HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEA-AEE-Petersburg Medical Center 2012-EE Petersburg Medical Center City of Petersburg Funded by: Final Report December 2011 Prepared by: Energy Audit Table of Contents Section 1: Executive Summary 2  Section 2: Introduction 6  Section 3: Energy Efficiency Measures 8  Section 4: Description of Systems 14  Section 5: Methodology 18  Appendix A: Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 21  Appendix B: Energy and Utility Data 29  Appendix C: Equipment Data 36  Appendix D: Abbreviations 42  Audit Team The energy audit is performed by Alaska Energy Engineering LLC of Juneau, Alaska. The audit team consists of:  Jim Rehfeldt, P.E., Energy Engineer  Jack Christiansen, Energy Consultant  Brad Campbell, Energy Auditor  Loras O’Toole P.E., Mechanical Engineer  Will Van Dyken P.E., Electrical Engineer  Curt Smit, P.E., Mechanical Engineer  Philip Iverson, Construction Estimator  Karla Hart, Technical Publications Specialist  Jill Carlile, Data Analyst  Grayson Carlile, Energy Modeler Petersburg Medical Center 1 Energy Audit (December 2011) Section 1 Executive Summary An energy audit of the Petersburg Medical Center was performed by Alaska Energy Engineering LLC. The investment grade audit was funded by Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) to identify opportunities to improve the energy performance of public buildings throughout Alaska. The Petersburg Medical Center is a 52,014 square foot building complex that contains a clinic, acute and Long Term Care facilities, a lab, a hospital with a surgery suite, visiting physician’s clinic, offices, a conference room, a physical therapy room, a commercial kitchen and laundry space, support spaces, storage, and mechanical spaces. Building Assessment The following summarizes our assessment of the building: Envelope The envelope of the Petersburg Medical Center facility appears to be well preserved and providing good service. Although the building was constructed in multiple phases, it is nearly all covered by a common roofing system that provides excellent access to the building’s ventilation systems in the attic space. Building envelope issues identified include: Single Pane Windows and Doors. There are approximately 211 square feet of single pane window glazing within fourteen doors and two windows at the facility. This represents a sizable component of the building’s heat loss. Metal Ceiling Joist Framing. The attic spaces are fairly well insulated with R-30 batt insulation and maintenance staff have added additional batt insulation above some of the steel framing members in an effort to reduce the amount of interior heat loss by conduction through these components that are in contact with both the warmer interior spaces and the cold attic air. Unfortunately the entire ceiling assembly is also framed with metal ceiling joists, and a similar heat loss is occurring at every single joist. These are placed every two feet throughout the attic space and the result is a reduction from a potential R-30 to approximately R-20 for the ceiling assembly. Insulation. A Dryvit insulation and wall finish package has been added over much of the exterior concrete wall surfaces at the center, and the addition of up to 2” of extruded polystyrene foam has significantly improved the overall energy efficiency. The insulation value for the wall assembly however is far below that recommended for an optimally performing building. An 8” concrete wall with 2” of extruded polystyrene foam provides an R-9 insulation assembly. For a climate such as Petersburg, an R-26 is recommended. Future upgrades to the exterior wall should include additional exterior insulation. Steel Beams. The awning on the east wall of the 1967 addition above the door to the break room was constructed with steel beams attached directly to the interior framing members without being thermally broken. In addition, the wall was never finished around the beam transition through the wall surface. Thus, these beams are providing an excellent path for heat transfer between the interior conditioned spaces and the outside. Petersburg Medical Center 2 Energy Audit (December 2011) Exterior Doors. The exterior doors are not thermally broken and the aluminum doors are not insulated. Future replacement exterior doors should include these features. Weather stripping is in poor condition and should be replaced. Heating System The hospital portion of the building is heated by an electric boiler and has a backup fuel oil boiler. These are located in the 1st floor boiler room of the original hospital space. The Long Term Care wing is heated by a fuel oil boiler. These heating plants supply heat to eight air handling unit systems, fan coil units, a domestic hot water heating system, and perimeter hydronic system. The electric boiler supplies less expensive heat than the fuel oil boiler. The Clinic is heated by electric heating coils in an air handling unit and three fan coil units. Ventilation Systems The ventilation systems deliver a constant flow of conditioned air to the spaces. These systems are sized to provide cooling and do not reduce air flow during the majority of the year when heating loads dominate. There are numerous areas of the building that must be ventilated and conditioned continuously, yet the occupancy does not require full ventilation flow. Energy will be saved if the ventilation exchange rate is reduced during these periods of low occupancy or the air handling units are turned off when the space is not occupied. The complexity and operational costs of the facility can be further reduced by interconnecting the two heating plants and installing an additional electric boiler to electrically heat the entire complex. Interconnection would also provide an opportunity to simplify the pumping system by replacing many of the hydronic heating pumps with two pumps operated by two variable frequency drives. This shifts the remainder of the Medical Center’s fuel oil heating load to a less expensive hydroelectric source while still maintaining full fuel oil heating back up capabilities in the event of a power outage or hydroelectric shortage. It also greatly reduces infrastructure and maintenance for the heating plants while improving the reliability of the system. This is analyzed in detail in Section 3, Energy Efficiency Measures. Air quality in the Long Term Care wing is a concern. The area is poorly ventilated because air handling unit AHU-5 is not operational. AHU-5 was secured due to multiple failures. We recommend that its operation be restored to maintain adequate air quality in the wing. Many of the spaces served by the HVAC systems in the hospital basement have high supply air temperatures and interior spaces are over-heated as a result. The systems draw outside air into the fan room, which keeps the room at a highly negative pressure. The room is not tightly sealed, so transfer air is also drawn in from adjacent spaces. The systems furthest from the louvers take in a higher percentage of warm transfer air, which increases the supply air temperature of the system and reduces ventilation. This issue should be corrected by installing a fan with FVD on the outside air intake to maintain a slightly positive pressure in the fan room so all systems take in outside air. Domestic Hot Water The Medical Center has an oil-fired hot water heater and the Long Term Care wing has an indirect hot water heater. Energy Efficiency Measure (EEM)-16, presented in Section 3, includes the conversion of domestic hot water heating to electric. Petersburg Medical Center 3 Energy Audit (December 2011) Cooling Systems A chiller supplies chilled water to AHU-2 (Acute and Long-term Care), AHU-3 (Lab) and AHU-4 (Surgery). There is a split cooling system for the computer server room. Heat recovery is analyzed for this system in EEM-13. Lighting Interior lighting consists primarily of T8 and T12 fluorescent fixtures throughout the Medical Center. Because the heat produced by the T12 fluorescent fixtures is beneficial most of the year, the current maintenance plan of replacing the T12 fixtures with more efficient T8 fixtures only as the ballasts fail is a responsible approach to phasing in the newer and more efficient T8 fixtures. Exterior lighting consists primarily of metal halide and compact fluorescent fixtures. Equipment Lighting and computers are routinely left on in unoccupied spaces throughout the building. Where possible, staff energy awareness should result in turning off lights and equipment that is not required to be operational continuously. Education and occupancy sensors are addressed in EEM-2. Summary It is the assessment of the energy audit team that the greatest energy efficiency opportunity for the Petersburg Medical Center is a transition from fuel oil to electricity as the primary heat source for the Long Term Care wing. Consolidating the pumping system will also reduce operational complexity and maintenance effort. Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs) All buildings have opportunities to improve their energy efficiency. The energy audit revealed numerous opportunities in which an efficiency investment will result in a net reduction in long-term operating costs. Behavioral and Operational EEMs The following EEMs require behavioral and operational changes in the building use. The savings are not readily quantifiable but these EEMs are highly recommended as low-cost opportunities that are a standard of high performance buildings. EEM-1: Weather-strip Doors EEM-2: Educate Employees and Install Occupancy Sensors EEM-3: Adjust Cooling Dampers EEM-4: Repair Unit Heaters EEM-5: Reduce Entrance Temperatures Petersburg Medical Center 4 Energy Audit (December 2011) High and Medium Priority EEMs The following EEMs are recommended for investment. They are ranked by life cycle savings to investment ratio (SIR). This ranking method places a priority on low cost EEMs which can be immediately funded, generating energy savings to fund higher cost EEMs in the following years. Negative values, in parenthesis, represent savings. 25-Year Life Cycle Cost Analysis Investment Operating Energy Total SIR High Priority EEM-6: Install Pipe Insulation $1,200 $0 ($87,100) ($85,900) 72.6 EEM-7: Interconnect Boiler Plants $5,000 $6,800 ($137,300) ($125,500) 26.1 EEM-8: Replace Aerators and Showerheads $2,100 $0 ($30,700) ($28,600) 14.6 EEM-9: Optimize Ventilation Systems $120,600 $17,000 ($742,300) ($604,700) 6.0 EEM-10: Perform Boiler Combustion Test $700 $4,100 ($7,800) ($3,000) 5.3 EEM-11: Install Auto Valves on Unit Heaters $1,400 $0 ($4,800) ($3,400) 3.4 Medium Priority EEM-12: Upgrade Motors $6,600 $0 ($16,300) ($9,700) 2.5 EEM-13: Server Room Heat Recovery $51,500 $5,100 ($107,900) ($51,300) 2.0 EEM-14: Upgrade Exterior Lighting $10,200 ($6,800) ($12,600) ($9,200) 1.9 EEM-15: Replace Single Pane Windows $28,100 $0 ($37,900) ($9,800) 1.3 EEM-16: Optimize Heating Plant $240,800 ($35,800) ($284,800) ($79,800) 1.3 EEM-17: Replace Transformers $140,500 $0 ($149,900) ($9,400) 1.1 Totals* $608,700 ($9,600) ($1,619,400) ($1,020,300) 2.7 *The analysis is based on each EEM being independent of the others. While it is likely that some EEMs are interrelated, an isolated analysis is used to demonstrate the economics because the audit team is not able to predict which EEMs an Owner may choose to implement. If several EEMs are implemented, the resulting energy savings is likely to differ from the sum of each EEM projection. Summary The energy audit revealed numerous opportunities for improving the energy performance of the building. It is recommended that the behavioral and high priority EEMs be implemented now to generate energy savings from which to fund the medium priority EEMs. Another avenue to consider is to borrow money from AHFCs revolving loan fund for public buildings. AHFC will loan money for energy improvements under terms that allow for paying back the money from the energy savings. More information on this option can be found online at http://www.ahfc.us/loans/akeerlf_loan.cfm. Petersburg Medical Center 5 Energy Audit (December 2011) Section 2 Introduction This report presents the findings of an energy audit of the Petersburg Medical Center located in Petersburg, Alaska. The purpose of this investment grade energy audit is to evaluate the infrastructure and its subsequent energy performance to identify applicable energy efficiencies measures (EEMs). The energy audit report contains the following sections: Introduction: Building use and energy consumption. Energy Efficiency Measures: Priority ranking of the EEMs with a description, energy analysis, and life cycle cost analysis. Description of Systems: Background description of the building energy systems. Methodology: Basis for how construction and maintenance cost estimates are derived and the economic and energy factors used for the analysis. BUILDING USE The Petersburg Medical Center is a 52,014 square foot building complex that contains a clinic, acute and Long Term Care facilities, a lab, a hospital with a surgery suite, visiting physician’s clinic, offices, a conference room, a physical therapy room, a commercial kitchen and laundry space, support spaces, storage, and mechanical spaces. The facility is occupied in the following manner: Clinic 18 staff members 7:00 am – 5:00 pm (M-F) Public Health Center 2 staff members 7:30 am – 4:00 pm (M-F) Business Office 9 staff members 8:00 am – 7:00 pm (M-F) Visiting Physician’s Office 2 staff members Open 10 days/month Acute Care Facility 9 staff members 12 beds/3 occupied Long Term Care Facility Acute Care staff 15 beds/15 occupied Building History 1955 - Petersburg Hospital 1983 - Renovation of Long Term Care Wing and Addition 1986 - Kitchen Remodel 1994 - Medical Center Addition 2005 - Nurses Station Remodel 2010 - Medical Center Clinic Remodel and Addition Petersburg Medical Center 6 Energy Audit (December 2011) Energy Consumption The building energy sources include an electric service and a fuel oil tank. Fuel oil heats the Long Term Care wing and electricity heats the hospital and supplies all other loads. The following table shows annual energy use and cost. Annual Energy Consumption and Cost Source Consumption Cost Energy, MMBtu Electricity 1,314,480 kWh $134,800 4,500 83% Fuel Oil 6,713 Gallons $25,900 900 17% Totals $160,700 5,400 100% Electricity This chart shows electrical energy use from 2007 to 2010. The transition to electric boilers was made in 2011 and data is not available for the resulting increased electrical use. The effective cost—energy costs plus demand charges—is 10.3¢ per kWh. Fuel Oil This chart shows heating energy use from 2007 to 2010. The chart compares annual use with the heating degree days which is a measurement of the demand for energy to heat a building. A year with a higher number of degree days reflects colder outside temperatures and a higher heating requirement. Cost of Heat Comparison The following chart shows a comparison of the current cost of fuel oil heat and electric heat. The comparison is based on a fuel oil conversion efficiency of 70%, propane efficiency of 90%, and electric boiler conversion efficiency of 95%. Electric heat is currently less expensive than fuel oil heat. Petersburg Medical Center 7 Energy Audit (December 2011) Section 3 Energy Efficiency Measures The following energy efficiency measures (EEMs) were identified during the energy audit. The EEMs are priority ranked and, where applicable, subjected to energy and life cycle cost analysis. Appendix A contains the energy and life cycle cost analysis spreadsheets. The EEMs are grouped into the following prioritized categories: Behavioral or Operational: EEMs that require minimal capital investment but require operational or behavioral changes. The EEMs provide a life cycle savings but an analysis is not performed because the guaranteed energy savings is difficult quantify. High Priority: EEMs that require a small capital investment and offer a life cycle savings. Also included in this category are higher cost EEMs that offer significant life cycle savings. Medium Priority: EEMs that require a significant capital investment to provide a life cycle savings. Many medium priority EEMs provide a high life cycle savings and offer substantial incentive to increase investment in building energy efficiency. BEHAVIORAL OR OPERATIONAL The following EEMs are recommended for implementation. They require behavioral or operational changes that can occur with minimal investment to achieve immediate savings. These EEMs are not easily quantified by analysis because they cannot be accurately predicted. They are recommended because they offer a life cycle savings, represent good practice, and are accepted features of high performance buildings. EEM-1: Weather-strip Doors Purpose: The Medical Center exterior doors do not seal and are missing weather stripping. Energy will be saved if doors are properly weather-stripped to reduce infiltration. Scope: Replace weather stripping on exterior doors. EEM-2: Educate Employees and Install Occupancy Sensors Purpose: Lighting in many spaces of the building is controlled with manual switching and is frequently left on in the Medical Center spaces. This was most prevalent in the Clinic spaces. Energy will be saved by installing occupancy sensors in spaces that would benefit by this type of control. Scope: Install occupancy sensors in clinic exam rooms. Employee education to turn off unused lights (and equipment, where appropriate) is always the first step in reducing lighting energy. However, occupancy sensors are widely recognized as worthy energy conservation investments and are recommended for spaces that could benefit. This EEM is not analyzed because the economics varies with room specific criteria such as the number of lights and the operating time reduction of the sensor. Petersburg Medical Center 8 Energy Audit (December 2011) EEM-3: Adjust Cooling Dampers Purpose: The dampers on the cooling outside air louvers in the fan room do not seal tightly. This is allowing outside air to leak into the building. Energy will be saved if the dampers are adjusted so they seal tightly when closed. Scope: Adjust the cooling dampers so they seal tightly. EEM-4: Repair Unit Heaters (1967 Wing) Purpose: The unit heater adjacent to AHU-6 is operating but the coil is cold. Energy will be saved by repairing the automatic valve so the fan operates intermittently. The unit heater adjacent to AHU-5 is set at 75°F, which is excessive to keep the room from freezing. Scope: Repair the unit heater automatic valve and set the thermostats to 55°F. EEM-5: Reduce Entrance Temperatures Purpose: The entrances have heating units that maintain thermal comfort and reduce moisture brought into the building by people. The temperature setpoint should be lowered to the minimum needed to maintain comfort and dry the space. Energy will be saved if entrance temperatures are lowered, with a minimum of 55°F. Scope: Lower entrance temperatures, with a minimum of 55°F. Petersburg Medical Center 9 Energy Audit (December 2011) HIGH PRIORITY The following EEMs are recommended for implementation because they are low cost measures that have a high savings to investment ratio. The EEMs are listed from highest to lowest priority. Negative values, in parenthesis, represent savings. EEM-6: Install Pipe Insulation Purpose: A large amount of boiler piping in the 1967 wing boiler room is uninsulated. Energy will be saved if these sections of boiler piping are optimally insulated. Scope: Install insulation on uninsulated boiler piping. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($3,070) ($3,070) $1,200 $0 ($87,100) ($85,900) 72.6 EEM-7: Interconnect Boiler Plants Purpose: The electric boilers in the Medical Center boiler plant supply heat at a lower cost than the fuel oil boiler in the Long Term Care wing. Energy will be saved if the existing interconnection between the two buildings is utilized so the oil boiler can be turned off when the electric boiler can carry the load. Scope: Utilize the interconnection between the two boiler rooms to turn off the oil boiler when the electric boiler can carry the load. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $400 ($3,350) ($2,950) $5,000 $6,800 ($137,300) ($125,500) 26.1 EEM-8: Replace Aerators and Showerheads Purpose: Energy and water will be saved by replacing the lavatory aerators and showerheads with low-flow models. Scope: Replace lavatory aerators and showerheads with water-conserving fixtures. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($1,080) ($1,080) $2,100 $0 ($30,700) ($28,600) 14.6 Petersburg Medical Center 10 Energy Audit (December 2011) EEM-9: Optimize Ventilation Systems Purpose: With the exception of S-2, the building utilizes fixed-flow heating and ventilation system units to provide conditioned air to interior spaces during the normal operations and as needed on evenings and weekends. Under most conditions the space occupancy throughout the majority of operational hours is well below the setpoint of the air handling systems. This results in an unnecessarily high fuel and electric demand to support Medical Center operations. Energy will be saved if modifications are made to the respective air handling systems to reduce air flow when not needed. Scope: Perform repairs as follows and retro-commission all air handling units to perform as a properly integrated system when completed: AHU-4 (Surgery) – Reduce Air Flow: The surgery area is kept warm and ventilated continuously, even though its use is light and intermittent. Install VFDs and occupancy sensors to reduce the air flow when the space is not occupied. AHU-5 (Long Term Care): The system was not operational during the site visit. It is essential to maintaining adequate indoor air quality in the Long Term Care wing. When operating, the system supplies more outside air than required to maintain adequate air quality and make up exhaust flows. Converting the system to a mixed air system will reduce ventilation energy loads. Heat Recovery Loops – Eliminate Supplemental Boiler Heat: The building has two heat recovery loops that extract heat from exhaust air and transfer the heat to the ventilation air. One loop serves AHUs 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the basement and the other serves AHUs 5 and 6 in the attic. Boiler heat is being injected to the loops, which reduces the heat recovery efficiency of the loop. In the case of the AHU-5 and 6 loops, the boiler heat has raised the temperature of the loops above 70°F so that the loop actually heats the exhaust air prior to it going outdoors. Energy will be saved if the heat recovery loop is disconnected from the boiler system. The high temperature of the loop is also causing pump P12 to turn on and off continuously. E-12 – Convert Kitchen Hood to Variable Flow: The hood is operated 11-1/2 hours per day. There are no grease fryers under the hood. Installing a VFD would allow the staff to reduce air flow during periods when cooking activity is low. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $1,000 ($26,480) ($25,480) $120,600 $17,000 ($742,300) ($604,700) 6.0 EEM-10: Perform a Boiler Combustion Test Purpose: Operating the Long Term Care wing boiler with an optimum amount of excess air will improve combustion efficiency. Annual cleaning followed by a combustion test is recommended. Scope: Annually clean and perform a combustion test on both fuel oil boilers. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $240 ($270) ($30) $700 $4,100 ($7,800) ($3,000) 5.3 Petersburg Medical Center 11 Energy Audit (December 2011) EEM-11: Install Automatic Valves on Unit Heaters Purpose: Energy will be saved if each of the ceiling-mounted unit heaters in the fan rooms for AHU-5 and AHU-6 has an automatic valve that shuts off the heating flow when heat is not needed. Currently the coils in these unit heaters are continuously hot and the thermostat turns on the fan to supply heat to the room. When heat is not needed, convective heat loss from the coil occurs; some of the heat loss may be useful, but a large percentage is not. Scope: Install automatic valves in the heating supply to each unit heater in these spaces and control them from the fan thermostat. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($170) ($170) $1,400 $0 ($4,800) ($3,400) 3.4 MEDIUM PRIORITY Medium priority EEMs will require planning and a higher level of investment. They are recommended because they offer a life cycle savings. The EEMs are listed from highest to lowest priority. Negative values, in parenthesis, represent savings. EEM-12: Upgrade Motors to Premium Efficiency Purpose: The equipment inspection identified four motors that could be upgraded with premium efficiency models to save energy. They are: - AHU-1 2 HP from 80.0% efficiency to 86.5% efficiency - AHU-2 5 HP from 84.0% efficiency to 89.5% efficiency - AHU-3 7 ½ HP from 81.5% efficiency to 91.0% efficiency - AHU-4 5 HP from 84.0% efficiency to 89.5% efficiency Scope: Replace the identified motors with premium efficiency motors. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($830) ($830) $6,600 $0 ($16,300) ($9,700) 2.5 EEM-13: Server Room Heat Recovery Purpose: The computer servers, switches, and battery backup units located in the computer server room create a continuous cooling load. Two 24.2 MBH cooling units transfer the heat to outdoors. Energy will be saved if condenser units are placed in the fan room so the heat can be used to heat ventilation air. Scope: Install a condenser unit in the fan room with refrigerant piping for each cooling unit. Install piping manifolds and automatic controls to switch from the fan room condenser to the existing outdoor condenser when the air handling units can utilize the heat. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $300 ($3,810) ($3,510) $51,500 $5,100 ($107,900) ($51,300) 2.0 Petersburg Medical Center 12 Energy Audit (December 2011) EEM-14: Upgrade Exterior Lighting Purpose: There are 22 exterior recessed lights with 70-watt high pressure sodium fixtures. Energy will be saved if these lights are retrofitted with compact fluorescent lamps. Scope: Retrofit 22 exterior recessed 70-watt high pressure sodium lights with compact fluorescent lights. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR ($400) ($640) ($1,040) $10,200 ($6,800) ($12,600) ($9,200) 1.9 EEM-15: Replace Single Pane Windows Purpose: There are 14 windows and 2 doors with single pane glazing. Energy will be saved if the single pane glazing is replaced with double pane glazing. Scope: Replace single pane glazing with double pane glazing. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($1,340) ($1,340) $28,100 $0 ($37,900) ($9,800) 1.3 EEM-16: Optimize Heating Plant Purpose: The complexity and operational costs of the building can be reduced by installing an additional electric boiler in the hospital boiler room, replacing the oil-fired hot water heater with indirect hot water heaters, and replacing all of the boiler system pumps with two pumps operated by variable frequency drives. The analysis assumes that 60% of the existing fuel oil consumption can be shifted to the electric boiler under this scenario. Scope: Upgrade the boiler system with the following steps: - Install an electric boiler in the main boiler room sized to heat the entire building with the existing and new electric boilers. - Replace the oil-fired hot water heater and storage tank with two indirect hot water heaters. - Convert the pumping system to a primary secondary system with variable speed building pumps. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR ($2,100) ($6,010) ($8,110) $240,800 ($35,800) ($284,800) ($79,800) 1.3 EEM-17: Replace Transformers Purpose: There are 15 existing transformers that are not TP-1 rated. Energy will be saved if these less-efficient transformers are replaced with energy efficient models that comply with NEMA Standard TP 1-2001. Scope: Replace less-efficient transformers with NEMA Standard TP 1-2001 compliant models. Annual Costs Life Cycle Costs Operating Energy Total Investment Operating Energy Total SIR $0 ($7,620) ($7,620) $140,500 $0 ($149,900) ($9,400) 1.1 Petersburg Medical Center 13 Energy Audit (December 2011) Section 4 Description of Systems ENERGY SYSTEMS This section provides a general description of the building systems. Energy conservation opportunities are addressed in Section 3, Energy Efficiency Measures. Building Envelope R-value Component Description (inside to outside) Existing Optimal 1994 Addition Walls 5/8” Gyp. bd, 2”x6” wood stud, R-19 batt, 3/4” foam, stucco R-20 R-26 1983 Addition Walls 1/2” Gyp bd, 6” metal studs, R-19 batt, 3/4” foam, metal siding R-10 R-26 Ceiling 2”x6” metal stud w/ R-30 batt R-20 R-46 Floor Slab 4” Concrete slab-on-grade R-10 R-10 Foundation 8” concrete R-5 R-20 Windows Aluminum double pane windows R-1.5 R-5 Windows Aluminum single pane windows R-0.75 R-5 Doors Steel & Aluminum doors w/ non-thermally broken frames R-1.5 R-5 Doors Steel & Aluminum doors w/ single pane glazing R-0.75 R-5 Domestic Hot Water System The domestic hot water heating system consists of one 100-gallon fuel oil direct hot water heater in the main boiler room, and a 110-gallon fuel oil direct hot water heater and a 250-gallon indirect hot water heater in the 1967 wing boiler room. Cooling Systems A chiller supplies chilled water to AHU-2 (Acute and Long-term Care), AHU-3 (Lab) and AHU-4 (Surgery). There is a split cooling system for the computer server room. Heat recovery is analyzed for this system in EEM-13. Automatic Control System The building has a DDC system to control the operation of the heating and ventilation systems, however energy can be saved through further optimization of fan system scheduling and control sequences (outlined in EEM-9). Petersburg Medical Center 14 Energy Audit (December 2011) Heating System The Hospital portion of the building is heated by an electric boiler and has a backup fuel oil boiler. These are located in the 1st floor boiler room of the original hospital space. The Long Term Care wing is heated by a fuel oil boiler. These heating plants supply heat to eight air handling unit systems, fan coil units, a domestic hot water heating system, and perimeter hydronic system. The electric boiler supplies less expensive heat than the fuel oil boiler. The Clinic is heated by electric heating coils in an air handling unit and three fan coil units. The heating system has the following pumps: P-1 is a heating circulation pump for AHU-5 and AHU-6 P-2 is a standby pump for P-1 P-3 is a heating circulation pump for reheat zones P-4 is a standby pump for P-3 P-5 is a heating circulation pump for HC-1 and perimeter radiation P-6 is a standby pump for P-5 P-7 is a chiller water circulation pump P-8 is a standby pump for P-7 P-9 is a heat recovery pump P-10 is a domestic hot water circulation pump P-12 is a heat recovery pump P-14 is the 1st & 2nd Floor Long Term Care unit circulation pump P-15 is the Long Term Care unit south-side circulation pump P-16 is a domestic hot water circulation pump for 1967 wing P-17 is a hot water recirculation pump CP-1 is the chiller circulation pump CP-1 is the back up to CP-1 Petersburg Medical Center 15 Energy Audit (December 2011) Ventilation Systems Area Fan System Description 1st Floor 1983 Addition AHU-1 4800 cfm 2 HP constant volume air handling unit consisting of a mixing box, filter section, a supply fan, and a return fan (R/E-1) 2nd Floor West ACU/ICU AHU-2 6,300 cfm 5 HP constant volume air handling unit consisting of a mixing box, filter section, a chilled water coil, a supply fan, and a return (R/E-2) Acute & Long Term Care AHU-3 7,200 cfm 7.5 HP constant volume air handling unit consisting of a mixing box, filter section, a chilled water coil, a supply fan, and a return fan (R/E-3) 2nd Floor Critical Care AHU-4 3,300 cfm 5 HP constant volume air handling unit consisting of a mixing box, filter section, a chilled water coil, and supply fan 1967 Wing AHU-5 1800 cfm 1 1/2 HP constant volume air handling unit consisting of a filter section, pre-heating coil, primary heating coil, and supply fan (AHU-5 was secured and isolated at time of visit) 1967 Wing AHU-6 2600 cfm 1 1/2 HP constant volume air handling unit consisting of a filter section, pre-heating coil, primary heating coil, and supply fan 1st Floor Clinic Wing AHU-4 (Clinic) 2,300 cfm 2 HP constant volume electric air handling unit consisting of a mixing box, filter section, electric heating coil, supply and fan. Clinic Wing CF-1 1000 cfm ½ HP constant volume air handling unit consisting of a mixing box, filter section, primary heating coil, and supply fan Clinic Wing CF-2 1100 cfm ½ HP constant volume air handling unit consisting of a mixing box, filter section, primary heating coil, and supply fan Clinic Wing CF-3 400 cfm 1/4 HP constant volume air handling unit consisting of a mixing box, filter section, primary heating coil, and supply fan First Floor R/E-1 3,450 cfm 1 HP constant volume fan 2nd Floor West R/E-2 5,010 cfm 10 HP constant volume fan Rooms 204, 208, 212-214 R/E-3 6,300 cfm 3 HP constant volume fan Boiler Combustion Air S-1 3,500 cfm 1/3 HP constant volume fan Med 223 EF-1 80 cfm 85 watt constant volume exhaust air fan Lab 226 EF-2 80 cfm 85 watt constant volume exhaust air fan Toilet 228 EF-3 80 cfm 85 watt constant volume exhaust air fan Proc 2 113 EF-4 170 cfm 48 watt constant volume exhaust air fan Proc 3 114 EF-5 170 cfm 48 watt constant volume exhaust air fan Proc 1 218 EF-6 170 cfm 48 watt constant volume exhaust air fan Toilet 218 EF-7 100 cfm 53 watt constant volume exhaust air fan Electrical 213 EF-8 100 cfm 53 watt constant volume exhaust air fan Conference 104 EF-9 250 cfm 81 watt constant volume exhaust air fan Elevator Mechanical EF-10 100 cfm 53 watt constant volume exhaust air fan Toilet 107 EF-11 100 cfm 53 watt constant volume exhaust air fan Petersburg Medical Center 16 Energy Audit (December 2011) Ventilation Systems, continued Area Fan System Description Electrical 108 EF-12 300 cfm 135 watt constant volume exhaust air fan Chiller Room Ventilation E-1 300 cfm 1/10 HP constant volume exhaust air fan Medical Gas Room Vent E-2 150 cfm 1/10 HP constant volume exhaust air fan First Floor E-3 725 cfm 1/6 HP constant volume exhaust air fan 2nd Floor West and Critical E-4 1,320 cfm 1/2 HP constant volume exhaust air fan 2nd Floor East E-5 1,570 cfm 1 1/2 HP constant volume exhaust air fan 2nd Floor and Critical E-6 2,835 cfm 3/4 HP constant volume exhaust air fan BTS Hood E-7 210 cfm 1/12 HP constant volume exhaust air fan Chem Lab Exhaust E-8 600 cfm 1/4 HP constant volume exhaust air fan Fume Hood Exhaust E-9 1,600 cfm 1/2 HP constant volume exhaust air fan Elevator Machine Room E-10 500 cfm 1/7 HP constant volume exhaust air fan Dishwasher E-11 200 cfm 1/12 HP constant volume exhaust air fan Long Term Care E-13 1,435 cfm 1/3 HP constant volume exhaust air fan Lighting Interior lighting consists primarily of T8 and T12 fluorescent fixtures throughout the Medical Center. Exterior lighting consists primarily of metal halide and compact fluorescent fixtures. Because the additional heat produced by the T12 fluorescent fixtures is beneficial within the building envelope in the climate of Petersburg, the current maintenance plan of replacing the T12 fixtures with more efficient T8 fixtures only as the ballasts fail is a responsible approach to phasing in the newer and more efficient T8 fixtures. Electric Equipment Large plug load medical equipment exists throughout the Petersburg Medical Center. Commercial kitchen and laundry equipment are also in use. Petersburg Medical Center 17 Energy Audit (December 2011) Section 5 Methodology Information for the energy audit was gathered through on-site observations, review of construction documents, and interviews with operation and maintenance personnel. The EEMs are evaluated using energy and life cycle cost analyses and are priority ranked for implementation. Energy Efficiency Measures Energy efficiency measures are identified by evaluating the building’s energy systems and comparing them to systems in modern, high performance buildings. The process for identifying the EEMs acknowledges the realities of an existing building that was constructed when energy costs were much lower. Many of the opportunities used in modern high performance buildings—highly insulated envelopes, variable capacity mechanical systems, heat pumps, daylighting, lighting controls, etc.— simply cannot be economically incorporated into an existing building. The EEMs represent practical measures to improve the energy efficiency of the buildings, taking into account the realities of limited budgets. If a future major renovation project occurs, additional EEMs common to high performance buildings should be incorporated. Life Cycle Cost Analysis The EEMs are evaluated using life cycle cost analysis which determines if an energy efficiency investment will provide a savings over a 25-year life. The analysis incorporates construction, replacement, maintenance, repair, and energy costs to determine the total cost over the life of the EEM. Future maintenance and energy cash flows are discounted to present worth using escalation factors for general inflation, energy inflation, and the value of money. The methodology is based on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Handbook 135 – Life Cycle Cost Analysis. Life cycle cost analysis is preferred to simple payback for facilities that have long—often perpetual— service lives. Simple payback, which compares construction cost and present energy cost, is reasonable for short time periods of 2-4 years, but yields below optimal results over longer periods because it does not properly account for the time value of money or inflationary effects on operating budgets. Accounting for energy inflation and the time value of money properly sums the true cost of facility ownership and seeks to minimize the life cycle cost. Construction Costs The cost estimates are derived based on a preliminary understanding of the scope of each EEM as gathered during the walk-through audit. The construction costs for in-house labor are $60 per hour for work typically performed by maintenance staff and $110 per hour for contract labor. The cost estimate assumes the work will be performed as part of a larger renovation or energy efficiency upgrade project. When implementing EEMs, the cost estimate should be revisited once the scope and preferred method of performing the work has been determined. It is possible some EEMs will not provide a life cycle savings when the scope is finalized. Petersburg Medical Center 18 Energy Audit (December 2011) Maintenance Costs Maintenance costs are based on in-house or contract labor using historical maintenance efforts and industry standards. Maintenance costs over the 25-year life of each EEM are included in the life cycle cost calculation spreadsheets and represent the level of effort to maintain the systems. Energy Analysis The energy performance of an EEM is evaluated within the operating parameters of the building. A comprehensive energy audit would rely on a computer model of the building to integrate building energy systems and evaluate the energy savings of each EEM. This investment grade audit does not utilize a computer model, so energy savings are calculated with factors that account for the dynamic operation of the building. Energy savings and costs are estimated for the 25-year life of the EEM using appropriate factors for energy inflation. Prioritization Each EEM is prioritized based on the life cycle savings to investment ratio (SIR) using the following formula: Prioritization Factor = Life Cycle Savings / Capital Costs This approach factor puts significant weight on the capital cost of an EEM, making lower cost EEMs more favorable. Economic Factors The following economic factors are significant to the findings. Nominal Interest Rate: This is the nominal rate of return on an investment without regard to inflation. The analysis uses a rate of 5%. Inflation Rate: This is the average inflationary change in prices over time. The analysis uses an inflation rate of 2%. Economic Period: The analysis is based on a 25-year economic period with construction beginning in 2010. Fuel Oil Fuel oil currently costs $3.86 per gallon for a seasonally adjusted blend of #1 and #2 fuel oil. The analysis is based on 6% fuel oil inflation which has been the average for the past 20-years. Electricity Electricity is supplied by Petersburg Municipal Light & Power. The building is billed for electricity under their General Service rate. Petersburg Medical Center 19 Energy Audit (December 2011) Summary The following table summarizes the energy and economic factors used in the analysis. Summary of Economic and Energy Factors Factor Rate or Cost Factor Rate or Cost Nominal Discount Rate 5% Electricity $0.103/kWh General Inflation Rate 2% Electricity Inflation 3% Fuel Oil Cost (2012) $3.86/gal Fuel Oil Inflation 6% Petersburg Medical Center 20 Energy Audit (December 2011) Appendix A Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis Petersburg Medical Center 21 Energy Audit (December 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Petersburg Medical Center Basis Economic Study Period (years) 25 Nominal Discount Rate 5%General Inflation 2% Energy 2011 $/gal Fuel Inflation 2012 $/gal Fuel Oil $3.86 6% $4.09 Electricity $/kWh (2011)$/kW (2011)Inflation $/kWh (2012)$/kW (2012) w/ Demand Charges $0.081 $3.10 3% $0.083 $3.19 w/o Demand Charges $0.103 -3% $0.106 - EEM-6: Install Pipe Insulation Energy Analysis Service Size Length Bare BTUH Insul BTUH Factor kBtu η boiler Gallons Heating 0.75 15 74 11 50% -4,139 68%-44 Heating 1.25 80 111 13 50% -34,339 68%-365 Heating 1.50 60 126 15 50% -29,171 68%-310 Heating 2.00 5 154 15 50% -3,044 68%-32 -751 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Pipe Insulation 1/2"0 lnft $5 $0 3/4"0 15 lnft $5 $75 1-1/4"0 80 lnft $7 $560 1-1/2"0 60 lnft $8 $480 2"0 5 lnft $9 $45 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 kWh $0.083 $0 Electric Demand 1 - 25 kW $3.19 $0 Electric Energy (Effective Cost)1 - 25 kWh $0.106 $0 Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -751 gal $4.09 ($87,053) Net Present Worth ($85,900) EEM-7: Interconnect Boiler Plants Energy Analysis FO Use, gal Heat, kBtu % Saved FO Saved, gal Electric, kWh Fuel Oil Boilers 6,700 631,006 30% -2,010 55,481 kBtu kWh Electric Boilers 189,302 58,401 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Building heating load analysis 0 1 LS $5,000 $5,000 Utilize the boiler room interconnection 0 1 LS $10,000 $10,000 Annual Costs Annual switchover 1 - 25 2 LS $200.00 $6,811 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 58,401 kWh $0.083 $95,780 Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -2,010 gal $4.09 ($233,109) Net Present Worth ($115,500) Petersburg Medical Center 22 Energy Audit (December 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Petersburg Medical Center EEM-8: Replace Aerators and Showerheads Energy Analysis Fixture Existing Proposed Uses/day Days Water,Gals % HW kBTU Gallons Showerhead 20.0 10.0 20 198 -39,600 80% -21,137 -224 Lavatories 0.3 0.2 200 198 -7,128 80% -3,805 -40 -46,728 -265 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Replace lavatory aerators 0 40 ea $35 $1,400 Replace showerhead 0 19 ea $35 $665 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -265 gal $4.09 ($30,713) Net Present Worth ($28,600) EEM-9: Optimize Ventilation Systems Energy Analysis Fan Case CFM ΔP η, fan BHP η, motor kW Hours kWh AHU-4 Existing -3,300 3.55 55%-3 89%-3 5,640 -15,842 Optimized 1,500 3.55 55%2 89%1 5,640 7,201 E-6 Existing -2,835 0.75 55% -0.6 80%-1 5,640 -3,199 Optimized 1,200 0.75 55% 0.3 80%0 5,640 1,354 -2 -10,486 Ventilation SA CFM MAT T,room MBH Hours kBtu η boiler Gallons AHU-4 Existing -3,300 50 65 -53 5,640 -301,514 68%-3,201 Optimized 1,500 50 65 24 5,640 137,052 68%1,455 AHU-5 Existing -1,800 40 65 -49 8,760 -425,736 68%-4,520 Optimized 1,800 55 65 19 8,760 170,294 68%1,808 E-13 Existing -1,435 70 74 -6 8,760 -54,305 68%-577 Optimized 1,435 70 70 0 8,760 0 68%0 E-12 Existing -2,000 40 70 -65 4,380 -283,824 68%-3,014 Optimized 1,200 40 70 39 4,380 170,294 68%1,808 -587,739 -6,241 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Revise controls 0 1 LS $25,000 $25,000 Install return air duct and dampers 0 1 LS $20,000 $20,000 Disconnct HX supplemental boiler heat 0 1 LS $400 $400 Install VFD 0 3 LS $7,500 $22,500 Estimating contingency 0 15% $10,185 Overhead & profit 0 30% $23,426 Design fees 0 10% $10,151 Project management 0 8%$8,933 Annual Costs DDC Maintenance 1 - 25 1 LS $1,000.00 $17,027 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -10,486 kWh $0.083 ($17,198) Electric Demand 1 - 25 -22 kW $3.19 ($1,400) Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -6,241 gal $4.09 ($723,749) Net Present Worth ($604,700) Petersburg Medical Center 23 Energy Audit (December 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Petersburg Medical Center EEM-10: Perform Boiler Combustion Test Energy Analysis Annual Gal % Savings Savings, Gal 6,700 -1.0% -67 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Purchase combustion analyzer 0 1 LS $700 $700 Annual Costs Clean and perform combustion test 1 - 25 4 hrs $60.00 $4,086 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -67 gal $4.09 ($7,770) Net Present Worth ($3,000) EEM-11: Install Automatic Valves on Unit Heaters Energy Analysis Loss, BTUH Number Factor Loss, kBTU Boiler Effic Fuel, gals -1,500 2 15% -3,942 70% -42 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Install automatic valves and connect to fan wiring 0 2 ea $500 $1,000 Overhead & profit 0 30%$300 Project management 0 8%$104 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -42 gal $4.09 ($4,838) Net Present Worth ($3,400) EEM-12: Upgrade Motors to Premium Efficiency Energy Analysis Equip Number HP ηold ηnew kW Hours kWh AHU-1 1 2 80.0% 86.5% -0.10 8,760 -850 AHU-2 1 5 84.0% 89.5% -0.21 8,760 -1,797 AHU-4 1 5 84.0% 89.5% -0.21 8,760 -1,797 AHU-3 1 7.5 81.5% 91.7% -0.57 8,760 -4,999 -1.1 -9,443 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs HP Replace motor 2 0 1 LS 970 $970 Replace motor 5 0 2 LS 1,080 $2,160 Replace motor 5 0 1 LS 1,290 $1,290 Replace motor 7.5 0 1 LS 1,690 $1,690 Project management 0 8%$489 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -9,443 kWh $0.083 ($15,487) Electric Demand 1 - 25 -13 kW $3.19 ($812) Net Present Worth ($9,700) Petersburg Medical Center 24 Energy Audit (December 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Petersburg Medical Center EEM-13: Server Room Heat Recovery Energy Analysis Fuel Oil Gain, MBH COP Reject MBH Hours kBtu η boiler Gallons 15 3-204,380 -87,600 68% -930 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Consenser unit and piping 0 2 LS $6,000 $12,000 Piping manifolds and controls 0 2 LS $1,500 $3,000 Automatic controls 0 2 LS $7,000 $14,000 Estimating contingency 0 15%$4,350 Overhead & profit 0 30% $10,005.00 Design fees 0 10%$4,336 Project management 0 8%$3,815 Annual Costs Condenser unit maintenance 1 - 25 2 LS $150.00 $5,108 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -930 gal $4.09 ($107,872) Net Present Worth ($51,300) EEM-14: Upgrade Exterior Lighting Energy Analysis Type # Fixtures Lamp Lamp, watts Fixture Watts Lamp Lamp, watts Fixture Watts Savings, kWh Recessed 22 MH 70 95 CFL -15 -7,709 -7,709 Lamp Replacement Type # Fixtures Lamp # Lamps Life, hrs Lamps//yr $ / lamp $ / Replace Recessed 22 MH -1 12,000 -8.03 $42 $20 Recessed 22 CFL 1 10,000 9.64 $5 $5 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Retrofit recessed fixture with CFL 0 22 LS $300 $6,600 Overhead & profit 0 30%$1,980 Design fees 0 10%$858 Project management 0 8%$755 Annual Costs Existing lamp replacement, 70 watt MH 1 - 25 -8.03 lamps $62.00 ($8,477) CFL replacement, 40 watts 1 - 25 9.64 LED board $10.00 $1,641 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -7,709 kWh $0.083 ($12,643) Net Present Worth ($9,300) Existing Replacement Petersburg Medical Center 25 Energy Audit (December 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Petersburg Medical Center EEM-15: Replace Single Pane Windows Energy Analysis Component Area R,exist R,new ΔT MBH kBtu η boiler Gallons Windows 200 0.75 2.0 20 -3.3 -29,200 68%-310 Door 11 0.75 2.0 20 -0.2 -1,606 68%-17 -3.5 -30,806 -327 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Replace window glazing unit 0 200 sqft $75 $15,000 Replace door glazing unit 0 11 sqft $75 $825 Estimating contingency 0 15%$2,374 Overhead & profit 0 30%$5,460 Design fees 0 10%$2,366 Project management 0 8%$2,082 Energy Costs Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -327 gal $4.09 ($37,935) Net Present Worth ($9,800) Petersburg Medical Center 26 Energy Audit (December 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Petersburg Medical Center EEM-16: Optimize Heating Plant Energy Analysis FO Use, gal Heat, kBtu % Saved FO Saved, gal Electric, kWh Fuel Oil Boilers 6,700 631,006 70% -4,690 129,456 kBtu kWh Electric Boilers 441,704 136,270 Pumps Pump GPH Head η pump BHP η motor kW Hours kWh P-1/P-2 -52 30 60% -0.9 85% -0.8 8,760 -6,762 P-3/P-4 -17 40 50% -0.5 80% -0.4 8,760 -3,758 P-5/P-6 -100 34 60% -1.9 85% -1.7 8,760 -14,738 P-7/P-8 -20 15 55% -0.2 75% -0.2 8,760 -1,608 P-14 -15 20 60% -0.2 70% -0.2 8,760 -1,579 P-15 -15 20 60% -0.2 70% -0.2 8,760 -1,579 Combined 219 40 65% 4.6 P-1A/P-1B 120 28 55% 2.1 75% 2.1 8,760 18,008 -12,017 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Install electric boiler, 150 kW 0 1 ea $25,000 $25,000 Piping and appurtenances 0 1 ea $20,000 $20,000 Electrical 0 1 ea $7,500 $7,500 Primary/Secondary Pumping System Demolition 0 1 ea $2,500 $2,500 Primary pumps 0 2 ea $3,000 $6,000 Building pumps, 5 HP 0 2 ea $5,000 $10,000 Piping modifications 0 1 ea $25,000 $25,000 VFD 0 2 ea $4,800 $9,600 Electrical 0 4 ea $1,500 $6,000 Replace hospital fuel oil HW heater Demolition fo heater and storage tank 5 -1 ea $1,500 ($1,298) Two 175 gallon HW heaters and piping 5 -2 ea $7,500 ($12,976) Demolition 0 1 ea $1,500 $1,500 Two 175 gallon HW heaters and piping 0 2 ea $7,500 $15,000 Controls 0 1 ea $25,000 $25,000 Estimating contingency 0 15% $17,074 Overhead & profit 0 30% $46,770 Design fees 0 10% $20,267 Project management 0 8% $17,835 Annual Costs Pump maintenance 1 - 25 -6 ea $200.00 ($20,432) Boiler maintenance 1 - 25 -1 ea $600.00 ($10,216) HW tank maintenance 1 - 25 -1 ea $300.00 ($5,108) Energy Costs Electric Energy (Effective Cost)1 - 25 124,252 kWh $0.106 $259,125 Fuel Oil 1 - 25 -4,690 gal $4.09 ($543,920) Net Present Worth ($79,800) Petersburg Medical Center 27 Energy Audit (December 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Energy and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907.789.1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Petersburg Medical Center EEM-17: Replace Transformers Energy Analysis Number kVA ηold ηnew KW kWh 1 15 96.2% 98.1% -0.3 -2,497 4 30 96.8% 98.4% -1.9 -16,819 3 45 97.2% 98.6% -1.9 -16,556 4 75 97.4% 98.7% -3.9 -34,164 2 150 97.8% 98.9% -3.3 -28,908 -11.3 -98,944 Life Cycle Cost Analysis Year Qty Unit Base Cost Year 0 Cost Construction Costs Replace transformer, kVA 15 0 1 LS $3,900 $3,900 Replace transformer, kVA 24 0 4 LS $4,400 $17,600 Replace transformer, kVA 30 0 3 LS $4,900 $14,700 Replace transformer, kVA 45 0 4 LS $6,500 $26,000 Replace transformer, kVA 112.5 0 2 LS $12,400 $24,800 Estimating contingency 0 15% $13,050 Overhead & profit 0 30% $30,015 Project management 0 8% $10,405 Energy Costs Electric Energy 1 - 25 -98,944 kWh $0.062 ($121,018) Electric Demand 1 - 25 -136 kW $10.83 ($28,862) Net Present Worth ($9,400) Petersburg Medical Center 28 Energy Audit (December 2011) Appendix B Energy and Utility Data Petersburg Medical Center 29 Energy Audit (December 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Billing Data 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Petersburg Medical Center ELECTRIC RATE Electricity ($ / kWh )Block Rate Demand ( $ / kW ) 1st Block 30,000 $0.108 All kW $3.10 2nd Block 60,000 $0.106 Remaining $0.081 Customer Charge $28.00 ELECTRICAL CONSUMPTION AND DEMAND kWh kW kWh kW kWh kW kWh kW Jan 164,160 355 140,160 326 94,080 365 149,760 422 137,040 Feb 149,760 499 164,160 374 96,960 422 141,120 298 138,000 Mar 136,320 422 133,440 298 59,520 192 114,240 336 110,880 Apr 142,080 307 128,640 288 64,320 182 120,000 307 113,760 May 114,240 269 101,760 259 56,640 182 106,560 269 94,800 Jun 99,840 221 100,800 230 66,240 182 71,040 384 84,480 Jul 83,520 221 88,320 230 63,360 182 95,040 250 82,560 Aug 87,360 221 93,120 221 68,160 192 99,840 240 87,120 Sep 98,880 240 94,080 240 65,280 192 104,640 259 90,720 Oct 105,600 442 112,320 307 61,440 202 123,840 288 100,800 Nov 137,280 278 144,000 317 107,520 317 150,720 490 134,880 Dec 133,440 394 126,720 365 139,200 403 158,400 413 139,440 Total 1,452,480 1,427,520 942,720 1,435,200 1,314,480 Average 121,040 322 118,960 288 78,560 251 119,600 330 109,540 Load Factor 51.4% 56.6% 42.8% 49.7% 298 ELECTRIC BILLING DETAILS Month Energy Demand Total Energy Demand Total % Change Jan $9,180 $1,131 $10,339 $13,691 $1,309 $15,028 45.3% Feb $9,414 $1,309 $10,751 $12,991 $923 $13,941 29.7% Mar $6,369 $595 $6,992 $10,813 $1,042 $11,883 69.9% Apr $6,770 $565 $7,363 $11,280 $952 $12,260 66.5% May $6,064 $565 $6,657 $10,191 $833 $11,053 66.0% Jun $6,925 $565 $7,519 $7,314 $1,190 $8,533 13.5% Jul $6,692 $565 $7,286 $9,258 $774 $10,060 38.1% Aug $7,081 $595 $7,704 $9,647 $744 $10,419 35.2% Sep $6,848 $595 $7,471 $10,036 $804 $10,867 45.5% Oct $6,537 $625 $7,190 $11,591 $893 $12,512 74.0% Nov $10,269 $982 $11,279 $13,768 $1,518 $15,314 35.8% Dec $12,835 $1,250 $14,113 $14,390 $1,280 $15,698 11.2% Total $ 94,984 $ 9,345 $ 104,665 $ 134,971 $ 12,261 $ 147,568 41.0% Average $ 7,915 $ 779 $ 8,694 $ 11,248 $ 1,022 $ 12,269 41.1% Cost ($/kWh) $0.111 91% 8% $0.103 -7.3% 2009 2010 Electrical costs are based on the current electric rates. 2010 General Service Month 2007 2008 2009 Average Petersburg Medical Center 30 Energy Audit (December 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Annual Electric Consumption 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Petersburg Medical Center 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecElectric Use (kWh)Month of the Year Electric Use History 2007 2008 2009 2010 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecElectric Demand (kW)Month of the Year Electric Demand History 2007 2008 2009 2010 Petersburg Medical Center 31 Energy Audit (December 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Electric Cost 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Petersburg Medical Center 2010 $ 0 $ 2,000 $ 4,000 $ 6,000 $ 8,000 $ 10,000 $ 12,000 $ 14,000 $ 16,000 $ 18,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecElectric Cost (USD)Month of the Year Electric Cost Breakdown 2010 Electric Use (kWh) Costs Electric Demand (kW) Costs 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Electric Demand (kW)Electric Use (kWh)Month of the Year Electric Use and Demand Comparison 2010 Electric Use Electric Demand Petersburg Medical Center 32 Energy Audit (December 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Annual Fuel Oil Consumption 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Petersburg Medical Center #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Year Fuel Oil Degree Days 2007 6,832 8,356 2008 6,454 8,239 2009 7,025 8,411 2010 6,542 8,202 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 2007 2008 2009 2010 Degree DaysGallons of Fuel OilYear Annual Fuel Oil Use Fuel Oil Degree Days Petersburg Medical Center 33 Energy Audit (December 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC Annual Water Consumption 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Petersburg Medical Center Year Water 2007 1,895,000 2008 1,587,000 2009 1,667,000 2010 1,495,000 0 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,400,000 1,600,000 1,800,000 2,000,000 2007 2008 2009 2010Gallons of WaterYear Annual Water  Use Petersburg Medical Center 34 Energy Audit (December 2011) Alaska Energy Engineering LLC 25200 Amalga Harbor Road Tel/Fax: 907-789-1226 Juneau, Alaska 99801 jim@alaskaenergy.us Annual Energy Consumption and Cost Energy Cost $/MMBtu Area ECI EUI Fuel Oil $3.86 $39.81 42,014 $3.82 129 Electricity $0.103 $31.65 Source Cost Electricity 1,314,480 kWh $134,800 4,500 83% Fuel Oil 6,713 Gallons $25,900 900 17% Totals $160,700 5,400 100% Annual Energy Consumption and Cost Consumption Energy, MMBtu $0 $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 $35 $40 $45 Fuel Oil ElectricityCost $ / MMBtuCost of Heat Comparison Petersburg Medical Center 35 Energy Audit (December 2011) Appendix C Equipment Data Petersburg Medical Center 36 Energy Audit (December 2011) MotorHP / Volts / RPM / EfficS 1 Boiler Room Boiler Combustion AirPenn CB-243 35001/3 HP/ 120 V/60%RE 2 Attic2nd Floor WestTempmaster5010 CFM 10 HPRE 3 Attic2nd Floor EastTempmaster FSW22-ARR240 V/ 1 PHS 3 AtticPowerline P8BBF80 465 CFM 1/4 HP/ 115 V/ 1725 RPM/47%RE 1 AtticTempmaster3450 CFM 1 HP/ 480 V/76.7%E 1 Chiller Room Chiller Room Ventillation Penn Breezeway 300 CFME 2 Medical Gas Room Medical Gas Room Ventillation Penn O8R 150 CFM 1/10 HP/ 115 VE 3 AtticFirst Floor VentillationPowerline B12BBB8E 750 CFM 1/5 HP/ 115 V/ 1725 RPME 4 Attic2nd Floor WestPowerline B13BBBF 1320 CFM 1/2 HP/ 115 V/ 1725 RPM/62%E 5 Attic2nd Floor EastPowerline B12BBB8F 1570 CFM 1/2 HP/ 115 V/ 1725 RPM/62%E 6 Attic2nd Floor CriticalTempmaster LFSW-22 2835 CFM 3/4 HP/ 115 V/ 1725 RPM/75%E 7 BTSBTS HoodPenn Centrex 210 CFM 1/12 HP/ 115 VE 8 AtticChemistry Lab Exhaust Powerline 122B1C8B 600 CFM 1/6 HP/ 115 V/ 1725 RPME 9 AtticFume Hood ExhaustPowerline1600 CFM 1/2 HP/ 115 V/ 1725 RPM/62%E 10 Elevator Mechanical Elevator Mechanical Exhaust Penn Centrex 500 CFME 11 KitchenDishwasher200 CFM 1/12 HP/ 115 VRE 2 AtticTempmasterOGSI Basement Mechanical Oxygen GeneratorOGSI MOGS-100 100 SCFM 1 1/2 HP/ 115 V/ 1725 RPM/79.1%XFMR Basement Mechanical TransformerSquare D 752 TH 75 KVAPetersburg Medical Center - Major Equipment InventoryCapacityNotesUnit IDLocation Function Make Model Petersburg Medical Center 37 Energy Audit (December 2011) MotorHP / Volts / RPM / EfficPetersburg Medical Center - Major Equipment InventoryCapacityNotesUnit IDLocation Function Make ModelXFMR Basement Mechanical TransformerGE9T2384010G2145 KVAXFMR Basement Mechanical Transformer X-Ray Square D 2553H 25 KVAXFMR Basement Mechanical Transformer X-Ray Square D 3753H 37.5 KVADHWH 1 Boiler Room Domestic Hot Water Heater Boch 241EASME 100 Gallon 27.7 MBHDirect HW HeaterB 1 Boiler Room Back-Up BoilerCleaver Brooks CBH-100-60 2511 MBH high/medium/low fireB 2 Boiler Room Main Electric BoilerCole 20CWB-2 540 KW 480 V/ 650 AmpP 1 Boiler Room Hot Water Circulation AHU 5&6 TACO1 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM/76.7%P 2 Boiler Room Hot Water Circulation AHU 5&6 TACO1 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM/76.7%P 3 Boiler Room Hot Water Arc to Reheat Coil TACO3/4 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM/75%P 4 Boiler Room Hot Water Arc to Reheat Coil TACO3/4 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM/75%P 5 Boiler Room Hot Water Circulation to HC-1 TACO1.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM/79.1%P 6 Boiler Room and Perimeter HeatTACO1.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM/79.1%XFMR Boiler Room Panel 1 LB Transformer Square D 45T3H 45 KVA 150° Temp RiseXFMR Boiler Room Panel 1 ELB Transformer Square D 75T3H 75 KVA 150° Temp RiseP 7 Chiller Room Chiller Circulation Pump TACO3/4 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM/75%P 8 Chiller Room Chiller Circulation Pump TACO3/4 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM/75%R 1 Chiller Room ChilerTrane CRHM200C-2JAT480 VP 10 Boiler Room DHW Circulation Pump TACOCP 1 Boiler Room Clinic Zone HV UnitsGrundfos UMC 50-80475 Watts/ 2.48 Amps/ 480 V Speed 3CP 2 Boiler Room Clinic Zone HV UnitsGrundfos UMC 50-801.65 Amps/ 510 W/ 480 Volts Speed 3 Petersburg Medical Center 38 Energy Audit (December 2011) MotorHP / Volts / RPM / EfficPetersburg Medical Center - Major Equipment InventoryCapacityNotesUnit IDLocation Function Make ModelAHU 1 1st Floor Fan Room 1983 Addition Ventillation Tempmaster MAHU-30X 4800 CFM 2 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM/ 80%AHU 3 1st Floor Fan Room Acute & Long Term Care Vent Tempmaster MAHU-30X 7200 CFM 7.5 HP/ 480 V/ 1745 RPM/ 81.5%AHU 4 1st Floor Fan Room 2nd Floor Critical Care Suite Tempmaster MAHU-20 7200 CFM 5 HP/ 480 V/ 1740 RPM/ 84%P 9 1st Floor Fan Room Fan Room Preheater Coils TACO 3/4 HP/ 480 V/ 1740 RPM/75%AHU 2 1st Floor Fan Room 2nd Floor West ACU/ICU Tempmaster MAHU-27X 6300 CFM 5 HP/ 480 V/ 1740 RPM/ 84%A 3 Boiler 1 Medical Vacuum Pump OXE Equip SP-5357AP 5 HP/ 480 V/ 1720 RPM/ 81.5%XFMR Medical Supply Room Panel 1 LA XFMR Square D 45T3H 45 KVA 150° C Temp RiseXFMR Medical Supply Room Panel 1 ELA XFMR Square D 30T3H 30 KVA 150° C Temp RiseDryer Clean Room 123 Commercial Dryer Cissell CHD75E2 480 V/ 38 AmpDryer Clean Room 123 Commercial Dryer Cissess CHD75E2 480 V/ 38 AmpWasher Clean Room 123 Commercial Washer MILNOR 30022MSJ 9 cubic ft 480 V/ 6.1 AmpWasher Clean Room 123 Residential Washer Speed QueenWasher Clean Room 123 Residential Washer MaytagDryer Clean Room 123 Residential Dryer CrosleyDryer Clean Room 123 Residential Dryer Crosley119 C Trash Room Biohazard Waste DisposalFreezer Food Storage Freezer Raetone AF047-55 115 V/ 20 AmpFreezer Food Storage Freezer Polar PanelFridge Food Storage Refrigerator Victory 115 V/ 20 AmpB 3 1967 Boiler Room Boiler National 7-37 312000 BTU/Hr Non modulating Petersburg Medical Center 39 Energy Audit (December 2011) MotorHP / Volts / RPM / EfficPetersburg Medical Center - Major Equipment InventoryCapacityNotesUnit IDLocation Function Make ModelDHWH 2 1967 Boiler Room High Temperature Water Heater Boch 241E ASME 109 Gallon 277000 BTU/HrDirect HW HeaterDHWH 3 1967 Boiler Room Domestic Hot Water Heater250 GallonIndirect HW HeaterP 14 1967 Boiler Room Domestic HeatB+G1/3 HP/ 220 V/60%P 15 1967 Boiler Room Domestic HeatB+G1/3 HP/ 220 V/60%P 16 1967 Boiler Room Domestic Hot WaterB+G1/3 HP/ 220 V/60%P 17 1967 Boiler Room Hot Water CirculationB+G1/3 HP/ 220 V/60%XFMR AtticPanel 2 ELA XFMRSquare D 30 T3H 30 KVAXFMR AtticPanel 2 HA XFMRSquare D 45 T3H 45 KVAMUF 1 AtticMake Up AirFantech FR150 220 CFM 115 VE 13 AtticPowerline 200BIC8F 1435 CFM 1/2 HP/ 115 V/ 1725 RPM/62%AHU 6 AtticTrane 6B 2600 CFM 1/2 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM/62%P 12 AtticAHU 6 Recirculation Pump TACO 3-843/4 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM/75%AHU 4/2 Clinic Wing Electric HeaterTrane K10K95999 2300 CFM 2 HP/ 480 V/ 1725 RPM/80.8% 20 KWXFMR Clinic 1st Floor TransformerSquare D 150 T3H 150 KVAEF 1 Med 223Med 223 Exhaust Fan80 CFM 85 W/ 120 VEF 2 Lab 226Lab 226 Exhaust Fan80 CFM 85 W/ 120 VEF 3 Toilet 228Toilet 228 Exhaust Fan80 CFM 85 W/ 120 VEF 4 Proc2 113Proc2 113 Exhaust FanGreenheck SP-A200 170 CFM 48 W/ 120 VEF 5 Proc3 114Proc3 114 Exhaust FanGreenheck SP-A200 170 CFM 48 W/ 120 VEF 6 Proc1 218Proc1 218 Exhaust FanGreenheck SP-A200 170 CFM 48 W/ 120 V Petersburg Medical Center 40 Energy Audit (December 2011) MotorHP / Volts / RPM / EfficPetersburg Medical Center - Major Equipment InventoryCapacityNotesUnit IDLocation Function Make ModelEF 7 Toilet 219Toilet 219 Exhaust FanGreenheck SP-A125 100 CFM 53 W/ 120 VEF 8 Electric 213 Electric 213 Exhaust Fan Greenheck SP-A125 100 CFM 53 W/ 120 VEF 9 CONF 104 CONF 104 Exhaust Fan Greenheck SP-A290 250 CFM 81 W/ 120 VEF 10 Elevator Mechanical Elevator Mechanical Exhaust Fan Greenheck SP-A125 100 CFM 53 W/ 120 VEF 11 Toilet 107Toilet 107 Exhaust FanGreenheck SP-A125 100 CFM 53 W/ 120 VEF 12 Electric 108 Electric 108 Exhaust Fan Greenheck SP-A390 300 CFM 135 W/ 120 VAC 1 1st WestServer CoolerFujitsu AOU24RC 23500 BTU/Hr CoolerAC 2 1st WestServer CoolerFujitsu AOU24CL 24200 BTU/Hr Cooler Petersburg Medical Center 41 Energy Audit (December 2011) Appendix D Abbreviations AHU Air handling unit BTU British thermal unit BTUH BTU per hour CBJ City and Borough of Juneau CMU Concrete masonry unit CO2 Carbon dioxide CUH Cabinet unit heater DDC Direct digital controls DHW Domestic hot water EAD Exhaust air damper EEM Energy efficiency measure EF Exhaust fan Gyp Bd Gypsum board HVAC Heating, Ventilating, Air- conditioning HW Hot water HWRP Hot water recirculating pump KVA Kilovolt-amps kW Kilowatt kWh Kilowatt-hour LED Light emitting diode MBH 1,000 Btu per hour MMBH 1,000,000 Btu per hour OAD Outside air damper PSI Per square inch PSIG Per square inch gage RAD Return air damper RF Return fan SIR Savings to investment ratio SF Supply fan UV Unit ventilator VAV Variable air volume VFD Variable frequency drive Petersburg Medical Center 42 Energy Audit (December 2011)