HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlaskan Hydropower - By John S. Whitehead 1983MANAGING WATER RESOURCES FOR ALASKA'S DEVELOPMENT PROCEEDINGS James W. Aldrich, Chairman Alaska Section American Water Resources Association Institute of Water Resources University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 Report IWR-105 November 1983 l ALASKAN HYDROPOWER: BALANCING THE LONG RUN ADVANTAGES WITH THE SHORT RUN PROBLEMS By John S. Whitehead Abstract Hydroelectric facilities have been operating in Alaska since the turn of the twentieth century. Through the use of historical documents drawn from twelve hydro installations, this paper looks at the historical performance record of Alaskan hydropower. The analysis compares the advantages of hydropower with its disadvantages in terms of electric power prices, operational reliability, capital financing, power demand growth projections, and legislative intervention in the operation of the installations, The advantages and disadvantages are analyzed in terms of short run and long run time frames. Introduction Over the last decade the promotion of new hydroelectric power projects has been particularly strong in Alaska. Much debate has taken place in the public media both for and against this expanded use of Alaska's water resources. The debate has become particularly heated since 1981 when the Alaska legislature authorized $460 million for energy related projects including funds for the construction of seven medium-sized hydroelectric projects as well as feasibility and reconnaissance studies of a dozen potential projects ranging in size from a few thousand kilowatts to the mammoth 1.6 million KW Susitna project (SLA 1981, Chap. 90). Advocates of hydropower often point to the use of a renewable energy source, water, which would free the state from the use of fossil fuels with ever escalating costs. Hydro is also claimed to provide stable and pre- dictable power prices. Opponents often cite such disadvantages as runaway capital costs, environmental hazards and cheaper kilowatt hour costs coming from alternative sources such as natural gas. In the debate, as it appears in the media, there is rarely any systematic reference to Alaska's actual lAssociate Professor, Department of History, University of Alaska, j Fairbanks, 99701 i 9-1 experience with hydropower. At best, selected statistics from particular projects, sometimes from projects in other states, are brought forward. In order to compile a systematic account of Alaska's actual experience with hydroelectric power I examined the records and operational histories of 12 hydroelectric facilities which were operational .or under construction in the summer of 1981 (see Table 1). The selection covers plants built between the early 1900s and the present day and ranging in capacity from 1600 KW to 47,160 Kw. It includes plants in both southeast and southcentral Alaska --the only areas of the state with major hydroelectric facilities. The survey reveals that hydropower has had definite long run advantages in terms of power price and operational reliability over periods of 30-50 years. On the other hand definite short run problems in terms of power price and operational reliability have occurred over periods of less than 10 years. Such problems have been great enough, in some cases, to jeopardize the financial viability and continued operation of certain projects. The principal tool used to balance the short run problems with the long run advantages has been legislative intervention in the operation of the projects (Whitehead, 1983). Long Run Advantages In general the histories reveal that in the long run (i.e. 30-50 years) hydroelectric projects have fulfilled and exceeded the expectations of their builders for three primary reasons. 1) Hydroelectric projects were responsible for bringing reasonably priced --and in some cases very low priced --electric power to Alaskan communities from the turn of the century to the early 1960s--and into the 1980s in southeastern Alaska. 2) The operation of Alaska's hydro projects has been extraordinarily reliable with examples of plants in continuous operation from 1913 to the present day. 9.-2 �-6 b v Id m w •N H Y td q w ro a G v rl O F w H J n1 H N c'1 N W th H n} ro O H O CJ H H H H �1 H H rH H H rH r•1 H a m P u ro A a m m m m m m .G N W W m Cl. P. a G. PL G. H " w w •ri w w w N qt H td ro w M U u u u U U H H > > >> w H •rl w -H w W N •H w a •r4 M G F G F G G a 'O •V O w u w N o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H c1 N N �O v1 N n O N N ti t m N U m 7 bo � rl VJ .q q m i o m m m a e°1a • xi xri xi u •rl q q q q •xi H q H w ro ro ro ro N .G .G . .G eJ ro o �-+ .H w w u a) x x U U u u U W a) x H u U q G O q o G u 41 01 a w a° � � c° ti ro H U •.4 H H H W d u a 2 u G. m m oa m w x v m a m >. W N- m It F H W- x q N txd N U ClG a w 1+ m a H •H q +1 SG O O G m •.l m G' v- m S 6 m m u > > F a u q H M O C7 G C ro ro W rl H N W w 3 O W m u t4 W rn W U W 3 S 3 3 m m m m «°t 0 0 O O O D N W m N .N •H •rl Pa P+ W N -H -H M w N u ., 'U ro •V 'd m m M M M •r�i U H 7% N N GN N •ri •rui •ri H -rF w N m m to �D ] 6 M H 00 to OU EO M ml U U U U U o w w -H w w w w w 'C •O a a m a a a 0 dui ."ii 3 3 06 r-I rl I-f H .n y G q F q W O O W W W W W W W w. .. .1 x .0 ++ ro ro ro ro w w w U N ro ro x .1 x x ro ro x .0 4 .>r ro x_ x H m m m m x x U u u u ep m m a ro m N 0 6 •1C, .,--mii d i h U 6 P4 CroG b4 Pa 6 o H N 3) The long operational life of some plants has led to decreasing costs over time. Low Priced Power. Throughout the history of Alaska in the 20th century, the high cost of living has been a constant and recurring theme. One element in that high price has been electricity generated by imported fossil fuels --primarily diesel generation. Before the discovery of natural gas on the Kenai Peninsula and in Cook Inlet in the late 1950s and early 1960s, the lowest priced power in Alaska was hydropower. Ketchikan was the first city in Alaska to have low priced power Ketchikan's first developed water resource, Ketchikan Creek, was placed in service as early as 1903. By 1922 Ketchikan, with a population of approxi- mately 2,500, had a utility capacity of 2,600 KW and a power price of a little over 2� per kwh (Dort, 1924). Steady growth in the capacity of the Ketchikan Lake facility from 1923 to 1957 and construction of the Heaver Falls facility in 1946-47 gave Ketchikan a system capacity of 10,000 KW in 1957 with a power price under 2C per kwh--less than the U.S. national average. In that year 500 kwh cost $9.88 in Ketchikan versus $10.81 in Juneau, $14.50 in Anchorage, and $27.50 in Fairbanks where there was no hydropower. Ketchikan's low prices resulted in an average annual power use of 5,800 kwh per residential customer compared to 3,780 kwh in Juneau, 3,759 kwh in Anchorage, and 2,800 kwh in Fairbanks (USFPC, 1960). Hydropower was responsible for making Ketchikan Alaska's most electrified city in the first half of the 20th century. Juneau's experience with hydropower was similar to Ketchikan's Several hydroelectric plants were constructed in Juneau before World War I by various :private industrial corporations to power stamp mills in the gold 9-4 l i mining industry. Surplus power was then sold to a private utility, Alaska Electric Light and Power, for distribution to utility customers (Stone, 1980). Juneau's electric rates, while not as low as Ketchikan's, were nonetheless reasonable. In 1922 AEL&P's rates varied from 3-6C per kwh depending on use (Dort, 1924). In 1957 Juneau still offered power at an average of 3p per kwh (USFPC, 1960). Juneau and Ketchikan both had utility systems based on modern hydro- electric plants before the Second World War. Reasonably priced electricity was the norm in these cities. More dramatic illustrations of the effect of hydropower on electric prices can be seen in areas that began utility production with less efficient power systems and later switched to modern hydro facilities. From 1912 to 1961 Sitka relied on an antiquated utility system which was composed at varying times of two 160 KW hydro generators, an ineffi- cient steam electric plant, and diesel generators. in 1950 Sitka's system had a capacity of 2,000-3,000 KW, depending on the season, and produced power at 7-8p per kwh (USBR, 1954). In 1957 500 kwh sold for $26.50 (5.31, per kwh). But few customers could get this price for such large consumption as the average annual use was only 1750 kwh per customer or only 150 kwh a month (USFPC, 1960). In 1961 the modern Blue Lake hydro project went on line. By 1968 power prices had dropped to $19 per 500 kwh with a rise in annual customer consumption to 6,516 kwh (USFPC, 1969). In Anchorage a similar scenario took place. The city's first hydro installation, the 1,000 KW Eklutna Creek project, began production in 1929. Unfortunately, hydro development did not keep pace with Anchorage's post World War 11 growth. In 1947-48 Anchorage with an estimated population of 19,000 had a system capacity of 6,800-7,700 KW, including 2,000 KW in 9-5 hydro, 1,300 KW in diesel generators, and the remainder in a makeshift steam electric system salvaged from a beached naval vessel. Power was priced at $17.08 per 500 kwh (3.4¢ per kwh), but the production cost of the steam and diesel power was 1C per kwh above that price. The low cost of the hydropower subsidized the non -hydropower to create the relatively reasonable price of 3.40 per kwh (USSR, 1948). With the completion of the 30,000 KW Eklutna hydroelectric plant in 1955 prices dropped to $14.50 per 500 kwh (2.9Q per kwh) by 1957 (USFPC, 1960). The experiences of Ketchikan, Sitka, Juneau, and Anchorage certainly indicate that hydropower was the key to bringing the first reasonably priced electricity to Alaska. Long Run Dependable Operation Hydroelectric plants in Alaska have compiled a record of long term reliable operation reaching decades beyond the term in which it takes to amortize their capital costs. (Federal projects are scheduled to payout in 50 years. Municipally financed projects payout in shorter periods of approximately 30 years.) The Ketchikan Lakes facility has been operating continuously since 1923, though its capacity has been increased from 2,600 KW (1923) to 4,200 KW (1957). The 1923 facility was in fact a refurbishment of a 1912 plant. So the date of reliable continuous opera- tion can be increased by a decade. Two particularly striking instances of long, reliable operational lives are the Annex Creek and the Salmon Creek projects in Juneau. Con- structed in 1913-14 and 1915--16 respectively, they were Juneau's basic source of electricity until 1973 (Stone, 1980). The plants were owned until 1972 by a California firm, A-J Industries, which sold wholesale power to the local utility, AEL&P, for retail distribution. A-J Industries kept a. the facilities in poor physical repair after the Alaska -Juneau mine closed in 1944 and also made no public disclosures of the financial aspects of its hydroelectric operations. As a result the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation as well as AEL&P considered both Annex and Salmon Creek outmoded and ineffi- cient facilities. They both assumed that these plants would be closed after the Snettisham plant began operation. In 1972 AEL&P purchased the entire power system of A-J Industries with the expectation that it would use only the company's transmission and distribution lines, not its operating facilities (Whitehead, 1983). In 1973 the new 47,160 KW Snettisham project went on line. Problems with its transmission system, however, led to repeated power outages in it first years of operation, thus forcing AEL&P to continue to use Annex Creek and Salmon Creek for base load power production. The utility discovered that the operation, both physical and financial, of these plants was so reliable that it has continued to run them 365 days a year after the transmission problems at Snettisham were corrected (Whitehead, 1983). In fact, the continued reliable and economical operation of these plants has caused an underconsumption of Snettisham power (see Short Run Prob- lems --Surplus Capacity). Rather than being junked as outdated projects, both Annex Creek and Salmon Creek are being refitted for automatic control operation which will further reduce their operating cost. The generating capacity of both plants is also being increased with loans from the Alaska Power Authority (SLA, 1981, Chap. 90). Decreasing Costs Over Time Hydroelectric projects have high capital costs compared to their operating costs; the price of electricity produced is thus composed of a 9-7 substantial cost, from 50-90% in some cases, to amortize .the capital and a smaller amount for operation and maintenance. If the capital component of the project remains operational after its initial cost has been amortized, the price of power production will obviously drop to the operation and maintenance costs --unless a large new infusion of capital is required to rehabilitate the project. Such decreasing costs over time have been acknowledged by utility operators in Juneau and Ketchikan--though reliable historic cost data in these locations is hard to come by. It appears, for example, that in 1981 the Annex Creek and Salmon Creek facilities could produce power for less than 20 mills per kwh compared to 22.5 mills per kwh charged by A-J Industries in 1962. Possibly the most reliable data to illustrate the decreasing cost phenomenon can be found in the Eklutna plant in Anchorage, operated by the Alaska Power Administration. Eklutna went on line in 1955 and is now more than halfway into its 50 year payout schedule which will terminate in 2005. In that year the price of Eklutna power should fall dramatically. A few figures will help illustrate this. In 1979 the wholesale power rate at Eklutna was 12.5 mills per kwh. More than half of the price, however, included interest and amortization expenses. The operation and maintenance costs at Eklutna for FY 1979 were $693,928; if the allowance for plant depreciation is added the costs rise to $882,496. These costs divided by the firm annual energy generation of 153 million kwh would yield a price for Eklutna power of 5.8 mills per kwh, including depreciation, or 4.5 mills per kwh, excluding depreciation. It is possible that operation and maintenance expenses may rise over the years. In fact, APA announced a 21% price increase in January 1980. This, however, may be offset by increased production through rewinding the generators and upping their capacity by i 9-8 15%. Soon after the turn of the 21st century, it is definitely possible that Eklutna will be producing power for less than 10 mills per kwh in 2005 prices. Few other known sources of power offer such possibilities (APA, 1980). Short Run Problems While the long run advantages cited above make a convincing case for hydropower in Alaska, the histories of the twelve facilities in my study revealed a number of short run problems which in some cases called the continued use of hydropower into question and in others produced a re- markably high price for power. The principal short run problems were 1) high power prices resulting from the debt service costs of new projects, 2) substantial variations in the annual water flow --and consequently of the annual power production --in some projects, 3) competition from natural gas, and 4) underconsumption of power. High Power Prices Resulting From Debt Service Costs The completion of Sitka's Blue Lake project in 1961 brought reasonably priced power to that community. By 1969 Blue Lake was beginning to reach ' its installed capacity, based on a low reservoir level, of 6,000 KW. To - prepare for future demand the city purchased a 2,000 KW diesel generator in addition to 1,100 KW in diesel units that it already owned. Several good water years after 1969 staved off the need to generate substantial quan- tities of diesel power. But by 1978-79 Sitka was generating 10-15% of its powers needs through diesel production. Consequently, the price of 500 kwh of power, which had risen from only $19 in 1968 to $20.90 in 1976, rose to $25.60 in 1979. Diesel generation was eroding Sitka's reputation of low-priced electricity. (Official Statement $54,000,000, 1979). 9-9 To re-establish total hydropower generation the city embarked on plans to construct the 16,500 KW Green Lake project with a $54 million bond sale. The city was able to market the bonds at 7 5/8% interest in 1979, but under conditions which were far from ideal. The bond underwriters, Dillon Read and Co. required Sitka to refinance its outstanding utility debt as a portion of the new bond issue. Thus the city was forced to pay 7 5/8% interest on some of the Blue Lake bonds it had sold in 1961 for 4%. The utility was also required to raise its electric rates so that revenues would bring in 1.25 times the amount required for debt service. This translated into an overall 45% increase in Sitka's electric rates. That 500 kwh of power which cost $25.60 in 1979 rose to $38 in November 1980. (Official Statement $54,000,000, 1979). The debt service requirements to build Green Lake raised Sitka's power price in the short run far beyond what it would have cost to add small annual increments of diesel generation. The city was willing to accept a substantial, though predictable, rate increase from hydropower to prevent the potentially uncontrollable rate rise which might come from ever in- creasing diesel generation in the long run. Sitka had to pay now for what it hoped would be cheaper power in the future. .Annual Waterflow Variation Substantial variations in annual waterflow and a consequent variation in annual power production have occurred at two hydroelectric facilities in southcentral Alaska--Eklutna and Cooper Lake.. While the average energy production over any decade has been reliable, the peaks and valleys in individual years require closer examination as potential problem areas. Before Eklutna was constructed, the Bureau of Reclamation noted that it did not have sufficient streamflow data to make accurate predictions for 9` 10 i Eklutna's firm annual energy production, The Bureau set a target in 1948 of 100 million kwh of critical year firm energy and 43.6 million kwh of non -firm energy (USBR, 1948). More streamflow data was accumulated during the years of construction, and the Bureau revised the critical year esti- mate to 137 million kwh in 1955. Later the figure was raised to 153 million kwh. _. In the first decade of Eklutna's operation water flow was sufficient to maintain a level of generating capacity substantially above the critical year estimates. The good years, however, came to an end in 1969. From 1969 to 1976 a period of poor water years severely lowered Eklutna's power production. The Alaska Power Administration, the operator of Eklutna, drew down the reservoir for a number of years to maintain capacity, but in 1973 even this option was no longer viable. In FY 1974 Eklutna produced only 86.5 million kwh of power --less than 57% of its estimated firm annual production. Low power production continued in FY 1975. Exceptionally good water years, however, came after 1976, and in FY 1980 Eklutna produced 198,864 kwh or 130% of its firm annual supply. Table 2 illustrates the power variation at Eklutna (APA, 1980).. A similar water flow problem has been encountered at the Cooper Lake hydro project, operated by the Chugach Electric Association. Cooper Lake's annual firm energy output is approximately 41 million kwh. Chugach rep- resentative Tom Kolasinski noted in 1981 that annual generation has fluctu- ated between 24 and 60 million kwh. As a result of this fluctuating water flow, Chugach did not deem it feasible to raise Cooper Lake's original installed capacity of 15,000 KW to the anticipated 30,000 KW (Whitehead, 1983). 9_ 1 1 i i Table 2 Annual Generation of Eklutna Power Project Fy Million kwh 1955 43.8b 1956 119.3b 1957 136.7 1958 164.5 1959 165.8 1960 188.2 1961 198.8 1962 150.5 1963 156.5 1964 159.1 1965 135.3c 1966 138.9 1967 184.2 1968 164.3 1969 168.0 1970 160.8 1971 127.3 1972 159.2 1973 142.8 1974 86.6 1975 120.9 1976 160.2d 1976 (Third Quarter) 24.7 1977 174.4 1978 193.6 1979 153.0 1980 198.9 1981 196.3 a Source: Alaska Power Administration, March 1982. b Project capability exceeded demand in early years of operation. c Low production mainly due to draw down of reservoir in 1964 to permit repairs to earthquake damage. d After Fy 1976 the federal, fiscal year changed from July 1-June 30, to October I -September 30. This entry covers July 1, 1976, to September 30, 1976. 9-12 l Annual water flow variation and a resulting variation in power produc- tion are expected in all hydroelectric projects. But the variation in Anchorage seems high. At Eklutna, production has fluctuated between 199 million kwh and 87 million kwh--a drop of 57% from the high to the low. Similar figures hold for Cooper Lake. By comparison, power production in Ketchikan has fluctuated between 68 million kwh and 57 million kwh for all three plants in its municipal system --a drop of 16% from the high to the low. One may well wonder if such wide variations as those in Anchorage indicate that hydropower in certain locations is an unreliable power source. What would have happened if low water years had come 10 to 15 years earlier when Anchorage was more dependent on Eklutna's production? In 1957, for example, the energy demand in Anchorage was 154 million kwh. If Eklutna's .production had dropped from 140-150 million kwh to 86.6 million kwh, Anchorage would have faced a power crisis. The two utilities with operating capacity, Chugach and the Anchorage Municipal Light and Power Department, would have been hard pressed to fill the gap from their steam and diesel plants since their combined capacity was little more than half of Eklutna's 30,000 KW. Alaska Power Administration head Bob Cross has noted that the varia- tion in Eklutna's production requires closer scrutiny. Before 1968 APA operated Eklutna on a "critical year" mode. Water in the reservoir was - conserved in good water years so that the firm target of 137 million kwh could be met in poor water years. After 1968, when hydro was no longer the major source of power in Anchorage, APA shifted its mode of operation to "maximum annual energy production." Under this mode all the available reservoir capacity was used for energy production in good years rather than stored for poor years. According to Cross a severe drop in power 9-13 l production would not have occurred if poor water years had come earlier. He estimated that under critical year operation Eklutna could still have produced 130 million kwh annually under drought conditions (Whitehead, 1983). Cross' explanation is helpful. But let us look at the figures again. Even under "critical year" operation, the variation in Eklutna's power production would have been substantial if a drought had occurred. From 1958 to 1968 Eklutna produced substantially more than 137 million kwh, except in the earthquake year of 1964. .If a drought had come in the late 1950s or early 1960s, Eklutna's production could have fallen by as much as 65-70 million kwh from a high of 199 million (1961) to an estimated low of 130 million kwb--a drop of 35% between the high and the low. Chugach and AML&P would not have been as hard pressed to generate the difference with diesel and steam, but the price of electricity would certainly have risen in the days before cheap natural gas became an alternative fuel (Whitehead, 1983). Much of my above concern is hypothetical. The poor water years came after Eklutna had acquired a reputation for good service to Anchorage and at a time when alternate energy production from natural gas was cheaper than hydropower. But what about such variations in future projects? Consumers who have enjoyed an abundance of cheap hydropower for a series of good water years may react negatively to a drop in hydro production and a consequent rise in electric rates, if power must be generated from a more expensive source. Such a short term public reaction could cause problems' in Alaska where positive public opinion is often critical in securing state legislation and approving local bond proposals for a new hydro facilities. In future hydro developments it may be wise to make the potential i { 9-14 fluctuations in production known to consumers. It might even be advisable to include an allowance for alternative fuel generation in the rate structure to smooth out any variation in power prices between good and poor water years. Competition From Natural Gas in Southcentral Alaska The opening of the Eklutna plant in 1955 established hydropower as the preferred form of electrical generation in the Anchorage load area. Six years later Chugach Electric Association opened its 15,000 KW Cooper Lake plant on the Kenai Peninsula. In the late 1950s and early 1960s plans were proposed by the U.S. Corps of Engineers to build the 46,000 Kid Bradley Lake project; Chugach also obtained a federal license to build the 10,000 KW Grant Lake plant. Hydro advocates also pushed for federal construction of the 580,000 KW Devil Canyon (Susitna) project 150 miles north of Anchorage By 1964 most of the enthusiasm for new hydro construction in the state's largest load area was over. The Corps of Engineers announced that there would be no demand for Bradley Lake power, even though the project was authorized for construction in the Flood Control Act of 1962. Chugach abandoned it plans for Grant Lake. Since 1962 not one kilowatt of hydropower has been added to the Anchorage system (Whitehead, 1983). What happened? The answer is simple. Discoveries of natural gas on the Kenai Penin- sula in 1957 and later at the Beluga Field in Cook Inlet undercut the cost of hydro production by a half. Electricity from combustion turbines could be generated for less than 5 mills per kwh compared to 11 mills for Eklutna power and a projected 9-10 mills per kwh for Bradley Lake hydro. Chugach opened its first combustion turbine plant at Bernice Lake in 1963 and installed its first gas facility at the Beluga field in 1968. The price of 9-15 Chugach gas power dropped to $12.95 per 500 kwh in 1968 compared to the $14.50 per 500 kwh it charged for hydropower in 1957 (USFPC, 1960, 1968). By 1976 Chugach had installed 316,000 KW in gas power compared to 15,000 KW in hydro (USFPC, 1976). Gas turbine electricity effectively stopped the construction of new hydroelectric facilities in the Anchorage load area. What effect did it have on the existing facilities? The purchasers of Eklutna power --Chugach, the Anchorage Municipal Light and Power Department, and the Matanuska Electric Association --were tied to 25 year contracts. Chugach also continued operation of Cooper Lake. So no immediate move to discontinue existing production developed. However, after the 1964 Anchorage earthquake concern mounted that the long-term contracts for Eklutna power might not be renewed when they expired. The cause for concern lay in the cost of repaying earthquake damage at Eklutna. On the day of the earthquake, March 27, 1964, both Eklutna and Cooper Lake sustained little visible damage. Both facilities were able to gener- ate power within a few hours after minor repairs. Later investigations at Eklutna in July of 1964 revealed that there had been settling at the base of the dam and a general weakening of the structure. It soon became evident that substantial rebuilding of the dam, particularly of the spillway, would have to take place (USBR, 1966). The repairs were completed at a cost of $2,885,415. Under the terms of the original Eklutna Act of 1950, this cost would have to be fully reimbursable through power rates --an effective 1 mill -� g p per kwh increase. By the late 1960s, the increasing use of natural gas for electrical generation led the Department of Interior to be concerned over the potential effect of the 1 mill increase. In 1968 an assistant secretary in the department told Congress that "this rate differential ... will add to the problem created by current competitive natural gas prices in future contract negotiations for Eklutna Power." (U.S. Congress, 1968). In response Congress intervened in September 1968 and passed Public Law 90-523 making all but $80,000 of the repairs non -reimbursable. This legislation, coupled with the fact that Eklutna had generated more revenue in power sales prior to 1968 than had originally projected, allowed the Alaska Power Administration to lower Eklutna's prices by 10% in 1968 (APA, 1969). When the time came to renew the power contracts in the late 1970s (the contracts would expire in 1980), the Alaska Power Administration had no problem finding purchasers for Eklutna power at 12.5 mills. The rising price of natural gas and Anchorage's ever increasing demand for power made Eklutna's electricity fully competitive. It does not appear that the legislation of 1968 was particularly important a decade later in contract negotiations. The long run stable price and availability of Eklutna power were its selling points. The legislation of 1968 did, however, have a more important effect of the future development of hydroelectric power. It set a precedent for legislative intervention in the financial operation of a facility. Alaskans would not forget it. They would use the 1968 law as a precedent in asking the federal government to intervene in the financial operation of the Snettisham plant in 1976 for reasons much less dramatic than earthquake damage. Surplus Capacity The Eklutna project was built to meet an acute shortage of power for utility customers in a rapidly growing load area. Three years after going on line, Eklutna was selling more than its annual firm energy capacity (see i i 9-17 Table 2). In contrast, the substantially larger Snettisham plant near Juneau was built with the assumption, really the hope, that a full demand for its power would develop in 2-3 decades. I£ such hopes failed to materialize, or if the power growth was considerably off schedule, the project would have surplus capacity. The price of power per kwh would obviously have to rise to higher than projected levels to pay off the fixed capital costs. Depending on how much surplus capacity existed, the price rise could be minimal or it could be substantial. Surplus capacity could have the effect of making hydropower one of the most expensive forms of electricity. Why was the federal government willing to take such a risk in building Snettisham? Snettisham was not originally planned with surplus capacity in mind. When the project was first designed in the late 1950s by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, it was to be a supplier of industrial power. Specifically, Snettisham would provide power for a pulp and newsprint mill to be built by the Georgia-Pacific Corporation. The hydro facility would thus promote the economic development of the timber industry in southeastern Alaska. Of the facility's projected annual energy production of 292 million kwh, 230 million kwh would go to Georgia-Pacific and only 47.4 million kwh would go for utility use. The remaining 14.6 million kwh would be absorbed in transmission losses. Based on these assumptions the Bureau recommended in 1959 that Snettisham be constructed (USBR, 1959). The planning for Snettisham changed abruptly in June 1961 when Georgia-Pacific Corporation announced that it would not build its newsprint plant. On the surface of things, it would appear that there was no longer any justification for building Snettisham. But by 1961 Juneau residents, _ Alaska's new congressional delegation, and the Bureau of Reclamation itself 3 were so committed to seeing Snettisham built that the project had almost taken on a life of its own. In November 1961 the Bureau of Reclamation revised its estimates of Juneau's potential utility growth over the next two decades and concluded that if Snettisham were built in stages, it would be feasible for utility production alone. It would take approximately a decade longer for utility demand to reach the level originally proposed for industrial demand. According to the Bureau, a rise in the price of power produced from 6.1 mills per kwh to 7.47 mills per kwh would make Snettisham feasible (USSR, 1961). These new planning estimates assumed that the existing hydro facil- ities in Juneau (Annex Creek and Salmon Creek) would be retired when Snettisham came on line. The projections also assumed a certain surplus capacity or underconsumption of power in the early years of operation. But at 7.47 mills per kwh, enough revenue would be generated in later years to offset initial deficits and hence to pay out the project in the standard 50 year period for federally financed installations. In essence, Snettisham's new payout schedule resembled a "balloon mortgage" for a home. The deci- sion to take the risk with such a forecast of initial surplus capacity was not the original plan; it was one which developed to save the project in mid -stream. Snettisham was authorized for construction by Congress in the Flood Control Act of 1962 (P.L. 87-874). After many delays in receiving appropriations, the Long Lake stage was completed in 1972-73 at a cost roughly 50% greater than the amount authorized in 1962. As a result, the price of Snettisham power rose from the projected 7.47 mills per kwh to 15.6 mills per kwh. This was still lower than the price A-J Industries had charged for its hydropower. The price rise resulting from escalating construction costs was the least of Snettisham's problems. During its first three years of operation (1973-76), Snettisham's transmission line was constantly problem -prone. As a result, Snettisham was out of service for months at a time. Repairs were made, but finally the Alaska Power Administration relocated the line in 1976. The total cost for repairs and relocation was $11 million --all of which was required by law to be reimbursable through increased power rates. The failure of Snettisham's transmission line was only part of the facility's problem. By 1976 it was evident that Snettisham was simply not selling as much power as had been projected. As late as 1979 Snettisham sold only 80.45 million kwh or less than half of its 168 million kwh of firm annual energy. What caused such underconsumption? (APA, 1980) As noted earlier, Snettisham's transmission line failures led AEUP to depend on hydro power from its older facilities (Annex Creek and Salmon Creek) and to continue using them after Snettisham went back into service. The permanent operation of Annex Creek and Salmon Creek thus took an annual 40-50 million kwh of the market away from Snettisham. In addition, the 1961 estimates of Juneau's projected utility demand had been too optimis- tic. From 1960 to 1973 growth in demand had been closer to 7.6-7.8% rather than the "conservative" 9.3% estimated by the Bureau of Reclamation. (Table 3 gives the original 1959 estimate of utility growth in Juneau, the revised 1961 estimate of utility growth in Juneau, and the actual utility generation in Juneau from 1960 to 1982.) The combination of competition from the older hydro plants and the slower than anticipated growth of the Juneau power market resulted in a surplus of power at Snettisham. If the price of electricity had to reflect 9-20 ii A B Table 3 A-G 1959 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Feasibility Report of Utility Load Growth in Juneau. Peak Annual Generation (thousand IM) (million kwh) 1952 (actual) 4.1 16.70 1958 (actual) 5.1 24.40 1960 (projected) 6.6 29.20 1962 7.6 33.64 1965 10.9 47.90 1970 15.3 67.61 1975 20.4 89.72 (USBR, 1959) 1961 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Reappraisal of Utility Load Growth Peak Annual Generation (thousand KW) (million kwh) 1958 (actual) 5.1 24.4 1960 (actual) 5.8 29.2 1962 (projected) 7.2 34.9 1965 9.4 45.5 1970 15.2 73.4 1975 24..3 116.9 1976 26.5 127.6 1977 28.9 139.1 1978 31.4 151.3 1979 34.1 164.3 1980 37.0 178.1 1981 40.0 192.7 1982 43.2 208.1 1983 46.6 224.7 1984 50.4 242.7 1985 54.4 262.1 1986 58.8 283.1 1987 63.5 305.7 (USBR, 1961) 'f 9_21 C Table 3 cont. Actual Generation of Power in the Juneau Area, 1960-1982 Peak Annual Generation (thousand KW) (million kwh) 1960 (Calendar Year) 5.8 29.2 1961 7.8 32.3 1962 7.1 34.7 1963 9.0 37.2 1964 9.4 41.5 1965 10.0 43.5 1966 10.9 48.3 1967 10.5 49.3 1968 11.1 52.8 1969 11.8 56.0 1970 (Fiscal Year) 12.4 58.3 1971 13.8 63.8 1972 14.9 70.3 1973 15.5 75.8 1974 16.2 83.1 1975 17.8 94.6 1976 19.8 106.3 1977 20.4 112.2 1978 23.4 122.2 1979 23.1 133.5 1980 26.2 143.1 1981 32.2 160.7 1982 42.2a (Alaska Power Administration, March 1982) a January 1982 Note: As a rough rule of thumb, Snettisham's generation for any one year would be 50 million kwh less than the annual generation figure ;i 9_22 I the costs involved with the transmission line as well as amortize the project's full capital costs, Snettisham's power rate would rise to a much higher level. (To my knowledge, projections of those rates have never been published.) Such potential price increases were forestalled in 1976 by federal legislation which resembled in many ways the Eklutna legislation of 1968. In the Water Resources Development Act of 1976 (P.L. 94.-587, Sec. 201) Congress provided that the cost of relocating the transmission line ($5.6 million), though not the cost of line repairs, would be non -reimbursable. To alleviate the problem of surplus capacity the act extended the payout schedule for 10 years and froze the price of power at the rate of 15.6 mills per kwh until 1986. During this 10 year "load development period" the project would not be required to cover its full amortization costs, but would actually increase its overall capital indebt- edness. In effect, the "balloon" aspects of the payout schedule were simply extended another ten years. in 1986 the price of power will rise to generate sufficient revenues to complete the 60 year payout schedule. The Alaska Power Administration predicts that the 1986 price will be 25.8 mills per kwh.. What chance of success does Snettisham have to develop a full load for its power? The current policy of the Alaska Power Administration for utilizing Snettisham's surplus capacity is the development ❑f new markets for elec- tricity in Juneau. The principal new market is residential electric heating. According to APA estimates made in 1980, this could provide a full demand for Snettisham power by 1983; without heating the full utility demand would not develop until 1995 or 2000. And in the event that the capital of Alaska moved from Juneau, Snettisham would never reach a full demand without residential heating (APA, 1980). Oddly enough both the "heat" and the "no heat" strategies present problems. If the residential heating strategy is successful, Snettisham could reach capacity rather quickly, Then additional electricity may have to be generated by diesel fuel thus raising the price of power. Or new hydro facilities could be built with the potential debt servicing costs we have already noted in Sitka. If the heating strategy does not work, Snettisham will continue to have surplus capacity for at least another decade. The price of power will have to rise beyond the projected 1986 rate unless a new round of political intervention occurs. The most likely form of intervention would be a state purchase of Snettisham from the federal government. The capital costs of the project could then be absorbed by the state and an arbitrary price for power could be set. The dilemma of surplus capacity in many ways defies a simple solution. It is particularly exaggerated in Juneau because Snettisham is not connect- ed with another power market. Thus Snettisham's short run surplus cannot - - be sold to another area and saved in the long run for Juneau's potential growth. In an isolated load center surplus capacity in hydropower can cause the price of electricity to be as unstable as that generated by a fossil fuel. In such a situation, hydropower loses its advantage of stable and predictable power rates. Conclusions The historical survey of twelve of Alaska's hydroelectric instal - cations provides evidence that hydropower has been successful in the long run in bringing reasonably priced electricity to Alaska. The operational lives of some of the facilities have exceeded .the expectations of their 9-24 builders. Hydroelectric generation has presented .few operational problems. No hydra installations in the survey have declined in their ability to produce power over the long run. In fact, a number of the water power sites have had their capacity increased. Even in the Anchorage area, where water flow has varied substantially from year to year, the long run average power production has been quite reliable --even exceeding the original estimate for Eklutna. Despite these long run advantages we have seen that in the short run communities may have to pay a substantial price for hydropower. This has come from debt servicing costs in Sitka, from earthquake damage in Anchorage, from transmission line failures and surplus capacity in Juneau. A community may also have to pay a higher price for hydropower in certain periods when an alternative fuel, natural gas in Anchorage's case, can provide a lower price, And it may be necessary to provide stand-by sources of power --and absorb the cost of power rates --in places where the annual waterflow of a project causes power -production to fluctuate substantially between years. The case histories also indicate that the Alaskan public has felt at times that the costs of the short run problems should not be borne by power consumers alone. Attempts to balance or smooth out the short run costs through legislative intervention have occurred. in the case of Eklutna the - legislation was probably justified on the ground of disaster relief. In the long run the legislation has actually proved unnecessary for keeping Eklutna's price competitive. The 1976 legislation in regard to Snettisham, however, is more problematic. It provided relief from the cost of operational failures (the transmission line problems) which had nothing to do with a natural EM l disaster. The transmission line risks were well known. Equally risky were the planning assumptions for Juneau's electric power growth. There is an inherent risk in any project built on long-range growth projections. The Water Resources Development Act of 1976 essentially absorbed the costs of those risks to maintain reasonably priced hydropower. Thus the 1976 legislation set the precedent that consumers may not have to absorb the risks involved in constructing and operating hydro projects in their communities. If we consider the construction of a hydropower project as partially an economic enterprise and partially a political enterprise, the 1976 legislation clearly pushed Snettisham toward the political end of that scale. If future government intervention, state or federal, at Snettisham or other installations continues in this direction, the Alaskan public may well come to view the development of hydropower as a game played by politicians in which the public purse absorbs the economic risks. Such a negative public view could do serious damage to the image of hydropower and jeopardize the future development of one of the state's most valuable natural resources. Hydropower's short run cost problems definitely pose a dilemma for its future development. The balancing act through political intervention is a delicate one which must be handled with extreme care. References Alaska Power Administration, 1969, First Annual Report 1968. Alaska Power Administration, 1980a, 1979 Annual Report. Alaska Power Administration, 1980b, Juneau Area Power Market Analysis. Dort, J.C., 1924, Report_ to the Federal Power Commission on the Water Powers of Southeastern Alaska. 9-26 i Official Statement $54,000,000 City and Borough of Sitka, Alaska, Municipal Utilities Revenue Bonds, 1979. Stone, David, 1980, Hard Rock Gold. Session Laws of Alaska 1981, Chapter 90. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1948, Eklutna Project Alaska. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1954, A Report on the Blue Lake Project. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1959, Snettisham Project Crater -Long Lakes Division Alaska. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1961, Reappraisal of the Crater -Long Lakes Division, Snettisham Project, Alaska. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1966, Eklutna and the Alaska Earthquake. U.S. Congress, House, 1968, Providing for the Rehabilitation of the Eklutna. U.S. Federal Power Commission, 1960, Alaska Power Market Survey 1960. U.S. Federal Power Commission, 1969, Alaska Power Survey 1969_ U.S. Federal Power Commission, 1979, Alaska Power Survey 1976, Vol. 1. Whitehead, Sohn S., 1983, anchorage, i1jueau, 1(etenl,,an, and SitKa. 7'nis paper is an adaptation and condensation of research reported in this work. Readers interested in greater detail and explanation of the issues noted in this paper should consult the above work. In citing references in this paper, I have cited (Whitehead, 1983) when the information was received through interviews or unpublished sources. When the information or data originally appeared in another published source, that source is cited. 9-27