HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeview Lodge Minto, AK Energy Modeling Analysis 2013 Date: August 19, 2013 To: Minto Village Council From: Jared Temanson, NREL Subject: Lakeview Lodge Energy Modeling Analysis Dear Minto Village Council: The attached analysis evaluates the seven energy conservation measures (ECMs) proposed by the Interior Regional Housing Authority for Lakeview Lodge. The analysis shows the seven ECMs resulting in a combined energy savings of almost 23% over the current baseline. This equates to an annual cost savings of roughly $18,000. Feel free to call or email if you would like to discuss this analysis further or if you have any additional questions. Sincerely, Jared Temanson National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Integrated Application Center Jared.Temanson@nrel.gov 303-384-7452 Executive Summary Eight energy conservation measures (ECMs) were analyzed using an eQUEST energy model of Lakeview Lodge (Lodge) in Minto, Alaska. The model was created and calibrated using provided utility and building information. The baseline electricity consumption for the Lodge was 50,155 kWh per year and the heating fuel consumption was 10,008 gallons per year, bringing the village’s total energy bill to just over $80,000. The combined ECMs, listed below, reduce the Lodge’s total electric consumption by 11,026 kWh per year and the heating fuel consumption by 2,289 gallons per year. The eight ECMs include: 1. Floor insulation 2. Wall insulation 3. Roof insulation 4. Energy efficient doors 5. Energy efficient windows 6. LED lighting 7. Heating system upgrade 8. Combined ECM1 to 7 A cost-reduction summary of the ECM analysis for Lakeview Lodge is given below: Description Energy Cost Reduction ($) Percent Cost Savings (%) ECM 1: Floor insulation $ 1,814 2.2% ECM 2: Wall insulation $ 2,514 3.1% ECM3: Roof insulation $ 2,641 3.3% ECM4: Energy efficient doors $ 303 0.4% ECM5: Energy efficient windows $ 897 1.1% ECM6: LED lighting $ 4,468 5.5% ECM7: Heating system upgrade $ 7,029 8.7% ECM8: Combined ECM1-7 $ 18,345 22.6% Discussion ECM analysis results show the energy/cost savings of the combined ECMs at 22.6% or $18,345 per year. With an estimated project cost of $249,575, this combination of measures has a simple payback of 13.6 years. The majority of ECMs are building shell improvements, which are essential given the present condition of the building and the extreme Alaska Climate. The heating system upgrade shows the most significant savings. Original building ventilation relies on infiltration through envelope leakage. Building shell improvements will significantly reduce building leakage. NREL recommends a blower door test to measure airtightness and assess whether a mechanical ventilation system may be required for the tighter envelope to meet indoor air quality (IAQ) requirements. If mechanical ventilation is required, the village should consider an energy recovery ventilator. Electricity and heating fuel are very expensive at the location. After energy efficiency improvements, renewable energy technologies such as wind, solar and biomass may be economically feasible for this building. Further analysis of the renewable energy potential at this site is recommended. Building Information Lakeview Lodge is a multipurpose community building in Minto Alaska, built in the early 1980s. The building is used all throughout the day for various purposes, including school lunches and a senior lunch program. The building is approximately 12,000 ft2, with approximately 2,000 ft2 dedicated to office space. Photographs of the actual building are shown in Figure 1. The offices are utilized Monday through Friday all year long, typically from 8am - 5 pm. Elders are served lunch Monday through Friday all year long. Student lunches are served throughout the school year – the end of August until mid-May. There are two rooms that are rented out all year long to two Minto residents. The heating system is a hydronic glycol loop with baseboard. The lodge has a single 400,000 BTU boiler and an indirect hot water tank. There is no cooling system in this building. There is no air circulating or HRV setup anywhere in the building. All ventilation comes from the leaky windows, leaky crawl space and leaky doors. The building is on a manual thermostat control. There is no auto thermostat that reduces the temperature when not in use. There are total of 125 2-lamp T-8 fixtures. They are manually controlled through on-off switches. Figure 1: Photographs of Lakeview Lodge Energy Model An energy model of the Minto Lodge was created in eQUEST, an hourly building simulation model. Fairbank’s TMY (typical meteorological year) weather data was used in the simulation. Electricity rate of $0.52/kWh and heating fuel rate of $5.5/gallon were used. During this analysis, the model was calibrated with provided utility information. Calibration results are presented in Table 1. A graphic representation of the energy model of the Minto Lodge is shown in Figure 1. Figure2: A graphic representation of the energy model Table 1: Model calibration results with utility information Energy Conservation Measures Analysis Eight energy conservation measures (ECMs) were analyzed. The eight ECMs include: 1. Floor insulation 2. Wall insulation 3. Roof insulation 4. Energy efficient doors 5. Energy efficient windows 6. LED lighting 7. Heating system upgrade 8. Combined ECM1 to 7 The following tables detail how each ECM impacts the Lodge’s total energy consumption and the cost savings that it yields. from billing from model Diff (%) Electricity (kWh/yr)51,389 50,155 2% Heating Fuel (gallon/yr)9,855 10,008 -2% ECM 1 – Floor insulation The measure was modeled by changing the floor insulation values from a baseline of R-15 to a proposed insulation of R-56. Baseline floor insulation was assumed per a prescriptive energy code for the building vintage. The results from the analysis are given in the table below. ECM 2 – Wall insulation The measure was modeled by changing the wall insulation values from a baseline of R-15 to a proposed insulation of R-37.5. Baseline wall insulation was assumed per a prescriptive energy code for the building vintage. The results from the analysis are given in the table below. ECM 3 – Roof insulation The measure was modeled by changing the roof insulation values from a baseline of R-20 to a proposed insulation of R-100. Baseline roof insulation was assumed per a prescriptive energy code for the building vintage. The results from the analysis are given in the table below. Description Electricity Consumption (kWh/yr) Electricity Cost ($/yr) Heating Fuel Consumption (Gallon/yr) Heating Fuel Cost ($) Total Cost ($) Cost Savings ($) Percent Cost savings (%) Baseline 50,155 26,181$ 10,008 55,044$ 81,225$ -- ECM 1: Floor insulation 50,157 26,182$ 9,678 53,229$ 79,411$ 1,814$ 2.2% Description Electricity Consumption (kWh/yr) Electricity Cost ($/yr) Heating Fuel Consumption (Gallon/yr) Heating Fuel Cost ($) Total Cost ($) Cost Savings ($) Percent Cost savings (%) Baseline 50,155 26,181$ 10,008 55,044$ 81,225$ -- ECM 2: Wall insulation 50,154 26,180$ 9,551 52,531$ 78,711$ 2,514$ 3.1% Description Electricity Consumption (kWh/yr) Electricity Cost ($/yr) Heating Fuel Consumption (Gallon/yr) Heating Fuel Cost ($) Total Cost ($) Cost Savings ($) Percent Cost savings (%) Baseline 50,155 26,181$ 10,008 55,044$ 81,225$ -- ECM3: Roof insulation 50,154 26,180$ 9,528 52,404$ 78,584$ 2,641$ 3.3% ECM 4 – Energy Efficient Doors The measure was modeled by changing the door insulation values from a baseline of R-2 to a proposed insulation of R-5.3. Baseline door insulation value was assumed per a prescriptive energy code for the building vintage. The results from the analysis are given in the table below. ECM 5 – Energy Efficient Windows The measure was modeled by changing the window U-value from a baseline of U-0.32 to a proposed U-value of U-0.29 (R-3.4). Baseline window U-value was assumed per a prescriptive energy code for the building vintage. The results from the analysis are given in the table below. ECM 6 – LED Lighting The measure was modeled by reducing the lighting power of fluorescent lamps from a baseline by 40% for LED lighting. Baseline lighting power was calculated based on the provided information. The results from the analysis are given in the table below. Description Electricity Consumption (kWh/yr) Electricity Cost ($/yr) Heating Fuel Consumption (Gallon/yr) Heating Fuel Cost ($) Total Cost ($) Cost Savings ($) Percent Cost savings (%) Baseline 50,155 26,181$ 10,008 55,044$ 81,225$ -- ECM4: Energy efficient doors 50,155 26,181$ 9,953 54,742$ 80,922$ 303$ 0.4% Description Electricity Consumption (kWh/yr) Electricity Cost ($/yr) Heating Fuel Consumption (Gallon/yr) Heating Fuel Cost ($) Total Cost ($) Cost Savings ($) Percent Cost savings (%) Baseline 50,155 26,181$ 10,008 55,044$ 81,225$ -- ECM5: Energy efficient windows 50,155 26,181$ 9,845 54,148$ 80,328$ 897$ 1.1% Description Electricity Consumption (kWh/yr) Electricity Cost ($/yr) Heating Fuel Consumption (Gallon/yr) Heating Fuel Cost ($) Total Cost ($) Cost Savings ($) Percent Cost savings (%) Baseline 50,155 26,181$ 10,008 55,044$ 81,225$ -- ECM6: LED lighting 39,131 20,426$ 10,242 56,331$ 76,757$ 4,468$ 5.5% ECM 7 – Heating System Upgrade The measure was modeled by changing the boiler efficiency from a baseline of 75% to a proposed efficiency of 86.9%. Baseline boiler efficiency was assumed per a prescriptive energy code for the building vintage. The results from the analysis are given in the table below. ECM 8 – Combined ECM1-7 The measure was modeled by combining all changes of ECM1 to 7. The results from the analysis are given in the table below. Description Electricity Consumption (kWh/yr) Electricity Cost ($/yr) Heating Fuel Consumption (Gallon/yr) Heating Fuel Cost ($) Total Cost ($) Cost Savings ($) Percent Cost savings (%) Baseline 50,155 26,181$ 10,008 55,044$ 81,225$ -- ECM7: Heating system upgrade 50,155 26,181$ 8,730 48,015$ 74,196$ 7,029$ 8.7% Description Electricity Consumption (kWh/yr) Electricity Cost ($/yr) Heating Fuel Consumption (Gallon/yr) Heating Fuel Cost ($) Total Cost ($) Cost Savings ($) Percent Cost savings (%) Baseline 50,155 26,181$ 10,008 55,044$ 81,225$ -- ECM8: Combined ECM1-7 39,129 20,425$ 7,719 42,455$ 62,880$ 18,345$ 22.6%