HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEA-AEE-Metlakatla Activity Center 2012-EE Lepquinum Wellness Center Annette Island Service Unit Funded by: Final Report December 2011 Prepared by: Energy Audit Table of Contents Section 1: Executive Summary 2  Section 2: Introduction 6  Section 3: Energy Efficiency Measures 8  Section 4: Description of Systems 13  Section 5: Methodology 16  Appendix A: Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 19  Appendix B: Electrical Data 25  Appendix C: Equipment Data 30  Appendix D: Abbreviations 34  Audit Team The energy audit is performed by Alaska Energy Engineering LLC of Juneau, Alaska. The audit team consists of:  Jim Rehfeldt, P.E., Energy Engineer  Jack Christiansen, Energy Consultant  Brad Campbell, Energy Auditor  Loras O’Toole P.E., Mechanical Engineer  Will Van Dyken P.E., Electrical Engineer  Curt Smit, P.E., Mechanical Engineer  Philip Iverson, Construction Estimator  Karla Hart, Technical Publications Specialist  Jill Carlile, Data Analyst  Grayson Carlile, Energy Modeler Lepquinum Wellness Center 1 Energy Audit (December 2011) Section 1 Executive Summary An energy audit of the Lepquinum Wellness Center in Metlakatla was performed by Alaska Energy Engineering LLC. The investment grade audit was funded by Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) to identify opportunities to improve the energy performance of public buildings throughout Alaska. The Lepquinum Wellness Center is a 23,296 square foot building that contains offices, commons, locker rooms, a pool, a handball court, an activity space, storage, shop areas, a Native arts space, and mechanical support spaces. The Activity Center portion of the facility is utilized by the Annette Island Service Unit and the Annette Island School District still utilizes the lower classroom portions of the building. Building Assessment The following summarizes our assessment of the building. Envelope The exterior of the building appears to have been fairly well maintained and should continue to provide good service; however, we recommend that issues such as vertical drainage behind the finish on the east wall, rusting door frames, and temporary repairs to the Dryvit siding are corrected with permanent repairs before additional building envelope damage occurs. The exterior doors are not thermally broken. Future exterior door replacement selection should include this feature. Weather-stripping on exterior doors is in need of replacement throughout. Paint and chemicals are being stored in the utilidor spaces in the basement. These spaces are not vented and there is a potential for heavy fumes to build up, which is a code violation. There is no arctic entry to the main lobby. This feature should be included on all buildings in this climate as it significantly reduces the amount of outside air infiltration. Retrofitting an artic entry is discussed in Energy Efficiency Measure (EEM) 13 in Section 3. The exterior door to the automotive/welding spaces cannot be opened from the outside without a key. As a result, during classroom hours the door must be propped open to provide students continual access throughout the school day. This results in an unnecessary heat loss that can be fixed simply by replacing the existing door operator. The Kalwall translucent daylight system fiberglass window wall at the peak of the building provides approximately an R-4 insulation value, yet it covers 300 square feet of wall section at the very peak of the pool area. There is considerable heat loss from the window wall, which provides minimal daylighting of the space because the panels are clouded due to UV exposure. The audit team was informed by maintenance staff that the pool deck drain is leaking and is the source of water that is running along the basement ceiling in all spaces directly below the pool. Exposure to chlorine pool water may have started the corrosion process, but it appears that the use of salt in the pool water may have accelerated the damage. The audit team also witnessed the tripping of a lighting circuit breaker as a result of water draining through the pan deck material and onto a conduit in the west utilidor space. Lepquinum Wellness Center 2 Energy Audit (December 2011) Heating System The building and the pool are heated by three fuel oil boilers that provide heat to seven air handling unit systems, fan coil units, and perimeter hydronic systems. Given that Metlakatla’s hydroelectric- generated electricity provides a much less expensive heat source then fuel oil, it was disappointing to the audit team to learn that the original electric boilers had been replaced with oil-fired boilers. At the time of the audit Boiler #1 was running and the remaining two boilers were on-line and not isolated. Circulating heating water through an unnecessary boiler results in a significant amount of heat loss. This is covered with recommendations in Section 3, EEM-4. The remainder of the fuel oil boiler heating system appears to be in good condition. Fairly simple improvements can be made to improve its effectiveness and efficiency. These are outlined in Section 3, Energy Efficiency Measures. Ventilation System The building ventilation systems consist of seven large air handling units, one return fan, and 11 exhaust fans. The overall condition of the systems is very poor as a result of a failed pneumatic control system and a lack of maintenance. Issues include:  Broken drive belts on the 20 HP supply fan for S-1. The motor was running without any load and return fan R-1 was pushing air through the supply fan.  The access door to S-5 mixing box was left open, resulting in the ventilation unit pulling return air from the fan room adjacent to the pool instead of from the handball space it serves  Filters in most every unit are well beyond their useful life. In the case of S-3 the filters observed were so dirty that they had collapsed and were lying inside the unit. Natatorium Staff install a cover over the swimming pool when it is not in use. This reduces pool heat loss and humidity. It is commendable that the staff is diligent in using the cover. Control System A pneumatic system is installed to control the heating and ventilation system components. Most of the control functions have failed throughout the building resulting in an inability to properly control the space heating and ventilating equipment. Operators are manually controlling heating water flows through air coils to maintain thermal comfort. Our observation is that most spaces are being overheated. The ventilation controls have failed on all air handling units. The ventilation dampers are positioned to full recirculation mode which does not bring sufficient ventilation air into the building to makeup exhaust air and supply adequate indoor air quality. As a result:  The building pressure is highly negative; outdoor air flows inward whenever a door is open.  The pool is inadequately ventilated and humidity levels are high.  Moist air is likely being drawn through the envelope, which can degrade the structure and insulation systems. We recommend that the pneumatic system be replaced with an electrically controlled system and the building systems retro-commissioned. Lepquinum Wellness Center 3 Energy Audit (December 2011) Lighting Interior lighting consists primarily of T12 and metal halide lighting. Exterior lighting consists primarily of metal halide lighting. The interior lighting schedule and all exterior lighting is controlled by staff. In the smaller spaces such as classrooms, occupancy sensors are recommended to ensure lights are turned off (several unoccupied spaces were lit during the audit). Summary It is the assessment of the energy audit team that the majority of the building energy losses are due to a failed pneumatic air handling control system, and heating system controls. This has resulted in a situation that cannot be corrected by operational modifications alone. A building optimization analysis is recommended in which the building systems are reconfigured and optimized for the actual use. It is likely the number of systems can be reduced and the building set up to operate more efficiently. The analysis should evaluate if there is incentive to reinstall electric boilers to take advantage of favorable rates when there is low-cost hydroelectric power. Replacement of the control system is a necessary step toward improving the indoor air quality, thermal comfort, and energy efficiency of the building. Commissioning the building is needed to ensure the systems operate properly and reduce the energy footprint of the building. While a complete optimization analysis is beyond the scope of this energy audit, several EEMs show that there is considerable financial incentive to replace the control system and install electric boilers. Optimizing the systems will further improve the economics. Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs) All buildings have opportunities to improve their energy efficiency. The energy audit revealed several opportunities in which an efficiency investment will result in a net reduction in long-term operating costs. Behavioral and Operational EEMs The following EEMs require behavioral and operational changes in the building use. The savings are not readily quantifiable but these EEMs are highly recommended as low-cost opportunities that are a standard of high performance buildings. EEM-1: Weather-strip Doors EEM-2: Turn Off Lighting EEM-3: Proper Thermostat Setpoints Lepquinum Wellness Center 4 Energy Audit (December 2011) High and Medium Priority EEMs The following EEMs are recommended for investment. They are ranked by life cycle savings to investment ratio (SIR). This ranking method places a priority on low cost EEMs which can be immediately funded, generating energy savings to fund higher cost EEMs in the following years. Negative values, in parenthesis, represent savings. 25-Year Life Cycle Cost Analysis Investment Operating Energy Total SIR High Priority EEM-4: Isolate Standby Boilers $400 $16,300 ($151,700) ($135,000) 338.5 EEM-5: Perform Boiler Combustion Test $700 $15,000 ($64,700) ($49,000) 71.0 EEM-6: Replace Aerators and Showerheads $2,300 $0 ($32,600) ($30,300) 14.2 Medium Priority EEM-7: Install Boiler Room Heat Recovery $25,800 $4,100 ($75,900) ($46,000) 2.8 EEM-8: Install Modulating Boiler Burners $63,900 $17,000 ($194,100) ($113,200) 2.8 EEM-9: Upgrade Components/Optimize HVAC $843,600 $17,000 ($2,040,700) ($1,180,100) 2.4 EEM-10: Upgrade Motors $2,200 $0 ($4,500) ($2,300) 2.0 EEM-11: Replace Single-Pane Glazing $6,000 $0 ($7,300) ($1,300) 1.2 EEM-12: Upgrade Transformer $20,900 $0 ($23,300) ($2,400) 1.1 Totals* 965,800 $69,400 ($2,594,800) ($1,559,600) 2.6 *The analysis is based on each EEM being independent of the others. While it is likely that some EEMs are interrelated, an isolated analysis is used to demonstrate the economics because the audit team is not able to predict which EEMs an Owner may choose to implement. If several EEMs are implemented, the resulting energy savings is likely to differ from the sum of each EEM projection. Summary The energy audit revealed numerous opportunities for improving the energy performance of the building. It is recommended that the behavioral and high priority EEMs be implemented now to generate energy savings from which to fund the medium priority EEMs. Another avenue to consider is to borrow money from AHFCs revolving loan fund for public buildings. AHFC will loan money for energy improvements under terms that allow for paying back the money from the energy savings. More information on this option can be found online at http://www.ahfc.us/loans/akeerlf_loan.cfm. Lepquinum Wellness Center 5 Energy Audit (December 2011) Section 2 Introduction This report presents the findings of an energy audit of the Lepquinum Wellness Center located in Metlakatla, Alaska. The purpose of this investment grade energy audit is to evaluate the infrastructure and its subsequent energy performance to identify applicable energy efficiencies measures (EEMs). The energy audit report contains the following sections:  Introduction: Building use and energy consumption.  Energy Efficiency Measures: Priority ranking of the EEMs with a description, energy analysis, and life cycle cost analysis.  Description of Systems: Background description of the building energy systems.  Methodology: Basis for how construction and maintenance cost estimates are derived and the economic and energy factors used for the analysis. BUILDING USE The Metlakatla Wellness Center is a 23,296 square foot building that contains offices, commons, locker rooms, a pool, a handball court, an activity space, storage, shop areas, a Native arts space, and mechanical support spaces. The Wellness Center portion of the facility is used by the Annette Island Service Unit. The Wellness Center facilities are visited by approximately 40 people daily, 50% of whom use the pool. From February to May, swimming lessons are given through the school to approximately 100 students per week. The facilities are also rented 3-4 times from August to May and closed for June and July. The lower classroom portions of the building are used by the Annette Island School District. The School Automotive and Welding Shop facilities are used full time during the school year and for 2 hours/day for a one-month period during the summer. Operating hours are: Pool: 6:00 am – 8:00 pm (M-F) Shops: 8:00 am – 3:00 pm (M-F) Building History 1982 – Original Construction 2002 – Electric boilers replaced with fuel oil boilers Lepquinum Wellness Center 6 Energy Audit (December 2011) Energy Consumption The building energy sources include an electric service and a fuel oil tank. Fuel oil is used for the majority of the heating loads and domestic hot water while electricity serves all other loads. The following table shows annual energy use and cost. Annual Energy Consumption and Cost Source Consumption Cost Energy, MMBtu Electricity 502,525 kWh $55,200 1,710 20% Fuel Oil 49,500 Gallons $215,300 6,720 80% Totals - $270,500 8,430 100% Electricity This chart shows electrical energy use from 2007 to 2010. Electricity use has been relatively consistent over the past four years. Use drops in the summer when the building is shutdown. The effective cost—energy costs plus demand charges—is 11.0¢ per kWh. Fuel Oil Fuel oil use has been consistent at 47,500 gallons per year. Heating Comparison The current cost of fuel oil in Metlakatla is $4.35 per gallon. Assuming a fuel oil conversion efficiency of 70% and an electric boiler conversion efficiency of 95%, oil heat at $4.35 per gallon equates to $33.90 per MMBtu. Since the current cost of electricity is 11.0¢ per kWh which equates to $44.87 per MMBtu, fuel oil heat is more expensive than electric heat. Lepquinum Wellness Center 7 Energy Audit (December 2011) Section 3 Energy Efficiency Measures The following energy efficiency measures (EEMs) were identified during the energy audit. The EEMs are priority ranked and, where applicable, subjected to energy and life cycle cost analysis. Appendix A contains the energy and life cycle cost analysis spreadsheets. The EEMs are grouped into the following prioritized categories:  Behavioral or Operational: EEMs that require minimal capital investment but require operational or behavioral changes. The EEMs provide a life cycle savings but an analysis is not performed because the guaranteed energy savings is difficult quantify.  High Priority: EEMs that require a small capital investment and offer a life cycle savings. Also included in this category are higher cost EEMs that offer significant life cycle savings.  Medium Priority: EEMs that require a significant capital investment to provide a life cycle savings. Many medium priority EEMs provide a high life cycle savings and offer substantial incentive to increase investment in building energy efficiency.  Low Priority: EEMs that will save energy but do not provide a life cycle savings. BEHAVIORAL OR OPERATIONAL The following EEMs are recommended for implementation. They require behavioral or operational changes that can occur with minimal investment to achieve immediate savings. These EEMs are not easily quantified by analysis because they cannot be accurately predicted. They are recommended because they offer a life cycle savings, represent good practice, and are accepted features of high performance buildings. EEM-1: Weather-strip Doors Purpose: The weather stripping on most of the exterior doors is in poor condition. Energy will be saved if doors are properly weather-stripped to reduce infiltration. Scope: Replace weather stripping on exterior doors. EEM-2: Turn Off Lighting Purpose: The lighting was found to be left on in several of the school areas of the building. Energy will be saved if the staff is made aware of the need to turn off the lighting when rooms are unoccupied. Scope: Instruct staff on the importance of turning off the lighting when rooms are vacant. Lepquinum Wellness Center 8 Energy Audit (December 2011) EEM-3: Proper Thermostat Setpoints Purpose: The temperature in many of the rooms was much higher than needed to control humidity and provide thermal comfort. Until the control system is made operational, energy will be saved if staff monitors temperatures and manually adjusts the heating water flow as outdoor temperature varies. Scope: Increase monitoring of the room temperatures and manually adjust the heating water flow. Consideration should also be given to reducing the heating flow over the weekends to all spaces, except the Natatorium which should remain warm to control humidity. HIGH PRIORITY The following EEMs are recommended for implementation because they are low cost measures that have a high savings to investment ratio. The EEMs are listed from highest to lowest priority. Negative values, in parenthesis, represent savings. EEM-4: Isolate Standby Boilers Purpose: Only one boiler is needed to meet the heating load. The standby boilers are not isolated from the heating system and remain hot. Circulating heating water through the standby boilers results in jacket losses due to the standby boilers acting as a heat sink. Energy will be saved by disabling and isolating the standby boilers. Scope: Disable and isolate the standby boilers by closing the heating return isolation valve. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $960 ($5,350) ($4,390) $400 $16,300 ($151,700) ($135,000) 338.5 EEM-5: Perform a Boiler Combustion Test Purpose: Operating the boiler with an optimum amount of excess air will improve combustion efficiency. Annual cleaning followed by a combustion test is recommended. Scope: Annually clean and perform a combustion test on the boiler. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $880 ($2,280) ($1,400) $700 $15,000 ($64,700) ($49,000) 71.0 EEM-6: Replace Lavatory Aerators and Showerheads Purpose: Energy and water will be saved by replacing the lavatory aerators and showerheads with low-flow models. Scope: Replace lavatory aerators and showerheads with water-conserving fixtures. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($2,080) ($2,080) $2,300 $0 ($32,600) ($30,300) 14.2 Lepquinum Wellness Center 9 Energy Audit (December 2011) MEDIUM PRIORITY Medium priority EEMs will require planning and a higher level of investment. They are recommended because they offer a life cycle savings. The EEMs are listed from highest to lowest priority. Negative values, in parenthesis, represent savings. EEM-7: Install Boiler Room Heat Recovery Purpose: The boiler room utilizes inlet and outlet grills to exhaust air outside the space. Energy will be saved if the heat generated from the boiler room is transferred to the welding shop. Scope: Install a heat recovery unit. Recirculate boiler room air on the hot side of the heat recovery cell and welding room air on the cold side. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $240 ($2,460) ($2,220) $25,800 $4,100 ($75,900) ($46,000) 2.8 EEM-8: Install Modulating Boiler Burners Purpose: The boiler burners do not incorporate modulating burner controls. Energy will be saved if the boiler firing rate modulated as necessary. Scope: Install modulating burners on the boilers. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $1,000 ($6,850) ($5,850) $63,900 $17,000 ($194,100) ($113,200) 2.8 Lepquinum Wellness Center 10 Energy Audit (December 2011) EEM-9: Upgrade Components / Optimize HVAC Systems Purpose: The building is currently operating inefficiently due to a failed control system. The system must be replaced to regain control of the systems so there is good thermal comfort and adequate indoor air quality. Energy will be saved if the systems are then optimized. Scope: Optimize the HVAV systems to decrease energy consumption while increasing thermal comfort and maintaining adequate indoor air quality. - Heating Plant: Install an electric boiler to take advantage of favorable electric rates. Much of the electric distribution infrastructure is in-place from when the building was electrically heated. - Hydronic Heat Distribution: Convert the hydronic heating system to variable speed pumping. - Natatorium S-1: Reduce air flow during unoccupied periods; modulate ventilation air with humidity levels; verify proper performance of the heat exchanger. - Locker/Lobby S-2: Modulate air flow with humidity level; turn off during unoccupied periods; verify proper performance of the heat exchanger. - Wood/Machine S-3: Modulate air flow with cooling loads; modulate ventilation air with occupancy; turn off during unoccupied periods. - Handball Court S-6: Modulate air flow with cooling loads; modulate ventilation air with occupancy; turn off during unoccupied periods. - Activity Center S-7: Modulate air flow with cooling loads; modulate ventilation air with occupancy; turn off during unoccupied periods. - Controls: Replace the failed pneumatic control system with a DDC system. This is essential to fully optimizing the building. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $1,000 ($64,120) ($63,120) $843,600 $17,000 ($2,040,700) ($1,180,100) 2.4 EEM-10: Upgrade Motors Purpose: Equipment inspections identified two motors that are not operating efficiently. Installing properly sized NEMA Premium motors will save energy. Scope: Replace the pool pump motor and the return fan R-1 motor. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($290) ($290) $2,200 $0 ($4,500) ($2,300) 2.0 Lepquinum Wellness Center 11 Energy Audit (December 2011) EEM-11: Replace Single-Pane Glazing Purpose: Single-pane glazing exists in the east and west window entry window wall curtains and in the east entry door. Energy will be saved if the single-pane glazing is removed and replaced with energy efficient double-pane glazing. Scope: Replace single-pane glazing with energy efficient double-pane glazing. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($260) ($260) $6,000 $0 ($7,300) ($1,300) 1.2 EEM-12: Upgrade Transformer Purpose: The 150 kVA transformer in the electrical room is not TP-1 rated. Energy will be saved if this less-efficient transformer is replaced with an energy efficient model that complies with NEMA Standard TP 1-2001. Scope: Replace less-efficient transformer with a NEMA Standard TP 1-2001compliant model. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($1,480) ($1,480) $20,900 $0 ($23,300) ($2,400) 1.1 LOW PRIORITY Low priority EEMs will not produce a life cycle savings and are not recommended. EEM-13: Install Arctic Entrance Purpose: Energy will be saved if the main entrance is converted to an arctic entrance. Analysis: Arctic entrances require passage through two doors to enter/leave the building. With sufficient distance between them, one door closes before the other opens, sealing the entrance and reducing infiltration. Arctic entrances are a standard in high performance buildings. Previous analysis has shown that the cost of adding an arctic entrance with ADA door operators will not be offset by energy savings. This EEM is not recommended. Lepquinum Wellness Center 12 Energy Audit (December 2011) Section 4 Description of Systems ENERGY SYSTEMS This section provides a general description of the building systems. Energy conservation opportunities are addressed in Section 3, Energy Efficiency Measures. Building Envelope R-value Component Description (inside to outside) Existing Optimal Exterior Wall 1/2” Gyp. Bd, 2”x 6” wood studs w/ R-19 batt, 1/2” plywood, 2” polystyrene insulations, aggregate finish R-18 R-26 Roof 2” wood, 5” polystyrene insulation, ½” air, 1/2” plywood R-22 R-46 Floor Slab 4” Concrete slab-on-grade R-10 R-10 Foundation 8” concrete with 2” rigid insulation on exterior surface R-10 R-20 Windows vinyl double pane R-1.5 R-5 Doors Steel doors. Doors w/glazing were single pane. R-1.5 R-5 Heating System The building and the pool are heated by three fuel oil boilers that provide heat to seven air handling unit systems, fan coil units, and perimeter hydronic systems. The heating system has the following pumps:  P-1 is a pool circulation pump  P-2 is a chlorination pump  P-3 is the 140°F domestic hot water circulation pump  P-4 is the tempered domestic hot water circulation pump  P-5 is the pool heating pump  P-6 is the domestic hot water heating pump  P-7 is the building heating pump  P-8 is the building heating pump Lepquinum Wellness Center 13 Energy Audit (December 2011) Ventilation Systems Area Fan System Description Natatorium S-1 Constant volume air handling unit consisting of a pre-heating coil, heating coil, mixing box, filter section, and supply fan, and a return fan Locker Room/Lobby S-2 Constant volume air handling unit consisting of a pre-heating coil, heating coil, mixing box, filter section, and supply fan, and a return fan Wood Shop/Machine Shop S-3 Constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, filter section, and supply fan Auto Shop/Hi-Bay S-4 Constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, filter section, and supply fan Welding S-5 Constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, filter section, and supply fan Handball S-6 Constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, filter section, and supply fan Activity Center S-7 Constant volume air handling unit consisting of a heating coil, filter section, mixing box, and supply fan Swimming Pool R-1 20,000 cfm return fan for S-1 Locker Room/Lobby EF-2 3,600 cfm 1 ½ HP exhaust fan Locker Room/Lobby EF-3 6,000 cfm 3 HP exhaust fan Welding EF-4 1,800 cfm ¾ HP Welding EF-5 1,800 cfm ¾ HP Sawdust System EF-6 2,600 cfm 10 HP exhaust fan Auto/Hi-Bay EF-7 3,600 cfm 1 ½ HP exhaust fan Spray Paint EF-8 1,500 cfm 1 HP exhaust fan Toilets EF-9 800 cfm ¾ HP exhaust fan (belt was broken during inspection) Finishing EF-10 1,500 cfm 1 HP exhaust fan Snack Bar EF-11 800 cfm ¾ HP exhaust fan Domestic Hot Water System The domestic hot water heating system consists of two indirect tanks that supply domestic hot water to the fixtures. The plumbing fixtures are not water-conserving types; replacement of lavatory aerators and showerheads is recommended. Automatic Control System The building has a pneumatic control system that has reached the end of its service life. The system has completely failed — none of the operators are working. The system requires substantial repair or, preferably, a replacement with a direct digital control (DDC) system. Lepquinum Wellness Center 14 Energy Audit (December 2011) Lighting Interior lighting consists primarily of T12 and metal halide lighting. Exterior lighting consists primarily of metal halide lighting. The interior lighting schedules and all exterior lighting, including the perimeter lighting, is controlled by staff. As a result, lighting operational hours and subsequent electrical demand are kept to a minimum with the existing fixtures. Lighting upgrades are not recommended to the interior spaces of the building because an analysis determined the majority of that fixture heat is useful toward heating the building. Electric Equipment In addition to the building and pool support infrastructure, additional electric equipment included some residential cooking equipment and a new sauna in the pool area, and fabrication and welding equipment in the school shop spaces. Lepquinum Wellness Center 15 Energy Audit (December 2011) Section 5 Methodology Information for the energy audit was gathered through on-site observations, review of construction documents, and interviews with operation and maintenance personnel. The EEMs are evaluated using energy and life cycle cost analyses and are priority ranked for implementation. Energy Efficiency Measures Energy efficiency measures are identified by evaluating the building’s energy systems and comparing them to systems in modern, high performance buildings. The process for identifying the EEMs acknowledges the realities of an existing building that was constructed when energy costs were much lower. Many of the opportunities used in modern high performance buildings—highly insulated envelopes, variable capacity mechanical systems, heat pumps, daylighting, lighting controls, etc.— simply cannot be economically incorporated into an existing building. The EEMs represent practical measures to improve the energy efficiency of the buildings, taking into account the realities of limited budgets. If a future major renovation project occurs, additional EEMs common to high performance buildings should be incorporated. Life Cycle Cost Analysis The EEMs are evaluated using life cycle cost analysis which determines if an energy efficiency investment will provide a savings over a 25-year life. The analysis incorporates construction, replacement, maintenance, repair, and energy costs to determine the total cost over the life of the EEM. Future maintenance and energy cash flows are discounted to present worth using escalation factors for general inflation, energy inflation, and the value of money. The methodology is based on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Handbook 135 – Life Cycle Cost Analysis. Life cycle cost analysis is preferred to simple payback for facilities that have long—often perpetual— service lives. Simple payback, which compares construction cost and present energy cost, is reasonable for short time periods of 2-4 years, but yields below optimal results over longer periods because it does not properly account for the time value of money or inflationary effects on operating budgets. Accounting for energy inflation and the time value of money properly sums the true cost of facility ownership and seeks to minimize the life cycle cost. Construction Costs The cost estimates are derived based on a preliminary understanding of the scope of each EEM as gathered during the walk-through audit. The construction costs for in-house labor are $60 per hour for work typically performed by maintenance staff and $110 per hour for contract labor. The cost estimate assumes the work will be performed as part of a larger renovation or energy efficiency upgrade project. When implementing EEMs, the cost estimate should be revisited once the scope and preferred method of performing the work has been determined. It is possible some EEMs will not provide a life cycle savings when the scope is finalized. Lepquinum Wellness Center 16 Energy Audit (December 2011) Maintenance Costs Maintenance costs are based on in-house or contract labor using historical maintenance efforts and industry standards. Maintenance costs over the 25-year life of each EEM are included in the life cycle cost calculation spreadsheets and represent the level of effort to maintain the systems. Energy Analysis The energy performance of an EEM is evaluated within the operating parameters of the building. A comprehensive energy audit would rely on a computer model of the building to integrate building energy systems and evaluate the energy savings of each EEM. This investment grade audit does not utilize a computer model, so energy savings are calculated with factors that account for the dynamic operation of the building. Energy savings and costs are estimated for the 25-year life of the EEM using appropriate factors for energy inflation. Prioritization Each EEM is prioritized based on the life cycle savings to investment ratio (SIR) using the following formula: Prioritization Factor = Life Cycle Savings / Capital Costs This approach factor puts significant weight on the capital cost of an EEM, making lower cost EEMs more favorable. Lepquinum Wellness Center 17 Energy Audit (December 2011) Economic Factors The following economic factors are significant to the findings.  Nominal Interest Rate: This is the nominal rate of return on an investment without regard to inflation. The analysis uses a rate of 5%.  Inflation Rate: This is the average inflationary change in prices over time. The analysis uses an inflation rate of 2%.  Economic Period: The analysis is based on a 25-year economic period with construction beginning in 2010. Fuel Oil Fuel oil currently costs $4.35 per gallon for a seasonally adjusted blend of #1 and #2 fuel oil. The analysis is based on 6% fuel oil inflation which has been the average for the past 20-years. Electricity Electricity is supplied by Metlakatla Power and Light. The building is billed for electricity under the Public Building rate. This rate charges for both electrical consumption (kWh) and peak electric demand (kW). Electrical consumption is the amount of energy consumed and electric demand is the rate of consumption. Metlakatla Power and Light Public Building Rate Electricity ($ / kWh ) $0.0920 Cost of Power Adjustment ($ / kWh) $0.0000 Demand ( $ / kW ) $7.00 Customer Charge ( $ / mo ) $36.30 Summary The following table summarizes the energy and economic factors used in the analysis. Summary of Economic and Energy Factors Factor Rate or Cost Factor Rate or Cost Nominal Discount Rate 5% Electricity $0.11/kwh General Inflation Rate 2% Electricity Inflation 2% Fuel Oil Cost (2012) $4.61/gal Fuel Oil Inflation 6% Lepquinum Wellness Center 18 Energy Audit (December 2011) Appendix A Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis Lepquinum Wellness Center 19 Energy Audit (December 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Lepquinum Activity Center Basis Economic Study Period (years) 25 Nominal Discount Rate 5%General Inflation 2% Energy 2011 $/gal Fuel Inflation 2012 $/gal Fuel Oil $4.35 6% $4.61 Electricity $/kWh (2011)$/kW (2011)Inflation $/kWh (2012)$/kW (2012) w/ Demand Charges $0.092 $7.00 1% $0.093 $7.07 w/o Demand Charges $0.110 -1% $0.111 - EEM-4: Isolate Standby Boilers Energy Analysis Boiler Input MBH Loss %Loss MBH Hours, exist Hours, new kBtu η boiler Gallons B-1 2,062 -0.50% -10 8,760 1,500 74,847 68%795 B-2 1,617 -0.50% -8 5,760 1,500 34,435 68%366 -18 109,282 1,160 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Disable and isolate standby boilers 0 4 ea $110 $440 Annual Costs Manually sequence boilers 1 - 25 16 110 $60.00 $16,346 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -1,160 gal $4.61 ($151,654) Net Present Worth ($134,900) EEM-5: Perform Boiler Combustion Test Energy Analysis Annual Gal % Savings Savings, Gal 49,500 -1.0% -495 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Purchase combustion analyzer 0 1 LS $700 $700 Annual Costs Clean and Combustion test 1 - 25 8 hrs $110.00 $14,984 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -495 gal $4.61 ($64,695) Net Present Worth ($49,000) Lepquinum Wellness Center 20 Energy Audit (December 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Lepquinum Activity Center EEM-6: Replace Aerators and Showerheads Energy Analysis Fixture Existing Proposed Uses/day Days Water,Gals % HW kBTU kWh Showerhead 20.0 10.0 40 180 -72,000 80% -38,431 -11,263 Lavatories 0.3 0.2 40 198 -1,426 80% -761 -223 -73,426 -11,486 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Replace lavatory aerators 0 14 ea $35 $490 Replace showerhead 0 18 ea $100 $1,800 Energy Costs Water 1 - 25 -73 kgals $10.960 ($12,625) Electric Energy (Effective Cost)1 - 25 -11,486 kWh $0.111 ($20,020) Net Present Worth ($30,400) EEM-7: Install Boiler Room Heat Recovery Energy Analysis Heat Recovery Boiler gph Jacket Loss MBH Hours Loss, kBtu Factor Recovery, kBtu η boiler Gallons -16 0.75% -17 8,760 -149,028 50% -74,514 84%-640 Fan Energy MBH ΔT CFM ΔP η, fan # Fans Hours kW kWh 17 25 630 1.50 35%2 7,500 0.6 4,752 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs 1500 CFM HRV 0 1 LS $8,000 $8,000 Ductwork 0 1 LS $5,000 $5,000 Electrical 0 1 LS $1,500 $1,500 Estimating contingency 0 15%$2,175 Overhead & profit 0 30%$5,003 Design fees 0 10%$2,168 Project management 0 8%$1,908 Annual Costs HRV maintenance 1 - 25 4 hrs $60.00 $4,086 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 4,752 kWh $0.093 $6,927 Electric Demand 1 - 25 7.6 kW $7.07 $843 Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -640 gal $4.61 ($83,709) Net Present Worth ($46,100) Gallons per Use Lepquinum Wellness Center 21 Energy Audit (December 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Lepquinum Activity Center EEM-8: Install Modulating Boiler Burners Energy Analysis Annual Gal % Savings Savings, Gal 49,500 -3.0% -1,485 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Install modulating burner 0 3 LS $12,000 $36,000 Estimating contingency 0 15%$5,400 Overhead & profit 0 30% $12,420 Design fees 0 10%$5,382 Project management 0 8%$4,736 Annual Costs Burner maintenance 1 - 25 2 LS $500.00 $17,027 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -1,485 gal $4.61 ($194,085) Net Present Worth ($113,100) Lepquinum Wellness Center 22 Energy Audit (December 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Lepquinum Activity Center EEM-9: Optimize HVAC Systems Energy Analysis Fan Case CFM ΔP η, fan BHP η, motor kW Hours kWh S-1 Existing -20,000 2.75 55% -16 93% -13 8,760 -110,554 Optimized 15,000 2.00 55%9 93%7 8,760 60,302 R-1 Existing -20,000 0.75 55%-4 93%-3 8,760 -30,151 Optimized 15,000 0.50 55%2 93%2 8,760 15,076 S-2 Existing -8,700 3.50 55%-9 91%-7 8,760 -62,552 Optimized 6,500 2.75 55%5 91%4 3,000 12,575 S-3 Existing -6,000 3.00 55%-5 89%-4 8,760 -37,808 Optimized 4,000 2.00 55%2 93%2 1,440 2,643 S-6 Existing -2,400 1.25 50%-1 86%-1 8,760 -7,215 Optimized 1,500 0.75 50%0 86%0 420 130 S-7 Existing -3,600 1.00 50%-1 88%-1 8,760 -8,412 Optimized 1,800 0.75 50%0 88%0 1,920 691 -14 -165,275 Ventilation SA CFM MAT T,room MBH Hours kBtu η boiler Gallons S-1 Existing -20,000 60 90 -648 1,800 -1,166,400 68% -12,385 Optimized 15,000 65 90 405 1,800 729,000 68%7,740 S-2 Existing -8,700 40 78 -357 1,800 -642,686 68%-6,824 Optimized 6,500 40 78 267 1,800 480,168 68%5,098 S-3 Existing -6,000 60 70 -65 1,800 -116,640 68%-1,238 Optimized 4,000 62 90 121 1,800 217,728 68%2,312 S-6 Existing -2,400 64 90 -67 1,800 -121,306 68%-1,288 Optimized 1,500 66 90 39 1,800 69,984 68%743 S-7 Existing -3,600 60 90 -117 1,800 -209,952 68%-2,229 Optimized 1,800 65 90 49 1,800 87,480 68%929 -672,624 -7,142 FO Use, gal kBtu Savings kBtu %gallons Reduction Fuel Oil Boilers 49,500 4,661,910 -672,624 3,989,286 75% 31,769 -17,731 kBtu %kBtu kWh Electric Boilers 3,989,286 25% 997,322 307,682 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Replace control system 0 120 pts $2,000 $240,000 Install electric boiler 0 1 LS $175,000 $175,000 Install VFD 0 8 LS $7,500 $60,000 Estimating contingency 0 15% $71,250 Overhead & profit 0 30% $163,875 Design fees 0 10% $71,013 Project management 0 8% $62,491 Annual Costs DDC Maintenance 1 - 25 1 LS $1,000.00 $17,027 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -165,275 kWh $0.093 ($240,921) Electric Demand 1 - 25 -168 kW $7.07 ($18,635) Electric Energy (Effective Cost)1 - 25 307,682 kWh $0.111 $536,260 Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -17,731 gal $4.61 ($2,317,438) Net Present Worth ($1,180,100) Lepquinum Wellness Center 23 Energy Audit (December 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Lepquinum Activity Center EEM-10: Upgrade Motors Energy Analysis Equip Number HP ηold ηnew kW Hours kWh Pool 1 1.5 78.5% 86.5% -0.09 8,760 -784 R-1 1 5 83.3% 89.5% -0.23 8,760 -2,026 -0.3 -2,810 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs HP Replace motor 1.5 0 1 LS 955 $955 Replace motor 5 0 1 LS 1,290 $1,290 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -2,810 kWh $0.093 ($4,096) Electric Demand 1 - 25 -4 kW $7.07 ($427) Net Present Worth ($2,300) EEM-11: Replace Single-Pane Glazing Energy Analysis Component Area R,exist R,new ΔT MBH kBtu η boiler Gallons Windows 45 1.0 3.0 20 -0.6 -5,256 68%-56 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Replace window glazing unit 0 45 sqft $75 $3,375 Estimating contingency 0 15%$506 Overhead & profit 0 30%$1,164 Design fees 0 10%$505 Project management 0 8%$444 Annual Costs 1 - 25 $60.00 $0 1 - 25 $60.00 $0 1 - 25 $50.00 $0 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -56 gal $4.61 ($7,294) Net Present Worth ($1,300) EEM-12: Upgrade Transformer Energy Analysis Location kVA ηold ηnew KW kWh Electric Room 150 97.8% 98.9% -1.65 -14,454 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Replace transformer, kVA 150 0 1 LS $15,300 $15,300 Estimating contingency 0 5%$765 Overhead & profit 0 30%$4,820 Annual Costs 1 - 25 $60.00 $0 1 - 25 $60.00 $0 1 - 25 $50.00 $0 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -14,454 kWh $0.093 ($21,070) Electric Demand 1 - 25 -20 kW $7.07 ($2,196) Net Present Worth ($2,400) Lepquinum Wellness Center 24 Energy Audit (December 2011) Appendix B Energy and Utility Data Lepquinum Wellness Center 25 Energy Audit (December 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Billing Data 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Metlakatla Activity Center ELECTRIC RATE Metlakatla Power and Light Public Building Rate Electricity ($ / kWh )$0.0920 Cost of Power Adjustment ($ / kWh)$0.0000 Demand ( $ / kW )$7.00 Customer Charge ( $ / mo )$36.30 Sales Tax ( % )0.0% ELECTRICAL CONSUMPTION AND DEMAND kWh kW kWh kW kWh kW kWh kW Jan 48,750 98 52,000 104 52,500 101 43,500 104 49,188 Feb 45,900 98 46,350 104 40,250 101 46,000 104 44,625 Mar 43,200 96 51,200 104 49,750 101 43,700 104 46,963 Apr 48,350 97 47,250 104 44,700 101 42,550 104 45,713 May 40,750 98 44,000 103 40,700 101 46,900 104 43,088 Jun 37,800 98 38,600 103 32,950 101 32,500 66 35,463 Jul 37,700 98 32,950 103 29,150 101 29,250 54 32,263 Aug 24,900 98 39,400 100 40,800 101 37,400 88 35,625 Sep 28,450 70 45,600 93 43,300 101 43,500 95 40,213 Oct 33,400 77 46,500 94 44,600 101 47,200 102 42,925 Nov 38,300 98 45,850 101 43,750 101 40,950 97 42,213 Dec 46,300 104 44,950 101 42,700 101 43,050 60 44,250 Total 473,800 534,650 505,150 496,500 502,525 Average 39,483 94 44,554 101 42,096 101 41,375 90 41,877 Load Factor 58% 104 61% 104 57% 101 63% 104 103 ELECTRIC BILLING DETAILS Month Energy Demand Cust & Tax Total Energy Demand Cust & Tax Total % Change Jan $4,830 $725 $36 $5,591 $4,002 $704 $36 $4,742 -15.2% Feb $3,703 $725 $36 $4,464 $4,232 $704 $36 $4,972 11.4% Mar $4,577 $725 $36 $5,338 $4,020 $704 $36 $4,760 -10.8% Apr $4,112 $725 $36 $4,873 $3,915 $704 $36 $4,654 -4.5% May $3,744 $725 $36 $4,505 $4,315 $704 $36 $5,055 12.2% Jun $3,031 $725 $36 $3,792 $2,990 $704 $36 $3,730 -1.6% Jul $2,682 $725 $36 $3,443 $2,691 $704 $36 $3,431 -0.3% Aug $3,754 $725 $36 $4,514 $3,441 $704 $36 $4,181 -7.4% Sep $3,984 $725 $36 $4,744 $4,002 $704 $36 $4,742 -0.1% Oct $4,103 $725 $36 $4,864 $4,342 $704 $36 $5,082 4.5% Nov $4,025 $725 $36 $4,786 $3,767 $704 $36 $4,507 -5.8% Dec $3,928 $725 $36 $4,689 $3,961 $704 $36 $4,700 0.2% Total $ 46,474 $ 8,694 $ 436 $ 55,603 $ 45,678 $ 8,442 $ 436 $ 54,556 -1.9% Average $ 3,873 $ 725 $ 36 $ 4,634 $ 3,807 $ 704 $ 36 $ 4,546 -1.9% Cost ($/kWh)$0.110 84% 15% 1% $0.110 -0.2% Electrical costs are based on the current electric rates. 2009 2010 2010Month200720082009 Average Lepquinum Wellness Center 26 Energy Audit (December 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Annual Electric Consumption 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Metlakatla Activity Center 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecElectric Use (kWh)Month of the Year Electric Use History 2007 2008 2009 2010 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecElectric Demand (kW)Month of the Year Electric Demand History 2007 2008 2009 2010 Lepquinum Wellness Center 27 Energy Audit (December 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Electric Cost 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Metlakatla Activity Center 2010 $ 0 $ 1,000 $ 2,000 $ 3,000 $ 4,000 $ 5,000 $ 6,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecElectric Cost (USD)Month of the Year Electric Cost Breakdown 2010 Electric Use (kWh) Costs Electric Demand (kW) Costs Customer Charge and Taxes 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Electric Demand (kW)Electric Use (kWh)Month of the Year Electric Use and Demand Comparison 2010 Electric Use Electric Demand Lepquinum Wellness Center 28 Energy Audit (December 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Annual Energy Consumption and Cost Energy Cost $/MMBTU Area ECI EUI Fuel Oil $4.35 $44.87 23,296 $11.61 362 Electricity $0.110 $33.90 Source Cost Electricity 502,525 kWh $55,200 1,710 20% Fuel Oil 49,500 Gallons $215,300 6,720 80% Totals -$270,500 8,430 100% Annual Energy Consumption and Cost Consumption Energy, MMBtu $0 $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 $35 $40 $45 $50 Fuel Oil ElectricityCost $ / MMBtuCost of Heat Comparison Lepquinum Wellness Center 29 Energy Audit (December 2011) Appendix C Equipment Data Lepquinum Wellness Center 30 Energy Audit (December 2011) MotorLocation Function Make Model Capacity HP / Volts / RPM / Effic NotesC-1 Boiler Room Vent FanPACEPM 183500 CFM 1 HPRF-1A Fan Room Return FanPACEPM 6646000 CFM 10 HPRF-1B Fan Room Return FanPACEPM 6646000 CFM 10 HPEF-1 Fan Room General Exhaust PACEU36 AF 12240 CFM 5 HPEF-2 Fabrication Room Fume Hood KEWANEE 5-23302-CA 750 CFM 1/2 HPEF-3 Electrical Room CoolingPENNZ-10300 CFM 130 WattEF-4 Electrical Room CoolingPENNZ-8150 CFM 105 WattAHU-1 B236HeatingPACEP54105000 CFM 75 HPAHU-2 A102HeatingPACEP4024000 CFM 20 HPFan Room Transformer Field7486100 KVAFan Room Transformer Field7486100 KVAFan Room Transformer Field7480100 KVAP-1 Boiler Room Head Circulation Taco12243N1-4.3 65 GPM 1/4 HP/ 115 V/ 1725 RPMP2-A Boiler Room East, West Wing Heat TacoCM2510-9.25 360 GPM 10 HP/ 480 V/ 1760 RPM/ 89.5%P-2B Boiler Room East, West Wing Heat TacoCM2510-9.25 360 GPM10 HP/ 480 V/ 1760 RPM/ 89.5% Discharge P. 49 PSIP-3A Boiler Room AHU - 1 HeatCoil Taco CM2007-5.8 130 GPM 2 HP/ 480 V/ 1730 RPM/ 78%P-3B Boiler Room AHU - 1 HeatCoil Taco CM2007-5.8 130 GPM 2 HP/ 480 V/ 1730 RPM/ 78% Discharge P. 26 PSIP5-AB Boiler Room Boiler Circulation Taco 5AS5JXFSE-3749 37 GPM 1/6 HP/ 120 V NOT USEDUnit IDMetlakatla Activity Center - Major Equipment InventoryLepquinum Wellness Center 31 Energy Audit (December 2011) MotorLocation Function Make Model Capacity HP / Volts / RPM / Effic NotesUnit IDMetlakatla Activity Center - Major Equipment InventoryB1 313BoilerWeil Melain 6881358 MBHB2 313BoilerWeil Mclain 7881732 MBHB3 313BoilerWeil Mclain 8881904 MBHP1 202Pool Circulation Aurora3x4x9B450 GPM 15 HP/ 480 V/ 1775 RPM/ 88.5% 70' Head PressureP4 202Tempered Circulation Water Grundfos UP26-96BF205 W/ 115 V/ 1750 RPMP3 202Circulation Hot Water Grundfos UP26-96BF205 W/ 115 V/ 1750 RPMP5 202Pool Heating Pump TACO1941C1E11 1/2 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM/ 78.5%P6 110Domestic Hot Water TACO1611B3E1L1/4 HP/ 115 V/ 1725 RPMP7 202Building Heating PumpArmstrong 3x2.5x8 175 GPM 7.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1760 RPM/ 88.5% 60' Head PressureP8 202Building Heating PumpArmstrong 3x2.5x85 HP/ 480 V/ 1740 RPM/ 87.5%SaunaSussman H61002 70C240 V/ 14 KWMain Floor ElectricTransformer Source D 150T3H 150 KVAnon TP1Basement Storage Shop Air Compressor Cartis2-Stage Compressor10 HP/ 480 V/ 1760 RPM/ 89.5%Boiler Room Pneumatic Air CompressorDayton52700Boiler RoomDomestic Hot Water HeaterAustrolWH5802COW 80 gallon indirect hot water heater Blue BulletWeld Shop Welding Station RoboVent DFMS-3000-35 HP/ 480 V/ 1740 RPM/ 87.5%S1 311Pool Air IICentralaire T-4120000 CFM 20 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM/ 87.5% running - no beltR1Centralaire L362720000 CFM 15 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM/ 89.5% Lepquinum Wellness Center 32 Energy Audit (December 2011) MotorLocation Function Make Model Capacity HP / Volts / RPM / Effic NotesUnit IDMetlakatla Activity Center - Major Equipment InventoryS2 311Lobby/Locker Centralaire T-178700 CFM 15 HP/ 480 V/ 1775 RPM/ 88.5%S3 312Wood/Machine Shop Centralaire M14206000 CFM 7.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM/ 86%S4 106Auto High Bay not available3150 CFMS5 311WeldingCentralaire no data3600 CFM 2 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM/ 84% GouldS6 324HandballCentralaire L06122400 CFM 1.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1760 RPM/ 84%S7 313AHU Activity Center Centralaire L08143600 CFM 2 HP/ 480 V/ 1745 RPM/ 84%E2 305Lobby/Locker Porter18H3600 CFM 2 HP/ 480 V/ 1775 RPM/ 84%E3 Control Room Lobby/Locker Porter221C6000 CFM 3 HP/ 480 V/ 87.5%E4 110Weldingnot available1800 CFM 3/4 HP/ 480 Vsecured - new welding stationE5 110Weldingnot available1800 CFM 3/4 HP/ 480 Vsecured - new welding stationE6 206Sawdustnot available2600 CFM 10 HP/ 480 V/89.5%E7 106Auto High Bay not available3600 CFM 1 1/2 HP/ 480 V/ 84%E8 207Spray Paint not available1500 CFM 1 HP/ 480 V/82.5E9 313Toiletsnot available800 CFM 3/4 HP/ 480 VE10 207Finishingnot available1500 CFM 1 HP/ 480 V/ 82.5%E11 313Snack Barnot available800 CFM 3/4 HP/ 480 V Lepquinum Wellness Center 33 Energy Audit (December 2011) Appendix D Abbreviations AHU Air handling unit BTU British thermal unit BTUH BTU per hour CBJ City and Borough of Juneau CMU Concrete masonry unit CO2 Carbon dioxide CUH Cabinet unit heater DDC Direct digital controls DHW Domestic hot water EAD Exhaust air damper EEM Energy efficiency measure EF Exhaust fan Gyp Bd Gypsum board HVAC Heating, Ventilating, Air- conditioning HW Hot water HWRP Hot water recirculating pump KVA Kilovolt-amps kW Kilowatt kWh Kilowatt-hour LED Light emitting diode MBH 1,000 Btu per hour MMBH 1,000,000 Btu per hour OAD Outside air damper PSI Per square inch PSIG Per square inch gage RAD Return air damper RF Return fan SIR Savings to investment ratio SF Supply fan UV Unit ventilator VAV Variable air volume VFD Variable frequency drive Lepquinum Wellness Center 34 Energy Audit (December 2011)