HomeMy WebLinkAboutReconn Level Feasibility Study Walker Lake Hydro Project Near Klukwan, Alaska 2-1988.TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 1 INTRODUCTION PROJECT DESCRIPTION . . . . Alternative 1 - Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Walker Creek Diversion • . • . . . Walker Lake Dam • • • . . . . . . . . Walker Lake Dam with Little Salmon River Diversion . . . . . . . . Power Loads and Power Costs POWER GENERATION . • • . Hydrology . . . . . . Power Generation and Use . PROJECT COSTS . . . . PROJECT FEASIBILITY Other Issues • APPENDIX A Field Trip Report APPENDIX B Cost Breakdowns 3 4 4 5 6 7 9 9 9 11 12 12 ...._ ________________ Ott Water Engineers, Inc. --------------- SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS KLUKWAN HYDROPOWER FEASIBILITY REPORT Three alternative project configurations were considered for each of two options: A. service to Klukwan only, and B. service to Klukwan and Haines. The three alternatives are: o Diversion from Walker Creek o Dam and Diversion from Walker Lake o Dam and Diversion from Walker Lake with Diversion from Little Salmon River into Walker Lake. Cost and power generation analyses were performed on all alternatives under both options. Capital costs were converted to annual costs and added to the estimated Operation and Maintenance (O&M) costs. 'I'~1e average annual generation was also computed for each alternative and option. These values were divided into their respective annual costs to obtain project costs per kilowatt hour. All alternatives serving electricity to Klukwan only (Option A) were infeasible. Alternatives 1, 2, and 3 serving Haines and Klukwan (Option B) had costs of $0.27, $0.30 and $.20/kwhr, respectively, which are close to the price of diesel-generated energy in Klukwan ($0.22/kwhr) and Haines ($0.17/kwhr). Alternative 3, Option B, appears to be marginally feasible, especially if escalation of energy costs are taken into account. In addition, residents between Klukwan and Haines who are without power would receive electric service for the first time. -1- .._ _______________ Ott Water Engineers, Inc. --------------- The major areas of uncertainty in this reconnaissance level feasibility are listed below: o Lack of flow data. 0 Added benefit from storage at Walker Lake. This would require a small operations study. o Lack of actual loads and load curves at Haines and Klukwan. o Whether a dam at the southeast end of Walker Lake is necessary. o Soils data at powerhouse, dams, and pipeline routes .. These items should be concentrated on during any further study of the project's feasibility. Further study would be appropriate to refine the project configuration, cost estimate, and explore the market for energy in Haines. -2- '----------------Ott Water Engineers, Inc.--------------- INTRODUCTION The purpose of this study is to provide a reconnaissance level economic feasibility study for the Walker Lake Hydropower Project. This study is based on one site visit, which took place on November 20, 1987 and was limited in scope due to weather conditions. See Appendix A. Other data used in the report consisted of data from previous studies and hydrology supplied by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources. The cost estimates relied heavily on previous projects recently completed in southeast Alaska. This report does not evaluate the financial feasibility of the project, nor does it investigate the feasibility of alternatives for providing the necessary infrastructure for operating a plant. This report was completed by Ott Water Engineers, Inc. (OTT) under a subcontract with FryerjPressley Engineering, Inc. who are under an open-ended contract with the Alaska Power Authority. -3- '-----------------Ott Water Engineers, Inc.--------------- PROJECT DESCRIPTION Three project alternatives were investigated and are listed below: 1. Walker Creek Diversion 2. Walker Lake Dam 3. Walker Lake Dam with Little Salmon River Diversion Each project would have different costs and energy generating capabilities. The three alternatives were evaluated under. the following load options: A. Supply the load at Klukwan only. B. Supply Klukwan 1 plus sell extra power to Haines. The loads supplied under each of these options are explained in a later section. ALTERNATIVE 1 -WALKER CREEK DIVERSION The pertinent characteristics of this alternative are shown on Table 1. This alternative would consist of a diversion structure located about 3 1 000 feet downstream of the outlet to Walker Lake at an approximate elevation of 1150 feet MSL. See Figure 1. The diversion would consist of a gravity dam about 8-feet high and 100-feet long 1 constructed of cyclopian concrete (large rocks and concrete)1 and would contain a 36-inch sluice gate near the intake. The intake would have a trashrack only. No provisions have been incorporated in any of the alternatives for fish screening. From the intake, a low-pressure pipeline would run along the side of the hill to maintain a small pressure in the pipe. This pipe would transition to the penstock which would run down hill to the powerhouse. -4- ...._ ________________ Ott Water Engineers, Inc. ---------------- TABU: 1 AIJl'ERNM'IVE 1 ALTERNATIVE 2 WALKER CREEK WALKER lAKE DIVERSION DAM OPI'ION A OPI'ION B OPI'ION A OPI'ION B capacity (kw) 270 1000 250 920 Gross Head (feet) 750 750 780 780 Maximum Flow ( cfs) 5.6 19.9 5.0 17.8 Diversion/Intake 1 1 2** 2** IoN Pressure Pipeline Diameter (inches) 14 24 14 24 Length (feet) 7020 7020 9660 9660 Penstock Diameter (inches) 14 24 14 24 Length (feet) 2150 2150 2150 2150 Powerhouse Size (feet) 16 X 32 26 X 38 16 X 32 26 X 38 Roads New (miles) 0.7 0.7 1.7 1.7 Rehabilitated (miles)* 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 (6.0) (6.0) (6.0) (6.0) Transmission Line Length (miles) 7.9 19.9 7.9 19.9 Voltage (kv) 34.5 34.5 34.5 34.5 * 3.1 miles of najor rehabilitation of logging roads. 6. 0 miles of minor rehabilitation. ALTERNATIVE 3 WALKER lAKE DAM WITH LITl'LE SAIMJN DIVERSION OPI'ION A OPI'ION B 1900 780 36.7 3** 30 15470*** 30 2150 30 X 44 2.5 3.1 (6.0) 19.9 34.5 ** 2 dams at Walker lake. One of hl"lich contains an intake structure. *** Includes 5810 feet of 18-inch pipe from Little Salmon River Diversion to Walker lake. '----------------Ott Water Engineers, Inc. --------------- ~~ I I _I I I I I I I I I i I I ~~ I I I EXISTING ROAD LOGGING ROAD NEW -7-TRANSMISSION LINE PIPELINE, ALL AL T PIPELINE, AL T 2 &3 PIPELINE, ALT 3 NEW ROADWAY (EACH AL T NOTED) SCALE I"= 63,360 FIGURE 1 WALKER LAKE HYDROPOWER PROJECT SITE PLAN OF ALTERNATIVES DATE FEBRUARY1988 JOBNUMBER A113201 The powerhouse would be located at an approximate elevation of 400 feet MSL on the left bank of the Little Salmon River just upstream of the present bridge (see Figure 1). The powerhouse site contains enough level area for a powerhouse and switchyard. The powerhouse foundation might need crushed rock fill as it appears the drainage in this area is relatively poor. The powerhouse would consist of a concrete foundation which would incorporate a tailrace channel and support a prefabricated metal building. Its size for Options A and B would be 512 and 988 square feet, respectively. The powerhouse would contain the main control board and supervisory equipment, turbine, generator, and overhead travelling crane. It would also contain provisions for remote control from Klukwan or Haines. The road from the Klehini River Bridge to the powerhouse would require upgrading. Major upgrade would be required of the logging road which extends from the Klehini River Road to a point near the planned diversion site. See Figure 1. About .7 miles of new road would be required from the end of the logging road to the diversion site. Under Option A, the transmission line would run from the powerhouse site to Klukwan, a distance of about 7. 9 miles, as shown on Figure 1. Under Option B, an additional 12 miles of transmission line would be required from Klukwan to Haines. A new substation would also be required in Klukwan to accept the power. ALTERNATIVE 2 -WALKER LAKE DAM This alternative involves providing two small dams on Walker Lake to provide extra storage for powerplant operation. Storage would be required to meet peak loads, especially in the winter time. Under Alternative 1, there will be periods during which the power generation of the hydro unit would have to be supplemented by -5- ----------------Ott Water Engineers, Inc. --------------- standby diesel power. This alternative would eliminate or reduce the need for supplemental diesel power. The two dams would be located at the outlet of the lake and at the extreme southeast tip of Walker Lake. The need for the second dam and its required height remains to be determined since the site could not be visited during the field trip. The intake structure would be located at the southeast end of the lake as shown on Figure 1. The low-pressure pipeline would have a diameter of 14-inches under Option A and 24-inches under Option B. It would run from the intake structure at the southeast tip of the lake to a point adjacent to the Alternative 1 diversion. At this point, it would follow the Alternative 1 pipeline alignment. Both the penstock and the powerhouse would be located in the same area as described for Alternative 1. The powerhouse size would be the same as Alternative 1. The road rehabilitation would be the same as Alternative 1, with the exception of the requirement for 1 mile of additional road to access the two dam sites and intake structure. The length of the transmission line would also remain the same as Alternative 1. ALTERNATIVE 3 -WALKER LAKE DAM WITH LITTLE SALMON RIVER DIVERSION The layout for Alternative 3 project is shown on Figure 1, and the project characteristics are given in Table 1. Alternative 3 is the same as Alternative 2 with the addition of a diversion and intake structure at an elevation of approximately 1250 feet mean sea level on the Little Salmon River. The diversion structure was assumed to be of the same size and construction as the diversion described in Alternative 1. An 18-inch pipeline would carry water from the Little Salmon River to Walker Lake, and would be buried in the access road for most of its length. The remainder of the -6- '----------------Ott Water Engineers, Inc. ---------------- project would be the same as Alternative 2 with the exception of a larger diameter low-pressure pipe and penstock to carry the greater flow from Walker Lake to the powerhouse. This alternative would double the powerplant capacity over that of Alternative 2. An additional 0.8 miles of road and a bridge would be required to access the Little Salmon River diversion. Option A of Alternative 3 was not analyzed because the additional cost would not justify the very small increment of energy to serve Klukwan only. Alternative 3 would only be attractive if it could supply power to a larger load (i.e., Haines). POWER LOADS AND POWER COSTS The Alaska Power Authority (APA) in their June 1987 Klukwan Feasibility Report, estimated an average of 750 kwh per month, per consumer would be realized. This would result in an monthly demand of 50,330 kwh per month in the Year 2002. equivalent to 603,960 kwh in a year. average This is This demand was spread over 12 months using an allocation curve found in the report by Raj Bhargava and Associates (April 1985). This load curve is based on a residential energy load curve developed for Hoonah, Alaska and is shown in the table below: January 9.5% February 8.1% March 8.5% April 7.6% May 6.9% June 8.4% July 7.5% August 8.2% September 7.9% October 8.6% -7- ...._ _______________ Ott Water Engineers, Inc.---------------- November December 8.0% 10.8% The above figures were used in evaluating the feasibility of each alternative. -8- ......... -------·--------Ott Water Engineers, Inc. ----------------' POWER GENERATION The amount of energy generated in each alternative was computed from flow duration curves for Walker Creek, project characteristics (shown on Table 1), and the energy demand data explained above. HYDROLOGY The flow duration curves for the three alternatives were developed from flow measurements taken at a stream gage in Walker Creek near the lake outlet. The flow duration curve at this gage was computed by Alaska Department of Natural Resources based on flow records from part of 1985, most of 1986, and part of 1987. See Figure 2. The curves for Alternatives 1 and 3 were developed by multiplying the curve at the gage by the ratio of the drainage areas. Because of this short period of hydrologic record, the analysis of the average annual power generation should be considered to be only approximate. Only part of a year's data on the Little Salmon River was available. Therefore, this data was not used. POWER GENERATION AND USE The amount of energy which could be generated based on these flow duration curves was computed as follows. The flow duration curve was divided into a number of vertical sections. The average flow in each section was multiplied times the net head and turbine efficiency based on a standard 3-jet impulse turbine efficiency curve. The net head was derived from the powerhouse and diversion elevations from USGS quadrangle sheets and pipe head loss calculations. The fraction of the year represented in each section of the divided flow duration curve was then multiplied by the average power generated. This gave the energy generated in -9- ----------------Ott Water Engineers, Inc.---------------" ,· -en u. {) 70~--------~------~~-------r--------~------~ \ :\ ! \\ I I I ·., ~ .\ \\ ~ so----1 \ I \ 40+-----~~-----'.1 i ! LITTLE SALMON AND WALKER LAKE (AWTERNATIVE 3~ \ 3: .\ g 304-----~~~'-H---------~------~--~----+-------~ u. \\ -WALKER CREEK DIVERSION \.:, rL TE~NA TIV9 1) \', I \ /I FLOW AT WALKER LAKE GAGE 20 -+-------~,~~'---\/_.__ ~ v -t-T-ERNA1iVE~) ·., I \\/ 10-f--+'·~~.~-~~---+--1 -+---.-1 ,-_-I . -... ---L ":"':...::_-: :-:...:::... ::-:.±:.:-- -c-=-:-------1 ··-· ==-==-r-=-"""':". ==---;.-=-== 04---------~------~--~----~,,--------+-,----~~ 0 20 40 60 80 100 PERCENT EXCEEDANCE FIGURE 2 WALKER LAKE HYDROPOWER PROJECT FLOW DURATION CURVES JOB NUMBER :A 113 2.01 DATE: FEBRUARY 1988 each section of the flow duration curve which was then summed to produce the average annual energy. The average annual energy was then distributed to each month over the year based on the average monthly flows. This produced an average monthly power generation available which was compared with a load for each month. For all alternatives, the average monthly power generation equalled or exceeded the average monthly load. However, there may be times when peak daily and hourly demand will exceed the capacity of the unit and the backup diesel generators would have to be used for Alternative 1, Option A. Even though the plant capacity for Alternative 2 is less than Alternative 1, more energy would be generated in Alternative 2 since the peak demand could be met by using stored water in Walker Lake. Under Option B, the total amount of energy generated by the plant was assumed to be used by Klukwan and Haines. Table 2 shows the average annual energy produced by each of the alternatives and their options. TABLE 2 AVERAGE ANNUAL ENERGY GENERATED AVERAGE ANNUAL OPTION ENERGY (MWH) Alternative 1 A 574 B 2875 Alternative 2 A 605 B 2673 Alternative 3 A N/A B 5429 -10- '----------------Ott Water Engineers, Inc. ---------------" PROJECT COSTS The project cost estimates were based on the project characteristics outlined in Table 1 and on the quantities of concrete and excavation required for similar projects. Estimates in southeast Alaska also reflect unit costs for a project under construction and for another hydropower feasibility performed by OTT. Both projects are in southeast Alaska. Specific cost data and quantities are presented in Appendix B. The following general assumptions were made in computing the project costs: 0 Concrete, crushed rock, and riprap are available in Haines. o The low-pressure pipeline could be buried in standard soil (i.e., ·no rock excavation required) . o Temporary access roads would be constructed to install the above-ground penstock. o No costs would be incurred for land rights for the project or the transmission lines. Table 3 shows the estimated cost of each project alternative and option, including engineering costs. Annual operation and maintenance costs are based on OTT's past experience on similar projects. Project capital costs were converted to annual costs using a discount rate of 8 percent and a project life of 30 years. These annual costs were added to the O&M costs to produce total annual costs. Table 3 shows · the estimated capital, O&M, and total annual costs. -11- '----------------Ott Water Engineers, Inc. ---------------- TABLE 3 ALTERNATIVE COSTS ANNUAL TOTAL COST O&M COSTS ANNUAL COSTS OPTION ($1000) ($1000) ($1000) Alternative 1 A 4005 70 426 B 7425 110 770 Alternative 2 A 4579 70 477 B 7622 125 802 Alternative 3 A N/A N/A N/A B 10779 150 1107 ....._ ______________ Ott Water Engineers, Inc. -------------- PROJECT FEASIBILITY The total estimated annual costs in Table 3 for each alternative were divided by the average annual energy generated shown in Table 2. Results are shown in Table 4. The costs per kilowatt hour are compared to the cost of alterative energy sources such as diesel. According to Alaska Power Authority (1987), the cost of diesel generation in Klukwan would be $0.22/kwhr and in Haines is $0.17/kwhr. From Table 4, diesel generation would be preferred to Alternatives 1A and 2A. If the escalation of energy and O&M costs were considered, then Alternative 3B is marginally feasible at $0.20/kwhr. This analysis also assumes that the total energy generated by Alternative 3B could be used in the KlukwanjHaines area. OTHER ISSUES This study addresses only the economic feasibility which determines whether the project will be able to pay for itself over its lifetime. It does not address the financial feasibility which determines whether funds for the project are available. The financial feasibility for this project would need to be determined at a later date. The Tlingit-Haida Regional Electric Authority (Haines Light and Power Company) would need to be contacted about the possibility of selling the project power in Haines. References Alaska Power Authority, "Draft Klukwan Feasibility Report", June 1987. Raj Bhargava Associates, Rural Energy Construction Program, 1984- 1985, 42 Villages Waste Head Recovery Evaluation and Analysis for Conservation", April 1985. -12- ..._ _______________ Ott Water Engineers, Inc.--------------- TABLE 4 ANNUAL COSTS PER KILOWATT-HOUR AVERAGE COSTS OPTION PER KILOWATT HOUR Alternative 1 A $0.74 B $0.27 Alternative 2 A $0.79 B $0.30 Alternative 3 A N/A B $0.20 '---·------------Ott Water Engineers, Inc.-------------- WALKER LAKE HYDRO FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT All32.01 o Temperature: 30• F o Snowing, about 1 to 2 feet of snow on the ground at the powerhouse site November 19, 1987, 10:30 am In the area just upstream of the bridge I took several pictures of the powerhouse site along the Little Salmon River. In the area just above the left overbank is the location of the powerhouse. There are cottonwoods and alders along the left overbank which varies from about 20 to about 60 feet in width. The powerhouse would be located in the flat area above the flood plain on the left bank. There are some large cottonwood trees in this area up to three to four feet in diameter. This site could be marshy in the spring and summer months. It is a level area which forms a triangle. Two sides of the triangle are formed by the Little Salmon River and the base of the hill to the Northwest. The other side of the triangle is along the road which crosses the Little Salmon River. Foundations could be a problem due to the possible swampy nature of this area. There are no fir trees growing in this area only alders and cottonwoods. I've taken several pictures from the bridge looking to the east. The bridge is a high point. The road drops about 6 to 8 vertical feet to a low point where a small stream passes under the road through a culvert. This stream probably drains the marshy area that lies in the northeast corner of the triang1u1ar area. Stan Carrick, from the Department of Natural Resources said that he thinks the powerhouse site consists of alluvium rather than -1- -----------------Ott Water Engineers, Inc.--------------~ marshy material. If the alluvium is several feet thick it probably would not be a problem for the powerhouse foundation. This is being dictated from the top of the road at the low point mentioned above. There is definitely a creek running through this area. There seems to be two channels coming together at a point just upstream of the road. One comes from north of the road entering perpendicular to the road and the other comes from a point east-northeast of the road. Both seem to be draining this flat area. The hill above the powerhouse site does not seen to be particularly steep. From the road the slope appears to have from 50 to 80 percent slopes. The hill is heavily forested. I can't see any evidence of slides where the penstock would be coming down the hill. There seems to be some bare spots on the slope near the River although, it is difficult to tell through the falling snow. After taking off from the bridge site we flew up the Little Salmon River and then up Walker Creek to Walker Lake. The visibility was about a 1/4 of a mile and it was snowing rather heavily. Since the weather might close in at any time, the pilot did not want land and let us inspect the site or maintain the stream gage at the lake. I was not able to inspect the dam sites at the creek's exit from the lake or at the southeast end of the lake. As we flew back down the Little Salmon River, I was able to see the penstock route. It appears that the dam would be very easy to construct. The first portion of the low-pressure pipeline route is along a relatively flat portion on top of a ridge. However, the furthest downstream third of the low pressure pipeline appears to get into steeper terrain as it arrives at the end of the ridge near where the penstock starts. The penstock would run straight down the hill. -2- ------------------Ott Water Engineers, Inc. --------------- The Little Salmon River is in a canyon from the bridge to upstream past where the project is located. The only exception to this is in a short area around the confluence with Walker Creek. It appeared from the helicopter that the diversion location on the Little Salmon River is in a steep canyon. Getting the pipeline out for this canyon and building the diversion dam could be difficult and expensive. Ott Yater Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority Alaska Power Authority WALKER LAKE PROJECT SUMMARY OF DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) ***** (ALTERNATIVE 1, OPTION A:) FERC A/C No. Description Amount($) 330 Land and Land Rights 0 330.5 Mobilization and Logistics 122,000 331 Structures and Improvements 161,590 332 Reservoirs, Dams and Waterways 1,132,212 333 Turbines and Generators 220,000 334 Accessory Electrical Equipment 85,000 335 Misc. Mechanical Equipment 16,000 336 Roads, Railroads and Bridges 440,500 350 Land and Land Rights 0 352 Transmission Struct . and Improv. n/a 353 Substation·Equipment 48,000 355 Poles and Fixtures 232,600 356 Overhead Conductors and Devices 209,000 359 Line Clearing, Mob, and Demob. 60,000 SUBTOTAL, ESTIMATED COSTS 2,726,902 Contingency Allowance * 25.0% 681 J 725 TOTAL ESTIMATED DIRECT COST 3,408,627 Engineering and Administration* 17.5% 596,510 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $4,005,137 *Covering environmental studies and licensing (5%), design and specification (6%), legal and financial fees (1.5%) and construction management (5%). - 1 - 10-Feb-88 Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority FERC A/C No. WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. lA DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) Description Quan- tity Unit Unit Price 330 LAND AND LAND RIGHTS .01 Land Rights -Generation Plant 0 L.S. $0 Subtotal -A/C No. 330 -Land and Land Rights ' 330 .5 MOBILIZATION AND LOGISTICS .51 Temp Const Roads for Penstock 1.00 Mile $50,000 .52 Open Storage and Helipads 1 L.S. $8,000 .53 Covered Storage & Office 1 L.S. $7,000 .54 Construction Power 1 L.S. $6,000 .55 Temporary Water System 1 L.S . $3,000 . 56 Construction Surveys 1 L.S. $24,000 .57 Subsistence 400 Days $60 Subtotal -A/C No. 330.5 -Mobilization and Logistics 331 STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS 331 .1 POWERHOUSE .11 Clearing 1.00 Acre $5,000 .12 Excavation 160 C.Y. $25 .13 Concrete (including reinforcing) 85 C.Y. $650 .14 Misc. Metals 1,500 Lb. $3.00 .15 Partition Walls 1 L.S. $3,000 .16 Furnishings and Fixtures 1 L.S. $2,000 .17 Pre-eng'd Metal Superstructure 512 S.F. $45.00 .18 HVAC and Plumbing l L.S. $12,000 .19 Grounding Grid 1 L.S. $12,000 Subtotal -Powerhouse 331 .2 POWERHOUSE SITE/SWITCHYARD .21 Fill 100 C.Y. $10 . 22 Crushed Rock Surfacing 50 C.Y . $20 . 23 Drainage 1 L.S . $10,000 .24 Chain Link Fencing 150 L.F. $30 .25 16-foot Double Gate 1 Each $1,000 .26 Foundations 12 C.Y. $600 Subtotal -Powerhouse Site/Switchyard -l - 10-Feb-88 Amount($) 0 0 50,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 3,000 24,000 24,000 122,000 5,000 4,000 55,250 4,500 3,000 2,000 23,040 12,000 12,000 --------- 120,790 ------ 1,000 1,000 10,000 4,500 1,000 7,200 ----------.. 24,700 ---------.. -- ........_ ________________ Ott Water Engineers, Inc. ---------------- Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority FERC A/C No. 331 . 3 .31 .32 .33 .34 .35 332 332 .1 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18 332 . 3 332 .31 . 311 .312 .313 . 314 .315 .316 . 317 .318 WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. lA DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) Description Quan-Unit tity KLUKWAN SUBSTATION Crushed Rock Surfacing 70 C.Y. Drainage 1 L.S. Chain Link Fencing 150 L.F. 16-foot Double Gate 1 Each Foundations 12 C.Y. Unit Price $20 $2,000 $30 $1,000 $600 Subtotal -Powerhouse Site/Switchyard Subtotal -A/C No. 331 -Structures and Improvements RESERVOIRS, DAMS AND WATERWAYS DAJ.'i AND SPILLWAY ON WALKER CK Diversion and care of Water 1 L.S. $20,000 Clearing 1.0 Acre $5,000 Common Excavation 150 C.Y. $15 Rip-Rap 357 C.Y. $35 Mass Concrete 176 C.Y. $400 Structural Concrete 20 C.Y. $650 Miscellaneous Metals 1,200 Lb. $4.00 Sluice Gate 1 L.S. 15000 Subtotal -Dam and Spillway WATERWAYS INTAKE AT WALKER CREEK Bedding Material 12 C.Y. $25 Rip rap 25 C.Y. $15 Concrete (Including reinforcing) 20 C.Y. $650 Trashrack & Stru. Steel 1,800 Lb . $3.00 Steel Pipe, 14 inch diameter 70 L.F. $70.00 14-inch diameter Gate 1 L.S. $6,000 Hisc. Steel 600 Lb. $3 Revegetation and Erosion Control 0.4 Acre $2,500 Subtotal -Intake & u. Penstock -2 - 10-Feb-88 Amount($) 1,400 2,000 4,500 1,000 7,200 ____ :.. ____ ..., __ 16,100 ----------- 161,590 ----------- 20,000 5,000 2,250 12,507 70,400 13,000 4,800 15,000 ----------- 142,957 _____ ,. ___ ... __ 300 375 13,000 5,400 4,900 6,000 1,800 1,000 --------·--- 32' 77 5 ------------ -----------------Ott Water Engineers, Inc.--------------- Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority FERC A/C No. 332 .32 .321 .322 .323 .324 .325 332 .33 332 .331 .332 .333 .334 .335 .336 .337 .338 .339 332 .34 .341 .342 WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. lA DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) Description Quan-Unit tity LOW PRESSURE PIPELINE (Walker Lk. to Top of Penstock) Clearing 6.5 Acre Trench Excavation and Backfill 7,020 L.F. Bedding Material 1,700 C.Y. Steel Pipe, 14 inch diameter 7,020 L.F. Revegetation and Erosion Control 6.5 Acre Subtotal -Intake & Upper Penstock Penstock Above-ground Penstock (2,150' long) Clearing (40' wide) 2.0 Acre Additional Tree Removal 1 L.S. Excavation 30 C.Y. Concrete in Anchor Blocks 60 C.Y. Structural Steel 4,000 Lb. Steel Penstock, 14 inch diameter 2,150 L.F. Expansion Joints 6 Each Revegetation and Erosion Control 2.0 Acre Subtotal -Above-ground Penstock Tailrace Excavation 140 C.Y. Rip-Rap 70 C.Y. Subtotal -Tailrace Subtotal -A/C No. 332 -Res., Dams and W'ways 333 TURBINES AND GENERATORS .01 .02 .03 Furnish 360 HP Single-jet impulse turbine, including inlet valve, controls and governor Furnish 270 kW generator Install turbine-generators 1 1 1 Each Each L.S. Unit Price $5,000 $15 $20 $70.00 $2,500 $8,000 $10,000 $25.00 $650 $3.00 $80.00 $3,000 $2,500 $20.00 $25.00 $100,000 $80,000 $40,000 Subtotal -A/C No. 333 -Turbines and Generators -3 - 10-Feb-88 Amount($) 32,500 105,300 34,000 491,400 16,250 ,... _______ 679,450 ------------ 15,794 10,000 750 39,000 12,000 172 '000 18,000 4,936 ------------ 272,480 ___ ..., ____ -- 2,800 1,750 ------------ 4,550 ------------ 1,132,212 ----------- 100,000 80,000 40,000 220,000 ...._ _______________ Ott Water Engineers, Inc. ---------------- Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. lA DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) 10-Feb-88 FERC A/C No. Description Quan- tity Unit Unit Amount($) 334 ACCESSORY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT .01 .02 .03 Excitation, switchgear, station service, controls and protective relays 1 Supervisory controls 1 Communication Equipment 1 L.S. L.S. L.S. Price $40,000 $25,000 $20,000 Subtotal -A/C No. 334 Accessory Elect. Equip. 335 MISCELLANEOUS MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT .01 5-ton Overhead Crane .02 Miscellaneous Equipment 1 1 Each L.S. $8,000 $8,000 Subtotal -A/C No. 335 -Misc. Mechanical Equipment 336 ROADS, RAILROADS AND BRIDGES .01 Upgrade Existing Logging Road .02 New Road to Dams .03 Grade and surface exist. P.H. road 3.10 0.70 6.00 Mile Mile Mile $50,000 $65,000 $40,000 Subtotal -A/C No. 336 -Roads, Railroads and Bridges 350 LAND ~ND LAND RIGHTS . 01 353 353 .1 . 11 . 12 353 . 2 . 21 . 22 Land Rights -Transmission Facil. 0 L.S . Subtotal -A/C No. 330 -Land and Land Rights SUBSTATION EQUIPMENT AND STRUCTURES SWITCHYARD Transformer (4.16/34.5kV) Switches, Breakers and Misc. Equip Subtotal - KLUKWAN SUBSTATION Transformer (34.5kV/12.47kV) Switches, Breakers and Misc. Equip Subtotal - 1 1 L.S . L.S . Walker Lake Switchyard 1 1 L.S . L.S . Klawock Substation Subtotal -A/C No. 353 -Substation Equipment - 4 - $0 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 40,000 25,000 20,000 . 85,000 8,000 8,000 16,000 155,000 45,500 240,000 440,500 0 0 12,000 12,000 24,000 12,000 12,000 24,000 48,000 ""----------------Ott Water Engineers, Inc.----------------' Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority FERC A/C No. 355 355 .1 .11 .12 .13 356 356 .1 .11 .12 .13 .14 359 . 01 .02 WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. lA DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) Description POLES AND FIXTURES POWERHOUSE TO KLUKWAN, 34.5 kV Poles Guys, Anchors & other material Installation Subtotal -A/C No. 355 OVERHEAD CONDUCTORS AND DEVICES POWERHOUSE TO KLUKWAN & HAINES, Conductors Insulators Hardware and Miscellaneous Installation Subtotal -A/C No. 356 - Quan- tity 1 1 7.9 Unit L.S. L.S. Mile Poles and Fixtures 34.5 kV, 20 miles 1 L.S. 1 L.S. 1 L.S. 7.9 Mile -Overhead conductors, LINE CLEARING, MOBILIZE AND DEMOBILIZE Mobilize and Demobilize 1 L.S . Light Clearing 4 Acre 10-Feb-88 Unit Amount($) Price $32,000 32,000 $11 '000 11,000 $24,000 189,600 ------------ 232,600 ----------- $16,000 16,000 $24,000 24,000 $11,000 11,000 $20,000 158,000 ------------ etc 209,000 ------------ $40,000 40,000 $5,000 20,000 ------------ Subtotal -. A/C No. 359 -Clearing, Mob, and Demob. 60,000 -5 - ..._ ________________ Ott Water Engineers, Inc. --------------- Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority Alaska Power Authority WALKER LAKE PROJECT SUMMARY OF DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) ***** (ALTERNATIVE 1, OPTION B:) FERC A/C No. Description Amount($) 330 Land and Land Rights 0 330 .5 Mobilization and Logistics 133.000 331 Structures and Improvements 241,760 332 Reservoirs, Dams and Waterways 1,910,841 333 Turbines and Generators 510,000 334 Accessory Electrical Equipment 240,000 335 Misc. Mechanical Equipment 23,000 336 Roads, Railroads and Bridges 505,500 350 Land and Land Rights 0 352 ~ransmission Struct. and Improv. n/a 353 Substation· Equipment 117,000 355 Poles and Fixtures 707,000 356 Overhead Conductors and Devices 607,000 359 Line Clearing, Mob, and Demob. 60,000 SUBTOTAL, ESTIMATED COSTS 5,055,101 Contingency Allowance * 25.0% 1,263,775 TOTAL ESTIMATED DIRECT COST 6,318,876 Engineering and Administration* 17.5% 1,105,803 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $7,424,679 *Covering environmental studies and licensing (5%), design and specification (6%), legal and financial fees (1 .5%) and construction management (5%). -1 - 10-Feb-88 Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. lB DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) 10-Feb-88 FERC Description Quan-Unit Unit Amount($) A/C No. tity Price 330 LAND AND LAND RIGHTS .01 Land Rights -Generation Plant 0 L.S. $0 0 Subtotal -A/C No. 330 -Land and Land Rights 0 330 .5 MOBILIZATION AND LOGISTICS .51 Temp Const Roads for Penstock 1.00 Mile $50,000 50,000 .52 Open Storage and Helipads 1 L.S. $10,000 . 10,000 .53 Covered Storage & Office 1 L.S. $8,000 8,000 .54 Construction Power 1 L.S. $7,000 7,000 .55 Temporary Water System 1 L.S. $4,000 4,000 .56 Construction Surveys 1 L.S. $24,000 24,000 .57 Subsistence 500 Days $60 30,000 -·---------- Subtotal -A/C No. 330.5 -Mobilization and Logistics 133' 000 __ ... _________ 331 STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS . 331 .1 POWERHOUSE .11 Clearing 1.60 Acre $5,000 8,000 .12 Excavation 220 C.Y. $25 5,500 .13 Concrete (including reinforcing) 150 C.Y. $650 97,500 .14 Misc. Metals 1,500 Lb. $3.00 4,500 .15 Partition Walls 1 L.S. $3,000 3,000 .16 Furnishings and Fixtures 1 L.S. $2,000 2,000 .17 Pre-eng'd Metal Superstructure 988 S.F. $45.00 44,460 .18 HVAC and Plumbing 1 L.S. $12,000 12,000 .19 Grounding Grid 1 L.S. $12,000 12,000 ------------ Subtotal -Powerhouse 188,960 ____ .,. _______ 331 .2 POWERHOUSE SITE/SWITCHYARD .21 Fill 160 C.Y. $10 1,600 .22 Crushed Rock Surfacing 80 C.Y. $20 1,600 . 23 Drainage 1 L.S . $10,000 10,000 .24 Chain Link Fencing 200 L.F. $30 6,000 .25 16-foot Double Gate 1 Each $1,000 1,000 . 26 Foundations 16 C.Y . $600 9,600 __________ ...... Subtotal -Powerhouse SitejSwitchyard 29,800 _________ .., __ ---------------Ott Water Engineers, Inc. --------------_. Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority FERC A/C No. 331 .3 .31 .32 .33 .34 .35 332 332 .1 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18 332 . 3 332 .31 .311 .312 . 313 .314 .315 .316 . 317 .318 WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. lB DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) Description Quan-Unit tity KLUKWAN SUBSTATION Crushed Rock Surfacing 100 C.Y. Drainage 1 L. S. Chain Link Fencing 200 L.F. 16-foot Double Gate 1 Each Foundations 20 C.Y. Unit Price $20 $2,000 $30 $1,000 $600 Subtotal -Powerhouse SitejSwitchyard Subtotal -A/C No. 331 -Structures and Improvements RESERVOIRS, DAMS AND WATERWAYS DAM AND SPILLWAY ON WALKER CK Diversion and care of Water 1 L.S. $20,000 Clearing 1.0 Acre $5,000 Common Excavation 150 C.Y. $15 Rip-Rap 357 C.Y. $35 Hass Concrete 176 C.Y. $400 Structural Concrete 20 C.Y. $650 Miscellaneous Hetals 1,200 Lb. $4.00 Sluice Gate 1 L.S. 15000 Subtotal -Dam and Spillway WATERWAYS INTAKE AT WALKER CREEK Bedding Haterial 20 C.Y. $25 Rip rap 25 C.Y. $15 Concrete (Including reinforcing) 30 C.Y. $650 Trashrack & Stru. Steel 3,000 Lb. $3.00 Steel Pipe, 24 inch diameter 70 L.F. $100.00 24-inch diameter Gate 1 L.S. $10,000 Misc. Steel 1,000 Lb . $3 Revegetation and Erosion Control 0.4 Acre $2,500 Subtotal -Intake & u. Penstock 10-Feb 88 Amount($) 2,000 2,000 6,000 1,000 12,000 -------- 23,000 -------- 241,760 ---------- 20,000 5,000 2,250 12,507 70,400 13.000 4,800 15,000 ----------- 142,957 ------------ 500 375 19,500 9,000 7,000 10,000 3,000 1,000 ------------ 50,375 ----------- ...._ ________________ Ott Water e..'riglneers, Inc.--------------- Ott Uater Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority FERC A/C No. 332 .32 .321 .322 .323 .324 .325 332 .33 332 .331 .332 .333 .334 .335 . 336 .337 .338 .339 332 .34 . 341 . 342 WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. lB DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) Description Quan-Unit tity LOW PRESSURE PIPELINE (Walker Lk. to Top of Penstock) Clearing 8.9 Acre Trench Excavation and Backfill 9,660 L.F. Bedding Material 3,000 C.Y. Steel Pipe, 24 inch diameter 9,660 L.F. Revegetation and Erosion Control 8.9 Acre Subtotal -Intake & Upper Penstock Penstock Above-ground Penstock (2,150' long) Clearing (40' wide) Additional Tree Removal Excavation Concrete in Anchor Blocks Structural Steel Steel Penstock, 24 inch diameter Expansion Joints Revegetation and Erosion Control 2.0 Acre 1 L.S. 40 C.Y. 100 C.Y. 8,000 Lb . 2,150 L.F. 6 Each 2.0 Acre . Subtotal -Above-ground Penstock Tailrace Excavation Rip-Rap Subtotal - 240 110 Tailrace C.Y . C.Y . Subtotal-A/C No. 332-Res., Dams and W'ways 333 TURBINES AND GENERATORS .01 .02 .03 Furnish 1200 HP Multi-jet impulse turbine, including inlet valve, controls and governor Furnish 1000 kW generator Install turbine-generators 1 1 1 Each Each L.S. Unit Price $5,000 $20 $20 $100.00 $2,500 $8,000 $10,000 $25.00 $650 $3.00 $130.00 $4,000 $2,500 $20.00 $25.00 $230,000 $200,000 $80,000 Subtotal -A/C No. 333 -Turbines and Generators 10-Feb-88 Amount($) 44,353 193,200 60,000 966,000 22,176 ----------- 1,285,729 ----------- 15,794 10,000 1,000 65,000 24,000 279,500 24,000 4,936 ------------ 424,230 _____ ..,. ______ 4,800 2,750 ___ .., __ .,.. _____ 7,550 --------·-- 1,910,841 ------------ 230,000 200,000 80,000 510,000 '---------------Ott Water E~gineers, Inc.--------------- Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. lB DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) 10-Feb-88 FERC A/C No. Description Quan- tity Unit Unit Amount($) 334 ACCESSORY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT .01 .02 .03 Excitation, switchgear, station service, controls and protective relays 1 Supervisory controls 1 Communication Equipment 1 L.S. L.S. L.S. Price $140,000 $80,000 $20,000 Subtotal -A/C No. 334 Accessory Elect. Equip. 335 MISCELLANEOUS MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT .01 5-ton Overhead Crane .02 Miscellaneous Equipment 1 1 Each L.S. $15,000 $8,000 Subtotal -A/C No. 335 -Misc. Mechanical Equipment 336 ROADS, RAILROADS AND BRIDGES .01 Upgrade Existing Logging Road .02 New Road to Dams .03 Grade and surface exist. P.H. road 3.10 1. 70 6.00 Mile Mile Mile $50,000 $65,000 $40,000 Subtotal -A/C No. 336 -Roads, Railroads and Bridges 350 LAND AND LAND RIGHTS . 01 353 353 .1 .11 . 12 353 . 2 . 21 .22 Land Rights -Transmission Facil. 0 L.S . Subtotal -A/C No. 330 -Land and Land Rights SUBSTATION EQUIPMENT AND STRUCTURES SWITCHYARD Transformer (4.16j34.5kV) Switches, Breakers and Misc. Equip 1 1 L.S. L.S . Subtotal -Walker Lake Switchyard KLUKWAN SUBSTATION Transformer (34.5kV/12.47kV) Switches, Breakers and Misc. Equip Subtotal - 1 1 L.S . L.S. Klawock Substation Subtotal -A/C No. 353 -Substation Equipment $0 $30,000 $30,000 $27,000 $30,000 140,000 80,000 20,000 240,000 15,000 8,000 23,000 155,000 110,500 240,000 505,500 0 0 30,000 30,000 60,000 27,000 30,000 57,000 117,000 ...._ ______________ Ott Water Engineers, Inc. --------------- Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority FERC A/C No. 355 355 .1 .11 . 12 .13 356 356 .1 .11 .12 .13 .14 359 .01 .02 WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. lB DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) Description POLES AND FIXTURES POWERHOUSE TO KLUKWAN & HAINES, Poles Guys, Anchors & other material Installation Subtotal -A/C No. 355 OVERHEAD CONDUCTORS AND DEVICES POWERHOUSE TO KLUKWAN & HAINES, Conductors Insulators Hardware and Miscellaneous Installation Subtotal -A/C No. 356 Quan- tity 34.5 kV, 20 1 1 20 -Poles and 34.5 kV, 20 1 1 1 20 Unit miles L.S . L.S. Mile Fixtures miles L.S. L.S. L.S. Mile -Overhead conductors, LINE CLEARING, MOBILIZE AND DEMOBILIZE Mobilize and Demobilize 1 L.S. Light Clearing 4 Acre 10 Feb-88 Unit Amount($) Price $80,000 80,000 $27,000 27,000 $30,000 600,000 _______ ..., ____ 707,000 _________ .,. __ $40,000 40,000 $60,000 60,000 $27,000 27,000 $24,000 480,000 ------------ etc 607,000 ------------ $40,000 40,000 $5,000 20,000 ----------- Subtotal -A/C No. 359 -Clearing, Mob, and Demob. 60,000 - 5 -...._ _______________ Ott Water Engineers, Inc.--------------- Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority Alaska Power Authority WALKER LAKE PROJECT SUMMARY OF DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) ***** (ALTERNATIVE 2, OPTION A:) FERC A/C No. Description 330 Land and Land Rights 330.5 Mobilization and Logistics 331 Structures and Improvements 332 Reservoirs, Dams and Waterways 333 Turbines and Generators 334 Accessory Electrical Equipment 335 Misc. Mechanical Equipment 336 Roads, Railroads and Bridges 350 Land and Land Rights 352 Transmission Struct. and Improv. 353 Substation . Equipment 355 Poles and Fixtures 356 Overhead Conductors and Devices 359 Line Clearing, Mob, and Demob. SUBTOTAL, ESTIMATED COSTS Contingency Allowance * 25.0% TOTAL ESTIMATED DIRECT COST Engineering and Administration* 17.5% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST Amount($) 0 127,000 161,590 1,523,099 215,000 85,000 16,000 440,500 0 n/a 48,000 232,600 209,000 60,000 3,117,789 779,447 3,897,237 682,016 $4,579,253 *Covering environmental studies and licensing (5%), design and specification (6%), legal and financial fees (1 .5%) and construction management (5%). - 6 - 10-Feb-88 Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. 2A DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) 10-Feb-88 FERC A/C No. Description Quan- tity Unit Unit Amount($) Price 330 LAND AND LAND RIGHTS .01 . 330 . 5 .51 .52 .53 .54 .55 .56 .57 331 331 .1 .11 .12 .13 . 14 . 15 . 16 .17 .18 . 19 331 .2 .21 .22 . 23 . 24 .25 . 26 Land Rights -Generation Plant 0 L.S. Subtotal -A/C No. 330 -Land and Land Rights MOBILIZATION AND LOGISTICS Temp Const Roads for Penstock Open Storage and Helipads Covered Storage & Office Construction Power Temporary Water System Construction Surveys Subsistence 1.00 1 1 1 1 1 400 Mile L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. Days $0 $50,000 $10,000 $8,000 $7,000 $4,000 $24,000 $60 Subtotal -A/C No. 330.5 -Mobilization and Logistics STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS POWERHOUSE Clearing Excavation Concrete (including reinforcing) Misc. Metals Partition Walls Furnishings and Fixtures Pre-eng'd Metal Superstructure HVAC and Plumbing Grounding Grid Subtotal - POWERHOUSE SITE/SWITCHYARD Fill Crushed Rock Surfacing Drainage Chain Link Fencing 16-foot Double Gate Foundations Subtotal - 1.00 160 85 1,500 1 1 512 1 1 Powerhouse 100 so 1 150 1 12 Acre C.Y. C.Y. Lb . L.S . L.S . S.F. L.S. L. S . C.Y. C.Y. L.S . L.F . Each C.Y . $5,000 $25 $650 $3.00 $3,000 $2,000 $45.00 $12,000 $12,000 $10 $20 $10,000 $30 $1,000 $600 Powerhouse Site/Switchyard -1 - 0 0 50,000 10,000 8,000 7,000 4,000 24,000 24,000 127,000 5,000 4,000 55,250 4,500 3,000 2,000 23,040 12,000 12,000 120,790 1,000 1,000 10,000 4,500 1,000 7,200 24,700 ----------------Ott Water Engineers, Inc.----------------- Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority FERC A/C 331 332 332 No. . 3 .31 .32 .33 .34 .35 . 2 .21 .22 .23 .24 .25 .26 .27 . 28 .29 . 210 332 .3 332 . 31 . 311 . 312 . 313 . 314 . 315 .316 .317 .318 WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. 2A DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) Description Quan-Unit tity KLUKWAN SUBSTATION Crushed Rock Surfacing 70 C.Y. Drainage 1 L.S. Chain Link Fencing 150 L.F. 16-foot Double Gate 1 Each Foundations 12 C.Y. Unit Price $20 $2,000 $30 $1,000 $600 Subtotal -Powerhouse Site/Switchyard Subtotal -A/C No. 331 -Structures and Improvements RESERVOIRS, DAMS AND WATERWAYS DAM AND SPILLWAY AT LAKE( 2 ROCKFILL DAMS) Diversion and care of Water 1 Clearing 3.0 Common Excavation 1,156 Dumped Rockfill 1,896 Compacted Rockfill 1,200 Rip-Rap (incl. channel eros cntrl) 300 Concrete (Spillway) 66 Sluice Gates 2 Outlet Piping (3' Dia.) 250 Outlet Channel Exc. 5,867 L.S. Acre C.Y. C.Y. C.Y. C.Y. C.Y. L.S . L.F. C.Y .. Subtotal -Dam and Spillway WATERWAYS INTAKE AT WALKER LAKE Bedding Material Riprap Concrete (Including reinforcing) Trashrack & Stru. Steel Steel Pipe, 14 inch diameter 14-inch diameter Gate Misc. Steel Revegetation and Erosion Control 12 25 20 1,800 70 1 600 0.4 C.Y . C.Y . C.Y . Lb . L.F . L.S. Lb. Acre Subtotal -Intake & U. Penstock -2 - $25,000 $5,000 $10 $15 $50 $35 $650 $15,000 $100 $5 $25 $15 $650 $3.00 $70.00 $6,000 $3 $2,500 10-Feb-88 Amount($) 1,400 2,000 4,500 1,000 7,200 -------... --- 16,100 161,590 ------------ 25,000 15,000 11,556 28,444 60,000 10,500 42 '611 30,000 25,000 29,333 277,444 300 375 13 '000 5,400 4,900 6,000 1,800 1,000 .32,775 "'----------------Ott Water Engineers, Inc.--------------- Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. 2A DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) FERC Description Quan-Unit A/C No. tity 332 .32 LOW PRESSURE PIPELINE (Walker Lk. to Top of Penstock) .321 Clearing 8.9 Acre .322 Trench Excavation and Backfill 9,660 L.F. .323 Bedding Material 2,400 C.Y. .324 Steel Pipe, 14 inch diameter 9,660 L.F. .325 Revegetation and Erosion Control 8.9 Acre Subtotal -Intake & Upper Penstock 332 .33 Penstock 332 .331 Above-ground Penstock (2,150' long) .332 Clearing (40' wide) .333 Additional Tree Removal .334 Excavation .335 Concrete in Anchor Blocks .336 Structural Steel .337 Steel Penstock, 14 inch diameter .338 Expansion Joints .339 Revegetation and Erosion Control Subtotal - 332 .34 Tailrace . 341 Excavation . 342 Rip-Rap Subtotal - Subtotal -A/C No. 332 333 TURBINES AND GENERATORS .01 Furnish 330 HP Single-jet impulse turbine, including inlet valve, controls and governor .02 Furnish 250 kW generator . 03 Install turbine-generators 2.0 Acre 1 L.S. 30 C.Y. 60 C.Y. 4,000 Lb. 2,150 L.F. 6 Each 2.0 Acre Above-ground Penstock 140 70 Tailrace -Res., Dams 1 1 1 C.Y . C.Y . and W'ways Each Each L.S . Unit Price $5,000 $15 $20 $70.00 $2,500 $8,000 $10,000 $25.00 $650 $3.00 $80.00 $3,000 $2,500 $20.00 $25.00 $100,000 $75,000 $40,000 Subtotal -A/C No. 333 -Turbines and Generators - 3 - 10-Feb-88 Amount($) 44,500 144,900 48,000 676,200 22,250 ----------- 935,850 -.... ------- 15,794 10,000 750 39,000 12,000 172,000 18,000 4,936 ...,. __________ 272,480 ------------ 2,800 1,750 _.., __________ 4, 550 __ ,... ______ .,. __ 1,523,099 .,..,. _____ ---- 100,000 75,000 40,000 215,000 "----------------Ott Water Engineers, Inc.--------------- Ott water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority FERC A/C No. 334 .01 .02 .03 335 .01 .02 336 .01 .02 .03 350 .01 353 353 .1 .11 .12 353 . 2 .21 .22 WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. 2A DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) Description Quan-Unit tity ACCESSORY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Excitation, switchgear, station service, controls and protective relays l L.S. Supervisory controls 1 L.S. Communication Equipment l L.S. Unit Price $40,000 $25,000 $20,000 Subtotal -A/C No. 334 -Accessory Elect. Equip. MISCELLANEOUS MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT 5-ton Overhead Crane 1 Each $8,000 Miscellaneous Equipment 1 L.S. $8,000 Subtotal -A/C No. 335 -Misc. Mechanical Equipment ROADS, RAILROADS AND BRIDGES Upgrade Existing Logging Road 3.10 Mile New Road to Dams 0.70 Mile Grade and surface ex:-ist. P.H. road 6.00 Mile Subtotal -A/C No. 336 - LAND AND LAND RIGHTS Land Rights -Transmission Facil. Subtotal -A/C No. 330 - SUBSTATION EQUIPMENT AND STRUCTURES SWITCHYARD Transformer (4.16/34.5kV) Switches, Breakers and Misc. Equip Roads, Railroads and Land 0 and 1 1 L.S. Land Rights L. s. L.S. $50,000 $65,000 $40,000 Bridges $0 $12,000 $12,000 Subtotal -Walker Lake Switchyard KLUKwAN SUBSTATION Transformer (34.5kV/12.47kV) Switches, Breakers and Misc. Equip Subtotal - 1 1 L. s. L.S. Klawock Substation Subtotal -A/C No. 353 -Substation Equipment -4 - $12,000 $12,000 10-Feb-88 Amount($) 40,000 25,000 20,000 ___ .,. ________ 85,000 ------------ 8,000 8,000 ... .. __________ 16,000 ------------ 155,000 45,500 240,000 ------------ 440,500 ------ 0 ------------ 0 ..,. ___________ 12,000 12,000 24,000 12,000 12,000 24,000 48,000 ----------------Ott Water Engineers, Inc. ----------------- Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority FERC A/G No. 355 355 .1 .11 .12 .13 356 356 .1 .11 . 12 . 13 .14 359 . 01 .02 WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. 2A DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) Description Quan-Unit Unit tity Price POLES AND FIXTURES POWERHOUSE TO KLUKWAN, 34.5 kV Poles 1 L.S. $32,000 Guys, Anchors & other material 1 L.S. $11,000 Installation 7.9 Mile $24,000 Subtotal -A/C No. 355 -Poles and Fixtures OVERHEAD CONDUCTORS AND DEVICES POWERHOUSE TO KLUKWAN, 34.5 kV Conductors 1 L.S. $16,000 Insulators 1 L.S . $24,000 Hardware and Miscellaneous 1 L.S . $11 '000 Installation 7.9 Mile $20,000 Subtotal -A/C No. 356 -Overhead conductors, etc LINE CLEARING, MOBILIZE AND DEMOBILIZE Mobilize and Demobilize 1 L.S . $40,000 Light Clearing 4 Acre $5,000 Subtotal -A/C No. 359 -Clearing, Mob, and Demob. - 5 - 10-Feb-88 Amount($) 32,000 11,000 189,600 ----------- 232,600 ___ .., ________ 16,000 24,000 11,000 158,000 _______ .,. ___ 209,000 -------- 40,000 20,000 ------------ 60,000 ----------- '----------------Ott Water Engineers, Inc.--------------_. Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority Alaska Power Authority WALKER LAKE PROJECT SUMMARY OF DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) ***** (ALTERNATIVE 2, OPTION B:) FERC A/C No. Description Amount($) 330 Land and Land Rights 0 330.5 Mobilization and Logistics 133,000 331 Structures and Improvements 241,760 332 Reservoirs, Dams and Waterways 2,045,328 333 Turbines and Generators 510,000 334 Accessory Electrical Equipment 240,000 335 Misc. Mechanical Equipment 23,000 336 Roads, Railroads and Bridges 505,500 350 Land and Land Rights 0 352 Transmission Struct. and Improv. n/a 353 Substation Equipment 117,000 355 Poles and Fixtures 707,000 356 Overhead Conductors and Devices 607,000 359 Line Clearing, Mob, and Demob. 60,000 SUBTOTAL, ESTIMATED COSTS 5,189,588 Contingency Allowance * 25.0% 1,297,397 TOTAL ESTIMATED DIRECT COST 6,486,985 Engineering and Administration* 17.5% 1,135,222 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $7,622,208 *Covering environmental studies and licensing (5%), design and specification (6%), legal and financial fees (1.5%) and construction management (5%). 10-Feb-88 Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. 2B DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) 10-Feb-88 FERC A/C No. Description Quan- tity Unit Unit Amount($) Price 330 LAND AND LAND RIGHTS .01 . 330 . 5 .51 .52 .53 .54 .55 . 56 .57 331 331 .1 .11 .12 .13 . lt+ .15 .16 . 17 .18 . 19 331 .2 . 21 . 22 . 23 .24 .25 . 26 Land Rights -Generation Plant 0 L.S. Subtotal -A/C No. 330 -Land and Land Rights MOBILIZATION AND LOGISTICS Temp Const Roads for Penstock Open Storage and Helipads Covered Storage & Office Construction Power Temporary Water System Construction Surveys Subsistence 1.00 1 1 1 1 1 500 Mile L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S . L.S. Days $0 $50,000 $10,000 $8,000 $7,000 $4,000 $24,000 $60 Subtotal -A/C No. 330.5 -Mobilization and Logistics STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS POWERHOUSE Clearing Excavation Concrete (including reinforcing) Misc. Metals Partition Walls Furnishings and Fixtures Pre-eng'd Metal Superstructure HVAC and Plumbing Grounding Grid Subtotal - POWERHOUSE SITE/SWITCHYARD Fill Crushed Rock Surfacing Drainage Chain Link Fencing 16-foot Double Gate Foundations Subtotal - 1.60 220 150 1,500 1 1 988 1 1 Powerhouse 160 80 1 200 1 16 Acre C.Y. C.Y. Lb . L.S. L.S. S.F . L.S. L.S . C.Y . C.Y . L.S . L.F. Each C.Y . $5,000 $25 $650 $3.00 $3,000 $2,000 $45.00 $12,000 $12,000 $10 $20 $10,000 $30 $1,000 $600 Powerhouse Site/Switchyard -1 - 0 0 50,000 10,000 8,000 7,000 4,000 24,000 30,000 133,000 8,000 5,500 97,500 4,500 3,000 2,000 44,460 12,000 12,000 188,960 1,600 1,600 10,000 6,000 1,000 9,600 29,800 ----------------Ott Water Engineers, Inc. --------------- Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority FERC A/C 331 332 332 No. . 3 .31 .32 .33 .34 .35 .2 .21 .22 .23 .24 .25 .26 .27 .28 .29 .210 332 .3 332 .31 .311 . 312 . 313 . 314 . 315 .316 .317 .318 WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. 2B DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) Description Quan-Unit tity KLUKWAN SUBSTATION Crushed Rock Surfacing 100 C.Y. Drainage 1 L.S. Chain Link Fencing 200 L.F. 16-foot Double Gate 1 Each Foundations 20 C.Y. Unit Price $20 $2,000 $30 $1,000 $600 Subtotal -Powerhouse Site/Switchyard Subtotal -A/C No. 331 -Structures and Improvements RESERVOIRS, DAMS AND WATERWAYS DAM AND SPILLWAY AT LAKE( 2 ROCKFILL DAMS) Diversion and care of Water 1 Clearing 3.0 Common Excavation 1,156 Dumped Rockfill 1,896 Compacted Rockfill 1,200 Rip-Rap (incl. channel eros cntrl) 300 Concrete (Spillway)· 66 Sluice Gates 2 Outlet Piping (3' Dia.) 250 Outlet Channel Exc. 5,867 L.S. Acre C.Y. C.Y. C.Y. C.Y. C.Y. L.S. L.F. C.Y. Subtotal -Darn and Spillway WATERWAYS INTAKE AT WALKER LAKE Bedding Haterial Riprap Concrete (Including reinforcing) Trashrack & Stru. Steel Steel Pipe, 24 inch diameter 24-inch diameter Gate Hisc. Steel Revegetation and Erosion Control 20 25 30 3,000 70 1 1,000 0.4 C.Y. C.Y . C.Y . Lb. L.F . L.S. Lb. Acre Subtotal -Intake & U. Penstock $25,000 $5,000 $10 $15 $50 $35 $650 $15,000 $100 $5 $25 $15 $650 $3.00 $100.00 $10,000 $3 $2,500 10-Feb-88 Amount($) 2,000 2,000 6,000 1,000 12,000 ___________ .. 23,000 --------- 241,760 ------·----- 25,000 15,000 11,556 28,444 60,000 10,500 42 '611 30,000 25,000 29,333 277,444 500 375 19,500 9,000 7,000 10,000 3,000 1,000 50,375 Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. 2B DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) FERC Description Quan-Unit A/C No. tity 332 .32 LOW PRESSURE PIPELINE (Walker Lk. to Top of Penstock) .321 Clearing 8.9 Acre .322 Trench Excavation and Backfill 9,660 L.F. .323 Bedding Material 3,000 C.Y. .324 Steel Pipe, 24 inch diameter 9,660 L.F. .325 Revegetation and Erosion Control 8.9 Acre Subtotal -Intake &. Upper Penstock 332 .33 Penstock 332 .331 Above-ground Penstock (2,150' long) .332 Clearing (40' wide) .333 Additional Tree Removal . 334 Excavation . 335 Concrete in Anchor Blocks .336 Structural Steel .337 Steel Penstock, 24 inch diameter .338 Expansion Joints . .339 Revegetation and Erosion Control Subtotal - 332 .34 Tailrace .341 Excavation . 342 Rip-Rap Subtotal - Subtotal -A/C No. 332 333 TURBINES AND GENERATORS .01 Furnish 1200 HP Multi-jet impulse turbine, including inlet valve, controls and governor .02 Furnish 920 kW generator . 03 Install turbine-generators 2.0 Acre 1 L.S . 40 C.Y . 100 C.Y. 8,000 Lb. 2,150 L.F. 6 Each 2.0 Acre Above-ground Penstock 240 llO Tailrace Res., Dams 1 1 1 C.Y. C.Y . and W'ways Each Each L.S . Unit Price $5,000 $20 $20 $100.00 $2,500 $8,000 $10,000 $25.00 $650 $3.00 $130.00 $4,000 $2,500 $20.00 $25.00 $230,000 $200,000 $80,000 Subtotal -A/C No. 333 -Turbines and Generators -3 - 10-Feb-88 Amount($) 44,353 193,200 60,000 966,000 22,176 --------- 1,285,729 ------------ 15,794 10,000 1,000 65,000 24,000 279,500 24,000 4,936 ------------ 424,230 ------- 4,800 2,750 --------- 7,550 _ .. ___ .. ______ 2,045,328 __________ ,. __ 230,000 200,000 80,000 510,000 ----' ... ------- ....._ ________________ Ott Water Engineers, Inc. --------------- Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. 2B DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) FERC A/C No. Description Quan- tity 334 ACCESSORY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT .01 . 02 . 03 Excitation, switchgear, station service, controls and protective relays 1 Supervisory controls 1 Communication Equipment 1 Unit L.S . L.S . L.S. Unit Price $140,000 $80,000 $20,000 Subtotal -A/C No. 334 -Accessory Elect. Equip. 335 MISCELLANEOUS MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT .01 5-ton Overhead Crane .02 Miscellaneous Equipment 1 1 Each L.S. $15,000 $8,000 Subtotal -A/C No. 335 -Misc. Mechanical Equipment 336 ROADS, RAILROADS AND BRIDGES .01 Upgrade Existing Logging Road .02 New Road to Dams .03 Grade and surface exist. P.H. road 3.10 1. 70 6.00 Mile Mile Mile $50,000 $65,000 $40,000 Subtotal -A/C No. 336 -Roads, Railroads and Bridges 350 LAND AND LAND RIGHTS . 01 Land Rights -Transmission Facil. 0 L.S . Subtotal -A/C No. 330 -Land and Land Rights 353 SUBSTATION EQUIPMENT AND STRUCTURES 353 .1 SWITCHYARD . 11 Transformer (4.16/34.5kV) 1 L.S . .12 Switches, Breakers and Misc. Equip 1 L.S. Subtotal -Walker Lake Switchyard 353 .2 KLUKWAN SUBSTATION . 21 Transformer (34.5kV/12.47kV) 1 L.S . .22 Switches, Breakers and Misc. Equip 1 L.S. Subtotal -Klawock Substation Subtotal -A/C No. 353 -Substation Equipment -4 - $0 $30,000 $30,000 $27,000 $30,000 10-Feb-88 Amount($) 140,000 80,000 20,000 240,000 15,000 8,000 23,000 155,000 110,500 240,000 505,500 0 0 30,000 30,000 60,000 27,000 30,000 57,000 117,000 '----------------Ott Water Engineers, Inc.---------------" Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority FERG A/G No. 355 355 356 356 359 .1 .11 .12 .13 .1 .11 .12 .13 .14 . 01 .02 WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. 2B DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) Description POLES AND FIXTURES Quan- tity Unit POWERHOUSE TO KLUKWAN & HAINES, 34.5 kV, Poles 20 miles 1 L.S. Guys, Anchors & other material Installation 1 L.S. 20 Mile Subtotal -A/G No. 355 -Poles and Fixtures OVERHEAD CONDUCTORS AND DEVICES POWERHOUSE TO KLUKWAN & HAINES, 34.5 kV, 20 miles Conductors 1 L.S. Insulators 1 L.S. Hardware and Miscellaneous 1 L.S. Installation 20 Mile Subtotal -A/C No. 356 -Overhead conductors, LINE CLEARING, MOBILI~E AND DEMOBILIZE Mobilize and Demobilize 1 L.S . Light Clearing 4 Acre 10-Feb-88 Unit Amount($) Price $80,000 $27,000 $30,000 $40,000 $60,000 $27,000 $24,000 etc $40,000 $5,000 ---- 80,000 27,000 600,000 707,000 40,000 60,000 27,000 480,000 ------- 607,000 ----------- 40,000 20,000 ------------- Subtotal -A/C No. 359 -Clearing, Mob, and Demob. 60,000 ___ ,.. ___ ,.. ___ .... - 5 - ....._ _______________ Ott Water Engineers, Inc.---------------"' Ott Yater Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority Alaska Power Authority WALKER LAKE PROJECT SUMMARY OF DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) ***** (ALTERNATIVE 3, OPTION B:) FERC A/C No. Description 330 Land and Land Rights 330.5 Mobilization and Logistics 331 Structures and Improvements 332 Reservoirs, Dams and Waterways 333 Turbines and Generators 334 Accessory Electrical Equipment 335 Misc. Mechanical Equipment 336 Roads, Railroads and Bridges 350 Land and L&nd Rights 352 Transmission Struct. and Improv. 353 Substation· Equipment 355 Poles and Fixtures 356 Overhead Conductors and Devices 359 Line Clearing, Mob, and Demob. SUBTOTAL, ESTIMATED COSTS Contingency Allowance * 25.0% TOTAL ESTIMATED DIRECT COST Engineering and Administration* 17.5% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST Amount($) 0 193,000 303,900 3,092,759 920,000 420,000 40,000 602,500 0 n/a 205,000 787,000 715,000 60,000 7,339,159 1,834,790 9,173,949 1,605,441 $10,779,390 *Covering environmental studies and licensing (5%), design and specification (6%), legal and financial fees (1.5%) and construction management (5%). 10-Feb-88 Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. 3B DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) 10-Feb-88 FERC A/C No. Description Quan- tity Unit Unit Amount($) Price 330 LAND AND LAND RIGHTS .01 330 .5 .51 .52 .53 .54 .55 .56 .57 . 58 331 331 .1 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18 .19 331 . 2 . 21 .22 . 23 . 24 .25 . 26 Land Rights -Generation Plant 0 L.S. Subtotal -A/C No. 330 -Land and Land Rights HOBILIZATION AND LOGISTICS Temp Canst Roads for Penstock Open Storage and Helipads Covered Storage & Office Construction Power Temporary Water System Construction Surveys Bridge across Walker Ck Subsistence 1.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 800 Mile L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. L.S. L. s . Days $0 $50,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $5,000 $30,000 $30,000 $60 Subtotal -A/C No. 330.5 -Mobilization and Logistics STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS POWERHOUSE Clearing Excavation Concrete (including reinforcing) Hisc. Metals Partition Walls Furnishings and Fixtures Pre-eng'd Metal Superstructure HVAC and Plumbing Grounding Grid Subtotal - POWERHOUSE SITE/SWITCHYARD Fill Crushed Rock Surfacing Drainage Chain Link Fencing 16-foot Double Gate Foundations Subtotal - 2 300 200 2,000 1 1 1,320 1 1 Powerhouse 200 100 1 200 1 20 Acre C.Y. C.Y. Lb. L.S. L.S. S. F. L.S. L.S. C.Y . C.Y. L.S . L.F . Each C.Y . $5,000 $25 $650 $3.00 $3,000 $2,000 $45.00 $15,000 $15,000 $10 $20 $10,000 $30 $1,000 $600 Powerhouse Site/Switchyard - 1 - 0 0 50,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 30,000 30,000 48,000 193,000 10,000 7,500 130,000 6,000 3,000 2,000 59,400 15,000 15,000 247,900 2,000 2,000 10,000 6,000 1,000 12,000 33,000 ..._ _______________ Ott Water Engineers, Inc.---------------- Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority FERC A/C No. 331 .3 .31 .32 .33 .34 .35 332 332 .1 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18 332 .2 .21 .22 .23 . 24 . 25 .26 .27 .28 .29 . 210 WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. 3B DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) Description Quan-Unit tity KLUKWAN SUBSTATION Crushed Rock Surfacing 100 C.Y. Drainage 1 L.S. Chain Link Fencing 200 L.F. 16-foot Double Gate 1 Each Foundations 20 C.Y. Unit Price $20 $2,000 $30 $1,000 $600 Subtotal -Powerhouse Site/Switchyard Subtotal -A/C No. 331 -Structures and Improvements RESERVOIRS, DAMS AND WATERWAYS DAM AND SPILLWAY ON LITTLE SAlMON Diversion and care of Water 1 L.S. $20,000 Clearing 1.0 Acre $5,000 Common Excavation 150 C.Y. $15 Rip-Rap 357 C.Y. $35 Mass Concrete 176 C.Y. $400 Structural Concrete 20 C.Y. $650 Miscellaneous Metals 1,200 Lb. $4.00 Sluice Gate 1 L.S. 15000 Subtotal -Dam and Spillway DAM AND SPILLWAY AT LAKE( 2 ROCKFILL DAMS) Diversion and care of Water 1 L. s. $25,000 Clearing 3.0 Acre $5,000 Common Excavation 1,156 C.Y. $10 Dumped Rockfi11 1,896 C.Y . $15 Compacted Rockfill 1,200 C.Y . $50 Rip-Rap (incl. channel eros cntrl) 300 C.Y. $35 Concrete (Spillway) 66 C.Y. $650 Sluice Gates 2 L.S. $15,000 Outlet Piping (3' Dia.) 250 L.F. $100 Outlet Channel Exc . 5,867 C.Y. $5 Subtotal -Dam and Spillway 10-Feb 88 Amount($) 2,000 2,000 6,000 1,000 12,000 ------------ 23 '000 ------------ 303,900 ----------- 20,000 5,000 2,250 12,507 70,400 13,000 4,800 15,000 ------- 142,957 ______ ,.._ 25,000 15,000 11,556 28,444 60,000 10,500 42,611 30,000 25,000 29,333 __ .., _________ 277,444 _.,. __________ Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority FERC A/C No. 332 .3 332 .31 . 311 .312 .313 .314 .315 .316 .317 .319 .3110 . 3111 332 .32 .321 . 322 .323 .324 .325 .326 .327 .328 332 .33 .331 . 332 . 333 . 334 .335 WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. 3B DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) Description WATERWAYS Quan- tity Unit INTAKE ON LITTLE Clearing SALMON RIVER & PIPELINE TO WALKER LAKE Bedding Material Pipe Backfill Rip rap Concrete (Including reinforcing) Trashrack & Stru. Steel Hi dnsty poly., 18" Dia. (instld) 18-inch diameter Gate Misc. Steel Revegetation and Erosion Control 2 Acre 143 C.Y. 1119 C.Y. 15 C.Y. 40 C.Y. 2,000 Lb. 5,810 L.F. 1 Each 1,000 Lb. 0.4 Acre Subtotal -Intake & U. Pipeline INTAKE AT WALKER LAKE Bedding Material Rip rap Concrete (Including reinforcing) Trashrack & Stru. Steel Steel Pipe, 30 inch diameter 30-inch diameter Gate Valve Misc. Steel Revegetation and Erosion Control 20 25 30 10,500 70 1 1,000 0.4 C.Y . C.Y. C.Y. Lb. L.F. Each Lb. Acre Subtotal -Intake & U. Penstock LOW PRESSURE PIPELINE (Walker Lk. to Clearing Trench Excavation and Backfill Bedding Material Steel Pipe, 30 inch diameter Revegetation and Erosion Control Top of 8.9 9,660 4,000 9,660 8.9 Penstock) Acre L.F . C.Y . L.F . Acre Subtotal -Intake & Upper Penstock - 3 - 10-Feb-88 Unit Amount($) Price $5,000 $25 $15 $35 $650 $3.00 $55.00 $4,000 $3 $2,500 $25 $15 $650 $3.00 $130.00 $15,000 $3 $2,500 $5,000 $25 $20 $130.00 $2,500 10,000 3,586 16,784 525 26,000 6,000 319,550 4,000 3,000 1,000 390,446 500 375 19,500 31,500 9,100 15,000 3,000 1,000 79,975 44,353 241,500 80,000 1,255,800 22,176 1,643,829 "'----------------Ott Water Engineers, Inc. ----------------- Ott water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority FERC A/C No. 332 .34 332 .341 .342 .343 .344 .345 .346 .347 . 348 .349 332 . 35 .351 . 352 WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. 3B DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) Description Penstock Above-ground Penstock (2,150' long) Clearing (40' wide) Additional Tree Removal Excavation Concrete in Anchor Blocks Structural Steel Steel Penstock, 30 inch diameter Expansion Joints Revegetation and Erosion Control Quan- tity 2.0 1 50 120 11' 000 2,150 6 2.0 Unit Acre L.S. C.Y. C.Y. Lb. L.F . Each Acre Subtotal -Above-ground Penstock Tailrace Excavation Rip-Rap ·Subtotal - 370 179 Tailrace C.Y . C.Y. Subtotal-A/C No. 332-Res., Dams and W'ways 333 TURBINES AND GENERATORS .01 .02 .03 Furnish 3000 HP Multi-jet impulse turbine, including inlet valve, controls and governor Furnish 2300 kW generator Install turbine-generators 1 1 1 Each Each L.S. Unit Price $8,000 $10,000 $25.00 $650 $3.00 $175.00 $4,500 $2,500 $20.00 $25.00 $450,000 $350,000 $120,000 Subtotal -A/C No. 333 -Turbines and Generators 334 ACCESSORY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT .01 . 02 . 03 Excitation, switchgear, station service, controls and protective relays 1 Supervisory controls 1 Communication Equipment 1 L.S. L.S . L.S . $260,000 $140,000 $20,000 Subtotal -A/C No. 334 -Accessory Elect. Equip. 335 MISCELLANEOUS MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT .01 10-ton Overhead Crane .02 Miscellaneous Equipment 1 1 Each L.S. $30,000 $10,000 Subtotal -A/C No. 335 -Misc. Mechanical Equipment 10-Feb-88 Amount($) 15,794 10,000 1,250 78,000 33,000 376,250 27,000 4,936 546,230 7,407 4,471 11' 878 3,092,759 450,000 350,000 120,000 920,000 260,000 140,000 20,000 420,000 30,000 10,000 40,000 - 4 -......._ ________________ Ott Water Engineers, Inc. ---------------- Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority FERC A/C No. 336 .01 .02 .03 . 04 . 05 350 .01 353 353 .1 .11 .12 353 .2 .21 .22 355 355 .1 .11 .12 .13 356 356 .1 .11 .12 .13 .14 WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. 3B DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) Description Quan-Unit tity ROADS, RAILROADS AND BRIDGES Upgrade Existing Logging Road 3.10 Mile New Road to Dams 1. 70 Mile New Road to Little Salmon Diversn 0.8 Mile 60-foot Prefab . Bridge Installed 1.00 Each Grade and surface exist . P.H. road 6.00 Mile Unit Price $50,000 $65,000 $65,000 $45,000 $40,000 Subtotal -A/C No. 336 -Roads, Railroads and Bridges LAND AND LAND RIGHTS Land Rights -Transmission Facil. 0 L. s. $0 Subtotal -A/C No. 330 -Land and Land Rights SUBSTATION EQUIPMENT AND STRUCTURES SWITCHYARD Transformer (4.16/34.5kV) 1 L.S. $55,000 Switches, Breakers and Misc. Equip 1 L.S. $55,000 Subtotal -Walker Lake Switchyard KLUKWAN SUBSTATION Transformer (34.5kV/12.47kV) 1 L.S. $45,000 Switches, Breakers and Misc. Equip 1 L.S. $50,000 Subtotal -Klawock Substation Subtotal -A/C No. 353 -Substation Equipment POLES AND FIXTURES POWERHOUSE TO KLUKWAN & HAINES, 34.5 kV, 20 miles Poles 1 L.S. $80,000 Guys, Anchors & other material 1 L.S. $27,000 Installation 20 Mile $34,000 Subtotal -A/C No. 355 -Poles and Fixtures OVERHEAD CONDUCTORS AND DEVICES POWERHOUSE TO KLUKWAN & HAINES, 34.5 kV, 20 miles Conductors 1 L.S. $68,000 Insulators 1 L.S. $80,000 Hardware and Miscellaneous 1 L.S. $27,000 Installation 20 Mile $27,000 Subtotal -A/C No. 356 -Overhead conductors, etc 10-Feb-88 Amount($) 155,000 110' 500 52,000 45,000 240,000 ----------- 602,500 ------------ 0 -------- 0 ------------ 55,000 55,000 _____ ,.. ______ 110,000 ------------- 45,000 50,000 ------------ 95,000 ----------- 205,000 __ .,. _________ 80,000 27,000 680,000 ------------ 787,000 ----------- 68,000 80,000 27,000 540,000 ---·-------- 715 '000 -·---------- ----------------Ott Water ~ngineers, Inc.---------------" Ott Water Engineers,Inc. Alaska Power Authority FERC A/C No. 359 .01 .02 WALKER LAKE PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO. 3B DETAILED COST ESTIMATE (1988 Dollars) Description Quan-Unit tity LINE CLEARING, MOBILIZE AND DEMOBILIZE Mobilize and Demobilize 1 L.S. Light Clearing 4 Acre 10-Feb-88 Unit Amount($) Price $40,000 $5,000 40,000 20,000 Subtotal -A/C No. 359 -Clearing, Mob, and Demob. 60,000 -6 -.._ _______________ Ott Water Engineers, Inc. ----------------