI-RSA-01 Prepared for: The North Slope Borough School District October 5, 2011 Prepared by: Richard S. Armstrong, PE, LLC 2321 Merrill Field Drive, C-6 Anchorage, AK 99501 and Energy Audits of Alaska P.O. Box 220215 Anchorage, AK 98522 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Executive Summary 4 2. Audit and Analysis Background 8 3. Acknowledgements 10 4. Building Description & Function 11 5. Historic Energy Consumption 14 6. Interactive Effects of Projects 14 7. Loan Program 15 Appendix A: Photos 16 Appendix B: AkWarm-C Report 19 Appendix C: Equipment Schedules 27 Appendix D: Building Plan 32 Appendix E: Lighting Plan 36 Appendix F: Mechanical Schematic 37 Appendix G: Additional Building Specific EEM’s 43 Appendix H: Ultrasonic flow meter spec sheet 47 Performed by: __________________________ James Fowler, PE, CEA CEA #1705 Reviewed by: __________________________ Richard Armstrong, PE, CEM CEA #178, CEM #13557 3 REPORT DISCLAIMERS The information contained in this report, including any attachments, is intended solely for use by the building owner and the AHFC. No others are authorized to disclose, copy, distribute or retain this report, in whole or part, without written authorization from Richard S. Armstrong, PE, LLC, 2321 Merrill Field Drive, C-6, Anchorage, Ak 99501. Additionally, this report contains recommendations that, in the opinion of the auditor, will cause the owner to realize energy savings over time. All recommendations must be designed by a registered engineer, licensed in the State of Alaska, in the appropriate discipline. Lighting recommendations should all be first analyzed through a thorough lighting analysis to assure that the recommended lighting upgrades will comply with State of Alaska Statue as well as IES recommendations. Payback periods may vary from those forecast due to the uncertainty of the final installed design, configuration, equipment selected, and installation costs of recommended Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs), or the operating schedules and maintenance provided by the owner. Furthermore, EEMs are typically interactive, so implementation of one EEM may impact the cost savings from another EEM. Neither the auditor, Richard S. Armstrong, PE, LLC, AHFC, or any other party involved in preparation of this report accepts liability for financial loss due to EEMs that fail to meet the forecasted payback periods. This audit meets the criteria of an Investment Grade Audit (IGA) per the Association of Energy Engineers definition, and is valid for one year. The life of the IGA may be extended on a case-by-case basis, at the discretion of the AHFC. IGA’s are the property of the State, and may be incorporated into AkWarm-C, the Alaska Energy Data Inventory (ARIS), or other state and/or public information system. 4 1. Executive Summary This Comprehensive Energy Audit is performed in connection with AHFC’s Retrofit Energy Assessment for Loans (REAL) program. Subject Building: Nuiqsut Trapper School 3310 Third Ave Nuiqsut, AK 99789 Building Owner: North Slope Borough School District (NSBSD) Building contact: Rick Yeates, 907-480-0049, rick.yeates@nsbsd.org The site visit to subject building occurred on August 14th and 15th, 2011. Nuiqsut is a small village of less than 400 residents. As is typical, the school is the largest building in the village, over three times the size of the next largest building, and was constructed in stages over a 30 year period. The elementary school portion of the subject building is estimated to have been originally constructed in 1980. There were additions made including one in 1997; the plans for the 1997 addition were used for this audit. The entire building has been re-lamped and re-ballasted. The facility consists of elementary and high school classrooms and offices, a gymnasium and natatorium, a wood shop and home sciences and chemistry rooms. Energy is provided by natural gas installed at the end of 2009, electricity and waste heat generated from the adjacent power generation facility. The waste heat supply system has been inoperative since 2008. The boilers have been retrofitted with dual fuel burners, utilizing a prudent strategy of retaining both fuel burning capabilities. Fuel oil is still available to the building and can be used during NG interruptions. The building is in excellent condition and very well maintained. As a matter of routine maintenance and to assure lighting level and color consistency throughout the school, all lamps in the building are scheduled to be replaced in 2011 with equivalent lamps of the same wattage. The 2009 and 2010 annual utility energy consumption was obtained from Rick Yeates, building supervisor, and is displayed in Table 1 below. It should be noted that electricity costs for the benchmark period (2009 and 2010), shown in Table 1, were based on NSB rates of $.35/KWh for usage over 10,000 KWh. According to a rate sheet provided by NSB, starting in 2011, NSB rates for Nuiqsut are reduced to $.08/KWh for usage over 10,000KWh. Paybacks and cost savings in this report, generated by AKWarm, are based on current electricity costs of $.08/KWh, so payback periods will be 2-3x longer than the same retrofits made in other NSB locations. 5 Table 1      2009 2010    Consumption Cost Consumption Cost  Electricity ‐ kWh 460,800  $  161,145 501,360  $  175,341  Natural Gas ‐ CCF 0  $               ‐ 39,425  $          710  Fuel Oil (gal) 61,012  $  236,116 23,814  $    92,160  Propane (gal) 1,176  $      8,820 1,224  $      9,180  Waste Heat Not operable  $               ‐ Not operable  $               ‐  Total energy use (Btu)9,733,437,600   8,904,192,320    Totals     $  406,081    $  277,391  ‐ Propane was used only for convection oven and stoves in kitchen of the school until 2011,      this equipment has since been converted to NG   ‐ Natural Gas came on‐line for subject building, around June 2010; charges per NSB are    $.01792/CCF  ‐ Nuiqsut has special electricity rates starting in 2011, because its electricity is generated by     NG (2009/2010 rates are used above, the 2011 rates are used in cost savings and payback    calculations)  ‐ Trapper school was not charged by NSB for fuel oil, but a cost of $3.87/gal was provided by    NSB personnel in Barrow  A benchmark measure of energy use relative to other similar function buildings in the area is the Energy Use Index (EUI), which takes the total annual energy used by the facility divided by the square footage area of the building, for a value expressed in terms of kBTU/SF. This number can then be compared to other buildings to see if it is average, higher or lower than similar buildings in the area. Likewise, the Energy Cost Index (ECI) is the cost of all energy used by the building expressed in $/SF of building area. The comparative values for the subject building are listed in Table 2 below:                                                    Table 2       Subject  Building  Barrow  Average Barrow Fire Station #2  Energy Use Index (EUI) ‐ kBTU/SF 180 211 175  Energy Cost Index (ECI) ‐ $/SF $6.61  $1.68 $1.51   As shown in Table 2, the subject building’s ECI is extremely high compared to buildings in Barrow. This building obtained 62% of its energy from fuel oil in 2009 and 2010. The cost of 1 MMBTU of energy from fuel oil in Nuiqsut during this benchmark period was $29.30, while the cost of 1 MMBTU of energy from natural gas during this same period in Barrow was $3.10, almost 10x less – hence the high ECI compared to Barrow. Various Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs) have been analyzed for this building to determine if they would be applicable for energy savings with reasonably good payback periods. EEMs are recommended for reasons including: 1.) they have 6 a reasonably good payback period, 2.) for code compliance, 3.) life cycle replacement or 4.) reasons pertaining to operations, maintenance and/or safety. For example, where a lighting upgrade is recommended from T-12 lamps with magnetic ballasts to T-8 lamps with electronic ballasts, then the entire facility should be re-lamped and re-ballasted to maintain a standard lighting parts inventory, regardless of the payback. An individual storage room that is infrequently used may not show a very good payback for a lighting upgrade, but consistency and ease of maintenance dictates a total upgrade. Specific EEMs recommended for this facility are detailed in the attached AkWarm Energy Audit Report. Each EEM includes payback times, estimated installation costs and estimated energy savings. The higher priority items are summarized below: Lighting Upgrades: At the next re-lamp, in all instances T8-32 watt lamps should be replaced with T8-28 watt high output, energy saver lamps. This results in a 4% light reduction and a 12% energy savings. Random light level samples were taken (daylight hours), typical light levels in a classroom measured 30 ft candles with 1/3 lighting, 55 ft candles with 2/3 lighting and 80 ft candles with all lamps in a fixture lit. 50 ft candles of lighting is typically required in a classroom. A more thorough evaluation of lighting levels should be performed by a lighting engineer. Lighting Control Upgrades: The site survey took place the day before classes were to begin, so most teachers were in their classrooms, preparing for the start of school. Most teachers liked the 2-switch option that allows them to choose partial lighting or full lighting. This is currently achieved through manual switching. Different teachers utilized differing levels of lighting, but many always turned on full lighting as a default level, particularly the upper grades teachers. Occupant controls can sense the presence of teachers and students, and turn the lights on at a pre-determined level, and then turn the lights off after a programmed time period of no occupancy. This EEM recommends installing a bi-level occupancy sensor in the existing duplex switch box. Depending on the wiring and fixture configuration, the sensor would turn on either 1/2 or 2/3 of the lights, and then allow a manual over-ride to turn on the remaining lights. The occupancy sensor turns all the lights off after a specified period of non- occupancy. This could reduce power consumption by 33%-50% per classroom, or more, depending on how often the full lighting choice is made. Some rooms without regular occupants (mechanical rooms, janitor closets, etc.) have occupancy sensors installed, this should be made universal. 7 Occupancy sensors and multi-level lighting should also be installed in the gymnasium, natatorium and corridors due to their intermittent occupancy. In these cases, during non-occupancy a minimum level of lighting must be maintained for safety reasons, and full lighting is provided during occupancy. In rooms with obstacles to line-of-sight motion sensing, dual technology sensors should be selected, the second mode of activation is typically sound. Exterior Lighting Upgrades: The exterior high pressure sodium lights operate during periods of darkness, which is about half of a year. It is estimated that the use of LED exterior lights can reduce the power consumption by 60%. Setback Thermostats in classrooms and offices. Each classroom and office has an individual thermostat. Some were found to be set to 78+ degrees F and others turned off. It is recommended that the heating controls limit the maximum temperature allowed in a room and setbacks are programmed for occupied temperatures of 72 deg F, and unoccupied temperatures of 55 deg F. Headbolt Heater Controls: There are retrofit headbolt heater receptacles that have microprocessors to cycle the power on and off in response to the outside air temperature. Energy savings is typically 50%. Waste Heat: The facility manager indicated that when waste heat system was operable, there was almost no need for additional heating in the building. He also indicated that the waste heat system has not been consistently operable since 2008 and that there was essentially no heat supplied to the school during the benchmark period. Repairing and maintaining this system is a clear priority to save energy costs. The waste heat system should be repaired and instrumentation installed (see Appendix G-1) to measure the amount of this energy source being used. Until waste heat consumption can be accounted for, building owners/managers do not have a complete picture of energy use and subsequent cost/benefit tradeoffs. High efficiency motors: High use motors in applications including air handlers, pool filter pump, exhaust and recirculation fans, should be replaced with high efficiency motors at their end of life (EOL). Payback at EOL on the incremental difference in cost for a high efficiency motor is typically less than 1-2 years while paybacks on replacement of a working motors is typically 4-5 years. Because of the very low cost of electricity in Nuiqsut, EOL paybacks are closer to 4 years for EOL replacements. HVAC: It is not clear from plans, whether the boilers are original building equipment. Best judgment is that they would have been 8 installed with the 1997 addition, since they are too large for the original building. At their end of life (EOL), one boiler should be replaced with (2) high efficiency, condensing NG fired boilers with efficiency ratings of 93-94%% vs 80-82% for standard cast iron boilers. There is a significant energy savings, and furthermore, the upgraded system would allow additional modulation at the low end of the building heat load range, by bringing one boiler at a time on line as well as through the boiler’s internal modulation, which allows them to respond to heat loads starting with as little as 20%. As heating demand increases, the first boiler increases its output to 100%, then the second small boiler is brought on line, and finally the third, if required. The strategy of retaining the large, third boiler as a dual fuel backup dictates that it be replaced at EOL with a higher efficiency, dual fuel model such as a DeDetrich, which has an 88% efficiency rating (vs 80-82% for standard versions), for which there is, again, no significant cost increment over a standard cast iron boiler of similar size. While there is not a significant incremental cost difference in the boiler itself, between the lower efficiency boilers being replaced at EOL and high efficiency boilers recommended, there is a significant installation cost difference when replacing a single boiler with (2) smaller ones (cost of venting, piping, etc.), this incremental difference is estimated to be $40,000 in AKWarm. The cost savings in AKWarm reflects the calculated energy usage reduction from of the higher efficiency models. For budgeting and planning purposes, the total cost of replacing both boilers at EOL is estimated to be $200,000 to $250,000. HVAC Controls: At least (2) air handler motor control panels (see Appendix G-4) were found to be in the “hand” position, which overrides the control system and forces the motors to run 24/7/365. This should be corrected immediately and will save $1000/yr in motor electricity costs, as well as reduce the heat load. A comprehensive DDC controls analysis and tune-up should be performed. As part of this evaluation, outside air settings should be adjusted to provide code-minimum levels of outside air. In addition to EEMs, various Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) are recommended since they are policies or procedures that are followed by management and employees that require no capital outlay. Examples of recommended ECMs for this facility include: 1. Turning lights off when leaving a room that is not controlled by an occupancy sensor. 2. All man-doors, roll-up doors and windows should be properly maintained and adjusted to close and function properly. 3. Turn off computers, printers, faxes, etc. when leaving the office. 9 The 41 recommendations in the detailed report, combined, estimate to save $52,864/year, with an installed cost of $112,590. The payback for all recommendations combined, is 2.1 years. This does not include design or construction management services. 2. Audit and Analysis Background Program Description: This audit included services to identify, develop, and evaluate energy efficiency measures for the subject building. The scope of this project included evaluating the building shell, lighting, other electrical systems, and heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment. Measures were selected based on their payback period, life cycle replacement or for reasons pertaining to maintenance, operations and/or safety. a. Audit Description and Methodology: Preliminary audit information was gathered in preparation for the site survey, including benchmark utility consumption data, floor and lighting plans, and equipment schedules, where available. A site visit is then performed to inventory and evaluate the actual building condition, including: i. Building envelope (walls, doors, windows, etc) ii. Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning iii. Lighting systems and controls iv. Building specific equipment v. Plumbing Systems b. Benchmark Utility Data Validation: Benchmark utility data provided through AHFC’s initial phase of their REAL program is validated, confirming that electrical and gas meter numbers on the subject building match the meters from which the energy consumption and cost data were collected. In the event that the data is inaccurate, new benchmark utility data is obtained. c. Method of Analysis: The information gathered prior to the site visit and at the site visit is entered into AkWarm-C, an energy modeling software program developed for Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) specifically to identify forecasted energy consumption which can be compared to actual energy consumption. AkWarm-C also has some pre- programmed EEM retrofit options that can be analyzed with projected energy savings based on occupancy schedules, utility rates, building construction type, building function, existing conditions, and climatic data uploaded to the program based on the zip code of the building. When new equipment is proposed, energy consumption is calculated based on manufacturer’s cataloged information. Energy cost savings are calculated based on the historical energy costs for the building. Installation costs include the labor and equipment required to implement an EEM retrofit, but design and construction 10 management costs are excluded. Costs are derived from one or more of the following: Means Cost Data, industry publications, experience of the auditor, local contractors and/or equipment suppliers. Haakensen Electric, Proctor Sales and Pioneer Door, all in Anchorage were consulted for some of the lighting, boiler and overhead door (respectively) retrofit costs. Maintenance savings are calculated, where applicable, and are added to the energy savings for each EEM. The costs and savings are considered and a simple payback period and return on investment (ROI) is calculated. The simple payback period is based on the number of years that it takes for the savings to pay back the net installation cost (Net Installation costs divided by Net Savings.) In cases where the EEM recommends replacement at EOL, the incremental cost difference between the standard equipment in place, and the higher efficiency equipment being recommended is used as the cost basis for payback calculation. The SIR found in the AKWarm report is the Savings to Investment Ratio, defined as the breakeven cost divided by the initial installed cost. A simple life-time calculation is shown for each EEM. The life-time for each EEM is estimated based on the typical life of the equipment being replaced or altered. The energy savings is extrapolated throughout the life-time of the EEM. The total energy savings is calculated as the total life-time multiplied by the yearly savings. d. Limitations of the Study: All results are dependent on the quality of input data provided, and may only act as an approximation. In some instances, several methods may achieve the identified savings. This report is not intended as a final design document. A design professional, licensed to practice in Alaska and in the appropriate discipline, who is following the recommendations, shall accept full responsibility and liability for the results. Budgetary estimates for engineering and design of these projects in not included in the cost estimate for each EEM recommendation, but these costs can be approximated at 15% of the cost of the work. 3. Acknowledgements: We wish to acknowledge the help of numerous individuals who have contributed information that was used to prepare this report, including: a. Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (Grantor): AHFC provided the grant funds, contracting agreements, guidelines, and technical direction for providing the audits. AHFC reviewed and approved the final short list of buildings to be audited based on the recommendation of the Technical Service Provider (TSP). b. North Slope Borough (Owner): The NSB provided building sizing information, two years energy billing data, building schedules and functions, as well as building age. 11 c. Benchmark Utility Data Validation: Benchmark utility data provided through AHFC’s initial phase of their REAL program is validated, confirming that electrical and gas meter numbers on the subject building match the meters from which the energy consumption and cost data were collected. In the event that the data is inaccurate, new benchmark utility data is obtained. d. Nortech Engineering (Benchmark TSP): Nortech Engineering compiled the data received from the NSB and entered that data into the statewide building database, called the Alaska Retrofit Information System (ARIS). e. Richard S. Armstrong, PE, LLC (Audit TSP): This is the TSP who was awarded the projects in the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, Bering Straits area, and the Nana area. The firm gathered all relevant benchmark information provided to them by Nortech, cataloged which buildings would have the greatest potential payback, and prioritized buildings to be audited based on numerous factors, including the Energy Use Index (EUI), the Energy Cost Index (ECI), the age of the building, the size of the building, the location of the building, the function of the building, and the availability of plans for the building. They also trained their selected sub-contracted auditors, assigned auditors to the selected buildings, and performed quality control reviews of the resulting audits. They prepared a listing of potential EEMs that each auditor must consider, as well as the potential EEMs that the individual auditor may notice in the course of his audit. Richard S. Armstrong, PE, LLC also performed some of the audits to assure current knowledge of existing conditions. f. Energy Audits of Alaska (energy auditor): This firm has been selected to provide audits under this contract. The firm has two mechanical engineers, certified as energy auditors and/or professional engineers and has also received additional training from Richard S. Armstrong, PE, LLC to acquire further specific information regarding audit requirements and potential EEM applications. 4. Building Description and Function: The site visit and survey of subject building occurred on August 14th and 15th, 2011. The building is one story of functional space with a minimal second story used for mechanical rooms. In total, it consists of 51,665 square feet of space. The building is used by the North Slope Borough School District for K-12 school, as well as after school recreational programs during the school year and during the summer months. An inspection of the exterior and interior of the building revealed that the overall condition of the building is in excellent condition, and very well maintained. Original building plans were not available; it appears that the original building was constructed in 1980 on pilings, using 2x8 construction with plywood 12 sheathing and beveled wood siding. An addition was built in 1997, using 2x10 construction and similar siding. Drawings were available for this addition, and were used for this audit. The entire building was re-lamped using T8 and T5 bulbs and electronic ballasts. The few exceptions to this are noted in this report. High Pressure Sodium lamps with magnetic ballasts are used for exterior lighting. Benchmark utility data, including fuel oil, propane and electricity were provided by the building supervisor. NSB utilities department provided natural gas usage data. Waste heat is used extensively in this building when the system is functional - “When it works, we don’t even need the boilers”. Unfortunately, the system has been plagued with leaks and has been inoperative since 2008. There is currently no means of measurement of waste heat usage. A meter should be installed at the supply line entry into the building, see Appendix. A. Building details are as follows: a. Envelope: Details of the building construction are noted above. Insulation values are: R-76 Floor, R-30 in the walls and R38 in the attic of the old building, and R-38 walls and R-76 roof in the addition. The building exterior is in excellent condition, as are windows and doors. Windows are all triple pane vinyl, doors are metal and the (2) overhead doors appear to be the newer, R-14.6 model. Maintenance staff is addressing a recurring ice buildup on a localized portion of the southwest quadrant of the roof. Insulation appears to be adequate and there did not appear to be any significant infiltration from obvious holes or gaps in the building envelope, although a blower door test was not performed. b. Heating System: Building heat (as well as pool water heating and domestic hot water) is supplied by (2) Weil McLain 1088, cast iron sectional boilers utilizing dual fuel (fuel oil and natural gas) Gordon Piatt burners. The boilers generate an output of 3,103 MBH each, at approximately 82% efficiency. Room heat is controlled by a local thermostat that modulates a valve in the room’s baseboard fin tube radiator. Valves are actuated either pneumatically or electrically, depending on the location in the school (old system vs new system). Several teachers complained about, and this auditor experienced wide variations in room temperatures within the building, so it appears that there are control issues. Additionally, (2) AHU motor controllers were on manual override (see Appendix G-4) and an outside air damper actuator appears to be disconnected (G-3) and should be repaired. The NSBSD recently had a controls expert review the control systems in all of the borough schools, his report was not available at the time of this audit. c. Ventilation System: Ventilation is supplied by (11) air handlers located in three mechanical rooms. Heating coils are supplied by the boilers. At EOL, all AHU motors should be replaced with high efficiency motors. d. Plumbing Fixtures: All toilets, urinals and faucets in all lavatories are have proximity sensors which automatically turn the device on after use and control the flow. All fixtures also appear to meet current low-flow water use requirements. 13 e. Domestic Hot Water: DHW is provided by (3) indirect hot water generators with a total capacity of 201 gallons. f. Appliances: The residential-type appliances in the building consist of a clothes washer and dryer used by maintenance staff and the typical household appliances found in a home sciences room – electric oven and range, microwave and refrigerator. There are also a number of small refrigerators, microwaves and coffee makers used by staff in various rooms. All appliances appear to be relatively new and in good condition. g. Head Bolt Heaters: There are (4) headbolt heater duplex receptacles in front of the building for use by teachers during the school day. The principal stated that he transports many of the teachers during the winter, hence the small number of heater outlets. h. Interior Lighting: Building lighting, with very few exceptions (all of which are noted in AKWarm) consists of T8 and T5 fluorescent lamps using electronic ballasts. Most unoccupied and infrequently occupied spaces (storage, some lavatories, mechanical rooms, etc.) utilize occupancy sensors, while most occupied spaces do not (classrooms, gymnasium, natatorium, offices, corridors, etc). Classrooms are on a manual 2-switch system that allows the teacher to turn on all the lighting (both switches on) or, depending on the room, half the lighting, 1/3 of the lighting or 2/3 of the lighting. Exit signs, in general, utilize LED lighting. The building is in process of being re-lamped to gain consistency in color (CRI) and bulb type. The EEM’s in this audit recommend changing from standard 32 watt lamps to high efficiency 28 watt lamps. There is a 4% reduction in light output and a 12% reduction in energy use. This EEM should be implemented at the next re-lamp. i. Exterior Lighting: High pressure sodium (HPS) lights are used. 70 watt wall-pack’s are located on each side of the building. j. Science Labs and Home Sciences room: Given the small school population (100 students from K-12) the energy usage in these two specialized rooms is not significantly different than the other classrooms. All appliances and specialized equipment is relatively new and in good condition, and usage has been included in AKWarm. It is not cost effective to replace any of this equipment for energy savings purposes, although at end of life (EOL) a quick analysis of the payback (the incremental cost difference to obtain the most energy-efficient equipment divided by the annual savings) should be considered before purchase. k. Wood shop: The equipment in this shop could be a very high energy consumer, but again, given the small school population, the equipment is underutilized and not a significant source of energy savings. A payback analysis at EOL, of high efficiency motors should performed on the shop compressor and vacuum system – the two most used pieces of equipment. l. Natatorium and Gymnasium: A hydronic heat exchanger supplied by the boilers, is used maintain pool water temperature, and a UV disinfection system is use to meet water health requirements. No data regarding energy use by the UV disinfection system could be obtained, but its energy use is considered negligible. In both the gymnasium and natatorium, de-stratification fans would reduce energy consumption, and 14 are considered in EEM G-5. Lighting controls for these spaces should be designed to maintain minimal lighting for safety reasons during periods of non-occupancy, and increase to full light levels only when occupied. In both cases, all lighting in both of these spaces was on, and the spaces were unoccupied. At EOL, the pool filter pump should be replaced with a high efficiency motor. m. Kitchen: The kitchen is a fully equipped commercial kitchen (see Appendix C for equipment list). Through the end of the 2010/2011 school year, the stoves and convection ovens utilized propane; this equipment has now been converted to natural gas. Most of the equipment was installed new during the 1997 addition and all appears to be in good condition. Equipment energy usage is accounted for in the AKWarm model. 5. Historic Energy Consumption: Energy consumption is modeled within the AkWarm-C program. The program only analyzes 12 months of data, so where 24 months of data are available, the data is averaged to provide more accuracy. The energy consumption data is presented and graphed in the attached AkWarm-C program results. Energy consumption was analyzed using two factors: the Energy Cost Index (ECI) and the Energy Use Index (ECU). The energy cost index takes the average cost of gas and electrical energy over the surveyed period of time (typically 2 years) and averages the cost, divided by the square footage of the building. The ECI for this building is $6.61/square foot, the average ECI for all of the benchmarked buildings in Barrow is $1.68/square foot. It should be noted that the ECI for this building is quite high because the cost of fuel oil, compared to Barrow’s cost of natural gas, is nearly 10x more expensive per BTU. This is remedied with Nuiqsut’s conversion to natural gas in late 2009. Additionally, the cost of electricity during the benchmark period was $.35/KWh and starting in 2011, the cost will be $.08/KWh for usage over 10,000 KWh. The energy use index (EUI) is the total average electrical and heating energy consumption per year expressed in thousands of BTUs/SF. The EUI (averaged for 2009/2010) for this building is 180 kBTU/SF. The average EUI for all of the benchmarked buildings in Barrow is 207 kBTU/SF. Again, the EUI does not take waste heat into consideration. 6. Interactive Effects of Projects: The AkWarm-C program calculates savings assuming that all recommended EEM are implemented. If some EEMs are not implemented, savings for the remaining EEMs will be affected, in some cases positively, and in others, negatively. For example, if the fan motors are not replaced with premium efficiency motors, then the savings for the project to install variable speed drives (VFDs) on the fans will be increased. In general, all projects were evaluated sequentially so that energy savings associated with one EEM would not be attributed to another EEM as well. For example, the night setback EEM was analyzed using the fan and heating load profile that will be achieved after installation of the VFD project is completed. By 15 modeling the recommended projects sequentially, the analysis accounts for interactive effects between the EEMs and does not “double count” savings. Interior lighting, plug loads, facility equipment, and occupants generate heat within the building. When the building is in cooling mode, these contribute to the overall cooling demands of the building; therefore lighting efficiency improvements will reduce cooling requirements on air conditioned buildings. Conversely, lighting efficiency improvements are anticipated to increase heating requirements slightly. Heating penalties are included in the lighting project analysis that is performed by AkWarm-C. 7. Loan Program: The Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) Alaska Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund (AEERLF) is a State of Alaska program enacted by the Alaska Sustainable Energy Act (senate Bill 220, A.S. 18.56.855, “Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund). The AEERLF will provide loans for energy efficiency retrofits to public facilities via the Retrofit Energy Assessment for Loan System (REAL). As defined in 15 AAC 155.605, the program may finance energy efficiency improvements to buildings owned by: a. Regional educational attendance areas; b. Municipal governments, including political subdivisions of municipal governments; c. The University of Alaska; d. Political subdivisions of the State of Alaska, or e. The State of Alaska Native corporations, tribal entities, and subsidiaries of the federal government are not eligible for loans under this program. 16 Appendix A Photos View from the West View from Southeast, power generation building (source of waste Heat) is seen behind and to the right 17 Waste Heat supply and return – building entry View from the West; waste heat supply and return are the galvanized, corrugated pipes. Waste water storage tank is also shown. Typical mechanical room 18 Aerial View of Trapper School Trapper School Power Generation Plant – waste heat source Fuel Oil Tanks for Power Gen Plant (backup only, converted to NG in 2010) Water storage tanks Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  Trapper School Page 1     ENERGY AUDIT REPORT – PROJECT SUMMARY – Created 10/5/2011 3:06 PM General Project Information  PROJECT INFORMATION AUDITOR INFORMATION  Building: Trapper School Auditor Company: Energy Audits of Alaska  Address: 3310 Third Ave  Auditor  Name: James Fowler  City: Nuiqsut Auditor Address: P.O. Box 220215    Anchorage, AK 99522  Client Name: Rick Yeates  Client Address: 3310 Third Ave  Nuiqsut, AK  Auditor Phone: (206) 954‐3614  Auditor FAX: (   )    ‐  Client Phone: (907) 408‐0049 Auditor Comment:   Client FAX:   Design Data  Building Area: 51,665 square feet Design Heating Load: Design Loss at Space:  3,589,250 Btu/hour  with Distribution Losses:  3,988,056 Btu/hour   Plant Input Rating assuming 82.0% Plant Efficiency and 25%  Safety Margin: 6,079,354 Btu/hour   Note: Additional Capacity should be added for DHW load, if  served.  Typical Occupancy: 135 people  Design Indoor Temperature: 71.6 deg F (building average)  Actual City: Nuiqsut Design Outdoor Temperature: ‐41 deg F  Weather/Fuel City: Nuiqsut Heating Degree Days: 20,370 deg F‐days     Utility Information  Electric Utility: Nuiqsut North Slope Borough  Commercial  Natural Gas Provider: Nuiqsut Natural Gas  Average Annual Cost/kWh: $0.080/kWh Average Annual Cost/ccf: $0.020/ccf     Annual Energy Cost Estimate  Description Space  Heating  Space  Cooling  Water  Heating Lighting  Other  Electrica l  Cooking Clothes  Drying  Ventilation  Fans  Service  Fees  Total  Cost  Existing  Building  $181,306 $0 $0 $14,694 $6,064 $9,971 $0 $0 $0 $212,558  With  Proposed  Retrofits  $136,601 $0 $0 $6,654 $5,945 $9,971 $0 $0 $0 $159,694  SAVINGS $44,705 $0 $0 $8,040 $119 $0 $0 $0 $0 $52,864    Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  Trapper School Page 2                        $0 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 $250,000 Existing Retrofit Space Heating Refrigeration Other Electrical Lighting Cooking Annual Energy Costs by End Use Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  Trapper School Page 3     PRIORITY LIST – RECOMMENDED ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Rank Feature Recommendation Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (Years) 1 Setback Thermostat:  Gymnasium   Implement a Heating  Temperature Unoccupied  Setback to 55.0 deg F for the  Gymnasium  space.  $6,489 $200 486.35 0 2 Setback Thermostat:  Wood Shop  Implement a Heating  Temperature Unoccupied  Setback to 55.0 deg F for the  Wood Shop space.  $2,636 $400 98.79 0.2 3 Setback Thermostat:  Classrooms and  offices  Implement a Heating  Temperature Unoccupied  Setback to 55.0 deg F for the  Classrooms and offices  space.  $25,139 $4,600 81.92 0.2 4 Setback Thermostat:  Storage and  Warehouse  Implement a Heating  Temperature Unoccupied  Setback to 55.0 deg F for the  Storage and Warehouse  space.  $2,952 $600 73.74 0.2 5 Setback Thermostat:  Kitchen  Implement a Heating  Temperature Unoccupied  Setback to 55.0 deg F for the  Kitchen space.  $930 $400 34.84 0.4 Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  Trapper School Page 4     PRIORITY LIST – RECOMMENDED ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Rank Feature Recommendation Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (Years) 6 HVAC And DHW At end of life (EOL), replace  B‐1 with (2) smaller,  condensing, high efficiency  boilers such as that  identified above, and replace  B‐2 with similar sized, higher  efficiency version. These  boilers would modulate the  load, coming on‐line as  needed to meet the load  increase.  (Use $40,000 as  installed cost; boilers are not  being replaced until EOL and  there is not a significant cost  difference between high  efficiency recommendations  and std boilers, but replacing  1 boiler with 2 boilers  requires additional  plumbing, venting, etc.  estimated to be  approximately $40,000 –  actual estimated total  replacement cost is $200k‐ 250k)  $8,798 $40,000 4.23 4.5 7 Lighting: Bathroom  & Storage on  occupancy sensors ‐  (4 rooms)  Replace with 7 FLUOR CFL, A  Lamp 15W  $44 $70 4.03 1.6 8 Setback Thermostat:  Maintenance offices  Implement a Heating  Temperature Unoccupied  Setback to 55.0 deg F for the  Maintenance offices space.  $104 $400 3.89 3.9 9 Lighting: Conference  room ‐ 143  Remove Manual Switching  and Add new Occupancy  Sensor  $34 $150 1.43 4.5 10 Lighting: Gymnasium Remove Manual Switching  and Add new Occupancy  Sensor and Improve Multi‐ Level Switch  $733 $2,500 1.35 3.4 11 Lighting: Natatorium Remove Manual Switching  and Add new Occupancy  Sensor  $221 $1,200 1.18 5.4 Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  Trapper School Page 5     PRIORITY LIST – RECOMMENDED ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Rank Feature Recommendation Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (Years) 12 Lighting: Classrooms  and Offices ‐ Type 4  (3 rooms)  Replace with 15 FLUOR (2)  T8 4' F32T8 28W Energy‐ Saver Instant StdElectronic  and Remove Manual  Switching and Add new  Occupancy Sensor, Multi‐ Level Switch  $81 $600 0.86 7.4 13 Other Electrical:  Head Bolt Heaters  Remove Manual Switching  and Add new Other Controls  $119 $1,000 0.76 8.4 14 Lighting: Exterior  lights  Replace with 33 LED 25W  Module StdElectronic  $1,442 $16,500 0.56 11.4 15 Lighting: Classrooms  and Offices ‐ Type 2  (Media Center only)  Replace with 70 FLUOR (2)  T8 4' F32T8 28W Energy‐ Saver Instant StdElectronic  and Remove Manual  Switching and Add new  Occupancy Sensor, Multi‐ Level Switch  $118 $1,000 0.54 8.5 16 Lighting: Storage  154A and Lg Freezer  (2 rooms)  Replace with 3 FLUOR (4) T8  4' F32T8 28W Energy‐Saver  Instant StdElectronic and  Remove Manual Switching  and Add new Occupancy  Sensor  $56 $750 0.48 13.3 17 Lighting: Storage and  occasionally  occupied rooms ‐  Type 2 (1 room)  Replace with 2 FLUOR (2) T8  4' F32T8 28W Energy‐Saver  Instant StdElectronic and  Remove Manual Switching  and Add new Occupancy  Sensor  $13 $170 0.47 13.5 18 Lighting: Freezers Replace with 6 LED 12W  Module StdElectronic and  Remove Manual Switching  and Add new Occupancy  Sensor  $44 $600 0.47 13.7 19 Lighting: Classrooms  & Offices ‐ Type 1 (7  rooms)  Replace with 259 FLUOR T8  4' F32T8 28W Energy‐Saver  Instant StdElectronic and  Remove Manual Switching  and Add new Occupancy  Sensor, Multi‐Level Switch  $227 $2,345 0.44 10.3 Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  Trapper School Page 6     PRIORITY LIST – RECOMMENDED ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Rank Feature Recommendation Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (Years) 20 Lighting: Kitchen Replace with 14 FLUOR (3)  T8 4' F32T8 28W Energy‐ Saver Instant StdElectronic  and Remove Manual  Switching and Add new Clock  Timer or Other Scheduling  Control  $20 $310 0.42 15.3 21 Lighting: Classrooms  and Offices ‐ Type 3   (12 rooms)  Replace with 162 FLUOR (3)  T8 4' F32T8 28W Energy‐ Saver Instant StdElectronic  and Remove Manual  Switching and Add new  Occupancy Sensor, Multi‐ Level Switch  $337 $4,230 0.36 12.6 22 Lighting: Cafeteria ‐  Can lights  Remove Manual Switching  and Add new Occupancy  Sensor  $15 $300 0.33 19.6 23 Lighting: Cafeteria ‐  Pendant lights  Replace with 6 FLUOR (4) T5  45.2" F28T5 28W Standard  StdElectronic and Remove  Manual Switching and Add  new Occupancy Sensor  $104 $2,700 0.24 26.1 24 Lighting: Bathroom  & Storage not on  occupancy sensors ‐  (2 rooms)  Replace with 2 FLUOR CFL, A  Lamp 15W and Remove  Manual Switching and Add  new Occupancy Sensor  $6 $110 0.23 19.7 25 Lighting: Classrooms,  lockers, showers not  on occupancy  sensors ‐ Type 1 (6  rooms)  Replace with 18 FLUOR (2)  T8 4' F32T8 28W Energy‐ Saver Instant StdElectronic  and Remove Manual  Switching and Add new  Occupancy Sensor  $35 $1,080 0.15 30.6 26 Lighting: Storage and  occasionally  occupied rooms ‐  Type 1 (17 rooms)  Replace with 51 FLUOR (2)  T8 4' F32T8 28W Energy‐ Saver Instant StdElectronic  and Remove Manual  Switching and Add new  Occupancy Sensor  $100 $3,070 0.15 30.7 27 Lighting: Storage 124 Replace with FLUOR (2) T8 4'  F32T8 28W Energy‐Saver  Instant StdElectronic  $3 $150 0.14 45.5 Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  Trapper School Page 7     PRIORITY LIST – RECOMMENDED ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Rank Feature Recommendation Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (Years) 28 Lighting: Storage,  Bathrooms and  typically unoccupied  rooms already on  occupancy sensors ‐  Type 1 (18 rooms)  Replace with 95 FLUOR (2)  T8 4' F32T8 28W Energy‐ Saver Instant StdElectronic  and Controls retrofit  $29 $950 0.14 33.2 29 Lighting: Storage,  Bathrooms and  typically unoccupied  rooms already on  occupancy sensors ‐  Type 2 (5 rooms)  Replace with 17 FLUOR T8 4'  F32T8 28W Energy‐Saver  Instant StdElectronic  $3 $85 0.14 33.2 30 Lighting: wood shop  ‐ 154  Replace with 52 FLUOR (2)  T8 4' F32T8 28W Energy‐ Saver Instant StdElectronic  and Remove Manual  Switching and Add new  Occupancy Sensor, Multi‐ Level Switch  $73 $3,820 0.09 52.4 31 Lighting: Corridors,  Commons and  Vestibules ‐ Type 1  Replace with 58 FLUOR (2)  T8 4' F32T8 28W Energy‐ Saver Instant StdElectronic  and Remove Manual  Switching and Add new  Occupancy Sensor, Multi‐ Level Switch  $141 $8,580 0.08 61 32 Lighting: Corridors,  Commons and  Vestibules ‐ Type 2  Replace with 35 FLUOR T8 4'  F32T8 28W Energy‐Saver  Instant StdElectronic and  Remove Manual Switching  and Add new Occupancy  Sensor, Multi‐Level Switch  $42 $3,775 0.05 90 33 Lighting: Corridors,  Commons and  Stairwells ‐ Type 3  Replace with 7 FLUOR (2) T8  4' F32T8 28W Energy‐Saver  Instant StdElectronic and  Remove Manual Switching  and Add new Occupancy  Sensor, Multi‐Level Switch  $16 $1,570 0.05 97.3 34 Lighting: Classrooms,  lockers, showers not  on occupancy  sensors ‐ Type 2 (6  rooms)  Replace with 18 FLUOR (3)  T8 4' F32T8 28W Energy‐ Saver Instant StdElectronic  and Remove Manual  Switching and Add new  Occupancy Sensor  $11 $1,170 0.04 108.8 Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  Trapper School Page 8     PRIORITY LIST – RECOMMENDED ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Rank Feature Recommendation Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (Years) 35 Lighting: Corridors,  Commons and  Stairwells ‐ Type 4  Replace with 11 FLUOR T8 4'  F32T8 28W Energy‐Saver  Instant StdElectronic and  Remove Manual Switching  and Add new Occupancy  Sensor, Multi‐Level Switch  $11 $1,555 0.03 141.8 Appe ndix G-1 Waste Heat Waste heat is inoperative;  significant energy savings  can be achieved through use  of waste heat; repair and  instrument to provide data  necessary for future energy  decisions    Appe ndix G-2 Piping insulation in  boiler room 154B   Some pipe insulation is in  disrepair; re‐insulate pipes  as needed  $50  Appe ndix G-3 Outside air damper  on AHU‐14   Damper arm is disconnected  from actuator, re‐connect  and check operation  $0  Appe ndix G-4 AHU‐11 and AHU‐12  motors  Controllers are in “hand”  position which over‐rides  controls and forces 24/7  operation.   Place back in  “auto” mode; check other  motor controllers to assure  they are in proper position  $0  Appe ndix G-5 De‐stratification fans  Add (6) de‐stratification fans  in gymnasium and (2) in  natatorium; energy savings   typically greater than 12%  for the space  Gym and Pool  estimated to be  8% of heating  load, 12%  savings is $1740  annually $5600 3.2 Appe ndix G-6 High Efficiency  Motors  At EOL, high use motors such  as AHU fan motors, exhaust  and recirculation fan motors,  pool filter motor, wood shop  compressor and dust  extraction motors should be  replaced with high efficiency  motors  Incremental  cost and annual  savings will be  case specific   3‐5 yrs if  replaced  at EOL  TOTAL $52,864 $112,590 7.16 2.1           27 Appendix C - Equipment Schedules Lighting Fixture Schedule – 1997 Addition (Typical for building, see AKWarm report for additional lighting detail on pre-existing building) Additional lighting fixtures: Gymnasium (24) F54T5-HO lamps in 5-lamp surface mount fixtures with electronic ballasts Natatorium (11) F54T5-HO lamps in 3-lamp surface mount fixtures with electronic ballasts 28 Appendix C - Equipment Schedules Mechanical Equipment Schedule 29 Appendix C - Equipment Schedules Mechanical Equipment Schedule 30 Appendix C - Equipment Schedules Mechanical Equipment Schedule 31 Appendix C – Equipment Schedules Kitchen Equipment 32 Appendix D Building Elevations 33 Appendix D Building Elevations 34 Appendix D Building Elevations 35 Appendix D Building Floor Plan 36 Appendix E Lighting Plan – 1997 Addition (original 1980 lighting plan not available, re-lamp and re-ballast have occurred since then) 37 Appendix F – Mechanical Schematics Heating Plan – pre-1997 addition (classrooms) 38 Appendix F – Mechanical Schematics Heating Plan – pre-1997 addition (gymnasium) 39 Appendix F – Mechanical Schematics Heating Plan – 1997 addition 40 Appendix F – Mechanical Schematics Ventilation Plan – pre-1997 addition (classrooms) 41 Appendix F – Mechanical Schematics Ventilation Plan – pre-1997 addition (gymnasium) 42 Appendix F – Mechanical Schematics Ventilation Plan – 1997 addition 43 Appendix G Additional Building Specific EEM’s G-1 Waste Heat: Add instrumentation per schematic below, to measure the amount of waste heat being utilized by the subject building. This information will complete the picture regarding energy input to the building and inform owner/management decisions regarding capital and energy related improvements. Outside Inside building Temperature sensor Flow meter measuring glycol flow rate ( Tin From power plant Supply glycol To power plant Return glycol Temperature sensor Measuring Tout Amount of waste heat (BTU/hr) = flow rate (gallons/minute) x (Tin-Tout) x 450 • Temperature is in degrees F • Shenitech ultrasonic flowmeter (or equivalent) can be used to determine temperatures and flow rate, data sheet attached as Appendix H. 44 G-2: Repair insulation in boiler room 154B G-3: Repair outside air damper actuator on AHU-14, located in Wood shop, room 154; it appears to be non-functional so is either stuck open or closed 45 G-4: Return AHU-11 and AHU-12 motor controllers (mechanical room 118) to “Auto” position. They are currently in “Hand” position, which bypasses all controls and forces them to run 24/7. Confirm all other motor controllers are properly positioned. G-5: Install de-stratification fans in gymnasium and natatorium: De-strat fans typically save from 12%-23% in high-ceiling space-heating costs, depending on the temperature difference at the ceiling and at floor level, and the ceiling height. In this audit the heating costs for the gymnasium and natatorium are not available apart from the overall building costs, so cost savings and payback cannot be calculated. For a 5 degree F temperature difference between the floor and 20 foot ceiling (most high- ceiling spaces have a larger temperature difference), a 12% savings in energy cost for that space should be realized. Most de-strat fan installations have a maximum of a 7 year payback. G-6: High efficiency motors: High efficiency motors typically provide an increase in efficiency of approximately 6-7%, while costing 30-40% more than a standard motor. Depending on the usage profile, the power of the specific motor and the cost of electricity, replacement at EOL of a standard motor with a high efficiency motor typically results in a payback of less than 1-5 years. Replacement of a working standard motor with a high efficiency version typically does not justify the expense. An example follows. 46 As a specific example, consider the 2 hp, 208V motor in AHU-10, serving the cafeteria: A.) Replacement of working motor New motor cost $450 Installation cost $350 TOTAL COST $800 Operating 16 hrs/day at 66% load, using electricity cost of $.08/KWh ANNUAL ENERGY SAVINGS OVER STANDARD MOTOR $ 32 PAYBACK 25 yrs B.) Replacement at EOL Incremental difference in motor cost $135 TOTAL INCREMENTAL COST $135 ANNUAL ENERGY SAVINGS OVER STANDARD MOTOR $ 32 PAYBACK 4.2 yrs Appendix H – 4 pages Main Unit Repeatability Better than 0.2% Accuracy For flow measurement: 1% of reading, plus 0.006m/s (0.02ft/s) in velocity Response Time 0.5s. Configurable between 0.5s and 99s Velocity -16 ~ +16m/s (-52 ~ +52 ft/s), bi-directional Display / Keypad LCD with backlight. 2 x 20 letters. 4 x 4 tactile-feedback membrane keypad. Displays instantaneous energy rate, total energy (positive, negative and net), temperatures, flow rate, time, analog inputs, etc. Units English (U.S.) or metric Signal Outputs Current output: 4-20mA isolated output for energy rate, flowrate, velocity or sound speed. Impedance 0-1k. Accuracy 0.1% OCT output: isolated Open Collector Transistor output. Up to 0.5A load Relay output: 1A@125VAC or 2A@30VDC Can be programmed as pulse signal for energy/flow totalization; ON/OFF signal for relay drive or alarm drive; batch control Sound alarm Temperature and other Analog Inputs RTD interface: two temperature channels that can accommodate two PT100 3-wire temperature sensors for thermal energy measurement. Analog input: one channel of 4-20mA input. Can be used for temperature, pressure and level Recording Automatically records the totalizer data of the last 128 days / 64 months / 5years Optional SD data logger (2GB space) or external USB data logger Communication Interface Isolated RS-485 with power surge protection. Supports the MODBUS protocol StufManagerTM PC software for real-time data acquisition (optional) Optional wireless module (GPRS/GSM/RF) for remote monitoring (STUF-300RnB only) Enclosure Protection Class: IP65 (NEMA 4X) weather-resistant. Additional protection enclosure (large polycarbonate enclosure) available upon request (STUF-300R2B model only). Dimension: 230mm x 150mm x 75mm (9” x 5.9” x 3”) Liquids Liquid Types Virtually all commonly used liquids (full pipe) Liquid Temp -40˚C ~ 100˚C or -40˚C ~ 155˚C, depending on transducer type Suspension concentration <20,000ppm, or, < 2%, particle size smaller than 100um. Pipe Pipe Size DN15 ~ DN6,000mm (0.5" ~ 240"), depending on transducer type Pipe Material All metals, most plastics, fiber glass, etc. Allow pipe liner. Straight Pipe Section Longer than 15D, where D is pipe diameter. If a pump or a valve is nearby upstream, the straight pipe section following the pump should be > 25D. Cable Shielded transducer cable. Standard length 15’ (5m). Can be extended to 1640’ (500m). Contact the manufacturer for longer cable requirement. Environment Temperature Main unit: -10˚C ~ 70˚C (14˚F ~ 158˚F) Ultrasonic Transducer: -40˚C ~ 100˚C (-40˚F ~ 212˚F) for standard version -40˚C ~ 155˚C (-40˚F ~ 312˚F) for higher temperature version PT100 temperature sensor: -40˚F ~ 312˚F (-40˚C ~ 155˚C) Humidity Main unit: 85% RH Ultrasonic Transducer: water-immersible, water depth less than 10’ (3m) Power DC: 12 ~ 24VDC, or, AC: 90 ~ 260VAC Power consumption: < 1.5W at 12VDC Weight Main unit: 2 kg (4 lbs) for standard version, 2.5 kg (5 lbs) for network version Specifications: Applications: The STUF-300R1B thermal energy measurement system is an ideal choice for a wide range of applications in HVAC, energy production, energy transfer, building management, university facility management, district heating and cooling, geothermal or solar-thermal system monitoring, and all other liquid-based thermal energy production/transferring. Some examples are:  Chilled water sub-metering  Hot water sub-metering  Condenser water  Glycol  Thermal storage  Geothermal system  Solar hot-water system  Lake source cooling  Chemical feed, ammonia feed  Energy meter network  Power plants Transducer Options: Type HFx : Special transducer for small size pipes DN15 ~ DN25mm (0.5” ~ 1”) Temperature range -20˚C ~ 60˚C (0˚F ~ 140˚F) x represents pipe material: 0-Copper; 1–Tubing; 2–ANSI Plastic; 3-ANSI Metal Type S1x : Standard-S1 transducer (magnetic) for pipes DN25 ~ DN100mm (1” ~ 4”) Temperature range -40˚C ~ 80˚C (-40˚F ~ 175˚F) x represents pipe material. Same as above Type S1HTx : High-temp S1 transducer for small size pipes DN25 ~ DN100mm (1” ~ 4”) Temperature range -40˚C ~ 155˚C (-40˚F ~ 312˚F) x represents pipe material. Same as above Type M1: Standard-M1 transducer (magnetic) for medium size pipes DN50 ~ DN700mm (2” ~ 28”) Temperature range -40˚C ~ 80˚C (-40˚F ~ 175˚F) Type M1HT: High-temp M1 transducer for medium size pipes DN50 ~ DN700mm (2” ~ 28”) Temperature range -40˚C ~ 155˚C (-40˚F ~ 312˚F) Type L1: Standard-L1 transducer for large size pipes DN300 ~ DN6,000mm (11” ~ 240”) Temperature range -40˚C ~ 80˚C (-40˚F ~ 175˚F) PT100SM: surface-mount temperature sensor, 3-wire PT100 Thermal isolation around the sensor is recommended in order to get a temperature reading close to the liquid temperature PT100IN: Insertion type temperature sensor, 3-wire PT100 Users may use their own RTD temperature sensor Model Selection: S T U F - 3 0 0 R 1 B - - - - - - - Example: Model# STUF-300R1B-M1-PT100SM-A-DN100-M5-AO-DLSD stands for standard main unit, M1-type clamp-on transducer and PT100 surface-mount sensor for pipe size DN100mm, 1m lead for temperature sensor and 5 meter cable for flow transducer, with 4-20mA output and SD data logger. Note: If you prefer to work with the English system for the model number, please put “IN” (for inch) or “F” (for foot) right before the dimension values. For example, the above model# in the English system will be: STUF-300R1B-M1-PT100SM-A-IN4-F15-AO-DLSD. SHENITECH, LLC 10-214 Tower Office Park, Woburn, MA 01801, USA Tel. +1 781-932-0900, +1 888-738-0188 (Toll-free) Fax +1 978 418 9170 sales@shenitech.com, www.shenitech.com ©2007 Copyright Shenitech. All rights reserved. SHENITECH R Transducer: HFx – Special transducer for 0.5”-1” * S1x – Standard S1-type for pipes 1” – 4” * S1HTx – High-temperature version of the S1-type * M1 – Standard M1-type for pipes 2” – 28” M1HT – High-temperature version of the M1-type *x represents pipe material: 0-Copper; 1–Tubing; 2–ANSI Plastic; 3-ANSI Metal Transducer Cable Length: Mxx - Cable length in meters Fxx – Cable length in ft Pipe Size: DNxxx (metric) or INxxx (English) 4-20mA Output: AO – With 4-20mA output NAO or absent – No 4-20mA output Other Options: DLSD – With SD data logger (2GB) DLUSB – With external USB data logger SW – StufManagerTM PC software 485USB – RS485-to-USB convertor Temperature Sensor: PT100SM – With a pair of PT100 sensors, surface-mount PT100IN – With a pair of PT100 sensors, insertion mount NO or absent – No temperature sensor Temperature Sensor Lead Length: A –1meter (3ft); B – 3meters(9ft); C – 10meters (30ft)