HomeMy WebLinkAboutASRC-PIZ-RSA Warm Storage 2012-EERichard S. Armstrong, PE, LLC Comprehensive Energy Audit Point Lay Warm Storage Project # ASRC The North Slope Borough Department of Public Works Richard S. Armstrong, PE, LLC 2321 Merrill Field Drive, C Co Richard S. Armstrong, PE, LLC Mechanical/Electrical Engineer Comprehensive Energy Audit of Point Lay Warm Storage Building 118 Tuttuniagvik St Project # ASRC-PIZ-RSA-03 Prepared for: The North Slope Borough Department of Public Works April 9th, 2012 Prepared by: Richard S. Armstrong, PE, LLC 2321 Merrill Field Drive, C-6 Anchorage, Ak 99501 Co-Preparer: WHPacific, Inc. 1728 Ahkovak Barrow, AK 99723 Point Lay Warm Storage Building Comprehensive Energy Audit Point Lay Warm Storage Building Comprehensive Energy Audit 3 REPORT DISCLAIMERS The information contained in this report, including any attachments, is intended solely for use by the building owner and the AHFC. No others are authorized to disclose, copy, distribute or retain this report, in whole or part, without written authorization from Richard S. Armstrong, PE, LLC, 2321 Merrill Field Drive, C-6, Anchorage, Ak 99501. Additionally, this report contains recommendations that, in the opinion of the auditor, will cause the owner to realize energy savings over time. All recommendations must be designed by a registered engineer, licensed in the State of Alaska, in the appropriate discipline. Lighting recommendations should all be first reviewed by running a lighting analysis to assure that the recommended lighting upgrades will comply with State of Alaska Statue as well as IES recommendations. Payback periods may well vary from those forecast due to the uncertainty of the final installed design, configuration, equipment selected, and installation costs of recommended Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs), or the operating schedules and maintenance provided by the owner. Furthermore, EEMs are typically interactive, so implementation of one EEM may impact the cost savings from another EEM. Neither the auditor, Richard S. Armstrong, PE, LLC, AHFC, or others involved in preparation of this report will accept liability for financial loss due to EEMs that fail to meet the forecasted payback periods. This audit meets the criteria of an Investment Grade Audit (IGA) per the Association of Energy Engineers definition, and is valid for one year. The life of the IGA may be extended on a case-by-case basis, at the discretion of the AHFC. IGSs are the property of the State, and may be incorporated into AkWarm- C, the Alaska Energy Data Inventory (ARIS), or other state and/or public information system Point Lay Warm Storage Building Comprehensive Energy Audit 4 Investment Grade Energy Audit Barrow Search and Rescue Fuel Building 1. Executive Summary: The Point Lay Warm Storage Building was constructed in 2008 and has seen no major remodels since then. Table 1 2010 2010 2011 2011 Utility Consumption Cost/Year Consumption Cost/Year Electricity-kWh 135,708 $32,570 135,708 $32,570 #2 Fuel Oil - Gallons 17,044 $72,438 17,044 $72,438 Total Energy Costs $105,007 $105,007 NOTE: 2010 and 2011 utilities are averaged due to sporadic meter reads. A benchmark measure of energy use relative to other similar function buildings in the area is the Energy Use Index (EUI), which takes the total annual energy used by the facility divided by the square footage area of the building, for a value expressed in terms of kBTU/SF. This number can then be compared to other buildings to see if it is about average, higher or lower than similar buildings in the area. Likewise, the Energy Cost Index (ECI) is the cost of all energy used by the building expressed in $/SF of building area. The comparative values for the subject building are listed in Table 2 below: Table 2 Warm Storage Building Point Lay Average Fire Station Energy Use Index (EUI) kBTU/SF Avg 2010, 2011 344 40 31 Energy Cost Index (ECI) Average 2010, 2011 $12.68 $3.51 $2.72 Various Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs) have been analyzed for this building to determine if they would be applicable for energy savings with reasonably good payback periods. Those EEMs that have a payback period or those that are recommended for code compliance, life cycle replacement, or other reasons are also included. Also, where a lighting upgrade is recommended from T-12 lamps with magnetic ballasts to T-8 lamps with electronic ballasts, then the entire facility should be re-lamped and re-ballasted to maintain a standard lighting parts inventory, regardless of the Point Lay Warm Storage Building Comprehensive Energy Audit 5 payback. For example, a storage room that is infrequently used may not show a very good payback for a lighting upgrade, but consistency dictates a total upgrade. Specific EEMs recommended for this facility are summarized below, and are detailed in the attached AkWarm Energy Audit Report along with specific payback times, as well as estimated installation costs and estimated energy savings. Several of the EEMs are not modeled in the AkWarm-C program because they will require engineering to determine costs and payback once the technical savings are estimated. The higher priority items are summarized below: a. Lighting Control Upgrades: During the audit, almost all of the building’s lights were found to be left on with nobody in the space. Occupant controls sense the presence of occupants, turn the lights on at a pre-determined level, and then turn the lights off after a programmed time period of no occupancy. It is recommended that motion-sensing occupancy sensors be installed in the existing duplex switch boxes for all offices, corridors, and stairwells, and that ceiling-mounted dual-technology sensors be installed where obstacles may interfere with line-of-sight sensors, such as in lavatories, corridors, vehicle bays, and storage areas. The second technology in these sensors activates lighting based on sound. These controls can reduce total kWh consumption for the lighting in the order of 30-90%, depending on the amount of time the lights are manually left on. b. Unoccupied Thermostat Setbacks: The subject building is typically only occupied less than 30% of the time. Keeping the building heated to 70°F during the other 70% of the time is an unnecessary waste of fuel. It is recommended that a programmable heating setback thermostat be installed in each space. These thermostats should be set to 55°F during unoccupied periods. For a small installation cost, this measure may save up to $26,000 per year in heating costs. c. Exterior Lighting Upgrades: The exterior high pressure sodium lights operate during periods of darkness, which is Point Lay Warm Storage Building Comprehensive Energy Audit 6 about half of the year. It is estimated that the use of LED exterior lights can reduce the power consumption by 60% and extend bulb replacement frequency to 5-10 years, yielding an even better payback by reducing maintenance costs. d. Hydronic Heating System Adjustments: The hot glycol circulation system in this building was designed for optimal heat transfer to the building’s occupied spaces. However, it was found that the pumps’ settings were changed from the design settings. The specific changes required to return the system to optimal performance are detailed in the attached AkWarm report in Appendix B, but the three general problems and solutions are described below. - Change redundant pumps back to “auto”. Each glycol loop was designed to have a redundant pump. If the first pump needs servicing, the second pump turns on automatically, and the two pumps are never supposed to work simultaneously. Multiple pump sets were found to be on 24/7. This excess flow creates heat control problems and poor efficiency in heat distribution. The secondary pump in each set should be turned to “auto” so it will only come on when the first stops. - Change speed settings back to speed “2”. Each glycol pump in this building is a three-speed pump, and most were designed to run at speed “2”. Some of these have been switched to run at speed “3”, causing the excess flow problem described above. These pumps should be set back to their design speed of “2”. - Turn off unused pumps. Pump “CP-7” was installed on a large heat exchanger that is to be hooked-up to a waste heat loop from the power plant. However, this waste heat loop is not yet in place, and CP-7 is running continuously anyway. This pump should be shut off until the waste heat loop is installed to prevent wasting energy and wearing-out the pump. Point Lay Warm Storage Building Comprehensive Energy Audit 7 e. Air Infiltration: In mixed use, vehicle maintenance and storage facilities such as the subject building, it is typical that the overhead doors are opened and left open for long periods of time, even during the winter months. A single overhead door left open will cause a vehicle bay’s heaters to run at full capacity in an attempt to maintain temperature. All this heat is lost to the outside as long as the door is open. This is an effective loss of 1.5 – 2.6 gallons of fuel oil per hour per unit heater. It is recommended that automatic door closers be installed with integral personnel safety sensors, set to close the overhead door 1-3 minutes after opening. This increased frequency of door opening and closings will increase energy usage by the door openers but will be easily made-up in heating savings. In addition to EEMs, various Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) are recommended since they are policies or procedures that are followed by management and employees that require no capital outlay. Examples of recommended ECMs for this facility include: • Turn off lights when leaving a room that is not controlled by an occupancy sensor that automatically turns off lights. • Turn off computers, monitors, printers, faxes, coffee makers, etc when leaving the office for the day. • Keep overhead doors closed except when they are required to be open for movement of vehicles. The 13 priority recommendations in the detailed report estimate to save $29,932/year, with an installed cost of $13,631. This does not include design or CA services, but overall it does indicate a cost effective energy savings program. 2. Audit and Analysis Background: a. Program Description: This audit included services to identify, develop, and evaluate energy efficiency measures at the subject building. The scope of this project included evaluating Point Lay Warm Storage Building Comprehensive Energy Audit 8 the building shell, lighting, other electrical systems, and heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment. Measures were selected such that an overall simple payback period of 8 years or less could be achieved. b. Audit Description and Methodology: Preliminary audit information was gathered in preparation for the site survey, including benchmark utility consumption data, floor and lighting plans, and equipment schedules where available. A site visit is then performed to inventory and evaluate the actual building condition, including: i. Building envelope (roof, windows, etc) ii. Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning iii. Lighting systems and controls iv. Building specific equipment v. Plumbing systems c. Method of Analysis: The information gathered prior to the site visit and at the site visit is entered into AkWarm-C, an energy modeling developed for Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) specifically to identify forecasted energy consumption which can be compared to actual energy consumption. AkWarm-C also has some pre-programmed EEM retrofit options that can be analyzed with energy savings forecasted based on occupancy schedules, utility rates, building construction type, building function, existing conditions, and climatic data that is already uploaded to the program based on the zip code of the building. When new equipment is proposed, energy consumption is calculated based on manufacturer’s cataloged information. Cost savings are calculated based on the historical energy costs for the building. Installation costs include labor and equipment to estimate the full up-front investment required to implement a change, but design and construction management costs are excluded. Costs are derived from Means Cost Data, industry publications, experience of the auditor, local contractors and equipment suppliers. Maintenance savings are calculated were applicable and are added to the energy savings for each EEM. Point Lay Warm Storage Building Comprehensive Energy Audit 9 The cost and savings are applied and a simple payback and simple return on investment (ROI) is calculated. The simple payback is based on the number of years that it takes for the savings to pay back the net installation cost (Net Installation divided by Net Savings.) A simple life-time calculation is shown for each EEM. The life- time for each EEM is estimated based on the typical life of the equipment being replaced or altered. The energy savings is extrapolated throughout the life-time of the EEM. The total energy savings is calculated as the total life-time multiplied by the yearly savings. d. Limitations of the Study: All results are dependent on the quality of input data provided, and can only act as an approximation. In some instances, several methods may achieve the identified savings. This report is not intended as a final design document. A design professional, licensed to practice in Alaska and in the appropriate discipline, who is following the recommendations, shall accept full responsibility and liability for the results. Budgetary estimates for engineering and design of these projects in not included in the cost estimate for each measure, but these costs generally run around 15% of the cost of the work. 3. Acknowledgements: We wish to acknowledge the help of numerous individuals who have contributed information that was used to prepare this report, including: a. Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (Grantor): AHFC provided the grant funds, contracting agreements, guidelines, and technical direction for providing the audits. AHFC reviewed and approved the final short list of buildings to be audited based on the recommendation of the Technical Service Provider (TSP). b. North Slope Borough (Owner): The NSB provided building sizing information, two years energy billing data, building Point Lay Warm Storage Building Comprehensive Energy Audit 10 schedules and functions, as well as building age. Price Brower, manager of the facility, was very helpful in offering any assistance requested during the audit. c. Nortech Engineering (Benchmark TSP): Nortech Engineering compiled the data received from the NSB and entered that data into the statewide building database, called the Alaska Retrofit Information System (ARIS). d. Richard S. Armstrong, PE, LLC (Audit TSP): This is the TSP who was awarded the projects in the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, Bering Straits area, and the Nana area. The firm gathered all relevant benchmark information provided to them by Nortech, cataloged which buildings would have the greatest potential payback, and prioritized buildings to be audited based on numerous factors, including the Energy Use Index (EUI), the Energy Cost Index (ECI), the age of the building, the size of the building, the location of the building, the function of the building, and the availability of plans for the building. They also trained their selected sub-contracted auditors, assigned auditors to the selected buildings, and performed quality control reviews of the resulting audits. They prepared a listing of potential EEMs that each auditor must consider, as well as the potential EEMs that the individual auditor may notice in the course of his audit. Richard S. Armstrong, PE, LLC also performed some of the audits to assure current knowledge of existing conditions. e. WHPacific, Inc (Audit Preparer): This firm specializes in mechanical, electrical, and civil design, and has one mechanical EIT who is a Certified Energy Auditor in Training. This CEIT has received additional training from Richard S. Armstrong, PE, LLC to acquire further specific information regarding audit requirements and potential EEM applications. WHPacific prepared this audit and submitted it for review by Richard S. Armstrong, PE, LLC. 4. Building Description and Function: The subject structure is called the Point Lay Warm Storage Facility. It was constructed in 2008 and Point Lay Warm Storage Building Comprehensive Energy Audit 11 has had no major remodels since then. The building is mostly a 1- story high-bay structure divided into 4 vehicle and equipment bays with a 2 story office and mechanical mezzanine on the east end. The principle function of the building is as an office, warm storage, and vehicle maintenance shop for the local NSB Public Works Department. a. Heating System: The building heating system consists of two Burnham model V910A, 1528 MBH cast iron boilers and one Energy Logic model EL-200H, 160 MBH waste oil burner. The waste oil burner distributes heat by way of an ½-hp fan and operates on used oil from NSB and village vehicles. This self- contained unit operates when the used oil is available, which is over 80% of the time. The hot glycol from the boilers is distributed among three loops – each with a primary and secondary Grundfos 3-speed circulation pump. The first loop serves the baseboard and cabinet heaters in the office area, the second loop serves heating coils in the 13 unit heaters and two make-up air units, and the third loop serves as heat trace for the building’s buried utilities. Each bay is equipped with at least two destratification fans that keep the heat from settling near the ceiling. b. Ventilation System: The building has 4 exhaust fans totaling 2905 CFM, two make-up air units totaling 5280 CFM, and one AHU which uses 165 CFM of outside air. There are no heat exchangers in the exhaust system, but the ventilation control system is still in place and operating and minimizes the amount of conditioned air that is expelled from the building. c. Plumbing System: Two Toilets, one shower, and three sinks are provided for the workers. There is also a washer and dryer provided for washing work clothing. Each bay is plumbed with multiple floor drains that drain to a sump where the graywater is pumped into the building’s sewage system. d. Lighting: Building-wide lighting consists of T8 lamps mounted in wraparound wall, caged ceiling, recessed ceiling, and high bay pendant fixtures. The exterior lights are 250 watt HPS wall packs. Point Lay Warm Storage Building Comprehensive Energy Audit 12 5. Historic Energy Consumption: Energy consumption is modeled within the AkWarm-C program. The program only analyzes 12 months of data, so where 24 months of data are available, the data is averaged and input to AkWarm-C to provide more accuracy. The energy consumption data is presented and graphed in the attached AkWarm-C program results. The average electric consumption for the building is 135,708 kWh/year at an average cost of $32,570/year. The average fuel oil consumption was 17,044 gal/year, at an average annual cost of $72,437/year. 6. Energy Efficiency Measures considered or recommended: The building was examined for application of a multitude of potential EEMs. Those EEMs that appear to have an application for the subject building are further analyzed for estimated payback periods, either within the AkWarm-C program or separately within this report. General EEM categories were discussed in this report’s executive summary. Each specific EEM is detailed in the attached AkWarm-C report that comprises Appendix B. The accuracy of the cost estimates and paybacks varies significantly due to a multitude of conditions, but is estimated to be approximately +/- 25%. Assumptions made regarding energy costs and the life of the EEM, noting that post-construction measurement and verification are based on energy savings, not energy cost savings. Many of the selected EEMs are analyzed within the AkWarm-C program using the schedules and estimated costs input into the model. 7. Interactive Effects of Projects: The AkWarm-C program calculates savings assuming that all recommended EEM are implemented. If some EEMs are not implemented, savings for the remaining EEMs will be affected, in some cases positively, and in others, negatively. For example, if the fan motors are not replaced with premium efficiency motors, then the savings for the project to install variable speed drives (VFDs) on the fans will be increased. Point Lay Warm Storage Building Comprehensive Energy Audit 13 In general, all projects were evaluated sequentially so that energy savings associated with one EEM would not be attributed to another EEM as well. For example, the night setback EEM was analyzed using the fan and heating load profile that will be achieved after installation of the VFD project is completed. By modeling the recommended projects sequentially, the analysis accounts for interactive effects between the EEMs and does not “double count” savings. Interior lighting, plug loads, facility equipment, and occupants generate heat within the building. When the building is in cooling mode, these contribute to the overall cooling demands of the building; therefore lighting efficiency improvements will reduce cooling requirements on air conditioned buildings. Conversely, lighting efficiency improvements are anticipated to increase heating requirements slightly. Heating penalties are included in the lighting project analysis that is performed by AkWarm-C. 8. Loan Program: The Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) Alaska Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund (AEERLF) is a State of Alaska program enacted by the Alaska Sustainable Energy Act (senate Bill 220, A.S. 18.56.855, “Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund). The AEERLF will provide loans for energy efficiency retrofits to public facilities via the Retrofit Energy Assessment for Loan System (REAL). As defined in 15 AAC 155.605, the program may finance energy efficiency improvements to buildings owned by: a. Regional educational attendance areas; b. Municipal governments, including political subdivisions of municipal governments; c. The University of Alaska; d. Political subdivisions of the State of Alaska, or e. The State of Alaska Native corporations, tribal entities, and subsidiaries of the federal government are not eligible for loans under this program. Appendix A: Photos The north side of the Warm Storage Building as seen from the NE corner The north side of the building. Bays are numbered from left to right, with the first two bays having two overhead doors each. Appendix A: Photos 15 The south face of the building as seen from the east side. The double doors on the right lead to the boiler room. View of the inside of Bay 4 looking towards the south door. Appendix A: Photos 16 View of the inside of Bay 2 looking towards the north doors. Bay 1 seen from the northeast corner. Mechanical mezzanine is in the far corner. Appendix A: Photos 17 Bay 1 as seen from the mechanical mezzanine Used oil burner (lower left corner of previous photo) name plate Appendix A: Photos 18 10-Ton track-mounted overhead crane in Bay 1 Boilers 1 and 2 in boiler room at the building’s southeast corner Appendix A: Photos 19 Waste heat exchanger in boiler room. Waste heat loop has yet to be installed. Appendix A: Photos 20 Thermostat in unoccupied boiler room set to 84°F Appendix B Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison AkWarm Commercial Audit Software Point Lay Warm Storage Page 21 21 ENERGY AUDIT REPORT – PROJECT SUMMARY – Created 4/10/2012 4:59 PM General Project Information PROJECT INFORMATION AUDITOR INFORMATION Building: Point Lay Warm Storage Auditor Company: Richard S. Armstrong, LE, LLC Address: 118 Tuttuniagvik St. Auditor Name: Richard S. Armstrong, David Robbins City: Point Lay Auditor Address: 2321 Merril Field Drive C-6 Anchorage, AK 99501 Client Name: Julius Rexford Client Address: PO Box 118 Tuttuniagvik St Point Lay, AK 99579 Auditor Phone: (907) 229-0331 Auditor FAX: Client Phone: (907) 833-2214 Auditor Comment: Client FAX: Design Data Building Area: 8,281 square feet Design Heating Load: Design Loss at Space: 1,078,247 Btu/hour with Distribution Losses: 1,684,761 Btu/hour Plant Input Rating assuming 82.0% Plant Efficiency and 25% Safety Margin: 2,568,233 Btu/hour Note: Additional Capacity should be added for DHW load, if served. Typical Occupancy: 5 people Design Indoor Temperature: 70.4 deg F (building average) Actual City: Point Lay Design Outdoor Temperature: -37 deg F Weather/Fuel City: Point Lay Heating Degree Days: 19,109 deg F-days Utility Information Electric Utility: North Slope Borough Utilities - Commercial - Lg Natural Gas Provider: None Average Annual Cost/kWh: $0.302/kWh Average Annual Cost/ccf: $0.000/ccf Annual Energy Cost Estimate Description Space Heating Space Cooling Water Heating Lighting Refrige ration Other Electri cal Cooking Clothes Drying Ventilatio n Fans Service Fees Total Cost Existing Building $136,83 9 $0 $2,921 $6,293 $2,046 $2,457 $0 $0 $1,370 $180 $152,106 With Proposed Retrofits $111,48 6 $0 $2,929 $2,118 $1,902 $2,285 $0 $0 $1,274 $180 $122,175 SAVINGS $25,353 $0 -$8 $4,175 $144 $173 $0 $0 $96 $0 $29,932 Appendix B Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison AkWarm Commercial Audit Software Point Lay Warm Storage Page 22 22 Appendix B Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison AkWarm Commercial Audit Software Point Lay Warm Storage Page 23 23 PRIORITY LIST – RECOMMENDED ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Rank Feature Recommendation Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (Years) 1 HVAC And DHW Change pump settings back to design specs. $3,463 $1 7608.75 0 2 Setback Thermostat: Offices/breakrooms/hal ls Implement a Heating Temperature Unoccupied Setback to 55.0 deg F for the Offices/breakrooms/halls space. $2,731 $5 7326.38 0 3 Setback Thermostat: Bays 1 and 2 Implement a Heating Temperature Unoccupied Setback to 55.0 deg F for the Bays 1 and 2 space. $11,904 $200 798.33 0 4 Setback Thermostat: Bays 3 and 4 Implement a Heating Temperature Unoccupied Setback to 55.0 deg F for the Bays 3 and 4 space. $7,095 $200 475.82 0 5 Setback Thermostat: Storage/workrooms Implement a Heating Temperature Unoccupied Setback to 55.0 deg F for the Storage/workrooms space. $1,721 $200 115.42 0.1 6 Setback Thermostat: Mechanical Mezzanine Implement a Heating Temperature Unoccupied Setback to 55.0 deg F for the Mechanical Mezzanine space. $1,432 $200 96.05 0.1 7 Lighting: Exterior HPS door lighting Replace with 10 LED 67W Module StdElectronic $834 $6,500 1.43 7.8 8 Lighting: Exterior HPS bull rail lighting Replace with 6 LED 72W Module StdElectronic $469 $4,000 1.30 8.5 9 Lighting: 3t T8 Remove Manual Switching and Add new Occupancy Sensor $17 $325 0.16 19.2 10 Lighting: 6t T8 Improve Manual Switching $42 $850 0.15 20.2 11 Setback Thermostat: Boiler room Implement a Heating Temperature Unoccupied Setback to 55.0 deg F for the Boiler room space. $0 $200 0.00 Infinity 12 Lighting: 2t T8 cage Remove Manual Switching and Add new Occupancy Sensor $43 $350 -0.19 8.2 13 Lighting: 2t T8 wrap Remove Manual Switching and Add new Occupancy Sensor $181 $600 -0.48 3.3 TOTAL $29,932 $13,631 26.09 0.5 ENERGY AUDIT REPORT – ENERGY EFFICIENT RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Building Envelope Insulation Appendix B Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison AkWarm Commercial Audit Software Point Lay Warm Storage Page 24 24 Rank Location Existing Type/R-Value Recommendation Type/R- Value Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings Exterior Doors – Replacement Rank Location Size/Type/Condition Recommendation Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings Windows and Glass Doors – Replacement Rank Location Size/Type/Condition Recommendation Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings Air Leakage Rank Location Estimated Air Leakage Recommended Air Leakage Target Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 2. Mechanical Equipment Mechanical Rank Recommendation Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 1 Change pump settings back to design specs. $1 $3,463 Setback Thermostat Rank Location Size/Type/Condition Recommendation Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 2 Offices/breakrooms/h alls Existing Unoccupied Heating Setpoint: 70.0 deg F Implement a Heating Temperature Unoccupied Setback to 55.0 deg F for the Offices/breakrooms/halls space. $5 $2,731 3 Bays 1 and 2 Existing Unoccupied Heating Setpoint: 70.0 deg F Implement a Heating Temperature Unoccupied Setback to 55.0 deg F for the Bays 1 and 2 space. $200 $11,904 4 Bays 3 and 4 Existing Unoccupied Heating Setpoint: 70.0 deg F Implement a Heating Temperature Unoccupied Setback to 55.0 deg F for the Bays 3 and 4 space. $200 $7,095 5 Storage/workrooms Existing Unoccupied Heating Setpoint: 70.0 deg F Implement a Heating Temperature Unoccupied Setback to 55.0 deg F for the Storage/workrooms space. $200 $1,721 6 Mechanical Mezzanine Existing Unoccupied Heating Setpoint: 70.0 deg F Implement a Heating Temperature Unoccupied Setback to 55.0 deg F for the Mechanical Mezzanine space. $200 $1,432 11 Boiler room Existing Unoccupied Heating Setpoint: 84.0 deg F Implement a Heating Temperature Unoccupied Setback to 55.0 deg F for the Boiler room space. $200 $0 Appendix B Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison AkWarm Commercial Audit Software Point Lay Warm Storage Page 25 25 Ventilation Rank Recommendation Cost Annual Energy Savings 3. Appliances and Lighting Lighting Fixtures and Controls Rank Location Existing Recommended Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 7 Exterior HPS door lighting 10 HPS 150 Watt StdElectronic with On/Off Photoswitch Replace with 10 LED 67W Module StdElectronic $6,500 $834 8 Exterior HPS bull rail lighting 6 HPS 150 Watt StdElectronic with On/Off Photoswitch Replace with 6 LED 72W Module StdElectronic $4,000 $469 9 3t T8 10 FLUOR (3) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Instant StdElectronic with Manual Switching Remove Manual Switching and Add new Occupancy Sensor $325 $17 10 6t T8 6 FLUOR (6) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard (2) Instant StdElectronic with Manual Switching Improve Manual Switching $850 $42 12 2t T8 cage 12 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Instant StdElectronic with Manual Switching Remove Manual Switching and Add new Occupancy Sensor $350 $43 13 2t T8 wrap 51 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Instant StdElectronic with Manual Switching Remove Manual Switching and Add new Occupancy Sensor $600 $181 Refrigeration Rank Location Existing Recommended Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings Other Electrical Equipment Rank Location Existing Recommended Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings Cooking/Clothes Drying Rank Recommended Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings Subject building's north face Appendix B Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison AkWarm Commercial Audit Software Point Lay Warm Storage Page 26 26 Subject building's equipment bays. Numbered from left to right. Bays 1 and 2 have two overhead doors each Subject building's south face Bay 4, facing south Bay 2, facing north Appendix B Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison AkWarm Commercial Audit Software Point Lay Warm Storage Page 27 27 Bay 1, facing south with mechanical mezzanine in far corner Bay 1 as seen from mechanical mezzanine Used oil burner name plate 10-ton overhead crane Appendix B Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison AkWarm Commercial Audit Software Point Lay Warm Storage Page 28 28 Boilers 1 and 2 in boiler room Heat exchanger for future waste heat loop from power plant Glycol pump CP-7 is at top of image. Running at full speed 24/7 despite lack of waste heat loop. Appendix B Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison AkWarm Commercial Audit Software Point Lay Warm Storage Page 29 29 Thermostat in unoccupied boiler room set to 84F. ------------------------------------------ AkWarmCalc Ver, Energy Lib 3/1/2012 Appendix C: Equipment Schedules - Mechanical 30 Appendix C: Equipment Schedules - Mechanical 31 Appendix C: Equipment Schedules - Mechanical 32 Appendix D: Building Plan 33 Appendix D: Building Plan 34 Appendix E: Lighting Plan 35 Appendix E: Lighting Plan 36 Appendix E: Lighting Plan 37 Appendix F: Mechanical Schematics 38 Appendix F: Mechanical Schematics 39 Appendix F: Mechanical Schematics 40 Appendix F: Mechanical Schematics 41 Appendix F: Mechanical Schematics 42 Appendix F: Mechanical Schematics 43 Appendix F: Mechanical Schematics 44 Appendix F: Mechanical Schematics 45 Appendix F: Mechanical Schematics 46 Appendix F: Mechanical Schematics 47