HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEA-AEE-Kake Schools 2012-EE Kake Schools Kake City School District Funded by: Final Report February 2012 Prepared by: Energy Audit Table of Contents Section 1: Executive Summary 2  Section 2: Introduction 9  Section 3: Energy Efficiency Measures 12  Section 4: Description of Systems 24  Section 5: Methodology 29  Appendix A: Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 32  Appendix B: Energy and Utility Data 42  Appendix C: Equipment Data 47  Appendix D: Abbreviations 52  Audit Team The energy audit is performed by Alaska Energy Engineering LLC of Juneau, Alaska. The audit team consists of:  Jim Rehfeldt, P.E., Energy Engineer  Jack Christiansen, Energy Consultant  Brad Campbell, Energy Auditor  Loras O’Toole P.E., Mechanical Engineer  Will Van Dyken P.E., Electrical Engineer  Curt Smit, P.E., Mechanical Engineer  Philip Iverson, Construction Estimator  Karla Hart, Technical Publications Specialist  Jill Carlile, Data Analyst  Grayson Carlile, Energy Modeler Kake Schools 1 Energy Audit (February 2012) Section 1 Executive Summary An energy audit of the Kake K-12 Schools was performed by Alaska Energy Engineering LLC. The investment grade audit was funded by Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) to identify opportunities to improve the energy performance of public buildings throughout Alaska. Four buildings on the Kake K-12 Schools campus were audited: the high school, the elementary school, the library building, and the vocational education building. These four buildings, with a combined area of 80,900 square feet, contain commons, classrooms, offices, a gym, locker rooms, a kitchen and cafeteria, a library, storage, and mechanical support spaces. Heat is supplied to each of these four buildings by a boiler plant located in high school building that connects to the other buildings via a set of utilidors and above ground piping. Building Assessments The following summarizes our assessment of the buildings. Envelope All buildings on the school campus have exterior doors that are not thermally broken. Future exterior door replacement selection should include this feature. High School: The high school envelope is in good repair. With the exception of some door weather stripping, the exterior appeared to be well maintained. Envelope issues with the exterior of the building were limited to design issues that are not easily corrected. An arctic entryway was not included on the main entrance and the unnecessarily high ceiling with upper windows further reduces the efficiency of this space. The entryway window curtain assembly utilized single pane window glazing, further adding to the poor energy efficiency of this space. Several doors also have single pane glazing. Elementary School: Issues with the elementary school building envelope are minor in significance. With the exception of missing and damaged gutter downspouts along the east walls and some moisture damage to the foundation skirting, the exterior envelope is well preserved. Problems identified by the audit team were limited to the interior of the building envelope. Contractors installing the ductwork for the new air handling unit AHU-2 cut open an access space approximately 2 ½’x3’ to access the attic and did not repair the opening. This is a 7 ½ square foot opening for outside air to flow directly into the conditioned space of the building. Energy will be saved if this section is filled in and insulated. In this same attic space there are approximately 48 square feet of duct insulation and 40 square feet of ceiling insulation missing that should be replaced. While the elementary school design did incorporate an arctic entry, the interior arctic entry door was observed wedged open during both days of the audit, thereby defeating any opportunity to improve building energy efficiency with this feature. Kake Schools 2 Energy Audit (February 2012) Vocational Education: The vocational education building is in poor condition. Siding has been damaged and the interior insulation is exposed to the elements. The overhead door in the wood shop is uninsulated and in poor condition. The walls and ceiling are very poorly insulated. Although an R- 11 batt has been applied to all exterior surfaces, the building is a metal-framed structure and the framing is not thermally broken. Because these metal framing members are in direct contact with the exterior shell and the interior space, they thermally bridge the already poor insulation value of the building. An optimal insulation package in this climate would include R-26 for the walls and R-46 for the ceiling. We estimate that the vocational education building envelope is R-8 on all exterior surfaces. To compound this problem, there are several places in the attic space where a significant amount of insulation has pulled away from the roof and the exterior metal roofing is exposed to the interior conditioned space. Library: The library building exterior appears to be well maintained. A new roof was installed in 2000 and the paint is in good condition. Issues with the building envelope are due to design and construction and they are fairly significant. Despite a reasonably sized perimeter hydronic heating system, staff has had a difficult time keeping the building warm enough. Three Toyostove heaters have recently been installed to provide additional heat to the library, the daycare classroom, and the PTA office. The energy audit revealed a very poorly insulated floor system that is losing heat due to the elevated exposure the piling construction provides. The audit team found the floor was only insulated with 2” of rigid foam, providing an insulation package of approximately R-10. A large portion of this insulation was missing just inside the crawlspace access. Optimal floor insulation packages for this type of construction are R-30. Skirting has been added to the building, which most likely improves the thermal performance. Recommendations for adding insulation to the skirting package, installing a vapor barrier on the ground under the building, and putting fill against the skirting base are outlined in Section 3, Energy Efficiency Measures. Kake Schools 3 Energy Audit (February 2012) Heating System The school buildings are heated by two fuel oil boilers that provide heat to air handling units, unit heaters, and perimeter hydronic systems within the audited buildings, as well as most of the campus domestic hot water needs. The boiler plant is connected to the Vocational Building via an aboveground utilidor with insulated piping. Recommendations for eliminating the below ground connections and adding an additional thermal blanket to this system are outlined in Section 3, Energy Efficiency Measures. An issue with the heating system is the high number of pumps utilized to supply heating water to the buildings. Because the Kake School campus was constructed and renovated in several phases, the boiler system utilizes 18 pumps rated at a total 15.3 HP to circulate water for heating purposes throughout the four buildings. This system could be consolidated into a primary/secondary pumping system with a variable speed pumping capability that would deliver better performance with less pumps and an associated reduction in horsepower, thereby providing both operational and maintenance savings. At the time of the audit Boiler #1 was running and Boiler #2 was on-line and not isolated. Circulating heating water through a non-necessary boiler results in a significant amount of heat losses. This is covered with recommendations in the report. The temperature band for boiler operation could be optimized as well. A lead/lag operating sequence with 30 degree delta T should be utilized to optimize boiler efficiency, i.e. lead boiler operates from 150°F – 180°F and lag boiler operates from 140°F to 170°F. Utilizing a lead/lag operating sequence when both boilers must be operated will also increase the efficiency of the boiler system. The remainder of the fuel oil boiler heating system appears to be in good condition; however fairly simple improvements can be made to improve its effectiveness and efficiency. These are outlined in Section 3, Energy Efficiency Measures. Domestic Hot Water System The domestic hot water system consists of two indirect hot water heaters that supply the buildings. The showers are served by a tempering valve that controls the temperature of the domestic hot water. The valve needs to be recalibrated as outlet temperature, which should be constant, varies with flow rate. Kake Schools 4 Energy Audit (February 2012) Ventilation System Air handling systems, ventilation fans, and exhaust fans provide air heating and cooling and maintain indoor air quality. While the maintenance manager has already made significant improvements to the operation and efficiency of this equipment, the overall condition of the ventilation systems was only fair. Opportunities to reduce heating costs through right-sizing building space air exchange rates and improving control sequences have been identified in this report. Air quality due to lack of ventilation in the portions of the elementary school and library buildings is the biggest audit concern. Library: Fresh air for the library building was originally provided by the unit ventilators; however, they have all failed and are currently not used. The addition of the Toyostove heaters in the building have helped maintain a comfortable temperature level but they do not provide any fresh air to the spaces. Staff is strongly encouraged to repair these units in an effort to improve air quality within the building. Elementary School: The original heat recovery ventilator for the original wing of the elementary school is not being operated. This provided a source of fresh air and exhaust for the two bathrooms, the two offices, and the janitor’s closet in the middle of the building. As a result, fumes from the toilet rooms and janitor’s closet, including a strong odor of cleaning chemicals, can be smelled throughout the wing of the building. It is imperative that these spaces are properly ventilated for the health of the occupants. Fortunately the recently installed air handling unit is capable of providing a ventilation source for these spaces as well. An exhaust fan is needed for the toilets and janitor’s closet. Until these modifications can be made, it is recommended that less toxic cleaning agents are utilized and stored in these spaces. High School: Within the high school a large amount of heat is generated in the kitchen space by the freezer, the refrigerator, the dishwasher, and cooking equipment. Because these additional heat sources have made the kitchen space too warm, staff keeps the kitchen exhaust hood operating throughout the day to help cool the space. Although this does help cool the room, it puts a very large energy load on the high school to do so. When the kitchen hood is operating, it removes 3,000 cfm of conditioned air from the school. This air must be made up and heated. To do so, 3,000 cfm of outside air must be passed through the gym and the school air handler units to be heated and delivered to the interior spaces, only to be removed from the school through the kitchen ventilation fan. Energy will be saved if heat is removed from the kitchen and utilized within the building envelope. Operation of the kitchen make-up air fan can supply makeup air at lower temperatures, which reduces heating energy, cools the kitchen, and could further reduce energy consumption. Additional opportunities to improve ventilation quality and efficiency, such as utilizing heat recovery methods in the high school boiler room and the elementary school pump room are outlined Section 3, Energy Efficiency Measures. Kake Schools 5 Energy Audit (February 2012) Lighting The current Kake Schools maintenance manager has been very focused on saving energy through lighting modifications. These efforts will provide a significant reduction in electrical consumption for the campus. Interior lighting now consists primarily of T8 and compact fluorescent fixtures. Exterior lighting consists primarily of compact fluorescent lighting, LED lighting, and several remaining metal halide fixtures. The audit team understands that lighting upgrades will continue in the coming months. Replacement of the remaining existing fixtures with more energy efficient units, increased efforts to only use half of the gym lighting when possible, and the addition of occupancy sensors are solutions for further reductions in operational costs. High School: The gym lighting in the high school is the largest lighting load in the building. There are two individual light switches that each control 50% of the gym lighting. Under most circumstances, half the lighting provides sufficient light levels; however, both banks of lights are typically used. Each hour that only half of the lighting is used saves 4.2 kWh power. Energy will be saved if a lockable cover is placed over one of the switches so that full gym lighting is used only when authorized by staff. Elementary School: An unnecessarily large number of lights in the elementary school are powered continuously so that they can operate as ‘stumble’ lighting. This is a lighting circuit that provides occupants illumination at all times regardless of the status of the light switch position. Reducing the number of lights connected to stumble lighting circuits, while still maintaining sufficient illumination levels for proper egress, will reduce the after-hours electrical consumption of this building. Summary It is the assessment of the energy audit team that the majority of the campus energy losses are due to the need to optimize heating and ventilation systems in accordance with occupancy, insufficient insulation issues in the vocational education and library buildings, and the inefficient design of the campus heating and distribution system. The level of effort and enthusiasm expressed by the maintenance manager to implement energy efficiency measures on the Kake School campus is commendable, and the results of his efforts can already be seen in the energy use data covered in this report. The development of an energy policy for the school campus could provide additional energy savings while serving as a tool for the education of staff and supervisors. We recommend that an energy policy includes guidelines for:  hours of operations of the buildings;  thermostat setpoints for daytime and night setback modes of the individual spaces;  instructions and reminders about the use of lights within the building;  an organized process for making any changes to the guidelines; and,  a requirement to replace existing appliances and equipment with Energy Star rated units. Kake Schools 6 Energy Audit (February 2012) Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs) All buildings have opportunities to improve their energy efficiency. The energy audit revealed numerous opportunities in which an efficiency investment will result in a net reduction in long-term operating costs. EEMs addressing specific buildings are identified as follows: High School (HS); Elementary School (Elem); Library (Lib); and Vocational Education (Voc). Behavioral and Operational EEMs The following EEMs require behavioral and operational changes in the building use. The savings are not readily quantifiable but these EEMs are highly recommended as low-cost opportunities that are a standard of high performance buildings. EEM-1: Weather-strip Doors EEM-2: Lower Entrance Temperature Setpoints EEM-3: (Elem) Ventilate Bathrooms & Janitor Closet EEM-4: (Lib) Install UPS for Toyostove Heaters EEM-5: (Elem) Repair Access to Attic Space EEM-6: (HS) Seal Roof Penetrations EEM-7: (Voc) Install Programmable Thermostat EEM-8: (Elem) Repair Attic Insulation EEM-9: Install Fuel Tank Level Monitor EEM-10: (Voc) Repair Insulation EEM-11: (HS) Close Fume Hood Sashes EEM-12: (Lib) Repair Ventilation Systems Kake Schools 7 Energy Audit (February 2012) High and Medium Priority EEMs The following EEMs are recommended for investment. They are ranked by life cycle savings to investment ratio (SIR). This ranking method places a priority on low cost EEMs which can be immediately funded, generating energy savings to fund higher cost EEMs in the following years. Negative values, in parenthesis, represent savings. 25-Year Life Cycle Cost Analysis Investment Operating Energy Total SIR High Priority EEM- 13: Install Pipe Insulation $800 $0 ($135,400) ($134,600) 169.3 14: (Lib) Turn Off Computers $200 $0 ($17,800) ($17,600) 89.0 15: (HS) Isolate Standby Boiler $500 $3,400 ($45,000) ($41,100) 83.2 16: Replace Lavatory Aerators $200 $0 ($12,500) ($12,300) 62.5 17: Perform Boiler Combustion Test $700 $16,300 ($55,700) ($38,700) 56.3 18: (HS) Install Gym Light Switch Cover $500 $0 ($27,700) ($27,200) 55.4 19: Convert to Propane Heat $104,800 $0 ($1,496,500) ($1,391,700) 14.3 20: (Elem) Pump Room Heat Recovery $6,200 $0 ($70,500) ($64,300) 11.4 21: (Voc) Reroute Heating Mains $5,500 $0 ($55,700) ($50,200) 10.1 22: (HS) Install Gym Light Fixtures $4,200 $0 ($30,000) ($25,800) 7.1 23: (Voc) Increase Utilidor Pipe Insulation $1,900 $0 ($13,300) ($11,400) 7.0 24: Optimize Ventilation Systems $27,500 $0 ($186,300) ($158,800) 6.8 25: Upgrade Transformer $11,500 $0 ($64,300) ($52,800) 5.6 26: (HS) Server Room Heat Recovery $8,000 $0 ($36,100) ($28,100) 4.5 27: (Voc) Replace Shop Door $15,300 $0 ($62,500) ($47,200) 4.1 28: Upgrade Motors $9,300 $0 ($32,400) ($23,100) 3.5 Medium Priority EEM- 29: (HS) Operate Kitchen Make-up Air Fan $6,700 $17,000 ($32,300) ($8,600) 2.3 30: (HS) Replace Single Pane Glazing $11,500 $0 ($21,700) ($10,200) 1.9 31: (HS) Boiler Room Heat Recovery $69,300 $4,300 ($128,400) ($54,800) 1.8 32: (Lib) Increase Building Floor Insulation $34,200 $0 ($54,500) ($20,300) 1.6 33: Convert to Variable Speed Pumping $186,500 ($20,400) ($184,800) ($18,700) 1.1 Totals* $505,300 $20,600 ($2,763,400) ($2,237,500) 5.4 *The analysis is based on each EEM being independent of the others. While it is likely that some EEMs are interrelated, an isolated analysis is used to demonstrate the economics because the audit team is not able to predict which EEMs an Owner may choose to implement. If several EEMs are implemented, the resulting energy savings is likely to differ from the sum of each EEM projection. Summary The energy audit revealed numerous opportunities for improving the energy performance of the building. It is recommended that the behavioral and high priority EEMs be implemented now to generate energy savings from which to fund the medium priority EEMs. Another avenue to consider is to borrow money from AHFCs revolving loan fund for public buildings. AHFC will loan money for energy improvements under terms that allow for paying back the money from the energy savings. More information on this option can be found online at http://www.ahfc.us/loans/akeerlf_loan.cfm. Kake Schools 8 Energy Audit (February 2012) Section 2 Introduction This report presents the findings of an energy audit of four buildings1 on the Kake School Campus located in Kake, Alaska. The purpose of this investment grade energy audit is to evaluate the infrastructure and its subsequent energy performance to identify applicable energy efficiencies measures (EEMs). The energy audit report contains the following sections:  Introduction: Building use and energy consumption.  Energy Efficiency Measures: Priority ranking of the EEMs with a description, energy analysis, and life cycle cost analysis.  Description of Systems: Background description of the building energy systems.  Methodology: Basis for how construction and maintenance cost estimates are derived and the economic and energy factors used for the analysis. BUILDING USE The Kake Schools is an 80,900 square foot campus comprised of the high school building, elementary school building, library building, and the vocational building. These four buildings contain commons, classrooms, offices, a gym, locker rooms, a kitchen and cafeteria, a library, storage, and mechanical support spaces. Heat is supplied to each of these four buildings by a boiler system located in high school building that connects to the other buildings via buried and aboveground piping. The school is operated by 32 staff and attended by 95 students. There are 65 students in the elementary school, and 30 students in the junior and senior high school. In addition, the Head Start program has 16 children enrolled and 3 teachers. The campus is occupied in the following manner:  School Buildings 7:30 am – 4:30 pm (M-F) Staff 8:30 am – 4:30 pm (M-F) Students  Gym 10:00 am – 11:00 am (M-F) Head Start Programs 12:30 am – 4:30 pm (M-F) School Activities 4:30 am – 5:30 pm (M-F) Sports Practice 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm (MWF) Open Gym 1 A fifth building, used by the IT department, was not included in the audit. This building is heated by a Toyo stove and not connected to the main heating plant. Kake Schools 9 Energy Audit (February 2012) Campus Building History  1971 – Kake High School Original Construction  1977 – Kake Vocational Education Building Construction  1994 – Kake Elementary School Construction  1999 – Kake High School Renovation  2001 – Kake Elementary School Addition  2012 – Kake Elementary School Heating and Ventilation Improvements Energy Consumption The building energy sources include an electric service, #2 fuel oil for the heating plant, #1 diesel for Toyostove Stoves in the library building, and propane for cooking. The following table shows annual energy use and cost. Annual Energy Consumption and Cost Source Consumption Cost Energy, MMBtu Electricity 289,688 kWh $117,800 1,000 17% Propane 300 Gallons $1,100 30 1% #1 Fuel Oil 971 Gallons $5,400 130 2% #2 Fuel Oil 33,827 Gallons $185,400 4,700 80% Totals $309,700 5,860 100% Electricity This chart shows electrical energy use from 2008 to 2011. The effective cost— energy costs plus demand charges—is 40.7¢ per kWh. Electrical consumption rose in 2010 due to increased community use. The reduction in electrical consumption during 2011 is a direct reflection of the maintenance manager’s efforts, which have included the replacement of a significant number of light fixtures with more efficient models and close monitoring of the use and performance of equipment. Kake Schools 10 Energy Audit (February 2012) Fuel Oil This chart shows heating energy use from 2008 to 2011. The chart compares annual use with the heating degree days, which is a measurement of the demand for energy to heat a building. A year with a higher number of degree days reflects colder outside temperatures and a higher heating requirement. The reason for higher fuel oil consumption in 2008 and 2009 could not be determined. The lower consumption in 2010 cannot be explained. The reduced fuel consumption in 2011 is considered to reflect current consumption rates since the maintenance manager has implemented energy savings measures. The maintenance manager was interested in methods to more accurately monitor and report boiler fuel use. Energy is typically saved when fuel consumption is tracked closely. Veeder Root is a company that manufactures a tank level monitor that would integrate well with the existing building DDC system. Cost of Heat Comparison This chart shows a comparison of the current cost of fuel oil heat and electric heat. The comparison is based on a #2 fuel oil conversion efficiency of 70%, #1 fuel oil conversion efficiency of 84%, propane efficiency of 78%, and electric boiler conversion efficiency of 95%. Propane heat is currently less expensive than fuel oil or electric heat. Kake Schools 11 Energy Audit (February 2012) Section 3 Energy Efficiency Measures The following energy efficiency measures (EEMs) were identified during the energy audit. The EEMs are priority ranked and, where applicable, subjected to energy and life cycle cost analysis. EEMs addressing specific buildings are identified as follows: High School (HS); Elementary School (Elem); Library (Lib); and Vocational Education (Voc). Appendix A contains the energy and life cycle cost analysis spreadsheets. The EEMs are grouped into the following prioritized categories:  Behavioral or Operational: EEMs that require minimal capital investment but require operational or behavioral changes. The EEMs provide a life cycle savings but an analysis is not performed because the guaranteed energy savings is difficult quantify.  High Priority: EEMs that require a small capital investment and offer a life cycle savings. Also included in this category are higher cost EEMs that offer significant life cycle savings.  Medium Priority: EEMs that require a significant capital investment to provide a life cycle savings. Many medium priority EEMs provide a high life cycle savings and offer substantial incentive to increase investment in building energy efficiency.  Low Priority: EEMs that will save energy but do not provide a life cycle savings. BEHAVIORAL OR OPERATIONAL The following EEMs are recommended for implementation. They require behavioral or operational changes that can occur with minimal investment to achieve immediate savings. These EEMs are not easily quantified by analysis because they cannot be accurately predicted. They are recommended because they offer a life cycle savings, represent good practice, and are accepted features of high performance buildings. EEM-1: Weather-strip Doors Purpose: Several exterior steel doors do not seal and are missing weather stripping. Energy will be saved if doors are properly weather-stripped to reduce infiltration. Scope: Replace weather stripping on exterior doors. EEM-2: Lower Entrance Temperature Setpoints Purpose: Energy will be saved if the entryway thermostat setpoints were lowered to 55°F in all entrances. A higher temperature may be required so the entry dries in an appropriate amount of time. Scope: Lower entryway thermostat setpoints to 55°F. Kake Schools 12 Energy Audit (February 2012) EEM-3: (Elem) Ventilate Bathrooms & Janitor Closet Purpose: The heat recovery unit that supplies administrative spaces and exhausts the toilet rooms and janitors closet in the old section of the elementary wing is no longer working. As a result, the air quality in this portion of the building is poor and the odor of cleaning chemicals is very strong. The recently installed air handling unit that services the remaining portion of the original elementary wing is capable of supplying the ventilation requirements of the administrative spaces. This will significantly improve air quality in these spaces with minimal capital investment. An exhaust fan is also needed to remove odors from the toilet rooms and janitor closet. Scope: Install ducting to ventilate the admin spaces with AHU-2. Install an exhaust fan to exhaust odors from the toilet rooms and janitors closet. Less toxic cleaning chemicals should be considered to minimize the exhaust requirements of the janitor’s closet. EEM-4: (Lib) Install UPS for Toyostove Heaters Purpose: Frequent power interruptions to the school campus result in losing the programmed night setback modes on the Toyostove heaters in the library building. This results in the heaters maintaining daytime temperatures throughout the entire 24-hour period until the programming is reset. Energy will be saved if a UPS is used to protect the heaters from power surges and to retain the programming during outages. Scope: Install a UPS power supply for each of the Toyostove heaters in the library building. EEM-5: (Elem) Repair Access to Attic Space Purpose: Contractors installing the ductwork for the new AHU in the original elementary wing cut an opening of approximately 2 ½’x3’ to access the attic and did not repair it. This is a 7 ½ square foot opening for outside air to flow directly into the conditioned space of the building. Energy will be saved if this section is filled in and insulated. Scope: Properly fill and insulate the access opening from the fan room to the attic above the old elementary wing. EEM-6: (HS) Seal Roof Penetrations Purpose: The original kitchen ventilation roof penetration is no longer used but still provides a path for air flow from interior conditioned spaces. Energy will be saved if this penetration is properly filled and insulated. Scope: Properly fill and insulate the abandoned kitchen ventilation ducting on the high school roof. EEM-7: (Voc) Install Programmable Thermostat Purpose: The vocational education building temperature setpoint is kept at 70°F. Energy will be saved by installing a programmable thermostat with night setback mode. The occupied setpoint should be reduced to 68°F and unoccupied setpoint should be set to 62°F. Scope: Install programmable thermostats in the vocational education building. Kake Schools 13 Energy Audit (February 2012) EEM-8: (Elem) Repair Attic Insulation Purpose: A 48 square foot section of ductwork is missing insulation and a 40 square foot section of attic insulation is missing in the attic space above the old elementary school wing. Energy would be saved if these sections of insulation were properly repaired. Scope: Replace ductwork and attic insulation above the original elementary school wing. EEM-9: Install Fuel Tank Level Monitor Purpose: Maintenance staff is interested in a method to more accurately monitor and report boiler fuel use. Energy is typically saved when fuel consumption is tracked closely. Veeder- Root is a company that manufactures a tank level monitor that would integrate well with the existing building DDC system. Scope: Install a Veeder-Root fuel level monitor and connect it to the DDC system. EEM-10: (Voc) Repair Insulation Purpose: Approximately 60 square feet of insulation have pulled away from the ceiling in the attic space of the vocational education building. Energy will be saved if this insulation is repaired. Scope: Repair insulation that has pulled away from the ceiling in the attic space of the vocational education building. EEM-11: (HS) Close Fume Hood Sashes Purpose: During the audit it was noted that the fume hood in the science room was left fully open. This results in unnecessary loss of conditioned air through the fume hood exhaust system. Energy will be saved if the fume hood sash is kept fully closed when not in use and the fan shut off when not needed. Scope: Ensure the fume hood sash is fully closed and the fume hood fan is off when not in use. EEM-12: (Lib) Repair Ventilation Systems Purpose: The library building has cabinet unit ventilators that are designed to supply heat and ventilation air. The units are not operating properly. Toyostove stoves have been added to heat the building. However, there is no ventilation now that the units are not working. Scope: Perform repairs to the cabinet unit ventilators and return them to service properly ventilating the building. Kake Schools 14 Energy Audit (February 2012) HIGH PRIORITY The following EEMs are recommended for implementation because they are low cost measures that have a high savings to investment ratio. The EEMs are listed from highest to lowest priority. Negative values, in parenthesis, represent savings. EEM-13: Install Pipe Insulation Purpose: Several sections of heating pipe are uninsulated. Energy will be saved if these sections of piping are optimally insulated. Scope: Install pipe insulation in the following locations: - 36’ of ¾” pipe at the ceiling of the library/Head Start storage room - 40’ of ¾” pipe in the elementary school new fan room - 3’ of 1” pipe in the attic space of the vocational education building - 10’ of 1” pipe in the elementary school pump room - 20’ of ¾” pipe in the elementary school pump room - 6’ of 2 ½’ pipe in the elementary school pump room - 15’ of ¾” pipe in the elementary school heat exchanger room Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($4,780) ($4,780) $800 $0 ($135,400) ($134,600) 169.3 EEM-14: (Lib) Turn Off Computers Purpose: The 15 computers in the library are currently left on continuously. Even though they automatically enter a more efficient sleep mode, energy will be saved if the computers are shut off when not in use. Scope: Establish and post a computer policy to turn off the machines when not in use. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($630) ($630) $200 $0 ($17,800) ($17,600) 89.0 Kake Schools 15 Energy Audit (February 2012) EEM-15: (HS) Isolate Standby Boiler Purpose: Only one of the high school boilers is needed to supply the heating load. Circulating hot water through a standby boiler can result in a 3% efficiency loss of the operable boiler due to the standby boiler acting as a heat sink. Energy will be saved by closing the return valve to isolate the boiler. Scope: Isolate the standby boiler by closing the return valve when only a single boiler is required to meet the heating load and outside temperatures are moderate. If leaking is a concern, a successful strategy is to keep a minimal flow through the boiler so it remains at 100- 120°F. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $200 ($1,590) ($1,390) $500 $3,400 ($45,000) ($41,100) 83.2 EEM-16: Replace Lavatory Aerators Purpose: Energy and water will be saved by replacing the lavatory aerators with low-flow models. Scope: Replace lavatory aerators with water-conserving fixtures. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($440) ($440) $200 $0 ($12,500) ($12,300) 62.5 EEM-17: Perform a Boiler Combustion Test Purpose: Operating the boiler with an optimum amount of excess air will improve combustion efficiency. Annual cleaning followed by a combustion test is recommended. Scope: Annually clean and perform a combustion test on the boiler. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $960 ($1,960) ($1,000) $700 $16,300 ($55,700) ($38,700) 56.3 EEM-18: (HS) Install Gym Light Switch Cover Purpose: There are two individual light switches that each control power to 50% of the gym lighting. Under most circumstances only one switch is needed because 50% of the lighting in the gym space is adequate, however both banks of lights are usually used. Reducing the gym lighting to 50% for 3 hours each day will save $5 per day in lighting energy. Scope: Install a lockable cover over one of the gym lighting switches and educate staff about the benefit of proper gym lighting use. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($980) ($980) $500 $0 ($27,700) ($27,200) 55.4 Kake Schools 16 Energy Audit (February 2012) EEM-19: Convert to Propane Heating Purpose: The propane distributor in Kake reports that the current bulk cost of propane is $2.90 per gallon. Heating with propane at this price would reduce the cost of heating the school complex by 25%. Energy costs will be less if the high school boilers are converted to propane heat. Scope: Install a propane tank and replace the burners with dual-fuel oil/gas burners. This will provide the campus with dual-fuel capability to utilize the least expensive energy source. Before doing the conversion, perform an analysis of the long-term cost of propane to gain assurance that propane will retain its price advantage in future years. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($52,800) ($52,800) $104,800 $0 ($1,496,500) ($1,391,700) 14.3 EEM-20: (Elem) Pump Room Heat Recovery Purpose: A significant amount of heat loss from the equipment operating in the elementary school pump room could be captured and utilized within the elementary school building instead of being exhausted outside. This includes ambient heat losses from the pumps, piping, and domestic hot water heating components. Energy will be saved if the heat generated in this space is delivered to the new air handling unit for redistribution throughout the building. Scope: Install ducting to supply air to the pump room and return heated air to AHU-2 for redistribution throughout the old elementary classroom wing. Install a jacket on the domestic hot water tank to reduce heat loss of the unit. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($2,490) ($2,490) $6,200 $0 ($70,500) ($64,300) 11.4 EEM-21: (Voc) Reroute Heating Mains Purpose: The heating piping between the high school boiler room and the vocational education building is routed under each building foundation. In the high school building, this causes the piping to be submerged in a pool of water. The pipe insulation has deteriorated at both locations. Energy will be saved if the underground portion of each end of the piping is abandoned and the piping is routed directly through the buildings walls. Scope: Eliminate the piping under the foundation of the boiler room and the vocational education building and run it through the walls. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($1,970) ($1,970) $5,500 $0 ($55,700) ($50,200) 10.1 Kake Schools 17 Energy Audit (February 2012) EEM-22: (HS) Install Gym Light Fixtures Purpose: The kitchen staff makes frequent trips each day through the gym, which is between the kitchen and the pantry. The gym pendant lights are the only existing lighting between these spaces. Energy will be saved if two sconce light fixtures are installed so that the gym pendant lights can remain off. Scope: Install sconce light fixtures between the kitchen and the pantry. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($1,060) ($1,060) $4,200 $0 ($30,000) ($25,800) 7.1 EEM-23: (Voc) Increase Utilidor Pipe Insulation Purpose: The heating piping serving the vocational education building is installed in an above- ground utilidor. The piping is under-insulated. Energy will be saved if the piping is wrapped with an insulating blanket to reduce heat loss. Scope: Install an insulating blanket around the heating mains inside the utilidor. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($470) ($470) $1,900 $0 ($13,300) ($11,400) 7.0 Kake Schools 18 Energy Audit (February 2012) EEM-24: Optimize Ventilation Systems Purpose: The school campus buildings utilize fixed-flow heating and ventilation system units to provide conditioned air to interior spaces during school hours and as needed on evenings and weekends. Under most conditions the space occupancy throughout the majority of these operational hours is well below the setpoint of the air handling systems. This results in an unnecessarily high fuel and electric demand to support school operations. Energy will be saved if modifications are made to the respective air handling systems to improve performance and to reduce air flow when not needed. The following modifications are recommended to improve the indoor air quality and thermal comfort within the buildings: High School Gym (VU-1): To reduce temperature stratification across the gym, extend the return ducts across the gym and preferably down to the floor level to draw the heated air downward. Elementary School Original Building (AHU-2 Classroom Ventilation): The system was recently installed and has not been commissioned. The following deficiencies are noted: - The heating coil automatic valve is open when fan is off. - The minimum outside air setpoint is not overriding the mixed air temperature control. - The exhaust air flow rates can be reduced. - The EAD can be controlled with building pressure. Vocational Building (VU-1a and VU-2a): The unit heaters in the shop spaces are manually operated to provide supplemental heat when the outside temperature drops below 20°F. The systems should be operated whenever the building is occupied to provide adequate ventilation and exhaust make-up. The controls are not working properly and must be recalibrated. Scope: Perform the following modifications and commission each HVAC system to perform as a properly integrated system when completed: High School Locker Room (EF-3) - Remove the CUH fans so transfer air from the gym can flow to the locker rooms without operating the fans. (CHU-1 is 1/3 HP, CHU-2 is ¾ HP). Cabinet unit heaters would be operated simply as transfer air heaters after this modification. - Locker Exhaust fan EF-3 is currently controlled from a light switch in either locker room. During the audit, this fan was operating continuously despite occasional use of the room. Install occupancy and humidity sensors to control the operation of EF-3. Elementary School New Addition (AHU-1) - Reduce exhaust air flow rates in the art/science and gym storage spaces. - Disable the heating coil when fan is off, except during freezing weather. - Control the EAD from building pressure. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($6,570) ($6,570) $27,500 $0 ($186,300) ($158,800) 6.8 Kake Schools 19 Energy Audit (February 2012) EEM-25: Upgrade Transformer Purpose: The existing 37.5 kVA transformer in the boiler room is not TP-1 rated. Energy will be saved if this less-efficient transformer is replaced with an energy efficient model that complies with NEMA Standard TP 1-2001. Scope: Replace the boiler room transformer with a NEMA Standard TP 1-2001compliant model. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($2,270) ($2,270) $11,500 $0 ($64,300) ($52,800) 5.6 EEM-26: (HS) Server Room Heat Recovery Purpose: The high school server room is insufficiently cooled and the heat generated from this space is not optimally utilized within the building envelope. Energy will be saved and the server room will operate at a cooler temperature if outside air is ducted through the crawlspace into the server room and the heated air transferred to the adjacent science room. Scope: Install ducting to supply outside air through the crawlspace to the server room and exhaust the warmed air into the science room. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($1,270) ($1,270) $8,000 $0 ($36,100) ($28,100) 4.5 EEM-27: (Voc) Replace Shop Door Purpose: The 12’ x 12’ overhead door for the wood shop is uninsulated and has poor weather stripping. Energy will be saved if this door is replaced with a high efficiency insulated overhead door. Scope: Replace overhead door with high efficiency insulated overhead door. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($2,200) ($2,200) $15,300 $0 ($62,500) ($47,200) 4.1 Kake Schools 20 Energy Audit (February 2012) EEM-28: Upgrade Motors to Premium Efficiency Purpose: The equipment inspection identified eight motors that could be upgraded with premium efficiency models to save energy. They are: - P-1 (Elementary) 1 ½ HP - P-2 (Elementary) 1 ½ HP - EF-1 (Elementary) 1 HP - VU-1 (High School) 5 HP - VU-2 (High School) 3 HP - EF-1 (High School) 2 HP - EF-2 (High School) 2 HP - EF-5 (High School) 1 ½ HP Scope: Replace identified motors with premium efficiency motors. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($1,140) ($1,140) $9,300 $0 ($32,400) ($23,100) 3.5 MEDIUM PRIORITY Medium priority EEMs will require planning and a higher level of investment. They are recommended because they offer a life cycle savings. The EEMs are listed from highest to lowest priority. Negative values, in parenthesis, represent savings. EEM-29: (HS) Operate Kitchen Make-up Air Fan Purpose: A large amount of heat is generated in the kitchen space by the freezer, the refrigerator, the dishwasher, and cooking equipment. Because these additional heat sources have made the kitchen space too warm, the door to the gym is kept open and the kitchen ventilation hood is operated continuously to cool the kitchen. Although this does help cool the room, the outside makeup air puts a very large energy load on the high school. When the kitchen hood is operating, it removes 3,000 cfm of conditioned air from the school. Kitchen staff should be instructed on the energy load associated with operating the hood so it is only operated while cooking. Energy will be saved if the hood make-up air fan is returned to service. The fan will supply tempered air that is only heated enough to cool the kitchen while providing make-up for the hood. Scope: Return the make-up air fan to operation. Modify controls so the supply air temperature modulates to maintain room temperature. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $1,000 ($1,140) ($140) $6,700 $17,000 ($32,300) ($8,600) 2.3 Kake Schools 21 Energy Audit (February 2012) EEM-30: (HS) Replace Single-Pane Glazing Purpose: Single pane glazing is installed in three doors and nine windows in the high school. Energy will be saved if the glazing is replaced with high efficiency double pane glazing. Scope: Replace single pane glazing with energy efficient double pane glazing units. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($770) ($770) $11,500 $0 ($21,700) ($10,200) 1.9 EEM-31: (HS) Boiler Room Heat Recovery Purpose: A significant amount of heat loss from the high school heating plant can be captured and utilized within the building instead of being exhausted outside. This includes ambient heat losses from the boilers, piping, and boiler system components such as the expansion tank and de-aerator. Energy will be saved if an air-to-water heat pump is installed in the boiler to transfer heat to a fan coil unit in the gym. The combustion efficiency of the boilers will increase and additional energy will be available for heat recovery efforts if the thermostat for VF-1 is increased from 70°F to 85°F. Scope: Install a fan coil unit in the boiler and gym to capture the available heat from the boiler room and deliver it to the adjacent gym. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $250 ($4,530) ($4,280) $69,300 $4,300 ($128,400) ($54,800) 1.8 EEM-32: (Lib) Increase Floor Insulation Purpose: The floor of the library building is minimally insulated with 2” of rigid insulation applied to the underside of the subfloor. The floor assembly provides an R-12 insulating level. An optimal insulation level for the building is R-30. In addition to the poor insulation value, a 3’x12’ section of insulation below the Head Start room has been removed, leaving 36 square feet uninsulated. The poor insulation value of the building floor has contributed to the need to add Toyostove heaters in several spaces to assist in keeping interior spaces warm. Energy will be saved by increasing the floor insulation. Scope: Install an additional 4” of rigid insulation under the entire library building floor. Install 2” of rigid insulation to the inside of the building skirting. Install a vapor barrier directly on the ground under the building and seal it to the perimeter skirting. Apply fill material to the outside base of the skirting to help seal the crawlspace and prevent air flow. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($1,920) ($1,920) $34,200 $0 ($54,500) ($20,300) 1.6 Kake Schools 22 Energy Audit (February 2012) EEM-33: Convert to Variable Speed Pumping Purpose: Because the Kake school campus was constructed and renovated in a series of individual, non-integrated construction projects, the boiler system utilizes 18 pumps to circulate water for heating purposes through the four buildings covered in this audit. This system could be consolidated into a primary/secondary pumping system with variable speed pumping capability that would deliver better performance with a fraction of the horsepower and a greatly reduced number of pumps, thereby providing both operational and maintenance savings. Scope: Consolidated hydronic heating system into a primary/secondary pumping system with variable speed pumping for the entire campus. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR ($1,200) ($6,520) ($7,720) $186,500 ($20,400) ($184,800) ($18,700) 1.1 LOW PRIORITY Low priority EEMs do not offer a life cycle energy savings and are not recommended. EEM-34: (Voc) Increase Building Insulation Purpose: Insulation is installed only between the metal purlins of the vocational education building. The metal building components act as thermal bridges between the interior and exterior of the building. The estimated R-value of the building walls and ceiling is R-8. An optimal R-value by current construction standards is R-26 for the wall and R-46 for the roof. Energy will be saved if the insulation level of the walls and ceiling is increased. Scope: Increase the insulating value of the building envelope. This EEM is not recommended because the high cost of adding insulation to the existing envelope will not be offset by energy savings. EEM-35: (HS) Install Locker Room Hot Water Return Loop Purpose: The locker room hot water supply does not have a recirculating loop. As a result it takes approximately 10-15 minutes for hot water to reach the showers. Energy will be saved if a domestic hot water return line and recirculation pump were installed. Scope: Install a domestic hot water return line and recirculation pump. This EEM is not recommended because the hot water recirculation system will increase heat loss and pump energy consumption. Since the showers are used so infrequently, there is less heat loss associated with occasionally dumping water to the drain until hot water reaches the fixtures. Kake Schools 23 Energy Audit (February 2012) Section 4 Description of Systems ENERGY SYSTEMS This section provides a general description of the building systems. Energy conservation opportunities are addressed in the Energy Efficiency Measure section of the report. Kake Schools 24 Energy Audit (February 2012) Building Envelope R-value Component Description (inside to outside) Existing Optimal High School Exterior Wall 5/8” Gyp. bd, 2”x6” stud walls w/average R-21 batt, siding R-21 R-32 Roof 24” o.c. trusses w/ average R-30 all roof sections R-30 R-56 Floor Slab 4” Concrete slab-on-grade R-10 R-10 Foundation 8” concrete - uninsulated R-5 R-20 Windows Vinyl, double pane R-1.5 R-5 Doors Steel doors w/ non-thermally broken frames R-1.5 R-5 Elementary School (Original Portion) Exterior Wall 5/8” Gyp. Bd, 2”x6” stud walls w/average R-21 batt, siding R-21 R-32 Roof 24” o.c. trusses w/ R-38 batt R-38 R-56 Floor (Vented) Uninsulated floor joists, 50% insulated perimeter rim joists 6” batt R-10 R-40 Foundation 8” concrete – 2” rigid insulation R-10 R-20 Windows Vinyl, double pane R-1.25 R-5 Doors Steel doors w/ non-thermally broken frames R-1.5 R-5 Elementary School (New Addition) Exterior Wall 5/8” Gyp. Bd, 2”x12” stud walls w/average R-21 batt, siding R-21 R-32 Roof average 7 ½” rigid foam EPDM build up – R35 R-35 R-56 Floor (Vented) 4” concrete slab on grade R-10 R-40 Foundation 8” concrete – 2” rigid insulation R-10 R-20 Windows Vinyl, double pane R-1.25 R-5 Doors Steel doors w/ non-thermally broken frames R-1.5 R-5 Library Building Exterior Wall 5/8” Gyp. Bd, 2”x6” stud walls w/average R-19 batt, siding R-19 R-32 Roof Rigid foam EPDM build up – R-30 average R-30 R-56 Floor (on pilings) 2” foam insulation, skirting is uninsulated R-10 R-40 Windows Aluminum, double pane R-1.5 R-5 Doors Steel doors w/ non-thermally broken frames R-1.5 R-5 Vocational Building Exterior Wall 3 ½” batt insulation applied between purlins R-8 R-32 Roof 3 ½” batt insulation applied between purlins R-8 R-56 Floor Slab 4” Concrete slab-on-grade R-10 R-10 Foundation 8” thickened slab R-5 R-20 Windows None - R-5 Doors Non-insulated steel roll-up doors and entry doors R-1.25 R-5 Kake Schools 25 Energy Audit (February 2012) Heating System The Kake school buildings are heated by two fuel oil boilers. The heating system has the following pumps: High School  CP-1supplies the indirect domestic hot water heaters  CP-2 is a back-up pump for CP-1  CP-3 supplies the high school hydronic heating system  CP-4 is a back-up pump for CP-3 and CP-5  CP-5 supplies the library hydronic heating system  CP-6 supplies high school VU-1 and VU-2  CP-7 is the back-up pump for CP-6 and CP-8  CP-8 supplies the Vocational building hydronic heating system  CP-9 is the boiler B-1 recirculation pump  CP-10 is the boiler B-2 recirculation pump  CP-11 is the domestic hot water recirculation pump  CP-12 is the glycol side supply pump for the heat exchanger Elementary School  P-1/P-2 are lead/standby pumps for the building hydronic heating loop  P-3/P-4 are lead/standby pumps for the original wing perimeter heating units  P-5 supplies the indirect domestic hot water heater  P-6 is the heat recovery coil pump  P-7/P-8 are lead/standby pumps for the new wing perimeter heating units  P-9 supplies the new wing ventilation units  P-10 supplies AHU-2  HWRP-1 is the domestic hot water recirculation pump  HWRP-2 is the domestic hot water recirculation pump Library Building  None Vocational Building  P-1 is the VU-1a heating coil pump  P-2 is the VU-2a heating coil pump Kake Schools 26 Energy Audit (February 2012) Ventilation Systems Area Fan System Description High School Gym VU-1 7,500 cfm 5 HP constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, and supply fan School VU-2 6,350 cfm 3 HP constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, and supply fan Boys Locker Room CHU-1 1/3 HP constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, filter section, and supply fan Girls Locker Room CHU-2 ¾ HP constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, filter section, and supply fan Boiler Room VF-1 2,100 cfm ½ HP constant volume ventilation fan Green House VF-2 1,200 cfm 1/3 HP constant volume ventilation fan Entry VF-3 1,700 cfm ½ HP constant volume ventilation fan Gym EF-1 6,400 cfm 2 HP constant volume exhaust fan supplying air to VU-1 School EF-2 5,700 cfm 2 HP constant volume exhaust fan supplying air to VU-2 Locker EF-3 1,200 cfm 1/3 HP constant volume exhaust fan Bathroom EF-4 650 cfm constant volume exhaust fan Kitchen EF-5 3,000 cfm 1 ½ HP constant volume exhaust fan Bathroom EF-6 130 cfm constant volume exhaust fan Elementary School New Addition AHU-1 7,800 cfm 7 ½ HP constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, and supply fan Original Building (6 rooms) AHU-2 5,600 cfm 5 HP constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, mixing box, filter section, and supply fan Original Building (5 rooms) HRV 3 HP constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, heat recovery coil, filter section, and supply fan (Not Used) New Addition RF-1 4,800 cfm 2 HP constant volume fan supplying return air to AHU-1 New Addition EF-1 2,500 cfm 1 HP constant volume exhaust fan Original Building (6 rooms) RF-2 Constant volume fan supplying return air to AHU-2 Library/Head Start Building Boys Restroom EF-1 110 cfm constant volume exhaust fan Girls Restroom EF-2 110 cfm constant volume exhaust fan Head Start Restroom EF-3 110 cfm constant volume exhaust fan Kake Schools 27 Energy Audit (February 2012) Ventilation Systems, continued. Area Fan System Description Vocational Building Wood /Auto Shop VU-1a Constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, filter section, and supply fan Office/Classroom VU-2a Constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, filter section, and supply fan Auto Shop HX-1 Constant volume exhaust fan with outside make up air heat exchanger (Not Used) Auto Shop EF-4a Constant volume exhaust fan (Not Used) Domestic Hot Water System The boiler system in the high school provides the heat source for the indirect hot water heaters in the high school and the elementary school. The high school has two indirect hot water heating units that are located in the high school boiler room. These appear to be properly sized and in good condition. The elementary school has a single indirect hot water heater that is poorly insulated and losing a significant amount of heat to the pump room space. We recommend that the elementary school unit be replaced with a unit similar to the model used to service the high school. A 50-gallon electric direct hot water heater is used in the vocational building. This unit is oversized for the needs of that space. Energy consumption will be reduced if it is replaced with a smaller indirect hot water heating unit that is supplied from the boilers, since fuel oil heat is less expensive than electrical heat in Kake. Automatic Control System The school facility has a DDC system located in the high school to control the operation of the heating and ventilation systems. Energy will be saved through further optimization of fan system scheduling combined with a retro-commissioning of the air handler systems. Lighting The maintenance manager at the Kake schools has been very focused on saving energy through lighting modifications. These efforts will provide a significant reduction in electrical consumption and cost for the facility. Interior lighting now consists primarily of T8 and compact fluorescent fixtures. Exterior lighting consists primarily of compact fluorescent lighting, LED lighting, and several remaining metal halide fixtures. The audit team understands that there will be a continued effort to complete the lighting conversions in the coming months. Replacement of the remaining existing fixtures with more efficient units, increased efforts to only use half of the gym lighting when possible, and the addition of occupancy sensors are solutions for further reductions in operational costs. Electric Equipment Commercial equipment for food preparation was located in the kitchen and surrounding spaces. Kake Schools 28 Energy Audit (February 2012) Section 5 Methodology Information for the energy audit was gathered through on-site observations, review of construction documents, and interviews with operation and maintenance personnel. The EEMs are evaluated using energy and life cycle cost analyses and are priority ranked for implementation. Energy Efficiency Measures Energy efficiency measures are identified by evaluating the building’s energy systems and comparing them to systems in modern, high performance buildings. The process for identifying the EEMs acknowledges the realities of an existing building that was constructed when energy costs were much lower. Many of the opportunities used in modern high performance buildings—highly insulated envelopes, variable capacity mechanical systems, heat pumps, daylighting, lighting controls, etc.— simply cannot be economically incorporated into an existing building. The EEMs represent practical measures to improve the energy efficiency of the buildings, taking into account the realities of limited budgets. If a future major renovation project occurs, additional EEMs common to high performance buildings should be incorporated. Life Cycle Cost Analysis The EEMs are evaluated using life cycle cost analysis which determines if an energy efficiency investment will provide a savings over a 25-year life. The analysis incorporates construction, replacement, maintenance, repair, and energy costs to determine the total cost over the life of the EEM. Future maintenance and energy cash flows are discounted to present worth using escalation factors for general inflation, energy inflation, and the value of money. The methodology is based on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Handbook 135 – Life Cycle Cost Analysis. Life cycle cost analysis is preferred to simple payback for facilities that have long—often perpetual— service lives. Simple payback, which compares construction cost and present energy cost, is reasonable for short time periods of 2-4 years, but yields below optimal results over longer periods because it does not properly account for the time value of money or inflationary effects on operating budgets. Accounting for energy inflation and the time value of money properly sums the true cost of facility ownership and seeks to minimize the life cycle cost. Construction Costs The cost estimates are derived based on a preliminary understanding of the scope of each EEM as gathered during the walk-through audit. The construction costs for in-house labor are $60 per hour for work typically performed by maintenance staff and $110 per hour for contract labor. The cost estimate assumes the work will be performed as part of a larger renovation or energy efficiency upgrade project. When implementing EEMs, the cost estimate should be revisited once the scope and preferred method of performing the work has been determined. It is possible some EEMs will not provide a life cycle savings when the scope is finalized. Kake Schools 29 Energy Audit (February 2012) Maintenance Costs Maintenance costs are based on in-house or contract labor using historical maintenance efforts and industry standards. Maintenance costs over the 25-year life of each EEM are included in the life cycle cost calculation spreadsheets and represent the level of effort to maintain the systems. Energy Analysis The energy performance of an EEM is evaluated within the operating parameters of the building. A comprehensive energy audit would rely on a computer model of the building to integrate building energy systems and evaluate the energy savings of each EEM. This investment grade audit does not utilize a computer model, so energy savings are calculated with factors that account for the dynamic operation of the building. Energy savings and costs are estimated for the 25-year life of the EEM using appropriate factors for energy inflation. Prioritization Each EEM is prioritized based on the life cycle savings to investment ratio (SIR) using the following formula: Prioritization Factor = Life Cycle Savings / Capital Costs This approach factor puts significant weight on the capital cost of an EEM, making lower cost EEMs more favorable. Kake Schools 30 Energy Audit (February 2012) Economic Factors The following economic factors are significant to the findings.  Nominal Interest Rate: This is the nominal rate of return on an investment without regard to inflation. The analysis uses a rate of 5%.  Inflation Rate: This is the average inflationary change in prices over time. The analysis uses an inflation rate of 2%.  Economic Period: The analysis is based on a 25-year economic period with construction beginning in 2010. Fuel Oil Fuel oil currently costs $5.48 per gallon for a seasonally adjusted blend of #1 and #2 fuel oil. The analysis is based on 6% fuel oil inflation which has been the average for the past 20-years. Electricity Electricity is supplied by Inside Passage Electrical Cooperative. The building is billed for electricity under the Large Power Interruptible rate. This rate charges for both electrical consumption (kWh) and peak electric demand (kW). Electrical consumption is the amount of energy consumed and electric demand is the rate of consumption. Large Power Interruptible Electricity ($ / kWh ) 1-60,000 kWh $0.4000 60,000-240,000 kWh $0.3784 >240,000 kWh $0.3679 Customer Charge $160.00 Summary The following table summarizes the energy and economic factors used in the analysis. Summary of Economic and Energy Factors Factor Rate or Cost Factor Rate or Cost Nominal Discount Rate 5% Electricity (2013) $0.431/kwh General Inflation Rate 2% Electricity Inflation 6% Fuel Oil Cost (2013) $5.81/gal Fuel Oil Inflation 6% Kake Schools 31 Energy Audit (February 2012) Appendix A Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis Kake Schools 32 Energy Audit (February 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Kake Schools Basis Economic Study Period (years) 25 Nominal Discount Rate 5%General Inflation 2% Energy 2012 $/gal Fuel Inflation 2012 $/gal Fuel Oil $5.48 6% $5.81 Electricity $/kWh (2011)$/kW (2011)Inflation $/kWh (2012)$/kW (2012) w/ Demand Charges $0.407 $0.00 6% $0.431 $0.00 w/o Demand Charges $0.407 -6% $0.431 - EEM-13: Install Pipe Insulation Energy Analysis Service Size Length Bare BTUH Insul BTUH Factor kBtu η boiler Gallons Heating 0.75 111 74 11 100% -61,259 68%-650 Heating 1.00 13 90 12 100% -8,883 68%-94 Heating 2.50 6 154 15 100% -7,306 68%-78 -822 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Pipe Insulation 3/4"0 111 lnft $5 $555 1"0 13 lnft $6 $78 2.5"0 6 lnft $9 $54 Estimating contingency 0 15%$103 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -822 gal $5.81 ($135,395) Net Present Worth ($134,600) EEM-14: (Lib) Turn Off Computers Energy Analysis Equipment Number Watts Hours kWh Workstation 15 -20 4,860 -1,458 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Establish and post computer policy 0 4 hr $60 $240 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -1,458 kWh $0.431 ($17,829) Net Present Worth ($17,600) Kake Schools 33 Energy Audit (February 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Kake Schools EEM-15: (HS) Isolate Standby Boiler Energy Analysis Input MBH Loss %Loss MBH Hours, exist Hours, new kBtu η boiler Gallons 1,789 1.0% 18 2,880 1,440 -25,766 68% -274 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Turn off boiler and isolate it 0 1 ea $500 $500 Annual Costs Alternate lead/standby boilers 1 - 25 2 ea $100.00 $3,405 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -274 gal $5.81 ($45,044) Net Present Worth ($41,100) EEM-16: Replace Lavatory Aerators Energy Analysis η boiler 68% Fixture Existing Proposed Uses/day Days Water,Gals % HW kBTU Gallons Lavatories 0.3 0.2 375 198 -13,365 80% -7,134 -76 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Replace lavatory aerators 0 4 ea $35 $140 Replace showerhead 0 1 ea $35 $35 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -76 gal $5.81 ($12,471) Net Present Worth ($12,300) EEM-17: Perform Boiler Combustion Test Energy Analysis Annual Gal % Savings Savings, Gal 33,800 -1.0% -338 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Purchase combustion analyzer 0 1 LS $700 $700 Annual Costs Clean boielr and perform combustion test 1 - 25 16 hrs $60.00 $16,346 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -338 gal $5.81 ($55,651) Net Present Worth ($38,600) Gallons per Use Kake Schools 34 Energy Audit (February 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Kake Schools EEM-18: (HS) Install Gym Light Switch Cover Energy Analysis Watts Hours kWh -4,200 540 -2,268 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Install lockable switch cover 0 1 LS $500 $500 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -2,268 kWh $0.431 ($27,734) Net Present Worth ($27,200) EEM-19: Convert to Propane Heat Energy Analysis #2 Fuel Oil Annual Gal η, boiler Heat kBtu -33,827 72% -3,373,228 Propane Heat kBtu η, boiler Gallons 3,373,228 80% 46,747 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Install propane tank and piping 0 1 ea $15,000 $15,000 Repalce boiler burner 0 2 ea $22,000 $44,000 Estimating contingency 0 15%$8,850 Overhead & profit 0 30% $20,355 Design fees 0 10%$8,821 Project management 0 8%$7,762 Energy Costs Propane 1 - 25 46,747 gal $3.07 $4,073,076 Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -33,827 gal $5.81 ($5,569,540) Net Present Worth ($1,391,700) EEM-20: (Elem) Pump Room Heat Recovery Energy Analysis Heat Recovery MBH Hours Loss, kBtu Factor Recovery, kBtu η boiler Gallons -10 6,480 -64,800 75% -48,600 82% -428 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Supply and return ductwork 0 1 LS $2,500 $2,500 Hot water tank insulating blanket 0 1 LS $500 $500 Balancing 0 1 LS $500 $500 Estimating contingency 0 15%$525 Overhead & profit 0 30%$1,208 Design fees 0 10%$523 Project management 0 8%$460 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -428 gal $5.81 ($70,458) Net Present Worth ($64,200) Kake Schools 35 Energy Audit (February 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Kake Schools EEM-21: (Voc) Reroute Heating Mains Energy Analysis Service Size Length Bare BTUH Insul BTUH Factor kBtu η boiler Gallons Heating 1.50 28 145 15 100% -31,886 68%-339 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Reroute piping through the exterior wall 0 8 lnft $200 $1,600 Pipe insulation 1-1/2"0 8 lnft $8 $64 Repair wall penetrations 0 1 LS $2,000 $2,000 Estimating contingency 0 15%$550 Overhead & profit 0 30%$1,264 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -339 gal $5.81 ($55,745) Net Present Worth ($50,300) EEM-22: (HS) Install Gym Light Fixtures Energy Analysis Lighting Room # Fixtures Lamp Lamp, watts Fixture Watts Hours, exist Hours, new Savings, kWh Gym 25 CFL 168 193 -1,620 1,080 -2,608 Gym 2 CFL 64 74 0 1,080 159 -2,449 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Install wall pak light fixtures 0 2 LS $1,500 $3,000 Overhead & profit 0 30%$900 Project management 0 8%$312 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -2,449 kWh $0.431 ($29,950) Net Present Worth ($25,700) EEM-23: (Voc) Increase Utilidor Pipe Insulation Energy Analysis Service Size Length Exist BTUH Insul BTUH Factor kBtu η boiler Gallons Supply 1.50 111 18 11 100% -6,807 68%-72 Return 1.50 13 18 11 100% -797 68%-8 -81 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Remove and reinstall access covers 0 8 hrs $60 $480 Insulating blanket 0 78 lnft $15 $1,170 Estimating contingency 0 15%$248 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -81 gal $5.81 ($13,293) Net Present Worth ($11,400) Kake Schools 36 Energy Audit (February 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Kake Schools EEM-24: Optimize Ventilation Systems Energy Analysis Fan Case CFM ΔP η, fan BHP η, motor kW Hours kWh CUH-1 Existing -600 0.50 55% -0.1 70%0 1,800 -165 CUH-3 Existing -600 0.50 55% -0.1 70%0 1,800 -165 EF-3 Existing -1,200 0.50 55% -0.2 70%0 1,800 -329 Optimized 1,200 0.50 55% 0.2 70%0 540 99 EF-1 Existing -2,500 0.88 60% -0.6 85%-1 1,800 -906 Optimized 1,430 0.88 60% 0.3 85%0 1,800 518 0 -948 Ventilation SA CFM MAT T,room MBH Hours kBtu η boiler Gallons EF-3 Existing -1,200 40 65 -32 1,800 -58,320 68%-619 Optimized 1,200 40 65 32 540 17,496 68%186 AHU-1 Existing -7,600 58 70 -98 1,800 -177,293 68%-1,882 Optimized 7,600 62 70 66 1,800 118,195 68%1,255 -99,922 -1,061 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Remove cabinet unit heater fans 0 2 ea $500 $1,000 Install occupancy sensor and humidity sensor fan controls 0 2 ea $2,500 $5,000 Convert science and storage exhaust to return grilles 0 2 ea $250 $500 Rebalance AHU-1 and EF-1 0 1 LS $6,000 $6,000 Control modifications 0 1 LS $3,000 $3,000 Estimating contingency 0 15%$2,325 Overhead & profit 0 30%$5,348 Design fees 0 10%$2,317 Project management 0 8%$2,039 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -948 kWh $0.431 ($11,587) Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -1,061 gal $5.81 ($174,685) Net Present Worth ($158,700) EEM-25: Upgrade Transformer Energy Analysis Number kVA ηold ηnew KW kWh 1 37.5 96.8% 98.4% -0.6 -5,256 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Replace transformer, kVA 37.5 0 1 LS $6,500 $6,500 Estimating contingency 0 15%$975 Overhead & profit 0 30%$2,243 Design fees 0 10%$972 Project management 0 8%$855 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -5,256 kWh $0.431 ($64,272) Electric Demand 1 - 25 -7 kW $0.00 $0 Net Present Worth ($52,700) Kake Schools 37 Energy Audit (February 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Kake Schools EEM-26: (HS) Server Room Heat Recovery Energy Analysis Heat Recovery MBH Hours Loss, kBtu Factor Recovery, kBtu η boiler Gallons -5 6,480 -33,165 75% -24,873 82% -219 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Outside air duct through crawlspace to server room 0 1 LS $2,000 $2,000 Exhaust fan discharging to adjacent science room 0 1 LS $2,000 $2,000 Thermostat control 0 1 LS $500 $500 Estimating contingency 0 15%$675 Overhead & profit 0 30%$1,553 Design fees 0 10%$673 Project management 0 8%$592 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -219 gal $5.81 ($36,060) Net Present Worth ($28,100) EEM-27: (Voc) Replace Shop Door Energy Analysis Component Area R,exist R,new ΔT MBH kBtu η boiler Gallons Overhead Door 144 0.75 5 25 -4.1 -35,741 68%-379 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Replace overhead door 0 144 sqft $60 $8,640 Estimating contingency 0 15%$1,296 Overhead & profit 0 30%$2,981 Design fees 0 10%$1,292 Project management 0 8%$1,137 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -379 gal $5.81 ($62,483) Net Present Worth ($47,100) Kake Schools 38 Energy Audit (February 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Kake Schools EEM-28: Upgrade Motors Energy Analysis Equip Number HP ηold ηnew kW Hours kWh EF-1 1 1 78.5% 85.5% -0.05 6,480 -338 P-1 1 1.5 78.5% 86.5% -0.09 3,240 -290 P-2 1 1.5 78.5% 86.5% -0.09 3,240 -290 EF-5 1 1.5 78.5% 86.5% -0.09 1,800 -161 EF-1 1 2 80.8% 86.5% -0.09 1,800 -153 EF-2 1 2 80.8% 86.5% -0.09 1,800 -153 VU-2 1 3 84.0% 89.5% -0.12 1,800 -222 VU-1 1 5 74.0% 89.5% -0.58 1,800 -1,041 -1.2 -2,648 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs HP Replace motor 1 0 1 LS 940 $940 Replace motor 1.5 0 3 LS 955 $2,865 Replace motor 2 0 2 LS 970 $1,940 Replace motor 3 0 1 LS 1,080 $1,080 Replace motor 5 0 1 LS 1,290 $1,290 Estimating contingency 0 15%$1,217 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -2,648 kWh $0.431 ($32,381) Net Present Worth ($23,000) EEM-29: (HS) Operate Kitchen Make-up Air Fan Energy Analysis Fan Case CFM ΔP η, fan BHP η, motor kW Hours kWh MAF Proposed 2,400 1.00 55%1 89%1 1,200 691 Ventilation SA CFM MAT T,room MBH Hours kBtu η boiler Gallons Infiltration Existing -2,400 40 70 -78 1,800 -139,968 68%-1,486 MAU-1 Optimized 2,400 40 65 65 1,800 116,640 68%1,238 -23,328 -248 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Return MAU-1 to service 0 1 ea $2,500 $2,500 Recalibrate controls 0 1 ea $2,000 $2,000 Estimating contingency 0 15%$675 Overhead & profit 0 30%$1,553 Annual Costs DDC Maintenance 1 - 25 1 LS $1,000.00 $17,027 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 691 kWh $0.431 $8,444 Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -248 gal $5.81 ($40,783) Net Present Worth ($8,600) Kake Schools 39 Energy Audit (February 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Kake Schools EEM-30: (HS) Replace Single Pane Glazing Energy Analysis Component Area R,exist R,new ΔT MBH kBtu η boiler Gallons Windows 67 0.75 2.5 20 -1.3 -10,956 68%-116 Door 9 0.75 2.5 20 -0.2 -1,472 68%-16 -1.4 -12,428 -132 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Replace window glazing unit 0 67 sqft $85 $5,695 Replace door glazing unit 0 9 sqft $85 $765 Estimating contingency 0 15%$969 Overhead & profit 0 30%$2,229 Design fees 0 10%$966 Project management 0 8%$850 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -132 gal $5.81 ($21,726) Net Present Worth ($10,300) EEM-31: (HS) Boiler Room Heat Recovery Energy Analysis Heat Recovery Input, MBH Jacket Loss MBH Hours Loss, kBtu Factor Recovery, kBtu η boiler Gallons 3,579 -1.0% -36 6,480 -231,891 75% -173,919 82%-1,531 Heat Pump Energy Recovery, kBtu COP kWh HP Heat, kBtu η boiler Gallons -173,919 3 16,991 57,973 82% -510 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Boiler room heat pump 0 1 LS $15,000 $15,000 Gym fan coil unit 0 1 LS $6,000 $6,000 Piping between heat pump and fan coil 0 1 LS $12,000 $12,000 Controls 0 1 LS $6,000 $6,000 Estimating contingency 0 15%$5,850 Overhead & profit 0 30% $13,455 Design fees 0 10%$5,831 Project management 0 8%$5,131 Annual Costs Heat pump maintenance 1 - 25 1 LS $250.00 $4,257 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 16,991 kWh $0.431 $207,771 Electric Demand 1 - 25 60.0 kW $0.00 $0 Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -2,042 gal $5.81 ($336,184) Net Present Worth ($54,900) Kake Schools 40 Energy Audit (February 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Kake Schools EEM-32: (Lib) Increase Building Floor Insulation Energy Analysis Component Area R,exist R,new ΔT MBH kBtu η boiler Gallons Floor 3,850 12 30 25 -4.8 -31,185 68%-331 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Insulate crawlspace floor and perimeter 0 3,850 sqft $5 $19,250 Estimating contingency 0 15%$2,888 Overhead & profit 0 30%$6,641 Design fees 0 10%$2,878 Project management 0 8%$2,533 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -331 gal $5.81 ($54,518) Net Present Worth ($20,300) EEM-33: Convert to Variable Speed Pumping Energy Analysis Pump GMP Head η pump BHP η motor kW Hours kWh High School CP-1/CP-2 -10 22 50% -0.1 70% -0.2 6,480 -1,028 CP-3 -56 45 60% -1.4 89% -1.2 6,480 -7,717 CP-5 -18 44 50% -0.5 89% -0.4 6,480 -2,911 CP-6 -131 25 75% -1.5 89% -1.2 6,480 -8,024 CP-8 -20 38 60% -0.4 89% -0.4 6,480 -2,327 Elementary School P-1/P-2 -110 24 65% -1.4 89% -1.2 6,480 -7,463 Primary/Secondary Design P-1/P-2 150 15 65% 1.2 P-3A/P-3B 300 30 65% 4.7 Average Flow P-1/P-2 150 15 65% 1.2 92% 0.9 6,480 6,153 P-1/P-2 150 20 65% 1.6 92% 1.3 6,480 8,204 -15,113 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Demo boiler room pumps and piping 0 1 LS $5,000 $5,000 Primary pumps, 1,5 HP 0 2 LS $5,000 $10,000 Secondary pumps, 5 HP with VFD 0 2 LS $10,000 $20,000 Piping and appurtenances 0 1 LS $50,000 $50,000 Controls 0 1 LS $20,000 $20,000 Estimating contingency 0 15% $15,750 Overhead & profit 0 30% $36,225 Design fees 0 10% $15,698 Project management 0 8% $13,814 Annual Costs Pump maintenance 1 - 25 -6 ea $200.00 ($20,432) Energy Costs Electric Energy (Effective Cost)1 - 25 -15,113 kWh $0.431 ($184,804) Net Present Worth ($18,800) Kake Schools 41 Energy Audit (February 2012) Appendix B Energy and Utility Data Kake Schools 42 Energy Audit (February 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Billing Data 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Kake Schools ELECTRIC RATE Electricity ($ / kWh ) 1-60,000 kWh $0.4000 60,000-240,000 kWh $0.3784 >240,000 kWh $0.3679 Customer Charge $160.00 ELECTRICAL CONSUMPTION AND DEMAND 2008 2009 2010 2011 kWh kWh kWh kWh Jan 22,800 22,080 30,240 28,800 25,980 Feb 26,160 27,840 33,840 29,760 29,400 Mar 23,760 24,960 25,440 27,600 25,440 Apr 24,480 24,960 32,880 25,920 27,060 May 21,360 24,960 28,800 23,040 24,540 Jun 19,200 15,120 22,320 15,120 17,940 Jul 12,720 15,120 19,200 14,540 15,395 Aug 11,520 11,760 24,000 16,997 16,069 Sep 21,360 20,400 31,920 24,075 24,439 Oct 26,640 23,520 30,240 24,410 26,203 Nov 20,400 30,720 32,160 27,807 27,772 Dec 27,360 31,680 32,160 26,604 29,451 Total 257,760 273,120 343,200 284,673 289,688 Average 21,480 22,760 28,600 23,723 24,141 ELECTRIC BILLING DETAILS Month Energy Total Energy Total % Change Jan $12,096 $12,256 $11,520 $11,680 -4.7% Feb $13,536 $13,696 $11,904 $12,064 -11.9% Mar $10,176 $10,336 $11,040 $11,200 8.4% Apr $13,152 $13,312 $10,368 $10,528 -20.9% May $11,520 $11,680 $9,216 $9,376 -19.7% Jun $8,928 $9,088 $6,048 $6,208 -31.7% Jul $7,680 $7,840 $5,816 $5,976 -23.8% Aug $9,600 $9,760 $6,799 $6,959 -28.7% Sep $12,768 $12,928 $9,630 $9,790 -24.3% Oct $12,096 $12,256 $9,764 $9,924 -19.0% Nov $12,864 $13,024 $11,123 $11,283 -13.4% Dec $12,864 $13,024 $10,642 $10,802 -17.1% Total $ 137,280 $ 139,200 $ 113,869 $ 115,789 -16.8% Average $ 11,440 $ 11,600 $ 9,489 $ 9,649 -16.8% Cost ($/kWh) $0.406 $0.407 0.3% 2010 2011 Electrical costs are based on the current electric rates. Large Power Interruptible Month Average Kake Schools 43 Energy Audit (February 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Annual Electric Consumption 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Kake Schools 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecElectric Use (kWh)Month of the Year Electric Use History 2008 2009 2010 2011 $ 0 $ 2,000 $ 4,000 $ 6,000 $ 8,000 $ 10,000 $ 12,000 $ 14,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecElectric Cost (USD)Month of the Year Electric Cost Breakdown 2010 Kake Schools 44 Energy Audit (February 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Annual Fuel Consumption 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Kake Schools #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Year #2 Fuel Oil #1 Fuel Oil Propane Degree Days Total 2,008 31,863 985 300 9,093 32,163 2,009 42,560 1,004 300 9,284 42,860 2,010 31,348 970 300 9,013 31,648 2,011 29,536 925 300 8,729 29,836 Average 33,827 971 300 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 Degree DaysGallonsYear Annual Fuel Use #2 Fuel Oil #1 Fuel Oil Propane Degree Days Kake Schools 45 Energy Audit (February 2012) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Annual Energy Consumption and Cost Energy Cost $/MMBtu Area ECI EUI #2 Fuel Oil $5.48 $56.52 80,900 $3.83 72 #1 Fuel Oil $5.61 $52.33 Electricity $0.407 $125.48 Propane $3.66 $50.72 Source Cost Electricity 289,688 kWh $117,800 1,000 17% Propane 300 Gallons $1,100 30 1% #1 Fuel Oil 971 Gallons $5,400 130 2% #2 Fuel Oil 33,827 Gallons $185,400 4,700 80% Totals $309,700 5,860 100% Annual Energy Consumption and Cost Consumption Energy, MMBtu $0 $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140 #2 Fuel Oil #1 Fuel Oil Electricity PropaneCost $ / MMBtuCost of Heat Comparison Kake Schools 46 Energy Audit (February 2012) Appendix C Equipment Data Kake Schools 47 Energy Audit (February 2012) MotorHP / Volts / RPM / EfficEF-1 Men's Room Exhaust FanBroan 676F-B 110 CFM 115 VInterlocked with lightEF-2Women's RoomExhaust FanBroan 676F-B 110 CFM 115 VInterlocked with lightEF-3 Headstart Restroom Exhaust Panasonic110 CFM 115 VInterlocked with lightT-1 Library HeaterToyo Laser 73 40 MBHT-2 PAT Office HeaterToyo Laser 30 15 MBHT-3 Headstart HeaterToyo Laser 73 40 MBHF-1Outside High SchoolWalk-In Freezer HeatKraft ELC096BJ208 V - (2) 1/20 HPVU-1AWood/Auto Shops Pace B-11F1.5 HP/ 208 V/ 1750 RPMVU-2AOffice/Classroom Pace A-8Fno nameplate dataP-1 Attic VU-1A Fan Coil B&G 60451/4 HP/ 115 V/ 1715 RPM/47%P-2 Attic VU-2A Fan Coil B&G 189105no name plateDHWHElectric Hot Water Heater AO Smith Energy Saver 50 Gallon 4500 Watts upper 4500 Watts lowerHX-1 Auto Shop Supply FanPace1.5 HP/ 208 V/ 1725 RPM/ 78.5% Not usedExhaust FanPaceno dataNot usedEF-4A Auto Shop Exhaust FanPacenot usedLibrary / Headstart BuildingVocational BuildingKake K-12 Schools - Major Equipment InventoryCapacityNotesUnit IDLocation Function Make Model Kake Schools 48 Energy Audit (February 2012) MotorHP / Volts / RPM / EfficKake K-12 Schools - Major Equipment InventoryCapacityNotesUnit IDLocation Function Make ModelP-1 Pump Room Building Heating Taco 1639C3E2-6.191.5 HP/ 208 V/ 1725 RPM/78.5%P-2 Pump Room Building Heating Taco 1635C3E3-6.191.5 HP/ 208 V/ 1725 RPM/78.5%P-3 Pump Room Elementary Radiation Taco 1615C3N31/3 HP/ 115 V/ 1725 RPM/60P-4 Pump Room Elementary Radiation Taco1/3 HP/ 115 V/ 1725 RPM/60%P-5 Pump Room Hot Water TankTaco 121A3N14.31/4 HP/ 115 V/ 1725 RPM/47%P-6 Pump Room HRV CoilTaco 11181/8 HP/ 115 V/ 1750 RPMP-7New Radiation System Taco 1615C3N11/2 HP/ 115 V/ 1750 RPM/62%P-8New Radiation System1615C3N11/2 HP/ 115 V/ 1750 RPM/62%P-9AHU-1 Fan Coil Taco 1615C3N23/4 HP/ 208 V/ 1725 RPM/76%HW RP-1 Pump Room Hot Water Return Pump Taco115 VHW RP-2 Pump Room Hot Water Return Pump Taco 005-BF21/35 HP/ 115 VDHWH-1 Pump Room Indirect Hot Water Heater Ajax VG3004MW 190 GallonAHU-1 New Addition New Addition Vent LogicAir CSU-6K-H-8 7800 CFM 7.5 HP/ 208 V/ 1760 RPM/ 91% offRF-1 New Addition New Addition RF LogicAir CSU-6K 4800 CFM 2 HP/ 208 V/ 1725 RPM/ 86.5% offEF-1 New Addition New AdditionCook 180 CPS 2500 CFM 1 HP/ 208 V/ 1725 RPM/ 78.5%AHU-2 Elementary Old ClassroomsHaakon Airpak5600 CFM 5 HP/ 208 V/ 1750 RPM/ 89.5% Supply fan5200 CFM 1.5 HP/ 208 V/ 1750 RPM/78.5% Return fanP-10Boiler Loop Pump Taco 0011F4 5200 CFM 1/8 HP/ 3250 RPM/ 115 VHRV Old Fan Room Ventilation and Exhaust DLI MicroZ3 HP/ 208 V/ 1750 RPM/81.4%3 HP/ 208 V/ 1750 RPM/81.4%Elementary School BuildingKake Schools 49 Energy Audit (February 2012) MotorHP / Volts / RPM / EfficKake K-12 Schools - Major Equipment InventoryCapacityNotesUnit IDLocation Function Make ModelB-1 Boiler Room BoilerBurnham V11091503 MBH 2 HP/ 120 V/86.5%B-2 Boiler Room BoilerBurnham V11091503 MBH 2 HP/ 120 V/80.8%HWG-1 Boiler Room Domestic Hot Water Heater Amtrol WHS-120ZC-DW 119 Gallon indirect hot water heaterHWG-2 Boiler Room Domestic Hot Water Heater Amtrol WHS-120ZC-DW 119 Gallon indirect hot water heaterCP-1 Boiler Room Hot Water Circulation Grundfos UP 43-75F 10 gpm 1/6 HP/ 120 VCP-2 Boiler Room Back Up for CP-1 Grundfos UP 43-75F 10 gpm 1/6 HP/ 120 VCP-3 Boiler Room Building HeatGrundfos UPS 50-160 56 gpm 1.5 HP/ 208 V/ speed 3/81.4%CP-4 Boiler Room Backup for CP-3 & CP-4 Grundfos UPS 50-160 56 gpm 1.5 HP/ 208 V/ speed 3/81.4%CP-5 Boiler Room Library HeatGrundfos UPS 50-160 18 gpm 1.5 HP/ 208 V/ speed 3/81.4%CP-6 Boiler Room VU-1 and VU-2Grundfos UPS 50-160 131 gpm 1.5 HP/ 120 V/ speed 3/81.4%CP-7 Boiler Room Back Up CP-6 and CP-8 Grundfos UPS 50-160 56 gpm 1.5 HP/ 208 V/ speed 3/81.4%CP-8 Boiler Room Shop BuildingGrundfos UPS 50-160 20 gpm 1.5 HP/ 208 V/ speed 1/81.4%CP-9 Boiler Room B-1 Boiler Shock Grundfos UP 26-99F 30 gpm 1/6 HP/ 120 VInterlock w/boiler enableCP-10 Boiler Room B-2 Boiler Shock Grundfos UP 26-99F 30 gpm 1/6 HP/ 120 VInterlock w/boiler enableCP-11 Boiler Room Domestic HWCGrundfos UPS 15-42F 2 gpm 1/25 HP/ 120 V/ speed 1CP-12 Boiler Room HX, Glycol Side Grundfos UP 26-99F 20 gpm 1/6 HP/ 120 VSP-1 Boiler Room Sump PumpGrundfos KP1503 gpm 1/4HP/ 120 V/47%MUA-1Kitchen Make Up Air Gaylord MCF-2300A 2400 CFM 3/4 HP/ 208 V/76%T-1 Boiler Room TransformerTierney A01137-3T131115 37.5 KVANon TPI rated 115° FVU-1 Fan Room 1 Gym SupplyPace A-20F7500 CFM 5 HP/ 208 V/ 1725 RPM/ 74%Outside air damper brokenVU-2 Fan Room 2 School SupplyPace A-18F6350 CFM 3 HP/ 208 V/ 1755 RPM/81.4%EF-1 Fan Room 1 Gym ReturnPace A-20F6400 CFM 2 HP/ 208 V/ 1750 RPM/80.8%EF-2 Fan Room 2 School ReturnPace A-20F5700 CFM 2 HP/ 1208 V/ 1725 RPM/80.8%High School BuildingKake Schools 50 Energy Audit (February 2012) MotorHP / Volts / RPM / EfficKake K-12 Schools - Major Equipment InventoryCapacityNotesUnit IDLocation Function Make ModelEF-3 Roof Locker ExhaustCook1200 CFM 1/8 HP/ 120 VEF-4 Bathrooms Bathroom Exhaust Cook650 CFM 1/3 HP/ 120 V/60%EF-5 Roof Kitchen Grease Hood Cook 180V8B 3000 CFM 1.5 HP/ 208 V/ 1725 RPM/ 84%EF-6 Bathrooms Bathroom Cabinet Exhaust Penn ZIV130 CFM 125 W/ 120 VVF-1 Boiler Room Ventilation FanLoren Cook 108510DF 2100 CFM 1/2HP/ 120 V/62%Thermostat @ 70°FVF-2 Roof Green House Vent Fan Cook1200 CFM 1/3 HP/ 120 V/60%VF-3 Entry Entry Vent FanPenn1700 CFM 1/2 HP/ 120 V/62%RH-1Home EconomicsRange Hood Fan Nutone RL6300 190 CFM 120 VCHU-1Above Locker RoomsBoys Locker Room Pace A-8F1/3 HP/ 115 V/ 1725 RPM/60% Running - belt brokenAC-1 Book Room Air ConditionerAir Technology not usedCHU-2Above Locker RoomsGirls Locker Room Pace A-8F3/4 HP/ 115 V/76%2 Kitchen Convection Oven2.16 KW 120 V/ 18 Amps3 Kitchen Tilting Kettle120 V/ 10 Amps5 Kitchen Range120 V7 Kitchen Serving Counter120 V/ 20 Amps9 Kitchen Hot Food Wells2.6 KW 208 V/ 12.3 Amps10 Kitchen Cold Food Unit1/5 HP/ 120 V/ 2.3 Amps16 Kitchen Refrigerator1/3 HP/ 120 V/ 9.6 Amps/60%17 Kitchen Freezer3/4 HP/ 120 V/ 11 Amps/76%18 Kitchen Preparation Table120 V/ 15 Amps27 Kitchen Dishwasher208 V/ 43.6 Amps30 Kitchen Mixer1/2 HP/ 120 V/62%31 Kitchen Disposer208 V/ 3 phase/ 3.3 AmpsHigh School Building, continuedKake Schools 51 Energy Audit (February 2012) Appendix D Abbreviations AHU Air handling unit BTU British thermal unit BTUH BTU per hour CBJ City and Borough of Juneau CMU Concrete masonry unit CO2 Carbon dioxide CUH Cabinet unit heater DDC Direct digital controls DHW Domestic hot water EAD Exhaust air damper EEM Energy efficiency measure EF Exhaust fan Gyp Bd Gypsum board HVAC Heating, Ventilating, Air- conditioning HW Hot water HWRP Hot water recirculating pump KVA Kilovolt-amps kW Kilowatt kWh Kilowatt-hour LED Light emitting diode MBH 1,000 Btu per hour MMBH 1,000,000 Btu per hour OAD Outside air damper PSI Per square inch PSIG Per square inch gage RAD Return air damper RF Return fan SIR Savings to investment ratio SF Supply fan UV Unit ventilator VAV Variable air volume VFD Variable frequency drive Kake Schools 52 Energy Audit (February 2012)