HomeMy WebLinkAboutUS Army Corpsof Engineers Nations Hydroelectric Power Study Regional Report 1981Alaska Energy Authority LIUAilY COPY ·U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS NATIONAL HYDROELECTRIC POWER STUDY REGIONAL REPORT: VOLUME XXIII By: U.S. Army Corps of 'gi:neers ..._ I I. I t - Ku ftr ~. ])'2-·l~\<:..\-\ ... ·-·' ~ e.u• ' U.S. Army;Corps of Engin·e·ers .National Hydroelectric Power Study Regional Report: Volume XXIII Prepared b~: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, North Pacific Division P .0. Box 2870 Portland, OR 97140 u.s. Army Corps of Engineers , Alaska District P .0. Box 7002 Anchorage, AK 9 9510 Alaska May 1981 ., \ I Prepared for: u.s. Army Corps of Engineers, Institute for Water Resources Kingman Building Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 \-\'-\ D ~ 5)B\ PREFACE ' ! \ The economic success and standard of living in this country have been achieved, in part, at the expense of abundant supplies of low-cost, non- renewable energy sources. In recent years, however, diminishing reserves of the preferred nonrenewable energy sources, i.e., oil and natural gas, have prompted a national energy policy which emphasizes conservation and the devel opment of new and renewable sources of energy. This report is a direct result of the national energy policy as it focuses on our major existing renewable energy resource, hydropower. Hydropower currently provides some 13 percent of the total electrical generating capacity in the United States. In terms of electric-power measuring units, some 64 million kilowatts of installed generating capacity and some 280 billion kilowatt-hours of energy are generated annually. Because hydropower is a renewable energy resource, these figures become more and more significant as nonrenewable supplies are depleted. As a result of the renewable nature of hydropower, Congress, in the \~ater Resources Development Act of 1976 (P.L. 94-587), authorized and directed the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, to undertake a National Hydroelectric Power Study (NHS). The NHS had two principal objectives. Th~ first was to determine the amount of and the feasibility of increasing hydroelectric capacity by developing new sites, by adding genera- tion facilities to existing water projects, and by increasing the efficiency and reliability of existing hydropower systems. The second objective was to recommend to Congress a national hydropower development program in the form of information which identifies specific projects which, on the basis of analyses performed as part of the NHS, warrant detailed study. In order to report and achieve goals set forth by the authorizing legisla- tion, the study organization conforms to the existing electrical power system of the United States. The existing system is made up of nine regions referred to as Electric Reliability Council (ERC) Regions. One volume addressing the study objectives has been prepared for each ERC region as well as a separate volume for the States of Alaska and Hawaii; data on the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico are included in the Southeastern Electric Reliability Council regional report. This portion of this volume presents the report for Alaska and will be included with the remaining nine volumes as part of the final NHS report which, with sup- porting documents will be for\varded to Congress as mandated by P.L. 94-587. In keeping \.rith the overall objectives of the study • this report DOES pre- sent (1) an up-to-date inventory and assessment of existing and undeveloped hydrop01-1er projects in Alaska with a minimum potential of 1 M\v capacity; (2) estimates of physical potential, economic feasibility and potential environ- mental and social impacts of potential hydropower projects; (3) a summary of public involvement; and (4) recommendations that detailed studies be initiated on projects which passed the NHS screening process. The report, DOES NOT (l) include suffici~nt information to support an imme- diate move to design and construct specific projects; (2) propose that the pre- sent planning process of either the Corps of Engineers or of the Federal Energy i Regulatory Commission be streamlined so as to jeopardize existing economic and environmental safeguards; or (3) recommend that specific agencies, groups, or individuals proceed with study and development of individual projects. During the study, 695 potential hydropower sites were evaluated. It was found that these sites (411 sites with physical potential) could develop approximately 42.7 million kilowatts of capacity and 224.4 billion kilowatt- hours (20,100 average megawatts) of energy. By the year 2000, the Alaska Power Administration forecasts that the demand for electrical energy could realistically be 4.0 million kilowatts and 15.0 billion kilowatt-hours. Therefore, it appears that there is sufficient hydropm.,rer potential to satisfy the needs of Alaska well into the future. Realistically though, the vast majority of the potential sites are either isolated from the population centers, located in existing or potential national parks and preserves, or the cost of development would be prohibitive. Notwithstanding, 59 potential projects (10 existing projects and 49 undeveloped sites) have been identified that, if developed, would produce as much as 3.5 million kilowatts of power and 15.5 billion kilowatt-hours (1,770 average megawatts) of energy. These developments could essentially produce all of the electricity required for the Southeast, Southcentral, and Yukon subregions by 2000. The report is organized in the following general format: Chapter 1 is a statement of regional objectives for hydropower development in Alaska. Chapter 2 is a discussion of the study area including geographic and hydrolo- gic characteristics, major energy users and present and future economic development. Chapter 3 describes the existing energy system and the present role of hydropower. Chapter 4 contains alternative electric power demand forecasts. Chapter 5 includes a description of the study procedures and screening criteria and the role of public involvement. Chapters 6 and 7 con- tain the project inventory and evaluation and study recon~endations and conclusions. In addition, three appendices present (1) a summary listing of projects studied, (2) comments received, and (3) references. ii 1. 1. 1 1.2 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 4. 4.1 4.2 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 6. 6.1 6.2 CONTENTS PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REGIOXAL OBJECTIVES • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regional Objectives • Other Studies • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXISTING CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alaska Geographic/Hydrologic Subregions • • . . . . Topography . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . Hydrologic Conditions . . • . . • . . • . Economics of Area . . . • . . • . . • . • • . ~~jor Electric Energy Users . . • . • . • . • . . • Future Development . • . . • • . • EXISTING ENERGY . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . • . Transmission Systems • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Description of Existing Energy Systems Excluding Hydropower Role of Existing Hydropower •.•••••••••••••••• DD:lAND SUHHARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electrical Utility Demand -Present Conditions . . . . . . . Electric Utility Demand -Future Conditions . . . . DESCRIPTION OF ~lliTHODOLOGY FOR EVALUATION OF POTENTIAL HYDROPOI.JER . . . • . . . . . . General . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . Initial Inventory and First Screening . • . . . . Stage 2 Second Screening . • • . Stage 3 Third Screening . . • . . . . . . . Stage 3 Fourth Screeing . . . . . . . • . . Stage 4 Regional Power Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . Public Involvement . . . . . . . • . . . . INVENTORY . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . General Discussion of Stages 1, 2, and 3 . . . . • . . . Stage 4 Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii i v vi 1-1 .1-1 1-2 2-1 2-1 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 3-1 3-1 3-3 3-11 4-1 4-1 4-7 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-4 5-5 5-5 S-6 5-7 6-1 6-1 6-5 CONTENTS( cont) 7. EVALUATION 7.1 7.2 7.3 Regional Plan Development Program • • • • • • Transmission Interties • • . • • • • • Comparisian of Electrical Power Demand with Hydropower Potential . • • . . . • . • . . . . • . • . APPENDIXES \ I Appendix A -Summary Listing of Potential Projects Appendix B -Public Reveiw Comments Appendix C -Refe~ences iv 7-l 7-1 7-1 7-8 LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1 Alaska Economic Indicators • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2-7 2-2 Alaska Electrical Energy Consumption by Consumer Category for 1978 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2-8 2-3 OBERS Projections of Population, Income and Major Sector Earnings, (Alaska) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2-9 3-1 Existing Transmission Lines -33kV and Above • • • • • • • • 3-2 3-2 Transmission Lines and Hajor Interconnections, Alaska, 1979 3-2 3-3 Summary of Alaska Energy Generation (GWh) -1979 • • • • • • 3-4 3-4 Alaska Utility Systems • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3-8 3-5 Electric Utility Systems, Principal Operations and Retail Customers by Ownership Segment • • • • • • • • • • • • 3-10 3-6 Ownership of Utility Systems by Size of Total Energy Requirements • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3-10 3-7 Existing Hydroelectric Plants, Alaska • • • • • • • • • 3-12 4-1 Annual Energy, Peak Demand and Load Factor • • • • • • • • • 4-2 4-2 Alaska Annual Growth Rates of Energy Consumption • • • 4-3 4-l System Load Variations in Alaska • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4-4 4-4 Alaska Estimated Resources, Demand and Reserve Margins • 4-6 4-5 Harza Forecast of Electric Utility Power Demand, Alaska 4-8 4-6 Alaska Generation Mix • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4-10 4-7 Regional Summary of Alaska Capacity and Net Generation • • • 4-12 4-8 APA Forecast of Electrical Power Demand, Alaska • • • • • • 4-13 5-1 General Plan of Study • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5-2 6-1 Summary of Hydropower Project Screening Results, Alaska 6-2 6-2 Total Physcial Hydropower Potential, Alaska • • • • 6-3 6-3 Total Economically Feasible Hydropower Potential, Alaska • • 6-4 6-4 Hydropower Potential at Projects Suitable for Further Study, Alaska • • . • . . . . . • • • . . • . • • • • • . . • • • 6-5 6-5 Project Type and Status Identifier • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6-6 7-1 Potential Hydropower Sites Identified for Detailed Study, Alaska • . . . . . . . . • • • . . . • . • . • . • • . . . 7-2 7-2 Summary of Regional Electrical Capacity and Energy Demand, Alaska • . . . . . • . . . • • . • • • • . • . 7-8 7-3 Regional Electrical Capacity and Energy Demand Versus Hydropower Potential • • • • • • • • • • • 7-9 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2-1 3-l 4-l 5-l 7-l River Basins of Alaska •••••..••• Existing Hydropower Plants, Alaska •••••. Seasonal Hourly Loads, Chugach Electric ••••• Flow Chart of Screening Process . . • • Site Location Nap ••.•.••••••••••• vi 2-2 3-13 4-5 5-3 7-7 Chapter 1 REGIONAL OBJECTIVES Within the last generation, hydropower investigations in Alaska have iden- ~ified many potential projects throughout the State. Except in Southeast Alaska, however, very little was ~nown about the extent of the State's hydro~· power resources prior to World War II. After the war, serious interest appeared, motivated by a worldwide search for large low-cost hydro·power projects that could be used for the production of aluminum and a desire to provide a viable economy in the then Territory of Alaska. More recently, the oil embargo of 1973 and subsequent price increases served to revive interest in hydropower development. License applications for study and construction of hydropower facilities continue to be received by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in record numbers. With the vast undeveloped hydropower potential in Alaska, combined with the ever-increasing cost of thermal energy resources, par- ticularly the cost of oil and gas, the outlook for construction of hydropower plants in Alaska is promising. In addition, through the establishment of the Alaska Power Authority, the State has developed the institutional, technical, and financial capability to provide the catalyst necessary for hydropower deve- lopment to proceed • . Considering all of the possiblities, the findings of this study indicate an undeveloped hydropower potential of 42,700 megawatts of capacity and 224.4 billion kilowatt-hours of energy (25,600 average megawatts). Most of Alaska's _po~ential hydropower, however, 1s not needed w1th1n the state and is not econo- oically feasible to transmit to the potential users outside the State. Within the State, the electrical economy has become heavily dependent upon fossil fuel energy. Diminishing reserves of these traditional primary energy sources have prompted a national energy poli~y which emphazises both energy conservation and development of new sources of primary energy. The potential for developing some new hdyropower projects as well as an opportunity for retrofitting existing hydropower projects exists. While some limitations on development are obvious and were evaluated through rather cursory examination, other constraints were extremely complex and required detailed engineering analyses. These issues were investigated, in assessing the realistic potential ·contribution that hydropower could make in meeting Alaska's growing electric energy. demands. 1.1 REGIONAL OBJECTIVES The overall objectives of the NHS were to identify and assess the potential for developnent of the nation's hydropower resources to help meet the short and long term energy demands of the nation. The evaluations conducted during the study considered the physical -potential, economic costs, environmental and social impacts, institutional-constraints, and marketability. The following specific objectives were established for Alaska: 1. To decrease the State's dependency on oil and gas for generating dectricity. 1-1 • Jl 2. To analyze .-and define the State's need for hydropower. 3. To assess the potential for increasing hydropower capacity and energy at existing dams and undeveloped sites. 4. To analyze the current marketing constraints to additional hydropower development. 5. To assess the general environmental and socio-economic impacts of the development of · specific hydropower projects. 6. To recommend maximum feasible utilization of the energy potential derived from the State's hydropower potential consistent with regional demand for electricity and the State's environmental quality objectives • 1.2 OTHER STUDIES Since World War II a number of studies of Alaska's potential hydropower resources have been completed. ~lajor early. studies included government and private studies on both the Wood Canyon and Yukon -Taiya projects and a comprehensive invento.ry of the hydroelectric resources of Southeast Alaska published by the U.S. Forest Service and the Federal Power Commission in 1947 . The purpose of that report was to bring together the best available data assembled on hydropower and provide a basic listing of potential energy generating sources for the industrial growth of the Southeast region. The Bureau of Reclamation first conducted a statewide field reconnaissance study of Alaskan hydropower projects in 1948. Attention was focused on the Susitna River basin potential and other hydropower projects. That recon- naissance initiated the study which led to the authorization and development of the Eklutna Project near Anchorage. Other investigations were completed in 1953 on several smaller projects in other parts of the State. A separate series of regional water resource studies by the Corps of Engineers investigated alternative hydropower development strategies including the investigation of the Rampart project on the Yukon River. Reconnaissance studies on the Rampart project indicated an immense potential of low-cost hydro- pol-ler. Further investigations by the Department of Interior and feasibility reports by the Corps of Engineers recommended that the Rampart project not be developed due to ·environmental effects, the lack of a power market, and an abun- dant supply of inexpensive natural gas.· Interim solutions were needed and alternative options included a number of smaller projects. One of those options, Bradely Lake near Homer, although authorized for construction by the 1962 Flood Control Act, remains unconstructed. As part of the Department of Interior investigation, the Bureau of Reclamation prepared a comprehensive inventory of the statewide hydropower resources between 1962 and 1967. This extensive work essentially provided a complete identification of potential sites in Alaska. That inventory benefited from a great deal . of information that was previously not available in a compre- hensive inventory. The Alaska Power Administration has updated major portions of that inventory, screening the summary to .252 of the most favorable potential 1-2 • hydropower sites in Alaska. The initial inventory included data on physical potential, mapping, hydrology, cost estimates, and in a few cases field checks for engineering suitability. The results were published in the 1969 and 1976 Alaska Power Survey by the Federal Power Commission. In addition to the NHS, in 1978 the Corps of Engineers initiated studies to determine the potential for small (less· than 5 MW) hydropower projects throughout Alaska. Reports for the Southeast and Aleutian Islands areas have been completed while the report for the Southwest subregion is scheduled for completion in the near future. These reports address or will address potential sites that would produce less than 1 megawatt of power • 1-3 Chapter 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS 2.1 ALASKA GEOGRAPHIC/HYDROLOGIC SUBREGIONS Alaska is divided into six geographical/hydrological subregions which are based on the major drainage basins within the State. These subregions, as determined by the Interagency Technical Committee for Alaska, are shown on Figure 2-1. These include the Southeast, Southcentral, Yukon, Southwest, Northwest; and Arctic subregions. Southeast Southeast Alaska stretches nearly 600 miles along the border of Britis, Columbia. The terrain is typified by high mountains and small drainage basins which lead directly to the ocean. Heavy precipitation with high runoff rates contributes to the opportunity for numerous hydropower developments throughout the entire area. Thirteen percent of the State's population is located within the area. The State capitol, Juneau, is situated midway within the subregion. The principal industries are government, forest products, fishing, and tourism. Because of the steep terrain, glaciers, and many islands, there are no intercon- necting highways or power transmsission systeiiS. Transportation is dependent upon air travel and the Alaska State Perry system. Historically, electrical generation for the larger communities has been furnished by local hydropower supplemented by diesel generation or all diesel. Most of the smaller towns are fully dependent upon diesel generation. Southcentral The Southcentral subregion of Alaska is characterized by much lighter runoff, colder climatic conditions, and less steep topography than Southeast Alaska. These conditions result in hydropower sites located mainly on the large river systems such as on the Copper and Susitna Rivers. This area of the State contains approximately 57 percent of the population. . Major industries are asso- ciated with oil development and processing around Cook Inlet, fishing, seafood processing, government, and trades. Most of the towns in the area are intercon- nected with good highway and air transporation systems. The major portion of the electrical generation in the Anchorage-Cook Inlet area is provided from natural gas. The area is serviced by a power transmission systea between Homer at the south end of the Kenai Peninsula to Talkeetna, north of Anchorage. Electrical service in the Anchorage-Cook Inlet area is provided by five separate utilities·. Electrical service to other isolated communities is provided by individual utilities, primarily from diesel generation. 2-1 N I N t.) 0 HYDROLOGIC SUBREGIONS 1901 -ARCTIC 1902 -NORTHWEST 1903-YUKON 1904-SOUTHWEST 1905-SOUTHCENTRAL 1906-SOUTHEAST -. . . . \ . ~-"-···------~·--~-- •. , »-.,4-. ~ '· 400 ~----"--~-- ~ ... -~~ ARcr,c • crf''c p (>. ....--·-"" CANADA Yukon The Yukon subregion is the largest of the si.x subregions with an area of about 204,000 square miles--approximately 35 percent of the area of the State. The Yukon River system and its tributaries have the only hydropower potential in the area. Due to the lack of storage sites, essentially no viable sites exist north of the Alaska Range, including the north slope of the Alaska Range. The area has only a few .other sites which could be physically developed in the entire Yukon basin. Most of the better sites on the mainstream river systems have been excluded from possible development by recently enacted Alaska Lands legislation. Roughly 20 percent of tlte State's population lives in this area with Fairbanks being the ~1in population center. The area's primary economic components are the State and Federal governments, the military, the petroleum industry, and the University of Alaska. Fairbanks experienced rapid growth during the construction of the Alaska pipeline and severe economic decline after pipeline completion. Fairbanks is connected to the Anchorage area by a highway system and to the south !~8 states through Canada by the Alaska Highway. It is also served by several airlines and the Alaska Railroad which connects Fairbank::, to seaports on Cook Inlet and the Gulf of Alaska. Currently, Fairbanks is supplied by two electric utilities from coal-fired generation and oil-fired com- bustion turbine generation. Outlying villages in this area are primarily depen- dent upon diesel engine generation for their electrical needs. Southwest The Southwest subregion is about 109,000 square miles in area. The area consists of major river drainage areas of the Kuskokwim, Nushagak, and Kvichiak Rivers, the western flank of the Alaska Peninsula, and the Aleutian Islands. Few good hydropower sites exist within reasonable transmission distances of the major population centers of Bethel, Dillingham, and Naknek. Roughly 5 percent of the State's population lives in this area. The majority of the economy is based on commercial fishing and processing, with government and recreation being other important industries. The str-eams support one of the world's most produc- tive red salmon fisheries. Recent exploration indicates potential for signifi- cant oil deposits in the Bristol Bay area, however, immediate development is being delayed for environmental reasons. Currently, main population centers plus the numerous scattered villages are dependent upon diesel generation for meeting electrical energy needs. Northwest The Northwest area is similar to the Yukon area with hydropower sites being limited to the major stream systems. This area constitutes roughly 3 percent of the population of the State. The major tmms are Nome and Kotzebue. Primary indt1stries in the area include commercial fishing, fur trapping, and government, with subsistence being the primary method of livelihood in the outlying areas. Transportation to and \vithin the area is restricted to air travel on a year- round basis, while during the summers water travel is available. Electrical pmver generation is furnished entirely by isolated diesel generation systems. 2-3 Arctic Hydropower potential in the Arctic subregion is severely restricted due to the lack of head, water supply, climate, and economical dam and reservoir site~>. The area north of the Brooks Range constitutes roughly 2 percent of the State 1 s population. The area's largest single industry is the oil development at Prudhoe Bay. Other major industries include oil and gas exploration, construc- tion, and government services. Subsistence living constitutes the remainder of the economic activity for this area. Transportation is restricted to air travel on a year-round basis and an occasional barge or ship during the late summer. Electrical generation for the Barrow and Prudhoe Bay oil development areas con- sists primarily of oil and gas-fired turbines and diesel generators. The outlying villages depend entirely on diesel generation. 2.2 TOPOGRAPHY Alaska has a land area of 586,412 square miles, approximately one-fifth the size of the United States. Surrounded on three sides by waters of the Arctic and Pacific Oceans and the Bering Sea, Alaska has 46,000 miles of coastline. The topography of the State is ex~remely diversified, highlighted by two vast mountain systems: the Brooks Range to the north and the Pacific Mountain System to the south. The Brooks Range, lying about 100 to 200 miles inland from the Arctic Coast, is the northern extension of the Rocky Hountain System. From the Canadian border the Brooks Range extends westward for 600 miles to the Arctic Ocean. Hany peaks in the eastern part of this range exceed 9,000 feet in elevation; in the west, peak elevations decrease to an average of 3,000 feet. The Pacific Hountain System is the continuation of the Coastal Mountain System of the COLlterminous United States and Canada. This system consists of two parallel arcs that generally follow the coastline from Southeast Alaska to and including the Aleutian Islands. The northern arc includes the boundary of the Alaska and Aleutian Ranges, and the Aleutian Islands. The southern arc includes many of the islands of Southeast Alaska as well as the Fairweather Range) the St. Elias Hountains, the Kenai-Chugach Mountains, and Kodiak Island. Elevations in the Pacific Mountain System range from 1,000 to 4,000 feet, in the Aleutian·Range to more than 10,000 feet, and in the Alaska and St. Elias Mountain Ranges to over 20,000 feet (Nount HcKinley). North of the Brooks Range lies the Arctic Coastal Plain which rises grad- ually from the Arctic Ocean to a maximum elevation of 600 feet at its southern margin. This vast tundra plain is virtually without relief except for scattered groups of low hills east of the Colville River that range in height from 20 to 230 feet. The intermountain plateau lies between the Brooks Range and the Alaska Range consisting of dissected uplands and broad, alluvium-filled basins. The basin floor ranges in altitude from over 6,500 feet in the Yukon-Tanana uplands in the east to r;enerally less than 1, 000 feet in the Yukon-Kuskoh7im and Bristol Bay lowlands to the west. 2-4 The majority of the people in Alaska live in proximity to the sea coast irr the Southcentral and Southeast subregions of the State where they enjoy a moderate climate due to maritime influences. These same areas include exu.msive glaciers and ice fields at elevations of 2,000 to 3,000 feet above sea level, exhibiting all the characteristics of a very cold alpine climate ecosystem. The continuous permafrost that exists over roughly the northern third of the StatP. and the discontinuous permafrost that extends over parts of the Southwest and Southcentral Subregions present difficult water supply problems. 2.3 HYDROLOGIC CONDITIONS The highly diverse geographical features of Alaska have a significant impacr::: on the climate of the State. A zone of maritime influence, which extends throughout Southeastern and Southcentral Alaska along the gulf coast experiences a mild, wet climate; annual precipitation reaches as high as 200 inches with higher amounts in the glaciated mountain areas of the region. Away from this maritime coastal zone the climate changes rapidly with decreasing amounts of precipitation and greater extremes in temperature. Average annual prec.ipitaticn in the interior is 12 inches, decreasing to 6 inches or less along the Arctic Slope. However, considerably more precipitation falls in the interior moun- tainous area. About two-thirds of Alaska receives less than 20 inches of pred -· pitation annually. Mean annual temperatures range from 43 degrees F along the maritime coastal zone to 10 degrees F along the Arctic Slope. The interior of Alaska experiences the greatest extremes in temperature. In this region mean-maximum summer tem- peratures range between 75 and 80 degrees F, while the mean-minimum winter tem- peratures are in the range -20 to -30 degrees F with extremes down to -50 degrees F and colder. Climatological differences in Alaska resulting from its unique geography cause a wide variation in the hydrology of streams. Lm .. -lying areas adjacent to the Gulf of Alaska have high unit runoffs and relatively little seasonal variation. In the mountainous areas adjacent to the Gulf, runoff is high, and in the northern part of the State runoff rates are relatively low. All major streams in Alaska originate within the State except for the Yukon and Porcupine Rivers (Upper Yukon subregion) and the Alsek, Taku, and Stikine (Southeast subregion) whose headwaters are in Canada. All of the streams in Alaska flow into either the Arctic Ocean, Bering Sea, or the Pacific Ocean. Tbe streams in the region fall into two general groups, glacial and nongalacial. Host glacial streams are found in the Southcentral and Southeast subregions, and the southcentral portion of the Yukon subregion. The Yukon River is the largest in the State and ranks fifth in discharge among streams in the United States. The Yukon drainage that is solely in Alaska covers about 35 percent of the State. The estimated mean annual discharge is 257,000 cubic feet per second (cfs), 32 percent of which flows into the State from Canada. Major tributaries of the Yukon River includt: the Koyukuk, Tanana, and Porcupine Rivers. 2-5 Other principal river systems in Alaska include the Colville (Arctic); Kobuk, (North\llest); Kuskokwim (Southwest), and Susitna and Copper Rivers, (Southcentral). Extensive natural inland lakes in Alaska encompass 5.1 million acres of the State. The combination of geologic, climatic, seasonal, geographic, and other effects often produces problems and conditions in Alaska for which there are no comparable situations in other parts of the United States. Nevertheless, Alask~l has by far the greatest potential of any state for the development of hydro- power, particularily in the Southcentral and Southeast regions where topog~aphic conditions are favorable and streamflows are relatively high and uniform. Additional potential exists in the water that is stored in the vast snowfields and glaciers in these regions. In other areas of Alaska not only the intensity but the duration of cold weather produces unusual effects. The prolonged periods of cold weather and associated permafrost preserve a significant amount of water in a non- accessible, solid state. Shallow rivers and lakes freeze to the bottom or develop several feet of ice cover and remain frozen for most of the year. Low instream flow is the rule for most areas of the State during the winter. Alaska's climate and varied terrain place significant limitations on the supply of water which is available for development of hydropower. 2.4 ECONOMICS OF AREA Table 2-1 summarizes the significant 1970 demographic and economic data for Alaska. [Economic Area 172, as defined by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), U.S. Department of Commerce]. In 1970 Alaska's population was 305,000, and represented about 0.2 percent of the national total. Over the period 1962 to 1970, the population grew at an average annual rate of 2.7 percent. The 1975 population was estimated at 405,000, reflecting a high average annual growth of 5.8 percent during the period 1970 to 1975. Preliminary 1980 census figures indicates a current popu- lation exceeding 400,000. Total earnings in Alaska have been growing at an average annual rate of about 4.8 percent. The 1970 Alaska earnings represented about 0.2 percent of the national total. By far, the largest earnings sector ltas been government, contributing about 44 percent to Alaska's total earnings. Construction and trad~ also contributed a significant portion to the Alaska total earnings. The 1970 Alaska per capita income of $4,202 was about 21 percent higher than the national average. Between 1962 and 1970, the Alaska per capita income grew at an average annual rate of 4.0 percent. Figures for 1980 (not yet available) will show a higher per capita income level, but inflation has trimmed the dif- ference between the Alaskan and national standards. 2-6 Notes: Table 2-1 ALASKA ECONOMIC INDICATORS 1970 Earning Sector Agriculture Mining Construction Hanufacturing Transportation Utilities Trade Finance Services Government Total Earnings Population (Thousands) Per Capita Income ($) Per Capita Income Relative to the u.s. 1/ 1967 dollars Z/ Laws governing mining prohibit disclosure of earnings. 2. 5 t-lAJOR ELECTRIC ENERGY USERS Earnings 1/ (Millions $) 18 2/ 122 80 111 135 31 118 522 1,137 305 4,202 1/ 1.209 The relative proportion of electrical energy consumed during 1978 by the major consumer categories (residential, commercial, and industrial) for repre- sentative·utilities in Alaska is given in Table 2-2. Electrical energy consump- tion in the State is fai~ly evenly divided between the residential and commercial categories. The low rate of consumption in the industrial category reflects the relatively low level of heav:r industrial activity in Alaska. 2-7 Table 2-2 ALASKA ELECTRICAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION BY CONSUMER CATEGORY FOR 1978 Residential GWh 1,164 Percent 44.7 Source: Edison Electrical Institute. Notes: 1/ SQall light and power. 2/ Large light and power~ Commercial 1/ Industrial 2/ Other 3/ 1,295 56 87 49.8 2.2 3.3 J/ Includes street and highway lighting (13 Gi-lh), other public authorities (65 GHh), railroad and railways (2 GWh), and interdepartmental use (7 GWh). 2.6 FUTURE DEVELOPNENT Population Table 2-3 summarizes the significant demographic and economic projections for Alaska, as approximated for BEA economic area 172. The projections are based on the 1972 Office of Business and Economic Research and Statistics (OBERS) projections. The OBERS projections forecast an average annual popula- tion growth rate of about 1.6 percent between 1980 and 1990, then 1.1 percent to the year 2000. Commercial and Industrial Development The largest portion of Alaska's earnings is likely to be generated from the the government sector, which is expected to supply about 40 percent of the region's.total earnings in 2000. The mining sector, although small in magni- tude, has the largest portion of national earnings compared to other Alaska industrial sectors. Total earnings in Alaska are expected to grow about 3.7 percent annually between 1980 and 2000. Per capita income in Alaska is expected to be much higher than the national average. In 1980, the Alaska per capita income is likely to be 18 percent above the national average, and decrease to 14 percent above in the year 2000. Overall growth in Alaska per capita income is expected to be about 2.6 percent in constant dollars between 1980 and 2000. 2-8 Table 2-3 OBERS PROJECTION OF POPULATION, INCOME, AND MAJOR SECTOR EARNINGS, (ALASKA) Income and Earnings In Conslant 1967 Dollars Sector Agriculture tUning Construction Manufacturing Transportation Utilities Trade Finance Services Government Total Earnings (~1illion $) Total Personal Income (Million $) Total Population (Thousands) Per Capita Income ($) Per capita Income Relative to U.S. Note: 1980 21 46 180 115 176 192 54 204 724 1, 713 1,875 333 5,626 1.18 ~ I Year 1985 1990 2000 (Earnings, million $) 23 24 29 56 68 90 211 247 332 135 159 215 215 262 381 229 273 386 69 87 13) 263 339 542 862 1,026 1,447 2,064 2,487 3,557 2,289 2,795 4,088 361 391 438 7,145 9,333 1.17 1.16 1.14 Sum of sector earnings may not equal the total because of discrepancies in OBERS data. 2-9 Chapter 3 EXISTING ENERGY 3.1 TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS The major electrical transmission systems in Alaska are in the Southcentra.l (Anchorage-Cook Inlet), Southeast (Juneau), and Yukon (Fairbanks-Tanana Valley) subregions. Tne remainder of the State's transmission systems are isolated, and serve local towns, villages, and nearby environs. The largest load concentration is in Southcentral Alaska which includes the Greater Anchorage Area, }latanuska Valley and the Kenai Peninsula. Power resour .. ces for these load centers are in the Beluga and Kenai natural gas fields. The Eklutna and Cooper Lake hydropower projects also serve this area. This region has a number of smaller isola·ted power systems with low voltage circuits. The second largest load center is loacted in the Yukon subregion. The main source of power is furnished by coal burning steam plants in Healy and Fairbanks. Oil-fired combustion turbines in Fairbanks and North Pole furnish the remainder. Diesel plants at Fairbanks and Healy supply standby power. In Southeast Alaska separate power systems serve each community. Most of the transmission in this area is from hydropower plants to the various load centers •. Hydropower is an important source of supply for Juneau, Metlakatla, Pelican, Petersburg, Sitka, and Skagway. Diesel electric plants augment the local electrical system. Transmission grid systems are limited or nonexistent between these communities. The majority of the State's population is urban and power systems are isolated, with service generally confined to the immediate area. The developed areas with complete electrical service occupy less than 5 percent of the State's area. The Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) was organized for the purpose, of providing electrical service to the remote native villages under a plan deve- loped through the efforts of the Rural Electrification Administration (REA), the Office of Economic Opportunity, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the u.s. Department of Labor, and the State of Alaska. AVEC now serves some 14,000 people in 48 remote villages where regular electrical service was not available or adequate only 5 years ago. Most villages have populations of 100 to 500. Each village owns the cooperative and provides rights-of-way, powerplant sites, and operators. Local diesel plants furnish power directly to distribution lines serving the many small communities and villages. A total of 1,037 miles of transmission lines at 33 kV and above are pre- sently installed in Alaska as shown in Table 3-1. Table 3-2 shows a summary of transmission lines by region. 3-1 Table 3-1 EXISTING TRANSMISSION LINES-33 kV AND ABOVE Nominal Line Voltage Ownership Voltage Circuit ttiles Type Circuit Miles 138 kV 303 Cooperative 886 115 kV 348 Municipal 63 69 kV 161 Federal 88 33 kV 225 1,037 1,037 ·--- Table 3-2 TRANSMISSION LINES AND MAJOR INTERCONNECTIONS, ALASKA, 1979/1 Region Anchorage-Cook Inlet Area (and Kodiak) Total Fairbanks Area Total Southeast Region Total Alaska -Total Level (kV 2/) 138 138 115 69 33 13.8/69 138 69 33 138 183 33 138 138 115 69, 13.8/69 33 Line Length (miles) 128 Overhead 12 Submarine 348 Overhead 86 Overhead 153 Overhead 4 Overhead 731 119 Overhead 71 Overhead 42 Overhead 232 41 Overhead 3 Submarine 30 Overhead 74 288 Overhead 15 Submarine 348 Overhead 161 Overhead 225 1 037 Sources: Alaska Public Utilities commission and Alaska Power Administration. Notes: 1/ Lines under 33 kV not included. 2/ Nominal voltage. 3-2 3.2 DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING ENERGY SYSTEMS EXCLUDING HYDROPOWER Typ~ of Energy and Magnitude As of 1979 the installed electrical generating capacity in Alaska was 1,866.8 megawatts. About 84 percent of the electricity generated in the State was produced from energy supplied by fossil fuel. Natural gas was by far the major fuel, accounting for 56 percent of the year's output. Next came oil (18 percent), coal (10 percent), hydro (10 percent), and wood waste (6 percent). Most recent additions have be~n in oil and natural gas-fired plants with a strong trend toward dependency on these fuels. In 1979, mora than 4.8 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity (4,380 GWh thermally) were generated in the State. The combustion turbine, fired by gas or oil, accounts for the largest portion of the thermal generation (60 percent) followed by the steam turbine (24 percent) and internal combustion diesel generator (16 percent). Table 3-3 presents a summary of the net electrical energy produced in 1979 by types of generation for the six subregions in the State. Fossil-fueled, thermal-electric powerplants have, for many years, been the mainstay of Alaska's elelctrical power industry. Nearly all new installed capa- city in the Railbelt area has been combustion turbine units. This includes new oil-fired units installed in Fairbanks and several relatively new natural gas- fired units added by the Anchorage area utilities. In addition, there are a number of new combustion turbine units in industrial applications in various parts of the State. The increased use of combustion turbines reflects the advantages of low ini- tial equipment cost, minimum ordering and installation lost time, and tech- nological advances. The prlncipal advantage in the Anchorage area, until recently, was the availability of low cost natural gas for fuel. Additional advantages for Alaska are increased capacity and efficiency of combustion tur- bines because they operate at low altitudes and with low annual average air inlet ten1peratures. The efficiency of combustion turbine units is considerably lower than for conventional steam, but options do exist to improve their efficiencies. These include regenerative cycle units, and waste heat boilers in conjunction with steam and combustion turbine units to form combined cycle plants. Two combined cycle units will soon g~ on line in Alaska. Future combustion turbine units will have higher firing temperatures which increases their efficiencies and in turn increases the efficiencies of future regenerative and combined cycle units. Approximately 49 percent of the total State thermal generating capacity is located in the Southcentral subregion. A further breakdown shows that 74 per- cent of this subregion's thermal capacity is produced by combustion turbines. About 23 percent of the State's total thermal capacity is in the Yukon area of which 29 percent is steam-electric. Systems in Southeast Alaska are a mix of diesel, hydropower, and industrial wood waste-fired steam plants. The rest of the State's power systems (except for Barrow) are completely dependent on diesel generation. Generating units in utility steam-electric plants range in size from 500 to ZS, 000 kilow.atts. Steam-electric generating units in national defense plants vary in size from 500 to 7,500 kilowatts. 3-3 Table 3-3 · SUMMARY OF ALASKA ENERGY qENERATJON (GWh)-1979 Arctic/ South- _Type o_!__Energ'[ ___ Southeast Southcentra I Yukon llbrthwest West Misc. Total Gas o.o 2,260.1 o.o 442. 1 o.o o.o 2, 702.E; Oi I 86.5 235.8 202.5 81.6 163.7 94.5 864.6 Coal o.o o.o 506.5 o.o o.o o.o 506.5 Hydro 263.9 192.2 0.0 o.o o.o 0.0 456. I Pulp 306.0 0.0 o.o o.o o.o 0.0 306.0 ---- Total subregion 656.4 2, 688. I 709.0 524.3 163.7 94.5 4,836.0 Type of Facll ity Combustion Turbine o.o 2,015.1 152.7 454.4 o.o o.o 2,622.2 Internal Combustion 86.5 240.6 49.1 69.9 163.7 94.5 704.3 Steum TurbIne 306.0 240.2 507.2 o.o 0.0 o.o _1_,053.4 --- Total Thermal 392.5 2, 495.9 709.0 524.3 163 .. 7 94.5 4,379.9 ---~----· Source: AI as ka Power AdmIn I strat Jon. 3-4 Combustion turbine units were first installed by Alaska utilities in 1962 for baseload operation as well as for peaking. Combustion turbine plants are presently operating to serve most of the load in the Anchorage area but are pri- marily used for intermediate and peaking purposes in the Fairbanks area. Unit sizes vary . from 750 to 72,900 kilowatts. The largest single generating station in Alaska is· the Beluga plan~ located on the . west side of the Cook Inlet. The plant, which consists entirely of combustion turbines, has a total capacity of 298,100 kilowatts. Internal combustion engine (diesel) generating ·plants are scattered throughout · the State and are used exclusively in the isolated areas of the Southwest, Northwest, and Arctic subregions. Plants vary widely in size and number of .units. Individual units of 6,450 kilowatts are in operation. but the average size is in the range .of sev~ral hundred kilowatts. Future Potential . . . The ·southcentral· Region, particulary the Anchorage-Cook Inlet area, has the widest variety of thermal alternatives with natural gas, coal, and oil available ~n close proximity. Natural gas in the Anchorage-Cook Inlet area has been the least expensive :fossil fuel in the State, and relatively low-cost power supplies e1:re assured as long .as low-cost natural gas is. available . for power production. ·However, there is genuine doubt that adequate natural gas reserves exist to .supply sufficient ·energy to meet total power requirements through 2000. Several experts are of · the. opinion that natural gas will be either unavailable or too costly for power production beyond 1985. This is due partly to skepticism con- ·cerning estimates of natural gas reserves and partly because of national econo- mic factors. There may be better uses. of natural gas (e.g., petrochemical uses and home space heating) than generation of electrical power, especially when extensive ~oal .deposits are ~vailable. Large steam-electric plants have lower · per-kilowatt · costs than smaller 'ones; but existing and immediate future forecasted electrical power .requirements in Alaska load areas indicate there is no need .for large units. In comparison ·with plants of comparible size now in service, higher capital costs and longer lead times required for coal, oil, and gas-fired steam-electric plants .indicate that oil or natural gas-fired combustion turbines · and combined cycle plants will be built to meet .future power requirements u·ritil at leas.t 1984. Utilities are seriously considering sizeable combustion turbine · and/or combined cycle installations to be added within the next 5 years. Combustion turbine unit sizes will range from 60 to 70 megawatts and a combined cycle plant would range from 100 'to 200 m~gawatts. Industry will most likely continue to add smaller size (20-35 MW) combustion turbine and/or diesel units. Based on the .estimated mid-range power requirements, it appears that a baseload coal-fired steamplant in the 300-500 megawatts size range could be utilized in the Anchorage area by 1985. , I For the Yukon subregion, the range of thermal alternatives is essentially the same as for the Southcentral subregion except for the present use of natural · gas as fuel in the latter subregion. Coal-fired plants are now being planned to meet Fairbanks area utility loads ~f 1983 an4 beyond. Vast coal deposits in the Nenana field could provide adequate fuel to meet all of the subregion's future power requirements. However, until 1985 the subregion's utilities will probably continue to add combustion turbine units ·and possibly, if warranted, combined cycle units. 3-5 Alterntives for the Fairbanks area electrical system include the possibility of using oil or .. natural gas from the Alaska pipeline or from the · proposed natural gas pipeline.· Some refining would be needed, however, to produce · suitable fuel for any type powerplant. For smaller power systems in the Southce~tral and Yukon subregions, no economical ·alternatives to diesel genera- tion have been identified to date. Outside the Southcentral and Yukon subregions· there are fewer options. Oil- fired diesel electric powerplants are expected to continue as the main source of electricity and in some areas are the only available source for most power · systems. Controlling factors which preclude other thermal alternatives include: . (a) No access to alternate fossil fuels. (b) Sou,tll-size power .market. (c) The large investment required for conventional steam-electric plants. It should be._noted 'that small coal-fired .plants have received consideration recentty, but are not likely to be economically 'feasible because of the ex- tremely high investment costs for small capacity units. There are no active nuclear powerplants in Alaska·, and nuclear power is not currently a factor in Alaska power planning, primarily due to the relatively small power requirements and the availability of other attractive alternatives. Large nuclear powerplants would not likely fit the State power system needs until. beyo~d 2000, unless loads develop substantially higher than present fore- casts. There is considerable interest .ln Alaska's geothermal potential', and good reasons exist to explore and define this resource and to proceed with · development. Two areas in Alaska are classified as "known geothermal resources . areas:" the Pilgrim Springs of the Seward Peninsula, and an area on the Aleutian Chain. These and other areas which are thought to .have relatively high poten- tial are, however, remote from major load centers. The Seward Peninsula geothermal po.tential is the. most proaiising of the two areas and may eventually prove usable .if potential mining loads materialize, or if other electrical power requirements build to a size warranting a regional pO\ier system. Of the possible other electrical energy sources thought to be available in the future, wind power may have some applications in Alaska. The opportunity to displace high cost fuels increases the attractiveness of such an alterriative. The present state-of-the-art of wind· power embraces mainly applications for small remote installations, but there are conceptual plans for sets of very large. wind generators to be ~sed for major energy supplies. The most likely near term future application of wind power for Alaska appears to be as a supple- ment to diesel power for remote villages or industrial sites where suitable wind conditions exist, and alternative generation options are limited. Responsible officials do expect interest to increase in wind generation and also expect several wind demonstra.tion ·projects within the next few years. There is, at present, little basis for assuming solar power will be a signi- ficant alternative for Alaska power .systems in the future. Incoming radiation 3-6 .levels in the northerly latitudes are comparatively low, especially in winter when en_ergy demands are the highest.-Solar _power is generally thought to be impractical f'or Alaskan e _lectrical generation but may be a consideration in new resldentia1 construction where energy conservatiC?n measures are being empha- sized. Other potential sources _of power in Alaska include wood ·and tidal · power._ Although Alaska is endowed with an a~unda~t source of wood, presently the high cost of collecting and _ handling the large volumes .·required makes wood uneconomi- _cal -as a ·fuel for generating electricity in comparision to conventional fossil . fuels_. The Cook Inlet tidal range is one of the world Is largest and could be a signifi _c~nt source of power. Because of the availability of more cost-· competitive energy sour~es, the large size of the project,-and technical problems requiring solution, tidal power remains a distant alternative energy source. Impacts In the contiguous 48 states the adverse effects of thermal and air pollu- tants from electric power plants have been well documented. One significant problem in Alaska is · the occurrence of ice fog in the Fairbanks area during the winter caused by increas'ed atmospheric moisture rising from the local steam ·generating plant and other sources. Due to the low level of de:velopment in Alaska, other short-term envirorunental problems resulting from electrical generating plants are minor o~ unidentified. To date, monitoring of air and water quality has been limited. 'If the future baseload electrical generation is met largely h:y thermal generation means, the Sta-te wili be faced with very significant environmental problems characteristic of those in the contiguous 48 states. The State of Alaska, recognizing this, has included measure's to protect the environment as a primary objective in plans involving power plant developments. Ownership . · The ·electrical power industry in Alaska is composed of a plurality of uti- lity systems: some owned by private companies, some owned by governmental agen- ~ies (Federal or municip-al), and some owned by electrical cooperatives (sponsored QY REA). In addition to the utility power systems, there are numerous self-supplied (non-utilities) industrial and nati·onal defense power systems -in the State. Table 3-4 lists Alaskan utilities, indicates type of ownership_, and gives the utility designation. Table 3-5 compares type of ownership of utility systems based on systems of record in 1979. As shown in this · table, the largest number of utilities are in the private group. However, in 1979, 67 -percent of the more t.han 140,000 retail customers in Alaska were served by Alaska's 14 cooperatively -owned systems while only 8 percent were served by private u_tilities. By way of contrast, the pri- ·vate ·sector in the contiguous 48 states serves more than 75 percent of the retail customers. During the 1965-1975 period, however, the total number of electrical utility systems in the contiguous 48 states decreased; the total number of Alaska's utilities increased during this same period. Designation AHFI ALEL ANCO APAD-E A PAD-S APCO APTC AVEC ARVI BAUI BUCI BLPI CIEL CHEI\ COMA couu COEC CRTP CVEA FACO FYUI GHEA. GOVE HOE A. HUGH HLPC KECO KOEA KTEA KLEV LBES HEAl MUCI HPL'-l ?1DEP Table 3-4 ALASKA UTILITY SYSTEMS Utility Amfac Foods, Inc. Alaska .Electric Light and Power Company Anchorage Municipal Light and Power Dept. Alaska Power Administration-Eklutna (Anchorage) Alaska Power Administration-Snettisham (Juneau) Aniak Power Company Alaska Power & Telephone Company (4 towns) Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. ( 48 villages) Arctic Utilities, Inc. Barrow Utilities and Electric Cooperative Inc. Bethel Utilities Corporation, Inc. Bettles Light & Power, Inc. Circle Electric Chugach Electric Association, Inc. City of Manakotak City of Unalaska Cordova Electric Cooperative, Inc. Chistochina Trading Post Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System Fort Yukon Utilities Glacier Highway Electric Association, Inc. Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. Homer Electric Association, Inc. Hughes Haines Light and Power Co., Inc. Ketchikan Public Utilities Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. Kotzebue Electric Association, Inc. Klukwan Electric Utility Larsen Bay Electric System ~~tanuska Electric Association, Inc. Manley Utility Co., Inc. He tlakatla Po\o/'er and Light M & D Enterprise 3-8 Type of Ownership Private Private Nuniclpal Federal Federal Private Private Private Cooperative Private Cooperative Private Private Private Cooperative Hunicipal Nunicipal Cooperative Private Cooperative Hunicipal Private Cooperative Cooperative Cooperative Private Municipal Hunicipal Cooperative Cooperative Municipal Private Cooperative Private Nunicipal Private Designation NEAl NECI NLPU NPEC NPLI NKPI NSRP PALl PNLP PUCO SESM SESU SIPU TLPC TPCO THRE \.JRLO WTCO YAPI Table 3'-4(cont) Utility Naknek Electric Association, Inc. Nushagak Electric Cooperative Inc. Nome Light and Power Utilities Northern Power & Engineering Corporation, Inc. Northway Power & Light, Inc. Nikolski Power & Light Co. North Slope Borough Power and Light System Paxson Lodge, Inc. Petersburg ~lunicipal Light and Power Pelican Utility Company Seward Electric System Semloh Supply (Lake Minchumina) Sitka Electric Department Teller P01-1er Company Tanana Power Company Tlinget-Haida Regional Electric Authority Cooperative \~rangell ~lunicipal Light & Power Weisner Trading Co. Yakutat Power, Inc. 3-9 Type of Ownership Cooperative Cooperative Hunicipal Private Private Private Municipal Private Hunicipal Private Hunicipal Private Municipal Private Private Municipal Huncipal Private Private Table 3-5 ELECTRIC UTILITY SYSTEMS, PRINCIPAL OPERATIONS AND RETAIL CUSTOMERS BY OWNERSHIP SEGMENT Systems of Record-1979 ~terns with Generation Generating Number Ret a II Customers Transml ss I on Transmlss I on Capacity Engaged In Served Total and and (Percent of Distribution Ownership Systems Di str I but ion Wholesaling Total) Only (Number) (Percent) Pr lvato 25 25 0 4.9 0 11,500 8. l Municipal 13 13 28.8 0 35,300 25.0 Cooperative _y 14 14 2 60.0 0 94,700 66.9 Feder a I 1 0 6.3 0 0 o.o Total 53 52 4 100.0 0 141,500 100.0 Note: y AVEC Is llsted as one system. Table 3-6 shows the roldtive sizes of electrical utility systems, by type of ownership, for 1979. Ill 1979 seven utilities--two of which are municipals, four cooperatives, and one federal--had energy requirements In exess of 100 million kilowatt-hours and one of these exceeded 600 mil lion kilowatt-hours. The roqulrements of four others ranged between 25 and 99 million kilowatt-hours In 1979. Table 3-6 OWNERSHIP OF UTILITY SYSTEMS BY SIZE OF TOTAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS Systems of Record-1979 Number of Systems -Annua I Energy Requirements Over 100 25-99 1-24 Under Ownership GWh G'flh G\'ih C'..th Total Pr lv3te 0 1 14 10 25 ~lun I cl pa I 2 2 6 3 13 Cooper at I vo y 4 I 8 1 14 Federal I 0 0 0 1 Total 7 4 28 14 53 ~bte: .Y AVEC Is llstod as one system. 3-10 3.3 ROLE OF EXISTING HYDROPOWER Most of the early hydropower developments in Alaska were constructed to pro- vide power for mining and other industrial uses, such as fish processing and were often associated with hydromechanicai installations. Over the years, many small hydropower installations were constructed in Southeastern Alaska to serve loc<1l and seasonal needs. Some of these still remain in service today, although most small installations have been replaced by diesel generators. The largest existing hydropower installation in the State is the Snett!.sham project at Long Lake, 28 miles southeast of Juneau. This project, constructed by the Corps of Engineers and operated by the Alaska Power Administration, began operation in 1973 with an initial installation of 47,160 kilowatts. Ultimate capacity planned for the Snettisham project is 74,160 kilowatts. The Alaska Power Administration also operates the 30,000-ktl Eklutna plant, 32 miles north of Anchorage. The third largest hydropower installation in the State is the 15,000 kH Cooper Lake plant owned by Chugach Electric Association, Inc. and located on the Kenai Peninsula, about 60 miles southeast of Anchorage. There are more than 40 hydropower installations in Alaska, ranging in size from 1.5 to 47,160 kilowatts. Host of the plants are small and only of local significance. Only 14 plants are large enough and in locations to have an impact on the future power supply of the State. These plants are listed in Table 3-7 and their locations are shown on Figure 3-1. Twelve of these plants are located in Southeastern Alaska and serve the cities of Juneau, Ketchikan, Petersburg, Sitka, and Skagway and the communities of Metlakatla and Pelican. The other two plants are in Southcentral Alaska and are part of the intercon- nected system serving the Anchorage-Cook Inlet area. There are no hydropower plants located in the Arctic, Northwest, Yukon or Southwest subregions. All major hydropm,rer developments in recent years have been made by public entities. Of the five plants built in the last three decades, the two largest. with a total capacity of 77,160 kilowatts or nearly two-thirds of the Alaskan hydropm,rer capacity, are Federally owned and operated. In Southeast Alaska, power is primarily generated by diesel generators or a mix of diesel generators supplementing hydroelectric power when available such as in Juneau and Ketchikan. Only the Juneau area has hydropower capacity in excess of present demands. All of the hydropower generated in Southeast Alaska is used locally. There are no interties between communities; however, interties are being considered. In Southcentral Alaska, the primary service areas are supplied baseload paver generated principally by natural gas-fired combustion turbines. Intermediate and peaking power are provided by the principal hydropower projects, Cooper Lake and Eklutna. 3-ll Table 3-7 EXISTING HYDROELECTRIC PLANTS, ALASKA January 1979 System Southeast Region Alaska Elec. Light & Power Co. Alaska Elec. Light & Power Co. Alaska Elec. Light & Power Co. Alaska Elec. Light & Power Co. Alaska Power & Telephone Co. Pe~ lean Uti llty Co. KetchIkan Public Uti lit les Ketchikan Public Utilities KetchIkan Pub II c Uti lit les Metlakatla Power & Light Petersburg Mun. Light & Power Sitka Public Uti lltles Alaska Power Administration Southcentra I Reg I on Chugach Elec. Assn., Inc. Alaska Power Administration Plant Name (FPC Project No.) &:lid Creek Annex Creek ( 2307) Upper Salmon Cr. (2307) Lower Salmon Cr. (2307) Dewey Lakes ( 1051) Pe II can Creek Ketchikan Lakes (420) Beaver Falls Silvis (1972) Purple Lake Q-ystal lake ( 201) Blue Lake ( 2230) Snettlsham Cooper Lake (2170) (Kenai) Ekl utna 3-12 Year of Initial Location Capacity Ownership Operation Juneau Juneau Juneau Juneau Skagway Pelican KetchIkan Ketchikan KeTchikan Metlakatla Petersburg Sitka CkW) 1,600 3,500 2,800 2,800 480 500 4,200 5,000 2,100 3,000 2,000 6,000 Speel River 47,160 (Juneau) Prlv8te PrIvate Private Prl vate Private Prl vate Public Public Pubi ic Public Public Public Federal 1914 1916 1913 1914 1902 1943 1923 1947 1968 1956 1955 1961 1973 Cooper Land I ng Eklutna 15,000 Public tbnFederal 1961 30,000 Feder81 1955 (Anchorage) Total 126, 140 \.to) I .... \.to) \ ' ~CTIC ~ ;:~ . _jpA "'rit{-~ D c ~ • " " r ?. ..1 ""c" . . . "',_,__.__~ .. 17"'"1 \.._ ~ A R C T 1 C -________,\ . <>"'-. p \I . "!. /'--... J¥;'. ~-~ ·' , :,.....,..~ ~~ 4-'"'~0 ,• -,.<·• ( --<_ 0.'-J ,_,.-.:1 .. r: ......._ N o -.....Ji! ~ ~ _, \ \ r·~- _,.. .. / C..?\._.., R T H WE S T ~~ YUKON · I ( II I • C SOUTHWEST ... . .. ~· S C U T H C E N T R A L· \ ... .../: tl. .. l,..,. --··- ~tct~p , ... , ... "'t0,.AL tou•oe.•., Sut•C:,tO'tt&L IOll!lf~'·' UI.U"•* J:c ... >O,!!OU•• Ve~ l.../,;';.1!"~ ' "' .. -"':.!' .. , I ',~;~-.;;~·'~.1 p~~~-'r--~~-1 .. oi"';>.W:tvv•n .,.J _ J.t.__.;;:.ttf /--'7-~ .. L......... , • . ~~l "'" •• •'·" ' ,}1' .• ~ ............... .. f'~ ~ ,/~ ~ . 'Q.roo •• ~ "\..r-""'-' • (~ \: ~ .. ,,,, ...... ) • e v ' , " , • ' • s , • ·,?·fvJ-~~ ,\•o,?oo •• .r' ". ~~ ... ~~"'"'+. "'-··b~ . ,> r:v-~.-\ ~ ......... . ·y · .-:" .~~· ~"lr! :••l'•• •••< c·.,.~,..... ~ ~~-c---.; :.o~ •• · ,...~!'-'l . s....,owt •••t.....l.."~ V ~ • '-... A ,-.':o.'r'• '• · 6,0Q0oo ~ • '-• .,. . \ ,:!J ~ ' ("19 )/ ~ .,.-" . . ~ ~ ,.~~~~~ t -~:.~:~ .. ••· ~ ·v·~r i>'k"-t.;,-.,Y \, .. >O?•• y:Jq -N' . 'I' ~ ~ ~· ~o>jr I i.J,../ ~ ./ ......... ,a. n? '-•'i::-:.,r.. -....... • " "'1'~,;. 'f '\"\: "-),COO Ill" · ..r ~ 4 ~ u Y' ~ ... , r' .1/' P ~ C IF I C 0 C £Au 1'~~~~ ~w~·:,.,,,~ .. , 0"J~ , ... ~~!L -------~-----. .. . . ~--..... ___ ---t.~A ·{~~ /t -----·· -.....::- Figure 3-1 EXISTING HYDROPOWER PLANTS, ALASKA ·.' Several hydropower projects are currently under consideration in Alaska. The proposed Upper Susitna Dam Project, as currently envisioned, would have a total generating capacity of 1,558 megawatts and would exceed the combined existing State hydropower capacity by more than 13 times. Other hydropower pro- j~cts under detailed study or construction with a capacity of 1 MW or greater include: Community Served Ketchikan Petersburg/Wrangell Wrangell Sitka Juneau Kl<.HiO ck/ Craig Haines/ Skagway Southcentral CordoV"a Homer Kodiak Valdez Southwest Bethel Dillingham Bristol Bay Hydropower Site Upper Mahoney Swan Lake Chester Lake Tyee Thomas Bay Green Lake Upper Salmon Creek (Rehabilitation) Black Bear Lake West Creek Power Creek Bradley Lake Terror Lake Allison Creek Solomon Gulch Kisaralik River Lake Elva Tazimina Installed Capacity (HW) 10 15 2.5 30 50 16.5 15 5 5 7 90 20 8 12 30 1 18 There are no proposals to develop hydropower in the Arctic, Yukon and Northwest subregions of Alaska. 3-14 I . . . Chapter4 DEMAND. SUMMARY i I I I 4.1 ELECTRIC UTIL1TY DEMAND -·PRESENT CONDITIONS . ' . . . Delineation .of Regional Power Systems In this study, 'Alaska is cons-idered an independent region. since . it f.s not directly tied into the interconnected electdc system of any other state.··· For purposes ~f discussion t.he State is divided into the six major subregions ··shown on Figure 2-1. · Peak Demand and Energy Use The .noncoincidentai p~ak. load .and energy use for the 'major Alaska utili- ti~s in 1979 was about 581 megawatts and 2~700.2 million kilowatt-hours (308.2 average megawatts) respectively (Table 4-1) •. These utilities represent about 75 percent of the total·statewide demand. The peak demand increased at an average annual growth rate of ll.4 percent over the 1965-1979 .period, from 127.6 megawatts in 1965 to 580.8 megawatts in 1979. Within this period the growth rate in ·peak ·demand .from 1970 to 1975 was 14.1 percent, increasing from 234~4 megawatts . to 453.2 megawatts. Energy use ' increased at an average annual growth rate of 11.6 percent' over the 1965-1979 period, from 578.5 Hillion kilowatt-hours (66.0 average megawatts) in 1965 to 2,700.2 million kilowatt- hours (308.2 average megawatts) in 1979. The use in 1970 was 1,043.9 million kilowatt-hburs (~19.2 average m~gawatts) and 1,978.3 million kilowatt-hours (225.8 average megawatts) reflecting an average annual growth . ·ra~e of 13.6 percent · for the peri.od 1970-1975. Taple 4-2 shows annual growth rates in energy . constunption for .residential, commercial; and industrial custo- mers for the .period 1965-1978. Load Characteristics Alaska is a winter peaking rrgion. Mean annual temperatures range from 43 ~e gre e s F in the southern are ~·s to 10 degree~ F in the northernmost Arctic areas. Table ·4-3 shows the peak i demand as a percentage of · the annual peak as well as the weekly load factors 'tor. the first week in April, August, ·and December ·l977 of five otilities .representing the . principal bulk power · suppliers in Alaska. These utilities ·are the following: the Fairbanks Huniclpal Utility Systems in the Yukon subregion, the Chugach Electric Associ a tion and Kodiak Electric sociation in the Southcentral subregion, the ~itka Electric Department in the Southeast area, and the Golden Valley · Electric · A.Ssociatlo.n (Yuko.n). j H urly load and load duration curves for the first we e k in April, August, a~d December for Chugach Electric Association, Inc. are shown in Figure 4-1. 4-1 Table 4-i ANNUAL DEMAND, PEAK DEMAND AND LOAD FACTOR, ALASKA/1 Annual En erg~ y Dec. Peak Demand Calendar Average Annual Peak Average Annual load Factor Yee~r GWh Growth Rate-% f.lW Grolfth Rate-% Factor -% 1 yr 5 y_r 1 yr 5 r 1965 5713.5 127.5 51.8 1966 647.6 11. 9 140.5 10. 1 52.6 1967 711.9 9.9 149.3 6.3 54.4 1968 798.3 12. 1 182.9 22.5 49. 7lf 1969 895.5 12.2 185.6 1. 5 55.1 1970 1,043.9 16.6 12.5 234.4 26.3 12.9 50.8 1971 I, 239.9 18.6 13.9 263.0 12.2 13.4 53.8 1972 1, 404.3 13.3 14.6 288.4 9. 7 14. 1 55.4lf 1973 1, 548.3 10.3 14.2 294.7 2. 2 10.0 60.0 1974 1,670.3 7. 9 13.3 345.2 17. I 13.2 55.2 1975 1,978.3 18.4 13.6 453.2 31.3 14. I 49.8 1976 2,249.3 13.7 12.7 442.0 2.5 10.9 57.9lf 19n 2,451.0 9.0 11. 8 532.6 20.5 13. I 44.2 1978. 2,613.5 6.6 11.0 564.2 5. 9 13.9 52.9 1979 2,700.2 3.3 10. 1 580.8 2.9 11.0 53. 1 Source: Alaska Electric Power Statistics, 1960-1976 and AI aska Power Administration files. tbtos: 1/ Uti titles considered are from the Southeast, Southcentral, and Yukon Subregions, which represent approximately 3/4 of the total statewide demand. 2/ Annual onergy sales. }.! Load factor based on 8, 784 hours. 4-2 Table 4-2 ALASKA ANNUAL GRONTH RATES OF ENERGY CONSUMPTION Percent \ Year 2/ 1/ 3/ Residential Commercial -Industrial-Total- 1965 9.5 9.4 11.5 9.6 1966 9.4 ll.9 23.5 12.7 1967 14.9 12.5 o.o 13.3 1968 5.2 5.5 3.6 7.0 1969 13.9 16.4 6.9 13.7 1970 11.5 9.5 7.5 10.3 1971 16.8 12.6 9.0 15.0 1972 3.5 4.5 11.9 5.5 1973 32.2 28.6 17.2 28.2 1974 3.0 3.0 7 .o 4.5 1975 9.0 14.0 27.5 7.4 1976 17.8 39.9 68.7 17.0 1977 13.3 18.5 8.2 14.8 1978 4.6 6.4 o.o 5.3 Source: United States Department of the Interior. Alaska Power Administration "Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960-1976" 4th ed. (July 1977) and EEl Statistics. Notes: 1/ Reported in source as "Commercial and Industrial -Large Light and Power" 2/ Reported in source as "Commercial and Industrial -Small Light and Power" J/ Includes other sectors, in addition to residential, commercial, and industriaL 4-3 .... I .... Table 4-S SYSTEMS LOAD VARIATIONS IN ALASKA/1 1977 .. -------· -------......__. _______________________ --- First Week First Week First Wock of April of August of December Peak Weekly Pear. Weekly Peak Weekly Demand Load Demand Load ~mand Load % of Factor % of Factor % of Factor Uti I it Annual % Annua I % Annt.:i!!l % Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System 75.4 76.4 68.1 79, I 94.2 83.7 Chugach Electric Association, Inc. 64.4 78.9 47.0 133.6 97.6 88,1 Golden Val ley Electric Association, Inc, 54.4 81.4 313.8 77.9 91,4 87.1 Kodiak Electric Association, Inc, NA NA 80.2 NA 90. 1 NA Sitka Electric Department NA NA NA NA NA NA Notes: J! Computations based on data from schedules 14 and 15 of 1977 FERC -Form 12. y Does not Include !Xlcember 1977. -~------~----- Annual Peak Net Load Demand Energy Factor l·lW Date G\•;h % 27.6 ~c 12 128,46 53. 1 27.4 !:he 5 11236,54 51.5 89,9 Doc 13 353. 14 45.0 10. I ~v 5 53.6 60.6 8.1 y Nov 29 44.0 NA <C ~ (/) <C ..J <C z 0 ~ 0 Q (/) <C 0 a: t-o w .,_..J ,w o::'l':z: ~0 ,. ::l<C .~o I 1.1. i i ~I c: a' ..JI il 0 J: ..J <C z 0 (/) <C w (/) liz :>133:.1 Ol1~!~3dS bOJ OVOl )1\1'3<1 JO J.N3:llll<!) O'o'Ol II'IUSAS I f1 Glf01 )iV)d ~_-, .11HJri~d I "lii'J'o' .10 l'lJ\<1 llfH 1'if!l,f OVOl A 11dfl0H I"<J.lSA~ I fl 0'/01 ;<\:'lrl JO 1t<'.Jl<3.1 I 1Sll!"tCllf ;o l!HM 11flJ Hl:lll 0'\"01 A 1>1fl0J; I~HSAS 4-5 ::; .. ~ "' ... ! 0 .. 0 J ::~."' .. w .... .. ::; .. ~ wv ;Q u~ "..: ~ .. : w- X :> ,...o ~~ _._; "ii! . ~ :r ~:> O:.t ..... ~~ ,. .... <(J ..,:> ... ~..J,.--t'tlll I F--chl Tl! I I ... u t::. ::> 0 .. 1-:-:;-IJ-l. L'' i<,. • : I ' --~ rt:.:.:: ""!..{ I ! I I -A I I I ..rf-'• I I f-.:>, I 2L I I I !QJ l I I I l I 1 ,_ .~--+~-~~~'-+-'+-+-+-+-!+-l~_J__,_ ~ ~~L-' J. .1 I 1 t i... j f="i; I 1--1---l i ~ !---!-~I • I _,..,--;;1! 11<:1 . i I I I I I i I • l I ~TEi i ' 1 ! H-+-t= r I.~~ t-1 I i • .......,..-r-i ' T : . j..l! I I I I •• I , I _,.-: • i ---r-r-t -a_-i ' : E' :-, . ~-~ '"'-::-<-.J I 1 I ; . · < ~:-•_..!,_~ L...J.........__.:__!__._J__ L-----·~~ . - . . . I ([ C'\'01 )I 'If 3d ~0 .1N3;)1:13d I tl3M<1J30 ~0 'l!BM 11[1~ lSlliJ 0<'01 A 11:1fl0H l'il.l.SAS " .., Load Resource Analysis The estimated generating capability, peak demand, and reserve margin for the entire Alaska Region as well as the major areas in the State are given in Table 4-4. Demand-Supply Balance The l·Jinter peak demand (noncoincident peak) for Alaska utilities was 662 megawatts in 1978 with 463 megawatts or 70.0 percent being contributed by the Southcentral area. The Southeast area accounted for 11.5 percent (76 NW), the Yukon accounted for 15.3 percent (101 MW); and the Southwest, Northwest, and Arctic areas combined accounted for only 3. 3 percent (22 HW). Imports and Exports. As previously mentioned, there are no transmission lines between any of the ma.jor geographic areas in Alaska. Thus, there is no importing or exporting of pmver between the different areas. Alaska is also isolated from the Canadian Power System, and except for Hyder (Southeastern Alaska), power is not trans- ferred into or out of the Alaska Region. Presently, electrical resources in Alaska exceed demand requirements by 4 75 megawatts or 41.9 percent. However, since there are no interconnections between the major geographical areas in the State, it is more meaningful to consider the reserve margins on an area-by-area basis. Reserve margins for the major geographical areas ranged from a low of 28.0 percent in the Southcentral subregion to a high of 65.6 percent in the Yukon as shown in Table 4-1•. Table 4-4 ALASKA ESTIMATED RESOURCES, DEMAND AND RESERVE MARGINS/1 1978 Generating Peak Reserve Capacity Demand ----~..E ... 8.:::ci..;;;;n:........... __ _ (H\v) (NH) (H\v % --· ----•-•-_______ w ____ -----------·---·-~ -~--- Alaska Southeast Southcentral Yukon Southwest, Nortl~est Artie Combined -----·----~--~ ------· -· Note: 1,137 ISO 643 294 50 662 475 41.9 76 74 49.3 463 180 28.0 101 193 65.6 22 28 56 .o ··--------------·---··----- 1/ Utilities only. Nilitary and industrial sources are not considered. 4-6 4.2 ELECTRICAL ENERGY DEMAND FUTURE CONDITIONS In considering ·the future demand for electricity, two separate forecasts were e..;aluated: one. develop.ed by Harza Engineering Company for the Institute for Water Resources, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Harza forecast); and, one developed by the Alaska Po~er .Administration (APA forecast). Although the · Harza forecast was prepared ·specifically for .the .NHS," it used standardized . procedures developed for use nationwide and does not reflect conditions unique to Alaska. Further, it does not include electricity generated by private · industry and util"ities or military installations. For these reasons, there are significant differences in the results of the two forecasts as highlighted in the. following comparison:: Energy Demand (year) Current (1978) Future (2000) Harza Forecast (milllon kWh) ·2,300 7,500 APA Forecast (million kWh) 2,966 15,000 Since the APA forecast incorporates private and military generation as well as generation by . the public utilities and includes detailed consideration of the State's potential for economic development, their data ·presents a more realistic picture of the future demand for electricity in Alaska. Therefore, the APA forecast ·is used in this repor~ as .the basis for determining .the amount of hydropower development which could be utilized to meet the future demand for electricity (chapter 7). The results of both forecasts, however, are discussed for comp~rison~ . Harza Forecast The Harza forecast was developed t'rom three separate electricity demand projections (Projections I, II, and III) which were derived from readily available information. The most probable (Hedian Projection) forecast was taken from the three projections simply by sele.cting the median of the three projections for each point in time condsidered (1978, 1985, 1990, 1995, and 2000). Projection I represents a compilation and ext"rapolation of projections made by the major utilities in response to an FERC reporting requirement. Projection II was developed by the Institute for Energy Analysis at the Oak Ridge Associated Universities in September 1976. And, Projection III is a . "consensus forecast" which was derived by averaging 15 forecasts made by private and Federal economists during the past oil embargo period. With the exception of Projection I, each forecast purports to be conservation oriented. A summary of the results of these projections is shown in Table 4~5. Peak Demand Alaska's peak demand is expected to grow from 500 megawatts in 1978 to 1,700 megawatts in 2000, resulting in an average annual growth rate of 5.4 percent over a 22-year period. . 4-7 \ Table 4-5 HARZA FORECAST OF ELECTR IC UTILITY POWER DEMAND, ALASKA --------------------- . (1978-2000) 7-Year 5-Year 5-Year ... year 5-Year Ovora •t Q-owth. Grolith ·G-olith G--owth Grolith 1978 Rah.J! 1985 Rate.J! 1990 Rate J! · 1995 Rate y "2000 Ra~e .Y Pbpulatlon (thousands) 403. .2.6 483. 1. 6 523. 1;1 552. 1. 1 . 583. 1. 7 F\'-oj oct I on . Aer Capita Consumption (~dh) 5.6 12.3 12.6 4.2 15.5 5.7 20.5 4.0 24.9 7.0 Tohl Uso (Thousand GWh) 2.3 15.2 6.1 5.8 8.1 6.9 11.3 5.1 14.5 8.8 Poak Demand (G'r/) .5 14.6 1.4 5.7 1. 8 6.9 2.6 5.1 3.3 8.6 · F\'-ojectlon II Per Capita Consumption (~~Wh) 5.6 2.6 6.7 2.6 8.7 2.6 8.7 2.6 9.9 2.6 Total Use (Thousand G'.'l'h) 2.3 5.3 . 3. 2 4.2 4.0 . 3. 7 4.8 3. 7 5.8 4.3 ~ . Peak Demand (G'tl) .5 6.6 .8 5.6 I. 1 4.4 1.4 4.3 I. 7 5.4 I co f\o-o.J!Ict I on I II Per Cap 1 ta ConsumptIon c MWh > 5.6 2.6 6.7 2.6 7.6 2.6 8.7 2.6 9. 9 2.6 Total Use (Thousand GWh) ·2.3 7.2 3. 7 5.7 4.9 4.4 6.0 4.3 7.5 · 5.6 Peak Domand (GW) .5 6.6 .8 5.6 I. 1 4.4 1.4 4.3 I. 7 5.4 l-Ied I an Proje.ct I on 2/ Per Capita Cons~~npt I on (1·1Wh) 5.6 4.5 7.6 4.0 9.3 3.3 10.9 3.2 12.8 3.8 Total Use (Thousand GWh) 2.3 · 7.2 3.7 5. 7 4.9 4.4 6.0 4.3 7.5 5.6 Peak Dcmnnd (Gfl) .5 6.6 .8 5.6 1. I 4.4 1.4 4.3 I. 7 5.4 MargIn (Percent) 47.3 50.0 50.0 so.o Resources To Serve Ccmand (GW) 1.2 I. 7 2. 1 2.6 load Factor (Percent) 47.8 49.7 50.0 50.0 50.0 . -NOtes: i · I/ Tho growth rates are average annual compounded rates over ·the period~ I! Referred to In this report Is the Harza Forecast. Load Factor Alaska presently has the lowest regional ann~al load factor in the nation. The annual load factor is expecteq ·to remain at about its present value of 50 percent through the remainder of the century. Reserve Margin and System Reliability ·Due to the large distance and adverse terrain between load centers, most Alaskan utility syste~s do not have transmission line interconnections. ·Thus, the reliability of power within a particular generation system relies pri- marily on an adequate local reserve margin. For this reason, reserve margins, as presented in Table 4-4 currently range from very low in the Southcentral subregion to high in the· Southeast, and are expected to remain so. Studies are currently under .way to determine the feasibility of an interconnection between the Southcentral and Yukon subregions, which would tie Anchorage and Fairbanks together. For the purpose of this study~ a ·reserve margin of 50 percent is a·pplied to the "median" peak demand to compute future capacity requirements. Generation Mix Table 4-6 shows the Harza-forecasted most probable generation mix for base, intermediate and peaking ca·pacity to 2000 for Alaska. The projected mix is based on existing and planned generation facilities reported by·· the utilities, charac .teristic~ of electric loads, an analysis of regional resource . availability, economic parameters, Federal and State regulations, and other pertinent regional factors. To reflect · the uncer 'tainties and unforeseeable factors which can affect future generation mix<>s, a range of future installed capacity is defined for each major generation source. The projected mix is based on the "median" demand and the reserve margins presented in Table 4-5. In the past, Alaska has relied on combustion turbines as its pr inc.i.pal source of electric generation due to their ·low construction costs and the availability of low-cost natural gas for fueL However~ 'this trend is expected to change in the future. Many coal-fired plants are now under con- sideration for the future. In addition, because of higher fuel costs, many small hydropower plants are becoming economical to serve isolated areas. Several small hydropower developments are now und.er construction or licensing. The Susitna Project, .now in the planning stage, could provide a large amount of the Anchorage-Fairbanks electrical needs by the end of the . century. Several other smaller hydropower project sites exist and could .be economically developed in the future. Although interest .has been expressed in a nuclear generating plant for commercial use, it is considered . unlikely that such a power plant would be in operation before 2000 due to excessive lead time and economic competition from hydropower and coal-fired energy generation sources. 4-9 Generation Type Base Coal Oil Gas Conv. Hydro Intermediate Coal Oil Gas Conv. Hydro Other Peaking Oil Gas Conv. Hydro Other· Total Capability <mn Specific Role of Hldroeower Table 4-6 ALASKA GENERATION MIX Percent of Total Capacity 1985 (%) 15-18 12-14 38-42 2-4 2-4 5-6 5-6 3.,..4 0 34 3-4 2-3 0 1.2 1990 (%) 18-20 10-12 34-36 5-10 3-5 4-S 5-6 3-4 0-1 2-3 3-4 2-3 0-1 1.7 1995 (%) 20-25 8-10 25-27 10-20 3-5 4-5 4-6 3-8 0-1 2-3 3-4 4-6 0-1 2.1 2000 (7.) 20-25 5-8 15-18 20-30 3-5 3-5 4-6 S-10 1-2 1-3 2-4 S-10 1-2 2.6 With a capacity of 131 megawatts, conventional hydropower represented ebout 14 perc~nt of the total installed capacity in 1~77. Only two small hydropowe projects are under construction, Solomon Gulch and Green Lake, although many hydropower · sites are available for development. Several studies of small and medium size hydropower developments are under way. The .Susitna Project with an estimated capacity of 1,558 ~egawatts has been the object of many studies, and the construction of the Uatana and Devil Canyon Dams on the Susitna River are under consideration. If these projects are approved,· it is likely that Anchorage and Fairbanks will be connected, greatly enhancing the reliability of the two systems. At this time no pumped-storage · facilities are in the State and none are . planned by the utilities. While there are many conventional hydropower sites to be developed, there is ·currently no economic incentive to develop a pumped- storage project. 4-10 . APA Forecast Present Conditions Based on data compiled by the Alaska Power Administration, the overall installed capacity in 1979 was 1,866.8 megawatts, and the overall energy use was 4,836 million kilowatt-hours (552.1 average megawatts). More than one- half of this energy was consumed in the Southcentral subregion, the most heavily populated subregion of the State. Statewide, the total energy demand increased by 1.6 percent in 1979. This was down from the 9.3 percent growth rate registered in 1978. In 1979 the greatest increase in energy demand occurred in the Southeast subregion t<lith an overall growth rate of 4.1 percent followed by the Southcentral subregion with a growth rate of 3.5 percent. All other subregions of the State registered negative overall growth rates. A regional summary of the Alaska capacity and net generation for the years 1977-1979 is presented in Table 4-7. Future Conditions The APA has made forecasts of the statewide electrical capacity and energy needs for the years 1990 and 2000 based on high, medium and low growth con- ditions. The results of the APA forecasts indicate that the total statewide demand for electrical energy including utility, industrial and national defense demands for the medium growth case will have increased from 4,386 million kilowatt-hours (552.1 average megawatts) in 1979 to 9,000 million kilowatt-hours (1,027.4 average megawatts) in 1990 and to 15,000 million kiloYratt-hours (1,712.3 average megawatts) in 2000. A summary of the APA demand projections broken down into the various subregions of the State is included in Table 4-8. 4-11 Table 4-7 REGIONAL SUMMARY OF ALASKA CAPACITY AND NET GENERATION --· 1977, 1978, 1979 Preliminary ---·---,~~-- Capacity Net Gon t-et Gen Q-owth Capacity t-bt Gen Q-owth REGION/Sector KW MI~H MWH % KW 1·1WH % SOUTHEAST UtTlTty 143,335 318,515 150,635 332,173 4.3 156,735 355,926 4. 1 lndustr I a I 6 7' 125 300,000 6 7. 125 302,957 1. 0 67, 125 305,265 0.8 Total 2lo,4b0 6W,sT5 217,760 635, 130 2:1 223,860 661, 19! 4:1 SOUT!-CEtHRAL Uti llty 556,383 11 9201 710 642,883 2,052,305 6. 9 717,533 2,150,386 4.8 Nat. Def. 55,726 153,868 55,726 164,574 7. 0 55, 726 156,404 -5.0 lndustr I at 107,890 317,845 113,6135 376,028 18.3 113,685 376,028 0 Total 7T~9" 2,392,4"24 -812,294 ~ s:-4 1nrb,944 T,6ST,llTS" -r5'" YUKON Uti I ity 302,250 501, 774 293,532 485,532 -3.0 295,132 464, 125 -4.6 Nat. Def. 86,625 232,352 86,625 217,967 -6,2 86,625 207,253 -4.9 lndustr ial 12,000 25,677 16,825 37,~53 47,4 16,825 37,853 0 Total 400,875 15~81!3 '":f9-b,982 142,·4·3L" -=r::s--:rg-e-;s·az /69,23T -:::r.s- ARCTIC NCRTHWEST ~ Lit II ity 24' 579 44,905 25,746 47' 701 6.2 26,111 48,295 1. 3 I Nat, Def. 6, 940 20,771 6,940 19,470 -6.3 6, 190 18,254 -6.2 ,._. lndustrl a! 170,325 245,513 198,800 458,072 86.6 198,1300 458,072 0 N Total tu-1,844 "3TT,T9IT nr;-4BO 525,243 bif.O nr.nrr 524,621 -=u.r SOUTH~IEST uti I ity 24,579 44,905 25,746 47,701 6.2 26, Ill 48,295 I. 3 Nat. Def. 49,200 139,600 56,150 124,800 -10.6 56, 150 115,936 -7.1 Total 71,617 T8r;774 -t30;70Z l"7T,TTi --=5:3" 80,802 163,641 -=4.9 ALASKA Utility 1, 048' 964 2,828,079 1,137,348 2,966,129 4. 9 1' 220, 163 3,066,437 3.4 Net. Dcf ~ 198,491 546,591 205,441 526,811 -3.6 204,691 497,847 -5.5 Industrial 402,915 983' 144 442,010 1,269,410 29.1 442,010 1, 271' 718 0.2 Total 1,65Q,370 4,537;TIT5" 1, 784,799 T,T61,350 9.-s 1,800;8154 4,8-:To-;ooL "1.6 Table 4-8 APA FORECAST OF ELECTRICAL POWER DEMAND, ALASKA Capacity Energy Area -~GWh) ------- Southcentral 887 2,683 Yukon (Fairbanks area) 339 709 Southeast 22'• 661 Southwest 81 164 Remainder of State 227 619 Total State _1) 86 7 4,836 Source: Alaska Power Administration. Note: 1980 2000 Capacity Energy Capacity _ _jMW) _(GW) (MtV) 1,442 5,640 2,541 600 1,364 675 296 896 349 108 252 134 304 848 301 2,800 9,000 4,000 Energy (GWh) 10,560 2,072 1) 131 358 879 15,000 }_/ This is compared to the forecast of an energy demand developed by Harza Engineering Company of 7,500 Qvh in 2000 (See section 4.2). 4-13 ·Chapter 5 DESCRIPTION OF METHOOOLGY FOR EVALUATION OF POTENTIAL HYDROPOWER 5.1 GENERAL I The identification of sites in Alaska at which additional or new hydropower could be feasibly developed was accomplished in four stages. ~he study began with an inventory of potential hydropower sites, both existing and undeveloped. The criteria applied at each of the successive screening stages required a progressively more rigorous analysis to an ever-decreasing number of sites. The overall objective was to identify sites that would warrant inclusion into a regional hydropower development plan. Table 5-1 provides a summary of the general plan of study. A flow chart · of the screening process is shown in Figure 5-1. A discussion of the screening methodology is provided in the following paragraphs. 5.2 INITIAL INVENTORY AND FIRST SCREENING The objective of stage 1 was to inventory all water resources control sites in Alaska including existing developed sites and previously identified undeve- loped sites with the physical potential for hydropower production. To accomplish this objective, an appraisal of the physical potential at both devel oped and undeveloped water resources control sites was developed. The initial study effort was directed toward identification of undeveloped sites in Alaska with a power potential of one megawat~ or larger using data from previous studies and reports. Undeveloped sites with less than l t-fi-1 power potential were eliminated from the study· using · the formula: Power potential (kW) "' (Q)(h)(0.076) PF Where: Q = Average annual discharge (cfs) h = Net power head (ft) 0.076 =Factor based on the constant 11.8 and a plant efficiency of about 85 percent PF = Plant Factor (assumed 50 percent) The average annual discharge for each undeveloped site was obtained from actual or simulated measurements as necessary streamgage and observed discharge data recorded by the u.s. Geological Survey (USGS) and data doc_umente~ by other agencies. The next effort of stage 1 involved investigation of existing projects in Alaska usirtg data from .the . Corps of Engineers National Inventory of Dams, and 5-1 Table 5-1 GENERAL PLAN OF ST UDY -----------------------------~~----------~----------------- Stage Flr:>t Second Third Fourth ObJective Inventory total phys I ca I hydro-, power potent I a I Identify physical potential showing . possible economic feaslbll Jty IdentIty oconom- Jcal ly feasible,· acceptab I e pr-o- jects IdentIty pr-ojects suitable for ·study Number of Projects and Potential Sites Existing dams and . previously ldentlflod potential projects Projects from stage 1 with a minimum physical potential Projects from stage 2 with possible economic feas I b I I I ty 1~ Projects from stage . 3 that are econom I ca I I y feasIble and acceptable Basic Evaluation ScreenIng Cr Iter 1 a ·' 1st screenIng lnstallable capacity potent lal 2nd .screening Economic-powerhouse cost vs. power benet Its 1. 1st screening Economic feaslbll Jty total powerplant costs vs. power tionef its 2. 2nd Screening Acceptability a. Environmental b. SocIal c. Marketabl nty 1. Convent _lonal system -match developable potential w lth demand. 2. Assess marketabil- Ity of develo~ent. 1. Inventory of dams 2. Prevlous .studles/ Inventor I cs ot hydro- power potent I a I 1. Form 1 2. Computer rout foes- power potential/ PoWerhousa costs/ power banet Its 1. 1st screening - Economic teas lbl I lty a. Form 2 b. Total plant cost c. Regionalized power benet Its d. Comput or routInes - costs/benet Its, hydrology 2 •. 2nd screening a. Form 2 envlronmenta _l, social, marketabi I Jty and acceptilblllty data b. Public Comments -1. Conventional system l data from st8ges 1, 2, 3t Vl I "' STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 (Fail B/C or cap criterion) (capacity <1 MW) Estimate Power Potential (B/C >1.0 and cap >1 MW) ----; (cap <1 MW or B/C <1.0) (Pass B/C and --------, cap criterion) Environmental, Social, Acceptability Assessment (No major 1 Fourth Screening t-(M~jor adverse adverse Impacts) impacts) j · I Delete Project _____________________________ _._ ____________________________ _ STAGE 4 Recommend Project for Detailed Study -------- _ Figure 5·1 FLOW CHART OF SCREENING PROCESS -·------- data on projects licensed by the Fed·:·:al Energy Regulatory Commission (FE.RC). Deleted from further study were all existing projects that would not yield a pm1er potential of one megawatt or greater, based on the formula: MW = 36 X storage X head. This formula is based on the assumption that sufficient flow would be available to refill the maximum capacity of each reservoir every 24 hours, and that all of the flow could be used to produce power at a head equal to the height of the water control structure. This assumption assured that any reasonable site would be retained for the next screening which required a more rigorous analysis. Following completion of the stage 1 evaluation, a For1n 1 data sheet was prepared on each developed and undeveloped site which passed the above screening test. Recorded on the data sheets were the project's name, its location by latitude and longitude, the drainage area, a representative streamgage number, average annual flow and the project's installed capacity and corresponding energy values. Also recorded for existing projects were data on the year a project was completed, the type of structure, the active storage behind the impoundment, and the project's specific purpose. Sites failing to meet the minimum regional standard of one megawatt power potential were not included in the computer data base developed for the study and did not receive further consideration. 5.3 STAGE 2 SECOND SCREENING Stage 2 involved a screening for preliminary economic feasibility of those existing and undeveloped sites that met the one megawatt capacity criteria established for the stage 1 (first screening). The principal task of the stage 2 activity was to refine estimates of capacity and energy for all sites remaining on the active inventory. The criteria required a project to have an economic benefit/cost ratio of 1.0 or greater. However, the economic criteria were preliminary, as only the costs for the p01>1erhouse and switchyard facilities were estimated at this stage. The costs were at October 1978 price levels and were amortized over 100 years at 6-7/8 percent interest to determine average annual costs. These benefit/cost ratios were not interpreted as conventional B/C ratios because only partial costs of power were computed. It was intended only to eliminate sites clearly recognized as lacking economic feasibility. However, because some local conditions merited special considerations, the second screening retained a number of sites in the active file even though pre- li~inary B/C ratio was less than 1.0 to 1.0. Additional information gathered during the second stage was used to further evaluate the economic feasibility of new hydropower potential. The phygical characteristics of the dam considered the structure height and crest lensth and the valley configuration. Also, the length of any waterway asso- ciated with a diversion was considered. Other data compiled at this time included a USGS streamgage number, refined latitude and longitude locations, the reservoir size, and the computed active storage behind the dam impound- ment. Also during stage 2, identification was made of all sites included in the stage l initial inventory that were capable of yielding a power potential of S-4 50 kilowatts or greater at a benefit cost ratio of at least 1.0 assuming a discharge exceedance frequency of 25 percent. The purpose of this activity was to provide preliminary public information data on the National Hydroelectric Power Study. In Alaska, 484 sites met the 50 kW -1.0 B/C ratio criteria. The results of this inventory are published in the report entitled "Preliminary Inventory of Hydropower Resources,·Volume 1, July 1979." 5.4 STAGE 3 (THIRD SCREENING) This screening activity was directed toward identifying those sites which demonstrated firm economic feasibility. Form 2 data sheets were prepared for all projects meeting stage 2 (second screening) criteria. These data included more detailed site locations, physical site and valley characteristics taken from available topographic maps, tailwater rating curves and other data to the extent that it was available. To assure that ·project cost etimates would be sufficiently detailed and adequate for comparison, these estimates were · based on the average of major construction-cost items derived from historical experience at more than 100 Federally constructed projects nationwide and updated to the July 1978 price level. Power benefits were computed by FERC and are equal to the annual cost of producing a like amount of electricity with a thermal generating plant. The cost of the hydropower project includes all major cost items including where appropriate land, reservoir clearing and . preparation, dam, spillway, intake and outlet; waterway, turbines and generators, and switchyard equipment. Because of the difficulty in developing .generalized transmission line costs which could be applied nationwide, transmission cost~ were omitted.. (Detailed cost estimating procedures used are described in Volume XIII of the final report on the NHS, Data Base Inventory Support Studies). Annual costs reflect 6-7/8 percent interest, an economic project life of 100 years, costs for major re- placements, and charges for annual operation and maintenance. Although cost estimates are adequate for comparing potential hydropower developments with each other on a comparable basis, the costs obtained for the projects are not suf- ficiently detailed to be relied on as estimates of probable actual construction costs. 5.5 STAGE 3 (FOURTH SCREENING) This final screening involved the assessment of noneconomic factors to . determine overall project acceptability for all projects remaining under study. Data on environmental and social impacts and institutional and marketability · constraints to development were compiled and . entered on .the . Form 2 data sheets and computer data base. Projects were examined toTith respect to their effects upon existing land use, anadromous fish and wildlife migration and habitat. Also investigated were social impacts including a project'~ impact on recreation areas, a town site, historic/archaeological sites, and other important ctiltural resource ·areas. Current and proposed institutional laws were investigated to determine the extent to which hydropower development has been constrained by such laws as the Alaska Lands Bill.. Known data was entered onto the computer data base with an s-s additional comment reflecting the present institutional status. The marketabi- lity analysis was prepared by the Alaska Power Ad~inistration on those sites which were found to be suitable for further study, after consideration of all other constraints. The purpose of the analysis was to identify those poten- tially feasible projects for which there would be a projected demand by 2000. All sites remaining after the third screening were assessed according to the data gathered on environmental, social, and institutional constraints to deve- lopment. Those sites which passed all three criteria and would be marketable were identified as potentially feasible hydropower projects and are recommended for the detailed study for possible development. Some of the projects are currently in the advanced stages of study or are under construction for power- on-line in the early 1980's. Projects under construction are considered undeve- loped since, at this time, they are not yet producing power. 5.6 STAGE 4 REGIONAL POWER PLAN In this stage a regional power development plan was formulated. Regional power demands were ·examined and compared to the energy that could be supplied by the projects at those sites remaining under study following the .fourth screening. During the development of. the regional power plan the sensitivity of changed power values and the removal of environmental constraints were considered. · Also, electrical energy supply and demand within the 'major subre- gions of the State were analyzed separately in view of the limited present and projected development and the improbability that extensive interties, (with the exception of an Anchorage-Fairbanks intertie), will be developed within the for- seeable future. The Arctic, Northwest and Southwest subregions have scattered isolated electrical power demand ce~ters. Power for these areas is presently generated by .fossil fuel plants and is distributed through the local community system. There are no transimission facilities to areas outside each community. Opportunities for interconnection in these isolated areas are highly unlikely. The distances between villages, rugged terrain, and relatively small loads pre- sent obstacles which make development of large-scale hydropower projects substantially infeasible in these areas. Special State legislation has provided financing to expedite development of the Kisaralik and Lake Elva projects in the Southwest subregion. The Lake Elva project is of marginal size (1 MW) although it appea~s to be the major prospect for hydropower in the Dillingham area. There are few options for such remote areas; therefore, diesel-electric powerplants are expected to continue as the main source of electricity past 2000. The Southcentral subregion has the largest demand for electrical power in Alaska. A number of potential hydropower sites have been investigated. The prime alternative is development of two dams on the Susitna River. The next largest potential hydropower development is on Chakachamna River; howe ver, 'this project could have land use conflicts since its deve lopment would have a minor impact on the Lake Clark National Park. Small individual sites are available that could satisfy a portion of the demand for this market area. Other sites with acceptable capacity and economic capabilities have been precluded by 5-6· restrictive land use designation, such as national parks, national monuments, national wildlife refugees, and wild and scenic rivers. The development of an intertie system between Fairbanks, Anchorage, and the Kenai Peninsula has been explored as a 'means of improving the efficiency in · energy use. Current construction includes the interconnection of Glennallen and Valdez. A long ·range subregional grid interconnection could tie these systems together with the railbelt (Anchorage-Fairbanks) scheme. If economically feasible, this would lead to better regional coordination and optimal use of power generation resources. Kodiak Island . falls within the Southcentral subregion. However, for all practical purposes it remains isolated from any consideration of interties with the mainland. A number of potential hydropower sites on Kodiak were screened out during the advanced planning of the Terror Lake project. This project would generate 20 megawatts of power in the first stage and an additonal 10 megawatts in a second stage of development. Other potential projects on Kodiak Island include Larsen Bay, Port Lions, and Old Harbor. These projects are being addressed in the Small Hydropower Study being done by ·the Alaska District Corps of Engineers. The Southeastern subregion is isolated from any of the larger power systems; therefore, separate power systems are -required to serve each community. In most cases, the distances between towns, the rugged coastal terrain, and relatively small · loads preclude economically feasible intertie developments. A subs.tantial regional transmission system would be needed to utllize the available hydropower · energy resources and the required investments for such facilities would be very large. Current planning includes possible interconnection between Petersburg and Wrangell and another system connecting Ketchikan and Hetlakatla~ This would be a major step toward creation of a Southeast subregional power system. For long range planning, a regional grid interconnection with neighboring Candian systems should be explored. Pres~ntly the opportunities for development of many independent hydropower sites to serve individual communities appears to be the most efficient method of meeting the load demands in Southeast Alaska. 5.7 PUBLIC INVOLVENENT Public involvement provided effective exchange of data on existing and potential site development. Early public involvement consisted of telephone calls, meetings with individuals, and letters to interested parties. To fami- liarize the State agencies with the study, a coordination meeting was held in Anchorage on 20 'June 1980. The purpose of the meeting wa~ to present the com- puter techniques used to evaluate the power potential at the respective sites, discuss the procedures for ranking the various projects ·according to economic and environmental factors, and to discuss the utilization of the completed data. Public Meeting . A report summarizing the progress of the study was prepared and disseminated in July 1980. This report also announced that a public meeting was to be held on 19 August 1980 to review the findings to date of the National Hydroelectric 5-7 Power Study. The meeting was held at Central Junior High School in Anchorage. The meeting was cosponsored by the North Pacific Division and the Alaska District. Colonel LeeR. Nunn, Jr., Alaska District Engineer, chaired the meeting. Colonel Nunn introduced the meeting and made a few general comments about the National Hydropower Study, its objectives and what had been accomplished. Mr. Thomas \Vhite, North Pacific Division, study manager, described the regional efforts and how it would fit into the scope of the national study. Mr. Carl Barash, Alaska District, Chief Reports Section, described the study results for the Alaska Region. A question and answer period followed the presentation. Review of Draft The final stage in the public-involvement process was to make the draft of this report available for review and comment by all those interested. The report draft was completed in Decernb<~r 1980 and was available for review through April 1981. Copies of the report were sent (December) to the Governor and heads of State and Federal Agencies. In addition, a public notice announcing the completion and availability of the report was sent (December) to interested individuals and organizations. The public notice included a summary of the find- ings of the study and a solicitation that comments be provided. Written com- ments received were used in revising the report and are included in Appendix B of this report. 5-8 Chapter 6 INVENlORY 6.1 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF STAGES 1, 2, and 3 Size of Inventory r I During the initial stage of the NHS in Alaska the potential for additional hydropower generation was evaluated at 61 existing water resource project sites and 634 undeveloped sites. By means of the screening process described in Chapter 5, the number of sites demonstrating potential ec.onomic feasibility and environmental acceptability (stage 3 -fourth screening) was reduced to 59 including 10 existing projects and 49 undeveloped sites. Because of the number of sites involved and the limited time frame, collection and analysis of site data was based on available and readily developed information. No field investigations were included as part of the study. A summary of the number of projects included in each stage, in each of the six major subregions of the State, is presented in Table 6-1. Potential Hydropower Capacity ~nd Energy As indicated above, analyses to date of Alaska's physical hydropower poten- tial and economic and non-economic constraints to project development indicate that just 59 projects are suitable for further study. These project. have capacities of at least 1 megawatt, with a few exceptions; are in areas where a demand exists or is projected to exist by 2000; are ~conomically attractive based on their estimated energy costs; and do not have severe environmental .or social constraints to development. The following discussion summarizes the findings of the NHS in Alaska during each stage of the study.· Total Physical Hydropower Potential The State's total ·physical hydropower potential at projects with a capabi- lity of at least 1 megawatt of capacity, with a · few exceptions, is represented by those projects which were included in Stage 2 (see table 6-1). The physical characteristics of the sites are. such that, from an engineering viewpoint, no insuperable constraints to development exist. The estimated generating capacity available from the State's physically feasible projects is over 42.7 million kilowatts. The average amount of energy available yearly from these projects would amount to over 224.4 billion kilowatt-hours annually, enough electricity to supply the needs of a population of over 40 million, based on 1978 State per capita consumption of 5. 6 megawatt-hours. Alternatively," producing the same . amount of electricity using oil-fired combustion turbines would require 374 million barrels of oil per year. The potential capacity and energy available from the State's physically feasible projects is shown in Table 6-2; data are shown for each subregion and for existlng and undeveloped projects. 6-1 0\ I N POV/ER AREA SLtlt<i:.Giatr Table 6-1 SUMMARY OF HYDRO~OWEf!_PROJECT SCREENING RESULTS, ALASKA -~ < -~-·-------~---------------~~---·---~------~----------~ STAGE I STAGE 2 STAGE 3 Tnltfal lrsf "SeCOnd Third lnv.entory 1/ EXIsting Undt::!v. ScreenIng 2/ E:xisf1ng Ondcv. ScreenIng 3/ EX I sf i ng Ondev. Screening 4/ EXIsting ll1dev. Fourth Screoninq 5/ -EXTSTrngiJnd'Ci"Y."" Projects Sites Tot a I Projects Sitos Total Projects Sites Tota I Projects Sites Total Projects Sites Total ARCTIC NCRTHIIEST YUKON SOUTH'tiEST SOUTHCENTRAL SOUTHEAST ALASKA TOTAL Notes: 0 0 3 2 14 42 61 5 5 27 27 56 59 38 40 196 215 312 349 634 695 0 5 5 0 0 16 16 0 3 51 54 0 2 28 30 0 12 138 150 1 40 189 229 18 57 427 484 19 3 3 0 2 2 0 0 0 16 16 0 6 6 0 0 0 51 51 0 21 21 0 28 28 0 7 7 0 132 133 0 41 41 0 16 16 173 191 13 70 83 10 28 38 403 422 13 147 160 10 49 59 1/ The total number of existing dams and previously studiod, undeveloped sites Inventoried (Includes mutually exclusive alter- native projects). 21 The number of projects from the lntitlal Inventory might have hyd,...opower development potential and were Included ln the NHS com- puter data base. Mutually exclusive alternative projt::!cts arc included. 3/ The number of existing projects and undeveloped sites which have the physical potential for hydropower development and might be economically feasible. ~lutual ly exclusive alternative !Y"Ojccts are Included. 4/ The number of projects which wou I d be oconom I ca I I y feas I b I e to dcvo lop If a mar kat for the powGr exIsted and there were no non- economic constraints. Mutually exclusive alternative projects aro included. 51 The number of economically feasible projects which are suitable for further study and possible development. Mutually exci us lve alternative projects are not Included. • • SubregIon · ARCTIC NORTHWEST SOUTHCENTRAL SOUTHEAST SOUTHWEST YUKON TOTAL Notes: · . Table 6-2 TOTAL HYDRO POWER POTENTIAL, ALASKA Existing Aroj~ No. Cepaclty Energy CMW) <GWh) 0 0 0 0 ·0 0 0.3 o. 9 18 31.6 177.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 31.9 177.9 3 16 125 170 28 50 392 Undeveloped Sites Total tb. Capacity Energy No. Capacity Energy (MW) (GWh) (MW) CGWh) 222.0 1,073.0 3 222.0 1,073.0 103. 1· 4,613.8 16 103.1 4,61}.8 11,,336.2 ·58,289.3 126 11,336.5 58,290.2 9;512.3 43,343.9 188 9,543.9 ' 43,520.9 3,250.9 14,529.4 28 3,250. 9 14,529.4 18,275.7 102,422.0 50 18,275.7 102,422.0 42,700.2 224,271.4 411 42,732.1 224,449.3 1. Excludes existing hydropower projects ·which do not have additional dev~lopment potential. 2. Excludes mutually exclusive alternative projects. Total Economically Feasible Hydropower Potential The State's econo~nically feasible hydropower potential is represented by · those projects which passed stage 3, first screening (third screening shown in Table 6-1). These are projects which would be economical to build .when com- pared with the cost of building thermal power plants · to produce an · equivalent amount of energy. It is emphasized, however, that hydropower project costs are based on generalized cost estimating procedures adjusted for Alaska construction costs, 6-7/8 percent Federal interest, 1978 price levels, and a 100-year'project life. It is further noted that, in this instance, Alaska is unique among states in that its potentially economically feasib~e hydropower potential greatly exceeds its present and projected demand for electricity. The marketability of potentially feasible projects was considered during the fourth screening,.i.e. the second screening of stage 3 as indicated in Table 6-1. Ignoring the fact that no market exists for much of Alaska's potentially feasible projects, the generating capacity available from the St~te's economi- cally feasible projects is nearly 38.0 million kilowatts. The average energy available from these projects is over 197.0 billion kilowatt-hours annually. The potential capacity of, and energy available from, the State's economically feasible power projects is shown by subregion, for existing and undeveloped projects in Table 6-3. · 6-3 Table 6-3 TOTAL ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE HYDROPOWER POTENTIAL, ALASKA .. Existing Projects Undevelo~ed Sites Total No. Capacity Energy No. Capacity Energy No. Capacity Energy Subregion (HW) . (GWh) (MW) (GWh) (MW) (GWh) ARCTIC 0 0 0 2 201.0 972.0 2 201.0 972.0 NORTH\iEST 0 0 o . 6 847 .o 3,724.5 6 847 .o 3, 724.5 SOUTHCENTRAL 0 0 0 38 8,746.0 45 '976. 4 38 8,746.0 45, 976.'4 SOUTHEAST 13 25.0 177 .• 0 70 8,828.8 40,138.6 83 8,853.8 40,315.6 SOUTHHEST 0 0 0 7 2,557.7 1,1' 377. 7 7 2,557.7 11,377.7 YUKON 0 0 0 20 16,763.6 94,642.0 20 16,763.6 94,642.0 TOTAL 13 5.0 177 .o 143 37,944.1 196,831.2 . 156 37,969.1 197,008.2 ---Notes: 1/ Excludes mutua~ly exclusive alternative projects. 2/ Potential economic feasibility does not consider marketability. Projects Suitable for Further Studx: To select projects suitable for further study, potentially economically feasible projects were screened to eliminate those with major environmental constraints and those . whose output could not be marketed by 2000 •. Fifty-nine potential projects .having a total capacity of over 3.5 million kilowatts and an average energy potential of more than 15.5 billion kilowatt-hours annually pas sed the environmental and marketability screening criteria and are considered to 'be suitable for detailed study either by the Corps of Engineers, State or local governments, public or private utilities, or private investors. Projects iden- tified for further study range from small (less than 25 't-UO . to large capacity. The projects listed by range of capacity are: 20 projects have a capacity of less than 10 MW; 25 projects have a capacity ranging from 10 HW to 50 NW; 7 have a capacity in the 50 1-H~ to 100 HW rai1ge; and 6 have a capacity of greater than 100 M\~. The capacity and energy potentials from both existing and undeveloped pro- jects are summarized by subregion i n Table 6-4. Plant Factors. Plant factors for the projects passing the stage 3 -fourth screeing of the inventory vary from 0.23 to 0.91. The average plant factor equaled 0.50 with the majority of the projects having plan.t factors varying from 0.4 to 0.6. Primary Locations. The greatest number of projects are located in the Southeast subregion t~Thich has 38, followed· by the Southcentral subregion with 15. The Arctic and Northwest subregions of ' the State did not have .any projects which passed the screening criteria. The Yukon subregion had one project while the Southwest subregion h~d . four projects. 6-4 Table 6-4 HYDROPOWER POTENTIAL AT PROJECTS SUITABLE FOR FURTHER STUDY, ALASKA Existing Projects No. Capacity Energy Subregion (MW) {GWh) NORTHWEST 0 0 0 NORTHWEST 0 0 0 SOUTHCENTRAL 0 0 0 SOUTH£AST 10 16.8 161.8 SOUTHWEST 0 0 0 YUKON 0 0 0 TOTAL 10 16.8 161.8 Note: Excludes mutually exclusive Undeveloped Sites No. Capacity Energy (W.-1) (GWh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 2,738.0 12,161.7 28 520.2 2,276.8 4 51.7 375.7 1 200.0 566.0 49 3,509.9 15,380.2 projects. No. 0 0 16 38 4 1 59 Total Capacity {MW) . 0 0 2,738.0 537.0 51.7 200.0 3,526.7 Energy {GWh) 0 0 12,161.7 2,438.6 375.7 566.f -~----_.~ 15' 51+2. 0 Existing Projects. Providing additional hydropower potential from the 10 existing projects would be accomplished through expansion of the existing hydro power plants or providing additional storage. Total potential capacity created by the development was estimated to be 16,800 kilowatts \vhile providing 161.8 million kilowatt-hours annually. New Sites. There are 49 undeveloped sites having a total capacity of 3.5 million kilowatts and energy potential of nearly 15.4 billion kilowatt-hours. 6.2 Stage 4 Inventory Projects Retained During Stage 4 The 59 projects that passed the stage 3 fourth screening were retained in stage 4 as projects suitable for further study and possible development. Physical Characteristics Selected projects are classified into four groups (see Table 6-5): a. Reservoir projects. b. Reservoir with diversion projects. 6-5 c. Diversion projects. d. Run-of-the-river projects. Existing Projects. Of the existing projects, four are reservoir projects, four are reservoir with diversion projects, one is a diversion project; and one is a run-of-the-river project. Undeveloped Sites. Twenty-eight of the undeveloped sites would be reservoir . with diversion projects; eighteen would be reservoir projects; -and three would be run-of-the-river projects. Economic and Financial Characteristics The computer estimated average cost of energy for the 59 projects varies from 11.53 mills/kWh to 290.58 mills/kWh. Total annu.al project costs were derived by summing the annual maintenance costs· and the first cost based on 100-years project life and amortiz~d at the Federal discount rate of 6-7/8 percent. General•Environmental and Social Conditions Expansion of the existing hydropower projects would have no significant environmental impact in most cases. Generally, any adverse modification to the environment would have a:lready occurred. All of · the new development sites were assessed in relation to their impact on fish and wildlife, cultural resources, scenic beauty and impacts to designated national parks or monuments. Those projects which would . have signi- ficant adverse impacts on these resources were dropped from further study. The projects identified ·for further study either would have minimai adverse impacts, or the magnitude of the impact~ have not been conclusively determined. Table 6-5 PROJECT TYPE AND STATUS IDENTIFIER Type of Operation Status of Waterway .Run of Structure River ·Diversion Reservoir Existing A B c Existing with Power . G H I Existing with Retired Power Plant M N 0 Breached S T u Breached with Retired Power Plant Y z 0 Undeveloped 4 s 6 6-6 Reservoir with . Irrigation .Pumped Diversion Canal Storage D E F J K L p Q R v w X 1 2 3 7 8 9 ' · Chapter 7 ~ EVATUATION L 7.1 REGIONAL PLAN DEVELOPNENT PROGRAM I I The impact of hydropower development was addressed through evaluation of preliminary environmental constraints and screening criteria. Much of the potential land and water resource development in Alaska is ·subject to current political issues. Until recently, millions of acres of Alaska were withdrawn from potential development by former President .Carter under the provisions of the Antiquites Act. The Alaska Lands Bill passed by Congress and signed into law in December 1980 negated the land withdrawals under the Antiquites Act . but then designated a majority of these same lands, plus additio.rial lands, as either national parks, wild .and scenic rivers, wildlife refuges, or wilderness areas. Until implementation regulations are promulgated, it is unknown whether poten- tial hydropower projects will be precluded from development by certain ~and classifications. ·It is hoped that this study will provide useful information for continued assessment of hyd.ropower development as a viable alternative for meeting Alaska's future energy needs. A total of 49 undeveloped sites and 10 existing projects have emerged from the three-stage screening for possible adoption in a development plan for Alaska. These 59 projects are listed on Table 7-1, and their locations are shown in Figure 7-1. They are listed by map number and should not be construed as being in order of preferred development. More complete physical, environmental, and social impact data on these and other projects s~udied are presented in Appendix A. The projects passing the final screeing have been evaluated as to their potential impacts on several environmental and social concerns. These potential . impacts have been ·coded and are listed in the Appendix. A ranking system based upon economic and environmental considerations was not developed. It was deter- mined that suc·h a ranking system would be inappropriate for Alaska. In Alaska, the decision to develop a hydropower project must be based on a need as well as a 'viable means of satisfying that need for a given locality. Interties between geographical regions and communities are impractical in many areas; especially Southeast Alaska. 7.2 TRANSNISSION INTERTIES Alaska's population is primarily urban, concentrated in a few 'principal cities and many smaller towns and villages. Fairly extensive interconnected systems serve the population centers in the Anchorage-Cook Inlet and · Fairbanks-Tanana Valley areas. The rest of .the State's power systems are iso- lated, with electrical . service usually limited to the immediate urban and suburban areas. Some small communities scattered throughout the State have interties ·· between local utilities, ir.dustries, and military bases. Over 60 percent of the State .'.s population i.s served by the interconnected transmission system in the Anchorage-Cook Inlet area. Five utilities, several industries, and two ~ational defense installations are tied to th~s syste·m. In the Fairbanks area, two uti- lities and three military bases are intertied. 7-1 ...., I N Table 7-1 POTENTIAL HYDROPOWER SITES IDENTIFIED FOR DETAILED STUDY, ALASKA ------------------------ Site Additional Additional Avorago tl.ap lndox Number Subregion ldont Capacity Energy Cost of _Pl"_e>je_<::t -~(!r.:e __ N~~er Stream Lat !tude Long !tude 0_'11~-_f>()t_El_f!!_ I_ a I Potent I a I Enorg y (kW) (MWh) (ml lis/KWh) Yukon 1. 8ro>mo AK6NPA0427 Nenana River 64 11,0 149 15.0 undovoloped 200,000 566,000 48.99 Southwest 2. Klsarallk AK6NPA0012 Kisarallk River 60 26.4 160 5.5 undeveloped 301000 1311 000 56.72 3. Tazlmi na AK6NPA0032 Tazlmlna 59 58,0 154 33.0 undoveloped 18,000 224,000 17.00 4. Grant Lake AK7NPA0018 Wood Rl ver 59 45. 1 150 32. 0 undove I oped 2,700 12,700 145.87 5. Lako Elva AK7NPA0155 Elva Creek 59 37,9 157 0.0 undovolopod 1 I 000 8,000 290,58 Southcentral 6. Chu lltna AK6NPA0181 Chu lltna River 63 4. 9 149 45.0 undevolopod 34,000 166,000 45.07 7. Devil Canyon AK6NPA0188 Susltna River 52 48,9 149 18,9 undovelopod 776,000 3,410,000 11. 53 8. Watana AK6NPA0222 Susltna River 62 48,9 148 30.9 undeveloped 792,000 3,4!30,000 17.97 9. Chakachamna AK7t~PA0106 Chakachamna 61 13.0 152 22,0 undeveloped 366,000 1,600,000 12.30 J! Jl The project cost estimate for Chakachmna assumed construction of a open-channel waterway; but a tunnel would be required thus substantially adding to Its costs. '1 ) • ') Table 7-1(cont) ---·----···---- 1-tap Site Additional Addf~fonal Average Index Subregion I dent Capacity Energy Q>st of tlunbor Project Name Nuinber Str88111 Latitude LongitUde Owner Potential Potential Energy (kW) (MWh) (mills/KWh) 10. Talkeetna AI<6NPA0216 Talkeetna River 62 28.0 149 22.0 undeve I opod ro,ooo 406,400 23.34 11. Keetna AK6NPA0191 Talkeetna River 62 26.5 149 .41.6 undeveloped 14,000 .. 324,000 30.38 12. Skwentna AK6tlPA0211 Skwentna Rl ver 61 51.9 152 1.0 undeveloped 98,000 490,000 30.02 ·13. Yentna AI<6NPA0224 Yentna R1 ver 61 36.9 150 32.0 undeveloped 219,000 960,000 38.41 14. ~fuga Upper AI<6NPA0115 8o I uga RIver 61 15.9 151 15.0 undeveloped 48,000 210,000 53.06 15 • Coffee AK6NPAOI08 Bofuga River 61 12.0 151 10.0 undeveloped 31,000 160,000 50.41 ...... I 16. Solomon Gulc~ A!<1NPA0384 Solomon Gulch 61 30.9 146 15.9 under const. ' 12,000 65,000 25.51 \Jj 17. Allison Creek AI<1NPA0041 Allison Crock 61 1.1 146 10.2 undeveloped 8,000 31,250 32.16 18. Snow AK1NPA0283 Snow Rl ver 60 17.9 149 18.0 · undeveloped 63,000 218,000 31.24 19, &-adley Lake AK1NPA0103 Brad ley Q-eok 59 45.0 150 51.0 undeveloped 94,000 410,000 18.40 20. Terror Lake AI<1NPA0166 Terror ·River 51 40.0 153 . 6.0 undcvo I opod 20,000 139,000 19 •. 94 21. Power Creok AK1NPA0039 Powor Creek 60 36.0 . 145 34.0 undevalopod 1,000 26,000 103.34 Southeast 22. Pelican AKINPA0346 Pelican Creek 51 34.1 136 1. 8 Pelican 1,000 1,100 15.51 Utility Co. ') ____ ..__ -...__ ~. _. _________ ..._._.,..,_, -..... _>) __ ' _:. •-"' ~ .. •...; ;I al.. J ;t Table 7-1(cont) Map Site Additional Add It tonal Average Index Subregion I dent Capacity Energy Cost of Number ProJect Name "Number Stream U!tltude Longitude Owner Potential Potential Energy (kW) (MWh ) (mil Is/KWh) 23. Kasnyku Lako AK7NPA0335 Kasnyku Falls 57 11.0 134 49.9 undeveloped 7,000 30,000 41.63 24. Takatz creek AK7N?A0311 Takatz creek 57 6. 9 134 51.0 undeve I oped 20,000 97,000 34.48 25. Carbon Lake AK7NPA0321 Unnamed 57 1. 9 134 28. 1 undove loped 10,000 49,000 58. 16 - 26. Ml I k Lake AK7NPA0294 Milk creek 56 58.0 134 47.0 undeveloped 7,000 33,000 39.10 27. Diana Lake AK7NPA0325 Unnamed 56 53.0 135 3.0 undeveloped 8,000 35,000 35.65 28. Greon Lake AK7NPA0332 Vodopad River 56 95.3 · 135 11.6 undor oonst. 16,000 64,000 48.47 ..... 29 • I Maksoutof AK7NPA0291 Maksoutof 56 30.0 134 57.9 ·undeveloped 24,000 117,000 23.47 """ 30. 13orod I no Lako AK7NPA0319 B.P. Walter 56 22.3 134 42.9 undovolopod 5,000 24,300 44.51 31. Goat Lake AK7NPA0357 Pitch Fork 59 31.3 135 11.0 undeveloped 10,000 46,000 33.80 32. Dewey _ Lake AKit--PA0359 Dawoy creek 59 26.4 135 18.·9 A I as ka Power 1,000 1,300 83.40 & Tela Co 33. . Oayobas Creek AK4NPA0078 Oayebas. Crook 59 17.2 135 2.0 undevo I oped 5,000 18,200 65.95 34. Gold Creek lJ AKHNPA0099 Gold Creek 58 17.9 134 23.9 Alaska Elec 2,000 9,000 34.90 Light & Power Co. J! Although soown · here and on the rnap (figure 7-1), reassessment of Gold Creek Indicates that additional development, although potentially feasible, Is unlikely. ......, I VI Table 7-1(Cont) ~lap Index Site kld!tlonal Additional Average Subregion !dent Capacity Energy Co5t of Number Project Name Number Strec:m Latitude Longitude Owner Potential Potential Energ): 35. Treadwell Ditch 1/ AKt·lNPA0086 Treadwel I 36. Annex AKINPA0098 Annex Creek 37, Lake Dorothy AK5NPA0096 Dorothy Q-ook 38. Speol Division AK6NPA0082 Speel River 39. Snettlshar.1 y AKJNPA0102 long Lake 40, Crater Lake J! AK7NPA0356 Crater Crock 41. Tease AK7NPA0084 Tea5e Creek 42. Upper Sweetheart AK7NPA0143 Sweetheart 43. Sweetheart AK7tiPA0003 Sweetheart 44. Scenery Creek AK7NPA0401 Scenery Creek 45. Fa! Is Lake AK7NPA0417 Cascade Creek 45, Tho:nas Bay AK7NPA0310 Cascade Creek 4 7. Ruth lake AK7NPA0400 Deft Crook 58 15.5 134 22.3 Alaska Treadwe! I 58 19.5 134 7.6 A.J. Ind. 58 14.0 134 3.0 undeveloped 58 6, 9 133 42. 9 undovo l o pod 58 5.9 133 48,0 Alaska Power Adminlstrutlon 58 8.0 133 45,7 undeveloped 58 5.9 133 40.2 undeveloped 57 59,7 133 30.5 undeveloped 57 55.6 133 38.1 undcvoloped 57 4.9 132 41.9 undeveloped 57 1. l 132 45.1 undeveloped 57 3.3 132 45.2 undeveloped 56 59.0 132 45.0 undeveloped (kW) CY.Wh) (mi I Is/KWh) 2,500 10,000 25.70 1,800 3,000 15.24 34,000 150,000 15.24 63,000 275,000 32.84 0 57,100 23.50 27,000 105,000 30.47 15,000 70,000 29.42 7,000 31,000 42.94 29,000 127,000 38.19 15,000 67,000 34.04 44,000 190,000 18.20 50,000 217,000 18.47 13,000 63,000 45.61 !! Reconstruction ot abandoned project considered unlikely today by Alaska Power Administration. y Capacity and energy potentials and project costs are b<Jsed on a Junoau area power market analysts by Alaska Power Administration and on site-specific studies of hydrology and construction costs by the Corps of Engineers. Table 7-1(concluded) r~a;:> Slto Additional Additional Average Index SubregIon !dent Capacity En orgy Cost of Number ProJect Namo Number Stream Latitude Long! tude Owner Potential PotentIa I Ener..9.L (ki/) CMWh) (mills/KWh) 48. Anita AK6NPA0414 Zlmovla Straight 56 15.5 132 26.5 undeve I opod 3,200 14,000 54.60 49. Hurdlng River AK7NPA0301 Harding River 56 16. 1 131 .'30. 9 undeveloped 18,000 85,000 60.44 50. Tyee Creek AK7NPA0408 Tyee Creek 56 12.0 131 33.0 undeveloped 30,000 133,000 27.66 51. Swan Lake AK7NPA0132 Fa II s Creek 55 35.9 131 31. 1 undovoloped 22,000 85,000 58.33 52. Mahoney Lake AK7NPA0123 :~ahoney Lake 5!1 25.0 131 31. I undevo I oped 14,400 56,000 30.42 53. Uppe; Silvis AKDI'\."'A0139 Beaver Fa II s 55 22.8 131 30.9 City of 2,000 49,100 21.71 -..I Ketchikan 1 0\ 54. Lake Con no II AKDNPAOI41 ~lard Creek 55 26.0 131 40.2 City of 2,000 10,400 56.45 Kotch! kan 55. Ketchikan AKINPA0138 Kotch I kan Creek 55 21.5 . 131 37.0 City of 2,000 15,000 15. 11 Ketch l kan 56. Choste; Lake AKPNPA0097 Nichols Off 55 7. 1 131 31.6 City ot 2, 500 5,200 48.785 l·lot I a kat I a 57. 81 ack Bear AK7t-:PA010~ Black Ooar 56 32.9 132 o. 5 und eve! o pod 5,000 22,000 44.36 58. Lake Mary AK7NPA0395 Old Franks Crook 55 26.0 132 29.0 undeveloped 9,600 42,300 49.80 59. Mellen Lake AK7NPA0255 Reynolds Creok 55 12.0 132 36.0 undeveloped 8,000 30,000 41.68 ,., & ~'.) ~ ,..';' "'-! I "'-! s ' c~·~· cc. .::~ 0 < ~ . .,.\. · ~ ~RcTJc . _J 1 Jl • _ '""'-~--~ ~ /· / ~'NORTHWEST -I ~--_.,./,/ "'-"""'~<..:, . 1 q-~·~ .-' ~>. ~$ --·, YUKON . ,A ~J"" ·- •' ·.- \. ' '•.>----.) ,, (" l "'~ • . ' "'-. , ____ \5:_~-:;J 1r c~,.. v ·, "c ls ~ • .J ; I ''-~~~. ·-~~/ ;..; (\ l\'-/""<;: ~~· ~· ~~ ,-·· ......,.,.. ::-. ~.r ·, ,. ,.-.... '-'\. r'"J.! •...• /.J J '· .;~'" ! ,-r\~·····-..:--, l· ...... ' \.,,_ I ,,.,......... \:·~~ i ~- ·k-/ ("'r' ··,_.r (N ', 1'-.':f+,.. ................... (" '~~--'~ ·.-' ..• ,. \. •• :~,, • .. <w." -~··'~- . '-'~:.:_: -'-'(:,!•1<11ifiKS ,_,"'\. . j,~J-~.. ; h.~~-~--, I I '~., . J\.. . . : ... I k ~ ;~ r . . (j ,. Y' • r•----;, .. ,_, ),2 "\ J·_ /-·-·. f . -. ' . ·· "v -· --, 1 7 -· - --5<; " J .;;; J i '( 'C"cL• o 15."'·-~•·"w·-,A_"" . ' . \ ___. . ----...• , ""'·' "'' . ' . --'T·~-' I \·:~·--~ SOUTH 1 ~1 LST >' / ·-' 'il/~~·,•: · i -.SOUTHEAST ) VVL, '/• \,...-.. ___ ~ """• ,-,::·-....:,•~• v"" I . •0 / • • <fl ·'>--·. /'"' , ' i / -,_;,, :>-. · A ~ '-•t ', • • . . ~ t -'('"--"·<'-;--I ' ~-'-<' "-" ~ ' / -5'-" '-.-C •; • A_ , J -- -• -----·"1-" • , -w·~ \._ •<'> < .. -_,.,,,_ , . 'o r _.., v)<>, "~"":14.-Je ~ ,-., .. .-, ----"' •.: ' """ "" ·-" " I L------._ •• <v o oc " '\ ;, ., "'' v /-----) ~ .-.!· ·--~. '" f .: · · / ::>OUTHcc.r-"-ITR" -"'i-"·· ¥.•,--," r / • -'? I' HL n._,,.,"' '-". \ • ' -""-"" • • '"'l' . ., -" - -_ __.,.t <-v-~-. .. •lt· 23, •• :OJ '46 fl •• :~$ • •• .r ~~:J,'""' "" -" ~ ... '--~ '' "c ~ .• . /' /Co ~ '""''' _,, •• ._,_., __ ,_, ' ' -~-' c 0 <,; . " , .• ,.Y. .. , " ' , __ ,/ h,rf?' I F c < n "' '!\' V ..,c -~,,_ ! V>-ft c • " ~ '" "" ----" • ' -, """ ,:,J p '"" • ><.J r•;;i \"". '-, '~" : \ ~ ""~ .. -" .-' _,... .. .... -•-ro ~-" ) • • • ' ' v•. ' ' •I ~~.-~. --~ a • --/--------------~--~~1Jr~·~~-~-~?~J;' >• oc•-, '-' -. .,_, ' Qa·""--'· ':, '· Figure 7-1 ~ ,_,Pd]ft----.. SITE l~~~TI-~N ~M~ ~ 7.3 CONPARISON OF ELECTRICAL POWER DEHAND WITH HYDROPOWER POTENTIAL The projections of capacity and energy demand shown following for each subregion include utility, self-supplied industry, and national defe~se needs. · Table 7-2 · SUMMARY OF. REGIONAL ELECTRICAL CAPACITY AND ENERGY DEMAND, ALASKA 1979 1990 2000 Capacity Energy Capacity Energy Capacity .Energy Subregion "(HW) (GWh) (MW) (GWh) (HW) (GWh) Southcentral 887 2, 683 1) 442 . . 5, 640 2,541 10,560 Yukon 399 709 600 1,364 675 2, 072 Southeast 224 661 296 896 349 1,131 Southwest 81 164 108 252 134 358 Remainder of State 277 619 304. 848 301 879 Total 1,867 4,836 2,800 9,ooo · 4,000 15,000 The year 2000 energy requirement of 15.0 billion kiiowatt-hours is roughly a . . . three-fold increase over estimated 1980 requirements and would represent an average annual growth of 6 percent for the 20-year period. It is likely that actual requirements may be substantially higher or lower depending on pace of development of the Ala~ka economy and effectiveness of various energy conservation programs. Harza Engineering Company, in connection with the NHS, prepared · three pro- jections of future electric energy needs. Year 2000 estimates of energy use excluding national defense and industrial use were as follows: Projection 1--14.5 billion kilowatt-hours; Projection 2--5.8 billion kilowatt-hours; and Projection 3--7.5 billion kilowatt-hours; Projection 1 of 14.5 billion kilowatt- hours is very close to APA's estimate of 15 billion kilowatt-hours. Inasmuch as the Harza projections (1) did not consider national defense and industrial needs and (2) used the 1972 OBERS population projections, which are generally recognized as being inappropriate for Alaska conditions, it would be reasonable to accept the APA projection as more realistic. Comparing the hydropower potential with the ·projected demand of each region (Table 7-3) reveals that, with electrical transmission interties, most of tne power needs of the Southeast, Southcentral, and the Yukon subregions of Alaska could be met by hydropower. ·In addition, approximately 39 percent of the power requirements of the Southwest co uld be met by hydropower. The power r e quirements of the Arctic and Northwest subregions wo~ld .h~ve to be met by other means. 7-8 Table 7-3 REGIONAL ELECTRICAL CAPACITY AND ENERGY DEMAND VERSUS HYDROPONER POTENTl!AJ:.. -----·---·----- Region Southcentral Southeast Southwest Yukon Estimated Demand Capacity (HW) Energy (GWh) Remainder of State 2,541 349 134 675 301 10,560 1,131 358 2, 072 879 4,000 15,000 Hydropo>-Ter Potential Capacity o-n~) 2,738 537 52 200 0 3, 527 Energy (G~~h) 12, 162 2,439 376 566 0 15,543 ------·-·-----------·-----·-- :Harke table Hydropower Potential 1/ Capacity (t'lW) 2,587 152 84 200 0 3,023 Energy (Gilh) 11, 184 668 368 566 0 12,786 1/ Marketable Projects by ~ear 2000. Source: Alaska Power Administration 7-9 Appendix A SUMMARY OF LISTING OF POTENTIAL PROJECTS Introduction A primary objective of the NHS was to inventory 'and ·evaluate potential hydropower projects~ Projects inventoried included existing .dams and other water projects and previously studied undeveloped sites. Project data were com- piled from ex~sting information sources supplemented · by data· from USGS topographic maps, w~ere necessary. No site visits or other field investigations \<1ere made. Although to the extent possible, all existing and undeveloped pro- jects were inventoried, only those projects. with exis~ing power generating faci- lities or projects with a reasonable potential for development for hydropower were retained in . the NHS inventory. This inven.tory is permanently maintained in a computer data base which includes descriptive information and the results of a computer analysis of power potential and development costs for each project. In all, the active inventory for Alaska includes 4 30 pr.ojects. Tabulated Data The purpose of this appendix is to provide a summary listing of selected data on the 430 existing and potential hydropower Qrojects .which were included in the NUS inventory (computer data base) for Alaska. In the following table, projects are listed in alphabetical .order by census division. A description of the data inclu~ed in the. table precedes the ·tabulated information. However, a few items warrant clarification: (1) Up to four lines of information are presented for each project. (2) Projects are separated by a space. (3) As noted in 'the description of ·tabulated data. The third character of the project indentification numher describes the type and status of the project.· A description of each of the possible project status/types is' shown in the following m~trix: * STATUS * TYPE OF OPERATION * . . . . . * OF ****************************************************************** * WATERHAY *RUN OF* * · .* RES. ·\HTH * IRRIGATION * * * STRUCTURE *RIVER * DIVERS .ION . * RESERVOIR * DIVERSION * CANAL * STORAGE* ******************************************************************************** * * * * * * * * * EXISTING * A * B * c * D * E * F * * * * * * * * * * EXISTING * * * * * * * * HITU POWER * G * H * I * J * K * L * * * * * * * * * * EXISTING * * * '* * * * * \HTH RETlRED* M * N' * 0 '*· p * Q * R * * PmmR PLANT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BREACllED * s * T * u * v * w * X * * * '* * * * * * * BREACHED * * * * * * * * WITH RETIRED* y· * z * 0 * 1 * 2 * 3 * * Pmo/ER . PLANT * * * *' * * * * * * * ·* * * * * UNDEVELOPFD * 4 * 5 * 6 * . 7 * . 8 * 9 * ******************************************************************************** A-1 (4) Project costs shown were derived from computer application of genera-· lized cost estimating procedures and should not be construed to be r!..!presen- tative of actual costs. COLU~N LINE FORM 2 NO. NO. lTEH NO. 2 z ~ ~.>.) 3 110 4 310 5 311 b (3181311) Summary Listing of Existing and Potential Projects, Alaska Description of Tabulated Data ----------.~-------- COLUMN HEADING SITE ID NUMBER PROJECT NAME PRIMARY COUNTY J DESCRIPTION UNIQUE 10•CHA~ACTER IOENTlFlER FOR tACH SITE. Ct-iAHACTER:>: 1•2 3 11·6 7•10 EXAMPLE: HICPOH0003 VALUE: HI. : STATE CODE (POSTAL A~~RtVlATION) C : TYPE ~hO STATUS CUOl [NEFtR TO FQNM l ITEM OESCRIPTIOM P011 0003 DOCUMENTATION FUR ITEM UGJ. CODES'A THNU R INDICAft EXISTING PROJECTS, S THRU 3 lNOlCATE BREACHED P~OJECTS AND II TMRU 9 IN~ICATE UNDEVELOPED PROJ(CTS FO~ VA~luUS TYPES Of OPtRATlUH. : u.s. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS DISTRICT CODE (REFER TO FORM lITEM DESCR!PTION OUCUMENTATlON -OR 1TEM·33l : UNIQUE SEOUENfiAL NUMBER ~lTHlN EACH DISTRICT IDENTIFICATION NAME OF EXISTING OAH OW POTENTIAL ~ATER MANAGEMENT PROJECT (NOTE: ONLY THE FIRST 29 CHARACTERS OF A POSSIULE· QO CHARACTERS ARE PRlNTED). PRl~ARY COUNTY NAME IN WHICH THE PROJECT IS LOCATED. INCREMENTAL CAPACITY AMOUNT OF INCREMENTAL POTENTIAL CAPACITY liN K~) THAT IS ESTIMATED FO~ THE PROJECT. INCREMENTAL ENERGY AMOUNT OF INCREMENTAL POTENTIAL AVE~AGE ANNUAL ENERGY (IN HWH) THAT IS ESfiHAT£0 FOR THE ?ROJECT. INCREMENTAL COST COST (IN S/M~H) OF PRODUCING THE INCREMENTAL POTENTIAL EN~RGY FOR THE PROJECT. . COLUMN LINE FORM l NO. NO. ITEM N0 0 7 1 &1:18 :Jj l>- a &1:19 Description of Tabulated Oata(continued) EXPLANATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL I~~ACT CODES: (COLUM~S 7 •· 8) COL.UMN HHOit<G ALPHABETICAL CODES Y, N, AND U ARE DEFINED AS FOL.LONS% Y : YES N : NO U : UNKNO;o~N NUMERICAL CODES l THROUGH 5 ARE O~FINED AS fOL.LOwS: l : MAJOR ADVERSE l : MlNUk ADVERSE 3 INSIG~lFICANT 4 MINOR FAVOR~BLE 5 MAJOR fAVORABL.E . DESCRIPTION ENVRN~NTL. I~PACT CODE SEVEN CHARACTER ENVIRON~ENTAL IMP~CT CODE IS .oEFlNED AS FOLLOWS: .. SOCIAL IMPACT CODE -........__ __ . --------. ~----·-· --· CHARACTER POSITION DESCRIPTION 1ST NATIOiiiAL./STATE PARKS AND WILDERNESS 2ND WJLO AND SCENIC RIVER .]HO RESIDENT FI~H 4TH ANAJROMOUS FISH 5TH WILOL.IF~ HA~IT~T &TH ENDANGEHEO SPECIES ·7TH hfTLANOS NINE CHA~ACTER SOCIAL IMPACT CODE IS DEFINED AS FOLLOWS% CHAIUCTER i'O:iiTIOil 1ST ~NO .]RO 4TH ·5TH &TH 7TH 8TH 9TH DESCRIPTION CU~TU~AL AN~ HISTORICAL RESOURCES ·coMMUNltlES RELOCATED TkANSPORTATION RELOCATED fAI<MLANO LOCAL GROUP COM~ENT ENVIRONMENT~L CROUP COMMENT OTHE~ GROUP COMMENT UTIL.ITY INTEREST STATE COMI'lENT .. __ . _________ _ COLU~N LINE FORM 2 NO. NO. ITEH NO. 2A &5 :r VI COLUI-IN HEAD I.NC SITE ID NU~BER DEP CODE Description of Tabulated Data (continued) -------- DESCRIPTION UNIQUE 10-CHARACTER IOE~TIFIER FOR EACH SITE. EXAMPLE! ~HICPOH0003 CHARACTERS: 1-2 V~LUE: HI : STATE CODE (POSTAL AB~REVIATION) 3 4-6 7-10 C : T~PE ~NU ST~TUS CODE (REFtR TO fO~M 2 ITEM D!~C~IPTION POH 0003 DOCUMENTATION FUR ITE~ ~4). CODES A THHU R l~DlCATE EXISTING PRUJtCTS, S THRU 3 INDICATE BREACHED P~UJtCTS AND 4 TMRU 9 INDICATE UNDEVELOPED PROJECT~ FON VAkiUUS TYPES OF OPERATION, : u.s. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS DISTRICT CODE (REFER TU FORM 2 ITEM DESCRIPTION DOCUMENTATION FO~ ITEM 33) : UNIQUE SEQUENTIAL NUMBER ~ITHIN EACH DISTRICT IDENTIFICATION OF UNDEVELOPED PROJECTS AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO SOME OT~N PROJECT OR AS A PART OF SOME SYSTEM, THIS ITEM ALSO INDICATES ~HICH ONE OF THE POSSlijLE ALTE~NATIVE PROJECTS SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN ESTIMATES OF TOTAL NATIONAL POTENTIAL, THE DEPENDENT/INDEPENDENT CODE IS DEFINED AS FOLLO~S: I : INDEPENDENT SITE. E : DEPENDENT, ALTERNATIVE SITE, EXCLUDED FROM SUMMARIES, S : DEPENDENT, PART OF A SYSTEM. THIS SITE SHOULD BE.INCLUDED IN SUMMARY TA6LES. D : DEPENCENT, ALTERNATIVE SITES w~ICH ARE CHOSEN a~ UIST~ICT FOR INCLUSION IN SUMMARY TAaLES. ~---'--------------- COLU~N LINE FDRH 2 NO. NO. IT£~ NC. 28 3 > I Q\ 3 53 2 1 2 2 2A 40 2 28 31 2 · 3 t>O 2 4 1oo 3 3& 3 2 37 . 3 3 ... 12& --· ~ "";·· COLU~IN HEADING ACTV Ir~V P011EA AREA PROJt.CT NAME PRIMARY COUNTY NAME OF STREA~ OwNE~ HAP ~EFERENCE UTITUDE LONGITUDE DR. AREA Description of Tabulated Data(contlnued) .. -·------------·---~-~---·-·--···------ DESCRIPTION :ACTIV£ IN INVENTOaY COOE FO~ IDENTifYING SITES BASED ON CAPACITY ANO H/C RATIOS. (&EE fORM 2 ITE~ OESCWIPTION DOCUMENTATION FOR OETAILE~ EXPLANATIO~ Of COUES). SOME OF THE HOaE ~O~~ON ACTIVE IN INVENTORY CODES ARE "AS FOLLO~S: :·SITES CD~SIOEAED INACTIVE FO~ STUDY THAT HAVE ·A TOTAL : POTE~TIAL C~~ACI~Y 8£Tn££N 50 ~~ A~D 1UO~ KW AND A ~/C RATIO G~EATEH THAN 1.0. 2: SITES CONSIOt.kt.O ACTIVE "FOR STUDY THAT HAVE A TOTAL POTENTIAL CAPACITY G~EATER tHAN OR EOUAL TO 1000 KW ANO d/C RATtO GR£ATER THAN 0~ EQuAL TO 1.0 (NOTE: OTH~N SITES CHOSE~ 8Y THE OISTRICTS CAN ALSO HAVE A CUOE : 2 TO INDICATE ACTIVE STAT~S). . 4 : SITES CONSIDERED INACTIVE fQ~ STUDY WHERE THE TOTAL POTENTIAL CAPACITY IS LESS THAN SO Kw OR TrtE 8/C RATIO IS LESS THAN 1.0. . S : SilE CONSIDERED INACTIVE FOR STUDY BECAUSE ADVANCED ANALYSIS SHO~ED Dt.VELOP~EhT OF THE SITE TO HE ECO~OHICALLT OR E~GINEE~INGLY INFEASIBLE. . o : SITES CONSIDERED INACTIV~ FON STUDY BECAUSE THEY FAILEO THE SCNEtNihG ON ADVERSE E~VIRtiNMENfAL, SOClAL, A~~/OR l~STITUTlO~AL IH~ACTS. ELECTRIC ·RELlA8ILITY COUNCIL SUo-~EGION (GEOGR4PHIC .A~EA FOM ALASKA). IDENTlFICATlON NAME OF t.XISTII~G DAM OH POTENTIAL WATER MANAGEMENT PKOJECT (~OTE: .O~LY THE FIMST 2Q CHARACTERS ~FA POSSIBLE 40 CMAkACTERS ARE PRINTED). PHIMARY COU~Ty ~AME I~ wHIC~ THE .PRDJECT IS LOCATED. NAME OF STRE4M ~HERE THE PROJECT IS LOCATED.· IDENTIFICATION OF P~OJECT O~NER. NOTE: OAEN XX~ H~PRESt~TS U.S. ARHY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WHE~E XXX INOICATE~ THf DISTRICT CODE (REFER TO "FORM 2 ITEM OESCHI~~lON OOCUME~TAT10N FO~ A LIST OF DISTRICT CODES AND FEOE~AL AGENCIES). IDENTIFICATION OF USGS MAP SHO~ING LOCATION OF SITES AND OTMER HAPS AS NEEDED FD~ IOENflfiC~TION. IOENTlfiCATlDN OF PROJECT LOCATION BY LATITUDE (DEGREES, MlN~TES AND TENTHS OF MINUTES) •. IOENTIFlCATIO~ OF PROJECT LOCATION BY LONGITUDE (OE~REES, MI~UTES ANO TENTHS UF ~lNUTES). DRAINAGE AREA (IN SQUARE MILES) OF THE PROJECT. --------__:...------------. ·----------------. ~ ...... COLUMN LINE . FORM 2 NO. NO. ITEM NO. 4 ..... 1 4 2 4 l 5 • 5 l 5 0 0 6 7. 7 7 e e l l 3 l 3 1 l &2 o3 128 61 a a u -300 ]10 . 290 301 311 Z91 ]16 318/311 COLUMN HEADING PROJ. PUAP. STATUS AVE. 0 0&14 HT TOT. STOA PWR. HD. EXIST. CAPo INC. CAP.· TOT. CAP 0 EXIST. ENRG. INC. ENERGY TOT. ENERGY &NUL. COST ENERGY COST -------~-4 ------·---·-----·--- Description of Tabulated Oata{contlnued) OESCRIPTIOri IDENTIFICATION OF AUTHORIZED PROJECT PURPOSES AS fOLLOWS: I = lRRlG.ATlON R : kECREATIOPl H : HYDHOELfCTRlC 0 : OE~RIS CO~TR~L c FLOOD CIJIHROL · P : FARM PUNU N NAVlGA TIOI1 0 : OTHER ·s 114 TEA SuPPLY INDICATION OF PROJECT .STATUS AS FOLLOWS! IS : IOENTIFlEO SITE PA z PROJECT AUTHORIZED SP : STUDY PHOPOSEO OM : GOM IN PROGRtSS s~ &UTHORIZEO FOk STUDY . UC : uno£~ CONSTRUCTION FP FEASIBlLITY STUOY IN PROGRESS OP : PROJiCT IN OPEkATION SI STUDY INACTIVE &VEAAGE &NNUAL .INFLOW llN CFS). NOTE: NEGATIVE VALUES lUDICATE MACHINE DETERMINED VALUES 84SEU ON A OAAI~AGE AREA RATIO OF TME P~OJECT TO THE HEPRfS~NTATIYE GAGi. PHYSICAL HEIGHT (IN FEET) OF DAM ABOVE THE .TREAMSEO. CUMULATIVE STORAGE (IN ACRE•FEET) AT TOP OF FLOUO CONTROL POOL. ·I' ITEM aa WAS NOT SUPPLIEo, THEN THE STORlGE VALUE WAS TRANSFERREU FROM ITEH 104, MAXIMUM ·STORAGE (IN ACRE•FEET). . WEIGHTED ~ET POWER HEAD IF DETERMINEO .BY PROGRAM: (ITEM 11) IF. COMPUTED ijY FLDw•OURATION PROCEDURE OH TRANSFERRED FROM N9RMAL NET PO~ER HEAD liTEM 105). AMOUNT OF .EXISTING CAPACITY (IN KW).FOR THE PROJECT. AMOUNT OF INCREMENTAL CAPACITY (IN KW) THAT IS ESTIMATED FOR THE PROJECT. AMOUNT OF TOTAL CAPACITY (IN KW) THAT IS ESTIHATEU FOR THE PROJECT (EXISTING PLUS INCREMENTAL). AMOUNT OF EXISTING ENERGY (IN M~H) FOR TH~ _PROJECT. A"OUNT OF INCREMENTAL AVERAGE ANNUAL ENERGY (IN MwH) THAT lS ESTIHAT£0 FON THE PROJECT. AMOUNT OF TOTAL ENERGY (IN MW~) THAT IS ESTIMATED FOR THE PROJECT (EXISTING PLUS INCREMENTAL). . . TOTAL ANNUAL COST (IN .1000 S) OF PRODUCING THE INCREMENTAL POTENTIAL AVERAGE ANNUAL ENER~Y THAT IS ESTIMATED FUR THE PROJECT. COST (IN S/MW~) OF PRODUCING THE INCREM ENTAL POTENTIAL ENERGY THAT IS ESTIMATED FOR THE PROJECT. . -------·----____,,__ __ _ CDI.UMN I.INE FD~:-4 2 riO. NO. ITEM NO • 7 . 1 bb8 > I 00 a 669 - Description of Tabulated Data(continued) EXPLANATlON OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT CODES: (COLUMNS 7 • 8) ALPHABETICAL CODES y, N, AND U ARE DEFlNE~ AS FOLLOWS: Y YES N NO U UNKNOWN NUMERIC AL CODES l THROUGH 5 ARE OEFINED AS FOLLO~S: COLUMN HEADING ENVRNMNTL IMPACT CODE SOCIAL IMPACT CODE --------,._ ___ _ 1 : MAJOR ADVERSE 2 : MI~OR ACVE~SE ·3 : INSIGNifiCANT 4 : MINOR FAVORA~LE 5 : MAJ~~ fAVORABLE DESCRIPTION SEVEN CHARACTE !!...!_NVIRONMENTAL. IMPACT CODE IS DEfiNED AS fDLI.,OWS: CHARACTER POSITION DESCRIPTION 1ST NATID~AL/STATE PARKS AND ~WILDERNESS 2ND ~ILD AND SCENIC RIVER 3RD R~SlOENT FISH 4TH A~AO~UMOUS FISH 5TH WILOLlfE .HAHITAT 6TH . ·. ENDANGEWEl> SPECIES. 7TH WETLANDS NINE CHARACTER SOCIAL IMPACT CODE IS DEFINED AS FDLLO~S: CHARACTER POSIT ION 1ST 2ND 31-10 4TH .5TH 6TH 7TH 8TH 9TH DESCRIPTION CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL RESOURCES COMMUNITIES RELOCATED TWANS~ORTATION ~£LOCATED f'Mlt'.LANU LOCAL CROUP CU~~ENT E~VIRONHENTAL GROUP COMMENT OTHER ·GROUP COMMENT UTILITY INTEREST STATE COM.-.EtH .~ ~ ID Summary Listing of Existing and Potential Hydropower Projects, Alaska · Project Listing ••••• * •••• * * ••• * ** ••••••.•••• * ••••••••••••••• -.fll· ••..••.••• *·· ...... -. * ·····-··· ........... *. * ••••• *. * *. *. * •• * * •• * * ••• *. *. *** * •••••••••••••••••• SITE IO • PROJECT NAME • • a PRIMARY CO. •NA~£ OF • OEP ACTV • O"NER • CCI~E :rjv • Mt.P REFERENCE • • GEOG. AREA • STREAM • LATITUOE •LONGITUOE * UR.AI<EA * (0 M.M) * (0 M.M) * (SU.Ml) •PROJ.PURP.• DAM HT * ~XIST.CAP. * STATUS •T01. &TOR• INC. CAP. • AVE. 0 •P~R. ~D. •.TOT. C~P. * * (Fll * (KW) • (AC FT) • (KI'I) • (CFS) * (FT) • (Kw) •EXIST.E N ~G•ANUL. CUST • •INC.EN~HvY•E~E"GY COST• •TOl.~~lRGY• • * (Mh") a (100~ $) * • (M h") • (~/~hH) • * (M~H) * * ENVIRCIN"-E II HL lHYACT COOE. SOC1AL IMPt.CT CODE • * • • .. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • A~7~PA0001 • EAGLE RIVEH * bl 17.~ * H . * 12S.u * 0 • U • ~b7ij.3 a Y~UUUUU * • I S • ANCH~RAGE . EAGLE RIVER • 1ij9 38.9 • IS * 0 • 1JOOO • &1000 * 7b.bl' • • * SO CENTM~L * UNDEVELOPED * 19ij * 5•9.0• lb~.ij • 13000 • ~lOOU * * U~NUUUUUN • • • A~C~O~AG~ a-7. * • * • • • • . • • • • 1.~4NPA00ij9 a NMITTIER TIDAL * • • &0 4'1.7 • * • a 1 9 a A~CHOHAGl COOK INLET • 1 qq 9. s • H IS • • SO CENTRAL • U~DEVELOPEO • •·sE~AwD o-5,&. • • * AK7NPA0005 • ELlZA LAKE a J 5 a ~NGOUN a SOCTHEAST • UNDEVELOPED • a SITK:. A•t. · * * * • * • * O• • * * 57 12.0 * H a ELIZA CREEK * 134 19.9 • IS a * & • S3.4• * * * * * • lK&NPAOOO& • HA5SlL80~G C~EEK * 57 3b.'1 • CR• ·134 18.0 • H IS • • * a I 5 a ANGOO~ HASSELBORG • SOUTHEAST • U~UEVELOPEO * • SITKA C•1. • • • AK&NPA0004 a JJ~'S LAKE • I S • ~NGOON SOUTHEASr • UNOEVELOPEO • * SITKA C•l. . . . • lKbNPA0007 • KATHLEEN C~EEK • I b • 4NGOON • SOUTHEAST * UNDEVELOPED • * SITKA i>•l. * • • AK7NPA0003 • LAKE FLOR£NCE * 1 5 a A~~OON * SCUTHElST • Uhi>f~ELOPED * • SlT~A 0•3 * * • A~~~PAZb10 • T~lYEN CHEEK • I S ·a ANGOON • SOUTHEAST • UNDEVELOPED • • SITKA C·2. JIM'S CREEK * 83 * * * * * * 57 33.9 * • 134 18.9 * * 111 * • * * * • 57 s~~o • KATHLEEN CREE• 1'34 42.9 * * . 29 • * * .. .. • S7 48.1 • FLORENCE CREE• 134 37.9 • ~ 39 * • * H IS H · IS 473.0• • • • • 170.0• • * • * 174.0• * * H * IS * 270.0• * • * * • S? 3b.S THAYER CAEEK • 134 31.0 • &1 * * H * * IS * • 3118.0• * * • 7S.O • 0 * 22.0 • * • 20.0 * 0 • 209.7 * • • 3qo.o • u * 30S.b .• * * s.o * 0 * 184.8 * * * 30.0 * 116000 * 501.4 * * • 25.0 * 0 • 109.6 • • * )9().0 * 111000U * 37&.& • * * 0 • 0 * 0 * • • 0 * 1700 * 17UO * * * 0 * 1~000 * 1&000 * * • 0 * ~000 * 50110 • * • 0 • 10000 * 11)000 * * * 0 * 4000 * 4000 * * * 0 • lbOOO * 1~0110 * * • 0 * (j * 0 • II * 74b5 * 7ij~!) • • ·• 0 • '7711011 • 17CIOO • ·* * 0 * 20550 • i!05Sil • * * II • 4800U * 48iii)V * • • 0 * 19000 * 1900U • • • 0 * 7811011 781100 • * 0 0 • * • * * * 693.52 ! "11~.b9 * 11040 111:S. 58 13&2.7 t>7.ZII4 19711.0 ·111.125 2323.7 12c!.JO fl057.4 77 .&~9 * • * * • * * * • * * * • • * * • * * • • * * • • * * Nl'lUUUUU · UNNUUUUtiU YtiUUUUU UNNUUUUUU Yt:UUUUU UNNUUUUUU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU YNUUUUU urwr.;uuuuuu YNuuuuu . UNNUUUUYU * • • * • • * • • • * * • * * * • • * * • • • * • * • • • * • • • • .• • * • . * • • • • o lK7NPA0009 a AwU~A RIVER a ~9 0.9 * H * 200.0 * 0 * II * 15912 * YNUUUUU * a I 5 • SA~HUII'•N. Sl. AiiUNA RIVER a 15& 1.9 * IS • 0 * 21000 * 101000 * 157.~ij * * • 4RCTIC • UNOEVELOPEO * bOS • 317.0• 5211.11 • 21000 * 1U1UOU * * UNNUNUUNN • a •LOOitOUTiollOGE * • * * • • * • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ----~ -----.... _ -------- :r ..... 0 • Project Listing(contlnued) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SITE 10 • P~OJECT NAME •·LATiiUOE •PROJ.PURP.• OAM HT • EXIST.CAP. •EXIST.tNHGoANUL. COST • ENVIR ONM ENTAL • * • PRIMARY CO. •NA~E OF STREAM •LUNGlTUOE * STAlUS •TOT. STOR• INC. CAP. •lNC.E~ERGY•E~EHGY COST• IMPACT CODE • • O£P t:TV • O~~ER . . * DR.AkEA • AVE. U •P~R. HD. • TOT. CAP. •TOT.ENtRGYo • * • CUOE INV * MAP REF~HENCE • (0 M.M) * * (FT) • (K~j * (MAH) * (1000 S) • * • * CO M.H) * * (AC FT) • (K~) * lM~H) * (S/M~H) • SOCIAL * • GEO;. ~~E• • * (SUoMI) * (CFS) • (FT) • (KWJ * (MnH) * * I~PACT CODE * ··························································································································~······· • AKbNPA0010 • KILLIK bE~U * b7 3.0 * H . • 225.0 • 0 * 0 * 208&8 * NYUUUUU • • I o * 8A~~u~-~. SL COLVILLE RIVE• 153 S2.0 • IS . • 0 • 148000 * 718000 • 2q. b4 • • * ARCTIC * U~OEVELOPtO * q7au * S&58.0• 217.7 * 148000 • 71800U • • UNNUNUUNN • · • KILLIK RlVlR • • • . * • • * * ·• • * • * * • • • * • I.K&~;?t.0011 • I o • lilCTIC * * • KUCHEII CREEK • clAr"?;,u~o•ll. SL • .>NOIE~ELO!o'EO * KII.LIK kiVER * • AKb~?A0008 * KUKPUK * I S • HA~RO~-N. SL • NORTHaEST * UN~EVELOPEO • POINT ~OPE 8•2 • Al\f>t,P.I.0012 • ~I~t.RALI~ RIVER • 1>8 510.9 • COLVILLE RIVE• r55 ~5.0 • • &2110 • • * • • • &a 24.q KUKPUK RIVER • 11>5 5q.o * • 21oo • • • • .. • I 2 * SOUTH~EsT · • ~ElHEL KISARALIK • bO 2b.4 • Riv• 1oO s.5 • • "! UC.t;?A0013 • 1 5 • S\lUTHnEST • • UII:OEVC:LOPEU "* BETHEL 5•3. .. * ALAGNA~ ~IVE~ • ~r"?!SlOL ~AY • UN~EVEL.bPEO * IL.I.I.MNA A•8o * • AK7N?A00110 • AMERICAN CREEK "! t S * clR!StOL bAY • ~~UTHftEST • UNOEVELOPED • MT. KATMAI 0•4. * • AKf>~PAC015 • SECHI.ilOF • I 5 • U~ISIOL bAY • SUUTH~EST • UNOE~ELOPEO • •" NAK~fK A-3 • • AKHNPA2b01 * CHIGNIK * I q · * ~RISTOL OAY * 51:11 • • • • 5q ALAGNAK RIVER• 151> • * • • • 1.1 • 3.0 * 530 * • • • 58 s~. o • AMERICAN CREE• 155 .13.9 • • .100 • • * • • • 59 9.0 • EGGEGIK RIVER• 15b 118.0 "* • 1280 • * • .. • * 5& 1t>.q * lNOIAIII CREEK •· 156 24.8 • • SO CENTKAL • ALASKA PKRS. ASS~. • 2 • * CHIGNIK B.;2 • • * • * H • lS • 35cl8.0• • • H * lS * 1590.0• * * H * IO • 800.0• • • H * IS * H IS 2100.0• • • • • 248.0• • • H * IS • HS QP 2208.0• • • * 22.0• • * 130.0 • 0 • uq.s • * * 110.0 • 0 • q9.'i * • * 315.0 • 71&0UO * 2&4.7 • • • 210.(1 • 3o3ooo • 1oq.6 • • • 135.0 * 1q5u • 81>0.1 • * • 5b.O • 0 • 57.<i * • * 5.0 • 0 • IIOii.O * * * 0 * 53000 * s:sooo * * * 0 • 24000 • 21:000 • * * 0 • 30000 • 311000 • .. * 0 • 18200 * U200 • * • 0 • 25000 * . 2souo • • • 0 • 1&000 • 1o000 • * • 50 • 0 * 50 • • * 0 • 2511UOO • 2510000 * * I) • 105850 • 105850 • • • 0 • 131000 • 1.31v00 • • * 0 * 7970U • H100 • • • 0 * 120000 * 120000 • • * 0 • 70000 * 7&00U * • • 436000 * 0 * 438000 * • * 1775& oq.11o& q2oa.s 111>. q•Ja . Hl1.4 5&.7i!8 ssq&.3 73.q81 327q.2 27.327 35Hq 1171. 4 0 0 • • • • • • • • • * • * • * * * • * • • • . . • • * • * • * • * • * • • YNUUUUU UNNUN~JUNN NNUUUUU UIIINUUUUt.U YYUUUUU UNtiUUUUUU NYUUUUU UNNUUUUNN YNUUUUU UNNUUUUNN YNUUUUU UNNUUUUNI\i NIIIUUUUU UIIINUUUUUU * • * * * • • * • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • * .* • • • • • • A~7~PA00lb • CHtKU~INUK * f>O 10.0 * H * 10.0 * 0 * 0 • dq77.1 • NNUUUUU • • I 5 * 6RIS101. bAY ALLEN RIVER • 158 2&.0 • IS •· 0 • 32000 • 154000 • 58.293 • • • SOUTH~EST * UNDEVELOPED • 26o * 110t;.0• 2&1.7 • 32000 • 15400u • * UNNUUUUUU • • • TAYLOR MTNS. • * • • • • * • ····································*~·············································••*••••········································ .. -·--·--··----------------· ~· I· > I t-' t-' Project Listing(continued) ---- ·····~···········-~·-·~·················································*······················~~~··················*~············ Sit£ 10 • PkOJECT NAME • PRl~ARY CO, •NAME OF * OEP • CODE ACTV * O~~ER lNV * MAP AEFERENC~ • • Gi::JG, A'<EA • * LATITUDE STREAM •LONGITUuE • L.Hl,Al-IEA * (0 M,M) • (0 M,~) * (SQ,Hr} •?RUJ.PORP.• DAM HT * EXlST,CAP. * STATUS •TOT, 5TOR• INC, CAP, * AVE, U •PnR, HD, • TOT, CAP, * * (fT) 1t (K~<) * * (AC fT} * (!\"') * (CFS) • (FT) * (~~'<) •t:XlST ,l:!vRG•AioUL, CUST * •INC,EN~H~Y•ENEMGY COST• •TOT.£~t~GY• * • ( 1-\ij rl J • ( ~l.'irl} * (Mt.rl) * (IQOO $) • * (:!1/MOIH) * • EW> l:<u;,l,'Ei<TAL lMP~CT COOt. SOCIAL 11'.1-'ACT CODE • • • • * ···········~··············································································································••*•***** • AK7NPA0017 * CQijJACT CNlE~ * 58 12,U • H • 2U.U • 0 * U • 1J~b,7 • YNUUUUU * * I S • OKISTOL 8AY CONTACT CREEK* ISS 57,q * IS * 0 * SOOU • 23000 * S7.b84 • • SOUTHfiEST * UNDEVELOPED * 5G * 127,0• 273,7 • SOOD * 23uOO • * UNNUUUUNN * * • MT KATMAl A•b * * * * * * * * * * 1~7NPIODI8 • GRANT LAKE • .I 2 • B~ISTOL rlAY <~000 RIVER • SOUTH~ESl • UNDl~ELDPED * * • ;q 45,9 .. * 158 32.0 • * 37 * * • ~!LLINGMAM 0•7,0·' • .. • AK7NPA001Cl • GRCSVENO~ LAKE • I S * BRISTOL BAY • SQUTH~EST • UNDEVELOPED * * • 58 110,0 * SAVONOSKI RIV• 155 25.3 * * b30 * • MT KATMAI C•3,C•4,C•5 * * * * IKbNPA0020 * INGERSOL • I 5 • BRISTOL OAY • SDUTH"EST • U~DEVELOPEO • * LA~( CLAR~ B-3, • U.7NPAG021 • I 5 * SOUTHnEST • * K4KHDNAK LAKE • BRISTOL BAY * ·u~DEVELOPED • lLIAWll. d•ll • ~~7~PA0022 • KONTMASHlBUNA • I S • ~RISIOL 84Y * SCUTHnE~T • uNU~VELOPEO * • LAKE CLA~K A•4, • A~7UPA0023 • KU~AKLEK • I b • ti~ISTOL BAY • SOUTH~EST * U~OEVE~DPED • lL!M'.r1:. A~1, * t AJ<bliPA002~ •. J(:JLIK LAKE * 1 S • Skl~tOL BAY * SOUTH~EST * U~OEVELOPEO * * MT, ~ATHAI * " t AK&NPA0025 • KULI~ LAKE * I 5 • S~ISYCL bAY • SCUTHWEST • UNDEVELOPED • • QILLlNGHAM • oO 2e.o • KIJIK RIVER * 154 ~.9 * * 30U * • * * * • 59 15.0 * KAKHONAK RIVE• 155 40,0 * * 145 * * • * • •o01b,9·• TANALAN RIVE~•~154 15,0 * • ao·o * * • * • • s<~ 1 a. 9 • ALAGNAK RIVER• 155 33,0 • KUI.IK I.AKE WIND RIVEk * 400 * * * • * * 58 59.0 * • 155 7,0 • * 23b • • * .. • 59 46,'1 • * 158 1!.9. " 2:So * * * • H * IS • Clb,O• • • H * IS • H IS H IS H IS 138o,O• * * * qt>O.O• * • * * 380, O• * • • 636.0• * H * IS * 1202.0• * *· H * IS * 520.0• * " H * IS * 5211ii,O• * • Sb,O • 52500 • 209,7 • • • so.o • 0 • 113.& • • 800.{) • 0 • 1118,1:1 • * * s.o * 0 * .::oo.o • * so.o • 0 * 225.7 * • • 11(1,0 • <~oouoo • 325.b * * * 55,0 • (I * <19,9 * * so.o " 0 • 29,<:1 • * 0 • 2700 • 2700 .. • 0 * 24000 • 24000 • • 0 • 144000 * 1440UO * * * 0 • 11000 * 11000 * * • 0 * 17000 • 17000 * • • 0 • 53000 • 5.5000 * * 0 * 7000 • 7000 * * * 0 • 21)000 * 200~\i * • * v * 12b72 • 1i!b7i! * • • 0 • 105000 * 105000 * * • 0 • 630001.1 * blOUOU * • * (/ * 50000 * 50001) * • * () * 81000 * ~luov • • * 0 • 23?~1 0U * 2;)2vvv • * * {) . 34000 • 34000 • • • IJ * fl'S:JOQ * 'l~JOil • • 18118,5 145,87 1418.1 1 o·.&lls '51103 ol.ll<> 11302,7 8b •. Sil 3882.0 4b.7'11 as5~.a 36.873 * • • * • • * • • • • • • 1/1 * * • * * * • • .. * • • * * • 4804,9 * 1111.32 • * * * oo.sa.s " o3.5b3 • • * NNUUUUU UNNuuuuuu Y~uuuuu Ur.NUUUUNN YNUUUUU IJNNUUUUl\1111 NNUUUUU UNNUUUUNN Y:>iUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NYUUUUU IJNNUUUUUU YNUUUUU IJNNUUUUUU YNUUUUU UN.'iQUUUNN • • * • * " • • * * • • * " * • • .. • • • * * ,. • ... * • •*******•••••••a•tx•*********************************************••***********•****~*******••••,*****•*****•*•••*•*•••**'*******•• --~-------·-------------~ > l 1-' N Project Listing(continued) ················~············~···················~·········-····················~····~··········•••***********•*******~*•********* S:7t 10 • P~CJECT NA~t • L&TITUUE •PRUJ.PuRP.• UAM HT • t.XIST,CAP, •EXI5T,ENWG•lNUL, CU3T • ENVlMUN~ENfAL * • P~;M&AY CU. •NIME UF STREAM •L0NGITUOt * ~TATUS •TUT. 5TOR• INC, CAP, •lNC,fNiWbY•ENENGY LOST• IMPACT CODE * • OEP ACTV • Onl,dl * OR,AtlEA * AVE, a'•P>'<rt, hO, • TOT. C&f', •TOf,ENt.i<(,Y• • * • cc;:E p,y • ~o<AP RHERENCE • (() M,M) • * (fTJ • (K'I;) • (MI\Ii) • (lUOO $) • • • • • (0 M,M) * • (AC FT) • (lit:) * (M.,t!l • ($/11nii) * SOCIAL • GEOG, &~EA • • (SO,MIJ * (CFS) * (FT) • (~n) * (Nn~) • • IMPACT CODE • •w•-••••*•••••••••••****************************•*'~*****-**•************•*•*~*****•**********•***********.*******•••••••••••••••* • ~,n:,f'AO!SS • U~E ELVA • 5'1 37,9 • • I 2 • a~ISTOL &AY ELVA CREE~ • 159 o.o • * 10 • • SOUTHftE~T * U~JEVELO~E~ • GOD~NEhS BAY C•1 • * * * * * • l.Kbo\P;.0?27 • LAKE ILIAMNA • I b • B~ISTOL HAY • SOUTH1oEST • ~~DEVELOPED • OlLLl~~HAM •-2. • AK6N?A003B • ~AKNEK • I 5 • BR!SIUL BAY • SDUTHhEST • U~UEVELCPED * • NA~~EK C•2. "* .t.K7NI'A0021:l • ! , • SCUTiinEST • * • ;;£r.HALlN * d>llSTDL. t!AY • Uc;U£YEl.(;f'E:) * ILlAM~~:. O•b. • • A~7NPA0029 • ~ISHL1K LAKE • 0 5 * ~AISTUL UAY • SCUTHHEST • UNDEVELOPED * • TAlLO~ MTN 8•8 • IK7NPA0031 • HO~VIA~UK L'KE • I 5 • di!SIUL dAY • SUUTH~E~T * U~DEVELO?EO * ILIAMNA A-7 • • AK7~PA0032 • T&ZI~INA • I 2 • U~lSTOL BAY • S~UIHft~ST • U~UEVELOPED * ILIAMNA 0•5. • • AK7NPA0030 • i!KCH!K * 0 5 • ~HISTUL tiAY • S~UTH~ESf • UNDEVELOPED • DILLINGHAM O•b, • .. * S'l 13,0 KVlCH~K MINOR• !So 2b,O * • 61.11.10 * • * * 58 3t>,'l * NAKNEK RIVER • l5t> 29,0 * * 2720 • * • * * 5'1 '15,0 * NEWHALEN RIVE• 15~ ~'l.'l * * 3319 * * * • bO 27.0 • TIKCHlK RIVER• 158 51,0 * * lib • • * * * • 5'1 t.'l * ~ONUIANUK RI~• 155 37,8 • ~ 310 • • • • 5'1 5!!.0 * TAZIMINA NIVE• 154 33,0 * • 320 * * * • 5'l So.O • NUYAKUK RIVER• 158 11,'l * * 1530 • * * .. • H * * 52,2• * * IS * 20167,0• H * * IS * b35ti,O• * H * IS 9212,0• H IS H • • * 135,0• * IS * 925,0• * * H * IS * H IS tU40,0• • " * 59'10,0• * * 131.0 * 29001) • 2!'19.7 • • * 120•0 • 0 * 113,8 * * * 170,0 • II * 123,6 * 35.0 • 0 * 73,9 * * * 28.0 • 0 • 202,7 * * * 5.0 * 0 * 11q,a • * * 4':),() * 14800Q * 18G,O * 35,0 • 0 * 175.3 * * .. 0 * 1000 • 1000 * • 0 • 313000 * .51.SOOO • * • 0 • 108000 * 10!!000 * * * 0 * asooo .. 85000 • • • 0 * 4000 .. 4000 • * () * 13000 * uooo • • 0 * 18000 * 18000 " " * 0 * 127000 " 127000 • • * 0 * 81)00 * suoo * * • 0 • 1370000 * 1370\iO() • * * 0 • 473UOU * ~73000 • * • 0 • 4llVOQ * 111100~ • * * 0 " 18000 * 1600\1 • * • () . !>3000 • o!OOO • * II * 224000 • 2.!'<000 * • 0 * 55500\l • 55SvOi.i • * 232'1.1:1 * 2'lo.Sd 112200 30.d03 21313 45. 5'1 lbO•Il .3'1, .H 2299,6 127.75 30t>'1,!l 1<8,727 3809,8 17. 8 170<.:1:1 30,714 * • * * • .. * • * * * * • * * * * * * * .. * .. * • * • * * • * * * • ll!'INI'<NI'>N NNNNUUUYU NNUYUUU UYYUUUUNU YNUUUUu UNNUUUUNU NNUYUUU UYYUNUUNU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUNU YNYYNNI< UNNUUUUuU NNUUYUY UNNUUUUNN * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • • * * • .. * * " * • * * AK7NPA0034 * UGASHr~ LAKE * 57 3b,9 * ii * 37.0 * 0 * 0 • 1U35b * ~NUUUUU * * I 5 • BRIS~U~ aAY UGASHIK RIVER• 157 0,9 • IS • 0 • 6GCO * 30000 • 3li5,23 * • • SOUTHftEST * UNU~VELDPED * 830 * 1518.0• 32.~ • bODO * JOVOD • * UNNU~UUNN * • • uGt.Srl>K C•3 * * * * * * " * •••••***•••~••~•~~••~••••~~******~*****•*•••*•*************•*•**•****'*************•*t*****•*c'~~***********'•*********•*•*••***** :r 1-' I..) Project llsting(contlnued) ·············································*···················································································· PROJECT t-lAloiE * PRIMARY CO. -~A~E OF • • SITE 10 • • OEP * CODE ACTV * O~NER . X:IV * II.AP REFEHNCE * * CEC~. ARF..\ • STREAM * L.ATITUDE •L.ONCI TUoE • UR.AI<EA * (0 ~l.M) * (0 M.M) * ~SU.M!) •PROJ.PURP.• DAM HT .* EXIST.CAP • ~ ·sTATuS •TOT. STOR•.lNC. CAP. * A~E. 0 •P~R. hO. * lOT. CAP. * * (FT) • (Kti) * * (AC FT) • (Kfl) * (CFS) • (fT) * (Kfl) •EXIST.~N~C•ANUL.. COST • •INC.ENE~CY•E~EWGY CO~T• •TOT.£N~RGY• • * (MN~) * (1000 5) * * (M/ir1) * ($/HWh) • * (111iH) * e ENVlRONME NTAL. IMPACT CODE SOCIAL. IMPACT CODf: * * .. * • ··~···························································································~···································· * A~7NPAOU35 • U~AK * ~6 ~ij.Q * H • 75.0 ~ U * U * ~8~~.2 • YNUUUUU * 1 5 * SRlSTOL. BAY .UKAK RIVER * 155 ~0.0 * IS · * 0 .* bOOO * 30UOO * 1blob4 * * * SOUTHtiEST * U~OEVEL.O~lO •~ 194 * 455.0• 144~6 * bOOO * JO~Ou ·• * UNNUUUU NU • * * HT ~ KATMA 1 B-4 * * · * ·' * * * * * * • At<7Ni'£0037 • I 5 * Sll CENTiU.L. • * • AI(7~:PA003b * I 5 * SCUTHI'IEST • • UKAK RIVER * s~xsro ·L. illY • UNOEVEL.O~EO • liT KAT11Al tl-14 * UPNUK L.AKE • SiliST01. ilAY * UI;OEVEL.OI>EO * TI.TL.OR MH1 B-8 ~Kb~PA0042 • BREMhEH klV~~ * I 5 * tO~DUVA-~CCA * SO CENTilAL. * U~UEYEL.OP(O * * VAL.D~Z 4-2. • * * AKbNPA0043 • BRE~~ER RIVER • I b * tO~OUVA-MCCA · • SO CENTHAL. • UNCEVlL.OP£0 · • .• ~O~OOVA ll-1 • AKb"PA00114 • SREMNEH RIVER • I 5 • COo10UVA-MCC~ • SO CENTRAL • UNOEVEL.OPE~ UKA!t ~IVER * * ··sa 30.Il • * 155 19.1l * * 194 * * * * . • * bO 16.9 * TII<CHIK RIVER• 1~8 4b.2 * * lOU * * * * • * H * IS * 455.0• * • H * IS * 38&4.0• • * L.lTTLE * bO 59.0 • . H • * L.ITTL.E BREHNE• 144 8.9 * IS * 111Z • * * • • SF * bO 5&.0 * S FORK 8REHNE• 1414 B.9 * • 1118 * • * • * NF * bO 56.0 * N FOR~ BREM~E~ 143 41.9 • .-150 • H IS b94.0• * * * * b41l.O• • * H * IS • • ~ERihG GL.&ClER 0-8. * * • • o.o * o •. o • bbO * &49 •. 0• * .. • AKbNPA00115 • I ·~ • SO ~EtlTI! AI. • * • • BREHrlER RIVER • CCRDOVA·~ICCA • \JNi>fV~I.OPEO * VALDEZ 4-1. • • AK7~PA004b • CA~YO~ t~EEK * 1 ~ * C~~UOVA-HCCA • SO CENTHAL. • UNOEVEL.bi>EO • * MCCARTHY A-4. • • SAL.MON * b1 6REMNER RIVER• 1~4 * • • * * * b1 4.'1 * CA~YON CREEK • 142 10.0 * 100 • * • • * * H * IS • i898.0• * * H * IS * 373.0• * .. * 125.0 • 0 • 1414.11 * * * so.o * u * 1&9.6 * * * .soo.o • 0 • 271.7 * * * 55u.o * 0 * 53b.4 * • * 5.10.0 * ·0 ... 489.5 .. * • 190.0 * 1575uuo • 111~.o • • * 1250.0 • u • 130&.& * • • * . 0 • 10000 • 10000 * * • 0 * 8000 • bOUO * * • .0 * 15000 * 15000 * * * 0 *· 32000 • ·320il0 * ·• • 0 • 35000 • l5000 • • * 0 ~ 111000 * 1:1000 * * * 0 • 27000 • 270110 • • • * (I * 439B .• 43933 * * * u * 3900\1 • .S9UOU * * • 0 • 70UOO * 70000 * * * 0 • 15bUOO * 15&00\1 * • • 0 * lbbOOO * lobOOO * • * 0 * 8ooou • lloOOO • • * 0 • 131UOU * l.HOOii • • • 3745.8 o5.2!>3 423&.7 10ll.c.3 5621.4 83.1bl; . l1321 72.572 -24548 .l47.b8 9027.4 104.~b 7b05b 580.58 • * * * • * * • • • * * • • * * • • • • • • • .. • • * • * • * * • • • • YNUUUUU UNNUUUU I;U NNUUUUU UNNUUUUNU YNUUUUU UN~\JUUUUU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUNU YNUUUUU UNNUUUU.NU YNUUUU\J UNNUUUUUU * • • • • • * * * • • • • • • * • • • • • • • * * * • * . . • • * • * AKbNPA0047 • CL.EAVE (PENINSUL.A) * bl 4.9 * H • 250 0 0 • 0 * 0 * 5119b5 * NYUUUUU * • 1 b * CO~DOVA-MCCA COPPER RIVER * 144 48.9 • IS * 0 * 820000 • 3600000 • 1&.379 * • * SO CENTRAL. • UNi>EVEL.UPEO * 21500 * 38b7b.O• 1&4.6 * o200GO * 3b00ii00 * * UNNUUUUNU * • * VALDEZ A-3,5-2,8-3. * * * * * * * • *********•························································································································ ~ --· . --·--·--~--. ·>. .... .p. • Project Llsting(contlnued) ···························································································*···································· * SITE lD * P~OJECT NAME *LATITUDE •PROJ.PURP.• DAM HT • EXIST.CAP. •EXlST.ENRG•ANUL. COST ·• ENVlRONMENT~L * * * PRIMARY CO. •NAME OF STREAM •LONGITUDE * STATUS •TOT. STOR• INC. CAP. *INC.~NfR~Y•E~E~~~ COST• IMPACT CUD~ * * DEP ACTV • O~NER * OR.AREA * AVE. Q •PwR. HD. * TOT. CAP. •TOT.ENERGY•· * * * CODE INV * MAP REFERENCE * (0 M.MJ * * (fT) * tK~) * (M~H) . * (1000 S) * * * * * (0 M.M) * * (AC FT) * (K~) * (MwH) * (S/M~H) * SOCIAL . * * GEOCo AREA • * (SQ.MI) * (CFS) * (FT) • (KW) * (MWH) • * IMPACT CUOE * ·····-·~·····~············································*···························································~···~······· • AK7NPA003l * CRATER LAKE * I 5 * CO~DUVA•MCCA CRATER LAKE * b0 .34.7 * * 1115 110.8 * * 0 * * SO CENTRAL * U~OEVELOPEO . * * CO~OOVA C•So • * * AK7NPA0048 * HANAGTA LAKE • 1 . 5 * CU~OOVA•MCCA * SU CENTRAL * UNDEVELOPED • * MCCAWTHY A•8• * * • AK7NPA002b • HUMPBACK CREEK * 1 · 5 * CO~DOVA•MCCA * SO CENTRAL • UNOEvELOPEO * * CORDOVA C•S. * * * AK7NPA0050 • KIAGNA RIVER * 1 5 * COROUVA•MCCA * SO CENTRAL * UNDEVELOPEO * * MCCARTHY A•4o . .. * AK7NPA0051· * I ~ • SO CENTRAL • * * KLUTINA • CUROUVA·~ICCA •"UNOEVELOPEI) * VAi.OEZ U•S. • * AK7NPA0052 * KUSKULANA RIVER * • * * * 61 27.0 * HANAGTA RIVER• 1411 3.9 • • 100 * * * • * * 110 37.8 * HUMPBACK CREE• 1115 37.8 * KIAGNA RIVER * 2 • * * * * * 111 2.i! * • 1112 211.5 * * 185 * * * . * * * • 111 32•9 KLUTINA RIVER* 1115 27.9 * * 1170 * * * * * * 1 5 * COROUVA•MCCA KUSKULANA * 111 32.9 * RIV• 143 511.9 * * SO CENTRAL . * llNOEVELOf'EO * * MCCARTHY C•8. * * * AKIINPA0053 • LOWE (~EYSTONE CAN) . * I II * COROOVA•MCCA · LUI'IE RIVER • SO CENTRAL * UNDEVELOPEU * ·* VALD£.Z A•II 1 A•5. * • * 2110 * * * • * • 111 5.9 * * 145 30.0 * * 190 * * • * * H • ~.o • FP * 0 * 2.0• 13118.& * * • • • H * 73.0 * IS • o * 314.0•. 1008.9 * * * H * FP * 25..0• * *· H· * IS * 6711.0• * * H * lS * 1311.0• * * H * IS • 759.0• * H * IS • 1934.0• * • • * s.o * (I * 349.11 * * * 51o.o • 0 * 969.0 * • * 98.0 * t.92uOO * 3311.11 * * * 310.0 * 0 * 507.11 • * • 440.0 • 2110UOO * 323.11 * * * 0 * 389 * 3!19 * • * 0 * 33000 * 33000 * * • 0 * 1010 • 1010 • * * 0 * 40000 * 40000 .• * * 0 * 511000 * 511000 * .. * 0 * 211000 * 211000 * * • 0 * 55000 * 55000 • * * u • 11135 * 11135 * * * 0 * tbOOOO • 1110UOII • • * 0 • 3i!911 * 32911 * •• * 0 ,;· 193UOU * ..._ 193000 • * * 0 * 2113UOO * ,2113000 * * * 0 * 1111000 • 1111000 * * * 0 • i!511UOO * 2511000 * * * iH'I. 2 1<;11.144 52119.3 3:S. 58 1170.115 1142.73 1bi!51 114.207 75211.5 28.b18 7771.9 . b8.175 9304.4 311.1131 • • * * • * • • * • * * * * * * * * * * * • * • * • • * • • * • • * * Nf<YUUUU NNNUYUUNN YIIIUUUUU UNtiUUUUNU YNUUUUU UNNUUIJNNN YNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUTYUU UNNUUUUYU YNUl!UUU UNNUUUUUU NNUYUUU UNNUYYUTU * * * • • • • * * * • • • * * • * • • • * * • • • • • * • • • * • * * AK6NPA0054 • MILLION DOLLAR * 110 110~0 * H * 110.0 * 0 * 0 * 52833 • NYUUUUU • * I 5 * CORDOVA•MCCA COPPER RivER * 144 114.0 * IS • 0 * 440000 * 1927000 • 27.417 * • • SO CENTRAL * UNDEVELOPED · * 24200 * 521189.0• 88.9 * 440000 * 1927000 * * UNNUUUUUU * * • CORDOVA C•2,D•2. * * • * * * * • * * * * * * * * • • • AK7NPA0055 • NIZINA * 111 23.1 * H * 340.0 * 0 * 0 * 15020 * : YNUUUUU * • I II * COROQVA•MCCA NIZINA RIVER * 143 13.9 * IS * ' 0 • 45000 • 199200 * 75.403 * * * SO CENTRAL * UNOEVELUPEO . * 11120 * 3450.0• 329.11 • 45000 * 199200 * * UNNUUUUUU * * •.MCCARTHY8•11 * * * • * • * • ·························*·····························*·······························~*****••··································· 7" ..... 1.11 ' ) ProJect Llsllng(contlnued) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • SITE !0 * PROJECT NAME * LATITUOE ·~~OJ.PUkP.• OAM HT • EXJST.CAP. *EXIST.~NNG•ANUL. COST • ENVIRONMENTAL * • , • PRIMARY CO. •UA~E OF STREAM *LONGITUDE • ~TAluS •TOT. STOR• INC. CAP. •INC.ENtNGY•ENEMGY COST• IMPACT CuOE * * OEP ACTV • O~NER * D~.AAEA * AVE. U •PwA. HO. • TOt. CAP, •TOT.EN~R~Y• * * * CODE lNV * MAP REFERENCE * (0 M.M) * • (FT) * (K~) • (MNH) * (1QOU S) * * * * * (0 M.M) * * (AC FT) * (K~) * (MftH) * (~/~wH) * SOCIAL * * GECG. AQEA • * (SO.Ml) * (CFS) • (FT) * (KW) * (MNH) • * IMPACT CUOE • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• * l~~~?A~~Jq * PO~EN C~~EK 1 * b~ 3~.1 * k * l~.U * U * U * ~bdl.U * NNYYWU~ * • 0 2 • CO~OOVA•MCCA PO~ER CREEK • 145 32.4 • SP • 0 • 5000 * 2&UOU * 103.34 • • • SO CEI'fTIIAL • I.II;OEVELOPEO * 21 * 251.0• 3'59.b * 504>0 • 2&1100 • • NNI'4NYI'tUYY * • • CO~OOVA C•5. * • * • * • • • • • • • • • * • • • • AK7~PA0040 * PONEN CREEK 2 * &0 3&.9 * H • 1&~.0 • 0 • 0 • 632&.& • NNUUUUU • • E 5 • CO~OOVA•MCCA POwER CREEK • 145 31.4 • SP • 0 • 10500 * SOUOu • 1bb.S3 • • * SU CENTRAL • U~~E~ELCPEO * 1S • 1&0.0• 499.5 * 105UO * ~OUUU • • UNNUUUUUU • • • CO~OuVA C•S. * * • a * * a • • • • • A~7NPA0057 • ~O~E~ C~tEK • &0 3~.9 • • I 5 • CO~OUVA•MCCA POWER CREEK • 145 30.9 • • 19 • • SO CENTRAL • U~DEvELOPEO * * CO~OOVA C•5 • • o AK7~PA0056 • TE3AY LAKE • • * • • &1 2&.0 • • I 5 • CU~OOVA•MCCA TE8AY AlYEA • 144 11.9 • • 105 • • ~0 CE~TRAL • UhOEVE~OPE~ • • VALOtZ A•1,A•2. • • • • • • A~bNPA0059 • Th~EE HlLE CANYON • &0 59.0 • AlYEA• 144 10.0 * • I 5 • CO"DOVA•HCCA 8NEMNEA * SO CENT~AL • U"~EvELOPEO * • CO~OUVA 0•1 • • • AKt~PAOObO • TIEKEL NIVER * 1 S • CO~OUVA•NCCA • SO CENTkAL o UNOEVELOPEO • • VALDEZ A•3. * • • AK7NPA0002 * TONSINA • I 5 • CO~OOVA•MCCA o SO CENT~AL • ~NOEVELOPEO • * VALDEZ C-~. • • • AKb1'4PA0061 • TSINA • I S * CUKuOVA•MCCA * SO CEUT~AL * U~JEVELOPEO * • VALOlZ A•4. • * * AK7NPA0062 * VAN CLEVl • t 5 • COROOVA•MCCA • SO CENTRAL * U~OEVELOPEO • • CO~CCVA C•l • 52b * • * • • • b1 14.7 • TIEKEL AlYEA ... 1411 57 .b • • 421 • • • • * • u 3o.o • TONSINA AlYEA• 145 30.0 * TSlNA UNNAMED • i!55 • • • • • • &1 9.0 • • 145 30.9 • • 104 * • • • • • bO 42.0 • • 144 24.9 • *. 17 * • • • H * FP • 283,0• • • H * IS • 331.0• • • H * IS • 2291 • ,_. • • H * IS • 830.t• • • H * SP • 5bb. C·• • .- H ·• u • 304.(1• • • H • IS * 131.u• • • 10.11 * 1uqouo • 3&11.0 • • • as.o • u • 1005.9 • • • 230.0 • 0 * 227.7 * • * 43(1,U • 0 • 379,& • • * 75.0 * u * 50&.4 * • • 390,0 • u • 359,& • • • 20.0 • 0 • 474,5 • * * 0 * 14000 * 140(10 * • • 0 * 40000 • 40000 • • • 0 • 26000 • 2&000 • * • 0 • 22000 • 220UO * * • 0 * 44000 • 44000 • * * 0 • 12000 • 12000 • • • 0 • 2000 * 2000 • • • u * b&OOU * &bUOI) • • • 0 • 1'1311011 • 193110U * • • II * 127UOO • 127UOU * • * u • . 1U5UOO • 111SUOU • .. ·-0 * 1910011 • 1'111100 * • • u • 58000 * 58000 .. • * 0 • 1 OiiOV •· 1000U * • * 24011,4 • 3&.4:Sl" • .. * • &323.& * 32.7&4 • • * • 11339.7 .• 49.919 • 7918.7 75.41& 8238.0 43.131 745a.5 li!ll. 5& 18ll5.5 188.55 * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * * .. • • YNUUUUU UNNUNUUYU YNI'4UUUU Uf'4NUUUUUU YNUUUUU Uf'41'\UUUUUU hNhNYNN UNI'4NYYHY Nf'4UUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU · UNNUUUUUU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • ···················································································································*·············· > I .... 0'\ .. • Project Llsting(continued) -- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• * SITE IO * PROJECT ~~ME * LATITUUE •PROJ.PUWP.• DAM HT * EXlST.CAP. •EX1Sf.~N~G•A~UL. CUST * EUVlRUNMENfAL * * * PRIMARY CO. •UA~E OF STREAM •LONGITuDE * STATUS •TOT. STOR• INC. C~P. •IHC.EUERGY•ENERGY CO~T• lMPACT C~~E * • DEP ACTV * O~NER * UR.ARE~ * AVE. 0 •P~R. HO. * TOT. CAP. •TOT.tNERGY• • * • CJOE INV * MAP REFERE~CE • (0 M.~) • * (FT) • (K~) * (M~~) * (1000 S) * * * * • (0 H.M) * * (AC FT) * (K~) * (M~H) * (S/MWH) * SOCIAL • GECG. ARE~ • • (SO.MI) * (CFS) * (tT) * (K~) • (M~H) • * IMPACT COUE • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • LK7N~~OOb3 • ~HITE RIVEN * I S * COROOVA·~CCA ~HITE RIVER * !10 * 142 4.8 * 9.9 * 2'1 * * SO CENTWAL • UNDEVELOPt~ * • * 6E~ING GL~CIER A•4 0 * * * • 4KbNPA0Cb4 * ~DOD CA~Y~~ * I b • CO~DOVA•MCCA * SO CENTRAL * U~~EVELUPEO * • WAL~(Z ~·2. • • AK7NPAOObS • YOUNG CREEK • I 5 * COKOUVA•MCCA • SO CENTRAL * U~OEV~LOPEO • • • MCCakTHf A•4. • • * b 1 25.0 * COPPER RIVER * 144 1'1.9 * * 20bil0 .. YOUNG CREEK * * * b1 12.2 * * 142 23.9 * * 40 * * * * * • Al<b~IPA~Obb * CHATA~I~A RIVER * bS 2.0 * RIV• 146 31.0 * • I b * fA!kg&HK~ CHATANlKA • TUK011 • UNUtVELO~EO * LIYENGOCO A•4• • • t A~bNPAOOb7 .• CHE~A RIVEij * 77(J * * • * * * I S * FAIH~A"K~ CHENA RIVER * b4 54.0 * * 14b 22.0 * • 'ISO * * YUKON * u~DEVELOPED • * SIG OELTA 0•5. * * * • AKbNPAOOb'l * TANA~A WIVEH (LITTLE DELTA) ~ * 0 ~ t FAIAijA~KS TANAN RIVER * * YOKON * UNDEVELOPED * • • o[G ~ELTA o•b. * • ·• * * .. b4 30.0 * 14b 45.0 * 18080 * * * * AKbNPA0072 * [ 5 * SOUTHEAST .. • CHILKAT • HAI~C:S OIV * 59 38.0 * ·CHILKAT RIVER• 135 Sb,O * • u~;iJE. '/ELOPED * SKAii;;U .C•3. * * 190 * * * • * H * IS * 290.0• • * s.o * 0 * 261.7 • * * H * 1000.0 * IS *14Su0000 * 3b880.0• '149.0 * * * H * IS * 152,0• • * i1 • IS • 580.0• * * H * IS * 905.0• * * H * IS * 20010.0• * * H * IS * 1202.0• * *· * • 21U.O * 0 • 2014,9 * • * 105.0 * 4110000 * 91).9 • * 110.0 * 270000 * 1oo.a * * * 140.0 * 0 * lO&.a • • * 41(J,0 • 0 * 319.6 * * 0 * 2172 • 2172 * * 0 * 15791 * 15791 * * * * () * 0 * 3b00000 * 21'100001) * 3booooo • 21'1oooou * * * 0 • 17000 • 17000 * * * 0 * 12b25 • 12b25 * * • . 0 * 1i>OOO • 10000 * * * 0 * bSOOO * bSOOO * * • 0 * 111000 * 41000 * * ·• * • 0 • 82000 * a2vov • * • Q * 32000 * 320011 * • * 0 * 46000 * 4bi/OU • * • 0 * 315000 * 3150011 * • * 0 * 180000 * 180000 * * * . 1338,3 1111.753 370973 16.9.S9 !»U9.5 b3.28b 523b.8 1b:S.~S 1)511.4 141.55 193117 b1.419 71172.9 41.51b * * * * • * * * • * * * * • • *· * * * * * * * * * * • * * * • • • * * • AKbNPA0071 * 1 5 • SOUTHEAST • CHILKOOT * 59 19.9 * H • 180,0 * 0 * II * 5999.2 * * HAINES OIV CHILKOTT RIVE• 135 32.0 * IS * 0 * 1b000 * 78000 * 76.913 * * UNDEVELOPED * 130 * 1076.0• 135.8 * 1bOUO • 78000 * * * SKA~~AY 6•2. * * * * * * * • • * * * * • * * • AKINPA0098 * ANNEX * 58 1'1.5 * H * 25.0 * 3500 * bl/00 * 171.52 * * I l • JU~EAU ANNEX CREEK * 134 7.b • OP * 23&~00 • 1750 * 3VOO * S7.17b * NNUUUUU UNNUYYYNY YNUUUUU UNNUUuUUU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUNU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUYU NNUUYUU UNNUNUUUU NNUYUUU U\'YUUUUYU NNUYYUU UNNUUUUI;U NNUUUUU UYYUNYNtiY NNUUUUU * SOUTHEA~T * ALASKA fLEC LGT ANu P~k * b * •b3.4• 755.0 • ~250 * 90110 * • UNNUUUUUU * • • • • • * • • • • * * * * * • • • * * • • * * • • • • • * • • * * • • * • * * JUNEAU 8•1 • * * * * * * * •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ---------~----~· ----.. --------·------------ > I ...... -..J Project listing{continued) ····················································································*••t••••·················•***••··············· SITE !0 • PNQJECT NAME * LATITUDE •PROJ,PURP,• DAM HT • tXISI,CAP, •tXIST,ENNG•ANUL, C05T • ENV!RO~MENTAL * • PRIMARY CO, •NA~E UF STREAM •LUNGITUOf * STATUS •TOT, STOR• l~C. CAP, •INC,tNE~GY•E~ER~T COST• IMPACT CCD~ * • DEP .t.CTV • OM;I:.R • OR,ANEA • AVE, Q •PI'iil, C!O, * TOT, CAP, •li.JT.~NI:.NGY• · * • * CIJOE !NV • loiAP REFEREr~tE * (D M,l•l) * • (ri) * (K>~) * (MWH) * ( 1000 $) * * * * (0 M,M) * * (AC FT} * (Kw) * (M,·,H) * ($/MWH) * • GEOG, AI<E4 • * (SU,tH) * (CF"S) * CFTJ * (!(<'~) * (MM-1) • * SOCIAL 1"-?ACT CUOE ····•***********************************************************••••••••*****;***********************•*********************R****** * AK7NP~0090 • BEAR CREEK * 58 3.~ * H * 10,0 * 0 * 0 * 15b7.7 * NNUUUUU • * I 5 • JUNEAU BEAR CREEK * 134 D.O * lS • 0 • 13000 • QQOOO • JS.b2~ * * * SOUrHEaST • U~uEVELOPEO * 3 * 2S.O• 8~9.1 • 18000 • ~~OOU • * UNNUYYYYY * JU!iEAU A~l. * * * * * * • • • • Ai\ 7/lPAOOH • BOUNI)ANY LAKE • I 5 • JU~EAU * SOUT~EAST * U~OEVELOPEO * * TAKU RIV~R C-6. * * ~K7~PAG092 • CARLSON CREEK • I 5 • Ju~tau ~ SOUTH~AST • UNCEVELOPEO * • JUNEAU ti•1. • • • AK7NPA2b04 * CO~EE CREEK * I 5 * Ju~EAU * SOUT~EAST • UNDEVELOPED * • JU~EAU C•3. • • H71;PA035b • 0 c • SOUTHEAST • * * AK7NPA2b07 • 1 b • SOUTrtEAST * • * • CRATER LAKE * Ju:><EAU ~ UNOEVELOPEO • TAKJ A•b. • • DAVIDSON CREEK • JIJNEAU * UNDEVI':LOPEO * TAKU RIVtR 6·b. • • AK7~PA2b08 * O~VlES CREEK • I 5 * JU~EAU • SOUTHEAST • UN~EVELOPEO • • Ju~EAU C•3. * * AKbNPA0093 • ENDICOTT RIVER * I 5 * JU~EAU • SOUTrlEAST • U~OEVELOPEO • • Ju~EAu o-s. • .. • • • 58 34,9 * 6GUNOARY CREE• 133 40.0 * * i?J * * * * • sa 5,9 • CAR~SON CREEK• 134 17.0 * • 24 • • * * * * 58 38.0 * COwEE CREEK • 134 54,2 * " 7 * * * .. .. 58 8,0 * CRATER CREEK • 133 45,7 * DAVIDSON * 12 * • * * • * 56 21.3 * CREE• 135 ~4.5 * • 30 * * .. * * OA VIES CREEK • 58 38,11 • * 1311 54,2 * • 18 * • * * * * 58 117,4 * ENDICOTT RIVE• 135 27.9 • *. 5(, • * • * * H IS H * * 235,0• * * IS * 33<1,0• * * H * IS * •1111,4• * • H * IS • 1&5.0• • * H * IS * H IS •247,1>• • • * 102.0• * ,. H * IS * 373,0• * * • uo.o • 0 • .• 794,2 * • • 185.0 .. 0 * .s<l3,o • * * 10.0 * 0 * ~60,0 • * * 55,0 * {I * 979,0 * • • bO,O • 0 * 89,9 * .. • 150,0 " 0 * 305,0 * • 520,0 * 7QQ000 * 4£>2.5 • • • * 0 * 20000 * 20000 • * " 0 *· 10000 .. 10000 .. * • 0 * bOOO * bOOO • * * 0 * 27000 * 27000 * * .. 0 • 273& * 273b * * * 0 * sooo * 5000 * .. • {I * 21000 * 21000 * • • • AK~NPA0099 • GOLD CREEK 5 *58 17,9 * H * S.O * 1600 * • I 2 • JU~IEAU Gt:X..O CREEK t 134 23,9 * OP * 0 ~ 2000 t • SOUTH~AST • ALI.~~A ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWE• 10 * •57,7• 225,U * ~bOO * * • Jur;EAU B•Z * * • • "" * * 0 • 95000 * 9500\1 * • • 0 * IJbOOil * 'ibOOO * .. * 0 * 255b0 • i!55b0 • • * 0 • 101>000 * 1ub!JOU * * * 0 * 11'i1&3b • 119836 * "' * u * 253112 * 25382 • • * 0 ·* tusooo • 1050011 • * • &l:!OO * 6'1bl! * \57oa • • 3bO<I.b J7,'il4l 11'1.26.1 107. 8 1078.1 112.181 322<1,5 30.~1>7 1509.3 12.594 31>57,11 1'111. 9 10077 95.'1711 * * .. * • • • * * * • • • * .. • • • * * * • * • * " * * • .. .. * • * • * 312.'18 * 311,899 * • * Nl'iUUUUU UNNUUUUNU TlliUUUUU UNt<UUUU!tU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNNNMJN NtiNUYUUlY NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNI-iuuuuuu * • * .. • • * * * * • • * * " * * * • • * * * * " • * * * • * * • • * • **•******•******•*******•**********'*********************•*****************•·~··~·~*******~*~ "* * *ir ******it 11 ,_ •• ** •**•*** 111: ft *-•Jt.*-*Lttt.. ---~ ~-·------·~----··--·- :J:<o I ....... co Project Listing(continued} ·················~········-··················••************************************************••································· SIT~ 10 • P~UJECT NA~E • LATlfUD~ •PRUJ,PU~P.• UIM HT • ~XlST,CA~. •EX!Sf.tNkG•ANUL. CUSf • ENVlH~NMENTAL • • PRI~ARY CO. •NH!~ l.lF STREAI~ •LUt·<GI Tt;uE • STATUS ' •TCT, STOR• I!\C, CAP, • I.•;C.E.NE!oli:iY•Ef;cf<l>Y COSh I~'>WACT CUOI:. • OSP ACTV * O~NER • UR,AREA • AVE, Q •PnR, HU, • TUT. CAP, •TOT.ENtRGY• * • COCE I~iV • MAP kE.FEf<ENCE • (:l M,M) * • (FT) • (K,\) • (I!:HI} • (1000 $) * * • (0 ~I,M) • * (AC FT) * (KI'I) * (Mo\!i) • (S/M.~H) * • Gt:OG, Afi~A • * (SO.~liJ • (CF$) * (FT) • (Kr~) • (M"H) • * SOCIAL IMPACT CODE • • • • ···············································~···~·•***********•*****•***•***************************••····················•••** • &K&~P&009S * LACE NIVER • 58 S7,U * H * 21U,U * 0 • U * 112b'l * NNYYYYY • I S • J;Jr•EAU LACE RIVER * 131.1 57,'1 • IS • 0 • b2000 • 298000 • 57,9.34 * • • S~UTHE•ST • U\OE~ElUPED • 39.3 • 3174,0• 165.6 • 620~0 • 2~8000 • * UNNUUI.lUUU • • Jul;<.t.V 0·3, • IKSNPADD<lb • LAKE DGROTrlY * I 2 • Jur,C:AU • S;JUTHEAST • UNUEVELOPEO * • TA~U ~1VE.~ A•b, • * AK7~~PA0073 • LEMON CREEK • I 5 • J~~EAU • SOuTHEAST • UN~t~ELOPEO • Ju~E•u B-2 * * • AK6NPA0075 * NUGGET CNEEK • I 5 • JUNEAU • SOUTHEAST • UN0EVELOPEO * • JUIIEAU 6w2 • • AK7NP&D076 • PETEij5JN LAKE '!i • J!WC:AU • SOUTHEAST • U~vEVELOPEO • • JuNEAU 6·3 * • AK7NPA0077 • RHINE CMEEK • 1 5 * JUNE 1\U • SOUTHEAST * UNDEVELOPED * * JUNEAU A•1 * • * • • • • 58 l '1, 0 • DOROTHY CNEEK• 134 3,0 * L;;MON CREEK * 11 * • • * • 56 20,9 * • 134 .30,0 * • 25 • * • * • 58 25,0 * NUGGET CREE~ * 134 .30,9 * " 1 b • • * • sa 26,6 • PETERSON LAKE• 134 '14.0 • & * * * • .. • 58 13.4 * RHINE CREEK * 131 10,8 * 4 • • * * * o A'INPAC101 • SALMON CREEK NO 2 * 58 17.9 • SALMON * 134 23,9 * * I 5 * JUNEAU UPPER • SOUTHEAST • AJI~DUSTRIESINC * JU~EAU 8•2 • * 5 • * • * • • AKJNPIOIOO * SALMON CHEEK NU 1 * 58 17,9 * • 1 4 * JUNEAU LDftEfl SALMON • 134 30.0 • • SOUTHEAST • AK E~E • Ju~~~u LT ~ PhA CO • b * ll~2 • • • A~&NPA0079 • SHEEP * I S o JUNEAU • SOUTHEAST • U~OEVELOPEO • • JUNEAU 6·1. SHEEP CREEK • .. * * * 58 15,0 * * 134 18.9 * • 1 ~ * * • H IS • * * • 1t2,0• * • H * IS • H 280.0• • * IS • 208.0• * * H * lS • H IS 23,0• • * * 29.1* • * H * OP * H OP H IS •52.8• " " • • -63.'1• * * 51.0• * • s.o * 105000 " 2.347,(>. * • 230.0 * 18000 * 23'l,7 * * • 120,0 • 0 * &0&,3 • * 50,0 .. 7100 bb9.3 • • * 22,0 * 0 * 389,6 • • • 1b1,0 * l9UOO • b40,0 • • 1b7,(1 • 19000 • .390.0 * * * 180.0 • 0 • 769,2 " " • • 0 * 34000 * 311000 • • ~ 0 * 10000 • 100110 • * 0 * bOOO ·,. bOO 0 * * 0 * &000 * bOOO • • • 0 * 1200 • 1200 * * 2800 * 2800 • ~bOO * * * 2800 * 0 .. <:~;>oo • • * 0 * bOOO * 6000 • • • 0 • 150001) * 150000 • • • 0 • '13000 • 4300Q • • 0 • 30\lOO * 30000 • • * 0 * <!6986 * 2698b·• * " 0 • t570· * 1570 * SiiOO • 0 * '5000 • ... * 3000 • 0 • 3C.OO * * • 0 • <!61'14 • 2bl44 * 22<1b,3 15.2~2 37 22.3 l:lo,S&o 1532,7 51. 90 1278,5 47,379 S':i'< ,&& l53.cB 27b.o& 0 0 0 2001.7 7b.Sb7 * * • * * • * * * * .. * * • * * • * • * * * * * * • • * * .. * • * * * • * • NNUUUUU UNNUYYYYY NlliUUUUU UNNUNY~tl Y NIIIUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU Uf;NUYYYYY NNUUUUU Uld1UYY YYY NNUUUUU UliNUUUUUU NNUUIJUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUU!..iUU • • * • • • • * * * * • • • * " • • * * * * * .. • * * * .. • .. • • • ·······~**•**•*****~······•****•*****************·~···········~•••********··~·····~·*~*****••·~···········•******•····~·*·~······· :> I ~ -a Project Listing{continued) ·~·-······•******************••···~··············•••***************************•···································*·~··········-· • SI~E 10 • PNLJECT NAM~ • LATITUUE oPRUJ,PU~P,o DAM HT • EXIST,CAP, •EXlST.~~MGoANUL, CUST • E~VIR~~~~NTAL • • PAlMARY CO, -NA~E OF STREAM •LOhGJTUOE * Sl,TUS •TOT, STOR• INC, CA~. •lNC,LN~HGI•E~ENGY COST• IMPACT CUDi * • ::liP &CTV • O~NER * D~.AREA • AVE, 0 •PnR. HD, o TOI. CAP, •TOT,fNtAGY• • * p;'/ • MAP REFEHENCE • (0 H,M) • • (FT) • (1<1>) • (lin"<) • (I 000 S) • • CODE • • C~OG. ARE:. • * (0 M,M} * * (AC FT) • (K;,) * (MnH) • (~/1'\<'lri) • • (St'l,11l) • {US) • (FT) o (Kw) • (MI'd<) * * SOCIAL IMPACT CODE • ~·································~··•***************************•***********••·····~·························•********••••**•**** • A~7NPaOOBO * S~EAMA~ CREEK • 58 51.9 * H • 10,0 * 0 * U • '152,111 * NNUUUUU • I 5 • J!J.'.EA!l SHEI<i"!.HJ Cf.iEEK• 13"> B.l * IS • 0 • 1200 * 1188\i * 92,707 • • S~UTHEAST • U\JEJELOPED • Q • •18,8• 39U,O • 120~ * aoSU • • UNNUUUUNU • Ju:~EAU 0•4. * * * * * * * • • A~o\PAOOb! * SLivc * 58 0,0 * H * • I b * JUNEAU SLIDE LAKE • 1311 22.0 • IS • • SOUTHEAST • U~DEVELOPED • Ju:.u.u A-2. * 14 * BS.O• • • AKJNPA0l02 • SNETTISHAM • I 2 • JU~EAU LONG LAKE * SOUTHEAST • IK Pu~ER ADMIN, • TAKU RlVER A•b • * • AKb~PA0082 • SPEEL DIVISION • * • 58 5,9 • • 133 'lo.o • 30 • • • • • • I 2 • JUNEAU SPEEL RIVER • 56 b,'l • * 133 42,9 • • l'l4 * • SOUTHEAST * U~UtVELOPEO * • TA~U R!V~R A~S, • ~ • • * • ~K7NPA0083 • S~EETHf.A~T FALLS * 57 5b,b • • I 2 • Jur;EAU S#EETHEART CR• l33 38,1 * • SUUTHEAST • UNU£vELOPEO * Su>~DUM 0•5 • • AK7NPA0084 • TEASE * 35 • .. • • • • I 2 • JUNEAU TEASE C~EEK * 56 5.9 * ... 133 1;0,2 • • SUUTHEAST • U~DEVELOPEO • AKMNPA008b * I 2 • SOUTHE.I.ST * • TAKU ~lVtR A•S. • TREAO~cLL DITCH • JUNEAU TREADWELL • .1.~ ELET LIGHT & ~OwER I JUNEAU B•2oA•l • • AK7NP10087 • TUNNER LAKE • 11 * • • • • 58 15.5 • Dlh 13'1 22,3 • • 13 * • " • • se. ts. 1 • • I 5 * JUNEAU TUUNER CREEK * 133 57.3 • • SOUTHEAST • UNDEVELOPED • T4~U RIVfij S•&, * • 52 * * * * * • H * OP • 447,0• * H IS -2314,5• • H IS • 328,0• • H IS • H IS 152,0• • • • 75,0• • • H * IS • •1196,9• * • • AK7NP&OD&S * UNNAMED LAKE NEAR LACE RIVER• 58 53,0 • H * • 1 5 • Ju~EAU UNNAMED • 134 49,9 * IS * * SOUTHEAST * U~OEVELDPEO * 3 * 28,0• 40,0 • 0 • 54'1,4 • • • 10.0 * 150000 • 799,2 * 325,0 • 910000 * 272,7 * * • 150,0 • 20b(t0(1 • t>11.3 * * • 80,0 • 22000 • 1032:.9 • * * s.o • (/ . ~\7 ,4 • "' • 711.0 • 2QI>OOO • 104,<1 • .. 2o.o * 0 • 299,7 • . . 0 • 7000 • 7000 * • • 471b0 • 0 • 225&(19 * • • 0 • &3000 • b3000 • • • 0 • 29000 • 29000 * • * 0 * 1&000 • loOOO • • • 0 • 2500 • 2500 • * " 0 * 5000 • sooo • .. • 0 • 10000 • 10000 • • 0 • 3112'1 * 31124 * * 1b8~00 " S7!09 • 225b09 ., * * 0 • 275000 • 275000 * * ., 0 ., 127000 * 1271100 * * " 0 • 70000 * 'lOOOv • * * 0 * 10000 * lOQOV • .. .. 0 " 21''11:1\1 * 2190\1 " 0 * ~500\l • 48000 • * 1383,& "' 411,4511 • lbOO.O 25, 1 b 9032.7 32,11'1& li85C.2 38.190 2059.'1 29.1125 257. 0 25.700 289b,O 132.24 * * * • • * • " " * * * • * • • • * * * • * • * * * * • * 1443.1 * 30, of> * • YNUUUUU UNNUUUU..JU YNIIif<IU'fN NNNIIiYNYYY NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU Ul'lNUYHYY NNUUUUU UN~UYYYYY NI-IUUUUU UNNUUUUYU NNUUUUU UIIINUYHYY NNUUUUU UIIINUYYYI1Y * • • • • • * * * • • * * • * • * • .. * * * * .. • • * * " * * • * •JUNEAU0 .. 3. * * * • * " • • •*•*•*******•***********************•****•****************•***********************r•••*******•**************•••****~************** > I . N 0 • Project Listlng(continued) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • SITE 10 • PROJECT NAME • P~IMARY CO, •NAME OF STREAM • OEP !CTV • O~NER • CUC( INY • ~·~ ~EFf~fNCE • CEOC, .\ilEA • • LATITUDE •PNUJ,PU~P.• DAM HT • EXIST,CAP, •LO~CITUUE • STATUS •TOT. STQRt I NC, CAP, • UR,AKEA • AVE, Q •P~R. HO, • TOT. CAP, • (0 ~.M) • • (FT) • (K~) • (0 M,H) • • (AC FT) • (K~) • (SQ,Ml) • {CFS) * (FT) • (K~) •EXIST,EN~G•ANUL. COST • •1NC,£NEN GY•ENE~~y COST• •TD T.fNER GY• • a (MwH) o (1000 $) • o (M~H) * ($/M~~) o • (M~H ) • * ENV 1RCNME I;TAL lMI'.!.CT CO CE SOCIAL IMPACT CODE • • * • • • ·················································································································~················ • AK7N~A01ql • UP~EW ~wEETHEAWT * ~7 59.7 * Clh 133 30.& * t I 2 * JU~EAU SdEETHEART • SOUTHEAST * U\OEVELOPEO • • Su~DUM D•S * * AK7NPA0089 *·I 5 * SOUTHEAST • * Y£ni!I NG CREEK • JUhEAU • UNDEVELOPED * l * * * * • * 58 i!7.0 * YEHRING CREEK• 133 ~s.q • * 1& * * TA~U WIVE~ B•bo * • • • • • • U7NPA0103 * BRADLEY LAKE • ~ENAI•COOK I • U~UEVELOPEO • sq 45,0 • BRADLEY CkEEK• 150 ~1.0 * * 8b * • I 2 t SO CENTiUL ,; * ~E~DUVIA ~-3,C•3. * • * * • • • AK7NPA010b * CHA~ACHAHNA LAKE • b1 13.0 * R• lSi! 22,0 * * 1 i! • ~ENAI•CUU~ I CHAKACHAH~A * SO CENTRAL • UNUEVELO~ED * * TYONEK A•7, * * t AK7NPA0107 * CHUITNA • 1 S • ~ENAI•COOK I • SO CE~TMAL • 'UNUEVELOPEO • • 1YDNEJ< A•4 • * • AKbNPA0108 • COFFEE • I 2 • KEN~I-COUK I • SO CENTNAL • UNDEVELOPED * * • T YOt;t;K A•q • . . • ~K7NP~010q • CRESCENT LAKE • I 5 * KENAl•COUK I • SO CENT~AL • UNDEVELOPED • • KE~Al 8•o. * 1120 • * * .. * * &1 4,q * CHUlTNA RIVER• 151 1q,q * * . bb * * * * * * &1 12.0 * ·BELUGA RIVER •~151 10.0 * * 8&0 * * * * * • &0 21.q * LAKE FORK OF * 15i! qq,q • * 2110 * * * H " IS * • 45,0• * * H o IS . * 155.0• * * H o PA • sq&,o• * • l~.o • 1600(1 • 1178,8 * * * lOU,() * 2UIIOII • 10i!8.q * * * 12o.o • 3&3UUO * 111'53.9 * * • H * 5o0 * IS * 4015000 • 3~4&0 0* 7q2,2 * • • H • IS • . 1q3,0• * • H o IS • 24811.0• * • H * IS • lli!7,0• * * * so.o * 0 * 551.4 * * • 120.0 * II * 108,8 * * '!: 5.0 * 311&000 • ~l&,q * • 0 * 7000 • 7000 * • * 0 * 5000 * 5000 * * * 0 * q4000 * qqooo • * • 0 * 3&11000 * 3&&000 * • * 0 * qooo • qooo • ·* * 0 * 37000 * 37000 * * * (i • &000 * &000 * • 0 • lObbO * :SObbil * * * 0 * i!bUOV • i!bOOO • * * 0 • 4101100 • 410000 • * 0 • 1&00000 * 1&00000 * * * 0 • 451100 • 45000 * * * 0 * lbOOOO * 1b0000 * * * 0 * i!9000 * o!quou • * lllb.7 lli!.q45 1q85.a 711.378 7547.5 11l.IIU8 * * * • * * * * • • * * • • * 1'111118 • 1i!.305 * • • • i!3711,i! • ~2 •. a us • .. * • 80b&.1 * ~0.413 * • 34711.q 119.82 • * • * * * NN UU UUU UNtiUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUYYYYY NNYYYNY NN!'\UYYYYY YNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNYYYUU UNNUUUUUU NNYYUliU UNNU UIIUUU YNVUlJUU UNNU UUUUU • * * * • • • • • • .. • • • * * • • * * * * .. * • • • • • • • • .. * .. • • • * •. • AK&NPA0110 • Fox • sq 58,4 • H • 3i!o.o • o • o • 158&3 • YNuuuuu • • I '5 • ~ENAI•COOK I FOX RIVER • 150 48,0 * IS * 0 • 25000 * 106851 • 145.73 • • • SO CENT~AL • UNDEVE~GPEO • 105 * 545.0• i!99.7 • 25000 * 1 11811 51 * • UNNU UUUUU • ~ . * ~E~OUVIA 0•3 * * o t * •· o * • * * * * * • * • • * AK&N~A0111 • HA~IBUT • 5q 35,1 * H * 175,0 • 0 * 0 * 11100.& ·• YNUUUUU * • I 5 * KENA1•COOK I HALIBUT * 151 9,5 * IS * 0 • li!OOO * 50b31 * 31.&14 • * • SO CENTRAL • UNDEVELOPED * 23 * 130.0• 58q.q * 12000 * 5 01131 * * UYNY UUUUU * • • SELDUVIA C•1 * * • * • * * * ············································*··························································*·························· -------··----:-----.....:-·--~- -"~oo ,.,AL• ~ N ...... Project Llsting(continued) .. ·- ·················································································~················································ • SITE IO • PUOJECT NAME • LATITUUE •PROJ.PURP.• DAN HT * EXIST.CAP. •~XlST.tNRC•ANUL. COST • ENVlRUNMENTAL • * • PRIMARY CO. -~AMk OF STREAM •LONGITUDE • STATUS •TUl. STOR• INC. CA?. *INC.E NE ~~T*E~ERGY COST• IMPACt CuD~ • OEP ACTV • O~NE~ * OR.AHfA * AVE. Q •Pw~. HD. • TOT. CAP. •TOT.E NE H~Y~ * • CUOE ItN • MAP rtEFERENCE • (0 M.~1) • * (FT) • (K~~) • (1·1"H) ,; (1000 $) • * • * (0 :>4.M) * * (AC f'T) • (1\fl) * (Mt:H) * ($/Ml'IH) • * GEOG. AUEA • • (SU.~1I) * (CFS) * (FT) * (1\'N) * (M•n1) * * SOCUL IMPACT CODE • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • A~b~PA0112 • KASILOF RIVER * bO 15.9 * H * 1SO.O * 0 * Q * 17724 • NNUUUUU * • I 5 * ~EN&l•COOK I KASILOF RIVER• 151 10.0 * IS * 0 • 40000 * 193000 • 91.634 * * * SO CE~TRAL * UNOEVELOPf.D * 73~ * 238&.0• 135.8 * 40000 * 193UOU * * U~NUUUUUU * • • KENAI B-4. * * * * * * * • * • AKb~PA0113 • ~ENAI LO~ER • I 5 • ~E~Al·C~UK I • SO CE~TRAL • UH~EVE~OPED • • ~ENAI o•3. * * • A~7NPA0114 • KILLEY RIVER * I 5 * ~E~AI•COOK I • SO CENTRAL • UNOEVELOPtD • . * ~EhAJ ~-2. * • • AK71'tPA0115 * I 5 • SO C_ENTRAL * * * A~bNPA01lb • I S * S:J CENTRAL *· * • MC~EIL RIVER • KtNAl•COOK I * U~~EVELUPED • ILIAMNA A•4 • • HOOSE .HOHN * ~ENAI•C00K I • UNOEVE~OPEO • KENAI ' c~z. * AK7HPA01b3 • PA!NT RIVER • I ~ • Kl~AI•COOK I * SO CENTRAL * UN~Evf.LOPEO * * * lLIVtN.:. A•4 * * AKbNPA0117 * SHEE~ C~EEK 1 * I 5 * KE"AI•COUK I · * SO CENT~AL • UN~EVELOPEO • * SELOUVlA 0-~. * • • AK6NPA0119 • STELTER * 1 b * KENAI-COOK I • SO CENTN ~• U~OEVELO~EO * * KENAl a-1. * * * AK7NPA0120 • TUSTUMENA • I . b • KENAI•COOK I * SO CENTRAL * UNDEVELOPED * * KENAI A•2 KtNAI RIVER • * * &0 29.0 * * 150 4'1.9 * 1&50 • • • * • &0 19.9 * KILLEY RIVER * 150 25.0 * * 1 &0 • * * * * • 59 11.9 * MCNEIL RIVER * 154 10.0 * A 102 * • • * * * &0 30.9 * KENAI RIVER * 150 23.7 * * 1'>40 * * * * * * 59 10.3 * PAINT RIVER ~. 1511 111.3 * SHEEP .CREEK KENAI RIVER * 25U * * * * * * 59 46.9 * • 150 4S.9 • * 101 * • * * * * bO 28.0 • * 150 7.9 * • 84'1 * * • * * * &0 2.4 * TUSTUMENA GLA• 150 33.9 * * 57 * • * * H *. IS * 5'H4.0• * ~ H * IS * 524.0• * * H * IS * i48.0• • * H * 13 * 5520.0• • * H * IS * 511.0• * * H * IS * ol5.0• * * H * IS * 3700.0• * * H * IS • 184.0• * * 100.0 • 0 • 83.9 • * -i3o.o • 0 * 358.0 • • • 75.0 • 0 * 111.8 * * * 110.0 * (I * 94.9 * * • 33.0 * u • 115.u * * • 400.0 * (I * 381. b • • • 210.Q • 0 * 198.~ ,. * * 5.0 • 0 * 1096.9 * * • 0 * 55000 • 55000 • * * 0 • 21000 * 21000 * * • 0 .. 2000 * 2000 * • * 0 * &0000 * oiiOOO * * * 0 • oOOO · • bOOU * * * 0 • 20000 * 20000 * • 0 * 811000 * 641000 * * • 0 * 21000 * 21000 * * * 0 • 2b3UOU • ib300Q • * * 0 * 100000 * 100UOO • • * 0 • 8UOO * auou • • • II * 290UOII • <!90UOO * * * Q • 28000 , 28UOU * * * 0 • 94(10(1 • 94000 • * * II * 403000 * 4U3.UOU * * * 0 * 1U2U01) * 10c'!ll011 * • 15109 57.450 132i2 130!.22 1913.3 239.1& 191111& 0 7 .1 '16 2075.5 74.125 2&751 2811.59 12292 30.502 27&0.0 27. 59 .. * * * • * * * • * • • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * YNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU YNUUUUU urmu uuuuu YNUUUUU UYYUUUUUU YNUUUUU UNNUUUU I.!U * * • • • • * * • * • • • • * • * • * * • • * • • * • * • • • • • • • • * •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• > I N N Project Listing(continued) -·-------~--~ ------ ttttstt•ttttttAtttttttt•ttttjtttttttttttttt*•****************•************ttttttt•ttW~ttttttttttt•t•t**•******«ttttt1t*••~tt•tttt• * SITE ID * PROJECT NAME • LATITUGE tPROJ.PURP,• DAM HT * EXIST.CAP, •~XlST.~~~GtANUL, COST • EN~IAONME~TAL • • PRIMARY CO. -~A~E OF STREAM •LONGITUDE • STATUS •TOT. STOR• INC, CAP, •INC.~~E~GY•E~ERGY COST• IMPACT CCO~ • • :n:~" ACTV * o~~ER * 0R,~NEA * AVE, 0 •P~N. HD, • TOT, C~~. •TOT,Eh~AGY• * * • CODE p;y • 1-!.:.P REFERENCE • (0 f.l,!-.) • * (FT) • (l<.i;) • {~Al1) • (1000 :S) • • * ( 0 M, M) • * (A C F T) * ( ,<; ';;) • ( ~ ,, ~ l • (!. O~'t; ri) • GEOG, A'lEA • • (SCI,P.I) • (CFS) * (FT) • (~h) * (lv.t..1) • SOCIAL IMPACT CODE • tttt•••····································k·····•*********•••••*·······················~····~···································· * Al(J~PAO)Q2 * BEAVEN FALLS * 55 24,0 * H * 34,0 * Q200 • 25~00 ~ 21~.25 * N~UUUUU • • 1 S • ~ETCniKAN 6EAVER FALLS * 131 30,0 • OP * 2000 • 1000 • 0 • 0 ~ * * SOUTHEAST * ~ETCHIKAN CITY * b • •80,2• 809,0 * 5200 • 43bD * • UN~UUUUUU t • Y.ETCH!KAN ~-S * * * * * * * * • • * AK7tlPA021l9 • FJS~ CHEEK • I 5 * KETC11I~A~ FISH CREEK • SUUTHE4ST • UND~VELOPED * K~lCHIKAN 0•1, * * • • ss se,q • * 130 3,3 * * 34 • * • * H lS • * 419.0• • AK7NPA0135 * GOKACM!N • I 5 * ~ETCHIK4N * SOUTHEAST • U~DEifLOPED * ~5 2 3,1 * H GOKACHIN RIVE• 131 19.5 * IS 9 * * * • * !18,0• • !1<7NPA013b • I ~ • SOVTHUST * • * KETCHIKA~ 6•4, • HASS!..ER LAKE * KE TCrl!KA~J • U~tlEVELOPEO • KETCH:~AN A•S, * AK7N~AQQq4 • JANUARY * I 5 • KETCHII<~N • SGUTHEAST • U~DEVELCPED * • ~ETCrtti<AN C-4, * KETCrliKAN ~AKES • • • • • 55 lt.o • HASSLER CREEK• 131 2b,9 * • 5 * * • • * • 55 34,'i * NF MANZANITA • 131 q,9 * • 3 * * * * * * AK!NPA013ll • I 2 * SOUTHEAST * KETCHI~AN KETCHIKAN • ss z 1. 5 * CRE• 1)1 37 .o * * UOt;PA0!41 • 1 2 • SOUTHEAST • CITY OF KETCHIKAN • KETCHI..CA.~ B•S • • LAKE CU~NELL DAM • KETCH!~AN ftARD CREEK • KETC"l~AN PULP CUMPA~Y * KETCHIAKAN B•S,~-& • AK7NP40121 * LAKE GRACE 1< 11 * • * • * * ss 26,0 • • 131 40.2 * 13 * • * * • 55 36.0 "' t I b * KETCHIKAN GRACE CR REV!• 131 0.0 * • SOUTHEAST • U"OEVELU~EC * 29 * • l(f!CHIK~~ C•lo * * • * * • 1KbNPAD122 * MAHO~EY LAKE ~O~E~ • 55 25,0 • t I S * KETCHIKAN MAHONEY CREEK• 131 30.0 * * SOUTHE4ST • UNOEVE~OPED • 5 • * * KETCHIKAN ~-5 * " * H * IS • •33.5• * • H * IS * 35,0• .. SH •. OP * •114b.b• * * so * OP • 174,0• • .. H * IS • H IS 3!18.0• • • * * tOli.O• II' 60.0 • 0 • 294.7 • • 31.0 * c • ]b9,b • * * 30,0 * 0 • )qll.b * * • 10,0 • 0 * 369.& • • 33.0 * <1200 * 2&4.7 • * ss.o * 0 • 149,8 * * • ss.o * 121>000 • 1;~5.5 * * 2v.o • 3890 • 84.9 * * 0 " 23611 • 23b4 • * * 0 • bSOO * :.soo • " * 0 • 2000 * 2000 * * .. 0 * 2000 * 20iJO • • * 4200 " 2000 1t 6200 * .. * 0 * 2000 • 2000 * * * 0 * 20000 • 2:1000 * * • 0 * noo • l300 * * * c • l'lb73 * 9o7.S • * • u • ;;~Sbl • ?l:l!:>bl * * 0 * 8700 • d7"00 • • * 0 • 81:>21 " 3<>2t • * * '1800 • sooo • 9ts00 * * • v • 1045b • ;~'lSo * * 0 * 99iJOO * '19000 * * 0 • :,"'(l!J .. 59)0 * It 1116,1 5b,1b1 17 3b .l c.0.7'1Q lUll. 74 10l.:S!! b31~95 73.31:3 Ub,bll 15.10'1 5'10.2Q 5b,4SO 3827,8 36,bb5 1151.1>3 1 4'1. 37 * .. * * * .. • * * • " * • ~ ~ .. • * Jr * • .. • • * * * YNUUIJUU UYUUUUUi1U NNUUUU-.1 UNNUYOn NNUUUUU UNtlUUUUUU YNUUliUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UN~~uuuuuu C.NUUUUU UIINUUUUUU YNVUUUU ' UNNUUIJUI<U Nf>iNYYIIIN UYYYYNUYY " * • ~ ~ * • * * .. * • • * * * * " ~•*~••****•****•~••••********r•********************•*•***************************••~~~****••~~~ ••~****••***•*••••**•****•*****•** llj N w Project Listlng(continued) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SITE IO • PkOJECT NAME • • OEP • COOE • • P~IM&RY CO. •NAME OF STREAM ACTV • I'-V • Qt;NER MAP REFERENCE * GEOG. AREA • • LATITUDE •LONGITUOE • OR.AHt:A * (D ~l.M) t (0 M.M) • (SO.~li) tPROJ.PURP.• DAM HT * * STATUS ,•ToT. STOk• • AVE. Q •P~R. hD. • * * (~T) * • * (AC FT) * * (CFS) * lFT) • EXIST.CAP. INC. CAP • TOT. CAP. (1\W) (I\. I') (1\li) •EXIST.tN~G•ANUL. COST * •INC.E NtRG Y•ENE~GY COST• •TUT.~Nt~GY• . • * (M~H) • (1000 $) * • (M~n) * (S/M~H) * • lHhn) • • EIIV IRvt:MENl AL lMf'ACT C(JDE SOCIAL lHPACT CODE • • • • • •ttatttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt**********************•******************************A************************ttttttttttta * l~7N?A0123 *MAHONEY LAKE UPPER * ~S 25.0 * H * 25.0 * 0 * 0 * 16q1.4 • NNYNYNN • t I 2 • ~ETCHIKAN MAHONEY LAKE • 131 J1.1 • IS • 10200 • 14400 •· 55sqo • 30.42b • * • SOUTHEAST * U~OE~ELOPEO • 2 ~ 48.0• 1625.1 * 144~0 * 55~~0 * • YNNNYNUYY a • • ~E~CHI«AN ~-5 • * * • • • * t * AK711PA0312 * I 5 • SOUTHEAST • • MANZANITA LAKE • KETC~IKA~ • UNDEVELOPED * 1\(TCnlKAN C•ll • * AK&NPA0125 * MIRROR • I ~ • KETCMIKAN • SOUTHEAST • UNDEVELOPED • • ~ETC~I~AN C•4 • * &K71iPA01i!b * I ~ * SOUTHEAST * * * N&OZAHEEN LAKE • r.ETCni~AN • U~lOEYELUPED ~ETCniKA.~ A•5 • • AK7~PA0127 * .N~HA RIVER * • * 55 34.7 * MANZANITA CRE• 131 1.2 * MIRROR LAKE • 25 * * • * * • 55 2q. 0 * • 131 7,q * * 23 * * * * * * 55 13.4 * NAOZAHEEN LAK• 131 21.q • • 6 * * * * * • 55 35.3 • • I b • K~TCniKAN NAHA RIVER • 13137.9 * * 55 * • SOUTHEAST * UN~EVELOPEO • • KETCHI«A~ C•5 • Alt71tPA012o * 1 5 * SOUTHEAST • • ORCHARD CriEEK • «ETChli\AII UNliEVELOPEO • KElCHII\A:II 0•5 * * • * * 56 c:q.q * OkCHARO CRE~• 131 2q.o ·· • . 60 * * * * * IS * * * 85b.O• * * H * IS • H IS 303.0• * * * * 60.0• * * H * IS • H IS -195.5• * * • .. 580.0• • * t AK7N?A01i!9 • PERSEVERANCE LAKE * 55 24.0 * H • * I 5 • ~EICrll!tAN ~ARO COVE CRE• 131 40.0 • IS • SOUT~EAST • UNDEvE~OPED * 3 • 37.4• • KETCHl~AII ~-& • * * • • * * * • AK7NPA0132 • I 2 • SOUTHEAST " • AKONPI.O!H • 0 . 2 * SOUT11EAST * • Stit.rl LAIIE • I':ETCHIK.I.i1 ur~OEVELOPED • 55 35.9 * FALLS CR REVI• 131 21.0 • • «E TCtfl«Aa'l C•3. • • UPPEk SILVIS LAKE * KETCHIKA~ BEAVER • CITY OF KETCHIKAN * KETCHI~AN 6•5 * 3b * * • * * * 55 22.6 * FALLS * 131 30.q * * 22 * * • H IS l:bii.O• * .. * H • OP * -574.q• • * 70.0 * 10000U * 2&8.7 * * * 116.0 • 0 * eq.q * * * 11u.o • v * 1aq.a • • * 50.u * 0 * 205.0 * * * 60.0 • 0 * 1bq.a • * * 35.0 * il~(i(l * s3q.4 • * 195.0 * 17'lUOu * 274.7 • * • bO.O * (j • 265.0 * * * 0 * 2b000 • 2b000 • • • 0 • 4000 • 4000 • * * 0 • 1500 • 1500 * • • 0 • bOOO • &OliO * * • 0 * qoqo • qoc.o * • * 0 * 3uoo • 3000 * • * 0 * 22000 * uooo * • • 2100 * 2001) * 4100 • * * 0 * 1211000 * 12400u .• * * 0 • 1811011 * 1&uoo • * * 0 • b3211 * 63.24 * • 0 • 2&000 * 261100 . * * * ~ . 411000 * . 44000 * • * 0 • 13.550 * 13.550 * " * 0 • 85000 * 851100 • • 5000 • 4q 111 • 511111 * * 4197.8 33.853 2414.0 13 q .·11 892.b1 141.111 1685.0 1>4.809 2bq1.6 ol.173 * * * • * • • * * • * * * * • • • * * • * * * * • • 8~4.30 * 1>1.745 * qq58.7 5a.JJe 28&_.20 5.8277 • • • • * * * *· * * • • YNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUYYYYY NNYYYUU UYY UUUUYU NNUUUUU UNIWUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUYYYYY NNYYNUU YNNNYUUYY NNUUUUU UMIUUUUUU • • • • * • • * • • * * • * * • • * . . • * • * * • • • • • • • * • • • • • ****************•************************************************•**********************************************•················· -·---·--~-------·-·-----·-----------· -------------- ;J> I N +="- Project Listing(continued) *•*****t******•~**********•**•**************~*************•***********•**-*******•*~******~************************w******•******* Sill !U * PROJECT NA~~ * LAT!TUUE •P~UJ.PURP,o UAM HT * EX!Sl.CAP, •~X ST.l~~G•A~GL. COST • tNVIRU~Mi~TAL • P~I~AAT CO, •NtM£ OF STREAM •LO~GITUUE * STATUS •TOT, STOR• INC, CA~, •IN .~~l~GY•ENE~~r CC~T• lH~£Cl CUOE • OEP ~CTV • O~~ER • OR,A~EA • AVE, a •P~R. HC, • TOT. CAP, •T~ .~~l~GY• * * CJQE. p;v • 1-'AP REFt.iiENC£ * (0 M,M) * * (FT) * (KI:) * M(.>;) • ( IOOJ S) ~ * * * ( 0 ~~. M l * * (,\ C F T) • ( K t) * ,,;,\ >-,; * ( lo /1-L\H) * • G E 0 G, ARE A * * ( S (l ,11! ) * ( C F S) * ( F T) * ( K l'i) * I<><") * SOCIAL IMPACT CODE • **************************•******************-***************************-*****************•~·~·········•*******•***************** * AKC~Pl2~UO * WH!TMAN LAKE DAM * ~5 17,9 * 0 • 3S,O • U * U • 324,q7 * NNUUUUU * * I o • ~ETCHI~A~ ftM!TMAN CREEK• 131 31.7 * IS • 0 * 3000 * !UOQ * !Oa,lS • 5~UTHEAST • CITY CF KETCHI~AN • ~ * 90,0• 329,& • 3000 * JJOO • ~ UNN~~Ul~U • ~ETCH!~AN 9•5 * * * * • • • * * • AK7~PAC13q • ~H!TMAN LAKE • I 5 • KETCHI~A~ CASE CREEK * 55 20,1 * * 131 32,3 * . ~ . • SCUTHE&ST • U~DEVELOPED • t.£T:Hl~~N ti•5, * * * AK~NPAQiqS * AGASHASHOK (lGlCHUK) * b7 13,0 * RIVER • lb2 30,0 • 12700 * * I b • KOdUK NOATAK • NORT"~E5r * UNDEVELOPED • ~ORTAK,A•I 1 A•2,8•2,8•3 * * Al<bNPAOlQb * I b * NORTHhEST • BUCKLAND RIVER * KOdU~ • UNDEVELOPED * CA~DLE 0•5, * • &KbN?AOIQ7 • FISH RIVER * l 5 * ~ObUK * NOqTH~ESf • UNUEVELOPED • SOLOMON D•3, * • AKbNPAO!SI * K!WALIK • I 5 * KOdUK • NORTHNEST * U~JEVELOPEO • * C~NDLE D•b, • AKbNPA0l49 • I b * tOORTHI'IEST * KOI:!UK RIVER • KO<lU~ • UIJll~ VELOPED • BAI~u MT, A•1, • • * b5 3.5 * BUCKLAND RIVE• lbl 3.0 * FISH RIVER * 2410 • * * b5 5b,9 • * lbO 30.0 • .. 1120 * * * * • bS 53,5 K!WALIK RI~ER• 1b1 53,Q • KOBUK RIVER * 1bl * * * b7 7.9 * * .159 7,0 * 71)40 • • • • * Af.bNPAO!SO -KOGOLUKTUK RIVER * bb 58,9 * * I 5 * KOo~K KO~CLUKTUK Rl• 1Sb 37,9 * • NORTHftEST • UN)E~E~OPEO • 412 • • SM0~GNA( o-2. • • • t AKbNPA0152 • KUGRUK • r s • ~o~u~ * NORTH~EST • UNDEVELOPED • * * bS 5t:.O KUGRUK RIVER * lb2 4~,9 • * 655 • * H • IS •45,6• * • * 90,0 * 0 * 379.b * * * H • t5o.o • IS • 7500000 • 103b0,0• 12'>,d * * H • IS 332&.0• * * 120.0 * 0 * 102.11 • * * H IS * 120,0 * lOOOVOU • 994,0• 102.b * * * H * IS * 457,0• -* H * IS * H 1S 7873,0• • • 48Q,O• * ~ H • IS * 4q2,0• * * 220.0 • b4UOOOO * 20'l.7 * * 125,0 * 0 * 113,6 * • • 85,0 * 178500 • 04,9 • 230.0 * 304(10 * 224,7 * ·• 0 * 2500 * 2500 * * • 0 * 1BbJOO * lt.e.(';O * • * 0 * lbOOO • lb000 * • * 0 • 13000 " l3C0Q * * 0 • 11l000 • !~.tO:.lO • * * 0 * 12000(/ * l200v0 • • • 0 * 8000 • oroo • • * 0 • 1 ;·. c 0 0 * l':OQO • 0 • 11'>8b * 158b .. • * u * --~:?COCV ~ "'~ ~ ') " ·~· 'J ~ * • 0 * 79000 • .. ~:. ij .J • 0 • D~UOO * ~·'j\• 0 ~ • • 0 • bOOOO * ; •,rjo * • (/ * $20v00 * StcoJVO * * * 0 * 37001) • 7~;)0 * • 0 * '.:lt'vo • '-(:IJJ • 877,78 l5,7o2 2J9t>O 2'· ., 220 t3b2~ 17C:.4b l C II b lbo,bl IObOS 17b,75 25573 54,321 280&,1 75,8'10 1?197 10 7. q * • * • * " a • * * * * * " R * • * * • • * "' * • • • * * * • NNUUUL~ UNNI.Jl-UL.uJ Yt'.UUu\.iu Ui\hUI.:J: \U NNUUUUU UI;N.;U:.J'.'I.JU NNPUUT .;I.~U<,'U~ r 'J NNUL!UL•!.J UNNU<.!O.:l:i.U YNUt;uuU uNNU:.iUliNU NNUUUUU UN~UHY1Y NYUUUVY UYY!J~UlJ'J~ • • * * • 1t ~ ~ • • ~ ~ * • • • • • * * BEND£LdEN D•2 * * * * ~·•********•*****i****••••*******~***•***********~*•*•****•****-****~~···~···· ~-~~ ·~··~- * 2~-~··~·'*~·······~~~·~·~~~~ -~~·~~ 7' N \JI Project Llsting(continued) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • SITE IO • • OEP ACTV • COOE IrlV • • • GECG. 4W~t. • PKOJECT IJAME PRI~4RY co. -NA~~ OF Ot<;>.E~ MAP ;!t.fE~ENCE STREAM • L4TllUDE •PROJ.PURP.• OAN HT • tXlST.C4P. •LD~GilUU~ • STATUS •TOT. STOR• I~C. CAP. • OR.A~~4 * AVE. Q •P~;!. HO. • TOT. CAP. • (0 M.lol) * • (FT) • (l(o'l) • (0 ~l.M) * • (AC FT) * (Ki'l) • (SU.t·lll • (CFS) * (FTJ • (!(>') •EXIST.ENRG•A~UL. COST • •INC.E~~~GY•ENE~GY COST• •TOT.t;>.E~GY• • * (HnH) * (1000 S) * * (M~H) * (S/M~H) * * (M~H) * * Ell'il RUI<1~EIH AL 11'4PACT COOt sec IAL I~PACT COOE • • • • • • ·······································································•****•*******************************••····················· • AKb~<P.\015J • MlSH~GUK • 1 II • KOBUK • NORTH .. EST * UI.OE VELOPEO • • iUIRll MT 0•& • • • •K&~PA01S4 * ~~~lUKTUK • ·I o ·• 1\0dUI( • ~ORTHAESt • uNDEVELOPED • 8AIR~ HT. 0•3. • • &7 56.9 • NOATAK RIVER • 1&1 38.9 • • 8 7 so •. • • .. • • &7 S8.o • NOATAK RIVER * 1&0 15.0 • • 7000 • • • • • • o\KbNPA01Sb • UPPER KOBUK RIVER • bb 4b.9 • • I 5 * r,QRTH.;EST • K~dUK KOBUK RIVER • 1Sb 11.0 * • 2970 • * • AKbNPAOiS7 • I fl * llORTHIIEST • • • IJ~;OE VELOPEO • SHUIHihAK 0•1. • • UPPEN I~CRTAK * K06UK • UNIJE't'ELOPED • 6Alk0 MT~S 0•3 • • AK7NPA01S9 * AY4KULIK • I · 5 • KOUit.K • so CE~TRAL • U~OEVELOPED * * 1(/.riLUI( A·~. * • • .\KN~PA0171 * ORY SPRUCE a I 5 • ~JDlAK * SO CE~TRAL * CwC FISHE~IES * • KOU!AK D•4 • * • ~K7N~A01&0 • fRASE~ LAKE • I 5 ·• KOUJAI( • ~U CE~TH&L • UN~EVELOPEO * * KARLUK o\•1 • • AKbNPA01b1 • KARLUK LAKE • I b • KOOIA~ * SO CENTRAL * UNDEVELOPED • * KH<LUI( C•1 • • • • • &7 5&.9 • NOATAK RIVER • 1&0 11.9 * • ·. 7 050 • • • 11 • •·57 13.1 • AY.KULIK RIVE• 154 2~.9 • • 181 • .. . • • * 57 55.4 • ORY SPRUCE BA•~1S3 3.0 * • 1 • • • • • • 57 11.2 • DOG SALMON CR• 1'34 10.1 • • 72 • • • • • • 57 23.0 • KARLUK RIVER • 154 '3.0 • • 1&5 • * • H * IS • 7735.0• • • H * IS • b21fi.O• * • H * IS • 303&.0• • • H • IS • 4970.0• • • H * IS • 455.0• * • H * OP • c.o. • • H * IS • 179.0• • .. H * IS * 414.0• • 205.0 • 0 • 196.& • • • 245.0 • 0 • 1&5.8 • • * 90.0 • u • 61.9 • • • JJO.O • (I * 279.7 • • • a5.o • 0 • 1110.8 • • • 0 • ·u * bOO.O • • * s.o • 0 * 301.& * • • -200.0 • 0 .• 343.& • • 0 • 1741000 • 174000 • • • 0 • 140000 • 11;0000 • • • 0 • 23000 • 23000 • * • (/ . 211000 • 211000 * • * 0 • 10000 • 100\lO * • • 75 • 295 • 370 • * * 0 • 7000 • 7000 • • .. 0 • 180110 • 18000 * • 0 * 7fiOOOO • 7&0000 • • • II * &13000 • b13CIOO * • * 0 • 1141100 * 114001/ • • 0 * 92&4171 • 92&471 • • • 0 * 41'!00\l • 4'l<i00 • • • 328 • 940 • 12&8 ·• • • 0 * .32000 • 32000 • * • 0 •. 851/011 • 85000 * • 2Hil2 35.713 241&17 40.158 8801.& 77.207 30114 32.5U4 blb3~8 125.79 • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • .. • * * • • • 33.5&5 • 35.708 • • * .. 2370.3 • 74. 73 • 5399.0 fl3.518 • • * • • * YNUUUUU UNNUUUUNU YNUUUUU UtlNUUUUNU NYUUUUU Ut.NUUUUUU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUNU YNUUUUU . Ul'lNUUUUNU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU vrwuuuu UNNUUUUUU YNUUUUU UNNUNt;UUU • • • • • .. • • • • • * • • * .. • • • • • * * • * • • • * • • • * • • • * * * * * * * ., •. * • • ~1(7~PA01b2 • OLGA BAY * 57 3.9 * H * 115.0 * 0 * 0 * 3418.5 * YNUUUUU * * I 5 • KOO!AK OLGA NARROWS * 154 3.9 * IS • U * 8000 * 37UOO • 92.392 * * • SO CEI'lTRAL • UNDEVELOPED * 335 * 980.0• &3.9 * 8000 * 37000 * * UNNUUUUUU * • 9 KARLUK A•1 * * * * * * * * ******************W****************************************************************•********************************************** . . . -···· ·-··----------·---------_.__- :r N 0'- Project Listing(continued) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • SITE IO * PROJECT NAME * DEP • Cv:>E • * PRIMARY CO. -NAME OF ACTV * O~NER lNV * MAP REFERENCE * • GCOG. AREA * STREAM * LATITUDE •LONG I TUOE * OR.AIIEA • (0 1'4.1'.) * (0 M.M) * (SO.MI) •PROJ.PURP.• DAM HT * * STATUS tTOT. STOR• * AVE. Q •PhR. HD. • * * (FT) * * * (AC F'T) * • (CFS) • (rl) • EXIST.CAP. II~C. CAP. TOT. CAP. (KW) (I(~~) (K"') •EXIST.~NRG•ANUL. COST * •lNC.ENfRbY•ENE~GY COST• •TOT.l~ERbY•· * * (M~~) *· (1000 ~) * * (M~H) * (S/MWH) * * (H~M) * * ENVIROI>MEiiUL IJ.\PAtT CuOE SCCIAL IMPACT CUOE • * • * * * ·······································································································~·························· * AKSHPA0170 * ONE MILE CRlEK * 57 2.5 * H * 10.0 * 8 * 70000 • 0 * NNUUUUU * • I 9 * ~OOIAK ONE MILE CR K* 152 23.9 * OP • 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • • • SO CENTRAL * NE~ tNGLA~O FISH CO. * 15 * &2.0• 300.0 * 6 * 70U00 • * UNNUUUUUU • • * KODIAK 0-1 * * * * * * * * • • * AKbNPA016Q * SPIP!OON LAKE •I S•II.OOIAK * SO CENTRAL * U~OE~tLOPEO * KOOUK C-5. * • * AK7~PA01b5 * SPIRlOON RIVER • I 5 • KOOI~K * SO CENTRAL * UNDEVELOPED * I<OOIH 0-6 • * * A~7NPA0166 * TERROR LAKE * I 2 * KODIAK • SO CENTRAL • UHDEVELOPEO * * I<OilJAI( C•Q• • • • AI<N~PA01&9 • U~AHIK * I ~ * KOUIA~ • • * 57 40.0 • SPIRIOON LAKE• 153 .40.0 • * 2i! • * * • • * 57 40.9 * SPIRIOON RIVE• 153 36.9 * • 23 • • * * * • 57 40.0 * TERROR RIVER * 153 &.0 * • 17 • * * * • * 57 45.9 * CRATER CR KOD• 153 33.0 * • SO CENTRAL * I~TEWCO~STAL ot KODIAK C•ll PKG. CO. * 15 * * * * AK7NPA0167 * UGANI( * I b * ~OOIA~ * SO CENTRAL * UhOEYELOPEO • • KOOIAI< C-5. • * AK6NPA0172 • I & * SOUTHwEST .. • * * Ci!OOII.EO CHEEK • I(USI(U~I'IIM * U"'OEVEL0PEO • SLEETMUTE 0-6. • * HOLY CIIOSS * * * • • 57 ' 41.0 * UGANIK RIVER "'• 153 23.1 * • 97 * • * • * • 61 49.9 * KUSKOKWIM RIV• 156 0.0 * * 311CIO * * • • • * AK6NPA2613 • 0 b * YUKON * KUSKUK~IM YUKON RIVER * 62 15.0 .. * 159 40.0 * * 320000 • • UIHJEVELUPEO * * HOLY CROSS A•1,A•2. * * H IS * * * 61.0• * • H * IS • H IS H CP 600.0• • * * * 99.0• • * * * 32.0• * * H * IS * &53.0• * • H * IS * 44753 .• 0• • • H * IS * 79562.0• • • zu.u • . (I • 459.5 • * • so.o * II * 269.7 * * • 70.0 • II * 1146.8 * • • s.o • (I * 1&2.0 • • * 25.0 • 0 • 89.9 • • • 355.0 • u * 351.6 * • * 120.0 * 0 • 93.9 • * * 0 • 6000 • &OUO * • • 0 * 2SOOO • 2501)0 * • • 0 * ~0000 •. 20000 • * * 30 • 0 • 30 * • • 0 • 2oooo • 2b000 * * * 0 • 2140000 • 21110000 • * * • 0 .. 241100 * 24110b * • • (I * 1(17653 • 1071153 • * * u * 13911011 * 139000 • • • aoooo • 0 * ~00011 * * • 0 • 1U51U ~ 11"651!1 * • * 0 • 9110 0 1.100 • 9111100011 • * * 0 * 0 • 2800000 • 12300000 • 2800000 * 12300000 • * • 1910.2 77. b 34t16.3 32. 3(!·5 277 C! .1 19.9113 0 0 5995.9 51.1162 87929 9.351;2 9543b1 77.590 • * • * • • • * • • * * * * * • * * • * * * * * * * * • * • • * • * * Yt'tUUUUU UNNUUUUUU 'rNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU YNNYYNN YNNYYNUYY N~UUUUU UjljNUUUUUU YNUUUUU U~NUUUU U U 1\NUUUU U U:"-41\UUUU UU NNYYYliY UYYUNNNYY • • * * • • • • • * • • • • • • * • * • • • • • • * • * • * • * • * • * * * * • * •• * • • AK7NPA0173 • KUSKOKwiM RIVER * 62 4.9 * H * 75.0 • 0 * 0 * 47&0.0 * NNUUUUU * • I 5 * KUSKOK~IM KOSKOKWIM RIV• 153 i9.9 * IS • 0 * 15000 * 72U00 * b~.112 * • * SOUTH~EST • UNDEVELOPED * 8711 * 159.0• 173.6 • 15000 * 72000 * * U~NIJUUUUU * * * HC GRATH A ··1 • * * * * * * * * ********************************************************************************************************************************** .... -------------··-----·-·--------·-----·-----· > I N ....... Project Listing(continued} _ ___:.· ·----·------ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • SITE IU • PkOJECT NAM~ • LATITUUE •PRUJ.PURP.• UAM HT • ~XIST.CAP. •tXIST.tN~G•ANU~. CVST • tNVI~U~MEhTAL • • PRIMARY CO. •NA~E OF STREAM •LONbiTUOE * STATUS •TOT. STOH• INC. CAP. •INC.EN£~GY•ENEkGY COST• IMPACT CUOE * • OEP ACTV • Ofth~~ * O~.AREA * AVE. Q •PAR. nO. • TOT. CAP. •TOT.~NtRGY• * • • CODE I~V • MAP ~EFE~ENCE * lD M.M) • * (FT) • (~~J • (M~HJ • (1000 S) • * • • (0 M.M) • • (AC FT) • (~w) • (MhH) * (i/M~H) • SOCIAL • * GECG. AREA t * (SU.Mll * (CFS) • (FT) • (~w) • (MAH) • • l~PACT CODE • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • AKbNPA0174 • BELUGA LOWER * b1 15.0 * H • &0.0 • 0 • 0 • 425&.8 • NNUYVUU • • I S • MATA~US~A-SU BELUGA RIVER * 151 0.0 • IS • 0 • 15000 • 72000 • 5q.122 • • • SO CEI1TRAL * UN0fYEL0PEO * q50 * 2470.0• 48.q * 15000 * 7Z~OQ • • UNNUUUUUU • • TYONEK A-3. * * • • * • • • * * • AKbNP&0175 • UELUGA UPPER * 0 2 • MATAhUSKA•SU t SO CENTRl L • U~UEVELOPEO • TYOioEK 8•4. • • AK7NPA0146 • BOULDEH CREEK • I 5 • MATANu~KA•SU • .SO CENTRAL • UNOEVELO~tO • • HEALY d•1 • • AK7NPA017b * BOULOE~ CREEK • I 5 * MATA~USKA•SU • SO CENTRAL a ·uNOEV~LOPEO • * ANCHO~AGE 0•4 0 • * • AK6NPA0177 * CACHE • I 5 • MATANUSKA•SU • SO CENTRAL • U~DEVELOPEO •· TAL.KEE T :•A ~1TNS • AKb~PA017~ • CARI~OU CREEK • I 5 • MATA~USKA•SU • SO CENTRAL * U~OEVELOPEO • AhCHURAGE 0•2, • • • AKbNPA0182 • CHULITNA EF • I 5 • MATA~USKA•SU • SO CENTRAL • UNUEYELOPEU * • HEALY A•5. • * * • &1 15,q • BELUGA RIVER • 151 15.0 • * !140 * * * • • • &3 17.2 • BOULDER CREEK• 147 q•q • . ~~~ . • • • • 1 * &1 40.0 * BOULDER CHEEK• 149 4.9 * • 90 .. • * • * * b2 33.<1 * TALKEETNA RIV• 149 11.0 • 750 • ·c-5. • * • • • 61 4&.q • CARIBOU CREE~• 147 l4.q • • 2b0 • • • • -• b3 10.0 • E FO~K CHUL!T• 149 ~5.0 • * • * 1l5 • * * • AK6NPA0181 • CHULlTHA JURRICANE • &3 4.q • klVE• 14<1 115.0 * • I 2 • HATANUS~A·SU CHULITNA • so CEN.TRAL • UIIOEVELOPEO • • HEALY A•&. * AK&NP40179 • CHULITNA WF • I S Y MATANUSKA•SU • 30 CENTRA~ t UNDEVELOPED * • HEAL~ A•b. • 7q5 • * • • • * b3 6.9 • ~.FORK CHULIT• 149 l5.Z • • 355 • • • •· H * IS * H IS 2484.0• * • * • 92.5• • * H • IS • 113.0• . * * H. • IS • H IS 14SO.O• • • • • 304.0• • • H * IS • 331.0• • * H * IS • 2bZZ.O• * • H * IS • ll8:l,O• • • 180.0 • 0 .. 141.8 • * * 91.0 • q1llb5 • 917.11 * • • 200.0 • 0 • 131S.t. • • * 340.0 .. 7~0(100 • 299.7 • * &20.0 • 0 • 52&.4 • • 420.0 • 0 * 379.& • • * 230,0 • (I • 20&.7 • • * 300.0 • 0 • Z8&,7 * • • 0 • 48000 • 4!1000 • * • 0 • 7000 • 7000 • • • 0 • 14000 • 14000 • • • 0 * bbOOO • b&OOO • • • 0 • 19000 • 19000 • • 0 • 12000 • 12000 • "' • 0 • 34000 • 34000 • • * 0 • 14000 • lt.IOOO • • • 0 • Z10U0v • 2lOUOO * * • 0 • 35000 • :ssooo * • • 0 * &<1000 * b9000 • * • 0 • 21l9bOU • Zo9&0<I * • • 0 • 90000 • qoooo • • • u • 5900U • ~qooo .. • 0 • 1&&000 * 1&&000 • • • 0 • &8000 • UIIOO * • 111 '13 53. b& 2853.4 81.526 51q1.4 75,ZJ9. "89&9.2 30.971 15aqs 17&.&1 &701.7 113. 5!1 7118Z.3 .45, 74 54b0.4 00,300 • * • •· • • • * * • • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • Nt.U'fUUU UliNUUVUUU NhUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NN'fHUU UNNUUUUUU NNYYYUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UN'fUUUUUU NNUUUULI UY'IUUUUUU • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • *************•******~A•********************•*****************************••****************~*· *********************************** -----------· ------·· ··--------------------,- > I N 00 Project Llstlng(contlnued) ·········-························································································································· • SITE ID * PROJECT ~AME * LATITU~E •P~UJ.P Uk P.• OAM HT * EXlST.CAP. •EXlS l .E~WG•A~UL. COST · • ENVlH~N~ENTA~ * * ·*PRIMARY CO. •NAME OF STREAM ·~ONGITUJE • STATUS •TOT. STOR• I NC . CAP. •INC.ENiRGY•ENERGY CO~T• IMPACT CVOt • • OEP ACTV * O~NiR * DR.A~EA * AVE. 0 •P~R. HO. *TOT. C~P. •TUT.ENERGY• • * • CUOE INV • MAP REFtRENCE • (0 M.Ml • * (FT) * (K~) • (M~H) * (1000 S) * • • • * (0 M.M) * * (AC FT) * (~") * (M~H) * (S/MWH} * SOCIA~ * GEOG. AREA * * (SU.Ml) * (CFS) * (FT) • · (KW) * (M~H) • • IMPACT CODE ······~··························································································································· • AK7NPA0180 * CHUNlLNA • 1 5 * MAT~N~SKA•SV • SO CENT~AL • UNDEV~LOPEO • TAL~EETN& 8•1. • • • A~b~PA0183 • COAL • E . 5 • MATANUSKA•SU • SO CENT.RAI.. * UNOEVELOPEO * • TALKEETNA MTNS • * • AKbNPA0184 • COAL CHEEK * I 5 * MATANUSKA•SU * SO CE~TR~L • U~UEVELCPEO * • ANCHOkAGE 0•4. * * • b2 119.9 • CHVNILNA CREE• 150 0.0 * . •: 211U * * • • • * b2 57.3 * CHULITNA RIVE• 1119 43.5 • 0•&. • 965 • • * • * • &1 4&,9 MATANUSKA RIV• 148 10.0 * • 1120 • • • * • • AK4NPA005b * COOK INLET TIDAL * &1 9,6 * • 1'50 9.5 * • 1 4 * MATANUS~A··U COOK INLET . t SO CENTRAL * UNDEVELOPED • * * * ANCHORAGE A•8. * *· * * AK7NPA0187 • 1 5 • SO CENTRAL • • DEAD~AN CREEK * ~ATA~USKA•&U * UNOt~ELOPtO • * • b2 55.8 • DEADMAN CREEK• 148 22.8 • . * lbO * • TAL~EET~A MTNS 0•3. • • * • • • • • * • • A~&~PA0185 • DENALI USBR PROPOSA~ • b2 112. • E 5 * MATANUSKA•SU SUSITNA RIVER• 1~117 311. * 1260 * • SO CENTRAL • UNDEVELOPED • ,; lALKEE l NA MTNS C•2 • * • • AK&NPA018b • E 6 • DEVIL CANYO~ * H~T~~USKA•SU * U~DEVELOPEO USBR PROPOSAL * 62 116.9 * SUSIT~A ~IVER• 149 1~.9 • • SO CENTRAL .. ·• AK611PA0188 t D 2 • SO CENTR AL • • · sa 1 u • * lALK~ETNA MTNS 0•5 .. * * * DEVIL CANYON • MA T"ANUSKA•SU * UNDEVELOPED • TALKEETNA MTS * • NPA PROPOSAL * &2 48.9 • SUSITNA ·HIVERt 149 18,9 * * 51111.1 * D-5 0•4, * * H *" IS * 524.0• * • H * IS • 3312,0• • • H • IS * 2208.0• * * H * IS • 0• * * H * IS * . 483,0• • * 175.0 • 0 • 197 oil * • * 2&5.0 * 0 • 240,7 * * • ll10,0 • 0 • 290.7 • • • 75.0 • 0 * 12.0 • • * 110,0 • 0 • 9b1.0 • • • H • 268.0 t SI • 4400000 • 3191,0• 397,5 • * • * * H • 63S.o • SI • "97060u ~ 9510.o• 574,11 •. • • . . • H~C t b35.0 • FP * 1050000 * 9227.0• 5711.11 * * * 0 • 5000 • 5000 * • • 0 • 1100110 • 40000 * • • 0 * 611000 * &11000 • • • 0 * 0 * 0 • • • 0 • 34000 • 3110110 * • • 0 * 92522 • 92522 • * * 0 • 738000 * 7380UO • * • 0 • 77b000 * 7':oOUO • • u • 25000 • 25000 • * • 0 • 193000 • 193000 • • • 0 • ]U7UOU • 3i1700U • • • 0 * 0 . * 0 • • • 0 • l b5000 • 1b5uoo • • it 0 • l9bu59 • 39b059 • • * 0 • 3205UOO • .32 0SU0 u • • * 0 • 3410000 • 31110UOO * * O!ll91.4 99.b5& 933b,3 4!1,3711 11230& 137,80 0 0 7822.2 47,407 19680 49,b'H 31540 9.1:111(19 l9324 11.532 • • * • • .. • • * * • • • • • • • * • • • • • * • • • * • * * * * ;, • • * * * NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUNfl UUU NNYYYUU UNNUliUNUU NNUUUUU UNNOU.UUNU NNUYUUU UNNUUUUYU NNUUUUU UYNUUUUUU Nf-;UUUUU UYNUUUUUU NYNN NUN UNNNYNUYY • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • * • * • • • * • • • * • • * * • • • • • • * * * • • * * * * * .• • • AKJNPA0225 • EKLUTNA DAM * b1 24,b * H t 20.11 ~ 30000 * 1b4000 • 0 * NNUUUUU * * 1 4 * MATANUS~A·SU EKLUTNA RIVER• 1119 9.4 • OP • 213271 • 0 • 0 • 0 • * ~ SO CENTRA L * DUI USBR • 119 * 187,8• 11'51.0 • 300110 * 1&4000 • • UNNUUUUUU * * • ANCHORAGE C•5 * * * • * • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• > I N \0 Project ~istins(cont!nued ) . - ···············································****************••*************••••················································ SrTE .ID • CE? ACTV • • CUD~ lNV * • • GECi;. AREA • PROJECT. N.\ME PRlMlRf CO. •NAME OF O;.ljl;.f( HAP iiEFERENCE STREAM • L.ATITUOE •LO:-.G ITUOE • DR.A~E.\ • (0 M.lol) * (0 H.H) • (SO.MI) •PRUJ.PURP.• OAM HT • • STATUS •TuT, S!~W• • AVE. Q •P~R. HO. * • • (F T l * • • (AC FTl * • · CCFS) • CFTJ EXIST.CAP. INC. CAl'. TOT. C.OP. (KW) (Kill) (h) •EXISl.tN~G•ANUL. COST - •INC.I:.Ne~GY•ENE~GY COST• •TOT.~NER~Y• . • * (MrlH) * (1000 S) * * (MrlH) * (S/M~H) * * (Mi'IH) * • ENV IRUN"'ENT .\;. IMPACT CUOC. SOCIAL. IMPACT COQE * * .. • ······················································································~············································ • A~7hPAOldq • EMERALO • 1 5 • M~TlNUSKA-SU • SO CE~TRAL ~ UNDE~EL.OPEV TYU~~K C-a • • ~l(b~IPA0190 • GOL.O • 0 -'-b • MATANUSKA-SU • SO CEiiiTNAL • U~OI:.VEL.OPEO .. * TALKEEfNA MTS • • • il(7~?l0191 • ~R4N1TE GORGE • l b • ~IIAUUSKA-SU • ~0 CE~TW&L • U~~EVEL.0~t0 • • TAL~~ET~A Ml~S • • • AK7NPA0192 • GREE~ST~NE * I b * MATANUS~A-SU • SO CENTRAL. • UNDEVELOPED • • TAL~fET~A MTNS * AKb~PA~l~3 • ~lTES • I S • ~ATA~USKA•SU • SO CE~TRAL. * UNUEVfLOPEO • • TYC11EK 0.•5. • • • A~6NPA0194 • HICKS SITE • 1 5 • ~ATANU~~A·SU • SU CENT~AL. * UhDEVELC~EO • • A~CHOR~G& U-3 • • AltbNP&0195 • IR~N CWEEK * bl 45.1 • SKWENTNA kiVE• 152 43.~ * • 510 • • irr • • • b2 44;0 * SUSITNA RIVER• 14~ 41.9 • * &1bU • C-b D-b 0~5. • * TALKEETNA as. TAL.ItEETNA c-s. • • • b2 27.u • RIV• 1119 2&.9 • • a&·s • • • * * * &2 31.9 • • 1119 . 2.0 * • 79u • • * • • • &1 sa.o • SK~ENT~A RIVE• 151 51.0 • * 1730 • • * * * • bl 47.9 • M~TA~USK~ RIV• 1~7 118.0 • * 950 * • • * . • • b2 21.3 • •. 1 , 5 * M&iANUSKA-SU I~ON CREEK • 1119 1b.2 • * <!10 • • SO CENTRAL. • UNOEVE~DPfa . • TAL~~ET~A MTNS B-5. • • • AK&NPA019b • KASH~ITNA ~ I 5 * MiTANUS~tA-SU • SO CENTRAL. • U~DEVELO?Eo · • * A N CHO~AGE 0-8 • • AK&t1PA0197 • KEETNA KASHWITNA • 1 2 • MATANUSK~-SU TALKEETNA • SO CEr~TIUL • UIIOEVELOPEO • • ·TALKEETNA HTS 6-& * * • • •·&1 57.~ * RIV• 1119 Sb.O • * 270 * * • • • •. b2 2&.5 • RIV• 1119 111.& • • 1250 • • * H * IS * 1090.0• • * H * IS • 1Ul21.0• * * H * IS * 1&00.0• • • H * IS * 1587.0• • * H * IS • 4830.0• * * H * IS • 1794.0• * • H * IS * 552.0• * A H * IS • 570.0• • H * IS • 2400.0• ' 285.\) * (J * 3b5.& • • * 2lo.o • (J * iee.8 • • * 200.0 * 0 • 1115.5 • • * 1&0.0 • 0 * 303.b * • • 210.0 * 0 * 10b.8 * * * 300.0 * 0 • 280.7 * • 35o.o • 0 .• 199.6 • * • 240.0 • u * 2311.7 * * • 3&0.0 * 910000 * i!8S.7 * * 0 * 37000 .. 1'7000 • * • 0 • 2&0000 * Z&UOOO • • • 0 • 72000 • 720\10 • • * 0 • 51000 * 51000 * • * 0 * &9000 • 89000 • * • 0 • 59000 * 59000 • • • 0 * 31000 * 31000 * * * 0 • 20000 * 200u0 * * • 0 * 74000 * 711000 • • u * 17700{1 • 177000 • * * 0 * 1139000 • 1139uOu • • • 0 • 34500i/ • 345000 • • * 0 • 211&000 • 246000 * • • 0 * 4291/00 * 42<;000 • .. • 0 • 28bi/OU * 2&6000 • • * 0 * 147000 • 1471)00 • * * 0 • 11''11711 * 89178 • • • 0 • 324000 • 324000 * • lUSH 59.$09 25199 .22.1211 54113.0 15.77& &733.3 27.371 1591!1 37.253 * • • * * • * .. • • * .. .. • • * • * • * * • * * * 13779 . • 118.179 • • • • 112511 * 7&.5~9 • 1739& 19!i. 7 9843.7 30.382 • • • • * • * * * • * • NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNYYUUU UYYUUUUUU NNYYYUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU IINUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUYUUU UNYUUUUUU NNVUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNYYYUU UN NUUUriUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU * " * * • • • • • * • • • • • • • * • • • • * • • * * • • * • • * • • • • * • • * •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• =r w 0 Project Llstlng(continued ) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • SITE IO • P~O~ECT N~ME • LATITUDE •PHOJ.PUkP.• DAM HT * EXIST.CAP. •EXlST.ENkG•ANUL. COST • E N VlRU~ME~TAL • • • PRIMARY CO •. •NA~E OF STREAM •LONGITUDE • STATuS •TOT. STOR• lUC. CAP. *lHC.ENERGY•ENE~GY CC~T• IMPACT CUOE a OEP ACTV • O~NER • OR.AWEA • AVE. Q •P~R. ~0. • TOT. CAP. •TOT.E~ER~Y• • ~ CJOE l~V • MAP REFERENCE • (0 M.M) * * (FTJ • (KW) * (M~ri) • (1000 S) • • * • (0 M.M) * * (AC FT) * (kW) * (M~H) • ($/M~H) * • CEQG. AWEA • • (SU.MI) * (CFS) * (FTJ * (~W) * (Mn~) • • SOCIAL lM;ooACT CuOE • • • ·······J··························································································································· • A~~~PA0196 • KING MTN . * &1 1~.0 • H ~ 300.0 • O· * U * l~~ijl • ~NYYYUU • * ! ·o· • ~1ATI.NUSKA•SU I'.ATNAUSKA RIV• 148 1~.~ * IS * 0 • 410000 • 210000 • o9.913 * • • so CM R/.L • Ul;!iE VEt.O~EO . . * 1 &35 • 3174. 0• 275.7 • 4q 000 * 21 OiiOO • .• UYYUUUUUU * • .U~Cr1UilAGE 0•5. • • • • • • • • •· * * * • • •.. • * • • AK&NPA019~ • LAKE CNEEK LO~ER , &2 * 151 • 6.9 * o.o • 33!1 • • 1 5 •·MATANUSKA•SU LAKE CREEK • SO CENTR !L • ur;OEVEL.OPEO • • T£L.~lETNA A•2. • • * • * • AK7~PA0200 • LA~E CREEK UPPER * &2 2&.0 • * 151 27.9 • • I 5 • MAT£NuSKA•SU LAKE CREEK • SO CENTRAL • UNDEVELOPED • • TALKEETNA 8•3. •. * AK&NPA0201 * LANE * 0 6 • ~ATA~USKA•SU " • SO CENTRAL • .U~OEVELOPEO . • TA~KEETNA · C•1 • • AK6NPA0202 • LO~ER CHULITNA • 0 & • MATANUS~A-SU • SO CENTRAL • UNOfVELO~ED • • TALKEETNA 8•1 • * • AK&~PA0203 • LUCY • I 5 • H~TANUSKA•SU • SO CENTRAL • UNOEVEL.OPED • * TA~~EETNA MTNS • • * AK&NPA0204 • MCLAREN · HlVER • I 5 • MATANUIKA·~U SO CENTRAL • UNDEVELOPED * GUL.KANA D•&. • * • ~K&NPA0205 • MOOSE CREEK • l 6 • MATANUSKA•SU • SO CthJRAL • U~DEVEL.OPEO • • ANCHURAGE C•&. • • * ~~~ * * • * • * &2 32.~ • SUSITNA RIVER• 150 4.9 • i .&250 * TALKEETNA HTS • • * * • &2 ·33.9 * CHULITNA RIVE• 150 14.0 • * 2600 * • • • .. * 62 55.0 * CHU(ITNA RIVE•.149 ~7.9 ~ D&o * 1050 * * • * * * &2 57.0 •. MCLAREN RIVER• 146·22.0 • * 48~ • • • • * * &t 45.0 • MATANUSKA RIV• 148 111~9 * • 2070 * • 1t • * H * IS * 980.0• • * H * IS • 248.0• • * H * IS * 10360.0• * * H * IS * 8771.0 .. * * H * IS • 3586.0• • • H * IS * lQ4b.O• • * H * IS * 4027.0• • • 250.11 * 0 * 304.& • • ·* 125.0 * 0 * 559.4 • * • 190.0 • 0 • 1&8.8 • • • 200.0 , 0 * 811.9 • • * 200.0 * (I • 1&5.8 • * • 290.0 * 0 • 262.7 • • 180.0 • 0 • lf•5.8 • 0 • i!20UO • 22000 * • • 0 • 15000 • 15000 * • • 0 • 240000 * 2400u0 • • • 0 * QOOOO * QOOOO * * * 0 • 150U(i • 15000 • • • 0 • 550110 * 55000 • * • 0 • 21000 • i!10110 • * * . 0 • 105000 • 1051100 • * • 0 * 711000 • 74000 • • • II ·• 10521100 * 1052000 * • • 0 • 394000 * 394000 • • * \) * 71000 * 71000 • • * 0 • 2&3000 * i!&30011 * * • 0 • 100000 • 100000 • • • 5496.8 52.3.50 4378.1 ~'1.1&4 198'10 18.907 17837 45.272 • * * * • • • * * * * * • * * • .. * * 8102.9 .• 1l4.12 .. 325&2 123.00 7713.& 77.131> • • • * * * .. • * • • * * rmuuuuu UNNUUUUUU IINYYUUY UYNUNUUUU NNUYUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUYUUU UNNUUUUUU NNYYUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU · UNNUUUUUU ljNYYYUU. UNNUUUUUU * • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • * • • • • • • • • • 1t • • • • * AK&~PA020& o OHIO * 62 57.3 * H * 2411.0 * 0 * II * 80&i!.6 • NNYYUUU • * 1 5 • H1TANUSKA•SU CHULITNA RIVE• 149 43.5 * IS . • 0 • 30000 * 1441100 * 55.990 * • • SO CENTRAL • UNOEVELOPEO * '11& * 30&4.0• 223.7 * 30000 * 1440011 -• * UNNUUUUUU • * • TALKEETNA MTNS 0•6. * . * • * * * * * •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ----·-- ~ w ~ Project Llstlng(continued) ---------------------~-- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~I7E IO • PkOJECT ~AMt • LATITUDE •?aOJ.~~R~.• CAM HT • EXIST.CAP. •EXISl.iN~G•A~UL. COSt • ENVIkONMLNTAL • • C~P • PRIMARY CO. •NAK~ OF STREAM •LU~GIT~DE • STATUS •TOT. STDR• I~C. CA~\ •INC.E~fRGY•EN£~GY CO~T• IMPACT CU~E • ACTV • O~~E~· • UR.AWE& * AVE. U •P~k. HD. • TOT. CAP. •TOT.~hERGY• • * • CuD<: I~V • M&P REFE~E~CE * (0 K.M) * * (FT) * (KW) * (M~H) * (1000 S) • • * (0 ~.M) * * (AC FT) • (K~) * (MAH) * ($/M~H) * ~OCIAL * • CC:OG • .l.iiEA • • (SO.MI) • (CFS) * (FT) • (K~) * (MAH) * * ,IMPACT CUOE • ········*··············~~·······················~················································································· • A~7~PAOZ07 • PAL~EW * bl 3Z.9 * H * . 5u.O • 0 * u • 72U0.2 * N~UYUUU * • I 5 • HATA"USKA•SU MATANUSKA RlV• 1Q9 Q.9 • IS * O.• 1b000 • 79U00 • 91.1~2 * * • SO CE"TRIL • U~DEVELOPEO • 2070 * Q027~0* 1&5.8 • lbUOO * 79000 t • UhYUUUUU U • :.~4Cr1V""r.t c-a. • lf.b~oPt.OZC<I • PURI:ITCN CR!::EK I 5 • Mt.TAI:USK-t.•SU • SU "CE~TRAL * U~OEVELC~E~ * • • M•CriOR:.:>E D•li. • • • • • b1 Q5.9 * MATANUSKA RIV• 148 0.0 • * 108Z * * • * • • • H * IS * 2070.0• * ·. • AK71iPAOZ09 • RUSH L~KE • I b ·• M~T&NUSK~·SU • b1 119.9 • "11 BO~LOER C~EEK• 1Q8 1S.O • IS * 108,0• • SO CENTRAL * AKbiiP/.0210 • I 5 * SO C£1\TRAI. • ·a .\o(b~ll>A0211 .• 0 2 • SO CENTRAL • U.7NPI.OZIZ • I 5 SO CENTRAL. * •· t.K6 ~P&OZ13 • 0 . . & • SO CENTRAL. * • UNDEVEL.C~EU • A~CHO~.I.G~ 0•4 •. * SHEEP CREEK • ~ATANUSKA•SU SHEEP CREEK * U~UEVEL.OFEO * li.LKEETN.I. MTNS 8•5. * &9· * • • • * •. &2 18.3 * * 149 27.9 • * 366 * ·* .. * * • SK~ENTIIA (HAYES) • b1 51•9 • • M~lANUSKA·~U ~SK~ENTNA .RlVE• 152 7.0 * 95(1 * * U~OEVCLO~EO * • TYO~EK 0•&. * * * * * • STRAIICLINE LAKE -.• * 61 29.0 • • H~TAIIU~K~·SU 6ELUGA RIVER * .15! 58~9 * * UNUEVEL.OPEO • 54 t • T~O~EK ~-5,8•6. TALACHUL.lT:iA • MAT AIWSKA•SU UNOE~EL.UP£0 • TYONEK ll•4. * * * * • &1 51.9 * SKWENTNA RIVE• 151 l2,0 * • 2ZSO * * * * • * AK6NPA0214 * TAL.ACHULITNA RIVER * 61 45,9 * • I 5 • MA TANtJSI(~·SU lALACHUL ITNA * 151 27. 9. * • ~0 CENTRAL • U~UEVELCPEO • lbU * • r TOI<EK C•ll. * • * • • t.KbhPA0215 * TALKEETNA RIVER (SriEEP) * &2 21.9 * • I 5 • HA7A~USKA·~U TALKfETNA RIV• 149 4&.9 * t SO CENTRAL • UNDEVELOPED • 17911 * • TAL~~ETNA MTNS 8•&0 • * • * H * IS • 750.0• • * H * IS * H IS 2Ei24o0• * * * * 159.0• * * H * IS * b21&.0• * * H * IS * 994.0• * * H * IS * &072.0• * * .38U.O * u * 290.7 • * 5.0 * ll * i191.1 • • 350.0 * 5401i00 * 3119,;, • • * 3bO.o • " * 290.7 * • * s.o • 0 * 851.1 * • * 130.0 * 0 * 123.8 * * * 250.0 * v • 230.7 • * * 125.0 *. 0 • 90.9 • * • * 0 * &7000 • 670tl0 * * * 0 * 9000 * 9000 • * * 0 .• 37000 * 37000 * • * 0 * 98000 * 980110 * * • 0 • 17000 • 17il00 • * * 0 * 75000 * 75000 * * * 0 * 28000 • 2~0\10 • * * 0 • 31000 * 310(;0 * • • • 0 • 3240011 • 32Qil00 * • • 0 • 115001) * <15000 • • ' * 0 * 330000 * 3:5000 u * • * 0 * 49000(1 * 490000 • * * . 0 * 810011 • 8111011 * • * u • 139000(1 • 1l9000U * . * * 0 * 137UOi) * U7000 • • * 0 * 149000 * 1119UOU * • 32328 .99. 777 1373.4 :SO.SO!O 7509.9 22.757 14713 30. 27. 2874.7 JS.II90 10978 7.1!981 . 13230 9t..S72 • . . • * * • * • * * • * * * * * * • * * * * * * * • * • * * * * • • * * 10988 * 73.7119 * * * t.NUI,IUUU UIINUUUUUU m-.uuvuu UN!'>UUUUUIJ NNYYYUU UNijU\JU\JUU NNUUUUV UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNYYYUU UNNUUU\JUU NNYYYUY· UNNUUUUUU t.NUUUUU UNNiJUUU UU • * .. • • • * • • • * • • * * • • • * • • * .. • • • * * • * • • • * ****• * ***fll ** * *** *** *•* **• * tft .8 * ************ **** * * ** *** **** ***.*.a:~·-·-~···~-*.11:A'.1l'W ·····----~··~tl~!_~************ * ** *** **** * .... ** ****** ** ** **. --· ---------·----------------... _____ ,... -------··· . --------- > I ~ N Project Llsting(contlnued) ------~==-:.::___ __ _ ····················································································~············································· SITE 10 • PWOJECT NAME * LATITUDE • P~lMARY CO. •NAME OF STHEAM •LONGITUDE • • OEP ACTV • O~hEW * 0~.4REA • CODE INV • MAP REFERENtE • (~ N.M) * • • CEOG. AREA * • (0 M.M) • (SC.HI) •~RUJ.PUWP.* CAM HT * • STt.TUS • •TOT. STORe AVE. ·c •P~R. ~0. * • • (FTJ • * *(ACfTJ• • (CFS) * lFT) * EXlST.CAI'. IIIC • C AI' • TOT • Ct.P. (UJ (Ktl) (Ko'i) •EXlST.tNNu•ANUL. CUST • •INC.ENLRuY•ENER~Y COSTa •TOT.E~tRGY• * * (M~HJ ·a (lUOO $) * a (Mt~H) * (~/M~H) * * (M~H) * * ENV !iWM4ENT AL lHi'ACT CCOE SOCIAL l"'P.t.CT CUOE * • • • • * ·································································································~································ • A~&~PA~Z1b • TALKEETNA Z • b2 28.0 *· H · • 375.0 • 0 * 0 • q487.o · ~ ~NUUUUU * • 1 2 • MATANUSKA•SU TALKEETNA RIVe 14q 2Z.O • IS • 0 * qoOOO * 4U644& * Z3.34l • * • SO CE~TRAL * UNOEVE~OPEO • dSO • · 1bSO.O• J6q.b • qooOO * 40b~4b • • UNNUUUUUU • • • TALKEETNA HTNS 8•5. • * • • • * • • • * • • • • * * • • • AK&NPA021~ • TO~lCHlTNA * b2 33.q * H * 235.0 • 0 • 0 * 2~281 • NNYYUUY * 1 b • MATA~USKA•SU CHULITNA RIVE• 150 11.q • IS • 0 * 184000 • 80&000 • 27 •• ~4 * • • SO CENTRAL • UNOEVELOP~D * ZSbU * 8&54~0• 185o8 • 184000 * ~UbUOU • • UNNUUUUUU * • • T~LKEETNA C•1o * • * * * • • • • * * AK7NPA021q * TRAPPEH • 1 5 t "HAlA~U~KA•SU • SO CEHT~AL • UNOEVELDi'ED • TAL~EETNA ~TNS • • * • &2 32.q • TALKEETNA RIV• 14q 3.0 * c-5. • 7b0 • * * • * • AK7NPt.0220 • VEE USSR PROPOSAL • b2 42.0 * RIVER• 147 32.0 * * 111~0 * • E & • ~ATANU~KA•SU SUSITNA • SO CENTRAL • UNDEVELOPED • • TA~kEETNA HTNS C•2. * * * * • • • AK&~PAOZZZ • wATANA NPA PROPOSAL * 0 "z * MATA~USKA-~U SUSITNA • t.2 ~8.q • RIVER• 148 :su.q • • SO CENTRAL • UNUEVELO~EO * 5180 " • • TALKEETNA HTS 0•4,3,2 C•2,1.• * * * * • AK&hPA0221 • WATAN~ USUR 'PROPOSAL • 62 ~~-~.q • RIV~• 148 30.q * • E b • SO CE14TRA~ • MATA~~S~A·SU SUSlTNA * UNOEVELOPED • 51811 • * TALKEET~A MTNS 0•3 * * • • AK&NPA022l • wHIS~ERS ··0 5 • HATANUSKA•SU * SO CE14THAL • UNDEVELOPED • * TAL~E(TNA 8•1 • • * AK&NPA02211 • YENTNA • 0 2 •.MATANUSKA•SU • SO CENTRAL • UNOEVELOi'EO • * AK&:lPA03q1 • 1 5 • NORTHwEST * • TYOo',EK C•2 • • * AN'IIK RIVER * NOME • UNOEVELOPEO t UNA~AKLEEK 8•3 * * • &2 26.0 * SUSITNA RIVER• 150 1.q * C•1. * b320 * * * * * • &1 3b.q • YENTNA RIVER * 150 32.0 * * &4011 * * * * * • b2 II:S.O * ANVIK RIVER • 160 2b.q * * 2~00 * * * • H * IS * 1573.0• • • * 250.0 * 0 * 244.7 • * * H * 425.0 * SI • 2820~00 * &533.0• . 2q1.5 * * * * * HRC • 1110.0 • FP • q&2QIIUO * 8137.0• b5q.3 * * * • • H • ~~~o.o • lS • 34UOOOO * 83113.0• 424.5 * * * H * IS * 103&o·.o· * * H * IS * 17611.0• * * H * IS * 130.0• * * • 1110.0 • 0 * · s8.q • • * 120.0 • 0 * 81.9 * • * 125.0 • 0 • 75.0 • * * 0 • 45000 * 45000 * * * 0 * &llb&09 • 611b&Oq * * * 0 * H2000 * 7q2ooo • * * • 0 • 21&000 * 2lt>OOO • • • 0 * 1230.!22 • 123(1222 * * * 0 • 3411000U • .3111101100 " ·• * • 0 * II * 476000 •. 70110000 .• 478ooo * .7uuouou * * * 0 * 811000 * 81:000 * * * 0 * 21qooo * 21qooo • * * 0 * 1400 * 11100 * • • * 0 • 36800(1 * 3b80ou * * * 0 • q&ouoo • q&oooo * * * 0 • 5qsoo * 59~00 * * 101t>O 47. "110 31b8& 25. 7Sb 625&8 n.q7q llbSO 4.8072 1 b8 311 _45.7411 3&qqo 38.4Jq 5995.& 100.7b * * * • * * * • • * * * * * • * • • * • * * * * * * * * • * * * * • • NNUYUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UYNUUUUUU NYNNNUN UNN"!YNUq NNUUUUU urr-.uuuuuu NNYYUI,JU UNNUUUUUU NNYYUUY UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUYYYY * * • • • • * * * * • • • * • * • * * • • • " * * * • * • * • * * * • *******************************************************************************************************************************••· -----·-----------------·.-. -----------·- ~ l \..;.) \..;.) Project Listing(continued } --***'*'~··········································*******•~···················~···································••**-••••••t•*•** S!TE !D P~CJECT NAM~ * LAT[TUOE •?ROJ.PJRP,• UAM HT • tXIST,CAP, • ?~~~~~~ CO, -u M( OF STREAM •LG~~i100E • STATUS ~TuT, S!O~• !~C. CAP, * OC? J,CTV • 0~~ ~ • JR.A~~A * AVE. Q •P~k. HO. * TUT. CAP. • ~0JE l!fV • ~;"-p RU iiENCE • (0 t1,M) • • (FTl • (K,,l * (0 M,,..) * • (AC FT) • (J<.,·,) • GCCG. A~t~ * • ( S 0. '·ll) • ( C F S) • ( F T] • ( r< i'i) •EXIST,EN~G•ANUL, COST • •I~C.ENERGY•ENE~GY CC5T• •TO~*i~~~GV• {M~H) * {1UOO S) • (~~H) o [~/M~H) o ~~~H) * * ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CU~[ SOCIAL HlPI.CT CODE " ···························-·························•*******************•·~···••••****************************•*****************• • AKb~PA0~2o • KULIT~IN RIVER I S • NJ~E • ~ORTHA[ST • U~UEVELOPED • J.!!,7~,PA0227 • l 5 * t.01l T~nE S T * 8Et~~ELi6EN A•b. * SALMOf~ L~~E • NOME • U~DEV!LO?ED * SOLOMO~ O•b • ~K&N?AD226 * Tu~SUK • I 5 • \OME * NOAT~hEST • ~~0EVELOPEO • • TELLER A•2, * • • A..;7NPA024'l • BAOGtR BAY LAKE * bS 13,U KUZITRIN RIVE• 1bb 0,9 • 179u • • • b4 54,9 * KRUZGAHEPA Rl• loS 0.0 • • 107 * • • * • &s 13,8 • TUKSUK CHANEL• 1bb 1,4 * * t:~75 * * • • • I 5 • SOUTHEAST • OUTE~ KETCH! BADGER * 55 13,0 BAY LA• 130 ij5,9 * • * * ur,::JE VELOPEO • KETCH!..;&N &·3, * lK7NPA02GS • B&KE~ELL I~M • I 5 * OUTER KETCMI • SOUtHEAST * uNDEVELOPED • KETCHIKAN 6-2. * * 8 • • • * * 55 18,'1 BAKEWELL ARM * !3D 41,9 • * 20 * • * * * H * IS * 3138.0~ * .. 3&<3.0• • l2o.o • il • 9-.,<;l • * &s.o • \) . 15~.3 • * H • t9v,o • IS • 7000000 • H IS H IS 2597,0• 18o.o • • * • * 90,0• -* * * 195.0• * • • 5b,O • 0 * 329.& .. * 35,0 * 0 * toll,o • • AK7NPA02Cb * CHECATS * 55 29,0 * H * * llU.O * • I b * OUTEK KETCH! CHECATS L~KE * tlO 48,9 * IS * • SOUTHElST * U~UEvE~OPEO • 15 * 80,0• * • u:P~li'AOQ'17 • ! 2 • SOUTHEAST * • KETCtii~Ar~ ~-3. • * • • • CHESTE~ LAKE * 55 7.1 * • OUTER KETCri[ NICHOLS OFFST• 131 3),& • • MEILA~ATLA PO~EA & LIGHT * ~ • KETCHI~AN A•S • * * • • • AKbN~A0247 • CHIC~AM!N RIVER • Sb o.o RIV• 130 37,3 • ~&2 * • ! b • uUTER KElCH! CH!CKAMIN • SOUTHEAST • U~0EVEL0PE0 • 6?AOFIELD CANAL A•2 " AX1NPA02Q8 * I b • SOUTHEAST • OA'IlS RIVER * OUTER KETCH! • u.',DE VEl.CI'EO * KETCHI~AN 0•1o DAVIS RIVER * * * * * 55 45.3 * * 130 10,3 * * 7~ • * H OP " * * 2&.0• * * H * IS * H IS b&24,0w • * • • 920,0• * 0 * &99,3 * • 12,0 * 0 • 749,2 * .. • 7u.o • 0 * 227.7 * * • 301.1,0 * 0 * 3bb,b * * 0 * 14000 * 1, 4000 • .. 0 • 5000 * 5000 • • • 0 • boOOO • &:>000 • 0 * :noo • :noo • 0 • :noo • 3300 * • • 0 * eSOO * esoo • * * 0 • 2500 • 2500 • * • 0 • 150000 • lS.\!\iOO * • 0 * 28000 • 260VO * 0 * 67000 * o7000 • * * 0 * 24000 • 24000 • • • !) * ?39(!01) * 2~900\1 * • 0 • 20000 • 20000 * * * () . 2100v * 21000 * • * Q * 37•nv • "!,7410 • • * 0 • 5~21 • 5<!21 • * * 0 7UOOO • ?!:.1\JO\i • * 0 • :31000 * 3l 000 * " 1121.1 Q lol;l.~t3 3007,4 125.30 141 b I Q9, 2 1125.7 5'>.2!l& 14&4 ·• 4 b9,7lb * " • * * • • * • • .. " * • * * " • * * * 181!0.3 * ~0.2b3 * 25<1,':>5 ll6,755 9723.9 13.375 5888,8 44.953 • * * * • " * * • " • .. r~Nuuuuu UYYUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU fil'H yy u' UUUUUNUNU HIUUUUU UNNUUUUYU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUYU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUYU NliUUUUU UNNUUUUUU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUYU YNUUUi.iU UNNUUUUiiU • * • * • * * * • • • • * * • * * * • * • " * .. • **********•••••••********•**•**•*********•*****•*~***********************~*'•*'**•~¥s••x•i ~ ~7**••••*•*•*******~******~*••••••*** =r w .,... Project Listing(continued) ************************************************•********************************************•*************•·······~··•*********•* SITE 10 • PkOJECT ~AME • * PRIMARY CO. •NAMf OF • DE? ACTV * O~~tR * CUDE !NV * MAP REFERENCE • GEOG. AREA • * LATITUDE •PROJ.PURP.• DAM HT • tXIST.CAP. STREAM •LUNGITUUE • STATUS •TUT. STOR• INC. CAP. * UR.AR£A * AVE. 0 •P~R. HD. • TOT. CAP. * (0 M.M) * * (f'T) * (KW) • lD M.M) * * (AC fT) * (I<'J>j) * (Sil.Ml) * (CFS) • (FT) • (KI'I). •EXI5T.ENWG•ANUL. CuST * •INC.ENtRGY•ENEHGY C05T• •TOT.t~ERGY• * * !M~rl) * (1000 $) * * (~~H) * ($/M~H) * (M~H) * * ENVlkUNMENTAL lMPACT COOt: SOCIAL IMPACT CODE * * * * * * ·············································································································*···················· * &K7NPAOZ29 * EAGLE • 1 5 • UUlfH KETCHl EAGLE LAKE * Sb o.u * * 131 2'5.0 * * 115 * * SOUTHEAST • u~UEVELUPED * BRADFIELD CANAL A-5. * * * * * • AK7NPA0250 • GRANITE CREEK • l o * OUTER KElCrll • SOUTHEAST • UNDEVELOPED * . • KETCHIKAN C-3. • * * * 55 110.0 * GRANITE CREEK• 130 55.0 * * 'I * * * • * • &KbNPA0251 * HIDDEN INLET LAKE * 511 SB.O * • I 5 • UIJTEH KETCH! \'jATERFALLS CR• 130 22.0 * • SOUT~E~ST • UN~EVELDPEJ * 10 * • KETCHIKAN A-1. * * * • * &KbNPAOZ52 * HUMPBACK LAKE * I ~ • OUTE~ KETCHI • SOUTHEA~T •. u~DEvELDPEO • JUNEAU A-5. * • * AI< 7ljPA 02 30 • LEDUC * * * 55 0.9 * HUMPBACK CREE• 130 37.9 * * 34 * * * • 55 Sb.O * * • I b * SOUTHEAST • OUTE~ KETCrll LEDUC RIVER * 130 51.0 * 7 • * ~~DEVELOPED * * KElCHlr<4N D-3. * • • AKbNPAOZ31 • MARTE~ 4~M LAKE * * • * • I o * SOUTHEAST • OUTE~ KETCH! MARTEN LAKE ·* 55 8. 0 * * '130 37.0 * • UNuEVELOI'E'-1 * * KETCH!r<AN A•2 * * AKbNPA0233 * PU<;C~1il0•'L LAKE • I • b • OtiTE~ 1\ETCHI • SOUTHEASt • UNDEVELOPED * • r<ETCHIKA~ C-3 * * • Al'(bNPA0234 • PIJIICHBOO'IL LAKE • 1 b * OUTER KETCnt • SOUTHEAST • ~NUtVELO~ED • i<.ETCnii\Ar< C-3 * • AJ<7NPA0232 • PUNChdU~L CAlEK * b * * * LO~ER * 55 30.9 ?UNCHSOWL CRE• 130 47.0 • * 12 * * * * * UPPER * 55 26.0 * PUNCH~O~L CRE• 130 ~4.0 • * 3 * * * * * • I b • OuTE~ KETCrll PUNCHBO~L * 55 31.'1 * CR * 130 45.'il * • SOUTHE.i.ST • UNlJEVELOt>to * 111 * * * KETCHIKAN C-3,0•3. II * H * IS • H IS 1143.0• * * * * 113.0• * * H * IS 105.0• * .. H * IS * H IS H IS H IS H IS H 1S 310.0• * * * * 84.0• * * * 118.0• * * * 153.0• * *. * * 37.0• * * * 1711.0• • 5.1) * 0 * 284.7 * * * bO.O * 0 * 8b2 ol * * * 150.0 * 0 * 2'19.7 * * * 25.0 * 0 * 2'19.7 * * * 15.0 * 0 * 12111.0 * * * 10.0 * 0 • 50'1.11 * * * 21.0 * 0 " b31.3 * * * 35.0 * 0 * 1266.7 • * * 7 5. 0-* 0 * b21.3 * .. 0 * 2000 * 2000 * * * 0 * BOOO * 6000 * * * 0 * 5000 * 5000 * • * 0 * l4000 * 14000 * * • 0 * 14000 * 14000 * * • 0 * 3500 * jj00 * * * 0 • 15000 * 15000 * • * 0 • 7000 * 7000 * * * 0 * ~s.vco • 15000 * * *•**'*••~s••••••••••••***********************'***********•************************~~w•••••• () * '1~00 * '1500 • 0 • 39000 • 3'1000 * • * 0 * 20000 • 20000 * * 0 • b2000 * i>2Ci00 • * • 0 • b.?OOO * b2000 * * * 0 * 16000 * lbOOQ * * * 0 * ,";i-..51 0 • 6·<l7o * 0 •· }!234 * l .. ~l4 fit * * 0 • :~tivOO * {.4000 * * 1199.3 12o.ZII 15311.7 39.353 1852.4 92.b24 2&03.4 111.9"10 1991.7 32.1211 9bb.35 b0.3'17 18b1.7 28.920 1135.0 3&.340 2'l30.2 45. HIS * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * • * * * * • * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * • * NNUUUUU UNNUYYYY'I' YNUUUUU UN~UUUUIIIU YNUUUUU UNNUUUU~U YNUUUUU UNNUUUUNU YNUUUUU UNIIIUUUUNU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUYU * • * • • • * • * * • * , • * • * * * • * • • • • * • • * * • • • • • • * • • * • .. * * ··f~'*********•**************•********* ~ ..., 1,11 Project, Listing(continued) *********•******•***********~******•*****•*******************•**************•********tttttttRt*************•*********~************ * SITE IO * ~NOJECT NAM£ * LAIITUUE •PNOJ.PUNP,• OAM HT * tXiST,CAP, *EXlST.tNNG•~NUL. CUST * EhVlNUNMtNTAL • * *PRIMARY CO. -NAME UF STAEAM •LON~IIUUE * STATUS •iUT. STOR• INC. CAP. •lNC,llltN~Y•ENENGr COST• IMPACT CODE • * OEP ACTV * O~~EN • O~.AREA • AVE. Q •PWN, HO, *TOT. CAP. •TOT,tNiRGY• * * * COOE INV • MAP REFERENCE * (0 M,M} * • (FT) * (K>~) • (~\,.H) * ( 1000 $) • • * (0 loi,M) • • (AC FT) • (KW) * (M>'<H) • ($/M,.,H) * SOCIAL * • GEGG, AREA * * (StJ.Ml) * (CFS) * (FT) * (Kfl) * (Mitl'l) * * lMP.t.CT CuOt: * ····························································································•*•********************··············· * AKI~PA0253 * PURPLE LAKE * 55 3.q * H * 24.0 * 3000 * 10~00 * 155.34 * N~UUUUU * * I 5 • OUTEN KETCHl PURPLE ~AKE * 131 15.q * OP • 0 • 1400 * U • 0 • * * SOuTHEAST * CITY OF METLAKAT~A * 1 * 70.0• 320.0 * 4400 * 2770 * * UNNUUUUUU * * •KETCHIKANA•5 * * * * • * * * • • AK7t1PA0235 • RED L.t.KE • I b • vuTEo< KETCiii • SOUH<EAST • ur<OEvELOPED • ~ETCMl~AN A•2. • • • AK7NPA02l& * RUDYERO * I b * OUTE~ KETCHI * SOUTHEAST * UNDEVELOPED * ~ETCHIKAN C•2• • • * AK7NPA02J7 • SAKS COVE * • 55 e.o • REO R BOCA OE• 130 30.q • " 44 * * .. * * • 55 35... * NONAME MINOR * 130 3&.0 * * 8 • • ,. * * • I 5,• OUTER KETCHI SAKS CREEK * 55 5&.0 * • 131 a.q • 22 * * SOUTHEAST • UNDEVELOPED * * KETCHIKAN 0•4. • * AK&NPA0234 • SAL~ON RIVER * I 5 * CUTE~ K~TCHI • SOUTHEAST • UNDEvELOPED * * * * • 5& 02. * SALMON RIVER * 130 10.0 * &5 • * BRAUFIELD CANA~ A•l. • * * * • * * AK&NPA023'f * SHHOKUM • I o • OUTEii t<ETCHI • SOUlHEAST • UNDEVELOPED * * KETCHIKAN O•S. • * AK7NPA0240 * SHORT CREEK * * 55 56,0 * SHELOKUH CREE•'131 37.q * * 17 * * * • I & • OUT£~ KETCHI REFLECTION • • * 5b o.o * ~"'* 131 :so.q • • SOUfHEASf• • U~UEVELOPED " 1 q * * • 6RAOFIELo CANA~ ~-5 * * * * 9.0 • • • * AK7NPA024l * SPUR • 1 b * OUTEW KETCHI * SOUTHEAST * UNuEVELOPEO * • &RAOFIELO CANAL * * * AKbNPA0ii!42 * 1 5 • SOUTHEAST * • ;jii..SU~ RIVER * OUTER KETC11I • ut;OE VEL.OP£'\0 • 1\ETCHII<.AN 8-2. * 5& NONAME MINOR * 131 , ... 4. * * * 3.q * 1U * .. • • sa ca.o • wiLSON RIVER * 130 37.0 * '* 70 * * • H IS H IS * * Sbb.O• * * • * 87.0• * * H * IS • co7.o• * * H * IS * •6&6.3• * * H * lS * H IS H lS H IS 21&.0• • * .. 21&.0• .. • * * 115.0• * * * * 773.0• * • 165.0 * 0 * 3111>.1) • * * s.o * \) . 1b73.3 * • w 125.0 * 0 • 620.3 * * * so.o * 0 * sq • ., • • * 110.0 * 67000 • 34'f.b * * w 45.0 * obOOO • 324.o * * * 25.0 * 0 * 17o&,o * * .. 170.0 * il * tos.a • * * 0 * 2~+000 * 24000 * * 0 * l'fOOO * 1'1000 * 0 • 15000 * 15000 * * * 0 • &000 • 6000 • 0 .. 10000 * 10000 * • c • 10000 * 10000 * • * 0 • 24000 * 2<1000 * " .. (J * 15000 • 1::iOUO * • * 0 * 1041000 * 104uou • • * 0 * 53000 • 63000 * 0 * 72000 • 72uOO • * * u * ,34oOu • ?'<&01) • * ' . 0 • 50331 * SC.Bl • 0 * ,, r, 7 3 ') • 4o73q, • * • 0 * IOS:,oo • lll'SIJ()O * * * u • 1!000 • 11000" * 4033.5 38.764 • • * * * * 224b.7 * c7. b8, * * * • ':>536.5 * 7&.923 * * * * 21":15.'1 * !>3,1151 • i!Oui!,4 39.785 2251.2 48,1oS 2108.7 20. 83 5SoS,o 76,)&1 • "' * * * * * • • * * " * * * * • * * * • • YNUUUUU UNNUUUUNU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUNU NNU'JUUU 1JNNUYYTt..Y NNUIJUUU UNNUYYYNY NNUUUUU UI'>NUYYYNY YNUUUUU IJNNUUUIJYU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUYU * * • • * * * • • * • • * * • • • " • • * * • • • * * • • • "' * * * * * • • • ••******~*•*•••••••••••••••••***************************************************·••••a~•****• ·~~••••••••*•******•***~******••••••• > I l,.t.) Q\ Project Llsting(continued) ···············~·····························~,················································~~···················t~············ * SlTE 10 * P~OJECT NAME * LATITUDE •PROJ,PURP.• DAM HT * EXlST.CAP. *EXIST,ENHG•A~UL, COST * EN;l~UNHENTAL * • • PRIMARY CO. •NAME OF STREAM •LONGITUDE * STATUS •TOT. STOR• INC. CAP, •INC.ENERGV•ENENGY COST• IMPACT CODE * • OEP ACTV * O~NtR * UR,ANEA • AVE. Q •PWN, HD, * TOT, CAP, •TOT.ENERGY• w * * CODE INV • >UP REFERENCE * (0 M,MJ * * CFT) * (11>'1} * ("h~t1) • ( 11100 $) • • * * * (0 M.~l) * * (AC rT) * (IIW) * (~;·,H) * (:1,/r~~H) * SOCIAL * • GEOG, A~Eil * * (SQ,f.II) * (CFS) * (FT) * (KW) * (Mi'<ri) • * IMP.IICT CODE * •••••~••••••••••~•·••••••••••••••*****************•***•************•***W*~*••***W*******~**~***~'*********•~•••••*•****•~****•**** "' AK7,;1'AOa4l * wir•~TANLEY * I S * OUTE~ KETCHI * SOUTHEAST * U~OtVELOPEO * • KETCHI~AN 6•3, * " * 55 <!4,2 * WINSTANLEY CR• 130 52.5 * . * 13 * • * • * * AK7~PA0104 • BLAC~ SEAR LAKE * Sb 32.9 * * I 2 • PRI~CE UF ~A BLICK BEAR CR• 132 0.5 * * SOUTHEAST • UNDEVi~OPED * 1 * • • C~AIG C•3 * * * • • AK7NPI02&B * KEGAN CREEK • I 5 • Pill'ICE OF tiA * SOUTHEAST * U~UE~ELOPEO • * CR4lG A•l, • * * AK7NPA02i9 * KLAKAS L&~E • I 5 * PRl~CE OF til * SOUTHtAST '* U'IUf IIELOPEO * CRAIG A•l. * * * AK&NPA0271 * KUGEL LAKE • I 5 * PRINCE Of wA • SOUTHEAST • U~DE~ELOPED • * CRAIG 1•1. • * ~ AK7NPA0395 * LAKE NA~Y • I 2 • PRINCE uF wA • SOUTHEAST • U~DEIIELOPEO * CRAIG 6•2 * * * AKPNPA0272 • LINKUM KEGAN CREEK IJNNAMEO KUGEL CREEK * * 55 * 132 • * * • 1. 1 * 9.2 * 9 * • • * 55 o.o * * 132 22.9 * * ll * * * * 55 1,<1 * * * 132 15.0 * * 8 * * •. * • * 55 2b.O * OLD FRANKS CR~ 132 29.0 * * i!7 * * * • * * I b * ~HINCE OF wl LINKUM • SOUTHEASt • PA(lFIC AMERICAN FISH • ' • CRAIG C•l * 55 31.7 * CR KAS• 13? 23.9 * t * * * AKI>I'IPA025'1 * I 5 * SOUTHEAST * * • • LUCK LAKE * PRINCE OF •A * UNUE~ELOPEO * CRAIG * EAGLE CREEK * * * * * ss 57.0 • * 132 112.9 • * 23 * * • • • H * IS * H IS -105.1• * * * * 13.5• * * H * IS * •119.8• * * H * IS * 130.0• * * H * IS • 70.0• * H " IS * ;!40.0• • • H * OP 10.0• * * H * IS * 200.0• * * 50.0 * ,, 0 * 31111.c. • .. .* 28.0 * 6900 • 14Sb,S • * * 20.0 * 0 .. 109,& * * * so.o • 0 * uq.a • • "' liO.O * 0 * 42&.s * * * 30,() * 95000 * 2&4.7 * * * 7.0 • 0 * 300.0 • * * 120.0 * 0 * 119.1! * • ~ 0 • 5000 * 5000 * * * 0 * SO\lO • 5000 • * .. 0 * 1300 * 1300 • * * 0 • 2000 * 2000 • • • 0 * 110()0 * 11000 * * * 0 * 91)00 • 9~00 * .. ~ 17 * 45'13 * 4So0 • * * 0 .. 5000 * JOOO * * • A•7NPAG255 * HELLEN LAKE * 55 12.0 * H * 35.0 * D ~ • I 2 • PNI~CE UF WA RtYNOLDS CREE• 132 36.0 • IS * 0 * ~~ * * SOUTHEAST * UNDE~ELOP~ • 6 * 62,0•. bbll.l * ~OQO • • • SITKA 0•3. * * • * * •••••****k*~········••••••t••········~·***********~··*•~·······***••••••*******•***~········~ 0 * 24140 * .2!!1'10 * * * (J ·* 22000 • 2avoo • 0 * 5bCO • Sb\ill • • * 0 * lOOOv • 10000 * • * 0 • q.,)QO • \91>00 • * 0 • 423:10 * jj(!JOO * * .. ..:; * '..72 * :>91 7 • • • 0 ..., lS\lOO • l5V()i) * • • ') . .!::::cv * 3~UOU • • 1'17&.b 1>1.170 97b. q 44.367 9'10.92 16S. Z 9<1'1.88 99.988 9"4&.86 "'"·"~'11 2101>.<1 '1<1.1109 '19<!,6<1 55.551 22<~5.2 149.1.>8 * • • * • .. * * " * • * * • * * * * • • * * .. • * • • * • * .. • * * * * 1250.4 * 41.111!12 * * * YNUUuUU UNNUUIJUYU YNNYYNN UNNNYUUYY YNUUUUU UNNUUUUNU NtiUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU 1'-.NUUUUU iJNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU * .. • .. • • .. * * .. • • • .. * * • * .. • .. • * • .. .. s • • * .. • • * • • .. .. • * .. • • ~~··****··························~* :r w ...... ~ "«--~----·---~----------~------.. Project Listing(continued) ···············••*****•***********************************************************•*********•·················••**********•******* * l>ITE ro PNOJECT NAME • PI!M4RY CO. •NAME UF • OEP ACTV * O~NER • CUDE lhW • MAP REFERENCE .. * * GEOG, A'IEA • STREAM * LATifUUE oPAOJ,PUAP,o DAM HT * EXIST,CAP, •LONGITUDE • STATUS •TOT. STOR• lNC. CAP, D~.AAEA * AVE, 0 •PwR. HD, • TOT, CAP, * (D ~1.M) • * {~ T) • (Kfi) * (0 M,M) * * (AC i'T) * (KI'>) * (SU.MI) * {CFS) * (f'T) " (Kw) •EXISr,lNNG•ANUL, COST * •INC.t~~RGY•ENERGY COST• •TOT,lNlR~Y• * * (M~rl) * (1000 $) * LHNrl) • (S/M~HJ * o (M~rl) * ENVIRUNMENTAL iMPACT CODE SOCIAL H<~?AC T CUOE • • • • .. * ·····················~···········************************************•*************••········~·-··#*****************•****•••****•• * A~7~PA025b • MYRTLE CREE~ • 55 4,3 * H • 21,0 • 0 * 0 * b09.9o * NNUUUUU * * I S • PRINCE OF ~4 MYRTLE CREEK * 132 3.8 * IS * 0 * 1200 * S700 • 107. 1 * • • SOUTHEAST • U~OEVELOPEO * 4 * 7&.0• 111.8 * 1200 * 5100 • * UNNUUUUUU * • CkAIG A-1 * * * * • • • • • • • * * AK7NPA0257 • NECK ISLA~O LAKE * so 5.9 * 7,9 * 18 H IS * • * I 5 • PNlNCE OF ~A NECK I SI..ANO I. • 133 * • SOUTHEAST * U~DEVELOPED • * PET~RSdJRG A•4 * • U7NPA02S6 • I 5 • SOUTHEAST * * AK7tiPl0c59 • I S • SOUTHEAST * " * AllbNPA02&0 * I 5 • SOUTHEAST • * • • NIBLACK LAKE * PRl~CE OF ~A • U~UEVELDPED * CRAIG A•l • HEYNOLOS CREEK '• PRINCE OF 114 * ur.DEVELOr'EO • CRAIG A•c. • * SALMON LAKE • PRINCE OF WA ,; U'WEVELOPED • CRAib C•c, • * AKbNPA02b1 * SHfPLF.Y LAKE * * • * 55 MYRTLE CREEK * 132 * * * • • 4.9 * 7.9 • 3 * • • • 55 14.0 * REYNOLOS CREE• 132 34.9 • * 7 * * • * * • 55 32.'1 * KARIA RIVER * 132 33.9 * lid *. * * * • H IS H IS H _IS 170.0• • * * • 1:>4.0• • * * • 75.0· • * • • 459.0• * • * So 4.9 * H • • 1 5 * PRINCE OF nA UNNAMED ~ 133 30.0 • IS * * SOUTHEAST * UHOEVELUP£0 • * AK7NF'A02b2 " I -< • SOUT~EAST • * * PETE~S~U~G A•b. * Su..;K.-AN LAKE • Pfi!:.C£ OF nA • UNUEVELOPEO * CRAIC. A•3. * •Kb~PA0263 * SUMMIT LAKE * I 5 • PRI~CE OF ~A • SOUTkElST * UNU~VELUPED * • C~AI~ ~~~ • • * b * 1>8.0• * * * * • 55 2.3 • SUKKWAN I..AKE • 132 4~,3 * • 7 * * * * .. * 55 34,9 * SUMMIT LAKE • 132 33,9 * * 4 * * • * • • H * IS * •3o.3• * .. H * IS • 37.0• • * * 55.0 • 0 * .• 119.b * • * s.o * 0 • 293.7 • * * 20.0 .. 0 • 114.6 * * • 43.0 * 0 * 89.'l * * 45.0 • 0 * 109.8 * • • 110,0 * 0 * 409.5 * * • 20.0 * 0 * 392.o • • * • 0 * 3000 " 30\JO • * • 0 * 3000 * :>OUO * .. • Q * nooo • 11000 * • • Q .. bOOO * bvOO * • * 0 * 1200 • 1200 • • • 0 * 230(1 * 2300 • * • 0 * 2000 * 2000 * * ., • 0 • 13S80 • 13S80 • • i) * 1252b ,. lZ!lc<> • • 0 .. :)4000 " 5'1000 • * • il " ;7501) " ;:~soo • • 0 • 1.1979 • 4'179 , * 0 • .0000 • 1-~uou * * (I • 9b80 • 9o80 • • 14'i<Z.2 lv'l.aa 825.14 c5,374 11\bt>.ll .S4.5oll 2545.2 "-i2.55S • • * * • * * * * • * * • • • • • * * * 614.84 1t>l.&5 • 779.15 77.'115 s•n.7'1 &1.756 * * * * * • .. • * * • NNUUUUU UNNUUUlJUU . NNVUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNuuuuu UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUU~UU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU • • • * • " • • • • • • * • * • * • " • * .. • • • • • " • • • • * * • • • AK7N?~02bq • IH~AN[ * 55 12.0 * H * 25.0 * U • ~ • 3~~6.7 * NNUUUUU * • I 5 * PRINCE OF ~A THOk~E RIVER * l3c 37.9 • IS * 0 * 17000 * 30000 • q7.8JG * * -. SOUTHEAST • UN::Jf;'EL0i'E1:J * lob * 15H!.O• 102.a • 1 HI·~O * 80000 • * UNNUUUUUU " * * CRAIG C •2, * " • • * • • * ***********a****•*•••***•*******************~***•******************•***********'·*~•~~*******~ ·7t~n~~*******•••••••••••~••••*•••••• =r loW ()0 Project Llstlng(continued) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • SITE IO • P~OJECT ~AME • LATITUO~ •PROJ.PURP.• "DAM riT • EXIST.CAP. •EXIST.tNRG•ANUL. COST • ENVIRO~ME~TAL • • • PRIMARY CO. -NAME OF STREAM •LONGITUDE • STATUS •TOt. S~OR• INC. CAP. •INC.ENtRGY•ENE~GY COST• IMPACT CODE • • OEP ACT~ • OftN~H • DR.~~EA * AVE. U •PW~. HO. • TOT. CAP. •TOT.ENERGY• • • * CODE IUV • HA~ REfE~ENCE • (0 M.H) • • (FT) • (K~) • (M~H) • (1000 S) * • • • • (0 H.M) • • (AC fT) * (KW) • (M,.H) • (S/M,..H) • SOCIAL • • GEOG. HEA • • (SU.MIJ • (CfS) • (FTJ • (KII) .* (H~H) • • IMPACT COOE • ·············································································•*************************************••············· • AK7~PA02b5 • ~ATERFALL LA~E * S~ 58.2 • H • 3~.~ * U • U • 5q~.s1 • NNUUUUU • • J 5 • PRINCE OF aA *ATERFALL LAK• 133 b.O * IS • 0 • 2000 • 990~ • v0.~13 • • • SOUTHElST • Ulo!OE\'ELOPEO .. * 3 • •lf:o.3• 499.5 • 2000 • 9908 • * UNNUUUUUU • • • OI~Or~ ENTRANCE o-4. • * * * * • • • • • • A~7NPA02bo • "'EIGLE LAKE • I 5 • P~I~:E OF ~A IIEIGLE LAKE • SOUTHEAST • UNOE~ELOPEO * • CRAI~ A-1. • • • * • 55 3.9 • • 132 11.4 * • 5 • • • • • H IS • • • 35.0• • • • AKINPA0285 • COOPER LAKE OAH • bO 2b.O * H • • I 4 • SE#ARO COOPER CREEK • 149 49.1 • OP • • SO CENT~Al • CHU~ACri ELECTRIC ASSOC. • 31 •••••••••.O• • • SE~ARD 8-8 • • • • • • AK7~PA0273 • CRESCENT LAKE • 1 5 · • 'SEAARO • SO CENTRAL • UN~EVELOPEO • . • SEliA .tO 6•7. • • • AK7NPA0274 • GRANT LA~E • I S * SE11AHO • SO CENTRAL • U~UEVELOPEO • • SEwARD B-7 • * • A~6NPA027S • JUNEAU J s • ~tl\~~0 • SO CENTRAL • uNuEVELOPED • • SE~A~O C-a · • • • AK6NPA0276 • KENAI LAKE • 0 S~t SEwA"O • SO CENTRAL • UNUEVELDPEO • • SEnA~O b-8. • • • A~oNPA0277 • LOST LAKE • I 5 ~ SEwARD • SO CENTRAL • UNDEVELOPED • • SE11AkO A-7. • • • • 2 • 60 40.0 • CRESCENT LAKE• 149 29.0 • GRANT LAKE • 23 • • • • * • bO 28.0 • • 1"9 21.0 • • 4" • • • • • • E>O 29.41 • JUNEAU CREE~ • 1\9 54.0 • KENU RIVER LOST CREEK • 5() • • • • • • oo 24.0 • • 149 .H. 0 • • 600 • • • • • • 60 15.9 • • 149 22.0 • . • 7 • • • • • H IS • • • 55.0• • • H • lS • 193.0• • • H • IS • 111.0• • • H • IS • H IS 2801.0• • • • • 26.0• • • • sz.o • . 0 • 7109.2 • • * 65.0 • 112UOO • 700.0 • • • 11.0 * 41000 • •979.0 • • • su.o • 0 • 250.0 • • • 100.11 • 28000 • b99,3 • • • 3&0.0 • 0 • 340.b .• • • 10.0 • II • 138l'.o • • • * 0 • 4000 • 40110 • • • 15000 • 0 • 15000 • • • . o .• bOOO ·* &OliO • • • 0 • 8600 • 8b00 • • • 0 • 80UO • 8000 • * • 0 • 115000 • 115000 • • • 0 • 5000 • sooo • • * • 0 • 1747b • 1747i> • • • 4100() • 0 • 41000 • • • 0 • "29000 • 29000 • • • 0 • 3777& • 3H7b • • • 0 • &2448 • 62448 • • • 0 • 552000 • 5!)21100 * • • 0 • zsooo • 25110U • • • • jj99.43 • S1.4o7 • • • • 0 • 0 .. 1b67.6 s7.50b 2275.7 60.2~2 37b0.3 h0.215 2~018 43.511 * • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 959.56 • .38.3112 • • .. * YNUUUUU UNNUUUUhU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUYYYNY NNUUUUU UNNUYYYNY NNUUUUU UNNUYYYYY NNYYYUU UYYUNNNYN NNUUUUU UNYUNU UYU • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • AK6NPA0279 • NELLIE JUAN RIVEH • 60 .27.0 * H • 195.0 • 0 * 0 • 4048.3 • NNUUUUU * * I 5 • SEnANO , NfLLIE JUAN R• 148 47.0 * IS • 230000 • 10000 • 47000 • 86.135 • * • SO CENTRAL • UNDEVELOPED • 130 • 977.0• 239.7 • 10000 * 47000 * * UNNUUUUNU * • • SEIIARo s-s. • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• >-1 """ \0 ;;. Project Llsting(continued) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• * SITE IO * P~OJECT NAME * LAliTUOE *P~OJ.PURP.• OAM HT * EXIST.CAP. •EXIST.EN~G•ANUL. COST * EHVlNUNHENTAL * * • PRIMARY CO. •NAME OF STREAM •LONGITUDE • STATUS •TOT. STOR• INC. CAP. •INC.~~fHGY•E~ERGY COST• IMPACT CODE * • OEP ACTV • O~~ER • OR.AHEA * AVE. Q •PwR. nO. * TOT. CAP. •TOT.fN~RGY• • • • CODE I ~V • MAP REF£RENCE • (0 M.H) * • (fT) • (KW) • (M~H) • (1000 S) • • • • • (0 M.H) • • (AC FT) • (KW) * (H~~) • (i/M~H) • SOCIAL • • GEOG. AREA • • (SQ.Ml) • (CfS) • (FT) • (K~) • (M~H) • * IMPACT CODE * •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • AK7~PA027ij * NELLIE JUAN * I 5 • SEnAHO • SO CE~TAAL • UN~EWELOPEO • • SEHAkO B•b. • • AIVEW UPPER • bU 2~.11 • NELLIE JUAN R• 148 49.9 • • 35 • * • * • • AK7NPA0280 * PT~RMIGAN LA~E P~OJECT • bO 15.0 • PTA~HIGAN CHE• 149 11.9 • * E 5 * SE~A"O • SO CENTRAL • UNUEVELOPEO • • SENAHO 86,7 * • • AK~NPA0281 • RESURRECTION • I 5 • ~EnARO • SO CENTRAL • UN~EVELOPEO • • SEwAHO A•7. • • • AK7NPA0233 • SNOn ··I .t ~ SE~lRO • SO CENTRAL • UNDEVELOPED • • SEWARD 8•7. • • • AK6NPA0284 • SU~RISE LAKE • I 5 * SE~AkO • SO CE14T RA"L • uNOE VEL OPED • • SE"AKD 0•7. • • • AK7NPA0313 • A~OEAN LAKE • I 5 • SlT~A • SOUTHEAST • UNDEVELOPED • 3u • • * • • AlYEA • bO 51.9 • RiSURRECTION • 149 41.9 • SNOri RIVER • 141 * • • * • • bO 17.9 * • 149 u.o • • 85 * • • • • * oO 51.9 • SIXHILE CREEK• 149 2&.9 • • 238 • • • • • * ~b 18.9 • ANDEAN CREEK • 114 47.2 * * 2 * • • PORT ALEXANDER 8-3. • * • • • AK7NPA0314 • ANTLER LAKE • I o,• SITKA • SOUTHEAST • U~OEVELOPED • Ju :;t;Au o-3. • • • * • 58 46.9 * ANTLER RIVER • 1311 30.0 • • 5 • • • * * H IS H IS H IS • * 262.0• • • • • 138.0• • • • • 828.0• • • H * IS • 710.0• • • H • IS • H IS H IS 483.0• • • • • 40.0• • • • • 40.0• • • 5u • .Q • uoouo • 420.5 • *· • 8o.o • 0 • 317 .o • * • 270.0 * 0 * 232.7 • * • 310.0 • 0 • 652.3 • • * 1100.0 • 0 • 326.6 • * * 78.0 * b180 • 874.1 • * • So.O • 290011 • 18511.0 • * • 0 • 12000 • 12000 • • • 0 • 6025 • 6025 • • • 0 • 18000 • 18000 • • • 0 * o3000 • 63000 • * * 0 • 11000 • 11000 • • • 0 • uuo • 11UO * • • 0 * 9000 • 9000 • .. • u • 5700U * 57000 • • . . 0 • 52733 • 527H • • * u • 8b00U • 86000 • • • 0 * 278UOO • 278(100 • * • u ;. 5~000 • 52000 • • • 0 • 41U8 • llcU8 * * • 0 * 113 0 00 * 43UOO * * • .5U~9.5 53.5110 2095.0 19.7 2a 15813 1&5.87 • • * * * * * • * • • • • * • 8oa5.s • 31.2112 • 13908 2o7.4o 738.30 153.23 1C:08.2 32.7119 • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • NNUUUUU UNI'>UYYYNT · NNUNUUU UYTUUUUYU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUYN NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNTUUUUYU NNuuuuu UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNI'oUUUUUU • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • * • • • • • * AK7NPAO:U5 • IIARANOF LAKE * 57 9.0 * H * bO.O • 0 * 0 * 1518o1 * NNUUUUU · * • I 5 • SITKA 8ARAN0f RIVER• 1311 52.9 * IS • 0 * 2000 • 11000 * 13~. 1 • * • SOUTHEAST • UNDEVELOPED • 32 * 43b.O• 107.3 • 2000 * 11000 • * UNNUUUUUU * • • Sl TKA A•3. • • • • • • . ., • * • * * * * * * • * w AK7hPA031b • BATURI~ LAKE • So 211.0 * H * . 5~0 * 0 * 0 * 569.77 * NNUUUUU * • 1 b • SITKA ~ BATURlN CREEK• 134 118.0 * IS • , U • 1400 • S4l51 • 10.433 * • • S~UTHE~$T * U~OE~ELOPEO • 3 * 30.0• 109~.9 • 11100 • 511351 * • UNNuUUUUU * • • POIIT ALEXANDER 8•3. • * • • • • w * •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• > I .r:- 0 Project psting(continued) ···························••**•******************************•································································~ • SITE ID * P~OJECT NAME * L~TITUUE •PROJ,PURP,• DAM HT • EXIST.CAP. •EXIST,EN~G*ANUL, COST * ENVJAOhMENTAL • • • PRtMARY CO, •NAM~ OF STREAM •LONGITUDE * STATUS •TOT. STOR• INC, CAP, •lNC,tN~R~T•ENE~GT COST• IMPACT COOE * • OEP ACTV * O~NER * OR,A~EA * AVE, Q •P~R. HD, * TOT, CAP, •TOT,ENEKGT• • • • CODE INV * ~AP REFERENCE * (0 M,M) * * (rT) * (KW) • (MriH) • (1 000 Sl * • '* • • (0 M,>1) • " (AC FT) • (KW) * (M,..rl) * ($/r<II'IH) w SOCUL * * GEJG, Ai<EA • * (SQ,MI) * (CFS) • (~T) * (Kill) * (Miirl) * • IMPACT CUOE • ··················••**********••************************************************************************************************** * AK~NPA0317 • 6ENZEMA~ LA~E • I 5 • SITKA * SOUTHEAST * UNDEVELOPED * * PO~T ALEXANDER * • AKbNPA0318 • I 5 • SOUTHEAST, * • * AKINPA0339 * I 4 * SOUTHEAST • * * • BLANC"ARO LAKE • SITKA * l.rWEVELOI'EO * PORT ALEXANDER • * Bl.IJE LAKE OAM * SITKA • CITY OF SITKA * SITKA A•Z * * AK7~PA0319 • oO~OCINO LAKE • 1 l ~ SIT~A • SOUTHEAST * u~DEVELOPEO * * P0iT ALEXANDER .. * * &RENT~OOO CREEK * ~b 45,0 * BENZEMAN RIVE• 135 0.0 * 0·4. * 32 * * * * * * Sf> 3b.9 * 8l.ANCHARD CRE• 134 40,0 * C•3, * 3 * * • * * * 57 3.7 * SA~MILL CREEK• 135 11,4 • * 38 * * * • * • Sf> 22,3 BlG PORT WALT• 134 42.9 • 8•3. • 3 * * * * * • A0:711PA03i!O * 1 b * SOUTHEAST * ~lTKA 8KENTw000 • So 37.3 • CRE• 134 40,0 • • UllOEvELOPEO * 7 * • * • PO~T ALEXANDER C•3. * * * * * * • AK7N?A0321 • CAR80N LAKE • J 2 • SIT~A * SOUTHEAST • U~OEVELOPEO • * SIT~A A•3. • • AK7NPA0322 * CLIFF LA~E • I 5 • SIT~A • SOUTH~ASr' • urHlfVELOPED * PDAT ALEXAN~ER * • AK7~PA2b0b • OAVlUOF LAKE •1 S•SITKA • SOUTHEAST * UNDEVELOPED • POKT AL.EUNOER * UNNAMED UNNAMEO C•3. * 57 1.9 * •l34 26,1 * * 21 * * * * * So 31.9 * * 134 <~5.9 • * b * .. * " * • Sf> 36,3 * OAVIOOF CREEK• 134 50,2 * c-3. * tl * * * * • H IS H IS * * 400.0• * * • * 6>5.0• • • HS • OP • H IS H IS -503,0• * * * * b&,O• * * * • 135.0• • * H * IS • 463.0• * * H * IS • H IS •69.0• * * . * * as.o• * • 3li,O • 0 * 103.1> * * .. 30.0 * (i * 389.& .. .. • 170.0 * 200000 * 350.0 • * * s.o * 2SOO\l * 479.5 • * * :su.o * 11000 .. &54.3 * • bS.O • 56660 .. i!~'f.7 • * * 2:0.0 * 0 * 1i!7.cs • * " 15,0 * 0 * 274.7 * * * 0 • b323 * b323 * * * 0 * 2000 * 2000 • * * foOOO • 0 * bOilO • .. * 0 • 5000 * SOQO • * * 0 * 6000 * 60oo * " * 0 * 10000 * 1U01i0 * * * 0 * 1700 • 1700 * * * 0 • 44c!b * 442fo * * * IJ • 271:>95 * i!7b'il5 * • * 0 * 50'102 * ')Q<jOc! * * * 35000 * 0 * 35000 .. * * IJ • i!4300 * 24300 * • * 0 * .ldOOO • 'i&OOO * • * 0 • ~qooo * ~9000 * * * 0 " 15811 " 7584 • • * 0 * !9367 " l'BS7 * * * i!7t>2.7 99.7Sb 726. 9 14.303 0 0 10111.7 44.51o 1483.7 :n •. QS 28119,8 58.lb0 316.4& 107,91 1185.0 ~1.124 * * * * • * * .. • * * * * * * * * * • * * * • * .. * * * * * * .. • • * * • • • * NNUNUUU UNt;UUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUIJUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU Nt.UUUUU UIINUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUVU NNuuuuu· UIINUUUUUU * • • • * • * • • • • * * * * * * * • • * • • * * * * • • * "' • • • • • * * • * • AI(7NPA21:>()9 * OEE? l.AKE * Sb 51.3 * H * 40.0· * * 0 • 568,41:> * NNUUiJUIJ • • I 5 • SIT!A DEEP CREEK • 134 44.0 * IS • 0 • 1500 * 6174 * 95.314 * * • SOUTHEAST * ~NUEVELDPE~ * 1 * 36,9• 264.7 • 1500 * 6174 • * UNNUUUUUU * • ?OiT ALE~Ar-;DER 0•3. * * * * * * * • •••••****•*********************•******************************'·*********•~*•***•******•••••••~~••******•••••********•***•"*•••••** ·:rr .flo .... J ) Project Listing(continued ) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • SITE ID ·• P~OJECT NAME * LAliTUUE •~kOJ.PU~~.• DAM HT * EXIST.CA~. •~XlST.EN~&•ANU~. CUST * ENVlNUNMENTAL * * * PA~MARY CO. •NAkE tiF STREAM •LON&ITUOE * STATUS •JOT. STOR• INC. CAP. •lNC.lN£RGY•ENEHGY COST• IMPACT CODE * * DEP ACjy * O~N~H * OH.AIIEA * AVE. U •P~R. HO. * TOT. CAP. •TOT.f~fN~Y• • * *CODE INV • MAP AEF£~ENCE * (0 M.M) * * (FT) * (KW) ·* (M~H) • "llOOO S) * • * * * (D M.M) * * (AC FT) * (KW) * (HWH) * · (S/MWH) * SOCIAL * * GEOG. ANEA • * (SQ.MI) * (CFS) * (FT) * (~~) * (HNH) * * IMPACT CODE * ···························································································································~······ * AK7NPA0l23 * I 5 • SOUTHEAST * • • AK7NPA03i!5 • OEEII LAKE • liifKA * U~j[)£VELDPEO * PORT ALEXANDER * • Oit.NA LAKE • S& 31.7 • U~NAMED PARAN• ·134 40.0 * * 7 * c-3 • • • * • I 2 • SOUTHEAST • SITKA UNNAMED * 56 53.0 • * 135 3.0 • * 4 • * UNDEVELOPED • * • PO~T ALEXANDER O•Q. • * • * * • AK7NPA~326 • OIOHlCIISUN LAKE • 57 45.0 • • I 5 • SITKA DIDRICKSON Lh 13& 11.0 * • SOUTHEAST • UUOE~ELOPED • •.SITKA C•5. • * * AIC 7NPA0327 • FII~GERLAKE • I a • s "ITIIA . • SilUTrttAST • UNi.llVELOPEO * * PONT ALEXANDER * * FINGER CREEK C•3. * 15 • • * * * • 56 36.1 * * 13'1 41;3 • • . 2 • * * * *· • AK7~PA0328 • FOUR FALLS LAKE • 57 1.9 * * ·134 115.9 * • "1 * * l 5 * SIT~A U~NAMEO • SOUTHEAST * U~~EVE~OPEU • * SITKA A•3. • • • AK7kPA0329 * FUWUHELM * E S • SITKA • SOUTHEAST • U~Of~ELUPED • • POHT ALEXANDER * ~~ * AK7NPA0330 • GOULDI~G LAKE * E 5 • SITKA * SOUTHEAST • UNDEVELOPED * * SITKA D•7 • • AK7NPA0331 * E 5 * SOUTHEAST • • GOULDING LAKE * :>ITKA * UNDEVELOPED * * * * * 5& 23.0 * FURUHELM RIVE~ 134 48.0 * • 1& * 8•3. * * • * LO~EH • 57 4~.9 . ~ GOULDING LAKE• 13& 111.0 * • 27 * * • • * UPPEH * 57 48.3 * GOULDING LAKE* 13& 12.9 • • 25 * H IS H IS • * 160.0• * * * * 36.0• * • H * IS * 180.0• * * H * IS * "H IS H IS H IS H IS .. zS.9• * * * * 23.0• • .. • * 200.0• * ·* * • 340.0• * * * • 270.0• * * SIT KA 0•~. * * * 40.0 • 0 * 338.& * * * 5.0 • 0 * 1473.S • • * 36.0 • 0 * 119.8 • • * 110.0 • 0 * 739.0! • * • 115.0 * 16500 * 13118.& • * • 25.0 * y * 99.9 • * * 10.0 .• 1700 * t~5.o • • * 2o.o * 57000 * 12C!.8 * • 0 * 7000 • 7000 • • * 0 • 8000 • 8000 * * • 0 * 2500 * 25.00 • * * ·o * 3000 * 3001) * * * 0 * 4500 • 4500 * * * 0 * 3000 * 3000 * * • 0 * 28&5 • 2865 * * • 0 * 9000 * 9000 * * I) * 31000 * 31000 * *· * 0 •. 35000 * . 35000 •. * ·• 0 • 1000u • 10UOU * · * * 0 * 14000 • 1111)00 * * • 0 * 20001) • lOOOO * * • u • 13.515 •. 13315 • * • I) * 125119 • 12549 * • 0 * 41000 * 41000 • • 177!).7 . ~ 57.120 * • * * 1318.0 37.658 * • * • • 914.21 * '11.42l * * * * 7&2.33 * 54.452 * -107fl.4 53.822 8110.73 1>3.1112 1370.3 109.19 21150.0 59.756 * • * * * * * • • * • * * • * • * * * • * • Nt>UUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU YNUUUUU UNNuuuuuu NNUUUUU UtiNUUUUIJU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUNU YNUUUUU UNNUUU UNU * • * * * * • * • * * * * • .. • * .. * * • .• * * * * * • * • • * • * * • * * * * • " * * * * • * • • * AK71'tPAOHZ • GREEN LAKE * S& 95.30 * H . * 200.0 * 0 * 0 * 3101.9 * NNNNimN • * I 2 * SITKA VOOOPAD RIVER• 135 11.&0• UC * 0 • 16&00 * a4000 * 48.4o7 ·* • • SOUTHEAST • UNOE~ELOPED * 28 * 291.0• 344.& * 1&600 * &4000 • * HNNUYYYYY • * • PCiiT ALEXANDER D•4 * * * * e * • * ..........................................................•....... .-.............................................................. . :r ~ N f""-"~""'~ .. -· .. ,--._ .. , .. -.... ~------------~~ .... -· _...._.. Project Llsting(continued) ···············································~··············································································••*• * SITE IO • P>IOJECT NIIMt. * PRIMARY CO. -NAMt. OF * " OEP • COOE • ACT~ * O~NER lNV * MAP REFERENCE * * GEOG, AREA * * LATITUUE STREAM •LONGITUDE • Ok,Af.IEA t (0 M.M) * (0 ,..,,11,) * (SQ,MI) •PWOJ,PUWP•* UAM HT • * STATUS •TOT, STOR• * AvE. 0 •P~R. NO, • * * (FTl • * • ( AC f T) * * (CFS) • (FT) t.XIST ,CAP, INC, CAP, TOT, CAP, CKW) (KV.) (KW) •t.XIST.t.NWG•ANUL, COST • •INC.~NfkGY•ENERGY COST• •TOT,ENERbYt * * (M~H) * (1000 S) * * (M~rl) * ($/M~H) * * (M~H) * * ENVlWUNiolt::NTAI. l141'ACT COOl:. SOCUL IMPACT CODE * * • • • •*****'************************************••••••••••*•******************•*********•*********·-··································· • AKbNPA0333 • HIODEN FALLS·LAKES * 57 13,0 * H * S,n * 0 * 0 * 1434,5 * NNUUUUU * • l . b * SIT~A UNNAMED CREE~• 134 ~2.9 * IS * 0 * 8000 * 3t277 * 39.543 • * * SOUTHEAST • ~~DEVELOPED * 6 * •105.9• 494.~ * aooo * 3b277 • * UNNUUUUUU * * * ~~T~A A•3. * * * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * • A~bNPA0334 * H!UOEN FALLS ~AKE UPPER * 57 13.0 * H * lu,O * 0 * 0 * 783,63 * NNUUUUU * • 0 b * SIT~A UNNAMED • 134 52.9 * IS • 0 * ~500 * t9a62 * 39.424 • • * SOUTHEAST * 0NOEVEL0PEO * 2 * 33,0• 904o0 * 11500 * 19882 * • UNNUUUUUU * • • S!I~A A•3. * * * * * * • * • * • * * * * * * * * U7NPA0335 * 1 2 * SOUTHEAST * • IIASNYKU LAI'.E * SI11'1A * UllOE~ELOPEO * SJTI'.A A•l. * . ~ * AK1NPA033b * KELP * l S • SITKA • SOUTHEAST • UNDEVELOPED • • SITKA tl•'l. * * A1'.7NP40337 * LAKE EKATERINA • 1 5 * SIT"'A * SOUTHEAST * UNDE~ELOPEO * * PO~T ALEXANDER • * • AKbNPA0289 * LAKE IRINA * 57 11.0 • KASNYKU FALLS• 134 49,9 w UNNAMED UNNAioiEO 0•4. * 5 * * • * • * 57 20.9 • * 135 II, 9 • * 21 * * * * * * Sb 50,9 * * 13'3 3.3 * * 15. * * * ... * * * I 5 * SIT~A UNNAMED * 56 ss.o * .. 135 7. 9 • * SOUTHEAST * UNDEVELO~EO * * POKT A~EXANOER 0•~ * * AK7NPA029~ • MAKSOUTDF RIVER * 1 2 * SITKA MAKSOUTOF • SOUTHEAST • UNDEVELOPED * * POwT ALEXANDER C•3. • * * AK7NPA0294 * MILK LAKE * I 2 " SITKA MILK CREEK • SOUT~EAST * UNDEVELOPED * * PO~T ALEXANDER 6•3 * * * 1 * * * * * * '5b 30.0 • RIV• 134 57,9 • * 211 * " * • • " Sb ss.o * * 13'1 4 7. 0 * • 11 * * * • · .• * AK7NPA0295 * NAKVASSIN lAKE * l 5 * SITKA • so 21.0 • NAKVASSIN CRE• 134 44,0 * * SOUTHEAST * UNDEVELOPEO • 4 * * PORT ALEXANDER a-1 * * H IS * * 70.0• * * H * IS * H • IS 222.0• * • * * •&b.Z• • * H * IS * 15.0• * * H * lS • H IS H IS 375.0• • • * • 230.0 .. * * * bb.O• * 20,0 * 0 * 650.3 * * • 145.0 * 0 • b11.3 * * * 10.0 * 0 • 81.9 * * * 33.0 * I) * 910.0 * * * 80.0 * 0 * 5b9,4 • * * 30.0 * 0 * bbS.3 * * * 30.0 * 0 * 174.11 * • 0 * 7000 * 1000 • * * 0 * lbOOO * 16000 * • * 0 * 1000 * 1000 * * * 0 * 1905 * 1905 * * * 0 * 2'1000 • Z40\IO • • • 0 * 7000 * 1000 * * * 0 • !800 • 18110 • • 0 * 30000 * 30001) * * * 0 * bbUOO • bbOOO * * • 0 * 11500 * 4500 • * * 0 * 9479 * 9479 * • * 0 • 111000 * 117000 * * * 0 .. 33v00 • 33v0u • .. * 0 * 7b89 " toS9 • * 1.248.8 41.b2b 4.272.7 o4. 738 IISt-.85 190.41 77b.41 81.900 2747.1 .?3,479 1.290.3 39.101 na.zz 93,409 * * • * * * * • * • * • * • * * • * * • * * * * * * • * • * • • • • NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUIJU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUU!JUUU • * • • • • * * • • * * * . * * * * * • * • • • * * • .. * " " * * • • *********•*********•*•*****•****************************•***********•******•****••-~w••••••~•~~~·-~***********************•******* ~ +' ~ Projec\ Listing(continued) ************************************************************•************•••••······································-············· * SITE 10 • PROJECT NA~lE * LATITUDE •PROJ,PURP,• DAM HT * EXIST,CAP, •EXIST,EN~G•ANUL, CuST * E~VIRONMENTAL * • * PRIMARY CO, •NAME OF STREAM •LONGITUDE • STATUS •TOT, STOR• INC, CAP, •INC,ENEAGY•ENE~GY COST• IMPACT CODE * * OEP ACTV • O~Nl~ * OR,ANEA • AVE, U •PwR, HO, • TOT, CAP, •TOT,ENERGY• • * • CJOE INV • MAP REFERENCE * lD M,M) * * (Fl) * (K~) * (M~H} • (1000 $) * * • * * (0 M,M) * * (AC FT) * (KW) * lMiiH) * ($/Mi\H) * SOCIAL * * GEOG, AREA • * (SQ,MI) • (CFS) * (FT) * (K"') * (MWH) * * IMPACT CODE * ************************************************************************************t************•********************•*********** * 4Kb~PA02~b * NELSON LAKE • 1 o * SITKA UNNAMED • So 5o.o • * 134 45,0 * • SOUTHEAST • U~UEVELOPEO * 6 * • * PORT ALEXANDER 0•3 * * * * * * AK7NPA0297 •. I 5 * SOUTHEAST * . * * AK711PA0c'16 • • OSPREY LAI<E * S !fKA * Ut,u£ \IELOPEU • POrtT A~E~ANOER • • PHli'IY LAI(£ • Sb 24,0 * NEw PORT NA~T• 134 40,0 * B•.? * 2 * " * * * • I o • SOUTHEAST * SITKA PARRY CREEK * 51!> 39.0 • * 134 41.0 • • b " • UNDEVELOPED • * • PO~T ALEXA~OER C•3 * * * * * * AKbNPA0299 * PATTERSON •1 s'•SITKA • SOUTHEAST * UNDE~ELOPED * * SITKA C•b * * • AKINPA0346 * PELICAN CREEK • I 2 • SITKA • SOUTHEAST •'PELICAN UTIL. * * SITKA 0•7 * • AK7NPA0300 • I o " SOUTtiEAST * * * AKbNPA0303 * I ·4 * SOUTHEAST • * • PLUTNIKOF LAKE * S l TK A * U':OEVELOPEO * PORT ALEXUOER * • POI~T SULLIVAN * SITKA * u:;OEVELOPEO * PORT ALEXANDER * ~~7NPA0302 • PONT AMMSTAONG • 1 5 * SITKA • SOUTHEAST • UNUEVELO~EO * * PO~T A~EXANOER * 57 38.0 * PATTERSON LAK• 135 48.0 * * s * * * * * * 57 34.7 * PELICAN CREEK• 13& 7.8 * co. * 12 UNNA'-IEO C•3 UNNAMED c-2 • * * * • Sb 34.« * * ... 134 57.9 * • 20 * * * * * * Sb 41,0 * * 134 19,9 * * 1 • • * * * • Sb 17,5 SHECKLEY CREE• 134 39.4 * * 7 * 8•2. * * H * IS * H IS H IS H IS H OP H IS H IS 85, 0• * * * • 55.2• * * * • •9o.O• * * * * &2.0• * * * * 150.0• * * * * 309,0• * * " * 10,0• * ... H * IS * •87.8• * I.IO.U • 35000 * 439.5 * * * 36.0 * 0 * .• 251.7 * * " 45,0 * 0 * 37 ll,o * * * 10,0 * i) * 429.5 * * * 22.0 * .!OU * 120.0 * * * 75.0 * u ,. 314.o .. * * 45.0 * (/ . 14118.5 * * * 2o.o * 0 .. 21>9.7 * * 0 * ,bOO * SbOO * * * 0 * 2000 * 2000 * * * 0 * 5000 * 5000 * * * 0 * 4000 * 40(10 * * * 500 * 1000 * 1500 * * * 0 * 9000 * 9000 .. • • 0 * 2000 * 20iJO * * 0 .. :ssuo * 3500 * * 0 * 211!100 * (!4800 * • * 0 * 92bu • 921>0 * * * 0 .. 239&7 • 239& 7 • * * u * 11750 • 17750 • * * i!LIOO * 1700 * 3700 * * * 0 * '14000 * 4/IOOU * .. * 0 * 91:153 • «o53 • .. * 0 * 157&<! • 157&2 .. * 1178.7 47,5<!9 o94,45 74,994 1210.7 50,515 831:>.55 47.129 128,3o 75.507 <!0911.8 47.702 5112.46 so.19o 1047,0 ~>o,344 * • • * .. * * * * * * • • * * * • * * * * * * • * • * • • * * .. * * " * * * tmuuuuu UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU YNUUUUU UNNUUIJUYU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU Ni'jUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU • • * .. * * • • * * * * * * • * * * * * • * • * * * * * * • • • * • • * • • * * * * * * * fir * * • lK7NPA02'<2 *PULP MILL * 57 1,3 * H * 30.0 * 0 * U * b88.9S * NNUOUUU * • I 5 • SITKA ~ MEDVETCHA * 135 7.0 w IS • Q * 1500 * 1~00 * 93.1111 * * * SOUTHEAST * UNuEVELOPED * 7 • •52,9• 209,7 * 1500 * 7400 * * UNNUUUUUU • * * SIT ~A A•3 * * * * • * * • ··························•••****************************************•*************•*********••••································· :r .&:- .&:- Project Listing(continued) ••*******************•*•*******************************************************•*****••·······~··································· * S(TE 10 * PNUJECT ~AME * LATITUUE •PROJ.PUNP.• UAM HT * EXIST.~AP. •EX18T.tN~G•ANUL. COST • ENVIRONMENTAL * • * PRIMARY CO. •NAME OF STREAM •LONGITUDE • STATuS ~TOT. STOR• INC. CAP. •!NC,~NtN~Y•ENEAGY COST• lHPACT CODE * * DEP ACTV • O~NER • OR.ANEA * AVE. Q •P~R. HD. • TOT. CAP. •TOT.ENERGY• * * • C~OE I~V * HAP REFERENCE * (0 M.N) * • (FT) * (KN) * (M~H) * (1000 S) * * * • * (0 M.M) * * (AC FTJ * (Kw) * (M~H) • {$/M,H) • SOCIAL • • GEOG. AREA * * (SU.Ml) * (CFS) * {FTJ * {KW) • (MwH) • * IMPACT CODE • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • A~7NPA2b0! * NEDOUoT LAKE * Sb 5b.O * H • 12.0 * 0 * 0 • 2021.1 • NNUUUUU * • 1 5 * SIT~A UNNAMED CASCA• 135 15.9 * IS • 180000 * lbOO * 7049 • 28&.72 * • • SOUTHEAST * U~OEVELOPEO * 40 * •28&.2• 19.9 * 1b00 * 7049 • * UNNUUUUUU • • * PUHT ALEXANDER 0•4 * * * * * * • * * * * AK7NPA0304 * ROSTISLOF LAKE * 1 5 * SITKA • SOUTHEAST • U~DEVELOPEO * PGKT AltXANOER * * * AKI>NPA030b • I<IIST L.i.KE 2 *D o•SrTKA * SOUTHEAST * UNDEVELOPED * • SITKA C•b * * • AKbNPA0307 • SAOIE * I s ~ ~ITKA * SOUTHEAST • U~OEVELOPED • * SIT~A A•l. " • * AK7NPA0308 * SASHIN LAKE * 1 5 * SITKA • SOUTHEAST * UNDEVELOPED • * PORT ALEXANDER .. .. • * • Sa 28.2 • RUSTISLOF CRE• 134 41.3 * B•3 RUST CREEK * * * 4 * * • 57 35.9 * * 135 59.0 * * 7 * * * * * * 57 4.9 * ~AXMAN CREEK • 134 4&.9 * SASHIN CREEK 6•3 * :s * • * * * * Sa 21.3 * * 134 41.3 * * 3 *. * * * • * A~BNP40341 • I 5 * SOUTHEAST * SHECKLEY * 51> 17.9 * * SITKA SKECKLEY CR ••. 134 41.9 * * SUCHAN & HEINEN PAC~ING CO * ~ * * • • PO~T ALEXANDER 8•2 * * * * AX7NPA0309 * SULOIA LAKE •1 S•SITKA * SOUTI'EASf' * U'~llfVELOPED • " :>IT~<A s-s. * * * AKSNPA0c88 • SVPE~IOR * * • 57 25.0 * SOLOIA CREEK * 135 41.9 * • 9 * * * • * •X l>•SITK~ * SOUTHEAST * SUPtHIOR HARLEY CREEK PKC. CO *57 47.1 * * 135 s. 1 * • 3 • * . * SITKA 0•4 • • AX7NPA03l1 * 1 2 * SOUTHE:.ST • * * UK liZ CREEK * SITKA * lllll>EVELOPEI)- • SIT~.+. A•3. * * * * * 57 b.9 * TAKATl CREEK * 134 51.0 * • 10 * * * H IS H IS H IS H IS H OP * • * 81.5• * * * 70.0• * * * * 3S.O• * • * * .. 37.1• * * * * 100.0• * • H * IS * H OP H IS ·75.0• * * • * 30.0• * * * * HIO.O• * * zo.o • 0 * 549.4 * * • 3.0 * 0 * 732.2 • * * 10.0 * 0 * 4&4.5 * * * 15.0 • 0 * 1139.5 * * * 15.0 .. 0 • 270.0 • * * to.o • 0 * 204.7 * • * s.o * 0 • 1o3.u • * * aos.o • 1'15600 * 990.0 * * * 0 * b813 * oll1l * * * 0 * 1}000 * 8000 • * * 0 * cSOO * 2500 • • * 0 * 2500 * 2500 * * * 28 ,. 0 * .28 • • * 0 • 2000 * 20110 * * * 10 * 7103 * 7::>3 * * * 0 * 20000 * 20000 * * * 0 * 2984<! * 2984<! * * 0 * 31111>0 • 341bl.l * • * 0 * lOtUS * JOo3S • * * 0 • +061>7 * 10l!i>7 * * * .254 * 0 .. 25'1 * * * 0 • 87&0 * 876.() * * * 43 * 32511 • l.i!qb * * * 0 * 97000 * 'l7 000 • * 181'5.3 1>0.848 1323.7 .'38.752 &7S.i>9 1>2.31>2 707. & oS. 114 0 0 9b4.112 uo.u 1107.110 l2S •. H 3l4~.b 34.480 * • * • * * * • * * • * * * * * * • * .. * * * * * * • * * * • * * * • * • • • • NNUUUUU UNIIIUlJUUUU H!liUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NI\IUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUYU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU YNNI\INUU UNNUUUUUU • • • * * • • • * • * * • • • * • * • • • • • • • • * • • • • * • * • * • * • • ······························································•**************•••···~~-····~-#~~~-*·············*•••**•••••········ :r """' V\ Project Listing(continued) ······················~·····································································•••••r.•••••**********••••••*********** • SI1E ID * PWOJECT NAME * L4TITUOE *PROJ.PURP.• DAM HT • EXIST.CAP. •EXIST.EN~G•ANU~. CoST * E~VlRUNMENTAL • • • PRIMARY CO. •NAME OF STREAM •LONGITUDE • STATUS •TOT. STOR• INC. CA~. •1NC.Eri£RGY•ENE~GY COST• IMPACT COO~ * * OEP ACTV * O~NtN * OR.A~EA * AVE. 0 •P~R. HO. * TOT. CAP. •TOT.ENENGY• * * * CODE INV * HAP REFERENCE * (0 M.M) * * (FT) • (K•l * (MftHJ * (1UOO Sl * * • • * (D M.M) * * (AC FT) * (Kal * (M~H) • (S/k~Hl * SOCIAL * * CEOG. AREA * • (SO.MI) * (CFS) * (FT) * (KW) * (MnH) * • IMPACT COO£ * **2·························································································••*******•**************************** * A~7HPA055~ • ABYSS LA~£ * 1 5 • S~4Gn4Y•Y~~U • SOUT~eAST • UNUEYELUPED * * MT F4ln~EATHER * * • AKb~P40355 * ALSEK RIVER * I b • $~4G~AY-YAKU • SOUT~E4ST • UNJEVE~OPEU * * YAK~TAT 6·1. • * * AK4~PA007a * 04YE84S CREEK * 1 2 • S~AGnAY•YAKU * SOUTHEAST • UNDEvELOPED * * SKACftAY d•1 * • * AK1NPA0359 * OE~EY LAKES * I .2.• SKAG~AY•YAKU * SOUTHEAST * • • * .t.K7NPA0357 • 1 2 * SOUTHEAST * • • SKAGfllT ll•1 * • GOAT LAKE * S~AGiaY•YAKU * u:-<DEVELOPEO • SK4Gti4Y C·l. * * 4K7NP~0358 * KOOK LAKE * 1 5 * SKAGtiAY•YAKU * SOUTHEAST * UNDEVELOPED * * SITKA C•4. * '* AK7NPA034a * PELICAN • I 5 * SKAGnAY•YAKU • SOUTI<E.t.S'T• • urluE~ELOPED * •Slf~A0•7 * * AK7NPA034q * SITKOH LAKE * 1 S * ~KAG~AY•YAKU • SOUT~EAST * ONDEVELOPEO • • SITKA C•4. * * • ~a 3o.o • OUNOAS RlVER • l3b 33.0 • C•2. * a * * * * * • 5'>1 22.1 * ALSEK RIVER * 138 7.1 * * 11000 * * • * * 59 17.2 * DAYESAS CREEK• 135 2.0 * * 11 * • * * * * 59 2b.4 * DEWEY CREEK • 135 1a.9 * * 7 * * * * * 59 31.3 • PITCHFORK FAL• 135 11.0 * KOOK CREEK * 4 *· • * * * * 57 40.0 * • U4 59.0 * * <!9 • * * • • 57 57.2 * PELICAN COVE * 13& 12.9 * * 13 * * • * 57 30.3 * SITKOH CREEK * 135 4.9 * * 9 * • * * A~7NPA0l51 * riEST CREE~ TAIYA * .. * 59 31.7 * TA• 135 21.0 • * I 5 * S~ACnAY•YAKU wEST CREEK • S0UTH~4~T • U~C£VE~OP~ * 39 * * * SKAG"A1 C•1,C•2, * * H IS * • lOO.O• * * H * IS • 1bSbO,O• H IS HS OP H lS * * * 85.5• * * * 30.0• * • • * 29.0• * H * lS * •150.7• * * H * IS * -a1.0• • • H * 1$ * •48.a• * * H * IS * 400.0*' * 100 .• 0 * 11 0.0 0 * 499.~ * * • 23v.o • 1vo • 1os.a • * * 15.0 * 0 .. 344.& • * * 20.0 * Ill 0 * 399.& • * * 15.0 * 0 • 181>8.1 * • * 20.0 • 0 * 59.9 • • * 22.0 * 0 * 12v.o * * 10.0 * 0 * 185.0 * * * 110.0 * 0 * 749.2 * * 0 * 3500 * $500 * * * 0 * 2251179 * .2251179 • * * 0 * 5000 * 5000 * * * 4130 .. 1000 * 14~0 * * 0 * 10000 * 10000 * * • 0 * 1000 * 1000 * * • 0 • 1'500 * 1500 • * * 0 • 1400 * 1400 * • * (I * 2100Q * <nooo • * 0 * !747b • 17471> * * * 0 * 40&5705 * 401>5703 "' * * 0 * UH90 • 181'10 • * 1000 .. I:SOO • 2300 • * * 0 * 46000 * lloOOO * * * 0 * bOOO * bOOO * • * 0 * 1>270 * <.210 • .. 0 * 6010 * b0\0 * * * 0 * 105000 * lOSUOO * * 15o2.2 1i9.H5 112495 ;a .&i>9 1199.& t>5.951 10a.41 63.397 1 555·.2 33.8118 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * * * " * 1040.5 * 173.43 * * * * 72b,85 * 115.92 * * * * 948.73 * 157.85 * :57'10.9 35.&c!a * *· * • * * * YNUUUUIJ UNfiiUUUUNU YNUUUUU UNNUUUNNU NNNNYUU UNNNUUUYU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNI>IUUUUUU, NJIIUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNI>IUUUUUU * * * * • * * * * " * * * • • • * * * * • • • * * • * * * * • * * • • • * • * • * • * ··································••***********•*******•·········································································· :r ,i:::- (7\ Project, Lit•ing{ continued) ·········*·······~··································································~·········****•*•~·············· ........•.... SITE 10 * PNOJECT NaME * LATITUDE •P~OJ.PUAP.• GAM hT * tXlST,ClP, •EXIST,ENRG•ANUL, COST * ENVINUNMENTAL * • • PRIMARY CO, •NAME OF STREAM •LONGITUuE * STATUS oTOT. STOW• lNC, CAP. •INC,ENEAGY•ENE~GY COHT• lMPACT CODE • * OEP ACTV • OwNER * DR,ANEA * AVE. 0 •P~R. HO, * TOT. CAP. •TOT.EN~~GY• * * • CODE !NV • ~AP REFER~NCE * {0 M,M) * * (FT) * (Kn) * (~w~) * (1000 $) * • * • • {D M,M} * * t•C FT) * (KW) * (HhH) • (S/MftH) • SOCIAL * * GEOG. A~EA • * {SQ,Mll * [CFS) * (FT) * (K~) • (MNH) * • IMPACT CODE • ······················•***********************·~··································•***********•********•************•••··········· • A~6~PA0352 * ~OJJ * 58 34,9 * H * 35,u • 0 * 0 • 1120,7 • YNUUUUU * o I 5 • S~AG~&Y•YAKU ~000 LAKE * 13b 27.9 * IS * 0 * 3000 * 13315 * 88,172 * * • SOUTHEAST • U~~fvELOP£0 * 10 * 100,0• 199,8 * 3000 * 13315 * * UNNUUUUNU • • • HT F•I~~EATHER C•2. * • * • * • • • • * • A~7NP~0353 * YUK0~·TAIY4 * 1 b • SKAGnAY•YA~U • SOUTHEAST. * u~UE~ELDPED * * S~AGhAY C-1. * * Al<oNPA03cO * 1 b * YUKON • • " • t>IG DELTA • S.E. FAiwBAN • ll~'<.:lEVELOi'Eu • 8lG CELTA 4•4, * T UY.l. * * * 59 33,9 * * l3S !9,9 • • 25700 * • • * • * b4 9.3 • TANANA RIVER • 145 ),0 * • 15300 • • • • • lKcNPA03c1 • CATh~ORAL rlLUFFS * 0 o"• S.E. FAI~SAN TANANA * b3 23.2 * RIVER • 143 44,3 * • YUKON • u~ufVELOPED o * TA~ACNOS~ t>·o. * * • AK7NPA03o2 * CHlSANA RIVER • 1 b * S.E. FAlk8AN • YUKON * U~DlVELUPED * * NAUE5NA 0•3 * o AKbN?A03b3 • l 5 * YUKON • • * (;OCOP~STER * S,E. FAli<ilAN • ur"lEIIELOPEO • BIG OELT~ B~5. * • Al<bNPA2b15 * JOHNSON * I ~. • S,E, FAIRBAN • YUKON • UNUEVELOP£0 * * ~IStNAN A•Q 0 * * AKbNPA2t.31 • I 5 * YUKON • • • Ntbf5NA • S,£. FAIR!IAN • UIJOEVELOPED * NAi'IESNA 0•3 • 8550 * * • • • • o2 tc. 9 • CHISANA RIVER• 142 9,9 • * 132 •• * * .. * • o-'~ 3o.o • GOOOPASTE~ RI• )44 50.0 • * S17 * • * * • • b3 43.2 * TANANA RIVER * 144 37.0 • • 10450 • • • * * 62 45.5 • NABESNA RIVER• 142 10,0 * • 2145 * * * * * * H * IS • 18o'l7 .o• * * H * IS • 1721>&.0• • • • 100,0 • 0 • 1911.0 • * • 120,0 * 0 • 1";8.9 • • • H * 160.0 * xs • ssoovoo • 8011,0• 1QS,6 * * • H * IS • H IS 600,0• * * * * 497.0• * H * IS • 10800,0• • . . H * IS • 1300.0• * • * * 200.0 • 0 * 81\2. 1 * * • 200.0 * 270000 * 1&9.8 * • • 140.0 * 0 • 14o,& • • * <!00,0 * 0 * 190.8 * * • • 0 • 0 * 3200000 • 21000000 * 3200000 • 21000000 • • • 0 • 221>000 * 221>000 • * • 0 * 158000 • lSoOOO * • • 0 • 17UOOO * 1101\00 • * • 0 • 1300 0 • 13000 * * • 0 • 210000 * 210000 * • * 0 * &1>000 • bbOOO * * * * .. 0 .. '>&10011 * 987~00 • • • 0 • b93000 * o't3vou • * • 0 * t<ncoo * 19700U * • * 0 * 5625(1 * So250 * * * () * ':120000 • '>20000 • • • 0 *· 320000 * 321)0011 * * • • b9448 * 3.3070 * 30344 30.744 15820 22.829 11028 13.837 0125,6 144.45 18118 19.694 12595 39.3oO • * * • • * * * * • * • * * * • • • * * • * • • * • * * • * * • * N:'<UUUUU UNNUUIJUUU NNYYUUU UNNUYYYNY NNYYYUU UYYUUUUNU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUNU NI.UUUUU UYYUNUUNN NNUUYUY U YY UNNN Y'l' 'tNUUUUU UNNUNUUNU • * * * • * * • .. * • * • • • • • • * * • * • * • • * * • * • • * • • • A~7NPA2o33 • WDC~ L4KE * bl 51,0 • H * 30.u·• 0 * 0 * 3285.9 * YNUUUUU • • I 5 * S.f. fAIR~AN PTARIGAN CREE• 141 19.9 * IS * 0 ~ 12000 * 58000 * 5b.c54 * • • YUKON • uNaEVELOPEO * 93 * 193.0• 513.4 • 12000 • 58b00 • * UNNUUUUNU * • • "'CCA~THY D-1. • .. * * * • * • ******••••*************•************S************•*******t*********************.***********ZR~~-····•***************************** :r ..!!'-......, Project listing{continued) ····························································~············•••t••················~*·****•********•****•············· • SITE IO * PROJECT NAME • PRIMARY COo -~AME OF STREAM • OEP ACTV • O~~ER * CUOE lNY • MAP REFERENCE * * GEOG. AREA • • ~AT!TUuE •PROJ.PJRP.• DAM HT • EXlST.CAP. •LONGITuDE * STATUS, •TOT. STOR• HIC. CAP. * UR.AlltA * AVE. 0 •Pwk. HD. • TOT. CAP, * (D M.M) * * (~TI * (KW) * (0 M.M) * * (AC FT) • (J<;-j) * (SO.MI) • (CFS) * (fT) * (I(W) •tXISI.ENAG•ANUL. COST * •INC.~~c~GY•E~EKGY COST• •TOT.~~E~GY• * * (M~H) * (1000 $) * * (M~H) * (~/M~H) * * (M~H) * * EN\ili<I.H<MfNT,\L I~<PACT CODE SOC I.AL IMPACT COOE * * • * • ·······························•******************************************************•****•**********•*******************•******* * ~KbNPA03b4 * ~A~CHI MIVER • I S * S,E. fAIRSAN * YU~O~ • U~JEVELOPED • * SIG DELTA C•S, * * * A~7NPA03bS • AFTE~BAY * E S * UPPE~ YU~ON * YUKON * U~OEVELOPED * * CHM;UALAR A•l. • • * AKbNPA036& * oiRCM * l 5 * UPPER YUKON * YUKON • UNUEVELOPEU * * CIRCLE S•l .. • * bll 36.2 • SALCHA RIVER * lQS 26,9 • * 1'i9i) * * * * * * b6 ':i4.8 * E F CHANOALAR• 147 10.0 * 5500 * SIRCH CREEK • * * • • &5 20.9 * * 144 47.0 * • 7 30 • * * * * " AK7NPA03b7 * 0 5 * YUKON -EAST FORK CHANOALAR * b8 1.9 * * UPPER YUKON E F CHANDALAR• 145 52.9 * • UNDEVELOPED ~ 2500 * • • AWCTIC * * • * * AK&NPA03b& * FORTYMILE * 0 6 * UPPfR YUKON • YUKON * UNDEVELOPED * *EAGLE 1!•1. * * * AK6NPA03&9 * FORTIMILE N E * 0 S • uPPE~ YJ~O~ * YUKON * UNOEVELDPED * * EAGLE u•2. * • * ~KbNPA0370 * FORTIMlLE SF * 0 ·~ * UPPE~ YUKON * YUKON • UNGEVE~OPEO * * E~GLE A•2, * • lKbNPA2&28 • LITTLE ROC~ * 0 5 * UPPf~ IU~ON * YUKON * UNJEVELOPtD * * CHRISTIAN C•5. • * AKI>NPA0371 * 1 I> * YUKON * * • I'IOOOCHUPPER • UPPER YUi\Oiol • UNOEVEL.OPEO * CHARLEY 8•5. * * • o4 lb.O • FORTYMILE RIY* 141 14,0 * ,. 1:>0&0 * * • * * •. b4 20.0 * NORTH FORK ~0• 141 57.9 w * 20&5 • * * * * b4 31.9 * SOUTH FORK FO• 142 0,0 * • 21!00 • * * * • .. 67 13.6 * E F CHANOAL.AR• 14o 6.9 • YUKON RIVER * 4200 * * * * .. • oS 21.2 • * 143 21.0 • • 122000 • * * H * IS * 1oOO.O• • * H * IS * 2070.0• • * H * IS * H lS sso.o. * * • * 938.0• * H * IS * 44o2.0• • • H * IS • 1298,0• H * IS * 2070.0• * • H * IS • 3700.0• * * 1'10,0 * 5~0000 • 135,8 * • * 120,0 • 148000 • 9d,<; • * 210.0 * 0 * 199,8 * • * uo.o • 0 * 1o2.o • * • 400,0 * 0 * 323.b * * * 300.0 * 0 • 248.7 • * * 23o.o • 0 • 227.7 " * * lbO.O * 0 • 131.8 • • • H * 385.0 * lS •1:.9500000 * 795&2.0• 299.7 * • * 0 * 2500() * 25000 * * * 0 * 25000 * 25000 * * * 0 * 37291 * 37291 * * * 0 * 19000 * 1'1000 • * * 0 • lbbOOO • 1ob000 • * * 0 * '51000 • 51000 • * * 0 * 51000 * '51000 • * " 0 * 25000 * 2':i000 * * * () * u • 123000 * 123000 • * 0 * 1.!2000 * 122000 * • 'J • u 7i>01 • ~l7bCl * * * 0 • 90000 • 90(;00 • • • il * 713;>00 • TBli0\1 • • • (I * '<;SJOO • ,'!1500\l • 0 • 2<J'.J·,JOO • 2'l5000 * * • !) * 11 9·Joo • ll't~OO * * 0 * 2lb0000 • 142COCOO * 2lb0000 * 14200000 * • * 15382 125. s 6455.4 oc;.loo &813.& ~7.'138 Mb l. b 94. u 11 bll lb. bi! 7291.8 29.7t.2 l!b&3.a 35.3~>2 99t.5.8 o3,74o 1 'H ooo 1o,c..u * • * • * * * * * • • • * * * * * • * * * • .. • * • * * * * * * * * * • * * * * • * * * NNUUUUU UNNUUUNYU NNUUUUU YNNUUUNUU NYUlJUUU UNNUUNNYU NNUUUUU YNNUUUNNU NYUUUUU UNNUUUNI;U NYUUUUU UNNUUUNI'IU NYUUUUU UNNUUUNNU YNUUUUU UNNUNUNNU YNUUUUU UNNUUUNNU * • * * • * • * * • * " • • * • • • * • • * .. • * * • * * • • * • * * • .. • • * • ******************•*****************************************•****************••••···········-~~··········~············••***•······ :r .;-. ()0 ' Project Listing( continued) ·······································································································*·························· * SITE 10 * PROJECT NAME •·LATITUDE •PHOJ.PUHP.• DAM HT • EXIST.CAP. •EXIST.lNHGtANUL. COST • ENVIRONMENTAL • * • PRIMARY CO. •NAME OF STREAM •LONGITUOE * STATUS •TOT. STOR• INC. CAP. •INC.ENERGY•ENEKGY COST• IMPACT COOf • • OEP ACTV • O~NER • OR.AREA * AVE. 0 •P"R• HD. • TOT. CAP. •TOT.EN~RGY• • • * COOE lNV • HAP llEFEAENCE • (0 M.M) • • (FT) • (KW) • (MnH) • (1000 S) • • * • • (0 M.M) • • (AC FT) • (KW) • (MI'II'I) • (S/Ml\H) * SOCIAL • * GEOG. AREA • * (SQ.HI) * (CFS) • (FT) • (Kw·) • (MIII'I) • • l141'ACT CODE * •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• * AKbNPA0372 • ZlMMERM~N • &7 0.0 * H • 190.0 • 0 • 0 • 1~833 • NNUUUUU * • 0 · ~ • UP?ER YUKON UNNAMED * 147 4.3 * IS • 0 • 44000 • 210000 • 70.&35 • • • YUKON • UNDEVELOPED • 5500 • 2070.0• 1&8.8 * 4~000 • 210~00 • • YNNUUUNNU • • • CHAI>40ALAR 8•1. * • • • • • * • * • . * • • • • • • • • AKbfiPA2&19 • 1 b • YUKON • • • ,r.K7NPA0041 • I 2 • SO CENTIIAL • • • PORCUPINE • UPP(K•YUI<Otl • UNDEVELOPED • CDLEEN a-1. • • ALLISQ~~j CREEK • VALDEZ-CHIT• Ulli)£ ~ELOPED • VALDEZ A•7 • • AK6NPA0374 ~ GAKONA SITE * I b * VALDEZ-CHIT• * SO C(NTNAL • U~OEVELO~ED • * GULKANA 8•3 • • * Al<bNPA0373 • 0 5 * YUKON • • GERSTLE • VALOEZ•CHIT• • UNJEVELOPEO • b7 19.2 • PORCUPINE RlV• 141 25.0 • • 23400 • • * • • • o1 1.1 • ALLISON CREEK• 14& 10.2 • • 5 • • • • • • c2 2c.o • COPPER RIVER • 145 40.0 • • 3935 • • • * • • b3 49.9 TANANA RIVER * 144 48.0 *• • 1070U • • • • ~OUNT H,r.YES 0•2. • • • • • • • AK&NPA0378 • GULKANA RIVER UPPER • &2 27.0 • • 0 5 • V&LOEZ•CHIT• GOLKANA RIVER• 145 30.0 • • SO CENTRAL • UNDEVELOPED • 1770 • • • GUL~ANA d•3. • • H * IS • 13000.0• H IS • • • • 49.0• • • H * IS * 6072.0• • • H * IS • lll22.0• • • H * 1$ • 2&22.0• • 340.0 • 0 • 312.i> • • • 1.0 • 19Y8u • 11&8.8 • • • 280.0 • 0 • 2&5.7 • • • 100.0 • 0 • 58.9 • • • 150.0 • 0 • 123.8 • • 0 • 530000 • 530000 • • • 0 • 6000 • 8000 • * • 0 • 150000 • 150000 • • • . 0 • 100000 • 100000 • • • 0 • 9000 • 9000 • • 0 • 2320000 • 2320000 • • • 0 • 37250 • 37250 • • • 0 • 727000 • 727CIOO • • • . 0 • <138000 • 4381100 • • • 0 * 45000 • 45000 .. • ·2949o 12.714 1198.0 32.1&3 • • • • * • • • • * 2747o •· 37.7 .. 3 • 199211 45.490 4975.5 uo.so • • • • * • • • • • • • NYUUUUU Ul\lfjUUUUNU . NNUYNNN NNIIINYNYYY YNUUUUU UNr.tJUUUNU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NYUUUUU UNNUUUUUU • • • • • • • • * * • • • • • * • • * • • • • • • • • * * • • • • • * AK7NPA03l~ • GULKANA . RIVER LO~ER • c2 34.9 * H • 50.0 * 0 • 0 • 4713.4 • NYUUUUU * • 0 6 • VALDEZ-CHIT• GULKANA RIVER• 145 29.0 * IS * O·• 9000 • 42000 • 112.22 • * • $0 C(NTRAL • UNDEVELOPED • .. 1850 • 27bO.O• 231.7 * 9000 • 42000 • • UNNUUUUUU • * • GULKANA 8·3. • * • * * • * * • • * * • • • • • * • AK7NPA0]7b • GULKANA RIVER WEST • &2 34.Y • H • 80.0 • 0 • 0 • 5700.2 • NYUUUUU * * 0 5 • VALD~Z·CHIT• W FORK GULKAN• 14& 4.9 * 1$ * 0 • 14000 * b91l00 * 82.612 * * • $0 CENTRAL • UNDEVELOPED * 398 • b07.0• 191.6 * 14000 • b91l00 * • UNNUUUUUU * • * GULKANA C•5. * • • * • • * • • • • • • • * • * • * AK7NPA0377 • GULKA~A RIVER * &2 34.9 * H . * 200.0 • 0 • 0 * 10597 * NYUUUUU * * 1 . 5 • VALO~Z-CHtf• GULKANA RIVER• 145 ~o.O * 1$ • 0 • 34000 • 1o41l0u • 64.619 * • * SO CENTRAL • UNDEV~LOPED * 575 · • 85o.O• 404.~ * 34000 * 164000 * • UNNUUUUUU • * • GULKANA C•4. • • * * • * * • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• =r ~ \Q .. ~ Project Llsting(contlnued) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• * SITE ID * PROJECT NAME * LATITUUE •PR~J.PURP.• DAH HT • EXIST.CAP. •~XIST.tNNG•ANUL. COST • ENVlR~NHEhTAL • • * PRIMARY CO. •NA~E OF STREAM •LONGITUDE * STATUS •TOT. STOR• INC. CAP. •INC.ENEN~Y•ENEHGY COST• lHPACT COD~ • • OEP ACTV * O~NER • DR.AREA . • AVE. Q •PWR. HO. • TOT. CAP. •TOT.ENER~Y~ ~ • • CODE INV * HAP REFERENCE • (D r~.14) * • (FT) • (K•~) • (HMt) ~ (1000 S) • • * * * (D H.~1) * * (AC FT) • (KW) • (Hflr1) • (S/HIIiH) • SOCUL • • GEOG. AREA* * (SU.Hl) * (CFS) * (FT) • (Ki'i) • (HI'IH) ·• • IMPACT CODE • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • AK~NPA0379 * KOTSlNA NIVER * b1 3~.0 • H * ~2S.u • 0 * U • 4SO~S • YNUUUUU • • I 5 • VALDEZ-CHIT• KATSINA RIVER• 144 11.0 • lS • 0 • 2~000 * 133000 • 323.94 • • • SO CENTRAL • UNDEVELOPED * 209 * b07.0• 523.4 • 2~000 * 133000 • • UNNUUUUUU • * • VALDEZ C•l. * * • * * * * * • • • AK7NPA0380 • MCCLURE BAY · • I 5 * VALDEZ-CHIT• • SO CENTRAL ·• UNDEVELOPED • • SE~AkD C•4 • • * AKbNPA0381 • NELCHINA RIVER * I 5 • VALOEZ•CttiT• • SO CE~TRAL • UNDEVELOPED • • GULK oVIA A •4 • • * AKbhPA0382 • S&hFORD • I ·5 ~ VALOEZ•CHIT• ··so CENTRAL • UMOEVELOPEO * * GULKANA 8•3. • • * AK7NPA0383 • SILVER LAKE * I 5 • VALOEZ•CHIT• a SO CENTRA~ • U~OEVELOPEO • • CORDOVA 0•7. • * * AK7NPA0384 • ~OLO~ON GULCH • I 2 • V&LOtl•CHIT• • SO CENTRAL • UNDEVELOPED * * VALDEZ A•7 • • * AK7NPA0365 * SUMMIT LAKE •· I ·S.., • VALDEZ•CHIT• • SO CENTRAL • U~OfVELOPEO * .• HT HAYES A•4 • • • AKbNPA038b • TAlLINA • I b * VALDEZ-CHIT• • SO CENTRAL * UNOEVELOPED * • GULKANA A•5 0 • • * • • bO 33.'i * HANLEY CREEK * 148 10.3 * * 71 * * • * • * ~2 0.3 * NELCHINA RIVE• 14b 38.9 * • 820 • * * * • • ~2 19.9 * COPPER RIVER * 145 21.0 * DUCK RIVER * 33&5 • * • * • • &0 5&.0 • * 211b 19.'i * * 2~ * * * * * *·b1 30.'i • SOLOMON GULtk• 14b 15.9 • • 18 • • * • * * b3 4.9 • GULKANA RIVER• 145 32.0 * * 83 • * * * * • &2 ·O.'i • TAZLINA RIVER• 14b 8.CI * * 2970 * • • • * * H * IS • 1811.0• * * H • IS • 1297.U• * * H * IS • 510&.0• * • H * IS • 248.0• • * H * IS * 238. 0• • H • IS 121.0• • H * IS • 3174.0• * * • 25.0 • 0 .~ 29b.7 • • • 290.0 • u • 284.7 * • • 340.0 • 0 * 277.8 * • • 10u.o • 0 • 34b. 0 * • * 20.0 * 0 * &07.3 * • • s.o * 0 • soo.o • • * 300.0 • 'iOOOOO • 272.7 * • * • 0 • 8000 * 8000 • * * 0 • 45000 • 45000 • • * 0 * 8UOOO * 80000 * • • 0 • 10000 • 10000 • • * 0 • 22000 • 12000 • • • 0 * ~000 • 8\IUO • * • 0 • 104000 • 10,.000 • • ·• * 0 • 3&300 • 3&300 * • • 0 • 21CIOOO • 21'i00U • 4 • 0 • . 38SOOO. • 3851100 * * * 0 * '16000 • 411000 • * .. 0 * bSOOU • ~5000 • * * 0 • 3&000 * 36000 • • * .0 • 503000 * 503000 • • * • 1855.5 • 51.117 • 11202 51.154 220&5 57.3b6 31&5.5 65.CI4& 1bb2.1 25.571 2403.7 b&.771 1528b 30.391 • • • • * • * • • • • • * • • • * * • * • • • • * • • * * * * • * NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NYUUUUU UNI'tUUUUUU YNUUUUU UNP11UUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNNNNUU . NN.NNYUUYY NYUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NYUUUUU UYNUUUUUU • • • • • • * * • • • • * . • * • • • • * • • * * • * • * * • • • • • • • • AK7hPA0387 • TOLSONA C~EEK * ~2 4.9 • H • 250.0 • 0 * 0 • 1"0"5 * NNUUUUU • • I . 5 • VALDEZ•CHI\:. TOLSONA CREEK* 145 57.9 * IS * 0 • 11000 • 53000 • 2bS. 1 * • * SO CENTRAL * UNDEVELOPED * 174 * 27&.0• 459.5 • 11000 * 53000 • * UNNUUUUUU • * * GULKANA A•4 * * * * * * * * •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• :r VI 0 Project Listing(continued) ························································································•••********••············-·-~····~········ * SITE 10 • PROJECT NA"E • LATITUDE •PROJ.PuAP.• DAM HT • EXIST.CAP. •EXIST.ENRG•ANUL. COST • EN~IAUNMENTAL * • * PRIMARY CO. -NA~E OF STREAM •LONGITUDE * STATUS ,•T0 9 , STOR• INC. CAP. •INC,lNEAGY•ENEHGY COST• IMPACT CODE * • DEP ACTV • O~NER • OA,ANEI * AVE. Q •PwR, HD, * TOT. CAP, •TOT,tN~~GY• * • *CODE ~~~ • MAP REFERENCE * (0 M.M) * * (FTI * (Kft) • (M~H) * (1000 S) • * * * (~ M.M) • * (IC FT) • (KW) * (M•HJ • (S/M~H) * SOCIAL • GECG. ~REA • * (SQ,M!) * (CFS) * (FT) * (KW) • (MNH) • • lMP&CT CODE * **•****•••••****************•**~**************************~************************~*~**R**•*~*•*******•w******************k****** * AKbNPA03q2 • CHUILNAK RIVER UPPER • o2 46,9 * H • 14~.0 • 0 • 0 * 4809,2 • YNUUUUU • * I 5 • WADE HA~PTON ATCrlUILNK RIV• 1&1 26.9 • IS * ''0 * 2000 * 11000 • 437,20 • * • SOUTh~EST * UNDCVELOPEO * lo2 * 193,0• 102,6 • 2000 * 11000 • • UNNUUUU~U * * * HOLY CROSS D•S * * * • * * * * * * • * .t.II7NPA0310 * I 2 • SOUTHEAST * THO~AS 8~¥ • ftRINGELL PET * 57 3,3 * CASC40E CREEK• 132 45,2 • • uNDEVELOPED • SUMnu~ A-2 A•3 * * * AK7NPA0412 • AARON * I S • nM4N~ELL~PET A~RON CREEK * SOUlHEAST • UNDEVELOPED • BRADFIELD CANAL C•o, • * * AK7~Pl0413 • ANAN C~E[K * I 5 • ~Ra~GELL-PET ANAN CREEK • SOUTHEAST • U~DEVEL0PED * * BRADFIELD CANAL A~b, • • 18 * • * * * • So 22.9 • * 131 55,0 * • 94 * " * * * • 5& 10.0 * * 131 52.1 * * 27 * * * * * w Al(bi;PA01114 • 1 2 * SOUTHE4ST • ANITA • WI'IANt;ELL-PET * 56 15.5 • ZIMOVIA STRAI• 132 2b,S • * • • UND!:.VELOP£0 • PETE~S~URG B·~. • 2 •• * * * A~bNPl01115 • BMADFIEL~ RIVER NO~TH * So 19,9 • • I S * ~;A~GELL•PET N BRADFIELD k• 131 22,0 * ~ SOUTHEAST * UNDEVELOPED * 150 * * • 8R~DFrELO CANAL 8-5 • * • • • AK7NPA041& * BURNETT LAKE * J S * ~RA~GELL•PET • SCuTHEAsf• • U~OE~ELUPED • 56 S,'l • BURNETT CREEK• 13Z 27,9 • * • PEfE~S~U~b A~2, ~ • • AK4NPA2b05 • C~ITTENOEN CREEK o ! 5 • WRANGELL-PET CNITTENOEN * SOUTHEAST • U~UfVELO?ED * • PETE~SBU~G 8•1, * * • AKJNPA04Z3 • CQYSTAL LAKE * 1 5 * ~RANGELL-PET BLIND RIVER • SOUTHE~ST • CITV OF PE~RSbURG * o PETERSBU~G C~3 * I " * * • ~6 30,0 * CR• 132 15.1 • 10 * * • • 56 35.9 * * 132: 48.0 • • 2 * * " H IS • * • 22b,O• H * IS 1100,0• H IS H IS • * • 27E>.O• * .. 27.0• * * H * IS * H IS H IS 11ioS'l.O• * .. * 80.0• * • b&.O• * * * 3.0 • 0 " 1443.5 • • 100.() • 7E>QOO • 117.8 • • * toq.o • 164001! • 299,7 • * • !>8,(} • 15500 • 1005,'1 " * 150.0 • 0 • 15t>.8 • .. 35.0 • 0 * 229.7 * • 10,0 • 0 • 119.8 * * H OP • 25,0 * E>BbO • 16.0*' 1200.0 .. * • * 0 * 50000 • 50000 • * 0 * 12000 * 12000 • * • 0 * 7 000 •. 7000 • * • 0 • 3230 • 3230 * • 0 • 27000 • ;!1000 * * 0 .. 3000 * 3000 * • 0 • !850 • 1 e'SO * • * 2_v,\)0 ft 1400 * ::1800 • * 0 • <H7417 • 217417 • " 0 * 58000 • 58000 * * 0 .. 33QOD • 3300t' * • * l,l • ..'·iSO • 1'·1'50 ~ a • II • 3!0CO • 131000 * \) ~ 12290 • 1~2'i-V • • 0 • 6 '. 28 • e~zs • * ;owv * 0 * !>BOO * * 4010.4 18.1173 33<11>,9 56.39& 4b4b,1 140,1H 772.t>ll 511,&03 8544.5 C.5.225 67~&.oO 71.1o<.~ 92b.85 114. 3 150.41 0 * * • * * " * * * * • * * * * * .. * • * * * * * * * * * * * • • • * * • * NNNNNNN NNNNYYYTY 11iNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NIIIUUUUU UNI<UUUUUU NNUUUUU UN~<LJUUUUU r-.t.uuuu.; UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU * • • • * * • * • • • * • • * * • ., * • • • • • • • • * • * * * * • • • • • • • ***********************·······························~····•***********************~·······~·•t•~••*••~······~··•***~····~-~~····· ~ l.n 1-" Project ,Listing( continued) ·····································································•••********•**************•••··························*••••• * SITE 10 • PROJECT NAME * LATITUDE •PROJ.PURP.* DAM Hf * EXIST.C&P. •EXIST.~NkG•ANUL. COST * ENVIRONMENTAL * * • P~IHARY CO. •NAME OF STREAM •LONGITUDE * STATUS •TOT. SlUR• INC. CAP. •INC.ENEAGY•E~ERGY COST• IMPACT CODE * * OEP ACTV • O~NER * DR.AREA * AVE. Q •PNR. HD. * TOT. CAP. •TOT.tNEAGY• • * * CODE INV * IUP REFERENCE * (0 ~>~.M) * * (FT} * (Kw) * (M:,H} * (1000 $) * • * * * (0 M.M) * • (AC Fl) * (IV;) • (M,·,HJ * ($/I~O'IH) • SOCIAL • • Gi:CG • .&ilEA • * (SGI.MI l * (CFS) * (FT) " {Kw) * (1>41'<H} * * IMPACT CODE * ··································································•****•********************************************************** * ~K7NPA0417 • FALLS LAKE * 57 1.1 * H * 50.0 * 0 * 0 * 3~58.b • NNUUUUU * * I 2 • ~AA~GELL•PET CASCADE CREEK• 132 45.1 * lS • 0 • 4~000 * 190000 • 18.203 * • * SOUTHEAST * UhDEVEt.O?EO * 20 * 220.0• 9Db.U * AuOOO * 19000U * • UNNUUUUUU * * * SU'<DU'I A•3, * * * * * * * * * * * A~7NPA0418 * FARRAGUT RIVER * I b • ~A~NGELL•PET • SOUThEAST * U\JtVELOPEO * SUI•WUM A-3. * • * A~bN~A0419 * GOAT * * * 57 28.0 * FARWAGUT RIVE• 132 ~7.9 • * bll • * * * * • I b • ~AA~~ELL-PET GOAT CREEK • 5& 38,0 * * 132 0. 0 * * 111 * • SOUTHEAST * U~8EYELDPEO * * 6~ADFIELO CANA~ C•b, * • * * * * * AK7NPA0301 • HARDING RIVER * I 2 * ~RA~GELL•PET • SOUTHEAST • U~UEVELOPED • so 1 o. 1 * HARDING RIVER• 131 38,9 * * Ed * • • B~AQFIELO CANAL A•S * * * * * * H IS * * bb2,0• * H * IS * 155.0• * * H * IS * 725.0• * * • AKb~PAv420 • I b * SOUTH~AST * HOUGHtON • nAANG[Ll.•PET * U~UEVfLGPED * 57 23.0 * H NO NAME SE AKa 133 8,9 *. IS * * 511.0• * • su~ou'l e-J,S•4, * * * 39 *. * * • * • AK7NPAOU21 * KAT'.TE AIVEW * I 5 • ~~ANGtLL·P~T * SOUTHEAST * UNJEVELOPEO * 54 32.9 • KATETE RIVER • 1~1 45,9 * * * 6~AOFlEL0 CANAL C•o, * * * A~NNPA0ll24 * KEKU *I I•• R~I~GELL•PET KEKU CREEK * SOUTHEAST • KE~U CANNI~G CO, * * PEfE~S8UNG C•b * • AKt>llPA0070 * 1 s t SOUTHtA:'\T • * * * l<.l)IVK LAKE • wQANGE\.L•PET KUNK CREEK * UNDEVELOPED * PETEkS8URG 8•2. * 7 3 * * * * • • So 44. 1 • * 133 41.9 * * . 8 * * * * * • Sb 17. 1 * * 132 23.2 * * 8 * * .. * * A!\E>NPJ.0394 • I b " SOUTHE'-Sl * MARTEN CREC:K • wRANGELL•PbJ' * UNDEVELOPED • 5& 1&.9 * HARTEN CREEK * 131 ~1.0 * * * 8RAOFIELO CANAL B•o * * 3 * * * * H * IS * H OP H IS H IS 792.0• * * * * 45.0• * * * * 74.0• * * * 32.0• * • 100.0 * (I • 1192.~ * * * o5.o • 0 * 10'54.9 * * * 19o.o • 0 * 259.7 * * * 200.0 * u * 45o,S • * * 125.0 • 0 • 248,7 * • • s.o * 0 * 127.0 * .. * 110.0 * 35151.1 * 30'1.1> * * * 15.0 * 0 • 634.1 * * • 0 * 37000 * 37000 • * * 0 * 20000 * 20000 * * * 0 * 18000 * 18000 * * * 0 .. 31000 * 31000 * * * 0 * 21000 * 21000 * • * 30 * 0 * 30 * * * 0 * 2240 * a.:~>o * * " 0 * 4000 * 4000 * * * 0 * 11>3UOO * 11>3000 * * * 0 * 37UOO * 6700~ * * * 0 * 65000 * a5ooo * • * \) * l JI,OOO * ~..>1>000 • * * 0 * '19000 * 'il'ICGO * * * 120 • 0 * 1<?0 * * * 0 * 9901) • 9900 * * () .. 17000 * l7i.l:l0 * * olso.l 37. Jb'l 2581>.0 2'1.725 • * * * * * * * * * • 5137 .o * oO,Il<~3 • 4803.3 35.318 ':1021.3 50.720 * * .. • • * * * • • * * * 0 * 0 • 1235.4 12<1.7'1 aa.'~o 48. 27 • * * * * * .. * * * * * NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU /''iiiiiiJUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU * * .. * • * * * * * * * * * * * • • * * * * .. • .. * * • • • .. * .. * * • • • • * •••••••**********$*•••*******•********************•***************************~~·•~c·~3~••'4 •'*A****•••**********~*•~•~•v•••••• > I \JI N Project listing(continued) ****•*************~**************************~*****************•*******•***********••A~******••••**•*************•***• *****•***** • SITE ID • PROJECT NAME * LATITUDE •PROJ.PURP.• OAM H; • EXlST.CAP. •EXIST.EN~G•ANUL. CUST • ENVIRONMENTAl. • * * PRIMARY CO. •NAME OF STREAM •LONGITUDE • STATUS •TOT. STOR• INC. CAP. •INC.ENERGY•ENENGY COST• IMPACT CODE * * OEP ACTV • O~N~R * OR.A~EA * AVE. U •PwR. hD. • TOT. CAP. •TOT.ENERGY• * * CODE INV • MAP REFERENCE * (D M.M) * • (FTJ * (KW) * (MWH) * (IUOO $) * * * * (D M.M) * * (AC FT) * (K~J * (MNH) * ($/M•H) * • GEO&. ~REA • • (SU.MI) * (CFS) * (FT) • (KW) * (MrlH) • soc lAt. lMPACT CODE • • * ··········································~························································-····················•****••••• * AK7NPA03q6 * MCHEN~Y LA~E * 56 3.3 * H * 50.0 * 0 * 0 * 1198.3 * NNUUUUU * * J 5 • ~QA~GELL-PET MCHENRY CHEEK• 13i i0.2 * IS • 0 * 5000 * 21790 * 54.994 • a • SOUTHEAST • UNDEVELOPED * 13 * 160.0• 299.7 * 5000 * 21790 • * UNNUUUUUU * * • PETE~S6URG A•2 * • * • * * * * * • * * • * * * * • * AKoNPA0397 * ME~EFEE LAKE • I o * ~RI~GELL·PET * SOUTHEAST • UNUEVELOPEO • PEiE~SuV~G A•1 * .. * AK7NPA0398 * NAVY LAKE * 56 3.9 • MENEFEE CASCA• 132 12.9 * * II * * * * • * I 5 • WRI~GELL-PET NAVY CREEK * so 11.1 • • 132 25.3 * • 7 * • SOUTHEAST * U~OEVELDPEO • * PETERSBURG 4•4 * • AII7NPA0399 • I 5 * SOUTHEAST * * • AK7NPA0400 * • OLl VE LAKE •' ,.;RAt>::;ELL-PET • Ul\lltVELOPEO * PETERSdURG 8•2 * * RUTH LAKE OLIVE CREEK * * * * • s& 11.2 • * 132 18.9 * • * * 4 • • * * I 2 • SOUTHEAST • wRANr.ELL•PET OEt.T CREEK • SE> 59.0 * * 13i! 45.0 * * a -. • * * AK7r~PA0401 • I Z * SOUTHEAST * * * UNi;EVELOPEO • PETERSBURG 0•3. * * SCEI'iERf Cflf:EK • "QAt-.Gf.LL•PET • U'll>EVELOPEO • su~ou" &·2,A·3. * * AK6NP~0402 • ST!KINE RIVER * I tr-,• WRANGELL-PET • SOUTHEAST • U~O€V€LOPEU • * * * * 57 ll.9 * SCENERY CR~EK• 132 41.9 • * • 21 * • * * 56 ll2.0 • STIKINE RIVER• 132 11,9 * * .1!0000 * • * PETE~SBU~G C•1,0•1 BRADFIELD• * * * * Al(7flPA0'403 * SW;R!SE L~KE * I b • ~QA~~ELL•PET UNNAMED * SOUTHEAST * U~DEVELOPEO • • PETERSBURG C-2, • " * * * 56 24.0 * * 132 ?9.0 * * 1 * * * * * H IS • * 42.0• * H " IS • H IS H IS H IS •36.9• * .. * -2~.o• * * * * 81.0 * * • * • 202.&• * * H * IS * o21SS.O• * • H * IS * 25.0• * * 70.0 * 0 * 964.0. * • • 30,0 * v * 219.7 • • * 30.0 • 0 * 269.7 * * • 210.0 * 0 * 1447.~ * * * 10.0 * 0 • 619.3 • • * 350.0 * 0 * 290,7 * * * 25.0 • 0 * 1!193.1 • * * 0 • 6000 • &000 * * • 0 .. 1200 * 1200 • * • (i * 1000 * 1000 * * * 0 • 13000 • 13000 • * * 0 " !5000 * 15000 • * * 0 * 2260000 * 2260000 * * * 0 • 5000 * 5000 * • • 0 * 25VOO * 25000 * * • 0 * 5'100 * '5400 * * * c " 4421 * 4421 • " 0 * I>>OOv • tdOOO • " * 0 * 6!000 " t7\IOO • * • 0 • 99001100 * 9900000 • * 0 • 252<;3 • 252~'8 • • * 1151,1 4E>. 47 ~53.59 158. 7 586.33 132.62 2873.6 . 45.bll 22b0,7 )II, 41 * * • * • * * .. • • * * * .. • * .. * * * * " * .. J2995o * 13.12o • * * * 1114,23 * .:S2.185 * * • * NNUUUUU UNivUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUIJ UNiiiUUUUUll NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NYUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU Ut;NUUUUUU * * • • • • .. • • • • • .. .. • • * * • • * * ... • • * * • * • * • * • * AK7NPaOqQS * lHO~S LAKE * Sc 1~.0 * H * .20,0 * C * D * 1282,6 * NNUUUUU • * I 5 * l'iRA~~ELL•PEt. THOMS CREEK * 13i! 15.0 * IS * 0 * $000 • 1<1.!55 * &9.97q * * ,. SOUTHEAST • U~UEVELOPED * 13 * •93.1* 229.7 * 3000 * l4i!55 * * UNNUUUUUU • * * PETEi<St!UF<G A•l. * * * * * " * * •••**************•****•******•**•******************************~********•************•**••••••~••w•*************************••***• > I. VI w ) • Project Listfng(contlnued) ·' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• * SITE ID * PROJECT NAME *LATITUDE •PROJ.PUHP.• DAM HT • EXIST.CAP. •tXISf.~NHG•ANUL. COST • ENVIRONMENTAL · • * • PRIMARY CO. •NA~~ OF STREAM •LUN~ITUDE * STATyS •TOT. STOH• INC. CAP. •INC.ENEH~Y•ENEHGY COST• IMPACT CUD~ • * DEP ACTV * O~NER * OH.AREA * AVE. Q •PWR. HD. * TOT. CAP. •TOT .E~tRGY• * * * CODE INV • MAP REFE>IfNCE * (0 H.M) * * (FT) * (KW) * (Mo<iH). • (1000 $) * * * * * (0 H.M) * * (AC FT) * (KW) * (M<~H) • UIHIIH) • SOCIAL * * GEOG. AREA * • (SO.Ml) * (CFS) * (FT) • (KW) * (HtiiH) * * IMPACT CODE • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• * AK7NPA040b • TOM CREEK . * 5& 12.4 * H * 5~~0 * 0 * 0 * 1801.0 • NNUUUUU * * I b • ~~~NGELL·PET TOM CREEK * 131 40.3 * IS • 0 • 8500 * 374&7 • 48 0 70 • • • SOUTHEAST * UN~EVELOPEO * 17 * •14&.1• 379.& * 85UO * 374&7 * * UNNUUUUUU * • * BRADFIELD CANAL B•o. • • * ·• * • * • * * U7NPA0407 • I 5 • SOUTHEAST * • * AK7NPA0408 * I 2 * SOUTHEAST • * • TO<iERS CHEEK • w'IAilGELL•PET * UNDEVELOPED • PETERSBURG D•5o * * TY£.E CREEK * "Rl'>GELL·PET * UNDEVELOPED * aRlOfiELD CANAL . * * * AK7NPA0409•• VIRGINIA LAKE .• I 5 • •HA~GELL·PET • SOUTHEAST • UNDEVELOPED ! ·* PETERSBU~G 8•1. * * • A~f>NPA0410 * ~HlTE HIVEH * * • so 51.9 • TOWERS CREEK * 133 26.0 • TYEE CREEK A•S. * 81 • * * * * * 56 12. u * * 131 33.0 * • 14 * * • * * • 5& 28.4 . * MILL CREEK £A• 132 10.0 • * 1 * • * * • • I b * ~RA~GELL·PET WHITE RIVER * 56 13.0 * * 131 30.0 *· * SOUTHEAST * U,UEVELOPED • 43 • • • B~AOflELD CANAL 8•5. • * • • * AK7N~A0411 * WILKES RANGE * I S • ~RANGELL•PET * SOUTHEAST . • UNOEVELOPEO * • PETERSbUHG C•Z. • • • A~&NPA0425 * ALATNA RIVER * t -5 * YUKO~·KOYU~U • YUKON * U~OEVELOPED * * HUGHES C•1. * • • • • Sf> 43.0 • STIKINE RIVER• 132 ~&.0 • * 1 * * •· * • • &6 33.9 * ALATNA RIVER • 15~ 4&.9 * • 28oo • • * * • * AK7NPA042o • ALATNA RIVER UPPE~ • 67 15.0 * • I 5 * Yu~ON-KOYUKU * YUKON • UN~EVELOPED • * SURVEY PASS * ALATNA RIVER * 153 31.9 • • 13<!5 • • * * • H IS H IS H IS * * * 414.0• * • * • 163.0• * * * • •13.4• • * H * IS • H IS 530.0• * * * • .. 12.2• • • * 200.0 • 0 * 258.7 * • * 10u.o • 1U5000 • 1l56.o * * • 130.0 • 0 * i49.8 • * • 40,0 * 0 • 329.& • • * 25.0 • 0 • 1l9s.o • * * H * 13U.O * IS • 2397UOO • 27&0.0• 1Uo.8 • • • * * H * 200.0 * IS • 3446000 • 1829.0• 157.8 • * * • • • 0 • 13000 * 1l000 * • • 0 * 30000 * 30000 • • * 0 • 30"0 • 300 * * * 0 * 2&000 • 21>000 • * * 0 • 2500 •. 2500 • • * 0 * 3t.OOO • 36000 * • * 0 * 25000 * 2SOUO * * • .. 0 • &4000 • &4000 * • * 0 • 132<140 • 132940 * * * il • 1338 * 1338 * • • 0 • 1 16440 * 1 1&1140 * * * 0 • 11371 • 11371 * * * u • 175000 * 175000 •• * * 0 • 123UOO • 1C!300 il * * • 5435.2 64.9C!& 3&78.2 27.608 28S4.2 2133.2 3387.8 29. 95 590.C!O 51.904 21967 125.52 10725 87.19& • * * • * * • • * • * * * * • * * * * * * * * * • • * * • • • • * * * • NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UN NUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NYUUUUU UNNUUUUUU NYUUUUU UNNUUUUYU Y'"'UUUUU UNNUU UN,_,U * * * * • * * * * * * • * * • • • • • • * * * • • * • • • • * • * * • * * AK&NPA0427 • BRO~~E * 64 11.0 * H • C!lO.O * 0 * 0 • 27731 * NNUUUUU * * I 2 * YU~ON•IIOYlflcU NfNANA HlVER * 149 15.0 * IS •' 0 * 200000 * 566000 * 48.995 • * • YUKON * UNOEVELOPEO * 2450 * 4692.0• 206.7 • 2a0000 * 5&6UOO • * UYYUNNNNN • • * FAIR~ANl(S A•5. * * * * • * • * •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ) > I Ln ,::.. Project, Listing( continued) ···················~···························~···························~·······················~················~············· • SITE ID • PROJECT NAM~ * LATITUDE •PRUJ,PURP.• DAM Hl * EXIST.CAP, •EX!ST.ENMG•AhUL. COST * ENVlHUNMENTlL * • • PN[MIRY CO, •NA~E OF STREAM •LUNGJTUOE * STaTUS •lOT, STON• INC. CAP, •INC.ENtMGY•ENfNGY COST• lMPACl CODE * • QEP &CTV • O~NER • OR,AHEl * AVE. Q •PwR, HD. • TOT. CAP, •TOT.ENERGY• * * • COJE !~ill • '"'AP REFERENCE * (0 M,M) • * (FT) • (K.-.) * (M;;H) • (1000 $) * • • * • (0 M.M) * • (AC Fl) * (K"'l * (M.,H) • ($/M~<H) * SOCUL * * GEOG, AREA • • {SQ,Ml) * (CFS) * (FT) * (Kfl) * (M;.>;) • • IMPACT CODE * ····················••*************•···········~·····················~··*********•~············~··••******************************* * &KbNPA2b11 • BRUS~ANSNA * &l 24.0 * H * 275,0 * 0 * 0 * 7b2b,1 * NNUUUUU * • 0 5 • YUKO~·KUYUKU Nt~ANA RIVER * 148 30,0 * IS • 0 * 3b000 * lbOOOO * 47,bb3 * • * YUKON • UNDEVELOPED * bSO * 1139,0• 211,7 * 36000 * lbOOOO • * UYYUNNYYN * * * hf.ALY b•l.&• • * * * * * * * * * * * * * .... * .. * iKbNPAO~ZI * CARLO * 0 5 • YUKDN•KOYUKU * YUKON * U\OEVELDPED * • KEALY C•4, * * * ~KbNPA2o12 • OULBI * b] 40.0 * NENANA RIVER * 146 48.9 * • bSO * * • * I 5 * Yi;t<O~;·KOYUKU KOYUKUK .. <>5 24,0 * " !Sb 23.9 * * 25700 • * YUKON • U~UEVELOPED * • KANTE£L RIVER 6•1. • * * * * * AKbNPA0429 • FRY ISLAND * I 5"• YUKON•KOYUKU * YUKON * U~UEVELDPED * * MELOliTNA 0•4. • * * AKbNPA0430 * HEALY * 0 b * YUKON•KOYUKU * YUKON * UNOlVELOPEO * * * HEALY O•'l. * * AKbNPA2b14 * HUGH~S * 0 S • YU~O~-KOYUKU • YUKON • U~CEVELDPED * • HUGk~S A•3. • • AK7NPA2b2Z • JAC~ RIVER • I -~ * YUKON•KOYUKU • YUKON * UNUEVELOPEO * * • HEALY 9-<1, • * AKbNFA2b23 • JACK ~HITE * I b • YUMO~·KOYUKU o YUKON • U~UEVELOPED * • bETTLES * • &S 43,7 • KOYU~UK RIVER• 154 56.3 * * 1995(1 * * • * • bl 48,9 • NENANA RIVER * 148 Sb,'l * * 1'100 •• * * * &1:> 0.0 KOYUKUK RIV~R• 154 1b,0 * 18700 * JACK !liVER * * * * * b3 I 'I. 7 * * 148 tl],3 * * !35 * * • * • bb Sll.O • KOYUKUK RIVER• 152 25.0 * * b700 * • * * * H * IS * 1141,0• * H " IS • 2b500,0• • * H * IS * 19320.0• * * H * IS * lb'15,0• * zos.o * 0 * 211.1 • * * l.i!O,O * 0 * b7.9 * * • 70,0 * 0 • 53,9 * * * Z9o.O • 0 • 290.7 • • H " 100,0 • IS • 1140000 • lb'IOO.O• 48,9 * H * IS • H 405.0• * * IS * 4140.0• • • * 385.0 * l7'1QOO * t~ob.s • • 150,0 * 0 * 135.8 * * 0 * 3001)0 * 30000 * * * 0 * 24~000 * 244000 • • * 0 * 11'1000 • 11<1000 • * * 0 * 1]3000 * 133000 * • * 0 * 110000 • 110000 * * * () * 28750 * 28750 * * 0 * <>5000 * <>~000 .. * • 0 * 8<10000 * 840000 * • * () . lil70ovo • 1070000 • * 0 * o22vOO • 622000 * • * 0 * ~81000 * '.5.8100\l " * 0 • ,, .:12000 * "·~2000 • • • 0 * 125000 • 125000 • • 0 • llSvOO • 3151)()0 • * 5478.5 • b,52.i!O * • • * 4'1218 * 1.11,l2b * 2Sb50 41.236 9'143,2 17.114 225211 46.730 2003/i lb0.27 8t<7'1.8 2&.'120 * * • * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * * YNUUUUU UNNUUUUNU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUYU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUNU YNUUUUU UNNUUUUNU NNYYYUY UYNUNNIHY NNuuuuu UNNUYYHY 'tNUUiJUU unuuuNYY * * * * * * • * • * * * • • * • • * • * .. • • * • * * • * * • * • * * I.KbNPA2o24 * JIM RIVER * bb 4b,S * 11 * 110,0 * 0 * 0 • 2432,0 * YI'<UUUUU * * I 5 • YUKON-KOYUKU JIM RIVER * 151 11.2 * IS * 0 * '1000 * 4300() * Sb.S59 * • * YUKON * UNOEVELOPE'c • 470 * 442.0• 1o1.8 * 9000 • 43i101) * * UNNUUUUUU * • * BET YLES 0•2. * * * * * * * • ••••••a**********************************************•2********•************••*****~*~*•••••t·~~•«*•**********************~9~*•*••• :r VI VI -------~----------" Project Llsting(continued) ***************************-******************************•••••••*******K******~*********•*********************************•*••*** • SITE IO * PROJECT NA~E * • PRIMARY CO, -NA~E OF STREAM • OEP * COO£ * ACTV * I ~IV * * • GEOG, .t.REA • 011NER MAP REFERENCE * LATITuDE •PROJ,PURP.• OAM HT * EXIST,CAP, •LON~ITUOE • STATUS •TOT. STOR• INC, CAP. • OR,AREA • AVE. Q •PWk, nO, * TOT, CAP, • (0 M,M) * * (FT) * (K~) * (0 M,MJ * * (AC FT) * (KW) * (SO,M!) * (CFS) • (FT) • (K~) •EXIST.ENRG•ANUL, COST * •INC,ENERGY•ENENGY COST• •TOT.ENERGY•· * * (MnH) * (1000 $) • * (MI'Oi) * ($/M>'IH) * * (MftH) * * ENVlROI';I'IENTAI. IMPACT COO£ SOCIAL IMPACT COOE • • • • ****************······~··········································································································· * A'7NPA2b25 * JOHN RIVEN • 67 5.9 * H * 365,0 * 0 * 0 • 12413 * ~~UUUUU • • I 5 * YUKON-KOYU~U JOHN RIVER • 151 57.9 * IS * 0 * 31000 * 1q9000 * a3,112 • * * YUKON • UNDEVELOPED * 2695 • 2622.0• 799.2 * 31000 * lij9QOO * • UNNUYYYNY * • * WISEMAN A-4 * * * * * • * • * * * * * JU~CTIOh ISLAND * AKoNPA2616 • I 6 * YUKON * YU~ON-KOYUKU TANANA * UNUEVELOPEO * 6'1 52.8 • RIVER * 150 19.9 * * '12500 * * * KI~TlSHN4 0•1. * * * * * * * AK6NPA262b • KALTAG ~IVER * 64 13,8 * • I 6 • YUKO~-KOYUKU YUKON RIVER • 158 3H.9 * • YUKON * U~OEVELUPEO • 296000 * * * I<UI..A T 0 * * * * • * * AK6NPA2o27 * KANTlSHNA RIVER * 64 '15.6 * * I S..,. YIIKON-t<UYUKU KANTISHNA RIV• 150 30.0 * * YUKON • UNDEVELOPED * 5q40 * • * KANTISHNA RIVER ~-1. * * * * &«6NPA2617 * KANUTI • I 6 • Y~KDN•KDYUKU * YUKON * U~DEVELOPEO • • HuGHES ~·2. * • * AK6NPA2629 * HCKI~LEY RIVER * I b * IU~ON-KOYU~U * YUKON * UNDEVELOPED * * ~~ MCKINLEY 8•3 • * • AK6NPA2618 • HELOliTNA • l 5 • IU~0~-KDYUKU * YUKON ~, * U~OEVELO~EO * * RUijY 0-6, * * * * * 66 27.6 * KOYUKUK RIVER• 153 4.9 * * 18000 *· * • * • • 63 'll.5 * MCKINLEY RlVf'lo 151 33,0 * * 710 * * * * * • &II so.9 • MELOZITNA RIV• 155 34,9 • * 2b59 * * * • • * AKbNPAlb30 * MELOZ!TNA Q[VER * 65 15.0 * • D 5 * YU•ON-KOY~KU MELOZITNA RIV• 15q 45.0 * • YUKON • U~DEVELDPEO * 2020 * * * HELOZITNI< 6-q * • * * • * H * IS • 34000,0• * * * 150,0 • 0 ~. 113.8 • * * H * 120.0 • IS •20000000 • 191800.0• 116.& • • • H * IS * 7176.0• .. * * • 115.0 * 0 * 9q.9 • • * H * 200.0 * IS •37300000 * 1o400.0• 16~.~ * * * H * IS * 1255.0• * * H * IS * t93i!,O• * ·* * * 320.0 * 0 * 296.7 • * * JSo.o • 0 * 2&9.7 * * * H * 135,0 * IS • 1300000 • 1518.0• 1211.8 * * • * * • 0 * ~32000 * 532000 * * * • 0 * 2330000 • 2330000 * * * 0 * 0 • 3000000 * 13100000 • 3000000 * 13100000 * * * 0 * 82000 * 82000 * * • 0 * 3b6000 • 366000 • * • 0 * 42000 * '12000 .. * * 0 • 64000 * b4000 * * * 0 • 13000 • 13000 * • * * • u * 3911000 * 394000 * * • 0 * 1!>!2\iOQ * 1&:2\100 • * 0 * 201000 * 21HOOO • • 0 * 282000 • 21:12000 * * • 0 • 111000 • 117000 * * 103594 44.1161 327701 25. 15 31>324 92.194 23450 1<1,547 11597.5 42.774 28732 101.88 • * • * * * * • * • * • • * * * * * * • • * * * * • * * * .. * o97S.8 • 59.62<! * • * NriUYYUY UYYUNNN'I'Y NNUUUUU UNNUUUUUU fllh\JUUUU UNtWUUUUU NN\JYYUY UNNUUNNYY YNUUUUU Ul\ii\;UUUUNU YNUUUUU UNNNTTYYY NNUUUUU UNNUTYTTY • * * * * • * • • • • * * • • • • * • • '* • * • • • • • .. * • • • .. • * * A'6~PA2b32 * NO.ITNA NIVEQ * 64 22.8 * H * 200.0 * 0 * 0 • 8295,4 * YNUUUUU * * I 5 • YIJI<:fl"<-KOYUKU NOIIIlTNA RIVER• 153 37,0 • IS * 2200000 • 56000 * 280000 * 29,626 * * * YUKON * UNO£VELOPF5 * 2570 * 3080.0• 179.8 * 580UO * 280000 * * UNNUUUUYU • * • Ru8 Y 6•2. • * * • * • • • ••••*************•*******************************************************************'**•····························***·········· > I 1.1\ "' Project Llsting(continued} *******·······································································•••*******••··························•************* * SITE 10 * PROJECT NAME * LATlTiiUE •PRUJ.PURP.• DAM HT • EXIST.CAP. •EXIST.ENkG•ANUL. COST * ENVIRONMENTAL * * • PRIMARY CO. •NAME OF STREAM •LONGITUDE • STATUS, •TOT. STUR• INC. CAP. •INC.ENtRGY•ENENGY CO~T• IMPACT CODE • • OEP ACTV • O~NER * OR.AREA * AVE. Q wP~R. HD. *TOT. CAP. •TOT.ENERGY• * • • CODE INV • MAP REFERENCE • {0 M.~) * * (FTJ" * (K~) * (M~H) * (1000 S) * * * * * (D ~.M) • • (AC fT) • (KW) * (M~~) * (S/MwH) • SOCIAL * • yf:G. A~El • • (SQ.~I) • (CFS) * (FT) * (K~) • (H~HJ • * IMPACT CODE • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ~~6\PA2620 • R~u~A~T * 65 1t.7 * H * 565.U • 0 * 0 • 645203 * NYUUUUU • * I c • Yll'O~·~OYU~U YUKON RIVER * 151 1.0 • IS •52000000 * 5040000 * 34200000 * c4.713 * * * YUKO~ * U~DEVELO?EO * 200000 * 112000.0• 4114.5 * 5040000 * 34200000 * • UNNUNUUNU * • • TA~ANA 6-3. * * * * * • • * * • • * * * * * • • * AKf>NPAlbii!1 * RlltlY * 0 b • YU~ON•KOYUKU • YUKON * U~OEVELO~ED * * flU6Y 0·5. * * Al\bNP-'0431 • 1 5 * YUI(ON • • * TEKLANIKI< " YU~Oto•KO tlio<U * UNDEVELOPED * HEALY O•b. • • YUKON HlVER • 611 115.& * * IS~ 211.0 * • 25&000 * • * * * • 63 59.(1 * TEKLANIKA RIV• 149 33.0 • * 520 * • * * AK6NPA0432 • TOTATLANIKA RIVfij * * • 64 13.3 * * I 5 * YUKO~·KOYUKU TOTATLANlKA R• 1118 44.3 * * YUKON * UNDEVELOPED * * FAIRtlANKS A•llo * • • AKcNPA0433 * VACHON ISLAND * 1 b * YUKO~·KOYUKU * YUKON * UNDEVELOPED w * KU;T l:ittNA >liVE!< * * * AKcNPA0434 * ~ALKER CREEK * 1 i,• YUKON•KOYUKU • YUKON * UN0EVELOPEO * * FAlRdlN~S A-S. * * AK6NPA0435 • YA~~~T NO 2 * 0 5 • YUKON•KOYUKU • YUKON * UNOEVELD?EU * * HEALY C•4. * 2'5 0 * • * * • * o4 5o.o • TANANA RIVER • 152 49.9 * * 44500 • 1)-3. • * • * * 63 57.0 * NENANA RIVtR * 149 10.0 * . * 2330 * • " * * * &3 37.9 * N~NANA RIVER • 148 48.9 * • 1190 * • • H * IS • 150000.0• 11 IS H IS * * * btO.O• * * • * 440.0• * * 11 * IS * 35860~0· * H * IS * 4554.0• * * H * IS * 2305.0• • eo.o • u * 71.9 • * * 470.0 * l75000 * 45&.5 * * * 430.0 * 0 * 419.5 * • * 120.0 * 0 * 95.9 * * * 200.(1 • 0 * 1&5.8 * * • 250.0 * 0 • 231.7 • * 0 * 41>0000 * 460000 * * * 0 * 570(10 * 57000 * * * 0 * 24000 .• 24000 * * * 0 * 42&000 * 421>000 * * * 0 • 35000 • 35000 * • * 0 * 62000 * 62000 * * \) . 6400110\l " 640000\.l • • * 0 • 272000 * 2?2000 * * * (I * ll4UOU * 1!4000 * * * (I • 20~0\JOO * '20!'10\JO() * * * (I * 1ob000 • ·11>6000 * * 0 • 291$000 " 296UOO • * 159612 • 12'1.970 • 16125 sq.aa5 9702.7 t15.11Z oOlb3 29.3 .. 8 22970 138.:H 17231 57.o24 * • • • • * • * • * • * * • • * * * * * • • * * • • • lNUUIJUU UNNUNUUNIJ YNUUUUIJ UNNUUUNYN NNUUUUU UN"'UUUUUIJ NNVYUUY UNNUiiNUYU NNUUUUU UYYUiiUUNU YNUUUUU UNNIJUUUYU • • • • • • * • * • • • • • • • • • • * • • * * • • • * • ***********••••··················································································································· ... ' ,. ,. .• . Appendix B PUBLIC REVIEW COMMENTS Federal State Alaska Power Administration •• U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alaska Power Authority •••••••••• . . . . . B-1 B-3 B-4 G~~~~{>, ,:)1 -~.· ~)'.!; ~;;;l'Y Department Of Energy Alaska Power Administration P.O. Box 50 Juneau, Alaska 99802 , . .. Mr. Tom \mite (NPDPL) North Pacific Division 9orps of Engineers P.O. Box 2870 Portland, OR 97208 Dear Mr. White: February 12, 1981 Here are our comments on the National Hydropower Study for Alaska. Many of our comments have already been incorporated into the draft report through continuing coordination with the Alaska District Office. This draft report is much improved over a previous draft we reviewed and appears to adequately address the marketability aspects of the identified more desirable projects. We realize that a study of this type, .,.,hich is based on criteria developed at the National level, will in some cases cause discrepancies in results. This particularly becomes apparent when comparing results from the National Hydro Study with previously published cost data for some Alaska projects. The results for the Chakachamna Project, for example, indicate a much lower cost of energy than the Upper Susitna Project. This is a serious misrepresentation, not supported by previous studies. We suggest a "qualifier" be included in your report that would point out these discrepancies and further caution use of the cost figures unless verified by other studies. We note that in this draft two projects, Tazimina and Grant, have been added to the list of 59 potential hydropower sites. These sites were not included in our marketability study. The inclusion of these two sites increases the power needs that can be met in the Southwest region from 39 percent to 100 percent. This-also affects table 7-2 on page 72. A copy of the revised table is enclosed. we are enclosing a marked up copy of your list of 59 sites with some changes in project m..,rnership based on local knowledge, revision of energy and capacity figures for the Snettisham Project, and a suggested deletion of the Gold Creek and Treadwell Ditch projects (#34 and #35} along with one of the two plans of development for the Thomas Bay Project. B-1 vre look forward to seeing the final report. Enclosures ( , Sincerely, • Robert J. Cross. Administrator ~c: Colonel Lee Nunn, Corps of Engineers w/enclosures B-2 2 ' . United States Department of the Interior IN REPlY REFER TO: , f' , North Pacific Division Corps of Engineers Attn: Tom ~~ite P.O. Box 2870 Portland, Oregon 97208 Dear l-Ir. l.Jhi te: FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE lOll E. TUDOR RD. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 276-3800 2 MAR 1981 We have reviewed the draft report on the National Hydropower Study for the Alaska Region and have the following comments: In 1978, we responded to CH 2M Hill concerning their "Review of South Central Alaska Hydropmver Potential -Anchorage Area" and recommended several sites as unacceptable for hydropower development because of their important fishery resources. Four of these sites (Skwentna, Yentna, Beluga Upper and Coffee) at~;included in this draft report as potential hydropower projects and identified for detailed study. In recognition of identified fishery resource values, we question the merit of continuing to list these areas as sites to be studied for hydropower development unless it has already been determined that no less environ- mentally damaging alternative energy sources exist. If so, this should be indicated in the. report. Our comments to CH 2M Hill were for projects in southcentral Alaska only. Therefore, we have not previously provided comments on the potential hydropower sites in south,vest or southeast Alaska. In southwest Alaska the three largest projects presented in your report are: Kisaralik, Tazimina and Grant Lake. Development of these projects would definitely impact important fishery resources. In southeast Alaska, Anita (Zjmovia Strait), Harding River, Ketchikan Creek and Nellen Lake (Reynolds Creek) are areas which ''~~ould be very Bensi t i ve to hydropower developments. We would recommend that all of the aforementioned sites be eliminated from further consideration until all other alternatives have been investigated. Sincerely, Pe~s~~r~ B-3 333 WEST 4th AVENUE· SUITE 31 ·ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 ,. ,. Alaska District, Corps of Engineers ATTN: NPAEfl-PL-R (Steve Boardman) Post Office Box 7002 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 r Dear Mr. Boardman: January 16, 1981 u Phone: (907) 277 · 7641 (907) 276-2715 This letter is in response to your request for comments on the National Hydropower Study, Volume XXIV, Alaska Region, ddted December 1980. The list of projects under study or construction on page 30 should be augmented by the addition of: Haines and Skagway Bl'i s to 1 Bay West Creek Tazimina River 5 MW 18 MW Both projects are under study by the Power Authority. Two additi ona 1 CO!'rections on this pc:.ue relate to the communities served. The market for Tyee is \irJnge11 and Petersburg, \'lhile that for Black Bear Lake will be Klavmck, Cl'uig ;:;1d Hyd11burg. Finally, it appears that the capacity of Port lions is misstQted. My primary concern \·lith the study is the degree of consistency in project cost estimates. You suggest on page 56 that computer-aided cost estimates were overridden. for certain specific projects, by the results of detailed studies. This has the potential for creating anomalies that may prove very misleading. A case in point is the Chackachamna Project. Working back from your annual cost calculations on the computerized form, we calculate an invest- ment cost of $267 million for Chackachamna. I surmise that this was a computer generated estimate, because it is much lower than any detailed study would shoH. In fact, following is a quote from the ~1arch 1962 Status Report of the Bureau of Reclamation on the Chakachamna Project: 11 The estimated construction cost of the plan of development selected for this report is $325,239~000, based on October 1, 1961 price leve1S.11 (Emphasis added.) The danger he~e is that the reader of your report will be led to believe that the cost per ki1ov1att-hour for Chackachamna is 12 mills while that for Watana is 18 mills. I realize the difficulty you must have faced in having the results of detailed studies in certain cases and nothing but the computer-aided approx- imate methodology for others. I would request, however, that you take another look at the Chackachamna cost estimate and resultant cost of energy. Also, I B-4 Alaska Districts Corps of Engineers ATTN; NPAEN-PL-R (Steve Boardman) January 16~ 1981 Page T\'>'O suggest you put a s'trongly worded and prominent disclaimer on the estimates of energy cost, explaining that they are very gross. The approach used may be appropriate for broad categorization of feasible and non-feasible projects, but the results should not be indiscriminately used for comparison among projects on the final list. f I think this matter is very important, and I hope you will be able to respond to my comment. Thank you for the opportunity to review the report. Sincerely, ~~~~~ Executive Director cc: Robert Cross, Alaska Power Administration North Pacific Division, COE, ATTN: NPDPL (Tom White} John Lawrence, Acres, {ATTN: System Generation Planners} B-5 Appendix C REFERENCES REFERENCES ____ , January 1968, "Sunmary of Alaska Lower Priced Hydroelectric Potentials -2500 Kl>J (Continuous Power) and Larger. ·• Alaska Por..;rer Survey 1969. _____ , 1977, "Potential Hydropower sites Near Angoon, Craig, Hoonah, Hydaburg, Kake, Kasaan, Klawock, Kukwan, Pelican, and Yakutat." Preliminary Appraisal Report, Hydroelectric Potential for Angoon, Craig, Hoonah, Hydaburg, Kakae, Kasaan, Klawock, Kuk\van, Pelican, and Yakutat. Alaska of Commerce and Economic Harch 1978, Alaska's Hydroelectric Resources Inventory, Preliminary Report. Alaska Division of Ene and Power of Commerce and ~ask_<!_ Power Admi~istration, __ U~__:__!)ep_a.rtment of Inter_ior:_, "Hydropower Sites t. Land Withdrawals in Tongass National Forest (as of June 1974)." Corps of Engineers, Alaska District, 1954, "Potential Power Projects - Hainland." Harbors and Rivers in Alaska Survey Report. Interim Report No. 5. Southwest Alaska • .{\lask~ower Administ:Eatio~, December 1975, Harketability Analysis, Upper SuRitna River Hydroelectric Studies. Report on Markets for Project Power. Administration -1977. "Inventory of Potential tric Sites in Alaska. First published in Alaska's Energy Resources, Volume II: Inventory of Oil, Gas, Coal, Hydroelectric and Uranium Resources. State nf Alaska. Department of Commerte. Division of Energy and Power Development. October 1977. Alaska PoHer Administration, December 1977, "Reservoirs Under 100 Foot Dam. and ~r-Stor"3ge Capa;;:-lty--Under 10,000 Acre Feet." This list developed from list entitled, "Inventory of Dar.ls in the United States" prepared by the Corps of Engineers. Analysis of Impact on Hydroelectric tlons for Alaska D-2 Lands. Alaska Por . .,rer Adlllinistration, April 1977, Analysis of Impact of H.R. 39 on Hydro-;;Tectt="iC-Potential-oT.Alaska. Administration ~larch 1979, Upper Susitna River Project Power Alaska Power Adminstration, U.S. Department of Interior, Compiled 1970. Updated -t,;-l9-i6·,-"PoH~~site Lar~iHthdra~~ls and Better Hydropower Potentials." Alaska Power Administration, U.S. Department of Interior, June 1974, "Hydropower Sl-te;;-&Lar~llJith<f~<H;~ls in the Chugach National C-1 Alaska Power Survey and the Federal Power Commission, May 1974, "Hydroelectric Developments Existing and Under construction, Feruary 1973", and "Key Hydroelectric Resources of Alaska." 1974 Alaska Power Survey, Resources and Electric PO\.,rer Generation, A Report of the Tecnical Advisory Committee. Alaska Technical Advis Committee Hay 1974, Alaska Power Survey Resources and Electric Power Generation. Alaska Water Study Committee, June 1976, (List of 76 sites). "Alaska Water Assess;:Jent Map Showing Undeveloped Hydroelectric Resources." Alaska Water Assessment State-Regional Future \-later and Related Land Problems. CH2N Hill, October 1978, Rev.t.~w of Southcentral Alaska Hydropower Potential Anchorage Area . . ~H2~_!__!.!_ill, October 19"78, Review of Southcentral Alaska Hydropower Potential Fairbanks Area. CH2M Hill, October 1979, Reconnaissance Study of Hydropower Sites Near Cordova, Alaska. 1980, Reconnaissance Assessment of Energy Alternatives, Basin Region. of Sitka. Sitk:l September 1977, Application for License, Green Lake Project. Federal Power Commission, "Existing Hydroelectric Plants-January 1976." The 1976 Alaska Power Survey, Volume 1. "Summary of the Nore Favorable Potential Hydroelectric 1976," The 1976 Alaska Power Survey, Volume 1. !::_ederal ~ower Commission, January 1956, Hydroelectric Power Resources of the United States Developed and Undeveloped. Federal Power Commission, 1960, "Developed Hydroelectric Projects in Alaska, January 1, 1960." Hydropower of the United States-Developed-and Undeveloped. Federal_Por.•e:: Commission, 1960, Hydroelectric Power Resources of the U.S.- Devclop~d and Undeveloped. Federal Power Commission, Division of Licensed Projects, Bureau of Power. -;-;l,-r-;j;~cts Presently Under Licen<>~~ or i~hich Have Applicatio;, for License l'endlng." Washington, D.C. Federal Power Commission and Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, , Water Powers Sout st Alaska. Federal Power San Francisco 1960, Alaska Power Ha t Survey. C-2 Federal Power Commi'ssion, u.s. Department of Interior, "Potential Hydropower Sites in Alaska -Individual Developed and Undeveloped by Najar Drainages and River Basins and By Geographic Divisions and States,~·. Hydroelectric Power Resources of the U.S. -Developed and Unde~eloped,· January 1, 1968. Harz a Co., October 1979, Black Bear Lake Project. Harz a Co., October 1979.· C~thedra1 Falls Project. Harza Co., October 1979, Gartina Creek Project. Harz a Co., October ·1979, Thayer Creek Project. . ' Economic Development, State of Alaska, October 1977, Alaska Regional Energy ·· Resources Planning Project -Phase 1, Volume II, (Similar Report Ph~se 2, dat~d 1979). Joint Federal State Land Use Planning Co 'mmission for Alaska, July 1974, Resources of Alaska. A Regional Summary •. National Electric Reliability Council, July 1979, Summary of Projected Peak Load, Generating Capability and Fossil Fuel Requirements. Rutherford .Associafes, September 1979, Revised Preliminary Appraisal Report Tyee l ake. R.W. Beck & Associates, ·January 1956,··Resource ·Study on Po01e.r Supply Development for the City of Ketchikan, Alaska. R.W. Beck & Associates, Narch 1974, Analysis of Electric System Requirements for Petersburg, Al~ska. R.W. Beck & Associates, April 1974, Analysis of Electric Utility System Sitka, Alaska. Requirements report for the Sitka City and Borough. R.H. Beck & Associates, June 1977, Swan Lake, Lake Grace and Hahoney Lake'·: Hydroelectric Projects. Appraisal Report for the Ketchikan public utilities. R.H. Beck & Associates, August 1977, Virginia Lake .Project, Appraisal Report for the Thomas Bay Power Commission. R.H. Beck & Associates, November 1975, Thomas Bay Project, Appraisal Report for , the Thomas Bay Power Commission. R.W. Rutherford Associates, December .1978, Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project Kodiak Island. Definite Project Report, State ·of Alaska, 1973 and 1978, ·Alask~'s \Uldlife and Habitat, Volumes I and II. State of Alaska,· July 1974, Alaska Regi,onal Profiles, Southcentral Region. State of Alaska, 1978, Alaska's Fisheries Atlas, Volumes I and II. C-3 I i ! State of Alaska, Division of .Economic Enterprise, 1977, Aiaska Power and Economic Devclopment .Program, Vol~me . I, ·II~ and III. u.s. Army Corps o{ Engineers, May, 1975, "Inventory of Dams · in the United States." .Nationai Program · of Inspection ·of Dams -Volum·e III. I Alaska District, u.s. Army 'corps of Engineers, January 20, ·1.950 , ~Potential Hydropower Developments·-Cook I _nlet Area,." Harbors and Rivers in Alaska Survey Report, Cook Inlet and T.ributaries. Inte~im Report No •. 2. Alaska District, u.s. Army Corps of Engineers, October 30~ 1950, "Potential Hydropower Projects . ..-Copper River and Gulf Coast," Harbors and Rivers in Alaska Survey Report·,.Copper River and Gulf Coast, Alaska, Int erim Report No.3. u.s. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska Districe, 1957, "Potential Hydropower Sites -Northwestern Alaska," Harbors and Rivers in Alaska Survey Report. Interim Report No. 6. Northwestern Alaska.· Alaska District, .u.s. Army Corps of Engineers, December 1, 1959, "Potent.ial Power Projects." Harbors and Rivers :i.n Alaska .Survey Report, Yukon and Kuskokwim River Basins, Interim Report No. 7 •. . . Alaska District, u.s. Army Corps of Engineers, Revised September 1961, Summary of Potential Hydroelectric Power in Alaska. u.s. Army Corps .of Engineers, Alaska District, 1967, Water Resources Development . I U.S. A~Corps e>f Engineers, Alaska District, December 1975 and as revised June · '1976, Southcentral Realbelt Area, Alaska, Upper Susitna River · Basiri~ ·Interim · ·, ·Feasil:!ility Report, Hydroelectric Power and Related Pur.poses. , u. s.· Army Corps of Engineers, Al~ska District, April19.?8, Rivers and Harbors in Alaska Interim Feasibility Report on Hydroelelctric Power and Related Purposes for Valdez, Alaska.· .u.s. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska .District, April 1978, Southcentral Railbelt Area, Alaska Stage II Checkpoint Report. Hydroelectric Power and Related Purposes for Valdez, Alaska. u. s. Arr;ny Corps of ·Engineers, Alaska District, September 1978, Index of Surface Water Gaging Stations. u.s. Army Corps of Engineers, Institute of Water Resources~ January 1979, National Hydroelectric Power Study Plan of Study. North Pacific Division, u.s. Army Corps of Engineers, I-1ay 1,. 1951, "Potential . !:H~y:.::d..::r:.::o~p..::o.::w~e~r:.:.::P~~:..o.:.j:::e~c:..::~::.::s~-::..:::T':,a..:.n:..a:.:n:..a:....:R:;;i:;.;v:::e!..-r~B::-a;;..s;:..s;;-i-n..:., -;;,...,.. ~H:Ha~r7b;.:;o-=r~s~a nd Rivers in Alaska Survey Report, Tanana· River Basin, Interim Report No. 4. C-4 - u.s. Army Corps of Engineers, North Pacific Division, February 15, 1952, ''Existing Power Developments and Potential Power Projects in Southeastern Alaska," Harbors and Rivers in Alaska Survey Report, Southeastern Alaska. Interim Report N~. 1. u.s. Army Corps of Engineers,. .North Pacific Division, February is, 1952, "Southeastern Alaska Water Power ProJects-February 15,· 1952." Harbors and Rivers in Alaska Survey Report, Southeastern Alaska. Interim Report No. 1. u.s. Department of Energy and Alaska Power Admtnistration, December 1979, Bristol Bay Energy and Electric Power Potential Phase I. u.s. Department .of Energy Alaska Power .Administration, December 1979~ Small Hydroelectric Inventory of Villages Served by Alaska Village. Electric Cooperative. U.S. Department of the Interior, June 1967, Alaska Nat.ural Resources and the Rampart Project. u.s. Department of Interior, January 1968, .Lake Grace Project Alaska. u.s. Department of Interior, january i968, Takatz Creek Project ·Alaska~ u.s. Department of the Interior, ·1978, Alternativ~Administrative Actions Alaska National Interest Lands. Final EIS. U.S. Department Qf the Interior, l-larch 1980, Iliamna National Resource Range Environmental Supplement. (J.s. Department of the Interior, Hay 1980, Alaska Peninsula National lUldlife Refuge. Environmental Impact Statemeot. u.s. Department of theinterior, Hay 1980, A Proposal for Protection of Eleven Alaskan Rivers. Environmental Impact ~tatement. . . u.s. Department o( .the Interior Geological Survey, 1940-:1979, Water Resources Da ta for . Alaska. ' U.S. Geological Survey, 196 7, Dictionary' of Alaska· Place Names. ·I I C-5