HomeMy WebLinkAboutSmall-Scale Hydropower for Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska Letter Report 1984- r ,.... DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY .AL.ASKA DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS ~OUCH Ill ANCMOIUGI AI. .ASK A tttOe SMALL-SCALE HYDROPOWER FOR ANAKTUVUK PASS, ALASKA LETTER REPORT SEPTEMBER 1984 ·~ Ul·U H~IIISHOIH t t J J J t J 0~ Qi!IOSSI I i!l.lYQ ,. " 'eOO •. Uf/NIJ- .tiOciD Iu..tn DSY"IY 'SSVd XliAli.UYIIV llo.t DAOdOliCWI :II"IV:)S-TmiS r DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, ALASKA POUCH 898 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99506-0898 ~EPL "f ~o. A. T'f!::"--TION .),:: Plan Formulation Section December 7, 1984 NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF NEGATIVE FEASIBILITY REPORTS FOR HYDROELECTRIC POWER AT FOUR ALASKA LOCATIONS I am announcing completion of reports on potential hydroelectric power generating facilities at four Alaska locations: Anaktuvuk Pass, Kaktovik, Hope, and Seldovia. In all cases, after careful investigation and evaluation, I found that Federal development of the facilities is not feasible at this time. All of these potential projects would require supplementation with other sources of electricity during the winter, when flows of Alaskan streams dwindle and when demand for electrical power is greatest. The four locations were studied pursuant to a resolution of the U.S. Senate Committee on Public Works dated October 1, 1976, directing the Corps of Engineers to determine the feasibility of installing small hydroelectric plants in isolated Alaskan communities. The studies evaluated future needs for electrical power at each of the sites and alternatives available to meet those needs. While the Corps had primary responsibi 1 ity for conducting the studies, numerous other Federal, State, and local agencies and groups contributed. A public involvement program was maintained. All sites were identified in regional reconnaissance studies performed by engineering firms under contract. The Corps conducted followup field investigations. Each location is briefly described below. ( .. Anak.tuvuk Pass: This community is in a mountain valley in the centra 1 Brooks Range above the Arctic Ci rc 1 e, 250 miles north-northwest of Fairbanks. The present diesel facilities for electrical generation are owned and operated by the North Slope Borough. The optimum project was found to be a run-of-river system on Inukpasugruk Creek with a 22-foot-high rockfill dam and 3,250 feet of steel penstock. Its single turbine would have a total cap-acity of 200 kilowatts (kW). The creek would have sufficient streamflow to produce power during about 4 months of the year. The project would cost about $6 million and would have a benefit-cost ratio of 0.3 to 1. (A ratio of greater than 1 to 1 is required to . .. meet Federal economic evaluation criteria.) The total cost of using this hydroelectric project in conjunction with the town diesel system exceeds the cost of continuing to generate.power with the diesel system alone. Kaktovik: This village is located on Barter Island in the Beaufort Sea just off the north coast of Alaska. The island is separated from the coast by a narrow lagoon. A hydropower reconnaissance study using existing topographic maps of northeastern Alaska found that a site on the Okpilak river near Kaktovik might be marginally feasible. Corps field investigation determined that this site is founded on an alluvial deposit and the stream bank provides no suitable dam or diversion site. The stream gradient is gradual, approximately 25-40 feet per mile; thus an extremely long penstock would be required. Due to the long winter season, sufficent streamflow to produce power would be available only 4 months of the year. Study of the site was terminated because of lack of technical feasibility for hydropower development. Hope: Hope is situated in Southcentral Alaska, on the south side of Turnagain Arm about 25 air miles south of Anchorage. The community currently receives single phase power produced by gas turbines from Chugach Electric Association (CEA), which operates a 1 arge network that serves Anchorage and other towns in the area. Tying the proposed hydropower plant into the existing CEA grid was found to be more economical than using its output only for the communities along the Hope feeder line, since the plant could not meet the full feeder line demand in winter. Three dam sites on Bear Creek near Hope were considered. The lowest one would be optimum, due to considerably higher penstock and road improvement costs for the upper sites. The run-of-river project evaluated for this site would include a gabion diversion structure 6 feet high and a polyethylene penstock 1,640 feet long. Six plant sizes were considered; the one selected would have two turbines with a total capacity of 150 kW. The project would cost about $1.5 million and would have a benefit-cost ratio of 0.3 to 1. The costs would exceed the benefits by $97,000 per year. Seldovia: Seldovia is located on the west coast of the Kenai Peninsula, 16 miles southwest across Kachemak Bay from Homer. Electrical power is currently supplied to Seldovia by Homer Electric Association (HEA), which purchases the power from CEA. A project site on Windy River was selected. The run-of-river project analyzed for this site would have a rockfilled bin diversion structure 8 to 10 feet high and 3,420 feet of penstock, part polyethylene and part steel. The single turbine would have a capacity of 590 kW. Failure of the transmission line from Homer causes frequent power outages, especially in winter; the community then uses diesel generators provided by HEA. Some of these power losses may be avoided with a hydropower project, although low stream flows during the winter would 1 imit potential hydropower production available from the Windy River. The project would cost 2 about $5.2 million and would have a benefit-cost ratio of 0.6 to 1. It is not economically feasible for Federal construction at this time. Please pass this information on to others interested in these reports who may not have received this notice. Further information on any of the above studies may be from my office or from Mr. Carl Barash, Chief of Formulation Section, Post Office Box 898, Anchorage, 99506-0898. The telephone number is (90 75 2632. Saling Colonel, Corps of Engineers District Engineer 3 obtained my Plan Alaska 0> c: ·-'-- Q) trJ G tb- 0:>0 ~ <> 0 ~ FOUR LOCATIONS INVESTIGATED FOR HYDROELECTRIC POWER OECEMBER 1984 I eAnaktuvuk Passl I I I I pac\i\C Miles ~----· --=4 _______ -------iii 0 200 400 ~ 1 SMALL-SCALE HYDROPOWER FOR ANAKTUVUK PASS, ALASKA SUMMARY The Alaska District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, investigated hydropower potential for Anuktuvuk Pass, Alaska. A potential project about 2 miles southeast of the town a long Inukpasugruk Creek was eva 1 uated. That run-of-river project would feature a single turbine with a total capacity of 200 kilowatts (kW). Due to insufficient streamflows during about 8 months of the year, it could not produce a dependable capacity year-round. An annual average of 488,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) could be fed into the existing diesel electric system serving the town. The project would cost about $6 million and deliver electricity for about $1.17 per kWh to the existing feeder line. The total cost of using this hydroelectric project in conjunction with the town diesel system exceeds the cost of continuing to generate power with the existing diesel system alone. Therefore, no further studies by the Corps of Engineers are planned at this time. GENERAL DATA ANAKTUVUK PASS · PERTINENT DATA SHEET Project Installed Capacity (kW) Number of Units 200 1 22 Dam Height (ft.) Penstock Type Penstock Length (ft.) Welded Plate Steel 3,250 Penstock Diameter (in.) Transmission Line Length (miles) Access Road Length (miles) Gross Head (ft.) Design Net Head (ft.) Average Annual Energy (MWh) 30 2 1. 5 97 68 540 ECONOMIC DATA (50 Years, 8-1/8 Percent Interest, 1984 Prices) Project First Cost Investment Cost Total Annual Cost Average Annual Equivalent Usable Energy (MWh) Annual Benefits Benefit-Cost Ratio Cost per kWh i i $6,314,000 $6,554,000 $ 573,000 488 $ 150,000 0.26 $ 1.17 INTRODUCTION ~ALL-SCALE HYDROPOWER FOR ANAKTUVUK PASS, ALASKA LETTER REPORT The evaluation of small hydroelectric systems was authorized by a United States Senate Resolution adopted in October 1976 which directed the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to determine the feasibility of installing small prepackaged hydroelectric units in isolated Alaskan communities. In 1981 a reconnaissance study of potential small hydropower projects in Northwest Alaska was completed by Ott Water Engineers for the Alaska District. This study indicated that a project at Anaktuvuk Pass (figure 1) might be economically feasible based on preliminary information. Observations and measurements from a July 1982 field trip were used to select the project features evaluated in this study. The proposed sites for the darn and powerhouse were located about 2 to 3 miles south of the town of Anaktuvuk Pass. Access and transmission line corridors would lead from this project area to the town. Anaktuvuk Pass is located in a glaciated mountain valley in the central Brooks Range above the Arctic Circle, 250 miles north-northwest of Fairbanks, Alaska. The village economy and employment come primarily from limited community services; community construction projects funded by the North Slope Borough, and native arts and crafts manufacture. Access to Anaktuvuk Pass is by air year-round. There is potential for travel by way of the Dalton Highway {Trans-Alaska pipeline access road) during the winter. The climate of Anaktuvuk Pass is strongly continental, in contrast to the maritime climates of .other villages in the North Slope Borough. Due to its high elevation, temperatures are relatively cold in the winter and warm in the summer comparee to the foothills to the north. Temperatures range from an average minimum of about -22F in January to an average maximum of about 61F in July. The lowest recorded temperature was -56F in January 1957 and the highest was 91F in July 1967. Temperatures are below freezing most of the year. (Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, University of Alaska) The area is underlain by continuous permafrost and has a seasonal depth of thaw of 3 to 5 feet. The total generating season for potential hydropower is heavily dependent on the weather, but is generally from June to September. The village of Anaktuvuk Pass (population 260 in 1983) has about 15 col11llunity and coi11Jlercial buildings and about 70 homes that are served by coi11Jlunity electricity generation. Some new buildings and improvements are planned. The present electrical generation, owned and operated by the North Slope Borough, uses four 210-kW diesel units and one 90-kW diesel unit. The fuel supply is shipped by air from Fairbanks. The generators are serviced monthly by technicians flown in from Fairbanks. In 1984 the local utility produced and distributed electricity at a cost of about $1.10 per kWh. The consumer paid $0.15 per kWh for each of the first 600 kWh and $0.35 for each additional kWh. The North Slope Borough and the State made up the difference in cost with subsidies. ) ' 0 Q, ~ ANAKTUVUK~ PASS SEll: I'IGUftt: Af RIGHT FAIRBANKS • I I 0 100 200 300 \ SCALE IN MILES 10 10 :so 40 10 -.-un ANAKTUVUK PASS, ALASKA SMALL HYDROPOWER FEASIBILITY STUDY VICINITY AND LOCATION MAP Flgur. ·1 leple•ller 1884 ENVIRONMENTAL SYNOPSIS The proposed project in lnukpasugruk Creek would have only minimal impacts if care were taken in construction. However, approximately one quarter-mile of good adult grayling summer habitat would be degraded considerably if minimum streamflows are not allowed below the diversion dam. The portion of the stream which flows through the small canyon is characterized by pools connected by cascading water. The cascades are small enough to allow adult grayling and char passage for almost the entire length of the canyon. It does not appear that fish are able to move above the proposed diversion site. The Centra 1 A 1 ask a caribou herd passes the project area in both fa 11 and spring. It does not appear that the caribou would cross the creek in the canyon area; however, there are some places where passage may occur. The caribou migration could conflict with an aboveground penstock in these places. If the project were to continue, care in the design and timing of construction would minimize any impact. Erosion from moving vehicles across the tundra underlain with permafrost could constitute a major impact. Vehicle disturbance of the vegetation mat and subsequent erosion are well documented. Means to transport equipment and materials to all project features must be established to eliminate any destruction of the vegetative mat. The esthetic quality of the project area is extremely high. The project should be designed to be as inconspicuous as possible. Additional studies are needed to establish species composition distribution and timing of fish activities in Inukpasugruk Creek. If the project study were to cant i nue, measures shou 1 d be taken to determine and provide minimum stream flows for fish species in the affected stretch of the creek. HYDROLOGY Description of Area. The Inukpasugruk Creek (680 05' N latitude, 1510 40' W longitude) basin consists of a tundra covered valley 1 to 2 miles in diameter, surrounded by rugged mountains up to 6,032 feet high. From the base of the far mountains to the proposed diversion site, a distance of approximately 10 miles, the stream drops 800 feet. At a point about 2 miles upstream from the proposed damsite the creek flows out of the valley onto a high, flat plateau where it becomes braided in gravel channels. At the proposed damsite it enters a rock walled gorge. The gorge is approximately 1 mile long, and the river drops about 100 feet over a series of falls and cascading rapids along its length. At the base of the gorge the stream enters the John River Valley, where it flows for a quarter-mile in a well graded gravel channel before entering the John River. The stream is typically clear and fast moving. There is evidence that floods overtop the stream banks. Design Flows. No known stream gage records exist for Inukpasugruk Creek. Monthly mean flows for the stream were synthesized. from 5 y_ears of records/or Atigun Tributary Station No. 15904900 (680 22 N lat1tude_,. 149° 19 W longitude near Galbraith) which is believed to have s1m1lar average precipitation to Anaktuvuk Pass. The mean monthly flows estimated in Inukpasugruk Creek at the proposed dam site are shown in table 1. 3 Jan Feb Mar Apr Table 1 MEAN MONTHLY FLOWS IN INUKPASUGRUK CREEK (cfs) 0 0 4 0 May 10 Jun 155 Ju 1 172 Aug 127 Sep Oct Nov Dec 28 2 0 0 Seillway Design Flood. Based on a low hazard potential and the use of a relat1vely small dam, the Corps of Engineers Feasibility Studies for Small Scale Hydropower Additions recommends designing the spillway for the 100-year event. Using the methodology described in the USGS publication, "Flood Characteristics of Alaskan Streams", this flow was computed to be 3,600 cubic feet per second. ENERGY ANALYSIS Demand. A 1979 stuay by Robert W. Retherford Associates for the North Slope Borough predicted a 1983 energy production of 1,356 megawatt-hours (M~h). This prediction fell 6 percent short of the actual production. However, this projection was considered to be fairly accurate given the tremencous increase· from the approximately 342 MWh produced in 1978. Electricity production actually increased an average of 28 percent a year from 1978 to 1983. The Retherford analysis was based on growth patterns and planned capital improvements in the town. It allowed for a tremendous growth rate in the first four years with much smaller growth in later years until its last projected year, 1990. The study noted that the single most significant item affecting the growth appeared to be the North Slope Borough Capital Improvements Program (CIP). Oil revenues from the North Slope are the keystone of the borough • s economy. 0 i 1 revenues cou 1 d begin fa 11 i ng in the 1980•s and are very likely to decline substantially in the late 1990•s as known oil reserves are expected to dwindle. The 1, 452 MWh produced by the North Slope Borough ut i1 ity at Anaktuvuk Pass in 1983 was used as the base for the forecast in this study. A 3. 7 percent annual growth rate was assumed between 1983 and 1990. This is the same growth assumed by the 1979 study. The growth rate is assumed to decline to 2 percent annually between 1990 and 2000, then to 1 percent from 2000 until 2040. The energy forecast presented in the 1979 study, together with the 1983 actual production and the forecast assumed by this study, are presented in table 2. 4 Year 1978 1983 1990 2000 2040 Table 2 HISTORIC AND FORECASTED ENERGY DEMAND 1979 Retherford Study Annual Growth Rate Demand (%) (MWh) 26.0 3.7 427* 1 '356 1,745 1984 Project Forecast Annual Growth Rate (%) 3.7 2.0 1.0 * 427 MWh and 1,452 MWh were the actual amounts of energy produced in 1978 and 1983 respectively. Demand (MWh) 1,452* 1 t 869 2,278 3,392 The approximate electrical energy demand for each month in 1983 and its percentage of the total year are presented in table 3. The study assumed that the monthly demand percentages would remain constant for the foreseeable future. Table 3 1983 MONTHLY ENERGY DEMAND MONTH JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ·kWh PERCENT OF YEAR TOTAL 162 135 141 120 97 82 84 98 110 133 130 160 1~ 11.2 9.3 9.7 8.3 6.7 5.6 5.8 6.7 7.6 9.2 8.9 11.0 100.0 Hydropower. Monthly power routings for various plant sizes ranging from 100 to 350 kW were made based upon the standard energy equation: kWh=E x Q x H x 0/11.8 kWh =plant output in kilowatt-hours. E = Efficiency of conversion, which was assumed to equal 0.83. Q = Mean monthly flow through penstock in cubic feet per second. H = Net energy head in feet at the turbine, which is 97 feet gross head minus head losses associated with the flow in the penstock. D = 7L0 hours of flow, a typical month•s duration. 5 The computations assumed that each plant capacity would be developed by a single turbine. Each alternative capacity project analyzed would develop power during four months, except the 350-kw plant, which would cease to operate during September since the flow is too small. Figure 2 compares the expected electrical demand in the years 1990 and 2040 with the potential supply from the 200-kw capacity plant. Marketable Energy. The hydropower analysis predicted potential monthly average kilowatt-hours of electrical energy for each alternative capacity project. However, much of this potential energy was not considered marketable since it exceeded the demand. Therefore, the potential production was compared with the forecasted demand during the project 1 ife to predict the marketable energy. All expected marketable energy during the project life was aiscountea to the 1990 POL date. An annual equivalent value of marketable energy was then determined using an 8-1/8 percent interest rate. COST ANALYSIS Table 4 develops the annual costs for various alternatives. Construction was assumed to take a year. The project was amortized over a 50-year (1990 to 2040) project life at 8-1/8 percent interest. An annual $30,000 operations and maintenance cost was added to obtain total annual costs. All costs were estimated based on 1984 price levels. Table 4 ANNUAL COSTS DEVELOPED FOR VARIOUS CAPACITY ALTERNATIVES Plant Size (kW) 100 160 200 250 350 First Cost ($1,000) 6,064 6, 211 6,313 6,496 6,659 Interest During Construction 230 237 241 248 253 (1 year) ($1,000) Investment Cost ($1,000) 6,259 6,448 6,554 6,744 6,912 Annual Interest and 522 535 543 559 573 Amortization (50 years at 8-1/8%, 1990 POL) ($1,000) 30 Operations & Maintenance 30 30 30 30 ($1,000) Total Annual Cost ($1,000) 552 565 573 589 603 BENEFIT ANALYSIS The fuel cost of energy per kilowatt-hour is taken as a benefit to hydropower development, and each kilowatt-hour produced is credited with that amount as a cost prevented. By using an area fuel cost of $2.25 per gallon and a generating efficiency of 12 kWh per gallon, a fuel savings of $.188 per kWh can be realized. 6 . . 0 • • .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... • • • ... :I· 0 z • --• • • • • :1 7 0 0 .... "' -.. .. :::1 • Figure 2 0 " • Cl .. 0 z -" 0 -Q. • It ca :::1 c ~ ::11 .., • c ::11 .., "' • :1 .. .. c .. • :1 .a • II. c • .., Comparison of Project Supply YS. Forecasted Demand The cost of diesel fuel is expected to increase faster than construction costs. This st_udy accounted for this by using escalation factors determined by Data Resource, Inc. (July 1984). This escalation was projected undiscounted from the present (1984) to the 1990 power-on-line (POL) date and discounted to POL for the remaining years of the project life. Escalation accounted for a benefit of $0.099 for each k~h of hydroelectricity produced. No benefits for replaced capacity have been considered in this analysis because the hydropower facility would not produce any power during the winter peak season due to insufficient streamflow. A diesel system would supplement the hydro system in meeting the electrical demands of Anaktuvuk Pass. Although no capacity benefits have been claimed, there would be some reduction in costs of the di ese 1 system due to an expected extended 1 ife and reduced operations and maintenance (0 & M). This benefit was given a value of $0.021 per k~h based on past studies. The total value of each kWh produced by the project hydropower is $0.308, as shown in table 5. The annual equivalent marketable energy for each alternative capacity project and the resulting benefits are shown in table 6. Table 5 BENEFITS OF THE HYDROPOWER PROJECT Category Fuel Saved Fuel Escalation Replaced Capacity Extended Life and Reduced Operations and Maintenance Dollars per k~h 0. 188 0.099 0.0 0.021 0.308 The annual equivalent marketable energy for each alternative capacity project and the resulting benefits are shown in table 6. EVALUATION To derive the optimum project size and the benefit/cost ratio, aMual benefits were compared with annual costs. In addition, a payback cost per k~h was derived by dividing the project annual cost by the annual equivalent usable energy. The optimum capacity alternative project was ~elected by maximizing net benefits (in this case minimizing net negative benef1ts). 8 Table 6 ECONO~IC SUMMARY FOR VARIOUS ALTERNATIVE CAPACITY PROJECTS - Average Benefit/ Power Cost Marketable Annual Annual Net Cost Associated Plant Size EnergJ Benefits Costs Benefits Ratio with Pro,ect · ( kw) (MWh ($1,000) ($1,000) ($1,000) ($/kwh 100 288 89 552 -463 0.16 1. 92 160 445 137 565 -428 0.24 1.27 200 488 150 573 -423 0.26 1.17 250 535 165 589 -424 0.28 1.10 350 408 126 603 -477 0.21 1.48 The above analysis indicates that none of the turbine sizes evaluated is economically feasible. Based on the assu~ptions of the study, a project with an approximate capacity of 200 kW would be the optimum alternative, but even this project would be expected to show annual losses of some $423,000 and have a benefit/cost ratio of about 0.3. Table 7 presents a detailed cost estimate for the 200-klrJ project, which was identified as the optimum project although it was found economically infeasible. Figure 3 shows the 1 ayout of the major project features. The design is based on field measurements and observations. The powerhouse lump sum cost, exc 1 uding tail race and powerhouse excavation costs, is based on estimated costs of other A 1 ask an small hydropower powerhouses which were more c 1 ose ly calculated. The cost estimates include the following items: a 22-foot-high rockfill dam and related features including a 40-foot-wide spillway constructeo in the rock bank alongside the dam (the excavated rock would be used to fill the dam), an intake structure, and a temporary diversion during ·construction; a powerhouse, including a single 200 kW turbine, electrical components, and tailrace; a 12-foot-wide gravel access road; a 2-mile aboveground 3-phase transmission line and in-towh transformer and poles required to connect the project to the existing diesel powerhouse; 3,250 feet of 30-inch diameter steel penstock which would be constructed with the use of a helicopter; 6 months use of a helicopter including associated costs (the helicopter would be required to deliver equipment and workers required to construct the dam, spillway and penstock); mob and demob; lands and damages; a 20% contingency; a 15% allowance for engineering, designing,. supervision and administration; and interest during construction based on a 1-year construct ion period. Investment costs were amortized for a 50-year project (1990 to 2040) at 8-1/8 percent, and an annual $30,000 operations and maintenance cost was added to obtain total annual costs. All cost estimates were based on 1984 price levels. No road was considered along the penstock route because the field evaluators determined that road construction along the rugged penstock corridor would be unacceptable in this area, which lies within the Gates to the Arctic National Park. Therefore, a helicopter would be utilized. Furthermore, the proposed aboveground transmission line would be subject to review by the National Park Service. If the project were to be con.side~ed further, an underground transmission line should be considered de~p1te 1ts probable higher cost. The "Pertinent Data Sheet" at the front of th1s report summarizes the 200-kw optimum project. 9 I AN'AKTUVUK SOUTH BASE LY263 10 Figure 3 PROJECT SITE MAP ANAKTUVUK PASS, ALASKA CONCLUSIONS A hydropower project would not be economically feasible at this time based on Federal evaluation criteria. The major factor responsible for keeping the benefits much lower than they might otherwise be is the lack of an adequate streamflow for most of the year. The stream has good flows during the June to September period, but has a low flow for May and practically no flow for all the other months. If the flows did not drop off to such an extent, multiple turbines could adapt to the varying flows by utilizing small turbines for low flows. The analysis conducted in this study is based on a simplified assumption that both monthly streamflows and monthly power demands remain constant and do not vary during each month. This assumption tends to overestimate the amount of actual marketable energy available. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that no further Corps of Engineers studies of hydropower development in the Anaktuvuk Pass be undertaken at this time. 11 Table 7 ANAKTUVUK PASS SMALL-SCALE HYDROPOWER ITEM/DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT -UNIT PRICE TOTAL Mob & Demob 1. s. $600,000 Lands & Right of Way 1. s. 30,000 Dam 2 Intake & S~illw~ Rockfill Dam (22ft. high with 1,480 c.y. $15.00 22,200 rock from spillway) Anchored Plywood Facing 1,700 s.f. 3.00 5, 100 Spillway Rock Excavation 1,600 c.y. 50.00 80,000 Intake (including gate, trash 1 1. s. 30,000 rack & misc. equipment) Cutoff (excavation & grout) 80 ft. 50.00 4 2 000 $141,300 Penstock ~elded Steel Pipe (1/4" thickness, 260,000 lb. 3.00 $780,000 30" diam., 80 lb/ft.) Wood Supports (along 2,350 ft. of 9,750 b.f. 3.00 29,250 penstock) Rock Excavation (along 900 ft. 500 c.y. 50.00 25 2000 of penstock) $834,250 Power Plant Building, Turbine/Generator, 1 l.s. $705,000 Accessory Equipment & Switches Gravel Work Pad 1,230 c.y. 15.00 18,450 Riprap for Tailrace 100 c.y. 30.00 3,000 Tailrace {gravel excavation) 200 c.y. 15.00 32000 $729,450 Transmission Line 3-Phase Aerial Line Between Project Powerhouse 200,000 $400,000 and Diesel Powerhouse 2 mi. Transformer (in town) 20 2000 $420,000 Access Road $600,000 Gravel ( 1. 5 mi.) 40,000 c .y. 15.00 2" Rigid Insulation 320,000 s. f. 1.00 320 2 000 $920,000 Helicof!ter (6 months of use) 1 1. s. $900 2 000 Subtotal $4,575,000 12