HomeMy WebLinkAboutSunrise Lake Water Supply and Hydroelectric Project 1998SUNRISE LAKE WATER SUPPLY AND HYDROELECT~I~ PROJ~CT ·~ • 4 ' • .: ' • • ' " , __ ' / •• '\ .·· . ' ' -" -· ADDENDUM TO __ ' FEASIBIUTYSTUDY REPORJ __ .··;· .. ·_ ExPANSION OF THE WRANGELLIS~..na -WATERSUPPLYSYSTEM City of Wrangell, Ala September 1998 R'WfitCK September 1, 1998 Mr. Scott W. Seabury City Manager RIWillECK City of Wrangell 205 Brueger P. 0. Box531 Wrangell, AK 99929 Subject: Sunrise Lake Water Supply and Hydroelecbic Project Addendum to Feasibility Study Report Wrangell Island Water Supply System Dear Mr. Seabury: In general accordance with the terms of our agreement, we respectfully submit herewith a Addendum to the Sunrise Lake Water Supply and Hydroelectric Project Feasibility Study Report (Feasibility Study), Wrangell Island Water Supply System, for the City's review and comment. The scope of the Feasibility Study that was prepared for the City in early 1998 was confined to the study of water supply and hydroelectric facilities on Woronkofski Island and the water supply line across Zimovia Strait to Wrangell Island. Following the completion of this Feasibility Study, the City recognized the need for the Feasibility Study to take into consideration the City's water supply system on Wrangell Island in the overall project planning. Preparation of this Addendum to the Feasibility Study was authorized to address this need. It is our sincere hope that the City finds that this Addendum provides the necessary information with which to make informed decisions regarding their water supply system on Wrangell Island, as well as with respect to the Sunrise Lake Water Supply and Hydroelectric project A summary of our investigation, principal findings, conclusions and recommendations is presented in the Executive Summary of the report. If there are any questions regarding this Addendum, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, R. W. ~E~:·¢1 St~.E. · Project Manager Enclosure RA.K/rhrn c: Messrs. Todd Glass and Eric Redman, Heller Ehrman White & McAuliffe Xl10222.353 1001 Fourth Avenue, Suite 2500 Seattle. WA 98154-1004 Phone (206) 695-4700 Fax (206) 695-4701 <V ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE SUNRISE LAKE WATER SUPPLY AND HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT The technical material and data contained in this report were prepared under the supervision and direction of the undersigned whose seal as Professional Engineer is affixed below: -~....--~~",, ~t\~··.. ' ,.,q,~. • ..... '·: 49tH * . •1. ' .......... ·.1.& ~ . . . . . . . . . . . 1\1REED A. IIEU.Y ~· ·~ •• No. aD... J' .. . . . ., ,,,~;, X11~353 8r.UV98 fi'W'~ECK LETTER OF TRANSMITIAL ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY OF WRANGELL SUNRISE LAKE WATER SUPPLY AND HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................... 1 TREATMENT FACILITIES .................................................................................. 1 QUANTITY .................................................................................•..................... 1 MARINE PIPELINE ALIGNMENT ...................................................................... 2 BOOSTER PUMP STATION .............................................................................. 2 TRANSMISSION MAIN .................................................................................... 3 FUTURE WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS ....................................... 3 Water Treatment Plant ................................................................................... 3 Water System Improvements ......................................................................... 4 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION ....•................................................•..............•....• 1 BACKGROUND ............................................................................................... 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE .................................................................................... 1 SECTION 2 IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES. ••.••.•.• 1 GENERAL ......................................................................................................... 1 TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS ..................................................................... 1 WATER SUPPLY CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................ 3 Quantity ........................................................................................................ 3 Marine Pipeline Alignment ............................................................................ 3 Hydraulic ...................................................................................................... 5 BOOSTER PUMP STATION LOCATION ALTERNATIVES .................................. 5 Booster Pump Station Design ........................................................................ 6 TRANSMISSION MAIN ALIGNMENT ALTERNATIVES ...................................... 6 EVALUATION OF WATER CONVEYANCE ALTERNATIVES ............................... 7 Capital Costs ................................................................................................. 7 Engineering and Construction Issues ........................................................... 14 ALTERNATIVEs 1Aand 1B ....................................................................... 14 ALTERNATIVE 2 ....................................................................................... 14 Permitting!Environmental Issues .................................................................. 14 X110222.35 8128198 R'vV'~ECK TABLE OF CONTENTS ALTERNATIVEs 1A and 1 B ...................................................................... 14 i\LTERNATIVE 2 ...................................................................................... 15 Other Issues ................................................................................................ 15 ALTERNATIVEs 1A and 1 B ...................................................................... 15 Recommended Transmission Main Alternative ............................................ 16 SECTION 3 FUTURE WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS ................... 1 WATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION REQUIREMENTS ........................... 1 WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS .................................................................. 1 SECTION 4 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST AND SCHEDULE. ............. 1 GENERAL ......................................................................................................... 1 BASIS OF COSTS ............................................................................................. 1 Direct Construction Cost. .............................................................................. 1 Contingencies ............................................................................................... 1 Engineering and Owner Administration ........................................................ 2 Total Construction Cost ................................................................................. 2 Escalation ...................................................................................................... 2 Interest During Construction ......................................................................... 2 Total Investment Cost .................................................................................... 2 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE ................................................................. 2 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE .................................................. 4 General ......................................................................................................... 4 Design and Contract Documents .................................................................. 4 Construction ................................................................................................. 5 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 2-1 TABLE 2-2 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE-ALTERNATIVE 1A TABLE 2-3 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE-ALTERNATIVE 1 B TABLE 2-4 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE-ALTERNATIVE 2 TABLE 4-1 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY TABLE 4-1 BACKUP CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE WITH 4.0 MW HYDRO UNIT LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 2-1 PENSTOCK/WATER SUPPLY PIPELINE ALIGNMENT FIGURE 2-2 PROJECT ALTERNATIVES ti R. W Beck &'28/98 X110222.35 CITY OF WRANGELL This report has been prepared for the use of the client for the specific purposes identified in the report. The conclusions, observations and recommendations contained herein attributed to R. W. Beck, Inc., ("R. W. Beck") constitute the opinions of R. W. Beck. To the extent that statements, information and opinions provided by the client or others have been used in the preparation of this report. R. W. Beck has relied upon the same to be accurate, and for which no assurances are intended and no representations or warranties are made. R. W. Beck makes no certification and gives no assurances except as explicitly set forth in this report. Copyright 1998, R. W. Beck, Inc. All rights reserved. X110222.35 8128198 R. W Beck iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The scope of the Feasibility Report for Sunrise Lake Water Supply and Hydroelectric Project (Feasibility Study) that was prepared for the City of Wrangell in early 1998 was confined to the study of water supply and hydroelectric facilities on Woronkofski Island and the water supply line across Zimovia Strait to Wrangell Island. Following completion of the Feasibility Study, the City recognized the need for the Feasibility Study to include improvements to the water supply system on Wrangell Island for expanding or replacing the City's current water supply with one of superior quality and quantity available from Sunrise Lake. Following is a summary of our findings and recommendations. TREATMENT FACILITIES Instead of constructing separate and redundant treabnent facilities on Woronkofski Island, we recommend that the City's overall water supply system scheme take full advantage of its new water treabnent and storage facilities on Wrangell Island. Making use of these facilities makes sense not only because of the investment in them, but also because of the level of treabnent uncertainties in both Sunrise Lake's water quality and in the uncertainties of the City's future economic growth. Using the new treatment facilities will have the following advantages over a separate treabnent system: • Reduces both capital and operational treatment costs. • Allows the City to collect the necessary water quality data from Sunrise Lake for a possible waiver from filtration. • Provides the City the time to determine the water supply needs for economic growth in the community made possible with the Sunrise Lake Project. • Provides greater system reliability. QUANTITY We recommend that the water supply pipeline capacity from Sunrise Lake be increased from 1.5 MGD to 3.0 MGD. The incremental cost of the water supply line to double its capacity is approximately 30 percent. Also, increasing the supply capacity from Sunrise Lake would allow the City to either abandon its existing source or use it as an emergency backup service. By shifting the City's entire water source to Sunrise Lake, the City may be able to use their existing watershed for other benefits, especially since available developable land in the vicinity of Wrangell is scarce. Therefore, we recommend that the water supply line from Woronkofski Island be increased to 16-inch (HDPE nominal OD, 14.5 inch ID). X110222.353 8128/98 H'vV'~ECK EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MARINE PIPELINE ALIGNMENT The Feasibility Study selected the marine pipeline across Zimovia Strait that had the shallowest alignment and most direct crossing between Woronkofski and Wrangell islands (Alternative 1). This alignment was selected without consideration of the ultimate location of use on Wrangell, although the possibility of providing this water to serve the area south of Wrangell was a consideration. In order to bring to bring the water north to the water treatment plant, the supply line will need to be located either along the Zimovia Highway R.O.W or along the intertidal zone. Because of the recent reconstruction of Zimovia Highway (1995), it would be difficult to obtain the Department of Transportation's approval and contend with all the utilities beneath the Highway. Installing the water supply pipeline in the intertidal zone is more straightfoward and significantly less costly. The pipeline would run along the shoreline in a northerly direction for approximately one mile and then move inland at the north end of Cemetery Point. Further evaluation of the route on Woronkofski Island led to a change in the overall route so that the marine line would run directly from the project jetty on Woronkofski Island to Wrangell Island and then up the coast to Cemetery Point as shown in Figure 2-1 (Alternative 2). Also, the pipeline diameter of both alternative routes increased from a 14-inch to a 16-inch nominal diameter to account for the additional one-mile distance along the intertidal zone to the booster pump station. While Alternative 1 was not appreciably less costly than Alternative 2 ($60,000), this alternative route eliminates potential environmental impacts to several streams on Woronkofski Island. However, with the additional one-mile length of HDPE pipe in the intertidal zone, the direct construction cost of this feature increased by about $360,000 from that indicated in the Feasibility Study. BOOSTER PUMP STATION The powerhouse is proposed to be situated at an elevation that maximizes the power generation potential while still allowing water to be conveyed to Wrangell Island by gravity. The elevation of the powerhouse has been established at around elevation 140 feet MSL, while the treatment plant is located at an elevation of approximately 265 feet MSL. In order to gravity-flow to the water treatment plant, the powerhouse would have to be situated at an elevation of approximately 430 feet MSL, which would result in a considerable loss of power generation potential. Consequently, a booster pump station is needed. For reasons similar to those for locating the treatment facilities on Wrangell Island, it is recommended that the booster pump station also be located on Wrangell Island, in the general vicinity of Cemetery Point. The cost of this booster pump station is included with the transmission main. 2 R. W Beck 08128/98 X110222.353 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TRANSMISSION MAIN From the terminus of the marine pipeline at Cemetery Point, three potential routes to the water treatment plant were investigated. One route runs generally from the cemetery (cemetery just south of the wastewater treatment plant), up the drainage of the City's reservoirs to the plant (Alternative 1A). This route requires the construction of an access road. A variation of this route {Alternative 1B) is without an access road for maintenance. The other route is northerly along Zimovia Highway to the water treatment plant/reservoirs access road (Wood Street), then along the access road to the water treatment plant (Alternative 2). The direct construction costs for Alternatives 1A, 1B and 2, including the booster pump station, were determined to be approximately $1.2 million, $0.9 million, and $1.7 million, respectively. Because Alternative 1A requires the construction of an access road, it has greater environmental impacts than Alternatives 1B or 2. Provided that subsequent environmental studies confirm there are no significant adverse impacts which cannot be mitigated, the anticipated impacts appear minor and can be minimized with appropriate mitigation measures. Nevertheless, Alternative 1B is the recommended alternative because of its least cost and minimal environmental impact. FUTURE WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS WATER TREATMENT PLANT The water treatment plant has a capacity of 1.3 MGD. Sunrise Lake's water supply pipeline will have a capacity of 3.0 MGD. This means that the water treatment plant (or portions thereof) will eventually need to be expanded by 1.7 MGD in order to take full advantage of the water supply. The results of the initial, albeit limited, water quality data have indicated that Sunrise Lake water is superior to the City's existing water source and, in fact, could likely be exempted from filtration. However, the level of required treatment will be unknown until water sampling and testing is performed for a one-year period per State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations. If the water quality meets the Surface Water Treatment Rules (SWTR) and the City is successful in obtaining a waiver from filtration, expanding the plant's disinfection system would not require much space. If filtration were required and if the same means for filtration were used (i.e., low rate, slow sand filtration), considerably more space would be needed. The water treatment plant site offers limited space for plant expansion, and it appears doubtful that the existing site could feasibly be expanded to accommodate this type of filtration process. Rather, it is considered much more probable that high rate filtration would be used to expand the filtration capacity of the plant. X110222.353 8128198 R. W Beck 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The preliminary construction costs were estimated for these two treatment alternatives. In the case where filtration is not required and only the capacity of the disinfection system needs to be expanded, the cost was estimated to be around $1.7 million. If the capacity of the disinfection system is expanded and high rate filtration is used to replace the slow sand filtration system completely to provide 3.0 MGD of capacity, the cost is estimated to be $5.0 million. This amount was not included in the cost estimate of the selected arrangement because treatment expansion can be postponed to a later stage. In fact, the $200,000 chlorination facility (see Feasibility Study) to have been located on Woronkofski has been eliminated. WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS Because future demands from economic development and growth are unpredictable at this time, it is recommended that the booster pump station be sized to meet the current projected demands and match the capacity of the water treatment plant of 1.3 MGD. Reasonable provisions can be made in the design of the booster pump station to allow for future expansion to 3.0 MGD. But, until the demands are truly established/realized and the demands exceed approximately 80 percent of the capacity of the plant, it is best to provide a pumping system that matches, more or less, the actual system demands and head requirements. When additional capacity is required, the pumping system can be modified, additional and/or larger pumping units can be installed or perhaps some combination used. Other water supply system improvements will be needed as economic growth occurs and the peak day demand increases above 1.3 MGD as well For example, the capacity of the plant's finished water pumping facilities will have to be increased and the capacity of the storage facilities will need to be increased in order to provide the same level of service for meeting demands and fire protection. 4 R. W Beck 08128/98 X110222.353 BACKGROUND SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION In October 1997, the Oty of Wrangell (Oty) commissioned R. W. Beck to evaluate the feasibility of using Sunrise Lake, which is located on Woronkofski Island, as a potential water supply and source of hydroelectric power. In general accordance with a contract dated October 24, 1997, R. W. Beck submitted a feasibility study titled Sunrise Lake Water Supply and Hydroelectric Project (Feasibility Study) to the City in January 1998 (revised version submitted in Apri11998). The scope of the Feasibility Study was confined to water supply and hydroelectric facilities on Woronkofski Island and a water supply line across Zimovia Strait to Wrangell Island. The study of potential water supply system connections and improvements on Wrangell Island was not included as part of this Feasibility Study. At the conclusion of the Feasibility Study, the findings were favorable to the City. The Oty recognized the need for the Feasibility Study to take into consideration its water supply system on Wrangell Island in the overall project planning. In March 1998, the City commissioned the preparation of an addendum to the Feasibility Study to develop conceptual design and construction cost estimates of water supply system connections and improvements on Wrangell Island. PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of this Feasibility Study Addendum is to investigate and assess the water supply system improvements needed on Wrangell Island for the Sunrise Lake Project Because it made good sense to use the new water treatment and storage facilities, this investigation focused on making the most use of these facilities in the City's overall water supply scheme. The use of these facilities is prudent due to the level of treatment uncertainties with Sunrise Lake water.. 11 Consequently, the study focused on the conceptual design of a booster pump station and transmission main that would convey the water from the terminus of the marine pipeline on Wrangell Island to the City's new water treatment plant. This study also, at the suggestion of the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG), investigated an alternative marine pipeline alignment for conveying Sunrise Lake water from Woronkofski Island to Wrangell Island. X110222.353 8128198 fi'\V'~ECK GENERAL SECTION 2 IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES During the course of the study, various water supply system alternatives were considered in selection, location and design of major Project features in conveying water from the power plant on Woronkofski Island to Wrangell Island and for the treatment of the Sunrise Lake water. We first evaluated the need for additional treatment facilities by reviewing the City's new treatment plant, currently under construction. Then, we evaluated several alternatives for conveying the water to the treatment plant. The evaluation of the water conveyance arrangement examined three components: 1) marine pipeline route; 2) booster pump location; 3) and transmission main route. The alternative marine pipeline routes included land segments for conveying Sunrise Lake water by gravity between the powerhouse on Woronkofski Island and the booster pump on Wrangell Island. The transmission main considered alternative routes for conveying water from the booster pump to the treatment plant. Other evaluations included pipe sizing and booster pump capacity. TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS In the Feasibility Study, a water sample indicated that the quality of Sunrise Lake's water might qualify for an exemption from filtration. This would mean that the water would only need to be disinfected. Disinfection of Sunrise Lake's water could entail either chlorination by itself, or more likely, ozonation coupled with chlorination. We believe that the latter means of disinfection is needed to meet the SWTR's Cf requirements and to prevent having potential problems with taste and odors. The Feasibility Study considered locating the disinfection system on Woronkofski Island. However, it is preferred to locate the disinfection system on Wrangell Island for the following reasons: • The treatment requirements, including filtration, cannot be established until fairly extensive and long-term {minimum of one year) water quality testing is performed. Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation {ADEC) recently indicated that they will not accept water quality data for purposes of supporting a waiver from filtration unless it is collected in strict accordance with their regulations1• Due to the lake's location, obtaining water quality 1 Please refer to correspondence dated May 19, 1998 in Appendix A. X11~53 Sf.UV98 R'vV'fiECK SECTION 2 data is costly. Consequently, ADEC s position may preclude the City from obtaining water quality data that could support a waiver from filtration until after the water supply facilities are completed. However, the City could collect water quality data on its own to ascertain whether water quality could satisfy a waiver. We recommend that the City proceed to obtain water quality information on Sunrise Lake. • In the spring of 1999, the City will have commissioned a new 1.3-MGD water treahnent plant and 400,000-gallon storage tank on Wrangell Island. This plant has the ability to both disinfect (using ozone and chlorine) and filter water (slow sand filtration). Due to the uncertainties regarding Sunrise Lake's water quality and, hence, treahnent requirements, it makes sense for the City to use these new treahnent facilities rather than having separate and redundant treahnent facilities on Woronkofski Island. Using the new treahnent facilities will be more cost effective and, in addition, will provide some flexibility and advantages to the City. For example, using the new treahnent facilities will allow the City to use Sunrise Lake's water while collecting the necessary water quality data to potentially satisfy a waiver from filtration. If a waiver is later obtained, the City can either bypass filtration or continue to filter the water as an additional treahnent (precautionary) measure. Then, when water demands exceed the 1.3-MGD plant capacity, expansion of the plant's filtration capacity will not be needed. In the event Sunrise Lake's water quality does not qualify for an exemption, the filtration system is already there and will be used, then expanded when it becomes necessary. • Even though the treahnent facilities can be remotely monitored and controlled using telemetry (i.e., Supervisory, Control and Data Acquisition, or SCADA), it will still be necessary for O&M personnel to visit the facilities on a fairly routine basis (e.g., three or four days a week) to check, repair, adjust and maintain the plant's equipment. Consequently, maintaining and operating treahnent facilities on Woronkofski Island, because of its remote location would be more costly than if located on Wrangell Island. • Locating the treahnent facilities on Woronkofski Island would place a great deal of reliance on telemetry for monitoring and controlling the treahnent facilities. The ability to troubleshoot and quickly resolve the inevitable problems would be much more difficult than if the treahnent facilities were close by and readily accessible. It is absolutely essential for the City to have a safe and reliable potable water supply. Reliability would be compromised if the facilities were located on Woronkofski Island. For the above reasons, treahnent facilities on Woronkofski Island are not recommended; no further consideration is given to treahnent facilities on Woronkofski Island. Instead, this study focuses on treahnent on Wrangell Island. 2-2 R. W Beck 8/28,198 X110222.353 WATER SUPPLY CONSIDERATIONS QUANTITY IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES In the original study, the development of the Sunrise Lake Basin was intended to provide an additional water supply source for the City's future economic development and growth. Because the City believes that the firm yield of its existing source has reached capacity and that its limited water source would discourage industry to come to Wrangell, the amount of water that would be supplied by Sunrise Lake was "established" at 1.5 MGD. The basis for this figure was that it would be sufficient to satisfy the demands of the City well beyond the year 2020, based on its historic growth rate of 1 percent. It is now recommended that the supply from Sunrise Lake be increased from 1.5 MGD to approximately 3.0 MGD. As the firm yield of Sunrise Lake is significantly greater than that of the existing source, the City can place greater confidence on the reliability of this water supply and on the lake providing additional water expansion as the City's future demands increase above 3.0 MGD. Increasing the supply from Sunrise Lake would provide the City the option of "abandoning'' its existing source or in using it as an emergency backup. As the water quality of Sunrise Lake is much better than the existing source, reduced operating costs would also likely be realized. Another potential benefit to the City could be in using the existing watershed for other purposes, such as housing development since available developable land in Wrangell is scarce. This additional 1.5 MGD supply can be obtained at a relatively modest cost. The additional cost will be essentially the difference in the cost of the pipe. The pipeline, instead of being a nominal pipe size of 12 inches for a capacity of 1.5 MGD, would be a nominal pipe size of 16 inches (14.5-inch I.D., SDR 21, HDPE) for 3.0 MGD(l). The incremental cost increase is estimated to be about 30 percent ($540,000). MARINE PIPELINE ALIGNMENT Two alternative alignments were considered for the pipeline between the proposed powerhouse and Wrangell Island. Alternative No. 1 alignment {see Figure 3.2 in April 1998 Feasibility Report) is comprised of an overland route alongside the existing Tyee transmission line on Woronkofski Island, then crossing the Zimovia Strait at the shallowest and shortest crossing to the beach head on Wrangell Island about one mile south of Cemetery Point near the Wrangell Institute. No.2 alternative alignment {see Figure 2-1) is comprised of a (I) The capacity will be in the 2.8-3.0 MGD range depending on final design parameters of powerhouse and pump station elevations and coefficient of friction used for final design. X110222.353 9/1/98 R. W. Beck 2-3 SECTION 2 longer marine pipeline crossing from the proposed marine jetty on Woronkofski Island to a beach head at about the same location on Wrangell Island. For both alternatives, a nominal pipeline diameter of 16 inches is being assumed rather than a 14-inch pipe, as reported in the Feasibility Study. The reason for the increased size was primarily to account for the location of the booster pump station, which is to be located in the City Park at Cemetery Point, rather than at the beach head a mile to the south. Instead of locating the transmission main in Zimovia Highway on Wrangell Island, we recommend that it be located in the intertidal zone. The reason for this recommendation is that the Zimovia Highway was recently reconstructed (1995) and many utilities are located within the roadway (storm drain, water and sewer), making the construction of the transmission main in Zimovia Highway difficult and costly. During a conference call on June 24, 1998, with USFS and ADF~, the resource agencies did not voice any particular environmental concern that would prohibit construction the water pipeline in the intertidal zone. The cost estimates of the alternative pipeline alignments are summarized in the following table: TABLE 2-1 SUNRISE LAKE WATER SUPPLY AND HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT COST COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVE ROUTES PROJECT Item Procure and Install HDPE Buried Pipeline-Woronkofski (36" Dia.) Buried Pipeline-Woronkofski (16" Dia.) Marine Pipeline (16" Dia.) Buried Pipeline-Intertidal Zone (16" Dia.) Valve Vault-Woronkofski Stream Crossings-Woronkofski Total Marine Pipeline Alternative 1 0 760,000 1,264,000 270,000 0 110,000 2,404,000 Marine Pipeline Alternative 2 $144,000 0 1,880,000 270,000 50,000 0 $2,344,000 The total estimated costs are not appreciably different between the two alternatives. However, there is a difference in their potential affect to the streams on Woronkofski Island. For Alternative 1, eight streams on Woronkofski Island would be crossed by the pipeline. With each of these streams showing evidence of salmon habitat, care would be needed in the construction of the pipeline through these streams. Additionally, Alternative 1 would have a potentially significant impact on one of the streams where power plant discharges of up to 32 cfs would substantially increase the stream flow. Alternative 2 avoids the stream crossings by directing the pipeline along the proposed access to the marine jetty. Additionally, this pipeline segment would convey the plant discharge, in excess of the City's water needs, into the Zimovia Straight rather than into a stream. 2-4 R. W Beck 9/1/98 X110222.353 IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES Based on both cost and environmental considerations, Alternative Alignment No. 2 is recommended for pipeline construction. HYDRAULIC The powerhouse is proposed to be situated at an elevation that maximizes the power generation potential but still allows the water to be conveyed to Wrangell Island by gravity. The elevation of the powerhouse was initially established at an elevation of 140 feet MSL, while the water treatment plant is located at an elevation of approximately 265 feet MSL. In order to gravity-flow to the water treatment plant, the powerhouse would have to be located approximately at elevation 430 feet MSL. This would result in a considerable loss of power generation potentiaL Furthermore, a HDPE marine pipeline would need to be at the upper limits of its pressure classification and would be costly to procure and construct. Consequently, a booster pump station is recommended for development because it results in less Project Development cost and allows for a maximum of power potential for the 4.0-MW hydro station. The final elevation of the powerhouse depends on the location of the booster pump station. Assuming the booster pump station is at an elevation of 30 feet MSL on Wrangell Island, the powerhouse will need to be at an elevation of about 140 feet MSL in order to ensure that a flow of 3.0 MGD can be conveyed in a 16-inch (nominal OD) HDPE pipeline. If the pump station is at a higher elevation, or the powerhouse is at a lower elevation, then the hydraulic capacity at the water supply pipeline will be reduced. BOOSTER PUMP STATION LOCATION ALTERNATIVES There are several potential locations for a booster pump station in the general vicinity of the proposed beach head of the marine pipeline: in Oty Park, at the wastewater treatment plant or at the end of (or just beyond) the access road which is along the northerly boundary of the cemetery. The selection of a preferred site will need to consider aesthetic and environmental impacts. Hydraulic considerations will be important as well because the booster pump location will either affect the capacity of the 16-inch water supply pipeline or affect the siting of the powerhouse and/or sizing of the water supply pipeline. As mentioned earlier, the powerhouse is proposed to be situated at about elevation 140 feet for power generation and cost reasons. Consequently, the elevation of the booster pump station and the size of the water supply line need to be considered together and properly balanced. Another engineering consideration is the establishment of an appropriate elevation that provides protection from extreme tidal events. It is, therefore, important to locate the booster pump station well above an elevation that has the potential of being flooded (say five to ten feet above high tide level). X110222.353 9/1/98 R. WBeck 2-5 SECTION 2 As mentioned earlier, assuming that the booster pump station on Wrangell Island is at an elevation of 30 feet MSL, the elevation of the powerhouse would need to be at approximately 140 feet MSL to assure that 3.0 MGD can be conveyed to Wrangell Island by gravity in a 16-inch (nominal OD) HOPE pipeline. The location chosen for conceptual design purposes is a site at the west end of the existing ceme.tery access road (See Figure 2-2). The elevation of the general area where the booster pump station could be located varies from approximately 30 to 50 feet MSL. At this location, the effect of noise would be less than if the pump station were located in City Park. BOOSTER PUMP STATION DESIGN Until the City's water demands exceed approximately 80 percent of the capacity of the plant, it is best to provide a pumping system that more or less matches the actual system demands and head requirements. The proposed pumping system would consist of three pumps, each with a capacity of approximately 0.7 MGD. Two of the pumps would, therefore, be capable of meeting the currently projected peak day demand. One pump would be standby. Each pump would have a variable frequency drive that would allow the pumps to match the variations in flow. Reasonable provisions can be made in the design of the proposed booster pump station to allow for future expansion to 3.0 MGD. These provisions include: • Allow space/provisions for a future pump • Size and configure piping for future flow • Select pumping equipment (pumps/motors/variable frequency drives) that offers some capacity expansion capability (with relatively minor modifications). • Size standby power for future load The booster pump station would be housed in a pre-engineered metal building. TRANSMISSION MAIN ALIGNMENT ALTERNATIVES From the pump station, there are two potential routes to the water treatment plant. One route (Alternative 2) is northerly along Zimovia Highway to the water treatment plant access road (Wood Street) and then along Wood Street to the water treatment plant. The other route (Alternatives 1A and 1B) is northerly along the west side of Zimovia Highway for a short distance, then east along the cemetery access road and cross-country in a forested area to the water treatment plant. This alternative was evaluated with and without an access/maintenance road for the cross-country portion of the pipeline. The alignment of these alternatives are shown schematically on Figure 2-2. 2-6 R. W Beck 9/1/98 X110222.353 f ,, ,;~-, IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES EVALUATION OF WATER CONVEYANCE ALTERNATIVES CAPITAL COSTS Direct construction costs were estimated for each alternative. It is important to understand that the following cost estimates were based on a "conceptual design" and without benefit of detailed mapping and geotechnical investigations. Although every reasonable effort was made to ascertain the system construction requirements and their associated costs, these estimates are based on reconnaissance-based information. Costs were estimated using a variety of sources, including bids, equipment and material suppliers, contractors and published construction cost data (e.g., Means), in addition to applying considerable professional engineering experience and judgment. The following items/costs have been excluded from this estimate: • Land/easement acquisition costs • Phased construction • Future inflation beyond 1998 • Increasing the capacity of the water treatment plant • Marine pipeline Pipe costs include trench excavation, hauling and disposal of unsuitable material, bedding and backfill. Trench restoration includes saw cutting. The estimates assume a batch plant is in the Wrangell area. Road excavation/fill includes drainage ditches. The following additional assumptions were made for the cost estimates: • For pipe in Zimovia Highway, all excavated material is unusable. Material is hauled and disposed off-site. A disposal site is located within 1 to 2 miles of the project area • For pipe in Zimovia Highway, all bedding and backfill is imported material • For both trench and road excavation, it was assumed that all rock can be excavated/ripped and blasting of rock would not be required (or is minimal) • For the access road to the WTP, it was assumed that cuVfill is essentially balanced and in-situ soils are generally suitable for the road's construction • For the access road to the WTP, it was assumed that the in-situ soils along the alignment will generally be suitable for the road's foundation (i.e., minimal muskeg); as such, it will not require the placement of excess shot rock to stabilize the road's foundation Xl10222.353 8128/98 R. W. Beck 2-7 SECTION 2 • For the pipe in the access road to the WTP, bedding material is imported; the majority (50+ percent) of the excavated material was suitable for use as backfill • Improvements/modifications required at the WTP to consist of connecting the 16-inch transmission main to the 12-inch influent supply line just outside the control building As shown in Tables 2-2, 2-3 and 2-4, the direct construction costs for Alternatives lA, lB and 2 are approximately $1.21 million, $0.96 million, and $1.74 million, respectively. The difference in cost between Alternative 1B over the other alternatives is approximately $0.25 million and $0.78 million. TABLE 2-2 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE TRANSMISSION MAIN ALTERNATIVE 1~1 J Itenv'Description Unit Qty. Unit Cost Total Cost CIVIL 16" HOPE Zimovia Highway (Marine Pipeline toP. Sta. Access LF 350 $ 100 $ 35,000 Road) 16" HOPE Pump Station Access Road LF 250 85 21,250 Trench Restoration Zimovia Highway (2" AC/4" ATB/8" SB) SF 1,750 4 6,125 Pump Station Site Clearing & Grubbing AC 0.25 12,000 3,000 Pump Station Access Road Clearing & Grubbing (250 LF x 60') AC 0.35 12,000 4,200 Pump Station Site Grading & Drainage LS 1 15,000 15,000 Pump Station Access Road Grading & Drainage (250 LF 14' LS 1 10,000 10,000 Gravel Rd) Pump Station Foundation Structural Excavation CY 250 25 6,250 Pump Station Foundation (12" Gravel/3" Sand) CY 140 30 4,200 P. Sta. Potable Water Service Conn. & Piping (250 LF 2" to LS 1 7,000 7,000 Bldg.) P. Sta. SS/Drain Sewer Service Conn. & Piping (250 LF 6" in to LS 1 9,000 9,000 Bldg.) P. Sta. Cyclone Fencing (6') LF 400 25 10,000 WTP Access Road Clearing & Grubbing (2600 LF x 60') AC 4 5,000 20,000 WTP Access Road Grading (Excavation/Fill for Subroad) CY 15,000 5 75,000 16" HOPE WTP Access Road LF 2600 60 156,000 16" Gate Valves EA 5 2,000 10,000 Combination Air/Vacuum Valves EA 2 5,000 10,000 6" Drain Valve/Line EA 2 1,500 3,000 Connect to WTP 12-in Influent Supply Line LS 1 3,500 3,500 WTP Access Road Drainage (18"/24" Culverts@ 250' Spacing) LF 360 50 18,000 WTP Access Road Creek Crossing (12' x 5' Multi-plate Arch LF 30 300 9,000 Culvert) WTP Access Road Culvert Inlet/Outlet Ri_e Ra_e CY 750 15 11,250 (l) Alternative methods cost of booster pump 2-8 R. W Beck 8/W98 Xll0222.353 r· TABLE 2-2 (Continued) Item/Description WTP Access Road Foundation (14' Wide/3' Shot Rock, 24 8") WTP Access Road Surfacing (14Ft Wide/12-in AB) WTP Access Road Erosion Control Subtotal Civil STRUCTURAL Pump Station Reinf. Slab-On-Grade (8") Pre-Engr. MetatBldg. (40' x 60') 8' Interior Walls (Steel Studs/Sheet Rock) Interior Appurtenances (Doors, Wall Finishes) Subtotal Structural MECHANICAL Pumping Equip. { -0.7MGD, 50 HP Horiz. Split Case Pumps & Motors) Pump Station 16" SteeVDI Piping Pump Station Valves & Appurtenances Pump Station Aow Meter Pump Station Hoist (1 Ton TroUey Type) Pump Station HeatinWVentilation System Pump Station Sanitary/Drain Sewer Piping & Appurtenances Pump Station Potable Water Piping & Appurtenances Standby Engine Generator Fuel Tank Subtotal Mechanical ELECTRICAL Pump Station Building Power & Ughting Pump Station Pumping Equipment VFDs (50 HP) Pumping Equipment MCC'Panel Pumping Equipment Instrumentation & Controls Pumping Equipment SCADNTelemetry Pumping Equipment Standby Power {200 kW) Subtotal Electrical MISaLLANEOUS Pump Station Painting (Equipment, Piping, Aoors, Interior Walls) Start-Up, Testing & Warranty Items Mobilization, Bonds & Insurance Construction Surveying Traffic Control Subtotal Miscellaneous DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COST (rounded) X110222.353 8128198 IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES Unit Qty. Unit Cost Total Cost CY 4,500 12 54,000 CY 1,500 25 37,500 LS 1 10,000 10,000 $ 548,275 CY 25 $ 325 $ 8,125 SF 2,400 60 144,000 LS 1 5,000 5,000 LS 1 7,500 7,500 $ 164,625 EA 3 12,000 36,000 LF 150 125 18,750 LS 1 35,000 35,000 LS 1 5,000 5,000 LS 1 15,000 15,000 LS 1 15,000 15,000 LS 1 4,000 4,000 LS 1 3,000 3,000 LS 1 5,000 $ 5,000 136,750 LS 1 15,000 15,000 EA 3 25,000 75,000 LS 1 15,000 15,000 LS 1 15,000 15,000 LS 1 20,000 20,000 LS 1 75_000 $ 75,000 215,000 LS 1 25,000 25,000 LS 1 20,000 20,000 LS 1 80,000 80,000 LS 1 20,000 20,000 LS 1 2,000 2,000 $ 147,000 $1,212,000 R. W. Beck 2-9 SECTION 2 TABLE 2-3 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE TRANSMISSION MAIN ALTERNATIVE 1 B(l) Item/Description Unit Qty. Unit Cost Total Cost CIVIL 16" HOPE Zimovia Highway (Marine Pipeline to P. Sta. Access LF 350 $ 100 $ 35,000 Road) 16" HOPE Pump Station Access Road LF 250 85 21,250 ' Trench Restoration Zimovia Highway (2" AC/4" ATB/8" SB) SF 1,750 4 6,125 Pump Station Site Clearing & Grubbing AC 0.25 12,000 3,000 Pump Station Access Road Clearing & Grubbing (250 LF x 60') AC 0.35 12,000 4,200 Pump Station Site Grading & Drainage LS 1 15,000 15,000 Pump Station Access Road Grading & Drainage (250 LF 14' LS 1 10,000 10,000 Gravel Rd) ;- Pump Station Foundation Structural Excavation CY 250 25 6,250 Pump Station Foundation (12" Gravel/3" Sand) CY 140 30 4,200 P. Sta. Potable Water Service Conn. & Piping (250 LF 2" to Bldg.) LS 1 7,000 7,000 P. Sta. 55/Drain Sewer Service Conn. & Piping (250 LF 6" in to LS 1 9,000 9,000 Bldg.) P. Sta. Cyclone Fencing (6') LF 400 25 10,000 WTP Clearing & Grubbing (2000 LF x 60') AC 2.5 5,000 12,500 16"HDPEWTP LF 2000 60 120,000 16" Gate Valves EA 5 2,000 10,000 Combination AirNacuum Valves EA 2 5,000 10,000 6" Drain Valve/Line EA 2 1,500 3,000 Connect to WTP 12-in Influent Supply Line LS 1 3~0 3,500 Erosion Control LS 1 10,000 6,000 l . Subtotal Civil $ 260,025 STRUGURAL Pump Station Reinf. Slab-On-Grade (8") CY 25 $ 325 $ 8,125 Pre-Engr. Metal Bldg. (40' x 60') SF 2,400 60 144,000 8' Interior Walls (Steel Studs/Sheet Rock) LS 1 5,000 5,000 Interior Appurtenances (Doors, Wall Finishes) LS 1 7,500 7,500 Subtotal Structural $ 164,625 MECHANICAL Pumping Equip. (-0.7MGD, 50 HP Horiz. Split Case Pumps & EA 3 12,000 36,000 Motors) Pump Station 16" Steel/DI Piping LF 150 125 18,750 Pump Station Valves & Appurtenances LS 1 35,000 35,000 Pump Station Flow Meter LS 1 5,000 5,000 Pump Station Hoist (1 Ton Trolley Type) LS 1 15,000 15,000 Pump Station HeatingNentilation System LS 1 15,000 15,000 Pume Station Sanitary/Drain Sewer Pieing & Appurtenances LS 1 4,000 4,000 (I) Alternative methods cost of booster pump 2-10 R. W Beck 8/28198 Xll0222.353 TABLE 2-3 (Continued) I tem!Description Pump Station Potable Water Piping & Appurtenances Standby Engine Generator Fuel Tank Subtotal Mechanical ELECTRICAL Pump Station Building Power & lighting Pump Station Pumping Equipment VFDs (50 HP) Pumping Equipment MCCIPanel Pumping Equipment Instrumentation & Controls Pumping Equipment SCADNfelemetry Pumping Equipment Standby Power (200 kW) Subtotal Electrical MISCELLANEOUS Pump Station Painting (Equipment, Piping, Floors, Interior Walls) Start-Up, Testing & Warranty Items Mobilization, Bonds & Insurance Construction Surveying Traffic Control Subtotal Miscellaneous DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COST (rounded) Xll0222.353 812&'98 IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES Unit Qty. Unit Cost Total Cost LS 1 3,000 3,000 LS 1 5,000 5,000 $ 136,750 LS 1 15,000 15,000 EA 3 25,000 75,000 LS 1 15,000 15,000 LS 1 15,000 15,000 LS 1 20,000 20,000 LS 1 75,000 75,000 $ 215,000 LS 1 25,000 25,000 LS 1 20,000 20,000 LS 1 80,000 80,000 LS 1 20,000 20,000 LS 1 2,000 2,000 $ 147,000 $ 923,000 R. W Beck 2-11 SECTION 2 TABLE 2-4 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE TRANSMISSION MAIN ALTERNATIVE i 1 l Item/Description Unit Qty. Unit Cost Total Cost CIVIL 16" HOPE Zimovia Highway (Marine Pipeline toP. Sta. Access LF 350 $ 100 $ 35,000 Road) 16" HOPE Pump Station Access Road (to P. Sta.) LF 250 85 21,250 r --. Trench Restoration Zimovia Highway (2" A Cf4" ATB/8" SB) SF 1,750 4 6,125 Pump Station Site Clearing & Grubbing AC 0.25 12,000 3,000 Pump Station Access Road Clearing & Grubbing (250 LF x 60') AC 0.35 12,000 4,200 Pump Station Site Grading & Drainage LS 1 15,000 15,000 Pump Station Access Road Grading & Drainage (250 LF 14' LS 1 10,000 10,000 Gravel Rd) Pump Station Foundation Structural Excavation CY 250 25 6,250 Pump Station Foundation (12" Gravel/3" Sand) CY 140 30 4,200 P. Sta. Potable Water Service Conn. & Piping (250 LF 2" to Bldg.) LS 1 7,000 P. Sta. SS/Drain Sewer Service Conn. & Piping (250 LF -6" to LS 1 9,000 9,000 Bldg.) P. Sta. Cyclone Fencing (6') LF 400 25 10,000 16" HOPE Pump Station Access Road (from P. Sta.) LF 250 85 21,250 16" HOPE Zimovia Highway LF 5,100 100 510,000 16" HOPE Exist WTP Access Road LF 3,400 60 204,000 Trench Restoration Zimovia Highway (2" ACf4" ATB/8" SB) SF 25,500 4 89,250 16" Gate Valves EA 10 2,000 20,000 Combination AirNacuum Valves EA 4 5,000 20,000 Drain Valves/Piping EA 3 1,500 4,500 Connect to WTP 12" Influent Supply Line LS 1 3,500 3,500 Subtotal Civil $1,003,525 STRUCTURAL Pump Station Rein£. Slab-On-Grade (8") CY 25 325 8,125 Pre-Engr. Metal Bldg. (40' x 60') SF 2,400 60 144,000 8' Interior Walls (Steel Studs/Sheet Rock) LS 1 5,000 5,000 Interior Appurtenances (Doors, Wall Finishes) LS 1 7,500 7,500 Subtotal Structural $ 164,625 MECHANICAL Pumping Equip. ( -0.7 MGD, 50 HP Horiz. Split Case Pumps & EA 3 $12,000 $ 36,000 Motors) Pump Station 16" Steei/DI Piping LF 150 125 18,750 Pump Station Valves & Appurtenances LS 1 35,000 35,000 Pump Station Flow Meter LS 1 5,000 5,000 Pump Station Hoist (1 Ton Trolley Type) LS 1 15,000 15,000 Pump Station HeatingNentilation System LS 1 15,000 15,000 Pume Station Sanitary/Drain Sewer Pieing & Af!eurtenances LS 1 4,000 4,000 (l) AJtemative methods cost of booster pump 2-12 R. W. Beck 8/28198 X11 0222.353 TABLE 2-4 (Continued) Item/Description Pump Station Potable Water Piping&: Appurtenances Standby Engine Generator Fuel Tank Subtotal Mechanical ELECTRICAL Pump Station Building Power&: Ughting Pump Station Pumping Equipment VFDs (3-50 HP) Pumping Equipment MCOPanel Pumping Equipment Instrumentation &: Controls Pumping Equipment SCADA/felemetry Pumping Equipment Standby Power (200 kW) Subtotal Electrical MISCELLANEOUS Pump Station Painting (Equipment, Piping, Floors, Interior Walls) Start-Up, Testing & Warranty Items Mobilization, Bonds & Insurance Construction Surveying Traffic Control Subtotal Miscellaneous DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COSf(rounded) X110222.353 8128198 IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES Unit Qty. Unit Cost Total Cost LS 1 3,000 3,000 LS 1 5,000 5,000 $ 136,750 LS 1 15,000 15,000 EA 3 25,000 75,000 LS 1 15,000 15,000 LS 1 15,000 15,000 LS 1 20,000 20,000 LS 1 75,000 75,000 $ 215,000 LS 1 25,000 25,000 LS 1 30,000 30,000 LS 1 125,000 125,000 LS 1 12,000 12,000 LS 1 30,000 30,000 $ 222,000 1,742,000 R. W Beck 2-13 SECTION 2 ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION ISSUES Potential and foreseen engineering and construction issues associated with each of the alternatives are as follows: ALTERNATIVES 1A AND 1 B • Construction of the access road (for Alternative 1A) and transmission main may involve rock excavation that could require blasting in certain areas. If extensive blasting were required the construction costs would be higher than estimated. • Construction along a more direct route (Alternative 1B) will still require clearing of construction equipment. ALTERNATIVE 2 without an access road the forest and access for • Construction of the transmission main in the highway could require blasting in certain areas. Except in residentiaVcommercial areas, blasting is not considered to be a major issue. If needed in residentiaVcommercial areas, appropriate measures and precautions would have to be taken. If extensive blasting were required the construction costs would be higher than estimated. • Because extensive utilities are present in Zimovia Highway (i.e., sewer, water and storm drains), construction in the highway would be more difficult and present more challenges than constructing the pipeline in Alternative 1. PERMITTING/ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Potential and foreseen permitting and environmental issues associated with each of the alternatives are as follows: ALTERNATIVES 1A AND 1 B • Construction of the booster pump station, pipeline and access/maintenance road from the booster pump station to the water treatment plant will likely require a U.S. Army Corp of Engineers 404 permit because of the potential for impacting wetlands and disposal of waste materials. • In order to construct the pipeline and possibly an access road to the water treatment plant, a fairly major stream (Robins Creek) will have to be crossed. Given that culverts presently exist on this stream (under Zimovia Highway, downstream from the proposed crossing), it is believed that fish passage mitigation measures will not be a major issue. Alaska Department of Fish and Game approval will be required for construction activities in this stream crossing. • Construction of the transmission main in Zimovia Highway will require approval and a permit from the Alaska Department of Transportation (ADOT). Because Zimovia Highway was recently reconstructed (1995), 2-14 R. W Beck 8/2&'98 X110222353 r·-. !. r· IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES ADOT has a standard policy of not allowing construction in the road for a 5- year period (essentially a moratorium). Because the length of pipeline in the highway is limited (-300 feet) and because construction will occur just after this five-year moratorium period, it is anticipated that gaining permission for this construction will not be a major issue. • Preliminary information has not identified any eagle nests in the project area. If an eagle nest tree is found in the area, the location of the booster pump station or the access road will be adjusted or other appropriate mitigation measures will be provided during construction. The presence of an eagle nest in the area should not be a major issue. • A wetlands survey of the route will need to be conducted to determine whether the booster pump station site or pipeline/access road will impact wetlands. It is thought that by adjusting either the location of the booster pump station or the pipeline/access road, those areas where wetlands exist could be avoided. • A survey will need to be conducted along the route to determine whether cultural resources are present in the project area. • An endangered plant and animal survey will need to be conducted along the route to determine whether endangered plants or animals are in the project area. Areas where such plants exist can be avoided by adjusting either the location of the booster pump station or the pipeline/access road. Because of the nearby construction of the water treatment plant and roads as well as the presence of the highway, quarry, treatment plant, park, etc., the likelihood of a problem with endangered animals in the project area is considered remote. ALTERNATIVE 2 Construction of the transmission main in Zimovia Highway will require approval and a permit from the Alaska Department of Transportation (ADOT). Zimovia Highway was recently reconstructed (1995), and ADOT has a standard policy of prohibiting construction in the road for a 5-year period (essentially a moratorium). Because the length of pipeline in the highway is considerable (-5100 feet), gaining ADOT's permission for the construction of this portion of the pipeline may be a major issue. However, construction of this pipeline would occur after the five-year ADOT moratorium period. OTHER ISSUES ALTERNATIVES 1AAND 18 • The City owns the land where the proposed booster pump station and pipeline/access road are situated. Consequently, easements or land acquisition will not be required. Xll0222.353 8128198 R. W Beck 2-15 l t ' f f i t t I SECTION 2 • Based on the USFS quadrangle map, the pipeline/access road route appears to be well outside the US Forest Service boundary, so a Special Use Permit from the Forest Service will not be required for construction. RECOMMENDED TRANSMISSION MAIN ALTERNATIVE Alternative lA and 1B are estimated to cost less than Alternative 2. Because Alternative lA involves the construction of an access road, it has greater environmental impacts than Alternative 2. The environmental impacts, while impossible to eliminate entirely, can be mitigated. For example, the City may elect not to have an access road along the pipeline for maintenance (Alternative lB). This would not only reduce environmental impacts by reducing the effect on lands and minimizing the effect of a stream crossing, but also reduce the total construction costs by about $460,000 over Alternative lA. Therefore, Alternative lB is the recommended alternative. 2-16 R. W Beck 8/28198 Xl10222.353 r • -..:_; ...... ;:::·-'" :~~ I • ~ .. : .... n. 0 0 0 ' ' \ i u .. · .. -. '; ·.•. ~ ': ·.--· :.- LEGEND e • • • • • • • • EXISTING 138KV TRANSMISSION LINE ----MARINE PIPELINE PROPOSED PENSTOCK ALIGNMENT PROPOSED POWERHOUSE LOCATION MAP SOURCE: U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE, PETERSBURG, B-2, 1965 .. · -.:----:-. --:-.·-·- ., .. .. :~· ~· .:· .: -. · ... -. :-·' .. '· ::-·· ,; -: .. ! ..... _~. ';!.·.~~."/. ..... ·-),. .. _ ... ;oo. ._ ...... ' ---< >· --~~~-: .:;._.:~~:-·~ =-~-~~~~t· '·~. ~ J ~, • : .. ~-:~·:·-~;-~;~;~:{~.,~ . -:_.; . •J: !~ ,~-~-;~ :::- ,~16~ .:'}~:~,_'~·:·:' · .. ' ••... !. -~; ... -.... 0 : -.. ~-.o_ .. ...~~ :f: -~ f" -~·.. • • . ;,.. .... _ ... ::: .... ·· -_ .. ~ ··~--~~~/: .~ ~;~~~:·~~~:; ~~j ~:~~~:r:;:' -.:. ... # ~"" .. -..... • __ .. -~---·-.. ""'(~ .. -... = •·..; "'·-·~ ~ ·: ~ \ .. -=:__ • ...,.-; : -· ..... -. ... ~-~·-. ; ... · .. . ··; ·:.;,..· .. --~· '.··~-_-: ... ·.: .: ·.· .. -,. ,, "->~~t: .> ~/'!': ,: 'J~~L£~~,;;;:;~£~~r:~~;;~~-: ' ·.·;:·."'-' ------~-·. •.· •.•. ,_ ·····:>-: .-... ·.-·--· • ··,-.;;..-~--.• . ·--~:· ·-·~· -·-':~;.!;''""_:"'':;.~ •· .. · .·. . . . . _a ~.':~\:.... . • -. .; . ~ , MARU<E>·pn;~~j~:~o·s' t/ X -~·.::-;: ·---·=·:-"::::~~.:~.,.;~-~~: . ··'--~""'-- , ·.:: ,. ·." . :~ :(-::~; ':'7'" -.,? .-.-.- . .._f.__._ .. ..:_ .-;__! ---,"'"':._• ,..,·.:. ;~ ...... '. ~ .. ;~_~fit§{~--:-.. ~' ·-.~~- .. : .. l ····~ -... ::~ ~: .. .... -:..:; ..... ·I'_; SCALE: 1-..;,1!2 Mile '± ~ -·· . FIGURE2-1 CITY OF WR.~NGELL, ALASKA PENSTOCK/WATER SUPPLY PIPELINE ALIGNMENT S3Ail VN~3.L 1V .L03ro~d V>ISV"lV '1'139NWM :K) A.LIO ~-~3l::ln~ ~ 3J\LLVN1::13.L 1V 'lN3.,N911V Nlvr4 NOISSir,tSNW.l1::13.LVM " ""------"··--------, ' ,_ ' , _ _ , ' ' I ' ' 113/DN'V&/M '·-·-.... "V ~ 3J\LL vN~.i 1V NVH.i 3.Ln01::1 .1031::110 31::1~ V SYH 'OVOl::l SS300V NV .LnOH.UM Sl HOIJ;IM '8 ~ 3/ill.VN1::13.L lV \_ =3.LON '•, ........ ~ ....... _ ...... .............. '• ·, '\ ' / ' / / ______ , / J 0 D .: I I : I - • ~ . • SECTION 3 FUTURE WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS WATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION REQUIREMENTS The water treatment plant has a capacity of 1.3 MGD. Sunrise Lake's water supply pipeline will have a capacity of 3.0 MGD. This means that the water treatment plant (or portions thereof) would eventually need to be expanded by approximately 1.7 MGD to take full advantage of Sunrise Lake's water supply. In terms of space, the existing site offers limited expansion capability. There is very little extra buildable space at the water treatment plant site, and the topography in the general vicinity is such that fairly significant cutting and filling would be required to develop additional space. If the water quality of Sunrise Lake meets the SWTR and the City is successful in obtaining a waiver from filtration, expanding the plant's disinfection system capacity (ozone and chlorination systems) would be possible at the existing site. If filtration is required, and low-rate sand filtration were to be used, a considerable amount of space would be needed. It is doubtful that the existing site could feasibly be expanded to accommodate this type of filtration process. Rather, it is more likely that high rate filtration would be used. If this is done, there are two design approaches. The first would continue to use the existing low-rate, slow sand filtration facilities and add new high rate filtration to meet future demands. The second approach would replace the low rate, slow sand filtration facilities completely because of the difficulties in operating and maintaining two very different kinds of filtration facilities. Accordingly, the high rate filtration system would be sized to have a capacity of 3.0 MGD. In the latter approach, expanded facilities would use the area that the slow sand filtration system occupies. Alternatively, the site could be expanded and the slow sand filtration facilities used as roughing or polishing filters and as emergency backup filtration. For the purposes of this study, the costs for two potential treatment alternatives were investigated: expanding disinfection, and expanding with disinfection and high rate filtration. In the latter case, it was assumed that the low rate, slow sand filtration system would be used as roughing or polishing filters, and the site expanded to accommodate 3.0 MGD high-rate filtration plant. We estimated the construction costs would be about $1.7 million for disinfection only, and $5.0 million for disinfection and high-rate filtration. WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS In addition to the new treatment plant, the Water system improvements being constructed this year include a new 400,000 gallon water tank, finished water pumps, a pipeline to the new tank, and a new main to the City's existing· Xll 0222.353 8/2!V98 fi'\V·~ECK SECTION 3 distribution system. All these facilities are sized to provide approximately 1.3 MGD of treatment capacity. In order to supply 3.0 MGD, certain improvements will be required: • Booster Pump Station. The proposed booster pump station on Cemetery Point will be sized to pump a maximum of 1.3 MGD. When actual water demands exceed approximately 80 percent of the capacity of the treatment plant, it is recommended that additional pumping capacity be added to the station. • Storage. The City's new 400,000 gallon water tank together with distribution storage that already exists meets the City's current and projected finished water storage requirements up to demand o 1.3 MGD. When demand increases above 1.3 MGD, consideration should be given to providing more finished water storage. The new 400,000 gallon tank will be connected to the city's distribution system by a 12-inch water main. As demand increases the capacity of this line may become inadequate. At that time, it is recommended that a water system analysis be under taken to determine the best means of increasing water main capacity between the treatment plant and the finished water tank and the distribution system. • Plant Finished Water Pumping. The new Plant's finished water pumping station conveys water from the treatment plant to the new 400,000 gallon tank. When demand starts to exceed the 1.3 MGD design capacity, additional finished water pumping will be required. • Main from Plant to Town. When the City's hydraulic model is updated and completed, the capacity of the 12-inch HDPE water supply line that runs from the water treatment plant to town can be determined. When its full capacity is utilized, a parallel supply line will need to be installed. 3-2 R. W. Beck 8128198 X110222.353 . , JL'-I I'-·""' -r ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST AND SCHEDULE GENERAl Cost estimates for the Project were prepared for the selected project arrangement based on the preliminary conceptual design layouts and details shown in Fig. 2-1 of this addendum and Figs. 5-1 through 5-4 of the Feasibility Study, and based on our opinion of geotechnical site conditions. The estimated project cost was determined by preparing a Direct Construction Cost estimate, applying indirect costs to arrive at the Total Construction Costs, applying interest during construction to determine the Total Investment Cost and making a final adjustment for escalation to arrive at the Total Investment Cost for the scheduled on-line date of December 31, 2000. BASIS OF COSTS DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COST This cost includes the total of all costs directly chargeable to the actual construction of the project, which, in essence, represents a contractor's bid based on a January 1998 bid price level. The Direct Construction Cost was developed based on unit prices from actual contractor's bids on similar projects, adjusted to reflect location, project size and bid price level and applied to quantities estimated for the major construction features. Costs for turbine, generator and pipeline procurement were based on preliminary quotations from equipment suppliers, catalog values and adjusted with experience costing data. The estimated direct construction cost for the civil features (with the exception of the water pipeline) were verified by an independent estimate prepared by a cost estimating consultant experienced in preparing estimates for contractors on hydroelectric projects and other major civil works projects. CONTINGENCIES To allow for unforeseen difficulties during construction and items not reflected in the estimate, a 25 percent contingency allowance was applied to the Direct Construction Cost. If the Project were developed under a two-season construction schedule, as described under "Design and Construction Schedule" of this report, then we feel that the construction contingencies could be reduced to 20 percent. With a compressed schedule, we anticipate more claims and change orders to the civil works contracts. XI10222353 8128198 fi'W'~ECK SECTION 4 ENGINEERING AND OWNER ADMINISTRATION The Engineering and Owner Administration Costs are based on actual experience with costs for similar work. This item includes all preliminary engineering work, project feasibility and environmental studies; field investigations, processing of required permits and licenses; final design and preparation of construction contract documents; inspection of construction; and owner administration. An allowance of 20 percent of the sum of the Direct Construction Cost plus contingencies is considered a reasonable estimate for this item. TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST The Total Construction Cost includes the Direct Construction Cost plus contingencies and Engineering and Owner Administration. ESCALATION As discussed previously, the Total Construction Cost is based on a January 1998 bid price level and includes assumed escalation of prices expected during the construction period. Since the earliest practical date for bidding major contract items for the Project is January 2000, escalation is applied for the intervening period of one year to adjust the estimated Total Construction Cost to the actual bid date. Escalation was assumed at an average of 3 percent per year for the purpose of this estimate. INTEREST DURING CONSTRUCTION Interest During Construction was determined from an empirical formula that considers cash flow expenditure for a typical hydroelectric project, the project's construction duration and the prevailing interest rate. The interest rate during the construction period was assumed at 6 percent per year:, which is the same rate assumed for a long term revenue bond. TOTAL INVESTMENT COST The Total Investment Cost is the sum of the Total Construction Cost plus Interest During Construction. Total capital requirements are based on a 30-year, 6 percent tax-deferred revenue bond. The total capital requirements include the Total Investment Cost plus a reserve fund equal to one year of debt service. CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE A cost estimate summary is shown in Table 4-1. Detailed Direct Construction Cost estimates are shown in Appendix 2. The estimated Total Construction Cost for the Project with a bid date of January 2000, corresponding to a construction completion in December 31, 2000, is $15,970,000. 4-2 R. W. Beck 8128198 X110222.353 f ' " . ... r"~ I t ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST AND SCHEDULE TABlE 4-1 SUNRISE LAKE WATER SUPPlY AND HYDROElECTRIC PROJECT CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY FERC Total Account Project Water Hydro Code Description Cost Component Component 60 MOBILIZATION $ 335,000 $ 188,000 $ 147,000 330 LAND AND LAND RIGHTS 331 STRUCI1JRES AND IMPROVEMENTS 331.1 Powerhouse 519,000 52,000 467,000 331.2 Switch yard 100,000 100,000 332 RESERVOIR, DAM AND WATERWAY 3321 Reservoir 44,000 44,000 332.2 Dam, Concrete-Faced Rockfill 278,000 278,000 332.3 Waterway 33231 Siphon Intake 295,000 249,000 46,000 33232 Penstock 1,982,000 1,216,000 766,000 . 332.33 Water Supply/Marine Pipeline 2,344,000 2,344,000 33234 Booster Pump and Transmission Main 923,000 923,000 333 TURBINES AND GENERATORS 1,220,000 1,220,000 334 ACCESSORY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 110,000 40,000 70,000 335 MISCELLANEOUS POWER PLANT 190,000 100,000 90,000 EQUIPMENT 336 ROADS, JETTY 299,000 299,000 380 TRANSMISSION & INTERCONNECTION 1,395,000 20,000 1,375,000 DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COST (Bid 1198) $10,030,000 $5,750,000 $4,280,000 (rounded) Contingencies 2,510,000 1,440,000 1,070,000 Engineering & Owner Administration 2,510,000 1,440,000 1,070,000 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST (Bid 1/98l $15,050,000 $8,630,000 $6,420,000 Escalation 920,000 530,000 390,000 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST (Bid 1/00) $15,970,000 $9,160,000 $6,810,000 Interest During Construction 230,000 TOTAL INVESTMENT COST (BQ1JI'l<.ied) $7,040,000 X110222.353 8128198 R. W. Beck 4-3 SECTION 4 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SCHEDUlE GENERAL A design and construction schedule developed for the project is shown in Fig. 4-1. This schedule contemplates commercial operation of the hydro turbine- generating unit by December 31, 2000, which is considered to be the earliest possible date considering the time required for additional feasibility investigations, preparation and processing of the FERC License Application, design and construction. This is a year later than what had been reported in the Feasibility Study. However, USFS and ADFG are requesting fish surveys and instream flow study of Sunrise Creek that could take one year to complete. If notices to proceed by the dates indicated are not met soon, then project construction would likely be delayed into the next season. The staging of the contracts is based on necessary lead times for fabricating the turbine-generator equipment, the marine pipeline, the penstock pipe and the powerhouse building. As shown in Fig. 6-1, the start of procurement activities would need to commence before FERC issues an exemption order, which is financially risky. Furthermore, the schedule contains a large number of critical work activities that will likely cause higher costs for design and construction due to additional change orders and claims. If the schedule was given an additional year to complete, then it would be desirable to delay award of contracts until the FERC issues the license order. Also, it would be very desirable to have a two-season construction period, where in the first season, a limited civil works contract would be issued to construct the access road, excavate the powerhouse foundation, install the port facility, and clear the timber along the penstock right-of-way. Then, the civil works contractor can readily be underway at the outset of the following year. He would have more lead time to plan his work and procure materials. His work scope would be better defined, since the powerhouse structure's excavation work is completed. With more float time in the performance of each work activity, the contract price would invariably be lower. DESIGN AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Final design activities would need to commence on about July, 1999 (see Fig. 4-1) in order to complete the Project construction during the year 2000 season. The work would be divided up into three contracts, which are as follows: • Contract !-Procurement of Turbine-Generator equipment • Contract 2-Civil Works (includes, headworks, powerhouse, penstock, installation of turbine-generator, miscellaneous mechanical and electrical equipment, and telemetry) • Contract 3--Water Supply Pipeline (including booster station) 4-4 R. W. Beck 8/28198 X110222.353 r - '~ r- , . ' u .. , r l.J t •• i • ....... ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION LOST AND SCHEDULE CONSTRUCTION Figure 4-1 shows a schedule of the construction activities for completing the Project by January 2001. Fabrication of the turbine-generator equipment would commence on November 1, 1999, which is well ahead of when the FERC could issue the license order. The suppliers have indicated a 12-month lead time before the last turbine-generator component is delivered. However, we are assuming that initial embedded turbine parts would arrive before September 1, 2000. Other construction activities that would need to commence prior to the license order include fabricating the penstock, fabricating the powerhouse superstructure, constructing the marine jetty and access road to the powerhouse and initiating the construction of the water pipeline. Should the FERC dictate design changes to the Project, cost implications to both design and construction could very well occur. Construction of the primary structures (dam and intake siphon, penstock and powerhouse) is assumed not to start until June 1, 2000, when it is assumed that the FERC would issue the license order. The major civil works construction activities would be completed by October 31, 2000, leaving 2 months to install the remainder of the powerhouse mechanical and electrical equipment and to .Perform all necessary start-up and commissioning tests. X110222.353 8/28198 R. W Beck 4-5 s_vs H:\YAA\Y,t.,,t.,01JI8 8-21·-01 0 U·J8 r---------------------------------------------------------····---------. FIGURE 4·1 SUNRISE LAKE WATER SUPPLY AND HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE ACTIVITY LICENSING PHASE first Stage Consultation. Second Stage Consultation .. . Third Stage Consultation ................... . bmit l'illol Jicense Applidotion , ; ' · ! ,_;.__ ls$ue !>I license Order ................. . Preliminary Design... . ........ . ...~l,.. i i DESIGN PHASE Contract 1 (Turbine/Generator Procurement) ............. . Contract 2 (Marine Pipeline). . . .. . . . .. .. ... , .. I I I ' ., ' I I I ! 1 ! 1 j ; i i u..J lssJe ! : .. j... I i I '1 1 I l lssJe 1 • I I I ' I ; Contract 3 (Civil Works) ............................ .. "l'"i·---~---r .. ! tIssue ... , .... f.... ..... . , ! I I CONSTRUCTION PHASE Access Rood/Pier .. . . . .. . .. . ... Mobilization ..... . Heodworks facility .................... .. Powerhouse Excavation .... Powerhouse Concrete ..... Turbine/Generator ....... . Install Powerhouse Building ............ . Penstock ..... . Water Pipeline. .. . . .. .. . . ..... Transmission Interconnection. J F M A M J i' I I 'I I i I l I i I I I I i I I ! I I l J : ; ! . : l \ \ I l ~ \ ~. l l Awor<l j'ji il 1,~:· "1"" .... '"'1''" --·+·+·· .... , ... .V. .. j ... -..;- 1 I i ' I I I I ,Wor~s ·····l•···rt·.·.·.r·····r···l····· ·······I•··i·.·.··I···~····!·.·J : i . .. 'I' .... , ... ·l· . T... . .. r .. ·!",\~~;d· '!~~b~~~i~~~~~~J .Pr6~~;.merlt • ···!····l····l····l···· .... V.T. -···1-···i····l····'···-~-·-······'·····• -•. ·--~ . .. J.. .. : ... ; ..... '.. ; ... 1. ...... J.. _!Fobflcot¢ B~ilding .· = :Unit on -Line I i I : ! irabfleot~ Pi~e !~stall Penst~k ···l···l .. j ••• J ••••••• ····f··· ····: ' . ' . : . : I i i j ! Avl.ord ~lpe!lne i ln~talli Plp•llne i --··i····l···-1-··"i'''' ... ····:········f"'l'"'l"'' •, .. , --· ...L.L.L.L. .... L ..... LJJ .. : .. J.., . ....-. M J J A S 0 N 0 J F M A M J J A S 0 N D ~ ... , .J ; :J .., ,J & . ~11&11[ @~ ~~~~~[~~ DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DRINKING WATER and WASTEWATER PROGRAM 410 WILLOUGHBY AVENUE, SUITE 105 JUNEAU, ALASKA 99801 RECEIVED May 19, 1998 RWBeck Mr. Reed Kelly,P.E. 1001 Fourth Avenue, Suite 2500 Seattle, WA 98154-1 004 MAV 2 2 1998 A.W. BECK SEATTLE. WA TONY KNOWLES, GOVERNOR Telephone: (907) 465-5335 FAX: (907) 465-5362 Re: Sunrise Lake Water Quality Program, Wrangell, Alaska Dear Mr. Kelly: Thank you for your E-mail dated May 15, 1998. The department appreciates the opportunity to clarify the issues regarding your request to purchase and use a turbidimeter, which we discussed, does not meet water standards referenced in the drinking water regulations. The Department of Environmental Conservation's Drinking Water Regulation 18 AAC 80.255 states: (d) Only the analytical methods set out in this subsection may be used to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of 18 AAC 80.500-18 AAC 80.590 (Surface Water Treatment Rule) ... The following procedures must be performed in accordance with the publications listed for each procedure, the provisions of which are incorporated by reference in this chapter: (1) Turbidity: by Method 214A (Nephelometric Method-Nephelometric Turbidity Units) as set out at pp. 134-136 of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 1985, American Public Health Association, 16th edition. The City of Wrangell has the right to purchase and use any turbidimeter they choose. Wrangell also has the opportunity to pursue the establishment of a new water source and apply for filtration avoidance following the Criteria for Avoiding Filtration as set out in 18 AAC 80.520. The department will base its filtration avoidance decision on information collected with an instrument which meets specific standards and with data which has been collected per the state regulations as we have done for other systems. printed on recycled paper by C. D. RW Beck and the City of Wrangell are invited to call me if they have questions about the state regulations regarding filtration avoidance. I can be reached at (907) 465- 5335. A copy of the state drinking water regulations and also the standard methods for turbidity measurement are enclosed for your convenience. Sincerely, ~c£5r- Kathleen Saga Environmental Specialist Drinking Water and Wastewater Program cc: City of Wrangell, Bob Caldwell enclosure: State of Alaska Drinking Water Regulations Standard Methods, section 2130 B "" !1-t !'l ... .. r· I ; r1 ' ,:'~- r~ ... r i 60 331 331.1 331.2 332 332.1 332.2 332.3 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE BACKUP FOR TABLE 4-1 SUNRISE LAKE WATER SUPPLY AND HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE WITH 4.0 MW HYDRO UNIT Unit Item/Description Quantity Unit Price Amount MOBIUZA TION LS 335,000 STRUCfURES AND IMPROVEMENTS Powerhouse .01 Oearing LS 10,000 .02 Excavation a. Common 1,200 CY 20.00 24,000 b. Rock 380 CY 90.00 34,000 .03 Concrete Substructure 340 CY 600.00 204,000 .04 Reinforcing Steel 34,000 LBS 1.50 51,000 .05 Prefabricated Metal Bldg. 2,200 SF 80.00 176,000 .06 Architectural LS 20,000 Switchyard Structures LS 100,000 RESERVOIR. DAM AND WATERWAY Reservoir m Oearing 11 AC 4,000.00 44,000 Dam. Concrete-Faced Rockfill .01 Diversion&: Care of Water LS 30,000 (Use of siphon to lower lake) .02 Foundation Excavation a. Unclassified 740 CY 20.00 15,000 b. Rock Trench 150 CY 50.00 8,000 .03 Foundation Treatment a. Curtain Grouting 440 LF 70.00 31,000 .04 Rockfill a. From Feature Excavation 2,500 CY 5.00 13,000 b. From Borrow -CY .05 Concrete Facing a. Bedding Material 940 CY 50.00 47,000 b. Concrete Face 95 CY 800.00 76,000 c. Concrete Toe 35 CY 800.00 28,000 d. Reinforcing 13,000 LBS 1.50 20,000 Waterway Total Cost 335,000 519,000 100,000 44,000 278,000 Xll0222.353 i\12&198 fi'VV'~ECK r..r .-I:I'IUIA D .. Unit Total Item/Description Quantity Unit Price Amount Cost 332.31 Siphon Intake 295,000 ..- .01 Diversion & Care of Water LS 5,000 .02 Excavation, (trench for pipeline) a. Common 600 CY 10.00 6,000 b. Rock 2,500 CY 25.00 63,000 .03 Concrete cutoff wall 10 CY 1,000.00 10,000 .04 Siphon Piping, HDPE, 24" I.D. a. Lake pipe 420 LF 150.00 63,000 b. Buried to Vacuum House 100 LF 20.00 2,000 . ~-, .05 Backfill 2,000 CY 20.00 40,000 .06 Screen Intake LS 6,000 .07 Control Building, pre-fabricated LS 25,000 .08 Siphon, Valve and controls LS 75,000 332.32 Penstock 1,982,000 .01 Gearing 9 AC 8,000 72,000 .02 Erosion Control LS 20,000 .03 Rock Excavation 200 CY 500.00 100,000 .04 Steel Pipe Procurement, 24" I.D. a. 3/16" plate thickness 3,500 LF 52.00 182,000 b. 1/4" plate thickness 1,550 LF 62.00 %,000 c. 3/8" plate thickness 1,650 LF 84.00 139,000 d. 1;2" plate thickness 1,180 LF 107.00 126,000 .05 Install Pipeline a. Above Ground 4,530 LF 170.00 770,000 b. Buried 3,350 LF 48.00 161,000 .06 Supports, Anchored 83 EA 2,400.00 199,000 .07 Concrete Anchor/Thrust Blocks 9 EA 13,000.00 117,000 332.33 Water Supply Pipeline/Marine Pipeline 2,344,000 .01 Gearing -AC 8,000.00 .02 Procure and Install HOPE a. Buried Pipeline 1,200 LF 120.00 144,000 (27" nominal dia.) b. Marine Pipeline 18,800 LF 100.00 1,880,000 (16" nominal dia.} c. Buried Pipeline in Intertidal Zone 5,400 LF 50.00 270,000 (16" nominal dia.) 332.34 Booster Pump and Transmission Main 923,000 .01 Civil 260,000 .02 Structural 164,000 .03 Mechanical 137,000 .04 Electrical 215,000 .OS Misc. 147,000 B-2 R. W. Beck 8,12&'98 X110222.353 \...UN:) I KU'l.. II'-''" .._....,..., • --• •· · •· --- Unit Total Item/Description Quantity Unit Price Amount Cost 333 TURBINES AND GENERA TORS 1,220,000 .01 Procure Turbine and Governor LS 330,000 .02 Procure Generator and Exciter LS 460,.000 .03 Procure Spherical Valve LS 65,000 .04 Install Turbine and Governor LS 75,000 .05 Install Generator and Exciter LS 75,000 .06 Install Spherical Valve LS 15..000 .07 Procure and Install300 kW Pelton 200,000 Unit 334 ACCESSORY ELECTRICAL EQUIP. 110,000 110,000 335 MISC. POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT LS 190,000 .01 Powerhouse Mechanical Systems LS 120,000 .02 Hoisting Equipment LS 70,000 336 ROADS, JETTY 299,000 .01 Marine Pier a. Native graveVrockfill 2..000 CY 10.00 20,000 b.Sheetpiling 5,000 SF 25.00 125,000 .02 Access Road to Powerhouse a.Oearing 0.5 AC 8,000.00 4,000 b. Permanent Road, with course 0.3 MI 500,000.00 150,000 material surface 353 SUBSTATION EQUIPMENT 930,000 .01 Powerhouse Switchyard a. Transformer LS 150,000 b. Circuit Switcher 'LS 40,000 c. Relaying Control LS 75,000 d. Bus Work/Line Taps LS 25,000 e. Conduit Wiring LS 20,000 f. Grounding LS 20,000 .02 Tyee-Wrangell Switchyard Modifications a. New Bus Position LS 350,000 b. New Transformer LS 150,000 69/138-24.9 kV .03 Wrangell Substation Modification LS 100,000 354 TOWERS AND FIXTURES 354.1 Transmission Line LS 150,000 354.2 Wrangell Feeder 4 Upgrade 315,000 .01 Feeder 4 tap LS 75,000 .02 Upgrade Feeder 4 to 24.9 kV 16 MI 15,000.00 240,000 TOTAL DIRECT CONSTRUCilON COST (!cl_1.1!1ded) $10,030,000 X110222.353 8/2SI98 R. W. Beck B-3