HomeMy WebLinkAboutMicro hydro Dev AK 3 of 4 1980CONTENTS * TECHNICAL INFORMATION Micro -Hydro Power: Reviewing an Old Concept, prepared by The National Center for Appropriate Technology for the U.S. Department of Energy * PERMITTING AND STATE -SPECIFIC INFORMATION Authorities of the Federal William F. Kopfler, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, San Francisco ired by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for evelopment, by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, rict, Hydropower Planning Section Alaska State -Specific Information o Alaskan Permits Applicable to Micro -Hydro Installations o Alaskan Sources of Financial Assistance o Alaskan Micro -Hydro Vendors/Consultants/Equipment Manufacturers o Pacific Northwest Micro -Hydro Vendors/Consultants/Equipment Manufacturers * FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE OPPORTUNITIES Federal Financial Assistance Opportunities for Micro -Hydro Facilities, by Frank Brown, Region X, U.S. Department of Energy * BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES Micro -Hydro, A Bibliography, prepared by the University of Idaho, Water Resources Research Institute electric Power; Selected References, by , Region X, U.S. Department of Energy DOE/ET/01752-1 UC-97e MICRO -HYDRO POWER: REVIEWING AN OLD CONCEPT by Ron Alward Sherry Eisenbart John Volkman with illustrations by Hans Haumberger Technical Research Staff The National Center for Appropriate Technology P.O. Box 3838 Butte, Montana 59701 Prepared for United States Department of Energy Under Contract No. ET-78-S-07-1752 January 1, 1979 CONTENTS Page Acknowledgements ii Disclaimer iii Introduction i Decision Tree 2 Determining the Hydro 8 Potential of Your Site Equipment 24 Economics 40 Sources for Financial Assistance 45 Regulatory Conflicts 46 Cautions and Suggestions for 50 the Do-It-Yourselfer and the Self -Installer Manufacturers and Suppliers 52 Sources of Professional Services 55 Bibliography 56 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This information package was prepared by members of the Technical Research Staff for The National Center for Appropriate Technology, Butte, Montana, under a small grant from the United States Department of Energy. The material for the contents of this booklet was researched, compiled and edited by Ron Alward, Sherry Eisenbart and John Volkman. Hans Haumberger did the illustrations and assisted in the final lay -out. Other staff members at NCAT assisted in the work leading to the final report. These include Bob Corbett, Lea Anne Dumezich and Noel Nedved. Bill Delp of Independent Power Developers in Montana and Doug Smith from Hanover, New Hampshire, provided invaluable assistance in the preparation of materials. Some of the information contained herein derives from their considerable experience in the field of micro -hydro power. In addition, some of the graphics have been modeled after those in the Independent Power Developers information brochure entitled "Hydroelectric Power". Ron Alward Sherry Eisenbart Hans Haumberger John Volkman ii DISCLAIMER This report was prepared by the Technical Research Staff of The National Center for Appro- priate Technology under contract with the U.S. Department of Energy. The information contained herein is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate as of January 1, 1979. Neither The National Center for Appropriate Technology, The Montana Energy and MHD Research and Development Institute, nor any of their employees, contractors or subcontractors, make any warranty,' express or implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for accuracy, completeness or use- fulness of any information, apparatus, product or process. The National Center for Appropriate Technology is in no way endorsing or disapproving of any product, process, company or individual. No part of this report may be used in any way to promote any product, company, process or indivi- dual. No portion of this report may be taken out of context so as to alter any statement. iii INTRODUCTION Today there is a great deal of public interest in renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, tides, flowing water and biomass for producing power for home, shop and farm appliances. Many of the technologies for converting these renewable sources into useful power have been with us for centuries and are now once again receiving widespread attention. The gen- eration of power from flowing and falling water is no exception. In fact, it is one of the world's oldest and most common energy technologies. But right now hydro power means big dams and large-scale generation facilities to most people in North America. On a world-wide basis, however, small- scale, environmentally benign, mechanical and electrical hydro power systems are much more common. These are the systems for individual homes, farm and shop use and generally have power outputs less than 100 Kilowatts. For convenience in terminology, this scale of hydro power is referred to as micro -hydro. This information package has been prepared to respond to an increasing number of requests for information on micro -hydro systems. It is designed to introduce the reader to all aspects of micro -hydro, from first consid- eration of the idea through to production of power. We have attempted to include as much information as necessary to get you started in the process and to assist you at each step along the way. We are stressing your involve- ment in the development of your hydro power system, so a major part of the contents of this brochure only serve to give you guidelines. They do not, and cannot, provide detailed descriptions of every stage of the process, since micro -hydro development is very site specific. Each town, municipality and state has differing regulations, and your personal motivation and economic situation are probably very different from the next reader. One of the particular problems we are addressing is where you can go to get adequate information that will meet your needs -- whether you want to do it yourself or get someone else to do it for you. The Extension Service of the Department of Agriculture used to be the 'place to go for this infor- mation back in the 1920's. They thought of it as part of their job to help rural dwellers with their energy problems. But R.E.A. took care of that, putting most farm and home sites on a regional and eventually national electricity grid. That need, though, has come around again. Now a lot of the older information is outdated. Newer equipment has come on line; different manufacturers and suppliers exist. Nevertheless, today if you go to any major library, including technical and engineering libraries, very likely the best resources in the field are still going to be books published prior to the 1930's. That is because of the lack of interest in micro -scale hydro systems in North America since that time. Some up-to- date written information does exist, but for the most part it is fragmented. There are also a number of people around the world who know a lot about small and micro -hydro systems, but it is difficult for the average person to find out who these people are and where they can be contacted. This information package contains a resource directory, which is an attempt to put you in contact with the literature, plans, people and companies appropriate to your needs. -1- DECISION TREE Are you interested in using micro -scale hydro power to generate electrical or mechanical power? To cut your energy bills? To become more, or completely, independent of the local utility? To become more responsible for and responsive to the technologies you use? Whatever the reasons, you have probably already given it some serious thought, but may not know how to go about determining the feasibility of using hydro power, or who manu- factures and sells the equipment, or if a permit to develop it is necessary, and where, and from whom it can be obtained. What are the problems found along the way and where do you go for help when a problem is encountered? We have attempted, in this section, to evolve a sort of "decision tree" to help you find out if you are able to, or want to, and how to, develop your site for micro -scale hydro power. We have tried to indicate points of access to and exit from this decision tree. And we have tried to indicate at what point and how these decisions are made. As you follow through this section, each step will lead you farther along the way, or eliminate you from the process. However, we are interested in leading you to eventual success, so don't get discouraged if the going gets rough. Once you become involved you will realize that this is not like operating a car; you don't simply turn the key on. You're in a rediscovered field and you are a pioneer in its development. So although things may be in a bit of disarray, and you feel yourself getting bogged down in a water rights issue or in licensing problems, remember, that in most situations with the right attitude you can reduce or eliminate the red tape. There are several avenues to final success and all of them depend on you and the degree of your involvement in the process. ''You may follow every step through on the do-it-yourself model, including building your own equip- ment and hand -holding every official through permit formalities, or you may hire an attorney or consultant and pay to have it installed. Or, you may try numerous combinations of these two. What we want to do here is to give you enough information so that you are able to make that first decision as to whether it is worthwhile pursuing the subject any further. And if it is worthwhile, the following pages provide you with guidelines for each step along the way. We will put cautions and stop -flags where we think the limits are, and we'll indicate to you how rough the estimates may be. But one thing we want to stress is: I4 .it toohs as though there .is any po.6.6ibit ty at aU, go on to the next step! If you come out of this process still with us, then go talk to the equipment suppliers, buy the equipment, or make it, and install it! -2- STEP 1. OBTAIN ACCESS TO LAND WITH RUNNING WATER. The running water may be a spring or a permanent stream (or inter- mittent if seasonal energy use is considered). If you own the land, go on to Step 2. If you are thinking of purchasing the land, or leasing it for long term, then go to Steps 2 through 4 to deter- mine if it is worth your while to obtain the land. STEP 2. DETERMINE IF THE RESOURCE MEETS YOUR LIFESTYLE ENERGY REQUIREMENTS. If there is not enough energy available in your stream to come close to what you feel are your needs, then there is not much sense in going any further. On the other hand, your water resource may contain an excessive amount of developable power and you may only want to use a part of it. In order to determine the potential power you have available in the stream, you will have to quantify the head and flow rate. To determine the particular head and flow rate of your stream, turn to the section, Determinin the II o Potential of Your Site, and pay special attention to t e mindr imum f ow considerations that are indicated. In order to find the power output potential from a typical hydro system installed in your stream, go to the nomo- graph on Page 21 with your flow rate and head measurements. You now have an idea of how much power you can get from your water resource. Next, you need to determine how much power you require. If you are considering mechanical shaft power as your end use, e.g., for sawing, grinding, or whatever, then you need to know the power requirements of your machinery. If you want to use the energy available in the water for generating electrical power for domestic, shop or farm consumption, then you have to determine your electrical power needs. The best way to do this is to look at your current electricity bills and get an idea of the number of kilowatt hours you are using per month. Remember, if you are using electrical resistance heating, your bills will indicate a significantly higher electricity consumption during the winter months than during the summer. Another way to determine your electrical power needs is to turn to the table of T ical Household Appliance Loads on Page 23 . This is a table of estimated average monthly power consumptions for appliances listed. Now compare your power needs with what is available from your water resource. If your monthly requirements are greater than the hydroelectric system will generate in a month, see where you can reduce consumption to try to match the available power. If your output is greater than the demand, you may have surplus power for other end uses such as space heating, operating a small electric kiln, selling to the utility, etc. -3- STEP 3. STEP 4 It is important to note that there is a head and a flow rate below which there is currently no economic advantage of trying to obtain electrical power. These minimum heads and flow rates are difficult to specify because combinations of high values of one with low values of the other can give some useful power. For practical purposes in micro -scale hydroelectric systems, any head less than 10 feet is probably going to be uneconomical to develop. Similarly, 10 gallons per minute can be considered the lower limit to the flow rate. However, 10 gallons per minute at 10 feet of head is not going to give any usable electrical power. The following examples will indicate some minimum energy situations: A flow rate of 10 gallons per minute at 100 feet of head will give about 100 watts of useful power -- enough to light a 100-watt light bulb continuously. A flow rate of 100 gallons per minute at 10 feet of head will also deliver about 100 watts of useful power. DETERMINE IF YOU CAN USE THE RESOURCE. Do you have a right to use the water or does that right reside elsewhere? Remember, in many states and particularly in the East, water rights do not necessarily transfer with land title. You will have to investigate this before you proceed any further. Next, if there is a dam nearby or on your property, can you use it (e.g., buy or lease it)? Can you get a right-of-way for needed pipeline across adjacent properties? Can you get building permits if they are required, such as for a small powerhouse, dam or diversion? Can you obtain the necessary licenses and permits for the installa- tion (see the Section on Re ulator Conflicts)? There are numerous oc licensing and permitting predures you may have to go through. A lot depends on which State you are located in, whether or not the water rises and falls on your land, or just passes through, whether it comes from, goes to, or is in National Forest or Indian Tribal lands. The water use permit process can be investigate the feasibility at this possible, then go on to Step 4. CALCULATE THE COSTS OF THE SYSTEM. long and drawn out, so just point. If it looks at all Determine who the equipment suppliers are for your type of water resource and find out the costs of their equipment. Most equip- STEP 5. ment suppliers will be able to give you a rdugh estimate if you can supply them with the following information: * Head * Usable flow rate * Length of pipe required from take -off to generator location, or location of dam with respect to generator location. * Power demand -- quantity, and what used for. * Whether you want AC or DC and what you want to do with any surplus power. Include the costs of piping, dam repair or construction (if needed), laying the pipe, electrical set-up and constructing a small powerhouse to enclose the turbine, generator and electrics. There are peripheral advantages to a hydro system. These include using the water for fire suppression, domestic water supply and irrigation. Can the inclusion of any or all of these offset other costs you currently have or expect to have? How do these affect the cost figure associated with the hydro system? The next question that arises is: Are the above costs reasonable? This question can only be answered by knowing your own reasons for getting involved with micro -hydro. Your non -economic reasons (e.g., environmental, energy independence) may outweigh any other considerations, but if you are like most of us, economics helps play a deciding role. To determine if you can afford the money outlay to put in a hydro system, you will have to look at the cost of alternatives, Step 5, and if and how the system can be financed, Step 6. THE COST OF ALTERNATIVES TO MICRO -HYDRO SYSTEMS. Are you currently connected to the utility lines? How much are you paying for your electricity and would it be advantageous, economically, for you to disconnect and supply all your own power? You can determine the economic advantage to you, if any, by doing a calculation similar to that in the section on Economics. If your site is isolated and the nearest utility lines are a mile or more away, you might find that the cost of installing a small hydro power system is very competitive with the cost of line extension. On the other hand, if you must use some commercial power, continuously or seasonally, in some cases the so-called "minimum rate charge" may eliminate a significant cost saving even if you do install your own micro -hydro system. It is wise to consider all these things. -5- STEP 6. METHODS OF FINANCING A MICRO -HYDRO SYSTEM. The capital costs associated with micro -hydro power systems are somewhat high. Typically they can run between $750 and $1500 per kilowatt of installed capacity. Some imported units can cost up to $2000 per kilowatt. Your method of financing the project is going to determine what you will actually pay per kilowatt hour of power used. The section on Economics will help you in making this calculation. You can keep the costs down by doing a lot of the work yourself. You can build and install some of the needed components (all of them if you are so inclined and have the time). However, be forewarned -- if you do most of it yourself, such things as building the various components, this might close off the tradi- tional sources of financing. Loans are made on the basis of guaranteed collateral, and this collateral often relates to the item in question. So, if the item does not have proven value to the financier, that is, if it cannot be repossessed and have a guaranteed resale value comparable to the prorated value of the loan, then it may not be financable. STEP 7. START THE PERMITTING PROCESS. If you have successfully arrived at this point, then now is the time to proceed with obtaining the necessary permits. There is a lot of red tape and hassle along the way -- but persevere! If you approach it with a positive attitude, then you should be successful. Request help from the various officials concerned -- do not go in demanding everything. See the section on Regulatory. Conflicts for further information. STEP 8. BUILD OR BUY THE EQUIPMENT. Some people will be interested in making or refurbishing as much of their own equipment as possible. They won't be going to the supplier or manufacturer for the whole package, but will want to search out plans and specifications from various sources. A list of these appears in the annotated bibliography under Plans and Specifications. For those who want to buy their equipment, a List of Manufacturers and Suppliers is included in the section of the same title. Whatever approach you take, it is important to quality of the materials and equipment you buy junk on the market. This is a young industry, modern rebirth, so you will probably encounter be sure of the There is some at least in its some unscrupulous entrepreneurs selling basically untested or worthless equipment. If you are looking to make your system cost effective, you may be attracted to the lowest cost equipment. This may or may not be the approach to take in your particular case. The best way to ensure product quality is to ask the supplier for a list of previous customers in your area. Go to one of these sites, talk to the users, and get their opinions on the equipment. BUY OR OBTAIN GOOD QUALITY PIPE! Do not use seconds. Use gate valves in your system. A good gate valve takes long enough to shut off the water passage that it creates very little water hammer effect. The pressure wave (water hammer) caused by closing off a high pressure line too quickly can cause severe damage to the pipe. DO NOT USE BALL VALVES. A good trash screen at the water intake is also vital to continued system operation. If you have to build or rehabilitate a dam for your hydro system, go see an engineer and get some advice. Dams can be hazards (usually minor in the case of micro -hydro systems) and their soundness should be ensured. The powerhouse you build need only be large enough to house the turbine, generator, electrics and battery storage (if any). Minimum requirements are that it be weatherproof and have a dry floor. Nothing sophisticated is required. Household -size hydro projects are usually most economically developed as DC -to -AC systems. However, if you are tying in with an existing utility grid, synchronous generating systems can often be installed for less per kilowatt. STEP 9. INSTALL AND CHECK OUT THE EQUIPMENT. During installation and equipment check-out, it is important that you follow all the manufacturer's instructions. Do not take any shortcuts! Remember, that reputable manufacturers have been in the business for awhile and they know their equipment. If you encounter any problems, contact the manufacturer. He will deal with them. It is much to the manufacturer's benefit to see that the system goes in and functions well. If you are installing a DC system, install the turbine -generator set as close to the use point as possible. This will keep electri- cal transmission line losses to a minimum. -7- DETERMINING THE HYDRO POTENTIAL OF YOUR SITE * FLOW MEASUREMENT * HEAD MEASUREMENT * POWER CALCULATION To determine the hydro potential of the water flowing from your spring or in your stream, you must know both the flow rate of the water and the head through which the water can usefully fall. The flow rate is the quantity of water, usually measured in gallons or cubic feet, flowing past a point in a given time. Typical flow rate units are gallons per minute (gpm) and cubic feet per minute (cfm). The head is the vertical 'height in feet from the headwater (in the case of a dam) or the point where the water enters the intake pipe (where no dam exists), to where the water leaves the turbine housing. FLOW MEASUREMENT In order to adequately assess the minimum continuous power output to be expected from your hydro unit, you will have to determine the minimum quantity of water that will pass through the system. For this reason, it is important to know both the minimum flow rate of your stream or spring and what portion of this flow you can use for power generation. The percentage of the minimum flow you temporarily divert for power generation becomes a consideration when you are addressing fisheries (fish movement up and down the stream) and questions of aesthetics. One manufacturer suggests that only 25% of the dry season flow be used for power generation. This, of course, depends upon your particular case -- whether you are using a run -of -the -river system or stored pondage, or if your stream is high head with no evident fish life. If you are already familiar with the stream's seasonal variations, then you can limit flow measurements to the few months surrounding the driest, or lowest flow, period. However, if you don't know approximately when the flow is the lowest, you will have to make at least once monthly, but prefer- ably bi-weekly, flow measurements throughout the complete year. Once your flow data has been compiled, you are in a position to begin some calculations. Was this a dry year or a wet year? To determine this, you will have to get further information, usually from the water resources people in your area. They will have several years' precipitation and snow pack data available, if not for your immediate location then for some nearby major drainage basin. You will have to take a look at this information to see how your measured year fits into the pattern. Once you have determined whether your year was dry, typical or wet, then make the necessary corrections to your data to determine the minimum expected flow rates for your stream. There is something further which should be noted. If your hydro system will be producing electricity for a household, it will in many instances be a DC -to -AC conversion system, so you will be concerned only with minimum flows. A good flow sampling through the dry season (assuming you know what the dry season is) is usually adequate. However, if you are considering a system considerably larger than for a single household, then you will likely be looking at direct AC systems. You might want to do a little bit more with load projections, particularly with respect to what can be done with the energy at the time of year it is available. This will require some feeling for the maximum and mean stream flows as well as the minimum. In addition, if your system requires a dam, then it becomes vital to know maximum stream flows in order to adequately size spillways for bypassing excess water in order to prevent damage to your installation. How to measure stream or spring flow: For small mountain streams or for springs, temporarily dam up the water and divert the entire flow into a container of known size. Carefully time the number of seconds it takes to fill this container. For example: If it takes 40 seconds to fill a 55 gallon barrel, the flow rate is 1.375 gallons per second, or 82.5 gallons per minute, or 11 cubic feet per minute. For larger streams, the float method can be used. If done carefully, and repeated several times, it can give results accurate enough for most calculations. In order to use this method, you need to know the cross -sectional area of the stream and the stream velocity. The cross -sectional area should be determined at some easily measured spot in the stream, preferably in the middle of a straight run of the stream. Measure the width (w) of the stream in feet. Then, using a stick, measure the depth in feet at equal intervals across the width of the stream (see Figure A). Record the depth at each interval and calculate the average depth. For example: With a stream cross- section as in Fig. A, d = depth dl = 1.0 feet d2 = 1.3 feet d3 = 1.2 feet d4 = 1.8 feet d5 = 1.0 feet d6 = 0.8 feet d7 = 1.1 feet d8 = 1.8 feet d9 = 1.3 feet d10 = 0.7 feet Total = 12 feet Average d = 0 = 1.2 feet -10- Next, multiply the width (w) by the average depth (d) to get the cross - sectional area (A) of the stream in square feet. For example: In the above stream, say the width at the point of making the depth measurements was 8 feet, then the cross -sectional area (A) is A = w X d A = 8 feet X 1.2 feet A = 9.6 square feet The stream velocity can be determined by choosing a straight stretch of water: at least 30 feet long with the sides approximately parallel and the bed unobstructed by rocks, branches or other obstacles. Mark off two points, say 30 feet apart, along the stream. On a windless day, place a float upstream of the first marker, in midstream. A pop bottle, partially filled with small stones so that it rides with its neck out of water, is a good float. Carefully time the number of seconds it takes the float to pass from the first marker to the second. Repeat this process several times and average the results. For example: The average time for a float to travel between two markers placed 30 feet apart is 15 seconds. The velocity of the float is thus 30 feet = 2 feet/second 15 sec. This float velocity does not, however, represent the velocity of all the water in the stream. The water at the sides and bottom of the stream flows less quickly than that at the center or near the top due to stream bed friction and channel roughness. A correction factor, depending on the roughness or smoothness of the stream bed, is usually included to give an estimated average stream velocity. This correction factor can vary from 0.6 for a rocky hill stream, to 0.85 for a stream with very smooth bed and sides. For example: Taking the float velocity commuted above, the stream velocity (V) for a fairly rough hill stream is V = 2 feet/second X 0.65 = 1.3 feet/second or V = 78 feet per minute. The flow rate of the stream can now be calculated by multiplying the cross -sectional area of the stream (A) by the stream velocity (V). -11- I SCALE FIGURE A FIGURE B /O EQUALLY SPACED - NOTCHES VARYING DEPTHS -12- For example: Flow =AXV Flow = 9.6 sq ft X 78 ft/min Flow = 743.8 cubic feet/min. Now, depending on what portion of the stream flow you can or want to use, you can now determine the usable flow. Simply multiply the stream flow rate you have just calculated by the portion of the flow you will be using. For example: If you will only be using 25% of the minimum stream flow, and the stream flow you have determined above is 748.8 cubic feet per minute, then the usable flow is Usable Flow = 748.8 cfm X 0.25 Usable Flow = 187.2 cfm There is a third method for determining stream flow. This is called the Weir Method. This method is accurate and can be used to measure the flow rate of any stream. It is particularly advantageous for flow measurements in shallow streams where a weighted float would have difficulty floating freely. However, it is also a more complicated technique for measuring flow. Essentially, a temporary dam structure is built across the stream perpendicular to the flow, with a rectangular notch or spillway of controlled proportions located in the center section. This notch has to be large enough to take the maximum flow of the stream during the period of measurement, so make some rough estimate of the stream flow prior to building the Weir. The notch width (W) should be at least three times its height (h) and the lower edge should be per- fectly level. The lower edge and the vertical sides of the notch should be beveled with the sharp edge upstream. The whole structure can be best built out of timber with all edges and the bottom sealed with clay, earth and sandbags to prevent any leakage. A typical Weir is illustrated in Figure B. In order to measure the flow of water over the Weir, you have to set up a simple depth gauge. This is done by driving a stake in the stream bed at least 5 feet upstream from the Weir, until a pre-set mark in the stake is precisely level with the bottom edge of the notch. The depth of water on this stake, above the pre-set mark, will indicate the flow rate of water over the ',leir. You will need to refer to a "Weir Table" in order to determine this flow rate. A typical "Weir Table" follows. -13- WEIR TABLE Depth on Stake in inches c.f.m.per inch of notch width Depth on stake in inches c.f.m.per inch of notch width 1 0.40 12.5 17.78 1.25 0.55 12.75 18.32 1.5 0.74 13 18.87 1.75 0.93 13.25 13.5 13.75 19.42 19.97 20.52 2 1.14 2.25 1.36 2.5 1.59 14 21.09 2.75 1.83 14.25 14.5 21.65 22.22 3 2.09 3.25 2.36 14.75 22.70 3.5 2.63 15 23.38 3.75 2.92 15.25 15.5 23.97 24.56 4 3.22 4.25 4.5 4.75 3.52 3.83 4.16 15.75 25.16 16 16.25 .16.5 26.36 26.97 5 4.50 5.25 4.84 16.75 27.58 5.5 5.18 17 28.20 5.75 5.54 17.25 17.5 28.82 29.45 6 5.90 6.25 6.28 17.75 30.08 6.5 6.65 18 30.70 6.75 7.05 18.25 18.5 31.34 31.98 7 7.44 7.25 7.84 18.75 32.63 7.5 8.25 19 33.29 7.75 8.66 19.25 19.5 33.94 34.60 8 9.10 8.25 9.52 19.75 35.27 8.5 9.96 20 35.94 8.75 10.40 20.25 20.5 36.60 37.28 9 10.86 9.25 11.31 20.75 37.96 9.5 11.77 21 38.65 9.75 12.23 21.25 21.5 39.34 40.04 10 12.71 10.25 13.19 21.75 40.73 10.5 13.67 22 41.43 10.75 14.16 22.25 22.5 42.13 42.84 11 14.67 11.25 15.18 22.75 43.56 11.5 15.67 23 44.28 11.75 16.20 23.25 23.5 45.00 45.71 12 16.73 12.25 17.26 23.75 46.43 24 47.18 -14- To use the table, determine the depth of water in inches over the pre-set stake mark. Take this value to the Weir Table and read off the flow rate in cubic feet per minute per inch of notch width. Multiply this volume flow rate by the width, in inches, of your Weir notch. This will give you the stream flow rate in cubic feet per minute. For example: On a particular stream you have built a Weir with a notch width of 30 inches. The depth of the water on the stake above the pre-set marking is 6, inches. On the Weir Table, read opposite 6.25 inches to the flow rate of 6.28 cfm per inch of notch width. The flow rate of the total stream is then 6.28 cfm X 30 in. or 188.4 cfm When you have the Weir in place, you can easily take readings at your convenience. If you are going to use the Weir for any extended period of time, it is important to frequently ensure the watertightness of the sides and bottom. -15- HEAD MEASUREMENT The greater the vertical distance that water falls, the more potentially useful power there is available in the water. How to measure head: 1. For high head systems, detailed topographical maps of your area may give some indication of the vertical height difference between proposed intake and tailwater levels. However, the accuracy of map reading is limited so this technique should only be used for very preliminary estimations. 2. For those who are acquainted with photographic surveying techniques, this method can give fairly accurate results. Pictures taken in the field can be developed and the elevations scaled on the photographs. But caution -- this is not a method for amateurs. Photographic surveying requires some skill and training. 3. Pocket altimeters can give you preliminary estimations of the elevation difference between intake and tailwater locations on proposed high head systems. However, the accuracy of measurement is not suitable for any serious calculations. There are some larger portable altimeters on the market, which tend to be very expensive, that can enable you to make elevation measure- ments within an accuracy of a couple of feet. These instruments are suitable for engineering calculations; however, they do not give as precise measurements as do the following three methods. 4. Any good surveyor can be hired to determine the head for you. Ask the surveyor to simply find the vertical distance between your water source, or proposed intake location, and the proposed location of the power plant. Hiring a surveyor is going to be somewhat expensive, so if this is your only alternative, you want to be reasonably sure that you intend to carry through with the project. If your head is less than 25 feet, you need very precise measurements,so a surveyor may be advisable. 5. If you know how to use standard surveying equipment, for example a transit or a surveyor's level and leveling rod, borrow or rent the appropriate pieces and get a friend to help you make the necessary measurements. 6. Another technique involves a do-it-yourself approach. The equipment required is a carpenter's level, some sort of stand to raise the level a few feet off the ground, and a tape measure. You may or may not use -16- someone else to assist you. The method is described below in relation to the following diagram: a) Set the level on the stand; make sure the level is horizontal (level) and that its upper edge is either at the same elevation as the water source, or a known vertical distance above the water surface. b) Sight along the upper edge of the level to a spot on a nearby object (tree, rock, building) that is further down the hill and which can be reached for measuring. c) Note this precise spot on the object and mark it (Point A in the diagram). d) Move your level and stand down the hill slope and set it up again so that this time the upper edge of the level is at some Point B below Point A on the first object, as in the drawing. Mark this Point B and measure and record the vertical distance A to B. Now sight along the upper edge of the level in the opposite direction to another object that is further down the hill. e) Repeat this procedure until you end up at the same elevation as the proposed power plant site. f) If more than one set-up was required, add all the vertical distances A-B. If your first set-up was above the water surface, subtract the vertical distance between the water surface and the upper edge of the level from the sum of the vertical distances. You now have the total head. H SOURCE OF �' COLLECT/ON �. Measuring HEAD MEA5 URING ROD, OR SOME MEASURABLE OBJECT 4 0 LOCATION OF HYDROPOWER 517E FIGURE C -17- In undertaking the above measurements there are a few things you should remember: -- You do not need to be concerned with horizontal distances for head determination. -- Every time you re -set the level, its upper edge should be at precisely the same level as Point B (sight back to check). -- You need not travel in a straight line. Once you have the total, or gross, head, there are various losses to be considered before you can make any theoretical power calculations. The net head is required for these calculations. NET HEAD = GROSS HEAD - LOSSES Now, losses occur for several reasons. Whenever water flows through a pipe there are friction losses. These friction losses are greater for increased flow rates and also greater for smaller pipe diameters. Elbows and bends in the pipe will also increase friction losses. PVC pipe offers low friction loss, rarely exceeding 8% of the gross head. Good steel pipe has twice the friction loss as PVC. Iron, asbestos and concrete pipe all cause higher losses. Typical PVC pipe losses are indicated in the nomograph on Page 22 . Any reputable pipe manufacturer or supplier will be able to supply you with the pipe size and friction loss information for your particular flow conditions. Other losses that might occur in your hydraulic system depend on the type of turbine or wheel that you will be using. For example, in an impulse turbine there is a slight head loss due to the vertical distance between the nozzle jet and the tailwater. Overshot water wheels also suffer some inherent loss since the wheel has to run free of, and therefore slightly above, the tailwater. On the other hand, crossflow, Francis and propeller turbines with draft tubes have almost no inherent head losses. POWER CALCULATION Once you have determined the usable flow rate and the net head for your particular site, you are in a position to calculate the amount of power you can expect. You will first have to calculate the theoretically available power, assuming that 100% of the power available in the water can be usefully converted. The theoretical power available (Pth) is given by the following equation: Pth = 62.4 Q X h where Q = usable flow in cfm h = net head, in feet 62.4 = density of water in lbs/cubic foot This gives Pth in foot-pounds per minute. No To convert this to horsepower, the equation becomes: Pth = 62.4 Q X h 33b0U— Q X h 529 To convert to Kilowatts, the same equation becomes: Pth = 62.4 Q X h X 0.745 33,000 =Q X h 709 For example: Using a flow rate (Q) of 5 cfm and a net head (h) of 100 feet, the theoretical power, in Kilowatts, is Pth = Q X h 709 5X100 709 = 0.7 Kal = 700 Watts The theoretical power available represents more power than you will get out of your equipment. All of the riachinery and other equipment that you use to convert the power available in the flowing water to mechanical shaft or electrical power are less than ION' efficient. As an indication, typical efficiencies of water wheels and turbines are listed below. More precise figures are available from the manufacturers. Typical Efficiency Ranges for Small Water Wheels and Turbines Prime Mover Efficiency Range Water Wheels - Undershot 25 - 45`., - Breast 35 - 65% - Poncelet 40 - 600 - Overshot 60 - 75% Turbines- Reaction 80% - Impulse 80 - 35% - Crossflow 60 - 80% -19- To transmit the power from water wheel or turbine to a generator, alternator, or some mechanical system also entails losses. Belt drives are 95 to 97% efficient for each belt; gear boxes 95% and higher; alternators and generators 80%. If you use second hand equipment, you can adjust the efficiency rating down slightly. Typical overall efficiencies for electrical generation systems can vary from 50 to 70%, with the higher overall efficiencies occurring in the high head, high speed impulse turbines. Overall efficiencies of systems using water wheels are usually well under 50%. For example: Using our previous figures, the theoretical power available (Pth) was 700 Watts. If an impulse turbine, with efficiency of 80%, is used with a single belt drive to an 80% efficient alternator, then the useful power (P) is P = 700 Watts X 0.8 (turbine) X 0.95 (belt drive) X 0.8 (alternator) P = 426 Watts In summary, here are the steps to follow to determine the hydro potential of your site: 1. Measure the water flow rate using one of the following: -- timed container filling method, -- float method, or -- Weir method. 2. Determine the usable flow -- that portion of the stream flow you can use. 3. Measure the total or gross head, preferably with: -- surveyor's equipment or -- carpenter's level and stand. 4. Deterrine the net head by subtracting friction and other losses from the gross head. 5. Calculate the theoretical power available using either Pth = Q X h horsepower or Pth = Q X�h Kilowatts S29 709 where Q = usable flow rate in cubic feet per minute h = net head, in feet. 6. Calculate the useful power available by multiplying Pth by the efficiency of each piece of machinery linked into the system between and including the water wheel or turbine and the unit giving out the useful power. -20- NOMOGRAPH TO DETERMINE TYPICAL OUTPUT POWER FROM A MICRO -HYDRO SYSTEM (Assumed system efficiency of 530MI) HEAD l-J --i 1 _ $ $ I N w PIPE CLA55 REQUIRED I I O 00 O m IO " O O O tl 6 0 6 6 GENERATED KW w POWER KWHIHONTH x /00 -+ PEAK OUTPUT - 18KW 12 MW 9KM GKW 3KW I o 0 GPM FLOW GFM-ju!ti�}I,tiit4�11 I Adapted from: Independent Power Developers' brochure "Hydroelectric Power". Once you know the usable flow rate of your stream and the net head, then you can use a nomograph similar to the one above to determine the power you can expect from your turbine. For example, suppose you have a usable water flow rate of 500 gpm through a net head of 50 feet. To determine the power you can expect from the turbine, locate the flow rate, 500 gpm on the FLOW line, and the head, 50 feet, on the HEAD line. Join these two points with a straight line. The point where this line cuts the POWER line is the power output of your turbine. The POWER line gives three pieces of information. The continuous power output, in generated kilowatts, is 2.5. This means that your turbine will be putting out a constant 2.5 KW if the water flow rate conditions stay the same as assumed. At a continuous power output of 2.5 KW, you can expect to produce nearly 2000 kilowatt hours per month, as indicated on the first scale on the left side of the POWER line. If you are using a DC system, feeding into storage batteries, then your system can have a peak power output of 12 KW, as shown by the brackets. -21- NOMOGRAPH TO DETERMINE LOSSES DUE TO FRICTION IN PVC PIPE VELOCITY o y o 0 0 o a o o�Q o 0 00� FRICTION PIPE SIZE T FLOW GPM CFM 4 FEET PER SECOND 8 S S HEAD L055 IN FEET 8 °O ~ P6R 100 FT OF PIPE d bbld '-, * IN, 'o `� I- v m w IN '\ (160 P51 PVC PIPE) g m� h * w ry Adapted from: Independent Power Developers' brochure "Hydroelectric Power". Sample calculation to illustrate use of nomograph: Suppose you have a water flow rate of 500 gallons per minute through a 6-inch diameter PVC pipe. To determine the head loss due to friction, locate the flow rate value, 500 gpm, on the FLOW line, and the pipe diameter, 6 inches, on the PIPE SIZE line. Using a straight edge, draw a straight line through these two points and continue it to cut the FRICTION line. The FRICTION line is cut at a value of 1.50, which means that for the pipe size and flow rate given, there is a head loss due to friction of about 1.50 feet for each 100 feet of pipe length used in your system. An extension of this same straight line to intersect the VELOCITY line indicates that the water is flowing through the pipe at about 5.8 feet per second. -22- TYPICAL HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE LOADS POWER AVG. HOURS TOTAL POWER CONSUMP. APPLIANCE (WATTS) USE/MO. KW HR/MO. Blender 600 3 2 Car Block Heater 450 300 135 Clock 2 720 1 Clothes Dryer 4600 19 87 Coffee Maker 600-900 12 7-11 Electric Blanket 200 80 16 Fan (kitchen) 250 30 8 Freezer (chest, 15 cu ft) 350 240 84 Hair Dryer (hand-held) 400 5 2 Hi-Fi (tube type) 115 120 14 Hi-Fi (solid state) 30 120 4 Iron 1100 12 13 Light (60-Watt) 60 120 7 Light (100-Watt) 100 90 9 Lights (4 extra, 75-Watt) 225 120 27 Light (fluorescent, 4') 50 240 12 Mixer 124 6 1 Radio (tube type) 80 120 10 Radio (solid state) 50 120 6 Refrig. (standard, 14 cu ft) 300 200 60 Refrig. (frost free, 14 cu ft) 360 500 180 Sewing Machine 100 10 1 Toaster 1150 4 5 TV (black & white) 255 120 31 TV (color) 350 120 42 Washing Machine 700 12 8 Water Heater (40-gal) 4500 87 392 Vacuum Cleaner 750 10 8 Shop Equipment: Water Pump (2 hp) 460 44 20 Shop Drill (4', 1/6 hp) 250 2 .5 Skill Saw (1 hp) 1000 6 6 Table Saw (1 hp) 1000 4 4 Lathe (2 hp) 460 2 1 -23- EQUIPMENT * TURBINES WATER WHEELS * SIZING THE SYSTEM * POWER GENERATION & STORAGE * LOAD CONTROL & GOVERNORS * OTHER EQUIPMENT -24- TURBINES A water turbine is basically a device that converts the energy in falling water into rotating mechanical energy. This energy, available in a rotating shaft, may either be used directly to operate mill and grinding equipment or hooked to a generator to produce electricity. Water turbines take many shapes and have been used around the world for centuries. Although this section will deal primarily with the generation of electricity, refer- ences on mechanical applications have been included for those who are interested. The energy potential that is available at a hydro site is the result of the combination of the "head" and "flow" that is present. It is possible to produce a given amount of power with high head and low flow, low head and high flow, or any combination in between. Sites generally with less than 60 feet of head are referred to as "low head" and those with over 60 feet are "high head." It is also generally assumed that a head of one meter is the absolute minimum needed to develop hydro power, but less than 10 feet (approx. 3 meters) is probably uneconomical to develop. Because low head projects require large amounts of water and thus physically large equipment, the resulting unit cost of power generated will be higher than for high head sites with similar power potential. For this reason, most micro -hydro systems being developed in the United States are of the high head type. This is not, however, to say thatlow head sites are uniformly uneconomical. There are a great many large-scale low head systems operating around the world. Water turbines are generally very efficient in converting the energy available in the water resource into mechanical and electrical energy. In fact, efficiencies of 70-85% are not uncommon. Some turbine designs are intended to operate at a specific flow and their efficiency suffers greatly with any variation, while others are more flexible. Also, because of operating characteristics, turbines are usually designed for a specific application and output. You will generally gain nothing by installing a unit that is larger than your water resource is capable of driving. It is important that you have a good understanding of both your energy requirements and characteristics of the water resource, so that the proper equipment can be selected. -25- HIGH HEAD k�,' INSTALLATION i OR SPRING GENERATED ELECTRICITY FOR 0I5TRIBUTION MAIN BREAKER X Adapted from: Independent Power Developers' brochure "Hydroelectric Power". -26- GENERATED ELECTRICITY' FOR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ENCLOSURE MAIN BREAKER 43OX INTAKE SOURCE ✓ERTER 10 PIPELINE ,BATTERY BANK OUTLET DRAFT TUBE \ i LOW HEAD INSTALLATION Adapted from: Independent Power Developers' brochure "Hydroelectric Power". -27- Impulse Units In General Impulse turbines generally use the velocity of the water to move the runner, rather than pressure, as is in the case with reaction and propeller designs. Also, because of this, they generally discharge to atmospheric pressure, there is no suction on the down side of the turbine, and the water simply falls out the bottom of the turbine housing after hitting the runner. Impulse units are generally the simplest of all common turbine designs and are widely used in micro -hydro applications. The Pelton Wheel: In general terms, a Pelton Wheel is a disc with paddles or buckets attached to the outside edge. The water passes through a nozzle and strikes the paddles one at a time, causing the wheel to spin. The buckets are shaped so that the water stream is split in half and caused to change direction, heading back in the opposite direction to the original water stream for greatest efficiency. The shape and smooth- ness of the buckets is important. Because the power developed by a Pelton 11heel is largely dependent on the velocity of the water, it is well suited for high head/low flow installations. Operating effici- encies in the 80% range are common and micro units using the Pelton Wheel are produced by several firms in North America. 0 0 The Turgo Impulse Wheel: The Turgo unit is a variation and perhaps improvement on the Pelton. It is made exclusively by Gilkes of England. The Turgo runner is a cast wheel whose shape generally resembles a fan blade that is closed on the outer edge. The water stream is applied to one side, goes across the blades and exits on the other side. The stated advantages of this design are that power equivalent to the Pelton can be produced with a smaller wheel at higher speed. Like the Pelton, it is possible to use more than one water jet on a single wheel in situations where relatively lower head and higher flow are present. Also as with the Pelton, the wheel itself is made in relatively few sizes and different nozzle sizes are used to match the equipment to the site conditions. The Crossflow Turbine: A crossflow runner is drum -shaped with the blades fixed radially along the outer edge. The unit, open in the center, resembles a "squirrel cage" blower. When looked at from the end as though it were a clock face, the water enters at 9 o'clock, crosses across the center and exits at 4 o'clock; thus the name crossflow. Most commercially available crossflows are made by Ossberger of West Germany or by someone else under their license. Because of its design, the cross - flow is said to largely be self-cleaning and is well suited to low head applications. Ossberger has, in fact, installed them successfully in situations wiVi only 39 inches (1 meter) of head. The Ossberger cross - flow uses a metering vane at the intake side and maintains high effi- ciency over a wide range of flow rates. Because the runner and housing fit fairly close, a draft tube is used on the down side of the turbine, allowing some flexibility in installation relative to turbine place- ment and tail water level. The crossflow is used widely around the world, although it is less common in the United States. -29- Crossflow Turbine ol -30- Reaction Turbines in General Reaction turbines, while doing the same thing as impulse designs, work on a different principle. The runner is placed directly in the water stream and power is developed by water flowing over the blades rather than striking each individually. Reaction turbines use pressure rather than velocity. The function is more like that of a centrifugal water pump running in its reverse mode. Reaction units tend to be very efficient at specific designed - for situations and their efficiency falls sharply with any variation. The Kaplan design is intended to address that problem. Reaction units are usually the ones used in very large installations. The Francis Turbine: Francis units are typically installed in very large hydro power develop- ments. The water is introduced just above the runner and all around it and then falls through, causing it to spin. Francis units are designed very specifically for their intended installation, use a complicated valve system, and thus are not generally used in micro -hydro applications. -31- Propeller Turbines: This design resembles a boat propeller running in a tube and operates on a similar principle. As with the Francis, the water contacts all of the blades constantly and it is thus imperative that the pressure in the cross section of the pipe be uniform. If, for example, the unit were operating horizontally and the pressure at the top of the tube were less than at the bottom, the runner would be out of balance. There are several variations on how the principle is applied, i.e., the bukb turbine in which the turbine and generator are a sealed unit placed directly in the water stream; the ztAa62ow in which the generator is attached directly to the perimeter of the turbine; the tube turbine in which the penstock bends just before or after the runner, allowing a straight line connection with the genera- tor, which is located outside of the pipe. The Kaplan, a variation on all of these, has adjustable blades on the propeller to allow for variations in flow rates. Depending on site conditions, the unit can be installed in any position from horizontal to vertical. The most common reaction turbine design used in micro -hydro is the tube, some- times with the Kaplan blade arrangement. -32- WATER WHEELS Water wheels are the traditional technologies used for converting the energy in flowing and falling water into useful mechanical power. They are usually large diameter, slow turning wheels that are most suited to generating mechanical power. This mechanical power can be efficiently used for milling and grinding processes, operating saws, lathes, drill presses and pumps. Or, it can be inefficiently but still effectively used for generating electricity after the rotational shaft speed has been geared up to some suitably higher rpm. Water wheels offer some advantages over higher speed turbines. First, it is quite possible for the individual to construct his/her own water wheel with minimum workshop facilities. Some plans and specifications for water wheel construction are listed in the Bibliography. Water wheels can offer high torque and are thus capable of driving heavy, slow turning mechanical equipment. They will operate in situations of large water flow rate variations and they require minimal maintenance and repair. In addition, trash racks and screens are usually not required, since most water wheels can operate with dirt, stones and leaves entrained with the water. The disadvantages of water wheels are several. They are significantly less efficient than higher speed turbines, they operate at slow speed, and they are bulky. As well, in many areas of North America it is necessary to house them in fairly large structures or otherwise provide some protection to avoid freeze-up if year-round operation is required. Undershot Wheel: This is the most basic of water wheels. Water passing under the wheel strikes the blades or paddles, causing the wheel to rotate. It can operate on a minimum of one foot of head (producing almost no power at this head), and has a low efficiency. The optimum head range is 6 to 15 feet, with minimum wheel diameter being about 15 feet. -33- Poncelet Wheel: This is an adaptation of the undershot wheel, in which the blades are curved to provide more efficient water interaction with the wheel. This wheel makes use of the velocity of the water which has been held back and forced through a narrow opening. Minimum diameter of a Poncelet Wheel is about 14 feet and they usually operate best with heads of 7 feet or less. Efficiencies are higher than for the under- shot wheel. These wheels require a breastworks of concrete fitted close to the rim of the wheel in order to help retain water in the buckets. The close clearances necessitate the use of trash racks to keep stones and wood from entering the system and causing damage. -34- Breast Wheel: Water enters the breast wheel below the top of the wheel and is kept in the wheel buckets by a close fitting breastworks until it discharges at or near the lowest point on the wheel. Breast wheels operate best with heads less than 10 feet,and wheel diameters usually range between the head and three times the head. High breast wheels (water entering above the center shaft) have efficiencies that can approach 65%. Low breast wheels (water entering below the center shaft) usually have efficiencies between 35 and 40%. Breast wheels require somewhat complicated, curved breastworks. In addition, the buckets have to be ventilated to allow air to escape to the next higher bucket as each bucket fills. The close tolerances of the breastworks give the same disadvantages in terns of water -borne debris as for the Poncelet wheel. The complicated construction tech- niques and the lower efficiencies, particularly in the low breast wheels, usually make other types of water wheels more attractive. -- IN Piri -35- Overshot Wheel: Water is supplied by a nearly horizontal chute to the top of the water wheel. The weight of the water in the rim buckets causes the wheel to turn. The entering water usually strikes the buckets with a velocity somewhat greater than the rim speed so as not to be struck by the back of the buckets and be splashed off the wheel. The water supply, and thus the power output, is controlled by a hand -operated sluice gate. Overshot wheels are generally the most efficient of the water wheels. They can operate on any head above 10 feet. Today, the upper limit on the head is around 30 feet because of the cost of constructing a wheel of that diameter. -36- SIZING THE SYSTEM It is important early in your project to examine your power needs and the characteristics of that need. There are two separate but related questions here: Total Consumption and Peak Consumption. THE TOTAL CONSUMPTION IS THE NUMBER OF KILOWATT HOURS USED IN A GIVEN PERIOD OF TIME, MOST COMMONLY KC0H PER MONTH. If you are presently getting your power from the utility company, you need only check a number of past bills to get this information. Keep in mind that most household consumption varies by the month, season, unusual changes in weather, or a change in the number of household members. For example, taking consumption figures for the months of June, July and August may not reflect true annual averages. If you are building or buying a new home, you can estimate your power consumption from the Table on Typical Household Appliance Loads. If more appliance energy consumption information is required, you can find this in the following books: Energy Primer Other Homes and Garbage The need for accuracy in developing these calculations is real, as over or undersizing the system will result in a system that is either unnecessarily expensive or does not meet your needs. THE PEAK CONSUMPTION IS THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY NEEDED AT ANV ONE TIME. This second vital piece of information can further be explained in that if all of the electrical items in the house were operating at once, the resulting power need would be the peak. Do not confuse this with total consumption, as the situation could exist where a system could meet one need but not the other. In micro systems the peak will be more likely to cause you problems than will the total consumption. As with utility power systems, situations with high peak load relative to the average load will be less efficient and more costly than situations where consumption is more uniform. When analyzing your situation, it may be advantageous or necessary to adjust lifestyles to fit the system rather than buy a system that can cover a high peak consumptive pattern. If you have access to the utility grid, it will be possible to purchase power needed, but not available from your hydro system, from the power company. It may also be possible to sell your surplus power back to the utility company, although that situation will depend on local policy of the power company and the regulatory agencies. -37- POWER GENERATION & STORAGE Mechanical energy is converted to electricity by a generator, similar to the one found in your car. The electricity can be either Direct Current (DC) or Alternating Current (AC). Most, but not all, household appliances run on AC, 110 volts, 60 cycles, and that will be the most useful type of electricity to have. If you intend to be completely independent from the power grid, a aynchnonous geneiLa,ton is used. AC systems in North America operate at a frequency of 60 cycles per second and any variation from that will affect the accuracy of clocks, phonographs and the like. In order to generate power at this frequency, the speed of the synchronous generator must be very constant and a govennoK is used to control water flow and thus turbine speed. If you have access to utility power, you can use an aaynchnonoua genentton with no governor, since it is self-regulating. In either case, the generator must run at its design speed and thus some kind of speed increaser is needed between the turbine and generator. Another option is to generate direct current and either use it as is or convert it to AC when needed through the use of an .invetteA. A DC -to -AC system has several advantages, especially in very small systems (less than 5-KW). The excess power generated by a DC system can easily be stored in batteries, thereby extending the system's peak capacity. DC generators are not speed -sensitive and no governor is needed. Thus, a small DC system will generally cost less and serve needs better than a comparable AC system because a small direct ACunit often cannot cover peak needs. Battery storage systems in hydro units generally work better than those in wind power systems because the hydro generator is always putting some power back into the battery set except in the most extreme cases. This means that a deep discharge condition, common with wind systems, is very rare. Deep discharge.is a common cause of battery failure. The storage function does limit the size of a DC system, as batteries become unwieldly and very costly in systems over 6-K41. With a DC system, it is possible to use only DC appliances, although this is obviously somewhat restrictive and may be expensive if all of your current appliances run on AC. It would, however, save the cost of a DC/AC inverter. For those seeking a lowest cost option, an all 12-volt DC system is possible, as there are many appliances available from recreational vehicle suppliers. ZZ LOAD CONTROL & GOVERNORS The gove4noa, a device that regulates turbine speed through water flow on synchronous generators, is available from a variety of sources. It is reliable and accurate, but does introduce additional cost and main- tenance factors. In systems with no storage capability, some sort of toad conttAot is needed. Hydro units that have access to the power grid may consider the grid as a sort of storage function, i.e., putting your excess into the grid and buying it back when demand exceeds supply. This concept is currently being used in some areas, but wider use is still open to questions. Other- wise, something must be done with excess power and that is the function of load control units. Such units usually dump excess energy as heat and that heat can often be put to good use such as supplementary space or water heating. When demand begins to approach system capacity, it is possible to use a device that turns key equipment on and off on a priority basis. Non -essential uses are turned off and critical needs are met. OTHER EQUIPMENT Dams/Impoundments: Although many micro -hydro units operate without dams, it may, in some situations, be necessary to build such items into the system. If a dam is required, depending on where you live, you may have to get a registered engineer to design it or at least approve your plans. Good dam plans and construction techniques are described in a number of books, among them: Cloud Burst Design of Small Dams Small Earth Dams Ponds for Water Supply and Recreation Powerlines: If the hydro unit is any distance from the house, you will obviously need powerlines. Keep in mind that the longer the distance, the larger the wires that will be needed to avoid unreasonable power loss. This is especially true of 12-volt systems which require very large wire to avoid excessive losses. -39- ECONOMICS Any analysis of the economics of a micro -hydroelectric system must begin with a determination of the system's true total cost. An investment of this size requires that your calculations be as accurate as possible. This cost calculation must include not only the turbine and generator, but also any pipe, cable, buildings, dam, civil engineering work, permits, legal work and the like. You then have to consider the other options available for electric power and determine their costs. An important consideration that might help the economics of developing a micro -hydro system is the other uses that can be made of the water resource. Fire suppression, domestic water supply and irrigation might involve additional expenses if they had to be developed separately. But because there is very little extra cost to develop these along with a hydro system, they should be figured into your analysis.. One way to do this is to add the costs of developing alternative methods of fire suppression, water supply and irrigation to the cost of obtaining electrical power other than by hydro One characteristic of many renewable energy resources is that the "front end costs" are high although the lifecycle costs may be very competitive with conventional energy sources. Small-scale hydro, for example, is fairly expensive to purchase, but except for small maintenance costs the system should provide "free" energy for 10 years or longer. The economic analysis of hydro must include such lifecycle costs. For those who are developing a home some distance from existing powerlines, hook-up costs must be considered when looking at the cost of alternative choices. In many areas of the United States, power companies charge by distance to hook homesteads up to powerlines; sometimes as much as $1.50 to $2.00 per foot. A person living 1 mile from powerlines could thus spend as much as $10,000 to hook-up, thus making the hydro option very attractive. The cost for hydroelectric systems is generally in the range of $750 to $1500 per kilowatt. Variations of cost will depend on any site work that may be needed, the unit's size (cost per kilowatt will go down as output goes up), and head (high head units are generally cheaper than low head units of equal output). In the event that your site has access to conventional power, and the. water has no other uses, it may be difficult to justify a micro -hydro unit on economic terms unless you are willing to take a very long range view. There are a great many factors that will affect your analysis and any such calculations must be done on a case -by -case basis. For example: * Will you base calculations on life of the hydro unit, which may be 20 years or more, or some shorter period? * Are you faced with large hook-up charges from the power company? ,R * Are tax credits or grants available from the State or Federal . Government? * Is your taxable income sufficient to take advantage of the deductible interest payments on loans? * How long do you expect to remain at this residence and will the hydro system have market value when you want to sell? * Is there any opportunity to sell or barter power with neighbors or the electric company? * How much of the installation and maintenance work can you do yourself? For a great many people the ideas of self-reliant and self-sufficient lifestyles are very appealing, irregardless of economic considerations. How- ever, for most people it is important to separate these ideological considera- tions from the economic ones. There are a great many people for whom micro - hydro presents a viable alternative and economic arguments are sufficient. A SAMPLE ECONOMIC ANALYSIS One realistic way to analyze your electric power options is to.figure the total cost for each over some period of time and then compute the costs in current dollars. The following is such an analysis, computed at three typical interest rates. The following assumptions have been made: * The hydro system is a 6 KW, DC -to -AC battery storage unit. * The total cost for the system is $6,000. * Total maintenance is $1358 over 15 years ($50 per year with 8% annual cost increases). * The site is near existing powerlines and no hook-up charges are required. * Utility power costs start at 4¢ per kilowatt hour and increase by 10% per year. * The hydro unit is financed by a 15-year, 10% loan. * Average monthly consumption is 500 Kilowatt hours. * The hydro unit is worth $1800 (30% of purchase price) at the end of the 15-year period. * No tax deductions or credits are used. -41- -zt- •pL,A6 aamod aqq woAl 6uL66nLdun jo UOLgdo aqg ggaom aq L'ew gsoo LUUOLgLppe LLews a `6UL44Lwaad suoLgLpuoo oLwouooa 'awos AOJ saoanos fi6aaua LeuoLgLpeaq woa} aouapuadapaL an Len nod' L'Lg6Lq moq ;o UOLgsanb aqq osLe sL a.aagi •suoLgLpuoo LenpLALpuL uo RLLneaq spuadap SOLWOU009 aqq 'uoLgdo aLgeLn a sL OAPRq-oaoLW 'aLdoad 4uw Ao-4 gegg smogs aLdwexa aql Lb'Z69b$ gsa,AagUL %OT ZZ'LTSb$ 4sa,Aa4UL %S'L 60'SS£b$ gsaaaguL %S :}o IL oad e aa}}o pLnom wags4s oap4q aqq 'UOLgenba anoge aqq ogUL SLgg bULAn6Ld '00'OZ6L$ 4q aseaaouL pLnom aamod AI LLgn jo gsoo aqq 'aULL mau aqq Aoj goof Aad 09•1$ jo gsoo a 6ULwnssy •gLnsaA pLnom 96,Aego do-looq a 'auLLAamod 6ULgSLxa aqq wo.A� aLLw auo aaam agLs aqq dL 'aLdwexa ioj •.Aaggo aqq AO L'em auo SOLWOUOOa aqq goa}Ie 4L4UeOLJLU6LS ueo SUOLgdwnsse aqq go ffUe UL a6ueg3 y •anoge paUOLquaW suoLgLpuoo aqg Jo LLe 6ULWnsse 'poL.Aad ae,34-ST aqq aano anLsuadxa aaow gegmawos aq Mm uoLgdo o.Ap4q aqq 'aLdwexa SLgq UL uaas aq ueo sd (£9'LZZ£$) (8L'Z0bE$) (16'b99£$) gsaaaquL 70T gsa.AaquL %S'L gsaaaquL "9 00'009E$ gsaaaguL %01 mopq umogs sL SUOLgdo omq aqq uaamgaq aouaaajjLp gsoo aqq 'sngl 9Z'6bdb$ gsaaaquL %S'L 08'9809$ gsa,AaquL %S :popad Aea/'-ST aqq nano aamod aqq Aog L'ed oq aapao UL sagea gsaaaguL 4uaaaj31p qe pagsanUL aq gsnw umogs squnowe aqq 'aamod paLLddns-L' M ;n jo gsoo aqq ggLm uajeq sL goeoadde awes aqg dT £S'LZ89$ gsaaaguL %01 EO' ZSW$ gsaaaquL %9'L TL'T998$ gsaaaquL %9 :saoLad quasaad ge wagsks agq ;o gsoO aqg mugs LLLm sa.An6Lg 6UL4Lnsaa aqq 'saea,f ST UL W04Sks agq }o an Len 86enLes aqq goeagqns uagq am dT bb'8SZ3 LE'09Z8$ bS'LT96$ gsaaaquL %01 gsaaaquL %S•L gsaaaquL %S :90ueua4uLeW 6ULpnLouL 'wags4s oapL'q MN 9 aqq }o gsoo aqg aan00 oq quaLoLjjns aq pLnom (gsaaaquL pue LedLOULAd) pa4eaaua6 anuanaa aqq 'sagea gsaaaquL 6ULpuodsaaaoo aqq qe moLaq umous squnowe aqq gsanUL oq nog aaaM •Sae@S ST aano gsoo aqq aanoo 0g Repoq papaaU quaW -gsanUL agq goaL-aa saagwnu Lengoe aql •aaggoue nano UOLgdo auo pagoaLas 6uLneq woa; 6uL4Lnsaa „ssOL„ a0 „,[jo.Ad„ se umogs saouaaali p aqq maLn oq Ln}dLaq aq ,few qT •sage.A gsaaaquL aaagq ge auop aaam SUOLgegndwoo aql •sAeILOP guaa,Ano UL uoLgdo goea AOJ gsoo aqg 40aL}aa mOLaq umogs saan6L3 aql Another way of looking at the costs associated with installing, operating and maintaining a micro -hydro system is to determine how much all of this will cost you in terms of money spent per kilowatt hour of electricity generated and used. Independent Power Developers have come up with some graphs that can assist you in this estimation. These are reproduced on the following pages. The graphs are set up for various amortization periods, operation and maintenance costs and interest rates. go 80 S Y 70 60 50 O U Z 40 0 I•— W 30 tJ Z W U' 20 10 • 35 YR . AMORT I - ZATION OPERATION M4.INTE NANGE 3%arCAPITAL/YR. • 10% INTEREST RATE i� LOAD FACTOR k-O./- $/INSTALLED KW The horizontal axis of each graph is the cost of the micro -hydro installation, given in dollars per installed kilowatt. The vertical axis is the cost of the electrical power generated in mills per kilowatt hour (10 mills equal one cent). The family of lines emanating from the lower left in each graph represents lines of constant load factors. Load factor is simply the average power output of the generating equipment, divided by its rated power output. What the load factor lines mean, in essence, is that the more you are able to use your electrical power, up to the rated capacity of the system, the closer your system load factor comes to 1.0 and the less per kilowatt hour you spend on electricity. Micro -hydroelectric systems normally have a load factor range between 0.6 and 1.0. -43- I 0 0 w• Mol • 10 YR. AMORTIZATION OPERATION! t MAINT 5% of CAP/FALlYEA,- • 8`/ INTEREST RATE GOAD FACFOR k = 0.2 —:.,> 0.3 200 400 705 $/INSTALLED KW W • IO YR. AMORTIZATION OPERATION � MAINT. S% oFC4P/FAL I KEAR 10'/o INTEREST RATE LOAD FACTOR k= 0.2- 0.3 Our O 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 $/INSTALLED KW SOURCES FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE At the time of this writing, there are several potential sources for financial assistance usable in micro -hydro. This area is rapidly expanding and new programs are likely to be developed. DOE Small Hydro Proqram In 1978 Congress produced legislation that will encourage the development of small-scale hydro (up to 15 MW) on existing dams, The legislation as written will allow $10 million for feasibility studies and $100 million for construction. It apparently was not intended for individual systems, although they are not specifically excluded. The program may be useful for projects of a neighborhood or larger scale. DOE Small Grants Program The Small Grants Program, designed to encourage the demonstration of appropriate technologies in general, is administered through regional Department of Energy offices. The regional offices have been allowed some flexibility in their administration, and checking with the office is your area is recommended. State Grants/Tax Credits Many states now offer tax credits and/or grants designed to encourage the development of renewable resources. Many of these programs specifically reflect solar, but taken in its widest interpretation, wind and hydro in the broader sense are both solar energies. Check the legislation in your state to see what inter- pretation is used. Keep in mind that grant programs are often very competitive. In the case of the tax credit, you are generally allowed to deduct some percentage of the system's total cost from your gross income. Be sure to run a quick calculation using your own figures to determine the program's effect on the real cost of your system. Conventional Bank Loans One possible source of money is a loan from your local bank. The interest you pay is deductible, but again be sure to calculate real effects in your own situation. People that function in a relatively cash -free economy may derive little benefit from tax deductions. Also, you may encounter some resistance from the bank, as they may be uncomfortable about loaning money on something they don't understand. The development of solar heating systems encountered a similar problem some years ago. With hydro, this is likely to be less of a problem in the future. Also, of course be sure that you are able to afford the monthly payments. eM REGULATORY CONFLICTS A key part of any micro -hydro development program is a study of various institutional and/or legal barriers that may be present and what can or must be done to deal with them. There are a wide range of potential problems in this area, as well as a range of solutions. There may also be some problems for which there are no solutions, or solutions that are too costly to allow the project to proceed. It is best to identify those problems very early in the project time frame and begin what action is needed. The first step is to determine the ownership of water rights for the resource being considered. Law pertaining to water rights varies greatly across the country and a close examination of regulations in your area is important. Generally, you should not assume that because you own the land you also own the water that runs across it. In many states, it is possible to buy land without water rights, as well as buying water rights without owning the land along it. A property owner downstream may own water upstream from that property, or the water may be owned by several downstream users, with each allowed Cu take some percentage of the flow. In many states the fact that your hydro system will not consume water but only use its energy makes no difference; you must have legal right to use the water. The water right for a particular site may go back a great many years and researching old records may be necessary to determine the true holder of those rights. Much of the state law regulating water usage was written relative to its irrigation and domestic use, and thus is not directly applicable to hydroelectric systems. This may require new legal decisions in some cases and could mean some hesitancy on the part of regulatory agency personnel. Do not be discouraged and do not give up because your 6iut nes pone is "no" A second step is to secure a water use permit, which, in some cases, may be required from both state and federal agencies. In some states, having legal right to the water is all that is required. The other situation is when an additional permit is required, referring to the specific use intended. Often the actual installation work must begin within some time period or the permit expires and must be reapplied for. Here again, most water use laws are oriented toward agricultural uses and questions may arise relative to their interpretation in the micro -hydro context. A federal use permit is generally required when the resource or its development involves federal land, be that Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, or whatever. An important point to remember isthat your use is beneficial and non -consumptive. This is different from agricultural or indus- trialuses w is may a ene icial but are also consumptive. Be certain to mention that your intended use is beneficial and non -consumptive, as it should help in the permit process. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is the agency that issues licenses for non-federal hydroelectric projects. Because most hydro projects have tended to be very large with significant environmental issues involved, the FERC licensing process has developed into a lengthy effort. In September of 1978, reflecting the new interest in small-scale hydro development, a new short form license application was developed by FERC. The short form, which covers projects up to 1500 kW, is only two pages long. However, if the power to be produced by the project would be consumed at the site, the project may not be subject to licensing by FERC. In which situation, a declaration of intention should be filed pursuant to Section 23(b) of the Federal Power Act, and Part 24 of its Regulations. The Army Corps of Engineers may have jurisdiction when dredging, filling, or other construction takes place in a stream. The interpretation of the applicability of its regulations in this area is the role of the regional Corps office. In any event, it is best to develop the hydro site with the least stream alteration possible. The Army Corps of Engineers is organized by major river basin or drainage areas, and a determination of what basin you are in is the first step in locating the appropriate Corps office. In those situations where a dam is necessary, a permit will be required from the Crops of Engineers and may be required from state and local agencies as well. There is often some minimum size in terms of dam height and acres of water behind it, and units smaller may be exempt from the permit process. There may also be annual fees, either fixed or variable amount reflecting dam size. These fees are generally modest and are intended to cover the cost of inspection programs. Some states may require that construction plans be done by a registered engineer, which may be a good idea for those individuals who lack engineering skills, but will also raise the cost of the project. Generally speaking, the inclusion of a dam in your hydro project will complicate the effort substantially and thus should be avoided if possible. A final area for regulatory concern is environmental impact. This may include changes in stream flow, blockage of fish movement because of the dam, flooding of some areas above the dam, and the like. The state agency that is most likely to be involved in the Department of Natural Resources, Fish and Wildlife, Conservation or something similar. There may also be federal agencies -47- with jurisdiction, depending on local conditions. In the case of dams, you may be required to install a fish ladder (a water stairway that allows the fish to move upstream past the dam) and depending on the size and type needed, they can be very expensive. In some states, people intent on redeveloping the power potential of an existing dam have been required to put in a fish ladder even though there had never been one before. Some regulations require that public hearings be held on the proposed development and from a strictly administrative standpoint, these can be very time-consuming. As mentioned above, when planning your hydro project, keep 5tAeam duhnuntuon to an absoZute m.unimum, and things will go much easier and quicker. Although it is generally assumed that the power generated by a micro - hydro system will be used by the individual or family that owns it, there are efforts around the country to enter the electric generation business on a small scale. For example, it is now possible to purchase a control unit that when your demand is greater than the system's output, the balance is purchased from the power grid assuming you have access to utility power). When, however, your system is producing more than you need, the control unit feeds the excess back into the grid and in effect winds the electric meter backwards. This type of arrangement makes the power grid a sort of storage battery and may allow the possibility of installing a smaller, less expensive system. It may also affect the income side of the economic analysis by allowing the sale of small amounts of power to the grid. Systems of this type are operating in a few isolated areas and the question is being decided in several others, but generally, widespread usage is somewhere in the future. For those people who have more generating capacity than they need, it may be feasible to sell or barter the power to a nearby neighbor. In some states the Public Utility Commission will enter the regulatory picture, while in other areas very small projects Oill be ignored. Also, just as many local governments operate power companies, it may be possible for several families living near a hydro resource to form some kind of power co-op to build and operate the system jointly. Here again, the State Department of Commerce may have jurisdiction and you may encounter opposition from the local power company. Electric companies sometimes interpret their monopolistic license as meaning that no one else can generate power within their service area. Micro -scale power co-ops and similar arrangements are still very much in their infancy, but may be a viable option for some people. By way of summary, some general guidelines for approaching the regulatory issue may be valuable. First, develop a clear idea of what you want to do, what the site looks like and how the hydro unit will fit into it. Anticipate questions and develop sound answers. Be able to explain the project clearly to people who will hear of micro -hydro for the first time. Because this is a very new field, you are likely to get a range of fairly negative responses to your first inquiries. Do not be discouraged, but attempt to determine the reason behind his/her response, do what is necessary to correct the situation and continue on. go It will be wise to correspond in writing, make copies and keep a file on all that has transpired. You may want to consult an attorney when dealing with obtuse legal language. A final word of caution is that you should start checking out these regulatory questions very early, before you buy a lot of equipment or other- wise invest a lot of money. Micro -hydro projects frequently consume one year from first considering the idea until the first kilowatt is generated. CAUTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR THE DO-IT-YOURSELFER AND THE SELF -INSTALLER The assumption in this section is that you have successfully arrived at Step 8 in the Decision Tree. Now youare entering the final design and equip- ment selection stage. The following list of considerations will make installa- tion much easier and avoid a lot of troubles at some future date. In the final design stage, ensure that you: 1. Consider your stream bed loading conditions. Silt and rocks coming down the stream, particularly during periods of high run-off, can cause intake clogging or even destruction of the intake pipes. 2. Size the pipe so that it is capable of handling the volume flow rate that you require. Any responsible pipe supplier can give you the correct size for the flow conditions you expect. 3. Route the pipeline, fron intake to the turbine, so that it contains the minimum number of bends. Do not use 450 (or greater) elbows in the pipeline. Otherwise, there will be too much strain on the pipe and excessive friction losses. 4. Keep a downhill slope in the pipe at all times (except for the initial siphon intake, if used) in order to avoid air locks and silt deposit. 5. Do not let the water velocity in PVC pipe get much above 5 feet per second. Above this line velocity there are other design considerations coming into play that the do-it-yourselfer is not usually prepared to deal with. One of these considerations is thrust -blocking wherever the pipe bends. 6. Size the pipe in order to maintain about 5 feet/second line velocity in order to avoid excessive ice build-up in the pipe. If your line velocity is much less than this and you are installing the system in an area where winters are severe, then consider insulating or burying the line. 7. Consider installing a water by-pass before the turbine in case the water may be needed for fire control. 8. Locate the DC turbine and generator adjacent to the point of use. This is important in order to keep electrical transmission lines as short as possible so that line losses are kept to a minimum. 9. Plan to install the system in warmer weather, and not under freezing conditions if at all possible. You are dealing with a liquid that freezes at certain times of the year, and if it does so while you are working with it, it could be dangerous to the equipment and to yourself. -50- When buying or otherwise acquiring your equipment you should: 1. Be sure you deal with a reputable supplier. There is some ,junk around, so buyer beware! 2. Expect delays in getting quotes and deliveries from equipment suppliers, since none of them are currently very big and they are usually quite busy. 3. Obtain pipe that is rated and classed for the pressure rating it's in. Don't buy seconds. 4. Ensure that you have a good trash control system for the intake. A screen mesh should be used that has openings smaller than the minimum nozzle diameter which leads into the turbine. This way the only solid particles that can come down the pipe will be small enough to pass through the nozzle without clogging it. During installation: 1. Be sure you follow the manufacturer's or supplier's instructions and suggestions. 2. Slow down and do things properly. You are dealing with mechanical an3 e ec� trical systems. They can cause you a lot of grief unless treated with respect. 3. Watch for rocks, and be careful placing them, when burying PVC pipe. 4. Use gate vaives wherever valving is necessary. Other kinds of valving allow you to turn off the water too quickly, causing dangerous water hammer effects. 5. Use standard house wiring procedures with the electrical hook-up. Go to your local bookstore and pick up the appropriate electrical do-it-yourself book. Or, if you feel unsure of your own capability, go to your local electrician and get him/her to help you. Once the system is operational, be very sure that you: Close valves, when you have to, slowly. Take a little time and screw them closed gradually. Closing a valve too quickly can cause a shock wave (a high pressure wave) to move through the water in the pipe. It is going to have some detrimental effect somewhere along the length of that pipe. This damage is going to vary depending on the length of the pipe and the velocity of the water at the point of valve closure. In many cases it will crack the pipe and you will see a slow leak, or again it could cause a serious rupture in the pipeline. -51- MANUFACTURERS AND SUPPLIERS Prime Movers Independent Power Developers, Inc. Pelton and Propeller Units, Route 3, Box 285 Complete Systems Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 The James Leffel Company Springfield, Ohio 45501 Gilbert, Gilkes & Gordon, Ltd. Westmoreland, England LA9 7BZ Small Hydroelectric Systems P.O. Box 124 Custer, Washington 98240 Ossberger Turbinenfabrik D-8832 Weissenberg Pastfach 425 Bayern, West Germany Escher Wyss, Ltd. CH-8023 Zurich, Switzerland Barata Metal Works J.L. Hgagel (109) Surabaya, Indonesia and Engineering PT Jyoti, Ltd. Industrial Area PO Chemical Industries R.C. Dutt Road Baroda 390 003, India Officiene Buehler Canton Ticino, Switzerland Westward Mouldings, Ltd. Greenhill Works, Delaware Road Gunnislake, Cornwall, England Campbell Water Wheel Company 420 South 42nd Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 Drees & Co. GMBH 4760 Werl/West. Postfach 43 West Germany Francis/Propeller/Hoppes Units Wide range of turbines from 10 KW to multi -megawatt, Turgo and Kendal Pelton, with power range 5 to 25 KW for heads from 50 to 350 feet. Crossflow (Mitchell or Banki type) turbines of 1 to 1000 KW. 400 KW mini-straflow 18 KW (plus or minus) Francis and Crossflow Francis and Turgo sets from 5 to 25 KW, plus some larger units Fiberglass Water Wheels Water Wheels Medium to large turbines -52- G&A Associates 223 Katonah Avenue Katonah, New York 10536 Maschinenfabrik Kossler GMBH A-3151 St. Polten St. Georgen, Austria Karlstads Mekaniska Weskstad Fack S-681 01 Kristinehamn, Sweden Niagara Water Wheels, Ltd. 706 E. Main Street Welland, Ontario L3B 3Y4, Canada AB Bofors Nohab S-46101 Trollhatten, Sweden Barber Hydraulic Turbines, Ltd. Barber Point, P.O. Box 340 Port Colborne, Ontario UK 5W1, Canada Elektro GMBH St. Gallerstrasse 27 Winter Thur, Switzerland 8400 Canyon Industries 5346 Mosquito Lake Road Deming, Washington 98244 Briau SA BP 43 37009 Tours Cedex, France Northern Water Power Co. P.O. Box 49 Harrisville, New Hampshire 03450 Land & Leisure Services Priory Land St. Thomas Launceston Cornwall, England Alaska Wind and Water Power P.O. Box G Chigiak, Alaska 99567 Pumps, Pipe and Power Kingston Village Austin, Nevada 89310 Francis units Small turbine sets of 12 to 1250 KVA rating, plus variety of larger machines Range of medium sized horizontal axis propeller turbines of 50 to 1800 KW Four models of propeller turbines with power in range of 20 to 250 KW Propeller turbines from 100 to 2000 KW Propeller and Francis turbines Francis, miniature turbines in range 50 to 2000 watts Francis, miniature turbine set offering 50 to 750 watts Francis/Propeller turbine sets to 50 KW Axial flow propeller turbines with output range 20 to 250 KW Propeller turbines Pelton turbines Pelton turbines -53- Bell Hydroelectric Crossflow turbines 3 Leatherstocking Street Cooperstown, New York 13326 Balaju Yantra Shala (P) Ltd. Crossflow turbines Balaju, Katmandu, Nepal Maine Hydroelectric Development Groups Belfast turbines Goose River, Maine Allis Chalmers Large turbines Hydro Turbine Division P.O. Box 712 York, Pennsylvania 17405 Miscellaneous Equipment Suppliers Windworks Gemini Inverter Box 329, Route 3 Mukwonago, Wisconsin 53149 Lima Electric Company, Inc. AC Alternator 200 East Chapman Road Box 918 Lima, Ohio 45802 Woodward Governor Company Mechanical Governor 5001 N. 2nd Street Rockford, Illinois 61101 Natural Power, Inc. Governor New Boston, flew Hampshire 03070 -54- SOURCES OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES P.W. Agnew Research & Department of Mechanical Engineering Development The University Glasgow, Scotland Dry Buck Ranch Consulting P.O. Box 5 Banks, Idaho 83602 Guy Immega Consultant/Author Lacqueti Island British, Columbia, Canada Intermediate Technology Group, Ltd. Research & 9 King Street Development London, England WC2E 8HN Low Impact Technology Research & 34 Martin Street Development South Melbourne, Victoria Australia David Master Consultant P.O. Box 302 Milford, New Hampshire 03055 Niagara Water Wheels, Ltd. Design/Installation Box 326, Bridge Station Niagara Falls, New York 14305 Mike Harper, P.E. Consulting P.O. Box 21 Construction Peterborough, New Hampshire 03458 Installation Doug Smith Consultant P.O. Box 43 Hanover, New Hampshire 03759 Tientsin Elector -Driving Research & Research Institute Development Tientsin, China Bill Delp Consulting c/o Independent Power Developers Fabrication Route 3, Box 285 Installation Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 -55- BIBLIOGRAPHY THE BANKI WATER TURBINE Prepared and Published by: School of Engineering Oregon State University 219 Covell Hall Corvallis, Oregon USA 97331 This is a short pamphlet which is basically a translation of a German paper by D. Banki written in 1917. It includes a good section on both the theory of the Banki crossflow turbine as well as runner construction details. Some test data is given on a typical turbine. This paper is only recommended for those serious enough to want to build their own. The approach is quite scientific. CLOUDBURST Edited by Vic Marks Published by: Cloudburst Press, Ltd. (1973) Mayne Island British Columbia, Canada VON 2J0 This book contains an excellent 30-page section on micro -hydro develop- ment. It goes through the standard techniques of measuring head and flow, gives good descriptions of do-it-yourself dam building, and tells you how to build an overshot water wheel and a crossflow turbine. There is also a fairly good section on water wheel design, describing particular features of overshot, breast and Poncelet wheel buckets. A DESIGN MANUAL FOR WATER WHEELS By W.G. Ovens Published by: VITA (1975) 3706 Rhode Island Avenue Mt. Rainier, Maryland 20822 This is a do-it-yourself type booklet intended for use specifically in developing countries. However, it has obvious application in North America as well. It deals specifically with design and construction details of an overshot water wheel for mechanical power. ENERGY PRIMER Prepared and Portola Institute (1978 ed.) Published by: 558 Santa Cruz Avenue Menlo Park, California 94025 This comprehensive information catalogue focuses on small-scale renewable energy systems, among which is water. It devotes 22 pages to basic descriptions of most aspects of harnessing water power. Included are sections on water rights, environmental considerations, measuring available water power, building dams, water wheels and turbines. It gives some construction details on crossflow turbines and the Pelton wheel. Contained also is a list of over 60 water turbine manufacturers around the world. -56- A HANDBOOK OF HOMEMADE POWER By "Mother Earth News" Published by: Bantam Books (1974) This book is available in most bookstores. It includes only a brief section on hydro power, including plans for a small water wheel. HARNESSING WATER POWER FOR HOME ENERGY By Dermot McGuigan Published by: Garden Way Publishing Co. (1978) Charlotte, Vermont 05445 This is an excellent book describing all manner of material related to small and micro -scale hydro. It gives a number of examples of installa- tions of the various types of water wheels and turbines in the United Kingdom and the United States. Manufacturers are listed along with their products and outputs. Equipment costs are often included. It contains a good bibliography. HYDRO POWER ENGINEERING By J.J. Doland Published by: Roland Press Co. (1954) New York, New York This is a good book if you are an engineer and have a background in hydraulics. It is good on theory and describes practical, but larger, hydro systems than would be of interest to the homeowner. LOW-COST DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL WATER -POWER SITES By H.W. Hamm Published by: VITA (1967) 3706 Rhode Island Avenue Mt. Rainier, Maryland 20822 This 43-page booklet gives a lot of good information for every step in the process of developing small-scale hydro power sites. Descriptions are included of water wheels, a small 12" diameter crossflow turbine and the Pelton wheel. Small earth dam construction is also covered. OTHER HOMES AND GARBAGE By J. Leckie, G. blasters, H. Whitehouse and L. Young Published by: Sierra Club Books (1975) San Francisco, California This book gives a brief 12-page introduction to micro -hydro power. It describes techniques of measuring water flow, gives simple dam construc- tion, and illustrates the basic types of water wheels and turbines. It is not worth buying this book just for the water power section. -57- PRACTICAL WATER POWER ENGINEERING By W.T. Taylor Published by: Van Nostrand, USA (1925) Crosby Lockwood, UK (1925) This is not necessarily a practical book, particularly when it comes to construction and installation of water power systems. However, it does cover, in detail, information on rainfall and run-off, important consid- erations in determining your stream capacity. Contains good sections on site selection, reservoir and canals and electrical power transmission. PRODUCING YOUR OWN POWER Edited by Carol Stoner Published by: Rodale Press, Inc. Emmaus, Pennsylvania This book deals with a variety of renewable energy systems and includes a 40-page section on water power. It includes an adequate section on measuring head and flow and calculating power available. Included is a five -page piece on determining channel, pipe and other head losses. Small earth and rock dams are described, as well as typical water wheel and turbine characteristics and uses. There is also a section dealing with the VITA hydraulic ram. USE OF WEIRS & FLUMES IN STREAM GAUGING: TECHNICAL NOTE NO. 117 Published by: World Meteorological Organization (1971) Publications Center P.O. Box 483 New York, New York 10016 Describes, in very much detail, techniques for making an accurate assessment of stream water flow rates. WATER MEASUREMENT MANUAL By Bureau of Reclamation (1967) Available from: Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 This book gives detailed descriptions of a wide variety of techniques for measuring flow rates with Weirs, flumes, gates, pipes and orifices. It is somewhat broader in scope than the World Meteorological Organization book, but no more useful for the micro -scale hydro developer. WE DESIGN OF SMALL DAMS By Department of the Interior (1973) Available from: Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 This is an excellent book! It is 816 pages long and fairly expensive, but it may well be worth your while. It describes medium and large -size earth fill dams -- including all details from site selection, soil sampling, design considerations and construction techniques. Included are some excellent sections on environmental impacts and code and regulation requirements. PONDS FOR WATER SUPPLY AND RECREATION: AGRICULTURAL HANDBOOK NO. 387 By Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture Available from: Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 This book does include most of the information you need to know concerning small earth -filled dams. It contains good sections on water needs assess- ment, site selection, drainage areas required for various pond sizes, spillway requirements, and construction techniques. This book is .not directly applicable to small-scale dams, since it deals with large farm ponds built with some heavy equipment; nevertheless, much of the information is easily transferable. SMALL EARTH DAMS: CIRCULAR 467 By L.N. Brown Published by: California Agricultural Extension (1965) 90 University Hall University of California Berkeley, California 94720 This circular describes site selection for small dams, construction, maintenance and management details and has an interesting section on permits and regulations. It is generally applicable to small earth dams anywhere, but is specifically related to California experiences. IM2 Do -It -Yourself Plans and Specifications for water wheel and turbine construction are included in the following publications: A DESIGN MANUAL FOR WATER WHEELS HANDBOOK OF HOMEMADE POWER CLOUDBURST ENERGY PRIMER LOW-COST DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL WATERPOWER SITES THE BANKI-VIATER TURBINE Overshot Wheel 5-Foot Diameter Wheel Overshot, Undershot and Crossflow Overshot, Crossflow and Pelton Crossflow Crossflow WATER POWER HYDRAULIC Water Wheels ENGINEERING, 1899 Reprinted in Alternative Sources of Energy, No. 14 Route 2, Box 90-A Milaca, MN 56353 REGULATORY AUTHORITIES OF THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO HYDROELECTRIC PROJECTS* This paper briefly describes the regulatory jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as "Commission" or "FERC") with respect to hydroelectric projects. It also gives thumbnail descriptions of the prescribed application procedures to provide the Commission with information necessary for issuing permits or licenses for various categories of projects. Most of the requested data are necessary to adequately identify the project and to insure that the applicant has complied with various Federal statutes. JURISDICTION The Commission's jurisdiction stems from the Federal Power Act (Act). That statute, originally enacted in 1920, requires the Commission to license any hydroelectric plant which: (1) is located on Federal land, (2) is located in or uses water from a navigable stream, (3) uses water impounded by a Federal dam. The Act was amended in 1935 to make plants on almost any waters jurisdictional if the electric power generated by the plant is utilized in interstate commerce. As a result, most newly constructed plants are jurisdictional, unless there are special circumstances. The Act requires anyone planning to construct a plant, who is unsure about jurisdiction, to file what is known as a Declaration of Intention. The Commission will review the circumstances and advise whether an application for license should be filed. A petition for a declaratory order must be filed to determine the jurisdictional status of an existing plant. There are some existing and proposed hydroelectric projects which are beyond the Commission's jurisdiction. For example, a small plant located totally on private land, serving only the owner's needs, and not affecting a navigable stream, might not be jurisdictional. Projects which were built under other types of permits or licenses prior to passage of the Federal Water Power Act in 1920 may not be jurisdictional. Also, projects for which jurisdiction would be based solely on effects on interstate commerce, and which were built prior to 1935 and have not been modified since, may not be jurisdictional — The remarks herein are prepared by the San Francisco Regional Office of the FERC and do not represent an official statement of the Commission. PERMITS AND LICENSES The Commission issues permits and licenses. A preliminary permit is issued to enable the applicant to maintain priority to a site for hydroelectric development while completing necessary studies and preparing an application for license. However, a permit is not a prerequisite for filing an application for licenseliceng—A permit does not authorize construction. It has, by law, a maximum term of 3 years. Licenses authorize construction, operation and maintenance of a project. They are issued for periods not to exceed fifty years. Projects are classed as major or minor according to the installed capacity. A minor project is a development of 1.5 megawatts (MW) (1500 kilowatts) capacity or less. Major projects are those above 1.5 MW. The type of license issued depends upon the size of the project, i.e., major or minor. There is no minimum capacity specified in the Act below which a project would be exempt from licensing. The necessity for licensing is based entirely upon jurisdictional status as defined above. There is no fee for filing applications for permits or licenses for hydro projects. Annual charges for licenses are assessed based upon the annual generation at the project and the acreage of Federal lands occupied. Project facilities and operations are inspected by Commission engineers at least once a month during construction and at least annually during operation of a project. APPLICATIONS FOR PRELIMINARY PERMITS An application for preliminary permit is comprised of an initial statement and four exhibits. The initial statement identifies the applicant, gives the name and location of the proposed project, and the proposed term of permit. The first exhibit contains a description of the proposed project. The second exhibit includes a study plan and work schedule for the investigations and other activities to be carried out under the permit. The third exhibit consists of a statement of costs and financing to inform the Commission as to the financial ability of the applicant to carry out the necessary activities under the permit. Any tentative information that is available concerning the ultimate market for project power should also be provided. The fourth exhibit is a map or maps showing the geographical location of the project, the physical interrelationships of its principal features, and a proposed project boundary.