HomeMy WebLinkAboutCIRI-ANC-CAEC Bear Valley Elementary School 2012-EEENERGY AUDIT FINAL REPORT Bear Valley Elementary School 15001 Mountain Air Drive Anchorage, AK 99516 p (907) 742*5900 AkWarm ID No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 800 F Street Anchorage, AK 99501 p (907) 276*6664 f (907) 276*5042 Contact: Walter Heins, PE, CCP, CxA, CEA 32215 Lakefront Dr. Soldotna, Alaska 99669 p (907) 260*5311 Contact: Jerry P. Herring, PE, CEA Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 i AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*01 Contents I. Executive Summary .................................................................................................................. 1 II. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 4 III. Energy Audit Process ............................................................................................................. 5 IV. Method of Analysis ................................................................................................................. 6 V. Building Description ................................................................................................................ 7 V.I SCHOOL ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................. 7 V.II MECHANICAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................... 7 V.III ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................ 8 V.IV PORTABLE BUILDINGS DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 9 VI. Historic Energy Consumption and Cost............................................................................. 10 VI.I ELECTRICAL CONSUMPTION DATA ................................................................................................................... 10 VI.II NATURAL GAS CONSUMPTION DATA .............................................................................................................. 10 VI.III OVERALL ENERGY CONSUMPTION DATA ....................................................................................................... 10 VII. Equipment Inventory and Photo Survey .......................................................................... 12 VIII. Energy Conservation Measures ....................................................................................... 13 VIII.I SCHOOL ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES ............................................................................................... 13 VIII.II PORTABLE BUILDINGS ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES ....................................................................... 16 VIII.III ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS FOR ENERGY CONSERVATION AND OPTIMIZATION ....................................... 17 Appendices Appendix A – Energy Benchmark Data Appendix B – AkWarm Commercial Reports Appendix C – Major Equipment List Appendix D – Energy Conservation Measures – Bear Valley Elementary School Appendix E – Energy Conservation Measures – Bear Valley Portable Buildings Appendix F – Site Survey Photos Appendix G – Thermographic Photos Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 ii AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*01 Abbreviations AHFC Alaska Housing & Finance Corporation ARRA American Recovery & Reinvestment Act ASD Anchorage School District ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air*Conditioning Engineers BTU British Thermal Unit CCF One Hundred Cubic Feet CFM Cubic Feet per Minute DDC Direct Digital Control ECI Energy Cost Index ECM Energy Conservation Measure EPDM Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer EUI Energy Utilization Index F Fahrenheit HP horsepower HPS High Pressure Sodium HVAC Heating, Ventilating, and Air*Conditioning in inch(es) IPLC Integrated Power & Load Circuit kWh kilowatt*hour LED Light*Emitting Diode O&M Operations & Maintenance sf square feet SIR Savings*to*Investment Ratio V Volts W Watts Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 iii AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 List of Figures Fig. 1 – Energy Audit Clients ....................................................................................................................... 1 Fig. 2 – Energy Benchmark Data .................................................................................................................. 1 Fig. 3 – Anchorage, Alaska – Google Maps ................................................................................................. 4 Fig. 4 – Bear Valley Elementary School – Google Maps ............................................................................. 4 List of Tables Table 1. Recommended Energy Conservation Measures, Bear Valley Elementary ..................................... 2 Table 2. Recommended Energy Conservation Measures, Portable Buildings .............................................. 3 Table 3. Energy Cost and Consumption Data ............................................................................................. 10 Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 iv AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 REPORT DISCLAIMER Privacy The information contained within this report, including any attachment(s), was produced under contract to Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC). IGAs are the property of the State of Alaska, and may be incorporated into AkWarmC , the Alaska Retrofit Information System (ARIS), or other state and/or public information systems. AkWarmC is a building energy modeling software developed under contract by AHFC. Limitations of Study This energy audit is intended to identify and recommend potential areas of energy savings, estimate the value of the savings, and provide an opinion of the costs to implement the recommendations. This audit meets the criteria of a Level 2 Investment Grade Audit (IGA) per the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, Air*conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE), and is valid for one year. The life of the IGA may be extended on a case*by*case basis, at the discretion of AHFC. In preparing this report, the preparers acted with the standard of care prevalent in this region for this type of work. All results are dependent on the quality of input data provided. Not all data could be verified and no destructive testing or investigations were undertaken. Some data may have been incomplete. This report is not intended to be a final design document. Any modifications or changes made to a building to realize the savings must be designed and implemented by licensed, experienced professionals in their fields. Lighting upgrades should undergo a thorough lighting analysis to assure that the upgrades will comply with State of Alaska Statutes as well as Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) recommendations. All liabilities for upgrades, including but not limited to safety, design, and performance are incumbent upon the professional(s) who prepare the design. Coffman Engineers, Inc (CEI) and Central Alaska Engineering Company (CAEC) bear no responsibility for work performed as a result of this report. Financial ratios may vary from those forecasted due to the uncertainty of the final installed design, configuration, equipment selected, installation costs, related additional work, or the operating schedules and maintenance provided by the owner. Furthermore, many ECMs are interactive, so implementation of one ECM may impact the performance of another ECM. CEI and CAEC accept no liability for financial loss due to ECMs that fail to meet the forecasted financial ratios. The economic analyses for the ECMs relating to lighting improvements are based solely on energy savings. Additional benefits may be realized in reduced maintenance cost, deferred maintenance, and improved lighting quality. The new generation lighting systems have significantly longer life leading to long term labor savings, especially in high areas like Gyms and exterior parking lots. Lighting upgrades displace re*lamping costs for any fixtures whose lamps would otherwise be nearing the end of their lifecycle. This reduces maintenance costs for 3*7 years after the upgrade. An overall improvement in lighting quality, quantified by numerous studies, improves the performance of students and workers in the built environment. New lighting systems can be designed to address all of the above benefits. US Government Disclaimer This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy under Award Number DE*EE0000095. This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 1 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 I. Executive Summary This report presents the findings of an energy audit conducted at Bear Valley Elementary School as part of a contract for: Alaska Housing Finance Corporation Contact: Rebekah Luhrs 4300 Boniface Parkway Anchorage, AK 99510 Email: rluhrs@ahfc.us Anchorage School District Contact: Calvin Mundt 1301 Labar Street Anchorage, AK 99515 Email: mundt_calvin@asdk12.org Fig. 1 – Energy Audit Clients This audit was performed using American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds to promote the use of innovation and technology to solve energy and environmental problems in a way that improves the State of Alaska’s economy. This can be achieved through the wiser and more efficient use of energy. The average January 2009*December 2010 documented annual utility costs at this facility are as follows: Electricity $50,690 Natural Gas $45,476 Total $96,166 January 2009*December 2010 Energy Utilization Index (EUI) = 118.8 kBtu/sf January 2009*December 2010 Energy Cost Index = 1.84 $/sf Fig. 2 – Energy Benchmark Data ECMs calculated to be cost effective are shown below in the Executive Summary Table with the energy analyst’s best opinion of probable cost, savings, and investment returns. Be aware that the measures are not additive because of the interrelation of several of the measures. The cost of each measure for this level of auditing is ± 30% until detailed engineering, specifications, and hard proposals are obtained. See section VIII for detailed descriptions of all cost effective ECMs. Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 2 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Table 1. Recommended Energy Conservation Measures, Bear Valley Elementary Executive Summary – Recommended ECMs Bear Valley Elementary School Rank Feature Recommendation Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (Years) BVES*1a Refrigerators Replace residential & light commercial refrigerators/freezers older than 5 years old * * * <10 BVES*2 Lighting Revise wiring to eliminate nightlights $275 $700 6.0 2.5 BVES*3 Lighting Replace building mounted exterior HPS light fixtures with LED $1,217 $8,000 2.3 6.6 BVES*4 Lighting Provide bi*level switching in Gym $350 $3,500 1.5 10.0 BVES*5 HVAC And DHW Stack Economizer installation and Summer Boiler Shutdown $2,103 $29,000 1.7 13.8 BVES*6 Lighting Replace T12 light fixtures, install occupancy sensors, replace down lights $2,912 $41,850 1.1 14.4 BVES*7 Air Tightening Perform air sealing to reduce air leakage by 15% $2,846 $25,000 1.0 8.8 Notes: a Due to advances in refrigerators in the previous 5 years, new Energy Star refrigerators are much more efficient and result in viable energy savings. Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 3 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Table 2. Recommended Energy Conservation Measures, Portable Buildings Executive Summary – Recommended ECMs Bear Valley Portable Buildings Rank Feature Recommendation Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (Years) BVPB*1 Setback Thermostat: Portable Building Implement a Heating Temperature Unoccupied Setback for 60.0 deg F for the Portable Building Space $491 $1,000 6.0 2 BVPB*2 Relocatable Classroom Lighting Replace with FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W Program Start High Efficiency Electronic Ballasts and Add new Occupancy Sensors $447 per classroom $3,450 per classroom 2.0 7.7 Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 4 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 II. Introduction This energy audit was conducted at Bear Valley Elementary School for AHFC and the Anchorage School District. The school is a 52,087 square foot (sf) campus that includes a 50,167 sf school and two on*site portables that have a combined area of 1,920 sf. The location of the school is shown in the following regional and overhead images. The energy audit was conducted in order to evaluate areas and equipment where energy savings can be realized. The savings are then compared to a baseline and evaluated for reasonable project financial ratios and payback. Fig. 3 – Anchorage, Alaska – Google Maps Fig. 4 – Bear Valley Elementary School – Google Maps Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 5 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 III. Energy Audit Process Prior to visiting the school, the first task was to collect and review two years of utility data for electricity and natural gas usage. This information was used to analyze operational characteristics, calculate energy benchmarks for comparison to industry averages, estimate savings potential and establish a baseline to monitor the effectiveness of implemented energy conservation measures. A spreadsheet was used to enter, sum, and calculate benchmarks and to graph energy use information (see Appendix A). The primary benchmark calculation used for comparison and baseline data is the EUI (see Section VI). After gathering the utility data and calculating the EUI, the next step in the audit process was to review the architectural and engineering drawings to develop a building profile which documented building age, type, usage, and major energy consuming equipment or systems such as lighting, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC), water heating, refrigeration, and etc. The building profile is utilized to generate, and answer, all possible questions regarding the facility’s energy usage. These questions were then compared to the energy usage profiles developed during the utility data gathering step. After this information was gathered, the next step in the process was to conduct a site survey. A site survey was completed on December 15, 2011. The audit included inspecting the building systems that impact energy consumption and answering questions from the preliminary review of the school. The on*site contact during the investigation was Mr. Bob Halpin of the ASD Facilities Department1. The following information was also collected while on site: occupancy schedules, O&M (Operation and Maintenance) practices, building energy management program, and other information that has an impact on energy consumption. The following energy audit includes an evaluation of the information gathered, the researching of possible conservation opportunities, organizing the energy audit into a comprehensive report, and making ECM recommendations for mechanical, electrical, and building envelope improvements. 1 Mr. Bob Halpin, (907) 632*2884 (mobile), (907) 348*5212 (office) Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 6 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 IV. Method of Analysis Having completed the preliminary energy audit tasks, Coffman Engineers, Inc., (CEI) conducted a site survey. The site survey provides critical input in deciphering where energy savings opportunities exist within a facility. The audit team from CEI walked the entire site to inventory and investigate the building envelope and major equipment, including: HVAC, water heating, lighting, and equipment located in shops, kitchens, offices, and classrooms. An understanding of how the equipment is used is determined during the site survey. The collected data was entered into AkWarm Commercial™ software, version, an energy calculating program for buildings. The data was processed by AkWarm to model a baseline from which ECMs could be considered. The model was compared to actual utility costs to ensure the quality of the baseline and proposed energy modeling performed by AkWarm. The recommended ECMs focus on the building envelope, HVAC, lighting, water heating, and other electrical measures that will reduce annual energy consumption. ECMs are evaluated based on building use and processes, local climate conditions, building construction type, function, operational schedule, existing conditions, and foreseen future plans. When new equipment is proposed, energy consumption is calculated based on the manufacturer’s cataloged information. Energy savings are calculated by AkWarm. Implementation of more than one ECM often affects the savings of other ECMs. The savings may in some cases be relatively higher for an ECM implemented individually than when that ECM is just one of multiple recommended ECMs. For example, implementing reduced operating schedules of inefficient lighting systems may result in a given savings. Also implementing a more efficient lighting system will add to the savings, but less than the efficient lighting would alone because there is less energy to be saved when the lights are on a reduced operating schedule. Thus, if multiple ECM’s are recommended, the combined savings are calculated and identified appropriately in groups. In Appendix D, Energy Conservation Measures, the simple lifetime calculation is shown for each ECM, which is based on the typical life of the equipment being replaced or altered. The energy savings are extrapolated throughout the simple lifetime of the ECM. The total energy savings is calculated as the total lifetime multiplied by the yearly energy savings. The cost savings and installation costs are used to calculate simple payback2 and the Savings to Investment Ratio3 (SIR). These are listed in Appendix D and summarized in the Executive Summary Table of this report. The SIR is calculated as a ratio by dividing the break even cost by the initial installed cost. Cost savings is calculated based on the historical energy costs for the building. Installation costs include labor and equipment to evaluate the initial investment required to implement an ECM. These are applied to each recommendation with simple paybacks calculated. The energy analyst’s opinions of probable cost are garnered from RS Means Cost Data, other industry publications, and local contractors and suppliers. In addition, where applicable, maintenance cost savings are estimated and applied to the net savings. 2 The simple payback is based on the years that it takes for the net savings to payback the net installation cost (Cost divided by Savings). 3 Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR): Break Even Cost divided by initial installed cost, where Break Even Cost is how much can be spent and still have the measure be cost effective; it equals the Present Value (PV) of Savings over the life of the measure minus PV of maintenance costs. Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 7 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 V. Building Description Bear Valley Elementary School is a single*story building with a variety of space usages and schedules. It was constructed in 1983, and no major building renovations have occurred since then. The facility is composed of classrooms, a multipurpose room, a gymnasium, a kitchen, a library, and supporting administrative offices and utility spaces. During the ASD school year, the school is normally occupied from 6am until 6pm for school and after*school activities, and night janitorial staff works until 12am. There are several additional buildings on the property. Two portable classrooms, using electric resistance heat, are normally occupied from 6am to 4pm during the school year. A utility building, housing the well equipment, is also present on the property. V.I School Architectural Description Details of the wall, floor, and roof construction were examined on the architectural drawings and confirmed during the site visit. Exterior walls are constructed of 2”x6” studs at 16” on centers with R*19 batt insulation and a 2” exterior insulated finish system. Most of the exterior walls are 12’ high, and have an estimated overall R*Value of R*25. The school has slab*on*grade floors with 2” of rigid foam insulation covering the slab edge and extending at least 4’ below grade, providing an estimated R*Value of R*16. There is 48,252 sf of slab on grade floor area and a total floor area of 50,167 sf. The slab on grade floor area is less than the usable floor area of the building due to the fan rooms located in mechanical mezzanines. The sloped roof is constructed of preformed metal roofing over metal decking and is designed to be a cold roof system. The ceiling structure typically consists of 5/8” gypsum wallboard mounted on studs with 12" of fiberglass batt insulation, providing an estimated R*Value of R*34. There is approximately 49,748 sf of roof area. This area is greater than the floor area due to the sloped roof. Typical window construction for the school consists of double pane, clear glass with a half inch air space between the panes and an aluminum frame. An estimated insulating value of R*1.6 was given to most of the windows in the school. Clerestory windows in the school use triple paned windows with aluminum frames, which have an estimated insulating value of R*2.0. The school’s window area for all windows facing south (including clerestory windows) is approximately 1,800 sf and all other window areas for the school total approximately 1,000 sf. There are two door types in use at Bear Valley. Most doors are half*lite, metal doors with rigid insulation infill, providing an estimated insulating value of R*2.2. Utility doors are full metal doors with rigid insulation infill, with an estimated R*Value of R*5.3. There is one overhead door at the school, which is a metal sectional door with rigid insulation infill. It has an estimated insulating value of R*5.3, and is approximately 42 sf in area. The rest of the doors total approximately 400 sf in area. V.II Mechanical Description The building’s heat is provided by two Weil*McLain series 786 cast iron sectional boilers, each rated for 1,700 thousand BTUs per hour (MBH) natural gas input. Both are equipped with PowerFlame CR2 burners. The heating system medium is water. Conduction and infiltration heating loads are accomplished with a perimeter baseboard heating system with cabinet unit heaters and horizontal unit heaters, where required. Ventilation heating is provided by heating coils using glycol, which is heated by the central heating system using water*to*glycol heat exchangers located in each fan room. No mechanical cooling is provided for any systems in the facility. Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 8 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 There are five air handling units (AHUs) serving Bear Valley Elementary School. All air handling units are original construction Trane Climate Changer series appropriately sized for their different applications. AHU*1 is a variable air volume unit equipped with a 30 horsepower (HP) VFD*equipped motor and serving up to 21,000 cubic feet per minute (CFM) of air. It serves the west wing classrooms and the main office. AHU*2 and AHU*4 are constant volume units equipped with 5 HP motors. AHU*2 serves the gymnasium and parts of the music room and music office with 7,575 CFM. AHU*4 serves the multipurpose room and parts of the music room and music offices with 5,503 CFM. AHU*5 is a constant volume makeup air handling unit serving the kitchen which operates when the range hood exhaust fan, EF*7, is operating. The unit is equipped with a 1/4 HP motor and serves 1,100 CFM when operating. AHU*5 and EF*7 are rarely used since no food preparation occurs at Bear Valley, only food warm*up. A gas*fired water heater, a PVI Nickelshield Maxim series, provides domestic hot water for the school. It is rated for 270 MBH natural gas input and has a 125 gallon storage tank. The system is engineered for hot water recirculation, using a Grundfos type UP 25*64SF pump. Building domestic cold water is provided by a well system, which primarily fills a 10,000 gallon tank located in a utility outbuilding. From the utility outbuilding, water is pumped to a domestic cold water daytank, which provides pressurization control for the domestic cold water system. The school’s building energy management and control system is controlled using a hybrid electro* pneumatic system. The direct digital control (DDC) control system sends system commands to electropneumatic transducers, which operate the various equipment to provide the desired control. The system has been adequately maintained and appeared to be in working order during the site visit. Pneumatic systems, even hybrid systems such as the one in use, are considered outdated due to the vast improvements in monitoring, control and operating efficiencies available from the modern genre of electronic control systems. The energy management and control system controls the boilers, heating water pumps, and supply fans. V.III Electrical Description Bear Valley Elementary School is served by a 1400A, 208V, 3*phase, 4*wire, underground service. The electric utility is Chugach Electric Association. The school also has a standby, reciprocating diesel generator. Most classrooms and corridors are illuminated by light fixtures equipped with two or three 32 watt (W) T* 8 fluorescent lamps and electronic ballasts. Corridor lighting is controlled by a central contactor, connected to the security system. Classroom lighting is typically controlled by wall switches. The Gym is illuminated with six lamp T5HO light fixtures controlled by occupancy sensors. Most offices, storage areas, utility rooms, the Art classroom are illuminated by T12 fixtures with magnetic ballasts. Lighting levels throughout the school are typically consistent with current Illumination Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) illumination standards. Exterior lighting is provided by high pressure sodium (HPS) sources. There are (13) 400W HPS pole mounted "shoebox" type area lighters illuminating the parking lot and driveway. There are (7) 150W HPS smaller pole mounted area lighters illuminating the walkways. There are (6) 400W HPS pole mounted flood lights illuminating the skating rink. There are (10) 150W HPS canopy lights over the entrances and around the perimeter of the building. There are (5) 100W HPS canopy lights over the entrances and around the perimeter of the building. All exterior lighting is controlled by contactors located in the main electrical room base on signals from a central photocell and the security system. Parking lot lights are shut*off when the security system is armed. Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 9 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Other electricity*using equipment not previously described in the mechanical or electrical sections include a commercial reach*in freezer, a commercial reach*in refrigerator, a microwave and other kitchen equipment, and various user equipment such as projectors, computers, printers, and a laminator (which is turned off when not in use). V.IV Portable Buildings Description There are two 960 sf portable classrooms in use at Bear Valley Elementary School. They are both of similar construction and were both built in 1981. Wall construction consists of T1*11 siding over 2” x 4” walls with R*11 batt insulation. The portables rest on sleepers with T1*11 skirting around the perimeter. Floor construction is estimated to be 2” x 8” joists with R*19 batt insulation. Each portable is designed with a cold roof system, with shingles and plywood over 2” x 8” joists with an estimated R*19 batt insulation infill. Each portable has two insulated metal doors. The windows of each portable are double pane with aluminum frames. The heating is provided by electric resistance baseboards with a manual thermostat on each unit. The interior lighting of each portable consists of approximately (17), 4', surface*mounted wrap fixtures with (2) 40W T12 lamps and magnetic ballasts. There is also (1) 2'X2' fixture with (2) 34W T12 lamps and a magnetic ballast. The portable buildings were modeled in a separate AkWarm file than the main elementary school, and since the portables are similar in all respects, only one model was created. Detailed information is provided in Appendix E. Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 10 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 VI. Historic Energy Consumption and Cost Tables provided in Appendix A, Energy Benchmark Data Report, represent the electric and natural gas energy usage for the surveyed facility from January 2009 to December 2010. The Chugach Electric Association provides the electricity and Enstar Natural Gas Company provides natural gas to the building. Both utility companies bill the facility using a commercial rate schedule. The actual utility bills were not provided to be able to verify the data received to assure 100 percent accuracy of the data. The AkWarm model of the facility was built to match the facility’s average annual electric and natural gas consumption, so that a realistic model could be created. The monthly energy consumption of the AkWarm model matches the actual average monthly consumption of the facility within 25%, which is adequate for this level of modeling. Overall, the energy consumption trends of the AkWarm model and the actual facility match appropriately. Graphical representations of the monthly energy consumption are included in Appendix A. VI.I Electrical Consumption Data The electric utility costs consist of several components: a fixed monthly customer charge, an energy usage charge, fuel surcharge, taxes, and a demand charge. The energy usage and fuel surcharge are based on the customer's usage as measured in kilowatt*hours (kWh). The usage (kWh) is determined by load wattage divided by 1,000, times hours running. For example, a 1,000W load operating for one hour will use 1 kWh of electricity as would ten, 100W lamps operating for one hour or one, 100W lamp operating for 10 hours. One kWh is equivalent to 3,413 BTU. Utility data used in this report reflects the historical data provided for the building in a summarized format. VI.II Natural Gas Consumption Data The natural gas supplier bills for consumption in units of 100 cubic feet (CCF) of natural gas. Natural gas is delivered as needed through a utility service connection. The average heating value of natural gas is 100,000 BTUs per CCF, which is equal to 1 Therm of energy. VI.III Overall Energy Consumption Data The overall cost for energy use is calculated by dividing the total cost by the total usage. Based on the electric and natural gas utility data provided, the average cost for the energy and consumption calculations at the surveyed facility are summarized in the table below. Table 3. Energy Cost and Consumption Data Energy Cost and Consumption Data 2009 2010 Average Electric 0.14 $/kWh 0.12 $/kWh 0.13 $/kWh Natural Gas 1.01 $/CCF 0.87 $/CCF 0.94 $/CCF Total Cost $107,224 $85,107 $96,166 ECI 2.06 $/sf 1.63 $/sf 1.85 $/sf Electric EUI 27.3 kBtu/sf 25.0 kBtu/sf 26.2 kBtu/sf Natural Gas EUI 95.8 kBtu/sf 89.8 kBtu/sf 92.8 kBtu/sf Building EUI 123.1 kBtu/sf 114.8 kBtu/sf 119.0 kBtu/sf Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 11 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 The Energy Cost Index (ECI) is derived by dividing the annual cost by the building square footage. The building square footage was calculated to be approximately 52,087 square feet. This area includes the main building in addition to the two portable buildings and utility building. The annual EUI is expressed in Thousands of British Thermal Units per Square Foot (kBtu/sf) and can be used to compare energy consumption of similar building types or to track consumption from year to year in the same building. The EUI is calculated by converting annual consumption of all fuels used to Btu’s and then dividing by the area (gross conditioned square footage) of the building. EUI is a good indicator of the relative potential for energy savings. A comparatively low EUI indicates less potential for large energy savings. Building architectural, mechanical, and electrical drawings were obtained and utilized to calculate and verify the gross area of the facility. The gross area was confirmed on the physical site investigation. Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 12 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 VII. Equipment Inventory and Photo Survey Following the completion of the field survey a detailed equipment list was created and is attached as Appendix C. The major equipment listed are considered to be the major energy consuming equipment in the building whose replacement could yield substantial energy savings. An approximate age was assigned to the equipment if a manufactured date was not shown on the equipment’s nameplate. As listed in the 2011 ASHRAE Handbook for HVAC Applications, Chapter 37, Table 4, the service life for the equipment along with the remaining useful life in accordance to the ASHRAE standard are also noted in the equipment list. Where there are zero (0) years remaining in the estimated useful life of a piece of equipment, this is an indication that maintenance costs are likely on the rise and more efficient replacement equipment is available which will lower the operating costs of the unit. Maintenance costs should also fall with the replacement. Additionally, photos of various equipment and the building construction were taken during the site visit. Several photos are included in Appendix F. Thermographic photos of specific building envelope features were also taken during the site visit. See Appendix G for thermographic photos. Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 13 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 VIII. Energy Conservation Measures The following ECMs described here have been calculated by AkWarm Commercial and considered by the energy audit team as viable projects. ECMs provided below are considered to have viable financial ratios (SIR>1) or to add value to the building or building operational profiles. For a full list of ECMs considered and calculated by the energy audit team, including ECMs not recommended at this time, please see Appendix D. VIII.I School Energy Conservation Measures ECM# BVES;1 – Replace residential & light commercial refrigerators/freezers older than 5 years Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (years) * * * <10 years Due to advances in refrigerators in the previous five years, new Energy Star residential*type and light commercial*type refrigerators and freezers are much more efficient and result in viable energy savings. Built*in refrigerators and freezers should be evaluated independently. Replacing existing refrigerators, which are older than five years old, with new energy star models will typically have paybacks of less than 10 years. ECM #BVES–2 Revise Wiring to Eliminate Night Lights Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (years) $275 $700 6.0 2.5 There are approximately ten unswitched light fixtures (nightlights) in the administrative areas and small classrooms. These are three*lamp fixtures with one unswitched lamp. This measure would rewire these fixtures to be switched. If ECM #BVES*6 is implemented, occupancy sensors will be installed in all the affected areas, making the night lights redundant. There is one four*foot, three*lamp, T12 light fixture mounted to the wall in the gym. One lamp is an unswitched nightlight, the other lamps are manually switched. This measure would replace the fixture with a battery backed up "bug*eye" type emergency lighting unit. This measure is modeled as items 1, 2, 3, & 10. See appendix D for more information. ECM # BVES;3 – Upgrade Building Mounted Exterior Lighting Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (years) $1,217 $8,000 2.3 6.6 The building mounted exterior HPS lighting at the school consists of ten 250W HPS recessed canopy fixtures and five 100W wallpacks. This ECM would replace the 250W HPS fixtures with 100W LED fixtures and the 100W fixtures with 40W LED. It assumes the reuse of existing wiring. This measure is modeled as items 7 &11. See appendix D for more information. Calculations were also run on the replacement of pole mounted parking lot lighting with LED fixtures. The results did not support their replacement for two reasons: the labor costs are greater when working at those heights and the interface with the security system that shuts off parking lot lighting already saves a substantial amount of energy. Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 14 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 ECM# BVES;4 ; Provide Bi;level switching in Gym Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (years) $350 $3,500 1.54 10.0 The gym room is illuminated by high*bay fluorescent fixtures equipped with six 54W T5HO fluorescent lamps and electronic ballasts. The gym lighting is controlled by wall*mount occupancy sensors. This measure would rewire the gym lighting to provide 3*level switching. This would allow the users to select appropriate lighting levels for different tasks. The occupancy sensors would be configured to turn the lights on at the lowest level when motion is sensed. The higher levels would be controlled by keyed switches. This measure is modeled as item 13. See appendix D for more information. ECM #BVES;5 – Install Exhaust Stack Economizer & Summer Boiler Shutdown Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (years) $2,090 $29,000 1.16 13.9 Installing one exhaust stack economizer on the combined exhaust stack of the two existing gas*fired boilers will recover heat from exhaust gases. An exhaust stack economizer utilizes a fan and heat exchanger to transfer heat from exhaust gases to the hydronic system, increasing the efficiency of the heating system by approximately 5% or more. Additionally, the boilers currently run year*round, even during the summer when the building is unoccupied. The heating system does not use grooved mechanical fittings, so a summer shutdown can be used without causing leaks or joint failure. Since domestic hot water is provided by a gas*fired water heater, and not dependent on the boilers, summer shutdown can be programmed. The savings of both a stack economizer and a summer shutdown are included in this measure. See item 18 in Appendix D for more details. ECM# BVES;6 ; Replace T12 light fixtures, install occupancy sensors, replace down lights Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (years) $2,912 $41,850 1.1 14.4 This measure would replace all remaining T12 light fixtures in the school with more efficient sources; install occupancy sensors in all classrooms, offices, and storage spaces; and replace CFL down lights with LED fixtures. The previous energy conservation projects executed at this school upgraded T12 light fixtures in corridors and most classrooms to T8 sources. Elimination of all T12 lamps will simplify maintenance. This measure would replace the remaining T12 light fixtures in the art classroom, library, offices, smaller classrooms, storage spaces, and utility spaces. This measure would replace the following fixtures: (5) 3* lamp, T12 fixtures in hallways that the currently over*illuminated with (5) 2*lamp T8 fixtures; (7) 3*lamp, T12 fixtures in small classrooms that the currently over*illuminated with (7) 2*lamp T8 fixtures; (11) 2* lamp, T12 fixtures in restrooms with (11) 2*lamp T8 fixtures; (2) 3*lamp, T12 fixtures in offices that the currently over*illuminated with (2) 2*lamp T8 fixtures; (29) 2*lamp, T12 fixtures in offices with (29) 2* lamp T8 fixtures; (42) 2*lamp, T12 fixtures in storage and utility spaces with (29) 2*lamp T8 fixtures; (8) 1*lamp, T12 fixtures in storage and utility spaces with (8) 1*lamp T8 fixtures; (12) 2*lamp, 2'X2' T12 fixtures in elementary classroom restrooms with (12) 2*lamp, 2'X2' T8 fixtures; (27) 2*lamp, T12 suspended direct/indirect fixtures in art classroom with (8) 3*lamp T5HO suspended direct/indirect fixtures; (28) 2*lamp, T12 suspended direct/indirect fixtures in library with (14) 3*lamp T5HO suspended direct/indirect fixtures; and (4) 2*lamp T12 fixtures in art classroom storage areas with (4) 2*lamp, 2'X2' T8 fixtures. Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 15 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 This measure would also upgrade (19) CFL downlights in corridors and (5) CFL downlights in the library with LED retrofit kits. This measure would relamp two incandescent fixtures in storage spaces with a* base LED lamps. Elimination of all CFL and incandescent lamps will simplify maintenance. Currently, there are very few occupancy sensors in use at this school. This measure includes installing approximately 77 wall or ceiling mounted occupancy sensors in offices, the workroom, small classrooms, resource rooms, storage areas, utility spaces, the art classroom, the library, and restrooms. The sensors will automatically shut off the lights in the room when no one is present. This measure is modeled as items 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, & 33. See appendix D for more information. ECM # BVES;10 – Perform Air Sealing to Reduce Air Leakage by 15% Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (years) $2,842 $25,000 1.02 8.8 Unconditioned infiltration air, leaking through doors, windows, and other building envelope penetrations contributes to the heating required in the building. Reducing air infiltration by 15% will result in significant heating costs savings. Methods to decrease the infiltration into the building include: sealing around roof and wall penetrations with caulking and insulation, gasketing mechanical louvers or hoods, providing gaskets to all exterior cover plates, and adding weather stripping around exterior doors. In high wind areas such as Bear Valley Elementary School, windbreak panels can be installed over existing mechanical louvers to reduce wind*driven infiltration while still allowing adequate outside air inflow. To achieve viable economic benefit, up to $25,000 can be invested and still achieve an SIR ≥ 1 by reducing air leakage by 15%. See item 22 in Appendix D for more information. Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 16 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 VIII.II Portable Buildings Energy Conservation Measures These measures are calculated per portable building. Both portables are of similar construction in all respects, allowing the energy audit team to model one portable and carryover its energy usage and ECMs to both buildings. Since there are two portables at Bear Valley, each ECM’s metrics should be multiplied by two if both portables are to receive upgrades. ECM #BVPB;1 – Setback Thermostat Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (years) $491 $1,000 6.03 2 Significant energy savings exist by reducing the room temperature of the portable building during unoccupied times. However, due to the fact that the portable building has perimeter electric baseboard heaters, each with individual dial thermostats, it is difficult to obtain a desired set point in the portable building. As a result, the temperature in the portable is typically much higher than required, 65F or warmer. Also, the temperature cannot be set back during unoccupied times. It is recommended that a central programmable thermostat be installed in the portable building that can turn the perimeter electric baseboards on or off to control occupied and unoccupied temperature set points. Reducing the portable temperature from 65F to 60F during unoccupied times will save $491 annually per portable in electricity bills. See item 1 in Appendix E for more information. ECM # BVPB;2 –Upgrade Lighting in Relocatable Classrooms Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (years) $738 per classroom $3,400 per classroom 3.23 4.7 The interior lighting of both portable classrooms consists of approximately (17), 4', surface*mounted wrap fixtures with (2) 40W T12 lamps and magnetic ballasts. There is also (1) 2’X2’ fixture with (2) 34W T12 lamps and a magnetic ballast. This measure consists of replacing the all interior lighting with (2) lamp T8 fixtures with high efficiency electronic ballasts, bi*level switching, and occupancy sensor control. The costs and savings noted are for upgrading one relocatable classroom. This ECM is a compilation of items 2 and 3 as modeled in AkWarm which are intended to be implemented concurrently. Details of individual items are shown in Appendix E. Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 17 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 VIII.III Administrative Controls for Energy Conservation and Optimization While the intent of many energy conservation measures is to increase the efficiency of fuel*burning and electrical equipment, an important factor of energy consumption lies in the operational profiles which control the equipment usage. Such profiles can be managed by administrative controls and departmental leadership. They determine how and when fuel*burning and electrical equipment are used, and therefore have a greater impact on energy savings potential than simply equipment upgrades alone. Significant energy cost savings can be realized when ECMs are combined with efficient*minded operational profiles. Operational profiles may be outlined by organization policy or developed naturally or historically. These profiles include, but are not limited to: operating schedules, equipment setpoints and control strategies, maintenance schedules, and site and equipment selection. Optimization of operational profiles can be accomplished by numerous methods so long as the intent is reduction in energy*using equipment runtime. Due to the numerous methods of optimization, energy cost savings solely as a result of operational optimization are difficult to predict. Quantification, however, is easy to accomplish by metering energy usage during and/or after implementation of energy*saving operational profiles and ECMs. Shown below are some examples which have proven successful for other organizations. Optimization of site selection includes scheduling and location of events. If several buildings in a given neighborhood are all lightly used after regularly occupied hours, energy savings can be found when after* hours events are consolidated and held within the most energy efficient buildings available for use. As a result, unoccupied buildings could be shut down to the greatest extent possible to reduce energy consumption. Two operational behaviors which can be combined with equipment upgrades are operating schedules and equipment control strategies including setpoints. Occupancy and daylight sensors can be programmed to automatically shut off or dim lighting when rooms are unoccupied or sufficiently lit from the sun. Operating schedules can be optimized to run equipment only during regular or high*occupancy periods. Also, through a central control system, or with digital programmable thermostats, temperature setpoints can be reduced during low*occupancy hours to maximize savings. In addition, sporadically used equipment can be shut down during unoccupied hours to further save energy. In general, having equipment operating in areas where no occupants are present is inefficient, and presents an opportunity for energy savings. Operational profiles can also be implemented to take advantage of no* or low*cost ECMs. Examples include heating plant optimizations (boiler section cleaning, boiler flush*through cleaning) and tighter controls of equipment setbacks and shutdowns (unoccupied zones equipment shutdown, easier access to and finer control of equipment for after*hours control). In a large facility management program, implementation of these measures across many or all sites will realize dramatic savings due to the quantity of equipment involved. Changes to building operational profiles can only be realized while simultaneously addressing health, safety, user comfort, and user requirements first. It is impractical to expect users to occupy a building or implement operational behaviors which do not meet such considerations. That said, it is quite practical for management groups to implement administrative controls which reduce losses brought about by excess and sub*optimum usage. Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Appendix A Energy Benchmark Data First Name Last Name Middle Name Phone Steven Golab 348-5132 State Zip AK Monday- Friday Saturday Sunday Holidays 8-4:30 Average # of Occupants During 513 Renovations Date 99517 Email Golab_Steven@asdk12.org Details 15001 Mountain Air Dr City Anchorage Mailing Address Facility Zip 261,500 REAL Preliminary Benchmark Data Form PART I – FACILITY INFORMATION Facility Owner MOA Anchorage Primary Operating Hours Contact Person Building Name/ Identifier Building Usage Building Square Footage Facility Owned By Date 07/22/11Municipal Government/Subdivision Bear Valley Elementary Education - K - 12 52,087 Facility Address Building Type Mixed Community Population Facility City Year Built 1984 PART II – ENERGY SOURCES Heating Oil Electricity Natural Gas Propane Wood Coal $ /gallon $ / kWh $ / CCF $ / gal $ / cord $ / ton Other energy sources? Describe 1. Please check every energy source you use in the table below. If known, please enter the base rate you pay for the energy source. 2. Provide utilities bills for the most recent two-year period for each energy source you use. Bear Valley Elementary Buiding Size Input (sf) =52,087 2009 Natural Gas Consumption (Therms)49,888.00 2009 Natural Gas Cost ($)50,311 2009 Electric Consumption (kWh)416,843 2009 Electric Cost ($)56,913 2009 Total Energy Use (kBtu)6,411,485 2009 Total Energy Cost ($)107,224 Annual Energy Use Intensity (EUI) 2009 Natural Gas (kBtu/sf) 95.8 2009 Electricity (kBtu/sf)27.3 2009 Energy Utilization Index (kBtu/sf)123.1 Annual Energy Cost Index (ECI) 2009 Natural Gas Cost Index ($/sf)0.97 2009 Electric Cost Index ($/sf)1.09 2009 Energy Cost Index ($/sf)2.06 2010 Natural Gas Consumption (Therms)46,789.00 2010 Natural Gas Cost ($)40,640 2010 Electric Consumption (kWh)381,1972010 Electric Consumption (kWh)381,197 2010 Electric Cost ($)44,467 2010 Total Energy Use (kBtu)5,979,925 2010 Total Energy Cost ($)85,107 Annual Energy Use Intensity (EUI) 2010 Natural Gas (kBtu/sf)89.8 2010 Electricity (kBtu/sf)25.0 2010 Energy Utilization Index (kBtu/sf)114.8 Annual Energy Cost Index (ECI) 2010 Natural Gas Cost Index ($/sf)0.78 2010 Electric Cost Index ($/sf)0.85 20010 Energy Cost Index ($/sf)1.63 Note: 1 kWh = 3,413 Btu's 1 Therm = 100,000 Btu's 1 CF ≈ 1,000 Btu's Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Bear Valley ElementaryNatural GasBtus/CCF =100,000Provider Meter # Month Start Date End Date Billing Days Consumption (CCF) Consumption (Therms) Demand Use Natural Gas Cost ($) Unit Cost ($/Therm) Demand Cost ($)Enstar NGC105665 Jan-09 12/17/08 01/22/09368,0678,067$8,144$1.01Enstar NGC105665 Feb-09 01/22/09 02/20/09296,0136,013$6,086$1.01Enstar NGC105665 Mar-09 02/20/09 03/25/09335,7085,708$5,783$1.01Enstar NGC105665 Apr-09 03/25/09 04/23/09293,9033,903$3,979$1.02Enstar NGC105665 May-09 04/23/09 05/20/09272,5422,542$2,616$1.03Enstar NGC105665 Jun-09 05/20/09 06/23/09341,9581,958$2,020$1.03Enstar NGC105665 Jul-09 06/23/09 07/24/09311,5751,575$1,645$1.04Enstar NGC105665 Aug-09 07/24/09 08/21/09281,9531,953$2,026$1.04Enstar NGC105665 Sep-09 08/21/09 09/23/09332,2892,289$2,357$1.03Enstar NGC105665 Oct-09 09/23/09 10/22/09293,9903,990$4,072$1.02Enstar NGC105665 Nov-09 10/22/09 11/19/09285,7895,789$5,876$1.02Enstar NGC105665 Dec-09 11/19/09 12/17/09286,1016,101$5,707$0.94Enstar NGC105665 Jan-10 12/17/09 01/20/10345,8765,876$4,922$0.84Enstar NGC105665 Feb-10 01/20/10 02/19/10305,0055,005$4,202$0.84Enstar NGC105665 Mar-10 02/19/10 03/19/10284,9394,939$4,166$0.84Enstar NGC105665 Apr-10 03/19/10 04/21/10333,7413,741$3,187$0.85Enstar NGC105665 May-10 04/21/10 05/20/10292,7922,792$2,400$0.86Enstar NGC105665Jun-1005/20/1006/22/10331,9741,974$1,712$0.87Enstar NGC105665Jun-1005/20/1006/22/10331,9741,974$1,712$0.87Enstar NGC105665 Jul-10 06/22/10 07/21/10291,8021,802$1,637$0.91Enstar NGC105665 Aug-10 07/21/10 08/24/10341,9931,993$1,934$0.97Enstar NGC105665 Sep-10 08/24/10 09/23/10302,3122,312$2,220$0.96Enstar NGC105665 Oct-10 09/23/10 10/20/10273,9203,920$3,541$0.90Enstar NGC105665 Nov-10 10/20/10 11/18/10295,1935,193$4,533$0.87Enstar NGC105665 Dec-10 11/18/10 12/16/10287,2427,242$6,186$0.85Jan - 09 to Dec - 09 total:49,88849,8880.00$50,311$0Jan - 10 to Dec - 10 total:46,78946,7890.00$40,640$0$1.01$0.87Jan - 09 to Dec - 09 avg:Jan - 10 to Dec - 10 avg:Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $9,000 3,0004,0005,0006,0007,0008,0009,000Natural Gas Cost ($)Natural Gas Consumption (Therms)Bear Valley Elem. - Natural Gas Consumption (Therms) vs. Natural Gas Cost ($)Natural Gas Consumption (Therms)Natural Gas Cost ($)$0 $1,000 $2,000 01,0002,000Jan-09 Mar-09 May-09 Jul-09 Sep-09 Nov-09 Jan-10 Mar-10 May-10 Jul-10 Sep-10 Nov-10Natural Gas Consumption (Therms)Date (Mon - Yr)Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Bear Valley ElementaryElectricityBtus/kWh =3,413Provider Customer # Month Start Date End Date Billing Days Consumption (kWh) Consumption (Therms) Demand Use Electric Cost ($) Unit Cost ($/kWh) Demand Cost ($)CEA 4-22537978 Dec-08 11/30/2008 12/29/20082942,4901,450136 $6,622$0.160CEA 4-22537978 Jan-09 12/29/2008 1/29/20093140,6001,386136 $6,172$0.150CEA 4-22537978 Feb-09 1/29/2009 3/2/20093238,5801,317136 $5,901$0.150CEA 4-22537978 Mar-09 3/2/2009 3/31/20092940,8001,393141 $6,027$0.150CEA 4-22537978 Apr-09 3/31/2009 4/30/20093035,6851,218141 $5,564$0.160CEA 4-22537978 May-09 4/30/2009 5/29/20092914,47549462 $2,027$0.140CEA 4-22537978 Jun-09 5/29/2009 6/30/20093215,114516133 $2,033$0.130CEA 4-22537978 Jul-09 6/30/2009 7/30/20093030,3331,035138 $4,394$0.140CEA 4-22537978 Aug-09 7/30/2009 8/28/20092936,1131,233138 $4,612$0.130CEA 4-22537978 Sep-09 8/28/2009 9/29/20093238,7051,321130 $3,733$0.100CEA 4-22537978 Oct-09 9/29/2009 10/29/20093041,1751,405130 $4,995$0.120CEA 4-22537978 Nov-09 10/29/2009 11/30/20093242,7731,460129 $4,833$0.110CEA 4-22537978 Dec-09 11/30/2009 12/29/20092940,6971,389130 $4,637$0.110CEA 4-22537978 Jan-10 12/29/2009 1/28/20103038,3601,309130 $4,239$0.110CEA 4-22537978 Feb-10 1/28/2010 3/1/20103235,3701,207130 $4,280$0.120CEA 4-22537978 Mar-10 3/1/2010 3/31/20103037,2001,270125 $4,324$0.120CEA 4-22537978 Apr-10 3/31/2010 4/30/20103031,7751,084125 $3,990$0.130CEA4-22537978May-104/30/20105/31/20103114,785505125$1,653$0.110CEA4-22537978May-104/30/20105/31/20103114,785505125$1,653$0.110CEA 4-22537978 Jun-10 6/1/2010 6/30/20102912,755435122 $1,563$0.120CEA 4-22537978 Jul-10 7/1/2010 7/30/201139423,405799123 $3,173$0.140CEA 4-22537978 Aug-10 7/30/2010 8/30/20103134,6401,182123 $4,086$0.120CEA 4-22537978 Sep-10 8/31/2010 9/30/20103033,4801,143116 $3,842$0.110CEA 4-22537978 Oct-10 10/1/2010 11/4/20103438,5871,317116 $4,261$0.110CEA 4-22537978 Nov-10 11/5/2010 12/5/20103040,1431,370122 $4,419$0.110416,84314,2271,550$56,9130381,19713,0101,487$44,4670$0.14$0.12Dec - 08 to Nov - 09 total:Dec - 09 to Nov - 10 total:Dec - 08 to Nov - 09 avg:Dec - 09 to Nov - 10 avg:Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 $3,000$4,000$5,000$6,000$7,00015,00020,00025,00030,00035,00040,00045,000Electric Cost ($)Electric Consumption (kWh)Bear Valley Elem. - Electric Consumption (kWh) vs. Electric Cost ($)Electric Consumption (kWh)Electric Cost ($)$0$1,000$2,00005,00010,00015,000Dec-08Feb-09Apr-09Jun-09Aug-09Oct-09Dec-09Feb-10Apr-10Jun-10Aug-10Oct-10Date (Mon - Yr)Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Appendix B AkWarm Commercial Reports Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Elementary School ENERGY AUDIT REPORT – PROJECT SUMMARY – Created 6/12/2012 10:00 AM General Project Information PROJECT INFORMATION AUDITOR INFORMATION Building: Bear Valley ES Auditor Company: Coffman Engineers, Inc. Address: 15001 Mountain Air Drive Auditor Name: Walter Heins, PE, CCP, CxA, CEA City: Anchorage Auditor Address: 800 F Street Anchorage, AK 99501 Client Name: Calvin Mundt Client Address: 1301 Labar Street Anchorage, AK 99515 Auditor Phone: (907) 276*6664 Auditor FAX: (907) 276*5042 Client Phone: (907) 742*5213 Auditor Comment: Client FAX: Design Data Building Area: 50,167 square feet Design Heating Load: Design Loss at Space: 1,763,409 Btu/hour with Distribution Losses: 1,852,353 Btu/hour Plant Input Rating assuming 82.0% Plant Efficiency and 25% Safety Margin: 2,823,710 Btu/hour Note: Additional Capacity should be added for DHW load, if served. Typical Occupancy: 500 people Design Indoor Temperature: 72 deg F (building average) Actual City: Anchorage Design Outdoor Temperature: *18 deg F Weather/Fuel City: Anchorage Heating Degree Days: 10,816 deg F*days Utility Information Electric Utility: Chugach Electric * Commercial * Sm Natural Gas Provider: Enstar Natural Gas * Commercial * Sm Average Annual Cost/kWh: $0.130/kWh Average Annual Cost/ccf: $0.940/ccf Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Elementary School Annual Energy Cost Estimate Description Space Heating Space Cooling Water Heating Lighting Refrigeration Other Electrical Cooking Clothes Drying Ventilation Fans Service Fees Total Cost Existing Building $36,935 $0 $3,098 $20,270 $0 $22,498 $0 $0 $9,925 $0 $92,726 With Proposed Retrofits $32,868 $0 $3,098 $14,685 $0 $20,223 $0 $0 $9,925 $0 $80,800 SAVINGS $4,067 $0 $0 $5,584 $0 $2,275 $0 $0 $0 $0 $11,926 Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Elementary School Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Elementary School Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Elementary School Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Elementary School Annual Modeled Consumption (Blue) compared to Actual Electric (Left) and Natural Gas (Right) Consumption (Orange). Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Elementary School Monthly Modeled Consumption (Blue) compared to Actual Electric Consumption (Orange). Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Elementary School Monthly Modeled Consumption (Blue compared to Actual Natural Gas Consumption (Orange). Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Portable Buildings ENERGY AUDIT REPORT – PROJECT SUMMARY – Created 6/12/2012 10:06 AM General Project Information PROJECT INFORMATION AUDITOR INFORMATION Building: Bear Valley ES * Portable Building Auditor Company: Coffman Engineers, Inc. Address: 15001 Mountain Air Drive Auditor Name: Walter Heins, PE, CCP, CxA, CEA City: Anchorage Auditor Address: 800 F Street Anchorage, AK 99501 Client Name: Calvin Mundt Client Address: 1301 Labar Street Anchorage, AK 99515 Auditor Phone: (907) 276*6664 Auditor FAX: (907) 276*5042 Client Phone: (907) 742*5213 Auditor Comment: Client FAX: Design Data Building Area: 960 square feet Design Heating Load: Design Loss at Space: 12,455 Btu/hour with Distribution Losses: 12,455 Btu/hour Plant Input Rating assuming 82.0% Plant Efficiency and 25% Safety Margin: 18,987 Btu/hour Note: Additional Capacity should be added for DHW load, if served. Typical Occupancy: 25 people Design Indoor Temperature: 70 deg F (building average) Actual City: Anchorage Design Outdoor Temperature: *18 deg F Weather/Fuel City: Anchorage Heating Degree Days: 10,816 deg F*days Utility Information Electric Utility: Chugach Electric * Commercial * Sm Natural Gas Provider: Enstar Natural Gas * Commercial * Sm Average Annual Cost/kWh: $0.130/kWh Average Annual Cost/ccf: $0.000/ccf Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Portable Buildings Annual Energy Cost Estimate Description Space Heating Space Cooling Water Heating Lighting Refrigeration Other Electrical Cooking Clothes Drying Ventilation Fans Service Fees Total Cost Existing Building $2,283 $0 $0 $615 $0 $309 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,207 With Proposed Retrofits $1,674 $0 $0 $168 $0 $309 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,151 SAVINGS $609 $0 $0 $447 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,056 Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Portable Buildings Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 $0$500$1,000$1,500$2,000$2,500$3,000$3,500Existing RetrofitElectricityAnnual Energy Costs by Fuel Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Appendix C Major Equipment List Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 MAJOR EQUIPMENT INVENTORY TAG LOCATION FUNCTION MAKE MODEL TYPE CAPACITY EFFICIENCY MOTOR SIZE ASHRAE SERVICE LIFE (YEARS) ESTIMATED REMAINING USEFUL LIFE (YEARS) B*1 BOILER RM BUILDING HEATING WEIL MCLAIN 786 CAST IRON NAT. GAS 1701 MBH 82% 30 ≈ 1 B*2 BOILER RM BUILDING HEATING WEIL MCLAIN 786 CAST IRON NAT. GAS 1701 MBH 82% 30 ≈ 1 WH*1 BOILER RM DOMESTIC WATER HEATING PVI MAXIM GAS FIRED WATER HEATER 270 MBH 84% 21 0 CP*1 BOILER RM HEATING WATER CIRC BELL & GOSSETT 1510 BASE MOUNT 130 GPM 80’ ≈85% 7.5 20 0 CP*2 BOILER RM HEATING WATER CIRC BELL & GOSSETT 1510 BASE MOUNT 130GPM 80' ≈85% 7.5 20 0 CP*3 BOILER RM EAST FAN RM BELL & GOSSETT 60 INLINE 53GPM NEMA STANDARD 2 10 0 CP*4 BOILER RM WEST FAN RM BELL & GOSSETT 60 INLINE 56GPM NEMA STANDARD 2 10 0 CP*5 BOILER RM UTILITY BLDG BELL & GOSSETT 60 INLINE NEMA STANDARD 1/2 10 0 AHU*1 WEST FAN RM WEST CLASSROOMS TRANE CLIMATE CHANGER 31 CENTRIFUGAL VAV 21000 CFM 3.7" ≈ 75% 30 25 0 AHU*2 WEST FAN RM GYMNASIUM TRANE CLIMATE CHANGER 12 CENTRIFUGAL CONSTANT VOLUME 7575 CFM 2" ≈ 75% 5 25 0 AHU*3 EAST FAN RM EAST CLASSROOMS TRANE CLIMATE CHANGER 31 CENTRIFUGAL VAV 14700 CFM 3.7" ≈ 75% 20 25 0 Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 MAJOR EQUIPMENT INVENTORY TAG LOCATION FUNCTION MAKE MODEL TYPE CAPACITY EFFICIENCY MOTOR SIZE ASHRAE SERVICE LIFE (YEARS) ESTIMATED REMAINING USEFUL LIFE (YEARS) AHU*4 EAST FAN RM MPR TRANE CLIMATE CHANGER 12 CENTRIFUGAL CONSTANT VOLUME 5503 CFM 2" ≈ 75% 5 25 0 AHU*5 EAST FAN RM KITCHEN MAKE*UP TRANE CLIMATE CHANGER 3 CENTRIFUGALMAKE UP AIR 1100CFM 0.5" ≈ 75% 1/4 25 0 EF*1 WEST FAN RM RESTROOMS TRANE * CENTRIFUGAL BELT DRIVE 740 CFM 1" NEMA STANDARD 1/3 25 0 EF*2 WEST FAN RM GREENHOUSE TRANE * CENTRIFUGAL BELT DRIVE 400 CFM 0.5" NEMA STANDARD 1/6 25 0 EF*3 EAST FAN RM DARKROOM TRANE * CENTRIFUGAL DIRECT DRIVE 150 CFM 0.375" NEMA STANDARD 105 W 25 0 EF*4 EAST FAN RM GYM SHOWER TRANE * CENTRIFUGAL DIRECT DRIVE 80 CFM 0.375" NEMA STANDARD 105 W 25 0 EF*5 ART ROOM KILN TRANE * CENTRIFUGAL DIRECT DRIVE 500 CFM 0.5" NEMA STANDARD 280 W 25 0 EF*6 JANITOR RM JANITOR TRANE * CENTRIFUGAL DIRECT DRIVE 250 CFM 0.25" NEMA STANDARD 130 W 25 0 EF*7 KITCHEN RANGE HOOD TRANE * CENTRIFUGAL BELT DRIVE 2000 CFM 1.5" NEMA STANDARD 2 25 0 EF*8 EAST FAN RM RESTROOMS TRANE * CENTRIFUGAL BELT DRIVE 1180 CFM 0.9” NEMA STANDARD 1/3 25 0 EF*9 WEST FAN RM JANITOR TRANE * CENTRIFUGAL DIRECT DRIVE 80 CFM 0.5” NEMA STANDARD 130 W 25 0 Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Appendix D Energy Conservation Measures Bear Valley Elementary School Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 The following tables consist of raw output data from the AkWarm Commercial program used to model energy costs and calculate energy savings and financial ratios. These tables represent all of the energy conservation measures calculated and considered by the energy audit team. However, ECMs included in the Executive Summary and Section VIII are recommended by the energy audit team due to their viable financial ratios (SIR>1) or due to their value added. PRIORITY LIST – RECOMMENDED ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES Rank Feature Recommendation Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (Years) 1 Lighting * Controls Retrofit: Gym NL Improve Manual Switching $49 $1 755.75 0 2 Lighting * Controls Retrofit: Classroom NL Improve Manual Switching $42 $100 6.36 2.4 3 Lighting * Controls Retrofit: Office NL Improve Manual Switching $147 $350 6.36 2.4 4 Other Electrical * Power Retrofit: Portable Replace with 2 Representative load for Portable Consumption Load $1,558 $6,900 3.42 4.4 5 Lighting * Controls Retrofit: Storage/Utility Add new Occupancy Sensor and Improve Manual Switching $88 $450 2.95 5.1 6 Lighting * Controls Retrofit: Office troffer Add new Occupancy Sensor $210 $1,200 2.65 5.7 7 Lighting * Power Retrofit: Exterior recessed Replace with 10 LED 100W Module StdElectronic $994 $6,000 2.55 6 8 Lighting * Power Retrofit: Hall Replace with 5 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Program HighEfficElectronic $166 $1,000 2.55 6 9 Lighting * Combined Retrofit: Classroom Replace with 5 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Program HighEfficElectronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor, Multi*Level Switch $185 $1,150 2.48 6.2 10 Lighting * Controls Retrofit: Gym Improve Manual Switching $38 $250 2.32 6.6 11 Lighting * Power Retrofit: Exterior Small Wallpack Replace with 5 LED 40W Module StdElectronic $223 $2,000 1.72 9 12 Lighting * Combined Retrofit: Restroom Replace with 11 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Program HighEfficElectronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor $231 $2,250 1.58 9.7 13 Lighting * Controls Retrofit: Gym/MPR Highbay Add new Multi*Level Switch $350 $3,500 1.54 10 14 Garage Door: OHD Add R*5 insulating blanket to garage door $9 $84 1.38 9.2 Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 15 Lighting * Combined Retrofit: Office Replace with 2 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Program HighEfficElectronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor and Improve Multi* Level Switch $49 $550 1.34 11.3 16 Lighting * Combined Retrofit: Classroom Replace with 3 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Program HighEfficElectronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor, Multi*Level Switch $63 $750 1.29 11.9 17 Lighting * Combined Retrofit: Office Replace with 29 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Program HighEfficElectronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor, Multi*Level Switch $440 $5,250 1.27 11.9 18 Lighting * Combined Retrofit: Storage/Utility Replace with 42 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Program HighEfficElectronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor $429 $5,700 1.14 13.3 19 HVAC And DHW Stack Economizer installations & Summer Boiler Shutdown programming added $2,011 $29,000 1.11 14.4 20 Lighting * Combined Retrofit: Utility Replace with 2 LED 4W Module StdElectronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor $17 $200 1.11 12 21 Lighting * Controls Retrofit: Storage Utility Add new Occupancy Sensor $31 $450 1.04 14.6 22 Lighting * Combined Retrofit: Utility Replace with 8 FLUOR T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Program HighEfficElectronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor $60 $900 1.02 15.1 23 Air Tightening Perform air sealing to reduce air leakage by 15%. $2,623 $25,000 0.94 9.5 24 Lighting * Power Retrofit: Hall can light Replace with 19 LED 12W Module StdElectronic $148 $2,850 0.80 19.2 25 Lighting * Combined Retrofit: Classroom restroom 2'X2' Replace with 12 FLUOR (2) T8 and Add new Occupancy Sensor $182 $3,600 0.77 19.8 26 Exterior Door: 1/2*lite ext doors Remove existing door and install standard pre*hung U* 0.16 insulated door, including hardware. $157 $5,251 0.66 33.4 27 Lighting * Combined Retrofit: Art Replace with 8 FLUOR (3) T5 45.2" F54W/T5 HO Standard HighEfficElectronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor $255 $5,950 0.65 23.4 Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 28 Lighting * Combined Retrofit: Library Replace with 14 FLUOR (3) T5 45.2" F54W/T5 HO Standard HighEfficElectronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor, Multi*Level Switch $349 $8,450 0.63 24.2 29 Lighting * Power Retrofit: Art Storage Replace with 4 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Program StdElectronic $11 $400 0.42 36.5 30 Other Electrical * Power Retrofit: CP*5 Utility Bldg Loop Replace with Circulation Pump $127 $3,000 0.36 23.7 31 Window/Skylight: School South 3*pane Windows Install Lexan magnetic storm window on interior $98 $5,723 0.28 58.4 32 Window/Skylight: School Not*South Windows Install single pane storm window on exterior $301 $20,600 0.23 68.5 33 Lighting * Power Retrofit: Library Replace with 5 LED 10W Module StdElectronic $10 $750 0.21 72.1 34 Window/Skylight: School South 2*pane Windows Install single pane storm window on exterior $269 $23,100 0.19 85.7 35 Exterior Door: full metal Remove existing door and install standard pre*hung U* 0.16 insulated door, including hardware. $9 $2,713 0.08 290.4 TOTAL $11,926 $175,422 0.96 14.7 Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 ENERGY AUDIT REPORT – ENERGY CONSERVATION RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Building Envelope Exterior Doors – Replacement Rank Location Size/Type/Condition Recommendation Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 14 Garage Door: OHD Door Type: Metal*clad, 1*1/2" polyurethane Insulating Blanket: None Modeled R*Value: 5.3 Add R*5 insulating blanket to garage door $84 $9 26 Exterior Door: 1/2* lite ext doors Door Type: Metal/FG half lite Modeled R*Value: 2.2 Remove existing door and install standard pre*hung U* 0.16 insulated door, including hardware. $5,251 $157 35 Exterior Door: full metal Door Type: Metal * urethane, therm. break Modeled R*Value: 5.3 Remove existing door and install standard pre*hung U* 0.16 insulated door, including hardware. $2,713 $9 Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Windows and Glass Doors – Replacement Rank Location Size/Type/Condition Recommendation Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 31 Window/Skylight: School South 3* pane Windows Glass: Triple, Glass Frame: Aluminum w/ Thermal Break Spacing Between Layers: Half Inch Gas Fill Type: Air Modeled U*Value: 0.49 Solar Heat Gain Coefficient including Window Coverings: 0.41 Install Lexan magnetic storm window on interior $5,723 $98 32 Window/Skylight: School Not*South Windows Glass: Double, glass Frame: Aluminum w/ Thermal Break Spacing Between Layers: Half Inch Gas Fill Type: Air Modeled U*Value: 0.62 Solar Heat Gain Coefficient including Window Coverings: 0.46 Install single pane storm window on exterior $20,600 $301 34 Window/Skylight: School South 2* pane Windows Glass: Double, glass Frame: Aluminum w/ Thermal Break Spacing Between Layers: Half Inch Gas Fill Type: Air Modeled U*Value: 0.62 Solar Heat Gain Coefficient including Window Coverings: 0.46 Install single pane storm window on exterior $23,100 $269 Air Leakage Rank Location Estimated Air Leakage Recommended Air Leakage Target Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 22 Air Tightness estimated as: 1.30 cfm/ft2 of above*grade shell area at 75 Pascals Perform air sealing to reduce air leakage by 15%. $25,000 $2,623 Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 2. Mechanical Equipment Mechanical Rank Recommendation Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 18 Stack Economizer installations & Summer Boiler Shutdown programming added $29,000 $2,011 3. Appliances and Lighting Lighting Fixtures and Controls Rank Location Existing Recommended Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 1 Gym NL FLUOR T12 4' F40T12 40W Standard Magnetic with Manual Switching Improve Manual Switching $1 $49 2 Classroom NL 2 FLUOR T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Program StdElectronic with Manual Switching Improve Manual Switching $100 $42 3 Office NL 7 FLUOR T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Program StdElectronic with Manual Switching Improve Manual Switching $350 $147 5 Storage/Utility 9 FLUOR (3) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Program StdElectronic with Manual Switching Add new Occupancy Sensor and Improve Manual Switching $450 $88 6 Office troffer 31 FLUOR (3) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard (2) Program StdElectronic with Manual Switching, Multi*Level Switch Add new Occupancy Sensor $1,200 $210 7 Exterior recessed 10 HPS 250 Watt Magnetic with On/Off Photoswitch Replace with 10 LED 100W Module StdElectronic $6,000 $994 8 Hall 5 FLUOR (3) T12 4' F40T12 40W Standard (2) Magnetic with Clock Timer or Other Scheduling Control Replace with 5 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Program HighEfficElectronic $1,000 $166 Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 3. Appliances and Lighting Lighting Fixtures and Controls 9 Classroom 5 FLUOR (3) T12 4' F40T12 40W Standard (2) Magnetic with Manual Switching Replace with 5 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Program HighEfficElectronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor, Multi*Level Switch $1,150 $185 10 Gym FLUOR (3) T12 4' F40T12 40W Standard (2) Magnetic with Manual Switching Improve Manual Switching $250 $38 11 Exterior Small Wallpack 5 HPS 100 Watt Magnetic with On/Off Photoswitch Replace with 5 LED 40W Module StdElectronic $2,000 $223 12 Restroom 11 FLUOR (2) T12 4' F40T12 40W Standard Magnetic with Clock Timer or Other Scheduling Control Replace with 11 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Program HighEfficElectronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor $2,250 $231 13 Gym/MPR Highbay 18 FLUOR (6) T5 45.2" F54W/T5 HO Standard (2) HighEfficElectronic with Occupancy Sensor Add new Multi*Level Switch $3,500 $350 15 Office 2 FLUOR (3) T12 4' F40T12 40W Standard (2) Magnetic with Manual Switching, Multi* Level Switch Replace with 2 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Program HighEfficElectronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor and Improve Multi* Level Switch $550 $49 16 Classroom 3 FLUOR (2) T12 4' F40T12 40W Standard Magnetic with Manual Switching Replace with 3 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Program HighEfficElectronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor, Multi*Level Switch $750 $63 17 Office 29 FLUOR (2) T12 4' F40T12 40W Standard Magnetic with Manual Switching Replace with 29 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Program HighEfficElectronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor, Multi*Level Switch $5,250 $440 Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 3. Appliances and Lighting Lighting Fixtures and Controls 19 Storage/Utility 42 FLUOR (2) T12 4' F40T12 40W Standard Magnetic with Manual Switching Replace with 42 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Program HighEfficElectronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor $5,700 $429 20 Utility 2 INCAN A Lamp, Halogen 60W with Manual Switching Replace with 2 LED 4W Module StdElectronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor $200 $17 21 Storage Utility 7 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Program StdElectronic with Manual Switching Add new Occupancy Sensor $450 $31 23 Utility 8 FLUOR T12 4' F40T12 40W Standard Magnetic with Manual Switching Replace with 8 FLUOR T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Program HighEfficElectronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor $900 $60 24 Hall can light 19 FLUOR (1) 38W PAR CFL with Manual Switching, Clock Timer or Other Scheduling Control Replace with 19 LED 12W Module StdElectronic $2,850 $148 25 Classroom restroom 2'X2' 12 FLUOR (2) T12 F40T12 35W U*Tube Energy*Saver Magnetic with Manual Switching Replace with 12 FLUOR (2) T8 and Add new Occupancy Sensor $3,600 $182 27 Art 8 FLUOR (2) T12 4' F40T12 40W Standard Magnetic with Manual Switching, Multi*Level Switch Replace with 8 FLUOR (3) T5 45.2" F54W/T5 HO Standard HighEfficElectronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor $5,950 $255 28 Library 14 FLUOR (2) T12 4' F40T12 40W Standard Magnetic with Manual Switching Replace with 14 FLUOR (3) T5 45.2" F54W/T5 HO Standard HighEfficElectronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor, Multi*Level Switch $8,450 $349 Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 3. Appliances and Lighting Lighting Fixtures and Controls 29 Art Storage 4 FLUOR (2) T12 4' F40T12 40W Standard Magnetic with Occupancy Sensor Replace with 4 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Program StdElectronic $400 $11 33 Library 5 FLUOR CFL, Spiral 23 W with Manual Switching Replace with 5 LED 10W Module StdElectronic $750 $10 Other Electrical Equipment Rank Location Existing Recommended Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 4 Portable 2 Representative load for Portable Consumption Load with Manual Switching Replace with 2 Representative load for Portable Consumption Load $6,900 $1,558 30 CP*5 Utility Bldg Loop Circulation Pump with Manual Switching, Clock Timer or Other Scheduling Control Replace with Circulation Pump $3,000 $127 Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Appendix D Energy Conservation Measures Bear Valley Portable Buildings Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 PRIORITY LIST – RECOMMENDED ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES Rank Feature Recommendation Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (Years) 1 Setback Thermostat: Portable Building Implement a Heating Temperature Unoccupied Setback to 60.0 deg F for the Portable Building space. $491 $1,000 6.03 2 2 Lighting: Relocatable Lighting Replace with 17 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Program HighEfficElectronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor, Multi*Level Switch $426 $3,150 2.08 7.4 3 Lighting: Relocatable Lighting Replace with FLUOR (4) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard (2) Program StdElectronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor $21 $300 1.08 14.2 4 Air Tightening Perform air sealing to reduce air leakage by 30%. $118 $1,500 0.69 12.7 TOTAL $1,056 $5,950 2.34 5.6 ENERGY AUDIT REPORT – ENERGY CONSERVATION RECOMMENDATIONS 2. Building Envelope Air Leakage Rank Location Estimated Air Leakage Recommended Air Leakage Target Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 4 Air Tightness estimated as: 818 cfm at 50 Pascals Perform air sealing to reduce air leakage by 30%. $1,500 $118 Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 2. Mechanical Equipment Setback Thermostat Rank Location Size/Type/Condition Recommendation Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 1 Portable Building Existing Unoccupied Heating Setpoint: 70.0 deg F Implement a Heating Temperature Unoccupied Setback to 60.0 deg F for the Portable Building space. $1,000 $491 3. Appliances and Lighting Lighting Fixtures and Controls Rank Location Existing Recommended Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 2 Relocatable Lighting 17 FLUOR (2) T12 4' F40T12 40W Standard Magnetic with Manual Switching Replace with 17 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard Program HighEfficElectronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor, Multi*Level Switch $3,150 $426 3 Relocatable Lighting FLUOR (2) T12 F40T12 35W U*Tube Energy*Saver Magnetic with Manual Switching Replace with FLUOR (4) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard (2) Program StdElectronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor $300 $21 Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Appendix F Site Visit Photos Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 1. Main Entrance 2. Roof Snow Drifts 3. Windstorm Damage – South Entrance 4. Portables 5. Utility Building 6. Boilers B*1 and B*2 Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 7. Heating Circulation Pumps 8. Domestic Hot Water Heater 9. AHU*3 10. AHU*4 11. AHU*5 12. AHU*1 Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 13. AHU*2 14. AHU*1 VFD Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Appendix G Thermographic Photos Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 Coffman Engineers made miscellaneous thermographic images of Bear Valley Elementary School using a FLIR T300 Infrared Camera. This is not a thermographic study, rather photographs to illustrate easy*to* identify heat losses. 1. Optical Image, Main Entrance. 2. Thermographic Image, Main Entrance. Temperatures indicated by color scale on right. Yellow indicates heat leakage. The outside temperature was about *5°F. Nominal heat loss is expected at doors and windows Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 3. Optical Image, North face of West Wing. 4. Thermal Image, North face of West Wing. 5. Optical Image, West Doors 6. Thermal Image, West Doors. 7. Optical Image, Wall above wind damage, South Entrance 8. Thermal Image, Wall above wind damage, South Entrance Bear Valley Elementary School Final Energy Audit Report Coffman Engineers, Inc. 6/12/2012 AkWarm No. CIRI*ANC*CAEC*09 9. Optical Image, Portable Building 10. Thermal Image, Portable Building 11. Optical Image, Utility Building 12. Thermal Image, Utility Building 13. Optical Image, Loading Dock 14. Thermal Image, Loading Dock End of Report