HomeMy WebLinkAboutTazimia Hydro Project Reoconn Design and Constructibility Feasibility Study 1994TAZIMINA HYDROELECI'RIC PROJECI' RECONNAISSANCE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTmiLITY FEASIBILITY STUDY Pn:pared for ILIAMNA-NEWBALEN-NONDALTON ELECTIUC COOPERATIVE Pn:pared by BDR ENGINEERING, INC. 2525 ·c· street Suite JSO ADcborage, AK 99SOJ September 1994 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 2. Proposed Project Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Access Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Stream Channel Control Sill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Intake Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 Penstock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Fish Screen Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Elevator Access Shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 Powerhouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 Switchyard and Transmission Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 3. Construction Cost Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 4. Project Energy Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 5. Project Economics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 6. Development Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 APPENDIX A: SUPPORTING DATA FOR COST ESTIMATES APPENDIX B: PRELIMINARY DESIGN CRITERIA September 1994 i Tazimina Hydroelectric Project SECTION 1 1. INTRODUCTION HDR Engineering was retained by Diamna-Newhalen-Nondalton Electric Cooperative (INNEC) to conduct an engineering review and constructibility study of the Tazimina Hydroelectric Project. The purpose of this work was to review the project configuration previously developed for the project, develop alternative layouts for the project, to improve constructibility and increase the level of detail in the proposed project configuration, and fmally, to update construction cost estimates for the project based on the selected development plan. The review of the project configuration previously developed for the project was completed in June, 1994 and is discussed in a letter report to INNEC dated June 23, 1994. In this report, the project configuration selected in the June 23, 1994 report is developed in more detail in order to provide enough detail to allow construction cost estimates to be prepared. The design criteria and the conceptual designs presented in this report should provide a flrm foundation upon which the preliminary and final designs for the project can be based. Energy output for the selected development plan is predicted, and a simple economic analysis is also included to provide an estimate of fmt year energy costs from the project. September 1994 1-1 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project C'll z 0 F= u w tn 2. PROPOSED PROJECT DESCRIPTION GENERAL In the past, there have been many conceptual designs considered for the Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project, each varying in magnitude and complexity. A conclusion derived from the previous studies is that the configuration of the project must be relatively simple to construct using conventional equipment and construction techniques, and that project operation be practical with a minimum of complexity. The project description described in this section has been developed based on these conclusions. Main features of the proposed project include an access road, stream channel control sill, gated intake structure, buried steel penstock, fish screen structure, elevator access shaft, semi-underground powerhouse, switchyard and underground transmission line. Plan and section drawings of these features are shown at the end of this section. ACCESS ROAD Access to the project site will be via a new 6. 7 mile gravel surfaced road. The access road will extend from the Newhalen-Nondalton Road, around the north end of Alexcy Lake and on to the project site along the left bank of the Tazimina River looking downstream. The road will be a limited access road of single lane construction, 16' wide with turnouts constructed at strategic locations. Drainage culverts will be installed along the 6. 7 mile length to safely pass runoff where the road crosses natural drainage courses. The project's transmission cable and a communications (telephone) cable will be buried along the edge of the road, in the road prism. The access road grade will be raised slightly above the surrounding area for drainage and to help it blow clear of snow in winter. Road construction material will consist of coarse pit run material for road ballast, where needed, and smaller (2-inch minus) rock for use as the top course. Geotextile fabric may be required in some areas to add additional stability to the road base. Cost of construction of this road will depend on the location and frequency of material borrow sites along the route. Frequent borrow sites will reduce haul times. Borrow sites in the road right-of-way will reduce costs for imported materials. For this study, we are assuming about 1/2 of the material will come from the right-of-way and the other half from new or existing borrow pits. STREAM CHANNEL CONTROL Sll..L A linear concrete sill will be constructed across the right side of the river, opposite the intake structure. Purpose of the sill will be to prevent degradation of the streambed, and to help divert streamflow to the intake during periods of low flow. The sill will be about 80 feet in length and be constructed of pre-cast concrete blocks. The blocks will be trapezoidal in section to provide stability against flowing water. Block dimensions will be 2' high by 4' long, with a 1' top width and 3' bottom width. The blocks will be fastened to the rock Sf!ptember 1994 2-1 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project streambed with steel anchors. They will be installed during the low flow period, and some temporary sandbagging may be required during installation. Streambed elevation at the sill is about El. 574.5. The top of the sill will be visible above the water at low flows, but it will be totally submerged during spring and summer at higher flow periods. In addition to the sill, a rock trap will be excavated in the stream channel between the channel control sill and intake to help guide stream bedload material downstream and away from the intake. INTAKE STRUCTURE A key function of the intake is to withdraw 110 cfs from the river, the hydraulic capacity of the units, during the low flow period between January and April. The problem of diverting 110 cfs to the intake presents a design challenge because no dam will be constructed to aid in diverting flow, and the 170 foot wide river channel makes it difficult to attract a large percentage of the streamflow to the intake during low flow periods. Compounding the problem is the potential of ice blocking the intake during the low flow period. The proposed design addresses these challenges. The intake structure will be located on the left bank approximately 300 feet upstream of the top of the falls. The axis of the channel control sill will be located about 50 feet upstream of the intake on the opposite bank. Future model studies of the sill, rock trap and intake structure will help to refme the proposed plan, location, dimensions and elevations of these features. Excavation for intake construction will be completed in "the dry". The intake is setback into the left bank far enough to allow the natural rock to form a cofferdam. On completion of the intake and downstream facilities, the rock cofferdam will be excavated and connection to the river will be made. The concrete intake structure will be constructed in sound rock and will include a trashrack, intake gate and sluice gate. A concrete headwall will be constructed in the same plane as the trashrack structure to provide protection from floating debris and to provide a cutoff to possible seepage along the penstock trench. The trashrack will be designed for a maximum of 1.5 feet per second approach velocity. If the capacity of the power plant is eventually doubled in size, the increased flow will result in an approach velocity of 3 fps without increasing the trashrack size. This is the recommended maximum velocity for manual cleaning. The trashrack will be set 2 feet below minimum water surface elevation to prevent ice formation and clogging of the rack. Sensors will be installed to detect differential pressures across the trashrack. A 6-foot square electrically operated vertical slide gate will be installed in the intake. Penstock invert elevation at the intake is preliminarily set at El. 568, though it may need to be deeper pending results of hydraulic model tests. The intake sill will be elevated above the trench to keep bedload in the river and out of the intake. Minimum water surface elevation in the intake will be about El. 575. September 1994 2-2 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project A gated intake to an 18-inch sluice pipe will be installed in the intake. The sluice pipe will help keep the front of the intake clear of bedload deposits. The sluice pipe invert will be set about 2 feet below the penstock intake invert. PENSTOCK From the intake, flow to the turbines will be conveyed via a 60" buried welded steel penstock. The penstock diameter is sized to convey 220 cfs, or double the proposed initial hydraulic capacity of the power plant. Although the initial design plant flow is only 110 cfs, future plant design flow of up to 220 cfs can be accommodated with this design without field construction by simply installing a 60-inch pipe now instead of a 48-inch pipe. The cost of this larger pipe installation is minimal, consisting of material cost only to go from 48-inch to 60-inch pipe. The penstock will be divided into two sections, separated by a fish screen structure described below. The upper section of penstock is 120 feet long and the lower section is 310 feet long. Constructing the penstock will require deep open-cut excavation of the native rock. The cut will generally range between 30 and 40 feet deep, and will be 360 feet long. Blasting will be required to loosen material before excavating. Construction of the trench will be in two 20-foot lifts after drilling and shooting of the rock. Rock between the trench and river will remain intact to a minimum elevation of El. 585, or about 10 to 15 feet above the streambed. Following excavation, the pipe and fish screen structure will be installed and backfilled. The trench will be backfilled sufficiently to form a sloping bench along the left bank of the river. Snowmelt and runoff will drain toward the river from the sloping bench. The penstock section downstream of the fish screen structure will also be 60" diameter welded steel pipe. The initial180 feet of the lower penstock section will experience internal pressures of less than 10 psi. The downstream 130 feet of the lower section will be installed in a rock notch excavated in the cliff downstream and to the left of Tazimina Falls. A rough 19-foot wide by 1 0-foot deep slot will be blasted from the top of the cliff to the powerhouse. Blasting will be accomplished by the drill and shoot technique with some scaling probably required. Blasted rock will not be executed, but instead will be left as part of the talus file at the base of the cliff. The slot will provide initial access for excavating the powerhouse cavern. The 60" diameter penstock, a 96" diameter permanent elevator shaft, 30" vent shaft,. and two 12" diameter power and communication conduits will be installed within the slot and encased with concrete from the top of the cliff to the powerhouse to protect them from winter icing conditions. FISH SCREEN STRUCTURE At this time it is uncertain whether or not a fish screen structure will be required for the project. If a fish screen structure is eventually required, it will need to be designed to reduce the velocity of penstock flow to 0.5 fps approach velocity at the screen sutface. The proposed fish screen structure is designed to provide gradual deceleration of flow to the screens and gradual flow acceleration downstream of the screens. The total screen size will be 8 feet high by 30 feet wide, consisting of a series of ten 3-foot wide screens set side by side. Screens will be fully submerged to help prevent plugging from floating ice. The September 1994 2-3 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project screen structure must be designed with the flexibility to be able to revise its design in the future depending on final screening requirements. The structure will have a concrete roof deck, with removable panels to provide access for cleaning the screens, cleaning out sediments that may have deposited on the floor of the structure, or to petform other maintenance on the structure. A hoist and frame will be constructed above the screens to pull them for maintenance. At the downstream end of the screens, a ramp will be constructed in the bottom of the structure leading to a fish bypass pipe. The bypass pipe will be routed back to the river to keep fish from becoming trapped in the ftsh screen structure. A second sluice gate and sluice pipe will be installed in the fish screen structure. The sluice pipe will connect with the sluice pipe from the intake, and all sediment will be carried in a single 18-inch pipe to a discharge point on the face of the cliff near the powerhouse. Slope on all sluice pipes will be about 2 to 3%, which should provide sufficient sweeping velocities for all sizes of rock that could enter the sluice pipe system. ELEVATOR ACCESS SHAFT Permanent access to the powerhouse will be provided via an enclosed elevator shaft installed in the rock notch previously described. The shaft will be formed by 96" diameter steel cans encased in reinforced concrete. The shaft will be inclined at an approximate slope of 1H:2V and extend from El. 590 at the sutface to the powerhouse at El. 480. At the top, a small concrete enclosed elevator landing will be constructed where passengers and equipment can be loaded and unloaded. Design lifting capacity of the elevator will be determined during final design. POWERHOUSE The powerhouse will be a semi-underground structure, excavated into the cliff at the left of the falls. The powerhouse will be 40 by 50 feet in plan view and 18 feet high. The generator floor will be set at El 484.5; about 15 feet above the streambed. Construction above the streambed offers significant advantages over the alternative of construction at or below streambed, including less dewatering problems and better operation under heavy winter icing conditions. The powerhouse will contain two 350-kW horizontal Francis turbines, generators, switchgear and auxiliary equipment. Design flow and head on each unit will be 55 cfs and 85 feet, respectively. A single 6-foot wide draft tube pit serving both units would be excavated below the cavern floor. Tailwater level would be controlled by a concrete control sill constructed above the normal high water level of the river. A concrete floor will be constructed within the cavern and over the 6-foot wide draft tube pit and tailrace channel. Cavern walls will be shotcrete lined and rock bolted if needed. The exterior wall facing the river will be cast concrete and inclined at the same angle as the elevator. September 1994 2-4 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project The powerhouse will be sized and configured to accommodate doubling the plant capacity, to 1400 kW, in the future. New turbines and generators would replace the units initially installed. SWITCHYARD AND TRANSMISSION LINE The transmission line will be 6. 7 miles long and operated at 7200 volts. The line will be buried and follow the new access road alignment. The new transmission line will be buried 25 kV 260 mil EPR insulated cable with concentric neutral, to match the cable used throughout the INNEC system. A transformer at the powerhouse end would be necessary to step up the 480V generation voltage to 7200V. Tap changers would be provided to allow some adjustment in transmission voltage to best match the system at the tie-in point. Other types of insulation systems could also be used, including cable-in-conduit. Final decisions on cable type will be made during final design. A multi-pair communications cable will also be installed along with the transmission line to provide voice and control circuits for the plant. September 1994 2-5 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project l I i l . I I TAZIMINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Project Number f ------------- OVERALL PROJECT PLAN A c D TAZIMINA RIVER 40 F"EET I TAZIMINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN /r------------l HDR Engineering, Inc. SCALE: 1"•20'-0" ·~DESIGNED ---- DRAWN ___ _ CHK: APPROVED BY: DWG. NO c H ~ ~ > UJ ...) IV ~00 5Ba se;,o I 0 ---r-- \ 4~ (!(..,584 HEADWP-..LL EL 5(.:.7 ---'", ., ,;--··· ' " I I t:_ PtN $1 oc.t;: I zo 1_..-/: I I I / ~-, " INTAKE:" HEADWALL ORIGINAL "' " " '\. s'x. tS' I 40 < 6ROUND ' '--- Tf!!AS ~ RA C 1'. ___s_ ----- I bO TA~A H~DROELECTRIC;;;JECT·-, .. ~Number ·-- lo ... ?>j,?fN INTAKE HEADWALL IP•oiKtM ....... ------~ .• ,': ......:, .... ·. ' ' H" .. ~.. . <. 580 ~\ ' <:) ~\ ' ~ ... , " I ~ \ ' v \ ' tJJ ~ bo'' ~N5TDC~ '- ..J -y ··----- lu EL.S~~-\.:: I~ /L---tf IB '' s Lu, c:.e I I tL 5bS" SbO I I 0 2o 40 bo A·A I Protect Title TA:zJMI..tA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT I Protect Numbtw ~-T~ SECTION A-A I Protect Mana.- --- I 0 ----- _,,~L FW oF Ftt..t... -~··~ ...... ·-·- 20 B·B <f. 18" 5<-UIC£ I 4o I 6o I Proleet Tldtt TAZIIWNA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Tldtt SECT10N B-B v ---------- I 8o I Proleet--Nu-mbeo ______ _ I o ... ') / 'i /l'f r Proleet M•n•e- -------- FILL -·- £L5fo7 5be>. 0 -___ .J I I I..-; I 1 I ~G~J lEV"/~' C-c_ .'---- £(.. 5b2.5 8o ~Project Number SECTION c-c --- II' ,, <f ~o PE.NSTo c.lc ---·· I 0 ----/-· ORI61NAL-uRVUNO +j I I ; 'J" i t 1 ) L>-./ --·~---.---· I 2.o ·-<t_ 18'' SLUIC.E R<oM. INiA.~ 6o D-D r-P_rofec_t T-ltle------~------------ @'1 ,--TAZ~A HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SECTION D-D Bo --- I 0 ---r----·- 1 ----- \ EL SGo3 \I 6 \~_ __ zo E-E " -----" I 4o ~ \ \ \ ? ..._ --- I {:,a TAZ~A HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT lo ... '"'( __ 117 . D P' r + SECllON E-E I Project Meneger SbO -- I 0 ------ \ I Zo F-F -~ . -- I 4o ORI~JNAL - /8" SLVfCE I 60 TAZIMINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SEC110N F-F \ \ \ \ \ _....;"/,__ \ - ·"---- I &J I Project Number --_1 :_-OfCIGINAL.. GR.OUNO --·----;-ICf> a:: r ,~.. 1.. --/ -1!.. -------.. ---~ ~ ,, ' " ( I \ 4~ I \ t I \ ~~ ~o" f'ENSroCJ<.. .~~ \ \ ~· /\II \ ii; ..J \ \U \ l s, s l I.) I <.C. \ \ \ -~ ~ 5W -~vd \. I I ' r 0 z..o 40 6o Bo SECTJON Q-Q I Protect Tide 1-il{ ~--TAZMiA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT i:!LeVAlOR j__ coNDUIT H-t-i 5Ec-nor,l TH~OU6H NcrrcH I Prot-ct Title TAZ~A HYDROELECTRIC PROJEC~-I Pr<>t-ct Nu...a- ID•ta , (~ /1) /1'1 SECTION H-H fProiKfM-..... ,...- I 0 n I I ..___j / II ' 7 I' ' I I I ! I / J . k TAILetJ...c.E (BE Low) \ I ........ _/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / // ~/ -'< / / / I / ~-ill. ':: TAZMNA HYDROELECTRIC PRO.ECT . .. I POWERHOUSE PLAN s~o 0 Z.o _:-::: O~IG.tl-.lA'-6_,2Qu~...J!) --·-------------~····~ --------------------~~t---.--~·------------------------------------- /-- // / // I (, ( C:L.~B4 Er_ . .S95 f ---------------~==-----,-.7.~.~ .. -.·-----------~~========~ ·'.·"'~:: · Flt..l _.-+ D i \__ 5, '" 0' Of'el..l&t-J e:. w I '"f12ASH (2J\QC.. I bo I 80 (00 "o" 4> PENSTOC.IC. /2.0 I !4o c::, I ll::JO I lfb I 2oo E:L. Sf,Z I 22o I I I . 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I 0 H EL 582 I 2.D ELEVATOR SHAFr El.E VA TOR ...._, ~\\ /-;1, ..::._, I 40 -:,\ ' \ ' \ EltVATOR SHAFT SEC.iiON ORIGINAL, 6KolJND ACC£SSWA.'{ I bO 8 c D E G H r----~ I I I I I I I I I Sl.C 120 KW TYPE •GP· LOAD CONTROL GOVERNOR UNIT 2 DISCONNECT SYI110t 1SI<V 100A I MAIN POWER TRANSFORMER 7.2KV-480V 1000 KVA L_ ------~~----~ I) 200A 120KW LOAD OUt.IP TANK (COUlD BE LOCATED IN N£WHAlEN) I IL CONTROL SIGNAL --TO GO'vERNOR REGULATOR/ EXOlER 3 -l 4 7.'JJ<V BURIED TRANSMISSION UNE -6. 7 YII.ES TO NE'IIHAlEN/ NONDALTON T-UNE I AUXIUARY 301<W GENERA TOR ' 7 9 L------------------------------------------, r ' \ EXOTER 10 NEW 151<'1 FUSED DISCONNECT CABINET I I I 11 NEW .. --------------------------- 1Z •j• EXIS11HG .. § ~ ! I I J ----...- z ~ > ~ ,..; 13 14 NO. DATE REVISION ~ ~f-1'0'110 'IIWISF'OAMDt -3E-PO'I'EM'M&.~ i CUI!MMT 1'ltNfSF'OIIIol 1 ClMIIOfT 'IIINSF'ORWOt. 8tJSHIIC T'IP£ l GDolltA TCR Fll.J) lliNI:lHi A OO.TA K 1M ~ OPEN 1M + 1M IQIIT ~n-f UCH'IMNC N!II!S1at -{[])-FUSE EJ II£SJS'Dt ICJICA'IIIG IJQfT {W • ~ 15 16 BY CHK APPROV. t:4 DIOC)[ * CONTACT. ~y a.osm -if-CN>AaltiR _--:.,_ SPUCE _........_ SW1'04 -~ II\I5IED s-ltH ~ Sti10t (Y -'tG. NE'IIllt) 0 ltCMCA'IINC IIEmt ·6) GDolltAltiR G P<MEJt CIRCUT ~ LOW IICilfAGE liiEDIUio1l IQ.TAGE: IN1!J1I..OCX ~ I r--------------)¥......._,..-BREAKER I SHUT-DOWN : r-------------86E ---SOLENOID l& 480V, ~. ----------------r------------- ' r---------- I I ,..-----------./ I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I r-------------.J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---------\ ------------i I I -----------1-.J ' I ------------------~---r---------1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I G£NERATOR 11 r----.----t ~W I I I o.~.F. 0 1 -e-1 -e' F'.L. AMPS ~2 -------38 -49G -12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I l ____ j __________ j (REL..4Y5/CONTROI..S Slt.IILAR TO UNIT fl) I 1/0 INTAKE REMOTE 1/0 BASE ...... ______ ........ __ .. ------ EXIS]NG NEWHALEN QIESf1 POWER PUNT CONJ'R(J. SCHEMADC 500 FEET 1/0 (IF NEEDED) 1/0 PI.AHT OPERATOR INTERFACE TEIMNAL POWERHOUSE (t.IAS1ER) TEl.£PHONE CABliNG APPROX. 20.7 MILES 1/0 OPERATOR INTERF"ACE l£RWINAL DIESEL GENERA nNe PI.JINT IN N£WH~ 12 CJiiERSIIED SWI10f '" UllllOISI'IED s-lOt %5 S"nnCC44IttSM CHEOc DE't1CE 25A JAJRJMliC $YNCHIIOHilllt rr UIICEJMli.TAGE: II£U. y 32 ~ POilti£R II£U.Y 3-J MASlUt SEQIUENC:E DE't1CE lll II£AIIING 'l!lllflfltAl\111£ ll£u. 't a ~ UONI'ICIIING DEw:E 40 F1ELO RliLAY 41 F1ELO CIRCUIT IIR£AIIOt u IUIIIUoM. 'lltANSI"t:Jt 011' SELEC'Itllt !X';II(Z .S IIEWJISI:...f~NASE Qlt --~ CUIW:NT RElAY ofl 'IDIPI:ItA1UIIt: RliLAY (G • ClOVATOR. T • lit~ 511N AC 'lilliE OV£JICIJRROIT REI.AT (1M • 'lltMSf'QIMER M£U'IIUI.) 51Y AC liiC OIOICWI1IEHT MLio T (V • 'tG. TAG£ IIESTIIAIN1) 52 AC CIIIIC\AT BN:NC£11 " ~TAGE: IIQ.A'I' ""/Z7 10CI!l $TAltiR 01101.11) 11£\..\'1' 10 'tG.fAG£ IUUHCE u PIII$$UIIIC s-ltH W F1ELO GR01.11D PROltClM III:LAT 71 C.. 1£1111. SW10t LOW 81 fiM'.IMNCT. IIQ.AY (0/11 -CM!t/UNO(lt) Ill L..Ot'QtG-QIT IIIELAY (I • EMPGOIC:'I', N • NOAUAI.) 17 OIF'l'UI!N1Ltl. PR01EClM 11£\.1. T (G • GDolltA TCR. T • 1R.INSIIallotEJ) " AMIIE'IEit AS ~-lOt AID Nil' TRAH!iDI.Jeat r I"'I£C::UUiNCT w:mt "' Pa.a FAC'ItiR WETER sc S'fNCHIOIISiol attac SLC SHUNT LOAD CONlRQJ.Dt Sl S1MC'H $C(lll£ Qlt Sll.ECltiR $YIIltH 'I YCLNETER VM YCLT MftllrS ltEI.ClM WID VM'ID VM 11tAHSilUCDt VS YCLNETER SWiltH VII) YCLT 'I'RAHSDUCEit w •1TWETER .. •JtHC:Ut loiE1Eif IW1D ..... ,. 'I'RAHSDUCEit I.N.N. ELECTRIC COOPERA 11VE TAZIMINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PRELIMINARY ELECTRICAL ONE LINE DIAGRAM HDR Engineering, Inc. OA'IE: 8-4-94 OWG. NO. 01<: J. SNYDER SK-EE-1 F1l(: 6012!10t.DW:P PlOT SCAlE! 1•1 0.\lE: 08/08/94 nWE: 2:: 10pm PAnt H: \TAZIWINA\ G SECTION3 3. CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE An estimate of probable construction cost was prepared for the project configuration described in Section 2. The estimated Direct Construction Cost of the project is $6,887,000. Total Project Development Cost, including engineering services, owner costs, contingencies and escalation is estimated to be $10,359,000. The Direct Construction Cost is the cost a reasonable contractor would be expected to bid for the work if it were bid in 1995. Construction quantities were estimated for the major project features based on preliminary sketches. Unit and lump sum prices were estimated based on experience data and contractor quotes for the turbine/generator equipment and penstock trench excavation. The estimates reflect local conditions, remoteness of the project site and Alaska wage rates. Some costs were also included for related work, such as heating equipment changes at the school which are necessary because of the new project. Cost for land use has been included as an annual expense in the economic analysis. Turbine and generator quotes were obtained from three potential vendors; Bouvier Hydropower, Inc., Sulzer, and Hydro West Group, Inc. Quotations ranged from $887,000 to $1,200,000 for two 350-kW horizontal Francis turbines, generators, switchgear and auxiliary equipment. Copies of their quotations are provided in Appendix A. A preliminary estimate of penstock trench excavation costs was obtained from Wilder Construction Company in Anchorage. A copy of their estimate is also included in Appendix A. These costs were adjusted based on recent construction bid prices in the area. Unit prices for reinforced concrete are based on based on recent experience data in Alaska. Actual contractor bid prices are expected to vary considerably depending on the bidders' assumptions and strategy in formulating its bid. Access road construction costs were based on having to import about 50% of the material for the road bed from 4 or 5 borrow sits near the road alignment, and obtaining the rest from cut slopes within the right-of-way. Contingencies were added to direct construction costs in varying percentages to account for a degree of uncertainty in the fmal cost of each major project feature. Based on the level of study conducted for this report, a contingency of 15% was added to the turbine/generator and other equipment, and 20% to all other work. This results in a contingency fund for this project of about $1,270,000. Costs for engineering, geotechnical investigations, topographic surveying, hydraulic modelling, permitting and construction management are estimated to total $1,512,00. This aggregate amount is based on HDR's experience costs with hydroelectric project design and construction management services, as well as estimates from frrrns specializing in geotechnical, surveying and hydraulic modelling services. When performing construction in remote areas, the expense of performing detailed engineering design and effective construction management normally pays back big dividends in the form of reduced September 1994 3-1 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project construction bids and fewer changes in the field. We have found this approach to be key to the success of projects we have completed in the past. September 1994 3-2 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project TABLE 3-1 TAZIMINARIVER HYDROELECfRIC PROJECT PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST FERC AlxNo Description Quantity Unit 330 LAND AND LAND RIGHTS .1 Land RighWEasements (handled as annual expense) 1 LS Total -Alx No. 330-Land and Land Ri11hts 331 STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS .1 ACCESS ROAD .1 Construct Acce>s Road 6.7 MI .2 Gravel Purchases from Bristol Bay Native Corp. 15000 CY .2 POWERHOUSE .1 Rock Face Excavation 660 CY .2 Powerhouse Cavern Excavation 1260 CY .3 Tailrace Excavation 90 CY .4 Reinf<rced Concrete in Notch 550 CY .5 Generator Floor Concrete 150 CY .6 Tailwater Control Wier 2 CY .7 Rock Bolts 500 LF .8 Shotaete and Mesh 60 CY 9 Miscellaneous Metals 15,(XX) LB .3 SITE WORK .1 Parking-Grading'Surfucing 1 LS .2 Storage Shed 1 LS .3 Fencing'Safety Barriers 1 LS Subtotal . Mobilization (10%) Total -Alx No. 331 -Stuctures and Imorovements 332 RESERVOIRS, DAMS, AND WATERWAYS .1 CHANNEL CON1ROL SILL .1 Streambed Preparatioo 1 LS .2 Pre-cast Concrete Blocks (2x2x4) 20 EA .3 Block Transport and Installation 1 LS .4 Excavatbn of Rock Trap 30 CY .2 INTAKE STRUCTURE .1 Dewatering'Care ofWater 1 LS .2 Rock Excavation 300 CY .3 Backfill 80 CY .4 Reinf<rced Concrete 40 CY .5 Trashrack 1 LS .6 66" Intake Gate and Electric Operator 1 EA .7 24" Sluice Gate and Electric Operator 1 EA .8 Water Level Instrumentation 1 LS .9 Miscellaneous Metals (Grating, Handrails, etc.) 3000 LBS .10 Electrical Conduit and Wiring 1 LS .3 FISH SCREEN STRUCI1JRE .1 Dewatering'Care of Water 1 LS .2 Rock Excavation 2400 CY .3 Backfill 500 CY .4 Reinf<rced Concrete 260 CY .5 Fish Screens 240 SF .6 Miscellaneous Metals 10000 LBS p:\hyd\tazimina\feasib\cost -estwk3 16-Sep-94 Unit Amount Price ($) $0 $0 $0 $150,(XX) $1,005,(XX) $3 $45,000 $125 $82,500 $150 $189,000 $100 $9,(XX) $1,(XX) S550,(XX) $800 $120,(XX) $800 $1,600 $25 $12,500 $700 $42,(XX) $7 $105,000 $15,(XX) $15,000 $25,000 $2S,(XX) S15,(XX) $15,(XX) $221,660 $2438.260 $20,(XX) $20,(XX) $500 $10,(XX) $25,000 $25,000 $200 $6,(XX) $5,000 $5,000 $40 $12,000 $12 $960 $1,000 $40,000 $14,000 $14,000 $35,(XX) $35,(XX) $18,000 $18,000 $4,000 $4,000 $7 $21,000 $15,000 $15,(XX) $5,000 $5,000 $40 $96,000 $12 $6,000 $1,000 $260,000 $250 $60,000 $7 $70,000 TABLE 3-1 TAZIMINA RIVER HYDROFLECTRIC PROJECf PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST PERC Ace No Descriotion buantitv Unit .7 24" Sluice Gate and Electric Operator 1 EA .4 WA1ER CONVEYANCE .1 Rode Excavation ( excl. intake, screen structure, ootch) 8600 CY 2 (IJ' Steel Penstock 430 LF .3 30" Steel Penstock 20 LF .4 18" Steel Sluice Pipe 405 1F .5 Pipe Bedding 115 CY .6 Select BackfiH 660 CY .7 Native Backfill 5200 CY .8 Pipe Installation 1 LS Mobilization (10%) Total -Ace No. 332 -Reservoi" Dams & Waterwavs 333 TURBINES AND GENERATORS (incl. governor & excite ) .1 350kW Hc:rimntal Francis Turbines 2 EA 2 · 400 kV A Synclirooous Generators 2 EA .3 Goveroor and Process Control Cabinets 2 EA .4 Flywheels 2 EA .5 Install Units and B:juipment 1 LS .6 30" Isolation Valves 2 EA Total -Ace No. 333 -Turbines and Generators 334 ACCESSORY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT .1 Switchgear 1 LS 2 Statbn Service 1 LS 3 Control Panel 1 LS .4 Conduit/Wire/Cables 1 LS .5 Lighting 1 LS .6 Grounding 1 LS .7 30-kW Emergency Generator and Fuel Tank 1 LS .8 Battery Bank and Olarger 1 LS .9 Invener and Transfer Switch 1 LS .10 Power and O:lmmunication Lines to Intake 1 LS .11 New Heating Equipment at School 1 LS Total -Ace No. 334 -Ace. Electrical Equipment 335 MffiCELLANEOUSMECHANICALEQUIPMENT .1 Ventilation Equipment and Shaft 1 LS .2 Unit Heaters 1 LS .3 Sump Pump 1 LS .4 Portable 8-Ton Hoist 1 LS .5 Elevator, Rails and Shaft Liner 1 LS .6 Project Truck: and Backhoe 1 LS Total -A£c No. 335-Misc. Mechanical E.Quioment 352 STRUCfURES AND IMPROVEMENTS (T-Iine) (TRANSMISSION FACILITY) .1 Switchyard E.xcavaticn and Grading 30 CY .2 Switchyard Fill 30 CY .3 Equipment Foundations and Oil Spill Containment 1 LS .4 Grounding 1 LS p:\byd\tazimina\feasib\cost -est.wk:3 16-Sep-94 Unit Amount Price ($) $18,000 $18,000 $40 $344,000 $275 $118,250 $150 $3,000 $80 $32,400 $30 $3,450 $20 $13,200 $12 $62,400 $25,000 $25,000 $134,266 $1476926 $298,000 $596,000 $51,000 $102,000 $46,500 $93,000 $15,000 . $30,000 $75,000 $75,000 $25,000 $50,000 $946000 $225,000 $225,000 $70,000 $70,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $60,000 $60,000 $10,000 $10,000 $25,000 $25,000 $15,000 $15,000 $20,000 $20,000 $10,000 $10,000 $50,000 $50,000 $785000 $90,000 $90,000 $5,000 $5,000 $4,000 $4,000 $12,000 $12,000 $180,000 $180,000 $90,000 $90,000 $381000 $20 $600 $20 $600 $8,000 $8,000 $5,000 $5,000 PERC Are No 353 356 331 332 333 334 335 352 353 356 .5 .6 .1 2 .1 2 .3 .4 .5 .6 TABLE 3-1 TAZIMINARIVER HYDROELECIRIC PROJECT PRELIMINARY ESTIMA1E OF PROBABLE CONSfRUCTION COST Description Quantity Unit FencingfGate 1 LS Lighting 1 LS Mobilization (10%) Total -Are No. 352 -Structures & Imrrovements SWITCHY ARD EQUIPMENT & STRUCTURES Main Transfooner 480/7200 V, 850 KV A 1 LS Disconnect Switch 1 LS Total -Are No. 353 -Suh!ltation EQuipment & Structures FIXTIJRES, CONDUCTORS & DEVICES Transmission Line, 7 2 k V, Buried Construction 6.7 !MILES Transmission Line Cable Material, 3 conductor 35376 FT Interconnection 1 LS Changes to INNEC System 1 LS Telepoone Line to Newbalen, Cable 10.7 MI Telepoone Line to Newhalen, imtall 4 miles 4 MI Total -Ace No. 356 -Fixtures Conductors & Devices .. (Total mobiliZation cost mcluded m above -$357,946) SUMMARY SfRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS RESERVOIRS, DAMS, AND WATERWAYS TURBINES AND GENERATORS (incl. governor & exciter) ACCESSORY ELECIRICAL EQUIPMENT MmC~OUSME~CALEQUIPMENT SfRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS (T -line) SWITCHY ARD EQUIPMENT & STRUCTURES FIXTIJRES, CONDUCTORS & DEVICES Total Direct Coostruction Costs (rouooed) Design Engineering@ 9% Geotechnical, Borings & Test Pits Topographic Surveying Hydraulic Modelling PERC Approval and Other Permits Construction Mgmt. @ 7% Subtotal (rounded) Contingency (15% on turbine/generator & other equipment) Contingency (20% on remaining accounts) Total Project Construction Cost (1994) Escalation to 1995 (3%) Total Project Comtruction Cost (1995) INDIRECT COSTS: INNEC Administrative Costs INNEC Legal Costs p:\hyd\tazimina\feasib\cost-estwk3 19-Sep-94 Unit Price $3,(XX) $3,(XX) $40,(XX) $10,(XX) $60,000 $6 $10,(XX) $50,(XX) $5,000 $15,000 Amount ($) $3,(XX) $3,(XX) $2,020 $22,220 $40,(XX) $10,(XX) $50 (XX) $402,(XX) $212,256 $10,(XX) $50,(XX) $53,500 $60,(XX) $7ffl756 2,438,260 1,476,926 946,(XX) 785,(XX) 381,000 22,220 50,000 787,756 $6,887 ,(XX) 619,830 160,(XX) 100,(XX) 75,(XX) 75,000 482,090 $8,399,(XX) 316,800 955,032 $9,670,832 290,125 $9,960,957 Financing Costs and Underwriting Fees Interest During Constructioo (9 mos. on 1/2 balance over $5M@ 6.25%, grant spent first) lOO,(XX) 100,(XX) 75,(XX) 122,718 Estimated Total Project Development Cost (1995 $),with iOOirects $10,358,675 SECTION4 '] 4. PROJECT ENERGY PRODUCTION The full load output from the project will be approximately 700 kW. Current peak load in the INNEC system is about 480 kW. About 110 cubic feet per second of water is required to produce full turbine output with our proposed arrangement. There are about 5 112 years of daily flow records on the Tazimina River at the falls (see attached table). During this periodt the lowest recorded river flow was 140 cfs. Although it is likely that flows may occasionally drop below 140 cfs, it is reasonable to assume that 110 cfs is available at most times for diversion except during short periods in the late winter months. If this is the case, full load output should be available at most times from the units, if necessary. In reality, the units will be operated to follow the INNEC system load. It appears that at least in the near term, sufficient energy would be generated by the hydro facility to carry 100% of the INNEC load, except during very low river flow periods or during hydro plant outages. Using the project configuration developed as part of this study, an estimate of the maximum theoretical energy generation from the project was made. To perform this analysis, a computer based model called "HEP" (Hydropower Evaluation Program) was used. HEP is a computer model for computing average and annual power generation for a run-of-river hydropower project, developed and hand verified by HDR Engineering, Inc. The daily flows at the diversion site for the five years of record, and project development information (such as pipe length, diameter, diversion and powerhouse elevation, turbine and generator efficiency curves, and other system losses) are input into the model and it calculates energy production for each day of the period of record. For each daily flow in the period of record, HEP first subtracts any required instream flow release for that day (zero in this case). The remaining flow is used to decide how many turbines can operate and their percent of full load. Based on the percent load, efficiency of the turbine and generator are obtained from look-up tables that ·are input by the user. Head loss in the pipeline is calculated using Manning's Equation and by then adding intake and other miscellaneous losses. Finally, daily energy is calculated using the net head, available flow, and appropriate efficiencies. Daily energy is reduced to account for losses such as transmission line losses, station service use, and downtime. This process is repeated for every day of the period of record. The output table shows the monthly average energy production (obtained by averaging daily generation) for each month of the period of record. The HEP model was run for two cases; a) using the proposed project arrangement with two, 350 kW units with a total diversion of 110 cfs, and; b) the same arrangement using two 700 kW units and a total diverted flow of 220 cfs (future case). Output from the two cases is attached. Results show that the maximum theoretical generation from the proposed arrangement is about 6,030,000 kWh per year. In the future, increasing diversion to 220 cfs and replacing the turbines with two 700 kW units could provide up to 10t800,000 kWh per year. Current INNEC system load is approximately 1,800,000 kWh per year. The two unit, 350 kW each arrangement proposed is projected to be able to carry the entire 1994 electrical load of the Sepumber 1994 4-1 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project INNEC system except for unplanned outages, and has enough capacity to accommodate considerable load growth in the future. If system demands expand significantly or additional interties are constructed to other load centers, turbine upgrading could clearly provide significantly more energy in the future. September 1994 4-2 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun install gage Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep DAILY AVERAGE FLOWS-TAZIMINA RIVER ATTAZIMINA FALLS (Format is wat« yNif (Oct-Sept.), linJt number is month number (Oct•1), followed by daitvflowsfor each day of month) 1981 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 3000 11 3020 12 809 1982 1 606 2 590 3 320 4 250 5 250 6 185 7 146 8 435 9 1980 10 1700 11 1460 12 3760 1983 1 932 2 425 3 232 4 140 5 140 6 140 7 180 8 630 9 1800 10 1410 11 1150 12 704 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3050 2990 2050 2840 1260 781 624 636 880 570 470 320 260 250 330 240 200 185 175 146 180 445 1090 1860 2540 1780 2380 1420 1240 4760 2100 940 558 410 310 228 330 140 140 140 140 140 140 185 300 670 1790 1780 1880 1400 858 1090 624 684 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2170 2930 2880 2690 2680 1240 767 594 636 840 560 450 320 260 250 350 235 200 185 175 144 179 460 1240 1820 2300 1840 2200 1390 1280. 4800 2030 893 570 400 310 219 321 140 140 140 140 140 140 190 320 710 1940 1760 1870 1370 851 1020 612 672 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2310 2740 2800 3180 2470 1200 746 588 618 810 550 440 320 260 250 360 235 200 185 175 141 160 460 1390 1850 2100 1800 2030 1340 1270 4490 1930 916 552 390 300 217 300 140 140 140 140 140 140 195 330 750 2020 1800 1880 1320 830 879 624 660 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2520 2570 2690 3190 2330 1200 753 582 612 800 540 420 320 260 250 370 250 200 185 175 141 162 460 1500 1900 1910 1740 1880 1280 1230 4080 1810 900 516 375 300 213 290 140 140 140 140 140 145 200 340 790 2070 1850 1800 1260 830 888 648 672 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2740 2400 2590 3020 2170 1160 767 570 690 800 530 410 300 260 250 370 245 200 185 185 140 189 470 1710 1970 1140 1720 1720 1230 1300 3790 1700 637 495 386 290 213 270 140 140 140 140 140 145 210 360 850 2040 1880 1730 1190 900 872 654 690 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2880 2290 2460 2810 2000 1150 739 546 760 790 520 400 300 250 250 370 217 190 185 185 140 211 495 2620 1980 1630 1780 1800 1170 1730 3860 1580 746 480 350 290 215 240 140 140 140 140 140 150 220 380 900 1990 1840 1870 1130 924 858 648 725 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 255 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2780 2240 2380 2620 1820 1110 711 522 830 780 520 390 300 250 250 360 203 190 185 185 143 242 516 3160 1930 1550 1850 1510 1120 2160 3640 1470 594 475 362 280 210 220 140 140 140 140 140 150 225 400 950 1990 1820 1650 1080 940 823 636 748 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 224 0 c 0 0 2690 2190 2380 2430 1700 1070 711 500 893 780 520 380 300 250 250 350 200 190 185 185 151 275 528 2880 1920 1630 2080 1440 1100 2350 3250 1370 570 485 362 280 210 200 140 140 140 140 140 150 230 420 1000 2040 1870 1640 1020 1080 802 618 746 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2620 2240 2400 2350 1620 1040 704 485 972 740 520 380 300 250 250 350 200 190 185 185 158 358 546 2720 1980 1730 2350 1370 1070 2410 2680 1280 570 470 350 270 210 180 140 140 140 140 140 155 240 440 1050 2080 1920 1600 988 1280 767 606 725 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2530 2480 2400 2390 1570 '1020 690 465 1020 120 520 350 280 250 280 330 200 190 185 155 162 415 582 2720 2100 1780 2780 1320 1070 2380 2620 1190 570 450 336 270 210 170 140 140 140 140 140 155 250 460 1150 2060 2020 1540 972 1410 725 594 718 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2460 2840 2320 2380 1530 982 684 500 1030 100 520 350 280 250 260 320 200 190 185 155 186 420 648 2790 2230 1820 2840 1460 1030 2280 2450 1120 570 480 330 280 207 180 140 140 140 140 140 160 280 480 1200 2010 1980 1480 948 1450 697 570 718 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2390 3000 2190 2480 1500 958 678 546 1020 680 520 350 280 250 280 300 200 190 177 154 171 425 739 2730 2490 1870 2780 1540 988 2160 2270 1080 564 455 324 280 223 150 140 140 140 140 140 185 270 510 1300 1920 1980 1420 908 1430 672 552 711 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2380 2980 2130 2560 1450 950 660 564 988 860 510 350 280 250 260 290 190 175 152 175 410 788 2580 2840 1840 2620 1530 996 2210 2210 1010 558 485 318 250 292 150 140 140 140 140 170 280 540 1350 1850 1920 1360 879 1380 642 594 746 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2800 2820 2080 2800 1390 894 642 564 950 630 490 350 280 250 280 280 190 175 150 179 410 637 2350 2760 1780 2600 1490 1040 2180 2190 964 558 470 318 245 334 145 140 140 140 140 170 290 570 1450 1800 1900 1370 858 1320 638 672 885 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2840 1980 3080 1350 846 570 900 610 350 280 250 310 260 190 175 148 420 948 2150 1710 2540 1480 1170 2370 932 552 445 242 334 140 140 140 140 140 115 600 1520 1790 1410 851 1240 630 704 1984 Oct 1 1000 1180 1260 1270 1260 1310 1310 1270 1350 1710 2630 3340 3490 3270 2950 2630 2350 2100 1890 1740 1600 1470 1360 1260 1140 1040 981 917 859 816 n4 Nov 2 726 711 711 678 631 600 636 876 947 924 886 851 809 754 714 704 690 666 624 606 624 618 594 547 528 522 505 557 793 1060 Dec 3 1270 1350 1340 1310 1250 1170 1090 1000 909 652 809 756 712 680 630 597 584 534 505 500 505 475 450 430 410 390 380 360 340 328 309 Jan 4 300 290 280 280 270 260 260 250 250 240 240 240 240 230 230 230 230 230 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 210 210 210 210 210 210 Feb 5 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 Mar 6 210 210 210 .250 330 390 400 410 410 400 360 380 340 327 300 290 288 283 275 270 268 265 280 255 250 250 263 285 263 280 258 Apr 7 255 255 250 245 245 245 240 238 228 221 215 215 211 211 209 207 203 203 195 195 201 207 203 201 195 197 221 279 290 303 May 8 327 338 334 327 321 321 324 330 334 346 358 386 374 386 398 425 450 470 490 522 564 612 660 710 759 802 637 858 879 886 893 Jun 9 893 900 940 1020 1120 1250 1380 154C 1650 1740 1790 1790 1810 1900 1970 2050 2230 2420 2450 2370 2300 2250 2210 2250 2390 2570 2610 2520 2440 2420 Jut 10 2370 2270 2150 1980 1930 1910 1920 1930 1920 1860 1800 1720 1630 1590 1520 1440 1370 1370 1370 1370 1340 1280 1250 1210 1180 1130 1100 1060 1060 1040 1020 Aug 11 1020 1000 988 980 964 972 964 948 932 908 971 980 940 900 865 830 795 816 864 886 900 1020 1180 1410 2130 3180 3370 3120 2790 2420 2110 Sep 12 1880 1660 1500 1380 1240 1140 1060 997 941 880 837 795 768 767 746 725 704 697 690 690 886 648 642 846 846 830 824 836 886 668 1985 Oct 1 672 736 781 795 809 809 802 781 760 739 718 890 886 638 600 588 564 540 516 485 470 485 480 455 430 398 378 358 346 346 346 Nov 2 346 324 300 288 293 303 303 288 273 265 255 245 240 238 245 253 250 243 235 240 248 243 235 225 215 207 207 203 205 199 Dec 3 195 195 197 195 201 199 195 195 193 191 189 190 190 185 185 185 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 175 175 175 175 175 175 170 170 Jan 4 170 170 170 170 170 165 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 165 180 160 160 180 180 180 180 180 160 160 155 155 155 155 155 155 Feb 5 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Mar 8 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 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2420 2800 2550 2380 2200 2030 1860 1800 1790 1670 1520 1370 1300 1230 1140 1070 997 941 880 831 782 719 678 654 Nov 2 630 606 588 570 552 516 480 460 440 425 410 400 390 380 370 360 350 342 338 334 330 327 318 312 306 298 285 280 275 270 Dec 3 265 260 255 250 250 245 240 240 235 235 230 230 225 225 220 220 210 210 210 210 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 190 190 190 190 Jan 4 190 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 Feb 5 170 170 170 170 170 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 180 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 Mar 6 160 160 160 160 160 160 180 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 180 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 Apr 7 160 160 160 180 160 160 160 180 160 160 160 160 160 160 180 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 170 170 170 170 170 May 8 180 180 180 180 180 190 190 190 190 190 200 210 220 230 250 270 290 320 350 380 420 460 500 580 620 700 800 900 1000 1100 1160 Jun 9 1230 1270 1270 1280 1300 1330 1340 1350 1360 1390 1380 1380 1350 1340 1380 1540 1840 2160 2350 2350 2310 2180 2050 1900 1760 1830 1540 1480 1480 1530 Jul 10 1610 1710 1870 1980 2020 2010 1980 1900 1790 1670 1590 1580 1520 1460 1410 1410 1370 1320 1280 1370 1520 1610 1730 1960 2050 2030 1920 1790 1660 1530 1480 Aug 11 1390 1320 1280 1380 1450 1470 1440 1430 1410 1410 1390 1380 1380 1490 1880 2140 2150 2150 2080 1970 1840 1730 1780 1940 2030 2020 2100 2100 2050 1980 1680 Sep 12 1780 1690 1560 1470 1380 1300 1420 1910 2340 2380 2280 2150 2010 1860 1740 1730 1710 1670 1640 1940 2310 2490 2540 2420 2270 2080 1960 1800 1690 1610 Tazimina P~ER GENERATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA FILE USED: TAZIMIN2.QCH MODEL DESCRIPTION PIPE # 1 LENGTH 450 HEADWATER ELEV: 575 TAILWATER ELEV: 482 GROSS HEAD: 93 DIAMETER 60 NET HEAD i FULL LOAD: 91.9 MANNING'S n .011 MINOR LOSSES 2 NAMEPLATE CAPACITY (kW): 747.9 @ 1 ~ER FACTOR STATION SERVICE LOSS: TRANSFORMER LOSS: 1 TRANSMISSION LOSS: 3 SCHEDULED D~N TIME: 3 TURBINE SELECTED: 2 -FRAN-SUL GENERATOR SELECTED: BURKE MINIMUM INSTREAM FL~S OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB 0 0 0 0 0 MAR 0 SIMULATED PRODUCTION IN MEGAWATT-HOURS YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR 1982 511.9 495.4 511.9 511.9 462.4 511.9 1983 511.9 495.4 511.9 511.9 462.4 511.9 1984 511.9 495.4 511.9 511.9 478.9 511.9 1985 511.9 495.4 511.9 511.9 462.4 511.9 1986 511.9 495.4 511.9 511.9 462.4 511.9 AVERAGE 511.9 495.4 511.9 511.9 465.7 511.9 AVERAGE PLANT FACTOR: 0.92 AVG. # DAYS/YEAR SHUTDOWN DUE TO LOW WATER: 0 THIS SIMULATION USED THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCIES X LOAD TURBINE GENERATOR COMBINED ---------------------------------------- 0 0.0 o.o 0.0 10 o.o 90.0 0.0 20 0.0 93.0 o.o 30 0.0 94.6 0.0 40 74.0 95.4 70.6 50 81.0 96.0 77.8 60 85.0 96.4 81.9 70 87.3 96.5 84.2 80 90.0 96.5 86.8 90 91.1 96.5 87.9 100 90.5 96.5 87.3 APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTAL 495.4 511.9 495.4 511.9 511.9 495.4 6027.3 495.4 511.9 495.4 511.9 511.9 495.4 6027.3 495.4 511.9 495.4 511.9 511.9 495.4 6043.8 495.4 511.9 495.4 511.9 511.9 495.4 6027.3 495.4 511.9 495.4 511.9 511.9 495.4 6027.3 495.4 511.9 495.4 511.9 511.9 495.4 6030.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tazimina POWER GENERATION --------------------------------------------------------------.-------------------------------------------------------------- DATA FILE USED: TAZIMIN2.QCH MODEL DESCRIPTION PIPE # 1 LENGTH 450 HEADWATER ELEV: 575 TAILWATER ELEV: 482 GROSS HEAD: 93 DIAMETER 60 NET HEAD ~ FULL LOAD: 88.8 MANNING'S n .011 MINOR LOSSES 2 NAMEPLATE CAPACITY CkW): 1444.1 ~ 1 POWER FACTOR STATION SERVICE LOSS: TRANSFORMER LOSS: 1 TRANSMISSION LOSS: 3 SCHEDULED DOWN TIME: 3 TURBINE SELECTED: 2 -FRAN-SUL GENERATOR SELECTED: BURKE MINIMUM INSTREAM FLOWS OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB 0 0 0 0 0 MAR 0 SIMULATED PRODUCTION IN MEGAWATT-HOURS YEAR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR 1982 988.4 956.5 988.4 988.4 8n.9 855.2 1983 988.4 956.5 9.79.1 n6.5 553.8 613.1 1984 988.4 956.5 988.4 981.1 889.0 984.8 1985 988.4 946.2 841.1 n7.o 615.6 663.4 1986 988.4 956.5 950.3 794.0 654.3 715.0 AVERAGE 988.4 954.5 949.5 843.4 718.1 766.3 AVERAGE PLANT FACTOR: 0.85 AVG. # DAYS/YEAR SHUTDOWN DUE TO LOW WATER: 0 THIS SIMULATION USED THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCIES X LOAD TURBINE GENERATOR COMBINED -------------------·-------------------- 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10 0.0 90.0 0.0 20 0.0 93.0 0.0 30 o.o 94.6 0.0 40 74.0 95.4 70.6 so 81.0 96.0 n.8 60 85.0 96.4 81.9 70 87.3 96.5 84.2 80 90.0 96.5 86.8 90 91.1 96.5 87.9 100 90.5 96.5 87.3 APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTAL 683.0 961.5 956.5 988.4 988.4 956.5 11189.5 788.5 988.4 956.5 988.4 988.4 956.5 10484.4 925.1 988.4 956.5 988.4 988.4 956.5 11591.8 627.4 866.3 956.5 988.4 988.4 956.5 10165.4 700.5 937.6 956.5 988.4 988.4 956.5 10586.7 744.9 948.5 956.5 988.4 988.4 956.5 10803.5 5. PROJECT ECONOMICS A simple economic analysis was performed to estimate the first year cost of energy produced from the hydroelectric project. A spreadsheet was developed that calculates first year energy costs based on input values for assumed project capital cost, interest rate, discount rate, O&M cost and system load growth. A copy of the spreadsheet output is attached for a base case scenario. The spreadsheet also contains assumptions for cost to maintain the diesel system on standby and costs for diesel fuel during periods the hydroelectric plant is shutdown. Diesel fuel is estimated to cost $1.15 per gallon in 1994. Assuming a total plant capital cost of $9,961,000, a $5 million grant from the State of Alaska, a $3.4 million grant from the federal government, and the other assumptions shown on the spreadsheet (base case 5% interest), the fust year energy costs will be approximately $0.10 per kilowatt hour with a bond interest of 5%. If bond interest is 7% or 9%, instead of 5%, first year energy cost increases to $0.111 and $0.120 per kilowatt hour respectively. Spreadsheets showing these analyses follow. Power price is very sensitive to overall system demand. Increasing load has a dramatic effect on lowering energy price, because the fixed costs are relatively high, and the incremental cost of additional generation is extremely low. For example, increasing system load from 1,775,000 (actual 1993-94 production) to 2,300,000 reduces first year energy price from $0.10 to $0.078 per kWh. A copy of this spreadsheet example (Increased Load Case) is also attached. This spreadsheet model is available to check the impact of varying assumptions and sensitivity of power price to changes in fmancing, O&M costs and/or project cost in the future. Under base case assumptions, some negative cash flow results in the early years of the project. Increasing first year energy cost from $0.10 to $0.123 would avoid any negative cash flow. Allowance for a savings (a benefit) in the expense of rebuilding the diesel fuel storage depot is included in the annual costs analysis, since constructing the hydroelectric project will indefmitely defer the need to rebuild the fuel facilities. Assuming 20 year bonds (7%) are sold to fmance an estimated $400,000 in repairs, an annual savings of approximately $38,000 per year results from the deferred work. September 1994 5-1 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ECONOtvflCS TAZIMINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Assumptions: BASE CASE 5% Construction interest rate: Bond Interest Rate: Percent financed: Kilowatt hOW"S prod./year: Total Capital Cost: Number years ofloan YEAR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• Operating Revenues: Power Price (price escalated@ 5% to represent 5% load growth) Sale of Electricity Revenues Total Revenues: 1996 Operating Expenses (annual assumed escalation shown in parentheses) Operating Labor ( 4%) Maintenance Expenses (5%) Land Use Payments (0%) Insurance (4o/o) Permit Fees (2%) Maintaining Diesel Plant On Stand-by (4%) Diesel Fuel For 3% of Load (4% fuel, 5% load growth) Savings From Deferred Fuel Tankage Rehabilitation (0%) Administrative Fees (5%) Total Expenses: Debt Service Interest Expense Principal Repayment Total Debt Service Operating Cash Flow EQUITY Contribution Total Capital Expeditures 8400012 9961000 0.03 (program updated 10/21/94) 0.050 0.05000 15.671 (These are global variables) 1775641 (July to June 1994 actual) 9961000 (Not including indirc.cts) 30 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 ........... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ....... ....... . ..... . 0.103 0.108 O.ll3 0.119 0.125 0.131 0.138 0.145 0.152 0.159 0.167 0.176 0.184 0.194 0.203 0.214 0.224 182358 191476 201050 211103 221658 232741 244378 256596 269426 282898 297043 311895 327489 343864 361057 379110 398065 182358 191476 201050 211103 221658 232741 244378 256596 269426 282898 297043 311895 327489 343864 361057 379110 398065 70000 15000 20000 10000 3000 20000 4368 -35000 15000 72!!00 15750 20000 10400 3060 20800 4770 -35000 15750 75712 16538 20000 10816 3121 21632 5209 -35000 16538 78740 17364 20000 11249 3184 22497 5688 -35000 17364 81890 18233 20000 11699 3247 23397 6211 -35000 18233 85166 19144 20000 12167 3312 24333 6783 -35000 19144 88572 20101 20000 12653 3378 25306 7407 -35000 20101 92115 21107 20000 13159 3446 26319 8088 -35000 21107 95800 22162 20000 13686 3515 27371 8832 -35000 22162 99632 23270 20000 14233 3585 28466 9645 -35000 23270 103617 24433 20000 14802 3657 29605 10532 -35000 24433 107762 25655 20000 15395 3730 30789 11501 -35000 25655 112072 26938 20000 16010 3805 32021 12559 -35000 26938 116555 28285 20000 16651 3881 33301 13715 -35000 28285 121217 29699 20000 17317 3958 34634 14976 -35000 29699 126066 31184 20000 18009 4038 36019 16354 -35000 31184 131109 32743 20000 18730 4118 37460 17859 -35000 32743 122368 128330 134565 141087 147910 155049 162520 170340 178528 187101 196080 205487 215343 225672 236500 247854 259762 78049 23495 76875 24670 75641 25903 74346 27199 72986 28558 71558 29986 70059 31486 68485 33060 66832 34713 65096 36449 63273 38271 61360 40185 59351 42194 57241 44304 55026 46519 52700 48845 50258 51287 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 -41554 -38398 -35059 -31529 ·27796 -23853 -19687 -15288 -10646 -5748 -582 4863 10602 16647 23012 29711 36759 Real Discount Rate For Economic Analysis ....................................... ........... ......... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ....... ....... . ....... . PV of Operating Cash Flow (Adjust power price until sum approximates zero) Debt Principal= Annual Loan Payments~ Annual interest Annual principal 6166 (sum) -40344 0.971 -36194 0.943 -32084 0.915 -28013 0.888 -23977 0.863 -19976 0.837 -16007 -12069 0.813 0.789 -8159 0.766 -4277 0.744 -421 0.722 3411 0.701 7219 0.681 11006 0.661 14771 0.642 18515 0.623 22240 0.605 1560988 ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••• •• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• •••• •• • ••••••• ••• ... ••• • •••••• 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 78049 23495 76875 24670 75641 25903 74346 27199 72986 28558 71558 29986 70059 31486 68485 33060 66832 34713 65096 36449 63273 38271 61360 40185 59351 42194 57241 44304 55026 46519 52700 48845 50258 51287 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0.235 0.247 0.260 0.272 0.286 417969 438867 460810 483851 508043 417969 438867 460810 483851 508043 136353 141807 147479 153379 159514 34380 36099 37904 39799 41789 20000 20000 20000 0 0 19479 20258 21068 21911 22788 4201 4285 4370 4458 4547 38958 40516 42137 43822 45575 19502 21296 23255 25395 27731 -35000 -35000 -35000 34380 36099 37904 39799 41789 272253 285361 299119 328564 343734 47693 45001 42174 39205 36088 53851 56544 59371 62340 65457 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 44171 51962 60147 53743 62765 •••••••••••••• ••••••• •••••••••••••• 25946 29633 33302 28889 32757 0.587 0.570 0.554 0.538 0.522 953866 900015 843471 784100 721760 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 47693 45001 42174 39205 36088 53851 56544 59371 62340 65457 NOTES: I. Power Price is shown here escalating at 5% per year for calculation purposes. In reality, we are asswning power price is comtant in the future at the 1997 rate and the load is growing at 5%. Results are the same. 2. To model different load growth projections, change power price escalation to match desired load growth rate. 3. To model impact of other financing methods or grants, change percent financed so "equity contribution" equals the grant amounts. Then adj1«t "power price" in the first year until the PV of operating cash flow approximates zero. 4. Only first 20 years of operation are shown and only 20 years included in the PV calculations for simplicity. 5. Land use payments are to pay for $400,000 in land use charges over 20 yean at no interest. 6. Tank farm rehabilitation savings based on avoiding $400,000 in rehab. costs financed w/20 year 6% bonds. HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ECONO~!JCS (program updated 10121194) T AZIMINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Assumptions: BASE CASE 7% Construction interest rate: 0.070 (These are global variables) Bond Interest Rate: 0.070 Pen:cnt financed: 15.671 Kilowatt hours prod.lyear: 1775641 (July to June 1994 actual) Total Capital Cost: 9961000 (Not including indirects) Number yean of loan 30 YF.AR 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• ••••••••• •••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• ••••••• • •••••• • •••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ...•.......•.... Operating Revenues: Power Price (price escalated@ 5% to represent 5% load growth) 0.1108 O.ll6 0.122 0.128 0.135 0.141 0.149 0.156 0.164 0.172 0.181 0.190 0.199 0.209 0.219 Sale of Electricity Revenues 196812 206653 216985 227835 239226 251188 263747 276934 290781 305320 320586 336615 353446 371118 389674 Total Revenues: 196812 206653 216985 227835 239226 251188 263747 276934 290781 305320 320586 336615 353446 371118 389674 Operating Expenses (annual assumed escalation shown in parentheses) Operating Labor (4%) 70000 72800 75712 78740 81890 85166 88572 92115 95800 99632 103617 107762 112072 116555 121217 Maintenance Expenses (5%) 15000 15750 16538 17364 18233 19144 20101 21107 22162 23270 24433 25655 26938 28285 29699 Land Use Payments (0%) 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 Insurance ( 4%) 10000 10400 10816 11249 11699 12167 12653 13159 13686 14233 14802 15395 16010 16651 17317 Pennit Fees (2%) 3000 3060 3121 3184 3247 3312 3378 3446 3515 3585 3657 3730 3805 3881 3958 MainWtining Dies~! Plant On Stand-by (4%) 20000 20800 21632 22497 23397 24333 25306 26319 27371 28466 29605 30789 32021 33301 34634 Diesel Fuel For 3% of Load (4% fuel, 5% load growth) 4368 4770 5209 5688 6211 6783 7407 8088 8832 9645 10532 11501 12559 13715 14976 Savings From Deferred Fuel Tankage Rehabilitation (0~'<>) -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 Administrative Fees (5%) 15000 15750 16538 17364 18233 19144 20101 21107 22162 23270 24433 25655 26938 28285 29699 ToWll Expenses: 122368 128330 134565 141087 147910 155049 162520 170340 178528 187101 196080 205487 215343 225672 236500 Debt Service Interest Exp1:11Se 109269 108112 106875 105550 104133 102617 100994 99258 97401 95413 93287 91011 88576 85971 83184 Principal Repayment !6525 17682 18920 20244 21661 23178 24800 26536 28393 30381 32508 34783 37218 39823 42611 Total Debt Service 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 Operating Cash Flow -51350 -47472 -43374 -39047 -34478 -29656 -24567 -19201 -13541 -7575 -1289 5334 12309 19652 27380 EQUITY Contribution 8400012 Total Capital Expeditures 9961000 Real Discount Rate For Economic Analysis O.G3 ....................................... • •••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••• ••••••• ........ • •••••• ••••••• ++++otr•• • •••••••••••••••••••••• PV of Operating Cash Flow 316 -49855 -44747 -39693 -34692 -29741 -24836 -19976 -15157 -10378 -5637 -931 3741 8382 12992 17574 (Adjust power price until sum approximates zero) (sum) 0.971 0.943 0.915 0.888 0.863 0.837 0.813 0.789 0.766 0.744 0.722 0.701 0.681 0.661 0.642 Debt Principal~ 1560988 ••••••• ••••••• • •••••• ••••••• ••••••• • •••••• • •••••• ••••••• . ....... • •••••• ••••••• ••••••• ....... ........ Annual Loan Payments~ 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 Annual interest 109269 108112 106875 105550 104133 102617 100994 99258 97401 95413 93287 91011 88576 85971 83184 Annual principa I 16525 17682 18920 20244 21661 23178 24800 26536 28393 30381 32508 34783 37218 39823 42611 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 ....... ......... ....... ......... ....... . ............... . 0.230 0.242 0.254 0.267 0.280 0.294 0.309 409158 429616 451097 473652 497334 522201 548311 409158 429616 451097 473652 497334 522201 548311 126066 131109 136353 141807 147479 153379 159514 31184 32743 34380 36099 37904 39799 41789 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 0 0 18009 18730 19479 20258 21068 21911 22788 4038 4118 4201 4285 4370 4458 4547 36019 37460 38958 40516 42137 43822 45575 16354 17859 19502 21296 23255 25395 27731 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 31184 32743 34380 36099 37904 39799 41789 247854 259762 272253 285361 299119 328564 343734 80201 77009 73594 69940 66030 61847 57371 45594 48785 52200 55854 59764 63948 68424 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 35510 44060 53049 62496 72421 67843 78783 ••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 22128 26657 31161 35641 40098 36469 41 I 16 0.623 0.605 0.587 0.570 0.554 0.538 0.522 ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• 999146 943291 883527 819580 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 125794 80201 77009 73594 69940 66030 61847 57371 45594 48785 52200 55854 59764 63948 68424 NOTES: L Pow<..-r Price is sho\01'1 here escalating at 5% per year for calculation pwposes. In reality, we are assuming power price is constant in the future at the 1997 rate and the load is growing at 5%. Results are the same. 2. To model different load growth projections, change power price: escalation t.o match desired load growth rate:. 3. To model impact of other fmancing methods or grants, change: percent financed so "equity contribution" equals the grant amounts. Then adjust "power price" in the ftrllt year until the PV of operating cash flow approximates zero. 4. Only fint 20 years of operation are shown and only 20 yean included in the PV calculations for simplicity. S. Land use payments are t.o pay for $400,000 in land use charges over 20 years at no interest. 6. Tank farm rehabilitation savings based on avoiding $400,000 in rehab. costs fmanced w/20 year 6% bonds. HYDROELEC1RIC PROJECT ECONOI\1ICS (program updated 10/21194) T AZIMINA HYDROELEC1RIC PROJECT Assumptions: BASE CASE 9% Construction interest rate: 0.090 (These are global variables) Bond Interest Rate: 0.090 Percent financed: 15.671 Kilowatt hours prodJycar: 1775641 (July to June 1994 actual) Total Capital Cost: 9961000 (Not including indirects) Number years ofloan 30 YEAR 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••• . ...... ••••••• • •••••• ....... ....... ....... ........ .......... Operating Revenues: Power Price (price escalated @ 5% to represent 5% load growth) 0.1198 0.126 0.132 0.139 0.146 0.153 0.160 0.169 0.177 0.186 0.195 0.205 0.215 0.226 0.237 Sale of Electricity Revenues 212633 223265 234428 246149 258457 271380 284949 299196 314156 329864 346357 363675 381858 400951 420999 Total Revenues: 212633 223265 234428 246149 258457 271380 284949 299196 314156 329864 346357 363675 381858 400951 420999 Operating Expenses (annual assumed escalation shown in parentheses) Operating Labor (4%) 70000 72800 75712 78740 81890 85166 88572 92115 95800 99632 103617 107762 112072 116555 121217 Maintenance Expenses (5%) 15000 15750 16538 17364 18233 19144 20101 21107 22162 23270 24433 25655 26938 28285 29699 Land Use Payments (0%) 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 Insurance (4%) 10000 10400 10816 11249 11699 12167 12653 13159 13686 14233 14802 !5395 16010 16651 17317 Pennit Fees (2%) 3000 3060 3121 3184 3247 3312 3378 3446 3515 3585 3657 3730 3805 3881 3958 Maintaining Diesel Plant On Stand-by (4%) 20000 20800 21632 22497 23397 24333 25306 26319 27371 28466 29605 30789 32021 33301 34634 Diesel Fuel For 3% of Load (4% fuel, 5% load growth) 4368 4770 5209 5688 6211 6783 7407 8088 8832 9645 10532 11501 12559 13715 14976 Savings From Deferred Fuel Tankage Rehabilitation (0%) -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 Administrative Fees (5%) 15000 15750 16538 17364 18233 19144 20101 21107 22162 23270 24433 25655 26938 28285 29699 Total Expenses: 122368 128330 134565 141087 147910 155049 162520 170340 178528 187101 196080 205487 215343 225672 236500 Debt Service Interest Expense 140489 139458 138335 137110 135776 134321 132735 131006 129122 127068 124830 122390 119730 116831 113672 Principal Repayment 11452 12483 13606 14831 16165 17620 19206 20935 22819 24872 27111 29551 32211 35109 38269 Total Debt Service 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 Operating Cash Flow -61676 -57006 -52078 -46878 -41394 -35610 -29512 -23085 -16313 -9178 -1665 6247 14575 23338 32557 EQUfi'Y Contribution 8400012 Total Capital Expeditures 9961000 Real DiscoWtt Rate For Economic Analysis 0.03 ......................................... ..•........ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••• • •••••• ••••••• ••••••• • •••••• ••••••• . ................... PV of Operating Cash Flow 244 -59880 -53734 -47659 -41651 -35707 -29823 -23996 -18224 -12502 -6830 -1202 4381 9925 15429 20~97 (Adjust power price until sum approximates zero) (sum) 0.971 0.943 0.9IS 0.888 0.863 0.837 0.813 0.789 0.766 0.744 0.722 0.701 0.681 0.661 0.642 Debt Principal= 1560988 ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• • •••••• • •••••• ••••••• • •••••• ••••••• ••••••• • •••••• • •••••• Annual Loan Payments= 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 Annual interest 140489 139458 138335 137ll0 135776 134321 132735 131006 129122 127068 124830 122390 119730 116831 113672 Annual principal 11452 12483 13606 14831 16165 17620 19206 20935 22819 24872 27111 29551 32211 35109 38269 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 ....... ....... ......... ....... ....... . ............... . 0.249 0.261 0.274 0.288 0.303 0.318 0.334 442049 464151 487359 511727 537313 564179 592388 442049 464151 487359 511727 537313 564179 592388 126066 131109 136353 141807 147479 153379 159514 31184 32743 34380 36099 37904 39799 41789 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 0 0 18009 18730 19479 20258 21068 21911 22788 4038 4118 4201 4285 4370 4458 4547 36019 37460 38958 40516 42137 43822 45575 16354 17859 19502 21296 23255 25395 27131 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 -35000 31184 32743 34380 36099 37904 39799 41789 247854 259762 272253 285361 299i19 328564 343734 110227 106473 102381 97921 93059 87759 81983 41714 45468 49560 54020 58882 64181 69958 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 42254 52449 63165 74425 86253 83674 96713 ••••••• ....... ....... ....... ....... ········ ............... 26331 31732 37103 42443 47756 44979 50474 0.623 0.605 0.587 0.570 0.554 0.538 0.522 ••••••• ••••••• . ........ ••••••• ••••••• 975105 910923 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 151941 110227 106473 102381 97921 93059 87759 81983 41714 45468 49560 54020 58882 64181 69958 NOTES: I. Power Price is shown here escalating at 5% per year for calculation purposes. In reality, we are assuming power price is constant in the future at the 1997 rate and the load is growing at 5%. Results are the same. 2. To model different load growth projections, change power price escalation to match desired load growth rate. 3. To model impact of other financing methods or grants, change percent financed so "equity contribution" equals the grant amounts. Then adjust "power price" in the fmt year until the PV of operating cash flow approximates zero. 4. Only first 20 years of operation are shown and only 20 yean included in the PV calculations for simplicity. 5. Land use payments are to pay for $400,000 in land use charges over 20 years at no interest. 6. Tank farm rehabilitation savings based on avoiding $400,000 in rehab. costs fmanced w/ 20 year 6% bonds. HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ECONOMICS T AZIMINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Assumptions: INCREASED LOAD CASE (program updated I 0121194) Construction interest rate: Bond Interest Rate: Percent financed: Kilowatt holltll prod.!year: Total Capital Cost: Number yean of loan YEAR 1996 0.050 0.05000 15.671 (These are global variable.•) 2300000 (load increase ) 9961000 (Not including indirects) 30 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 ................................................... ••••••• ........... ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• •••••••• •••••••• •••••••• •••••••• •••••••• ••••••• +~te••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• • ••••••• Operating Revenues: Power Price (price escalated @ 5% to represent 5% load growth) Sale of Electricity Revenues Total Revenues: Operating Expenses (annual assumed escalation shown in parentheses) Operating Labor (4%) M:aintcnanee Expenses (5%) Land Use Payments (0%) Insurance ( 4%) Pennit Fees (2%) M:aintaining Diesel Plant On Stand-by ( 4%) Diesel Fuel For 3% of Load ( 4% fuel, 5o/oload growth) Savings From Deferred Fuel Tankage Rehabilitation (0%) Administrative Fees (5%) Total Expenses: Debt Service Interest Expense Principal Repayment Total Debt Service Operating Cash Flow EQUITY Contribution Total Capital Expeditures ••••••• ••••••• 0.03 0.080 0.084 0.088 0.093 0.097 0.102 0.107 0.113 0.118 0.124 0.130 0.137 0.144 0.151 0.159 0.167 0.175 184230 193442 203114 213269 223933 235129 246886 259230 272192 285801 300091 315096 330851 347393 364763 383001 402151 184230 193442 203114 213269 223933 235129 246886 259230 272192 285801 300091 315096 330851 347393 364763 383001 402151 70000 15000 20000 10000 3000 20000 5658 -35000 15000 72800 15750 20000 10400 3060 20800 6179 -35000 15750 75712 16538 20000 10816 3121 21632 6747 -35000 16538 78740 17364 20000 11249 3184 22497 7368 -35000 17364 81890 18233 20000 11699 3247 23397 8046 -35000 18233 85166 19144 20000 12167 3312 24333 8786 -35000 19144 88572 20101 20000 12653 3378 25306 9594 -35000 20101 92115 21107 20000 13159 3446 26319 10477 -35000 21107 95800 22162 20000 13686 3515 27371 11440 -35000 22162 99632 23270 20000 14233 3585 28466 12493 -35000 23270 103617 24433 20000 14802 3657 29605 13642 -35000 24433 107762 25655 20000 15395 3730 30789 14897 -35000 25655 112072 26938 20000 16010 3805 32021 16268 -35000 26938 116555 28285 20000 16651 3881 33301 17765 -35000 28285 121217 29699 20000 17317 3958 34634 19399 -35000 29699 126066 31184 20000 18009 4038 36019 21184 -35000 31184 131109 32743 20000 18730 4118 37460 23133 -35000 32743 123658 129739 136103 142766 149744 157052 164707 172729 181136 189949 199191 208883 219052 229722 240923 252684 265035 78049 23495 76875 24670 75641 25903 74346 27199 72986 28558 71558 29986 70059 31486 68485 33060 66832 34713 65096 36449 63273 38271 61360 40185 59351 42194 57241 44304 55026 46519 52700 48845 50258 51287 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 -40973 -37842 -34534 -31042 -27356 -23467 -19366 -15043 -10489 -5693 -644 4668 10254 16126 22295 28773 35571 Real Discount Rate For Economic Analysis ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ......... ......... ....... ....... ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ······· ....... . ........ . PV of Operating Cash Flow (Adjust power price until sum approximates zero) Debt Principal~ Annual Loan Payments~ Annual interest Annual principal 984 (sum) -39179 0.971 -35669 0.943 -31604 0.915 -27580 0.888 -23597 0.863 -19653 0.837 -15746 0.813 -11875 0.789 -8039 0.766 -4236 0.744 -465 0.722 3274 0.701 6983 0.681 10661 0.661 14310 0.642 17930 0.623 21521 0.605 1560988 ••••••• ••••••• ......... ......... ••••••• ......... ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ........... ••••••• • •••••• 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 101545 78049 23495 76875 24670 75641 25903 74346 27199 72986 28558 71558 29986 70059 31486 68485 33060 66832 34713 65096 36449 63273 38271 61360 40185 59351 42194 57241 44304 55026 46519 52700 48845 50258 51287 NOTES: 1. Power Price is shown here escalating at 5% per year for calculation pwposes. In reality, we are assuming power price is constant in tbe future at the 1997 rate and tbe load is growing at 5%. Results are tbe same. 2014 2015 2016 2017 .............................. 0.184 0.193 0.202 0.213 422259 443371 465540 488817 422259 443371 465540 488817 136353 141807 147479 153379 34380 36099 37904 39799 20000 20000 20000 0 19479 20258 21068 21911 4201 4285 4370 4458 38958 40516 42137 43822 25261 27585 30123 32894 -35000 -35000 -35000 34380 36099 37904 39799 278012 291650 305986 336063 47693 45001 42174 39205 53851 56544 59371 62340 101545 101545 101545 101545 42702 50177 58009 51209 ......... ••••••• •••••••••••••• 25083 28615 32118 27528 0.587 0.570 O.S54 0.538 953866 900015 843471 784100 101545 101545 101545 101545 47693 45001 42174 39205 53851 56544 59371 62340 2. To model different load growth projections, change power price escalation to match desired load growth rate. 3. To model impact of other financing methods or grants, change percent financed so "e<juity contribution" e<juals the grant amounts. 'Then adjust "power price" in the first year until the PV of operating cash flow approximates zero. 4. Only flfSt 20 years of operation are shown and only 20 years included in the PV calculations for simplicity. 5. Land use payments are to pay for $400,000 in land use charges over 20 years at no interest. 6. Tank fann rehabilitation savings based on avoiding $400,000 in rehab. costs financed w/ 20 year 6% bonds. SECTION 6 -----:----------=----=-----------:-.......... ---- 6.DEVELOPMENTSCHEDULE A project development schedule was assembled that shows the timing of the major tasks and their relationships through the end of 1995. The schedule is shown on the attached Figure 1. The major assumptions that control the development schedule include: • Construction work will be divided into three main contracts, an access road construction and transmission line installation contract; a turbine/ generator equipment supply contract; and a general construction contract to construct the balance of the plant, install equipment and start-up and test the completed plant. • Construction should begin in the spring of 1995 and project completion should be as early as possible in 1996. • Construction work is likely to be suspended on the jobsite during the winter (mid-November until April). • The access road contract would be necessary first in order to provide site access to construct the rest of the project. To meet these goals and constraints, there are a variety of tasks that must be completed before construction can proceed. Concerns about river hydraulics and their effect on intake design dictate the need to model the intake structure. Geotechnical infonnation necessary for fmal design of project features will have to be collected before snowfall in 1994. FERC approval and other state pennits must be applied for in time to have all necessary approvals in-hand by spring of 1995. These tasks are all shown on the attached schedule with projected timeframes to complete each task. It is clear that to meet a start of construction date of late spring, 1995, there are several tasks that need to get underway in the near future. The critical path on the development schedule passes through the following tasks: • Complete Fisheries Studies • Agency Consultation • Complete FERC Application and File with FERC • FERC Processing of Application These four tasks must be completed generally as shown in order to allow construction on-site to begin as planned. Other tasks, such as surveying, geotechnical studies, intake modelling and fmal engineering design, are also closely scheduled and interdependent, so that they could move onto the critical path if only small schedule slips or "float" occurs on the current critical path items. The FERC application processing time assumed in this schedule, about September 1994 6-1 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project 6 months, is a major assumption. Although FERC staff .have suggested 6 months as a reasonable processing time, everything possible should be done to try to expedite PERC processing. Failure to get this approval by spring or early summer 1995 could jeopardize the 1995 construction season. September 1994 6-2 Tazimina Hydroelectric Project Prepared 8/94 FIGURE 1 TAZIMINAHYDROBLECTRICPROJECf PROPOSED PROJECT DBVELOPMBNTSCHIDULB lHROUGH 1995 IWS 1~ Sent Oct. Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar AOr Mav Jun Jul Au_g s~~~ Oct Nov Dec Jan ITEM 1 2 3 4 s ' 7 8 9 0 1U213 14 IS 16 17 I z 3 4 s 6 1. 8 9 011121314 5 16 .. 1718 9 211 2122 23 lt425 26 Z1 28• 29 J<l·· 31 Z. 33'.:!4 35 IJ,Ii.l'73$ l9 ~41 ~.43 44~ 40 41 11$49 sli H s2 1 l 3 Road and River BedSurvejing *;~;::~f:~~t'~~~: ~~i;!~~~~w. Geotecbnical Exploralons M Intake Physical Modd ~t Compete Fisheries Studies AgencyO>nwltalion Finalize & File FERC Applicaion t~lli® FERC Processing ~ Obtain OlherPennits & ROW's -~_&~ Design Access Road& Trans.Une w Purchase & Deliver T -line Material Final EnrjneeringDesign, Rest of Plan :~m~JJ•~-::::::· "'> •••• .. ~~~ .. ··.·: Bid and Award Turbine,Gen. Contract Manufacture Tu rtine,Generator .. delkery-tiwl1 Bid aad Award Road l'.ontract Road Contractor Mobilize Construct Access Roadff -line ._, ..... ~~ Bid and AwardGen.Constr. Contract ®1 ~--:.·· Consuuclion ContractorMol:ilizes ~'!&'£~ ....... @ Jifllm oare low) Consuuct Control Sill in River Begin Intake & Powemouse Constr. ·-·-·"" . , WO<treSI.IIles5 96 Winter 1995 Job ShutdoMI •• Work lM:>Uid resume May, 1!196 and start up would occur Nov.l 996. H:\hyd\!azimina\sd:iedule.\W 3 APPENDIX APPENDIX A FROM IWILDER-~lN-OFFICe TO WILDD. CONSTB.tJcriON COMJ"ANY M 19839 Mr. Dan Thampson, p .:s. BDR&gineerlng..Jnc. SOO 108th Ave.nue Suite 1200 Bdlevue, WMlrington980Q4..S538 RE: Tamnma Hydroelectric Project Dear Don. <206 4537112:17 1994.12:17-28 In rc:tireo.ce to the letter sent to me on July 21, 1994, my .6ndiDgs are as follows: 1. I do see some problems with e:ava.tinga.40-foot deep treacb for a 42-incb peast inc-Jude, but are not limited to: • A high watertablema.y~ with~ • Prom tho 60il inCormsiiou &Wea. blasting will be required to l exca.vatioD. • Deep exca.vation in roek ma.y be daz:!Fous to wotkl:rs. • Tbn::e ezcavators will he required to re:m.ovc mavated matJ:riai ft. 2. I om:aot fairly c:ompare the cost of tumlcU:ng/drilliog vs. c:xca.vatiD& bceau&e we do work. The known cons of driiiiD& are as follows. • DriDiag is cxpea.sivc compared to ~on. • Drilled. pipdines are typic:a1fy off'ths m.nrlt by 10%. 'Illi& means that feet ot a drllled 4&-iDcb. hole for a 4~ pemtook, the approximately 3S-fcet from the proper dMfinatiou 3. The cost for =ca.vati.ng the 3SO.foot lang trench 40-foot deep with 114 ;1 approximately $22. 76/CY. I c:stimam that 9333 CY 'Vrill be c:rc:avated at a total This cost does not include arry other work not specific:aily ~ 'IJ:u: total include my COlt for mobilization to the aik:, supervisioa, boDdiug. iasurcmcc, etc. &lopes wiJl Ot of $212450.00. also does not 4. I have no recomm.enda:tious far the~ needed. I am not fim1iliar v.dth this type rwort. S. This project satmds very irJterestirl& aQd 'We do haw a sta1f ofpc:cple who~ filmiliar· · this type of work. I hope tbat these answers are hdpful to the design of :your project. Par further um · about clriiiing, CODtac:;t .Atlas Drilling Company, Denali Drilling Company. of Alaska Road Borings. Tbank you for contacting me 8lld if you ever have any :firture proj~ for whidt you would lila; to w some local =:perieD.oe, plcue don"t hesitate to can me. 7£- 1etfezy s. Detmis, Project Engineer Wilder Coiistrw::tion Company FROH : WIL.DER-HI=liN-OFFICE TO O .. G. ' ExeavCl~~ w'il\ kA\IC.. +o in l 2.o ' ct~+er dr:U i'!j E; ~e>o+~'0 ,..~ =koo bctek ho>e.~ / br&., • .fw~ w~ll be. C4~f t"oc..k Ot..o\ f J. #e. +r&\ch. 'h>r ~so" ct Trenc.\-J~ ctrr•ox-i ~"+f!.. ~..f <.cJdl ~ &.c.k t: H J e . be, ~ 2.12. qso c. -· UNIT DESCRIPTION LABOR Ut"t:HA fiNG IIJVVNt:11::lHiP I HAUL MATERIAL SUBS TOTAL fx7oo _,~~-- 18'\0o 60 ... -J2.ZS"Ooo tJ) 'l . ~ I Ill (I) ... 1\1 " .. 0111 ... 212.qso 01 M r------~o~----------~------r-------7-----~r-----~r-------~------~----~-d~------~ rr;c.e, I~'( Y22 7' ~ r-----~------------1-------r--------r----~r-------l--------~------1--------1---------' _____ c~ _________ .___ __ --ll..----~l-----L------'---__j-___ _,. ____ 1 ______ j ~ Telephone Conversation Record --6 8.b !L.:..:.:Pro=iect:,__-+T.5oa~~:.r:lo!:· ~· _,.. __________ IProjet:tNo. 072SD-OO 3'1<fJ I Time I Date 7/2.( /<;y I Call to ~ F? Mk, 1 1 ! L..::.::Ca~llfr=om_--!::Q:;.._,~~~~c:n.--~-----=----:c---- ~~-.' 'Dr~ t/ -:..! . p;:; I s" "2. -z 3/2 Phone No. I Discussion, Agreement and/or Action ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION QlY UNIT 1 Moblllzatlon and Damobili2ation 1LS 2 Clear Creek Diversion 1LS 3Giacler CraekOillerslon 1LS 4 k:cass Roads 1LS 5 32-inch pipeline CC to Bif 1 LS ' 8 32-inch plpeline GC to Bit 1 LS 7 32-lnch pipeline Bit to PH 1 LS 8 Constn.ct Powerhouse 1LS 9 lns1all Turbine/Generator 1 LS 10 Constn.ct Trans. Line 1LS 11 Environmental Pro111Ction 1lS TOTALS 0 1 hermy certlftthatltleabovel$ a true andcorra::t sumrr Prqa::t Manager Engineers Doyle TOTAL TOTAL $640,000 $330,000 $503,354 $319,000 $583,228 $374,000 $451,055 $316,000 $35,755 $23,000 $60,370 $51,000 $440,250 $3)1,000 $!:00,000 $450,000 $58,750 $224,000 $303,740 $358,000 $23,500 $3:1,000 $3,600,000 $2,854,000 BID DATE OPENIIGTIME LOCATION SWMARY OF PACPOSALS RECEI\IED FCA KIIG COw'E HYORCIB...EClRIC Tango Glco TOTAL TOTAL $222,227 S3JO,OOO $318,217 $458,568 $380,167 $411,572 $471,394 $518,760 $68,009 $100,314 $86,411 $62,1:20 $574,092 $383,418 $541,158 $509,648 $64,721 $50,000 $245,115 $483,575 $12,448 $3),000 $3,074,017 $3,315,975 February 24, 11114 11:00.00 HDR Engineering Bra:: han TOTAL $624,000 $354,000 $381,000 $714,150 $23,100 $33,000 $325,000 $429,000 $57,000 $515,000 $81,000 $3,516,250 Wilder TOTAL $6)0,000 $400,000 $400,000 $846,000 $40,000 $60,000 $:1;0,000 $700,000 $70,000 $!i50,000 $12,000 $3,828,000 CCMPUTED BV:Bd> Butera ITEM Engineers Doyle NO. DESCRIPTION QlY UNITUNITPRICE UNIT PRO: 1 ClasS I Concrete, Inc I R, F. P Cf EA $1,000.00 $950.00 2 Clan II Concrete, Ce$t-ln -Place Cf EA $350.00 $450.00 3 steal Relnfo«: amant Bars LB EA $5.00 $1.50 4 Common E>eaw.tion Cf EA $4.00 $4.00 5 Rock E:cavatlal Cf EA $50.00 $10.00 6 F II Back!lll, Bedding Cf EA $3).00 $10.00 7 F/IBack!lll, Cia$$ B Cf EA $8.00 $7.00 8 F /I Backfill, Class C Cf EA $8.00 $5.00 9 F/1 Back!lll, ClasS D Cf EA $50.00 $10.00 10 F/1 Back!lll, ClasS E Cf EA $3:1.00 $8.00 11 F /IBack!lll, Sand Cf EA $:10.00 $12.00 12 F/118' Layer Riprap Cf EA $50.00 $:'0.00 13 F/124' Layer Alprap Cf EA $50.00 $3).00 14 Reyegetation AC EA $1,000.00 $11)0.00 15 tns1all24" CMP Culverts LF EA $60.00 $00.00 161nstell& FllletWeld 1-32' Pipa..blnt EA EA $!:00.00 $1,200.00 17 Fumlsh/lnstall Geolai<Uie Fllletr Fabric SY EA $:15.00 S4.00 18 Fumlsh Miscellaneous Metals LB EA $5.00 $4.00 19 Fumlsh/lnstell12' Cable Tray LF EA $15.00 $100.00 SWMARY OF PRCPOSALS RECEI\IED FCA KIIG Co.IE H'I'DRCIELEClRIC Tango Gllco Brechan Wilder UNIT PRICE UNIT PRO: UNIT PRO: UNIT PRO: $680.00 $775.00 $8.50 $1,000.00 $480.00 $725.00 $450.00 $6)0.00 $0.47 $0.70 $0.75 $0.90 $9.50 $15.50 $7.00 $10.00 $32.00 $132.15 $40.00 $al.OO $18.75 $41.60 $18.00 $18.00 $16.00 $31.10 $12.00 $18.00 $15.00 $25.00 $10.00 $18.00 $21.25 $30.00 $24.00 $18.00 $18.75 $40.00 $:15.00 $18.00 $16.75 $43.40 $14.00 $al.OO $47.50 $76.:20 $30.00 $30.00 $47.50 $72.50 $34.00 $30.00 $7,000.00 $1,000.00 $2,100.00 $5,000.00 $32.00 $34.50 $40.00 $50.00 $550.00 $8)4.30 $81!0.00 $:00.00 $U!5 $5.75 $1.80 $2.00 $2.50 $2.10 $1.50 $2.00 $30.00 $44.00 $35.00 $10.00 Southec-t Haskell Thompson-Mt Brice l<lewtttPacifld>K ConllaC'tlr! TIC TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL AVERitGE $400,000 $335,000 $11)0,000 $337,330 $847,000 $791,255 $632,357 $530,764 $:1;0,000 $387,448 saso.ooo $563,310 $400,000 $590,000 $624,735 $462,107 $400,000 $366,536 saso.ooo $559,148 $400,000 $620,000 $640,()44 $464,372 $:00,000 $826,560 saso,ooo $700,364 $400,000 $460,000 $6)0,620 $al6,969 $100,000 $152,320 $60,000 $511,873 $125,000 $:15,000 $45,704 $1'9,115 $100,000 $178,080 $60,000 $95,290 $125,000 $35,000 $74,773 $81,723 $580,000 $728,320 $450,000 $818,323 $!:00,000 $380,000 $380,869 $460,919 $:00,000 $424,882 $:00,000 $840,668 $:00,000 $6)0,000 $688,370 $540,311 $300,000 $143,536 $150,000 $111,255 $!:00,000 $:15,000 $138,577 $154,507 $630,000 $543,001 $150,000 $452,680 $:00,000 $900,000 $649,327 $506,225 $90,000 $62,640 $40,000 $62,764 $50,000 $10,000 $286,863 $64,811 $3,950,000 $4,118,323 $4,180,000 $4,280,045 $4,347,000 $4,416,255 $4,942,239 $3,901,842 Southec-t Haskell Thompson-Mt Brice Klawltt Pacifld>K ConllaC'tlrl TIC UNIT PRICE UNIT PRO: UNIT PRO: UNIT PRICE UNIT PRO: UNIT PRO: UNIT PRICE AVERitGE $6)0.00 $795.00 $11)0.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $1,428.00 $783.04 saso.oo $485.00 $400.00 $625.00 $200.00 saso.oo $813.00 $519.00 $3.00 $1.00 $0.80 $0.50 $1.00 $1.00 $1.21 $1.07 $4.00 $8.00 $5.00 $7.50 $3.00 $10.00 $8.95 $7.54 $15.00 $22.00 $18.00 $al.OO $5.00 $$.00 $25.00 $32.85 $:15.00 $22.00 $33.00 $18.00 $:15.00 $19.40 $14.25 $21.92 $12.00 $17.00 $11.00 $12.00 $18.00 $15.00 $17.00 $15.51 $10.00 $11.00 $11.00 $10.00 $12.00 $11.:20 $8.02 $12.19 $14.00 s:s.oo $13.00 $18.00 $21.00 $17.45 $18.40 $:10.34 $22.00 $33.00 $15.00 $16.00 $3).00 $14.50 $14.50 $21.40 $25.00 $33.00 $9.00 $18.00 $50.00 $22.00 $18.75 $23.66 $:15.00 $55.00 $45.00 $40.00 $3).00 $:15.00 $14.60 $37.38 $:15.00 $55.00 $50.00 $50.00 $35.00 $25.00 $14.60 $:S.88 $2,000.00 $$.00 $2,700.00 $1,500.00 $!:00.00 $5,000.00 $3,250.00 $2,575.42 $40.00 $88.00 $20.00 $100.00 $40.00 $51.00 $60.00 $49.46 $200.00 $6)0.00 $1,200.00 $3,400.00 $!:00.00 $:00.00 $166.00 $1'99.19 $3.50 $4.00 $1.00 $1.50 $1.00 $5.00 $2.33 $2.76 $3.00 $3.00 $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 $2.50 $3.25 $2.61 $40.00 $22.00 $125.00 $60.00 $20.00 $35.00 $62.00 $47.75 Item No. l 2A 2B 3A ALT 3B ALT King Cove Hydroelectric Project City of King Cove Pricing Proposal Unit Description Est. Qty. Units Cost Main Transmission Cable 90,000 LF $1740M 600 V Power Cable 4/0 A WG 8,000 LF 395M 600 V Power Cable 350 KCM 16.000 656M Intake Structure Communications Cable 2,000 LF 2683M 6 pair 976M Intake Structure Communications Cable 6,000 LF 3799M 12 pair 1846M BID TOTAL (Items 1-4) ALT Total Cost $ 156,600.00 3,160.00 10,496.00 5,366.00 ~;"0(7 22,794.00 11,076.00 $ 198,416.00 H¥.3. 284.00 . UNl:. HU~DRED NlNETY-l:.lGI:iT THOUSAND FOUR HUNVKEV SlXTl:.l:.N !JL!L BID TOTAL (tn words) ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY-THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED EIGHT-FOUR ~ Guaranteed number of days to complete delivery to City of King Cove dock of all materials under this Contract Agreement is 84 calendar days from the date of Notice to Proceed. Exceptions to Specifications LARS OLLARS Items 1,2A,2B meet specifications as required. Item 3A has a 60 Mil Hypalon Jacket in lieu of 63 Mil. Item 3A-ALT has a PVC/Nylon Jacket. Item 3B has a 80 Mil Hypalon Jacket in lieu of 85 Mil. Item 3B-ALT has a PVC/Nylon Jacket. Western States Electric will accept Items 2A,2B,3A,3A-ALT,3B,3B-ALT incre- mentally with Item 1. King Cove Hydro Supply of Cable 1422 130th Avenue NE Bellevue. WA 98005 (206) 455-0234 July 27, 1994 John J. Snyder, PE Senior Project Manager HDR Engineering, Inc. 500 1 08th Ave. NE, Suite 1200 Bellevue, Washington 98004-5538 Subject: Tazimina Hydroelectric Project 1"""\ .. ( c 1"f.<~-lltZ.tM• 101... B. c WEST J,S~~· D ~ .. ?'~ GROUP, INC. Budgetary Price Quotations for Turbine-Generator Equipment Dear Jack: In response to your July 8 letter to Bill Holveck, I am pleased to provide the following estimate. Two -Horizontal shaft, Francis hydraulic turbines, each rated 350 kW at 900 RPM, with a net head of 85 feet, and 55 cts flow. These units would be complete with synchronous generators, exciters, governors, stop valves, switchgear, protection and control. Lot net estimating price for two units $1,200,000 This price estimate assumes the buyers acceptance of t~e Terms and Conditions of sale printed on the reverse side of this page. Shipment would be FOB factory, with freight allowed to the port nearest the job site. It is estimated that shipment could be made within 12 months of the date of an order with approval to proceed with design and manufacture. Expected turbine-generator performance curves are attached. This is a very small machine, with a runner diameter of just 15 inches, and we dor:'t have a representative outline to send you at this time. Please let me know if you need any additional information or data. Sincerely, HYDRO WEST GROUP, INC. I ~ct-Y~ Howard D. Sorensen, PE Sales Manager >-u m 75°/o u Ll.. TAZIMINA RIVER HYDRO, ILIAMNA, AK TURBINE-GENERATOR PERFORMANCE lli 7 Q 0/o +----'--'-- 65% 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 TURBINE DISCHARGE (CFS) 60 65 70 400 350 300 250 5 n.. 1:- :J 200 ° 150 100 -EFFICIENCY --...;-POWER HYDRO WEST GROUP, INC. BOUVIER HYDRO NJ lt.L NO. BOUVIER HYDROPOWER, INC. 1 OS Old Matawan Road • P.O. Box 997 • Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857 -· ... -.. . ··--. .. , _ _.;;...;...._ _ ___;:._ __ Tel: 908·390-1 ZJ4 • Fax: 90H-39Q-7790 July 12, 1994 HDR Engineering, Inc. Suite 1200 500 lOBth Ave., N.£. Bellevue, Washinqton 98004-5538 Attention: Mr. J. snyder subject: Tazimina Hydroelectric Project Dear Mr. snyder: Hydro turbines & equipment ~-T;t:A,tMcNJf-B ~ ,J ·~~ ]_Tl--r-- p"' ~/,;~~ Thank you tor your recent inquiry requesting budgetary price and technical information on hydroturbine equipment for the subject application. Based on the site net head ana flow data submitted with your FAX of June 14, 1994, we propose two horizontal Francis type turbines each including a synchronous generator, and hydraulic pressure unit (HPU) for actuation of the turbine wicxet gates. Also proposed is a controls/switchgear package including battery system and governor. The turbine configuration proposed has the turbine runner mounted onto a turbine shaft supported by two anti-friction bearings. A flywheel can be mounted between the governor and draft tube shafts. Alternative arrangements are also possible if such better suit the site conditions. The following data is submitted: Turbine Type Runner Diameter Speed Max. Turbine output (@ 90 tt Net Head) Runner Material Wicket Gate Material - - Horizontal Francis 450 1DJil 900 RPM 365 KW (55 cfs) each Aluminum Bronze Aluminum Bronze THf VOfSt·ALPitH M.LI. GROUP aouVIER HYDRO NJ TEL No. Mr. J. Snyder CL Runner to Tailwatar Intake Type Draft Tube Type Turbine Performance at 90 output CKW) Efficiency 365 357 334 315 298 248 210 177 Generator Type Generator Rating 89.0 90.0 92.0 92.8 92.0 88.0 85.0 82.0 - Speed Voltc.9e - Temperature Rise Power Factor Excitation ft (%) JuJ.y 12, 1994 4' above T.w. Spiral Case Elbow Net Head: Flgw (cfsl 55,.0 53.3 48.7 45.5 43.4 37.8 33.2 29.0 Horizontal Synchronous 350 KW (Nominal) 900 RPM 480 v 80° c over 4oo c Ambient 0.90 Brush less our budgetary price tor the above equipment is as follows: Turbines, HPus, Generators, Governors, and Controlsfswitchqear -US$ 887,000 Prices are F.O.B. Jobsite and include any applicable import duties. we have included for your refarance a preliminary turbine outline drawinq. Delivery time tor the proposed equipment is approximately 12 months after contract award. R.QUVIER HYDRO NJ fi:.L NO. ';)UO ..);)U I I ;;)V ..... u. ...... _,I.,...._, Mr. J. Snyder -3-July 12, 1994 The controls/switchgear will have full manual and operation capability. Automatic restart after utility included. Station service equipment, SCADA system, power transformer are not included. automatic outage is and main The unit inertia requirements are dependent upon the expected load changes and allowable frequency fluctuations. Because this data was not submitted with your inquiry, no estimation of the necessary flywheel effect could be made. Any needed inertia over that inherent in the turbine runner and generator rotor would be an additional cost. Should you have any questions, please contact us. Very truly yours, BOUVIER HYDROPOWER, INC. Wolf J. Kramer enc. cc Mr. R. Gore; Gore Electric Compnay 'ROUVIER HYDRO NJ f£L NO. .. ·' ~ -~ r--.-----· .~ ~t~ ~:,f ----J i ~ ~~~---1. f·~. . .t•' r-----~--~·~· ~~· ~·; CC-~ ~Z.Il"it;J.4-t-3. <...- ,J -c:;; N r~/1-., SULZER BY OVERNIGHT COURIER August 1, 1994 SED/sch D_ ~~ ... - HDR Engineering, Inc. 500 108th Ave. N.E. BELLEVUE, WA 98004-5538 Attn: Mr. J. J. Snyder Re: Request for Budgetary Price Quotations for Hydroelectric Turbines and Generator Equipment Tazimina Hydroelectric Project Dear Jack: Sulzer USA Inc. ~ 255 Pas: S:ree:. SCJ.:e SO San Franc;sc.:;. CA_ g..:: C9 Fax ~~15l ~4~·886E Pursuant to your fax inquiry of July 8, 1994 we are pleased to pro- vide you with the requested information as follows: 2 Francis turbines, 2 x 350 kW, 27 m 2 Synchronous generators, 2 x 350 kW 2 Governor and process control cabinets 2 Low voltage switchgears with 1600 A breaker 2 Butterfly valves {ON 400) Mechanical erection & commissioning TOTAL $ 595,000.- $ 102,000.- $ 93,000.- $ 108,000.- $ 30,000.- $ 38,000.- $ 966,000.------------ Above prices are for equipment delivered fob project site. They do not include any local sales & use tax. Electrical installation work as described on page 7 of 7 under Section 4 is not included in our proposal. The delivery time is about 13 to 16 months after order award and clarification of all technical details. -page 2 -SULZER We shall be happy to provide you with any additional information which you may require. Yours sincerely, ~~S,_IN_C_·-------4 / Edy o. Sennhauser Enclosure Proposal by SEWR/Compact Hydro (415) 441-8868 (fax) SULZERj HYDRO COMPACT HYDRO CONTENTS: Tazimina Project Alaska 2*Francis Turbines, 2* 350 KW Synchronous generator 1 -budget offer with separated prices 2 -turbine describtion & drawings 3 -electrical equipment & drawings 4 -prospects I photos COMPACT HYDRO SEWR, Bellut - Synchronous generator I....._.-_.-.--_,.........,.. COMPACT HYDRO CONTENTS: DESCRIPTION OF THE TURBINE 1 • Horizontal Francis turbine 1 . 1 Spiral casing and stay ring 1 .2 Base frame 1 . 3 Draft tube 1 .4 Wicket gate with adjusting mechanism 1 .4. 1 Generator side cover 1 .4.2 Draft tube side cover 1 .4.3 Stationary labyrinths 1 .4.4 Guide vanes 1 .4.5 Levers 1 .4.6 Oscillating regulating ring 1 .4. 7 Servo motor 1 . 5 Francis runner 1. 6 Shaft sealing (labyrinth) 1 . 7 Tools and special tools COMPACT HYDRO Bellut Page 1 of 6 Synchronous generator Compact . turbine "FRANCIS" i . Horizontal . Francis turbine I HY 1J1{U COMPACT HYDRO The horizontal Francis turbine consists of the following main parts: 1 . 1 Spiral casing and stay ring mainly consisting of: -welded spiral casing plates -parallel plates -stay vanes -support/suspension with connecting elements -discharge with hand-operated shutoff valve -pressure measuring connections The spiral casing consists of several spiral plates, which are adapted to the pa- rallel plates of the stay ring and then welded. On the upstream side, one wel- ded-on flange provides the connection with the inlet pipe and/or the dismant· ling piece to the shutoff valve. Depending on its size, the stay ring is of welded or cast design and stress anne- aled, whereby the generator side side plate forms an integral part with the cor- responding turbine cover. In individual cases the one-part spiral casing incl. stay ring can also be comple- tely cast design. The total turbine casing is firmly attached to the base frame by a shell-shaped supporting arm and supported on it. The supporting arm is welded or screwed to the generator sided parallel plate. 1 . 2 Base frame The base frame is designed in steel welding construction and supports both the turbine casing and the generator. Moreover the servomotor pressure oil supply is flanged to the base frame. COMPACI' HYDRO Bellut Page 2 of 6 ~,··rl41iH .... l..:> 1 utuun ... u,-..)-IV J.\,. rv Synchronous generator lH~U1<U COMPACT HYDRO The required anchoring material is included in our scope of supply. The complete generator /turbine unit is preassembled in the workshop, fitted onto the base frame, aligned and transported onto site. This reduces the site er- ection time considerably and minimizes the border lines to other suppliers. 1 . 3 Draft tube mainly consisting of: -conical pieces -bended pieces -anchoring material (if required) The draft tube is flanged to the downstreamsided cover and is assembled of co- nical pieces and a bended pipe, which are screwed to flanges. . Assembly and disassembly operations are reduced and faciliated considerably by the easily detachable flange connections. According to local conditions, the draft tube leds into the downstream channel. 1 .4 Wicket gate with operating mechanism The wicket gate with operating mechanism consists mainly of: 1 . 4. 1 Generator side cover The solid cover plate together with the generator side parallel plate of the stay ring is made of one piece. It accommodates the guide vane bearings, the laby- rinth rings and the shaft sealing casing. 1 .4.2 Draft tube side cover The one-part, solid cover plate is attached to the stay ring and accommodates the suction side guide vane bearings and the labyrinth rings. 1.4.3 Stationary labyrinths The labyrinth rings are of one-stage and one part, and firmly attached to the co- vers. The material selected guarantees a large hardness difference between the stationary and rotating labyrinth rings. COMPAcr HYDRO Bellut Page 3 of 6 Synchronous generator IHIUJ.<U . COMPACT HYDRO 1.4.4 Guide vanes The guide vanes with trunnions are cast of one piece or forged. All guide vane bearin.gs, both radially and axially, are designed maintenance-free. Sealing to the water channel is secured by 0-ring sealings. 1.4.5 Levers The guide vane levers designed as shackles, are clamped onto the guide vane trunnions and fixed into position during assembly. A disc screwed onto the trun- nion prevents the lever from axial displacement. The frictional connection is a safety coupling and prevents possible damage to the guide vanes in the case of jammed foreign material. All guide vane levers are connected by bolts with the oscillating regulating ring. 1.4.6 Oscillating regulating ring The oscillating regulating ring is connected by bolts, which are run in mainte- nance-free bushes, with the individual guide vane levers and simultaneously supported on them. 1.4. 7 Servomotor The wicket gate servo motor is double acting, controlled with oil pressure and attached on the generator side cover. The piston rod is directly connected with the oscillating regulating ring and operates the wicket gate via the lever posi- tion. A feedback signal device is integrated into the servomotor. 1 . 5 Francis runner The runner is welded or cast of one piece. The labyrinths are an integrated part of the rim and crown. The Francis runner is statically balanced in the workshop. The hydraulic thrust is relieved through boreholes in the runner hub. A form-fit connection with feather transmits the torque directly onto the generator shaft trunnion, which supports the turbine runner. The generator bearings are dimen- sioned accordingly. The runner is fixed axially onto the shaft trunnion by means of the screwed-on hood. COMPACI' HYDRO Bellut Page 4 of 6 -J.J.W.l~J,...) .&.U.&.I.,n.U""',.J'-..,.1-..IU£'*"'' Synchronous generator I .til Ul<U COMPACT HYDRO 1 .6 Shaft sealing A labyrinth sealing prevents the operating water emerging from the shaft and the generator side cover. The small leakage cools the labyrinth. The leakage quantity is centrifuged into the sealing housing by a slinger ring and flows off naturally through an adequately dimensioned pipe. Supply of sealing water is not necessary. 1 . 7 Tools and special tools The delivery comprises general tools for maintenance and special tools for assembly and disassembly of the parts supplied. COMPACI' HYDRO Bellut Page 5 of 6 Tazimina 2 horizontal Francis turbines Prototype efficiency versa output at net head H = 25,91 m Tailwater: 146.61 m Turbine shaft: approx. 149.1 m Prototype-Data D2 =518 mrn Dd =600mrn Dz =621 mrn n =900/min efficiency 11 [%] discharge Q [m3/s) 92~----~------.-----~------.-----~------.------.------.------r------r------r------rl.S 90 82 78 76 I I --------r---------,....1 1.6 0.8 0.4 74+-----~--~~r-----~------r-~--~----~r-----~~--~r-~~~----~------~-----+O 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 output P [MW] Sulzer Escher Wyss Ravensburg HT817 K.Sclunid 2Q-JUL-1994 8212 200 -.& """""'•""'.a.w _., ~" v•••wv,-_._.v """" • • Synchronous generator Inlet Valves I HYDRO COMPACT HYDRO The Francis Turbine will be equipped with an Inlet Valve. The turbine inlet valve (600 rnm butterfly valve) will be designed to close safely and reliably under all normal and emergency conditions, including closure against maximum runaway discharge. The turbine inlet valve will be operated by an oilhydraulic servomotor. Oil supply unit is integrated part of valve drive. Closing action will be effected by a weight. Upstreamsided the valves will be connected to the penstock by a flange connection. Downstreamsided a dismanteling piece will be provided for erection and dismanteling purposes. Please find a typical design of valves in the annexed brochure. COMPACf HYDRO Bellut Page 6 of 6 c 0 . . . . " 'i a "' < ~ " < , :: L c ':' ~ . , . . -:; , • L .0 . " i .., c , .. c ;! ' < I : < •: . .. . • § ' : . ., .. c , ... l: ! : ... • • ' . ,. . J-; ' 0 I o • .-g ; ~ ; ! < . 1 "' c , :: ' ! c . 0 Q. L . ., 0 .... c • .., ' • .: . L • . "' . ..: 0 • ' • c . ., 0 L rX· ~ c ! .c; ! ;;: " L . > c • "' c ~ :;; c . ~ ., . , N c 0 -r-A ~~ I f " (\J .r---1 fij _J 0 .. ~ .LA I I f r-~"1 ~ ~~~~~~ I , I r0~ ~ co " I~ \ ,.!1.-,~!llll""'; !) !"'f' i ) --; ~ ~ ~ I t: ~ ...-f--I''· .J I • r--. ~ *. I t ?-~ w I ~ I~ ~I I F I 1 .. I -I 0 5 =1 , 9•02 FAKTORS F~~ TURBINE-DIMENSIONS BASED ON RUNNER-02 (APPROXIMATELY) FAKTOREN FUER TURBINENABMESSUNGEN E 1: ., BEZOGEN AUF LAUFRAO-¢ D2 {ALLES CA . MASSE) c 0 ., .. ., SERIE A B c 0 E F G 1 3, 7•02 4,2•02 0:!•2+2,5· 2. 5•02 5•02+3,5. 4•02 2.5•0~ ~~ c I 2 3,4•02 4•02 02•2+3111 2. 5•02 5•D2+3m 4•02 2.5•02 fF rrnrn a~ 11J,;JI-~~ ~'-I no 1{,.. I'\ 3 3.2•02 3,9•02 02•2+3m 2,4•02 5•02+3m 4•02 2,0•02 I 'r :lm 4 3•02 3,6•02 02•2+3,511 2. 5•02 5•02+2,511 I 4•02 2 .5•02 I ,.L I ~ ':! '\,,J I ~ ,... lm'1r l A OUt: - - Eml T I • ~ ./ SCHMID 29.06.9t MASSE MEKO 3 NACH AUSLEGUNG KORRIGIERT -----, Au•ru•hrvno li>do· -O.tuo Vt.,. {)-Ut•t•U• ~I~ ~b.,.~tn I No•• O~tu• a•n•h•tot ! SPENGLER 30.11.9 p3.12.93!_ I I ! Seh••t ••- BUEREN t•chn lach ~ C.tatdnet O.tuo Gootuoft I o.•uo L c. ........ I Oatuo I Vts. ()-motell• I Dot"' i l<on•trvktt<~ S.,. St~tl•1• I ntht f()-tg,Moso••ci> 1:50 e ·i' I CDMPUTERZEICHNUNG c:::JM···· ••nd ... , •·•r•""'"" M ..... rt---.. J~N ~SNSNW~ u-...-. z.,~ I •rfo••uno•b\att nl.'lleh2v••l••n ~ Aulf~ , ......... ~"lm''" ........... ~ ........... -........ 8::..-.:;.-:: _ 1 o9o3s3 HA P AB SU N ~.;, ~ I l uobor 1°·5 "1 3 30 1120 1400 1000 200~C:WO• 000• ~.t:;:. ••• !'.'!::.:.:.:.:;;;• • COMPACT FRANCIS COMPACT -FRANCIS (r.ou r_. j ••• 3 6 20 400 1000 2000 4000 000 2000 6000 ...... ~:;·,::::·. ....... I I I· ...... "*i""".,;.l Zul~ Ab•. t0,1 t0.1 tO.:? tO~J t:0.5 t0~8 t1.2 t2 tJ t4 t5 t6 AU••••t'"to(.,..,.n .. r~.~.,. 1 J F'-Jer NennMdst:e <0.5 vnd > .. 000 •tnd •ntapraehend& Grent .. o••• nteht ~~~:"'••'••.,-•'""lrttto"•" ... e-., ~ ~ W'Y!illl 0 3 88 8211 058 In OIN ISO 2766 T•fl 1 f'•stnalet~t. DJNe70f11f3Kt .. u8F' I I ..111111.... ~~~ -~~~~~ ~~82.11 058 I :?5. . . PLOT AN I BUEHREN HT81 3 I ·" 1. 1':_ JUL 1994 09: ,,.16 .. -··-- 2*Francis Turbines, 2 * 350 KW Synchronous generator 1 n 1. .u .1'-v COMPACT HYDRO Description of the Complete Electrical Equipment To supplement the mechanical equipment Sulzer-Escher Wyss Ravensburg also provides to the customer the complete electrical equipment to operate the powerstation savely. This offer includes following electrical equipment: 1. 0-Generator 2. 0-Turbine control cabinet 3. 0-24 V DC supply 4. 0-Generator control and protection cabinet 5 . 0-Motor control center 6. 0-Installation, errection and commissioning The turbine and unit control system each unit is independent from the funktion of the other stations .Necessary communication between the stations will be handle by wired signals. All delivered mechanical and electrical components are dimensioned, organized, tested and commissioned by Sulzer Hydro. COWACf HYDRO Bellut Page 1 of 7 2*Francis Turbmes, 2 "'_;;,o K w Synchronous generator I HYDRO COMPACT HYDRO 1 I 0 Generators This tender includes a power generating system which is based on a syncronous generator.The generator is a low voltage generator (400 V,50 Hz) with roller bearing. The manufacturer is Co I Hit zinger Power, Austria, a very expirienced generator manufacturer with an extensive reference list. 1.1 generator data sheet : rated output class of rating power factor rated voltage winding connection voltage variation frequency speed over speed ( 5 min.) class of insulation protection cooling forme bearing 437 KVA I 350 KW s 1 0,8 I lagging 480 v star-to 4 terminals +1-10 % 60 Hz 900 RPM 1784 RPM class F - IP 23 IC 01 IM-B3 roller bearing efficiency at rated voltage and cos phi 0.80 414 314 112 standards 95,3 95,4 94,8 IEC 34-1 I VDE 0530 1.0 96,2 96,3 96,0 COMPAcr HYDRO Bellut Page 2 of 7 2*Francis Turbines, 2 * 350 KW Synchronous generator IHYDkO COMPACT HYDRO Turbine Control System 2 , 0 Turbine control Cabinet (lay out see annex No. 2-1) Turbine Governor system DTL 95 The digital control system DTL 95 allows a reliable control of the turbine,to main the operation constant at the preset setpoint. The system incorporates the experience gained in many descades of designing and manufacturing governors for hydroelectric turbines, and is a mature high-quality turbine governor system providing a maximum ease of operation to the user. Detailed information to the system hard-and software are given in the enclosure prospects: 1.-DTL 525 CONTROL AND GOVERNING CONCEPT FOR DOUBLE REGULATED TURBINES 2.-APPLICATION-WATER TURBINES CONTROLLED AND REGULATED BY DTL 5 25 3.-DTL 515 -FEATURES-USER CONFIGURABLE DIGITAL TURBINE CONTROL SYSTEM 4.-DTL 525 -USER CONFIGURABLE DIGITAL TURBINE CONTROL SYSTEM The governor voltage signals are defined between 0-10 d.c., the current signals between 0 and 20 rnA. A reliable governor power supply, if required battery backed for continuity, is essential for a proper governor performance. The governor is programmable via software modules which are entered in SPL (Sulzer Programming Language) . COMPACf HYDRO Bellut Page 3 of 7 2*Francis Turbines, 2 * 350 KW Synchronous generator I HYDRO COMPACT HYDRO The basic functions among others include applications for the following: opening limiting level control speed control load control discharge flow control startup slope joint control The PID characteristic is individually programable. Our tender covers 4 of the aforementioned basic functions. Process control The unit process control, automatic start up and shut down program, temperature monitoring, interlocking, fault indication and monitoring will be treated also by the Sulzer DTL control sytem. All turbine values (speed and guide vane position are processed by digital working transducer and transmitted in separate shielded cables. Binary signals like limit switches,position switches,pressure and level switches will be processed via a 2 cable bus system from turbine location to the process system DTL 95. Turbine o.perating panel WI: The turbine control system will be operated over micro soft key contacts and a menue leaded monitor system. All turbine values (turbine speed,water level,guide vane position, temperatures etc.) will be indicated on several pictures on the monitor screen .Also feedback signals as well as fault alarms will be indicated on this scre~n.A printer is installed to record fault situations. CO:MPACf HYDRO Bellut Paqe 4 of 7 2*Francis Turbines, 2 * 350 KW Synchronous generator ..., '-'.L.I~.L.J ...... I HYDRO COMPACT HYDRO Speed Measuring and Monitoring System The toothed rim provided on the turbine shaft allows measurement of the impulses recurring at a frequency governed by the shaft speed which are transmitted direct digital to the process system DTL 95.Speed limited contacts for the process control will be set by the DTL,speed indication be shown on the MMI monitor screen picture. Headrace Water Level Controller To allow for its long actingtimes the headrace water level controller is made as a PI controller. Proportional amplification and integration time constant are functions of the dynamic action of the headrace. Trip Action In response to a trip action the setpoints of the position control circuits independent from the gate limiter position are reset to zero, and the turbine closes. The trip action can be initiated locally on the turbine control .panel by pressing the red EMERGENCY BUTTON. Operatin2 Mode Selector Switch ; A key-locked switch with 4 control positions will be provided. Position A -automatic control operation Position B -manual control operation Position 0 -safety OFF position Position F -spare COMPACI' HYDRO Bellut Page 5 of 7 2*Francis Turbines, 2 * 350 KW Synchronous generator 3.0 ·· 24 V-DC-Power Supply IHYUl{U COMPACT HYDRO The D. C. power supply is designed for feeding the turbine control-, generator protection systems and measurements devises. The nominal voltage is 24 volt and is backed by batteries with 2*120 Ah capacity. In addition it concludes per unit: .-1 battery charger-AC-DC converter; 21 A,24 V -DC -1 DC voltage instruments -1 DC current instruments -1 terminal block for 220 V input voltage -terminal block for 24 V output voltage -24 V fuse double pole fuse distribution -1 monitoring module with alarm contacts -1 battery frame This DC system is not designed to feed other auxiliaries like DC pumps or other DC power equipment.Each unit is provide with an own DC system. 4. 0 Generator control Cabinet The generator control cabinet contains all generator instrumentation, the generator voltage.controler,the cos phi controler,the synchronizing devise and the generator protection relais. This offer includes. the generator protection relais: 1 Over/undervoltage relay 1 Over/underfrequency relay 1 Asymetrical relay 1 power reverse protection 1 Grid identification relay 1 overcurrent-time relay 1 short circuit protection COMPACT HYDRO BeUut Page 6 of 7 2*Francis Turbines, 2 * 350 KW Synchronous generator ltl}:UKU COMPACT HYDRO Following electrical values of the generator are indicated by instruments : -active power -3* generator current instruments - 1 generator voltage,selectable by switch cos phi indication - 3 double indication instruments for synchronization 5. 0 Motor control center-MCC The motor control center (MCC) for the station auxiliary control is placed in the generator control cabinet. 480 V, three-phase A.C. and 280 V A.C. outgoing branch circuit for: -Governor oil pump 1 , 3 ph, 50 Hz, 20 A -feeder for upstream butterfly valve,3 ph,20 A -generator stand still heater -DC supply -feeder for powerhouse sub distribution,63 A -spare feeder 1, 3 ph, 25 A -spare feeder 2, 3 ph, 25 A -spare feeder 3, 3 ph, 25 A 6. 0 Electricaly installation, errection and commissioning: The cableing and installation of all control and power cable is not included in this offer. The internal earting system of the electrical installation as well as the earthing of all metall installed part inside the power house is not includet in this offer. The installation of powerhouse ligthing system is also not in the scope of Sulzer Hydro supply. This works can be offer optionaly by SEW based as a supervisor job or exclusive done including material delivering by SEW-staff. . COIVIPACT HYDRO Bellut Page 7 of 7 layout of turbine control cabinet· front side o· MMI DO DO DO "'-----"'j D D 00000 D D [Q] 0 emergency operation mode off key switch / 600 ...._ _____ ..,/ ..,__ ____ 800 ~--------------~ Annex 2-1 Rv, 19.7.1994 HP 811, Bellut HA2211 Layout of the turbine control cabinet-inside onnlgg inggming nluas; 1· guide vane feed- back · 2 • turbine speed -n- 4. temperatur measu- rement anolog out; going VA- l.uu.o. ~. guide vane con- trol digital I/0 1. 48 digital inputs 2. 4 8 diqi tal outputs I DC-cabinet light :ITB modules for transmition of non time criticalyanalog und binary feedback signals via bus system. door contact control 800 Annex 2-1 heater thennomete:r SULZER turbine control system DTL X -95 digital contro~ system ~ l.water level control 2.speed control 3.position control 4. emergency stop funk- tion S.compl.au~omatc control 6.temp monitoring 7.interlocking Rv, 19.7.1994 HP 811, Bel- lut HA 2211 Layout or turbine control cabinet, generator protection and generator breaker cabinet 1~1 ~ § § 18][8(8la •••••• [!] [2] ~ , ... , , ... , , ... , , ... , , ... ,, ... , generator protection excitation synchronizing MCC .. 800nun .. .. 800nun .. -4 800nun .. 2400nun mrbine-comrol generator-conlrol generator cabinet cabinet breaker cabinet DC rectifier 600A SULZEJRIHYDJRO C.II.Bellut 19. Juli 199 preliminary sinele line diaeramm for erid parallel operation I Tazimina, Alaska I grid-3/N/PEN/480 v /60 lli U< I>, I» -=---- ®----- 440KVA 900RPM Jl synchronouse ~ lli:i l.·ie;p:···;::~?;i:;············· ·.·.·.· .·.··············[~!i~Ji\li:ll:!ji tl •• 2 x generator bearing temperaturs ::: ·. 3 x generator stator temperaturs ;;: i.ndication, alarms, shutdown-contacts I ·F 1\120 Ah governor oil pump drive m ..I.. .,. -F l , -F i ~,dzeriHydro Compact Hydro, BELLUT, HA 22 l 1 19.7.1994 24V,21A= -F -F , 220V 20A 220V 20A Nr. 1 Nr. 10 220 V and light distribution ·F i , APPENDIXB I.N .N. Electric Cooperative Newhalen, Alaska PRELIMINARY TAZIMINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DESIGN CRITERIA HDR ENGINEERING, INC. Revision Pages No. Date Prepared By Reviewed By Ap_proved By Affected Draft 8/8/94 TAZIMINA HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT DESIGN CRITERIA TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I-GENERAL DESIGN CRITERIA 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................. I-1 2.0 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-1 3.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF FACll.lTIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-2 4.0 MATERIALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-3 4.1 Unit Weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-3 4.2 Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-3 4.3 Reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-4 4. 4 E.arth and Rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I -4 4.5 Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-4 4.6 Timber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-4 SECTION ll -DIVERSION AND INTAKE 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................. ll-1 2.0 REFERENCES .................................... ll-1 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF FACIUTIES ......................... ll-1 4.0 HYDRAUUC DESIGN CRITERIA ........................ ll-2 4.1 General Project Operation ....................... n-2 4.2 Design Maximum Water Sm:face Elevation ............ ll-2 4.3 Nonnal Maximum Water Surface Elevation ............ ll-3 4.4 Minimum Operating Water Surface Elevation ........... ll-3 4.5 Design Flow ............................... ll-3 4.6 Intake Submergence .......................... ll-3 4. 7 Minimum Instream Flow ....................... ll-3 4. 8 Fish Screen and Trashrack Velocity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll -4 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED ~ 5.0 STRUCTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA ....................... ll-4 5.1 Crest Elevation of Diversion/Intake Structure ........... ll-4 5 . 2 Design 'Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n -4 5.3 Foundation Bearing Pressures ................... , ll-5 5.4 Stability ................................. ll-5 SECTION m -PENSTOCK 1.0 INTRODUCTION ill-1 2.0 REFER.ENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ill-1 3.0 PENSTOCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ill-1 3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ill-1 3.2 Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m-1 3.3 Design 'Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m-2 4.0 THRUST BLOCKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ill-4 5.0 ELBOWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m-5 6.0 PENSTOCK APPURTENANCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ill-5 6.1 Manholes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m-5 6.2 Air Release and Vacuum Release Equipment ill-5 6.3 Leak Detection Stem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ill-6 1.0 TR.EN'CIDNG ....................... , ............ m-6 SECTION IV-ROADS AND SITE DRAINAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................. IV-1 2.0 REFER.ENCES ................................... IV-1 3. 0 ACCESS ROADS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV -1 4.0 SITE DRAINAGE ................................. IV-2 . TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED SECTION V -POWERHOUSE 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................. V -1 2.0 REFERBN'CES .................................... V-1 3.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF FACIUTIES .................. V-1 4.0 TURBINE/GENERATOR .............................. V-1 5.0 PLANT CONTROI..S ................................. V-1 5 .1 l.oad Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V -1 5.2 Back-up Power ............................. V-2 5.3 Other Powerhouse Equipment .................... V-2 6.0 POWERHOUSE STRUCTURE .......................... V-3 SECTION VI-TRANSMISSION LINE .......................... VI-1 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................. VI-1 2.0 REFERBN'CES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI-1 3.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI-1 GENERAL DESIGN CRITERIA SECTION I 1.0 INTRODUCTION This document presents the genentl design criteria to be used in preparing preliminary and fmal designs of the diversion/intake structures, penstock, powerhouse, transmission line and access roads. Section I presents genentl design criteria to be used for these project facilities. Sections ll, m and IV present specific design criteria for the diversion and intake, penstock, and roads and site drainage respectively, and should be worked in conjunction with the genentl criteria in this section. Design criteria for the powerhouse, powerhouse equipment, switchyard and transmission line are covered in Sections V and VI. These design criteria are to be qsed as the basis for preparing detailed design drawings, calculations, and specifications. Layouts and designs developed with this criteria will be used by HDR to prepare construction cost estimates. 2.0 REFERENCES Design engineers should also refer to applicable information contained in the following documents: 1. Feasibility Report: Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project, Stone and Webster Engineering Co. for Alaska Power Authority, 1987. 2. Tazimina River Hydroelectric Project Feasibility Study, HDR Engineering, Inc. for INNEC, May, 1991. 3. Bristol Bay Regional Power Plan Detailed Feasibility Analysis, Interim Feasibility Assessment, Stone and Webster Engineering Co, July, 1982. 4. Site contour mapping developed by HDR and Stone and Webster Engineering Co. 5. FERC's "Engineering Guidelines for the Evaluation of Hydropower Projects." 6. Considerations in the design and operation of Hydro Power Intakes, C o I d Regions Hydrology and Hydraulics, 1990. 7. " Design and Operation of Shallow River Diversions in Cold Regions", Engineering and Research Center, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Sept., 1974. 8. U.S. Geological Survey, Stream flow data for Tazimina River, gage #15299900. 1-1 3.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES The proposed powerhouse site is located near El. 485 on the left bank of Tazimina Falls about 6.7 miles from the Newhalen-Nondalton Road and about 20 miles from the village of Newhalen. A new transmission line would be buried along a new 6. 7 mile access road to the tie-in point to an existing 7.2 kV transmission line that runs along the Newhalen-Nondalton Road. The new facility will generally consist of an intake on the river about 350 feet upstream of the falls, a penstock to carry the diverted water to the powerhouse, and a semi-underground powerhouse constructed in the cliff near the base of the falls, housing two 350 kW francis type turbines and synchronous generators. The intake structure will be constructed along the river bank to divert 110 cfs from the river. The design will allow future expansion, if desired, for up to a diversion flow of 220 cfs without modifications. A short (2 to 3 foot high) channel control sill will be installed in the river to help prevent any future erosion of the river bed and also to help move the water channel over near the intake during low flow periods. The intake structure will include provisions for a trash rack, shut-off valve, sediment flushing and exclusion of floating ice from the intake. From the intake, flow will be conveyed in a 60-inch pipe to a fish screen structure. The fish screen structure will be designed to lower flow velocities to about 0.5 fps to prevent impingement of fry against the screen, and to divert (bypass) fish back to the river. Rocks and sediment carried into the screen structure will be sluiced through a sluice pipe and discharged back to river downstream of the falls. Negotiations with resource agencies are ongoing that might eliminate or reduce the need for fish screening, and if so, the screen requirement could be dropped later. Screen design should provide flexibility to easily address future design changes. Because of cost considerations, the intake and pipeline are designed to allow future flow increases to 220 cfs without modification. The fish screen structure, however, is designed for only 110 cfs and would have to be enlarged to accommodate higher flows in the future. From the fish screen structure, water will follow a conveyance pipeline (penstock) following a slope sufficient to maintain hydraulic flow to the powerhouse. The pipeline will be buried, and has capacity built in to allow a future design flow of 220 cfs. The penstock will be installed in a "slot" cut into the face of the steep cliffside leading down to the base of the falls. This slot will also be cut large enough to accommodate transmission lines and communications cables, as well as a large capacity elevator that will provide operations and maintenance access to the powerhouse. The powerhouse will consist of a cavern cut into the cliff face large enough to house the turbines, generators and control equipment. The room shall be made large enough to accommodate larger units up to 1.4 MW total capacity in the future (two 350 kW units replaced with two 700 kW units). The open end of this room facing downriver will be closed . in with cast-in-place concrete. Water will exit the powerhouse through a tailrace opening over a tailrace wall that will hold minimum tailwater elevation at about 15 feet above the normal falls tailwater level. I-2 The generating units will be designed for fully automatic shutdown and for one-button start- up. The plant shall also be designed with a SCADA system that will allow remote monitoring of the plant from the village over telephone lines. An 8 ton crane will be provided for maintenance use and to help move equipment to the elevator for removal. Enough floor space will be provided inside the powerhouse to allow disassembly of the turbine. The transmission line will be buried along the gravel access road to the Newhalen-Nondalton Road. The line will be three phase 260 mil 25 kV EPR insulated concentric neutral cable direct buried along the new access road, a minimum of 4 feet deep. The line will be operated at 7.2 kV, 3 phase, 60 Hz. kWh metering will be provided at the powerhouse. Splices will be in sectionalizer vaults. A multi-pair shielded telephone type communications cable will be buried along with the transmission line to provide voice and SCADA communications. An additional 4 miles of this telephone cable will need to be installed along the Newhalen- Nondalton Road to reach a tie-in point to existing cables (total telephone cable length 10.7 miles). 4.0 MATERIALS 4.1 Unit Weights The following standard unit weights shall be used, where applicable. 4.2 Concrete Water Steel Concrete Wood Ice Snow Backfill 62.4 pcf 490 pcf 150 pcf 45 pcf 5 kips per linear foot 20 pcf 120 pcf, internal angle = 36 degrees (prelim.) The analysis and design of new reinforced concrete structures shall follow the latest revision of ACI Code 318 and applicable sections of ACI 350. Reinforced concrete structures shall be analyzed on the basis of the theory of elastic frames, but design of a section shall be carried out using the ultimate strength design method. Concrete used for the project shall achieve a minimum compressive strength of 3000 psi at 28 days. Lean concrete for pipe slurry bedding (if used) will have a minimum l 000 psi compressive strength. Cement used for the project shall be Type I or II confonning to ASTM C 150. 1-3 4.3 Reinforcement Reinforcement detailing will be perfonned in accordance with the ACI Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures. Reinforcement shall confonn to the requirements of AST.M A 706, Grade 60. 4.4 Earth and Rock Engineering properties for earth and rock, including allowable temporary and pennanent excavated slopes, will be detennined by the geotechnical consultant. Reference should be made to their fmal report when it becomes available. 4.5 Steel Steel members shall be designed in accordance with the Specification for the Design, Fabrication, and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings, and the Manual of Steel Construction published by the AISC. Structural steel and miscellaneous steel will comply with the following AST.M requirements: Structural Steel Shapes, Plates and Bars Structural Steel Tubing Aluminum Members Bolts Grating Checkered Plate Handrail Stainless Steel A36 A500 Grade B B209 A193, Grade B8 or better A36 or Aluminum A108 Grade 1016, 1018, 1019 AI 20 Std. Wt. A304 (ANSI 18 Cr 8 Ni) Exposed metal surfaces will be hot dip galvanized or stainless, except for gates and valves. All exterior stairs, and checkered plate will be hot dip galvanized in accordance with AST.M A123. All exposed bolts, nuts, and washers will be type 304 stainless. Gates and valves will be painted with zinc chromate and a corrosion resistant paint. · 4.6 Timber Timber used for structural purposes shall be treated West Coast Douglas Fir, designed in accordance with the UBC and American Institute of Timber Construction (AITC). 1-4 1.0 INTRODUCTION DIVERSION AND INTAKE SECTIONll This section presents the hydrnulic, structural, and mechanical design criteria for the diversion and intake structures. 2.0 REFERENCES . 1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. "Hydrnulic Design Criteria". 2. U.S. Department of Interior. "Guidelines for Determining Flood Flow Frequency.,. Bulletin #17B. September 1981. 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF FACll..ITIES The diversion/intake structure will be a cast-in-place concrete gravity structure approximately 18 feet high by 12 feet long. River bed elevation at the intake is approximately 574ft. msl. Normal water surface elevation is approximately el. 575. Maximum use of local materials should be made to minimize concrete volumes. The intake will divert up to a maximum of 110 cfs with the capability to increase diverted flows to 220 cfs for future increased hydroelectric power generation without modification. The intake will include provisions for sluicing bedload, preventing debris and ice from entering the penstock with a trashrack and shutting off the entire flow with a slide gate type valve. The crest elevation of the river bed erosion control sill will be approximately El. 576. Electrical power and control signal cables will be run from the powerhouse to the intake. Design snow depth at the intake is six feet. A fish screen structure will be located downstream of the intake to provide fish screening and sediment sluicing capability. Basic requirements of the intake and fish screen structure are as follows: 1. The diversion and intake will be concrete gravity structures. 2. Bedload is expected to accumulate in the basin in front of the intake structure and occasionally may enter the intake and fish screen structures. The intake will need to be kept clear of obstructions to maintain the designed hydraulic capacity. To help keep the intake free of obstruction, an uncontrolled sluiceway slot will be cut into the bedrock front of the intake. A sluicing pipe arrangement will also be included. Il-l 3. A steel trashrack with 1 1/2-inch vertical bar spacings will be installed to keep floating debris from entering the intake. Provision will be made for installation of pressure differential measuring instruments. 4. A small (approximately 20' x 24') utility building with power and small shop facilities will be included near the intake to provide a maintenance and storage area. 5. A slide gate will be installed to shut off flow to the penstock and allow the penstock to be dewatered. The gate will be capable of operating remotely and manually. Gate guides and stems, and other exposed hardware shall be stainless steel. An air vent will be designed downstream of the shut-off gate. Gate operators will have metal security enclosures. 6. The diversion and intake facilities will be designed with future maintenance in mind. Principal maintenance tasks are expected to be: Lubrication of the intake gate stem and guides. Lubrication of motor operators. Removal of sediment deposits in intake box. Removal of sediment deposits in front of intake structure to maintain unrestricted flow to the intake. Removal of floating debris against trashracks. 7. Mounting pads and other provisions shall be provided for future addition of trash rack automatic cleaning equipment if necessary. 8. Project facilities shall be designed against potential vandalism. For example, hinges shall be concealed, bolts tacked down and solid covers provided over openings in the intake deck. OSHA standards shall apply. Fencing will not be installed entirely around the diversion/intake, but a safety fencing and handrails, etc. will be provided as necessary. 4.0 HYDRAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA 4.1 General Project Operation The project will be operated in a run-of-river mode. Fluctuation of the water levels in the river are beyond the control of the plant, and all expected water levels must be accommodated in the design. · 4.2 Design Maximum Water Surface Elevation The intake will be designed to be stable for factors of safety presented later in this document. The design maximum water surface elevation will be based on the 100-year instantaneous flood of----cfs as determined by HDR. The height of the operating deck will be set at the 11-2 design maximum water surface elevation plus 2 feet. (Note: blank data to be developed and filled in during fmal design) 4.3 Average Annual Maximum Water Surface Elevation Average Annual Maximum Water Surface Elevation at the intake structure will be determined based on available stream flow data and hydrologic analysis. For design, this elevation is - ----msl. 4.4 Minimum Operating Water Surface Elevation Flow from the intake will be controlled by the wicket gates on the turbines. Water surface at the intake will be monitored by a level sensing device that sends a signal to the powerhouse turbine. The device will be programmed to send an alarm when the water surface is about to drop below the minimum n~sary to insure enough water to operate the turbines. The powerplant will be shut down when the water surface elevation drops below the Minimum Operating Water Surface Elevation. The minimum operating water surface elevation will be elevation - 4.5 Design Flow The penstock will be sized to convey a maximum flow of 110 cfs to the turbines, with provisions to increase that flow to 220 cfs in the future. 4.6 Intake Submergence The intake invert will be set based on an article by J.L.Gordon (Water Power, Aprill970). The equation is: s = CVD0·5 Where, S = Elevation difference between minimum operating elevation and crown of intake, FT C = 0.4 (for lateral approach flow) V = Velocity of flow in pipeline, FPS D = Diameter of pipeline, FT 4. 7 Minimum Instream Flow No minimum instream flow releases at the diversion/intake structure will be necessary. For a major percentage of the time, river flows greatly exceed the flow amount being diverted for power generation. Provisions will be made to measure penstock flow rates at the powerhouse. IT-3 4.8 Fish Screen and Trashrack Velocity Maximum flow velocity through the trashrack shall not exceed 3 fps at 220 cfs. The trashrack will be designed to withstand full differential pressure across the rack. Fish screens will be designed for 0.5 foot per second approach velocity based on net flow area for a flow of 110 cfs. 5.0 STRUCTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA 5 .I Crest Elevation of Diversion/Intake Structure The crest elevation of the channel control sill will be 576.0 The penstock invert elevation at the intake will be 567.0 5.2 Design Loads The diversion and intake structures shall be designed to resist overturning and sliding in accordance with PERC's "Engineering Guidelines ... ", including references. The diversion structure shall be analyzed for four loading cases, 1) Nonnal operating, 2) Flood, 3) Nonnal operating with earthquake, and 4) Construction. 5.2.1 Hydrostatic Pressure Hydrostatic levels shall be as detennined by the hydraulic design criteria. 5.2.2 Uplift Pressure Uplift will be assumed to act over 100 percent of the area and to vary as a straight line from the maximum differential between headwater and tailwater. 5.2.3 ~quake :Equivalent static earthquake inertia forces will be computed using a horizontal acceleration in accordance with the UBC for Zone 4. Vertical seismic loads are assumed to be zero. Importance factors for the intake and powerhouse structures shall be 1.25, all other structures 1.0 5.2.4 Ice and Snow The magnitude of pressure exerted by ice sheets against the dam and intake structure shall be assumed to be 5 kips per linear foot. Snow loads shall be detennined in accordance with Section 2347 of the UBC. ll-4 5.2.5 Silt For detennining the pressure against structures caused by silt, the unit weight of silt shall be 85 pcf for computing horizontal pressures and 120 pcf for computation of vertical pressures. 5.2.6 ~ FTessures Lateral earth pressures on retaining walls and other backfilled structures shall be detennined from the fonnula: Where, F = Horizontal earth pressure K = Coefficient of earth pressure K.clivc= (to be detennined) K.t .-= (to be determined) ~ivc= (to be detennined) w= Unit weight of soil plus groundwater, pcf H = Height of soil, ft. 5.2.7 Wind Load-per UBC, Basic wind speed 110 mph, exposure D 5. 3 Foundation Bearing Pressure Design bearing pressures will be detennined by the geotechnical consultant. 5.4 Stability Structures will be designed to meet PERC-specified factors of safety as shown below for each of the following load cases: Case I- Case ll- Case m- Case IV- Nonnal Operating Condition *Water elevation nonnal maximum * Silt loading Flooding Condition * lOD-year flood level Earthquake Condition * Same loads as Case I plus earthquake loads using static seismic coefficients. Construction Condition * Construction completed with no water behind diversion structure * ~quake forces appli~ as in Case ill ll-5 5.4.1 ()verturning The stability of a structure against overturning will be governed by the location of the resultant of all loads acting on the structure. The location of the resultant must fall within the diamond-shaped "kern" defmed by the equation: S = 0.5-Y/L + 0.5-XIW Where, 5.4.2 Sliding S = Parameter defming kern boundaries. When S = 116, the entire base is in compression. Y = Distance from either side to location of resultant. L = Length of base. X = Distance from toe to location of resultant. W = Width of base. For structures on rock, stability against sliding will be determined by the shear-friction factor. Q = CA + (W-U) tan ci> H Where, Q = Shear friction factor C = Cohesion value of concrete on rock, psf A = Area of base considered, sf W = Sum of vertical forces (except uplift), lb U = Uplift forces, lb tan ci> = coefficient of internal friction H = Sum of horizontal forces, lb Minimum factors of safety will be 2.0 for Case I, 1.25 for Case IT, and 1.1 for Cases m and IV. For structures on soil, the sliding coefficient "f' is defmed as follows: f = H/V Where, H = Summation of all horizontal forces V = Summation of all vertical forces "r' should not exceed the following values for normal loading conditions: On Gravel 0.50 On Sand 0.40 IT-6 5.4.3 Flotation Vertical forces shall exceed the following values: 1.5 times the uplift forces for Case I. 1.25 times the uplift forces for Case ll. 1.1 times the uplift forces for Cases m and IV. ll-7 1.0 INTRODUCTION PENSTOCK SECTIONm This section presents the design criteria to be used as the basis for preparing detailed design drawings, calculations, and specifications for the penstock and thrust blocks. 2.0 REFERENCES 1. American Institute of Steel Construction. AISC Manual of Steel Construction, 8th Edition. 2. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). Standard Specification for Highway Bridges. 3. American Water Works Association. Steel Pipe Design and Installation ·M-11. 4. American Iron and Steel Institute. 1983. Welded Steel Pipe, Steel Plate Engineering Data Volume 3. 5. American Iron and Steel Institute. 1984. Steel Penstocks and Tunnel Liners, Steel Plate Engineering Data Volume 4. 6. American Iron and Steel Institute. Steel Plate Engineering Data Volume 4. 1992. Buried Steel Penstocks. 3.0 PENSTOCK 3.1 General The penstock will extend from the intake to the powerhouse and will be about 450 feet long total length. The penstock will be of steel construction and will be buried. Other possible materials for the penstock will be evaluated during final design. The size of the penstock shall be 60 inches in diameter. The penstock will be equipped with manholes, air release valves, air and vacuum valves, and thrust blocks as necessary. Exterior penstock surfaces will be protected by a polyethylene tape coating system in accordance with AWWA C214, similar to the Polyken 80 mil system. Interior penstock surfaces will be protected by a 16 mil DFf coating of coal tar epoxy in accordance with AWWA C210. Installation of cathodic protection will be decided by the geotechnical consultant and HDR later. 3.2 Materials Penstock steel shall confonn to ASTM A139C, D, orE having minimum yield strength of 42 ksi, 46 ksi and 52 ksi, respectively. The potential use of galvanized corrugated metal pipe shall also be investigated for portions of the penstock. The penstock will have lap welded slip ill-1 joints for its entire length. The penstock will be specified to include in the scope of supply all appurtenances and bulkheads required for field hydrotesting of the completed penstock. 3.3 Design Loads The penstock will be designed to resist internal, external, flotation, one half vacuum, and water hammer loads, and hydrostatic testing to 125 percent of static head. 3.3.1 Shell Stress Due to Internal Pressure S = PD/2t Where: p D s t = 3.3 .2 External Loads Internal pressure = -rwh/144 in psi 1'w = Unit weight of water, 62.4 pcf h = Static head of water in feet Penstock diameter; inches Stress in the pipe wall psi Shell thickness; inches Steel pipe wall thickness shall be determined by the Spangler deflection formula. Deflection is calculated using the following equation: Where: 4,. = D1 (kW r)/(EI + 0.061 E' r) A,. Dt K w r E I E' - - - - - - - - Maximum allowable horizontal deflection of pipe Deflection lag factor = 1.0 Bedding constant = 0.10 Soil load on pipe, lb/lineal inch of pipe Radius of pipe, inch Modulus of elasticity for pipe = 30,000,000 psi Moment of inertia of cross section of pipe wall, inch4/lineal inch of pipe wall = tl/12 (t=wall thickness,in.) Modulus of soil = 1,500 psi (or as determined by geotechnical consultant) Maximum allowable deflection shall be limited to 2 percent of penstock diameter. 3.3.3 Soil Load Determination Soil load on the pipe shall be determined by the soil prism theory using the formula: W = -yHD/12 m-2 Where: w "'( H D -- - - Vertical soil load on pipe, lbs/inch Soil unit weight, pcf Height of fill over pipe, feet Outside diameter of pipe, feet 3.3.4 Live Load Detennination Live load on pipe shall be checked for two cases: 1. AASHTO HS20-44 truckload as specified in AASHTO HB-12 "Standard Specification for Highway Bridges" on minimum earth cover with the pipe empty. 2. A 15-ton wheel load (front end loader) on minimum earth cover with the pipe empty. Assume the wheel footprint is 10 inches by 20 inches. Maximum bearing pressures for a track-mounted hoe will also be investigated. 3.3.5 Minimum Handling Thickness D+20 t--- 400 Where: D t 3.3.6 Buckling Penstock inside diameter inches Shell thickness; inches Buckling shall be calculated in accordance with ANSIIAWWA C950-81. Allowable buckling pressure = qa qa•(_!_) X (3~ B1E 1 EI )liZ FS D3 The summation of external loads will be less than or equal to the allowable buckling pressure: We qa >y jl.., + Rw D + P, m-3 Where: FS = 3.0 D = Diameter of pipe (in) Rw -Water buoyancy factor = 1 -.33 <hw/h) h -Height of ground surface above pipe (in) B' -1/1 +4e(-0.65H) H -Height of fill above pipe (ft) B -30 x 1<1 psi I -w/64 (D0 4 -D1 4) inch4 Do -Outside diameter (in) D· -Inside diameter (in) I hw -Height of water above top of pipe (in) We -Vertical soil load on pipe Qb/in) Pv = 7.1 psi 'Yw = Specific weight of water = 0.361 lb/in3 B' -1,500 psi 3.3.7 Vacuum Vacuum loads shall be equivalent to an internal pressure of one half atmosphere (7.35 psi absolute). 3.3.8 Flotation The penstock will be stable for uplift with a factor of safety 1.5 for an inspection condition where the pipe is completely empty and the surrounding soil is in a fully saturated condition. 3.3.9 Waterhammer The design maximum internal dynamic pressure rise due to waterhammer will be SO percent above maximum static head. Turbine design shall take this into account. 3.3.10 Temperature and Thermal Loads Thermal loads associated with expansion and contraction of exposed penstock will be calculated based on maximum and minimum air temperatures of 80 cp and -40 cp' respectively. 4.0 THRUST BLOCKS The penstock will be designed to resist thrust loads on the pipe at bends by gravity and friction along the base or by the use of thrust blocks where necessary. The geotechnical consultant will provide allowable bearings for foundation materials for use in thrust block design. The powerhouse thrust block will be designed to resist the load on the guard valves and pipe bends just upstream of the turbines. Anchor rings will be designed for thrust blocks to accept dead-end thrust. Hydrostatic thrust at bends will be calculated according to the following equation: m-4 T-2xyxHxAsinll{l Where: T -Thrust force (kips) 'Y = Unit weight of water, 0.0624 kip/fr H -Head on the penstock centerline (feet) A -Area of the pipe (sq feet) .(.\ -Deflection angle of bend (degrees) Hydrodynamic thrust at bends will be calculated according to the following equation: T -1.41 p VQ(l-cosA)lfl Where: T -Thrust force (lb) p -Density of water, 1.94 slug/ft3 v = Water velocity, ftl sec Q -Flow rate (ft3/sec) s.o ELBOWS Elbows for bends in general will have a minimum radius of seven pipe diameters and will be fabricated in accordance with A WW A C208. The maximum deflection per joint will be 6 degrees. Miter ends will have a maximum deflection angle of 5 degrees. Elbows will be two piece through 22.5 degrees, three piece through 45 degrees, four piece through 67 .) degrees, and five piece through 90 degrees. 6.0 PENSTOCK APPURTENANCES 6.1 Manholes Insulated pre-cast manholes will be used to access manways on the penstock. Manway function will be incorporated with air-vac valves. Manholes will be installed o~y at air release or vacuum breaker locations, as this should provide sufficient access . manholes. Manholes will be flanged nozzle-type conforming to A WW A C208. Manhole openings will be provided with permanent blind flanges. Manhole lids will be made with fairings flush with the top of the penstock. 6.2 Air Release and Vacuum Release Equipment Air and vacuum release facilities will be designed at the intake structure and at the abrupt change in slope downward in the profile along the pipeline to permit the release of air that may accumulate during filling of the pipe and to admit air into the pipe during draining or if negative pressures occur in the pipeline. m-5 Release facilities will be designed to withstand and function under design pressures as applicable. Nozzles or openings for valves will be designed in accordance with A WW A C208. All air valves will be installed with a shutoff valve on the pipeline side and will be installed in insulated pre-cast manholes. (need to evaluate if heat is necessary) 6.3 Leak Detection System A leak detection system will be designed to close the penstock shut-off valve in the event of a major pipeline leak. Design and programming of controls to perform this function will be byHDR. 7.0 TRENCHING The penstock will be in a cut-and-cover trench having a bottom width a minimum of 3 feet wider (18 inches each side) than the pipe outside diameter to allow space for the pipe zone material to be compacted. Trench depths will be 6 inches below the grade of the outside bottom of the penstock to provide a uniform bedding support for the entire length. Bedding will be compacted 114 inch minus angular or river run material. Backfill for the pipe zone material will be. well graded crushed stone or gravel and will be placed to a height of 1 foot above the pipe. Backfill may also be lean concrete in specific areas. A minimum soil cover of 4 feet will be provided. Trench details will show power and communication cables to be installed along with the pipe. Trench cutoffs will be installed at regular intervals or as needed to handle trench drainage. m-6 1.0 INTRODUCTION ROADS AND SITE DRAINAGE SECTION IV This section presents design criteria for the Access Roads and Site Drainage. It covers the design of pennanent access roads, service roads, small creek crossing, and site drainage for the entire project. Layouts and designs developed with this criteria will be used to prepare construction cost estimates. 2.0 REFERENCES 1. U.S. Department of Commerce National Engineering Handbook Section 4, Hydrology. August 1972. · 2. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials {AASHTO). Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. Latest Edition. 3.0 ACCESS ROADS A pennanent access road will be constructed extending from the existing Newhalen-Nondalton Road about 6. 7 miles to provide access to the powerhouse. To the extent possible, access roads will be aligned to minimize cost and environmental impact. The access roads will be used for construction and maintenance and the design speed limit will be 20 mph. These roads will be limited access roads, and will not be designed to DOT highway standards. The access roads will be pennanent all-weather roads. The access road will be approximately 35,400 feet long. The access roads will have a minimum 16-foot traveled way and will be surfaced with suitable crushed rock or gravel. The road bed will be raised slightly above surrounding grade for drainage and to help it blow clear of snow in winter. Road width will be widened at horizontal curves to allow trucks delivering pipe and other equipment to negotiate each curve. Every 2,000 feet or at strategic locations, turnouts will be provided. Grades will be limited to a maximum 15 percent. Curves will have a minimum radius of 65 feet. Maximum excavation slopes will be 3/4H:IV in soil and 1H:4V in rock, but are subject to revision following results of geotechnical investigations. Excavated slopes will be benched where the vertical depth of excavation exceeds 20 feet. Retaining walls will be installed to reduce backs lope cuts where appropriate. Maximum fill slopes will be 1.5H: 1 V. Drainage ditches and culverts will be installed to carry runoff from the roads. Road surfacing material will be crushed or native rock having a maximum aggregate size of 2 inches. Surfacing materials will have a minimum thickness of 6 inches. The surfacing will be sloped to drain. IV-1 4.0 SITE DRAINAGE 4.1 Ditches Drainage ditches will have a minimum depth of 18 inches and a minimum slope of 2 percent. Runoff velocities will be limited to 3 feet per second where no annor protection of the ditch is provided. Appropriate annor protection will be designed where velocities exceed 3 feet per second. 4.2 Culverts Culverts will be comagated metal with a minimum diameter of 18 inches. The minimum depth of cover over culverts will be 12 inches. Culverts will have slopes of at least 2 percent. 4.3 Peak Flow Rates Flow rates produced by stormwater runoff from small drainage areas will be determined by the Rational Formula: Q =CIA Where: Q = Peak Flow, cfs C = Runoff Coefficient, 0.5 I = Rainfall Intensity, 1.8 inlhr, (25-year) A = Drainage Area, Acres 4.4 Conveyance Sizing Drainage ditches will be sized for the calculated runoff flow rate for the area drained. Sizes will be determined by Manning's Equation: Where: AJ(Jil -Qn 1.49 s112 Q =Flow Rate, cfs N = 0.024 for ditches R =Hydraulic Radius = AlP, ft A = Area of Flow, sf P = Wetted Perimeter, ft S = Slope of Ditch, ft/ft Culverts will be sized and designed in accordance with Reference I. Manning's roughness for comagated culverts will be 0.024. IV-2 1.0 INTRODUCTION POWERHOUSE SECTIONV This section presents design criteria for the powerhouse and related powerhouse equipment. It covers the design of the powerhouse structure, turbine generator, auxiliary equipment, indoor switchgear and controls. Layouts and designs developed with this criteria will be used to prepare construction cost estimates. 2.0 REFERENCES 3.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF FACll...ITIES The powerhouse will consist of a room cut into the cliff face large enough to house the turbines, generators and control equipment.. The room shall be made large enough to accommodate larger units up to 1.5 MW total capacity in the future. The open end of this room facing downriver will be closed in with cast-in-place concrete. Water will exit the powerhouse through a tailrace opening over a tailrace wall that will hold minimum tailwater elevation at about 15 feet above the normal falls tailwater level. The generating units will be designed for fully automatic shutdown and for one-button start- up. The plant shall also be designed with a SCADA system that will allow remote monitoring of the plant from the village over telephone lines. An 8 ton crane will be provided for maintenance use and to help move equipment to the elevator for removal. Enough floor space will be provided inside the powerhouse to allow to disassemble the turbine to perform a runner removal. 4.0 TURBINE/GENERATOR The turbines for this project will be two francis type horizontal shaft units. Flywheels will likely be included with the units to improve stability and reduce waterhammer problems. The draft tube outlets will exhaust into a chamber below the powerhouse floor where an artificially high tail water elevation is maintained by a tailrace overflow weir, allowing the powerhouse floor to be set up well above waterfall tailwater level. The rated synchronous generator output will be 350 kw each at 0.95 powerfactor, 480 volts AC, 60Hz. A wicket gate position controller will be provided, either electrically or hydraulically operated. A speed governor will also be necessary when the unit is operating isolated from any other generating source. S.O PLANT CONTROLS 5.1 Load Controls Two levels of load control will be provided. The primary load control system would be used when the entire power system of the villages is being carried by the hydro plant. It would be used to operate and load the turbine. This level of load control would consist of an V-l . electronic voltage and frequency control system that would control transmission line voltage by turning on and off a series of resistance heaters mounted in a water tank. This tank could be located just outside the powerhouse and use a small amount of river water to continually flush through this tank, or it could be located elsewhere in the system. If, for example, the village was using 350 kW of power, but the turbine was generating 400 kW, line voltage would begin to rise. The load controller senses this rise and begins to tum on heater coils to "waste" the excess 50 kW of power to control line voltage. As loads vary, heater units are turned on and off. This method of control simplifies turbine controls, since wickets gates don't have to move to follow loads, they can be just set in one position (above system load needs) and left there. The second load control method will be a programmable controller based load control program that will maximize plant output based on available water. Headwater level signals will be used to open or close wicket gates in response to availability of water from the intakes. A load limiter could be set to "block load" the turbine output to any pre-selected level that uses less than the total available amount of water. In this arrangement, the hydro plant would be synchronized to an energized transmission line and would follow transmission line voltage as controlled by the village diesel plant. This load control mode will be necessary at times the village diesel plant is generating part of the power being used in the system. For example, the machine can be set at 112 load and it will stay at this output as long as there is enough water to operate at this load. This "block loading" method of load control would be useful when the village wants to control the power system from the village diesel plant and not enough power is available from the hydro plant to carry the entire system. If water levels drop, the level control system would cut back turbine output and the diesels would have to pick up the load. 5.2 Back-Up Power A small diesel back-up generator {approx. 30 kW) with diesel storage and day tanks will be provided to provide power during any extended outage and to keep station batteries charged during outages. Field flashing or some similar method will be used to bring the generator on- line for isolated operation. Station batteries will provide DC control power and an inverter will provide AC power for critical functions such as computer power supply. 5.3 Other Powerhouse Equipment Other powerhouse equipment that will be included in the design includes: 8 ton Rated Portable Crane Building HV AC Lighting Switchgear, including metering, protective relays, synchronizing equipment, breakers, Pfs and CTs Neutral Grounding equipment Communications equipment Drainage and oily water separator V-2 6.0 POWERHOUSE STRUCTURE The powerhouse would consist of a semi-underground cavern cut into the face of the rock cliff near the base of the falls. The room would be large enough to house the turbine generators, switchgear, controls and also provide some maintenance laydown area. Rock excavated for this room may need rock bolts or shotcrete installed to provide long term stability. The room will be made large enough to accommodate two larger 700 kW units to replace the 350 kW units in the future. The powerhouse floor elevation will be selected to be from 10 to 15 feet above nonnal tailwater at the base of the falls to avoid having to dewater the powerhouse site during constn,~ction and to provide better operating conditions during winter icing conditions. The penstock and the access elevator will come down the cliff !ace in a slot excavated in the rock down to the powerhouse. The elevator will provide enough capacity to handle removal of equipment for maintenance in the future. V-3 1.0 INTRODUCTION TRANSMISSION LINE SECTION VI This section presents design criteria for the transmission line. It covers the design of outdoor switchgear and transformers at the powerhouse end of the line, the buried transmission line, associated vaults and communications lines. Layouts and designs developed with this criteria will be used to prepare construction cost estimates. 2.0 REFERENCES 1. Letter from Power & Control Engineering to INNEC, dated 7115/94, from Robert E. Dryden. 3.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF FACILITlES Power from the plant generators will be generated at 480 V AC. Indoor switchgear will be installed in the powerhouse. Main leads will run up to the surface at the top of the falls to a main step-up transformer rated 7200/480 V, 3 Phase, approx. 1000 kVA. It may be possible to locate the main transformer inside the powerhouse, and this will be investigated. The transmission line will be buried along the gravel access road to the Newhalen-Nondalton Road. The line will be 260 mil 25 kV EPR insulated concentric neutral cable direct buried along the new access road, a minimum of 4 feet deep. The line will be operated at 7.2 kV, 3 phase, 60 Hz. kWh metering will be provided at the powerhouse. Splices will be in sectionalizer vaults, spaced approximately 4000 feet apart (total of 10 sectionalizers). A multi-pair shielded telephone type communications cable will be buried along with the transmission line to provide voice and SCAD A communications. An additional 4 miles of this telephone cable will need to be installed along the Newhalen-Nondalton Road to reach a tie-in point to existing cables (total telephone cable length 10.7 miles). In order to allow the new plant to perform "coldu start-up, it may be necessary to install some additional switches or reclosers at various points in the existing INNEC system. These switches would allow parts of the system to be turned off while other sections are brought on line in sequence. This would avoid having to pick up the entire system load instantaneously. The need for this equipment will be determined later. It may be necessary to install some power factor correction condensers in the system. This will also be confirmed later. As part of the plant load controls, it may be desirable to identify some system loads that could be dispatched on or off at any time, such as water heaters, etc. These loads could be fitted with automatic relays that would turn them off and on in response to system voltage, and they could be used to supplement the resistance heater load control system. The need for these additional controls will be determined later. VI-1