HomeMy WebLinkAboutFAI FNSB Randy Smith Middle School 2012-EEManaging Office 2400 College Road 3105 Lakeshore Dr. Suite 106A 4402 Thane Road Fairbanks, Alaska 99709 Anchorage, Alaska 99517 Juneau, Alaska 99801 p. 907.452.5688 p. 907.222.2445 p: 907.586.6813 f. 907.452.5694 f. 907.222.0915 f: 907.586.6819 www.nortechengr.com ENERGY AUDIT – FINAL REPORT Randy Smith Middle School 1401 Bainbridge Fairbanks, Alaska Prepared for: Mr. Larry Morris Fairbanks North Star Borough School District July 31, 2012 Acknowledgment: "This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy under Award Number DE-EE0000095.” ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, HEALTH & SAFETY Anchorage: 3105 Lakeshore Dr, Ste 106A, 99503 907.222.2445 Fax: 222.0915 Juneau: 4402 Thane Rd, 99801 907.586.6813 Fax: 586.6819 Fairbanks: 2400 College Rd, 99709 907.452.5688 Fax: 452.5694 info@nortechengr.com www.nortechengr.com F:\00-Jobs\2011\2602 F - AHFC Grade Audits\50-100 Doyon Fairbanks Region\50-144 FNSB SD Randy Smith Middle\Reports\Final\Randy Smith-Cover-Letter-V4.Docx As a Technical Service Provider (TSP) to the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) under Task Order 4, NORTECH has completed an Investment Grade Audit (IGA) of Randy Smith Middle School in Fairbanks, Alaska. This work was funded by AHFC through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). Due to the scheduling requirements for completion of the IGAs and to provide a more thorough review of certain mechanical systems, NORTECH sub-contracted RS Consulting for the primary energy audit services for Randy Smith Middle School. RS Consulting is owned and operated by Ray Sneeringer, a licensed Mechanical Engineer in the State of Washington and most of the audit field work was completed by Sandra Edwards, a Certified Energy Manager (CEM) and owner of Edwards Energy Environmental and Waste Management. RS Consulting’s IGA methodology generally followed that outlined in the REAL Manual for an IGA. RS Consulting used Trane Trace 700 to model Randy Smith Middle School due to the more complex systems found in this facility. This report evaluates a few major EEMs and ECMs, which are generally consistent with NORTECH’s overall findings that FNSB SD facilities are well-maintained and well- operated with few areas for significant potential energy savings. While NORTECH agrees with the recommendations for the EEM/ECM packages, the cost estimates appear to be somewhat lower than expected from local vendors. Since the recommended upgrade(s) involve specific pieces of equipment and installation methods, NORTECH recommends the FNSB SD obtain project-specific quotes or bids from local vendors before approving the specific project. Due to rapid advancements of lighting technologies, project-specific lighting retrofits should be designed no more than 6 months prior to retrofitting in order to achieve the best technology and maximum savings. NORTECH believes some additional energy and cost savings may be achievable in particular areas of the building. The data necessary to evaluate these upgrades is outside the scope of work of this IGA, but could most likely be collected relatively easily using the mechanical system controls and/or some dataloggers. Specific areas that have the potential for additional energy and cost savings include: 1) Plug load retrofits (ex: replacing old refrigerators, placing vending machines on timers) 2) Occupancy sensors in the gymnasium to go along with the proposed lighting retrofit 3) De-lamping areas of high foot-candles if lighting replacement isn’t performed 4) Domestic hot water generation and use (ex: low flow/automatic fixtures, solar water heating) While this report differs from the format of other NORTECH reports produced for AHFC and the FNSB SD, NORTECH has reviewed the work of RS Consulting and determined this report is complete and accurately depicts the energy use of the building. Any future questions, comments, or correspondence regarding this report should be addressed to the undersigned. Sincerely, NORTECH Peter Beardsley, PE, CEA Principal RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 1      ENERGY USE AUDIT REPORT   FOR   ALASKA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION    Client:  Alaska Housing Finance Corporation    Research and Rural Development Division   P.O. Box 101020   Anchorage, Alaska  99510   Attention:  Ms. Rebekah Lührs    Prepared by:  RS Consulting     2400 NW 80th Street, Suite 178    Seattle, Washington 98117    Telephone:  (206) 368‐1784        Edwards Energy Environmental & Waste Management    PO Box 2110    Issaquah, Washington 98027    Telephone:  (206) 303‐0121    Principal  Ray W. Sneeringer, PE   Investigators:  Sandra F. Edwards, CEM, CDSM      Prepared for:  NORTECH      Sustainable Environmental Engineering, Health, & Safety    2400 College Road    Fairbanks, Alaska  99709    Telephone:  (907) 452‐5688        RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 2   ACKNOWLEDGMENT   AND   DISCLAIMER    Acknowledgment:  We would like to acknowledge and extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Department of Energy.   This  material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy under Award Number DE‐ EE0000095.   Disclaimer:  This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States  Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their  employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for  the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed,  or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific  commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does  not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States  Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not  necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.   RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 3     TABLE  OF CONTENTS  1.0  EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................. 4  2.0  INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 6  3.0  BUILDING DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................. 8  4.0  ENVELOPE .................................................................................................................................... 9  5.0  LIGHTING ................................................................................................................................... 13  6.0  MECHANICAL ............................................................................................................................. 16  7.0  ENERGY USE ............................................................................................................................... 18  8.0   ENERGY MEASURES .................................................................................................................... 19  9.0  ENERGY MEASURE DESCRIPTIONS .............................................................................................. 21  10.0  SIMPLE PAYBACK AND SIR .......................................................................................................... 23  11.0  OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE .............................................................................................. 24  12.0  RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................................. 24    APPENDICES  APPENDIX A ......................................................................................................  ENERGY UTILIZATION INDEX  APPENDIX B ........................................................................................................................... COST ESTIMATE  APPENDIX C ...........................................................................................................  LIGHTING CALCULATIONS  APPENDIX D .................................................................................................... MECHANICAL CALCULATIONS  APPENDIX E ..................................................................................................................... SYSTEM DIAGRAMS  APPENDIX F ............................................................................................................ EQUIPMENT SCHEDULES  APPENDIX G ........................................................................................................................ TRACE 700 INPUT  APPENDIX H ..................................................................................................................... TRACE 700 OUTPUT  APPENDIX I ......................................................................................................... TREND LOG INFORMATION  APPENDIX J ............................................................................................................................... FLOOR PLANS  RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 4   1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY  Background  This energy use assessment report was prepared by RS Consulting & Edwards Energy Environmental &  Waste Management in conjunction with Nortech Engineering for the Alaska Housing Finance  Corporation.   The Randy Smith Middle School is a 74,600 square foot facility located in Fairbanks,  Alaska.  The building serves seventh (7th) and eighth (8th) grade junior high students and consists of  classrooms, a gymnasium, administrative offices, and other miscellaneous support functions.  Scope   This Level II Energy Audit focused on the building’s envelope, lighting, and heating/ventilation (HV)  systems.  The audit began with a review of existing utility bills and generation of the building’s Energy  Utilization Index (EUI).  Several on‐site reviews were conducted to examine the existing building systems  and the most current construction drawings were reviewed to determine the configuration and  sequencing of the mechanical systems.  Once this information was gathered, the audit included  identification of potential energy saving measures (ECMs/EEMS), creation of a computer simulation  model to examine the energy saving measures, generation of a schematic level estimate of the installed  costs of the measures and calculation of relative pay backs for each measure examined.  The Trane Trace 700 computer program was used to model the existing building’s energy consumption.    The energy consumption values predicted by the model were then compared to actual energy  consumption as shown in utility bills from 2009 and 2010.  The computer model was then “tuned” to  match the actual energy consumption as closely as possible.    Energy Utilization Index  Two years of utility bills were examined to determine the current energy consumption of the facility.   The Energy Utilization Index (EUI) for this facility is 71 kBTU/SF.  The chart below compares the existing  and proposed EUI for the building with the EPA Energy Star design target value for a similar building in  this location.  This target value was developed using the Energy Star Target Finder software and  represents the design criteria for a 50% Energy Star Rated Building, rather than the median value for  existing K‐12 Schools.    RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 5   Energy Consumption  The majority of the facility’s energy consumption can be attributed to the energy required to heat the  outside ventilation air as it is introduced into the building.   Any effort to conserve energy should start  with an examination of the operation of the ventilation system.  Utility Costs  The average annual utility cost for the existing building is $150,000.  The estimated utility cost after  implementation of the recommended measures is $133,670 for an annual savings of $16,330.  A  breakdown of the current and proposed energy costs is presented in the following charts:    Recommendations  We recommend implementation of the Energy Efficiency Measure listed in the table below.  The facility  is currently employing several energy efficient mechanical systems; therefore, there are few  opportunities for additional energy savings.  A locker room exhaust heat recovery system was studied,  but is not recommended due to the long pay back period.     RANDY SMITH MIDDLE SCHOOL ‐ Recommended Measures  Tag Measure Description Cost Payback (Yrs) SIR  EEM‐1 Lighting Upgrades    $151,200 9.3 1.5                         RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 6   2.0 INTRODUCTION  This energy audit report has been prepared by RS Consulting (RSC) and Edwards Energy Environmental &  Waste Management (EEEWM) in conjunction with NORTECH Sustainable Environmental Engineering,  Health, & Safety for the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC).   RSC and EEEWM audited Randy  Smith Middle School in an effort to find cost effective opportunities to reduce building energy  consumption.  The Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) and Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs)  analyzed in‐depth as part of the contract included several mechanical system improvements.   Two classifications of Energy Saving Measures (ESM) were examined during this energy audit. The first is  a low cost or no cost solution designed to save energy by making changes to occupant activities,  schedules, control set points, or small upgrades to existing equipment.  This type of measure is  identified in this report as an Energy Conservation Measure (ECM).   The second type of energy saving  measure requires significant capital investment to achieve energy savings. This is referred to as an  Energy Efficiency Measure (EEM).  This Level II Energy Audit focused on the building’s envelope, lighting, and HVAC systems.  A level II  energy audit includes a survey of the building and a breakdown of the energy end uses within the  building.  This audit identifies and examines practical ECMs and EEMs to determine the potential energy  savings realized if the measure is enacted.  It also serves to identify potential improvements that may  require a more thorough data collection and detailed engineering drawings and cost estimates which  typically occur in a Level III audit.  The scope of work for this audit consisted of an on‐site review of the  existing facility, a review of the most current construction drawings, identification of potential Energy  Conservation Measures (ECMs) and Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMS), creation of a computer  simulation model to examine these EEMs, and a schematic level estimate of the installed costs and  relative pay backs for each measure examined.     The audit team inspected the building during preliminary stages of the energy audit.  The purpose of this  field visit was to verify the configuration of the existing mechanical equipment and to assess its  condition. Information was also gathered on the size and efficiency of the existing accessible mechanical  system motors.   A list of major mechanical equipment used in this facility can be found in Appendix F.  We also performed a review of the building envelope to identify any potential areas for possible  improvement in energy performance and documented the type and number of lighting fixtures used  throughout the facility to in order to identify opportunities to improve the performance of the lighting  system.  Two years of utility bills were analyzed to determine the energy performance of the existing building in  order to match the existing use with the use predicted by the computer model.  Potential EEMs were  identified and examined via the computer model or spreadsheet calculations.  The predicted energy  savings of these measures were then compared to the estimated installation cost to determine the  relative pay back of each measure.  A building energy model was used to validate a number of proposed ESMs.  The Trane Trace 700  computer program was used to model the existing building’s energy consumption.   The energy  consumption values predicted by the model were compared to actual energy consumption as shown in  utility bills from 2009 and 2010.  The computer model was “tuned” to match the actual energy  RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 7   consumption as closely as possible.   This baseline model was used to predict the energy savings realized  by the proposed ESMs.   The existing building energy use, as predicted by the computer model is shown  in Figure 1.    Figure 1:  Randy Smith Middle School:  Percent Energy Use by System  Heating energy comprises 69% (65% plus 4%) of the energy used in the school.  This is consistent with  the extremely low temperatures experienced during the subarctic winters in Fairbanks.  This heating  energy consists of an oil component, which is the oil used by the boilers, and an electrical component,  which is the electricity used by the boiler’s ancillary equipment, such as the oil pump, the burner fan and  miscellaneous electrical controls.     The cost of heating oil is significantly less than the cost of electricity per unit of energy ($.018/mbtu vs.  $.052/mbtu) so although the heating system consumes 65% of the building energy, it represents only  48% of the total utility bills.  Figure 2 shows the percentage of actual cost of the energy consumed by  each component in the facility.    Figure 2:  Randy Smith Middle School:  Percent Energy Cost by System  RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 8   The heating load consists of the heat lost across the building envelope and the heat used to warm  outside air as it enters the building.  This outside air is necessary to provide make up air for the  building’s exhaust fans and ventilation air for the occupants.  The breakdown of the total heat load of  the school is shown in the following chart:    Figure 3:  Randy Smith Middle School:  Heating Load    It can be concluded from the preceding charts, that efforts to conserve energy in the facility should  begin with an examination of the ventilation air system.  Please refer to Section 9.0 of this report for a  more detailed discussion of this ventilation system.  Information in this study has focused on the areas of building envelope, lighting, and HVAC.  Please  reference subsequent sections of this audit report for detailed information on the Energy Conservation  Measures (ECMs), Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs), calculation methodologies, and a summary of the  findings and recommendations.    3.0 BUILDING DESCRIPTION  Randy Smith Middle School is a two‐story 74,589 square foot facility located at 1401 Bainbridge Road in  Fairbanks, Alaska.  This school was constructed in 1999 and is thirteen (13) years old.  The school is part  of the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District, located in Fairbanks, Alaska.  School facilities  include classrooms, for seventh (7th) and eighth (8th) graders as well as support rooms.  Support rooms  include a library, computer lab, kitchen, lobby, gymnasium, and administrative offices.   The student  enrollment for the 2011‐2012 year consists of 293 students and 50 staff.  The energy utility suppliers are  Golden Valley Electric (GVEA) and Sourdough Fuel.        RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 9   3.1  Building Construction  Year Built: 1999  Area: 74,589 sq. ft.  Stories: Two  Roof: Flat  Floor: Slab on grade   Walls: Combination of Sheet Rock, Stucco, & Steel  Windows: Triple‐pane (Alaska Windows)   Doors: Metal/Glass  3.2  Building Operation  Use: Education  Operation: 8:00 am – 11:00 pm (cleaning /events until 11:00 pm)   Monday – Friday   Summer School (Rotational)  Occupancy /  Enrollment: 50  Staff & 293 Students    3.3  Existing Energy Efficiency Items    Several energy efficient systems are already in use in this facility.  These include:     Variable speed pumping on both the main heating water system and the perimeter system.   Variable volume air distribution systems with variable speed drive fans.   Variable speed relief fan.   Demand controlled ventilation (DCV) system with CO2 sensors.  4.0 ENVELOPE  4.1  Building Envelope Improvements  The building envelope is more than a polished exterior of glass, concrete, and steel. The components  utilized for controlling heat transfer, infiltration, stack effect, solar gain, and humidity are vital for a high‐ performance building. Insulated window or door panes whether it is single, double, or triple and “R”  factors has an impact on the loads and efficiencies of mechanical and electrical systems.  A cursory  review of the existing building envelope and windows was performed to identify any areas, which may  benefit from replacement, new weather stripping, caulking and/or seals to prevent infiltration of outside  RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 10   air.  This review included verifying the proper operation and alignment of windows and doors, checking  for proper levels of insulation where accessible, and noting if any insulation was found to be damaged.   The Department of Energy has identified eight (8) climate zones for the United States.  A list of counties  and their respective climate zones can be found in American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air‐ Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Advanced Energy Design Guide, and in the Department of Energy,  Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy VOLUME 7.1 Building America Best Practices Series.  Randy  Smith Middle School is a part of Zone 8, which means it is a part of the subarctic climate.  A subarctic  climate is defined as a region with 12,600 heating degree‐days (65 deg F basis) or more.   For this climate  and to achieve over 30% above ASHRAE Standard 90.1‐1999, R values of between R13 to R60 are  recommended depending on the type and the location of the envelope description.   Window U‐value of  .33 is recommended and this is again to exceed energy savings of 30% above ASHRAE Standard 90.1‐ 1999.   4.2  Windows  The windows installed at Randy Smith Middle were constructed by The Alaska Window Company, now  no longer in business.  These three‐way windows are triple pane, turn/tilt, casements, extruded, high  impact resistant and polyvinyl chloride (PVC).  This style of window opens inward like a door, is very  energy efficient, is less leaky, and is capable of sealing out unwanted cold air.  The air space between  each pane is filled with argon gas.  Each pane has heat reflective coatings (“low e” coatings).   “Low e  coatings” is another name for window film.  The higher a window’s R‐value, the greater the resistance to  heat flow and the greater the insulating value.  The inverse of the R‐value provides the U‐value.  Low U‐ value ratings are good for windows.  The Alaska windows have U‐values of .26, which equates to R‐ values of approximately R‐4.0.  4.3  Roof  The roof insulation (R‐value) thickness is approximately R‐48 and is made of polyisocyanurate.   Polyisocyanurate is rigid foam that provides continuous thermal insulation barriers for roofs.  The  advantages of using polyisocyanurate are the high R‐value and the good compressive strength.  The  disadvantage is the R‐value degrades over time.   Larger R‐values have greater thermal resistance or  more insulating potential than smaller R‐values.   Although this school is only thirteen years old there  appears to be leaks in the ceiling.  This was visible near Room 208.  If the roof is still under warranty, the  district may want to have the contractor conduct an inspection.  4.4  Walls  Typical wall insulation at Randy Smith Middle School has an R‐value of approximately R‐36.  The wall  consists of 7/8“ Stucco, ½” plywood sheathing, 2” rigid insulation, 8” batt insulation, 2” rigid insulation,  vapor barrier, and 2x8 @24” on center (oc).      4.5  Doors  Both of the Gymnasiums left and right entrance doors are in need of reinforced weather‐stripping.   There was very visible ice built‐up around the entrance doorways.  This issue can not only cause an  increase in the school’s utility bills, but could also be a potential saftey hazard in that someone could  RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 11   accidently slip and fall (reference Figures 4.1 and 4.2).  This area is designated as Room 108 on the floor  plans.   Typical doors are 3’x7’x1¾” and hollow metal with ¼” wire‐glass glazing.   4.6 Miscellaneous  During our walk through some envelope issues were noticed that were not directly related to building  energy consumption.  We are noting these items for use in planning future maintenance items.  The building envelope structure appears to be coming apart at the joints.  This is very visible when you  are on the roof. The openings appear to be 1/4‐inches. There also appears to be cracks in the wall and  floors.  The cracks in the walls were visible near the office area.  The cracks in the floors were visible in  the storage area leading up to the roof and in the cafeteria  areas.  Samples are provided in Figures 4.7‐ 4.12.  4.7  Recommendations  The following items should be implemented to improve the performance and operation of the building’s  envelope:      Inspect/repair leaks   Replace worn and/or broken weather‐stripping around doors     Implementing these potential opportunities will have a holistic impact on mechanical and electrical  systems through building envelope improvements.  Investments in the building envelope will often add  value to the buildings appearance.    Please refer to Appendix D for calculation of building envelope heat transfer properties.  Printed  below are some of the photos taken during this cursory walkthrough.                                        Figure 4.1 Typical Ice‐Built Up Around  Doors During the Winter Season Figure 4.2 Intimate View of Ice‐Built  Surrounding Doors During Winter  RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 12                                                                       Figure 4.3 Typical Roof (Leaks) Figure 4.4 Typical Roof Water Leaks  Figure 4.5 Structural Concerns Visible on  Roof  Figure 4.6 Structural Concerns  Figure 4.7 Structural Concerns Figure 4.8 Structural Concerns    Figure 4.2 Typical Alaska Windows    Figure 4.2 Typical Alaska Windows   RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 13   5.0 LIGHTING   5.1  General   In 1999 when Randy Smith was built, the interior lighting system installed consisted of T8 fluorescent  lamps with electronic ballasts.   Exterior lighting consists of primarily high‐pressure sodiums (HPS).   A  lighting audit was performed to find and implement additional cost effective lighting related energy  saving opportunities. A detailed description of the retrofit measures and lighting upgrades at each  location can be found in Appendix C of this report.  5.2  Methodology Used  A detail site survey was conducted to identify the type of light fixtures that exist in each area. A light  meter was used to determine the existing light levels and compared to Illuminating Engineering Society  of North America (IESNA) recommended lighting levels.   A lighting ballast discriminator was used to  determine the existing ballast type.  A laser distance‐measuring tool was used to measure the height  and width of some of the workspaces. A camera was used to take pictures. Electrical drawings were also  reviewed.  The site survey results were used to determine the different types of retrofit measures to  propose.  A detail summary of the fixtures identified during the walk through is provided in Appendix C.     5.3 Existing Lighting                     Based upon a detailed lighting audit the majority of the existing interior lighting consists of a mixture of  32‐watt T8 lamp and normal ballast factor ballast (NBF).   In the entry corridor, stairs and gym there are  some dual 26‐Watt compact fluorescent lamps.  In other entry areas there are  32‐Watt T8 lamps and  175‐Watt Metal Halides.    The gymnasium has a mixture of 400‐Watt Metal Halides, 32‐watt T8 lamp  and normal ballast factor ballast (NBF) and 26‐Watt compact fluorescent lamps.    The exterior  perimeter of the building has a mixture of 50‐Watt high‐pressure sodium (HPS) wallpacks, 150‐Watt, and  400‐Watt high‐pressure sodium (HPS) lighting.        Figure 5.1 Typical Classroom Lighting Figure 5.2 Typical Corridor Lighting RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 14   5.4  Ballast Factors   T8 Fluorescent lighting has the advantage of offering a range of ballast factors ‐ from 0.60 to 1.30.  Ballast factors are the ratio of lamp lumens produced when lamps operated by a given ballast to the  lamp lumens produced when the lamps operated on reference ballast as used by lamp manufacturers  and American National Standard Institute (ANCI) and rated at 1.0.  Ballast factors range from low,  normal and high.   Ballast factors of .78 are considered “low”, Ballast factors of .88 are considered  normal, and ballast factors of 1.10 are considered high.  In a retrofit application, the ballast factor can be  used to tune the light levels in a space, especially if the levels are determined to be too high relative to  the tasks performed.  Most of the time T8 lamps in 25W, 28W and 30W models operate on low (0.71‐ 0.78) and normal (0.87‐0.88) ballast factor with instant‐start or programmed‐start ballasts.      The difference between instant‐ start versus program‐start ballast is the starting modes in which the   cathodes are heated.    Instant‐start ballast provides a high initial voltage to start the lamp without pre‐ heating the cathodes whereas program‐start provides an initial low voltage to heat the filaments first  then after a short delay pre‐heats the cathodes.   The instant start ballast starts lamps immediately, and  is very energy efficient but can be cause short lamp life if used in an application where the   lamps are frequently switched on/off.  The program start provides maximum lamp life in frequent on/off  starting conditions.  In addition, if there are concerns regarding dimming you do not want to use instant  start but should use program start.  The ballast cost for instant start versus program start can vary  between $15.00‐$19.00 for instant start and between $20.00 and $29.00 for program start.      Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) high performance 120/277 Volt T8 Ballast products have been   provided in Appendix C which shows  the difference, and benefits of using a program start versus an  instant start, and the difference between using high, normal or low ballast factors.  On many occasions,  the ballast efficacy factor (BEF) performance is improved when using a low or normal ballast factor  coupled with a high lumen lamp.       5.5  Existing Lighting Controls   The majority of the lighting systems within the Middle School are controlled via occupancy sensors.     5.6  Existing Lighting Level Measurements Recorded    The lighting level measurements were taken using a light meter.  These measurements were recorded in  foot‐candles.  A foot‐candle is a common unit of measurement used to calculate adequate lighting levels  of workspaces in buildings or outdoor spaces.  The existing foot‐candle level reading ranges at Randy  Smith Middle School were as follows: entry corridor‐(35‐40), 100 main office‐(45), gym‐(25‐30),    women’s locker‐(30), classroom 207 CR‐ (65‐75).     RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 15   5.7  Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) Recommended Lighting Levels  The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) recommends the following foot‐candle  level reading ranges for the following: entry corridor‐(5‐10), 100 main office‐(20‐50), gym‐(30‐50),    women’s locker‐(5‐10), and classrooms 207 CR‐ (20‐50).  Some of the existing lighting levels are slightly  over what is recommended by IESNA target illuminances.  Copies of IESNA recommendations are  provided in detail in Appendix C of this audit report.    5.8  Incentives & Lighting Product Information Update  The Energy Policy Act of 2005 included a new tax incentive. The "Commercial Building Tax Deduction"  establishes a tax deduction for expenses incurred for energy efficient building expenditures made by a  building owner. The deduction is limited to $1.80 per square foot of the property, with allowances for  partial deductions for improvements in interior lighting, HVAC and hot water systems, and building  envelope systems.   The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (HR‐1424), approved and signed  on October 3, 2008, extends the benefits of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 through December 31, 2013.  In fact, by federal law, T12s won’t be manufactured after July 14, 2012; you eventually won’t be able to  find replacements for burned‐out T12s.  5.9  Recommendations  Based upon a detailed audit of all areas, we are recommending lighting efficiency upgrades of existing  fluorescent, incandescent, and  high‐pressure sodium lighting fixtures located throughout this facility.     We propose retrofitting  the majority of the existing  32‐watt T8 lamps and normal ballast factor  (NBF)   to  28‐watt  lamps with normal ballast factor(NBF).  The dual 26‐Watt compact fluorescent lamps  located in the entry corridor, stairs and gym should be retrofitted to 14‐Watt  Par 30 LED’s.  The 175‐ Watt Metal Halides  should be replaced with  F54 T5 lamp fixtures.  The outside perimeter of the  building has a mixture of 50‐Watt wallpacks, 150‐Watt,  and 400‐Watt high‐pressure sodium lighting.   This lighting should also be upgraded.  The FNSB School District should replace the existing  50‐Watt  (HPS) wallpacks  with 28‐Watt  LED wallpacks, the existing 150‐Watt and 400‐Watt high pressure  sodiums with new 55 watt and 153‐Watt LED’s.    The proposed cost and estimated savings are provided in the EEM Summary Table in Section 10.0 and a  complete list of all the fixtures audited is located in Appendix C of this audit report.   The lighting  Calculations and Common Conversions, The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA)  Recommended Light Levels, IESNA Target Illuminances, Classroom Lighting Know How, and The  Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) List of High Performance for Commercial Lighting Systems are  also included in Appendix C of this audit report.        RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 16                                   6.0 MECHANICAL  6.1  Air‐Handling Systems  Randy Smith Middle School is served by a variable volume central air‐handling unit located in a  penthouse fan room.  This air‐handling unit (AHU‐1) consists of an outside air /return air mixing plenum,  a glycol heating coil, and a variable speed plug type supply fan.  This fan provides air to individual  terminal units at each classroom or temperature control zone.  Interior zone terminal units are equipped  with hot water heating coils.  Perimeter zones (rooms with exterior walls) do not have heating coils.   Heating of these zones is provided by hot water finned tube units.  Refer to Diagram M1.2 in Appendix  E.  The gymnasium and commons area are served by AHU‐2.  This air‐handling unit consists of an outside air  /return air mixing plenum, a glycol heating coil, and a variable speed plug type supply fan.   Supply air  from AHU‐2 is split into seven zones.   Each zone is equipped with an automatic shut off damper to  control the flow of air into each space.  Refer to Diagram M1.2 in Appendix E for additional details.  The fan room serves as a common return plenum for both air‐handling units and air not returned to the  AHUs is relieved from the space via a bank of propeller fans, one of which is equipped with a variable  speed drive to provide fine tuning of the relief system as it operates during the course of a season.    Both air‐handling units are manufactured by the Haakon Company and are very high quality custom  units.              Figure 6.1 – Air‐Handling Unit (AHU‐2) Figure 6.2 – Relief Fans  Figure 5.4 Typical Gym Lighting Figure 5.3 Typical Classroom Lighting     RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 17   6.2  Heating Systems  Three Weil McLain oil‐fired cast iron sectional boilers provide heat for the facility. These boilers and  their associated pumps are located in a ground floor mechanical room.   There are two glycol based  heating water loops serving the facility.   6.2.1  AHU Heating Coil System:  This system includes two variable volume distribution pumps (one  redundant) that pump a glycol/water mixture through the boilers and to heating water control valves  located at each air‐handling unit.  This system is shown in Diagram M1.1 of Appendix E.  AHU‐1 is  equipped with a two‐way control valve and the AHu‐2 utilizes a three‐way valve.  Two‐way control  valves vary the overall system flow as they open and close, while three‐way control valves vary the flow  to the coil, but require a constant flow from the system pumps.   The three way valve at AHU‐2 requires  a constant system flow valve provides the minimum flow required at the boiler, while the two‐way valve  AHU‐1 varies the total system flow in response to the heating demand.  A variable speed drive saves  energy by controlling the speed of the pump in response to the changing demand.   Each boiler is  equipped with an isolation valve to bring it on line if the system requires additional heat.  6.2.2  Perimeter System:  The perimeter loop serves reheat coils located in the terminal units,  miscellaneous duct coils, unit heaters in the vestibules, and the perimeter finned tube units.  Two fully  redundant variable volume heating water pumps provide tempered heating water to these coils.  The  heating water temperature of this loop is reset by a three‐way mixing valve based on the outside air  temperature.                        6.3  Control Systems  A Siebe direct digital control (DDC) system controls the mechanical systems.  This control system  includes CO2 sampling and control of the outside airflow.   The level of CO2 in the sampled air is an  indicator of the number of occupants in the building.  The DDC system adjusts the outside air dampers  to maintain the CO2 levels at the setpoint value.    The control of ventilation air based on actual space  occupancy is known as Demand Controlled Ventilation (DCV) and can be a very effective way to  conserve energy in that it reduces the amount of outside air introduced into the building.   CO2 sensors are located in the return duct for AHU‐1 and AHU‐2.       Figure 6.3 Typical Boiler Figure 6.4 – Distribution Pumps  RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 18   6.4  Domestic Hot Water   Domestic hot water is generated by an oil‐fired hot water heater with a combination storage tank  located in the boiler room.    6.5  Mechanical System Trend Logs  With the assistance of FNSB personnel, the operating parameters of a single air‐handling unit were  monitored and recorded over a period of time.  This data (typically referred to as a trend log) was taken  for AHU‐2, which serves the Gym and Commons areas.  Observations for AHU‐2  may or may not apply  to the other units that were not monitored.     Analysis of this trend log data indicates that the temperature control in these areas is very stable, and  that the outside air dampers are closing during unoccupied hours.   We did notice that the percent of  outside air introduced during occupied hours did not vary significantly during the monitoring period.   This may be because the number of occupants did not vary, or it could indicate a problem with the CO2  sensors (located in the return duct for this particular unit) or the control sequence.    A graphical  depiction of the amount of outside air introduced over time can be found in Appendix I.  We  recommend a verification of the accuracy of the CO2 sensors and a review of the control sequence to  determine if the DCV system is operating according to the specifications.     7.0 ENERGY USE  The purpose of this energy assessment is to identify measures or practices that will result in a reduction  in the energy use of the facility.  Fuel oil is used for building heating and domestic hot water generation,  while electricity is used by fans, pumps, lights, and miscellaneous plug loads.     A reduction in oil use can be achieved by one or more of the following actions:    Reduce the amount of ventilation air being introduced into the building.   Reduce the amount of heat lost through the envelope of the building.   Recover heat before it is exhausted from the building.   Improve the efficiency of the oil burning equipment.  A reduction in electrical consumption can be achieved in one or more of the following manners:    Improve the efficiency of the lighting systems.   Vary the speed of fans and pumps in response to the building loads.   Improve the efficiency of the motors.   Turn off systems when they are not required.  Two years of utility bills were analyzed to determine the energy consumption characteristics of the  facility.   These numbers were then normalized to account for any unusual weather conditions that may  have occurred during the span of the two years.  For example, if 2010 was an abnormally warm year, the  yearly heating energy consumption would be less than that of a typical year.  The number of actual  heating degree days (HDD) for each month during the two year time period was compared to the  RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 19   historical average heating degree days for that month, and the oil consumption use was adjusted based  on this ratio.  These adjusted energy consumption values were then used to calculate an overall building  energy use index.  The calculated Energy Utilization Index (EUI) for this facility is 71 kBTU/SF.  The EUI  calculation is included in Appendix A.  Figure 7.1 shows a comparison of the existing and proposed EUI  with both the average EUI found in the building operated by the Fairbanks North Star Borough and the  Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star target for a median building of a similar type.  This target  value was developed using the Energy Star Target Finder software and represents the design criteria for  a 50% Energy Star Rated Building, rather than the median value for existing K‐12 Schools.    Figure 7.1 – Building Energy Use Index  8.0  ENERGY MEASURES   8.1  Types of Energy Savings Measures  Potential energy saving measures (ECMs and EEMs) were identified for the facility based upon an on‐site  inspection, a review of utility records, computer modeling and interviews with facility personnel.  The  purpose of identifying these energy measures is to reduce energy consumption, and  lower operational  costs.     Each measure was analyzed either by utilizing a spreadsheet calculation or by employing the TRACE 700  energy‐modeling program.   A rolling baseline modeling system is employed during the modeling  process.  This system analyzes each alternative based on the results of the previous alternative.  The first  alternatives analyzed are the ones thought to be most likely to result in a short payback period.   The  rolling baseline system is used to prevent double accounting of energy savings.  For example, if one  alternative improves the building envelope and the following alternative increases the efficiency of the  heating system, the second alternative must take into account the decreased heating load provided by  improving the envelope in the first alternative.  If this reduced heating load is not taken into account,  the second alternative would show additional heating energy savings that would not be realized in a  building with an improved envelope.  The following measures were analyzed for this facility:  RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 20   8.1.1  Energy Conservation Measures:   ECM A – Ventilation System Optimization   ECM B – Replacement of Existing Motors with More Efficient Motors  8.1.2  Energy Efficiency Measures:   EEM 1 – Lighting System Upgrade   EEM 2 – Locker Room Exhaust Air Heat Recovery  8.2  Computer Modeling  The TRACE building modeling system examined three alternatives.   The lighting energy savings measure  (EEM‐1) was calculated using a spreadsheet.  This was accounted for by entering the proposed lighting  values into the model prior to examining any other measures.   The alternatives examined were:  8.2.1  Alternative One:  Baseline Building  This alternative models the existing facility using information from the most current as built drawings, as  well as information gathered during our field visits.    The existing wall and roof U‐values were calculated  and input into the model.   The existing lighting densities, system types, airflows, and operational  schedules were used.  The energy use predicted by the baseline model was then compared to the actual  utility bills (normalized to reflect an average year) to determine if the model was accurately describing  the operation of the existing facility.   The model was then “tuned” to follow the existing building energy  consumption as closely as possible.  8.2.2  Alternative Two: Lighting Upgrades  This alternative incorporates energy savings features that were previously calculated via spreadsheet  analysis in order to accurately reflect the reduced energy in the building model.   Incorporation of the  lighting upgrades will cause the building heating load to increase slightly because the wasted light  energy is no longer contributing heat to the building.  8.2.3  Alternative Three:  Locker Room Exhaust Heat Recovery  This alternative includes all the energy upgrades proposed in Alternative Two and examines EEM2.0,  Locker Room Exhaust Heat Recovery.  The TRACE 700 computer model input and output data is included in Appendix G and H respectively.  A more thorough discussion of each ECM/EEM can be found in Section 8.0.  8.3 Energy Costs  The following energy costs were used in this analysis:  RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 21   Fuel Oil = $3.40/Gallon  Electricity Consumption = $.156 per Kwh  Electrical Demand = $10.79 Kw  Blended Electrical Rate = $.177 per Kwh  9.0 ENERGY MEASURE DESCRIPTIONS  9.1  ECM A – Ventilation Air Analysis  Heating of the outside ventilation air is the primary source of energy use for the facility.  Any actions  taken to reduce the amount of ventilation air introduced into the building will save a significant amount  of energy.    A certain amount of fresh air is required in order to provide adequate indoor air quality; however,  excessive amounts of outdoor air lead to increased energy consumption.   This delicate balance between  indoor air quality and energy consumption is perhaps the most important aspect of any energy  conservation project.     The 2009 International Mechanical Code stipulates the minimum outside air requirements for any  facility.  These requirements include a people component and an area component.  For each particular  use, the code specifies a cubic foot per minute of outside air per each occupant (cfm/person) and an  amount of outside air required based on the square footage of the space (cfm/square foot).  Codes that  were in place during the design of this facility typically only included a people component.  The 2009  IMC reduces many of the cfm/person requirements from the original codes in place during the time  construction of this facility.  However, some of the requirements for Classrooms have actually increased.   Depending on the balance of Classroom to other uses, implementation of the new code may either  increase or decrease the total required amount of outside air for a particular facility.   An excerpt from  the current code is listed below:                    RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 22   Minimum Ventilation Rates ‐ Schools  Use  2009 IMC Previous  Cfm Cfm People  Net  Cfm Code  Person Sq Ft  1000 Sq  Ft Person Cfm/Per  Classroom (Age 5‐8) 10 0.12 25 14.8 15  Classroom (Age 9+) 10 0.12 35 13.4 15  Science Room 10 0.18 25 17.2 15  Art Classroom 10 0.18 20 19.0 15  Lecture Classroom 7.5 0.06 65 8.4 15  Lecture Hall (Fixed Seats) 7.5 0.06 150 7.9 15  Computer Lab 10 0.12 25 14.8 20  Shops 10 0.18 20 19.0 20  Music/Theater/Dance 10 0.06 35 11.7 20  Multi‐Use/Assembly 7.5 0.06 100 8.1 20  Office 5 0.06 5 17.0 20  If the air‐handling system provides ventilation air to multiple zones, then several additional calculations  must be performed to determine the fraction of outdoor air required at the air‐handling unit.  These  calculations provide correction factors for over ventilated zones, air distribution effectiveness, and  system efficiencies.   A calculation of the overall percentage of outside air required at each air‐handling  unit can be found in Appendix D.  Randy Smith Middle school utilizes CO2 sensors in the AHU return ducts to monitor the ambient CO2  level in the building.  The DDC Control system adjusts the amount of outside air introduced into the  building in proportion to the number of people in the space at any given time.  This is known as demand  controlled ventilation (DCV) and is the best method to balance the need for adequate indoor air quality  with the desire to reduce energy consumption.   Measuring the return air CO2 is a relatively inexpensive  method of DCV since it requires only one sensor and minimal control wiring.   However, this method  provides an average reading of all the spaces served by the system.  If one space is fully occupied and  the other is empty the average value read in the return air stream will not be indicative of what is  actually happening on a room by room level and some zones may be over ventilated, while others are  under ventilated.     9.2  ECM B – Energy Efficient Motors  The pay back derived from replacing existing electric motors with premium efficiency motors depends  on the horsepower, the efficiency and the hours of operation, the type of system, and the location of  the existing motor.  Larger motors tend to provide lower pay back periods.  The tables included in  Appendix D provide information on the typical motors used in this facility and indicates the existing  motor efficiency at which the payback period becomes feasible.   For example, if an existing 10  horsepower motor used in a perimeter heating loop has an efficiency of 87.5% or less, then replacing  the motor with a premium efficiency model will provide a payback of 5 years.  Motors used in variable  RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 23   speed systems will have a longer payback than indicated in the charts because the motor is not  operating at full design horsepower for the number of hours indicated.  Additionally motors located in  the airstream of fan systems will also have a slightly longer payback, because the heat produced by the  inefficiency of the motor can be used in a beneficial way during the heating season.  Please refer to the  tables to determine the feasibility of replacing other motors used throughout the facility.    Since many  of the motor nameplates were obstructed or could not be found, a simple payback calculation for each  motor is not feasible.  However, as maintenance personnel are working in this building, this chart can be  used to determine if the motors should be replaced or re‐used.   9.3  EEM 1 ‐ Lighting System Upgrade  Based upon a detailed audit of all areas, we are recommending lighting efficiency upgrades of existing  fluorescent, incandescent, and  high‐pressure sodium lighting fixtures located throughout this facility.     We propose retrofitting the majority of the existing 32‐watt T8 lamps and normal ballast factor (NBF) to  28‐watt lamps with normal ballast factor (NBF).  The dual 26‐Watt compact fluorescent lamps located in  the entry corridor, stairs and gym should be retrofitted to 14‐Watt Par 30 LED’s.  The 175‐Watt Metal  Halides  should be replaced with  F54 T5 lamp fixtures.  The outside perimeter of the building has a  mixture of 50‐Watt wallpacks, 150‐Watt, and 400‐Watt high‐pressure sodium lighting.  This lighting  should also be upgraded.  The FNSB School District should replace the existing 50‐Watt (HPS) wallpacks  with 28‐Watt LED wallpacks, the existing 150‐Watt and 400‐Watt high‐pressure sodiums with new 55  watt and 153‐Watt LED’s.   LED lighting uses less energy and reduces electricity and labor costs  associated with maintaining exterior lighting.     A complete detail of all the fixtures audited, proposed and cost savings is provided in the EEM Summary  Table in Section 10.0 and in Appendix C of this audit report.  EEM‐2  Locker Room Heat Recovery  The 1994 design drawings for this facility included an alternative bid option for a Locker Room heat  recovery unit.  This system was not installed.  EEM 2.0 examines the predicted pay back for this air‐to‐air  locker room heat recovery unit located in the upper fan room.     Remove the existing exhaust fans    Provide a new air‐to‐air heat recovery unit in the existing fan room. This unit would include  supply and exhaust fans, filters, and a glycol preheat coil to temper the incoming outside air on  extremely cold days.   Extend the existing DDC control system to incorporate this unit  10.0 SIMPLE PAYBACK AND SIR  The total energy saved by employing Energy Conservations Measures ECM‐A, Ventilation Air Reduction  and ECM‐B, Energy Efficient Motors, could not be calculated.  Calculation of the total energy saved from  implementing ECM‐A requires detailed data monitoring and analysis of each individual air handling  system in order to determine the existing energy consumption of each unit.  Calculation of the total  energy saved by employing ECM B could not be performed since many of the motor nameplates were  RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 24   inaccessible or missing during our walkthrough.  This level of detailed analysis is beyond the scope of a  Level II audit and is typically performed during a Level III Audit.  Therefore, simple payback and Savings  to Investment Ratio (SIR) calculations are not presented for the recommended Energy Conservation  Measures (ECMs).    The simple payback and SIR were calculated for each of the Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs) studied  in this report.   The estimated installed cost for each proposed energy efficiency measure (EEM) was  compared to the estimated energy savings to provide a relative comparison of each measure.     The simple payback calculation is a quick method of comparing various EEMs but does not take into  account the time value of money or the costs or savings beyond the first cost.    The savings‐to‐investment ratio (SIR) is the ratio of the present value savings to the present value costs  of an energy conservation measure. The numerator of the ratio is the present value of net savings in  energy plus or minus any additional maintenance costs related to the measure.   The denominator of the  ratio is the present value of the installation cost of the measure.    The following formulas were used in the calculation of each ratio:  Simple Payback = Cost of Energy Saved/Cost of Installation of ECM/EEM   SIR = Present Value of Energy Saved for the Life of the Measure/Present Value of the Installed Cost  RANDY SMITH MIDDLE SCHOOL ‐ EEM SUMMARY  Measure  Number Measure Description  Annual Energy and Cost Savings Payback Calculations  Peak  Demand  Savings  Electricity  Usage  Savings  Oil  Usage  Savings  Annual  Cost  Savings  Measure  Cost  Simple  Payback  Savings  to  Invest  Ratio  Kw Kwh Therms $ $ Yrs    EEM‐1 Lighting Upgrades 365 97,113 *(1,137) $16,327 $151,200 9.3 1.5  EEM‐2 Heat Recovery (8) (7,854) 3,456 $7,082 $126,000 17.8 0.8  * The reduction in lighting leads to an increase in the overall annual heating load of the building  11.0 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE  A successful operations and maintenance plan is the key to continued energy savings in any facility.   According to the American Society of Heating and Refrigeration Engineers (ASHRAE) 2007 Handbook,  the original design and installation of a mechanical system constitutes only around 10% of the total life  cycle cost, while operation and maintenance costs represent approximately 80% of the total cost over  the life of the system.   The remaining 10% of the life cycle cost is attributed to acquisition, renewal and  disposal.   When a mechanical system is installed, it should be commissioned to ensure that the operation of the  system meets the design intent.  Over the life of this system, its operation should be verified via control  RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 25   system trending and/or field measurements.  If the system is found to be operating outside of the  original design intent, corrective action or retro commissioning should be initiated.  A quality preventative maintenance plan can extend the life of the mechanical system beyond the  estimated service life of the equipment and free up capital funds for other projects.  Frequent filter  changes can result in significant energy savings over the life of the building.  The pressure drop across  the filter increases as it captures dirt and dust.   This increased pressure drop results in additional energy  consumption, a decrease in airflow, or both.  For a typical 20,000 cfm fan system a 1” static pressure  increase will result in an increased annual energy cost of $2000.  The level of maintenance at the Randy Smith Middle School appears to be excellent.  The level of quality  of the installed Pace custom air handlers is very high, and there were no visible signs of wear or of any  maintenance problems.  The mechanical spaces are clean and well kept and the filters appear to have  been changed frequently.    12.0 RECOMMENDATIONS  The Randy Smith Middle School was built in 1999 and the envelope, lighting and mechanical system are  approximately 12 years old.  Further advances in lighting efficiency in the last decade allow us to  recommend incremental improvements in the majority of the lighting systems since these potential  energy savings opportunities can yield a favorable financial return.  The existing mechanical systems  currently employ many energy saving techniques, including variable speed pumping, variable speed  fans, and DCV control.   Therefore, opportunities for additional savings measures that have attractive  paybacks are minimal.  A locker room exhaust heat recovery system was studied, but the payback was  not considered favorable, so the implementation of this measure is not recommended.     We recommend further analysis of the following Energy Conservation Measures:     ECM A    Ventilation Air Reductions   Verify that the maximum CO2 set points used in the Demand Controlled  Ventilation (DCV) control scheme are in agreement with current codes.  It is  possible that some of the set points may be increased, which will reduce the  amount of outside air needed.   Revisit the practice of pressurizing the building in cold weather during  unoccupied hours.  This practice may be required to prevent freeze up or  damage, but any reduction in the amount of pressurization required will  result in substantial energy savings.       Inspect and repair all outside air dampers that may be leaking or not closing  properly to prevent introduction of un‐wanted outside air during unoccupied  hours.      The majority of the facility energy use can be attributed to the heating of the  outside air as it is introduced into the building.  Therefore, anything that can be  done to reduce this outside airflow will have the greatest impact on the overall  energy consumption of the facility.  RS Consulting  Energy Audit – Final Report  Edwards Energy Engineering &  Randy Smith Middle School  Waste Management  Fairbanks, Alaska         July 30, 2012  Page 26      ECM B  Replace Low Efficiency Motors  Where Applicable  Replace motors that do not meet the minimum efficiency criteria as listed in the  Table provided in Appendix D.    We recommend implementation of the following Energy Efficiency Measures:     EEM 1  Lighting Upgrades  Based upon a detailed audit of all areas, we are recommending lighting  efficiency upgrades of existing fluorescent, incandescent, and high‐pressure  sodium lighting fixtures located throughout this facility.    We propose  retrofitting the majority of the existing 32‐watt T8 lamps and normal ballast  factor (NBF) to 28‐watt lamps with normal ballast factor (NBF).  The dual 26‐ Watt compact fluorescent lamps located in the entry corridor, stairs and gym  should be retrofitted to 14‐Watt Par 30 LED’s.  The 175‐Watt Metal Halides  should be replaced with F54 T5 lamp fixtures.  The outside perimeter of the  building has a mixture of 50‐Watt wallpacks, 150‐Watt, and 400‐Watt high‐ pressure sodium lighting.  This lighting should also be upgraded.  The FNSB  School District should replace the existing 50‐Watt (HPS) wallpacks with 28‐Watt  LED wallpacks, the existing 150‐Watt and 400‐Watt high pressure sodiums with  new 55 watt and 153‐Watt LED’s.     EEM 2 Locker Room Heat Recovery is not recommended due to the long payback period.  While this  alternative provides a savings in heating oil consumption, the addition of a heat recovery coil adds an  additional static pressure drop in both the supply and exhaust air streams.  The additional static  pressure drops leads to an increase in fan motor energy consumption.   APPENDIX A – CALCULATION OF ENERGY USE INDEX Building Square Footage 74,589 Estimated Estimated Estimated Actual Average Total Delivered Monthly Monthly Monthly Base 60 Base 60 Cost Per Cost per Energy Use Date Gallons kbtu Cost Cost/Mbtu Cost/Gal Use (Gal)kbtu-Oil Cost HDD HDD KWH kbtu-Elec Cost KWH kbtu kbtu Jan-09 4,041 545,333 7,427$0.014$1.838$4,735 638,932 9,898$2182 2236 58,000 197,896 9,043$0.156$0.046$836,828 Feb-09 4,196 566,250 7,703$0.014$1.836$3,654 493,108 7,639$1684 1709 66,080 225,465 10,042$0.152$0.045$718,573 Mar-09 4,727 637,909 7,969$0.012$1.686$3,567 481,395 7,457$1644 1652 55,040 187,796 3,506$0.064$0.019$669,192 Apr-09 0 0 -$--1,842 248,604 3,851$849 775 52,720 179,881 6,334$0.120$0.035$428,485 May-09 0 0 -$--634 85,503 1,325$292 287 53,360 182,064 6,210$0.116$0.034$267,568 Jun-09 0 0 -$--182 24,597 381$84 93 40,480 138,118 6,133$0.152$0.044$162,715 Jul-09 0 0 -$--65 8,785 136$30 59 20,400 69,605 3,776$0.185$0.054$78,389 Aug-09 3,620 488,519 8,420$0.017$2.326$445 60,028 930$205 166 20,640 70,424 3,801$0.184$0.054$130,452 Sep-09 0 0 -$--844 113,907 1,765$389 398 41,680 142,212 7,215$0.173$0.051$256,119 Oct-09 0 0 -$--2,007 270,858 4,196$925 1076 50,480 172,238 8,290$0.164$0.048$443,096 Nov-09 4,644 626,708 11,406$0.018$2.456$3,927 530,004 8,210$1810 1716 57,040 194,620 9,123$0.160$0.047$724,624 Dec-09 4,886 659,366 11,667$0.018$2.388$4,212 568,363 8,805$1941 2064 58,640 200,080 10,381$0.177$0.052$768,443 Jan-10 3,697 498,910 9,450$0.019$2.556$4,017 542,068 10,537$2292 2236 61,840 210,998 11,103$0.180$0.053$753,066 Feb-10 2,959 399,317 7,089$0.018$2.396$2,804 378,407 7,356$1600 1709 68,160 232,562 12,101$0.178$0.052$610,969 Mar-10 2,870 387,307 7,250$0.019$2.526$2,604 351,446 6,832$1486 1652 59,680 203,628 10,660$0.179$0.052$555,074 Apr-10 1,329 179,349 3,410$0.019$2.566$1,034 139,538 2,712$590 775 55,920 190,799 9,980$0.178$0.052$330,337 May-10 0 0 -$--438 59,126 1,149$250 287 55,040 187,796 9,844$0.179$0.052$246,923 Jun-10 0 0 -$--163 21,995 428$93 93 41,440 141,393 7,716$0.186$0.055$163,388 Jul-10 0 0 -$--100 13,481 262$57 59 22,800 77,794 4,781$0.210$0.061$91,274 Aug-10 2,682 361,936 7,110$0.020$2.651$203 27,435 533$116 166 20,160 68,786 4,413$0.219$0.064$96,220 Sep-10 0 0 -$--745 100,514 1,954$425 398 38,880 132,659 7,218$0.186$0.054$233,173 Oct-10 0 0 -$--1,770 238,870 4,643$1010 1076 50,320 171,692 8,684$0.173$0.051$410,561 Nov-10 3,984 537,641 11,080$0.021$2.781$2,468 332,998 6,473$1408 1716 55,360 188,888 9,411$0.170$0.050$521,887 Dec-10 3,052 411,867 8,578$0.021$2.811$4,227 570,449 11,089$2412 2064 56,113 191,458 9,539$0.170$0.050$761,906 Heating Deg DaysFuel Oil Use Electrical Use Randy Smith Middle School Energy Use Index Dec-10 3,052 411,867 8,578$0.021$2.811$4,227 570,449 11,089$2412 2064 56,113 191,458 9,539$0.170$0.050$761,906 Avg Cost 2009 26,114 3,524,084 54,592$0.013$2.091$26,114 3,524,084 54,592$12,035 12,231 574,560 1,960,399 83,854$Avg Cost Avg Cost 5,484,483 2010 20,573 2,776,326 53,968$0.017$2.623$20,573 2,776,326 53,968$11,739 12,231 585,713 1,998,453 105,450$Per KWH Per Mbtu 4,774,779 Averages 23,344 3,150,205 54,280$0.015$2.357$23,344 3,150,205 54,280$11,887 12,231 580,137 1,979,426 94,652$0.174$0.051$10,259,262 Energy Adjusted Energy Use( MBH)Oil Elect Total BTU/SF For HDD Oil Electric Total 2009 3,524,084 1,960,399 5,484,483 73,529 74,727 Average Annual Utility Costs 54,280$94,652$148,932$ 2010 2,776,326 1,998,453 4,774,779 64,015 66,697 Utility Costs per Square Foot 0.73$1.27$2.00$ Average 70,710 Randy Smith Middle School Energy Use Index APPENDIX B –COST ESTIMATES RS Consulting Opinion of Probable Cost Job:Randy Smith Middle School Date:13-Feb-12 Job #:Status of Design:Energy Audit Est:RWS QTY UNIT MATERIAL LABOR ENGINEERING EST DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL EEM Provide Air to Air Heat Recover Unit for Locker Room and Toilet Exhaust Remove Existing Exhaust Fan 1 EA 200 200 1020 1020 1220 $1,220 Self Contained Air to Air HR Unit 5,500 CFM 10 55000 1.25 6875 11 $61,875 Ductwork To and From HRU 1 LS 2500 2500 4500 4500 7000 $7,000 Heating Wat Piping for Preheat Coil 1 LS 825 825 2500 2500 3325 $3,325 DDC Field Panel 1 EA 1200 1200 200 200 1400 $1,400 Control Wiring and Conduit 1 EA 150 150 800 800 950 $950 Controls Programming and Test 1 EA 2500 2500 2500 $2,500 Subtotal $78,270 General Conditions 25%$19,568 $97,838 Construction Contingency 15%$14,676 $112,513 Design 12%$13,502 $126,015 Total for EEM $126,015 Round to $126,000 APPENDIX C –LIGHTING CALCULATIONS Project Name Contact - 19804 141st Place NE Woodinville, WA 98072 Office: 425-806-9200 Fax: 425-806-7455 Energy Analysis Existing System Baseline Energy Efficient System Energy Reduction 31.95% Annual Energy Savings Estimated Annual Savings at 15.600¢per kWh Total Savings Rebates Estimated Potential Golden Valley Electric Utility Rebate / Grant Project Investments Lighting System Sensors / Controls Randy Smith Middle School $0.00 303,979 kWh / Yr. 206,866 kWh / Yr. (206) 303-0121Sandra Edwards Project Analysis for Randy Smith Middle School $19,088.91 97,113 kWh / Yr. $3,939.30 $15,149.61 Estimated Demand Savings $141,237.00 $0.00 Lamp Recycle Permits Waste Removal Haz-Mat (PCB) Fees Lifts and Equipment State Tax (if applicable)0.00% Total Project Investment Proposal Outline Total Initial Investment Total Estimated Rebate Actual Investment Total Annual Energy Savings Simple Payback The information provided herein is based on information collected from the building location during our energy surveys and also provided by authorized personnel. All data contained within this document is to be considered as an estimate. This information is proprietary, not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Northwest Edison. $151,208.33 I, the undersigned, do hereby give consent to proceed with the project as outlined in this and all other relevant project documents. I understand that the material costs are considered current for sixty days from the date stated below. All other data provided by sources other than Northwest Edison is subject to change without notice. Authorized Signature ______________________________________________________________________ 7.92 Years $19,088.91 $151,208.33 Date ___________________ $0.00 $0.00 $151,208.33 $3,163.71 $3,488.55 $0.00 $3,319.07 $0.00 Energy AuditFacility ContactAuditor(s)Phone Ext. Audit DateBuilding ContactLast RevisedPhone Ext. Utility kWh Rate Demand RateTax RateFacility TypeHeatLamp ReplaceBallast ReplaceSecond Tier Start LevelGroupSpotECM #Fixture QtyLamp WattsFixture WattsFixture HeightHours/DayDays/WeekFCSensor QtySensor / Power PackEnergy SavedSensor HeightE16 400 464 12 7P16 153 153 12 7*E6150 188 12 7P655 55 12 7*E23 150 188 12 7P2355 55 12 7$10.7919804 141st Place NE Woodinville, WA 98072Mike CampbellNWE Contact Phone(509) 680-3963Existing Wall Pack High Pressure Sodium 150 watt LampNew Exterior LED Fixture 55 wattsExisting Fixture High Pressure Sodium 150 watt LampNew Exterior LED Fixture 55 watts3Survey NotesShoebox @ 14', 2 boltsForward throwShoebox @ 28', 2 boltsFixture IDEFHPS400NLED153ExteriorExteriorMaint. RateEFHPS150Existing / Proposed Fixture DescriptionExisting Fixture High Pressure Sodium 400 watt LampNew Exterior LED Fixture 153 wattsLocationStateExteriorCountyExteriorExterior12ExteriorEWHPS150NLED55(425) 806-9200(425) 806-74550.0000NLED55Randy Smith Middle SchoolAlaskaFairbanksOffice Phone #Office Fax #1/23/121401 BainbridgeProject NameZip Code0.00%Sq. FeetFairbanks North StarACAddressCity99709Sandra Edwards(206) 303-0121 11/20/11PCB / PercentGolden Valley Electric15.600¢*E3150 188 12 7P355 55 12 7*E350 66 12 7P328 28 12 7*E1826 52 12 7 35-40P1814 14 12 7*E4832 48 12 7P4828 42 12 7*E3032 170 12 7P6028 73 12 7*E332 58 12 7P328 48 12 7*E9175 210 12 7P954 120 12 77Entry + Halls on 1ET4232LEntry + Halls on 1Lamp And Ballast Retrofit w 2 F32 28 watt Lamp, LBF BallastLB228L14 watt LED Par 30 LampNew Exterior LED Fixture 55 wattsExisting Fixture High Pressure Sodium 150 watt Lamp6NLED28Entry + Halls on 1ECFL226Entry + Halls on 1NLED55Existing Wall Pack High Pressure Sodium 50 watt LampNew Exterior LED Fixture 28 wattsExisting Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp54ExteriorExterior10Entry + Halls on 189Entry + Halls on 1ES4232NLB228NEntry + Halls on 1EFMH175Entry + Halls on 1NA4254HExisting Strip T8 8' w 6 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast New Angle Wrap Fixture 4' w 2 F54 54 watt T5 Lamp, HBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF BallastExisting Strip T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast Lamp And Ballast Retrofit w 2 F32 28 watt Lamp, NBF BallastExisting Fixture Metal Halide 175 watt LampExisting Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, LBF BallastPost Top @ 14'RoundEFHPS150ExteriorExteriorEWHPS5014WLEDP30ES8632NEntry + Halls on 1Entry + Halls on 1LB328NP7-1/2", Warm whiteUplight, Angle mountDirect/Indirect, Fixture @ 23'In displayThis information is proprietary, not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Northwest Edison.Energy Audit Calculation 1 of 17 1/24/2012 Energy AuditFacility ContactAuditor(s)Phone Ext. Audit DateBuilding ContactLast RevisedPhone Ext. Utility kWh Rate Demand RateTax RateFacility TypeHeatLamp ReplaceBallast ReplaceSecond Tier Start LevelGroupSpotECM #Fixture QtyLamp WattsFixture WattsFixture HeightHours/DayDays/WeekFCSensor QtySensor / Power PackEnergy SavedSensor Height$10.7919804 141st Place NE Woodinville, WA 98072Mike CampbellNWE Contact Phone(509) 680-3963Survey NotesFixture IDMaint. RateExisting / Proposed Fixture DescriptionLocationStateCounty(425) 806-9200(425) 806-74550.0000Randy Smith Middle SchoolAlaskaFairbanksOffice Phone #Office Fax #1/23/121401 BainbridgeProject NameZip Code0.00%Sq. FeetFairbanks North StarACAddressCity99709Sandra Edwards(206) 303-0121 11/20/11PCB / PercentGolden Valley Electric15.600¢*E1532 85 9 5 45P1528 73 9 5*E426 52 9 5P414 14 9 5*E332 85 9 5P328 73 9 5Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF BallastExisting Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF BallastExisting Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp14 watt LED Par 30 Lamp1312100 Main Office100B Principal100 Main Office11100 Main OfficeET4332NLB328NPACWarm whiteACECFL22614WLEDP30100 Main Office100B PrincipalET4332NLB328NP*E332 85 9 5P328 73 9 5*E232 85 9 5P228 73 9 5*E532 85 9 5P528 73 9 5*E832 85 9 5P828 73 9 5*E332 85 9 5P328 73 9 5*E332 58 9 5P328 42 9 5*E226 52 9 5P214 14 9 5Warm whiteExisting Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp14 watt LED Par 30 LampLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF BallastExisting Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF BallastExisting Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF BallastExisting Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF BallastExisting Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF BallastExisting Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF BallastExisting Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast141716100E100D100D20Nurse Office - Hall1918Lounge101 - Office in WorkroomLoungeNurse Office - HallNurse Office - Hall21Nurse Office - HallACACACACACACET4332N100C AssistantLB328NP100C Assistant100EET4332NLB328NPET4332NLB328NPET4332NLB328NP101 - Office in WorkroomET4332NLB328NPET4232NLB228LPECFL22614WLEDP30This information is proprietary, not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Northwest Edison.Energy Audit Calculation 2 of 17 1/24/2012 Energy AuditFacility ContactAuditor(s)Phone Ext. Audit DateBuilding ContactLast RevisedPhone Ext. Utility kWh Rate Demand RateTax RateFacility TypeHeatLamp ReplaceBallast ReplaceSecond Tier Start LevelGroupSpotECM #Fixture QtyLamp WattsFixture WattsFixture HeightHours/DayDays/WeekFCSensor QtySensor / Power PackEnergy SavedSensor Height$10.7919804 141st Place NE Woodinville, WA 98072Mike CampbellNWE Contact Phone(509) 680-3963Survey NotesFixture IDMaint. RateExisting / Proposed Fixture DescriptionLocationStateCounty(425) 806-9200(425) 806-74550.0000Randy Smith Middle SchoolAlaskaFairbanksOffice Phone #Office Fax #1/23/121401 BainbridgeProject NameZip Code0.00%Sq. FeetFairbanks North StarACAddressCity99709Sandra Edwards(206) 303-0121 11/20/11PCB / PercentGolden Valley Electric15.600¢*E332 85 9 5P328 73 9 5*E532 58 9 5P528 48 9 5*E132 58 9 5P128 42 9 5Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF BallastExisting Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp And Ballast Retrofit w 2 F32 28 watt Lamp, LBF BallastExisting Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast2322103 Nurse103 Nurse24103 Nurse103 Nurse103 NurseLB228NPET4232NLB228L103 NurseET4332NLB328NPET4232N*E132 58 12.5 5P128 42 12.5 5*E132 58 12.5 5P128 42 12.5 5*E132 58 12.5 5P128 42 12.5 5*E132 58 12.5 5P128 42 12.5 5*E134 82 24 7P128 42 24 7*E332 85 2 5P328 42 2 5*E432 85 9 5P428 73 9 5VanityACAC, VanityACAC, VanityExisting Troffer 4' 2 Lamp F34 T12 Standard BallastLamp And Ballast Retrofit w 2 F32 28 watt Lamp, LBF BallastExisting Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF BallastExisting Wrap T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF BallastExisting Strip T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast Lamp And Ballast Retrofit w 2 F32 28 watt Lamp, LBF BallastExisting Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF BallastExisting Wrap T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF Ballast26Faculty Restroom #225Faculty Restroom #1Faculty Restroom #1Faculty Restroom #12928Faculty Restroom #227Faculty Restroom #2ElevatorFaculty Restroom #231Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast30Elevator/Machine RoomES4332N113 PTSAET4332N113 PTSALB328NPET4232NLB228LPEW4232NFaculty Restroom #1LB228LPET4232NLB228LPEW4232NLB228LPET4234NElevatorLB228LElevator/Machine RoomLB228LThis information is proprietary, not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Northwest Edison.Energy Audit Calculation 3 of 17 1/24/2012 Energy AuditFacility ContactAuditor(s)Phone Ext. Audit DateBuilding ContactLast RevisedPhone Ext. Utility kWh Rate Demand RateTax RateFacility TypeHeatLamp ReplaceBallast ReplaceSecond Tier Start LevelGroupSpotECM #Fixture QtyLamp WattsFixture WattsFixture HeightHours/DayDays/WeekFCSensor QtySensor / Power PackEnergy SavedSensor Height$10.7919804 141st Place NE Woodinville, WA 98072Mike CampbellNWE Contact Phone(509) 680-3963Survey NotesFixture IDMaint. RateExisting / Proposed Fixture DescriptionLocationStateCounty(425) 806-9200(425) 806-74550.0000Randy Smith Middle SchoolAlaskaFairbanksOffice Phone #Office Fax #1/23/121401 BainbridgeProject NameZip Code0.00%Sq. FeetFairbanks North StarACAddressCity99709Sandra Edwards(206) 303-0121 11/20/11PCB / PercentGolden Valley Electric15.600¢*E932 85 9 5P928 73 9 5*E1532 85 9 5P1528 73 9 5*E126 52 9 5P114 14 9 5Warm whiteLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast33Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast32Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast114ET4332N114LB328NP14 watt LED Par 30 Lamp34Existing Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent LampJill HaugbergECFL226Jill Haugberg14WLEDP30ET4332NJill HaugbergLB328NPJill Haugberg*E232 85 9 5P228 73 9 5*E1532 85 8 5P1528 73 8 5*E126 52 8 5P114 14 8 5*E1532 85 8 5P1528 73 8 5*E126 52 8 5P114 14 8 5*E232 112 9 5P228 94 9 5*E1532 85 8 5P1528 73 8 5AC35Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast37Existing Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp14 watt LED Par 30 Lamp36Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast116 CRET4332N116 CRLB328NP115AET4332N115ALB328NP116 CRECFL226116 CR14WLEDP30Lamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast39Existing Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp14 watt LED Par 30 Lamp38Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast117 CRET4332N117 CRLB328NPLamp and Ballast Retro with 4L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast41Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast40Existing Troffer T8 4' w 4 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast118AET4432N118ALB428NP117 CRECFL226117 CR14WLEDP30118ET4332N118LB328NPThis information is proprietary, not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Northwest Edison.Energy Audit Calculation 4 of 17 1/24/2012 Energy AuditFacility ContactAuditor(s)Phone Ext. Audit DateBuilding ContactLast RevisedPhone Ext. Utility kWh Rate Demand RateTax RateFacility TypeHeatLamp ReplaceBallast ReplaceSecond Tier Start LevelGroupSpotECM #Fixture QtyLamp WattsFixture WattsFixture HeightHours/DayDays/WeekFCSensor QtySensor / Power PackEnergy SavedSensor Height$10.7919804 141st Place NE Woodinville, WA 98072Mike CampbellNWE Contact Phone(509) 680-3963Survey NotesFixture IDMaint. RateExisting / Proposed Fixture DescriptionLocationStateCounty(425) 806-9200(425) 806-74550.0000Randy Smith Middle SchoolAlaskaFairbanksOffice Phone #Office Fax #1/23/121401 BainbridgeProject NameZip Code0.00%Sq. FeetFairbanks North StarACAddressCity99709Sandra Edwards(206) 303-0121 11/20/11PCB / PercentGolden Valley Electric15.600¢*E126 52 8 5P114 14 8 5*E332 58 12.5 5P328 42 12.5 5*E232 58 12.5 5P228 42 12.5 5ACAC, Vanity14 watt LED Par 30 Lamp43Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF Ballast42Existing Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp118ECFL22611814WLEDP30Lamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF Ballast44Existing Wrap T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastB2 Mens RestroomEW4232NB2 Mens RestroomLB228LPB2 Mens RestroomET4232NB2 Mens RestroomLB228LP*E132 58 2 5P128 42 2 5*E332 58 12.5 5P328 42 12.5 5*E232 58 12.5 5P228 42 12.5 5*E126 52 12.5 5P114 14 12.5 5*E832 85 9 5P828 48 9 5*E1532 85 8 5P1528 73 8 5*E126 52 8 5P114 14 8 5ACACAC, VanityAC45Existing Strip T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast Lamp And Ballast Retrofit w 2 F32 28 watt Lamp, LBF BallastJ2ES4232NJ2LB228LLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF Ballast47Existing Wrap T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF Ballast46Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastG2 Womens RestroomET4232NG2 Womens RestroomLB228LP14 watt LED Par 30 Lamp49Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastTroffer Kit with Reflector 4' 2L F28 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast48Existing Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent LampG2 Womens RestroomECFL226G2 Womens Restroom14WLEDP30G2 Womens RestroomEW4232NG2 Womens RestroomLB228LP118CET4332N118CTK4228NPLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast51Existing Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp14 watt LED Par 30 Lamp50Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast125 CRET4332N125 CRLB328NP125 CRECFL226125 CR14WLEDP30This information is proprietary, not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Northwest Edison.Energy Audit Calculation 5 of 17 1/24/2012 Energy AuditFacility ContactAuditor(s)Phone Ext. Audit DateBuilding ContactLast RevisedPhone Ext. Utility kWh Rate Demand RateTax RateFacility TypeHeatLamp ReplaceBallast ReplaceSecond Tier Start LevelGroupSpotECM #Fixture QtyLamp WattsFixture WattsFixture HeightHours/DayDays/WeekFCSensor QtySensor / Power PackEnergy SavedSensor Height$10.7919804 141st Place NE Woodinville, WA 98072Mike CampbellNWE Contact Phone(509) 680-3963Survey NotesFixture IDMaint. RateExisting / Proposed Fixture DescriptionLocationStateCounty(425) 806-9200(425) 806-74550.0000Randy Smith Middle SchoolAlaskaFairbanksOffice Phone #Office Fax #1/23/121401 BainbridgeProject NameZip Code0.00%Sq. FeetFairbanks North StarACAddressCity99709Sandra Edwards(206) 303-0121 11/20/11PCB / PercentGolden Valley Electric15.600¢*E232 85 9 5P228 73 9 5*E1532 85 8 5P1528 73 8 5*E126 52 8 5P114 14 8 5Lamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast53Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast52Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast125AET4332N125ALB328NP126 CRET4332N126 CRLB328NP14 watt LED Par 30 Lamp54Existing Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp126 CRECFL226126 CR14WLEDP30*E1532 85 8 5P1528 73 8 5*E126 52 8 5P114 14 8 5*E1532 85 8 5P1528 73 8 5*E126 52 8 5P114 14 8 5*E232 85 9 5P228 73 9 5*E1132 85 8 5P1128 73 8 5*E2732 85 8 5P2728 73 8 5AC55Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast14 watt LED Par 30 Lamp57Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast56Existing Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp127 CRECFL226127 CR14WLEDP30127 CRET4332N127 CRLB328NP128 CRET4332N128 CRLB328NP14 watt LED Par 30 Lamp59Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast58Existing Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp128 CRECFL226128 CR14WLEDP30Lamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast61Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast60Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast132 CRET4332N132 CRLB328NP128AET4332N128ALB328NP131 CRET4332N131 CRLB328NPThis information is proprietary, not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Northwest Edison.Energy Audit Calculation 6 of 17 1/24/2012 Energy AuditFacility ContactAuditor(s)Phone Ext. Audit DateBuilding ContactLast RevisedPhone Ext. Utility kWh Rate Demand RateTax RateFacility TypeHeatLamp ReplaceBallast ReplaceSecond Tier Start LevelGroupSpotECM #Fixture QtyLamp WattsFixture WattsFixture HeightHours/DayDays/WeekFCSensor QtySensor / Power PackEnergy SavedSensor Height$10.7919804 141st Place NE Woodinville, WA 98072Mike CampbellNWE Contact Phone(509) 680-3963Survey NotesFixture IDMaint. RateExisting / Proposed Fixture DescriptionLocationStateCounty(425) 806-9200(425) 806-74550.0000Randy Smith Middle SchoolAlaskaFairbanksOffice Phone #Office Fax #1/23/121401 BainbridgeProject NameZip Code0.00%Sq. FeetFairbanks North StarACAddressCity99709Sandra Edwards(206) 303-0121 11/20/11PCB / PercentGolden Valley Electric15.600¢*E432 85 9 5P428 48 9 5*E632 58 9 5P628 48 9 5*E632 85 9 5P628 48 9 5ACACACTroffer Kit with Reflector 4' 2L F28 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast63Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast62Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast131AET4332N131ATK4228NPTroffer Kit with Reflector 4' 2L F28 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast64Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast131CET4332N131CTK4228NP131BET4232N131BLB228NP*E2232 85 8 5P2228 73 8 5*E126 52 8 5P114 14 8 5*E332 85 9 5P328 48 9 5*E332 85 9 5P328 48 9 5*E1832 85 8 5P1828 73 8 5*E126 52 8 5P114 14 8 5*E232 85 9 5P228 48 9 5ACACWarm white65Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast130 CRET4332N130 CRLB328NP14 watt LED Par 30 Lamp67Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastTroffer Kit with Reflector 4' 2L F28 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast66Existing Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp130 CRECFL226130 CR14WLEDP30Troffer Kit with Reflector 4' 2L F28 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast69Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast68Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast130BET4332N130BTK4228NP130AET4332N130ATK4228NP129 CRET4332N129 CRLB328NP14 watt LED Par 30 Lamp71Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastTroffer Kit with Reflector 4' 2L F28 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast70Existing Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp129 CRECFL226129 CR14WLEDP30129AET4332N129ATK4228NPThis information is proprietary, not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Northwest Edison.Energy Audit Calculation 7 of 17 1/24/2012 Energy AuditFacility ContactAuditor(s)Phone Ext. Audit DateBuilding ContactLast RevisedPhone Ext. Utility kWh Rate Demand RateTax RateFacility TypeHeatLamp ReplaceBallast ReplaceSecond Tier Start LevelGroupSpotECM #Fixture QtyLamp WattsFixture WattsFixture HeightHours/DayDays/WeekFCSensor QtySensor / Power PackEnergy SavedSensor Height$10.7919804 141st Place NE Woodinville, WA 98072Mike CampbellNWE Contact Phone(509) 680-3963Survey NotesFixture IDMaint. RateExisting / Proposed Fixture DescriptionLocationStateCounty(425) 806-9200(425) 806-74550.0000Randy Smith Middle SchoolAlaskaFairbanksOffice Phone #Office Fax #1/23/121401 BainbridgeProject NameZip Code0.00%Sq. FeetFairbanks North StarACAddressCity99709Sandra Edwards(206) 303-0121 11/20/11PCB / PercentGolden Valley Electric15.600¢*E432 58 2 5P428 42 2 5*E1932 85 8 5P1928 73 8 5*E126 52 8 5P114 14 8 5Lamp And Ballast Retrofit w 2 F32 28 watt Lamp, LBF Ballast73Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast72Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastE2 ElectricalET4232NE2 ElectricalLB228L124 CRET4332N124 CRLB328NP14 watt LED Par 30 Lamp74Existing Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp124 CRECFL226124 CR14WLEDP30*E332 85 9 5P328 48 9 5*E432 85 9 5P428 48 9 5*E732 85 9 5P728 48 9 5*E1432 170 8 5P2828 73 8 5*E4232 58 8 5P4228 48 8 5*E732 58 8 5P728 48 8 5*E1632 85 9 5P1628 73 9 5ACDirect / IndirectAC75Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastTroffer Kit with Reflector 4' 2L F28 28 watt, PRS NBF BallastTroffer Kit with Reflector 4' 2L F28 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast77Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastTroffer Kit with Reflector 4' 2L F28 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast76Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast124BET4332N124BTK4228NP124AET4332N124ATK4228NPNext DoorET4332NNext DoorTK4228NPLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast79Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast78Existing Troffer T8 12' w 6 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLibrary 123ET12632NLibrary 123LB328NPLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast81Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast80Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLibrary 123ET4232NLibrary 123LB228NPLibrary 123ET4232NLibrary 123LB228NP123AET4332N123ALB328NPThis information is proprietary, not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Northwest Edison.Energy Audit Calculation 8 of 17 1/24/2012 Energy AuditFacility ContactAuditor(s)Phone Ext. Audit DateBuilding ContactLast RevisedPhone Ext. Utility kWh Rate Demand RateTax RateFacility TypeHeatLamp ReplaceBallast ReplaceSecond Tier Start LevelGroupSpotECM #Fixture QtyLamp WattsFixture WattsFixture HeightHours/DayDays/WeekFCSensor QtySensor / Power PackEnergy SavedSensor Height$10.7919804 141st Place NE Woodinville, WA 98072Mike CampbellNWE Contact Phone(509) 680-3963Survey NotesFixture IDMaint. RateExisting / Proposed Fixture DescriptionLocationStateCounty(425) 806-9200(425) 806-74550.0000Randy Smith Middle SchoolAlaskaFairbanksOffice Phone #Office Fax #1/23/121401 BainbridgeProject NameZip Code0.00%Sq. FeetFairbanks North StarACAddressCity99709Sandra Edwards(206) 303-0121 11/20/11PCB / PercentGolden Valley Electric15.600¢*E332 85 9 5P328 73 9 5*E732 85 9 5P728 73 9 5*E232 85 9 5P228 73 9 5Lamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast83Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast82Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast123BET4332N123BLB328NPLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast84Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast123DET4332N123DLB328NP123CET4332N123CLB328NP*E732 58 9 5P728 42 9 5*E226 52 12 7P214 14 12 7*E232 85 9 5P228 72 9 5*E932 85 2 5P928 64 2 5*E332 85 2 5P328 64 2 5*E232 58 2 5P228 42 2 5*E332 58 2 5P328 42 2 5AC84185Existing Strip T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast Lamp And Ballast Retrofit w 2 F32 28 watt Lamp, LBF Ballast122ES4232N122LB228L14 watt LED Par 30 Lamp87Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp And Ballast Retrofit w 3 F32 28 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast86Existing Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent LampEntry by 122ECFL226Entry by 12214WLEDP30Lamp And Ballast Retrofit w 3 F32 28 watt Lamp, LBF Ballast89Existing Strip T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast Lamp And Ballast Retrofit w 3 F32 28 watt Lamp, LBF Ballast88Existing Strip T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast M2 MechanicalES4332NM2 MechanicalLB328L121 OfficeET4332N121 OfficeLB328NE1 GeneralES4332NE1 GeneralLB328LLamp And Ballast Retrofit w 2 F32 28 watt Lamp, LBF Ballast91Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF Ballast90Existing Strip T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast J1 in HallES4232NJ1 in HallLB228L120 StorageET4232N120 StorageLB228LPThis information is proprietary, not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Northwest Edison.Energy Audit Calculation 9 of 17 1/24/2012 Energy AuditFacility ContactAuditor(s)Phone Ext. Audit DateBuilding ContactLast RevisedPhone Ext. Utility kWh Rate Demand RateTax RateFacility TypeHeatLamp ReplaceBallast ReplaceSecond Tier Start LevelGroupSpotECM #Fixture QtyLamp WattsFixture WattsFixture HeightHours/DayDays/WeekFCSensor QtySensor / Power PackEnergy SavedSensor Height$10.7919804 141st Place NE Woodinville, WA 98072Mike CampbellNWE Contact Phone(509) 680-3963Survey NotesFixture IDMaint. RateExisting / Proposed Fixture DescriptionLocationStateCounty(425) 806-9200(425) 806-74550.0000Randy Smith Middle SchoolAlaskaFairbanksOffice Phone #Office Fax #1/23/121401 BainbridgeProject NameZip Code0.00%Sq. FeetFairbanks North StarACAddressCity99709Sandra Edwards(206) 303-0121 11/20/11PCB / PercentGolden Valley Electric15.600¢*E1632 85 12 5P1628 48 12 5*E460 60 12 5P416 16 12 5*E232 58 9 5P228 42 9 5Cool whiteTroffer Kit with Reflector 4' w 2 F32 28 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast93Existing Incandescent 60 watt Lamp16 watt LED A19 Style Lamp92Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast119 KitchenET4332N119 KitchenTK4228N119 KitchenEINC60119 Kitchen16WLEDLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF Ballast94Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast119AET4232N119ALB228LP*E1100 100 2 5P116 16 2 5*E1100 100 2 5P116 16 2 5*E232 85 9 5P228 73 9 5*E132 58 12.5 5P128 42 12.5 5*E132 58 12.5 5P128 42 12.5 5*E532 58 12.5 5P528 42 12.5 5*E132 58 12.5 5P128 42 12.5 5ACACAC, VanityACCool white95Existing Incandescent 100 watt Lamp16 watt LED A19 Style Lamp16 watt LED A19 Style Lamp97Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast96Existing Incandescent 100 watt LampCooler -3EINC100Cooler -316WLEDCooler 40EINC100Cooler 4016WLED119CET4332N119CLB328NPLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF Ballast99Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF Ballast98Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastRestroomET4232NRestroomLB228LPLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF Ballast101Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF Ballast100Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastMens B1 Restroom- In CommonsET4232NMens B1 Restroom- In CommonsLB228LPRestroomET4232NRestroomLB228LPMens B1 Restroom- In CommonsET4232NMens B1 Restroom- In CommonsLB228LPThis information is proprietary, not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Northwest Edison.Energy Audit Calculation 10 of 17 1/24/2012 Energy AuditFacility ContactAuditor(s)Phone Ext. Audit DateBuilding ContactLast RevisedPhone Ext. Utility kWh Rate Demand RateTax RateFacility TypeHeatLamp ReplaceBallast ReplaceSecond Tier Start LevelGroupSpotECM #Fixture QtyLamp WattsFixture WattsFixture HeightHours/DayDays/WeekFCSensor QtySensor / Power PackEnergy SavedSensor Height$10.7919804 141st Place NE Woodinville, WA 98072Mike CampbellNWE Contact Phone(509) 680-3963Survey NotesFixture IDMaint. RateExisting / Proposed Fixture DescriptionLocationStateCounty(425) 806-9200(425) 806-74550.0000Randy Smith Middle SchoolAlaskaFairbanksOffice Phone #Office Fax #1/23/121401 BainbridgeProject NameZip Code0.00%Sq. FeetFairbanks North StarACAddressCity99709Sandra Edwards(206) 303-0121 11/20/11PCB / PercentGolden Valley Electric15.600¢*E232 58 10 5P228 42 10 5*E30 400 458 10 5 25-30P3054 364 10 5*E932 112 10 5P928 48 10 5At 30', w/250 Q, AC, with cage lensLamp And Ballast Retrofit w 2 F32 28 watt Lamp, LBF Ballast103Existing Fixture Metal Halide 400 watt LampNew Paragon 1748E Fixture 4' w 6 F54 54 watt T5 Lamp, HBF Ballast102Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast108 Gym EntryET4232N108 Gym EntryLB228LWrap Kit with Reflector 4' 2L F28 T8 28 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast104Existing Wrap T8 4' w 4 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastGymEW4432NGymWK4228NGymEFMH400GymN1748E654H*E226 52 10 5P214 14 10 5*E532 85 2 5P528 48 2 5*E232 58 10 5P228 48 10 5*E132 58 12.5 5P128 42 12.5 5*E332 85 9 5P328 73 9 5*E2232 58 10 5 30P2228 48 10 5*E232 58 10 5P228 42 10 5ACACAC, VanityAC105Existing Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp14 watt LED Par 30 LampGymECFL226Gym14WLEDP30Lamp And Ballast Retrofit w 2 F32 28 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast107Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast106Existing Strip T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast 110 Storage in GymES4332N110 Storage in GymLB228NLamp And Ballast Retrofit w 2 F32 28 watt Lamp, LBF Ballast109Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast108Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastRestroomET4232NRestroomLB228L109 Ski RoomET4232N109 Ski RoomLB228NP106 PE OfficeET4332N106 PE OfficeLB328NPLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast111Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF Ballast110Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastWomens LockerET4232NWomens LockerLB228NPWomens LockerET4232NWomens LockerLB228LPThis information is proprietary, not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Northwest Edison.Energy Audit Calculation 11 of 17 1/24/2012 Energy AuditFacility ContactAuditor(s)Phone Ext. Audit DateBuilding ContactLast RevisedPhone Ext. Utility kWh Rate Demand RateTax RateFacility TypeHeatLamp ReplaceBallast ReplaceSecond Tier Start LevelGroupSpotECM #Fixture QtyLamp WattsFixture WattsFixture HeightHours/DayDays/WeekFCSensor QtySensor / Power PackEnergy SavedSensor Height$10.7919804 141st Place NE Woodinville, WA 98072Mike CampbellNWE Contact Phone(509) 680-3963Survey NotesFixture IDMaint. RateExisting / Proposed Fixture DescriptionLocationStateCounty(425) 806-9200(425) 806-74550.0000Randy Smith Middle SchoolAlaskaFairbanksOffice Phone #Office Fax #1/23/121401 BainbridgeProject NameZip Code0.00%Sq. FeetFairbanks North StarACAddressCity99709Sandra Edwards(206) 303-0121 11/20/11PCB / PercentGolden Valley Electric15.600¢*E2232 58 12.5 5P2228 48 12.5 5*E232 58 12.5 5P228 42 12.5 5*E332 85 9 5P328 73 9 5AC, VanityACACLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast113Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF Ballast112Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastMens RestroomET4232NMens RestroomLB228NPMens RestroomET4232NMens RestroomLB228LPLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast114Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastOfficeET4332NOfficeLB328NP*E232 58 2 5P228 42 2 5*E532 58 12.5 5P528 42 12.5 5*E132 58 12.5 5P128 42 12.5 5*E4332 58 12 7P4328 42 12 7*E1126 52 12 7P1114 14 12 7*E1232 85 8 5P1228 73 8 5*E232 58 2 5P228 48 2 5ACAC, VanityACWarm whiteACAC115Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF Ballast117Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF Ballast116Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastWomens Restroom G1ET4232NWomens Restroom G1LB228LP104 Storage in CommonsET4232N104 Storage in CommonsLB228LPWomens Restroom G1ET4232NWomens Restroom G1LB228LPLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF Ballast119Existing Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp14 watt LED Par 30 Lamp118Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastS1 Stairs + Hall on 2ET4232NS1 Stairs + Hall on 2LB228LPLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast121Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast120Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast212 CRET4332N212 CRLB328NPS1 Stairs + Hall on 2ECFL226S1 Stairs + Hall on 214WLEDP30213 StorageET4232N213 StorageLB228NPThis information is proprietary, not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Northwest Edison.Energy Audit Calculation 12 of 17 1/24/2012 Energy AuditFacility ContactAuditor(s)Phone Ext. Audit DateBuilding ContactLast RevisedPhone Ext. Utility kWh Rate Demand RateTax RateFacility TypeHeatLamp ReplaceBallast ReplaceSecond Tier Start LevelGroupSpotECM #Fixture QtyLamp WattsFixture WattsFixture HeightHours/DayDays/WeekFCSensor QtySensor / Power PackEnergy SavedSensor Height$10.7919804 141st Place NE Woodinville, WA 98072Mike CampbellNWE Contact Phone(509) 680-3963Survey NotesFixture IDMaint. RateExisting / Proposed Fixture DescriptionLocationStateCounty(425) 806-9200(425) 806-74550.0000Randy Smith Middle SchoolAlaskaFairbanksOffice Phone #Office Fax #1/23/121401 BainbridgeProject NameZip Code0.00%Sq. FeetFairbanks North StarACAddressCity99709Sandra Edwards(206) 303-0121 11/20/11PCB / PercentGolden Valley Electric15.600¢*E1532 85 8 5P1528 73 8 5*E126 52 8 5P114 14 8 5*E232 112 9 5P228 94 9 5ACLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast123Existing Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp14 watt LED Par 30 Lamp122Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast211 CRET4332N211 CRLB328NPLamp and Ballast Retro with 4L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast124Existing Troffer T8 4' w 4 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast211AET4432N211ALB428NP211 CRECFL226211 CR14WLEDP30*E1532 85 8 5P1528 73 8 5*E126 52 8 5P114 14 8 5*E1532 85 8 5P1528 73 8 5*E126 52 8 5P114 14 8 5*E232 112 9 5P228 94 9 5*E1532 85 8 5P1528 73 8 5*E126 52 8 5P114 14 8 5ACAC125Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast210 CRET4332N210 CRLB328NP14 watt LED Par 30 Lamp127Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast126Existing Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp210 CRECFL226210 CR14WLEDP3014 watt LED Par 30 Lamp129Existing Troffer T8 4' w 4 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 4L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast128Existing Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp209 CRECFL226209 CR14WLEDP30209 CRET4332N209 CRLB328NP208AET4432N208ALB428NPLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast131Existing Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp14 watt LED Par 30 Lamp130Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast208 CRET4332N208 CRLB328NP208 CRECFL226208 CR14WLEDP30This information is proprietary, not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Northwest Edison.Energy Audit Calculation 13 of 17 1/24/2012 Energy AuditFacility ContactAuditor(s)Phone Ext. Audit DateBuilding ContactLast RevisedPhone Ext. Utility kWh Rate Demand RateTax RateFacility TypeHeatLamp ReplaceBallast ReplaceSecond Tier Start LevelGroupSpotECM #Fixture QtyLamp WattsFixture WattsFixture HeightHours/DayDays/WeekFCSensor QtySensor / Power PackEnergy SavedSensor Height$10.7919804 141st Place NE Woodinville, WA 98072Mike CampbellNWE Contact Phone(509) 680-3963Survey NotesFixture IDMaint. RateExisting / Proposed Fixture DescriptionLocationStateCounty(425) 806-9200(425) 806-74550.0000Randy Smith Middle SchoolAlaskaFairbanksOffice Phone #Office Fax #1/23/121401 BainbridgeProject NameZip Code0.00%Sq. FeetFairbanks North StarACAddressCity99709Sandra Edwards(206) 303-0121 11/20/11PCB / PercentGolden Valley Electric15.600¢*E532 85 9 5P528 48 9 5*E332 85 9 5P328 48 9 5*E332 58 9 5P328 42 9 5Troffer Kit with Reflector 4' 2L F28 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast133Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastTroffer Kit with Reflector 4' 2L F28 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast132Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast207BET4332N207BTK4228NP207CET4332N207CTK4228NPLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF Ballast134Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastG3ET4232NG3LB228LP*E232 58 9 5P228 42 9 5*E126 52 9 5P114 14 9 5*E132 58 2 5P128 42 2 5*E332 58 12.5 5P328 42 12.5 5*E232 58 12.5 5P228 42 12.5 5*E1532 85 8 5 65-75P1528 73 8 5*E126 52 8 5P114 14 8 5Warm white135Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF Ballast14 watt LED Par 30 Lamp137Existing Strip T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast Lamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF Ballast136Existing Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent LampG3ECFL226G314WLEDP30G3ET4232NG3LB228LPJ2.1ES4232NJ2.1LB228LPLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF Ballast139Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF Ballast138Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastB3 Mens RestroomET4232NB3 Mens RestroomLB228LPLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast141Existing Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp14 watt LED Par 30 Lamp140Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast207 CRET4332N207 CRLB328NPB3 Mens RestroomET4232NB3 Mens RestroomLB228LP207 CRECFL226207 CR14WLEDP30This information is proprietary, not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Northwest Edison.Energy Audit Calculation 14 of 17 1/24/2012 Energy AuditFacility ContactAuditor(s)Phone Ext. Audit DateBuilding ContactLast RevisedPhone Ext. Utility kWh Rate Demand RateTax RateFacility TypeHeatLamp ReplaceBallast ReplaceSecond Tier Start LevelGroupSpotECM #Fixture QtyLamp WattsFixture WattsFixture HeightHours/DayDays/WeekFCSensor QtySensor / Power PackEnergy SavedSensor Height$10.7919804 141st Place NE Woodinville, WA 98072Mike CampbellNWE Contact Phone(509) 680-3963Survey NotesFixture IDMaint. RateExisting / Proposed Fixture DescriptionLocationStateCounty(425) 806-9200(425) 806-74550.0000Randy Smith Middle SchoolAlaskaFairbanksOffice Phone #Office Fax #1/23/121401 BainbridgeProject NameZip Code0.00%Sq. FeetFairbanks North StarACAddressCity99709Sandra Edwards(206) 303-0121 11/20/11PCB / PercentGolden Valley Electric15.600¢*E232 85 9 5P228 73 9 5*E1532 85 8 5P1528 73 8 5*E126 52 8 5P114 14 8 5Lamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast143Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast142Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast207AET4332N207ALB328NP14 watt LED Par 30 Lamp144Existing Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp206 CRECFL226206 CR14WLEDP30206 CRET4332N206 CRLB328NP*E1532 85 8 5P1528 73 8 5*E126 52 8 5P114 14 8 5*E232 112 9 5P228 94 9 5*E1532 85 8 5P1528 73 8 5*E126 52 8 5P114 14 8 5*E432 85 24 7P428 48 24 7*E3232 85 2 5P3228 64 2 5AC145Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast205 CRET4332N205 CRLB328NP14 watt LED Par 30 Lamp147Existing Troffer T8 4' w 4 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 4L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast146Existing Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp205 CRECFL226205 CR14WLEDP30Lamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast149Existing Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp14 watt LED Par 30 Lamp148Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast204 CRET4332N204 CRLB328NP204AET4432N204ALB428NP204 CRECFL226204 CR14WLEDP30Strip Kit with Reflector 4' w 2 F32 28 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast 4.25" Brackets151Existing Strip T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast Lamp And Ballast Retrofit w 3 F32 28 watt Lamp, LBF Ballast150Existing Strip T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast E2.1 ElevatorES4332NE2.1 ElevatorSKR4228N4M2.1 MechanicalES4332NM2.1 MechanicalLB328LThis information is proprietary, not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Northwest Edison.Energy Audit Calculation 15 of 17 1/24/2012 Energy AuditFacility ContactAuditor(s)Phone Ext. Audit DateBuilding ContactLast RevisedPhone Ext. Utility kWh Rate Demand RateTax RateFacility TypeHeatLamp ReplaceBallast ReplaceSecond Tier Start LevelGroupSpotECM #Fixture QtyLamp WattsFixture WattsFixture HeightHours/DayDays/WeekFCSensor QtySensor / Power PackEnergy SavedSensor Height$10.7919804 141st Place NE Woodinville, WA 98072Mike CampbellNWE Contact Phone(509) 680-3963Survey NotesFixture IDMaint. RateExisting / Proposed Fixture DescriptionLocationStateCounty(425) 806-9200(425) 806-74550.0000Randy Smith Middle SchoolAlaskaFairbanksOffice Phone #Office Fax #1/23/121401 BainbridgeProject NameZip Code0.00%Sq. FeetFairbanks North StarACAddressCity99709Sandra Edwards(206) 303-0121 11/20/11PCB / PercentGolden Valley Electric15.600¢*E432 85 8 5P428 73 8 5*E432 58 8 5P428 48 8 5*E432 85 9 5P428 73 9 5ACACLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast153Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast152Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast203 CRET4332N203 CRLB328NP202 CRET4232N202 CRLB228NPLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast154Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast200 CounselingET4332N200 CounselingLB328NP*E526 52 9 5P514 14 9 5*E432 85 9 5P428 73 9 5*E132 58 12.5 5P128 42 12.5 5*E132 58 12.5 5P128 42 12.5 5*E232 85 9 5P228 73 9 5*E432 85 9 5P428 73 9 5*E332 85 9 5P328 73 9 5ACAC, Vanity155Existing Dual 26 watt Compact Fluorescent Lamp14 watt LED Par 30 LampLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast157Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF Ballast156Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast200AET4332N200ALB328NP200 CounselingECFL226200 Counseling14WLEDP30RestroomET4232NRestroomLB228LPLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF Ballast159Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast158Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastRestroomET4232NRestroomLB228LPLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast161Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast160Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast200CET4332N200CLB328NP200BET4332N200BLB328NP200DET4332N200DLB328NPThis information is proprietary, not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Northwest Edison.Energy Audit Calculation 16 of 17 1/24/2012 Energy AuditFacility ContactAuditor(s)Phone Ext. Audit DateBuilding ContactLast RevisedPhone Ext. Utility kWh Rate Demand RateTax RateFacility TypeHeatLamp ReplaceBallast ReplaceSecond Tier Start LevelGroupSpotECM #Fixture QtyLamp WattsFixture WattsFixture HeightHours/DayDays/WeekFCSensor QtySensor / Power PackEnergy SavedSensor Height$10.7919804 141st Place NE Woodinville, WA 98072Mike CampbellNWE Contact Phone(509) 680-3963Survey NotesFixture IDMaint. RateExisting / Proposed Fixture DescriptionLocationStateCounty(425) 806-9200(425) 806-74550.0000Randy Smith Middle SchoolAlaskaFairbanksOffice Phone #Office Fax #1/23/121401 BainbridgeProject NameZip Code0.00%Sq. FeetFairbanks North StarACAddressCity99709Sandra Edwards(206) 303-0121 11/20/11PCB / PercentGolden Valley Electric15.600¢*E732 85 9 5P728 73 9 5*E132 58 12.5 5P128 42 12.5 5*E132 58 12.5 5P128 42 12.5 5ACACAC, VanityLamp and Ballast Retro with 3L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS NBF Ballast163Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF Ballast162Existing Troffer T8 4' w 3 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF Ballast201ET4332N201LB328NPLamp and Ballast Retro with 2L F32 T8 28 watt, PRS LBF Ballast164Existing Troffer T8 4' w 2 F32 32 watt Lamp, NBF BallastRestroomET4232NRestroomLB228LPRestroomET4232NRestroomLB228LP*E1,102P1,1460Existing Fixture TotalProposed Fixture TotalSensor TotalThis information is proprietary, not to be disclosed to third parties without prior written permission from Northwest Edison.Energy Audit Calculation 17 of 17 1/24/2012 Lighting - Calculations and Common Conversions Sample Calculation: Fixture Quantity = 52 Existing Fixture (Troffer T8 4’ w 3 F32 32 watt lamp NBF) Proposed Fixture (Light & Ballast retrofitted with 3 lamp F32 T8 28 watt lamp PRS NBF Ballast) Existing Wattage Lamp Wattage = 32 Watts Proposed Wattage Lamp Wattage = 28 Watts Existing Watts/Fixture = 85 Watts Proposed Watts/Fixture = 73 Watts Existing Lighting Power: [ kWEX ] ((# Fixtures) EX x (Watts / Fixture) EX) / (1,000 W/kW) = kWEX 52 x 85/1000 = 4.42 kW (existing) Proposed Lighting Power: [kWPR] ((# Fixtures) PR x (Watts / Fixture) PR) / (1,000 W/kW) = kWPR 52 x73/1000 = 3.796 kW (proposed) Existing Lighting Power Consumption: [kWhEX] (kWEX) x (Annual Burn Hours) = kWhEX 4.42 kW (existing) x (12 hrs/day)x (7days/wk) x 48 wks./year = 17, 821.44 kWh (Existing) Proposed Lighting Power Consumption: [kWhPR] (kWPR) x (Annual Burn Hours) = kWhPR 3.796 kW (proposed) x (12 hrs/day)x (7days/wk) x 48 wks./year = 15, 305.47 kWh (Proposed) The following calculations were performed on a building-by-building basis: Annual Lighting Power Savings: [KwLGHT] (kWEX) – (kWPR) = KwLGHT 4.42 kW – 3.796 kW = .0624 kW Annual Lighting Power Consumption Savings: [kWhLGHT] (kWhEX) – (kWhPR) = kWhLGHT 17,821.44 kWh – 15,305.47 kWh= 2,515.96 kWh Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) RECOMMENDED LIGHT LEVELS Table 1.00a – IESNA Lighting Levels Type of Space Category Foot-candles Assembly Areas C2 10 to 15 Office Areas C & E 20 to 50 Dining Areas B3 5 Retail Areas E 50 Classroom Areas C & E 20 to 50 Corridors A 5 Restrooms B 5 Misc. C 10 to 15 Exit/Emergency B 5 Mechanical Rooms C 10 to15 Stairwells A 3 Gymnasium Various 30 to 50 Shop Areas E 50 Target illuminances are based on the recommendations of the IESNA. Space Type Lighting Power Allowance (LPA) W/Sq. Ft. Light Level Target (Foot- candles) CLP Allowance Other Lighting Auditorium 1.4 10 Banking Activity Area 1.8 A 50 Break Room (Dining) 1.3 30 Classroom / Lecture Hall / Training room 1.4 30 Closet 0.9 N/A Conference / Meeting Room 1.4 A 30 Convention Hall Multipurpose Area 1.4 A 30 Corridor 0.7 5 Dining 1.3 A 10 Electrical / Mechanical Area 0.9 N/A Examination Room (Medical) 1.4 D 50 Exercise Area 1.0 A 50 Exhibition Hall 3.0 10 Financial Institution 1.8 A 30 Food Preparation (Kitchen area) 2.0 50 Grocery Store General Merchandise Area 1.9 C 50 Gymnasium Playing Area 1.7 60 Hotel Function Area 2.2> A 30 Hotel Lobby 1.7 A 10 Industrial Area < 20ft. ceiling height 1.9 30 Industrial Area > 20ft. ceiling height 2.7 30 Kitchen / Food Preparation 2.0 50 Laboratory Medical 1.4 D 50 Laboratory - Industrial 1.9 50 Library 1.6 A 30 Lobby - Hotel 1.7 A 10 Lobby - Waiting Area (Other Buildings) 0.9 A 10 Mall General Sales Area (see Retail Sales) Mall Arcade / Atrium / Concourse 1.3 30 Manufacturing (Industrial) Area < 20ft. ceiling height 1.9 50 Manufacturing (Industrial) Area > 20ft. ceiling height 2.7 50 Medical and Clinical Care 1.4 D 50 Multipurpose Room (Meeting Room) 1.4 A 30 Museum 1.4 10 Nurses Stations (Medical) 1.4 D 30 Office, Private (< 300 sq. ft.) 1.4 50 Office, Open Plan (> 300 sq. ft.) 1.4 30 Reception Area (Lobby) 0.9 A 30 Religious Worship 2.9 A 10 Restaurant 1.5 A 30 Restroom 0.7 10 Retail Sales Fine Merchandise Area 1.9 C1 30 Retail Sales General Merchandise Area and Wholesale Showroom 1.9 C 30 Shipping (Industrial) Area < 20ft. ceiling height 1.9 30 Shipping (Industrial) Area > 20ft. ceiling height 2.7 30 Stairs (Support Area) 0.7 5 Storage - Industrial, Commercial 0.9 10 Theater - Motion Picture 0.9 10 Theater - Motion Picture, Lobby 0.9 A 30 Theater - Performance 1.4 10 Warehouse Area < 20ft. ceiling height 1.9 10 Warehouse Area > 20ft. ceiling height 2.7 10 "Other Lighting" Codes: A: plus 0.9 W/Sq. Ft. for Accent Lighting C: plus 1.4 W/Sq. Ft. for Accent Lighting C1: plus 3.5 W/Sq. Ft. for Accent Lighting D: plus 0.9 W/Sq. Ft. for Medical Lighting Lighting on the walls and ceiling improves lighting quality. Numbers refer to quality issues in chart below. Good lighting promotes better learning. Today’s schools must provide a stimulating environment where children will learn best. High quality lighting improves students’ moods, behavior, concentration, and therefore their learning.1 1 - Adapted from “Designing the Future,” AIA Center for Building Performance. Lighting quality means visual comfort, good color, uniformity and balanced brightness. This can be achieved with light- colored materials, glare control, distribution of light to ceiling and walls, and flexible lighting controls. These factors contribute to long-term system performance and aid in student concentration. Shadows, glare, lamp flicker or chaotic patterns can be distracting and should be avoided. (See the chart below for the importance of quality factors.) This guide gives you the knowhow to provide “energy effective” lighting for classrooms – lighting systems that optimize energy use while creating a productive, comfortable, and adaptable learning environment. Energy effective lighting is the best use of financial and natural resources. CLASSROOM LIGHTING “ENERGY EFFECTIVE”LIGHTING FOR CLASSROOMS:COMBINING QUALITY DESIGN AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY TOPICS: The Value of Lighting Quality Lighting Controls Daylighting General Classroom Layouts Computer Classroom Layouts Corridor Layouts Lighting Fixture Specifications QUALITY ISSUES FOR SCHOOL LIGHTING Classrooms with windows help keep children alert. See back page for more information on daylighting. CLASSROOM LIGHTING George Leisey/Photographer, Bellows Falls, VTACHIEVING BETTER & BETTER YET RESULTS Classrooms often are lighted by recessed parabolic fluorescent 2’ x 4’ or 2’ x 2’ fixtures, systems that may not provide the best quality of light for learning. This knowhow guide shows you energy effective solutions that will deliver Better quality with improved energy efficiency. The Better Yet solutions identify further improvements, providing even greater long-term value for schools. know how better yet better yet 1 2 Copyright 2002, Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Any use, reproduction or distribution of knowhow or its contents without the express written consent of NEEP is prohibited. Contact www.neep.org or (781) 860-9177 ext. 10. General Computer School Classroom Classroom Corridor Light on walls and ceilings on photo above Control of direct and reflected glare Uniformity Daylight Color rendering and color temperature Lighting controls Quantity of light (horizontal footcandles) 40-50 fc 20-40 fc 10 vert. fc Ve ry Important Important Somewhat Important * Adapted from the Lighting Design Guide. IESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th Edition 1 2 3 4 4 3 CONTROL GLARE Glare occurs when bright light sources and reflections interfere with the viewing of less bright objects. This high contrast may be uncomfortable or even disabling. Direct Glare is caused by fixtures located in front of students. Overhead Glare is caused by fixtures directly overhead. Reflected Glare is caused by bright reflections in surfaces such as glossy papers, shiny surfaces or computer screens. Glare control is especially important in flexible classrooms where desks and tables may face any direction, or in rooms with full time computer use.knowhow classroom lighting2 how to achieve lighting quality COLORS & FINISH TIPS • Acoustic ceiling tiles are often only 70% reflective. Specify 80% or higher. Ceiling tile and paint companies list these values in their product specifications. • Choose wall colors that are light in color (pastels) and at least 65% reflective. • Choose furniture that is light in color (60% or higher). • Always use matte (not shiny or high gloss) surface finishes for walls, ceilings, and furniture. •Limit the use of primary or saturated colors to accents or wainscots, since they absorb a lot of light. ACCENT FOCAL WALLS The brightest surfaces should be the most important surfaces. Lighting the focal walls helps teachers catch and hold students’ attention as well as to improve the visibility of information. • For rooms where desks face one direction, provide focal lighting on the front wall or board. • For multi-purpose spaces, provide focal lighting on two or three walls. • Dedicate light fixtures (such as Type H, J, K) to accent these surfaces. • Light levels on boards or focal walls should be at least equal to light levels on the desktop, or up to twice that level if the board is green or black. For uniformity, the edges of the board should not be less than 1/3 the brightness of the center. • Locate fixtures 1 to 3 feet from the board or vertical surface so that light reflections do not obscure information on the board. CREATE BALANCED BRIGHTNESS Light levels throughout the classroom should not differ greatly from the light level on the desks. Large variations in brightness will cause distraction and fatigue. • Use pendant light fixtures that direct at least 50% of the light upward. • Avoid high contrast. The brightest and darkest room surfaces should be no greater than 3 times or 1/3 as bright as the task (preferred) or 10 times or 1/10 as bright as the task (maximum). • For best student concentration, the brightest surfaces should be desk tops and focal walls. • Use only semi-specular or white louvers to prevent harsh wall patterns. GLARE PREVENTION TIPS • Distribute light to walls and ceilings. Bi-directional fixtures such as A, D, and E (see p. 7) work well. • Use daylight to light walls and ceilings. • Use adjustable blinds or shades that control window glare while retaining view. • Choose higher reflectance room surfaces. • Select only semi-specular or white painted louvers and reflectors. Avoid mirrored or specular (shiny) reflectors or louvers that can be seen from any angle. • Shield the lamp from view with baffles, louvers, lenses or diffusing overlays. • Use lamps of lower brightness. Use more fixtures if necessary. • Only use T5, T5HO and T5 biaxial lamps in coves or indirect applications where the lamp is not visible by classroom users. • Use no more than three (3) T8 lamps in 2’ x 4’ fixtures. 10:1 2:1 1:3 USE HIGHER REFLECTANCES A small increase in room reflectances (lighter-colored surfaces) greatly improves efficiency. The lighter-colored room (below) provides 55% more light on the work surface for the same energy or uses 70% less energy for equivalent brightness. The lighter-colored room also provides better daylight distribution, improves brightness ratios, and is more visually comfortable. These significant improvements are possible at little or no additional cost. Light is both reflected and absorbed by surfaces. Lighter colors reflect more than darker colors. When more light is reflected, room surfaces become more uniform and visually comfortable. Reflectances are deceiving – surfaces absorb more light than you think! Don’t guess: verify finish reflectances with manufacturers. 40% 20% 70% 40% 90% 70% 70% 40% DAYLIGHTING CONTROLS AND PHOTOSENSORS • Orient fixtures parallel to window wall. (See layouts 1 to 5.) • Control each row of lamps separately. • Continuous dimming is much better than switching – there are no distractions and greater energy savings. Electronic dimming ballasts typically dim to 10% of full output. • Start dimming when combined light levels exceed 125% of designed light level. • Specify photosensors of the “continuous response” type. • Use “open loop” controls, i.e. photosensor is located to respond to daylight only, rather than located to sense daylight and the electric light source being controlled. (See windows.lbl.gov/daylighting/designguide/ designguide.htm for reference.) • Specify a 60 second time delay to allow for temporary cloud cover.knowhow classroom lighting3 lighting controls Conserve Energy by: • Reducing power.Use energy efficient sources, ballasts and luminaires. The power limit* for schools is 1.5 w/sf total connected load. • Reducing energy use.Provide lighting controls to reduce the time of use (by switching) or level of power (by dimming). •Wise design.Integrate daylight, room surfaces and layouts. • Proper maintenance.Clean surfaces, group relamp, calibrate controls. * ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Std. 90.1 - 2001 OCCUPANCY SENSOR (OS) & PHOTOSENSOR (PS) TIPS Optimum product locations, coverage areas and wiring requirements vary between products – work closely with manufacturers to verify appropriate coverage, installation and location. Redesign may be required if products are substituted during construction. Lighting controls give teachers the flexibility to set the lighting level to match the tasks being performed. Controls also turn off lights automatically in an empty room or dim the electric lights when there is enough daylight. For lighting controls to operate properly, they must be checked and set at the beginning of each school year. Calibration and maintenance of lighting controls are essential for energy conservation. MULTI-LEVEL SWITCHING • Avoid less-efficient one-lamp ballasts. Use master-slave wiring between adjacent fixtures and use multi-lamp ballasts. (See layouts 1, 6 & 7.) • Use switchable two-level ballasts for three-lamp fixtures. Occupants can choose between two levels of light while maintaining uniform distribution. SEPARATE ROW SWITCHING • Provide multiple levels in a uniform pattern by factory-wiring each row of lamps separately (shown below) or dimming. Avoid distracting switching patterns. * As compared to standard manual switching for a 5,000 sq. ft. building with a 1.2 watts per sq. ft. connected load. MATCH CONTROLS TO ROOM TYPES PS General Computer School Potential Classroom Classroom Corridor Energy Savings * Ceiling Occupancy Sensor, Manual-On, Auto-Off 30% Multi-Level Switching with Ceiling Occupancy Sensor 35% Daylight Controls with Occupancy Sensor 45% Multi-Level Switching 15% Building Time Controls 10% Appropriate Sometimes Appropriate Not Appropriate George Leisey/Photographer, Bellows Falls, VTThe row of lights closest to the window dims in response to daylight. OCCUPANCY SENSORS • Require that lights turn off automatically when spaces are not occupied. • Use manual-on automatic switches (AS) with ceiling or wall mounted sensors (OS) for all spaces with daylight or receiving spill light from other rooms. Manual-on prevents unnecessary activation when daylight is adequate or when doors are opened. The switches also allow the lights to be turned off for AV purposes. • Manual-off is recommended only as a temporary override. Sensor must stay in automatic-off mode at all times. • Use ultrasonic sensors – they are more sensitive than infrared to subtle motion and less likely to turn lights off in an occupied room. Dual technology is not required when sensor is to be used with manual-on capability. • Set sensors for medium to high sensitivity and 10-minute delay. • Locate sensors inside classrooms so they do not “see” corridor motion. AS OS classroomlighting knowhow classroom lightingLAYOUT 2 - BETTER LAYOUT 3 – BETTER YET What Makes Layout 3 ‘Better Yet’? • Combination direct/indirect more comfortable than totally direct or surface systems. Works well for part-day computer use. • Direct/indirect more energy efficient than totally indirect systems. • Pendants faster to install than recessed fixtures, and easier to maintain. • Most cost effective. Greatest long-term value for investment. • Overhead glare not a problem, due to T8 lamp and lighted ceiling. • Wide distribution and white louvers reduce contrast and increase uniformity. • Separate light fixtures accentuate front board. Controls Upgrade:3 Provide dimming ballasts and photosensor for better control of light levels. Alternative 3A:Use Type D T-8 fixtures with parabolic louvers, to provide more shielding for intensive computer use. What Makes Layout 2 ‘Better’? • More visually comfortable than recessed or totally direct fixtures. • Wider distribution puts more light on walls. • White louvers and spill light on ceiling reduce fixture glare. • Two-level switching of continuous rows more uniform. • Best choice for ceiling lower than 8’-9’. Controls Upgrade:Switch fixture adjacent to window separately, and connect to photosensor for automatic response to daylight. This is more reliable than leaving daylight control to the teachers. Alternative 2A:Add 3” stems and diffuser on top, to increase light on ceiling. LAYOUT TIPS FOR WIDER ROOMS • For rooms 28 to 34 feet wide with continuous windows along the long wall, consider shifting both rows of fixtures 2 to 4 feet farther away from the windows. • For rooms 34 to 38 feet wide, use three rows of fixtures. • Perform lighting level calculations to verify expected light levels. master-slave wiring general and multi-purpose classrooms K A J B H D COMPARISON CHART FOR GENERAL CLASSROOMS For classrooms from 750 to 850 sf. Base Case1 Layout 1 Layout 2 Layout 3 Interest Uniformity Comfort & Quality Power Density (w/sf)1.32 1.01 1.16 1.16 Energy Savings (Potential %)2 Base 46% 40% 40% First Cost (% Increase)Base 40% 170% 115% Maintained Footcandles (fc) 50-60 45-50 45-50 45-50 OVERALL VALUE ACCEPTABLE BETTER BETTER YET Layouts shown will meet light level requirements and current energy codes if they are within the given size ranges, between 8’0” and 9’6” ceiling heights. 1 - Base case assumptions used for comparison are 12 fixtures, recessed 3-lamp 2’x4’ parabolic 12- cell with T8 electronic ballasts and two-level switching. 2 - Includes savings due to controls shown. Control upgrades will yield greater energy savings. 3 - Go to www.designlights.org/classroomwiring/ for schematic daylighting control diagrams. C What Makes Layout 1 ‘Acceptable’? • Fixtures are oriented parallel to window; best for front focus, multipurpose uses, and daylighting. • Fixtures use minimum 3” deep louver for greater comfort. • Separate light on front board increases visibility and student attentiveness. • Master-slave wiring saves energy by using multi-lamp ballasts. • Occupancy sensors with manual-on switches save more energy in daylit spaces. See page 7 for complete fixture specifications.ACCEPTABLEBETTER BETTER YET 4 LAYOUT 1 – ACCEPTABLE 34’ 10’ 16’ 12’ 12’ 24’ 16’ OS AS OS AS OS AS 5 LAYOUT 4 – BETTER LAYOUT 5 – BETTER YET computer classrooms What Makes Layout 5 ‘Better Yet’? • Combination direct/indirect more comfortable than totally direct. • Direct/indirect more energy efficient than totally indirect. • More cost effective. Greatest value for investment. • T8 lamp and lighted ceiling prevent overhead glare. • Higher light levels and 2-level switching more flexible for computer rooms with paper tasks. • Separate fixtures used for front board when video screen not in use. Controls Upgrade:Provide dimming ballasts and wall box dimmer for better light level control. Alternative 5A:Same layout. Use Type E three-lamp T-8 fixtures. • Direct and indirect components can be controlled separately. • Greatest flexibility for rooms used for both computers and paper tasks. What Makes Layout 4 ‘Better’? • Indirect lighting more comfortable than totally direct systems. • No overhead glare. • Greater uniformity of light on ceilings and walls. • Two levels of control provide flexibility and energy savings. • Glowing sides reduce contrast, increase comfort. • Pendant fixtures faster to install and easier to maintain. Controls Upgrade:Provide a third switch to control lamps nearest the front of the room for better contrast on video screen. Alternative 4A:Same layout. Use fixture Type F1 with T5HO lamps. (See T5 box on page 6.) • High lumen output of the T5HO lamp requires half the amount of lamps. • Illuminance decreased. Appropriate for computer use only. J D E F1 “Pendant fixtures can save installation time and cost, since they only require one power feed at the end of each row.” Electrical Contractor, Braza Electric Use A Different Approach for Computer Rooms • Avoid totally direct lighting systems. • Recessed fixtures leave ceilings dark. Contrast between bright lamps or lens and dark ceiling is too great for computer rooms. • Specular (shiny) louvers or reflectors create overhead glare (see diagram)and harsh patterns. • Small-cell louvers are very inefficient and create cave-like rooms. • Always provide some light on ceiling and walls. Distribute light as uniformly as possible. COMPARISON CHART FOR COMPUTER CLASSROOMS For computer classrooms from 750 to 850 sf. Base Case1 Layout 4 Alt. 4A Layout 5 Interest Uniformity Comfort & Quality Power Density (w/sf)1.32 1.01 1.01 1.01 Energy Savings (Potential %)2 Base 46%46% 46% First Cost (% Increase) Base 12%30% 30% Maintained Footcandles (fc) 40-50 35-40 30-35 35-40 OVERALL VALUE BETTER BETTER BETTER YET Layouts shown will meet light level requirements and current energy codes if they are within the given size ranges, between 8’6" and 9’6" ceiling heights. 1 - Base case used for comparison is 12 fixtures, recessed 3-lamp 2’ x 4’ deep-cell VDT parabolic, 27-cells, with T8 electronic ballasts and two-level switching. 2 - Includes savings due to controls shown. Control upgrades will yield greater energy savings. OVERHEAD GLARE ZONE LUMINAIRE SHIELDING ANGLE "NORMAL ANGLES" OF VIEW (45°) F 16’ 34’ 12’ 12’ 10’ AS OS AS OS knowhow classroom lightingPhoto by Whitney Cox. Courtesy of Norman Rosenfeld Architect. 6knowhow classroom lightingschool corridors LAYOUT 7 – BETTER YET What Makes Layout 6 ‘Better’? • One-lamp fixtures, oriented parallel to corridor, provide uniform distribution on lockers and walls. • Master-slave ballast wiring saves energy by using multi-lamp ballasts. What Makes Layout 7 ‘Better Yet’? • Surface mounted fixture allows for greater ceiling height. • Works well with any tile system and access panels. • Wide distribution and white louvers provide most uniformity. SCHOOL CODE TIP If your state code requires minimum light levels, consider: • Computer calculations for greater accuracy. • Precise definition of task area. • High output ballasts. • Higher room reflectances. 1-Base case assumptions used for comparison are 2’x4’ lensed fixtures, with two T8 lamps and electronic ballasts, spaced 12’ on center, oriented perpendicular to the corridor, and on time clock control. 2-Includes savings due to controls shown. Layout tips for wider corridors: Layout 7 works for 10’ corridor. Layout 6 limited to 9’ corridor. master-slave ballast wiring LAYOUT 6 – BETTER M L COMPARISON CHART FOR SCHOOL CORRIDORS For corridors up to 9 feet wide. Base Case1 Layout 6 Layout 7 Interest Uniformity Comfort & Quality Power Density (w/sf) 0.61 0.49 0.49 Energy Savings (Potential %)2 Base 20% 20% First Cost (% Increase) Base 60% 23% Maintained Footcandles (fc)3 on walls 5-15 8-12 8-12 OVERALL VALUE ACCEPTABLE BETTER BETTER YET T5 LAMPS T5 lamps are not a replacement for T8 lamps. They are different lengths, use different sockets and ballasts, and have different pros and cons. Advantages: • Smaller size allows for greater reflector control. • Smaller lamps and ballasts allow for smaller fixtures. • Higher lumen output (T5HO) reduces the number of lamps and ballasts to maintain. • Costs for T5 fixtures are competitive with T8 fixtures. • Efficiency of T5 and T8 systems are comparable. Disadvantages: • Excessive brightness of T5 and T5HO limits their use to primarily indirect fixtures. • Current replacement cost of components (lamps and ballasts) higher than T8, but will reduce over time. • Using one T5HO lamp instead of two T8 lamps eliminates two-level switching options. • Adds an additional lamp type to a project, complicating ordering, maintenance and repair. USE ENERGY EFFICIENT SOURCES Fluorescent lighting today is not only more energy efficient, but rivals incandescent in quality, comfort and aesthetics. Lamps are available in a variety of superior colors providing a natural appearance for people and room colors. Electronic high frequency ballasts eliminate the flicker and noise of older model ballasts. The graph compares efficacies (mean lumens per watt) of common fluorescent lamp/ ballast combinations with the efficacy of a tungsten halogen (incandescent) lamp. Lamp/Ballast Efficacies 0 20 40 60 80 100 T8 & T5 T5 HO Mean Lumens Per WattLamp Types T5 Twin CFL Tu ngsten Halogen lamp and ballast specifications The following specifications apply to all of the fixture types shown on page 7 for both T8 and T5 linear fluorescent systems. Lamp Criteria: • Minimum Color Rendering Index (CRI) of 80. • Color temperature of 3500 Kelvin or 4100 Kelvin. Provide mockup for other colors. Note: Generic color code "835" means CRI of 80 and color temperature of 3500. • Mean lamp lumens (at 40% of rated life) at least 94% of initial lumens. Ballasts and Lamp-Ballast System Criteria: • High-frequency electronic using instant start or program rapid start circuitry. • Harmonic distortion shall not exceed 20%. • Ballast factor minimum 0.88 for T8 and 1.0 for T5. • Consider "low" or "high" ballast factor ballasts to optimize lamp count, input watts, and power density. Limit any ballast type to only one type of fixture. • Mean system efficacy (mean lamp lumens times # of lamps divided by ballast input power): Minimum 83 lumens/watt for 4’ long T8 at 25°C and minimum 80 lumens/watt for 4’ long T5HO at 35°C. L1 M1 8’ 34’ 8’ A+ knowhow classroom lightingA. Pendant Direct/Indirect Baffled LAMPS: (2) 32W T8 fluorescent, 835 color DESCRIPTION: Pendant mounted. White cross- baffles. Minimum 35° lengthwise shielding. Wire for separate row switching. Multi-lamp ballasts. 80% min. fixture efficiency. Nominal 59 watts per (2) lamps. F and F1. Pendant Indirect – Perforated Sides LAMPS: (2) 32W T8 fluorescent, 835 color DESCRIPTION: Pendant mounted. 85% indirect component with perforated sides. Wire for separate row switching. Multi-lamp ballasts. 78% min. fixture efficiency. Nominal 59 watts per (2) lamps. Alternative F1: (1) 54W T5HO lamp, 95% indirect component. 88% min. fixture efficiency. Nominal 117 watts per (2) T5HO lamps. D. Pendant Direct/Indirect Parabolic LAMPS: (2) 32W T8 fluorescent, 835 color DESCRIPTION: Pendant mounted. Semi-specular low-iridescent parabolic cross-baffles minimum 1-3/4" deep, 3" on center. Wire for separate row switching. Multi-lamp ballasts. 80% min. fixture efficiency. Nominal 59 watts per (2) lamps. C. Two-Lamp Recessed Parabolic 2’ x 4’ LAMP: (2) 32W T8 fluorescent, 835 color DESCRIPTION: Recessed. White baked enamel reflector (minimum 90% reflectance) and minimum 3" deep parabolic louvers. 12 cells. Wire for separate row switching. Multi-lamp ballasts. 76% min. fixture efficiency. Nominal 59 watts per (2) lamps. B. Surface Mounted Baffled, Wide Distribution LAMPS: (2) 32W T8 fluorescent, 835 color DESCRIPTION: Same as Type ‘A’ except surface mounted. Luminous sides for wide distribution. 60% min. fixture efficiency. lighting fixture schedule A These specifications are for cost-effective fixtures that ensure a balance of performance, energy savings, comfort, lighting quality and ease of maintenance. Many standard products meet these generic specifications. Even small variations from these specifications may result in undesirable effects. For example, specular louvers or reflectors may increase light levels and reduce reflected glare, but will also increase overhead glare and decrease desirable room surface brightness. D E. Pendant Direct/Indirect Three-Lamp LAMPS: (3) 32W T8 fluorescent, 835 color DESCRIPTION: Pendant mounted. 2 lamps up and 1 lamp down. Semi-specular low-iridescent parabolic cross-baffles, minimum 1-3/4" deep and 3" on center. Optional lamp shield for center lamp. Wire for separate row switching. Multi-lamp ballasts. 71% min. fixture efficiency. Nominal 89 watts per (3) lamps. E K. Bracket Mounted Asymmetric Board Light LAMP: (1) 32W T8 fluorescent, 835 color DESCRIPTION: Wall mounted. Asymmetric reflector. Cantilever 6" to 12" from board. Multi- lamp ballasts. 71% min. fixture efficiency. Nominal 59 watts per (2) lamps. J. Recessed 1’ x 4’ Linear Wall Wash LAMPS: (2) 32W T8 fluorescent, 835 color DESCRIPTION: Recessed wallwasher with semi- specular aluminum reflector. Locate 2’ to 3’ away from wall. Nominal 59 input watts per (2) lamps, 67% minimum fixture efficiency. H. Fluorescent Channel with Valance LAMP: (1) 32W T8 fluorescent, 835 color DESCRIPTION: Surface mounted standard channel concealed by architectural valance. Multi-lamp ballasts. Nominal 30 watts per fixture.H L and L1. Surface Mounted Corridor Wall Lighter LAMP: (1) 32W T8 fluorescent, 835 color DESCRIPTION: Surface mounted. White baked enamel housing and prismatic lens. Multi-lamp ballasts. 78% min. fixture efficiency. Nominal 59 watts per (2) lamps. (Available as pendant version if ceiling height is greater than 9’0".) Alternative: White cross baffles. 68% min. fixture efficiency. F 7 B J M and M1. Recessed Fluorescent 1’ x 4’ LAMPS: (1) 32W T8 fluorescent, 835 color DESCRIPTION: Recessed. White upper reflector and white parabolic louvers 6" on center. Multi-lamp ballasts. Nominal 59 input watts per (2) lamps. 73% min. fixture efficiency. Alternative: Prismatic lens. 65% min. fixture efficiency. K Valances (Type H) are an inexpensive way to light focal walls, but don’t provide the best uniformity. C AMBIENT LIGHTING WALL ACCENT OPTIONS CORRIDOR OPTIONS L1 L F1 M M1 George Leisey/Photographer, Bellows Falls, VT 8 Disclaimer: These guides are provided for information purposes only. Neither the Sponsoring Agents nor any of their employees or sub-contractors makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any data, information, method, product or process disclosed in this document, or represents that its use will not infringe any privately owned rights, including, but not limited to, patents, trademarks or copyrights. better lighting = better learning knowhow classroom lightingResearch has shown that information presented visually is absorbed faster and retained more reliably than information presented orally.1 To promote learning, provide an environment where teachers and students can perform their visual tasks comfortably, quickly and accurately. Lighting impacts the psychological and emotional needs of students: it makes a room attractive and pleasant, stimulates learning and improves behavior. High quality, energy effective lighting is a wise investment for our schools! 1 - Adapted from Good Lighting for Schools by Fodergemeinshaft GutesLicht. www.designlights.org Efficiency Vermont Conectiv Power Delivery Jersey Central Power & Light, A FirstEnergy Company Long Island Power Authority National Grid: · Massachusetts Electric · Narragansett Electric · Granite State Electric · Nantucket Electric Northeast Utilities: · The Connecticut Light & Power Company · Western Massachusetts Electric Company NSTAR Electric NYSERDA New York State Energy Research and Development Authority United Illuminating Unitil: · Fitchburg Gas & Electric Light Company Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Inc. Content/graphics by Hayden McKay Lighting Design Inc. Support from Lindsley Consultants Inc. Additional consultation by Donna Leban, Mark Loeffler, Charles Michal and Naomi Miller. Market Research Review by Light/Space/Design. Graphic design by Outsource. For commercial lighting services in your area contact: Students and teachers benefit from a connection to the outdoors – windows not only provide daylight but also a sense of time, weather, and distant focal points – all of which prevent fatigue and contribute to greater alertness in class. high quality checklist Use fixtures that provide comfort by distributing some light on ceilings and walls, such as direct/indirect or semi-indirect fixtures. Use light-colored finishes on room surfaces to maximize reflected light. Include windows or skylights in every classroom. Design electric lighting to maximize benefits from natural lighting. Use interior blinds to control window glare. Use lighting controls to increase flexibility and decrease energy use for each room. Provide additional light for front wall or board, and other important room features. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The LIGHTING KNOWHOW series was developed, funded and sponsored by the following members of the DesignLights Consortium: “Visual richness in classrooms stimulates creative thinking. Quality lighting and flexible lighting controls are major contributors to a positive learning environment.” Professor, Texas Christian University ✓ daylighting Daylighting is a key to lighting quality. Students with daylight in their classrooms (from windows and skylights) perform 20 to 25% better on reading and math tests than students without access to daylight.2 The same study shows that students in classrooms with larger window areas progress up to 20% faster than their counterparts in rooms with smaller window areas. Go to http://www.h-m-g.com to read the study that presents these data. DAYLIGHTING HINTS Daylight only saves energy if the electric lights are dimmed or switched off. Dimming lights in response to daylight is less distracting than switching, but requires dimming ballasts and a commitment to maintenance. Avoid direct solar penetration – it creates glare and overheating. Use neutral- colored window glass and exterior overhangs to control window glare and solar heat gain.Balance the light by providing daylight from more than one direction. See page 3 and classroom layouts for daylight controls. 2 - The Heschong-Mahone Group (published 1999) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓George Leisey/Photographer, Bellows Falls, VT DESCRIPTION OF COLUMN HEADINGS FOR CEE HIGH-PERFORMANCE 4’ T8 LAMP AND BALLAST QUALIFYING LISTS Column Heading Description Manufacturer By clicking on this field, the user will be directed to the manufacturer Web site and on-line catalogue. Product Name, Order Code, Model Number Information provided from manufacturers on product including ordering codes. Color Temperature The perceived “whiteness” of the light source in Kelvin. Rated Life Operating hours that a lamp lasts at 3 hours duty cycle depending upon the type of Ballast. IS Instant Start Ballast RS/PRS Rapid Start or Programmed-Rapid Start Initial Lumens Amount of luminous flux emitted by a lamp after 100 hours of operation at 25C. Mean Lumens Amount of luminous flux emitted by a lamp at 40% of the rated lamp life. CRI Color Rendering Index. The effect that the spectral characteristic of the light emitted by the lamp has on the color appearance of the objects illuminated by the lamp. Lumen Maintenance Ratio of mean lumens to initial lumens. Voltage Operating voltage for ballasts. Multiple voltage ballasts (also referred to as Universal Voltage) designated with two voltage values. Input Watts Reported ANSI rated watts for ballast. BEF Ballast Efficacy Factor. This is a calculated value with the exception of Howard Industries, who provides this value in their catalogue. Ballast Start Type Ballast starting circuitry identified as Instant (I), Rapid (R) or Programmed-Rapid (P). Ballast Factor Ratio of lamp lumens produced when lamp(s) operated by a given ballast to the lamp lumens produced when the lamp(s) operated on a reference ballast. Ballast Factor Range Ballast factor range of low, normal or high based upon CEE specification.LAMPBALLAST HP T8 Lamps QUALIFYING PRODUCTS High-Performance 4’ T8 Lamps CEE High-Performance Commercial Lighting Systems Initiative IS RS/PRS F32T8/841 F32T8/841 Linear 4100 20,000 24,000 3100 2950 82 0.95 F32T8/850 F32T8/851 Linear 5000 20,000 24,000 3100 2950 82 0.95 455338 ULTIMATE US 32W/835 Linear 3500 53,000 60,000 3100 2900 80 0.94 455334 ULTIMATE US 32W/841 Linear 4100 53,000 60,000 3100 2900 80 0.94 529632 F32T8/835/HL Linear 3500 24,000 30,000 3300 3135 85 0.95 529732 F32T8/841/HL Linear 4100 24,000 30,000 3300 3135 85 0.95 529832 F32T8/850/HL Linear 5000 24,000 30,000 3200 3040 85 0.95 Contractor Lighting BEST LAMP 12-32T8-850 12-32T8-850 Linear 5000 20,000 24,000 3100 3000 85 0.97 F32T8/830 XP Linear 3000 24,000 30,000 3100 2950 83 0.94 F32T8/835 XP Linear 3500 24,000 30,000 3100 2950 83 0.94 F32T8/841 XP Linear 4100 24,000 30,000 3100 2950 83 0.94 F32T8/850 XP Linear 5000 24,000 30,000 3100 2950 83 0.94 F32T8/865 XP Linear 6500 24,000 30,000 3100 2950 83 0.94 FLTHNVX5V F32T8/841TL Linear 4100 24,000 24,000 3150 2950 85 0.94 FLTHNVX6V F32T8/850TL Linear 5000 24,000 24,000 3150 2950 85 0.94 Tri-Lux/Medistar FLTHNVXDV F32T8/859TL Linear 5900 24,000 24,000 3150 2975 85 0.94 n/a F32T8/830K/HL Linear 3000 24,000 24,000 3100 2915 83 0.94 n/a F32T8/835K/HL Linear 3500 24,000 24,000 3100 2915 83 0.94 n/a F32T8/841K/HL Linear 4100 24,000 24,000 3100 2915 83 0.94 n/a F32T8/850K/HL Linear 5000 24,000 24,000 3000 2820 83 0.94 n/a F32T8/865K/HL Linear 6500 24,000 24,000 3000 2820 83 0.94 13986 F32T8/827/HE Linear 2700 24,000 30,000 3100 2915 85 0.94 13987 F32T8/830/HE Linear 3000 24,000 30,000 3100 2915 85 0.94 13988 F32T8/835/HE Linear 3500 24,000 30,000 3100 2915 85 0.94 13989 F32T8/841/HE Linear 4100 24,000 30,000 3100 2915 85 0.94 13990 F32T8/850/HE Linear 5000 24,000 30,000 3100 2915 85 0.94 32865 F32T8/865/HE Linear 6500 24,000 30,000 2976 2798 85 0.94 B32841 FB32T8/841/HE U-Bend 4100 20,000 24,000 3100 2900 85 0.94 B32850 FB32T8/850/HE U-Bend 5000 20,000 24,000 2980 2830 85 0.95 Full Spectrum Solutions, Inc Maxum 5000 F32T8 Shatterproof 204453SC F32-T8 48" Shatter Proof 5000K Linear 5000 34,000 28,000 3300 2950 91 0.95 FN6C32A2F/HLO FN6C32A2F/HLO Linear 4100 20,000 24,000 3200 3000 85 0.94 FF32/T8/830/HLO FF32/T8/830/HLO Linear 3000 20,000 24,000 3200 3000 85 0.94 FF32/T8/835/HLO FF32/T8/835/HLO Linear 3500 20,000 24,000 3200 3000 85 0.94 FF32/T8/841/HLO FF32/T8/841/HLO Linear 4100 20,000 24,000 3200 3000 85 0.94 FF32/T8/850/HLO FF32/T8/850/HLO Linear 5000 20,000 24,000 3100 2915 85 0.94 10327 F32T8/XL/SPX30/HL/ECO Linear 3000 25,000 36,000 3100 2915 85 0.94 10326 F32T8/XL/SPX35/HL/ECO Linear 3500 25,000 36,000 3100 2915 85 0.94 10322 F32T8/XL/SPX41/HL/ECO Linear 4100 25,000 36,000 3100 2915 82 0.94 42556 F32T8/XL/SPX50/HL/ECO Linear 5000 25,000 36,000 3000 2820 80 0.94 109404 F32T8/850/ECO Linear 5000 24,000 24,000 3050 2900 86 0.95 109428 F32T8/865/ECO Linear 6500 24,000 24,000 3050 2900 86 0.95 35153 F32T8/850/ECO/IC Linear 5000 24,000 24,000 3050 2900 85 0.95 35154 F32T8/865/ECO/IC Linear 6500 24,000 24,000 3050 2900 85 0.95 35155 F32T8/830/ECO/HL Linear 3000 24,000 24,000 3100 2950 85 0.95 35156 F32T8/835/ECO/HL Linear 3500 24,000 24,000 3100 2950 85 0.95 35157 F32T8/841/ECO/HL Linear 4100 24,000 24,000 3100 2950 85 0.95 35158 F32T8/850/ECO/HL Linear 5000 24,000 24,000 3100 2950 85 0.95 35161 F32T8/850/ECO/XL Linear 5000 40,000 40,000 2950 2800 85 0.95 CoverShield 90093 F32T8/850/ECO/IC/CS Linear 5000 24,000 24,000 3050 2900 86 0.95 POWR-TEK PLUS HH301 F32T8POWR-TEK PLUS Linear 5000 36,000 36,000 3150 2992 89 0.95 VITEK93+HH9312 F32T8VITEK93+Linear 6700 36,000 36,000 3010 2860 93 0.95 01947 F32T8/830/HL/ECO Linear 3000 24,000 24,000 3100 2950 85 0.95 01948 F32T8/835/HL/ECO Linear 3500 24,000 24,000 3100 2950 85 0.95 01949 F32T8/841/HL/ECO Linear 4100 24,000 24,000 3100 2950 85 0.95 02858 F32T8/850/HL/ECO Linear 5000 24,000 24,000 3100 2950 85 0.95 03753 F32T8/830/HL/ECO/IC Linear 3000 24,000 24,000 3100 2950 83 0.95 03754 F32T8/835/HL/ECO/IC Linear 3500 24,000 24,000 3100 2950 83 0.95 03755 F32T8/841/HL/ECO/IC Linear 4100 24,000 24,000 3100 2950 83 0.95 03756 F32T8/850/HL/ECO/IC Linear 5000 24,000 24,000 3100 2950 83 0.95 04933 F32T8/865/HL/ECO/IC Linear 6500 24,000 24,000 2950 2800 83 0.95 681 F32T8/HL/830 Linear 3000 24,000 24,000 3100 2950 85 0.95 682 F32T8/HL/835 Linear 6500 24,000 24,000 3100 2950 85 0.95 683 F32T8/HL/841 Linear 4100 24,000 24,000 3100 2950 85 0.95 684 F32T8/HL/850 Linear 5000 24,000 24,000 3100 2950 85 0.95 IWI Lighting IntegraLight 91613PIL F32T8IntegraLight Linear 5000 36,000 36,000 3100 2950 86 0.95 Espen Technology, Inc. (Last Updated 12/30/11) Color Temp (K)Mfr Product Name Order Code Model Number or Description Legend: Red Font is a product no longer manufactured, but existing stock still meets the criteria as qualifying products CRI Lumen Maintena nceShape Mean Lumens Initial Lumens Fusion HLO Series Tri-Lux n/a Energy Wiser High Lumen High Lumen Eiko High Lumen Ecolux High Lumen Atlas Lighting Products, Inc. Fusion Lamps CRI Lighting Rated Life (hrs)1 ProLume Hygrade (also NARVA, Hygrade/Narva, and TriPhase) DLU Lighting USA Bulbrite Howard Industries N/A Aura Light Accendo | AURA ULTIMATE US Long Life Eiko General Electric Company Halco Lighting Technologies H&H Industries, Inc. Elite HE HP T8 Lamps IS RS/PRS Color Temp (K)Mfr Product Name Order Code Model Number or Description CRI Lumen Maintena nceShape Mean Lumens Initial Lumens Rated Life (hrs)1 413830 F29T8/830/EC-HL Linear 3000 24,000 24,000 3100 2915 82 0.94 413835 F29T8/835/EC-HL Linear 3500 24,000 24,000 3100 2915 82 0.94 413841 F29T8/841/EC-HL Linear 4100 24,000 24,000 3100 2915 82 0.94 413850 F29T8/850/EC-HL Linear 5000 24,000 24,000 3070 2885 82 0.94 403830 F32T8/830 Linear 3000 24,000 36,000 3100 2915 82 0.94 403835 F32T8/835 Linear 3500 24,000 36,000 3100 2915 82 0.94 403841 F32T8/841 Linear 4100 24,000 36,000 3100 2915 82 0.94 403850 F32T8/850 Linear 5000 24,000 36,000 3100 2915 82 0.94 403865 F32T8/865 Linear 6500 24,000 30,000 3100 2950 82 0.94 453830 F32T8/830/SQ (HL)Linear 3000 60,000 70,000 3100 2976 80.5 0.96 453835 F32T8/835/SQ (HL)Linear 3500 60,000 70,000 3100 2976 80.5 0.96 453841 F32T8/841/SQ (HL)Linear 4100 60,000 70,000 3100 2976 80.5 0.96 453850 F32T8/850/SQ (HL)Linear 5000 60,000 70,000 3025 2904 80.5 0.96 Color Brite T8 L-359 F32T8 CB50 Linear 5000 30,000 30,000 3200 3025 90 0.94 L-334 F32 T8 830 Linear 3000 30,000 30,000 3100 2925 85 0.94 L-335 F32 T8 835 Linear 3500 30,000 30,000 3100 2925 85 0.94 L-336 F32 T8 841 Linear 4100 30,000 30,000 3100 2925 85 0.94 L-337 F32 T8 850 Linear 5000 30,000 30,000 3100 2925 85 0.94 L-385 F32 T8 835 U U-Bend 3500 30,000 30,000 3100 2925 85 0.94 L-386 F32 T8 841 U U-Bend 4100 30,000 30,000 3100 2925 85 0.94 L-387 F32 T8 850 U U-Bend 5000 30,000 30,000 3100 2925 85 0.94 PMX135 F32T8/AWX8550/TC Linear 5000 24,000 30,000 3050 2898 85 0.95 PMX139 F32T8/VLX9155/TC Linear 5500 24,000 30,000 3100 2950 91 0.95 51048 F32T8/830 Linear 3000 24,000 24,000 3100 2900 85 0.94 51045 F32T8/835 Linear 3500 24,000 24,000 3100 2900 85 0.94 51046 F32T8/841 Linear 4100 24,000 24,000 3100 2900 85 0.94 51047 F32T8/850 Linear 5000 24,000 24,000 3100 2900 85 0.94 51053 F32T8/865 Linear 6500 24,000 24,000 3100 2900 85 0.94 51058 F32T8/835XL Linear 3500 24,000 24,000 3200 3020 85 0.94 51050 F32T8/841XL Linear 4100 24,000 24,000 3200 3020 85 0.94 51049 F32T8/850XL Linear 5000 24,000 24,000 3200 3020 85 0.94 51060 F32T8/865XL Linear 6500 24,000 24,000 3200 3020 85 0.94 Midwest Industrial Lighting F32T8-850HL 45728 FE32-850HL Linear 5000 24,000 30,000 3150 2995 86 0.95 4187 FL32T8/835/HO/ECO Linear 3500 20,000 24,000 3200 3050 82 0.95 4188 FL32T8/835/HO/ECO Linear 3500 20,000 24,000 3200 3050 82 0.95 4189 FL32T8/850/HO/ECO Linear 5000 20,000 24,000 3200 3050 82 0.95 4182 FL32T8/850/ECO Linear 5000 20,000 24,000 3000 2850 82 0.95 10322AL T8 ARMORLITE 841 HL LAMP Linear 4100 25,000 36,000 3100 2915 82 0.94 42556AL T8 ARMORLITE 850 HL LAMP Linear 5000 25,000 36,000 3100 2915 82 0.94 18041 ORION F32 T8 / 841 Linear 4100 36,000 36,000 3100 2915 82 0.94 18050 ORION F32 T8 / 850 Linear 5000 36,000 36,000 3100 2915 85 0.94 21660 FO32/850XPS/ECO3 Linear 5000 24,000 40,000 3100 2914 81 0.94 21680 FO32/830/XPS/ECO3 Linear 3000 24,000 40,000 3100 2914 85 0.94 21659 FO32/865XPS/ECO3 Linear 6500 24,000 40,000 3000 2820 81 0.94 21697 FO32/835/XPS/ECO3 Linear 3500 24,000 40,000 3100 2914 85 0.94 21681 FO32/841/XPS/ECO3 Linear 4100 24,000 40,000 3100 2914 85 0.94 22168 FBO32/850XPS/6/ECO U-Bend 5000 18,000 24,000 2980 2830 85 0.94 22143 FO32/850/ECO Linear 5000 24,000 30,000 2950 2773 80 0.94 22026 FO32/850XP/ECO Linear 5000 24,000 40,000 3000 2820 85 0.94 22002 FO32/850/XP/XL/ECO Linear 5000 36,000 52,000 2950 2832 80 0.96 13987-3 F32T8/ADV830/ALTO Linear 3000 24,000 30,000 3100 2950 85 0.97 13988-1 F32T8/ADV835/ALTO Linear 3500 24,000 30,000 3100 2950 85 0.97 13989-9 F32T8/ADV841/ALTO Linear 4100 24,000 30,000 3100 2950 85 0.97 13990-7 F32T8/ADV850/ALTO Linear 5000 24,000 30,000 3100 2935 82 0.97 91610 F32T8/835 - Hi Lumen Linear 3500 30,000 36,000 3100 2950 85 0.95 91611 F32T8/841/Hi Lumen - Superior Life Linear 4100 30,000 36,000 3100 2950 85 0.95 91612 F32T8/Sky-Brite Plus Hi Lumen Linear 5000 30,000 36,000 3100 2950 85 0.95 91613 F32T8/Sky-Brite Plus® Hi Lumen Linear 5000 30,000 36,000 3100 2950 85 0.95 91613-HL F32T8/850 Hi Lumen Linear 5000 24,000 24,000 3100 2950 85 0.95 91607-HL F32T8/841 Hi Lumen Linear 4100 24,000 24,000 3100 2950 85 0.95 91601-HL F32T8/835 Hi Lumen Linear 3500 24,000 24,000 3100 2950 85 0.95 91603-HL F32T8/830 Hi Lumen Linear 3000 24,000 24,000 3100 2950 85 0.95 72614 F32T8/865 Linear 6500 24,000 24,000 3100 2950 85 0.95 91615 F32T8/VITA-BRITE Linear 5400 24,000 24,000 3100 2950 88 0.95 82614 F32T8/865 - Superior Life Linear 6500 24,000 36,000 3100 2950 85 0.95 S8426 F32T8/830/HL/ENV Linear 3000 24,000 24,000 3200 3050 85 0.95 S8427 F32T8/835/HL/ENV Linear 3500 24,000 24,000 3200 3050 85 0.95 S8428 F32T8/841/HL/ENV Linear 4100 24,000 24,000 3200 3050 85 0.95 S8429 F32T8/850/HL/ENV Linear 5000 24,000 24,000 3200 3050 85 0.95 46547S F32T8 830/XPS/ECO Linear 3000 24,000 36,000 3100 2945 85 0.95 46549S F32T8 835/XPS/ECO Linear 3500 24,000 36,000 3100 2945 85 0.95 46548S F32T8 841/XPS/ECO Linear 4100 24,000 36,000 3100 2945 85 0.95 46550S F32T8 850/XPS/ECO Linear 5000 24,000 36,000 3100 2945 81 0.95 46551S F32T8 865/XPS/ECO Linear 6500 24,000 36,000 3100 2945 81 0.95 46648 F32T8 ADV830/ALTO Linear 3000 24,000 30,000 3100 2950 85 0.97 46646 F32T8 ADV835/ALTO Linear 3500 24,000 30,000 3100 2950 85 0.97 46548 F32T8 ADV841/ALTO Linear 4100 24,000 30,000 3100 2950 85 0.97 46558 F32T8 ADV850/ALTO Linear 5000 24,000 30,000 3100 2950 82 0.97 46823S FO32/850/ECO Linear 5000 24,000 30,000 2950 2773 80 0.94 46828S FO32/850/XP/ECO Linear 5000 24,000 36,000 3000 2820 80 0.94 46822S FO32/850/XP/XL/ECO Linear 5000 36,000 40,000 2950 2832 80 0.96 Clear Safety- Coated Extended Performance Elemental Philips Lighting Premium T8 Alto Advantage T8 XL SuperiorLife - HiLum Octron XPS Satco Hygrade Octron - Sequoia OSRAM SYLVANIA P.Q.L., Inc. Satco Products, Inc Shat-r-shield, Inc LITETRONICS, INT. Kumho Electric USA ArmorLite ECO-LUMEN Orion Energy Systems Optilumens Maintenance Engineering Maxlite ENERGY-LITE Premira Flourescent Earthcare HP T8 Lamps IS RS/PRS Color Temp (K)Mfr Product Name Order Code Model Number or Description CRI Lumen Maintena nceShape Mean Lumens Initial Lumens Rated Life (hrs)1 1920 F32T8/HL/835 Linear 3500 24,000 24,000 3100 2915 85 0.94 1921 F32T8/HL/841 Linear 4100 24,000 24,000 3100 2915 85 0.94 1923 F32T8/HL/850 Linear 5000 24,000 24,000 3100 2915 85 0.94 30080 T8, 800 Series, 32 Watt Linear 3500 20,000 24,000 3100 2914 82 0.94 30090 T8, 800 Series, 32 Watt Linear 4100 20,000 24,000 3100 2914 82 0.94 30100 T8, 800 Series, 32 Watt Linear 5000 20,000 24,000 3100 2914 82 0.94 58769 F32T8/830/XL31SM Linear 3000 24,000 36,000 3100 2950 89 0.95 58771 F32T8/835/XL31SM Linear 3500 24,000 36,000 3100 2950 89 0.95 57022 F32T8/841/XL31SM Linear 4100 24,000 36,000 3100 2950 89 0.95 58772 F32T8/850/XL31SM Linear 5000 24,000 36,000 3100 2950 89 0.95 10914 F32T8/830/XL31 Linear 3000 24,000 36,000 3100 2950 85 0.97 10915 F32T8/835/XL31 Linear 3500 24,000 36,000 3100 2950 85 0.97 10916 F32T8/841/XL31 Linear 4100 24,000 36,000 3100 2950 85 0.97 10917 F32T8/850/XL31 Linear 5000 24,000 36,000 3100 2950 85 0.97 10004 F32T8/50K/8/RS/G13/STD ESV Linear 5000 24,000 30,000 2950 2800 85 0.95 51169 F32T8/65K/8/RS/G13/STD ESV Linear 6500 24,000 30,000 2950 2800 85 0.95 32830 F32T8/830/SuperEco Linear 3000 24,000 30,000 3200 3040 86 0.95 32840 F32T8/840/SuperEco Linear 4200 24,000 30,000 3200 3040 86 0.95 32850 F32T8/850/SuperEco Linear 5000 24,000 30,000 3200 3040 86 0.95 HDX145 F32T8/FWX8550/TC Linear 5000 24,000 30,000 3050 2898 85 0.95 HDX149 F32T8/VLX9155/TC Linear 5500 24,000 30,000 3100 2950 91 0.95 31032850HL F32T8/850/HL Linear 5000 24,000 24,000 3100 2915 86 0.94 31032830HL F32T8/830/HL Linear 3000 24,000 24,000 3100 2915 85 0.94 31032835HL F32T8/835/HL Linear 3500 24,000 24,000 3100 2915 85 0.94 31032841HL F32T8/841/HL Linear 4100 24,000 24,000 3100 2915 85 0.94 31032865HL F32T8/865/HL Linear 6500 24,000 24,000 3100 2915 85 0.94 31032850 F32T8/850 Linear 5000 24,000 24,000 2950 2800 85 0.95 FO32/830/XL-40 32W 48" T8 3,000K Flourescent Linear 3000 24,000 30,000 3100 2900 85 0.94 FO32/835/XL-40 32W 48" T8 3,500K Flourescent Linear 3500 24,000 30,000 3100 2900 85 0.94 FO32/841/XL-40 32W 48" T8 4,100K Flourescent Linear 4100 24,000 30,000 3100 2900 85 0.94 FO32/850/XL-40 32W 48" T8 5,000K Flourescent Linear 5000 24,000 30,000 3100 2900 85 0.94 25898 F32T8/835HL Linear 3500 24,000 24,000 3100 2915 84 0.94 25899 F32T8/841HL Linear 4100 24,000 24,000 3100 2915 84 0.94 25900 F32T8/850HL Linear 5000 24,000 24,000 3000 2820 82 0.94 3000480 F32T8/841/HL Linear 4100 24,000 30,000 3150 2990 86 0.95 3000524 F32T8/850/HL Linear 5000 24,000 30,000 3150 2990 86 0.95 07027 F32T8/830/XL/ECOMAX Linear 3000 24,000 30,000 3100 2950 86 0.95 07028 F32T8/835/XL/ECOMAX Linear 3500 24,000 30,000 3100 2950 86 0.95 07029 F32T8/841/XL/ECOMAX Linear 4100 24,000 30,000 3100 2950 86 0.95 Triten 50 Ultra 60766 F32T8/Triten50/ULTRA/ENV Linear 5000 24,000 24,000 3100 2950 86 0.95 1 Life based on 3-hr. duty cycle © 2007 Consortium for Energy Efficiency, Inc. All rights reserved. CONSORTIUM FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY www.cee1.org 617-589-3949 XL ULTRA 8 High LumenUSHIO America, Inc. Heavy Duty FlourescentSuperior Lamp, Inc. Universal Lighting Technologies Universal 800HL TOPAZ/CXL SLI Lighting/Havells USA Standard Products, Inc. Terra-Lux High Lumen Topaz Lighting TCP High LumenTechnical Consumer Products, Inc. XL31 XL31 Safety Max Super Eco T-8 Plus Earthsaver Westinghouse Lighting Corporation F32 T8SOLTERRA Super Eco Products, LLC HP 120 and 277 V T8 Ballasts QUALIFYING PRODUCTS 1 High-Performance 120 and 277V T8 Ballasts CEE High-Performance Commercial Lighting Systems Initiative For a list of qualifying 347 V T8 ballasts, see: www.cee1.org/com/com-lt/347-ballasts.xls Manufacturer Product Name Model Number NEMA4 Premium® Voltage (V) Ballast Type ² Ballast Factor Range Ballast Factor Input Watts (W) BEF³ ACCUPRO High Efficiency A*-132-IP-UNV yes 277 I Normal 0.87 28 3.11 AB1-32-IP-UNV-HE yes 120/277 I Normal 0.91 29 3.14 AB1-32-IP-UNV-1 yes 120/277 I Normal 0.91 29 3.14 DXE1H81 no 120 I Normal 0.88 28 3.14 DXE1H81U no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 28.2 3.12 Dynamic Ballast High Efficiency DY 132 IS WV - HE no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 28 3.14 WHHE2-UNV-T8-IS no 120/277 I High 1.08 34 3.18 WHSG2-UNV-T8-HB no 120/277 I High 1.38 45 3.07 WHPS1-UNV-T8-PS no 120/277 P Normal 0.88 30 2.93 GE-132-MAX-N/Ultra yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 28 3.11 GE-132-MAX-L/Ultra yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 25 3.08 GE132-MVPS-L yes 120/277 P Low 0.72 25 2.88 GE132-MVPS-N yes 120/277 P Normal 0.89 30 2.97 GE132-MVPS-H yes 120/277 P High 1.18 39 3.03 Proline GE-132-MV-N yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 28 3.11 EP232IS/L/MV/HE yes 120/277 I Normal 0.95 30 3.17 EP232IS/MV/HE yes 120/277 I High 1.05 33 3.18 EP232IS/120/SL yes 120 I High 1.15 38 3.03 EP232IS/MV/SL yes 120/277 I High 1.15 38 3.03 HL232AIS/UV/HE/W no 120/277 I Normal 0.95 30 3.17 HL232BIS/UV/HE/W no 120/277 I High 1.05 33 3.18 SIS117-32 UNI 21 no 120/277 P High 1.05 34.5 3.04 SIS117-32S UNI no 120/277 P High 1.05 34.5 3.04 E1/32IS-120HEX no 120 I Normal 0.87 28 3.11 E1/32IS-277HEX no 277 I Normal 0.87 28 3.11 HE High Efficiency EP2/32IS/MV/SC/HE no 120/277 I Normal 1.00 35 2.86 HE Micro Case EPH2/32IS/MV/MC/HE no 120/277 I High 1.08 35/34 3.09/3.18 KTEB-132-UV-IS-L-P yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 25 3.08 KTEB-132-UV-IS-N-P yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 28 3.10 KTEB-132-UV-PS-N-P yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 31 2.84 KTEB-132-UV-PS-L-P yes 120/277 P Low 0.77 27 2.85 KTEB-132-UV-PS-H-P yes 120/277 P High 1.18 40 2.95 KTEB-132-UV-IS-H-P yes 120/277 I High 1.18 39 3.03 High Efficiency Ballast SKEU322HEL no 120/277 I Normal 0.95 30 3.17 Electronic Ballasts SKEU322H/SC no 120/277 I High 1.38 45 3.07 EB-132PRS-U-ES yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 30 2.93 EB-132PRS-U-ES-HBF yes 120/277 P High 1.18 38 3.11 FL2T17-32M NO no 120/277 P Normal 0.87 28 3.11 FX2T17-32M NO no 120/277 P Normal 0.87 28 3.11 FX2T17-32M HO no 120/277 P High 1.21 39 3.10 FL2T17-32M HO no 120/277 P High 1.21 39 3.10 Orion Energy Systems HIGH EFFICIENCY OB2-T8-32-120/277-E-IN-0.9 no 120/277 I Normal 0.89 28 3.18 QHE1x32T8/UNV ISH-SC yes 120/277 I High 1.20 38 3.16 QHE 1X32T8/UNV ISL-SC yes 120/277 I Low 0.78 25 3.12 QHE 1X32T8/UNV ISL-SC-1 yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 25 3.08 QHE 1X32T8/UNV ISN-SC yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 28 3.14 QHE1x32T8/UNV ISN-SC-1 yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 28 3.11 QHE1x32T8/UNV PSN-MC yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 30/29 2.93/3.03 QTP 1X32T8/UNV PSN-TC yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 31/30 2.84/ 2.93 QTP 1X32T8/UNV PSX-TC yes 120/277 P Low 0.71 25 2.84 QTP 1X32T8/UNV ISN-SC yes 277 I Normal 0.89 28.6 3.11 IOP-1S32-SC yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 28 3.14 IOP-1P32-SC yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 28 3.11 IOP-1P32-HL-SC yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 28 3.14 IOP-1P32-LW-SC yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 25 3.08 IOP-1S32-LW-SC yes 120/277 P Low 0.72 24 3.00 IOPA-1P32 LW-SC yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 25 3.08 IOPA-1P32-SC yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 28 3.11 Centium ICN-1P32-N no 277 I Normal 0.91 29 3.14 Optanium 1 Lamp ProductsGE Ultramax Updated 12/30/11 HP T8 Qualified Ballasts with 1 Lamp UltraStart Click "Open." When "Connect to www.cee1.org" box opens, click on "Cancel" twice Legend: Red Font is a product no longer manufactured, but still meets the criteria as a qualifying product General Electric Company High EfficiencyAmerican Ballast DuroPower (BallastWise)Ballastwise HEX Electronic Hatch Lighting HEP Group USA, Inc. Smart Ballast Quicktronic Omnitronix Engineering LLC HEP HE Ballast Electronic Ballast Premium Series Hatch MW McWong International Keystone Technologies Howard Industries Halco Lighting Technologies Fulham Workhorse Maxlite ProLume OSRAM SYLVANIA Philips - Advance HP 120 and 277 V T8 Ballasts Manufacturer Product Name Model Number NEMA4 Premium® Voltage (V) Ballast Type ² Ballast Factor Range Ballast Factor Input Watts (W) BEF³ 70201 no 120/277 I Normal 0.87 27/26.5 3.22/3.28 70210 no 120/277 P High 1.06 34 3.12 70213 no 120 I High 1.37 45 3.04 SL-1/32IS-120 (70209)no 120 I Normal 0.88 28 3.11 SL-1/32IS-277 (70200)no 277 I Normal 0.88 28 3.11 ISL132T8HEMVL yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 25 3.08 ISU232T8HEMV yes 120 I High 1.12 36 3.11 PSA132T8HEMV yes 120/277 P Normal 0.91 30 3.03 PSA132T8HEMH yes 120/277 P High 1.18 39/38 3.03/3.11 NLO232T8PIS no 120 P High 1.03 36 2.86 SAU139Q2 no 120 P Normal 1.00 33 3.03 SLU232T8HPIS-ROHS no 120/277 P High 1.40 45 3.11 NU240T8RS-ROHS no 120 P High 1.40 41 3.41 SAU139Q2 no 120 P High 1.02 33 3.09 SLU232T8HPIS-ROHS no 120/277 I High 1.40 45 3.11 SOLA Canada Lighting & Power Inc Sola E-758-F-132SC no 120 I Normal 0.97 31 3.13 Optistart E232T8PRS120-277/L no 120/277 P Normal 0.88 29 3.03 E232T8PS120-277/N/XTRM no 120/277 P High 1.40 41 3.41 E232T8PRS120-277/N no 120/277 P Normal 0.90 29 3.10 E232T8PS120- 277/N/AS/BULK no 120/277 P Normal 0.90 29 3.10 E132T8IS120/N no 120 I Normal 0.90 28 3.21 E132T8IS120/L/BULK no 120 I Low 0.78 25 3.12 E132T8IS120/L no 120 I Low 0.78 25 3.12 Sunpark Electronics Corp.Ultralumen U-1/32PSE no 120/277 P Normal 0.88 30 2.93 TCP2P32ISUNVH yes 120/277 I High 1.37 45 3.04 E2P32ISUNVHE yes 120/277 I High 1.37 45 3.04 TCP2P32ISUNV yes 120/277 I Normal 0.99 31 3.19 E2P32ISUNVLE yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 28 3.14 E2P32ISUNVHE yes 120/277 I High 1.37 45 3.04 E2P32ISUNVE yes 120/277 I Normal 0.99 31 3.19 Topstar International Inc. T8 Electronic Ballast BB-T8/UVH-2x32/HPF no 120 I Normal 0.96 30 3.20 SR132120 no 120 P Normal 0.86 30 2.87 SR132277 no 277 P Normal 0.86 30 2.87 PR232120M-HE no 120/277 P Normal 0.97 33 2.94 UT132120M-HE no 120/277 I Normal 0.87 28 3.11 UT132120ML-HE no 120/277 I Low 0.74 24 3.08 UT232120L-HE no 120 I Normal 0.97 30 3.23 PR132120M-P-HE no 120/277 P Normal 0.88 30 2.93 PR232120M-P-HE no 120/277 P Normal 0.88 29 3.03 PR232120ML-P-HE no 120/277 P Low 0.72 24 3.00 B232PUNVEL-A yes 120/277 P Low 0.71 25/23 2.84/3.09 B232PUNVHP-A yes 120/277 P Normal 1.00 32 3.13 B232IUNVEL-A yes 120/277 I Normal 0.95 30 3.17 B232IUNVHE-A yes 120/277 I High 1.05 33 3.18 B132PUNVHP-A yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 31/30 2.84/ 2.93 B132IUNVHE-A yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 28 3.11 B132IUNVEL-A yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 25 3.08 A*-232-IP-UNV yes 277 I Normal 0.88 55 1.60 A*-232IP-H-UNV no 120/277 I High 1.18 76/75 1.55/1.57 A*-232IP-L-UNV no 120/277 I Low 0.77 48 1.60 AB2-32-IP-UNV-HE yes 120/277 I Normal 0.89 56 1.59 AB2-32-IP-UNV-1 yes 120/277 I Normal 0.89 56 1.59 AB2-32-IP-UNV-HBF yes 120/277 I High 1.18 76/75 1.55/1.57 AB2-32-IP-UNV-LX yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 48 1.60 EB232UIH yes 120/277 I High 1.18 70 1.69 EB232UI yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 55 1.58 Axis Technologies DDH AX232B no 120/277 P Normal 0.99 64/66 1.55/1.50 DXE2H8 no 120 I Normal 0.92 56 1.64 DXE2H81 no 120 I Normal 0.88 55 1.60 DXE2H8U no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 55/54 1.60/1.63 DXE2H8U-HBF no 120/277 I High 1.18 74/72 1.59/1.64 Dynamic Ballast High Efficiency DY 232 IS WV - HE no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 55 1.60 Energy Efficient Lighting Supply High Efficiency EEL-PSB-F32-2-MVOLT no 120/277 P Normal .88/.91 59 1.49/1.54 VE232MVHIPE yes 120/277 I Normal 0.89 55/54 1.62/1.65 VE232MVHIPHE yes 120/277 I High 1.19 76/75 1.57/1.59 VE232MVHRPHE yes 120/277 P High 1.18 72/71 1.64/1.66 VE232MVHRPE yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 57/56 1.54/1.57 VE232MVHIPLE yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 48/47 1.60/1.64 Apollo VE232120HIPE yes 120 I Normal 0.85 53 1.60 Sterling Series Sage Lighting Ltd Elite BallastwiseDuroPower (BallastWise) Gold Label Standard Products, Inc. - Ultrasave Lighting Ltd. American Ballast HP T8 Qualified Ballasts with 2 Lamps F32 T8 Robertson Worldwide - Espen Technology, Inc. High Efficiency - Sage Technical Consumer Products, Inc. High Efficiency Universal Lighting Technologies - Superior Life Atlas Lighting Products, Inc. P.Q.L., Inc. ACCUPRO HP 120 and 277 V T8 Ballasts Manufacturer Product Name Model Number NEMA4 Premium® Voltage (V) Ballast Type ² Ballast Factor Range Ballast Factor Input Watts (W) BEF³ WHSG3-UNV-T8-IS no 277 I High 1.02 66 1.55 WHSG3-UNV-T8-HB no 120/277 I High 1.27 81/80 1.57/1.59 WHPS2-UNV-T8-PS no 120/277 P Normal 0.88 57/56 1.54/1.57 WHHE2-UNV-T8-IS no 120/277 I Normal 0.89 55/54 1.61/1.64 WHSG2-UNV-T8-HB no 120/277 I High 1.18 74/73 1.59/1.62 WHSG3-UNV-T8-LB no 120/277 I Normal 0.92 58/57 1.59/1.61 Fusion Ballasts Electronic ballasts FB232MVE-HE no 120/277 I Normal 0.87 55 1.58 GE-232-MV-H no 120/277 I High 1.18 76 1.55 GE-232-MV-N yes 277 I Normal 0.88 55 1.60 GE-232-277-N yes 277 I Normal 0.89 56 1.59 GE-232-MV-PS-H yes 120/277 P High 1.15 75 / 74 1.53/ 1.55 GE-232-MVPS-N yes 120/277 P Normal 0.89 58 1.53 GE-232-MVPS-L yes 120/277 P Low 0.71 47 1.51 GE-232-MAX-N+yes 120/277 I Normal 1.00 62 1.61 GE-232-MAX-L-42T yes 277 I Low 0.77 48 1.60 GE-232-MAX-H-42T yes 120/277 I High 1.15 73 1.58 GE-232-MAX-H yes 120/277 I High 1.19 74/73 1.61/1.63 GE-232-MAX-L/Ultra yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 48 1.60 GE-232-MAX-N/Ultra yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 54 / 53 1.61/ 1.64 GE-232-MAX-H/Ultra yes 120/277 I High 1.15 74 / 73 1.55/ 1.58 GE-232-120-PS-N yes 120 P Normal 0.89 57 1.56 GE-232-277-PS-N yes 277 P Normal 0.89 57 1.56 Green Ballast Inc.DDH AX232B120 no 120/277 P Normal 0.99 64/66 1.55/1.50 EP232IS/MV/HE yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 55 1.58 EP232IS/L/MV/HE yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 48 1.60 EP232IS/H/MV/SL yes 120/277 I High 1.18 74 1.59 EP332IS/H/MV/SL yes 120/277 I High 1.33 83 1.60 EP232PS/MV/HE no 120/277 P Normal 0.88 60/60 1.47 EP232PS/L/MV/HE no 120/277 P Low 0.77 52/52 1.48 HL232AIS/UV/HE/W no 120/277 I Low 0.77 48 1.60 HL232BIS/UV/HE/W no 120/277 I Normal 0.87 55 1.58 HL332AIS/UV/HE/W no 120/277 I Normal 0.92 57 1.61 HL332BIS/UV/HE/W no 120/277 I High 1.02/1.01 64/63 1.59/1.60 HL332CIS/UV/HE/W no 120/277 I High 1.27 82/81 1.55/1.57 HEP Group USA, Inc. HEP HE Ballast SI2117-32 UNI no 120/277 P Normal 1.00 59 1.69 E2/32IS-120HEX no 120 I Normal 0.87 55 1.58 E2/32IS-277HEX no 277 I Normal 0.87 55 1.58 EL2/32IS-277HEX no 277 I Low 0.77 48 1.60 EPL2/32IS/MV/SC/HE no 120/277 I Low 0.77 48 1.60 EP2/32IS/MV/SC/HE no 120/277 I Normal 0.87 54/53 1.61/1.64 EPH2/32IS/MV/SC/HE no 120/277 I High 1.14 73/72 1.56/1.58 EPH3/32IS/MV/SC/HE no 277 I High 1.25 80 1.56 EP2/32IS/MV/MC/HE no 120/277 I Normal 0.89 55/54 1.62/1.65 EPL2/32IS/MV/MC/HE no 277 I Low 0.78 48 1.63 EP2/32PRS/MV/MC/HE no 120/277 P Normal 0.88 57 / 56 1.54/1.57 EPH3/32IS/MV/MC/HE no 277 I Normal 1.27 80 1.59 EPL3/32IS/MV/MC/HE no 277 I Normal 0.92 57 1.61 EPH2/32IS/MV/MC/HE no 120/277 I High 1.18 74/73 1.59/1.61 Micro Case EPH2/32IS/MV/MC no 120/277 I High 1.18 74/73 1.59/1.62 KTEB-232-UV-IS-L-P yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 48 1.60 KTEB-232-UV-IS-N-P yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 55 1.58 KTEB-232-UV-PS-N-P yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 60 1.47 KTEB-232-UV-PS-L-P yes 120/277 P Low 0.77 52 1.48 KTEB-232-UV-PS-H-P yes 120/277 P High 1.18 78 1.51 KTEB-232-UV-IS-H-P yes 120/277 I High 1.18 74/73 1.60/1.61 DB-232H-MV-TP-HE no 120/277 I High 1.18 74/73 1.59/1.62 DB-232N-MV-TP-HE no 120/277 I Normal 0.87 55 1.58 DB-232L-MV-TP-HE no 120/277 I Low 0.77 48 1.60 Maintenance Engineering Premira Electronic Ballast BPM932 no 120/277 P Normal 0.88 55 1.60 Anti- Striation SKEU322AS no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 44 2.00 SKEU322HE/SC no 120/277 I Normal 0.89 55/54 1.62/1.65 SKEU322HEH/SC no 120/277 I High 1.19 76/75 1.57/1.59 SKEU322HEL/SC no 120/277 I Low 0.77 48/47 1.60/1.64 SKEU322HEL no 120/277 I Low 0.77 48 1.60 SKEU322L/SC no 120/277 I Low 0.78 48 1.63 SKE1323 no 120 I Normal 0.96 55 1.75 SKE1324 no 120 I High 1.05 67 1.57 SKE1324L no 120 I Normal 0.94 58 1.62 SKEU322H/SC no 120/277 I High 1.18 74/73 1.59/1.61 SKEU323HER/SC yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 57/56 1.54/1.57 SKEU323HEHR/SC yes 120/277 P High 1.18 72/71 1.64/1.66 HE High Efficiency Hatch Lighting Lighting and Power Technologies Maxlite Keystone Technologies Proline Howard Industries General Electric Company - Ultramax ProLume High Efficiency Ballast Ultrastart HE Micro Case Ultrastart WorkhorseFulham Deltek HEX Electronic Premium Series Electronic Ballasts Halco Lighting Technologies HP 120 and 277 V T8 Ballasts Manufacturer Product Name Model Number NEMA4 Premium® Voltage (V) Ballast Type ² Ballast Factor Range Ballast Factor Input Watts (W) BEF³ EB-232PRS-U-ES yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 57/56 1.54/1.57 EB-232PRS-U-ES-LBF yes 120/277 P Low 0.78 52/51 1.50/1.53 EB-232PRS-U-ES-HBF yes 120/277 P High 1.18 72/71 1.64/1.66 EB-232IS-U-ES yes 120/277 I Normal 0.89 55/54 1.62/1.65 EB-232IS-U-ES-LBF yes 277 I Low 0.78 48 1.62 EB-232IS-U-ES-HBF yes 120/277 I High 1.18 74/73 1.59/1.61 U-2/32IS no 120/277 I Normal 0.95 60 1.58 U-2/32IS HO no 120/277 I High 1.25 78 1.60 FX2T17-32M NO no 120/277 P Normal 0.86 56 1.54 FL2T17-32M NO no 120/277 P Normal 0.86 56 1.54 FL2T17-32M HO no 120/277 P High 1.19 76 1.57 FX2T17-32M HO no 120/277 P High 1.19 76 1.57 Orion Energy Systems HIGH EFFICIENCY OB2-T8-32-120/277-E-IN-0.9 no 120/277 I Normal 0.89 56 1.59 QHE 2X32T8/UNV ISH-SC yes 120/277 I High 1.20 74 / 73 1.62 /1.64 QHE 2X32T8/UNV ISL-SC yes 120/277 I Low 0.78 48 1.63 QHE 2X32T8/UNV ISL-SC-1 yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 48 1.60 QHE 2X32T8/UNV ISN-SC yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 55 1.60 QHE 2X32T8/UNV ISN-SC-1 yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 55 1.58 QHE 3X32T8/UNV ISN-SC yes 277 I Normal 0.99 62 1.60 QHE 4X32T8/UNV ISN-SC yes 120/277 I High 1.06 68 1.56 QHE 2x32T8/UNV-PSH-HT yes 120/277 P High 1.15 72/70 1.60/1.64 QHE 2x32T8/UNV-PSN-MC yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 57/55 1.54/1.60 QTP 2X32T8/UNV PSN-TC yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 59 / 56 1.49/ 1.57 QTP 2X32T8/UNV PSX-TC yes 120/277 P Low 0.71 47 / 46 1.51/ 1.54 QTP 2X32T8/UNV ISN-SC yes 277 I Normal 0.88 55.6 1.58 QTP 2X32T8/UNV ISH-SC yes 277 I High 1.20 77 1.56 QHE 2x32T8/UNV ISM-SC yes 120/277 I Medium 1.00 63/62 1.61 IOP-2P32-HL-SC yes 120/277 I High 1.18 74/72 1.59/ 1.64 IOP-2S32-SC yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 56 1.57 IOP-2P32-SC @ 120V yes 120 I Normal 0.87 55 1.58 IOP-2P32-SC @ 277V yes 277 I Normal 0.87 54 1.61 IOP-2P32-LW-SC yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 48 1.60 IOP-2S32-LW-SC yes 120/277 P Low 0.71 47 1.51 IOPA-2P32-LW-SC yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 48 1.60 IOPA-2P32-SC yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 54 1.61 IOPA-2P32-HL-SC yes 120/277 I High 1.18 74/72 1.59/1.64 IOP-2PSP32-SC yes 120/277 P Normal 0.85 58 1.47 IOPANA-2P32SC no 277 I Normal 1.00 59 1.69 IOPA-2P32-N yes 120/277 I Normal .87/.89 55/56 1.58/1.59 IOP-2PSP32-LW-SC yes 120/277 P Low 0.71 46/45 1.54/1.58 IOPA-2P32-LW-N yes 277 I Low .77/.80 48/50 1.60 REL-2P32-HL-SC no 120 I High 1.20 77 1.56 VEL-2P32-HL-SC no 277 I High 1.20 77 1.56 ICN-2P32-LW-SC yes 277 I Low 0.78 48 1.63 ICN-2P32N yes 120/277 I Normal 0.89 56 1.59 70201 no 120/277 I Normal 0.87 54/53 1.61/1.64 70210 no 120/277 P Normal 0.88 54.6/54.7 1.61 70213 no 120/277 I High 1.18 73/74 1.62/1.59 SL-2/32IS-120 (70209)no 120 I Normal 0.88 56 1.60 SL-2/32IS-277 (70200)no 277 I Normal 0.88 56 1.60 ISL232T8HEMVL yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 48/47 1.60/1.64 ISA232T8HEMV yes 120/277 I Normal 0.89 55 1.62 ISA232T8HEMVH yes 120/277 I High 1.18 74/73 1.59/1.62 ISA232T8HEMVL yes 277 I Low 0.78 48 1.63 ISL232T8HEMV yes 277 I Normal 0.88 55 1.60 ISS232T8HEMVH yes 120/277 I High 1.18/1.19 75/76 1.57 ISU232T8HEMV yes 120/277 I Normal .92/.93 58 1.58/1.60 ISU232T8HEMVL yes 120/277 I Low 0.82 51 1.61 ISS332T8HEMVH yes 120/277 I High 1.33/1.34 85 1.56/1.58 ISS332T8HEMV yes 120/277 I High 1.01/1.03 64/65 1.58 PSS232T8HEMV yes 120/277 P Normal 0.93 61 1.52 PSA232T8HEMV yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 58/56 1.52/1.57 PSA232T8HEMH yes 120/277 P High 1.18 76/74 1.55/1.60 PSL232T8HEMV yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 60/59 1.47/1.49 NLO232T8PIS no 120 P Normal 0.90 58 1.55 NLU232T8PIS no 120/277 P Normal 0.90 58/59 1.55/1.53 SLU232T8HPIS-ROHS no 120/277 P High 1.18/1.20 73 1.62/1.64 NU232T8RS-ROHS no 120/277 P Normal 0.90 61 1.48 NU240T8RS-ROHS no 120 P High 1.20 75 1.60 SLU232T8HPIS-ROHS no 120/277 I High 1.18/1.20 73 1.62/1.64 SU232T8LMCIS-ROHS no 120/277 I Low 0.78 48.9 1.60 E2-32-I-UV-H no 120/277 I High 1.18/1.20 73/74 1.62 E2-32-I-UV-N no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 55 1.60 E2-32-I-UV-L no 120/277 I Low 0.77 48 1.60 E-758-F-232-HL no 120 I High 1.16 74 1.57 E-758-F-232SC no 120 I Normal 0.91 57 1.60 E-758-U-232SC no 120/277 I Normal 0.94 58.5 1.61 Quicktronic Electronic Ballast Philips - Advance SLI Lighting/Havells USA OSRAM SYLVANIA P.Q.L., Inc. Sage Lighting Ltd 2 Lamp ProductsSLI High Efficiency Ballast MW McWong International Sage Standard Robertson Worldwide Mylar Electronics Co, Ltd. SOLA Canada Lighting & Power Inc Sterling Series Optanium - Omnitronix Engineering LLC Sola Superior Life Smart Ballast Centium HP 120 and 277 V T8 Ballasts Manufacturer Product Name Model Number NEMA4 Premium® Voltage (V) Ballast Type ² Ballast Factor Range Ballast Factor Input Watts (W) BEF³ E232T8IS120/N no 120 I Normal 0.88 55 1.60 E232T8IS120/N/BULK no 120 I Normal 0.88 55 1.60 E232T8IS120/L no 120 I Low 0.78 48 1.63 E232T8PS120-277/N/XTRM no 120/277 P High 1.20 75 1.60 E232T8PS120- 277/N/AS/BULK no 120/277 P Normal 0.88 57/56 1.54/1.57 E232T8S120-277/L/AS/BULK no 120/277 P Low 0.78 52/51 1.50/1.53 E232T8PRS120-277/L no 120/277 P Low 0.71 47 1.51 E232T8PRS120-277/N no 120/277 P Normal 0.88 56/55 1.57/1.60 OptiStart E232SPR120-277L no 120/277 P Low .67/.70 42/44 1.60/1.59 U-2/32IS yes 120/277 I Normal 0.89 55.7 1.60 U-2/32IS HBF yes 120/277 I High 1.17 74.9 1.56 U-2/32ISE yes 120/277 I Normal 0.89 54 1.65 U-2/32ISE-HBF yes 120/277 I High 1.18 73 1.62 U-2/32ISE-LBF yes 120/277 I Low 0.78 48 1.63 U-2/32PSE yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 56 1.57 U-2/32PSE-HBF yes 120/277 P High 1.15 71.6 1.61 Superior Lamps, Inc. Heavy Duty Electronic Ballast BPS932 no 120/277 P Normal 0.88 55 1.60 SwitchGenie, LLC.SwitchGenie SG232 no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 54 1.63 E32IS32120H no 120 I High 1.22 77 1.58 E32IS32277H no 277 I High 1.22 78 1.57 E432IS32120N no 120 I Normal 0.89 55.9 1.59 E432IS32277N no 277 I Normal 0.99 63 1.58 E432IS32120L no 120 I Low 0.79 49 1.60 E432IS32120U no 120 I Low 0.72 44 1.62 TCP2P32ISUNVLE yes 277 I Low 0.78 48 1.63 TCP2P32ISUNVE yes 120/277 I Normal 0.89 55/54 1.62/1.65 TCP2P32ISUNVHE yes 120/277 I High 1.18 74/73 1.60/1.62 TCP2P321SUNVH yes 120/277 I High 1.18 73/72 1.61/1.64 E2P32ISUNVHE yes 120/277 I High 1.18 73/72 1.61/1.64 TCP2P32ISUNV yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 54/53 1.63/1.66 E2P32ISUNVE yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 54/53 1.63/1.66 TCP2P32ISUNVL yes 120/277 I Low 0.78 48 1.63 E2P32ISUNVLE yes 120/277 I Low 0.78 48 1.63 E3P32ISUNVE yes 120/277 I Normal 0.99 62 1.60 E3P32ISUNVHE yes 120/277 I High 1.27 82/81 1.55/1.57 APC 402 U no 120/277 P Normal 0.95 61 1.56 APC 402 U no 120/277 P High 1.10 68 1.62 SR232120 no 120 P Normal 0.88 55 1.60 SR232277 no 277 P Low 0.85 53 1.60 UT232120MH no 120/277 I High 1.18 75 1.57 UT232120M-HE no 120/277 I Normal 0.87 55 1.58 UT332120M-HE no 120/277 I Normal 1.00 63 1.59 PR232120M-HE no 120/277 P Normal 0.93 62 1.50 UT232120ML-HE no 120/277 I Low 0.77 48 1.60 UT332120MH-HE no 120/277 I High 1.26 81 1.56 PR232120M-P-HE no 120/277 P Normal 0.87 56 1.55 PR232120ML-P-HE no 120/277 P Low 0.70 46 1.52 PR232120M-PP-HE no 120/277 P Normal 0.91 61 1.49 B332I277HE yes 277 I High 1.01 61 1.66 B232IUNV104-A yes 120/277 I High 1.04 65/64 1.60/1.63 B232PUNVHE-A yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 56/55 1.57/1.60 B232PUNVEL-A yes 120/277 P Low 0.71 47/46 1.51/1.54 B332PUNVHP-A yes 120/277 P Normal 0.99 64 / 63 1.55/1.57 B232IUNVHP-B yes 277 I Normal 0.88 55 1.60 B332I120HE yes 120 I Normal 0.96 60 1.60 B332I120L-A yes 120 I Normal 0.92 58 1.59 B332IUNVEL-A yes 277 I Normal 0.89 56 1.59 B232PUNVHP-A yes 277 P Normal 0.88 60 1.47 B232I120HE yes 120 I Normal 0.87 54 1.61 B232I277HE yes 277 I Normal 0.87 53 1.64 B232IUNVHE-A yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 55 / 54 1.58/1.61 B332I277EL yes 277 I Normal 0.87 55 1.58 B332I120EL yes 120 I Normal 0.86 53 1.62 B232I120EL yes 120 I Low 0.77 47 1.64 B232I2770EL yes 277 I Low 0.77 47 1.64 B232IUNVEL-A yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 48 1.60 B232IUNVHEH-A yes 120/277 I High 1.18 74/73 1.59/1.61 B232PUNVEL-A yes 120/277 P Low 0.71 47/46 1.51/1.54 B232PUNVEL-B no 120/277 P Low 0.71 46/44 1.54/1.61 B232PUNVHE-A yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 56/55 1.57/1.60 B232PUNVHE-B no 120/277 P Normal 0.88 55/54 1.60/1.63 Triad B232IUNV104-A yes 120/277 I High 1.04 65/64 1.60/1.63 HP T8 Qualified Ballasts with 3 Lamps A*-332-IP-UNV yes 277 I Normal 0.88 83 1.06 A*-332IP-H-UNV no 120/277 I High 1.18 112/109 1.05/1.08 A*-332IP-L-UNV no 120/277 I Low 0.77 73 1.05 Technical Consumer Products, Inc. Sunpark Electronics Corp. ACCUPRO Universal Lighting Technologies TransPower Company Ultra Lumen E432 Energy Saving Ballast F32 T8 Ultim8 HiLumen High Efficiency Standard Products, Inc. - Ultrasave Lighting Ltd. - Gold Label E32 HP 120 and 277 V T8 Ballasts Manufacturer Product Name Model Number NEMA4 Premium® Voltage (V) Ballast Type ² Ballast Factor Range Ballast Factor Input Watts (W) BEF³ AB3-32-IP-UNV-HE yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 83 1.06 AB3-32-IP-UNV-1 yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 83 1.06 AB3-32-IP-UNV-HBF yes 120/277 I High 1.18 112/109 1.05/1.08 AB3-32-IP-UNV-LX yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 73 1.05 EB332UIH yes 120/277 I High 1.18 108/106 1.09/1.11 EB332UI yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 83 1.05 DXE3H8 no 120 I Normal 0.92 83 1.11 DXE3H81 no 120 I Normal 0.88 82 1.07 DXE3H8U no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 83/82 1.06/1.07 DXE3H8U-HBF no 120/277 I High 1.18 109/107 1.08/1.10 Dynamic Ballast High Efficiency DY 332 IS WV - HE no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 83 1.06 Energy Efficient Lighting Supply High Efficiency EEL-ISB-F32-3-MVOLT no 120/277 I Normal .94/.96 89/91 1.06/1.05 VE332120HIP yes 120 I Normal 0.88 84 1.05 VE332120HIPH yes 120 I High 1.18 109 1.08 VE432120HIPE yes 120 I Normal 1.00 94 1.06 VE332MVHIPLE yes 277 I Low 0.78 74 1.05 VE332MVHIPE yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 84/83 1.05/1.06 VE332MVHIPHE yes 120/277 I High 1.17 110/108 1.06/1.08 VE332MVHIPH yes 120/277 I High 1.18 109/107 1.08/1.10 VE332MVHRPE yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 87/85 1.01/1.03 VE332MVHRPHE yes 120/277 P High 1.18 113/110 1.04/1.07 WHSG3-UNV-T8-IS no 277 I Normal 0.88 83 1.06 WHCG4-120-T8-IS no 120 I Normal 0.99 91 1.09 WHSG3-UNV-T8-HB no 120/277 I High 1.18 109/107 1.08/1.10 WHSG3-UNV-T8-LB no 277 I Low 0.78 74 1.05 WHSG4-UNV-T8-HB no 120/277 I High 1.19 115/112 1.04/1.06 WHSG4-UNV-T8-IS no 277 I Normal 0.96 89 1.08 FB432MVE no 120/277 I Normal 0.99 92 1.08 FB432MVE-HE no 120/277 I Normal 0.96 88 1.09 Proline GE-332-277-N yes 277 I Normal 0.88 84 1.05 GE-332-MV-L yes 120/277 I Low 0.78 74/73 1.07 GE-332-MV-N yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 81/80 1.09 GE-332-MV-H yes 120/277 I High 1.15 113/110 1.05 GE-332-MAX-N+yes 120/277 I Normal 1.00 91/90 1.10/1.11 GE-332-MAX-N-42T yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 82/80 1.06/1.09 GE-332-MAX-L-42T yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 72/71 1.07/1.08 GE-332-MAX-H-42T yes 120/277 I High 1.18 106/104 1.11/1.13 GE-332-MAX-H/Ultra yes 120/277 I High 1.18 1.06/1.04 1.11/1.13 GE-332-MAX-L/Ultra yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 72/71 1.07/1.08 GE-332-MAX-N/Ultra yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 82 / 80 1.06/1.09 GE-332-MVPS-L yes 120/277 P Low 0.71 68 1.04 GE-332-MVPS-N yes 120/277 P Normal 0.89 84 1.06 GE-332-MV-PS-H yes 120/277 P High 1.15 110/108 1.04/1.06 GE-332-120-PS-N yes 120 P Normal 0.89 84 1.06 GE-332-277-PS-N yes 277 P Normal 0.89 85 1.05 EP332IS/L/MV/HE yes 120/277 I Low .78/.77 75/74 1.04 EP332IS/MV/HE yes 120/277 I Normal .87/.88 83/81 1.05/1.09 EP332IS/H/MV/SL yes 120/277 I High 1.18 108 1.09 EP432IS/L/MV/HE yes 120/277 I Normal .87/.86 81/78 1.07/1.10 EP432IS/MV/HE yes 120/277 I Normal .94/.95 89/88 1.06/1.08 EP432IS/L/MV/SL yes 120/277 I Low 0.84 79 1.06 EP432PS/L/MV/HE no 120/277 P Low .78/.79 78 1/1.01 HL432AIS/UV/HE/W no 120/277 I Normal .87/.86 81/78 1.07/1.10 HL432BIS/UV/HE/W no 120/277 I Normal .94/.95 89/88 1.06/1.08 HL332AIS/UV/HE/W no 120/277 I Normal .78/.77 75/74 1.04 HL332BIS/UV/HE/W no 120/277 I High .87/.88 83/81 1.05/1.09 HL332CIS/UV/HE/W no 120/277 I High 1.18 111/108 1.06/1.09 E3/32IS-277 HEX no 277 I Normal 0.87 83 1.05 E3/32IS-120 HEX no 120 I Normal 0.87 83 1.05 EL3/32IS-120 HEX no 120 I Low 0.77 73 1.05 EL3/32IS/MV/SC/HE no 277 I Low 0.75 71 1.06 EL3/32IS-277 HEX no 277 I Low 0.77 73 1.05 EP3/32IS/MV/SC/HE no 120/277 I Normal 0.87 82/80 1.06/1.09 EPH3/32IS/MV/SC/HE no 120/277 I High 1.15 110/107 1.05/1.07 EPL4/32IS/MV/SC/HE no 120/277 I Low 0.84 80 / 79 1.05/1.06 EPL3/32IS/MV/SC/HE no 120/277 I Low 0.75 72/71 1.04/1.06 EP4/32IS/MV/SC/HE no 277 I Normal 0.92 88 1.05 EP3/32IS/MV/MC no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 84/83 1.05/1.06 EPL3/32IS/MV/MC no 120/277 I Low 0.78 75/74 1.04/1.05 EPH3/32IS/MV/MC no 120/277 I High 1.18 109/107 1.08/1.10 EP3/32IS/MV/MC/HE no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 84/83 1.05/1.06 EP4/32IS/MV/MC/HE no 277 I Normal 0.96 89 1.08 EPH3/32IS/MV/MC/HE no 120/277 I High 1.18 109/107 1.08/1.10 EPL3/32IS/MV/MC/HE no 120/277 I Low 0.78 75/74 1.04/1.05 HE High Efficiency General Electric Company Fusion Ballasts HE Micro Case Atlas Lighting Products, Inc. Hatch Lighting Espen Technology, Inc. DuroPower (BallastWise) HEX Electronic Hatch - Elite Micro Case Ultrastart Ballastwise WorkhorseFulham - Ultramax American Ballast High Efficiency Howard Industries Electronic ballasts ProLumeHalco Lighting Technologies Apollo HP 120 and 277 V T8 Ballasts Manufacturer Product Name Model Number NEMA4 Premium® Voltage (V) Ballast Type ² Ballast Factor Range Ballast Factor Input Watts (W) BEF³ Jefferson Electric Jefferson 401-4320-UNV no 277 I Normal 0.94 89 1.06 KTEB-332EBF-UV-TP-PIC no 120/277 I Low 0.77 74 1.04 KTEB-332HBF-UV-TP-PIC no 120/277 I High 1.18 108 1.09 KTEB-332-UV-IS-L-P yes 120/277 I Low .78/.77 75/74 1.04 KTEB-332-UV-IS-N-P yes 120/277 I Normal .87/.88 83/81 1.05/1.09 KTEB-332-UV-PS-N-P yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 88 1.00 KTEB-332-UV-PS-L-P yes 120/277 P Low 0.77 79 0.97 KTEB-332-UV-PS-H-P yes 120/277 P High 1.18 114 1.04 KTEB-332-UV-IS-H-P yes 120/277 I High 1.18 111/108 1.06/1.09 DB-332H-MV-TP-HE no 120/277 I High 1.18 111/108 1.06/1.09 DB-332N-MV-TP-HE no 120/277 I Normal .87/.88 83/81 1.05/1.09 DB-332L-MV-TP-HE no 120/277 I Low .78/.77 75/74 1.04 Maintenance Engineering Premira Electronic Ballast BPM933 no 120/277 P Normal 0.88 81 1.09 SKEU324HE no 120/277 I Normal 0.96 89 1.08 SKEU324HEL no 120/277 I Normal 0.86 80 1.08 SKEU323HEL/SC no 120 I Low 0.78 74 1.05 SKEU323HE/SC no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 84/83 1.05/1.06 SKEU323HEH/SC no 120/277 I High 1.17 110/108 1.06/1.08 SKE1323/SC no 120 I Normal 0.88 84 1.05 SKE1323H/SC no 120 I High 1.18 109 1.08 SKEU323H/SC no 120/277 I High 1.18 109/107 1.08/1.10 SKEU323L/SC no 277 I Low 0.78 74 1.05 SKEU323/SC no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 85 1.04 SKE1323 no 120 I Normal 0.88 75 1.17 SKE1324 no 120 I Normal 0.96 91 1.06 SKE1324L no 120 I Low 0.85 77 1.10 SKEU1324L no 120 I Low 0.84 77 1.09 SKEU323HER/SC yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 87/85 1.01/1.04 SKEU323HEHR/SC yes 120/277 P High 1.18 113/110 1.04/1.07 EB-332PRS-U-ES yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 87/85 1.01/1.03 EB-332IS-U-ES yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 84/83 1.05/1.06 EB-332IS-U-ES-LBF yes 277 I Low 0.78 74 1.05 EB-332IS-U-ES-HBF yes 120/277 I High 1.18 108/106 1.09/1.11 U-3/32IS no 120/277 I Normal 0.95 88 1.08 U-3/32IS HO no 120/277 I High 1.15 104 1.11 QHE 3X32T8/UNV ISH-SC yes 120/277 I High 1.18 111/109 1.06/1.08 QHE 3x32T8/UNV-PSH-HT yes 120/277 P High 1.15 110/108 1.05/1.07 QHE 3X32T8/UNV ISL-SC yes 120/277 I Low 0.78 73/72 1.08 QHE 3X32T8/UNV ISL-SC1 yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 73 1.05 QHE 3X32T8/UNV ISN-SC yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 83 / 82 1.06/1.07 QHE 3X32T8/UNVISN-SC1 yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 82/81 1.06/1.07 QHE 4X32T8/UNV ISL-SC yes 120/277 I Low 0.85 80 1.06 QHE 4X32T8/UNV ISN-SC yes 120/277 I Normal 0.96 90/89 1.07/1.08 QHE 3X32T8/UNV PSN-SC yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 83/82 1.06/1.07 QTP 3X32T8/UNV PSN-SC yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 88 / 85 1/1.04 QTP 3X32T8/UNV PSX-SC yes 120/277 P Low 0.71 73/71 .97/1.00 QTP 3X32T8/UNV ISH-SC yes 120/277 I High 1.18 114/111 1.04/1.06 QTP 3X32T8/UNV ISN-SC yes 277 I Normal 0.88 84 1.05 QTP 3X32T8/UNV ISL-SC yes 277 I Low 0.78 75 1.04 QHE 3x32T8/UNV ISM-SC yes 120/277 I Medium 0.98 90/89 1.10 ICN-3P32-SC yes 277 I Normal 0.88 84 1.05 ICN-3P32-LW-SC yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 73 1.05 IOP-3P32-HL-90C-SC yes 120/277 I High 1.18 110/107 1.07/1.10 IOP-3S32-SC yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 83 1.06 IOP-3P32-SC @ 120V yes 120 I Normal 0.87 82 1.06 IOP-3P32-SC @ 277V yes 277 I Normal 0.87 80 1.09 IOP-3P32-LW-SC @ 120V yes 120 I Low 0.77 73 1.05 IOP-3P32-LW-SC @ 277V yes 277 I Low 0.77 71 1.08 IOP-3S32-LW-SC yes 120/277 P Low 0.71 72 0.99 IOPA-3P32 LW-SC yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 73/71 1.05/1.08 IOPA-3P32-SC yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 82/80 1.06/1.09 IOPA-3P32-HL-SC yes 120/277 I High 1.18 110/107 1.07/1.10 IOP-3PSP32-SC yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 84/85 1.05/1.04 IOPA-4P32-HL yes 120/277 I High 1.29 122/120 1.06/1.08 70204 no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 84/83 1.05/1.06 70205 no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 84/83 1.05/1.06 70208 no 120/277 I Normal 0.88/0.90 83 / 86 1.06/1.05 70211 no 120/277 P Normal 0.94/0.96 89 / 91 1.06/1.05 70214 no 120/277 I High 1.28/1.31 109/111 1.17/1.18 70220 no 120/277 I Normal 0.85 76 / 77 1.12/1.10 SL-3/32IS-120 (70212)no 120 I Normal 0.88 84 1.05 SL-3/32IS-277 (70203)no 277 I Normal 0.88 84 1.05 Mylar Electronics Co, Ltd. High Efficiency Ballast Maxlite Keystone Technologies 3 Lamp ProductsSuperior Life High Efficiency OSRAM SYLVANIA Lighting and Power Technologies Deltek Philips - Advance P.Q.L., Inc. Electronic Ballast Optanium Quicktronic Centium MW McWong International Electronic Ballast High Efficiency Ballast Premium Series HP 120 and 277 V T8 Ballasts Manufacturer Product Name Model Number NEMA4 Premium® Voltage (V) Ballast Type ² Ballast Factor Range Ballast Factor Input Watts (W) BEF³ ISA332T8HEMV yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 84/83 1.05/1.06 ISA332T8HEMVH yes 120/277 I High 1.18 108/106 1.09/1.11 ISA332T8HEMVL yes 277 I Low 0.78 74 1.05 ISL332T8HEMVL yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 73/72 1.05/1.07 ISL332T8HEMV yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 83/81 1.06/1.09 ISS332T8HEMVL yes 120/277 I Low .80/.81 76/77 1.05 ISS332T8HEMVH yes 120/277 I High 1.16/1.17 110/111 1.05 ISS332T8HEMV yes 120/277 I Normal 0.92 85/86 1.08/1.07 ISS432T8HEMVL yes 120/277 I Low .84/.85 80 1.05/1.06 ISS432T8HEMV yes 120/277 I Normal 0.97 90/91 1.08/1.07 - PSL432T8HEMV yes 277 P Normal .98/.99 95 1.03/1.04 SAU440IS-ROHS no 120 P Normal 0.91 89 1.02 SAU440HPIS-ROHS no 120/277 I High 1.43 117 1.22 E3-32-I-UV-L no 120/277 I Low 0.78 73 1.07 E3-32-I-UV-N no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 83 1.06 E3-32-I-UV-H no 120/277 I High 1.18 104 1.13 SOLA Canada Lighting & Power Inc Sola E-758-F-332 no 120 I Normal 0.86 82 1.05 E332T8IS120/N no 120 I Normal 0.90 83 1.08 E332T8IS120/L no 120 I Low 0.78 73 1.07 E332T8IS120/L/BULK no 120 I Low 0.78 73 1.07 E332T8IS120/L/90C/BULK no 120 I Low 0.77 73 1.05 E432T8IS120/L no 120 I Low 0.85 80 1.06 E432T8IS120/N no 120 I Normal 0.97 88 1.10 E432T8IS120/N/BULK no 120 I Normal 1.00 93 1.08 E432T8IS120-277/N no 120/277 I Normal 0.94 89 1.06 E432T8IS120/L/BULK no 120 I Low 0.85 80 1.06 E432T8IS120/H no 120 I High 1.15 109 1.06 E432T8IS120/H/90C no 120 I High 1.15 109 1.06 E432T8PS120- 277/L/AS/BULK no 120/277 P Low 0.76 78 0.97 E432T8PS120- 277/N/AS/BULK no 120/277 P Normal 0.94/0.96 89/91 1.06/1.05 E432T8PRS120-277/N no 120/277 P Normal 0.94 89 1.06 E432T8PRS120-277/L no 120/277 P Normal 0.87 78 1.12 U-3/32IS HPF yes 120/277 I Normal 0.89 82.9 1.07 U-3/32IS HBF yes 120/277 I High 1.17 109.8 1.07 U-3/32ISE yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 83 1.06 U-3/32ISE-HBF yes 120/277 I High 1.18 106 1.11 U-3/32ISE-LBF yes 120/277 I Low 0.78 74 1.05 U-3/32PSE no 120/277 P Normal 0.88 85 1.04 U-3/32PSE-HBF no 120/277 P High 1.18 110 1.07 U-332PS3 no 277 P Normal 1.00 100 1.00 U-332PS3-HBF no 120/277 P High 1.15 115/111 1.00/1.04 Superior Lamps, Inc. Heavy Duty Electronic Ballast BPS933 no 120/277 P Normal 0.88 81 1.09 SwitchGenie, LLC.SwitchGenie SG332 no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 81 1.09 E32IS32120H no 120 I High 1.20 114 1.05 E32IS32277H no 277 I High 1.18 112 1.06 E432IS32120N no 120 I Normal 0.87 80 1.08 E432IS32277N no 277 I Normal 0.95 89 1.07 E432IS32120L no 120 I Low 0.84 78 1.07 E432IS32120U no 120 I Low 0.77 72 1.07 E432IS32277L no 277 I Low 0.82 77 1.07 E432IS32277U no 277 I Low 0.77 71 1.08 TCP3P32ISUNVLE yes 277 I Low 0.78 74 1.05 TCP3P2ISUNVE yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 84/83 1.05/1.06 TCP3P32ISUNVHE yes 120/277 I High 1.18 108/106 1.09/1.11 TCP3P32ISUNVH yes 120/277 I High 1.18 109/107 1.08/1.10 E3P32ISUNVHE yes 120/277 I High 1.18 109/107 1.08/1.10 TCP3P32ISUNV yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 84/83 1.05/1.06 E3P32ISUNVE yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 84/83 1.05/1.06 TCP3P32ISUNVL yes 120/277 I Low 0.78 75/74 1.04/1.05 E3P32ISUNVLE yes 120/277 I Low 0.78 75/74 1.04/1.05 E4P32ISUNVLE yes 120/277 I Normal 0.86 78/77 1.10/1.12 E4P32ISUNVE yes 120/277 I Normal 0.94 89 1.06 E4P32ISUNVHE yes 120/277 I High 1.27 122/120 1.04/1.06 BB-T8/UVH-4x32/HPF no 120 I Normal 0.90 84 1.07 BB-T8/UVH-3x32/HPF no 120 I Normal 0.86 81 1.06 UT332120 no 120 I Normal 0.89 83 1.07 UT332120M no 120/277 I Normal 0.89 83 1.07 UT332120MH no 120/277 I High 1.18 110 1.07 UT432120 no 120 I Normal 1.00 93 1.08 UT432120M no 120/277 I Normal 1.00 93 1.08 eT432120M no 120/277 I Normal 0.99 92 1.08 GTL432120 no 120 I Normal 0.91 86 1.06 UT432120L no 120 I Low 0.82 78 1.05 UT432120M-HE no 120/277 I Normal 0.96 88 1.09 UT332120M-HE no 120/277 I Normal 0.87 82 1.06 UT332120MH-HE no 120/277 I High 1.13 108 1.05 UT332120ML-HE no 120/277 I Low 0.76 73 1.04 PR432120M-PP-HE no 120/277 P Normal 0.95 89 1.07 T8 Electronic Ballast - Standard Products, Inc. Optistart E432 E32 Technical Consumer Products, Inc. Topstar International Inc. - HiLumen SLI Lighting/Havells USA Sage Lighting Ltd Ultra Lumen Ultrasave Lighting Ltd. Sunpark Electronics Corp. Sage Sterling Series SLI Robertson Worldwide Gold Label HP 120 and 277 V T8 Ballasts Manufacturer Product Name Model Number NEMA4 Premium® Voltage (V) Ballast Type ² Ballast Factor Range Ballast Factor Input Watts (W) BEF³ B332I120RHH yes 120 I High 1.18 113 1.04 B332I277RHH yes 277 I High 1.18 113 1.04 B332I277RHU-A yes 277 I High 1.08 102 1.06 B432I277HEH yes 277 I High 1.28 119 1.08 B332IUNVHP-A yes 277 I Normal 0.88 83 1.06 B332I120HE yes 120 I Normal 0.87 80 1.09 B332I277HE yes 277 I Normal 0.87 79 1.10 B432I120HE yes 120 I Normal 0.96 88 1.09 B432I277HE yes 277 I Normal 0.96 89 1.08 B332IUNVHE-A yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 83 / 81 1.05/1.07 B432I120EL yes 120 I Low 0.84 79 1.06 B332IUNVHEH-A yes 120/277 I High 1.18 111/108 1.06/1.09 B332PUNVEL-A no 120/277 P Low 0.71 70/69 1.01/1.03 B332PUNVHE-A no 120/277 P Normal 0.88 84/82 1.05/1.07 B432PUNVHP-A yes 120/277 P Normal 0.93 92/90 1.01/1.03 B432IUNVHP-A yes 277 I Normal 0.94 89 1.06 B432IUNVHE-A yes 120/277 I Normal 0.96 84/82 1.14/1.17 B432I277EL yes 277 I Normal 0.87 76 1.14 B432I120EL yes 120 I Normal 0.85 73 1.16 B332I120EL yes 120 I Low 0.77 70 1.10 B332IUNVEL-A yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 74 / 73 1.04/1.05 ES1720B yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 80/82 1.09/1.06 A*-432-IP-UNV yes 277 I Normal 0.88 108 0.81 A*-432IP-H-UNV no 120/277 I High 1.18 147/144 .80/.82 A*-432IP-L-UNV no 120/277 I Low 0.77 96 0.80 AB4-32-IP-UNV-HE yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 109 0.81 AB4-32-IP-UNV-1 yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 109 0.81 AB4-32-IP-UNV-HBF yes 120/277 I High 1.18 147/144 .80/.82 AB4-32-IP-UNV-LX yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 96 0.80 EB432UIH yes 120/277 I High 1.18 140/134 .86/.90 EB432UI yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 109 0.80 DXE4H8 no 120 I Normal 0.92 111 0.83 DXE4H81 no 120 I Normal 0.88 108 0.81 DXE4H8U no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 109/107 .81/.82 Dynamic Ballast High Efficiency DY 432 IS WV - HE no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 106 0.83 Energy Efficient Lighting Supply High Efficiency EEL-ISB-F32-4-MVOLT no 120/277 I Normal .87/.88 106/108 .82/.81 VE432MVHIPL yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 98/96 0.79/0.80 VE432MVHIPE yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 110/108 0.80/0.81 VE432MVHIPHE yes 120/277 I High 1.16 145/144 0.80/0.81 VE432MVHIPH yes 120/277 I High 1.16 145 0.80 VE432MVHIPLE yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 98/96 0.79/0.80 Apollo VE432120HIPE yes 120 I Normal 0.88 110 0.80 WHSG4-UNV-T8-IS no 120 I Normal 0.88 108 0.81 WHSG4-UNV-T8-IS no 277 I Normal 0.92 112 0.82 WHCG4-277-T8-IS no 277 I Normal 0.89 110 0.81 WHSG4-UNV-T8-LB no 120/277 I Low .79/.80 98/96 .81/.83 WHSG4-UNV-T8-HB no 120/277 I High 1.16 145/144 .80/.81 FB432MVE no 120/277 I Normal 0.87 108 0.81 FB432MVE-HE no 120/277 I Normal 0.86 106 0.81 GE-432-MV-L yes 120/277 I Low 0.80 100/98 .80/.82 GE-432-MV-N yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 110 0.80 GE-432-MV-H yes 120/277 I High 1.18 146/143 .81/.83 GE-432-MAX-H/Ultra yes 120/277 I High 1.18 148/145 .80/.81 GE-432-MAX-N/Ultra yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 108/106 .81/.82 GE-432-MAX-L/Ultra yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 97/95 .79/.81 GE-432-MAX-N+yes 120/277 I Normal 1.00 121 0.83 GE-432-MAX-N-42T yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 108/106 .81/.82 GE-432-MAX-L-42T yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 97/95 .79/.81 GE-432-MAX-H-42T yes 120/277 I High 1.15 148/145 .80/.81 GE-432-277-PS-N yes 277 I Normal 0.88 110 0.80 GE-432-120-PS-N yes 120 P Normal 0.89 112 0.79 GE-432-MVPS-N yes 120/277 P Normal 0.89 114/112 .78/.79 GE-432-MVPS-L yes 120/277 P Low 0.71 88 0.81 GE-432-MVPS-H yes 120/277 P High 1.16 144 0.81 GE-432-277-N yes 277 I Normal 0.88 110 0.80 EP432IS/L/MV/HE yes 120/277 I Low .78/.77 98/96 0.80 EP432IS/MV/HE yes 120/277 I Normal .88/.87 110/106 .80/.82 EP432IS/L/MV/SL yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 96 0.80 EP432PS/MV/HE no 120/277 P Normal 0.86 114 0.75 EP432PS/L/MV/HE no 120/277 P Low 0.74 97 0.76 HL432AIS/UV/HE/W no 120/277 I Normal .78/.77 98/96 .80/.80 HL432BIS/UV/HE/W no 120/277 I Normal .88/.87 110/106 .80/.82 Universal Lighting Technologies F32 T8 Ultim8 Ultrastart High Efficiency Workhorse General Electric Company DuroPower (BallastWise) Atlas Lighting Products, Inc. - ACCUPRO American Ballast Electronic ballasts Fulham Espen Technology, Inc. Fusion Ballasts Proline Ultramax High Efficiency Elite Ballastwise Hatch Lighting Hatch HP T8 Qualified Ballasts with 4 Lamps ProLumeHalco Lighting Technologies HP 120 and 277 V T8 Ballasts Manufacturer Product Name Model Number NEMA4 Premium® Voltage (V) Ballast Type ² Ballast Factor Range Ballast Factor Input Watts (W) BEF³ E4/32IS-120HEX no 120 I Normal 0.87 109 0.80 E4/32IS/-277HEX no 277 I Normal 0.87 109 0.80 EL4/32IS-120HEX no 120 I Low 0.77 98 0.79 EL4/32IS-277HEX no 277 I Low 0.77 96 0.80 EPL4/32IS/MV/SC/HE no 120/277 I Low 0.75 95 / 94 0.80 EL4/32IS/MV/SC/HE no 277 I Low 0.75 94 0.80 EP4/32IS/MV/SC/HE no 120/277 I Normal 0.87 109/107 .80/.81 EP4/32IS/MV/MC no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 110/108 .80/.81 EPL4/32IS/MV/MC no 120/277 I Low 0.77 98/96 .79/.80 EP4/32IS/MV/MC/HE no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 110/108 .80/.82 EPL4/32IS/MV/MC/HE no 120/277 I Low 0.77 98/96 .79/.80 Small Case EPH4/32IS/MV/SC no 120/277 I High 1.16 145/144 .80/.81 Jefferson Electric Jefferson 401-4320-UNV no 277 I Normal 0.88 108 0.81 High Efficiency KTEB-432EBF-UV-TP-PIC no 120/277 I Low 0.77 96 0.80 KTEB-432-UV-IS-L-P yes 120/277 I Low .78/.77 98/96 0.80 KTEB-432-UV-IS-N-P yes 120/277 I Normal .88/.87 110/106 .80/.82 KTEB-432-UV-PS-N-P yes 120/277 P Normal 0.87 114 0.76 KTEB-432-UV-PS-L-P yes 120/277 P Low 0.74 97 0.76 KTEB-432-1-IS-N-P yes 120 I Normal 0.88 108 0.81 DB-432L-MV-TP-HE no 120/277 I Low .78/.77 98/96 0.80 DB-432N-MV-TP-HE no 120/277 I Normal .88/.87 110/106 .80/.82 Maintenance Engineering Premira Electronic Ballast BPM934 no 120/277 P Normal 0.87 110 0.79 Anti- Striation SKEU324AS no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 88 1.00 SKEU324L/SC no 120/277 I Low 0.77 98/96 .79/.80 SKEU324/SC no 277 I Normal 0.88 108 0.82 SKEU324H/SC no 120/277 I High 1.16 145 0.80 SKEU324HE no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 109 0.81 SKEU324HEH/SC no 120/277 I High 1.16 145/144 0.80 SKEU324HEL/SC no 120/277 I Low 0.77 98/96 .79/.80 SKEU324HE/SC no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 110/108 .80/.82 SKEU324HEL no 120/277 I Low 0.77 95 0.81 EB-432IS-U-ES yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 110/108 .80/.81 EB-432IS-U-ES-LBF yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 98/96 .79/.80 EB-432IS-U-ES-HBF yes 120/277 I High 1.16 145/144 .80/.81 Mylar Electronics Co, Ltd. High Efficiency Ballast U-4/32IS no 120/277 I Normal 0.90 110 0.82 QHE4x32T8/UNV ISH yes 120/277 I High 1.15 144/141 0.80/0.82 QHE4x32T8/277 ISH no 277 I High 1.15 148 0.78 QHE 4X32T8/UNV ISL-SC yes 120/277 I Low 0.78 95 0.82 QHE 4X32T8/UNV ISL-SC-1 yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 96 0.80 QHE 4X32T8/UNV ISN-SC yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 108/107 0.81/0.82 QHE 4X32T8/UNV ISN-SC-1 yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 109/107 .80/.81 QHE 4x32T8/UNV-PSH-HT yes 120/277 P High 1.15 143/141 .80/.82 QHE 4x32T8/UNV-PSN-SC yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 111/108 .79/.81 QTP 4X32T8/UNV PSN-SC yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 118/113 .75/.78 QTP 4X32T8/UNV PSX-SC yes 120/277 P Low 0.71 93/91 .76/.78 QTP 4X32T8/UNV ISL-SC yes 120/277 I Low 0.78 98 0.80 QTP 4X32T8/UNV ISN-SC yes 277 I Normal 0.88 110 0.80 QHE 4x32T8/UNV ISM-SC yes 120/277 I Medium 0.98 122/120 0.80/0.82 ICN-4P32-LW-SC yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 95 0.81 ICN-4P32-SC yes 120/277 I Normal 0.89 111 0.80 ICN-4P32-N yes 120/277 I Normal 0.89 111 0.80 IOP-4P32-HL-90C-G yes 120/277 I High 1.18 148/144 0.80/0.82 IOP-4S32-SC yes 120/277 P Normal 0.88 109 0.81 IOP-4P32-SC @ 120V yes 120 I Normal 0.87 108 0.81 IOP-4P32-SC @ 277V yes 277 I Normal 0.87 106 0.82 IOP-4P32-LW-SC @120V yes 120 I Low 0.77 97 0.79 IOP-4P32-LW-SC @277V yes 277 I Low 0.77 95 0.81 IOP-4S32-LW-SC yes 120/277 P Low 0.71 92 0.77 IOPA-4P32-LW-SC yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 94 0.82 IOPA-4P32-SC yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 106 0.82 IOP-4PSP32-SC no 120/277 P Normal 0.88 109/110 .81/.80 IOPA-4P32-HL yes 120/277 I High 1.18 152/148 .78/.80 70204 no 120/277 I Normal 0.87 109/107 .80/.81 70205 no 120 I Normal 0.87 109/107 .80/.81 70211 no 120/277 P Normal 0.87/0.88 106/104 .82/.85 70214 no 120/277 I High 1.20 140/134 .86/.90 70220 no 120/277 I Low 0.78 95 / 96 .82/.81 SL-4/32IS-120 (70212)no 120 I Normal 0.88 110 0.80 SL-4/32IS-277 (70203)no 277 I Normal 0.88 110 0.80 Lighting and Power Technologies Deltek Electronic Ballast High Efficiency Ballast HE High Efficiency Premium Series Electronic Ballasts Maxlite Keystone Technologies OSRAM SYLVANIA Philips - Advance Superior Life Optanium Quicktronic Centium Micro Case Howard Industries HEX Electronic P.Q.L., Inc. MW McWong International 4 Lamp Products HP 120 and 277 V T8 Ballasts Manufacturer Product Name Model Number NEMA4 Premium® Voltage (V) Ballast Type ² Ballast Factor Range Ballast Factor Input Watts (W) BEF³ ISA432T8HEMV yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 110/108 .80/.82 ISA432T8HEMVL yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 98/96 .79/.80 ISL432T8HEMVL yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 95/94 0.81/0.82 ISL432T8HEMV yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 110/108 0.80/0.81 ISS432T8HEMVL yes 120/277 I Low 0.79 98 0.81 ISS432T8HEMV yes 120/277 I Normal 0.90 110/111 .82/.81 - PSL432T8HEMV yes 120/277 P Normal .90/.91 114 .79/.80 SAU440IS-ROHS no 120/277 P Normal 0.88 107 0.82 SAU440HPIS-ROHS no 120/277 I High 1.33 143 0.93 E4-32-I-UV-L no 120/277 I Low 0.78 95/96 0.82 E4-32-I-UV-N no 120/277 I Normal 0.87 106 0.82 E4-32-I-UV-H no 120/277 I High 1.20 140/134 .86/.90 E-758-F-432SC no 120 I Normal 0.91 112 0.81 E-758-U-432SC no 120/277 I Normal 0.91 13 0.81 E432T8IS120/L no 120 I Low 0.78 95 0.82 E432T8IS120/N no 120 I Normal 0.85 105 0.81 E432T8IS120-277/N no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 106 0.83 E432T8IS120/N/BULK no 120 I Normal 0.88 108 0.81 E432T8IS120/L/BULK no 120 I Low 0.78 95 0.82 E432T8IS120/H no 120 I High 1.15 109 1.06 E432T8IS120/H/90C no 120 I High 1.10 140 0.79 E432T8PS120- 277/N/AS/BULK no 120/277 P Normal 0.87 110/109 0.79/0.80 E432T8PS120- 277/L/AS/BULK no 120/277 P Low 0.71 93/92 0.76/0.77 Optistart E432T8PRS120-277/L no 120/277 P Low 0.77 101 0.77 U-4/32IS HPF yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 109 0.81 U-4/32IS HBF yes 120/277 I High 1.17 149.8 0.79 U-4/32IS LBF yes 120/277 I Low 0.78 97.2 0.80 U-4/32ISE yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 108 0.81 U-4/32ISE-HBF yes 120/277 I High 1.16 144 0.81 U-4/32ISE-LBF yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 96 0.80 Superior Lamps, Inc. Heavy Duty Electronic Ballast BPS934 no 120/277 P Normal 0.87 110 0.79 SwitchGenie, LLC.SwitchGenie SG432 no 120/277 I Normal 0.88 108 0.81 E432IS32120N no 120 I Normal 0.87 107 0.81 E432IS32277N no 277 I Normal 0.88 108 0.82 E432IS32120L no 120 I Low 0.78 95 0.82 E432IS32120U no 120 I Low 0.72 84 0.85 E432IS32277L no 277 I Low 0.75 92 0.82 E432IS32277U no 277 I Low 0.70 85 0.82 TCP4P32ISUNVLE yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 98/96 .79/.80 TCP4P32ISUNVE yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 110/108 .80/.82 TCP4P32ISUNVHE yes 120/277 I High 1.16 145/144 .80/.81 TCP4P321SUNVH yes 120/277 I High 1.18 147/145 .80/.81 E4P32ISUNVHE yes 120/277 I High 1.18 147/145 .80/.81 TCP4P32ISUNV yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 110/108 .80/.81 E4P32ISUNVE yes 120/277 I Normal 0.88 110/108 .80/.81 TCP4P32ISUNVL yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 96/95 .80/.81 E4P32ISUNVLE yes 120/277 I Low 0.78 96/95 .81/.82 Topstar International Inc. T8 Electronic Ballast BB-T8/UVH-4x32/HPF no 120 I Normal 0.86 108 0.80 UT432120L no 120 I Low 0.71 93 0.76 eT432120M no 120/277 I Normal 0.87 108 0.81 GTL432120 no 120 I Low 0.82 101 0.81 UT432120MH no 120/277 I High 1.18 146 0.81 UT432120M-HE no 120/277 I Normal 0.86 106 0.81 UT432120L-HE no 120 I Low 0.79 100 0.79 UT432120ML-HE no 120/277 I Low 0.76 96 0.79 PR432120M-PP-HE no 120/277 P Normal 0.88 110 0.80 B432I277HEH yes 277 I High 1.18 145 0.81 B432I120HE yes 120 I Normal 0.87 100 0.87 B432PUNVHP-A yes 277 P Normal 0.88 115 0.77 B432IUNV-D yes 277 I Normal 0.88 109 0.81 B432I277RH-A yes 277 I Normal 0.88 110 0.80 B432IUNVHP-A yes 277 I Normal 0.88 108 0.81 B432I277HE yes 277 I Normal 0.87 105 0.83 B432IUNVHE-A yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 109/106 0.80/0.82 B423I120HE yes 120 I Normal 0.87 106 0.82 B432I277L-A yes 277 I Low 0.78 98 0.76 B432I120EL yes 120 I Low 0.77 95 0.81 B432I277EL yes 277 I Low 0.77 93 0.82 B432IUNVEL-A yes 120/277 I Low 0.77 97/96 0.79/0.80 ES1720B yes 120/277 I Normal 0.87 107/108 0.81 B432PUNVEL-A no 120/277 P Low 0.71 91/90 0.78/0.79 B432PUNVHE-A no 120/277 P Normal 0.87 109/107 0.80/0.81 - F32 T8 HiLumen Gold Label Sterling Series E432 Sola Technical Consumer Products, Inc. Robertson Worldwide Sunpark Electronics Corp. Ultra Lumen SOLA Canada Lighting & Power Standard Products, Inc. SLI SageSage Lighting Ltd - Ultrasave Lighting Ltd. SLI Lighting/Havells USA Universal Lighting Technologies Ultim 8 HP 120 and 277 V T8 Ballasts Manufacturer Product Name Model Number NEMA4 Premium® Voltage (V) Ballast Type ² Ballast Factor Range Ballast Factor Input Watts (W) BEF³ HP T8 Qualified Ballasts with 6 Lamps General Electric Company UltraMax GE632MAX-H90 yes 120/277 I High 1.18 221/215 .53/.55 6 Lamp1 CEE's specification uses the BALLAST EFFICACY FACTOR (BEF) as the true measure of efficiency. The input watt figure calculations are based on a premium 4', 32W T8 reference lamp. 2 “P” signifies programmed start, “I” signifies instant start, "D" signifies dimming capabilities 3 BEF is calculated by multiplying the Ballast Factor by 100 and dividing by the input watts, except for Howard Industries and Standard Products, which provide the information in their catalog. 4 NEMA Premium® is a trademark of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association. It is an identifiable certification mark for manufacturers to use on products that meet the ballast portion of CEE's current specification for High Performance Lighting Systems. The label is available to all manufacturers that enroll in the NEMA Premium® program and sign a Memorandum of Understanding and Licensing agreement with NEMA. CONSORTIUM FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY www.cee1.org 617-589-3949 © 2007 Consortium for Energy Efficiency, Inc. All rights reserved. QUALIFYING PRODUCTS 1 High-Performance 120 and 277V T8 Dimming Ballasts CEE High-Performance Commercial Lighting Systems Initiative For a list of qualifying 347 V T8 ballasts, see: www.cee1.org/com/com-lt/347-ballasts.xls Manufacturer Product Name Model Number NEMA4 Premium® Lamp Wattage Voltage (V) Ballast Type ² Ballast Factor Range Ballast Factor Input Watts (W)BEF³ FLT-120-1x32WT8HBF-DALI no 32 120 PD Normal 1.00 35 2.86 FLT-277-1x32WT8HBF-DALI no 32 277 PD Normal 1.00 35 2.86 General Electric Company UltraStart T8 100-3% Dimming GE132MVPS-N-VO3 no 32 120/277 PD Normal 0.88 30/29 2.93/3.03 SD1F8-32M no 32 120/277 PD High 1.15 39 2.95 SD1J8-32M no 32 120/277 PD High 1.15 39 2.95 LUMEnergi LUMEnergi LUM-LD-IB100 no 32 120/277 PD High 1.20 40 3.00 H3D T832 C UNV 1 10 no 32 120/277 PD Normal 1.00 35.1 / 34.8 2.85/2.87 H3D T832 C UNV 1 17 no 32 120/277 PD High 1.17 39.7 2.95 EHD T832 C U 1 10 no 32 120/277 PD Normal 1.00 35.1 / 34.8 2.85/2.87 EHD T832 C U 1 17 no 32 277 PD High 1.17 39.7 2.95 QTP1X32T8/UNVDIM-TC yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 0.88 30 2.93 QHES2X32T8/UNVPSN-SC yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 0.87 28/29 3.00/3.11 REZ-132-SC yes 32 120 PD Normal 1.00 35 2.86 VEZ-132-SC yes 32 277 PD Normal 1.00 35 2.86 Mark 7 IZT-132-SC yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 1.00 35 2.86 ROVR IDA-132-SC yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 1.00 27/35 3.70/2.86 Robertson Worldwide Sterling Series PSL132T8MV3D yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 1.00 34 2.94 B232PUNVDRL-A yes 32 120/277 PD Low .83/.84 23.7/23.8 2.88/2.87 B232PUNVDR-A yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 0.88 29/30 3.03/2.93 Ballastar B232PUS50-A yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 0.88 29 3.03 SuperDim B132PUNVSV3-A yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 0.88 30 2.93 ELB-2L32 EA10ES120-277 no 32 277 PD Normal 0.88 58.3 1.51 ELB-2L32 EA10E120-277 no 32 277 PD Normal 1.00 67.5 1.48 ELB-2L32 EA10EH120-277 no 32 120/277 PD High 1.18 74.2/72.3 1.59/1.63 VE232MVHRPT3-AB yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 1.00 68 1.47 VE232MVHRPHT3-AB yes 32 120/277 PD High 1.20 79 1.52 UltraMax Bi- Level Switching GE232MAX90-S60 yes 32 120/277 PD High 1.18 75/74 1.57/1.59 UltraMax LoadShed Dimming GE232MAX90-V60 yes 32 120/277 PD High 1.18 75/74 1.57/1.59 GE232MVPS-N-VO3 no 32 120/277 PD Normal 0.88 58/56 1.52/1.57 GE232MVPS-H-VO3 no 32 120/277 PD High 1.18 76/74 1.55/1.59 SD2F8-32M no 32 120/277 PD High 1.15 76 1.51 SD2J8-32M no 32 120/277 PD High 1.15 76 1.51 LUMEnergi LUMEnergi LUM-LD-IB100 no 32 120/277 PD High 1.20 76/75 1.58/1.60 H3D T832 C UNV 2 10 no 32 120/277 PD Normal 1.00 66.5/65.7 1.50/1.52 H3D T832 C UNV 2 17 no 32 120/277 PD High 1.17 76.9/75.4 1.52/1.55 EC5 T832 G UNV 2L no 32 120/277 PD Low 0.85 56.9 1.49 EC5 T832 J UNV 2 no 32 120/277 PD Low 0.85 59.1/57.4 1.44/1.48 EHD T832 C U 2 10 no 32 120/277 PD Normal 1.00 66.5 / 65.7 1.50 / 1.52 EHD T832 C U 2 17 no 32 120/277 PD High 1.17 76.9 / 75.4 1.52 / 1.55 EC3 T832 C U 2 10 no 32 120/277 PD Normal 1.00 66.5 / 65.7 1.50/1.52 EC3 T832 G U 2 10 no 32 120/277 PD Normal 1.00 66.5 / 65.7 1.50/1.52 EC3 T832 C U 2 17 no 32 120/277 PD High 1.17 76.9 / 75.4 1.52/1.55 EC3 T832 G U 2 17 no 32 120/277 PD High 1.17 76.9 / 75.4 1.52/1.55 Dynamus EcoSystem Leviton Sector Eco-10 Lutron General Electric Company UltraStart T8 100-3% Dimming DemandFlex Hi-Lume3D Universal Lighting Technologies ELB Electronics, Inc. Quicktronic HP T8 Qualified Ballasts with 2 Lamps ELB Plus Dimming Ballast 0-10VDC Espen Technology, Inc. Fifth Light Technology DALI Philips - Advance OSRAM SYLVANIA Lutron EcoSystem 1 Lamp Hi-Lume3D Updated 12/30/11 Click "Open." When "Connect to www.cee1.org" box opens, click on "Cancel" twice Mark 10 Powerline Legend: Red Font is a product no longer manufactured, but still meets the criteria as a qualifying product Leviton Sector HP T8 Qualified Ballasts with 1 Lamp QHES2X32T8/UNVPSN-SC yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 0.87 55/54 1.58/1.61 QTP2X32T8/UNV DIM TC yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 0.88 60/58 1.47/1.52 QHELS2X32T8/UNV-ISN-SC yes 32 277 ID Normal 0.88 56/55 1.60 QHES2X32T8/UNVPSL-SC yes 32 120/277 PD Low 0.77 48 1.60 QHE2x32T8/UNV DALI yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 1.00 66/65 1.51/1.54 REZ-2S32-SC yes 32 120 PD Normal 1.00 68 1.47 VEZ-2S32-SC yes 32 277 PD Normal 1.00 68 1.47 Mark 7 IZT-2S32-SC yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 1.00 67 1.49 EssentiaLine ILV-2S32-SC yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 0.88 59 1.49 ROVR IDA-2S32-SC yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 1.00 68.0 1.47 Pure Spectrum Lighting PureSpectrum PST232PNS3 no 32 277 PD Normal 1.00 68 1.47 Robertson Worldwide Sterling Series PSL232T8MV3D no 32 120/277 PD Normal 1.00 68 1.47 Sage Lighting Ltd Sage NU232T8D-ROHS no 32 120/277 PD Normal 0.88 60 1.47 U-232PS3 no 32 277 PD Normal 1.00 68 1.47 U-232PS3-HBF no 32 277 PD High 1.20 79 1.52 Ultrasave Lighting Ltd. - PR232120M-D no 32 120/277 PD Normal 1.00 67 1.49 B232PUNVDR-A yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 0.88 56/55 1.57/1.6 B232PUNVDRL-A yes 32 120/277 PD Low 0.71 47 1.51 B232PUNVDRH-A yes 32 120/277 PD High 1.18 74/72 1.59/1.64 B232PUNVDFH-A yes 32 120/277 PD High 1.15 76/75 1.51/1.53 B232PUNVDYL-A yes 32 277 PD Low 0.69 46 1.50 B232PUNVDY-A yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 0.87 58/57 1.50/1.53 B232PUNVDYH-A yes 32 120/277 PD High 1.15 76/74 1.51/1.55 B232PU104S50-A yes 32 120/277 PD High 1.04 65 1.60 B232PUS50-A yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 0.88 57/56 1.54/1.57 SuperDim B232PUNVSV3-A yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 0.88 57/56 1.54/1.57 ELB-3L32 EA10ES120-277 no 32 120/277 PD Normal 0.88 84/82.5 1.51 ELB-3L32 EA10E120-277 no 32 277 PD Normal 1.00 98.8 1.48 ELB-3L32 EA10EH120-277 no 32 120/277 PD High 1.18 118.4/115.9 1.59/1.63 VE332MVHRPT3-AB yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 1.00 99 1.01 VE332MVHRPHT3-AB yes 32 120/277 PD High 1.20 119 1.01 UltraMax Bi- Level Switching GE332MAX90-S60 yes 32 120/277 PD High 1.18 113/110 1.04/1.07 UltraMax LoadShed Dimming GE332MAX90-V60 yes 32 120/277 PD High 1.18 113/110 1.04/1.07 GE332MVPS-N-VO3 no 32 120/277 PD Normal 0.88 87/85 1.01/1.04 GE332MVPS-H-VO3 no 32 120/277 PD High 1.18 116/113 1.02/1.04 LUMEnergi LUMEnergi LUM-LD-IB100 no 32 120/277 PD High 1.20 113/112 1.06/1.07 H3D T832 C UNV 3 17 no 32 120/277 PD High 1.17 106.8/105.7 1.10/1.11 H3D T832 G UNV 3 10 no 32 120/277 PD Normal 1.00 95.4/93.5 1.05/1.07 EC5 T832 G UNV 3 17 no 32 120/277 PD High 1.17 106.8/105.7 1.10/1.11 EC5 T832 G UNV 3L no 32 120/277 PD Low 0.85 85.9/86.5 .99/.98 EHD T832 G U 3 10 no 32 120/277 PD Normal 1.00 95.4 / 93.5 1.05 / 1.07 EC3 T832 G U 3 10 no 32 120/277 PD Normal 1.00 95.4 / 93.5 1.05 / 1.07 EC3 T832 G U 3 17 no 32 120/277 PD Normal 1.17 106.8/105.7 1.10/1.11 QHELS3X32T8/UNV ISN-SC yes 32 120/277 ID Normal 0.88 83/82 1.06/1.07 QTP3X32T8/UNVDIM-TC yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 0.88 87/84 1.01/1.05 Mark 7 IZT-3S32-SC yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 1.00 93 1.08 REZ-3S32-SC yes 32 120 PD Normal 0.97 96.0 1.01 VEZ-3S32-SC yes 32 277 PD Normal 0.97 96.0 1.01 ROVR IDA-3S32-G yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 1.00 99.0 1.01 Robertson Worldwide Sterling Series PSL332T8MV3D yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 1.00 100 1.00 U-332PS3 no 32 277 PD Normal 1.00 100 1.00 U-332PS3-HBF no 32 120/277 PD High 1.15 115/111 1.00/1.04 Espen Technology, Inc. Dynamus QuicktronicOSRAM SYLVANIA 2 Lamp3 LampQuicktronic Mark 10 Powerline Hi-Lume3D EcoSystem Eco-10 UltraStart T8 100-3% Dimming OSRAM SYLVANIA Ultra Lumen Philips - Advance Sunpark Electronics Corp. Philips - Advance Ballastar Mark 10 Powerline Sunpark Electronics Corp. Ultra Lumen Demand Flex Lutron HP T8 Qualified Ballasts with 3 Lamps ELB Electronics, Inc. ELB Plus Dimming Ballast 0-10VDC General Electric Company Universal Lighting Technologies B332PUNVDR-A yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 0.87 85/83 1.02/1.05 B332PUNVDRL-A yes 32 120/277 PD Low 0.71 72 0.99 B332PUNVDRH-E yes 32 120/277 PD High 1.15 115/111 1.00/1.04 UltraMax Bi- Level Switching GE432MAX90-S60 yes 32 120/277 PD High 1.18 149/146 0.79/.81 UltraMax LoadShed Dimming GE432MAX90-V60 yes 32 120/277 PD High 1.18 149/146 .79/.81 GE432MVPS-N-VO3 no 32 120/277 PD Normal 0.88 114/111 .77/.79 GE432MVPS-H-VO3 no 32 120/277 PD High 1.18 150/148 .79/.80 OSRAM SYLVANIA Quicktronic QTP4X32T8/UNV DIM-TC yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 0.88 114/110 .77/.80 IZT-4S32 yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 0.88 116 0.76 VZT-4S32-G yes 32 277 PD Normal 0.88 116 0.76 VZT-4S32-HL yes 32 277 PD High 1.18 149 0.79 VZT-4PSP32-G no 32 277 PD Normal 0.88 112 0.79 ROVR IDA-4S32 yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 0.88 116 0.76 B432PUNVDR-E yes 32 120/277 PD Normal 0.88 116/112 0.76/0.79 B432PUNVDRL-E yes 32 120/277 PD Low 0.71 93 0.76 B432P277V5-E yes 32 277 PD Normal 0.88 115 0.77 B432P277V5H-E yes 32 277 PD High 1.18 150 0.79 GE632MAX-H90-S60 yes 32 120/277 ID High 1.18 221/215 .53/.55 GE632MAX-H90-V60 yes 32 120/277 ID High 1.18 221/215 .53/.55 3 BEF is calculated by multiplying the Ballast Factor by 100 and dividing by the input watts, except for Howard Industries and Standard Products, which provide the information in their catalog. 4 NEMA Premium® is a trademark of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association. It is an identifiable certification mark for manufacturers to use on products that meet the ballast portion of CEE's current specification for High Performance Lighting Systems. The label is available to all manufacturers that enroll in the NEMA Premium® program and sign a Memorandum of Understanding and Licensing agreement with NEMA. CONSORTIUM FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY www.cee1.org 617-589-3949 © 2007 Consortium for Energy Efficiency, Inc. All rights reserved. Demand Flex 6 Lamp4 LampBallastar Demand Flex Mark 7 HP T8 Qualified Ballasts with 6 Lamps General Electric Company UltraMax HP T8 Qualified Ballasts with 4 Lamps Universal Lighting Technologies General Electric Company UltraStart T8 100-3% Dimming Philips - Advance Universal Lighting Technologies APPENDIX D –MECHANICAL CALCULATIONS U-VALUE CALCULATIONS RS Consulting Seattle, Washington Job Name:Randy Smith Middle School Date:13-Feb-12 Job Number:Eng:R. Sneeringer Wall -1 Construction Resistance (R) At Frame Btwn Frame 100% 1)Outside Air Film (15 mph)--0.17 2)2" EIFS --8.00 3)3/4" Plywood --0.80 4)2x6 Metal Stud @ 16" OC ---- 5)R-19 Batt Insulation *--7.10 6)5/8" Sheetrock --0.56 7)Inside Air Film (still air)--0.68 R-Total N/A 17.31 * Effectiveness of Insulation is Reduced by Metal Stud Thermal Path Wall U-Value 0.058 Wall - 2 Construction Resistance (R) At Frame Btwn Frame 100% 1)Outside Air Film (15 mph)--0.17 2)8" CMU --8.00 3)3" Rigid Insulation --12.00 4)6" Metal Stud @ 16" OC ---- 5)R-19 Batt *--7.10 6)5/8 Sheetrock --0.56 7)Inside Air Film (still air)--0.68 R-Total N/A 28.51 * Effectiveness of Insulation is Reduced by Metal Stud Thermal Path Wall U-Value 0.035 U-VALUE CALCULATIONS RS Consulting Seattle, Washington Job Name:Randy Smith Middle School Date:13-Feb-12 Job Number:Eng:R. Sneeringer Roof-1: Construction Resistance (R) At Frame Btwn Frame 100% 1)Outside Air Film (15 mph)--0.17 2)Built Up Roofing --0.50 3)12" Rigid Insulation --48.00 4)Metal Deck ---- 5)Inside Air Film (still air)--0.17 R-Total N/A 48.84 Roof U-Value 0.020 Floor:Existing Slab /Grade Resistance (R) Construction At Frame Btwn Frame Insulated Slab Edge N/A R-Total Btu/deg f/lin ft Floor U-Value 0.550 Windows:Double Pane Construction 1)Vinyl Frame, Triple Pane 1/2" Air Space, TBrk, 1" Thk 2)Use Value from ASHRAE Table 13 1989 Window U-Value 0.260 Shading Coefficient 0.83 Clear Glazing Doors:Man Doors Construction U-VALUE CALCULATIONS RS Consulting Seattle, Washington Job Name:Randy Smith Middle School Date:13-Feb-12 Job Number:Eng:R. Sneeringer 1)Sandwiched Panel Insulated Door U-Value 0.600 Building Envelope - Calculations and Common Conversions • U-Value = 1/R-Value • R-Values per Inch of Common Insulation Materials Fiberglass Blanket 3.2 Loose Fiberglass 2.5 Fiberglass Blown-in-Bat 4.0 Loose Rock Wool 2.8 Loose Cellulose 3.5 Wet-Spray Cellulose 3.9 Vermiculite 2.7 Polyisocyanurate 5.8 Expanded Polystyrene (bead board) 3.8 Extruded Polystyrene (blue board) 4.8 Foil Faced Polyisocyanurate 7.0 Spray applied Foam 6.0 U value = btu’s/ Hour x sq ft x deg F = 1/R R value = Hours x sq ft x deg F / BTU’s= 1/U q (Building heat loss in btu’s/hr)= U x A x Delta T = U x A x DD x 24 (annual heat loss) Sample Calculations: Building Envelope-Heat Transfer Calculations R- “Resistance value” of building materials to heat flow RT = R inside film + R1 + R2 +… R outside film U-value: “overall heat transfer co-efficient” (Includes allowance for BOTH convection and conduction heat transfer) U = 1/ RT Sample Calculation 1: Windows: window area is 1000 square feet Window is triple pane; U = .27 Q = A * U * (Ti – To) Where Q = Total hourly rate of heat loss through walls, roof, glass, etc in Btu/hr U = Overall heat-transfer coefficient of walls, roof, ceiling, floor, or glass in Btu/hr ft2°F A = Net area of walls, roof, ceiling, floor, or glass in ft2 Ti = Inside design temperature in °F = 70 To = Outside design temperature in °F = 30 Q = U * A * delta T = .27 x 1000 x (70 – 30) = .27 x 1000 x 40 = 10,800 Btu/hour Sample Calculation 2: For sample calculations- outside design = 30 F, inside design = 70 F Walls: wall area is 1000 square feet Wall is wood stud with R-30 insulation; U = 0.033 Q = U x A x delta T = 0.033 x 1000 x (70 – 30) = 0.033 x 1000 x 40 = 1333.3 Btu/hour Radiation heat gain thru windows Q = (A) x (SHGF) x (CLF) x (SC) Where: Q = heat transfer in BTU/HR A = window area in ft2 SHGF= solar heat gain factor (dependent on orientation and location) CLF = cooling load factor (dependent on shading and color of interior surface) SC = shading coefficient (property of glazing; dependent on clear/tinted/mirror glass surface) Other ratings- SHGC = solar heat gain coefficient = SC x 0.86 Glazing selection – Single pane vs. dual/triple pane Single pane- “U” = 1.10 Dual pane- “U” = 0.35 Triple pane- “U” = 0.22 (NOTE effect of interior “films” at glass surfaces; insulation value increases due to air space and number of surface films) – “low E” glass coating that allows light to get thru but not heat Glazing Selection SHGC- Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (% of ALL radiation (UV, visible and IR) that gets thru glass) VT- Visible Transmittance (% of visible light that gets thru glass) SOUTH FACING GLAZING: – Cold climate: SHGC > 0.6; high VT; low “U” – Moderate climate: SHGC < 0.6; high VT; low “U” – Hot climate: SHGC < 0.4; medium VT; low “U” – East/west facing: SHGC < 0.4; high VT; low “U” Job Name:Randy Smith Middle School Job Number: Date: Zone Zone Area Ceil Ht Room Zone SA OA Zone Zone OA Current Primary Zone No.Description Sf Ft Vol cf Cfm Density Total cfm/per cfm cfm/sf cfm Vbz Eff (Ez)Voz Design OA Fract Served Az V Vpz #/1000 sf Pz Rp Ra Vbz Ez Voz OSA Zp By 103 Vestibule V-4 102 9 918 300 0 0 0 0 0.06 10 10 0.8 10 3%CH 125 Vestibule V-2 39 9 351 250 0 0 0 0 0.06 0 0 0.8 0 0%CH 133 Vestibule V-1 163 9 1,467 775 0 0 0 0 0.06 10 10 0.8 10 1%CH 136 Vestibule V-3 61 9 549 300 0 0 0 0 0.06 0 0 0.8 0 0%CH 101 Office/Esemble 548 10 5,480 1,050 27 15 5 75 0.06 30 105 0.8 130 12%SF-1 102 Band/Choir/Instrmnt Storage 1,689 10 16,890 2,620 27 45 10 450 0.12 200 650 0.8 810 31%SF-1 104 Corridors 4,396 10 43,960 1,200 0 0 0 0 0.06 260 260 0.8 330 28%SF-1 105 Stair S-2 365 30.8 11,242 400 0 0 0 0 0.06 20 20 0.8 30 8%SF-1 106 Project 796 10 7,960 1,160 31 25 10 250 0.12 100 350 0.8 440 38%SF-1 107 Technology 1,145 10 11,450 1,680 22 25 10 250 0.12 140 390 0.8 490 29%SF-1 108 Computer 1,102 10 11,020 1,840 23 25 10 250 0.12 130 380 0.8 480 26%SF-1 109 Classroom/Technology 1,772 10 17,720 3,010 34 60 10 600 0.12 210 810 0.8 1,010 34%SF-1 110 Small Group 128A/125A 192 10 1,920 440 31 6 5 30 0.06 10 40 0.8 50 11%SF-1 111 Art 1,192 10 11,920 1,500 25 30 10 300 0.18 210 510 0.8 640 43%SF-1 112 Media Center 2,848 12 34,176 3,420 25 72 10 720 0.12 340 1,060 0.8 1,330 39%SF-1 113 Storage/Workroom/Office 559 10 5,590 550 9 5 5 25 0.06 30 55 0.8 70 13%SF-1 114 Science 856 10 8,560 1,360 29 25 10 250 0.18 150 400 0.8 500 37%SF-1 115 Prep 267 10 2,670 420 19 5 10 50 0.18 50 100 0.8 130 31%SF-1 116 Boys/Girls Restroom/Janitor 649 10 6,490 470 0 0 0 0 0.06 40 40 0.8 50 11%SF-1 117 Multi-media Production 678 10 6,780 900 29 20 10 200 0.12 80 280 0.8 350 39%SF-1 118 Science 903 10 9,030 1,360 28 25 10 250 0.18 160 410 0.8 510 38%SF-1 119 Classroom/Technology 1,772 10 17,720 2,990 34 60 10 600 0.12 210 810 0.8 1,010 34%SF-1 120 Rec/Gen/Cust Off/Corr 1,515 10 15,150 460 1 2 5 10 0.06 90 100 0.8 130 28%SF-1 121 Kit/Cust Strg/Jan/Off 1,530 10 15,300 1,130 7 10 5 50 0.06 90 140 0.8 180 16%SF-1 122 Project/Planning/Office 1,429 10 14,290 1,710 7 10 5 50 0.06 90 140 0.8 180 11%SF-1 123 Elev Mach/Stair S-1 343 10 3,430 150 0 0 0 0 0.06 20 20 0.8 30 20%SF-1 124 Toilet/Exam/Nurses Office 373 10 3,730 320 13 5 5 25 0.06 20 45 0.8 60 19%SF-1 126 Lounge 477 10 4,770 650 25 12 5 60 0.06 30 90 0.8 110 17%SF-1 127 Recpt/Sec/Princ/VP/Work 1,056 10 10,560 900 7 7 5 35 0.06 60 95 0.8 120 13%SF-1 128 Elev/Toilets/Admin Storage 653 10 6,530 360 0 0 5 0 0.06 40 40 0.8 50 14%SF-1 134 Small Group 118A/115A 192 10 1,920 440 31 6 5 30 0.06 10 40 0.8 50 11%SF-1 135 Conference Room 149 10 1,490 360 67 10 5 50 0.06 10 60 0.8 80 22%SF-1 137 Team Work Room 450 9 4,050 600 33 15 5 75 0.06 30 105 0.8 130 22%SF-1 201 Storage/Stair S-2 976 30.8 30,061 300 0 0 0 0 0.06 60 60 0.8 80 27%SF-1 202 Project 796 10 7,960 960 31 25 5 125 0.06 50 175 0.8 220 23%SF-1 203 Corridors 3,476 10 34,760 1,500 0 0 0 0 0.06 210 210 0.8 260 17%SF-1 204 Small Group 211A/208A 192 10 1,920 440 31 6 0 0 0.06 10 10 0.8 10 2%SF-1 205 Classroom/Technology 1,772 10 17,720 3,230 34 60 10 600 0.12 210 810 0.8 1,010 31%SF-1 206 Science 856 10 8,560 1,360 29 25 10 250 0.18 150 400 0.8 500 37%SF-1 207 Boys/Girls Restroom/Janitor 649 10 6,490 410 0 0 0 0 0.06 40 40 0.8 50 12%SF-1 208 Prep 267 10 2,670 470 19 5 10 50 0.18 50 100 0.8 130 28%SF-1 209 Science 903 10 9,030 1,360 28 25 10 250 0.18 160 410 0.8 510 38%SF-1 210 Classroom/Technology 1,772 10 17,720 3,230 34 60 10 600 0.12 210 810 0.8 1,010 31%SF-1 211 Small Group 201A/204A 192 10 1,920 440 31 6 5 30 0.06 10 40 0.8 50 11%SF-1 7-May-12 2009 IMC MINIMUM OUTSIDE AIR CALCULATIONS From 2009 IMC Table 403.3 Number of Occ People Rate Area Rate 212 Project 1,429 10 14,290 960 17 25 5 125 0.06 90 215 1.8 120 13%SF-1 213 Planning/Stair S-1 648 30.8 19,958 590 3 2 0 0 0.06 40 40 2.8 10 2%SF-1 214 ISS 395 10 3,950 580 30 12 5 60 0.06 20 80 3.8 20 3%SF-1 215 Conf/Storage/Off/Toilet 545 10 5,450 710 18 10 5 50 0.06 30 80 4.8 20 3%SF-1 216 Corridors 3,132 10 31,320 850 0 0 0 0 0.06 190 190 5.8 30 4%SF-1 129 Commons 6,014 10 60,140 8,100 33 200 7.5 1500 0.06 360 1,860 0.8 2,330 29%SF-2 130 Boys/Girls Restroom/Office 1,388 10 13,880 590 22 30 0 0 0.06 80 80 0.8 100 17%SF-2 131 Boys/Girls Locker room/Office 1,434 10 14,340 1,400 21 30 0 0 0.06 90 90 0.8 110 8%SF-2 132 Gymnasium 7,869 32.9 258,890 13,240 38 300 7.5 2250 0.06 470 2,720 0.8 3,400 26%SF-2 219 Boiler Room 780 15 11,700 3,175 0 0 0 0 0.06 50 50 8.8 10 0%SF-4 217 Tech Control 418 10 4,180 300 5 2 5 10 0.06 30 40 6.8 10 3%UH 218 Fan Room 4,226 10 42,260 1,600 0 0 0 0 0.06 250 250 7.8 30 2%UH 70,390 80,870 10,585 5,740 19,520 0 Area Primary Tot Tot Diversity Total Uncrtd Max Vent Total OA Design Design OA OA Avg CO2 TAG SERVES Served Air People People of People OA OSA Zp Eff OSA Percent OSA OSA Cfm/Per Cfm/Sf Met Setting SF Cfm Zone Pz Sys Ps D Voz Vou %Ev Vot %Ros Rate SF-1 Classrooms 47,896 50,840 781 600 77%13,510 10,379 43%0.70 14,827 29%0 0%19 0.31 1.2 800 SF-2 Gym/Commons 16,705 23,330 560 560 100%2,230 2,230 29%0.80 2,788 12%0 0%5 0.17 1.2 2,100 64,601 0 0 0 0 0 0 Based on 2009 IMC Az Area of the zone (sq ft)ASHRAE 62.1, 2007 Appendix A-2: Pz Zone population Table A-A Typical Met Levels For Activities Rp Outdoor air required per person (Table 6.1)MET ACTIVITY Ra Outdoor air required per unit area (Table 6.1)1.0 Seated, quiet Vbz The design outdoor airflow in the breathing zone ( people factor plus area factor in accordance with Table 6.1)1.0 Reading and Writing, seated Voz The design outdoor airflow supplied to the zone ( Vbc/Ez)1.1 Typing Vou Uncorrected outdoor intake (sum of all zones served by the ahu times the occupanct diversity D)1.2 Filing, Seated Vot Design outdoor intake flow ( Vou/Ev)1.4 Filing, Standing Ez Zone air distribution effectiveness in accordance with Table 403.3.1.2 2.0 Walking, at 0.89m/s Ev System ventilation efficency ( Per table 403. House Cleaning Short Term Conditions 3-4 Exercise If the peak occupancy will be of short duration, the design may be based on the average condtions over a time period T. T Averaging time period , min ( 3v/Vbz) V Volume of the zone , cu ft CO2 Calculations Cru - C0 = 1,000,000 x Nb x M / Ros Calculates rise in CO2 concentration if all supplied outdoor air is consumed. Cs-C0 = Zs x 0 + (1-Zs) x (Cru - C0)Calculates target SA CO2 concentration (above ambient) based on previous calculation. Cru = CO2 concentration in recirculated air if all outdoor air supplied to the building is used. C0 = CO2 concentration outdoors. Nb = CO2 generation rate per person at base metabolic rate. Default = 0.0091 CFM/Person (0.0043 L/s per person). M = Relative metabolic rate in met units. Default is sedentary person = 1.2 mets, ASHRAE standard 62.1-2007, Appendix C. 400 Ambient CO2 Concentration 10%Safety Factor 0.0091 CO2 Generation Rate Ros = OA Dilution Per Person (Vot / Population Served) Motor Upgrades Feasiblity Analysis Blended Electrical Cost $0.177 Maximum Acceptable Payback 5 Years Ratio of BHP to Motor HP 75% Estimated Annual Hours of Operation 3700 Exist Est Replace if Proposed Required Proposed Required Required Proposed Required Motor Brake Motor Eff New Existing Energy Energy An Energy Motor Simple Hp Hp Is Less Motor Energy Consump Savings Savings Instalation Payback Than Eff Cons KWh KWH KWH $Costs Yrs 1 0.75 68.0%85.5%3,042 2,420 621 110$550$5.0 1.5 1.13 72.4%86.5%4,289 3,588 701 124$620$5.0 2 1.50 74.9%86.5%5,525 4,785 740 131$655$5.0 3 2.25 79.9%89.5%7,772 6,936 836 148$740$5.0 5 3.75 83.3%89.5%12,414 11,560 853 151$755$5.0 7.5 5.63 85.2%91.0%18,207 17,055 1,153 204$1,020$5.0 10 7.50 86.3%91.7%23,979 22,566 1,412 250$1,250$5.0 15 11.25 88.1%93.0%35,240 33,376 1,864 330$1,650$5.0 20 15.00 88.3%93.0%46,874 44,501 2,373 420$2,100$5.0 25 18.75 88.5%93.6%58,457 55,270 3,186 564$2,820$5.0 30 22.50 89.7%94.1%69,192 65,972 3,220 570$2,850$5.0 40 30.00 90.2%94.1%91,804 87,962 3,842 680$3,400$5.0 50 37.50 90.8%94.5%114,007 109,488 4,520 800$4,000$5.0 60 45.00 91.4%95.0%135,846 130,694 5,153 912$4,560$5.0 75 56.25 91.3%95.0%169,989 163,367 6,621 1,172$5,860$5.0 100 75 91.9%95.4%225,249 216,910 8,339 1,476$7,380$5.0 Main Building Fan Systems Motor Upgrades Feasiblity Analysis Blended Electrical Cost $0.177 Maximum Acceptable Payback 5 Years Ratio of BHP to Motor HP 75% Estimated Annual Hours of Operation 5270 Exist Est Replace if Proposed Required Proposed Required Required Proposed Required Motor Brake Motor Eff New Existing Energy Energy Energy Motor Simple Hp Hp Is Less Motor Energy Consump Savings Savings Instalation Payback Than Eff Cons KWh KWH KWH $Costs Yrs 1 0.75 72.4%85.5%4,069 3,447 621 110$550$5.0 1.5 1.13 76.1%86.5%5,812 5,111 701 124$620$5.0 2 1.50 78.0%86.5%7,555 6,815 740 131$655$5.0 3 2.25 82.5%89.5%10,716 9,879 836 148$740$5.0 5 3.75 85.1%89.5%17,319 16,466 853 151$755$5.0 7.5 5.63 86.9%91.0%25,444 24,292 1,153 204$1,020$5.0 10 7.50 87.8%91.7%33,554 32,142 1,412 250$1,250$5.0 15 11.25 89.5%93.0%49,403 47,538 1,864 330$1,650$5.0 20 15.00 89.6%93.0%65,757 63,385 2,373 420$2,100$5.0 25 18.75 90.0%93.6%81,909 78,723 3,186 564$2,820$5.0 30 22.50 91.0%94.1%97,186 93,965 3,220 570$2,850$5.0 40 30.00 91.3%94.1%129,129 125,287 3,842 680$3,400$5.0 50 37.50 91.8%94.5%160,466 155,946 4,520 800$4,000$5.0 60 45.00 92.4%95.0%191,303 186,150 5,153 912$4,560$5.0 75 56.25 92.4%95.0%239,309 232,688 6,621 1,172$5,860$5.0 100 75 92.9%95.4%317,289 308,950 8,339 1,476$7,380$5.0 Perimeter Pump Systems Motor Upgrades Feasiblity Analysis Blended Electrical Cost $0.177 Maximum Acceptable Payback 5 Years Ratio of BHP to Motor HP 75% Estimated Annual Hours of Operation 3200 Exist Est Replace if Proposed Required Proposed Required Required Proposed Required Motor Brake Motor Eff New Existing Energy Energy Energy Motor Simple Hp Hp Is Less Motor Energy Consump Savings Savings Instalation Payback Than Eff Cons KWh KWH KWH $Costs Yrs 1 0.75 65.9%85.5%2,715 2,093 621 110$550$5.0 1.5 1.13 70.6%86.5%3,804 3,103 701 124$620$5.0 2 1.50 73.4%86.5%4,878 4,138 740 131$655$5.0 3 2.25 78.6%89.5%6,835 5,999 836 148$740$5.0 5 3.75 82.5%89.5%10,851 9,998 853 151$755$5.0 7.5 5.63 84.4%91.0%15,903 14,750 1,153 204$1,020$5.0 10 7.50 85.5%91.7%20,929 19,517 1,412 250$1,250$5.0 15 11.25 87.4%93.0%30,730 28,866 1,864 330$1,650$5.0 20 15.00 87.6%93.0%40,861 38,488 2,373 420$2,100$5.0 25 18.75 87.8%93.6%50,988 47,801 3,186 564$2,820$5.0 30 22.50 89.1%94.1%60,277 57,057 3,220 570$2,850$5.0 40 30.00 89.6%94.1%79,917 76,076 3,842 680$3,400$5.0 50 37.50 90.2%94.5%99,212 94,692 4,520 800$4,000$5.0 60 45.00 90.9%95.0%118,185 113,032 5,153 912$4,560$5.0 75 56.25 90.7%95.0%147,912 141,291 6,621 1,172$5,860$5.0 100 75 91.3%95.4%195,936 187,597 8,339 1,476$7,380$5.0 Heating Coil Pump Systems APPENDIX E –SYSTEM DIAGRAMS HEATING WATER SYSTEMHEATING WATER SYSTEM DIAGAMSM1.1 VAV AIR HANDLING UNITVAV AIR HANDLING UNITM1.2 GYM/COMMONS AIR HANDLING UNITGYM/COMMONS AIR HANDLING UNITM1.3 APPENDIX F –EQUIPMENT SCHEDULES AHFC ENERGY AUDITS - EXISTING EQUIPMENT SCHEDULES BOILER SCHEDULE - RANDY SMITH MIDDLE SCHOOL MARK TYPE BOILER CAP CAP OIL EST BURNER MODEL INPUT OUPUT CAP EFF MODEL #MBH MBH GPH %# B-1 BUILDING HEATING CAST IRON 988 2,632 2,145 18.8 81.5%FL12-GO-50 B-2 BUILDING HEATING CAST IRON 988 2,632 2,145 18.8 81.5%FL12-GO-50 B-3 BUILDING HEATING CAST IRON 988 2,632 2,145 18.8 81.5%FL12-GO-50 NOTES: FAN SCHEDULE - RANDY SMITH MIDDLE SCHOOL MARK FAN AIR MIN TSP CAPACITY MOTOR MOTOR MANUF FLOW OSA IN CONTROL SIZE EFF CFM CFM H20 HP SF01 HAAKON 72,000 14,700 4.25 VSD 2@40 N/A CONNECTED LOAD IS 49,000 CFM (23,000 CFM FUTURE CAP) SF02 HAAKON 36,000 3,100 5.25 VSD 30.0 N/A CONNECTED LOAD IS 23,300 CFM (12,700 CFM FUTURE CAP) SF04 TRANE 3,175 3,000 5.25 VSD 30.0 N/A EF01 RESTROOMS GRNHECK 5,450 N/A 0.88 CV 3.0 N/A EF05 RELIEF FAN GRNHECK 16,700 N/A 0.38 VSD 3.0 N/A EF06 RELIEF FAN GRNHECK 16,700 N/A 0.38 CV 3.0 N/A EF07 RELIEF FAN GRNHECK 16,700 N/A 0.38 CV 3.0 N/A EF08 RELIEF FAN GRNHECK 16,700 N/A 0.38 CV 3.0 N/A EF09 RELIEF FAN GRNHECK 16,700 N/A 0.38 CV 3.0 N/A EF10 RELIEF FAN GRNHECK 16,700 N/A 0.38 CV 3.0 N/A NOTES: PUMP SCHEDULE - RANDY SMITH MIDDLE SCHOOL MARK PUMP PUMP PUMP PUMP PUMP CAPACITY MOTOR MOTOR REMARKS MANUF TYP MODEL FLOW HEAD CONTROL SIZE EFF #GPM FT H20 HP G01 B & G END SUCT 2.5 BB 292 70 VSD 10.0 91.0% G02 B & G END SUCT 2.5 BB 292 70 VSD 10.0 91.0%REDUNDANT G03 B & G END SUCT 4 AC 440 42 VSD 7.5 91.0% G04 AHU HTG COILS B & G END SUCT 4 AC 440 42 VSD 7.5 91.0%REDUNDANT NOTES: MOTOR MANUF MARATHON MARATHON MARATHON MARATHON PERIMETER HEATING AHU HTG COILS BURNER MANUF BOILER MANUF WEIL McCLAIN WEIL McCLAIN WEIL McCLAIN GORDON PIATT GORDON PIATT GORDON PIATT PERIMETER HEATING SERVES SERVES BOILER ROOM MAIN BUILDING GYM/COMMONS LEESON REMARKS SERVES REMARKS MOTOR MANUFACTURER N/A N/A N/A N/A LEESON LEESON LEESON LEESON LEESON RS Consulting - Mechanical Engineering - 2400 NW 80th St #178 Seattle, WA 98117 APPENDIX G –TRACE 700 INPUT DATA Bldg:Randy Smith Middle School Zone Zone Floor Roof Total Floor Ceiling Plenum Grs Wall Window #Occ Design Design Number Name Area Area Perimeter to Floor Height Ht Area Area of per Total Watts Total Loads System Airflow Cfm Sf Sf Lgth, Ft Ht Ft Ft Ft Sf Sf People 1000 sf Watts Per SF Watts Watt/Sf Cfm SF 101 Office/Esemble 548 548 71 15.0 10.0 5.0 1,062 0 15 27 858 1.57 576 1.05 SF-1 1,050 1.92 102 Band/Choir/Instrmnt Storage 1,689 102 50 15.0 10.0 5.0 743 64 45 27 2,635 1.56 2,163 1.28 SF-1 2,620 1.55 103 Vestibule V-4 102 102 22 15.0 9.0 6.0 323 0 0 0 185 1.81 125 1.23 CH 300 2.94 104 Corridors 4,396 818 13 15.0 10.0 5.0 195 0 0 0 6,532 1.49 3,460 0.79 SF-1 1,200 0.27 105 Stair S-2 365 17 30.8 30.8 0.0 524 0 0 0 452 1.24 280 0.77 SF-1 400 1.10 106 Project 796 18 15.0 10.0 5.0 270 70 25 31 1,327 1.67 1,109 1.39 SF-1 1,160 1.46 107 Technology 1,145 1,145 32 15.0 10.0 5.0 480 44 25 22 1,922 1.68 1,620 1.41 SF-1 1,680 1.47 108 Computer 1,102 1,102 27 15.0 10.0 5.0 405 32 25 23 1,582 1.44 1,328 1.21 SF-1 1,840 1.67 109 Classroom/Technology 1,772 107 15.0 10.0 5.0 1,605 140 60 34 2,654 1.50 2,218 1.25 SF-1 3,010 1.70 110 Small Group 128A/125A 192 0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0 0 6 31 340 1.77 292 1.52 SF-1 440 2.29 111 Art 1,192 1,192 28 15.0 10.0 5.0 420 70 30 25 1,667 1.40 1,401 1.18 SF-1 1,500 1.26 112 Media Center 2,848 2,848 61 17.0 12.0 5.0 1,037 210 72 25 5,222 1.83 4,396 1.54 SF-1 3,420 1.20 113 Storage/Workroom/Office 559 0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0 0 5 9 1,020 1.82 801 1.43 SF-1 550 0.98 114 Science 856 21 15.0 10.0 5.0 315 0 25 29 1,327 1.55 1,109 1.30 SF-1 1,360 1.59 115 Prep 267 36 15.0 10.0 5.0 540 35 5 19 342 1.28 224 0.84 SF-1 420 1.57 116 Boys/Girls Restroom/Janitor 649 0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0 0 0 0 348 0.54 252 0.39 SF-1 470 0.72 117 Multi-media Production 678 678 0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0 0 20 29 1,360 2.01 1,168 1.72 SF-1 900 1.33 118 Science 903 20 15.0 10.0 5.0 300 70 25 28 2,007 2.22 1,483 1.64 SF-1 1,360 1.51 119 Classroom/Technology 1,772 107 15.0 10.0 5.0 1,605 140 60 34 2,654 1.50 2,218 1.25 SF-1 2,990 1.69 120 Rec/Gen/Cust Off/Corr 1,515 1,515 69 15.0 10.0 5.0 1,035 0 2 1 1,596 1.05 1,206 0.80 SF-1 460 0.30 121 Kit/Cust Strg/Jan/Off 1,530 828 0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0 0 10 7 2,492 1.63 1,388 0.91 SF-1 1,130 0.74 122 Project/Planning/Office 1,429 38 15.0 10.0 5.0 570 105 10 7 2,432 1.70 2,058 1.44 SF-1 1,710 1.20 123 Elev Mach/Stair S-1 343 5 15.0 10.0 5.0 75 0 0 0 707 2.06 406 1.18 SF-1 150 0.44 124 Toilet/Exam/Nurses Office 373 44 15.0 10.0 5.0 653 23 5 13 444 1.19 537 1.44 SF-1 320 0.86 125 Vestibule V-2 39 6 15.0 9.0 6.0 90 0 0 0 58 1.49 42 1.08 CH 250 6.41 126 Lounge 477 48 15.0 10.0 5.0 714 69 12 25 680 1.43 584 1.22 SF-1 650 1.36 127 Recpt/Sec/Princ/VP/Work 1,056 48 15.0 10.0 5.0 720 115 7 7 2,418 2.29 1,954 1.85 SF-1 900 0.85 128 Elev/Toilets/Admin Storage 653 0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0 0 0 0 1,017 1.56 729 1.12 SF-1 360 0.55 129 Commons 6,014 100 15.0 10.0 5.0 1,500 442 200 33 7,794 1.30 4,628 0.77 SF-2 8,100 1.35 130 Boys/Girls Restroom/Office 1,388 0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0 0 30 22 951 0.69 723 0.52 SF-2 590 0.43 131 Boys/Girls Locker room/Office 1,434 0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0 0 30 21 3,039 2.12 2,499 1.74 SF-2 1,400 0.98 132 Gymnasium 7,869 248 32.9 32.9 0.0 8,172 0 300 38 15,393 1.96 11,716 1.49 SF-2 13,240 1.68 133 Vestibule V-1 163 27 15.0 9.0 6.0 398 77 0 0 288 1.77 152 0.93 CH 775 4.75 134 Small Group 118A/115A 192 0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0 0 6 31 394 2.05 334 1.74 SF-1 440 2.29 135 Conference Room 149 0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0 0 10 67 255 1.71 219 1.47 SF-1 360 2.42 136 Vestibule V-3 61 61 9 15.0 9.0 6.0 135 0 0 0 104 1.70 28 0.46 CH 300 4.92 137 Team Work Room 450 450 45 15.0 9.0 6.0 675 35 15 33 1,039 2.31 831 1.85 SF-1 600 1.33 201 Storage/Stair S-2 976 976 122 30.8 30.8 0.0 3,755 78 0 0 1,136 1.16 972 1.00 SF-1 300 0.31 202 Project 796 796 18 15.8 10.0 5.8 284 70 25 31 1,327 1.67 1,109 1.39 SF-1 960 1.21 203 Corridors 3,476 3,476 198 15.8 10.0 5.8 3,128 84 0 0 2,162 0.62 1,400 0.40 SF-1 1,500 0.43 204 Small Group 211A/208A 192 192 0 15.8 10.0 5.8 0 0 6 31 448 2.33 376 1.96 SF-1 440 2.29 205 Classroom/Technology 1,772 1,772 107 15.8 10.0 5.8 1,691 140 60 34 2,654 1.50 2,218 1.25 SF-1 3,230 1.82 206 Science 856 856 21 15.8 10.0 5.8 332 71 25 29 1,327 1.55 1,109 1.30 SF-1 1,360 1.59 207 Boys/Girls Restroom/Janitor 649 649 0 15.8 10.0 5.8 0 0 0 0 945 1.46 620 0.96 SF-1 410 0.63 208 Prep 267 267 36 15.8 10.0 5.8 569 35 5 19 425 1.59 240 0.90 SF-1 470 1.76 209 Science 903 903 20 15.8 10.0 5.8 316 70 25 28 1,327 1.47 1,109 1.23 SF-1 1,360 1.51 210 Classroom/Technology 1,772 1,772 107 15.8 10.0 5.8 1,691 140 60 34 2,654 1.50 2,218 1.25 SF-1 3,230 1.82 211 Small Group 201A/204A 192 192 0 15.8 10.0 5.8 0 0 6 31 394 2.05 334 1.74 SF-1 440 2.29 212 Project 1,429 1,429 18 15.8 10.0 5.8 284 70 25 17 1,327 0.93 1,109 0.78 SF-1 960 0.67 Building Input Form - Trace 700 Lights (Proposed)Lights (Existing) Bldg:Randy Smith Middle School Zone Zone Floor Roof Total Floor Ceiling Plenum Grs Wall Window #Occ Design Design Number Name Area Area Perimeter to Floor Height Ht Area Area of per Total Watts Total Loads System Airflow Cfm Sf Sf Lgth, Ft Ht Ft Ft Ft Sf Sf People 1000 sf Watts Per SF Watts Watt/Sf Cfm SF Building Input Form - Trace 700 Lights (Proposed)Lights (Existing) 213 Planning/Stair S-1 648 648 35 30.8 30.8 0.0 1,063 113 2 3 340 0.52 292 0.45 SF-1 590 0.91 214 ISS 395 395 35 15.8 10.0 5.8 553 70 12 30 595 1.51 511 1.29 SF-1 580 1.47 215 Conf/Storage/Off/Toilet 545 545 67 15.8 10 5.8 1,059 105 10 18 1,221 2.24 1,033 1.90 SF-1 710 1.30 216 Corridors 3,132 3,132 24 15.8 10 5.8 371 140 0 0 948 0.30 638 0.20 SF-1 850 0.27 217 Tech Control 418 418 22 15.8 10 5.8 340 0 2 5 340 0.81 192 0.46 UH 300 0.72 218 Fan Room 4,226 4,226 90 15.8 10 5.8 1,422 0 0 0 2,770 0.66 2,048 0.48 UH 1,600 0.38 219 Boiler Room 780 780 12 15.0 15.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 652 0.84 450 0.58 SF-4 3,175 4.07 70,390 34,813 2,245 41,416 2,927 1,343 98,527 1.4 74,235 1.05 80,870 Percent Windows 7%Exterior Lighting AIR HANDLING UNITS Total Student Enrollment 422 13,368 4,292 TAG SERVES AREA CFM CFM/SF SCHEDULED SF-1 MAIN BUILDING 47,896 50,840 1.06 72000 21,160 (future capacity) SF-2 GYM/COMMONS 16,705 23,330 1.40 34000 10,670 (future capacity) SF-4 BOILER ROOM 780 3,175 4.07 3175 OTHER VESTIBULES/STORAGE 5,009 3,525 0.70 70,390 80,870 1.15 Bldg:Randy Smith Middle School Wall Direction:North = 0, East = 90, South = 180, West =270 Zone Zone Number Name Wall Gross Wall Wall Glass Glass Wall Wall Gross Wall Wall Glass Glass Wall Wall Gross Wall Wall Glass Glass Wall Length Ft Sq Ft Type Area Type Direction Length Ft Sq Ft Type Area Type Direction Length Ft Sq Ft Type Area Type Direction 101 Office/Esemble 12 180 1 90 43 642 1 180 16 240 1 270 102 Band/Choir/Instrmnt Storage 9 135 1 90 41 608 1 64 2 270 0 103 Vestibule V-4 10 143 1 90 12 180 1 180 0 104 Corridors 13 195 1 90 0 0 105 Stair S-2 17 524 1 90 0 0 106 Project 18 270 1 70 2 90 0 0 107 Technology 32 480 1 44 2 270 0 0 108 Computer 27 405 1 32 2 270 0 0 109 Classroom/Technology 23 345 1 180 61 915 1 140 2 90 23 345 1 0 110 Small Group 128A/125A 0 0 0 111 Art 28 420 1 70 2 270 0 0 112 Media Center 61 1037 1 210 2 270 0 0 113 Storage/Workroom/Office 0 0 0 114 Science 21 315 1 90 0 0 115 Prep 36 540 1 35 2 90 0 0 116 Boys/Girls Restroom/Janitor 0 0 0 117 Multi-media Production 0 0 0 118 Science 20 300 1 70 2 90 0 0 119 Classroom/Technology 23 345 1 180 61 915 1 140 2 90 23 345 1 0 120 Rec/Gen/Cust Off/Corr 19 285 1 180 50 750 1 270 0 121 Kit/Cust Strg/Jan/Off/Frzr/Dry Stg 0 0 0 122 Project/Planning/Office 38 570 1 105 2 90 0 0 123 Elev Mach/Stair S-1 5 75 1 90 0 0 124 Toilet/Exam/Nurses Office 23 345 1 180 21 308 1 23 2 90 0 125 Vestibule V-2 6 90 1 90 0 0 126 Lounge 31 459 1 46 2 90 17 255 1 23 2 0 0 127 Recpt/Sec/Princ/VP/Work 48 720 1 115 2 0 0 0 128 Elev/Toilets/Admin Storage 0 0 0 129 Commons 12 180 1 90 63 945 1 322 2 0 25 375 1 120 2 270 130 Boys/Girls Restroom/Office 0 0 0 131 Boys/Girls Locker room/Office 0 0 0 132 Gymnasium 89 2928 1 0 105 3468 1 270 54 1777 1 180 133 Vestibule V-1 4 60 1 33 2 90 23 338 1 44 2 0 0 134 Small Group 118A/115A 0 0 0 0 0 135 Conference Room 0 0 0 136 Vestibule V-3 9 135 1 180 0 0 137 Team Work Room 17 255 1 35 90 28 420 1 180 0 201 Storage/Stair S-2 43 1337 1 180 40 1217 1 78 2 90 39 1201 1 270 202 Project 18 284 1 70 2 90 0 0 203 Corridors 198 3128 1 84 2 270 0 0 204 Small Group 211A/208A 0 0 0 205 Classroom/Technology 23 363 1 180 61 964 1 140 2 90 23 363 1 0 206 Science 21 332 1 71 2 90 0 0 207 Boys/Girls Restroom/Janitor 0 0 0 208 Prep 36 569 1 35 2 90 0 0 209 Science 20 316 1 70 2 90 0 0 210 Classroom/Technology 23 363 1 180 61 964 1 140 2 90 23 363 1 0 211 Small Group 201A/204A 0 0 0 212 Project 18 284 1 70 2 90 0 0 213 Planning/Stair S-1 35 1063 1 113 2 90 0 0 214 ISS 11 174 1 180 24 379 1 70 2 90 0 215 Conf/Storage/Off/Toilet 16 253 1 35 2 90 51 806 1 70 2 0 0 216 Corridors 3 47 1 2 90 21 324 1 140 0 0 217 Tech Control 22 340 1 180 0 0 218 Fan Room 39 616 1 180 14 221 1 180 37 585 1 0 219 Boiler Room 12 0 1 180 Wall 1 Wall 2 Wall 3 Building Input Form - Trace 700 - Wall Data Library Members Schedules FB School Misc Loads Simulation type:Reduced year Start time End time PercentageJanuary - December Cooling design Utilization Midnight 7 a.m.0.0 7 a.m.8 a.m.50.0 8 a.m.11 a.m.100.0 11 a.m.noon 80.0 noon 1 p.m.20.0 1 p.m.3 p.m.100.0 3 p.m.5 p.m.30.0 5 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageHeating Design Utilization Midnight Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageJanuary - May Weekday Utilization Midnight 7 a.m.0.0 7 a.m.8 a.m.50.0 8 a.m.11 a.m.100.0 11 a.m.noon 80.0 noon 1 p.m.20.0 1 p.m.3 p.m.100.0 3 p.m.5 p.m.30.0 5 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageJune - August Weekday Utilization Midnight 7 a.m.0.0 7 a.m.8 a.m.5.0 8 a.m.3 p.m.5.0 3 p.m.5 p.m.5.0 5 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageSeptember - December Weekday Utilization TRACE® 700 v6.2.7Project Name:Randy Smith Middle School Page 7 of 27Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Library Members Schedules Midnight 7 a.m.0.0 7 a.m.8 a.m.50.0 8 a.m.11 a.m.100.0 11 a.m.noon 80.0 noon 1 p.m.20.0 1 p.m.3 p.m.100.0 3 p.m.5 p.m.30.0 5 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageJanuary - December Saturday to Sunday Utilization Midnight Midnight 0.0 fb school vest tstat Simulation type:Reduced year Start time End time Setpoint °FJanuary - December Cooling design to Sunday Thermostat Midnight Midnight 70.0 TRACE® 700 v6.2.7Project Name:Randy Smith Middle School Page 8 of 27Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Library Members Schedules FB People Classroom Simulation type:Reduced year Start time End time PercentageJanuary - December Cooling design Utilization Midnight Midnight 100.0 Start time End time PercentageHeating Design Utilization Midnight Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageJanuary - May Weekday Utilization Midnight 7 a.m.0.0 7 a.m.8 a.m.20.0 8 a.m.9 a.m.50.0 9 a.m.noon 100.0 noon 1 p.m.20.0 1 p.m.3 p.m.100.0 3 p.m.4 p.m.50.0 4 p.m.5 p.m.20.0 5 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageJune - August Weekday Utilization Midnight 10 a.m.0.0 8 a.m.3 p.m.30.0 2 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageSeptember - December Weekday Utilization Midnight 7 a.m.0.0 7 a.m.8 a.m.20.0 8 a.m.9 a.m.50.0 9 a.m.noon 100.0 noon 1 p.m.20.0 1 p.m.3 p.m.100.0 3 p.m.4 p.m.50.0 4 p.m.5 p.m.20.0 TRACE® 700 v6.2.7Project Name:Randy Smith Middle School Page 9 of 27Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Library Members Schedules 5 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageJanuary - December Saturday to Sunday Utilization Midnight Midnight 0.0 fb school clg tstat Simulation type:Reduced year Start time End time Setpoint °FJanuary - May Cooling design to Weekday Thermostat Midnight 9 a.m.95.0 9 a.m.4 p.m.80.0 4 p.m.Midnight 95.0 Start time End time Setpoint °FSeptember - December Cooling design to Weekday Thermostat Midnight 9 a.m.95.0 9 a.m.4 p.m.80.0 4 p.m.Midnight 95.0 Start time End time Setpoint °FJune - August Cooling design to Weekday Thermostat Midnight 7 a.m.95.0 7 a.m.6 p.m.95.0 6 p.m.Midnight 95.0 Start time End time Setpoint °FJanuary - December Saturday to Sunday Thermostat Midnight 9 a.m.95.0 8 a.m.5 p.m.75.0 4 p.m.Midnight 95.0 TRACE® 700 v6.2.7Project Name:Randy Smith Middle School Page 10 of 27Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Library Members Schedules FB School Lights Simulation type:Reduced year Start time End time PercentageJanuary - December Cooling design Utilization Midnight 7 a.m.0.0 7 a.m.9 a.m.50.0 9 a.m.3 p.m.100.0 3 p.m.5 p.m.50.0 5 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageHeating Design Utilization Midnight Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageJanuary - May Weekday Utilization Midnight 7 a.m.0.0 7 a.m.9 a.m.50.0 9 a.m.3 p.m.100.0 3 p.m.5 p.m.50.0 5 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageJune - August Weekday Utilization Midnight 7 a.m.0.0 7 a.m.8 a.m.20.0 8 a.m.3 p.m.50.0 3 p.m.5 p.m.20.0 5 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageSeptember - December Weekday Utilization Midnight 7 a.m.0.0 7 a.m.9 a.m.50.0 9 a.m.3 p.m.100.0 3 p.m.5 p.m.50.0 5 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageJanuary - December Saturday to Sunday Utilization TRACE® 700 v6.2.7Project Name:Randy Smith Middle School Page 11 of 27Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Library Members Schedules Midnight Midnight 0.0 FB School Parking Lot Lights Simulation type:Reduced year Start time End time PercentageJanuary - March Cooling design to Sunday Utilization Midnight 9 a.m.100.0 9 a.m.4 p.m.0.0 4 p.m.Midnight 100.0 Start time End time PercentageHeating Design Utilization Midnight 7 a.m.100.0 7 a.m.6 p.m.0.0 6 p.m.Midnight 100.0 Start time End time PercentageApril - September Cooling design to Sunday Utilization Midnight 5 a.m.100.0 5 a.m.8 p.m.0.0 8 p.m.Midnight 100.0 Start time End time PercentageOctober - December Cooling design to Sunday Utilization Midnight 8 a.m.100.0 8 a.m.6 p.m.0.0 6 p.m.Midnight 100.0 TRACE® 700 v6.2.7Project Name:Randy Smith Middle School Page 12 of 27Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Library Members Schedules FB Dom Hot Water Simulation type:Reduced year Start time End time PercentageJanuary - May Cooling design to Weekday Utilization Midnight 7 a.m.5.0 7 a.m.8 a.m.50.0 8 a.m.11 a.m.100.0 11 a.m.noon 80.0 noon 1 p.m.20.0 1 p.m.3 p.m.100.0 3 p.m.5 p.m.30.0 5 p.m.Midnight 5.0 Start time End time PercentageJanuary - May Saturday Utilization Midnight Midnight 5.0 Start time End time PercentageJanuary - May Sunday Utilization Midnight Midnight 5.0 Start time End time PercentageJune - August Cooling design to Weekday Utilization Midnight 7 a.m.5.0 7 a.m.8 a.m.10.0 8 a.m.3 p.m.30.0 3 p.m.5 p.m.10.0 5 p.m.Midnight 5.0 Start time End time PercentageJune - August Saturday Utilization Midnight Midnight 5.0 Start time End time PercentageJune - August Sunday Utilization Midnight Midnight 5.0 Start time End time PercentageSeptember - December Cooling design to Weekday Utilization Midnight 7 a.m.5.0 7 a.m.8 a.m.50.0 8 a.m.11 a.m.100.0 TRACE® 700 v6.2.7Project Name:Randy Smith Middle School Page 13 of 27Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Library Members Schedules 11 a.m.noon 80.0 noon 1 p.m.20.0 1 p.m.3 p.m.100.0 3 p.m.5 p.m.30.0 5 p.m.Midnight 5.0 Start time End time PercentageSeptember - December Saturday Utilization Midnight Midnight 5.0 Start time End time PercentageSeptember - December Sunday Utilization Midnight Midnight 5.0 Start time End time PercentageHeating Design Utilization Midnight Midnight 0.0 FB School Vestibule Infiltration Simulation type:Reduced year Start time End time PercentageHeating Design Utilization Midnight Midnight 100.0 Start time End time PercentageJanuary - December Cooling design to Sunday Utilization Midnight 8 a.m.75.0 8 a.m.5 p.m.100.0 5 p.m.Midnight 75.0 TRACE® 700 v6.2.7Project Name:Randy Smith Middle School Page 14 of 27Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Library Members Schedules FB School Vent Simulation type:Reduced year Start time End time PercentageJanuary - June Weekday Utilization Midnight 8 a.m.0.0 8 a.m.9 a.m.50.0 9 a.m.5 p.m.100.0 5 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageHeating Design Utilization Midnight Midnight 100.0 Start time End time PercentageJuly - August Weekday Utilization Midnight 10 a.m.0.0 10 a.m.3 p.m.100.0 3 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageSeptember - December Weekday Utilization Midnight 8 a.m.0.0 8 a.m.9 a.m.50.0 9 a.m.5 p.m.100.0 5 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageJanuary - December Saturday to Sunday Utilization Midnight Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageJanuary - December Cooling design Utilization Midnight Midnight 100.0 TRACE® 700 v6.2.7Project Name:Randy Smith Middle School Page 15 of 27Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Library Members Schedules Cooling Only (Design)Simulation type:Reduced year Start time End time PercentageJanuary - December Cooling design to Sunday Utilization Midnight Midnight 100.0 Start time End time PercentageHeating Design Utilization Midnight Midnight 0.0 Available (100%)Simulation type:Reduced year Start time End time PercentageJanuary - December Cooling design to Sunday Utilization Midnight Midnight 100.0 Start time End time PercentageHeating Design Utilization Midnight Midnight 100.0 TRACE® 700 v6.2.7Project Name:Randy Smith Middle School Page 16 of 27Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Library Members Schedules fb school htg tstat Simulation type:Reduced year Start time End time Setpoint °FJanuary - May Cooling design to Weekday Thermostat Midnight 5 a.m.65.0 5 a.m.6 a.m.66.0 6 a.m.7 a.m.67.0 7 a.m.8 a.m.68.0 8 a.m.9 a.m.69.0 9 a.m.5 p.m.70.0 5 p.m.Midnight 65.0 Start time End time Setpoint °FSeptember - December Cooling design to Weekday Thermostat Midnight 5 a.m.65.0 5 a.m.6 a.m.66.0 6 a.m.7 a.m.67.0 7 a.m.8 a.m.68.0 8 a.m.9 a.m.69.0 9 a.m.5 p.m.70.0 5 p.m.Midnight 65.0 Start time End time Setpoint °FJune - August Cooling design to Weekday Thermostat Midnight 7 a.m.65.0 7 a.m.6 p.m.65.0 6 p.m.Midnight 65.0 Start time End time Setpoint °FJanuary - December Saturday to Sunday Thermostat Midnight 7 a.m.65.0 7 a.m.8 a.m.65.0 8 a.m.5 p.m.65.0 5 p.m.6 p.m.65.0 6 p.m.Midnight 65.0 TRACE® 700 v6.2.7Project Name:Randy Smith Middle School Page 17 of 27Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Library Members Schedules FB People Common Areas Simulation type:Reduced year Start time End time PercentageJanuary - December Cooling design Utilization Midnight Midnight 100.0 Start time End time PercentageHeating Design Utilization Midnight Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageJanuary - May Weekday Utilization Midnight 8 a.m.0.0 8 a.m.10 a.m.100.0 10 a.m.noon 25.0 noon 1 p.m.100.0 1 p.m.3 p.m.25.0 3 p.m.4 p.m.100.0 4 p.m.5 p.m.25.0 5 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageJune - August Weekday Utilization Midnight 10 a.m.0.0 10 a.m.3 p.m.25.0 3 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageSeptember - December Weekday Utilization Midnight 8 a.m.0.0 8 a.m.10 a.m.100.0 10 a.m.noon 25.0 noon 1 p.m.100.0 1 p.m.3 p.m.25.0 3 p.m.4 p.m.100.0 4 p.m.5 p.m.25.0 5 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageJanuary - December Saturday to Sunday Utilization TRACE® 700 v6.2.7Project Name:Randy Smith Middle School Page 18 of 27Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Library Members Schedules Midnight Midnight 0.0 FB Fan Middle School Simulation type:Reduced year Start time End time PercentageJanuary - May Cooling design to Weekday Utilization Midnight 6 a.m.0.0 6 a.m.5 p.m.100.0 5 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageHeating Design Utilization Midnight Midnight 100.0 Start time End time PercentageJanuary - December Saturday to Sunday Utilization Midnight 11 a.m.0.0 11 a.m.2 p.m.0.0 2 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageJune - August Cooling design to Weekday Utilization Midnight 10 a.m.0.0 10 a.m.2 p.m.100.0 2 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageSeptember - December Cooling design to Weekday Utilization Midnight 6 a.m.0.0 6 a.m.5 p.m.100.0 5 p.m.Midnight 0.0 TRACE® 700 v6.2.7Project Name:Randy Smith Middle School Page 19 of 27Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Library Members Schedules Off (0%)Simulation type:Reduced year Start time End time StatusJanuary - December Cooling design to Sunday Equipment operation Midnight Midnight Off TRACE® 700 v6.2.7Project Name:Randy Smith Middle School Page 20 of 27Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Library Members Schedules FB School Infiltration Simulation type:Reduced year Start time End time PercentageJanuary - May Cooling design to Weekday Utilization Midnight 8 a.m.100.0 8 a.m.4 p.m.25.0 4 p.m.Midnight 100.0 Start time End time PercentageJanuary - May Saturday Utilization Midnight Midnight 100.0 Start time End time PercentageJanuary - May Sunday Utilization Midnight Midnight 100.0 Start time End time PercentageJune - August Cooling design to Weekday Utilization Midnight Midnight 100.0 Start time End time PercentageJune - August Saturday Utilization Midnight Midnight 100.0 Start time End time PercentageJune - August Sunday Utilization Midnight Midnight 100.0 Start time End time PercentageSeptember - December Cooling design to Weekday Utilization Midnight 8 a.m.100.0 8 a.m.4 p.m.25.0 4 p.m.Midnight 100.0 Start time End time PercentageSeptember - December Saturday Utilization Midnight Midnight 100.0 Start time End time PercentageSeptember - December Sunday Utilization Midnight Midnight 100.0 Start time End time PercentageHeating Design Utilization Midnight Midnight 100.0 TRACE® 700 v6.2.7Project Name:Randy Smith Middle School Page 21 of 27Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Library Members Schedules FB People Office Simulation type:Reduced year Start time End time PercentageJanuary - December Cooling design Utilization Midnight Midnight 100.0 Start time End time PercentageHeating Design Utilization Midnight Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageJanuary - May Weekday Utilization Midnight 8 a.m.0.0 8 a.m.9 a.m.50.0 9 a.m.3 p.m.100.0 3 p.m.4 p.m.50.0 4 p.m.5 p.m.20.0 5 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageJune - August Weekday Utilization Midnight 10 a.m.0.0 10 a.m.2 p.m.30.0 2 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageSeptember - December Weekday Utilization Midnight 8 a.m.0.0 8 a.m.9 a.m.50.0 9 a.m.3 p.m.100.0 3 p.m.4 p.m.50.0 4 p.m.5 p.m.20.0 5 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageJanuary - December Saturday to Sunday Utilization Midnight Midnight 0.0 TRACE® 700 v6.2.7Project Name:Randy Smith Middle School Page 22 of 27Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Library Members Schedules FB School Lights No Occ Sen Simulation type:Reduced year Start time End time PercentageJanuary - December Cooling design Utilization Midnight 7 a.m.0.0 7 a.m.9 a.m.50.0 9 a.m.3 p.m.100.0 3 p.m.5 p.m.20.0 5 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageHeating Design Utilization Midnight Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageJanuary - May Weekday Utilization Midnight 7 a.m.0.0 7 a.m.9 a.m.50.0 9 a.m.3 p.m.100.0 3 p.m.5 p.m.20.0 5 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageJune - August Weekday Utilization Midnight 7 a.m.0.0 7 a.m.8 a.m.10.0 8 a.m.3 p.m.20.0 3 p.m.5 p.m.10.0 5 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageSeptember - December Weekday Utilization Midnight 7 a.m.0.0 7 a.m.9 a.m.50.0 9 a.m.3 p.m.100.0 3 p.m.5 p.m.20.0 5 p.m.Midnight 0.0 Start time End time PercentageJanuary - December Saturday to Sunday Utilization TRACE® 700 v6.2.7Project Name:Randy Smith Middle School Page 23 of 27Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC APPENDIX H –TRACE 700 OUPUT DATA Total Building Consumption ElectricityStand-alone Base Utilities ElectricityReceptacles-Conditioned ElectricityFans-Conditioned ElectricityPumps Oil Space Heating Electricity ElectricityLighting-Conditioned Alt-3 Heat RecoveryAlt-2 Lighting Upgrades*Alt-1 Existing Systems Energy 10^6 Btu/yr Proposed /Base % Peak kBtuh Energy 10^6 Btu/yr Proposed /Base % Peak kBtuh Energy 10^6 Btu/yr Proposed /Base % Peak kBtuh 683.6 13 386 518.3 76 293 518.3 76 293 215.9 4 37 218.5 101 37 218.4 101 37 3,271.3 62 4,630 3,385.0 103 4,698 3,039.4 93 4,591 140.7 3 25 142.5 101 25 142.5 101 25 411.5 8 360 409.5 100 354 436.4 106 369 330.3 6 242 330.3 100 242 330.3 100 242 198.1 4 44 65.5 33 15 65.5 33 15 5,251.5 5,069.5 4,750.7 Energy Cost Budget /PRM Summary By RS Consulting Project Name: Randy Smith Middle School Weather Data: Fairbanks, AlaskaCity: Fairbanks, AK February 13, 2012Date: Note:The percentage displayed for the "Proposed/Base %" column of the base case is actually the percentage of the total energy consumption. *Denotes the base alternative for the ECB study. Total Oil Electricity Alt-3 Heat RecoveryAlt-2 Lighting Upgrades*Alt-1 Existing Systems Energy 10^6 Btu/yr Cost/yr $/yr Energy 10^6 Btu/yr Cost/yr $/yr Energy 10^6 Btu/yr Cost/yr $/yr 1,980.1 123,961 1,684.5 106,502 1,711.3 108,329 3,271.3 79,494 3,385.0 82,256 3,039.4 73,857 5,251 203,454 5,070 188,758 4,751 182,186 Total Alt-3 Heat RecoveryAlt-2 Lighting Upgrades*Alt-1 Existing Systems Number of hours heating load not met Number of hours cooling load not met 122 0 206 0 206 0 Randy Smith Middle School Dataset Name: Project Name: Energy Cost Budget Report Page 1 of 1 TRACE® 700 v6.2.7 calculated at 03:38 PM on 02/13/2012 RANDY SMITH.TRC MONTHLY ENERGY CONSUMPTION By RS Consulting Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec TotalUtility -------Monthly Energy Consumption ------- Alternative: 1 Existing Systems Electric 580,16856,83757,17458,06450,15326,76823,43925,55455,21151,76362,51853,26859,420On-Pk Cons. (kWh) 252242243246246226229227252245244243242On-Pk Demand (kW) Oil 32,7136,4164,4492,1947812622032161,3462,1234,7784,1025,843Cons. (therms) Building Source Floor Area 70,440 125,878 ft2 Btu/(ft2-year) 74,552 CO2 SO2 NOX Energy Consumption Environmental Impact Analysis 14,380,351 lbm/year 14,833 gm/year 46,866 gm/year Btu/(ft2-year) Alternative: 2 Lighting Upgrades Electric 493,56248,66248,88349,44843,53521,97518,63720,63048,47045,23552,88844,97450,224On-Pk Cons. (kWh) 224214215218218199201199224218216215214On-Pk Demand (kW) Oil 33,8506,5434,5892,3288562662052181,4542,2544,9294,2335,975Cons. (therms) Building Source Floor Area 68,000 115,587 ft2 Btu/(ft2-year) 74,552 CO2 SO2 NOX Energy Consumption Environmental Impact Analysis 12,233,671 lbm/year 12,618 gm/year 39,870 gm/year Btu/(ft2-year) Project Name:TRACE® 700 v6.2.7 calculated at 03:38 PM on 02/13/2012Randy Smith Middle School Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Alternative - 2 Monthly Energy Consumption report Page 1 of 2 MONTHLY ENERGY CONSUMPTION By RS Consulting Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec TotalUtility -------Monthly Energy Consumption ------- Alternative: 3 Heat Recovery Electric 501,41649,36849,62550,23444,26322,37818,98821,01649,27445,95353,70345,64750,964On-Pk Cons. (kWh) 228219219223223203205204228222220220219On-Pk Demand (kW) Oil 30,3945,9344,1242,0457932662052181,2581,9684,3953,8025,384Cons. (therms) Building Source Floor Area 63,723 111,786 ft2 Btu/(ft2-year) 74,552 CO2 SO2 NOX Energy Consumption Environmental Impact Analysis 12,428,344 lbm/year 12,819 gm/year 40,504 gm/year Btu/(ft2-year) Project Name:TRACE® 700 v6.2.7 calculated at 03:38 PM on 02/13/2012Randy Smith Middle School Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Alternative - 3 Monthly Energy Consumption report Page 2 of 2 EQUIPMENT ENERGY CONSUMPTION By RS Consulting Alternative: 1 Existing Systems Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec TotalEquipment-Utility -------Monthly Consumption ------- Lights 17,195.9 20,816.1 18,100.9 19,911.0 10,204.4 9,276.7 10,668.2 18,100.9 19,911.0 19,006.0 200,297.919,006.0 18,100.9Electric (kWh) 113.1 113.1 113.1 113.1 113.1 113.1 113.1 113.1 113.1 113.1 113.1 113.1 113.1Peak (kW) Misc. Ld 9,547.1 11,557.1 10,049.6 11,054.6 778.5 707.7 813.9 10,049.6 11,054.6 10,552.1 96,766.610,552.1 10,049.6Electric (kWh) 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8Peak (kW) Cooling Coil Condensate 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.80.1 0.1Recoverable Water (1000gal) Bsu 1: Parking lot lights 6,188.0 6,851.0 3,510.0 3,627.0 3,510.0 3,627.0 3,627.0 3,510.0 5,642.0 5,460.0 58,045.06,851.0 5,642.0Electric (kWh) 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0Peak (kW) Bsu 2: Domestic Hot Water Load 318.0 378.0 336.0 364.8 155.6 150.4 161.8 336.0 364.8 349.2 3,604.6351.6 338.4Proc. Hot Water (therms) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.6 0.6 0.6 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0Peak (therms/Hr) Cpl 1: No Cooling Plant [Sum of dsn coil capacities=124.7 tons] Hpl 1: AHU Heating System [Sum of dsn coil capacities=3,381 mbh] Boiler - 001 [Nominal Capacity/F.L.Rate=3,381 mbh / 42.26 Therms] (Heating Equipment) 3,360.7 3,938.7 1,555.1 817.5 21.4 14.5 59.8 316.7 1,581.2 3,643.6 25,497.14,898.1 5,289.8Oil (therms) 32.5 27.5 29.9 13.4 11.4 4.6 2.4 6.1 11.1 11.3 25.5 37.4 37.4Peak (therms/Hr) Heating water circ pump (Misc Accessory Equipment) 3,365.3 3,668.6 3,324.5 3,114.5 186.6 145.8 629.9 2,822.9 3,417.8 3,586.9 32,101.43,849.4 3,989.3Electric (kWh) 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8Peak (kW) Boiler forced draft fan (Misc Accessory Equipment) 1,950.9 2,126.7 1,927.2 1,805.5 108.2 84.5 365.2 1,636.5 1,981.3 2,079.4 18,609.52,231.5 2,312.7Electric (kWh) 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4Peak (kW) Cntl panel & interlocks - 0.5 KW (Misc Accessory Equipment) 288.5 314.5 285.0 267.0 16.0 12.5 54.0 242.0 293.0 307.5 2,752.0330.0 342.0Electric (kWh) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5Peak (kW) Project Name:TRACE® 700 v6.2.7 calculated at 03:38 PM on 02/13/2012Randy Smith Middle School Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Alternative - 1 Equipment Energy Consumption report page 1 of 9 EQUIPMENT ENERGY CONSUMPTION By RS Consulting Alternative: 1 Existing Systems Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec TotalEquipment-Utility -------Monthly Consumption ------- Hpl 1: AHU Heating System [Sum of dsn coil capacities=3,381 mbh] Fuel oil circulation pump (Misc Accessory Equipment) 2,190.8 2,388.3 2,164.3 2,027.6 121.5 94.9 410.1 1,837.7 2,225.0 2,335.1 20,898.52,506.0 2,597.1Electric (kWh) 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8Peak (kW) Hpl 2: Perimeter Heating System [Sum of dsn coil capacities=778.4 mbh] Boiler - 002 [Nominal Capacity/F.L.Rate=778.4 mbh / 9.73 Therms] (Heating Equipment) 343.5 367.0 147.7 72.7 0.0 0.0 0.2 44.7 157.2 368.5 2,710.6505.8 703.2Oil (therms) 6.4 4.3 4.6 2.1 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 1.8 3.4 6.4 6.4Peak (therms/Hr) Heating water circ pump (Misc Accessory Equipment) 1,022.6 1,132.2 973.9 770.0 0.0 0.0 36.5 701.5 1,132.2 1,095.7 9,129.11,132.2 1,132.2Electric (kWh) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5Peak (kW) Boiler forced draft fan (Misc Accessory Equipment) 523.1 579.1 498.2 393.9 0.0 0.0 18.7 358.8 579.1 560.5 4,669.6579.1 579.1Electric (kWh) 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8Peak (kW) Cntl panel & interlocks - 0.5 KW (Misc Accessory Equipment) 336.0 372.0 320.0 253.0 0.0 0.0 12.0 230.5 372.0 360.0 2,999.5372.0 372.0Electric (kWh) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5Peak (kW) Fuel oil circulation pump (Misc Accessory Equipment) 587.4 650.4 559.5 442.3 0.0 0.0 21.0 403.0 650.4 629.4 5,244.0650.4 650.4Electric (kWh) 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9Peak (kW) Hpl 3: Domestic Hot Water Heater [Sum of dsn coil capacities=200 mbh] Gas-fired heat exchanger - 003 [Nominal Capacity/F.L.Rate=200 mbh / 2.50 Therms] (Heating Equipment) 397.5 472.5 420.0 456.0 194.5 188.0 202.3 420.0 456.0 436.5 4,505.8439.5 423.0Oil (therms) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.8 0.8 0.8 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5Peak (therms/Hr) Boiler forced draft fan (Misc Accessory Equipment) 134.4 148.8 144.0 148.8 144.0 148.8 148.8 144.0 148.8 144.0 1,752.0148.8 148.8Electric (kWh) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2Peak (kW) Cntl panel & interlocks - 0.5 KW (Misc Accessory Equipment) 336.0 372.0 360.0 372.0 360.0 372.0 372.0 360.0 372.0 360.0 4,380.0372.0 372.0Electric (kWh) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5Peak (kW) Project Name:TRACE® 700 v6.2.7 calculated at 03:38 PM on 02/13/2012Randy Smith Middle School Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Alternative - 1 Equipment Energy Consumption report page 2 of 9 EQUIPMENT ENERGY CONSUMPTION By RS Consulting Alternative: 1 Existing Systems Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec TotalEquipment-Utility -------Monthly Consumption ------- Hpl 3: Domestic Hot Water Heater [Sum of dsn coil capacities=200 mbh] Fuel oil circulation pump (Misc Accessory Equipment) 150.9 167.1 161.7 167.1 161.7 167.1 167.1 161.7 167.1 161.7 1,967.5167.1 167.1Electric (kWh) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2Peak (kW) Sys 1: Main Building AHU FC Centrifugal var freq drv [DsnAirflow/F.L.Rate=49,617 cfm / 84.59 kW] (Main Clg Fan) 5,272.6 6,356.1 5,265.7 5,819.2 5,810.0 5,123.3 5,585.8 5,346.3 5,778.7 5,961.9 68,361.26,112.9 5,928.8Electric (kWh) 20.4 21.1 21.7 24.9 37.3 72.1 72.4 67.6 44.0 24.2 20.7 20.3 72.4Peak (kW) Propeller fan [DsnAirflow/F.L.Rate=49,617 cfm / 14.18 kW] (System Exhaust Fan) 675.3 796.5 773.7 1,241.9 1,539.3 1,240.8 1,312.7 992.0 762.7 715.8 11,367.1669.3 647.1Electric (kWh) 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 7.3 13.0 12.9 9.8 7.2 4.5 4.5 4.5 13.0Peak (kW) Sys 2: Gym AHU AF Centrifugal var freq drv [DsnAirflow/F.L.Rate=23,330 cfm / 11.73 kW] (Main Clg Fan) 2,702.5 3,281.5 2,469.3 2,610.8 1,567.9 1,522.1 1,636.6 2,305.9 2,705.2 3,005.6 29,879.63,072.6 2,999.5Electric (kWh) 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8Peak (kW) Axial flow const vol [DsnAirflow/F.L.Rate=5,450 cfm / 1.43 kW] (Room Exhaust Fan) 213.3 259.5 232.1 282.4 126.1 114.6 131.8 241.8 247.9 234.5 2,532.9229.7 219.3Electric (kWh) 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4Peak (kW) Propeller fan [DsnAirflow/F.L.Rate=23,330 cfm / 6.67 kW] (System Exhaust Fan) 510.3 598.5 595.3 878.4 919.7 800.8 756.0 690.8 574.2 536.1 7,832.5493.6 478.9Electric (kWh) 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 6.2 6.3 4.2 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 6.3Peak (kW) Sys 3: Vestibules FC Centrifugal const vol [DsnAirflow/F.L.Rate=6,700 cfm / 0.63 kW] (Main Htg Fan) 76.7 82.5 48.5 24.4 0.0 0.0 0.4 16.8 48.5 81.5 582.594.6 108.6Electric (kWh) 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.6Peak (kW) Project Name:TRACE® 700 v6.2.7 calculated at 03:38 PM on 02/13/2012Randy Smith Middle School Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Alternative - 1 Equipment Energy Consumption report page 3 of 9 EQUIPMENT ENERGY CONSUMPTION By RS Consulting Alternative: 2 Lighting Upgrades Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec TotalEquipment-Utility -------Monthly Consumption ------- Lights 13,037.1 15,781.8 13,723.3 15,095.6 7,736.5 7,033.2 8,088.1 13,723.3 15,095.6 14,409.4 151,856.414,409.4 13,723.3Electric (kWh) 85.8 85.8 85.8 85.8 85.8 85.8 85.8 85.8 85.8 85.8 85.8 85.8 85.8Peak (kW) Misc. Ld 9,547.1 11,557.1 10,049.6 11,054.6 778.5 707.7 813.9 10,049.6 11,054.6 10,552.1 96,766.610,552.1 10,049.6Electric (kWh) 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8Peak (kW) Cooling Coil Condensate 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.80.1 0.0Recoverable Water (1000gal) Bsu 1: Parking lot lights 2,046.8 2,266.1 1,161.0 1,199.7 1,161.0 1,199.7 1,199.7 1,161.0 1,866.2 1,806.0 19,199.52,266.1 1,866.2Electric (kWh) 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3Peak (kW) Bsu 2: Domestic Hot Water Load 318.0 378.0 336.0 364.8 155.6 150.4 161.8 336.0 364.8 349.2 3,604.6351.6 338.4Proc. Hot Water (therms) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.6 0.6 0.6 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0Peak (therms/Hr) Cpl 1: No Cooling Plant [Sum of dsn coil capacities=117.6 tons] Hpl 1: AHU Heating System [Sum of dsn coil capacities=3,375 mbh] Boiler - 001 [Nominal Capacity/F.L.Rate=3,375 mbh / 42.20 Therms] (Heating Equipment) 3,440.0 4,032.6 1,661.7 913.9 23.3 16.6 63.7 380.1 1,695.6 3,731.1 26,254.54,961.8 5,334.2Oil (therms) 32.5 27.7 30.1 13.6 11.3 5.0 2.8 6.0 10.9 11.2 25.7 37.4 37.4Peak (therms/Hr) Heating water circ pump (Misc Accessory Equipment) 3,360.0 3,662.9 3,319.3 3,214.5 232.9 145.6 762.9 2,818.5 3,412.5 3,581.3 32,336.73,843.4 3,983.1Electric (kWh) 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8Peak (kW) Boiler forced draft fan (Misc Accessory Equipment) 1,947.9 2,123.4 1,924.2 1,863.5 135.0 84.4 442.2 1,633.9 1,978.2 2,076.1 18,745.92,228.0 2,309.1Electric (kWh) 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4Peak (kW) Cntl panel & interlocks - 0.5 KW (Misc Accessory Equipment) 288.5 314.5 285.0 276.0 20.0 12.5 65.5 242.0 293.0 307.5 2,776.5330.0 342.0Electric (kWh) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5Peak (kW) Project Name:TRACE® 700 v6.2.7 calculated at 03:38 PM on 02/13/2012Randy Smith Middle School Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Alternative - 2 Equipment Energy Consumption report page 4 of 9 EQUIPMENT ENERGY CONSUMPTION By RS Consulting Alternative: 2 Lighting Upgrades Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec TotalEquipment-Utility -------Monthly Consumption ------- Hpl 1: AHU Heating System [Sum of dsn coil capacities=3,375 mbh] Fuel oil circulation pump (Misc Accessory Equipment) 2,187.4 2,384.6 2,160.9 2,092.7 151.6 94.8 496.6 1,834.9 2,221.6 2,331.5 21,051.72,502.1 2,593.1Electric (kWh) 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8Peak (kW) Hpl 2: Perimeter Heating System [Sum of dsn coil capacities=778.4 mbh] Boiler - 002 [Nominal Capacity/F.L.Rate=778.4 mbh / 9.73 Therms] (Heating Equipment) 395.7 423.6 172.5 84.2 0.0 0.0 0.4 56.1 176.0 421.5 3,089.9574.1 785.9Oil (therms) 6.4 4.7 5.2 2.1 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 1.9 3.9 7.1 7.1Peak (therms/Hr) Heating water circ pump (Misc Accessory Equipment) 1,022.6 1,132.2 1,065.2 870.5 0.0 0.0 54.8 788.3 1,132.2 1,095.7 9,425.81,132.2 1,132.2Electric (kWh) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5Peak (kW) Boiler forced draft fan (Misc Accessory Equipment) 523.1 579.1 544.9 445.2 0.0 0.0 28.0 403.2 579.1 560.5 4,821.4579.1 579.1Electric (kWh) 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8Peak (kW) Cntl panel & interlocks - 0.5 KW (Misc Accessory Equipment) 336.0 372.0 350.0 286.0 0.0 0.0 18.0 259.0 372.0 360.0 3,097.0372.0 372.0Electric (kWh) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5Peak (kW) Fuel oil circulation pump (Misc Accessory Equipment) 587.4 650.4 611.9 500.0 0.0 0.0 31.5 452.8 650.4 629.4 5,414.4650.4 650.4Electric (kWh) 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9Peak (kW) Hpl 3: Domestic Hot Water Heater [Sum of dsn coil capacities=200 mbh] Gas-fired heat exchanger - 003 [Nominal Capacity/F.L.Rate=200 mbh / 2.50 Therms] (Heating Equipment) 397.5 472.5 420.0 456.0 194.5 188.0 202.3 420.0 456.0 436.5 4,505.8439.5 423.0Oil (therms) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.8 0.8 0.8 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5Peak (therms/Hr) Boiler forced draft fan (Misc Accessory Equipment) 134.4 148.8 144.0 148.8 144.0 148.8 148.8 144.0 148.8 144.0 1,752.0148.8 148.8Electric (kWh) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2Peak (kW) Cntl panel & interlocks - 0.5 KW (Misc Accessory Equipment) 336.0 372.0 360.0 372.0 360.0 372.0 372.0 360.0 372.0 360.0 4,380.0372.0 372.0Electric (kWh) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5Peak (kW) Project Name:TRACE® 700 v6.2.7 calculated at 03:38 PM on 02/13/2012Randy Smith Middle School Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Alternative - 2 Equipment Energy Consumption report page 5 of 9 EQUIPMENT ENERGY CONSUMPTION By RS Consulting Alternative: 2 Lighting Upgrades Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec TotalEquipment-Utility -------Monthly Consumption ------- Hpl 3: Domestic Hot Water Heater [Sum of dsn coil capacities=200 mbh] Fuel oil circulation pump (Misc Accessory Equipment) 150.9 167.1 161.7 167.1 161.7 167.1 167.1 161.7 167.1 161.7 1,967.5167.1 167.1Electric (kWh) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2Peak (kW) Sys 1: Main Building AHU FC Centrifugal var freq drv [DsnAirflow/F.L.Rate=49,506 cfm / 84.40 kW] (Main Clg Fan) 5,284.2 6,350.1 5,249.9 5,797.8 5,672.8 5,041.2 5,542.1 5,297.4 5,760.9 5,927.5 67,938.76,104.3 5,910.6Electric (kWh) 20.1 20.8 21.3 24.1 36.6 71.5 71.4 66.8 41.9 23.7 20.4 19.8 71.5Peak (kW) Propeller fan [DsnAirflow/F.L.Rate=49,506 cfm / 14.14 kW] (System Exhaust Fan) 675.3 796.5 773.7 1,214.1 1,500.0 1,218.7 1,279.3 951.4 762.7 715.8 11,203.9669.3 647.1Electric (kWh) 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 6.8 12.4 12.3 9.3 6.8 4.5 4.5 4.5 12.4Peak (kW) Sys 2: Gym AHU AF Centrifugal var freq drv [DsnAirflow/F.L.Rate=23,330 cfm / 11.73 kW] (Main Clg Fan) 2,705.0 3,284.5 2,470.0 2,685.4 1,549.3 1,512.9 1,593.4 2,302.2 2,705.9 3,008.3 29,896.63,075.2 3,004.5Electric (kWh) 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8Peak (kW) Axial flow const vol [DsnAirflow/F.L.Rate=5,450 cfm / 1.43 kW] (Room Exhaust Fan) 213.3 259.5 232.1 282.4 126.1 114.6 131.8 241.8 247.9 234.5 2,532.9229.7 219.3Electric (kWh) 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4Peak (kW) Propeller fan [DsnAirflow/F.L.Rate=23,330 cfm / 6.67 kW] (System Exhaust Fan) 510.3 598.5 595.4 875.6 900.3 784.3 739.1 688.9 574.4 536.1 7,775.3493.6 478.9Electric (kWh) 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 5.9 6.0 3.9 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 6.0Peak (kW) Sys 3: Vestibules FC Centrifugal const vol [DsnAirflow/F.L.Rate=6,700 cfm / 0.63 kW] (Main Htg Fan) 80.2 86.7 53.0 28.9 0.0 0.0 0.6 21.7 53.0 85.4 622.899.4 113.8Electric (kWh) 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.6Peak (kW) Project Name:TRACE® 700 v6.2.7 calculated at 03:38 PM on 02/13/2012Randy Smith Middle School Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Alternative - 2 Equipment Energy Consumption report page 6 of 9 EQUIPMENT ENERGY CONSUMPTION By RS Consulting Alternative: 3 Heat Recovery Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec TotalEquipment-Utility -------Monthly Consumption ------- Lights 13,037.1 15,781.8 13,723.3 15,095.6 7,736.5 7,033.2 8,088.1 13,723.3 15,095.6 14,409.4 151,856.414,409.4 13,723.3Electric (kWh) 85.8 85.8 85.8 85.8 85.8 85.8 85.8 85.8 85.8 85.8 85.8 85.8 85.8Peak (kW) Misc. Ld 9,547.1 11,557.1 10,049.6 11,054.6 778.5 707.7 813.9 10,049.6 11,054.6 10,552.1 96,766.610,552.1 10,049.6Electric (kWh) 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8 70.8Peak (kW) Cooling Coil Condensate 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.80.1 0.0Recoverable Water (1000gal) Bsu 1: Parking lot lights 2,046.8 2,266.1 1,161.0 1,199.7 1,161.0 1,199.7 1,199.7 1,161.0 1,866.2 1,806.0 19,199.52,266.1 1,866.2Electric (kWh) 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3Peak (kW) Bsu 2: Domestic Hot Water Load 318.0 378.0 336.0 364.8 155.6 150.4 161.8 336.0 364.8 349.2 3,604.6351.6 338.4Proc. Hot Water (therms) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.6 0.6 0.6 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0Peak (therms/Hr) Cpl 1: No Cooling Plant [Sum of dsn coil capacities=117.6 tons] Hpl 1: AHU Heating System [Sum of dsn coil capacities=3,374 mbh] Boiler - 001 [Nominal Capacity/F.L.Rate=3,374 mbh / 42.18 Therms] (Heating Equipment) 3,008.4 3,499.2 1,375.8 717.9 23.3 16.6 63.7 317.1 1,413.4 3,266.4 22,798.04,370.7 4,725.5Oil (therms) 29.7 25.0 27.3 12.4 11.3 5.0 2.8 6.0 10.9 11.2 23.0 36.3 36.3Peak (therms/Hr) Heating water circ pump (Misc Accessory Equipment) 3,358.8 3,661.5 3,318.0 3,213.3 232.9 145.5 762.6 2,817.4 3,411.2 3,580.0 32,324.73,841.9 3,981.7Electric (kWh) 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8Peak (kW) Boiler forced draft fan (Misc Accessory Equipment) 1,947.1 2,122.6 1,923.5 1,862.8 135.0 84.4 442.1 1,633.3 1,977.5 2,075.4 18,739.02,227.2 2,308.2Electric (kWh) 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4Peak (kW) Cntl panel & interlocks - 0.5 KW (Misc Accessory Equipment) 288.5 314.5 285.0 276.0 20.0 12.5 65.5 242.0 293.0 307.5 2,776.5330.0 342.0Electric (kWh) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5Peak (kW) Project Name:TRACE® 700 v6.2.7 calculated at 03:38 PM on 02/13/2012Randy Smith Middle School Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Alternative - 3 Equipment Energy Consumption report page 7 of 9 EQUIPMENT ENERGY CONSUMPTION By RS Consulting Alternative: 3 Heat Recovery Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec TotalEquipment-Utility -------Monthly Consumption ------- Hpl 1: AHU Heating System [Sum of dsn coil capacities=3,374 mbh] Fuel oil circulation pump (Misc Accessory Equipment) 2,186.6 2,383.7 2,160.1 2,091.9 151.6 94.7 496.4 1,834.2 2,220.7 2,330.6 21,043.92,501.2 2,592.1Electric (kWh) 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8Peak (kW) Hpl 2: Perimeter Heating System [Sum of dsn coil capacities=778.4 mbh] Boiler - 002 [Nominal Capacity/F.L.Rate=778.4 mbh / 9.73 Therms] (Heating Equipment) 395.7 423.6 172.5 84.2 0.0 0.0 0.4 56.1 176.0 421.5 3,089.9574.1 785.9Oil (therms) 6.4 4.7 5.2 2.1 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 1.9 3.9 7.1 7.1Peak (therms/Hr) Heating water circ pump (Misc Accessory Equipment) 1,022.6 1,132.2 1,065.2 870.5 0.0 0.0 54.8 788.3 1,132.2 1,095.7 9,425.81,132.2 1,132.2Electric (kWh) 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5Peak (kW) Boiler forced draft fan (Misc Accessory Equipment) 523.1 579.1 544.9 445.2 0.0 0.0 28.0 403.2 579.1 560.5 4,821.4579.1 579.1Electric (kWh) 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8Peak (kW) Cntl panel & interlocks - 0.5 KW (Misc Accessory Equipment) 336.0 372.0 350.0 286.0 0.0 0.0 18.0 259.0 372.0 360.0 3,097.0372.0 372.0Electric (kWh) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5Peak (kW) Fuel oil circulation pump (Misc Accessory Equipment) 587.4 650.4 611.9 500.0 0.0 0.0 31.5 452.8 650.4 629.4 5,414.4650.4 650.4Electric (kWh) 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9Peak (kW) Hpl 3: Domestic Hot Water Heater [Sum of dsn coil capacities=200 mbh] Gas-fired heat exchanger - 003 [Nominal Capacity/F.L.Rate=200 mbh / 2.50 Therms] (Heating Equipment) 397.5 472.5 420.0 456.0 194.5 188.0 202.3 420.0 456.0 436.5 4,505.8439.5 423.0Oil (therms) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.8 0.8 0.8 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5Peak (therms/Hr) Boiler forced draft fan (Misc Accessory Equipment) 134.4 148.8 144.0 148.8 144.0 148.8 148.8 144.0 148.8 144.0 1,752.0148.8 148.8Electric (kWh) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2Peak (kW) Cntl panel & interlocks - 0.5 KW (Misc Accessory Equipment) 336.0 372.0 360.0 372.0 360.0 372.0 372.0 360.0 372.0 360.0 4,380.0372.0 372.0Electric (kWh) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5Peak (kW) Project Name:TRACE® 700 v6.2.7 calculated at 03:38 PM on 02/13/2012Randy Smith Middle School Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Alternative - 3 Equipment Energy Consumption report page 8 of 9 EQUIPMENT ENERGY CONSUMPTION By RS Consulting Alternative: 3 Heat Recovery Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec TotalEquipment-Utility -------Monthly Consumption ------- Hpl 3: Domestic Hot Water Heater [Sum of dsn coil capacities=200 mbh] Fuel oil circulation pump (Misc Accessory Equipment) 150.9 167.1 161.7 167.1 161.7 167.1 167.1 161.7 167.1 161.7 1,967.5167.1 167.1Electric (kWh) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2Peak (kW) Sys 1: Main Building AHU FC Centrifugal var freq drv [DsnAirflow/F.L.Rate=49,506 cfm / 84.40 kW] (Main Clg Fan) 5,284.2 6,350.1 5,249.9 5,797.8 5,672.8 5,041.2 5,542.1 5,297.4 5,760.9 5,927.5 67,938.76,104.3 5,910.6Electric (kWh) 20.1 20.8 21.3 24.1 36.6 71.5 71.4 66.8 41.9 23.7 20.4 19.8 71.5Peak (kW) Propeller fan [DsnAirflow/F.L.Rate=49,506 cfm / 14.14 kW] (System Exhaust Fan) 675.3 796.5 773.7 1,214.1 1,500.0 1,218.7 1,279.3 951.4 762.7 715.8 11,203.9669.3 647.1Electric (kWh) 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 6.8 12.4 12.3 9.3 6.8 4.5 4.5 4.5 12.4Peak (kW) Sys 2: Gym AHU AF Centrifugal var freq drv [DsnAirflow/F.L.Rate=23,330 cfm / 15.25 kW] (Main Clg Fan) 3,253.3 3,947.6 3,050.5 3,322.0 1,860.0 1,795.3 1,918.1 2,885.5 3,344.3 3,613.2 36,252.33,680.6 3,581.9Electric (kWh) 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3Peak (kW) Axial flow const vol [DsnAirflow/F.L.Rate=5,450 cfm / 2.29 kW] (Room Exhaust Fan) 341.3 415.1 371.3 451.9 201.7 183.4 210.9 386.8 396.7 375.2 4,052.7367.5 350.8Electric (kWh) 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3Peak (kW) Propeller fan [DsnAirflow/F.L.Rate=23,330 cfm / 6.67 kW] (System Exhaust Fan) 510.3 598.5 596.7 876.1 900.2 784.2 739.1 690.8 576.2 536.1 7,780.5493.6 478.9Electric (kWh) 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 5.9 6.0 3.9 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 6.0Peak (kW) Sys 3: Vestibules FC Centrifugal const vol [DsnAirflow/F.L.Rate=6,700 cfm / 0.63 kW] (Main Htg Fan) 80.2 86.7 53.0 28.9 0.0 0.0 0.6 21.7 53.0 85.4 622.899.4 113.8Electric (kWh) 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.6Peak (kW) Project Name:TRACE® 700 v6.2.7 calculated at 03:38 PM on 02/13/2012Randy Smith Middle School Dataset Name:RANDY SMITH.TRC Alternative - 3 Equipment Energy Consumption report page 9 of 9 APPENDIX I –TREND LOG INFORMATION 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% Randy Smith Middle School -Gym/Commons AHU -Percent OSA For Friday Jan 12, 2012 OA % 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% APPENDIX I –FLOOR PLANS