HomeMy WebLinkAboutYakutat Tlingit Tribe Startegic Energy Plan Part 1 of 2 2011Alk im. RIDOLFI YAKUTAT TLINGIT TRIBE STRATEGIC ENERGY PLAN Yakutat, Alaska Prepared for the Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Prepared by RIDOLFI Inc. August 2011 J Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan Yakutat, Alaska Prepared for the Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Prepared by RIDOLFI Inc. August 2011 0 RIDOLFI EXECUTIVEYSU,MMARY. The Yakutat Tlingit Tribe (Tribe) received an allocation of funds through the U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program. Using this initial funding, the Tribe has developed this Strategic Energy Plan. To support development of the Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan, the Tribe contracted with RIDOLFI Inc. (Ridolfi) to complete two tasks: (1) Conduct Energy Assessments of selected facilities and (2) Develop a Strategic Energy Plan. In May 2011, the Ridolfi team conducted the Energy Assessments, accompanied by tribal staff and facility representatives. The assessments included energy audits of community facilities and review of available relevant documentation. Information compiled during the audits, along with input and recommendations from Tribal representatives, form the foundation of this Strategic Energy Plan. The Strategic Energy Plan consists of three parts: (1) Energy Vision and Goals; (2) Energy Baseline Assessment; and (3) Action Plan. This Strategic Energy Plan is intended to move the Tribe toward its long-term goal of energy self-sufficiency to support economic opportunity, cultural resources protection, environmental protection, and the overall health of the community. Based on the results of a baseline energy assessment of selected facilities in Yakutat, a number of energy efficiency opportunities are recommended for near term implementation. Improved energy efficiency should be the initial focus of an energy strategy that will begin moving Yakutat toward its ultimate energy goals. Most of the recommended energy efficiency measures are low to moderate in cost, and some involve no capital costs. When possible, recommended energy improvements were evaluated to determine estimated capital costs, estimated energy savings, and estimated cost savings. The energy improvements identified in this plan involve estimated capital costs just under $100,000 and would result in an annual energy savings of more than 187,000 kWh and cost savings of approximately $55,000. The estimated energy cost savings associated with these improvements would cover the estimated capital costs in a period of less than two years. In addition to these recommended energy conservation measures, there are a number of low cost measures, such as insulation and temperature controls, and moderate cost measures such as window and equipment replacement, that could result in significantly more energy and cost savings. 255F_YTT Strategic Energy Plan_110901_FINAL docx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August2011 Pagei RIDOLFI a Finally, following implementation of these initial energy efficiency measures, continued evaluation of alternative energy options would further support Yakutat's long-term energy goals. Based on existing studies and information, it does not appear that any single energy source will fully replace the existing energy generation source. However, an integrated energy generation strategy that relies on a combination of renewable sources such as solar energy, off -shore wind energy, wave energy, geothermal energy, or biomass would likely be required to replace the current fossil fuel energy source. 255E YTT Strategic Energy Mani 10901 .FINAL docx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August 2011 Page ii RIDOLFI • TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVESUMMARY............................................................................................................. i 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND..........................................................................1 2.0 ENERGY VISION AND MISSION....................................................................................2 2.1 Community Objectives....................................................................... ..............2 2.2 Energy Planning and Global Effects.....................................................................4 3.0 ENERGY BASELINE ASSESSMENT..............................................................................6 3.1 Energy Use..........................................................................................................6 3.1.1 Energy Sources........................................................................................7 3.1.2 Energy Use and Costs.............................................................................7 3.2 Energy Resources Baseline Assessment...........................................................11 3.2.1 Other Renewable Energy Resources Evaluated.....................................12 4.0 ACTION PLAN..............................................................................................................15 4.1 Energy Efficiency Recommendations.................................................................15 4.1.1 Yakutat Tlingit Tribal Office and Elementary School Building (Grade School)...................................................................................................15 4.1.2 Yakutat High School and Woodshop (High School)................................16 4.1.3 Alaska Commercial Value Center and Warehouse (AC Store) ...............18 4.1.4 Yakutat Seafood Plant (Seafood Plant)..................................................20 4.1.5 Mallott's General Store(Mallott's)...........................................................21 4.2 Renewable and Alternative Energy Recommendations......................................23 5.0 CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................25 6.0 REFERENCES..............................................................................................................27 Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan 255F_Yl7 Strategic Energy Plan 110901_FINAL.docx August 2011 Page iii RIDOLFI LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Site Identification LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A. Baseline Energy Assessment Report Appendix B. Field Observation Report Appendix C. Energy Efficiency Checklist Appendix D. Natural Gas Appendix E. Wave Energy Appendix F. Biomass: Wood Fuel Generation Appendix G. Biomass: Technical Feasibility Study Appendix H. Biomass: BioEnergy Feasibility Assessment LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AVEC Alaska Village Electric Cooperative AYEA Alaska Youth for Environmental Action CFL compact fluorescent lamp CFR Code of Federal Regulations CO2 carbon dioxide GNPs geothermal heat pumps HVAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning IRA Indian Reorganization Act kWh kilowatt hours LED light emitting diode LID low impact development NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory Ridolfi RIDOLFI Inc. R-value thermal resistance value sf square foot UCS Union of Concerned Scientists USEIA United States Energy Information Administration USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency YTT Yakutat Tlingit Tribe 255F—Y77 Strategic Energy Plan 110901 FINAL docx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August 2011 Page iv C RIDOLFI y The Yakutat Tlingit Tribe (the Tribe) contracted with RIDOLFI Inc. (Ridolfi) to provide strategic energy planning services in support of the Tribe's efforts to develop a Strategic Energy Plan. To support development of the Tribe's Strategic Energy Plan, Ridolfi was contracted to complete two tasks: (1) conduct Energy Assessments on selected facilities and (2) develop a Strategic Energy Plan. The first task, the Energy Assessment, was conducted on site by the Ridolfi team and representatives of the Tribe: the Ridolfi team traveled to Yakutat to conduct reconnaissance, inspection, and auditing of community facilities and to review relevant documentation. Information gathered during the site visit, along with input and recommendations from Tribal representatives, forms the foundation of this Strategic Energy Plan. This Strategic Energy Plan consists of three parts: (1) Energy Vision and Goals; (2) Energy Baseline Assessment; and (3) Action Plan. The Energy Vision and Goals section describes the Tribe's goals for the development and implementation of an energy strategy. The Energy Baseline Assessment summarizes current energy use and available renewable energy resources and opportunities. Finally, the Action Plan provides a prioritized and phased list of recommendations that includes energy efficiency improvements and alternative energy options for new development that the Tribe can implement to move toward achieving its energy goals. 255F_YTT Strategic Energy Plan- 110901_FINAL.docx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August 2011 Page 1 '-1 r 2.0 ENERGY VISION AND MISSION The Yakutat Tlingit Tribe's primary vision and mission is to sustain and thrive into the future. The mission includes manifesting self-sufficiency, economic security, and cultural sustainability. These three values are inherently tied to the health of the natural environment that provides the Tribe with food, natural resources, and cultural resources. Each of these aspects of the mission can be strengthened by taking a closer look at baseline energy use, conservation and efficiency actions that will reduce costs, and renewable energy opportunities to alleviate dependence on fossil fuels. The importance of these aspects is conveyed in the community objectives documented in the City and Borough of Yakutat Comprehensive Plan. This Strategic Energy Plan will provide a foundation on which to build the Tribe's long-term energy program. This Plan will serve as a communication tool for community members, including the Tribe, City, and Borough governments. Finally, the Strategic Energy Plan will document the Tribe's commitment to achieving its energy goals and related objectives. 2.1 Community Objectives The Yakutat Tlingit Tribe has several objectives that form the basis for this Strategic Energy Plan. These objectives are to preserve a high quality of life in a town where natural resources, natural beauty, and great people are considered the best reasons to live in Yakutat (Yakutat 2010). According to the City and Borough of Yakutat Comprehensive Plan, which the Tribe also assisted in developing, "Yakutat would like to eliminate dependency on diesel fuel for power and find a lower cost, renewable source of power" (Yakutat, 2010). In the community survey presented in the Comprehensive Plan, several respondents noted high fuel and energy costs among the biggest challenges. The majority of the community (91 percent according to the Comprehensive Plan survey) supports an active investigation and feasibility assessment of alternative energy sources such as natural gas, wind, hydroelectric, and tidal energy, which amounted to the highest support of any question in the survey, (Yakutat, 2010). Yak -tat Kwaan, Inc., the community corporation, is also investigating biomass energy and heat. Community goals in the Comprehensive Plan are organized by category, but goals from multiple categories are affected by energy costs, including environmental impacts. Included below are the documented community goals that will be served by implementing energy efficiency, conservation, and appropriate renewable resource development action items, and by using the Strategic Energy Plan as a communication tool. 255F_YTT Strategic Energy Plan 110901 FINAL docx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August 2011 Page 2 RIDOLFf Energy Goals (Yakutat 2010): • Investigate the feasibility of wave energy; and small scale wind and solar energy with hydrogen fuel cell generators. • Install a biomass electrical generation system. Natural Environment Goals (Yakutat 2010): • Maintain and preserve the quality of the water, land and biological resources of the Borough to provide for sustainable use of those resources for current and future generations. • Establish and maintain integrated and coordinated resource management among federal, state, Yak -Tat Kwaan Inc., Borough, Tribal Government, and other parties. • Protect life and property from natural disasters and hazards • Maintain and enhance the environmental conditions and habitats that support sustainable fisheries. • Safeguard the ability of Borough residents to use the land and waters in the Borough for traditional subsistence uses. Historical and Cultural Resources Goal: • Promote cultural traditions, language, and history to residents and visitors. Economic Development Goals: Increase local, value-added processing of Yakutat's natural resources while minimizing adverse impacts on other important resources and uses. • Protect and enhance the commercial fishing resources in the Borough. Public Utilities and Facilities Goals: • Provide Borough services as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible. • Develop a renewable energy source with lower operating costs to meet the Borough's residential, commercial and industrial energy needs. • Increase the community benefits derived from scientific research taking place in the Borough. • Support research projects that have direct impacts on the community needs and incorporate traditional and local ecological knowledge. • Inform and educate citizens about planning issues facing borough staff and borough assembly, and planning commission members and provide opportunities for the citizens to participate in the planning process. 255F Y7T Strategic Energy Plan .110901_FINAL docx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August 2011 Page 3 RIDOLFI D .4 2.2 Energy Planning and Global Effects The Yakutat Tlingit Tribe is actively carrying out the mission to be a responsible citizen in a global society by conducting the work of creating a Strategic Energy Plan, from baseline energy assessment to working toward goals for energy efficiency, conservation, and independence. Since overuse of energy results in impacts to the environment, and the Tribe's culture, food, and economic stability come from the natural environment, working toward responsible energy management will also be a step toward achieving cultural sustainability and protecting fisheries and other subsistence and economic harvests. This is true for many small communities experiencing high economic and environmental energy costs around the world. Burning fossil fuels for energy results in the release of greenhouse gases, which are rapidly increasing in the atmosphere and contribute to various climactic effects. Greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Because these gases are produced by the burning of carbon -based fossil fuels, the amount of greenhouse gas produced by a facility is sometimes called a "carbon footprint." These gases trap the sun's heat as it is radiated from the earth, and prevent it from escaping back into space resulting in increased global temperatures in the atmosphere and oceans, and subsequent effects. Globally, regionally, and locally governments are starting to take actions to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. Global warming is projected to continue at an increased rate in the 21 st century. In Yakutat, the average annual atmospheric temperature has increased by 2.5 degrees Fahrenheit (° F), and the average winter temperature has increased by 4.60 F from 1949 to 2009 (Alaska Climate Research Center, 2010), and warming is not expected to stop. Rising atmospheric temperatures are warming the ocean, which acts as a heat sink. Rising ocean temperatures are likely to affect fish migrations and possibly impact commercial fishery revenue (Alaska State Legislature, 2008). Changes to natural resources have been observed in Yakutat and may be a result of rising global temperatures caused by greenhouse gas emissions. Observations of tuna and great white sharks, and the decline of the seal population near Yakutat (ANSC 2005, Adams 2011) may be a result of warmer ocean temperatures. Increases in the dog fish and sea otter populations have resulted in less food for more valuable fish, and for subsistence shellfish harvesters, (ANSC 2005) which is another imbalance that may be related to changing ocean climate. An additional impact to fish health could come from river sedimentation as a result of glaciers melting and receding, (ANSC 2005, Adams 2011). These impacts must be alleviated to address the community's main concern for sustaining fisheries. These observations of changes to natural resources may have a substantial impact on the Tribe's cultural values. One person's interpretation is that "The Tlingit culture is built around respect. Respect for all things, living and dead. You respect everything. Everything we have on this earth is there for a reason, including us," (ANSC 2005). Investigating the impacts of 255F_YTT Strategic Energy Plan 110901_FINAL docx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August 2011 Page 4 RIDOLFI energy use and responding with energy efficiency measures is one way the Tribe can live by this value and protect the natural resources that sustain the Tribe's culture. The Yakutat Tlingit Tribe recognizes that energy efficiency improvements and the development of renewable energy sources can contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases on the local, regional, and global scale. Further, the Tribe recognizes that implementing the actions recommended in this Plan is in line with community objectives to significantly reduce its greenhouse gas impact on natural resources. The Tribe, through this Strategic Energy Plan, identifies and articulates short, intermediate, and long-term goals for implementing energy efficiency improvements and renewable energy resource options. Each implementation of energy efficiency improvements and renewable energy production will reduce the current level of greenhouse gas emissions, and reduce the Tribe's long-term operational costs. Reducing costs to the Tribe is a critical step to improving the quality of life, and in turn, increasing the Tribe's capacity to further reduce its carbon footprint. Improving the energy efficiency of Tribal facilities will also benefit the health and quality of life of all community residents, and protect natural resources. Achieving the goals stated in this document will not bring about complete energy self- sufficiency; however it will provide the opportunity to reduce current energy consumption and costs and reduce reliance on outside utilities. These goals will also improve the community's ability to sustain a long-term energy efficiency program. Implementing the energy efficiency projects at the timeline proposed in this plan will substantially reduce current energy consumption and reliance on outside utilities. Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions can further be reduced by incorporating good energy planning in all new developments. It is recommended that the Tribe set some well- defined targets for energy efficiency and emission reductions to support long-term goals. To help set these targets, the Tribe should continually evaluate new energy infrastructure and funding sources as they become apparent. Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan 255F_YTr Strategic Energy Plan_110901 FINAL docx August 2011 Page 5 s RIDOLFI To develop an energy strategy that will promote the economic, environmental, and cultural goals of the Tribe, it is necessary to have a comprehensive understanding of how Yakutat currently uses energy and what renewable or alternative energy resources are available to supplement or replace current energy sources. In this Strategic Plan, we refer to this evaluation as an energy baseline assessment. The energy baseline assessment consists of two components: energy use and energy resources. The assessment of energy use is based on inspection of targeted facilities, interviews with staff, and a review of relevant energy records provided by the facility operators. Energy use is summarized by energy sources, and energy use and costs. The assessment of energy resources evaluates renewable and alternative energy resources available in and around Yakutat, and includes solar, wind, geothermal, small-scale hydroelectric, natural gas, wave energy, and biomass resources. 3.1 Energy Use To develop an energy efficiency strategy, it is necessary to first have an understanding of the baseline energy performance of existing facilities and then to estimate energy savings through targeted energy conservation measures. The two main components of this assessment are: 1) on -site energy evaluation and identification of energy efficiency options; and 2) utility data analyses and benchmarking. Following initial coordination with Yakutat Tlingit tribal staff, Ourevolution and Ridolfi conducted an energy efficiency and conservation audit of the targeted facilities. The audit consisted of the following: A walk -though inspection of the target facilities accompanied by staff with specific attention paid to the following energy usage categories: o Building Envelope (walls, windows, doors, roof, and floor insulation) o Lighting Systems o Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) o Domestic Water Heating o Plug Loads (refrigerators, freezers, coffee -makers, vending machines, etc.) Interviews with owners and staff regarding the use and history of individual facilities Walk-through inspections were conducted by Ourevolution and Ridolfi during the week of May 9 to May 13, 2011. 255F_YTT Strategic Energy Plan_110901_FINAL.docx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August 2011 Page 6 RIDOLFI y 14 The facilities covered by the energy and conservation audit are listed below. A detailed description of the facility audit results is provided in Appendix A. • Yakutat Tlingit Tribal Office and Elementary School Building (Grade School) • Yakutat High School and Woodshop (High School) • Alaska Commercial Value Center and Warehouse (AC Store) • Yakutat Seafood Plant (Seafood Plant) • Mallott's General Store (Mallott's) 3.1.1 Energy Sources Electric power to all buildings is supplied by Yakutat Power. The existing energy source for Yakutat Power is diesel fuel. Fuel is delivered to Yakutat via barge year-round and stored in bulk at the Delta Western tank farm. Fuel is delivered by truck to Yakutat Power, local businesses and residents. Yakutat Power made a major investment in 2007 to replace an antiquated generator in order to increase the plant's generation capacity. A heat recovery system was installed in the early 1990s and provides heat to the Yakutat school complex nearby. Virtually all heating of the school complex is provided by the Yakutat Power plant heat recovery system. The existing Yakutat Power plant generation equipment consists of four diesel generator sets with a total generation capacity of 4,000 kW (Previsic and Bedard, 2009). 3.1.2 Energy Use and Costs Annual heating fuel and electrical energy use for the target facilities was calculated by averaging available annual historical data. For each audited facility, a summary of energy use and cost is provided in the following sections, and includes the following: • Billing Summary: Based on a review and evaluation of utility billing records, a summary of average annual energy use and cost is provided for each facility. Energy Analysis Summary: For each facility, an Energy Use Index (EUI) and an Energy Cost Index (ECI) were calculated using data obtained from facility billing records. The EUI is a measure of how much energy a facility uses per square foot. It is calculated by converting annual consumption of all fuels to British Thermal Units (BTUs), then dividing by the area of the building, and the EUI is expressed as "thousand BTUs/square foot/year" (kBTU/square foot/yr). Similarly, the ECI is calculated by dividing the total energy cost by the area of the building, and is expressed as dollars/square foot/year. The EUI for each building was compared to the average EUI benchmark for the coastal southwest Alaskan climate zone (Climate Zone 1) and/or for similar types of facilities, where data were available. Since only electricity billing data was available for most facilities, the EUI does not represent total energy intensity. 255F. YTT Strategic Energy Plan 110901 FINAL docx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August2011 Page 7 0 RIDR' 44 Monthly Energy Usage Profile: Based on utility records and other site information, the monthly energy usage profile depicts energy use by month over a typical calendar year. For each facility, an energy "base load" was also calculated by averaging the energy usage during the "non-heating/non-cooling months" (fall and spring). Yakutat Tlingit Tribal Office and Elementary School Building (Grade School) Billing Summary The Grade School is currently being served electrical energy by Yakutat Power. Based on three years of electrical energy utility data, the Grade School used an annual average of 137,893 kWh of electrical energy at a cost of $43,857 per year. Energy Analysis Summary The Grade School building has an energy use index (EUI) of 64.2 kBTU/square foot/year. This is 30 percent less energy than would be expected from education buildings in Climate Zone 1. This is likely due to the fact that heating energy is provided through "waste heat" from the power plant and is not metered, therefore the energy billing data does not reflect this energy usage. It should be noted that the energy cost index (ECI) of the Grade School is $1.99/square foot/year. This is approximately 50 percent higher than would be expected from similar buildings (education buildings) in the same climate zone. Results of this benchmarking exercise indicate that there is significant opportunity for cost savings within this structure. Monthly Energy Usage Profile The energy consumption data provided for the Grade School building shows a relatively flat energy consumption profile which tapers in the summer months likely due to the fact that the school is not in full operation during this time. The baseload for this building is 11,550 kWh/month, which is equivalent to the annual average monthly energy usage. This indicates that the majority of the building systems are operated at full capacity year-round. Additionally, though not assessed during the field audit, the swimming pool facility likely represents a significant load to the year-round building energy use. Yakutat High School, Woodshop and Youth Center Facilities (High School) Billing Summary The High School and Woodshop are currently being served electrical energy by Yakutat Power. Based on three years of electrical energy utility data the High School and Woodshop used an annual average of 188,960 kWh of electrical energy at an average cost of $59,523 per year. Energy Analysis Summary The High School and Woodshop have a combined energy use index (EUI) of 60.4 kBTU/square foot/year. This is 34 percent less energy than would be expected from education buildings in Climate Zone 1. This is likely due to the fact that heating energy is provided through "waste Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan 255F_YTT Slraleglc Energy Plan_110901 FINAL docx August 2011 Page 8 Q- heat" from the power plant and is not metered, therefore the energy billing data does not reflect this energy usage. It should be noted that the energy cost index (ECI) of the High School Facilities is $1.86/square foot/year. This is approximately 40 percent higher than would be expected from similar buildings (education buildings) in the same climate zone. Results of this benchmarking exercise indicate that there is significant opportunity for cost savings within this structure. Monthly Energy Usage Profile The energy consumption data provided for the High School Facilities shows a relatively flat energy consumption profile which tapers in the summer months likely due to the fact that the school is not in full operation during this time. The baseload for this building is 15,203 kWh/month, which is equivalent to the annual average monthly energy usage. This indicates that the majority of the building systems are operated at full capacity year-round. Alaska Commercial Value Center and Warehouse (AC Store) Billing Summary The AC Store and Warehouse used an annual average of 342,813 kWh of electrical energy at an average cost of $70,962 per year. Oil usage data were not available for this analysis. Energy Analysis Summary The AC Store and Warehouse have a combined energy use index (EUI) of 31.2 kWh/square foot/year. This is 28 percent less energy than would be expected from similar type facilities (mercantile) in Climate Zone 1. It should be noted that this analysis does not include fuel oil consumption that is the energy source for the HVAC and domestic hot water systems. Therefore the apparent lower energy use is likely due to the fact that fuel oil is not accounted for in this analysis. The energy cost index (ECI) of the AC Store and Warehouse is $6.45/square foot/year. This is approximately 50 percent higher than would be expected from similar (retail) buildings. Results of this benchmarking exercise indicate that there is significant opportunity for cost savings within this structure. Monthly Energy Usage Profile The energy consumption data provided for the AC Store and Warehouse shows a relatively flat energy consumption profile throughout the year. The baseload for this building is 28,110 kWh/month, and the energy use profile shows no significant seasonal effects. This indicates that the majority of the building systems are operated at full capacity year-round. Yakutat Seafood Plant (Seafood Plant) Billing Summary The Yakutat Seafood Plant used an annual average of 985,120 kWh of electrical energy at an average cost of $203,920 per year. 255F_YTT Strateg c Energy Plan 110901 FINAL docx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August 2011 Page 9 00P-�R1n�' 14 Energy Analysis Summary The Yakutat Seafood Plant has an energy use index (EUI) of 30.8 kWh/square foot/year. While there were no available data for comparable facilities, the EUI for the Yakutat Seafood Plant is 5 percent higher than "food service" facilities in the same climate zone, and more than 200 percent higher than the EUI for similar sized buildings in the same climate zone. It should be noted that this analysis does not include fuel oil consumption that is the energy source for the HVAC system. The energy cost index (ECI) of the Yakutat Seafood Plant is $6.37/square foot/year. This is approximately 60 percent higher than would be expected from similar ("food sales") buildings. Results of this benchmarking exercise indicate that there is significant opportunity for cost savings within this structure. Monthly Energy Usage Profile The energy consumption data provided for the Yakutat Seafood Plant is seasonal, with the highest use occurring between April and September. Mallott's General Store (Mallott's) Billing Summary Mallott's General Store is currently being served electrical energy by Yakutat Power. Based on four years of electrical energy utility and heating oil delivery data, Mallott's used an annual average of 2,945 MMBTU at a cost of $108,935 per year. Energy Analysis Summary Mallott's General Store has an energy use index (EUI) of 374.2 kBTU/square foot/year. This is 63 percent more energy than would be expected from similar type facilities (mercantile) in Climate Zone 1. The energy cost index (ECI) of Mallott's is $13.84/square foot/year. This is approximately 70 percent higher than would be expected from similar ("food sales") buildings in other regions. Results of this benchmarking exercise indicate that there is significant opportunity for cost savings within this structure. Monthly Energy Usage Profile The energy consumption data provided for Mallott's General Store shows a relatively flat energy consumption profile throughout the year. The baseload for this building is 248 MMBTU/month and shows no significant seasonal effect. Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan 255F_YTT Strategic Energy Plan 110901 FINAL docx August 2011 Page 10 RIDOLF! Y, 14 Table 1. Summary of Baseline Energy Assessment Results Facility Average Annual Energy Use Average Annual Energy Cost Energy Use Index Grade School 137,893 kWh $ 43,857 64.2 kBTU/sf/yr High School 188,960 kWh $ 59,523 60.4 kBTU/sf/yr AC Store and Warehouse 342,813 kWh $ 70,962a 31.2 kWh/sf/yr Seafood Plant 985,120 kWh $ 203,920a 315.1 kWh/sf/yr Mallott's General Store 2,945 MMBTU $ 108,935 374.2 kBTU/sf/yr costs Tor inese Tacuines oo not mclucle a tuel surcharge. 3.2 Energy Resources Baseline Assessment Yakutat's goal for sustainability can be supported through the evaluation and development of renewable and alternative energy sources. A preliminary renewable energy resource assessment was conducted by Ridolfi in July 2011. The following potential renewable energy resources and opportunities exist in Yakutat and in surrounding areas: • Solar Energy • Wind Energy • Geothermal Energy F • Small -Scale Hydroelectric Energy r I Solar Solar resources exist on lands in and around Yakutat. Solar energy can be harnessed through photovoltaic and solar thermal systems. Photovoltaic (PV) systems use panels to collect solar energy for conversion to electricity, while solar thermal collectors absorb the heat of the sun to warm air or water. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) estimates Yakutat's ` photovoltaic energy generation potential at 3.2 kWh per square meter per day for a flat plate collector, such as a photovoltaic panel, oriented due south at an appropriate angle. Wind A comprehensive renewable energy feasibility study was done for Sealaksa Corporation (Lynette, 2005). Three meteorological towers were installed to study the wind potential in the Yakutat area. The results from the anemometer data show that the wind potential inland and near Ocean Cape is not suitable to collect wind energy. This is consistent with the wind potential maps produced by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. However, there is significant potential offshore along the western coastline. The wind power classification is ranked one to seven, seven being superb wind potential. There is a significant area of water adjacent to the Yakutat region that receives wind that is classified as "excellent to superb", which corresponds to a 5 through 7 on the wind classification scale. 255F YTT Strategic Energy Plan 110901 FINAL docx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August2011 Page11 RIDOLFI h Geothermal Geothermal heat pumps (GHPs) transfer energy from a relatively shallow layer of the earth's crust that can be used for space heating and cooling. Small -Scale Hydroelectric The potential for hydroelectric power was reviewed. There is potential near the kettle lakes just east of town. Existing power lines would reduce the cost of infrastructure improvements related to transmission. There is significant hydraulic head between the lakes and the potential to collect energy. The other rivers were reviewed for hydro potential and were ruled out due to low gradient slopes and potential to impact fisheries. Previous natural gas, wave energy, and biomass feasibility studies have been performed and are summarized is section 3.2.1. Copies of these studies are provided in appendices to this plan (Appendices C through G). 3.2.1 Other Renewable Energy Resources Evaluated Natural Gas (see Appendix D) The report "Natural Gas — Possible Alternate Fuel Source" was prepared for the Yakutat Power Company (Ehm, undated). The purpose of the report was to provide the results of the first of possibly several studies undertaken on behalf of the Yakutat Power Company to determine if there are indications of sufficient gas reserves in the immediate Yakutat area to provide a less expensive source of fuel for the power company. Three test wells were drilled in the Yakutat area to determine if there were natural gas deposits to use as a fuel source. The study indicates that there was "apparent reservoir quality" at two wells. When drilling the three wells, the driller continually had problems with the wells and had to abandon drilling prior to reaching the target depths. There is no certainty that re -drilling these wells or drilling new wells will be successful. The cost to drill new wells is between $15 to 20 million. The cost to re -drill the existing wells is $5.5 million. Wave Energy (see Appendix E) The report "Yakutat Conceptual Design, Performance, Cost and Economic Wave Power Feasibility Study" was completed in 2009 by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) under Yakutat Power funding, which assessed the technical, cost and economic viability of a Wave Energy Conversion (WEC) project (Previsic and Bedard, 2009). The study scope included: (1) a shallow water wave energy resource assessment, (2) a conceptual design based on the Aquamarine Power Oyster shallow water wave energy conversion technology, (3) a cost Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan 255F_YTT Strategic Energy Plan 110901 FINAL docx August 2011 Page 12 RIDOLFM '.°. assessment (capital and O&M), and (4) an economic analysis. The EPRI study showed that Yakutat has an excellent wave climate for wave energy conversion. Biomass Wood Fuel (see Appendix F) A "Draft Analysis — Yakutat Wood Fuel Generation Plant" was completed for the Alaska Mental Health Lands Trust (Corbus, 2008) to assist in their investigation of the technical and economic feasibility of using wood as a fuel for an electric generation plant in Yakutat. This study reviewed the feasibility of four alternatives for wood fuel power generation: conventional steam boiler; gasifier/boiler/steam reciprocating engine; gasifier/gas reciprocating engine; and plasma technology. The systems would use scrap wood from previously logged areas and from timber thinning. Among the alternatives evaluated the gasifier/gas reciprocating engine was recommended for further evaluation. Willows (see Appendix G) The draft report "Technical Feasibility Study A 1.0-2.0 MW Biomass Powered Organic Rankine Cycle System for the Village of Yakutat, AK" was Prepared for Yakutat Power Alliance (Bilbow, 2009). This feasibility study looked at utilizing fast growing willow trees to produce 1 to 2 MW biomass generating system to handle Yakutat's electrical baseload. The peak load may be as high as 2.0 MW and as low as 0.75 MW. The average load utilized for bio-mass demand was assumed to be 1.0 MW. The binary Organic Rankine Cycle system was used for this feasibility study. The total project cost for the design and construction of the 2.0 MW biomass power plant, including the equipment and building is estimated at $10.86 million. For 1 MW of sustained power production, the system will utilize 772 acres of fast-growing willows per year in a three year rotation cycle. Therefore a total of 2,313 acres would be used in rotation. If a five year rotation were used, the yearly demand is lowered to 503 acre/year and the total land use is increased to 2,516 acres. Gasification (see Appendix H) A "Feasibility assessment for the Yakutat BioEnergy Project" was completed in 2010 (Smith, 2010). The feasibility study was done to evaluate bio-mass technologies. The overall goals of the project were to: 1) reduce operating costs associated with diesel -fired power generation that serves the town of Yakutat, and 2) establish local revenues for the provision of renewable woody biomass fuel for the project. This study reviews the modular gasification equipment coupled with high -efficiency reciprocating engines in the Yakutat community. This study assumes less than 1000 acres/ year of feedstock and also includes potential waste biomass from the city including sewage sludge, recycled papers and fish waste. This project would utilize exhaust gases and heat to produce Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan 255F YTT Strategic Energy Plan 110901 FINAL docx August 2011 Page 13 RIDOLFI � ' 14 supplemental algae biomass for feed back into the gasifier. This addition would reduce the air emissions related to nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide. The initial investment for this system is $2.9 million. 255F_YTr Strategic Energy Plan_110901_FINAL.docx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August 2011 Page 14 RtQOLt=1 410 ACTION PLAN This Action Plan is based on phased implementation of measures that will move the Yakutat Tlingit Tribe in the direction of meeting its ultimate energy goals. Future energy options will be more feasible and economical if facilities in Yakutat are using energy as efficiently as possible. For this reason, the implementation of energy efficiency measures is given a higher priority than implementation of renewable or alternative energy generation options at this time. 4.1 Energy Efficiency Recommendations Detailed energy conservation measures for each of the target facilities evaluated is included in the Baseline Energy Assessment Report in Appendix A. They are summarized in the following sections by facility. 4.1.1 Yakutat Tlingit Tribal Office and Elementary School Building (Grade School) Lighting Systems HVAC Overall, there are significant opportunities for energy efficiency improvements within the lighting systems at the Grade School. Energy use calculations based on an average energy cost of $0.38 per kWh indicate that the lighting currently accounts for approximately $21,000 per year in energy costs. Retrofitting all of the T12 linear fluorescents to high efficiency T8, all incandescent lamps to compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) and mercury vapor to light emitting diode lamps (LED) could reduce lighting energy by up to 41 percent, saving approximately $9,000 per year. The estimated capital cost of these retrofits is $15,925 resulting in a simple payback of 1.8 years. Additional lighting energy savings could be yielded from installing occupancy sensors in infrequently used areas such as restrooms and hallways. With no apparent thermostatic or zoning controls in the existing HVAC operations, it appears that these systems operate continuously. Upgrading the systems to include automated controls would significantly reduce energy costs associated heating within the building and allow greater occupant comfort. Building energy modeling is recommended to further quantify the potential costs and savings of alternative HVAC modifications. Significant damage to the "fins" in many of the hydronic baseboard emitters was observed during the assessment, and repair or replacement of these units would improve heat transfer efficiency. Domestic Hot Water Insulation on the hot water lines appeared to be significantly impacted at the time of the energy assessment. Ensuring a minimum of 1-inch closed cell insulation on all accessible hot water lines would reduce heat loss within the distribution system. 255F_Yrr Strategic Energy Plan_110901_FINAL docx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August2011 Page15 r 'C Plug Loads • The main plug loads seen in the Grade School are the circulation pumps and HVAC forced air fans. As discussed above, these systems are largely unregulated and run continuously. Assuming 24 hour run periods, reducing run times by half by implementing automated controls would result in approximately $5,000 per year in annual energy cost savings. • The Grade School contains three "compact" refrigerators, one 16 cubic foot (cf) refrigerator and a commercial unit. These units are spread around the Grade School facility and in general were underutilized. Energy usage analyses indicates that removing the "compact" refrigerators from use would save up to $72 per month (at $0.38 per kWh). Table 2. Recommended Energy Conservation Measures for the Grade School. Estimated Annual Annual Capital Energy Cost Payback Facility System Action Cost Savings Savings Period Retrofitting fluorescent lights; replacing 23,700 kWh Lighting incandescent lamps with $ 15,925 (41 % of $ 9,000 1.8 years CFLs; replacing mercury lighting vapor lights with LEDs. energy) Installing occupancy Lighting sensors in restrooms and Low hallways Grade Repairing or replacing School HVAC damaged fins on Low baseboard units. HVAC Upgrading systems to include automated controls. $ 15,000 13,157 kWh $ 5,000 3 years Domestic Hot Insulating hot water lines Low Water Plug Removing compact Loads refrigerators and No Cost 2,200 kWh $ 864 consolidating loads 4.1.2 Yakutat High School and Woodshop (High School) Building Envelope • Upgrading all single -paned windows and doors in the High School to a dual -paned equivalent would reduce heat loss by up to half. 255F YTT Straleg-c Energy Plan_110901 FINAL dacx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August 2011 Page 16 r r L RIDOLFI In the modular building located on the north side of the High School, removing and reinstalling of crawl space and roofing insulation would significantly reduce heat loss within the building and increase occupant comfort. The windows in the modular structure are all single -paned with wooden frames. These units are also a significant source of heat loss. After all other insulating measures are implemented; replacing these units with dual -paned equivalents would reduce heat loss through the windows by 50 percent or more. Lighting Systems • The lamps observed in the existing fixtures were rated at 32 watts. A further 20 percent reduction in lighting energy could be achieved by installing 25-watt T8 lamps during routine maintenance of the lighting system. • The Gymnasium contains approximately 29 metal halide lamps with a rated power of 250-watts per lamp. These fixtures could be retrofitted with an LED equivalent which would save approximately 65 percent of the lighting energy used by the existing fixtures. Fourteen 75-watt incandescent spot lights were observed in the Auditorium. Replacing the incandescent with equivalent CFL would reduce this lighting load by over 75 percent. Finally, outside lighting is comprised of a combination of high -intensity discharge (HID) lamps. These units could be retrofitted with LED equivalents which would reduce outside energy usage by up to 65 percent. • Energy use calculations for the "upgradable" lighting systems described above, based on an average energy cost of $0.38 per kWh indicate that the this portion of the High School lighting load currently accounts for approximately $7,800 per year in energy costs. Completing the retrofits described above could yield an energy cost savings of $5,500 per year. The estimated capital cost of these retrofits is $18,799 resulting in a simple payback of 3.4 years. HVAC • Upgrading the systems to include automated controls would significantly reduce energy costs associated heating within the building and allow greater occupant comfort. Building energy modeling is recommended to further quantify the potential costs and savings of alternative HVAC modifications. Domestic Hot Water • Insulation on the hot water lines appeared to be significantly impacted at the time of the energy assessment. Ensuring a minimum of 1-inch closed cell insulation on all accessible hot water lines would reduce heat loss within the distribution system. Plug Loads • In addition to the office loads six, approximately 16 cubic foot (cf) refrigerators, and two compact refrigerator units were observed in the High School facilities. These units are spread around the High School facilities and in general were underutilized. Energy m Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan G55F YTf Strategic Energy Plan 110901_FINAL dais August 2011 Page 17 R RIDOLPI e usage analysis indicates that removing all but one refrigerator unit from service would save up to $118 per month (at $0.38 per kWh). • The main plug loads seen in the High School are the circulation pumps and HVAC forced air fans. These systems are largely unregulated and run continuously. Assuming 24 hour run periods, reducing run times by half by implementing automated controls, would result in approximately $8,600 per year in annual energy cost savings. Table 3. Recommended Enerav Conservation Measures for the Hiah School_ Estimated Annual Annual Capital Energy Cost Payback Facility System Action Cost Savings Savings Period Building Upgrading single -pane Reduce Envelope windows and doors Moderate heat loss by 50% Building Removing and re -installing Low to Envelope insulation in modular Moderate building Retrofitting fluorescent lights; replacing Lighting g g incandescent lamps with $ 18'799 14,500 $ 5,500 3.4 years High CFLs; replacing mercury kWh School vapor lights and HID lamps with LEDs. HVAC Upgrading systems to $ 15,000 22,631 $ 8,600 include automated controls. kWh Domestic Hot Insulating hot water lines Low Water Plug Removing all but one Loads refrigerator and No Cost 3726 kWh $ 1,416 consolidating loads 4.1.3 Alaska Commercial Value Center and Warehouse (AC Store) Building Envelope • There are two large (-120 square foot) bay doors located on the north side of the structure, and one located on the south. The seals on these bay doors were in a deteriorated condition, and upgrading these seals would significantly reduce air infiltration. • Sealing all damaged areas and applying a spray foam type insulation would reduce heat loss through this structure significantly. 255F_Y7r Strategic Energy Plan_110901 _FINAL.docx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August2011 Page18 E L r �, r RIDOI!06- Iq Lighting Systems • Upgrading all existing T12 linear fluorescent fixtures to high efficiency T8 lamps, retrofitting the metal halide lamps to LED equivalents and including occupancy sensors in the warehouse would save approximately $3,500 per year. With an estimated retrofit cost of $3,240, this yields a simple payback of approximately 1 year. HVAC This system was in good condition at the time of the field assessment; however, no insulation was noted on any of the hydronic lines. Any hydronic lines located in "unconditioned" space should be insulated with a minimum of 1-inch of closed cell foam insulation. At the end of its serviceable life, replacing this unit with an Energy Star rated equivalent is recommended. Domestic Hot Water • Significant energy could be saved by reducing the thermostat setting to achieve 120 degrees F at the point of use and insulating all accessible hot water supply lines with a minimum of 1-inch closed cell foam insulation. Plug Loads • All refrigeration supply lines should be insulated with a minimum of 1-inch closed cell foam insulation where accessible. • Cleaning of the heat exchanger fins should be part of routine maintenance. • Isolating the interior condenser units into a "mechanical room" that provides outside ventilation may reduce or remove the need for the secondary exterior unit. • Providing adequate floor insulation and repairing damaged seals would greatly improve the efficiency of the refrigeration "boxes." ■ Integrating the contents of the chest freezers into the existing walk-in freezer space would save an estimated $656 per year (at $0.38 per kWh). • A test of the drink coolers indicated that center Pepsi cooler uses over twice as much energy as the adjacent coolers. Additionally the internal temperature of this unit was approximately 12 degrees higher than the adjacent units. This indicates that there may be mechanical conditions that are impeding the performance of this unit. Replacing this unit with a cooler with equivalent performance to the other existing units would save up to $970 per year in energy costs. 255F_Yrr Strategic Energy Plan_110901_FINAL.docx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August2011 Page19 Rinn Table 4. Recommended Enerav Conservation Measures for the AC Store. Estimated Annual Annual Facility System Action Capital Energy Cost payback Cost Savings Savings Period Building Upgrading seals on large Envelope bay doors Low Building Applying spray foam Envelope insulation and sealing Low damaged areas Upgrading existing T12 fluorescent lights, Lighting g g retrofitting metal halide $ 3,240 9,200 kWh $ 3,500 1 year lamps to LEDs, and adding occupancy sensors to warehouse AC HVAC Insulate hydronic lines in Low Store unconditioned space Replace HVAC with HVAC EnergyStar unit at time of Moderate replacement Domestic Reduce thermostat to 120 Hot degrees and insulate hot No Water water lines Cost/Low Plug Integrate chest freezer Loads contents into walk-in No Cost 1726 kWh $ 656 freezer Plug Replace Pepsi drink cooler Loads with new unit. No Cost 2552 kWh $ 970 4.1.4 Yakutat Seafood Plant (Seafood Plant) Lighting Systems • Retrofitting the T12 fixtures to high efficiency T8 equivalents, replacing HID fixtures with LED equivalents, and replacing incandescent lamps with CFL equivalents would yield energy cost savings up to $2,700 per month at full operation. With an estimated retrofit cost of $31,000, and based on the seasonal operations, this retrofit is expected to have a 1.6 year payback. HVAC • Each of the twenty residential units is heated by a 1,500-watt Cadet wall heater. Though usage estimates were not provided, operating these units 4 hours per day results in $4,560 per month in energy costs (at $0.38 per kWh). Upgrading these units to a higher efficiency, lower cost fuel source, or a central system should be considered. 255F_YTT Strategic Energy Plan_110901_FINAL docx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August 2011 Page 20 Domestic Hot Water • Switching to a single, larger capacity, oil -fired unit (tank storage or on demand) is recommended at the end of the serviceable life of the three existing domestic water heaters. • The domestic water heater in the first floor shower/locker room appeared to be almost entirely compromised and failure should be expected in the short term. Due to its existing condition, this unit should be replaced. An oil -fired (storage tank or demand) unit with similar capacity is recommended. Plug Loads The most significant process loads associated with the Seafood Plant operations are related to the cold storage equipment. A thermal imaging study of these units and other process loads and power distribution systems seen in the plant is recommended. This study would provide plant engineers and operators with an in depth assessment of the condition of the internal circuitry of these systems. Table 5. Recommended Energy Conservation Measures for the Seafood Plant. Estimated Annual Annual Capital Energy Cost Payback Facility System Action Cost Savings Savings Period Retrofitting T12 fluorescent lights; replacing Lighting incandescent lamps with $ 31,000 87,384 $ 19,371 1.6 years CFLs; replacing HID lamps kWh with LEDs. Seafood Upgrading residential units Plant HVAC to higher efficiency or Moderate centralized system Domestic Combining existing units Hot into a single unit at time of Moderate Water replacement Plug Conduct thermal imaging of Loads cold storage equipment Low 4.1.5 Mallott's General Store (Mallott's) Building Envelope • Due to the historic nature of the structure, replacing the wood -framed windows may not be appropriate however interior storm windows could be retrofit without impacting the existing windows. Furthermore, the single -paned, aluminum -framed windows observed during the field assessment were in poor condition with large gaps visible between the frame and window opening. These windows should be upgraded to insulated, vinyl- 255F_YlT Strategic Energy Plan. 110901JINAL docx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August2011 Page 21 RIDOLFI framed windows. This upgrade would reduce heat loss and provide better air/moisture seals. Domestic Hot Water Insulating all accessible hot water supply lines with a minimum of 1-inch closed cell insulation will further increase the efficiency of these systems. Plug Loads The most significant plug loads observed at Mallott's General Store are associated with the many refrigeration units. This energy use sector is likely the largest portion of the annual energy usage at the store. Overall, the refrigeration equipment installed in Mallott's General Store is in very poor condition. It is apparent that the Owner is aware of these inadequacies as evidenced by recent upgrades to several of the refrigeration systems. Continued investment in upgrading these systems is necessary and is likely the most cost effective energy conservation measure observed during the field assessment. Energy use estimates indicate that retrofitting the existing equipment to new, energy efficient equipment could reduce refrigeration process energy requirements by 50 percent or more. Specific recommendations include the following: External freezer unit: Replacing door seals and installing a newer plastic curtain on the door opening would reduce relative humidity in the unit, which may reduce condensation. Internal, walk-in freezer: In the short term, replacement of the evaporator unit and door seals are necessary improvements to improve the efficiency of this unit. Additionally, a routine coil maintenance regime should be implemented. These upgrades would also increase the quality of the food items stored in the freezer. Ultimately, a new, well insulated and sealed freezer box is needed. Due to the continuous operation of refrigeration units, this upgrade would yield significant energy savings. Walk-in produce cooler: In the short term, the door seals on this unit should be replaced and all seams should be inspected and resealed as necessary. No materials should be stored in the vicinity of this unit so that adequate ventilation can be maintained. Additionally, a routine coil maintenance regime should be implemented. Ultimately, a new, well insulated and sealed cooler box is needed. Due to the continuous operation of refrigeration units, this upgrade would yield significant energy savings. "Free-standing" units: Retrofitting these cases with a cover that provides even a minimum of R-1 insulation value would reduce heat loss through the top by 100 times. 255F YTr Strateg c Energy Plan 110901 FINAL docx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August 2011 Page 22 RiDOLFI Y" Table 6. Recommended Energy Conservation Measures for Mallott's Estimated Facility System Action Capital Cost Building Upgrading single -paned, aluminum -framed Envelope windows to insulated, vinyl -framed Moderate windows. Domestic Hot Insulating all accessible hot water supply Water lines Low External freezer unit: Replacing door Plug Loads seals and installing a newer plastic curtain Low Mallott's on the door opening Plug Loads Internal, walk-in freezer: Replacing the Low evaporator unit and door seals Plug Loads Walk-in produce cooler: Replacing door Low seals and inspecting all seams Plug Loads "Free-standing" units: Retrofitting cases Low/Moderate with a cover that provides insulation value Plug Loads General: Replacing and retrofitting Moderate refrigeration equipment 4.2 Renewable and Alternative Energy Recommendations While the most cost-effective and efficient near -term focus for moving toward Yakutat's energy goals is the implementation of energy conservation measures, there are a number of renewable energy opportunities that may eventually be integrated into a diversified energy generation strategy. It is recommended that the Tribe continue to track renewable energy technologies and funding sources that would support harvesting energy from the natural resources available on nearby lands. To support this effort, we suggest the following actions: Solar Energy • Despite fluctuations in the weather, Yakutat's long summer days may provide a viable solar energy resource that warrants further investigation. Wind Energy • There may be significant potential for the development of offshore wind energy generation. This resource may be further investigated by installing multiple anemometers off -shore for a period of no less than one-year, while two to three years of data is ideal. A number of potential impacts will need to be addressed when considering off -shore wind, including foundation requirements and impacts, electrolysis effects, and impacts to marine animals and birds. 255F YTT Strategic Energy Plan 110901 FINAL docx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August 2011 Page 23 Geothermal Energy • The Tribe should evaluate the feasibility of using geothermal heat pumps when funding becomes available in the next five to ten years. Small -Scale Hydroelectric Energy • The potential for small-scale hydroelectric generation associated with the kettle lakes may warrant further evaluation. Natural Gas • At this time, the high cost and unknown quality and quantity of this resource do not support further consideration. Wave Energy • Yakutat has an excellent wave climate for wave energy conversion. While there a number of consideration and constraints associated with existing technologies, wave energy conversion may warrant further, more detailed evaluation. Biomass There has been considerable interest in exploiting potential biomass resources for electricity generation in Yakutat. While there are numerous challenges and considerations that must be addressed regarding fuel supply and the most appropriate technologies, the potential for biomass power generation appears to warrant more detailed evaluation. 255F_Y77 Strategic Energy Plan_110901_FINAL.docx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August 2011 Page 24 0 RIDOLFI a 5.0 CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of a baseline energy assessment of targeted facilities in Yakutat, a number of energy efficiency opportunities are recommended for near term implementation. Improved energy efficiency should be the initial focus of an energy strategy that will begin moving Yakutat toward its ultimate energy goals. Most of the recommended energy efficiency measures are low to moderate in cost, and some involve no capital costs. A summary of quantified capital costs, energy savings, and cost savings for selected measures is included in Table 7 below. Table 7. Summary of Selected Energy Efficiency Improvements. Facility System Action Estimated Annual Energy Annual Cost Payback Capital Cost Savings Savings Period Lighting Retrofit $ 15,925 23,700 kWh $ 9,000 1.8 year Grade HVAC Automated Controls $ 15,000 13,158 kWh $ 5,000 School Plug Loads Refrigerator consolidation $ 0 2,274 kWh $ 864 Lighting Retrofit $ 18,799 14,500 kWh $ 5,500 3.4 year High HVAC Automated Controls $ 15,000 22,632 kWh $ 8,600 School Plug Loads Refrigerator consolidation $ 0 3,726 kWh $ 1,416 Lighting Retrofit $ 3,240 9,200 kWh $ 3,500 1.0 year Plug Loads Refrigerator consolidation $ 0 1,726 kWh $ 656 AC Store Plug Drink Cooler Loads Replacement $ 0 2,552 kWh $ 970 Seafood Plant Lighting Retrofit $ 31,000 87,384 kWh $ 19,371 1.6 year TOTAL $ 98,964 1 kWh 1 $ 54,877 1.8 year As shown in the table, these selected energy improvements involve estimated capital costs just under $100,000 and would result in an annual energy savings of more than 187,000 kWh. The estimated energy cost savings associated with these improvements would result in paying for the improvements in less than two years. In addition to these recommended measures, there are a number of low cost measures such as insulation and temperature controls, and moderate cost measures such as window and equipment replacement that could result in significantly more energy and cost savings. Finally, following implementation of these initial energy efficiency measures, continued evaluation of alternative energy options would further support Yakutat's long-term energy goals. Based on existing studies and information, it does not appear that any single energy source will 255F_YTT Strategic Energy Pan 11V901 FINAL docx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August 2011 Page 25 0 RiDOLFi fully replace the existing energy generation sources. However, an integrated energy generation strategy that relies on a combination of renewable sources such as solar energy, off -shore wind energy, wave energy, geothermal energy, or biomass is likely required to replace the current fossil fuel energy source. 255F_YTT Strategic Energy Plan _ 110901 FINAL dacx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August 2011 Page 26 Adams, Bertrand, Jr. General Manager, Yakutat Tlingit Tribe. Personal Communication to RIDOLFI Inc. July 15, 2011. Alaska Climate Research Center. 2010. Temperature Change in Alaska. Available: http://climate.gi.aaska.edu/ClimTrends/Change/TempChange.html. Accessed August 8, 2011. Alaska Native Science Commission (ANSC). 2005. Southeast Alaska Regional Meeting Report. December. Available: http://www.nativescience.org/pubs/SE%20Report%20final.pdf. Accessed August 8, 2011. Alaska State Legislature. 2008. Final Commission Report: Alaska Climate Impact Assessment Commission. March 17. Available: htt ://housemaiorit .or /coms/cli/cli finalre ort 20080301. df. Accessed August 12, 2011. Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC). 2010. AVEC: About Us: Did you know? Available: hfto://www.avec.oLg/about-us.i3hp. Accessed September 8, 2010. Bilbow, W. 2009. Technical Feasibility Study A 1.0-2.0 MW Biomass Powered Organic Rankine Cycle System for the Village of Yakutat, AK (Draft). Prepared for Yakutat Power Alliance. December 24 Central Council Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska. 2011. Our Mission. Available: http://www.ccthita.org/about/mission/index.html. Accessed August 12, 2011. City and Borough of Yakutat (Yakutat). 2010. Comprehensive Plan. Prepared by Sheinberg Associates. April. Available: http://www.yakutatak. govoffice2.com/vertical/Sites/%7B6349CA29-2633-4DA2-A860- 125A317CCB51 %7D/uploads/%7B426BE8EA-3A9F-4576-BC57- 1533E8A87139%7D.PDF. Accessed August 12, 2011. Corbus, W. 2008. Draft Analysis — Yakutat Wood Fuel Generation Plant. August 11. Ehm, A. Undated. Natural Gas — Possible Alternate Fuel Source. Prepared for the Yakutat Power Company. 255F_Y 'r Strategic Energy Rant 10901_FINAL docx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August 2011 Page 27 0 mnni_F, Heede, R. 2002. Cool Citizens: Everyday Solutions to Climate Change: Household Solutions. Prepared for the Rocky Mountain Institute. May 9. Available: http://www.rmi.orq/Default.aspx?ld=1048&Search=Household+solutions. Accessed September 30, 2010. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). 2004. Annual PV Solar Radiation (Flat Plate, Facing South, Latitude Tilt). Available: http://www.nrel.gov/qis/images/mappy us annual may2004.jpg. Accessed September 16, 2010. Previsic, M. and Bedard, R. 2009. Yakutat Conceptual Design, Performance, Cost and Economic Wave Power Feasibility Study. Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). November. Smith, G. 2010. Feasibility Assessment for the Yakutat BioEnergy Project. April. State of Alaska. 2010. Climate Change in Alaska. Available: http://www.climatechange.alaska.gov/. Accessed August 12, 2010. Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). 2010. Clean Energy: How Biomass Energy Works. Available: http://www.ucsusa.org/clean energy/technology and impacts/energy technologies/how -biomass-energy-works.html. Accessed November 29, 2010. United States Energy Information Administration. 2010a. U.S. No. 2 Heating Oil Residential Price. Available: htti)://www.eia.qov/dnav/r)et/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=MHOREUS4&f=M. Accessed October 1, 2010. United States Energy Information Administration (USEIA). 2010b. Average Retail Price of Electricity to Ultimate Customers by End -Use Sector, by State. Available: http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/electricity/epm/table5 6 a.html. Accessed September 1, 2010. United States Energy Information Administration. 2010c. Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Program Fuel Carbon dioxide Emission Coefficients. Available: http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/1605/coefficients.html. Accessed September 30, 2010. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2010. Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator. Available: http://www.epa.-gov/cleanenergy/energy- resources/calculator.html#results. Accessed September 13, 2010. 255F YTT Strategic Energy Plan 110901 FINAL docx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August 2011 Page 28 G I. 14 University of Alaska Fairbanks. 2010. Water and Environmental Research Center. Projects: Improving Cold Region Biogas Digester Efficiency. Available: http://ine.uaf.edu/werc/people/katey-walter-anthonv/proiects-kwa/ . Accessed November 29, 2010. Washington State University (WSU). 2010. Climate and Rural Energy Development Center. Available: http://www.energy..wsu.edu/projects/climate/. Accessed October 1, 2010. 255F_Y T Strategic Energy Plan_110901 FINAL docx Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Strategic Energy Plan August 2011 Page 29