HomeMy WebLinkAboutWind Monitoring at King Cove, Larsen Bay, Old Harbor and Tagiak Results updates 1983- L.. ... hltUfc DOWL Engineer s 1-.03 4040 "8" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Telephone (907) 562-2000 September 21, 1984 W.O. /ID13470 Alaska Power Authority 334 West 5th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501 Attention: Subject: Dear Bob: . Mr. Bob Loeffler, Project Manager King Cove, Larsen Bay, Old Harbor and Togiak Hydroelectric Projects Enclosed for your review is DOWL Engineer's report on "Wind Monitoring at King Cove, Larsen Bay, Old Harbor and Tog~ak, 1983 ·Results." (This report updates the preliminary report submitted in August 1983, with the addition of data for the remainder of the year .) Very little change has been made in the text as originally submitted. We are also sending you the original data strip charts received by DOWL. Each individual station is described in some detail and a brief summary of the station's operating history is provided. Summaries of the data collected through 1983 for each station are provided in the appendices of the report. Data recovery has been highly variable with extensive periods of no recovery at all sites. These gaps are par- tially a result of the remoteness of the sites and the amount of time required to get replacement equipment to the site. We have attempted to reduce this time, by keeping one fully operating unit in Anchorage as a backup. Even so, it may be several weeks before the field personnel identify the problem and · then report it to Anchorage. As a rule, the local village operators aren't motivated to check the instrument often enough to ensure continuous operation. They are also not reliable in contacting us when problems are discovered. The resulting data recov e ry for the enti r e year ranges from 10 percent at Old Harbor to 50 percent at Larsen Bay. Despite efforts by DOWL, there appears to be little improve- ment in the quantity of data recovered to date in 1984. It seems unlikely that the situation will improve without increased site visits by DOWL personnel which will Alaska Power Authority September 21, 1984 Page 2 ( significantly increase the cost. We feel that APA should strongly consider discontinuing this monitoring program at the conclusion of 1984. Wind monitoring is presently scheduled to continue through 1984 in both King Cove and Togiak. It is our intention to submit a similar report to you in early 1985 summarizing these results. If you have any questions or comments regarding the 1983 report, please do not hesitate to call. JM: rb Enclosures Melvin R. Nichols, P.E. Partner Sincerely, DOWL ENGINEERS WIND MONITORING at r King Cove, Larsen Bay, Old Harbor and Togiak 1983 Results Prepared for: The Alaska Power Authority Prepared by: DOWL Engineers W.O. 11013470 September 1984 TABLE OF CONTENTS r Table of Contents .................................... . l. INTRODUCTION ....••........•...•••....••.••........•... 1 sea PE or WORK •...•..............•.•.........•..•••.... 1 METHODOLOGY AND I~STRUMENTATION .•...•.......••.••...•. 3 HISTORY OF STATIONS BY LOCATION....................... 11 King Cove .••..••..• larsen Bay ••• Old Harbor. Togiak. CONCLUSIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPENDICES 1 1 16 18 21 24 INTRODUCTION ( Wind monitoring at King Cove, Larsen Bay, Old Harbor and Togiak was undertaken at the request of the Alaska Power Authority as a result of questions raised by local residents during the reconnaissance and/or feasibility studies of proposed hydroelectric projects in these villages. Residents were concerned that a potential power alternative, wind, was being overlooked as a means of satisfying the power needs of a particular village. The four monitoring sites are indicated in Figure 1. SCOPE OF WORK In late 1982, the Power Authority directed DOWL Engineers to proceed with the purchase, installation and limited ser- vice of one mechanical weather station 1n each of the four hydroelectric project site villages and to conduct a pre- liminary wind monitoring program. The wind monitoring period was to be for twelve (12) months beginning as soon as pract1cal 1r1 January 1983. The wind information collected (direction and speed) was to be reduced to a suitable data format with minimal analysis and furnished to the Power Authority for further evaluation. A preliminary report was submitted in August 1982 which contained the data received to date. This report represents the transmittal of the 1983 data 1n its entirety. As part of the scope of this effort, DOWL was to remove the wind recording instruments utilized during an unsuccessful wind monitoring program conducted during the reconnaissance and/or feasibility studies of 1981 and 1982. This task was completed 1n early 1983 and the equipment returned to the ,... w en a: .!! :::> d ·-':t-:f CJ lj) ~ u.. d >- _.\ 0 <( ro w Q d .J z 41( w ~ 0 0 (.() (f) a:: \..\.- It) 4 Q: 0 ..J ~ :X: \..\.-0 _.\ ? t9 a.. <C ~ z 0 -.... <C 0 0 ~ ...J co t:w,.j). ,.,. _.\ ~Lu :::.. 0 0 0 \- (!) <': lj) -~ t1 0:. co (Jj ~ L.I.J L.I.J ~ (.J z L.I.J g t:Z=- original supplier. Based on the results of the previous , year's effort, it was determined that a local resident was to be selected and recruited at each location in order to improve data recovery. This individual was to be paid a nom1nal fee for his efforts in the monitoring and service of the weather station. DOWL was to visit each site on a near quarterly basis so as to alleviate any concerns or problems an individual might be having with the weather station and to minimize long periods of zero data recovery. METHODOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTATION A Meteorology Research, Inc. (MRI) Model 1072 Mechanical Weather Station (MWS) was installed in the village adjacent to each of the four proposed hydroelectric project sites; King Cove, larsen Bay, Old Harbor and Togiak, during a Janu- ary 1983 site visit by DOWL personnel. The weather stations were installed on a Rohn fixed 10 meter tower or the in- place AeroV1ronment telescopic 10 meter tower utilized dur- lng the previous study period. The R.M. Young anemometers and the Gultan Rustrak recorders ut1lized during the earlier s t u d y we r e r em o v e d f r om e a c h s it e • The MRI Model 1072 MWS is a self-contained, complete and simple meteorological system w~th the ability to sense and simultaneously record wind direction, wind run (speed) and temperature. Figure 2 shows a typical chart trace from a MWS. Specifications of the MWS and the Rohn tower are shown in Table 1. -3- • • • • 0 :. " ,. Ee !!! -· 0 .... .... • • •• :'!.• " 15· -· I! • ! ~. I~ •• ~ ~~· ,,. '!' • ' I! .. ;• .. ~ENGINEERS -------------------------- Relative humidity and rainfall measurement• are options which are not on modela being utilized TYPICAL CHART TRACE FIGURE 2 TABLE 1 Mechanical Weather Station and Tower Specifications Wind Direction -damped aluminum vane Delay Distance •...•.•••..•• o oo 1.2 m (4ft.) 50% reco~ery Damping Rat1o o oo o•••o•••···· •• 0.5 to 0.6 Starting Threshold ••••••.. oo•• <0.33 mps (0.75 mph) Overall Accuracy .. o••········. % 1% full scale Wind Run (speed) -conical aluminum cups Flow Coefficient o••···· o•••••· 2.41 m (7.90 ft.)/revolution Flow per recording traverse o .. 16 km (10 miles) Response Distance ••..••..••... 5.49 m (18 ft.) with 63% re- covery Starting Threshold •.•.•..•••.. <0.33 mps (0.75 mph) Overall Accuracy ......•..••..• % 21 Temperature -shielded bimetal coil sensor Low Range (field selectable) .. High Range (field selectable) .• Absolute Accuracy •••.••.•.••.• Resolution .................... . Recorder -incremental drive Battery-operated •••.•••..••... Chart Roll Speeds Chart Paper -5- -68°C to +15.5°C (-90°F to 60°F) -35°C to +49°C (-30°F to 120°F) • 1.67 Co (%3Fo) 0.55 C 0 (1F 0 ) Four (4) Eveready Akaline Energizer, D size, 1.5V batteries 20 mm per hr. runs for 30 days Plastic coated, pressure sensitive with black trace Instrument Dimensions Weight 1072 .•••.•••.••.•.••••• 64 em (25") height overall, body 20 em (8") diameter, v an e 1 e n g t h 8 5 c m ( 3 3 • 5 11 ) 9.53 kg (21 lbs.) Finish ........................ . White polyurethane coating Tower Type •.••...•••.•••...•.•.••••. Rohn Triangular Maximum He1ght •...••••.•...•.• 200 feet Length/Section •...•••••••.••.• 10 feet Width ......................... 12.5 inches Side Rail Diameter •••..••.•••• 1.25" O.D. Weight/Section .•.•.•••..••••.• 40 lbs. Wind Load • . • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • . • Wind Load 30 lbs./88.6 mph 40 lbs./100 mph 50 lbs./111.8 mph Max. Ht. 200 ft. 180ft. 150 ft. Cross bracing is provided by continuous 5/16" solid rod formed into a sawtooth shape. Designed in accordance to Zone B Wind Load per EIA Standard RS-222-A. Finished in hot-dipped zinc galvanized after construction. An attempt was initially made to recruit a science teacher at each location to monitor the MWS. This would allow the school to possibly utllize the instrument and data for a class project and use the fee paid for other school needs. It was also felt that this approach would afford the Alaska Power Authority inexpensive good-will as well as hopefully increase the percentage of data recovery. If a teacher at the school could not be persuaded to monitor the weather station, then an attempt was to be made to recruit an -6- individual thought to be reliable by either '~ the school or village administration. At all of the sites (King Cove, Larsen Togiak), the individuals agreeing to were given "hands-on" instructions on Bay, Old Harbor and monitor the stations the Model 1072 MWS' s maintenance and operation. The operation of the weather station was demonstrated in several classes and a demonstra- tion of various the station visits. To was offered at all locations during minimize any possible problems with maintenance of the stations or DOWL's obtaining the field data, the following items were left with the contact indlvi- dual at each site: "0" batteries Chart paper Instruction manual Unit attachment tool Mailing labels addressed to DOWL Mailing containers for chart papers Wind speed guide (where the data was to be used as class project) The data is reduced by DOWL personnel as the meteorological strip charts are received from each of the sampling sites. The chart trace is converted to numerical values represent- lng the hourly averages for each parameter being sampled; wind direction, wind run and temperature. These hourly markings are scribed directly on the strip chart and then later transcribed to a meteorological data breakdown form. Figure 3 shows a portion of a strip chart that was received -7- ·- ,• .,._ I -· ~-.. :.: ,. ::J ~(I . ; .~ .... i. . \, ' c::. I ~~ ! l 't'· t. ::: c ~" .:.. c 4~ ~. c r ,: c:. / ., . I I . . ' / •} '~ ,. ,. !,.f -; i ~ i ~· / ' fl\0 ·' ... ·- ~ _, • ·-· ' : -. ··-;C· . . . cr· c:;: C. c.:: ~ cr c;: c c: C-.- c. c:.: c; err <: c.;. .c;; ~ 5 ~ .c.. c_. Wind Speed MPH [QJ Chart Paper 1072.2 20 rnrn/hr, P1GURE a from one of the sampling sites after data reduction by DOWL. Also represented in Figure 3 is a plastic overlay which aids in the reduction of the wind run scribe. Figure 4 1S a fragment of a meteorological breakdown form representing the chart traces reduced in Figure 3. All data received through 1983 has been reduced and appended to this report by project location. The user of this data is cautioned that much of this material is preliminary 1n nature. The data as presented has been subject to only limited analysis and any subsequent use of this material should be considered in this context. In addition, an attempt was made to salvage (or reconstruct) data collected during times of equipment malfunctions (e.g. low batteries, clock runaway, or jamming). Where possible, we i n t e r p o l a t e d and ad j u s t e d t he t i m e sc a 1 e a c c o r d i n g to what control we had. Such adjustments can be seen in the original strip charts and are usually recognized in the summarized data as very short or discontinuous periods of data collection. Although of some limited use, recovered in such a manner should be used with caution. data The apparent w1nd speeds are especially questionable since the reading itself is directly affected by the rate of chart advance. -9- MRI M&TaOaOLOOICAL BREAKDOWN lift lii.IJ.G. Cova, MONTII/YaM Jil.liLIJ.u. ~ l2 B3. 1 2 3 c 5 6 7 8 ' 10 11 12 HOUR 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 24 DATa 1 l.llrn.~lbf"J UlihS/.<"'7 JAI'J¥ Is' , •• ,..-l..ru ,..,~_.,. faJQ 2 J.llf'll'>~ lo~,J .:2711'>.11 l¥2. ~.,,..o~ Jvo i~7n.s/.tQ ~7,..-r/.119 \ 1!}<7ALI~q ?'7,., I u I \ , \ \ . - ,2 705/3? Wind Direction / l ~ Temperature azimuth 270 6 true ... .... 39 6 F Wind Run{speed) 5 mph. ~ENGINEERS METEOROLOGICAL BREAKDOWN FIGURE 4 / HISTORY OF STATIONS BY lOCATION Installation and unit specifics, a site description and a brief history of each monitoring site is provided and listed by the project location. King Cove Installation and Unit: Date: Serial 11: Unit Start: Initial Observations: Site Description: January 8, 1983 2899 1200 hrs. Temperature --+12°F Wind Run 30-35 mph Dominant Direction --045°T The unit was initially located on a base pipe secured to a 5 foot supporting pipe that was already mounted and guyed to the roof of the King Cove School (site of a previous antenna). See Figures 5 and 6. ---... I " ,..----_____ ,_ ----_:r_ _ _..._ Figure 5 -11- Figure 6 Joe L1nduski, one of the science instructors at the King Cove School, agreed to monitor the weather station. How- ever, late 1n February, physically fit as he had wi 11 ing to take his place. site visit on February 22, another individual. Linduiski dec1ded he wasn't as thought and no other teacher was This necessitated a supplemental 1983 to move the MWS and recruit Jack Bowers, Superintendent for Peter Pan Seafoods at King Cove, gave his permission to install the weather station at the local cannery. A cannery employee was then recruited to -12- service the station. Installation and unit specifics, a site description and identification of the indiv1dual re- sponslble for maintenance and service of the station is pro- vided below. Installation and Unit: Date: Serial II: Unit Start: Initial Observations: Site Description: February 23, 1983 2899 1440 Temperature --20°F Wind Speed --10 mph Dominant Direction 160°T Blowing Snow/Rain The mechanical weather station is located on a telescop1c tower 36 I Q11 from the center ground. The tower is mounted Peter Pan Seafoods Complex (see Contact: Mr. Kevin Erwin P.O. Box 227 King Cove, AK 99612 of the conical cups to the on the highest part of the Figures 7 &8) . Phone: 497-2234 (Peter Pan Seafoods Office) Kevin is a cannery employee who works Cove. He does not fish in the summer of K1ng Cove and was quite helpful in the weather station. -13- year round in King as do many residents the installation of Figure 7 31.'o'' X Figure s -14- The strip chart from the weather station for January (original location) was removed and the station was restart- ed in its new location on February 23, 1983. The R.M. Young anemometer was also removed during the February field trip and returned to Anchorage. Data has been received and reduced through 1983. Data re- covery through May 14, 1983 was approximately 50 percent. Beyond May 14, however, recovery of usable data was nearly nonexistent due to machine malfunctions. The malfunctions included jamm1ng and/or failure of the incremental chart drive assembly to shut down between readings, meaning that it was runn1ng continuously (and then jamming). The result- ing. data recovery over the entire year was approximately 20%. During this period there was inadequate communication be- tween Kevin and DOWL personnel in Anchorage. Kevin was generally quite conscientious about checking the station and restarting the instrument. However, he did not inform DOWL that the machine was jamming and therefore needed to be continually restarted. The importance of good communication has since been stressed. A brief review of the data received indicates several high wind periods: 25 January 1983 at 0100-2400, with averages of 45- 50 mph and gusts to 1 DO mph. The dominant wind was from 300°T. -15- 1 3 March 1983 at 0100 and 1 4 March 1983 at 1 200' with averages of 35-50 mph and gusts of 100-110 mph. The dominant direction was from 300°T. 20 April 1 98 3 at 2100 and 2 1 April 1 98 3 at 0100, with averages of 30 mph and gusts of 60-80 mph. The dominant direction 330°T. 7 May 1983 at 0100-0120 with hourly average of 35 mph and gusts of 40 mph. The dominant direction was 340°T. Larsen Bay Installation and Unit: Date: Serial II: Unit Start: Initial Observations: Site Description: January 6, 1983 2900 1135 hours Temperature +26°F (snowing) Wind Speed 30 mph Dominant Direction--270°T. The station is located on a telescopic tower 34'1" from the center of the conical cups to the ground. The tower is secured to the highest portion of the Larsen Bay School Building (see Figures 9 and 10). Contact: M r • Mark 0 wen Larsen Bay School Larsen Bay, AK 99624 Phone: 857-8001 (Community Building -leave message) Mark Owen was the science instructor at Larsen Four of Mark's students agreed to monitor and -16- Bay School. service the --------- i------ 1 I I e.-fl~toJt..l I I Figure 9 .;"-4. f."'.> ~0 ~ Figure 10 -17- ------- station with Mark's supervision. Two of these students, Darlene Naumoff and JoAnn Panamaroff, monitored the MWS during the summer while school was not 1n session. This unit was generally successful and the Larsen Bay School purchased a camera for the Journalism class with the money they earned during the early monitoring period. Mark Owen did not return to Larsen Bay in the fall of 1983, but Dewey Taylor, the Larsen Bay principal, continued the monitoring program with the students. Data has been received and reduced through mid-November, with approximately a 60~~ recovery. Recovery averaged over the whole year was approximately 50%. A brief review of the data. indicates highs of 30-35 mph with the hourly average during these high wind episodes of 25-30 mph and a dominant direction of 030°T-090°T. Old Harbor Installation and Unit: Date: Serial II: Unit Start: Initial Observations: Site Description January 5, 1983 2901 1320 hours Temperature --+30°F Wind Speed --10-20 mph gusting Dominant Direction 045°T (erratic) The station is located on a telescopic tower 38'10" from the center of the conical cups to the ground. The tower is mounted on the h1ghest part of the Old Harbor High School building roof (see Figures 11 and 12). -18- U'~)· --! -----------... ------........ Figure 11 I Figure 12 -19- Contact: M s • P a t Me Do n a l d P.O. Box 118 Old Harbor, AK Phone: 286-2204 286-2213 99643 (Community Building -leave message) (Old Harbor School) Pat McDonald was the science instructor at Old Harbor High School. The senior science class monitored and serviced the weather unit. One of the science students was to have continued monitoring throughout the summer. However, this student didn't have the success that the Larsen Bay students had with their station. During a routine quarterly visit to the site ·1n August, it was noticed that the student seemed to have had difficulties with the chart paper jamming .when he first started to service the unit. This student evidently felt the station was more difficult to service than it was worth and stopped monitoring the station 1n early July losing most of the data from May to August. Difficulty with the ALASCOM hookup and the need for the student to help with the fishing in the village appears to be the reasons for not contacting DOWL. Attempts were made to resume monitoring but the machine jammed repeatedly through October. Except for several days In mid-August, no usable data was recovered during this period. Monitoring was not conducted at this site during the remainder of the year. -20- Data recovery through May was approximately 30 percent, which amounted to approximately 10 percent recovery for the entire year. Brief review of the data received shows gusts of 30 mph with an hourly average during these high winds of approximately 030°T-050°T. Togiak 25-30 Installation and Unit: Date: Serial II: Unit Start: mph Initial Observations: Site Description: and a dominant January 9, 1983 2898 direction 1200 hours Temperature --+5°F Wind Speed --10 mph of Dominant Direction--350°T-010°T The station was initially located on a telescopic tower 32'11" from the center of the conical cups to the ground. The tower was attached to the southeast side of the Togiak School complex extending 17'2" above a gabled roof. The conical cups were a distance of 19'2" above the roof. A portion of the school complex to the south of the MWS was slightly higher and may have created a slight turbulence in the air reaching the station. This turbulence could result in slightly erratic readings for both wind direction and speed. Installation of a free standing Rohn tower at this time (January) would have been expensive and time consuming because of the frozen condition of the ground. During a -21- , f• .. ,J~ .f si.A.-1111-_., ............ . .. -. --. -- . ~· " -" - Figure 13 Figure 14 -22- site visit in May a side-arm mount was attached to a Rohn tower south of the Togiak School and the MWS was moved to the new site. Figures 13 and 14 describe the location. A new individual had to be recruited to monitor the unit after it was moved from its original site and a purchased and provided to this individual. safety The harness unit has been relatively dependable since the move to the free standing tower. Contact: Mr. David Peter Ferkinhoff P. 0. Box 1 7 7 Togiak, AK 99678 Phone: None Available Data has been received and reduced with a total recovery of approximately 30~L This includes a period of zero data recovery from September on (recovery through August was approximately 40%). During the latter part of the year, the chart drive assembly ran continuously rather than shutting off between spooled off readings. within Therefore, several days the strip chart was after each start-up resulting in no ~lthough it may data recovery be possible to for most of the month. estimate values for that period over which the chart recorded, the resulting values are somewhat questionable, without any ending time control. Of the data received, a quick review shows an occasional high of 40 mph with hourly averages during high wind events of 30-35 mph and a dominant direction of 170°1. -23- CONCLUSIONS The data collected to date is not at a level to sat1sfy federal or state permitting requirements nor was the program designed to do so. However, in most cases the data collect- ed does afford an opportunity to generalize about overall site conditions and can be utilized to make general recom- mendations as to the potential for wind generation at each site. We consider the MRI weather station installed at the four locations to be among the simplest, most reliable units on the market. However, unless future budgets were to include monthly site visits or unless the payment for an individual to observe and maintain these station was raised to a near employee level, data recovery will always be subject to the possibility of large data gaps for a variety of reasons. Changes in conditions tended to result in data gaps. Since operation was originally tied to science classes, the end of the s c h o o 1 y e a r posed a con t in u it y pro b 1 em as d i d any o t her changes in monitoring personnel. Winter appeared to be the period of least data recovery. Both equipment malfunction and operator inattention were more prevalent during times of cold temperatures. In most cases, the operator just isn't motivated to check the instrument often enough (at a minimum once every two weeks) to ensure continuous operation. The machine is often down for a month before the problem is identified. Even then there may be a delay before DOWL is contacted. -24- One possible solution to this problem of obtaining long term wind monitoring data at reasonable cost would be for the Power Authority to furnish the proper equipment to any village considering wind as a power alternative and then have the individual village administration assume responsi- bility for the data collection effort. This solution would not necessarily improve the percentage of the data recovery but would clearly place the emphasis on the reliability of these data collection efforts on the ultimate beneficiaries of such a program. Wind monitoring in Old Harbor and Larsen Bay was not con- tinued beyond the end of 1983 and the monitoring equipment was subsequently removed from the sites on January 6 and 7, 1984, respectively. Monitoring in King Cove and Togiak is scheduled to continue through 1984. The on-going monitoring appears subject to the same problems and limitations which characterized the 1983 program. Without tighter controls and/or greater financial incent1ve, data recovery shows little sign of improving. -25- APPENDICES Data Reduction by Project Location APPENDIX A King Cove 81"'11! _v.~ ~~-/~ t-t-~ l'lUN'J.'U/ .l!:.IU'l. UA4Jt{.fil< r I 79 .. < . r ) - I - 1 I 2 I 3 I ·4 I 5 s I 7 12 10 11 8 9 I HOUR . 13 I 14 I 15 I 16 I 17 I 18 I 19 20 21 22 23 24 lATE 1 I ----1----i----+---+----lr----t----+----f----t-----t-----t----t----, 2 3 4 I I ---+---------r------~~------;--------+--------4--------+--------+--------r------~r-------- 5 6 7 I~_-A 8 33Joft.~l o33o/J~I 333tAsi~..Q9l6 l.33;c;lt'.:s-l 3331/r~ -~~uhi-I33.2Da.stl.?t.i9/6'1 5z3oflz L3c?~s.a .. d 3/:Jtl/;tJ "' 9 10 11 12 14 15 I -·-·----T ·-----·--,---· f j I ' <I I SITE hll& Co.;c= MONTH/YEAR LfAAiliM ~ ) CJ8 a 1 2 3 .4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 flOUR 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ~TE 16 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 UnT .... _.._ ____ ,_,_.,:_...,, n---1 .... ..::1-... "...,. N ... !~ ~ 8: """ N ~~ rg: r I\ """ ,., 1\ """ N I I \ I ' 0 N """ N I I ' : i i l ' ! ! l 01 """ ! N l CD 0 [\ N ; ! : ! 1'\ l .... ~ i """ I' I ! 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I I I I ) I I I ,, ' I i I ' . I I I I ! I I I I I lt'l t"" .... I ' .. "" .... ,• / . M lt'l .... ; I N .. .... / 1/ ..... r-'l ~ l I .... I " ..... N ,., .... lt'l "" ..... CD "' 0 .... N ,., .... t.n .... .... .... .... .... .... ::> Q ~ E- i 1 I : SITB fj I AfC.. C!.&v£ \· '·, MONT,H/"'r.BAR '/ ft_; v r-(:A r.? ;;.1-2 /t.t4,8 '!·- 1 2 3 .4 5 6 7 ·a g' 10 11 12 IUR 13 14 15 16 17 10 19 ' 20 21 22 23 24 E 16 qqq q__ ""' 17 ~ ' 18 '·, ·-c:- 19 - 20 ·-.. 21 "-, ----------· 22 ·- -VC> 23 ·.0 ' I .>--_ ', 24 ,-~ ~- 25 '· -.. 26 . 27 I 28~ 29 30 . -' ,; .. -L....-.-------qCj'?'? I Heteorolnqlcal Braakdown P~n"" ? a ,. ' = I I ' N .... l -I 0 .... Col\ CD ""' ""' II' ... ,., N .... c:: ::> Q 1 ... N -· N . N N ... N 0 N G\ .-4 c:a .-4 .... .-4 ""' .-4 II' .-4 • .-4 M .... I l I ' I I I I ! l ' I I I i l I j I I t I I I ' I ! I I I l// // / I I v I ~I / 1/ v \y--- ~ '\S~ I~ .-4 N ,., ... an C4 .... ! I I ' ' l ! \ ; ;~! 1 i l~ I l~ I ' I ! I I I I l t I i/ I : I ' I . 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APPENDIX 8 Larsen Bay HOUR 1ATE 1 2 3 4 5 ~,46 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MRI METEOROLOGICAL BREAKDOWN SITB LAlS.SeLU_&'L MONTII/YBAR J/t.t.ltM/('1 1988 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ?.~ n 1 os_-L2~'1oa.J 241qfos L132.~lQ.f] · zJ rilo.?l23i2lo'--Ti327]0Q -T~-fl/~r· L2.2,~c)/_ JI;i3PiJ~ lz:!.!Bl=-~.? l2z1B"'~ ~2 0 '31 0111 I ! t I SITB j_/L;f..s&J.) _/3A y MONTH/YEAR J/wuJJ~y • /98 8 1 2 3 .4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 lOUR 13 14 I 15 I 16 I 17 I 18 I 19 I 20 I 21 I 2 2 I 23 I 24 .TE 17 ~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~&+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 18 ~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~ l'o3/ttt _ _I l'iQ~ l~rLl!soLJLzo J roosj_;!'1..Liso6 -h£~T ;soi/27 l14o?!zs I /s;C'Jlzs I JS!o}.Z8-r/q//Ji1--I ~k~ T /7o-9..kt 19 I 17_6'UJ!? F'-J!7.30--J 2t01J /Jo I i')o773o I rzo?f5D I /'-IOJ/:so I Joos'/3D llcort/Z-1 f;.sd~/ZI1 I /O;"f/.)7 I otd8!77 I omfrZJ . 20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 21 I 22 ~~~~~~~-+~~~4-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DB"l'lhi:. I os,ql:;s __ l o6t'l/3s I og,t:tJs I m~_s_ I 11!'1J3# !,5o-;fho I lso-3;~; I /soJ/ :ro --l,so373rz-L"""'3J,.i-:-J-qpo3J.;oJ 23 ·-·Tob373'5 1 /losfJLf_l-Q.?o?l~~J osoJ3l-J 1 o';lf/351 o't7/3s.f lmlsAl __ [(Jio8fi~_<i?lilizTafl3/iZ.I,oli131 I o,,;;_,, 24 oqto!n .I 0'1_17)3tf I 08tiL38I OC1tf,_'fj~ ] __ o7-,~/37l o'f'tt37 I osta/38 I ~tS/381 07ti/3'8 I Q?is/.78 I o?ttr/JI_ LE7L'f)_.rg 25 r--{y.,if::,'Tii I t),fb 1}35 I 6113)35 I o'nl ?J• I 07tt.'IJ71 Obtt,' ):~( I ()(, li /35 I ~to' lrsl oio1/~l o(/_t~ftl I 07of/"i __ 1<2?~~/1z o~rd3b 1 ()'>ti/3& I OLJtii'37 Lb:u3 /3 7Lo11LJ~,q--T o?-~;.,7.nro¥m3¥ 1 . ~.:r~q --I 1"'iq I ?!tr'f _I _. ""'' I 9rt9 26 qq~q I CJ'f~f _ ___l 1f1f L_i'riq I CJ'!fq I '19'/q I 9ii9-__ J_QTL,]3.sl_Q_W3/& oqos/.3'Lo~os/:3'ZI~oiL~s 27 ~=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"+-~~~+-~~~+---~~ 1 f:.osJu:.l 2btJLf/z.b l1,o3/i5 I 2C.o3/lS I 2t0472'f~J17oif lztltio:Vz-s-r2~oz J?j U?_Q{Esl2'1oJl~11 2oo:i/zY'I ;zsoz/z'f 28 I 'L '5b 1hs [_oto'diil _Q,_oi'~lLQ_f o"l.Z:sJ I OE_q'i]3~f LOblfJJ I J.lDI h q r 2 ~_C>ib,_7f 22oi[z51~~()i _lzsf 1~'!.~8 f;rcs/sl 29 30 J505/2.~J~c..oy/z, l"lS 03/'-~1180¥~ I /6o3/1o lflo~/bt IG?ioZt/32. I _tlt:ift I ' I --I L_f_ff9 31 qq!Jtj_ 9'1<"19 'fn"r ._._._ ____ , ---= __ , n ..... __ , .. ...,_ ... _ HOUR )ATE 1 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 4 6 .t.8-A 1 ~.8.-.Ba i g - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 SITB )._dl!i'.:SJkN fh 't:. 1 13 _qq<jq 2 14 3 15 MRI METEOROLOGICAL BREAKDOWN ·4 5 6 7 16 17 18 19 8 20 MONTII/YIAR ~MY 1983 ' g 10 21 22 11 23 12 24 C/9t:f9 ~~~1!6~~;~-~3~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~uu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SITE . I ~R..s£Al_f:JAY MONTH/YEAR FEe8.~&At<.r /983 1 2 3 ;4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 HOUR . 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ~TE 16 C11t8 /33 0827 /3"L 072.S./33 07 2//34 0820/34-0717 /3f./. cY117 .. /33 !010 /32.. 0'108/'S/ O?;z/3<1 0?12.}3$' oarzJu obr-L/37 t'JbJ3 /37 N-113 /31. o'ltJ/3b 0413/3l, {}biZ/ 3( 0513/36 0~13/36 0511)36 t2SII)3S' CJL/!:1)35 0</1'-f )st.~ 17 071(.,'/35 OSI5/35 Ob 13L35 Ob 13/3S ()515/35 Ol/15/36 0'/!9/36 OS!'i/.56 0<'117/37 03/8/37 Oo/21/36 0.3 24,/:;>6 ()1-1 2.7/35 0'-12.7/3:5 bL/26-/?.6 03 2.3'/36 o<f ;7/35 0'-117/ 35 0416/35 0512/'31: 051'3 j-:~6 o3 tsL36 0 318/3& osza/~ 18 0~ 15/34 0117...'/31.{ 0309133 ()705/32_ dio<i:?'-txooG/33 10307/33 D3 o6/J'I t};/J#/34 lt%&S/3S 06 P.t~/37 0$65/38 fX.o5/3& 05os/38 0503138 (Y/02/:J) 1802/3S 2/o..;/3'1 2t!D3/30 ;9o?/Jo I!JOZ/?1 ?Oo3hB '2t>07fts ~2o-Jz3 2~o-z.Jz.L.. 25~/2.4 qqqq-> ~-· ~--4999 19 20 J Q'f99 . . ---· "?ctcrqq_ 1 21 01Ql1/3S CRt2l~ CH/3/36 D7!2}3._b oBt'l/35 08!3/3~ CYII!/'33 Cfi07 /3.3 091%/3£/ /00'iL36 /009' /36 10061~ i 22 1011 ?36 oqu://37 Cfi21/J8 qqqq !1_'199 23 24 qqg'j_ l/r'~Cf9 25 t23tt,/sb D31b/3h 0'-1 u;;,j;:.f, O't2o/31.f Ol.i 14/34 (J-ltt..l/33 ()L/ 19./32.. 0323h3 0-317/32. 03! 3 /32--0315/32.. 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"""1 n ...... f""'','"ll···-ll"'\t,11""\ ...... -_,.-"" MRI MBTBOROLOOICAL BREAKDOWN siTB LM.siiu 'Bay MONTit/YBAR .111.tiRCdt. /98.-a. 1 2 3 ·4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 HOUR 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 qqqq CJ9t!f'9 lATE 1 / 2 / / v 3 / 4 / / 5 / / 6 / / / ./ 7 7 - 8 1\ / 1\(\y 9 t\:,Y / / I 10 / 11 / / / 12 / 13 / / 14 / v 15 / qqqq qqqq -·· ~ -· ., SITB L /112.~ E' AL_ 'if A Y' MONTH/YEAR /l24t<&H 198..2_ • 1 2 3 .4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 iOUR 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20. 21 22 23 24 ~TE 16 qqqq _'l'!l'!l!l_ "" 17~~~~==~~==~~~=+=t==~~==~=4====~~==~t===~~====~==~~~~ 18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4=~~· 19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P1~~+-~~~~ 20 ~~~~~~~~~~~-4~~~-+~~~~~~~~~-P.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 21 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~---r~~ 22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+"~~~~~~~~~~ 23 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-r~~~ 24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 26 27 28 30 .. ~.-831 MRT M~t-~nrnlnni,...Al 'Rr~A'V~nt.~n n,,..,l"'t. .., MRI MBTEOROLOCUCAL BREAKDOWN SITB LARsEJJ 2Av MONTH/YBAR _4 t'A'lk I 98. ~ -- 1 2 3 ·4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 HOUR L./3. -c.. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 >AIE 1 29:::>4-I 2.0 2403)2. 7 2'>o3/2s '2 So4/2S Z5o"!/zl. 2 70~/27 270 3/3Z ..c 503/35 ()608/4'1 j'J(,CJ9/il! o609/4rZ. tJbt/7/'13 00o8 )4'+ Ch07/43 ()(;oi /1.12 {)6oS/ Li ;_ O&J7/I.fo a;o¢/l!o 12o3/3B Zoo6[J5 2to1/Sz... 2l/£)4 /:50 rzs.,...,/z:t z-,aJjz? v 2 3cii.'I2Ci 2So3h& 240])215 2&o3!z7 26oi/z8 26o3/z8 ~5o:J J-;t;t 3001/38 /f?O ::r j_~o I(J07 /.t;z_ ?~q ~9 2 /CfO't/q,£1 ;g/1 /4t; 2509/iiL 2'1tq 138 t_qrz /J8 30~/3(; Ztoz. Is> 12 oz/~z !5o :J/3o f $D'i/2.ltf "'-"17'1'"7 '-r"''7 7 3 tfT'l! 15o.q/z9 120~/ '"3/ OfoB IJ'I 06o'J/:h: qqqq t;qt;q / 4 / / 5 /' ! / ... SrATID~ J>Jb.r:... ~~ ~m,.,.,) ,T"Y}J') J€r: A.<; / / ' 6 . Alt:;&:ncn --'Tlullf:' -r. h 'T'"lF" A -r H ) / 7 /IJA.Rk OJ. I)£.;J..:, &:'A. !-,, v' ,,A ~ / I 1 / I 'V / 8 / ·, / I 9 11 ,../)qy ' : q;v I 10 ,.../ I ,....-/' 11 / / / ! 12 v ! ./' 13 / i v 14 / / 15 / q£799 qqq' ·-- r. SITB ~AR§&JJ f3&y i MONTH/YEAR /l..eAJL /98.._=1 1 2 J !t 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 liOUR --· 1J 14 15 16 17 lR 19 20 21 22 23 24 -- ~TE 16 [J!f9C? -·---· '---. ----~ -------~-------~--· . -. . ... ---..... ··--.. ~---I-· ··-· --C/999 ..... --~--~ .. ·--- ~ 17 -----------/ / 18 ---+-· -~---- v / ..... .// 19 -----------------~-- ~ .. ____ /" 20 ---------· ----~~- // ,./' /'' / 21 /,r ~ ·"" 22 --. ··-· /_,_ .. / 23 . -7 I _,//..- ~ l 24 ,.., ~------....... ___ . (\~ 25 -·· / --'--------·-. --/ .. . / 26 // --. ' /v 27 ~/ ---~----_...,..._-. --- 28" / ---/ / ______ ... ____ ----29 / 30 / --·· --------.... -·· '-·-·-qyqq ·f-· -~--·--···· .•. . ... ---~ ----~ f-·-. ·---· ·----r--·~· .. -----.. -. -CJ99!1 e --· - MRI Meteorolooir.al RrPaknown ll::.No "') DI ..,.OIIOLOCIICAL IUAitDOifN IIOiftlll/1'&0 AIAy l.'i.83 2 3 ·4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 11 19 20 21 22 23 24 IJfll ,LM?aJJ BAy MONTH/Y!AR If/A y I f83 .1 2 3 ~ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 HOUR 24 25 I' '¥-'ft:eCH I'VV*f;A I" ~-.... ,¥~1 '~-.... ~--,>r: 1..-"' -..---'~/. ~~~~: --, )~A\1 1 ~':''7//, ~~~!!}.4.:.{, I =~·"'-X;_~'=I~S:::·;'l·~u ~-~:.~~:-7_' I "f_-·v~~7 r I 26 29 30 ... -~- i HRI MBTBOROLOOICAL BREAKDOWN .L/'9./?~EAl_ -~AY MONTH/YBAR JU_,..u; Ltff?'.3 -.,, I 1 I 2 I 3 I ·4 · I 5 ·I 6 I 7 . I a I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 ' 7 • ' 10 11 . 12 13 lot I' i ' ma LA.tta.:U i AY f .t 1.. MONTH/YEAR JM U£. !913 8 1 2 3 .4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1~r 13 1 14 1 15 1 16 ] 17 1 18 J 19 1 20 1 21 1 22 1 23 1 24 1 21 ~~~~~~~~~~--~~~-+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rr~~~~~~~--~~~~+---~~~--~~~~~~~~~ 23 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4-~~~~~~~~~~=+~~~~~~~ 25~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2Z~=====*====~====~~====~====~~~ ~ 26 -----27 -~· ~ -----2•l I l I ~t<== I I I I I I I 21 1 1 :::1=--==t:== ~1 z · I I I I I I I I 30 I QQ~ I~~--~-1~~--~ ~~-~~--J-~-u ~_I_ ---~-l_ . I ~ _ _l ·-_ J ~ .. f_qqq_9_ I e1, I I I I I I I I I I I I 14JtT -••nrnlooical Breakdown Paae 2 Mlti MBTBOROLOOICAL BREAKDOWN lift Ltv<.sw "8A y MONTH/YBAR CTut-y' L 'l8 3 ' -·--····-·····-·~-····---- 1 2 3 ·4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 BOUlt 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 (/1/99 qq?9 IAft 1 ----I 2 -~ ----~ i ----3 --------!'- 4 ~ . _: --,.....--i 5 -.... ~-...... 07oc.t /'$. 3S07/55 530 "i/S~ 1504/So Zt+OS /I.J'J 'ZIOS/1181 f qvyy "'f"f'#''T Z2.J:> 5/4 7 2/0.·S-AIB 2oo3/~ 2toS/ ttB '2$05/lft 28t!'S/S2 2StJ¥/S'I 2601//55 3tH;(, Is <1 2toJJ(,o 2?06/diO '210//St; ' liB II /'5&f rSt3 1/57 17'' I '57 tf,/f/57 ;go7/sg /Sol//5!1 7406 /5<1 ;)7C3/51 2103/53 ::2 7tY..J /SI /80Z/so 1711J2/~ i 7 2.2.ci3 /4Cf 2.403/'-11 22o3 ILJ'f /b oz /Lf'J /.''103 /<;9 070'//50 loos/5-1 /St%, .5l.! )2 0'-r /.56 /!J0.5! $6 /,2{)3/$1 6'9"'<//56 fYiOS/52 o7os/s3 tft/99 ...-.-.....-1 '-2777 8 -~ -----• ' --...----_.. ----I 10 ~ 11 "-i. _..-- ~ttflll _.. v- 12 ~ -----_........ r' 13 ---.,... 14 ~ ----_..... .......... 15 1/999 ISbY..£7) 16'-02/SYJ I!ZD~/1/K_ 3SN)t;o !k>l5l5b §l//5f)' ~QS/ro YT7T I -, SITE LAR.S£A1_8Ax .. 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