HomeMy WebLinkAboutCIRI-ANC-CAEC Fire Station 12 2012-EE I F O C J P Investm Fire Statio Owner: The M Client: Alaska June 29, 2012 Project # CIR ment Gra on #12 an Municipality of a Housing Fin 2 RI-ANC-CAEC ade Ene nd Dispatc f Anchorage nance Corpora C-42 ergy Au ch ation udit ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 2 of 62 Project # CIRI-ANC-CAEC-42 Prepared for: The Municipality of Anchorage Dispatch Offices 1301 E 80th Ave Anchorage, AK 99518 Fire Station #12 7920 Homer Drive Anchorage, AK 99518 Audit performed by: Energy Audits of Alaska P.O. Box 220215 Anchorage, AK 98522 Contact: Jim Fowler, PE, CEA#1705 Jim@jim-fowler.com 206.954.3614 Prime Contractor: Central Alaska Engineering Company 32215 Lakefront Drive Soldotna, AK 99699 Contact: Jerry Herring, PE, CEA #1484 AKEngineers@starband.net 907.260.5311 ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 3 of 62 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Executive Summary 5 2. Audit and Analysis Background 14 3. Acknowledgements 16 4. Building Description & Function 17 5. Historic Energy Consumption 20 6. Interactive Effects of Projects 20 7. Loan Program 20 APPENDICES Appendix A: Photos 22 Appendix B: AkWarm-C Report 28 Appendix C: Equipment Schedules 36 Appendix D: Additional, Building-Specific EEM detail 42 Appendix E: Specifications supporting EEM’s 44 Appendix F: Benchmark Data 56 ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 4 of 62 REPORT DISCLAIMERS This audit was performed using American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds, managed by the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC). This energy audit is intended to identify and recommend potential areas of energy savings, estimate the value of the savings and approximate the costs to implement the recommendations. Any modifications or changes made to a building to realize the savings must be designed and implemented by licensed, experienced professionals in their fields. Lighting recommendations should all be first analyzed through a thorough lighting analysis to assure that the recommended lighting upgrades will comply with State of Alaska Statute as well as Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) recommendations. Energy Audits of Alaska, LLC and Central Alaska Engineering Company bear no responsibility for work performed as a result of this report. Payback periods may vary from those forecasted due to the uncertainty of the final installed design, configuration, equipment selected, and installation costs of recommended Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs), or the operating schedules and maintenance provided by the owner. Furthermore, EEMs are typically interactive, so implementation of one EEM may impact the cost savings from another EEM. Neither the auditor, Central Alaska Engineering Company, AHFC, or any other party involved in preparation of this report accepts liability for financial loss due to EEMs that fail to meet the forecasted payback periods. This audit meets the criteria of an Investment Grade Audit (IGA) per the Association of Energy Engineers definition, and is valid for one year. The life of the IGA may be extended on a case-by-case basis, at the discretion of the AHFC. IGA’s are the property of the State, and may be incorporated into AkWarm-C, the Alaska Energy Data Inventory (ARIS), or other state and/or public information system. AkWarm-C is a building energy modeling software developed under contract by AHFC. This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy under Award Number DE-EE0000095. This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 5 of 62 1. Executive Summary Building Owner: Municipality of Anchorage 3640 East Tudor Anchorage, AK 99507 Building contact: Senior Captain Powell Cell: 907-440-6002 Work: 907-267-5012 Alaska Housing Finance Corporation P.O. Box 10120 Anchorage, AK 99510-1020 Contact: Rebekah Luhrs Energy Specialist 907-330-8141 rluhrs@ahfc.us Guidance to the reader: The Executive Summary is designed to contain all the information the building owner/operator should need to determine how the subject building’s energy efficiency compares with other similar use buildings, which energy improvements should be implemented, approximately how much they will cost and their estimated annual savings. Sections 2 through 7 of this report and the Appendices, are back-up and provide much more detailed information should the owner/operator, or their staff, desire to investigate further. This audit was performed using American Recovery and Reinvestment act (ARRA) funds to promote the use of innovation and technology to solve energy and environmental problems in a way that improves the State’s economy. The audit and this report are pre-requisites to access AHFC’s Retrofit Energy Assessment Loans (REAL) program, which is available to the building’s owner. The purpose of the energy audit is to identify cost-effective system and facility ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 6 of 62 modifications, adjustments, alterations, additions and retrofits. Systems investigated during the audit included heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), interior and exterior lighting, motors, building envelope, and energy management control systems (EMCS). The site visit to this building occurred on April 24th, 2012. The main building in this facility houses two tenants, each with an outside entrance and different street address. Fire Department dispatch personnel occupy the south first floor offices and Fire Station personnel occupy the rest of the building. Both tenants occupy the facility 24/7/365. On the north side of the main building is a small unoccupied building used by the Alaska Land Mobile Radio (ALMR) organization to house a large amount of communication equipment. There are two gas meters on the main building and a single electric meter on the ALMR building. For purposes of this audit, these meters and buildings were combined. It is recommended to sub-meter the ALMR building in the future. The original building was believed to have been constructed in 1978, although this was not verified by plans (the earliest plans available were 1984). In 1984 the north wing was added, in 2007 the ALMR building and in 2008/2009 the ambulance bay. No other major modifications are known to have been made. Energy Consumption and Benchmark Data Benchmark utility data for 2009 and 2010 is summarized in Tables 1 and 2 below. Table 1   2009 2010    Consumption Cost Consumption Cost  Electricity ‐ kWh 592,320  $     72,577  727,280  $    72,450   Natural Gas ‐ Therms 32,492  $     33,583  21,705  $    19,000   Totals    $   106,160       $    91,450   A benchmark measure of energy use relative to other similar function buildings in the area is the Energy Use Index (EUI), which takes the total annual energy used by the facility divided by the square footage area of the building, for a value expressed in terms of kBTU/SF. This number can then be compared to other buildings to see if it is average, higher or lower than similar buildings in the area. Likewise, the Energy Cost Index (ECI) is the cost of all energy used by the building expressed in $/SF of building area. Comparative values are shown in Table 2 below. ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 7 of 62 Table 2 – 2009 & 2010 Average EUI and ECI    Fire Station  #12 & Dispatch  (subject bldg)  Fire  Station  #11  Fire Station #1  & Admin  Public Order & Safety  Buildings in Continental  US in 2003  Energy Use Index  (EUI) ‐ kBTU/SF 160 150 225 116  Energy Cost  Index (ECI) ‐ $/SF $3.19  $3.04  $2.94  n/a  ** Data retrieved from the US Energy Administration database, these figures are for “Public  Order & Safety Buildings in Continental US”, the most relevant category tracked by the USEA. Evaluation of energy consumption & benchmark data As observed in Table 1 above, there is a suspect and anomalous 23% increase in electrical consumption and 34% decrease in natural gas (NG) consumption between 2009 and 2010. A review of the monthly consumption graphs in Appendix F provides the reason for the suspect increase in electrical consumption. In the graph, there is no data for January and February consumption in 2009. The reason for this missing benchmark data is not known, but if the consumption for January and February of 2010 is used, then the consumption in 2009 and 2010 is very consistent. The reason for the decrease in NG consumption is an interesting story, discovered during conversations with onsite personnel during the audit. The winning contractor for the ambulance addition, constructed in winter of 2008/2009 used building NG to heat the un-insulated construction zone during the 3-4 month construction period, rather than portable diesel or propane heaters. The fire department staff onsite were sure that this was the explanation for the excessive use during these months. The monthly NG consumption graph in Appendix F substantiates this explanation. Table 2 shows that the subject building’s energy use per square foot (EUI) falls quite close to Fire Station #11 and well below Fire Station #1. The three building’s ECI’s are not consistent with their EUI’s as a result of the distribution of energy consumption between low cost NG and high cost electrical energy. These comparison buildings were selected because they are in proximity and have similar usage. As is typical for Alaskan buildings, a comparison to similar buildings in the continental US shows Alaska buildings have a much higher EUI – which is to be expected given the weather differences. A deeper analysis of the energy consumption of these three buildings follows: ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 8 of 62 Chart 1 Chart 1 above shows the subject building’s gas and electrical EUI compared to the two other similar use buildings. All three of the comparison buildings have a combination of apparatus bays, day and exercise rooms, dormitory style accommodations, kitchens and offices. The auditor also audited both of the other buildings. Natural gas consumption: Fire Stations #11 and #12 are reasonably similar when their NG EUI’s are considered. Fire Station #1 is an outlier. This is believed to result from that building’s use of exhaust fans and heated make up air to maintain air quality each time an overhead door is opened. The other two stations use air scrubbers, which consume no NG. Electrical consumption: The subject building’s electrical consumption is significantly higher than either of the other buildings. This is believed to be a direct result of the large amount of communication equipment, and subsequent required cooling, in the ALMR building. Recommended Energy Efficiency Measures Various Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs) have been analyzed for this building to determine if they would provide energy savings with reasonably good payback periods. EEMs are recommended for reasons including: 1.) they have a reasonably good payback period 0 50 100 150 200 Fire Station #12 & Dispatch (subject) Fire Station #11 Fire Station #1  & Admin Natural Gas EUI Electrical EUI ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 9 of 62 2.) for code compliance 3.) end of life (EOL) replacement 4.) reasons pertaining to efficient building management strategy, operations, maintenance and/or safety All the EEMs considered for this facility are detailed in the attached AkWarm-C Energy Audit Report in Appendix B and in Appendix D. Each EEM includes payback times, estimated installation costs and estimated energy savings. The summary EEM’s that follow are the only EEM’s that are recommended for this building. Others have been considered (See Appendix D-2) but are not deemed to be justified or cost effective. The recommended EEM’s were selected based on consideration from three perspectives: overall efficiency of building management, reduction in energy consumption and return on investment (ROI). Efficient building management dictates, as an example: that all lights be upgraded, that lamp inventory variations be minimized and that all appropriate rooms have similar occupancy controls and setback thermostats - despite the fact that a single or several rooms may have an unjustifiably long payback on their individual lighting or controls upgrade. Some of the summary EEM’s below contain individual EEM’s that are grouped by type (i.e. all relevant lighting upgrades are summed and listed as a single upgrade, all thermostat setback retrofits are grouped together and listed as a single upgrade, etc.). They are prioritized as a group, with the highest ROI (shortest payback) listed first. Table 3 at the end of this section summarizes these EEM’s and Appendix B (the AkWarm-C detailed report) and Appendix D provide additional detail pertaining to each individual recommendation. A.) REFRIGERATION & REFRIGERATED VENDING MACHINES There are two residential type freezers and one refrigerator in this building that are estimated to be greater than 10 years old. There are two refrigerated beverage vending machines. It is recommended to replace the freezers and refrigerator at their EOL with Energy Star versions, and to add VendingMisers (see www.vendingmiser.com) to the refrigerated beverage vending machines. These EEM’s are found in Appendix B-6 & 8. Combined refrigeration EEM’s: Estimated cost (incremental difference for the freezer & refrigerator + VendingMiser) $ 725 Annual Savings $ 604 Payback 1.2 years ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 10 of 62 B.) DESKTOP COMPUTERS Desktop PC’s consume between 200 and 300 watts when in use. Each additional LCD monitor adds from 30-60 watts. Laptops consume between 50 and 100 watts when in use. There are an estimated 24 desktop computers (CPS’s) and 61 LCD monitors in this building. Due to the nature of their work, the CPU’s and monitors used by dispatch personnel are not recommended for replacement with laptops. The 10 other computer/LCD units are recommended for replacement with laptops at their EOL. The incremental difference in cost is estimated to be $150 each. See Appendix B-17. Personal Computer EEM: Estimated cost $ 1,501 Annual savings $ 759 Payback 2 years C.) HEADBOLT HEATER CONTROLS There are 11 headbolt heater outlets outside this building. It is recommended to replace the duplex outlets with microprocessor controlled retrofit outlets that sense ambient temperature and modulate the time on and load to the vehicle’s heater. See Appendix B-13 for additional detail, and Appendix E for sample unit. Headbolt heater controls EEM: Estimated cost $ 2,750 Annual Savings $ 1,240 Payback 2.2 years D.) LIGHTING AND LIGHTING CONTROLS The lighting in this building, with the exception of the ambulance bay, exterior lighting and parts of the north wing, appears to be original equipment. It is recommended to complete a building-wide lighting upgrade, add occupancy sensors to each room, and at the next building re- lamp, replace all T8-32 watt lamps with 28 watt energy saver lamps. ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 11 of 62 It is further recommended to replace the Metal Halide (MH) light fixtures in the apparatus bay with LED modules, replace the two remaining MH exterior fixtures with LED’s and the one remaining high pressure sodium soffit fixture with an LED bulb. This EEM summarizes Appendix B-1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 12, 14 through 16, B-18 through 26, B-28 through 45. See Appendix E for more information on occupancy sensors and energy saver 28 watt lamps. Combined Lighting Control EEM’s: Estimated cost $ 85,101 Annual Savings $ 13,555 Payback 6.3 years E.) HVAC SYSTEM There are two components in this EEM. First, the 11 RTU’s and all UH’s and wall heaters have low voltage, adjustable thermostats located in the zone served by the RTU or heater. Onsite personnel in the dispatch offices complained about indoor air quality. The existing thermostats and perhaps RTU’s do not have a “ventilation only” mode – they are always either heating or cooling. Second, the 11 RTU’s are not efficient by today’s standards, especially the older units. Today’s most efficiency units have integral variable frequency drives (VFD’s) on motors, heating AFUE’s up to 82% and cooling SEER’s up to 17. Setback and CO2 sensing thermostats: It is recommended to replace the existing thermostats with digital models that have these capabilities (see Appendix E for sample): - night time & unoccupied setbacks - 7-day programming - For the RTU’s: fan only for ventilation and CO2 sensing to provide ventilation based on CO2 levels rather than temperature and or timer schedule - temporary over-ride with reversion back to programmed routine Setback Thermostat EEM’s (see Appendix B-3, 5, 9 & 11): Estimated cost $ 9,200 Annual Savings $ 5,158 Payback 1.8 years It is also recommended to replace all 11 of the RTU’s with high efficiency versions. There is inadequate savings to justify this ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 12 of 62 recommendation due to energy reduction alone (42 year payback) but when maintenance savings are included (at $700/yr/unit), the payback is reduced to 10.8 years, therefore it is recommended. See Appendix B-27 for additional EEM detail and Appendix E for a sample high efficiency RTU. RTU replacement EEM: Estimated cost $ 112,000 Annual savings $ 10,310 Payback 10.9 years Combined HVAC EEM’s above: Estimated cost $ 121,200 Annual savings $ 15,468 Payback 7.8 years A summary of the estimated cost totals and estimated annual savings totals of the eight (A. through E.) summary EEM’s listed above, is found in Table 3 below, and again at the end of Appendix B. Table 3 Combined total of recommended EEM’s  summarized above:  Estimated total cost $ 211,277  Annual Savings (including  maintenance savings) $   31,626  Simple payback     6.7 years  Does not include design or construction management costs In addition to EEM’s, various Energy Conservation Measures (ECM’s) are recommended. ECM’s are policies or procedures to be followed by management and employees that require no capital outlay. ECMs recommended for this facility include: 1. Turn lights off when leaving a room that is not controlled by an occupancy sensor. 2. All man-doors, roll-up doors and windows should be properly maintained and adjusted to close and function properly. ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 13 of 62 3. Turn off computers, printers, faxes, etc. when leaving the office. Utilize a desk plug load management device similar to the Isole unit in Appendix E. This allows the desk occupant to select which equipment will turn off (and back when they return) each time he or she leaves the desk. 4. Re-configure building occupants and activities to group un- occupied offices (i.e. no tenant or staff using the space) or little used spaces, into the same HVAC zone so that zone’s energy consumption can be set back to minimal levels. 5. A building is a living mini-ecosystem and its use changes. Re- evaluate building usage at least annually and confirm or adjust building set points, zones, lighting levels, etc. to maintain optimized settings for the current usage and occupancy. 6. Lamp replacement should be a scheduled, preventative maintenance activity. Re-lamp the entire building or entire usage zones (a zone of the building that has similar lighting usage, so lamps have roughly the same lifetime) as part of a scheduled preventative maintenance routine. This assures all lamps are the same color temperature (e.g. 2700K, 3000K, etc.) which enhances occupant comfort and working efficiency. It also minimizes expense because it is more cost effective to order large quantities of the same lamp, and more labor efficient to dedicate maintenance staff to a single re-lamp activity in a building zone, rather than replace individual lamps as they fail. 7. Replace HVAC filters regularly. Maintain optimal operation of all dampers, actuators, valves and other HVAC components. ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 14 of 62 2. Audit and Analysis Background Program Description: This audit included services to identify, develop, and evaluate energy efficiency measures for the subject building. The scope of this project included evaluating the building shell, lighting, hot water generation and HVAC equipment. The auditor may or may not identify system deficiencies if they exist. The auditor’s role is to identify areas of potential savings, many of which may require more detailed investigation and analysis by other qualified professionals. a. Audit Description and Methodology: Preliminary audit information was gathered in preparation for the site survey, including benchmark utility consumption data, floor and lighting plans, and equipment schedules where available. A site visit is then performed to inventory and evaluate the actual building condition, including: i. Building envelope (walls, doors, windows, etc) ii. Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning iii. Lighting systems and controls iv. Building specific equipment v. Plumbing Systems b. Benchmark Utility Data Validation: Benchmark utility data provided through AHFC’s initial phase of their REAL program is validated, confirming that meter numbers on the subject building match the meters from which the energy consumption and cost data were collected. If the data is inaccurate or missing, new benchmark data is obtained. In the event that there are inconsistencies or gaps in the data, the existing data is evaluated and missing data points are interpolated. c. Method of Analysis: The information gathered prior to the site visit and during the site visit is entered into AkWarm-C, an energy modeling software program developed specifically for AHFC to identify forecasted energy consumption. The forecasts can then be compared to actual energy consumption. AkWarm-C also has some pre-programmed EEM retrofit options that can be analyzed with projected energy savings based on occupancy schedules, utility rates, building construction type, building function, existing conditions, and climatic data uploaded to the program based on the zip code of the building. When new equipment is proposed, energy consumption is calculated based on manufacturer’s cataloged information. Energy cost savings are calculated based on the historical energy costs for the building. Installation costs include the labor and equipment required to implement an EEM retrofit, but design and construction management costs are excluded. Cost estimates are +/- 30% for this level of audit, and are derived from one or more of the following: Means Cost Data, industry publications, experience of the auditor, local contractors and/or equipment suppliers. Brown Electric, Haakensen Electric, Proctor Sales, Pioneer Door, ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 15 of 62 and J.P. Sheldon, all in Anchorage, were consulted for some of the lighting, boiler, overhead door and air handling retrofit and/or replacement costs. Maintenance savings are calculated, where applicable, and are added to the energy savings for each EEM. The costs and savings are considered and a simple payback period and ROI is calculated. The simple payback period is based on the number of years that it takes for the savings to pay back the net installation cost (Net Installation costs divided by Net Savings.) In cases where the EEM recommends replacement at EOL, the incremental cost difference between the standard equipment in place, and the higher efficiency equipment being recommended is used as the cost basis for payback calculation. The SIR found in the AkWarm-C report is the Savings to Investment Ratio, defined as the annual savings multiplied by the lifetime of the improvement, divided by the initial installed cost. SIR’s greater than 1.0 indicate a positive lifetime ROI. The life-time for each EEM is entered into AkWarm-C; it is estimated based on the typical life of the equipment being replaced or altered. d. Limitations of the Study: All results are dependent on the quality of input data provided, and may only act as an approximation. Most input data such as building and equipment usage, occupancy hours and numbers, building and HVAC operating hours, etc. was provided to the auditor by on site personnel. In some instances, several methods may achieve the identified savings. This report is not a design document. A design professional, licensed to practice in Alaska and in the appropriate discipline, who is following the recommendations, shall accept full responsibility and liability for the results. Budgetary estimates for engineering and design of these projects in not included in the cost estimate for each EEM recommendation, but these costs can be approximated at 15% of the cost of the work. ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 16 of 62 3. Acknowledgements: We wish to acknowledge the help of numerous individuals who have contributed information that was used to prepare this report, including: a. Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (Grantor): AHFC provided the grant funds, contracting agreements, guidelines, and technical direction for providing the audits. AHFC reviewed and approved the final short list of buildings to be audited based on the recommendation of the Technical Service Provider (TSP). b. The Municipality of Anchorage (Owner): MOA provided a review and brief history of the benchmarked buildings, building selection criteria, building plans, equipment specifications, building entry and coordination with on-site personnel. c. Central Alaska Engineering Company (Benchmark TSP): CAEC oversaw the compilation of electrical and natural gas consumption data through their subcontractor, Energy Audits of Alaska, LLC. CAEC also entered that data into the statewide building database, called the Alaska Retrofit Information System (ARIS). CAEC was awarded the auditing contract for this MOA building. d. Energy Audits of Alaska (energy auditor): This firm has been selected to provide audits under this contract. The firm has two mechanical engineers, certified as energy auditors and/or professional engineers and has also received additional training from CAEC and other TSP’s to acquire further specific information regarding audit requirements and potential EEM applications. ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 17 of 62 4. Building Description and Function: The site visit and survey of the subject building occurred on April 24th, 2012. The outside ambient air temperature was 32F. The main building is a two story structure, totaling 29,476 square feet, as calculated from plans. The adjacent two story ALMR building has an additional 1488 square feet. The fire station’s apparatus and ambulance bay’s total 4008 square feet, the dispatch offices add another 4270 square feet. The balance of space consists of dormitories, offices, a well equipped kitchen and exercise facility and miscellaneous other rooms. For its size, the building has a relatively low occupancy, with typically 4-6 dispatch personnel and 18-24 fire department personnel in the facility. Both buildings are constructed on a concrete slab poured on grade. Walls are 8” and 12” concrete masonry units (CMU’s) furred out in the inside with 1-1/2” furring strips and batt in the main building and metal 2” x 4” studs with batt in the ALMR building. The roof of the main building has a minimum of 4” of rigid foam on a metal deck, covered with an EPDM membrane. The ambulance bay addition utilized 12” of foam and the ALMR roof is constructed similarly but uses 8” of rigid foam. Exterior finishes are either bare CMU, stucco or simulated stone. Interior finishes are painted gypsum. Composite insulation values, as calculated by AkWarm-C area as follows: Main building walls R-5.9, ALMR walls R-12.9; main building roof R-27.9, ambulance bay roof R-61.8, ALMR roof R-42.4. All windows in this building are double pane glass with aluminum frames and are in good condition. Overall, the building is in above average condition. Building details are as follows: a. Heating, Cooling, Ventilation and Controls: Heating and cooling are provided in the main building by two systems. The primary source is (11) packaged rooftop units (RTU), (10) of which contain direct gas fired furnaces. Each RTU provides heated ventilation and cooling to a building zone. Their heating efficiencies vary from 75% to 81%. Their cooling efficiencies are not on plans or nameplates, but given their age, are assumed to vary from SEER’s of 9 to 12. Each is controlled by a zoned, low voltage thermostat which allows only heating and cooling set points – no “ventilation only”. On site personnel in the dispatch building complained of poor air quality and the difficulty in maintaining comfortable temperatures and ventilation when only heating or cooling is allowed by the thermostats. ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 18 of 62 The second heating system in the main building consists of a wall mounted, gas fired, condensing boiler that supplies heat to the VUH’s in the ambulance bay, hydronic baseboard finned tube radiators in the perimeter rooms in the north wing, and several radiant ceiling panels. Electric UH’s and wall heaters provide supplementary heat in the main building. All UH’s and wall heaters are controlled by local low voltage thermostats. Heat in the ALMR building is provided by two electric unit heaters also controlled by local, low voltage thermostats. Cooling is provided in the ALMR building by (5) 5-Ton DX wall-mounted systems located on the building’s exterior north wall and controlled by two thermostats inside the building. Cooling to the server room in the main building is provided by (3) 1-Ton, split DX systems, with rooftop condensers, controlled individually by (3) room thermostats. There is no building-wide, integrated HVAC control system or separate ventilation system. b. Appliances: There is a residential type, stacked clothes washer and dryer, a commercial clothes washer and dryer used for contaminated fire personnel clothing, (11) residential type refrigerators, (2) freezers, (3) electric range/oven combinations, (2) dishwashers, various microwaves, coffee makers, etc.. This building has 24 PC’s and 37 additional LCD monitors in use at various times of day. c. Plumbing Fixtures: This building contains a total of (11) toilets and lavatory sinks and (4) showers, all with manual valves. (7) of the toilets consume 1.6 gallons per flush (gpf), the other (4) either 3.5 or 3.6 gpf. See Appendix D-1 for EEM recommendations. d. Domestic Hot Water: Hot water for sinks and the kitchen is provided by a gas fired, 55 gallon hot water heater located in the boiler room and a second, 50 gallon, electric hot water heater located in the north wing storage closet. e. Interior Lighting & Controls: There is a widely diverse range of lighting in this building. Room lighting in the main building generally consists of T12-40W fixtures with magnetic ballasts. In the north wing and ambulance bay, T8-32W fixtures with electronic ballasts are generally used. There are a number of incandescent bulbs in use and the apparatus bay ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 19 of 62 uses 400 watt metal halide (MH) pendants with magnetic ballasts. There are (6) occupancy sensors in the building, all located in the north wing, presumably installed when the ambulance bay was added. Appendix B details the recommendation of a full lighting upgrade. See Appendix E for additional information on occupancy sensors. All exit signs in the building are either LED or unlit, self-luminous. f. Exterior Lighting: The exterior lighting on and around this building has been upgraded to LED fixtures with the exception of (2) high pressure sodium (HPS) sign lights and an HPS soffit light. g. Building Shell: The building shell is described earlier; although it is under-insulated by today’s standard, it is in above average condition inside and out. h. Motors: The only known, large (5 HP or larger) motor in this building is the compressor motor for the air breathing equipment. It is listed in Appendix C and was considered for replacement with a premium efficiency motor, see Appendix D-2. ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 20 of 62 5. Historic Energy Consumption: Energy consumption is modeled within the AkWarm-C program. The program typically analyzes twelve months of data. Two year’s worth of natural gas and electricity consumption were averaged then input into AKWarm-C. This monthly data is found in Appendix F. Energy consumption was analyzed using two factors: the Energy Cost Index (ECI) and the Energy Use Index (EUI). The energy cost index takes the annual costs of natural gas and electrical energy over the surveyed period of time (two years) divided by the square footage of the building. The ECI for this building is $3.19/SF, the ECI for the two comparison buildings, Fire Station #1 and Fire Station #11, are $2.94 and $3.04 respectively. The energy use index (EUI) is the total annual average electrical and heating energy consumption expressed in thousands of BTU/SF. The average of the 2009 and 2010 EUI for this building is 160 kBTU/SF; the average 2009/2010 EUI for Fire Station #1 and #1 are 225 kBTU/SF and 150 kBTU/SF respectively. The average for “Places of Public Assembly” buildings across the US is 89-102 kBTU/SF as logged by the US Energy Information Administration. This source data can be viewed at: www.eia.gov/emeu/efficiency/cbecstrends/cbecs_tables_list.htm. 6. Interactive Effects of Projects: The AkWarm-C program calculates savings assuming that all recommended EEM are implemented in the order shown in Appendix B. Appendix D EEM’s are not included in the AkWarm-C model unless referred to in the Appendix B EEM as “see also Appendix D-X”; in these cases, the EEM is included in the AkWarm-C calculations. If some EEMs are not implemented, savings for the remaining EEMs will be affected, in some cases positively, and in others, negatively. In general, all projects were evaluated sequentially so that energy savings associated with one EEM would not be attributed to another EEM as well. By modeling the recommended projects sequentially, the analysis accounts for interactive effects between the EEMs and does not “double count” savings. Interior lighting, plug loads, facility equipment, and occupants generate heat within the building. When the building is in cooling mode, these contribute to the overall cooling demands of the building; therefore lighting efficiency improvements will reduce cooling requirements on air conditioned buildings. Conversely, lighting efficiency improvements are anticipated to increase heating requirements slightly. Heating penalties resulting from reductions in building electrical consumption are included in the lighting analysis that is performed by AkWarm-C. 7. Loan Program: The Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) Alaska Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund (AEERLF) is a State of Alaska program enacted by the Alaska Sustainable Energy Act (senate Bill 220, A.S. 18.56.855, ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 21 of 62 “Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund). The AEERLF will provide loans for energy efficiency retrofits to public facilities via the Retrofit Energy Assessment for Loan System (REAL). As defined in 15 AAC 155.605, the program may finance energy efficiency improvements to buildings owned by: a. Regional educational attendance areas; b. Municipal governments, including political subdivisions of municipal governments; c. The University of Alaska; d. Political subdivisions of the State of Alaska, or e. The State of Alaska Native corporations, tribal entities, and subsidiaries of the federal government are not eligible for loans under this program. ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 22 of 62 Appendix A - Photos Several of the (11) rooftop units The (5) DX systems on north side of ALMR building ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 23 of 62 Digital thermostat on left is for the main building server room cooling, the model on right is typical unit controlling the RTU’s – note lack of “fan only” option (3) of the numerous refrigerators in this building ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 24 of 62 Apparatus bay ceiling showing gas fired UH and air scrubber Ambulance bay, air scrubber in foreground, hydronic VHU on ceiling ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 25 of 62 Exercise facility Dispatch offices ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 26 of 62 Some of the rack equipment in the main building server room ENERGY June 29, 2 AUDITS OF 2012 Fire e ALASKA Aeria NORT e Station # ntry on e al View of F TH #12, main east side Fire Station n FIRE #12 and D STATION #1 Dispatch Dispatch South en building, separate 2 AND DISPA Page 27 o h Offices nd of , with e access ATCH of 62 on Appendix B – Detailed AkWarm-C report   Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  Fire Station #12 and Dispatch Page 28   ENERGY AUDIT REPORT – PROJECT SUMMARY – Created 6/30/2012 3:01 PM General Project Information  PROJECT INFORMATION AUDITOR INFORMATION  Building: Fire Station #12 and Dispatch Auditor Company: Energy Audits of Alaska  Address: 1301 E 80th Ave (Dispatch) & 7920 Homer St  (Fire Station)  Auditor  Name: James Fowler  City: Anchorage Auditor Address: P.O. Box 220215  Anchorage, AK 99522 Client Name: Mr. Powell  Client Address: 1301 E 80th Ave  Anchorage, AK 99518  Auditor Phone: (206) 954‐3614  Auditor FAX:   Client Phone: (907) 267‐5012 Auditor Comment:   Client FAX:   Design Data  Building Area: 30,964 square feet Design Heating Load: Design Loss at Space:  906,000  Btu/hour   with Distribution Losses:  1,006,667 Btu/hour   Plant Input Rating assuming 82.0% Plant Efficiency and  25% Safety Margin: 1,534,553 Btu/hour   Note: Additional Capacity should be added for DHW load,  if served.  Typical Occupancy: 41 people  Design Indoor Temperature: 70 deg F (building average)  Actual City: Anchorage Design Outdoor Temperature: ‐18 deg F  Weather/Fuel City: Anchorage Heating Degree Days: 10,816 deg F‐days     Utility Information  Electric Utility: Chugach Electric ‐ Commercial ‐ Lg Natural Gas Provider: Enstar Natural Gas ‐ Commercial ‐  Lg  Average Annual Cost/kWh: $0.167/kWh Average Annual Cost/ccf: $0.835/ccf     Annual Energy Cost Estimate  Description Space  Heating  Space  Cooling  Water  Heating Lighting Refriger ation  Other  Electrical  Clothes  Drying  Ventilation  Fans  Service  Fees Total Cost  Existing  Building  $23,798 $5,110 $5,052 $23,441 $1,395 $61,499 $164 $10,881 $1,973 $133,313  With  Proposed  Retrofits  $20,343 $2,682 $5,025 $12,091 $741 $58,623 $164 $10,786 $1,973 $112,427  SAVINGS $3,455 $2,428 $27 $11,350 $654 $2,876 $0 $95 $0 $20,886 *    * Maintenance savings not included in this savings total  Appendix B – Detailed AkWarm-C report   Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  Fire Station #12 and Dispatch Page 29                     $0 $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 $100,000 $120,000 $140,000 Existing Retrofit Service Fees Ventilation and Fans Space Heating Space Cooling Refrigeration Other Electrical Lighting Domestic Hot Water Clothes Drying Annual Energy Costs by End Use Appendix B – Detailed AkWarm-C report   Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  Fire Station #12 and Dispatch Page 30   PRIORITY LIST – RECOMMENDED ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Ra nk Feature Recommendation Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (Years) 1 Lighting ‐ Controls  Retrofit: Residential:  Incandescent Halogen,  OS added to circuit  under previous EEM  Remove Manual Switching and Add new  Occupancy Sensor  $184 Cost  included  in EEM  below  2 Lighting ‐ Controls  Retrofit: Residential:  Incandescent Halogen,  OS added to circuit  under previous EEM  Remove Manual Switching and Add new  Occupancy Sensor  $144 Cost  included  in EEM  below  3 Setback Thermostat:  Apparatus and  Ambulance Bay  Implement a Heating Temperature  Unoccupied Setback to 60.0 deg F for  the Apparatus and Ambulance Bay  space.  $607 $400 19.22 0.7 4 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit: Dispatch:  Incandescent, OS  added to circuit under  previous EEM  Replace with 2 FLUOR CFL, A Lamp 15W  and Remove Manual Switching and Add  new Occupancy Sensor  $56 $31  5 Setback Thermostat:  Office Space  Implement a Heating Temperature  Unoccupied Setback to 55.0 deg F for  the Office Space   $1,876 $2,400 9.90 1.3 6 Refrigeration ‐ Power  Retrofit: Residential   refrigerator & freezer  > 10 years old  Replace with 3 Energy Star versions at  EOL @ incremental cost of $75ea  $186 $225 9.58 1.2 7 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit: Dispatch:  Incandescent, OS  added to circuit under  previous EEM  Replace with 3 FLUOR CFL, A Lamp 15W  and Remove Manual Switching and Add  new Occupancy Sensor  $63 $46 8.49 0.7 8 Refrigeration ‐  Controls Retrofit:  Refrigerated beverage  vending machine  Add VendingMiser  (www.vendingmiserstore.com)  $418 $500 6.98 1.2 9 Setback Thermostat:  Mechanical Rooms  and Storage Area  Implement a Heating Temperature  Unoccupied Setback to 55.0 deg F for  the Mechanical Rooms and Storage Area  space.  $793 $1,800 5.58 2.3 10 Lighting ‐ Power  Retrofit: Residential:  T8‐2lamp, parabolic,  OS added to circuit  under previous EEM  ** At next building re‐lamp, replace (10)  T8‐32 watt lamps with 10 FLUOR (2) T8  4' F32T8 28W Energy‐Saver Instant  StdElectronic  $38 $60 5.34 1.6 Appendix B – Detailed AkWarm-C report   Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  Fire Station #12 and Dispatch Page 31   PRIORITY LIST – RECOMMENDED ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Ra nk Feature Recommendation Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (Years) 11 Setback Thermostat:  Residence and  Common Areas  Implement a Heating Temperature  Unoccupied Setback to 60.0 deg F for  the Residence and Common Areas  space.  $1,882 $4,600 5.18 2.4 12 Lighting ‐ Power  Retrofit:  Mechanical/Storage:  Incandescent, add OS  Replace with 9 FLUOR CFL, A Lamp 15W $97 $135 4.42 1.4 13 Other Electrical ‐  Controls Retrofit:  Head Bolt Heaters  Remove Manual Switching and Add new  Other Controls  $1,240 $2,750 3.76 2.2 14 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit: Residential:  Incandescent, add OS  Replace with 4 FLUOR CFL, A Lamp 15W  and Remove Manual Switching and Add  new Occupancy Sensor  $148 $260 3.51 1.8 15 Lighting ‐ Power  Retrofit: Exterior: HPS‐ 50  Replace with LED 17W Module  StdElectronic  $23  + $10 Maint.  Savings  $150 2.58 6.6 16 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit: Apparatus  Bay: MH‐400, OS not  needed  Replace with 8 LED 115W Module  StdElectronic and Remove Manual  Switching and Add new Occupancy  Sensor  $1,555  + $800  Maint.  Savings  $10,800 2.56 6.9 17 Other Electrical ‐  Combined Retrofit:  Desktop Computers ‐  recommended  Replace with 10 Laptop at EOL @  incremental cost of $150 and Remove  Manual Switching and Add new Other  Controls  $759 $1,501 2.32 2 18 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit: Residential:  T12‐4lamp, add OS  *** Replace with 10 FLUOR (4) T8 4'  F32T8 28W Energy‐Saver lamps and  Leviton “Zipline” kit with Instant  StdElectronic and Remove Manual  Switching and Add new Occupancy  Sensor  $746  + $100  Maint.  Savings  $3,000 2.16 4 19 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit: Offices: T8‐ 3lamp, add OS  At next building re‐lamp, replace (3) T8‐ 32 watt lamps with 6 FLUOR (3) T8 4'  F32T8 28W Energy‐Saver Instant  StdElectronic and Remove Manual  Switching and Add new Occupancy  Sensor  $86 $254 2.09 3 20 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit: Apparatus  Bay: T12‐4lamp, OS  added to circuit under  previous EEM  Replace with 8 FLUOR (4) T8 4' F32T8  28W Energy‐Saver lamps and Leviton  “Zipline” kit with Instant StdElectronic  and Remove Manual Switching and Add  new Occupancy Sensor  $330  + $80 Maint.  Savings  $1,921 1.80 5.8 Appendix B – Detailed AkWarm-C report   Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  Fire Station #12 and Dispatch Page 32   PRIORITY LIST – RECOMMENDED ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Ra nk Feature Recommendation Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (Years) 21 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit: Residential:  T12‐2lamp, OS added  to circuit under  previous EEM  Replace with 2 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8  28W Energy‐Saver lamps and Leviton  “Zipline” kit with Instant StdElectronic  and Remove Manual Switching and Add  new Occupancy Sensor  $74  + $20 Maint.  Savings  $441 1.79 6 22 Lighting ‐ Controls  Retrofit: Apparatus  Bay: T5‐2lamp, add OS  Remove Manual Switching and Add new  Occupancy Sensor  $141 $500 1.75 3.5 23 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit: Residential:  Incandescent, add OS  Replace with 21 FLUOR CFL, A Lamp  15W and Remove Manual Switching and  Add new Occupancy Sensor  $588 $2,215 1.64 3.8 24 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit: Residential:  T12‐3lamp, OS added  to circuit under  previous EEM  Replace with FLUOR (3) T8 4' F32T8 28W  Energy‐Saver lamps and Leviton  “Zipline” kit with Instant StdElectronic  and Remove Manual Switching and Add  new Occupancy Sensor  $35  + $10 Maint.  Savings  $231 1.62 6.7 25 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit: Apparatus  Bay: T12‐4lamp, add  OS  Replace with 8 FLUOR (4) T8 4' F32T8  28W Energy‐Saver lamps and Leviton  “Zipline” kit with Instant StdElectronic  and Remove Manual Switching and Add  new Occupancy Sensor  $531  + $80 Maint.  Savings  $2,920 1.61 5.5 26 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit: Dispatch:  T12‐4lamp, OS not  needed  Replace with 19 FLUOR (4) T8 4' F32T8  28W Energy‐Saver lamps and Leviton  “Zipline” kit with instand StdElectronic  and Remove Manual Switching and Add  new Occupancy Sensor  $671  + $190  Maint.  Savings  $4,561 1.58 6.8 27 HVAC And DHW A) Replace 11 RTU's with high efficiency  versions (SEER 16‐17, AFUE 81%, motors  have integral VFD's ‐ see Appendix E) @  $1000/Ton for unit plus $1000/Ton  install.  Assume maintenance savings of  $700/yr per unit.   B.) Replace existing  thermostats with models that  incorporate CO2 sensing, and allow fan  operation (i.e. ventilation) without  heating or cooling.  Costs for this are  included in setback thermostat EEM's,  savings not possible to estimate.  New  RTU’s in Appendix E have CO2 and  “ventilation only” capability.    $2,610  + $7,700  Maint.  Savings  $112,000 1.37 42.9 Appendix B – Detailed AkWarm-C report   Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  Fire Station #12 and Dispatch Page 33   PRIORITY LIST – RECOMMENDED ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Ra nk Feature Recommendation Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (Years) 28 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit: Residential:  T12‐4lamp, add OS  Replace with 31 FLUOR (4) T8 4' F32T8  28W Energy‐Saver lamps and Leviton  “Zipline” kit with Instant StdElectronic  and Remove Manual Switching and Add  new Occupancy Sensor  $1,391  + $310  Maint.  Savings  $9,840 1.33 7.1 29 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit: Dispatch: T8‐ 4lamp, add OS  At next building re‐lamp, replace (4) T8‐ 32 watt lamps with 11 FLUOR (4) T8 4'  F32T8 28W Energy‐Saver (2) Instant  StdElectronic and Remove Manual  Switching and Add new Occupancy  Sensor  $114 $532 1.32 4.7 30 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit: Offices: T12‐ 4lamp, add OS  Replace with 59 FLUOR (4) T8 4' F32T8  28W Energy‐Saver lamps and Leviton  “Zipline” kit with Instant StdElectronic  and Remove Manual Switching and Add  new Occupancy Sensor  $1,822  + $590  Maint.  Savings  $17,760 1.04 9.7 31 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit: Residential:  T8‐2lamp, parabolic,  add OS  At next building re‐lamp, replace (11)  T8‐32 watt lamps with 11 FLUOR (2) T8  4' F32T8 28W Energy‐Saver Instant  StdElectronic and Remove Manual  Switching and Add new Occupancy  Sensor  $160 $1,066 0.92 6.7 32 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit: Dispatch:  T12‐3lamp, add OS  Replace with 2 FLUOR (3) T8 4' F32T8  28W Energy‐Saver lamps and Leviton  “Zipline” kit with Instant StdElectronic  and Remove Manual Switching and Add  new Occupancy Sensor  $53  + $20 Maint.  Savings  $660 0.85 12.4 33 Lighting ‐ Controls  Retrofit: Residential:  Incandescent Halogen,  add OS  Remove Manual Switching and Add new  Occupancy Sensor  $50 $400 0.77 8 34 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit: Residential:  T12‐2lamp, add OS  Replace with 17 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8  28W Energy‐Saver Instant lamps and  Leviton “Zipline” kit with StdElectronic  and Remove Manual Switching and Add  new Occupancy Sensor  $378  + $170  Maint.  Savings  $5,590 0.75 14.8 35 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit: Dispatch:  T12‐4lamp, add OS  Replace with 10 FLUOR (4) T8 4' F32T8  28W Energy‐Saver lamps and Leviton  “Zipline” kit with Instant StdElectronic  and Remove Manual Switching and Add  new Occupancy Sensor  $205  + $100  Maint.  Savings  $3,200 0.73 15.6 Appendix B – Detailed AkWarm-C report   Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  Fire Station #12 and Dispatch Page 34   PRIORITY LIST – RECOMMENDED ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Ra nk Feature Recommendation Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (Years) 36 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit:  Mechanical/Storage:  T12‐4lamp, add OS  Replace with FLUOR (4) T8 4' F32T8 28W  Energy‐Saver lamps and Leviton  “Zipline” kit with Instant StdElectronic  and Remove Manual Switching and Add  new Occupancy Sensor  $37 $440 0.64 11.9 37 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit:  Mechanical/Storage:  T12‐4lamp, add OS  Replace with 3 FLUOR (4) T8 4' F32T8  28W Energy‐Saver lamps and Leviton  “Zipline” kit with Instant StdElectronic  and Remove Manual Switching and Add  new Occupancy Sensor  $75  + $30 Maint.  Savings  $1,320 0.61 17.5 38 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit: Dispatch:  T12‐4lamp, add OS  Replace with 24 FLUOR (4) T8 4' F32T8  28W Energy‐Saver lamps and Leviton  “Zipline” kit with Instant StdElectronic  and Remove Manual Switching and Add  new Occupancy Sensor  $335  + $240  Maint.  Savings  $7,360 0.60 22 39 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit: Residential:  T12‐2lamp, U‐type,  add OS  Replace with FLUOR (2) T8 F32T8 30W  U‐Tube Energy‐Saver lamps and Leviton  “Zipline” kit with Instant StdElectronic  and Remove Manual Switching and Add  new Occupancy Sensor  $21 $220 0.59 10.5 40 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit:  Mechanical/Storage:  T12‐2lamp, 96"  length, add OS  Replace with 26 FLUOR (2) T8 8' F96T8  54W Energy‐Saver StdElectronic and  Remove Manual Switching and Add new  Occupancy Sensor  $296  + $260  Maint.  Savings  $7,320 0.59 24.7 41 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit: Residential:  T12‐2lamp, 96"  length, add OS  Replace with FLUOR (2) T8 8' F96T8 54W  Energy‐Saver StdElectronic and Remove  Manual Switching and Add new  Occupancy Sensor  $19  + $20 Maint.  Savings  $640 0.47 33.1 42 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit:  Mechanical/Storage:  T12‐2lamp, add OS  Replace with FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 28W  Energy‐Saver lamps and Leviton  “Zipline” kit with Instant StdElectronic  and Remove Manual Switching and Add  new Occupancy Sensor  $13  + $10 Maint.  Savings  $420 0.41 33.5 43 Lighting ‐ Controls  Retrofit:  Mechanical/Storage:  Incandescent, add OS  Remove Manual Switching and Add new  Occupancy Sensor  $20 $400 0.31 19.8 44 Lighting ‐ Combined  Retrofit:  Mechanical/Storage:  T8‐2lamp, add OS  At next building re‐lamp, replace (2) T8‐ 32 watt lamps with FLUOR (2) T8 4'  F32T8 28W Energy‐Saver Instant  StdElectronic and Remove Manual  Switching and Add new Occupancy  Sensor  $9 $206 0.27 22.4 Appendix B – Detailed AkWarm-C report   Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  Fire Station #12 and Dispatch Page 35   PRIORITY LIST – RECOMMENDED ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Ra nk Feature Recommendation Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (Years) 45 Lighting ‐ Controls  Retrofit:  Mechanical/Storage:  CFL, 4‐tube, plug‐in,  add OS  Remove Manual Switching and Add new  Occupancy Sensor  $6 $200 0.18 34.5 The following EEM’s were calculated outside of AkWarm‐C and may not consider the  interactive affect of any other EEM’ above, unless specifically stated otherwise.  They are  not in order of priority or savings, relative to the EEM’s above. Appe ndix  D‐1  Plumbing Fixtures:  (11) W.C., (11)  lavatories, (4) showers   Replace shower heads and lavatory   fixtures with low flow versions;  replace  lavatory valves with proximity  sensing on/off controls, retrofit 3.5 gpf  residential toilets with 1.6 gpf, retrofit  all toile valves with dual flush valves  TOTAL $20,886 + $10,740 Maint. Savings $211,277 1.66 10.1    Sample translations of the nomenclature used above: ** (item 10) During the next building re-lamp (i.e. when the lamps were to be replaced anyway, so the cost is the incremental difference between a 32 watt and 28 watt lamp, estimated to be $3 ea), replace the (10) T8-32 watt lamps with T8-28 watt “energy saver” lamps; the fixture has a standard electronic ballast.   *** (item 18) Replace the (10) existing sets of T12, 4-lamp “tombstone” end caps and magnetic ballast with (10) sets of T8 end caps and instant start ballasts using a kit such as Leviton “Zipline” (estimated cost $200/kit instsalled); replace T12-40 watt lamps with T8-28 watt energy saver lamps (estimated cost $10/lamp). Replace the manual switches with the appropriate number and type of occupancy sensors.           ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  AkWarmCalc Ver, Energy Lib 5/18/2012    ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 36 of 62 Appendix C – Equipment Schedules ALL SCHEDULES COMPILED FROM PLANS OR ON‐SITE NAMEPLATE OBSERVATION, WHERE  ACCESSIBLE     e= estimated   COOLING, HEATING & ROOFTOP UNIT SCHEDULE  SYMBOL MFGR/MODEL FAN CFM  MOTOR DATA   HP/VOLTS/PH REMARKS  RTU‐1A Trane Voyager, 90 MBH heating; 5 Ton  cooling  2,000 31FLA/208/3  10 SEER; serves 1st & 2nd  floor residences and  rooms south of apparatus  bay; min 10% OSA  RTU‐1A Lennox GCS24‐953‐200‐1Y; 200 MBH  heating, 80%E; e 5 Ton cooling   SEER e9    RTU‐2 Lennox GCS24‐953‐200‐1Y; 200 MBH  heating, 80%E; e 5 Ton cooling   SEER e9 second floor dispatch  RTU‐3 Trane YCD036C3LABE; 3 Tons cooling; 80  MBH heating, 81%E   SEER e10 South entry vestibule  RTU‐4 Trane YCD060C3HABF; 5 Ton cooling; 135  MBH heating, 81%E   SEER e10 first floor, south of  apparatus bay  RTU‐5 Trane YCD060C3HABF; 5 Ton cooling; 135  MBH heating, 81%E   SEER e10 second floor south of  apparatus bay  RTU‐6 York DM048N10B2DAA1A; 5 Ton cooling;  125 MBH heating e75% E  1800 SEER e10  second floor residences  south of appartus bay;  15% min OSA (2003)  RTU‐7 Trane SFCB‐B856‐HA; 250 MBH heating,  75% E; est 4 Tons cooling 1330 SEER e10 Pbx, generator, storage;  15% min OSA (2003)  RTU‐8 York DM048N10B2DAA1A; 4 Ton cooling;  99 MBH heating e75% E   SEER e10    RTU‐9 Trane TCC060F300BA; cooling only, 5 Ton   SEER e10    RTU‐X York D1HG060N09925ZRB; 5 Ton cooling;  125 MBH heating, e80%E   SEER e9 Dispatch offices  UH‐1 Modine; 250 MBH input e2000 e.25/120/1  Apparatus bay; gas fired,  80% efficient  UH‐2 Modine; 250 MBH input e2000 e.25/120/1  Apparatus bay; gas fired,  80% efficient  RP‐1 Markel CP805   500w/208/1 Electric radiant panel  (1993)  ACU‐1A Liebert Mini‐mate2; 1 Ton; model  MM012E‐P0000   SEER 10 Dispatch Server room  evaporator;   ACU‐1B Liebert Mini‐Mate2; 1 Ton; model  PFC014A‐PLO   SEER 10 rooftop condenser, server  room, air cooled  ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 37 of 62 AC‐1A (3) Liebert Mini‐Mate2, ET060SLYEOT, 5 Ton  cooling    28.3FLA/208/1  SEER 10.2 ALMR building  AC‐2A (2)  Liebert Mini‐Mate2, ET060SRYEOT, 5 Ton  cooling    28.3FLA/208/1  SEER 10.2 ALMR building  AC‐1 Mitsubishi PU36EK3; split system;    SEER e12 south rooftop, cools server  room;  (FLA from plans);   AC‐2 Mitsubishi PU36EK3; split system   SEER e12 south rooftop, cools server  room;  (FLA from plans);   EXHAUST FAN SCHEDULE  SYMBOL MOTOR MFGR/MODEL CFM  MOTOR DATA   HP/VOLTS/PH REMARKS  DS‐1 Leading Edge 4820‐1 21,000 .86A/120/1 Ambulance bay  DS‐2 Leading Edge 4820‐1 21,000 .86A/120/1 Apparatus bay  DS‐3 Leading Edge 4820‐1 21,000 .86A/120/1 Apparatus bay  DS‐4 Leading Edge 4820‐1 21,000 .86A/120/1 Apparatus bay  KH‐1 GE 300 e100w/115/1  Kitchen hood ‐  microwave/range hood  KH‐2 GE 300 e100w/115/1  Kitchen hood ‐  microwave/range hood  EF‐1 unknown e400 151w/120/1  ALMR building generator  room  EF‐1A Cook 120V10D 750 .17/120/1 toilet exhaust  EF‐2A Cook CC‐740 400 3.9A/120/1  Ambulance bay, wall  blower  CF‐1 JennFan S1B‐12L 1200 .25/120/1 cooling fan for UPS room  HEAT RECOVERY SCHEDULE  SYMBOL MOTOR MFGR/MODEL CFM  MOTOR DATA   HP/VOLTS/PH REMARKS  HRV‐1 Venmar AVS Solo 1.5 136 1.3A/120/1  presumed to be located in  ambulance bay, but not  observed  AIR SCRUBBER SCHEDULE  SYMBOL MOTOR MFGR/MODEL CFM  MOTOR DATA   HP/VOLTS/PH REMARKS  ASU‐1 AirHawk 3000 Eagle 2,000 1/208/1 Apparatus bay  ASU‐2 AirHawk 3000 Eagle 2,000 1/208/1 Apparatus bay  ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 38 of 62 ASU‐3 AirHawk 3000 Eagle 2,000 1/208/1 Apparatus bay  ASU‐4 AirHawk 3000 Eagle 2,000 1/208/1 Ambulance bay  PUMP SCHEDULE   SYMBOL MFGR/MODEL GPM  MOTOR DATA   HP/VOLTS/PH REMARKS  CP‐1 Grundfos 65‐60 18 2A/240/1  boiler room; integral VFD;  main glycol circ  CP‐1A Grundfos 65‐60 18 2A/240/1 alternate  CP‐2 Grundfos UP 15‐35 3 110w/115/1 boiler room; DCW circ  LS‐1 Liberty 1102 40 .5/120/1  Lift station pump ‐  ambulance bay  CP‐3 Grundfos UPS 26‐99 3 150w/115/1 DHW recirc  BOILER SCHEDULE  SYMBOL MFGR/MODEL GPM  MOTOR DATA   HP/VOLTS/PH REMARKS  B‐1 Lochinvar WBN210      210 MBH input, 191 MBH  output, 91% efficient,  condensing, gas fired;  serves ambulance bay and  residences perimeter FT  UNIT HEATER SCHEDULE  SYMBOL MFGR/MODEL CFM  MOTOR DATA   HP/VOLTS/PH REMARKS  VUH‐1 Sterling VS‐77A; 38.5 MBH 858 .05/120/1 Amulance bay  VUH‐2 Sterling VS‐77A; 38.5 MBH 858 .05/120/1 Amulance bay  UH‐1     5Kw/208/3 ALMR building  UH‐1A     5Kw/208/3 ALMR building  WH‐1 Markel E3323TTD   1500w/120/1  Electric wall heater,  staircase 155  WH‐2 Markel E3323TTD   1500w/120/1  Electric wall heater, entry  143  WH‐3 Markel E3323TTD   1500w/120/1  Electric wall heater, entry  156  UH‐1B (2) Brasch; 5MBH 540 5Kw/208/1 ALMR building  ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 39 of 62 HOT WATER HEATER SCHEDULE   SYMBOL MFGR/MODEL GALLONS  NUMBER OF  ELEMENTS ELEMENT SIZE  WH‐1 Phoenix PH199‐55 55 199 MBH set 140F; 97% efficient  WH‐2 GE PE50M09AAH 50 2  4500 w ea; located in  storage room south side  wt room  PLUMBING FIXTURES   SYMBOL FIXTURE GPF QUANTITY REMARKS    W.C. 1.6 7 manually operated    W.C. 3.5 2 manually operated    W.C. 3.6 2 manually operated    Lavatory ‐ 11 manually operated    Shower 2.6 (est) 4 manually operated  EQUIPMENT SCHEDULES  SYMBOL FIXTURE QUANTITY  MOTOR DATA   HP/VOLTS/PH REMARKS    Portable Compressor ‐ Porter Cable 1        Commercial Washer ‐ UniMat 35 1   used 21 hrs/wk    Commercial Dryer ‐ Speed Queen 1   gas; used 21 hrs/wk    Washer ‐ Maytag Epic Z 1    electric (stackable); used  31 hrs/wk    Dryer ‐ Maytag Epic  1    electric (stackable); used  31 hrs/wk    Super Vac 718VR2 2   start = 1200w, run = 700w    Compressor ‐ Bauer K15 E3 1 15/460/3  Breathing air compressor  (1984)    Bench Grinder ‐ Westweard 1 .33/120/1      Old Generator 1   not in use    Liebert UPS UBP180 2 113A/208/3      Overheard Door Opener 6 .5/208/1    PLUG LOAD SUMMARY  SYMBOL FIXTURE QUANTITY  MOTOR DATA   HP/VOLTS/PH REMARKS    Coffee Machine 2 450w      Large Copy/Fax 4 1200w    ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 40 of 62   Personal Printer 5 85w      Large TV 5 450w      Small TV 6        Vending Machine 2        Microwave 8        Shredder 2        DVD Player 1        Radio Battary charger 6    One unit with 6 charge  slots    Sound System 1        Toaster 1        laptop 1      Fan 4        Laser Printer 1        Treadmill 2   Life Fitness, 1 old, 1 new    Small UPS ‐ Pulsar Evolution 1100 1        UPS ‐ Pulsar EX 1000 RT 2   wall mounted    UPS ‐ Tripp‐Lite 1   ceiling mounted    XBOX 360 1        PlayStation 3 1        Server 2        Server Rack 3        Page System 1        Radio 1        Seismograph 1        Bemis Humidifier 821000 1 1.1A/120/1 server room humidifier    Large UPS System ‐ Liebert UBP180 1 117A/300/3  max 122A, 288‐423Volts,  phase 3    HP VACUFLO 26 1 1320w 120V  KITCHEN SCHEDULE  SYMBOL FIXTURE QUANTITY  MOTOR DATA   HP/VOLTS/PH REMARKS    Electric Range/Oven 4    5‐6 hours/day; residential  type; 2 Fridgidair    Commercial Coffee Machine 1        Dishwasher 2    2 loads/day; normal  household dishwasher    Residential refrigerators < 10 yrs old 8 400KWh      Residential refrigerators > 10 yrs old 3 800KWh      Refrigerated beverage vending machine 2 3000w/120/1      Residential freezer > 10 yrs old 2 800 KWh    ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 41 of 62 LIGHTING SCHEDULE  FIXTURE TYPE DESCRIPTION LAMPS MOUNTING  NUMBER WATTS TYPE HEIGHT  Wall pack HPS ‐ Exterior, magnetic ballast 1 50 surface 10'  Pole Light Metal Halide ‐ Exterior, magnetic ballast 1 1000 surface 20'  Recess can CFL, 4‐tube, plug‐in 4 18 recess ceiling  T8‐2 Florescent, T8 lamps, parabolic, electronic ballast 2 32 surface ceiling  T8‐3 Florescent, T8 lamps, electronic ballast 3 32 surface ceiling  T8‐4 Florescent, T8 lamps, electronic ballast 4 32 surface ceiling  T5‐1 Florescent, T8 U‐tube lamps, electronic ballast 1 28 surface ceiling  T5‐2 Florescent, T8 plug‐in U tube, electronic ballast 2 28 surface ceiling  T12‐2 Florescent T12, 96" length, mangentic ballast 2 75 surface ceiling  T12‐2 Florescent T12, U‐type, electric ballast 2 40 surface ceiling  T12‐2 Florescent T12, electric ballast 2 40 surface ceiling  T12‐2 Florescent T12, mangentic ballast 2 40 surface ceiling  T12‐3 Florescent T12, electric ballast 3 40 surface ceiling  T12‐4 Florescent T12, electric ballast 4 40 surface ceiling  T12‐4 Florescent T12, mangentic ballast 4 40 surface ceiling  wall pack Halogen plug‐in; interior 1 500 surface 7'  Down light LED flood, exterior ‐ 72 surface 10'  Up light LED flood, exterior ‐ 250 ground .5'  Wall pack LED flood, exterior ‐ 250 surface 10'  Incandescent floor, table and desk lamps 1 60 surface 4'  Incandescent floor, table and desk lamps 1 75 surface 4'  Incandescent Halogen track light 1 35 Wire suspended  Incandescent Halogen track light 1 100 Wire suspended  Pendant Metal Halide ‐ interior, magnetic ballast 1 400 hanging 20'  LARGE MOTOR SCHEDULE  Motor use  & location  (5 HP or  larger) HP/Volts/Ph   Existing  Efficiency  Premium  Efficiency Estimated  annual  usage  (hrs)  Annual  Savings Burn‐out  payback  (yrs/cost)  Replacement payback  (yrs/cost)  Breathing  Air  Compressor 15/460/3 estimated 87% 93.00% 121 $8.95 44.8/$400 n/a  Efficiency ratings at Full Load, per nameplate  Payback figures based on power consumption at 66% of full load  ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 42 of 62 Appendix D Additional, Building-Specific EEM details Appendix D-1: Plumbing fixtures: The lavatory faucets should be retrofitted with proximity sensing on/off controls. All 3.5 gallons per flush (gpf) toilets in this building should be retrofitted with 1.6 gallons gpf versions. All toilet valves should be retrofitted with dual flush valves (see below). This audit does not include water usage and AkWarm-C does not allow for the modeling of it, but dual flush toilet valves will typically pay back within 1-3 years, depending on usage. These payback periods are reduced by 66% or more if the fixture or valve is replaced at its EOL rather than while it’s still functioning. For an EOL replacement, the cost used is the incremental difference in cost between an ultra-low-flow fixture (for example) and a straight across replacement with the same fixture. ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 43 of 62 Appendix D-2: Additional EEM’S considered but not recommended Motor replacements with premium efficiency versions: The 15HP breathing air compressor is only known motor in this facility that is 3 HP or larger. Despite the fact that this motor probably has a very low NEMA efficiency rating (no rating on the nameplate, but estimated to be 87% due to its 1984 manufacture date), there are insufficient operating hours (121 hours/yr) on it to justify replacement with a premium efficiency motor. Appendix D-3: ALMR Building load calculations This data was extracted from the ALMR building plans created by RSA Engineering. It is not clear what equipment the “radio system load” estimate of 55,700 VA was based on (below), and using the full load in the AkWarm-C file resulted in an excessively high electric consumption (as much as the entire Fire Station), so an estimate of 50% of this load, on a continuous basis, was used in the AkWarm-C model. ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 44 of 62 Appendix E – Specifications supporting EEM’s Lighting Controls Occupancy sensors sense the presence of occupants, turn the lights on at a pre-determined level, and then turn the lights off after a programmed time period of no occupancy. Line of sight, motion sensing occupancy sensors can be installed in existing duplex switch boxes, as well as on ceilings. Dual technology sensors are typically ceiling mounted in rooms, lavatories, corridors, vehicle bays and storage areas where obstacles may interfere with line-of-sight sensors. The second technology in these sensors activates lighting based on sound or changes in position, and work even when a person is fully obscured by an obstacle. Zoned occupancy controls are typically recommended for long corridors, large vehicle bays and large storage areas with multiple switches and lighting zones. Zoned controls are designed to activate and de- activate lighting by zone, by row, or even by fixture, based on the location of the occupant. Occupancy sensors can reduce power consumption by 25-60%. Paybacks on occupancy sensors range from 1 to 5 years, depending on the light fixture consumption and occupancy of the room. Lighting Management Systems (LMS) today have the capability to manage lighting based on a wide variety of parameters including building usage, daylight conditions and occupancy. They are retro-fittable, and can be stand alone or integrated into a building’s HVAC, alarm or other control systems. Additionally, they can be easily re-configured as a building’s usage or occupancy pattern changes. Sample LMS systems and a sample high bay occupancy sensor (which could be used for zone lighting control) follow. ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 45 of 62 Appendix E – Lighting Controls ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 46 of 62 ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 47 of 62 Appendix E - Energy Saver T8-29W and 31W U-Tube lamps (30W used in AkWarm-C model) ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 48 of 62 Appendix E – 7-Day Programmable Thermostat with CO2 sensor compatibility ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 49 of 62 Appendix E – CO2 sensor compatible with EB-EMS-02 thermostat (above) ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 50 of 62 Appendix E – High Efficiency RTU heating and cooling ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 51 of 62 Appendix E – High Efficiency RTU heating and cooling ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 52 of 62 Appendix E – High Efficiency RTU heating and cooling ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 53 of 62 Appendix E – VendingMiser vending machine controls ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 54 of 62 Appendix E – Sample desk plug load management device ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 55 of 62 Appendix E – Headbolt Heater controls ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 56 of 62 Appendix F – Benchmark Data $0 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $9,000 $10,000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Jan‐09Mar‐09May‐09Jul‐09Sep‐09Nov‐09Jan‐10Mar‐10May‐10Jul‐10Sep‐10Nov‐10Natural Gas Cost ($)Natural Gas Consumption (Therms)Date (Mon ‐Yr) Fire Station #12 & Dispatch‐Natural Gas Consumption (Therms) vs. Natural Gas  Cost ($) Natural Gas Consumption (Therms) Natural Gas Cost ($) $0 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $9,000 $10,000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 Jan‐09Mar‐09May‐09Jul‐09Sep‐09Nov‐09Jan‐10Mar‐10May‐10Jul‐10Sep‐10Nov‐10Electric Cost ($)Electric Consumption (kWh)Date (Mon ‐Yr) Fire Station #12 & Dispatch‐Electric Consumption (kWh) vs. Electric Cost ($) Electric Consumption (kWh) Electric Cost ($) ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 57 of 62 REAL Preliminary Benchmark Data Form  PART I – FACILITY INFORMATION  Facility Owner Facility Owned By Date (mm/dd/yyyy)  MOA Municipal  Government/Subdivision  04/24/12  Building Name/ Identifier Building Usage Building Square Footage  Fire station #12 & Dispatch Other 29,476  Building Type Community Population Year Built  Mixed   1978  Facility Address Facility City Facility Zip  1301 E 80th & 7920 Homer Anchorage 99517  Contact Person  First Name Last Name Middle Name Email Phone             Mailing Address City State Zip               Primary  Operating Hours  Monday‐ Friday  Saturday Sunday Holidays    24/7 24/7 24/7 24/7        Average # of  Occupants During  Operating Hours                    ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 58 of 62 Fire station #12 & Dispatch Buiding Size Input (sf) = 29,476 2009 Natural Gas Consumption (Therms) 32,492.00 2009 Natural Gas Cost ($) 33,583 2009 Electric Consumption (kWh) 592,320 2009 Electric Cost ($) 72,577 2009 Oil Consumption (Therms) 0.00 2009 Oil Cost ($) 0 2009 Propane Consumption (Therms) 0.00 2009 Propane Cost ($) 0.00 2009 Coal Consumption (Therms) 0.00 2009 Coal Cost ($) 0.00 2009 Wood Consumption (Therms) 0.00 2009 Wood Cost ($) 0.00 2009 Thermal Consumption (Therms) 0.00 2009 Thermal Cost ($) 0.00 2009 Total Energy Use (kBtu) 5,270,788 2009 Total Energy Cost ($) 106,160 Annual Energy Use Intensity (EUI) 2009 Natural Gas (kBtu/sf) 109.5 2009 Electricity (kBtu/sf) 68.1 2009 Oil (kBtu/sf) 0.0 2009 Propane (kBtu/sf) 0.0 2009 Coal (kBtu/sf) 0.0 2009 Wood (kBtu/sf) 0.0 2009 Thermal (kBtu/sf) 0.0 2009 Energy Utilization Index (kBtu/sf) 177.6 Annual Energy Cost Index (ECI) ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 59 of 62 2009 Natural Gas Cost Index ($/sf) 1.13 2009 Electric Cost Index ($/sf) 2.45 2009 Oil Cost Index ($/sf) 0.00 2009 Propane Cost Index ($/sf) 0.00 2009 Coal Cost Index ($/sf) 0.00 2009 Wood Cost Index ($/sf) 0.00 2009 Thermal Cost Index ($/sf) 0.00 2009 Energy Cost Index ($/sf) 3.58 2010 Natural Gas Consumption (Therms) 21,705.00 2010 Natural Gas Cost ($) 19,000 2010 Electric Consumption (kWh) 727,280 2010 Electric Cost ($) 72,450 2010 Oil Consumption (Therms) 0.00 2010 Oil Cost ($) 0 2010 Propane Consumption (Therms) 0.00 2010 Propane Cost ($) 0 2010 Coal Consumption (Therms) 0.00 2010 Coal Cost ($) 0 2010 Wood Consumption (Therms) 0.00 2010 Wood Cost ($) 0 2010 Thermal Consumption (Therms) 0.00 2010 Thermal Cost ($) 0 2010 Total Energy Use (kBtu) 4,652,707 2010 Total Energy Cost ($) 91,450 Annual Energy Use Intensity (EUI) 2010 Natural Gas (kBtu/sf) 73.1 2010 Electricity (kBtu/sf) 83.6 2010 Oil (kBtu/sf) 0.0 2010 Propane (kBtu/sf) 0.0 ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 60 of 62 2010 Coal (kBtu/sf) 0.0 2010 Wood (kBtu/sf)0.0 2010 Thermal (kBtu/sf) 0.0 2010 Energy Utilization Index (kBtu/sf) 156.8 Annual Energy Cost Index (ECI) 2010 Natural Gas Cost Index ($/sf) 0.64 2010 Electric Cost Index ($/sf) 2.44 2010 Oil Cost Index ($/sf) 0.00 2010 Propane Cost Index ($/sf) 0.00 2010 Coal Cost Index ($/sf) 0.00 2010 Wood Cost Index ($/sf) 0.00 2010 Thermal Cost Index ($/sf) 0.00 20010 Energy Cost Index ($/sf) 3.08 Note: 1 kWh = 3,413 Btu's 1 Therm = 100,000 Btu's 1 CF ≈ 1,000 Btu's ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 61 of 62 Natural Gas Btus/CCF =100,000  Month Start Date End Date Billing Days  Consumption  (CCF)  Natural Gas  Cost ($)  Unit Cost  ($/Therm)  Jan‐09 1/0/1900 1/15/2009 30 9077 $9,443  $1.04  Feb‐09 1/15/2009 2/12/2009 33 6994 $7,244  $1.04  Mar‐09 2/12/2009 3/12/2009 27 4996 $5,182  $1.04  Apr‐09 3/12/2009 4/16/2009 31 3724 $3,868  $1.04  May‐09 4/16/2009 5/7/2009 31 990 $1,046  $1.06  Jun‐09 5/7/2009 6/4/2009 30 595 $638  $1.07  Jul‐09 6/4/2009 7/9/2009 33 186 $216  $1.16  Aug‐09 7/9/2009 8/6/2009 29 71 $97  $1.37  Sep‐09 8/6/2009 9/4/2009 29 122 $150  $1.23  Oct‐09 9/4/2009 10/8/2009 30 792 $842  $1.06  Nov‐09 10/8/2009 11/5/2009 31 1451 $1,523  $1.05  Dec‐09 11/5/2009 12/3/2009 30 3494 $3,334  $0.95                 Jan‐10 12/01/09 01/07/10 34 3853 $3,328  $0.86  Feb‐10 01/07/10 02/04/10 29 3536 $3,056  $0.86  Mar‐10 02/04/10 03/04/10 28 2904 $2,514  $0.87  Apr‐10 03/04/10 04/08/10 33 3045 $2,665  $0.88  May‐10 04/08/10 05/06/10 29 1304 $1,156  $0.89  Jun‐10 05/06/10 06/03/10 28 372 $348  $0.94  Jul‐10 06/03/10 07/08/10 30 269 $259  $0.96  Aug‐10 07/08/10 08/05/10 33 236 $230  $0.97  Sep‐10 08/05/10 09/02/10 29 328 $385  $1.17  Oct‐10 09/02/10 10/07/10 34 797 $761  $0.95  Nov‐10 10/07/10 11/04/10 27 1778 $1,547  $0.87  Dec‐10 11/04/10 12/02/10 30 3283 $2,751  $0.84    Jan ‐ 09 to Dec ‐ 09 total: 32,492 $33,583       Jan ‐ 10 to Dec ‐ 10 total: 21,705 $19,000     Jan ‐ 09 to Dec ‐ 09 avg: $1.09  Jan ‐ 10 to Dec ‐ 10 avg: $0.92  ENERGY AUDITS OF ALASKA FIRE STATION #12 AND DISPATCH June 29, 2012 Page 62 of 62 Electricity Btus/kWh =3,413  Month Start Date End Date Billing Days  Consumption  (kWh)  Total Electric  Cost ($)  Unit Cost  ($/kWh)  Jan‐09 0 0   0 $0  $0.00  Feb‐09 0 0 0 0 $0  $0.00  Mar‐09 0 3/17/2009 32 58320 $8,429  $0.14  Apr‐09 3/17/2009 4/15/2009 29 68640 $8,993  $0.13  May‐09 4/15/2009 5/15/2009 30 60000 $7,971  $0.13  Jun‐09 5/15/2009 6/15/2009 31 59360 $7,838  $0.13  Jul‐09 6/15/2009 7/15/2009 30 59840 $7,012  $0.12  Aug‐09 7/15/2009 8/13/2009 29 60240 $7,085  $0.12  Sep‐09 8/13/2009 9/14/2009 32 56080 $7,084  $0.13  Oct‐09 9/14/2009  10/13/200 9 29 51920 $6,381  $0.12  Nov‐09 10/13/2009  11/12/200 9 30 56160 $5,697  $0.10  Dec‐09 11/12/2009  12/11/200 9 29 61760 $6,087  $0.10                 Jan‐10 12/11/2009 1/12/2010 32 66400 $6,772  $0.10  Feb‐10 1/12/2010 2/11/2010 30 66160 $6,439  $0.10  Mar‐10 2/11/2010 3/15/2010 32 57040 $6,365  $0.11  Apr‐10 3/15/2010 4/14/2010 30 62560 $5,652  $0.09  May‐10 4/14/2010 5/14/2010 30 57840 $6,372  $0.11  Jun‐10 5/14/2010 6/15/2010 32 60560 $5,924  $0.10  Jul‐10 6/15/2010 7/15/2010 30 57520 $6,185  $0.11  Aug‐10 7/15/2010 8/16/2010 32 61840 $5,631  $0.09  Sep‐10 8/16/2010 9/15/2010 30 59600 $6,035  $0.10  Oct‐10 9/15/2010  10/14/201 0 29 55680 $5,822  $0.10  Nov‐10 10/14/2010  11/12/201 0 29 59280 $5,460  $0.09  Dec‐10 11/12/2010  12/14/201 0 32 62800 $5,793  $0.09    Jan ‐ 09 to Dec ‐ 09 total: 592320 $72,577      Jan ‐ 10 to Dec ‐ 10 total: 727280 $72,450    Jan ‐ 09 to Dec ‐ 09 avg: $0.10  Jan ‐ 10 to Dec ‐ 10 avg: $0.10