HomeMy WebLinkAboutCosmos Hills FERC Perliminary Permit 13286 2012WHP Project 34800 Reconnaissance Report: Wetlands and Other Waters of the United States: Kogoluktuk River Study Area Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Pre-Construction Program (FERC Preliminary Permit #13286) Prepared for: Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) & NANA Development Corporation April 5, 2012 Prepared by: WHPacific, Inc. 300 W. 31 51 • Avenue Anchorage, AK 99503 WHPacifi( Reconnaissance Report: Wetlands and Other Waters of the United States: Kogoluktuk River Study Area Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Pre- Construction Program (FERC Preliminary Permit #13286) Prepared for: Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) & NANA Development Corporation Funded by: NANA or NANA Development Corporation April 5, 2012 Prepared by: WHPacific, Inc. 300 W. 31st. Avenue Anchorage, AK 99503 WHPaciiiC RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Prepared for: Title: Project: Prepared by: WHP Project 008228 Brent Petrie, Manager, Community Development Alaska Village Electric Cooperative 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, AK 99503 and NANA Development Corporation 1 00 1 E. Benson Boulevard Anchorage AK 99508 Reconnaissance Report: Wetlands and Other Waters: Kogoluktuk River Study Area Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Pre-Construction Program WHPacific, Inc. 300 W. 3 pt Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Contact: Philip J. Quarterman, PWS Sr. Wetland Scientist (503) 372-3562 FAX: (503) 526-0775 E-mail address: pquarterman@whpacific.com RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA TABLE OF CONTENTS A INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1 B METIIODS ............................................................................................................................. 1 C GENERAL CHARACTERIZATION OF STUDY AREAS .............................................. 3 D DESCRIPTION OF WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS IN STUDY AREA ........... 6 E REFERENCES ................................................................................. 7 EXHIBITS Wetland Study Maps ( 4 sheets) APPENDICES Appendix A: Exhibits Appendix B: Site Photographs Appendix C: Field Data Log WHP Project 008228 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA A INTRODUCTION This report contains the results of WHPacific's wetland assessment of the Kogoluktuk (Kugluktuq) Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Area for a proposed small hydroelectric project near Kobuk, Alaska. This wetland investigation is part of a larger evaluation of the Kogoluktuk River study area including geological and geotechnical conditions and fisheries and aquatic resources conducted by WHPacific personnel. Lodging for the team was provided by NovaGold at the Dahl Creek Camp facility. Access to the study area was by helicopter support also provided by NovaGold. Our summer 2011 investigation of the Kogoluktuk River study area follows on from field studies conducted in summer 20 I 0 on potential hydropower sites on three streams in the Cosmos Hills: Cosmos Creek, Dahl Creek, and Wesley Creek. WHPacific prepared a reconnaissance report for this study area (November 5, 20 I 0). See Appendix A for a map of the Kogoluktuk River study area. The estimated linear distance of the study area is approximately 4 miles. The study area averages an estimated 0.5 mile in width, centered on the river channel. This report provides data and mapping that identifies and locates stream channels and wetlands at reconnaissance level of accuracy, and characterizes wetland habitats. Stream channels and wetlands are mapped on an aerial photograph base. A detailed delineation of wetlands and streams is not required until a project site has been identified, as patt of the preliminary engineering phase. This report will provide information for the planning process and selection of the preferred project site. B METHODS Field Reconnaissance: The field reconnaissance was conducted between August 30 and September 1, 2011. The wetland team consisted of Philip Quarterman, PWS, (Sr. Wetland Scientist) assisted by Steve Buckley, CPG, (Geologist) and James Mills, (Field Technician and GIS Specialist), all of WHPacific, Inc. James is also a NANA shareholder from the Village of Noatak. They were accompanied by Casey Storey (Fisheries Biologist, WHPacific ). The study area was reached by helicopter, as there is no road access to the site. During the flight, the helicopter provided a general overview of the study area to the team. Access through the study area was on foot between helicopter drop-off/pick-up points. Initially, the study area was defined as a shorter 2.5 mile reach of the river, centered on a major series of falls and rapids (referred to as the 'upper cataract"). We extended the study area downstream to include a "lower cataract". The reason was two-fold: first, WHP Project 008228 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA either cataract could provide a suitable site for a hydroelectric facility as there is a substantial drop in elevation at each. Secondly, for the purposes of the aquatic resources investigation, the upstream extent of anadromous fish passage would need to be determined. The lower cataract appears to be the limiting factor in anadromous fish passage (see Aquatic Resources report). We identified wetland areas based on the Corps of Engineers 3-parameter approach of the 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual and the 2007 Regional Supplement for the Alaska Region. We initially located and identified areas with hydrophytic vegetation using typical wetland color and texture signatures on aerial photographs to orient ourselves on the ground. We performed further investigation to determine whether wetland hydrology and hydric soils were present. We located representative sample plots sufficient to characterize wetland habitats. We recorded data on vegetation, hydrology and soils in a notebook, and recorded latitude and longitude coordinates using a hand-held resource-grade GPS unit on the NAD 83 datum. The level of accuracy depended on overhead cover, and varied from as close as plus or minus 20 feet to as much as plus or minus 60 feet. The GPS coordinates were intended to locate the plots in a general way within a given cover type which could later be identified on color orthophoto images. We also took photographs at representative plots. We similarly located the Ordinary High Water level along the Kogoluktuk River in several locations, and recorded data on adjacent riparian plant communities, channel and floodplain morphology, and topography with photographs. Mapping Methods: The original study area (excluding the downstream extension) was flown by AeroMetric on August 24, 2010, and true color orthophotos were developed from this flight. WHPacific developed orthophoto-based maps of the study areas at a scale of I inch 400 feet. Google Earth imagery dated October 28, 2009 was used to provide base mapping for the downstream extension of the study area. Sample plot locations were plotted on the maps. We then analyzed the aerial photo color and texture signatures of the different plant communities and areas of open water, together with the information from the data plots to identify known wetland areas and stream channels. We used this information to identify wetland areas that had not been sampled during the field reconnaissance, and corresponded with known areas based on vegetation color and texture signatures. Using the aerial photo signatures we hand-drew the boundaries of wetland polygons and steam channels on the maps. We distinguished and classified the different wetland plant communities using the US Fish and Wildlife Service wetland classification (Cowardin system). The main river channel to the Ordinary High Water level was mapped. We also mapped smaller stream channels identified during the field reconnaissance, and distinguished WHP Project 008228 2 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA perennial from intermittent streams. Certain named perennial streams (California Creek, Glacier Creek, Radio Creek and Lynx Creek) are shown on the USGS topographic map of the study area. The polygons were digitized to produce the set of wetland maps (see Appendix A). The polygons were labeled according to the Cowardin classification system as follows: • PEM: • PSSI: • PF04: • POW: • R3: • R4 Palustrine Emergent wetland Palustrine Shrub-Scrub, Broad-Leaved Deciduous wetland Palustrine Forested, Needle-Leaved Evergreen wetland Palustrine Open Water wetland Upper Perennial stream Intermittent stream Source: Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, F.C. Golet, and E.T. LaRoe 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats ofthe United States. U.S.D.I. Fish and Wildlife Service. FWS/OBS-79/31. Photographs of representative plots are provided in Appendix B. The field data log, showing coordinates of the plots, giving descriptions of each plot and corresponding photographs, is provided in Appendix C. C GENERAL CHARACTERIZATION OF STUDY AREA Topography: The study area consists of the Kogoluktuk River stream corridor, including primary and secondary river channels, gravel bars, floodplain, river terraces, and adjacent slopes. The study area is flanked by the Cosmos Hills, which rise to elevations of over 3,000 feet. The study area ranges from less than 200 feet elevation at the lower end to approximately 500 feet elevation on the upper slopes above the river. Much of the study area outside the river channel consists of terraces and lower slopes. There are prominent rock outcroppings above the river where the channel narrows down to the cataracts, especially around the upper cataract. Hydrology: The Kogoluktuk River originates to the east of the Cosmos Hills. The channel is mostly single, with secondary channels around gravel bars in broader reaches. Four named perennial tributaries enter the Kogoluktuk River within the study area reaches: California Creek, Glacier Creek, Radio Creek and Lynx Creek. The source of flow in the river and streams are snow-melt, melting of near-surface ice within the active zone, and precipitation. As summer precipitation is relatively low, snow-melt and ice-melt are the primary sources. WHP Project 008228 3 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Annual melting of ice in the active zone causes high water tables or surface ponding to develop in flat to slightly depressional areas on the benches above the river, and on the open slopes above the benches. Small channels, some of which we identified, originate in these areas and contribute to river flow, while other depressions are isolated from the nver. Soils: Soils have developed from weathering of local rock materials, stream-deposited alluvium and colluvium from local mass wasting and earth movement, together with accumulation of organic material. Organic materials typically form a thin surface un- decomposed or partially decomposed active layer, often shallow over bedrock. Floodplain soils tend to be gravelly or fine sandy loam texture, often with an organic component. Within the active river channel, there has been little soil development. Plant Communities: Five distinct woody plant communities were identified in the project area, following the classification in Alaska Trees and Shrubs (2nd. Edition) (Viereck and Little, 2007). They are as follows: • Closed Spruce Hardwood Forest (White spruce type) • Open Spruce Hardwood Forest (White spruce type) • Open Low-Growing Spruce Forest (Black spruce type) • Floodplain Shrub Thickets • Moist Tundra Plants are identified by their common and scientific names following the nomenclature in Viereck and Little, with their Wetland Indicator Status (WIS) according to the National List of Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands: 1988 National Summary (US Fish and Wildlife Service, 1988, updated 1993). Wetland Indicator Status for each plant species is shown as follows: • OBL -Obligate Wetland (99% probability of being located in wetland) • FACW-Facultative Wetland (67-99% probability) • F AC -Facultative (33-66% probability) • FACU -Facultative Upland (1-32% probability) The dominant tree and shrub species in the Closed and Open Spruce-Hardwood Forest communities are white spruce (Picea glauca, F ACU), Alaska paper birch (Betula neoalaskana, F ACU), balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera, F ACU), bog blueberry (Vaccinium uliginosum, F AC), narrow leaf Labrador-tea (Ledum decumbens, F ACW), crowberry (Empetrum nigrum, FA C), prickly rose (Rosa acicularis, F ACU), and various willows (Salix spp. FAC-FACW). The understory is fairly open, and the ground is covered with a thick carpet of mosses. The Closed Spruce -Hardwood Forest community is restricted to low benches along the river. Soils are typically well-drained and gravelly. White spruce cover is dense and robust in places, with dbh up to 12-18 inches, and 90 feet in height. WHP Project 008228 4 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA The Open Spruce Hardwood Forest Community occupies a much larger area of terraces and lower slopes above the river. White spruce cover is sparser, and the trees are smaller and less robust. Typically, both communities are non-wetland. The dominant tree and shrub species in the Open Low-Growing Spruce Forest community are black spruce (Pice a mariana, F ACW), Labrador-tea (Ledum groenlandicum, F ACW), crowberry, bog blueberry, mountain cranberry (Vaccinum vitis- idaea, FA C), resin birch (Betula glandulosa, FA C), dwarf Arctic birch (Betula nana, FA C), bush cinquefoil (Dasiphora fruticosa, F AC), and various willows. White spruce is also present in smaller amounts. The trees are typically spindly and short. The herbaceous layer dominants are various sedges (Carex spp., FAC-OBL) and bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis, FA C), underlain with a thick mat of mosses. This community occupies poorly-drained level areas on lower terraces above the river where seepage and runoff from the slopes accumulates. Soils are typically high in organic material. These areas are typically wetlands. The corresponding Cowardin class is typically PF04 (Palustrine Forested, Needle-Leaved Evergreen). The dominant woody species in Floodplain Shrub Thickets are Siberian alder (Alnus fruticosa, F AC), red osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera, F ACW), and numerous willow species (F AC-F ACW). This community is found along the Kogoluktuk River floodplain with alluvial soils that are periodically flooded. The herbaceous layer dominants are various sedges and bluejoint. These areas are usually wetlands located below the Ordinary High Water leveL The corresponding Cowardin class is PSS I (Palustrine Shrub-Scrub, Broad-Leaved Deciduous), although for the purposes of mapping, they are shown as part of the river, Cowardin class R3 (Upper Perennial Stream). The dominant woody species in the Moist Tundra community are Siberian alder, resin birch, dwarf Arctic birch, narrow-leaf Labrador tea, bog blueberry, mountain cranberry, and various willows. The Moist Tundra community is found both on level benches where seepage and runoff accumulate, and in extensive areas on broad slopes. It forms a mosaic of a low-growing shrub layer and an herbaceous community dominated by sedges, most commonly Bigelow's sedge (Carex bigelowii, FA C), and in the level, wetter sites, sedges and cottongrass (Eriophorum spp., OBL). The Moist Tundra type in the study area is typically wetland. The corresponding Coward in class is PSS 1/EM (Palustrine Shrub-Scrub, Broad-Leaved Deciduous/Palustrine Emergent). In a few locations, small areas of herbaceous wetland were found, intergrading into open water, shrub-scrub, forested wetland types. They are typically dominated by cottongrass and sedges. We also identified a pair of wet meadows dominated by bluejoint. These areas are classified as Wet or Mesic Graminoid Herbaceous communities under Alaska Vegetation Classification (L.A. Viereck, C.T. Dyrness, A.R. Batten and K.J. Wenzlick, US Forest Service PNW Research Station, July 1992). The corresponding Cowardin class is PEM (Palustrine Emergent). WHP Project 008228 5 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HillS HYDROElECTRIC PRE·CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOlUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, AlASKA 0 DESCRIPTION OF WETLANDS AND STREAMS IN STUDY AREA Kogoluktuk River: The Kogoluktuk is a major tributary of the Kobuk River. In the study area, the river contains two narrow, high-gradient reaches with major rapids and small waterfalls (the "cataracts"), and broad, lower-gradient reaches with gravel bars and multiple channels. There are also single-channel reaches that are intermediate in gradient. The Ordinary High Water level (the limit of federal regulatory jurisdiction) can be readily determined by certain field indicators, particularly water-stained rocks, scour lines and debris lines. Small Tributaries: Several named perennial streams enter the river in the study area: California Creek, Glacier Creek, Radio Creek and Lynx Creek. All were flowing at the time of the site investigation, and appear to be perennial, flowing throughout the summer and fall until freeze-up. All have gravelly substrates. Glacier Creek had relatively little flow. We also identified several other small channels, probably intermittent, that function as outlets for wetlands, including a dammed-up beaver pond. Forested Wetlands: As described above, forested wetlands in the study area mainly consist of open low-growing black spruce communities, with small amounts of white spruce, and understory consisting of bog blueberry, resin birch, dwarf Arctic birch, Labrador tea, and sedges. They occur mainly on level to concave terraces, but also in places on slopes. They typically intergrade into shrub-scrub wetlands. Forested wetland is not extensive in the study area. Typical areas are characterized by Plots 26 (Photo 21) and 35 (Photo 30). Shrub-Scrub Wetlands: Shrub-scrub wetlands are varied and extensive in the study area, particularly on poorly-drained open slopes above the river, and also on level to concave terraces. Typical dominant species include bog blueberry, resin birch, dwarf Arctic birch, Labrador tea, and willows, with an herbaceous component dominated by sedges. Examples of various shrub-scrub wetlands identified in the study area are as follows: • Plot 4 (Photo 4), a sphagnum bog in the depression with dense birch, • Plot 9 (Photo 9), a low-growing birch/blueberry/Labrador tea community, • Plot 17 (Photo 19), a willow/birch area with an outlet stream, • Plot 27 (Photo 22), an extensive, low-growing bog blueberry/birch/Labrador tea/sedge community on an open west-facing slope, and • Plot 32 (Photo 27), a dense willow thicket at the confluence with Lynx Creek. Emergent Wetlands: There are two main types of emergent wetland in the study area: sedge/cottongrass dominated and bluejoint dominated. Sedge/cottongrass emergent WHP Project 008228 6 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA wetlands occur most frequently as part of a mosaic with the open shrub-scrub community. An example of a larger area of emergent wetland is shown at Plot 28 (Photo 23), which is surrounded by an extensive shrub-scrub wetland. Two adjacent depressions on a high plateau above the upper cataract form wet meadows dominated by bluejoint. These meadows appear to be saturated in the early growing season, but dry out by late summer. They are characterized by Plot 20 (Photo 20). Open Water Wetlands: A few areas of open water were identified in the study area, mainly as small pockets within larger emergent or shrub-scrub wetlands. A good example is Plot 6 (Photo 6), a small pond within a larger bog dominated by resin birch. Plot 15 (Photos 16 and 17) shows the open water portion of a larger beaver pond system. E REFERENCES Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, F.C. Golet, and E.T. LaRoe Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats ofthe United States. U.S.D.I. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1979. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. National List of Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands: 1988 National Summary (1988, updated 1993). Viereck, L.A., C.T. Dyrness, A.R. Batten, and K.J. Wenzlick The Alaska Vegetation Classification US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, General Technical Report PNW -GTR-286. July 1992. Viereck, Leslie A. and Elbert L. Little. Alaska Trees and Shrubs (2nd. Edition) 2007. 359 pp. WHPacific, Inc. Reconnaissance Report: Wetlands and Other Water of the United States: AVEC Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Pre-Construction Program November 5, 20 I 0. 6 pp. plus appendices. WHP Project 008228 7 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA APPENDIX A EXHIBITS WHP Project 008228 8 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA APPENDIX B SITE PHOTOGRAPHS All photographs taken between August 30 and September 1, 2011 WHP Project 008228 9 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 1: Plot 1, wooded area on high bench near river, non-wetland Photo 2: Plot 2, flood plain ofKogoluktuk River WHP Project 008228 10 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 3: Plot 3, secondary channels and islands in Kogoluktuk River Photo 4: Plot 4, sphagnum bog with black spruce and bog birch WHP Project 008228 11 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 5: Plot 5, hummocky rock area with wetland pockets, small stream under large rock Photo 6: Plot 6, bog and pond with black spruce and bog birch WHP Project 008228 12 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 7: Plot 7, bog in depression, series of small basins Photo 8: Plot 8, rockfield with wetland mosaic. Water between rocks. WHP Project 008228 13 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 9: Plot 9, large open shrub wetland extending to west Photo 10: Plot 10, pocket of bog, shrub wetland with standing water WHP Project 008228 14 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM , KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 11 : Plot 11 , small stream Photo 12: Plot 12, small stream WHP Project 008228 15 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 13: Plot 13, mouth of small stream WHP Project 008228 16 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 14: Plot 14, Glacier Creek Photo 15: Plot 15, pond with beaver dam, inlet creek. Photo 16: Plot 15, pond with beaver dam WHP Project 008228 17 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 17: Plot 15, pond with beaver darn, outlet creek WHP Project 008228 18 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 19: Plot 17, shrub-scrub wetland, small creek. Photo 20: Plot 20, wet meadow in basin WHP Project 008228 19 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 21 : Plot 26, open forested/shrub-scrub wetland, some open water WHP Project 008228 20 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 22: Plot 27, large open sloping emergent/shrub-scrub wetland, very low-growing Photo 23: Plot 28, emergent wetland drainage within larger shrub-scrub area WHP Project 008228 21 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 24: Plot 29, small creek, outlet from previous area, shrub-scrub wetland in middle of woods. Photo 25: Plot 30, open shrub-scrub/emergent wetland on bench above river WHP Project 008228 22 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 26: Plot 31, mouth of Lynx Creek, adjacent shrub-scrub wetland Photo 27: Plot 32, shrub-scrub wetland associated with Lynx Creek WHP Project 008228 23 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 28: Plot 33, large open sloping tussocky shrub-scrub/emergent wetland Photo 29: Plot 34, open sloping shrub-scrub/emergent wetland WHP Project 008228 24 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 30: Plot 35, open woodland with stunted white and black spruce, mixed with shrub- scrub/emergent wetland. Water table near surface. Small channels running toward river. Photo 31: Plot 36, large open, sloping shrub-scrub/emergent wetland WHP Project 008228 25 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 32: Plot 37, similar to previous area. Also areas of sparse spruce and alder Photo 33: Plot 37, same area as previous photo WHP Project 008228 26 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 34: Plot 38, steep west-facing hill. Open woodland. Non-wetland. Photo 35: Plot 38, same as previous area WHP Project 008228 27 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 36: Plot 39, open hillslope, emergent wetland, small tussocks Photo 37: Plot 40, Kogoluktuk River. First upstream rapid on lower cataract WHP Project 008228 28 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA APPENDIX C FIELD DATA LOG WHP Project 008228 29 LAT. DEG. PLOT# N 1 66.9591 2 66.9609 3 66.9615 4 66.9638 5 66.9643 6 66.9652 7 66.9661 8 66.9663 9 66.9690 10 66.9657 11 66.9634 12 66.9613 --·· 13 66.96 - 14 66.9604 15 66.9600 16 66.9594 17 66.9573 18 66.9568 19 66 58 59.4 WHP Project 008228 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA LONG. DEG. W DESCRIPTION PHOTO# -156.7503 (8/30) Wooded area on high bench above river. Picea I glauca, Betula nana, Salix sp., Ledum sp. NON- WETLAND -156.7338 Flood plain of Kogoluktuk River. Populus balsamifera, 2 Salix sp. WETLAND BELOW OHWL -156.7314 Secondary channels ofKogoluktuk River with small 3 islands. Salix sp., Carex sp. WETLAND BELOW OHWL -156.7305 Sphagnum bog with standing water. Picea mariana. Salix 4 sp., Betula nana, Sphagnum sp. WETLAND -156.7297 Hummocky rock area with mosaic of wetland pockets. 5 Small stream under large rock. Salix sp .• Carex sp .• Betula nana. WETLAND/STREAM -156.7292 Bog/pond. Carex sp .. Betula sp., some Salix sp., Picea 6 mariana WETLAND -156.7258 Bog in depression, series of small basins. Carex sp., June us 7 sp., Eriophorum sp., Ledum sp., Betula nana, Picea mariana, Spha:;<num sp. WETLAND -156.7243 Rockfield with wetland mosaic. Water between rocks. 8 Vaccinium u.liginosum, Betula nana, Salix sp., bryophytes and lichens on rocks. WETLAND -156.7185 Edge of large open shrub wetland extending to west. Soil 9 saturated at 9 in. Some redox features. Sparse Picea glauca, Ledum sp., Vaccinium uliginosum, Betula nana. WETLAND -156.7284 Pocket of bog, shrub-scrub/emergent. Standing water. 10 Carex sp., Salix sp., Ledum sp. WETLAND -156.7304 Small creek. STREAM 11 -156.7387 Stream crossing with Salix sp., Calamagrostis canadensis 12 STREAM -156.7409 Creek outfall at river. STREAM 13 -156.7448 I Glacier Creek. Wide channel (8 feet) with gravel substrate, 14 steep banks, relatively little flow. STREAM 156.7468 Pond with beaver dam, inlet and outlet creeks. 15-17 Calamagrostis canadensis, Carex sp. WETLAND/STREAMS -156.7500 18 Shrub scrub/emergent wetland. Salix sp., Carex sp., Picea sp. Small creek. WETLAND/STREAM -156.7528 Shrub-scrub wetland, Betula nana, Carex sp., Dasiphora 19 fruticosa. Small creek. Saturated at 9 in., hydrogen sulfide odor. WETLAND/STREAM -156.7534 Outfall creek. STREAM N/A ········- -156 42 04.1 (8/31) Open low shrub wetland in basin, hummocky. N/A Ledum sp., Vaccinium uliginosum, Betula nana, Carex sp. WETLAND 0 LAT. DEG. PLOT# N 20 66 59 01.5 21 66 59 06.1 22 66 59 08.5 23 66 59 10.0 24 66 59 14.7 25 66 59 16.4 26 66 58 24.5 27 66 58 21.7 28 66 58 14.5 29 66 58 11.8 30 66 58 10.4 31 66 58 04.5 32 66 58 02.2 33 66 57 57.2 34 66 58 14.2 35 66 58 34.7 36 66 58 38.1 WHP Project 008228 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA LONG. DEG. W DESCRIPTION PHOTO# -156 42 12.0 Wet meadow in basin. Calamagrostis canadensis, Carex 20 sp. WETLAND -156 42 05.9 Small wet depression. Sphagnum sp., Calamagrostis N/A canadensis, Populus tremuloides WETLAND -156 42 16.1 Open shrub-scrub wetland. Vaccinium uliginosum, Betula N/A nana, Ledum sp. and small round bog with Carex sp. WETLAND -156 42 28.6 Emergent wetland, circular depression. Calamagrostis N/A canadensis. WETLAND -156 42 27.8 Hummocky hillside, forested/shrub-scrub wetland. Picea N/A spp., Betula nana, Vaccinium uliginosum, Ledum sp. WETLAND -156 42 30.5 Circular depression. Emergent wetland with some open N/A water. Carex rostrata, Calamagrostis canadensis, Betula nana. WETLAND -156 43 14.5 (9/1) Open forested/shrub-scrub wetland, some open water. 21 Picea mariana, Betula nana, Vaccinium uliginosum, Ledum sp., Carex sp. WETLAND -156 42 53.6 Large open sloping emergent/shrub-scrub wetland, very 22 low-growing. Carex sp., Vaccinium uliginosum, Ledum sp., Betula nana WETLAND -156 42 40.3 Emergent wetland drainage within larger shrub-scrub area .. 23 Carex spp., Eriophorum sp. -156 42 45.9 Small creek, outlet from Area 28. Shrub-scrub wetland in 24 middle of woods. Salix sp., Calamagrostis canadensis. WETLAND/STREAM -156 42 48.1 Open shrub-scrub/emergent wetland on bench above river. 25 Ledum sp., Betula nana, Vaccinium uliginosum, Carex sp. WETLAND -156 42 51.4 Mouth of Lynx Creek. Adjacent shrub-scrub wetland. 26 Alnusfruticosa, Salix sp., Carex sp., Eriophorum sp. WETLAND/STREAM -156 42 53.6 Shrub-scrub wetland associated with Lynx Creek. Salix 27 sp., Alnus fruticosa WETLAND -156 43 07.1 Large open sloping tussocky shrub-scrub/emergent 28 wetland. Betula nana, Vaccinium uliginosum, Carex sp., Eriophorum sp. WETLAND -156 43 04.0 Open sloping shrub-scrub/emergent wetland. Betula nana, 29 Vaccinium uliginosum, Ledum sp., Carex sp. WETLAND -1564255.4 Extension of Area 34. Open woodland with stunted Picea 30 glauca and P. mariana. Mixed with shrub-scrub/emergent wetland. Water table near surface. Small channels running toward river. Vaccinium uliginosum, Betula nana, Ledum sp., Spiraea stevenii, Carex sp., Sphagnum sp. WETLAND/STREAMS -156 42 29.4 Large open, sloping shrub-scrub/emergent wetland. Ledum 31 sp., Betula nana, Vaccinium uliginosum, Carex sp., Alnus fruticosa WETLAND LAT. DEG. PLOT# N 37 66 58 46.8 38 66 58 50.6 39 66 58 45.7 40 66 58 19.7 WHP Project 008228 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA LONG. DEG. W DESCRIPTION PHOTO# -156 41 53.9 Similar to Area 36. Also areas of sparse Picea sp., Alnus 32-33 fruticosa. WETLAND -156 41 50.7 Steep west-facing hill. Open woodland. Picea glauca. 34-35 Alnus fruticosa. Salix sp., Betula nana, Vaccinium uliginosum. Little Carex sp. NON-WETLAND -156 41 48.2 Open hillslope, emergent wetland, small tussocks. Carex 36 sp., Ledum sp., Empetrum nigrum. WETLAND -156 43 15.8 Kogoluktuk River. First upstream rapid on lower cataract. 37 STREAM 2 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA APPENDIX A EXHIBITS WHP Project 008228 8 Kogol~ktuk ~,Hydroelectri~ Feasibility Study -~--J'-\fe_tl~nds St~dy ;~~~:ioverviewiMiP.~~-.;~:. -~-:=1 "=1000 {~~-==~= =------- Kogdlu~~~~ ;~.,Ydroelect'ric !1 f. easibili,ty. Study ,,, +N ; • !· .!: + ·Wetlan~s St~.~y ,. ·· w · E , ,. . ,I·., ,,, ''I' ·Lower'Extefit!ll ' !::.:,:·. ..1 ; s :• IData Plot Locations h .. ':,, ;' :t ' ~:!:!!: ··li!' j!'" Wetla11~s Classification PEM: Palustrine Emergent 1!111 PSS1 : Palustrine Shrub-Scrub , Broad-leaved Deciduous PF04: Palustrine Forested , Needle-Leaved Evergreen '' i'l i l POW: Palustrine Open Water R3 : Upper Perennial Stream '(To ordinary high water level) · .:-: !: 1l1 . . . . ' ) ' . --" ~ R4: Intermittent Stream , ""Where two vegetatio'n classes are shown, the ·first one Is the dominant one 1·~ = 4oo· · -------Feet ,--•. -. I ,J" 0 500 II 1,0QO 1,500 I Notes: Maps compiled byWHPaoific, December 27, 2011; Projeotion NAD83 , UTM .Zone4N ; Aeria l Photo Source: GoogJe Earth, 2009 ~ Data Plot Location; Data po ints coJiected by GPS ; Wetlands Classification: De lin eated by l;lhil Ouarterma11 and dtgitized by James Mills Kogoluktui(Hydroele~t~~~ Feas.i_bility_ Study Wetlands Stqdy == Middle l;xtent Data Plot~~~pations~:_ ~~~--~~::;2:~~:;:,~ Wetlands ~C.Iassification~-~~--_.....::.. PEM: Palustrine Emergent ~ PSS1: Palustrine Shruo-=Scrub~ Broad-Leaved Deciduous PF-:04: Palustrine Forested, Needle-Leaved Evergreen POW: Palustrine Open W?ter ~ ~ R3: Upper Perennial Stream (To ordinary high water level) R4: Intermittent Stream - ~o:-·tJ lana · = N W+E s -.P . . . ,_;·.-··--·· ·----~ "'Where two :v~g-etation iclasses-are~sbQ\y.ri,]he-::fjrsfpne is ,the. c!_qm if! ant one -.. -------;·~:~~:~=~~~--·-::~.:·:x~~~A9~~i~:~-":~~:~-;:: -- . -·-----·Feet 0 500 1,000 1,500 Notes: Maps compiled by WHPacific, December 27, 2011 ; Projection NAD83 ;_ UTM Zone 4 N;-: Aerial Photo Source: Aerometric, 201 0; Data Plot Location: Data points collected by GPS; · Wetlands Classification : Delineated by-Phil Quarterman and digit ized by James M ill s N Kogoluktuk Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Wetlands Study W+E upper Exte.nt ~ - Data Plot Locations Wetlands Classification PEM: Palustrine Emerg~nt ....::-~~~-----;~~-i.~- PSS1 : Palustrine-Shrub-Scrub, Broad-Lea~vecfDeciduous PF04: Palustrine Forested, Needle-Leav_e_a~Evergre~n -~~=~:z~-~~ . Palustrine Open Water ----= ~ --_ ~--=::~·~ ,c_"'""~3'~~ R3: Upper Perennial Stream ._(To.6rdin~r91ff[fu.=w.~!~r IEt\{~e~l)~ =-~ R4: Intermittent Stream ~~ _,-_::--F·-===-=~--~:-·" ·= o~::, U:--Upland .~_=_'~ .. ,~-~ 4eo-.::-:--~ ~ ;<twtlere tWo vegetation classes are shown, the first one isthe~dpf!li.nant one 1" = 400' ---==---== .......... ~======~Feet 0 500 1,000 -1,500 s - Notes: Maps compiled by WHPacific , December 27, 2011; Projection ·NAD83, UTM ZonEf4N; Aerial Photo Source : Aerometric, 2,0'10; Data Plot LocaJion: Data points collfllcted.by GPS ; Wetlands Classification : Delineated by Phil_ <;lJ.J~!1~rrna6:ana digitized -b_y-:-Jciimes Mill s .,ft,·.!ii',Ji\"~<•~W'M!V\tnY"~"ltR7DDtN\t\·l~~~hMYit£ .. t,~ RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA APPENDIX 8 SITE PHOTOGRAPHS All photographs taken between August 30 and September 1, 2011 WHP Project 008228 9 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 1: Plot 1, wooded area on high bench near river, non-wetland Photo 2: Plot 2, flood plain ofKogoluktuk River WHP Project 008228 10 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 3: Plot 3, secondary channels and islands in Kogoluktuk River Photo 4: Plot 4, sphagnum bog with black spruce and bog birch WHP Project 008228 11 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 5: Plot 5, hummocky rock area with wetland pockets, small stream under large rock Photo 6: Plot 6, bog and pond with black spruce and bog birch WHP Project 008228 12 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 7: Plot 7, bog in depression, series of small basins Photo 8: Plot 8, rockfield with wetland mosaic. Water between rocks. WHP Project 008228 13 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 9: Plot 9, large open shrub wetland extending to west Photo 10: Plot I 0, pocket of bog, shrub wetland with standing water WHP Project 008228 14 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA WHP Project 008228 15 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 13: Plot 13, mouth of small stream Photo 14: Plot 14, Glacier Creek WHP Project 008228 16 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 15: Plot 15, pond with beaver dam, inlet creek. Photo 16: Plot 15, pond with beaver dam WHP Project 008228 17 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 17: Plot I 5, pond with beaver dam, outlet creek WHP Project 008228 18 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 19: Plot 17, shrub-scrub wetland, small creek. Photo 20: Plot 20, wet meadow in basin WHP Project 008228 19 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 21: Plot 26, open forested/shrub-scrub wetland, some open water Photo 22: Plot 27, large open sloping emergent/shrub-scrub wetland, very low-growing WHP Project 008228 20 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 23: Plot 28, emergent wetland drainage within larger shrub-scrub area Photo 24: Plot 29, small creek, outlet from previous area, shrub-scrub wetland in middle of woods. WHP Project 008228 21 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 25: Plot 30, open shrub-scrub/emergent wetland on bench above river Photo 26: Plot 31, mouth of Lynx Creek, adjacent shrub-scrub wetland WHP Project 008228 22 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 27: Plot 32, shrub-scrub wetland associated with Lynx Creek Photo 28: Plot 33, large open sloping tussocky shrub-scrub/emergent wetland WHP Project 008228 23 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HiLLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 29: Plot 34, open sloping shrub-scrub/emergent wetland Photo 30: Plot 35, open woodland with stunted white and black spruce, mixed with shrub- scrub/emergent wetland. Water table near surface. Small channels running toward river. WHP Project 008228 24 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETlANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 31: Plot 36, large open, sloping shrub-scrub/emergent wetland Photo 32: Plot 37, similar to previous area. Also areas of sparse spruce and alder WHP Project 008228 25 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 33: Plot 37, same area as previous photo Photo 34: Plot 38, steep west-facing hill. Open woodland. Non-wetland. WHP Project 008228 26 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTIO N PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 35: Plot 38, same as previous area Photo 36: Plot 39, open hillslope, emergent wetland, small tussocks WHP Project 008228 27 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Photo 37: Plot 40, Kogoluktuk River. First upstream rapid on lower cataract WHP Project 008228 28 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA APPENDIX C FIELD DATA LOG WHP Project 008228 29 PLOT# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA LAT DEG. N LONG. DEG. W DESCRIPTION 66.9591 -156.7503 (8/30) Wooded area on high bench above river. Picea glauca, Betula nana, Salix sp., Ledum sp. NON-WETLAND 66.9609 -156.7338 Flood plain of Kogoluktuk River. Populus balsam!fera, Salix sp. WETLAND BELOW OHWL 66.9615 -156.7314 Secondary channels of Kogoluktuk River with small islands. Salix sp., Carex sp. WETLAND BELOWOHWL 66.9638 -156.7305 Sphagnum bog with standing water. Picea mariana, Salix sp., Betula nana, Sphagnum sp. WETLAND 66.9643 -156.7297 Hummocky rock area with mosaic of wetland pockets. Small stream under large rock. Salix sp., Carex sp., Betula nana. WETLAND/STREAM 66.9652 -156.7292 Bog/pond. Carex sp., Betula sp., some Salix sp., Picea mariana WETLAND 66.9661 -156.7258 Bog in depression, series of small basins. Carex sp., Juncus sp .. Eriophorum sp., Ledum sp .. Betula nana. Picea mariana, Sphagnum sp. WETLAND 66.9663 -156.7243 Rockfield with wetland mosaic. Water between rocks. Vaccinium uliginosum, Betula nana, Salix sp., bryophytes and lichens on rocks. WETLAND 66.9690 -156.7185 Edge of large open shrub wetland extending to west. Soil saturated at 9 in. Some redox features. Sparse Picea glauca, Ledum sp., Vaccinium uliginosum, Betula nana. WETLAND 66.9657 -156.7284 Pocket of bog, shrub-scrub/emergent. Standing water. Carex sp., Salix sp., Ledum sp. WETLAND 66.9634 -156.7304 Small creek. STREAM 66.9613 -156.7387 Stream crossing with Salix sp., Calamagrostis canadensis STREAM 66.9610 -156.7409 Creek outfall at river. STREAM 66.9604 -156.7448 Glacier Creek. Wide channel (8 feet) with gravel substrate, steep banks, relatively little flow. STREAM 66.9600 -156.7468 Pond with beaver dam, inlet and outlet creeks. WHP Project 008228 30 PHOTO# 1 2 3 4 J5 I 6 7 8 I 9 10 i 11 I 12 13 14 15-17 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Calamagrostis canadensis, Carex sp. WETLAND/STREAMS 66.9594 -156.7500 Shrub scrub/emergent wetland. Salix sp., Carex sp., Picea sp. Small creek. WETLAND/STREAM 66.9573 -156.7528 Shrub-scrub wetland, Betula nana, Carex sp., Dasiphora fruticosa. Small creek. Saturated at 9 in., hydrogen sulfide odor. WETLAND/STREAM 66.9568 -156.7534 Outfall creek. STREAM 66 58 59.4 -156 42 04.1 (8/31) Open low shrub wetland in basin, hummocky. Ledum sp., Vaccinium uliginosum, Betula nana, Carex sp. WETLAND 66 59 01.5 -156 42 12.0 Wet meadow in basin. Calamagrostis canadensis, Carex sp_. WETLAND 66 59 06.1 -156 42 05.9 Small wet depression. Sphagnum sp., Calamagrostis canadensis, Populus tremuloides WETLAND 66 59 08.5 -156 42 16.1 Open shrub-scrub wetland. Vaccinium uliginosum, Betula nana, Ledum sp. and small round bog with Carex sp_. WETLAND 66 59 10.0 -156 42 28.6 Emergent wetland, circular depression. Calamas;rostis canadensis. WETLAND 66 59 14.7 -156 42 27.8 Hummocky hillside, forested/shrub-scrub wetland. Picea spp., Betula nana, Vaccinium uliginosum, Ledum sp. WETLAND 66 59 16.4 156 42 30.5 Circular depression. Emergent wetland with some open water. Carex rostrata, Calamagrostis canadensis, Betula nana. WETLAND 66 58 24.5 -156 43 14.5 (9/1) Open forested/shrub-scrub wetland, some open water. Picea mariana, Betula nana, Vaccinium uliginoswn, Ledum sp., Carex sp. WETLAND 66 58 21.7 -156 42 53.6 Large open sloping emergent/shrub-scrub wetland, very low-growing. Carex sp., Vaccinium uliginosum, Ledum sp., Betula nana WETLAND WHP Project 008228 31 18 19 N/A N/A 20 IN/A I IN/A I N/A N/A N/A 21 ' I 22 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 -··· 37 38 39 40 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETlANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA scrub area. Carex spp., Eriophorum sp. 66 58 11.8 -156 42 45.9 Small creek, outlet from Area 28. Shrub-scrub wetland in middle of woods. Salix sp., Calamagrostis canadensis. WETLAND/STREAM 66 58 10.4 -156 42 48.1 Open shrub-scrub/emergent wetland on bench above river. Ledum sp., Betula nana, Vaccinium uliginosum, Carex sp WETLAND 66 58 04.5 -156 42 51.4 Mouth of Lynx Creek. Adjacent shrub-scrub wetland. Alnus fruticosa, Salix sp., Carex sp., Eriophorum sp. WETLAND/STREAM 66 58 02.2 -156 42 53.6 Shrub-scrub wetland associated with Lynx Creek. Salix sp., Alnusfruticosa WETLAND 66 57 57.2 156 43 07.1 Large open sloping tussocky shrub- scrub/emergent wetland. Betula nana, Vaccinium uliginosum, Carex sp., Eriophorum sp. WETLAND 66 58 14.2 -156 43 04.0 Open sloping shrub-scrub/emergent wetland. Betula nana, Vaccinium uliginosum, Ledum sp., Carex sp. WETLAND 66 58 34.7 -156 42 55.4 Extension of Area 34. Open woodland with stunted Picea glauca and P. mariana. Mixed with shrub-scrub/emergent wetland. Water table near surface. Small channels running toward river. Vaccinium uliginosum. Betula nana, Ledum sp., Spiraea stevenii, Carex sp., Sphagnum sp. WETLAND/STREAMS 66 58 38.1 -156 42 29.4 Large open, sloping shrub-scrub/emergent I wetland. Ledum sp., Betula nana, Vaccinium uliginosum, Carex sp., Alnus fruticosa WETLAND 66 58 46.8 -156 41 53.9 Similar to Area 36. Also areas of sparse Pice a sp., Alnusfruticosa. WETLAND 66 58 50.6 -156 41 50.7 Steep west-facing hill. Open woodland. Picea glauca, Alnus fruticosa, Salix sp., Betula nana, Vaccinium uliginosum. Little Carex sp. NON- WETLAND 66 58 45.7 -156 41 48.2 Open hillslope, emergent wetland, small tussocks. Carex sp., Ledum sp., Empetrum nigrum. WETLAND 66 58 19.7 -156 43 15.8 Kogoluktuk River. First upstream rapid on lower cataract. STREAM WHP Project 008228 32 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32-33 34-35 . 36 37 61612014 (4) iCioud Mail-lnbox(48 messages, 4 unread) Amazon~om .ardert of 1 1 nsiaht Sellina.: S.urorisina Researc .. on wna ~a es W1nners Do U11terent1v. 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