HomeMy WebLinkAboutAkutan geothermal report Appendix E 2014 Appendix E Quarry Evaluation for the Geothermal Road Project Quarry Evaluation for the Geothermal Road Project Akutan, AK Prepared by Quarry Site Mead & Hunt, Inc. 1345B North Road Green Bay, Wisconsin 54313 920 496 0500 fax 920 496 0576 www.meadhunt.com Technical Memorandum To: Ray Mann RMA Consulting Group From: Jim Botz, P.E. Reviewed by: Kari Nichols, P.E. Date: January 14, 2014 Subject: Quarry Evaluation for the Geothermal Road Project, Akutan, AK 1.0 Introduction and Background A Geothermal Road is being designed to provide access to the geothermal site from the Akutan Harbor. It will be approximately 4.7 miles long and will extend from the Akutan Boat Harbor on the north side of the valley to the production well site. As planned, the road will be 20 feet wide with a gravel surface course measuring 6 to 12 inches in thickness. Based on these design dimensions, it is estimated that 14,000 cubic yards of high quality gravel surface course will be required for the project. The potential quarry site nearby was identified initially as a source for the materials. Once developed, it was expected that the quarry would also be a source for construction aggregates, such as concrete, in conjunction with the geothermal plant construction and other City of Akutan projects. This memorandum summarizes the explorations and findings related to the potential quarry site. An early investigative study for the harbor development performed by Peratrovich & Nottingham, Inc. (1982) identified three possible quarry sites for the production of rip rap and crushed rock. The largest site measured two acres and was located on the north side of the valley at the head of the bay. This site is depicted in Figure 1 (Attachment A). It was estimated that as much as 290,000 cubic yards of material could be generated from this site. Due to its proximity and easy access to the Geothermal Road project, this site was selected for further exploration and evaluation. 2.0 Field Exploration To begin the evaluation of the quality of the rock source, three rock core borings were planned to be drilled at the base of the hillside. The borings were planned to be drilled at a 30 degree angle from vertical to a depth of 60 feet. A BQ rock core (1.43 inches in diameter) was selected as the most suitable size core for the drilling equipment that could be mobilized to the site. Technical Memorandum RMA Consulting Group January 14, 2014 Page 2 X:\3054300\100001.01\000004\TECH\Geotechnical\Quarry Report\Tech Memo - Quarry Evaluation v3.doc The City of Akutan retained Denali Drilling of Anchorage, Alaska to perform the work. Denali Drilling mobilized a Geoprobe track drill rig to the quarry site on September 5, 2013. Three drilling locations were identified at the site by Jim Botz (Mead & Hunt) and Jason Love (Denali Drilling). Drilling began at the easternmost location (C-1) close to Whale Bone Creek, the source for drilling water (see Attachment A). Over a period of four days, Denali Drilling was only able to advance the boring to a depth of 29.5 feet. During that time, Denali Drilling was plagued with numerous equipment breakdowns and an inability to get replacement parts on a timely basis. Due to budget constraints, the quarry exploration program was terminated September 14, 2013. At that time, only one boring was partially completed. 3.0 Exploration and Testing Results The results of Boring C-1 are summarized on the attached boring log (Attachment B). The boring encountered five feet of overburden soils before encountering bedrock. The overburden soils consisted of a brown silty sand. A dark gray Andesite was encountered after the initial overburden soils that extended to the termination depth of the boring. The Andesite was medium grained, hard, and thin-to-medium bedded. The rock cores were evaluated for overall quality by computing the Rock Quality Designation (RQD), a standard first step for evaluating rock core samples. This procedure simply totals all core lengths of greater than 4 inches and divides that total by the total length of the core run. A higher percentage RQD indicates a higher rock quality. For Boring C-1, the quality of rock tended to increase with depth as indicated by RQDs, increasing from 23% (very poor quality) at 6 feet up to 87% (good quality) at 25 feet into the formation. The boring was drilled at an angle of 45 degrees and all depths in the boring log reference the actual length of boring rather than the vertical or horizontal distances. A photographic log of the cores is included as Attachment C. Next, the rock core was submitted to the AECOM test laboratory in Green Bay, Wisconsin for rock quality testing on December 20, 2013, where Los Angeles Abrasion (LA Abrasion) and Sodium Sulfate Soundness tests were performed on the rock core sample. The LA Abrasion test indicates a rock’s ability to resist degradation under repeated traffic loadings. The Sodium Sulfate Soundness test indicates a rock’s ability to resist the forces of weathering and simulates the action of freezing water. The results of these tests are included as Attachment D. The test results failed to meet the minimum standards for durability in both cases. The standard set by the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) for the LA Abrasion test is a maximum particle size loss of 45%. The Akutan rock core samples had a particle size loss of 52.5%. The Sodium Sulfate Soundness test had a particle size loss of Technical Memorandum RMA Consulting Group January 14, 2014 Page 3 X:\3054300\100001.01\000004\TECH\Geotechnical\Quarry Report\Tech Memo - Quarry Evaluation v3.doc 71.2% compared to a required DOT&PF maximum of 12%. A further qualitative evaluation of the Andesite was made by allowing the rock to be saturated in water for a period of five days. After five days, the rock core sample exhibited some loss in strength which further documented the Andesite’s poor durability properties. The rock available from the proposed quarry site is a very poor-quality material and is not recommended as a source for the gravel surface course for the Geothermal Road project. The rock material will not hold up well to the harsh weather of Akutan and will not perform well as a base course or concrete aggregate. It is unlikely that other similar rock source locations at the head of the bay will produce a rock of any better quality. 4.0 Recommendations Although there may be some opportunity to use blasted rock from the cut through the saddle about a mile west of the harbor, the initial road construction from the harbor to the saddle will need to use gravel surface course that is imported to the site. This imported material will likely need to be sourced from one of the two operating quarries in Dutch Harbor. Both of these quarries produce gravel material from granite in compliance with DOT&PF requirements for durability. Once the project reaches the saddle, a large volume of blast rock will be produced from the cut through the saddle. Although initial conversations with area experts suggest that it is unlikely, this material may be of better quality. The blast rock from the saddle location can most certainly be used for general rock fills along the road. Further exploration and testing of that rock source would be required to evaluate that material prior to its use as construction aggregates on the project. The blast rock material testing should be undertaken during the final design phase of the project. Attachments: A. Figure 1: Quarry Site B. Boring Log of C-1 C. Photographs of Rock Core D. Laboratory Test Results Attachment A: Figure 1: Quarry Site Attachment B: Boring Log of C-1 LOG OF BORING NO.: SITE LOCATION: SURFACE ELEVATION: ɣ= DRY DENSITY, PCF WC - WATER CONTENT, % N = BLOWS PER FOOT Qp = CALIBRATED PENETROMETER, TSF Test results: LA Abrasion: 52% loss Sodium Sulfate Soundness: 71% loss 29.5 Run 3: Rec. = 93% RQD = 28% Run 5:Rec. = 93% RQD = 31% Run 6:Rec. = 100% RQD = 69% 14.5 Run 7:Rec. = 100% RQD = 87% One 3 in. zone of gravel size particles Run 4: Rec. = 85%, RQD = 33% 24.5 Run 1:Rec. = 100% RQD = 0%Dark gray Andesite - medium grained - hard - very slightly weathered - thin to medium bedded 9.5 Run 2: Rec. = 80% RQD = 23% 4 zones 1 to 6 in. of gravel size particles 5.0 5.6 13.5 Brown silty sand 30 End of boring 19.5 10 C-1 Akutan, AK +8 (estimated) WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS DRILLING DATES: September 5, 2013 to September 8, 2013 DRILLING METHOD(S): BQ (1.69" diameter) wireline core DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL Run Lengths (FT) LABORATORY AND CORE RESULTS 25 15 20 DATE DEPTH ELEVATIONTIME DRILLING FIRM: Denali Drilling 3054300-100001.0 / 000004 / 000006 Geothermal Road PROJECT NO.: RMA Consulting Group CLIENT: PROJECT NAME: DEPTH (FT) 5 Attachment C: Photographs of Rock Core             Photograph 1:  C‐1 Run 1 and 2                               Photograph 2:  C‐1 Run 3 and 4                          Photograph 3:  C‐1 Run 3 and 4                              Photograph 4:  C‐1 Run 6                          Photograph 5:  C‐1 Run 7                               Photograph 6:  Field photograph of core samples.  Attachment D: Laboratory Test Results LA Abrasion Test Data Sheet - ASTM C 131 Project No.: Job No.: Date: Report No.: Architect/ Engineer:Contractor: Project:Source: Report Test of: Mechanical Analysis Gradings for Test Sieve Size Weight Cumulative Weight %%Sieve Size Weight in Grams or No.Retained Retained Retained Passing or No.A B C D 3-Inch 3-Inch 1 1/2-Inch 1 1/2-Inch 1250 1-Inch 1-Inch 1250 3/4-Inch 3/4-Inch 1250 2500 1/2-Inch 1/2-Inch 1250 2500 3/8 Inch 3/8 Inch 2500 1/4-Inch 1/4-Inch 2500 No. 4 No. 4 No. 8 No. 8 5000 Pan Abrasion Data (Grading):B Total Total Sample Weight (Grams) (A)5000 Charge of Spheres Dry Weight Washed On Grading No. of Spheres Spec. (grams) Weight As Run (grams)Passing A 12 5000 ± 25 Percent Wear B 11 4584 ± 25 4595 Dry Weight Washed On 2376 C 8 3330 ± 20 Passing 2624 D 6 2500 ± 15 Percent Wear 52.5 % Remarks:Specifications Requirements Abrasion Loss By Weight:45 % Max Abrasion Loss, This Sample:52.5 This sample DOES [ ] DOES NOT [X] meet specification Tested By:RJP Computed By:RJP Checked By: Geothermal Road Quarry C-1, Akutan, Alaska Crushed Rock Core 60249529 12/23/2013 C-1 Mead & Hunt, Inc. (C500/Ax100) (C100/Ax100) (C100=A-B100) (B100) (C500=A-B500) (B500) K:\PROJECTS\60249529\60249529_LA Abrasion Test Data Sheet (Mead and Hunt).xls Analysis of Aggregates - Soundness of Aggregate Test Data Sheet ASTM C 88, 5 Cycles Project No.:Date: Project:Report No.: Architect / Engineer:Contractor: Source: Report of Tests of: Sieve Size Passing Retained Grading of Original Sample % Weight of Fraction Before Test Actual % Loss Weighted Average Loss Soundness Test of Coarse Aggregate 2-1/2 in.1-1/2 in. 1-1/2 in.3/4 in. 3/4 in.3/8 in.76.9 1000.4 65.4 50.3 3/8 in.No. 4 23.1 300.1 90.6 20.9 Totals 100.0 71.2 Sieve Size Passing Retained Grading of Original Sample % Weight of Fraction Before Test Actual % Loss Weighted Average Loss Soundness Test of Fine Aggregate No. 100 No. 50 No. 100 No. 30 No. 50 No. 16 No. 30 No. 8 No. 16 No. 4 No. 8 3/8 in.No. 4 Totals Specification Requirements Coarse Aggregate Fine Aggregate Sodium Sulfate Loss by Weight 12.0 % Max Magnesium Sulfate Sodium Sulfate Loss by Weight Loss by this Sample 71.2 % Loss by this Sample This sample DOES [ ] DOES NOT [X] meet the specification This sample DOES [ ] DOES NOT [ ] meet the specification Tested By:Checked By:RJP RJP Crushed Rock Core 12/23/13 C-1A 60249529 Geothermal Road Quarry Mead & Hunt, Inc. C-1, Akutan, Alaska K:\PROJECTS\60249529\60249529_Soundness of Aggregate (Mead and Hunt).xls