HomeMy WebLinkAboutAkutan geothermal report Appendix I 2014 Appendix I Geothermal Development Associates Working Papers • Meeting Notes • List of Deliverables • Estimated H2S Release Calculations • Load Duration Curve • Preliminary Plant Drawings and Calculations • Quotes for Structures, Concrete and Crane Akutan Project Phase III Coordination Meeting 7 January 2014 L Green Notes and Commentary Cost Estimate The level of cost estimate for the plant and wellfield piping was discussed. During the last coordination meeting it was decided that the estimate would be to a Class 3 Level. However, GRG and RMA considered that perhaps only Class 4 was appropriate given that resource performance is not definitive. John Mathew (JM) and I stated that we could probably do somewhat better than Class 4. We advised that our estimates would identify the confidence interval(s). Other cost estimate items: • preliminary estimate due the end of February, final due mid-March • materials and equipment should be estimated FOB Seattle or Tacoma • aggregate will be assumed to be brought in and not generated from sources on Akutan – one recent datapoint is $120 per cu yd delivered to Akutan • we will assume rebar, sand in bags, and cement in bags are included in our estimate – JM and GDA to coordinate and use similar pricing GRG will coordinate for quantifying the cost to produce and transport concrete using a batch plant. Plant Size The plant will need to net 7.5 MW corresponding to Trident’s electrical peak. GRG will confirm in what season(s) this peak occurs so design ambient conditions can be selected. In addition to the electrical peak, it was decided that the plant would have extra capacity to provide space heating for the Trident plant. According to Mannvit, this load is 1.7 MW thermal, which is also 1.7 MW electrical assuming electric resistance heating. JM will include as part of his scope the details of implementing electric heat input into Trident’s existing space heating system and will provide Class 4 costing in his scope. Until more is known about the timing of peak loads, the size of the plant is still a bit undefined. If the 7.5 MW peak is a summer peak, and the 1.7 MW spacing heating load is a winter peak, the plant size would likely be smaller than if they are both assumed to be winter peaks. Consideration must still be given to daytime summer ambient and coincident load, particularly if the plant utilizes dry condensing. Plant Type Although the screening study identified non-condensing as an attractive choice, several factors are now making condensing more attractive: • GRC has stated that at least one stakeholder is opposed to releasing hydrogen sulfide. • There is concern that Alaska’s permitting agencies will require mitigation of hydrogen sulfide. • Mitigating hydrogen sulfide from a non-condensing plant is not common whereas mitigating hydrogen sulfide from a condensing plant is common. • The cost of drilling will likely increase from the estimate in the screening study – this makes non-condensing have a higher risk profile due to the lower conversion efficiency compared to condensing. Phase III will therefore assume a condensing plant. GDA will consider several types of cooling systems including, but not necessarily limited to, the following: • a base case of conventional direct contact condensing with wet cooling tower • air-cooled condenser • use of a surface condenser with closed loop dry heat rejection Each system has advantages and disadvantages relating to cost, freeze potential, wind resistance, NCG removal and treatment, condensate management, etc. GDA will evaluate options and make a recommendation. Number of Units Given that most operating personnel would rather have one unit vs. multiple units, GDA will evaluate this approach. However, it could be that the best choice is not a single unit for these reasons: • At low load a single unit might not be able to operate safely with the amount of turndown required, which would mean either using a load bank or shutting the unit down and operating a diesel unit. • Very remote locations often lend themselves to a high degree of modularity in the design of the plant in order to simplify installation. GDA will evaluate these issues and others related to number of units and make a recommendation. Plant Location JM has a concern that the cost of running piping from the high location where the wells are located to the proposed plant location in the valley would be too costly. GRG offered the following: • There is no significant difference between the two locations in terms of snow accumulation. If there was, then building the plant at the high location might be less attractive. • There is ample precedent for geothermal plants located in environments typical of the high location so this does not introduce undue risk. Mead and Hunt stated there is no difference in the road design from the harbor to the valley location compared to the portion that continues up the ridge to the wellfield location. It was decided that the plant would either be co-located on a well pad, or would be located nearby where some level of protection might be afforded due to a “nook” in the terrain. GRG to advise. For planning purposes at this time, the plant footprint was discussed as being about 2 football fields in area, with an aspect ratio that could be adjusted to fit terrain. It could even have a terraced construction. It was also decided to keep the location in the valley for a maintenance yard, the size of which preliminarily is one football field in area. Transmission and Interconnection GDA will provide design and costing of the substation within the fence. JM will design and cost the transmission system to Trident. Due to concerns about the reliability of overhead transmission, JM is looking at cable tray. He will look at the Mead and Hunt map(s) and determine a preliminary route for team consideration. GRG will confirm if the interconnection at Trident is to be part of the Phase III work. In all likelihood a stepdown transformer and switchgear would be required. Perhaps this only be defined to a high level corresponding to a Class 4 or 5 estimate. In line with the Mannvit study, GDA will assume a generator and transmission voltage of 13.8 kV. Wellfield JM decided to base his design around wellhead separation rather than a single separator at the plant. There will be brine pumps at the production wellheads to deliver brine to the plant whereby the brine pressure will be increased by injection pumps, initially sized at 500 hp of total load. JM and GDA will coordinate to determine the total wellfield parasitic load. It is not clear if the injection pumps are part of the plant (GDA scope) or part of the wellfield (JM scope). GRG to confirm. Removable shelters will be provided over wellheads. Steam piping up to the demister(s) is JM scope. GDA will include a rock muffler. GDA will include a condensate handling system as part of its scope that will be coordinated with JM’s wellfield scope. Condensate is assumed to be provided for disposal at 60 psig. Hydrogen Sulfide Mitigation Given the uncertainty of the regulatory environment and statements made by a stakeholder, it was decided to include hydrogen sulfide mitigation in the project. GRG recommended a regenerative thermal oxider as the type of technology appropriate for this application. GRG will gather up all relevant information such as first cost, footprint, outside energy requirements, chemical use, cost and storage requirements, freeze protection, and waste stream parameters. GDA will assume the outlet pressure of the gas extraction system needs to be 15 kpa g. Other Other basis of design parameters include a 130 mph design wind speed and a lateral seismic design factor of 0.5g. GDA is to provide GRG a list of deliverables by EOB Tuesday, 14 January. GRG requested that GDA review our proposed scope and report if we feel there are any significant variations given the discussions that took place 7 January. Alan, I think we should somehow back up the assumptions for the number of wells. I found this tantalizing article summary (one would have to purchase it to get the whole thing) that has the type of information that would provide the back up I think we need. Drilling performance, injectivity and productivity of geothermal wells Abstract Drilling performance of 77 high-temperature production and reinjection wells in the Hengill Area in Iceland was analyzed. The results demonstrate that the perceived high risk of drilling in a proven field is less than commonly thought. No difference was found in the time required to drill holes of or production casing but the wider wells delivered 30–40% more steam. The average power output per drilled well amounts to 5.9 MWe but 7.5 per productive well. To predict steam mass flow on the basis of the Injectivity Index one must consider reservoir conditions and enthalpy of the expected inflow into wells. Keywords Drilling cost; Drilling performance; Drilling risk; Geothermal; Injectivity; Productivity These are the figures from the article that I found interesting: steam flow at 8 bar discharge pressure and injectivity index. Frugal people that don't buy the article only get very tiny versions. From: Larry Green <lgreen@gdareno.com> Subject: Akutan Well Performance Date: October 30, 2013 3:06:50 PM PDT To: Alan Bailey <alanbailey@geothermalresourcegroup.com> Cc: Mary Ohren <maryohren@geothermalresourcegroup.com> 4 Attachments, 9 KB I have no idea if these 77 wells could be considered representative, but picking mid-range values from something like this could be our basis. For instance, we need about 150,000 lbs per hour total to get 7.5 MW net if condensing and about 260,000 lbs per hour if non-condensing. We would be looking at injecting 800,000 lbs per hour and 1.4 million lbs per hour, respectively. From the information in this paper, the assumption that two production wells are required for a non-condensing plant is OK, but it appears equally likely that 4 production wells could be required. Assuming a slightly optimistic injectivity index of 10 kg/s per bar, one injection well could take 635,000 lbs per hour without needing an injection pump. To inject the 1.4 million lbs per hour for non-condensing, and using one well, we would need to add 9 additional bar of pressure or so, which would take 250 kW of parasitic load and an expensive pump. And you might want two for redundancy. These are the kinds of things that need to get into a Basis of Design for the power plant. So, is there some body of work out there that we can used to develop a basis for well performance? Best, L Green Akutan Phase III GDA BOD Comments - 30 December 2013 Reference: 30 December 2013 Basis of Design by GRG 1. The basis of design is going to be a bit broader as it should include more areas than just the resource, such as: a. seismic design factor b. design wind speed and direction c. design temperatures including wet bulb and minimum dry bulb d. geotech parameters like soil bearing pressures So perhaps the Project needs a BOD where all assumptions exist, and this BOD is just resource related. 2. The basis for the required injection capacity will be reviewed by GDA. There are a few items of note: a. The DiPippo information includes assumptions that may not be appropriate for Akutan. A separation pressure of 3.6 bar a may not be practical due to the relatively large specific volume of the steam. In other words, turbines may not be available that will accept enough steam at this pressure and still meet other requirements, like number of units desired. If the resource can be considered large compared to the load, a higher separation pressure may be more attractive. b. The specific output of 86 kW/kg/s probably reflects gross output, not net output. Once the well performance is defined, GDA will determine mass flows required to meet the design net power at the design wet bulb (assuming condensing). 3. The production well performance assumptions should be set so they are justifiable based on well performance at other similar projects. The two that are mentioned are perfect. Assuming a performance at, say, 75% of the average should be defendable, which likely means that two production wells will do nicely, and it can be stated that only one might be required. Seems like including four full-sized wells in the budget makes sense (one duster!) 4. It almost seems like there is a rationale in the BOD for condensing vs. non- condensing in the context of H2S, but if so, it is a bit weak as both are in the same permitting category. Also: a. Treating for H2S is a significant issue that has yet to be addressed by any team member. b. Assuming a condensing plant, is it possible to compress the NCG and reinject it without introducing a corrosion risk to the injection well? Akutan Phase III Geothermal Development Associates List of Deliverables 16 January 2014 In no particular order: Basis of Design Process Flow Diagram Piping and Instrumentation Drawings Electrical Single-Line Diagrams Plant Site Map Plan of Powerhouse Elevations/Sections of Powerhouse Major Vendor RFQ/Guide Specifications Major Vendor Quotations Equipment List Cap Ex Cost Estimate Op Ex Cost Estimate Schedule for Construction Phase III Report Akutan:  Estimated  H2S  Release  Calculations   Milan  Heninger,  16  January  2014     Given   3.5%  mass  of  production  steam  are  NCG’s   2  mol  %  of  dry  NCG  is  H2S     Molar  masses     H2S  =  34  g/mol      CO2  =  44  g/mol       Assumptions   Given  2  mol  %  H2S,  assume  remainder  is  CO2     Find     -­‐Total  mass  of  H2S  per  100  tons  of  steam  &  NCG     Calculate  mass  per  mol  of  NCG  mixture   (34  g/mol)(2%)  =  .68  g/mol   (44  g/mol)(98%)=  43.12  g/mol        .68+43.12=  43.8  g/mol  of  NCG  mixture        Calculate  number  of  mols  in  3500T  of  NCG        !"##  !" !  !"#$=!".!  !" !"#$  →𝑥=𝟕𝟗.𝟗  𝒌𝒎𝒐𝒍  𝑔𝑎𝑠  𝑝𝑒𝑟  3.5𝑇  𝑜𝑓  𝑁𝐶𝐺      Calculate  number  of  mols  of  H2S  in  NCG      (79.9kmol)(2%)  =  1.59817  kmol  of  H2S      Calculate  mass  of  H2S  in  NCG        (1.59817  kmol)(34  kg/kmol)  =  54.338  kg         Conclusion          ~55kg  H2S  per  100T  steam  &  NCG             0   1000   2000   3000   4000   5000   6000   7000   8000  1  10  19  28  37  46  55  64  73  82  91  100  109  118  127  136  145  154  163  172  181  190  199  208  217  226  235  244  253  262  271  280  289  298  307  316  325  334  343  352  361  kW   Days  per  Year   Akutan  Load  Dura3on  Curve   (Source:  2011  Project  Feasibility  Report)   Trident   Akutan   Average   POWER DATA (EXPECTED) UNITS GENERATOR OUTPUT kW COOLING WATER PUMPS kW COOLING TOWER FANS kW LIQUID RING VACUUM PUMPS kW GAS COOLING WATER PUMP kW AUX COOLING WATER PUMP kW MISCELLANEOUS kW TRANSFORMER LOSSES kW ESTIMATED NET OUTPUT kW SITE DATA UNITS SITE ELEVATION 1500 ft (amsl) ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE psi (abs) DRY BULB TEMPERATURE °F RELATIVE HUMIDITY % DEMISTER FROM PRODUCTION WELL GENERATOR TURBINE CONDENSOR GEAR BOX MAIN CONDENSATE PUMP INTER- CONDENSER SECOND-STAGE LIQUID RING VACUUM PUMP SEAL WATER SEPARATOR FIRST-STAGE STEAM JET EJECTOR TO INJECTION WELL COOLING WATER PUMP POWER : xx kW AIR COOLERS LUBE OIL COOLER LUBE OIL CONSOLE 0 ISSUED FOR TEAM REVIEW 15 JAN 14 MH LG LG REV DESCRIPTION DATE DRN.CHKD.CHKD.APP. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO GEOTHERMAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES, AND IS FURNISHED UPON THE EXPRESS CONDITIONS THAT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN WILL NOT BE USED FOR SECOND SOURCE PROCUREMENT OR USED IN ANY OTHER WAY DETRIMENTAL TO THE INTERESTS OF GEOTHERMAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES. (c) 2014 GEOTHERMAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES GEOTHERMAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES PROJECT AKUTAN 2x5MW GEOTHERMAL POWER PROJECT TITLE 3740 BARRON WAY, RENO, NV 89511 USA PHONE: 775-825-5800, FAX: 775-825-4880 UNIT 1 TURBINE STEAM PATH P&ID CAD FILE DRAWING NUMBER SHEET REV. 1045M102r0.vwx 1045M102 1 of 1 0 PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 A A B B C C D D E E F F G G H H CITY OF AKUTAN FROM STEAM SUPPLY SAMPLING PORT 1 LSHH 121 2 122 LAH 1 124 LC 1 LSH 122 1 LSL 123 UNIT 1 TRIP 1-SD 1 121 LAHH MW 1 ZZ 125 S 1 LI 120 D 1 111 UT 1 111 TI 1 111 PI 1 111 DPI 1 TE 111 1 FE 111 1 111 FI 1 UIT 111 D D T 1-T101 TO FLASH TANK 1045Mxxx UNIT 1 PROCESS STEAM 1045Mxxx SAMPLING PORT 2 LSHH 121 2 122 LAH 2 124 LC 2 LSH 122 2 LSL 123 UNIT 2 TRIP 2-SD 2 121 LAHH MW 2 ZZ 125 S 2 LI 120 D T 2-T101 TO FLASH TANK 1045Mxxx UNIT 2 PROCESS STEAM 1045Mxxx SAMPLING PORT 2 111 UT 2 111 TI 2 111 PI 2 111 DPI 2 TE 111 2 FE 111 2 111 FI 2 UIT 111 D D D T 0-T101 0-RM S 1 ZT 110 1 ZC 110 0 PSH 108 0 PIT 107 1 110 ZI 0 107 PC S 2 ZT 110 2 ZC 110 2 110 ZI FO FO 1 ZZ 110 2 ZZ 110 0 107 PI 0 107 PAH 0 107 PAHH 0 108 PAHH SLOPE SLOPE S 3 ZT 110 3 ZC 110 3 110 ZI FO 3 ZZ 110 SLOPE WEIR INSTRUMENT AIR SUPPLY 1045Mxxx SILENCER (TYP 2) RUPTURE DISK (TYP 2) T 0-T102 0 PI 101 0 TI 104 INTERFACE POINT OTHERS PLANT 0-RM ROCK MUFFLER 0 101 PI SHEET NOTES 1.COLOR CODING: BLACK - SUPPLIED BY PLANT RED - SUPPLIED BY OTHERS D 1-SD, 2-SD STEAM DEMISTER 0 ISSUED FOR TEAM REVIEW 14 JAN 14 MH LG LG REV DESCRIPTION DATE DRN.CHKD.CHKD.APP. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO GEOTHERMAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES, AND IS FURNISHED UPON THE EXPRESS CONDITIONS THAT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN WILL NOT BE USED FOR SECOND SOURCE PROCUREMENT OR USED IN ANY OTHER WAY DETRIMENTAL TO THE INTERESTS OF GEOTHERMAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES. (c) 2014 GEOTHERMAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES GEOTHERMAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES PROJECT AKUTAN 2x5MW GEOTHERMAL POWER PROJECT TITLE 3740 BARRON WAY, RENO, NV 89511 USA PHONE: 775-825-5800, FAX: 775-825-4880 STEAM GATHERING P&ID CAD FILE DRAWING NUMBER SHEET REV. 1045M101r0 1045M101 1 of 1 0 PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 A A B B C C D D E E F F G G H H CITY OF AKUTAN 4-20mA T-101 24VDC 4-20mA 4-20mA TRIP S SLOPE S FF FF FCFC TURBINE TRIP CIRCUIT START-UP CONTROL GOVERNOR VALVE POSITION MONITORING 1/2" 1/2" FROM STEAM GATHERING 1045M101 1 ZZ 201 1 ZT 201 1 ZC 201 1 ZZ 202 1 ZT 202 1 ZC 202 1 ZT 203 1 ZC 203 1 ZT 204 1 ZC 204 1 PIT 207 1 207 PI 1 207 PAH 1 TE 208 1 208 TI 1 TI 209 1 TE 210 1 PIT 211 1 TI 212 1 211 PI 1 210 TI TO CONDENSER C-101 1045M103 REMOTE CONTROL PANEL VACUUM BREAKERS 1 ZZ 212 SLOPE T FROM INSTRUMENT AIR 1045Mxxx T-201 GEOTHERMAL STEAM TURBINE SHAFT POWER: SPEED: INLET PRESSURE: xxx kW xxxx rpm xxx psi abs EXHAUST PRESSURE:xxx psi abs INLET STEAM FLOW RATE:xxx T/hr T TO INJECTION SYSTEM 1045Mxxx T 1 TE 214 1 FE 213 1 UIT 215 1 220 UT 1 217 TI 1 216 FI 1 219 DPI 1FM-1 1 218 PI 2SB18-15G D D TO INJECTION SYSTEM 1045Mxxx 0 ISSUED FOR TEAM REVIEW 15 JAN 14 MH LG LG REV DESCRIPTION DATE DRN.CHKD.CHKD.APP. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO GEOTHERMAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES, AND IS FURNISHED UPON THE EXPRESS CONDITIONS THAT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN WILL NOT BE USED FOR SECOND SOURCE PROCUREMENT OR USED IN ANY OTHER WAY DETRIMENTAL TO THE INTERESTS OF GEOTHERMAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES. (c) 2014 GEOTHERMAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES GEOTHERMAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES PROJECT AKUTAN 2x5MW GEOTHERMAL POWER PROJECT TITLE 3740 BARRON WAY, RENO, NV 89511 USA PHONE: 775-825-5800, FAX: 775-825-4880 UNIT 1 TURBINE STEAM PATH P&ID CAD FILE DRAWING NUMBER SHEET REV. 1045M102r0.vwx 1045M102 1 of 1 0 PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 A A B B C C D D E E F F G G H H CITY OF AKUTAN DRAIN TRENCH FIRE PUMP SKID 0 PI 704 0HV-704a 0HV-704b 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 0 PS 709 1/2" 1/2" 0 PS 708 1/2" 1/2" 0 PI 707 BS-1 0 PD 703 0HV-703b1/2"1/2" 0-FP-01 0HV-703a 0HV-707b 0HV-707a 0HV-708b 0HV-709b 0HV-708a 0HV-709a M 0KP006 0KP007 NO 0KP015NC 0KP001 100-FW-114-CS-N100-FW-111-CS-N 100-FW-115-CS-N 100-FW-116-CS-N100-FW-118-CS-N0 PI 711 0HV-711a 0HV-711b 1/2" 1/2" BS-2 0 PD 710 0HV-710b1/2"1/2"0HV-710a 0-FP-03 DIESEL ENGINE 0KP012 0KP013 0KP014 NC NO 0KP003 100-FW-112-CS-N 100-FW-120-CS-N 0-PT-01 1/2" VENT 1/2" DRAIN 0HV-705a 1/2" 1/2" 0 PS 705 1/2" 1/2" 0 PI 706 3/4" 0KP009 0KP010 0-FP-02 0HV-705b 0HV-706 0HV-707 0HV-706a 0HV-706b 0HV-709 M 0KP002 20-FW-117-CS-N 20-FW-113-CS-N FE 0 PI 712 0HV-712a 0HV-712b 1/2" 1/2" 0 PD 713 0HV-713b1/2"1/2"0HV-713a 1/2" 0HV-713c 100-FW-110-CS-NFIRE WATER SUPPLY 1045M107s2 SERVICE WATER SUPPLY 1045M107s3 WATER UNAVAILABLE WATER AVAILABLE FOR FIRE PROTECTION WATER AVAILABLE FOR SERVICE WATER 0 LS 701 0 LS 702 0 LT 700 LAH 0 701 LAL 0 702 LI 0 700 LAL 0 700 0 TE 714 TAL 0 714 LO POWERHOUSE OUTSIDE POWERHOUSE OUTSIDE 0KPxxx TRUCK FILL CONNECTION MW MW 0-TK-01 0 LI 715 0-FP-01 ELECTRIC FIRE PUMP 1X150% DESIGN FLOW: DISCHARGE PRESSURE: DESIGN POWER: xxx gpm xxx psi(g) xxx kW SPEED:xxxx RPM 0-FP-02 JOCKEY PUMP 1 x 100% DESIGN FLOW: DISCHARGE PRESSURE: DESIGN POWER: xxx gpm xxx psi(g) xxx kW SPEED:xxxx RPM 0-FP-03 DIESEL FIRE PUMP 1 x 150% DESIGN FLOW: DISCHARGE PRESSURE: DESIGN POWER: xxx gpm xxx psi(g) xxx kW SPEED:xxx RPM 0-TK-01 FIRE AND SERVICE WATER TANK VOLUME: DIMENSIONS: MATERIAL: XXX gal yy ft tall x yy Diameter Stainless? Painted Steel? 0-PT-01 PRESSURE TANK SPEC 1: SPEC 2: SPEC 3: xxx gpm xxx psi(g) xxx kW SPEC 4:xxx RPM 0 ISSUED FOR TEAM REVIEW 14 JAN 14 MH LG LG REV DESCRIPTION DATE DRN.CHKD.CHKD.APP. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO GEOTHERMAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES, AND IS FURNISHED UPON THE EXPRESS CONDITIONS THAT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN WILL NOT BE USED FOR SECOND SOURCE PROCUREMENT OR USED IN ANY OTHER WAY DETRIMENTAL TO THE INTERESTS OF GEOTHERMAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES. (c) 2014 GEOTHERMAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES GEOTHERMAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES PROJECT AKUTAN 2x5MW GEOTHERMAL POWER PROJECT TITLE 3740 BARRON WAY, RENO, NV 89511 USA PHONE: 775-825-5800, FAX: 775-825-4880 FIRE AND SERVICE WATER P&ID CAD FILE DRAWING NUMBER SHEET REV. 1045M107r0.vwx 1045M107 1 of 1 0 PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 A A B B C C D D E E F F G G H H CITY OF AKUTAN File:Single Flash Separation_Akuran_140120.EES1/20/2014 2:43:23 PM Page 1EES Ver. 8.776: #1337: For use only by David Mendive, GDA, Reno, NVHP SEPARATORPRODUCTION WELLPSEP1LP SEPARATORPSEP2mresource = 143.5 [kg/s]Tresource = 240 [C]hresource = 1,037 [kJ/kg]msteam = 22.29 [kg/s]Tsteam = 171.3 [C]Psteam = 811.5 [kPa]Pflash = 816.5 [kPa]hsteam = 2,769 [kJ/kg]msteam,tph = 80.26 [T/hr]NCGsteam,fraction = 0.035Cco2 = 0.02865kt = 416.9mco2,steam = 0.8086 [kg/s]msteam,total = 23.1 [kg/s]mbrine = 121.2 [kg/s]Tbrine = 171.3 [C]Pbrine = 821.5 [kPa]hbrine = 724.9 [kJ/kg]mco2,brine = 0.02385 [kg/s]mbrine,total = 121.2 [kg/s]mresource = 143.5 [kg/s]Tresource = 240 [C]Presource = 3,345 [kPa]hresource = 1,037 [kJ/kg]mco2,resource = 0.8324 [kg/s]mresource,total = 144.3 [kg/s]NCGbrine,fraction = 0.0001967Ppar,co2 = 11.95 [kPa]US UNITSCalculate File:Single Flash Separation_Akuran_140120.EES1/20/2014 2:43:23 PM Page 2EES Ver. 8.776: #1337: For use only by David Mendive, GDA, Reno, NV File:Single Flash Separation_Akuran_140120.EES1/20/2014 2:43:23 PM Page 3EES Ver. 8.776: #1337: For use only by David Mendive, GDA, Reno, NVHP SEPARATORPRODUCTION WELLPSEP1LP SEPARATORPSEP2hresource,btu = 446.2 [btu/lb]Tresource,F = 464 [F]Presource,psia = 485.1 [psia]mresource,total,pph = 1.146E+06 [lb/hr]hsteam,btu = 1,191 [btu/lb]Tsteam,F = 340.3 [F]Psteam,psia = 117.7 [psia]msteam,total,pph = 183354 [lb/hr]Pflash,psia = 118.4 [psia]hbrine,btu = 311.8 [btu/lb]Tbrine,F = 340.3 [F]Pbrine,psia = 119.2 [psia]mbrine,total,pph = 962,187 [lb/hr]NCGsteam,fraction = 0.035mco2,steam,pph = 6,417 [lb/hr]Calculate File:Single Flash Separation_Akuran_140120.EES1/20/2014 2:43:23 PM Page 4EES Ver. 8.776: #1337: For use only by David Mendive, GDA, Reno, NV File:Single Flash Separation_Akuran_140120.EES1/20/2014 2:43:23 PM Page 5EES Ver. 8.776: #1337: For use only by David Mendive, GDA, Reno, NVSOLUTIONUnit Settings: SI C kPa kJ mass degCco2 = 0.02865 pseparator = 5 [kPa]pseparator, = 0.7252 [psi]hbrine = 724.9 [kJ/kg]hbrine,btu = 311.8 [btu/lb]hco2 = 130.2 [kJ/kg]hco2,btu = 56.01 [btu/lb]hresource = 1,037 [kJ/kg]hresource,btu = 446.2 [btu/lb]hsteam = 2,769 [kJ/kg]hsteam,btu = 1,191 [btu/lb]kt = 416.9 Liquidhead = 10 [kPa]Liquidhead = 1.45 [psi]mbrine = 121.2 [kg/s]mbrine,pph = 961,998 [lb/hr]mbrine,total = 121.2 [kg/s]mbrine,total,pph = 962,187 [lb/hr]mco2,brine = 0.02385 [kg/s]mco2,brine,pph = 189.3 [lb/hr]mco2,resource = 0.8324 [kg/s]mco2,resource,pph = 6,607 [lb/hr]mco2,steam = 0.8086 [kg/s]mco2,steam,pph = 6,417 [lb/hr]mresource = 143.5 [kg/s]mresource,pph = 1.139E+06 [lb/hr]mresource,total = 144.3 [kg/s]mresource,total,pph = 1.146E+06 [lb/hr]msteam = 22.29 [kg/s]msteam,pph = 176,937 [lb/hr]msteam,total = 23.1 [kg/s]msteam,total,pph = 183,354 [lb/hr]msteam,tph = 80.26 [T/hr]NCGbrine,fraction = 0.0001967 NCGsteam,fraction = 0.035 Pbrine = 821.5 [kPa]Pbrine,psia = 119.2 [psia]Pflash = 816.5 [kPa]Pflash,psia = 118.4 [psia]Ppar,co2 = 11.95 [kPa]Presource = 3,345 [kPa]Presource,psia = 485.1 [psia]Psteam = 811.5 [kPa]Psteam,psia = 117.7 [psia]brine = 896.2 [kg/m3]Tbrine = 171.3 [C]Tbrine,F = 340.3 [F]Tresource = 240 [C]Tresource,F = 464 [F]Tsteam = 171.3 [C]Tsteam,F = 340.3 [F]volbrine = 0.001116 [m3/kg]y = 0.01463 No unit problems were detected. File:E:\Akutan_Surface_Condensers_r0.3.EES1/22/2014 4:39:26 PM Page 1EES Ver. 9.181: #1337: For use only by David Mendive, GDA, Reno, NVINTER-CONDENSERLRVPCOOLING TOWER1ST STAGEEJECTORSEPARATORMAIN SURFACECONDENSERCONDENSATEPUMPCOOLINGWATER PUMPDRIFT EVAPORATIONMAKE-UPWATERSTEAMSUPPLYTURBINE/GENERATOR SETTURBINESEAL STEAMGENERATOR COOLER&LUBE OIL COOLER12345678910111213141520212223242526272829303132P1 = 816.8 [kPa]P2 = 806.8 [kPa]P5 = 799.8 [kPa]T1 = 171.5 [C] Tsup = 0.2 [C]T5 = 170.6 [C]P6 = 10.2 [kPa]m1 = 23.89 [kg/s]m2 = 22.26 [kg/s]m3 = 1.382 [kg/s]NCGcond = 0.035P9 = 9.697 [kPa]P12 = 9.622 [kPa]P11 = 230.6 [kPa]P3 = 799.8 [kPa]P26 = 39.5 [kPa]P23 = 232.6 [kPa]P21 = 39.8 [kPa]T21 = 30 [C]m21 = 1.507 [kg/s]T26 = 27.01 [C]m23 = 37.62 [kg/s]P13 = 18.45 [kPa]m8 = 22.78 [kg/s]T8 = 33.92 [C]P8 = 9.997 [kPa]P14 = 255.5 [kPa]Condpump,TDH = 24.81 [m]P22 = 9.997 [kPa]m11 = 931.9 [kg/s]17T23 = 38 [C]T11 = 32 [C]P24 = 230.6 [kPa]m24 = 984 [kg/s]T24 = 32.15 [C]P25 = 120 [kPa]Tcooled = 19 [C]m15 = 998 [kg/s]P17 = 345.5 [kPa]P10 = 320.6 [kPa]P29 = 104.5 [kPa]P28 = 200 [kPa]m28 = 14 [kg/s]T29 = 24.01 [C]T17 = 19.01 [C]P31 = 104.5 [kPa]T31 = 24.01 [C]mmakeup = 21.14 [kg/s]mevap = 16.91 [kg/s]mdrift = 0.00492 [kg/s]mblowdown = 4.224 [kg/s]PowerMCW,pumpPowergen10981 [kW]308 [kW]Powerfans214 [kW]PowermiscPowernet10045 [kW]PowerCond,pump7 [kW]PowerLRVP228 [kW]180 [kW]mevap,max = 21.14 [kg/s]Ttower,approach = 4.389 [C]Tdb = 18 [C]Twb = 14.61 [C]Twb,air,out = 28.62 [C]CWPpump,TDH = 25.4 [m]Tcond,approach = 14.2 [C]Tcond,ncg,approach = 10 [C]U = 2.618 [kW/(m2)*C]A = 1314 [m2]LMTD = 14.69 [C]Tcond,approach,2 = 66 [C]Tcond,ncg,approach,2 = 8 [C]U2 = 1 [kW/(m2)*C]A2 = 97.28 [m2]LMTD2 = 30.68 [C]m10 = 931.9 [kg/s]m20 = 37.62 [kg/s]P20 = 302.6 [kPa]T20 = 19.01 [C]Velair,out,fan = 5.6 [m/s]Qcond = 50539 [kW]Qcond,2 = 2985 [kW]QCT = 54109 [kW]P16 = 40 [kPa]T16 = 104 [C]T9 = 29.01 [C]CyclesConcentration = 5T6 = 46.2 [C]h6 = 2164 [kJ/kg]h8 = 143.2 [kJ/kg]Tcond,subcool,1 = 12 [C]x6 = 0.8243TNCG,subcool,1 = 17.19 [C]Tcond,subcool,2 = 45.88 [C]CLICK HERE FORUS UNITSmauxcooling = 14.51 [kg/s]hturb = 0.8hgear = 0.99hgen = 0.97Tresource = 240 [C]xresource = 0mresource,total = 149.8 [kg/s]Tair,out = 28.75 [C]FF = 12.31 [1/m2]V5 = 0.2444x5 = 100Calculate File:E:\Akutan_Surface_Condensers_r0.3.EES1/22/2014 4:39:26 PM Page 2EES Ver. 9.181: #1337: For use only by David Mendive, GDA, Reno, NVMAIN TRIP VALVE SECONDARY TRIP VALVE MAIN GOVERNOR VALVEBYPASS VALVETURBINE INLETFLANGESTEAM INLET VALVE ASSEMBLY (METRIC UNITS)9080705020" (500mm)20" (500mm)20" (500mm)6" (150mm)%%%%P2 = 806.8 [kPa]P5 = 799.8 [kPa]Calculate File:E:\Akutan_Surface_Condensers_r0.3.EES1/22/2014 4:39:26 PM Page 3EES Ver. 9.181: #1337: For use only by David Mendive, GDA, Reno, NVINTER-CONDENSERLRVPCOOLING TOWER1ST STAGEEJECTORSEPARATORMAIN SURFACECONDENSERCONDENSATEPUMPCOOLINGWATER PUMPDRIFT EVAPORATIONMAKE-UPWATERSTEAMSUPPLYTURBINE/GENERATOR SETTURBINESEAL STEAMGENERATOR COOLER&LUBE OIL COOLER12345678910111213141520212223242526272829303132Ppsi,1 = 118.5 [psia]Ppsi,2 = 117 [psia]Ppsi,5 = 116 [psia]TF,1 = 340.6 [F]TF,2 = 340.6 [F]TF,6 = 115.2 [F]Ppsi,6 = 1.479 [psia]mkpph,1 = 189.6 [kpph]mkpph,2 = 176.7 [kpph]NCGcond = 0.035Ppsi,9 = 1.406 [psia]Ppsi,11 = 33.45 [psia]Ppsi,26 = 5.729 [psia]Ppsi,21 = 5.773 [psia]TF,21 = 86 [F]TF,26 = 80.62 [F]mkpph,23 = 298.6 [kpph]Ppsi,13 = 2.676 [psia]mkpph,8 = 180.8 [kpph]TF,8 = 93.06 [F]Ppsi,8 = 1.45 [psia]Ppsi,14 = 37.06 [psia]Condpump,TDH,ft = 81.4 [ft]Ppsi,22 = 1.45 [psia]Vusgpm,11 = 14844 [US gpm]17TF,23 = 100.4 [F]TF,11 = 89.6 [F]Ppsi,24 = 33.45 [psia]Vusgpm,24 = 15675 [US gpm]TF,24 = 89.86 [F]Ppsi,25 = 17.4 [psia]Tbasin,F = 66.2 [F]Vusgpm,15 = 15844 [US gpm]Ppsi,17 = 50.12 [psia]Ppsi,10 = 46.51 [psia]Ppsi,28 = 29.01 [psia]mkpph,28 = 111.1 [kpph]TF,17 = 66.22 [F]Vmakeup,USgpm = 335.6 [US gpm]mevap,kpph = 134.2 [kpph]mdrift,kpph = 0.03905 [kpph]Vblowdown,USgpm = 67.05 [US gpm]PowerMCW,pumpPowergen10981 [kW]308 [kW]Powerfans214 [kW]PowermiscPowernet10045 [kW]PowerCond,pump7 [kW]PowerLRVP228 [kW]180 [kW]mevap,max,kpph = 167.8 [kpph]Ttower,approach,F = 7.9 [F]Tdb,F = 64.4 [F]Twb,F = 58.3 [F]Twb,air,out,F = 83.51 [F]CWPpump,TDH,ft = 83.33 [ft]LMTD2,F = 55.23 [F]Vusgpm,10 = 14793 [US gpm]Vusgpm,20 = 597.2 [US gpm]Velair,out,fan,fps = 18.37 [ft/s]Qcond = 50539 [kW]Qcond,2 = 2985 [kW]QCT = 54109 [kW]Ppsi,16 = 5.802 [psia]TF,16 = 219.2 [F]TF,9 = 84.22 [F]CyclesConcentration = 5x6 = 0.8243LMTDF = 26.44 [F]Ppsi,3 = 116 [psia]mkpph,3 = 10.97 [kpph]Ppsi,20 = 43.9 [psia]TF,20 = 66.22 [F]Ppsi,23 = 33.74 [psia]Ppsi,29 = 15.16 [psia]TF,29 = 75.22 [F]Ppsi,31 = 15.16 [psia]TF,31 = 75.22 [F]Vusgpm,8 = 363.2 [US gpm]vauxcooling,USgpm = 230.3 [US gpm]Vusgpm,28 = 222.2 [US gpm]U1 = 461.4 [Btu/hr*F*ft2]Asqft = 14147 [ft2]U2 = 176.2 [Btu/hr*F*ft2]A2,sqft = 1047 [ft2]mkpph,4 = 1.984 [kpph]mresource,total,pph = 1189 [kpph]Tresource,F = 464 [F]hturb = 0.8hgear = 0.99hgen = 0.97Condpump,TDH,ft = 81.4 [ft]Calculate File:E:\Akutan_Surface_Condensers_r0.3.EES1/22/2014 4:39:26 PM Page 4EES Ver. 9.181: #1337: For use only by David Mendive, GDA, Reno, NVSOLUTIONUnit Settings: SI C kPa kJ mass degA = 1314 [m2]A2 = 97.28 [m2]A2,sqft = 1047 [ft2]Asqft = 14147 [ft2]CondPipeID1 = 300 [mm]CondPipeID2 = 300 [mm]Condpipelength1 = 1.183E+06 [m]Condpipelength2 = 30 [m]Condpiperoughness,1 = 0.04572 [mm]Condpiperoughness,2 = 0.04572 [mm]CondLiquid,head = 900 [mm]Condpump,TDH = 24.81 [m]Condpump,TDH,ft = 81.4 [ft]cpbasin = 4.183 CTelev = 7000 [mm]CWPpump,TDH = 25.4 [m]CWPpump,TDH,ft = 83.33 [ft]CyclesConcentration = 5 Cco2 = 0.02873 dpCond,piping = 10 [kPa]dpcond,shell = 0.2 [kPa]dpcond,shell,2 = 0.2 [kPa]dpcond,tube = 90 [kPa]dpcond,tube,2 = 70 [kPa]dpLRVP,header = 0.1 [kPa]dpseparator = 5 [kPa]dpseparator,y = 0.7252 [psi]dpsteampiping = 10 [kPa]dpvalves = 7 [kPa]Driftloss = 0.0005 Dutyauxcooling = 443.2 [kW]Dutygencooler = 267.1 [kW]Dutylubeoilcooler = 176.2 [kW]ElevationHead = 500 [mm]Elevcondenser = 500 [mm]EquivalentLengthfittings,NCG1 = 72 [m]hcwp = 0.86 hfan,mechanical = 0.48 hfan,motor = 0.92 hgear = 0.99 File:E:\Akutan_Surface_Condensers_r0.3.EES1/22/2014 4:39:26 PM Page 5EES Ver. 9.181: #1337: For use only by David Mendive, GDA, Reno, NVhgen = 0.97 hLRVP = 0.5 hmotor = 0.94 hmotor,cwp = 0.94 hpump = 0.85 hturb = 0.8 Fandiameter = 10.34 [m]Fandiameter,ft = 33.91 [ft]FF = 12.31 [1/m2]fluid2$ = 'carbondioxide' fluid3$ = 'water' fluid4$ = 'water' frictionfactorcond1 = 0.03298 frictionfactorcond2 = 0.01791 frictionfactorNCG1 = 0.01638 gravity = 9.81 [m/s2]hbasin = 79.74 [kJ/kg]hbrine = 726.1 [kJ/kg]hbrine,btu = 312.4 [btu/lb]hco2 = 130.5 [kJ/kg]hco2,btu = 56.12 [btu/lb]hresource = 1037 [kJ/kg]hresource,btu = 446.2 [btu/lb]hsteam = 2770 [kJ/kg]hsteam,btu = 1192 [btu/lb]kt = 418.4 LDratio,fittings,Cond1 = 300 LDratio,fittings,Cond2 = 300 LGratio = 0.95 Liquidhead = 10 [kPa]Liquidheady = 1.45 [psi]LMTD = 14.69 [C]LMTD2 = 30.68 [C]LMTD2,F = 55.23 [F]LMTDF = 26.44 [F]LookupTable,Col,No1 = 12 LookupTable,Col,No2 = 12 LookupTable,Col,No3 = 12 LookupTable,Col,No4 = 5 MWco2 = 44 MWH2o = 18 mair,act,m3h = 3.383E+06 [m3/hr] File:E:\Akutan_Surface_Condensers_r0.3.EES1/22/2014 4:39:26 PM Page 6EES Ver. 9.181: #1337: For use only by David Mendive, GDA, Reno, NVmair,m3h = 3.177E+06 [m3/hr]mauxcooling = 14.51 [kg/s]mauxcooling,kpph = 115.2 [kpph]mblowdown = 4.224 [kg/s]mblowdown,kpph = 33.52 [kpph]mbrine = 125.9 [kg/s]mbrine,pph = 999.2 [kpph]mbrine,total = 125.9 [kg/s]mbrine,total,pph = 999.4 [kpph]mco2,brine = 0.02474 [kg/s]mco2,brine,pph = 0.1964 [kpph]mco2,resource = 0.861 [kg/s]mco2,resource,pph = 6.834 [kpph]mco2,steam = 0.8363 [kg/s]mco2,steam,pph = 6.637 [kpph]mcondensate,out = 21.28 [kg/s]mcw,gen = 8.201 [kg/s]mcw,lubeoil = 6.309 [kg/s]mdrift = 0.00492 [kg/s]mdrift,kpph = 0.03905 [kpph]mevap = 16.91 [kg/s]mevap,kpph = 134.2 [kpph]mevap,max = 21.14 [kg/s]mevap,max,kpph = 167.8 [kpph]mmakeup = 21.14 [kg/s]mmakeup,kpph = 167.8 [kpph]mresource = 149 [kg/s]mresource,pph = 1182 [kpph]mresource,total = 149.8 [kg/s]mresource,total,pph = 1189 [kpph]msteam = 23.06 [kg/s]msteam,pph = 183 [kpph]msteam,total = 23.89 [kg/s]msteam,total,pph = 189.6 [kpph]msteam,tph = 83.01 [T/hr]Mpd1,0 = 0.8 Mstab1 = 0.95 NCGPipeID1 = 600 [mm]NCGpipelength1 = 5 [m]NCGpipeLD,ratio,fittings,1 = 120 NCGpiperoughness,1 = 0.04572 [mm]NCGbrine,fraction = 0.0001965 File:E:\Akutan_Surface_Condensers_r0.3.EES1/22/2014 4:39:26 PM Page 7EES Ver. 9.181: #1337: For use only by David Mendive, GDA, Reno, NVNCGcond = 0.035 NCGresource,fraction = 0.005747 NCGsteam,fraction = 0.035 Noof,fans = 2 NPSHa = 1248 [m]NPSHa,CW = 9838 [m]Powercwp = 308 [kW]Powerfans = 214 [kW]Powergen = 10981 [kW]PowerLRVP = 228 [kW]PowerLRVP,co2 = 103.2 [kW]PowerLRVP,h2o = 10.85 [kW]Powermisc = 180 [kW]Powernet = 10045 [kW]Powerpump = 7 [kW]PressureLossbowl = 1 [kPa]PressureLosscan = 10 [kPa]PressureLosscond1 = 29.8 [kPa]PressureLosscond2 = 0.3763 [kPa]PressureLosscw1 = 42 [kPa]PressureLosscw2 = 20 [kPa]PressureLossNCG1 = 0.07531 [kPa]Patm = 99.54 [kPa]Patm,y = 14.44 [psia]Pbrine = 826.8 [kPa]Pbrine,psia = 119.9 [psia]Pcond2 = 9.621 [kPa]PCond,pump,out = 245.5 [kPa]PCT,in = 90 [kPa]PCT,nozzles = 30 [kPa]PCW,pump,out = 344.5 [kPa]Pflash = 821.8 [kPa]Pflash,psia = 119.2 [psia]Photwell = 9.997 [kPa]Ppar,co2 = 12.02 [kPa]Ppump,in = 12.24 [kPa]Ppump,in,CW = 96.48 [kPa]Presource = 3345 [kPa]Presource,psia = 485.1 [psia]Psteam = 816.8 [kPa]Psteam,psia = 118.5 [psia]Pturb = 11435 [kW] File:E:\Akutan_Surface_Condensers_r0.3.EES1/22/2014 4:39:26 PM Page 8EES Ver. 9.181: #1337: For use only by David Mendive, GDA, Reno, NVQcond = 50539 [kW]Qcond,2 = 2985 [kW]QCT = 54109 [kW]Qlatent = 40170 [kW]Qsensible = 13939 [kW]RH = 0.7001 rbrine = 895.9 [kg/m3]rCW = 998.4 [kg/m3]RHair,out = 0.99 SiteElevation = 150 [m]SiteElevationft = 492.1 [ft]Stackdiameter = 10.24 [m]Stackdiameter,ft = 33.58 [ft]Stage1comp,ratio = 4.349 staticpressure = 75 [pa]Staticpressure,y = 0.01088 [psi]SuctionLosses = 0.1 [m]SuctionLossesCW = 0.1 [m]Tair,out = 28.75 [C]TAuxcooling,out = 26.3 [C]TAuxcooling,out,F = 79.34 [F]Tbasin = 19 [C]Tbasin,F = 66.2 [F]Tbrine = 171.6 [C]Tbrine,F = 340.8 [F]Tcond,approach = 14.2 [C]Tcond,approach,2 = 66 [C]Tcond,approach,2,F = 118.8 [F]Tcond,approach,F = 25.56 [F]Tcond,ncg,approach = 10 [C]Tcond,ncg,approach,2 = 8 [C]Tcond,NCG,approach,2,F = 14.4 [F]Tcond,NCG,approach,F = 18 [F]Tcond,subcool,1 = 12 [C]Tcond,subcool,1,F = 21.6 [F]Tcond,subcool,2 = 45.88 [C]Tcond,subcool,2,F = 82.58 [F]Tcooled = 19 [C]Tdb = 18 [C]Tdb,F = 64.4 [F]Tgen,cw,in = 19 [C]Tgen,cw,out = 26.3 [C] File:E:\Akutan_Surface_Condensers_r0.3.EES1/22/2014 4:39:26 PM Page 9EES Ver. 9.181: #1337: For use only by David Mendive, GDA, Reno, NVThotwell = 34.2 [C]Tlubeoil,cw,in = 19 [C]Tlubeoil,cw,out = 26.3 [C]TNCG,subcool,1 = 17.19 [C]TNCG,subcool,1,F = 30.94 [F]TNCG,subcool,2 = 76.99 [C]TNCG,subcool,2,F = 82.58 [F]Tresource = 240 [C]Tresource,F = 464 [F]Tsteam = 171.6 [C]Tsteam,F = 340.8 [F]Tsup = 0.2 [C]TTower,actualapproach = 4.389 Ttower,approach = 4.389 [C]Ttower,approach,F = 7.9 [F]Twb = 14.61 [C]Twb,air,out = 28.62 [C]Twb,air,out,F = 83.51 [F]Twb,F = 58.3 [F]U = 2.618 [kW/(m2)*C]U1 = 461.4 [Btu/hr*F*ft2]U2 = 176.2 [Btu/hr*F*ft2]U2 = 1 [kW/(m2)*C]VALVE1size$ = '20" (500mm)//Lookup_Table_Col_No1=12;Pipe_ID1[2]=0.4778248[m]' VALVE2size$ = '20" (500mm)//Lookup_Table_Col_No2=12;Pipe_ID2[2]=0.4778248[m]' VALVE3size$ = '20" (500mm)//Lookup_Table_Col_No3=12;Pipe_ID3[2]=0.4778248[m]' VALVE4size$ = '6" (150mm)//Lookup_Table_Col_No4=5;Pipe_ID4[2]=0.154051[m]' Valve1,a$ = '90' Valve2,a$ = '80' Valve3,a$ = '70' Valve4,a$ = '50' Velocitycond1 = 0.02141 [m/s]Velocitycond2 = 0.3241 [m/s]VelocityNCG1 = 20.55 [m/s]Velocitypressure = 25.4 [pa]Velocitypressure,y = 0.003684 [psi]Velair,out,fan = 5.6 [m/s]Velair,out,fan,fps = 18.37 [ft/s]Velair,out,stack = 5.71 [m/s]Velair,out,stack,fps = 18.73 [ft/s]volbrine = 0.001116 vauxcooling,USgpm = 230.3 [US gpm] File:E:\Akutan_Surface_Condensers_r0.3.EES1/22/2014 4:39:26 PM Page 10EES Ver. 9.181: #1337: For use only by David Mendive, GDA, Reno, NVVblowdown,USgpm = 67.05 [US gpm]Vmakeup,USgpm = 335.6 [US gpm]wt = 513.7 xresource = 0 y = 0.01463 y1 = 0.01463 No unit problems were detected. File:E:\Akutan_Surface_Condensers_r0.3.EES1/22/2014 4:39:26 PM Page 11EES Ver. 9.181: #1337: For use only by David Mendive, GDA, Reno, NVArrays Table: MainmiPiTiPipeID1,iPipeID2,iPipeID3,iPipeID4,ihisixihCO2,ihH2O,imco2,i[kg/s] [kPa] [C] [m] [m] [m] [m] [kJ/kg] [kJ/kg] [kJ/kg] [kg/s] 1 23.89 816.8 171.5 2 22.26 806.8 0.4778 0.4778 0.4778 0.1541 3 1.382 799.8 171.4 4 0.25 5 22.26 799.8 170.6 2769 6.672 100 6 22.26 10.2 46.2 2164 7.078 0.8243 7 0.7792 8 22.78 9.997 33.92 143.2 9 0.9858 9.697 29.01 3.309 2554 0.7792 10 931.9 320.6 19.01 11 931.9 230.6 32 12 9.622 13 22.78 18.45 33.92 14 22.78 255.5 33.94 142.4 15 998 99.54 19 16 2.368 40 104 1775 69.52 2691 0.8275 17 998 345.5 19.01 80.03 18 19 20 37.62 302.6 19.01 21 1.507 39.8 30 125.7 22 9.997 23 37.62 232.6 38 24 984 230.6 32.15 25 120 26 39.5 27.01 1.342 2550 0.8275 27 28 14 200 19.01 79.9 29 104.5 24.01 0.8275 30 31 104.5 24.01 Arrays Table: MainmH2O,iTF,imkpph,co2,imkpph,h2o,imkpph,iPy,y,y,y,iVusgpm,irrrriP1imdot1,iv1iVi[kg/s] [F] [kpph] [kpph] [kpph] [psia] [US gpm] [kg/m3] [kPa] [kg/s] 1 340.6 189.6 118.5 File:E:\Akutan_Surface_Condensers_r0.3.EES1/22/2014 4:39:26 PM Page 12EES Ver. 9.181: #1337: For use only by David Mendive, GDA, Reno, NVArrays Table: MainmH2O,iTF,imkpph,co2,imkpph,h2o,imkpph,iPy,y,y,y,iVusgpm,irrrriP1imdot1,iv1iVi[kg/s] [F] [kpph] [kpph] [kpph] [psia] [US gpm] [kg/m3] [kPa] [kg/s] 2 340.6 176.7 117 3 340.6 10.97 116 4 1.984 5 339.1 176.7 116 16704 49.08 3.915 0.2444 6 115.2 176.7 1.479 7 8 93.06 180.8 1.45 363.2 994.4 9 0.2067 84.22 6.184 1.64 7.824 1.406 10 89.6 7396 46.51 14793 998.5 11 89.6 7396 33.45 14844 995.1 12 13 180.8 2.676 363.2 994.4 14 93.09 37.06 363.1 994.5 15 7921 15844 998.4 16 1.54 219.2 6.568 12.22 18.79 5.802 17 66.22 50.12 15842 998.5 18 19 20 66.22 298.6 43.9 597.2 998.5 21 86 11.96 5.773 23.99 995.6 22 1.45 23 100.4 298.6 33.74 600.5 993 24 89.86 7810 33.45 15675 995 25 17.4 26 0.03317 80.62 6.568 12.22 5.729 27 28 111.1 29.01 222.2 998.5 29 0.03317 75.22 6.568 12.22 15.16 30 31 75.22 15.16 File:E:\Akutan_Surface_Condensers_r0.3.EES1/22/2014 4:39:26 PM Page 13EES Ver. 9.181: #1337: For use only by David Mendive, GDA, Reno, NVParametric Table: Table 1Py,y,y,y,5P5Pflash,psiaPflashmkpph,5m5PowergenPowernet[psia] [kPa] [psia] [kPa] [kpph] [kg/s] [kW] [kW]Run 1 36.26 250 39.45 272 249.1 31.38 11314 9992 Run 2 45.12 311.1 48.31 333.1 239.2 30.14 11621 10356 Run 3 53.99 372.2 57.18 394.2 229.9 28.96 11762 10548 Run 4 62.85 433.3 66.04 455.3 220.8 27.82 11782 10616 Run 5 71.71 494.4 74.9 516.4 212.4 26.76 11737 10616 Run 6 80.58 555.6 83.77 577.6 204.6 25.77 11647 10567 Run 7 89.44 616.7 92.63 638.7 197.1 24.83 11517 10475 Run 8 98.3 677.8 101.5 699.8 190 23.94 11359 10354 Run 9 107.2 738.9 110.4 760.9 183.2 23.08 11179 10209 Run 10 116 800 119.2 822 176.7 22.26 10981 10044 File:E:\Akutan_Surface_Condensers_r0.3.EES1/22/2014 4:39:26 PM Page 14EES Ver. 9.181: #1337: For use only by David Mendive, GDA, Reno, NVResource Temp = 240 CResource Flow = 149.8 kg/s20030040050060070080090010900110001110011200113001140011500116001170011800Pflash [kPa]Powergen [kW] File:E:\Akutan_Surface_Condensers_r0.3.EES1/22/2014 4:39:26 PM Page 15EES Ver. 9.181: #1337: For use only by David Mendive, GDA, Reno, NVResource Temp = 464 FResource Flow = 1,188,930 lb/hr3040506070809010011012010900110001110011200113001140011500116001170011800Ppsi[5] [psia]Powergen [kW] Akutan'Phase'III Concrete Powerhouse)Maintenance)Well)Heads Slab)Sizing Length'(ft)135.0 135.0 45.0 Width'(ft)'70.0 70.0 30.0 Thickness'(inch)6.0 6.0 6.0 Number'of'locations n/a n/a 3.0 Footings)and)Grade)Beams Ring'width'(ft)2.0 2.0 2.0 Ring'thickness'(ft)2.8 2.8 2.0 Equipment)Foundations Number'of'TG'sets 2.0 0.0 0.0 Number'of'Rock'Mufflers 1.0 0.0 0.0 Total)Volume)(ft3)11814.9 7812.8 1554.7 Cubic)Yards 437.6 289.4 57.6 21182.38 ft3 784.5 yard3 Slab)Reinforcement)Calculations #4'/'T12 Grid'size'(Inch'on'center)'12.0 12.0 12.0 Distance'to'edge'(inch)6.0 6.0 6.0 Total'feet'of'rebar'1557.9 1557.9 218.8 Number'of'20''sticks'80.0 80.0 15.0 Foundation)Rebar)Calculations T20 T16 T12 TG'Set'Rebar'(ft)2165.7 1455.2 0.0 Rock'Muffler'Rebar'(ft)0.0 2042.0 3733.7 Total'feet'of'rebar'2165.7 3497.2 3733.7 Number'of'20''sticks'110.0 175.0 190.0 #6)/)T20 #5)/)T16 #4)/)T12 Total)Number)of)20')sticks)110 175 365 Total)Concrete)Volume Please)Select)Slab)Rebar)size: WASTAGE)NOT)INCLUDED WASTAGE)NOT)INCLUDED Akutan'Phase'III Concrete Unit%Price/Lbs Cost/Cubic%Yard Unit%Price/Lbs Cost/Cubic%Yard Cement 482.00'lbs $0.10 $48.20 Cement 482.00'lbs $0.10 $48.20 Sand 1500.00'lbs $0.05 $75.00 Sand 1500.00'lbs $0.05 $75.00 Aggregate 2200.00'lbs $0.05 $110.00 Aggregate 2200.00'lbs $0.05 $110.00 Rebar 52.50'lbs $0.15 $7.87 Rebar 70.99'lbs $0.15 $10.65 Total%Cost:$241.07 Total:$243.85 Cost'Per'Cubic'Yard $243.85 Total'Cubic'Yards 941.44 Subtotal $229,568.07 Shipping'Cost'(est.)$1,000.00 Total%Cost:$230,811.92 NOTE:'Actual'cost'estimates'TBD'by'quotes'from'regional'vendors Per'Cubic'Yard'of'5000psi'Concrete'Per'Cubic'Yard'of'5000psi'Concrete' Rock%Muffler%Concrete%Cost%EstimateTurbine/Generator%Set%Concrete%Cost%Estimate Akutan'Phase'III Concrete T20$rebar$takeoff T16$rebar$takeoff$Total$Concrete Total$lbs/cubic$yard$(Rebar) 11.428 19.047 34.699 cubic'meter 52.50 20.828 42.287 9.4 15.666 Total$Concrete$ 8.284 13.807 45.385 cubic'yard 25.372 34.713 33.656 56.093 51.063 33.387 115.099 6.759 28.304 26.603 330.037 m 221.759 m Weight Weight 2.467 kg/m 1.579 kg/m subtotal subtotal 814.20 kg 350.16 kg 1666.02 lbs 716.49 lbs Total$rebar$weight 2382.51 lbs 1$Cubic$foot$of$Material Cement 94 lbs'(one'sack) Sand'100 lbs Aggregate 100 lbs 1$Cubic$yard$of$concrete Cement 482.5 lbs' Sand'1500 lbs Aggregate 2200 lbs Rebar 52.50 lbs Total:4182.5 lbs T16$rebar$takeoff T12$rebar$takeoff Total$Concrete Total$lbs/cubic$yard$(Rebar) 4.5 428 43.928 'cubic'meter 70.99 10.85 674 10.7 4.605 Total$Concrete 57.2 3.66 57.455 'cubic'yards 3.737 11.556 1.26 5.778 4.2 5.6 1.2 3.511 214 1.26 214 4.725 3.66 5.778 11.556 75 622.366 m 1137.97 m Weight Weight 1.579 kg/m 0.888 kg/m subtotal subtotal 982.715914 kg 1010.51736 kg 2010.833303 lbs 2067.720622 lbs Total$rebar$weight 4078.553925 lbs 1$Cubic$foot$of$concrete Cement 94 lbs'(one'sack) Sand'100 lbs Aggregate 100 lbs 1$Cubic$yard$of$concrete Cement 482.5 lbs' Sand'1500 lbs Aggregate 2200 lbs Rebar'70.99 lbs Total:4253.49 lbs T/G$Set Rock$Muffler Note:$Rebar'length'takeoff'from'analagous'project'(1034) Note:$Rebar'length'takeoff'from'analagous'project'(1034) AKUTAN GEOTHERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT REQUEST FOR QUOTE 14 December 2012, REV 1 1-1 GDA From: Geothermal Development Associates, Reno, Nevada Telephone: (775) 825-5800 1. General Seller is invited to submit to Geothermal Development Associates (GDA) a proposal for concrete materials and preparation equipment for a project on the island of Akutan, Alaska. A maintained road originating at the Akutan Harbor, terminating at the plant location shall provide access to the proposed worksite. 2. Scope of Supply Please provide a budgetary quote for 1200 cubic yards of concrete by means of: I. 1 meter bagged ready mix, including delivery and use of onsite preparation equipment II. Onsite concrete batch plant, including delivery, setup and supply of all necessary materials III. Any other economically viable means as suggested by Seller 3. Technical Requirements 3.1. Basis of Design Major concrete structures shall include powerhouse foundation and floor (appx. 300 cubic yards), Steam venting equipment (appx. 60 cubic yards), and numerous pipe support foundations (appx. 2 cubic yards each). Additionally, two turbine generator support pads (appx. 45 cubic yards each) shall be installed in single pours. 3.2. Material Specifications 4. Proposal Contents Seller’s Proposal will be considered responsive if it includes the following: 1. Line item pricing for each delivery method as outlined in Sec. 2. 2. Details regarding all materials and additives 3. Details of manufacturer’s Quality Assurance Package. 5. Contacts Address questions to: Larry Green Geothermal Development Associates Phone: 775-825-5800 Fax: 775-825-4880 Email: lgreen@gdareno.com SPRUNG INSTANT STRUCTURES, INC. 550 15 Street, Suite 25 San Francisco, California 94103 Tel: (415) 934.9370 Fax: (415) 934.9373 Toll Free: 1 800 528.9899 www.sprung.comth January 16, 2014 Larry Green Geothermal Development Associates 3740 Barron W ay Reno, NV 89511 Telephone:775-825-5800 Dear Mr. Green, W e are pleased to submit the following quotation for a Sprung Structure to be located at your site in Akutan, Alaska. Sprung is the inventor of the stressed mem brane structure w hich has been patented W orldw ide. W ith over 123 years of e x perienc e, Sprung offers an innov ative, cost effectiv e building alternativ e w hich dram atic ally accelerates construction time lines while providing complete flexibility for the future. STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION:SIGNATURE SERIES, 30 feet wide by 45 feet long, measured by maximum width by maximum length, including the following accessories: 1 - electric exhaust fan(s) 4200 cfm, whisper quiet 1 - louvred opening(s) 46" x 18" c/w electrically operated damper & bird screen 1 - side sliding cargo door(s) 1 - standard framed opening(s) - size 4' 0" wide x 4' 0" high and smaller 10 - interior suspension eyenut(s) maximum load 75 LBS 10 - crane lifting hook(s) c/w base level spreader - w hite or des ert s and opaque low te m peratu re arctic - conduit holes as per diagram provided by Sprung - perimeter aluminum flat bar - engineered stamped drawings 36 MONTH FIRM LEASE: ARCHITECTURAL MEMBRANE AND C O LO R SE LEC T IO N :W hite or D es ert Sand opaq u e low tem p e ra ture Arc tic MONTHLY LEASE PRICE:F.O.B. Salt Lake City, Utah; Sales and/or use taxes extra:$1,061.00 (O ne thousand sixty-one dollars.) TERMS, O.A.C.:Payable monthly in advance. Geothermal Development Associates January 16, 2014 30' x 45' 2 12 MONTH FIRM LEASE: Structure and accessories as above: ARCHITECTURAL MEMBRANE AND C O LO R SE LEC T IO N :W hite or D es ert Sand opaq u e low tem p e ra ture Arc tic MONTHLY LEASE PRICE:F.O.B. Salt Lake City, Utah; Sales and/or use taxes extra:$2,339.00 (Two thousand three hundred and thirty-nine dollars.) TERMS, O.A.C.:Payable monthly in advance. PURCHASE PRICE: Structure and accessories as above: PURCHASE:Total Purchase Price, F.O.B. Salt Lake City, Utah; Sales and/or use taxes extra:$58,578.00 (Fifty-eight thousand five hundred and seventy- eight dollars.) TERMS, O.A.C.:50% with order; balance upon delivery of the structure. DELIVERY:Normally from inventory. At your request we can arrange, on your behalf, for delivery of this structure by commercial carrier to your site in Akutan, Alaska at a fixed cost of $18,800.00, sales and/or use taxes extra. PURCHASE OPTION:The Lessee has the option to purchase the structure as follows: i) If all lease payments have been made on time during the first th ree m onths of the leas e period, 100% of these pay m ents w ill be credited towards the purchase price, or If all lease payments have been made on time during the first thirty-six months the lease period, 60% of all thirty-six months payments will be credited towards the purchase price, or alte rnatively If all lease payments have been made on time during the first tw elve m onths of the lease period, 70% of all twelve paym ents will be credited towards the purchase price Either option can only be exercised by presentation of Lessee's cheque for the full purchase price, less the applicable credit. INTERIOR HAN G IN G D ETAILS: Sprung Instant Structures offers a large selection of brackets and hangers which can be utilized for the hanging of lighting, HVAC and any other items that may need to be suspended from th e inte rior of the struc ture. T he ty pe and size in eac h case w ill depend on weight and proposed position. Please contact your Sprung representative for diagrams and further details. Geothermal Development Associates January 16, 2014 30' x 45' 3 ERECTION:W e will supply a Technical Consultant on site to provide info rm atio n about struc ture as s em bly an d erectio n and w ill supply hand tools for your use, at no charge. The Technical Consultant is not authorized to perform any other services. Custom er is responsible for supervision of and safety compliance in structure location, assembly and erection. Recom mended equipment and manpower: a)Scaffolding. b)Appropriate fall protection (body harness and life line). c)Electrical power to site. d)Estimated 4 workmen for approximately 4, 8 hour working days, approxim ately half of which should be m anlift qualified. e)A supervisor with construction experience. PICKER:W e request that you supply a picker, with operator, for approximately 3 hours to assist in raising the free span aluminum beams during the erection sequence. HAND TOOLS:Although specialized hand tools are supplied for your use at no charge, you are responsible for the tools while they are at your site and until picked up by Sprung following completion of the erection of the structure. TECHNICAL C O N SU LT AN T :A lthough the Technical C ons ultant is s u p p lie d , h is tra v e l, accommodation and meals will be charged to you at a fixed cost of $4,100.00, sales and/or use taxes extra. ANCHORAGE:Earth anchors, in connection with drift pins may only be used providing adequate soil conditions exist. Base reactions will be provided w here required. A com pres s or com plete w ith 90 lb jack hammer, will be needed to install these anchors. In order to optimize the erection tim e for the structure, earth anchors should be installed prior to delivery of the structure and prior to arrival of the technical consultant. The time to install these anchors is not included in the time estimate above. A detailed drawing will be provided by Sprung showing anchor locations. DISMANTLING:Leased structures will require our Technical Consultant for dismantling. The same terms as outlined above under the heading "E rec tion" and "T ec hnical Consulta nt" w ill apply. It w ill be your responsibility to return the structure and tools, prepaid, to th e depot in Geothermal Development Associates January 16, 2014 30' x 45' 4 Salt Lake City, Utah. PERMITS, LICENSES AND TAXES:It will be your responsibility to obtain all permits and licenses and pay all applicable taxes. This structure is designed to meet 100 mph, Exposure C, 3 second gust as per ASCE-7- 2005 and IBC-2006. This quotation is valid for 60 days. Thank you for the opportunity to submit this quotation. To demonstrate our confidence in the quality and longevity of the Sprung Structure, our product comes with a 30 year pro-rata guarantee on the aluminum substructure and a 12 year pro-rata guarantee on the architectural membrane, all in accordance with the attached Guarantee Certificate No: G-0500. W e look forward to being of service to you. Yours very truly, SPRUNG INSTANT STRUCTURES, INC. Steve C rockett Regional Manager S C /jn SPRUNG INSTANT STRUCTURES, INC. 550 15 Street, Suite 25 San Francisco, California 94103 Tel: (415) 934.9370 Fax: (415) 934.9373 Toll Free: 1 800 528.9899 www.sprung.comth January 17, 2014 Larry Green Geothermal Development Associates 3740 Barron W ay Reno, NV 89511 Telephone:775-825-5800 Dear Mr. Green, W e are pleased to submit the following quotation for a Sprung Structure to be located at your site in Akutan, Alaska. Sprung is the inventor of the stressed mem brane structure w hich has been patented W orldw ide. W ith over 123 years of e x perienc e, Sprung offers an innov ative, cost effectiv e building alternativ e w hich dram atic ally accelerates construction time lines while providing complete flexibility for the future. STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION:SIGNATURE SERIES, 70 feet wide by 135 feet long, measured by maximum width by maximum length, including the following accessories: 2 - 16'x14' rolling service door, insulated & electrically operated 2 - insulated single personnel door(s) high traffic panic, closer & top lite (3'0"x7'0") in flat end 2 - insulated single personnel door(s) c/w hood, high traffic panic, closer & top lite (3'0"x7'0") 6 - ex terior (150 w att) hood light(s ) c/w photo c ell 1 - graphic logo at entrance - conduit holes as per diagram provided by Sprung 2 - engineered flat end(s) c/w cable bracing as required and Insulation 2 - standard fram ed opening(s) for ins ulated structure - s ize 4' 0" wide x 4' 0" high and smaller - 8" (R-25) blanket of Johns Manville foil backed fiberglass insulation to the peak c/w finished white(lta) interior membrane - engineered stamped drawings 56 - interior suspension eyenut(s) maximum load 75 LBS - perimeter aluminum flat bar - w hite or desert sand opaque low tem perature arc tic Rolling Service D oors : You are requested to supply a forklift to lift the door in place during the installation. Electrical Hookup is not included. For remote sites, not easily accessible from a major center, the Sprung Technical Consultant will supervise the installation of Geothermal Development Associates January 17, 2014 70' x 135' 2 the RSD. In these cases, two workmen will be required for approx. two 8 hour working days per door and you will be required to supply the forklift and welding machine for the installation. NOTE: It is the responsibility of your contractor to connect any and all electrical for any options requiring power. Electrical specifications can be provided. 36 MONTH FIRM LEASE: ARCHITECTURAL MEMBRANE AND C O LO R SE LEC T IO N :W hite or D es ert Sand opaq u e low tem p e ra ture Arc tic MONTHLY LEASE PRICE:F.O.B. Salt Lake City, Utah; Sales and/or use taxes extra:$7,754.00 (Seven thousand seven hundred and fifty-four dollars.) TERMS, O.A.C.:Payable monthly in advance. 12 MONTH FIRM LEASE: Structure and accessories as above: ARCHITECTURAL MEMBRANE AND C O LO R SE LEC T IO N :W hite or D es ert Sand opaq u e low tem p e ra ture Arc tic MONTHLY LEASE PRICE:F.O.B. Salt Lake City, Utah; Sales and/or use taxes extra:$18,159.00 (Eighteen thousand one hundred and fifty-nine dollars.) TERMS, O.A.C.:Payable monthly in advance. PURCHASE PRICE: Structure and accessories as above: PURCHASE:Total Purchase Price, F.O.B. Salt Lake City, Utah; Sales and/or use taxes extra:$379,022.00 (Three hundred and seventy-nine thousand tw enty-tw o dollars.) TERMS, O.A.C.:50% with order; balance upon delivery of the structure. DELIVERY:Normally from inventory. At your request we can arrange, on your behalf, for delivery of this structure by commercial carrier to your site in Akutan, Alaska at a fixed cost of $36,100.00, sales and/or use taxes extra. PURCHASE OPTION:The Lessee has the option to purchase the structure as follows: Geothermal Development Associates January 17, 2014 70' x 135' 3 i) If all lease payments have been made on time during the first th ree m onths of the leas e period, 100% of these pay m ents w ill be credited towards the purchase price, or If all lease payments have been made on time during the first thirty-six months the lease period, 60% of all thirty-six months payments will be credited towards the purchase price, or alte rnatively If all lease payments have been made on time during the first tw elve m onths of the lease period, 70% of all twelve paym ents will be credited towards the purchase price Either option can only be exercised by presentation of Lessee's cheque for the full purchase price, less the applicable credit. INTERIOR HAN G IN G D ETAILS: Sprung Instant Structures offers a large selection of brackets and hangers which can be utilized for the hanging of lighting, HVAC and any other items that may need to be suspended from the interior of the structure. The type and size in each case will depend on weight and proposed position. Please contact your Sprung representative for diagrams and further details. ERECTION:W e will supply a Technical Consultant on site to provide info rm atio n about struc ture as s em bly an d erectio n and w ill supply hand tools for your use, at no charge. The Technical Consultant is not authorized to perform any other services. Custom er is responsible for supervision of and safety compliance in structure location, assembly and erection. Recom mended equipment and manpower: a)Scaffolding and manlifts. b)Appropriate fall protection (body harness and life line). c)Electrical power to site. d)Estimated 8 workmen for approximately 24, 8 hour working days, approximately half of which should be manlift qualified. e)A supervisor with construction experience. CRANE:W e request that you supply a crane, with operator, for approximately 9 hours to assist in raising the free span aluminum beams during the erection sequence. Geothermal Development Associates January 17, 2014 70' x 135' 4 HAND TOOLS: Although specialized hand tools are supplied for your use at no charge, you are responsible for the tools while they are at your site and until picked up by Sprung following completion of the erection of the structure. TECHNICAL C O N SU LT AN T :A lthough the Technical C ons ultant is s u p p lie d , h is tra v e l, accommodation and meals will be charged to you at a fixed cost of $12,950.00, sales and/or use taxes extra. ANCHORAGE:Concrete Footing. Base reactions will be provided when required. DISMANTLING:Leased structures will require our Technical Consultant for dismantling. The same terms as outlined above under the heading "E rec tion", "T ec hnical Consulta nt" and "C rane" w ill apply. It will be your responsibility to return the structure and tools, prepaid, to the depot in Salt Lake City, Utah. PERMITS, LICENSES AND TAXES:It will be your responsibility to obtain all permits and licenses and pay all applicable taxes. This structure is designed to meet 100 mph, Exposure C, 3 second gust as per ASCE-7- 2005 and IBC-2006. This quotation is valid for 60 days. Thank you for the opportunity to submit this quotation. To demonstrate our confidence in the quality and longevity of the Sprung Structure, our product comes with a 30 year pro-rata guarantee on the aluminum substructure and a 12 year pro-rata guarantee on the architectural membrane, all in accordance with the attached Guarantee Certificate No: G-0500. W e look forward to being of service to you. Yours very truly, SPRUNG INSTANT STRUCTURES, INC. Steve C rockett Regional Manager S C /jn January 17, 2014 Larry Green Geothermal Development Associates 3740 Barron W ay Reno, NV 89511 Telephone:775-825-5800 Fax: E m ail:@ Dear Mr. Green, W e are pleased to submit the following quotation for a Sprung Structure to be located at your site in Akutan, Alaska. Sprung is the inventor of the stressed mem brane structure w hich has been patented W orldw ide. W ith over 123 years of e x perienc e, Sprung offers an innov ative, cost effectiv e building alternativ e w hich dram atic ally accelerates construction time lines while providing complete flexibility for the future. STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION:SIGNATURE SERIES, 70 feet wide by 135 feet long, measured by maximum width by maximum length, including the following accessories: 2 - 16'x14' rolling service door, electrically operated 1 - graphic logo at entrance - conduit holes as per diagram provided by Sprung 2 - electric exhaust fan(s) 4200 cfm, explosion proof 2 - engineered flat end(s) c/w cable bracing as required - engineered stamped drawings 6 - ex terior (150 w att) hood light(s ) c/w photo c ell 56 - interior suspension eyenut(s) maximum load 75 LBS 2 - louvred opening(s) 46" x 18" c/w electrically operated damper & bird screen - perimeter aluminum flat bar 2 - single personnel door(s) high traffic panic, closer & top lite (3'0"x7'0") in flat end 2 - single personnel door(s) c/w hood, high traffic panic, closer & top lite (3'0"x7'0") 2 - standard framed opening(s) - size 4' 0" wide x 4' 0" high and smaller - w hite or desert sand opaque low tem perature arc tic Please Note: The number of electric exhaust fans and/or turbo vents as shown above may be adequate for your needs, however, we recommend that a HVAC professional be consulted. Geothermal Development Associates January 17, 2014 70' x 135' 2 Rolling Service D oors : You are requested to supply a forklift to lift the door in place during the installation. Electrical Hookup is not included. For remote sites, not easily accessible from a major center, the Sprung Technical Consultant will supervise the installation of the RSD. In these cases, two workmen will be required for approx. two 8 hour working days per door and you will be required to supply the forklift and welding machine for the installation. NOTE: It is the responsibility of your contractor to connect any and all electrical for any options requiring power. Electrical specifications can be provided. 36 MONTH FIRM LEASE: ARCHITECTURAL MEMBRANE AND C O LO R SE LEC T IO N :W hite or D es ert Sand opaq u e low tem p e ra ture Arc tic MONTHLY LEASE PRICE:F.O.B. Salt Lake City, Utah; Sales and/or use taxes extra:$5,953.00 (Five thousand nine hundred and fifty-three dollars.) TERMS, O.A.C.:Payable monthly in advance. 12 MONTH FIRM LEASE: Structure and accessories as above: ARCHITECTURAL MEMBRANE AND C O LO R SE LEC T IO N :W hite or D es ert Sand opaq u e low tem p e ra ture Arc tic MONTHLY LEASE PRICE:F.O.B. Salt Lake City, Utah; Sales and/or use taxes extra:$12,755.00 (Twelve thousand seven hundred and fifty-five dollars.) TERMS, O.A.C.:Payable monthly in advance. PURCHASE PRICE: Structure and accessories as above: PURCHASE:Total Purchase Price, F.O.B. Salt Lake City, Utah; Sales and/or use taxes extra:$279,994.00 (Two hundred and seventy-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-four dollars.) Geothermal Development Associates January 17, 2014 70' x 135' 3 TERMS, O.A.C.:50% with order; balance upon delivery of the structure. DELIVERY:Normally from inventory. At your request we can arrange, on your behalf, for delivery of this structure by commercial carrier to your site in Akutan, Alaska at a fixed cost of $36,100.00, sales and/or use taxes extra. PURCHASE OPTION:The Lessee has the option to purchase the structure as follows: i) If all lease payments have been made on time during the first th ree m onths of the leas e period, 100% of these pay m ents w ill be credited towards the purchase price, or If all lease payments have been made on time during the first thirty-six months the lease period, 60% of all thirty-six months payments will be credited towards the purchase price, or alte rnatively If all lease payments have been made on time during the first tw elve m onths of the lease period, 70% of all twelve paym ents will be credited towards the purchase price Either option can only be exercised by presentation of Lessee's cheque for the full purchase price, less the applicable credit. INTERIOR HAN G IN G D ETAILS: Sprung Instant Structures offers a large selection of brackets and hangers which can be utilized for the hanging of lighting, HVAC and any other items that may need to be suspended from th e inte rior of the struc ture. T he ty pe and size in eac h case w ill depend on weight and proposed position. Please contact your Sprung representative for diagrams and further details. ERECTION:W e will supply a Technical Consultant on site to provide info rm atio n about struc ture as s em bly an d erectio n and w ill supply hand tools for your use, at no charge. The Technical Consultant is not authorized to perform any other services. Custom er is responsible for supervision of and safety compliance in structure location, assembly and erection. Recom mended equipment and manpower: a)Scaffolding and manlifts. Geothermal Development Associates January 17, 2014 70' x 135' 4 b)Appropriate fall protection (body harness and life line). c)Electrical power to site. d)Estimated 8 workmen for approximately 9, 8 hour working days, approxim ately half of which should be m anlift qualified. e)A supervisor with construction experience. CRANE:W e request that you supply a crane, with operator, for approximately 9 hours to assist in raising the free span aluminum beams during the erection sequence. HAND TOOLS: Although specialized hand tools are supplied for your use at no charge, you are responsible for the tools while they are at your site and until picked up by Sprung following completion of the erection of the structure. TECHNICAL C O N SU LT AN T :A lthough the Technical C ons ultant is s u p p lie d , h is tra v e l, accommodation and meals will be charged to you at a fixed cost of $5,930.00, sales and/or use taxes extra. ANCHORAGE:Concrete Footing. Base reactions will be provided when required. DISMANTLING:Leased structures will require our Technical Consultant for dismantling. The same terms as outlined above under the heading "E rec tion", "T ec hnical Consulta nt" and "C rane" w ill apply. It will be your responsibility to return the structure and tools, prepaid, to the depot in Salt Lake City, Utah. PERMITS, LICENSES AND TAXES:It will be your responsibility to obtain all permits and licenses and pay all applicable taxes. This structure is designed to meet 100 mph, Exposure C, 3 second gust as per ASCE-7- 2005 and IBC-2006. This quotation is valid for 60 days. Thank you for the opportunity to submit this quotation. To demonstrate our confidence in the quality and longevity of the Sprung Structure, our product comes with a 30 year pro-rata guarantee on the aluminum substructure and a 12 year pro-rata guarantee on the architectural membrane, all in accordance with the attached Guarantee Certificate No: G-0500. W e look forward to being of service to you. Yours very truly, SPRUNG INSTANT STRUCTURES, INC. Steve C rockett Regional Manager Geothermal Development Associates January 17, 2014 70' x 135' 5 S C /jn If you’d like the benefits of efficient and safe overhead material handling, but don’t think your building is structurally or financially suited for an overhead crane, check out the NOMAD from EMH. Buildings like those listed below may not work well with standard overhead cranes, but the NOMAD will adapt for the following reasons: NOMAD finds a home in: Precast Concrete Buildings The NOMAD can often be installed without footers, eliminating the need for digging through and damaging existing floors. All of the NOMAD’s connections are bolted for easy disassembly and relocation. If you think you may move sometime in the future, you can easily take the NOMAD to a new site. The NOMAD’s free standing structure supports loads your building’s steel might not handle. And the low overhead design allows it to fit into sites where headroom might otherwise be a problem. Think again if you’ve ruled out an overhead crane. NOMAD can give you the material handling you need at a price you’ll like. Call EMH today for details. Leased Buildings Buildings not designed specifically for overhead cranes. EMH Top Running Endtrucks with travel speed of 80 or 120 FPM (VFD) complete with mounting plates, bolts and bumpers. Bridge conductor cables pre-wired to Quick Disconnect Plugs. Free Standing Runway Frame in standard lengths from 20 to 120 feet. Longer runways available. Base Plate design allows most NOMAD systems to be installed without footers. Recommended concrete: 6 inches deep with 3000 PSI. Anchor bolts not included. Side View of Muti-Cell NOMAD System N O M A D Installation & MaintenanceManual Runway Electrification is Figure-8 type. Brackets welded on runway beams; conductor bar installed in the field. The NOMAD free standing cell is available in runway lengths of 20, 25 and 30 feet. Multiple cells can be combined for long runways; existing systems can be retrofitted with additional cells. See back cover for dimensional information. EMH Wire Rope Hoist Lift: 20 feet available Lifting Speed: 16/2.6 FPM Trolley Speed: 65/16 FPM. Bridge Control Panel with lockable mainline disconnect mainline fuse, mechanical and electrical interlocking contactors and motor protection. Power and control connections pre-wired through terminal strips to quick disconnect plugs. NEMA-12 enclosure. Tie back to existing building structures not required. Under Running Models also available. Contact EMH for prices and specifications. Standard Radio Control - Hand-held AAA operated radio controls are standard on all NOMAD systems. Upgrade to rechargeable model optional. Sliding Push Button controls available as an option. Audible alarm included in conformance with OSHA Standards. ® Instructions for bridge construction and crane assembly, plus two copies of the Maintenance Manual, are included with each NOMAD system. NOMAD EMH, Incorporated n 550 Crane Dr. n Valley City, Ohio 44280 Phone (330) 220-8600 n Fax (330) 220-0204 www.emhcranes.com n email:emh@emhcranes.com EMH, Incorporated Engineered Material Handling Certified to ISO 9001:2008 Standards 110509Engineered Material Handling NOMAD Complete Free Standing Bridge Crane Systems C ® ® ® ® A copy of the EMH Warranty is available on request. Dimensions for 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-Cell Systems 1-Cell System 3-Cell System 2-Cell System 4-Cell System L L1 L2 L L1 L2 L L1 L2 L L1 L2 20'-0"18'-0"n/a 40'-0"19'-0"n/a 60'-0"20'-0"19'-0"80'-0"20'-0"19'-0" 25'-0"23'-0"n/a 50'-0"24'-0"n/a 75'-0"25'-0"24'-0"100'-0"25'-0"24'-0" 30'-0"28'-0"n/a 60'-0"29'-0"n/a 90'-0"30'-0"29'-0"120'-0"30'-0"29'-0" 1 Cell 2 Cells 3 Cells 4 Cells Side Dimensions (Same for all capacities and widths) OAW 20'-0"30'-0"40'-0"20'-0"30'-0"40'-0"20'-0"30'-0"40'-0"20'-0"30'-0"40'-0"20'-0"30'-0"40'-0" S 16'-10"26'-10"36'-10"16'-8"26'-8"36'-8"16'-6"26'-6"36'-6"16'-6"26'-6"36'-6"16'-6"26'-6"36'-6" CC 18'-10"28'-10"38'-10"18'-8"28'-8"38'-8"18'-6"28'-6"38'-6"18'-6"28'-6"38'-6"18'-6"28'-6"38'-6" Lift 16'-10.25"16'-10.75"16'-6.75"16'-10.5"16'-10.25"16'-4.25"16'-0.5"16'-0.5"15'-10.5"15'-10.25"15'-8.25"15'-8"15'-6.25"15'-7.75"15'-2.75" E 6.375 6.375 6.375 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 tons Front Dimensions (same for any number of cells) 2 tons 3 tons 5 tons 7.5 tons Akutan Geothermal Project 140113 GDA Request for Budget Quotation Sprung Structures for Power Plant Application Geothermal Development Associates is designing a small geothermal power plant for a project located in Akutan Alaska. The project is in the final phase of feasibility study, which includes detailed cost estimates of road construction and drilling, and a somewhat less detailed cost estimate of the plant proper. As such, budgetary estimates to the ±15% level are acceptable. Wellhead Shelters The design team feels that having shelters at each wellhead would be advantageous as the wellheads will have certain infrastructure that should be out of the extreme weather. There are currently three wells envisioned for the project, so three wellhead shelters are required. A typical wellhead structure should have the following features: • ability to be removed in one day and replaced in one day – sometimes a rig will have to be brought in and located over the wellhead to do remedial drilling • footprint as indicated below: • no insulation • ridge-mounted or sidewall mounted spun aluminum exhaust fan with corresponding motorized low-mounted intake louver sized for 5-minute air- change • roll-up door, not insulated • mounting to concrete foundation by others R 10'-0" 10' x 10' Roll-up Door Uninsulated 20" OD Insulated Pipe Penetration Flow Line with Valves and Instrumentation 40'-0" Akutan Geothermal Project 140113 GDA Powerhouse and Road Maintenance Building The power generation equipment, electrical gear, control room, and certain auxiliary equipment are anticipated to be located inside an insulated powerhouse. A similar structure will be required for a road maintenance facility – the only difference from the powerhouse is that this building will not be insulated. The powerhouse and maintenance facility should have the overall dimensions and features shown below: The powerhouse should have the following features: • Assume (4) piping penetrations will be required, each 20” in diameter and 12’ AFF. • Assume insulation to R30 level, with insulated mandoors and roll-up doors. R 34 14023 27 Interior Clearance For Free-Standing Gantry Crane Include Provision for Some Level of Interior Partitioning Include (4) 16' x 12' Roll-up Doors and (4) Mandoors Include (2) 4000 cfm Roof Mounted Spun Aluminum Exhaust Fans Include (8) 48" x 60" Dual Pane Thermal Break Windows Akutan Geothermal Project 140113 GDA Common Features All structures should have the following additional features: • The design wind speed is 130 mph and the design lateral seismic acceleration is 0.5 g. • The structures do not have to have the exact dimensions shown – dimensions can be changed to meet standard lengths as required. • Heating, plumbing, and electrical are by others at this time. • Provide engineering for permit, drawings for approval, and erection supervisor for remote Alaskan location. • Quote erection manhours, crew size, and crane requirements. • Provide simple plans and elevations of similar buildings provided by Sprung in the past. • Assume all materials are to be transportable in standard 40’ sea containers. • Estimate the number of shipping containers for all three wellfield structures together. Estimate the number of shipping containers for both the powerhouse and for the maintenance facility.