HomeMy WebLinkAboutSmall Scale Hydropower for Gustavus, Alaska Letter Report 1984HYD 051 ......__________nail ·Scale a US Army Corps of Engineers Alaska Distrirt ... 0, Letter Report JUNE 1984 ~----------------------PROPERTY OF: \\ Alaska Power Authority 334 W. 5th Ave .. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 V1m Nl CBJ.NIHd 01031n8SI IIZHt Hl.IMIHOIH l£'0 GXH 311VO . ' Rllii:PLY TO ATTENTION OF: DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS POUCH 898 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99506 -0898 Plan Formulation Section Mr. Larry Crawford Executive Director Alaska Power Authority 334 West Fifth Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Crawford: RECEIVED JUL 11 1984 Enclosed is a copy of our report evaluating the hydropower potential for Gustavus, Alaska. The findings show that the project is not feasible. Our study analyzed a project located on Falls Creek near Gustavus. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. If further details are desired by your staff, contact can be made with Mr. Charles Cox of my Plan Formulation Section at (907~ 552-3461. Enclosure E. Saling Colonel, Corps of Engineers District Engineer SMALL-SCALE HYDROPOWER FOR GUSTAVUS, ALASKA LETTER REPORT June 1984 Alaska District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pouch 898, NPAEN-Pl-P Anchorage, Alaska SMALL SCALE HYDROPOWER FOR GUSTAVUS, ALASKA LETTER REPORT SUMMARY __. The Alaska District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, investioated the feasibility of hydropower development for Gustavus and Bartlett Cove, Alaska, in response to a United States Senate Committee Resolution dated 1 O:tober 1976. The planning objective was to determine the technical and economic feasibility of developing hydroelectric power generation facilities to replace the diesel power generators currently in use in the Gustavus area. The study evaluated hydrop·ower potential of Falls Creek, which is east of Gustavus (Plate 1, Draft Interim Feasibility Study). Plants from 160 to 3,900 kilowatts (kW) were investigated; the optimum development appeared to be about 400 kW. This plant could produce about 1,400,000 kW-hours (kWh) of energy annually. Numerous problems ~ere encountered in the course of studying this alternative. The dense forest and rugged terrain along Falls Creek would make development of the project difficult and costly. Poor soil conditions along the penstock route between the diversion structure and powerhouse would be particularly troublesome. Low stream flows during . several months of the year would limit hydropower production. The estimated first cost of this project is $7,958,000. The findings of this study indicate that a hydropower project at Falls Creek would not be cost competitive with the installation and operation of a similarly sized central diesel generation system. Therefore, it is concluded that no further study at Falls Creek by the Corps of Engineers is warranted at this time. I. Background A. Authority This study was authorized by a October 1976 United States Senate Public Works Committee Reso.lution that directed the Corps of Engineers to determine the feasibility of installing small prepackaged hydroelectric units in isolated Alaskan communities. B. Objective This letter report summarizes the background, plan formulation, project costs, benefit analyses, and conclusions and recommendations of the Falls Creek hydropower study conducted by the Alaska District. The technical and economic feasibility of hydroelectric power development for Gustavus and Bartlett Cove is determined herein. LR-1 C. Scope Studies conducted for the examination of hydroelectric generation at Gustavus and Bartlett Cove reflect the level of detail required for plan formulation evaluations of a general investigation feasibility study. Design, cost, and economic analyses of the alternatives were accomplished. D. Study Area Location The Falls Creek site is located east of Gustavus, Alaska. The electrical needs of both Gustavus and the National Park Service•s Bartlett Cove headquarters were examined for this study. Gustavus is located in the northern portion of Southeast Alaska about 50 miles northwest of Juneau (see Plate 1 in the expanded report). Bartlett Cove is about 10 miles from Gustavus on the southeastern shore of Glacier Bay and is the primary land access point to Glacier Bay National Park. E. Coordination Considerable interaction between the Corps of Engineers and the community of Gustavus has taken place in the course of this study. A public meeting was held in Gustavus in May 1982; the meeting was attended by a substantial portion of the resident population. In addition, much contact has been made with individuals in Gustavus. Various Federal and State agencies also have provided input into this study. F. Problems and Needs The existing community generating system includes two 100-kW generators and supplies power to 22 customers. This system, which was previously privately owned, became a public utility in 1983. The existing diesel generating facilities at Bartlett Cove include two 185-kW units and one 100-kW unit. Most area residents use small gas or diesel generating units from 2 to 6 kW. Demand for electrical power could increase in the future. Most of the increase would be attributed to installations of more appliances and equipment. Some residents currently not using electricity could acquire small generating units. New demands could also result from the projected developments of a new fire station, a school addition, a new recreational camp (which opened in 1983), a 40-unit lodge, and new residences. The June 1983 price of fuel oil delivered to the Bartlett Cove dock was 1.23 per gallon. At currently forecasted fuel cost escalation rates, the fuel cost in 30 years will be about $3.30 per gallon for Gustavus/Bartlett Cove. If an average fuel conversion efficiency of 10 kWh per gallon is assumed, the fuel cost portion of diesel generated electricity of 10 kWh per gallon is assumed, the fuel cost portion of diesel generated electricity would increase in 30 years from $0.13 to $0.33 per kWh. LR-2 II Formulation of Alternatives A. Genera 1 Various alternatives that could be utilized to meet the energy production needs of the area and to possibly offset the rising costs of diesel generated power were considered. These included: conservation, wood, coal/peat, natural gas, solar, transmission intertie, waste heat recovery, wind, and hydropower. Hydroelectric generation was determined to be the most feasible and attractive of these possibilities. Three potential hydropower sites were considered: Falls Creek, Salmon River, and Excursion Inlet. The lack of sufficient flow and excessive penstock lengths made the Salmon site infeasible. Similarly, a 0.7-mile submarine cable and 11 miles of overland transmission line to Gustavus made the Excursion Inlet site economically infeasible. This left only the Falls Creek Development as potentially viable. B. Hydropower --Falls Creek Two options for development could take advantage of the elevation drop over two waterfalls on Falls Creek. The upstream site would require considerable excavation to install the penstock; much less excavation and fewer environmental disturbances would be likely for the downstream option. III. Selected Plan A. Project Description The Falls Creek project could produce an average annual output over 50 years of about 1,400,000 kWh. (The average annual demand for the same period is projected to be about 1,561,000 kWh). The plan·would include a 20-foot-high diversion dam less than 100 feet wide, a 34-inch-diameter penstock about 1,200 feet long, and a prefabricated powerhouse with two turbine generator units with a total capacity of about 400 kW. A 2-mile-long access road would extend eastward from Rink Road north of the airport. The first mile of access road would consist of an upgraded existing logging road. A 10-mile-long transmission line would run from the powerhouse to Bartlett Cove. A 2-mile spur line would connect the Gustavus powerplant. B. Environmental Impact Analysis Construction of this alternative would have a moderate effect on the project site environment. Clearing for the dam, penstock, powerhouse access road, and transmission line would result in a loss of about 40 acres of overstory. A minor increase in stream turbidity could result from construction of cofferdams, the permanent dam, and a temporary rock fill stream crossing. Any changes in fishery habitat due to changes in overflow from the project could be mitigated by the creation of new habitat in the itmJediate area. LR-3 C. Economic Analysis Estimated development costs and benefits for the proposed project are outlined below. The expected project life is 50 years, evaluated at 8-1/8 percent interest and October 1983 price levels. IV. Category Power Emp 1 oyment · Annu.al Benefit Project First Costs Estimated Cost roc {2 years at 8-1/8%) Investment Costs Annual Benefit $ 408,000 47,000 $ 455,000 $ 7,958,000 651,000 $ 8,609,000 Annual Costs (50 years at 8-1/8%) Investment ($8,609,000 X 0.0829) o&M Estimate Annual Costs $ $ 714,000 34,000 748,000 Benefit-Cost (B/C) Analysis Average Annual Demand Average Annual Equivalent Annua 1 Benefits Annua 1 Costs B/C Ratio Net Benefits 1,561,000 kWh 1,400,000 kWh $ 455,000 $ 748,000 0.61 -$ 293,000 B/C Analysis Without Employment Annual Benefit $ 408,000 Annual Costs $ 748,000 B/C 0.55 Net Benefit -$ 340,000 Cost per kWh (50 years at 8-l/8%) $ 0.53 Conclusions and Recommendations The selected plan would be uneconomical because construction costs for the dam and penstock would be high. The rugged terrain for the access road and the poor foundation conditions along the penstock route would be costly problems to overcome. Continued use of diesel generation appears to be significantly less costly than development of the hydropower project evaluated in this report. Therefore, no further study by the Corps of Engineers is recommended at this time, as the project would not pass the Federal economic evaluation criteria. LR-4 .. GUSTAVUS SMALL HYDR OP GJER PLAN FORMULATION ANALYSIS I NTR OOUCTI Q\l Authority Scope of Study Study Participants Studies by Others Existing Projects C()lMUNITY PRCfiLE Location Population Economy Table of Contents Government and Services · · Transportation Social Environment Natural Resources Cultural Resources EXISTING FACILITIES Generation and Distribution Systems Energy Use PROJECTED ENERGY DEMAND To Base year 1990 Energy Demand After 1990 Comparison with Another Demand Prediction PLANNING OBJECTIVES. PLAN FOR MULA TI Q\l No Action Diesel Conservation Wood Generation Coal/Peat Natural Gas Solar Energy Transmission Intertie Wind Generator HydropONer / PAGE -,- 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 6 6 7 7 9 10 10 13 15 18 20 21 22 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 PLAN SELECTION Rationale Plant Size Optimization NED Selection OVerview of the Selected Plan With Project Conditions Monthly Demand Distribution CONCLUSIONS RECG1MENDATI ONS HYDROLCGY Area Description Climate Hydrologic Analysis Sedimentation Plant Sizing DESIGN TECHNICAL APPENDIX Dam, Spillway, and Intake Penstock and Access Cofferdam Powerhouse and Transmission PROJECT ECO'J(}'tiCS Costs Benefits Summary 27 27 29 29 29 30 34 35 T-1 T -1 T-2 T-5 T-5 T-6 T-7 T-8 T-8 T-9 T-12 T-14 INTROOUCTIO'I Authority SMALL SCALE HYDROPOWER FOR GUSTAVUS, ALASKA PLAN F CRMULA TI ON ANAL y·s IS The evaluation of small-scale hydroelectric systems was authorized by a United States Resolution dated 1 October 1976. That resolution directed the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to determine the feasibility of installing small prepackaged hydroelectric units in isolated communities throughout Alaska. The full text of the resolution reads: RESOLVED BY THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE, the the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors be, and is hereby requested to review the reports of the Chief of Engineers on Rivers and Harbors in Alaska, pulished as House Document Numbered 414, 83rd Congress, 2nd Session; Southeastern Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 501, 83rd Congress, 2nd Session; Cook Inlet and Tributaries, Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 34, 85th Congress, 1st Session,; Copp~r River and Gulf Coast, Alaska; published as House Document Numbered 182, 83rd Congress, 1st Session; Tanana River Basin, Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 137, 84th Congress, 1st Session; Southwestern Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 390, 84th Congress, 2nd Session; Northwestern Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 99, 86th Congress, 1st Session, Yukon and Kuskokwim River Basins, Alaska, published as House Document Numbered 218, 88th Congress, 2nd Session; and other pertinent reports, with a view to determining the advisability of modifying the existing plans with particular reference to the feasibility of installing 5MW or less prepackaged hydroelectric plants to service isolated communities. Because the considered project is located within a National Park, special authority was required to allaN the Corps to proceed with the study. This authority was provided in the 1982 Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, which states: The Committee (Senate Committee on Appropriations) also directs that the (National Park) Service shall cooperate with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in a survey and study of the hydrolelectric potentials of Falls Creek as a source of electrical power for the community of Gustavus (sic) and for the Glacier Bay National Monument. (Parenthesized words added for clarity.) 1 Scope of Study This interim study was made to determine if there are economically and environmentally feasible alternatives that could meet or supplement the electrical energy needs of Gustavus and the National Park Service's Bartlett Cove headquarters area. This study only considers electrical energy needs because total study area energy needs have previously been addressed by the Alaska Power Authority (APA). A summary of findings for the Gustavus portion of this APA study is given in the Studies by Others section below. · Study Participants Federal agencies that provided input to this study included the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, U.S. Department of Energy Alaska Power Administration, Federal Aviation Administration, and National Weather Service. State agencies that provided input included the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Department of Game and Fish, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Community and Regional Affairs, and the APA. Especially important were the contributions of the Gustavus area residents. Studies by Others Gustavus energy needs were addressed in a March 1982 draft report prepared for the APA. This report, 11 Reconnaissance Study of Energy Requirements and Alternatives,~ concluded that electrical power generation from a Falls Creek hydropower installation could be attractive and that further study should be done. The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities' ~tober 1981 "Preliminary State Transportation Policy Plan 11 assessed transportation needs throughout the State and, at Gustavus, considered airport improvements. This plan is being revised and should be issued as a final report in 1983. In April 1983, the National Park Service issued the "Draft General Management Plan and Environmental Assessment 11 for the Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve. This document presents alternative plans for the management and use of the resources of the park and preserve over the next 10 to 15 years. It includes an environmental assessment of the proposed alternatives, a wilderness review, and a land protection strategy. The National Park Service and the State of Alaska currently are discussing the proposed transfer of some Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve lands near Gustavus to State ownership in exchange for State lands in another part of the State. The Falls Creek study area is included within the Gustavus area lands considered for ownership transfer. When and if this transfer will actually occur is uncertain at this time. 2 Existing Projects There are no existing Federal projects for electric power at Gustavus. The present diesel system in the community was originally owned and operated by the Federal Aviation Administration but was later turned over to the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, which in turn sold it to a private operator. The generators are still under private ownership. The Federal government, via the National Park Service, owns and operates the diesel generating system that serves the park. The nature and extent of these facilities are discussed later in the report. CCJv1MUNITY PROFILE Location Gustavus is a small unincorporated community located in the northern portion of the Alaska 11 Panhandle" about 48 miles norttrwest of Juneau (Figure 1) •. It is bounded on th'e south by Icy Strait and on all other sides by the Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve. The community name is taken from nearby Point Gustavus. Barlett Cove is about 9 miles from Gustavus on the southeastern shore of Glacier Bay and is the primary land access point to the park. The National Park Service maintains visitor facilities and an operational office at the cove. Because Bartlett Cove would be connected to the proposed Falls Creek hydropower project, it is included in the study area. Population· U.S. Census data for the past 30 years shows a fluctuating year-round population for Gustavus: Year 1960 1970 1980 Population 107 64 98 There is a wide seasonal variation in the study area population, which increases to as much as 300 during the peak summer season. This seasonal increase is primarily due to the influx of summer residents who spend about 6 months in the area. Most part-time residents come from Juneau and most of the rest come from the western continental United States. Before 1970, Gustavus was inhabited primarily by descendents of early homesteaders. During the 1970's there was an inflow of young adults. The current population is split about evenly between these two groups. The following census profile provides a comparative cross section of Gustavus demographics. 3 POINT GUSTAVUS ~~ ~ N j '\h ~ 0 ~ ~,~ .. ,, FAIRBANKS • I I \ I I \ I I ' PACIFIC OCEAN lllfllAKATLA \\f\ "f'~ -j ~ 1 0 50 100 Scalalo Mil" I'IGUIIIII 1 GUSTAVUS, ALASKA Loc•tJon & VIcinity M•p Aleak• Dl•trlcl < Corp• of Engineer~ Census Year caterorx_ 1970 1980 Tota popultion """64 98 Total Families 16 26 Persons by Race White 60 96 American Indian 4 2 Persons bx_ Sex and Age Male Female Male Female Economy 0-9 10-19 20-44 45-74 Median Age of Persons Occupancy Status of Year-Round Total Occupied Vacant 12 2 1 5 12 8 6 9 14.7 Housing Units 27 16 11 -6- 4 28 10 30.8 111 44 67 The economy in Gusta·vus is driven by four basic employment components; subsistence, year-round local employment, seasonal local employment, and external employment. 13 2 24 11 Fishing and farming are the primary subsistence activities, with nearly all of the residents engaging in one or both. Year-round.local employment is created by the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, the local store, the National Park Service, the school, and the post office. Combined, these sources constituted employment for 10 people in 1981. Commercial fishing, the largest personl income generator in the area, comprises a major portion of seasonal employment. The remainder is associated with the Glacier Bay tourist industry from May through October. Nearly 14,000 annual visitors arrive at the Gustavus airport during May-through September on their way to Bart lett Cove and the Park. This visitory activity creates local jobs through the National Park Service, the Gustavus Inn, another inn, Alaska Airlines, and the National Park Service concessionaires. Finally, some residents either supplement or derive their entire income from outside the Gustavus area, mainly Juneau. 5 The Alaska Department of Labor has compiled economic data for the communities of Cape Spencer, Elfin Cove, Funter Bay, Gull Cove, Yakobi Island, Port Althorp, Idaho Inlet, Bartlet Cove, and Gustavus, whose population represents 78 percent of the total.* The data provide an indication of the amount of employment located in the Gustavus region. Only totals are given to maintain the confidentiality of employers. Year 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980** Average Number Employed 40 41 25 50 61 60 Government and Services Average Number of Firms 9 9 9 7 8 8 Gustavus is an unincorporated community within an unorganized borough. It has a State operated school that offers grades 1 through 12. Other government services include road rr'iaintenance, telephone service, and mail delivery. The community has elected to have a satellite televisioo receiving station installed in the community. Individual wells and surface runoff are the main source of water. Privies are used for sewage disposal. * The data are broken da.-vn by industry, except for co.mmercial fishing, which is not represented. The categories include mining, transportation construction, services, manufacturing, and Federal government. Employment is highly seasonal, at nearly 80 percent from April through September. ** First three quarters. Transportation The Gustavus area contains about 12 miles of improved road, the majority of which connects Gustavus to Bartlett Cove. Air access is provided by the Gustavus airport with two paved runways, one 7,500 feet long and the other 5,000 feet long. Glacier Bay Airlines, based in Gustavus, flies regularly to Juneau. Alaska Airlines furnishes commercial jet service to and from Gustavus twice each day during the tourist season. Various air charter services are also available within the region. 6 A 48-foot dock is located on the Icy Strait waterfront near Gustavus. This dock can handle supply barges and similar sized vessels. Small craft can navigate the Salmon River during high tides. There is currently ne State ferry service to Gustavus, although it has been considered in recent regional master transportation plans. Social Environment The most prominent feature of the social climate in Gustavus is the quiet rural lifestyle. The majority of full-and part-time residents live in the area because it provides a simple, independent, and mostly subsistence way of life. However, differing factions have developed within the community as to how and to what extent this lifestyle should be preserved. Because Gustavus is not incorporated, there is no established formal government that can represent the residents. With respect to hydropower, recent town meetings and discussions with residents have indicated that the community is divided in its view toward hydroelectric development. Those residents in favor of ·hydropower believe hydropower would be acceptable if electrical energy could be produced and delivered at a "reasonable" cost. Natural Resources Gustavus is located on a broad, flat plain on the north side of Icy Strait, about 50 miles northwest of Juneau (Figure 1 ). The community is bounded on the east, north, and west by the Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve. Falls Creek enters Icy Strait about4 miles,east of the community, as shown on Figure 1. The Nat·iona 1 Park headquarters are located about 11 miles northwest of the community. The park complex includes a headquarters building, a large lodge, visitor center, dock complex, employee housing, and support f ac i1 it i e s. Topography The mountainous area of southeastern Alaska around Gustavus reflects the convergence of the North Pacific and Continental tectonic plates of the earth 1 S crust. Area geology is extremely complex because of three major fault systems. Bed~ock has been dated from early Paleozoic to middle or late Pleistocene. Much of the area is glacial or periglacial, hence the name Glacier Bay National Park. The glaciers in the Chilkat Range near Gustavus have receeded while those of Mount Fairweather (15,300 feet) 75 miles northwest are advancing. LaPerouse noted glaciers at the mouth of Glacier Bay in 1786, 56 miles from their present position. 7 No evidence of recent volcanic activity exists; however, earthquakes up to 7.9 have been measured in the past. A 7.9 earthquake in 1958 caused 30 million cubic meters of rock to plunge into Lituya Bay and generated a surge of water that rose 1,690 feet on the opposite wall of the inlet. A geologic reconnaissance conducted for the National Park Service in 1978 found few mineral deposits. Of those, found, most were non-metallic commodities. Vegetation The Falls Creek drainage supports a dense, relatively pure and native Sitka spruce forest. Alder and devils club are the main under story along the creek boundaries, which gives way to blueberry and salmonberry at higher elevations away from the creek. Skunk cabbage is present in areas where the soil is wet. Ground cover is a thick mat of mostly mosses. Additional site-specific details are presented in the Technical Index. Fish and Wildlife The Falls Creek area supports a large concentration of black bears through most of the year. Well used bear trails crisscross throughout the drainage. Bears forage along the beach during spring until the grasses and skunk cabbage emerge at higher elevations. From mid-July to September, concentrations of bears can be found at the creek, where they eat on the anadromous salmon. Bald eagles are abundant in the study area and are concentrated near Falls Creek during the salmon runs. There are no known eagle nests in the immediate area. Falls Creek supports spawning populations of pink, chum, and coho salmon as well as Dolly Varden char. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game annually assesses the escapement of Falls Creek from the intertidal area to the oJd reach. Spawning habitat above the bridge to the powerhouse site is good to fair with approximately 200 square meters between the powerhouse and falls. Rearing habitat for juvenile coho and Dolly Varden are mainly in areas where log jams have created pools. There appears to be no fishery above the falls; however, this speculation is based on limited field data. The flow available for hydropower was reduced to reserve a minimum stream flow of 5 cfs between the dam and powerhouse to maintain the salmon spawning habitat. This level of reduced flow would be subject to further review if the project were feasible. 8 Cultural Resources Various surveys have identified 60 historically significant distinct sites or structural complexes in the area. Future sites will likely be found in stable unglaciated areas. As of 1983, no archeological or historical sites or structures around Glacier Bay were on the National Register of Historic Places. About 10,000 years ago, during the early post-glacial era, man apparently managed floral and fauna resources at Ground Hog Bay, just east of the park. More recent evidence of man is not found until 2,000 years ago. Evidence of a house, microlithic tools, and heavy woodworking tools dates from the beginning of the little ice age. Another gap in records exists until 200 years ago. Many sites within the National Park remain from activities of late historic Tlingit fishing camps or from European mineral or fishing ventures. No sites were found along coastal regions of the park, which is explained by limited access to the sea because of the cliffs and lack of beaches. Sites were also not found in the inlets and bays, some of which may have been considered dangerous. One such otherwise promising location, Lituya Bay, was destroyed by an earthquake. Tlingit folklore describes a history of natural disasters in this seismic area. Apparently the Tlingits dwelled in semi-permanent villages during the winter and moved to camps for seasonal hunting, fishing, and gathering. In 1741, Russian ships reached Glacier Bay. Subse·quently, Europeans exploited the area's fur animals and'claimed the land as their own. After the United States purchsed Alaska, 'troops and naval vessels were sent to Sitka to prevent Tlingit uprisings in the area. The last of the ships remained until 1896. The gold rush boom missed Gracier Bay except for some small-scale mining~ A saltery was constructed at Bartlett Cove, adjacent to Gustavus, in the late 1890's. By 1900 a cannery in nearby Dundas Bay supported a community of 40 houses. The cannery was abandoned in 1935 but prospectors, fishermen, traders, and settlers kept the area populated. Spectacular views of glaciers attracted tourists on regular ship tours of Glacier Bay starting in 1883. Experts, most notably John Muir, studied the glaciers and their retreat. An 1899 earthquake ended these tours by filling Glacier Bay with broken ice. Glacier Bay National Monument was created in 1925 and again began to attract tourists. The monument, later to become a National Park, was proclaimed by President Hoover to have 11 tidewater glaciers of the first rank in a magnificent setting of lofty peaks and more accessible to ordinary travel than other regions of Alaska.11 9 EXISTING FACILITIES Generation and Distribution Systems The existing privately owned and operated Gustavus community generating system includes two 100-kW generators. Generator bus bar capacity is 2,400 V. The two generators each use about 100 gallons of diesel fuel per day. The system also includes about 2.5 miles of active three-phase transmission line with a line voltage of 7,200 V. Delivered power is 60 Hz at 240/120 V. Most of this line is in good condition and, with continued maintenance, could be incorporated into an expanded system. In 1983 the existing 7200 V delta distribution system was converted to a grounded wye 7200/12,470 V system. As part of the modifications by the newly formed utility, 3.2 miles of 7200 V single phase underground cables were laid. An abandoned line extends about 3 miles from Gustavus to the National Park boundary west of the community. This line is in very poor condition and is not considered to be useable. The existing diesel facilities at Bartlett Cove include two 185-kW units and one 100-kW unit in generally good condition. These can generate a maximum bus bar capacity of 480 V, which is stepped up to 13,800 V for distribution throughout the park. The three-phase distribution system delivers 208 to 480 V to the various park facilities. Most area residents use small gas or diesel powered generating units. These units vary from 2 to 6 kW with an average capacity of about 4 kW. The units deliver single phase, 120/240 V. The larger units provide power at residences using a wide range of appliances including residence heating. The smaller 2-to 3-kW units are generally limited to meeting lighting needs and running small power tools, Power conversion efficiency for these units is approximately 3.5 kWh per gallon of fuel. Energy Use Energy use at Gustavus and the Glacier Bay National Park facilities at Bartlett Cove during 1983 was determined from field interviews with operators of the existing systems, surveys of area residents not served by a centralized system, and research of pertinent literature on energy use patterns in small isolated communities. Existing energy use in the study area has been categorized into the following user groups. Bartlett Cove Gustavus central system Other existing residential * other public ** Other commercial ** * Includes residences deriving power from individually owned and operated generating units or those using no electricity at present. ** Includes public or commercial facilities not served by a central system. 10 A discussion of existing study area energy used by each group is given in the following paragraphs. GUSTAVUS CENTRAL SYSTEM. The Gustavus system became a public utility in 1983 and currently serves 22 customers, including: the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities buildings, the airport facility, Alaska Airlines, the telephone exchange, school, general store, and three National Park Service homes. This system was privately owned and operated in 1982 since being publicaly owned and operated by the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The addition of more hookups to the system, which had nine customers in early 1983, required licensing by the Alaska Public Utilities Commission. The 1983 peak energy use ranged from a maximum of about 90 kW in the winter to a minimum of about 50 kW in the summer. Average monthly 1982 demand measured over a 3-year period (excluding FAA facilities) is given in Table 1. The percentage distribution of typical monthly demand (measured in kilowatt-hours) is also shown in Table 1. Of the total average annual system demand, residential demand accounts for about 20 percent of the total demand. Table 1 -1982 Eners,r: Use -Gustavus Central S,r:stem Average Monthl,r: Demand Month Total (kWh} Residential {kWhl % of Annual January 21,430 3, 720 12.9 February 17,820 3,450 10.8 March 14,620 3,250 8.8 Apri 1 13,650 3,030 8.2 May 12,190 2,580 7.4 June 10,580 2, l40 6.4 July 11 '030 2,220 6.7 August 11,030 2,220 6.8 September 11' 190 2,680 6.8 O:tober 13,060 3,330 7.9 November 15,160 3,600 9.2 December 13,580 3,280 8.2 TOTAL 165,620~/ 36,080 100.0 a/ Excluding FAA facilities and a major school addition, which was partially complete in late 1982. Use Bartlett Cove System. The Glacier Bay National Park headquarters and visitor facilities are served by the existing diesel generating system. The 1982 peak energy use ranged from a maximum summer (August) demand of 160 kW to a winter demand of about 50 kW. Average monthly energy generation for the Bartlett Cove system is given in Table 2. 11 Table 2 -1982 Energy Use -Bartlett Cove System Average Monthly Use Month January February March April May June July August September Cctober November December Total Total Use (kWh) 16, 100 14,000 16,800 14,000 35,350 40,250 46,550 47,600 49,350 30,800 23,100 16,800 350,700 % of Annual Use 4.6 4.0 4,8 4.0 10. 1 11.5 13.3 13.6 14. 1 8.8 6.6 4.8 100.0 Other Existing 1982 Residential Use. Most of the Gustavus area residents depend on small gas or diesel powered generators or other sources of energy to meet lighting and heating needs. Those without an electric power source commonly use wood, oil, or LPN gas for heat and gas or kerosene for lighting. At least 29 homes in the area have some appliances. Of these, about 23 used small (2-to 5-kW) gas or diesel generating units in 1982. These units belong to 18 year-round residents who use about 900 gallons per year per household for electric power. A survey of area residences indicates that present annual energy use for year-round and seasonal residents with generating units averages about 3,200 and 520 kWh per household, respectively. Total energy generated in the study area by these small systems is estimated at 65,000 kWh per year, as shown on Table 3. Other Public. Other public facilities using electrical energy during 1983 include a new structure used to house the community fire truck. However, this initial use has been insignificant to date. Other Commercial. Other commercial facilities with an existing energy demand include two seasonal inn-resturants. Both of these units are served by individually owned and operated diesel generating units and would continue to be so served in the future in the absence of a cheaper energy source. Together these units used an estimated 33,800 kWh during 1982. A recreational fishing camp was constructed in the area in 1982, but did not commence operation until 1983. This facility will use diesel generated electricity for at least the near future. 12 PROJECTED ENERGY DEMAND To Base Year 1990 Table 3 -With Project Energy Demand, Gustavus, Alaska Demand (kWh} User Catesory Bartlett Cove Existing Gustavus System Existing Residential Other Public Other Commercial New Resident i a 1. TOTAL 1982 Base Year -1990 350' 700 __,:_;;.....;__,;;_3~8~7:-, ~20~0~ 165,620 228,800 64,900 237,000 0 6,000 33,800 339,600 0 61,800 615,020 1,260,400 Bartlett Cove System. The recently completed National Park master plan for the Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve proposes construction of new maintenance, administrative, and residential facilities approximately 1 mile from the Bartlett Cove area and the construction of additional visitor facilities within the existing developed area. These projected improvements and visitor activities are expected to result in a park energy demand growth rate of about 1.3 percent annually until 1990. Total annual energy use at the park is expected to increase by 36,500 kWh to 387,200 kWh in 1990, as shown on Table 3. Gustavus Central System. A large number of new electrical hookups to the existing system occurred during 1983. Increased energy use will result from existing customers and the school addition. Total annual energy use that would be met by this system is expected to increase from 165,620 kWh in 1982 to 228,800 kWh (including 48,200 kWh for the school addition} by 1990. · Residential. Annual energy demand for 1982 year-round residents served by small generating units is expected to increase from a 1982 average of 3,150 kWh per household to about 6,500 kWh per household in 1990. Similarly, annual energy use for seasonal residents is expected to increase from 525 kWh in 1983 to 3,500 kWh in 1990. These projected increases are generally in accordance with published electrical energy demand trends for small communities in Southeast Alaska. Total annual energy use for this development, including some households that are expected to install a generating unit before 1990, is expected to increase from about 65,000 kWh in 1982 to about 237,000 kWh in 1990. Several hundred acres have become available for development in Gustavus. Much of this land has been platted into 1-acre lots. One development group plans to market 392 lots and has begun initial subdivision infrastructure developments. Lot sales to the public and actual building construction are expected to commence by 1984. 13 Sixteen new residences are expected in the area by 1990, all of which would likely use electrical energy for lighting, appliance operation, and limited resistance heating. It is estimated that three homes would be year-round residences with an annual energy requirement of about 10,500 kWh each. The 13 new seasonal homes would have a 4-month energy requirement of about 2,600 kWh each. Total annual energy needs for this new development in 1990 are presently estimated at 61,800 kWh. Public. The fire station constructed in 1983 would have a 1990 annual requ1rement of about 3,500 kWh. A new satellite television system is expected to be in operation by 1990 and have an annual energy requirement of about 2,500 kWh. No other new public facilities are anticipated during this period. Commercial. Commercial energy demand in base year 1990 will result from existing inn operations, the recreational fish camp, two new lodges that are to be constructed before 1987, and minimal new commercial support facilities. With continued additions of new appliances, energy demand from the two existing inns could increase from about 34,000 kWh in 1982 to 40,000 kWh in 1990. The new recreational camp, which opened in 1983, will operate from mid-May through mid-October. Average energy demand as a percent of peak demand during the pre-season periods is expected to range from 25 percent during night hours to about 50 percent during operating hours. Average June-September demand as a percent of peak demand is expected to range from 30 to 75 percent for the same daily periods. Total annual energy use in 1990, including a minor allowance for lighting at small boat mooring facilities, is estimated at approximately 29,000 kWh. A lodge called Glacier Bay Lodge is planned for construction in the study area before 1990. This facility would present a peak energy demand of about 67.5 kW. The lodge would operate during tne summer tourist season from mid-May through mid-October. Average peak daily demand during May and October would range from 50 percent of peak demand during the daytime 12 hours to 25 percent during the minimal operation hours. Average peak daily demand during June through September would range from 70 percent of peak demand during the day to 30 percent at night. Total 1990 energy demand for this facility is estimated at 101,500 kWh, as shown in Table 4. Another lodge with large walk-in freezers and refrigerators for fish storage is scheduled for construction before 1990. It would have a peak demand of 40 kW and would operate from mid-May through September. Total annual energy use by 1990 is estimated to be 129,200 kWh. It is expected that minimal commercial developments, possibly a service station, hardware store, eating facilities, or similar establishments, w~uld occur to support the expected public, residential, and other commerc1al development. The average annual energy demand associated with this activity is estimated at 40,000 kWh, as shown in Table 4. Total 1990 demand for all commercial activity is estimated at 339,600 kWh. 14 Table 4 -Present and Future Commercial Demand at Gustavusa/ 1982 -Existing Inn and Restaurants 1984 -Existing Inn and Restaurants Salmon River Fish Camp New Lodge with Large Walk-in Refigeration TOTAL 1984 Commercial Demand (kWh) 33,200 34,000 28,900 129,200 192, 1oo 1990 -Existing Inn and Restaurants (add electric heat) Salmon River Fish Camp 40,000 28,900 129,200 Lodge with Walk-in Refrigeration New Glacier Bay Lodge (40 units) Other Commercial Support (service estabs.) TOTAL 1990 Commercial 101,500 40,000 339,600 a/ Facilities which are presently not connected to the Gustavus central system. Energy Demand After 1990 Future energy demand after base year 1990 without additional centralized energy supplies could follow any one of three possible scenarios. The first of these would be a continuation of present situation with no new development at the Glacier Bay National Park, a greatly reduced commercial development, and very limited new residential development, all restrained by escalating diesel fuel prices. The existing central generating system would be operated as at present. This low growth scenario could be considered a "no action•• energy growth projection. Another scenario might reflect the expansion of the central Gustavus system to serve all existing and new residential, public, and commercial development in the area. Residential energy use would be expected to approximate recorded trends for Southeast Alaska. The third and most likely growth scenario, in the absence of a new electrical energy project, would reflect a situation where new park development would be in accordance with the National Park master plan. The existing central Gustavus system would not be expanded. Residential demand would increase substantially as a result of State and private land sales and subdivision developments. New commercial support development and very limited public facilities to include a sewage treatmemt plant for the concentrated residential development area are expected west of the Salmon River. A central diesel generating system would probably be constructed in this area after 1990. In the interim, users would likely rely on individual diesel or gas powered generating units. New residential units in other parts of the study area could also be expected to use the· small 2-to 6-kW units. 15 Low Growth Scenario. Under this scenario, park energy use would remain at roughly the base year 1990 level of 387,200 kWh per year. Similarly, demand of the central Gustavus system would stabilize at about 229,000 kWh. • Other residential use would reflect limited interest in new appliances by existing users due to increasing diesel fuel prices and an additional 15 (5 year-round, seasonal) new homes by year 2000. Estimated demand for development not connected to the current system should increase with increased utilization of existing and added appliances. This usage would be about 151,000 kWh by 2000. Total annual demand from new residential development in 2000 is estimated at 141,100 kWh. Expected demand from commercial actiyity would include that from the existing inns, the recreational camp, and the 24-unit lodge. This projected commercial demand (exclusive of central system demand) is estimated at 138,000 kWh annually by 2000. Expected demand from public facilities not connected to a centralized system would result from use of fire hall facilities and the satellite television system. This demand would remain at roughly 6,000 kWh a year until 2000. Total electrical energy demand in 2000 under the low growth scenario would be about 1,052,300 kWh, as shown in Table 5. Table 5 -Estimated 2000 and 2040 Electrical Demand Low Growth Scenario User/Demand Category Bartlett Cove Gustavus Central System Other Existing Residential New Residential Other Commercial Other Public TOTAL Energy Demand (kWh) 2000 2040 387,200 229,000 151,000 141,100 138,000 6,000 1,052,300 472,700 229,000 272,000 401,000 279,300 26,000 1,680,000 Even with the low growth scenario and a dependence on fossil fuel, energy demand is expected to grow as more and more people relocate into the area on a seasonal, year-round, or short-term basis. A moderate increase in park usage is estimated at 472,700 kWh by the end of the 50-year project life. Little change in demand is expected at the Gustavus central system. A moderate increase in residential energy is expected to occur as a result of increased utilization and added units. End-of-project-life demands (year 2040) for existing residential development using individual units and new residential development using small units are estimated at 272,000 and 401,000 kWh, respectively. Commercial activity would be increased by the addition of the 40-unit lodge and miscellaneous small service facilities. Total commercial electrical energy demand is estimated at 279,300 kWh annually by 2040. Under the low growth scenario and no hydropower development, public energy use would reflect a limited expansion of the fire fighting facility and new sewage treatment works for subdivision development in the Salmon River area. This expected usage is estimated at about 26,000 kWh annually by 2040, as shown in Table 5. Total electrical energy demand under this scenario would increase from 1,052,300 kWh in year 2000 to 1,680,000 kWh by year 2040. 16 High Growth Scenario. Under this scenario, a maximum development plan would be implemented at the park before 1990. This additional expansion would result in a 1990 park electrical energy demand of about 416,800 kWh. The existing Gustavus diesel system would be expanded to accommodate electrical energy neeas of all existing and future developments. A significantly greater level of energy utilization per household would be realized as residents would no longer have to contend with the operation, maintenance, and capacity limitations of small generating units. Total future electrical energy demand under this growth scenario is estimated at ~,659,700 and 2,483,000 kWh for 2000 and 2040, respectively, as shown in Table 6. Intermediate Growth Scenario. This projection reflects future implementation of the proposed alternative National Park master plan, continuance of-the existing Gustavus system at its present capacity, increased utilization of electrical energy by existing residents, a substantial demand from new residences in the Gustavus area, new commercial development, and limited public. utility works to service a new residential development near the Salmon River. The. proposed facility modifications and additions at Bartlett Cove would result in an increase in demand from 387,200 kWh in 1990 to about 427,700 kWh in 2000. Park developments after 2000 are uncertain but could be expected .to support a 0.5 percent annual increase over a 40-year period td 2040 for a without project demand of 522,100 kWh. A minor increase in energy utilization by customers of the existing Gustavus system would increase total demand from 228,800 kWh in 1990 to 231,800 kWh in 2000. No further increase in demand is projected at this facility after 2000. Existing residents not served by the central system could be expected to increase their energy utilization within the limits of their individual generating units. Five more residences would likely acquire units by 2000. Total 2000 and 2040 demand from this increased utilization by existing residents is estimated at 323,500 and 396,000 kWh, respectively. New residential development will continue as a result of additional land transfers between private parties and continued development of the subdivision near the Salmon River. Five year-round and about 45 seasonal homes are expected in the area by 2000. A new central diesel unit would probably be constructed to serve the Salmon River area development in the absence of other energy sources, as indicated by land owners and developers in the area. Total 2000 demand from this increased development is estimated at about 224,000 kWh. The projected addition of 17 year-round and 150 seasonal homes over the next 40 years of project life would result in a total 2040 demand of about 666,000 kWh for new residential activity. 17 New commercial development is expected with or without any publicly financed energy alternatives. The two lodges should be completed by 1990 with no significant increase in related energy demand. However, additional service facilities, such as small shops and repair places, can be expected. These small developments would result in estimated total commercial energy demands in 2000 and 2040 of 348,400 and 372,300 kWh, respectively. Increased public demand can be expected under this scenario from the addition of fire fighting facilities and utilities to serve the new Salmon River area residential development. This demand for 2000 and 2040 is estimated at 7,700 and 26,500 kWh, respectively. Total estimated demand for the ''without project" conditioh for 2000 and 2040 is 1,503,500 and 2,214,800 kWh, respectively, as shown in Table 6. Figure 2 shows the demand for the 1990 base year and for future years as projected by the intermediate growth scenario. All other Gustavus demand accounts for the demand by residential, commercial, and public facilities, which are not now hooked up to the existing central system. This category accounts for about half of the total demand in 1990 and for two-thirds in 2040. Table 6 -Estimated 2000 and 2040 Electrfcal Demand (Without Project Condition) Growth Scenario R1gfi ~kWh) Intermediate {f<Wn) Demand Categor~ 2000 2040 2000 2040 Bartlett Cove 460,400 562,000 427,700 522,100 Gustavus System 231,800 232,000 231,800 232,000 Other Existing Residential 364,000 498,000 323,500 396,000 New Residential 282,500 792,000 224,400 665,900 Other Commercial 313,000 349,000 348,400 372' 300 Other Public 8,000 50,000 7,700 26,500 TOTAL 1,659,700 2,483,000 1 '563' 500 2,214,800 ComEarison with Another Demand Prediction The estimates of projected energy demand were coordinated with the Alaska Power Administration. This analysis indicated an apparently high 16.3 percent per year growth through base year 1987. However, the Corps estimate of projected demand from 1983 to the base year was not based upon percentage rate increases but on demand from facilities now under construction or facilities likely to be constructed before the base year. 18 0 % z CJ 1-~ z ~ ~0;:: QLLJZ(f) ·0 Oc::c- a: z(/)~x " ~ ~LLd~-~>oo Ill ~ j!LLJ Z2 1->-en> <lLLJ ..: ~ 58~t; -0 LLJ a:~ Q?n Ill ZLLJ~<n :II l£.l :::c LIJ :::J -l a: _. .... -l >~ IU ~ 0~ j!Ct: 1-~ -l a:(/)~ z. 0 -l <C :::J~ -~~CD<!J I • I I I • I l I en z 0 10 -l -l N ~ ' ' \ \ ' ' ' ' \ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' \ ' ' I • ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' • ' ' • • ' ' • • ' ' ... ' ' t ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' • ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I l I ,_ I ' • I • ' • l • I I l ' ' t l ' l • l • ' . I I I l I I t l I I I 0 v 0 t\J 0 rt) 0 (\J 0 C\1 0 C\1 0 0 C\1 0 0 0 (\J a:: <( UJ >- ' l ('4Mlt) ON'JW30 ,- l 19 ' • ' ' \ ' • ' ' ' ' ' I 0 Fl ..... 2 0 0') 0') GUSTAVUS, ALASKA SMALL HYDROPOWER FEASIBILITY STUDY PREDICTED YEARLY ENERGY DEMAND FOR THE GUSTAVUS AREA Alaska District, Corps of Engineers The Alaska Power Administration (APA) also developed a low growth scenario to provide a 1.5 percent annual increase subsequent to 1987 and recommended this scenario for the project analysis. This rate of growth assumes that the present area lifestyle would be maintained indefinitely in its present form. This assumption is considered unrealistic, considering the unique lDcation and characteristics of the study area. Gustavus is not a typical "bush" community with a present and projected lack of commercial and industrial activity, but is a gateway to a major National Park. As such, it can be expected to increasingly attract more commercial activity. There are strong indications, such as current new lodge developments, that show that this activity is already beginning. Landowners in the area also suggest aggressive intentions for marketing platted lots (several hundred at present) in the Gustavus area. Initial infrastructure developments, including roads and other utilities to serve a large new subdivision, began in 1983. The overwhelming evidence of both immediate and future development indicates that the projected energy demand considered in the APA analysis is unrealistic. PLANNING OBJECTIVES Planning goals and objectives related to this study are local and national in scope. The local planning objectives respond to the concerns of local residents and the national objectives address the continuing Federal interest in national economic development and environmental quality. Local planning objectives used to guide this study include: 1. Stabilize or reduce the real electrical energy costs at Gustavus and Bartlett Cove. 2. Minimize and mitigate, where required, any adverse project impact$ on the environment. 3. Preserve and, if feasible, enhance the fishery resources in the impacted portion of Falls Creek. 4. Develop a plan that is acceptable to a majority of the local residents. National planning objectives that guided the formulation and evaluation of alternative plans include: 1. Provide a technically viable plan that maximizes net economic benefits. 2. Provide an environmentally sound plan that minimizes adverse effects caused by the project and mitigates, to the extent possible, unavoidable adverse impacts. 20 PLAN F CRMULATI ON Many Gustavus residents and the National Park Service facilities at Bartlett Cove are dependent on diesel generated electricity. This electricity, whether generated by the central systems or by small privately owned and operated units, has become increasingly expensive with rising fuel costs over the past 10 years. Although there is a minor worldwide surplus of oil and depressed fuel prices, the near and long term outlook is for a resumption of escalating prices because oil is a finite resource. The June 1983 price of fuel oil del~vered at the Bartlett Cove dock was $1.23 per gallon. A portion of this fuel is off-loaded and transhipped over land to Gustavus at a delivered price of $1.36 pe·r gallon. At currently for~casted fuel cost escalat~on rates, the fuel cost in 30 years will be about $3.30 per gallon. Assuming an average fuel conversion efficiency of 10 kWh per gallon, the fuel cost portion of diesel generated electrical energy would increase from $0.13 to $0.33 per kWh. The purpose of this section is to evaluate the various alternatives that could be utilized to meet the energy production needs of the study area. No Action This plan would maintain the status quo at Gustavus and Bartlett Cove. The existing central systems would be maintained and operated in their present configurations. Local residents and some businesses not connected to the system would continue to use their small generating units. Other residents now not operating a system might acquire one in the future. Imeact Assessment. This alternative would have no significant adverse biolog1cal impacts in the study area. The increased burning of fuel oil by existing development could result in a slight decrease in air quality. Future increases in fuel use by new residential development would aggravate this situation. This alternative would help preserve the existing way of life, because the non-availability of electrical energy could deter some people from relocating into this area. There would be no additional transmission lines to impact the natural aesthetics of the area. This alternative would not, however, assist those seeking relief from the high cost of energy. These people would remain vulnerable to rising energy costs. 21 Evaluation. Some people in the study area believe that maintenance of their present community lifestyle is of greater concern than cheaper energy and some area residents and land owners believe that the character of the area can be maintained with the establishment of an area-wide electrical power system. This alternative does not satisfy the need for a stable and cost-efficient source of electricity. Diesel This alternative reflects the continuation of the existing National Park Service Bartlett Cove diesel generating system and upgrading and expansion of the existing Gustavus system to meet projected energy demands from existing and future development. The existing installed capacity of 200 kW in Gustavus would be increased to 500 kW by 1990 and 750kW by 2040. This expansion would require the expected addition of two sets of three differently sized generators to optimally match seasonal loads. The actual cost of power is currently 45¢ per kWh although this cost is decreasing as new customers connect to the system. The cost including escalation is expected to remain above 30¢ per kWh for the intermediate growth scenario. Impact Assessment. This alternative would have an effect on the visual landscape if the distribution lines were placed overhead. Underground lines would essentially eliminate this impact but would reduce. transmission efficiency. Overhead lines would also require right-of-way clearing in undeveloped or sparsely developed wooded areas. Little change in established community patterns would be forecasted because the bulk of future development is expected to occur apart from the presently developed area. Evaluation. An expanded system of underground distribution lines would be technically feasible. Environmental effects, other than increased emissions of combustion products, would be minimal. Because hookup to the system would be optional, few changes in lifestyle would be expected. Therefore, this alternative is carried forward as the base case with which alternative hydropower is compared. 22 Conservation This alternative requires the implementation of various methods that would reduce or restrict energy use. Conservation measures include insulation, storm windows, weather stripping, conversion from incandescent to fluorescent lighting, replacement of worn out appliances, and construction of smaller houses. Impact Assessment. This alternative has virtually no negative environmental impacts and has very positive economic and social impacts. The State of Alaska has estimated that thermal losses in Alaskan structures can be reduced by 10 percent, saving an average of $180 annually, if $300 worth of conservation improvements are made. A $1,000 to $2,500 · expenditure could yield a 30 percent, or $500 per yea~, savings on energy costs. In Gustavus the impact an electrical use would be negligible because little electricity is used for heating and overall community energy use is minimal when compared to larger communities. The cost of electricity is now so high that minimizing its use has become a way of life in Gustavus. Evaluation. Energy conservation is probably the simplest method to reduce overall energy consumption in the community. Insulation would greatly reduce space heating costs. Implementation of t~is alternative is ongoing. The basic responsibility for implementing this alternative lies with the area residents. To aid in this responsibility and to lessen the burden, various State and Federal programs are available. The State offers conservation grants, and low interest loans and the Federal government offers income tax credits. Althoug~ this alternative should be pursued to the maximum extent possible by the community, it is not considered further in this study as it does little by itself to reduce area electrical energy requirements or costs. Wood Generation Wood is currently used by many area residents for space heating and cooking. Wood can also be used to heat water to steam in a pressure vessel. This steam can then be used to drive a turbine to produce electricity. Because coniferous wood is abundant in the area, this would appear to be an attractive option. Evaluation. As identified in the APA•s March 1981 "Hoonah Wood Generation Feasibility Study," small-scale steam plants are generally not economical due to high operations and maintenance costs. Transportation, handling, and storage costs usually remain dependent on oil costs. Long range use for this type of electical generation is inhibited by a number of items. Use of wood on a large scale at Gustavus would be impractical because of cutting restrictions in the Glacier Bay National Park. Environmental concerns associated with logging practices, road networks, 23 clearcutting, drainage and erosion, dust, leachate, and changes in mature forests, which can affect wildlife populations, do not make wood as a base loaa fuel more attractive than the established diesel generation systems. The large size particulate matter, creosote, gases, and ashes associated with softwood combustion would have significant impact on the air and water quality and accelerate the solid waste disposal burden of Gustavus. Sparks and creosote buildup would also add to the already great fire hazard. For these reasons, this alternative is not considered further in this analysis. Coal/Peat Use of coal/peat as a replacement for diesel at Gustavus is not feasible due to the small scale of the project and the long distances from these resources. Problems associated with the infrastructure, mining, transportation, and air quality would adversely impact local and distant areas. On a nonlocal level, coal/peat use could create serious problems associated.with acid rain, the carbon dioxide (greenhouse) effects, and land and water contamination between the mine and the source. For these reasons coal/peat generation is not considered feasible at Gustavus. Natural Gas This alternative is not considered viable as no local supply exists in the study area and one is not likely to be developed in Southeast Alaska. Solar Energy The high latitude and cloudy maritime climate preclude serious consideration of active solar electrical generation at Gustavus. Transmission Intertie Various schemes have been considered for distributing electrical power from major projects to Southeast Alaska communities. However, none of these transmission interties would serve Gustavus or the Glacier Bay National Park. Waste Heat Recovery Potential energy recovery from existing diesel generators could be possible for the study area. One end use could be direct waste heat recovery for hot water or building heat. In this application, waste heat from the exhaust of the diesel generators heats fluid that is piped away. Direct waste heat recovery requires that the generators be close to the building or water supply being heated, otherwise heat is lost to the atmosphere. If added to the existing generating units at Gustavus, this heat source could possibly be used to heat some buildings such as the school, post office, and government housing. 24 A second end use of recovered waste heat is electrical generation using the Rankine Cycle. This requires vaporization of a fluid such as freon by the waste heat from the diesels. The freon, which is under high pressure, is then used to drive a turbine, which then produces shaft horsepower to turn the generator for additional electrical power. However, field use versions of the Rankine Cycle energy recovery system are still being developed and are not considered available alternatives at this time. Wind Generation In wind generation, a wind energy conversion system (WECS) transforms the force of wind moving past a tower-mounted generator into direct current (de) electricity. This use is generally limited to lighting, resistance space heating, or water heating. Where desired, a synchronous inverter is provided to transform de into alternating current (ac) to match the voltage requirements of most appliances. Expensive inverters are necessary if conventional appliances are to be used or if the WECS is to be placed on line with thermal or hydropower generators. Wind is highly variable in velocity, duration, and direction. A WECS is designed to operate between 12 and 35 mph with relatively constant direction and long duration. As the variability of each of the wind vector components increases, WECS design complexities and costs escalate. Relatively complicated maintenance requires extensive operator training. Operation in subzero conditions can create disruptions due to blade icing; lubrication freezeup, tower damage from strong gusts, ·and other site-specific conditions. WECS technology has established an expanding market for units in the 1.5-to 15-kW range, which are suitable for individual residences, farms, or small industrial cqmplexes. Evaluation. Wind data over a 5-year period of record are available for Gustavus. These records show that the area is subject to prevailing southwesterly winds in the summer, with an average wind speed of about 5 mph. Winds during fall through spring are generally from the southeast (except January winds from the north-northwest) with an aveage speed of about 7 mph. Thus, at no time during the year do sustained wind speeds make wind generated electricity a viable electrical energy alternative at Gustavus. Hydropower A hydroelectric generation source is attractive for many reasons: (1) it has a proven and reliable technology, (2) little, if any, fuel is, required, (3) it uses a renewable resource, (4) costs are generally stable for the economic life of the project and may decrease if and when the physical life exceeds economic life, and (5) small run-of-river projects are usually not environmentally damaging. 25 Three potential hydropower sites were considered: (1) on Falls Creek, about 4 miles east of Gustavus, (2) on the Salmon River, about 6 miles north of Gustavus, and (3) at Excursion Inlet, about 11 miles east of Gustavus. The lack of sufficient flow and excessive penstock lengths made the Salmon River site economically infeasible. Similarly, a 0.7-mile submarine cable and 11 miles of overland transmission line to Gustavus made the Excursion Inlet site economically infeasible, which left only the Falls Creek development as potentjally viable. Two options for development could take advantage of the elevatio~ drop over two waterfalls on Falls Creek. A good damsite could be about 450 feet upstream of the upper falls, with a second site immediately upstreaw of the falls. The upstream site would require considerable excavation to install a water conduit between the dam and powerhouse below the first falls. Much less excavation and fewer environmental disturbances would be likely for the downstream option. Either hydropower plan would include a 17-foot-high diversion dam less than 100 feet wide, a 34-inch-diameter penstock between 1,200 and 1,800 feet long, and a prefabricated powerhouse with two small turbine generator units with a total capacity of about 400 kW over between 170 and 185 feet of head. A 2-mile-long access road would extend eastward from Rink Road north of the airport. The first mile of access road would consist of upgraded existing logging road. A 10-mile-long transmission line would run fr.om the powerhouse to Bart 1 ett Cove. A 2-mi 1 e spur 1 i ne wou 1 d connect with the Gustavus powerplant. Impact Analyses. This hydropower project would produce an average annual (over 50 years) output of about 1,400,000 kWh, as compared to an average annual equivalent demand of about 1,561,000 kWh. Total first costs and average annual costs would be about $8 million and $748,000, respectively. Thus, average annual unit energy costs over the 50-year economic life would be about $0.53 per kWh. 26 Construction would have a moderate effect on the project site environment. Clearing for the dam~ penstock, powerhouse, access road, and transmission line would result in the loss of about 4.0 acres of mature overstory. A minor increase in stream turbidity could be expectea due to construction of cofferdams, the permanent dam, and a temporary rock fill stream crossing. A temporary increase in noise ~levels and human activity during construction would disturb the bears. There would be mi~or adverse effects to the immediate area aesthetics, because the new distribution line would be visible. Use of the existing (upgraded) power line to the park boundary and construction on an underground line in the park would minimize potential adverse effects. Minor changes in community patterns would take place, as residents w~uld h~ve the option of joining or not joining a new expanded energy system. Evaluation. A comparison of the annual project power output and annual costs indicates that electricity could be provided at an average ~nnual unit cost of about $0.53 per kWh if both Gustavus and Bartlett Co~e were served by the system. Any minor changes in fishery habitat due to changes in overflow releases from this project could be satisfactorily mitigated by the creation of new habitat in the immediate area. There could be some irreversible long term effects in the character of the area by the input of a new community wide energy supply, but the extent of this effect is unknown. Some portions of the forest ecosystem would be altered over the project life, but this is considered acceptable in terms of total similar resources available in the area. PLAN SELECT! ON Rationale The selection of an alternative to diesel generation is based on the availability and accessibility of the resources available. Coal, gas, solar, and wood fuels held no advantage over diesel fuel. By process of elimination, only hydropower from Falls Creek could be economically competitive. Additional discussion of a potential hydropower alternative follows. Plant Size Optimization Preliminary hydrologic data, estimated demand, estimated usable energy, and estimated costs of development were compared for six different plant capacities between 250 and 750 kW. The minimum cost per kilowatt-hour was used as a basis for plant size optimization. The various alternative capacity plants were plotted (Figure 3) to suggest an optimum plant capacity of about 435 kW. The technical analysis develops a two-unit optimum installed capacity. 27 t-1700 z 1.&.1 ...a:;: 1600 <(3: ~..;w; ::::)-1!500 o,_ l.&.lc:~ c:Jffi 1400 ::::Jz ~ z <tt.u 1300 I.&J...J <!)ttl <(<( 1200 a:.(/J 1.&.1::::) ~ 0.10 et:: IJJ a.. 0.!1) ~ z IJJ (.) 0.40 100% Power Output , / , I , I 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 UNIT SIZ.E (kW} 435 kW Optimum 100 200 300 <400 ~0 600 700 800 UNIT SIZE (kW) flf .. re 3 GUSTAVUS 1 ALAS;<..:- SMALL HYDROPOWER FEASIBILITY STUDY PLANT OPTIMIZATION ,------Alaska Districtt Corps of Engineers 28 NED Selection Continuation of the Central diesel system (without project condition) appears to provide the lowest cost power to the Gustavus area. None of the alternatives evaluated could provide net positive economic benefits. Therefore, it was not possible to identify a National Economic Development (NED) plan. Overview of the Falls Creek Plan The Falls Creek hydropower plan would include a 150-and 250-kW horizontal Francis turbine located. in a small powerhouse operating under 170 feet of bead. The system would usually meet the total demand during 7 months of the year and meet a significant part of the demand for the remaining months. However, diesel generation would be required to assist the hydropower system in meeting the total demand during periods of below-average monthly.flows. There may be some unusually low flow periods when total diesel generation is required. The hydropower system would produce about 1,400,000 kWh of average annual equivalent energy. Local labor could be employed. The system could be placed in service about 18 months' from start of construction. A small, three-tier, 'rock-filled bin wall dam would be constructed about 2,500 feet northeast of tidewater. A 34-inch pipe would carry up to 45 cubic feet per second (cfs) of water to a 20-by 40-foot p,owerhouse 1,100 feet northeast of tidewater. About 12 miles of 7,200-V transmission line would connect the system to the diesel systems at both Gustavus and Bartlett Cove. Table 7 summarizes the project economics. Table 7 -Summary of Project Economics Project First Costs (October 1983 prices) Annual Costs (50 years at 8-1/8 %) Investment c&M Total Benefit -Cost (B/C) Analysis Annua 1 Benefits Annual Costs B/C Ratio Net Benefits With Project Conditions $7,958,000 714,000 34,000 $ 748,000 455,000 748,000 0.61 -293,000 Implementation of the hydropower project would have minimal impact on energy demand before base year 1990. Impending construction of the project could induce some residents to add more appliances in the belief that an assured energy supply would soon be available. A few people could relocate to the Gustavus area slightly ·earlier than planned, if they knew hydroelectric generation was going to be available. 29 The most significant impact on demand under the with project condition would occur after project implementation. This impact would be most significant on the low growth scenario and would induce more people to fully electrify their homes. This phenomenon is well documented in other isolated Alaskan communities that were provided with new electrical systems. The timetable for commercial support facility development would likely be advanced. An increased rate of new residential development would be expected, along with an earlier need for limited public support facilities. Projected demand for 2000 and 2040 under an intermediate growth scenario would be approximately 1,563,500 and 2,154,800 kWh, respectively. MonthlX Demand Distribution Present electrical energy demand within the Gustavus area is characterized by a high summer demand at the Glacier Bay National Park and a high winter demand at the central Gustavus system. Demand at residences with individual generators also peaks during the winter when lighting and heating needs increase. Commercial energy demand peaks during the summer, because these facilities are open only during the May-September tourist season. A significant change in the seasonal demand pattern is expected after base year 1990 due to a shift in peak residential demand from the winter months. This change would be principally due to the expected influx of new seasonal residents. This rate of change in seasonal residential demand should increase from 1990 to 2000 and decrease slightly thereafter until 2040. A summary of projected monthly demand for the base year 1990 and years 2000 and 2040 is given in Table 8 and shown in Figures 4, 5, and 6 • ..-' Table 8 -Summarx of Projected Monthly Demand Base Year (kWh) Available Hydropower Month 1990 2000 2040 Energ~ (kWh) January b"T,7oo 76,900 10T,300 115,300 February 57,700 69,700 97,200 117' 600 March 57,800 69,500 95,700 129,600 Apri 1 52,100 62,800 86,800 197,000 May 119' 300 161,500 250,000 228,800 June 177' 900 233,000 350,100 213,700 July 185,900 241,800 361,300 174,600 August 185,800 231,000 325,600 133,400 September 159,400 177,900 215,000 214,900 October 73,900 87,400 117' 500 228,800 November 68,900 82,300 112,400 204,100 December 58,000 69,700 95,900 159,200 TOTAL 1,260,400 1,563,500 2,214,800 2, 117,000 30 0 10 C\1 10 C\1 C\1 0 0 C\1 ~ ::::) a.. ~ ::::) 0 ..J LIJ UJ. LIJ -0 31 0 10 tO C\1 0 0 0 LIJ 0 > 0 z t- 0 0 a. LIJ en (!) ::;:) <( ...J ::;:) ""'!) z ::;:) ""'!) ~ ::E a:: a. <( a:: <( ::E a:t LIJ LL. z <( ""'!) 10 0 ,.... 10 F1tlwe 4 GUSTAVUS, ALASKA SMALL HYDROPOWER FEASIBILITY STUDY en :I: t-z 0 ~ EXPECTED MONTHLY AVERAGE ENERGY PRODUCTION 1990 Alaska District, Corps of Engineers 0 0 "" 0 Ill N -1- (/) LIJ 0 0 0 0 Ill 0 N 0 Ill (.) -a: 1- (.) LLI _J LLI 0 a: 0 ·>-:I: 0 (.) IJJ 0 > 0 z 1- (.) 0 CL IJJ en C) :::::> ct: ...J :::::> -::) U') ::t: z 1--:::::> z -::) 0 ~ ::E ~ a:: CL ct: a:: ct: ~ Ill IJJ LL. z ct: -::) (spuosn04.l) 4M~ Fl911re 5 32 GUSTAVUS, ALASKA SMALL HYDROPOWER FEASI 81 LITY STUDY EXPECTED MONTHLY AVERAGE ENERGY PRODUCTION 2000 AI ask a District, Corps of Engineers 0 0 ..,. 0 1.0 , 0 0 0 0 1.0 0 , (.\1 (.\1 (spuosno4 .L) 33 0 1.0 (.) LLJ c > 0 z .... (.) 0 CL LLJ (f) (.) ~ 0:: ::J <( 1- (.) UJ ...J ..J ::J UJ -;) 0 0:: z '0 ">-::J J: -;) >-<( ::E a: CL <( a: <( :! CD L&J LL. z <( -;) 0 0 0 ·o 1.0 Fl .... e S GUSTAVUS, ALASKA SMALL HYDROPOWER FEASIBILITY STUDY en :t: t-z 0 ~ EXPECTED MONTHLY AVERAGE ENERGY PRODUCTJON 2040 Alaska District, Corps of Engineers The energy computed in Table 7 is based on two assumptions. First, the flow available for hydropower was reduced to reserve a minimum stream flow of 5 cfs for salmon spawning between the dam and powerhouse. Second, the "available hydropower energy" is assumed to be 75 percent of the energy computed by the computer program used with average monthly flows as input data. This approximation accounts for a normal reduction in available potential energy when daily flow records are used in the computations. The "available hydropower enery" was compared with the demand to determine the hydroelectric energy shown in figures 4,5, and 6. The . remaining demand would be produced by diesel generators. The indicated hydropower production probably would not be available at all times. Some diesel power not reflected in the figures would be required during some lower than average periods. Monthly average stream flows were used in the computations. Daily stream flow data would give a more accurate indication of the actual available hydropower energy, but were unavailable at the time of this study. CONCLUSIONS The growth of the future electrical use in Gustavus was difficult to predict because few historical records existed. Projections were based on detailed discussions with local interests and the National Park Service. The intermediate level of expected growth was selected for planning purposes although a lower level of growth was suggested by the Alaska Power Administration. Following preparation of the growth senarios, the local utility and the Park Service were contacted to obtain actual electrical use for 1983. Complete records for Gustavus were not available for 1983 but significant growth appears to have occurred which exceeded expectations. A decline in electrical use was observed for the Park Service facilities at Bartlett Cove, which essentially offset the surge in growth at Gustavus. Thus, the overall power projection contained in this report appears adequate for a feasibility study. The hydroelectric development plan would avoid future fuel price increase; however, detailed investigation has found it to be too costly. A primary reason that the hydropower plan was found uneconomical is that construction access for the dam and penstock installation would undercut the steep and unstable riverbank soil. The hazard of operating machinery on this route would be high and the associated costs to stabilize the route very great. No cost effective alternate access route or method was found. Even if dam, powerhouse, and transmission features were simplified and their costs reduced from those presented in the Technical Appendix, the expense of the access difficulties would be substantial. 34 Net benefits are quite sensitive to projected demand, usable energy, diesel fuel cost escalation rates, and available water. However, because of the low benefit-cost ratio, it is doubtful that a change in any of these factors would effect the study findings. RECOMMENDATIONS The Falls Creek hydroelectric plan is not capable of recovering the estimated cost of construction, operation, and maintenance over a 50-year project life at a rate competitive with a diesel system. No further study by the Corps of Engineers is recommended at this time, because the project is not capable of yielding net benefits in accordance with the NED objective. 35 TECHNICAL APPENDIX TECHNICAL APPENDIX HYDROLCGY Area Description The Gustavus hydropower project would be located on Falls Creek in the coastal area of Southeast Alaska approximately 4 miles east of Gustavus, Alaska, and about 50 miles west of Juneau, Alaska. The affected drainage area of 10.5 square miles is elongated, with a maximum length and width of 7 and 2.7 miles, respectively. Mountain ridges, which range up to 2,500 feet* in the west and 3,000 feet in the east, surround the drainage area. A maximum elevation of 3,288 feet occurs on the eastern boundary and a minimum elevation of about 300 feet is located at the damsite. The mean basin elevation is about 1,400 feet. Most of the area is covered by Sitka spruce with underbrush and muskeg covering about 25 percent of the basin. No permanent ice fields were observed in the entire drainage area. Falls Creek has a width of about 30 feet at the damsite and about 50 feet at the powerhouse site. The stream is entrenched between banks ranging up to about 150 feet high with bank slopes ranging from about 40 degrees to vertical. Climate Generalized climatological data for the study area were based upon National Weather Service records for the Juneau Municipal Airport, because that station had a continuous period of record since 1952 and was in the same general area as Falls Creek. Comparison of the Juneau records and intermittent Gustavus Airport records indicate that intense rainfalls generally occur at both stations during the same month, but not necessarily on the same days or of the same intensity. Falls Creek is located in an area of maritime influences that are common in most of Southeast Alaska. In general, little sunshine, abundant precipitation, and moderate temperatures are the area's predominant weather characteristics. The rugged mountainous terrain and ocean influences sometimes have contradictory effects upon local weather, resulting in significant variations in temperature and precipitation over relatively short distances. Daily and seasonal temperature variations are usually small. The normal monthly temperatures range from about 250F in January to 550F in July. Extreme temperatures of -220F in January of 1972 and gooF in July of 1975 have been recorded. * All elevations used are National Geodetic Vertical Datum. Precipitation records for the Juneau Municipal Airport indicate that Februrary and June are the months of least precipitation with about 3 inches each, although the minimum recorded monthly precipitation of 0.27 inches occurred in April 1948. Conversely, the records indicate that the month of maximum precipitation is October with a normal of 7 inches. The maximum monthly precipitation of record is 15.25 inches, which occurred in October 1974. Annual precipitation ranges from a low of 37.80 inches in 1951 to 68.11 inches in 1961, with the mean being 53.48 inches. However, as an indication of the local variations in precipitation, records indicate that the maximum annual precipitation for Juneau is nearly double that of the Juneau Airport, even though the rain gages are only 8 miles apart. First snowfalls normally occur in October, although traces have o~curred as early as 9 Septembe~ or as late as the first part of December. Average monthly snowfalls range form 18 to 26 inches during December through March. The maximum monthly snowfall on record is 86.3 inches in February of 1965. Greatest snow accumulations usually occur in February with the average being about 10 inches. Snow cover is usually gone by the middle of April but light snows have occurred as .late as the first half of May. U.S. Geological Survey {USGS) discharge data for streams in the area indicate two periods of peak flows each year: {1) April, May, and June during snow melt runoff and (2) September, October, and November during rain runoff. Intense rainfalls can occur during any of the warmer months and result in significant discharges. Hydrologic Analysis Hydrologic data for Falls Creek consist of discharge measurements made since initiation of the project study. Intermittent precipitation records for several stations in the Gustavus-Juneau area were investigated, but a valid correlation between the rainfalls at the different stations could not be developed. Similarly, difficulties were encountered while attempting to correlate rainfall in one area with streamflow in another geographically similar area. USGS data for 21 stations on 19 streams in the Juneau-Gustavus area ~ere analyzed for similarities to the Falls Creek drainage area (D.A.) and a period of record that could be cross-referenced to other streams. Four stations on three streams were then selected as being acceptable for use in developing flows for Falls Creek. The four base stations were: -Hook Creek above tributary near Tenakee~ D.A. Hook Creek near Tenakee, D.A. = 8.00 mi~ -Kadashan River above Hook Creek near Tenakee, -Tonalite Creek near Tenakee, O.A. = 14.5 mi2 = 4.48 mi2 D.A. = 10.2 m;2 T-2 The drainage area versus mean annual flow Gurve (Figure T-1) was then plotted to determine if a relationship between the flows from different drainage areas could be developed. As can be seen, this relationship appeared to be acceptable. Curves showing average percent of mean annual flow that occurred in each of the months for the common record period (1969-1977) were then developed to relate the distribution of flows throughout the year. The monthly percentages of the annual flow for Falls Creek (D.A. = 10.5 mi2) were then read from the curves and are given in Table T-1. Table T-1 -Falls Creek, Monthl~ Distribution of Annual Flows in January 2.5 May 17.8 September 8.7 February 3.5 June 14.2 October 16.2 March 3.1 . July 6.2 November 10.4 April 6.9 August 5.2 December 5.3 Similarly, curves showing average monthly discharge in cubic feet per second per square mile versus drainage area were plotted to establish a relationship between monthly discharges of the base stations {Figure T-1). The higher monthly discharges, most notably September, November, May, and June, approximated a straight line somewhat better than the higher discharges. This was to be expected because of the variability in size and intensity of storms in the area. Hook Creek near Tenakee (D.A. = 8.00 mi2) was used as the final source of flow data for Falls Creek. This station was chosen for two reasons. First, it had the longest period of record (1967-1980) and, second, its drainage area was near the size of the Falls Creek drainage area. Hook Creek flows in cubic feet per second per square mile were multiplied by monthly flow factors to yield Falls Creek monthly flows. These factors {Table T-2) were the ratio of the monthly curve flows for drainage areas of 10.5 and 8.0 mi2. The computed Falls Creek flows were then converted to cubic feet per second and used as the input period of record flow data for the power computations. The computed mean monthly flows are shown in Table T-3. (A stream gage was installed on Falls Creek but the data were not obtained in time for use in this report.) January February March April Table T-2 -Hook Creek to Falls Creek Monthly Flow Factors 1.05 1.04 1.04 1.01 May June July August 1.03 1.03 1.01 1.01 T-3 September October November December 1.10 1.06 1.04 1.05 Percent a:::C 100 90 ~~ 80 70 u-60 ~~~ en a::~ 50 IL. ~ 40 0"-1 0 30 ~ 0) ~ oc<D 20 <o~ a::--15 ~a:: >~ <a. 10 -2 14 (I) 13 LL (.J -12 II 2 10 . a 9 en a:: 8 ~ a. 7 ~ 6 0 ~ 5 LL ~ 4 X 3 ..... z 0 ~ 5 ~ 4 0 3 <( a:: 2 ~ > c #I .. 2 3 4 5 678910 I. HOOK CREEK ABOVE TRIBUTARY NEAR TENAKEE, O.A.:4.48 SQ. MI. 2. HOOK CREEK NEAR TENAKEE, D.A.=fJ;. . SQ. MI. 3. KAOASHAN RIVER ABOVE HOOK CREEK NEAR TENAKEE, O.A. = I 0.22 SQ. MI. 4. TONALITE CREEK NEAR TENAKEE, O.A. = 14.5 SQ. MI. 20 30 4J 5060 -MAY ~---===-==-· ---~OCTOBER ~~JUNE NOVEMBER ------------:: SEPTEMBER ------------------------AUGUST -------------------------JULY -----------DECEMBER --------------------~FEBRUARY ==============::::::::::=MARCH = JANUARY 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 DRAINAGE AREA (SQ. MI.) FIGURE T-1 GUSTAVUS, ALASKA STREAMFLOW RELATIONSHIPS ____ ALASKA DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS " T-4 Table T-3 Falls Creek Computed Mean 1 966 - 1 981 Monthly Flo.-.rs (cfs) January 24 May 111 September 64 February 34 June 78 cttober 130 March 48 July 35 November 85 Apri 1 55 August 27 December 41 Sedimentation No sediment studies were conducted for Falls Creek. However, on-site investigations indicate that sediment problems could be very significant. During the summer of 1982, a large log jam and sediment deposit existed in the area of the proposed damsite. The age of this blockage which disappeared in the fall of 1982, could not be determined. Sand and gravel bars downstream of the damsi.te have moved ana the main channel of the creek has shifted a few feet in some locations. Additional sediment studies would be recommended if the project were feasible. Plant Sizing Various plant capacities, ranging from 160 to 3,900 kW, were investigated, with emphasis on capacities in the range of 300 to 750 kW. Plant sizes of 300, 435, 492, 544, 620, and 753 kW were routed in detail. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) computer program HYDUR was initially used to determine the annual power available for the various plant capacities. The annual available power was not applicable to the analysis of the hydropower plant on Falls Creek because much of the streamflo.-.r occurs during relatively short periods when the demand may not be very high. The powerplants were then analyzed on a month by month basis to determine the power that would have been available as compared to the actual demand for a particular month. Using this methodology, monthly 11 available power 11 supplies were computed and duration curves were developed. The duration curves reflect the loss of some energy when the 11 average" monthly flows would have been greater than or less than the usable flows of the plant. Those losses did not include the loss of energy in the fluctuation of daily hydrographs, which could not be defined. Economic benefits based solely upon energy values computed from mean monthly flows for the period would be erroneous and misleaaing. Field observation of Falls Creek indicates that the stream responds rapidly to rainfall and discharges, which may vary from low to high and back to low within a matter of hours. Because Falls Creek would be a run-of-river project, the use of the entire mean monthly flo.-.r would be incorrect, as part of the flo.-.r would be above the maximum at which the plant would operate and part of the flow would be below the minimum at which the plant would operate. Insufficient data exist to quantify the flow hydrograph distribution. Therefore, the assumption was made that only 75 T-5 percent of the computed "available" mean monthly energy would be "usable" energy. DESIGN Dam, Spillway, and Intake The Falls Creek hyaropcwer dam design would be a three-tier, vertical steel bin wall structure with a timber plank stilling basin. The 14-gage steel bins would be rock and earth filled (from on-site salvage of excavated dam and access road material) and would be capped with 6-by 12-inch wood planks. (Concrete would be expected to cost several times more than wood.) The planks would be spiked into the cross pieces. The cross pieces would be anchored to the bins with bolts and plates. ·Cutoff walls at the toe and heel of the dam and the stilling basin would be formed from 6-inch-thick wood planks. Broad-crested weir calculations showed that the 100-year flood of 1,650 cfs would overtop the entire dam by less than 5 feet. The upstream tier is a 10-foot-wide cell, which is sufficient to prevent detachment of the nappe. The second and third sets of bins are 15 feet wide to provide suitable impingement of the nappe. The final step flews into a 16-foot-wide wood plank stilling basin, which is designed to prevent erosion of the stream bed. The dam would be 20 feet high and 90 feet across the upstream tier. The second and third bins would step down 6 and 5 feet into the stilling basin, which would be 70 feet wide. The sluiceway in the dam would be centered in the stream and consist of a 48-inch-diameter pipe just above the bottom of the dam. The opening would be covered by a trashrack of welded 0.75-inch (#6) reinforcing steel bar. The gate would be operated by a hand wheel from the top of the dam. When opened, the pool would be drawn down in about 1 hour and accumulated sediment would be worked through the orifice by maintenance workers. The intake would be a 34-inch steel penstock gate mounted on the face of the dam and covered by ~ trashrack of welded #6 bar. The top of the intake would be placed at a sufficient depth to avoid vortex formation and interference by the maximum 1.4 feet of potential ice formation on the pool. The intake would be 15 feet right of the sluice and have the invert at 192 feet, 10 feet below normal pool. Both the sluice and intake would have 12-inch-diameter air vents downstream of the valves to prevent collapse of the pipe in the event of sudden dewatering. T-6 The dam would have a notched spillway to direct low flows over the upstream cell. This would make the sluice and penstock valves accessible for operation and maintenance most of the year. The entire structure would be designed to be overtopped during floods. Penstock and Access The optimum penstock diameter would be 34 inches, to conduct up to 40 cfs at 7.5 feet per second (fps). Maximum pressure rise due to water hammer would be about 306 feet or 133 psi. A steel pipe· with 0. 19-inch-thick walls was selected. Because the hydroelectric plant would be designed primarily to serve the base load and increase in capacity as demand and flow increase, an extended valve opening time would be possible. A minimum opening time of 42 seconds would be required to prevent negative pressures; 60 seconds is selected to allow a sufficient safety factor. Times could be decreased, but a surge tank would become necessary at increased cost. The penstock length and gross operating head would be about 1,200 and 170, feet respectively. Considerable excavation for the access road and penstock route would be required along unstable slopes parallel to the stream. If undercut, the entire slope could give way and cause serious environmental degradation and high installation, restoration, and maintenance costs, as reflected in Table T-4. The access road and penstock route would generally run along and above the creek. Slopes run between 1 and 20 percent with the last 80 feet .of penstock descending at 45 degrees to the powerhouse. The access road separates from the penstock route at the top of this hill to join with the access road between the town and the powerhouse. The right-of-way would be cleared to 60 feet wide. The pipe would be supported by wooden trestles, wooden saddle stands, and concrete thrust blocks. A 20-foot-wide trail would connect the powerhouse and dam and serve as the penstock corridor. This design would allow for a 15-foot-wide road, which exceeds U.S. Forest Service criteria and which varies substantially from the 24-foot-wide Corps of Engineers standard for design. Because of high costs of construction, Corps standards are not recommended for this plan. The access to the dam would not only create the penstock route, but also would provide the primary materials source for the filling of the bins and the construction of the cofferdam. T-7 The access from town to the powerhouse would take advantage of all except the last mile of an old logging haul road from town to the mouth of Falls Creek. The last mile of the old road used would be upgraded and repaired as necessary for the passage of construction equipment. The road to the powerhouse would reouire forest clearing and grading beyond the old haul road along the tidal flats. This new section would traverse the hillside from a 50 foot elevation, up over 100 feet, and back down to the powerhouse at 30 feet. It woula be 15 feet wide with a gravel surface and pullouts at intervals of about 1,000 feet or less. Cofferdam The cofferdam used in this plan has multipl~ stage diversion. During the first stage, while the right side of the dam is constructed, water would be diverted through a temporary culvert. The cofferdam would be trapezoidal in cross section, 15 feet high, 35 feet wide at the base, and 5 feet wide at the top. Upon completion of the right side of the dam, which would include the sluiceway and penstock intake structure, the diversion and culvert would be removed. The materials would be transferred to the left ana water would be diverted through the two pipes. The left side of the dam would then be installed. All cofferdam materials would be removed from the stream after the dam is completed and disposed of at the site in approved areas. Powerhouse and Transmission The powerhouse would be a 20-by 40-foot pre-engineered steel building mounted on a poured concrete foundation. Two horizontal Francis turbines, one 150 and one 250 kW, would operate off a bifurcated 34-inch penstock. The building would house all turbine generator equipment as well as valves, overhead hoist(s), the accessory electric switchgear, and transformers. Project power would be transmitted through 3.6 miles of overhead and 0.5 miles of buried three-phase, 7.2-kV line to the upgradea existing central diesel system. An additional 5.6 miles of overhead and 2.4 miles of buried transmission line would connect with the Bartlett Cove facilities from a junction 2 miles west of the powerhouse. A pad-mounted transformer would increase the voltage from 7.2 kV to 13.8 kV to serve the existino Bartlett Cove system. - T-8 PROJECT ECONOMICS Costs Estimated hydropower development costs are outlined below and include all costs associated with furnishing, shipping, and installation. The expected project life is 50 years, evaluated at 8-1/8 percent interest. Interest during construction (IDC) is calculated for the projected 18-month .installation period. No plan considered in this study had any associated historical or archeological salvage operation costs, relocation costs, water, and mineral rights costs. Remaining costs including engineering, design, supervision, and administration are shown in Table T-4. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service mitigation costs are inherent to the proposed design and not shown as separate costs. Table T-4 Costs Unit Price Total Item/Descri~tion Quant it~ Unit $ ($} Mob & Demob 403,000 Lands & Right of Way 141,000 Dam Clearing 1.0 acre 9,000 9,000 Bin Type Retaining Wa 11 9,684 sf 50 484,200 Rock Fill for Bins 1,230 cy 20 24,600 Rock Excavation 912 cy 60 54,720 Excavation of Overburden 250 cy 12 3,000 Timber Plank 6u X 12u 34,218 bf 2.25 76,991 Timber Plank 2" X 12" 2,240 bf 3.00 6, 720 Rock Bolts lu dia. x 8' 100 ea 160 16,000 Anchor Bolts, lu dia. x 3' 112 ea 60 6,720 Rebars and Misc. Steel 3 ton 2,400 72200 Total Dam 689,151 T-9 Intake Penstock Gate, 34" dia. with misc. equip. Reservoir Orawdown Gate, 48" dia. with misc. equip. Misc. Steel for Gate Framing 1,400 Trashrack,(4 1 X 4•) 2 Steel Pipe for Orawdown, 48" dia., 1/4" thick Tot a 1 Intake Rock Fill Cofferdam Rock Fill (1st stage) Remove Rock Fill Rock Fill (2nd stage)· Arch Culvert, Span 117", rise 79 11 Total Diversion Dam Penstock 55 1' 115 1 '115 600 140 Penstock, Steel, 34 11 dia., 3/16 11 thick, 68 lb/ft 1,150 Ring Stiffener-1, 106 lb/ri~g 38 Concrete Reinforcement Rock Bolts, 111 dia. x 8 1 Wood Penstock Supports Total Penstock Power P1 ant Clearing Powerhouse Bldg. & Found. Tailrace Turbine/Generators Accessory Elec. Equip. Auxilliary Systems and Equipment Sw itchyard Total Power Plant 8 3,000 76 7,150 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T -10 ea ea lb ea 1f cy cy cy lf lf ea cy lb ea bf acre ls ls 1 s ls 1s ls 1s 12,000 15,000 2.00 3,000 57 25 16 25 300 140 3,500 600 1.20 160 2.60 9,000 12,000 15,000 2,800 6,000 14,080 49,880 27,875 17' 840 15,000 42,000 102,715 161,000 133,000 4,800 3,600 12,160 18,590 333,150 9,000 68,000 4,000 389,000 237,000 38,000 35,000 780,000 Transmission Line 7.2-kV Aerial Electric Line Along Roads Between Power- house and Park Boundary 7.2-kV Aerial Electric Line Over Land Buried 7.2-kV Electric Line Pad-Mounted Transformer Clearing Total Transmission Line Access Road Clearing Strip Unsuitable Material Excavation, Common Excavation Rock Gravel Base Surfacing F i 11, Se 1 ect Scarify and Recompact Demolish Bridge Corregated Metal Pipe (CMP) 24" 0, 16 GA 48" 0, 14 GA 72" 0, 12 GA CMP End Section 48 11 0 72" 0 Total Access Road ~UBTOTAL 20% Cant i ngency Subtotal E&D 8% S&A 6.5% Total First Cost roc ( 18 months) Total Investment Cost Annual Cost Annua 1 0.1R Cost Total Annual Cost 7.1 2.1 2.9 1 30 5.5 12,000 70,720 15,280 12,160 2,870 18,700 2 136 72 166 . .. 2 4 T-11 mi mi mi ea acre acre cy cy cy cy cy sy ea 1f 1f ea ea ea 103,000 731,000 135,000 283,500 136,000 394,400 20,000 20,000 9,000 270,000 1,699,200 9,000 10 8 25 20 15 3 15,000 59 150 253 49,000 120,000 565,760 382,000 243,200 43,050 56,100 30,000 8,024 10,800 41,998 1' 550 3' 100 1' 710 6,840 1 '560, 372 5,758,468 1' 191 '532 6, 950,000. 556,000 452,000 7,958,000 651,000 8,609,000 714,000 34,000 748,000 Benefits The need to prevent the waste of natural resources provides the challenge to determine the economic feasibility of meeting area energy demand by hydropower. If the totals of all annual costs eliminated by the use of hydropower generation are equal to or greater than the annual costs of the hydropower plant, the two systems should be operated in combination. This development would free a scarce resource for other use and would contribute to the area economy. The major savings claimed for hydropower development would be the elimination of diesel fuel during periods of adequate water flow. Fuel Costs Eliminated. The fuel cost of energy per kilowatt-hour is taken as a benefit to hydropower development and each kilowatt-hour produced is credited with that amount as a cost prevented. By using ar area fuel cost of $1.37/gallon and a generating efficiency of 10 kWh/gallon, a fuel savings of $0.137/kWh can be used. Based on an average annual projected output of 1,400,000 kWh (table T-5), the annual benefit for energy is 1,400,000 kWh X $0.137 = $192,000. Table T-5 -Area Demand and Hydropower Output (kWh) Period 1990 2000 2040 Average Equivalent Total Demand 1,260,400 1,563,500 2,215,000 1,561,000 Useable Hydro Output 1,197,000 1,379,400 1,678,000 1,400,000 Fuel Cost Escalation. The cost of diesel fuel is expected to increase faster than construction costs. By restricting fuel use, a future cost increase, above general cost increases, is taken by applying an escalation factor to the current cost per kilowatt-hour of fuel. If escalation rates are assigned to the first 30 years of .project life, a factor of 1.60 is used to adjust current fuel prices (Table T-6). This adjustment applied to the energy produced by hydropower gives an annual benefit of 1,400,000 kWh X $0.0822, or $115,000. Table T-6 -Fuel Cost Escalation Rates 11 Year 1982-1985 1985-1989 1990-1994 1995-2000 2001-2012 Rates a -0.53 Percent 4.23 Percent 3.71 Percent 2.65 Percent 3.53 Percent a/ Based on adoption of 1983 Development Resources Incorporated fuel escalation rates. T-12 , Extended Life of Diesel. The introduction of a hydropower plant at Gustavus would allow the diesel system to be used as a backup power source during critical flow periods. Diesel engineers have determined that a direct relationship exists between reduced operating time and extended plant life. ~ith this assumption a system designed to last 10 years under full operation would last 20 years if operated 50 percent of the time. The estimated annualized capital cost of the generation units for a 100 percent diesel system large enough to meet the projected demand of the Gustavus area would be ~225,000 assuming replacement every 10 years and amortization at 8-1/8 percent. Extending the life of this same system to 20 years by the addition of the proposed hydropower system would reduce the annual cost to $154,000 thus, saving ~71,000 annually or 50.7 cents for each marketable kWh produced by the hydropower system. Similarly a 2.1 cent savings could be credited to the hydropower system by reducing the diesel operation and maintenance costs by 50 percent. Therefore, the total savings credited would be 7.2 cents per kWh produced by the hydropower system or $101,000 annually. Power Benefit Summary. Table T-7 demonstrates the annual benefits claimed for a hydropower project at Gustavus with an annual marketable output of 1,400,000 kWh. Table T-7 -Annual Benefits Category Average/kWh (~) Average Benefits (~) Fuel Saved 0.1370 Fuel Escalation 0.0822 Extended Life of Diesel 0.0720 Annua 1 Benefit -....,o""".-=2..,..9....,12:--- = = = = 192,000 115,000 101,000 408,000 Other Benefits. The construction of the proposed project could have the potent1al of providing employment to an otherwise unemployed labor force. This social well-being benefit is taken for the labor portion of a project cost and is developed as an NED benefit by the following approach. Actual construction costs, without engineering and design (E&D) and supervision and administration (S&A), are used in the calculation of employment benefits. Employment benefits would be: Project First Costs Labor Costs (36%) = $7,958,000 $2,863,000 T-13 Tabl~ T-8 indicates the amounts assigned by category for the employment benefits for the hydroelectric project. Table T-8 -Employment Benefits Skilled Labor (60%) Unskilled Labor (40%) Amount $1,718,000 $1,145,000 Local Contribution Amount 0.36 0.75 $ 618,000 $ 859,000 Claimed as Benefit (%) Amount 0.30 0.45 ~ 185,000 $ 387,000 Combined Project Worth $572' 000 $572,000 X 0.08292 = $ 47,000 Annual Benefit = Summary Table T-9 summarizes the annual benefits and costs for the Gustavus hydropower project. Table T-9 -Hydroelectric Summary Table Annual Benefits Power Employment Annual Benefit Estimated Costs Project First Costs !DC (2 years at 8-1/8%) Investment Costs $ 408,000 $ 47,000 $ 455,000 $7,958,00C $ 651,000 $8,609,000 Annual Costs (50 years at 8-1/8%) Investment ($8,609,000 X 0.0829) O&M Estimate Annual Costs T-14 $ 714,000 $ 34,000 $ 748,000 Benefit-Cost (B/C) Analysis Average Annual Demand 1,561,000 kWh 1,400,000 kWh $ 455,000 Average Annual Equivalent Annual Benefits Annual Costs B/C Ratio Net Benefits $ 748,000 0. 61 -$ 293.000 B/C Analysis Without Employment Annual Benefit Annual Costs B/C Ratio $ 408,000 $ 748,000 0.55 -$ 340,000 Net Benefit Cost per kWh (50 years at 8-1/8%) $ 0.53 T-15 jl l. 11 'I ., c.. < :t :z . 0 ;:: < 1.) 0 ..J I / / / / I ·-·-·-·--{ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 2 \ \ I \ \ \ \ ~ *\ ~ \ \ \· I :I ""' ~I I ;I' ... .... -- 210- .-.x. 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