HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEA-AEE-JNU Juneau Douglas High School 2012-EE Juneau Douglas High School Juneau School District Funded by: Final Report November 2011 Prepared by: Energy Audit Table of Contents Section 1: Executive Summary 2  Section 2: Introduction 6  Section 3: Energy Efficiency Measures 8  Section 4: Description of Systems 1  Section 5: Methodology   Appendix A: Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 2   Appendix B: Energy and Utility Data   Appendix C: Equipment Data 44 Appendix D: Abbreviations 51  Audit Team The energy audit is performed by Alaska Energy Engineering LLC of Juneau, Alaska. The audit team consists of: Jim Rehfeldt, P.E., Energy Engineer Jack Christiansen, Energy Consultant Brad Campbell, Energy Auditor Loras O’Toole P.E., Mechanical Engineer Will Van Dyken P.E., Electrical Engineer Curt Smit, P.E., Mechanical Engineer Philip Iverson, Construction Estimator Karla Hart, Technical Publications Specialist Jill Carlile, Data Analyst Grayson Carlile, Energy Modeler Acknowledgment and Disclaimer Acknowledgment: This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy under Award Number DE-EE0000095. Disclaimer: This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. Juneau Douglas High School 1 Energy Audit (November 2011) Section 1 Executive Summary An energy audit of the Juneau Douglas High School was performed by Alaska Energy Engineering LLC. The investment grade audit was funded by Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) to identify opportunities to improve the energy performance of public buildings throughout Alaska. Juneau Douglas High School is a 190,738 square foot building that contains commons, classrooms, offices, a music room, an auditorium, a main and auxiliary gym, a kitchen, a library, storage, and mechanical support spaces. Building Assessment The following summarizes our assessment of the building. Envelope The building envelope appears to be well maintained and is in good condition. The building has a Dryvit wall system which has experienced failure of the external coating over the insulation. This has been addressed with the application of a metal panel wall system to protect the original Dryvit and appears to be performing satisfactorily. Envelope issues include:  Wall Insulation: Over 45,000 square feet of the original concrete walls have an R-4 wall assembly. Current optimum insulation values for walls in Juneau are R-26. Most of these walls could be insulated from the outside.  Entrances: A significant amount of energy is lost through the main building entry by the woodshop because the design did not incorporate an arctic entry. The existing design lends itself well to this addition without compromising building aesthetics. Future designs should incorporate arctic entries in all building entrance spaces.  Exterior Doors: Exterior doors are not thermally broken and many are uninsulated. Future exterior door replacement selection should include these features. Weather stripping is in poor condition and should be replaced. Heating Systems The school spaces are heated by two fuel oil boilers that supply heat to twenty-seven individual air handling unit systems, fan coil units, and perimeter hydronic systems. At the time of the audit one boiler was operating and the other was in standby mode. Heating water is circulating through the standby boiler, which results in a significant amount of heat loss. This is covered with recommendations in Section 3, Energy Efficiency Measure (EEM)-7. The remainder of the fuel oil boiler heating system appears to be in good condition; however, fairly simple improvements can be made to improve its effectiveness and efficiency. These are outlined in Section 3, Energy Efficiency Measures. Juneau Douglas High School 2 Energy Audit (November 2011) Ventilation Systems The ventilation systems are designed to develop a positive pressure within the building envelope; however, modifications to the mixed air temperature control on several systems have reduced outside air flow to the point that it is no longer making up the continuous exhaust rates in the building. For example, the library supply fan (B-SF-3) shuts down at 1:00 pm while the exhaust fan continues to operate, and there is a lack of a make-up air when the woodshop dust collector system is started. As a result, the exhaust make-up air infiltrates into the building. This approach has lower ventilation efficiency than supplying the air via the ventilation systems. We recommend that system air exchange rates for each space are reviewed and operational methods modified to better control the balance of air within the building envelope (EEM-12 in Section 3). Cooling Systems The building has separate mechanical cooling systems for the computer server room, the kitchen refrigerator and freezer units, the seawater aquarium system, and the building air handling systems. The cooling system for the building air handling systems is no longer in use. Control System The building has a DDC control system for the HVAC systems. Lighting Interior lighting consists of T8 and T5 fluorescent fixtures, with some T-12 lighting remaining in the mechanical spaces. Exterior lighting consists primarily of metal halide lighting. Maintenance staff has de-lamped fixtures in several spaces to further reduce energy costs while maintaining adequate light levels. Because the heat generated by the current lighting fixtures is less expensive than heat produced by the boiler system at current fuel and electric rates, we recommend that maintenance staff upgrade the remaining T-12 fixtures to more efficient T-8 units only as the ballasts fail and need to be replaced. Current light levels in the gym exceed the ASHRAE standards for lighting by almost 33%. An evaluation of reducing the lighting electrical load in the main gym by almost 6,500 watts is discussed in Section 3, EEM-16. Summary The building has an annual energy consumption of 66 kBtu/sqft, which is very near the 60 kBtu/sqft average of all the buildings operated and maintained by the CBJ. Because almost 50% of the high school’s walls are under-insulated, the building should have higher than average energy consumption. This is not the case because building maintenance staff has reduced the air flows within the building envelope below design levels. As a result, JDHS is outperforming more recently constructed Juneau school buildings such as Riverbend Elementary by almost 50%. This is due to both a tighter building envelope and a greatly reduced air exchange rate. Conclusions that can be drawn from this data include the significant importance of understanding and properly controlling ventilation rates in all spaces within the building envelope, and perhaps more importantly, the fact that ventilation system designs are far more effective at saving (or wasting) energy than the thermal envelope designs. It is the assessment of the energy audit team that the majority of the building energy losses are due to building envelope issues and the need to balance supply and exhaust flows to be able to control building air infiltration. Recommendations for correcting these issues are contained within Section 3, Energy Efficiency Measures. Juneau Douglas High School 3 Energy Audit (November 2011) Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs) All buildings have opportunities to improve their energy efficiency. The energy audit revealed numerous opportunities in which an efficiency investment will result in a net reduction in long-term operating costs. Behavioral and Operational EEMs The following EEMs require behavioral and operational changes in the building use. The savings are not readily quantifiable but these EEMs are highly recommended as low-cost opportunities that are a standard of high performance buildings. EEM-1: Weather-strip Doors EEM-2: Reduce Basement Storage Room Temperature EEM-3: Add Interior Arctic Entry EEM-4: Clear Access to Perimeter Heaters EEM-5: Modify Kitchen HRU Control Programming EEM-6: Optimize Lighting Controls High and Medium Priority EEMs The following EEMs are recommended for investment. They are ranked by life cycle savings to investment ratio (SIR). This ranking method places a priority on low cost EEMs which can be immediately funded, generating energy savings to fund higher cost EEMs in the following years. Negative values, in parenthesis, represent savings. 25-Year Life Cycle Cost Analysis Investment Operating Energy Total SIR High Priority EEM-7: Isolate Standby Boiler $1,000 $4,100 ($217,300) ($212,200) 213.2 EEM-8: Electric Room Heat Recovery $500 $0 ($90,600) ($90,100) 181.2 EEM-9: Install Pipe Insulation $300 $0 ($10,000) ($9,700) 33.3 EEM-10: Insulate Boiler Expansion Tank $800 $0 ($13,700) ($12,900) 17.1 EEM-11: Replace Aerators / Showerheads $2,800 $0 ($45,100) ($42,300) 16.1 EEM-12: Optimize Ventilation Systems $172,400 $17,000 ($1,630,100) ($1,440,700) 9.4 EEM-13: Server Room Heat Recovery $23,100 $7,700 ($129,400) ($98,600) 5.3 Medium Priority EEM-14: Replace Single Pane Door Glazing $1,500 $0 ($2,300) ($800) 1.5 EEM-15: Install A-CHF-1 Fan Controls $1,100 $0 ($1,600) ($500) 1.5 EEM-16: Upgrade Gym Lighting $48,200 ($6,000) ($49,300) ($7,100) 1.1 EEM-17: Upgrade Transformers $146,100 $0 ($155,800) ($9,700) 1.1 EEM-18: Increase Wall Insulation $1,811,700 $0 ($1,862,300) ($50,600) 1.0 Totals* $2,209,500 $22,800 ($4,207,500) ($1,975,200) 1.9 *The analysis is based on each EEM being independent of the others. While it is likely that some EEMs are interrelated, an isolated analysis is used to demonstrate the economics because the audit team is not able to predict which EEMs an Owner may choose to implement. If several EEMs are implemented, the resulting energy savings is likely to differ from the sum of each EEM projection. Juneau Douglas High School 4 Energy Audit (November 2011) Summary The energy audit revealed numerous opportunities for improving the energy performance of the building. We recommend that the behavioral and high priority EEMs be implemented now to generate energy savings from which to fund the medium priority EEMs. Another avenue to consider is to borrow money from AHFCs revolving loan fund for public buildings. AHFC will loan money for energy improvements under terms that allow for paying back the money from the energy savings. More information on this option can be found online at http://www.ahfc.us/loans/akeerlf_loan.cfm. Juneau Douglas High School 5 Energy Audit (November 2011) Section 2 Introduction This report presents the findings of an energy audit of the Juneau Douglas High School located in Juneau, Alaska. The purpose of this investment grade energy audit is to evaluate the infrastructure and its subsequent energy performance to identify applicable energy efficiencies measures (EEMs). The energy audit report contains the following sections:  Introduction: Building use and energy consumption.  Energy Efficiency Measures: Priority ranking of the EEMs with a description, energy analysis, and life cycle cost analysis.  Description of Systems: Background description of the building energy systems.  Methodology: Basis for how construction and maintenance cost estimates are derived and the economic and energy factors used for the analysis. BUILDING USE Juneau Douglas High School is a 190,738 square foot building that contains commons, classrooms, offices, a music room, an auditorium, a main and auxiliary gym, a kitchen, a library, storage, and mechanical support spaces. The school is operated by 70 staff and 10 kitchen contractors, and attended by 726 students. The facility is occupied in the following manner:  Classrooms 8:00 am – 4:00 pm (M-F)  Commons 7:00 am – 10:00 pm (M-Sat), 9:00 am – 2:00 pm (Sun)  Main Gym 9:00 am – 9:00 pm (M-Sat)  Auxiliary Gym 9:00 am – 7:00 pm (M-F)  Auditorium 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm (M-Sat) Building History  1956 – Original Construction  1959 - Auditorium and Gymnasium Addition  1960 - Classroom Addition  1966 - Auto Shop Constructed  1967 - Classroom Remodel  1984 - Addition and Remodel  1992 - Gymnasium Roof Replacement  1998 - Auditorium and Library Roof Repair  2004 - Major Renovation with Atrium, Kitchen and Counseling Addition Juneau Douglas High School 6 Energy Audit (November 2011) Energy Consumption The building energy sources include an electric service and a fuel oil tank. Fuel oil is used for the majority of the heating loads and domestic hot water while electricity serves all other loads. The following table shows annual energy use and cost. Annual Energy Consumption and Cost Source Consumption Cost Energy, MMBtu Electricity 1,353,200 kWh $142,500 4,600 37% Fuel Oil 58,582 Gallons $222,600 8,000 63% Totals $365,100 12,600 100% Electricity This chart shows electrical energy use from 2007 to 2010. The effective cost— energy costs plus demand charges—is 10.5¢ per kWh. Fuel Oil This chart shows heating energy use from 2007 to 2010. The chart compares annual use with the heating degree days which is a measurement of the demand for energy to heat a building. A year with a higher number of degree days reflects colder outside temperatures and a higher heating requirement. Cost of Heat Comparison The following chart shows a comparison of the current cost of fuel oil heat and electric resistance heat. The comparison is based on a fuel oil conversion efficiency of 70% and an electric boiler conversion efficiency of 95%. Electric heat is less expensive than fuel oil heat. Juneau Douglas High School 7 Energy Audit (November 2011) Section 3 Energy Efficiency Measures The following energy efficiency measures (EEMs) were identified during the energy audit. The EEMs are priority ranked and, where applicable, subjected to energy and life cycle cost analysis. Appendix A contains the energy and life cycle cost analysis spreadsheets. The EEMs are grouped into the following prioritized categories:  Behavioral or Operational: EEMs that require minimal capital investment but require operational or behavioral changes. The EEMs provide a life cycle savings but an analysis is not performed because the guaranteed energy savings is difficult quantify.  High Priority: EEMs that require a small capital investment and offer a life cycle savings. Also included in this category are higher cost EEMs that offer significant life cycle savings.  Medium Priority: EEMs that require a significant capital investment to provide a life cycle savings. Many medium priority EEMs provide a high life cycle savings and offer substantial incentive to increase investment in building energy efficiency.  Low Priority: EEMs that will save energy but do not provide a life cycle savings. BEHAVIORAL OR OPERATIONAL The following EEMs are recommended for implementation. They require behavioral or operational changes that can occur with minimal investment to achieve immediate savings. These EEMs are not easily quantified by analysis because they cannot be accurately predicted. They are recommended because they offer a life cycle savings, represent good practice, and are accepted features of high performance buildings. EEM-1: Weather-strip Doors Purpose: Several high school exterior steel doors do not seal and are missing weather stripping. Energy will be saved if doors are properly weather-stripped to reduce infiltration. Scope: Replace weather stripping on exterior doors. EEM-2: Reduce Basement Storage Room Temperature Purpose: The temperature in the basement storage room is currently maintained at 68°F. Energy will be saved if the temperature in this space is reduced to 60° . Scope: Reduce temperature setting in basement storage room to 60°F. Juneau Douglas High School 8 Energy Audit (November 2011) EEM-3: Add Interior Arctic Entry Purpose: A significant amount of energy is lost through the well-used building entry by the woodshop because it is not an arctic entry. The layout is suitable for adding an arctic entry without compromising building aesthetics. Energy will be saved if an interior arctic entry is constructed to provide a secondary set of double doors. Scope: Install an interior set of double doors to create an arctic entry for the building entrance by the woodshop EEM-4: Clear Access to Perimeter Heaters Purpose: In many rooms furniture and shelving units are pushed up against the perimeter heaters. For the perimeter heating units to operate as effectively and efficiently as possible, they must have a clear path for air flow above and below them. Energy will be saved if all staff members are educated in the importance of keeping access to the perimeter heaters open and routine monitoring ensures clear air flow paths exist for all perimeter heaters. Scope: Educate staff of the importance of not blocking air flow to the base or top of the perimeter heating units and verify that access is clear on a routine basis. EEM-5: Modify Kitchen HRU Control Programming Purpose: When the kitchen heat recovery unit is off, the heating remains hot, heating the inside of the cabinet. Energy will be saved if the controls for the 3-way valve are modified to close the valve when the HRU is not operating. Scope: Modify the control programing to close the heating coil automatic valve when the HRU is not operating and the outside air temperature is above 32°F. EEM-6: Optimize Lighting Controls Purpose: The programmed lighting controls are faulty and result in unnecessary use of electricity. The lighting control panels often turn lighting on or off at times other than when programmed. This often results in areas of the school being lit outside of normal hours of operation. This can also result in lighting being turned off while a space is occupied. When either situation occurs, staff members must identify and reset the faulty lighting control panel. This happens as often as several times weekly. Energy will be saved and school maintenance operations simplified if the lighting control system is repaired. Scope: Repair the faulty lighting control system Juneau Douglas High School 9 Energy Audit (November 2011) HIGH PRIORITY The following EEMs are recommended for implementation because they are low cost measures that have a high savings to investment ratio. The EEMs are listed from highest to lowest priority. Negative values, in parenthesis, represent savings. EEM-7: Isolate Standby Boiler Purpose: During periods when the outside temperature is warm enough, only one boiler needs to be operated. Circulating hot water through a standby boiler in a dual boiler system can result in a 3% efficiency loss of the operable boiler due to the standby boiler acting as a heat sink. Currently water circulates through both boilers approximately six months more than is necessary. Energy will be saved if only a single boiler is on line when temperatures permit. Scope: Enable the lead boiler at the start of the school season. Turn on the standby boiler when the weather gets colder and redundancy is needed to protect the building from freezing. When weather gets milder in the spring, turn off the lead boiler and make the standby boiler the new lead for the upcoming year. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $240 ($7,670) ($7,430) $1,000 $4,100 ($217,300) ($212,200) 213.2 EEM-8: Install Electrical Room Heat Recovery Purpose: A significant amount of heat is generated by the transformers and electrical equipment operating in room 117A. This heat is normally removed with an exhaust fan to the outside. Energy will be saved if the heat is transferred to the adjacent hallway. This can be achieved by turning off the exhaust fan and allowing the ventilation air that is supplied to the room to push heated air out into the corridor through existing door louvers. Scope: Turn off the exhaust fan and open the door louvers so air heated by the electrical equipment flows out into the hallway. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($3,200) ($3,200) $500 $0 ($90,600) ($90,100) 181.2 Juneau Douglas High School 10 Energy Audit (November 2011) EEM-9: Install Pipe Insulation Purpose: Several sections of heating and domestic hot water piping are uninsulated. Energy will be saved if these sections of piping are optimally insulated. Scope: Install pipe insulation in the following locations: - 7’ of 1” domestic hot water supply in boiler room - 4’ of 1” domestic hot water return pipe in boiler room - 3’ of 2 ½” tempered water return line - 3’ of 1” hot water supply on P-5 in boiler room - 10’ of ¾” supply to C-SF-2 along auditorium catwalk Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($350) ($350) $300 $0 ($10,000) ($9,700) 33.3 EEM-10: Insulate Boiler Expansion Tank Purpose: The JDHS heating system expansion tank is exceptionally large and provides a significant amount of surface area for heat loss. Energy will be saved if the tank is insulated to reduce heat loss to the boiler room space. Scope: Insulate the boiler expansion tank. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($480) ($480) $800 $0 ($13,700) ($12,900) 17.1 EEM-11: Replace Aerators and Showerheads Purpose: Energy and water will be saved by replacing the lavatory aerators and showerheads with low-flow models. Scope: Replace lavatory aerators and showerheads with water-conserving fixtures. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($1,820) ($1,820) $2,800 $0 ($45,100) ($42,300) 16.1 Juneau Douglas High School 11 Energy Audit (November 2011) EEM-12: Optimize Ventilation Systems Purpose: The majority of the building uses constant volume ventilation systems to provide conditioned air to interior spaces during the normal operational schedule, after school hours for activities, and as needed on weekends. Energy will be saved if the systems are optimized for actual building occupancy and operations. Scope: Optimize and commission the ventilation systems as follows: A-HV-1 (Welding Shop) - The ventilation system operates in full outside air mode when any exhaust fan EF-1, 2, 3, or 4 is operating. Install a pressure sensor to modulate the outside air with the make- up requirements of the exhaust fans. A-HV-2 (Paint Booth) - Turn off A-HE-4 when the fan is off. ASF-1 (Auditorium) - Heating water is circulating through the heating coil when the fan is off. Since this fan is minimally operated, turning the heating coil off will reduce heat loss from the coil. - The return fan was operating even though the supply fan was off. Interlocking the two fans so both are off simultaneously will save fan energy. - The exhaust air damper and outside air damper are interlocked to open together. This can cause the return fan to push air out of the building that is needed for pressurization and makeup. Changing the EAD control to operate from a pressure sensor will ensure that air is relieved only when it is not needed within the building. A-SF-1 (2nd Floor Art Classrooms) - The kiln room has several exhaust fans that are controlled by manual switches. Adding thermostat control of the exhaust fans, with the setpoints staggered from 72°F to 78°F, will insure they are not inadvertently left on. Install thermostats to control A-EF-4, A- EF-5, and A-EF-6. - Exhaust fan A-EF-12 is frequently left on. Install a timer so the fan shuts off. A-SF-2 (Woodshop) - Glycol heating pump AP-3 is not interlocked to turn off with A-SF-2. Interlock glycol heating pump so it turns off with A-SF-2. B-AHU-1 (Commons Area) - Install a VFD on the supply fan to modulate air flow with cooling requirements. - The CO2 sensor is out of calibration so the unit is supplying 55°F mixed air. Reestablish CO2 sensor control to modulate ventilation air with occupancy. Sequentially operate the mixing dampers and heating coil to maintain room setpoint with CO2 sensor of dampers to maintain 800 ppm. - The exhaust air damper and outside air damper are interlocked to open together. This can cause the return fan to push air out of the building that is needed for pressurization and makeup. Changing the EAD control to operate from a pressure sensor will ensure that air is relieved only when it is not needed within the building. Juneau Douglas High School 12 Energy Audit (November 2011) EEM-12, continued: Optimize Ventilation Systems B-AHU-2 (2nd Floor Classrooms, Offices, and Atrium) - Change the separate mixed air and supply air controls to sequential control of the mixing dampers and heating coil to maintain the supply air setpoint with minimum outside air override. - The exhaust air damper and outside air damper are interlocked to open together. This can cause the return fan to push air out of the building that is needed for pressurization and makeup. Changing the EAD control to operate from a pressure sensor will ensure that air is relieved only when it is not needed within the building. B-AHU-4 (Kitchen) - The exhaust air damper and outside air damper are interlocked to open together. This can cause the return fan to push air out of the building that is needed for pressurization and makeup. Changing the EAD control to operate from a pressure sensor will ensure that air is relieved only when it is not needed within the building. B-SF-1 and B-SF-2 (Food and Consumer Science) - The unit is scheduled to operate on Saturdays. This should be changed. - Change the separate mixed air and supply air controls to sequential control of the mixing dampers and heating coil to maintain the supply air setpoint with minimum outside air override. - The exhaust air damper and outside air damper are interlocked to open together. This can cause the return fan to push air out of the building that is needed for pressurization and makeup. Changing the EAD control to operate from a pressure sensor will ensure that air is relieved only when it is not needed within the building. B-SF-3 (Library) - Install a VFD on the supply fan and return fan to modulate air flow with cooling requirements. - Add a CO2 sensor control to modulate ventilation air with occupancy. Sequentially operate mixing dampers and the heating coil with a CO2 sensor to maintain an 800 ppm room setpoint - The exhaust air damper and outside air damper are interlocked to open together. This can cause the return fan to push air out of the building that is needed for pressurization and makeup. Changing the EAD control to operate from a pressure sensor will ensure that air is relieved only when it is not needed within the building. B-SF-4 - Change the separate mixed air and supply air controls to sequential control of the mixing dampers and heating coil to maintain the supply air setpoint with minimum outside air override. - The exhaust air damper and outside air damper are interlocked to open together. This can cause the return fan to push air out of the building that is needed for pressurization and makeup. Changing the EAD control to operate from a pressure sensor will ensure that air is relieved only when it is not needed within the building. Juneau Douglas High School 13 Energy Audit (November 2011) EEM-12, continued: Optimize Ventilation Systems B-SF-5 (3rd Floor Atrium, Offices, Classrooms) - The exhaust air damper and outside air damper are interlocked to open together. This can cause the return fan to push air out of the building that is needed for pressurization and makeup. Changing the EAD control to operate from a pressure sensor will ensure that air is relieved only when it is not needed within the building. C-SF-1 (1st Floor Business Classes) - The exhaust air damper and outside air damper are interlocked to open together. This can cause the return fan to push air out of the building that is needed for pressurization and makeup. Changing the EAD control to operate from a pressure sensor will ensure that air is relieved only when it is not needed within the building. D-SF-2 (Music Rooms) - The exhaust air damper and outside air damper are interlocked to open together. This can cause the return fan to push air out of the building that is needed for pressurization and makeup. Changing the EAD control to operate from a pressure sensor will ensure that air is relieved only when it is not needed within the building. D-SF-4 (Auxiliary Gym Fan) - Install a VFD on the supply fan and return fan to modulate air flow with cooling requirements - The exhaust air damper and outside air damper are interlocked to open together. This can cause the return fan to push air out of the building that is needed for pressurization and makeup. Changing the EAD control to operate from a pressure sensor will ensure that air is relieved only when it is not needed within the building. E-SF-2 (Auditorium Addition) - Return Fan E-RF-2 is currently not being used because it is noisy. Remove the fan to reduce the static pressure on the system. Heat Recovery Unit (Kitchen Hood) - Turn the heating coil off when the fan is off. GSF-1 (Gym) - The mixed air setpoint of 55°F is overriding CO2 sensor control of the mixing dampers. This is causing over-ventilation of the gym and higher energy consumption. Reconfigure the controls to sequentially operate the mixing dampers and the heating coil with the CO2 sensor to maintain an 800 ppm room setpoint. - The exhaust air damper and outside air damper are interlocked to open together. This can cause the return fan to push air out of the building that is needed for pressurization and makeup. Changing the EAD control to operate from a pressure sensor will ensure that air is relieved only when it is not needed within the building. Mechanical Room C102 (Business Area) - Repair supply duct insulation. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $1,000 ($59,200) ($58,200) $172,400 $17,000 ($1,630,100) ($1,440,700) 9.4 Juneau Douglas High School 14 Energy Audit (November 2011) EEM-13: Install Server Room Heat Recovery Purpose: Heat is generated by the equipment operating in the server room. Currently this heat is discharge outside by a rooftop cooling unit. Energy will be saved if a fan is installed to transfer the heat to the atrium. Scope: Install a ducted fan unit to transfer the server room heat to the atrium. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $450 ($4,750) ($4,300) $23,100 $7,700 ($129,400) ($98,600) 5.3 MEDIUM PRIORITY Medium priority EEMs will require planning and a higher level of investment. They are recommended because they offer a life cycle savings. The EEMs are listed from highest to lowest priority. Negative values, in parenthesis, represent savings. EEM-14: Replace Single Pane Door Glazing Purpose: Single pane Plexiglas is installed in two of the building entry doors. Energy will be saved if the Plexiglas is replaced with double pane energy efficient glazing. Scope: Replace single pane Plexiglas with energy efficient double pane glazing units. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($80) ($80) $1,500 $0 ($2,300) ($800) 1.5 EEM-15: Install A-CHF-1 Fan Controls Purpose: Cabinet heating fan A-CHF-1 located under the main entrance adjacent stairwell. The thermostat only controls the heating coil, so the fan is manually turned on in the fall and turned off in the spring. Energy will be saved if the thermostat also controls the fan. Scope: Modify the controls so the thermostat also turns the fan on and off. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($90) ($90) $1,100 $0 ($1,600) ($500) 1.5 EEM-16: Upgrade Main Gym Lighting Purpose: The existing main gym lighting system consists of (54) 400-watt metal halide and (24) 175-watt/bulb high pressure sodium fixtures. The lighting load is 25.8 kW, much higher than the ASHRAE standard of 19.2 kW. Energy will be saved if the main gym lighting is replaced with a T-5 system. Scope: Replace the main gym metal halide lamps with a properly sized T5 lighting system. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR ($350) ($2,810) ($3,160) $48,200 ($6,000) ($49,300) ($7,100) 1.1 Juneau Douglas High School 15 Energy Audit (November 2011) EEM-17: Upgrade Transformers Purpose: Three transformers are not TP-1 rated. Energy will be saved if these less-efficient transformers are replaced with energy efficient models that comply with NEMA Standard TP 1-2001. Scope: Replace the following less-efficient transformers with NEMA Standard TP 1- 2001compiant models: - 1000 kVA (basement) - 500 kVA (room 117A) - 30 kVA (room 303 penthouse) Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($8,890) ($8,890) $146,100 $0 ($155,800) ($9,700) 1.1 EEM-18: Increase Wall Insulation Purpose: Approximately 50% of the school walls have an estimated R-4 insulation value. An optimal R-value by current construction standards is R-26. Energy will be saved if the insulation level of the walls is increased. Installing 4” of rigid insulation over the exterior concrete walls will increase the overall insulation value of the building envelope. Scope: Install a minimum of 4” of exterior foam insulation with new siding around the perimeter of the building. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($65,700) ($65,700) $1,811,700 $0 ($1,862,300) ($50,600) 1.0 Juneau Douglas High School 16 Energy Audit (November 2011) LOW PRIORITY Low priority EEMs do not offer a life cycle energy savings and are not recommended. EEM-19: Upgrade Motors to Premium Efficiency Purpose: The equipment inspection identified seven motors that could be upgraded with premium efficiency models to save energy. They are: - B-RF-2 3 HP from 76.9% efficiency to 89.5% efficiency - B-SF-4 2 HP from 80.0% efficiency to 86.5% efficiency - E-RF-2 3 HP from 76.9% efficiency to 89.5% efficiency - E-RF-1 3 HP from 76.9% efficiency to 89.5% efficiency - C-RF-1 1 ½ HP from 78.0% efficiency to 86.5% efficiency - A-HV-2 7 ½ HP from 82.9% efficiency to 91.0% efficiency - A-P-5 5 HP from 85.5% efficiency to 89.5% efficiency Scope: Replace identified motors with premium efficiency motors. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($400) ($400) $8,100 $0 ($6,900) $1,200 0.9 EEM-20: Upgrade Exterior Lighting to LED Purpose: The existing perimeter and parking lot lighting consists of metal halide (MH) and high pressure sodium fixtures (HPS). These fixture styles are less efficient than LED lighting and the lamp life is much shorter. Scope: Replace the following existing exterior lights with LED lights: - Recessed Cans, Front of Gym: (22) 70-watt HPS - Soffit Lights, Metal Shop Area: (4) 50-watt HPS - Parking Lot Lights by Dumpster: (3) @ 250-watt HPS (5) @ 400-watt HPS - Upper Parking Lot Lights (4) @ 175-watt MH - Parking Garage (29) @ 70-watt HPS Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $150 ($1,430) ($1,280) $59,300 $2,500 ($25,000) $36,800 0.4 Juneau Douglas High School 17 Energy Audit (November 2011) Section 4 Description of Systems ENERGY SYSTEMS This section provides a general description of the building systems. Energy conservation opportunities are addressed in Section 3, Energy Efficiency Measures. Building Envelope R-value Component Description (inside to outside) Existing Optimal Exterior Walls 5/8” Gyp. bd, 25/32” fiber board, 8” concrete wall R-4 R-26 5/8” Gyp. bd, 2 ½” metal studs, 2 ½” batt, 8” concrete wall R-4 R-26 5/8” Gyp. bd, 25/32” fiber board, 8” concrete wall, 1 ½” foam Insulation, metal siding R-14 R-26 5/8” Gyp. bd, 2 ½” metal studs, 2 ½” batt, 8” concrete wall, 1 ½” foam insulation, metal siding R-14 R-26 5/8” Gyp. bd, 3 ½ metal studs, 6” composite wall, 1 ½” foam insulation, metal siding R-26 R-26 Parking Ceiling Metal studs w/ 6” batt insulation R-16 R-30 Roof EPDM tapered roof system with 6” average foam insulation R-30 R-46 Floor Slab 4” Concrete slab-on-grade R-10 R-10 Foundation 8” concrete w/ 2” perimeter insulation board R-10 R-20 Windows Aluminum frame double pane windows R-1.5 R-5 Doors Steel doors w/ non-thermally broken frames R-1.5 R-5 Juneau Douglas High School 18 Energy Audit (November 2011) Heating System The school spaces are heated by two fuel oil boilers that supply heat to twenty-seven individual air handling unit systems, fan coil units, and perimeter hydronic systems. The heating system has the following pumps:  A-P-6 is the woodshop glycol loop circulation pump  A-P-7 is the welding shop glycol coop circulation pump  B-P-1 & B-P-2 are the building circulation pumps  B-P-3 is a glycol loop circulation pump  B-P-5 is the domestic hot water circulation pump  Pump B-P-6 is the domestic hot water circulation pump  C-P-1 is the eye wash circulation pump  D-P-5 and D-P-6 are locker room glycol loop circulation pumps Domestic Hot Water System Domestic hot water heater is heated by an indirect hot water tank located in the boiler room mezzanine. There is a 50-gallon electric water heater located in room 110 custodial to serve the Life Skills spaces, and a 19-gallon electric hot water heater located in room 106 to serve the eye wash stations. Cooling Systems The building has separate mechanical cooling systems for the computer server room, the kitchen refrigerator and freezer units, the seawater aquarium system, and the building air handling systems. The cooling system for the building air handling systems is no longer in use. Automatic Control System The building has a DDC system to control the operation of the heating and ventilation systems. Energy can be saved through further optimization of fan system scheduling combined with a retro- commissioning of the air handler systems. Juneau Douglas High School 19 Energy Audit (November 2011) Ventilation Systems Area Fan System Description 1st Floor Business Classes C-RF-1 3,500 cfm 1 ½ hp constant volume fan supplying return air to C-SF-1 1st Floor Business Classes C-SF-1 7,400 cfm 5 hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, supply fan and return fan 2nd Floor A-RF-1 9,100 cfm 7 ½ hp constant volume fan supplying return air to A-SF-1 2nd Floor A-SF-1 14,900 cfm 10 hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, supply fan and return fan 2nd Floor Classrooms, Offices B-AHU-2 10,230 cfm 10 hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, supply fan and return fan 2nd Floor Classrooms, Offices B-RF-2 6,800 cfm 3 hp constant volume fan supplying return air to AHU-2 3rd Floor 307/309 B-RF-6 1,760 cfm 3/4 hp constant volume fan supplying return air to B- SF-6 3rd Floor 307/309 B-SF-6 2300 cfm 1 ½ hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, supply fan and return fan 3rd Floor Classrooms, Offices B-SF-5 13,300 cfm 10 hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, supply fan and return fan 3rd Floor Science Rooms B-AHU-3 8,460 cfm 5 hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, and supply fan 3rd Floor Science Rooms B-EF-4 3,865 cfm 2 HP constant volume exhaust air fan Admin B-RF-4 2,900 cfm 1 hp constant volume fan supplying return air to B- SF-4 Admin B-RF-5 10,500 cfm 5 hp constant volume fan supplying return air to B- SF-5 Admin B-SF-4 3,060 cfm 2 hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, supply fan and return fan Art Rooms A-EF-12 1,200 cfm constant volume exhaust air fan Auditorium ARF-1 5 hp constant volume fan supplying return air to ASF-1 Auditorium ASF-1 24,000 cfm 10 hp variable volume air handling unit consisting of an outside air damper and supply fan Auxiliary Gym D-RF-4 10 hp constant volume fan supplying return air to D-SF-4 Juneau Douglas High School 20 Energy Audit (November 2011) Area Fan System Description Auxiliary Gym D-SF-4 16,800 cfm 10 hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, supply fan and return fan Bathroom Exhaust D-EF-3 1/6 hp constant volume exhaust fan Boiler Room D-SF-1 Not Used Commons B-AHU-1 15,000 cfm 1 ½ hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, supply fan and return fan Commons B-RF-7 2100 cfm 3/4 hp constant volume fan supplying return air to B- AHU-1 Commons B-RF-8 10,880 cfm 5 hp constant volume fan supplying return air to B- AHU-1 Darkroom A-EF-8 6,600 cfm constant volume exhaust air fan Elevator Room B-EF-1 600 cfm ½ hp constant volume exhaust air fan Food and Consumer Science Room B-RF-1 13,300 cfm 5 hp constant volume fan supplying return air to B- SF-1 and B-SF-2 Food and Consumer Science Room B-SF-1 10,635 cfm 7 ½ hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, supply fan and return fan Food and Consumer Science Room B-SF-2 6,065 cfm 5 hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, supply fan and return fan Green Room Stage Sets E-RF-2 3 hp constant volume fan supplying return air to E-SF-2 Green Room Stage Sets E-SF-2 9,600 cfm 5 hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, supply fan and return fan Gym GRF-1 10 hp constant volume fan supplying return air to GSF-1 Gym GSF-1 41,600 cfm 20 hp variable volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, supply fan and return fan Kiln Hood A-EF-4 4,500 cfm1 ½ hp constant volume exhaust air fan Kiln Hood A-EF-5 2,400 cfm ¾ hp constant volume exhaust air fan Kiln Hood A-EF-6 1 ½ hp constant volume exhaust air fan Kitchen B-AHU-4 5,690 cfm 5 hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, and supply fan Kitchen B-RF-10 3/4 hp constant volume fan supplying return air to B-SF-6 Kitchen Heat Recovery HRU 3,120 cfm 5 hp kitchen air heat recovery unit Juneau Douglas High School 21 Energy Audit (November 2011) Area Fan System Description Library B-RF-3 5,803 cfm 5 hp constant volume fan supplying return air to B- SF-3 Library B-SF-3 9,315 cfm 5 hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, supply fan and return fan Maintenance D-RF-2 Not Used Maintenance D-SF-3 Not Used Make Up Room E-EF-2 120 cfm 1/8 hp constant volume exhaust fan Men’s Dressing room E-EF-1 120 cfm 1/8 hp constant volume exhaust fan Men’s Locker Room D-EF-2 3 hp constant volume exhaust fan Men’s Locker Room D-SF-5 6,900 cfm 5 hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, supply fan and return fan Metal Shop A-HV-1 2 hp constant speed room ventilator Metal Shop EF-1 1 ½ hp constant volume exhaust air fan Metal Shop EF-2 4 hp constant volume exhaust air fan Metal Shop EF-3 4 hp constant volume exhaust air fan Metal Shop EF-4 4 hp constant volume exhaust air fan Music Room D-SF-2 7,450 cfm 5 hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, supply fan and return fan Music Rooms D-RF-1 1 1/2 hp constant volume fan supplying return air to D-SF-2 Paint Booth A-HV-2 7 ½ hp constant speed room ventilator Popcorn Ventilator D-EF-9 1/3 hp constant volume exhaust fan Projection Booth C-EF-8 Not Used Projection Booth C-SF-2 Not Used Restroom Exhaust A-EF-1 3,600 cfm 1 ½ hp constant volume exhaust air fan Room 207 Bathroom E-EF-4 80 cfm 1.59 amp constant volume exhaust fan Room 207 Bathroom E-EF-5 80 cfm 1.59 amp constant volume exhaust fan Room 207 Custodial E-EF-6 80 cfm 1.59 amp constant volume exhaust fan (not working) Room 207 Restroom E-EF-7 80 cfm 1.59 amp constant volume exhaust fan (not working) Science Room Exhaust C-EF-3 2 HP constant volume exhaust air fan Theatrical E-RF-1 Not Used Juneau Douglas High School 22 Energy Audit (November 2011) Area Fan System Description Theatrical E-SF-1 8,280 cfm 5 hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, supply fan and return fan Women’s Dressing E-EF-3 120 cfm 1/8 hp constant volume exhaust fan Women’s Locker Room D-EF-1 3 hp constant volume exhaust fan Women’s Locker Room D-SF-6 6,500 cfm 5 hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, supply fan and return fan Woodshop A-RF-2 Not Used Woodshop A-RF-3 Not Used Woodshop A-RF-4 1 ½ hp constant volume fan supplying air to A-SF-2 Woodshop A-SF-2 15,500 cfm 10 hp constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, supply fan and 2 return fans Lighting Although some T-12 lighting remains in the mechanical spaces, interior lighting primarily consists of T5 and T8 fluorescent fixtures. Exterior lighting primarily consists of metal halide lighting. Because lighting operational hours are controlled by staff, operational costs for lighting with existing infrastructure are kept to a minimum. We recommend that maintenance staff upgrade the remaining T-12 fixtures to more efficient T-8 units only as the ballasts fail and need to be replaced. Electric Equipment Commercial equipment for food preparation was located in the kitchen and surrounding spaces. Juneau Douglas High School 23 Energy Audit (November 2011) Section 5 Methodology Information for the energy audit was gathered through on-site observations, review of construction documents, and interviews with operation and maintenance personnel. The EEMs are evaluated using energy and life cycle cost analyses and are priority ranked for implementation. Energy Efficiency Measures Energy efficiency measures are identified by evaluating the building’s energy systems and comparing them to systems in modern, high performance buildings. The process for identifying the EEMs acknowledges the realities of an existing building that was constructed when energy costs were much lower. Many of the opportunities used in modern high performance buildings—highly insulated envelopes, variable capacity mechanical systems, heat pumps, daylighting, lighting controls, etc.— simply cannot be economically incorporated into an existing building. The EEMs represent practical measures to improve the energy efficiency of the buildings, taking into account the realities of limited budgets. If a future major renovation project occurs, additional EEMs common to high performance buildings should be incorporated. Life Cycle Cost Analysis The EEMs are evaluated using life cycle cost analysis which determines if an energy efficiency investment will provide a savings over a 25-year life. The analysis incorporates construction, replacement, maintenance, repair, and energy costs to determine the total cost over the life of the EEM. Future maintenance and energy cash flows are discounted to present worth using escalation factors for general inflation, energy inflation, and the value of money. The methodology is based on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Handbook 135 – Life Cycle Cost Analysis. Life cycle cost analysis is preferred to simple payback for facilities that have long—often perpetual— service lives. Simple payback, which compares construction cost and present energy cost, is reasonable for short time periods of 2-4 years, but yields below optimal results over longer periods because it does not properly account for the time value of money or inflationary effects on operating budgets. Accounting for energy inflation and the time value of money properly sums the true cost of facility ownership and seeks to minimize the life cycle cost. Construction Costs The cost estimates are derived based on a preliminary understanding of the scope of each EEM as gathered during the walk-through audit. The construction costs for in-house labor are $60 per hour for work typically performed by maintenance staff and $110 per hour for contract labor. The cost estimate assumes the work will be performed as part of a larger renovation or energy efficiency upgrade project. When implementing EEMs, the cost estimate should be revisited once the scope and preferred method of performing the work has been determined. It is possible some EEMs will not provide a life cycle savings when the scope is finalized. Juneau Douglas High School 24 Energy Audit (November 2011) Maintenance Costs Maintenance costs are based on in-house or contract labor using historical maintenance efforts and industry standards. Maintenance costs over the 25-year life of each EEM are included in the life cycle cost calculation spreadsheets and represent the level of effort to maintain the systems. Energy Analysis The energy performance of an EEM is evaluated within the operating parameters of the building. A comprehensive energy audit would rely on a computer model of the building to integrate building energy systems and evaluate the energy savings of each EEM. This investment grade audit does not utilize a computer model, so energy savings are calculated with factors that account for the dynamic operation of the building. Energy savings and costs are estimated for the 25-year life of the EEM using appropriate factors for energy inflation. Prioritization Each EEM is prioritized based on the life cycle savings to investment ratio (SIR) using the following formula: Prioritization Factor = Life Cycle Savings / Capital Costs This approach factor puts significant weight on the capital cost of an EEM, making lower cost EEMs more favorable. Economic Factors The following economic factors are significant to the findings. Nominal Interest Rate: This is the nominal rate of return on an investment without regard to inflation. The analysis uses a rate of 5%. Inflation Rate: This is the average inflationary change in prices over time. The analysis uses an inflation rate of 2%. Economic Period: The analysis is based on a 25-year economic period with construction beginning in 2013. Fuel Oil Fuel oil currently costs $3.80 per gallon for a seasonally adjusted blend of #1 and #2 fuel oil. The analysis is based on 6% fuel oil inflation which has been the average for the past 20-years. Electricity Electricity is supplied by Alaska Electric Light & Power Company (AEL&P). The building is billed for electricity under AEL&P’s Rate 24. This rate charges for both electrical consumption (kWh) and peak electric demand (kW). Electrical consumption is the amount of energy consumed and electric demand is the rate of consumption. AEL&P determines the electric demand by averaging demand over a continuously sliding fifteen minute window. The highest fifteen minute average during the billing period determines the peak demand. The following table lists the electric charges, which includes a 24% rate hike that was recently approved: Juneau Douglas High School 25 Energy Audit (November 2011) AEL&P Large Government Rate with Demand Charge 1 On-peak (Nov-May) Off-peak (June-Oct) Energy Charge per kWh 6.11¢ 5.92¢ Demand Charge per kW $14.30 $9.11 Service Charge per month $99.24 $99.24 Over recent history, electricity inflation has been less than 1% per year, which has lagged general inflation. An exception is the recent 24% rate hike that was primarily due to construction of additional hydroelectric generation at Lake Dorothy. This project affords the community a surplus of power which should bring electric inflation back to the historic rate of 1% per year. Load growth from electric heat conversions is likely to increase generating and distribution costs, especially if diesel supplementation is needed. Combining these two factors contribute to an assumed electricity inflation rate of 3%. Summary The following table summarizes the energy and economic factors used in the analysis. Summary of Economic and Energy Factors Factor Rate or Cost Factor Rate or Cost Nominal Discount Rate 5% Electricity $0.102/kWh General Inflation Rate 2% Electricity Inflation 3% Fuel Oil $3.80 / gal Fuel Oil Inflation 6% Juneau Douglas High School 26 Energy Audit (November 2011) Appendix A Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis Juneau Douglas High School 27 Energy Audit (November 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Juneau-Douglas High School Basis Economic Study Period (years) 25 Nominal Discount Rate 5%General Inflation 2% Energy 2011 $/gal Fuel Inflation 2012 $/gal Fuel Oil $3.80 6% $4.03 Electricity $/kWh (2011)$/kW (2011)Inflation $/kWh (2012)$/kW (2012) w/ Demand Charges $0.060 $12.14 2% $0.061 $12.38 w/o Demand Charges $0.105 -2% $0.107 - EEM-7: Isolate Standby Boiler Energy Analysis Boiler Input MBH Loss %Loss MBH Hours, exist Hours, new kBtu η boiler Gallons B-1 8,298 0.5% 41 5,760 3,600 -89,614 68%-952 B-2 8,298 0.5% 41 5,760 3,600 -89,614 68%-952 83 -179,229 -1,903 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Stage lead/standby boiler operation 0 1 ea $1,000 $1,000 Annual Costs Stage lead/standby boiler operation 1 - 25 4 hrs $60.00 $4,086 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -1,903 gal $4.03 ($217,274) Net Present Worth ($212,200) EEM-8: Install Electric Room Heat Recovery Energy Analysis Number kVA η Loss, kW kBtu Factor η boiler Gallons 1 500 99.0% -5.0 -149,446 50% 68% -793 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Turn up themrostat on exhaust fan and open door louver 0 1 LS $500 $500 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -793 gal $4.03 ($90,584) Net Present Worth ($90,100) Juneau Douglas High School 28 Energy Audit (November 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Juneau-Douglas High School EEM-9: Install Pipe Insulation Energy Analysis Service Size Length Bare BTUH Insul BTUH Factor kBtu η boiler Gallons Heating 0.75 10 74 11 100% -5,519 68%-59 Heating 1.00 4 90 12 100% -2,733 68%-29 DHW 1.00 10 31 5 100% -2,278 68%-24 DHW 2.50 3 74 9 100% -1,708 68%-18 -88 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Pipe Insulation 3/4" 0 10 lnft $5 $50 1" 0 14 lnft $6 $84 2.5" 0 3 lnft $13 $39 Estimating contingency 0 15%$26 Overhead & profit 0 30%$60 Design fees 0 10%$26 Project management 0 8%$23 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -88 gal $4.03 ($10,004) Net Present Worth ($9,700) EEM-10: Insulate Boiler Expansion Tank Energy Analysis Service Size Length Bare BTUH Insul BTUH Factor kBtu η boiler Gallons Heating 48 9 1,030 76 15% -11,282 68%-120 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Insulate expansion tank 0 1 ea $750 $750 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -120 gal $4.03 ($13,677) Net Present Worth ($12,900) EEM-11: Replace Aerators and Showerheads Energy Analysis η boiler 68% Fixture Existing Proposed Uses/day Days Water,Gals % HW kBTU Gallons Showerhead 20.0 10.0 5 180 -9,000 80% -4,804 -51 Lavatories 0.3 0.2 1,256 198 -44,764 80% -23,893 -254 -53,764 -305 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Replace lavatory aerators 0 56 ea $35 $1,960 Replace showerhead 0 25 ea $35 $875 Energy Costs Water 1 - 25 -54 kgals $10.960 ($10,328) Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -305 gal $4.03 ($34,789) Net Present Worth ($42,300) Gallons per Use Juneau Douglas High School 29 Energy Audit (November 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Juneau-Douglas High School EEM-12: Optimize Ventilation Systems Energy Analysis Fan Case CFM ΔP η, fan BHP η, motor kW Hours kWh ARF-1 Existing -12,000 0.50 60%-2 89%-1 400 -528 D-SF-4 Existing -16,800 2.00 60%-9 91%-7 1,530 -11,051 Optimized 10,000 1.25 55%4 91%3 1,530 4,485 E-RF-2 Existing -6,900 0.50 55%-1 91%-1 1,440 -1,165 B-SF-3 Existing -9,315 1.25 55%-3 89%-3 1,620 -4,523 Optimized 6,000 1.00 55%2 89%1 1,620 2,331 B-RF-3 Existing -8,805 0.88 50%-2 86%-2 1,620 -3,427 Optimized 5,500 0.60 50%1 86%1 1,620 1,468 B-AHU-1 Existing -15,000 1.75 55%-8 91%-6 3,420 -21,053 Optimized 10,000 1.25 55%4 91%3 3,420 10,025 B-RF-8 Existing -10,880 0.75 50%-3 91%-2 3,420 -7,199 Optimized 9,000 0.60 50%2 91%1 3,420 4,764 Existing -10,230 0.75 50%-2 91%-2 0 Optimized 9,000 0.60 50%2 91%1 0 S-7 Existing -3,600 1.00 50%-1 88%-1 0 Optimized 1,800 0.75 50%0 88%0 0 -14 -25,872 Ventilation SA CFM MAT T,room MBH Hours kBtu η boiler Gallons ASF-1 Existing -23,500 65 68 -76 400 -30,456 68%-323 Optimized 23,500 67 68 25 400 10,152 68%108 GSF-1 Existing -25,000 60 68 -216 2,880 -622,080 68%-6,605 Optimized 25,000 66 70 108 2,880 311,040 68%3,303 A-SF-1 Existing -4,500 60 70 -49 80 -3,888 68%-41 Optimized 4,500 65 70 24 80 1,944 68%21 E-EF-12 Existing -1,200 60 70 -13 576 -7,465 68%-79 B-SF-3 Existing -9,315 61 70 -91 1,440 -130,380 68%-1,384 Optimized 6,000 65 70 32 1,440 46,656 68%495 B-AHU-1 Existing -15,000 55 70 -243 3,420 -831,060 68%-8,824 Optimized 10,000 65 70 54 3,420 184,680 68%1,961 A-HV-1 Existing -3,400 40 70 -110 1,620 -178,459 68%-1,895 Optimized 3,400 60 70 37 1,620 59,486 68%632 B-AHU-2 Existing -10,230 60 70 -110 600 -66,290 68%-704 Optimized 10,230 64 70 66 600 39,774 68%422 B-SF-1 Existing -10,635 60 70 -115 600 -68,915 68%-732 Optimized 10,635 64 70 69 600 41,349 68%439 B-SF-2 Existing -6,065 60 70 -66 600 -39,301 68%-417 Optimized 6,065 64 70 39 600 23,581 68%250 B-SF-4 Existing -3,060 60 70 -33 600 -19,829 68%-211 Optimized 3,060 64 70 20 600 11,897 68%126 Existing -3,600 60 70 -39 0 68%0 Optimized 1,800 65 70 10 0 68%0 -1,267,564 -13,459 Juneau Douglas High School 30 Energy Audit (November 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Juneau-Douglas High School EEM-12, continued: Optimize Ventilation Systems ASF-1 MBH Hours kBtu η boiler Gallons -2 6,480 -12,960 68% -138 Pumps Pump GPH Head η pump BHP η motor kW Hours kWh AP-3 -38 45 55% -1.1 85% -0.9 4,050 -3,739 AP-5 -140 60 55% -5.2 91% -4.2 4,050 -17,154 -20,893 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Remove E-RF-2 0 1 ea $1,000 $1,000 Repair supply duct insulation 0 1 ea $500 $500 Controls 0 $0 Control EAD from pressure sensor 0 13 ea $3,000 $39,000 Change control sequence 0 16 ea $300 $4,800 Install manual thermostats 0 4 ea $150 $600 Install timer 0 1 ea $150 $150 Install CO2 sensor override of mixing dampers 0 2 ea $3,000 $6,000 Install VFD 0 6 ea $7,500 $45,000 Estimating contingency 0 15% $14,558 Overhead & profit 0 30% $33,482 Design fees 0 10% $14,509 Project management 0 8% $12,768 Annual Costs DDC Maintenance 1 - 25 1 LS $1,000.00 $17,027 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -46,765 kWh $0.061 ($50,164) Electric Demand 1 - 25 -127 kW $12.38 ($27,552) Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -13,597 gal $4.03 ($1,552,344) Net Present Worth ($1,440,700) Juneau Douglas High School 31 Energy Audit (November 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Juneau-Douglas High School EEM-13: Server Room Heat Recovery Energy Analysis Fuel Oil MBH CFM Tave Trm Hours MBH kBtu η boiler Gallons 15 1,400 70 80 6,480 -15 -99,792 68%-1,060 Electricity Cooling Unit kBtu SEER kWh -99,792 11.0 -9,072 Fan Unit BHP kW Hours kWh Fan 0.25 0.19 6,480 1,209 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Fan 0 1 LS $3,500 $3,500 Ductwork and grilles 0 1 LS $8,000 $8,000 Electrical 0 1 ea $1,500 $1,500 Estimating contingency 0 15%$1,950 Overhead & profit 0 30% $4,485.00 Design fees 0 10%$1,944 Project management 0 8%$1,710 Annual Costs Pump maintenance 1 - 25 1 LS $200.00 $3,405 Fan coil maintenance 1 - 25 1 LS $250.00 $4,257 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -7,863 kWh $0.061 ($8,435) Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -1,060 gal $4.03 ($120,975) Net Present Worth ($98,700) EEM-14: Replace Single Pane Door Glazing Energy Analysis Component Area R,exist R,new ΔT MBH kBtu η boiler Gallons Door Glazing 11 1.00 3.0 30 -0.2 -1,927 68%-20 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Replace door glazing unit 0 11 sqft $75 $825 Estimating contingency 0 15%$124 Overhead & profit 0 30%$285 Design fees 0 10%$123 Project management 0 8%$109 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -20 gal $4.03 ($2,336) Net Present Worth ($900) Juneau Douglas High School 32 Energy Audit (November 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Juneau-Douglas High School EEM-15: Install A-CHF-1 Fan Controls Energy Analysis Fan Savings HP kW Hours, exist Hours, new kWh 0.3 0.2 5,040 1,663 -831 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Rewire contols to include thermostat control of fan 0 1 LS $600 $600 Estimating contingency 0 15%$90 Overhead & profit 0 30%$207 Design fees 0 10%$90 Project management 0 8%$79 Energy Costs Electric Energy (Effective Cost)1 - 25 -831 kWh $0.107 ($1,561) Net Present Worth ($500) EEM-16: Upgrade Gym Lighting Energy Analysis Lamp Lamp, watts Fixture Watts Lamp Lamp, watts Fixture Watts kW Hours kWh MH 400 460 T5 310 357 -5.6 2,592 -14,487 MH 175 201 -4.8 2,592 -12,519 -10.4 -27,006 Lamp Replacement # Fixtures Lamp # Lamps Life, hrs Replace/yr $/lamp replace 78 MH -1 20,000 -10.11 $30 54 T5 6 30,000 4.67 $24 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Replace 400 watt MH with T5 Fluorescent 0 54 LS $525 $28,350 Estimating contingency 0 10%$2,835 Overhead & profit 0 30%$9,356 Design fees 0 10%$4,054 Project management 0 8%$3,568 Annual Costs Existing lamp replacement, 400 watt MH 1 - 25 -10.11 replacements $60.00 ($10,327) New lamp replacement, T5 1 - 25 4.67 replacements $54.00 $4,290 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -27,006 kWh $0.061 ($28,969) Electric Demand 1 - 25 -94 kW $12.38 ($20,352) Net Present Worth ($7,200) 24 Existing Replacement Savings Fixtures 54 Juneau Douglas High School 33 Energy Audit (November 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Juneau-Douglas High School EEM-17: Upgrade Transformers Energy Analysis Number kVA ηold ηnew KW kWh 1 30 96.8% 98.4% -0.5 -4,205 1 500 98.2% 99.1% -4.5 -39,420 1 1,000 98.4% 99.2% -8.0 -70,080 -13.0 -113,705 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Replace transformer, kVA 30 0 1 LS $4,900 $4,900 Replace transformer, kVA 500 0 1 LS $35,100 $35,100 Replace transformer, kVA 750 0 1 LS $54,600 $54,600 Overhead & profit 0 30% $28,380 Design fees 0 10% $12,298 Project management 0 8% $10,822 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -113,705 kWh $0.061 ($121,972) Electric Demand 1 - 25 -156 kW $12.38 ($33,807) Net Present Worth ($9,700) EEM-18: Increase Wall Insulation Energy Analysis Component Area R,exist R,new ΔT MBH kBtu η boiler Gallons Wall 45,517 4 24 25 -237.1 -1,536,199 68% -16,311 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Install wall insulation 0 45,517 sqft $27 $1,228,959 Overhead & profit 0 30% $368,688 Design fees 0 5% $79,882 Project management 0 8% $134,202 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -16,311 gal $4.03 ($1,862,291) Net Present Worth ($50,600) Juneau Douglas High School 34 Energy Audit (November 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Juneau-Douglas High School EEM-19: Upgrade Motors Energy Analysis Equip Number HP ηold ηnew kW Hours kWh C-RF-1 1 1.5 78.0% 86.5% -0.10 1,620 -154 B-SF-4 1 2 80.8% 86.5% -0.09 1,620 -138 B-RF-2 1 3 76.9% 89.5% -0.28 1,620 -457 E-RF-2 1 3 76.9% 89.5% -0.28 1,620 -457 E-RF-1 1 3 76.9% 89.5% -0.28 1,620 -457 A-P-5 1 5 85.5% 89.5% -0.15 6,480 -967 A-HV-2 1 7.5 82.9% 91.7% -0.49 1,620 -798 -1.7 -3,427 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs HP Replace motor 1.5 0 1 LS 955 $955 Replace motor 2 0 1 LS 970 $970 Replace motor 3 0 3 LS 1,080 $3,240 Replace motor 5 0 1 LS 1,290 $1,290 Replace motor 7.5 0 1 LS 1,690 $1,690 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -3,427 kWh $0.061 ($3,676) Electric Demand 1 - 25 -15 kW $12.38 ($3,258) Net Present Worth $1,200 Juneau Douglas High School 35 Energy Audit (November 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Juneau-Douglas High School EEM-20: Upgrade Exterior Lighting to LED Energy Analysis Type # Fixtures Lamp Lamp, watts Fixture Watts Lamp Lamp, watts Fixture Watts Savings, kWh Area 4 MH 175 219 LED -93 -2,197 WallPak 4 HPS 50 63 LED -30 -569 Downlight 22 HPS 70 88 LED -40 -4,577 Surface 29 HPS 70 88 LED -40 -6,033 Cobra Head 3 HPS 250 313 LED -106 -2,713 Cobra Head 5 HPS 400 500 LED -170 -7,236 -23,326 Lamp Replacement Type # Fixtures Lamp # Lamps Life, hrs Lamps//yr $ / lamp $ / Replace Area 4 MH -1 15,000 -1.17 $40 $20 WallPak 4 HPS -1 24,000 -0.73 $40 $20 Downlight 22 HPS -1 24,000 -4.02 $42 $20 Surface 29 HPS -1 24,000 -5.29 $32 $20 Cobra Head 3 HPS -1 24,000 -0.55 $45 $60 Cobra Head 5 HPS -1 24,000 -0.91 $50 $60 Area 4 LED 1 60,000 0.29 $190 $20 WallPak 4 LED 1 60,000 0.29 $125 $20 Downlight 22 LED 1 60,000 1.61 $125 $20 Surface 29 LED 1 60,000 2.12 $190 $20 Cobra Head 3 LED 1 60,000 0.22 $200 $60 Cobra Head 5 LED 1 60,000 0.37 $225 $60 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Replace Area Light: 150 watt MH with LED 0 4 LS $900 $3,600 Replace WallPak: 50 watt HPS with LED 0 4 LS $525 $2,100 Replace Downlight: 70 watt HPS with LED 0 22 LS $525 $11,550 Replace Surface Mount: 70 watt HPS with LED 0 29 LS $525 $15,225 Replace Cobra Head: 250 watt HPS with LED 0 3 LS $525 $1,575 Replace Cobra Head: 400 watt HPS with LED 1 5 LS $900 $4,371 Overhead & profit 0 30% $11,526 Design fees 0 10%$4,995 Project management 0 8%$4,395 Annual Costs Existing lamp replacement, 175 watt MH 1 - 25 -1.17 lamps $60.00 ($1,193) Existing lamp replacement, 50 watt HPS 1 - 25 -0.73 lamps $60.00 ($746) Existing lamp replacement, 70 watt HPS 1 - 25 -4.02 lamps $62.00 ($4,239) Existing lamp replacement, 70 watt HPS 1 - 25 -5.29 lamps $52.00 ($4,686) Existing lamp replacement, 250 watt HPS 1 - 25 -0.55 lamps $105.00 ($979) Existing lamp replacement, 400 watt HPS 1 - 25 -0.91 lamps $110.00 ($1,709) LED board replacement, 93 watts 1 - 25 0.29 LED board $210.00 $1,044 LED board replacement, 30 watts 1 - 25 0.29 LED board $145.00 $721 LED board replacement, 40 watts 1 - 25 1.61 LED board $145.00 $3,965 LED board replacement, 40 watts 1 - 25 2.12 LED board $210.00 $7,570 LED board replacement, 106 watts 1 - 25 0.22 LED board $260.00 $970 LED board replacement, 170 watts 1 - 25 0.37 LED board $285.00 $1,771 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -23,326 kWh $0.061 ($25,022) Net Present Worth $36,800 Existing Replacement Juneau Douglas High School 36 Energy Audit (November 2011) Appendix B Energy and Utility Data Juneau Douglas High School 37 Energy Audit (November 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Billing Data 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Juneau-Douglas High School ELECTRIC RATE Electricity ($ / kWh )0.0611 0.0592 Demand ( $ / kW )14.30 9.11 Customer Charge ( $ / mo )99.24 99.24 Sales Tax ( % )0.0% 0.0% ELECTRICAL CONSUMPTION AND DEMAND kWh kW kWh kW kWh kW kWh kW Jan 143,800 480.0 139,800 500.0 122,600 466.0 118,000 430.0 131,050 Feb 172,800 458.0 150,000 468.0 125,200 418.0 124,000 402.0 143,000 Mar 159,600 462.0 144,600 454.0 130,600 406.0 127,600 398.0 140,600 Apr 147,200 486.0 138,600 462.0 120,600 402.0 122,600 402.0 132,250 May 158,800 492.0 131,000 456.0 112,600 406.0 119,800 404.0 130,550 Jun 135,000 460.0 87,000 356.0 107,600 408.0 110,200 386.0 109,950 Jul 69,200 180.0 50,600 136.0 54,000 302.0 47,000 182.0 55,200 Aug 55,600 128.0 53,200 174.0 53,000 160.0 50,000 164.0 52,950 Sep 96,600 446.0 78,000 374.0 68,400 364.0 76,400 372.0 79,850 Oct 126,000 452.0 131,000 416.0 121,400 406.0 118,200 402.0 124,150 Nov 143,000 460.0 129,800 426.0 119,000 388.0 120,800 398.0 128,150 Dec 141,800 472.0 115,800 418.0 125,400 408.0 119,000 400.0 125,500 Total 1,549,400 1,349,400 1,260,400 1,253,600 1,353,200 Average 129,117 415 112,450 387 105,033 378 104,467 362 112,767 Load Factor 42.7%39.8%38.1%39.6%385 ELECTRIC BILLING DETAILS Month Energy Demand Cust & Tax Total Energy Demand Cust & Tax Total % Change Jan 7,491 6,664 99 14,254 7,210 6,149 99 13,458 -5.6% Feb 7,650 5,977 99 13,726 7,576 5,749 99 13,424 -2.2% Mar 7,980 5,806 99 13,885 7,796 5,691 99 13,587 -2.1% Apr 7,369 5,749 99 13,217 7,491 5,749 99 13,339 0.9% May 6,880 5,806 99 12,785 7,320 5,777 99 13,196 3.2% Jun 6,574 3,717 99 10,390 6,733 3,516 99 10,349 -0.4% Jul 3,299 2,751 99 6,150 2,872 1,658 99 4,629 -24.7% Aug 3,238 1,458 99 4,795 3,055 1,494 99 4,648 -3.1% Sep 4,179 3,316 99 7,595 4,668 3,389 99 8,156 7.4% Oct 7,418 3,699 99 11,215 7,222 3,662 99 10,983 -2.1% Nov 7,271 5,548 99 12,919 7,381 5,691 99 13,172 2.0% Dec 7,662 5,834 99 13,596 7,271 5,720 99 13,090 -3.7% Total $ 77,010 $ 56,325 $ 1,191 $ 134,526 $ 76,595 $ 54,246 $ 1,191 $ 132,032 -1.9% Average $ 6,418 $ 4,694 $ 99 $ 11,210 $ 6,383 $ 4,520 $ 99 $ 11,003 -1.9% Cost ($/kWh)$0.107 58% 41% 1% $0.105 -1.3% Electrical costs are based on the current electric rates. 2009 2010 2010 AEL&P Electric Rate 24 On-Peak Nov-May Off-peak Jun-Oct Month 2007 2008 2009 Average Juneau Douglas High School 38 Energy Audit (November 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Annual Electric Consumption 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Juneau-Douglas High School 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecElectric Use (kWh)Month of the Year Electric Use History 2007 2008 2009 2010 0.0 100.0 200.0 300.0 400.0 500.0 600.0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecElectric Demand (kW)Month of the Year Electric Demand History 2007 2008 2009 2010 Juneau Douglas High School 39 Energy Audit (November 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Electric Cost 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Juneau-Douglas High School 2010 $ 0 $ 2,000 $ 4,000 $ 6,000 $ 8,000 $ 10,000 $ 12,000 $ 14,000 $ 16,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecElectric Cost (USD)Month of the Year Electric Cost Breakdown 2010 Electric Use (kWh) Costs Electric Demand (kW) Costs Customer Charge and Taxes 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 300.0 350.0 400.0 450.0 500.0 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Electric Demand (kW)Electric Use (kWh)Month of the Year Electric Use and Demand Comparison 2010 Electric Use Electric Demand Juneau Douglas High School 40 Energy Audit (November 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Annual Fuel Oil Consumption 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Juneau-Douglas High School Year Fuel Oil Degree Days 2007 61,008 9,282 2008 54,759 9,093 2009 59,979 9,284 2010 41,700 9,013 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 2007 2008 2009 2010 Degree DaysGallons of Fuel OilYear Annual Fuel Oil Use Fuel Oil Degree Days Juneau Douglas High School 41 Energy Audit (November 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Annual Water Consumption 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Juneau-Douglas High School Year Water 2007 1,248,000 2008 1,032,000 2009 1,176,000 2010 1,020,000 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 900,000 1,000,000 1,100,000 1,200,000 1,300,000 2007 2008 2009 2010Gallons of WaterYear Annual Water  Use Juneau Douglas High School 42 Energy Audit (November 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Billing Data 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Annual Energy Consumption and Cost Energy Cost $/MMBtu Area ECI EUI Fuel Oil $3.80 $39.20 190,738 $1.91 66 Electricity $0.105 $32.49 Source Cost Electricity 1,353,200 kWh $142,500 4,600 37% Fuel Oil 58,582 Gallons $222,600 8,000 63% Totals $365,100 12,600 100% Annual Energy Consumption and Cost Consumption Energy, MMBtu $0.00 $5.00 $10.00 $15.00 $20.00 $25.00 $30.00 $35.00 $40.00 $45.00 Fuel Oil ElectricityCost $ / MMBtuCost of Heat Comparison Juneau Douglas High School 43 Energy Audit (November 2011) Appendix C Equipment Data Juneau Douglas High School 44 Energy Audit (November 2011) MotorHP / Volts / RPM / EfficB RF 2 319 AReturn Air to AHU 2 Pace B-18SFTD 6800 CFM 3 HP/ 480 V/ 1745 RPM/ 76.9%B SF 3 319 ALibraryPace B-18AFSTD 9315 CFM 5 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/ 89.5%B RF 3 319 AReturn Air to B SF 3 Pace A-22FCSTD 5803 CFM 5 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/ 89.5%B SF 4 319 AAdministration Area Pace A-14FCSTD 3060 CFM 2 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/ 80%B RF 4 319 AReturn Air to B SF 4 Pace A-14FCSTD 2900 CFM 1 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM/76.7%B EF 4 3033rd Floor Science RoomsPace U-22FSTD 3865 CFM @ 3/4" 2 HP/ 480 V/ 1740 RPM/ 85.5%B P 3 303Glycol Circulation PumpB&G 2332731 HP/ 480 V/ 1740 RPM/76.7%B SF 6 303Classrooms Pace A-11FCSTD 2300 CFM @ 1" 1.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1745 RPM/79.1%B RF 6 303Return Fan for B SF 6 Pace U-13FSTD 1760 CFM 3/4 HP/ 430 V/ 1725 RPM/82%B AHU 3 303Science Rooms Pace A-22AFSI 8460 CFM 5 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/ 89.5%B AHU 1 303CommonsPace A-30AFSI 1500 CFM 15 HP/ 480 V/ 1775 RPM/ 93%B RF 8 303Return Air for B AHU 1Pace U-33BSTD 10880 CFM 5 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/ 89.5%B RF 7 303Return Air for B AHU 1Pace U-15FSTD 2100 CFM 3/4 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/82%B AHU 4 303 Penthouse Kitchen Air Logic CSU-6K-H-8 5690 CFM 5 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/ 89.5% XFMR 303 Penthouse Transformer Square D 30T 3H 30 KVA 150° C Temp Rise Non-TPI HRU 303 PenthouseKitchen Heat RecoveryAir Logic CSU-17K 3120 CFM 5 HP/ 480 V/ 1760 RPM/ 89.5%B RF 10 303 Penthouse Return Fan Loren Cook 210 CPS 3/4 HP/ 430 V/ 1760 RPM/82%RoofKitchen Refrigeration SystemCold Zone CZ4S2A2 HP 1/3 1.3 HP / 208 V/84%C EF 3 RoofScience Room Exhaust2 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/ 84%D EF G Popcorn Fan Cook 120R4B 1/3 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPMRoof A/C McQuayAGZ055AS27-8R10not usedno access or labelsJuneau Douglas High School - Major Equipment InventoryCapacityNotesUnit ID Location Function Make Model Juneau Douglas High School 45 Energy Audit (November 2011) MotorHP / Volts / RPM / EfficJuneau Douglas High School - Major Equipment InventoryCapacityNotesUnit ID Location Function Make ModelE EF 1 Green Rooms Men's Dressing Room PVC Z-12 120 CFM1/8 HP/ 115 VE EF 2 Green Rooms Make Up Room PVC Z-12 120 CFM1/8 HP/ 115 VE EF 3 Green RoomsWomen's Dressing RoomPVC Z-12 120 CFM1/8 HP/ 115 VE EF 4 207207 Bathroom PVC Z-880 CFM115 V/ 1.59 AmpE EF 5 207207 Bathroom PVC Z-880 CFM115 V/ 1.59 AmpA EF 1 322Rest Room Exhaust Pace U-20FSTD 3600 CFM 1.5 HP/ 1725 RPM/ 208 V/ 86.5%E EF 6 207207 Custodial PVC Z-880 CFM115 V/ 1.59 AmpNot WorkingE EF 7 207207 I Bathroom PVC Z-880 CFM115 V/ 1.59 AmpNot WorkingD SF 1 RoofBoiler Room VentD EF 2 RoofLocker Room Vent Dayton 4YY223 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/ 88.5%D EF 1 RoofLocker Room Vent Dayton 4YY223 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/ 88.5%C EF 8 Auditorium Auditorium1/2 HP/ 208 V/ 1725 RPM/62%C SF 2 Auditorium Projection BoothnoneB 1 Boiler Room BoilerWeil McLain 2594 6970 MBH 50 gallons/ HR nozzleB 2 Boiler Room BoilerWeil McLain 2594 6970 MBH 60 gallons/ HR nozzleHSB P 1 Boiler RoomBoiler Loop CirculationB&G 6E-11-BF 1299 gpm @ 40' 20 HP/ 480 V/ 1180 RPM/ 92.4%HSB P 2 Boiler RoomBoiler Loop CirculationB&G 6E-11-BF 1300 gpm @ 40' 20 HP/ 480 V/ 1180 RPM/ 92.4%HWH 1 Boiler Room Hot Water Heater South Gate 8645 32" diameter x 12' long HSB P 6 Boiler RoomHot Water Circulation PumpB&G BF-105-LW115 V/ 0.46 AmpsSB P 5 Boiler RoomHot Water Circulation PumpB&G MBF-105-LW115 V/ 0.46 AmpsGRF 1Basement Fan RoomGym Return Fan Utility 4-22-10 6 1/2 E10.0 HP/ 480 V/ 1185 RPM/ 91.7%Indirect H20 heater, Horizontal mountnot usednot usednot usedJuneau Douglas High School 46 Energy Audit (November 2011) MotorHP / Volts / RPM / EfficJuneau Douglas High School - Major Equipment InventoryCapacityNotesUnit ID Location Function Make ModelD P 5Basement Fan RoomLocker Room Heat ExchangeB&G CP7965-02D30 70 gpm2 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM/ 86.5%D P 6Basement Fan RoomLocker Room Heat ExchangeB&G CP7965-01D30 70 gpm2 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM/ 86.5%DHE 3Basement Fan RoomLocker Room Heat ExchangeB&G Q-59788HSD GSF 1Basement Fan RoomGym Supply Fan Utility 4-2-410 7D20 HP/ 480 V/ 1180 RPM/ 92.4%T 1Basement Electrical RoomTransformer GE9T26B3080G261000 KVA No temp rise listedD SF 2Basement Fan RoomMusic Room Supply Pace A-20-FCS-1 7450 CFM @ 1.5" 5 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/ 89.5%D SF 3Basement Fan RoomNot UsedPace A-20-FC-1 7860 CFM @ 1.5 sp 5 HP/ 480 V/ 1740 RPM/ 87.5%D SF 4Basement Fan RoomAuxiliary Gym Pace A 30 FCS116800 CFM @ 1 1/2 sp 10 HP/ 480 V/ 1765 RPM/ 91.7%D RF 4Basement Fan RoomReturn Air to D SF 4 Loren Cook 3009 CLB-110 HP/ 480 V/ 1765 RPM/ 91.7%D SF 5Basement Fan RoomLocker Room Vent Pace A-18-FC-1 6900 CFM@ 1 1/2 sp 5 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/ 89%D SF 6Basement Fan RoomLocker Room Vent Pace A-18-FC-16500 CFM @ 1 1/2 sp5 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/ 89.5%D RF 2Basement Fan RoomReturn Fan for D SF 3D P 3Basement Fan RoomD RF 1Basement Fan RoomReturn Fan for D SF 21.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/78%E SF 2 North Fan Room Drama Room Pace A-22-FCS1 9600 CFM@ 1.5 sp 5 HP/ 1750 RPM/ 480 V/ 89.5%E RF 2 North Fan Room Drama Room Loren Cook 2109CLV-13 HP/ 480 V/ 1745 RPM/ 76.9%E SF 1 North Fan Room Auditorium Room Pace A-20-FCS1 8280 CFM @ 1.5" 5 HP/ 1740 RPM/ 480 V/ 89.5% E RF 1 North Fan Room Auditorium Room Loren Cook 2109CLV-13 HP/ 480 V/ 1745 RPM/ 76.9%HSE AUD RFFan RoomAuditorium Return FanUtility 4-19305 HP/ 480 V/ 1170 RPM/ 87.5%HWH 106Eye Wash Station HeaterBradford White10 gallon208 V/ 4500 WC P 1 106Eye Wash Station Circulation PumpB&G NBF-10S/LW115 V/ 0.42 Amps/ 52 WC SF 1 106Downstairs Business AreaPace B-22B-STV 7400 CFM @ 1.5" 5 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/ 89.5%not in usenot in useJuneau Douglas High School 47 Energy Audit (November 2011) MotorHP / Volts / RPM / EfficJuneau Douglas High School - Major Equipment InventoryCapacityNotesUnit ID Location Function Make ModelC RF 1 106Return Fan for C SF 1 Pace U-20 B-STU 3500 CFM @ 1" 1.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM/ 78%XFMR 2 117 ATransformer International 10910H3D 500 KVA150° C Temp RiseHWH 110 CustodialLife Skills Hot Water HeaterCitation WA3243 50 gallon4500 WB SF 1 117 Mechanical FACS Ventilation Pace 33SWS1AF 10635 CFM @ 1 3/8 7.5 HP/ 1760 RPM/ 480 V/ 91%B SF 2 117 Mechanical FACS Ventilation Pace 27SWS1-AF 6065 CFM @ 1 3/8 5 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/ 89.5%B RF 1 117 MechanicalReturn Air to BSF 1/ BSF 2Pace X36-SWS1-AF 13300 CFM @ 1 1/8 5 HP/ 1750 RPM/ 480 V/ 89.5%B EF 1 117 Mechanical Elevator Room Pace 11-9E-STD 600 CFM @ 0.82 1/2 HP/ 115 V/ 1725 RPM/47%A RF 2 Woodshop Return Air for A SF 2 Loren Cook 2109 CLV-1 5 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/ 89.5% Not usedA SF 2 WoodshopWoodshop Supply AlirPace B-20 FCS1 15500 CFM @ 1 1/2" 10 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/ 89.5%A HE 2 Woodshop Heat ExchangerA P 6 WoodshopHeat Exchange Glycol PumpITT1.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM/79.1%DC 1 Woodshop Dust Collector AAF 1853126-0010.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1755 RPM/ 78.5%DC 2 Woodshop Dust Collector AAF 1853126-090.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1755 RPM/ 78.5% A HV 1 Welding Shop Welding Room Vent Pace2 HP/ 480 V/ 1745 RPM/80.8%A HV 2 Welding ShopSpray Booth Room VentPace B-16-FCS17.5 HP/ 480 V/ 745 RPM 85.5%A P 7 Welding Shop Heat Exchange Pump B&G 2BC7-35 HP/ 480 V/ 1740 RPM/ 85.5%A HE 3 Welding Shop Heat ExchangeA HE 1 Welding Shop Heat ExchangeEF 1 Welding Shop Welding Exhaust Air Pro 100012961.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/ 84%EF 2 Welding Shop Welding Exhaust Air Pro 100013124 HP/ 480 V/ 3510 RPM/ 87.5%EF 3 Welding Shop Welding Exhaust Air Pro 100013124 HP/ 480 V/ 3510 RPM/ 87.5%EF 4 Welding Shop Welding Exhaust Air Pro 100013204 HP/ 480 V/ 3510 RPM/ 87.5%7.5 HP/ 3450 RPM/ 87.5% (2 motors)7.5 HP/ 3450 RPM/ 87.5% (2 motors)Juneau Douglas High School 48 Energy Audit (November 2011) MotorHP / Volts / RPM / EfficJuneau Douglas High School - Major Equipment InventoryCapacityNotesUnit ID Location Function Make ModelA RF 4 Welding Shop Return Air for A SF 2 Cook 20CBB1.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/ 79.1% A RF 1 237Return Air for A SF 1 Pace U3057D 9100 CFM 7.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1760 RPM/ 91%A HE 1 237Heat ExchangerA EF 6 237Art RoomsLoren Cook 15CBB1.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/ 86.5%A EF 8 237Art RoomsPace 5CF-73AMI 6600 CFM Motor not accessibleA EF 12 237Art RoomsPace SCE-85A 1200 CFM Motor not accessibleA SF 1 2372nd FloorPace D-20-FCS1 14900 CFM 10 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/ 90.2%A EF 5 237Art RoomsPace SCF-97BME 2400 CFM 3/4 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/82%A P 5 237Heat Exchange Pump Pace 2BC88F5 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/ 85.5%B AHU 2 319 A2nd Floor Offices Pace B18AFS1 10230 CFM 5 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/ 87.5%B SF 5 319 A3rd Floor Classrooms Pace B-20FSTD 13300 CFM 10 HP/ 480 V/ 1765 RPM/ 90.2%B RF 5 319 AReturn Air to B SF 5 Pace B-18AFSTD 10500 CFM 5 HP/ 480 V/ 1750 RPM/ 85.5%D EF 3 RoofBathroom Exhaust Loren Cook 80C2B1/6 HP/ 115 V/ 1725 RPMKitchenWare Washer3 HP/26.8 Amps/ 208 VKitchenConvection Oven23.33 KW3 HP/1208 VKitchenHot Plate5 KW24 Amps/ 208 V/ 1 PHKitchenBrazing Pan18 KW208 V/ 3 PHKitchenFryer System17 KW208 V/ 3 PHKitchenWalk In Cooler120 V/ 1 PHKitchenWalk In Freezer120 V/ 1 PHKitchenRefrigeration264 Amps/ 208 V/ 3 PHKitchenHot Pass Through7.1 Amps/ 120/208 V/ PHJuneau Douglas High School 49 Energy Audit (November 2011) MotorHP / Volts / RPM / EfficJuneau Douglas High School - Major Equipment InventoryCapacityNotesUnit ID Location Function Make ModelKitchenDeli Serving Counter1/2 HP14 Amps/ 120 VKitchenHot Food Serving Counter3.7 Amps/ 208 V/ 3 PHKitchenSnack Serving Counter1.3, 2.5 KW 11.3 Amps/ 120/208 V/ 3 PHKitchenUtility Distribution System81 KW225 Amps/ 120/208 V/ 3 PHKitchenHand Sinks1.35 KW120 VKitchenRefrigerated Pass Through0.669 KW1/3 HP/ 8.3 Amps/ 120 VKitchenFreezer Pass Through1.058 KW1/2 HP/ 11.5 KW/ 120 VKitchenReach In Freezer1.37 KW3/4 HP/ 14.9 Amps/ 120 VKitchenHot Display Cabinet1.8 KW 9.7 Amps/ 120/208 VKitchenWarming Drawer0.9 KW4.3 Amps/ 208 VServer Room Space CoolingMitsubishi, Mr SlimPC 24GK12 Ton/ 24,400 BTU/H11.5 V/ 1 PH/ 60 HzRoom Temp Set @ 70° Juneau Douglas High School 50 Energy Audit (November 2011) Appendix D Abbreviations AHU Air handling unit BTU British thermal unit BTUH BTU per hour CBJ City and Borough of Juneau CMU Concrete masonry unit CO2 Carbon dioxide CUH Cabinet unit heater DDC Direct digital controls DHW Domestic hot water EAD Exhaust air damper EEM Energy efficiency measure EF Exhaust fan Gyp Bd Gypsum board HVAC Heating, Ventilating, Air- conditioning HW Hot water HWRP Hot water recirculating pump KVA Kilovolt-amps kW Kilowatt kWh Kilowatt-hour LED Light emitting diode MBH 1,000 Btu per hour MMBH 1,000,000 Btu per hour OAD Outside air damper PSI Per square inch PSIG Per square inch gage RAD Return air damper RF Return fan SIR Savings to investment ratio SF Supply fan UV Unit ventilator VAV Variable air volume VFD Variable frequency drive Juneau Douglas High School 51 Energy Audit (November 2011)