HomeMy WebLinkAboutTazimina Hydroelectric Project Iliamna, Alaska 1998I I I I -I I I II I I I I I I I I I TAZIMINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ILIAMNA, ALASKA FINAL TECHNICAL AND CONSTRUCTION COST REPORT Prepared for: Iliamna-Newhalen-Nondalton Electric Cooperative Prepared by: HDR ALASKA, INC. 2525 "C" Street Suite 305 Anchorage, AK 99503-2639 August 1998 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1-1 2.0 PROJECT HISTORY ................................................................................................. 2-1 3.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................ 3-1 3.1 General. ................................................................................................................ 3-1 3.2 Access Road ........................................................................................................ 3-1 3.3 Stream Channel Control Sill ................................................................................ 3-1 3.4 Intake Structure .................................................................................................... 3-1 3.5 Penstock ............................................................................................................... 3-2 3.6 Powerhouse and Powerhouse Access Shaft.. ....................................................... 3-2 3.7 Control Building .................................................................................................. 3-3 3.8 Transmission Line ............................................................................................... 3-3 4.0 PERMITS AND LICENSES ..................................................................................... .4-1 5.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................... 5-1 5.1 Organization ........................................................................................................ 5-1 6.0 PROJECT COST ........................................................................................................ 6-1 7.0 PROJECT ENERGY PRODUCTION ....................................................................... 7-1 APPENDIX A: Project Construction Photos APPENDIX B: Selected Project Drawings August 1998 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Iliamna-Newhalen-Nondalton Electric Cooperative (INNEC) provides electrical power to three communities of the same names. These communities are located near the north shore of Iliamna Lake in south-central Alaska approximately 175 miles southwest of Anchorage. These communities have a combined population of approximately 600 residents. There is no direct road connection from these villages to larger population centers. Transportation to the area is by scheduled air carriers from Anchorage, by barge from Naknek via the Kvichak River or by a combination of barge from Homer, truck over a World War II mountain road and barge across Lake Iliamna from Pile Bay to Iliamna. Electric power has been generated by INNEC since 1983 using diesel generators located in the community of Newhalen. Fuel for these generators was transported up the Kvichak River, an important salmon river, and across Iliamna Lake. In dry years the river is low and fuel is flown into Iliamna and then trucked five miles into N ewhalen. The cost, difficult logistics and potential spill hazard of this fuel was a primary reason for development of hydroelectric power in this area. A hydroelectric project was constructed for these communities, starting in the spring of 1996 and ending in the spring of 1998. The project site is on the Tazimina River about 12 miles northeast of Iliamna Lake. The Tazimina River flows west from the Aleutian Range. The project site is at Tazimina Falls about 9 miles upstream of the confluence ofthe Tazimina River and the Newhalen River. The project has an installed capacity of 824 kilowatts (kW) and is expandable to 1.5 megawatts (MW). The project is run-of-the-river (no storage) and uses the approximately 100 feet of natural head provided by the falls. The project features include a channel control sill, intake structure, penstock, underground powerhouse, tailrace, surface control building, buried transmission line and communication cable, and access road. The intake is located approximately 250 feet upstream of the falls. The channel control sill is located immediately adjacent to the intake. From the intake, flow to the turbines is directed through a 60-inch-diameter penstock. The penstock runs 300 feet to the underground powerhouse. The powerhouse is 120 feet below ground adjacent to the river and is connected to the surface via an elevator in a 26-foot-diameter shaft. The powerhouse contains two turbines, generators, and auxiliary equipment. Water is discharged into the Tazimina River at the base of the falls through an 8-foot-high horseshoe shaped tailrace tunnel. A control building is located at the top of the shaft and contains all communications, controls and HVAC equipment. The intake, penstock, powerhouse cavern and tailrace are designed and configured to accommodate doubling the capacity to 1.5 MW in the future. An access road, 6.7 miles long, leads from the existing Newhalen-Nondalton Road around the northern end of Alexcy Lake to the project site. A transmission line and a communications cable are buried along the road edge. The transmission line is tied into the existing transmission line that runs between Newhalen and Nondalton. August 1998 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project 1-1 2.0 PROJECT HISTORY The idea of developing hydropower in the Tazimina River area dates back to as early as 1909, when a U.S. Geological Survey Report concluded that many of the surrounding streams "could be used for water power whenever the development of the region creates a demand for it." Over the past 18 years, more extensive investigations and environmental studies have analyzed potential hydropower alternatives on the Tazimina River. Federal and state agencies investigated the project in the 1970s and early 1980s. In 1988, INNEC began pursuing the Tazimina hydroelectric development as an alternative to diesel fuel. The following narrative presents some of the more significant steps in the development of the Tazimina project. 1979 The U.S. Department of Energy completed "Bristol Bay Energy and Electric Power Potential," (BBRPP) which explored numerous energy sources for the region, including geothermal, hydropower, coal, wind, and solar energy. Power schemes explored included diesel, gas turbine, steam turbine, wind-electric, and hydroelectric generating units. The report found hydroelectric power to be the most viable source of energy to supplement or replace diesel in the Bristol Bay region. The study identified a variety of potential small-scale subregional hydroelectric projects to serve the area's many villages and a regional dam project at Tazimina Lake on the Tazimina River. 1980 The Alaska Power Authority (AP A) completed a reconnaissance study to further investigate some of the recommended projects, including the one at Tazimina Lake. The report strongly recommended the immediate development of the Tazimina Lake project, to be joined with the Naknek/King Salmon and Dillingham utilities. 1982 The AP A completed the "Bristol Bay Regional Power Plan Interim Feasibility Assessment", which assessed the technical, economic, and environmental aspects of various hydroelectric alternatives for the region. Based on economic feasibility considerations, this study ultimately recommended construction of a 16 MW dam project on the Newhalen River. It ranked a regional Tazimina dam project second and a subregional run-of-the-river Tazimina project at Tazimina Falls for Iliamna, Newhalen, and Nondalton fifth out of 21 power plan scenarios. In a 1983 economic update to this report, the Newhalen dam continued to rank first, but the subregional Tazimina run-of-the-river project rose to second. An environmental impact evaluation in the BBRPP ranked the subregional Tazimina run-of-the-river project first. Resource agency comments on the BBRPP, as well as policies in regional planning documents, discouraged projects involving dams on anadromous fish streams due to impacts to fisheries. Fish studies for the Newhalen project were undertaken from 1982 to 1985. August 1998 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project 2-1 1985 The AP A conducted an updated economic evaluation of several prom1smg alternatives identified in the BBRPP. The AP A determined that the N ewhalen project and other large regional projects were no longer economical due to declining oil prices, large capital costs, and low electrical loads in the region. This evaluation indicated that the subregional Tazimina project was feasible, a conclusion that was further substantiated in the APA's "Findings and Recommendations" dated February 1986. 1987 The APA completed a feasibility report for a variety of run-of-the-river development alternatives projects at Tazimina Falls (Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation). Concludes 700 kW project with underground powerhouse would have a capital cost of $8 million and would have a present worth cost compared to diesel power of $1.06. 1991 Economic analysis updated by HDR Engineering. Estimates 700 kW project with underground powerhouse would have a capital cost of $9.4 million and would have a present worth cost compared to diesel power of $1.32. 1992 Initial Consultation Document filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for application for a license for the project. 1994 Engineering Review and Constructibility Study of the Tazimina Hydroelectric Project. The purpose of this work was to review the project configuration previously developed for the project and develop alternative layouts for the project. Estimates 700 kW project with underground powerhouse would have a capital cost of $10.4 million. 1996 Final design of project by HDR Alaska. 1996 Construction Awarded to Wilder Construction Company. 1997 Start of limited commercial operation 1998 Construction of project completed. August 1998 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project 2-2 3.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 3.1 General Main features of the proposed project include an access road, stream channel control sill, intake structure, buried steel penstock, underground powerhouse, control building and underground transmission line. Plan and section drawings of these features are shown in Appendix B. 3.2 Access Road Access to the project site is via a 6.7-mile gravel road. The access road extends from the Newhalen-Nondalton Road, around the north end of Alexcy Lake and on to the project site along the left bank of the Tazimina River looking downstream. The road is a limited access road of single lane construction, 16' wide. 3.3 Stream Channel Control Sill A linear concrete sill is constructed across the right side of the river, opposite the intake structure. The purpose of the sill is to prevent degradation of the streambed, and to help divert streamflow to the intake during periods of low flow. The sill is 144 feet in length and is constructed of pre-cast concrete blocks. The blocks are trapezoidal in section to provide stability against t1owing water. Block dimensions are 2.5 feet high by 8 feet long, with a 2-foot top width and 5-foot bottom width. The blocks are fastened to the rock streambed with steel rock bolts. The top of the sill is visible above the water at low flows, but it is totally submerged during spring and summer at higher flow periods. 3.4 Intake Structure Because there is no dam, the problem of diverting 110 cfs (ultimately 220 cfs in the future) to the intake presents a design challenge, and the 170-foot-wide river channel makes it difficult to attract a large percentage of the streamflow to the intake during low flow periods. Compounding the problem is the potential of ice blocking the intake during the low flow period. The intake structure is located on the left bank approximately 250 feet upstream of the top of the falls. The function of the intake is to withdraw 110 cfs from the river, the hydraulic capacity of the units, during the low flow period between January and April. The location, dimensions, and elevations of the intake were designed based on a physical scale model constructed in a hydraulics laboratory. This modeling optimized location of the intake to attract a large percentage of the stream flow from the 170-foot-wide river channel to the intake during low flow periods. August 1998 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project 3-1 The concrete intake structure is constructed in the bedrock bank of the river. There is a 4-foot- deep sump in front of the trashrack to trap bedload. The trashrack is designed for a maximum of 1.5 feet per second approach velocity. If the capacity of the power plant is eventually doubled in size, the increased flow will result in an approach velocity of 3 fps without increasing the trashrack size. This is the recommended maximum velocity for manual cleaning. The trashrack is set 2 feet below minimum water surface elevation to minimize entrainment of floating material. The trashrack is constructed of HDPE to prevent the adhesion of frazil ice. Sensors are installed to detect differential pressures across the trashrack in order to determine if there is trashrack blockage. Stoplog slots and concrete stoplogs are provided to allow dewatering of the intake box. The intake box expands the flow area reducing the water velocities to less than !-foot per second allowing coarse sediment to drop out of suspension. This sediment is collected in a trap at the bottom of the intake and is pumped out of the intake with a sluice pump. The walls of the intake box are provided with heat trace to prevent freezing of the intake box if the project is shut down during winter. The intake vault houses the controls, penstock shutoff valve, and miscellaneous equipment. The shutoff valve is a 60-inch-diameter electrically operated butterfly valve. 3.5 Penstock From the intake, flow to the turbines is conveyed via a 60-inch buried welded steel penstock. The penstock diameter is sized to convey 220 cfs, or double the initial hydraulic capacity of the power plant. Overall penstock length is 300 feet. The penstock is buried in a trench cut in the native rock for 140 feet and is grouted in place within a tunnel for 40 feet. The remainder of the penstock is vertical and is within the powerhouse access shaft. Vent pipes are located immediately downstream of the valve and at the top of the vertical section to provide air release and vacuum and surge protection. 3.6 Powerhouse and Powerhouse Access Shaft The powerhouse is an underground structure excavated into the native rock to the left of the base of the falls. The powerhouse is 32 by 58 feet in plan view and 16 feet high. The generator floor is set at elevation 483 feet, about 13 feet above the streambed at the base of the falls. This design accommodates a tail water for the draft tubes and prevents backwater during winter icing conditions. The powerhouse is connected to the surface by a 26-foot-diameter vertical shaft. Within the vertical shaft are the penstock, fresh-air ducts, communications and power cables and an elevator. The walls and ceiling of the powerhouse and the walls of the shaft are reinforced with patterned rockbolts and shotcrete. Drainage fabric is placed between the rock and the shotcrete to intercept ground water. The powerhouse contains two horizontal Francis turbines, generators, and auxiliary equipment. The turbines are rated at 412-kW at a design flow and head on each unit of 55 cfs and 96 feet, respectively. An 8-foot-wide draft tube pit serving both units is excavated below the cavern floor. Tailwater level is controlled by a control sill constructed within the tailrace. A concrete August 1998 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project 3-2 floor is constructed within the cavern and over the draft tube pit and tailrace channel. A primary sump pump is located within the cavern and discharges to the tailrace. A backup sump pump discharges to the surface. In conjunction with the turbine generating units, the powerhouse also accommodates a 540 kW load bank, which is used for supplemental load to keep the turbines at or near peak efficiency throughout system load swings. The powerhouse is sized and configured to accommodate doubling the plant capacity to approximately 1500 kW in the future. New turbines and generators would replace the units initially installed. 3. 7 Control Building A 36-foot by 46-foot control building is constructed on top of the vertical shaft. The building houses the controls, elevator, batteries, standby diesel generator, HV AC system and an office. It also provides access to the shaft for equipment removal and installation. The building is steel frame construction, with insulated steel panels for the roof and walls. 3.8 Transmission Line The transmission line is 6.7 miles long and operates at 7200/12470 volts. The line is buried and follows the new access road alignment. The new transmission line is buried 25 kV 260 mil EPR insulated cable with concentric neutral and matches the cable used throughout the INNEC system. A transformer at the powerhouse end steps up the 480V generation voltage to 7200/l2470V. A tap changer is provided to allow some adjustment in transmission voltage to best match the system at the tie-in point. A 25-pair communications cable is installed along with the transmission line to provide voice and control circuits for the plant, as well as manual- remote control of the main circuit switch. August 1998 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project 3-3 TABLE 3-1 SUMMARY OF PROJECT FEATURES PROJECT FEATURE DESCRIPTION Name of Project Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project, FERC Number 11316 Project Location Section 24, Range 32 West, Township 3 South, Seward Meridian. 12 miles northeast of the community of Iliamna in South-central Alaska. Approximate latitude 59°54' and longitude 154°42'. Intake Run-of-the-river shoreline intake 250 feet upstream of the falls at elevation 570 feet msl. Reservoir None. Run-of-the-river project. Penstock Total Length: 300 feet Diameter: 60 inches Material: Lined and coated steel Components: All buried pipe to the powerhouse Tailrace 8 foot horseshoe tunnel to base ofTazimina Falls Powerhouse Size: 32 feet by 58 feet Number of Units: 2 Type of Turbines: Horizontal Francis Turbine Rating: Flow: 55 cfs each unit; II 0 cfs total Gross Head: 92 feet Generator Rating: 412 kW each unit, 824 total, expandable to 1500 kW Load Bank: 540 kW Max. Transmission Line Voltage: 7.2/12.47 kY Length: 6. 7 miles Type: Underground Average Annual Energy Initial Load: 6,030,000 kWh per year (Energy Production at Capacity) Production August 1998 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project 3-4 4.0 PERMITS AND LICENSES Land issues posed an initial hurdle for the Tazimina Hydroelectric Project. The project site surface estate was owned by Iliamna Natives Limited (INL), a Native village corporation holding land in trust for local Alaska Natives. The subsurface lands (gravel) are owned by a Native regional corporation. The land also lies in an in-holding within Lake Clark National Preserve, where National Park Service (NPS) jurisdiction normally applies. Submerged lands in Alaska, such as the bed of the Tazimina River, are typically owned by the state, although in this case both the state and INL claimed ownership of the river bed. Because of the complicated jurisdiction, a considerable amount of time was spent gaining approval for the different components of the project. This approval process lasted well into the project development stage. Representatives from Native groups, local organizations, and local, state, and federal government worked together to resolve these complex land and water issues. Another hurdle appeared during the project's inception in the early 1980s: licensing by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). FERC jurisdiction had originally not been exerted and then was later imposed based on the potential for impacts to salmon. Later, a section of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 exempted the Tazimina Hydroelectric Project from certain FERC licensing requirements. After further discussions between regulators, INNEC, and HDR, FERC staff ruled that the project still required compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). An environmental assessment would be necessary. Regulatory agencies raised additional environmental concerns, such as: I) Would the project intake entrain resident fish, thereby serving to permanently "fish" the river reach above the falls? 2) How would gas supersaturation at the tailrace affect fish? 3) How would sensitive plants and endangered peregrine falcons that might live in the region be protected from project impacts? 4) Would an access road in this relatively roadless part of Alaska result in increased vehicle traffic in and around a national park? Seeking to answer these questions, INNEC hired HDR Alaska to conduct environmental studies. Field reconnaissance and research produced these findings: 1. The project's intake would not adversely affect fish. Summer and winter fish surveys above the falls confirmed that the 914-m (3,000-ft) stretch of river above the falls was marginal fish habitat. Approximately 80 fish (Dolly Varden and sculpin) were found during the rigorous yearlong sampling program. A scale model was constructed that demonstrated that sweeping velocities in front of the intake would limit the potential for fish entrainment. 2. Tazimina Falls already produced natural, substantial but very temporary gas supersaturation at the foot of the falls, and salmon spawning occurred no closer than 2.4 km ( 1.5 mi) downstream of the falls. 3. Field surveys ofthe rock cliffs in the canyon downstream of the falls found no threatened or endangered species. August 1998 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project 4-1 4. The corporation holding title to the land agreed to limit access on the road. The route of the access road would avoid any creek crossings or wetland areas. FERC issued the environmental assessment for the project on July 28, 1995. Despite these findings, another snag occurred: FERC decided not to issue an exemption for the project until receiving a determination that it was consistent with the State of Alaska's coastal management program regulations. The state's Division of Governmental Coordination (DGC), the agency capable of making that determination, wanted to see the project's final design plans before making this ruling. Release of funds for final design was contingent on the grant of the exemption. Fortunately, HDR staff brought to light an obscure legality that appeared to allow DGC to review the project in phases. When INNEC and HDR secured a phase one review from DGC, FERC responded by issuing an exemption order for the Tazimina project in September 1995. August 1998 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project 4-2 5.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 5.1 Organization This section identifies the key construction management personnel and chain of command used during the administration of the project, as well as quality control and inspection responsibilities. The attached organization chart shows the key project team members involved with project quality control and engineering design and the related chain of command. A description of each member's role and responsibilities follows in this section. The scale and location of this project is such that it did not require, or warrant, full-time, on- site representation from all members of the project team. Only one or two of the members (field engineers) of the team were required to work full-time on-site to oversee project construction and to perform the required field material tests. On an as-needed basis, the full- time field engineers were supplemented by the other members of the team as the construction and the schedule dictated. August 1998 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project 5-1 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project Organization Chart Exemptee Brent Petrie INNEC I I I Schedule Control II Accounting I Project Manager I Mark Dalton Bob Tripp Steve Wells Duane Hippe, P.E. Contract Manager MAC SW&A HDR HDR Civil Engineer Geotechnical Support Paul Berkshire, P.E. As needed Bob Butera, P.E. HDR I I Mechanical Engineer Michael Haynes, P .E. I I HOR Jim Rooney Gregg Corbin Pete Hardcastle HDR I R&M Consultants Rich linamen Lachel & Associates Electrical Engineer Ernest Swanson, P.E. HDR Field Engineer Joe Wagner I HDR Environmental Coordinate Mark Dalton HOR I 1 I Asst. Field Engineer II Asst. Field Engineer J I Asst. Field Engineer I I Asst. Field Engineer Don Dodds, Ph.D. Jon Hughes Dave Fowler Leonard Palmer HOR HDR HDR HDR Construction Contractors Materials Testing Lab R&M Consultants Turbine/Generator Supplie General Construction Cliff Maim, P.E. Contractor Burke Electric Clif Olmstead Wilder Construction August 1998 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project 5-2 Key Personnel for Quality Control of the Tazimina Hydroelectric Project Brent Petrie, General Manager, INNEC As the owner's representative, Mr. Petrie had overall responsibility for the project, particularly the engagement of project personnel in quality control activities associated with the Tazimina project. Mr. Petrie had primary responsibility for project contract issues. Mr. Petrie was in daily contact with key project staff to ensure that project personnel are adequately coordinated and directed. Mr. Petrie worked directly with the affected parties on land issues, particularly issues dealing with access to and use of private and public lands for the completion of the project. Duane Hippe, P.E., Project Manager Mr. Hippe managed the Tazimina Hydroelectric project construction and reviewed the work and decisions of the design engineer and the field engineer. He was responsible for coordination of construction and design items with the project owner, INNEC, and communication with the contractor. Mr. Hippe scheduled and coordinated field inspections and off-site materials testing. Mr. Hippe also made routine site visits to the project site. Mr. Hippe worked with Mark Dalton on oversight of project contract issues with the project owner. Paul Berkshire, P.E., Design Engineer Mr. Berkshire had pnmary responsibility for development of the civil drawings. Mike Haynes, M.E., Design Engineer Mr. Haynes had primary responsibility for development of the mechanical drawings, review of mechanical shop drawings and coordination of the turbine, generator and controls procurement and installation. Ernie Swanson, E.E., Design Engineer Mr. Swanson had primary responsibility for development of the electrical drawings, review of electrical submittals and field assistance inspection of turbine, generator and controls installation. Bob Butera, P.E., Design Engineer Mr. Butera was responsible for hydrologic and road design and review of shop drawings and test results to ensure that the project was being constructed according to the design specifications and intent. Mr. Butera communicated regularly with the field engineer to monitor progress and to provide technical support in resolving engineering issues. Joe Wagner, Field Inspector Mr. Wagner was the on-site field inspector for the duration of the project. Mr. Wagner was supported in the field by an assistant field engineer(s) during periods of extensive construction activity and rock work. During the rock tunneling work, a blasting supervisor was retained on-site to oversee the tunneling work, especially blasting work. As field engineer, Mr. Wagner was responsible for ensuring that all aspects of the construction documents are being fulfilled. August 1998 Tazimina Hydroelectrtc Project 5-3 Mark Dalton, Environmental Coordinator Mr. Dalton was responsible for reviewing and monitoring project construction to ensure compliance with all the FERC license compliance articles and project permit stipulations. He specifically documented compliance with the terms and conditions presented in the Project's erosion and sedimentation control plan and monitor construction activities that could potentially impact the Tazimina River and the privately owned lands. Mr. Dalton acted as the liaison with FERC staff and local and state permitting authorities. Mr. Dalton handled overall contract issues. Bob Tripp, Scheduling Coordinator Mr. Tripp was responsible for schedule control and compliance. Mr. Tripp tracked project progress. Mr. Tripp's Company also assisted with review and settlement of potential claims. Steve Wells, Project Accounting Mr. Wells had overall responsibility for tracking project costs and preparing accounting reports for the state and federal grants. August 1998 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project 5-4 6.0 PROJECT COST An estimate of probable construction cost was prepared for the project. The estimated direct construction cost of the project was $6,887,000. Total project development cost, including engineering services, owner costs, contingencies and escalation was estimated to be $10,359,000 in 1994. In February 1997 the formal estimate to complete was $11,904,000. Bids for the turbine, generator and controls were received from three vendors. The winning bid was received from Burke Electric for $1,425,334. Change orders for $77,027 were processed for a total cost of $1,502,361. Bids for the general construction were received from three contractors. The winning bid was received from Wilder construction for $7,248,700. Deductive alternates for a lessor quality road totaled [$673,520]. Total contract cost was $6,331,154 excluding engineer directed items. Change orders totaling $16,400 were processed. The final cost for the general construction was $6,347,554. Costs for FERC licensing, NEPA, geotechnical investigations, topographic surveying, hydraulic modeling, engineering design, permitting and construction management and administration totaled approximately $3,650,000. Land Acquisition and interest during construction totaled approximately $210,000. Total cost ofthe project was $11,714,500. Funding for the project came from the following sources: State of Alaska Grant through DCRA Federal Grant-Administered by USDOE Financing August 1998 6-1 $5,000,000 $3,380,000 $3,334,500 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project 7.0 PROJECT ENERGY PRODUCTION The rated generator nameplate capacity of the units is 824 kW. This equates to a theoretical full load capability of approximately 800 kW at maximum net head. (Note: Unit performance testing indicated a maximum demonstrated output of 804 kW, as measured on the generator low-side bus.) Current peak load in the INNEC system is about 575 kW in summer and 420 kW in winter. About ll 0 cubic feet per second of water is required to produce full turbine output. There are 5-1/2 years of daily flow records on the Tazimina River at the falls. During this period, the lowest recorded river flow was 140 cfs. Although it is likely that flows may occasionally drop below 140 cfs, it is reasonable to assume that 110 cfs is available at most times for diversion except during short periods in the late winter months. If this is the case, full load output should be available at most times from the units, if necessary. In reality, the units are operated to follow the INNEC system load. It appears that at least in the near term, sufficient energy is generated by the hydro facility to carry 100% of the INNEC load, except during very low river flow periods or during hydro plant outages. An estimate of the maximum theoretical energy generation from the project was made. The daily flows at the diversion site for the five years of record, and project information (such as pipe length, diameter, headwater and tailwater elevation, turbine and generator efficiency curves, and other system losses) were input into a model to calculate energy production for each day of the period of record. The model was run for two cases; a) using the constructed project arrangement with two, units with a total diversion of 110 cfs, and; b) the same arrangement using two approximately 750 kW units and a total diverted flow of 220 cfs (future case). Results show that the maximum theoretical generation from the proposed arrangement is about 6,030,000 kWh per year. In the future, increasing diversion to 220 cfs and replacing the turbines with two 750 kW units could provide up to 10,800,000 kWh per year. Current INNEC system load is approximately 2,200,000 kWh per year. August 1998 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project 7-1 APPENDIX A PROJECT CONSTRUCTION PHOTOS I I I Tazimina River, August 1996. Project site, August 1996. I I I ' Intake excavation, August 1996. \ . \. l ~ Intake construction, August 1996. I I I I I Penstock placement, September 1996. Intake construction, September 1996. I I I I Completed intake with sill in river, May 1997. Face of intake, October 1996. I I I I I Shaft collar, July 1996. Shaft pattern rock bolting, August 1996. I I I Space frame in shaft, January 1997. Underground powerhouse construction, November 1996. I I I I I Control building, May 1997. Arrival of turbine and bifurcation, September 1996. I I I I I I I I Placement of diversion sill, March 1997. Completed diversion sill, April1997. I I I I I I I I Tailrace tunnel, December 1996. Tailrace, May 1997. A - 8 c - 0 E I I I 2 I 3 I 4 I :; b I -B T AZIMINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ILIAMNA, ALASKA G-001 G-002 E-060 c-oao C-101 C-102 C-103 C-111 C-112 C-113 C-114 C-115 C-116 C-117 C-118 C-119 C-120 C-121 C-122 C-123 C-124 C-151 C-152 GENERAL PROJECT MAP AND DRAWING INDEX PROJECT NOTES, ABBREVIATIONS, LEGEND AND SYMBOLS ELECTRICAL LEGEND AND ABBREVIATIONS G£N£RAL SITE PLAN ACCESS ROAD AND TRANSMISSION UNE SURVEY CONTROl DRAWING ROAD AUGNMENT LAYOUT ROAD LEGEND & NOTES ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 9+85.65 TO 36+00 ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 36+00 TO 62+00 ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 62+00 TO 88+00 ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE ST A. 88+00 TO 114+00 ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 114+00 TO 140+00 ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 140+00 TO 166+00 ROAD PLAN AND PROflLE STA. 166+00 TO 192+00 ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 192+00 TO 218+00 ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 218+00 TO 244+00 ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 244+00 TO 270+00 ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 27D+00 TO 296+00 ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 296+00 TO 322+00 ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 322+00 TO 355+00 ROAD PLAN AN:J PROF'ILE STA. 355+00 TO 375+ 75.34 TYPICAL ROAD SECTIONS MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS C-201 C-210 C-211 C-212 C-213 C-221 C-222 M-231 C-241 C-242 E-261 E-262 E-263 C-281 C-291 C-301 C-311 IISSUEI I I I I I CHECKED I "'-!.'-.,,;-;:.-::..-· NO. :)ATE DESCRIPnON BY CHK APPR p, BERKSHIRE ~ >REF re-12~0 owe GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. 07250-03 A If C Tl C OCI:AN ·-rJ Q_f I I (> + ' .,..," ~ \ -·~ ~ \ • ~1-~~. I I l VNtCHOI!ACI: ~ <' " .~ .,_J~.IJNEAII c;::JI,(·~~ ~ ~ ,uL' ~~ ,, ······ c? ,8-·().. c::;::J~IHG COli( ' ~TCHIKN!I ~ ,. A CIFIC LOCATION MAP N.T.S. OCEAN INDEX OF DF!AWINGS CHANNEL CONTROL SILL AND INTAKE CHANNEL CONTROL SILL ELEVA llON, PLAN AND SECTIONS INTAKE PLAN INTAKE ELEVATION, SECTION AND DETAILS INTAKE SECTION AND DETAILS INTAKE SECTIONS AND DETAILS INTAKE REINFORCEMENT PLAN INTAKE REINFORCEMENT SECTIONS INTAKE VALVE CHAMBER MECHANICAL PLAN AND SECTIONS INTAKE t.IISCELLANEOUS DETAILS SHEET 1 INTAKE MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS SHEET 2 INTAKE AREA POWER AND UGHllNG PLAN INTAKE AREA STRUCTIJRE HEATING INTAKE AREA STRUCTURE HEATING CONTROL PANEL TEMPORARY DIVERSION DURING CONSTRUCTION INTAKE ACCESS ROAD PROFILE AND SECTION PENSTOCK PENSTOCK PROFILE AND SECTIONS PENSTOCK SECllONS AND DETAILS C·-402 C·-403 C·-404 C·-411 C·-412 C-415 C·-421 C·-451 E~46t E-462 CONTROL BUILDING CONTROL BUILDING PLAN CONTROL BUILDING INTERIOR ELEVATIONS CONTROL BUILDING EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS CONTROL BUILDING fLOOR FOUNDATION PLAN CONTROL BUILDING SECTIONS AND DETAlLS CONTROL BUILDING FLOOR STEEL f'RAt.IING PLAN CONTROL BUILDING FOUNDATION REINFORCEMENT DRAINF'IELD PROFILE AND SECTION CONTROL BUILDING ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN CONTROL BUILDING ELECTRICAL UGHTING PLAN POWERHOUSE, SHAFT AND TAILRACE SHAFT AND POWERHOUSE EX CAVA llON SECTIONS & DETAILS POWERHOUSE CAVERN EXCAVATION PLAN AND SECTIONS M-601 E-612 E-613 E-614 E-615 E-650 E-660 E-670 E-671 E-672 E-673 E-674 E-675 E-676 HVAC AND ELECTRICAL POWERHOUSE HVAC SCHEMA llC ELECTRICAL SITE AND GROUNDING PLAN ELECTRICAL ONE LINE DIAGRAM ELECTRICAL ONE LIN£ DIAGRAM ELECTRICAL ONE UNE DIAGRAM COMMUNICATION SYSTEM SUPPORT DETAILS INSTRUMENTATION f'l(l\'1 DIAGRAM ELECTRICAL OETAlLS ELECTRICAL OETAlLS ELECTRICAL DETAlLS ELECTRICAL PANELBO>\f~D SCHEDULES ELECTRICAL CONDUIT SCHEDULES ELECTRICAL PANELBo·,RQ AND UCHTING f'IXTURE SCHEDULE CONTROL DIAGRAMS POWERHOUSE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT MISCLLANEOUS POWERHOUSE CONCRETE PLAN AND SECTIONS & --------------1 POWERHOUSE REINFORCEMENT PLAN & SECllONS B C-901 POWERHOUSE AREA e;~OSION AND SEDIMENTATION /::>... POWERHOUSE SPACEF"RAME ISOMETRIC VIEW CONTROL PLAN ~ POWERHOUSE SPACEF'RAME SECTION AND PLANS C-902 EROSION AND SEDIM[•{TATION CONTROL DETAILS 1MM ,_., -- POWERHOUSE SPACEFRAME SECTIONS AND DETAILS C-951 MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE DETAILS an...._. ..... -:::..,....,. .-ttr:':::. POWERHOUSE MECHANICAL PLAN C-952 MISCELLANEOUS STEL DETAILS l/.5/1111 ""' ...,...... """ --'*- POWERHOUSE ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN AND SECTION POWERHOUSE ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLAN AND SECTIONS R£CCRD DRA..cJ C-501 C·-502 C-521 C·-531 C-535 C-541 C-542 C··543 M-551 E·-561 E'-562 C-581 TAILRACE TUNNEL PROFILE. PLAN AND SECTIONS 1MM ,_4 ....,...,.,. .,.,.. -_... be-on lnformot..., pro-by ou..,. Th• En1!rn-..... not ---_,of IUAMNA-NEWHALEN-NONOALTON Lffi. ELECTRIC COOPERA 11VE ..£ . ENGINEERING INC. ....... ~ ..... .· .. ~.>·:·*···<:.::, ( ... ~·!.!.:;: ••• ................................. ~:~··.;u·· iifj.f":_:~· ·::·02L~···:,-~ _ln, ...... t .... ___ ... __ for anr .,.... or omieUJft• wftidt Moy M lnc:clrpanltH-•o•r ..... L '-........AAAA~ --'DA'TE TAZIMINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PROJECT MAP AND DRAWING INDEX PROJECT NUMBER: 07250-03 SHEET NUMBER: G-001 ISSUE NO. 1 FilE: COOl n50 OWl; PL 0 T SCAL£ I c I OATE 02/26/96 TIME· 2: !Opm PATH H \07250.001\0WC\ A 1- IB 1- c 1- 0 A ,.I c 0 • E ~. ... ~- tt,.¥ '"-.----- 2 /,' J // // FINISH CRA / (SLOPE TO 0!:./tL 600.0 AWAY FRO!r:/IN ~ / (~-~) CONll<OL ~-----------\_j CLEARING LIMITS ~ -~~ \ .......... ------------'-,... __ -_::-~=--= _..-..-""·~ /' '··,, N21S.Po32 9-1-·-----7 , ___ ____-o'f2276.41 PC/-il+ . ../ ----""' ""' "" JI)1Y " ""' '.../ ""' '-, ··~"''(...~~ ft~ '-, '-., ~--- -572 4 5 PLAN 6 7 / 8 NOTES: L PLACE EXTRA SILL BLOCKS AROUND PERI~HER OF PARKING AREA TO F'OR~ BARRIER. 2. FORM 8ERt.l AROUND STOCKPILE LIMITS PRIOR TO PLACING SPOILED EXCAVATED ~ATERIAL. ROCKS SHALL BE 2' TO 3' IN DIA~ETER. J. CONTOUR F'INISHED SURF'ACE OF" STOCKPILE WITH ~IXTURE OF LARGE AND IRREGULAR SHAPED ROCKS TO ~ATCH SURROUNDING AREA. 4. CARRY ACct:SS ROAD DITCH TO NORTH SIDE OF' CONTROL BUILDING. TER~UNA TE A r EDGE OF SLOPE. 5. LEAVE ALL EVERGREEN TREES INTACT .AND UNDISTURBED. 6. OVER EXCAYA TE BY 12" FRO~ FINISHED GRADE. FILL TO F"INAL GRADE USING TOPSOIL AND ORGANICS STOCKPILED FRO~ INITIAL EXCAVATION WHERE NOT SURFAC£0. 7. NINE INCHES OF" SURF"AONC ARE REQUIRED AT THE INTAKE PARKING AREA. THE INTAKE ACCESS ROAD, AROUND THE CONTROL BUILDING, AT THE TRANSFORMER AREA, THE TRANSf"OR~ER ACCESS ROAD AND THE ROAD BETWEEN STA. 375+75 AND THE CONTROL BUILDING. ~ EDGE OF WATI:.R LARGE ROCKS TO AR~OR STOCKPILE SEE NOTE 2 SECTION® NTS - CP-14 CP-15 BH-1 BH-2 BH-3 BH-4 8H-5 9H-6 COORDINATES NORTH EAST 2.155,691.73 371,988.15 372.22517 2,156,168.00 372,243.00 2,155,697.00 372.03000 2.155,994.00 372,139.00 2.155,964.00 372.125.00 2.155,921.00 372,058 00 2,155, 908.00 372.083.00 BH=BORE HOLE CP•CONTROL POINT 30 AJ j so FEEr PskJ-I ,. -30' A 8 c 0 l [ J I I seAL( 1ft=JO'-o" ®.--···...,. I " -. '-"~_/\_ A A .... 1 E I ""'"" . ' ~ f'--' I 1 • !OS/110/" AS cONsmucn:o 0 ,._ P. "'"'"'""' IUAMNA-NE'MlALEN-NONOAL TON /[:;~~~:·.~::;;;~, .. , T AZI MIN A I "" 0 1"::%" '""!;,::,~::-smucnOH '"'"'" u. O.EA"'' ElEClRIC COOPERAllVE 1-il. { j•;::!!\1:~::::'': HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT P<ow "v""" ,, '"' ••• , D. "'PPE :::::-::::.~: ENGINEERING INC. 1 ~-~:'.~_.£ omo-oJ ~i;.ti{~'.:: GENERAL SHEET NU~B(R: ._. SITE PLAN C-080 •RH· 1B-7 ~~00WG. r•LLI0POOWG. tNI-72500WG. Pt-4<:-71'\00WG rtu: coeonso owe Pt 1"\t .,. .. • • A 8 c 0 E \ .·~ '\'' / \ I ~ I ~~I ~:::..1 ..... ~ ~--._,1 ~ I / _ _.. .. /'" ~ " -'\ " \ I I I I \(} \ ', :f-~ I I - I \ I --' / I r ' I I \ -l I o I I I z I / o I tl( Zl ~ ~ I , ''\ ::; I /; \\ ~ I // ,-) : (·= ··~-(/ / 1 I I I \ I I --/ I I I I I I I I \\"3 lc I ,_. '~ I ~ I rl I I I I I I I I I 2 G \ ) 0 ~ 3 ) ~ (/ ~~~ Q I ~~ ', I/!_;:/ D _jJII CJ \ / \\ -::./ / \:]~ ~ 1 4 5 \' ·~~ -/;.\, \\ __ /; r~, '\ ~~ ·' .:: :: ;· \ '\ '\ ----', ~ I '\ -?> ' ... -<?' ~ ~ ~~ ~-~' ~'-' ··~, ~\ -7 ~'\ -p \ --L. ' ~~' I I I I I 6 7 \ ,-·,__/~,,~: :~ '~ ,, '\ \ 0 ,e;:J v ALEXCY LAKE " ' - I / I r ' )) (')\ ''" \\ I ' \ r I \ '-- I -'\ / /"'-.. "' ,;; \ \' I I I I ' \ / 8 • ROAD WAS NOT CONSTRUC~D USING DESIGN CRITERIA. THE ROAD WAS KEPT 'MTHIN THE tOO' RIGHT OF" WAY. LINE AND GRADE VARIED NOEL Y. 8 - NOllCE The• rec:or• era-.,. tta• bMft P"fiPOI"'N an CCWftP\Itor. S.. ar19-tubmltlol <lotod &/~I'J& for ~-... d --... ta. RECORD DRAWINO TheM rKOr4 •11•1n,. ha-be• Pf'fiPOI"" ,_ on hlormotlon pr.-b, olh..-o. "'• Entin-hoo nat _ft.., lh41 occ......,, of alch infurmDtitl't ... d _.,..not be re~~~pon_.. Par ..,, ~• or crni•_.,.• 'llhicft "'•Y b• ln.-perated h-oo o "-'1. ~ ENGINEERING INC. ~ I ROAD ALIGNMENT LAYOUT Nt) I ~·-·• I •·•~'"" "V" I v• I L"" ~~rr~l U· ~orr<: I ~--·~•·•• >RU OAT[ PFIQJ[CT NUMBER 07250-0J SHEEI NUMBER: (ISSUE NO C-102 I 1 A B c D A 8 c D E 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 APPROXI~ATELY 1J6' APPROXI~ATELY 46' -~-~- / / /-CHANNEL CONTROL / / SILL BLOCKS, SEE / DETAILS BELOW / 4 5 6 RE~OVE LOOSE MATERIAV TO SOUND ROCK I 11 17 9 8 14-J I ./' 570~~------~~~~~c=~=:~==~~==~~~~~~~~:-~:=~--~~==~:;~;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~====~~==~~~~~----~~~~~ ~A • ~ ' I. 1111 I I 560 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~----~=======11_ ______ ~ __ 550 550 ~ PLAN l-'z"=l'-0" SEE NOTE 6 DESIGNED P. BERKSHIRE '0 I Ln ELEVATION 'AI"=t'-o" 2'-0" (TYP) Wl.qd .. & ?~C_TI9N ® CHANNEL CONTROL SILL BLOCK DETAILS ~ z·-o· .3'-0" .3" RAD. ~-.,, 1'-0" .,_ ADD J, 15 ----...._ fLOW SEE NOTE 2 ~ '""' NOTE: All RElNfORCE~ENT SHALL BE 15012 EW, EF, UNO. ~~=~·~o9N (!) & & NOit:S: 1. PLACE BLOCKS AS CLOSE TOGETHER AS POSSIBLE. & 2. NOT USED J. NOT USED 4. NOT USED NO liCE Th-,_,. c1r.....,911 ha .. b--- 1171 ~tar. s.. ari4JinGI a.bmittoll dat .. B/~/H lor li9f'W Cllld -ad ilaalrn.,tL RECORD DRAMNG Th-,_,. c1r.....,911 ho .. ,_ -- ba-on ,.,,_lon pro-b, othorw. Enpte. hoe not wrir.ed tl'le GCC~o~recp ol Tllo atdt irlfonttotiaft Clftd ...... ~tot be re..,andllle tor .. , .... , orNe.-.. l'ftktl .... , •• lncorpCII"atecl her ..... • • ,..IIAt. S AT INTAKE PARKING SO THAT ~ 0 1 2 J 4 fF"EH LXJ I I I I lo't" -1'-o· ~ r 'jmr ,_..-1'-o· TAZIMINA DATE PRO..£CT NU1.48[R· 07250-00J SCALE: AS SHO~ ... ~ ~ R HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT IUAMNA-NEWHALEN-NONDAL TON 'L_ "T"""'''I CHANNEL CONTROL SILL EI.ECTRIC COOPERA liVE r-I..A, ELEVA liON, PLAN 1 DRAWN E.E. CLEAVER SHEET NU1.48ER: 'ISSUE NO 0 I<;S\1( NL) [\~ l[ <REf 18 · ':'<• ['V.G [1[3LRiPliON 8Y I CHK IAPPR CHECKED. ENGINEERING INC. AND SECTIONS C-201 1 fiL[: C2CII 72~0.0WG rLO I SCAlE· I¥ 1 OAT[ 1)6/0S/96 Tll-4£ 1· S6prn PA lH 1-4 \07]50 001\0WG\ A c D E A 8 c 0 E 0 I 0 2 3 16'-0" tJ'-o" A I ~ ~ ~ ............... LT-1, SEE ~, ·, -~ DWG C-2~1 ,_ '-...._ ......... ,------------------_::...., L I J I.e~~ flWI nl II~ I L _______________ F--~-~-----; -/ -I ' r-------------------~~// ,-------, I I 1 ~PARKING AREA/ I EL 583. 5± -· / I s I f,.,_~ : ~BARRIERS NOT SHOWN 1 I F'OR CLARITY I I I I I I I I L _____ _j PLAN •;.·,,·_o .. )' /' ~Qo"' '\..,q.~o ,, 4 BARRIER BLOCKS (TYP) 5 INTAKE ACCESS ROAD DRAINAGE 6 8 NOlle£ Th•• f'K:orct ...,..,.,, hoft "-' P'•PorM .., c:Clll'ftputor. S.. ar9na1 a~bmittal dotect &/S/91 far ...... ---c~vc .......... REOCRD ORAYI1NO Thooe ....,.d .....,...,,, haft -P"IP••d loa-on lnl-tlon .,......,.d bJ otllorL The Entin.., ttn not .....,,.... the DCCU'OC1 of such in,_..,.,tic.1 8fl411 8MII ftG't be rnpond:ll• tt6' ..,., .-rot"~ or Ol'ftlttloftl llltlc:tt mo1 be -,oorated ltorein .. a ro..,.t. 7 ~ 8 NOTES: 1. SLOPE VALVE PIT F'LOOR TO DRAIN TO SUI.AP. 2. BILCO TYPE J HATCH, J' -O"x.3' -o·. STEEL F'RAYE, GALV, CYliNDER LOCK 'M~ PLUG. 55 HARDWARE. DRAIN GUTlt:R TO DAYLIGHT. DESIGN HATCH 0~ INTAKE FOR H-20 LOADING. I sod 1 F'OOT ~-I ~~--1'-o" bu-d l 1 l F'£ET I--¥.· • ··-o- 4 0 • r~u ~I v.-• 1·-o· A 8 c 0 -E SCALE ~ t---t----j--------+--+--+---1 AS SHO'M'l " .v·-······· ... " . TAZIMINA DATE IUAMNA-NEWHALEN-NONDALTON 'L_ ~R _ _ HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DE51Gt,ED P. BERKSHIRE DRAWN E.E. CLEAVER J. PETERSON •Rff· '8-..,:"'{1('\W!;. INl<::::lCC'W':. 1'•l-7:_'t:<,rJDWG ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE r:L..A. ENGINEERING INC. ~iii~~~::::.:·#l INTAKE PLAN PRQJ[Cl NU!.IEI(R 07250-0.3 SHEET NU!.IBER: NO C-210 I 1 rol[:CZ107250.0WC PLOI SCAL[ 1=1 0~ T[· 06/05/96 llt.t[ 2· 39pm P•TH H \fll;/50 fi01\0WG\ A 8 c D E 2 585 575 565 555 ~ .., -BLOCI<OUT v ~ N ELEVATION f \ -~\_#5 GALVANIZED BAR \__ BLOCKOUT SECTION® RECESSED HAND HOLD DETAIL tY'z"=1'-o" 3 ~~~~·0 .. @ 1 '-0• (MIN) / EL 577.0 1 u I ///z__ VARIES EL VARIES c,lz-~! . 1 1.~·-o· ~~ .. ~.~9N '-~1 DRAIN PIPES SEE DWG M-231 4 5 ~ ~ ~ 6 595 ~-APPROX. EXISnNC // GROUND SURFACE 585 " 575 555 ~="LANGEl (/--.....__, a 592.oo y-~) 180' ELBOW W/ INSECT SCREEN EL VARIES MANHOLE, F"OR DETAILS SEE DWG C-952 - 1'-o:.l 1 • 4'-o" 7 12"f STL PIPE ~HANDRAIL ~~~·~o9N '-~1 8 8 LADDER, DWG C-241 PROVIDE LU-2 AT TOP {LADDER-UP SAF"ETY POST) OR APPROVED AlTERNATE 1'-6" DEEP • 2'-0" WIDE x J'-6" LONG SUMP EL 562.5 TYP NO liCE Th•H f'•cord .,.....,, • .,.,wt e,..,. t:"trPOt..t '"' ~omputor. 5" or191na1 a.A>mlttaf dot<td 0/5/H for olqn.a on~'""'"-..... REOORD DRAWING ltt•a ~011"\f cfrra..,.,. how ._., prr.,.,... bo-"" lnl....,oUo~ ~~""*'" loy othon. The E"t'"-hoa ftOt _If..., the ._....,, of ""ch lnl-loft .... lh ... "Ot b1 ,_ ........ fr:; arn1 ....,.. .,. Oft't~W ..,.d't ..,.., b• jn:c.,.,orotect .. .....,. os a r.-,lt, f--1~1·-o· ' 4 J 4 r F'EET ki-tL I A 8 c v.-,. 1·-o· E DESIGNED P. BERKSHIRE PROJECT NUt.IBER 07250-0.3 SHEET NUIAB[R: 1 (1RA'WN E.E. CLEAVER TAZIMINA DAT( SCALE AS SHOWN ... ~ ' lilR HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT IUAMNA-NEWHALEN-NONDALTON INTAKE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE • ELEVATION, SECTION C-211 I 1 0 ENGINEERING INC. AND DETAILS CHEO<EO 't DAlE (\[ Sc'RtP ll!lN BY I C.-<~< I.>FPRI J. PETERSON ""~"'~D rwr~. IN, :::r c rwr.. 1N r-.,:"~o owo f1LLC21177!'>0DWC PlOT SCAt[ bl ['IA!f "~2/26/96 II~[ ll; 49om PA IH H \Cl7250 (IQI \DWG\ A 8 c 0 E 610 600 590 580 560 APPROX. EXISTING \ GROUNO SURfACE ~ r EXCAVATED APPROX. 1' BELOW BED ROCK I I ~ 572.0± 2 0 ~ ,. 2'-6" .1. 1'-0" ., .· .· .· f\ .·1-;f 16 ··1 j V .. h4" M:LOEO STUD 0 1'-s· OC AND 6" fROM EA END STOPLOG GUIDE DETAIL L2>e2>eVo·, CALV STL SECTION A ,.,.,·.,·-a· 3 1'-0" 4 5 25'-0" 12·-o· 1'-o· CTYP EL 583.88 EL 577.25 ~- SEE NOTE 2 6" RAD. AROUND OPENING !h"••tW HOLD~ DOWN BOLT, SEE NOTE 1 v.-.. 4-M:LOED STUD 0 18" O.C. & 6-fROt.4 EA. END ,t---t---CRATING PLATf0Rt.4 EL 570.5 SEE owe C-242 r+---+---t.4ANHOLE Y2"x4" SEEPAGE RING AROUND PIPE (TYP) ___ _. ~~~·~o9N (_~ SEE Owe C-952 1 0" PIPE COLLAR. SEE owe C-242 4 ~ .. 4 DETAIL ~A~~~~niiiW~ 6 / / / / / / UNDISTURBED / t.AATERIAL / 1 / 1 "/ / / / 7 r / /~PEBEO~NG ~~M~IIF- NOTES: BACKfiLL 2 'I/ & 8 --- 1. HOlD DOWN BOLTS SHALL BESS, SUPPLY WITH 1!h">e~· SS fLAT 610 A 600 590 8 580 c 570 560 WASHER. SHOP DRILL 7'4"• HOLE INTO 2>e3>e!h" RETAINER BARS LOCATED 1'-o· fROM EACH END (TYP 4 PLACES EACH COVER). fiELD DRILL AND TAP INTO 1 Y4">eo/a" I 0 CONTINUOUS BAR. 2. PLACE PVC WATERSTOP IN ALL CONSTRUCTION JOINTS IN THIS WALL. WATERPROOF' t.4EU8RANE 2" RIGID fOAU INSULATION, DOW H140 OR APPROVED ALTERNATE N01ICE Thnu roconl ._...,----., -lor. See on.tna1 -..lltol elated 1~/Mfor,..... ___ IL RECORD DRA-.G '111 __ ......,.. ____ bo-on lnlotmG-pro-bJ G-L En..,_ hao not -lilt ~""' al Tho 111<11 lnfonnota. M4 -ftGI ba -·-for .,, .-TW~ 01 omi...._.e whktl ma, M ' lnc.poraleol h•• ......... l DETAIL Q) ... -.. ' f ~ ,. • ,._,. IE J' .. r-o" -_ I ~ TAZIMINA I I I I I I I•'"' "n-I . ~ · HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 1~-..,,·_n ASS .. _ .... DATf IUAMNA-NEWHALEN-NONDAL TON lilR ELECTRIC COOPERA liVE DESIGNED P. BERKSHIRE 1 DRAWN· E.E. CLEAVER 0 tSSU[ NO DATE DE SCRIPTION x.RP ff~-':'S~['WC 1N1SECOWG CHECKED BY I CHK IAPPR I J. PETERSON ENGINEERING INC. INTAKE SECTION AND DETAILS PROJEC I NUI.IBER· 07250-03 SHEEr NUI.IBER· 11ss_uE NO C-212 1 FILE:C21272500WG PLOT SOH 1=1 OAIE 08/06/96 TII.IE: 4.16pm PATH H\07250001\DWG\ A B c D E 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6.30 •SEE MECHANICAL AS BUll TS FOR PENSTOCK INFORMATION 620 610 EL 599.5± . · • · r ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE . . . . . . L fi!IIISH£0 G~ADE . . . ~------------_1_----~-~-u_------~--~~~~----------;----J---1111 ·~ c.. ' - ) " il II I II I 7 =! 600 -, --- 590 I / 550 54-0 -/ 10 J 10 ~0 FUT ~I 10+00 ,. -10' ROAD SURf ACE EL 583.5 BEGIN PENSTOCK STA 10+00 ~ EL 566.5 10+20 r ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE SCALE: Y." • 1'-o· AS SHOWN DESIGNED P. BERKSHIRE 1 ~A~ E.E. CLEAVER 0 ISSUE NO "Prr L:·•fE I C(SCRIPTION CH(CKEO BY CHK IAPPR I J. PETERSON ---,------------ ~ 60~ I.D. STEEL PENSTOCK - & 10+40 10+60 10+80 11+00 PROFILE 1"•10' milES;_ 1. CONTACTOR SHALL DETER~INE TEMPORARY EXCAVATION SLOPES. A COI.t81NED USE Of SHORING. ROCK BOLTING AND LAYING BACK Of SIDE SLOPES OF EXCAVATION NAY BE REQUIRED TO MEET MINIMUM SAFE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 05.160 Of STATE OF ALASKA CONSTRUCTION CODE (EXCAVATION STANDARDS) AND THE LATEST FEDERAL OSHA EXCAVATING AND TRENCM STANDARDS. 2. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT PLAN SHOWING THE EXTENTS Of TUNNEUNG: TUNNEL SHAPE; PENSTOCK PLACEMENT CONCRETING. AND GROUTING PROCEDURES PRIOR TO STARTING THIS WORK. J. WAX TUNNEL WIDTH OR HEIGHT • 10' 4. INSTALLATION OF OWNER FURNISHED 81FURCA TION REQUIRES FULL PENE TR A nON BUTT-WELDING OF 1-6D" OIA AND 3-42" OIA PIPE JOINTS AND REPAIR Of COATINGS AND LININGS. 5. FABRICATE BRACKET TO ~OUNT VENT PIPE TO FlNISHED SHAFT WALL. SEE NOTE 2 N01ICE -...... -.. ..... -.... _... .. -~--s.. ""'--.lltc:l oloi<G 0/$/11 for ....... ---.. t •. RECCIRD DRA..O __ ..,......,. __ ___ .,_ .. ~-llofl ...-.. , ....... n.. Enf1n-hft ~.t ---_, of -~---... --................ OPEN TRENCH EXCAVATION OR TUNNEL 11+20 I T\JNNEL I "--"1 ~-45'-0" ~IN 11+40 CLASS II CONCRETE EXCAVATE AS REQUIRED 4" SEEPAGE RING STA 11+80 530 ---··---,-~ ............ ,....L TYPICAL TUNNEL SECTION 450 IUAMNA-NEWHALEN-NONDALTON ELECTRIC COOPER A llVE SCALE: ~-= 1'-o· liR ENGINEERING INC. 11+60 11+80 l. SEE SHAFT PLATfORM PLAN 0 EL 560.0' ON DWG C-311 POWERHOOSE CAVERN OWNER FURNISHED BIRJRCA TION I I SEE NOTE; 4 l- 12+00 12+20 TAZIMINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PENSTOCK PROALE AND SECTIONS 12+40 DATE· SHEET NU~BER· C-301 FILL CJ01 72~0 OWC. PLOT SC •LE 1 "' DATE. 02/28/96 TI!Jf 10: 59om PA fH A .. i IS ''C . 'D 1 A 8 c 0 DC PANEL STATION SERV1CE TR ANSFORUER POWER PANEL TO DRAINFIELD SEE NOTE 2, owe c-451 -----== ~ 2 ~ RADIATOR EXHAUST DUCT 1 AUTO TRANSFER SWITCH r /1\.1 FLEXIBLE DUCT _/ ~II.___..J CONNECTOR TRENCH MCC, TYP 3 10'-0" 14'•24' [TRUCK BAY ........_ (!) "" " \ 4 \ 8\ I / \ I I I I I I I 0 I ------ b I iD ..., 5 6 7 8 NO. QTY. EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION EYE WASH STA liON 2 2 TRICLASS ARE EXTlNCUISHER J 1 WALL EXHAUST FAN W/ BACKDRAFT DAt.IPER, 1800 CFU, 950 RP'-1 1/6 HP, 115 VOLT. SINCLE PHASE, COOK FAN COUPANY MODEL 16SP100 OR APPROVED EQUAL 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 & 13 14 15 16 N011CE n.---...... h .... --... ... -··· -01191nal -~~· <lottNII l/'!>/t61ar...,..., ___ ... RECORD DRA...O lto ___ ....,.. ...... _ _... .......... lnl--~ ., .-.. n.. Eft..,_ 11ft 1\0I --.. oc:..,aey af -ln-1011--I\OIM--fer•J....,.W_O..,ic:ft,.JI>e ___ ................... t. 2 WALL ADJUSTABLE LOUVER, AUTOt.IATIC OPERATION, ELECTRICALLY OPERATED. 120 VAC, 0RAJNA8LE EXTRUDED ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION OIL/WATER SEPARATOR, 100 GALLON CAPACITY. Y•-INCH GALVANIZED DIAMOND PLATE STEEL COVER. ACID RESISTING COATING, SLUDGE RETAINER WEIR, REMOVABLE FLOW DIFFUSING BAFFLES. UTILITY VAULT COt.IPANY MOOEL 25-SA OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2 ElECTRIC UNIT HEATER, 10 KW, 480 VAC, 34,100 BTU, 3 PHASE CHROt.IALOX NODEL t.IUH-10-4, OR APPROVED EQUAL, HORIZONATAL THROW, WALL MOUNTED ELECTRIC BASEBOARD HEATER WITH INTEGRAL THERMOSTAT, 5,120 BTUH. 6 FEET LONG, MARLEY-OMARK MOOEL OMKC-2516 OR APPROVED EOUAL CUMMINGS TANK-MOUNTED. DIESEL-FuELED. ENGINE GENERATOR, MOOEL 50 DGCA, 60 HZ, PROVIDED BY OTHERS, INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONPLETE INSTALLATION INCLUDING MOUNTING AND ANCHORAGE, EXHAUST AND MUFFLER ASSEMBLY, AND WIRING, ACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURERS RECONMENDA liONS. FlOOR DRAIN, 9-IN TOP, FLUSH MOUNTED THROUGH-WALL EXHAUST FAN, MC UASTERS-CAR NO. 2089K5 OR APPROVED EQUAL. lOlii" SO. 12 VOLT AC, 60 HZ SIZED FOR WALL THICKNESS AS REQD. 8'-0'•10'-o· ACCESS HATCH, BILCO MOOEL JO-AL. WITH SAFETY CHAINS NOT USED NOT USED BILCO TYPE J HATCH, .:5'-0"•J'-O" ALUMINUt.A COVER LOUVER. MCMASTERS-CARR NO. 20J8KB1, 1 2•12, OR EQUAL FIELD FABRICATED RETURN AIR LOUVER NOTES: 1. DIESEL GENERATOR. DIESEL FuEL TANK; CONTROL. SWITCHGEAR AND STATION SERV1CE PANELS PROVIDED BY OTHERS 2. PROVIDE TRAP AND VENT LINES. VENT LINES TO EXIT ROOF NEAR NORTH WALL OF BUILDING 3. LOCATE ELEVATOR ACCESS DOOR TO MATCH ELEVATOR L\_ ENCLOSURE OPENING. ill DESCRIPTION: USAGE: LOCATION: 702: 1901: TABLE 5-A: TABLE 5-C: TABLE JJ-A: DESIGN SUMMARY PRE-ENGINEERED METAL BUILDING. STRUCTURAL STEEL RIOlO FRAME CONSTRUCTION. SHEET METAL WALL AND ROOF PANELS. REINFORCED CONCRETE FOUNDATION. OVERALL BUILDING AREA: 1,656 S.F. POWERHOUSE TAZIMINA RIVER, ALASKA 1991 USC CODE SYNOPSIS OCCUPANCY 9-4: POWER PLANT CONSTRUCTION TYPE 11-N WALLS AND PERMANENT PART1T10NS NON-COt.IBUSTlBLE FIRE RESISTANCE OF EXTERIOR WALLS ONE HOUR IF LESS THAN 5 FEET FROM PROPERTY UNES. B-4: 11-N 18,000 S.F. ALLOWED MINIMUM EGRESS REQUIREMENTS: 100 S.f./OCCUPANT ONE EXIT: MAXIMUM OCCUPANCY • 16 ... ..J • 1 rtET k;+tN I v.--1·-o· E ~ --~ TAZIMINA '"' SCALE" Y4"•1'-0" '" ~ J HR . HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 1 05/08 0 06/05 ISSU£ NO XRl r T8 ED FOR CONSTRUCTION ['(SCRIP liON BY DESIGNED: P. BERKSHIRE DRAWN: E.E. ClEAVER CHK IAPPR CH(CK£D M. HAYNES IUAMNA-NEWHALEN-NONDAL TON ElEClRIC COOPERA llVE =··<.~ · " ... <i!.ll CONTROL BUILDING ENGINEERING INC. "\(:, :.:_·.-.-·:~. 7 PLAN PROJECT NUI.IBER: 07250-03 SHEET '·~t,j8£R· C-402 fll(: C4027250.DWG PLOT SCA~( 1: t OAT[ 06/0S/96 TIME: I 5Jpm PATH H \ r AZII.IiNA \ ISSUE NO. 1 A 8 c 0 E A 8 0 E 2 3 4 11·-o· --- W£A~ER HOOD (TYP) EL 600.0 !) 2'-0" TYP•I 11•11 EL 600.0 ~------~--------~ NORTH ELEVATION XHAUST FAN WI~ 'IIEA~ER HOOD EL 610.5 , • -,i -,v ,1 6'-6" WEST ELEVATION ~+-~---------------r-T~-t ~~ Y4•1'-o· 1 105/08/981 AS CONSTRUCTED 0 I06/05/96(1SSUEO FOR CONSTRUCTlON ISSUE NO DATE xRff-18-'iSO OWC OESCRIPfiON DESIGNED P. BERKSHIRE DRAWN· E.E. CLEAVER CHECKED 8Y CHK IAPPR I J. PETERSON / DIESEL GENERATOR EXHAUST PIPE WI~ INSULA TEO WALL Tliii.IBLE, W£A ~ER HOOD & NOliCE 'lh-r.......s•-.ohO .. _III_M I EL 600.0 on c.....,..t..,., See orloQinal eullmltlfll <1o1M 1/!1/H 10< o19*1 ---_ _,to. RECCIAD ORA~ Tho• r.......s ••-•• ...,. -pr-ba_.. on In-...-br .,....,_ The Engln-hao not -tho ac-al ouch lnf_..,.---" •-lAb!• lot anr ..,..,.. ..,. ami•-. oohic:lt mow bo incfll'll(..-atod -ao a r•••ll. 1' -O" TYP • I II • II IUAMNA-NEWHALEN-NONOAL TON ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE Jill ENGINEERING INC. b 8 NOTES: ~ 1. CLAI.IP KIT I.IOOEL SS1 TRIPOO Willi WHIP ANTENNA OR APPROVED ALTERNATE (1000 FT-LB OVERTURNING I.IOMENT). 2. I.IINII.IUI.I ROOF SLOPE SHOWN. ROOF SLOPE SHALL NOT EXCEED 411: 12H tO' -0-K10' -0" ROLl-UP SERVICE DOOR 0 I (5/ ENGN£ EXHAUST J' -0"•7' -o· STEEL DOOR V DIESEL GENERATOR RADIATOR OISCH.A.RG LOUVER AND WEATliERHOOO T-~,;. __ __j SOUTH ELEVATION I [ill)}/~~~ ... HO 3'-0"x7'-o· STEEL DOOR A I v--------~----------~ EAST ELEVATION ka-wJ ! j F£n y.· -1'-0" TAZIMINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CONTROL BUILDING EXTERIOR ELEVA llONS DATE· PROJECT NUMBER 07250-03 SHEET NUMBER IISS.U E NO C-404 1 fiLE: C4047250 OWG PlOT SCALE. 1~1 OATE-02/21 /~6 filA£ 4 4 7pm PATH H: \07250 001 \CWG A B c 0 E ' A 8 c 0 E " PERFORATED FOUNDATION ORAIN UNE, TY? " " ~ -----'r+ "vt:RnCAL DRAIN, TYP SEE NOTES 4 AND 6 2 IJ" I I II I II I II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I I I I II I I II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I I 26'-0" I I II II II II II II II II II I II I II 11 II II I I I I II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II 1"ek12'-0" LONG H TYR8 2 ROCK BOL liS II II II I I. II II II II II II II II II II II II I I II ~ / / --/ •/ / / / / -v *+---- DETAIL ~·-1·-o· t'-o· 8 .... III a ~ 5 U!EL 594.67 .... .... < ~ SEE NOTE 8 11\ \:::J 4 .... , ............ ......... .............. .......... ........ ........... \ \ \ \ j ....... I / /' I I . tD I !/ ..:, .~/ ' 5 \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ / / \ \ \ -\--/ 6'-5" 22.5• (TYP) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ......... 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I ----......... ......__ 0 ,, ~ I I I I .......... .., ... _ .......... ........ ..-"" ..,.,.,-'" \ ..-/"B"LINE \ I \~ 7 8 NOTES: 1. MINIIAUIA PATTERN OF ROCK BOLTING REQUIRED. IN MORE FRACnJREO ROCK, A SPLIT SPACING 0 22Y:z' MAY BE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 2. ALL ROCK BOLTS AND FlRST LAYER OF' SHOTCRETE ~ SHALL BE INSTALLED BEFORE ADVANCING TO THE l.!!.:l, NEXT EXCAVATION SEQUENCE. 3 . ...NOT ;.;sED 6. PROVIDE 1'-0"x1'-0" BLOCKOUT AT BASE. DRAIN INTO POWERHOUSE GUTTER . 7. SHAFT CONSTRUCTION ABOVE EL 580.0 MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE SHAFT CONSTRUCTION BET\1~£EN ELEVAnONS 500.0 AND 580.0 . 8. ALL REINFORCEMENT 51-IALL BE 15 0 12 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE . /. ~ "A" LINE~ I SEE UNFOLDED BOLT PATTERN .......--_, \ \ ' ~ · ........... ""-/ ......... / / / < ......... / ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ......... ................................. e (-··("""I [il lll ~~ e EJ 8 i.o b .I I I II II I II I SECTION (A v.·-1·-o· -~ EJ 9 .., II II II II II II II II I I II I I II II II _, J---~EL 48J.o,r --~ r --,II I " > '- SH AFY~-=~~0~TION~ ./ 1"ex12'-0" LONG f TYPE 4 ROCK BOLT (TY?) CENTER OF PENSTOCK S<JPPORT PAD (TW) ~ ~[ ~J (T'I'P) BOLT PATTERN AT PENSTOCK SUPPORT ~--1'-0" 14" • 1 -o H01'ICE n..._cn........,. ___ .. ... _t .... s.. ......... -lttal elated t{S/W ........... ---~ .. RS'XRJ DRA..O Th--en.....,. ..... -_.. ............ ,_._ ,.,.._ ,, -.. ,.... £...--""' _...,. the .....-..c, ol _ ... ____ ,... ... __ ...... , _..,.. .. -·-· ....... -· ... ~--........ ~. s 13 s SEE NOTE 1 UNFOLDED BOLT PATTERN "'· ... ,·-o· ~ J 8 16 FEET ~ I I ... -r-o· 4 0 4 1 FEET ki-wt;;;J-1_ . . __' A 8 c 10 k.w-d f 1 FEET ~· • r-o· E SCALE ~ ._+----+---------+---+----+--AS SHOWN '-h-.--···"' i TAZIMINA IUAMNA-NEWHALEN-NONDALTON L ~ HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DATE DESIGNED P. BERKSHIRE ORI\WN: ~-t~~r.=~~~~~~~------4---~~~ EE. CLEA"vt:R CHECKED ISSUE NO 01\T£ ('(SCRIPTION BY I CHK IAPPR I J. PETERSON XR(F fB-7250 OWG ELEClRIC COOPERA11VE .J.. .,L.A.'-SHAFT AND POWERHOUSE EXCAVATION SECTIONS & DETAILS ENGINEERING INC. PROJECT NUMBER: 07250-03 SHEET NUMBER: 'ISSUE NO. C-501 1 fiLE:CSOt7250.0wG PlOT SCAL£. 1:1 OA!t: 02/28/96 TllolE. 10 .lJom PATH H \TAZIIoliNA\ f' , ' 0 I io I A I ':., I ;.... 'I . \0 0 I I ...... ...... 8 0 I ~ \ ~ ~ ~' 2·-o· f)-7" c D 2 26'-6" ~ 3 4 -:? ---il~~ -----__c TAILRACE ru .. ~) ~ -~ --~ ~ ~ I I -I 5 6 I ' I ~-__ N 6<"<5"08• E _ , I __ 1 __ ( PENST~C_K __ _ 0 I "N ,., I \ I ---L------+- ! ~CENTER Of" SHAFT / i I r NOTE l 1 UNIT I 6'-5" 58'-6" PLAN 45'-6" "A" UNE (T'tP)-'\ --\__ f UNIT 2 .&'- "A" LINE 0 10'x12' ' -v • 1 I II ,. --FIBER REINfORCED SHOTCRETE ff EL 483.0 L SEE NOTE J '4 -_IIIK_lt • .t-..;: ----... N011CE "'--• dra!Oinqa ha .. ---"" -~-. S.. orltlnCII -ltta dotH 1/5/M tar ..... lid'""'--tL R£CORD ORA..C n.-rec•d dra!Oinqa ho .. -.,_... ...,_ an tnl-atlon proWIH loy O!Nn. Til• Ent-hot not .-i(ood tile G<C>KOC:y of -ln"'"""tlon Md -not ..., ••-..,.• ,_. .,, ..,.... 01 omlnkwtl whicfl mey M '"-otH hw•tn o• o , • ...,t. 7 & I £ PENSToqK 20' RADIUS 0 .~,-0 I ~ L FlNISHEO !) : SURfACE (T'tP) -·-__._ ------ r---1 --, I I t"'t"-f:Y I \ _ _LI I " : / I I ./ I I I a NOTES: 1. 0 SYl.IBOL SHO~ INDICATES MANDATORY EXCAIIA TION SEQUENCE Of POWERHOUS£. 2. ALL ROCK SOL TS AND SHOTCRETE SHALL BE INSTALLED BEI-"ORE AOIIANCINC TO NEXT EXCA\IA TION SEQUENCE. 3. EXCAVATE AS REQUIRED FOR loiiNIMUM CONCRETE CO\IfR. 4. SLOPE SUIAP PIT FLOOR TO DRAIN TO PUMP. ..--SEE NOTE J A B c 0 4 ~ 4 r f"EET kJa\;;r I SECTION ® v.·. ,_,. E E TAZIMINA D"' scALE y4·-r-o· '-~ j HR HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ~ o"fotiios ISSUE NO D~TE AS CONSTRUCTED ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION DESC'l'~"' 2'• -.:>1rr-IF!-'l~O owe BY CHK IAPPR DESIGNED: P. BERKSHIRE DRAWN: E.E. CLEA\IfR CHECKED J. PETERSON IUAMNA-NEWHALEN-NONDAL TON ELECTRIC COOPER A 11VE POWERHOUSE CAVERN EXCAVAllON ENGINEERING INC. PLAN AND SECllONS PROJECT NUMBER· 07250-0.3 SHEET NUMBER: 'ISSUE: NO. C-502 1 Fll(.C50272500WG PLOT SC~L( 1;1 OAf£ 02/28/96 TIU€: 10 19om l'•TH H \TIIlii.IINA\ A 8 c E LADDER, SEE LADDER DETAIL, DWG C-:241, __./ EXTEND TO EL 488.0 ~ 2 OIL/WATER SEPARATOR / 25'-0" V4=1'-0" \. '- 3 ------ PERI'-IETER F"LOOR PLAN DRAIN, SLOPE TO DRAIN TO SU'-IP L-UF"TING BOLT W/EYE ( T'r'P) SEE NOTE 2 ··-o· ··-o· (TYP) (TYP) TURBINEJ DRAfT TUBE {TYP) --~------------------------~------- 5 v:~r-.o· 6 ~ l 4x4x:Ya GAL V STRUT, 2 REO'D DRAFT TUBE STRUT NOT SHOM-1 FOR ·\_ CLARITY, THIS SIDE Y:z" GALV I( ~~5~o9N EB &~i DRAFT TUBE SUPPORT BRACKET 7 8 NOTES: & 1. BILCO TYPE J HATCH. 3'-0"x3'-o•, STEEL F"RAME, GALVANIZED, STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE. DRAIN GUTTER TO TAILRACE. 2. LOCATE PRIMARY UF"TING EYE BOLTS OVER THE TOP OF LIFTING LUGS ON THE GENERATOR, TURBINE SCROLL CASE. DRAFT TUBE AND TURBINE SHUT-OfF" VALVE FOR EACH UNIT. LOCATE ADDITIONAL UF"TING EYE BOlTS 4'-0" TO EACH SIDE OF" THE PR11.4ARY UF"TING EYE BOLTS. N011CE n... ....,ord anowlnv• ha .. -.......,_ .., -~-. s.. """vin"' .. -Itt· datlld 0/~/M ,.., ....... ..,d _.., c~ocum..,to. RECCR) DRA'*G Tho• ...,ora dnowlnt• --.......,_ boolld .., Information pro-Dy ott>••· Tho En,..._ hoe not ..-~-tflo aecwacy ol .. c:tt '"fof'rnotk:wt on4 llhal not be ,....,.,., • ..,.. few any .,.,.01'"1 01 cwnl...,l .nic:ft moy be ... ..,...,... .... h-.............. STILLING WELL ASSEMBLY l -\ 4 CENTERED ON DRAFT TUBE r;;!!!;} I I I j I !scALE •.. .• .. I ~ ~ I <:::>:;:::::;>~ ioATE DESIGNED P. BERKSHIRE ~A­ ~-t~~~~~~~~~~------4-~~~~ CH(O<EO· E.E. CLEAVER BY I C'-'< IAPPR I 0. HIPPE IUAMNA-NEWHALEN-NONDALTON 'L_ ....,......,-:) ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE .I 1...A.. '- ENGINEERING INC. HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT POWERHOUSE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT PROJECT NUMBER 07250-03 SHEET NUMBER, C-521 I 1 FIL(. C521725QQWG PLOT SC~LE 1~1 QIIT[ 02/28/96 I!ML 4 •9pm PAIH·H:\TAZII.AINA\ A 8 c 0 E A B c D E 2 r---t-----1-----------------------------~--~--~--~SCALE: NTS 1 0 ISSUE NO DATE XR(r f8-ll~G [)WG DE SC'<IP TION DESIGNED. P. BERKSHIRE OI<AWN T . .t.. I.IAUS CHECKED By I CHK I APPI< I J. PETERSON 3 4 5 IUAMNA-NEWHALEN-NONDALTON 'L.. ~R ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE C1A. A , ~ ENGINEERING INC. 6 7 8 1/J & NOliCE -,_, ·-9• h .... -pr_ ... ... ._t .... s......, ...... lllaiOaled l.f'/H "" oi9ned and -ed -lL RECCIIJ DRAWtG ,......_ recorO *a"'t• hen. been .,.....,._. l>oMd .., ln-Uon pro-by olh.,._ lho ~-hao not _,.... tho GCX:Unley of -In-lion -oh.,. not bo ·--fer _.., ..,. ... 01 amt .. ka"• •~ctt may tMi ..._.ted ....,.., ao a mull. TAZIMINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT POWERHOUSE SPACE FRAME ISOMETRIC VIEW PROJECT NUI.IBER 07250-0J SHEET NUI.IBER: IISSUE NO C-541 1 FILE C541 7250.DWC. PLOT SCALE: l•l DATE· 02/26/96 Tlt.l[ ! 27om PATH H \fAZit.IIN.t.\ A 8 c D 2 3 510 500 A ,.f /POWERHOUSE CAVERN 81 450 11+60 11+80 12+00 12+20 BACKFILL TO SURROUNDING GRADE USING LOOSE ROCK ANO TUNNEL SPOILS ~ c I • f"'~~ X/ SCALE LOOSE ROCK FROM UPSTREAM Of OPEH CHANNEL 0 I I I I /~ E ~--+-----~------------------------------+---~---+--~SCALE: 1" -10' DESIGNED P. BERKSHIRE ~~~~~r.=~~~~~~~~----------~--~--~--4 0RAWN: E.E. CLEAVER CHECKED· CAfE I DESCRIPTION By I CHK I APPR I J. PETERSON ... ~rr 4 5 6 510 7 8 :Y•"x6' -a· TYPE 1 ROCK BOLTS 0 J'•J' SPACING 4 1"x12'-Q" TYPE:4 ROCK BOLTS 0 2: OC HORIZONTALLY 8' HORSESHOE SHOTCRETE I LINER PLATE 14+05 .-.....__, .......__, "'--"'" ~ ~ .............-.-~ ~ 14+20 14+40 14+60 PROFILE 1"=10'-0" 15012 EW EF z ~ CONCRETE ENCASEMENT / STEEL LINER ----..._ PLATES l~ I l Y'\_.~ ! 0 .;; & I( 1-0"xt'-O"xY:z" ANCHOR TO ROCK USING 1" DIA. EXP ANCHOR 0 4" O.C. EA. SlOE v- Y:z"• GALV BOLT 4x4 PRESSURE TREATED 11MBER, #2 OR BETTER DOUGLAS FIR {TYP) STA 12+58 ¥4"=1'-0" IUAMNA-NEWHALEN-NONDAL TON ELECTRIC COOPER A 11VE HR ENGINEERING INC. 3" SECTION A .y:.r-o· IE 475.0 '\ '\ J" flBER REINFORCED SHOTCRETE 450 "-\.._A ~'-.....,./.....__, L!::i A A I 14+80 '-BACKfiLL ~TH LOOSE ~Ill . r-·---r--nr ROCK AND TUNNEL EXC. SPOILS. ANCHOR TO ROCK ~TH GROUTED PIN {TYP) N011CE ----..----"" ""·---s.. ....... -lttol ... , ... t~/H fw ......, --IIDC:Ymcnls. R£CQRD DRAWHG n. ........... -··--"'-"" l>oM ..., inl-tioft pn>-lty othwL n.. £nt~n--not---ocyof .,.., ln'-otioft--not M -- fw ""' ....... "' -·-.... , ... ..._ _____ t_ l., I a. 1'-o· (TYP) 15012 EW EF , ... 10' 0 &. · .. r·-··, 1 .. kxJ . o· ~.--1- A HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TAILRACE TUNNEL PROFILEt PLAN AND SECllONS SHEET NU'-18ER· C-581 FilE C581 7250 DWG PL01 SCALE' I= 1 DA IE: 02/28(96 TIM( 2 •9pm PA T>i 1 A IB IC