HomeMy WebLinkAboutReconnaissance of Micro-Hydro Potential Akhiok Village, Kodiak 1980---------~------~--- -,----- ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~· I ... Q "' :I ~ ·~- -I ~ e ::l Ill :z: 0 "' x ~ Q '-~ -'-'~ --• Jack West Associates ENGINEERING ·CONSULTING & CONSTRUCTIOfl! Mr. Gary D. Smith Faci I ity Coordinator KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Box 1246 Kodiak, Alaska 99615 Mr. Smith: BOX 471F, SRA ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 1907) 344·3907 September 26, 1980 Transmitted here is a reconnaissance level report describing the micro-hydroelectric potential of the "unnamed" stream and small lake just northwest of the village of Akhiok. My thanks for the assistance provided by your office, Ned and Elaine Griffin of Akhiok School, Costia lnga and other residents of Akhiok in conducting the field trip and providing information of value in preparing this report. JW:mbk2 cc: Roy Barkwel I Fryer : Pressley E I I i ott 222t/FEs West, P. E. ~~w.a~ ~A~NP. RECEIVED (,\. r 1 iqon Vv ~ .l. vOU Jt' i. Pti TABLE OF CONTENTS Conclusions and Recommendations . Akhiok -Present Electrical Generation and Potential Alternatives ....... . Project Concept -Micro-Hydroelectric Energy Capacity Estimate Surficial Geology .. Costing and Economics Hydro I ogy . Environmental Factors Land Ownership Permit Process Appendix Page No. 2 5 7 11 13 15 20 24 25 28 15 h 0 ,· 22 1' ··.--._:'.{17 ~ 1 ·_· I -,, .... _, "" ,. ""' ---. ---1--____.__,_., -l -.;;: . '\ n'lr';-\~, I,~ ~--\ \.'cr-!:::iffii I ./.; Q,.. ""Oo ~ 23 ·.-··. ":]·' • .. # ~" ;;...·~~: ·: :""'--:--·, <=~~;:t· ~·cr.-..... J '::t:· . .\ :~~- 25.·:.' ~ .. Q ,., ·---:-\IIC"~Ac£1 ' ~~ -- _,P ~ Q., Q .· -.'b ·, ,,-,.,' I / ' ' \-' 1~.: ~ ~ "o'lll' 4 i'c.~~ l Amlk I " . .:! --; 'l, -~ ·vAB;'6> , r,' , f•HnerJ)62 Millft'ro !alan~, J • ·<> , ('J 23 ' : '22 ..... : I> • , I >L ' •''* •11· ' ~-'! .C'l : •: ;:.-.<\ --. ~ ,t ·. ' •• ~!:,. ·11 ~VI~ OF • ~HIOK v, ,, . Prior Pt __ ~-_'· 34 - ""· " ",l> ""'j .... () t-' 15~ te:l, 0 ·I:> ..! :~ • Cape Alitak ··,-":i;~,.k C...n. ·~:4 >' • Oli!!ht c ~--~ .,..-:. /' <P -1- 14 ~0. ~~ ... . .QQ v -C>~t-..• -~T-~ ~ .. _ .. j 19 TRINITY ISLANDS (D-l) QUADRANGLE ALASKA-KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH 163 360 SERIES {TOPOGRAPHIC) 32. . ·;·-.. :~--34 / •• ~-,·;! ' :·. ·-._.· 3' 3 ·S:: -;> ·, -.. :::::3 ~~ · ,.._. _ , ,,~. ou nd- . ---·' \ -~P'-=i-, . _' 'Hill ' IOiliil• ... ·V,·' ,_. -:,;;-J{~·iok 'rs'la:r(d · 0 ; .o *~~ + • JAkhiok 4 Ree L..bKe bUD Si"R~ ~lED FOR. l·h't:n<.oet~lc.. ~IAJ..., IW ""r'HI5 l<e:.r:=t:>;.q, I /?Oo VIC IN ITIMhP '\. "-> ~ bK~IOK. l11G-f<O-~WF<O ~bl~f...k;..e .t MiltS ~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~rm -1- CONTOUR INTERVAL 100 FEET DASHED LINES REPRESENT 50-fOOT CONTOURS NmONAl. G£0DETIC VERTICAL DATUM Of 1929 DEPTH CURVES IN FEET--DATUM IS M(AN lOWER lOt\ WA.TEP SHORH.IN( StotOW"' R£PR:£S(NT$ 111[ "PPROXIMAT£ LIN{ OJ' Joi![~H t·HG' TH[ A\l[f< ... Gl RA.NG£ Of TIOE IS APPJ;t0XJ~"T£L'1' 9 fEn ...... -------- CONCLUSIONS 0 0 0 0 The "unnamed" stream and lake basin approximately two miles northwest of Akhiok village has a hydroelectric potential ranging from 100 -150 kW capacity for economic development. The costs of significant dam and spil !way works are I ike I y not justified for the amount of annua I energy avai I able. The project is concepted 7 at the reconnaissance level 7 for essentially run-of-the-river production employing either a simp! ified diversion pool or a shallow lake-tapping penstock buried below the pre- sent lake outlet grade. The project 7 as concepted 7 has economic benefits compared to alternative diesel generation (see Figure 3 of this report). An economically and technically feasible overland trans- mission route to Akhiok vi I lage from the powerhouse loca- tion exists. The transmission scheme se I ected for pur- poses of the reconnaissance is a "single-wire-sea-return" overhead I ine of about 2.5 miles length. The land containing the lake 7 drainage area and power transmission route has been se I ected by the Natives of Akhiok 7 Inc. under provisions of the Alaska Native Claims Sett I ement Act. A portion near the stream out I et has been claimed by an individual native. These applications are in various states of review and conveyance. The land was previously within the bounds of the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge. The single greatest obstacle to project development 7 which is obvious at the reconnaissance level 7 is the question of compatibility with the resource of anadromous fish spawning in the drainage basin. Both pink and chum - 2 - 0 0 salmon ascend the entire stream length (1.5 miles) to the lake at nominal elevation 350 feet above mean sea level. The project potentia I does not appear to have dramatic economic benefits, and cautious procedure is warranted. No other significant potential hydroelectric power sites were identified, at this reconnaissance I eve I, for the Akhiok area. Some high-head streams, without headwater lakes, I ie a few miles northeast of Akhiok. RECOMMENDATIONS As a result of the field investigation and very preliminary research at the reconnaissance level the following recommenda- tions are presented: 0 0 0 The findings of this report be made ava i I ab I e to the Alaska Power Authority (APA) for review and evaluation in the more extensive "Kodiak Island Vi I lages Reconnaissance Study of Energy Requirements and Alternatives" currently being contracted by the APA. This study includes Akhiok as a specific community. The Kodiak Island Borough delay the expense of establish- ing a U.S.G.S. stream gauge unti I the completion of the APA study and further investigation into environmental and land ownership questions. The Kodiak Is I and Borough make efforts to es tab I ish a minimal "staff-gauge" at the stream outlet and obtain as many readings as practical over the next 6 -12 months. Local Akhiok residents can be trained and compensated for making these observations to avoid unnecessary expense. - 3 - 0 Further significant effort and expenditure either for engineering or the permit process, is premature at this time. The Kodiak Is I and Borough is urged to await the identification and evaluation of other energy alterna- tives for Akhiok which may deve I op from the APA study. -4 - AKHIOK -PRESENT ELECTRICAL GENERATION AND POTENTIAL ALTERNATIVES A brief profile of Akhiok vi I lage is included in the Appendix. The village presently generates its electricity with a single 55 kW; 3 phase Caterpi liar diesel-electric unit. In the inter- ests of economy this generator is current I y shutdown between 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., and operated typically about eight (8) hours of the day. An underground distribution system using concentric neutral, high voltage cable supplies, single phase, pad-mounted transformers up to about 1;500 feet from the wood- frame powerhouse building. No "as-bui It" drawings of the elec- trical systems were available at the vi I I age for further description. The underground distribution system has a reported history of problems and outages. The school and teachers' residence are separately supplied from an independent wood-frame powerhouse bui !ding with two 12.5 kW; single phase Witte diesel-electric generators. Typically the school and residence are powered 24 hours/day about nine months of the year. An add it i ona I 5 kW d i ese I -e I ectr i c generator is on standby at the Vi I I age pumphouse. It shou I d be noted that the Kodiak Is I and Borough present I y pI ans for construction of a new combined primary-secondary educat i ona I fac iIi ty for the community in 1981-82. This new faci I ity wi II alter electric power requirements for the Borough-operated school faci I ity system. The generating pI ants described above are not of I ong-1 i fe, continuous (base load) design due to their BMEP and speed rat- ings. Under its present use pattern the vi I I age 55 kW unit wou I d I ike I y require major repairs or unit rep I acement every 3 -5 years. - 5 - The potential electrical generation alternatives for Akhiok identifiable at the reconnaissance level are: 0 0 0 Hydroelectric (this report) Wind Turbine Diesel Electric with Improved Efficiency and Waste Heat Recovery This report focuses on the micro-hydroelectric potential of a specific site, but some consideration to future wind-turbine generation is provided in the Project Concept. No other significant potential hydroelectric power sites were identified at this reconnaissance I eve I for the Akhiok area. Another potentia I site near Tungu I ara Mountain was identified from aerial photos, but appears to have approximately the same size drainage area and is several miles more distant from Akhiok. - 6 - PROJECT CONCEPT -MICRO-HYDROELECTRIC Severa I a I ternat i ve deve I opment schemes were brief I y ana I yzed for this report. Due to the minimum water flows of the basin, the development was I imited to lowest first-cost concepts. Field examinations revealed no bedrock or natural geologic structures to a I I ow an inexpensive I ow dam for regu I at ion of seasonal flows (refer to Surficial Geology, this report). An earth fi I led or low-cost crib structure dam was discarded from analysis due to the high regional seismic activity and the presence of seasona I resident i a I and commercia I bu i I dings at the tidewater foot of the stream. The project concept for this report is shown in plan (Figure 1) and profile (Figure 2). The major features of the project are: 1. A simply constructed diversion pool and trash screen at the I ake to assure penstock immersion at I owest water levels. 2. A 12 11 diameter penstock of about 8,000 feet length from the lake to powerhouse near tidewater. The pen- stock to be equipped with necessary manual gate valves at both lake and powerhouse ends. 3. A prefabricated sheet metal powerhouse building, nominally 12' x 12', on a concrete foundation, located at the penstock end about 300 feet below lake level. 4. A pel ton-type turbine generator, rated nominally 125 kW continuous, with associated governors, voltage regu I a tor and switchgear. (A I ternat i ve I y an i nduc- tion generator can be used if other voltage and fre- quency contra I I i ng generators supp I y i ng Akhiok are intertied.) - 7 - ~~~'\M l>K.HIO~ HIG.~-~YD~ . ~~l~b!-.Ja::. . ~~ 1'·-~'{l:::l.'PP~ 7~ ....... -:,.J ~ iJE;Sf l:>-~b.~ • .... .:r-•• -....-..~ b~o~~e A' h6V..h ~ . r-~r ~L£Y : eu...to-h.··e·· ~· . . C..O~UL..IIl.iClll ~tiJ~ l~ _!f__.., .. ·. -~-~_;' btf;/J~e. ~ ~ -.u. " .. ·i~ ~ 1'2-. &<? ~ . ""' 5. A step-up transformer and nominal 15 kV., 2.5 mile long, "single-wire-sea-return" overhead transmission I ine to Akhiok vi I lage. AI I of the above features are conventional with the exception of the transmission system. The A I aska DEPD is current I y en- gaged in demonstrating the techn i ca I and economic feas i b i I i ty of a "single-wire-earth-return" transmission I ine from Bethel to Napakiak (western A I aska). The resu Its of this project should be available in late 1980 or early 1981 and wi I I further determine the credibility of the concept proposed here. Sub- stitution of a "sea-return" for the "earth-return 11 is believed to be reasonab I e. However, the cost of sea e I ectrodes and environmental and safety considerations may warrant a two-wire I i ne. Submarine cab I e routes from the site to Akhiok were examined surficial Jy in the field. Some excel lent routes exist., but the prohibitive cost of submarine cables and the difficulty of res tor a I of these when "fau I ted" prec I uded their se I ect ion for this analysis and report. Of part i cuI ar note is the se I ect ion of a transmission route that might allow an economic and physically simple intertie with a future wind-turbine(s) in the 30 -100 kW class. The concept transmission route passes within 1/4 mile of a 545-foot high "knob" located about 3/4 mile northwest of Akhiok. Buried cables from a wind-turbine(s) located on this hi II could be interconnected with the hydro source and other generation at Akhiok. An induction generator could be used at the wind- turbine provided frequency and voltage on the transmission line are contro I I ed from either the hydroe I ectr i c power pI ant or other generation at Akhiok. -10 - ENERGY CAPACITY ESTIMATE No stream gauging or stream flow measurements are available for the basin. During field investigation (August 31~ 1980) streamflow was estimated by the engineers at 5 -7 cfs? by mea- suring relatively uniform stream cross sectional areas and stop-watch estimates of velocity. Sections of the stream were checked near tidewater (7 csf) and the lake (5 cfs). A few days of I i ght but steady rain had been experienced just prior to the field site visit. An attempt was made to estimate the basin annual run-off pat- tern by correlation to other Kodiak Island drainage basins. (Refer to Hydrology section of this report.) Additionally~ the U.S.G.S. Water Atlas simplified calculation method was used to reI ate precipitation to run-off. The best figures that could be developed at the reconnaissance level for this report are as fo I I ows: 0 Mean Annual Discharge 3.50 cfs 0 Mean Annual Peak Monthly Flow 10.40 cfs 0 Mean Annual Low Monthly Flow 0.69 cfs 0 Mean Annual Peak Flow Not Estimated No flood estimates were attempted as the project was concepted does not include a dam or works that would be effected? and hydrology data was too minimal. -11 - The above flowsJ when combined with the project concept fea- tures~ result in the following project figures: Preliminary Project Estimates Intake Elevation +350 ft. (MSL) Powerhouse Elevation 50 ft. (MSL) Penstock Diameter/Length 12"/8JOOO ft. Penstock Water Velocity Range 3 -15 FPS Head Loss (Average) 10 ft. Net Effective Head (Average) 290 ft. Average Annual Capacity 57 kW (80% efficient turbo-generator) Peak Annual Capacity 170 kW Average Annual Energy 370,000 kWh (8 months @ 57 kW)(2 months @ 30 kW) Instal led Capacity (Best Economics) 125 kW -12 - SURFICIAL GEOLOGY Examination of aer i a I photographs and the on-site reconna is- sance reveals that the topography of the area in the vicinity of the drainage area may have been formed by g I ac i a I action. The basic U-shape of the upper drainage and arete like appear- ance of surrounding hills are foremost in the assumption that the lake may be contained in a glacially formed cirque. Exam- ination of the few areas where the local soi Is were visible revealed a sand and gravel-type soi I with varying amounts of fines closely resembling glacial ti I I. During the on-site reconnaissance of the unnamed lake and stream near Akhiok no exposed bedrock was observed. Dense waste-high grasses prevented examination of soi Is in alI but a few places. Examination of aer i a I photographs indicates that near-surface bedrock may be present in the immediate vicinity of the I ake although no estimate of depth has been made. Most critical to any economic consideration of a sma I I concrete dam for I ake regu I at ion is the existence of surface or near-surface compe- tent bedrock into which the structure may be keyed. A possible dam site was examined and flagged starting approximately 100 yards from the lake outlet to approximately 250 yards from the outlet (see Figure 1). In this area the stream was constrained by a narrow gorge of approximately 15 feet high by 70 feet wide. Again~ no bedrock was found to crop out in this area. S i nee it is fe It? at this reconnaissance I eve I~ that the cost of a concrete dam would outweigh the economic benefit derived from the advantages of reserve i r regu I at ion~ it is not in i- t i a I I y recommended that the Borough proceed with a dr iII i ng program. Should further study indicate a concrete dam may have economic merit~ then the bedrock profile of above mentioned -13 - section of the stream should be obtined. From this~ the basic dimensions of a dam may be calculated for costing purposes. As previously stated 1 the construction of an earth fi I I structure has been dismissed due to the high seismic potentia I of the area as wei I as the existence of the residence and smal I com- mercial fishing structures at the stream outlet. A I though no bedrock was observed in the area of the I ake ~ reg i ona I geo I og i c maps indicate the Akhiok area is comprised of a Late Jurassic to Cretaceous marine graywacke and slate.1 This correlates wei I with the graywacke 1 shale 1 and slate observed in creek bottom rocks and outcrops near Akhiok proper. Neither the on-site reconnaissance nor regional geologic maps indicate the presence of permafrost.1 1 Alaska Regional Profiles (Southcentral) University of Alaska (AEIDC) -14 - COSTING AND ECONOMICS The preliminary cost estimates presented here are intended to be as realistic as possible. Obviously they are very prelimi- nary and ·are based on minimal information avai !able at the reconnaissance I eve I . Major env i ronmenta I obstac I es cou I d so penalize the project as to preclude its economic merit. Pre I iminary Cost Estimates 1. Initial Permit Process~ including environ- mental analysis and FERC "short form 11 2. Project Construction: 3. 4. Diversion Works Penstock & Trush Anchors Valves Powerhouse Turbine Generator Controls and Switchgear Step-up Substation 2.5 Miles SWSR Overhead Line Sub-Total Engineering Interest During Construction (1 Yr. @ 8%) Total $ 50JOOO 50~000 800~000 20JOOO 15~000 80~000 30,000 25~000 125,000 $1,195JOOO 105,000 50,000 $1,350,000 Using these cost estimates a very preliminary estimate of the project economic benefits can be made based on a I ternat i ve diesel-electric generation. -15 - Figure 3 shows the 15-year cost of alI energy from the micro- hydroelectric project as compared to alternative diesel- electric generation costs for the same energy quantity over the same period. Methodo I ogy for this comparison is as fo I I ows: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Methodology Comparison Period General Escalation at Fuel Escalation at Capital Investment Interest at 1980 Fuel Cost at Akhiok at Micro-hydroelectric on I ine date @ capital cost Micro-hydroelectric ammortization period at Diesel-electric Replacement Interval at 1980 Diesel Unit Replacement Cost 15 Years (1982-96 incl.) 6% per Year 10% per Year 8% per Year $2.20 per Gallon 1982/$1,350,000 35 Years 5 Years $400 per kW Tables 1 and 2 display the data used to develop Figure 3 in accordance with the methodo I ogy. This is a very simp I if i ed economic comparison suitable for reconnaissance level work. -16 - 110 ,100 90 80 70 Cents kWh 60 I ...... 50 ......, I 40 30 20 10 1982 FIGURE 3 AKHIOK MICRO-HYDRO VS. DIESEL GENERATION (15 Year Energy Cost Comparison) 370 lv!Wh/Year Equivalent Production Costs----- Diesel Generation 84 86 88 90 92 Year 94 Micro-hydroelectric Production Costs 96 TABLE 1 15 YEAR COSTS -DIESEL GENERATION (1 1 000's Dol Iars) 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1995 Totals (Capital Investment ------(26. 7) --------(35.8) --------(47.9) 1 -50 kW Unit Ea. 5 Year Interval) Amortization Equal 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 11.6 Annual Payments @ 8% Interest ...... Operation & 5.0 5.3 5.6 6.0 6.3 6.7 7.1 7.5 8.0 8.4 9.0 9.5 10.1 10.7 11.3 00 Maintenance Fuel Cost 98.4 108.3 119.2 131.0 144.2 158.6 174.4 191.9 211.1 232.2 255.5 281.0 309.1 340.0 374.0 (10 kWh/Gallon) Lube Oil @ 2% of 1.9 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.9 3.2 3.5 3.8 4.2 4.6 5.1 5.6 6.2 6.8 7.5 Fuel Cost Total Annual Cost 110.2 120.7 132.1 144.5 159.9 175.0 191.5 209.7 229.8 254.0 278.4 304.9 334.2 366.3 404.4 3,416 Annual Energy 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 5,550 Production (1 J QOO t S kWh I S) Cost/kWh (Cents) 29.8 32.6 35.7 39.1 43.2 47.3 51.7 56.7 62.1 68.6 69.1 82.4 90.3 99.0 109.0 61.5 (Avg.) 1-' TABLE 2 15 YEAR COSTS -MICRO-HYDROELECTRIC GENERATION (l,OOO's Dol Iars) 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1995 Totals (Capital Investment)(1350) *Annual Amortization Operation & Maintenance 172.5 164.3 156.1 147.9 139.7 131.5 123.3 115.1 106.9 98.7 90.5 82.3 74.1 65.9 57.7 1,726.5 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.7 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.3 4.5 1.0 Fuel Cost Lube Oil @ 2% of Fuel Cost Total Annual Cost 174.5 166.3 158.3 150.3 142.2 134.2 126.1 118.1 110.1 102.1 94.1 86.1 78.1 70.2 62.2 Annual Energy Production (1 ) 000 I S kWh 1 S) 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 5,550 Cost/kWh (Cents) 47.2 44.9 42.8 40.6 38.4 36.2 34.1 31.9 29.7 27.6 25.4 23.2 21.2 19.0 16.8 31.9 (Avg.) * Annual Amortization @ 8% interest over 35 year payoff displayed as uniform declining balance over 15 years. HYDROLOGY No records of previous stream gauging or other hydrologic study concerning the unnamed stream or I ake near Akhiok were found during the course of this work. Various reconnaissance I eve I approximations of the characteristics of this drainage area were made or extracted from sources outlined below and are as follows: Mean annual lake discharge Mean annual peak monthly discharge (June) Mean annual low monthly discharge (March) Peak discharge Measured discharge of lake (Aug. 31, 1980) Measured discharge at sea level (August 31? 1980) Total drainage area Effective drainage area (drainage area above lake outlet) Elevation of lake Surface area of lake Depth of lake (local opinion) Length of stream (lake to sea level) Average slope of stream 3.5 cu. ft./sec. 10.4 cu. ft./sec. 0.69 cu. ft./sec. Not estimated 5 cu. ft./sec. 7 cu. ft./sec. 1. 53 sq. m i . 0.625 sq. mi. 350 ft. 0.054 sq. mi. 25 ft. l.Smi. 5% The site visit and an analysis of maps and aerial photos indi- cates the I ake has but the sing I e out I et considered for its hydroelectric potential in this study. No major streams were found to enter the I ake and the indicated I ake discharge is considered to be directly attributable to sheet flow and smal I stream runoff from the immediate area around the lake. Effective Drainage Area, Figure 1.) -20 - (See The total drop of the stream from lake outlet to sea level was estimated from a U.S.G.S. quad sheet to be 350 feet over approximately 1.5 miles. The on-site reconnaissance revealed the stream descends its fu I I I ength at a fair I y uniform grade (5%) without falls. Pink salmon were found to ascend the entire stream length. The ~easured discharge of the lake out I et on August 31 7 1980 was found to be approximate I y 5 cu. ft./sec. August 31 stream discharge at sea level was measured at approximately 7 cu. ft./sec. A I though no records of any stream gauging in the Akhiok area were found 7 several methods were used to approximate the stream flow characteristics used in potential power calculations. The mean annual discharge of 3.5 cu. ft./sec. for the 0.625 sq. mi. effective drainage area was derived by use of the U.S.G.S. Water Atlas simplified calculation. This seems to correlate wei I with water resources data taken from the Alaska Regional Profi les 1 (see Appendix). This source indicates the Akhiok area probably experiences runoff as follows: Mean Annual Runoff 6 cu. ft./sec./sq. mi. Mean Annual Peak Runoff 75 cu. ft./sec./sq. mi. Mean Annual Low Monthly Runoff 1 cu. ft./sec./sq. mi. Mean Annual High Monthly Runoff Not Given A mean annual runoff at 6 cu. ft./sec./sq. mi. equates to 3.75 cu. ft./sec. for a drainage of 0.625 sq. mi. U.S.G.S. stream gauging data was obtained for streams in the Larsen Bay area approximate I y 50 m i I es to the north on the Shelikof Strait. 1 Alaska Regional Profiles (Southcentra1) University of Alaska, AEIDC -21 - -- Stream Gauging data was analyzed for the following streams and data is included in the Appendix. 0 Upper Thumb River Drainage Area: Water Years: o canyon Creek Drainage Area: Water Years: o Fa I Is Creek Drainage Area: Water Year: 18. 8 0 sq. m i . 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978 08.82 sq. mi. 1975, 1976 0 5. 6 7 sq. m i . 1975 A graphical compilation of this discharge data was constructed to approximate the lake discharge distribution on a monthly basis. The results of this approximation are displayed in Figure 4. It is not meant to be an exact representation of monthly discharge but rather an aid in estimating seasonal power capacity. The on-site reconnaissance showed no obvious evidence of much higher flows such as overflow or scour marks. No estimate was made as to the proportion of precipitation entering the drainage which I eaves through the I ake discharge and that which may enter the groundwater table not exiting the drainage area through the lake outlet. -22 - ~:::....,__---l-----1§} ---, ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS The env i ronmenta I cons i drat ions for the deve I opment of this hydroelectric project are significant. The field investigation revealed late summer presence of spawn- ing pink sa I mon. Spawned out sa I mon remains were found fu I I length on the stream to the lake outlet. Brown bears inhabit the entire drainage and their active presence was evident from digsJ tracks and salmon feeding rem- nants. The magnitude and value of the salmon resource and the question of compatibi I ity of a hydroelectric development with this resourceJ cannot be addressed at the reconnaissance level. Major mitigation measures to assure compatibi I ity may economi- cally panal ize the project to the point where it is infeasible. One of the recommendations of this report is to further inves- tigate the environmental factors as a "next-step". -24 - LAND OWNERSHIP A preliminary search of Bureau of Land Management records was performed to assess the status of land ownership for the drain- age area and power transmission route for the potential hydro- electric power project addressed in this work. The results of this pre I i m i nary search indicate that the drainage area and proposed power transmission route are on lands previously con- tained within the bounds of the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge~ which have been subsequently made available for indi- vidual and corporate native land selection under provisions of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. To date~ alI of the I and containing the drainage area shown in Figure 1 and power transmission route have been selected by the Natives of Akhiok, Inc. and a native individual (surface estate only). These applications are in various stages of review and/or conveyance as out! ined below (see Appendix for BLM documents). It should be noted at this time that BLM personnel indicated that their records may not be comp I ete I y up-to-date, due to the massive effort current I y underway to process State and native I and selection applications. Any future permit processing which may be initiated wi I I need to further address land ownership status . . The drainage area and power transmission route for the proposed f hydroelectric project are contained within Sections 18? 19? 20, 21, 28, 29, and 30 of the unsurveyed Township 37 South, Range 31 West of the Seward Meridian, Alaska. The land in the imme- diate vicinity of the vi I lage of Akhiok is contained within the bounds of U.S. Surveys 567, 4926~ and 4957. (See Appendix for BLM documents.) The drainage area and power transmission route for the hydro- electric project addressed in this work are public lands placed in the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge by Executive Order No. -25 - 8857, August 19, 1941, and I ater revised by Pub I i c Land Order No. 1634, May 9, 1958. Pub I i c Land Order No. 1634 excepted from the withdrawal an area one mile square surrounding the vi I lage of Akhiok. After passage of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (1971), the land containing the drainage area and power trans- mission route was made avai fable for native corporation selec- tion and individual native selection. The above-referenced sections were selected and conveyed to the Natives of Akhiok, Inc. by Interim Conveyance No. 1~5, Novem- ber 31, 1978, as follows: T. 37 S., R. 31 w., Seward Meridian Sees. 16 to 20, inclusive, all Sec. 21 excluding U.S. survey 4657 Sec. 28 (fractional), excluding U.S. Survey 567, 4926, & 4657 Sec. 29 (fractional), excluding U.S. Survey 4657 and Native AI lotment AA-7431 Sec. 30 (fractional), excluding Native AI lotment AA-7431 Portions of Sections 29 and 30 have been selected by Mr. George Phi I I ips, Sr. of Akhiok (Native AI lotment AA-7431). This selection includes: Fractional SW 1/4 NW 1/4, NW 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec. 29; SE 1/4 NE 1/4, Fractional NE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec. 30, T. 37 S., R. 31 W., S.M. (See Appendix). Mr. Phi II ips was not in Akhiok at the time of the site reconnaissance. This selection was rejected and an appeal was filed. The latest BLM recorded action taken on this application was July 16, 1975, and con- sisted of an Interior Board of Land Appeals decision: "Set aside and remanded". This indicates that BLM must now provide further information to substantiate earlier rejections of land selection. This issue is not I ikely to be resolved soon and current actions at this level indicate that Mr. Phi II ips' claims may be honored. -26 - This individual native selection includes within its bounds the lower 1/4 of the stream addressed in this work. Also included within this selection are the cabin found at the outlet of the stream and the two smal I commercial fishing structures located on the beach adjacent to the stream outlet. The I ands in the immediate vicinity of the Vi I I age of Akhiok are contained within the bounds of U.S. Surveys 576~ 4926 and 4957~ and are also in various states of selection and/or owner- ship. Discussions with Mr. George Gustafson, the BLM Townsite Trustee, indicate the following probable land status: u.s. Survey 567: U.S. Survey 4926: U.S. Survey 4657: Patented~ Church or Cannery In possession of BLM Townsite Trustee Vi I lage corporation selection Again~ these findings are preliminary and wi I I need to be fur- ther addressed in any future permit processing which may be initiated. -27 - PERMIT PROCESS The complexity of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ( FERC) permit process has increased in recent years to the point where it can be a significant and time consuming effort for even smal I projects. For projects of I ess than 1, 500 kW the FERC has a "short form" which would represent the "maximum effort" for permitting process. New regulations now pending with the FERC may reduce the permit effort to something less. Shou I d the I and ownership of the project area a I I be trans- ferred from federal ownership at a near date (1981) a FERC per- mit may not be required. However, satisfaction of private land ownership concerns, environmental habitat and fisheries resource impact statements, and definite project feasibi I ity work wi I I sti I I be required. -28 - X c z UJ a. a. ~ UJ _J u.. 0 a::: a.. > 1- AKHIOK Location Akhiok is located on Alitak Bay on the southern tip of Kodiak Island. It is approximately 89 air miles southwest of Kodiak. Description The I and is tree I ess ro I I i ng tundra with occas i ona I rock out- croppings. The altitude of the area ranges from 12 feet at Akhiok to 1800 feet inland. Kodiak Island is in the zone of dominant maritime temperature influence: mean annual temperature range is 24.4°F.~ from approximately 25° to 54°F. Average temperature per year is 36.5°F. Humidity is high~ fog and cloudiness are common. Mean annual precipitation is 35.3 inches. History During the boom in the fur trade in the early 1800's, the Rus- sians settled in this Aleut community and named it "Akhiok" or "Akhiak". They left with the fur industry decline~ and the vi I I age has continued on a subs i stance I eve I derived from the sea. The U.S. Postal Authorities changed the name to "AI itak" during World War I to avoid confusion between Akhiok and Akiak, another Alaskan village. Akhiok is now the preferred name. Population According to the 1970 Census, there are 115 people in Akhiok. There are 61 males and 54 females. The under-14 age group rep- resents 53% of the total. 99% of the people are of Aleut extraction. Mr. Ned Griffin~ a teacher at Akhiok~ stated cur- rent population ranges between 75 and 120 1 with the high end being during fishing season in the summer. Vi I lage Faci I ities There are approximately 25 to 30 houses, a community center, combined primary-secondary school 1 store 1 Russian Orthodox Church~ underground water and sewer systems 1 and other miscel- 1 aneous structures. A new Borough-operated primary-secondary schoo I is pI an ned for construction in 1981-82. The harbor is marg ina I to the needs of the community. It is dry during I ow time~ and overflowing into the residential area at high tide. In bad weather~ boats must be removed to a safer anchorage. The nearest medical facilities are in Kodiak, one hour's flying time distance. There is a cannery at Lazy Bay a few miles to the southwest. Communication is by radio and a single vi I Jage phone. The com- munity water system was bui It by PHS in 1969; it consists of a 20 1 000 gal. storage tank, a water supply dam, and a gravity feed distribution system. All homes~ both old and new~ were supp I i ed with f I ush to i I ets and pI umb i ng, and their own i nd i- vidual leaching pits. Economy Fishing is the subsistence occupation of this community. Seal- ing is engaged in for meat and fur, but on an incidental scale. Some vii lagers were reindeer herders under the Sheldon Jackson Reindeer Program~ but the herd has s i nee been a I I owed to go wi I d. There is commercial potential in seals~ salmon, crab~ bottom fish, and shrimp. Although the people of Akhiok have boats, they are not suited for large scale commercial fishing. How- ever~ it is felt that if proper boats~ equipment~ and training were supplied a market could be established~ and the fishing fishing industry could be developed in Akhiok. Tourism is nonexistent here now. There are very few ful I time jobs~ and employment is seasonal~ depending on the salmon run. Cannery work is possible at this time~ but few canneries can hire from Akhiok. >-~ 0 _J 0 a:: Cl >-::c ,; r 1 ' ... .. .• ~A • .::!-;----:~~~*~ .. :~·£.:~~:·~ .v ~':~~ ~ ........ ·,0;~;-,: ' :~··'"' .. ~'::·;. ~-t:<--·~~ ... , =· \-~ .. -. oF .ALAS A ., '-, I c· F I p A c c El A N 0 ... -~ l ~ r-. I I I I I rne of Eq,al ""noh C~b;o Feol (} _. .. per _Second per Square M1le .. ~ · • '' ·" · • ·.., .. · ~ -::--4 Mean Annual Runoff ~ . . . .':·. =~·; ·:-: · · ·· -25 Mean Annnal Peak Runoff · ... : · -as Mean Annual low Monthly Runoff '. Source: Feulner et al. 1970, Water Re~ources of Alaska. A}~' k... -e ~~l<t"" II ( -p,..,.{/ )!'_;. ( ~ ,.,-~ ....... ( '"" .lr i'A. I) A~ /1>(;.. 'A.'~ 8t:. rJ • - lit !" ~fl ~g I~ I rl I e: ·.·. · .a .. ''4:158~· ·1re r ~ . *f'!f~Msa;••r -·E..-~""'~·····;·~·., ....... :~~a.-· "' ... , .~ '··· . ·x.' .. \ · :t:r!!SHT · If' .. ~ ftib'":P·t g.: ·'-tre'"•'"~ · ····# <Mu~tt3si~··~ r llt ·-... SOUTH-CENTRAL ALASlA 107 15296550 Upper Thumb River near Larsen Bay LOCATlON.··Lat 57"21'0l" lona 153"58'04", in NE.NE• sec.1, T.3l S., R.30 W., Iodiak Island Borough, Iodiak National Wildlife Refuge, on Iodiak Island, on right bank 0.2 at (0.3 kA) downstream from confluence of East and North Forks, 0.3 mi (0.5 km) upstream from mouth at Thumb Lake, and 13 mi (21 km) south of Larsen Bay. DRAINAGE AREA.--18.8 mil (48.7 km 1 ). PERIOD OF RECORD.--July 1974 to current year. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gaae is 380ft (116 a) from topoaraphic map. EXTREMES.--July to September 1974: Maximum discharge during this period, 720 ft 11s (20.4 •'Is) Sept. 25, gage height, 2.49 ft (0.759 a), from rating curve extended above 230 ft 11s {6.5 m1 /s); minimum, 18 ft'ls (0.51 m11s) Aug. 21, 22, gage height, 0.65 ft (0.198 m). Water year 1975: Maximum discharge, 950 ft 1 1s (26.9 m11s) June 29, gage height, 2.85 ft (0.869 m), from rating curve extended above 230 ft 1 1s (6.5 m115); minimum, 1.1 ft 1 1s (0.23 m'ls) Mar. 19, Apr. 3, gage height, 0.53 ft (0.162 m). REMARIS.--Records good except those above 300 ft 1 1s (8 •'Is) and below 10 ft 1 1s (0.3 m1 1s), which are fair. Records of chemical analyses and water temperatures for the period July to September 1974 and for water year 1975 are published in Section 2 of this report. DAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 AUC 25 24 24 23 23 23 24 23 SEP 110 79 66 57 48 43 42 38 AUGUST TOTAL lOOJ SEPTEMBER TOTAL 2801 DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FE!T PER SECOND, 1974 DAY 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 HEAR 32.3 HEAH 93.3 AUG 24 23 2l 22 22 21 21 20 HAl llS HAl 498 SEP 36 35 36 40 37 47 SJ 56 KIN 18 KIN 35 DAY 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 AUG 19 19 19 19 18 18 19 21 CFSH 1. 72 CFSM 4.97 SltP 76 98 76 72 62 53 49 193 Ill 1. 98 Ill 5.54 DAY 25 26 27 28 29 JO 31 AC-FT 1990 AC-FT 5560 JilL 28 28 27 26 25 OISCHARG[, lN CUBIC fEET PER SECONO, WATER YEAR OCTOBER 1974 TO SEPTE~BER 1975 MEAN VALUES DAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 TOTAL MEAN MAll MIN CI'SM IN. •e-n OCT 85 76 69 98 150 159 130 112 100 90 81 11 83 86 81 14 68 63 57 53 14 72 92 218 335 236 162 122 147 285 159 3694 119 335 53 6.33 7.31 7330 NOV 122 104 90 71 69 60 58 54 48 42 42 71 88 104 83 69 58 50 40 43 43 36 33 29 33 29 29 28 27 25 1690 56.3 122 25 -2.99 3.34 3350 DEC 23 23 18 23 26 23 22 . 20 19 21 19 20 19 17 16 14 11 18 16 13 JAN 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 14 11 11 16 14 16 13 19 16 18 18 16 11 13 19 lit 30 14 25 14 24 14 2Z 14 11 13 16 552 478 11.8 15.4 26 30 13 12 .95 -.82 1.09 .95 1090 948 FEB 16 16 17 16 15 14 12 12 12 12 lZ 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 342 12.2 11 10 .• 65 .68 678 MAR 10 10 10 10 10 9.8 9.8 10 9.8 9.8 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9,3 9.3 9.1 9.1 8.9 9.1 8.7 8.9 8.1 8.5 8.7 8.9 9.3 9.1 8.9 9,0 9.0 289.7 9.35 10 8.5 .so .57 575 APR 9.0 9.0 8.9 10 16 16 14 14 18 21 21 19 18 22 32 60 54 45 36 36 35 30 28 27 24 21 21 19 21 23 727.9 24.3 60 8.9 -1.29 1.44 1440 MAY 24 30 43 48 42 38 44 53 69 156 228 113 185 189 156 130 125 128 128 115 106 88 88 98 169 218 210 197 177 156 117 3788 122 228 24 6.49 7.50 7510 JUN 232 228 236 205 189 189 173 185 255 241 228 223 228 214 218 285 270 362 392 310 362 452 416 315 290 285 362 519 770 446 9080 303 770 113 -16.1 17.97 18010 JUL 315 290 325 285 250 265 300 285 275 280 260 228 173 156 150 132 128 120 U8 llO 110 106 122 110 100 88 86 81 85 77 70 5480 177 325 70 9.41 10.84 10870 AUG 19 19 115 52 92 79 110 AUG 63 60 56 54 57 52 50 47 43 42 40 41 42 40 42 40 38 38 41 41 36 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 27 26 26 1252 411.4 63 26 -2.15 2.48 2480 WTR YR 1975 TOTAL 29648.6 MEAN 81.2 MAX 770 •UN 8.5 CF'SM 4.32 IN 58.66 AC-F'T. 58810 SEP 498 270 185 138 110 98 SEP 26 27 28 26 41 48 41 49 56 156 98 77 64 57 56 50 86 90 121 165 lJO 118 96 85 79 71 68 69 85 106 2275 75.8 165 26 4.03 4,50 4510 ,.._ SOUTH-CENTRAL ALASlA 15296550 UPPER THUMB RIVER NEAR LARSEN BAY LOCATION.--Lat 57°21'03", long 153"58'04", in NEioNE\ sec.l, T.3S S., R.30 w., li:odiak Island Borough, Hydrologic Unit 19050001, li:odiak National Wildlife Refuge, on rodiak Island, on right bank 0.2 mi (0.3 km) downstream from confluence of East and North Forks, O.S mi (O.S I<•} upstream from mouth at Thumb Lake, and 13 mi (21 km) south of Larsen Bay. DRAINAGE AREA.--18.8 mi2 (48.7 km2). WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--Ju1y 1974 to current year. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 380ft (116m), from topographic map. REMARKS.--Water-discharse records good except those above 300 ft'ls (8 •'Is), which are fair. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 1,000 ft'/s '28.3 •'Is) Sept. 18, 1976, gage height, 2.90 ft (0.884 m), from rating curve extended above 230 ft 11s (6.5 m Is); miminum, 8.1 ft'/s (0.23 m'/s) Mar. 19 and Apr. 3, 1975, gage height, 0.53 ft (0.162 m}. EXTREMES FOR CURRENT YEAR. -Maximum discharge, 1,000 ft'/s (28.3 m'/s} Sept. 18, ga~e height, 2.90 ft (0.884 m), from rating curve extended above 230 ft'/s (6.5 m'/s); minimum, 11 ft 1 /s (0.31 m /s) occurred intermittently during period Mar. 24 to Apr. 14, gage height, 0.66 ft (0.201 m), from recorded range in stage. OJSCHARGE, lN CUBlC FEET PER SECONO. WATER YEAR OCTOBER 1975 TO SEPTEMBER 1976 MEAN VALIIES DAY 1 2 l 4 s 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 ll 14 lS 11> 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 2<t zs 21> 27 21! 29 30 ll TOTAL MEAN MAX MIN CI'SM 1"'· AC-I'T OCT 11S 102 240 162 128 106 92 8) 74 112 120 162 201 lSO l<t7 141 120 106 96 86 19 221 458 J<tS 223 1S6 12S 102 1!6 69 62 4469 l<t4 <t58 62 / 7.66 11.8 .. 81!60 NOW 5<t 58 48 4<t "2 4) 40 36 ll 28 ll 30 28 29 2t1 2S 28 27 28 26 28 ll l .. 29 27 26 2S 2<t 23 111 'l74 l2.S sa 19 1.73 1.93 1930 CAL YR 1975 TOTAL 2976<t,6 WTR YR l97b TOTAL 27<t78,0 DEC 19 19 19 21 19 18 19 18 17 16 18 19 20 21 2<t 22 20 19 20 21 20 19 18 19 23 22 21 19 16 22 21 609 19.6 2<t 16 1.04 1.20 1210 JAN 17 19 ltl 18 17 17 16 16 17 16 16 16 16 lb lb 1b 15 15 1& lS ll 1 .. 14 30 ll 26 23 21 21 20 19 560 18.1 ll ll -,96 loll 1110 FEB 16 20 21 <t3 S3 52 <t6 lt2 36 ll 29 28 27 26 26 2S 23 18 18 16 16 17 16 16 16 16 IS 14 lit 738 2S ... Sl 14 l.JS l,<t6 1460 MEAN 81,5 MAX 110 MIN MEAN 7S.1 MAX 770 MIN MAR l<t 1S 16 20 16 42 27 23 21 20 19 19 18 17 19 18 16 16 16 16 16 IS 14 l<t ll ll 12 12 12' 11 11 531 17.1 42 11 ~.91 1.os 1050 APR 11 11 11 11 12 13 17 30 20 16 14 12 11 ll 12 14 16 16 19 20 19 20 20 18 18 19 22 28 38 53 S52 18.4 53 11 .98 1.09 1090 MAY 68 100 130 128 llS 122 118 108 108 98 120 106 9<t 85 83 81 83 9<t 98 106 118 128 130 llS llS 128 106 94 10" 118 128 1389 109 135 68 5.ao 6.11 6720 8.5 CFSM <t,l4 ll CFSM 3,99 JUN l<t7 18S 197 2<t6 491 <t8<t 356 lOO 220 170 200 230 200 190 180 190 190 180 170 160 160 150 lSO 150 160 170 180 190 180 200 6376 213 491 1<t7 11.3 12.62 12650 IN 58.8'il lN 54.37 JUL 210 200 180 170 160 180 160 181 169 156 1 ... 7 132 llS 106 112 118 110 liS 11S 12S 108 94 92 85 76 69 6<t 64 63 60 S<t 3790 122 210 S4 6,49 7.so 7520 AUG 49 <tS 42 <tO 38 <t2 38 38 37 35 ll 30 30 29 28 27 26 26 26 23 23 21 21 20 23 29 41 36 ll 30 28 987 31.8 49 20 l.b9 1,9S 1960 AC-FT 590<t0 AC-FT 54500 SEP 31 l<t J<t 30 28 26 29 29 27 26 25 28 27 40 112 122 460 770 37<t 26S 201 20S 193 201 2<tl 218 20S 177 189 1S6 4503 150 770 25 -7,98 8.91 11930 159 •"'-i"' I . , . • L ' \ '( I ' . I ' . . ' ~ rl~f· 'l ');~I ' ~ 1 : I r.! 1 .. . I ., 1 i , ~~ J ' ,; ' . , <1 . ~ 1 r· l\ ... -.. J F. Th Ala 1. 164 SOUTH-CENTRAL ALASKA 15296550 UPPER THUMB RIVER NEAR LARSEN BAY LOCATION.--Lat 57'21'03", long 153'58'04", in NE.NE• sec.1, T.33 S., R.30 W., Kodiak Island Borou~h. Hydrologic Unit 19050001, Kodiak Notional Wildlife Refuge, on Kodiak Island, on right bank 0.2 ai (0.3 kM) downstream from confluence of East and North Forks, 0.3 ai (O.S km) upstream from mouth at Thumb Lake, and 13 ml (21 km) south of Larsen Bay. DRAINAGE AREA.--18.8 mi 2 (48.7 km 2 ). WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OP RECORD.--July 1974 to current year. GAGE.--~ater-stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 380 ft (116m), from topographic map. REMARKS.--Water-discharge records fair except those for June 16 to Aug. IS, which are poor. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 1,190 ft 1 /s 133.7 m1 /s) June 16, 1977, gage height, 3,24 ft 1(0.988 m), from rating curve extended above 230 ft 1 /s (6.5 m /s); minimum, 8.1 ft 1 /s (0.23 m1 /s) Mar. 19 and ~pT. 3, 1975, gage height, 0.53 ft (0.162 m). EXTREMES POR CURRENT YEAR.--Maximum discharge, 1,190 ft 1 /s (33.7 m1 /s) June 16, gage height, 3.24 ft (0.988 m), from rating curve extended above 230 ft'/s (6.5 m1 /s); minimum, 14 ft 1 /s (0.40 m1 /s) Mar. S, gage height, 0.73 ft (0.223 ml. DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC fEET PER SECONDo WATER TEAR OCTOBER 1976 TO SEPTEMBER 1977 MEAN VALUES DAY I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 TOTAL MEAN MAl MIN CfSM IN, AC-fT OCT 135 125 112 125 112 110 100 92 86 86 77 70 85 112 100 266 561o 335 21t6 223 193 156 132 112 102 85 77 69 66 66 63 lo282 138 561o 63 7.34 8olo7 81o90 NOV 58 56 52 lo9 loB 45 56 53 loB 45 205 130 115 108 120 102 85 74 61o 69 81 69 63 56 so 63 96 128 197 265 2650 aa.J 265 45 --4.70 5.24 5260 DEC 162 llol 112 128 138 132 115 92 83 81 85 72 66 62 56 49 so 48 loS 43 42 41 45 44 36 35 34 35 34 35 36 2177 70.2 162 34 3.73 looJI 1ol20 JAN 40 38 93 lollo 228 132 l41o IOio 102 77 70 72 98 IOio 98 91o 92 98 81 85 77 79 115 153 '135 100 90 92 91o 94 88 3401 110 ltllo 38 5.85 6. 73 6750 fEB 102 108 128 108 90 79 72 63 58 53 52 loll 48 6lo 85 66 57 62 104 77 68 60 54 52 45 ... 42 41 1930 68.9 128 lol _J,67 3.82 3830 HAR 40 37 35 32 30 29 32 32 30 211 29 31 34 30 42 42 40 36 36 35 34 33 31 ll 32 30 48 32 41 37 38 1067 Jlo,lt 48 28 loll Zoll 2120 CAL TR 1976 TOTAL 30535 MEAN 83,4 HAK 770 HIN II WTR TR 1977 TOTAL 46197 MEAN 127 HAK 1010 HIN 2~ APR 195 315 156 130 100 811 76 69 66 63 56 60 52 48 44 42 41 40 42 41 42 lol 45 62 53 54 53 54 61o 72 2266 75.5 315 40 lo,OZ lo,lo8 41t90 HAT 76 77 79 77 85 92 83 77 68 7~ 77 83 92 98 112 132 335 lo71 374 241 185 159 144 135 128 120 122 120 138 138 162 lo356 141 lo71 68 -7.50 8,62 8640 JUN 205 270 362 lol6 416 380 340 lo64 580 572 636 548 lo91 SJJ 612 1010 960 610 520 loJO loiO 420 loZO 370 360 390 390 380 400 400 llo295 lo71 1010 205 25,4 28.28 28350 CfSH lo,lolo CfSH 6.76 IN 60,42 IN 9l,lol JUL lt!O 390 360 300 ZloO 200 189 230 220 200 230 280 250 190 160 150 140 140 140 130 120 120 120 120 110 170 270 zoo ISO 120 100 6llo9 198 410 100 10.5 12.17 12200 AC-fl 60570 AC-fl 91630 AUG 100 90 90 85 85 85 80 75 70 65 65 65 60 58 56 57 81 76 70 66 58 54 52 49 48 45 45 43 42 41 loO 1996 61oo4 100 40 -3,1tl ),95 3960 SEP 311 37 37 35 34 37 311 37 41 69 76 64 57 53 53 58 52 50 411 60 86 72 66 60 57 53 70 69 63 511 16211 Slt,J 86 34 2.89 3.22 3230 7:J l 1 J J J -"' ... ..• 1 , • I l 1 SOUTH-CENTRAL ALASKA 15296550 UPPER THUMB RIVER NEAR LARSEN BAY LOCATION.--Lat 57"21'01", long 151"58'04", in NE~NE~ sec.l, T.ll S., R.IO W., Kodiak Island BorouRh, Hydrologic Unit 19050001, Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, on Kodiak !•land, on right bank O.l mi (0.3 km) downstream from confluence of East and North Forks, 0.3 mi (O.S kml upstream from mouth at Thumb Lake, and 13 mi (21 km} south of Larsen Bay. DRAINAGE AREA.-·18.8 mi 1 (48.7 km 2}. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.··July 1974 to current year. GAGE.--Water·stage recorder. Altitude of gage is 380 !t (116m}, from topographic map. 189 REMARKS.-·Water·d!scharge records fair except those for period of no gage·height record, July 25 to Sept. 30, which are poor. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.··Maximum discharge, 1,190 ft 3 /s ~33.7 m1 /s} June 16, 1977, gage height, 3.24 ft (0.988 m), from rating curve extended above 230 ft,/s (6.5 m /~};minimum, 8.1 ft 3 /s (0.21 m3 /s} Mar. 19 and Apr. 3, 1975, gage height, 0.51 ft (0.162 m}. EXTREMES FOR CURRENT YEAR.··Maxbmum discharge, 1,050 ft,/s (29.7 ml/s} June 19, gage height, 2.85 ft (0.869 m}, from rating curve extended above 230 ft,/s (6.5 ml/sl but may have been greater during period of no gage-height record, Sept. 10·15; mlntmum daily, lZ ft 1 /s (0.34 m /s) Dec. 1, Jan. 5, 6. DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, WATER YEAR OCTOBER 1977 TO SEPTEMBER 1978 MEAN VALUES DAY OCT NOV DEC JAN FE8 MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1 56 53 12 14 23 34 18 98 223 181 140 120 z 54 .... 15 14 zz 30 18 100 223 185 150 85 3 52 42 14 14 21 26 19 106 228 197 140 70 4 53 41 14 13 20 24 19 102 228 zos 110 65 5 so 37 15 12 19 23 19 100 210 185 90 90 6 54 35 14 12 14 21 19 106 zos 165 80 70 7 53 33 14 14 17 20 21 147 236 169 80 50 8 66 30 14 14 18 20 25 159 260 201 90 44 9 404 31 16 14 18 19 26 189 255 232 100 38 10 218 28 16 14 18 18 25 246 236 205 120 32 II 241 28 14 14 18 23 28 236 236 232 130 30 12 189 26 14 14 18 26 29 255 270 197 150 90 13 135 27 14 21 17 21 32 255 270 153 120 250 14 liZ 23 16 19 18 19 50 232 628 138 110 800 15 96 21 16 18 17 19 57 241 533 125 90 500 16 85 21 16 15 16 18 50 214 350 112 80 zzo 17 72 27 16 18 16 18 48 189 580 120 70 140 18 63 25 16 18 18 17 45 165 940 122 70 zoo 19 60 24 16 18 17 19 48 165 970 135 70 130 20 57 24 16 17 16 19 52 189 720 125 80 100 21 58 22 16 16 18 18 56 214 668 118 110 80 22 130 21 16 17 23 16 56 260 840 108 90 65 23 llO 21 16 18 34 16 53 434 620 110 70 50 24 . 90 19 IS 16 36 16 54 458 458 108 60 45 25 106 19 14 16 50 16 68 340 392 lOS so 40 26 135 19 14 16 42 16 77 295 340 100 45 35 27 128 19 14 18 47 16 79 255 295 90 40 31 28 96 18 14 20 38 16 74 223 250 90 35 28 29 81 18 14 23 ---16 79 197 232 110 80 26 30 70 16 14 23 ---17 90 223 205 120 240 25 31 62 ---14 24 ---17 ---255 ---140 150 TOTAL 3236 812 459 514 649 614 1334 6648 12101 4583 3040 35~9 HEAN 104 27.1 14.8 16.6 23.2 19.8 44.5 214 403 148 98.1 118 HAX 404 53 16 24 50 34 90 458 970 232 240 800 MIN 50 16 12 12 14 16 18 98 205 90 35 zs CfSH 5o 53 . I .44 .79 .88 -1.23 1.05 2.37 -11.4 21.4 7.87 -5.22 6.28 IN. 6.40 lo6l ,91 1.02 1.28 1.21 2.64 13.15 23.94 9.07 6,02 7.02 AC-FT 6420 1610 910 1020 1290 1220 2650 13190 24000 9090 6030 7040 CAL YR 1977 TOTAL 41595 HEAN 114 HAX 1010 H!N 12 CfSH 6,06 IN 82.30 AC-fT 82500 IITR YR 1978 TOTAL 37539 MEAN 103 HAX 970 HIN 12 CfSH 5,48 IN 74.28 AC-fT 74460 ..... ~ ·.1 :1 '','1 "'' ...:· t ·· .. •. .,'1 ··~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~ ··. ~ 'J .. ·:"'~ ~ ~ ~ fA I ~ iJ· ~· ~: il·: ~~ ~ . ~'4 __ i.t ~ • g, t i! .E,• 106 SOUTH·CENTRAL ALASKA 1~296520 Canyon Creek near Larsen Bay LDCATlON.··Lat S7"17'00", lone 153"58'~2", in SE'tSW\o sec.z~. T.l3 S., 1\.30 w., kodiak Island l!orouah, kodialr National Wildlife Refuae, on kodiak Island, on left bank 0.6 mi (1.0 km) upstream from mouth. and 17 mi (27 ka) south of Larsen Bay, DRAINAGE AREA.-·8.82 ai 1 (22.14 ka*). PERIOD OF RECORD.--Ju1y 1974 to current year • CAGE. •Water·staae recorder. Altitude of a•Je is 4SO ft (137 m) from topoaraphic map. EXTREHES.--Ju1y to September 1974: Maximua discharae durina period, 248 ft 1/s (7.02 •1/s) Sept. 25, f*l• heiaht 1.97 ft (0.600 a), froa ratina curve extended above 82 ft 1 /s (2.3 a 1 /a); minimum, 13 ft 1 /s (0.37 a /s) Aue. ' 21·23, aaae heiaht, 0.68 ft (0.207 a). Water year 1975: Maximum discharae, 33~ ft 1 /s (9.49 m1 /s) June 29, ~aae heiaht, 2.16 ft (0.658 a), froa ratina curve extended above 82 ft 1 /s (2.3 a 1 /s); minimum daily, 8.0 ft 1 /s (0.23 m1 /s) Jan. 3·14, Mar. 17 to Apr. 3. REMARkS. ·Records fair except those above 100 ft 1 /s (3 a 1 /s) and below 20 ft 1 /s (0.6 m1 /s), which are poor. Records of chemical analyses and water temperatures for the period July to Sept. 1974 and for water year 1975 are published in Section 2 of this r~port. Dli.T 1 2 3 • s 6 7 • AUG 18 18 111 16 15 16 17 17 SEP 17 61 49 41 36 32 31 28 DAT 9 10 11 12 13 14. 15 16 DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC rEET PER SECOND, 1974 AUG :zo 19 18 18 16 16 15 15 S!P 27 27 31 34 31 38 40 42 DAY 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 H JI.UG 14 14 13 13 1l 13 13 1S SEP 51 63 58 54 47 42 41 94 t DAY 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 JUL 22 21 20 20 19 18 lB AUGUST TOTAL 773 MEAN 24.9 MAX 87 MIN 13 CrSM 2.83 IR. 3.26 AC·FT 1530 SEPTEMBER TOTAL 1617 MEAN 53.9 MAl 170 MIN 27 CFSM 6.11 IN. 6.82 AC-FT 3110 DISCHARGE, 1~ CUBIC fEET PER SECO~O. wATER YEAR OCTOBER 197• TO SEPTEHBER 1975 M£AN VALUES DAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 ., II 9 lO 11 12 )3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2l 24 25 26 27 211 29 30 31 TOTA4. MEAN 14Alt 14IN CfSM tlol. •e-n OCT 45 41 39 61 82 89 79 69 59 Sl 47 45 51 63 so 45 4t 38 32 31> 45 45 61 )04 130 98 110 611 75 911 .75 192'5 62ol 130 31 -J.04 8.12 3820 NOV 65 56 51 45 40 36 38 34 ll 27 29 53 53 62 51 45 38 32 30 28 27 26 24 23 22 20 20 20 20 19 1065 35,5 65 19 4.02 4,49 2110 WTR YR 1975 TOTAL 14841,0 DEC 18 18 16 18 20 17 16 16 15 15 IS 15 14 13 12 11 12 ll 12 11 12 15 14 ll 12 ll 10 10 10 10 10 4i!4 13,7 20 10 1.55 1.79 841 JAN 9.0 9.0 8.0 8.o 8.0 8.0 a.o a.o 8.o a.o a.o 8,0 a.o 11.0 9.0 9.0 11 11 11 10 9,0 10 12 12 •• 20 18 17 16 15 14 332.0 lOoT 20 8.0 1.21 1.40 659 MEA~ •0,7 f'E8 14 •• 15 h )4 13 12 11 11 11 11 11 II 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9.0 311.0 11.1 15 9.0 1.26 •• 31 611 MAl NOTE.--•o 1•1•-~•ta~t racord Jaa. 12 to Apr. 14. HAR 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9,0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9,0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9,0 11.0 8.o a.o 1.0 8.0 8.0 8.o 8.0 • 11.0 8.0 e.o 8.0 a.o 8.0 11.0 21>4,0 8,52 9,0 8.0 -,97 loll 52!4 APR 8.0 a.o 8.0 9.0 10 12 ll 15 11 20 20 19 II 20 30 Sb 54 43 40 38 )7 36 J2 Z8 Z4 21 20 111 19 21 714.0 Z3.8 56 11.0 2.70 J,01 ... 20 2•1 MIN 8.0 HAY 24 Z9 39 40 35 32 36 ... 54 93 1ZO 93 89 91 82 75 71 14 75 68 65 54 53 59 80 93 87 85 80 75 79 2074 66,9 120 24 7,59 8.75 .. 110 Cf'SM 4.61 ..1\JH 87 115 89 82 82 82 79 12 93 89 13 as 115 IZ 17 100 100 lZ2 13Z 113 125 140 138 111 102 106 122 160 248 )40 3231 108 241 79 -1z.2 IJ.63 MID IN 62.62 JUl. 120 110 130 110 100 110 1ZO 120 110 uo 100 90 80 75 70 69 65 51 56 53 49 41 55 47 42 l7 35 33 37 J4 31 230 .. 74.3 llO 31 B ... z 9.72 4570 A C-rt AUG 14 14 71 49 87 77 83 AUG Z8 27 27 Z7 JO 27 26 2• 23 22 22 zs 24 22 26 26 24 24 25 24 22 zo 20 19 18 II 11 16 16 16 lb 702 2l.6 30 16 l.S6 l.96 ll90 Z9451 SEP 170 104 8] 71 61 53 SEP 16 11 19 17 :so 33 Z7 33 31 79 65 53 45 40 39 35 65 69 10 94 ll 74 65 59 55 51 47 41 Sl " lSOl 5e.a ... •• ~s." 6,3) "" ~-, ... I ·.,I. ,, I I t f ' I • ' I l~b SOUTH·CENTRAL ALASkA 1~296520 CANYON CREEk NEAR LARSEN BAY LOCATION.··Lit 57.17'00", long 153•58'52", in SE'•SI'?1! sec. 25, T.:H S., R.20 W., Kodiak Island l!orou~:h, Hydrolo~ic Unit 19050001, Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, on kodiak Island, on left bank 0.1> mi (l.O b•) usptrum from mouth, and 17 mi (27 km) south of Larsen Bay. DRAINAGE AREA.··8.82 m1 1 (22,84 m'J. WATER·DJSCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.··Ju1y 1974 to S~ptember 1976 (discontinued). GAGE.--Water·stage r~corder. Altitude of gage is 450ft (137m), from topo~:raphic map. RE~!ARKS.··Water·discharg~ record fair except for discharges above 100 ft'/s (!> m1 /s) and those for Nov. 1 to Apr. 25, which are poor. EXTRH!ES FOR PERlOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 4SO ft 1 /s (12.7 m1 /s) Sept. 17, 1976, gage hl'ight, 2.31 ft (0.704 m), from extension of adjacent gage-height record, from rating curve extended above 91 ft'/s (2.6 m3 /s); maximum gage height, 2.63 ft (0.802 m) Sept. 17, 197b, result of unknown hydraulic condition; minimum daily discharge, 6.0 ft'/s (0.17 m1/s) Mar. 28 to Apr. 5, 1976 . EXTRH!ES FOR CURRENT YEAR.· Same as extremes for period of r"cord. DlSC>iAilG[, IN CuBIC f[ET PER SECONDo WATER YEAR OCTOBER 1~7~ TO SlPTE~BER 1~76 'IE AN VALUES DAY OCT NOY DEC JAN rEB MAll API! MAY JUN JUL -.uG SEP 1 68 35 14 11 9,0 7.0 t>.O 59 63 125 39 36 2 65 37 13 12 11 11.0 &,0 74 b!l 125 31> 35 3 117 35 13 11 ... 10 b,O 75 72 118 34 34 .. 77 30 15 10 20 11 &.0 69 83 lOb 34 30 5 66 27 14 10 35 10 b.O 71 140 102 35 27 b 59 29 13 9.0 30 18 7,0 65 125 106 40 27 7 53 27 14 9,0 28 15 '1.0 b1 Ill 'Iii 36 30 8 48 27 12 10 25 13 12 56 100 96 40 29 9 4) 25 11 ll 22 11 10 bl 87 100 31> 26 10 1>2 21 10 10 20 11 9.0 1>3 7'1 96 34 24 11 65 22 11 9,0 17 10 8,0 bl 93 93 31 23 12 69 20 12 9,0 lb 10 9.0 55 111 87 29 2b 13 96 19 12 9.U 15 10 9.0 51 111 80 29 23 14 79 20 13 9.0 14 9,0 8.0 45 Ill 77 28 38 15 74 19 lb 10 15 11 11.0 43 109 71 2b 82 16 69 17 14 10 14 10 10 4) 111 72 24 lllb 17 62 18 13 9.0 li? 9.0 13 45 109 77 26 224 18 56 17 12 9.0 10 .... o 12 51 104 60 i?b 305 19 53 111 13 9.0 10 9,0 11 54 102 77 27 151 20 48 17 14 9,0 9.0 9.0 12 55 100 89 23 116 21 44 19 13 8.0 10 9.0 11 59 91! 72 21 94 22 llO 22 12 6.0 10 il.. 0 12 bl '*b 63 21 94 23 179 25 12 9.0 9.0 7.0 12 bl <,16 5'1 20 91 24 135 23 14 12 9.0 7.0 14 59 102 53 20 93 25 98 22 15 20 9,0 7.0 15 bl 1 04 49 26 104 26 60 21 14 18 9,0 7,0 16 58 109 4tl 33 106 27 69 20 13 15 8.0 7.0 Ill 51 113 45 41 109 28 bl 19 li! 13 8.0 b,O 23 47 122 49 36 98 29 53 18 11 1i! 8.0 6.0 37 51 120 50 31 102 30 45 lb 13 11 ---b.O .. 9 55 li!Z 48 28 85 31 40 ---13 10 ---6.0 ---58 ---43 .J.L --- TOUL Z233 665 401 331.0 4i!6.0 26b,O 384.0 1778 3071 Z4b0 937 2380 'lEAN 72.0 22.6 12.9 10.7 14.7 "'-23 12.6 57.4 102 79,4 30.2 79.3 MAX 179 37 lb zo 35 18 49 75 140 125 ... 305 MIN 40 lb 10 6.0 8.0 6.0 b.O 43 63 4) 20 23 CfSM 6.16 -2.59 1.46 1.21 -1.67 1.05 }.45 &.51 -11.'> 9.00 3.42 -8,99 lN. 9,1t2 2.69 1,69 1,40 1,60 1.21 1.1>2 7,50 12.95 10.37 ),95 10.04 AC-FT 41tJO 1360 795 651 645 567 71>2 J!:i30 1>090 4860 1660 4720 CAL YR 1975 TOTAL 1475).0 MEAN 40,4 'lAX 248 MIN d,O CfS" 4.56 IN 62.22 AC-fT 29260 WT~ YR 1976 TOTAL 15372.0 MEAN 42,0 MU. 305 MIN 6,0 crs" ... 76 IN b"oi:!3 AC-rT 30490 NOTE.-·No gage-height record Dec. 15 to April 23. Bff& ;§.-:J· 1D'Mbi¥ -. ---~· ''"""''0'fiitferit''•em;:'!'~""'· .· ~--~o;:.::!;:.\~-~.·~·= ,: < ~'-:'It .. '" ----·~ ----fi.i:.' ~; . ii . ' . n• --·-·m ·v ·rr~ . =· . . -I ' ' ' II, £1. !! Ill p p " " rl n n n 1 1 SOUTH-CENTRAL ALASKA lOS 15296500 Falla Creek near Larsen Bay LOCATION.··Lat 57°16'30", 1ona 153"59'03", in SE~NW~ sec.36, T.33 S., R.30 W., lodiak Island Borouah, lodiak National Wildlife Refuae, on lodiak Island, on riaht bank 0.2 ai (0.3 ka) upstream fro• mouth, and 11 ai (29 ka) south of Larsen Bay. DRAINAGE AREA.-·5.67 ai 2 (14.69 ka 2 ). CACE.--Water·staee recorder. Altitude of aaae is 380 ft (116 a) fro• topoaraphic aap. PERIOD OF RECORD.··July 1974 to September 1975 (discontinued). EXTREMES.··July to September 1974: Maximum dischar1e durin& period, 174 ft 1 /s (4.93 a 1 /s) Sept. 25, aaae heifht, 2.73 ft (0.832 a), from ratin& curve extended above 49 ft 1 /s (1.4 a 1 /s); minimum about 0.07 ft 1 /s (0.002 a /s) Aua. 23, aaae heiaht, 0. 72 ft (0.219 a). Water year 1975: Maximum discharae, 127 ft 1 /s (3.60 a 1 /s) June 29, §aae height, 2.41 ft (0.735 m), from ratina curve extended above 49 ft 1 /s (1.4 m1 /s); minimum daily, 0.20 ft /s (0.006 m1 /s) Feb. 21 to Apr. 2. REMARIS.··Records fair except those below 4 ft 1 /s (0.1 •'Is), which are poor. Records of chemical analyses and water temperatures for the period July to September 1974 and for water year 1975 are published in section 2 of this report. DAY 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 AUG 2.5 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.9 2.2 3.3 3.4 SEP 47 33 25 19 16 14 12 12 DAY 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DISCHARGE, IN CUSIC FEET PER SECOND, 1974 AUG 5.6 4.4 3.6 3.3 2.7 2.5 2.2 1.9 SEP 12 12 14 21 18 25 28 30 DAY 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 AUG 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.0 .76 .42 .68 2.5 SEP 38 46 39 38 29 25 22 81 AUGUST TOTAl 288.46 MEAN 9.30 MAX 55 MIN .42 CFSM 1.64 !H. 1.89 AC-FT 572 SEPTEHB£R TOTAl 1019 MEAN 33.9 MAX 133 MIN 12 CFSM 5.99 IN. 6.69 AC-FT 2020 DAY 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 JUl. 3.8 3.6 3.3 3.1 2.9 2.7 2.5 AUG 2.2 2.2 45 26 55 47 55 DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECONDo WATER YEA~ OCTOBER 1974 TO SEPTEMBER 1975 MEAN VALUES DAY I 2 J 4 s 6 7 II 9 lO 11 12 13 14 IS ... 17 Ill 19 20 21 2l 23 24 zs lf> 27 211 29 30 ll OCT 22 11 17 33 58 60 46 40 33 28 22 20 25 28 i!6 22 19 16 14 12 23 24 36 17 85 60 46 36 39 61 41 TOTAL 10116 MfAN 35,0 MAX 85 MIN l2 C'SH 6ol1 IN. 7ol2 AC-n 2150 WTR YR 1975 TOTAL NOV 33 29 23 20 11 14 17 16 16 11 11 31 31 37 29 22 17 14 7.6 7.0 6.0 5.6 5.3 J.a s.o Sol 5.9 6.2 5.6 5.0 456.3 15.2 37 3.8 2.68 2.99 905 e.84J,JO DEC 3.1 z.o 1.5 2.0 4,0 2.9 z.s z.o 1.6 2.9 2.7 2.9 2.4 1.4 t.e .70 1.8 1.9 1.5 .eo 1.4 l.l 2.2 1.a 1.2 t.o t.o .eo o60 .so .so 56.50 1.112 4.0 .so .32 .37 112 .JAN ... o .40 o40 .30 .JO .30 .30 .30 .30 .30 o30 .Jo ,JO o)O .Jo o40 .eo l.O .90 .eo • 70 t.O loS loZ z.o 3.o z.o t.s 1.0 1.0 1.0 24.60 ,79 J.O olO ,14 .16 49 HEAN 18.7 1 NOTE.·-~o aaae·height rec9rd Jan. ,EB t.o '},0 .90 .eo .10 .60 .60 .so .so .so ,40 .40 ,40 .40 .30 .Jo ,JO .3o .Jo .30 .zo .zo .zo .zo .20 .20 ,20 .zo 12.10 .43 J,O .zo .oe .oe Zit HU HA~ .zo .zo .zo .zo .zo .zo .zo .zo .zo .zo .zo .zo .zo .zo .zo .zo .zo .zo o20 .zo .zo .zo .zo .zo .zo .zo .zo .zo .zo .zo .zo 6.20 .zo .zo .zo .04 .04 12 97 MIN APR .zo .20 .Jo .so t.o J.O 2.0 z;o 3.0 s.o 4.0 4.0 J,O s.o 10 JO 25 20 Ill 16 14 14 12 12 12 10 lO 10 10 11 Z67.20 8.91 30 .20 1.57 1.75 530 .20 HAY 12 14 20 17 14 .... 17 25 32 64 75 58 56 56 49 '" 42 46 44 39 39 Jl 211 35 56 62 59 56 52 48 50 1254 40,5 75 12 7.14 8.23 2490 C,SM 3,30 to Apr. 27 and Auc .. 21 to Sept. 30 .JV!f 59 59 59 53 53 52 47 49 58 55 54 54 55 sz 53 64 61 Ill 75 63 71 79 70 59 59 58 64 ao 97 60 11153 61.1!1 97 47 10.9 12.16 3680 IN 44,88 JVL 41!1 'lo9 54 47 43 'lo9 51 52 SO' 52 48 40 34 30 26 ll 20 11 21 20 20 11 19 11 15 12 12 II 14 .... 10 935 )0.2 54 10 5.33 6oll 1850 AC-,T AUG e.9 1.11> 6oS 6.2 '·' 5.9 s.J ...... 4.1 3.4 3o4 ... 7 s.o 3.6 6oS e.s 7.2 7o2 e. I 9ol 1.0 6.0 s.o s.o s.o 4.0 ... o •• o •• o JoO J,O 173.• 5,59 9.3 3.0 ,99 1.1• 344 13570 SEP 133 75 53 42 33 27 SEP J.O 6o0 10 a.o 10 IS 12 IS 20 40 30 25 22 20 19 111 20 zs 35 50 40 35 32 30 211 ze. 25 28 lZ 311 717.0 23.9 50 J.o 4.22 ... 70 l<~>ZO -;::::::::: ' ,, - , WATER RESOURCES ATLAS For USDA Forest Service Region X Juneau, Alaska April 1979 Prepared by: OTT WATER ENGINEERS, INC. Redding, California 96001 ~ 11 r .. r* ! -. " L..:: l i_; ... 'f4 r- t ... )'""" • --~ =-,....,..,t:trt,. --- HYDROLOGY MANUAL INTRODUCTION Civil engineers, hydrologists, and fishery biologists had expressed the need for methods to compute streamflow on ungaged streams within Tongass and Chugach National Forests. This report presents regression equations that can be used to predict flows for ungaged streams in these areas of mari- time Alaska. The atlas also summarizes all streamflow and precipitation data; describes the methodology used, its limitations and confidence limits; and provides recommendations for future studies. Examples on the use of the prediction equations to solve typical streamflow problems are given in Appendix A. METI:lODOLOGY DEPENDENT VARIABLES All existing streamflow information through water year 1977 on gaged stream basins in and surrounding Tongass and Chugach National Forests was assembled from U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) records. (References 14 and 15) Station records were eliminated from analyses when: 1. Records were less than 4 years in duration. 2. The gaged streams or rivers drained areas of interior Canada and Alaska which were not repre- sentative of maritime south and southeast Alaska. This included the Kenai Peninsula • 3. 4. Ice damming affected peak flow events. Significant water supply diversions or interbasin transfers existed. 5. There was no forest cover, and over 50 percent permanent ice cover existed. Table 1 is a list of all stations used in the regression analysis. Stations 100000 through 109000 are in or near Tongass National Forest. Stations 195000 through 272530 are in or near Chugach National Forest. Stations 295600 through 297500 are on Kodiak Island. Kodiak Island stations were included due to the small number of station records in or near Chugach National Forest and the lack of streamflow records on Afognak Island. " APPENDIX B REGRESSION EQUATIONS Definition of Variables Q • flow (cubic feet per second) P = mean annual precipitation (inches) PM = mean monthly precipitation (inches) A = area (square miles) T ~ proportion of basin above tree line (percent) L = proportion of basin in main channel lakes (percent) S = slope of main channel (feet per 1,000 feet) E = mean elevation of basin (feet) C = south distance to Gulf of Alaska (miles) v-~ I r CHUGACH NATIONAL FOREST lC -Mean Annual Flow Q • .0283 pl.l6 A1.02 2C -Mean January Flow Q = 106 pl.36 Al.l5 T-.0356 L.l99 E-.990 M 3C -Mean February Flow Nc58 F-Test=3,931 2 R =.993 N=58 F-Test=89 2 R =.895 Q = 92 _3 p~-50 Al.03 T-.0638 L.0956 S-.225 E-.899 C.l73 N=S 8 F=60 R2=.893 4C -Mean March Flow Q = 151 pl.l7 Al.06 T-.0562 L.ll9 8-.245 E-.795 N=58 F=48 M 5C -Mean April Flow Q = 214 p.798 Al.03 T-.039 S-.191 E-.711 C.l03 N=58 F=45 M 6C -Mean May Flow Q = 5.79 pl.02 A.950 L-.0563 E-.231 C.ll8 N=58 F-Test=l25 M 7C -Mean June Flow Q = •00963 p!•17 A.939 L-.0966 E.757 8C -Mean July Flow N=58 F-Test=269 Q = .000685 p1.12 A.984 T.0292 8 .223 E.942 C-.119 N=5S F=l49 M 9C -Mean August Flow Q = .00315 p!'37 A.953 T.0331 L-.0582 E.671 N=58 F-Test=202 lOC -Mean September Flow Q = _125 pl.23 Al.Ol E.l59 M llC -Mean October Flow Q = 1 •25 pl.37 Al.07 T-.0170 E-.251 M 12C -Mean November Flow N= 58 F-Test=454 N= 58 F-Test=397 Q = 3.06 pl.46 Al.04 T-.0465 S-.116 E-.331 N=58 F-Test=l90 M 13C -Mean December Flow Q ~ 12 •8 pl.56 A1.12 T-.0460 L.0959 S-.201 E-.620 N=58 F=9l M :;;;;;z;;.;z.....:~ _~;r.z -.. ~ · .Y""=:f·• '··. ;;. t , • ·-------.... -~ R2=.850 2 R =.840 2 R =.923 R2=.953 2 R =.946 2 R =.951 2 R =.962 R2=.968 2 R =.948 2 R =.919 z 0 f- <( :::E 0:: 0 u.. z 0.. :r: Vl 0:: UJ z 3; 0 0 z ~ I I f -- I l __ I I I I I I f---- U •' 'I • < 'I ··~-1,.-Uo, •• ..:.1 !..:.U .. ,. t..,_) ' •• i ., ·--· •• ~ ~ ) ::..i ·,· ::u~J j i-1 j, .• H\:.:~ : i' · ,.-c,·r ..J '• it:.:> -~ 7 607 ~\ -!"_ \ ~-~-,---1 A~8> j __ I , --l r; 11/ • [J LJ2' \._ I(J,~flcJO ~( &.v D/C \ e--, 'iJ·I. {'"'"' I 1L 0 -1 1J ' ' ., c ~ I • ,,r <,t'J~· <976 4 ,,,~50 I (;' ?>I {;o '. ' '" " ' ,f( t~~;;o• /, I; -._ ""'" 1 -f-' -3 o/C @ ' ' ,.,,, "' / ' )~, E ~~/!32 It:{";:], -:::» ... , }' ( " ,,.,_ . , -~ -~-4-' ' I .,, ~~ (' '-" -,: · · · --~ i ' r ~-----------__ ;.;:;.,... • . -_ W-1.35 I . ~< --~ 5 a I -,~ 1 ....... ', w~ 105 ~-~­-~ ~' :~ _/ \\ Pi0t6Jf/' \'\ ~;1: /"o(.'ta • \ ;4'·1Citl~ :..> kf N.:>fiOn~l \\_, "• u~• "\:: .. 9 ~~5 ·~~ 30 W-~60 10 MO. W-2 95 I i 7 . I-i\ : b ~ "'' ' I I '-15 \'h ~-I -------v"----i ! --l if i ~--__ : l!(-b ) -I 20 18 608 I I / // ' "' !( ) ~;.' I . . - --/ - : /-;/ , l:.:.". '"' f( ----! "-t I I // '/--7 ""I ,-.. i' f.t ~ ' ( •• "'" I ,_,,_, _"' -~ F?~:t:< IJ5 I , ..,.. . . •"-r, : "" ~)__',\/ u - - :JJ I , \\ ,,-r . r;tJ/~--" -~· ' ' " ' -''"w , -.-~ ' / ' . '" ... ' -3 ) 11 / \ '2s--IJ< j,J -· -· ~'. .. / ~li-~ "· \ . /) -. ~ ,, .. ---29 ' -"/ --' .-" ' ~ "' -' " -"'' .. '""" -1(L,.,,1 , /,/'__:/ i\~_,t (J:~•L•• v:-,r.r., .,,,· ' ., '" '{ '-I .•• ~·• II OSf ,1'/~ ' f \(\ ·;,; 1 .Jr/:Jf ) 8 27 I / ',,~_.c,~ ~ . 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':JJr--~-1~93!12 ' 14 ~• ~-S (0.\ .. . -- i i{L A•tl!,~.· ' v ~ } ~ :$ \>- v \ \l "~ q/W 0/_Ej ~-{ 0 AL 0:\l\ STATU$ OF Pl:c'L IC DOMAIN LAND AND M'NE:flAL TITLES MTP. ---·---··· fQ!! i)RUR$ _(FF!":CTING DISPO$~L OR i!$f:.i)( 1./f;l{:!t;.,Y[·rU> LA,..,c:i !fi[H2f;~lf•'l fCi? Ci.AS$1FI':4rtON. M!N£RALS, I! AT£." .!MJ/Ct? OTHf"R FU6LIC PURPOSE$. f!l:F.£8 T::'. I!.OEX Of" +f!SCE/..L4tf£011S OOCI/Mf!rTS._ E_~,_9_2c?Q.~_llll8/1971 l'idl fn'i_r_!_"fg_._A~€-~_§_,_ M_§_yJ.S __ p~Q 511'j}_3/9/7< Wd' Londs For CL And AIG 0! LEG 'II'• II-n PL. ~ Z • Z0-3 ~ .KC.t>:A:; ~YIR PLQ_!)164 ... ~/9/72 _I'd! Lone$ For CL E<~l Those l'iith•n .PLO ~>'63 _________ . __ lit Atl srr:od ;slands, roc~s. a :;::;1nC:'.:1 (;'$ .,-ith•n 5 mlk~ Qft_dJ oi_Qnt sc; ~e: ~~comme~<:!ed to Cor~~'S pu~~nt to ANCSA Sec 17(dl\4l. ~AE-64€·t£ E;mt P"r"O"I to Sec i7(b)(3) PL 92-203 ~i:liS/1971 Ak:"!iA< Corp CAUTION · -·nm TlTI. E A\ ll 1.\ \I) ST.\TI:', PECOFP' OFT! a<· t1rnr·i~ ·\1'1' >'~.lT Lt:J;-~;r·>~T IH•F. 'fO ~i'\'-<;>_·l. ".T; \~,\ \i ;~; HY _1J!!~ T-'.idFS 0/ TIP i;.Tf-~!1Ulr\ -~----:\:;..,1) }.l.~}-:;LL.LTL:ltl·;, \\.-H ~fi ~,\\'\f.S HY Till: 11;;,., c\~,IJ ;,;-;I.H.JIO.\S I!Y Till-. '<!XII' <IF :\l.AS;;A FUll -H,GOO,I!OO ----"ACUJ;~ Ui L\\D. ·'·f "i r r 'J f•' 1 ~j "•' /.'! ~-i···•. 1 ('!•'<'''!/ • ' J ' " .. ~ .. '·r·, AA·6646·A UiTL!UU co::'.'r:Y A:;CE. WHEREAS Natives of Akhiok, Inc. is entitled to ~ convcy~nce pursuant to Sc=s. l~(n) ~nd 2Z(j) of the Al~ska Native Clajus Set:lc~cnt Act of ~~~c~bcr 18, 1971 (85 Stat. 688, 702, 715; 43 U.S.C. 1601, ltl3(~), 162l(j) (Supp. V, 1975)), of the surface estate in the follo~ing describld laud~: LA..-iDS OUTSIDE Tllr KOlHAK NATIO:\AL l'iiLDLIF:: REf-UGE (PLO 1634) Seward Meridian, Alaska (Surveyed) Lot~ 1 and 2, U.S. Survey No, 46~7, Alasta, sJtuatcd around tho village of Akhiok, Kndiak Island, Alaska. C•:mtainin:; 472.12 acr~s. Seward l!eridian, .daska (Unsurveyed) T. 37 S., R. 311!. Sec. 14 [fractionil), excludi~~ U.S. Survey 2073; Sec. 15 (fractional), that portion o~tsidc PLO 1634; Sec. LZ (!ractiopal), that port~on outside PLO 1634 and excluJi~g U.S. Survey 4657; Sec. 23 (fractional), all; Sec. 27 (fract~onal), excluding U.S. Survey 567, U.S. Survey 4657 and U.S. Survey 4926; Sec. 32 (fractional), that p.;;rtion outsiJ.u PLO 163-1; Sees. ~3 and 34 (frr..ctional), .::11. Containing ~pproxinately 835 acres. Aggregated acreage o~tside PLO 1634 app>oxi~ately 1,307 acres. J..A!';DS 'riiTHIN Ti-lE KODIAr NATICML HILDLIFE REFUGE (PLO 1634) Seward Nericiian, Alaska (Un~urveyed) ~-~~R..!_.l_Q_~ !>ecs. 2 a:.a 3, all; Sees. 7, iu an::i 11, ~:11; Scc3. 13. 14 and 15, all; Sc.:L 18 to 24 (fractior.al), il•clusivc, _all;_ Sec. 25 (fractional), excluding U.S. Survey 1889; Se.:s. 26, 29 and 30 (fractio~al), all; s~cs. 32 to 35 (fractio~al), inclusive, 311. Containing approximately 9,855 acres. T. ~~~_R ~'1'___!:.. Sec. 3, alr; Sees. 4, 5 and 6 (fractiongl), all; lnt~ri~ Conv~ya~ce ~o. '135 l1Jtc --l\::J't. zj_~~~------·------·------· ... • . : • .. ~~ . ~J ... .: • r.:;c. 7 (1·:~·~-=:·J ... ~.l), ~:::}:·.::. n u.~-.. ~·~: .... ·.·/ l ... '.itJ; :.~r:. 3 (f:· .. ~·.·_o~i:l.), .. ;; : .. c s • ~ :-.: .. : 1 ~ • '' i i ; . ~,·. C ~ • i 7 ~ :" ~~ J { f: ~ C t l...,. ~ ··!..) t j !. r: l !.! ~ .. ~ \ ,_. t :-.11 ; ~~c. 21, ~11; . ~~~cs. 2~, 30 :-.rd 31 .(fL.ctiou;.l) 1 :-.11; Sec. 32, :.11. Containing aj)!>roxiLia.u:lr 8,314 acres. T. 36 s.~ 31 v. · Sccs-.:-.r;· o ~t:d/~al_l, Sees. 9, lC anJ 11, all; Sees. 15 to ~3, incl~sive, all; Sees. :!6, 28 a:1d 2!:1 •· all. Containin~ ~pproxica~ely 11,4Y6 acres. T. :, 7 s . , n . 31 r: . ~cc. f;31Y; ____ _ ·Sec. 2 (f~~ct~onal), all; Sec. J (fractic~al), ~xcluding U.S. Survey 1224, U.S. Surv~y 1~75 aad U.S. Survey 1976; Sec. 4 t!rJctioa~l), cxcluJin~ U.S. Surv~y ~0 and ~;:lti'.".:! allut:;cnt A.\-7432; Sec. 5, exclt:Jbg !:.::.tivc: u.llo!.ncnt. ~7432; Sees. 6, 7 a~d 8, all; . i Sc..:s. ::! to 12 (fract1o,:3.l), incltJsiv· ll; Sec. 13 (fractjonal), excluding U.S.· ~urvey 1S4S a~J U.S. Survey 2U73; Sec.· 15 (fnctional), that i;ortion ~•ithin PI.O 1634; Sees. 16 to 28. i~clusivc, nll; C:ec ?1 (''·c'·· ;;-' liS C·lfVF-V 4f5'].• ; ~ c : ~ / ( 1 ~ .:1 ~ t ~ ,; ~ 2.1 ) : ~ i~ ~it :~ v r t .i o :1 ~-: i t !1 i :1 FLO 16 3 4 :nd excludin~ ~.S. Survey 4657; Sec. ZS (fr~ctional), excluJing U.S. Survey 567, li.S. $1:r'.~~Y' .... _2iJ t:: .. J U.S • .S 1Jl''."r·,: ~~L>S7: Sec . .2Y (ira,:~.J.·.;n:il), "xclt:0i:lf, U.S. !:urvcr 4\i57 JnJ ~;::.tivc al.lct:;'::lt .\.-'1.·7431: Sec . 3 u l { r a c t 1 o: 13 l ) , c x c 1 u .j in P . :-::1 t i v e 1\ ll o t n c n t ;.A-74 3 i. ; Sec. 31 (fractlo~~l)_, all; Sec. 32 (fractional)_, ti1.'!t portior. -...·.ithin PLO ~.534. Containing api'rc.xir::otely lO,So!J acr£::s. T. 3G ~R. 32 \'i. Sc:>c. 1, afT;----. Sees. 2, 10 a:-~d 11 (fnct.iunol), all; Sees. 12, 13 and 14, all; S::-c, l.i (fr:•ctio:J~·J), c::clc:di;c~ U.S. S:ti'"/ef 17-1, U.S. Survc;.· 15/;:: .:,;1J U.S. Sc~:-\·c;.-15-:"S; S~CS. 16, 17 z:;:J 1::;· Ur.>ctio;L;l), oll; Sees. 1~ to 24, incJusivc, rll, Cont~ining approxinitcly 8,442 acres. T • 3 7 S • , R • 3 2 \\ • s" c s-:-1--;-TI~-T~iild 14 , a 11 ; Sees. 15, Z2 and 23.(fr:~cticnal), all; I . c .. :1~5 ntcr 1n cnvcyancc :.o. ___ !:'"~~-------- !J:1te ;:.-:'/? 1 7378 . ' . . . : . . " ...... ' . ' ~.l; .. · •••. , .. , '::7 ~L~ "35 (f.r::ctio:-:::::t), :-.11. C\.t;~t,:.: ~:~·~~~~·v::~r'\~t~_"lY 6,:~5 ~crt.:.:;. Atnrc:5tLd ~crc~~c ~itht~ PLO 1634 npproxi~~tcly ~s,: Total n~~rc:2ttd ncrc~gc npproxinatcly 56,648 aerc~. 1:0:1 J:::c:; YE, th:.t th.:-rc is, tlH.:rcforc, r;r.::mtcJ br t: .. U~ITEU Sf~TES OF ~:l.~ICA, unto the ~bovc-no~cd corpor~t~.~ the surfccc cst::.tc in tho land t~bovc-dc-s-::ribcd, 1'0 E::::: /,: · TO HOLD the S:\id cst~tc llith all the ri~hts, privilq;~.:;. i:::::;-,uniti(;s, ~nd ::,~r-::trtcn'l~t;,c:;, of \;hat~ccvcr natu;:c, t:-.... · bc1on::in~, unto the said cor1'orc. tion, its succcs:.;ors ~ •.. u assigils, forc¥cr: _...,.,--. EXCI:PTI~G N:D RESI:KVING TO THE U~ITEfl S'!'UES frcr.: t! l~nds so srnntcJ: 1. The ::ubsurf~-:cc cstnte therein, and :11::. ri:;hto;, prh•il!:_scs, i:.::.:unitics, and er;:;u;:-tc;-~:!lcc::, of >fh1.t::;ov .. :n· n:ltu-.e, :-,cc;:ruing un<:o ~:!.id c;;t~.~~ pur~u~~t to t~~ Alaska Native Clai~s Settle 0~~ Act cf Dcc~~hcr 18, 1971 (85 St3t. G33, 70:; 43 U.S.C, 1601, 161.3(£) (Supp. V, 1975)); :c::J 1. PorsuJnt t'> Sc~. ::..7(b) of the Alaska Nni•c CL._ S~ttlc~cnt Act of Dccc~bcr 18, 1971 (85 St·t. ~ · 7CS; 4.3 U.S.C. 1601, 1616(b) (S:zpp. V, 197.:)),' :follc::in.:; public c::s·:.:~2,;nts, rcft:::t=nc.:·.l by l . i<iC:ltL;cnion nu:-:bcr (EI:~) on the c:i~c ... :-:: : in c:1:::o file AA-G6~ 6·EF., are rcsc:cvcd to ·.:·· .' !: .. : Stotcs .::-.d 5ubjcct to further r;'!£Ul1.::!:ivP L;-~,- n. (:::m G C6, D9, L) An C:t$c-:<::nt for r ---- acc~ss trail fifty (50) fc~t in ~iJt ~- Olga Bay po.rallclinz the left b::~nk o ::: .' : Creek northerly t~ Frazer Lake and puL ic The usaE;c of ro:tds and trails •.;ill o::-c~·:. ~ by applicable S~ate or Fcclera1 l:w or H· ..... b~ (EX:; 6a C6, D9, L) A one (1) acr~ sit~ e: upland of the r:l{'an high tide line in :;:;,:: •.. , T. 35 S., R. 30 W. • Sc;>:Jrd :.:~ridia!1, c:. ~. S:-.ly;-.on Creek at the hc:1d of trail u:, f· c ·, D9, L on Olr:a Bay. The site is for c:::· :.- stJr,ing ~r.d vc~iclc use. r:. (EDi 6b C6, 09, L) An casc":cnt fer n !'!C'' t.cccss trail t·.:cnty-fivc (ZS) !'ect in ;.·1.::.• fro~ cxi~ting trail 5IN 6 C6, D?, L nP.r t .· s~uthcrn border of Sec. 11, T. 35 S., ~. 3~ Sc;·:;~rd J.'cridian, eastei"ly to public 1;;:--,:r. ._ ~cstcrly to Dog Salcoc Creek. T~e u~~~~ c • roads and trails will be controlled by ~r:l~­ cab1e State or Federal law or rcgu!nticn. lnterit;o Convcynncc t\o. 135 --~ .. ----- Jht~ 2 l ,~~hl . -,_ -r\ • ,..,., {, ....... ..-- .. --~-... ---;.-....... ;----~___,......... ... ' • (Public L&ncl Ordtr 1034) fiM17tt) ALJI.~KA ~l.S£_RVING I'UIILIC LAN!>!! A~ TilE KOPIAX NATIOJHL WILDLJrt: u:n)GE; I!Z:VOKING lX.tCUTIVI: O~D):ft HO. II~T OF AVCUST lf, 1141 Dy vtrtue or the nuthorlty ve~tf'tl In the Presldf'nt and pursuant 1.<! Ex~cutlve Ord~r No. 10355 of May 26, 1952, It Is ordered a.• !ollmn · L .'3ubj~ct 1.<! vnlld cxl.,llng rl~h!A and the provl.,lon' or pnra~:rnph• 3 and • or lhl.' order. thr follow1rlR·d~scrihcd arena In Alnskn arc h~rrby \l.'llhdrnwn from R!l form~ or llflproprtnliOil IJOdrr the publlc-lnnd lnw.s, lncludlnl( the mlnln~ ln'O.'' but not the mlnrral-lr-n•.tng Jawa nor dl,po.,nl~ undPr the n<'t of July 31, 1047 1111 Htnl. 681 >, '"' nmcndcd by the nc l o( July 23. l 055 1511 Stn L 367; 30 u. 13. c. 601-60'1'. ann n•rrvl'rl unocr )url~tllcOnn of the t~nltrd Fltnlr! l"l~h nnrl Wildlllc 8f'rvlcr. D~pnrlrntnt or th~ lntcrlor, ns n rdtu:c nnd lnccdlnr.-11round for brm>:n b<'nr:\ nnd otilrr w!ldllfe. as the Kodlnlc Nntlonal Wlldllfe ncrlllll;: AH ()f l'jtt~nlk: J,dan•l lnrn.tf"U 111'"1\r tht l'lnrth t'IH1 or Kodtak h::,nd ln nppr<•llfnl'\lf 1AUturt,-!11 ~:}' N. lrtnJ.:It\ldt' JSJ•2t' V.': All thP.t JH'IIrt ur Kt>fil.tk lAlaod ly and ~ot..tthwt".~Jt o! K~krw:fa nay atal llA.)' nnd lht' foJiov.lnF:-dr~crlbtd bntJndary: Bt'S:lHnlnp; nt A point at the hf"nd and on thf" north Alwreo nt Vlr.kodA. Da)'. btltud~ fi7•4D'3:2'' N .. lnur.ltt~dt-1.~-J·o:·Jt" w, r~p­ JHnzlmnlt'l)' 0 3 OJll~ north !rom tin· tn<111l aouthl"fly point or tflld bn)". thrnrt- Enflt. l mtlr apprnxlmnt~ly, Lo th~ t11\·ln~ hr-t'll.·rrn Vlrkoda Bny onrt 4 t\rt";un nowlni rwrth.,.,..,t,.riv Jnlt) anld hny: t)outhf"Mt<>.r!y, I m!it App~oltmRtf"lf. to th~ dlvJdco btt\4'('f"n Vl'fkuda lh:y and Ki~hUyltli; Dnr: &)t:thrrly, R!mltt thr rnf)unt.1h10ua dlv!d~ •·htrh tra\·r-t,.,("A th,. C'f'h~t•r of thr tahnul to 11. point 1 mllr-~ nnrth o( the ht"ad or KtHuda Bnr. tht-nr·c lf'l\\tnC' thf' m"Jn dl\'ldt", tiot:thrrly. klon;t tht" apttr hf'lWf'rn two minor tlralna~t:t'!ll. tn lhr llhnre of KdiUCil' l\l;y nt VAUM 4!>; lnttt~Jdi" 57 18·4~·· N .. lorq:lludr lb.1 10 W., t>'\crpting t't:f"tt!rum tht Knrlui. hHllnn H('!'C'TVI\lJ'tll Tllr arcn dr•nlb~d contntn~ npprox- lmnlri,· 1 .e2o.ooo nC'rr'>. 2. FX<TUthr Order No 8857 Of Atii<USl lP, l!l41, whtch orhtlnally cntnbli•hrd thl' Kotila>: Nnt1onal Wllcfllfc Rcfu~e. ls hcrrbr rcvok!'d. I' •• j693 PL~-> '-, :~ •I 5 ~ 1-~-:::: 3. Tile ••lthdrawAI made uy jH;ra:;r·n;lh of thfs nrder r.:1all rtol LP· con:.~t 1..~t :..1 co Rffr-ct vnHd t:'Xl-~tin;.: rh:hts i0''"'fql~y inltiA.trd R.nd duly mruntaUH'·~ lr1 ,~.rr .;d- fiiiC'C wllh r.ppll( ablt ~tltt'.rtr•lY r- mrnl~ nnd r!"~lllntinn~ or !n :;(·{:.-\!! L(f with the prO\ 1:--.lon' nf f.).h:\J~.j·, (' (;: r-.:n. 8fL~7. p10Vldr<t that \Jl10~! '.Lr C'l\i;- CtllnUon. t!'rmlnnUun. or n·!t'H.M· of prlvr f"ntrles. M::l('CUrJJ\."l, rightt... nppr<'pr!Ol.t!OM or cln lmt, or upon thr r~voc11l!on o! pr:or ~·!~hdr:r.~r·A.i~ ( ur!!c~-. cxp: r:-:.:-,ly othc:-<J. Lt: pro\'lded 1n the order or wlth<lrr.w~,p the b nds a IT rctrd thcr rlJ}' sl: .\:i :mrnr ;1;;, tc Jy ttrcom~ toubjcct to ~l·1r \\\tLdrn•J.o,1 ni~uJe by thL'\ ord('r ~-IUin;Jt fqrthr-r on1rr. 4. Th~re bs rxcf'~}l('d. (rn~n tLc v.l~h­ drnu.·ill rnade by l'Hlilt~:nph l of tL;s ordC'r an nrt·n one mil<' .•• .. q;Jnrr ~-.Jf:"OIH1<~ • ln.: rnch of the nntive \·;:::~~ro or Old Habor. Akhiok, L.ucrn Hav. t·::nr:iK, tlyol:. Alita}:. Ayflkul:i<, !ind Xc,·.·llya<. 5. The ltUidS l'x;Cludcd rrc~n U:\' l\'~l;~·e b\· the fC\'0\flUon or I:xn U!JH_' (;; r r :;.~ 0857, and not wHh;tr~\l:n t:y p,;t :1;:1 a!Jh l or th1~ ordPf'. n1 P ~nrluderl !n U1<' '.\·,u·~ .. ctrnwni f0r f'ln."'-'\.lnrs;Uon nnd lr1 nU oi lrvbl!ttlnn tnndf' by Ext·cull·;r 0: dr~ 83H of r'rbrUtHY 10, I!HO. F•J:o ~ .Suro:<. StcrctarJi f•/ tt:r J~rtr"'tD". MA'I" 9. 19~8 f'P' R. Due. ~8 J(;'.>r.-· r":!rd. }.1.~y H': a ·~ ,.. ul c; ,, ( ...--, ''-J ,__..,...... .. ' '\ I £.o. 88S7 ALASJU By virtue of the i.uthonty vested ln me by the act or .June 25, uno, c. 4:11, 56 Stat. &·n, a~ amended by the act of August 2-l, 1912, c. 369, 37 Stat. '97, It Ia ordered U1At. !br the purpose of protect.- lng the natural feeding and breeding rangea o! U1e brown bears and other wlld· life on Uganlk and Kodiak Island.!, Alaska, without undue Interference with the raising of cattle and other llve.<~tock thereon, both w!.ldll!e and llvr11tocll.:: being of economic value to the Inhabitant..'! o! Lhe Island&, all o! the hereinafter- described areas of land and wnter of the United Btate3 lying on U~nlk Tslnnd and on the v.·estcrn port!un O'{""I:::"o<'ffl~ ~ Alaska. comprising 1.957,000 acres more or less. be. and they are hereby, subJect to valid existing rights, Withdrawn nnd rt•.scrved !or the U • .'\C of the I;K:pr~r!:.l!!f.ll~ gJ _!.h~ Interior and the Ala.$lm_ Game Commlsslon·--a:a a refuge and breedlnK irl:iund '!or l:li:own bcnra and other wlldllfe tor cnrrylng out Lhe pur- poses of the Alnska Oame Lnw o! Jnnuary 13, 1925, 43 Stat. 730. U S.C., title -48, !leC!!. 192-:All, Bli amended: 8~WAlU> MV!lt>!AK All of U~ulllt hlanG locaU'd n~ru the north eml or Koulnk l!lnnd In apprm:imatfl latttude 07'63' N, longHUdi! lt\3.21' W.; All ot that part ot Kodl&k !!land lying ..,...,t o! the !ollowlng-dcs.crlbed b<>Uild~try: lkgtnnlng at an Initial point at " gap on the divide between the woteno of Kl>.huyalc BAY ana Ugak Bay located approximately one mile Wt'~t of the oummlt of Crowr> Mountain In approximate lntllude 67'36' N., longH ude 162'116'30" w .. and from r,ald Initial point nortbeuterly wtth the m.llln \;lralnaf!e course to the ~outh fild of K!zhuyai Dny, ll.nd 101&0 from 1!8ld lnlt.Jal point with the main drain- age courst' eoutherly to the western reaches of Oge.lt nay, !}'~eJ:l..~1.n.il.Jr.om the above-de- JOCribcd arro. thf propno.cd Indian lte!ll'rvatlon for the lnhnbltnnta or the native v!llnr,e or KnrlulC, AlMka, 1\uthorlzed by ,...ctlon 2 o! the act or May 1, lll36. 4\'l Stat. 1250. dellcrlbe<l u rollowa: BeglnniDR at the fDd of .. point of land on the 6hate of Bhdlko! Strait on Kodllli Ia- 11\nd, IIAld point being about one sn<l cne· quart<'r miles ~Mt of Itocl<}' Point t.nd In ap~ proxlmst.e llltltude 67'39'40" N .. longitude 164.12'20" W.; Thence south approximately eight mllea to latitude 67"32'30"N.; Th~uce we«t approxl.n:l.Ately twtlve and one• hall mllee to the !'olllluence of tile nortll abor~ of Sturgeon River wllll the u..~~t ~;hoT11 of Bbelllr.o! Strait; Thence northustt!rly following the eaat.erly abore of Shellko! 8tra1t to tile pll•oo of beRin- nlng, containing appronmat.ely ~~· ~----~.......---.---,-----------·-·--·-·--~-----· t.:..--,, )l .) .{ '!--' -~7--1 I None ot the abon-drv.-rlb<'d lnr~ds, t!..: .. c;_cpl__!l-.l~rlll Qnt: m..!Je !Jl wh:lUl_ll.iou.&.JlJC ahore Une, wall be 'ubJect to ~ttlc'mcnt, location, aa.le, or other dlspo!~.ltlon undtr any ot the public-land Ia ws appllcnble l.o Ala5ka, or to cla..e,slficallon and ka:stl un· der the provisions of the act ot Jul1 3; 1926, entlUed "An Act tD provide for the leasing of public land~ 1n Al!l.Sh for fur · farming. and lor other pur)'X'!Ies". H Stat. s:a. u.a.c .. title 48. 6tr!. 360-Jal. or the a.et of March 4, 11121. entitled "A.n Act lo provide for the protr-ctlon. dcvdopmcnt. and uUlJzo.tlon of the public lknci!! lu Alaska by et;tl\bl!.~hlog IU1 adl'QUatc !fl• tem lor gn•x.ing JIITStodt th!:'rcon", H Stat. 145:1, U.B.C .. title 48, ~tClL 471-471o; ProtJidcd, however, Timl as to the 5nld iilrlp of land one statute mlle in .,..•\dUl bordcrlng on the shore llne~. prlrr.ar)' Jur!sdictlon lhrrcover mull rrm!L!n In the ~nrral Lnnd Otnce of thr l)l:pnrtmrnt c.: the Interior, nr'd lt.s rrs;:rvatlr.n and usc as a pnrt o! t.hc Kodlal). Nn~lcr::<l W!lrlllfe Refuge wall be without lntcr!nencr v:lth the U£-e and ctlspo.<ltlon thereat pur~·unr~t to the publlc-Jn.nd lnw~ o.ppllc:cblf' to .Aln~>lm: Provided Jurthr~. TI1at any iR.nds within the dc~.crib..-d n.r('a9 \hnt arc· oth- erwise wlthdra"'n or rcs(·nl'd ~tl.lll 1~ arrectcd by thl5 orclrr only ~-'l fr.r !I< m~<Y be con~;lstent v.1th the t~'A:.'\ and I.'Urposcs tor which r;uch pllor w!thdraV.'::Il or rcs- ervalion v:M made: And proridcd furl her, That Ul-'On U1e lf;rm!n:~twn of !UlY P'lv~lle right to or approprJr,tlon of ~.ny ;>ubl:r lands wlthln the extrrlor l!mJu or the a.rcas Included In this rcsnvn t!cn. or :1pon lhe rcvocaUon o! prior wlthdr!\wal.s u:J- less expressly otherwise provided In the order or revocation, the lnnrh Involved shall become a part of tbe rduge. So !ar n~ any of the al:r:we-cle~; ibNl Jn.nda at(' n/Tect<·d th0rcb)'. the :-r scrvn- tlon made by this order !'c.hh.li H .. 1·tr "'-'':'-' t!l~C_l!l~-~ary Wlll:dmwa.l fllr c::.t:,si.flc:.- t!Otl nnd oti-!er ·pur;X>~·~ mnde by Execu- . Uve Or.~er. ):l'9"'_.B344' _or FcLruary lC 1940. . Nothing In thls orJer shall be con- strued to prerJude the tXCrCi5C or. or limit. the uutt10r!ty of the S·cc·e:;,ry n lhe Interior under the pro\'!s!Gm or !lrc tlon 2 of the act or l>h:l' 1, 1S35, c. 254 -49 Stat. 1250. or or othrr f. Y,!<.t:np: !aw~ ·to dcsignnte Indian rncnT,Uon~ on th• aren..5 hen:by re!',av,..d at ;;•_;rh t.1:ne t!nws a.s lt rnny b(•comr nccP'S'l~Y cr de s!rable to do so. TI1e cirsiF n•'l t:o:J o! such Jnd!nn rc:•,:rv<l:\0:: b'l· U·c of the Int.crlor sh11l; efl'c; t the rc:rnova. ot the lanct'l lncludcd lherd:1 !;-<:>rr: t reruge eslnbl!shL'd h~'rrby. TI1!s rescrvat!on ~hull be L<o'o\·n M th :.Lxi!ni:: Natlo<1al W!ldll!e H.efu~E. "f"-,t Kl'f'!cr.~-L:r-1"~x·yJ::t:r Tall WHITI Housx . .AU!ll!.St 19, 1P41. [No. S857J r7?. /f 'f/ I, ..,.,. ';;. x,-) .. "'~' & 1 ) ) 1 ~ :# ~ ~~ Form 1274-2 (March 1965) ((om••rly 4-95~) SERIAL REGISTER PAGE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF Tl!E INTEi<IOR BUREAU OF LAJ'-'1\ '·''~At,'\'1 ~,"! Legal Reference Act of May 17, 1906 (34 Stat. 197) N .. me and Mailir'l8 Addrell8 George Phillips, Sr. Akhiok, Alaska 99615 Description of Land File Code I Serial Nu~:nber 2561 AA-7431 Fractional SW~;:NW\, NH!;;SW~ Sec. 29; SE!-;;NE~, Fractional NE\S T • 3 7 S • , R . 31 W . , SH Sec. 30, As shown on the attached portion of a copy of USGS Quadrangle 'lap Trinity Island D·-1 which becomes a part of this application. DATE OF ACTION 3/28/72 4/5/72 MAY 13 1975. MAY 2 3 1975 ',JUN 1 3 \1j'l5. July 16, 1975 .. / ~- SJ . ., ' --------------------·-- ACTION TAKEN Application received. je Ack. sent. je O'ECISION: "Nnt;ve Allotment Application ancl );v!_d~D_C!; of Occupancy Rejec_te9.,'1 r;:lofice of appeal rec'd { /!LS..::) t.'--:J Cu~c file ti:t\15-mltted 0n nrpra1 to mLA fwm ALO decision da!Nl MAY 1 3 1975 .!'..n ISL~ Decision: Set aside and reman .:.'.r) '+ f", ( ~ . ~--.. ~- ' ... r Iii t l~ .. f F t ! . ~\'. 1,:' r ., .. ~ .... :;,~, ·. t 1 ) , I , ~ For.n 1274-2 (M 1<rch l <.(1 <;) SERIAL REGISTE'R PAGE Cfo~trn1:"r1) 4~-v~•> ____::=.:_:_:_:.:...____:_ ___ .. Leii,Hl Reference Sees. 12 and lG , Act of December 18, 1U71 (4:-l USC liiO 1) -~ ----·--· Nwme and Mnilit1+: Addrcs" ~'"'¥tttre:S ~FAk'ht~{<:Ii:io. ~kifn olH~U:I~gl! Akhlokxaurnr:stntwn AA1i1okrxAm;skacxsss:ts> Ralph E:luska, Vice Pr•·:.idw:1 tlaiives of Akhiok, lr :;;028 ! 1i I I s Ar1choraae, A I aska ':19';0•i Description of Lund ------- l'\\lTLD ~-, ,,.J IS DEPARTMI::·n C:l· i 111·. L'\';·, i\iC1!-: ; ~ ~ ''·' J A {; ( I i 1 /'< '';) • ' •• f·ii(~ (.'nd(· Ser1.1i :~~;L '"·r 2();)] /\/\ -iJ(,.Jij -:\ T.37S;,R.31W. Sew.~rd Nc::ician, fr:Jction<!l; Sccd(;::c~ 1,2 E:/.C]L:.: :.:; .L' b.::;OC! ;:,~ :-]:: r·.;: l!,J ~;:xcluding 10711Cl R/h' D/C USE iS'76, .101 J.lCO f.,';> :./r :..;::;::; .c 0 7c, .; !!.\'C.'"JJ.~-; ,,A , .; :.;• IA Apln, U$S 50 C~:t 19 r~/;1 D/C Sal, 5 urcl:.:di.nc.: ,:.-'. ~--iJ:! ;;: Ar !;: . C<-f _: _. ,._, -~.::·~; 1071614 P./h' D/C USS 2073, !.C'!I'J1.22 Rj;.; D/C Uf.:.> ],';.J'), :..;-1.£, _: 1 ··::-!wlir:. UJ;:: •• ,-: -~· ·' 20, 21-22 ex<.:l;.:dir.q 7:.0C1G';? l'.khiJ;k ?:!:o: .~plu, 21, ;>;· ex::::::.ud~:-:.· ;··;·=:; .";c;: :·:s Ap!.n, 23 exc:ludiroq i:O .:.1;;.; :icl Ech.::>o::. Pur, 2;1:! :.:.m.:675 ,~·.);;o.:.; ':::": ;.;J.::, ··;-<: excluding r:A 74]! .i.~ i'.pln, 31-:i.J. I -1 OF ACTION 10 September 1974 ~~ov. 2C, 1977 ~lav. '">Q, 1C!77- Nov. 18, 1q77 Dec. 19, 1q77 Jan. 30, 1978 JULe 15, 19/i.) July 11, 1978 ACTIO!'." TAKEN Application received. gm.m m·:CISIO~: I.cnd..c:: Proner 'for V_i1L..,c~e Se1~:cti0'1 _~:\D'lroved for Interim rf]nvevance or Patei1t NI'JITCE 0~ A~P"J\L RECEIVED ~ 1'\1l.S 77-lL~ and V1~/ "i) A:Jpe.al Dlsrm.sscd (VLS 7o-ll) - D::cision of the Bureau of L'i.Tld l'k!flElt':jClTlult d..1ted Novmiber 18, 1977 Affirrred. (VLS 77-15) Partial Decision and Order to Disriss ; Order to Segregate (VL .. S 77-lf") :fk ii !!.·;~ r ______ ,_g~_-i_~_-~ ~~ ;~.,( ··-·" . r·.·~~ ~-~, v·~ ~-:~ ~ .. 1·:~, ( ;·!{; i :~~ ~ .. SJ ,_ \~~ lt'' ~~. ·-_. '.~.<~ -~:-.':;~ ~r~ .. --:-~~ r· ···~ l'::-~ ~--\j, , <;r4 f-.-~ p ._::-:._~ t :.;~ ~:~ ~,_--~ ,··.a! . /i: I 'jj t '~ ~ -,~,, t • ·'c f -~~ f. ;~ I' .,.~ .~ "J. ,._,_ ·-;..'"\: 1.~ ,i-ti k_.;-~~-;.f.., ~ '1 f· -:·,:)~j l :t. r·:_{·.:~ ~ -._ :;_~l L~~;:7.c 5··;~ r· _·---~ ' ' -il.i f ..... r~ . -~ ;'I:~ 4t;: ~~ '·~ ·'P' • ~·--~~s ~ DATE OF ACTION Pa e 2 ~- ACTIO!' TAKEN ;., TJSS R2'l\\' ~::-i-Fractlcn:ll 3•-:r:t:cn'l: ~. 13, exc!ud!n,:! 10G47:l;> fl ·,.; '•i •: 15f 18, 1~.::~ :!1l"':-o:~!udt,;j IID11~.n •• ~t: ~tl.l,e, 2::. 23. t-:;XclucL;;~ 1.!J7: :t ~ .. 14 exchJ·:::~i; 106~7:-9 R/1'.' D/C. :'5, 26. 25-28 excludim~ un;J,;:::c:.! :c~:-~ ; ~ ' I ' T 3&S g2:•W SM: Fr2 :;t:onal Sec :ions 2, :::. ' i I I T36S f< J:)\',' SH; F:Jctknill Sec::ons 3-6, 7 ,,xc!uding 2060790 f.·'.',' [) · r1. c~:clur..n:; AA (:;.;45 P :~r.ln, ~. li!-11. Z:J-3:. T35S H3l1'.' S~-1. F::-ac:tJ-Jnal 5·}ctwns 4, 5, 9 exc-ludint; !029503 R. ',\ 'J 51::!270 HI\~ iJ/C :ir.d 10n~97 R/\\ D/C. a:1d AA 7588 IA Apl::. e.::r: R/i'.' D/C s~1, 12-15. 17. l!:, 24-29. T35S R32'.',' S.'\:. Fractio:--~al S'~t:tions 11-14, 15 exclud::1c; AA 1:::2 e:-:.cluG~!r;: A .. '\. 71&2 IA Apln, 1S, 20 excluC.ing t..:.nn;,med :z:::-:e. ::1 1060/f:; R. \\ f17C, 29, 35. • ..IV. ~· -·· . . . . 1 r . ; .......... '-'•··"' 737S r·;.:;·,: ~"~; rn~ricn"l Srct!On!:l 4. 5 PXcl:.Jc!inp 1067558 H, ·,; n 11-1-:.. lb e:.r:!ud::;;, JL:C~547 nt:·: D/C, 23, 24. c -> 9. T36S R31\\' SM: Fr<lctlon:>l Se<::ti:::ms 4, 6, 7, 9-12 exclduir.; e:;.:dudir:g unr.3!:1ed ;,.k:!;,,23 c--;cldd!Of' r':.OS3899 R.W, and Pv:: F: excluding 11!:2606 R/1-\ D/C nne l1o2316 R./i'.; D/C,:!6 ~xcl:..:ci:-.~ _.;,t: Pwr. Proj. 1577, 28, 2£. cxc:'~<Hng u::mamed lake, :10 xcbd:::,g ~; .. 31-32, 36- T36S r-.:nw SM; Fracticr.al Scctior.s 1, 2. 10, J 1-1.; e:Y!cud.r:-~ excludii'g Cert 11 H/W D/C ;:md 1029504 RlW :;iC ;,nd 1021\Jc~ ;;,. ;·; lR, 23-::-l cxkuding um:amed lal-.:e. 25, 26, 35. :G exciurli:--.v, T 375 R J2W SM; Fractional Secto:1s 1-3. 10-15. 22-2 7. 3G. T3ES .R:-t::W Sl·!: Frac~ional Scct::::-ns 1, 2. 12 ::!Xcluding CJ337i~ h T385 n:l1W s:.I; Fractior.al Sections 4-!i, lB. 19. GPOB46.6 ... t ~5-:! .. • 1,\· ; 1 :"'; ~: c·d . ;, ~'.;:: . : s ' '-• :h..t:. ~ ~ • 0 _, ( ...... '·-~ '' '':! ,,.;'!' r7:.·J. ,; ' ~:- T ·~.·. ~ ~--,, ~*" t I } ) J ~ Fonn 1274-3 (P,brch 196 S) (/<>nn~rly ~-~~~~ .. ) DATE OF ACTION SERIAL REGISTER CONTINUATION SHEET 3 UNITED STATES DF.PARTMENT OF THE YNTI·:RJOR lll!lH<A!! OF !.A~;! {;[\,-•; ',',! -{\ ·--------__ ___!. --·----- ACTION TAKEN ln t.Lc eve:·~ ht1V n!' ~ ·:.-· tc. be tHnL.1t~·.;o:;:;, r·r .1•: \'~ /\•' 1 \':'' t·~ ..._ .)": l 0 \ 0 ll'' c:!r~ ~-:;::.d· :·:~,"~·,_ ~··)• D:lt 1. 1 t',! t 1. (' '. 1 I !" f,c: 1; '. ~~ :_·., 1 t ,,· • • •£..:.:•' .:;',1 J" (•l.L ''.J ~ ~-1 1:.~ • __ L ~ ::-~--c t.' ~ t: ('-(\ J • '. Ar!y ;~ ;,2.,: Jr1 .J J•, l: .·_l; d.. ~-" :; ;: -~.. .:. ] ] ( ~ :· -. '~ r, tr..:~--~--t..·-<.:Jct.!{~. (tcT:·1: ~~~-:(':··""eti. !:11 : ,;~..LJ i.: ~.;.;_!h.: t ! -w but.:·,-;;::r-y C ;~;. ~-... -~t..~~:.ni _._ ~c t!J.· .. L t~;t I.::~ ::qr. 1·\ ir..:..:..· ........ S•·l~<t.\r.1:1 :el(.; T l. 1 ~ b<:.,:·.c .• u·iE'r c•f fl:..·!· !:.:·1~ct'or~. ·d t :.:11 .,':_. ~ t .;_ ( i •• ~~t.c"'-d~ta1-c··~: J··:·.~ !:-.L ~.!'-~1tic.: C! .. ·:~ :-·. ·,1'0 rf ~...:.e~,: :.,(; t\ ... " I ... ::·.:... C>.·:·:·l~c;•;; ~c:~ l C' :: ~ ~.' J·(·:. \'Ut~ C ·· .. f. 1; f'' Lt ,\] l ,. : :.: t l ' ; .. :ic ,. ··1 ( .··.. • i ! . I. ( ·; ~ .:,_. ·. ·; j (; ·. "~ :.;.;.~J r~ 1'-<·t.; :""': ·:: , ~ · r: :>t. ;. J L' t 1 : ·tJ "'· 1 ', . I ;,.:. '· ,I h ..... ~-~' r i.•·. \'f .;: ~ • ~ • :, .. c ~-.:l ( : ~ -~ \-, . ~: j ! [ i : .ld" (~ fCJ! .'>'.' Ufl f. ~-!j :..he (': "' ::~ 1 ~ . ~ : \·t"'J (J',· • .. . ~ ·. ·j· r ~ ...' I· r '-t,! :: y ~;: •:.: :· . l . ' ~-. 1 ~. Di\ TE OF ACTION ; S<"ri'd Numl1er AA-6r)-l ')-A ACTION TAKEN ------~- We rt<=i~:zo :~a= alnce Akhiok 1& !neat~~ wlthln the EDdlak H~tlonal ~~:~:!!t ;~:~L~s it 1! lJ~it~d to tt1rcc tr1U110hip~ o K~dlak ls:~~~. .fri ~r~. th~ fnll•1Wi~·~ s~l~ctlu~ (A) ~PI'll~• Ol\ly t..:J tr.c thr~<:: :::.:·,;-:-.~~-· ... c:~.tttlf'mt.:r~t 01! r t,.,l-_ ::,J~J:'".·! .llld :">lc.ct.\on (r~) applies -:,-~he :,e:;:•;.w ~::1?. out. towra-L.:..v f'f'ltltlt·.:c:Lt f;l> lh.;• !"!<Ainl.>tnci. A. 1 SL:.:·: ,· c:t".::: ,· ~ 1 • Cor t! :, -.-.~ s "' ... ;.: Town~·1~; 3- lnnds u~a~~~:~--~ JL Pr1(1r:1:~; !' To\Jn s;; T'.l-r:S :. ex c 1 •.: <! in.; ;~ Tc\o.-r.::>:-::~ 3~ 22 27, J<; ; ;)\..'1 .. :; .": ~: i> f; ... _ !" 1 ~-d 1 ; : ~. l' s;. ; "j :; T ct,o,·r.:. :-. 9 c;:r:l·.u:: ·~ I ;I\; : ; ;. : .. () ;..,1 t :: l ~: OJ ? ~-air. t._' s 1 ·:·-::·.:;t::: :'.1 .\~, S~..·w:.-.:·.i ."'.t.t~Ji .• r., exclt.~Jing nll I! 1 t.! ct .. on :t .0~ ~~rtionft c•:\ 1:~p) '' :...-~ .... .c: c ,; .... r· cJ · •: r 1 d i. : r. , ,, r t j u r, ,. 4-3 ..;.? ' •• :, Se·~-.\rll ",·r·ir:~.;:;, :-;(•r;tinn l, ! ~ ,-, ~: /: /h. i! ;·, ~ ~: : ~ ;.. F)'· 3 } 7 1 <,! t\ I ·,,' :1/ c . 12 ;;. :-1:;; ) :~ ;.: , S e-...· .:1 .... ! 1 .! ; .... n ~r~tiutl 1. 12-15, ~ .~ Ju : ... :.·tt.~ ~~ ... -~,.~:d t..: t in:: 1~ , ::/ ;> 1 1 -1 :.. I ~J ! i ~~ K :: J I -"' '...' , S r:-·.: -"! t 1 '~ e r i , ~ _ o1 ,, :.:; ~ '-i. o ~ s i • ·,.::: .... , lO c":cll~:..:i: v~:t:. ,-,1.:d i J r~; • l l ~ ·"·- );: ~:-:_..:l·..:::_i,l~ ~~U:\li: L i-1 -~···· 15 "~:l·!·.;t!i.:• ~ ] i:: i.. $"'.It i1 :; .-. :11 ". :-:out:: \c' h J! J ~ c~, .:..:'u. l! ·~ l. .1(:, .odtq;L v·l~d fl l ' d. L .: •: s ~ l t: X~-l l. 1 1 l l : :) • · 0 ~) / \.: D I :: ~.~ n·~tr ul~~,; ~"1':. cs, 2 (~. ,;._ ; ----. :.! ) ' 0/C, / ~ X·: <'nti :_·_,_; .::..~~~ ilti)l6 H./h' :: 36 T., ..... :-:. s ~ ::. ~ 3 ~ -• --::-. ~ •"} J 2 i~· t s (" lo1 :".. T d ~' €: l,_. :! i I J .1 0 s r: i ') :1 ·: 1 • 2 ~ 10-1:, 13 t' -:1 :.::.7 .:;~:·. C> .. :-t L.:kcs _:_/t ~o':-'l1..: !ng e;~:tL f.\i~~.:l t.:1i-'"li:~;. 1~ e:-.:-::1~~!:.:--.-: r.:· ::-2~5 "'r-1·: :.'c:: r-,: 57,~, 2 ~·6 k/1,.,' IJ/C a:".:~. l'S:> .--';::?:-D/C, l.6-:L~, 23 i"Xt..:t....:J.:.:lg :i'-·UtiL ,~~:t)~1 l,,"'tke:;. 2li c:xclt~~ i ::;~ Sc·.;.: ,~ · ·t Lakr-~-> 40;_·:::;!-. .::.; J~ ;--, -~ Jl \·;, St..··-urd ''t~.:.-·:.._~ t-:-· .• DCC'lio !-. e :-: c 1 u t.: 1 fl. t; 'i ·: o: = : . ... ~ I ·v: t~ I .... a t . :t r ·.i 1} ~; s J ~ .S ":1 ~ 2 2 0 g :-~. I ~.J t: >: c;. \.1,.; 1 n ~: t•. :; :; ~ l .'. c :; 7 ;: /1: Lr /... .; !I J lJ ~; s ;, ;:J 1 0 ·~ n I n I'd U , •• ,, ~ . ) . ~:::;;; ::c :.;-n, t7, 1s, n-~9 B f} i :: , n /1..: :.1 n ~~ ! 0 W H S ~ i .: J ; ~ t R ,._ ;: ~· j 2 ~;) ~ C '1..' ,'! 1· d :' (' r 1 ,; j _, r. , S C .:_ t! 0 ::.:; 11-1. (· • 1 ~; 1 2 0 , : 1 !' X:.. : ·• ! L r ; . :: r: ~ : ,} r, : t'1 11 ~} 'l ~ ~ it Jt,; L' I C • ~ )' t '3 5 GPO 848 ·10'7 • @ C"'' . . ~ k'. ·'~ ~ "" , I ) ) I , ·, .Form 1274-3 (March 1 Qo!S) (lom1rr!y 4-~5••) DATE OF ACTION Jl' .r SERIAL REGISTER CONTINUATION 5HEET \ UNITED STATES DEPART~T~:T OF T!!E !ST! F:DP lllll-'LI-.t: OF LASf\ MJ\~,J\l,i.ME~;T Pav.<- <'.., ACTION TAKEN 'Sf'"r ial NunJ,er (II,-(){,if£,-k 1 (' 1..' n ~ h j r ) (, s f H" n ~~ t• 1 {\ •. ; ~ ~ .. : ~ ':' d ~ t .:' : 1 d :i H li • h (' { f t 0 n cx.-lt~J~nr. 1:SS lli9U ]0t,U7i;t ~~/'... f., 9 1 Jt).-<~1. i"-Ji' -(· ' T~·"·nnhtr J£, 5, J:n,~r.<· :lfJ ·,,:~ ~ ,•· ... -z~,J .' ~ridfnn 1 stet 1t'u 2-~ Tol...'llr~l!~p 35 S, l:ar.~c 30 ",.', ::.<t'.i ~ ~'.:·r ··11i't1'.t F.t·rt!c•r: ~. 1, 7, 10, ll, JJ-l~, ~8 2~, 25 txtlc:'c f l'7 l81l" l0((•7t:~ l:/li V/C, 2?. 30, 32-35 1 P \,' n :; h 1 p ) .!' S 1 Ear. s c 2 9 ·.,: • :: e --: j 'e : 1 t! inn , E.: t· c t 1 ~ · 1,, 7 1 3 " x c 1 t• {~ 1 :1 r. L' ~ ~ 1 E ~ s 1 o 6 t. 1 e 2 :.z / ¥< v / : , ~ -..: • 2 :; (' -... ~._· 1 , 1 d 1 ., t" t • : ;, :: o 7 ~: 11076~~ h/~ ~/C, 2~ cxcl~clit!~ ts~ ~-5~779 /~ U/C, ~5-30 I. Priority I 7 (~r2n&~ ••cc!:~ :: :a~. In ~l1c PVPnt ent1tlr~Pnt 1 the t h;; t t !1 '.! S ('C. t ;" :. L :: follo;.:in!; SC'C:. :c- !-. ~ ':. >;r.(IL in l J d.l b·c Jill d J <' f! l.f'! ulfJJl j l"i ;;. (' ( \ '.: (.: ·~ :._ ~ To:H·:.sh1p 3!! S, R"ngr 31 ;;, e'>':: l!< !:01 s·..>r ·:" j h' 1 '.' Tc. .. ·r.ship 38 S, k<1ngr: 32 · ... ·• :: e· .. ·.:. :-!~e:: i ::1:, £ ec t lt•: ]), 2(, 27, )L '•. IIV. l'r ir•r!. ty 3 ( G r c e n G c .:: i \ ~~ -::--::. i" ) 1~ tt.c ev~nt t~?t c~tit l f ,:: t :l C• i1 ~ ~ h 0 t: 1 J t ·' ,"! d tJ \.: <.: :i 1-!' \ :.. -·•· .. : j i J.::.. .. j !.; l 1 C ·,.·I !.1' j p ) S $ , f. B 0 r._ \: .. ' ~~ " ' t i \' T0' .. ·:.::-;Li;.· Jtt ' ::.,:1 p' ~' ".'0 .. ~ [ ·.-:~ (" :--i ct r·~ t < { c t ! Tc·-:or.h; J• :•& s. ·~, Q. ~' f ~'! J(l .. ' c.-· .. :. ~ : d :i • • .. c l l --' J 0 I ' 2 J' ? (,. 2 7 I J), 3 !, (; ;,, :: 1 1... '-· ~ 1:)64 ·;; ;: I·.: : L PrJcrJty t, ( i:t.. (: &t-r:o;:lcr.s ; {.'f! Ir. rL.--· C":.;.:\t tht~t ~r;t~tlL::t .. : c:~n ~}~r c t t i c :, · :, I: <1....::. G b <· .::. d J e :j i. n s (' :. ·-.e :-.: _ .;. ~ '-; e r . 1 •.•. j" T c ; h :I r 3 6 S, ~.a r: g t .2 9 \:. :. e ~.-~: e:: .:! :. an , sec ::. i 1· :, ~ J 9 l ~'or::-::;:.5 p ~ 7 .s 1 E _:.t.;t.: ~~ ~- ..::., _. ?rJ~:·:~t:!p ~~ !~~~~~ 3: 3it, ~-l, 2B, 33,, , j·!, jrJ) ;- VI4 ~r1or1· .. y F ~) (E·.l.:.:e f;t::~.:..: In tht.: C'\':~:::. tnt.~ t.":e;:·:'::'~.: !:ht1\...~.d be ~1•Jde-;;. .. :i &~-·rt~·nt!.: __ 'Io~·n!.>!".-ip "C E;;r:r:c .L ~. '•. J·o\·;:l=.;~~j }l 3S ,. f·;"r.e;c 3 ~ ·,:. c• > ·. , ~:.'c. t i 1 · • ... . ~ ·~ r '. ~ 4 -:-. ~ • *;. ~-(' f (_.: ,,· ~ : :{' .. '~ ~· ,;,_-:-;_ :1' :.:t:;..: :. ~ (.'~: :o ··:·.i::. $ ;-:.:(_·:_-i_, 1t ·:~. ) ,. ',,U ----------· ----·---· -~-----· Tl'l I D.I\TE OF ACTION ':. f"unibcr AA-6646-A ACTION TAKEN -11!... '!he :: ~ :,-.,. : _ 2 1 ~~ianc IJY.CJ uc!':! l\ll r;\-dfJ<thle h':1~.~t~. I Priority * .: '. ;dt\. -_ _:~:--~-:~-~~1 ::J:, -~ ·~:~ &,:"!_;~.:..:.:·,~ 't --· ·~ ~f,tc-u<;h /.?, 2-1 t.hn11r_:n lG ~'i ·.,\, s.:-1. ----------. ----~----- Sec:-::·...:.: ; ( 7, ]" -· n :n. 2?. 17., l.J ~ 4 _::; :.~.:S. :.;:_ s. .. ' ' .l-1 17, ? J, 7L 7:1 11: T. ' .s.:·t., !::' ctl .. ~;; 1:? Jll. T. S~;·L, S·:::-ctic:~ 11 l /: ~ ~-;; .. '1~, ~'l;"l'·~t··~ ll '.': '" ;.., . ;.:. ' :.:l ·::t. i,·----. l J \/I : '. -. ::::: .:·i ...... :: .. ·ct i ~~ 2 \71: T. ,;. ' S~·-1., ~> ... :lir .. l lD :1: '. S. ~-l. , :~~·l ica 9 :::::x: T. :-::.:~., .~f"(":t'!.·:-.. 10 Y.· T. !.· .. s.:·L, ~-~·ti(<" .. > :-'.!: T. . ~~.~-1., S::ctic~t Jt~ Yl: T. 3; _-:; . .. l•i. # f,.·"'~·-: i(~;) 29 Y; T. ,. .:. f ~:-.... $.:-:., S...:ct.icn 31 Y. [\t': '£'. -~ -, ; " ~J~>l., ·:~·clit_~,\ Hl /.'l· T. J) =. ~ ... S.>L 1 ~;;.·;tic~ :J XV[: '. .;~ ''·. .s ,{-1. I ·1 i ? ~ .. · c :, . .) o"~·J: iC'!~ <.) .'. ~I .•, ,'. I ~ T. 34 s .. ,. :-::.. >l. f !:.._~, t; i( '•1 I J ! ., t 1'1 1 : ~ T. J.j s.' ' s.:-:., !.::c,;:.·t it)n ... .. ' . • .:~,)I ·.·' l ._, '. /,' ~\ \. )4 £ .. ;t, !S ~-. !L "' Jt", !\~ I p • -' E.:.:. 1 ~:..:~:. icn l~1 .. ' S.:-'. 1 ;'..t\.'t UlH '\ • I ~ • \',. I !;."'f':( ;r·,:) ' ' ; -;:..}. )l 'T'br_! nn;' ~1+._!_.;,_=:_~,.-~ r~ ·.1:1-1.·~· t.b:-. O!Jl,'O' ~.l.z..,".tric:... t.•t l:u:-i l<,~li-.. ·1:· .. .·.t •.{'1 ~-~t: 1....:i.··, · .. l:..l·"!' • .:~ ... l.~~·~ indtvJ\::1.11 t':". ·.itJnn l;t.• ;l.t ~i· b·;~t:~:.c.i··:; "...,) __ ,--; "'·h ~ '·n r~,}' ro~ ~ .• ·.:_·.!~ f·_.r ~~··!·-.·:t~_.>:1, e!'" ..,.,~;ieil :~>· f·p"C:..:!:_·,)1J:,• t'> .:.:.·,: in t..l~ fif--.t.H l*-'! f'·"'>'-~--~r~ :-...,..,~tJII~ . ' '' ·-!I 'f... -;1 GPO SAl .. • A ~,;; @ 0 it J .. , !() ) 1 - Form 1274-3 (March l Qh.'i) (turmerly •-IJ~-c .. ) DATE OF ACTION 4/8/76 11-2~·-78 1-31-79 SERIAL REGISTER CONTINUATION SHEET ACTION TAKEI' Amended application received: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF TilE INTE!<lOR lltJIU·;AU <W I.AI\1: MANAGEMENT AA6646-A The followinf lands comprise appromimately 90: of Refuge entitlement for Akhiok village application AA 664 which Akhiok considers its first priority for convevance. T 37S .• R 31W., S.M. Please include in the selection U. S Survey4657, lots l ~ & USSurvey 4926, Lot 1, Block 4; the selection includi allotments is approximately 12,424 acres. T 36S., R 31W., S.M., 2nd round selection included sections 13,14,24,27,33, 35 as an effort to close "holes" in this tm·mship. consider South Lakes navigable, the a reaoe for this township would approximate then 17,697 acres. T 365., R 32W., S.M., This section of priority #l (colored yellow on selection considers South Olga Lake to be a naviqable t1ody c1f '.-Jater therefore the lake has been oroperly excluded. T 3 6 S . , R 3 OW . , S . M • , Include this township as selected in yellow color as priority #l. Its approximate acreage excludinu [A-~ i s 8 , 2 2 4 acres . T 37S., R 32W., S.M., Include the priori1;yl selection v1hich is colored yello1·< on the application and approximates 6,265 acres. T 3 5 S • , R 3 OW . , S . M. , Include lands in section 26 in our description. Also include the area described in this townshiP with our priority #1 selection. Overall total approximates 61,980 acres. The priority #1 selection of approximately61, acres comprises approximately 89% of Akhiok's entitlement refuge lands. No lands other than priority #1 will be selec lb Interim Conveyance #135 issued. S face. Interim Conveyance # I 36 issued. ubsudace. /\~" ~ \, .. · IC Issued. hv .... , . . DATE OF ACTION 5-23-79 Pu;:e Serial ~umber 8 ACTION TAKEN IC# 192 issued to the Natives of Akhiok for the described lands; Lands Within the Kodiak Nat i ona I \'J i I d I i fe Ref us:;Eo CPubl ic Land Order 1634) Seward Meridian, Alaska (unsurveyodl T. 36 S., R. 31 W. Sec. 25 (fractional), excluding U.S. Survey 2500 and U.S. Survey 2371 Sec. 36 (fractional), alI. Containing approximately 441 acres. fol I ow ins,: he o-Gr.·o r::~7~ 6'30 ..:-:-~ 0 0 e 0 .· ~-!'"<r"-............... ~--"'"'~""~''>l"':m:;;'» '"r *• '!'!"'' .....,.~ ... , "''"""' ~~--~---------------..,......--. l..!:.&.~"l!:'_tr..: ... !'~'f!i€; :.;. ..... :~:--.:7~~,.~·~ ''":...:1-n-·~~·.;;~f.l;~·!.·'.:::~~~~"('•~...,~ ..... ,. .. :; :.L..:.·Jo::..~-~·,r1-"t< '·..f. ,• 4..'1"-, '"'" ,_ \ • ....,~ ·' ,_.- .. ,,&".1:1;:~~:: •. ·"'\ ,_ (o ,) ~~ ~00,"1. l' ~·f"'L -'•-" +-"'~ f{'o ... ~..)'. ~-:) ........ l' <'r _ 6 .... 1 ' '!(..:!c~.-, • " ~<:' .. .-"W~§ 1;:.;;.~ s. t""· . ~" .• • ..... ~ ... ,/t·r: ~i ... --~·-···~-~~ .. !'·;.-.. . ,-. , •. , ..,,1.,.-, ••• -: , ·:--• -. • • ·~.~,... ~~;}J~ ~·~~2-4't~~" .,.,~ ~;:-'=':"! '·· }!r'" ~ ... ~t· ,\.-~~;,._;:;--~.~ ,J~.·l.~, ~.•');~'l.~,..~~~~ ~ !:.1.t~~ ... ~~-:,_'t.;"-4;;..:."·~~-tf..~'""';l 1:._~,~ ..._"" 1:;· ~ ~·;~. ..... ·'" r' ~ ' · • · 8jl \.·f~.;::$: ~~rf-~1~ ~~ .?; .~ ~-' .. :~G.\~~~;~:' ~~. 7~.\'~ .. ~~~ ~~-\\&:.?J~~·.i ~ ...... if'/#;.,J:·~~ ~~ i~4~1~ (~f,.1t~ -{:~t:.f:); :r(t;~·(~~f~f ... -~~.f;;t. ;-;;.:. _;..~ r;"~~ ;~ .",,~:_\~;~·~ ~· ~::7> ~~,·;;<1}~~ ~";:)."''~"{tc.·• .. ~,.·~~~ -.~:"t,.;\ ..• ~..:.-;. .. ; : ,"i ___ ..... ~( ..... ~ -;· .~·"", ~''""~ ,,_, ~.,l-•*; .. ,~.,'l~1 ,.. ' .-. ~.l,,""u-..'\~ ""t'!¢·~ 1-:r'":-i-... ~;t.•" a. .. ?,., ... ~"'i •."'~-· \C-..• r;--i __ .....:.~:~~-\·},.)_.~::.;-!_;r:~-~ .. :l\:. ~ .. ~~~)\ .. -~~·~-it .. ~ ...... ~~~ ~..r:,.· ;t~,·. ~:;lf:"':~f;,. .. :~~>C,, ·rJ " ....... .-rt,..,..:;~"'r.;r~·1·~~,~~,..")..f~~::~1:'.··,._"}i.~·"'~.:.l") ... ,_i ~.,.~ ...... ~"" ... ':' .• 1- -------------------