HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEA-AEE-JNU Bartlett Hospital 2012-EE Bartlett Regional Hospital City and Borough of Juneau Funded by: Final Report March 2012 Prepared by: Energy Audit Table of Contents Section 1: Executive Summary 2  Section 2: Introduction 6  Section 3: Energy Efficiency Measures 9  Section 4: Description of Systems 23  Section 5: Methodology 28  Appendix A: Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 31   Appendix B: Energy and Utility Data 45  Appendix C: Equipment Data 52  Appendix D: Abbreviations 61  Audit Team The energy audit is performed by Alaska Energy Engineering LLC of Juneau, Alaska. The audit team consists of: Jim Rehfeldt, P.E., Energy Engineer Jack Christiansen, Energy Consultant Brad Campbell, Energy Auditor Loras O’Toole P.E., Mechanical Engineer Will Van Dyken P.E., Electrical Engineer Curt Smit, P.E., Mechanical Engineer Philip Iverson, Construction Estimator Karla Hart, Technical Publications Specialist Jill Carlile, Data Analyst Grayson Carlile, Energy Modeler Acknowledgment and Disclaimer Acknowledgment: "This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy under Award Number DE-EE0000095. Disclaimer: "This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. Bartlett Regional Hospital 1 Energy Audit (March 2012) Section 1 Executive Summary An energy audit of the Bartlett Regional Hospital was performed by Alaska Energy Engineering LLC. The investment grade audit was funded by Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) to identify opportunities to improve the energy performance of public buildings throughout Alaska. Bartlett Regional Hospital is a 138,909 square foot building that contains commons, offices, clinic, laboratory, surgery, recovery, kitchen and dining, laundry, storage, and mechanical support spaces. Building Assessment The following summarizes our assessment of the building. Detailed information on recommendations is found in Section 3, Energy Efficiency Measures. Envelope The building envelope of Bartlett Regional Hospital appears to be well maintained and looks to be in good condition. Roofing improvements were underway during the audit. Although the majority of the building has undergone fairly recent remodels, the building is not without envelope issues, which include:  Wall Insulation: Exterior walls in the 1968 and 2005 portions of the building are underinsulated for today’s energy costs. These walls utilize 3-1/2” of batt insulation and a 1” rigid insulation thermal break between the metal studs and the concrete walls; a thermal resistance of R-15. An R-26 wall is currently optimal. Metal studs greatly reduce the insulation value of exterior wall assemblies; we recommend a thermal break of rigid insulation be used with metal stud walls.  Entrance: The main building entrance consists of an aluminum storefront assembly with an R- 1.5 thermal resistance. Future remodels and additions should utilize more energy efficient methods of bringing outdoor light into these spaces.  Green Roof: The roof over the north plaza utilizes 4” of foam covered by 8” – 18” of topsoil. This results in an insulation package value of approximately R-20, far below the R-46 optimal level for the Juneau climate.  Exterior Doors: Exterior doors are not thermally broken and many are uninsulated. Future exterior door replacement selection should include these features. Weather stripping is in poor condition on many of the exterior door units and should be replaced. Bartlett Regional Hospital 2 Energy Audit (March 2012) Heating System The building is heated by two oil-fired steam boilers that provide heat to twelve air handling unit systems, fan coil units, and perimeter hydronic systems. At the time of the audit one boiler was running and the remaining boiler was isolated for maintenance; however, the typical mode of operation has the secondary boiler on-line and not isolated. Circulating heating water through a non-necessary boiler results in a significant amount of heat loss. Boiler stack heat recovery is often used to preheat feedwater and improve heating plant efficiency. Adding a heat recovery unit is not recommended because it will not fit the current installation. Many opportunities were identified during the audit to utilize heat generated within the building envelope in other interior spaces instead of exhausting it directly outside. These include electrical and server rooms, as well as mechanical spaces throughout the building. The remainder of the fuel oil boiler heating system appears to be in good condition; however, fairly simple improvements can be made to improve its effectiveness and efficiency. Ventilation Systems The building has twelve air handling unit systems, fan coil units, and perimeter hydronic systems. Numerous issues were found with the setpoints, control sequences, and damper operations of the air handling units. Most of the exhaust fans in the building appear to be operated continuously. This method of operation requires energy for fan motors and for the conditioning and supply of makeup air to replace the exhaust air. Exhaust fan operations should be reviewed to reduce energy. Of note, only mushroom-style exhaust fans are utilized for all rooftop mounted units at the hospital. None of exhausts are placarded with any information identifying the source of the exhaust air. Directly exposing anyone on the rooftop to air that poses a health hazard, such as the Isolation Rooms, should be avoided. The source of the air should be identified on exhausts and a different style fan should be used for air that may pose a health hazard. Cooling Systems The building has five major separate mechanical cooling systems. Rooftop chilled water units WCU- 1 and WCU-2 provide cooling for ASU-1, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 17. Rooftop chilled water units WCU-3 and WCU-4 provide cooling for ASU-15, 18, 19, and the CT and MRI spaces. A packaged cooling unit provides cooling for the computer server room. These mechanical cooling systems operate year round to supply chilled water. A dry cooler that produces chilled water using natural cooling is more energy efficient; however, dry coolers are only effective when outside temperatures are below 30°F. Average maximum temperatures in Juneau are only below 30°F in the month of January. For this reason, dry coolers are not recommended Automatic Control System The building has a DDC system to control the operation of the heating and ventilation systems. Energy can be saved through further optimization of fan system scheduling combined with a retro- commissioning of the air handler systems. Bartlett Regional Hospital 3 Energy Audit (March 2012) Lighting Although some T-12 lighting remains in the mechanical spaces, interior lighting consists primarily of T5 and T8 fluorescent fixtures. We recommend that maintenance staff upgrade the remaining T-12 fixtures to more efficient T-8 units only as the ballasts fail and need to be replaced. Exterior lighting consists primarily of metal halide lighting with some high pressure sodium fixtures. Summary It is the assessment of the energy audit team that the majority of the building energy losses are due to operation and control of the heating and ventilating system. Recommendations for correcting these issues are contained in Section 3, Energy Efficiency Measures. Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs) All buildings have opportunities to improve their energy efficiency. The energy audit revealed numerous opportunities in which an efficiency investment will result in a net reduction in long-term operating costs. Behavioral and Operational EEMs The following EEMs require behavioral and operational changes in the building use. The savings are not readily quantifiable but these EEMs are highly recommended as low-cost opportunities that are a standard of high performance buildings. EEM-1: Weather-strip Doors EEM-2: Close Fume Hood Sashes EEM-3: Optimize ASU-2 System EEM-4: Optimize ASU-3 System EEM-5: Optimize ASU-11 System EEM-6: Disable Chilled Water Systems WCU-1/2 Bartlett Regional Hospital 4 Energy Audit (March 2012) High Priority EEMs The following EEMs are recommended for investment. They are ranked by life cycle savings to investment ratio (SIR). This ranking method places a priority on low cost EEMs which can be immediately funded, generating energy savings to fund higher cost EEMs in the following years. Negative values, in parenthesis, represent savings. High Priority 25-Year Life Cycle Cost Analysis Energy Efficiency Measures Investment Operating Energy Total SIR 7: Turn Off Standby Boiler $1,000 $34,100 ($913,300) ($878,200) 879.2 8: Reduce Fan Operating Hours $800 $17,000 ($443,700) ($425,900) 533.4 9: Optimize ASU-18 System $3,500 $0 ($1,795,400) ($1,791,900) 513.0 10: Perform Boiler Combustion Test $700 $16,300 ($223,800) ($206,800) 296.4 11: Install Pipe Insulation $500 $0 ($38,000) ($37,500) 76.0 12: Optimize ASU-12 System $8,000 $0 ($319,900) ($311,900) 40.0 13: Optimize HVAC-1 System $3,200 $0 ($121,100) ($117,900) 37.8 14: Optimize ASU-13 System $8,000 $0 ($293,600) ($285,600) 36.7 15: De-Lamp Vending Machines $100 $0 ($3,100) ($3,000) 31.0 16: Install Room 3374 Heat Recovery $3,200 $0 ($95,800) ($92,600) 29.9 17: Optimize ASU-4 System $15,100 $0 ($265,600) ($250,500) 17.6 18: Repair ASU-15 Duct Insulation $1,000 $0 ($14,900) ($13,900) 14.9 19: Optimize Electric Rm 1152 Heat Recovery $2,000 $0 ($24,500) ($22,500) 12.3 20: Install Room 3363 Heat Recovery $3,600 $0 ($42,000) ($38,400) 11.7 21: Optimize ASU-1 Heat Recovery System $30,200 $0 ($331,600) ($301,400) 11.0 22: Optimize ASU-17 System $8,400 $0 ($78,300) ($69,900) 9.3 23: Install Room 3482 Heat Recovery $3,200 $0 ($29,400) ($26,200) 9.2 24: Optimize ASU-15 System $62,900 $0 ($491,600) ($428,700) 7.8 25: Optimize Snowmelt System-Heli Pad $14,200 $0 ($103,000) ($88,800) 7.3 26: Optimize WCU-1/WCU-2 $1,800 $0 ($10,900) ($9,100) 6.1 27: Install Heat Recovery Systems $934,200 $40,900 ($5,113,300) ($4,138,200) 5.4 28: Optimize ASU-14 System $400 $0 ($1,900) ($1,500) 4.8 Totals* $1,106,000 $108,300 ($10,754,700) ($9,540,400) 9.6 *The analysis is based on each EEM being independent of the others. While it is likely that some EEMs are interrelated, an isolated analysis is used to demonstrate the economics because the audit team is not able to predict which EEMs an Owner may choose to implement. If several EEMs are implemented, the resulting energy savings is likely to differ from the sum of each EEM projection. Summary The energy audit revealed numerous opportunities for improving the energy performance of the building. It is recommended that the behavioral and high priority EEMs be implemented now to generate energy savings from which to fund the medium priority EEMs. Another avenue to consider is to borrow money from AHFCs revolving loan fund for public buildings. AHFC will loan money for energy improvements under terms that allow for paying back the money from the energy savings. More information on this option can be found online at http://www.ahfc.us/loans/akeerlf_loan.cfm. Bartlett Regional Hospital 5 Energy Audit (March 2012) Section 2 Introduction This report presents the findings of an energy audit of the Bartlett Regional Hospital located in Juneau, Alaska. The purpose of this investment grade energy audit is to evaluate the infrastructure and its subsequent energy performance to identify applicable energy efficiency measures (EEMs). The energy audit report contains the following sections:  Introduction: Building use and energy consumption.  Energy Efficiency Measures: Priority ranking of the EEMs with a description, energy analysis, and life cycle cost analysis.  Description of Systems: Background description of the building energy systems.  Methodology: Basis for how construction and maintenance cost estimates are derived and the economic and energy factors used for the analysis. BUILDING USE Bartlett Regional Hospital is a 138,909 square foot building that contains commons, offices, clinic, laboratory, surgery, recovery, kitchen and dining, laundry, storage, and mechanical support spaces. The hospital has 549 employees that operate the facility in the following manner: First Floor  Kitchen and Cafeteria 5:30 am – 8:00 pm (7 days/week)  Laundry 7:00 am – 4:30 pm (M – F)  Material Management 7:00 am – 4:30 pm (M – F)  Security 24 hours/day 7 days/week  Emergency & Radiology 24 hours/day 7 days/week Second Floor  OB & CCU 24 hours/day 7 days/week  Surgery & Short Stay 6:00 am – 8:00 pm (M –F, accessible 24/7)  Physical Therapy 8:00 am – 6:00 pm (M – F)  Admission 6:00 am – 6:00 pm (M – F)  Lobby 24 hours/day 7 days/week Third Floor  Entire Floor 24 hours/day 7 days/week Bartlett Regional Hospital 6 Energy Audit (March 2012) Building History - Major construction and renovations 1968 – Original Construction 1987 – Addition and Remodel 1999 - Surgery Remodel 2004 – Control Upgrades 2005 – Pharmacy Addition 2010 – Medical/Surgical East Wing Renovation Energy Consumption The building energy sources include an electric service and a fuel oil tank. Fuel oil is used for the majority of the heating loads and domestic hot water while electricity serves all other loads. The following table shows annual energy use and cost. Annual Energy Consumption and Cost Source Consumption Cost Energy, MMBtu Electricity 4,318,875 kWh $375,600 14,700 36% Fuel Oil 195,988 Gallons $744,800 26,600 64% Totals $1,120,400 41,300 100% Electricity This chart shows electrical energy use from 2007 to 2010. The effective cost—energy costs plus demand charges—is 8.7¢ per kWh. Bartlett Regional Hospital 7 Energy Audit (March 2012) Fuel Oil This chart shows heating energy use from 2007 to 2010. The drop in oil consumption in 2009 could not be explained. A year with a higher number of degree days reflects colder outside temperatures and a higher heating requirement. Cost of Heat Comparison This chart shows a comparison of the current cost of fuel oil heat and electric heat. The comparison is based on a fuel oil conversion efficiency of 70% and an electric boiler conversion efficiency of 95%. Electric heat is currently less expensive than fuel oil heat. Bartlett Regional Hospital 8 Energy Audit (March 2012) Section 3 Energy Efficiency Measures The following energy efficiency measures (EEMs) were identified during the energy audit. The EEMs are priority ranked and, where applicable, subjected to energy and life cycle cost analysis. Appendix A contains the energy and life cycle cost analysis spreadsheets. The EEMs are grouped into the following prioritized categories:  Behavioral or Operational: EEMs that require minimal capital investment but require operational or behavioral changes. The EEMs provide a life cycle savings but an analysis is not performed because the guaranteed energy savings is difficult quantify.  High Priority: EEMs that require a small capital investment and offer a life cycle savings. Also included in this category are higher cost EEMs that offer significant life cycle savings.  Low Priority: EEMs that will save energy but do not provide a life cycle savings. BEHAVIORAL OR OPERATIONAL The following EEMs are recommended for implementation. They require behavioral or operational changes that can occur with minimal investment to achieve immediate savings. These EEMs are not easily quantified by analysis because they cannot be accurately predicted. They are recommended because they offer a life cycle savings, represent good practice, and are accepted features of high performance buildings. The EEMs also include operational deficiencies that will protect the systems but not likely to produce significant energy savings. EEM-1: Weather-strip Doors Purpose: Many of the exterior doors do not seal and are missing weather stripping. Energy will be saved if doors are properly weather-stripped to reduce infiltration. Scope: Replace weather stripping on exterior doors. EEM-2: Close Fume Hood Sashes Purpose: During the audit two fume hoods in the lab spaces were partially open when not in active use. This results in unnecessary loss of conditioned air through the fume hood exhaust system. Energy will be saved if the fume hood sashes are kept fully closed when not in use and the fans shut off when not needed. Scope: Ensure fume hood sashes are fully closed when not in use and fume hood fans are off when not in use. Bartlett Regional Hospital 9 Energy Audit (March 2012) EEM-3: Optimize ASU-2 System Purpose: ASU-2 is a single zone unit serving only the kitchen area. Supply air temperature appears to be fixed at 55°F, or operating on a low limit setting. There is a thermostat in the kitchen, which should control ASU-2 supply air temperature. There are no reheat coils or perimeter heat. The unit supplies 100% outside air and has a preheat coil and face and bypass dampers. The dampers were positioned for full flow through the heating coil and the heating valve was modulating at an outside air temperature of 30°F. We recommend that a “changeover” control be used when temperatures are below 40°F where the heating valve is fully open and the dampers modulate to maintain the supply air temperature setpoint. Scope: Review FBP damper controls and re-initiate valve-damper changeover control if desired. This EEM substantially reduces the potential for freezing the coil, but resolving it should not significantly affect energy consumption. EEM-4: Optimize ASU-3 System Purpose: ASU-3 is a single zone unit providing ventilation air for the laundry and other utility areas in the north basement. Unit is 100% outside air with preheat coil and face and bypass dampers. Dampers were positioned for full face and heating valve was under control during site visit, at outside air temperature of about 30°F. Face and bypass dampers have a pneumatic damper actuator, which technicians indicate is under control by pneumatic systems. The DDC system does not show any changeover controls. Usually, a “changeover” control is incorporated to open valve 100% and modulate dampers when outside air temperature is below about 40°F to prevent freezing coil. This is a maintenance/safety issue, and not an energy concern. Scope: Review FBP damper controls and re-initiate valve-damper changeover control if desired. This EEM substantially reduces the potential for freezing the coil, but resolving it should not significantly affect energy consumption. Bartlett Regional Hospital 10 Energy Audit (March 2012) EEM-5: Optimize ASU-11 System Purpose: The control drawings call for the mixed air dampers, the heating valve, and the cooling valve to be controlled in sequence to provide the desired supply air temperature. A humidistat in each operating room should control the humidifier in the associated zone duct. A high humidity level in a zone should override mixed air dampers to maintain 48°F to dehumidify the supply air. The controls for this unit appear to be essentially non- functional, and/or not per the sequence of operation. The mixed air dampers were operating at minimum outside air (full heat mode), and providing 62°F mixed air temperature (MAT). The cooling valve was 100% open and using chilled water from the WCU-1/2 system. The target supply air temperature was 50°F and the actual was 58°F. The operating room temperature was 83°F, and the set-point was 54°F. The inability of the chilled water system to provide sufficient cooling under these conditions illustrates the low capacity caused by a high chilled water temperature and/or low water flow as noted for the WCU-1/2 system. The system will be more effective, and energy may be saved, by using outside air to maintain the desired supply air temperature. There is a steam-injection type humidifier installed in each of three zones served by ASU- 11. None of the humidifiers had an active steam supply during the site visit. There is only one humidifier indicated on the DDC system, but there did not appear to be a humidifier in the air handling unit. The controls were calling for 100% humidification at “ASU-11”. It appears that ASU-11 is in minimum outside air mode to allow the system to maintain a higher relative humidity in the operating rooms without active humidification systems. The system would be more effective, and energy may be saved, by maintaining supply air temperature with outside air and using the humidifiers to maintain desired relative humidity. Scope: Re-activate humidifiers, economizer controls, and specified control sequences. Hospital staff indicates that they are in process of re-activating the systems. This EEM is recommended, but costs and energy savings were not calculated because the changes will be made before this report is finalized. EEM-6: Disable Chilled Water Systems WCU-1/2 Purpose: Chiller WCU-2 was operating continuously during the site visit. The air handling units (ASU) served by this chilled water system have outside air economizers. The outside air temperatures were 20-30°F during the site visit and the ASU’s should not require chilled water when outside air temperature is below about 50°F. The chilled water system was operating due to a call for cooling from several air handling units due to overlapping operation at valves and dampers, and/or leaking valves and dampers. Scope: Chilled water systems can be operated normally after systems served are fixed. Savings for this EEM are shown for specific ASU system changes required to reduce cooling loads. Bartlett Regional Hospital 11 Energy Audit (March 2012) HIGH PRIORITY The following EEMs are recommended for implementation because they are low cost measures that have a high savings to investment ratio. The EEMs are listed from highest to lowest priority. Negative values, in parenthesis, represent savings. EEM-7: Turn Off Standby Boiler Purpose: Both boilers are kept hot continuously. Consideration should be given to isolating the standby boiler when the weather is warm enough that a failure of the lead boiler will not be detrimental to hospital operations while the standby boiler is brought on-line. Keeping the standby boiler hot can result in a 1% efficiency loss due to the isolated boiler acting as a heat sink. Energy will be saved if only a single boiler is on line when temperatures permit. Scope: Shut down and isolate the lag boiler when only a single boiler is needed to support building operations. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $2,000 ($32,220) ($30,220) $1,000 $34,100 ($913,300) ($878,200) 879.2 EEM-8: Reduce Fan Operating Hours Purpose: Most exhaust fans in the building appear to operate continuously. Energy is consumed by the fan motors and by heating makeup air to replace exhaust air. Energy will be saved by turning fans off when not in use. Scope: Provide occupied/unoccupied schedules for ASU-12, RF-12, EF-12 and HVAC-1 to operate from 7 am through 7 pm. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $1,000 ($16,430) ($15,430) $800 $17,000 ($443,700) ($425,900) 533.4 Bartlett Regional Hospital 12 Energy Audit (March 2012) EEM-9: Optimize ASU-18 System Purpose: The DDC graphics and 2007 Test and Balance Report indicate that the relief damper should lag the return and outside air dampers by about 28% damper position. The current lag set- point is 0%, this causes the relief, outside air, and return air dampers to be controlled for the same position. This strategy likely relieves more air than desired, causing negative building pressure and more outside air to be brought into the building than needed. Energy can be saved by re-initiating relief damper lag control. The minimum mixed air temperature set-point on DDC is 55°F, but the current mixed air temperature is 50°F. The mixed air dampers are at 65% and the heating coil is at 60% (40% open). Mixed air dampers should be at a minimum position of 28% percent before heating coil should operate. Energy will be saved by coordinating controls for the mixed air dampers and the heating coil valve to ensure dampers are at their minimum position before the heating coil operates. Scope: Modify the exhaust air damper controls to provide a 28% lag with the outside air damper. Modify the controls to provide sequential control of mixing dampers and the heating coil to maintain supply air temperature setpoint. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($63,340) ($63,340) $3,500 $0 ($1,795,400) ($1,791,900) 513.0 EEM-10: Perform a Boiler Combustion Test Purpose: Operating the boiler with an optimum amount of excess air will improve combustion efficiency. Annual cleaning followed by a combustion test is recommended. Scope: Annually clean and perform a combustion test on the boiler. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $960 ($7,890) ($6,930) $700 $16,300 ($223,800) ($206,800) 296.4 EEM-11: Install Pipe Insulation Purpose: Several sections of heating piping are uninsulated. Energy will be saved if these sections of piping are optimally insulated. Scope: Install pipe insulation in the following locations: - 3’ of 1 ½” pipe in Penthouse Z-2 - 2’ of 2” pipe in Penthouse Z-2 - 25’ of 3/4” pipe in Penthouse Z-3 - 10’ of 2” pipe in Penthouse Z-3 Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($1,340) ($1,340) $500 $0 ($38,000) ($37,500) 76.0 Bartlett Regional Hospital 13 Energy Audit (March 2012) EEM-12: Optimize ASU-12 Serving Chemotherapy / Infusion 2nd Floor North 1987 Building Purpose: The mixing dampers, heating valve, and cooling valve were observed to be fluctuating between heating and cooling over a period of a couple minutes during review. The consecutive heating and cooling energy is cancelling each other out. Energy will be saved by stabilizing the temperature control for this unit. Control drawings call for the economizer to be used until the outside air temperature exceeds 60°F, and then to change back to minimum outside air. Energy will be saved by using outside air until it is warmer than the return air (about 70°F). Scope: Correct control sequences to provide sequential control of the mixing dampers, heating coil, and cooling coil. Increase economizer operation until the outside temperature exceeds the return air temperature. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($11,720) ($11,720) $8,000 $0 ($319,900) ($311,900) 40.0 EEM-13: Optimize HVAC-1 Serving Solarium Purpose: The DDC controls are not operating properly. Energy will be saved if the following controls are corrected: - The system is cooling the mixed air to 50°F and then adding heat to supply 70°F. This is inherently inefficient. - The mixing dampers and the heating valve are operating erratically. - The relief duct does not have a backdraft damper to prevent cold air from infiltrating into the building. Scope: Modify the controls in the following manner: - Program the controls to reset the supply air temperature with the room temperature and to allow mixed air to track the supply air temperature. - Check if a relief air back-draft damper is installed, and if not, install one. - Program an occupancy schedule that turns the system off during night hours. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($4,270) ($4,270) $3,200 $0 ($121,100) ($117,900) 37.8 Bartlett Regional Hospital 14 Energy Audit (March 2012) EEM-14: Optimize ASU-13 System Purpose: The mixing dampers, heating valve, and cooling valve were observed to be fluctuating between heating and cooling over a period of a couple minutes during review. The consecutive heating and cooling energy is cancelling each other out. Energy can be saved by stabilizing the temperature control for this unit. Control drawings call for the economizer to be used until the outside air temperature exceeds 60°F, and then to change back to minimum outside air. Energy will be saved by using outside air until it is warmer than the return air (about 70°F). Scope: Re-commission the system to stabilize the mixing dampers, heating valve, and cooling valve controls. Change the outside air changeover set-point from about 60 to 70°F. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($11,100) ($11,100) $8,000 $0 ($293,600) ($285,600) 36.7 EEM-15: De-Lamp Vending Machines Purpose: Lamps for soft drink coolers and snack machines in the main floor hallway run continuously and are not necessary. Energy will be saved if the lamps are removed. Scope: Remove lamps from the soft drink cooler and snack machines. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($160) ($160) $100 $0 ($3,100) ($3,000) 31.0 EEM-16: Install Room 3374 Heat Recovery Purpose: Heat is being generated by the electrical and communications equipment in Room 3374. Energy will be saved if this heat is transferred to the adjacent corridor. Scope: Install a grill and fan to transfer the heat from the transformer into the adjacent corridor. Increase the setpoint on the exhaust fan so it only operates when the room is too warm. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($3,350) ($3,350) $3,200 $0 ($95,800) ($92,600) 29.9 Bartlett Regional Hospital 15 Energy Audit (March 2012) EEM-17: Optimize ASU-4 System Purpose: ASU-4 is a 100% outside air system that provides makeup air when three or more dryers are operating. The testing and balancing contractor indicates in their 2009 report that ASU- 4 operates continuously to provide pressurization due to low airflow at ASU-3, which also supplies air to the laundry area. ASU-4 provides a constant supply air temperature of 60°F. Occupants indicate the room is often too warm. The room temperature was 74°F during visit. Energy will be saved by reducing the supply air temperature when the room air temperature is too high. EF-3 exhausts air from the dryers and laundry room grilles, and provides a pressure gradient from the clean side to the dirty side. EF-3 provides nearly constant exhaust air flow of between 4300-5500 CFM, which is likely required to maintain the room pressure gradient with the non-optimal exhaust and supply grille locations. This amount of room exhaust air seems excessive and unnecessary, and requires a large amount of makeup air. Dryer exhaust duct airflow should be relatively constant to maintain air velocity in the duct system and reduce lint accumulation. The proposed arrangement will increase the average airflow in the dryer duct when dryers are operating, but will reduce main exhaust duct velocities during some operating modes. Current and proposed arrangements are likely not adequate to prevent lint build-up; addressing this concern is beyond the scope of this energy study. Scope: Install a thermostat in the laundry room to reset ASU-4 supply air temperature as required to maintain room temperature. Extend the dryer exhaust duct from the dryer chase to the dirty sort area. Cap and abandon exhaust grilles in the wash and dry areas. Reduce the exhaust airflow from the laundry room from about 4300 to 2000 cfm when no dryers are operating. EEM-18: Repair ASU-15 Duct Insulation Purpose: Duct insulation for roof-mounted AHU-15 is water logged and ineffective. During the audit we observed that ice had formed on the return duct surface. Energy will be saved if the duct insulation is improved. Scope: Repair the insulation on the following AHU-15 supply and return ducts: - 4’ section of 2’x2’ supply ducting - 2’ section of 4’x2’ return ducting Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($520) ($520) $1,000 $0 ($14,900) ($13,900) 14.9 Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($9,370) ($9,370) $15,100 $0 ($265,600) ($250,500) 17.6 Bartlett Regional Hospital 16 Energy Audit (March 2012) EEM-19: Optimize Electrical Room 1152 Heat Recovery Purpose: The emergency generator room is currently heated by a unit heater. The adjacent Electrical Room 1152 has heat gain from a 225 kVA transformer that is currently exhausted outside by EF-34. There is no door between the two rooms. Energy will be saved if the heat from Electric Room 1152 is allowed to naturally convect and heat the generator room. Scope: Improve natural convection by: - Turning down the UH-6 setpoint to 50°F so it only operates to protect against freezing. - Turn up the setpoint on EF-34 so it only operates if the room gets excessively warm. - Install a small fan (if needed) to promote natural convection between the rooms. EEM-20: Install Room 3363 Heat Recovery Purpose: Room 3482 has two 75 kVA and one 9 kVA transformers that are generating heat that is removed by an exhaust fan. Energy will be saved if this heat is transferred to the adjacent corridor. Scope: Install a fan, ductwork and grille to transfer the heat into the adjacent corridor. Increase the setpoint on the exhaust fan so it only operates when the room is too warm. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($1,450) ($1,450) $3,600 $0 ($42,000) ($38,400) 11.7 Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($860) ($860) $2,000 $0 ($24,500) ($22,500) 12.3 Bartlett Regional Hospital 17 Energy Audit (March 2012) EEM-21: Optimize ASU-1 Heat Recovery System Purpose: The controls for the heat recovery coil (HRC), preheat coil (PHC), and cooling coil (CC) are not coordinated. The system is simultaneously heating and cooling, increasing energy costs. In addition, the heat recovery system has no method for reducing heat transfer between the exhaust and supply air, or preventing frost buildup on the exhaust coil. Defrost controls for the system stop the pump when the water temperature leaving the outside air coil drops below 35°F. Current controls turn the pump off when the outside air temperature is above 45°F to prevent overheating. Energy may be saved by installing controls to modulate the water flow through the outside air coil to maintain the air temperature leaving the exhaust coil (instead of the water temperature entering the coil) above 35°F to prevent frost. The proposed arrangement does not show a theoretical energy savings over current controls to prevent overheating, but will likely save energy in practice due to sensor inaccuracies. Energy will be saved by coordinating PHC and CC controls for the unit, and installing a 3- way valve for the heat recovery system to prevent overheating. Scope: Install a 3-way valve and controls to modulate the heat recovery system capacity and prevent frost buildup on the exhaust coil. Modify HRC, PHC, and CC control loops to prevent overlap and simultaneous heating and cooling. Optimize the controls for the system. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($13,370) ($13,370) $30,200 $0 ($331,600) ($301,400) 11.0 EEM-22: Optimize ASU-17 System Purpose: Control drawings indicate that the heating coil valve opens to 100% heat when the unit is in unoccupied mode. In addition, heating pumps P-17A/B circulate water to the heating coil, but are arranged to bypass the coil when heating is not required. Energy will be saved by controlling the heating valve to maintain a supply air temperature of 55-60°F during unoccupied mode. To reduce the potential for freezing, pumps P-17A/B should be piped to provide continuous water flow through the coil. Scope: Modify control sequence to maintain 55-60°F supply air temperature during unoccupied mode. Rearrange piping at heating pumps P-17A/B to provide constant flow through the coil under all conditions. Repair the heating and cooling valves so they do not leak. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($2,910) ($2,910) $8,400 $0 ($78,300) ($69,900) 9.3 Bartlett Regional Hospital 18 Energy Audit (March 2012) EEM-23: Install Room 3482 Heat Recovery Purpose: Room 3482 has a 75 kVA transformer that is generating heat that is removed by an exhaust fan. Energy will be saved if this heat is transferred to the adjacent corridor. Scope: Install a fan, ductwork and grille to transfer the heat into the adjacent corridor. Increase the setpoint on the exhaust fan so it only operates when the room is too warm. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($1,020) ($1,020) $3,200 $0 ($29,400) ($26,200) 9.2 EEM-24: Optimize ASU-15 System Purpose: ASU-15 is a 100% outside air unit with supply, exhaust, heat pipe heat recovery, and variable flow. Static pressure set-points for supply and exhaust fan VFDs are both set very high, which staff indicates is due to inadequate airflow. The supply air temperature target is 50°F, which is very low, due to difficulties cooling the lab areas (which are directly over the boiler and mechanical rooms). The hot rooms and piping below the floor overheats the laboratory areas. Energy will be saved by insulating the lab floor, and increasing the supply air temperature when practical. This will also allow the ASU-15 heat recovery system to operate more effectively. The heat pipe heat recovery coil (HRC) tilt mechanism does not appear to be working properly—it appears to be overheating the supply air. The hospital’s local engineer indicates that the tilt mechanism designed for modulating capacity of the heat recovery system is currently controlled for two-position operation, with a manual summer-winter switch. Hospital staff indicates that the HRC was field-installed, and has never functioned well. The manufacturer of the system (Haakon) agrees that the tilt mechanism was a design that did not modulate very well. Haakon now recommends that face and bypass dampers be used to modulate the heat recovery system capacity. Energy can be saved by modulating the heat recovery system to prevent overheating. A side benefit is that this arrangement will allow controls to be installed that prevent frost build-up on the exhaust side of the heat recovery coil. The humidity sensor in the main lab is reading 108%, and set-point is -0.2%. This sensor is used to control the humidifier in ASU-15. Energy will be saved by properly controlling the humidification system. Scope: Install spray-on insulation in the boiler room ceiling at the underside of the lab floor. Reset ASU-15 supply air temperature based on the room requiring the most cooling. Install face and bypass dampers to modulate the HRC capacity, and coordinate the operation with the heating and cooling valves through the DDC system. Repair, calibrate, or replace the humidity sensor. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($17,410) ($17,410) $62,900 $0 ($491,600) ($428,700) 7.8 Bartlett Regional Hospital 19 Energy Audit (March 2012) EEM-25: Optimize Snowmelt System Serving Helicopter Landing Pad Purpose: Hospital staff indicates that the snowmelt system appears to operate continuously. The system is not controlled by the DDC controls. Energy will be saved by automatically shutting off the heat to the helipad when conditions allow. Scope: Install temperature and moisture sensors to activate snowmelt systems when snow or freezing conditions are present. Analysis: The helipad temperature was measured to be about 54°F when the outside air temperature was about 28°F. The system was analyzed assuming that the helipad temperature is currently maintained at 54°F at all times, and shuts off above 54°F outside air temperature. The proposed arrangement assumes that the snowmelt system will be shut off above 40°F. These are conservative assumptions; savings with the temperature and moisture sensors will likely be greater. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($3,640) ($3,640) $14,200 $0 ($103,000) ($88,800) 7.3 EEM-26: Optimize Chilled Water System WCU-1 and 2 Purpose: During the site visit, both chiller circulating pumps CWP-1 and 2 were operating, but coil loop circulating pump CWP-3 was not. Chiller WCU-1 was in alarm and not operating. Chiller WCU-2 was observed to be operating continuously. Control drawings call for the cooling coil loop pump CWP-3 to operate continuously, and chiller pumps CWP-1/2 to operate when the respective chiller operates. The effect of current pump operation is that water through the OFF chiller mixes with water from the ON chiller to provide a high chilled water supply temperature. In addition, it is unlikely that CWP-1/2 can provide adequate flow under any conditions without CWP-3. AHU-11 was observed to be in 100% cooling, but was not maintaining the desired supply air temperature with a 62°F mixed air temperature, indicating the system was providing inadequate cooling capacity even at very light load conditions. Energy will be saved by operating pumps only when needed. Scope: Operate CWP-1 and CWP-2 only when the respective chiller operates, and operate CWP-3 whenever cooling is required. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($560) ($560) $1,800 $0 ($10,900) ($9,100) 6.1 Bartlett Regional Hospital 20 Energy Audit (March 2012) EEM-27: Install Heat Recovery Systems Purpose: Numerous areas in the building contain mechanical and electrical equipment that generates a large amount of heat. Many of those areas are cooled by exhaust fans that increase building outside air requirements, or other methods that require energy to cool the rooms. In most cases, the heating energy is then wasted. Energy will be saved by reducing exhaust/outside air, reducing the energy used to cool the rooms, and/or recovering the heating energy to be used where needed. Scope: Install water-cooled heat pumps in rooms generating excess heat including the boiler room, mechanical rooms, and main electrical rooms on the first floor. Install a heat pump water circulating system to move warm water at about 110°F from the hot rooms to systems and areas needing the heat. Install heating coils that can use the low temperature water at ASU- 2, 3, and 4, or replace entire units with those suitable for the new arrangement. Connect the heat pump water loop to the ASU-1/EF-1 heat recovery system. This arrangement will allow heat to be used for outside air at ASU-1, or rejected at EF-1 if needed. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $2,400 ($172,260) ($169,860) $934,200 $40,900 ($5,113,300) ($4,138,200) 5.4 EEM-28: Optimize ASU-14 System Purpose: Control drawings call for the economizer to be used until the outside air temperature exceeds 60°F, and then to change back to minimum outside air. Energy will be saved by using outside air until it is warmer than the return air (about 70°F). Scope: Change the economizer changeover setpoint from about 60°F to 70°F. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($100) ($100) $400 $0 ($1,900) ($1,500) 4.8 Bartlett Regional Hospital 21 Energy Audit (March 2012) LOW PRIORITY Low priority EEMs do not offer a life cycle energy savings and are not recommended. Negative values, in parenthesis, represent savings. EEM-29: Replace Transformers Purpose: Existing transformers are not TP-1 rated. Energy will be saved if these less-efficient transformers are replaced with energy efficient models that comply with NEMA Standard TP 1-2001. Scope: Replace the following less-efficient transformers with NEMA Standard TP 1-2001 compliant models. Quantities of each transformer are shown in parenthesis. - (1) 500 kVA - (2) 225 kVA - (1) 150 kVA - (3) 112.5 kVA - (8) 75 kVA - (5) 30 kVA - (4) 15 kVA - (1) 9 kVA Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($18,240) ($18,240) $420,100 $0 ($358,500) $61,600 0.9 EEM-30: Upgrade Exterior Lighting to LED Purpose: The existing perimeter and parking lot lighting consists of metal halide and high pressure sodium fixtures. These fixture styles are less efficient than LED lighting and the lamp life is much shorter. Scope: Replace the following existing exterior lights with LED lights. Quantities of each light are shown in parenthesis. - Wall packs (17) @ 150-watt MH - 16’ Lamp Posts (9) @ 175-watt MH - 30’ Lamp Posts (8) @ 250-watt HPS Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $120 ($1,180) ($1,060) $41,000 ($900) ($23,200) $16,900 0.6 Bartlett Regional Hospital 22 Energy Audit (March 2012) Section 4 Description of Systems ENERGY SYSTEMS This section provides a general description of the building systems. Energy conservation opportunities are addressed in Section 3, Energy Efficiency Measures. Building Envelope R-value Component Description (inside to outside) Existing Optimal Exterior Walls 1968 Construction 5/8” gyp bd, 3 ½” batt, 2 ½” metal studs w/ 1” foam thermal break R-15 R-26 1987 Construction 5/8” gyp bd, 6” batt, 6” metal studs, ½” ply, 2” foam w/ Dryvit R-20 R-26 2005 Construction 5/8” gyp bd, 1” foil faced foam, R-19 batt, 6” metal studs, R-15 R-26 ½” gyp bd, metal siding Roof North Plaza 12” concrete, waterproof membrane, 4” rigid foam, Drainage R-20 R-46 Layer, 8” – 18” topsoil Main Roof 8” average EPDM system R-36 R-46 Floors Floor Slab 4” Concrete slab-on-grade R-10 R-10 Foundation 1968 Construction 8” concrete w/ 1” perimeter insulation board R-5 R-20 1987 Construction 8” concrete w/ 4” perimeter insulation board R-17 R-20 Windows Aluminum frame double pane windows R-1.5 R-5 Doors Steel and Aluminum doors w/ non-thermally broken frames R-1.5 R-5 Bartlett Regional Hospital 23 Energy Audit (March 2012) Heating System The building is heated by two fuel oil steam boilers that provide heat to twelve air handling unit systems, fan coil units, and perimeter hydronic systems. The heating system has the following pumps:  HWP-1 thru 6 are hydronic heating pumps.  HWP 17A and 17B are hydronic heating pumps for AHU 17.  HWCP-1 & 2 are domestic hot water circulation pumps.  HRP-8 is a glycol return pump in Penthouse Z-1.  FTP-1 & 2 are fuel oil transfer pumps.  CWP-2 & 3 is a primary chilled water pumps.  CWP-4 is the MRI chilled water pump.  CWP-5 & 6 are chilled water pumps for AHU 13 & 14.  SMP-1 is a snow melt circulation pump.  Two new and yet un-named condensate return pumps in Room 1130. Bartlett Regional Hospital 24 Energy Audit (March 2012) Ventilation Systems Area Fan System Description 1968 Bldg ASU-1 20,685 cfm 25 hp constant volume multi-zone air handling unit consisting of an outside air damper, heating coil, cooling coil, filter section, supply fan, and return fan 1968 Building Exhaust EF-1 24,595 15 hp constant volume exhaust air fan 1971 Ground Floor SF-3 3,100 cfm 5 hp variable volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, and supply fan 1987 Remodel ASU-11 15 hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, cooling coil, mixing box, filter section, supply fan and return fan 1987 Remodel RF-11 5 hp constant volume return fan for ASU-11 3rd Floor Isolation Room EF-34 (2) “Smoking Room Fan” on drawings - perhaps not installed* Admin Area EF-12 1,625 cfm ¾ hp constant volume exhaust air fan Boiler Room 1153 SF-32 5,000 cfm 2 hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a, filter section and a supply fan Dark Room 1310/1325 EF-25 380 cfm ¼ hp constant volume exhaust fan Dishwasher EF-18 430 cfm constant volume exhaust air fan ED Decon 1431 EF-30 890 cfm 1/3 hp constant volume exhaust air fan Electric Room 1127 EF-35 2,600 cfm 2 hp constant volume exhaust air fan Elevator Room 4182 EF-36 1,750 cfm ½ hp constant volume exhaust air fan Emergency ASU-14 2,795 cfm 5 hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, cooling coil, mixing box, filter section, supply fan and return fan Emergency EF-14 850 cfm ½ hp constant volume exhaust air fan Emergency RF-14 1,720 cfm 2 hp constant volume return fan for ASU-14 Emergency Distribution 1151 EF-34 2,100 cfm 1 ½ hp constant volume exhaust air fan Isolation Room 2830 EF-22 590 cfm ¾ hp variable volume exhaust air fan Isolation Suites EF-28 2,000 cfm 1 ½ hp constant volume exhaust air fan Kitchen ASU-2 8,940 cfm 5 hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, and supply fan Kitchen EF-2 8,052 5 hp constant volume exhaust air fan Bartlett Regional Hospital 25 Energy Audit (March 2012) Ventilation Systems, continued Area Fan System Description Lab Air ASU-15 15,500 cfm 20 hp constant volume air handling system consisting of a heating coil, cooling coil, mixing box, heat recovery unit, filter section, supply fan, and return fan Lab Air RF-15 12,400 cfm 15 hp constant volume return fan for ASU-15 Laundry SF-4 1,935 cfm 3 hp variable volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, filter section, and supply fan Laundry Dryers EF-3 7.5 hp variable volume exhaust air fan Level 1 2004-7 Addition ASU-18 23,100 cfm 40 hp variable volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, cooling coil, mixing box, filter section, supply fan, and return fan Level 1 2004-7 Addition EF-21 4,300 cfm 2 hp constant volume exhaust air fan Level 1 2004-7 Addition RF-18 16,900 cfm 20 hp variable volume return fan for ASU-18 Level 2 & 3 2004-7 Addition ASU-19 25,500 cfm 30 hp variable volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, cooling coil, mixing box, filter section, supply fan and return fan Level 2 & 3 2004-7 Addition EF-23 7,040 cfm 5.0 hp constant volume exhaust air fan Level 2 & 3 2004-7 Addition RF-19 12,500 cfm 5 hp variable volume return fan for ASU-19 Level 2 Partial Admin ASU-12 6,800 cfm 10 hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, cooling coil, mixing box, filter section, supply fan and return fan Level 2 Partial Admin RF-12 5,900 cfm 5 hp constant volume return fan for ASU-12 Level 2 Radiology ASU-13 6,155 cfm 10 hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, cooling coil, mixing box, filter section, supply fan and return fan Level 2 Radiology RF-13 1,865 cfm 2 hp constant volume return fan for ASU-13 Mechanical Rooms 1128 & 1150 SF-33 6,000 cfm 3 hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a, filter section and a supply fan Mechanical Room 4182 EF-37 constant volume exhaust air fan Mechanical Room 3201 EF-26 4,200 cfm 1 ½ hp constant volume exhaust fan Pharmacy 3484 & 3480 EF-31 655 cfm ¼ hp constant volume exhaust air fan Pharmacy 3484 Fume Hood EF-29 735 cfm ½ hp constant volume exhaust air fan Bartlett Regional Hospital 26 Energy Audit (March 2012) Ventilation Systems, continued Area Fan System Description Radiology EF-13 4,500 cfm 2 hp constant volume exhaust air fan Smoking* Room 3112 EF-24 180 cfm 1/6 hp constant volume exhaust fan Surgery EF-11 200 cfm constant volume exhaust air fan Surgery East 3rd Floor ASU-17 3,200 cfm constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, cooling coil, mixing box, filter section, supply fan and return fan Surgery East 3rd Floor RF-17 2,500 cfm 1 hp constant volume return fan for ASU-17 Surgery Wing EF-20 575 cfm ¼ hp constant volume exhaust air fan *References to “Smoking Room” are taken from the building drawings and are kept to reference back to those drawings. The Bartlett Regional Hospital Campus is now entirely smoke free. Domestic Hot Water System The domestic hot water is produced by steam-to-water heat exchangers supplied by the steam boilers. Cooling Systems The building has five major separate mechanical cooling systems. Rooftop coolers WCU-1 and WCU-2 provide cooling for ASU-1, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 17. Rooftop coolers WCU-3 and WCU-4 provide cooling for ASU-15, 18, 19, and the CT and MRI spaces. A packaged cooling unit provides cooling for the computer server room. Automatic Control System The building has a DDC system to control the operation of the heating and ventilation systems. Lighting Although some T-12 lighting remains in the mechanical spaces, interior lighting consists primarily of T5 and T8 fluorescent fixtures. Exterior lighting consists primarily of metal halide lighting with some high pressure sodium fixtures. Because lighting operational hours are controlled by staff, operational costs for lighting with existing infrastructure are kept to a minimum. We recommend that maintenance staff upgrade the remaining T-12 fixtures to more efficient T-8 units only as the ballasts fail and need to be replaced. Electric Equipment Commercial equipment for food preparation is located in the kitchen and surrounding spaces. The hospital also has medical equipment throughout the facility. Bartlett Regional Hospital 27 Energy Audit (March 2012) Section 5 Methodology Information for the energy audit was gathered through on-site observations, review of construction documents, and interviews with operation and maintenance personnel. The EEMs are evaluated using energy and life cycle cost analyses and are priority ranked for implementation. Energy Efficiency Measures Energy efficiency measures are identified by evaluating the building’s energy systems and comparing them to systems in modern, high performance buildings. The process for identifying the EEMs acknowledges the realities of an existing building that was constructed when energy costs were much lower. Many of the opportunities used in modern high performance buildings—highly insulated envelopes, variable capacity mechanical systems, heat pumps, daylighting, lighting controls, etc.— simply cannot be economically incorporated into an existing building. The EEMs represent practical measures to improve the energy efficiency of the buildings, taking into account the realities of limited budgets. If a future major renovation project occurs, additional EEMs common to high performance buildings should be incorporated. Life Cycle Cost Analysis The EEMs are evaluated using life cycle cost analysis which determines if an energy efficiency investment will provide a savings over a 25-year life. The analysis incorporates construction, replacement, maintenance, repair, and energy costs to determine the total cost over the life of the EEM. Future maintenance and energy cash flows are discounted to present worth using escalation factors for general inflation, energy inflation, and the value of money. The methodology is based on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Handbook 135 – Life Cycle Cost Analysis. Life cycle cost analysis is preferred to simple payback for facilities that have long—often perpetual— service lives. Simple payback, which compares construction cost and present energy cost, is reasonable for short time periods of 2-4 years, but yields below optimal results over longer periods because it does not properly account for the time value of money or inflationary effects on operating budgets. Accounting for energy inflation and the time value of money properly sums the true cost of facility ownership and seeks to minimize the life cycle cost. Construction Costs The cost estimates are derived based on a preliminary understanding of the scope of each EEM as gathered during the walk-through audit. The construction costs for in-house labor are $60 per hour for work typically performed by maintenance staff and $110 per hour for contract labor. The cost estimate assumes the work will be performed as part of a larger renovation or energy efficiency upgrade project. When implementing EEMs, the cost estimate should be revisited once the scope and preferred method of performing the work has been determined. It is possible some EEMs will not provide a life cycle savings when the scope is finalized. Bartlett Regional Hospital 28 Energy Audit (March 2012) Maintenance Costs Maintenance costs are based on in-house or contract labor using historical maintenance efforts and industry standards. Maintenance costs over the 25-year life of each EEM are included in the life cycle cost calculation spreadsheets and represent the level of effort to maintain the systems. Energy Analysis The energy performance of an EEM is evaluated within the operating parameters of the building. A comprehensive energy audit would rely on a computer model of the building to integrate building energy systems and evaluate the energy savings of each EEM. This investment grade audit does not utilize a computer model, so energy savings are calculated with factors that account for the dynamic operation of the building. Energy savings and costs are estimated for the 25-year life of the EEM using appropriate factors for energy inflation. Prioritization Each EEM is prioritized based on the life cycle savings to investment ratio (SIR) using the following formula: Prioritization Factor = Life Cycle Savings / Capital Costs This approach factor puts significant weight on the capital cost of an EEM, making lower cost EEMs more favorable. Economic Factors The following economic factors are significant to the findings. Nominal Interest Rate: This is the nominal rate of return on an investment without regard to inflation. The analysis uses a rate of 5%. Inflation Rate: This is the average inflationary change in prices over time. The analysis uses an inflation rate of 2%. Economic Period: The analysis is based on a 25-year economic period with construction beginning in 2013. Fuel Oil Fuel oil currently costs $3.80 per gallon for a seasonally adjusted blend of #1 and #2 fuel oil. The analysis is based on 6% fuel oil inflation which has been the average for the past 20-years. Electricity Electricity is supplied by Alaska Electric Light & Power Company (AEL&P). The building is billed for electricity under AEL&P’s Rate 24. This rate charges for both electrical consumption (kWh) and peak electric demand (kW). Electrical consumption is the amount of energy consumed and electric demand is the rate of consumption. AEL&P determines the electric demand by averaging demand over a continuously sliding fifteen minute window. The highest fifteen minute average during the billing period determines the peak demand. The following table lists the electric charges, which includes a 24% rate hike that was recently approved: Bartlett Regional Hospital 29 Energy Audit (March 2012) AEL&P Small Government Rate with Demand Charge 1 On-peak (Nov-May) Off-peak (June-Oct) Energy Charge per kWh 6.11¢ 5.92¢ Demand Charge per kW $14.30 $9.11 Service Charge per month $99.24 $99.24 Over recent history, electricity inflation has been less than 1% per year, which has lagged general inflation. An exception is the recent 24% rate hike that was primarily due to construction of additional hydroelectric generation at Lake Dorothy. This project affords the community a surplus of power which should bring electric inflation back to the historic rate of 1% per year. Load growth from electric heat conversions is likely to increase generating and distribution costs, especially if diesel supplementation is needed. Combining these two factors contribute to an assumed electricity inflation rate of 3%. Summary The following table summarizes the energy and economic factors used in the analysis. Summary of Economic and Energy Factors Factor Rate or Cost Factor Rate or Cost Nominal Discount Rate 5% Electricity $0.086/kWh General Inflation Rate 2% Electricity Inflation 3% Fuel Oil Cost (2012) $3.80/gal Fuel Oil Inflation 6% Bartlett Regional Hospital 30 Energy Audit (March 2012) Appendix A Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis Bartlett Regional Hospital 31 Energy Audit (March 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Bartlett Regional Hospital Basis Economic Study Period (years) 25 Nominal Discount Rate 5%General Inflation 2% Energy 2011 $/gal Fuel Inflation 2012 $/gal Fuel Oil $3.80 6% $4.03 Electricity $/kWh (2011)$/kW (2011)Inflation $/kWh (2012)$/kW (2012) w/ Demand Charges $0.061 $12.14 3% $0.063 $12.50 w/o Demand Charges $0.086 -3% $0.089 - EEM-7: Turn Off Standby Boiler Energy Analysis Boiler Input MBH Loss %Loss MBH Hours, exist Hours, new kBtu η boiler Gallons B-1 17,200 0.50% 86 8,760 4,380 -376,680 68%-4,000 B-2 17,200 0.50% 86 8,760 4,380 -376,680 68%-4,000 172 -753,360 -7,999 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Stage boiler operation 0 1 ea $1,000 $1,000 Annual Costs Sequence boilers 1 - 25 1 ls $2,000.00 $34,054 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -7,999 gal $4.03 ($913,277) Net Present Worth ($878,200) Bartlett Regional Hospital 32 Energy Audit (March 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Bartlett Regional Hospital EEM-8: Reduce Fan Operating Hours Energy Analysis Fan Case CFM ΔP η, fan BHP η, motor kW Hours kWh AHU-12 Existing -7,700 3.50 55%-8 91%-6 8,760 -55,362 Optimized 7,700 3.50 55%8 91%6 4,380 27,681 RF-12 Existing -5,800 1.50 55%-2 89%-2 8,760 -18,274 Optimized 5,800 1.50 55%2 89%2 4,380 9,137 EF-12 Existing -1,625 0.75 55%0 70%0 8,760 -3,255 Optimized 1,625 0.75 55%0 70%0 4,380 1,627 HVAC-1 Existing -880 1.60 50%0 75%0 8,760 -3,860 Optimized 880 1.60 55%0 75%0 4,380 1,755 0 -40,551 Ventilation SA CFM MAT T,room MBH Hours kBtu η boiler Gallons AHU-12 Existing -7,700 62 70 -67 8,760 -582,785 68%-6,188 Optimized 7,700 62 70 67 4,380 291,393 68%3,094 HVAC-1 Existing -880 62 70 -8 8,760 -66,604 68%-707 Optimized 880 62 70 8 4,380 33,302 68%354 -324,695 -3,448 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Add schedules 0 4 hrs $110 $440 Estimating contingency 0 15%$66 Overhead & profit 0 30%$152 Design fees 0 10%$66 Project management 0 8%$58 Annual Costs DDC Maintenance 1 - 25 1 LS $1,000.00 $17,027 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -40,551 kWh $0.063 ($50,084) Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -3,448 gal $4.03 ($393,618) Net Present Worth ($425,900) EEM-9: Optimize ASU-18 System Energy Analysis Ventilation SA CFM MAT T,room MBH Hours kBtu η boiler Gallons Heating Existing -22,100 52.5 65 -298 8,760 -2,613,546 72% -26,209 Optimized 22,100 60 65 119 8,760 1,045,418 72%10,484 -1,568,128 -15,725 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Modify relief damper control 0 1 ea $350 $350 Sequence mixing damper and hetaing coil controls 0 1 ea $1,600 $1,600 Estimating contingency 0 15%$293 Overhead & profit 0 30%$673 Design fees 0 10%$292 Project management 0 8%$257 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -15,725 gal $4.03 ($1,795,387) Net Present Worth ($1,791,900) Bartlett Regional Hospital 33 Energy Audit (March 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Bartlett Regional Hospital EEM-10: Perform Boiler Combustion Test Energy Analysis Annual Gal % Savings Savings, Gal 196,000 -1.0% -1,960 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Purchase combustion analyzer 0 1 LS $700 $700 Annual Costs Clean boiler and perform combustion test 1 - 25 16 hrs $60.00 $16,346 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -1,960 gal $4.03 ($223,777) Net Present Worth ($206,700) EEM-11: Install Pipe Insulation Energy Analysis Service Size Length Bare BTUH Insul BTUH Factor kBtu η boiler Gallons Heating 0.75 25 74 11 100% -13,797 68%-146 Heating 1.50 3 126 15 100% -2,917 68%-31 Heating 2.00 12 154 15 100% -14,612 68%-155 -333 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Pipe Insulation 3/4" 0 25 lnft $5 $125 1-1/2" 0 3 lnft $8 $24 2" 0 12 lnft $9 $108 Estimating contingency 0 15%$39 Overhead & profit 0 30%$89 Design fees 0 10%$38 Project management 0 8%$34 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -333 gal $4.03 ($37,975) Net Present Worth ($37,500) Bartlett Regional Hospital 34 Energy Audit (March 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Bartlett Regional Hospital EEM-12: Optimize ASU-12 System Energy Analysis Ventilation SA CFM MAT T,room MBH Hours kBtu η boiler Gallons Heating Existing -7,700 56.5 65 -71 8,760 -619,209 72%-6,209 Optimized 7,700 60.0 65 42 8,760 364,241 72%3,653 -254,969 -2,557 SA CFM MAT T,room MBH Hours kBtu COP kWh Coeating Existing -7,700 56.5 65 -71 8,760 -619,209 3.3 -54,994 Optimized 7,700 60.0 65 42 8,760 364,241 3.3 32,349 -254,969 -22,645 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Optimize controls 0 1 ea $4,500 $4,500 Estimating contingency 0 15%$675 Overhead & profit 0 30%$1,553 Design fees 0 10%$673 Project management 0 8%$592 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -22,645 kWh $0.063 ($27,968) Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -2,557 gal $4.03 ($291,920) Net Present Worth ($311,900) EEM-13: Optimize HVAC-1 System Energy Analysis SA CFM MAT T,room MBH Hours kBtu η boiler Gallons HVAC-1 Existing -880 50 65 -14 8,760 -124,883 68%-1,326 Optimized 880 62 65 3 8,760 24,977 68%265 -99,906 -1,061 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Optimize controls 0 1 ea $1,800 $1,800 Estimating contingency 0 15%$270 Overhead & profit 0 30%$621 Design fees 0 10%$269 Project management 0 8%$237 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -1,061 gal $4.03 ($121,113) Net Present Worth ($117,900) Bartlett Regional Hospital 35 Energy Audit (March 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Bartlett Regional Hospital EEM-14: Optimize ASU-13 System Energy Analysis Ventilation SA CFM MAT T,room MBH Hours kBtu η boiler Gallons Heating Existing -6,500 56.5 65 -60 8,760 -522,709 72%-5,242 Optimized 6,500 60.0 65 35 8,760 307,476 72%3,083 -215,233 -2,158 SA CFM MAT T,room MBH Hours kBtu COP kWh Coeating Existing -6,500 56.5 65 -60 8,760 -522,709 3.3 -46,423 Optimized 6,500 63.5 65 11 8,760 92,243 3.3 8,192 -430,466 -38,231 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Optimize controls 0 1 ea $4,500 $4,500 Estimating contingency 0 15%$675 Overhead & profit 0 30%$1,553 Design fees 0 10%$673 Project management 0 8%$592 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -38,231 kWh $0.063 ($47,219) Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -2,158 gal $4.03 ($246,426) Net Present Worth ($285,700) EEM-15: De-Lamp Vending Machines Energy Analysis Electric Savings Fixture Number Hours Lamp Fixture Watts Lamp Fixture Watts kW kWh Vending 8 8,760 1T8 36 0 -0.3 -2,523 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Remove lamps 0 1 LS $60 $60 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -2,523 kWh $0.063 ($3,116) Net Present Worth ($3,100) Existing Replacement Savings Bartlett Regional Hospital 36 Energy Audit (March 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Bartlett Regional Hospital EEM-16: Install Room 3374 Heat Recovery Energy Analysis KW kWh kBtu η boiler Factor Gallons 5.4 -47,304 -161,401 68%50%-857 Electricity Unit BHP kW Hours kWh Fan Coil 0.25 0.19 8,760 1,634 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Fan coil unit 0 1 LS $1,500 $1,500 Electrical 0 1 ea $300 $300 Estimating contingency 0 15%$270 Overhead & profit 0 30% $621.00 Design fees 0 10%$269 Project management 0 8%$237 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 1,634 kWh $0.063 $2,018 Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -857 gal $4.03 ($97,831) Net Present Worth ($92,600) EEM-17: Optimize ASU-4 System Energy Analysis SA CFM MAT T,room MBH Hours kBtu η boiler Gallons Existing -1,935 41 60 -40 8,760 -347,826 68%-3,693 Optimized 1,935 41 56 31 8,760 274,600 68%2,916 -73,227 -778 SA CFM MAT T,room MBH Hours kBtu η boiler Gallons Existing -2,300 41 60 -47 3,090 -145,836 68%-1,548 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Optimize controls 0 1 ea $2,500 $2,500 Rearange exhaust ducts and redcue exhaust flows 0 1 ea $6,000 $6,000 Estimating contingency 0 15%$1,275 Overhead & profit 0 30% $2,932.50 Design fees 0 10% $1,270.75 Project management 0 8% $1,118.26 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -2,326 gal $4.03 ($265,563) Net Present Worth ($250,500) Bartlett Regional Hospital 37 Energy Audit (March 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Bartlett Regional Hospital EEM-18: Repair ASU-15 Duct Insulation Energy Analysis Unit Area ΔT R-value MBH Hours kBtu η boiler Gallons ASU-15 -56 25 1 -1 8,760 -12,264 68%-130 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Insulate 24x24 0 4 lnft $75 $300 Insulate 48x24 0 2 lnft $125 $250 Estimating contingency 0 15%$83 Overhead & profit 0 30%$190 Design fees 0 10%$82 Project management 0 8%$72 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -130 gal $4.03 ($14,867) Net Present Worth ($13,900) EEM-19: Optimize Electric Room 1152 Heat Recovery Energy Analysis Number kVA ηnew KW kWh kBtu η boiler Factor Gallons 2 225 99.0% 4.5 -39,420 -134,501 68%15%-214 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Adjust themrostats 0 1 ea $100 $100 Install circulation fan 0 1 ea $700 $700 Electrical 0 1 ea $300 $300 Estimating contingency 0 15%$165 Overhead & profit 0 30% $379.50 Design fees 0 10%$164 Project management 0 8%$145 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -214 gal $4.03 ($24,458) Net Present Worth ($22,500) Bartlett Regional Hospital 38 Energy Audit (March 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Bartlett Regional Hospital EEM-20: Install Room 3363 Heat Recovery Energy Analysis Number kVA ηnew KW kWh kBtu η boiler Factor Gallons 2 75 98.5% 2.3 -19,710 -67,251 68%50%-357 1 9 98.0% 0.2 -1,577 -5,380 68%50%-29 -386 Electricity Unit BHP kW Hours kWh Fan Coil 0.25 0.19 8,760 1,634 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Fan coil unit 0 1 LS $1,700 $1,700 Electrical 0 1 ea $300 $300 Estimating contingency 0 15%$300 Overhead & profit 0 30% $690.00 Design fees 0 10%$299 Project management 0 8%$263 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 1,634 kWh $0.063 $2,018 Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -386 gal $4.03 ($44,024) Net Present Worth ($38,500) EEM-21: Optimize ASU-1 Heat Recovery System Energy Analysis Ventilation SA CFM MAT T,room MBH Hours kBtu η boiler Gallons Heating Existing -10,350 55 65 -112 8,760 -979,193 72%-9,819 Optimized 10,350 57 65 89 8,760 783,354 72%7,856 -195,839 -1,964 SA CFM MAT T,room MBH Hours kBtu COP kWh Coeating Existing -20,700 52 65 -291 8,760 -2,545,901 3.3 -226,109 Optimized 20,700 57 65 179 8,760 1,566,708 3.3 139,144 -979,193 -86,965 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Install 3-way control valve and controls 0 1 ea $17,000 $17,000 Estimating contingency 0 15%$2,550 Overhead & profit 0 30%$5,865 Design fees 0 10%$2,542 Project management 0 8%$2,237 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -86,965 kWh $0.063 ($107,410) Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -1,964 gal $4.03 ($224,220) Net Present Worth ($301,400) Bartlett Regional Hospital 39 Energy Audit (March 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Bartlett Regional Hospital EEM-22: Optimize ASU-17 System Energy Analysis SA CFM MAT, ex MAT, new MBH Hours kBtu η boiler Gallons Heating Existing -3,200 58.5 60 -5 7,780 -40,332 72%-404 SA CFM MAT, ex MAT, new MBH Hours kBtu COP kWh Coeating Existing -3,200 57 60 -10 8,237 -85,401 3.3 -7,585 Unoccupied Unit MBH, exist MBH, prop MBH Hours kBtu η boiler Gallons ASU-17 -6.5 0.8 -6 3,300 -18,810 68% -200 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Repair hetaing and cooling valves 0 1 ea $1,300 $1,300 Repipe 3-way valve 0 1 ea $2,300 $2,300 Control modifications 0 1 ea $1,150 $1,150 Estimating contingency 0 15% $712.50 Overhead & profit 0 30% $1,638.75 Design fees 0 10%$710 Project management 0 8%$625 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -7,585 kWh $0.063 ($9,368) Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -604 gal $4.03 ($68,979) Net Present Worth ($69,900) EEM-23: Install Room 3482 Heat Recovery Energy Analysis Number kVA ηnew KW kWh kBtu η boiler Factor Gallons 1 75 98.5% 1.1 -9,855 -33,625 68%75%-268 Electricity Unit BHP kW Hours kWh Fan Coil 0.15 0.11 8,760 980 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Fan coil unit 0 1 LS $1,500 $1,500 Electrical 0 1 ea $300 $300 Estimating contingency 0 15%$270 Overhead & profit 0 30% $621.00 Design fees 0 10%$269 Project management 0 8%$237 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 980 kWh $0.063 $1,211 Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -268 gal $4.03 ($30,572) Net Present Worth ($26,200) Bartlett Regional Hospital 40 Energy Audit (March 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Bartlett Regional Hospital EEM-24: Optimize ASU-15 System Energy Analysis Heating savings SA CFM MAT T,room MBH Hours kBtu η boiler Gallons Boiler room -15,500 50 54.5 -75 4,238 -319,249 72%-3,201 Heat recovery -15,500 53 54.5 -25 4,238 -106,416 72%-1,067 Cooling SA CFM MAT T,room MBH Hours kBtu COP kWh Existing -15,500 50 54.5 -75 510 -38,418 3.3 -3,412 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Boiler room ceiling insulation 0 2,100 sqft $4 $8,400 Install F&B dampers 0 1 ea $22,000 $22,000 Controls 0 1 ea $5,000 $5,000 Estimating contingency 0 15%$5,310 Overhead & profit 0 30% $12,213 Design fees 0 10%$5,292 Project management 0 8%$4,657 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -3,412 kWh $0.063 ($4,214) Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -4,269 gal $4.03 ($487,354) Net Present Worth ($428,700) EEM-25: Optimize Snowmelt System - Heli Pad Energy Analysis kBtu/yr, ex kBtu/yr, new kBtu η boiler Gallons -450,000 360,000 -90,000 72% -903 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Reconfigure snowmelt controls 0 1 ea $8,000 $8,000 Estimating contingency 0 15%$1,200 Overhead & profit 0 30%$2,760 Design fees 0 10%$1,196 Project management 0 8%$1,052 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -903 gal $4.03 ($103,043) Net Present Worth ($88,800) EEM-26: Optimize Chilled Water System WCU-1 and WCU-2 Energy Analysis GPH Head η pump BHP η motor kW Hours kWh -120 20 60% -1.4 89% -1.1 7,800 -8,847 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Reconfigure pump operation 0 1 ea $1,000 $1,000 Estimating contingency 0 15%$150 Overhead & profit 0 30%$345 Design fees 0 10%$150 Project management 0 8%$132 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -8,847 kWh $0.063 ($10,927) Net Present Worth ($9,200) Bartlett Regional Hospital 41 Energy Audit (March 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Bartlett Regional Hospital EEM-27: Install Heat Recovery Systems Energy Analysis Boiler Room Input, MBH Jacket Loss MBH Hours Loss, kBtu Factor Recovery, kBtu η boiler Gallons -35,889 1.00% -359 8,760 -3,143,867 72% -2,263,584 82% -19,931 Mechanical Room 1128 MBH Hours Loss, kBtu Factor Recovery, kBtu η boiler Gallons -200 8,760 -1,752,000 72% -1,261,440 82% -11,107 Mechanical Room 1987 MBH Hours Loss, kBtu Factor Recovery, kBtu η boiler Gallons -60 8,760 -525,600 72% -378,432 82% -3,332 Electrical 1150 Number kVA ηnew KW kWh Factor Recovery, kBtu η boiler Gallons -1 30 98.4% -0.5 -4,205 72% -10,330 82%-91 -1 500 99.1% -4.5 -39,420 72% -96,841 82%-853 Electrical 1127 Number kVA ηnew KW kWh Factor Recovery, kBtu η boiler Gallons -1 113 97.6% -2.7 -23,652 72% -58,104 82%-512 -1 500 99.1% -4.5 -39,420 72% -96,841 82%-853 -1 30 98.4% -0.5 -4,205 72% -10,330 82%-91 Compressor 1130D HP ηnew kW Hours kWh Factor Recovery, kBtu η boiler Gallons -7.5 91.7% -0.46 8,760 -4,068 72% -9,994 82%-88 -15.0 92.4% -0.85 8,760 -7,450 72% -18,302 82%-161 Heat Pump Energy Recovery, kBtu COP kWh HP Heat, kBtu η boiler Gallons -4,204,197 3 410,727 1,401,399 82% -12,340 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Heat recovery loop, pumps, and controls 0 1 LS $170,000 $170,000 Heat pumps and controls Boiler room 0 1 LS $80,000 $80,000 Mech 1128 0 1 LS $56,000 $56,000 Mech 1987 0 1 LS $21,000 $21,000 Elec 1150 0 1 LS $14,000 $14,000 Elec 1127 0 1 LS $14,000 $14,000 Comp 1390D 0 1 LS $21,000 $21,000 Replace AHU-3/4 0 1 LS $70,000 $70,000 Replace AHU-2 0 1 LS $80,000 $80,000 Estimating contingency 0 15% $78,900 Overhead & profit 0 30% $181,470 Design fees 0 10% $78,637 Project management 0 8% $69,201 Annual Costs Heat pump maintenance 1 - 25 6 LS $400.00 $40,865 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 410,727 kWh $0.063 $507,284 Electric Demand 1 - 25 60.0 kW $12.50 $14,748 Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -49,358 gal $4.03 ($5,635,299) Net Present Worth ($4,138,200) Bartlett Regional Hospital 42 Energy Audit (March 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Bartlett Regional Hospital EEM-28: Optimize ASU-14 System Energy Analysis SA CFM MAT T,room MBH Hours kBtu COP kWh Cooling Existing -4,500 62.7 70 -35 490 -17,384 3.3 -1,544 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Optimize controls 0 1 ea $225 $225 Estimating contingency 0 15%$34 Overhead & profit 0 30%$78 Design fees 0 10%$34 Project management 0 8%$30 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -1,544 kWh $0.063 ($1,907) Net Present Worth ($1,500) EEM-29: Replace Transformers Energy Analysis Number kVA ηold ηnew KW kWh 4 15 96.2% 98.1% -1.1 -9,986 5 30 96.8% 98.4% -2.4 -21,024 8 75 97.4% 98.7% -7.8 -68,328 3 112.5 97.6% 98.8% -4.1 -35,478 1 150 97.8% 98.9% -1.7 -14,454 2 225 98.0% 99.0% -4.5 -39,420 1 500 98.2% 99.1% -4.5 -39,420 -26.0 -228,110 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Replace transformer, kVA 15 0 4 LS $3,900 $15,600 Replace transformer, kVA 30 0 5 LS $4,900 $24,500 Replace transformer, kVA 75 0 8 LS $10,400 $83,200 Replace transformer, kVA 112.5 0 3 LS $12,400 $37,200 Replace transformer, kVA 150 0 1 LS $15,300 $15,300 Replace transformer, kVA 225 0 2 LS $18,200 $36,400 Replace transformer, kVA 500 0 1 LS $35,100 $35,100 Estimating contingency 0 10% $24,730 Overhead & profit 0 30% $81,609 Design fees 0 10% $35,364 Project management 0 8% $31,120 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -228,110 kWh $0.063 ($281,737) Electric Demand 1 - 25 -312 kW $12.50 ($76,809) Net Present Worth $61,600 Bartlett Regional Hospital 43 Energy Audit (March 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Bartlett Regional Hospital EEM-30: Upgrade Exterior Lighting to LED Energy Analysis Type # Fixtures Lamp Lamp, watts Fixture Watts Lamp Lamp, watts Fixture Watts Savings, kWh WallPak 17 MH 150 190 LED -80 -8,191 Lamp Post 9 HPS 175 190 LED -90 -3,942 Cobra Head 8 HPS 250 295 LED -106 -6,623 -18,755 Lamp Replacement Type # Fixtures Lamp # Lamps Life, hrs Lamps//yr $ / lamp $ / Replace WallPak 17 MH -1 15,000 -4.96 $40 $20 Lamp Post 9 HPS -1 24,000 -1.64 $60 $20 Cobra Head 8 HPS -1 24,000 -1.46 $60 $60 WallPak 17 LED 1 60,000 1.24 $190 $20 Lamp Post 9 LED 1 60,000 0.66 $190 $20 Cobra Head 8 LED 1 60,000 0.58 $200 $60 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Replace WallPak: 150 watt MH with LED 0 17 LS $525 $8,925 Replace WallPak: 150 watt HPS with LED 0 9 LS $900 $8,100 Replace Cobra Head: 250 watt HPS with LED 1 8 LS $900 $6,994 Estimating contingency 0 15%$2,554 Overhead & profit 0 30%$7,972 Design fees 0 10%$3,454 Project management 0 8%$3,040 Annual Costs Existing lamp replacement, 150 watt MH 1 - 25 -4.96 lamps $60.00 ($5,071) Existing lamp replacement, 150 watt HPS 1 - 25 -1.64 lamps $80.00 ($2,237) Existing lamp replacement, 250 watt HPS 1 - 25 -1.46 lamps $120.00 ($2,983) LED board replacement, 80 watts 1 - 25 1.24 LED board $210.00 $4,437 LED board replacement, 80 watts 1 - 25 0.66 LED board $210.00 $2,349 LED board replacement, 106 watts 1 - 25 0.58 LED board $260.00 $2,585 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -18,755 kWh $0.063 ($23,164) Net Present Worth $17,000 Existing Replacement Bartlett Regional Hospital 44 Energy Audit (March 2012) Appendix B Energy and Utility Data Bartlett Regional Hospital 45 Energy Audit (March 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Billing Data 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Bartlett Regional Hospital ELECTRIC RATE Electricity ($ / kWh )0.0611 0.0592 Demand ( $ / kW )14.30 9.11 Customer Charge ( $ / mo )99.24 99.24 Sales Tax ( % )0.0% 0.0% ELECTRICAL CONSUMPTION AND DEMAND kWh kW kWh kW kWh kW kWh kW Jan 275,100 427 343,400 607 371,200 637 375,500 776 341,300 Feb 323,600 554 340,000 594 345,900 620 395,300 774 351,200 Mar 336,500 663 313,900 580 339,100 643 356,100 792 336,400 Apr 364,700 656 334,500 595 381,700 662 407,700 776 372,150 May 346,800 629 317,000 581 376,000 669 369,000 778 352,200 Jun 355,100 632 299,200 559 377,900 752 406,700 842 359,725 Jul 349,900 647 306,700 569 386,500 723 417,400 816 365,125 Aug 360,700 638 318,100 567 423,400 754 406,900 836 377,275 Sep 360,900 652 336,800 651 400,400 738 436,700 872 383,700 Oct 347,100 643 332,600 608 376,400 653 388,800 830 361,225 Nov 360,400 606 345,000 608 356,300 649 398,500 796 365,050 Dec 326,000 611 345,400 616 357,800 736 384,900 775 353,525 Total 4,106,800 3,932,600 4,492,600 4,743,500 4,318,875 Average 342,233 613 327,717 595 374,383 686 395,292 805 359,906 Load Factor 76.5% 75.5% 74.7% 67.2% 675 ELECTRIC BILLING DETAILS Month Energy Demand Cust & Tax Total Energy Demand Cust & Tax Total % Change Jan 22,680 9,109 99 31,889 22,943 11,097 99 34,139 7.1% Feb 21,134 8,866 99 30,100 24,153 11,068 99 35,320 17.3% Mar 20,719 9,195 99 30,013 21,758 11,326 99 33,183 10.6% Apr 23,322 9,467 99 32,888 24,910 11,097 99 36,107 9.8% May 22,974 9,567 99 32,640 22,546 11,125 99 33,771 3.5% Jun 23,090 6,851 99 30,040 24,849 7,671 99 32,619 8.6% Jul 23,615 6,587 99 30,301 25,503 7,434 99 33,036 9.0% Aug 25,870 6,869 99 32,838 24,862 7,616 99 32,577 -0.8% Sep 24,464 6,723 99 31,287 26,682 7,944 99 34,726 11.0% Oct 22,998 5,949 99 29,046 23,756 7,561 99 31,416 8.2% Nov 21,770 9,281 99 31,150 24,348 11,383 99 35,830 15.0% Dec 21,862 10,525 99 32,486 23,517 11,083 99 34,699 6.8% Total $ 274,498 $ 98,987 $ 1,191 $ 374,676 $ 289,828 $ 116,404 $ 1,191 $ 407,422 8.7% Average $ 22,875 $ 8,249 $ 99 $ 31,223 $ 24,152 $ 9,700 $ 99 $ 33,952 8.7% Cost ($/kWh)$0.083 71% 29% 0% $0.086 3.0% Electrical costs are based on the current electric rates. 2009 2010 2010 AEL&P Electric Rate 24 On-Peak Nov-May Off-peak Jun-Oct Month 2007 2008 2009 Average Bartlett Regional Hospital 46 Energy Audit (March 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Annual Electric Consumption 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Bartlett Regional Hospital 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 450,000 500,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecElectric Use (kWh)Month of the Year Electric Use History 2007 2008 2009 2010 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecElectric Demand (kW)Month of the Year Electric Demand History 2007 2008 2009 2010 Bartlett Regional Hospital 47 Energy Audit (March 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Electric Cost 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Bartlett Regional Hospital 2010 $ 0 $ 5,000 $ 10,000 $ 15,000 $ 20,000 $ 25,000 $ 30,000 $ 35,000 $ 40,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecElectric Cost (USD)Month of the Year Electric Cost Breakdown 2010 Electric Use (kWh) Costs Electric Demand (kW) Costs Customer Charge and Taxes 720 740 760 780 800 820 840 860 880 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 450,000 500,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Electric Demand (kW)Electric Use (kWh)Month of the Year Electric Use and Demand Comparison 2010 Electric Use Electric Demand Bartlett Regional Hospital 48 Energy Audit (March 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Annual Fuel Oil Consumption 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Bartlett Regional Hospital Year Fuel Oil Degree Days 2,007 193,464 9,282 2,008 178,650 9,093 2,009 134,694 9,284 2,010 215,850 9,013 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 220,000 2007 2008 2009 2010 Degree DaysGallons of Fuel OilYear Annual Fuel Oil UseFuel Oil Degree Days Bartlett Regional Hospital 49 Energy Audit (March 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Annual Water Consumption 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Bartlett Regional Hospital Year Water 2007 12,312,000 2008 10,320,000 2009 11,280,000 2010 13,608,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 7,000,000 8,000,000 9,000,000 10,000,000 11,000,000 12,000,000 13,000,000 14,000,000 2007 2008 2009 2010Gallons of WaterYear Annual Water  Use Bartlett Regional Hospital 50 Energy Audit (March 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Annual Energy Consumption and Cost Energy Cost $/MMBtu Area ECI EUI Fuel Oil $3.80 $39.20 138,909 $8.07 297 Electricity $0.087 $26.83 Source Cost Electricity 4,318,875 kWh $375,600 14,700 36% Fuel Oil 195,988 Gallons $744,800 26,600 64% Totals $1,120,400 41,300 100% Annual Energy Consumption and Cost Consumption Energy, MMBtu $0 $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 $35 $40 $45 Fuel Oil ElectricityCost $ / MMBtuCost of Heat Comparison Bartlett Regional Hospital 51 Energy Audit (March 2012) Appendix C Equipment Data Bartlett Regional Hospital 52 Energy Audit (March 2012) MotorHP / Volts / RPM / EfficCWP-3 30Primary Chilled H2O TacoF13007E2FAJILOH340 GPM @ 50'7.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1770 RPM/ 91.7% Bartlett 0064CWP-4 30MRI Chilled Water TacoKU1509AE2JCBTRDP43 GPM @ 70'3 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/ 90.2%E-1 30Helicopter Pad Heat Taco 1636C3E36.41.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPME-4 30Helicopter Pad Heat Taco 163503E2.2.653/4 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPMXFMR 3363N43UFederal Pacific36 K75 KVAXFMR 3363CB43C1Federal Pacific36 K75 KVAXFMR 3363LS43C1Federal Pacific36 B9 KVACooler 1031120 HKolPak Cooler HeatCraft AD7090ASWJ1/20 HP/ 115 V (2 Motors)Cooler 1091120 HKolPak Cooler HeatCraft AD7090ASWJ1/20 HP/ 115 V (2 Motors)Freezer 1061120 HKolPak Cooler Heat LET160BSWJ1/20 HP/ 208 V/ 4.6 Amps (4 Motors)Freezer 1081120 HKolPak Cooler Heat LET160BSWJ1/20 HP/ 208 V (4 Motors)Refrig. 1120 HRefrigerator True TS-721/2 HP/ 115 V/ 12 AXFMR ASU 17 Fan Room XFMRSquare D 15T3HB 15 KVA Non TPI 80°C temp riseHWP-2B Mechanical 1128Heating Hot Water SupplyArmstrong 4x3x10260 GPM 7.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1770 RPM/ 91.7% VFDT-CDPBehind Maintenance ShopCDP XFMR GE 9723B3874 75 KVA Non TPI 115°C temp riseB-1 BG Boiler 1153 BoilerCleaver BrooksCB-500-150ST 17250 lbs/hr15 HP/ 460 V/ 3550 RPM/ 91.7% (blower)7.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1760 RPM (air compressor)B-2 BG Boiler 1153 BoilerCleaver BrooksCB-500-150ST 17250 lbs/hr15 HP/ 460 V/ 3550 RPM/ 91.7% (blower)7.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1760 RPM (air compressor)Bartlett Regional Hospital - Major Equipment InventoryCapacityNotesUnit IDLocation Function Make Model Bartlett Regional Hospital 53 Energy Audit (March 2012) MotorHP / Volts / RPM / EfficBartlett Regional Hospital - Major Equipment InventoryCapacityNotesUnit IDLocation Function Make ModelFTP-1BG Boiler Room 1153Fuel Transfer Pump Simplex SPS-20DX 5 GPM 1/3 HP/ 120 VFTP-2BG Boiler Room 1153Fuel Transfer Pump Simplex SPS-20DX 5 GPM 1/3 HP/ 120 VEF-35BG Electric Room 1127BG Electric Room 1127Greenheck 6B-091-4X 2600 cfm 2 HP/ 480 VEF-34BG Emergency Dist. 1151BG Emergency Dist. 1151Greenheck 5WB-216-15-TCW 2100 cfm 1.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM Bartlett 0027SF-3BG Maintenance 1130AGround Floor 1971 Pace A153100 cfm 3 HP/ 480 V/ 1760 RPM/ 89.5% Bartlett 0075DEAER-1BG Mechanical 1128De-AeratorCleaver Brooks7.5 HP/ 480 V/ 3525 RPM/ 91% Feed Pump 1 &2HWCP-1BG Mechanical 1128Domestic Hot Water Circulation Taco 4619T3E31 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPMHWCP-2BG Mechanical 1128Domestic Hot Water CirculationTaco 4619T3E31 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPMHWP-1BG Mechanical 1128Heating Hot Water SupplyArmstrong 4x3x10260 GPM 7.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1770 RPM/ 91.7% VFDHWP-3BG Mechanical 1128Heating Hot Water SupplyTaco 2509170 GPM 5 HP/ 480 V/ 1770 RPM/ 90.2% VFDHWP-4BG Mechanical 1128Heating Hot Water SupplyTaco 2509170 GPM 5 HP/ 480 V/ 1770 RPM/ 90.2% VFDSF-4BG Mechanical 1139LaundryGreenheck LFC-30-FC-30 1935 cfm 3 HP/ 480 V/ 1720 cfmVFD 100%ASU-2BG Mechanical 1141Kitchen Hoods 1971 Pace A-22AF8940 cfm 5 HP/ 480 V/ 1745 RPM Bartlett 0065ASU-18BG Mechanical 3201Level 1, 2004-07 additionHaakon AirpakASU-19BG Mechanical 3201Level 2&3 2004-7 Haakon AirPakBartlett 0062EF-21BG Mechanical 3201Level 2004-7 Exhaust Greenheck8WB218-20-CW-UBX4300 cfm 2 HP/ 480 VBartlett 0053SMP-1BG Mechanical 3201Snowmelt Circulation PumpTaco 161650 GPM 1 HP/ 480 V Bartlett Regional Hospital 54 Energy Audit (March 2012) MotorHP / Volts / RPM / EfficBartlett Regional Hospital - Major Equipment InventoryCapacityNotesUnit IDLocation Function Make ModelEF-22BG Mechanical 3202Isolation Room 2830 GreenheckSWV-W2-110-7CB-UBX590 cfm 3/4 HP/ 480 V VFD 58 Hz / Bartlett 0054SF-19BG Mechanical 3202AHU 19 supply fan 25500 cfm 30 HP/ 480 V VFD 100%EF-23BG Mechanical 3203Level 2&3 2004-7Barry BlowerRPK 2211 7040 cfm 5 HP/ 480 VBartlett 0055RF-19BG Mechanical 3203AHU 19 return fan12500 cfm 5 HP/ 480 VEF-24BG Mechanical 3204Smoking Room 3112 Hunt Air MCF 500A 180 cfm 1/6 HP/ 120 VEF-25BG Mechanical 3205Dark Room 1310/1325 Greenheck MSCF-15L-FC-4 380 cfm 1/4 HP/ 120 VBartlett 0056EF-26BG Mechanical 3206BG Mechanical Room 3201Hunt Air MCF 6000 A 4200 cfm 1.5 HP/ 480 VEF-37BG Mechanical 4180BG Mechanical Room 4180Greenheck CSD-A700-Q2 760 W 115 HPSF-32 Boiler Room 1153 Boiler Room 1153 Greenheck BSQ-180-15 5000 cfm 2 HP/ 480 VSF-33 Boiler Room 1153BG Mechanical Room 1128/1150Greenheck BSQ-180-30 6000 cfm 3 HP/ 480 VEF-30 ED Decon 1431 ED Decon 1431 Greenheck Elite 101-3-X 890 cfm 1/3 HP/ 480 VBartlett 0034EF-36Elevator Room 4183Elevator Room 4182 Greenheck GB-091-4X 1750 cfm 1/2 HP/ 120 VD-1 Laundry DryerAmerican Dryer Co.ADE758B 30 KW 480 V/ 41 AmpsD-2 Laundry DryerAmerican Dryer Co.ADE758B 30 KW 480 V/ 41 AmpsD-3 Laundry DryerAmerican Dryer Co.ADE758B 30 KW 480 V/ 41 AmpsD-4 Laundry DryerAmerican Dryer Co.ADE758B 30 KW 480 V/ 41 AmpsD-5 Laundry DryerAmerican Dryer Co.ADE758B 30 KW 480 V/ 41 Amps Bartlett Regional Hospital 55 Energy Audit (March 2012) MotorHP / Volts / RPM / EfficBartlett Regional Hospital - Major Equipment InventoryCapacityNotesUnit IDLocation Function Make ModelWM-1 Laundry Washing Machine Wascomat 9867910197 55 lbs 240 V/ 7.6 AmpsWM-2 Laundry Washing Machine Wascomat 9867910197 55 lbs 240 V/ 7.6 AmpsWM-3 Laundry Washing Machine Wascomat 9867910197 55 lbs 240 V/ 7.6 AmpsWM-4 Laundry Washing Machine Wascomat 9867910197 55 lbs 240 V/ 7.6 AmpsT-LS1B1Level 1/ A2 LS 21 B1 XFMR Square D30T3HFISNLP35BD30 KVA Non TPI 115°C temp riseT-N1B1Level 1/ A2 N21B1Square D75T3HFISNLP35DB75 KVA Non TPI 115°C temp riseTCB1C1Level 1/ R1 CBDP2 XFMR Square D 225T3HFISNLP 225 KVA Non TPI 115°C temp rise Room 1152TLS1C1Level 1/ R1LS 41C1/ LS 2X1 XFMRSquare D 15T3HFISNLP 15 KVA Non TPI 115°C temp rise Room 1152T-N1C1Level 1/ R1 N21C1Square D 30T3H35DB 30 KVA Non TPI 150°C temp rise Room 1150T-NDP1Level 1/ R1 NDP1 XFMR Square D 500T68HEE 500 KVA Non TPI 150°C temp rise Room 1150T-EQ1C1Level 1/ R2 Panel EQDP 2 Square D 225T3HEE 225 KVA Non TPI 150°C temp rise Room 1152T-2PTEBMechanical Penthouse2PTN1EGE 9T23B3871 15/15 KVA Non TPI 115°C temp riseHtEx 1Mechanical Room 1153Heat Exchange Armstrong W5X-67-2 Boiler to domestic hot waterHtEx 2Mechanical Room 1153Heat Exchange Armstrong W5X-67-2 Boiler to domestic hot waterHtEx3Mechanical Room 1153Heat Exchange Armstrong W5X-67-2 Boiler to domestic hot waterCWP-5 Penthouse 2 ASU 13/14 chill pump Taco5 HP/ 480 V/ 1760 RPM/ 88.5% Bartlett 0051 / ASU 13/14CWP-6 Penthouse 2chiller circulation pumpTaco1.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1740 RPM/ 84%Bartlett Regional Hospital 56 Energy Audit (March 2012) MotorHP / Volts / RPM / EfficBartlett Regional Hospital - Major Equipment InventoryCapacityNotesUnit IDLocation Function Make ModelASU-1 Penthouse Z-1 1968 Building Greenheck Cube-101-4-GBartlett 0025EF-1 Penthouse Z-1 1968 Building Exhaust24595 cfm 15 HP/ 480 V/ 1760 RPM Bartlett 0026EF-18 Penthouse Z-1 Exhaust Fan Pace430 cfmBartlett 0029EF-2 Penthouse Z-1 Kitchen Hoods 1971 GreenheckSWB-224-60-80W-UB-68052 cfm 5 HP/ 480 VBartlett 0030EF-28 Penthouse Z-1 Isolation Suites GreenheckSWB-220-10CCW-UB-X2000 cfm 1.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM Bartlett 0028 / VFDEF-29 Penthouse Z-1Pharmacy 4 3484 Fume HoodGreenheck 6B-141-2-X 735 cfm 1/2 HP/ 480 VEF-3 Penthouse Z-1 Laundry Dryers Greenheck Cube 360XP-75-X7.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM VFD 100%EF-31 Penthouse Z-1Pharmacy 4 3484 & 3480Greenheck GB-141HP-7-X 655 cfm 1/4 HP/ 120 V/ 1725 RPMGMP Penthouse Z-1 Glycol Make Up Pump B&G 60-1S51/4 HP/ 110 V/ 1725 RPMHRP-8 Penthouse Z-1 Glycol Return Pump Armstrong1/2 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPMSF-1 Penthouse Z-1 1968 Building Supply20685 cfm 25 HP/ 480 V/ 1770 RPMXFMR Penthouse Z-1 Transformer Square D EE75T3H 75 KVA Non TPI 150°C temp riseASU-13Penthouse Z-2 Level 2 Radiology Temtrol DH 13 MBartlett 0045ASU-14Penthouse Z-2 EmergencyTemtrol DH10MBartlett 0047CWP-2 Penthouse Z-2 Chilled Water Pump Taco FE200GE1.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1760 RPM/ 86.5%EF-13 Penthouse Z-2 Exhaust Fan Pace A16B181 4500 cfm 2 HP/ 480 VEF-14 Penthouse Z-2 Exhaust Fan Pace U-9F-STD 850 cfm 1/2 HP/ 480 VBartlett 0048Bartlett Regional Hospital 57 Energy Audit (March 2012) MotorHP / Volts / RPM / EfficBartlett Regional Hospital - Major Equipment InventoryCapacityNotesUnit IDLocation Function Make ModelHWP-17APenthouse Z-2Heating Circulation PumpTaco 1611C3NI 1/3 HP/ 1725 RPM/ 240 V Serves ASU 17HWP-17BPenthouse Z-2Heating Circulation PumpTaco 1611C3NI1/3 HP/ 1725 RPM/ 240 V Serves ASU 17RF Penthouse Z-2 AHU 13 return fan1865 cfm 2 HP/ 480 VRF Penthouse Z-2 AHU 14 return fan1720 cfm 2 HP/ 480 VSF Penthouse Z-2 AHU 13 supply fan 6155 cfm 10 HP/ 480 VSF Penthouse Z-2 AHU 14 supply fan 2795 cfm 5 HP/ 480 VASU-11Penthouse Z-3 SurgeryTemtrol DH 18WBartlett 0043ASU-12Penthouse Z-3Level 2 Patient AdmissionTemtrol DH 16MEF-11 Penthouse Z-3 SurgeryPace U-8FSTD 200 cfmBartlett 0044EF-12 Penthouse Z-3 Administration Area Pace U-13FSTD 1625 cfm 3/4 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM/ 75.5%RF Penthouse Z-3 AHU 11 return fan5 HP/ 480 VRF Penthouse Z-3 AHU 12 return fan5900 cfm 5 HP/ 480 VSF Penthouse Z-3 AHU 11 supply fan15 HP/ 480 VSF Penthouse Z-3 AHU 12 supply fan6000 cfm 10 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM/ 89.5%ASU-17Penthouse Z-4 Surgery East 3rd Floor Pace PF13AFSWS1 3200 cfmBartlett 0038EF-20 Penthouse Z-4 Surgery Wing ExhaustCentrimasterQBR 100-E2 575 cfm 1/4 HP/ 115 VBartlett 0039RF-17 Penthouse Z-4 ASU 17 return fanCentrimasterQBR 161 2500 cfm 1 HP/ 480 VBartlett 0040Bartlett Regional Hospital 58 Energy Audit (March 2012) MotorHP / Volts / RPM / EfficBartlett Regional Hospital - Major Equipment InventoryCapacityNotesUnit IDLocation Function Make ModelXFMR Penthouse Z-4 Transformer Square D 15T3HB 15 KVA Non TPI 80°C temp riseWC4-1 Roof Air Conditioner McQuey AG7070BH27-ERH 70 tons serves ASU 1,11,12,13,14,17WCU-2 Roof Air Conditioner McQuey AG7050AS27FRID 50 ton serves ASU 1,11,12,13,14,17WCU-3 Roof Cooler Carrier30RBA1206B-0B725serves 15,18,19 + CT & MRIWCU-4 Roof Chiller Carrier30RAN018-EF613CXserves 15,18,19 + CT & MRIASU-15Roof (original) Lab AirHaakon PentpakRF-15 Roof (original) AHU 15 return air12400 cfm 15 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPMSF-15 Roof (original) AHU 15 supply air15500 cfm 20 HP/ 480 V/ 1770 RPMC-1 Room 1127Control Air CompressorQuincy5 HP/ 480 V/ 1740 RPM/ 82.5%(2 motors) 90 psi - 70 psi 5 min off 2 minT-EQ1C2Room 1127 EQ 21C3/ 41C2 XFMR Square D 112T3HEE 112.5 KVA Non TPI 150°C temp riseCond-P1Room 1130 Condensate Return GrundfosA36083201-P108077331/2 HP/ 240 V/ 3450 RPMCond-P2Room 1130Condensate Return PumpGrundfosA36083201-P108077331/2 HP/ 240 V/ 3450 RPMHWP-5 Room 1130 Heating Loop Pump B&G 2A6-1-2BF60 GPM @ 40'1.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM Bartlett 0082HWP-6 Room 1130 Heating Loop Pump B&G 2A6-1-2BF60 GPM @ 40'1.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM Bartlett 0083MVP-1 Room 1130 Vacuum Pump Amico IDRR155200 103.3 SCFM15 HP/ 480 V/ 1160 RPM/ 89.5% (x2)Bartlett 0059MVP-2 Room 1130 Vacuum Pump Amico 3DOV7.5PS1120D 28.6 SCFM7.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/ 88.5% (x2)Bartlett 0060TCB1A1Room 1303 CB21A1 XFMR Square D11273HFISNLP35DB112.5 KVA Non TPI 115°C temp rise Bartlett Regional Hospital 59 Energy Audit (March 2012) MotorHP / Volts / RPM / EfficBartlett Regional Hospital - Major Equipment InventoryCapacityNotesUnit IDLocation Function Make ModelT-N1A1Room 1303 N41A1Federal Pacific36 K150 KVA Non TPI 150°C temp riseT-N2B1Room 2010 N22B1Square D75T3HFISNLP35DB75 KVA Non TPI 115°C temp riseTCB21B1Room 210 CB22B1 XFMR Square D112T3HFISNLP35DB112.5 KVA Non TPI 115°C temp riseXFMR Room 2563 TransformerFederal Pacific75 KVAXFMR Room 2563 TransformerFederal Pacific30 KVAXFMR Room 2563 TransformerFederal Pacific30 KVAT-N3B1Room 3201 N23B1Square D30T3HFISNLP35DB30 KVA Non TPI 115°C temp riseXFMR Room 3482 XFMRFederal Pacific36 K75 KVA Non TPI 115°C temp riseServer Room CoolerLiebert Challenger 3000 5 Ton16Vacuum Pump OhmedaPTM-RBM3-1750-2-GH803 HP/ 480 V/ 1760 RPM/ 85.6% Two PumpsRF-18AHU 18 return fan16900 cfm 20 HP/ 480 VVF9 49.8 HzSF-18AHU 18 supply fan23110 cfm 40 HP/ 480 VVFD 89%Bartlett Regional Hospital 60 Energy Audit (March 2012) Appendix D Abbreviations AHU Air handling unit BTU British thermal unit BTUH BTU per hour CBJ City and Borough of Juneau CMU Concrete masonry unit CO2 Carbon dioxide CUH Cabinet unit heater DDC Direct digital controls DHW Domestic hot water EAD Exhaust air damper EEM Energy efficiency measure EF Exhaust fan Gyp Bd Gypsum board HVAC Heating, Ventilating, Air- conditioning HW Hot water HWRP Hot water recirculating pump KVA Kilovolt-amps kW Kilowatt kWh Kilowatt-hour LED Light emitting diode MBH 1,000 Btu per hour MMBH 1,000,000 Btu per hour OAD Outside air damper PSI Per square inch PSIG Per square inch gage RAD Return air damper RF Return fan SIR Savings to investment ratio SF Supply fan UV Unit ventilator VAV Variable air volume VFD Variable frequency drive Bartlett Regional Hospital 61 Energy Audit (March 2012)