HomeMy WebLinkAboutU.S. Hydropower Resource Assessment 1997• • • • • • • • • ~---~~-~--·------·----·---· ------·"---~------~----~------DOE/ID-1 0430(AK) 'U.S. :Jiucfr(1110UJer ~---"·--~-""------------------"--:!~ __________ -:. L ___________ -----· !l{e so u r c e · .f4. sse s s men t .._ .. _ ....... _ ... __ .. _____ _... ____ ..,._ ,.. __ , ______ ,,, __ ,_,_,, __ ,,, __ ,,,_,,, ________ , .. .9Lfaska ---------------- X97 0052 DOEII0-10430(AK) U.S. Hydropower Resource Assessment for Alaska Prepared by: Alison M. Conner James E. Francfort Project Manager: Ben N. Rinehart Published November 1997 Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory Renewable Energy Products Department Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Company Idaho Falls, Idaho 83415 Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Under DOE Idaho Operations Office Contract DE-AC07-941D13223 ABSTRACT The U.S. Department of Energy is developing an estimate of the undevel- oped hydropower potential in the United States. The Hydropower Evaluation Software (HES) is a computer model that was developed by the Idaho National Engineering Laboratorya for this purpose. HES measures the undeveloped hydropower resources available in the United States, using uniform criteria for measurement. The software was developed and tested using hydropower infor- mation and data provided by the Southwestern Power Administration. It is a menu-driven program that allows the personal computer user to assign environ- mental attributes to potential hydropower sites, calculate development suitability factors for each site based on the environmental attributes present, and generate reports based on these suitability factors. This report describes the resource assessment results for the State of Alaska. a. In January 1997, the name of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) was changed to the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL). INEEL will be used throughout the text of the document, except where the use of INEL is historically important. iii iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Peggy A.M. Brookshier and John V. Flynn of the U.S. Department of Energy, and Roy Ireland of the State of Alaska for their active participation and timely comments. v vi CONTENTS ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................ iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................................................. v INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 1 Model Development ............................................................................................................................ 1 Model Goal .......................................................................................................................................... 1 Dam Status .......................................................................................................................................... 2 ASSESSMENT RESULTS .......................................................................................................................... 2 Summary Results ................................................................................................................................. 2 Detailed Results ................................................................................................................................... 5 OBTAINING INDIVIDUAL STATE INFORMATION ............................................................................. 5 ADDITIONAL HYDROPOWER EVALUATION SOFTWARE INFORMATION .................................. 6 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................. 7 Appendix A-Summary Report Appendix B-River Basins Report Appendix C-Alaska Sites List Appendix D-lndividual Resource Database List FIGURES 1. Number of sites, by capacity groups, with HES-modeled undeveloped hydropower potential .......... 3 2. The nonmodeled and RES-modeled undeveloped hydropower potential ........................................... 3 3. The number of sites with undeveloped hydropower potential and the total megawatts of HES-modeled undeveloped hydropower potential .............................................................................. 4 Vll 4. Number of sites with undeveloped hydropower potential in the Alaska river basins ......................... 4 5. Megawatts of RES-modeled undeveloped hydropower potential in the Alaska river basins ............. 5 TABLES l. Undeveloped hydropower potential summary for Alaska ................................................................... 2 Vlll U.S. Hydropower Resource Assessment for Alaska INTRODUCTION In June 1989, the U.S. Department of En- ergy initiated the development of a National Energy Strategy to identify the energy resources available to support the expanding demand for energy in the United States. Public hearings conducted as part of the strategy development process indicated that undeveloped hydropower resources were not well defined. As a result, the Department of Energy established an inter- agency Hydropower Resource Assessment Team to ascertain the undeveloped hydropower potential. In connection with these efforts by the Department of Energy, the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory designed the Hydro- power Evaluation Software (HES), which has been used to perform a resource assessment of the undeveloped conventional hydropower potential in over 30 states. This report presents the results of the hydropower resource assess- ment for the State of Alaska. Undeveloped pumped storage hydropower potential is not included. The HES was developed as a tool to meas- ure undeveloped hydropower potential region- ally or by state. The software is not intended to provide precise development factors for individ- ual sites, but to provide regional or state totals. Because the software was developed as a generic measurement tool encompassing national issues, regional and state totals must be considered judiciously; various local issues may skew undeveloped hydropower potential totals. The information for the resource assessment was compiled from the Federal Energy Regula- tory Commission's Hydroelectric Power Re- sources Assessment database and several other sources. Refer to DOEIID-10338, the User's Manual (Francfort, Matthews, Rinehart 1991) for the specifics of the software and to DOE/ID-10430.1, the Status Report (Conner, Francfort, Rinehart 1996) for an overview of all resource assessment activities to date. Model Development Hydropower Evaluation Software, both a probability-factor computer model and a data- base, is a menu-driven program that is intended to be user-friendly. Computer screens and report-generation capabilities were developed to meet the needs of users nationwide. The software uses environmental attribute data to generate an overall project environmental suitability factor (PESF) between 0.1 and 0.9, where 0.9 indicates the highest likelihood of development and 0.1 indicates the lowest likelihood of development. The suitability factors depend on the unique environmental attributes of each potential site. They reflect the considerations that (a) environmental concerns can make a potential site unacceptable, prohib- iting its development (for a suitability factor of 0.1 ), or (b) if there are no environmental concerns, there is no negative effect on the likelihood of site development (for a suitability factor of 0.9). A combination of attributes can result in a lower suitability factor because multiple environmental considerations would reduce the likelihood that a site may be devel- oped to its physical potential. Model Goal The goal of the HES is to assemble an accurate resource database of all sites with undeveloped hydropower potential in the United States for use as a planning tool to determine the viable national hydropower potential. Unde- veloped hydropower potential is not limited to the development of new sites; it also includes the development of additional hydropower- generating capacity at sites that currently have hydropower, but are not developed to their full potential. This undeveloped hydropower poten- tial is a source of nonpolluting, renewable ener- gy available to meet the growing power needs of the United States. The HES should help make this goal obtainable and ensure a set of uniform criteria for national assessment. Dam Status The effects of environmental attributes vary by dam status. The dam status classifica- tions used are as follows: W = Developed hydropower site with current power generation, but the total hydropower po- tential has not been fully de- veloped. Only the undeveloped hydropower potential is dis- cussed in this report. W /0 = Developed site withQut current power generation. The site has some type of developed im- poundment or diversion struc- ture, but no developed hydro- power generating capability. U = Undeveloped site. The site does not have power genera- tion capability nor a developed impoundment or diversion structure. ASSESSMENT RESULTS Summary Results A total of 119 sites (Table 1) have been identified and assessed for their undeveloped hydropower potential. The HES results for individual site capacities range from 6 kilowatts (kW) to 510 megawatts (MW). The majority (79%) of the sites in Alaska are less than I 0 MW (Figure I). The nonmodeled undeveloped hydropower potential total for Alaska was identified as 4,042 MW. The HES results lowers this estimate about 47% to 2,157 MW. The greatest reduction in undeveloped hydropower potential, by MW, occurs at sites with some type of developed impoundment or diversion structure, but no current power generation capability (W /0 category). These sites have a HES-modeled undeveloped hydropower potential of I ,610 MW, a 1,256-MW reduction in the estimated undeveloped hydropower potential (Figure 2). Figure 3 correlates the number of sites that have undeveloped hydropower potential with the total megawatts of HES-modeled undeveloped hydropower potential. The developed sites without power have the largest average unde- veloped hydropower potential of about 27 MW per site (Figure 3). The 119 identified sites are located within 10 major river basins. The number of sites per major river basin ranges from 2 in the Copper River Basin to 37 in the Juneau Group River Basin (Figure 4). Fifty-three percent of the undeveloped hydropower potential in the State of Alaska is contained within the Susitna River Basin (Figure 5). Table 1. Undeveloped hydropower potential summary for Alaska. The table contains the nonmodeled undeveloped nameplate potential and the HES-modeled undeveloped potential totals. Number of projects Nameplate potential HES-modeled potential (MW) (MW) With Power 3 64.7 58.0 W/0 Power 60 2,866.2 1,609.9 Undeveloped 56 1' 111.4 489.5 State Total 119 4,042.3 2,157.4 2 45 40 35 30 "' ~ 25 "' 0 ;;; .0 E 20 :l z 15 10 5 0 Under 100 kW 100 kW and 1 MW and 10 MW and 50 MW and 100 MW and 500 MW and <1MW < 10 MW <50 MW < 100 MW < 500 MW Greater Figure 1. Number of sites, by capacity groups, with RES-modeled undeveloped hydropower potential. 3,000 •Nonmodeled capacity 2,500 H ES-modeled capacity ~ ~ Cii 2,000 "" t: ~ 0 a. :;; 3: 0 1,500 a. 0 i; >- J.: "0 " a. _Q 1,000 "' > "' "0 c ::> 500 Developed sites with power Developed sites without power Undeveloped sites Figure 2. The nonmodeled and RES-modeled undeveloped hydropower potential. 3 1,800.-----------------------------------------------------------------~ 1,600 • Number of sites 1,400 HES-modeled potential (MW) 1,200 1,000 600 Developed sites with power Developed sites without power Undeveloped sites Figure 3. The number of sites with undeveloped hydropower potential and the total megawatts of RES-modeled undeveloped hydropower potential. 40 35 .!:: 30 "' "' .Q ~ 25 > ·;: ~ (J) 0. VJ -~ VJ 0 ~ 15 (J) .Q E ::J z 10 Figure 4. Number of sites with undeveloped hydropower potential in the Alaska river basins. 4 1200~--------------------------------------------------~ ~ c: 1000 Q) 0 a. ;;; ~ 0 a. e "t) > ,£; "t) Q) 600 a. .Q Q) > Q) "t) c ::l 400 0 2l lii ~ t1l 0> 200 Q) :::!E 0 ~'I> ~:-'1> e' .;;,<I .? .;;,<I ,.?> ~ ~ ...... ~?; o" '~>"' ,<~ r:?>'o ,o ..e;.'~> 'I>~ .... ~ c (!) ~~~ i:-'~~ (;0 .... ~ ;:' c," «'" ,._'I> "'"' .«"' "'" ~.;s "'"' "'"' ii ·;!<-+01$ ,.: ,._'I> .,.., c <tl" (; +"'"' "'" ~ *" ,.y +0 Figure 5. Megawatts of HES-modeled undeveloped hydropower potential in the Alaska river basins. Detailed Results The appendices contain, in the form of HES-generated reports, detailed information about the undeveloped hydropower potential in Alaska. The appendices contain the following information: Appendix A summarizes the undeveloped hydropower potential by dam status groups. The number of sites, nonmodeled undeveloped hydropower potential, and HES-modeled unde- veloped hydropower potential is provided based on the dam status. Appendix B provides the hydropower resource assessment by river basin, which includes the project number, project name, stream name, dam status, nonmodeled undeveloped hydro- power potential, and the HES-modeled undevel- oped hydropower potential for each site. Subto- tals are provided for each river basin. Appendix C lists the project numbers, plant name, stream name, if a site is Federally owned, 5 nonmodeled undeveloped hydropower potential, and HES-modeled undeveloped hydropower potential. The sites are grouped by dam status. Appendix D contains a resource database list for the 119 sites in Alaska. Information includes plant name, stream, state, county, river basin and owner names, project number, nameplate and HES-modeled undeveloped hydropower potential, the unit and plant types, dam status, latitude, longitude, and the environmental factors that the HES uses to determine the PESF. OBTAINING INDIVIDUAL STATE INFORMATION Additional copies of the hydropower re- source assessment results for individual states are available and can be obtained by writing or calling the authors or the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). Telephone Orders-(703) 487-4650. NTIS sales desk and customer services are available between 8:30a.m. and 5:00p.m., Eastern Stan- dard Time. Fax-(703) 321-8547. Customers may fax their orders to NTIS. These orders may be charged to a NTIS deposit account, American Express, VISA, or MasterCard. Mail Orders-Mail orders should be sent to National Technical Information Service, Docu- ment Sales, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. Call the sales desk for prices before placing an order. E-mail-Customers may e-mail their requests to info@ntis.fedworld.gov. Method of Payment-Customers may pay for reports (and other NTIS products and services) by (a) credit card (American Express, Visa or MasterCard); (b) check or money order on a United States bank payable to NTIS; (c) NTIS deposit account; or, (d) by asking to be billed (add $7.50 per order), United States, Canada, and Mexico, only. Handling Fee-A $4.00 handling fee per total order applies to orders from the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Handling charges do not apply to rush order service or pick-up orders. Postage and Shipping-Orders are shipped first class mail, or equivalent, to addresses in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Order Turnaround Time-Orders for technical reports generally are shipped within 3 to 5 days of receipt. For faster service, NTIS offers rush order service. Rush Order Service-Call 1-800-533-NTIS. In Virginia, Canada, and Mexico call (703) 487-4700. For NTIS rush order service add $15 per item. This guarantees that an order will be processed through NTIS within 24 hours of its receipt. These orders receive immediate, individual attention. The items ordered are 6 delivered by first call mail. Call NTIS for information on rush order service for computer products. For Help in Tracing an Order-Call (703) 487-4650 and request the customer service option. ADDITIONAL HYDROPOWER EVALUATION SOFTWARE INFORMATION Additional information concerning the HES can be obtained by contacting Ben Rine- hart or Jim Francfort at the addresses provided below. Copies of the software and the User's Manual may also be obtained from these individuals. Ben Rinehart, Project Manager Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory P.O. Box 1625, MS 3830 Idaho Falls, ID 83415-3830 (208) 526-1002 Jim Francfort Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory P.O. Box 1625, MS 3830 Idaho Falls, ID 83415-3830 (208) 526-6787 Information concerning the State of Alaska's involvement with the resource assess- ment or about the identified sites may be ob- tained by contacting: Roy Ireland State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Mining and Water Management 3601 C Street, Suite 800 Anchorage, AK 99503 (907) 269-8639 REFERENCES Conner, A. M., J. E. Francfort, and B. N. Rinehart, 1996, Uniform Criteria for U.S. Hydropower Resource Assessment, Hydropower Evaluation Software Status Report-//, DOEIID 10430.1, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Francfort, J. E., S. D. Matthews, and B. N. Rinehart, 1991, Hydropower Evaluation Software User's Manual, DOE/ID-10338, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho. 7 Appendix A Summary Report State AK TOTALS GRAND H Y D R 0 P 0 W E R C A P A C I T Y DATE: 10/31/97 SUMMARY category With Power W/0 Power Undeveloped STATE TOTAL With Power W/0 Power Undeveloped TOTAL Number of Projects 3 60 56 119 3 60 56 119 Name Plate Capacity (KW) 64650 2866227 1111380 4042257 64650 2866227 1111380 4042257 HES Adjusted Capacity (KW) 58010 1609854 489546.50 2157410.50 58010 1609854 489546.50 2157410.50 Appendix B River Basins Report Page No. 1 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY RIVER BASIN FERC Number Plant Name; Stream Dam Name Plate Stat Rating (KW) PESF ** River Basin ALASKA PENINSULA RIVER BAS AK010 TAZIMINA U 11316 AK007 AK008 AK009 AK060 .. TAZIMINA R TAZIMINA RIVER TAZIMINA R AKUTAN UNN STR INDIAN CREEK INDIAN CR,CHIGNIK BAY ILIAMNA KVICHAK R PYRAMID CREEK PYRAMID CR,PACIFIC OCEAN ** Subtotal ** u wo wo wo wo ** River Basin CHAKACHATNA RIVER BASINS AK012 CHAKACHAMNA U AK013 AK014 CHAKACHAMNA R COFFEE BELUGA R UPPER BELUGA BELUGA R ** Subtotal ** ** River Basin COPPER RIVER BASIN 10686 LAKE REDFIELD LAKE REDFIELD,YAKUTAT BAY 08767 BEAR TRAIL BEARTRAIL CR,IBECK CR ** Subtotal ** ** River Basin JUNEAU GROUP 11077 GOAT LAKE SKAGWAY R(GOAT LAKE) wo wo u wo u 18000.00 0.10 700.00 0.10 170.00 0.90 1100.00 0.10 313000.00 0.50 1400.00 0.90 334370.00 366000.00 0.90 37000.00 0.75 48000.00 0.75 451000.00 2000.00 0.50 850.00 0.50 2850.00 6000.00 0.50 PESF * KW 1800.00 70.00 153.00 110.00 156500.00 1260.00 159893.00 329400.00 27750.00 36000.00 393150.00 1000.00 425.00 1425.00 3000.00 Page No. 2 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY RIVER BASIN FERC Plant Name/ Dam Name Plate Number stream stat Rating (KW) PESF PESF * KW AK026 KASNYKU LAKE u 7000.00 0.50 3500.00 KASNYKU FALLS STR AK027 CARBON LAKE u 10000.00 0.25 2500.00 CARBON LAKE AK028 MILK LAKE u 7000.00 0.25 1750.00 MILK CR AK029 BORODINO LAKE u 5000.00 0.25 1250.00 BIG PORT WALTER,CHATHAM STRAIT AK030 BETTY LAKE u 200.00 0.25 50.00 PORT ARMSTRONG,CHATHAM STRAIT AK032 DIANA LAKE u 8000.00 0.25 2000.00 UNN STR AK034 PELICAN u 1000.00 0.25 250.00 PELICAN CR,LISIANSKI INLET AK035 GOLD CREEK u 2000.00 0.90 1800.00 GOLD CR AK037 LAKE DOROTHY u 34000.00 0.50 17000.00 DOROTHY CR AK038 SPEEL DIVISION u 63000.00 0.25 15750.00 SPEEL R AK039 CRATER LAKE u 27000.00 0.25 6750.00 CRATER CR,SPEEL R AK042 UPPER SWEETHEART u 7000.00 0.50 3500.00 SWEETHEART FALLS CR 02755A THOMAS BAY u 30000.00 0.25 7500.00 THOMAS BAY AK043 SCENERY u 15000.00 0.10 1500.00 SCENERY CR 06856 THOMAS BAY u 4400.00 0.10 440.00 CASCADE CR 06211 THOMAS BAY u 34000.00 0.10 3400.00 CASCADE CR Page No. 3 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY RIVER BASIN FERC Plant Name/ Dam Name Plate Number Stream Stat Rating (KW) PESF PESF * KW 02755B FALLS LAKE U 8000.00 0.10 800.00 CASCADE CR,THOMAS BAY AK044 RUTH LAKE U 13000.00 0.50 6500.00 DELTA CR 11319 HAINES U 2500.00 0.25 625.00 UNN STREAM,CHILKOOT R 08769 KASIDAYA CREEK WO 700.00 0.10 70.00 KASIDAYA CREEK,TAIYA INLET 11290 TAIYA INLET WO 2000.00 0.75 1500.00 DAYEBAS CR,KATZEHIN R AK025 TAKATZ WO 20000.00 0.75 15000.00 TAKATZ CR,TAKATZ BAY AK031 MAKSOUTOF WO 24000.00 0.50 12000.00 MAKSOUTOF R 02267 PULP MILL WO 900.00 0.50 450.00 MEDVETCHA R AK033 SUPERIOR WO 750.00 0.75 562.50 ELFIN COVE(WACHUSETT COVE CR) 09763 NUGGET CREEK WO 2200.00 0.50 1100.00 NUGGET CR,MENDENHAL LK 04641 DANNER-FENSTER WO 12.00 0.50 6.00 UNN STR,GASTINEAU CHANNEL 09760 TREADWELL DITCH WO 2200.00 0.90 1980.00 TREADWELL DH,GASTINEAU CHANNEL 10681 SHEEP CREEK WO 3100.00 0.50 1550.00 SHEEP CR,TAKU INLET AK036 ANNEX CREEK WO 1750.00 0.50 875.00 ANNEX CR,TAKU INLET AK040 TEASE WO 16000.00 0.75 12000.00 LONG R AK041 SWEETHEART FALLS WO 29000.00 0.50 14500.00 SWEETHEART FALLS CR Page No. 4 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY RIVER BASIN FERC Plant Name/ Dam Name Plate Number stream Stat Rating (KW) PESF AK045 GOAT wo 20000.00 0.75 GOAT CR AK046 BLIND SLOUGH CRYSTAL CR,BLIND R wo 1400.00 0.50 10566 LUTAK INLET wo 150.00 0.75 UNN STR,LUTAK INLET 11287 LACE RIVER wo 4900.00 0.75 UNN STR,EVELYN LAKE ** Subtotal ** ** River Basin KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS 08827 SHIP CREEK U CITY WATER & WASTE WTR PIPELIN 05216 ALYESKA CREEK U ALYESKA CR,GLACIER CR 08772 GRANT LAKE U GRANT CR,TRAIL R 07633 GRANT LAKE U UP TRAIL LK(GRANT LK),TRAIL R AK024 MAIN LAKE U MAIN BAY,PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND 11510 ALLISON U ALLISON CR 11244 SILVER LAKE U DUCK R,GALENA BAY 02760 p c 1 u POWER CR,EYAK LAKE 08770 p c 2 u POWER CR,EYAK LAKE 10064 WHITTIER CREEK U WHITTIER CR,PASSAGE CANAL 10524 POWER CREEK U POWER CR,EYAK LAKE 413162.00 510.00 0.90 1500.00 0.25 830.00 0.25 7000.00 0.25 125.00 0.25 8000.00 0.25 15000.00 0.25 5000.00 0.10 2000.00 0.10 200.00 0.25 6000.00 0.10 PESF * KW 15000.00 700.00 112.50 3675.00 160946.00 459.00 375.00 207.50 1750.00 31.25 2000.00 3750.00 500.00 200.00 50.00 600.00 Page No. 5 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY RIVER BASIN FERC Plant Name/ Dam Name Plate Number Stream Stat Rating (KW) PESF 10685A CRATER LAKE U 600.00 0.25 CRATER LAKE,ORCA INLET AK062 PALMER U 400.00 0.25 MCROBERTS CREEK AK022 BRADLEY LAKE W 63900.00 0.90 BRADLEY CR AK020 SNOW WO 63000.00 0.50 SNOW R 08756 JUNEAU CREEK WO 1800.00 0.50 JUNEAU CR,KENAI R AK021 SELDOVIA WO 460.00 0.50 FISH CR AK023 LOWELL WO 650.00 0.75 LOWELL CR,DAY HARBOR 08768 LOST CREEK WO 900.00 0.75 LOST CR,SALMON CR,RESURRECTION 08765 BEAR CREEK WO 250.00 0.50 BEAR CR,TURNAGAIN ARM 06601 CALIFORNIA CREEK WO 1500.00 0.75 CALIFORNIA CR,PLACER R 02251 SAN JUAN WO 100.00 0.75 SAN JUAN LAKE 11417 SNYDER FALLS CREEK SNYDER FALLS CR,NELSON BAY 10685B CRATER LAKE CRATER LAKE,ORCA INLET 08766 STEEP CREEK STEEP CR,EYAK R AK061 SOUTH FORK EAGLE RIVER S FK EAGLE R 11243 POWER CREEK POWER CR,EYAK LAKE wo 1450.00 0.75 wo 1000.00 0.75 wo 870.00 0.75 wo 1100.00 0.75 wo 5000.00 0.50 PESF * KW 150.00 100.00 57510.00 31500.00 900.00 230.00 487.50 675.00 125.00 1125.00 75.00 1087.50 750.00 652.50 825.00 2500.00 Page No. 6 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY RIVER BASIN FERC Number Plant Name/ Stream ** Subtotal ** ** River Basin KETCHIKAN GROUP AK049 HARDING 05215 05214 05212 11393 AK055 AK057 AK058 09996 11508 AK051 10773 AK047 AK048 AK050 HARDING R FISH CREEK FISH CR,SALMON R WEST MT HINCHLEY W HINCKLEY RUN,SALMON R THUMB CREEK THUMB CR,SALMON R MOHONEY LAKE MAHONEY CR LAKE CONNELL WARD CR,WARD COVE LAKE MARY OLD FRANKS CR BLACK BEAR BLACK BEAR CR REDISCOVERY LODGE BELL CR WOLF LAKE WOLF CR PURPLE LAKE PURPLE LAKE OUTLET BURNETT R HATCHERY BURNETT R ANITA LAKE ANITA CR,KUNK CR VIRGINIA LAKE MILL CR LAKE GRACE GRACE CR, BEHM CANAL Dam Name Plate Stat Rating (KW) PESF 189145.00 u 18000.00 0.10 u 1300.00 0.25 u 2600.00 0.25 u 10000.00 0.25 u 9000.00 0.25 u 2000.00 0.10 u 9600.00 0.25 u 5000.00 0.25 u 115.00 0.25 u 2500.00 0.25 w 500.00 0.75 w 250.00 0.50 wo 3230.00 0.50 wo 12000.00 0.50 wo 21000.00 0.50 PESF * KW 108615.25 1800.00 325.00 650.00 2500.00 2250.00 200.00 2400.00 1250.00 28.75 625.00 375.00 125.00 1615.00 6000.00 10500.00 Page No. 7 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY RIVER BASIN FERC Plant Name/ Number Stream AK052 MAHONEY LAKE MAHONEY CR AK053 UPPER SILVIS BEAVER FALLS CR,GEORGE INLET 02328 LAKE WHITMAN CASE CR AK054 KETCHIKAN LAKES KETCHIKAN CR AK056 LINKUM LINKUM CR,KASAAN BAY 11480 UPPER REYNOLDS CREEK REYNOLDS CR,COPPER HARBOR ** Subtotal ** Dam Name Plate Stat Rating (KW) PESF wo 14400.00 0.75 wo 20000.00 0.50 wo 2500.00 0.75 wo 2000.00 0.50 wo 4560.00 0.75 wo 2000.00 0.50 142555.00 ** River Basin KODIAK ISLAND RIVER BASINS AK011 PORT LIONS U 11497 01432 11139 MENNONITE CR, SETTLERS COVE LEANNE LAKE LEANNE LAKE OUTLET DRY SPRUCE UNN TRIB,DRY SPRUCE BAY TERROR LAKE TERROR R ** Subtotal ** u wo wo ** River Basin KOTZEBUE-NUSHAGAK RIVER B AK005 GRANT LAKE U WOOD R,KOKWOK R 03175 AK004 AK006 KISARALIK KISARALIK R LAKE ELVA ELVA CR NUYAKUK(TIKCHIK) NUYAKUK R wo wo wo 200.00 0.25 2800.00 0.90 75.00 0.50 3000.00 0.75 6075.00 2700.00 0.25 30000.00 0.50 1500.00 0.75 127000.00 0.75 PESF * KW 10800.00 10000.00 1875.00 1000.00 3420.00 1000.00 58738.75 50.00 2520.00 37.50 2250.00 4857.50 675.00 15000.00 1125.00 95250.00 Page No. 8 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY RIVER BASIN FERC Number Plant Name/ Stream ** Subtotal ** ** River Basin SUSITNA RIVER BASIN AK018 TALKEETNA 2 TALKEETNA R AK019 CHULITNA-HURRICANE CHULITNA R AK015 YENTNA YENTNA R AK016 SKWENTNA(HAYES) SKWENTNA R AK017 KEETNA(TALKEETNA) TALKEETNA R 07114A DEVIL CANYON SUSITNA R 07114B WATANA SUSITNA R ** Subtotal ** ** River Basin YUKON RIVER BASIN AK001 BROWNE NENANA R 07798 CANYON CREEK CANYON CR,YUKON R 07797 RAMPARTS YUKON R AK059 SCAMMON BAY UNN STR,KUN R 07799 TANANA BEAR CR I YUKON R 07796 REGIONAL MINOOK CR,YUKON R Dam Name Plate Stat Rating (KW) PESF 161200.00 u 90000.00 0.25 u 34000.00 0.25 wo 219000.00 0.75 wo 98000.00 0.75 wo 74000.00 0.75 wo 600000.00 0.50 wo 1020000.00 0.50 2135000.00 u 200000.00 0.10 u 500.00 0.25 u 3000.00 0.25 u 100.00 0.90 wo 1000.00 0.75 wo 2000.00 0.75 PESF * KW 112050.00 22500.00 8500.00 164250.00 73500.00 55500.00 300000.00 510000.00 1134250.00 20000.00 125.00 750.00 90.00 750.00 1500.00 Page No. 9 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY RIVER BASIN FERC Number AK002 AK003 Plant Name/ Stream SCAMMON UNN STR,SCAMMON BAY SCAMMON (PHASE 2) UNN STR,SCAMMON BAY ** Subtotal ** *** Total *** Dam Name Plate Stat Rating (KW) PESF wo 175.00 0.90 wo 125.00 0.90 206900.00 4042257.00 PESF * KW 157.50 112.50 23485.00 2157410.50 Appendix C Alaska Sites List Page No. 1 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY FERC NUMBER Plant Name/ Stream ** FERC Number 02755A THOMAS BAY THOMAS BAY ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 02755B FALLS LAKE CASCADE CR,THOMAS BAY ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 02760 p c 1 POWER CR,EYAK LAKE ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 05212 THUMB CREEK THUMB CR, SALMON R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 05214 WEST MT HINCHLEY W HINCKLEY RUN,SALMON R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 05215 FISH CREEK FISH CR,SALMON R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 05216 ALYESKA CREEK ALYESKA CR,GLACIER CR Dam ST Stat AK U AK U AK U AK U AK U AK U AK U Name Plate Rating {KW) PESF 30000.00 0.25 30000.00 8000.00 0.10 8000.00 5000.00 0.10 5000.00 10000.00 0.25 10000.00 2600.00 0.25 2600.00 1300.00 0.25 1300.00 1500.00 0.25 PESF * KW 7500.00 7500.00 800.00 800.00 500.00 500.00 2500.00 2500.00 650.00 650.00 325.00 325.00 375.00 Page No. 2 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY FERC NUMBER Plant Name/ Stream ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 06211 THOMAS BAY CASCADE CR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 06856 THOMAS BAY CASCADE CR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 07633 Dam ST Stat AK U AK U GRANT LAKE AK U UP TRAIL LK(GRANT LK) ,TRAIL R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 07797 RAMPARTS YUKON R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 07798 CANYON CREEK CANYON CR, YUKON R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 08770 p c 2 POWER CR,EYAK LAKE ** Subtotal ** AK U AK U AK U Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF 1500.00 34000.00 0.10 34000.00 4400.00 0.10 4400.00 7000.00 0.25 7000.00 3000.00 0.25 3000.00 500.00 0.25 500.00 2000.00 0.10 2000.00 PESF * KW 375.00 3400.00 3400.00 440.00 440.00 1750.00 1750.00 750.00 750.00 125.00 125.00 200.00 200.00 Page No. 3 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY FERC NUMBER Plant Name/ Stream ** FERC Number 08772 GRANT LAKE GRANT CR,TRAIL R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 08827 Dam ST Stat AK U SHIP CREEK AK U CITY WATER & WASTE WTR PIPELIN ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 09996 REDISCOVERY LODGE BELL CR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 10064 WHITTIER CREEK WHITTIER CR,PASSAGE CANAL ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 10524 POWER CREEK POWER CR,EYAK LAKE ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 10685A CRATER LAKE CRATER LAKE,ORCA INLET ** subtotal ** ** FERC Number 10686 LAKE REDFIELD LAKE REDFIELD,YAKUTAT BAY AK U AK U AK U AK U AK U Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF 830.00 0.25 830.00 510.00 0.90 510.00 115.00 0.25 115.00 200.00 0.25 200.00 6000.00 0.10 6000.00 600.00 0.25 600.00 2000.00 0.50 PESF * KW 207.50 207.50 459.00 459.00 28.75 28.75 50.00 50.00 600.00 600.00 150.00 150.00 1000.00 Page No. 4 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY FERC NUMBER Plant Name/ stream ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 11077 GOAT LAKE SKAGWAY R(GOAT LAKE) ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 11244 SILVER LAKE DUCK R,GALENA BAY ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 11316 TAZIMINA RIVER TAZIMINA R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 11319 HAINES UNN STREAM,CHILKOOT R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 11393 MOHONEY LAKE MAHONEY CR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 11497 LEANNE LAKE LEANNE LAKE OUTLET ** subtotal ** Dam ST Stat AK U AK U AK U AK U AK U AK U Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF 2000.00 6000.00 0.50 6000.00 15000.00 0.25 15000.00 700.00 0.10 700.00 2500.00 0.25 2500.00 9000.00 0.25 9000.00 2800.00 0.90 2800.00 PESF * KW 1000.00 3000.00 3000.00 3750.00 3750.00 70.00 70.00 625.00 625.00 2250.00 2250.00 2520.00 2520.00 Page No. 5 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY FERC NUMBER Plant Name/ Stream ** FERC Number 11508 WOLF LAKE WOLF CR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 11510 ALLISON ALLISON CR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK001 BROWNE NENANA R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK005 GRANT LAKE WOOD R,KOKWOK R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK010 TAZIMINA TAZIMINA R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK011 PORT LIONS MENNONITE CR, SETTLERS COVE ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK012 CHAKACHAMNA CHAKACHAMNA R Dam ST Stat AK U AK U AK U AK U AK U AK U AK U Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF 2500.00 0.25 2500.00 8000.00 0.25 8000.00 200000.00 0.10 200000.00 2700.00 0.25 2700.00 18000.00 0.10 18000.00 200.00 0.25 200.00 366000.00 0.90 PESF * KW 625.00 625.00 2000.00 2000.00 20000.00 20000.00 675.00 675.00 1800.00 1800.00 50.00 50.00 329400.00 Page No. 6 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY FERC NUMBER Plant Name/ Stream ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK018 TALKEETNA 2 TALKEETNA R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK019 CHULITNA-HURRICANE CHULITNA R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK024 Dam ST Stat AK U AK U MAIN LAKE AK U MAIN BAY,PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK026 KASNYKU LAKE KASNYKU FALLS STR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK027 CARBON LAKE CARBON LAKE ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK028 MILK LAKE MILK CR ** Subtotal ** AK U AK U AK U Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF 366000.00 90000.00 0.25 90000.00 34000.00 0.25 34000.00 125.00 0.25 125.00 7000.00 0.50 7000.00 10000.00 0.25 10000.00 7000.00 0.25 7000.00 PESF * KW 329400.00 22500.00 22500.00 8500.00 8500.00 31.25 31.25 3500.00 3500.00 2500.00 2500.00 1750.00 1750.00 Page No. 7 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY FERC NUMBER Plant Name/ Dam Stream ST Stat ** FERC Number AK029 BORODINO LAKE AK U BIG PORT WALTER,CHATHAM STRAIT ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK030 BETTY LAKE AK U PORT ARMSTRONG,CHATHAM STRAIT ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK032 DIANA LAKE UNN STR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK034 PELICAN PELICAN CR,LISIANSKI INLET ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK035 GOLD CREEK GOLD CR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK037 LAKE DOROTHY DOROTHY CR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK038 SPEEL DIVISION SPEEL R AK U AK U AK U AK U AK U Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF 5000.00 0.25 5000.00 200.00 0.25 200.00 8000.00 0.25 8000.00 1000.00 0.25 1000.00 2000.00 0.90 2000.00 34000.00 0.50 34000.00 63000.00 0.25 PESF * KW 1250.00 1250.00 50.00 50.00 2000.00 2000.00 250.00 250.00 1800.00 1800.00 17000.00 17000.00 15750.00 Page No. 8 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY FERC NUMBER Plant Name/ stream ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK039 CRATER LAKE CRATER CR,SPEEL R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK042 UPPER SWEETHEART SWEETHEART FALLS CR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK043 SCENERY SCENERY CR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK044 RUTH LAKE DELTA CR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK049 HARDING HARDING R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK055 LAKE CONNELL WARD CR, WARD COVE ** Subtotal ** Dam ST Stat AK U AK U AK U AK U AK U AK U Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF 63000.00 27000.00 0.25 27000.00 7000.00 0.50 7000.00 15000.00 0.10 15000.00 13000.00 0.50 13000.00 18000.00 0.10 18000.00 2000.00 0.10 2000.00 PESF * KW 15750.00 6750.00 6750.00 3500.00 3500.00 1500.00 1500.00 6500.00 6500.00 1800.00 1800.00 200.00 200.00 Page No. 9 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY FERC NUMBER Plant Name/ Stream ** FERC Number AK057 LAKE MARY OLD FRANKS CR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK058 BLACK BEAR BLACK BEAR CR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK059 SCAMMON BAY UNN STR, KUN R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK062 PALMER MCROBERTS CREEK ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 10773 BURNETT R HATCHERY BURNETT R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK022 BRADLEY LAKE BRADLEY CR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK051 PURPLE LAKE PURPLE LAKE OUTLET Dam ST Stat AK U AK U AK U AK U AK W AK W AK W Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF 9600.00 0.25 9600.00 5000.00 0.25 5000.00 100.00 0.90 100.00 400.00 0.25 400.00 250.00 0.50 250.00 63900.00 0.90 63900.00 500.00 0.75 PESF * KW 2400.00 2400.00 1250.00 1250.00 90.00 90.00 100.00 100.00 125.00 125.00 57510.00 57510.00 375.00 Page No. 10 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY FERC NUMBER Plant Namef Stream ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 01432 DRY SPRUCE UNN TRIB,DRY SPRUCE BAY ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 02251 SAN JUAN SAN JUAN LAKE ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 02267 PULP MILL MEDVETCHA R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 02328 LAKE WHITMAN CASE CR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 03175 KISARALIK KISARALIK R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 04641 DANNER-FENSTER UNN STR,GASTINEAU CHANNEL ** Subtotal ** Dam ST Stat AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF 500.00 75.00 0.50 75.00 100.00 0.75 100.00 900.00 0.50 900.00 2500.00 0.75 2500.00 30000.00 0.50 30000.00 12.00 0.50 12.00 PESF * KW 375.00 37.50 37.50 75.00 75.00 450.00 450.00 1875.00 1875.00 15000.00 15000.00 6.00 6.00 Page No. 11 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY FERC NUMBER Plant Name/ stream ** FERC Number 06601 CALIFORNIA CREEK CALIFORNIA CR,PLACER R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 07114A DEVIL CANYON SUSITNA R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 07114B WATANA SUSITNA R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 07796 REGIONAL MINOOK CR,YUKON R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 07799 TANANA BEAR CR I YUKON R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 08756 JUNEAU CREEK JUNEAU CR,KENAI R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 08765 BEAR CREEK BEAR CR,TURNAGAIN ARM Dam ST Stat AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF 1500.00 0.75 1500.00 600000.00 0.50 600000.00 1020000.00 0.50 1020000.00 2000.00 0.75 2000.00 1000.00 0.75 1000.00 1800.00 0.50 1800.00 250.00 0.50 PESF * KW 1125.00 1125.00 300000.00 300000.00 510000.00 510000.00 1500.00 1500.00 750.00 750.00 900.00 900.00 125.00 Page No. 12 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY FERC NUMBER Plant Name/ Stream ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 08766 STEEP CREEK STEEP CR,EYAI.< R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 08767 BEAR TRAIL BEARTRAIL CR,IBECK CR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 08768 Dam ST Stat AK WO AK WO LOST CREEK AK WO LOST CR,SALMON CR,RESURRECTION ** subtotal ** ** FERC Number 08769 KASIDAYA CREEK KASIDAYA CREEK,TAIYA INLET ** subtotal ** ** FERC Number 09760 AK WO TREADWELL DITCH AK WO TREADWELL DH,GASTINEAU CHANNEL ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 09763 NUGGET CREEK NUGGET CR,MENDENHAL LK ** Subtotal ** AK WO Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF 250.00 870.00 0.75 870.00 850.00 0.50 850.00 900.00 0.75 900.00 700.00 0.10 700.00 2200.00 0.90 2200.00 2200.00 0.50 2200.00 PESF * KW 125.00 652.50 652.50 425.00 425.00 675.00 675.00 70.00 70.00 1980.00 1980.00 1100.00 1100.00 Page No. 13 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY FERC NUMBER Plant Name/ Stream ** FERC Number 10566 LUTAK INLET UNN STR,LUTAK INLET ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 10681 SHEEP CREEK SHEEP CR,TAKU INLET ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 10685B CRATER LAKE CRATER LAKE,ORCA INLET ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 11139 TERROR LAKE TERROR R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 11243 POWER CREEK POWER CR,EYAK LAKE ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 11287 LACE RIVER UNN STR,EVELYN LAKE ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 11290 TAIYA INLET DAYEBAS CR,KATZEHIN R Dam ST Stat AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF 150.00 0.75 150.00 3100.00 0.50 3100.00 1000.00 0.75 1000.00 3000.00 0.75 3000.00 5000.00 0.50 5000.00 4900.00 0.75 4900.00 2000.00 0.75 PESF * KW 112.50 112.50 1550.00 1550.00 750.00 750.00 2250.00 2250.00 2500.00 2500.00 3675.00 3675.00 1500.00 Page No. 14 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY FERC NUMBER Plant Name/ stream ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 11417 SNYDER FALLS CREEK SNYDER FALLS CR,NELSON BAY ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number 11480 UPPER REYNOLDS CREEK REYNOLDS CR,COPPER HARBOR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK002 SCAMMON UNN STR,SCAMMON BAY ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK003 SCAMMON (PHASE 2) UNN STR,SCAMMON BAY ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK004 LAKE ELVA ELVA CR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK006 NUYAKUK(TIKCHIK) NUYAKUK R ** Subtotal ** Dam ST Stat AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF 2000.00 1450.00 0.75 1450.00 2000.00 0.50 2000.00 175.00 0.90 175.00 125.00 0.90 125.00 1500.00 0.75 1500.00 127000.00 0.75 127000.00 PESF * KW 1500.00 1087.50 1087.50 1000.00 1000.00 157.50 157.50 112.50 112.50 1125.00 1125.00 95250.00 95250.00 Page No. 15 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY FERC NUMBER Plant Name/ Stream ** FERC Number AK007 AKUTAN UNN STR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK008 INDIAN CREEK INDIAN CR,CHIGNIK BAY ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK009 ILIAMNA KVICHAK R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK013 COFFEE BELUGA R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK014 UPPER BELUGA BELUGA R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK015 YENTNA YENTNA R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK016 SKWENTNA(HAYES) SKWENTNA R Dam ST Stat AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO Name Plate Rating {KW) PESF 170.00 0.90 170.00 1100.00 0.10 1100.00 313000.00 0.50 313000.00 37000.00 0.75 37000.00 48000.00 0.75 48000.00 219000.00 0.75 219000.00 98000.00 0.75 PESF * KW 153.00 153.00 110.00 110.00 156500.00 156500.00 27750.00 27750.00 36000.00 36000.00 164250.00 164250.00 73500.00 Page No. 16 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY FERC NUMBER Plant Name/ Stream ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK017 KEETNA(TALKEETNA} TALKEETNA R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK020 SNOW SNOW R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK021 SELDOVIA FISH CR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK023 LOWELL LOWELL CR,DAY HARBOR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK025 TAKATZ TAKATZ CR,TAKATZ BAY ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK031 MAKSOUTOF MAKSOUTOF R ** Subtotal ** Dam ST Stat AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO Name Plate Rating (KW} PESF 98000.00 74000.00 0.75 74000.00 63000.00 0.50 63000.00 460.00 0.50 460.00 650.00 0.75 650.00 20000.00 0.75 20000.00 24000.00 0.50 24000.00 PESF * KW 73500.00 55500.00 55500.00 31500.00 31500.00 230.00 230.00 487.50 487.50 15000.00 15000.00 12000.00 12000.00 Page No. 17 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY FERC NUMBER Plant Name/ Dam Stream ST Stat ** FERC Number AK033 SUPERIOR AK WO ELFIN COVE(WACHUSETT COVE CR) ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK036 ANNEX CREEK ANNEX CR,TAKU INLET ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK040 TEASE LONG R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK041 SWEETHEART FALLS SWEETHEART FALLS CR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK045 GOAT GOAT CR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK046 BLIND SLOUGH CRYSTAL CR,BLIND R ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK047 ANITA LAKE ANITA CR,KUNK CR AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF 750.00 0.75 750.00 1750.00 0.50 1750.00 16000.00 0.75 16000.00 29000.00 0.50 29000.00 20000.00 0.75 20000.00 1400.00 0.50 1400.00 3230.00 0.50 PESF * KW 562.50 562.50 875.00 875.00 12000.00 12000.00 14500.00 14500.00 15000.00 15000.00 700.00 700.00 1615.00 Page No. 18 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY FERC NUMBER Plant Name/ Stream ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK048 VIRGINIA LAKE MILL CR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK050 LAKE GRACE GRACE CR, BEHM CANAL ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK052 MAHONEY LAKE MAHONEY CR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK053 UPPER SILVIS BEAVER FALLS CR,GEORGE INLET ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK054 KETCHIKAN LAKES KETCHIKAN CR ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK056 LINKUM LINKUM CR,KASAAN BAY ** Subtotal ** Dam ST Stat AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO AK WO Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF 3230.00 12000.00 0.50 12000.00 21000.00 0.50 21000.00 14400.00 0.75 14400.00 20000.00 0.50 20000.00 2000.00 0.50 2000.00 4560.00 0.75 4560.00 PESF * KW 1615.00 6000.00 6000.00 10500.00 10500.00 10800.00 10800.00 10000.00 10000.00 1000.00 1000.00 3420.00 3420.00 Page No. 19 10/31/97 HYDROPOWER RESOURCE ASSESSMENT BY FERC NUMBER Plant Name/ Stream ** FERC Number AK060 PYRAMID CREEK PYRAMID CR,PACIFIC OCEAN ** Subtotal ** ** FERC Number AK061 SOUTH FORK EAGLE RIVER S FK EAGLE R ** Subtotal ** *** Total *** Dam ST Stat AK WO AK WO Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF 1400.00 0.90 1400.00 1100.00 0.75 1100.00 4042257.00 PESF * KW 1260.00 1260.00 825.00 825.00 2157410.50 Appendix D Individual Resource Database List R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 1 FERC Number Plant Name 01432 DRY SPRUCE County Name Stream UNN TRIB,DRY SPRUCE BAY River Basin state Name AK KODIAK DIVISION KODIAK ISLAND RIVER BASINS Class Owner Name I WARDS COVE PACKING CO Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating {MWh) 75.00 0.50 37.50 300.00 Unit Plant Project Dam Latitude Type Type Status Status Longitude c DIV NO wo Factor Exist Prob Factor Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 CUltural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 scenic Value 0.90 PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 150 5753.00 15303.00 Exist Prob 0.90 Fish 0.90 Wildlife 0.90 0.90 y 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 2 FERC Number Plant Name Stream 02251 SAN JUAN SAN JUAN LAKE County Name River Basin VALDEZ-CHITINA-WHITT DV KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS Class Owner Name I NEW ENGLAND FISH CO State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 100.00 0.75 75.00 Unit Type Plant Type c ROR Factor Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value Project Status XX Exist Prob y 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Dam status wo 100.00 75 Latitude 6003.00 Longitude 14804.00 Factor Exist Prob Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 3 FERC Number Plant Name Stream 02267 PULP MILL MEDVETCHA R County Name River Basin SITKA DIVISION JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name I ALASKA PULP CORP state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) Unit Type c Factor 900.00 Plant Type DIV Wild/Scenic Protection 0.50 450.00 Project Status XX Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 Dam Status wo 6500.00 3250 Latitude 5701.00 Longitude 13507.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 4 FERC Number Plant Name Stream 02328 LAKE WHITMAN CASE CR County Name River Basin KETCHIKAN DIVISION KETCHIKAN GROUP Class Owner Name M KETCHIKAN,CITY OF Name Plate Annual Energy Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Rating (MWh) 2500.00 0.75 1875.00 11600.00 Unit Plant Project Dam Latitude Type Type status status Longitude c DIV XX wo Factor Exist Prob Factor Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 Cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 Scenic Value 0.90 State Name AK PESF Annual Energy Rating 8700 5520.00 13132.00 Exist Fish Wildlife y (MWh) Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 RESOURCE D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 5 FERC Number Plant Name Stream 02755A THOMAS BAY THOMAS BAY county Name River Basin WRANGELL-PETERSBURG DIV JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name M THOMAS BAY POWER COMM state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 30000.00 unit Type c Factor Plant Type DIV Wild/Scenic Protection 0.25 7500.00 Project status XX Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 CUltural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 130000.00 32500 Dam Status u Latitude 5707.00 Longitude 13242.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 6 FERC Number Plant Name stream 02755B FALLS LAKE CASCADE CR,THOMAS BAY County Name River Basin WRANGELL-PETERSBURG DIV JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name M THOMAS BAY POWER COMM state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 8000.00 0.10 800.00 Unit Type Plant Type c DIV Factor Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value Project status XX Exist Prob y y y 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.25 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.25 0.50 Dam status u 35000.00 3500 Latitude 5700.00 Longitude 13245.00 Factor Exist Prob Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 7 FERC Number Plant Name Stream 02760 p c 1 POWER CR,EYAK LAKE County Name River Basin CORDOVA-MCCARTHY DIV KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS Class Owner Name M CORDOVA PUBLIC UTILITIES state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 5000.00 0.10 500.00 Unit Type Plant Type c DIV Factor Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value Project Status XX Exist Prob y y 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.25 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.25 0.90 Dam Status u 26000.00 2600 Latitude 6035.00 Longitude 14532.00 Factor Exist Prob Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 8 FERC Number Plant Name Stream 03175 KISARALIK KISARALIK R county Name River Basin BETHEL DIVISION KOTZEBUE-NUSHAGAK RIVER B Class owner Name M ALASKA ENERGY AUTH state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 30000.00 0.50 15000.00 131400.00 65700 Unit Plant Project Dam Latitude 6026.00 Type Type Status status Longitude 16006.00 c ROR XX wo Factor Exist Prob Factor Exist Prob Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Fish 0.90 Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wildlife 0.90 Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Federal Land Code 105 0.90 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 0.90 Recreation Value y 0.75 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 RESOURCE DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 9 FERC Number Plant Name Stream State Name 04641 DANNER-FENSTER UNN STR,GASTINEAU CHANNEL AK County Name River Basin JUNEAU DIVISION JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name R DANNER,GEORGE III ET AL Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 12.00 0.50 6.00 12.00 Unit Plant Project Dam Latitude Type Type Status Status Longitude c ROR XX wo Factor Exist Prob Factor Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 Cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 Scenic Value 0.90 PESF Annual Energy Rating {MWh) 6 5821.00 13424.00 Exist Prob 0.90 Fish 0.90 Wildlife 0.90 0.90 y 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 10 FERC Number Plant Name stream 05212 THUMB CREEK THUMB CR,SALMON R County Name River Basin KETCHIKAN DIVISION KETCHIKAN GROUP Class Owner Name R HYDER HYDRO CO State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 10000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type ROR Wild/Scenic Protection 0.25 2500.00 Project Status XX Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Geologic Value y 0.50 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 Dam Status u 57000.00 14250 Latitude 5555.00 Longitude 13002.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 RESOURCE DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 11 FERC Number Plant Name Stream 05214 WEST MT HINCHLEY W HINCKLEY RUN,SALMON R county Name River Basin KETCHIKAN DIVISION KETCHIKAN GROUP Class Owner Name R HYDER HYDRO CO state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 2600.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type ROR Wild/Scenic Protection 0.25 650.00 Project status XX Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Geologic Value y 0.50 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 Dam status u 13000.00 3250 Latitude 5553.00 Longitude 13002.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 12 FERC Number Plant Name Stream 05215 FISH CREEK FISH CR,SALMON R County Name River Basin KETCHIKAN DIVISION KETCHIKAN GROUP Class Owner Name R HYDER HYDRO CO State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 1300.00 0.25 325.00 Unit Type Plant Type c ROR Factor Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location CUltural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value Project Status XX Exist Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 y 0.25 y 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Dam Status u 8000.00 2000 Latitude 5551.00 Longitude 13001.00 Factor Exist Prob Wildlife Value 0.90 Threatened/Endangered Fish 0.90 Threatened/Endangered Wildlife 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 y 0.50 Federal Land Code 105 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 RESOURCE DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 13 FERC Number Plant Name Stream 05216 ALYESKA CREEK ALYESKA CR,GLACIER CR County Name River Basin ANCHORAGE DIVISION KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS Class Owner Name R ALYESKA HYDRO CO State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 1500.00 0.25 375.00 Unit Type Plant Type c ROR Factor Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value scenic Value Project Status XX Exist Prob y 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.25 0.90 Dam Status u 7800.00 1950 Latitude 6122.00 Longitude 14942.00 Factor Exist Prob Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 14 FERC Number Plant Name stream 06211 THOMAS BAY CASCADE CR County Name River Basin WRANGELL-PETERSBURG DIV JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name I ALASKA INDUSTRIAL POWER CORP State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW} PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh} PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh} 34000.00 0.10 3400.00 Unit Type Plant Type c ROR Factor Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value Project status XX Exist Prob y y y 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.25 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.25 0.50 170000.00 17000 Dam status u Latitude 5704.00 Longitude 13246.00 Factor Exist Prob Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 15 FERC Number Plant Name stream 06601 CALIFORNIA CREEK CALIFORNIA CR,PLACER R County Name River Basin ANCHORAGE DIVISION KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS Class Owner Name R TURNAGAIN HYDRO CO state Name AK Name Plate Annual Energy PESF Annual Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Rating (MWh) Energy Rating 1500.00 0.75 1125.00 6800.00 5100 Unit Plant Project Dam Latitude 6035.00 Type Type Status Status Longitude 14853.00 c ROR XX wo (MWh) Factor Exist Prob Factor Exist Prob Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 RESOURCE D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 16 FERC Number Plant Name Stream 06856 THOMAS BAY CASCADE CR County Name River Basin WRANGELL-PETERSBURG DIV JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name M PETERSBURG,CITY OF State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 4400.00 0.10 440.00 Unit Type Plant Type c STG Factor Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value Project Status XX Exist Prob y y y 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.25 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.25 0.50 Dam Status u 20000.00 2000 Latitude 5705.00 Longitude 13247.00 Factor Exist Prob Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 17 FERC Number Plant Name Stream 07114A DEVIL CANYON SUSITNA R County Name River Basin MATANUSKA-SUSITNA DIV SUSITNA RIVER BASIN Class owner Name M ALASKA ENERGY AUTH Name Plate Rating (KW) 600000.00 Unit Plant Type Type c STG Factor Wild/Scenic Protection PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 0.50 300000.00 3450000.00 Project Dam Latitude Status Status Longitude XX wo Exist Prob Factor 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 CUltural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Federal Land code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 Scenic Value 0.90 State Name AK PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 1725000 6249.00 14919.00 Exist Prob 0.90 Fish 0.90 Wildlife 0.90 0.90 y 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 18 FERC Number Plant Name stream 07114B WATANA SUSITNA R County Name River Basin MATANUSKA-SUSITNA DIV SUSITNA RIVER BASIN Class Owner Name M ALASKA ENERGY AUTH state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 1020000.00 0.50 510000.00 Unit Type Plant Type c STG Factor Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value Project status XX Exist Prob y 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 3460000.00 1730000 Dam status wo Latitude 6250.00 Longitude 14820.00 Factor Exist Prob Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 FERC Number Plant Name 07633 GRANT LAKE County Name SEWARD DIVISION Class R PAGE NO: 19 stream UP TRAIL LK (GRANT LK) , TRAIL R River Basin KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS Owner Name KENAI HYDRO INC state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 7000.00 0.25 1750.00 25400.00 6350 unit Plant Project Dam Latitude 6030.00 Type Type status status Longitude 14949.00 c DIV XX u Factor Exist Prob Factor Exist Prob Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Fish 0.90 Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wildlife 0.90 Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 0.90 CUltural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 y 0.50 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Federal Land Code 105 0.90 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 20 FERC Number Plant Name Stream 07796 REGIONAL MINOOK CR,YUKON R County Name River Basin YUKON-KOYUKUK DIVISION YUKON RIVER BASIN Class owner Name R ARCTIC TESTING CO Name Plate Annual Energy Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Rating (MWh) 2000.00 0.75 1500.00 13100.00 Unit Plant Project Dam Latitude Type Type Status Status Longitude c ROR XX wo Factor Exist Prob Factor Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered UpstreamjDownstream Threatened/Endangered Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 Cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 Scenic Value 0.90 State Name AK PESF Annual Energy Rating 9825 6526.00 15011.00 Exist Fish Wildlife (MWh) Prob 0. 90 ~ 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 RESOURCE DATE: 10/31/97 FERC Number Plant Name 07797 RAMPARTS County Name YUKON-KOYUKUK DIVISION Class DATABASE L I S T I N G PAGE NO: 21 Stream YUKON R River Basin YUKON RIVER BASIN owner Name State Name AK R ARCTIC TESTING CO Name Plate Annual Energy PESF Annual Rating {KW) PESF PESF*KW Rating (MWh) Energy Rating (MWh) 3000.00 0.25 750.00 Unit Plant Type Type c ROR Factor Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value Project status XX Exist y Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.25 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 22300.00 5575 Dam Latitude 6528.00 Status Longitude 15012.00 u Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 22 FERC Number Plant Name Stream 07798 CANYON CREEK CANYON CR,YUKON R County Name River Basin YUKON-KOYUKUK DIVISION YUKON RIVER BASIN Class Owner Name R ARCTIC TESTING CO state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 500.00 0.25 125.00 Unit Type Plant Type c ROR Factor Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value Project Status XX Exist Prob y 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.25 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Dam Status u 3650.00 912.50 Latitude 6520.00 Longitude 15102.00 Factor Exist Prob Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATE: 10/31/97 FERC Number Plant Name 07799 TANANA County Name YUKON-KOYUKUK DIVISION Class D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G PAGE NO: 23 Stream BEAR CR, YUKON R River Basin YUKON RIVER BASIN Owner Name State Name AK R ARCTIC TESTING CO Name Plate Annual Energy PESF Annual Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Rating (MWh) Energy Rating 1000.00 0.75 750.00 4500.00 3375 Unit Plant Project Dam Latitude 6518.00 Type Type status Status Longitude 15200.00 c ROR XX wo (MWh) Factor Exist Prob Factor Exist Prob Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Fish 0.90 Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wildlife 0.90 Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 0.90 CUltural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Federal Land Code 105 0.90 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 FERC Number Plant Name 08756 JUNEAU CREEK County Name SEWARD DIVISION Class R PAGE NO: 24 Stream JUNEAU CR, KENAI R River Basin KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS Owner Name ENERGY STREAM FUND NO 14,LTD state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 1800.00 0.50 900.00 11800.00 5900 Unit Type Plant Type c ROR Factor Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value Project status XX Exist Prob y y y 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 Dam Status wo Latitude 6029.00 Longitude 14948.00 Factor Exist Prob Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 FERC Number Plant Name 08765 BEAR CREEK County Name SEWARD DIVISION Class R Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF 250.00 0.50 Unit Plant Type Type c ROR PAGE NO: 25 Stream BEAR CR,TURNAGAIN ARM River Basin State Name AK KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS owner Name ENERGY STREAM FUND NO 16,LTD Annual Energy PESF Annual PESF*KW Rating (MWh) Energy Rating (MWh) 125.00 1000.00 500 Project Dam Latitude 6020.00 Status status Longitude 14930.00 XX wo Factor Exist Prob Factor Exist Prob Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Fish 0.90 Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wildlife 0.90 Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 0.90 CUltural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 y 0.75 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Federal Land Code 105 0.90 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 26 FERC Number Plant Name Stream 08766 STEEP CREEK STEEP CR,EYAK R County Name River Basin CORDOVA-MCCARTHY DIV KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS Class Owner Name R ENERGY STREAM FUND N 0 3 , LTD State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 870.00 0.75 652.50 3800.00 2850 Unit Plant Project Dam Latitude 6032.00 Type Type Status Status Longitude 14535.00 c ROR XX wo Factor Exist Prob Factor Exist Prob Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Fish 0.90 Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wildlife 0.90 Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 y 0.75 Fish Presence Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 105 0.90 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 27 FERC Number Plant Name stream 08767 BEARTRAIL BEARTRAIL CR,IBECK CR County Name River Basin CORDOVA-MCCARTHY DIV COPPER RIVER BASIN Class Owner Name R ENERGY STREAM FUND NO 7,LTD state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) unit Type c Factor 850.00 Plant Type ROR Wild/Scenic Protection 0.50 425.00 Project Status XX Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 Dam Status wo 3300.00 1650 Latitude 6227.00 Longitude 14508.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 FERC Number Plant Name 08768 LOST CREEK county Name SEWARD DIVISION Class R PAGE NO: 28 stream LOST CR,SALMON CR,RESURRECTION River Basin KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS owner Name ENERGY STREAM FUND NO 15,LTD state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 900.00 0.75 675.00 3900.00 2925 Unit Type Plant Type c ROR Factor Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value Project Status XX Exist Prob y 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Dam status wo Latitude 6003.00 Longitude 14928.00 Factor Exist Prob Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 RESOURCE D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 29 FERC Number Plant Name Stream State Name 08769 KASIDAYA CREEK KASIDAYA CREEK,TAIYA INLET AK county Name River Basin SKAGWAY-YAKUTAT DIV JUNEAU GROUP Class owner Name R ENERGY STREAM FUND NO 12,LTD Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 700.00 0.10 70.00 Unit Type Plant Type c ROR Factor Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value Project status XX Exist Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 y 0.75 y 0.75 0.90 0.90 3100.00 Dam Latitude Status Longitude wo Factor Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Threatened/Endangered Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 310 5922.00 13522.00 Exist Prob 0.90 Fish 0.90 Wildlife 0.90 y 0.10 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 30 FERC Number Plant Name Stream 08770 p c 2 POWER CR,EYAK LAKE County Name River Basin State Name AK CORDOVA-MCCARTHY DIV KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS Class Owner Name M CORDOVA PUBLIC UTILITIES Name Plate Annual Energy PESF Annual Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Rating (MWh) Energy Rating 2000.00 0.10 200.00 13000.00 1300 Unit Plant Project Dam Latitude 6037.00 Type Type Status Status Longitude 14531.00 c ROR XX u Factor Exist Prob Factor Exist Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Fish Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 Cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 y Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value y 0.25 Federal Land Code 198 Scenic Value 0.90 (MWh) Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 RESOURCE DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 FERC Number Plant Name 08772 GRANT LAKE County Name SEWARD DIVISION Class R Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF 830.00 0.25 Unit Plant Type Type c ROR PAGE NO: 31 Stream GRANT CR,TRAIL R River Basin State Name AK KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS Owner Name ENERGY STREAM FUND NO 13,LTD Annual Energy PESF Annual PESF*KW Rating (MWh) Energy Rating 207.50 5100.00 1275 Project Dam Latitude 6029.00 Status Status Longitude 14946.00 XX u (MWh) Factor Exist Prob Factor Exist Prob Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value y 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.25 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 32 FERC Number Plant Name stream 08827 SHIP CREEK CITY WATER & WASTE WTR PIPELIN County Name River Basin MATANUSKA-SUSITNA DIV KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS Class owner Name M ANCHORAGE,CITY OF State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh} 510.00 0.90 459.00 Unit Type Plant Type c DIV Factor Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or UpstreamjDownstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value Project Status XX Exist Frob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Dam Status u 2600.00 2340 Latitude 6100.00 Longitude 14940.00 Factor Exist Frob Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 RESOURCE DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 33 FERC Number Plant Name stream State Name 09760 TREADWELL DITCH TREADWELL DH,GASTINEAU CHANNEL AK County Name River Basin JUNEAU DIVISION JUNEAU GROUP Class owner Name R RE-ENERTEK INC Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 2200.00 0.90 1980.00 8800.00 unit Plant Project Dam Latitude Type Type Status Status Longitude c ROR XX wo Factor Exist Prob Factor Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 scenic Value 0.90 PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 7920 5816.00 13419.00 Exist Prob 0.90 Fish 0.90 Wildlife 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 34 FERC Number Plant Name Stream 09763 NUGGET CREEK NUGGET CR,MENDENHAL LK County Name River Basin JUNEAU DIVISION JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name R RE-ENERTEK INC Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 2200.00 0.50 1100.00 4500.00 Unit Plant Project Dam Latitude Type Type Status Status Longitude c ROR XX wo Factor Exist Frob Factor Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 Cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 Scenic Value 0.90 State Name AK PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 2250 5825.00 13432.00 Exist Frob 0.90 Fish 0.90 Wildlife 0.90 0.90 y 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 35 FERC Number Plant Name stream 09996 REDISCOVERY LODGE BELL CR County Name River Basin OUTER KETCHIKAN DIV KETCHIKAN GROUP Class Owner Name Name Plate Rating (KW) 115.00 Unit Plant Type Type c ROR Factor Wild/Scenic Protection R NW DISCOVERY JT VENTURE PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 0.25 28.75 200.00 Project Dam Latitude Status Status Longitude LE u Exist Prob Factor 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 Cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 Scenic Value 0.90 State Name AK PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 50 5557.00 13129.00 Exist Prob 0.90 Fish 0.90 Wildlife 0.90 0.90 y 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 RESOURCE D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 36 FERC Number Plant Name Stream 10064 WHITTIER CREEK WHITTIER CR,PASSAGE CANAL County Name River Basin VALDEZ-CHITINA-WHITT DV KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS Class owner Name R LATHAN,WILLIAM J state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 200.00 0.25 50.00 1134.00 283.50 Unit Plant Project Dam Latitude 6106.00 Type Type status status Longitude 14607.00 c ROR XX u Factor Exist Prob Factor Exist Prob Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Fish 0.90 Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wildlife 0.90 WildfScenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 0.90 cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 y 0.50 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Federal Land Code 105 0.90 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 37 FERC Number Plant Name 10524 POWER CREEK county Name Stream POWER CR,EYAK LAKE River Basin state Name AK CORDOVA-MCCARTHY DIV KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS Class Owner Name Name Plate Rating (KW) 6000.00 Unit Plant Type Type c ROR Factor Wild/Scenic Protection R NORTH COAST DEV CO INC PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 0.10 600.00 30000.00 Project Dam Latitude Status Status Longitude XX u Exist Prob Factor 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 Cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value y 0.25 Federal Land Code 198 Scenic Value 0.90 PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 3000 6036.00 14531.00 Exist Prob 0.90 Fish 0.90 Wildlife 0.90 0.90 y 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 FERC Number Plant Name 10566 LUTAK INLET County Name SITKA DIVISION Class R Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF 150.00 0.75 Unit Plant Type Type c ROR PAGE NO: 38 Stream UNN STR, LUTAK INLET River Basin JUNEAU GROUP owner Name SOUTHERN ENERGY,INC Annual Energy PESF*KW Rating (MWh) 112.50 519.00 Project Dam Latitude Status Status Longitude XX wo State Name AK PESF Annual Energy Rating 389.25 5907.00 13527.00 Factor Exist Prob Factor Exist Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Fish Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 Cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 Scenic Value 0.90 (MWh) Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 RESOURCE DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 39 FERC Number Plant Name Stream 10681 SHEEP CREEK SHEEP CR,TAKU INLET County Name River Basin JUNEAU DIVISION JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name R ECHO BAY EXPLOR,INC Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 3100.00 0.50 1550.00 17000.00 unit Plant Project Dam Latitude Type Type status Status Longitude c ROR XX wo Factor Exist Prob Factor Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 Cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value y 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value y 0.75 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value y 0.75 Federal Land Code 198 Scenic Value y 0.90 state Name AK PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 8500 5816.00 13419.00 Exist Prob 0.90 Fish 0.90 Wildlife 0.90 0.90 y 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 40 FERC Number Plant Name stream 10685A CRATER LAKE CRATER LAKE,ORCA INLET County Name River Basin State Name AK CORDOVA-MCCARTHY DIV KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS Class Owner Name R NORTH COAST DEV CO INC Name Plate Annual Energy PESF Annual Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Rating (MWh) Energy Rating 600.00 0.25 150.00 1500.00 375 Unit Plant Project Dam Latitude 6034.00 Type Type Status Status Longitude 14550.00 c DIV XX u Factor Exist Frob Factor Exist Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Fish Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 Cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value y 0.25 Federal Land Code 198 Scenic Value 0.90 (MWh) Frob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 41 FERC Number Plant Name 10685B CRATER LAKE County Name stream CRATER LAKE,ORCA INLET River Basin state Name AK CORDOVA-MCCARTHY DIV KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS Class Owner Name Name Plate Rating (KW) 1000.00 Unit Plant Type Type c DIV Factor Wild/Scenic Protection R NORTH COAST DEV CO INC PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 0.75 750.00 2500.00 Project Dam Latitude status Status Longitude XX wo Exist Prob Factor 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 Cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value y 0.75 Federal Land Code 198 Scenic Value 0.90 PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 1875 6034.00 14550.00 Exist Prob 0.90 Fish 0.90 Wildlife 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 42 FERC Number Plant Name Stream State Name 10686 LAKE REDFIELD LAKE REDFIELD,YAKUTAT BAY AK county Name River Basin SKAGWAY-YAKUTAT DIV COPPER RIVER BASIN Class owner Name R NORTH COAST DEV CO INC Name Plate Annual Energy PESF Annual Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Rating (MWh) Energy Rating 2000.00 0.50 1000.00 10000.00 5000 Unit Plant Project Dam Latitude 5940.00 Type Type Status status Longitude 13929.00 c DIV XX u Factor Exist Prob Factor Exist Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Fish Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 CUltural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 y Fish Presence Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 Scenic Value 0.90 (MWh) Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 RESOURCE D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 43 FERC Number Plant Name stream 10773 BURNETT R HATCHERY BURNETT R county Name River Basin WRANGELL-PETERSBURG DIV KETCHIKAN GROUP Class Owner Name I ALASKA AQUACULTURE INC Name Plate Annual Energy Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Rating (MWh) 250.00 0.50 125.00 2080.00 Unit Plant Project Dam Latitude Type Type Status status Longitude c PDV NO w Factor Exist Prob Factor Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 Cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 Scenic Value 0.90 State Name AK PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 1040 5607.00 13228.00 Exist Prob 0.90 Fish 0.90 Wildlife 0.90 0.90 y 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 44 FERC Number Plant Name stream 11077 GOAT LAKE SKAGWAY R{GOAT LAKE) County Name River Basin SKAGWAY-YAKUTAT DIV JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name Name Plate Rating (KW) 6000.00 unit Plant Type Type c DIV Factor Wild/Scenic Protection R ALASKA PWR & TELEPHONE CO PESF PESF*KW 0.50 3000.00 Project Status XX Exist Frob Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 35040.00 Dam Latitude status Longitude u Factor 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 CUltural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 Scenic Value 0.90 state Name AK PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 17520 5934.00 13513.00 Exist Frob 0.90 Fish 0.90 Wildlife 0.90 0.90 y 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 RESOURCE DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 45 FERC Number Plant Name Stream 11139 TERROR LAKE TERROR R County Name River Basin KODIAK DIVISION KODIAK ISLAND RIVER BASINS Class Owner Name c KODIAK ELEC ASSN,INC State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 3000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type ROR Wild/Scenic Protection 0.75 2250.00 Project Status XX Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value 0.90 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 Dam status wo 8000.00 6000 Latitude 5740.00 Longitude 15305.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 y Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 46 FERC Number Plant Name Stream 11243 POWER CREEK POWER CR,EYAK LAKE County Name River Basin CORDOVA-MCCARTHY DIV KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS Class owner Name R WHITEWATER ENGINEERING CORP State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 5000.00 0.50 2500.00 25000.00 12500 Unit Plant Project Dam Latitude 6036.00 Type Type Status Status Longitude 14531.00 c ROR PO wo Factor Exist Prob Factor Exist Prob Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Fish 0.90 Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wildlife 0.90 Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 0.90 cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 y 0.75 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Federal Land Code 105 0.90 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 0.90 Recreation Value y 0.75 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 47 FERC Number Plant Name 11244 SILVER LAKE County Name Stream DUCK R,GALENA BAY River Basin State Name AK VALDEZ KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS Name Plate Rating (KW) Class owner Name M WHITEWATER ENGINEERING CORP PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 15000.00 0.25 3750.00 56000.00 Unit Plant Project Dam Latitude Type Type Status Status Longitude c STG PO u Factor Exist Prob Factor Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 CUltural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 Scenic Value 0.90 PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 14000 6057.00 14633.00 Exist Prob 0.90 Fish 0.90 Wildlife 0.90 0.90 y 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 48 FERC Number Plant Name stream 11287 LACE RIVER UNN STR,EVELYN LAKE County Name River Basin JUNEAU DIVISION JUNEAU GROUP Class owner Name R LACE RIVER HYDRO state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 4900.00 Unit Type Factor Plant Type ROR Wild/Scenic Protection 0.75 3675.00 Project status PO Exist Frob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value 0.90 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 Dam Status wo 34164.00 25623 Latitude 5840.00 Longitude 13450.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Frob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 RESOURCE D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 49 FERC Number Plant Name stream 11290 TAIYA INLET DAYEBAS CR,KATZEHIN R County Name River Basin SKAGWAY-YAKUTAT DIV JUNEAU GROUP Class owner Name R TAIYA INLET HYDRO state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 2000.00 0.75 1500.00 Unit Type Plant Type c ROR Factor Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value Project Status XX Exist Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Dam Status wo 13870.00 10402.50 Latitude 5917.00 Longitude 13502.00 Factor Exist Prob Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 50 FERC Number Plant Name Stream 11316 TAZIMINA RIVER TAZIMINA R County Name River Basin BRISTOL BAY BORO DIV ALASKA PENINSULA RIVER BAS Class Owner Name C ILIAMNA-NEWHALEM-NONDALTON ELEC State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 700.00 0.10 70.00 3000.00 300 Unit Plant Project Dam Latitude 5957.00 Type Type Status Status Longitude 15433.00 c ROR PO u Factor Exist Prob Factor Exist Prob Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Fish 0.90 Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wildlife 0.90 Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Federal Land Code 105 0.90 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 0.90 Recreation Value y 0.25 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 51 FERC Number Plant Name stream 11319 HAINES UNN STREAM,CHILKOOT R County Name River Basin FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name R HAINES LIGHT AND POWER CO,INC State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 2500.00 0.25 625.00 Unit Type Plant Type c DIV Factor Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value Project Status PO Exist Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Dam Status u 14000.00 3500 Latitude 5925.00 Longitude 13557.00 Factor Exist Prob Wildlife Value Y Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 0.25 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 52 FERC Number Plant Name Stream 11393 MOHONEY LAKE MAHONEY CR County Name River Basin KETCHIKAN DIVISION KETCHIKAN GROUP Class Owner Name R CITY OF SAXMAN State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 9000.00 0.25 2250.00 Unit Type Plant Type c ROR Factor Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value Project status PO Exist Frob y 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.25 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Dam status u 32450.00 8112.50 Latitude 5527.00 Longitude 13131.00 Factor Exist Frob Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 53 FERC Number Plant Name stream 11417 SNYDER FALLS CREEK SNYDER FALLS CR,NELSON BAY County Name River Basin CORDOVA-MCCARTHY DIV KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS Class Owner Name R DAVID AUSMAN & ASSOC State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 1450.00 0.75 1087.50 8000.00 6000 unit Plant Project Dam Latitude 6050.00 Type Type Status Status Longitude 14510.00 c ROR PO wo Factor Exist Prob Factor Exist Prob Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Fish 0.90 Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wildlife 0.90 Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 0.90 CUltural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 y 0.75 Fish Presence Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 105 0.90 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code lOS 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 54 FERC Number Plant Name Stream 11480 UPPER REYNOLDS CREEK REYNOLDS CR,COPPER HARBOR County Name River Basin PRINCE OF WALES DIV KETCHIKAN GROUP Class OWner Name C HAIDA CORPORATION state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 2000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type DIV Wild/Scenic Protection 0.50 1000.00 Project status PO Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 Dam Status wo 15000.00 7500 Latitude 5514.00 Longitude 13240.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 55 FERC Number Plant Name 11497 LEANNE LAKE County Name Stream LEANNE LAKE OUTLET River Basin State Name AK KODIAK DIVISION KODIAK ISLAND RIVER BASINS Class Owner Name c KODIAK ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION,INC Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 2800.00 0.90 2520.00 80000.00 Unit Plant Project Dam Latitude Type Type Status Status Longitude c ROR PO u Factor Exist Prob Factor Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 Cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 Scenic Value 0.90 PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 72000 5744.00 15259.00 Exist Prob 0.90 Fish 0.90 Wildlife 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 56 FERC Number Plant Name Stream 11508 WOLF LAKE WOLF CR County Name River Basin PRINCE OF WALES DIV KETCHIKAN GROUP Class owner Name Name Plate Rating (KW) 2500.00 Unit Plant Type Type c ROR Factor Wild/Scenic Protection R ALASKA PWR & TELEPHONE CO PESF PESF*KW 0.25 625.00 Project status PA Exist Prob Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 4000.00 Dam Latitude Status Longitude u Factor 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 Cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 Scenic Value 0.90 State Name AK PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 1000 5531.00 13235.00 Exist Prob 0.90 Fish 0.90 Wildlife 0.90 0.90 y 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 57 FERC Number Plant Name Stream state Name 11510 ALLISON ALLISON CR AK County Name River Basin VALDEZ-CHITINA-WHITT DV KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS Class Owner Name F ALASKA BUSINESS;INDUSTRIAL DEV.CORP Name Plate Annual Energy PESF Annual Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Rating (MWh) Energy Rating 8000.00 0.25 2000.00 4350.00 1087.50 Unit Plant Project Dam Latitude 6107.00 Type Type Status status Longitude 14610.00 c STG PA u (MWh) Factor Exist Prob Factor Exist Prob Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Fish 0.90 Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wildlife 0.90 Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Federal Land Code 105 0.90 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 58 FERC Number Plant Name stream AKO 01 BROWNE NENANA R County Name River Basin YUKON-KOYUKUK DIVISION YUKON RIVER BASIN Class Owner Name NHPS/COE Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 200000.00 0.10 20000.00 566000.00 Unit Plant Project Dam Latitude Type Type Status Status Longitude c STG u Factor Exist Frob Factor Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 Cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value y 0.25 Federal Land Code 198 Scenic Value y 0.50 State Name AK PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 56600 6411.00 14915.00 Exist Frob 0.90 Fish 0.90 Wildlife 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 59 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK002 SCAMMON UNN STR,SCAMMON BAY County Name River Basin WADE HAMPTON DIVISION YUKON RIVER BASIN Class Owner Name C AK VILLAGE ELEC COOP,INC State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) Unit Type c Factor 175.00 Plant Type DIV Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 157.50 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value 0.90 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 1380.00 1242 Dam Status Latitude 6148.00 Longitude 16529.00 wo Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 60 FERC Number Plant Name stream AK003 SCAMMON(PHASE 2} UNN STR,SCAMMON BAY County Name River Basin WADE HAMPTON DIVISION YUKON RIVER BASIN Class Owner Name C AK VILLAGE ELEC COOP,INC state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW} PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh} PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh} Unit Type c Factor 125.00 Plant Type DIV Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 112.50 Project status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value 0.90 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 985.00 886.50 Dam status Latitude 6148.00 Longitude 16529.00 wo Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 61 FERC Number Plant Name stream AK004 LAKE ELVA ELVA CR County Name River Basin BRISTOL BAY BORO DIV KOTZEBUE-NUSHAGAK RIVER B Class Owner Name M ALASKA ENERGY AUTH State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 1500.00 0.75 1125.00 Unit Type Plant Type c STG Factor Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value Project Status Exist Prob y 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Dam Status wo 6000.00 4500 Latitude 5938.00 Longitude 15900.00 Factor Exist Prob Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 62 FERC Number Plant Name stream AK005 GRANT LAKE WOOD R,KOKWOK R County Name River Basin BRISTOL BAY BORO DIV KOTZEBUE-NUSHAGAK RIVER B Class Owner Name NHPS/COE State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) Unit Type c 2700.00 Plant Type STG Factor Wild/Scenic Protection 0.25 675.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 12700.00 3175 Dam Status Latitude 5946.00 Longitude 15832.00 u Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATE: 10/31/97 FERC Number Plant Name AK006 NUYAKUK(TIKCHIK) County Name BRISTOL BAY BORO DIV Class D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G PAGE NO: 63 Stream NUYAKUK R River Basin KOTZEBUE-NUSHAGAK RIVER B owner Name State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 127000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type STG Wild/Scenic Protection 0.75 95250.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 555000.00 416250 Dam Status Latitude 5955.00 Longitude 15958.00 wo Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 RESOURCE DATE: 10/31/97 FERC Number Plant Name AK007 AKUTAN County Name ALEUTIAN ISLANDS DIV Class D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G PAGE NO: 64 Stream UNN STR River Basin ALASKA PENINSULA RIVER BAS owner Name State Name AK M AKUTAN,CITY OF Name Plate Annual Energy PESF Annual Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Rating (MWh) Energy Rating 170.00 0.90 153.00 Unit Plant Type Type c ROR Factor Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value Project Status LJ Exist Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 975.00 877.50 Dam Latitude 5410.00 Status Longitude 16552.00 wo Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 (MWh} Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 65 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK008 INDIAN CREEK INDIAN CR,CHIGNIK BAY County Name River Basin ALEUTIAN ISLANDS DIV ALASKA PENINSULA RIVER BAS Class Owner Name F CORPS OF ENGINEERS State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annua 1 Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 1100.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type ROR Wild/Scenic Protection 0.10 110.00 Project status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value 0.90 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 5718.00 571.80 Dam Status Latitude 5615.00 Longitude 15825.00 wo Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 y Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.10 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 66 FERC Number Plant Name stream AK009 ILIAMNA KVICHAK R County Name River Basin BRISTOL BAY BORO DIV ALASKA PENINSULA RIVER BAS Class owner Name NHPS/COE State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 313000.00 0.50 156500.00 Unit Type Plant Type c STG Factor Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value Project Status Exist Prob y y y y 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 1370000.00 685000 Dam Status wo Latitude 5913.00 Longitude 15626.00 Factor Exist Prob Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land code 108 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 FERC Number AK010 Plant TAZIMINA County BRISTOL BAY Name Plate Rating (KW) Name Name BORO Class PAGE NO: 67 Stream TAZIMINA R River Basin DIV ALASKA PENINSULA RIVER BAS owner Name NHPS/COE State Name AK PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 18000.00 0.10 1800.00 124000.00 12400 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type DIV Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value Project status Exist Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 y 0.25 0.90 0.90 0.90 y 0.25 y 0.50 Dam Status u Latitude 5958.00 Longitude 15433.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 y Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.10 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 68 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK011 PORT LIONS MENNONITE CR, SETTLERS COVE County Name River Basin KODIAK DIVISION KODIAK ISLAND RIVER BASINS Class owner Name c KODIAK ELEC ASSN,INC state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 200.00 0.25 50.00 875.00 218.75 unit Plant Project Dam Latitude 5753.00 Type Type status status Longitude 15257.00 c STG LJ u Factor Exist Prob Factor Exist Prob Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Fish 0.90 Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wildlife 0.90 Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 0.90 CUltural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Federal Land Code 105 0.90 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 RESOURCE DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 69 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK012 CHAKACHAMNA CHAKACHAMNA R County Name River Basin KENAI-COOK INLET DIV CHAKACHATNA RIVER BASINS Class Owner Name NHPS/COE state Name AK Name Plate Rating {KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 366000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type STG Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 329400.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 CUltural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value 0.90 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 scenic Value 0.90 1600000.00 1440000 Dam Status Latitude 6113.00 Longitude 15222.00 u Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 70 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK013 COFFEE BELUGA R County Name River Basin KENAI-COOK INLET DIV CHAKACHATNA RIVER BASINS Class Owner Name NHPS/COE State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 37000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type STG Wild/Scenic Protection 0.75 27750.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 160000.00 120000 Dam Status Latitude 6112.00 Longitude 15110.00 wo Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 71 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK014 UPPER BELUGA BELUGA R county Name River Basin MATANUSKA-SUSITNA DIV CHAKACHATNA RIVER BASINS Class owner Name NHPS/COE Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 48000.00 0.75 36000.00 210000.00 Unit Plant Project Dam Latitude Type Type Status status Longitude c STG wo Factor Exist Prob Factor Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 Cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land code 198 Scenic Value 0.90 state Name AK PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 157500 6116.00 15115.00 Exist Prob 0.90 Fish 0.90 Wildlife 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 72 FERC Number Plant Name stream AK015 YENTNA YENTNA R county Name River Basin MATANUSKA-SUSITNA DIV SUSITNA RIVER BASIN Class Owner Name NHPS/COE State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 219000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type STG Wild/Scenic Protection 0.75 164250.00 Project status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 960000.00 720000 Dam status Latitude 6137.00 Longitude 15032.00 wo Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 73 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK016 SKWENTNA(HAYES) SKWENTNA R County Name River Basin MATANUSKA-SUSITNA DIV SUSITNA RIVER BASIN Class Owner Name NHPS/COE State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 98000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type STG Wild/Scenic Protection 0.75 73500.00 Project status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 490000.00 367500 Dam status Latitude 6152.00 Longitude 15207.00 wo Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 74 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK017 KEETNA(TALKEETNA) TALKEETNA R County Name River Basin MATANUSKA-SUSITNA DIV SUSITNA RIVER BASIN Class Owner Name NHPS/COE State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 74000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type STG Wild/Scenic Protection 0.75 55500.00 Project status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 324000.00 243000 Dam Status Latitude 6227.00 Longitude 14942.00 wo Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 75 FERC Number Plant Name stream AK018 TALKEETNA 2 TALKEETNA R County Name River Basin MATANUSKA-SUSITNA DIV SUSITNA RIVER BASIN Class Owner Name NHPS/COE state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 90000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type STG Wild/Scenic Protection 0.25 22500.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 406500.00 101625 Dam Status Latitude 6228.00 Longitude 14922.00 u Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 76 FERC Number Plant Name stream AK019 CHULITNA-HURRICANE CHULITNA R County Name River Basin MATANUSKA-SUSITNA DIV SUSITNA RIVER BASIN Class Owner Name NHPS/COE State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 34000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type STG Wild/Scenic Protection 0.25 8500.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 166000.00 41500 Dam Status Latitude 6305.00 Longitude 14945.00 u Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 77 FERC Number Plant Name stream AK020 SNOW SNOW R county Name River Basin SEWARD DIVISION KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS Class Owner Name NHPS/COE state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 63000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type STG Wild/Scenic Protection 0.50 31500.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 CUltural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 278000.00 139000 Dam Status wo Latitude 6018.00 Longitude 14918.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 78 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK021 SELDOVIA FISH CR County Name River Basin KENAI-COOK INLET DIV KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS Class Owner Name M SELDOVIA,CITY OF State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) Unit Type c Factor 460.00 Plant Type ROR Wild/Scenic Protection 0.50 230.00 Project Status Exist Frob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 1209.00 604.50 Dam Status Latitude 5930.00 Longitude 15130.00 wo Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Frob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 79 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK022 BRADLEY LAKE BRADLEY CR County Name River Basin KENAI-COOK INLET DIV KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS Class owner Name F CORPS OF ENGINEERS State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 63900.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type STG Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 57510.00 Project Status FA Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value 0.90 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 335600.00 302040 Dam Status Latitude 5945.00 Longitude 15057.00 w Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 80 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK023 LOWELL LOWELL CR,DAY HARBOR County Name River Basin SEWARD DIVISION KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS Class owner Name M SEWARD,CITY OF state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) Unit Type c Factor 650.00 Plant Type DIV Wild/Scenic Protection 0.75 487.50 Project status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 3000.00 2250 Dam status Latitude 6002.00 Longitude 14909.00 wo Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 81 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK024 MAIN LAKE MAIN BAY,PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND County Name River Basin VALDEZ-CHITINA-WHITT DV KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS Class Owner Name M ALASKA DEPT FISH & GAME state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) Unit Type c Factor 125.00 Plant Type Wild/Scenic Protection 0.25 31.25 Project status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 400.00 100 Dam Status Latitude 6027.00 Longitude 14801.00 u Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 82 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK025 TAKATZ TAKATZ CR,TAKATZ BAY County Name River Basin SITKA DIVISION JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name M SITKA,CITY AND BOROUGH OF State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 20000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type STG Wild/Scenic Protection 0.75 15000.00 Project status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value 0.90 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 Dam Status wo 97000.00 72750 Latitude 5707.00 Longitude 13451.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 83 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK026 KASNYKU LAKE KASNYKU FALLS STR County Name River Basin SITKA DIVISION JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name NHPS/COE state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 7000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type DIV Wild/Scenic Protection 0.50 3500.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value 0.90 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 Dam status u 30000.00 15000 Latitude 5711.00 Longitude 13450.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 84 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK027 CARBON LAKE CARBON LAKE County Name River Basin SITKA DIVISION JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name NHPS/COE State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 10000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type DIV Wild/Scenic Protection 0.25 2500.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 CUltural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 Dam Status u 49000.00 12250 Latitude 5701.00 Longitude 13446.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 85 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK028 MILK LAKE MILK CR County Name River Basin SITKA DIVISION JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name NHPS/COE State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) Unit Type c 7000.00 Plant Type DIV Factor Wild/Scenic Protection 0.25 1750.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 Dam Status u 33000.00 8250 Latitude 5658.00 Longitude 13447.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 86 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK029 BORODINO LAKE BIG PORT WALTER,CHATHAM STRAIT County Name River Basin SITKA DIVISION JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name NHPS/COE State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 5000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type DIV Wild/Scenic Protection 0.25 1250.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 Dam Status u 24300.00 6075 Latitude 5622.00 Longitude 13443.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 FERC Number Plant Name AK030 BETTY LAKE County Name SITKA DIVISION Class M PAGE NO: 87 Stream PORT ARMSTRONG,CHATHAM STRAIT River Basin JUNEAU GROUP Owner Name ALASKA DEPT FISH & GAME state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) Unit Type c Factor 200.00 Plant Type Wild/Scenic Protection 0.25 50.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 Dam Status u 700.00 175 Latitude 5618.00 Longitude 13441.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 RESOURCE DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 88 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK031 MAKSOUTOF MAKSOUTOF R County Name River Basin SITKA DIVISION JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name NHPS/COE State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 24000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type STG Wild/Scenic Protection 0.50 12000.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value y 0.90 117000.00 58500 Dam status wo Latitude 5630.00 Longitude 13458.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 89 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK032 DIANA LAKE UNN STR County Name River Basin SITKA DIVISION JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name NHPS/COE State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 8000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type DIV Wild/Scenic Protection 0.25 2000.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 Dam Status u 35000.00 8750 Latitude 5653.00 Longitude 13503.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 90 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK033 SUPERIOR ELFIN COVE(WACHUSETT COVE CR) county Name River Basin SKAGWAY-YAKUTAT DIV JUNEAU GROUP Class owner Name I SUPERIOR PACKING CO State Name AK Name Plate Rating {KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 750.00 0.75 562.50 Unit Type Plant Type c ROR Factor Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Dam Status wo 3300.00 2475 Latitude 5747.00 Longitude 13505.00 Factor Exist Prob Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 91 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK034 PELICAN PELICAN CR,LISIANSKI INLET County Name River Basin SKAGWAY-YAKUTAT DIV JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name P PELICAN UTILITY CO State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annua 1 Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 1000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type ROR Wild/Scenic Protection 0.25 250.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 1445.00 361.25 Dam status Latitude 5757.00 Longitude 13614.00 u Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 92 FERC Number Plant Name stream AK035 GOLD CREEK GOLD CR County Name River Basin JUNEAU DIVISION JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name p ALASKA ELEC LT & PWR CO State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 2000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type DIV Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 1800.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value 0.90 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 8970.00 8073 Dam Status Latitude 5818.00 Longitude 13424.00 u Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 93 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK036 ANNEX CREEK ANNEX CR,TAKU INLET County Name River Basin JUNEAU DIVISION JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name p ALASKA ELEC LT & PWR CO state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annua 1 Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 1750.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type DIV Wild/Scenic Protection 0.50 875.00 Project status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Geologic Value y 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value y 0.75 Recreation Value y 0.75 Scenic Value y 0.90 Dam Status wo 3000.00 1500 Latitude 5820.00 Longitude 13408.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 94 FERC Number Plant Name stream AK037 LAKE DOROTHY DOROTHY CR County Name River Basin JUNEAU DIVISION JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name NHPS/COE state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 34000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type STG Wild/Scenic Protection 0.50 17000.00 Project status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 CUltural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value 0.90 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 150000.00 75000 Dam Status u Latitude 5814.00 Longitude 13403.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 FERC Number Plant Name AK038 SPEEL DIVISION County Name JUNEAU DIVISION Class Stream SPEEL R River Basin JUNEAU GROUP Owner Name NHPS/COE PAGE NO: 95 State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 63000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type STG Wild/Scenic Protection 0.25 15750.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 275000.00 68750 Dam Status u Latitude 5807.00 Longitude 13343.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 96 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK039 CRATER LAKE CRATER CR,SPEEL R County Name River Basin JUNEAU DIVISION JUNEAU GROUP Class owner Name NHPS/COE State Name AK Name Plate Rating {KW} PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating {MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh} 27000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type STG Wild/Scenic Protection 0.25 6750.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 106000.00 26500 Dam status u Latitude 5808.00 Longitude 13346.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 97 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK040 TEASE LONG R county Name River Basin JUNEAU DIVISION JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name F ALASKA POWER ADMIN State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 16000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type RES Wild/Scenic Protection 0.75 12000.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value 0.90 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 Dam Status wo 70000.00 52500 Latitude 5810.00 Longitude 13344.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 98 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK041 SWEETHEART FALLS SWEETHEART FALLS CR county Name River Basin JUNEAU DIVISION JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name NHPS/COE State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 29000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type DIV Wild/Scenic Protection 0.50 14500.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or UpstreamjDownstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 127000.00 63500 Dam Status wo Latitude 5757.00 Longitude 13338.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 FERC Number Plant Name AK042 UPPER SWEETHEART county Name JUNEAU DIVISION Class Stream SWEETHEART FALLS CR River Basin JUNEAU GROUP Owner Name NHPS/COE PAGE NO: 99 state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 7000.00 0.50 3500.00 Unit Type Plant Type c DIV Factor Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Dam Status u 31000.00 15500 Latitude 5759.00 Longitude 13331.00 Factor Exist Prob Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 100 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK043 SCENERY SCENERY CR county Name River Basin WRANGELL-PETERSBURG DIV JUNEAU GROUP Class owner Name NHPS/COE State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 15000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type DIV Wild/Scenic Protection 0.10 1500.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 other Value 0.90 Recreation Value y 0.25 Scenic Value y 0.50 Dam Status u 67000.00 6700 Latitude 5705.00 Longitude 13242.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 101 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK044 RUTH LAKE DELTA CR County Name River Basin WRANGELL-PETERSBURG DIV JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name NHPS/COE Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 13000.00 0.50 6500.00 63000.00 Unit Plant Project Dam Latitude Type Type status Status Longitude c DIV u Factor Exist Prob Factor Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 Cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 Scenic Value 0.90 State Name AK PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 31500 5659.00 13245.00 Exist Prob 0.90 Fish 0.90 Wildlife 0.90 0.90 y 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 102 FERC Number Plant Name stream AK045 GOAT GOAT CR County Name River Basin WRANGELL-PETERSBURG DIV JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name NHPS/COE State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 20000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type STG Wild/Scenic Protection 0.75 15000.00 Project status Exist Frob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value 0.90 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 Dam Status wo 87000.00 65250 Latitude 5638.00 Longitude 13200.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 y Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Frob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 103 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK046 BLIND SLOUGH CRYSTAL CR,BLIND R County Name River Basin WRANGELL-PETERSBURG DIV JUNEAU GROUP Class Owner Name M PETERSBURG,CITY OF State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 1400.00 0.50 700.00 Unit Type Plant Type c DIV Factor Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Hist·oric Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value Project Status Exist Frob y y y 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.75 0.90 Dam Status wo 6800.00 3400 Latitude 5636.00 Longitude 13248.00 Factor Exist Frob Wildlife Value Y Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 104 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK047 ANITA LAKE ANITA CR,KUNK CR County Name River Basin WRANGELL-PETERSBURG DIV KETCHIKAN GROUP Class Owner Name NHPS/COE state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) Unit Type c 3230.00 Plant Type STG Factor Wild/Scenic Protection 0.50 1615.00 Project status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream{ Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value y 0.75 Scenic Value y 0.90 Dam status wo 14000.00 7000 Latitude 5616.00 Longitude 13226.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value y Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATE: 10/31/97 FERC Number Plant Name AK048 VIRGINIA LAKE county Name WRANGELL-PETERSBURG DIV Class DATABASE L I S T I N G PAGE NO: 105 stream MILL CR River Basin KETCHIKAN GROUP Owner Name state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 12000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type STG Wild/Scenic Protection 0.50 6000.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value y 0.75 Scenic Value 0.90 43750.00 21875 Dam status Latitude 5628.00 Longitude 13212.00 wo Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 106 FERC Number Plant Name stream AK049 HARDING HARDING R county Name River Basin WRANGELL-PETERSBURG DIV KETCHIKAN GROUP Class Owner Name NHPS/COE state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 18000.00 0.10 1800.00 Unit Type Plant Type c DIV Factor Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value Project Status Exist Prob y y 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.25 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.25 0.90 Dam status u 85000.00 8500 Latitude 5616.00 Longitude 13139.00 Factor Exist Prob Wildlife Value Y Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 0.25 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 RESOURCE DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 107 FERC Number Plant Name stream AK050 LAKE GRACE GRACE CR, BEHM CANAL County Name River Basin KETCHIKAN DIVISION KETCHIKAN GROUP Class Owner Name Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 21000.00 0.50 10500.00 114055.00 Unit Plant Project Dam Latitude Type Type status status Longitude c wo Factor Exist Prob Factor Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 CUltural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 scenic Value 0.90 state Name AK PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 57027.50 5539.00 13100.00 Exist Prob 0.90 Fish 0.90 Wildlife 0.90 0.90 y 0.75 0.90 y 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 108 FERC Number Plant Name stream AK051 PURPLE LAKE PURPLE LAKE OUTLET County Name River Basin OUTER KETCHIKAN DIV KETCHIKAN GROUP Class Owner Name M METLAKATLA PWR AND LIGHT Name Plate Rating (KW) 500.00 Unit Plant Type Type c STG Factor Wild/Scenic Protection PESF PESF*KW Annua 1 Energy Rating (MWh) 0.75 375.00 2770.00 Project Dam Latitude Status Status Longitude LJ w Exist Prob Factor 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 Cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 Scenic Value 0.90 State Name AK PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh} 2077.50 5504.00 13116.00 Exist Prob 0.90 Fish 0.90 Wildlife 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 109 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK052 MAHONEY LAKE MAHONEY CR county Name River Basin KETCHIKAN DIVISION KETCHIKAN GROUP Class Owner Name NHPS/COE State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 14400.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type DIV Wild/Scenic Protection 0.75 10800.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 56000.00 42000 Dam Status Latitude 5525.00 Longitude 13131.00 wo Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 110 FERC Number Plant Name stream AK053 UPPER SILVIS BEAVER FALLS CR,GEORGE INLET County Name River Basin KETCHIKAN DIVISION KETCHIKAN GROUP Class Owner Name M KETCHIKAN,CITY OF state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 20000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type STG Wild/Scenic Protection 0.50 10000.00 Project status Exist Frob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 Dam status wo 49110.00 24555 Latitude 5523.00 Longitude 13131.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Frob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 111 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK054 KETCHIKAN LAKES KETCHIKAN CR county Name River Basin KETCHIKAN DIVISION KETCHIKAN GROUP Class Owner Name Name Plate Rating (KW) 2000.00 Unit Plant Type Type c DIV Factor Wild/Scenic Protection M KETCHIKAN,CITY OF PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 0.50 1000.00 15000.00 Project Dam Latitude Status Status Longitude wo Exist Prob Factor 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 Cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value y 0.75 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value y 0.75 Federal Land Code 198 Scenic Value 0.90 State Name AK PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 7500 5522.00 13137.00 Exist Prob 0.90 Fish 0.90 Wildlife 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 RESOURCE D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 112 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK055 LAKE CONNELL WARD CR,WARD COVE county Name River Basin KETCHIKAN DIVISION KETCHIKAN GROUP Class Owner Name I KETCHIKAN PULP CO State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 2000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type DIV Wild/Scenic Protection 0.10 200.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value y 0.50 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value y 0.25 scenic Value 0.90 Dam Status u 10400.00 1040 Latitude 5526.00 Longitude 13140.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 RESOURCE DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 113 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK056 LINKUM LINKUM CR,KASAAN BAY County Name River Basin PRINCE OF WALES DIV KETCHIKAN GROUP Class Owner Name Name Plate Rating {KW} 4560.00 Unit Plant Type Type c DIV Factor Wild/Scenic Protection I PACIFIC AMERICAN FISHERIES PESF PESF*KW 0.75 3420.00 Project Status Exist Prob Annual Energy Rating (MWh} 8900.00 Dam Latitude Status Longitude wo Factor 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 CUltural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 Scenic Value 0.90 state Name AK PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh} 6675 5532.00 13224.00 Exist Prob 0.90 Fish 0.90 Wildlife 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 RESOURCE DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 114 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK057 LAKE MARY OLD FRANKS CR County Name River Basin PRINCE OF WALES DIV KETCHIKAN GROUP Class Owner Name NHPS/COE Name Plate Annual Energy Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Rating (MWh) 9600.00 0.25 2400.00 42300.00 Unit Plant Project Dam Latitude Type Type Status status Longitude c DIV u Factor Exist Prob Factor Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 Cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 scenic Value 0.90 state Name AK PESF Annual Energy Rating 10575 5527.00 13231.00 Exist Fish Wildlife (MWh) Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 115 FERC Number Plant Name stream AK058 BLACK BEAR BLACK BEAR CR County Name River Basin PRINCE OF WALES DIV KETCHIKAN GROUP Class Owner Name NHPS/COE state Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annua 1 Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 5000.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type DIV Wild/Scenic Protection 0.25 1250.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 Dam Status u 22000.00 5500 Latitude 5600.00 Longitude 13322.00 Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 y Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E D A T A B A S E L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 FERC Number Plant Name AK059 SCAMMON BAY County Name WADE HAMPTON DIV Class F Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF 100.00 0.90 Unit Plant Type Type c ROR PAGE NO: 116 stream UNN STR, KUN R River Basin YUKON RIVER BASIN Owner Name CORPS OF ENGINEERS Annual Energy PESF*KW Rating {MWh) 90.00 372.00 Project Dam Latitude status Status Longitude FA u State Name AK PESF Annual Energy Rating 334.80 6150.00 16527.00 Factor Exist Prob Factor Exist Wild/Scenic Protection 0.90 Wildlife Value Wild/Scenic Tributary or Threatened/Endangered Fish Upstream/Downstream Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Federal Land Code 103 Cultural Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 104 Fish Presence Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 105 Geologic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 106 Historic Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 107 Other Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 108 Recreation Value 0.90 Federal Land Code 198 Scenic Value 0.90 {MWh) Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 117 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK060 PYRAMID CREEK PYRAMID CR,PACIFIC OCEAN County Name River Basin ALEUTIAN ISLANDS DIV ALASKA PENINSULA RIVER BAS Class Owner Name R ENERGY STREAM INC State Name AK Name Plate Annual Energy PESF Annual Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Rating (MWh) Energy Rating (MWh) 1400.00 0.90 1260.00 unit Plant Type Type c ROR Factor Wild/Scenic Protection Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location Cultural Value Fish Presence Value Geologic Value Historic Value Other Value Recreation Value Scenic Value Project Status LJ Exist Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 7100.00 6390 Dam Latitude 5350.00 Status Longitude 16600.00 wo Factor Exist Prob Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 RESOURCE DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 118 FERC Number Plant Name stream AK061 SOUTH FORK EAGLE RIVER S FK EAGLE R county Name River Basin ANCHORAGE DIVISION KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS Class Owner Name R EARL AUSMAN & ASSOC state Name AK Name Plate Rating {KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) 1100.00 Unit Type c Factor Plant Type ROR Wild/Scenic Protection 0.75 825.00 Project Status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 Cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.75 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 3500.00 2625 Dam status Latitude 6117.00 Longitude 14941.00 wo Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal Land Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 R E S 0 U R C E DATABASE L I S T I N G DATE: 10/31/97 PAGE NO: 119 FERC Number Plant Name Stream AK062 PALMER MCROBERTS CREEK County Name River Basin ANCHORAGE DIVISION KENAI PENINSULA RIVER BAS Class owner Name R AUSMAN AND ELLIS State Name AK Name Plate Rating (KW) PESF PESF*KW Annual Energy Rating (MWh) PESF Annual Energy Rating (MWh) Unit Type c Factor 400.00 Plant Type ROR Wild/Scenic Protection 0.25 100.00 Project status Exist Prob 0.90 Wild/Scenic Tributary or Upstream/Downstream Wild/Scenic Location 0.90 cultural Value 0.90 Fish Presence Value y 0.25 Geologic Value 0.90 Historic Value 0.90 Other Value 0.90 Recreation Value 0.90 Scenic Value 0.90 1700.00 425 Dam Status Latitude 6033.00 Longitude 14906.00 u Factor Exist Wildlife Value Threatened/Endangered Fish Threatened/Endangered Wildlife Federal Land Code 103 Federal Land Code 104 Federal Land Code 105 Federal Land Code 106 Federal La.nd Code 107 Federal Land Code 108 Federal Land Code 198 Prob 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90