HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAC-PGM-CAEC Port Graham School 2012-EEFINAL ENERGY AUDIT Port Graham School 286 Graham Road Port Graham, AK 99603 ATTN: Kevin Lyon Submitted by: Prime Contract: April 16, 2012 Wisdom and Associates, Inc. Contact: Robert Moss, CEA 130 Trading Bay, #320 Kenai, AK 99611 Phone (907) 283-0629 Robert@akinspections.com Contact: Jerry P. Herring, P.E., C.E.A. 32215 Lakefront Drive Soldotna, Alaska 99669 Phone (907) 260-5311 akengineer@starband.net Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 2 Table of Contents Introduction 4 Executive Summary 6 Methods of Analysis 8 Audit/Building Overview 9 Energy Conservation Measures 10 Operations and Maintenance 22 Benchmark Information 23 Supporting Documentation 29 Equipment Inventory Benchmark Data ECM Calculations Cost Data Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 3 REPORT DISCLAIMER This energy audit is intended to identify and recommend potential areas of energy savings, estimate the value of the savings and approximate the costs to implement the recommendations. Any modifications or changes made to a building to realize the savings must be designed and implemented by licensed, experienced professionals in their fields. Lighting recommendations should all be first analyzed through a thorough lighting analysis to assure that the recommended lighting upgrades will comply with State of Alaska Statue and well as Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) recommendations. Wisdom and Associates, Inc. and Central Alaska Engineering Company bear no responsibility for work performed as a result of this report. Payback periods may vary from those forecasted due to the uncertainty of the final installed design, configuration, equipment selected, and installation costs of recommended Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs), or the operating schedules and maintenance provided by the owner. Furthermore, ECMs are typically interactive, so implementation of one ECM may impact the cost savings from another ECM. Wisdom and Associates, Inc. and Central Alaska Engineering Company accept no liability for financial loss due to ECMs that fail to meet the forecasted payback periods. This audit meets the criteria of a Level 2 Investment Grade Audit (IGA) per the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE), and is valid for one year. The life of the IGA may be extended on a case-by-case basis, at the discretion of AHFC. IGA’s are the property of the State of Alaska, and may be incorporated into AkWarm-C, the Alaska Retrofit Information System (ARIS), or other state and/or public information systems. AkWarm-C is a building energy modeling software developed under contract by AHFC. This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy under Award Number DE-EE0000095. This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 4 Introduction This report is a comprehensive energy study, which included an analysis of major energy consuming components of the building. The scope of the audit focused on the Port Graham School as part of a contract for: Alaska Housing Finance Corporation Kenai Peninsula Borough Contact: Rebekah Luhrs Contact: Kevin Lyon 4300 Boniface Parkway 144 N. Binkley Street Anchorage, AK 99510 Soldotna, AK 99669 Email: rluhrs@ahfc.us Email: klyon@borough.kenai.ak.us This audit was performed using ARRA funds to promote the use of innovation and technology to solve energy and environmental problems in a way that improves the State’s economy. This can be achieved through the wiser and more efficient use of energy. Opportunities for application of these energy saving methods are discussed in detail throughout this report. The average annual energy costs at this facility are as follows: Electricity $17,043.00 Propane $36,072.00 Total $53,115.00 Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 5 The potential annual energy cost savings for each energy conservation measure are summarized in the executive summary along with a more detailed description in the energy conservation measures section. All calculations are available in the support documentation. This audit is consistent with an ASHRAE Level 2 audit. The evaluations are based on estimations and industry standard calculation methods. The cost of each measure for this level of auditing is +/- 30% until detailed engineering, specifications, and hard proposals are obtained. More detailed analyses would require engineering simulation models, hard equipment specifications, and contractor bid pricing. The comprehensive energy audit covers the 12,568 square foot school. Utility information was collected and analyzed for 2 full year’s energy use of the building. The utility information allows us to analyze the building’s operational characteristics and calculate energy benchmarks for comparison to industry averages. A computer spreadsheet was used to calculate benchmarks and to graph utility information (see the Benchmarking section). An Energy Use Index (EUI) was established for the building. Energy Use Index (EUI) is expressed in British Thermal Units/square foot/year (BTU/ft2/yr), which is used to compare energy consumption to similar building types or to track consumption from year to year in the same building. The EUI is calculated by converting the annual consumption of all energy sources to BTU’s and dividing by the area (gross square footage) of the building. Blueprints and drawings are utilized to verify the gross area of the facility. The EUI can be a good indicator of the relative potential for energy savings. A low EUI indicates less potential for energy savings, while a high EUI indicates poor building performance, therefore, a high potential for energy savings. The site survey provided information for interpreting where energy was spent and finding energy savings opportunities within the facility. The building site visit was performed to survey all major building components and systems. The site visit included an inspection of energy consuming components. Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 6 Executive Summary The executive summary provides a snapshot of estimated improvement costs, Net Present Value savings, breakeven costs and savings to investment ratios. Energy Conservation Measures Recommendation Table Highlighted measures are overlapping and cannot be combined. ECM #Improvement Description Installed Cost Annualized NPV Savings NPV Savings Over Improvement Life Breakeven Cost SIR Simple Payback (Years) ROI 1 Add R-19 fiberglass batt insulation to the interior of the below grade wall of the addition. $1,688 $416 $8,318 $10,006 4.9 5 493% 2 Add R-19 fiberglass batt insulation to the interior of the below grade wall or original building. $2,364 $530 $10,591 $12,955 4.5 5 448% 3 Add 6 inches blown cellulose to accessible attic space. $15,393 $1,365 $27,308 $42,701 1.8 10 177% 4 Replace existing propane boilers with (2) 95% AFUE propane boilers.$48,030 $4,009 $80,179 $128,209 1.7 10 167% 5 Replace existing lamps in 4' T8 fixtures with 25w lamps.$6,686 $683 $10,935 $17,621 1.6 7 164% 6 Replace existing propane boilers with (2) 80% AFUE oil boilers.$144,429 $9,764 $195,272 $339,701 1.4 11 135% 7 Add R-19 fiberglass batt insulation along exterior perimeter of original building on the crawlspace floor, in 4 ' from footing. $2,289 $88 $1,759 $4,048 0.8 14 77% 8 Add R-19 fiberglass batt insulation along exterior perimeter of addition on the crawlspace floor, in 4 ' from footing. $2,289 $88 $1,759 $4,048 0.8 14 77% 9 Replace single pane & single pane w/ storm wood windows with windows having a U value of 0.3 or less. $15,215 $458 $9,154 $24,369 0.6 15 60% 10 Replace existing metal halide fixtures in gym with T5 Hi Bay fixtrues with six 54w lamps.$10,630 $90 $1,441 $12,071 0.1 15 14% 11 Replace motors serving both classroom air handlers with motors having an efficiency of 86.5% or greater. $4,762 $33 $488 $5,250 0.1 14 10% Total, Cost Effective Measures $253,775 $17,523 $347,204 $600,979 1.4 137% Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 7 The ECM# is the priority ranking of an Energy Conservation Measure. The Installed Cost is the full upfront cost expected for the improvement. The Annualized NPV Savings reflects the annualized Net Present Value savings over the life of the improvement, adjusted for general inflation, fuel price escalation, maintenance, discount rate and installed cost. The NPV Savings Over Improvement Life reflects the Net Present Value of cumulative savings over the life of the improvement, adjusted for general inflation, fuel price escalation, maintenance, discount rate and installed cost. The Breakeven Cost is the maximum cost in today’s dollars that could be spent on an improvement and still be cost effective. The Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR) is a life-cycle cost measure calculated by dividing the total savings over the life of a project (expressed in today’s dollars) by its investment costs. The SIR is an indication of the profitability of a measure; the higher the SIR, the more profitable the project. An SIR greater than 0 indicates a cost-effective project (i.e. more savings than cost). The Return on Investment (ROI) listed for each ECM is the net savings of the energy conservation measure divided by the installed cost listed. The Simple Payback listed for each ECM is the number of years required to break even on the investment, adjusted for general inflation, fuel price escalation, maintenance, discount rate and installed cost. The total savings listed for cost effective measures and all measures are for estimation purposes only and cannot be considered 100% accurate because of the interrelation of the ECMs. Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 8 Method of Analysis Post site visit work included an evaluation of the information gathered, researching possible conservation opportunities, organizing the audit into a comprehensive report, and making recommendations on HVAC, lighting, and building envelope improvements. Collected data was processed using Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and ASHRAE energy calculations to anticipate energy usage for each of the proposed energy conservation measures (ECMs). The actual building energy usage was entered directly from the utility bills provided. The anticipated energy usage was compared to the historical data to determine energy savings for the proposed ECMs. It is important to note that the savings represented in this report should not be considered additive because of the interrelation of energy conservation measures. Implementation of more than one ECM often affects the savings of other ECMs. ECMs were determined by identifying the building’s unique properties and finding the most beneficial energy saving measures available that met the specific needs of the facility. The building construction type, function, operational schedule, existing conditions, and foreseen future plans were accounted for in the evaluation and final recommendations. Energy savings are calculated based on industry standard methods and estimations. Energy consumption is calculated based on manufacturer’s information when new equipment is proposed. Cost savings are calculated based on the actual historical energy costs for the facility. Installation costs include materials and labor costs to estimate the full up-front investment required. Measures were analyzed based on life-cycle-cost techniques, which include the initial cost of the improvement, expected life of the improvement, annual energy cost, annual maintenance cost, and a discount rate of 3.0%/year. Energy cost escalation rates are taken from the current Energy Price Indices and Discount Factors for Life-Cycle Cost Analysis from the US Department of Commerce. Maintenance costs are estimated at 2% of fuel cost related to an improvement unless otherwise noted. Expected life of improvements is taken from industry and government sources. Future savings are discounted to the present to account for the time-value of money (i.e. money’s ability to earn interest over time). All results are dependent on the quality of input data provided, and can only act as an approximation. In some instances, several methods may achieve the identified savings. This report is not intended as a final design document. The design professional or other persons following the recommendations shall accept responsibility and liability for the results. Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 9 Audit Overview/Building Description The Port Graham School was originally built in 1974 with additions and alternations in 1984. This building was originally heated by two oil fired boilers which were replaced with propane boilers when fuel leaks became an issue. This is unfortunate from an energy standpoint since oil carries about 40% more BTUs per gallon. Replacement of the existing boilers with both high efficiency propane and oil fired boilers has been listed as separate ECMs. The current propane boilers serve the heating and domestic hot water load for the building. Interior lighting is provided by T8 fluorescent fixtures and metal halide lights. Exterior lighting is provided by high pressure sodium lighting. The school currently serves less than 30 students and also serves as a community center for the town. Because of the remoteness of the location of this building an additional cost factor has been added to the projected costs, based on the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development Geographic Area Cost Factor. This building has an electrical demand meter and demand KW usage was noted in the benchmark information provided. However, no demand cost was provided with the benchmark information. If this building is in fact being assessed a KW demand charge that will increase the savings of the electrical improvements. This report can be re-figured with new paybacks if a demand charge rate is available. Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 10 Energy Conservation Measures Energy conservation measures are those measures which are considered as having the potential to be cost effective and appropriate energy improvement options for the building. Estimated costs are taken from the current Craftsman National Estimator and are adjusted for zip code. Different rates and averages can be applied to this report if requested. Lighting and electrical improvements are based on usage estimates apparent at the time of the audit and may not reflect actual usage or occupant behavior. Before committing to a complete lighting retrofit, it is recommended that a small sample of the new lamps you intend to use be installed and tested for a time before pursuing all of the recommended changes. Light output, color rendition, color temperature and personal preference all play a part in a satisfactory lighting retrofit. The benefit of reduced energy consumption is lost if fixtures have to be re-lamped after the retrofit or people are not comfortable with a new lighting scheme. Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 11 This ECM assumes a life expectancy of 20 years for this measure. This ECM may be combined with adding insulation to the ground by extending the fiberglass from the top of the foundation wall onto the ground and inward 4 feet. No access is present under this floor system. According to available plans the floor between the gym and the crawlspace is not insulated, in which case this ECM is valid. If the floor between the addition and the crawlspace is insulated, this ECM is not valid. ECM #Improvement Description Installed Cost Annualized NPV Savings NPV Savings Over Improvement Life Breakeven Cost SIR Simple Payback (Years) ROI 1 Add R-19 fiberglass batt insulation to the interior of the below grade wall of the addition. $1,688 $416 $8,318 $10,006 4.9 5 493% Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 12 This ECM assumes a life expectancy of 20 years for this measure. This ECM may be combined with adding insulation to the ground by extending the fiberglass from the top of the foundation wall onto the ground and inward 4 feet. ECM #Improvement Description Installed Cost Annualized NPV Savings NPV Savings Over Improvement Life Breakeven Cost SIR Simple Payback (Years) ROI 2 Add R-19 fiberglass batt insulation to the interior of the below grade wall or original building. $2,364 $530 $10,591 $12,955 4.5 5 448% Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 13 This ECM assumes a life expectancy of 20 years for this measure. Before insulating, seal all air leakage points into the attic, and maintain proper ventilation after additional insulation is installed. Access to all attic areas during the field audit was not possible; verify insulation levels to ensure payback before proceeding with this ECM. ECM #Improvement Description Installed Cost Annualized NPV Savings NPV Savings Over Improvement Life Breakeven Cost SIR Simple Payback (Years) ROI 3 Add 6 inches blown cellulose to accessible attic space. $15,393 $1,365 $27,308 $42,701 1.8 10 177% Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 14 This ECM assumes a life expectancy of 20 years for this measure. This measure overlaps with ECM #6. ECM #Improvement Description Installed Cost Annualized NPV Savings NPV Savings Over Improvement Life Breakeven Cost SIR Simple Payback (Years) ROI 4 Replace existing propane boilers with (2) 95% AFUE propane boilers.$48,030 $4,009 $80,179 $128,209 1.7 10 167% Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 15 This ECM assumes a life expectancy of 16 years for this measure. ECM #Improvement Description Installed Cost Annualized NPV Savings NPV Savings Over Improvement Life Breakeven Cost SIR Simple Payback (Years) ROI 5 Replace existing lamps in 4' T8 fixtures with 25w lamps.$6,686 $683 $10,935 $17,621 1.6 7 164% Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 16 This ECM assumes a life expectancy of 20 years for this measure. This measure overlaps with ECM #4. ECM #Improvement Description Installed Cost Annualized NPV Savings NPV Savings Over Improvement Life Breakeven Cost SIR Simple Payback (Years) ROI 6 Replace existing propane boilers with (2) 80% AFUE oil boilers.$144,429 $9,764 $195,272 $339,701 1.4 11 135% Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 17 This ECM assumes a life expectancy of 20 years for this measure. ECM #Improvement Description Installed Cost Annualized NPV Savings NPV Savings Over Improvement Life Breakeven Cost SIR Simple Payback (Years) ROI 7 Add R-19 fiberglass batt insulation along exterior perimeter of original building on the crawlspace floor, in 4 ' from footing. $2,289 $88 $1,759 $4,048 0.8 14 77% Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 18 This ECM assumes a life expectancy of 20 years for this measure. No access is present under this floor system. According to available plans the floor between the gym and the crawlspace is not insulated, in which case this ECM is valid. If the floor between the addition and the crawlspace is insulated, this ECM is not valid. ECM #Improvement Description Installed Cost Annualized NPV Savings NPV Savings Over Improvement Life Breakeven Cost SIR Simple Payback (Years) ROI 8 Add R-19 fiberglass batt insulation along exterior perimeter of addition on the crawlspace floor, in 4 ' from footing. $2,289 $88 $1,759 $4,048 0.8 14 77% Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 19 This ECM assumes a life expectancy of 20 years for this measure. ECM #Improvement Description Installed Cost Annualized NPV Savings NPV Savings Over Improvement Life Breakeven Cost SIR Simple Payback (Years) ROI 9 Replace single pane & single pane w/ storm wood windows with windows having a U value of 0.3 or less. $15,215 $458 $9,154 $24,369 0.6 15 60% Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 20 This ECM assumes a life expectancy of 16 years for this measure. It is recommended that fixtures capable of multi-level switching be installed which would provide more uniform light coverage at lower wattage levels. A typical 6 lamp T5 replacement fixture could be controlled to provide 2, 4, or 6 lamps on at a time depending on need. This will increase energy savings significantly over this estimate. ECM #Improvement Description Installed Cost Annualized NPV Savings NPV Savings Over Improvement Life Breakeven Cost SIR Simple Payback (Years) ROI 10 Replace existing metal halide fixtures in gym with T5 Hi Bay fixtrues with six 54w lamps.$10,630 $90 $1,441 $12,071 0.1 15 14% Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 21 This ECM assumes a life expectancy of 15 years for this measure. ECM #Improvement Description Installed Cost Annualized NPV Savings NPV Savings Over Improvement Life Breakeven Cost SIR Simple Payback (Years) ROI 11 Replace motors serving both classroom air handlers with motors having an efficiency of 86.5% or greater. $4,762 $33 $488 $5,250 0.1 14 10% Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 22 Operations and Maintenance Measures Staff Training – Visit www.energystar.gov for free training materials and courses on energy conservation and awareness for building staff. Live web conferences, animated presentations and pre-recorded trainings are just some of the tools available. Creating an inclusive strategy that establishes roles and actions throughout the organization can help to integrate good energy management practices. When developing an action plan, consider brainstorming with various departments to identify ways they can contribute. Portfolio Manager – Consider utilizing EPA’s Portfolio Manager, which is an online system that allows building personnel to track building performance and improve energy efficiency across multiple buildings. You can also contact your energy auditor for additional information about this program. See www.energystar.gov After Hours – The building manager/operator should be tasked with turning off all non-essential equipment at night, on weekends, or during other non-occupied times. Power strips can be turned off during off hours; also power strips can be connected to timers or occupancy sensors. Smart power strips with built-in occupancy sensors or activity sensors are available. Plug Loads – Plug loads use up to an estimated 20% of electrical energy in commercial buildings. Most plugged in devices consume energy even when off. Power is drawn by devices in passive standby, such as a computer in “sleep” mode or a clock on a microwave, and active standby such as when a screen saver is on a computer screen or television screen. The majority of plug loads come from office equipment (computers, printers, copiers, etc.) and appliances (refrigerators, coffee machines, etc.). As equipment deteriorates or is scheduled for replacement, it is recommended that it be replaced with EnergyStar certified equipment. Refrigeration – Most refrigerators, freezers, ice makers and other types of cooling equipment can benefit from cleaning the evaporator coils. This should be done on a yearly basis to reduce electrical costs. Air Handlers – Filters and coils should be cleaned/replaced periodically to ensure proper airflow. Dirty filter/coils decrease heat transfer ability and efficiency of the system. Belts should be checked regularly and tightened when necessary. Controls – The building operational systems are currently controlled by a central control system. Controls on a building of this type can be one of the largest savers or wasters of energy, depending on how the controls are setup and maintained. Annual calibration, maintenance and updates are essential to a properly performing system that saves money. Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 23 Benchmark Information Benchmarking and analysis of the utility bills was used to collect data about the building in terms of energy usage patterns, consumption, and comparison with similar buildings. Benchmarking was used to identify energy usage patterns and trends that showed a need for specific investigation of certain systems. Benchmarking also identified potential issues in how the building is operated which may lead to energy savings. Analysis of utility data provides a context for the audit. The BTU usage of the building per square foot is 70% more the national average of similar buildings. The heating load imposed on the building accounts for part some of the excess, but opportunities for improvement are avaliable. Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 24 Electrical usage in terms of BTU per square foot is 8% lower than the national average. This is good but the high cost per KWH of electricity makes pursuing reductions in electrical usage worthwhile. It also illustrates that propane consumption, for which there is not a school benchmark, makes up the excessive BTU per square foot use noted on the previous page. Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 25 The total energy use profile shows the majority of BTUs consumed by the building are from propane which is used exclusively for heating. Electrical usage is second. This ratio of propane to electrical use is unusually high and points to savings opportunities in heating and insulation. Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 26 The energy cost total shows that propane is the majority fuel cost, which is unusual considering that propane is 40% less cost per BTU than electricity. Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 27 Electrical consumption has remained steady over the benchmark period. This building also has a significant base load in the summer. Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 28 Propane usage is uneven due to the fact that fuel deliveries do not coincide with usage. Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 29 Supporting Documentation This section contains all of the supporting documentation for the audit, which may include all calculations, assumptions, and worksheets used to generate conclusions. Equipment Inventory Designation Location Function Make Model Type Capacity Efficiency Motor Size Notes Median Service Life Est. Remaining Useful Life Boiler 1 Utility Room Heating Weil McLain ABG 576 RWF Gas 413,000 BTU/h 82%In series 20 10 Boiler 2 Utility Room Heating Weil McLain ABG 576 RWF Gas 413,000 BTU/h 82%In series 20 10 CUH Heat/Ventilation Nesbitt Fan Coil 20 0 Gym AHU Utility Room Heat/Ventilation Trane U84F436 46 Fan Coil 1.5 20 0 Classroom 1 AHU Crawlspace Heat/Ventilation Trane N/A Fan Coil 2 20 0 Classroom 2 AHU Crawlspace Heat/Ventilation Trane N/A Fan Coil 2 20 0 Library AHU Utility Room Heat/Ventilation Trane N/A Fan Coil 1 20 0 Dark Room, Boys Restroom, Girls Restroom Exhaust Penn Zephyr Z-7 Fan 15 0 Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 30 Benchmark Data Building Designation:Electric Meter # Square footage of conditioned area:12568 Gas Meter # Number of billing periods 24 Year: Month Days in Billing Period Electric KWH Electric Demand KW Electric Cost $/KWH Electric Cost Demand Cost Electric MMBtu Load Factor % of bill from demand Jul-08 29 1,720 $0.15 $254.00 5.87 #DIV/0!0.0% Aug-08 33 8,920 $0.14 $1,235.00 30.44 #DIV/0!0.0% Sep-08 28 9,720 $0.17 $1,621.00 33.17 #DIV/0!0.0% Oct-08 30 11,720 $0.17 $1,947.00 40.00 #DIV/0!0.0% Nov-08 32 12,800 $0.17 $2,122.00 43.69 #DIV/0!0.0% Dec-08 29 10,360 $0.21 $2,131.00 35.36 #DIV/0!0.0% Jan-09 34 10,640 $0.21 $2,187.00 36.31 #DIV/0!0.0% Feb-09 28 10,040 $0.21 $2,066.00 34.27 #DIV/0!0.0% Mar-09 30 10,320 $0.17 $1,715.00 35.22 #DIV/0!0.0% Apr-09 29 8,400 $0.17 $1,404.00 28.67 #DIV/0!0.0% May-09 34 8,600 $0.17 $1,436.00 29.35 #DIV/0!0.0% Jun-09 28 4,480 $0.17 $778.00 15.29 #DIV/0!0.0% Jul-09 29 3,520 $0.18 $620.00 12.01 #DIV/0!0.0% Aug-09 40 8,680 $0.17 $1,470.00 29.62 #DIV/0!0.0% Sep-09 22 6,086 $0.15 $905.00 20.77 #DIV/0!0.0% Oct-09 33 10,080 $0.15 $1,475.00 34.40 #DIV/0!0.0% Nov-09 31 10,520 $0.15 $1,537.00 35.90 #DIV/0!0.0% Dec-09 26 8,440 $0.13 $1,091.00 28.81 #DIV/0!0.0% Jan-10 30 9,480 $0.13 $1,220.00 32.36 #DIV/0!0.0% Feb-10 28 9,720 $0.13 $1,250.00 33.17 #DIV/0!0.0% Mar-10 41 8,200 $0.15 $1,243.00 27.99 #DIV/0!0.0% Apr-10 21 10,920 $0.15 $1,641.00 37.27 #DIV/0!0.0% May-10 29 10,240 $0.15 $1,541.00 34.95 #DIV/0!0.0% Jun-10 32 7,800 $0.15 $1,197.00 26.62 #DIV/0!0.0% #DIV/0!0.00 #DIV/0!#DIV/0! #DIV/0!0.00 #DIV/0!#DIV/0! #DIV/0!0.00 #DIV/0!#DIV/0! #DIV/0!0.00 #DIV/0!#DIV/0! #DIV/0!0.00 #DIV/0!#DIV/0! #DIV/0!0.00 #DIV/0!#DIV/0! #DIV/0!0.00 #DIV/0!#DIV/0! #DIV/0!0.00 #DIV/0!#DIV/0! #DIV/0!0.00 #DIV/0!#DIV/0! #DIV/0!0.00 #DIV/0!#DIV/0! #DIV/0!0.00 #DIV/0!#DIV/0! #DIV/0!0.00 #DIV/0!#DIV/0! Montly Average 30.25 8808.58 0.00 #DIV/0!$1,420.25 $0.00 30.06 #DIV/0!#DIV/0! Total 726 211,406 N/A N/A $34,086.00 $0.00 721.53 N/A N/A Monthly Benchmark Occupancy Education ....................32.518862 % Difference Size 10,001 to 100,000 Square Feet 92.45% Port Graham School Energy Use Index Form 1 Electricity Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 31 Propane Usage Gallons Propane Cost Propane Cost per Gallon Propane MMBtu HDD CCD Production Btu/Sq. Ft Cost $/Sq Ft 0.0 0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 467 $0.02 0.0 0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 2,422 $0.10 0.0 0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 2,640 $0.13 0.0 0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 3,183 $0.15 0.0 0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 3,476 $0.17 5,627.0 13,058.00 2.32 513.91 43,704 $1.21 0.0 0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 2,889 $0.17 5,595.0 11,523.00 2.06 510.99 1139 43,385 $1.08 0.0 0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 1179 2,803 $0.14 0.0 0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 881 2,281 $0.11 0.0 0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 631 2,335 $0.11 0.0 0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 481 1,217 $0.06 0.0 0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 334 956 $0.05 5,430.0 20,223.00 3.72 495.92 372 41,816 $1.73 0.0 0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 523 1,653 $0.07 0.0 0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 692 2,737 $0.12 0.0 0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 1084 2,857 $0.12 0.0 0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 1136 2,292 $0.09 5,685.0 15,684.00 2.76 519.21 1131 43,887 $1.35 0.0 0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 955 2,640 $0.10 0.0 0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 1139 2,227 $0.10 0.0 0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 889 2,965 $0.13 0.0 0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 662 2,781 $0.12 5,319.0 11,656.00 2.19 485.78 471 40,771 $1.02 0.0 0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 0 $0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 0 $0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 0 $0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 0 $0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 0 $0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 0 $0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 0 $0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 0 $0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 0 $0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 0 $0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 0 $0.00 #DIV/0!0.00 0 $0.00 1152.33 3006.00 #DIV/0!105.24 380.53 0.00 0.00 10,766 $0.35 27656.00 72144.00 #DIV/0!2525.82 13699.00 0.00 0.00 258,382 $8.45 6,308 170.66% EUIPropane Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 32 Climate & Fuel Assumptions Client Name:Port Graham School Address: Square Footage 12568 Days Occupied per Year State HDD CDD Avg. Temp 365 Alaska 9,831 0 38.0 Fuels Natural Gas $0.00 $ Per CCF $0.00 Per Therm Oil $2.60 $ Per Gallon $1.86 Per Therm Electricity $0.16 $ per KWH $4.69 Per Therm Propane $2.60 $ per Gallon $2.85 Per Therm Wood $ Per Cord $0.00 Per Therm Coal $ Per Ton $0.00 Per Therm Electrical Demand Charge Kw/Month City Tutka Bay Lagoon Client Information Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 33 Discount, Fuel Escalation, and Inflation Assumptions 1 = Yes Real Discount Rate (i) . . . . . . . . . . .2005 - 2040 . . . . . . . . 3.0% 0 = No Electricity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2005 - 2015 . . .2.7% IOU Electricity Source*1 (Investor Owned Utility)2016 - 2025 . . .3.1% POU Electricity Source**0 2026 - 2040 . . .4.7% Natural Gas Fuel?0 Propane . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .2005 - 2015 . . .1.3% Propane Fuel?1 And other fossil fuels 2016 - 2025 . . .6.5% Oil Fuel?0 2026 - 2040 . . .10.3% Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2005 - 2040 . . . . . . . . 3.0% Inflation 2005 - 2040 . . . . . . . . 3.0% * IOU = Invester Owned Utility ** POU = Publicly Owned Utility F U E L P R I C E E S C A L A T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N: Select value and key in above as decimal fraction. Years: Electricity 2005 - 2015 . . .2.7%0.027 (Investor-Owned)2016 - 2025 . . .3.1%0.031 2026 - 2040 . . .4.7%0.047 Electricity 2005 - 2015 . . .2.7%0.027 (Public Owned)2016 - 2025 . . .3.1%0.031 2026 - 2040 . . .4.7%0.047 Natural Gas 2005 - 2015 . . .1.3%0.013 2016 - 2025 . . .6.5%0.065 2026 - 2040 . . .10.3%0.103 Oil 2005 - 2015 . . .1.3%0.013 2016 - 2025 . . .6.5%0.065 2026 - 2040 . . .10.3%0.103 Propane 2005 - 2015 . . .Assume same as natural gas 2016 - 2025 . . . 2026 - 2040 . . . Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 34 ECM #1 Calculations Component Framed Section Insulated Section Component Framed Section Insulated Section Concrete Wall 0.8 0.8 Concrete Wall 0.8 0.8 Foam/Fiberglass Insulation 7 7 Foam/Fiberglass Insulation 7 7 Add 6" R-19 Fiberglass batt to interior 19 19 Total R-Values 7.8 7.8 Total R-Values 26.8 26.8 Total U-Values 0.1282 0.1282 Total U-Values 0.0373 0.0373 Percentage of Framing 100.00%Percentage of Framing 100.00% Composite U-Value of Assembly 0.1282 Composite U-Value of Assembly 0.0373 Composite R-Value of Assembly 7.8000 Composite R-Value of Assembly 26.8000 Average Height Of Wall 3 Average Height Of Wall 3 Wall Length 240 Wall Length 240 Distance from Grade to top of wall 1 Distance from Grade to top of wall 1 Wall Square Footage - Below Grade 480 Wall Square Footage - Below Grade 480 Wall Square Footage - Above Grade 240 Wall Square Footage - Above Grade 240 Total Square Footage 720 Total Square Footage 720 Ground R-Value 6.56 Ground R-Value 6.56 Total Below Ground R-Value 14.3577 Total Below Ground R-Value 33.3577 Total Above Grade R-Value 7.8000 Total Above Grade R-Value 26.8000 Above Grade Heat Loss BTU/h 984.62 Above Grade Heat Loss BTU/h 286.57 Below Grade Heat Loss BTU/h 1,069.81 Below Grade Heat Loss BTU/h 460.46 Total Below Grade Wall Heat Loss BTU/h 2,054.42 Total Below Grade Wall Heat Loss BTU/h 747.03 Heating System Served System 1 Heating System Served System 1 Original Heating Proposed Heating Savings - Original Heating Savings - Proposed Yearly Cost $624.80 Yearly Cost $227.19 $196.10 $397.61 $343.20 Cost of Proposed Upgrade $1,688.38 Below Grade Wall - Original Below Grade Wall - Proposed Assembly 2 Assembly 2 Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 35 ---------------------A N N U A L R E A L C A S H F L O W S C U R R E N T----------------------------------------------------------------------------------A N N U A L R E A L C A S H F L O W S P R O P O S E D----------------------------- (Begin)First &AnnualAnnualAnnualTotalPresentPresentPresent(Begin)First &AnnualAnnualAnnualTotalPresentPresentPresentPresent Value of YearReplace.Maint.PropaneElectricAnnualWorthWorth ofWorth ofYearReplace.Maint.PropaneElectricAnnualWorthWorth ofWorth ofCumulative CostsCostsCostsCostsCostsFactorAnnualCumulativeCostsCostsCostsCostsCostsFactorAnnualCumulativeSavings2012$0625$ $0$625(1+i)^-nCostsCosts2012$1,688$0227$ $0$227(1+i)^-nCostsCosts2012$0------$01.00$0-$ 2012$1,688------$1,6881.00$1,688$1,6882013063306330.97614614.49$ 20130023002300.97223$1,912(1,297)$ 20140064106410.946041,219$ 20140023302330.94220$2,132(913)$ 20150064906490.925941,813$ 20150023602360.92216$2,348(534)$ 20160065806580.895852,398$ 20160023902390.89213$2,560(162)$ 20170070107010.866043,002$ 20170025502550.86220$2,780222$ 20180074607460.846253,627$ 20180027102710.84227$3,007620$ 20190079507950.816464,273$ 20190028902890.81235$3,2421,031$ 20200084608460.796684,942$ 20200030803080.79243$3,4851,456$ 20210090109010.776915,632$ 20210032803280.77251$3,7361,896$ 20220096009600.747146,347$ 20220034903490.74260$3,9962,351$ 2023001,02201,0220.727397,085$ 20230037203720.72269$4,2652,821$ 2024001,08901,0890.707647,849$ 20240039603960.70278$4,5423,307$ 2025001,16001,1600.687908,639$ 20250042204220.68287$4,8303,809$ 2026001,23501,2350.668169,455$ 20260044904490.66297$5,1264,329$ 2027001,36201,3620.6487410,330$ 20270049504950.64318$5,4444,885$ 2028001,50301,5030.6293611,266$ 20280054605460.62340$5,7855,481$ 2029001,65701,6570.611,00312,269$ 20290060306030.61365$6,1496,119$ 2030001,82801,8280.591,07413,342$ 20300066506650.59390$6,5406,802$ 2031002,01602,0160.571,15014,492$ 20310073307330.57418$6,9587,534$ 2032002,22402,2240.551,23115,724$ 20320080908090.55448$7,4068,318$ 2033002,45302,4530.541,31917,042$ 20330089208920.54479$7,8859,157$ 2034002,70602,7060.521,41218,454$ 20340098409840.52513$8,39910,056$ 2035002,98402,9840.511,51219,966$ 2035001,08501,0850.51550$8,94911,018$ 2036003,29203,2920.491,61921,586$ 2036001,19701,1970.49589$9,53712,048$ 2037003,63103,6310.481,73423,320$ 2037001,32001,3200.48631$10,16813,152$ 2038004,00504,0050.461,85725,177$ 2038001,45601,4560.46675$10,84314,334$ 2039004,41704,4170.451,98927,165$ 2039001,60601,6060.45723$11,56615,599$ 2040004,87204,8720.442,13029,295$ 2040001,77201,7720.44774$12,34116,954$ 2041005,37405,3740.422,28031,575$ 2041001,95401,9540.42829$13,17018,406$ 2042005,92805,9280.412,44234,018$ 2042002,15502,1550.41888$14,05819,960$ Totals:$0$0$62,289$0$62,289$34,018=30-year LCCTotals:$1,688$0$22,650$0$24,338$14,058=30-year LCC Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 36 ECM #2 Calculations Component Framed Section Insulated Section Component Framed Section Insulated Section Concrete Wall 0.8 0.8 Concrete Wall 0.8 0.8 Foam/Fiberglass Insulation 7 7 Foam/Fiberglass Insulation 7 7 Add 6" R-19 Fiberglass batt to interior 19 19 Total R-Values 7.8 7.8 Total R-Values 26.8 26.8 Total U-Values 0.1282 0.1282 Total U-Values 0.0373 0.0373 Percentage of Framing 100.00%Percentage of Framing 100.00% Composite U-Value of Assembly 0.1282 Composite U-Value of Assembly 0.0373 Composite R-Value of Assembly 7.8000 Composite R-Value of Assembly 26.8000 Average Height Of Wall 4 Average Height Of Wall 4 Wall Length 252 Wall Length 252 Distance from Grade to top of wall 1 Distance from Grade to top of wall 1 Wall Square Footage - Below Grade 756 Wall Square Footage - Below Grade 756 Wall Square Footage - Above Grade 252 Wall Square Footage - Above Grade 252 Total Square Footage 1008 Total Square Footage 1008 Ground R-Value 6.56 Ground R-Value 6.56 Total Below Ground R-Value 14.3577 Total Below Ground R-Value 33.3577 Total Above Grade R-Value 7.8000 Total Above Grade R-Value 26.8000 Above Grade Heat Loss BTU/h 1,033.85 Above Grade Heat Loss BTU/h 300.90 Below Grade Heat Loss BTU/h 1,684.95 Below Grade Heat Loss BTU/h 725.23 Total Below Grade Wall Heat Loss BTU/h 2,718.80 Total Below Grade Wall Heat Loss BTU/h 1,026.13 Heating System Served System 1 Heating System Served System 1 Original Heating System Proposed Heating System Savings - Original Heating System Savings - Proposed Heating System Yearly Cost $826.85 Yearly Cost $312.07 $269.36 $514.78 $444.34 Cost of Proposed Upgrade $2,363.75 Below Grade Wall - Original Assembly 1 Below Grade Wall - Proposed Assembly 1 Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 37 ---------------------A N N U A L R E A L C A S H F L O W S C U R R E N T----------------------------------------------------------------------------------A N N U A L R E A L C A S H F L O W S P R O P O S E D----------------------------- (Begin)First &AnnualAnnualAnnualTotalPresentPresentPresent(Begin)First &AnnualAnnualAnnualTotalPresentPresentPresentPresent Value of YearReplace.Maint.PropaneElectricAnnualWorthWorth ofWorth ofYearReplace.Maint.PropaneElectricAnnualWorthWorth ofWorth ofCumulative CostsCostsCostsCostsCostsFactorAnnualCumulativeCostsCostsCostsCostsCostsFactorAnnualCumulativeSavings2012$0827$ $0$827(1+i)^-nCostsCosts2012$2,364$0312$ $0$312(1+i)^-nCostsCosts2012$0------$01.00$0-$ 2012$2,364------$2,3641.00$2,364$2,3642013083808380.97813813.20$ 20130031603160.97307$2,671(1,857)$ 20140084808480.948001,613$ 20140032003200.94302$2,973(1,360)$ 20150086008600.927872,400$ 20150032403240.92297$3,269(870)$ 20160087108710.897743,173$ 20160032903290.89292$3,561(388)$ 20170092709270.868003,973$ 20170035003500.86302$3,863110$ 20180098809880.848274,800$ 20180037303730.84312$4,175625$ 2019001,05201,0520.818555,655$ 20190039703970.81323$4,4981,157$ 2020001,12001,1200.798846,540$ 20200042304230.79334$4,8321,708$ 2021001,19301,1930.779147,454$ 20210045004500.77345$5,1772,277$ 2022001,27001,2700.749458,399$ 20220047904790.74357$5,5342,865$ 2023001,35301,3530.729779,377$ 20230051105110.72369$5,9033,474$ 2024001,44101,4410.701,01110,387$ 20240054405440.70381$6,2844,103$ 2025001,53501,5350.681,04511,432$ 20250057905790.68394$6,6794,754$ 2026001,63401,6340.661,08112,513$ 20260061706170.66408$7,0865,427$ 2027001,80301,8030.641,15713,670$ 20270068006800.64437$7,5236,147$ 2028001,98801,9880.621,23914,909$ 20280075007500.62468$7,9916,918$ 2029002,19302,1930.611,32716,236$ 20290082808280.61501$8,4927,744$ 2030002,41902,4190.591,42117,657$ 20300091309130.59536$9,0288,629$ 2031002,66802,6680.571,52219,179$ 2031001,00701,0070.57574$9,6029,577$ 2032002,94302,9430.551,63020,808$ 2032001,11101,1110.55615$10,21710,591$ 2033003,24603,2460.541,74522,553$ 2033001,22501,2250.54659$10,87611,678$ 2034003,58103,5810.521,86924,422$ 2034001,35101,3510.52705$11,58112,841$ 2035003,94903,9490.512,00126,423$ 2035001,49101,4910.51755$12,33614,087$ 2036004,35604,3560.492,14328,566$ 2036001,64401,6440.49809$13,14515,421$ 2037004,80504,8050.482,29530,861$ 2037001,81301,8130.48866$14,01116,850$ 2038005,30005,3000.462,45833,319$ 2038002,00002,0000.46928$14,93918,380$ 2039005,84605,8460.452,63235,950$ 2039002,20602,2060.45993$15,93220,018$ 2040006,44806,4480.442,81838,769$ 2040002,43402,4340.441,064$16,99621,773$ 2041007,11207,1120.423,01841,787$ 2041002,68402,6840.421,139$18,13523,652$ 2042007,84507,8450.413,23245,018$ 2042002,96102,9610.411,220$19,35525,664$ Totals:$0$0$82,432$0$82,432$45,018=30-year LCCTotals:$2,364$0$31,112$0$33,475$19,355=30-year LCC Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 38 ECM #3 Calculations Component Framed Section Insulated Section Component Framed Section Insulated Section air film 0.61 0.61 air film 0.61 0.61 R-38 insulation 0 38 R-38 insulation 0 38 trusses 6.25 0 trusses 6.25 0 drywall 0.56 0.56 drywall 0.56 0.56 air film 0.17 0.17 air film 0.17 0.17 6" cellulose blown over top 19 19 Total R-Values 7.59 39.34 Total R-Values 26.59 58.34 Total U-Values 0.1318 0.0254 Total U-Values 0.0376 0.0171 Percentage of Framing 10.00%90.00%Percentage of Framing 10.00%90.00% Composite U-Value of Assembly 0.0361 Composite U-Value of Assembly 0.0192 Skylight U-value Skylight U-value Ceiling Square Footage 10338 Ceiling Square Footage 10338 Skylight Square Footage Skylight Square Footage Opaque Ceiling Area 10338 Opaque Ceiling Area 10338 Composite U-value for entire assembly 0.0361 Composite U-value for entire assembly 0.0192 Composite R-Value for entire assembly 27.7372 Composite R-Value for entire assembly 52.1169 Heating System Served System 1 Heating System Served System 1 Heat Loss in BTU/h 11926.81 Heat Loss in BTU/h 6347.57 Original Heating System Proposed Heating System Savings - Original Heating System Savings - Proposed Heating System Yearly Cost $3,627.23 Yearly Cost $1,930.45 $1,666.28 $1,696.78 $1,464.59 Cost of Proposed Upgrade $15,393.00 Assembly 1 Assembly 1 Ceiling - ProposedCeiling - Original Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 39 ---------------------A N N U A L R E A L C A S H F L O W S C U R R E N T----------------------------------------------------------------------------------A N N U A L R E A L C A S H F L O W S P R O P O S E D----------------------------- (Begin)First &AnnualAnnualAnnualTotalPresentPresentPresent(Begin)First &AnnualAnnualAnnualTotalPresentPresentPresentPresent Value of YearReplace.Maint.PropaneElectricAnnualWorthWorth ofWorth ofYearReplace.Maint.PropaneElectricAnnualWorthWorth ofWorth ofCumulative CostsCostsCostsCostsCostsFactorAnnualCumulativeCostsCostsCostsCostsCostsFactorAnnualCumulativeSavings2012$03,627$ $0$3,627(1+i)^-nCostsCosts2012$15,393$01,930$ $0$1,930(1+i)^-nCostsCosts2012$0------$01.00$0-$ 2012$15,393------$15,3931.00$15,393$15,393201303,67403,6740.973,567########2013001,95601,9560.971,899$17,292(13,724)$ 2014003,72203,7220.943,5087,076$ 2014001,98101,9810.941,867$19,159(12,083)$ 2015003,77103,7710.923,45110,526$ 2015002,00702,0070.921,836$20,995(10,469)$ 2016003,82003,8200.893,39413,920$ 2016002,03302,0330.891,806$22,801(8,881)$ 2017004,06804,0680.863,50917,429$ 2017002,16502,1650.861,867$24,669(7,240)$ 2018004,33204,3320.843,62821,057$ 2018002,30602,3060.841,931$26,600(5,543)$ 2019004,61404,6140.813,75124,809$ 2019002,45602,4560.811,997$28,596(3,788)$ 2020004,91404,9140.793,87928,688$ 2020002,61502,6150.792,064$30,661(1,973)$ 2021005,23305,2330.774,01132,698$ 2021002,78502,7850.772,135$32,795(97)$ 2022005,57305,5730.744,14736,845$ 2022002,96602,9660.742,207$35,0021,843$ 2023005,93605,9360.724,28841,133$ 2023003,15903,1590.722,282$37,2853,849$ 2024006,32106,3210.704,43445,567$ 2024003,36403,3640.702,360$39,6445,923$ 2025006,73206,7320.684,58450,151$ 2025003,58303,5830.682,440$42,0848,067$ 2026007,17007,1700.664,74054,891$ 2026003,81603,8160.662,523$44,60710,285$ 2027007,90807,9080.645,07659,967$ 2027004,20904,2090.642,702$47,30812,659$ 2028008,72308,7230.625,43665,403$ 2028004,64204,6420.622,893$50,20115,202$ 2029009,62109,6210.615,82171,224$ 2029005,12105,1210.613,098$53,29917,925$ 20300010,612010,6120.596,23477,458$ 2030005,64805,6480.593,318$56,61720,841$ 20310011,705011,7050.576,67584,133$ 2031006,23006,2300.573,553$60,17023,964$ 20320012,911012,9110.557,14991,282$ 2032006,87106,8710.553,805$63,97427,308$ 20330014,241014,2410.547,65598,937$ 2033007,57907,5790.544,074$68,04830,889$ 20340015,708015,7080.528,198107,135$ 2034008,36008,3600.524,363$72,41134,724$ 20350017,326017,3260.518,779115,913$ 2035009,22109,2210.514,672$77,08338,830$ 20360019,110019,1100.499,401125,314$ 20360010,171010,1710.495,003$82,08743,228$ 20370021,078021,0780.4810,067135,382$ 20370011,218011,2180.485,358$87,44447,937$ 20380023,250023,2500.4610,781146,162$ 20380012,374012,3740.465,738$93,18252,980$ 20390025,644025,6440.4511,545157,707$ 20390013,648013,6480.456,144$99,32658,381$ 20400028,286028,2860.4412,363170,070$ 20400015,054015,0540.446,580$105,90664,164$ 20410031,199031,1990.4213,239183,309$ 20410016,604016,6040.427,046$112,95270,357$ 20420034,413034,4130.4114,178197,487$ 20420018,315018,3150.417,545$120,49776,989$ Totals:$0$0$361,615$0$361,615$197,487=30-year LCCTotals:$15,393$0$192,455$0$207,848$120,497=30-year LCC Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 40 ECM #4 Calculations System 1 - Location Served: Fuel Type AFUE Thermostat Setpoint Full Load KW (Electric Only) Mo/Yr Operation (Electric Only)Cost Existing Propane 82.00%70.0 N/A Proposed Propane 95.00%70.0 $48,030.00 Heating Data 100 Volume Served 100 Description of Retrofit Boiler Replace existing propane boilers with (2) 95% AFUE propane boilers. $48,030.00Estimated Cost of Heating System Replacements New Heating SystemsExisting Heating Systems 12873 11,111.43 Estimated Demand Charges (electric) Estimated Savings per Year $0.00 $36,647.10 $5,014.87 $2.85 70 Average Cost Per Therm of Heating Fuels, proportional to volume Average Thermostat Setpoint, proportional to volume Therms required to heat the building over 1 year Estimated Cost over 1 year $31,632.24 Average AFUE of All Heating Systems, proportional to volume 82.00% Heating System Summary $2.85 70 $0.00 95.00% Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 41 ---------------------A N N U A L R E A L C A S H F L O W S C U R R E N T----------------------------------------------------------------------------------A N N U A L R E A L C A S H F L O W S P R O P O S E D----------------------------- (Begin)First &AnnualAnnualAnnualTotalPresentPresentPresent(Begin)First &AnnualAnnualAnnualTotalPresentPresentPresentPresent Value of YearReplace.Maint.PropaneElectricAnnualWorthWorth ofWorth ofYearReplace.Maint.PropaneElectricAnnualWorthWorth ofWorth ofCumulative CostsCostsCostsCostsCostsFactorAnnualCumulativeCostsCostsCostsCostsCostsFactorAnnualCumulativeSavings2,012$73336,647$ $0$37,380(1+i)^-nCostsCosts2,012$48,030$63331,632$ $0$32,265(1+i)^-nCostsCosts2,012$0------$01.00$0-$ 2,012$48,030------$48,0301.00$48,030$48,0302,01375537,124037,8780.9736,77536,775.19$ 2,013065232,043032,6950.9731,743$79,773(42,998)$ 2,014077837,606038,3840.9436,18072,956$ 2,014067132,460033,1310.9431,229$111,002(38,047)$ 2,015080138,095038,8960.9235,595108,551$ 2,015069132,882033,5730.9230,724$141,726(33,176)$ 2,016082538,590039,4150.8935,020143,571$ 2,016071233,309034,0220.8930,228$171,954(28,383)$ 2,017085041,099041,9480.8636,185179,756$ 2,017073335,475036,2080.8631,233$203,187(23,432)$ 2,018087543,770044,6450.8437,390217,145$ 2,018075537,780038,5360.8432,273$235,461(18,315)$ 2,019090146,615047,5160.8138,635255,780$ 2,019077840,236041,0140.8133,348$268,809(13,028)$ 2,020092849,645050,5740.7939,923295,704$ 2,020080142,852043,6530.7934,460$303,269(7,565)$ 2,021095652,872053,8280.7741,255336,959$ 2,021082545,637046,4620.7735,609$338,878(1,920)$ 2,022098556,309057,2940.7442,632379,590$ 2,022085048,603049,4530.7436,798$375,6763,914$ 2,02301,01559,969060,9830.7244,056423,646$ 2,023087651,762052,6380.7238,027$413,7039,943$ 2,02401,04563,867064,9120.7045,528469,174$ 2,024090255,127056,0290.7039,298$453,00116,173$ 2,02501,07668,018069,0940.6847,050516,224$ 2,025092958,710059,6390.6840,611$493,61322,611$ 2,02601,10972,439073,5480.6648,624564,847$ 2,026095762,526063,4830.6641,970$535,58329,265$ 2,02701,14279,900081,0420.6452,018616,865$ 2,027098668,967069,9520.6444,900$580,48236,383$ 2,02801,17688,130089,3060.6255,653672,518$ 2,02801,01576,070077,0850.6248,037$628,51943,999$ 2,02901,21197,208098,4190.6159,545732,063$ 2,02901,04683,905084,9510.6151,397$679,91652,147$ 2,03001,248107,2200108,4680.5963,713795,777$ 2,03001,07792,548093,6250.5954,995$734,91160,866$ 2,03101,285118,2640119,5490.5768,177863,954$ 2,03101,109102,0800103,1900.5758,848$793,75870,195$ 2,03201,324130,4450131,7690.5572,957936,911$ 2,03201,143112,5940113,7370.5562,973$856,73280,179$ 2,03301,363143,8810145,2440.5478,0761,014,987$ 2,03301,177124,1920125,3690.5467,392$924,12490,863$ 2,03401,404158,7000160,1050.5283,5571,098,544$ 2,03401,212136,9830138,1960.5272,123$996,247102,297$ 2,03501,447175,0460176,4930.5189,4271,187,971$ 2,03501,249151,0930152,3410.5177,190$1,073,437114,535$ 2,03601,490193,0760194,5660.4995,7141,283,685$ 2,03601,286166,6550167,9410.4982,616$1,156,053127,632$ 2,03701,535212,9630214,4980.48102,4451,386,130$ 2,03701,325183,8210185,1450.4888,426$1,244,479141,651$ 2,03801,581234,8980236,4790.46109,6541,495,784$ 2,03801,364202,7540204,1190.4694,649$1,339,128156,656$ 2,03901,628259,0930260,7210.45117,3741,613,158$ 2,03901,405223,6380225,0430.45101,312$1,440,440172,718$ 2,04001,677285,7790287,4560.44125,6401,738,798$ 2,04001,447246,6730248,1200.44108,448$1,548,888189,911$ 2,04101,727315,2150316,9420.42134,4931,873,291$ 2,04101,491272,0800273,5710.42116,089$1,664,976208,315$ 2,04201,779347,6820349,4610.41143,9732,017,265$ 2,04201,536300,1040301,6400.41124,272$1,789,248228,017$ Totals:$0$35,916$3,653,516$0$3,689,432$2,017,265=30-year LCCTotals:$48,030$31,001$3,153,561$0$3,232,592$1,789,248=30-year LCC Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 42 ECM #5 Calculations Space Description Number of Fixtures 332 332 Lamps per Fixture 1 1 Lamp Type T8 T8 Fixture Wattage 32 25 Hours on per Week 56 56 Cost of New Lamp Cost of New Fixture $20.14 Total KWH Cost $4,949.93 $3,867.14 Total Demand Cost $0.00 $0.00 Total Yearly Cost $4,949.93 $3,867.14 Yearly Savings $1,082.80 Total Retrofit Cost $6,686.48 Payback Period 6.2 years T8 lamps throughout Retrofit Description Replace existing lamps in 4' T8 fixtures with 25w lamps. Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 43 ---------------------A N N U A L R E A L C A S H F L O W S C U R R E N T----------------------------------------------------------------------------------A N N U A L R E A L C A S H F L O W S P R O P O S E D----------------------------- (Begin)First &AnnualAnnualAnnualTotalPresentPresentPresent(Begin)First &AnnualAnnualAnnualTotalPresentPresentPresentPresent Value of YearReplace.Maint.PropaneElectricAnnualWorthWorth ofWorth ofYearReplace.Maint.PropaneElectricAnnualWorthWorth ofWorth ofCumulative CostsCostsCostsCostsCostsFactorAnnualCumulativeCostsCostsCostsCostsCostsFactorAnnualCumulativeSavings2,012$99-$ $4,950$5,049(1+i)^-nCostsCosts2,012$6,686$77-$ $3,867$3,944(1+i)^-nCostsCosts2,012$0------$01.00$0-$ 2,012$6,686------$6,6861.00$6,686$6,6862,013010205,0845,1860.975,0355,034.52$ 2,01308003,9724,0510.973,933$10,620(5,585)$ 2,014010505,2215,3260.945,02010,055$ 2,01408204,0794,1610.943,922$14,542(4,487)$ 2,015010805,3625,4700.925,00615,060$ 2,01508504,1894,2730.923,911$18,452(3,392)$ 2,016011105,5075,6180.894,99220,052$ 2,01608704,3024,3890.893,900$22,352(2,300)$ 2,017011505,6775,7920.864,99625,048$ 2,01709004,4354,5250.863,903$26,255(1,207)$ 2,018011805,8535,9710.845,00130,049$ 2,01809204,5734,6650.843,907$30,162(113)$ 2,019012206,0356,1560.815,00635,055$ 2,01909504,7154,8100.813,911$34,073982$ 2,020012506,2226,3470.795,01140,066$ 2,02009804,8614,9590.793,914$37,9882,078$ 2,021012906,4156,5440.775,01545,081$ 2,021010105,0115,1120.773,918$41,9063,175$ 2,022013306,6146,7470.745,02050,101$ 2,022010405,1675,2710.743,922$45,8284,273$ 2,023013706,8196,9560.725,02555,126$ 2,023010705,3275,4340.723,926$49,7545,372$ 2,024014107,0307,1710.705,03060,155$ 2,024011005,4925,6020.703,929$53,6836,473$ 2,025014507,2487,3930.685,03465,190$ 2,025011405,6625,7760.683,933$57,6167,574$ 2,026015007,4737,6220.665,03970,229$ 2,026011705,8385,9550.663,937$61,5538,676$ 2,027015407,8247,9780.645,12175,350$ 2,027012006,1126,2330.644,001$65,5549,796$ 2,028015908,1918,3500.625,20480,554$ 2,028012406,4006,5240.624,065$69,61910,935$ 2,029016408,5768,7400.615,28885,841$ 2,029012806,7006,8280.614,131$73,75012,091$ 2,030016908,9809,1480.595,37491,215$ 2,030013207,0157,1470.594,198$77,94813,267$ 2,031017409,4029,5750.575,46196,676$ 2,031013607,3457,4810.574,266$82,21414,461$ 2,032017909,84310,0220.555,549102,225$ 2,032014007,6907,8300.554,335$86,54915,675$ 2,0330184010,30610,4900.545,639107,864$ 2,033014408,0528,1960.544,405$90,95516,909$ 2,0340190010,79010,9800.525,730113,594$ 2,034014808,4308,5780.524,477$95,43218,162$ 2,0350195011,29811,4930.515,823119,418$ 2,035015308,8268,9790.514,550$99,98119,436$ 2,0360201011,82912,0300.495,918125,336$ 2,036015709,2419,3980.494,623$104,60520,731$ 2,0370207012,38512,5920.486,014131,349$ 2,037016209,6759,8370.484,698$109,30322,046$ 2,0380213012,96713,1800.466,112137,461$ 2,0380167010,13010,2970.464,775$114,07823,383$ 2,0390220013,57613,7960.456,211143,672$ 2,0390172010,60610,7780.454,852$118,93024,742$ 2,0400227014,21414,4410.446,312149,984$ 2,0400177011,10511,2820.444,931$123,86126,122$ 2,0410233014,88215,1160.426,414156,398$ 2,0410182011,62711,8090.425,011$128,87227,526$ 2,0420240015,58215,8220.416,518162,916$ 2,0420188012,17312,3610.415,093$133,96528,951$ Totals:$0$4,851$0$267,201$272,053$162,916=30-year LCCTotals:$6,686$3,790$0$208,751$219,228$133,965=30-year LCC Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 44 ECM #6 Calculations System 1 - Location Served: Fuel Type AFUE Thermostat Setpoint Full Load KW (Electric Only) Mo/Yr Operation (Electric Only)Cost Existing Propane 82.00%70.0 N/A Proposed Oil 80.00%70.0 $144,428.69 Heating Data 100 Volume Served 100 Description of Retrofit Boiler Replace existing propane boilers with (2) 80% AFUE oil boilers. $24,504.68 Average AFUE of All Heating Systems, proportional to volume 82.00% Heating System Summary $1.86 70 $0.00 80.00% $2.85 70 Average Cost Per Therm of Heating Fuels, proportional to volume Average Thermostat Setpoint, proportional to volume Therms required to heat the building over 1 year Estimated Cost over 1 year $144,428.69Estimated Cost of Heating System Replacements New Heating SystemsExisting Heating Systems 12873 13,194.83 Estimated Demand Charges (electric) Estimated Savings per Year $0.00 $36,647.10 $12,142.43 Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 45 ---------------------A N N U A L R E A L C A S H F L O W S C U R R E N T----------------------------------------------------------------------------------A N N U A L R E A L C A S H F L O W S P R O P O S E D----------------------------- (Begin)First &AnnualAnnualAnnualTotalPresentPresentPresent(Begin)First &AnnualAnnualAnnualTotalPresentPresentPresentPresent Value of YearReplace.Maint.OilElectricAnnualWorthWorth ofWorth ofYearReplace.Maint.PropaneElectricAnnualWorthWorth ofWorth ofCumulative CostsCostsCostsCostsCostsFactorAnnualCumulativeCostsCostsCostsCostsCostsFactorAnnualCumulativeSavings2,012$73336,647$ $0$37,380(1+i)^-nCostsCosts2,012$144,429$49024,505$ $0$24,995(1+i)^-nCostsCosts2,012$0------$01.00$0-$ 2,012$144,429------$144,4291.00$144,429$144,4292,01375537,124037,8780.9736,77536,775.19$ 2,013050524,505025,0090.9724,281$168,710(131,935)$ 2,014077837,606038,3840.9436,18072,956$ 2,014052024,505025,0250.9423,588$192,298(119,342)$ 2,015080138,095038,8960.9235,595108,551$ 2,015053624,505025,0400.9222,915$215,213(106,662)$ 2,016082538,590039,4150.8935,020143,571$ 2,016055224,505025,0560.8922,262$237,475(93,905)$ 2,017085041,099041,9480.8636,185179,756$ 2,017056826,097026,6660.8623,002$260,477(80,722)$ 2,018087543,770044,6450.8437,390217,145$ 2,018058527,794028,3790.8423,767$284,244(67,099)$ 2,019090146,615047,5160.8138,635255,780$ 2,019060329,600030,2030.8124,558$308,802(53,022)$ 2,020092849,645050,5740.7939,923295,704$ 2,020062131,524032,1450.7925,376$334,178(38,474)$ 2,021095652,872053,8280.7741,255336,959$ 2,021063933,574034,2130.7726,221$360,399(23,441)$ 2,022098556,309057,2940.7442,632379,590$ 2,022065935,756036,4140.7427,096$387,495(7,905)$ 2,02301,01559,969060,9830.7244,056423,646$ 2,023067838,080038,7580.7228,000$415,4958,151$ 2,02401,04563,867064,9120.7045,528469,174$ 2,024069940,555041,2540.7028,935$444,43024,744$ 2,02501,07668,018069,0940.6847,050516,224$ 2,025072043,191043,9110.6829,901$474,33141,893$ 2,02601,10972,439073,5480.6648,624564,847$ 2,026074145,999046,7400.6630,901$505,23259,616$ 2,02701,14279,900081,0420.6452,018616,865$ 2,027076450,737051,5000.6433,056$538,28778,578$ 2,02801,17688,130089,3060.6255,653672,518$ 2,028078655,962056,7490.6235,364$573,65198,867$ 2,02901,21197,208098,4190.6159,545732,063$ 2,029081061,726062,5370.6137,836$611,487120,576$ 2,03001,248107,2200108,4680.5963,713795,777$ 2,030083468,084068,9190.5940,482$651,970143,807$ 2,03101,285118,2640119,5490.5768,177863,954$ 2,031085975,097075,9560.5743,317$695,286168,667$ 2,03201,324130,4450131,7690.5572,957936,911$ 2,032088582,832083,7170.5546,352$741,639195,272$ 2,03301,363143,8810145,2440.5478,0761,014,987$ 2,033091291,364092,2750.5449,603$791,241223,745$ 2,03401,404158,7000160,1050.5283,5571,098,544$ 2,0340939100,7740101,7130.5253,083$844,325254,219$ 2,03501,447175,0460176,4930.5189,4271,187,971$ 2,0350967111,1540112,1210.5156,811$901,135286,836$ 2,03601,490193,0760194,5660.4995,7141,283,685$ 2,0360996122,6030123,5990.4960,803$961,938321,747$ 2,03701,535212,9630214,4980.48102,4451,386,130$ 2,03701,026135,2310136,2570.4865,077$1,027,015359,115$ 2,03801,581234,8980236,4790.46109,6541,495,784$ 2,03801,057149,1600150,2170.4669,655$1,096,670399,115$ 2,03901,628259,0930260,7210.45117,3741,613,158$ 2,03901,089164,5230165,6120.4574,557$1,171,226441,932$ 2,04001,677285,7790287,4560.44125,6401,738,798$ 2,04001,121181,4690182,5900.4479,806$1,251,032487,766$ 2,04101,727315,2150316,9420.42134,4931,873,291$ 2,04101,155200,1600201,3150.4285,427$1,336,459536,832$ 2,04201,779347,6820349,4610.41143,9732,017,265$ 2,04201,190220,7770221,9660.4191,447$1,427,907589,358$ Totals:$0$35,916$3,653,516$0$3,689,432$2,017,265=30-year LCCTotals:$144,429$24,016$2,321,841$0$2,490,286$1,427,907=30-year LCC Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 46 ECM #7 Calculations Component R-Value Component R-Value Ground 1 Ground 1 R-19 Fiberglass 19 Total R-Values 1 Total R-Values 20 Shortest Width of Floor 4 Shortest Width of Floor 4 Ground R-Value 24.3 Ground R-Value 24.3 Total R-Value 25.32 Total R-Value 44.32 Center Area 976 Center Area 976 Below Grade Floor Heat Loss BTU/h 1,233.68 Below Grade Floor Heat Loss BTU/h 704.76 Heating System Served System 1 Heating System Served System 1 Original Heating System Proposed Heating System Savings - Original Heating System Savings - Proposed Heating System Yearly Cost $375.19 Yearly Cost $214.33 $185.00 $160.86 $138.85 Cost of Proposed Upgrade $2,288.70 Assembly 1 On or Below Grade Floor, Center - ProposedOn or Below Grade Floor, Center - Original Assembly 1 Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 47 ---------------------A N N U A L R E A L C A S H F L O W S C U R R E N T----------------------------------------------------------------------------------A N N U A L R E A L C A S H F L O W S P R O P O S E D----------------------------- (Begin)First &AnnualAnnualAnnualTotalPresentPresentPresent(Begin)First &AnnualAnnualAnnualTotalPresentPresentPresentPresent Value of YearReplace.Maint.PropaneElectricAnnualWorthWorth ofWorth ofYearReplace.Maint.PropaneElectricAnnualWorthWorth ofWorth ofCumulative CostsCostsCostsCostsCostsFactorAnnualCumulativeCostsCostsCostsCostsCostsFactorAnnualCumulativeSavings2012$0375$ $0$375(1+i)^-nCostsCosts2012$2,289$0214$ $0$214(1+i)^-nCostsCosts2012$0------$01.00$0-$ 2012$2,289------$2,2891.00$2,289$2,2892013038003800.97369369.00$ 20130021702170.97211$2,499(2,130)$ 20140038503850.94363732$ 20140022002200.94207$2,707(1,975)$ 20150039003900.923571,089$ 20150022302230.92204$2,911(1,822)$ 20160039503950.893511,440$ 20160022602260.89201$3,111(1,671)$ 20170042104210.863631,803$ 20170024002400.86207$3,319(1,516)$ 20180044804480.843752,178$ 20180025602560.84214$3,533(1,355)$ 20190047704770.813882,566$ 20190027302730.81222$3,755(1,188)$ 20200050805080.794012,967$ 20200029002900.79229$3,984(1,016)$ 20210054105410.774153,382$ 20210030903090.77237$4,221(839)$ 20220057605760.744293,811$ 20220032903290.74245$4,466(655)$ 20230061406140.724444,255$ 20230035103510.72253$4,719(465)$ 20240065406540.704594,713$ 20240037403740.70262$4,981(268)$ 20250069606960.684745,188$ 20250039803980.68271$5,252(65)$ 20260074207420.664905,678$ 20260042404240.66280$5,532146$ 20270081808180.645256,203$ 20270046704670.64300$5,832371$ 20280090209020.625626,765$ 20280051505150.62321$6,153612$ 20290099509950.616027,367$ 20290056905690.61344$6,497870$ 2030001,09801,0980.596458,012$ 20300062706270.59368$6,8661,146$ 2031001,21101,2110.576908,703$ 20310069206920.57394$7,2601,442$ 2032001,33501,3350.557399,442$ 20320076307630.55422$7,6831,759$ 2033001,47301,4730.5479210,234$ 20330084108410.54452$8,1352,099$ 2034001,62501,6250.5284811,082$ 20340092809280.52484$8,6192,462$ 2035001,79201,7920.5190811,990$ 2035001,02401,0240.51519$9,1382,852$ 2036001,97701,9770.4997212,962$ 2036001,12901,1290.49556$9,6943,269$ 2037002,18002,1800.481,04114,004$ 2037001,24601,2460.48595$10,2883,715$ 2038002,40502,4050.461,11515,119$ 2038001,37401,3740.46637$10,9254,193$ 2039002,65302,6530.451,19416,313$ 2039001,51501,5150.45682$11,6084,705$ 2040002,92602,9260.441,27917,592$ 2040001,67101,6710.44731$12,3385,254$ 2041003,22703,2270.421,36918,961$ 2041001,84401,8440.42782$13,1205,841$ 2042003,56003,5600.411,46620,428$ 2042002,03302,0330.41838$13,9586,469$ Totals:$0$0$37,405$0$37,405$20,428=30-year LCCTotals:$2,289$0$21,368$0$23,657$13,958=30-year LCC Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 48 ECM #8 Calculations Component R-Value Component R-Value Ground 1 Ground 1 R-19 Fiberglass 19 Total R-Values 1 Total R-Values 20 Shortest Width of Floor 4 Shortest Width of Floor 4 Ground R-Value 24.3 Ground R-Value 24.3 Total R-Value 25.32 Total R-Value 44.32 Center Area 976 Center Area 976 Below Grade Floor Heat Loss BTU/h 1,233.68 Below Grade Floor Heat Loss BTU/h 704.76 Heating System Served System 1 Heating System Served System 1 Original Heating System Proposed Heating System Savings - Original Heating System Savings - Proposed Heating System Yearly Cost $375.19 Yearly Cost $214.33 $185.00 $160.86 $138.85 Cost of Proposed Upgrade $2,288.70 On or Below Grade Floor, Center - Original On or Below Grade Floor, Center - Proposed Assembly 2Assembly 2 Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 49 ---------------------A N N U A L R E A L C A S H F L O W S C U R R E N T----------------------------------------------------------------------------------A N N U A L R E A L C A S H F L O W S P R O P O S E D----------------------------- (Begin)First &AnnualAnnualAnnualTotalPresentPresentPresent(Begin)First &AnnualAnnualAnnualTotalPresentPresentPresentPresent Value of YearReplace.Maint.PropaneElectricAnnualWorthWorth ofWorth ofYearReplace.Maint.PropaneElectricAnnualWorthWorth ofWorth ofCumulative CostsCostsCostsCostsCostsFactorAnnualCumulativeCostsCostsCostsCostsCostsFactorAnnualCumulativeSavings2012$0375$ $0$375(1+i)^-nCostsCosts2012$2,289$0214$ $0$214(1+i)^-nCostsCosts2012$0------$01.00$0-$ 2012$2,289------$2,2891.00$2,289$2,2892013038003800.97369369.00$ 20130021702170.97211$2,499(2,130)$ 20140038503850.94363732$ 20140022002200.94207$2,707(1,975)$ 20150039003900.923571,089$ 20150022302230.92204$2,911(1,822)$ 20160039503950.893511,440$ 20160022602260.89201$3,111(1,671)$ 20170042104210.863631,803$ 20170024002400.86207$3,319(1,516)$ 20180044804480.843752,178$ 20180025602560.84214$3,533(1,355)$ 20190047704770.813882,566$ 20190027302730.81222$3,755(1,188)$ 20200050805080.794012,967$ 20200029002900.79229$3,984(1,016)$ 20210054105410.774153,382$ 20210030903090.77237$4,221(839)$ 20220057605760.744293,811$ 20220032903290.74245$4,466(655)$ 20230061406140.724444,255$ 20230035103510.72253$4,719(465)$ 20240065406540.704594,713$ 20240037403740.70262$4,981(268)$ 20250069606960.684745,188$ 20250039803980.68271$5,252(65)$ 20260074207420.664905,678$ 20260042404240.66280$5,532146$ 20270081808180.645256,203$ 20270046704670.64300$5,832371$ 20280090209020.625626,765$ 20280051505150.62321$6,153612$ 20290099509950.616027,367$ 20290056905690.61344$6,497870$ 2030001,09801,0980.596458,012$ 20300062706270.59368$6,8661,146$ 2031001,21101,2110.576908,703$ 20310069206920.57394$7,2601,442$ 2032001,33501,3350.557399,442$ 20320076307630.55422$7,6831,759$ 2033001,47301,4730.5479210,234$ 20330084108410.54452$8,1352,099$ 2034001,62501,6250.5284811,082$ 20340092809280.52484$8,6192,462$ 2035001,79201,7920.5190811,990$ 2035001,02401,0240.51519$9,1382,852$ 2036001,97701,9770.4997212,962$ 2036001,12901,1290.49556$9,6943,269$ 2037002,18002,1800.481,04114,004$ 2037001,24601,2460.48595$10,2883,715$ 2038002,40502,4050.461,11515,119$ 2038001,37401,3740.46637$10,9254,193$ 2039002,65302,6530.451,19416,313$ 2039001,51501,5150.45682$11,6084,705$ 2040002,92602,9260.441,27917,592$ 2040001,67101,6710.44731$12,3385,254$ 2041003,22703,2270.421,36918,961$ 2041001,84401,8440.42782$13,1205,841$ 2042003,56003,5600.411,46620,428$ 2042002,03302,0330.41838$13,9586,469$ Totals:$0$0$37,405$0$37,405$20,428=30-year LCCTotals:$2,289$0$21,368$0$23,657$13,958=30-year LCC Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 50 ECM #9 Calculations Component Framed Section Insulated Section Component Framed Section Insulated Section Total R-Values 0 0 Total R-Values 0 0 Total U-Values 0.0000 #DIV/0!Total U-Values 0.0000 #DIV/0! Percentage of Framing 100.00%Percentage of Framing 100.00% Composite U-Value of Assembly 0.0000 Composite U-Value of Assembly 0.0000 Window U-value 0.55 Window U-value 0.3 Wall Square Footage Wall Square Footage Window Square Footage 398 Window Square Footage 398 Door Square Footage Door Square Footage Door U Value Door U-Value Opaque Wall Area 0 Opaque Wall Area 0 Composite U-value for entire assembly 0.5500 Composite U-value for entire assembly 0.3000 Composite R-Value for entire assembly 1.8182 Composite R-Value for entire assembly 3.3333 Heating System Served System 1 Heating System Served System 1 Heat Loss in BTU/h 7004.80 Heat Loss in BTU/h 3820.80Original Heating Proposed Heating Savings - Original Heating Savings - Proposed Yearly Cost $2,130.33 7871.8 Yearly Cost $1,162.00 $1,002.99 $968.33 $835.82 Cost of Proposed Upgrade $15,214.88 Above Grade Wall - Original Assembly 1 Assembly 1 Above Grade Wall - Proposed Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 51 ---------------------A N N U A L R E A L C A S H F L O W S C U R R E N T----------------------------------------------------------------------------------A N N U A L R E A L C A S H F L O W S P R O P O S E D----------------------------- (Begin)First &AnnualAnnualAnnualTotalPresentPresentPresent(Begin)First &AnnualAnnualAnnualTotalPresentPresentPresentPresent Value of YearReplace.Maint.PropaneElectricAnnualWorthWorth ofWorth ofYearReplace.Maint.PropaneElectricAnnualWorthWorth ofWorth ofCumulative CostsCostsCostsCostsCostsFactorAnnualCumulativeCostsCostsCostsCostsCostsFactorAnnualCumulativeSavings2012$02,130$ $0$2,130(1+i)^-nCostsCosts2012$15,215$01,162$ $0$1,162(1+i)^-nCostsCosts2012$0------$01.00$0-$ 2012$15,215------$15,2151.00$15,215$15,215201302,15802,1580.972,095########2013001,17701,1770.971,143$16,358(14,263)$ 2014002,18602,1860.942,0614,156$ 2014001,19201,1920.941,124$17,482(13,326)$ 2015002,21402,2140.922,0276,182$ 2015001,20801,2080.921,105$18,587(12,405)$ 2016002,24302,2430.891,9938,175$ 2016001,22401,2240.891,087$19,674(11,499)$ 2017002,38902,3890.862,06110,236$ 2017001,30301,3030.861,124$20,798(10,562)$ 2018002,54402,5440.842,13112,367$ 2018001,38801,3880.841,162$21,961(9,593)$ 2019002,71002,7100.812,20314,570$ 2019001,47801,4780.811,202$23,162(8,592)$ 2020002,88602,8860.792,27816,849$ 2020001,57401,5740.791,243$24,405(7,556)$ 2021003,07303,0730.772,35619,204$ 2021001,67601,6760.771,285$25,690(6,486)$ 2022003,27303,2730.742,43621,640$ 2022001,78501,7850.741,329$27,018(5,379)$ 2023003,48603,4860.722,51824,158$ 2023001,90101,9010.721,374$28,392(4,234)$ 2024003,71303,7130.702,60426,762$ 2024002,02502,0250.701,420$29,812(3,050)$ 2025003,95403,9540.682,69229,455$ 2025002,15702,1570.681,469$31,281(1,826)$ 2026004,21104,2110.662,78432,239$ 2026002,29702,2970.661,519$32,800(561)$ 2027004,64504,6450.642,98135,220$ 2027002,53302,5330.641,626$34,426794$ 2028005,12305,1230.623,19338,412$ 2028002,79402,7940.621,741$36,1672,245$ 2029005,65105,6510.613,41941,831$ 2029003,08203,0820.611,865$38,0323,799$ 2030006,23306,2330.593,66145,492$ 2030003,40003,4000.591,997$40,0295,463$ 2031006,87506,8750.573,92149,413$ 2031003,75003,7500.572,138$42,1677,245$ 2032007,58307,5830.554,19853,611$ 2032004,13604,1360.552,290$44,4579,154$ 2033008,36408,3640.544,49658,107$ 2033004,56204,5620.542,452$46,91011,197$ 2034009,22509,2250.524,81562,922$ 2034005,03205,0320.522,626$49,53613,386$ 20350010,176010,1760.515,15668,078$ 2035005,55005,5500.512,812$52,34815,730$ 20360011,224011,2240.495,52173,599$ 2036006,12206,1220.493,012$55,36018,239$ 20370012,380012,3800.485,91379,512$ 2037006,75306,7530.483,225$58,58520,927$ 20380013,655013,6550.466,33285,843$ 2038007,44807,4480.463,454$62,03923,805$ 20390015,061015,0610.456,78092,624$ 2039008,21508,2150.453,698$65,73726,887$ 20400016,613016,6130.447,26199,885$ 2040009,06109,0610.443,961$69,69730,187$ 20410018,324018,3240.427,776107,660$ 2041009,99509,9950.424,241$73,93933,722$ 20420020,211020,2110.418,327115,987$ 20420011,024011,0240.414,542$78,48137,506$ Totals:$0$0$212,382$0$212,382$115,987=30-year LCCTotals:$15,215$0$115,845$0$131,059$78,481=30-year LCC Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 52 ECM #10 Calculations Space Description Number of Fixtures 16 16 Lamps per Fixture 1 1 Lamp Type MH T5 Fixture Wattage 446.2 346.7 Hours on per Week 56 56 Cost of New Lamp Cost of New Fixture $664.40 Total KWH Cost $3,326.30 $2,584.55 Total Demand Cost $0.00 $0.00 Total Yearly Cost $3,326.30 $2,584.55 Yearly Savings $741.74 Total Retrofit Cost $10,630.40 Payback Period 14.3 years Replace existing metal halide fixtures in gym with T5 Hi Bay fixtrues with six 54w lamps. Gym metal halide Retrofit Description Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 53 ---------------------A N N U A L R E A L C A S H F L O W S C U R R E N T----------------------------------------------------------------------------------A N N U A L R E A L C A S H F L O W S P R O P O S E D----------------------------- (Begin)First &AnnualAnnualAnnualTotalPresentPresentPresent(Begin)First &AnnualAnnualAnnualTotalPresentPresentPresentPresent Value of YearReplace.Maint.PropaneElectricAnnualWorthWorth ofWorth ofYearReplace.Maint.PropaneElectricAnnualWorthWorth ofWorth ofCumulative CostsCostsCostsCostsCostsFactorAnnualCumulativeCostsCostsCostsCostsCostsFactorAnnualCumulativeSavings2,012$67-$ $3,326$3,393(1+i)^-nCostsCosts2,012$10,630$52-$ $2,585$2,636(1+i)^-nCostsCosts2,012$0------$01.00$0-$ 2,012$10,630------$10,6301.00$10,630$10,6302,01306903,4163,4850.973,3833,383.13$ 2,01305302,6542,7080.972,629$13,259(9,876)$ 2,01407103,5083,5790.943,3736,757$ 2,01405502,7262,7810.942,621$15,880(9,124)$ 2,01507303,6033,6760.923,36410,120$ 2,01505602,8002,8560.922,614$18,494(8,374)$ 2,01607503,7003,7750.893,35413,475$ 2,01605802,8752,9330.892,606$21,100(7,626)$ 2,01707703,8153,8920.863,35716,832$ 2,01706002,9643,0240.862,609$23,709(6,877)$ 2,01807903,9334,0130.843,36120,193$ 2,01806203,0563,1180.842,611$26,320(6,128)$ 2,01908204,0554,1370.813,36423,557$ 2,01906403,1513,2150.812,614$28,934(5,377)$ 2,02008404,1814,2650.793,36726,924$ 2,02006503,2493,3140.792,616$31,550(4,627)$ 2,02108704,3114,3970.773,37030,294$ 2,02106703,3493,4170.772,619$34,169(3,875)$ 2,02208904,4444,5340.743,37333,667$ 2,02206903,4533,5230.742,621$36,790(3,123)$ 2,02309204,5824,6740.723,37737,044$ 2,02307203,5603,6320.722,624$39,414(2,370)$ 2,02409504,7244,8190.703,38040,424$ 2,02407403,6713,7440.702,626$42,040(1,616)$ 2,02509804,8704,9680.683,38343,807$ 2,02507603,7843,8600.682,629$44,669(862)$ 2,026010105,0215,1220.663,38647,193$ 2,02607803,9023,9800.662,631$47,300(107)$ 2,027010405,2575,3610.643,44150,634$ 2,02708104,0854,1660.642,674$49,973661$ 2,028010705,5055,6110.623,49754,131$ 2,02808304,2774,3600.622,717$52,6911,441$ 2,029011005,7635,8730.613,55357,684$ 2,02908504,4784,5640.612,761$55,4522,233$ 2,030011306,0346,1470.593,61161,295$ 2,03008804,6894,7770.592,806$58,2573,038$ 2,031011706,3186,4340.573,66964,965$ 2,03109104,9095,0000.572,851$61,1083,856$ 2,032012006,6156,7350.553,72968,694$ 2,03209305,1405,2330.552,897$64,0064,688$ 2,033012406,9267,0490.543,78972,483$ 2,03309605,3815,4770.542,944$66,9505,533$ 2,034012707,2517,3790.523,85176,334$ 2,03409905,6345,7330.522,992$69,9426,392$ 2,035013107,5927,7230.513,91380,247$ 2,035010205,8996,0010.513,041$72,9837,264$ 2,036013507,9498,0840.493,97784,224$ 2,036010506,1766,2810.493,090$76,0738,151$ 2,037013908,3228,4620.484,04188,265$ 2,037010806,4666,5750.483,140$79,2139,052$ 2,038014308,7138,8570.464,10792,372$ 2,038011106,7706,8820.463,191$82,4049,968$ 2,039014809,1239,2710.454,17496,546$ 2,039011507,0897,2030.453,243$85,64710,899$ 2,040015209,5529,7040.444,241100,787$ 2,040011807,4227,5400.443,296$88,94311,845$ 2,0410157010,00110,1570.424,310105,097$ 2,041012207,7717,8920.423,349$92,29212,806$ 2,0420161010,47110,6320.414,380109,478$ 2,042012508,1368,2610.413,404$95,69513,782$ Totals:$0$3,260$0$179,556$182,816$109,478=30-year LCCTotals:$10,630$2,533$0$139,516$152,680$95,695=30-year LCC Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 54 ECM #11 Calculations Horsepower Motor Loading Efficiency KW Operating Hours/yr Yearly KW Demand Yearly KW Demand Cost Yearly KWH Consumption Yearly KWH Cost Totals Existing 4 70 78.5 2.66 8760 31.93 $0.00 23,309 $3,729.51 $3,729.51 Proposed 4 70 86.5 2.41 8760 28.98 $0.00 21,154 $3,384.58 $3,384.58 Savings 2.95 $0.00 2,156 $344.93 $344.93 Installed Cost $4,762.38 Payback (years)13.81 Description of Improvement Motor #1 Replace motors serving both classroom air handlers with motors having an efficiency of 86.5% or greater. Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 55 ---------------------A N N U A L R E A L C A S H F L O W S C U R R E N T----------------------------------------------------------------------------------A N N U A L R E A L C A S H F L O W S P R O P O S E D------------------------------- (Begin)First &AnnualAnnualAnnualTotalPresentPresentPresent(Begin)First &AnnualAnnualAnnualTotalPresentPresentPresentPresent Value of YearReplace.Maint.PropaneElectricAnnualWorthWorth ofWorth ofYearReplace.Maint.PropaneElectricAnnualWorthWorth ofWorth ofCumulative CostsCostsCostsCostsCostsFactorAnnualCumulativeCostsCostsCostsCostsCostsFactorAnnualCumulativeSavings2,012$75-$ $3,730$3,804(1+i)^-nCostsCosts2,012$4,762$68-$ $3,385$3,452(1+i)^-nCostsCosts2,012$0------$01.00$0-$ 2,012$4,762------$4,7621.00$4,762$4,7622,01307703,8303,9070.973,7933,793.23$ 2,01307003,4763,5460.973,442$8,205(4,412)$ 2,01407903,9344,0130.943,7827,576$ 2,01407203,5703,6420.943,433$11,637(4,062)$ 2,01508204,0404,1210.923,77211,347$ 2,01507403,6663,7400.923,423$15,060(3,713)$ 2,01608404,1494,2330.893,76115,108$ 2,01607603,7653,8410.893,413$18,473(3,365)$ 2,01708604,2784,3640.863,76418,872$ 2,01707803,8823,9600.863,416$21,889(3,017)$ 2,01808904,4104,4990.843,76822,640$ 2,01808104,0024,0830.843,420$25,309(2,668)$ 2,01909204,5474,6390.813,77226,412$ 2,01908304,1264,2100.813,423$28,732(2,320)$ 2,02009404,6884,7820.793,77530,187$ 2,02008604,2544,3400.793,426$32,158(1,970)$ 2,02109704,8334,9300.773,77933,966$ 2,02108804,3864,4740.773,429$35,587(1,621)$ 2,022010004,9835,0830.743,78237,748$ 2,02209104,5224,6130.743,433$39,020(1,271)$ 2,023010305,1375,2410.723,78641,534$ 2,02309404,6624,7560.723,436$42,455(921)$ 2,024010605,2975,4030.703,79045,324$ 2,02409704,8074,9030.703,439$45,894(571)$ 2,025011005,4615,5700.683,79349,117$ 2,02509904,9565,0550.683,442$49,337(220)$ 2,026011305,6305,7430.663,79752,914$ 2,026010205,1095,2120.663,446$52,782131$ 2,027011605,8956,0110.643,85856,772$ 2,027010505,3505,4550.643,501$56,284488$ 2,028012006,1726,2920.623,92160,693$ 2,028010905,6015,7100.623,558$59,842851$ 2,029012306,4626,5850.613,98464,677$ 2,029011205,8645,9760.613,616$63,4581,219$ 2,030012706,7666,8930.594,04968,726$ 2,030011506,1406,2550.593,674$67,1321,594$ 2,031013107,0847,2140.574,11472,840$ 2,031011906,4286,5470.573,734$70,8661,974$ 2,032013507,4177,5510.554,18177,021$ 2,032012206,7316,8530.553,794$74,6602,361$ 2,033013907,7657,9040.544,24981,269$ 2,033012607,0477,1730.543,856$78,5162,754$ 2,034014308,1308,2730.524,31885,587$ 2,034013007,3787,5080.523,918$82,4343,153$ 2,035014708,5128,6590.514,38889,975$ 2,035013407,7257,8590.513,982$86,4163,559$ 2,036015208,9129,0640.494,45994,433$ 2,036013808,0888,2260.494,046$90,4623,971$ 2,037015609,3319,4870.484,53198,965$ 2,037014208,4688,6100.484,112$94,5744,390$ 2,038016109,7709,9310.464,605103,569$ 2,038014608,8669,0120.464,179$98,7534,816$ 2,0390166010,22910,3950.454,680108,249$ 2,039015009,2839,4330.454,247$103,0005,249$ 2,0400171010,71010,8800.444,756113,004$ 2,040015509,7199,8740.444,316$107,3165,689$ 2,0410176011,21311,3890.424,833117,837$ 2,0410160010,17610,3350.424,386$111,7016,136$ 2,0420181011,74011,9210.414,911122,748$ 2,0420164010,65410,8180.414,457$116,1586,590$ Totals:$0$3,655$0$201,322$204,977$122,748=30-year LCCTotals:$4,762$3,317$0$182,702$190,782$116,158=30-year LCC Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 56 Cost Data Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 57 Energy Audit Report April 16, 2012 pg. 58