HomeMy WebLinkAboutTown Creek Hydro-Project Improvements and repairs Vol 2 07-012City of Akutan, Contract Documents Alaska for the Construction of: Town Creek Hydroelectric Project Improvements and Repairs Volume 2 Technical Specifications SOFA„q' GV *: � 49th 49 RTON D. McMILLEN•' a q No. E12523.•'� .Co•Ej�SS���� Prepared For: City of Akutan Prepared By: McMillen, LLC MCMILLEN, LLC July 13, 2012 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTIC PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS AND REPAIRS VOLUME 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Division 1 —General Requirements Section 01 10 00 - Summary of Work Section 01 29 73 - Schedule of Values Section 01 33 00 - Contractor Submittals Section 01 42 13 - Abbreviations of Institutions Section 01 50 00 - Site Access and Storage Section 01 50 10 - Protection of Existing Facilities Section 01 51 00 - Temporary Utilities Section 01 70 00 - Project Mobilization and Closeout Division 02 — Existing Conditions Section 02 41 19 - Demolition and Reconstruction Division 03 — Concrete Section 03 31 50 - Cast -In -Place Concrete Division 31 - Earthwork Section 31 23 00 - Earthwork Preparation and Placement Section 31 23 19 - Control of Water Section 31 32 19 - Geosynthetic Soil Stabilization and Layer Separation Section 31 35 00 - Slope Stabilization at Switchbacks Section 31 35 28 - Erosion Control Section 31 37 00 - Riprap and Riprap Grouting Section 31 41 16 - Sheet Piles Division 33 — Utilities Section 33 05 16 - Utility Structures (Vaults) Division 35 — Waterway and Marine Construction Section 35 20 18 - Slide Gates Section 35 20 19 - Hydraulic Valves and Gates Section 35 20 20 - Knife Gate Valves Section 35 20 22 - Butterfly Valves Division 43 — Process Gas and Liquid Handling, Purification, and Storage Equipment Section 43 10 82 - High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipe Division 46 — Water Screening Equipment Section 46 21 00 - Picket Fence Screen MCMILLEN - 071312 TABLE OF CONTENTS AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MCMILLEN - 071312 TABLE OF CONTENTS AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 2 SECTION 01 10 00 - SUMMARY OF WORK PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. The WORK to be performed under this Contract shall consist of furnishing all tools, equipment, materials, supplies, manufactured articles, transportation, and services, including fuel, power, water, and essential communications, and performing all work or other operations required for the fulfillment of the Contract in strict accordance with the Contract Documents. The WORK shall include all work, materials, and services not expressly indicated or called for in the Contract Documents which may be necessary for the complete and proper construction of the WORK and shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR at no increase in cost to the OWNER. 1.2 WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. The WORK of this Contract includes but not limited to the demolition and reconstruction of two small earthen diversion dams (< 10-feet-high), replacement of diversion piping, mud sluicing gates, valves and valve boxes. On the main impoundment dam the crest will be refurbished, the reservoir re -contoured, penstock intake and valves replaced, debris screening for spillway installed and a 5-foot wide emergency spillway will be added to the left abutment. The existing isolation valve at the powerhouse shall also be replaced. B. The WORK is located in Akutan, Alaska. 1.3 CONTRACT METHOD A. The WORK will be constructed under a lump sum Contract. 1.4 WORK BY OTHERS A. Where 2 or more contracts are being performed at one time on the same Site or adjacent land in such manner that work under one contract may interfere with work under another, the OWNER will determine the sequence and order of the WORK in either or both contracts. When the Site of one contract is the necessary or convenient means of access for performance of work under another, the OWNER may grant privilege of access or other reasonable privilege to the contractor so desiring, to the extent, amount , and in manner and at time that the OWNER may determine. No OWNER determination of method or time or sequence or order of the work or access privilege shall be the basis for a claim for delay or damage except under provisions of the General Conditions for temporary suspensions of the work. The CONTRACTOR shall conduct its operations so as to cause a minimum of interference with the work of such other contractors, and shall cooperate fully with such contractors to allow continued safe access to their respective portions of the Site, as required to perform work under their respective contracts. B. Interference With Work On Utilities: The CONTRACTOR shall cooperate fully with all utility forces of the OWNER or forces of other public or private agencies engaged in the relocation, altering, or otherwise rearranging of any facilities which interfere with the MCMILLEN - 071312 SUMMARY OF WORK AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 10 00 - 1 progress of the WORK, and shall schedule the WORK so as to minimize interference with said relocation, altering, or other rearranging of facilities. 1.5 CONTRACTOR USE OF SITE A. The CONTRACTOR's use of the Site shall be limited to its construction operations, including on -Site storage of materials, on -Site fabrication facilities, and field offices. 1.6 OUTAGE PLAN AND REQUESTS A. Unless the Contract Documents indicate otherwise, the CONTRACTOR shall not remove from service, de -energize, or modify settings for any existing operating tank pipeline, valve, channel, equipment, structure, road, or any other facility without permission from the ENGINEER. 1.7 PROJECT MEETINGS A. Preconstruction Conference 1. Prior to the commencement of WORK at the Site, a preconstruction conference will be held at a mutually agreed time and place. The conference shall be attended by the CONTRACTOR'S Project Manager, its superintendent, and its subcontractors as the CONTRACTOR deems appropriate. Other attendees will be: a. ENGINEER and the Resident Project Representative (RPR). b. Representatives of OWNER. c. Governmental representatives as appropriate. d. Others as requested by CONTRACTOR, OWNER, or ENGINEER. 2. The CONTRACTOR shall bring the preconstruction conference submittals in accordance with - Contractor Submittals. 3. The purpose of the conference is to designate responsible personnel and establish a working relationship. Matters requiring coordination will be discussed and procedures for handling such matters established. The complete agenda will be furnished to the CONTRACTOR prior to the meeting date. However, the CONTRACTOR should be prepared to discuss all of the items listed below. a. Status of CONTRACTOR's insurance and bonds. b. CONTRACTOR's tentative schedules. c. Transmittal, review, and distribution of CONTRACTOR's submittals. d. Processing applications for payment. e. Maintaining record documents. f. Critical work sequencing. MCMILLEN - 071312 SUMMARY OF WORK AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 10 00 - 2 g. Field decisions and Change Orders. h. Use of Site, office and storage areas, security, housekeeping, and OWNER's needs. Major equipment deliveries and priorities. j. CONTRACTOR's assignments for safety and first aid. k. Daily Report Form which the ENGINEER will furnish. Submittal Transmittal Form which the ENGINEER will furnish. 4. The ENGINEER or OWNER will preside at the preconstruction conference and will arrange for keeping and distributing the minutes to all persons in attendance. 5. The CONTRACTOR and its subcontractors should plan on the conference taking no less than one full working day. B. Progress Meetings The CONTRACTOR will schedule and hold regular on -Site progress meetings at least weekly and at other times as requested by ENGINEER or as required by progress of the WORK. The CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, or Resident Project Representative and all subcontractors active on the Site shall attend each meeting. CONTRACTOR may at its discretion request attendance by representatives of its suppliers, manufacturers, and other subcontractors. 2. The ENGINEER will preside at the progress meetings and will arrange for keeping and distributing the minutes. The purpose of the meetings is to review the progress of the WORK, maintain coordination of efforts, discuss changes in scheduling, and resolve other problems which may develop. During each meeting, the CONTRACTOR shall present any issues that may impact its progress with a view to resolve these issues expeditiously. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION - MCMILLEN - 071312 SUMMARY OF WORK AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 10 00 - 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MCMILLEN - 071312 SUMMARY OF WORK AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 10 00 - 4 SECTION 01 29 73 - SCHEDULE OF VALUES PART1--GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL A. This Section defines the process the Schedule of Values (lump sum price breakdown) shall be developed. Monthly progress payment amounts shall be determined from the monthly progress updates. B. The Schedule of Values shall be developed independent but simultaneous with the development of the Schedule activities and logic. 1.2 PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE OF VALUES A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit a preliminary Schedule of Values for the major components of the WORK at the Preconstruction Conference in accordance with Section 01 10 00 Summary of Work. The listing shall include, at a minimum, the proposed value for the following major WORK components: 1. Mobilization: $ percent of Contract Price 2. The total value of yard mechanical WORK inclusive of excavation, pipe installation, testing and backfill of pipe, and all incidental WORK associated with underground pipe installations. 3. The total value of mechanical WORK, exclusive of yard mechanical WORK included above. This includes piping, valves, equipment, tanks, and appurtenances at new and existing structures. Additionally, this total value shall be broken down into separate values for each new and existing structure constructed or modified as a part of the WORK. 4. The total value of structural reinforced concrete WORK inclusive of excavation, dewatering, subgrade preparation, backfill and incidental WORK for new structures. Additionally, this total value shall be broken down into separate values for each new structure constructed as a part of the WORK. Miscellaneous and minor concrete WORK may be listed as one item in this breakdown. 5. The total value of site civil WORK inclusive of clearing and grubbing, paving, grading, hauling, compacting and drainage WORK. 6. The total value of other WORK not specifically included in the above items. B. The CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER shall meet and jointly review the preliminary Schedule of Values and make any adjustments in value allocations if, in the opinion of the ENGINEER, these are necessary to establish fair and reasonable allocation of values for the major WORK components. Front end loading will not be permitted. This review and any necessary revisions shall be completed within 14 Days from the date of Notice to Proceed. MCMILLEN - 071312 SCHEDULE OF VALUES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 29 73 - 1 1.3 DETAILED SCHEDULE OF VALUES A. The CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit a detailed Schedule of Values to the ENGINEER within 30 Days from the date of Notice to Proceed. The detailed Schedule of Values shall be based on the accepted preliminary Schedule of Values for major WORK components. Because the ultimate requirement is to develop a detailed Schedule of Values sufficient to determine appropriate monthly progress payment amounts through cost loading of the Schedule activities, sufficient detailed breakdown shall be provided to meet this requirement. The ENGINEER shall be the sole judge of acceptable numbers, details and description of values established. If, in the opinion of the ENGINEER, a greater number of Schedule of Values items than proposed by the CONTRACTOR is necessary, the CONTRACTOR shall add the additional items so identified by the ENGINEER. The minimum detail of breakdown of the major WORK components is indicated below. Greater detail shall be provided if requested by the ENGINEER. Mobilization - no breakdown required. b. Construction Schedule, broken down by submittal. c. Yard piping WORK shall be broken down into individual pipelines running from and to Contract termination points. Each pipeline shall be an individual pay item unless otherwise allowed by the ENGINEER. d. Mechanical WORK shall be broken down within each structure to identify individual piping systems, equipment installation by equipment name and number, and equipment testing and checkout. e. Concrete structures shall be broken down into excavation, subgrade preparation, and appurtenant pre -foundation WORK, concrete foundation construction, slabs on grade, walls/columns, suspended slabs, stairs, etc. (sufficient breakdown shall be provided to accommodate necessary Schedule detail), hydrostatic structure testing where required and backfill. Civil site WORK shall be broken down into individual drainage piping, drainage structures, hauling, compacting, site concrete, paving, excavation cut and fill, removal of existing pipe, clearing and grubbing and any other items determined to be necessary for the establishment of Pay and Schedule Activity items. g. Pre -commissioning and commissioning broken down for completion milestones for each. h. Other WORK not specifically included in the above items shall be broken down as necessary for establishment of pay and Schedule activity items. The CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER shall meet and jointly review the detailed Schedule of Values within 35 Days from the date of Notice to Proceed. The value allocations and extent of detail shall be reviewed to determine any necessary adjustments to the values and to determine if sufficient detail has been proposed to allow acceptable cost loading of the Schedule activities. Any adjustments deemed MCMILLEN - 071312 SCHEDULE OF VALUES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 29 73 - 2 necessary to the value allocation or level of detail shall be made by the CONTRACTOR and a revised detailed Schedule of Values shall be submitted within 40 Days from the date of Notice to Proceed. 3. Following acceptance of the detailed Schedule of Values, the CONTRACTOR shall incorporate the values into the cost loading portion of the Schedule. The activities and logic shall have been developed concurrent with development of the detailed Schedule of Values; however, it shall be necessary to adjust the detailed Schedule of Values to correlate to individual Schedule activities. It is anticipated that instances will occur, due to the independent but simultaneous development of the Schedule of Values and the Schedule activities, where interfacing these 2 documents will require changes to each document. Schedule activities may need to be added to accommodate the detail of the Schedule of Values. Schedule of Value items may need to be added to accommodate the detail of the Schedule activities. Where such instances arise, the CONTRACTOR shall propose changes to the Schedule of Values and to the Schedule activities to satisfy the Schedule cost loading requirements. 1.4 CROSS REFERENCE LISTING A. To assist in the correlation of the Schedule of Values and the Schedule, the CONTRACTOR shall provide a Cross Reference Listing which shall be furnished in 2 parts. The first part shall list each Scheduled Activity with the breakdown of the respective valued items making up the total cost of the activity. The second part shall list the valued item with the respective Scheduled Activity or Activities that make up the total cost indicated. In the case where a number of schedule items make up the total cost for a valued item (shown in the Schedule of Values) the total cost for each scheduled item should be indicated. B. Approved change orders reflected in the Schedule shall be incorporated into the Schedule of Values as a single unit identified by the change order number. 1.5 CHANGES TO SCHEDULE OF VALUES A. Changes to the Schedule which add activities not included in the original schedule but included in the original WORK (schedule omissions) shall have values assigned as approved by the ENGINEER. Other activity values shall be reduced to provide equal value adjustment increases for added activities as approved by the ENGINEER. B. In the event that the CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER agree to make adjustments to the original Schedule of Values because of inequities discovered in the original accepted detailed Schedule of Values, increases and equal decreases to values for activities may be made. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION - MCMILLEN - 071312 SCHEDULE OF VALUES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 29 73 - 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MCMILLEN - 071312 SCHEDULE OF VALUES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 29 73 - 4 01 33 00 - CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Wherever submittals are required in the Contract Documents, submit them to the OWNER's Representative for approval. B. Within seven (7) Days after the date of commencement as stated in the Notice to Proceed, the CONTRACTOR shall submit the following items for review: 1. A preliminary schedule of Shop Drawings, Samples, and proposed Substitutes ("Or - Equal") submittals listed in the Bid. The schedule of submittals shall be based on CONTRACTOR's priority, planned construction sequence and schedule, long lead items, and size of submittal package. Allow time for resubmittals. 1.2 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE SUBMITTALS A. At the preconstruction conference - the submit the following items to the OWNER - ENGINEER for review: 1. A revised schedule of Shop Drawings, Samples, and proposed Substitute ("Or - Equal") submittals listed in the Bid. 2. A schedule for compliance with Permits. 3. A preliminary schedule of values in accordance with - Schedule of Values. 4. A 60-Day plan of operation including Control of Water, Erosion Control and details of compliance with permits. 5. A safety plan. 1.3 SHOP DRAWINGS A. All shop drawing submittals along with the shop drawing transmittal form, shall be made electronically in ".pdf" format and distributed by email from the CONTRACTOR to the OWNER's Resident Project Representative (RPR). B. Wherever called for in the Contract Documents or where required by the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish a clear (non -scanned) electronic version, of each Shop Drawing submittal. Shop Drawings may include detail design calculations, shop - prepared drawings, fabrication and installation drawings, erection drawings, lists, graphs, catalog sheets, data sheets, and similar items. Whenever the CONTRACTOR is required to submit design calculations as part of a submittal, such calculations shall bear the signature and seal of an Engineer registered in the appropriate branch and in the state wherein the project is located, unless otherwise indicated. C. Shop Drawing submittals shall be accompanied by the OWNER's standard submittal transmittal form, an electronic copy of which is available from the OWNER. A submittal MCMILLEN - 071312 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 33 00 - 1 without the form or where applicable items on the form are not completed will be returned for resubmittal. D. Organization A single submittal transmittal form shall be used for each technical specification section or item or class of material or equipment for which a submittal is required. A single submittal covering multiple sections will not be acceptable, unless the primary specification references other sections for components. 2. On the transmittal form, index the components of the submittal and insert tabs in the submittal to match the components. Relate the submittal components to specification paragraph and subparagraph, Drawing number, detail number, schedule title, room number, or building name, as applicable. 3. Unless indicated otherwise, terminology and equipment names and numbers used in submittals shall match those used in the Contract Documents. E. Format Minimum sheet size shall be 8-1/2 inches by 11-inches. Maximum sheet size shall be 11-inches by 17-inches. Every page in a submittal shall be numbered in sequence. All sheets shall be submitted on one (1) pdf file and arranged. 2. Where product data from a manufacturer is submitted, clearly mark which model is proposed, with complete pertinent data capacities, dimensions, clearances, diagrams, controls, connections, anchorage, and supports. Sufficient level of detail shall be presented for assessment of compliance with the Contract Documents. Each submittal shall be assigned a unique number. Submittals shall be numbered sequentially, and the submittal numbers shall be clearly noted on the transmittal. Original submittals shall be assigned a numeric submittal number followed by a decimal point and a "T' to indicate it is an original (first) submittal. (For example, if submittal number 16.1 requires a resubmittal, that resubmittal will bear the designation "16.2". A further resubmittal would bear the designation "16.3", etc. F. Disorganized submittals that do not meet the requirements of the Contract Documents will be returned without review. G. Except as may otherwise be indicated, the ENGINEER will return email comments (in pdf format) of each submittal to the OWNER's RPR with comments noted thereon, within 14 calendar Days following receipt by the ENGINEER. The OWNER's RPR will compile all comments and return the complete submittal (in pdf format), within 21 calendar days following original receipt by the OWNER's RPR. It is considered reasonable that the CONTRACTOR will make a complete and acceptable submittal to the OWNER's RPR by the first resubmittal on an item. The OWNER reserves the right to withhold monies due to the CONTRACTOR to cover additional costs of the ENGINEER's review beyond the first resubmittal. The ENGINEER's and OWNER RPR's combined maximum review period for each submittal or resubmittal will be 21 calendar Days. Thus, for a submittal that requires 2 resubmittals before it is complete, the maximum review period could be 63 calendar Days. MCMILLEN - 071312 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 33 00 - 2 H. Submittal Review Marking NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN. If a submittal is returned to the CONTRACTOR marked "NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN," formal revision and resubmission will not be required. 2. MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED. If a submittal is returned marked "MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED," CONTRACTOR shall make the corrections on the submittal, but formal revision and resubmission will not be required. 3. REVISE -RESUBMIT. If a submittal is returned marked "REVISE -RESUBMIT," the CONTRACTOR shall revise it and shall resubmit the required number of copies. Resubmittal of portions of multi -page or multi -drawing submittals will not be allowed. For example, if a Shop Drawing submittal consisting of 10 drawings contains one drawing noted as "REVISE - RESUBMIT," the submittal as a whole is deemed "REVISE - RESUBMIT," and all 10 drawings are required to be resubmitted. 4. REJECTED -RESUBMIT. If a submittal is returned marked "REJECTED - RESUBMIT," it shall mean either that the proposed material or product does not satisfy the specification and/or that the submittal is so incomplete that it cannot be reviewed Resubmittal of rejected portions of a previous submittal will not be allowed. Every change from a submittal to a resubmittal or from a resubmittal to a subsequent resubmittal shall be identified and flagged on the resubmittal. J. Fabrication of an item may commence only after the ENGINEER has reviewed the pertinent submittals and returned copies to the CONTRACTOR marked either "NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN" or "MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED." Corrections indicated on submittals shall be considered as changes necessary to meet the requirements of the Contract Documents and shall not be taken as changes to the contract requirements. K. Submittals shall be carefully reviewed by an authorized representative of the CONTRACTOR prior to submission to the ENGINEER. Each submittal shall be dated and signed by the CONTRACTOR as being correct and in strict conformance with the Contract Documents. In the case of Shop Drawings, each sheet shall be so dated and signed. Any deviations from the Contract Documents shall be noted on the transmittal sheet. The ENGINEER will only review submittals that have been so verified by the CONTRACTOR. Non -verified submittals will be returned to the CONTRACTOR without action taken by the ENGINEER, and any delays caused thereby shall be the total responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. L. Corrections or comments made on the CONTRACTOR's Shop Drawings during review do not relieve the CONTRACTOR from compliance with Contract Drawings and Specifications. Review is for conformance to the design concept and general compliance with the Contract Documents only. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for confirming and correlating quantities and dimensions, fabrication processes and techniques, coordinating WORK with the trades, and satisfactory and safe performance of the WORK. MCMILLEN - 071312 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 33 00 - 3 1.4 SAMPLES A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit the number of samples indicated by the Specifications. If the number is not indicated, submit not less than 3 samples. Where the amount of each sample is not indicated, submit such amount as necessary for proper examination and testing by the methods indicated. B. Samples shall be individually and indelibly labeled or tagged, indicating the salient physical characteristics and manufacturer's name. Upon acceptance by the ENGINEER, one set of the samples will be stamped and dated by the ENGINEER and returned to the CONTRACTOR, one set of samples will be retained by the OWNER, and one set shall remain at the Site in the OWNER RPR's field office until completion of the WORK. C. Unless indicated otherwise, the OWNER will select colors and textures from the manufacturer's standard colors and standard materials, products, or equipment lines. If certain samples represent non-standard colors, materials, products, or equipment lines that will require an increase in Contract Times or Price, the CONTRACTOR shall clearly state so on the transmittal page of the submittal. 1.5 TECHNICAL MANUAL A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit technical operation and maintenance information for each item of mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation equipment in an organized manner in the Technical Manual. It shall be written so that it can be used and understood by the OWNER's operation and maintenance staff. B. Organization. The Technical Manual shall be subdivided first by specification section number; second, by equipment item; and last, by "Category." The following "Categories" shall be addressed (as applicable): Category 1 - Equipment Summary Summary: A table shall indicate the equipment name, equipment number, and process area in which the equipment is installed. b. Form: The ENGINEER will supply an Equipment Summary Form for each item of mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation equipment in the WORK. The CONTRACTOR shall fill in the relevant information on the form and include it in Part 1. 2. Category 2 - Operational Procedures Procedures: Manufacturer -recommended procedures on the following shall be included in Part 2: • Installation • Adjustment • Startup • Location of controls, special tools, equipment required, or related instrumentation needed for operation • Operation procedures MCMILLEN - 071312 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 0133 00 - 4 • Load changes • Calibration • Shutdown • Troubleshooting • Disassembly • Reassembly • Realignment • Testing to determine performance efficiency • Tabulation of proper settings for pressure relief valves, low and high pressure switches, and other protection devices • List of all electrical relay settings including alarm and contact settings 3. Category 3 - Preventive Maintenance Procedures a. Procedures: Preventive maintenance procedures shall include manufacturer - recommended procedures to be performed on a periodic basis, both by removing and replacing the equipment or component, and by maintaining the equipment in place. b. Schedules: Recommended frequency of preventive maintenance procedures shall be included. Lubrication schedules, including lubricant SAE grade, type, and temperature ranges, shall be covered. 4. Category 4 - Wiring and Loop Diagrams a. Diagrams: This category includes complete internal and connection wiring diagrams for electrical and instrumentation equipment items. 5. Category 5 - Shop Drawings a. Drawings: This category includes approved shop or fabrication drawings with ENGINEER comments and corrections incorporated, complete with dimensions. 6. Category 6 - Parts List a. Parts List: A complete parts list shall be furnished, including a generic description and manufacturer's identification number for each part. Addresses and telephone numbers of the nearest supplier and parts warehouse shall be included. b. Drawings: parts list. Cross -sectional or exploded view drawings shall accompany the Part numbers shall appear on the drawings with arrows to the corresponding part. MCMILLEN - 071312 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 33 00 - 5 7. Category 7 - Safety a. Procedures: This category describes the safety precautions to be taken when operating and maintaining the equipment or working near it. 8. Category 8 — Documentation & Warrantees a. Equipment warranties, affidavits, certifications, calibrations, laboratory test results, etc. required by the Technical Specifications shall be placed in this category. C. Format Each Technical Manual shall be bound in standard size 3 ring hardcover binders labeled on the spine and cover with project name, OWNER's project number, specification section number, equipment name, and equipment identification number 2. Each Binder shall contain its own detailed table of contents at the front, plus a summary level table of contents information for the other binders in a multi -binder set. 3. Documents in binders shall be 3 hole punched, no text shall be punched out, and pages larger than 8-1/2 by 11 shall be folded to 8-1/2 by 11. Binder ring size shall not exceed 2.5 inches in diameter. 4. Each final set of Technical Manuals shall include a CD with industry standard electronic files. D. Technical Manual Review Process The CONTRACTOR shall furnish three (3) draft Technical Manuals for each Specification Section that requires a Manual. The OWNER's Representative will retain one (1) copy, will forward one (1) copy to the OWNER, and will return one (1) copy to the CONTRACTOR with review comments. 2. The CONTRACTOR shall incorporate all comments into the draft and shall submit five (5) identical hard copies of the final Manual, bound in 3-ring binders, for acceptance. E. Schedule Except where indicated otherwise, Technical Manuals shall be submitted in final form to the OWNER's RPR not later than the 80 percent of construction completion date. Discrepancies found by the OWNER or ENGINEER shall be corrected within 30 Days from the date of written notification by the OWNER's Representative. 2. WORK under this Contract involves start-up and commissioning of equipment in multiple areas of the facility at independent times within the project schedule. Manuals shall be complete for each piece of equipment prior to placing equipment into service final acceptance of the equipment by the OWNER training of the OWNER's personnel. Except where indicated otherwise, manuals shall be MCMILLEN - 071312 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 33 00 - 6 submitted for review in final form a minimum of 30 Days prior to pre -commissioning and commissioning the start of performance testing for each piece of equipment. Discrepancies found by the OWNER or ENGINEER shall be corrected within 30 Days from the date of written notification by the OWNER's RPR. 1.6 SPARE PARTS LIST A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish to the OWNER spare parts information for mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation equipment. The spare parts list shall include those spare parts that each manufacturer recommends be maintained by the OWNER in inventory. Sources and Pricing: The spare parts list shall include a current list price of each spare part. Each manufacturer or supplier shall indicate the name, address, and telephone number of its nearest outlet of spare parts to assist the OWNER in ordering. 2. Format: The CONTRACTOR shall cross-reference spare parts lists to the equipment numbers designated in the Contract Documents. The spare parts lists shall be bound in standard size, 3 ring, loose-leaf, vinyl plastic hard cover binders suitable for bookshelf storage. Binder ring size shall not exceed 2-1/2 inches. 1.7 RECORD DRAWINGS A. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain one set of Drawings at the Site for the preparation of record drawings. On these, it shall mark every project condition, location, configuration, and any other change or deviation which may differ from the Contract Drawings at the time of award, including buried or concealed construction and utility features that are revealed during the course of construction. Special attention shall be given to recording the horizontal and vertical location of buried utilities that differ from the locations indicated, or that were not indicated on the Contract Drawings. B. The record drawings shall be supplemented by any detailed sketches as necessary or as CONTRACTOR is directed, to fully indicate the WORK as actually constructed. These record drawings are the CONTRACTOR's representation of as -built conditions, shall include revisions made by addenda and change orders, and shall be maintained up-to-date during the progress of the WORK. Red ink shall be used for alterations and notes. Notes shall identify relevant Change Orders by number and date. C. 11x17-inch size paper copies of the record drawings shall be submitted to the OWNER's Representative at 30 day intervals in electronic pdf format, staring after the date of the Notice to Proceed, and also at completion of WORK. Failure to submit complete record drawings on or before these dates will enact the liquidated damages clause for interim record drawing submittals described in Division 00 Contract Specifications. D. In the case of those drawings that depict the detail requirement for equipment to be assembled and fabricated in the factory, the record drawings shall be updated by indicating those portions which are superseded by change order drawings or final Shop Drawings, and by including appropriate reference information describing the change orders by number and the Shop Drawings by manufacturer, drawing, and revision numbers. MCMILLEN - 071312 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 33 00 - 7 E. Disorganized or incomplete record drawings will not be accepted. The CONTRACTOR shall revise them and resubmit the drawings for review. F. Record drawings shall be accessible to the OWNER's Representative during the construction period. G. Final payment will not be acted upon until the record drawings have been completed and delivered to the OWNER's Representative. Said up-to-date record drawings shall be in the form of a set of prints with carefully plotted information overlaid on the Contract Drawings. H. Information submitted by the CONTRACTOR will be assumed to be correct, and the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the accuracy of such information. 1.8 QUALITY CONTROL (QC) SUBMITTALS A. Quality control submittals are defined as those required by the Specifications to present documentary evidence to the OWNER and ENGINEER that the CONTRACTOR has satisfied certain requirements of the Contract Documents. B. Unless otherwise indicated, QC submittals shall be submitted: 1. Before delivery and unloading, for the following types of submittals: a. Manufacturers' installation instructions b. Manufacturers' and Installers' experience qualifications c. Affidavits and manufacturers' certification of compliance with indicated product requirements d. Laboratory analysis results e. Factory test reports f. Ready mix concrete delivery tickets g. Design calculations 2. Within 30 Days of the event documented for the following types of submittals: a- Manufacturers' field representative certification of proper installation b. Field measurement c. Field test reports d. Receipt of permit e. Receipt of regulatory approval MCMILLEN - 071312 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 33 00 - 8 C. The OWNER's Representative and ENGINEER will record the date that a QC submittal was received and review it for compliance with submittal requirements, but the review procedures above for Shop Drawings and samples will not apply. 1.9 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Informational submittals, such as Requests for Information (RFI), Deviation Request (DR), Change Order Proposals (COR), etc. formalize the flow of information between the CONTRACTOR and the ENGINEER. The OWNER's standard forms will be employed for such purpose. Electronic copies of all standard Construction Management forms shall be provided by the OWNER to the CONTRACTOR. 1.10 CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHS A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to take digital construction photographs, no less than once per week, showing the progress of the WORK, including documentation of all buried utilities encountered during construction as well as installation of new buried utilities and buried WORK required by the Contract. B. Upon completion of the WORK and before final payment, the CONTRACTOR shall electronically submit all photographs to the OWNER on a CD or other electronic media with each photograph's file name identified by location and date it was taken. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION - MCMILLEN - 071312 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 33 00 - 9 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MCMILLEN - 071312 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 33 00 - 10 SECTION 01 42 13 - ABBREVIATIONS OF INSTITUTIONS PART1--GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL A. Wherever in these Specifications references are made to the standards, specifications, or other published data of the various international, national, regional, or local organizations, such organizations may be referred to by their acronym or abbreviation only. As a guide to the user of the Specifications, the following acronyms or abbreviations which may appear shall have the meanings indicated herein. 1.2 ABBREVIATIONS AA Aluminum Association AAMA American Architectural Manufacturers Association AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials AATCC American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists ABMA American Bearing Manufacturer's Association — ABMA ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists ACI American Concrete Institute AF&PA American Forest and Paper Association AGA American Gas Association AGMA American Gear Manufacturers Association AHA American Hardboard Association AHAM Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers Al The Asphalt Institute AIA American Institute of Architects AIHA American Industrial Hygiene Association AIIM Association for Information and Image Management AISC American Institute of Steel Construction AISI American Iron and Steel Institute AITC American Institute of Timber Construction AMA Acoustical Material Association AMCA Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc ANS American Nuclear Society ANSI American National Standards Institute, Inc. APA The Engineered Wood Association API American Petroleum Institute APWA American Public Works Association ARI Air -Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute ASA Acoustical Society of America ASAE American Society of Agricultural Engineers ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASNT American Society of Nondestructive Testing ASQ American Society for Quality ASSE American Society of Sanitary Engineers ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials AWCI American Wire Cloth Institute MCMILLEN - 071312 ABBREVIATIONS OF INSTITUTIONS AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 42 13 - 1 AWI Architectural Woodwork Institute AWPA American Wood Preservers Association AWPI American Wood Preservers Institute AWS American Welding Society AWWA American Water Works Association BBC Basic Building Code, Building Officials and Code Administrators International BHMA Builders Hardware Manufacturer's Association CABO Council of American Building Officials CDA Copper Development Association CEMA Conveyors Equipment Manufacturer's Association CGA Compressed Gas Association CLFMI Chain Link Fence Manufacturer's Institute CLPCA California Lathing and Plastering Contractors Association CMAA A division/section of the Material Handling Industry of America CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute DCDMA Diamond Core Drilling Manufacturer's Association DHI Door and Hardware Institute DIPRA Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association El Energy Institute EIA Electronic Industries Alliance EPA Environmental Protection Agency ETL Electrical Test Laboratories FCC Federal Communications Commission FCI Fluid Controls Institute FEMA Federal Emergency Management Association FHWA Federal Highway Administration FM Factory Mutual System FPL Forest Products Laboratory HI Hydronics Institute, Hydraulic Institute HSWA Federal Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments IAPMO International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials ICBO International Conference of Building Officials IBC International Building Code ICC International Code Council ICEA Insulated Cable Engineers Association ICCEC Electrical Code ICC-ES International Code Council Evaluation Service IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IESNA Illuminating Engineering Society of North America IFC International Fire Code IFGC International Fuel Gas Code IMC International Mechanical Code IME Institute of Makers of Explosives IPC International Plumbing Code, Association Connecting Electronic Industries IRC International Residential Code ISA Instrument Society of America ]SDI Insulated Steel Door Institute ISEA Industrial Safety Equipment Association ISO International Organization for Standardization ITE Institute of Traffic Engineers MCMILLEN - 071312 ABBREVIATIONS OF INSTITUTIONS AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 42 13 - 2 ITU-T Telecommunications Standardization Sector of the International Telecommunications Union LPI Lightning Protection Institute LRQA Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance MBMA Metal Building Manufacturer's Association MIL Military Standards (DoD) MPTA Mechanical Power Transmission Association MSS Manufacturers Standardization Society NAAMM National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturer's NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers DASMA Door and Access Systems Manufacturers Association International NAPF National Association of Pipe Fabricators NBBPVI National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors NCCLS National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards NCMA National Concrete Masonry Association NEC National Electrical Code NEMA National Electrical Manufacturer's Association NETA International Electrical Testing Association NFPA National Fire Protection Association or National Fluid Power Association NISO National Information Standards Organization NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology NLGI National Lubricating Grease Institute NRCA National Roofing Contractors Association NSF National Sanitation Foundation NWWDA National Wood Window and Door Association OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration PCA Portland Cement Association PCI Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute PPI Plastic Pipe Institute RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act RIS Redwood Inspection Service, a division of the California Redwood Association, CRA RMA Rubber Manufacturers Association RVIA Recreational Vehicle Industry Association RWMA Resistance Welder Manufacturer's Association SAE Society of Automotive Engineers SDI Steel Door Institute, Steel Deck Institute SMA Screen Manufacturers Association SMACNA Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association SPFA Steel Plate Fabricator's Association SPIB Southern Pine Inspection Bureau SSBC Southern Standard Building Code, Southern Building Code Congress SSPC Society for Protective Coating SSPWC Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction STLE Society of Tribologists and Lubricating Engineers TAPPI Technical Association of the Worldwide Pulp, Paper, and Converting Industry TFI The Fertilizer Institute TIA Telecommunications Industries Association TPI Truss Plate Institute UBC Uniform Building Code MCMILLEN - 071312 ABBREVIATIONS OF INSTITUTIONS AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 42 13 - 3 UL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. WCLIB West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau WDMA National Window and Door Manufacturers Association WEF Water Environment Federation WI Woodwork Institute WRI Wire Reinforcement Institute, Inc. WWPA Western Wood Products Association PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION - MCMILLEN - 071312 ABBREVIATIONS OF INSTITUTIONS AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 42 13 - 4 SECTION 01 50 00 - SITE ACCESS AND STORAGE PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.1 CONTRACTOR'S WORK AND STORAGE AREA A. The OWNER will designate and arrange for the CONTRACTOR's use, of a portion of the property adjacent to the WORK for its exclusive use during the term of the Contract for storage of construction operations used on the WORK. At completion of WORK, the CONTRACTOR shall return this area to its original condition, including grading and landscaping. B. The CONTRACTOR shall construct and use a separate storage area for hazardous materials used in constructing the WORK. 1. The CONTRACTOR shall develop and submit to the OWNERS Representative and ENGINEER a plan for storing and disposing of the hazardous materials. 2. For the purpose of this specification, hazardous materials to be stored in the separate area are products labeled with any of the following terms: Warning, Caution, Poisonous, Toxic, Flammable, Corrosive, Reactive, or Explosive. In addition, whether or not so labeled, the following materials shall be stored in the separate area: diesel fuel, gasoline, new and used motor oil, hydraulic fluid, cement, paints and paint thinners, 2 part epoxy coatings, sealants, asphaltic products, glues, solvents, wood preservatives, sand blast materials, and spill absorbent. 3. Hazardous materials shall be stored in groupings according to the Material Safety Data Sheets. 4. The separate storage area shall meet the requirements of authorities having jurisdiction over the storage of hazardous materials. 5. Hazardous materials that are delivered in containers shall be stored in the original containers until use. Hazardous materials delivered in bulk shall be stored in containers which meet the requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION - MCMILLEN - 071312 SITE ACCESS AND STORAGE AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 50 00 - 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MCMILLEN - 071312 SITE ACCESS AND STORAGE AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 50 00 - 2 SECTION 01 50 10 - PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL A. The CONTRACTOR shall protect all existing utilities and improvements not designated for removal and shall restore damaged or temporarily relocated utilities and improvements to a condition equal to or better than prior to such damage or temporary relocation, all in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1.2 PROTECTION OF STREET OR ROADWAY MARKERS A. The CONTRACTOR shall not destroy, remove, or otherwise disturb any existing survey markers or other existing street or roadway markers without proper authorization. 1.3 EXISTING UTILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS A. General: The CONTRACTOR shall protect underground Utilities and other improvements which may be impaired during construction operations, regardless of whether or not the Utilities are indicated on the Drawings. The CONTRACTOR shall take all possible precautions for the protection of unforeseen Utility lines to provide for uninterrupted service and to provide such special protection as may be necessary. B. Except where the Drawings indicate Utilities have been field located during design or certain Utility locations shall be exposed as part of the WORK, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for exploratory excavations as it deems necessary to determine the exact locations and depths of Utilities which may interfere with its work. All such exploratory excavations shall be performed as soon as practicable after Notice to Proceed and, in any event, a sufficient time in advance of construction to avoid possible delays to the CONTRACTOR's progress. When such exploratory excavations show the Utility location as shown on the Drawings to be in error, the CONTRACTOR shall so notify the ENGINEER. C. The number of exploratory excavations required shall be that number which is sufficient to determine the alignment and grade of the Utility. D. OWNER's Right of Access: The right is reserved to the OWNER and to the owners of public utilities and franchises to enter at any time upon any public street, alley, right-of- way, or easement for the purpose of making changes in their property made necessary by the WORK of this Contract. E. Underground Utilities Indicated: Existing Utility lines that are indicated or the locations of which are made known to the CONTRACTOR prior to excavation and that are to be retained, and all Utility lines that are constructed during excavation operations shall be protected from damage during excavation and backfilling and, if damaged, shall be immediately repaired or replaced by the CONTRACTOR, unless otherwise repaired by the owner of the damaged Utility. If the owner of the damaged facility performs its own repairs, the CONTRACTOR shall reimburse said owner for the costs of repair. MCMILLEN - 071312 PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 50 10 - 1 F. Underground Utilities Not Indicated: In the event that the CONTRACTOR damages existing Utility lines that are not indicated or the locations of which are not made known to the CONTRACTOR prior to excavation, a verbal report of such damage shall be made immediately to the ENGINEER and a written report thereof shall be made promptly thereafter. The ENGINEER will immediately notify the owner of the damaged Utility. If the ENGINEER is not immediately available, the CONTRACTOR shall notify the Utility owner of the damage. G. Costs of locating and repairing damage not due to failure of the CONTRACTOR to exercise reasonable care, and removing or relocating such Utility facilities not indicated in the Contract Documents with reasonable accuracy, and for equipment on the project which was actually working on that portion of the WORK which was interrupted or idled by removal or relocation of such Utility facilities, and which was necessarily idled during such work will be paid for as extra work. H. Approval of Repairs: All repairs to a damaged Utility or improvement are subject to inspection and approval by an authorized representative of the Utility or improvement owner before being concealed by backfill or other work. Maintaining in Service: Unless indicated otherwise, oil and gasoline pipelines, power, and telephone or the communication cable ducts, gas and water mains, irrigation lines, sewer lines, storm drain lines, poles, and overhead power and communication wires and cables encountered along the line of the WORK shall remain continuously in service during all the operations under the Contract, unless other arrangements satisfactory to the ENGINEER are made with the owner of said pipelines, duct, main, irrigation line, sewer, storm drain, pole, or wire or cable. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for and shall repair all damage due to its operations, and the provisions of this Section shall not be abated even in the event such damage occurs after backfilling or is not discovered until after completion of the backfilling. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION - MCMILLEN - 071312 PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 50 10 - 2 SECTION 01 51 00 - TEMPORARY UTILITIES PART1--GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL A. The types of utility services required for general temporary use at the Site may include the following: 1. Water service (potable for certain uses) 2. Storm sewer 3. Sanitary sewer 4. Electric power service 5. Telephone service 1.2 JOB CONDITIONS A. The CONTRACTOR, in conjunction with establishing the progress schedule, shall establish a schedule for implementation and termination of service for each temporary utility at the earliest feasible time. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.1 The CONTRACTOR shall provide either new or used materials and equipment, that are in substantially undamaged condition and without significant deterioration and which are recognized in the construction industry by compliance with appropriate standards, as being suitable for intended use in each case. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION OF TEMPORARY UTILITY SERVICES A. General: The CONTRACTOR is responsible for installation of temporary services to the site and relocate, modify or extend as necessary from time to time during that period as required to accommodate WORK in progress. B. Approval of Electrical Connections: Temporary connections for electricity shall be installed safely and shall be removed in like manner at the CONTRACTOR's expense prior to final acceptance of the WORK, C. Separation of Circuits: Circuits used for power purposes shall be separate from lighting circuits. D. Construction Wiring: Wiring for temporary electric light and power shall be properly installed and maintained and shall be securely fastened in place as described by applicable State and Federal Codes and Regulations. MCMILLEN - 071312 TEMPORARY UTILITIES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 51 00 - 1 3.2 INSTALLATION OF LIGHTING A. Construction Lighting: WORK conducted at night or under conditions of deficient daylight shall be suitably lit to insure proper performance and to afford adequate facilities for inspection and safe working conditions. B. Temporary Lighting: The CONTRACTOR shall provide a general, weatherproof, grounded temporary lighting system. 3.3 WATER SUPPLY A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide an adequate supply of water of a quality suitable for the WORK. 3.4 INSTALLATION OF SANITARY FACILITIES A. Toilet Facilities: Fixed or portable chemical toilets shall be provided wherever needed for the use of CONTRACTOR's employees. Toilets at construction sites shall conform to the requirements applicable State and Federal Codes and Regulations. 3.5 INSTALLATION OF FIRE PROTECTION A. Fire Protection: The CONTRACTOR's fire protection program shall conform to State and Federal Regulations. 3.6 INSTALLATION OF COMMUNICATIONS A. Telephone Services: The CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain during the progress of the WORK a telephone for reliable communications to and from the WORK site. If necessary the CONTRACTOR shall provide an external antenna system to insure cellular phones provide reliable uninterrupted service. 3.7 OPERATIONS AND TERMINATIONS A. Inspections: Prior to placing temporary utility services into use, the CONTRACTOR shall inspect and test each service and arrange for governing authorities' required inspection and tests, and obtain required certifications and permits for use thereof. B. Protection: The CONTRACTOR shall maintain distinct markers for underground lines, and protect from damage during excavating operations. C. Termination and Removal: When need for a temporary utility service or a substantial portion thereof has ended, or when its service has been replaced by use of permanent services, or not later than time of substantial completion, the CONTRACTOR shall promptly remove installation unless requested by ENGINEER to retain it for a longer period. The CONTRACTOR shall complete and restore WORK which may have been delayed or affected by installation and use of temporary utility, including repairs to construction and grades and restoration and cleaning of exposed surfaces. MCMILLEN - 071312 TEMPORARY UTILITIES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 51 00 - 2 D. Removal of Water Connections: Before final acceptance of the WORK on the project, temporary connections and piping installed by the CONTRACTOR shall be entirely removed, and affected improvements shall be restored to original condition or better, to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER and to the agency owning the affected utility. - END OF SECTION - MCMILLEN - 071312 TEMPORARY UTILITIES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 51 00 - 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MCMILLEN - 071312 TEMPORARY UTILITIES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 51 00 - 4 SECTION 0170 00 - PROJECT MOBILIZATION AND CLOSEOUT PART 1 --GENERAL 1.1 MOBILIZATOIN A. CONTRACTOR shall mobilize as required for the proper performance and completion of the WORK and in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. Mobilization shall include at least the following items: 1. Moving onto the Site of CONTRACTOR's plant and equipment necessary for the WORK. 2. Installing temporary construction power, wiring, and lighting facilities. 3. Establishing fire protection system. 4. Confirming a construction water supply. 5. Providing a field office for the CONTRACTOR and the ENGINEER to share, complete with furnishings, equipment, and utility services. 6. Providing on -Site communication facilities, including telephones, cell phones, and radio pagers. 7. Providing on -Site sanitary facilities and potable water facilities. 8. Arranging for and erection of CONTRACTOR's storage yards. 9. Constructing and implementing security features. 10. Obtaining required permits. 11. Having OSHA required notices and establishing safety programs. 12. Having the CONTRACTOR's superintendent at the Site full time. 13. Submitting initial submittals. 1.2 FINAL CLEANUP A. The CONTRACTOR shall promptly remove from the vicinity of the completed WORK, all rubbish, unused materials, concrete forms, construction equipment, and temporary structures and facilities used during construction. Final acceptance of the WORK by the OWNER will be withheld until the CONTRACTOR has satisfactorily performed the final cleanup of the Site. MCMILLEN - 071312 PROJECT MOBILIZATION AND CLOSEOUT AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 70 00 - 1 1.3 CLOSEOUT TIMETABLE A. The CONTRACTOR shall establish dates for equipment testing, acceptance periods, and on -site instructional periods (as required under the Contract). 1.4 FINAL SUBMITTALS A. The CONTRACTOR, prior to requesting final payment, shall submit as required the following items to the ENGINEER for transmittal to the OWNER: 1. Written guarantees. 2. Technical Manuals and instructions. 3. Maintenance stock items; spare parts; special tools. 4. Certificates of inspection and acceptance by local governing agencies having jurisdiction. 5. Releases from all parties who are entitled to claims against the subject project, property, or improvement pursuant to the provisions of law. 1.5 MAINTENANCE AND GUARANTEE A. The CONTRACTOR shall comply with the maintenance and guarantee requirements. B. Replacement of earth fill or backfill, where it has settled below the required finish elevations, shall be considered as a part of such required repair work. C. The CONTRACTOR shall make all repairs and replacements promptly upon receipt of written order from the OWNER. If the CONTRACTOR fails to make such repairs or replacements promptly, the OWNER reserves the right to do the WORK and the CONTRACTOR and its surety shall be liable to the OWNER for the cost thereof. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION - MCMILLEN - 071312 PROJECT MOBILIZATION AND CLOSEOUT AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 01 70 00 - 2 SECTION 02 41 19 - DEMOLITION AND RECONSTRUCTION PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. The CONTRACTOR shall demolish and reconstruct existing civil, landscaping, structural, architectural, mechanical, and instrumentation facilities as indicated in the drawings, in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1.2 COORDINATION A. The CONTRACTOR shall carefully coordinate the WORK in areas where existing facilities are interconnected with new facilities and where existing facilities remain operational. The WORK as indicated is not all inclusive, and the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to perform the reconstruction indicated plus that which can be reasonably inferred from the Contract Documents as necessary to complete the Project. B. The CONTRACTOR shall note that the Drawings used to indicate demolition and reconstruction are based on as -built drawings, photos and aerial photos of the existing facilities. These have been reproduced to show existing conditions and to clarify the scope of WORK as much as possible. Prior to bidding, the CONTRACTOR shall conduct a comprehensive survey at the Site to verify the correctness and exactness of these, the scope of WORK, and the extent of auxiliary utilities. C. While demolition and reconstruction are being performed, the CONTRACTOR shall erect and maintain fences, warning signs, barricades, and other devices around the reconstruction as required for the protection of the CONTRACTOR's employees and the public, and OWNER's personnel. The CONTRACTOR shall remove such protection when reconstruction activities are complete, or as work progresses, or when directed by the ENGINEER. 1.3 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS Demolition activities shall be included in the construction schedule. 1.4 DEMOLITION A. Existing structures and related appurtenances such as anchors, supports, and hardware indicated or required to be demolished as part of the WORK shall be removed and disposed of unless otherwise indicated. Removal of buried structures, utilities, and appurtenances includes the related excavation and backfill as required. Removed items shall be disposed of offsite by the CONTRACTOR. B. Items to be removed include: Item to be removed Description East & Far West Diversions All wood and plastic components of dams MCMILLEN - 071312 DEMOLITION AND RECONSTRUCTION AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 02 41 19 - 1 Item to be removed Description d East, West & Far West Diversion I Intake pipes, valves, vents. N Main Impoundment 1.5 RELOCATION Wood crest cap, sluice butterfly valve and appurtenants, scrapped HDPE piping and valve box. A. Items of existing equipment, piping, valves, electrical gear, instrumentation, utilities, and appurtenances required to be relocated shall be removed without any degradation in condition from that prior to removal. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to properly safeguard the relocated items against damage and loss during removal, handling, storage, and installation in the new location. B. Items to be relocated include: Item to be relocated Description Communication cables, sensors Reservoir level detector 1.6 ABANDONMENT A. Items of existing equipment, piping, valves, electrical gear, instrumentation, utilities, and appurtenances required to be abandoned shall be prepared by the CONTRACTOR as indicated. B. Items to be abandoned include: I Item to be abandoned in place I Description II East diversion pipeline 18-inch HDPE mostly filled with silt and debris u 1.7 DISPOSAL A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the offsite disposal of debris resulting from reconstruction in compliance with local, state, and federal codes and requirements. MCMILLEN - 071312 DEMOLITION AND RECONSTRUCTION AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 02 41 19 - 2 PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. The CONTRACTOR shall coordinate demolition and reconstruction WORK with the OWNER and ENGINEER. Unless otherwise indicated, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the sequence of activities. WORK shall be performed in accordance with applicable safety rules and regulations. The CONTRACTOR shall verify that any utilities connected to structures, equipment, and facilities to be removed, relocated, salvaged, replaced, or abandoned are rendered inoperable, replaced with new utilities, or adequately bypassed with temporary utilities before proceeding with demolition and reconstruction. C. The CONTRACTOR shall take precautions to avoid damage to adjacent facilities and to limit the WORK activities to the extent indicated. If reconstruction beyond the scope indicated is required, the CONTRACTOR shall obtain approval from the ENGINEER prior to commencing. 3.2 PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES A. Before beginning any reconstruction, the CONTRACTOR shall carefully survey the existing facilities and examine the Specifications and Drawings to determine the extent of reconstruction and coordination with the WORK. Existing facilities not subject to reconstruction shall be protected and maintained in accordance with these Specifications. Damaged existing facilities shall be repaired to the previous condition or replaced. B. Persons shall be afforded safe passages around areas of demolition. C. Structural elements shall not be overloaded. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for shoring, bracing, or adding new supports as may be required for adequate structural support as a result of WORK performed under this Section. The CONTRACTOR shall remove temporary protection when the WORK is complete or when so authorized by the ENGINEER. D. The CONTRACTOR shall carefully consider bearing loads and capacities before placement of equipment and material on Site. In the event of any questions as to whether an area to be loaded has adequate bearing capacity, the CONTRACTOR shall consult with the ENGINEER prior to the placement of such equipment or material. 3.3 ABANDONMENT A. Existing facilities to be abandoned shall be prepared as indicated. Where existing buried piping is to be abandoned, the CONTRACTOR shall remove the abandoned pipe for a distance of 5-feet from any connecting structures. Openings at the existing structures shall be repaired. The remaining pipe shall be capped at both ends prior to backfill. Buried piping, 12-inches diameter or greater shall be completely sand -filled prior to closure of the piping ends. MCMILLEN - 071312 DEMOLITION AND RECONSTRUCTION AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 02 41 19 - 3 3.4 REHABILITATION A. Certain areas of existing structures, piping, conduits, and the like will be affected by WORK necessary to complete modifications under this Contract. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to rehabilitate those areas affected by its construction activities. 3.5 DISPOSAL A. Demolition and removal of debris shall minimize interference with roads, streets, walks, and other adjacent occupied or used facilities which shall not be closed or obstructed without permission from the OWNER. Alternate routes shall be provided around closed or obstructed traffic ways. B. Site debris, rubbish, and other materials resulting from reconstruction operations shall be legally removed and disposed of. Structures and equipment to be demolished shall be cleaned prior to demolition and the wash water properly disposed of. No trace of these structures shall remain prior to placing of backfill in the areas from which structures were removed. C. Refuse, debris, and waste materials resulting from demolition and clearing operations shall not be burned. 3.6 OCCUPANCY AND POLLUTION CONTROL A. Water sprinkling, temporary enclosures, chutes, and other suitable methods shall be used to limit dust and dirt rising and scattering in the area. The CONTRACTOR shall comply with government regulations pertaining to environmental protection. B. Water shall not be used if it creates hazardous or objectionable conditions such as ice, flooding, or pollution. 3.7 CLEANING A. During and upon completion of WORK, the CONTRACTOR shall promptly remove tools and equipment, surplus materials, rubbish, debris, and dust and shall leave areas affected by WORK in a clean, approved condition. B. Adjacent structures shall be cleaned of dust, dirt, and debris caused by reconstruction, as directed by the ENGINEER or governing authorities, and adjacent areas shall be returned to condition existing prior to start of WORK. - END OF SECTION - MCMILLEN - 071312 DEMOLITION AND RECONSTRUCTION AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 02 41 19 - 4 SECTION 03 31 50 - CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE PART1--GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide cast -in -place concrete, reinforcement steel and appurtenant work, formwork, bracing, shoring, supports, and shall design and construct falsework, complete and in place, in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. The Work includes construction of a concrete slab for anchoring of the penstock intake and grouting of rip -rap for the emergency spillway. 1.2 REFERENCES A. Conform to requirements of the following American Concrete Institute (ACI) Specifications, International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM), and American National Standards Institute (ANSI). 1. ACI Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings, ACI 301. 2. ACI Recommended Practice for Concrete Form Work, ACI 347. 3. Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete, ACI 318. 4. Reinforcing Steel ASTM A615, A996, A706 5. Aggregate ASTM C33 6. Cement ASTM C150; use Type I or Type I11. 7. Occupational Safety and Health Administration 1.3 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Halt work when weather conditions detrimentally affect the quality of concrete. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.1 FORM AND FALSEWORK MATERIALS A. Except as otherwise expressly accepted by the ENGINEER, lumber for use as forms, shoring, or bracing shall be new material. B. Materials for concrete forms, formwork, and falsework shall conform to the following requirements: 1. Lumber shall be Douglas Fir or Southern Yellow Pine, construction grade or better, in conformance with U.S. Product Standard PS 20 - American Softwood Lumber Standard. MCMILLEN - 071312 CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 03 31 50 - 1 2. Plywood for concrete formwork shall be new, waterproof, synthetic resin bonded, exterior type Douglas Fir or Southern Yellow Pine plywood manufactured especially for concrete formwork and shall conform to the requirements of PS 1 - Construction and Industrial Plywood for Concrete Forms, Class I, and shall be edge sealed. 3. Form materials shall be metal, wood, plywood, or other material that will not adversely affect the concrete and will facilitate placement of concrete to the shape, form, line, and grade required. Metal forms shall be an approved type that will accomplish such results. Wood forms for surfaces to be painted shall be Medium Density Overlaid plywood, MDO Ext. Grade. C. Unless otherwise indicated, exterior corners in concrete members shall be provided with 3/4-inch chamfers or be tooled to a 1/2-inch radius. Re-entrant corners in concrete members shall not have fillets unless otherwise indicated. 2.2 REINFORCEMENT STEEL A. Bar reinforcement shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A 615 - Deformed and Plain Billet -Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement, for Grade 60 Billet Steel Reinforcement, unless otherwise indicated. 2.3 CONCRETE MATERIALS A. Materials shall be delivered, stored, and handled so as to prevent damage by water or breakage. Only one brand of cement shall be used. Cement reclaimed from cleaning bags or leaking containers shall not be used. Cement shall be used in the sequence of receipt of shipments. B. Materials for concrete shall conform to the following requirements: Cement shall be standard brand Portland cement conforming to ASTM C 150 - Portland Cement for Type II or Type V. 2. Water shall be potable, clean, and free from objectionable quantities of silty organic matter, alkali, salts, and other impurities. The water shall be considered potable, for the purposes of this Section only, if it meets the requirements of the local governmental agencies. Agricultural water with high total dissolved solids (over 1000 mg/I TDS) shall not be used. 3. Aggregates shall be obtained from pits acceptable to the ENGINEER, shall be non - reactive, and shall conform to ASTM C 33. Maximum size of coarse aggregate shall be %- inches maximum. Lightweight sand for fine aggregate will not be permitted. 4. Ready -mix concrete shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 94 - Ready -Mixed Concrete. MCMILLEN - 071312 CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 03 31 50 - 2 2.4 CONCRETE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. General Concrete shall be composed of cement, admixtures, aggregates, and water of the qualities indicated. In general, the mix shall be designed to produce a concrete capable of being deposited so as to obtain maximum density and minimum shrinkage, and where deposited in forms, to have good consolidation properties and maximum smoothness of surface. The proportions shall be changed whenever necessary or desirable to meet the required results at no additional cost to the OWNER. Mix changes shall be subject to review by the ENGINEER. B. Water -Cement Ratio and Compressive Strength: The minimum compressive strength and cement content of concrete shall be not less than the following tabulation. Type of Work Class of Max Size Cement Max W/C Concrete Min Aggregate Content Ratio (by 28-Day in Per cu yd, weight) Compressive Ibs Strength, psi Structural 4,000 1 564 to 600 0.45 concrete Sitework 3,000 1 470 (min) 0.50 concrete Lean concrete 2,000 1 376 (min) 0.60 2.5 CONSISTENCY A. Consistency of the concrete in successive batches shall be determined by slump tests in accordance with ASTM C 143. The 3-inches plus or minus 1-inch slump. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL FORMWORK REQUIREMENTS A. Design, construction, maintenance, preparation, and removal of forms shall be in accordance with ACI 347 - Guide to Formwork for Concrete and the requirements herein. 3.2 REUSE OF FORMS A. Forms may be reused only if in good condition and only if acceptable to the ENGINEER. Light sanding between uses will be required wherever necessary to obtain uniform surface texture on exposed concrete surfaces. Exposed concrete surfaces are defined as surfaces which are permanently exposed to view. MCMILLEN - 071312 CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 03 31 50 - 3 3.3 REMOVAL OF FORMS A. Careful procedures for the removal of forms shall be strictly followed, and this WORK shall be done with care so as to avoid injury to the concrete. No heavy loading on green concrete will be permitted. Members which must support their own weight shall not have their forms removed until they have attained at least 75 percent of the 28-Day strength of the concrete. 3.4 FABRICATION A. General Reinforcement steel shall be accurately formed to the dimensions and shapes indicated, and the fabricating details shall be prepared in accordance with ACI 315 and ACI 318, except as modified by the Drawings. 2. The CONTRACTOR shall fabricate reinforcement bars for structures in accordance with bending diagrams, placing lists, and placing drawings. Said drawings, diagrams, and lists shall be prepared by the CONTRACTOR. 3. Unless otherwise indicated, dowels shall match the size and spacing of the spliced bar. B. Bending or Straightening: Reinforcement shall not be straightened or rebent in a manner that will injure the material. Bars shall be bent or straight as indicated. Do not use bends different from the bends indicated. Bars shall be bent cold unless otherwise permitted by the ENGINEER. 3.5 PLACING A. Reinforcement steel shall be accurately positioned as indicated and shall be supported and wired together to prevent displacement, using annealed iron wire ties or suitable clips at intersections. Reinforcement steel shall be supported by concrete, plastic or metal supports, spacers or metal hangers that are strong and rigid enough to prevent any displacement of the reinforcement steel. Where concrete is to be placed on the ground, supporting concrete blocks (or dobies) shall be used in sufficient numbers to support the bars without settlement, but in no case shall such support be continuous. Concrete blocks used to support reinforcement steel shall be tied to the steel with wire ties which are embedded in the blocks. B. The portions of accessories in contact with the formwork shall be made of concrete, plastic, or steel coated with a 1/8-inch minimum thickness of plastic which extends at least 1/2-inch from the concrete surface. Plastic shall be gray in color. C. Tie wires shall be bent away from the forms in order to provide the required concrete coverage. D. Bars additional to those indicated which may be found necessary or desirable by the CONTRACTOR for the purpose of securing reinforcement in position shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR as part of the WORK. MCMILLEN - 071312 CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 03 31 50 - 4 E. Unless otherwise indicated, reinforcement placing tolerances shall be within the limits specified in Section 7.5 of ACI 318 except where in conflict with the requirements of the Building Code. F. The minimum spacing requirements of ACI 318 shall be followed for reinforcing steel. 3.6 SPLICING A. Splices of Reinforcement 1. The length of lap for reinforcement bars, unless otherwise indicated, shall be in accordance with ACI 318, Section 12.15.1 for a Class B splice. 2. Welded splices shall be performed in accordance with AWS D1.4. 3. Laps of welded wire fabric shall be in accordance with the ACI 318. Adjoining sheets shall be securely tied together with No. 14 tie wire, one tie for each 2 running feet. Wires shall be staggered and tied in such a manner that they cannot slip. 3.7 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Reinforcement steel shall always be protected from conditions conductive to corrosion until concrete is placed around it. B. The surfaces of reinforcement steel and other metalwork to be in contact with concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, grease, loose scale and rust, grout, mortar, and other foreign substances immediately before the concrete is placed. Where there is delay in depositing concrete, reinforcing shall be reinspected and, if necessary recleaned. 3.8 PROPORTIONING AND MIXING A. Proportioning: Proportioning of the concrete mix shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 3 "Proportioning" of ACI 301. B. Mixing: Mixing of concrete shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 7 ACI 301. C. Slump: Slumps shall be as indicated herein. D. Retempering: Retempering of concrete or mortar which has partially hardened shall not be permitted. 3.9 PREPARATION OF SURFACES FOR CONCRETING A. General: Earth surfaces shall be thoroughly wetted by sprinkling prior to the placing of any concrete, and these surfaces shall be kept moist by frequent sprinkling up to the time of placing concrete thereon. The surface shall be free from standing water, mud, and debris at the time of placing concrete. B. Anchor bolts shall be accurately set and shall be maintained in position by templates while being embedded in concrete. MCMILLEN - 071312 CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 03 31 50 - 5 C. Placing Interruptions: When placing of concrete is to be interrupted long enough for the concrete to take a set, the working face shall be given a shape by the use of forms or other means, that will secure proper union with subsequent WORK; provided that construction joints shall be made only where acceptable to the ENGINEER. 3.10 FINISHING CONCRETE SURFACES A. Light Broom Finish: Provide for horizontal surfaces scheduled or noted; approximately 1/32 inch grooves. 3.11 PROTECTION A. The CONTRACTOR shall protect concrete against injury until final acceptance. B. Fresh concrete shall be protected from damage due to rain, hail, sleet, or snow. The CONTRACTOR shall provide such protection while the concrete is still plastic and whenever precipitation is imminent or occurring. 3.12 CURING IN COLD WEATHER A. Water curing of concrete may be reduced to 6 Days during periods when the mean daily temperature in the vicinity of the Site is less than 40 degrees F; provided that, during the prescribed period of water curing, when temperatures are such that concrete surfaces may freeze, water curing shall be temporarily discontinued. B. Concrete cured by an application of curing compound will require no additional protection from freezing if the protection at 50 degrees F for 72 hours is obtained by means of approved insulation in contact with the forms or concrete surfaces; otherwise, the concrete shall be protected against freezing temperatures for 72 hours immediately following 72 hours protection at 50 degrees F. Concrete cured by water shall be protected against freezing temperatures for 72 hours immediately following the 72 hours of protection at 50 degrees F. C. Discontinuance of protection against freezing temperatures shall be such that the drop in temperature of any portion of the concrete will be gradual and will not exceed 40 degrees F in 24 hours. In the spring, when the mean daily temperature rises above 40 degrees F for more than 3 Days, 72 hour protection at a temperature not lower than 50 degrees F may be discontinued for as long as the mean daily temperature remains above 40 degrees F; provided, that the concrete shall be protected against freezing temperatures for not less than 48 hours after placement. D. Where artificial heat is employed, special care shall be taken to prevent the concrete from drying. Use of unvented heaters will be permitted only when unformed surfaces of concrete adjacent to the heaters are protected for the first 24 hours from an excessive carbon dioxide atmosphere by application of curing compound; provided, that the use of curing compound for such surfaces is otherwise permitted by these Specifications. - END OF SECTION - MCMILLEN - 071312 CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 03 31 50 - 6 SECTION 31 23 00 — EARTHWORK PREPARATION AND PLACEMENT PART1--GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. This work includes preparation of the subsurface for placement of concrete slabs, foundations and footings along with required excavation and placing material lifts as necessary for road beds. B. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all equipment and materials necessary to complete the work. C. Where practical, the CONTRACTOR may use locally derived materials. 1.2 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. Furnish submittals in accordance with - Contractor Submittals. 1.3 QUALITY CONTROL A. The work shall comply with the standards set out in this specification. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Disturbance of surrounding area shall be minimized as much as possible during site preparation. 2.2 FILL: locally sourced material (gradation as shown or approved by the ENGINEER) Size Percentage Passing(%) % inch 19 mm 80 to 100 No. 4 4.75 mm 20 to 60 No. 30 0.60 mm 10 to 50 No. 200 0.075 2 to 10 Organic material Completely free of all or anics debris 2.3 CRUSHED ROCK:: % minus crushed rock (gradation as shown or approved by the ENGINEER) Size Percentage Passing (%) inch 19 mm 90 to 100 No. 4 4.75 mm 35 to 55 No. 30 0.60 mm 10 to 30 No. 200 0.075 2 to 9 MCMILLEN - 071312 EARTHWORK PREPARATION AND PLACEMENT AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 31 23 00 - 1 2.4 DRAIN ROCK: clean sand (gradation as shown or approved by the ENGINEER) Size Percentage Passing 3/8 inch 10 mm 100 No. 4 4.75 mm) 95-100 No. 30 0.60 mm 15 to 65% No. 100 0.075 Less than 5% 2.5 RIP -RAP: 6-inch (6") rip -rap (gradation as shown or approved by the ENGINEER) Diameter Percentage Passing 12 inch 95 to 100 6-inch 25 to 75 3-inch 0 to 10 2.6 RIP -RAP: 1-foot (1') rip -rap (gradation as shown or approved by the ENGINEER) Diameter Percentage Passing(%) 18 inch 95 to 100 12-inch 25 to 75 6-inch 0 to 10 2.7 UNSUITABLE MATERIAL A. Unsuitable soils for fill material shall include soils which, when classified under ASTM D 2487, fall in the classifications of Pt, OH, CH, MH, or OL. B. In addition, any soil which cannot be compacted sufficiently to achieve the percentage of maximum density specified for the intended use shall be classed as unsuitable material. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.1 EQUIPMENT A. Excavation: The construction equipment for excavation and removal activities shall consist of excavation and transportation equipment adaptable to the Work specified herein. B. Compaction: The compaction equipment required for the construction of the embankment, impervious fill, and for regrading activities shall be capable of producing a compacted fill meeting the requirements of this Specification, and shall be approved by the ENGINEER. MCMILLEN - 071312 EARTHWORK PREPARATION AND PLACEMENT AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 31 23 00 - 2 3.2 PLACING AND SPREADING OF MATERIALS A. All organic materials such as stumps, brush, sod, large roots shall be scrapped away to create a level surface at the design elevations. Prior to placement the surface shall be free of debris, depressions or obstructions. Compacted fill or crushed rock will be used to bring the surface to design elevation if necessary B. General: Materials shall not be placed in any area until the ENGINEER has approved the foundation preparations of such areas. Materials shall be placed and spread to be free from lenses, pockets, streaks or layers of material differing substantially in texture or gradation from the surrounding material. Areas shall be free from debris, snow, ice and water and ground surfaces shall not be in a frozen condition. C. Materials shall not be placed over surfaces with running or standing water or existing subgrade surfaces which are yielding or softened. The surfaces shall be moistened or dried, as directed by the ENGINEER. Placement of materials shall be suspended when the climatic conditions will not allow proper placement and compaction of fill. D. Placement operations including transport, handling, and stockpiling shall be accomplished in such a manner as to prevent segregation of material. Material in onsite and offsite stockpiles shall be protected from changes in gradation and contamination and, in wet weather, covered. E. Backfill materials shall be placed and spread evenly in layers. When compaction is achieved using mechanical equipment the layers shall be evenly spread so that when compacted, each layer shall not exceed 4 inches in thickness. F. Where the backfill material moisture content is below the optimum moisture content, water shall be added before or during spreading until the proper moisture content is achieved. G. Where the backfill material moisture content is too high to permit the specified degree of compaction the material shall be dried until the moisture content is satisfactory. H. During the dumping and spreading of the material, roots, trash, debris, and other deleterious material shall be removed from the fill and disposed of in disposal sites approved by the ENGINEER. I. The fills shall be maintained and protected in a satisfactory condition at all times until final completion and acceptance of the Work. As soon as practicable after the construction of the fills has started, the surfaces shall be sloped sufficiently to prevent the ponding of water and this slope shall be maintained during construction. J. Any fill material which is rendered unsuitable after being placed in the fills shall be removed and replaced. Any material considered objectionable by the ENGINEER shall be excavated and removed from the fills and shall be disposed of in designated disposal areas. Excavated areas shall be properly refilled. K. Moisture content of the fill materials shall be such that the fills can be compacted as specified. The moisture shall not cause bogging down of equipment and it shall be such that the fill does not exhibit excessive rutting, and pumping when subjected to the action MCMILLEN - 071312 EARTHWORK PREPARATION AND PLACEMENT AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 31 23 00 - 3 of the wheels and tracks of the equipment. L. Road bed construction shall adhere to specification and the dimension and materials shown in the drawings. 3.3 COMPACTION OF FILL MATERIALS A. General: 1. After each layer has been moisture conditioned, it shall immediately be compacted. 2. Compaction of each layer shall proceed in a systematic, orderly and continuous manner so as to ensure the specified coverage of the embankment. Rolling shall be parallel to the axis of the embankment except where insufficient space exists for such operations. 3. Care shall be exercised when operating compaction equipment adjacent to abutment contact areas to avoid disturbing abutment material. Disturbed abutment material shall be repaired by removal of the disturbed material and the preparation of the foundation surfaces as originally specified or as directed. B. Placement: Rip -rap armor rock shall be placed to provide minimum of void with smaller stones uniformly distributed though out the mass. Sufficient handwork shall be done to lock the rip -rap in place and produce a neat, firm and uniform surface, from the bottom up. 2. Roadbed crushed rock shall be placed evenly in maximum 6-inch lifts and rolled to 95% Proctor (ASTM D 1557) or as directed by the Engineer. 3. Lines and Grades - The embankment, impermeable fill, and regraded portions of the project shall be constructed to the lines, grades, and cross sections shown on the Drawings, unless otherwise directed. The lines and grades shown are intended to be the final surfaces after placement, compaction and settlement during construction. - END OF SECTION - MCMILLEN - 071312 EARTHWORK PREPARATION AND PLACEMENT AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 31 23 00 - 4 SECTION 31 2319 — CONTROL OF WATER PART1--GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide all necessary equipment to manage and control water for all disturbed areas. B. The CONTRACTOR shall comply with all work permits. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide a plan outlining the plan for controlling water as required by this Specification. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.1 CONTROL OF WATER INTO DIVERSION DAMS A. Water shall be intercepted upstream from the disturbed areas and routed around them into the native channels downstream of construction. B. Re -watering of the construction areas shall proceed in a control fashion limiting mobilization or erosion of new materials. C. During construction no water shall be routed into the diversion pipelines to the main impoundment. 3.2 CONTROL OF WATER INTO MAIN IMPOUNDMENT A. Water shall be intercepted above the construction area and routed into the reservoir drain adjacent to the intake construction. B. At the end of each shift, the construction area shall be left in a condition that insures safe passage of water into the drain. C. The spillway shall not be blocked during construction. 3.3 MAINTENANCE DURING CONSTRUCTION A. The CONTRACTOR shall inspect and insure water control measures continue to function effectively throughout construction. - END OF SECTION - MCMILLEN - 071312 CONTROL OF WATER AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 31 23 19 - 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MCMILLEN - 071312 CONTROL OF WATER AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 31 23 19 - 2 SECTION 31 32 19 — GEOSYNTHETIC SOIL STABILIZATION AND LAYER SEPARATION PART1--GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide geo-membrane, geotextile and prefabricated drainage composite fabric material as required, complete and in place, in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. Definitions: The following definitions apply to the WORK of this Section: 1. Geo-membrane — impermeable, water -proof man-made (vulcanized rubber sheets) material used to prevent seepage of ponds and reservoirs. 2. Geotextile: A geotextile fabric composed of polymeric yarn interlaced to form a planar structure with uniform weave pattern to separate native material from the granular material. 3. Prefabricated Drainage Composite Material: 1.2 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings Manufacturer material specifications and product literature. 2. Installation drawings showing geo-membrane sheet layout, location of seams, direction of overlap, and sewn seams. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.1 GEOMEMBRANE A. Geo EPDM 0.060 inch (1.5mm) thick, non -reinforced membrane or equivalent. B. Minimum sheet width 6 feet. 2.2 GEOMEMBRANE SPLICING A. Per manufacturer's requirements. 2.3 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC A. Filter fabric for use to separate the native materials from the new gravels being installed and shall be Mirafi 500X or approved equal. 2.4 PREFABRICATED DRAINAGE COMPOSITE MATERIAL A. Material shall be set between the cut off wall and fill material and shall allow for the MCMILLEN - 071312 GEOSYNTHETIC SOIL STABILIZATION AND LAYER SEPARATION AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 31 32 19 - 1 infiltration of water which will be conveyed to the drain materials as shown on the project drawings. B. Material shall be U.S. Fabrics J-Drain 400/420 or approved equal. 2.5 GEOGRID A. Native soils shall be protected and stabilized using TenCate Mirafi® BXG or equivalent as approved by the engineer. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.1 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Refer to the applicable Material Safety Data Sheets and Technical Data Bulletins for cautions and warnings. B. Deliver each roll with sufficient information attached to identify manufacturer and product name or number. C. Comply with the manufacturer's published instructions for the installation of the various system including proper substrate preparation, jobsite considerations and weather restrictions. D. Handle products in manner that maintains undamaged condition. E. Do not store products directly on ground. Ship and store with suitable wrapping for protection against moisture and ultraviolet exposure. Store in a way that protects it from elements. If stored outdoors, elevate and protect with a waterproof cover. 3.2 SUBSTRATE PREPARATION A. Boulders, cobbles, any sharp rocky debris and gravel shall be removed. A relatively smooth substrate shall be achieved. Finer grades of sand, silt or clay can be used depending on local availability. Compact to 95% Modified Proctor in accordance with ASTM D 1557 or as instructed by the ENGINEER in the field. B. Soil condition should be evaluated and slopes shall be provided in the base to preclude gas entrapment. C. Ensure the substrate is clean, smooth, dry and completely free of projections (i.e., fins, sharp edges), contaminants foreign material, oil and grease. 3.3 PLACING THE GEOSYNTHETICS A. Consult ENGINEER regarding need for protective underlay. Comply with all manufacturers' recommendations. B. Place per manufacturer's recommendations, normally this means unrolling the membrane without stretching and allow to relax approximately 1/2 hour when applicable. Overlap adjoining membrane sheets per manufacturer's requirements. MCMILLEN - 071312 GEOSYNTHETIC SOIL STABILIZATION AND LAYER SEPARATION AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 31 32 19 - 2 C. Temperature can strongly affect membrane surface area, most commonly contracting with cold. Contractor should account for that. D. Follow manufacturer's instruction for ventilation and skin protection. - END OF SECTION - MCMILLEN - 071312 GEOSYNTHETIC SOIL STABILIZATION AND LAYER SEPARATION AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 31 32 19 - 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MCMILLEN - 071312 GEOSYNTHETIC SOIL STABILIZATION AND LAYER SEPARATION AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 31 32 19 - 4 SECTION 31 35 00 - SLOPE STABILIZATION AT SWITCHBACKS PART 1 —GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION A. The Contractor shall provide all necessary equipment and labor to place soaker sacks at the switch backs and stabilize the road bed for construction traffic and periodic inspection vehicle traffic. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Geogrid: Native soils along the switch back shall be protected and stabilized using TenCate Mirafi@ BXG or equivalent as approved by the engineer. B. Road Base: Granular road base shall be one of the following: 1. Sand, gravel, or rock, or mixtures of these that is free of plastic clay, organic material, construction debris, or rocks larger than 3-inches in diameter. 2. A well graded angular, durable, crushed, 3-inch minus rock. 3. All granular fill/site fill shall be free of organic matter, construction debris, and deleterious material. C. Granular Soaker Sack Fill: All granular soaker sack fill shall be free of organic matter, construction debris, clay and deleterious material. Granular material will be free draining. D. Road Bed: % minus crushed rock 1. Road bed final coverage. Size Percentage Passing (%) 3/4 inch (19 mm) 90 to 100 No. 4 (4.75 mm) 35 to 55 No. 30 (0.60 mm) 10 to 30 No. 200 (0.075) 2 to 9 MCMILLEN - 071312 SWITCHBACKS AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 31 35 00 - 1 E. Geotextile Fabric Bag: Stabilization soaker sack shall be geotextile bag with high tensile strength, permeability and UV resistance. Techtube TT (80-200 KN)TM or equivalent as approved by the Engineer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 Hauling A. Rock shall be placed and compacted where hauling occurs over unimproved access trails. Disturbance and placement of rock shall be minimized to reduce impacts. 3.2 Base Preparation for soaker sacks A. Base foundations will be located at switch back locations identified in the field. A maximum of three locations are anticipated, each approximately 20-feet long. Excavation shall be as required for construction of the switchback. Excavations shall be kept free from water while construction is in progress. The Engineer shall be notified immediately in the event that it becomes necessary to remove soft, weak, or wet material. 3.3 Subgrade preparation A. Finish subgrade and existing or natural grades in the area of work will be identified in the field by the Engineer. Disturbance areas will be minimized to only switch back locations. The Contractor shall do all grading, filling or excavating as required to provide for drainage and level area for placement of the road bed material. 3.4 Geogrid A. Placement of the geogrid shall be in strict accordance with the manufacturers' guidelines. 3.5 Road base A. Road base material shall be placed and compacted on flat geogrid as shown in the drawings. 3.6 Road bed A. Road bed shall be placed on compacted base materials as shown in the drawings. Road bed shall be compacted to 95% Proctor (ASTM D1557). B. No road bed shall be placed during weather conditions which will alter the moisture content of the fill materials sufficiently to make adequate compaction impossible. After placing operations have been stopped because of adverse weather conditions, no additional fill material shall be placed until the last layer compacted has been checked and found to be compacted to the specified densities. MCMILLEN - 071312 SWITCHBACKS AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 31 35 00 - 2 3.7 Geotextile sack A. Geotextile fabric sack shall be filled and placed in strict accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines. Placement of sack on base rock foundation at switchback curves as directed by the Engineer. - END OF SECTION - MCMILLEN - 071312 SWITCHBACKS AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 31 35 00 - 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MCMILLEN - 071312 SWITCHBACKS AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 31 35 00 - 4 SECTION 31 35 28 - EROSION CONTROL PART1--GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide erosion protection including fertilizing, seeding, mulching and erosion control barriers for all disturbed areas as indicated the Contract Documents. B. The CONTRACTOR shall comply with all work permits. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Seeds: Seed and plant materials are compatible local climatic and soil conditions matching the existing ground cover. Selections are based on information from the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Agriculture. Seed shall be delivered in original unopened packages bearing an analysis of the contents. Seed shall be guaranteed 95 percent pure with a minimum germination rate of 80 percent. B. Fertilizer: Fertilizer shall be a commercial, chemical type, uniform in composition, free -flowing, conforming to state and federal laws and suitable for application with equipment designed for that purpose. Fertilizer shall have a guaranteed analysis showing not less than 20 percent nitrogen, 20 percent phosphorus and 10 percent potassium by weight. (As recommended by Alaska Division ofAgriculture.) C. Native Top Soil: Native soil stockpiled from reservoir re -contouring shall be used to provide substrate for re -seeding. Mulch described below, may be used in lieu of soil. D. Mulch: Mulch shall be a fibrous, wood cellulose product produced for this purpose. It shall be dyed green and shall contain no growth or germination inhibiting substances, and shall be manufactured so that when thoroughly mixed with seed, fertilizer, and water, in the proportions indicated it will form a homogenous slurry which is capable of being sprayed. The mulch shall be Silva Fiber as manufactured by Weyerhaeuser Company; Conwood Fiber as manufactured by Consolidated Wood Conversion Corp.; or equivalent. E. Silt Fence Fabric: Fabric shall contain sufficient UV inhibitors so that it will last for 1year in outdoor exposure e.g. Mirafi or equivalent. Reinforced fabric barrier shall have a height of 18 inches. F. Filter Fence Posts and Fasteners: Posts shall be wood, at least 2 inches by 2 inches, at least 4 feet long. Fasteners to wood posts shall be steel, at least 1 1/2 inches long. MCMILLEN - 071312 EROSION CONTROL AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 31 35 28 - 1 G. Coir Logs: Coir logs shall be 9-inch diameter or less composed of natural fibers such as straw or coconut with bio-degradable jute net; such as North American Green Coir logs or SedimentSTOPTM, or BioD-RolITM or similiar. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.1 SILT FENCE INSTALLATION A. Provide erosion control barriers at the indicated locations and to prevent erosion and silt loss from the Site. B. Barrier systems shall be installed in such a manner that surface runoff will percolate through the system in sheet flow fashion and allow sediment to be retained and accumulated. C. Attach the fencing to the posts that are spaced a maximum of 6 feet apart and embedded a minimum of 12 inches. Install posts at a slight angle toward the source of the anticipated runoff. D. Trench in the toe of the filter fabric barrier with a spade or mechanical trencher so that the downward face of the trench is flat and perpendicular to the direction of flow. Lay fabric along the edges of the trench. Backfill and compact. E. Provide the filter fabric in continuous rolls and cut to the length of the fence to minimize the use of joints. When joints are necessary, splice the fabric together only at a support post with a minimum 6-inch overlap and seal securely. F. Regularly inspect and repair or replace damaged components of the barrier. Unless otherwise directed, maintain the erosion control system until final acceptance; then remove erosion and sediment control systems promptly. G. Remove sediment deposits when silt reaches a depth of 6 inches or 1/2 the height of the barrier, whichever is less. Dispose of sediments on the Site. 3.2 COIR LOGS INSTALLATION A. Two year -biodegradable coir logs shall be used on all slopes 3HAV and steeper. B. Log systems shall be installed in such a manner that surface runoff will percolate through the system and allow sediment to be retained and accumulated. C. Stake logs to the posts are spaced a maximum of 6 feet apart and embedded a minimum of 12 inches. Install posts at a slight angle toward the source of the anticipated runoff. D. Trench a trench several inches deep along the slope contour or across the stream swale. Position the coir wattle or sediment STOPTA9 roll into the trench and one foot beyond on either side. MCMILLEN - 071312 EROSION CONTROL AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 31 35 28 - 2 3.3 SEEDING APPLICATION A. Fertilizing, seeding, or mulching operations will not be permitted when wind velocities exceed 15 miles per hour or when the ground is frozen, unduly wet, or otherwise not in a tillable condition. B. The ground to be seeded shall be shall be loose and reasonably free of large rocks, roots, and other material which will interfere with the work. C. Fertilizer, seed, native top soil and/or mulch may be applied separately (Dry Method), or they may be mixed together with water and the homogeneous slurry applied by spraying (Hydraulic Method), except that all slopes steeper than 3 units horizontal to 1 unit vertical shall be stabilized by the Hydraulic Method. D. The fertilizer shall be spread uniformly at the rate recommended by Alaska Division of Agriculture. The fertilizer shall be raked in and thoroughly mixed with the soil to a depth of approximately 2-inches prior to the application of seed or mulch. E. The seed shall be broadcast uniformly at the rate as recommended by Alaska Division of Agriculture. After the seed has been distributed it shall be incorporated into the soil by raking or by other approved methods. F. Mulch or Native Top Soil shall be applied at the rate of 1,5001b (air dried weight) per acre (approximately 1 lb per 30 sq ft). 3.4 MAINTENANCE PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain the planted areas in a satisfactory condition until final acceptance of the project. Such maintenance shall include the filling, leveling, and repairing of any washed or eroded areas, as may be necessary to maintain the plant materials in a healthy condition. The ENGINEER may require replanting of any areas in which the establishment of the vegetative ground cover does not appear to be developing satisfactorily. 3.5 MAINTENANCE AFTER FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. The CONTRACTOR shall water the permanently planted areas sufficiently to maintain the plant materials in a healthy condition during the 1 year correction period. - END OF SECTION - MCMILLEN - 071312 EROSION CONTROL AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 31 35 28 - 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MCMILLEN - 071312 EROSION CONTROL AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 31 35 28 - 4 SECTION 31 37 00 — RIPRAP AND RIPRAP GROUTING PARTI--GENERAL 1.1 THE REQUIREMENT A. The CONTRACTOR shall install riprap rock, salvaged from the project areas so indicated, geotextile fabric, and compacted embankment or other fill material, and excavate and dispose of excess waste material, in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. PART 2 -- PRODUCT 2.1 ROCK FOR RIPRAP A. Rock shall be that salvaged from the upstream and downstream sides of the embankment at the emergency spillway location or imported. B. Control of gradation shall be by visual inspection. Mechanical equipment, a sorting site, and labor needed in checking gradation shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR at no additional cost to the OWNER. 2.2 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC A. Riprap shall be installed over a woven filter fabric, unless otherwise noted. Filter fabric 31 32 19 for use with riprap shall be Mirafi FW 300 or equal. 2.3 CONCRETE A. Concrete for grouted riprap shall be a site work or lean mix in accordance with Section 03 31 50 Cast -In -Place Concrete, retaining the specified water -cement ratio. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.1 SALVAGING OF EXISTING RIPRAP A. Prior to commencement of excavation and filling for the Emergency Spillway, the CONTRACTOR shall remove the existing riprap rock from the upstream and downstream sides of the dam, or import rip rap. B. Care shall be taken to not break or damage the rocks during removal or stockpiling. Stockpile the rocks only on previously disturbed ground on the dam or adjacent to the dam. 3.2 SURFACE PREPARATION A. Surfaces to receive riprap shall be smooth and firm and free of sharp rocks and other objectionable material, and shall be brought to the line and grade shown in the drawings. MCMILLEN - 071312 RIP RAP GROUTING AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 31 37 00 - 1 B. Prior to placement of the geotextile fabric, the surface shall be prepared to a smooth condition free of debris, depressions, or obstructions which may damage the geotextile. No holes or other voids greater than 1-inch in depth normal to the local slope face shall be permitted. The geotextile fabric shall be overlapped a minimum of 2 feet at all longitudinal and transverse joints. Upstream sheets shall overlap downstream sheets. For slope placement, each strip shall overlap the next downhill strip. The geotextile fabric shall be anchored using key trenches or aprons at the crest and toe of the slope. Pins may be used in securing the geotextile during installation. In no instance shall the geotextile be left exposed to sunlight longer than 7 calendar days. 3.3 PLACEMENT OF RIPRAP A. Placement of riprap shall begin at the toe of the slope and proceed up the slope. The rock shall be hand placed or other suitable equipment as long as the underlying material is not displaced. Rock shall be placed so as to provide a minimum of voids. Smaller rocks shall be uniformly distributed throughout the mass. Sufficient handwork shall be done to produce a neat and uniform surface, true to the lines, grades, and sections shown. B. Where riprap is placed over a geotextile fabric, the riprap shall be placed so as to avoid damage to the geotextile. No equipment shall be operated on in -place geotextile. Rocks shall not be dropped from a height greater than 3 feet, nor shall large rocks be allowed to roll downslope. 3.4 GROUTED RIPRAP A. Riprap for grouted riprap shall be placed in accordance to the requirements for riprap. Use heavy riprap with larger rocks (>1 foot diameter) and only minor infilling with the smaller size rocks (<1 foot diameter), as the annular spaces around the rocks shall be filled with concrete, and no attempt shall be made to tightly pack the area. B. Upon placement of heavy riprap, the rocks shall be concreted in place to provide a tight, interlocked mass of rocks and concrete. The concrete shall be deposited over the entire area rather than depositing the concrete in central locations and spreading by hand. To the extent possible, the concrete shall be placed in the annular spaces between the rocks and worked into place by vibrating, hand rodding, brooming or other devices that will work the concrete down, in and around the rocks. The CONTRACTOR shall have adequate types and numbers of equipment and tools on site during the start of placement of concrete to use the equipment/tools best suited for the work. The intent is to work the concrete around and behind the rocks rather than applying a thin layer of concrete over the rocks. C. Upon completion the appearance shall be neat and smooth. The exposed concrete surface shall be smoothed with brooms or other devices to result in a reasonably smooth final surface layer. "Popcorn" surfaces will not be allowed. 3.5 SURPLUS RIPRAP A. Any excess riprap shall be placed on existing slopes as directed by the ENGINEER, even if the directed thicknesses are greater than those indicated on the Drawings, MCMILLEN - 071312 RIP RAP GROUTING AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 31 37 00 - 2 without additional cost to the OWNER. There shall be no surplus of riprap upon completion of the Project. - END OF SECTION - MCMILLEN - 071312 RIP RAP GROUTING AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 31 37 00 - 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MCMILLEN - 071312 RIP RAP GROUTING AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 31 37 00 - 4 SECTION 31 41 16 - SHEET PILES PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide the sheet piles indicated or ordered by the ENGINEER to be left in place and which will become a part of the finished WORK. Sheet piling shall be in place in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. Temporary sheet piling installed by the CONTRACTOR to facilitate the installation or construction of other features of the WORK is not covered by this Section. C. Sheet piles shall be concrete sheet piles, steel sheet piles, or timber sheet piles, as indicated. 1.2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS A. The subsurface conditions are described in the Conditions Assessment report. B. The CONTRACTOR may assess the site prior to excavation and installation. 1.3 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. Furnish submittals and schedule in accordance with the Specifications. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.1 VINYL SHEET PILES A. Vinyl sheet piles shall be Shoreguard® SG 425 or equivalent synthetic sheet pile of dimensions shown in the Drawings. Sheet pile shall include the standard joint and corner connections to ensure a complete sheet pile structure as shown on the Contract Drawings. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.1 EXCAVATION SHEET PILES A. Means for diverted stream flow away from or around the excavation area shall be made in advance, with appropriate silt mitigations in place. B. Soils along the dam alignment shall be excavated and laid back to a stable angle to depths indicated on the drawings. C. Sheets will be placed vertical and in alignment as shown in the drawings as fill materials are placed and compacted in 8-inch lifts to stabilize the sheet. MCMILLEN - 071312 SHEET PILES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 31 41 16 - 1 D. Sheets will extend into the walls of the embankment as shown in the drawings or upon contact with bedrock or impermeable, stiff materials. - END OF SECTION - MCMILLEN - 071312 SHEET PILES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 31 41 16 - 2 SECTION 33 05 16 UTILITY STRUCTURES (VAULTS) PARTI--GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide and assemble HDPE vaults or equivalent to house the diversion dam shutoff valves as shown in the drawings, minimum sizing 3 by 2 feet square in plan. 1.2 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings 1. Complete Shop Drawings of vault. 2. Drawings showing dimensions, part numbers, and materials of construction. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.1 DIVERSION DAM UTILITY VAULTS A. Lightweight, durable materials, HDPE or equal. B. Pre -fabricated such as PEM 3036-48PC or equal. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Site preparation and installation per specification 31 23 00 Earthwork pre -placement - road. - END OF SECTION - MCMILLEN - 071312 UTILITY STRUCTURES - VAULTS AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 33 05 16 - 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MCMILLEN - 071312 UTILITY STRUCTURES - VAULTS AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 33 05 16 - 2 SECTION 35 20 18 - SLIDE GATES PART1--GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide slide gates, complete and operable, in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1.2 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings 1. Submit the following: a. Drawings of gates, frames, slides, and actuators b. Design load calculations for deflection at the maximum expected head c. Calculations for the lifting force generated by 40 pounds effort on the handwheel or crank in order to operate the gate. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The leakage allowance for slide gates under the design seating and unseating heads shall conform to the AWWA Standards. B. Factory Testing 1. Gates shall be factory -assembled and functionality -tested prior to delivery to the Site. 2. Test certificates shall be submitted. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. Gates shall comply with the following Standards: 1. AWWA C561 Stainless Steel Slide Gates 2. AWWA C562 Aluminum Slide Gates B. Gates shall be new and of current manufacture, adequately braced in order to prevent warpage and bending under the intended use. C. Gate actuators shall be sized, selected, and furnished by the gate manufacturer. D. Gate actuators throughout the project shall be products of a single manufacturer. MCMILLEN - 071312 SLIDE GATES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 35 20 18 - 1 E. Mounting Requirements 1. Guide frames shall be extended 3 feet, 6 inches above the walkway in order to match the height of the handrail. 2. Where a gate is mounted in an opening between 2 sections of handrail, additional horizontal members shall be added to the gate frame to match the handrail, guardrail, and kickplate spacing of the adjacent railing. 3. Horizontal members shall be arranged such that the railing will not interfere with operation of the actuator. 2.2 ALUMINUM or STAINLESS STEEL SLIDE GATES A. Construction 1. Unless otherwise indicated, materials of construction shall be in accordance with AWWA C561 or C562 suitable for the service. 2. Materials used in the fabrication of the slide gates shall conform to the requirements of the standards designated for each material as indicated below: Description Material Standards Aluminum Gates Slide Aluminum, ASTM B 209 Frame Aluminum ASTM B 308 Stem and coupling ASTM A 276, Type 316 Hardware ASTM A 276, Type 316 Stem Cover Aluminum pipe with slots and indicator Guides and seats UHMW Polyethylene, ASTM D 4020 Seals "J" bulb Type, Neoprene, ASTM D 2000. Flat seals are not acceptable Stainless Steel Gates Slide ASTM A 276, Type 316, or Type 316 L Frame ASTM A 276, Type 316, or Type 316 L Stem and coupling ASTM A 276, Type 316 Hardware ASTM A 276, Type 316 MCMILLEN - 071312 SLIDE GATES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 35 20 18 - 2 Description Material Standards Stem Cover Aluminum pipe with slots and indicator Guides and seats UHMW Polyethylene, ASTM D 4020 Seals "J" bulb Type, Neoprene, ASTM D 2000. Flat seals are not acceptable. B. Lifting Devices 1. Provide lifting devices complete with stem, lifting nut, intermediate supports with steady bushings, stem cover, indicator, and gear reducer, hand wheel, crank, where indicated. 2. The lifting devices shall be weatherproof. 3. Pedestal Mounting a. The lifting devices shall be mounted on pedestals constructed of fabricated aluminum or stainless steel. b. The pedestals shall have an ample base or bracket area to evenly distribute the load to the supporting concrete structure. 4. The centerline of the manual actuator shall be approximately 3 feet above the base for pedestal -mounted actuators, and approximately 4 feet above the floor for frame - mounted actuators. 5. The operating nut shall be constructed of solid bronze, in accordance with ASTM B 584. 6. Operating thrust shall be taken on roller or ball bearings. 7. Parts shall be provided with an alternative lubrication system. 8. Handwheel Crank a. The unit shall be designed for a 40—pound maximum effort on the crank in order to operate the gate. b. Clockwise movement of the handwheel shall close the gate. c. The operating crank shall be easily removable in order to facilitate the use of a portable power operator. C. Manufacturers, or Equal 1. Rodney Hunt Company MCMILLEN - 071312 SLIDE GATES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 35 20 18 - 3 2. Hydro Gate Corp. 3. Washington Aluminum Company, Inc. (WACO) 4. Waterman Gate Company 2.3 ALUMINUM STOP GATES A. Construction 1. Wall -mounted, hand -lift stop gates with handles shall be fabricated of 1/4-inch aluminum as indicated, and shall be reinforced as necessary in order to assure long life under the indicated operating conditions, in accordance with AWWA C562. 2. Gates shall be provided with "J" bulb type neoprene seals. 3. Calculations and detail drawings, as necessary, shall show the method of fabrication and shall verify that the plates will withstand any normal pressures or forces exerted, without buckling or otherwise being damaged. 4. Mounting hardware, if indicated or required, shall be constructed of Type 316 stainless steel. B. Manufacturers, or Equal 1. F.B. Leopold Co. (Division of Sybron Corp.) 2. Washington Aluminum Co., Inc. 3. Waterman Gate Company PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. The slide gates shall be installed in strict accordance with the requirements of Manufacture. MCMILLEN - 071312 SLIDE GATES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 35 20 18 - 4 SECTION 35 20 19 - HYDRAULIC VALVES AND GATES PART 1--GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide and gates as detailed on the project drawings as well as all appurtenances, complete and operable, in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. Valve, Gate, Actuators and all appurtenances throughout the project shall be products of a single manufacturer. 1.2 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings Complete Shop Drawings of valves, gates and actuators. 2. Drawings showing valve port diameter complete with dimensions, part numbers, and materials of construction. 3. Manufacturer's certification that the valve complies with applicable provisions. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Valves shall be subjected to performance, leakage, and hydrostatic tests in accordance with procedures and acceptance criteria established by AWWA C504. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.1 DIVERSION DAM VALVES AND MAIN DAM VALVE A. Valves shall be designated "West Diversion No.2 Valve", "West Diversion No. 1 Valve" and "East Diversion Valves", and "Main Dam". These designations shall appear on embossed stainless steel tags, which shall be tied to the corresponding valves with stainless wire. B. Shutoff valves shall be installed in the valve box immediately adjacent and downstream from diversion reservoirs. C. Shutoff valves shall be designed for a maximum head of 20 feet of water. Sluiceway valve shall be designed for a maximum head of 40 feet of water. D. Valves shall have the "Short Body" type, as per Table 1 of AWWA C504. According to this table, each 10-inch and 12-inch valve shall have a laying length of 8 inches, and each 8- inch valve shall have a laying length of 6 inches. E. Valves shall have flanged ends. Valves shall be installed with Neoprene or Buna-N rubber flange gaskets and stainless steel flange bolts. F. Valves shall be manually actuated MCMILLEN - 071312 HYDRAULIC VALVES AND GATES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 35 20 19 - 1 2.2 RUBBER SEATED BUTTERFLY VALVES 25 TO 150 PSI (AWWA) A. General: Valves shall conform to AWWA C504 or approved equal. Construction: Unless otherwise indicated, materials of construction shall be in accordance with AWWA C504, suitable for the service. Seats shall be positively clamped or bonded into the disc or body of the valve, but cartridge -type seats that rely on a high coefficient of friction for retention shall not be used. Seat material shall be guaranteed to last for at least 75 percent of the number of cycles in the AWWA C504 proof -of -design test without premature damage. B. Manual Actuators: Butterfly valves shall be manually actuated and equipped with a handle, stem and position indicator. The following manufacturers, or approved equal, shall be used: 1. DeZURIK Water Controls, Corporation 2. Kennedy Valve 3. M & H Valve Company 4. Mueller Company 5. Henry Pratt Company 6. Waterman Industries 2.3 GATES A. Gates shall comply with the following Standards: 1. AWWA C513 (unless indicated otherwise) Open -Channel, Fabricated -Metal Slide Gates and Open -Channel, Fabricated -Metal Weir Gates 2. AWWA C561 Stainless Steel Slide Gates 3. AWWA C562 Aluminum Slide Gates B. Gates shall be new and of current manufacture, adequately braced in order to prevent warp -age and bending under the intended use. C. Gate actuators shall be sized, selected, and furnished by the gate manufacturer. D. Gate actuators throughout the project shall be products of a single manufacturer. E. Mounting Requirements 1. Guide frames shall be extended a length equal to 1.5 gate height. 2. Stops shall be wielded to either end of the guardrails. F. Construction MCMILLEN - 071312 HYDRAULIC VALVES AND GATES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 35 20 19 - 2 Unless otherwise indicated, materials of construction shall be in accordance with AWWA C513, C561 or C562, suitable for the service. 2. Materials used in the fabrication of the slide gates shall conform to the requirements of the standards designated for each material as indicated below: Description Material Standards Aluminum Gates Slide Aluminum, ASTM B 209 Alloy 6061-T6 Alloy 5083-H321 Frame Aluminum ASTM B 308 Alloy 6061-T6 Stem and coupling ASTM A 276, Type 316 Hardware ASTM A 276, Type 316 Stem Cover Aluminum pipe with slots and indicator Guides and seats UHMW Polyethylene, ASTM D 4020 Seals "J" bulb Type, Neoprene, ASTM D 2000. Flat seals are not acceptable Stainless Steel Gates Slide ASTM A 276, Type 316, or Type 316 L Frame ASTM A 276, Type 316, or Type 316 L Stem and coupling ASTM A 276, Type 316 Hardware ASTM A 276, Type 316 Stem Cover Aluminum pipe with slots and indicator Guides and seats UHMW Polyethylene, ASTM D 4020 Seals "J" bulb Type, Neoprene, ASTM D 2000. Flat seals are not acceptable. G. Lifting Devices Provide lifting devices complete with stem, lifting nut, intermediate supports with steady bushings, stem cover, indicator, and gear reducer, hand wheel, crank, electric or hydraulic cylinder, where indicated. 2. The lifting devices shall be weatherproof. MCMILLEN - 071312 HYDRAULIC VALVES AND GATES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 35 20 19 - 3 3. Pedestal Mounting a. The lifting devices shall be mounted on pedestals constructed of cast iron or fabricated steel. b. The pedestals shall have an ample base or bracket area to evenly distribute the load to the supporting concrete structure. 4. The centerline of the manual actuator shall be approximately 3 feet above the base for pedestal -mounted actuators, and approximately 4 feet above the floor for frame - mounted actuators. 5. Slide gate hoist heads shall be constructed of steel or cast iron. 6. The operating nut shall be constructed of stainless steel. 7. Operating thrust shall be taken on roller or ball bearings. 8. Parts shall be provided with an alternative lubrication system. H. Manufacturers, or Equal Rodney Hunt Company 2. Hydro Gate Corp. 3. Washington Aluminum Company, Inc. (WACO) 4. Waterman Industries Gate Company PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Valves and gates shall be installed with a means of removing the complete valve assembly without dismantling the valve or operator. Installation shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 3.2 TESTING A. After installation, all gates shall be field tested in the presence of the ENGINEER and OWNER to ensure that all items of equipment are in full compliance with this Section. Each gate shall be cycled to confirm that they operate without binding, scraping, or distorting. - END OF SECTION - MCMILLEN - 071312 HYDRAULIC VALVES AND GATES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 35 20 19 - 4 SECTION 35 20 20 - KNIFE GATE VALVES PART1--GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide gate valves and appurtenances, complete and operable, in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1.2 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. Furnish submittals in accordance with Section 01300 - Contractor Submittals. B. Shop Drawings: Shop Drawings shall contain the following information: 1. Valve name, size, Cv factor, pressure rating, identification number (if any), and specification section number. 2. Complete information on valve actuator, including size, manufacturer, model number, limit switches, and mounting. 3. Assembly drawings showing part nomenclature, materials, dimensions, weights, and relationships of valve handles, handwheels, position indicators, limit switches, integral control systems, needle valves, and control systems. C. Recommended Spare Parts List: A recommended spare parts list shall contain the required information for each valve assembly, where indicated. D. Factory Test Data: For the high pressure knife gate valve, a signed, dated, and certified factory test data, tested under the minimum service pressure specified below, shall be submitted before shipment of the valve. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. The valve actuators shall be as indicated, with counter -clockwise opening, rising -stem type, in accordance with this Section. 2.2 KNIFE -GATE VALVES (8-inch diameter located indoors at Hydropower turbine building) A. General: One (1) of 8-inch diameter knife -gate valves shall be of the flanged design, with raised faces and resilient seats for positive seating. 1. Gate shall be located outdoors, above grade and located on an existing steel pipeline penstock intake to a hydropower unit. 2. The valve shall be used for open -close service only and shall not be used for throttling the flow to the hydro -turbine unit. MCMILLEN - 071312 KNIFE GATE VALVES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTIC PAGE 35 20 20 - 1 3. Valve gates shall be finish -ground on both sides to prevent packing or seat damage. Gates shall have guides to provide for smooth operation and full -support over the length of travel. B. Minimum Service Pressure: The valves shall be suitable for a minimum design working water pressure of 250 psig, with a manufacturer's certification that the valve is capable of normal operation for a system maximum static pressure of 300 psig, cold water service. The valves shall be rated for bubble tight shut-off at the following pressures: Valve sizes 4- to 12-inches 300 psi (bi-directional) C. Head Loss at Full Open Position: For the 8-inch diameter valve, with the knife gate in the full open position, at a maximum flow rate of 1570 gpm (3.5 cfs), the head loss thru the gate shall not exceed 0.5 psig. D. Body Material: Cast Ni-Resist or type 316 stainless steel E. Gate Material: Type 316 stainless steel F. Yoke Assembly: Carbon steel, liquid epoxy coated or 316 stainless steel G. Ends: Valve ends shall be flanged with thru-flange bolt holes for separate nutting on each flange. Flanges shall conform to ANSI B16.2, Class 250 psig. H. Gate Seat in the Valve Body: Shall be a mechanically restrained resilient seat that provides for bubble -tight shutoff under bidirectional flow. Service is for cold water with some solids, (silt and sand) potentially suspended in the water. Manufacturer shall propose on appropriate seat material. Thrust Bearings: Dual, heavy duty bronze. J. Stem: The valve stem shall be of stainless steel with a long life packing. K. Valve Hardware: All bolts, nuts and washers provided with the valve shall be 316 stainless steel. L. Flange Hardware: Flange hardware (bolts and washers) shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR and shall be of type 316 stainless steel, with bronze nuts, or cap screws (where screwed into stainless steel), of copper -silicon alloy, conforming to ASTM B 98, alloy C 65100, designation H04, or alloy C 65500, designation H04. Threads on stainless steel bolts shall be protected with an anti -seize lubricant suitable for submerged stainless steel bolts, meeting government specification MIL- A-907E. 2. Anti -seize lubricant shall be classified as acceptable for potable water use by the NSF. M. Packing: Shall be Manufacturer's standard TFE material or approved equal material. N. Coatings: Valve shall be fusion bonded epoxy coated, both interior and exterior ferrous surfaces, per AWWA C550 at a minimum dry film thickness of 12 Mils. Stainless steel components shall not be coated, unless such is the manufacturer's standard practice. MCMILLEN - 071312 KNIFE GATE VALVES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTIC PAGE 35 20 20 - 2 O. Actuators: Gates shall be provided with a manual, direct acting, hand -wheel actuator of minimum 10-inch diameter, and a position indicator for status of the gate itself. Knife - gates shall have outside -screw and yoke -rising stems with manual handwheel actuators, unless otherwise indicated. P. Manufacturers, or Equal DeZURIK Water Controls Corporation 2. Fabri-Valves 3. Lined Valve Company, Model 4. Rovang, Inc. 5. Wey Valve, Model Al PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.1 VALVE INSTALLATION A. General: Valves, actuating units, stem extensions, valve boxes, and accessories shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions and as indicated. Gates shall be adequately braced to prevent warpage and bending under the intended use. Valves shall be firmly supported to avoid undue stresses on the pipe. B. Access: Valves shall be installed with easy access for actuation, removal, and maintenance and to avoid interference between valve actuators and structural members, handrails, or other equipment. C. Valve Accessories: Where combinations of valves, sensors, switches, and controls are indicated, the CONTRACTOR shall properly assemble and install such items so that systems are compatible and operating properly. The relationship between interrelated items shall be clearly noted on Shop Drawing submittals. - END OF SECTION - MCMILLEN - 071312 KNIFE GATE VALVES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTIC PAGE 35 20 20 - 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MCMILLEN - 071312 KNIFE GATE VALVES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTIC PAGE 35 20 20 - 4 SECTION 35 20 22 - BUTTERFLY VALVES PART1--GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide butterfly valves and appurtenances, complete and operable, in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. The requirements of Section 35 20 19 — Hydraulic Valves and Gates apply to this Section. 1.2 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. Furnish submittals in accordance with Section 01 33 00. B. Shop Drawings 1. Complete Shop Drawings of butterfly valves and actuators. 2. Drawings showing valve port diameter complete with dimensions, part numbers, and materials of construction. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Valves shall be subjected to performance, leakage, and hydrostatic tests in accordance with procedures and acceptance criteria established by AWWA C504. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.1 RUBBER SEATED BUTTERFLY VALVES 25 TO 150 PSI (AWWA C504) (10" Dia valve at Sluice Diversion Vault — Main Impoundment Reservoir) A. General: This valve (10 inch diameter) is to be used in a valve -vault application for penstock isolation of the main reservoir impoundment, located near the sluice / drain diversion just downstream of the reservoir earthen impoundment. 1. Butterfly valves for steady-state water working pressures and steady-state differential pressure up to 150 psi and for fresh water service having a pH range from 6 to 10 and temperature range from 33 to 125 degrees F. 2. Valve shall be rated for Class 150B with actuator sized for Class 150B. B. Construction: Unless otherwise indicated, materials of construction shall be in accordance with AWWA C504, suitable for the service. Seats shall be positively clamped or bonded into the disc or body of the valve, but cartridge -type seats that rely on a high coefficient of friction for retention shall not be acceptable. Seat material shall be guaranteed to last for at least 75 percent of the number of cycles in the AWWA C504 proof -of -design test without premature damage. MCMILLEN - 071312 BUTTERFLY VALVES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 35 20 22 - 1 Description Material Standards Valve bodies Ductile iron, ASTM A 536, grade 65-45-12 or 70-50-05 Ends Same material as valve bodies e shafts Stainless steel ASTM A 240 or A 276, Type 316 e discs [Rubber Same material as valve bodies with electroless nickel coating conforming to ASTM B-733. seats New natural or synthetic rubber or EPDM Seat mating surfaces Stainless steel, ASTM A 240 or A 276, Type 316 Clamps and retaining rings Type 316 retaining rings and cap screws. Valve bearings Self lubricating materials per AWWA C504 Shaft seals Resilient non-metallic materials suitable for service Painting and coating See Below C. End Types: Valve ends shall be of grooved ends suitable for use with special couplings as provided by Victaulic (Style 977 — grooved end by plain end) or equal. D. Manual Actuators: Unless otherwise indicated, manually -actuated butterfly valves shall be equipped with a hand wheel and position indicator. Hand wheel shall have a minimum diameter of 10-inches. E. Ferrous Surface Coating: All corrosive ferrous surfaces of valves 3-inches and larger, exclusive of flange faces, shall be properly primed and coated with alkyd enamel coating or with the Manufacturer's standard liquid -applied epoxy coating system . For buried valves, all ferrous surfaces, exclusive of flange faces, shall be given proper primer and fusion -bonded epoxy coatings, per AWWA C550, for buried service. F. Manufacturers, or Equal Victaulic VIC-300 Master Seal 2. Clow / M & H Valve Company 3. Henry Pratt / Mueller Company. 4. Val Matic / American Darling. (Series 2000 for valves 20 inch diameter and smaller — indoors, and Series 2030 for all buried valves) MCMILLEN - 071312 BUTTERFLY VALVES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 35 20 22 - 2 PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Exposed butterfly valves shall be installed with a means of removing the complete valve assembly without dismantling the valve or operator. Installation shall be in accordance with Section 15200. - END OF SECTION - MCMILLEN - 071312 BUTTERFLY VALVES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 35 20 22 - 3 THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK MCMILLEN - 071312 BUTTERFLY VALVES AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 35 20 22 - 4 SECTION 43 10 82 - HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) PIPE PART 1 — GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE A. This section covers work to furnish and install high density polyethylene (HDPE) piping. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals shall demonstrate full compliance with all aspects of this specification and shall include: Manufacturer's certification that the pipe meets all the specifications. Dimensional data for all pipe and fittings. Pipe manufacturer's installation instructions. Joint connection details. Fabricated joint details. The experience qualification of individuals who will be butt fusing the pipe joints. PART 2 — MATERIALS 2.1 HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE PIPE (HDPE) A. General 1. All pipe shall be high molecular weight, high density polyethylene pipe and shall have a standard dimension ratio. The material shall have a standard PE code designation of PE 3408 and have a cell classification of 345434C as described in ASTM D3350. The pipe shall contain no recycled compound except that generated in the manufacturer's own plant from resin of the same specification from the same raw material pipe. 2. The pipe shall be homogeneous throughout and free of visible cracks, bubbles, holes, foreign inclusions or other injurious defects. It shall be uniform in color, opacity, density, and other physical properties and produced to the dimensions and tolerances specified in ASTM F714. The inside and outside surfaces shall be semi - matte or glossy in appearance. Any pipe not meeting these criteria shall be rejected. 3. The polyethylene pipe manufacturer shall provide certification that stress regression testing has been performed on the specific product. The said certification shall include a stress life curve per ASTM D2837. The stress regression testing shall have been done in accordance with ASTM D2837, and the manufacturer shall provide a product supplying a minimum Hydrostatic Design basis (HDR) of 1,600 psi, as determined in accordance with ASTM D2837. 4. Further, the material shall be listed by PPI (the Plastics Pipe Institute, a division of the Society of the Plastics Industry) in PPI TR-4 with a 73 F hydrostatic design stress rating of 400 psi. The PPI listing shall be in the name of the pipe MCMILLEN - 071312 HDPE PIPE AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 43 10 82 - 1 manufacturer, and shall be based on ASTM D1827 and PPI TR-3 testing and validation of samples of the pipe manufacturer's production pipe. 5. The manufacturer's certification shall state that the pipe was manufactured from one specific resin in compliance with these specifications. The certification shall state the specific resin used, its source, and list its compliance to these specifications. 6. Pipe labeled on the drawings as 12" FIE shall have a minimum inside diameter of 11.35 inches if HDPE pipe is used. For all other HDPE pipe, pipe diameters indicated on the drawings shall be minimum acceptable inside diameters, and Contractor shall provide HDPE pipe with inside diameters equal to or greater than those shown on the drawings. B. Pipe Markings: The following shall be continuously indent printed on the pipe, or spaced at intervals not exceeding five feet: Name and/or trademark of the pipe manufacturer. 2. Nominal pipe size. 3. Dimension ratio. 4. The letters PE followed by the polyethylene grade in accordance with ASTM D1248, followed by the hydrostatic design basis in 100's of psi, e.g., PE 3408. 5. Manufacturing standard reference, e.g., ASTM F714-97. 6. A production code from which the date and place of manufacture can be determined. 2.2 JOINTS A. All joints for the buried polyethylene pipe shall be of the thermal butt fusion type. 2.3 FLANGES A. Pipe flanges shall be HDPE with ductile iron backing rings in buried locations and Type 316 stainless steel backing rings in submerged locations. All nuts, washers, and bolts shall be Type 316 stainless steel. 2.4 MITERED FITTINGS A. Mitered fittings shall be provided by the factory using butt fusion from pipe the same size and DR rating as the main pipeline. PART 3 — EXECUTION A. HDPE pipe shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 3.1 HANDLING A. The Contractor shall use care in handling, storage, and installation of the pipe. Storage of the pipe on the job site shall be done in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. Pipe shall be stored on clean, level ground to prevent undue scratching or gouging. The handling of the pipe shall be in such a manner that the pipe is not damaged by dragging it over sharp and cutting objects. MCMILLEN - 071312 HDPE PIPE AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 43 10 82 - 2 B. Sections of pipe with cuts, gouges, or scratches that exceed allowable limits shall be removed completely and the ends of the pipeline rejoined. C. Acceptable limits for cuts, gouges, or scratches are as follows: Outer surface: maximum allowable depth of cut, scratch, or gouge shall be 5 percent of wall thickness. Inner surface: shall be free of cuts, gouges, and/or scratches. D. Pipe, fittings and accessories shall be carefully inspected before and after installation and those found defective shall be rejected. Before being placed in position, pipe, fittings, and accessories shall be cleaned, and shall be maintained in a clean condition. Proper facilities shall be provided for lowering sections of pipe into trenches. Under no circumstances shall pipe, fittings or any other material be dropped or dumped into trenches. 3.2 TRENCHING AND BACKFILL A. Trench excavation and backfill shall be as shown on the drawings. 3.3 BURIED PIPE INSTALLATION A. Pipe bed shall be graded, taking care to avoid the formation of any dips or low points. Pipe shall not be laid when the conditions of trench or weather are unsuitable. At the end of each day's work, open ends of pipe shall be closed temporarily with wood blocks or bulkheads. B. All pipe shall be carefully placed and supported at the proper lines and grades and, where possible, shall be sloped to permit complete drainage. Piping runs shown on the drawings shall be followed as closely as possible, except for minor adjustments to avoid architectural and structural features. If major relocations are required, they shall be approved by the Engineer. C. All pipe flanges shall be set level, plumb, and aligned. All flanged fittings shall be true and perpendicular to the axis of the pipe. All bolt holes in flanges shall straddle vertical centerline of pipes. D. Piping shall be installed without springing or forcing the pipe in a manner which would set up stresses in the pipe, valves, or connected equipment. E. Plastic tracer tape and tracer wire shall be provided. 3.4 JOINT WELDING A. Sections of polyethylene pipe shall be joined into continuous lengths on the job site above ground. The joining method shall be the thermal butt fusion method and shall be performed in strict accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. Fusion equipment used in the joining procedure shall be capable of meeting all conditions recommended by the pipe manufacturer, including, but not limited to, fusion temperature, alignment, and fusion pressure. B. Butt fusion shall conform to ASTM D2657 and pipe manufacturer's criteria for the type of joining. Butt fusion joining shall be 100% efficient and shall provide a joint strength equal to or greater than that of the adjacent pipe. C. Fusion equipment shall be operated only by technicians who have been certified by the pipe manufacturer, and who have a minimum of two years of experience fusion welding MCMILLEN - 071312 HDPE PIPE AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 43 10 82 - 3 pipelines of the diameters used in this project. The technician's experience shall be documented in the HDPE pipeline submittal. 3.5 PIPELINE CLEANING AND TESTING A. HDPE pipelines shall be subject to cleaning and acceptance tests. - END OF SECTION - MCMILLEN - 071312 HDPE PIPE AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 43 10 82 - 4 SECTION 46 21 00 — PICKET FENCE SCREEN PART 1--GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide the picket fence screen and install it in front of the main impoundment spillway. 1.2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS A. The upstream embankment is armored with rip -rap overlying engineered fill. B. The CONTRACTOR may assess the site prior to excavation and installation. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.1 ALUMINUM FENCING FRAME A. Frame dimensions and gage shown on drawings. B. One -inch diameter drilled holes for pickets on 4-inch centers. 2.2 ALUMINUM PICKETS A. One -inch diameter aluminum piping. B. Lengths to vary with embankment profile, approximately maximum 4-feet, cut in field so height is 6-inches above high pool. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.1 FRAME ANCHORING A. Aluminum framework shall be set on 8- by 8- by'/< inch plates into the embankment with a minimum insertion of 1-foot maximum maintains picket height 6-inches above high water level (top of spillway pipe). B. Fence geometry to approximate a square but may be field adjusted due to rip -rap thickness or other site irregularities. 3.2 ALUMINUM PICKETS A. Insert pickets vertically into slot in anchored Aluminum framework. Bottom of aluminum pickets to rest on firm embankment. B. Field adjust and cut picket heights to even equal height at least 6-inches above high water. - END OF SECTION - MCMILLEN - 071312 PICKET FENCE SCREEN AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 46 21 00 - 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MCMILLEN - 071312 PICKET FENCE SCREEN AKUTAN TOWN CREEK HYDROELECTRIC PAGE 46 21 00 - 2