HomeMy WebLinkAboutKONI-ADQ-CAEC East Elementary 2012-EE KIBSD East Elementary School 200 Benny Benson Blvd Kodiak, Alaska AkWarm ID No. KONI-ADQ-CAEC-01 Submitted by: Central Alaska Engineering Company Contact: Jerry P. Herring, P.E., C.E.A. 32215 Lakefront Drive Soldotna, Alaska 99669 Phone (907) 260-5311 akengineer@starband.net June 30, 2012 This Investment Grade Audit (IGA) was performed using American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds, managed by Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC). IGA’s are the property of the State of Alaska, and may be incorporated into AkWarm-C, the Alaska Retrofit Information System (ARIS), or other state and/or public information systems. AkWarm-C is a building energy modeling software developed under contract by AHFC. This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy under Award Number DE- EE0000095. This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. This energy audit is intended to identify and recommend potential areas of energy savings, estimate the value of the savings and approximate the costs to implement the recommendations. Any modifications or changes made to a building to realize the savings must be designed and implemented by licensed, experienced professionals in their fields. Lighting recommendations should all be first analyzed through a thorough lighting analysis to assure that the recommended lighting upgrades will comply with State of Alaska Statute as well as Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) recommendations. Central Alaska Engineering Company bears no responsibility for work performed as a result of this report. Payback periods may vary from those forecasted due to the uncertainty of the final installed design, configuration, equipment selected, and installation costs of recommended Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs), or the operating schedules and maintenance provided by the owner. Furthermore, EEMs are typically interactive, so implementation of one EEM may impact the cost savings from another EEM. Neither the auditor, Central Alaska Engineering Company, AHFC, nor any other party involved in preparation of this report accepts liability for financial loss due to EEMs that fail to meet the forecasted payback periods. This energy audit meets the criteria of a Level 2 IGA per the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). The life of the IGA may be extended on a case- by-case basis, at the discretion of AHFC. This report presents the findings of an investment grade energy audit conducted for: Kodiak Island Borough School District Alaska Housing Finance Corporation Contact: Gregg Hacker Contact: Rebekah Luhrs 722 Mill Bay Road P.O. Box 101020 Kodiak, Alaska 99615 Anchorage, AK 99510-1020 Email: ghacker01@kibsd.org Email: rluhrs@ahfc.us This audit was performed using ARRA funds to promote the use of innovation and technology to solve energy and environmental problems in a way that improves the State’s economy. This can be achieved through the wiser and more efficient use of energy. The purpose of the energy audit is to identify cost-effective system and facility modifications, adjustments, alterations, additions and retrofits. Systems investigated during the audit included heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), interior and exterior lighting, motors, building envelope, and energy management control systems (EMCS). Table 1.0 below summarizes the 2010 utility usage for the school. Energy Type Annual Cost Electricity $62,447 Fuel Oil _______________ Total Energy Utilization Index (kBtu/sf) Energy Cost Index ($/sf) $42,681 ______________ $105,128 91.1 2.64 The potential annual energy savings are shown on the following page in Table 1.1 which summarizes the Energy Efficiency Measures (EEM’s) analyzed for the East Elementary School. Listed are the estimates of the annual savings, installed cost, and two different financial measures of return on investment. Be aware that the measures are not additive because of the interrelation of several of the measures. The cost of each measure for this level of auditing is considered to be + 30% until further detailed engineering, specifications, and hard proposals are obtained. This table is attached as Appendix D, EEM Cost & Savings Breakdown. Table 1.1 Energy Efficiency Measures Rank Improvement Description Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost Savings to Investment Ratio, SIR1 Simple Payback (Years)2 1 Implement a Heating Temperature Setback Plan of Unoccupied Space to 60 F $8,578 $300 425.59 0.0 2 Modify Vending Machine with Vend- Miser Controls $362 $300 10.56 0.8 3 Replace Exterior Area Safety Lights with LED 80W Modules $973 $3,300 2.58 3.4 4 Replace T12 (2) Bulb 8' Lights On 24-7 Emergency Circuit with T8 (2) Bulb 8' F96T8 57W Energy-Saver High Efficiency Electronic $133 $592 1.97 4.4 5 HVAC And DHW System - Change out Boilers, Sidearm DHW, Duty Cycle on Recirculation Pump $10,766 $90,500 1.86 8.4 6 Replace School Lights T-12 (2) Bulb 8' 75W with T8 (2) Bulb 8' F96T8 54W Energy-Saver Low Light High Efficiency Electronic, Remove Manual Switching and Add Occupancy Sensor Controls $601 $4,350 1.70 7.2 7 Replace Exterior 100W Night Lights with LED 25W Module $1,653 $10,500 1.38 6.4 8 Replace T-12 (3) Bulb 8' School Interior Safety Lights on 24-7 with T8 (3) Bulb 8' F96T8 54W Energy-Saver High Light High Efficiency Electronic $133 $810 1.25 6.1 9 Air Tightening - Perform air sealing measures to reduce air leakage by 5% $1,113 $10,000 1.15 9.0 10 Lighting: School Working Lights "ON" T12 40W 3 bulb $52 $405 1.12 7.8 11 Replace T12 (2) Bulb School 4’ Working Lights with T8 (2) Bulb 4' F32T8 30W Energy-Saver Instant High Efficiency Electronic $96 $755 1.11 7.8 12 Replace T12 (4) Bulb 4’ F40T12 40W School Working Lights with T8 (4) Bulb 4' F32T8 30W Energy-Saver Instant High Light High Efficiency Electronic $1,826 $15,360 1.04 8.4 13 Replace Teacher’s Lounge Refrigerators with Energy Star Appliances and Improve Seasonal Shutdown $246 $3,010 1.00 12.3 14 Replace School Working Lights T 12 (2) Bulb 4' 40W with T8 (2) Bulb 4' F32T8 30W Energy-Saver Instant High Efficiency Electronic $235 $2,190 0.94 9.3 15 Replace Kitchen Electric Domestic Hot Water Heater with Hot Water Tap from Circulating Hot Water Loop and Add new Manual Switching and Improved Controls $26 $550 0.86 21.2 16 Replace Emergency Exit Signs with LED 4W Module $146 $1,350 0.82 9.3 17 Replace Library Lights with LED 100W Module $271 $3,200 0.74 11.8 18 Replace Library Lights with 4 LED (2) Bulb 100W Module $271 $3,200 0.74 11.8 Table 1.1 Energy Efficiency Measures Rank Improvement Description Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost Savings to Investment Ratio, SIR1 Simple Payback (Years)2 19 On-Grade Floor Perimeter: Install 2' of R-10 rigid board insulation around perimeter of Slab $209 $14,506 0.39 69.5 20 Other Electrical: Teaching utilities - Replace with 22 Visual Aids - CRT 32 LED Flat Screen $179 $7,400 0.21 41.3 TOTAL, all measures $27,870 $172,578 2.19 6.2 Table Notes: 1 Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR) is a life-cycle cost measure calculated by dividing the total savings over the life of a project (expressed in today’s dollars) by its investment costs. The SIR is an indication of the profitability of a measure; the higher the SIR, the more profitable the project. An SIR greater than 1.0 indicates a cost-effective project (i.e. more savings than cost). Remember that this profitability is based on the position of that Energy Efficiency Measure (EEM) in the overall list and assumes that the measures above it are implemented first. 2 Simple Payback (SP) is a measure of the length of time required for the savings from an EEM to payback the investment cost, not counting interest on the investment and any future changes in energy prices. It is calculated by dividing the investment cost by the expected first-year savings of the EEM. With all of these energy efficiency measures in place, the annual utility cost can be reduced by $37,645 per year, or 32.5% of the buildings’ total energy costs. These measures are estimated to cost $173,928, for an overall simple payback period of 4.6 years. If only the cost-effective measures are implemented, the annual utility cost can be reduced by $36,308 per year, or 31.3% of the buildings’ total energy costs. These measures are estimated to cost $140,182, for an overall simple payback period of 3.9 years. Table 1.2 below is a breakdown of the annual energy cost across various energy end use types, such as Space Heating and Water Heating. The first row in the table shows the breakdown for the building as it is now. The second row shows the expected breakdown of energy cost for the building assuming all of the retrofits in this report are implemented. Finally, the last row shows the annual energy savings that will be achieved from the retrofits. Table 1.2 Annual Energy Cost Estimate Description Space Heating Space Cooling Water Heating Lighting Other Electrical Cooking Clothes Drying Ventilation Fans Service Fees Total Cost Existing Building $72,391 $0 $5,626 $28,076 $2,630 $2,726 $0 $3,101 $0 $115,996 With Proposed Retrofits $53,256 $0 $4,297 $21,483 $2,425 $2,726 $0 $3,101 $0 $88,126 SAVINGS $19,135 $0 $1,329 $6,593 $205 $0 $0 $0 $0 $27,870 This comprehensive energy audit covers the 41,455 square foot Kodiak East Elementary School that includes classrooms, a multipurpose room, restrooms, administrative offices, a library and a gymnasium. Satellite View of East Elementary Utility information was collected and analyzed for two years of energy use by the building. This information was used to analyze operational characteristics, calculate energy benchmarks for comparison to industry averages, estimate savings potential and establish a baseline to monitor the effectiveness of implemented measures. An excel spreadsheet was used to enter, sum, and calculate benchmarks and to graph energy use information (refer to Appendix A for the Benchmark Report). The Annual Energy Utilization Index (EUI) is expressed in Thousands of British Thermal Units/Square Foot (kBtu/sf) and can be used to compare energy consumption to similar building types or to track consumption from year to year in the same building. The EUI is calculated by converting annual consumption of all fuels used to Btu’s then dividing by the area (gross conditioned square footage) of the building. EUI is a good indicator of the relative potential for energy savings. A comparatively low EUI indicates less potential for large energy savings. Building architectural, mechanical and electrical drawings were utilized to calculate and verify the gross area of the facility. The gross area was confirmed on the physical site investigation. 1966 Original Structure 1988 Addition After gathering the utility data and calculating the EUI, the next step in the audit process was to review the drawings to develop a building profile which documented the building age, type, usage, and major energy consuming equipment or systems such as lighting, heating, ventilation and air condition (HVAC), domestic hot water heating, refrigeration, etc. The building profile is utilized to generate, and answer, possible questions regarding the facility’s energy usage. These questions were then compared to the energy usage profiles developed during the utility data gathering step. After this information is gathered, the next step in the process is the physical site investigation (site visit). The site visit was completed on July 11, 2011, and was spent inspecting the actual systems and answering specific questions from the preliminary review. Occupancy schedules, O&M practices, building energy management program, and other information that has an impact on energy consumption were obtained. The post-site work includes evaluation of the information gathered during the site visit, researching possible conservation opportunities, organizing the audit into a comprehensive report, and making recommendations on mechanical, electrical and building envelope improvements. CAEC’s site survey was a critical input in deciphering where energy savings opportunities exist within this facility. The audit team walked the entire site to inventory the building envelope (roof, walls, windows and doors, etc.), the major equipment including heating, ventilation, lighting, office equipment, kitchen and break room equipment. The Gymnasium was evaluated as was equipment used during the teaching process, such as computers. An understanding of how the equipment is used was ascertained during the audit. The collected data was entered into the AkWarm Commercial© software, a building energy modeling program developed for AHFC. The data was processed using energy engineering calculations, programmed to mathematically model the behavior of the facilities in the environment within which it functions. The goal of the model is to mathematically test certain changes to determine the anticipated energy usage for these proposed Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs). The actual energy usage is entered directly from the energy use data provided. The anticipated energy usage is compared to the actual usage to determine energy savings for the proposed EEMs. The recommendations focus on the building envelope, heating and ventilation systems, lighting, plug load, and other electrical improvements that will reduce annual energy consumption. EEMs are evaluated based on building use and processes, local climate conditions, building construction type, function, operational schedule, existing conditions, and foreseen future plans. Energy savings are calculated based on industry standard methods and engineering estimations. When new equipment is proposed, energy consumption is calculated based on the manufacturer’s information where possible. Energy savings are calculated by AkWarm. Implementation of more than one EEM often affects the savings of other EEMs. The savings may in some cases be relatively higher if an individual EEM is implemented in lieu of multiple recommended EEMs. For example, implementing reduced operating schedule for specific inefficient lighting systems will result in a greater relative savings than merely replacing fixtures and bulbs. Implementing reduced operating schedules for newly installed efficient lighting will result in a lower relative savings, because there is less energy to be saved. If multiple EEM’s are recommended to be implemented, the combined savings is calculated and identified appropriately. Following in Section VII of this report for the Energy Conservation Measures, the simple lifetime calculation is shown for each EEM. The lifetime for each EEM is estimated based on the typical life of the equipment being replaced or altered. The energy savings is extrapolated throughout the lifetime of the EEM. The total energy savings is calculated as the total lifetime multiplied by the yearly savings. Cost savings are calculated based on the historical energy costs for the building. Installation costs include labor and equipment to evaluate the initial investment required to implement an EEM. These are applied to each recommendation with simple paybacks calculated. The energy analyst’s opinions of probable cost are garnered from Means Cost Data, other industry publications, and local contractors and suppliers. In addition, where applicable, maintenance cost savings are estimated and applied to the net savings. The costs and savings are applied and a Simple Payback (SP) and Savings to Investment Ration (SIR). These are listed in Section VII and summarized in Table 1.1 of this report. The SP is based on the years that it takes for the net savings to payback the net installation cost (Cost divided by Savings). The SIR is calculated as a ratio by dividing the break even cost by the initial installed cost.    The analysis provides a number of tools for assessing the cost effectiveness of various improvement options. These tools utilize Life-Cycle Costing, which is defined in this context as a method of cost analysis that estimates the total cost of a project over the period of time that includes both the construction cost and ongoing maintenance and operating costs. Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR) = Savings divided by Investment Savings includes the total discounted dollar savings considered over the life of the improvement. When these savings are added up, changes in future fuel prices (usually inflationary) as projected by the Alaska Department of Energy are included in the model. Future savings are discounted to the present to account for the time-value of money (i.e. money’s ability to earn interest over time). The Investment in the SIR calculation includes the labor and materials required to install the measure. An SIR value of at least 1.0 indicates that the project is cost-effective—total savings exceed the investment costs. Simple payback is a cost analysis method whereby the investment cost of a project is divided by the first year’s savings of the project to give the number of years required to recover the cost of the investment. This may be compared to the expected time before replacement of the system or component will be required. For example, if a boiler costs $12,000 and results in a savings of $1,000 in the first year, the payback time is 12 years. If the boiler has an expected life to replacement of 10 years, it would not be financially viable to make the investment since the payback period of 12 years is greater than the project life. The Simple Payback calculation does not consider likely increases in future annual savings due to energy price increases. As an offsetting simplification, simple payback does not consider the need to earn interest on the investment (i.e. it does not consider the time-value of money). Because of these simplifications, the SIR figure is considered to be a better financial investment indicator than the Simple Payback measure. East Elementary was first opened in 1966. The building grew to its current size in stages. The 41,455 square foot structure is designed and used for education on the K-6 level. School is seasonal and has a normal daily occupancy of around 600 people. During school session, the teachers and students begin to arrive at 8:00 AM and the building is usually vacated by 4:30 PM. Janitorial staff, consisting of up to 4 persons, enters the building at 5 PM and work until 10:30 PM. This shift leaves the building on automatic temperature control between 10:30 PM until 6:00 AM when the maintenance staff arrives to prepare the building for the day schedule to begin. The school is generally unoccupied during the weekends, holidays and vacations. The summer break in this evaluation begins the first week in June and ends the third week in August. The multipurpose room serves as a place to eat during lunch period. During the school’s two semesters, hot lunches for students are warmed and served each day. Food served to the students is prepared at a remote location, transported to the school and served from a kitchen area equipped to preserve the prepared food with ovens and refrigeration as required until provided to the students. The exterior walls are constructed of wood framing and insulated with fiberglass batt insulation. The original 2 by 4 wood construction appears to have been modified in 2009 for installation of the new classroom unit ventilators and window replacement project. The walls are generally 2 by 8 wood construction, plywood sheathed on the outside and sheet rocked on the inside. The building roof system appears to be wood and steel framed with a metal clad roof covering in place. Several types of framing systems were utilized in the construction of the roof system. Wood framing conforms to the description of a truss framed ceiling with an attic space covering most of the classrooms and multipurpose room. There is a rafter framed cathedral ceiling without an attic space such as what covers the gym space and the library mezzanine area. The floor/foundation of the building is a concrete slab-on-grade configuration. The slab edge does not appear to be insulated on the outside and there is no indication there is insulation installed under the concrete slab from the architectural drawings reviewed for the audit. Modern construction would include the slab edge insulation to reduce heat loss from this area and this is reviewed as an EEM. The insulation value and condition of the building shell components could not be verified as access was not available for inspection. Where possible, additional insulation should be added to any available attic spaces to obtain a minimum R-38 standard for the region. The windows around the school first floor peripheries are double pane with one half inch space between panes filled with argon and framed with reinforced vinyl. There is a row of widows around part of the library mezzanine which are wood framed double paned with half inch air space separating the double panes. All major doors are heavy institutional grade doors, metal framed and insulated, and some have double paned tempered glass windows with half inch air space separating the double panes. The windows and doors appear to be in good condition, perhaps requiring weather stripping replacement from time to time. The majority of the windows are new and appear to be in good condition. Building heat is provided to the space from a circulating hot water system. Number 1 heating fuel is used by both of the two 800,000 Btu/hour boilers. There are multiple heating loops piping hot water continuously throughout the building. Heat is delivered to individual classrooms through unit ventilators using the circulating hot water as a heat source. The two Hot Water Boilers used in the building are: Nameplate Information: Burham Sectional Boiler Fuel Type: Fuel Oil Input Rating: 800,000 Btu/Hr Estimated Steady State Efficiency: 79 % Heat Distribution Type: Hot Water Circulation Beckett Fuel Oil Burner System Burnham Boiler Name Tag Showing Its Age The boilers were installed in the building in 1966 and are original units. The two boilers have far exceeded their economical useful life as listed in the 2011 ASHRAE Handbook on HVAC Applications. Table 4 in Chapter 36, list the estimated service life of a cast iron sectional boiler at 30 years, oil burner at 21 years and pumps at 10 years. No outdoor temperature reset appears to be in service for the oil fired boilers. There is a Honeywell control system in place, but this system is outdated and is recommended for replacement. The boilers and the older circulation pumps still in service are good candidates for replacement soon before a failure shuts the heating system down. There is good incentive in improving the efficiency of the boilers with a new state of the art system with modern controls to reduce fuel oil consumption. In addition, maintenance cost can be significantly reduced with the installation of new boilers. This will also improve the efficiency of the side-arm domestic hot water system as the boiler is used to generate the heat in this setup. These recommended changes are evaluated as an EEM in this report. Fresh outside air is drawn into the building through the air handling systems. There are approximately 26 designed openings for the classroom unit ventilators and fresh air intakes to the air handling units. Heating fresh outside air requires a large portion of the fuel budget. Air is exhausted from the building through approximately 24 controlled vents and natural ventilation through leaks and cracks in the shell, doors and windows. Current outside air requirements as specified in the International Mechanical Code (IMC) requires a ventilation rate of 15 cubic feet per minute per student during occupied hours. The classrooms along the perimeter of the building are fitted with individual unit ventilators which provide both heat and fresh air. In each room there is a supply air damper and louver through the wall to the outside which ducts fresh air into the unit ventilator where it is heated as required before being supplied into the classroom. Excess air is exhausted out of the building through ceiling mounted barometric relief dampers. Below are two photographs of the classroom unit ventilator system, one showing the outside air intake and the other showing a recently replaced unit ventilator. The 2011 ASHRAE Handbook on HVAC Applications, Table 4 in Chapter 36, list the estimated service life of VAV systems, dampers, pneumatic controls, reciprocating compressor and DX heating coils at 20 years, pumps at 10 years, and electric motors at 18 years. The classroom unit ventilators which were not replaced in the recent upgrade project are possible candidates for replacement with new modern more efficient systems as they have reached their useful design life. Outside Air Intake Louver Newer Classroom Unit Ventilator In addition to the classroom unit ventilators, there are four zones heated and ventilated using air handling units. There is also a commercial kitchen hood and exhaust fan with a matching makeup air unit. There are several exhaust fans installed around the building for restroom ventilation. A Direct Digital Control (DDC) system is in place which can be programmed to establish operational schedules for the ventilation systems and building set-back temperature operational schedules. AHU-1 1988 Classroom Unit Ventilator Cold water is heated in a shell and tube side-arm hot water maker using the boiler hydronic system and then is circulated throughout the building to the plumbing fixtures in a domestic hot water circulating loop. As water is continuously circulated using a pump, the water is intended to be ready for services at the kitchen and restrooms. Instantaneous hot water is intended to conserve water, not save on energy. Therefore, the circulation system should be time controlled and turned off during non-occupied hours. There is also a second hot water heater located in the kitchen and is controlled by a timer switch which appeared to be out of service. The kitchen electric hot water heater is there presumably to provide hotter water locally to the kitchen for sterilization purposes. This electric hot water heater is recommended to be replaced with a side-arm hot water maker using the building hydronic heat provided by the boiler system. Images of the domestic hot water heaters are included below. Noteworthy is that hot water heater blankets are not installed. Kitchen Hot Water Heater on Timer Side Arm Water Storage Tank            Air Handling Unit #1 Air Handling Unit #2 Air Handling Unit #4 Honeywell Boiler Controls Air Intake for Gym and Library Fuel Oil Tank and Classrooms Lighting in the school consumes a high percentage of the electrical load of the school. It is estimated that 40% of the electrical energy is consumed for lighting the facility, indoors and out. Exterior lighting accounts for an estimated 8% of the overall lighting load. During unoccupied hours, the interior lights selected to remain illuminated continuously for security purposes are estimated to consume approximately 7% of the power consumed by the lights. Several EEM’s are included in this report to upgrade the old T-12 systems with magnetic ballasts to newer higher efficiency T-8 electronic ballast systems which can produce as much light with less energy. A light meter was used to quantify the illumination from the lights in several locations throughout the building. Table 4.1 below show the readings gathered in four locations for reference. A Lighting Report is attached as Appendix B. Location Illuminance (FC) Gymnasium 56 Average Classroom 135 Library - High Ceiling 70 Library - Low Ceiling 92 The gym lights have been upgraded to a T5HO system and have a lighting dimmer control system in place. Gym T5HO Lighting System Gym Lighting Dimming Control System Tables provided in Appendix A, Energy Benchmark Data Report, represent the electric and fuel oil energy usage for the surveyed facility from July 2008 to June 2010 (Fiscal Years 2009 and 2010). Kodiak Electric Association provides the electricity under their commercial rate schedules. Fuel oil is billed at the prevailing rate at the time delivered. The electric utility bills for consumption in kilowatt-hours (kWh) and for maximum demand in kilowatts (kW). One kilowatt-hour is equivalent to 3,413 Btu’s. The consumption (kWh) is determined as the wattage times the hours it is running. For example, 1,000 watts running for one hour, or 500 watts running for two hours is a kWh. The maximum demand is simply the sum of all electrical devices on simultaneously. For example, ten, 100 watt lights running simultaneously would create a demand of 1,000 watts (1 kW). Demand is averaged over a rolling window, usually 15 minutes. Thus, the facility must be concerned not only with basic electricity usage (consumption) but also the rate at which it gets used. The basic usage charges are shown as generation service and delivery charges along with several non-utility generation charges. The fuel oil deliveries reflect the quantities of oil delivered to the school tank. This method is accurate for the overall yearly deliveries but does not reflect the daily or monthly actual usage. If the tank was being filled to a volumetric gage line on a site glass, then each delivery would be a reflection of actual volumes consumed since the last delivery. The upper heating value of the fuel oil was assumed to be approximately 132,000 Btu/gallon. The average billing rates for energy use are calculated by dividing the total cost by the total usage. Based on the electric and fuel oil utility data provided, the fiscal years 2009 and 2010 costs for the energy and consumption at the surveyed facility are summarized in Table 5.1 below. 2009 2010 Electric 0.17 $/kWh 0.17 $/kWh Fuel Oil 2.04 $/Gal 2.39 $/Gal Total Cost $101,439 $105,128 ECI 2.55 $/sf 2.64 $/sf Electric EUI 30.7 kBtu/sf 31.9 kBtu/sf Fuel Oil EUI 64.9 kBtu/sf 59.2 kBtu/sf Building EUI 95.6 kBtu/sf 91.1 kBtu/sf Data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration provides information for U.S. Commercial Buildings Energy Intensity Using Site Energy by Census Region. In 2003, the average energy usage for School building activity is shown to be 102 kBtu/SF in the comparable North East region. Over the analyzed period, the surveyed facility was calculated to have an average energy utilization index of 93.4 kBtu/sf - a factor of 8.4 % better (or lower than) the average in the North East USA. Table 5.2 below provides an estimated breakdown of the energy consumed per square foot and the resulting cost per square foot for the various energy using sources in the building. The data is presented in pie-chart form in Figures 1 and 2. Categories KBTU $ Lighting 588,439 28,076 Refrigeration 28,874 1,447 Other_Electrical 52,492 2,630 Cooking 54,400 2,726 Ventilation_Fans 61,891 3,101 DHW 183,753 5,510 Space_Heating 3,111,115 69,762 Totals 113,251 14% 1%1% 1% 2% 5% 76% Energy Use Breakdown (KBTU) Lighting Refrigeration Other Electrical Cooking Ventilation Fans DHW Space Heating 25% 1%2% 2% 3%5% 62% Energy Cost Breakdown ($) Lighting Refrigeration Other_Electrical Cooking Ventilation_Fans DHW Space_Heating Following the completion of the field survey a detailed equipment list was created and is attached as Appendix C. The major equipment listed are considered to be the major energy consuming equipment in the building whose replacement could yield substantial energy savings. An approximate age was assigned to the equipment if a manufactured date was not shown on the equipment’s nameplate. As listed in the 2011 ASHRAE Handbook for HVAC Applications, Chapter 37, Table 4, the service life for the equipment along with the remaining useful life in accordance to the ASHRAE standard are also noted in the equipment list. Where there are zero (0) years remaining in the estimated useful life of a piece of equipment, this is an indication that maintenance costs are likely on the rise and more efficient replacement equipment is available which will lower the operating costs of the unit. Maintenance costs should also fall with the replacement. Through inspection of the energy-using equipment on-site and discussions with site facilities personnel, this energy audit has identified several energy efficiency measures. The measures will reduce the amount of fuel burned and electricity used at the site. The projects will not degrade the performance of the building and, in some cases, will improve it. Several types of EEMs can be implemented immediately by building staff, and others will require various amounts of lead time for engineering and equipment acquisition. In some cases, there are logical advantages to implementing EEMs concurrently. For example, if the same electrical contractor is used to install both lighting equipment and motors, implementation of these measures should be scheduled to occur simultaneously. Several electric motors are in services which are candidates for replacement to higher efficiency motors. In recent history electric power has been purchased at $0.20 per kWh but now power is sold at $0.17 per kWh. At $0.20 per kWh, most of the motors in service at East Elementary which are not new high efficiency motors could be economically replaced.   There are economic reasons why the thermostatic controller set points should be setback during off peak use hours. However one important control data input concerns the water dew point of the air. The water dew point of the inside air varies with the seasons. Currently, there is no humidity measuring instruments normally available to or monitored by the control system or staff and this data is needed before choosing the ideal “setback” temperatures. As outside air temperatures rise, the inside air dew point rise. The teachers and students will complain about mildew and mold smells if the temperature is dropped below the dew point. In keeping with this mildew and mold concern, it is recommended that the control system monitor the water dew point within the building before setting back the temperature during low use periods. If the water dew point is above 70 oF, then set up the temperature not back. If the water dew point is 50 oF or below then reduce the setback temperature control toward 60oF. Every degree of setback is worth $1,600 per year in fuel oil savings. Wisely paying attention to dew point in the school offers the greater savings of fuel cost than all the other savings in this report combined. See Appendix E providing a Humidity Management study for more data. The ventilation system consumes about 16% of the electricity purchase by the school. Therefore the programming of ventilation equipment to cycle on and off during low use periods has the potential to save between 4 and 8 percent of the total electric power cost. This can be done with no noticeable difference to the occupants of the building, which is vacant or near vacant during the low use periods. There is no need for fresh air when the building is vacant. The control of the ventilation system is within the capacity of a DDC controller. The ventilation equipment may be slowed down to near the surge point on the blower wheels. This may be done with variable frequency drives. The staff is in process of optimizing the “On-Off” timing for the ventilation system. The limitation could be the degree to which the DDC system can control the individual components. There are a number of the unit ventilators which may be started or stopped by the DDC system. The speed of the fans in those units is not under control of the DDC system. A full section of the building has no connection to the DDC system. There is energy to be saved by the complete digital control of all the classroom unit ventilators including all components of the unit. There is energy to be saved by the automation including variable frequency speed control of the speed of the fans. Management attention in this area would be profitable. The Energy Efficiency Measures are summarized below:  Building Shell Measures Window Measures (As part of sealing all leaks EEM 9 - The windows which open need to have new weather stripping) Door Measures (As part of sealing all leaks EEM 9 - The doors may need retrofitting with new weather stripping) Air Sealing Measures Mechanical Equipment Measures Heating/Domestic Hot Water Measure Rank Location Existing Type/R-Value Recommendation Type/R-Value 19 On- or Below-Grade Floor, Perimeter: BGFP Insulation for 0' to 2' Perimeter: None Insulation for 2' to 4' Perimeter: None Modeled R-Value: 7.9 Install 2' of R-10 rigid board insulation around perimeter of Slab (vertical or horizontal). Installation Cost $14,506 Estimated Life of Measure (yrs) 30 Energy Savings ($/yr) $208 Breakeven Cost $5,604 Savings-to-Investment Ratio 0.4 Simple Payback (yrs) 70 Auditors Notes: Rank Location Existing Air Leakage Level (cfm@50/75 Pa) Recommended Air Leakage Reduction (cfm@50/75 Pa) 9 Air Tightness estimated as: 0.95 cfm/ft2 of above-grade shell area at 75 Pascals Perform air sealing to reduce air leakage by 5%. Installation Cost $10,000 Estimated Life of Measure (yrs) 10 Energy Savings ($/yr) $1,113 Breakeven Cost $11,454 Savings-to-Investment Ratio 1.1 Simple Payback (yrs) 9 Auditors Notes: Rank Recommendation 5 Change out Boilers, Sidearm DHW, Duty Cycle on Recirculation Pump Installation Cost $90,500 Estimated Life of Measure (yrs) 20 Energy Savings ($/yr) $10,766 Breakeven Cost $168,097 Savings-to-Investment Ratio 1.9 Simple Payback (yrs) 8 Auditors Notes: Due to the age of the boilers and the length of time in service it was assumed that the Boiler Replacement is scheduled. Installation of new high efficiency boilers with a state of the art control systems employing outdoor temperature reset and staged combustion is what provides the estimated annual energy savings of this measure. The combination of these measures are bundled in the AkWarm program. Ventilation System Measures (The ventilation system is capable of running without makeup air during low use periods. Closing off most outside air is part of a proposed program to setback the low use set-point temperature. Moisture in the makeup air elevates the room air dew point. The economical setback temperature is the dew point. See EEM #1 Below) Night Setback Thermostat Measures Lighting Measures – Lighting Controls (There have been many recent developments in Occupancy Sensor Switching technology. Motion detection has been complimented with infrared detection and timing controls which make new occupancy control of lights safer and more accepted by schools. These are recommended retrofits into East Elementary. The janitorial staff practice turning most interior lights on until their tasks have been completed. This practice increases the power cost by over 10%. The janitorial staff would no longer be compelled to switch all the lights on for their entire shift if good occupancy sensor witching was installed.) Lighting Measures – Replace Existing Fixtures/Bulbs Rank Building Space Recommendation 1 Elementary School Implement a Heating Temperature Unoccupied Setback to 64.0 deg F for the Elementary School space. Installation Cost $300 Estimated Life of Measure (yrs) 15 Energy Savings ($/yr) $8,578 Breakeven Cost $127,676 Savings-to-Investment Ratio 425.6 Simple Payback (yrs) 0 Auditors Notes: The setback temperature has a seasonal range of values. The lowest setback temperature has the limit of inside dew point. For every degree the setback night set point temperature is reduced, a $1,650 per year fuel oil saving is realized. Rank Location Existing Condition Recommendation 18 Library Lightd MN 250W 2 bulb 4 MH (2) 250 Watt StdElectronic with Manual Switching Replace with 4 LED (2) 100W Module StdElectronic Installation Cost $3,200 Estimated Life of Measure (yrs) 10 Energy Savings ($/yr) $271 Breakeven Cost $2,369 Savings-to-Investment Ratio 0.7 Simple Payback (yrs) 12 Auditors Notes: Each time the emergency exit signs are replaced due to reliability it is recommended that the new fixtures be the 4W LED lights. The life expectancy of the LED bulbs is 80,000 hours. Rank Location Existing Condition Recommendation 18 Library Lightd MN 250W 2 bulb 4 MH (2) 250 Watt StdElectronic with Manual Switching Replace with 4 LED (2) 100W Module StdElectronic Installation Cost $3,200 Estimated Life of Measure (yrs) 10 Energy Savings ($/yr) $271 Breakeven Cost $2,369 Savings-to-Investment Ratio 0.7 Simple Payback (yrs) 12 Auditors Notes: It is recommended that the library mezzanine lights and fixtures be retrofitted with the very long lived LED lamps and fixtures (50,000 hour lamps). Light switches should be retrofitted with to the Occupancy Sensors. Rank Location Existing Condition Recommendation 17 Library Lightd MN 250W 8 MH 250 Watt StdElectronic with Manual Switching Replace with 8 LED 100W Module StdElectronic Installation Cost $3,200 Estimated Life of Measure (yrs) 10 Energy Savings ($/yr) $271 Breakeven Cost $2,373 Savings-to-Investment Ratio 0.7 Simple Payback (yrs) 12 Auditors Notes: It is recommended that the library mezzanine lights and fixtures be retrofitted with the very long lived LED lamps and fixtures (50,000 hour lamps). Light switches should be retrofitted with to the Occupancy Sensors. Rank Location Existing Condition Recommendation 14 School Working Lights T 12 2 Bulb 4' 40 W 19 FLUOR (2) T12 4' F40T12 40W Standard Magnetic with Manual Switching Replace with 19 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 30W Energy-Saver Instant HighEfficElectronic Installation Cost $2,190 Estimated Life of Measure (yrs) 10 Energy Savings ($/yr) $235 Breakeven Cost $2,055 Savings-to-Investment Ratio 0.9 Simple Payback (yrs) 9 Auditors Notes: It is recommended that all T-12 Fixtures be retrofitted to T-8 Fixtures and bulbs. The T-12 lights are inefficient and are being phased out. Switches for the classrooms lights are recommended to be changed to Occupancy Sensors. Rank Location Existing Condition Recommendation 12 School Working Lights 4Bulb T12 4'F40T12 40W 128 FLUOR (4) T12 4' F40T12 40W Standard Magnetic with Manual Switching Replace with 128 FLUOR (4) T8 4' F32T8 30W Energy-Saver Instant HighLight HighEfficElectronic Installation Cost $15,360 Estimated Life of Measure (yrs) 10 Energy Savings ($/yr) $1,826 Breakeven Cost $15,962 Savings-to-Investment Ratio 1.0 Simple Payback yrs 8 Auditors Notes: It is recommended that all T-12 Fixtures be retrofitted to T-8 Fixtures and bulbs. The T-12 lights are inefficient and are being phased out. Switches for the classrooms lights are recommended to be changed to Occupancy Sensors. Rank Location Existing Condition Recommendation 16 Emergency Exit Signs 9 INCAN A Lamp, Std 25W Replace with 9 LED 4W Module StdElectronic Installation Cost $1,350 Estimated Life of Measure (yrs) 10 Energy Savings ($/yr) $146 Breakeven Cost $1,111 Savings-to-Investment Ratio 0.8 Simple Payback (yrs) 9 Auditors Notes: While LED Light replacement has a SIR of .8 this change out to LED lights is a solid recommendation due to the life of the LED is 80,000 hours and requires less maintenance. Rank Location Existing Condition Recommendation 11 School Working Lights "ON" T12 3' Long 2 Bulb 7 FLUOR (2) T12 4' F40T12 40W Standard Magnetic with Manual Switching Replace with 7 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 30W Energy-Saver Instant HighEfficElectronic Installation Cost $755 Estimated Life of Measure (yrs) 10 Energy Savings ($/yr) $96 Breakeven Cost $841 Savings-to-Investment Ratio 1.1 Simple Payback (yrs) 8 Auditors Notes: It is recommended that all T-12 Fixtures be retrofitted to T-8 Fixtures and bulbs. The T-12 lights are inefficient and are being phased out. Switches for the classrooms lights are recommended to be changed to Occupancy Sensors . Rank Location Existing Condition Recommendation 10 School Working Lights "ON" T12 40W 3 bulb 3 FLUOR (3) T12 4' F40T12 40W Standard Magnetic with Manual Switching Replace with 3 FLUOR (3) T8 4' F32T8 30W Energy-Saver Instant HighEfficElectronic Installation Cost $405 Estimated Life of Measure (yrs) 10 Energy Savings ($/yr) $52 Breakeven Cost $453 Savings-to-Investment Ratio 1.1 Simple Payback (yrs) 8 Auditors Notes: It is recommended that all T-12 Fixtures be retrofitted to T-8 Fixtures and bulbs. The T-12 lights are inefficient and are being phased out. Switches for the classrooms lights are recommended to be changed to Occupancy Sensors . Rank Location Existing Condition Recommendation 8 Lights on 24-7 Minimum Safety T-12 8' 3 Bulb 3 FLUOR (3) T12 8' F96T12 75W Standard Magnetic with Manual Switching Replace with 3 FLUOR (3) T8 8' F96T8 54W Energy-Saver HighLight HighEfficElectronic Installation Cost $810 Estimated Life of Measure (yrs) 10 Energy Savings ($/yr) $134 Breakeven Cost $1,020 Savings-to-Investment Ratio 1.3 Simple Payback (yrs) 6 Auditors Notes: It is recommended that all T-12 Fixtures be retrofitted to T-8 Fixtures and bulbs. The T-12 lights are inefficient and are being phased out. Rank Location Existing Condition Recommendation 7 Exterior Lights Hi P Na 100W Nite Lights 21 HPS 100 Watt StdElectronic with Daylight Sensor Replace with 21 LED 25W Module StdElectronic Installation Cost $10,500 Estimated Life of Measure (yrs) 10 Energy Savings ($/yr) $1,653 Breakeven Cost $14,452 Savings-to-Investment Ratio 1.4 Simple Payback (yrs) 6 Auditors Notes: These exterior lights could be retrofitted with very efficient and long lasting bulbs. Refrigeration Measures Rank Location Existing Condition Recommendation 6 School Lights T-12 8' 75W 2Bulb 22 FLUOR (2) T12 8' F96T12 75W Standard Magnetic with Manual Switching Replace with 22 FLUOR (2) T8 8' F96T8 54W Energy-Saver LowLight HighEfficElectronic and Remove Manual Switching and Add new Occupancy Sensor Installation Cost $4,350 Estimated Life of Measure (yrs) 15 Energy Savings ($/yr) $601 Breakeven Cost $7,378 Savings-to-Investment Ratio 1.7 Simple Payback (yrs) 7 Auditors Notes: These 8 foot light fixtures and bulbs are located in corridors and passageways are good candidates for Retrofitting to the T 8 technology with Occupancy Sensors. Rank Location Existing Condition Recommendation 4 Lights On 24-7 Minimum Safety Lights T12 2Bulb 8' 3 FLUOR (2) T12 8' F96T12 75W Standard Magnetic with Manual Switching Replace with 3 FLUOR (2) T8 8' F96T8 57W Energy-Saver HighLight HighEfficElectronic Installation Cost $592 Estimated Life of Measure (yrs) 10 Energy Savings ($/yr) $133 Breakeven Cost $1,166 Savings-to-Investment Ratio 2.0 Simple Payback (yrs) 4 Auditors Notes: These 8 foot light fixtures and bulbs are located in corridors and passageways are good candidates for Retrofitting to the T 8 technology. Rank Location Existing Condition Recommendation 3 Exterior Area Safety Lights 250W MH 6 MH 250 Watt StdElectronic with Daylight Sensor Replace with 6 LED 80W Module StdElectronic Installation Cost $3,300 Estimated Life of Measure (yrs) 10 Energy Savings ($/yr) $973 Breakeven Cost $8,503 Savings-to-Investment Ratio 2.6 Simple Payback (yrs) 3 Auditors Notes: These Exterior safety lights are good candidates for Retrofitting to the more efficient and longer lasting LED technology. Rank Location Description of Existing Efficiency Recommendation 13 Teachers Lounge Refrigerator 2 Teacher's Lunch Cooler with Seasonal Shutdown Replace with 2 Teacher's Lunch Cooler and Improve Seasonal Shutdown Installation Cost $3,010 Estimated Life of Measure (yrs) 15 Energy Savings ($/yr) $246 Breakeven Cost $3,015 Savings-to-Investment Ratio 1.0 Simple Payback (yrs) 12 Auditors Notes: Two older inefficient refrigerators are in the teacher’s lounge. Any refrigerator older than 10 years old is a good candidate for retrofitting to new energy star technology. The refrigerators and freezers in the kitchen are in need of review. It is not obvious how much refrigeration is required considering the new practice of preparing food remotely. The school was not in session during the site audit and were not included in this recommendation. Other Electrical Measures Rank Location Description of Existing Efficiency Recommendation 2 Vending Machine Cold Pop Vending Machine with Seasonal Shutdown Replace with Cold Pop Vending Machine and Improve Seasonal Shutdown Installation Cost $300 Estimated Life of Measure (yrs) 10 Energy Savings ($/yr) $362 Breakeven Cost $3,168 Savings-to-Investment Ratio 10.6 Simple Payback (yrs) 1 Auditors Notes: Add Vend-Miser to Control Power to the Vending Machine. Occupancy Sensor Switch (Vend Miser) with cool cycle every (2) hours is automatic in the Vend Miser which cost $175. It should be considered that the owner of the vending machine should be required to furnish this Vend Miser Controller. Rank Location Description of Existing Efficiency Recommendation 20 Teaching utilities 22 Visual Aids - CRT 26" Monitors with Manual Switching Replace with 22 Visual Aids - CRT 32 LED Flat Screen Installation Cost $7,400 Estimated Life of Measure (yrs) 10 Energy Savings ($/yr) $179 Breakeven Cost $1,568 Savings-to-Investment Ratio 0.2 Simple Payback (yrs) 41 Auditors Notes: The older CRT video devices installed in classrooms require significantly more power to operate than the newer LED video devices. It was not clear exactly what percentage of the time these units were powered on. It is clear that the larger screens with high definition are less expensive to power on and provide superior results to those students watching any video presentation. Rank Location Description of Existing Efficiency Recommendation 15 Kitchen Hot Water Heater Electric Hot Water Heater with New Controls Replace with Hot Water Tap - from Circulating Hot Water Loop and Add new Manual Switching and Improve Other Controls Installation Cost $550 Estimated Life of Measure (yrs) 25 Energy Savings ($/yr) $26 Breakeven Cost $472 Savings-to-Investment Ratio 0.9 Simple Payback (yrs) 21 Auditors Notes: Continuous Re-circulation of Domestic Hot Water is recommended to be changed. Discontinue use of Existing Electric Hot Water Heaters. There is a dedicated pump providing energy to the heating and circulation of hot water being circulated throughout the East Elementary building. This dedicated pump is recommended to be shut down during unoccupied periods. The savings for a particular measure are calculated assuming all recommended EEMs coming before that measure in the list are implemented. If some EEMs are not implemented, savings for the remaining EEMs will be affected. For example, if ceiling insulation is not added, then savings from a project to replace the heating system will be increased, because the heating system for the building supplies a larger load. In general, all projects are evaluated sequentially so energy savings associated with one EEM would not also be attributed to another EEM. By modeling the recommended project sequentially, the analysis accounts for interactive affects among the EEMs and does not “double count” savings. Interior lighting, plug loads, facility equipment, and occupants generate heat within the building. When the building is in cooling mode, these items contribute to the overall cooling demands of the building; therefore, lighting efficiency improvements will reduce cooling requirements in air-conditioned buildings. Conversely, lighting-efficiency improvements are anticipated to slightly increase heating requirements. Heating penalties and cooling benefits were included in the lighting project analysis. CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY   KODIAK EAST ELEMENTARY ENERGY AUDIT REPORT 10/24/2011  APPENDIX A Appendix A Benchmark Reports CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY KODIAK EAST ELEMENTARY ENERGY AUDIT REPORT First Name Last Name Middle Name Phone Robert Tucker 486‐9342 State Zip AK 99615 Monday‐ Friday Saturday Sunday Holidays 7 am to 5 pm 0 0 0       Average # of  Occupants  During  350       Renovations / Notes Date 1988 PART II – ENERGY SOURCES  Heating Oil  Electricity  Natural Gas   Propane  Wood  Coal  $ /gallon  $ / kWh  $ / CCF  $ / gal  $ / cord  $ / ton Other energy  sources?  1. Please check every energy source you use in the table below.  If known, please enter the base rate you  pay for the energy source. 2. Provide utilities bills for the most recent two‐year period  for each energy source  you use.       Contact Person Email Btucker@kodiakak.us Mailing Address City 710 Mill Bay Rd Kodiak Primary  Operating  Hours Details Unknown renovation. Facility Address Facility City Facility Zip Kodiak Island, AK Kodiak, AK 99615 Building Type Community Population Year Built Mixed 6,626 1966 Building Name/ Identifier Building Usage Building Square Footage East Elementary Education Elem 39,842 Kodiak Island Borough Regional Education Attendance 03/06/11 REAL Preliminary Benchmark Data Form PART I – FACILITY INFORMATION Facility Owner Facility Owned By Date  10/24/2011 APPENDIX A CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY KODIAK EAST ELEMENTARY ENERGY AUDIT REPORT East Elementary Buiding Size Input (sf) =39,842 2009 Natural Gas Consumption (Therms) 2009 Natural Gas Cost ($) 2009 Electric Consumption (kWh)358,013 2009 Electric Cost ($)61,374 2009 Oil Consumption (Therms)25,861 2009 Oil Cost ($)40,065 2009 Propane Consumption (Therms) 2009 Propane Cost ($) 2009 Coal Consumption (Therms) 2009 Coal Cost ($) 2009 Wood Consumption (Therms) 2009 Wood Cost ($) 2009 Thermal Consumption (Therms) 2009 Thermal Cost ($) 2009 Steam Consumption (Therms) 2009 Steam Cost ($) 2009 Total Energy Use (kBtu)3,808,016 2009 Total Energy Cost ($)101,439 Annual Energy Use Intensity (EUI) 2009 Natural Gas (kBtu/sf) 2009 Electricity (kBtu/sf)30.7 2009 Oil (kBtu/sf) 64.9 2009 Propane (kBtu/sf) 2009 Coal (kBtu/sf) 2009 Wood (kBtu/sf) 2009 Thermal (kBtu/sf) 2009 Steam (kBtu/sf) 2009 Energy Utilization Index (kBtu/sf)95.6 Annual Energy Cost Index (ECI) 2009 Natural Gas Cost Index ($/sf) 2009 Electric Cost Index ($/sf)1.54 2009 Oil Cost Index ($/sf)1.01 2009 Propane Cost Index ($/sf) 2009 Coal Cost Index ($/sf) 2009 Wood Cost Index ($/sf) 2009 Thermal Cost Index ($/sf) 2009 Steam Cost Index ($/sf) 2009 Energy Cost Index ($/sf)2.55  10/24/2011 APPENDIX A CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY KODIAK EAST ELEMENTARY ENERGY AUDIT REPORT 2010 Natural Gas Consumption (Therms) 2010 Natural Gas Cost ($) 2010 Electric Consumption (kWh)372,392 2010 Electric Cost ($)62,447 2010 Oil Consumption (Therms)23,600 2010 Oil Cost ($)42,681 2010 Propane Consumption (Therms) 2010 Propane Cost ($) 2010 Coal Consumption (Therms) 2010 Coal Cost ($) 2010 Wood Consumption (Therms) 2010 Wood Cost ($) 2010 Thermal Consumption (Therms) 2010 Thermal Cost ($) 2010 Steam Consumption (Therms) 2010 Steam Cost ($) 2010 Total Energy Use (kBtu)3,631,002 2010 Total Energy Cost ($)105,128 Annual Energy Use Intensity (EUI) 2010 Natural Gas (kBtu/sf) 2010 Electricity (kBtu/sf)31.9 2010 Oil (kBtu/sf)59.2 2010 Propane (kBtu/sf) 2010 Coal (kBtu/sf) 2010 Wood (kBtu/sf) 2010 Thermal (kBtu/sf) 2010 Steam (kBtu/sf) 2010 Energy Utilization Index (kBtu/sf)91.1 Annual Energy Cost Index (ECI) 2010 Natural Gas Cost Index ($/sf) 2010 Electric Cost Index ($/sf)1.57 2010 Oil Cost Index ($/sf)1.07 2010 Propane Cost Index ($/sf) 2010 Coal Cost Index ($/sf) 2010 Wood Cost Index ($/sf) 2010 Thermal Cost Index ($/sf) 2010 Steam Cost Index ($/sf) 2010 Energy Cost Index ($/sf)2.64 Note: 1 kWh = 3,413 Btu's 1 Therm = 100,000 Btu's 1 CF ≈ 1,000 Btu's  10/24/2011 APPENDIX A CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANYKODIAK EAST ELEMENTARY ENERGY AUDIT REPORTEast ElementaryElectricityBtus/kWh =3,413Provider Customer # Month Start Date End Date Billing Days Consumption (kWh) Consumption (Therms) Demand Use Electric Cost ($) Unit Cost ($/kWh) Demand Cost ($)KEA 5309000 Jul‐08 7/1/2008 7/31/20083116,726571$3,354$0.20$353.81KEA 5309000 Aug‐08 8/1/2008 8/31/20083118,155620$3,705$0.20$462.67KEA 5309000 Sep‐08 9/1/2008 9/30/20083036,0861,232$6,732$0.19$646.38KEA 5309000 Oct‐08 10/1/2008 10/31/20083132,1541,097$5,578$0.17$680.40KEA 5309000 Nov‐08 11/1/2008 11/30/20083034,8301,189$5,946$0.17$673.60KEA 5309000 Dec‐08 12/1/2008 12/31/20083133,1241,131$5,741$0.17$707.62KEA 5309000 Jan‐09 1/1/2009 1/31/20093128,082958$4,693$0.17$666.79KEA 5309000 Feb‐09 2/1/2009 2/28/20092835,0551,196$5,646$0.16$721.22KEA 5309000 Mar‐09 3/1/2009 3/31/20093132,7531,118$5,321$0.16$694.01KEA 5309000 Apr‐09 4/1/2009 4/30/20093034,6881,184$5,438$0.16$680.40KEA 5309000 May‐09 5/1/2009 5/31/20093136,2431,237$5,629$0.16$676.32KEA 5309000 Jun‐09 6/1/2009 6/30/20093020,117687$3,590$0.18$659.99KEA 5309000 Jul‐09 7/1/2009 7/31/20093112,528428$2,230$0.18$319.79KEA 5309000 Aug‐09 8/1/2009 8/31/20093125,975887$4,224$0.16$496.69KEA 5309000 Sep‐09 9/1/2009 9/30/20093035,7381,220$5,650$0.16$673.60KEA 5309000 Oct‐09 10/1/2009 10/31/20093132,9941,126$5,264$0.16$659.99KEA 5309000 Nov‐09 11/1/2009 11/30/20093037,0001,263$6,549$0.18$659.99KEA 5309000 Dec‐09 12/1/2009 12/31/20093134,8001,188$5,541$0.16$707.62KEA 5309000 Jan‐10 1/1/2010 1/31/20103135,2891,204$5,817$0.16$698.09KEA 5309000 Feb‐10 2/1/2010 2/28/20102838,2051,304$6,175$0.16$654.54KEA 5309000 Mar‐10 3/1/2010 3/31/20103132,4011,106$5,386$0.17$652.50KEA 5309000 Apr‐10 4/1/2010 4/30/20103036,3851,242$6,273$0.17$647.06KEA 5309000 May‐10 5/1/2010 5/31/20103132,5201,110$5,773$0.18$701.49KEA 5309000 Jun‐10 6/1/2010 6/30/20103018,557633$3,564$0.19$513.02Jul ‐ 08 to Jun ‐ 09 total:358,01312,2190$61,374$7,623Jul ‐ 09 to Jun ‐ 10 total:372,39212,7100$62,447$7,384$0.17$0.17Jul ‐ 09 to Jun ‐ 10 avg:Jul ‐ 08 to Jun ‐ 09 avg: 10/24/2011APPENDIX A CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANYKODIAK EAST ELEMENTARY ENERGY AUDIT REPORT$0$1,000$2,000$3,000$4,000$5,000$6,000$7,000$8,00005,00010,00015,00020,00025,00030,00035,00040,00045,000Electric Cost ($)Electric Consumption (kWh)Date (Mon ‐Yr)East Elementary ‐Electric Consumption (kWh) vs. Electric Cost ($)Electric Consumption (kWh)Electric Cost ($) 10/24/2011APPENDIX A CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANYKODIAK EAST ELEMENTARY ENERGY AUDIT REPORTEast ElementaryOilBtus/Gal =132,000Provider Customer # Month Start Date End Date Billing Days Consumption (Gal) Consumption (Therms) Demand Use Oil Cost ($) Unit Cost ($/Therm) Demand Cost ($)100.240.605 Jul‐08 7/1/2008 7/31/2008318061,064$3,2433.05100.240.605 Aug‐08 8/1/2008 8/31/20083100$00.00100.240.605 Sep‐08 9/1/2008 9/30/2008301,6062,120$5,7832.73100.240.605 Oct‐08 10/1/2008 10/31/20083100$00.00100.240.605 Nov‐08 11/1/2008 11/30/2008303,4754,587$9,0521.97100.240.605 Dec‐08 12/1/2008 12/31/2008311,5402,032$3,2171.58100.240.605 Jan‐09 1/1/2009 1/31/2009312,7113,578$4,1151.15100.240.605 Feb‐09 2/1/2009 2/28/2009281,6452,171$2,4941.15100.240.605 Mar‐09 3/1/2009 3/31/2009312,9363,876$4,3331.12100.240.605 Apr‐09 4/1/2009 4/30/2009302,3563,110$3,3421.07100.240.605 May‐09 5/1/2009 5/31/20093100$00.00100.240.605 Jun‐09 6/1/2009 6/30/2009302,5183,324$4,4861.35100.240.605 Jul‐09 7/1/2009 7/31/2009314458$931.61100.240.605 Aug‐09 8/1/2009 8/31/20093100$00.00100.240.605 Sep‐09 9/1/2009 9/30/2009308951,181$1,9901.69100.240.605 Oct‐09 10/1/2009 10/31/2009311,5292,018$3,5171.74100.240.605 Nov‐09 11/1/2009 11/30/2009301,3441,774$3,0921.74100.240.605 Dec‐09 12/1/2009 12/31/2009312,3003,037$5,3211.75100.240.605 Jan‐10 1/1/2010 1/31/2010312,9803,934$6,6981.70100.240.605 Feb‐10 2/1/2010 2/28/2010281,7232,274$3,9851.75100.240.605 Mar‐10 3/1/2010 3/31/2010311,0631,403$2,4761.76100.240.605 Apr‐10 4/1/2010 4/30/2010301,5542,051$3,8471.88100.240.605 May‐10 5/1/2010 5/31/2010312,1522,840$5,9492.09100.240.605 Jun‐10 6/1/2010 6/30/2010302,2963,031$5,7131.88Jul ‐ 08 to Jun ‐ 09 total:19,59225,8610$40,065$0Jul ‐ 09 to Jun ‐ 10 total:17,87923,6000$42,681$0Jul ‐ 08 to Jun ‐ 09 avg:1.69Jul ‐ 09 to Jun ‐ 10 avg:1.78 10/24/2011APPENDIX A CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANYKODIAK EAST ELEMENTARY ENERGY AUDIT REPORT$0.00$1,000.00$2,000.00$3,000.00$4,000.00$5,000.00$6,000.00$7,000.00$8,000.00$9,000.00$10,000.0005001,0001,5002,0002,5003,0003,5004,0004,5005,000Oil Cost ($)Oil Consumption (Therms)Date (Mon ‐Yr)East Elementary ‐Oil Consumption (Therms) vs. Oil Cost ($)Oil Consumption (Therms)Oil Cost ($) 10/24/2011APPENDIX A KIBSD EAST ELEMENTARY APPENDIX B ENERGY AUDIT Area Type Bulbs Per Fixture Power/Bulb (Watts)Count Notes High Pressure Soduim 1 100 21 Metal‐Halide 1 400 6 Bulb wattage not verified T12, 96"2 95 15 3 of these are Emergency Lights T12, 36"2 45 3 Emergency Incandescent 2 7 5 Operational during power outage only T12, 48"4 40 111 T12, 48"2 40 5 T12, 48"4 40 4 T12, 48"3 40 3 T12, 48"2 40 13 T8, 48"2 32 10 T12, 36"2 25 10 T12, 48"4 40 8 Metal‐Halide 1 400 8 Metal‐Halide 2 400 4 T12, 36"2 45 4 T12, 96"2 95 10 T12, 48"2 40 1 T8, 48"2 32 15 T12, 48"4 40 1 T8, 48"4 32 17 T8, 48"2 32 26 T8, 48"2 32 4 T8, 24"2 17 3 T8, 48"1 32 4 Emergency Incandescent 1 10 4 Operational during power outage only T8, 48"3 32 54 6 of these are emergency lights T8, 48"4 32 298 T8, 48"1 32 4 T12, 96"2 95 15 3 of these are Emergency Lights T12, 36"2 45 3 T12, 48"4 40 111 T12, 48"2 40 5 T12, 48"4 40 4 T12, 48"3 40 3 T12, 48"2 40 13 T12, 36"2 25 10 T12, 48"4 40 8 T12, 36"2 45 4 T12, 96"2 95 10 T12, 48"2 40 1 T12, 48"4 40 1 Exterior West Corridor West Rooms Library North/South Corridor Library North/South Corridor Gymnasium Area East Restrooms East Classrooms West Corridor West Rooms 10/9/2011 Lighting Summary  Page 1 CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  KODIAK EAST ELEMENTARY ENERGY AUDIT REPORT 10/24/2011   APPENDIX C Appendix C Major Equipment List CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANYKODIAK EAST ELEMENTARY ENERGY AUDIT REPORTQuantityItem No.Building AreaClassification Type BHPOperating Hours/DayDays/yr KWH/Yr Watts Phase AMPs VoltsPower FactorEfficiency1EA‐AHU‐01S/A GymHVACAHU0.7512 365 3,063             674 3 2.29 208 0.85 0.81EA‐AHU‐02S/A For OT/PT, Stage & Entry FoyerHVACAHU110 365 3,536             899 3 3.24 208 0.83 0.771EA‐ AHU ‐03S/A For Commons/LunchroomHVACAHU110 220 1,977             899 3 2.94 208 0.85 0.831EA‐AHU‐04S/A For LibraryHVACAHU210 365 6,561             1798 3 5.88 208 0.85 0.831EA‐Boiler‐01Boiler RoomBoilerBoiler 0.512 365 1,922             439 3 1.43 208 0.85 0.851EA‐Boiler‐02Boiler RoomBoilerBoiler0.512 120632                439 3 1.43 208 0.85 0.851EA‐Compressor‐01 Boiler RoomHVACCompressor54 365 6,407             4388 3 14.35 208 0.85 0.851EA‐CP‐01 Heat Circ. Pump Boiler RoomHVACCirc Pump224 365 15,376           1755 3 5.74 208 0.85 0.851EA‐CP‐02 Heat Circ. Pump M‐1 Boiler RoomHVACCirc Pump124 365 7,688             878 1 8.48 115 0.9 0.851EA‐CP‐03 Heat Circ. Pump M‐1 Boiler RoomHVACCirc Pump224 365 15,376           1755 3 5.74 208 0.85 0.851EA‐CP‐04Heat Circ. Pump M‐l Boiler Room HVACCirc Pump224 365 15,376           1755 3 5.74 208 0.85 0.851EA‐CP‐05Heat Circ. PumpHVACCirc Pump224 365 15,376           1755 3 5.74 208 0.85 0.851EA‐CP‐06 Heat Circ. Pump S‐3HVACCirc Pump1.524 365 11,532           1316 3 4.30 208 0.85 0.851EA‐CP‐07Heat Circulation‐07HVACCirc Pump224 365 15,376           1755 3 5.74 208 0.85 0.851EA‐CP‐08Heat Circulation‐08HVACCirc Pump1.524 365 11,532           1316 3 4.30 208 0.85 0.851EA‐CP‐09Heat Circulation‐09HVACCirc Pump0.0824 365615                70 1 0.23 208 0.85 0.8521EA‐CUV‐00lClass 1 CUVHVACCUV0.2524 365 40,363           4608 1 2.19 115 0.87 0.853EA‐CUV‐011Class 11 CUVHVACCUV0.224 365 1,538             176 1 1.75 115 0.87 0.851EA‐CUV‐016Class 16 CUVHVACCUV0.083324 365640                73 1 0.24 208 0.85 0.856EA‐CUV‐017Class 17 CUVHVACCUV0.1724 365 1,281             146 1 1.46 115 0.87 0.851EA‐CUV‐023Teachers Prep RoomHVACCUV0.0824 365641                73 1 0.73 115 0.87 0.851EA‐EF KitchenKitchen Exhaust FanHVACExhaust Fan0.58 220772                439 3 1.43 208 0.85 0.851EA‐MUA‐01Make‐up Air Handler/kitchen Kitchen HVAC MUA1.516 220 4,634             3 4.30 208 0.85 0.851EA‐EXH‐FAN‐01 Office Area Exhaust Bldg. ExteriorHVACExhaust Fan0.338 220510                290 1 2.89 115 0.87 0.852EA‐EXH‐FAN‐02, 04 Boys Restroom East End Bldg. ExteriorHVACExhaust Fan0.33324 365 5,120             585 1 2.92 115 0.87 0.852EA‐EXH‐FAN‐03, 05 Girls Restroom East End Bldg. ExteriorHVACExhaust Fan0.2524 365 3,844             439 1 2.19 115 0.87 0.851EA‐EXH‐FAN‐06Teachers Lounge RR HVAC Exhaust Fan0.12524 365961                110 1 1.10 115 0.87 0.852Gym Ceiling Circulating FanHVACCeiling Circulating Fan26 220 4,634             3511 3 9.93 208 0.85 0.851EA‐EXH‐FAN‐07Exhaust Fan RR Custodial Closet in New WingHVACExhaust Fan0.2524 365 1,922             219 1 2.19 115 0.87 0.851EA‐HWH‐02HWH/KitchenHVACHWH6 220 5,940             4500 1 10/24/2011APPENDIX C CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY      KODIAK EAST ELEMENTARY ENERGY AUDIT REPORT   APPENDIX D  Appendix D AkWarm Building Energy Model Report CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY      KODIAK EAST ELEMENTARY ENERGY AUDIT REPORT   APPENDIX D  ENERGY AUDIT REPORT – PROJECT SUMMARY – Created 10/24/2011 10:55 AM General Project Information PROJECT INFORMATION AUDITOR INFORMATION Building: East Elementary School Auditor Company: Central Alaska Engineering Address: 200 Benny Benson Blvd. Auditor Name: Jerry P. Herring, PE, CEA City: Kodiak Auditor Address: 32215 Lakefront Drive Soldotna, Alaska 99669 Client Name: Gregg Hacker Client Address: Auditor Phone: (907) 260-5311 Auditor FAX: ( ) - Client Phone: (907) 481-2281 Auditor Comment: Client FAX: Design Data Building Area: 41,455 square feet Design Heating Load: Design Loss at Space: 849,574 Btu/hour with Distribution Losses: 849,574 Btu/hour Plant Input Rating assuming 82.0% Plant Efficiency and 25% Safety Margin: 1,295,083 Btu/hour Note: Additional Capacity should be added for DHW load, if served. Typical Occupancy: 600 people Design Indoor Temperature: 70 deg F (building average) Actual City: Kodiak Design Outdoor Temperature: 13 deg F Weather/Fuel City: Kodiak Heating Degree Days: 8817 deg F-days Utility Information Electric Utility: Kodiak Electric Assn - Commercial - Lg Fuel Oil Provider: Unknown Average Annual Cost/kWh: $0.171/kWh Average Annual Cost/gallon: $2.22/gallon Annual Energy Cost Estimate Description Space Heating Space Cooling Water Heating Lighting Other Electrical Cooking Clothes Drying Ventilation Fans Service Fees Total Cost Existing Building $72,391 $0 $5,626 $28,076 $2,630 $2,726 $0 $3,101 $0 $115,996 With Proposed Retrofits $53,256 $0 $4,297 $21,483 $2,425 $2,726 $0 $3,101 $0 $88,126 SAVINGS $19,135 $0 $1,329 $6,593 $205 $0 $0 $0 $0 $27,870 CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY      KODIAK EAST ELEMENTARY ENERGY AUDIT REPORT   APPENDIX D  $0 $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000 Floor Wall/Door Window Ceiling Air Existing Retrofit Annual Space Heating Cost by Component CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY      KODIAK EAST ELEMENTARY ENERGY AUDIT REPORT   APPENDIX D  PRIORITY LIST – RECOMMENDED ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Rank Feature Recommendation Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (Years) 1 Setback Thermostat: Elementary School Implement a Heating Temperature Unoccupied Setback to 64.0 deg F for the Elementary School space. $8,578 $300 425.59 0 2 Refrigeration: Vending Machine Replace with Cold Pop Vending Machine and Improve Seasonal Shutdown $362 $300 10.56 0.8 3 Lighting: Exterior Area Safety Lights 250W MH Replace with 6 LED 80W Module StdElectronic $973 $3,300 2.58 3.4 4 Lighting: Lights On 24-7 Minimum Safety Lights T12 2Bulb 8' Replace with 3 FLUOR (2) T8 8' F96T8 57W Energy- Saver HighLight HighEfficElectronic $133 $592 1.97 4.4 5 HVAC And DHW Change out Boilers, sidearm DHW, duty cycle on recirc pump $10,766 $90,500 1.86 8.4 6 Lighting: School Lights T-12 8' 75W 2Bulb Replace with 22 FLUOR (2) T8 8' F96T8 54W Energy- Saver LowLight HighEfficElectronic and Remove Manual Switching and Add new Occupancy Sensor $601 $4,350 1.70 7.2 7 Lighting: Exterior Lights Hi P Na 100W Nite Lights Replace with 21 LED 25W Module StdElectronic $1,653 $10,500 1.38 6.4 8 Lighting: Lights on 24- 7 Minimum Safety T- 12 8' 3 Bulb Replace with 3 FLUOR (3) T8 8' F96T8 54W Energy- Saver HighLight HighEfficElectronic $133 $810 1.25 6.1 9 Air Tightening Perform air sealing to reduce air leakage by 5%. $1,113 $10,000 1.15 9 10 Lighting: School Working Lights "ON" T12 40W 3 bulb Replace with 3 FLUOR (3) T8 4' F32T8 30W Energy- Saver Instant HighEfficElectronic $52 $405 1.12 7.8 11 Lighting: School Working Lights "ON" T12 3' Long 2 Bulb Replace with 7 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 30W Energy- Saver Instant HighEfficElectronic $96 $755 1.11 7.8 12 Lighting: School Working Lights 4Bulb T12 4'F40T12 40W Replace with 128 FLUOR (4) T8 4' F32T8 30W Energy- Saver Instant HighLight HighEfficElectronic $1,826 $15,360 1.04 8.4 13 Refrigeration: Teachers Lounge Refrigerator Replace with 2 Teacher's Lunch Cooler and Improve Seasonal Shutdown $246 $3,010 1.00 12.3 14 Lighting: School Working Lights T 12 2 Bulb 4' 40 W Replace with 19 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 30W Energy- Saver Instant HighEfficElectronic $235 $2,190 0.94 9.3 CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY      KODIAK EAST ELEMENTARY ENERGY AUDIT REPORT   APPENDIX D  PRIORITY LIST – RECOMMENDED ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Rank Feature Recommendation Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (Years) 15 Other Electrical: Kitchen Hot Water Heater Replace with Hot Water Tap - from Circulating Hot Water Loop and Add new Manual Switching and Improve Other Controls $26 $550 0.86 21.2 16 Lighting: Emergency Exit Signs Replace with 9 LED 4W Module StdElectronic $146 $1,350 0.82 9.3 17 Lighting: Library Lightd MN 250W Replace with 8 LED 100W Module StdElectronic $271 $3,200 0.74 11.8 18 Lighting: Library Lightd MN 250W 2 bulb Replace with 4 LED (2) 100W Module StdElectronic $271 $3,200 0.74 11.8 19 On- or Below-Grade Floor, Perimeter: BGFP Install 2' of R-10 rigid board insulation around perimeter of Slab (vertical or horizontal). $209 $14,506 0.39 69.4 20 Other Electrical: Teaching utilities Replace with 22 Visual Aids - CRT 32 LED Flat Screen $179 $7,400 0.21 41.3 TOTAL $27,870 $172,578 2.19 6.2 ENERGY AUDIT REPORT – ENERGY EFFICIENT RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Building Envelope Insulation Rank Location Existing Type/R-Value Recommendation Type/R- Value Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 19 On- or Below-Grade Floor, Perimeter: BGFP Insulation for 0' to 2' Perimeter: None Insulation for 2' to 4' Perimeter: None Modeled R-Value: 7.9 Install 2' of R-10 rigid board insulation around perimeter of Slab (vertical or horizontal). $14,506 $209 Exterior Doors – Replacement Rank Location Size/Type/Condition Recommendation Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings Windows and Glass Doors – Replacement Rank Location Size/Type/Condition Recommendation Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings Air Leakage Rank Location Estimated Air Leakage Recommended Air Leakage Target Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY      KODIAK EAST ELEMENTARY ENERGY AUDIT REPORT   APPENDIX D  9 Air Tightness estimated as: 0.95 cfm/ft2 of above-grade shell area at 75 Pascals Perform air sealing to reduce air leakage by 5%. $10,000 $1,113 2. Mechanical Equipment Mechanical Rank Recommendation Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 5 Change out Boilers, sidearm DHW, duty cycle on recirc pump $90,500 $10,766 Setback Thermostat Rank Location Size/Type/Condition Recommendation Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 1 Elementary School Existing Unoccupied Heating Setpoint: 69.0 deg F Implement a Heating Temperature Unoccupied Setback to 64.0 deg F for the Elementary School space. $300 $8,578 Ventilation Rank Recommendation Cost Annual Energy Savings 3. Appliances and Lighting Lighting Fixtures and Controls Rank Location Existing Recommended Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 3 Exterior Area Safety Lights 250W MH 6 MH 250 Watt StdElectronic with Daylight Sensor Replace with 6 LED 80W Module StdElectronic $3,300 $973 4 Lights On 24-7 Minimum Safety Lights T12 2Bulb 8' 3 FLUOR (2) T12 8' F96T12 75W Standard Magnetic with Manual Switching Replace with 3 FLUOR (2) T8 8' F96T8 57W Energy-Saver HighLight HighEfficElectronic $592 $133 6 School Lights T-12 8' 75W 2Bulb 22 FLUOR (2) T12 8' F96T12 75W Standard Magnetic with Manual Switching Replace with 22 FLUOR (2) T8 8' F96T8 54W Energy- Saver LowLight HighEfficElectronic and Remove Manual Switching and Add new Occupancy Sensor $4,350 $601 7 Exterior Lights Hi P Na 100W Nite Lights 21 HPS 100 Watt StdElectronic with Daylight Sensor Replace with 21 LED 25W Module StdElectronic $10,500 $1,653 8 Lights on 24-7 Minimum Safety T- 12 8' 3 Bulb 3 FLUOR (3) T12 8' F96T12 75W Standard Magnetic with Manual Switching Replace with 3 FLUOR (3) T8 8' F96T8 54W Energy-Saver HighLight HighEfficElectronic $810 $133 10 School Working Lights "ON" T12 40W 3 bulb 3 FLUOR (3) T12 4' F40T12 40W Standard Magnetic with Manual Switching Replace with 3 FLUOR (3) T8 4' F32T8 30W Energy-Saver Instant HighEfficElectronic $405 $52 11 School Working Lights "ON" T12 3' Long 2 Bulb 7 FLUOR (2) T12 4' F40T12 40W Standard Magnetic with Manual Switching Replace with 7 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 30W Energy-Saver Instant HighEfficElectronic $755 $96 CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY      KODIAK EAST ELEMENTARY ENERGY AUDIT REPORT   APPENDIX D  12 School Working Lights 4Bulb T12 4'F40T12 40W 128 FLUOR (4) T12 4' F40T12 40W Standard Magnetic with Manual Switching Replace with 128 FLUOR (4) T8 4' F32T8 30W Energy- Saver Instant HighLight HighEfficElectronic $15,360 $1,826 14 School Working Lights T 12 2 Bulb 4' 40 W 19 FLUOR (2) T12 4' F40T12 40W Standard Magnetic with Manual Switching Replace with 19 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 30W Energy- Saver Instant HighEfficElectronic $2,190 $235 16 Emergency Exit Signs 9 INCAN A Lamp, Std 25W Replace with 9 LED 4W Module StdElectronic $1,350 $146 17 Library Lightd MN 250W 8 MH 250 Watt StdElectronic with Manual Switching Replace with 8 LED 100W Module StdElectronic $3,200 $271 18 Library Lightd MN 250W 2 bulb 4 MH (2) 250 Watt StdElectronic with Manual Switching Replace with 4 LED (2) 100W Module StdElectronic $3,200 $271 Refrigeration Rank Location Existing Recommended Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 2 Vending Machine Cold Pop Vending Machine with Seasonal Shutdown Replace with Cold Pop Vending Machine and Improve Seasonal Shutdown $300 $362 13 Teachers Lounge Refrigerator 2 Teacher's Lunch Cooler with Seasonal Shutdown Replace with 2 Teacher's Lunch Cooler and Improve Seasonal Shutdown $3,010 $246 Other Electrical Equipment Rank Location Existing Recommended Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 15 Kitchen Hot Water Heater Electric Hot Water Heater with Other Controls Replace with Hot Water Tap - from Circulating Hot Water Loop and Add new Manual Switching and Improve Other Controls $550 $26 20 Teaching utilities 22 Visual Aids - CRT 26" Monitors with Manual Switching Replace with 22 Visual Aids - CRT 32 LED Flat Screen $7,400 $179 Cooking/Clothes Drying Rank Recommended Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY      KODIAK EAST ELEMENTARY ENERGY AUDIT REPORT  10/24/2011    APPENDIX E  Appendix E Humidity Study Authored By John D. Herring, PE CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY      KODIAK EAST ELEMENTARY ENERGY AUDIT REPORT  10/24/2011    APPENDIX E  The issue of reducing energy consumption to its lowest value involves setback temperatures to an optimum temperature which require Humidity Management. There is an opportunity to setback the high temperature from 70oF when school is in session to a much lower 50oF during periods the building is not being used and is essentially empty. The issues which must be designed around are (1) moisture in the air, higher than 50oF dew point, (2) condensation and mildew. These issues only become considerations when the daytime temperatures rise above the 50oF setback control temperature. Condensation must be avoided either by operating the school space at above the dew point temperature or remove excess moisture by dehydration. Over 20 % of the fuel budget is wasted attempting to maintain temperature above the dew point temperature in an empty building. Dehydration equipment may be operated for a fraction of the energy cost. The limitation is the dew point temperature of the air in the school. Currently dew point is neither measured nor controlled. The dew point is the temperature at which the moisture in the air changes phase from water vapor to liquid water. If the dew point were measured to be 65oF then the setback temperature cannot be lower than 65oF or condensation will form on the cold surface such as exterior windows, walls, floors and ceilings. About 25 % of all heating energy is spent heating air in an empty building. Building air could be dehydrated and save 20% fuel cost. During the evaluation phase it was determined that for each degree Fahrenheit that the setback temperature was lowered, there was a corresponding $1,688 annual saving. Currently the setback temperature is from 70oF to 64oF with an approximate savings in annual fuel cost of $10,000. Temperatures of 64oF are even too low if the dew point temperature is 65oF. The issue which required assessment is that of condensation forming at lower setback temperatures. The question is during the warmer months can the school district setback control temperature to below dew point temperature or must the setback temperature remain above dew point temperature? If moisture is removed, the school district saves an estimated 20% of the fuel oil expense for the year. It is possible to continue heating the atmosphere in an empty building. It is also possible to dehydrate the air. When does dew point temperature become a problem? As the seasons change the ambient air temperature rises and falls. As the summer months approach the day time temperatures rise above desirable setback temperatures and the school building’s dew point temperature rises. High temperature is presently used to prevent condensation. High temperature works but cost over 20% of the fuel bill just to heat an empty building. Warmer air has much greater capacity to absorb and hold water vapor than colder air. Kodiak is on the ocean so higher relative humidity is expected. When warmer air is sucked into the school space by Air Handling Units, moisture enters the school. In the cold winter months, low moisture is an issue, not high. Low humidity causes high static electricity. High electrical charge happens when students walk around. They touch a computer key board and zap, instant computer problem! As outside temperatures rise above setback temperature, then condensation becomes a problem. The answer may be as warmer weather approaches, change timing for shutdown of heating and ventilation while adding humidity management i.e. Dehydration to mitigate dew point. As the room temperature drops below the room’s air dew point, water condenses out of the air. CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY      KODIAK EAST ELEMENTARY ENERGY AUDIT REPORT  10/24/2011     APPENDIX E  Presently at East Elementary, the H&V equipment is operational 7 days a week 52 weeks per year on a schedule. The temperature set point is raised to 70oF at 7 AM and sets back to a lower temperature at 4 PM. When considering the advantages of setting back the temperature control to 50oF or below, dew point considerations become more important, particularly, as day time temperatures rise to 50oF and warmer. On warmer days, the warm air with its moisture comes into the building space and in the cooler evenings temperatures naturally drop indoor temperature to 50oF or lower without heating. At the setback temperature, room heaters come on, heat the air, and maintain room air above dew point. Higher outside temperatures enables the air to carry higher concentrations of moisture with accompanying higher dew point. Condensation now becomes a limiting issue determining how low one may setback the temperature for this empty school. Air enters the schools as makeup air and leaks in through unsealed cracks unless makeup air is totally blocked. Makeup air can be, and economically should be, totally blocked out if the building is unoccupied. A reduction of makeup air results in a reduction of moist air coming into the unoccupied building except through natural infiltration. The question is how much entrained water enters with the moist air? From a Psychrometric Chart, Figure 1, Table 1 was developed. CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY      KODIAK EAST ELEMENTARY ENERGY AUDIT REPORT  10/24/2011     APPENDIX E  @50% RH @100% RH Temp [oF] Water Water Total Heat Total Heat Water Water Extracted Extracted Outside Grains Grains BTU/Lbm BTU/Lbm Lbm Lbm Water Water @50% RH @100% RH @50% RH @100% RH @50% RH @100% RH LBm LBm 50 28 55 16 20.4 2,486 4,884 0 0 55 32 63 18.2 23.2 2,842 5,594 0 2752.8 60 36 76 20.4 26.6 3,197 6,749 355.2 3907.2 65 45 93 22.7 29.6 3,996 8,258 1154.4 5416.8 70 53 110 25.2 34 4,706 9,768 1864.8 6926.4 75 65 130 28.3 38 5,772 11,544 2930.4 8702.4 80 76 154 31 43.5 6,749 13,675 3907.2 10833.6 When applying this data to East Elementary, it is possible to quantify how much water vapor is inside the school. It is seen that if our inside temperature set point is 55oF, then water at concentrations above 63 grains per cubic foot in the air will begin to condense as heat energy is lost by conduction of heat to the atmosphere. Considering East Elementary [approximately 640,000 cubic feet], if the building’s inside temperature is normalized at 70oF day temperature and 100% Relative Humidity, there will be 9,768 pounds minus 5,594 pounds of water [55 oF @ 100% RH] or 502 gallons of water entrained in the air that will condense out at 55 oF. If the temperature is allowed to fall to 55oF, then up to 502 gallons of water can change phase from water vapor to liquid water. Dew point or humidity control is necessary if the setback control point is lower than the highest daily ambient temperature. Simply put, if 70oF air @ 100 % relative humidity is drawn in all day and it is allowed to cool to 50oF, then condensation is a natural occurrence. Humidity management is possible one of three ways. (1) Maintain higher temperature in the building than the highest daily ambient [No setback in warmer months]. (2) Use refrigeration to cool the air below the setback temperature. (3) Dehydrate the air with a desiccant air dryer. If option (1) is chosen, then the school district loses the opportunity to save $24,000 annually in fuel cost. If electric refrigeration is chosen then water removal cost is 3.5 times more per gallon of water removed than using oil fired air regenerated desiccant dehydrator, option (3). The setback from 70oF to 50oF saves $24,000 per year in energy burned in boilers and cost $6,000 in fuel oil to regenerate the desiccant used to absorb water and dry the air. That is a net savings of $18,000 per year to pay off the investment in the desiccant dryer. In the warmer months, particularly summer months, room humidity not room temperature should control energy expenditure. Maintaining relative humidity between 50% and 90 % minimizes annual fuel cost. Winter operations create very dry conditions. No dehydration unit should be operated in the winter months. Actually, for computers which are sensitive to static electricity, air is best maintained above 35% relative humidity which requires humidifiers on the coldest days. So dehydrators need be operated only during warmer temperature, those when the highest ambient is higher than the lowest setback temperature. If the day time high is 78oF and 100 % relative humidity then the setback temperature should not be less than 78oF without a dehydrator. CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY      KODIAK EAST ELEMENTARY ENERGY AUDIT REPORT  10/24/2011    APPENDIX E  The economics of operation of desiccant dryers favors the least investment or the smallest sufficient size. The cost to remove a gallon of water is very near the same whether one buys the largest unit or the smallest unit. The investment is much greater for the higher capacity dryers. It was found that at East Elementary the water removal fuel cost is the same, $0.38 per gallon of water. A lower capacity dryer would operate more hours. Each size burns the same amount of fuel per gallon of water removed. The wheel type dryers continuously regenerate the desiccant using hot (275oF) air. If the school had an indirect oil fired dehydrator then the boilers could be shut down when school was out for summer. The boilers would be restarted when school reopened. The dehydrator would maintain the relative humidity within the building at the set point between 50% and 90% relative humidity. All makeup air would be first dehydrated before being introduced into the building. The building could remain sealed shut all summer. Moisture could only enter through leaks in the building’s shell or through leaking air intakes and exhaust vents. The more moist air that enters the School, the more frequently the dehydrator would need to cycle on. Using (1) dehydration and (2) ventilation controls to block the ingress of outside air into the building after school, weekends, holidays and summer vacation facilitates this estimated $18,000 savings, and would pay out the $100,000 investment in less than six years. This control temperature setback coupled with humidity control to 50% relative humidity with outside air shutoff all work to prevent conditions for mold and mildew. At levels below 32 grains per cubic foot concentrations of water in air, condensation would not occur until indoor temperature reached 37oF. Safer operation at setback temperature of 50oF would be realized if water concentration is managed to fewer than 40 grains of water per cubic foot. Dehumidification facilitates provide mildew free operation during the season when the outdoor ambient temperature is periodically greater than 50oF. Whenever outdoor ambient temperatures range above 50oF, the moisture level in the indoor air also increases above 63 grains of entrained water and condensation begins to occur. If the humidity is controlled at 50% relative humidity, periodic excursion of ambient temperatures above 55oF will occur without subsequent condensation and foul smelling rooms. Install a dehumidification system capable of maintaining relative humidity and dew point in the building to 50% at 55oF during low use periods in the spring, summer and early fall and condensation will not occur. Humidity is managed by removing moisture to levels less than the 50% at 55oF relative humidity level [i.e. 32 grains]. The fuel oil cost for desiccant drying is $0.37 per gallon of water removed. Desiccant operation for the periods when the boilers may be shut off is $6,000 annually. This blending of desiccant operation and boiler operation results in lower cost than maintaining boiler operation and H&V system operation semi continuously. The school’s atmosphere would be better managed and safer for the inhabitants since mold and mildew is avoided. The H&V system would need to be expanded to incorporate the dehumidifier and tight shutoff of outside air during unoccupied periods is economically desirable. Any dehumidifier would only need to be employed in the evenings during late spring, summers and early fall. The dehumidifier would automatically start up to dry out the school’s air volume because it would be on dew point control. A high humidity switch would control the startup and operation. CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY      KODIAK EAST ELEMENTARY ENERGY AUDIT REPORT  10/24/2011     APPENDIX E  If a desiccant dryer were to be employed, high humidity air from the common room would be compressed with an air handler, blown across the desiccant, dried and then dry air is reintroduced into the school space. During summer school break, the entire heating and ventilation system could be shut down and the dehumidifier would automatically come on and maintain relative humidity during evening hours, if required. Dried air exits the desiccant dryer at temperatures between 90 oF and 105 oF. The higher the concentration of moisture is in the inlet air from the school, the higher the discharge air temperature of the dried air exiting the desiccant dryer will be [constant enthalpy]. As moisture is removed, the dry air temperature increases. The higher the concentration of entrained water in the school air, the higher the temperature of the dried air returning to the building. The desiccant is continuously regenerated using an indirect oil fired air heater raising the temperature of the drying air to 275oF. As the air dries the desiccant, the vaporization of water held within the desiccant drops this drying air temperature from 275oF to between 100oF and 130oF which is expelled back to the atmosphere. The cycling frequency for the dryer could be between once every 24 hours to once a week depending on the leakage rate of outside air into the school and how much moisture is in that air. The important parameter during low use periods during the summer months is humidity, not temperature. If no dehydration means is available then boilers should be operated all summer attempting to maintain relative humidity in the school at less than 100%. A sample of desiccant drier process is shown in Figure 2. A photograph of a sample drying machine is shown in Figure 3.