HomeMy WebLinkAboutTrumpeter Creek Preliminary Reconnaissance 2011PRELIMINARY RECONNAISSANCE STUDY Trumpeter Creek Hydroelectric Project near: Coffman Cove, Alaska Prepared for: City of Coffman Cove January 2011 Prepared By: Civil Science, Inc. Klawock, Alaska Sponsored by: .,-~ Table of Contents Reconnaissance Report Trumpeter Creek Hydroelectric Project January 2011 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1 STUDY OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................................... 1 STUDY COMPONENTS ................................................................................................... 3 ENGINEERINGIIIYDROLOGY ................................................................................... 3 ENVIRONMENT ALIREGULA TORY ........................................................................ 17 ECONOMICS ............................................................................................................... 20 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................... 22 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 25 Appendices APPENDIX A-ROCKWOOD MEMORANDUM .......................................................... 1 APPENDIX B -DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS ......................................................... 1 APPENDIX C-FLOW ESTIMATES FROM CHANNEL GEOMETRY ....................... 1 APPENDIX D-ENERGY GENERATION CALCULATIONS ...................................... 1 List of Tables Reconnaissance Report Trumpeter Creek Hydroelectric Project January 2011 TABLE 1. Trumpeter Creek Discharge Measurement and Same-day Upper Earl West Creek Flow Summary TABLE 2. Project Energy Generation Data TABLE 3. Project Economic Analysis Variables List of Figures Figure 1. Project Area Map Figure 2. Estimated Annual Hydrographs Figure 3. Unit Flow Duration Curves Figure 4. Bankfull Channel Measurement Locations Figure 5. Project Concept Layout Figure 6. Preferred Concept Turbine-Generator Plan Figure 7. Preferred Concept Turbine-Generator Elevation Figure 8. Preferred Project Annual Energy Output Pageii INTRODUCTION Reconnaissance Report Trumpeter Creek Hydroelectric Project January 2011 In this report, the Civil Science Inc. consulting team ("CSI") evaluates the feasibility of the proposed Trumpeter Hydroelectric Project ("Project") near Coffinan Cove, Alaska. The City of Coffinan Cove ("City") wishes to explore the feasibility of developing the Project to supplement its diesel fuel electrical generation and to reduce costs of electricity to ratepayers within the City's service area. This study was funded by the Denali Commission and the Alaska Energy Authority as a grant to the City. The study was undertaken to provide a reconnaissance of the proposed Project to determine if further investigations appear warranted to assess the feasibility of the development of the Project. The City had previously conducted a cursory investigation into the technical feasibility of constructing a hydropower facility on Upper Trumpeter Creek. This investigation was reported in a brief memorandum by D. Alan Rockwood and is provided in Appendix A. The approximately 430 kilowatt (kW) installed capacity Project would be located off of US Forest Service Road #3030700, approximately 7 miles south southwest of Coffinan Cove on upper Trumpeter Creek within the Tongass National Forest, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. The Trumpeter Creek Watershed and the City of Coffinan Cove on northern Prince of Wales Island are illustrated on Figure 1. STUDY OBJECTIVES The overall objective of the reconnaissance study was to determine whether the Project, considered under engineering, economic and environmental criteria (in their proposal, CSI defmed these criteria as the "Three E's") would be feasible to construct and operate. CSI proposed to conduct the studies described below and to estimate potential generation, cost and environmental/regulatory characteristics of a limited number of alternative Project configurations and operations. Generally, the approach was to: 1) Evaluate existing hydrologic data to determine water available for generation; 2) Prepare conceptual designs ofProject alternatives; and 3) Evaluate the alternative designs and operations in terms of generation, economic, engineering and environmental criteria. Page 1 SCALE HoR .: ~ Norro Figure I. Project Area Map VERT.: N/A ! Reconnaissance Report Trumpeter Creek Hydroelectric Project January 2011 STUDY COMPONENTS Study components and Tasks to be addressed in this report, relative to Tasks in the CSI proposal, are: ENGINEERING/HYDROLOGY Task Eng 1. Site Visit and Team Kickoff Mark Storm of CSI and Mike Carson, Electrical Engineering subcontractor, visited Coffman Cove on November 17, 2008 to speak with Ms. Elaine Price, City contracting representative. These three individuals discussed the City's needs and objectives, and viewed the conceptual Project layout on a map. On February 17, 2009, Mark Storm traveled to Coffman Cove to meet with representatives of Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) and US Forest Service (USFS) to discuss the fisheries and land use issues of the proposal. Also in attendance, via teleconference, was Mike Prewitt, the Environmental/Regulatory subcontractor. From these meetings emerged an understanding of the Project layout and factors which might affect powerhouse location, power conduit alignment, instream flow and transmission route alternatives. Task Eng 2. Quantify Hydrology Mark Storm of CSI, in November 2008, began gathering hydrologic information for Trumpeter Creek. The objective of this study component was to determine, using available data, a mean monthly streamflow regime at alternative intake and powerhouse locations. DATA SoUBCES: The hydrologic analysis relied on USGS gaging data for the nearby USGS gage 15081495, North Fork Staney Creek near Klawock gage, USGS gage 15086960, Sunrise Lake Outlet near Wrangell located on Woronkofski Island and USGS gage 15087080, Upper Earl West Creek near Wrangell located on Wrangell Island. These data were supplemented with miscellaneous discharge and channel measurements as well as data obtained from available mapping and aerial photography. Although the North Fork Staney Creek gage is much closer to the Trumpeter Creek basin, the Sunrise Lake gage is believed to be more representative of the hydrological conditions at Trumpeter Lake due to the watershed's similar size, elevation and aspect. Upper Earl West Creek is also in the same region and is in current operation although it is located further away (65 miles) on southern Wrangell Island and in the influence of the Coast Range on the mainland. Page3 Reconnaissance Report Trumpeter Creek Hydroelectric Project January 2011 Discharge measurements made in Trumpeter Creek averaged 76% of same-day flows measured at the USGS gage on Upper Earl West Gage on a unit runoff basis (cfs per square mile). While the Upper Earl West Creek gage is operated concurrent with this study, it not believed to be as similar hydrologically to the Trumpeter Lake watershed~ue to its low elevation, proximity to the mainland, and lack of lakes and less ~ensive muskeg in its watershed. Conversely, The Sunrise Lake outlet gage on Woronkofski Island has a similar mean basin elevation, aspect, lake influence and is located on one of the islands further west from the mainland Coast Range. Thus, because of these similarities, the Sunrise gage was believed to be the most representative of unit runoff, both in magnitude and distribution, to the Trumpeter Creek basin and therefore was selected for use in estimating energy generation flows for this reconnaissance investigation. Discharge measurements summaries are presented below in Table 1. Discharge measurement data are presented in Appendix B. Table 1. Trumpeter Creek Discharge Measurement and Same-day Upper Earl West Creek Flow Summary Measurement Date Upper Trumpeter Upper Earl Cr. Discharge West Cr. (Gage No. mrnldd/yyyy (Measured) cfs (csm)• 1 11/16/2008 6.00 (3.47) 2 11/27/2008 10.9 (6.30) 3 4/23/2009 7.61 (4.40) csm = cfs per square mile * Upper Trumpeter Creek Basin Area = 1. 73 square miles. **Upper Earl West Creek Basin Area= 3.26 square miles. Record) cfs (csm)•• 11.0 (3.37) 27 (8.28) 30 (9.20) % of Upper Earl West Creek 103% 76% 48% Trumpeter Creek is ungaged and no past gaging activities were found to have been performed. Because of the lack of data, estimates were made using the Sunrise Lake Gage. These data were used to develop an estimate of average monthly flows and to develop flow duration characteristics for the Project area which would permit an estimation of energy generation potential of the Trumpeter Creek watershed. Data sources used for hydrological analysis m this study are listed m the references section at the end of this report. Page4 A VEBAGE MoNTHLY FLOWS Reconnaissance Report Trumpeter Creek Hydroelectric Project January 2011 Average monthly flows from Upper Earl West Creek, Sunrise Lake Outlet and North Fork Staney Creek were plotted to observe the annual hydrographs from these respective watersheds to ascertain the general annual trends of the two- watersheds and gain insights into hydrological characteristics ofTrumpetei Creek. These three annual hydrographs are illustrated in Figure 2. From observation of Figure 2, it is clear that the runoff from Sunrise Lake shows a more pronounced snowmelt component during spring than the other two gages. This is no doubt because Sunrise Lake is located at a much higher elevation than North Fork Staney Creek or Upper Earl West Creek and a much greater proportion of the precipitation that falls there remains stored in the basin as snow and ice before running off when temperatures rises in the spring. Upper Earl West Creek illustrates a similar behavior to Sunrise Lake, but with a higher fall component of the annual hydrograph. This is believed to be because a greater proportion of the annual precipitation falls near the mainland during the fall months, where Wrangell Island is located, than falls on the outer coastal islands, like Prince of Wales Island. Because the Trumpeter Creek Project is located at a similar elevation to Sunrise Lake, and located away from the mainland on a coastal island, the Sunrise Lake gage is believed to be the most representative of the three USGS gages in describing the hydrological behavior of Trumpeter Creek. FLOW DURATION CHARACTERISTICS Flow duration estimates were developed using the Sunrise Lake data. Flow duration characteristics describe the amount of the time (expressed as a percentage of the year) that a stream flows at or above a specified discharge rate. These characteristics are used to estimate the amount of the time that a stream can provide a quantity of water sufficient enough for power generation at a specified level. This information is vital in estimating annual energy generation potential from run-of-the-river hydroelectric systems that depend solely on available streamflow as opposed to a system employing a reservoir which can be drawn down to supplement flows during times of low streamflow. The flow duration curve for the Project basin, as derived from Sunrise Lake Outlet, is illustrated in Figure 3. This will serve as the basis of energy generation estimates developed in subsequent engineering tasks. Again, it is worthwhile to note the flow rates presented are flows per unit of watershed area, i.e., cfs per square mile, and not absolute volumetric rates. The use of unit rates allows hydrologic estimates to be easily made for different sites in the area by merely applying them to the contributing basin area for each respective site. Hydrologic models from Orsborn and Storm (1991) developed for Prince of Wales Island are also illustrated on this figure and confirm the general trend for flow duration characteristics for this area. PageS 25 20 i l:r 15 t t i iS 10 = c ::I 5 -NF Staney Creek near Klawock !-sunrise Lake near Wrangell I Figure 2. Estimated Annual Hydrographs -Upper Earl West Creek near Wrangell 0 +-----~----,------r-----r----~----~-----,------r-----~----~----~----,-----~ Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Trumpeter Lake Hydropower Reconnaissance Study Reconnaissance Report Trumpeter Creek Hydroelectric Project January 2011 SrBEAMfLOWESTIMATESFROM FIELD-MEASURED CHANNEL GEOMETRY Estimates of the average bankfull flow for Trumpeter Creek were made from Manning's equation using field-measured channel dimensions, i.e., bankfull width, depth, channel slope, etc. and a range of estimated channel roughness coefficients as inputs. Channel roughness coefficients were selected based on observation of the channel banks and dominant bed material form for general conformity with USGS published values for natural channels (USGS, 1967). The bankfull flow is approximately equal to the annual flood flow, i.e., flows having a recurrence interval of approximately 1-1.5 years; thus, a point on the flow duration curve can be estimated from channel geometry measurements. Estimating this bankfull flow provides a relatively quick and easy check on the flow duration curve coordinates in the upper flow regimes and provides a means to verify or refute the veracity of the application of the stream gage data to another watersheE) The channel physical shape and slope resulted in a bankfull discharge of approximately 64 cfs for upper Trumpeter Creek or 36.9 cfs per square mile. This point is plotted on Figure 3 having at a 0.3% probability of being equaled or exceeded. This position corresponds to the probability of the annual flood (1/365). Channel measurement locations on Upper Trumpeter Creek are shown on Figure 4. Flow estimates from channel geometry are presented in Appendix C. From observation of Figure 3, flow computed through channel characteristics measured in Trumpeter Creek were in general agreement with those developed through the analytical techniques used on the USGS data for the Sunrise Lake Outlet. This check confirms that the physical characteristics, i.e., bankfull width, depth, slope, roughness, etc., of Trumpeter Creek, match the estimated hydraulic requirements for a channel to convey the annual flood. This can be seen by the close coincidence that this point exhibits to the flow duration curves on Figure 3. This close agreement illustrates that the application of stream gage data from these gaged streams to the Trumpeter Creek watershed are reasonable and valid. Page 7 100 90 80 70 -E 60 l:i' i • 50 !: s: u .!! 40 Q .3:! c ::I 30 20 10 0 0% 10% 20% 30% Figure 3. Unit Flow Duration Curves -NF Staney Creek nr Klawock -sunrise Lake Outlet nr Wrangell -Hydrologic Models by Orsbom & Storm -Upper Earl West Cr nr Wrangell <> Bankfull Estimate (Annual Flood) from Channel Geometry Measurements 60% 70% 80% Amount of time lhat Flow Is Equaled or Exceeded (%) 90% 100% Trumpeter Lake Hydropower Reconnaissance Study SCALE HOR.: I>S NoTEo Figure 4. Bankfull Channel Measurement Locations \IERT.: Task Eng 3. Develop Conceptual Project Alternatives Reconnaissance Report Trumpeter Creek Hydroelectric Project January 2011 An initial Project layout was prepared using hydrologic information from Task 2 and observations from the initial site visit. Two primary alternatives are considered in this report: the upstream and downstream powerhouse location alternatives, as described below: PRO/ECT DESCRIPTION. PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE The preferred alternative was developed based on construction cost and average annual energy generation. In the following description, elevations are in feet above mean sea level and are denoted "El". Dam/Diversion Facilities. A concrete diversion dam, approximately 40 ft. wide ft. · would be located at approximately SM 2.3 on upper Trumpeter Creek igure 1 ). The dam would be constructed just below the confluence of two m · r trib ries which both cross USFS Road 3030700 through large existing culverts. This low diversion dam would divert flows from Trumpeter Creek via a sluice gate outlet works to the Northwest in a 500ft long lined open channel that would be constructed along the diversion access road. This lined channel would convey diverted waters to Road 3030700 where the diverted waters would cross the road to be conveyed in the existing roadside ditch. The existing ditch would be improved to expand its capacity for approximately 950 feet and lead to a small forebay, at approximate El 920, and would be excavated in an existing gravel pit on road 3030700. The forebay would provide approximately 1 acre-foot (ac. ft.) of storage. An intake constructed in the forebay would cross the roadway to feed the penstock. An 880 ft-long penstock, supported on concrete anchor piles wo op o the powerhouse near the stream below. The penstock would be of stee, 14-18 · ches in diameter, to be selected based on cost, leading downslope to the owerho se at elevation 450 feet. Powerhouse, Switchyard and Tailrace. A stick-frame wood or pre-fabricated metal powerhouse, approximately 700 square feet in area and 8 feet tall would be constructed at El. 450 at approximately SM 2.1. The powerhouse would house a Pelton turbine driving a 430 kilowatt (0.43 MW) generator. All switchgear and controls could be located within the powerhouse. The powerhouse tailrace would provide an average of about 15 cubic feet per second ( cfs) discharge into Trumpeter Creek during normal plant operation. Fisheries flows mandated by permit conditions would reduce this amount, perhaps significantly. Page 10 Figure 5. Project Concept Layout CIVIL --, L _....-SClENCE Reconnaissance Report Trumpeter Creek Hydroelectric Project January 2011 Draft tubes would be constructed integral with the powerhouse foundation. The tailrace would be a concrete sluice entering a 40 ft-long large 96-108 inch diameter CMP or HOPE outfall pipe with a riprap apron for energy dissipation before return to the stream. Transmission Facilities. Power generated by the Project would be transmitted by a new 4.4-mile long 5-kilovolt (kV) direct-bury transmission line. An Underground Rural Distribution (URD) transmission line was found to be slightly less expensive than a traditional overhead transmission line due to relatively low burial depth requirements, the existing developed roadway, and the lack of utility poles and right of way clearing required to construct an underground line. In addition, the buried line has lower operations costs due to its protection from icing and damage from falling limbs and trees. The conceptual layout of the preferred alternative is illustrated in Figure 5. A typical powerhouse turbine-generator layout for a smaller-scale unit of the same configuration, design style and layout is illustrated on the following pages in Figures 6 and 7. PROTECT DESCRIPTION. ALTERNATIVE 2. A second alternative, consisting of a diversion dam, penstock and powerhouse with turbine/generator transmission facilities on the lower river at approximately SM 1.1 was considered. This alternative was dropped when preliminary analyses showed that the amount of energy available for capture would be significantly less than the upper site due to its greatly-reduced head. Even though flows would be greater than at the lower site, the site's lack of any relatively high relief areas to capture potential energy greatly reduces its power production capability. Additionally, fisheries concerns, and thus permitting constraints, would be much greater and more costly as the lower alternative would be located at the margin of anadromous fish habitat. These factors were sufficiently clear so as to make further study of this alternative unnecessary. Page 12 r·~--·--·. ------~-------------------------,~\~\J\~ \ 116 SCALE HOR.: NTS VERT.: N/A 32'}1, TAILRACE WIDTH I ~~=====;:=1 .--~PN ~ENERATOR SHAFT Ce:NTERUNE ,-,CANYON DOUBlE NOZZLE , PEl TON TURBINE ····--------c::J------ ', , I --------------------------~ r TURBINE INLET / CENTERliNE STORM OPT. 1 HYDRO DIMENSIONS IN INCHES ARE APPROXIMATE NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION Figure 6. Preferred Concept Turbine-Generator Plan CNIL ? c:.:;:: SCIENCE 470 kW Model Configuration and Layout Similar EHGINfERS • SUIW~OR8 • P\..AHNERS • SCIENTlSTS SCALE HOR.: NTS VERT.: NTS CANYON DOUBLE NOZZLE"""' PEL TON T\JRBINE \ DIMENSIONS IN INCHES ARE APPROXIMATE NOT INTENDEO FOR CONSTRUCTION Figure 7. Preferred Concept Turbine-Generator Elevation 470 kW Model Configuration and Layout Similar / r TURBINE INLET CENTERLINE STORM OPT. 1 HYDRO ~==r~-... ___ aiCinyal-n: fO.f. flfV• O.Tf: -2· CIVIL 7 C.:,.:.::: SCIENCE ENOINE£RS ·SURVEYORS· PLANttERS • $CENTISTS Task Eng 4. Develop Energy Generation Details Reconnaissance Report Trumpeter Creek Hydroelectric Project January 2011 The proposed Trumpeter Lake Project would operate as a run-of-the-river project. Evaluation of a storage project, i.e., a project with a large dam and impounded reservoir are beyond the scope of this study. Run of the river projects only produce power when streamflow conditions provide sufficient water to generate electricity. As such, additional electrical energy sources would be required because the proposed project would not produce any power during the times when insufficient water was available for energy generation. From the annual hydrograph shown in Figure 2 (on page 6), one can see that energy from the Project would generally be available beginning in the spring (April) when snowmelt in the upper basin provides sufficient flow for generation. Energy would be intermittent during the mid to late summer (mid-July and August) during periods of dry weather after snowmelt has receded and then generally available in the fall (September, October, early November) before precipitation changes to snow and flows recede through the winter. Maximizing energy from a run-of-the-river project is a balancing act between a higher-power (kW) project which operates a smaller portion of the time versus a plant of lower power that operates more continually. The portion of time that the plant operates through the year relative to the total time is known as the plant factor. The energy generation details for the proposed Trumpeter Lake Project are summarized below in Table 2. Plots of annual energy production as a function of plant factor and penstock size are shown in Figure 8 on the following page. Detailed energy generation calculations are included in Appendix D. TABLE 2. Project Energy Generation Data Nominal Plant Flow (cfs) Static Head (feet) Plant Power (kW) Plant Factor 15 470 430 0.4 Annual Energy Production (MW-Hrs) 1500 Days operating Days shutdown Page 15 146 219 1600 1400 e-1200 :1: i i1000 ! 0 >o ~ 800 • c w 'i ~ 600 .i 400 200 0 8 Figure 8. Preferred Project Annual Energy Output Sunrise Lake Flow-DuratlonCharacteristlcs -100"/o Diversion ~ -----/~L ?/:_/ ~ _...,-/ / I / / -PF=20% -PF=30% / PF=50% -PF=60% •pf =Plant Factor 10 12 14 16 18 20 Nominal Penstock Diameter, Inches -PF=40% '-- -PF=70% I I 22 24 26 ENVIRONMENTAL/REGULA TORY Reconnaissance Report Trumpeter Creek Hydroelectric Project January 2011 Task Env. 1. Determine licensing or exemption pathway. All hydro projects in the US are initially considered jurisdictional under the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Under FERC regulations, there are three alternative outcomes for a proposed hydro project: 1) FERC licensing; 2) Exemption from licensing; and 3) determination of non-jurisdictionality. 1 ) FERC LICENSING Under this alternative, the Project could only be built and operated if a federal license were issued. The license would contain conditions ("Articles") governing such things as final design, construction practices and schedule and environmental measures to protect, mitigate and enhance natural resources. FERC regulations require extensive consultation with Stakeholders, which include state and federal resource agencies, interest groups, Indian Tribes and other entities, and the public. The consultation requires that an agreement be reached on such matters as environmental study plans, licensing process, construction and operation restrictions. Conditions arising from consultation may be either negotiable or mandatory. FERC may negotiate certain conditions if it believes that, because of imposing them, they would be in violation of federal law. Some conditions submitted by land management agencies such as US Forest Service, must be incorporated in the license verbatim, without recourse to negotiated settlement by FERC. FERC licensing usually requires 2 to 3 years to complete an application for license, followed by at least one year of processing by FERC before the license is issued. License application requirements vary relative to project size, environmental issues, and other conditions such as existing dams. 21 EXEMPTION FROM FERCLICENSING An exemption from licensing may be granted by the FERC, in which case no license is issued and no FERC conditions apply. To qualify for an exemption, the project must be less than 5 MW installed capacity and must meet certain other requirements. An application for exemption must be submitted to FERC evidencing approval of the exemption by the same list of Stakeholders established for licensing, above. To obtain an exemption, the applicant must submit an Application for Exemption to the FERC. This application must have been reviewed by Stakeholders, with general agreement reached on the project design and operation and environmental measures. As part of the consultation process, the Stakeholders will submit terms and conditions for the construction and operation of the project. Unlike licensing, Page 17 Reconnaissance Report Trumpeter Creek Hydroelectric Project January 2011 in which certain conditions may be negotiated by FERC, under an Exemption, all agency terms and conditions are mandatory. For smaller projects, FERC can waive certain National Environmental Policy Act (NEP A) requirements and speed the review process. If agency study requests are not extensive, an exemption may be issued by FERC in less than 2 years after the application process is begun. 31 DETHRM/NATION OF NoN-lURISDICTIONALITY If a project less than 5 MW installed capacity meets certain criteria, FERC may deem the project non-jurisdictional, and release it from all FERC licensing or exemption requirements if the project: • Is not located on a navigable water of the United States; • Does not occupy lands of the United States; • Does not utilize surplus water or waterpower from a government dam; and • Is not located on a body of water over which Congress has Commerce Clause jurisdiction. Of all regulatory options, this affords the greatest savings in time and cost. However, for projects like the Trumpeter Creek Project, the existence of federal land would preclude the non-jurisdictional determination. The only options at such a point would be to conduct a land trade with the USFS to remove all affected land from federal ownership, most likely in trade of currently private or state lands. While this has been accomplished recently in Alaska and other states, it is a time consuming and uncertain process. Task Env. 2. Retrieve and examine existing resource data bases and inventories. The CSI team researched available information sources to determine 1) whether instream flow needs, particularly for anadromous (migratory) fish species, might affect Project economics through operational requirements; 2) presence of any high value resources, such as threatened or endangered species or species of special concern; and 3) consistency of the Project with applicable elements of various state and federal comprehensive plans, including the Tongass Land Management Plan and Alaska Coastal Zone Management Act provisions. Results of this Task are presented relative to specific agencies or plans, below: 1) JNSTR£AM FLOWNHHDS . Anadromous Fish Species -The Alaska Department of Fish and Game prepares and updates the Catalogue and Atlas from which known or suspected anadromous fish distribution for essentially all Alaskan waters may be determined. Page 18 Reconnaissance Report Trumpeter Creek Hydroelectric Project January 2011 These documents show that Trumpeter Creek contains coho and pink salmon to a point 1.1 mi upstream from tidewater. Alaskan statutes require a "no net loss" policy within such waters, making streamflow changes, such as those which would occur in a hydro project bypassed reach, difficult to attain. Generally, presence of anadromous fish in a stream makes it highly desirable to locate the project powerhouse upstream of all known anadromous fish occurrence. Preliminary consultation with Alaska Department of Fish and Game and US Forest Service has documented existence of Dolly Varden char in the reaches upstream of the anadromous fish zone. While such resident fish populations do not carry as great a priority as anadromous fish, it is often necessary to provide water, through releases at the intake, to assure their continued existence. In either case, the issue of instream flow for fisheries is often important and must be resolved with resource agencies before the project can be licensed and/or permitted. 21 THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES Bird or Animal Species -Southeast Alaska has only three animal species federally listed as either threatened or endangered. These are: • Humpback Whale • Stellar Sea lion • Certain Lower 48 Salmon Species Plant Species -There are no currently listed plants on Prince of Wales Island on the threatened or endangered lists. Sensitive Plant Species The USFS maintains a list of sensitive plant species, many of which are expected to occur broadly throughout the area. Generally, project developers in southeast Alaska conduct a sensitive plan survey early in the project's development to learn of sensitive plant occurrence in the general and, to the extent known at the time, specific locations of proposed disturbance. It is sometimes necessary to change locations of project features or otherwise avoid disturbance of sensitive plants. 31 USES PLAN REQUIREMENTS The Tongass Land Use Management Plan (TLMP) assigns land use categories to all lands in the Tongass National Forest, and describes allowable and non- allowable actions within all Forest areas. All lands in the project area are a relatively non-restrictive use category and allow such actions as power generation within the area, under certain restrictions. Prior to licensing or exemption, a US Forest Service special-use permit would have to be obtained to conduct any field studies, surveys or other activities associated with the FERC licensing or exemption process and state permits. Should the Project prove feasible and the Page 19 Reconnaissance Report Trumpeter Creek Hydroelectric Project January 2011 City decide to move forward with its development, a special use permit would also be required to be obtained for construction, operation and maintenance of a facility. Such a permit would need to be periodically renewed and could be subject to new conditions to operate. ALASKA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Under this program, coastal areas in Alaska are divided into Coastal Districts within which municipalities are required to prepare Coastal Management plans (CMP's). Conditions in the CMP for a given District may restrict or allow various development actions within the District, depending on the value of potentially-affected resources. All areas of Prince of Wales Island are covered under the Prince of Wales Island Area Plan. Task Env. 3. Report on environmental Nred flags" and develop list of potential environmental conditions which might affect Project development Based on the review conducted in Task Env. 2 and upon discussions with ADF&G and USFS, there appear to be no "red flag" issues which, through state or federal law, would initially prohibit Project development. Beyond such restrictions, all hydro project construction in Alaska is subject to construction conditions to assure water quality and perhaps other restrictions if sensitive plants are found in construction areas. These factors are usually addressable, particularly if they are known in advance and do not appear after fmal design and construction start. Task Env 4. Determine if collective environmental/regulatory requirements might affect overall engineering andjor economic outcomes. To accomplish the objectives of this Task, it will be necessary to consult with Stakeholders to determine specific conditions which might constrain Project construction or operation. Results of Tasks Env. 1-3 give us reasonable assurance that there are no "red flags" which might impede progress at this point. However, further consultation with agencies, as part of the license or exemption application processes will almost certainly result in instream flow conditions and other operating constraints which might have negative effects on Project economics. ECONOMICS Task Econ 1. characteristics. Determine funding alternatives and associated debt Funding Alternatives for the proposed Project consist of grants, low-interest loans and federal programs. Specific sources of potential funding include: • Alaska Energy Authority-Alaska Renewable Energy Fund • Denali Commission -Energy Program Page20 Reconnaissance Report Trumpeter Creek Hydroelectric Project January 2011 • U.S. Dept. of Energy -Renewable Energy Research & Development Grants • U.S. Dept. of Energy -Renewable Energy Technology Deployment Grants Task Econ 2. Determine fuel costs, discount rate, escalation rate(s), power production and sales costs, load growth and analysis period. Values for economic input variables selected for the analysis were based on current economic trends. Economic conditions can change to a degree that the Project may need re-evaluation in the future. Values selected for use in this study are standard values consistent with current economic conditions or current local retail power rates as provided by Alaska Power and Telephone, the local electric utility. Average O&M costs are assumed to be$ 35,000 annually comprised of labor, equipment, and miscellaneous supplies and materials. The economic inputs are: TABLE 3. Project Economic Analysis Variables Analysis Period 30 years Annual Interest Rate (Debt Service) 4% Prince of Wales Area Hydro Production Cost $0.045/kW-Hr Retail Power Rate $0.22/kW-Hr Avg. Annual O&M Costs $35,000 Annual Power Rate Escalation 3% Task Econ 3. Estimate Project Development Costs. Projected development costs for the preferred alternative are summarized below. Costs were based on similar costs of Project components and estimated labor materials and equipment costs. Access to the site is good from the existing USFS road 3030700. This relatively easy access makes construction much less costly than remote sites that require significant development of access, e.g., docks, roads, bridges, etc. or rely extensively on helicopter transport. Total project development costs are estimated at approximately 3.83 Million dollars. Estimated Costs are summarized in the accompanying cost estimate presented below. Page 21 Reconnaissance Report Trumpeter Creek Hydroelectric Project January 2011 Task Econ 4. Calculate total financing costs and debt service rate. Using the estimated development cost of $3.83M with the above economic factors, the annualized capital cost for the project is $221,629. Average annualized operations and maintenance over the analysis period are assumed to be $35,000. This amounts to an annualized cost for debt service and O&M of$256,629. Task Econ 5. Use above factors to develop overall benefit/cost ratio. Annual benefits from the project amount to the revenue available from retail power production. Presently, the Prince of Wales Island grid is being extended to provide service in Coffman Cove and Naukati. Because this extension of the island grid will make hydroelectric energy from the Black Bear, South Fork and future Reynolds Creek projects available in Coffman Cove, the value of the energy produced from the Trumpeter Lake Project will be what the market will bear with these existing and planned hydroelectric facilities online. As such, the current power producer and owner of the transmission facilities would pay a cost that is no more than their own hydropower production costs. At present, this cost is approximately $0.045/Kw-Hr on Prince of Wales Island per Alaska Power and Telephone Company's Prince of Wales Island Operations Manager. Escalation rates for hydroelectric power production are generally low because hydroelectric power is relatively immune from the effects of fuel costs as opposed to diesel generation. Using the annual escalation rate of 3%, this equates to an average energy production cost of$0.071/ kW-Hr over the 30-year analysis period. This cost for power production is the average value that could be received as revenue from energy the Project over the analysis period. The annual benefits from the Project would be equal to the total revenue generated from annual power sales. For an annual energy output of 1500 MW-Hrs at the power production rate above, this equates to annual benefits of approximately $106,500 (1500MW-Hrs x $0.071/kW-Hr x lOOOkWIMW). This equates to a benefit/cost ratio of only 0.41. This indicates that costs exceed benefits by greater than a 2:1 margin based on the analysis parameters presented above. While, some improvement may be possible to be found through further detailed study or escalation rates which are higher than assumed, there appears to be no clear factor which could greatly improve the Project's economics. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Construction of a high-head run-of-the-river hydroelectric plant to supply electric energy into the Prince of Wales Island grid is technically feasible on the upper reaches of Trumpeter Creek southwest of Coffman Cove on Prince of Wales Island. Such a facility would produce power in quantity sufficient to service the City during operation, generally during the fall rains and spring melt periods of the watershed hydrologic cycle. Development costs are estimated to exceed project benefits by greater than a 2: 1 margin. This is primarily due to the extension of the Prince of Wales Island grid to Coffman Page22 Reconnaissance Report Trumpeter Creek Hydroelectric Project January 2011 Cove. This extension has eliminated Project benefits from the avoidance of diesel generation and is the chief factor which has changed the market for electric energy in Coffman Cove. Additionally, the costs of operating are expected to rise at a much faster rate than the rate of potential revenue that the project would yield due to the relative stability of the cost of existing Prince of Wales Island hydroelectric energy. Given the economic climate in southeast Alaska and Prince of Wales Island with a population that is in decline and projected to remain as such, combined with new power sources coming online, it appears unlikely that the market conditions for this Project will improve. The construction of a hydroelectric plant to provide intermittent, i.e., run-of- the-river, energy service to Coffman Cove would increase city maintenance requirements while not providing any benefits over the extension of the existing island grid bringing service to Coffman Cove from the existing Black Bear projects and the future Reynolds Creek project. As such, the Proposed Trumpeter Lake Hydroelectric Project appears economically unfeasible for the City at this time and in the foreseeable future as a single- purpose hydroelectric project. It is possible that Trumpeter Creek could produce economically feasible energy if energy production facilities were combined with another project that spread development costs. For example, this might be possible if the City were to develop Trumpeter Creek for a water supply source. Additionally, in the long term, global warming effects are forecast to create warmer wetter weather in Southeast Alaska which would improve energy generation conditions for hydropower projects (Cherry, et al, 2010). It is recommended that the city keep such concepts in mind for long-range planning or should development of the water resources of Trumpeter Creek for other purposes, i.e., water supply, be considered in the future. Page 23 COST ESTIMATE Item Unit Construct Access Road LS Diversion Dam LS Outlet Works LS Lined Diversion Channel LF Culvert X-ing Road 3030700 LS Improve Existing Roadside Ditch LF Forebay LS Penstock/Supports LF Powerhouse SF Foundation/Tail race LS Turbine/Generator/Controls/Switchgear LS Transmission Line Mile Construction Total Engineering FERC Process, Other Permits and Associated Studies Contingency Estimated Total Total Estimated Development Cost Page 24 Reconnaissance Report Trumpeter Creek Hydroelectric Project January 2011 Qty Unit Price Extended 1 $75,000 $75,000 1 $200,000 $200,000 1 $25,000 $25,000 500 $175 $87,500 1 $7000 $7000 950 $55 $52,250 1 $35,000 $35,000 880 $900 $792,000 700 $60 $42,000 1 $65,000 $65,000 1 $650,000 $650,000 4.4 $125,000 $550,000 $2,580,750 15% $387,113 20% $516,150 Subtotal $3,484,013 10% 348,401 $3,832,414 $3.83M REFERENCES Reconnaissance Report Trumpeter Creek Hydroelectric Project January 2011 USGS Water-Supply Paper 1849. Roughness Characteristics of Natural Channels. H.H. Barnes, Jr. 1967. http://pubs.usgs.gov/wsp/wsp 1849/ Gaging Station Records. USGS Station No. 15081495. North Fork Staney Creek near Klawock, Alaska. http://waterdata.usgs.gov/ak/nwis/dv/?site no=l5081495&agency cd=USGS&amp;refer red module=sw Gaging Station Records. USGS Station No. 15086960. Sunrise Lake Outlet near Wrangell, Alaska. http://waterdata.usgs.gov/ak/nwis/dv/?site no= 15086960&agency cd=USGS&amp;refer red module=sw Gaging Station Records. USGS Station No. 15087080. Upper Earl West Creek near Wrangell, Alaska. http:/ /waterdata.usgs.gov/ak/nwis/dv/?site no= 15087080&agency cd=USGS&amp;refer red module=sw Orsborn, J.F. and Storm, M.C. 1991. RIO FLOWMOD, Hydrologic Models for Estimating Ungaged Flows in the Tongass and Chugach National Forests in South-East and South-Central Alaska. Report prepared for U.S. Forest Service, Region 10, Juneau, Alaska. Available at: http://www.arlis.org/docs/voll/B/608305589.pdf USGS 1:63360 Topographical maps. Craig D-3 and Petersburg A-3 Quadrangles. Available at: http://store.usgs.gov Cherry, et al., 2010. Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on Hydropower in Southeast Alaska: Planning for a Robust Energy Future. University of Alaska. http://research.iarc.uaf.edw'~jcherry/SEAK FINAL/seak report final.pdf Page 25 APPENDIXA- Reconnaissance Report Trumpeter Creek Hydroelectric Project January 2011 ROCKWOOD MEMORANDUM Appendix A :.. .: XII D.t\lanR~ p 0. 8t•:t t\!6.• ~ t\K9990J (901) 247~J63 ~~ c~ons for mu!l hydro pov.;::r sm: on the hcadvvat:rs ot Tr~(T ('ro_; ne:"' Iru:n c : -.'\K 7bt.:st c~ iJte <kscnlled tor thC' purpose o1 dettmtiDiDa u a, ~~ .. _ ':U!. •"t'4l 'OUTAJ lf lS ~that fUJU1CT' e1Ud)' lS OiMT~!l~ the f -,.,• t: • • • 11 be mT~ II' li:tlil. • \'Ctifr AtTC&m t}(jw, 0~ IZl'1lt cJurinc Jow nil'tf;ill at~~~~ '-T.•~l ..,. • fll ... C: a d.etlllr.d ~C) of rho potcfltl.al ~sc • ~~i. 0\' tht ab:Min. ro oNaat permits to ~crt wacc:r trorr. ..!s-: 'i.Jf.llJ'.g • tr.n .. hto;). ~ Ut~: • Foo:st ~ ilboul &'W'al.a~ of limd ~ pent-- • ~ design o{ PIPC!I& turome. and gener&.~n un~ • ::.at <•t ~ lmc! 3nd e~tcd iJr,e lose • "'Dfett1ial ~~ ~ lb~ eXllling t;a&.( tc' ~( i1o\\• ~ -lt: ~'= for 1kJ uropcaec! hydro p!'{'je· :~ ia aOOu! 7 ~ks ~4~ of • olliuJ..: ~ ~ ::tude ~S &grc-e~ >S ll\iniJSCb North 1~4'013! ~ SllrunUie\' -~l .,;1.1.U !&U:e l\1 olhuu& i 100 ~ e1~~ 'i"rll~ the-outlet hln( !l '! !bWettt iC 2 ~ .., tt ·~; ~., ~ a~1 3\J(l( t:e1 from 1ht Llk..-:. •bl: w~htd ~= ~ ,\ lftlJa/ ~;,t.; r..:l\otl ''"C:f'l@e Cow l s~ *"'-'~tl~ drop -~...lfQl • ·r ~ C~i flow at II. • • 'ul\«9 Cll'kl " t-1 ;,w thro~ \.~n • "'Pru;\i.. nau.: flow : _--;.~'~:~t~d.:z. • , ' lUi~ .)f _t!t)'l;\ • " !~.abk' n,:.,·, . ~""" .. · ~00 i'..ac:s ) &n.VC:dl W~ 7dO,OC'C) c~t · re~t ~: 3 5 cutltc fc.tt .,.,. ' 400f~ 0 g ft.~."{ 't. ~ teet~f!CCCf'1 .t C'i cntlic fct"t sccrmd ·, ~ .. ubt-. f;tt. ~-.tmJ 40() Iffi s~.\~ ~oot~~<''"' ~ 1 , '\%~1'• • • h \uk;w·~ru .. ·.illi..~f ~~~l•!!(tQlX,jt.'i 11\-; d.-.er.•·on $d.~ VN\&k1 tac V'f~ from tM 34" .. ~-en ~nert ~ ,.,au -~cl .to·:, p·et.-c&r Ji.p: ¥-'Ould t.osm the W~&lc:r ~ .1~ 1.4 f~i ,,_ • • .....,. iO.I.Iei ·~· ib( r · :~c '!.r .a r('ljnt ~bl.:re ~c wat'r would etw:r a .Wib ~-e..'l'\:.m. p .... ) lid .m-o.· the "·at~r '~tMTl a 'It• :t' yi4entlu 1M e~Ur.g !hd:it b9l ' i..,. i)lC~ j)i!'l'! Z(,OO feet h9h pr;..sure t"f!JC 6f)O ftft " ~,;~r h}t:.~< ~·i .uKi dht:.bar2c apprc~l!;l)· ~'X) fe:.t e!;. .otJ..,; • • 11 :r bn( ( off•l.ld'.i Cove ~at~ 11 :r.1J~ ncrJ APPENDIXB- Reconnaissance Report Trumpeter Creek Hydroelectric Project January 2011 DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS Appendix 8 AquaCalc Pro Discharge Summary Gage 10: 11/16108 18:40 UseriD: ® Original AquaCalc Values KETA ENGR Begnme: 0 Re-Calculated Values 11/16108 18:40 Discharge Summary Meaurement Information Meter Information Vertical Count 19 End Time: 11/16/08 17:08 Measure time: 40 Meter name: PYGMYstd2 Section Velocity: 1.07 MeasTme: 0.47 Measure standard: SAE Meterid: 05 10520 Section Width: 11.20 Section Diff: 6.00 Measure equipment TopSetRod Meter type: PYGMY Section Area: 5.61 Beg Gage height 0.00 Sounding Weight NA Meter Standard: SAE Section Q: 6.00 End Gage height 0.00 Measure ice: No Meter Revs/Pulses: 1/1 Section Dlff: 6.00 Beg Staff height 0.00 Flood Measurement No Meter Const.S 1: 0.9604 Section Pet Err: 0.00% End Staff height 0.00 Flood Coef: 0.00 Meter Const.01: 0.0312 Section Quality: na Estimated a: 0.00 Max Vertical a: 5% Meter Const.C1: 0.0000 Section WetPertm: 11.46 Adjusted a: 0.00 Percent Slope: 0.00 Meter Const.S2: 0.0000 Section Hyd Rad: 0.49 AquaCalc Measure Start at: REW Meter Const.02: 0.0000 Section Manning: 0.000 SIN: 00000084B4A 1 MeterConst.C1: 0.0000 Section Chezy: 0.000 Firmware Version: AQP-1V1.2.1 Meter Const.S3: 0.0000 File Version: V1.5 Meter Const.03: 0.0000 ObservaU Meaur Sub-Sub-Sub- Vertical Total Ice Effective on Revolu Horlz Method Clock ed Obs Vertical section Section Section 'Yo Number Distance Depth Draft Depth Location Time !Ions Angle HC:VF Coef Tme Velocity Velocity Velodty Area Q of Total Q 1 12.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 E 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 16:40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% 2 11.70 0.35 0.00 0.35 0.6 41.41 22 0 1.00 1.00 16:41 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.30 0.16 2.70% 3 11.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.6 40.64 26 0 1.00 1.00 16:43 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.35 0.23 3.80% 4 10.30 0.40 0.00 0.40 0.6 40.11 59 0 1.00 1.00 16:44 1.44 1.44 1.44 0.24 0.35 5.80% 5 9.80 0.40 0.00 0.40 0.6 40.10 54 0 1.00 1.00 16:46 1.32 1.32 1.32 0.22 0.29 4.80% 6 9.20 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.6 40.58 51 0 1.00 1.00 16:47 1.24 1.24 1.24 0.28 0.34 5.70% 7 8.70 0.70 0.00 0.70 0.6 40.22 52 0 1.00 1.00 16:49 1.27 1.27 1.27 0.31 0.40 6.70% 8 8.30 0.70 0.00 0.70 0.6 40.04 38 0 1.00 1.00 16:50 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.31 0.30 5.00% 9 7.80 0.70 0.00 0.70 0.6 40.13 51 0 1.00 1.00 16:52 1.25 1.25 1.25 0.42 0.53 8.80% 10 7.10 0.75 0.00 0.75 0.6 40.39 65 0 1.00 1.00 16:53 1.58 1.58 1.58 0.41 0.65 10.80% 11 6.70 0.70 0.00 0.70 0.6 40.59 44 0 1.00 1.00 16:55 1.07 1.07 1.07 0.24 0.26 4.30% 12 6.40 0.70 0.00 0.70 0.6 40.00 50 0 1.00 1.00 16:56 1.23 1.23 1.23 0.31 0.39 6.50% 13 5.80 0.60 0.00 0.60 0.6 40.01 56 0 1.00 1.00 16:57 1.38 1.38 1.38 0.27 0.37 6.20% 14 5.50 0.60 0.00 0.60 0.6 40.45 60 0 1.00 1.00 16:59 1.46 1.46 1.46 0.24 0.35 5.80% 15 5.00 0.60 0.00 0.60 0.6 40.41 47 0 1.00 1.00 17:02 1.15 1.15 1.15 0.24 0.28 4.70% 16 4.70 0.70 0.00 0.70 0.6 41.12 36 0 1.00 1.00 17:04 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.38 0.34 5.70% 17 3.90 0.55 0.00 0.55 0.6 41.50 25 0 1.00 1.00 17:05 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.47 0.29 4.80% 18 3.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.6 40.74 32 0 1.00 1.00 17:07 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.60 0.47 7.80% 19 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.6 40.96 20 0 1.00 1.00 17:08 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00"/o JBS Instruments 2/4/2011 Page 1 of 1 Upper Trumpeter No. 2 27-Nov-08 Besin 13:20 End 14:45 Meter Type Pygmy USGS Standard Rattna: Curve No. 2 MCS Wadin1 Beginninl Gaae Ht N/A Panel Panel 80% Depth 60% Depth 20%Depth Meanv q STA Depth Width Area Revs 5ecs Revs 5ecs v Revs Sees Ips cfs It It It sf Ips Ips Ips 11 11.5 0.45 0.9 0.405 13 44 0.31 0.31 0.13 12.8 0.7 1.1 o.n 31 42 0.74 0.74 0.57 13.7 0.55 0.9 0.5225 36 42 0.85 0.85 0.45 14.7 0.6 0.8 0.45 50 43 1.15 1.15 0.52 15.2 0.75 0.4 0.3 61 41 1.46 1.46 0.44 15.5 0.7 0.4 0.28 67 44 1.49 1.49 0.42 16 0.8 0.4 0.32 69 43 1.57 1.57 0.50 16.3 0.85 0.3 0.255 73 40 1.78 1.78 0.45 16.6 0.9 0.4 0.315 81 44 1.80 1.80 0.57 17 0.75 0.4 0.3375 82 41 1.95 1.95 0.66 17.5 0.6 0.6 75 41 1.79 1.79 1.07 18.2 1.4 0.6 0.84 81 43 1.84 1.84 1.55 18.7 1.1 11:'4 0.44 79 41 1.88 1.88 0.83 19 1.1 05 0.495 75 40 1.83 1.83 0.91 19.6 0.4 0.45 55 41 1.32 1.32 0.59 19.9 0.95 0.3 0.285 45 41 1.09 1.09 0.31 20.2 0.8 0.6 0.44 39 43 0.90 0.90 0.40 21 0.6 1.0 0.57 22 41 0.55 0.55 0.31 22.1 0.5 1.1 0.525 16 41 0.41 0.41 0.21 23.1 W= Q= A= V= 12.1 10.9 8.6 1.26 It cfs sf Ips Upper Trumpeter No.3 23-Apr-09 Beatn 15:00 End 16:15 Meter Type Pv1mv USGS Standard Ratin1 Curve No. 2 MCS Wadin1 Beginning Gage Ht. N/A Panel Panel 110% Depth 60% Depth 20%0epth Meanv q STA Depth Width Area Revs Sees R..,. Sees R..,. Sees Ips cfs It It It sf Ips Ips Ips 4.5 0.3 0.9 0.27 44 0.14 0.14 0.04 5.8 0.4 1.1 0.44 21 43 0.50 0.50 0.22 6.7 0.45 1.0 0.4275 26 42 0.63 0.63 0.27 7.7 0.52 0.8 0.39 36 43 0.84 0.84 0.33 8.2 0.68 0.4 o.zn 44 43 LOt LOl 0.28 8.5 0.65 0.4 0.26 55 44 1.23 L23 0.32 0.7 0.4 0.28 60 44 L34 L34 0.38 9.3 0.7 0.3 0.21 66 41 L58 LS8 0.33 9.6 0.4 0.35 75 42 1.75 1.75 0.61 10 0.92 0.5 0.414 82 41 1.95 1.95 0.81 10.5 1.25 0.6 0.75 75 41 1.79 1.79 1.34 11.2 1.15 0.6 0.69 64 44 L43 L43 0.99 11.7 1.05 0.4 0.42 59 41 1.41 L41 0.59 12 0.8 0.5 0.36 52 40 1.28 L28 0.46 12.6 0.65 0.5 0.2925 32 42 0.76 0.76 0.22 12.9 0.72 0.3 0.216 29 41 0.71 0.71 0.15 13.2 0.65 0.3 0.195 19 44 0.45 0.45 0.09 13.5 0.45 1.0 0.4275 10 41 0.27 0.27 0.11 15.1 0.4 1.0 0.4 44 0.21 0.21 0.08 15.5 W• Q• A• V• 11.5 7.61 7.1 1.08 It cfs sf Ips APPENDIXC- Reconnaissance Report Trumpeter Creek Hydroelectric Project January 2011 FLOW ESTIMATES FROM CHANNEL GEOMETRY AppendixC Trumpeter Creek Hydrolectric Reconnaissance Bankfull Flow Calculations Channel Measurement Data Channel Shape Channel Bottom Width Channel Side slope Bankfull Depth Channel Slope Basin Area Channel Geometry Parameters Bankfull Area Bankfull Wetted Perimeter Bankfull Hydraulic RadiusR Trapezoidal 10 feet 0.5 V:1H 1.5 feet 0.04 ft/ft 1.73 sq. mi. 10.8 sf 13.4 feet 0.80 feet Channel Relative Roughness Coefficient (Manning's n) Manning's n (low estimate) 0.042 Manning's n (high estimate) 0.045 Hydraulic Estimates Velocity (low estimate) Velocity (high estimate) Bankfull Discharge (low estimate) Bankfull Discharge (high estimate) average 5.7 fps 6.1 fps 61.6 cfs 66.0 cfs / /~, 63.8u L/ / / or / or or ~/1, 35.6 csm 38.1 csm 36.9 csm APPENDIXD- Reconnaissance Report Trumpeter Creek Hydroelectric Project January 2011 ENERGY GENERATION CALCULATIONS AppendixD Appendix D. Trumpeter Lake Hydrolelectrtc Reconnalsance Annual Energy Output EsUmates ~PiantF-.... Q1ll -~ .. Tu..........,.._ ......... Annual Enervt Momlnal P ... tock 0'-m., ln. S<hodulo OO,In.. r.,ln. ID,Ift. ID,ft ..... Q. ... Q-cfo -. .... V,ll>o "'· ft --· P~,kW El'lldwq, ._. -.ow ........... -12 311 12.7'5 0.3311 12.09 1.111111 0.111 20.1 0.0 25.1 31.5 271.5 1911.5 42U ,. .. 318.3 O> ... 14 lOST 14 0.375 13.25 1.104 0.00 20.1 0.0 20.1 26.2 171.7 290.3 833.7 ,. .. 475-3 0.2 033 " 30ST " 0.375 15.25 1>71 1.27 25.1 0.0 20.1 19.8 ... o .... o 817.9 7 ... 613.4 0.2 1075 " ST 10 0.375 1725 1.438 1.82 20.1 0.0 20.1 U5.5 ... 9 424.1 900.9 ,. .. 615.1 0.2 1185 20 20aT 20 0.37'5 19.25 1 .... 2.02 20.1 0.0 20.1 12.4 26.5 443.5 942.1 ,... 71>6.6 0.2 1239 24 ... ,. 0.375 23>5 1B38 2.96 20.1 0.0 2~1 6.5 10.3 .... 7 978.5 ,. .. 732.4 0.2 1264 30% Plant F.:tor .... -T-......... AnnuaiiEnervt NomiMI P...COCI!: Dl.m., ln. S<hodulo OO,In. .... ln. ID,In.. ID,ft ..... Q.dO Q-cfo -. .... V,ll>o Hf,ft ... _. -.ow El'lldwq, ._. P~,IIW Pl•ntF-.tDr _... .. " 311 12.75 0.3311 12.09 1.111111 0.80 19.2 0.0 19.2 24.1 ,.., 310.8 .... 6 ,. .. 379.2 0.3 997 14 30ST 14 0.375 1325 1.104 0.90 16> 0.0 16> 20.1 100,7 366.3 600.6 ,... .... 6 0.3 1160 16 30ST 16 0.375 1525 1>71 1>7 16> 0.0 16> 10> 46.6 .,., 663.5 ,. .. 512.6 0.3 1346 18 ST 16 0.375 17.25 1.438 1.82 19> 0.0 19> 11.8 26.9 443.1 720.6 ,. .. 040.6 0.3 1422 20 20ST 20 0.375 19>5 1 .... ~02 19.2 0.0 19> 9.5 15.8 .... 4 739.3 ,. .. 004.4 0.3 1 ... 24 40S ,. 0.375 2325 1.0!8 2.96 19.2 0.0 19> 6.5 6.1 463.9 754.7 ,. .. 568.0 0.3 1466 40% Plant F.ctor .... -TWbl~tar . ..., ..... Annual En..-gy Nornlnltl Pw.iocll: D'-"-• ln. ....... ,. OO,In. ......... ID,Ift. ll,ft ... .. Q. ... Q-m -. .... V,ll>o Ht,ft --· -.kW Eftk:l-r,'l. -.ow PlantFaciDI -10 30 10.75 0.307 10.138 0.645 0.56 14.7 0.0 14.7 26.2 224.0 248.0 305.5 ,. .. 228.1 0.4 803 12 30 12.75 0.3311 12.09 1.1108 o.so 14.7 0.0 14.7 16.4 93.1 318.9 -B 7 ... 351.7 0.4 1233 14 30ST 14 0.375 13.25 1.104 0.00 14.7 0.0 14.7 15.3 56.7 411.3 510.8 ,. .. 363.1 0.4 1343 16 30ST 16 0.375 15.25 1.271 1>7 14.7 0.0 14.7 11.6 29.1 440.9 547.6 ,. .. 410.7 0.4 1440 " ST 18 0~,. 17.25 1.438 1.82 14.7 0.0 14.7 9.0 15.7 ... ~ ... , ,. .. 423.2 0.4 1464 20 20ST 20 0.375 19.25 1 .... 2.02 14.7 0.0 14.7 7.3 9.1 480.9 5n.5 ,. .. 429.3 0.4 "" 24 ... 24 0.375 23>5 1.936 2.96 14.7 0.0 14.7 5.0 3.5 .... 5 579.3 ,. .. 4345 0.4 1524 50% Plant F Ktor .... -T-·--AnNMIE~ Nornlnltl ~~~ 0'-m., ln. __ ,. OO,In.. r.,ln.. ID,In.. ID,ft ..... Q. ... Q-cfo -. .... V,ll>o Hf,ft ...IHMd,ft P~,IIW El'lldwq, ._. -.ow ........... _... .. 10 311 10.75 0.307 10.136 o .... 0.56 10.7 0.0 10.7 19.0 118.5 351.5 317.5 ,. .. 236.1 05 1044 12 30 12.75 0.3311 12.011 1.<11111 o.so 10.7 0.0 10.7 13.4 46.3 420.7 381.0 ,. .. 285.7 05 1252 14 lOST 14 0.375 13.2!5 1.104 0.96 10.7 0.0 10.7 111 31.0 436.0 390.5 7 ... 297.4 0.5 1303 16 30ST " 0.375 "" 1>71 1>7 10.7 0.0 10.7 8.4 15.4 .... 6 410.6 7 ... 306.0 0.5 1350 18 ST " 0.375 17.2!5 ..... 1.82 10.7 0.0 10.7 6.6 6.3 481.7 411.0 ,. .. 312.8 0.5 1371 20 20ST 20 0.375 19.25 1 ... 2.02 10.7 0.0 10.7 5.3 4.8 ~ .,, ,. .. 315.1 0.5 1361 24 408 ,. 0.375 23>5 1.636 ~" 10.7 0.0 10.7 3.6 1B 468.1 ...... ,. .. 317.1 0.5 1390 10% Plant FKtor .... .,.. T-......... Annulll En..-gy Nolnlniii~O'-m.,ln. S<hodulo OD,In. Tw,lft. ID,"-IO,ft ..... Q. ... Q-cfo -. .... V,ll>o Hf,ft --· -.ow El'lldwq, ._. P~,IIW ~F•IDI _... .. 10 311 10.7!5 0.3117 10.136 0 .... 0.56 7.0 0.0 7.9 14.0 .. , 405.6 ..... ,... 202.4 0.6 1064 12 311 12.7'5 0.3311 12.00 1.<108 o.so 7.9 0.0 7.9 9.9 26.9 443.1 296.3 ,. .. 222.2 0.6 1169 14 30ST 14 0.37'5 13.25 1.104 0.00 7.9 0.0 7.9 6.2 16.8 .. , 311U ,. .. 220.0 0.6 1199 16 lOST 16 0.375 15.25 1.271 1>7 7.9 0.0 7.9 6.2 6.3 481.7 307.0 ,... 230.2 0.6 1211 18 ST 16 0.37'5 17.25 1.438 1.82 7.9 0.0 7.9 4.8 4.5 4665 306.5 ,... 232.1 0.6 1221 20 20ST 20 0.37'5 10.25 1 .... 2.02 7.9 0.0 79 3.9 2.6 467.4 310.8 7 ... 233.1 0.6 1226 " ... 24 0.375 23.25 1B38 2.95 7.9 0.0 7.6 2.7 1.0 466.0 311.8 7 ... 233.9 0.6 1230 70% Plant FKtor -Q711 Twtlll~lor ·-Annual En.rw HornlnetP-toci!:DIM'I.,In. -· OD,In. ......... 10, ... ll,ft ... .. ,_ ... Q-cfo -. .... V,ll>o "'· ft ... _. P~.IIW El'lldwq, "1. P~.IIW PlaniFIICtor _... .. 10 30 10.7'5 0.307 10.136 0.646 0.56 5.9 0.0 5.6 10.8 36.8 433.4 2175 ,. .. 183.1 0.7 1001 12 30 12.7'5 0.3311 12.011 1.000 O.SO 5.9 0.0 5.9 7.4 15.0 .... o "" ,. .. 170.4 0.7 1046 14 30ST 14 0.375 13.25 1.104 0.96 5.9 0.0 5.9 62 9.6 480.4 231.0 ,. .. 113.3 07 1063 16 30ST 16 0.375 15.20 1.211 1>7 59 0.0 59 4.7 4.7 466.3 233.5 ,.. .. 175.1 07 1074 18 6T 18 0.375 17.25 1.438 1.82 ... 0.0 5.0 3.7 2.6 4674 234.6 ,., 175.9 0.7 1079 20 20ST 20 0.375 19.25 1 ... ~02 OB 0.0 59 2.9 1.5 468.5 235.1 ,.. .. 178.3 0.7 1082 " ... 24 0.375 23.25 1.636 ~ .. 59 0.0 5B 2.0 0.6 466.4 235.6 ,.. .. 116.7 0.7 1084