HomeMy WebLinkAboutKONI-ADQ-CAEC Bayside Fire Station 2012-EEENERGY AUDIT REPORT Bayside Fire Station 4606 East Rezanof Drive Kodiak, Alaska 99615 AkWarm ID No. KONI-ADQ-CAEC-05 Submitted by: Central Alaska Engineering Company Contact: Jerry P. Herring, P.E., C.E.A. 32215 Lakefront Drive Soldotna, Alaska 99669  Phone (907) 260‐5311  akengineer@starband.net   June 30, 2012                                                                            . CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT AKWARM ID KONI‐ADQ‐CAEC‐05  i  TABLE OF CONTENTS   1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... 1  2.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 5  3.0 METHOD OF ANALYSIS....................................................................................................... 7  4.0 LIMITATIONS OF STUDY .................................................................................................... 9  5.0 BUILDING DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................. 10  6.0 EQUIPMENT INVENTORY AND PHOTO SURVEY ........................................................ 12  7.0 HISTORIC ENERGY CONSUMPTION AND COST .......................................................... 13  8.0 ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES .................................................................................. 16  9.0 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................... 21    APPENDICES APPENDIX A – BENCHMARK REPORT APPENDIX B – AKWARM SHORT REPORT APPENDIX C – MAJOR EQUIPMENT INVENTORY APPENDIX D – BLOCK FORMAT ENERGY EFFICIENY MEASURES APPENDIX E – SITE VISIT PHOTOS CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT AKWARM ID KONI‐ADQ‐CAEC‐05  ii    This Investment Grade Audit (IGA) was performed using American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds, managed by Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC). IGA’s are the property of the State of Alaska, and may be incorporated into AkWarm-C, the Alaska Retrofit Information System (ARIS), or other state and/or public information systems. AkWarm-C is a building energy modeling software developed under contract by AHFC. This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy under Award Number DE-EE0000095. This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. This energy audit is intended to identify and recommend potential areas of energy savings, estimate the value of the savings and approximate the costs to implement the recommendations. Any modifications or changes made to a building to realize the savings must be designed and implemented by licensed, experienced professionals in their fields. Lighting recommendations should all be first analyzed through a thorough lighting analysis to assure that the recommended lighting upgrades will comply with State of Alaska Statute as well as Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) recommendations. Central Alaska Engineering Company bears no responsibility for work performed as a result of this report. Payback periods may vary from those forecasted due to the uncertainty of the final installed design, configuration, equipment selected, and installation costs of recommended Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs), or the operating schedules and maintenance provided by the owner. Furthermore, EEMs are typically interactive, so implementation of one EEM may impact the cost savings from another EEM. Neither the auditor, Central Alaska Engineering Company, AHFC, nor any other party involved in preparation of this report accepts liability for financial loss due to EEMs that fail to meet the forecasted payback periods. This energy audit meets the criteria of a Level 2 IGA per the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). The life of the IGA may be extended on a case-by-case basis, at the discretion of AHFC. CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT AKWARM ID KONI‐ADQ‐CAEC‐05  1  1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The scope of this report is a comprehensive energy study, which included an analysis of building shell, interior and exterior lighting systems, HVAC systems, and plug loads. The scope of the audit focused on Bayside Fire Station as part of a contract for: Alaska Housing Finance Corporation Contact: Rebekah Luhrs 4300 Boniface Parkway Anchorage, AK 99510 Email: rluhrs@ahfc.us Kodiak Island Borough Contact: Robert Tucker 710 Mill Bay Road Kodiak, AK 99615 Email: btucker@kodiakak.us This audit was performed using ARRA funds to promote the use of innovation and technology to solve energy and environmental problems in a way that improves the State’s economy. This can be achieved through the wiser and more efficient use of energy and through refined controlling equipment such as occupancy sensing devices and timers. Opportunities for application of these energy saving methods are discussed in detail throughout this report. The March 2009 – February 2010 documented annual utility costs at this facility are as follows: Electricity $2,559 Fuel Oil $8,098 Total $10,657 2009 Energy Utilization Index (EUI) = 117.5 kBtu/sf 2009 Energy Cost Index (ECI) = 1.99 $/sf The Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs) considered are shown in Table 1.1 with estimated installed costs, annual savings, and investment returns. Be aware that the measures are not additive because of the interrelation of several of the measures. The cost of each measure for this level of auditing is ± 30% until detailed engineering, specifications, and hard proposals are obtained. CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT AKWARM ID KONI‐ADQ‐CAEC‐05  2  Table 1.1 PRIORITY LIST – ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Rank Feature Improvement Description Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR* SP (Years)** 1 Air Tightening Perform air sealing to reduce air leakage by 10%. $410 $1,000 4.17 2.4 2 Window/Skylight: NSFW Replace existing window with U-0.22 vinyl window $528 $6,641 1.51 12.6 3 Window/Skylight: SFW Replace existing window with U-0.30 vinyl window $127 $1,763 1.37 13.9 4 Lighting: Apparatus Bay Emergency Circuit Replace with 2 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 28W Energy- Saver (2) Instant Standard Electronic $28 $200 1.36 7.0 5 Ceiling w/ Attic: Apparatus Bay Add R-12 blown cellulose insulation to attic space with Energy Truss. $71 $1,422 1.32 20.1 6 Ceiling w/ Attic: Dwelling/Training Room Add R-12 blown cellulose insulation to attic space with Energy Truss. $60 $1,200 1.32 20.1 7 HVAC And DHW Add thermostat control to dwelling stairwell. Add outdoor reset on system to set boiler to low in summer. Add a hard duct to the boiler air intake and seal off the existing combustion air opening. Replace boiler with a newer, more efficient model. Evaluation of use of Solar Thermal for reduced demand from HWM is considered separately. $819 $14,000 1.09 17.1 8 Lighting: Exterior HPS Replace with LED 17W Module Standard Electronic $36 $500 0.89 13.9 9 Exterior Door: Dwelling/Training Room Remove existing door and install standard pre-hung U- 0.16 insulated door, including hardware. $43 $1,868 0.62 43.2 10 Above-Grade Wall: Original Building Install R-20 rigid foam board to exterior and cover with T1-11 siding or equivalent. $453 $24,781 0.49 54.7 CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT AKWARM ID KONI‐ADQ‐CAEC‐05  3  Table 1.1 PRIORITY LIST – ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Rank Feature Improvement Description Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR* SP (Years)** 11 On- or Below- Grade Floor, Perimeter: Fire Station Install 2' of R-10 rigid board insulation around perimeter of Slab (vertical or horizontal). $23 $1,636 0.38 69.6 12 Exterior Door: Add-on: Windowed Doors Remove existing door and install standard pre-hung U- 0.16 insulated door, including hardware. $12 $889 0.36 74.2 13 Window/Skylight: Add-on NSFW Replace existing window with U-0.30 vinyl window $45 $3,657 0.23 81.9 14 Lighting: Add-on Lights Replace with 32 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 28W Energy- Saver (2) Instant Standard Electronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor $118 $6,800 0.21 57.6 15 Window/Skylight: Add-on SFW Replace existing window with U-0.30 vinyl window $9 $784 0.21 90.0 16 Garage Door: Apparatus Bay Replace existing garage door with R-7, 2" polyurethane core replacement door. $30 $3,853 0.21 128.8 17 Lighting: Apparatus Bay Lights Replace with 7 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W High Lumen (3100 lumens) (2) Program High Efficiency Electronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor $36 $2,150 0.21 59.7 18 Lighting: Training Room Lights Replace with 12 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 28W Energy- Saver (2) Instant Standard Electronic and Add new Occupancy Sensor $44 $2,800 0.19 63.2 19 Other Electrical: PC Monitors Replace with 6 PC/TV Flat screen Monitor $44 $2,000 0.14 45.5 20 Exterior Door: Add-on: Solid Door Remove existing door and install standard pre-hung U- 0.16 insulated door, including hardware. $1 $445 0.08 340.8 TOTAL, all measures $2,939 $78,388 0.70 26.7 CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT AKWARM ID KONI‐ADQ‐CAEC‐05  4  Table Notes: * Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR) is a life-cycle cost measure calculated by dividing the total savings over the life of a project (expressed in today’s dollars) by its investment costs. The SIR is an indication of the profitability of a measure; the higher the SIR, the more profitable the project. An SIR greater than 1.0 indicates a cost-effective project (i.e. more savings than cost). Remember that this profitability is based on the position of that Energy Efficiency Measure (EEM) in the overall list and assumes that the measures above it are implemented first. ** Simple Payback (SP) is a measure of the length of time required for the savings from an EEM to payback the investment cost, not counting interest on the investment and any future changes in energy prices. It is calculated by dividing the investment cost by the expected first-year savings of the EEM. CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT AKWARM ID KONI‐ADQ‐CAEC‐05  5  2.0 INTRODUCTION This comprehensive energy audit covers the 5,366 square-foot Bayside Fire Station that includes office space, a conference room, an apparatus bay, restrooms, and a residential unit. A satellite image of this building can be seen below in Figure 2.1. Figure 2.1 Overhead Satellite Image of Bayside Fire Station The first task was to collect and review two years of utility data for electricity and fuel oil usage. This information was used to analyze operational characteristics, calculate energy benchmarks for comparison to industry averages, estimate savings potential and establish a baseline to monitor the effectiveness of implemented measures. An excel spreadsheet was used to enter, sum, and calculate benchmarks and to graph energy use information (see Appendix A). The annual Energy Utilization Index (EUI) is expressed in Thousands of British Thermal Units/Square Foot (kBtu/sf) and can be used to compare energy consumption to similar building types or to track consumption from year to year in the same building. The EUI is calculated by converting annual consumption of all fuels used to Btu’s then dividing by the area (gross conditioned square footage) of the building. EUI is a good indicator of the relative potential for energy savings. A comparatively low EUI indicates less potential for large energy savings. Building architectural, mechanical and electrical drawings were obtained and utilized to calculate and verify the gross area of the facility. After gathering the utility data and calculating the EUI, the next step in the audit process is the site visit. The site visit was completed on July 13, 2011, and was spent inspecting the actual systems and answering specific questions from the preliminary review. Occupancy schedules, O&M practices, building energy management program, and other information that has an impact on energy consumption were obtained. During the site visit, drawings for a similar building were obtained. These drawings were used to answer questions that arose during the site visit regarding the building envelope, lighting CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT AKWARM ID KONI‐ADQ‐CAEC‐05  6  systems/controls, HVAC equipment and controls where possible. Additionally, photos of mechanical equipment and the building construction were taken during the site visit. Several photos detailing the equipment and building are included in Appendix E. The post-site work includes evaluation of the information gathered during the site visit, researching possible conservation opportunities, organizing the audit into a comprehensive report, and making recommendations on mechanical, lighting and building envelope improvements. CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT AKWARM ID KONI‐ADQ‐CAEC‐05  7  3.0 METHOD OF ANALYSIS   Central Alaska Engineering Co. (CAEC) began the site survey after completing the preliminary audit tasks noted in section 2.0: Introduction. The site survey provided critical input in deciphering where energy opportunities exist within the facility. The audit team walked the entire site to inventory the building envelope (roof, windows, etc.), the major equipment including HVAC, water heating, lighting, and equipment in kitchens and offices. The site survey was used to determine an understanding of how the major equipment is used. The collected data was entered into the AkWarm© Commercial software (AkWarm), an energy calculating program for buildings. The data was processed by AkWarm to model a baseline from which energy efficiency measures (EEMs) could be considered. The model was compared to actual utility costs to ensure the quality of baseline and proposed energy modeling performed by AkWarm. The recommended EEMs focus on building envelope, HVAC, lighting, water heating, and other electrical measures that will reduce annual energy consumption. The model uses local weather data and is trued up to historical energy use to ensure its accuracy. The model can be used now and in the future to measure the utility bill impact of all types of energy projects, including improving building insulation, modifying glazing, changing air handler schedules, increasing heat recovery, installing high efficiency boilers, using variable air volume air handlers, adjusting outside air ventilation and adding cogeneration systems. For the purposes of this study, Bayside Fire Station was modeled using AkWarm energy use software to establish a baseline space heating and cooling energy usage. Climate data from Kodiak was used for analysis. From this, the model was calibrated to predict the impact of theoretical energy savings measures. Once annual energy savings from a particular measure were predicted and the initial capital cost was estimated, payback scenarios were approximated. Equipment cost estimate calculations are provided in Appendix D. EEMs are evaluated based on building use and processes, local climate conditions, building construction type, function, operational schedule, existing conditions, and foreseen future plans. When new equipment is proposed, energy consumption is calculated based on the manufacturer’s cataloged information where possible. Energy savings are calculated by AkWarm. Implementation of more than one EEM often affects the savings of other EEMs. The savings may in some cases be relatively higher for an EEM implemented individually than when that EEM is just one of multiple recommended EEMs. For example, implementing reduced operating schedules of inefficient lighting systems may result in a given savings. Also implementing a more efficient lighting system will add to the savings, but less than the efficient lighting would alone because there is less energy to be saved when the lights are on a reduced operating schedule. Thus, if multiple EEM’s are recommended, the combined savings must be calculated and identified appropriately in groups. In Appendix D the simple lifetime calculation is shown for each EEM. The lifetime for each EEM is estimated based on the typical life of the equipment being replaced or altered. The CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT AKWARM ID KONI‐ADQ‐CAEC‐05  8  energy savings are extrapolated throughout the lifetime of the EEM. The total energy savings are calculated as the total lifetime multiplied by the yearly savings. Cost savings are calculated based on the historical energy costs for the building. Installation costs include labor and equipment to evaluate the initial investment required to implement and EEM. These are applied to each recommendation with simple paybacks calculated. The energy analyst’s opinions of probable cost are garnered from Means Cost Data, other industry publications, and local contractors and suppliers. In addition, where applicable, maintenance cost savings are estimated and applied to the net savings. The costs and savings are applied to calculate Simple Payback and Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR).These are listed in Appendices B and D and briefly summarized in Table 1.1 of this report. The SIR is calculated as a ratio by dividing the break even cost by the initial installed cost. CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT AKWARM ID KONI‐ADQ‐CAEC‐05  9  4.0 LIMITATIONS OF STUDY All results are dependent on the quality of input data provided. In this case the site investigation was limited to observable conditions. No testing or destructive investigations were undertaken. Although energy-conserving methods are described in the EEMs, several methods may also achieve the identified savings in some instances. Detailed engineering is required in order to develop the EEMs to a realizable project. This audit and report are thus intended to offer approximations of the results achievable by the listed improvements. This report is not intended to be a final design document. The design professional or other persons following the recommendations shall accept responsibility and liability for the results. Budget for engineering and design of these projects is not included in the cost estimate for each measure. The AkWarm model is based on typical mean year weather data for Kodiak. This data represents the average ambient weather profile as observed over approximately 30 years. As such, the fuel oil and electric profiles generated will not likely compare perfectly with actual energy billing information from any single year. This is especially true for years with extreme warm or cold periods, or even years with unexpectedly moderate weather. The heating and cooling load model is a simple two-zone model consisting of the building’s core interior spaces and the building’s perimeter spaces. This simplified approach loses accuracy for buildings that have large variations in cooling/heating loads across different parts of the building. The model does not model HVAC systems that simultaneously provide both heating and cooling to the same building space (typically done as a means of providing temperature control in the space). CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT AKWARM ID KONI‐ADQ‐CAEC‐05  10  5.0 BUILDING DESCRIPTION   The Bayside Fire Station is a two story building with an attached apparatus bay that is used to house two (2) fire trucks and an attached training room that is used for educational purposes and meetings. This facility was built in 1983 with the training room addition built in 1997. This makes original equipment 28 years old. The facility is occupied by a tenant living in the second floor and is a site of weekly and monthly training events and meetings. Weekly and monthly meetings use the lower conference room and office area as well as the apparatus bay and training room addition. 5.1 Shell Components   Exterior walls of the building use double paned glass, wood framed windows that have an estimated U-factor in the range of 0.50 - 0.60 Btu/hr-sf-F. The windows that were a part of the original construction are in poor condition while the windows on the 1997 addition are in good condition. The wall height of the conference room and residential area of the building is 22 feet high, including a 4 foot space between floors. The wall height of the apparatus bay is 14 feet with a hose tower section that is 35 feet high, measured from the foundation. The walls of the 1997 addition are 8 feet tall with 9.3 foot tall gable ends. The exterior walls have been insulated with R-19 fiberglass batt (FGB) between the studs. The walls of the addition have 5.5-inches of sprayed polyurethane between the studs. The stud wall consists of 2x6 framing with a spacing of 16 inches on center (OC) between the studs throughout the building. The roof system of the original building has been insulated with R-38 FGB. This part of the building has a truss design allowing for insulated attic space above the operational areas. The hose tower is considered to have a cathedral ceiling with R-19 insulation and no attic space. The roof of the addition has been insulated with 7.5 inches of sprayed polyurethane and has a cathedral ceiling. The Floor/Foundation of the original building is constructed of concrete slab on grade with no slab-edge or under slab insulation. The addition is constructed on slab on grade with slab-edge insulation. This building has no crawlspace. Doors are metal framed with fiberglass insulation. 5.2 Heating Plant The entire building is heated by a Burnham oil burning boiler rated at 246,000 Btu/hr. The boiler information is listed below. Nameplate Information: Burnham Model V-18 Fuel Type: Fuel Oil Input Rating: 246,000 BTU/hour Steady State Efficiency: 72 % Heat Distribution Type: Water Boiler Operation: All Year Notes: Oil Fired Cast Iron   CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT AKWARM ID KONI‐ADQ‐CAEC‐05  11    5.3 Space Heating  The lower floor conference room and office area of Bayside Fire Station are heated using baseboard heaters. The upstairs residential area is also heated using a hot water piped baseboard system. The apparatus bay contains two (2) unit heaters that provide heat to the working area of the bay. Additionally there is one (1) unit heater that provides heated air to the hose tower, which is used when fire hoses are hung to dry after use. Unit heaters use thermostatic control. The 1997 addition is heated using in-floor heat. 5.4 Domestic Hot Water System Domestic hot water is generated using a side arm hot water maker attached to the boiler. Hot water is provided to the entire building through well pump pressure. 5.5 Building Ventilation The building ventilation occurs naturally through the opening of doors and windows and through small air leaks in the building shell. Restroom exhaust fans on the lower floor are wired to a manual switch that also controls the lights in these rooms. Kitchen range hoods are typically used during cooking and are manually controlled when needed. The exhaust fan in the apparatus bay is seldom used and is controlled by a carbon monoxide sensor. This fan is primarily used to exhaust engine fumes that may build up in the apparatus bay from the vehicles housed within. 5.6 Lighting There are several types of lights found throughout the building. The exterior of the building is lit with two (2) high pressure sodium lights and two (2) 25-Watt compact fluorescent lights. The majority of the buildings A-type incandescent lights are being actively changed out to LED lights. The lower floor training room area is lit with several two-bulb incandescent T8 troffers. The apparatus bay is lit with 2-bulb incandescent T12 troffers. Emergency lighting in the apparatus bay is provided by one (1) two-bulb fluorescent troffer. Emergency exit signs are LEDs that are on continuously. Additionally, there are three (3) incandescent emergency light fixtures with two (2) bulbs each that are designed to operate when the building is without power. 5.7 Plug Loads There are several plug loads throughout the building. This includes televisions, personal computers with monitors, copy machines, a dishwasher, electric clothing dryers, washing machines, refrigerators, microwaves, and electric ranges with ovens. There are several high wattage appliances in the apparatus bay that are used occasionally. CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT AKWARM ID KONI‐ADQ‐CAEC‐05  12  6.0 EQUIPMENT INVENTORY Following the completion of the field survey a detailed equipment list was created and is attached as Appendix C. The major pieces of equipment listed are considered to be the major energy consuming equipment in the building whose replacement or upgrade could yield substantial energy savings. An approximate age was assigned to the equipment if a manufactured date was not shown on the equipment’s nameplate. As listed in the 2011 ASHRAE Handbook for HVAC Applications, Chapter 37, Table 4, the service life for the equipment along with the remaining useful life in accordance to the ASHRAE standard are also noted in the equipment list. Where there are zero (0) years remaining in the estimated useful life of a piece of equipment, this is an indication that maintenance costs are likely on the rise and more efficient replacement equipment is available which will lower the operating costs of the unit. Maintenance costs should also fall with the replacement. CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT AKWARM ID KONI‐ADQ‐CAEC‐05  13  7.0 HISTORIC ENERGY CONSUMPTION AND COST Tables provided in Appendix A represent the electric and fuel oil energy usage for the surveyed facility from March 2009 to February 2011. Kodiak Electric Association provides the electricity and North Pacific Fuel provides the fuel oil to the building. Both utilities bill under their commercial rate schedules. The electric utility measures consumption and bills in kilowatt-hours (kWh). One kWh usage is equivalent to 1,000 watts running for one hour. The basic usage charges are shown as generation service and delivery charges along with several non-utility generation charges. Rates used in this report reflect the historical data received for the building. The fuel oil supplier bills for consumption in gallons of fuel oil delivered. Fuel oil is delivered under a contract to top off the tank on an as-need basis. The average heating value of fuel oil was assumed to be 132,000 BTUs per gallon in the benchmark calculations, which is equal to approximately 0.76 therms of energy. The average billing rates for energy use are calculated by dividing the total cost by the total usage. Based on the electric and fuel oil utility data provided, the 2009 and 2010 costs for the energy and consumption at the surveyed facility are summarized in Table 7.1 below. Table 7.1 Energy Cost and Consumption Data for 2009 and 2010 Year 2009 2010 Electric Cost 0.17 $/kWh 0.17 $/kWh Fuel Oil Cost 1.86 $/Gal 2.56 $/Gal Total Cost $10,657 $21,139 ECI 1.99 $/sf * Electric EUI 10.3 kBtu/sf * Fuel Oil EUI 107.2 kBtu/sf * Building EUI 117.5 kBtu/sf * Table Notes: *From Table 7.1 it is noticeable that the EUI of Bayside Fire Station is not shown for 2010. This is because the building had an addition built during this time which increased the footprint of Bayside Fire Station significantly. Because of the building addition, the EUI and ECI numbers become erroneous. The Energy Cost Index (ECI) is derived by taking the annual cost and dividing it by the building square footage. The building square footage was calculated to be 5,366 square feet. This area includes the apparatus bay, residential area, and training room with offices and restrooms. The Energy Utilization Index (EUI) is a measure of a building’s energy utilization per square foot of building. This calculation is completed by converting the building’s utility consumption (fuel oil and electric) over a specified time period, typically one year, to British Thermal Units (BTU) and dividing this number by the building square footage. The EUI numbers for this CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT AKWARM ID KONI‐ADQ‐CAEC‐05  14  facility are listed above. Data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration provides a table which shows U.S. Commercial Buildings Energy Intensity Using Site Energy by Census Region and Principal Building Activity. In 2003, the average EUI for U.S. buildings with similar use was 116 kBtu/sf. In 2009, this building had an EUI of 117.5 kBtu/sf, which is 1.3% higher than the average EUI for a building of this type. 7.1 Total Energy Use and Cost Breakdown At the currently modeled rates, Kodiak Island Borough is expected to pay approximately $12,896 annually for electricity and other fuel costs for the Bayside Fire Station. Figure 7.1 reflects the estimated distribution of costs across the primary end uses of energy based on the AkWarm computer simulation. Comparing the “Retrofit” bar in the figure to the “Existing” bar shows the potential savings from implementing all of the energy efficiency measures shown in this report. Figure 7.1 Annual Energy Costs by End Use Figure 7.2 shows how the annual energy cost of the building splits between the different fuels used by the building. The “Existing” bar shows the breakdown for the building as it is now; the “Retrofit” bar shows the predicted costs if all of the energy efficiency measures in this report are implemented. CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT AKWARM ID KONI‐ADQ‐CAEC‐05  15  Figure 7.2 Annual Energy Costs by Fuel Type Figure 7.3 addresses only Space Heating costs. The figure shows how each heat loss component contributes to those costs; for example, the figure shows how much annual space heating cost is caused by the heat loss through the Walls/Doors. For each component, the space heating cost for the Existing building is shown (blue bar) and the space heating cost assuming all retrofits are implemented (yellow bar) are shown. Figure 7.3 Annual Space Heating Cost by Component Interestingly, Figure 7.3 suggests that the windows, after the recommended retrofit, will provide a negative cost for space heating. AkWarm is implying that the building will actually profit from new windows, as solar gain will offset the heat loss through these openings. It is important to realize that this is on an annual analysis, and will likely not hold true during the winter months. CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT AKWARM ID KONI‐ADQ‐CAEC‐05  16  8.0 ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES The savings for a particular measure are calculated assuming all recommended EEMs coming before that measure in the list are implemented. If some EEMs are not implemented, savings for the remaining EEMs will be affected. For example, if ceiling insulation is not added, then savings from a project to replace the heating system will be increased, because the heating system for the building supplies a larger load. In general, all projects are evaluated sequentially so energy savings associated with one EEM would not also be attributed to another EEM. By modeling the recommended project sequentially, the analysis accounts for interactive affects among the EEMs and does not “double count” savings. Interior lighting, plug loads, facility equipment, and occupants generate heat within the building. When the building is in cooling mode, these items contribute to the overall cooling demands of the building; therefore, lighting efficiency improvements will reduce cooling requirements in air- conditioned buildings. Conversely, lighting-efficiency improvements are anticipated to slightly increase heating requirements. Heating penalties and cooling benefits were included in the lighting project analysis. EEM #1 & #10 – Reduce Air Leakage, Seal Off Hose Tower Vent, and Improve Insulation Bayside Fire Station currently has wood siding that has been on the building since its original construction. New siding and the addition of rigid foam board between the new siding and the structural sheathing will help to improve the buildings heat retention as well as prolong the life of the stud wall through reduced condensation build up on the sheathing. The hose tower in the building is an area of high heat loss, and is recommended to be opened and closed via a humidity controlled damper. This will reduce the amount of heated air lost through the vent while still allowing the hose tower to be used for its primary purpose. AkWarm allows the reduction in air leakage to be accomplished as a percentile and giving an associated cost. It is assumed that reducing leakage will be affected by changing out windows, doors, adding a humidity controlled damper, and in the process of applying new siding with better insulated sheathing, modeled as R-20. The cost associated with this reduction is set to $1,000 as the rest of the cost should be taken up by EEMs for doors, windows, and the new siding. New siding, in addition to the reduced air leakage, is expected to cost $24,781. The combination of both of these retrofits is modeled to produce an annual savings of $863 for an estimated simple payback period of 29.9 years. Replacing siding may not seem as an energy saving solution with excellent payback when compared to other options such as sensors for lights or boiler upgrades. It is important to keep in mind that new siding will help reduce the amount of unwanted air leaking into the building, which can make certain areas feel cold. Additionally, new siding is expected to require less maintenance and add to the value of the building. It would be beneficial for Bayside Fire Station to have a thermography study done on the building. This would allow areas of high heat loss to become known and more confidently CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT AKWARM ID KONI‐ADQ‐CAEC‐05  17  addressed. This could potentially save on costs for siding, as problem areas can be addressed more directly. EEM #2, #3, #13, & #15 – Replace All Windows with Better Insulated Windows There are many windows on the fire station, found on each side of the building. Windows installed on the apparatus bay, dwelling area, and conference room are the original windows installed at the time of construction of this building. Due to age, these windows have become leaky and lost much of their insulation value. Windows installed on the 1997 addition to the building are in better condition than those on the original portion of the building, but could easily be replaced with more efficient windows to provide additional savings. As a result, it would be beneficial to the building to replace all the windows with higher quality, modern windows. U- 0.30 vinyl windows or better are recommended as these windows prevent much heat loss while increasing internal solar heat gain (an important factor in the winter months). The upgrade of the non-south-facing windows on the original building is expected to cost $6,641 for an annual energy savings of $528. This results in a simple payback period of 12.6 years. The south-facing windows on the original building, being those in the apparatus bay, are expected to cost $1,763 to replace with a savings of $127 per year and a simple payback period of 13.9 years. Replacing all the windows on the 1997 addition is expected to cost $4,441 for a combined savings of $54 per year and a simple payback period of 82.2 years. As with the siding, new windows will add to the value of the building while reducing unwanted cold spots and possibly eliminating problem areas of high heat loss EEM #4 – Replace Fluorescent 32-Watt Back-up Lighting with Fluorescent 28-Watt In the apparatus bay, there are T8 fluorescent light troffers with two (2) 32-watt bulbs that operate continuously. The lamps in these fixtures could easily be replaced with newer lamps that have a smaller energy draw, decreasing the monthly kWh of the building. If these lamps are replaced with T8 28-watt energy saving bulbs and the ballast in the light changed out to a high- efficiency ballast, the cost would be an estimated $200 for an annual savings of $28 per year, with a simple payback of 7.0 years. EEM #5 & #6 – Add Blown Cellulose Insulation to Attic Area of Building Bayside Fire Station has an attic space above the residential area and above the apparatus bay, both with R-38 fiberglass batt insulation. Addition of insulation to these areas will reduce heat lost through the roof of the building. This recommendation was modeled as adding R-12 blown cellulose insulation to the attic space. It is also recommended to add insulation and weather stripping to the attic access hatches, which will help reduce the amount of conditioned air that leaks into the attic areas. Addition of insulation to the attic area of the residential portion of the building is expected to cost $1,200 for a savings of $60 per year and a simple payback period of 20.1 years. Similarly, addition of insulation to the attic area of the apparatus bay is expected to cost $1,422 for a savings of $71 annually and a simple payback period of 20.1 years. CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT AKWARM ID KONI‐ADQ‐CAEC‐05  18  EEM #7 – Heating System Upgrades and Solar Thermal Domestic Hot Water Generation AkWarm does not consider individual upgrades to the heating system independently. This means that all EEMs associated with the heating system are lumped into one larger upgrade that takes into account the combined savings for all the recommended upgrades. These upgrades are explained here. The Burnham boiler, described earlier in this report in section 5.2: Heating Plant is the same model of boiler that was replaced in the Women’s Bay Volunteer Fire Department in 2011. This building has a nearly identical construction, spare the 1997 addition. The new boiler is a modern and more efficient Energy Kinetics boiler. A boiler with a similar efficiency and input rating is recommended to be installed in Bayside Fire Station. This upgrade was estimated to have cost $12,000 initially, including the cost of the unit and the installation fees associated. The performance information of the recommended boiler is listed below. Nameplate Information: System 2000 Energy Kinetics Fuel Type: Fuel Oil Input Rating: 231,000 BTU/hour Steady State Efficiency: 87 % Heat Distribution Type: Water Boiler Operation: All Year Notes: Oil Fired Cast Iron It is recommended that a thermostat control be added to the dwelling area access stairwell. This area is currently heated in conjunction with another area which is causing excessive heat to be spent in an unoccupied area of the fire station. The addition of a thermostat to the stairwell area is expected to cost $500 for the product and installation. The boiler room currently has a combustion air opening that is cut through the wall. The burner on the boiler has the capability to have a hard duct installed to provide combustion air. Use of this availability would significantly decrease the amount of excess outside air entering the boiler room. Recommendation is to seal of the current combustion air opening and install a hard duct directly to the intake of the burner on the boiler, making it a closed combustion process. This upgrade is estimated to cost $1,500. Payback from this upgrade, the addition of a thermostat, and the new boiler upgrade is expected to be 17.1 years with a savings of $819 per year. During the site visit, it was asked of the auditing team to evaluate the use of solar energy as a supplement to the boiler heating water loop and domestic hot water heating system. A solar thermal system is not meant to replace either one of the systems, but rather to ease the load that may be required. A solar thermal system will increase the incoming water temperature to either or both systems, therefore decreasing the change in temperature required to achieve the set output temperature of water. For example, let us assume ground water comes piped in at roughly 40-degrees Fahrenheit (°F). If the boiler is set to provide water at 130 °F, this is a 90 °F change in temperature. If the incoming temperature is instead raised to 48 °F, the new change in temperature would be 82 °F. The ratio of temperature differences results in an 8.9% savings in water temperature, which can be directly applied to fuel savings. CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT AKWARM ID KONI‐ADQ‐CAEC‐05  19  In AkWarm, a solar thermal system is not something that can be modeled directly. Instead, the system was modeled as reducing the amount of domestic hot water produced and reducing the output temperature of the domestic hot water. A separate AkWarm file was produced for this purpose. Through investigation of solar thermal systems, CAEC has determined that a solar thermal system would cost $8,000 for a modern solar thermal system and an additional $3,000 for installation. This gives a total price estimate of $11,000. Savings from this upgrade are modeled to be $353 per year with a simple payback period of 31.2 years. EEM #8 – Replace Exterior HPS Lights with LED Lights The exterior of the building has two walls with 75-watt high-pressure sodium (HPS) light fixtures. These lights are used at night to provide light around the building. It is recommended that LED lights be used in place of these HPS exterior lights. An upgrade to these lights to 17- watt LEDs is expected to cost $500 for both of the exterior incandescent fixtures. This results in a savings of $36 with a simple payback period of 13.9 years. EEM #9, #12, & #20 – Replace Existing Doors This building has heavy commercial type doors. While these doors are still operable, it is visibly noticeable that they are no longer insulating the building as they were intended to upon installation during the original construction. It is recommended that the exterior doors be replaced with new doors and weather stripping to reduce heat losses. New solid doors are estimated to cost $1,868 and provide an annual savings of $43 per year. Simple payback for this retrofit is calculated to be 43.2 years. New windowed doors are estimated to cost $889 and provide an annual savings of $12 for a simple payback period of 74.2 years. The solid doors on the 1997 addition are expected to cost $445 to replace, for a savings of $1 per year. This suggests that savings from other EEMs are substantial enough to make up for the heat lost by these doors. See the second paragraph of section 8.0: Energy Efficiency Measures for further explanation. As with new siding and new windows, new doors will add to the value of the building while reducing unwanted cold spots and possibly eliminating problem areas of high heat loss EEM #11 – Add Slab-Edge Insulation The original portion of Bayside Fire Station is built on a slab on grade foundation. Currently, the building in question has no insulation on the slab edge insulation. Insulation along the slab edge reduces the heat lost through the ground into surroundings such as snow and water from rain. It is recommended that slab edge insulation be added to the building, using 2-inches of rigid board for a final insulating value of R-10. This upgrade is expected to cost $1,636 for a savings of $23 annually and a simple payback period of 69.6 years. EEM #14, #17, & #18 – Upgrade Fluorescent Lights and Add Occupancy Sensors In throughout the building, the lights used are 2-bulb 32-watt T8 troffers. These lights are recommended to be replaced with similar T8 lamps with a lower power draw of 28-watts. Additionally, the ballasts should be changed out to programmable start ballasts, which have a softer start on the bulbs and allow them to last longer. Finally, occupancy sensors should be tied into the circuits to reduce the time the lights are left on while the building is unoccupied. For the CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT AKWARM ID KONI‐ADQ‐CAEC‐05  20  1997 addition, this upgrade is expected to cost $6,800, including cost for the lamps, ballasts, and sensors. At this cost, the payback period is 57.6 years with a savings of $118. For the apparatus bay, this upgrade is expected to cost $2,150 for a savings of $36 annually and a simple payback period of 59.7 years. Finally, in the conference room area of the original building, this upgrade is expected to cost $2,800 for an annual savings of $44 and a simple payback period of 63.2 years. EEM #16 – Replace Apparatus Bay Overhead Doors The apparatus bay has two (2) overhead doors that allow fire trucks to be parked within the facility. These doors are in good condition, though there is still heat loss associated with them. Upgrading these doors is expected to cost $3,853 for a savings of $30 per year and a simple payback period of 128.8 years. EEM #19 – Upgrade Televisions and Monitors Many of the televisions and computer monitors in the building are older, bulky equipment by today’s standards. It is recommended that these monitors be replaced with modern, more efficient monitors that can reduce the power draw of such equipment by over 50% in some cases. Upgrading the monitors in this building is expected to cost $2,000 for a savings of $44 annually and a simple payback period of 45.5 years. CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT AKWARM ID KONI‐ADQ‐CAEC‐05  21  9.0 CONCLUSION Through inspection of the energy-using equipment on-site and discussions with site facilities personnel, this energy audit has identified several energy-saving measures. The measures will reduce the amount of fuel burned and electricity used at the site. The projects will not degrade the performance of the building and, in some cases, will improve it. Several types of EEMs can be implemented immediately by building staff, and others will require various amounts of lead time for engineering and equipment acquisition. In some cases, there are logical advantages to implementing EEMs concurrently. For example, if the same electrical contractor is used to install both lighting equipment and motors, implementation of these measures should be scheduled to occur simultaneously. CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  KODIAK BAYSIDE FIRE HALL ENERGY AUDIT REPORT  APPENDIX A   Appendix A Benchmark Reports CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY KODIAK BAYSIDE FIRE HALL ENERGY AUDIT REPORT First Name Last Name Middle Name Phone Robert Tucker 486‐9342 State Zip AK 99615 Monday‐ Friday Saturday Sunday Holidays 24‐724‐724‐724‐7       Average # of  Occupants  During  10 1 1 1       Renovations / Notes Date 1997 2009 PART II – ENERGY SOURCES  Heating Oil  Electricity  Natural Gas   Propane  Wood  Coal  $ /gallon  $ / kWh  $ / CCF  $ / gal  $ / cord  $ / ton Other energy  sources?  2. Provide utilities bills for the most recent two‐year period  for each energy source  you use.       1. Please check every energy source you use in the table below.  If known, please enter the base rate you  pay for the energy source. Contact Person Email Btucker@kodiakak.us Mailing Address City 710 Mill Bay Rd Kodiak Primary  Operating  Hours Details Training addition added Truck bay extension Facility Address Facility City Facility Zip Kodiak Island, AK Kodiak, AK 99615 Building Type Community Population Year Built Mixed 6,626 1983 Building Name/ Identifier Building Usage Building Square Footage Bayside Fire Hall Public Order and Safety 5,366 Kodiak Island Borough Municipal Government 08/17/11 REAL Preliminary Benchmark Data Form PART I – FACILITY INFORMATION Facility Owner Facility Owned By Date APPENDIX A CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY KODIAK BAYSIDE FIRE HALL ENERGY AUDIT REPORT Bayside Fire Hall Buiding Size Input (sf) =5,366 2009 Natural Gas Consumption (Therms) 2009 Natural Gas Cost ($) 2009 Electric Consumption (kWh)16,118 2009 Electric Cost ($)2,559 2009 Oil Consumption (Therms)5,754 2009 Oil Cost ($)8,098 2009 Propane Consumption (Therms) 2009 Propane Cost ($) 2009 Coal Consumption (Therms) 2009 Coal Cost ($) 2009 Wood Consumption (Therms) 2009 Wood Cost ($) 2009 Thermal Consumption (Therms) 2009 Thermal Cost ($) 2009 Steam Consumption (Therms) 2009 Steam Cost ($) 2009 Total Energy Use (kBtu)630,425 2009 Total Energy Cost ($)10,657 Annual Energy Use Intensity (EUI) 2009 Natural Gas (kBtu/sf) 2009 Electricity (kBtu/sf)10.3 2009 Oil (kBtu/sf) 107.2 2009 Propane (kBtu/sf) 2009 Coal (kBtu/sf) 2009 Wood (kBtu/sf) 2009 Thermal (kBtu/sf) 2009 Steam (kBtu/sf) 2009 Energy Utilization Index (kBtu/sf)117.5 Annual Energy Cost Index (ECI) 2009 Natural Gas Cost Index ($/sf) 2009 Electric Cost Index ($/sf)0.48 2009 Oil Cost Index ($/sf)1.51 2009 Propane Cost Index ($/sf) 2009 Coal Cost Index ($/sf) 2009 Wood Cost Index ($/sf) 2009 Thermal Cost Index ($/sf) 2009 Steam Cost Index ($/sf) 2009 Energy Cost Index ($/sf)1.99 APPENDIX A CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY KODIAK BAYSIDE FIRE HALL ENERGY AUDIT REPORT 2010 Natural Gas Consumption (Therms) 2010 Natural Gas Cost ($) 2010 Electric Consumption (kWh)46,825 2010 Electric Cost ($)7,571 2010 Oil Consumption (Therms)6,998 2010 Oil Cost ($)13,568 2010 Propane Consumption (Therms) 2010 Propane Cost ($) 2010 Coal Consumption (Therms) 2010 Coal Cost ($) 2010 Wood Consumption (Therms) 2010 Wood Cost ($) 2010 Thermal Consumption (Therms) 2010 Thermal Cost ($) 2010 Steam Consumption (Therms) 2010 Steam Cost ($) 2010 Total Energy Use (kBtu)859,651 2010 Total Energy Cost ($)21,139 Annual Energy Use Intensity (EUI) 2010 Natural Gas (kBtu/sf) 2010 Electricity (kBtu/sf)29.8 2010 Oil (kBtu/sf)130.4 2010 Propane (kBtu/sf) 2010 Coal (kBtu/sf) 2010 Wood (kBtu/sf) 2010 Thermal (kBtu/sf) 2010 Steam (kBtu/sf) 2010 Energy Utilization Index (kBtu/sf)160.2 Annual Energy Cost Index (ECI) 2010 Natural Gas Cost Index ($/sf) 2010 Electric Cost Index ($/sf)1.41 2010 Oil Cost Index ($/sf)2.53 2010 Propane Cost Index ($/sf) 2010 Coal Cost Index ($/sf) 2010 Wood Cost Index ($/sf) 2010 Thermal Cost Index ($/sf) 2010 Steam Cost Index ($/sf) 20010 Energy Cost Index ($/sf)3.94 Note: 1 kWh = 3,413 Btu's 1 Therm = 100,000 Btu's 1 CF ≈ 1,000 Btu's APPENDIX A CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANYKODIAK BAYSIDE FIRE HALL ENERGY AUDIT REPORTBayside Fire HallElectricityBtus/kWh =3,413Provider Customer # Month Start Date End Date Billing Days Consumption (kWh) Consumption (Therms) Demand Use Electric Cost ($) Unit Cost ($/kWh) Demand Cost ($)KEA 5218500 Mar‐09 3/1/2009 3/31/2009311,93466$299$0.15KEA 5218500 Apr‐09 4/1/2009 4/30/2009302,03369$306$0.15KEA 5218500 May‐09 5/1/2009 5/31/2009311,74960$266$0.15KEA 5218500 Jun‐09 6/1/2009 6/30/20093091831$150$0.16KEA 5218500 Jul‐09 7/1/2009 7/31/20093184529$142$0.17KEA 5218500 Aug‐09 8/1/2009 8/31/20093141814$81$0.19KEA 5218500 Sep‐09 9/1/2009 9/30/2009302298$53$0.23KEA 5218500 Oct‐09 10/1/2009 10/31/20093173025$125$0.17KEA 5218500 Nov‐09 11/1/2009 11/30/2009301,83963$282$0.15KEA 5218500 Dec‐09 12/1/2009 12/31/2009311,82962$281$0.15KEA 5218500 Jan‐10 1/1/2010 1/31/2010311,95367$311$0.16KEA 5218500 Feb‐10 2/1/2010 2/28/2010281,64156$264$0.16KEA 5218500 Mar‐10 3/1/2010 3/31/2010311,61455$260$0.16KEA 5218500 Apr‐10 4/1/2010 4/30/2010301,89565$321$0.17KEA 5218500 May‐10 5/1/2010 5/31/2010311,35246$235$0.17KEA 5218500 Jun‐10 6/1/2010 6/30/2010301,02835$184$0.18KEA 5218500 Jul‐10 7/1/2010 7/31/2010311,29644$241$0.19KEA 5218500 Aug‐10 8/1/2010 8/31/2010315,400184$873$0.16KEA 5218500 Sep‐10 9/1/2010 9/30/2010306,000205$966$0.16KEA 5218500 Oct‐10 10/1/2010 10/31/2010316,320216$1,015$0.16KEA 5218500 Nov‐10 11/1/2010 11/30/2010306,440220$1,034$0.16KEA 5218500 Dec‐10 12/1/2010 12/31/2010317,600259$1,214$0.16KEA 5218500 Jan‐11 1/1/2011 1/31/2011317,880269$1,228$0.16KEA 5218500 Feb‐11 2/1/2011 2/28/201128NO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATAMar ‐ 09 to Feb ‐ 10 total:16,1185500$2,559$0Mar ‐ 10 to Feb ‐ 11 total:46,8251,5980$7,571$0Mar ‐ 09 to Feb ‐ 10 avg:$0.17Mar ‐ 10 to Feb ‐ 11 avg:$0.17APPENDIX A CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANYKODIAK BAYSIDE FIRE HALL ENERGY AUDIT REPORT$0$200$400$600$800$1,000$1,200$1,40001,0002,0003,0004,0005,0006,0007,0008,0009,000Electric Cost ($)Electric Consumption (kWh)Date (Mon ‐Yr)Bayside Fire Hall ‐Electric Consumption (kWh) vs. Electric Cost ($)Electric Consumption (kWh)Electric Cost ($)APPENDIX A CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANYKODIAK BAYSIDE FIRE HALL ENERGY AUDIT REPORTBayside Fire HallOilBtus/Gal =132,000Provider Customer # Month Start Date End Date Billing Days Consumption (Gal) Consumption (Therms) Demand Use Oil Cost ($) Unit Cost ($/Therm) Demand Cost ($)NPFJan‐09 1/1/2009 1/31/200931690911$1,0461.15NPFFeb‐09 2/1/2009 2/28/200928523691$8881.29NPFMar‐09 3/1/2009 3/31/200931635838$9371.12NPFApr‐09 4/1/2009 4/30/200930386509$5471.07NPFMay‐09 5/1/2009 5/31/200931208275$3611.32NPFJun‐09 6/1/2009 6/30/20093000$00.00NPFJul‐09 7/1/2009 7/31/200931321424$6811.61NPFAug‐09 8/1/2009 8/31/20093100$00.00NPFSep‐09 9/1/2009 9/30/200930527696$1,1731.69NPFOct‐09 10/1/2009 10/31/200931324428$7461.74NPFNov‐09 11/1/2009 11/30/200930284375$6541.74NPFDec‐09 12/1/2009 12/31/200931460607$1,0631.75NPFJan‐10 1/1/2010 1/31/201031385508$8651.70NPFFeb‐10 2/1/2010 2/28/201028350462$8091.75NPFMar‐10 3/1/2010 3/31/201031357471$8321.76NPFApr‐10 4/1/2010 4/30/201030448591$1,1081.88NPFMay‐10 5/1/2010 5/31/20103100$00.00NPFJun‐10 6/1/2010 6/30/201030381502$9471.88NPFJul‐107/1/2010 7/31/2010317781,027$1,9101.86NPFAug‐10 8/1/2010 8/31/20103100$00.00NPFSep‐10 9/1/2010 9/30/201030257339$6571.94NPFOct‐10 10/1/2010 10/31/201031678895$1,8182.03NPFNov‐10 11/1/2010 11/30/2010309761,289$2,7332.12NPFDec‐10 12/1/2010 12/31/201031693915$1,8912.07Jan ‐ 09 to Dec ‐ 09 total:4,3595,7540$8,098$0Jan ‐ 10 to Dec ‐ 10 total:5,3026,9980$13,568$0Jan ‐ 09 to Dec ‐ 09 avg:1.45Jan ‐ 10 to Dec ‐ 10 avg:1.90APPENDIX A CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANYKODIAK BAYSIDE FIRE HALL ENERGY AUDIT REPORT$0.00$500.00$1,000.00$1,500.00$2,000.00$2,500.00$3,000.0002004006008001,0001,2001,400Oil Cost ($)Oil Consumption (Therms)Date (Mon ‐Yr)Bayside Fire Hall ‐Oil Consumption (Therms) vs. Oil Cost ($)Oil Consumption (Therms)Oil Cost ($)APPENDIX A CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  KODIAK BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT  APPENDIX B    Appendix B Short AkWarm Report Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  Bayside Fire Station Page 2    APPENDIX B    ENERGY AUDIT REPORT – PROJECT SUMMARY – Created 11/8/2011 2:42 PM General Project Information  PROJECT INFORMATION AUDITOR INFORMATION  Building: Bayside Fire Station Auditor Company: Central Alaska Engineering Co.  Address: 4606 East Rezanof Drive Auditor  Name: Jerry P. Herring  City: Kodiak Auditor Address: 32215 Lakefront Drive  Soldotna, AK 99669 Client Name: Robert Tucker  Client Address: 710 Mill Bay Road    Kodiak, AK 99615      Auditor Phone: (907) 260‐5311  Auditor FAX:   Client Phone: (907) 481‐1800 Auditor Comment:   Client FAX:   Design Data  Building Area: 5,366 square feet Design Heating Load: Design Loss at Space:  176,782 Btu/hour   with Distribution Losses:  190,088 Btu/hour   Plant Input Rating assuming 82.0% Plant Efficiency and 25% Safety  Margin: 289,768 Btu/hour   Note: Additional Capacity should be added for DHW load, if served.  Typical Occupancy: 0 people  Design Indoor Temperature: 68 deg F (building average)  Actual City: Kodiak Design Outdoor Temperature: 13 deg F  Weather/Fuel City: Kodiak Heating Degree Days:  deg F‐days     Utility Information  Electric Utility: Kodiak Electric Assn ‐ Commercial ‐ Sm Natural Gas Provider: None  Average Annual Cost/kWh: $0.170/kWh Average Annual Cost/ccf: $0.000/ccf     Annual Energy Cost Estimate  Description Space  Heating  Space  Cooling  Water  Heating Lighting  Other  Electrica l  Cooking Clothes  Drying  Ventilation  Fans Refrigeration Total  Cost  Existing  Building  $10,481 $0 $493 $989 $538 $78 $53 $40 $289 $12,960  With  Proposed  Retrofits  $8,000 $0 $371 $695 $494 $78 $53 $40 $170 $9,902  SAVINGS $2,481 $0 $121 $293 $44 $0 $0 $0 $119 $3,058    Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  Bayside Fire Station Page 3    APPENDIX B                       $0 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 $12,000 $14,000 Existing Retrofit Ventilation and Fans Space Heating Refrigeration Other Electrical Lighting Domestic Hot Water Cooking Clothes Drying Annual Energy Costs by End Use Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  Bayside Fire Station Page 4    APPENDIX B    PRIORITY LIST – RECOMMENDED ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Rank Feature Recommendation Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (Years) 1 Air Tightening Perform air sealing to  reduce air leakage by 10%.  $410 $1,000 4.17 2.4 2 Window/Skylight:  NSFW  Replace existing window  with U‐0.22 vinyl window  $528 $6,641 1.51 12.6 3 Window/Skylight:  SFW  Replace existing window  with U‐0.30 vinyl window  $127 $1,763 1.37 13.9 4 Lighting: Apparatus  Bay Emergency  Circuit  Replace with 2 FLUOR (2)  T8 4' F32T8 28W Energy‐ Saver (2) Instant  StdElectronic  $28 $200 1.36 7 5 Ceiling w/ Attic:  Apparatus Bay  Add R‐12 blown cellulose  insulation to attic space  with Energy Truss.  $71 $1,422 1.32 20.1 6 Ceiling w/ Attic:  Dwelling/Training  Room  Add R‐12 blown cellulose  insulation to attic space  with Energy Truss.  $60 $1,200 1.32 20.1 7 HVAC And DHW Add thermostat control to  dwelling stairwell. Add  outdoor reset on system  to set boiler to low in  summer. Add a hard duct  to the boiler air intake and  seal off the existing  combustion air opening.  Evaluate use of Solar  Thermal for reduced  demand from HWM.  Replace boiler with a  newer, more efficient  model.  $819 $14,000 1.09 17.1 8 Lighting: Exterior  HPS  Replace with LED 17W  Module StdElectronic  $36 $500 0.89 13.9 9 Refrigeration:  Refrigerators  Replace with 2  Refrigerator  $119 $1,800 0.81 15.1 10 Exterior Door:  Dwelling/Training  Room  Remove existing door and  install standard pre‐hung  U‐0.16  insulated door,  including hardware.  $43 $1,868 0.62 43.2 11 Above‐Grade Wall:  Original Building  Install R‐20 rigid foam  board to exterior and  cover with T1‐11 siding or  equivalent.  $453 $24,781 0.49 54.7 12 On‐ or Below‐Grade  Floor, Perimeter:  Fire Station  Install 2' of R‐10 rigid  board insulation around  perimeter of Slab (vertical  or horizontal).  $23 $1,636 0.38 69.6 Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  Bayside Fire Station Page 5    APPENDIX B    PRIORITY LIST – RECOMMENDED ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Rank Feature Recommendation Annual Energy Savings Installed Cost SIR Payback (Years) 13 Exterior Door: Add‐ on: Windowed Doors  Remove existing door and  install standard pre‐hung  U‐0.16  insulated door,  including hardware.  $12 $889 0.36 74.2 14 Window/Skylight:  Add‐on NSFW  Replace existing window  with U‐0.30 vinyl window  $45 $3,657 0.23 81.9 15 Lighting: Add‐on  Lights  Replace with 32 FLUOR (2)  T8 4' F32T8 28W Energy‐ Saver (2) Instant  StdElectronic and Add new  Occupancy Sensor  $118 $6,800 0.21 57.6 16 Window/Skylight:  Add‐on SFW  Replace existing window  with U‐0.30 vinyl window  $9 $784 0.21 90 17 Garage Door:  Apparatus Bay  Replace existing garage  door with R‐7, 2"  polyurethane core  replacement door.  $30 $3,853 0.21 128.8 18 Lighting: Apparatus  Bay Lights  Replace with 7 FLUOR (2)  T8 4' F32T8 32W High  Lumen (3100 lum) (2)  Program  HighEfficElectronic and  Add new Occupancy  Sensor  $36 $2,150 0.21 59.7 19 Lighting: Training  Room Lights  Replace with 12 FLUOR (2)  T8 4' F32T8 28W Energy‐ Saver (2) Instant  StdElectronic and Add new  Occupancy Sensor  $44 $2,800 0.19 63.2 20 Other Electrical: PC  Monitors  Replace with 6 PC/TV  Flatscreen Monitor  $44 $2,000 0.14 45.5 21 Exterior Door: Add‐ on: Solid Door  Remove existing door and  install standard pre‐hung  U‐0.16  insulated door,  including hardware.  $1 $445 0.08 340.8 TOTAL $3,058 $80,188 0.7 26.2         ENERGY AUDIT REPORT – ENERGY EFFICIENT RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Building Envelope Insulation Rank Location Existing Type/R-Value Recommendation Type/R- Value Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  Bayside Fire Station Page 6    APPENDIX B    5 Ceiling w/ Attic:  Apparatus Bay  Framing Type: Energy Truss  Framing Spacing: 24 inches  Insulated Sheathing: None  Bottom Insulation Layer: R‐38  Batt:FG or RW, 12 inches  Top Insulation Layer: None  Insulation Quality: Very  Damaged  Modeled R‐Value: 27.6    Add R‐12 blown cellulose  insulation to attic space  with Energy Truss.  $1,422 $71 6 Ceiling w/ Attic:  Dwelling/Training  Room  Framing Type: Energy Truss  Framing Spacing: 24 inches  Insulated Sheathing: None  Bottom Insulation Layer: R‐38  Batt:FG or RW, 12 inches  Top Insulation Layer: None  Insulation Quality: Very  Damaged  Modeled R‐Value: 27.6    Add R‐12 blown cellulose  insulation to attic space  with Energy Truss.  $1,200 $60 11 Above‐Grade Wall:  Original Building  Wall Type: Single Stud  Siding Configuration: Just  Siding  Insul. Sheathing: None  Structural Wall: 2 x 6, 16 inches  on center  R‐19 Batt:FG or RW, 5.5 inches  Window and door headers:  Insulated  Insulation Quality: Damaged  Modeled R‐Value: 15.2    Install R‐20 rigid foam  board to exterior and cover  with T1‐11 siding or  equivalent.  $24,781 $453 12 On‐ or Below‐ Grade Floor,  Perimeter: Fire  Station  Insulation for 0' to 2'  Perimeter: None  Insulation for 2' to 4'  Perimeter: None  Modeled R‐Value: 7.9    Install 2' of R‐10 rigid board  insulation around  perimeter of Slab (vertical  or horizontal).  $1,636 $23 Exterior Doors – Replacement Rank Location Size/Type/Condition Recommendation Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 10 Exterior Door:  Dwelling/Training  Room  Door Type: Metal ‐ urethane,  no therm. break  Modeled R‐Value: 2.5    Remove existing door and  install standard pre‐hung  U‐0.16  insulated door,  including hardware.  $1,868 $43 Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  Bayside Fire Station Page 7    APPENDIX B    13 Exterior Door: Add‐ on: Windowed  Doors  Door Type: Metal/PU half lite  Modeled R‐Value: 3.3    Remove existing door and  install standard pre‐hung  U‐0.16  insulated door,  including hardware.  $889 $12 17 Garage Door:  Apparatus Bay  Door Type: 1‐3/8" sectional  door, polyurethane core  Insulating Blanket: None  Modeled R‐Value: 5.3    Replace existing garage  door with R‐7, 2"  polyurethane core  replacement door.  $3,853 $30 21 Exterior Door: Add‐ on: Solid Door  Door Type: Metal ‐ urethane,  therm. break  Modeled R‐Value: 5.3    Remove existing door and  install standard pre‐hung  U‐0.16  insulated door,  including hardware.  $445 $1 Windows and Glass Doors – Replacement Rank Location Size/Type/Condition Recommendation Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 2 Window/Skylight:  NSFW  Glass: Single,  Glass  Frame: Aluminum, No Thermal  Break  Spacing Between Layers: Half  Inch  Gas Fill Type: Air  Modeled U‐Value: 1.30  Solar Heat Gain Coefficient:  0.52    Replace existing window  with U‐0.22 vinyl window  $6,641 $528 3 Window/Skylight:  SFW  Glass: Single,  Glass  Frame: Aluminum, No Thermal  Break  Spacing Between Layers: Half  Inch  Gas Fill Type: Air  Modeled U‐Value: 1.30  Solar Heat Gain Coefficient:  0.52    Replace existing window  with U‐0.30 vinyl window  $1,763 $127 14 Window/Skylight:  Add‐on NSFW  Glass: Double, glass  Frame: Wood\Vinyl  Spacing Between Layers: Half  Inch  Gas Fill Type: Air  Modeled U‐Value: 0.51  Solar Heat Gain Coefficient:  0.46    Replace existing window  with U‐0.30 vinyl window  $3,657 $45 Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  Bayside Fire Station Page 8    APPENDIX B    16 Window/Skylight:  Add‐on SFW  Glass: Double, glass  Frame: Wood\Vinyl  Spacing Between Layers: Half  Inch  Gas Fill Type: Air  Modeled U‐Value: 0.51  Solar Heat Gain Coefficient:  0.46    Replace existing window  with U‐0.30 vinyl window  $784 $9 Air Leakage Rank Location Estimated Air Leakage Recommended Air Leakage Target Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 1  Air Tightness estimated as: 1.20  cfm/ft2 of above‐grade shell  area at 75 Pascals  Perform air sealing to  reduce air leakage by 10%.  $1,000 $410 2. Mechanical Equipment Mechanical Rank Recommendation Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 7 Add thermostat control to dwelling stairwell. Add outdoor reset on system to set  boiler to low in summer. Add a hard duct to the boiler air intake and seal off the  existing combustion air opening. Evaluate use of Solar Thermal for reduced demand  from HWM. Replace boiler with a newer, more efficient model.  $14,000 $819 Setback Thermostat Rank Location Size/Type/Condition Recommendation Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings Ventilation Rank Recommendation Cost Annual Energy Savings 3. Appliances and Lighting Lighting Fixtures and Controls Rank Location Existing Recommended Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 4 Apparatus Bay  Emergency Circuit  2 FLUOR (2) T12 4' F40T12 40W  Standard (2) StdElectronic with  Manual Switching  Replace with 2 FLUOR (2)  T8 4' F32T8 28W Energy‐ Saver (2) Instant  StdElectronic  $200 $28 8 Exterior HPS 1 HPS 100 Watt Magnetic with  Manual Switching, Daylight  Sensor  Replace with LED 17W  Module StdElectronic  $500 $36 Energy Audit – Energy Analysis and Cost Comparison  AkWarm Commercial Audit Software  Bayside Fire Station Page 9    APPENDIX B    15 Add‐on Lights 32 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W  Standard (2) Instant  StdElectronic with Manual  Switching  Replace with 32 FLUOR (2)  T8 4' F32T8 28W Energy‐ Saver (2) Instant  StdElectronic and Add new  Occupancy Sensor  $6,800 $118 18 Apparatus Bay  Lights  7 FLUOR (2) T12 4' F40T12 40W  Standard (2) StdElectronic with  Manual Switching  Replace with 7 FLUOR (2)  T8 4' F32T8 32W High  Lumen (3100 lum) (2)  Program  HighEfficElectronic and Add  new Occupancy Sensor  $2,150 $36 19 Training Room  Lights  12 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W  Standard (2) Instant  StdElectronic with Manual  Switching  Replace with 12 FLUOR (2)  T8 4' F32T8 28W Energy‐ Saver (2) Instant  StdElectronic and Add new  Occupancy Sensor  $2,800 $44 Refrigeration Rank Location Existing Recommended Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 9 Refrigerators 2 Refrigerator Replace with 2 Refrigerator $1,800 $119 Other Electrical Equipment Rank Location Existing Recommended Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings 20 PC Monitors 6 PC/TV CRT Monitor with  Manual Switching  Replace with 6 PC/TV  Flatscreen Monitor  $2,000 $44 Cooking/Clothes Drying Rank Recommended Installed Cost Annual Energy Savings       CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  KODIAK BAYSIDE FIRE HALL ENERGY AUDIT REPORT  APPENDIX C  Appendix C Major Equipment Inventory CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANYKODIAK BAYSIDE FIRE HALL ENERGY AUDIT REPORTTAG LOCATIONFUNCTIONMAKE MODELTYPECAPACITY EFFICIENCY MOTOR SIZEASHRAE SERVICE LIFEESTIMATED REMAINING USEFUL LIFENOTESB-1 BOILER ROOMBUILDING HEATBURNHAM V-18 OIL/CAST IRON 246 MBH70%-357DHW-1 BOILER ROOM DOMESTIC HOT WATERN/AN/A SHELL IN TUBE 60 GALLONS 90%-250FP-1 BOILER ROOMBUILDING HEATN/AN/AINLINE PUMP10GPM-.25HP100BOILER FUEL PUMPP-1 BOILER ROOMBUILDING HEAT GRUNDFOS UP43-75 INLINE PUMP50GPM-.25HP100P-2 BOILER ROOMBUILDING HEAT GRUNDFOS UPS15-42 INLINE PUMP20GPM-.18HP100P-3 BOILER ROOMDHW CIRCGRUNDFOS UP15-42 INLINE PUMP10GPM-.18HP100UH-1 APPARATUS BAY BUILDING HEATRENZORN/AHORIZONTAL300 CFM-.25HP200UH-2 APPARATUS BAY BUILDING HEATRENZORN/AHORIZONTAL300 CFM-.25HP200UH-3 APPARATUS BAY BUILDING HEATRENZORN/AHORIZONTAL300 CFM-.25HP200EF-1 BATHROOMEXHAUSTN/AN/AUPBLAST150 CFM-0.06HP200EF-2 BATHROOMEXHAUSTN/AN/AUPBLAST150 CFM-0.06HP200EH-1 KITCHENEXHAUSTN/AN/AUPBLAST150 CFM-0.13HP200RANGE HOODCM-1 APPARATUS BAY AIR COMPRESSORN/AN/A RECIPRCATING 60 GALLON-7HP1510MAJOR EQUIPMENT INVENTORYAPPENDIX C CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  KODIAK BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT  APPENDIX D    Appendix D Block Format EEMs   CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  KODIAK BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT  APPENDIX D    Building Shell Measures Insulation Measures Rank Location  Existing Type/R‐Value Recommendation Type/R‐Value  12 On‐ or Below‐Grade  Floor, Perimeter: Fire  Station  Insulation for 0' to 2' Perimeter: None  Insulation for 2' to 4' Perimeter: None  Modeled R‐Value: 7.9      Install 2' of R‐10 rigid board insulation around  perimeter of Slab (vertical or horizontal).  Installation Cost  $1,636 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)30 Energy Savings    (/yr) $23 Breakeven Cost $624 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 0.4 Simple Payback   yrs 70 Auditors Notes:     Rank Location  Existing Type/R‐Value Recommendation Type/R‐Value  11 Above‐Grade Wall:  Original Building  Wall Type: Single Stud  Siding Configuration: Just Siding  Insul. Sheathing: None  Structural Wall: 2 x 6, 16 inches on center  R‐19 Batt:FG or RW, 5.5 inches  Window and door headers: Insulated  Insulation Quality: Damaged  Modeled R‐Value: 15.2      Install R‐20 rigid foam board to exterior and cover  with T1‐11 siding or equivalent.  Installation Cost  $24,781 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)30 Energy Savings    (/yr) $453 Breakeven Cost $12,042 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 0.5 Simple Payback   yrs 55 Auditors Notes:     Rank Location  Existing Type/R‐Value Recommendation Type/R‐Value  6 Ceiling w/ Attic:  Dwelling/Training Room  Framing Type: Energy Truss  Framing Spacing: 24 inches  Insulated Sheathing: None  Bottom Insulation Layer: R‐38 Batt:FG or RW, 12  inches  Top Insulation Layer: None  Insulation Quality: Very Damaged  Modeled R‐Value: 27.6      Add R‐12 blown cellulose insulation to attic space  with Energy Truss.  Installation Cost  $1,200 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)30 Energy Savings    (/yr) $60 Breakeven Cost $1,579 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 1.3 Simple Payback   yrs 20 Auditors Notes:     CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  KODIAK BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT  APPENDIX D    Window Measures Rank Location  Existing Type/R‐Value Recommendation Type/R‐Value  5 Ceiling w/ Attic:  Apparatus Bay  Framing Type: Energy Truss  Framing Spacing: 24 inches  Insulated Sheathing: None  Bottom Insulation Layer: R‐38 Batt:FG or RW, 12  inches  Top Insulation Layer: None  Insulation Quality: Very Damaged  Modeled R‐Value: 27.6    Add R‐12 blown cellulose insulation to attic space  with Energy Truss.  Installation Cost  $1,422 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)30 Energy Savings    (/yr) $71 Breakeven Cost $1,872 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 1.3 Simple Payback   yrs 20 Auditors Notes:   Seal and caulk close the attic access point in Apparatus Bay.  Rank Location  Size/Type, Condition Recommendation   16 Window/Skylight: Add‐ on SFW  Glass: Double, glass  Frame: Wood\Vinyl  Spacing Between Layers: Half Inch  Gas Fill Type: Air  Modeled U‐Value: 0.51  Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.46      Replace existing window with U‐0.30 vinyl window  Installation Cost  $784 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)20 Energy Savings    (/yr) $9 Breakeven Cost $166 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 0.2 Simple Payback   yrs 90 Auditors Notes:     Rank Location  Size/Type, Condition Recommendation   14 Window/Skylight: Add‐ on NSFW  Glass: Double, glass  Frame: Wood\Vinyl  Spacing Between Layers: Half Inch  Gas Fill Type: Air  Modeled U‐Value: 0.51  Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.46      Replace existing window with U‐0.30 vinyl window  Installation Cost  $3,657 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)20 Energy Savings    (/yr) $45 Breakeven Cost $851 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 0.2 Simple Payback   yrs 82 Auditors Notes:     CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  KODIAK BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT  APPENDIX D    Door Measures Rank Location  Size/Type, Condition Recommendation   3 Window/Skylight: SFW Glass: Single,  Glass  Frame: Aluminum, No Thermal Break  Spacing Between Layers: Half Inch  Gas Fill Type: Air  Modeled U‐Value: 1.30  Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.52      Replace existing window with U‐0.30 vinyl window  Installation Cost  $1,763 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)20 Energy Savings    (/yr) $127 Breakeven Cost $2,417 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 1.4 Simple Payback   yrs 14 Auditors Notes:     Rank Location  Size/Type, Condition Recommendation   2 Window/Skylight: NSFW Glass: Single,  Glass  Frame: Aluminum, No Thermal Break  Spacing Between Layers: Half Inch  Gas Fill Type: Air  Modeled U‐Value: 1.30  Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.52    Replace existing window with U‐0.22 vinyl window  Installation Cost  $6,641 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)20 Energy Savings    (/yr) $528 Breakeven Cost $10,031 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 1.5 Simple Payback   yrs 13 Auditors Notes:     Rank Location  Size/Type, Condition Recommendation   21 Exterior Door: Add‐on:  Solid Door  Door Type: Metal ‐ urethane, therm. break  Modeled R‐Value: 5.3      Remove existing door and install standard pre‐hung  U‐0.16  insulated door, including hardware.  Installation Cost  $445 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)30 Energy Savings    (/yr) $1 Breakeven Cost $35 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 0.1 Simple Payback   yrs 341 Auditors Notes:     Rank Location  Size/Type, Condition Recommendation   17 Garage Door: Apparatus  Bay  Door Type: 1‐3/8" sectional door, polyurethane core Insulating Blanket: None  Modeled R‐Value: 5.3      Replace existing garage door with R‐7, 2"  polyurethane core replacement door.  Installation Cost  $3,853 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)30 Energy Savings    (/yr) $30 Breakeven Cost $795 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 0.2 Simple Payback   yrs 129 Auditors Notes:     CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  KODIAK BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT  APPENDIX D    Air Sealing Measures Rank Location  Size/Type, Condition Recommendation   13 Exterior Door: Add‐on:  Windowed Doors  Door Type: Metal/PU half lite  Modeled R‐Value: 3.3      Remove existing door and install standard pre‐hung  U‐0.16  insulated door, including hardware.  Installation Cost  $889 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)30 Energy Savings    (/yr) $12 Breakeven Cost $318 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 0.4 Simple Payback   yrs 74 Auditors Notes:     Rank Location  Size/Type, Condition Recommendation   10 Exterior Door:  Dwelling/Training Room  Door Type: Metal ‐ urethane, no therm. break  Modeled R‐Value: 2.5    Remove existing door and install standard pre‐hung  U‐0.16  insulated door, including hardware.  Installation Cost  $1,868 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)30 Energy Savings    (/yr) $43 Breakeven Cost $1,149 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 0.6 Simple Payback   yrs 43 Auditors Notes:     Rank Location  Existing Air Leakage Level (cfm@50/75 Pa) Recommended Air Leakage Reduction (cfm@50/75 Pa)  1  Air Tightness estimated as: 1.20 cfm/ft2 of above‐ grade shell area at 75 Pascals  Perform air sealing to reduce air leakage by 10%.  Installation Cost  $1,000 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)10 Energy Savings    (/yr) $410 Breakeven Cost $4,173 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 4.2 Simple Payback   yrs 2 Auditors Notes:     CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  KODIAK BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT  APPENDIX D    Mechanical Equipment Measures   Heating/Cooling/Domestic Hot Water Measure Ventilation System Measures (There were no improvements in this category)   Night Setback Thermostat Measures (There were no improvements in this category)   Rank Recommendation  7 Add thermostat control to dwelling stairwell. Add outdoor reset on system to set boiler to low in summer. Add a hard duct to the boiler  air intake and seal off the existing combustion air opening. Evaluate use of Solar Thermal for reduced demand from HWM. Replace  boiler with a newer, more efficient model.  Installation Cost  $14,000 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)20 Energy Savings    (/yr) $819 Breakeven Cost $15,317 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 1.1 Simple Payback   yrs 17 Auditors Notes:     CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  KODIAK BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT  APPENDIX D    Electrical & Appliance Measures Lighting Measures   The goal of this section is to present any lighting energy conservation measures that may also be cost  beneficial.  It should be noted that replacing current bulbs with more energy‐efficient equivalents will  have a small effect on the building heating and cooling loads.  The building cooling load will see a small  decrease from an upgrade to more efficient bulbs and the heating load will see a small increase, as the  more energy efficient bulbs give off less heat.      Lighting Measures – Replace Existing Fixtures/Bulbs Rank Location  Existing Condition Recommendation  19 Training Room Lights 12 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard (2) Instant  StdElectronic with Manual Switching  Replace with 12 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 28W Energy‐ Saver (2) Instant StdElectronic and Add new  Occupancy Sensor  Installation Cost  $2,800 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)15 Energy Savings    (/yr) $44 Breakeven Cost $544 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 0.2 Simple Payback   yrs 63 Auditors Notes:   Cost assumes $200 per light with bulbs and ballast, $100 per occupancy sensor.  Rank Location  Existing Condition Recommendation  18 Apparatus Bay Lights 7 FLUOR (2) T12 4' F40T12 40W Standard (2)  StdElectronic with Manual Switching  Replace with 7 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W High  Lumen (3100 lum) (2) Program HighEfficElectronic  and Add new Occupancy Sensor  Installation Cost  $2,150 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)15 Energy Savings    (/yr) $36 Breakeven Cost $442 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 0.2 Simple Payback   yrs 60 Auditors Notes:   Cost assumes $250 per light with bulbs and ballast, $100 per occupancy sensor.  Rank Location  Existing Condition Recommendation  15 Add‐on Lights 32 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 32W Standard (2) Instant  StdElectronic with Manual Switching  Replace with 32 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 28W Energy‐ Saver (2) Instant StdElectronic and Add new  Occupancy Sensor  Installation Cost  $6,800 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)15 Energy Savings    (/yr) $118 Breakeven Cost $1,449 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 0.2 Simple Payback   yrs 58 Auditors Notes:   Cost assumes $200 per light with bulbs and ballast, $100 per occupancy sensor.  CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  KODIAK BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT  APPENDIX D       Lighting Measures – Lighting Controls (There were no improvements in this category)      Refrigeration Measures   Other Electrical Measures   Rank Location  Existing Condition Recommendation  8 Exterior HPS 1 HPS 100 Watt Magnetic with Manual Switching,  Daylight Sensor  Replace with LED 17W Module StdElectronic  Installation Cost  $500 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)15 Energy Savings    (/yr) $36 Breakeven Cost $443 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 0.9 Simple Payback   yrs 14 Auditors Notes:   Cost assumes $250 per light.  Rank Location  Existing Condition Recommendation  4 Apparatus Bay  Emergency Circuit  2 FLUOR (2) T12 4' F40T12 40W Standard (2)  StdElectronic with Manual Switching  Replace with 2 FLUOR (2) T8 4' F32T8 28W Energy‐ Saver (2) Instant StdElectronic  Installation Cost  $200 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)15 Energy Savings    (/yr) $28 Breakeven Cost $272 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 1.4 Simple Payback   yrs 7 Auditors Notes:   Cost assumes $200 for new bulbs, including installation  Rank Location  Description of Existing Efficiency Recommendation  9 Refrigerators 2 Refrigerator Replace with 2 Refrigerator  Installation Cost  $1,800 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)15 Energy Savings    (/yr) $119 Breakeven Cost $1,461 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 0.8 Simple Payback   yrs 15 Auditors Notes:     Rank Location  Description of Existing Efficiency Recommendation  20 PC Monitors 6 PC/TV CRT Monitor with Manual Switching Replace with 6 PC/TV Flatscreen Monitor  Installation Cost  $2,000 Estimated Life of Measure  (yrs)7 Energy Savings    (/yr) $44 Breakeven Cost $280 Savings‐to‐Investment Ratio 0.1 Simple Payback   yrs 46 Auditors Notes:     CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  KODIAK BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT  APPENDIX D      Cooking Measures (There were no improvements in this category)   Clothes Drying Measures (There were no improvements in this category)   CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  KODIAK BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT  APPENDIX E   Appendix E Site Visit Photos CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  KODIAK BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT  APPENDIX E   1. T-12 Lamps Typical of Station. Upgrade to More Efficient Models Recommended 2. Training Room Light Fixtures, Occupancy Sensor & Upgrade to More Efficient Bulbs Recommended 3. Inefficient Boiler, Replacement Recommended & Boiler Fuel Pump (Upper Left) 4. Circulation Pumps 1&2 5. Domestic Hot Water Pump & Expansion Tank (Left) 6. Domestic Hot Water Tank (Above) CENTRAL ALASKA ENGINEERING COMPANY  KODIAK BAYSIDE FIRE STATION ENERGY AUDIT REPORT  APPENDIX E   7. Boiler Fuel Supply Tank 8. Back of Fire Station Featuring Boiler Exhaust & Storage Outbuilding 9. Window Typical of Original Construction, Replacement Recommended 10. Original Construction (Left/Center) & Recent Construction (Right)