HomeMy WebLinkAboutCosmos Hills Installation and Operation 2012[AVEC~1 J AlASKA VILlAGE ElECTRIC COOPERATIVE ANA WHPacific Cosmos Hills Hydrologic Network Installation and Operation, August 201 0-December 2011 View from outcrop bluff location near Kogoluktuk River Winter Supplemental Station. by Michael R. Lilly, David Brailey, Kristie Hilton, Ron Paetzold, and Austin McHugh May 2012 Cosmos Hills Hydrology Network Project FERC Preliminary Permit# P-13286-000 Report GWS.TR.12.01 Cosmos Hills Hydrologic Network Installation and Operation, August 2010-December 2011 by Michael R. Lilly 1 , David Brailey2 , Kristie Hilton 1, Ron Paetzold 1 and Austin McHugh 1 A report on hydrologic investigations sponsored by: • Alaska Energy Authority • Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. • NANA Development Corporation • Gee-Watersheds Scientific May 2012 Cosmos Hills Hydrology Network Project Report Number GWS.TR.12.01 1Geo-Watersheds Scientific, Fairbanks, AK 2 Brailey Hydrologic, Anchorage, AK Recommended Citation: Lilly, M.R., Brailey, D., Hilton, K., Paetzold, R., and McHugh, A. 2012. Cosmos Hills Hydrologic Network Installation and Operations, August 201 0-December 2011. Gee- Watersheds Scientific, Report GWS.TR.12.01. Fairbanks, Alaska. 55 pp (plus appendices). For additional information write to: Geo-Watersheds Scientific PO Box 81538 Fairbanks, Alaska 99708 mlilly@gwscientific.com Fairbanks, Alaska May 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................... ii LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... iii LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ v LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................................... v DISCLAIMER .................................................................................................................. vi CONVERSION FACTORS, UNITS, WATER QUALITY UNITS, VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DATUM, ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS ......................................... vii PROJECT COOPERATORS ........................................................................................... xi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................... xi 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1 1.1 NETWORK INSTALLATION OBJECTIVES ....................................................... 3 1.2 BACKGROUND HYDROLOGY .......................................................................... 4 2.0 PROCEDURES ..................................................................................................... 8 2.1 SITE SELECTION .............................................................................................. 8 2.2 GAUGING STATION INSTALLATION AND OBJECTIVES ................................ 9 2.3 LEVATION SURVEYING AND WATER LEVEL MEASURMENTS .................. 11 2.4 WATER CHEMISTRY MEASUREMENTS ....................................................... 11 2.5 DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS ..................................................................... 12 2.5.1 ACOUSTIC DOPPLER DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS ......................... 12 2.5.2 CURRENT METER DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS .............................. 13 2.6 SNOW SURVEY MEASUREMENTS ............................................................... 14 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTIONS ......................................................................................... 15 3.1 UPPER COSMOS CREEK STATION .............................................................. 16 3.2 LOWER COSMOS CREEK STATION ............................................................. 17 3.3 UPPER WESLEY CREEK STATION ............................................................... 18 3.4 LOWER WELSEY CREEK STATION .............................................................. 19 3.5 UPPER DAHL CREEK STATION .................................................................... 20 3.6 MIDDLE DAHL CREEK STATION ................................................................... 21 3.7 UPPER KOGOLUKTUK RIVER STATION ....................................................... 22 3.8 UPPER KOGOLUKTUK FALLS WINTER SUPPLEMENTAL STATION .......... 23 ii 3.9 LOWER KOGOLUKTUK RIVER STATION ...................................................... 25 4.0 SELECTED RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ........................................................ 26 4.1 DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS ..................................................................... 26 4.2 STREAMFLOW COMPUTATIONS .................................................................. 28 4.2.1 CORRECTION OF PRESSURE TRANSDUCER DATA ........................... 29 4.2.2 PRELIMINARY RATING CURVE DEVELOPMENT .................................. 35 4.2.3 MEAN DAILY FLOW COMPUTATIONS .................................................... 44 4.2.4 STREAMFLOW MEASUREMENT DISCUSSION ..................................... 44 4.3 WATER TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS ................................................. 46 4.3.1 WATER TEMPERATURE RESULTS ........................................................ 46 4.4 SPRING SNOW MEASUREMENTS AND FIELD OBSERVATIONS ............... 50 5.0 SUMMARY .......................................................................................................... 53 6.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 54 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Map of Cosmos Hills Hydrologic Network. Some stations decommissioned in Fall2011 .................................................................................................................. 2 Figure 2. USGS Dahl Creek gauge mean daily mean discharge, in cubic feet per second ..................................................................................................................... 6 Figure 3. USGS Dahl Creek gauge daily mean-discharge period-of-record range, in cubic feet per second ............................................................................................... 6 Figure 4. USGS Dahl Creek gauge mean and low daily mean discharges for the period of record, in cubic feet per second ........................................................................... 7 Figure 5. USGS Dahl Creek gauge daily mean discharges for the 11-year period 1999 through 2009, in cubic feet per second .................................................................... 7 Figure 6. Website plotting example of data logger temperature, battery bank voltage and solar panel output voltage for the Upper Wesley Creek Station ............................. 16 Figure 7. Site picture of the Upper Cosmos Creek Station (8/18/10, M. Lilly). The station was located on the west bank and the picture is looking upstream ........................ 17 Figure 8. Site picture of the Lower Cosmos Creek Station, looking downstream from east bank (8/18/10, M. Lilly) ................................................................................... 18 iii Figure 9. Site picture of the Upper Wesley Creek Station, looking across the stream from the west bank (8/20/1 0, M. Lilly) .................................................................... 19 Figure 10. Site picture of the Lower Wesley Creek Station, looking downstream from an old bridge on a regional trail (8/21/10, M. Lilly) ...................................................... 20 Figure 11. Site picture of the Upper Dahl Creek Station looking downstream from the station on the west bank (8/12/10, M. Lilly) ............................................................ 21 Figure 12. Site picture of the Middle Dahl Creek Station, looking south and downstream (8/21/10, M. Lilly) .................................................................................................... 22 Figure 13. Site picture of the Upper Kogoluktuk River Station, taken on the east bank, and looking slightly upstream (8/18/1 0, M. Lilly) ..................................................... 23 Figure 14. Site picture of the Upper Kogoluktuk Falls Repeater Station (9/30/11, M. Lilly) ........................................................................................................................ 24 Figure 15. Site picture of the Lower Kogoluktuk River Station, looking downstream from the west bank (8/18/10, M. Lilly) ............................................................................. 25 Figure 16. 2010 Discharge measurement locations, Kogoluktuk River ......................... 27 Figure 17. Raw and corrected stage data for the Upper Dahl Creek Station ................. 30 Figure 18. Raw and corrected stage data for the Upper Wesley Creek Station ............ 31 Figure 19. Raw and corrected stage data for the Upper Cosmos Creek Station ........... 32 Figure 20. Raw and corrected stage data for the Upper Kogoluktuk River Station ....... 34 Figure 21. Preliminary rating for the Upper Dahl Creek Station .................................... 37 Figure 22. Surveyed cross section at the Upper Dahl Creek Station ............................ 38 Figure 23. Preliminary rating for the Upper Wesley Creek Station ................................ 39 Figure 24. Ratios of annual minimums to flows on the previous October 15 ................. 39 Figure 25. Surveyed cross section at the Upper Wesley Creek Station ........................ 40 Figure 26. Preliminary rating for the Upper Cosmos Creek Station ............................... 41 Figure 27. Surveyed cross section at the Upper Cosmos Creek Station ....................... 42 Figure 28. Preliminary rating for the Upper Kogoluktuk River Station ........................... 43 Figure 29. Surveyed cross section at the Upper Kogoluktuk River Station ................... 44 Figure 30. Mean Daily Hydrographs .............................................................................. 46 Figure 31. Water-temperature data from the time of installation to the September 2011 field trip for the series of downstream stations ....................................................... 48 iv Figure 32. Water-temperature data (15 minute averages) from the time of installation to February 2012, for the series of upstream stations ................................................ 49 Figure 33. Water-temperature data from the time of installation to February 2012, for the Upper Kogoluktuk River Station ............................................................................. 50 Figure 34. Snow survey site locations during March 2011 field trip ............................... 51 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Surface-Water, Repeater, and Base Station Locations ................................... 15 Table 2. Summary of discharge measurements ............................................................ 28 Table 3. Snow Survey Summary, March 24 to 27, 2011 ............................................... 52 LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A. ELEVATION SURVEY FORMS APPENDIX B. WATER-LEVEL MEASUREMENTS APPENDIX C. CROSS-SECTION ELEVATION SURVEY FORMS APPENDIX D. WATER-QUALITY SAMPLING FORMS APPENDIX E. WATER-QUALITY METER CALIBRATION FORMS APPENDIX F. SNOW SURVEY FORMS APPENDIX G. STATION METADATA STANDARDS EXAMPLE APPENDIX H. METADATA STANDARDS SUMMARY EXAMPLE APPENDIX I. STATION METADATA STANDARDS QAQC APPENDIX J. SUSPENDED SEDIMENT ANALYSIS APPENDIX K. SELECTED DAILY UPDATES APPENDIX L. MEAN DAILY FLOW APPENDIX M. HOBO SENSOR TRACKING APPENDIX N. METEOROLOGIC DATA PLOTS APPENDIX 0. HEALTH, SAFETY, AND ENVIRONMENTAL v DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the Alaska Energy Authority, Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc., NANA Development Corporation, and Gee-Watersheds Scientific. Neither the agencies, nor any of their employees, make any warranty, or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by any agency. The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors, who are responsible for the accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents of the report do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the agency or any local sponsor. This work does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation. vi CONVERSION FACTORS, UNITS, WATER QUALITY UNITS, VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DATUM, ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS Conversion Factors Multiply inch (in.) inch (in.) foot (ft) mile (mi) acre acre square foot (ft2 ) square mile (mi 2 ) gallon (gal) gallon (gal) cubic foot (ft3) Acre-ft foot per day (ftld) square foot per day (ft2/d ) cubic foot per second (ft 3/s) foot per day (ftld) foot per day (ftld) meter per day (m/d) foot per foot (ftlft) foot per mile (ft/mi) pound per square inch (lb/in 2 ) By Length 25.4 2.54 0.3048 1.609 Area 43560 0.4047 3.587X1o-s 2.590 Volume 3.785 3785 23.317 1233 Velocity and Discharge 0.3048 .0929 0.02832 Hydraulic Conductivity 0.3048 0.00035 0.00115 Hydraulic Gradient 5280 0.1894 Pressure 6.895 vii To obtain millimeter (mm) centimeter (em) meter (m) kilometer (km) square feet (ft2) hectare (ha) square mile (mi 2) square kilometer (km 2 ) liter (I) milliliter (ml) liter (I) cubic meter (m 3 ) meter per day (m/d) square meter per day (m 2/d) cubic meter per second (m 3/sec) meter per day (m/d) centimeter per second (em/sec) centimeter per second (em/sec) foot per mile (ftlmi) meter per kilometer (m/km) kilopascal (kPa) Units For the purposes of this report, both US Customary and Metric units were employed. Common regulations related to water use in Alaska uses combinations of both US Customary and Metric units. The choice of "primary" units employed depended on common reporting standards for a particular property or parameter measured. Whenever possible, the approximate value in the "secondary" units was also provided in parentheses. Thus, for instance, snow depth was reported in inches (in) followed by the value in centimeters (em) in parentheses. Physical and Chemical Water-Quality Units: Temperature: Water and air temperature are given in degrees Celsius rc) and in degrees Fahrenheit rF). Degrees Celsius can be converted to degrees Fahrenheit by use of the following equation: OF= 1.src) + 32 Snow Water Equivalent (SWE): Water content of a given column of snow is determined by knowing the depth of the snowpack and density. SWE = ds *PsI Pw where: ds =snow depth Ps = snow density Pw = density of water. Electrical Conductance (Actual Conductivity and Specific Conductance): In this report conductivity of water is expressed as Actual Conductivity [AC] in microSiemens per centimeter (IJS/cm). This unit is equivalent to micromhos per centimeter. Elsewhere, conductivity is commonly expressed as Specific Conductance at VIII 25°C [SC25] in j.JS/cm which is temperature corrected. To convert ACto SC25 the following equation can be used: Error! Bookmark not defined. SC25 = AC l + r(T-25) where: SC25 = Specific Conductance at 25°C, in j.JS/cm AC =Actual Conductivity, in !JS/cm r = temperature correction coefficient for the sample, in °C T = temperature of the sample, in °C Milligrams per liter (mg!l) or micrograms per liter (ug/1}: A milligram per liter is a unit of measurement indicating the concentration of chemical constituents in solution as weight (milligrams) of solute per unit volume (liter) of water. One thousand micrograms per liter is equivalent to one milligram per liter. For concentrations less than 7,000 mg/1, the numerical value is the same as for concentrations in parts per million (ppm). Millivolt (mV): A unit of electromotive force equal to one thousandth of a volt. Vertical Datum: "Sea level" in the following report refers to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD of 1929), a geodetic datum derived from a general adjustment of the first-order level nets of both the United States and Canada, formerly called Sea Level Datum of 1929. Horizontal Datum: The horizontal datum for all locations in this report is the North American Datum of 1983 or North American Datum of 1927. ix Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols AC ADOT&PF ADNR ASTM AVEC atm c em DO DVM F ft GWS in kg km 2 kPa lb/in 2 m mg/1 ).lg/1 mi 2 mm ).lSI em mV NGVD NRCS NWIS ppm QA QC SC25 SWE USAGE USGS www YSI Actual conductivity Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Alaska Department of Natural Resources American Society for Testing and Materials Alaska Village Electric Cooperative Atmospheres Celsius (0 C) Centimeters Dissolved oxygen Digital voltage multi-meter Fahrenheit (°F) Feet Gee-Watersheds Scientific Inches Kilograms Square kilometers Kilo pascal Pounds per square inch Meters Milligrams per liter Micrograms per liter Square miles Millimeters Microsiemens per centimeter Millivolt National Geodetic Vertical Datum Natural Resources Conservation Service National Water Information System Parts per million Quality assurance Quality control Specific conductance at 25 o C Snow water equivalent U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District U.S. Geological Survey World Wide Web Yellow Springs Instruments X PROJECT COOPERATORS The Cosmos Hills Hydrology Network Project covers selected streams in the Cosmos Hills area and the adjacent Kogoluktuk River and benefits from a number of positive partnerships, all contributing to the overall project objectives. ? Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) ? Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. (AVEC) ? NANA Development Corporation ? WH Pacific > Gee-Watersheds Scientific ? Brailey Hydrologic ? Northwest Arctic Borough School District ? Kobuk School ? And coordination with NovaGold Resources Inc. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This material is based upon work supported by the Alaska Energy Authority. Field coordination and logistics support were provided by NovaGold Resources Inc. Additional support was provided by Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc., NANA Development Corporation, and Gee-Watersheds Scientific, in the form of financial and in-kind match. xi Cosmos Hills Hydrologic Network Installation and Operations, August 201 0-December 2011 1.0 INTRODUCTION Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. (AVEC) and NANA Development Corporation (NANA) are evaluating the potential for hydroelectric power generation in the Cosmos Hills region. The objective is to reduce diesel power generation in the communities of Ambler, Shungnak, and Kobuk. Fuel delivery issues, primarily decreasing barge access due to gravel bars and shallow water have caused these villages to have some of the highest power generation costs in Alaska. In 2009, AVEC was awarded a Renewable Energy Grant from the Alaska Energy Authority to evaluate nearby hydropower resources. The project included evaluation of 12 potential hydroelectric sites in the upper Kobuk River valley. Of these, four sites were selected for further evaluation: Cosmos Creek, Wesley Creek, Dahl Creek, and the Kogoluktuk River (Figure 1 ). These sites are appropriately scaled for local energy needs, are close to existing roads and power-line infrastructure, and are run-of-river projects with less environmental impact than large dam-storage hydroelectric projects. With support from NANA, a hydrologic monitoring network was installed to record weather and streamflow data on the three Cosmos Hills streams and the Kogoluktuk River. Although the primary goal of the monitoring network is to evaluate the potential for hydroelectric power generation, the resulting data can also be used for environmental assessments, design of stream and river crossings, and for general water-resource, climate, river-transportation, and weather-forecasting applications. The hydrologic monitoring network includes the following: • Four gauging stations located at the four potential hydroelectric plant intakes; • Four water temperature monitoring stations located in potential tailraces; • Four ridge-top repeaters transmitting data and camera images to an Internet base station at the Kobuk School; 1 • Air temperature, relative humidity, and summer precipitation sensors at the four stream gauging stations; • Time-lapse digital cameras at the four gauging stations and the Upper Kogoluktuk River Winter Supplemental Station; and • Air temperature sensors at the four ridge-top repeater sites. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 0 D z 6 • lilies ' 8 loO l2 14 km WGS84 156°24.000' mrr ~ 170 05/09/12 z b 0 0 " ~ "' "' Figure 1. Map of Cosmos Hills Hydrologic Network. Some stations decommissioned in Fall 2011. In addition to the four gauging stations at the potential hydroelectric plant intakes, a fifth gauging station was added at the Upper Kogoluktuk River Falls. This station was added in an effort to improve the quality or winter flow measurements. Complex river-ice formation at the Upper Kogoluktuk Station makes winter flows difficult to measure and estimate. The narrow bedrock cross section and confined under-ice winter flows at the supplemental station will make both winter discharge measurements and flow estimation between measurements more reliable. 2 The data-collection procedures used for the project were reported in Lilly and Derry, 2010. The design and installation of the gauging stations and field data-collection approach was intended to help answer the hydropower evaluation questions and start the collection of baseline data that would be required by regulatory agencies under the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) process. Both engineering design and environmental assessments require adequate understanding of summer and winter flow conditions and variability between these seasonal extremes. Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, and multiple Federal regulatory agencies reviewed the project workplan before field work began and indicated the approach would meet their criteria for hydropower-related water-resource investigations. This approach was intended to reduce the potential time required to meet both engineering and environmental evaluations that would be required for project development. Given the high cost of working in remote arctic environments, significant future cost savings and a shorter development timeline would lead to beneficial outcomes for the communities in the region. 1.1 NETWORK /NSTALLA TION OBJECTIVES The installation objectives for the Cosmos Hills Hydrologic Network (Network) in August 2010 included the initial setup of data collection stations, stream surveying, discharge measurements, water chemistry, and general hydrologic observations to start the watershed characterization process. The primary interpretative goal of the project was the development of rating curves for the stage discharge relationship at each of the primary gauging stations. Secondary objectives included basic water-quality characteristics, such as water temperature and conductivity. This information is useful for baseline characterizations, and understanding the processes taking place in each of the surface-water systems, such as groundwater contributions to base flow. Additionally, the region is lacking in background meteorological observations, so the current collection of meteorological data is important to understanding the weather (short-term) and climate (long-term) factors that impact stream conditions and the quality of stage and discharge data. The collection of precipitation (summer rainfall) and 3 snow measurement are particularly important for later hydrologic modeling and flow frequency estimates, as well as permitting and future environmental compliance efforts. 1.2 BACKGROUND HYDROLOGY The study area is located in the interior region of Alaska, on the southern flanks of the Brooks Range, in the Kobuk River watershed. It is in a sub-arctic environment, in the transition zone from continuous to discontinuous permafrost. The lower portions of the drainages are a mixture of forest and tundra, while the upper ridges are primarily bedrock exposures. The Cosmos Hills are bounded on the south by the Kobuk River, on the north and west by the Ambler River and Lowlands, and on the east by the Kogoluktuk River eastern watershed boundary. More detailed descriptions of the watersheds will be provided in subsequent reports. The USGS maintains gauge stations on Dahl Creek (No. 15743850) and on the Kobuk River near Kiana (No. 15744500). Both of these gauges are active and have relatively long periods of record (1986-present for Dahl Creek; 1976-present for the Kobuk River). If results of the present study show good daily flow correlations, it may be possible to generate synthetic streamflow records at the new gauging stations using historic records at one or both of the USGS stations. This practice is termed "record extension" and is commonly used to estimate flood frequency distributions and daily flow statistics. Monthly summer data collection at the Dahl Creek USGS station began in 1986. By 1988 the USGS was reporting data for the whole summer period and by 1990 for the complete water year (October 1 to September 30). The USGS Dahl Creek Station is referred to as the Lower Dahl Creek station for this project, as it is downstream of the other two stations established on Dahl Creek. The timing of flow events from year to year will vary and has a direct impact on planning of field measurements. Figure 2 shows the mean daily mean discharge for Dahl Creek for the period of record. This plot illustrates winter baseflow conditions which are typically are characterized by a slow decline in flow. Spring snowmelt then increases discharge, followed by lower flow conditions in early summer with late summer precipitation floods generally occurring in 4 August. Surface-water flow starts decreasing in September and continues to drop until winter base flow conditions are reached in winter. Figure 3 shows the maximum, mean, and minimum daily mean discharge for the period of record. This helps illustrate the range in flow conditions over the period of record. Note the difference in the scales on they-axis for Figure 2 and Figure 3. The high daily mean flows are highest for early snowmelt floods and late summer flooding with the highest discharge events (flooding) occurring during late summer rainfall events. Timing of the snowmelt flood varies over the period of a month or longer. This time period also illustrates the variability in summer flow conditions that must be taken into account when planning a field measurement program, or hydropower evaluations. The mean and low daily mean discharge characteristics are important for hydropower assessments. Figure 4 shows the mean and minimum daily mean discharge for Dahl Creek USGS gauge for the period of record. It illustrates the range in low flow conditions that can occur during summer months. Figure 5 shows the daily mean discharge for 1999 through 2009 and illustrates the variability in flow conditions over the last 11 years. Note the variability in timing of snowmelt breakup flooding events, which are sensitive to the variability in spring weather conditions. 5 140 USGS 157 43850 Dahl Creek Gauge Near Kobuk ~ 120 u c -_ 100 ()) ~ ro -5 80 (/) ~fi 0 c ro 60 ~ >. ~ 40 0 c 20 ro ~ ' \ -~ ~, \ ... ,~ ' \ r ,I'--......_ 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Period of Record Figure 2. USGS Dahl Creek gauge mean daily mean discharge, in cubic feet per second. 1,250 c 1,000 <If ~ ~ 750 1---i---+--+---+-- Ci c ro 500 I---+-~ ..2:- ~ 250 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Period of Record Figure 3. USGS Dahl Creek gauge daily mean-discharge period-of-record range, in cubic feet per second. 6 125 c 100 af ~ co "§ 75 Ci c ~ 50 >- ~ 25 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Period of Record · Figure 4. USGS Dahl Creek gauge mean and low daily mean discharges for the period of record, in cubic feet per second. USGS 157 43850 Dahl Creek Gauge Near Kobuk 700 .....--r--r----r-.----.----r----,.....--r-.....,...--,-.,....-..., --2009 600 U) ~500 af ~400 co ~300 c co ~ 200 ~ ~ 100 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec -2008 -2007 -2006 -2005 -2004 2003 -2002 -2001 -2000 -1999 Figure 5. USGS Dahl Creek gauge daily mean discharges for the 11-year period 1999 through 2009, in cubic feet per second. 7 The Lower Dahl Creek USGS Station is important in the Cosmos Hills region, as it serves as a representative stream for south facing watersheds in the lower foothills. The extent of the benefit from this station is dependent on the collection of supporting data to help develop correlations with climate and hydrologic processes. The gauge has a potential for serving as an index station for water-use permitting and hydropower design. lnstream water reservations for permitting normally require 4-5 years of data collection. Correlation between the USGS gauging site and stations in the hydrologic monitoring network may result in a shorter data collection period for permit applications, depending on the correlations between surface-water systems. Collection of comparative surface-water and meteorological data sets are critical for environmental and engineering evaluations. 2.0 PROCEDURES The following sections describe the general procedures used during the reporting period. As continued data collection activities are conducted, these procedures may be changed to help meet current or future project objectives. 2.1 SITE SELECTION The general site locations for the upper gauging stations in each of the study watersheds were determined during preliminary hydropower assessments performed by WH Pacific (201 0). General locations of the plant intakes were identified, and then gauging sites were selected that were at, or slightly upstream of, the location where flow conditions appeared conducive for continuous stage measurements. The stability of channel conditions and general site access was also taken into account for each station. Downstream station locations were selected based on the location of potential outlet structures for each hydropower plant. Water temperature was measured at, or slightly downstream of, each intended discharge location from the planned hydropower plants. The temperature data will be used to evaluate the baseline temperature gradients in the streams during the anticipated hydropower-production season. Basic hydrology observations will also be collected during station visits. 8 2.2 GAUGING STATION INSTALLATION AND OBJECTIVES The data stations are solar and battery powered. Land use permitting applications and associated documentation were prepared for AVEC and coordinated with their permitting contractors. The data-collection platforms use Campbell Scientific equipment, which is the standard used in a majority of the North Slope and western Alaska hydrologic and climate networks. The primary data collection at each station is stream stage, with supporting data collection including water temperature, air temperature, relative humidity, and summer precipitation (unshielded). Early spring station visits will be used to measure end-of-season snow conditions. The winter snowpack conditions are important for both understanding the snowmelt flood hydrograph and summer base flow conditions. There are currently no known snow measurements taking place in the Cosmos Hills region. Remote reporting of data provides cost savings in several areas, primarily in supporting field logistics. Benefits are also gained by reducing data loss caused by animals, flooding and other environmental factors. The station construction allowed operations through winter and summer seasons, withstanding animal or other environmental damage. A test of the station construction methods occurred in February 2011, when an avalanche covered up the Upper Cosmos Station. The station continued to collect stream water level and temperature data through the rest of the winter and during spring snowmelt flooding at the avalanche area, even when most of the station was under water. Real-time data reporting will also help support other logistical efforts in the area and local communities. A base station is located at the local school in Kobuk, with radio repeaters located on high ridges to allow communication to the gauging stations located in stream and river drainages. Field work in the project area is costly due to its remoteness and difficult logistics. The Kobuk area is nearly two hours away from Fairbanks or over an hour away from Kotzebue in a small plane. At least two of the gauging stations require helicopter access (Cosmos Creek, Kogoluktuk River). Stations were accessed by field crews via helicopters, ATVs, snowmachines or on foot. Over four hundred pounds of cabling, 9 conduit, batteries, photovoltaic panels and cameras were required at each station. Most of the field stations were accessed by helicopter in the summer and by snow machine in the winter. During the summer season, hydrologists were sheltered in huts at the Dahl Creek camp. In the fall, winter and spring seasons, floor space at the school in the village of Kobuk was utilized and had to be periodically vacated to accommodate school sessions. Due to poor weather, there were times during field visits when the helicopter was unable to fly and workers were on standby waiting to fly out to the sites. All of these factors contributed to the expense of the remote hydrology fieldwork. The data collection objectives at each of the primary gauging stations includes parameters to measure surface-water stage, unshielded precipitation, bank temperatures, shielded air temperature and relative humidity, and station diagnostics. Detailed descriptions of the data collection parameters are available in Appendix G and H for an example station. Each station uses the same data collection standards. The only exception is that one station (Upper Cosmos Creek Station-discontinued) also measures barometric pressure (NOT adjusted to sea level elevation for aviation applications). Barometric pressure is generally a regional property and cost considerations supported only one station having this measurement. Additionally, the surface-water gauging stations include cameras to help record visual observations of stream conditions, important for the general understanding of stream conditions, snow and winter icing conditions, and support of transportation logistics. Additional data for the sensor specifications and other station information is available on the project website. There are also repeater stations, used to help transmit data from the surface-water stations (normally in low-lying areas) back to a base station in Kobuk. The repeater stations also record shielded air-temperature and station diagnostics. The primary data reporting period is during summer months. Station data is normally updated every 1 to 3 hours. Adverse weather, animal damage (bears, foxes, etc.) and other environmental factors may impact station reporting. The Campbell data loggers provide 150 or more 10 days of onsite storage so no information is lost during periods when the telemetry network is not functioning. 2.3 LEVATION SURVEYING AND WATER LEVEL MEASURMENTS Local survey control, temporary benchmarks (TBM's), and stream cross sections were surveyed each field trip. The TBM's were established during the station installations in August 2010. Depending on ground conditions, benchmarks (generally rebar or bolts in stream boulders) may move on a seasonal basis, so a set of three to five benchmarks were installed at each site. TBM's were established to provide multiple balanced shots to help track potential seasonal movement of TBMs and make any required elevation adjustment. Reference marks (RMs) were also established to primarily provide easy measuring points for surface-water elevations at varying stage levels. Closed loop surveying was used to measure any changes in TBMs and RMs during each station visit in spring and summer months (Kennedy, 1990). Elevation-survey measurement forms are included in Appendix A. Water-level measurements and adjusted gauge heights made during the field trips in August and October 2010 and May, August, September, and October 2011 are reported in Appendix B. It is important to characterize stream cross-sections for establishing stream gauging stations and rating curves. During the August 2010 field trip, cross-section surveys were conducted at the Cosmos Creek, Dahl Creek, Wesley Creek, and Kogoluktuk River Stations and during the August 2011 field trip a cross-section survey was conducted at the Upper Kogoluktuk River Station. This data is reported in Appendix C. Cross-section surveys include surveys perpendicular to the channel and surveys upstream and downstream of the station to establish the water slope. Subsequent cross-section surveys may be made as needed when signs of erosion or other changes are noted during field visits. 2.4 WATER CHEMISTRY MEASUREMENTS The general water-quality measurements made for this project include temperature and conductivity. Appendix D reports the basic water-quality data measured at various creek 11 and river locations. The supporting water-quality meter calibration forms and resulting quality assurance results are provided in Appendix E. Additionally the station data collection systems measure and store water temperature information from the pressure transducers and stream-bank thermistors. The downstream sites located near the proposed hydropower outfalls use Hobo instream data loggers that measure stream temperature. The Hobo sensors have to be manually downloaded during station visits, or sensors are swapped with replacement sensors and downloaded at a later time. This data is reported in Appendix M. 2.5 DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS Discharge measurements were performed using an acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) and by conventional current meter methods. These techniques are described in the following sections. 2.5.1 ACOUSTIC DOPPLER DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS Except for a low-flow measurement on October 15, 2010, all of the discharge measurements on the Kogoluktuk River were performed using either a 2.0 kHz StreamPro or a 3.0 kHz Sontek RiverCat ADCP. Both of these devices are designed for shallow-water operation, with a maximum depth range of about 17 feet. The ADCP integrates water depths and velocities along transects extending from bank to bank, and computes a total discharge for each transect. Measurement of multiple transects improves the accuracy of each measurement and allows evaluation of overall measurement precision. Whereas Sontek's data acquisition software accepts both bottom-track and GPS positioning, the Stream Pro software accepts only bottom-track positioning. For the Sontek ADCP, a Geneq differential GPS (OGPS) receiver was used to collect position information via the Federal Aviation Administration's Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS). Poor satellite reception prevented accurate WAAS positioning during the August 2010 trip therefore ADCP measurements relied solely on bottom-track positioning, however the clear water and shallow depth of each transect (less than 4.5 12 feet) permitted visual observation of the sand to cobble-sized bed material. No bed movement was observed (nor is expected) based on the water velocities and bed materials encountered. The Sontek ADCP was not available for the May 2011 measuring event. As a result, the StreamPro was used, and each discharge measurement was accompanied by a loop moving bed test. Although the StreamPro provided acceptable results on May 28 and May 30, higher flows on May 23 and May 25, 2011 resulted in signal loss due to excessive turbidity and/or bed motion. As a result, the May 23 and May 25 discharge measurements were not usable. In the future, GPS positioning could help reduce ADCP data loss during spring breakup flow measurements. Upon completion of the ADCP measurements, the data were reviewed for internal consistency and acceptable precision measures. A subsequent office review included the following: • Reprocessing of each transect to confirm that the proper edge distances, transducer depths, and stream temperatures were used; • Review of each transect to identify lost or invalid ensembles; • Review of ship tracks and velocity vectors to identify bottom-track positioning problems; • Moving bed test processing and corrections; and • Comparison of multiple transects to evaluate precision. 2.5.2 CURRENT METER DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS Following procedures outlined by Rantz, et al., (1982), discharge measurements on Cosmos Creek, Wesley Creek, and Dahl Creek were made using conventional current meter methods. A surveyor's tape was used to divide the stream width into at least 25 partial vertical sections (termed "verticals"). The widths of the verticals were spaced such that no vertical contained more than 10 percent of the total discharge. For depths less than 2.5 feet, the velocity was measured at 60 percent of the water column height, and for depths over 2.5 feet the velocity was measured at 20 and 80 percent of the water column height. The velocity measurements were made with a Marsh-McBirney 13 Flow Mate 2000 flow meter mounted on a top-setting wading rod. Water depths were recorded to the nearest 0.05 feet. 2.6 SNOW SURVEY MEASUREMENTS Snow is an important part of the hydrologic cycle in the Cosmos Hills. Very few if any historical snow measurements exist. The development of baseline snow conditions began in March 2011, with the first spring snow surveys made for this project. Snow surveys are conducted by selecting sites that will help define the regional snow distribution. These would include sites in forested, tundra, and open environments. A typical site involves performing a snow-course, which includes collecting snow depth as well as snow density, using a method sometimes referred to as "double sampling". Snow-course data collected for the Cosmos Hills Hydrologic Project follows procedures as described by Derry, et al., 2009. Snow-depth measurements are performed in "L" shaped patterns with aT-handle probe approximately every 3.3 ft (1 m) for 82ft (25m), then turning 90 degrees, and continuing for another 82ft (25 m). Five snow density samples are collected with an Adirondack snow sampler at each site. To calculate average snow water equivalent (SWE) for a snow-course, the average of 50 snow depths are multiplied by the average of 5 snow density samples. The heterogeneous Arctic snowpack is more variable in depth than in density (Benson and Sturm, 1993); hence, more depth-measurement locations are required relative to density- measurement locations. 14 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTIONS This section describes the locations and general characteristics of each of the stations in the network. Table 1 lists the general elevations, latitude and longitude for each station. The table also lists the series of stations discontinued in September 2011. The elevations were measured with GPS units and not tied into any local datum control. Table 1. Surface-Water, Repeater, and Base Station Locations. North West Station Elevation Latitude Longitude Ft NAD 83 NAD 83 Upper Wesley Creek Station 615 66° 58.945' 156° 58.824' Lower Wesley Creek Station 260 66° 57.235' 157" 01.364' Lower Dahl Creek USGS Station 244 66° 56.737' 156° 54.795' Upper Kogoluktuk River Station 321 66° 59.706' 156° 41.969' Upper Kogoluktuk River Falls Station 339 66°59.151' 156°41.531' Lower Kogoluktuk River Station 279 66° 58.965' 156° 41.862' Wesley Creek Repeater Station 2010 66° 59.744' 156° 59.880' Kogoluktuk River Repeater Station 1707 66° 57.096' 156° 47.888' Kogoluktuk Falls Repeater Station 320 66° 59.225' 156° 41.535' Kobuk Base Station 147 66° 54.482' 156° 52.997' Stations Discontinued in September 2011 Upper Cosmos Creek Station 684 67" 00.287' 157" 06.534' Lower Cosmos Creek Station 336 66° 58.836' 157" 11.170' Upper Dahl Creek Station 405 66° 57.628' 156° 52.950' Middle Dahl Creek Station 287 66° 57.019' 156° 54.217' Cosmos Creek Repeater Station 1629 66° 59.421' 157" 07.022' Dahl Creek Repeater Station 1850 66° 57.919' 156° 51. 055' Data plots for the stations are also available on the project website. Figure 6 is an example of the datalogger panel temperature, battery bank voltage for the station, and solar panel output voltage. This graph is for the Upper Wesley Creek Station and is representative of the other creek stations. The data indicates the station battery banks stayed at a high charge capacity during winter months and solar charging started to increase in February and was meeting the daily energy consumption in March. When 15 the battery banks are fully charged (will not accept additional amps), the solar panel voltages will exceed 20 volts during clear sky conditions. 40.0 u .. 20.0 ~ .a 0.0 ra ~ -20.0 c. Upper Wesley Creek Station: Diagnostics Average Hourly Values 104.0 1.1.. 68.0 .. ~· 32.0 :I ..... ra -4.0 ... cu c. ~ -40.0 E -40.0 cu F F -60£ r-11 -~6.0 Mllr-1 ~-25.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~=~~~~~~ ~ 20.0 ..... ~ 15.0 ([j 10.0 r:: If. 5.0 ... 0.0 m 0 VI -Panel Temperature Battery VOltage Solar Panel VOltage Figure 6. Website plotting example of data logger temperature, battery bank voltage and solar panel output voltage for the Upper Wesley Creek Station. 3.1 UPPER COSMOS CREEK STATION The Upper Cosmos Creek Station was located in the upper portion of the Cosmos Creek watershed, at an approximate elevation of 684 feet above sea level. The station was located on the west bank of the creek, also called the "right bank" as viewed by an observer looking in the downstream direction. The station was located a few hundred feet to the east and southeast of the primary helicopter landing zone. The general channel conditions appear to be well anchored cobbles and boulders. Some boulders are over 3 feet (-1 meter) in diameter. There is brushy vegetation along both banks and signs of overflow channels in the right overbank area. The left bank is located against a talus slope from the adjacent Cosmos Mountain. The stage levels were measured in the creek just upstream from the large rock shown in Figure 7. The survey control points 16 were located both upstream and downstream of the station location . The discharge measurement locations varied upstream and downstream based on flow conditions at specific water level conditions. This station was discontinued in September 2011 . Additional station information is available on the following Internet link: » http :1/www. cosmos hydro. org/stations/UCosmosCrk/ Figure 7. Site picture of the Upper Cosmos Creek Station (8/18/10, M. Lilly). The station was located on the west bank and the picture is looking upstream. 3.2 LOWER COSMOS CREEK STATION The Lower Cosmos Creek Station was located on the east bank (left-hand bank), just downstream of a regional trail (Figure 8). The location was chosen on a deep cut bank so that there would be a greater chance of the sensor being under ice and not frozen in during winter months. The general stream conditions are well mixed so the temperature data should be representative of the general stream reach . There is thick vegetation on both sides of the stream and the stream bed is primarily composed of gravel and cobbles. Data collection at this station used a Hobo stream temperature sensor and 17 manual general stream observations . There was no real-t ime reporting from this station . This station was discontinued in September 2011. Figure 8. Site picture of the Lower Cosmos Creek Station, looking downstream from east bank (8/18/1 0, M. Lilly). 3.3 UPPER WESLEY CREEK STATION The Upper Wesley Creek Station is located just upstream of the Bornite Road bridge crossing . The station is on the west (right) bank (Figure 9). Stage levels are measured in a pool on the west side of the creek. Survey control is primarily on the west bank. The general discharge measurement location is just downstream of the station . The west bank is fairly high above creek water levels and the right bank will be underwater during flood events. There are thick alders on both banks , with some birch intermingled . The re are some large boulders along the creek edges , but less than in Cosmos Creek. The general bed material is composed of gravels and cobbles. Additional station data is available at the follow ing Internet site: };> http://www.cosmoshydro.org/stations/UWesleyCrk/ 18 Figure 9. Site picture of the Upper Wesley Creek Station, looking across the stream from the west bank (8/20/1 0, M. Lilly). 3.4 LOWER WELSEYCREEK STATION The Lower Wesley Creek Station is located on the west bank (right-hand bank), just downstream of a regional trail and old 4-wheeler bridge (Figure 1 0). The location was chosen on a deep cut bank (center of photograph) so that there would be a greater chance of the sensor being under ice and not frozen in during winter months. The general stream conditions are well mixed. There is thick vegetation and scattered spruce trees on both sides of the stream and the stream bed is primarily composed of gravel and cobbles. Data collection at this station uses a Hobo stream temperature sensor and manual general stream observations. There is no real-time reporting from this station. 19 Figure 10. Site picture of the Lower Wesley Creek Station, looking downstream from an old bridge on a regional trail (8/21/10, M. Lilly). 3.5 UPPER DAHL CREEK STATION The Upper Dahl Creek Station was located in the middle portion of the Dahl Creek watershed, at an approximate elevation of 405 feet above sea level. The station was located on the west bank (right-hand bank) of the creek. The station was also located downstream ofWye Creek , which is approximately 1 mile upstream of the station . The general channel conditions appear to be well anchored cobbles and boulders. Some boulders are over 3 feet (-1 meter) in diameter. There is thick brushy vegetation along both banks with scattered birch and spruce trees. The east bank is located against a talus slope from the adjacent southern ridge of Asbestos Mountain . The survey control points were located on the west bank near the station and also downstream of the station location . The discharge measuring locations were downstream of the station and varied in location based on flow conditions at specific water levels. This station was 20 discontinued in September 2011 . Additional station information is available on the following Internet link: );;>-http://www.cosmoshydro.org/stations/UDahiCrkl Figure 11 . Site picture of the Upper Dahl Creek Station looking downstream from the station on the west bank (8/12/10, M. Lilly). 3.6 MIDDLE DAHL CREEK STATION The Middle Dahl Creek Station was located on the west bank (right-hand bank), just downstream of a bend and clearing along the creek (Figure 12). The location was chosen on a deep cut bank so there would be a greater chance of the sensor being under ice and not frozen in during winter months. The general stream conditions are well mixed so the temperature data should be representative of the general stream reach . There is thick vegetation and abundant spruce trees on both sides of the stream and the stream bed is primarily composed of gravel and cobbles. Data collection at this station used a Hobo stream temperature sensor and manual general stream observations . There is no real-time reporting from this station . The USGS Dahl Creek 21 gauge is located downstream of this location . This station was discontinued in September 2011 . Figure 12. Site picture of the Middle Dahl Creek Station, looking south and downstream (8/21/1 0, M. Lilly). 3.7 UPPER KOGOLUKTUK RIVER STATION The Upper Kogoluktuk River Station is located in the lower portion of the Kogoluktuk River watershed , at an approximate elevation of 321 feet above sea level. The station is located on the east bank (left-hand bank) of the river. The station is also located downstream of the Ambler Lowlands and upstream of the Kogoluktuk Falls reach . The east bank is higher and steeper than the west bank. There is thick brushy vegetation a long both banks with scattered birch and spruce . There are also areas of black spruce indicating poorly drained or shallow permafrost soils. The station is located east of Asbestos Mountain . The survey control points are located on the east bank near the station and upstream and downstream of the station location . Some survey control points are located down the steep eastern bank. The discharge measuring locations are 22 near the station or upstream and may vary in location based on flow conditions at specific water levels. Additional station information is available on the following Internet link: )> http://www.cosmoshydro.org/stations/UKogoRvr/ Figure 13. Site picture of the Upper Kogoluktuk River Station, taken on the east bank, and looking slightly upstream (8/18/1 0, M. Lilly). 3.8 UPPER KOGOLUKTUK FALLS WINTER SUPPLEMENTAL STATION The Upper Kogoluktuk Falls Winter Supplemental Station is located in the upper portion of the Kogoluktuk River watershed , at an approximate elevation of 339 feet above sea level. This station was established in October 2011 to help collect data for winter flow conditions on the Kogoluktuk River . The bedrock-controlled channel concentrates the winter under-ice flow into a single channel. The station is located on the east bank (left- hand bank) of the river. The station is also located downstream of the Upper Kogoluktuk River Station and is the upstream end of the Kogoluktuk Falls reach. Both banks are 23 high, with bedrock exposures, swept clean during spring breakup flooding when the channel is packed with ice jams. There is thick brushy vegetation along both banks with scattered birch, spruce and black spruce trees. The station is located east of Asbestos Mountain and Northeast of Kobuk. The survey control points are located on the east bank near the station and upstream of the station location. Some survey control points are located down the steep eastern bank. The discharge measuring locations are near the station or upstream and may vary in location based on flow conditions at specific water levels. Additional station information is available on the following Internet link: ~ http://cosmoshydro.org/stations/KogoFalls Figure 14. Site picture of the Upper Kogoluktuk Falls Repeater Station (9/30/11, M. Lilly). 24 3.9 LOWER KOGOLUKTUK RIVER STATION The Lower Kogoluktuk River Station is located on the west bank (right-hand bank), just downstream of the upper falls area (Figure 15). The location was chosen on an outside bank so that there would be a greater chance of the sensor being under ice and not frozen in during winter months. The general river conditions are well mixed so the temperature data should be representative of the general river reach . There are large bedrock exposures on both sides of the river. The riverbed in this reach is likely a mix of bedrock , boulders and gravel. Data collection at this station is with a Hobo stream temperature sensor and manual river observations . There is no real-time reporting from this station . Figure 15. Site picture of the Lower Kogoluktuk River Station, looking downstream from the west bank (8/18/10, M. Lilly). 25 4.0 SELECTED RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This section provides a summary of data collected during the 2010-2011 reporting period. The primary goal of this project is to develop rating curves for gauging stations installed on the four streams selected for hydropower evaluations. Improved rating curves and more detailed interpretations will be possible after completion of the 2012 field season. Additional data is available on the project website (www.cosmoshydro.org), and appendices following the text of this report provide a summary of manual measurements collected during the field program. 4.1 DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS The following section summarizes results for discharge measurements performed using conventional current meter and acoustic Doppler measurement methods. Salt dilution methods were also attempted on Dahl and Cosmos Creeks, but better precision was obtained using current meter methods (see below). Flow conditions were adequate for current meter measurements on each of the small creeks, and during low-flow conditions (October 201 0) on the Kogoluktuk River. The August 2010 and October 2010 discharge measurements on the Kogoluktuk River were performed at the location shown on Figure 16. Due to the presence of shore ice in the vicinity of the gauge, the October 2010 stage measurements on Cosmos Creek and the Kogoluktuk River could have been ice-affected and were not used. High-flow ADCP measurements on May 23 and May 25, 2011 could not be used due to excessive signal loss, subsequent ADCP measurements on May 28 and May 30 yielded acceptable precision values (2.0 to 2.9 percent). A summary of discharge measurements is shown in Table 2, indicating that the average precision of current meter measurements was 1.7 percent, and the average precision of ADCP measurements was 3.0 percent. All of the current meter measurements satisfied the USGS criterion of no more than 10 percent of the total discharge within any partial vertical section. 26 Figure 16. 2010 Discharge measurement locations, Kogoluktuk River. Comparison of ADCP discharge values based on bottom-track vs. GPS positioning indicate that moving bed conditions occurred only during spring breakup on the Kogoluktuk River. Correction of bottom-track discharge measurements using the loop moving bed test (Mueller and Wagner 2009) yielded reasonable moving bed velocities (0.15-0.2 Ws) and acceptable precision values(< 2.9 percent). 27 Table 2. Summary of discharge measurements. Station Date, Time Water Surface Method Q,cfs Precision (%) Elevation 8/11/10 14:15 91.08 37.6 8/11/10 15:15 91.09 39.4 8/11/10 16:00 91.14 52.7 Upper Dahl 10/13/10 16:40 90.75 Current meter 16.4 Creek 5/29/11 13:55 91.61 103 1.5 5/30/1117:15 91.49 87.9 2.8 8/11/11 12:37 91.17 46.7 0.7 9/20/11 15:35 91.12 43.4 1.2 8/13/10 16:45 91.49 27.1 1.6 10/14/10 15:40 91.30 9.5 2.7 5/20/11 13:30 91.53 36.5 5/20/11 14:20 91.54 40.4 Upper 5/24/11 12:30 91.70 Current meter 65.5 Wesley Creek 5/24/11 14:00 91.78 78.7 5/29/11 16:25 91.72 65.3 5/29/11 17:15 91.73 64.9 8/10/11 18:15 91.57 34.1 9/20/11 12:40 91.50 24.5 3.2 8/13/10 11:30 97.05 41.3 1.4 10/14/10 13:35 96.59 13.2 0.4 Upper 5/27/1113:30 97.50 124 Cosmos 5/27/1114:20 97.53 Current meter 131 Creek 5/30/11 13:45 97.24 82.4 2.3 8/10/1112:30 97.16 64.1 0.5 9/23/11 11:50 96.89 31.7 8/14/10 17:15 85.15 ADCP 1,623 4.8 10/15/10 13:00 86.00 Current meter 335 Upper 5/28/1113:03 86.67 ADCP 5,614 2.9 Kogoluktuk 5/28/1114:12 86.62 ADCP 5,232 2.0 River 5/30/1110:03 86.08 ADCP 3,789 2.7 8/9/1115:09 85.07 ADCP 1,588 0.8 9/19/11 17:37 84.62 ADCP 921 4.7 4.2 STREAMFLOW COMPUTATIONS Computation of daily streamflows was accomplished using corrected stage data and preliminary rating curves developed for each station. The following sections describe the correction of pressure transducer data, rating curve development, and computation of daily streamflows. 28 4.2.1 CORRECTION OF PRESSURE TRANSDUCER OAT A Pressure transducer readings are converted to stream stage by adding an "offset" so that the sum of the transducer reading and the offset equals the surveyed water surface elevation. If the pressure transducer is moved, the offset is changed so that the calculated stage equals the surveyed water surface elevation. Similarly, the effect of transducer "drift" can be removed by changing the offset values so that the calculated stage equals the surveyed water surface elevation. These corrections were performed using the Aquarius Workstation, a commercial software package designed for streamflow computations. Aquarius data files for each gauging station are archived with project records. These files contain a record of all of the corrections performed on each data set. The following sections summarize corrections performed on transducer data from each gauging station. 29 Upper Dahl Creek Station. Figure 17 shows the raw and corrected stage data for the Upper Dahl Creek Station. The corrected data is initially based on pressure transducer no. 1 (PT1), but switches to PT2 on October 17,2010. The PT2 record is fairly "clean", requiring only a minor drift correction during the summer of 2010. Several pressure spikes were removed during the winter months, which are assumed to reflect ice formation on the transducers. 93 Q) 92 ~ .... ..r:. Cl "Q) ..r:. Q) Cl ::I 1'0 (!) 91 -Transducer no. 1 -Transducer no . 2 -Corrected stage 0 Hand measurement w ~--~~--~--~~--~--~~--~--~~--~--~-+--~~ 7/12/10 9/11/10 11/10/10 1/10/11 3/12/11 5/12/11 7/12/11 9/10/11 11/10/11 Figure 17. Raw and corrected stage data for the Upper Dahl Creek Station. 30 Upper Wesley Creek Station. Figure 18 shows the raw and corrected stage data for the Upper Wesley Creek Station. The corrected data is based on records from PT2, with minor drift corrections after October 2010. A few pressure spikes were removed during the winter months, which are assumed to reflect ice formation on the transducers. 93.0 92.5 -Q) .!! 92.0 ... ~ .!2' Q) .s::: Q) ~ 91 .5 (Q (!) 91.0 -Transducer no . 1 -Transducer no . 2 -Corrected stage 0 Hand measurement 00 .5 ~--~-r--r--r--r-~--.--.--.--.--r-~--~~--~~--,--. 7/12/1 0 9/11 /1 0 11/10/10 1/10/11 3/12111 5112111 7/12111 9/10/11 11 /10/11 1/10/12 Figure 18. Raw and corrected stage data for the Upper Wesley Creek Station. 31 Upper Cosmos Creek Station. Camera images, transducer records, and field visits indicate that the Cosmos Creek gauge height was ice-affected from about October 1, 2010 until May 2011. In addition, the gauging section was struck by an avalanche on February 23, 2011, resulting in temporary damming until a flow conduit melted through the avalanche debris. Upon the first field visit in May 2011, overflow channels were melted in the avalanche debris, indicating that breakup gauge heights were affected by snow damming. The stage hydrographs for Dahl and Wesley Creeks both exhibit smooth recession curves from September 2010 through May 2011 (Figures 16 and 17). Although the stage record for Cosmos Creek was affected by ice cover and avalanches, it is reasonable to assume that the flow hydrograph should show a similar recession . As a tool to estimate winter flows, a synthetic winter stage hydrograph was drawn mimicking those for Dahl and Wesley Creeks (Figure 19). The synthetic winter stage record has no physical significance other than as a tool to estimate winter flows. 100 -Transducer no . 1 -Transducer no. 2 99 -Corrected stage 0 Hand measurement -Q) ~ 98 -..c. Ol ·a; ..c. Q) Ol 97 ::I co (!) 96 95 ~--------~~--~~~~L-~~~~~--~--r-~--~~ 7/12/10 9/11/10 11/10/10 1/10/11 3/12/11 5112/11 7/12/11 9/10/11 11/10/11 Figure 19. Raw and corrected stage data for the Upper Cosmos Creek Station. 32 No attempt was made to estimate the breakup stage hydrograph for Cosmos Creek. Due to its larger basin area, breakup flows were probably higher than those for Wesley and Dahl Creeks. However, there is no way to eliminate the effect of snow damming caused by avalanche debris on the breakup stage record. The corrected stage data for Cosmos Creek is based on records from PT1, which was replaced by PT2 after the 2011 breakup. Aside from the synthetic winter hydrograph and the missing breakup hydrograph, only minor drift corrections were applied to the 2011 stage record. Upper Kogoluktuk River Station. Camera images, transducer records, and field visits indicate that the Kogoluktuk River gauge height was ice-affected from about October 1, 2010 until late May 2011. During the first field visit on May 23, 2011, stranded ice blocks indicated that the breakup stage hydrograph was probably affected by ice jamming. Like the stage hydrographs for Dahl and Wesley Creeks, the mean daily discharge hydrograph for the Kobuk River near Kiana (USGS Station No. 15744500) shows a smooth recession curve from October through May of the following year. Although the stage record for the Kogoluktuk River was affected by ice, it is reasonable to assume that the flow hydrograph exhibits a similar recession. As a tool to estimate winter flows, a synthetic winter stage hydrograph was drawn mimicking those for Dahl and Wesley Creeks (Figure 20). 33 -Transducer no . 1 -Transducer no . 2 -Corrected stage 0 Hand measurement 82 ~~r-~-,--~~--~~--~~--~~--~~--~-r--.--.-. 7/12/10 9/11/10 11/10/10 1110/11 3112/11 5/12/11 7/12/11 9/10/11 11/10/11 1/10/12 Figure 20. Raw and corrected stage data for the Upper Kogoluktuk River Station. No attempt was made to estimate the breakup stage hydrograph for the Kogoluktuk River. Without flow measurements, there is no way to eliminate the effect of ice jams on the stage record during breakup. The corrected stage data for the Kogoluktuk River is based on records from PT1, which was replaced after the 2011 breakup. In addition to the synthetic winter hydrograph and the missing breakup hydrograph, several offset and drift corrections were applied to the 2011 stage record. 34 4.2.2 PRELIMINARY RATING CURVE DEVELOPMENT Rating curves were developed for each station to allow computation of discharge from corrected stage records. Assuming steady and uniform flow, the rating equation can be developed from Manning's equation for open-channel flow: Q=C(G-el where: Q =discharge, C =a coefficient mainly controlled by channel width and bed roughness, G = gauge height, e = an offset that relates gauge height to hydraulic head, and a= an exponent mainly controlled by channel geometry. With field measurements of Q and G, the rating equation contains three unknowns, which require solution by numerical optimization. Without constraints on the realistic ranges of C, e, and a, an equally-good fit of Q and G can be obtained for a wide variety of parameter values. Within the range of measurement, inaccurate parameter values may have only a minor effect on the overall goodness-of-fit. However, when the rating equation is extrapolated to high and low flows, unrealistic parameter values can result in significant computation errors. Although no low flow measurements have been performed, low flow estimates are needed to prioritize further field work. These estimates were developed by rating curve extrapolation, using care to ensure that parameter values were within reasonable limits. With choice of the correct gauge offset (e), measurements of flow vs. (G -e) should plot as a straight line in bilogarithmic space. The gauge offset is further constrained by the elevation of zero flow, which should approach the lowest gauge offset. If there is a breakpoint in the rating, the gauge offset should be larger at higher flows. The exponentDa varies between about 1.3 and 3.0, depending on the shape and length of the control. The exponent is typically lower for rectangular than for v-shaped 35 channels, and should increase with channel complexity. Higher exponents can also result from failure to conform to the steady, uniform flow assumption. The coefficient C carries information regarding the slope, roughness, and channel complexity. V-shaped channels should have larger coefficients than rectangular channels. With realistic values for a and e, C can be determined by curve-fitting. The following sections discuss the rating curves obtained for each gauging station. Upper Dahl Creek Station. A preliminary rating for the Upper Dahl Creek Station is illustrated in Figure 21, based on eight flow measurements ranging from 16.4 to 103 cfs. One flow measurement on August 12, 2010 was not honored, possibly due to unsteady flow conditions resulting from heavy rain. A gauge offset of 89.81 feet results in a linear plot in bilogarithmic space, and is consistent with the elevation of the downstream control. The rating exponent (2.824) is also consistent with a laterally confined, bouldery control. Extrapolation of the rating curve to the highest and lowest gauge heights results in maximum and minimum instantaneous flows of 290 and 2.1 cfs, respectively. The maximum and minimum mean daily flows are 209 and 2.2 cfs, respectively, which show reasonable agreement with the maximum and minimum mean daily flows for the Lower Dahl Creek Station (224 and 2.5 cfs; USGS No. 15743850). Except for some short pressure spikes, the 2011 winter gauge record at the Upper Dahl Creek Station does not require correction for ice effects, as is necessary at the Lower Dahl Creek station (USGS No. 15743850). This is probably due to the relatively confined cross section at the upper Dahl Creek gauge pool (Figure 22). 36 92.5 92.0 Q) 2 91.5 91.0 90.5 I I Single measurement or average 0 of replicates (error bars indicate standard deviation) L:::. Measurement, rejected - - -Rating, extrapolated Q) 0 "C (1] ~1 10 Q = 19.631*(G-89.81)2 ·824 100 90.0 -t-------,-------,--------.-----,--------r---------, 0 100 200 300 Dischar e, cfs Figure 21. Preliminary rating for the Upper Dahl Creek Station. 37 Upper Dahl Creek Station, Cross-Section Survey, 8/11/10 100~~~--~~~--~-r~~~-T--r-~~--~~~ .l~.~-~-~-~?.~~~~-~-~~~?.~--~~~~-~~i-~~J ........... f .............. L.~.~-~---1 ............ . : : : !fevatlon •\ ... ···[ ...... ··j ...... ! ... ..... ~ ....... ···! .... ······!-Control ....... . <· .. ·i·· 1 .: ..... ; ......... : ........ ~ .. ·· ~\ ..... l .............. l .. oot-;::;~e~m T .............. ; ...................... s.tat io·n····l l .: . . . . .. . \1·.. . 1 ... ·; ...... -~ .)~lght \ · · · .. · ...... : · · · .... ·t .... · · · · · ~ ..... l :(West) Left !I i : l : Bank (East) : · · ........ · · : • B k . General Stream 1i( W t : El . an : : · : : . a er ev. ........................... ~ ......... Levels ........ -;-.............. : ........... ·: ... 5/29/11 ........ .. E 99 ::J ... tU 0 98 Q) Cl ::J 97 tU (!) Q) 96 > 0 ..0 95 <( ... Q) 94 Q) LL .s 93 c:: 0 92 :;::: tU > Q) 91 w : 90 89 .... : : . Water Elev: • • 1111.. ..... .. ...... : ... ·'· : . \ ~·~· 10/17/10 • \ I 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Cross-Section Distance, in Feet Figure 22. Surveyed cross section at the Upper Dahl Creek Station. Upper Wesley Creek Station. A preliminary rating for the Upper Wesley Creek Station is illustrated in Figure 23, based on ten flow measurements ranging from 9 .5 to 79 cfs . A gauge offset of 90.97 feet results in a linear plot in bilogarithmic space, but yields unrealistically low flows(< 0.1 cfs) at the lowest observed gauge height (90.95 feet on May 12, 2011 ). Camera images suggest flows on the order of 1-2 cfs during this timeframe, which is consistent with the ratio of annual minimum to October 15th flows on nearby measured streams (Figure 24). As a result, a breakpoint was added and a smaller exponent was used to obtain higher minimum flows. 38 93.2 92.8 92.4 a; ~ 1: Cl "iii 92.0 .c. Q) Cl ;:, ttl (!) 91.6 91 .2 Single measurement or average 0 of replicates (error bars indicate standard deviation) - - -Rating, extrapolated ",.{~ ~'!Jo\.»fJ ~ 'ifll•\G ~ , , ~ -g '\~' ,' I, at 91.25 feet ~ o]: , :~umed breakpoint 0 .1 I I I I I 10 I I 100 00.8 4---------~---------,r---------~---------.---------.--------~ 0 200 400 6 Dischar e, cfs Figure 23. Preliminary rating for the Upper Wesley Creek Station. Kobuk River near Kiana Dahl Creek near Kobuk 10 10 8 31 data points 8 average = 0 .14 15 data points Oct. 2010 flow was average = 0.18 r! 54% of normal r! Oct. 2010 flow was l 6 l 6 85% of normal ~ ~ c: ~ Q) ::::J w 4 e 4 u. u. 2 2 0 0 0 0.04 0 .08 0.1 2 0.18 0.2 0.24 0.28 0.32 0 .36 0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.2 0 .24 0.28 0 .32 0.36 0.4 Ratio of annual minimum to flow on the revious October 15 Figure 24. Ratios of annual minimums to flows on the previous October 15. 39 Although no data supports the lower rating curve segment, the gauge offset (90.97 feet) and the rating exponent (2.485) for the upper segment are consistent with the control geometry (Figure 25). Extrapolation of the rating curve to the highest and lowest gauge heights results in maximum and minimum instantaneous flows of 590 and 1.4 cfs, respectively , and a maximum mean daily flow of 237 cfs. Although the maximum instantaneous flow is higher than that for upper Dahl Creek (290 cfs), the mean annual flow for upper Wesley Creek is 70 percent of that for upper Dahl Creek. This compares favorably with the ratio of basin areas (67 percent). The lower peak flow for upper Dahl Creek may be related to the elongated shape of the Dahl Creek watershed as compared with the Wesley Creek drainage basin. Upper Wesley Creek Station, Cross-Section Survey 100 I I ! ! ! E -•-Cross Section Elevation ! : : Station :::1 99 r-·······:········: ····· ····:·· ·· ··T ········-~····· :. ·······;············:·········- ~ 98 ,.. ....... ; ......... J ....... !. ........ l Loo~ing 1 ....... [. ~- ~ ~ : ~ pownstrea~ ~ 111 : ;; 97 f-···········i~-~---··· ... ; ; ········i············f ···········i······ ····- ~ 96 _,;:!ll~·-······ .. ···f·*-· .. ··;~i······ .. i·· .. ··· .. -· .. j ............. l ......... {i··········· .. i ........... _ .8 ss ........ ~Ms .. 1. ..... ~ .... •~ .... l .......... ! ........ J... ... ~ .. J ......... [ ....... -<( . • . • . . . • • . -~ Q) u.. .5 c 0 :;:: a:s > ~ w Eleyatlon ~ Left ~ l ) ! J R:lght ! 94 _ ....... c~ntroi ·"T ..... (Ea~t}'"···y ·b~~~-~~-~-~~~~~;~--~ .. (West}' .... ; ......... .. 93 -........... , ............. , ...... Bank ....... \ .. ;......... . ..... , .......... Bank ...... , .......... . : : : : Levels : : : 92 ~ ~ ~ ..... ,b ~;f;, .. ': : -........... : .. · .. ········;·············:··· .. ·a;·· ...... r·····:s·· ....... , ............. : .......... . : :········ .......... ~i~f ~r = ... t~~----1· .. ·.··~;~~;~~~-:···_ : . : ; : • 10/16/10 : i i i i i i i i as~~~~~~._~_.~--~~~~--~~~_.--~ 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Cross-Section Distance, in Feet Figure 25. Surveyed cross section at the Upper Wesley Creek Station. 40 Upper Cosmos Creek Station. A preliminary rating for the Upper Cosmos Creek Station is illustrated in Figure 26, based on seven flow measurements ranging from 31.7 to 131 cfs. One flow measurement on October 14, 2010 was not honored due to ice effects. A gauge offset of 90.97 feet results in a linear plot in bilogarithmic space, but yields unrealistically high flows at low gauge heights, even when October 2010 ice effects are removed (Figure 19). As a result, a breakpoint was added and a smaller offset applied to gauge heights below 96.8 feet. a; $ :i Cl ·a; .r::. Q) Cl ;;;) m (.9 98.0 Single measurement or average 97.5 97.0 96.5 96.0 95.5 I 0 of replicates (error bars indicate standard deviation) D. Measurement, ice-affected - - -Rating, extrapolated 23o9 t:,_l l 201 .. \G- g5.30). I I a-:::9. ~1 Q. "C m Q) .r::. Assumed breakpoint at 96.8 feet 10 0 ~ 100 1~ wo Dischar e, cfs Figure 26. Preliminary rating for the Upper Cosmos Creek Station. 41 100 250 Upper Cosmos Creek Station, Cross-Section Survey 10 20 30 40 50 60 Cross-Section Distance, In Feet 70 Figure 27. Surveyed cross section at the Upper Cosmos Creek Station. 80 Although no data supports the lower rating curve segment, the gauge offset (96.14 feet) and the rating exponent (2.296) for the upper segment are consistent with the control geometry (Figure 27). Extrapolation of the rating curve to the lowest synthetic gauge height results in flows consistent with the ratio of annual minimum to October 15 flows on nearby measured streams (Figure 24). The rating curve was not extrapolated to the highest gauge heights due to snow damming caused by avalanche debris. Upper Kogoluktuk River Station. A preliminary rating for the Upper Kogoluktuk River Station is illustrated in Figure 28 , based on six flow measurements ranging from 921 to 5,614 cfs . One flow measurement on October 15, 2010 was not honored due to ice effects. A gauge offset of 82.60 feet results in a linear plot in bilogarithmic space , and 42 both the gauge offset and the rating exponent (2.568) are consistent with the complex channel cross-section (Figure 29). To obtain annual minimum flows consistent with Figure 24, a breakpoint was added and a smaller offset applied to gauge heights below 84.54 feet. Parameter values for the lower segment have little meaning because stage hydrograph is synthetic below the assumed breakpoint. Extrapolation of the rating curve to the lowest synthetic gauge height results in flows consistent with the ratio of annual minimum to October 15 1h flows on nearby measured streams (Figure 24). The rating curve was not extrapolated to the highest gauge heights because they probably reflect ice jams during spring breakup. 90.0 Average ADCP measurement 88.0 E Cl ~ 86.0 /::,. Q) Cl ::::1 C1l (.9 84.0 I I 0 0 (error bars indicate standard deviation) D. Measurement, ice-affected - - -Rating, extrapolated Assumed breakpoint at 84.54 feet 1000 4000 8000 12000 Dischar e, cfs 16000 Figure 28. Preliminary rating for the Upper Kogoluktuk River Station. 43 10000 20000 Upper Kogoluktuk River Station Cross~ection Survey, 8/14/10, 8/15/10, and 8/9/11 (Doppler) 94r-~-r~==~~~~==~~~==~~~ E 93 -•-Cross-Section Elevation . , . ~ 92 .... RM6 -•-Do ler Cross-Section Elev_~tiorl ......... ~····/ ~ 91 1 Elevati~n . . , , , . ) . . . ... ; / ~ : iJc :::0· ................ [ .... oo~:;:;~rn .. L· .... :.·.: ... : .. ~:~::)/···· 0 88 ~ (East). .. ... . ~ -~ • ......... i Bank • .c : : ' : : 1: i 87 ~Bank : · Gen7:~!~eam ·: j ;i ~ 86 .. ,.. ... ............ : .........................•. ; .... . . 5 • ~ Water Elev: 5/30/11 • : .§ : \:: : ·; : ... · ···· . +water Etev: 10/15J1o .... : .i.,:j: :. ~ • 0 • 0 • • • ~ : \li~~r~~~:·~·~~~.,..;.,~~t r ' Doppler Section, 253.5 Feet Wide ' ao~~--~~~~~--~--~~--~~--~--~~ 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Cross-Section Distance, in Feet Figure 29. Surveyed cross section at the Upper Kogoluktuk River Station. 4.2.3 MEAN DAILY FLOW COMPUTATIONS Mean daily flows were computed with the Aquarius Workstation using the rating curves and corrected stage records described above. Mean daily flows are tabulated in Appendix L, and the corresponding hydrographs are shown in Figure 30. 4.2.4 STREAMFLOW MEASUREMENT DISCUSSION In contrast with the U.S. Geological Survey's Lower Dahl Creek Station (no. 15743850), winter stage hydrographs at the upper Dahl and upper Wesley Creek stations exhibited only brief pressure spikes during periods of extreme cold. Upon return to more moderate winter temperatures, both stage hydrographs reverted to a gradual recession curve (Figure 30). This behavior is interpreted as pressurized flow beneath ice cover 44 during cold snaps, followed by open-water conditions beneath ice cover as the stream stage continues to decline. Based on the stage hydrographs, it appears that the wetted perimeter beneath ice cover was largely ice-free, allowing extrapolation of the rating curves to winter low-flow conditions. Although 2011 winter flows for the Kobuk River at Kiana (USGS Station no. 15744500) are estimated at a constant 1 ,500 cfs from February 10 to May 7, the 31-year mean flow shows a smooth recession curve matching those for Dahl and Wesley Creeks (Figure 30). This suggests a regional relationship that may be applicable to other streams. Although no winter flow measurements are available to confirm them, winter flows for Cosmos Creek and the Kogoluktuk River were estimated by mimicking the recession curves for Dahl Creek, Wesley Creek, and the 31-year record on the Kobuk River. Specifically, annual minimum flows for Cosmos Creek and the Kogoluktuk River were estimated at 14 percent of flow on the preceding October 151h, which represents the average value for the Kobuk River record. Inspection of the resulting hydrographs suggests that the Kogoluktuk's actual minimum flow might be higher than the resulting 50 cfs, perhaps due to unusually low flows on October 15, 2010. Additional high-flow measurements will be needed to confirm the estimated peak flow for Wesley Creek (590 cfs), provided that the Upper Wesley Creek Station rating remains stable. The estimated peak flow for upper Dahl Creek (290 cfs) agrees with daily flows for the Lower Dahl Creek USGS station (no. 15743850). Estimated peak flows were not obtained for Cosmos Creek and the Kogoluktuk River, where the stage records were affected by ice jams and avalanche debris. Although the upper Cosmos and upper Dahl Creek stations have been decommissioned, winter low-flow measurements are needed to confirm the rating curve on Wesley Creek, and the recession curve for the Kogoluktuk River. If ice cover prevents open-water discharge measurements, salt dilution could be used on Wesley Creek, and dye dilution could be used at the Upper Kogoluktuk Supplemental Station. 45 Both techniques require thorough mixing, which would be possible at the Upper Kogoluktuk Falls and in the rapid above the Upper Wesley Creek Station. If peak flow measurements are needed for the Kogoluktuk River, these will require direct ADCP measurements using GPS positioning. With ADCP measurements on both limbs of the breakup hydrograph, it should be possible to estimate the peak flow if ice prevents direct measurement. 1000000 100000 ~ 10000 ai E' m .t:. u "' i5 1000 :?: "ffi c c:: m ~ 100 10 ----UpperDahiCk ----Upper Wesley Ck ----Upper Cosmos Ck ----Upper Kogoluktuk R ----Kobuk River 2011 ----Kobuk 31-year mean ~ .......... I ............... I ~ .......... I ·~:=::::-----I I ._ -::::--,.._ -I!.J --~:::J\1 7/12/10 9/11/10 11/10/10 1/10/11 3/12/11 5/12/11 7/12/11 9/10/11 11/10/11 Figure 30. Mean Daily Hydrographs. 4.3 WATER TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS Understanding baseline water temperature conditions is important for evaluating any type of hydropower development. 4.3.1 WATER TEMPERATURE RESULTS We measured water temperature at the primary gauging sites and locations downstream in each of the three creeks and the Kogoluktuk River. The locations are at the approximate discharge points for early designs of the hydropower infrastructure. 46 Examples of stream temperature data for the lower stations (Figure 31 ), upper stations (Figure 32), and the Upper Kogoluktuk River Station (Figure 33) follow. The Kogoluktuk River temperatures are warmer than the three creeks until the onset of winter. In early winter, the temperature relationship is changed and the Kogoluktuk River water temperatures are colder at the downstream station. This change in temperature relationship is likely due to the differences in groundwater inflow to the streams, versus the upstream surface-water exposure to atmospheric warming. The drop in the temperature below freezing at the Lower Kogoluktuk River Station in October may be related to short-term freezing of the sensor in river ice. The data also shows the sensitivity of the surface-water systems to diurnal temperature warming. The summer temperatures are more similar between Cosmos Creek and Wesley Creek, with Dahl Creek generally having colder temperature conditions. 47 20 18 16 0 14 0 c 12 Q) 5 10 -cu ... 8 Q) Cl. E 6 Q) ~ ... 4 Q) -~ 2 0 -2 COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC STUDY DOWNSTREAM TEMPERATURE STATIONS --Lower Cosmos Creek --Lower Wesley Creek --Middle Dahl Creek --Lower Kogoluktuk River Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 2010 to 2011 66 62 58 54 50 46 42 38 34 30 lL 0 .5 ~ ::1 -E Q) Cl. E ~ ... Q) ~ Figure 31. Water-temperature data from the time of installation to the September 2011 field trip for the series of downstream stations. 48 COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC STUDY Average15-Minute Water Temperature Coamoa & Dahl stations terminated 09125/11 Avalanche buried Cosmos station 02123/11 Note: Upper Welsey Creek measurements below stream bed 77 68 59 (L ~ e ::::s -50 e CD Q. E 41 I!! 32 ~ ~ Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 2010-2012 -Upper Cosmos Creek -Upper Welsey Creek -Upper 01hl Creek -Upper Kogoluktuk River Figure 32. Water-temperature data (15 minute averages) from the time of installation to February 2012, for the series of upstream stations. 49 COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC STUDY Upper Kogoluktuk River Water Temperature 25~~~~~~~mm~mm~~wm~~~~~~~~~ 77 20 68 59 (L 'L,. ~ ::1 -50 e! 4) a. E 41 4) 1- 32 ~ ~ Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 2010-2012 -Average 15-Minute -Average Hourly -Average Daily Figure 33. Water-temperature data from the time of installation to February 2012, for the Upper Kogoluktuk River Station. 4.4 SPRING SNOW MEASUREMENTS AND FIELD OBSERVATIONS The general snow conditions were fairly uniform at sites measured during the March 2011 field trip, Figure 34. In the lower slopes of the Cosmos Hills and the North-South transect up Wesley Creek and Ruby Creek, the snow conditions were fairly uniform. The snow conditions at the upper ridges were noted to be more wind packed and have thinner snow cover. The average density at seven snow-course sites (Table 3) during the March field trip ranged from 0.22-0.26 g/cm3 , which indicate very homogenous snowpack conditions. Due to this consistency in density, as well as traveling and sampling time constraints, at three sites (Kogoluktuk River-Forest, Wesley Creek-SC1 , and Wesley Cree k-SC5) only snow-depth measurements were collected in order to ensure adequate time to collect a greater spatial coverage of snow depth. SWE was 50 calculated for the three sites where density was not collected by taking the average density from nearby representative (in terms of general landscape and vegetation type) snow-course sites. The SWE ranged from 6.4 inches H20 (16.2 em) to 12.8 inches H20 (32.6 em) with an area average of 10.1 inches H20 (25. 7 em). The average snow depth for the study area was 43.0 inches (1 09.2 em). The average density for all sites sampled was 0.23 g/cm3 . Discussions with local residents and teachers of Kobuk indicated this was a relatively high snow year, compared to at least the last ten years. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 0 • 0 I f ·' ~ I 10 12 14km Figure 34. Snow survey site locations during March 2011 field trip. 51 Table 3. Snow Survey Summary, March 24 to 27, 2011. Snow-Course Site Name and Date Sampled Wesley Cr Data Shown South to North Cosmos Dahl Dahl Kogo Kogo Wesley Wesley Wesley Wesley Wesley Lower Airstrip Station Forest Sandbar SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 scs (3/25) (3/24) (3/26) (3/26) (3/26) (3/24) (3/24) (3/27) (3/27) (3/27) Average snow depth (em)= 85.4 73.9 127.8 115.5 91.7 141.8 121.5 117.4 123.8 93.2 Maximum snow depth (em)= 105.0 90.0 155.0 143.0 96.0 165.0 175.0 135.0 140.0 120.0 Minimum snow depth (em)= 63.0 61.0 85.0 101.0 86.0 100.0 65.0 100.0 110.0 70.0 Standard deviation (em)= 9.7 7.5 14.4 7.3 2.4 17.1 23.5 8.5 8.1 11.9 Average snow depth (in)= 33.6 29.1 50.3 45.5 36.1 55.8 47.8 46.2 48.7 36.7 Maximum snow depth (in)= 41.3 35.4 61.0 56.3 37.8 65.0 68.9 53.1 55.1 47.2 Minimum snow depth (in)= 24.8 24.0 33.5 39.8 33.9 39.4 25.6 39.4 43.3 27.6 Standard deviation (in)= 3.8 3.0 5.7 2.9 1.0 6.7 9.2 3.3 3.2 4.7 Average Density (gr/em 3)= 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.23 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.24 Average SWE (em H20) = 19.2 16.2 29.1 27.7 23.0 32.6 31.9 27.9 27.4 21.9 (in H20)= 7.5 6.4 11.5 10.9 9.1 12.8 12.6 11.0 10.8 8.6 (ft H20)= 0.6 0.5 1.0 0.9 0.8 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.7 Note: bold italics indicates averaged value for average density 52 5.0SUMMARY A surface-water data collection network was established in the Cosmos Hills region in August 2010 for the purpose of evaluating the hydropower potential for Cosmos Creek, Wesley Creek, Dahl Creek and the Kogoluktuk River. The primary purpose of the network and resulting field data collection efforts is to establish stage-discharge rating curves for each of the surface water systems of interest. Secondary objectives include the collection of surface-water temperature data at the main gauging stations and downstream stations located near potential hydropower outlets. Summer precipitation and spring snowpack measurements are also measured, along with air temperature and relative humidity. Surveying, manual water quality measurements and other general field hydrology observations were also recorded for the data stations and surface-water systems. The data station network includes repeater sites to help provide telemetry communications back to a base station located at Kobuk School. Selected data is reported on a project website. Additional surface-water discharge measurements were made in October 2010 to help establish discharge observations at low water conditions. Cosmos Creek and the Kogoluktuk River October discharge measurements were ice affected and are likely not applicable to the rating curve development, but still useful for understanding the early winter flow conditions at the respective stations. During severe winter storms in February 2011, three of the repeater station radios were impacted by potential atmospheric static conditions. These radios were repaired during the spring 2011 field efforts. Snow surveys and station visits were made near the end of March 2011. Warm conditions and deep snowpack resulted in field crews not being able to access the Upper Cosmos Creek Station and the Upper Kogoluktuk River Station. Upper Wesley Creek and upper Dahl Creek stations were visited and station operations were normal and data collection systems were working well. Snowpack conditions are high for spring 2011. Depending on spring weather conditions, this should result in relatively high snowmelt discharge conditions. An evaluation of the hydropower potential allowed the 53 evaluation of the four main stations and it was determined that Wesley Creek and the Kogoluktuk River hydrology data collection efforts should continue. A winter supplemental gauging station was established on the Kogoluktuk River to help provide winter flow information and establish a location to conduct winter flow measurement. All of the project objectives were met during the period of August 2010 through December 2011, with the exception of the impacts of the February storm event on the telemetry reporting system. 6.0 REFERENCES Benson, C. S. and Sturm, M. 1993. Structure and wind transport of seasonal snow on the Arctic Slope of Alaska. Annals of Glaciology, 18, 261-267. Derry, J., Lilly, M., Schultz, G., Cherry, J., 2009. Snow Data Collection Methods Related to Tundra Travel, North Slope, Alaska. December 2009, Gee-Watersheds Scientific, Report GWS.TR.09.05, Fairbanks, Alaska, 12 pp (plus appendices). Kennedy, E. J. 1990. Levels at Streamflow Gaging Stations. Techniques of Water- Resources Investigations of the United States Geological Survey, Book 3 "Applications of Hydraulics", Chapter A-19. Lilly, M.R., Derry, J. 2010. A workplan for Cosmos Hills hydro-electric hydrologic network project: station installation and stream gauging, August 2010. August. 16 pp (plus appendices). Mueller, D.S., and Wagner, C.R. 2009. Measuring discharge with acoustic Doppler current profilers from a moving boat: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 3A-22, 72 p. Rantz, S.E. and others. 1982. Measurement and computation of streamflow: Volume I. Measurement of stage and discharge. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2175, 2 v., 631 p. 54 Rovansek, R.J., D.L. Kane and Hinzman, L.D. 1993. Improving estimates of snowpack water equivalent using double sampling. Proceedings of the 61 st Western Snow Conference, 157-163. 55 APPENDIX A. ELEVATION SURVEY FORMS The following form reports the elevation survey information obtained during field activities. A-1 Cosmos Hills Elevation Network Sumrn"'"' ProjectiD: Site LocatiOn/Lake ~0 Survey Purpose: Update: 811712011 Location: The survey network is located near the closure of the upper basin as it leaves the south facing hillsides. The survey network is located upstream and downstream of the Upper Cosmos Creek Station. Network Maintain Gauge Datum Control objective: Bench Mark Information: Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Responsible (It} (dd·mmmmm) (ddd-mm.mmm} RM1 GW 100 Scientific (arbltrarvl N 67' 00 287' w 157' 06.534' Station Date Elevation Date Elevation Difference Adjusted (las I} (las I) (It) Elevation /fool\ RM1 8113110 100.00 10114110 100.00 0.00 100.00 RM2 8113110 98.85 10114110 98.85 000 98.85 RM3 8113110 97.96 10114110 97.96 0.00 97.96 RM4 8113110 98.86 10114110 98.86 0.00 98.86 RM5 8113110 99.05 10114110 99.01 -0.04 99.05 RM6 8113110 100.19 10114110 100.19 0.00 100.19 RM7 8113110 98.48 98.48 RM8 RM9 RP1 8/13110 97.14 10114110 97.14 0.00 97.14 RP2 8113110 97.94 10/14110 97.94 0.00 97.94 RP3 RP4 Survey 0.00 0.00 Closure Level, BPMSL Balded Elevations indicate reference point used to start survey Elevation Reference Mark Adjstment Notes RM5 not adjusted down for 10/1411 0 survey RM5, RM6 both adjusted upward on 5127111 survey, frost jacking Upper Cosmos Creek Time: 1300 Date Elevation Difference Adjusted Date Elevation Difference Adjusted Remarks (fasl) (It) Elevation (las I) (It) Elevation lfasll ''••" 100.00 5130111 99.99 -0.01 100.00 Rebar upstream of stat ron on right (Wes1) bank 98.85 5130111 98.85 0.00 98.85 Rebar on bank belween s1ation am creek, not attached to PT condurt 97.96 5130111 97.96 0.00 97.96 Rebar downstream of station on right (west) bank 98 86 98.96 Rebar downstream of stahon and due west of RM3 5127111 99.09 0.04 9909 5130111 99.09 0.00 99.09 Rebar west of the station and southwest of RM6 5127111 100.28 009 100.28 5130111 100.28 0.00 100.28 Rebar directly west of the station a the end of the station cross section 98.48 98.48 Rebar on Jel\ (east) side of creek, at the east end of the cross section 5127111 101.87 101 87 5130111 101.96 -0.01 101.87 Rebar northwesl of RMS, uphill by small spruce tree 5127111 98.22 98.22 5130/11 98.21 -0.01 98.22 Rebar near station to anchor PT's, upstream of RM2 5127111 97.15 0.01 97.14 5130111 97.14 0.00 97.14 Rebar in water. about 4 feet from bank in creeK 5127111 97.94 0.00 97.94 5/30/11 97 94 0.00 97.94 Rebar in water closer 1o banK, direct!y adjacent 1o small boulder 5127111 95.74 95.74 95.74 Rebar downstream of station, on right (west) bank 5130111 103.96 103.96 Rebar o~ ~i~:test) bank, upstream downstream of island 001 001 A-2 Cosmos Hills Elevation Network Summary Form Project 10: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake 10: Upper Cosmos Creek Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Update 2/17/2012 Time: 1700 Location The survey network is located near the closure of the upper basin as it leaves the south facing hillsides. The survey network is located upstream and downstream of the Upper Cosmos Creek Station. The network and station were pulled on 9/25/11. Network Maintain Gauge Datum Control objective: Bench Mark Information: Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM1 GW 100 Scientific (arbitrary) N 67" 00.287' w 157" 06.534' Station Date Adjusted Date Elevation Difference Adjusted Date Elevation Difference Adjusted Date Elevation Difference Adjusted Remarks Elevation (las/) (ft) Elevation (las/) (It) Elevation (las/) (It) Elevation llasll "••" _lfasll lias /I RM1 5/30/11 100.00 8/10/11 99.99 -0 01 100.00 9/25/11 99.99 -0.01 100.00 Rebar upstream of station on right (west) bank RM2 5/30/11 98.85 8/10/11 98.85 0.00 98.85 9/25/11 98.84 -0.01 98.85 Rebar on bank between station an( creek, not attached to PT conduit RM3 5/30/11 97.96 8/10/11 97.95 -0.01 97.96 9/25/11 97.96 0.00 97.96 Rebar downstream of station on right (west) bank RM4 98.86 8/10/11 98.86 0.00 98.86 98.86 Rebar downstream of station and due west of RM3 RM5 5/30/11 99.09 8/10/11 99.04 -0.05 9904 99.04 Rebar west of the station and southwest of RM6 RM6 5/30/11 100.28 8/10/11 100.19 -009 100.19 100.19 Rebar directly west of the station a the end of the station cross section RM7 98.48 8/10/11 98.48 0.00 98.48 98.48 Rebar on left (east) side of creek, at the east end of the cross section RM8 5/30/11 101.87 8/10/11 101.72 -0.15 101.72 101.72 Rebar northwest of RM5, uphill by small spruce tree RM9 5/30/11 98.22 8/10/11 98.20 -0.02 98.22 9/25/11 98.20 -0 02 98.22 Rebar near station to anchor PT's, upstream of RM2 RP1 5/30/11 97.14 8/10/11 97.14 000 97.14 9/25/11 97.14 0.00 97.14 Rebar in water. about 4 feet from bank in creek RP2 5/30/11 97.94 8/10/11 97.94 000 97.94 9/25/11 97.94 0.00 97.94 Rebar in water closer to bank, directly adjacent to small boulder RP3 95.74 8/10/11 95.73 -0 01 95.74 95.74 Rebar downstream of station, on right (west) bank RP4 5/30/11 103.96 8/10/11 103.96 103.96 Rebar on right (west) bank, upstream of station, just downstream of island Survey 0.00 0.00 0.00 Closure Level, BPMSL Balded Elevations indicate reference point used to start survey Elevation Reference Mark Adjstment Notes -RM5 not adjusted down for 10/14/10 survey -RM5, RM6 both adjusted upward on 5/27/11 survey, frost jacking A-3 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Site Location/Lake ID: --=--_;;C:.::o:.::s::..:m.:::o:.::s:...:C~r~e~e:.:,k.,::M.,::e:..:.t __ _ Date: 8/13/2010 Time: 1500 Location: Cosmos Creek. Level tripod positioned 15 feet downstream of met stationn. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations:' objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass 60s Calm Partly Cloudy Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Cameron Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) Cosmos GW Scientific 100 (arbitrarvl N 67. 00.287' w 15r 06.534' Station 85 HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM1 2.39 102.39 100.00 Rebar farthest upstream RM2 102.39 3.54 98.85 Rebar on bank between Met station and creek RM3 102.39 4.43 97.96 Rebar downstream close to water line RM4 102.39 3.53 98.86 Rebar downstream from Met station behind RM5 102.39 3.34 99.05 Rebar just downstream from RM6 RM6 102.39 2.20 100.19 Rebar behind Met station when facing creek RM7 102.39 3.91 98.48 Rebar on left side of creek RP1 102.39 5.25 97.14 Rebar in water farther in creek RP2 102.39 4.45 97.94 Rebar in water closer to bank Turn on RP2 RP2 4.10 102.04 97.94 close to 0.00' RP1 102.04 4.90 97.14 close to 0.00' RM7 102.04 3.56 98.48 close to 0.00' RM6 102.04 1.85 100.19 close to 0.00' RM5 102.04 2.98 99.06 close to 0.01' RM4 102.04 3.18 98.86 close to 0.00' RM3 102.04 4.08 97.96 close to 0.00' RM2 102.04 3.19 98.85 close to 0.00' RM1 102.04 2.04 100.00 close to 0.00' Abbreviations: backs1ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; fores1ght, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-4 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Cosmos Creek Met Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 8/13/2010 Time: 1630 Location: Cosmos Creek. Level tripod positioned 15 feet downstream of met stationn. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass 60s Calm Partly Cloudy Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Cameron Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) Cosmos GW Scientific 100 (arbitrarv) N 66° 59.421' w 15r o7.022' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) {ft) (fasl) {ft) Angle Angle RM2 5.93 104.78 98.85 Both PTs are next to each other. Only access one. WT-YSI 104.78 3.95 100.83 PT 104.78 3.19 101.59 Turn on PT PT 3.47 105.06 101.59 close to 0.00' WT-YSI 105.06 4.23 100.83 close to 0.00' RM2 105.06 6.20 98.86 close to 0.01' Abbrev1at1ons: backs1ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-5 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Cosmos Creek Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 10/14/2010 Time: nr Location: Cosmos Creek. Level tripod positioned 15 feet downstream of met stationn. Pre-move PT level survey. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RP2 GW Scientific 97.94 !Gauae) N 67" 00.287' w 157" 06.534' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasiJ (ft) Angle An~le RP2 4.66 102.60 97.94 Rebar in water closer to bank, directly adjacent to small boulder PT 102.60 6.57 96.03 Survey rod placed on back of PT pipe WL 102.60 6.01 96.59 RP1 102.60 5.45 97.15 Rebar in water, about 4 feet from bank in creek Turn on RP1 RP1 5.37 102.52 97.15 WL 102.52 5.91 96.61 close to 0.02' PT 102.52 6.48 96.04 close to 0.01' RP2 102.52 4.57 97.95 close to 0.01' Abbrev1at1ons: backs1ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; he1ght of Instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-6 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Cosmos Creek Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 10/14/2010 Time: 1650 Location: Cosmos Creek. Moved PT and added foam. PT1 measured on streambed next to PT. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RP2 GW Scientific 97.94 !Gauoel N 67" 00.287' W 15T 06.534' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RP2 4.61 102.55 97.94 Rebar in water closer to bank, directly adjacent to small boulder WL-102.55 5.95 96.60 Surface PT 1-102.55 6.93 95.62 steam bed Turn on streambed PT 1-6.78 102.40 95.62 steambed WL-102.40 5.80 96.60 close to 0.00' Surface RP2 102.40 4.46 97.94 close to 0.00' Abbreviations: backs1ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-7 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Cosmos Creek Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 10/14/2010 Time: 1520 Location: Cosmos Creek. Level tripod positioned 15 feet downstream of met station. Post-move PT level survey. PT surveyed at hoseclarr p rebar. PI moved and in place @ 1520 Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM1 GW Scientific 100 (arbitrarv' N 67" 00.287' W 15T 06.534' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM1 2.51 102.51 100.00 Rebar upstream of station on right (west) bank RM2 102.51 3.66 98.85 Rebar on bank between station and creek, not attached to PT conduit PT2 102.51 4.22 98.29 RM3 102.51 4.50 98.01 Rebar downstream of station on right (west) bank RM4 102.51 3.65 98.86 Rebar downstream of station and due west of RM3 RM5 102.51 3.50 99.01 Rebar west of the station and southwest of RM6 RM6 102.51 2.32 100.19 Rebar directly west of the station at the end of the station cross section RP1 102.51 5.37 97.14 Rebar in water, about 4 feet from bank in creek RP2 102.51 4.57 97.94 Rebar in water closer to bank, directly adjacent to small boulder Turn on RP2 RP2 4.74 102.68 97.94 RP1 102.68 5.54 97.14 close to 0.00' RM6 102.68 2.49 100.19 close to 0.00' RM5 102.68 3.67 99.01 close to 0.00' RM4 102.68 3.82 98.86 close to 0.00' RM3 102.68 4.73 97.95 close to 0.06' PT2 102.68 4.39 98.29 close to 0.00' RM2 102.68 3.84 98.84 close to -0.01' RM1 102.68 2.68 100.00 close to 0.00' Abbrev1al1ons. backs1ghl, BS, degrees, dd, feet, ft, feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; he1ghl of 1nstrument, HI; m1nutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-8 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Cosmos Creek Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 10/14/2010 Time: 1600 Location: Cosmos Creek. Level tripod positioned 15 feet downstream of met station. Re-shot level survey for RM3. PT surveyed at hosecl rebar. At 1701 =RP1 =0.56' top of rebar down to water--calc offset. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM4 GW Scientific 98.86 !Gauoel N 67" 00.287' W 15T 06.534' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM4 3.82 102.68 98.86 Rebar downstream of station and due west of RM3 RM3 102.68 4.72 97.96 Rebar downstream of station on right (west) bank RM5 102.68 3.67 99 01 Rebar west of the station and southwest of RM6 Turn on RM5 RM5 3.53 102.54 99.01 RM3 102.54 4.59 97.95 close to -0.01' RM4 102.54 3.68 98.86 close to 0.00' Abbrev1at1ons: backs1ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-9 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Survey Purpose: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake I D: --=-~U::.tP::.tP:.::oec:..r..::C:.::oo::::s:.:.m:.::oo::::s....::C:::r.:::e:::ekc:...:::S~ta:::t:.::oio.:.:n __ Date: 5/27/2011 Time: 1530 Water-Level Elevations Location: Upper Cosmos Creek Station. Level tripod positioned 15 feet downstream of stationn. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names I Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, Alan Ward Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RP2 GW Scientific 97.94 IGauae) N 67. 00.287' w 157" 06.534' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RP2 6.75 104.69 97.94 Rebar in water closer to bank, directly adjacent to small boulder RP1 104.69 7.55 97.15 Rebar in water, about 4 feet from bank in creek RM9 104.69 6.47 98.22 Rebar near station to anchor PT's, upstream of RM2 RM6 104.69 4.41 100.28 "~uao u" ~v"Y "~~' uo " ' ~ldliUI at the end of the station cross cli RM5 104.69 5.60 99.09 Rebar west of the station and southwest of RM6 RP3 104.69 8.95 95.74 Rebar downstream of station, on right (west) bank RM8 104.69 2.83 101.87 Rebar northwest of RM5, uphill by small spruce tree Turn on RM8 RM8 2.42 104.29 101.87 RP3 104.29 8.54 95.75 close to 0.01' RM5 104.29 5.20 99.09 close to 0.00' RM6 104.29 4.01 100.28 close to 0.00' RM9 104.29 6.07 98.22 close to 0.00' RP1 104.29 7.14 97.15 close to 0.00' RP2 104.29 6.34 97.95 close to 0.01' Abbrev1at1ons: backs1ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; he1ght of Instrument, HI; m1nutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-10 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Cosmos Creek Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 5/30/2011 Time: nr Location: Upper Cosmos Creek Station. Level tripod positioned 15 feet downstream of stationn. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, Alan Ward Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM1 GW Scientific 100 larbitrarv' N 67" 00.287' w 157" 06.534' Station 85 HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM1 8.99 108.99 100.00 Rebar upstream of station on right (west) bank RP4 108.99 5.03 103.96 Rebar on right (west) bank, upstream of station, just Turn on RP4 RP4 5.01 108.97 103.96 RM1 108.97 8.96 100.01 close to 0.01' Abbrev1at1ons: backs1ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-11 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake 10: Upper Cosmos Creek Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: Time: nr Location: Upper Cosmos Creek Station. Level tripod positioned 15 feet downstream of stationn. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod 10: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, Alan Ward Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RP2 GW Scientific 97.94 IGauael N 67" 00.287' W 15T 06.534' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) {ft) lfasll (ft} Angle Angle RP2 6.59 104.53 97.94 Rebar in water closer to bank, directly adjacent to small boulder RP1 104.53 7.39 97.14 Rebar in water, about 4 feet from bank in creek RM9 104.53 6.32 98.21 Rebar near station to anchor PTs. upstream of RM2 RM2 104.53 5.68 98.85 Rebar on bank between station anc creek, not attached to PT conduit RM1 104.53 4.54 99.99 Rebar upstream of station on right {west) bank RM3 104.53 6.57 97.96 Rebar downstream of station on right (west) bank RM6 104.53 4.25 100.28 Rebar directly west of the station at the end of the station cross section RM5 104.53 5.44 99.09 Rebar west of the station and southwest of RM6 RM8 104.53 2.67 101.86 Rebar northwest of RM5, uphill by small spruce tree Turn on RM8 RM8 2.74 104.60 101.86 RM5 104.60 5.51 99.09 close to 0.00' RM6 104.60 4.32 100.28 close to 0.00' RM3 104.60 6.64 97.96 close to 0.00' RM1 104.60 4.61 99.99 close to 0.00' RM2 104.60 5.75 98.85 close to 0.00' RM9 104.60 6.39 98.21 close to 0.00' RP1 104.60 7.46 97.14 close to 0.00' RP2 104.60 6.66 97.94 close to 0.00' Abbreviations: backs1ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; mmutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-12 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Survey Purpose: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake I D: --=-___:U:::.Pt:JP::..:e::.:r....:C::..:o::..::s:::m~o::..::s:...:C:::.r:,::e~e~k.;:.S::..::ta::.:t::.:io::.n:...._ __ Date: 9/25/2011 Time: 17:40 Water-Level Elevations Location: Upper Cosmos Creek Station. Level tripod positioned 15 feet downstream of met station. Station and survey network pulled on 9/25/11. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) clear skies, light breeze, 60's Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, Alan Ward Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RP1 GW Scientific 97.14 IGauoe) N 67" 00.287' w 15r 06.534' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RP1 5.09 102.23 97.14 Rebar in water, about 4 feet from bank in creek RP2 102.23 4.29 97.94 Rebar in water closer to bank, directly adjacent to small boulder RM1 102.23 2.24 99.99 Rebar upstream of station on right (west) bank RM2 102.23 3.39 98.84 Rebar on bank between station anc creek, not attached to PT conduit RM9 102.23 4.03 98.20 Rebar near station to anchor PT's, upstream of RM2 RM3 102.23 4.27 97.96 Rebar downstream of station on right (west) bank Turn on RM6 RM3 4.21 102.17 97.96 RM9 102.17 3.96 98.21 close to 0.01' RM2 102.17 3.32 98.85 close to 0.01' RM1 102.17 2.17 100.00 close to 0.01' RP2 102.17 4.23 97.94 close to 0.00' RP1 102.17 5.03 97.14 close to 0.00' RP1 4.58 101.72 97.14 Rebar in water, about 4 feet from bank in creek Stream1 101.72 6.87 94.85 Streambed survey points to locate OQ streambed elevation Stream2 101.72 6.64 95.08 Streambed survey points to locate DQ streambed elevation Stream3 101.72 6.64 95.08 Streambed survey points to locate DQ streambed elevation Stream4 101.72 6.43 95.29 Streambed survey points to locate DQ streambed elevation RP1 101.72 4.58 97.14 close to 0.00' Abbreviations: backs1ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-13 Cosmos Hills Elevation Network Summary Form Project 10: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake 10: Upper Wesley Creek Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Update: 811812011 Time 9:30 Location: Upper Wesley Creek. Survey tripod generally set 7 feet downstream of statJon in center of 1he path. Network Maintain Gauge Datum Control objective: Bench Mark Information: Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm mmm) RM1 GW 100 Scientific larbitrarv\ N 66' 58.9·15' w 156' 58.824' Statton Date Elevation Date Elevation Difference Adjusted Date Elevation Difference Adjusted Date Elevation Difference Adjusted Remarks {fasl) (las!) (It) Elevation (las!) {It) Elevation (las!) (It) Elevation lfasl\ lfasl\ " .. " RM1 8115110 100.00 10116110 100.00 0.00 100.00 5120111 100.00 5129111 100.00 0.00 100.00 Rebar west of station ami between station and Somite Road RM2 8115110 97.42 10116110 97.42 0.00 97.42 512011' 97.42 5129111 97.57 015 97.57 Rebar farthest downstream of station on upper right bank RM3 8115110 99.24 10116110 99.23 0.00 99.24 5120111 99.30 0.06 99.29 5129111 99.28 -0.01 99.29 Rebaf directly east of station before dropoff on right bank RM4 8/15110 100.21 10116110 100.20 0.00 100.21 5120111 100.27 0.06 100.27 5129111 100.27 000 100.27 Rebar farthest upstream of station an right bank RMS 8115110 96.16 96.16 5120111 96.16 96.16 Rebar closest to ere e)( on left bank RM6 8115110 97.30 97.30 5120111 97.30 97.30 Rebar furthest from creek on left bank RP1 8115110 91.44 10116110 91.43 -0.01 91.44 91.44 0.00 91.44 5129111 91.44 0.00 91.44 Rebar in water next to and downstream side of PTs RP2 10/16110 92.63 92.63 92.64 0.01 92.63 5129/11 92.64 0.01 92.63 Rebar on right bank, above normal low water, base of steep bank RP3 8/15/10 9714 97.14 97.14 5129111 97.14 0.00 97.14 Upper rebar on sloped bank between (RM7) <:r,~ek used to anchor PT llines --~- Survey 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 01 Ending closure on survey loops Closure -.. .. '--' ~~ . ... • < • L -L• ,....,._ ' . . '" .. ~.-.. .. -;._ ' ~~t·~· Balded Elevations indicate reference point used to start survey Elevation Reference Mark Adjstment Notes 8/1512010 network survey, RP2 was mislabeled, renamed to RM7 in May 2011 surveys, RP 2 first surveyed in October 2010 10/16/2010 RMS, RM6 not surveyed, original elevations maintained 5/20/2011 RM5, RM6 not surveyed, adjusted RM3, RM4 elevations from 5!29!11 survey, RM3, RM4 both jacked up dunng winter ground freezing 512912011 RMS. RM6 not surveyed. RM7 established, RM2 adjusted, moved up due to frost jacking A-14 APPENDIX A. ELEVATION SURVEY FORMS The following form reports the elevation survey information obtained during field activities. A-1 Cosmos Hills Elevation Network Summary Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake 10 Upper Cosmos Creek Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Update. 8/17/2011 Time: 1300 Location: The survey network is located near the closure of the upper basin as it leaves the south facing hillsides. The survey network is located upstream and do'NTlstream of the Upper Cosmos Creek Station. Network Maintain Gauge Datum Control objective: Bench Mark Information: Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM1 GW 100 Scientific (arbitrarv) N 67" 00 287' w 157" 06.534' Station Date Elevation Date Elevation Difference Adjusted Date Elevation Difference Adjusted Date Elevation Difference Adjusted Remarks (fast) (fast) (It) Elevation (fast) (It) Elevation (fast) (It) Elevation (fasJL _lfasll rtasl\ RM1 8/13/10 100.00 10/14/10 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 5/30/11 99.99 -0.01 100.00 Rebar upstream of station on right (west) bank RM2 8/13/10 98.85 10/14/10 98.85 0.00 98.85 98.85 5/30/11 98.85 0.00 98.85 Rebar on bank between station an< creek, not attached to PT condurt RM3 8/13/10 97.96 10/14/10 97.96 0.00 97.96 97.96 5/30/11 97.96 0.00 97.96 Rebar downstream of station on right (west) bank RM4 8/13/10 98.86 10/14/10 98.86 0.00 98.86 98.86 98.86 Rebar downstream of station and due west of RM3 RM5 8/13/10 99.05 10/14/10 99.01 -0.04 99.05 5/27/11 99.09 0.04 99.09 5/30/11 99.09 0.00 99.09 Rebar west of the station and southwest of RM6 RM6 8/13/10 100.19 10/14/10 100.19 0.00 100.19 5/27/11 100.28 0.09 100.28 5/30/11 100.28 0.00 100.28 Rebar drrectly west of the station al the end of the station cross section RM7 8/13/10 98.48 98.48 98.48 98.48 Rebar on left (east) side of creek, at the east end of the cross section RM8 5/27/11 101.87 101.87 5/30/11 101.86 -0.01 101.87 Rebar northwest of RM5, uphrll by small spruce tree RM9 5/27/11 98.22 98.22 5/30/11 98.21 -0.01 98.22 Rebar near station to anchor PT's, upstream of RM2 RP1 8/13/10 97.14 10/14/10 97.14 0.00 97.14 5/27/11 97.15 0.01 97.14 5/30/11 97.14 0.00 97.14 Rebar in water, about 4 feet from bank in creek RP2 8/13/10 97.94 10114/10 97.94 0.00 97.94 5/27/11 97.94 0.00 97.94 5/30/11 97.94 0.00 97.94 Rebar in water closer to bank, directly adjacent to small boulder RP3 5/27/11 95.74 95.74 95.74 Rebar downstream of station, on right {west) bank RP4 5/30/11 103.96 103.96 Rebar on right (west) bank, upstream of station, just downstream of island Survey 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 Closure Level, BPMSL Balded Elevations indicate reference point used to start survey Elevation Reference Mark Adjstment Notes -RMS not adjusted down for 10/14/10 survey -RM5, RM6 both adjusted upward on 5/27/11 survey, frost jacking A-2 Cosmos Hills Elevation Network Summary Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Locat1on/Lake ID: Upper Cosmos Creek Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Update 2/17/2012 Time· 1700 Location The survey network is located near the closure of the upper basin as it leaves the south facing hillsides. The survey network is located upstream and doiNTlstream of the Upper Cosmos Creek Station. The network and station were pulled on 9/25/11. Network Maintain Gauge Datum Control objective: Bench Mark Information: Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM1 GW 100 Scientific (arbitrary) N 67" 00.287' w 157> 06.534' Station Date Adjusted Date Elevation Difference Adjusted Date Elevation Difference Adjusted Date Elevation Difference Adjusted Remarks Elevation (fasl) (It) Elevation (fasl) (It) Elevation (fasl) (It) Elevation ffasl\ ffasl\ ffasl\ ffasl\ RM1 5130/11 100.00 8/10111 99.99 -0.01 100.00 9/25/11 99.99 -0.01 100.00 Rebar upstream of station on right (west) bank RM2 5/30/11 98.85 8110111 98.85 0.00 98.85 9/25/11 98.84 -0.01 98.85 Rebar on bank between station an1 creek, not attached to PT conduit RM3 5/30/11 97.96 8/10/11 97.95 -0.01 97.96 9/25/11 97.96 0.00 97.96 Rebar downstream of station on right (west) bank RM4 98.86 8110111 98.86 0.00 98.86 98.86 Rebar downstream of station and due west of RM3 RM5 5/30/11 99.09 8/10/11 99.04 -0.05 99.04 99.04 Rebar west of the station and southwest of RM6 RM6 5/30/11 100.28 8110/11 100.19 -0.09 100.19 100.19 Rebar directly west of the station a the end of the station cross section RM7 98.48 8/10/11 98.48 0.00 98.48 98.48 Rebar on lert (east) side of creek, at the east end of the cross sectior RM8 5/30/11 101.87 8/10/11 101.72 -0.15 101.72 101.72 Rebar northwest of RM5, uphill by small spruce tree RM9 5/30/11 98.22 8/10/11 98.20 -0.02 98.22 9/25/11 98.20 -0.02 98.22 Rebar near station to anchor PT's, upstream of RM2 RP1 5/30/11 97.14 8/10/11 97.14 0.00 97.14 9/25/11 97.14 0.00 97.14 Rebar in water, about 4 feet from bank in creek RP2 5/30/11 97.94 8/10/11 97.94 0.00 97.94 9/25/11 97.94 0.00 97.94 Rebar in water closer to bank, directly adjacent to small boulder RP3 95.74 8/10/11 95.73 -0.01 95.74 95.74 Rebar downstream of station, on right (west) bank RP4 5/30/11 103.96 8/10/11 103.96 103.96 Rebar on right (west) bank, upstream of station, just downstream of island Survey 0.00 0.00 0.00 Closure --~ -L_ __ ------- Level, BPMSL Balded Elevations indicate reference point used to start survey Elevation Reference Mark Adjstment Notes -RM5 not adjusted doiNTl for 10/14/10 survey -RM5, RM6 both adjusted upward on 5/27/11 survey, frost jacking A-3 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: ----"C'-'o-'-s"-'m.;..;o..c;s_C:....r-'-e-'-e'-'k-':'M-':'e'-"t __ _ Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 8/13/2010 Time: 1500 Location: Cosmos Creek. Level tripod positioned 15 feet downstream of met stationn. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass 60s, Calm, Partly Cloudy Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Cameron Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) Cosmos GW Scientific 100 larbitrarvl N 67" 00.287' W 15T 06.534' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM1 2.39 102.39 100.00 Rebar farthest upstream RM2 102.39 3.54 98.85 Rebar on bank between Met station and creek RM3 102.39 4.43 97.96 Rebar downstream close to water line RM4 102.39 3.53 98.86 Rebar downstream from Met station behind RM5 102.39 3.34 99.05 Rebar just downstream from RM6 RM6 102.39 2.20 100.19 Rebar behind Met station when facing creek RM7 102.39 3.91 98.48 Rebar on left side of creek RP1 102.39 5.25 97.14 Rebar in water farther in creek RP2 102.39 4.45 97.94 Rebar in water closer to bank Turn on RP2 RP2 4.10 102.04 97.94 close to 0.00' RP1 102.04 4.90 97.14 close to 0.00' RM7 102.04 3.56 98.48 close to 0.00' RM6 102.04 1.85 100.19 close to 0.00' RM5 102.04 2.98 99.06 close to 0.01' RM4 102.04 3.18 98.86 close to 0.00' RM3 102.04 408 97.96 close to 0.00' RM2 102.04 3.19 98.85 close to 0.00' RM1 102.04 2.04 100.00 close to 0.00' Abbrev1at1ons: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; foresight, FS; he1ght of mstrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-4 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Site Location/Lake ID: --=--C=os:::.:m.:.:.o:::.:s:..C.:::..:..:re:.::e:.:,:k,.;,M:;,:e:..:t __ _ Date: 8/13/2010 Time: 1630 Location: Cosmos Creek. Level tripod positioned 15 feet downstream of met stationn. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 lnstru 372 {GWS owned) Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass 60s Calm Partly Cloudy Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Cameron Brailey Responsible (ft) {dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm} Cosmos GW Scientific 100 larbitrarv) N 66° 59.421' w 157' 07.022' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM2 5.93 104.78 98.85 Both PTs are next to eacr other. Only access one. WT-YSI 104.78 3.95 100.83 PT 104.78 3.19 101.59 Turn on PT PT 347 105.06 101.59 close to 0.00' WT-YSI 105.06 4.23 100.83 close to 0.00' RM2 105.06 6.20 98.86 close to 0.01' Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet. ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-5 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Cosmos Creek Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 1011412010 Time: nr Location: Cosmos Creek. Level tripod positioned 15 feet downstream of met stationn. Pre-move PT level survey. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency E Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RP2 GW Scientific 97.94 lGauael N 67" 00.287' W 15T 06.534' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks 1ft! (ft} (ft) lfasll 1ft) An ale Angle RP2 4.66 102.60 97.94 Rebar in water closer to bank, directly adjacent to small boulder PT 102.60 6.57 96.03 Survey rod placed on back of PT pipe WL 102.60 6.01 96.59 RP1 102.60 5.45 97.15 Rebar in water, about 4 feet from bani< in creek Turn on RP1 RP1 5.37 102.52 97.15 WL 102.52 5.91 96.61 close to 0.02' PT 102.52 6.48 96.04 close to 0.01' RP2 102.52 4.57 97 95 close to 0.01' Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; mmutes, mm; seconds, ss: BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-6 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Cosmos Creek Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 1 0/14/201 0 Time: 1650 Location: Cosmos Creek. Moved PT and added foam. PT1 measured on streambed next to PT. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RP2 GW Scientific 97.94 IGauoe) N 67. 00.287' W 15T 06.534' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RP2 4.61 102.55 97.94 Rebar in water closer to bank, directly adjacent to small boulder WL-102.55 5.95 96.60 Surface PT 1-102.55 6.93 95.62 steam bed Turn on streambed PT 1-6.78 102.40 95.62 steam bed WL-102.40 5.80 96.60 close to 0.00' Surface RP2 102.40 4.46 97.94 close to 0.00' Abbreviations: backsJght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-7 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Cosmos Creek Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 10/14/2010 Time: 1520 Location: Cosmos Creek. Level tripod positioned 15 feet downstream of met station. Post-move PT level survey. PT surveyed at hoseclarr p rebar. Pt moved and in place @ 1520 Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM1 GW Scientific 100 (arbitrarv' N 67• 00.287' W 15T 06.534' Station 85 HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ttl (ttl (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM1 2.51 102.51 100.00 Rebar upstream of station on right (west) bank RM2 102.51 3.66 98.85 Rebar on bank between station anc creek, not attached to PT conduit PT2 102.51 4.22 98.29 RM3 102.51 4.50 98.01 Rebar downstream of station on right (west) bank RM4 102.51 3.65 98.86 Rebar downstream of station and due west of RM3 RM5 102.51 3.50 99.01 Rebar west of the station and southwest of RM6 RM6 102.51 2.32 100.19 Rebar directly west of the station at the end of the station cross section RP1 102.51 5.37 97.14 Rebar in water, about 4 feet from bank in creek RP2 102.51 4.57 97.94 Rebar in water closer to bank, directly adjacent to small boulder Turn on RP2 RP2 4.74 102.68 97.94 RP1 102.68 5.54 97.14 close to 0.00' RM6 102.68 2.49 100.19 close to 0.00' RM5 102.68 3.67 99.01 close to 0.00' RM4 102.68 3.82 98.86 close to 0.00' RM3 102.68 4.73 97.95 close to 0.06' PT2 102.68 4.39 98.29 close to 0.00' RM2 102.68 3.84 98.84 close to -0.01' RM1 102.68 2.68 100.00 close to 0.00' Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-8 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Cosmos Creek Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 10/14/2010 Time: 1600 Location: Cosmos Creek. Level tripod positioned 15 feet downstream of met station. Re-shot level survey for RM3. PT surveyed at hosecl rebar. At 1701 =RP1 =0.56' top of rebar down to water--calc offset. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM4 GW Scientific 98.86 IGauael N 67" 00.287' w 15r 06.534' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM4 3.82 102.68 98.86 Rebar downstream of station and due west of RM3 RM3 102.68 4.72 97.96 Rebar downstream of station on right (west) bank RM5 102.68 3.67 99.01 Rebar west of the station and southwest of RM6 Turn on RM5 RM5 3.53 102.54 99.01 RM3 102.54 4.59 97.95 close to -0.01' RM4 102.54 3.68 98.86 close to 0.00' Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-9 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Site Location/Lake I D: --=-___:U::.LP::..tP:.:::e~r..::C:.:::o~s:.:..m:.:::o~s-.::C::.:.r~e"':ek:.::=::S:::ta::.:.ti:.:::o.:.:n __ Date: 5/27/2011 Time: 1530 Location: Upper Cosmos Creek Station. Level tripod positioned 15 feet downstream of stationn. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, Alan Ward Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RP2 GW Scientific 97.94 !Gauael N 67" 00.287' w 157" 06.534' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ftj (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) An~le An~le RP2 6.75 104.69 97.94 Rebar in water closer to bank, directly adjacent to small boulder RP1 104.69 7.55 97.15 Rebar in water, about 4 feet from bank in creek RM9 104.69 6.47 98.22 Rebar near station to anchor PT's, upstream of RM2 RM6 104.69 4.41 100.28 '"ouoo un c<..uy ""'~' vo '""' ~•ouvo at the end of the station cross o~linn RM5 104.69 5.60 99.09 Rebar west of the station and southwest of RM6 RP3 104.69 8.95 95.74 Rebar downstream of station, on right (west) bank RM8 104.69 2.83 101.87 Rebar northwest of RM5, uphill by small spruce tree Turn on RM8 RM8 2.42 104.29 101.87 RP3 104.29 8.54 95.75 close to 0.01' RM5 104.29 5.20 99.09 close to 0.00' RM6 104.29 401 100.28 close to 0.00' RM9 104.29 6.07 98.22 close to 0.00' RP1 104.29 7.14 97.15 close to 0.00' RP2 104.29 6.34 97.95 close to 0.01' Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; he1ght of Instrument, HI; m1nutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-10 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Cosmos Creek Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 5/30/2011 Time: nr Location: Upper Cosmos Creek Station. Level tripod positioned 15 feet downstream of stationn. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, Alan Ward Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM1 GW Scientific 100 larbitrarv: N 67" 00.287' w 15r 06.534' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM1 8.99 108.99 100.00 Rebar upstream of station on right (west) bank RP4 108.99 5.03 103.96 Rebar on right (west) bank, upstream of station, just Turn on RP4 RP4 5.01 108.97 103.96 RM1 108.97 8.96 100.01 close to 0.01' Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-11 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Cosmos Creek Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 5/30/2011 Time: nr Location: Upper Cosmos Creek Station. Level tripod positioned 15 feet downstream of stationn. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, Alan Ward Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RP2 GW Scientific 97.94 IGauael N 67° 00.287' W 15T 06.534' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RP2 6.59 104.53 97.94 Rebar in water closer to bank, directly adjacent to small boulder RP1 104.53 7.39 97.14 Rebar in water, about 4 feet from bank in creek RM9 104.53 6.32 98.21 Rebar near station to anchor PTs, upstream of RM2 RM2 104.53 5.68 98.85 Rebar on bank between station anc creek, not attached to PT conduit RM1 104.53 4.54 99.99 Rebar upstream of station on right (west) bank RM3 104.53 6.57 97.96 Rebar downstream of station on right (west) bank RM6 104.53 4.25 100.28 Rebar directly west of the station at the end of the station cross section RM5 104.53 5.44 99.09 Rebar west of the station and southwest of RM6 RM8 104.53 2.67 101.86 Rebar northwest of RM5, uphill by small spruce tree Turn on RM8 RM8 2.74 104.60 101.86 RM5 104.60 5.51 99.09 close to 0.00' RM6 104.60 4.32 100.28 close to 0.00' RM3 104.60 6.64 97.96 close to 0.00' RM1 104.60 4.61 99.99 close to 0.00' RM2 104.60 5.75 98.85 close to 0.00' RM9 104.60 6.39 98.21 close to 0.00' RP1 104.60 7.46 97.14 close to 0. 00' RP2 104.60 6.66 97.94 close to 0.00' Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; he1ght of Instrument, HI; m1nutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-12 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Survey Purpose: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake I D: --::::::--U=-c.PP"'e:..:r...:C=-o:..:s:.:.m:..:.o:..:s=-C::..:..;:re::'e"'k'='S:..:t.::.at:::..io:..:n.:...._ __ Date: 9/25/2011 Time: 17:40 Water-Level Elevations Location: Upper Cosmos Creek Station. Level tripod positioned 15 feet downstream of met station. Station and survey network pulled on 9/25/11. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) clear skies, light breeze, 60's Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, Alan Ward Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RP1 GW Scientific 97.14 !Gauoel N 67" 00.287' w 15r 06.534' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RP1 5.09 102.23 97.14 Rebar in water, about 4 feet from bank in creek RP2 102.23 4.29 97.94 Rebar in water closer to bank, directly adjacent to small boulder RM1 102.23 2.24 99.99 Rebar upstream of station on right (west) bank RM2 102.23 3.39 98.84 Rebar on bank between station and creek, not attached to PT conduit RM9 102.23 4.03 98.20 Rebar near station to anchor PT's, upstream of RM2 RM3 102.23 4.27 97.96 Rebar downstream of station on right (west) bank Turn on RM6 RM3 4.21 102.17 97.96 RM9 102.17 3.96 98.21 close to 0.01' RM2 102.17 3.32 98.85 close to 0.01' RM1 102.17 2.17 100.00 close to 0.01' RP2 102.17 4.23 97.94 close to 0.00' RP1 102.17 5.03 97.14 close to 0.00' RP1 4.58 101.72 97.14 Rebar in water, about 4 feet from bank in creek Stream1 101.72 6.87 94.85 Streambed survey points to locate OQ streambed elevation Stream2 101.72 6.64 95.08 Streambed survey points to locate OQ streambed elevation Stream3 101.72 6.64 95.08 Streambed survey points to locate OQ streambed elevation Stream4 101.72 6.43 95.29 Streambed survey points to locate OQ streambed elevation RP1 101.72 4.58 97.14 close to 0.00' Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-13 Cosmos Hills Elevation Network Summary Form Project 10 Survey Purpose Cosmos Hills Project Water-Level Elevations S1te Location/Lake 10: Update 8/18/2011 Location: Upper Wesley Creek. Survey tripod generally set 7 feet downstream of station in center of the path. Network Maintain Gauge Datum Control objective Bench Mark Information Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM1 GW 100 Scientific arbitrarv) N 66" 58 945' w 156" 58.824' Station Date Elevation Date Elevation Difference Adjusted (fasl) (fasl) (ft) Elevation /fast\ RM1 8/15/10 100.00 10/16/10 100.00 0.00 100.00 RM2 8/15/10 97.42 10/16/10 97.42 0.00 97.42 RM3 8/15/10 99.24 10/16/10 99.23 0.00 99.24 RM4 8/15/10 100.21 10/16/10 100.20 0.00 100.21 RMS 8/15/10 96.16 96.16 RM6 8/15/10 97.30 97.30 RP1 8/15/10 91.44 10/16/10 91.43 -0.01 91.44 RP2 10/16/10 92.63 92.63 RP3 8/15/10 97.14 97.14 (RM7) Survey 0.00 0.00 Closure Upper Wesley Creek Time 9:30 Date Elevation Difference Adjusted Date Elevation (fasl) (It) Elevation (fasl) lfasl\ 5/20/11 100.00 5/29/11 100.00 5/20/11 97.42 5/29/11 97.57 5/20/11 99.30 0.06 99.29 5/29/11 99.28 5/20/11 100.27 0.06 100.27 5/29/11 100.27 5/20/11 96.16 5/20/11 97.30 91.44 0.00 91.44 5/29/11 91.44 92.64 0.01 92.63 5/29/11 92.64 97.14 5/29/11 97.14 0.00 Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees. dd, feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; fores1ght, FS; height of instrument, HI: minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL Balded Elevations indicate reference point used to start survey Elevation Reference Mark Adjstment Notes 8/15/2010 Initial network survey, RP2 was mislabeled, renamed to RM7 in May 2011 surveys, RP 2 first surveyed in October 2010 10/16/2010 RM5, RM6 not surveyed, original elevations maintained 5/20/2011 RM5, RM6 not surveyed, adJuSted RM3, RM4 elevations from 5/29/11 survey, RM3, RM4 both jacked up during winter ground freezing 5/29/2011 RM5, RM6 not surveyed. RM7 established, RM2 adjusted, moved up due to frost jacking Difference Adjusted Remarks (ft) Elevation lfa<ll 0.00 100.00 Rebar west of station and between station and Bornite Road 0.15 97.57 Rebar farthest downstream of station on upper right bank -0.01 99.29 Rebar directly east of station before drop off on right bank 0.00 100.27 Rebar farthest upstream of stat1on on right bank 96.16 Rebar closest to creek on left bank 97.30 Rebar furthest from creek on left bank 0.00 91.44 Rebar in water next to and downstream side of PTs 0.01 92.63 Rebar on right bank, above normal low water, base of steep bank 0.00 97.14 Upper rebar on sloped bank between creek and station, used to anchor PT lines 0.01 Ending closure on survey loops A-14 Cosmos Hills Elevation Network Summary Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake !D· Upper Wesley Creek Survey Purpose: Water-level Elevations Update: 111612011 Time: 17:00 Location: Upper Wesley Creek. Survey tripod generally set 7 feet downstream of station in center of the path. Network Maintain Gauge Datum Control objective: Bench Mark Information· Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM1 GW 100 Scientific (arbitrarv\ N 66. 58.945' w 156. 58.824' Statton Date Adjusted Date Elevation Difference Adjusted Date Elevation Difference Adjusted Date Elevation Difference Adjusted Remarks Elevation (fast) (It) Elevation {fasl) (It) Elevation (las I) (ft) Elevation {f .. l\ ''"•" lfasll Ifni\ RM1 5129111 100,00 8/11111 100,00 0.00 100.00 1016111 100.00 0.00 100.00 Rebar west of station and between station and Bornite Road RM2 5129111 97.57 8111111 97.57 0.00 97.57 97.57 fRebar farth~~~ downstream of •tatioo on upper right bank RM3 5129111 99.29 B/11/11 99.24 -0.05 99.24 99.24 Rebar diree11y east of station before dropoff on right bank RM4 5129111 100.27 8111111 100.25 -0.02 100.25 100.25 Rebar farthest upstream of station on right bank RMS 5129111 96.16 96.16 96.16 Rebar closest to creek on left bank RM6 5129111 97.30 97.30 97.30 Rebar furthest from creek on lell bank RP1 b/29111 91.44 8/11/11 91.44 0.00 9144 10/6111 91.44 0.00 91.44 Rebar in water next to and doiN!'lstream side ofPTs RP2 5129111 92.83 8111111 92.64 0.01 92.83 1016111 92.65 0.00 92.64 Rebar on right bank. above normal low water, base of steep bank RP3 5129111 97.14 8111111 97.14 0.00 97.14 1016111 97.14 0.00 97.14 Upper rebar on sloped bank between (RM7) creek and station, used to anchor PT lines ~ Survey 0.00 0.01 Ending closure on survey loops Closure .. L< ,..,.._ '' ..... ' . _, ~ . .._, ~ .... ''' ' '" .... ~~-· ' ~~ ....... Balded Elevations. indicate reference point used to start survey Elevation Reference Mark Adjstment Notes 811512010 network survey, RP2 was mislabeled, renamed to RM7 in May 2011 surveys, RP 2 first surveyed in October 2010 10/16/2010 RMS, RM5 not surveyed. original elevations maintained 5/2012011 RMS, RM6 not surveyed, adjusted RM3, RM4 elevations from 5129111 survey, RM3, RM4 both jacked up during winter ground freezing 5/29/2011 RMS, RM6 not surveyed, RM? established, RM2 adjusted, moved up due to frost jacking 8/11/2011 RMS, RM6 not surveyed, RM7 relabefed to RP3, reset elevations far RM3, RM4, suspect active layer thawing A-15 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Location: Wesley Creek. Survey tripod set 7 feet downstream of Met station in center of the created path. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass 50s, Cloudy, Drizzle Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name ency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Cameron Brailey ponsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm} Wesley GW 100 ific larbitrarv' N 66" 58.945' w 156' 58.824' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM1 2.91 102.91 100.00 Rebar farthest downstream of Met station RM2 102.91 5.49 97.42 Rebar between Met station and A TV trail RM3 102.91 3.67 99.24 Rebar directly in front of Met station when facing creek RM4 102.91 2.70 100.21 Rebar farthest upstream of Met station RP1 102.91 11.47 91.44 Rebar in water next to PTs RP2 102.91 5.77 97.14 Rebar on sloped bank between creek and Met station RM5 102.91 6.75 96.16 Rebar closer to creek on left bank RM6 102.91 5.61 97.30 Rebar farther from creek on left ban~ Turn on RM6 RM6 5.39 102.69 1 97.30 close to 0.00' RM5 102.69 6.53 96.16 close to 0.00' RP2 102.69 5.55 97.14 close to 0.00' RP1 102.69 11.25 91.44 close to 0.00' RM4 102.69 2.47 100.22 close to 0.01' RM3 102.69 3.44 99.25 close to 0.01' RM2 102.69 5.26 97.43 close to 0.01' RM1 102.69 2.68 100.01 close to 0.01' Abbreviations: backsight. BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; foresight, FS; height of mstrument, HI: mmutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-16 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Wesley Creek Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: Time: 1520 Location: Wesley Creek. Survey tripod set 7 feet downstream of Met station in center of the created path. Pre-move survey. PT measured hoseclamp. RP used is rebar labeled RP2 Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey T earn Names Name Agency rlevation Latitude ~ude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) .mmm) RM1 GW Scientific 100.00 larbitrarv' N 66' 58.945' w 156' 58.824' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks {ft) {ftl {ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Al'lflle RM1 2.83 102.83 100.00 Rebar west of station and between station and Bornite Road RM2 102.83 5.41 97.42 Rebar farthest downstream of station on upper right bank RM3 I 10283 3.60 99.23 Rebar directly east of station beforE dropoff on right bank RM4 102.83 2.63 100.20 Rebar farthest upstream of station on right bank RP1 102.83 11.40 91.43 Rebar in water next to and downstream side of PTs ws 102.83 11.56 91.27 RP2 102.83 10.20 92.63 Rebar on right bank, above normal low water, base of steep bank Turn on RP2 RP2 9.89 102.52 1 92.63 ws 102.52 11.24 1 91.28 close to 0.01' RP1 102.52 11.08 91.44 close to 0.01' RM4 102.52 2.31 100.21 close to 0.01' RM3 102.52 3.28 99.24 close to 0.01' RM2 102.52 5.09 97.43 close to 0.01' RM1 102.52 2.52 100.00 close to 0.00' Abbrev1attons: backs1ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of mstrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds,ss A-17 at Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Wesley Creek Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 10/16/2010 Time: 1600 Location: Post-move survey. PT measured at hoseclamp. RP used is rebar labeled RP2 Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RP1 GW Scientific 91.38 (GauQe) N 66° 58. 945' w 156° 58.824' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RP1 11.08 102.52 91.44 Rebar in water next to and downstream side of PTs PT 102.52 10.17 92.35 PT moved to bank above water surface RP2 102.52 9.88 92.64 Rebar on right bank, above normal low water, base of steep bank Turn on RP2 RP2 10.01 102.65 92.64 PT 102.65 10.29 92.36 close to 0.01' RP1 102.65 11.21 91.44 close to 0.00' Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss A-18 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Wesley Creek Station Survey Purpose. Water-Level Elevations Date: Time: 1400 Location: Wesley Creek. Survey tripod set 7 feet downstream of Met station in center of the created path. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) 40's, clear Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation I (dd-~~ude Longitude Michael Lilly, Allan Ward Responsible (ft) .mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM4 GW 100.21 SriAnlifir' 1Gauae1 N 66" 58.945' w 156° 58.824' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ftl lftl /ftl (fasll (ftl An ole An!:lle RM4 2.59 102.86 100.27 Rebar farthest upstream of station on right bank RM3 102.86 3.56 99.30 Rebar directly east of stat1on before dropoff on right bank RP2 102.86 10.22 92.64 Rebar on right bank, above normal low water, base of steep bank RP1 102.86 11.42 91.44 Rebar in water next to and downstream side of PTs TP 102.86 11.01 91.85 Temporay turn point Turn on TP TP 10.38 102.23 91.85 RP1 102.23 10.79 91.44 close to 0.00' RP2 102.23 9.59 92.65 close to 0.01' RM3 102.23 2.93 99.30 close to 0. 00' RM4 102.23 1.96 100.27 close to 0. 00' Abbrevratrons: backs1ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet. ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresrght, FS; herght of rnstrument, HI; mrnutes, mm; seconds, ss A-19 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID Survey Purpose: Cosmos Hills Project Water-Level Elevations Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Wesley Creek Station Date: 5/29/2011 Time: 1600 Location: Wesley Creek. Survey tripod set 7 feet downstream of Met station in center of the created path. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID 5482372 (GWS owned) 40's, clear Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names J Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, Allan Ward Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RP1 GW Scientific 91.38 {Gal.!illD_ N 66' 58.945' W156'58.824' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RP1 11.02 102.46 91.44 Rebar in water next to and downstream side of PTs RP2 102.46 9.82 92.64 Rebar on right bank, above normal low water, base of steep bank RM7 102.46 5.32 97.14 Upper rebar on sloped bank between creek and station, used to anchor PT lines RM3 102.46 3.18 99.28 Rebar directly in front of Met station when facing creek RM4 102.46 2.19 100.27 Rebar farthest upstream of Met station RM2 102.46 4.89 97.57 Rebar farthest downstream of Met station RM1 102.46 2.46 10000 Rebar between Met station and ATV trail Turn on RM6 RM1 2.55 102.55 100.00 RM2 102.55 4.98 97.57 close to 0.00' RM4 102.55 2.27 100.28 close to 0.01' RM3 102.55 3.26 99.29 close to 0.01' RM7 102.55 5.41 97.14 close to 0.00' RP2 102.55 9.90 92.65 close to 0.01' RP1 102.55 11.10 91.45 close to 0.01' Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss A-20 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Wesley Creek Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 8/11/2011 Time: 1620 Location: Upper Wesley Creek Station Survey Control Network. Survey tripod set 7 feet downstream of station in center of the path. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass 60s, Cloudy, Drizzle Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, Jasen Moyer Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM1 GW Scientific 100.00 laauae) N 66• 58.945' w 156° 58.824' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM1 2.07 102.07 100.00 Rebar west of station and between station and Bornite Road RM2 102.07 4.50 97.57 Rebar farthest downstream of station on upper right bank RM3 102.07 2.83 99.24 Rebar directly east of station before dropoff on right bank RM4 102.07 1.82 100.25 Rebar farthest upstream of station on right bank RP1 102.07 10.63 91.44 Rebar in water next to and downstream side of PTs RP2 102.07 9.43 92.64 Rebar on right bank, above normal low water, base of steep bank RP3 102.07 4.93 97.14 Upper rebar on sloped bank between creek and station, used to anchor PT lines Turn on RP3 RP3 5.07 102.21 97.14 RP2 102.21 9.57 92.64 close to 0.00' RP1 102.21 10.77 91.44 close to 0.00' RM4 102.21 1.96 100.25 close to 0.00' RM3 102.21 2.97 99.24 close to 0.00' RM2 102.21 4.64 97.57 close to 0.00' RM1 102.21 2.21 100.00 close to 0.00' Abbreviations backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss A-21 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Wesley Creek Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date 1 0/6/2011 Time: 17:20 Location: Upper Wesley Creek Station Survey Control Network. Survey tripod set 7 feet downstream of station in center of the path. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID 5482372 (GWS owned) Type: Rod Type Fiberglass RediD Crane Fiber Glass 30s, Cloudy Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, Tommy Jones Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM1 GW Scientific 100.00 (qauqe) N 66° 58.945' w 156° 58.824' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RP1 11.18 102.62 91.44 Rebar in water next to and downstream side of PTs RP2 102.62 9.97 92.65 Rebar on right bank, above normal low water, base of steep bank RP3 102.62 5.47 97.15 Upper rebar on sloped bank between creek and station, used to anchor PT lines RM1 102.62 2.62 100.00 Rebar west of station and between station and Bornite Road Turn on RP3 RM1 102.51 2.51 100 00 RP3 102.51 5.37 97.14 close to -0.01' RP2 102.51 9.87 92.64 close to -0.01' RP1 102.51 11.06 91.45 close to 0.01' Abbreviations backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss A-22 Cosmos Hilts Elevation Network Summary Form Pcoject ID: Site Locabon/Lake ID: Survey Purpose Update: ~ Location: Upper Dahl Creek Station gauge elevatron network pnmarrly located on the nght bank, and slightly downstream mainly between trail ~nd stream Network Maintain Gauge Datum Control objective: Bench Mark Information· Name Agency Elevation Latrtude Longitude (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM1 GW 100 Scientific larbitrarv\ N 6o· 57.019' w 156" 54.217' Station Date Elevation Date Elevation Difference Adjusted (fasl) (fasl} (ft) Elevation lf•<l\ RM1 8112110 100.00 10117110 100.00 0.00 100.00 RM2 8112110 97.42 10117110 97.42 0.00 97.42 RM3 8111110 98.21 98.21 RP1 8112110 91.06 10117110 91.07 0.01 91.06 RPZ 8112110 94.42 10117110 94.43 0.01 94.42 RP3 8112110 93.12 10117110 93.12 0.00 93.12 RP4 8112110 92.93 10117110 92.93 0.00 92.93 RP5 8112110 92.38 10117110 92.36 -0.02 92.38 RP6 8112110 95.80 95.80 Survey 0.00 0.00 Closure --. -.. . --- Balded Elevations indicate reference point used to start survey Elevation Reference Mark Adjstment Notes 8112/2010 RM4. RM5 were originally switched in field notes, corrected rn final forms 10/1712010 No adjustments made 5/29/2011 RM 1, RM2 were adjusted up, frost jacking of rebar over 'Ninter. ground still frozen Date Elevation Difference Adjusted Date (fasl) (It} Elevation ffasl\ 5129111 100.04 0.04 100.04 8111111 5129111 97.50 0.08 97.50 8111111 98.21 5129111 91.00 0.00 91.00 8111111 5129111 94.42 0.00 94.42 8/11111 5129111 93.11 -0.01 93.12 8111111 5129111 92.90 -0.03 92.93 8111111 95.80 8111111 0.01 .. --.. - 8!11/2011 RM 1, RM2 were adjusted back down some, active layer thawed, soils suspected of shifting up and down, RP6 adjusted up, rebar had jacked up during winter Elevation Difference Adjusted Remarks (fasl) (It) Elevation "••" 100.01 -0.03 100.Q1 Rebar on West side of trail, jus1 upstream of stat1on 97.44 -0.06 97.44 Rebar on East side cf trail. just downstream of station 98.21 Rebar on Left (EA-st) Bank, above high water fine 91.06 0.00 91.06 Rebar in channel next to PTs. 94.42 0.00 94.42 Rebar upstream of station, higher on bank abOve RPJ 93.11 -0.01 93.12 Rebar upstream of stahon, lower on bank above low water edge 92.93 0.00 92.93 Lag bolt on top of rock in channel, "ust upstream of RP1 ILag bolt in rock in channeL On side (~f fock. no longer in place 96.56 0.76 96.56 South side rebar on station tripod leg anchor ---· A-23 Cosmos Hills Elevation Network Summary Form ProJect 10: Site Location/Lake 10· Survey Purpose Cosmos HlUs Project Water~Level Elevations Update 211112012 Dahl Creek Station gauge elevati6ri network primanly located on bank, upstream and slightly downstream of station, mainly between trail and s1ream. Survey network and station removed on 9127111 Network I Maintain Gauge Datum Control objective: Agency Responsible GW Scientific Station I Date Bench Mark Information Elevation Latitude (~) (dd-mm.mmm1 100 arbltrarv\ N 66' 57 019" Elevation Date (fasl) i ongi1ude w 156' 54.217' Elevation (fast) Difference (It) Remarks RM1 8111111 100.01 '".. H"'' 1">~ Rebar on West .sidP. oftrad, RM2 8111111 97.44 RM3 8111110 98.21 RP1 I 6/11111 91.06 9127111 91.06 RP2 I 8111111 94.42 9127111 94.42 RP3 I 8111111 93.12 9127111 93.11 RP4 I 6/11111 92.93 9127111 92.93 97.44 96.21 0.00 91.06 0.00 94.42 -0.01 93.12 0.00 92.93 upstream of station Rebar on East skle of trail, jus! downstream ot sta1icn Rebar on Left {East) Baok, above high water line Rebar in cl1a0nel next to higher Rebar upstream of station, lower on ~above low water edge Lag bolt on top of rock in channel, 'ust upstream of RP1 RP5 Lag bolt in rock in channeL On side of rock, no longer in place RP6 8111111 95.56 96.56 South side rebar on station tnpoct leg anchor ---l---1 --+----+----1---+---------l 0.00 0,00 Closure Abbreviations: backsight. BS, degrees, dd; feet, ft: feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm: seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL Bolded Elevations reference pomt used to start survey Elevation Reference Mark Adjstment Notes 8/12/2010 RM4. RM5 were originally s'INitched in field notes, corrected in final forms 10/17/2010 No adjustments made 5/29/2011 RM1, RM2 were adjusted up, frost jacking ofrebar overwinter, ground stlll frozen 8/1112011 RM1, RM2 were adjusted back down some, active layer thawed, soils suspected of shift1ng up and down, RP6 adjusted up. rebar had jacked up during A-24 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Site Location/Lake ID: --=----=D:.:a::.:h:.:.I..::C:.:.r::;ee::.:k~M:,;:e:,:..t __ _ Date: 8/12/2010 Time: 1600 Location: Dahl Creek. Level tripod placed on stream bank between RP2 and Met station. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod 10: Crane Fiber Glass 50s, Rain Overcast Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Cameron Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) Dahl GW Scientific 100 (arbitrarvl N 66° 57.019' w 156" 54.217' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM2 2.41 99.83 97.42 Downstream rebar. East side of trail. RP1 99.83 8.77 91.06 Rebar in channel next to PTs. PT1 99.83 9.04 90.79 PT farther out in channel PT2 99.83 9.29 90.54 PT closer to stream bank WT-YSI 99.83 7.73 92.10 In stream bank. Flex conduit slightly exposed RP6 99.83 4.03 95.80 South side rebar on Met station tripod Turn on RP6 RP6 3.67 99.47 95.80 close to 0.00' WT-YSI 99.47 7.37 92.10 close to 0.00' PT2 99.47 893 90.54 close to 0.00' PT1 99.47 8.75 90.72 PT liquitite moved whilE reading RP1 99.47 8.41 91.06 close to 0.00' RM2 99.47 205 97.42 close to 0.00' Abbrev1at1ons: backs1ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; foresight, FS; he1ght of Instrument, HI; minutes. mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-25 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Dahl Creek Met Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date 8/12/2010 Time: 1500 Location: Dahl Creek. Level tripod placed on ATV trail adjacent to Met station and in between RM1 and RM2. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass 50s, Rain Overcast Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Cameron Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) Dahl GW Scientific 100 I arbitrarvl N 66° 57.628' w 156° 52.950' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM1 1.83 101.83 100.00 Upstream Rebar. West side of trail RP2 101.83 7.41 94.42 Rebar upstream of Met station. Higher on bank RP3 101.83 8.71 93.12 Rebar upstream of Met station. Lower on bank RP4 101.83 9.45 92.38 Lag bolt in rock in channel. On side of rock RP5 101.83 8.90 92.93 Lag bolt in rock in channel. On top of rock RP1 101.83 10.77 91 06 Rebar in channel next to PTs. RM2 101.83 4.41 97.42 Downstream rebar. East side of trail. Turn on RM2 RM2 4.14 101.56 97.42 close to 0.00'. RP1 101.56 10.49 91.07 close to 0.01 '. RP5 101.56 8.63 92.93 close to 0.00'. RP4 101.56 9.19 92.37 close to 0.01 '. RP3 101.56 8.45 93.11 close to 0.01'. RP2 101.56 7.14 94.42 close to 0.00'. RM1 101.56 1.56 100.00 close to 0.00'. Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-26 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Survey Purpose: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: -=U:::.P~P::.:e::.:.r...::D~a:::h::..l C.:::.:.::re~e:::k..;S::-ta::;t~io:.:.n:....__ Date: 10/17/2010 Time: 1145 Water-Level Elevations Location: Pre-move level survey. Measured PT on threads. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM1 GW Scientific 100 ( arbitrarv\ N 66° 57.628' w 156° 52.950' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM1 2.03 102.03 100.00 Upstream Rebar. West side of trail RP2 102.03 7.60 94.43 Rebar upstream of Met station. Higher on bank RP3 I 102.03 8.91 93.12 Rebar upstream of Met station. Lower on bank PT 102.03 11.54 90.49 RP1 102.03 10.96 91.07 Rebar in channel next to PTs. RM2 102.03 4.61 9742 Downstream rebar. East side of trail. Turn on RM2 RM2 4.56 101.98 97.42 RP1 101.98 10.91 91.07 close to 0.00' PT 101.98 11.48 90.50 close to 0.01' RP3 101.98 8.86 93.12 close to 0.00' RP2 101.98 7.55 94.43 close to 0.00' RM1 101.98 1.98 100.00 close to 0.00' Abbreviations: backs1ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; he1ght of mstrument, HI; mmu!E mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-27 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site LocationfLake ID: Upper Dahl Creek Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 10117/2010 Time: 1145 Location: Post-move of PT, level survey. Measured PT on threads Top of rebar down to Water surface= -039' Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevati Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible {ft) m.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RP1 GW Scientific 91.06 (Gauoel N 66° 57.628' w 156" 52.950' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RP1 10.91 101.97 91.06 Rebar in channel next to PTs. PT 101.97 10.84 91.13 RP4 101.97 9.04 92.93 Lag bolt in rock in channel. On top of rock RP5 101.97 9.61 92.36 Lag bolt in rock in channel. On side of rock RP3 101.97 8.86 93.11 Rebar upstream of Met station. Lower on bank Turn on RP1 RP3 6.74 99.85 93.11 RP5 99.85 7.49 92.36 close to 0.00' RP4 99.85 6.92 92.93 close to 0.00' PT 99.85 8 72 91.13 close to 0.00' RP1 99.85 8.79 91.06 close to 0.00' Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight. FS; height of instrument, HI; minute mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-28 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Survey Purpose: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake I D: --=----"U-"p-"-p-=-er'-D=-.::.ah'-"1---'C::..:r-"e-=-e'-'-k -=S="ta:c:t-=io-"n __ _ Date: 10/17/2010 Time: 1145 Water-Level Elevations Location: Moved PT to deeper water, level survey. Moved at 1455 back in water at 1500. Post move to deeper water survey. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RP1 GW Scientific 91.07 IGauael N 66• 57.628' w 156° 52.950' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RP1 9.13 100.20 91.07 Rebar in channel next to PTs. PT 100.20 10.03 90.17 ws 100.20 9.47 90.73 RP4 100.20 7.25 92.95 Lag bolt on top of rock in channel, just upstream of RP1 Turn on RP1 RP4 6.88 99.83 92.95 ws 99.83 9.09 90.74 PT 99.83 9.65 90.18 RP1 99.83 8.75 91.08 close to 0.01' Abbrev1at1ons: backs1ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-29 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Survey Purpose: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: --=.---=U.ccP.ccPe=.:rc..:D=-a=hc.::I...:C::..:r..::e..::ec:..k ..::S.:.:ta:.:t:..:io.:..:n __ _ Date: 5/29/2011 Time: nr Water-Level Elevations Location: Dahl Creek. Level tripod placed on ATV trail adjacent to Met station and in between RM1 and RM2. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) get input off station page info Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, Alan Ward Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM1 GW Scientific 100 larbitrarv' N 66° 57.628' w 156° 52.950' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM1 1.41 101.45 100.04 Upstream Rebar. West side of trail RM2 101.45 3.95 97.50 Downstream rebar. East side of trail. RP2 101.45 7.03 94.42 Rebar upstream of station. Higher on bank High water 101.45 7.94 93.51 High water mark mark RP3 101.45 8.34 93.11 Rebar upstream of station. Lower on bank RP1 101.45 10.39 91.06 Rebar in channel next to PTs. RP4 101.45 8.55 92.90 Lag bolt on top of rock in channel, just upstream of RP1 Turn on RP4 RP4 8.69 101.59 92.90 RP1 101.59 10.53 91.06 close to 0.00' RP3 101.59 8.48 93.11 close to 0.00' RP2 101.59 7.16 94.43 close to 0.01' RM2 101.59 4.09 97.50 close to 0.00' RM1 101.59 1.54 100.05 close to 0.01' Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of Instrument, HI; m1nutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-30 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Site Location/Lake ID: --=-.....:::U.r:::P.r:::Pe::.:r~D:::.a:::h.:.:.I.;:;C::;_r:.:::ee::.:k:,:..:::S:,:ta:..::ti:.:::o:..:.n __ _ Date: 8/11/2011 Time: 13:00 Location: Upper Dahl Creek Station Gauge Datum Control. Tripod placed just upstream of station. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) sunny, 70's Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, Jasen Moyer Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RP1 GWScientific 91.06 (aauael N 66" 57.628' w 156° 52.950' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RP1 9.42 100.48 91.06 Rebar in channel next to PTs. RP2 100.48 6.06 94.42 Rebar upstream of station, higher on bank above RP3 RP3 100.48 7.37 93.11 Rebar upstream of station, lower o bank above low water edge RP4 100.48 7.55 92.93 Lag bolt on top of rock in channel, just upstream of RP1 RM1 100.48 0.47 100.01 Rebar onWest side of trail, just upstream of station RP6 100.48 3.92 96.56 South side rebar on station tripod leg anchor RM2 100.48 3.04 97.44 Rebar on East side of trail, just downstream of station Turn on RP4 RM2 3.15 100.59 97.44 RP6 100.59 4.03 96.56 close to 0.00' RM1 100.59 0.58 100.01 close to 0.00' RP4 100.59 7.66 92.93 close to 0.00' RP3 100.59 7.48 93.11 close to 0.00' RP2 100.59 6.17 94.42 close to 0.00' RP1 100.59 9.53 91.06 close to 0.00' Abbreviations: backsight. BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss: BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-31 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Location: Upper Dahl Creek Station Gauge Datum Control. Tripod placed just upstream of station. Station pulled on this trip, and all surv y control. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument 10: 5482372 (GWS owned) Overcast, -40F Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, Alan Ward Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RP1 GW Scientific 91.06 la::~uaP.) N 66• 57.628' w 156' 52.950' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks fftl (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RP1 832 99.38 91.06 Rebar in channel next to PTs. RP2 99.38 4.96 94.42 Rebar upstream of station, higher on bank above RP3 RP3 99.38 627 93.11 Rebar upstream of station, lower or bank above low water edge RP4 99.38 6.45 92.93 Lag bolt on top of rock in channel. just upstream of RP1 Turn on RP4 RP4 6.54 99.47 92.93 RP3 99.47 637 93.10 close to -0.01' RP2 99.47 5.05 94.42 close to 0.00' RP1 99.47 8.41 91.06 close to 0.00' Water1 99.47 9.95 89.52 Surveying channel bottom at pool lip to determine OQ elev Water2 99.47 9.64 89.83 Surveying channel bottom at pool lip to determine OQ elev Water3 99.47 9.74 89.73 Surveying channel bottom at pool lip to determine 00 elev Water4 99.47 9.62 I 89.85 Surveying channel bottom at pool lip to determine OQ elev Water5 99.47 9.47 90.00 Surveying channel bottom at pool lip to determine OQ elev RP1 99.47 8.41 91.06 close to 0.00' Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, It; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight. FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-32 Cosmos Hills Elevation Network sumrn"'"' Project ID: Survey Purpose: Location: Site LocationJLake lD: Update. 81912011 Networ'< Maintain Gauge Datum Control objective: Bench Mark Information Name Agency Elevation ! Latitude Longitude (ft) ! (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM4 GW 100 Scientific !arbitrarvl N 66" 59. 706' w 156. 41.969' Station Date Elevation Date Elevation Difference Adjusted (fasl) (fasl) (ft) Elevation "' "" RM1 8114/10 114.99 8118110 114.99 RM2 8114110 117.15 8118110 117.15 RM3 8114110 115.18 8118110 115.18 RM4 8114110 100.00 8118110 100.00 RMS 8114110 91.52 8118110 91.52 0.00 91.52 RM6 8114110 88.60 8118110 88.60 0.00 88.60 RP1 8114110 85.36 8/18110 85.35 -om 85.36 RP2 8114110 90.76 8118110 90.76 RP3 8118110 RP4 8118110 Survey 0.00 0.01 Closure Date 10115110 10115110 10115110 10115110 10115110 10115110 10115110 .. . .. .. ' . ' .. ,_,.,, ..... ,_,.._, "··-,_ ... ·-·- Balded Elevations point used to start survey Elevation Reference Mark Adjstment Notes Elevation Difference Adjusted Date Elevation Difference Adju&ted Remarks (fasl) (It) Elevation (las!) (It) Elevation lfull Ifni\ 114.98 -0.01 114.99 5123111 115.02 0.03 115.02 Rebar on the upstream s[de of Met station 117.14 -0 01 117.15 5123111 117.17 0.02 117.17 Rebar Ofl eas1 side of Met statlon 115.17 -0.01 115.18 5123111 115.22 0.04 115.22 Rebar on 1he downstream side of path to the water 100.00 0.00 100.00 5123111 100.00 0.00 100.00 Rebar approximately halfway up steep bank 91.53 0.01 91.52 5123111 91.52 0.00 91.52 Rebar at lower bank, near slope break 88.61 0.01 88.60 5122111 88.61 0.01 88.60 Rebar at lower bank, near slope b(Cak 85.37 0.01 85.36 Reba! at bank, ice took ou! in sprint 2011 90.76 90.76 Rebar insla!led above WI.., west bank 5122111 88.41 88.41 rebar installed in May 2011, below WL rebar installed in May 2011, below VVL, below RP3 -0.01 0.00 ''" ··---· .......... . ~ .. l ................ A-33 Cosmos Hills Elevation Network Summary Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project S1te Location/Lake ID: Upper Kogoluktuk River Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Update 8/9/2011 Time a·2o Location: Network Maintain Gauge Datum Control objective: Bench Mark Information Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM4 GW 100 Scientific tarbitrarv) N 66' 59 706' w 156' 41.969' Station Date Adjusted Date Elevation Difference Adjusted Date Elevation Difference Adjusted Date Elevation Elevation (fasl) (ft) Elevation (fasl) (ft) Elevation (fasl) ffasl\ (fasll_ _1fasll RM4 5/23/11 100.00 100.00 100.00 8/9/11 100,00 RM3 5/23/11 115.22 115.22 115.22 8/9/11 115.20 RM2 5/23/11 117.17 117.17 117.17 8/9/11 117.18 RM1 5/23/11 115.02 115.02 115.02 8/9/11 115.02 RM5 5/28/11 91.52 5/28/11 91.52 0.00 91.52 5/30/11 91.52 0.00 91.52 8/9/11 91.52 RM6 5/28/11 88.60 5/28/11 88.61 0.01 88.60 5/30/11 88.62 0.02 88.60 8/9/11 88.61 RP1 RP2 8/14/10 90.76 90.76 90.76 8/9/11 RP3 88.41 5/28/11 88.41 0.00 88.41 5/30/11 88.42 0.01 88.41 8/9/11 88.41 RP4 5/28/11 86.47 86.47 5/30/11 86.49 0.02 86.47 8/9/11 86.48 RP5 5/30/11 85.85 85.85 8/9/11 85.84 Survey 0.01 0.01 Closure Abbreviations: backs1ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL Balded Elevations indicate reference point used to start survey Elevation Reference Mark Adjstment Notes Difference Adjusted Remarks (It) Elevation (fasll 0.00 100.00 Rebar approximately halfway up steep bank -0.02 115.22 Rebar on the downstream side of path to the water 0.01 117.17 Rebar on east side of Met station 0.00 115.02 Rebar on the upstream side of Met station 0.00 91.52 Rebar at lower bank, near slope break 0.01 88.60 Rebar in lower bank, below RM5 DISContinued 90.76 Rebar installed above WL, west bank 0.00 88.41 Rebar installed in May 2011, below WL 0.01 86.47 Rebar installed in May 2011, below WL, below RP3 -0.01 85.85 Rebar installed in May 2011, below WL, below RP4 -0.01 A-34 Cosmos Hills Elevation Network Summary Form Project 10: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake 10 Upper Kogoluktuk River Survey Purpose Water~Level Elevations Update· 2/17/2012 Time: __1LQQ Location: Network Maintain Gauge Datum Control objective Bench Mark Information Name Agency ElevatJon Latitude Longitude Responsible (It) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM4 GW 100 Scientific (arbitrary) N 66" 59 706' w 156" 41.969' Station Date Adjusted Date Elevation Difference Adjusted Date Elevation Difference Adjusted Date Elevation Elevation (fasl) (It) Elevation (fasl) (It) Elevation (las I) (fasll (fasll (fasll RM4 8/9/11 100.00 100.00 RM3 8/9/11 115.22 115.22 RM2 8/9/11 117.17 117.17 RM1 8/9/11 115.02 115.02 RM5 8/9/11 91.52 9/28/11 91.52 0.00 91.52 RM6 8/9/11 88.60 9/28/11 88.60 0.00 88.60 RP1 RP2 8/14/10 90.76 90.76 RP3 8/9/11 88.41 88.41 RP4 8/9/11 86.47 9/28/11 86.47 0.00 86.47 RP5 8/9/11 85.85 9/28/11 85.82 -0.03 85.82 RP3A 9/28/11 85.240 Survey 0.00 0.01 Closure Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL Balded Elevations indicate reference point used to start survey Elevation Reference Mark Adjstment Notes Difference Adjusted Remarks (It) Elevation (fasll Rebar approximately halfway up steep bank Rebar on the downstream side of path to the water Rebar on east side of Met station Rebar on the upstream side of Met station Rebar at lower bank, near slope break Rebar in lower bank, below RMS Discontinued Rebar mstalled above WL. west bank rebar installed in May 2011, below WL rebar installed in May 2011, below WL, below RP3 rebar installed in May 2011, below Vwt., below RP4 RP3 re·installed below WI... -0.01 -··- A-35 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form (pg 1 of 2) Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Kogoluktuk River Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 8/14/201 0 Time: 1300 Location: Kogoluktuk River. Survey separated into four parts: upper, mid, and lower, and across river. Upper included RMs arou Met station. Mid included RMs on steep bank down to river, and Lower included rebar on river bank. Across river surveyed in the RP on the right bank. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) 70s, Calm, Partly Cloudy Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Cameron Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM4 GW Scientific 100 (arbitrarv) N 66° 59.706' w 156° 41.969' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle Upper: Top survey included all RMs around station and RM4, which was approximately halfway down the bank to hthe wate . Survey tripod was placed between station and path to river RM4 17.66 117.66 100.00 Rebar approximately halfway up steep bank RM3 117.66 2.48 115.18 Rebar on the downstream side of path to the water RM2 117.66 0.51 117.15 Rebar on east side of Met station RM1 117.66 2.67 114.99 Rebar on the upstream side of Met station Turn on RM1 RM1 2.91 117.90 114.99 RM2 117.90 0.75 117.15 close to 0.00' RM3 117.90 2.72 115.18 close to 0.00' RM4 117.90 17.90 100.00 close to 0.00' Mid: Mid survey included RM4 and RM5, which is the highest rebar on the lower part of the river bank. Survey tripod was positioned on the steep bank on the upstream side ofRM4. RM4 1.42 101.42 100.00 RM5 101.42 9.90 91.52 Turn on RM5 RM5 9.71 101.23 91.52 close to 0.00' RM4 101.23 1.23 100.00 close to 0.00' Lower: Lower survey included all RM5 0.75 92.27 91.52 RM6 92.27 3.67 88.60 A-36 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form (pg 2 of 2) Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Kogoluktuk River Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: Time: 1300 Location: Kogoluktuk River. Survey separated into four parts: upper, mid, and lower, and across river. Upper included RMs arou Met station. Mid included RMs on steep bank down to river, and Lower included rebar on river bank. Across river surveyed in the RP on the right bank. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) 70s, Calm, Partly Cloudy Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Cameron Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM4 GW Scientific 100 <arbitrarv) N 66" 59.706' w 156" 41.969' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RP1 92.27 6.91 85.36 Turn on RP1 RP1 7.20 92.56 85.36 RM6 92.56 3.96 88.60 close to 0.00' RM5 92.56 1.04 91.52 close to 0.00' Across The across River: river survey RM5 1.04 92.56 91.52 • RM6 92.56 3.96 88.60 RP2 92.56 1.80 90.76 Turn on RP2 RP2 2.15 92.91 90.76 RM6 92 91 4.30 88.61 close to 0.01' RM5 92.91 1.39 91.52 close to 0.00' Abbrev1at1ons: backs1ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of mstrument, HI; minutE mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-37 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Kogoluktuk River Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: Time: 1040 Location: Kogoluktuk River. Survey for PT installations and bank temperature sensor, water level measurement Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) 60s, Calm, Cloudy Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, James Lilly Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM6 GW Scientific 88.60 N 66" 59.705' w 156" 41.998' rGauael Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle Upper: Top survey included all RMs around station and RM4, which was approximately halfway down the bank to the water Survey tripod was placed between station and path to river RM6 3.19 91.79 88.60 Rebar near bottom of bank RP1 91.79 6.44 85.35 Rebar in nver, pnmary Wlmp WLCut 0.35 85.70 Water level elevation PT1 rebar 91.79 6.70 85.09 Rebar used to secure PT lines, in water PT2 rebar 91.79 0.61 91.18 Rebar used to secure PT lines, on bank Bank Temp 91.79 5.92 85.87 Sensor Rebar on the upstream side of Met station RM5 91.79 0.27 91.52 Rebar at lower bank, nea slope break Turn on RM5 RM5 0.34 91.86 91.52 PT2 rebar 91.86 0.68 91 18 close to 0.00' PT1 rebar 91.86 6.82 85.04 close to 0.05' Best Shot RP1 91.86 6.50 85.36 close to 0.01' WLCut 0.35 85.71 close to 0.01' RM6 91.86 3.26 88.60 close to 0.00' Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; he1ght of mstrument, HI; mmutE mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-38 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Kogoluktuk River Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 10/15/2010 Time: 1410 Location: Pre-move level survey. Upper RM's Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM4 GW Scientific 100 IGauae) N 66° 59.706' w 156° 41.969' Station 85 HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM4 19.70 119.70 100.00 Rebar approximately halfway up steep bank RM3 119.70 4.53 115.17 Rebar on the downstream side of path to the water RM2 119.70 2.56 117.14 Rebar on east side of Met station RM1 119.70 4.72 114.98 Rebar on the upstream side of Met station Turn on RM1 RM1 4.55 119.53 114.98 RM2 119.53 2.40 117.13 RM3 119.53 4.37 115.16 RM4 119.53 19.54 99.99 close to 0.00' Abbrev1at1ons: backs1ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; he1ght of instrument, HI; minute mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-39 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Kogoluktuk River Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 10/15/2010 Time: 1505 Location: Added RM6. Mid RM's Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM4 GW Scientific 100 (arbitrarv) N 66° 59.706' w 156° 41.969' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Af!9.le RM4 1.05 101.05 100.00 Rebar approximately halfway up steep bank RM5 101.05 9.53 91.53 Rebar at lower bank, nea slope break RM6 101.05 12.44 88.61 Rebar in lower bank, below RM5 Turn on RM6 RM6 12.56 101.17 88.61 RM5 101.17 9.64 91.53 close to 0.01' RM4 101.17 1.16 100.01 close to 0.01' Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; he1ght of mstrument, HI; mmute mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-40 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Kogoluktuk River Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 10/15/201 0 Time: 1515 Location: Added RM6. Lower RM's and water surface Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM6 GW Scientific 88.60 (Gauae) N 66" 59.706' w 156" 41.969' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM6 1.91 90.51 88.60 Rebar in lower bank, below RM5 ws 90.51 6.09 84.42 RP1 90.51 5.14 85.37 Rebar at bank, ice took out in spring 2011 Turn on RP1 RP1 5.34 90.71 85.37 ws 90.71 6.28 84.43 RM6 90.71 2.11 88.60 close to 0.00' Abbrev1at1ons: backs1ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft: feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minute mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-41 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Kogoluktuk River Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 10/15/201 0 Time: 1710 Location: Post PT survey. Surveyed PT2 on threads Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RP1 GW Scientific 85.36 IGauael N 66° 59. 706' w 156° 41.969' Station 85 HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) {ft) An11le Angle RP1 5.44 90.80 85.36 Rebar at bank, ice took out in spring 2011 PT2 90.80 6.24 84.56 RM6 90.80 2.21 88.59 Rebar at lower bank, nea slope break RM6 RM6 2.53 91.12 88.59 PT2 91.12 6.57 84.55 RP1 91.12 5.76 85.36 close to 0 01' Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of mstrument, HI; m1nute mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-42 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake 10: Upper Kogoluktuk River Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 5/22/2011 Time: nr Location: Kogoluktuk River. Survey separated into four parts: upper. mid, and lower, and across river. Upper included RMs around Met station. Mid included RMs on steep bank down to river, and Lower included rebar on river bank. Across river survey in the RP on the right bank. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, Alan Ward Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM5 GW Scientific 91.52 (Gauael N 66. 59.706' w 156° 41.969' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft} (ft) (ft) {fasl) (ft} Angle Angle RM5 8.21 99.73 91.52 Rebar at lower bank, nea slope break RM6 99.73 11.12 88.61 PT2 99.73 8.50 91.23 RP3 99.73 11.32 88.41 new rebar Turn on RP3 RP3 11.06 99.47 88.41 PT2 99.47 8.24 91.23 close to 0.00' RM6 99.47 10.86 88.61 close to 0.00' RM5 99.47 7.95 91.52 close to 0.00' Abbrev1at1ons: backs1ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of 1nstrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-43 d Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID Survey Purpose: Cosmos Hills Project Water-Level Elevations Site Location/Lake 10: Upper Kogoluktuk River Station Date: 5/23/2011 Time: nr Location: Kogoluktuk River. Survey separated into four parts: upper, mid, and lower, and across river. Upper included RMs around Met station. Mid included RMs on steep bank down to river, and Lower included rebar on river bank. Across river surveye ~ in the RP on the right bank. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, Alan Ward Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM4 GW Scientific 100 (arbitrary) N 66" 59.706' w 156° 41.969' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) lfasll (ft) A !!!lie A !!!lie RM4 0.33 100.33 100.00 RM5 100.33 8.81 91.52 RM6 100.33 11.72 88.61 RP3 100.33 11 .91 88.42 Turn on RP3 RP3 11.85 100.27 8842 RM6 100.27 11.65 88.62 close to 0.01' RM5 100.27 8.75 91.52 close to 0.00' RM4 10027 0.26 100.01 close to 0.01' Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees. dd; feet. ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of mstrument, HI; m1nutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-44 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Kogoluktuk River Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 5/23/2011 Time: nr Location: Kogoluktuk River. Survey separated into four parts: upper, mid, and lower, and across river. Upper included RMs around Met station. Mid included RMs on steep bank down to river, and Lower included rebar on river bank. Across river surveye in the RP on the right bank. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod 10: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, Alan Ward Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM1 GW Scientific 114.99 (Gauael N 66• 59. 706' w 156. 41.969' Station BS I HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM1 3.90 118.89 114.99 RM2 118.89 1.75 117.14 RM3 118.89 3.71 115.19 RM4 118.89 18.93 99.97 Turn on RM4 RM4 19.06 119 03 99.97 RM3 119.03 3.84 115.19 close to 0.00' RM2 119.03 1.89 117.14 close to 0.00' RM1 119.03 4.04 114.99 close to 0.00' Abbrev1at1ons: backs1ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-45 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Kogoluktuk River Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 5/28/2011 Time: 1300 Location: Kogoluktuk River. Survey separated into four parts: upper, mid, and lower, and across river. Upper included RMs around Met station. Mid included RMs on steep bank down to river, and Lower included rebar on river bank. Across river survey< in the RP on the right bank. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) Sunny, 60s Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass RodiD Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly. Alan Ward Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) ( ddd-mm. mmm) RM5 GW Scientific 91.52 ' IGauae' N 66• 59. 706' w 156" 41.969' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) {ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM5 2.03 93.55 91.52 RM6 93.55 4.94 88.61 High WL 93.55 4.87 88.68 High water level RP3 93.55 5.14 88.41 RP4 93.55 7.08 86.47 PT2 93.55 2.33 91.22 Turn on PT2 PT2 2.44 93.66 91.22 RP4 93.66 7.19 86.47 close to 0.00' RP3 93.66 5.26 88.40 close to 0.01' High WL 93.66 4.99 88.67 close to 0.01' RM6 93.66 5.06 88.60 close to 0.01' RM5 93.66 2.15 91.51 close to 0.01' Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight. FS; height of mstrument, HI; mmutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-46 d Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Kogoluktuk River Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 5/30/2011 Time: nr Location: Kogoluktuk River. Survey separated into four parts: upper, mid, and lower, and across river. Upper included RMs arounc Met station. Mid included RMs on steep bank down to river, and Lower included rebar on river bank. Across river survey in the RP on the right bank. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, Alan Ward Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM5 GW Scientific 91.52 (Gauael N 66" 59.706' w 156" 41.969' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ftl Angle An~:~le RM5 1.98 93.50 91.52 Rebar at lower bank, nea slope break RM6 93.50 4.88 88.62 RP3 93.50 5.08 88.42 RP4 93.50 7.01 86.49 RP5 93.50 7.65 85.85 Turn on RP5 RP5 7.74 93.59 85.85 RP4 93.59 7.10 86.49 close to 0.00' RP3 93.59 5.17 88.42 close to 0.00' RM6 93.59 4.97 88.62 close to 0.00' RM5 93.59 2.06 91.53 close to 0.01' Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-47 d Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Kogoluktuk River Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: Time: 15:35 Location: Kogoluktuk River. Survey separated into three parts: upper, mid, and lower. Upper included RMs around Met station. Mid included RMs on steep bank down to river, and Lower included rebar on river bank. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) Rainy, Overcast Type: Rod Type Fiberglass Rod 10: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name I Re~;ency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, Jason Moyer ponsible (ft} (dd-mmmmm} (ddd-mm.mmm} RM4 GW Scientific 100 IArbitrarv) N 66" 59.706' W156"41.969' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) ift) (fasll (ft) An!tle An!tle RM4 18.90 118.90 100.00 Rebar approximately halfWay up steep bank RM1 118.90 3.88 115.02 Rebar on the upstream side of Met station RM2 118.90 1.72 117.18 Rebar on east side of Met station RM3 118.90 3.70 115.20 Rebar on the downstream side of path to the water Turn on RM3 RM3 3.61 118.81 115.20 RM2 118.81 1.64 117.17 close to -0.01' RM1 118.81 3.79 115.02 close to 0.00' RM4 118.81 18.82 99.99 close to -0.01' Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of Instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-48 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Kogoluktuk River Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 8/9/2011 Time: 16:05 Location: Kogoluktuk River. Survey separated into three parts: upper, mid, and lower. Upper included RMs around Met station. Mid included RMs on steep bank down to river, and Lower included rebar on river bank. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) Rainy, Overcast Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, Jason Moyer Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM1 GW Scientific 100 (Arbitrarvl N 66° 59.706' w 156° 41.969' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) AnQie AnQie RM4 0.43 100.43 100.00 Rebar approximately halfway up steep bank RM5 100.43 8.91 91.52 Rebar at lower bank, near slope break Turn on RM3 RM5 100.52 9.00 91.52 RM4 100.52 0.51 100.01 close to 0.01' Abbrev1at1ons: backs1ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; he1ght of Instrument, HI; mmutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-49 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Kogoluktuk River Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 8/9/2011 Time: 16:41 Location: Kogoluktuk River. Survey separated into three parts: upper, mid, and lower. Upper included RMs around Met station. Mid included RMs on steep bank down to river, and Lower included rebar on river bank. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) Rainy, Overcast Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, Jason Moyer Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM5 GW Scientific 91.52 !Gauael N 66° 59.706' w 156° 41.969' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM5 0.70 92.22 91.52 Rebar at lower bank, near slope break RM6 92.22 3.61 88.61 Rebar at bank, ice took out in spring 2011 RP3 92.22 3.81 88.41 Rebar installed in May 2011, belowWL RP4 92.22 5.74 86.48 Rebar installed in May 2011, below WL, below RP3 RP5 92.22 6.38 85.84 Rebar installed in May 2011, below WL, below RP4 Turn on RP5 RP5 6.57 92.40 85.84 close to 0.00' RP4 92.40 5.92 86.48 close to 0.00' RP3 92.40 4.00 88.40 close to 0.01' RM6 92.40 3.79 88.61 close to 0.00' RM5 92.40 0.88 91.52 close to 0.00' Abbreviations: backs1ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of Instrument, HI; m1nutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-50 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Kogoluktuk River Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 9/28/2011 Time: 16:17 Location: Kogoluktuk River. Only did Survey with RM control on lower bank area. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) Owercast, sprinkling Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, Tommy Jones Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RM5 GW Scientific 91.52 IGauae) N 66• 59.706' W156.41.969' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fast) (ft) Angle Angle RM5 2.27 93.79 91.52 Rebar at lower bank, near slope break RM6 93.79 5.19 88.60 Rebar in lower bank, below RM5 RP4 93.79 7.32 86.47 Rebar installed in May 2011, below WL, below RP3 RP5 93.79 7.97 85.82 Rebar installed in May 2011, below WL, below RP4 RP3A 93.79 8.55 85.24 RP3 re-installed below WL Turn on RP3A RP3A 8.43 93.67 85.24 RP5 93.67 7.84 85.83 close to 0.01' RP4 93.67 7.20 86.47 close to 0.00' RM6 93.67 5.07 88.60 close to 0.00' RM5 93.67 2.15 91.52 close to 0.00' Abbrev1at1ons: backs1ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-51 Cosmos Hills Elevation Network Summary Form Project 10· Survey Purpose Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID· Upper Kogoluktuk Falls Stat1on Water-Level Elevations Update 2/17/2012 Ttme: ~ Location: Upper Kogoluktuk River Falls Area, both s1des of first pool, flanked by bedrock and boulders on both sides Network Ma1ntain Gauge Datum Control objective: Bench Mark Information: Name Agency Elevation Lat1tude Longitude Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RP1 GW 100 Scientific arbitrarv) N 66" 59 \59' w 156" 41.517' Station Date Elevation Date Elevation Difference Adjusted Date Elevation Difference (fasl) (fasl) (ft) Elevation (fas\) (ft) If as!) RP1 10/3/11 100.00 RP2 10/3/11 99.79 RP3 1013/11 104.07 RP4 1013/11 107.76 RP5 1013/11 111.65 RM1 10/3/11 102.96 Survey 0.01 Closure _L__ Level, BPMSL Balded Elevations indiCate reference point used to start survey Elevat1on Reference Mark Adjstment Notes Adjusted Date Elevation Difference Adjusted Remarks Elevation (fasl) (ft) Elevation lfas\1 If as\) Bolt head, large rock boulder, Left (East) Bank Bolt head, rock outcrop, Left (East) Bank Bolt head, large rock boulder, Left (East) Bank Bolt head, rock outcrop, Left (East) Bank Bolt head, rock outcrop, Left (East) Bank Rock point on outcrop on R1ght (West) Bank -- A-52 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project 10: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake 10: Upper Kogoluktuk Falls Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 9/21/2011 Time: 15:27 Location: Upper Kogoluktuk Falls River Station. Initial Right (West) Bank survey to establish water levels and control points. Point West were rock points or survey rod readings for water level measurements. Established RM1 elevation from 10/3/11 Le (East) Bank survey. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: I objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) Overcast, light rain Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod 10: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, Alan Ward Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RP1 GW Scientific 100.00 (Gauge) N 66• 59.159' w 156" 41.517' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks 1ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM1 3.33 106.29 102.96 Rock Point, Right (West) Bank WL-rock 106.29 8.48 97.81 Rock bolder point, used for WL tape-downs WL -0.25 97.56 WL Elevation@ 15:27, +/-0.05 Turn on WL-rock WL-rock 8.53 106.34 97.81 WL -025 97.56 WL Elevation@ 1540, +/-0.05 RM1 106.34 3.38 102.96 close to 0.00' WL-rock 106.34 8.50 97.84 WL -0.25 97.59 WL Elevation@ 16:00, +/-0.05 WL-rock 106.34 8.52 97.82 WL -0.25 97.57 WL Elevation@ 16:30, +!-0.05 WL-rock 106.34 8.52 97.82 WL -0.25 97.57 WL Elevation@ 17:00, +/-0.05 RM1 106.34 3.38 102.96 close to 0.00' Abbrev1at1ons: backs1ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-53 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Kogoluktuk Falls Station Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 10/3/2011 Time: 13:55 Location: Upper Kogoluktuk Falls River Station. Initial Left (East) Bank survey to establish control points. Point on East bank were bolt, installed in rock outcrop or boulders. Also tied in prior survey control point on right (West) Bank, which was a rock point, by shooting across the channel with the survey level. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) Overcast, light snow, near freezing Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, Tommy Jones Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) RP1 GW Scientific 10000 IGauael N 66° 59.159' w 156° 41.517' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasll (ft) Angle Angle RP1 4.82 104.82 100.00 Bolt head, large rock boulder, Left (East} Bank RP2 104.82 5.03 99.79 Bolt head, rock outcrop, Left (East) Bank RP3 104.82 0.75 104.07 Bolt head, large rock boulder, Left (East) Bank Turn on RP3 RP3 0.62 104.69 104.07 RP2 104.69 4 90 99.79 close to 0.00' RP1 104.69 4.68 100.01 close to 0.01' RP3 12.46 116 53 104.07 Bolt head, large rock boulder, Left (East) Bank RP4 116.53 8.77 107.76 Bolt head, rock outcrop, Left (East) Bank RP5 116.53 4.88 111.65 Bolt head, rock outcrop, Left (East) Bank Turn on RP5 RP5 4.72 116.37 111.65 RP4 116.37 8.60 107.77 close to 0.01' RP3 116.37 12.29 104.08 close to 0.01' RP1 2.96 102.96 100.00 Shot to RM1, Right (West) Bank RM1 102.96 HI set at RM1 Height Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, famsl; foresight, FS; height of Instrument, HI; mtnutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-54 APPENDIX B. WATER-LEVEL MEASUREMENTS The following forms report the water level survey information obtained during field sampling. B-1 Cosmos Hills FORM F-005: WATER-LEVEL MEASUREMENT FORM Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site location/Lake ID: Upper Cosmos Creek Station NAD83 All measurements in feet, unless noted Elevation Gauge Datum (ft) 100.00 latitude (dd-mm.mmm) N 6 7• 00.287' Vertical-Datum Corrections, reference survey notes in site folders Date MP ID MP Elevation (feet above BP Sea Level) 8/13/2010 RM1 100.00 5/27/2011 RP3 95.74 8113/2010 RP2 97.94 8/13/2010 RP1 97.14 Time Manual Wl Reference Date, Time Unit Method Reading (ft) Point 8/13/10 10:42 DST Tape -0.07 RP1 8/13/10 11 :24 DST Tape -0.09 RP1 8/13110 16:43 DST Tape -0.92 RP2 8/13/10 12:20 DST Tape -0.09 RP1 10/14/10 12:29 DST Tape -0.55 RP1 10/14/1016:00 DST Tape -0.54 RP1 10/14/10 17:01 DST Tape -0.56 RP1 10/16/1010:40 DST Tape -0.54 RP1 5/27/11 11 :00 DST Tape 1.06 RP3 5/27/11 11 :08 DST Tape 1.08 RP3 5/27/11 11:50 DST Tape 1.08 RP3 5/27/11 12:20 DST Tape 1.08 RP3 5/27/11 13:14 DST Tape 1.06 RP3 5/27/11 13:08 DST Tape 0.46 RP2 5/27/11 15:47 DST Tape -0.38 RP2 5/27/11 15:53 DST Tape -1.02 RP3 5/30/11 13:00 DST Tape -0.70 RP2 5/30/11 13:25 DST Tape -0.70 RP2 5/30/11 13:25 DST Tape 0.07 RP1 5/30/11 13:53 DST Tape -0.70 RP2 5/30/11 14:48 DST Tape -0.70 RP2 5/30/1116:19 DST Tape -0.70 RP2 8/10/11 12:17 DST Tape -0.78 RP2 8/10/11 12:50 DST Tape -0.78 RP2 ~0/1114:42 DST Tape -0.78 RP2 longitude (dd-mm.mmm) ' ~ 157° 06.534' Reference Point Elevation (ft) 97.14 97.14 97.94 97.14 97.14 97.14 97.14 97.14 95.74 95.74 95.74 95.74 95.74 97.94 97.94 95.74 97.94 97.94 97.14 97.94 97.94 97.94 97.94 97.94 97.94 Estimated Error +1-0.01 +I-0.02 +I-0.02 +/-0.02 +I-0.01 +!-0.01 +/-0.01 +/-0.01 +/-0.05 +/-0.05 +/-0.05 +I-0.05 +/-0.05 +/-0.05 +I-0.05 +I-0.05 +/-0.02 +I-0.02 +I-0.02 +/-0.03 +/-0.03 +I-0.03 +/-0.03 +/-0.03 ABBREVIATIONS Calib, used to calibrate PT LS, land surface MP, measuring point NIA, not available WS, water surface WS Elevation Feet Above Gauge Datum Remarks 97.07 lqauQino event 97.05 loauoino event 97.02 loauoina event 97.05 l!lauaina event 96.59 laauaina event 96.60 laauoina event 96.58 laauginq event 96.60 !gauging event 96.80 laauging event 96.82 loauging event 96.82 laauaina event 96.82 laauaing event 96.80 lgauginq event 98.40 lgaugil'lg-event 97.56 lgau(ling event 94.72 lgauqinq event 97.24 lqauqinq event 97.24 laauaina event 97.21 laauaina event 97.24 laauaina event 97.24 I oauaina event 97.24 aauoina event 97.16 aauging event 97.16 gauging event +1-0.QL-97.16 gauging event B-2 Cosmos Hills FORM F-005: WATER-LEVEL MEASUREMENT FORM Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: NAD83 All measurements in feet, unless noted Elevation Gauge Datum (ft) 100.00 Latitude (dd-mm.mmm) N 67" 00.287' Vertical-Datum Corrections, reference survey notes in site folders Date MPID MP Elevation (feet above BP Sea Level) 8/13/2010 RM1 100.00 5/27/2011 RP3 95.74 8/13/2010 RP2 97.94 8/13/2010 RP1 97.14 Time Manual WL Reference Date, Time Unit Method Reading (ft) Point 9/23/11 11 :30 DST Tape -1.05 RP2 9/23/11 11 :30 DST Tape -0.26 RP1 9/23/11 11 :50 DST Tape -1.05 RP2 9/23/11 12:02 DST Tape -1.05 RP2 9/25/11 14:30 DST Tape -1.08 RP2 9/25/11 16:06 DST Tape -1.08 RP2 9/25/11 16:08 DST Tape -0.28 RP1 Measured Data Values Longitude (dd-mm.mmm} w 157° 06.534' Reference Point Elevation Estimated (ft) Error 97.94 +/-0.02 97.14 +/-0.03 97.94 +/-0.02 97.94 +1-0.02 97.94 +1-0.01 97.94 +/-0.01 97.14 +/-0.01 Upper Cosmos Creek Station ABBREVIATIONS Calib, used to calibrate PT LS, land surface MP, measuring point N/A, not available WS, water surface WS Elevation Feet Above Gauge Datum Remarks 96.89 lgauging event 96.88 liiauging event 96.89 lgauging event 96.89 !gauging event 96.86 lgauqing event 96.86 lgauqinq event 96.86 IC!auqinCI event Manual Water Level (WL) Readings: measured from water surface to measuring point (mp), RM is below water for positive readings Estimated Error = Field estimate of water level measurement error Daylight Savings Time Start End 201 0 3/14/1 0 11/7/1 0 2011 2012 3/13/11 11/6/11 3/11/12 11/4112 B-3 Cosmos Hills FORM F-005: WATER-LEVEL MEASUREMENT FORM Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: NAD83 All measurements in feet, unless noted Elevation Gauge Datum (ft) 100.00 Latitude {dd-mm.mmm) N 66' 58.945' Vertical-Datum Corrections, reference survey notes in site folders Date 8/15/2010 8/15/2010 Date, Time 8/13/10 15:45 8/13/10 16:45 8/13/1 0 17:45 8/21110 9:42 10/14/1014:55 10/14/1016:20 10/16/1012:33 10/16/10 13:25 10/16/10 15:20 5/20/11 13:10 5/20/11 13:50 5/20/11 14:00 5/20/11 14:43 5/24/11 11 :40 5/24/11 13:00 5/24/11 13:25 5/24/11 14:25 5/29/11 15:50 5/29/1116:11 5/29/11 16:54 5/29/11 17:46 8110/11 18:15 10/6/11 17:15 10/26/11 12:46 MP ID IMP Elevation (feet above BP Sea Level) RM1 1100.00 RP1 91.44 Time Unit Method DST Tape DST Tape DST Tape DST Tape DST Tape DST Tape DST Tape DST Tape DST Survey DST Tape DST Tape DST Tape DST Tape DST Tape DST Tape DST Tape DST Tape DST Tape DST Tape DST Tape DST Tape DST Tape DST Tape DST Tape Manual WL Reference Reading (ft) Point 0.05 RP1 0.05 RP1 0.05 RP1 0.18 RP1 -0.14 RP1 -0.14 RP1 -0.16 RP1 -0.15 RP1 na na 0.09 RP1 0.09 RP1 0.10 RP1 0.12 RP1 0.25 RP1 0.27 RP1 0.29 RP1 0.37 RP1 0.28 RP1 0.28 RP1 0.29 RP1 0.29 RP1 0.13 RP1 -0.04 RP1 -0.15 RP1 Longitude (dd-mm.mmm) w 156° 58.824' Reference Point Elevation Estimated (ft) Error 91.44 +/-0.02 91.44 +/-0.02 91.44 +1-0.02 91.44 +1-0.02 91.44 +1-0.02 91.44 +/-0.02 91.44 +1-0.02 91.44 +I-0.02 na +I-0.02 91.44 +/-0.02 91.44 +/-0.02 91.44 +/-0.02 91.44 +/-0.02 91.44 +/-0.02 91.44 +/-0.02 91.44 +/-0.06 91.44 +/-0.02 91.44 +I-0.03 91.44 +I-0.04 91.44 +/-0.04 91.44 +/-0.04 91.44 +/-0.03 91.44 +/-0.02 91.44 +/-0.02 Upper Wesley Creek Station ABBREVIATIONS Calib, used to calibrate PT LS, land surface MP, measuring point N/A, not available WS, water surface WS Elevation Feet Above Gauge Datum Remarks 91.49 gauging event 91.49 :gauging event 91.49 !gauging event 91.62 jgauging event 91.30 jgauging event 91.30 jgauging event 91.28 !gauging event 91.29 !gauging event 91.27 elevation survey 91.53 1gauging event 91.53 gauging event 91.54 gauging event 91.56 gauging event 91.69 lgauging event 91.71 :gauging event 91.73 gauging event 91.81 !gauging event 91.72 jgauging event 91.72 gauging event 91.73 !gauging event 91.73 !gauging event 91.57 !gauging event 91.40 Station elevation survey 91.29 Station elevation survey B-4 Cosmos Hills FORM F-005: WATER-LEVEL MEASUREMENT FORM Project 10: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Wesley Creek Station All measurements in feet, unless noted Elevation Gauge Datum (ft) 100.00 NAD83 Latitude Longitude (dd-mm.mmm) (dd-mm.mmm) N 66" 58.945' W_ 156' 5/:l.824' Vertical-Datum Corrections, reference survey notes in site folders Date 8/15/2010 8/15/2010 Date, Time Time Unit Measured Data Values Method feet above BP Sea Level Reference Point ManuaiWL Reference Elevation Reading (ft) Point (ft) Estimated Error ABBREVIATIONS Calib, used to calibrate PT LS, land surface MP, measuring point N/A, not available WS, water surface WS Elevation Feet Above Gauge Datum Manual Water Level (WL) Readings: measured from water surface to measuring point (mp), RM is below water for positive readings Estimated Error= Field estimate of water level measurement error Daylight Savings Time 2010 2011 2012 Start End 3/14/10 11/7/10 3/13/11 11/6/11 3/11/12 11/4/12 Remarks 8-5 Cosmos Hills FORM F-005: WATER-LEVEL MEASUREMENT FORM Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: NAD83 All measurements in feet, unless noted Elevation Gauge Datum (ft) 100.00 Latitude (dd-mm.mmm) N 66° 57.019' Vertical-Datum Corrections, reference survey notes in site folders Date MP ID MP Elevation (feet above BP Sea Level) 8/12/2010 RM1 100.00 8/12/2010 RP5 92.93 8/12/2010 RP1 91.06 8/12/2010 RP2 94.42 Time Manual WL Reference Date, Time Unit Method Reading (ft) Point 8/11/10 18:20 DST Tape 0.1 RP1 8/11/10 18:30 DST Tape 0.11 RP1 8/12/10 15:01 DST Tape 0.19 RP1 8/12/10 16:06 DST Tape 0.22 RP1 8/12/10 16:50 DST Tape 0.24 RP1 8/16/10 15:50 DST Tape 0.12 RP1 1 0/13/10 16:03 DST Tape -0.32 RP1 10/13/1017:13 DST Tape -0.31 RP1 1 0/17/1 0 11 :45 DST Survey ---- 10/17/1014:20 DST Tape -0.35 RP1 5/29/11 1 0:29 DST Tape 0.56 RP1 5/29/11 1 0:56 DST Tape 0.56 RP1 5/29/11 11:18 DST Tape 0.55 RP1 5/29/11 11 :58 DST Tape 0.55 RP1 5/29/1112:45 DST Tape 0.55 RP1 5/29/11 13:26 DST Tape 0.55 RP1 5/29/11 13:4 7 DST Tape 0.55 RP1 5/29/11 14:33 DST Tape 0.55 RP1 5/30/11 13:20 DST Tape 0.43 RP1 5/30/11 14:07 DST Tape 0.44 RP1 8/11/1112:15 DST Tape 0.11 RP1 8/11/1112:37 DST Tape 0.11 RP1 8/11/1113:15 DST Tape 0.11 RP1 9/27/11 17:51 DST Tape -0.05 RP1 Longitude (dd-mm.mmm) w 156° 54.217' Reference Point Elevation Estimated (ft) Error 91.06 +/-0.02 91.06 +/-0.02 91.06 +/-0.02 91.06 +/-0.02 91.06 +/-0.02 91.06 +/-0.02 91.06 +/-0.02 91.06 +/-0.02 --+/-0.02 91.06 +/-0.02 91.06 +/-0.03 91.06 +I-0.03 91.06 +I-0.03 91.06 +/-0.03 91.06 +/-0.02 91.06 +/-0.02 91.06 +/-0.03 91.06 +/-0.03 91.06 +/-0.03 91.06 +/-0.03 91.06 +/-0.02 91.06 +/-0.02 91.06 +/-0.02 91.06 +/-0.02 Upper Dahl Creek Station ABBREVIATIONS Calib, used to calibrate PT LS, land surface MP, measuring point N/A, not available WS, water surface WS Elevation Feet Above Gauge Datum Remarks 91.16 _gauging event 91.17 gauging event 91.25 gauging event 91.28 gauging event 91.30 gauging event 91.18 gauging event 90.74 gauging event 90.75 gauging event 90.73 gauQinQ event 90.71 gauging event 91.62 Qauging event 91.62 gauging event 91.61 gauging event 91.61 gauging event 91.61 gauging event 91.61 gauging event 91.61 gauging event 91.61 gauging event 91.49 gauging event 91.50 gauging event 91.17 gauging event 91.17 gauging event 91.17 gauging event 91.01 Removed station B-6 Cosmos Hills FORM F-005: WATER-LEVEL MEASUREMENT FORM Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Dahl Creek Station NAD83 All measurements in feet, unless noted Elevation Gauge Datum {ft) 100.00 Latitude (dd-mm.mmm) N 66. 57.019' Vertical-Datum Corrections, reference survey notes in site folders Date MPID MP Elevation {feet above BP Sea Level) 8/12/2010 RM1 100.00 8/12/2010 RP5 92.93 8/12/2010 RP1 91.06 8/12/2010 RP2 94.42 Time Manual WL Reference Date, Time Unit Method Reading (ft) Point Measured Data Values Longitude (dd-mm .m mm}_ w 156° 54.217' Reference Point Elevation (ft) Estimated Error ABBREVIATIONS Calib, used to calibrate PT LS, land surface MP, measuring point NIA, not available WS, water surface WS Elevation Feet Above Gauge Datum Manual Water Level (WL) Readings: measured from water surface to measuring point (mp), RM is below water for positive readings Estimated Error Field estimate of water level measurement error Daylight Savings Time 2010 2011 2012 Start 3/14/10 3/13/11 3111112 End 1117110 1116111 11/4/12 Remarks B-7 Cosmos Hills FORM F-005: WATER-LEVEL MEASUREMENT FORM Project 10: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: NAD83 All measurements in feet, unless noted Elevation Gauge Datum (It) 100.00 Latitude (dd-mm.mmm) . 1'1_66" 59. 7Q_6' Vertical-Datum Corrections, reference survey notes in site folders Date MPID MP Elevation (feet above BP Sea Level) 8/14/2010 RM4 100.00 5128/2011 RP3 88.42 5128/2011 RP4 86.47 8/14/2010 RP1 85.36 5/30/2011 RP5 85.85 Time Manual WL Reference Date, Time Unit Method Reading (ft) Point 8/14/10 16:05 DST Tape -0.21 RP1 8/14/10 17:00 DST Tape -0.21 RP1 8/14/10 17:45 DST Tape -0.21 RP1 8/15/10 10:00 DST Tape -0.39 RP1 8/15/10 10:35 DST Tape -0.40 RP1 8/15/10 11 :27 DST Tape -0.42 RP1 8/15/10 12:55 DST Tape -0.43 RP1 8/15/10 15:43 DST Tape -0.48 RP1 5/23/11 12:44 DST Tape -1.18 RP3 5/23/11 12:50 DST Tape -1.18 RP3 5/23111 13:30 DST Tape -1.22 RP3 5/23/11 15:32 DST Tape -1.30 RP3 5/23/11 16:08 DST Tape -1.31 RP3 5/23/11 16:43 DST Tape -1.33 RP3 5/23/11 18:30 DST Tape -1.36 RP3 5/25/11 11 :22 DST Tape -1.21 RP3 5/25/11 13:43 DST Tape -1.26 RP3 5/25111 14:00 DST Tape -1.26 RP3 5/25/11 14:23 DST Tape -1.29 RP3 5/25/11 15:30 DST Tape -1.33 RP3 5/25/11 16:30 DST Tape -1.37 RP3 5/2511117:13 DST Tape -1.41 RP3 5/28/1112:16 DST Tape 0.22 RP4 5/2 8/11 13:20 DST Tape 0.19 RP4 5/28/11 14:00 DST Tape 0.16 RP4 5/28/11 14:40 DST Tape 0.13 RP4 Longitude (dd-mm.mmm) w 156° 41.969' Reference Point Elevation Estimated (ft) Error 85.36 +/-0.02 85.36 +/-0.02 85.36 +/-0.02 85.36 +/-0.02 85.36 +I-0.02 85.36 +/-0.02 85.36 +/-0.02 85.36 +/-0.02 88.42 +/-0.02 88.42 +I-0.02 88.42 +I-0.02 88.42 +I-0.02 88.42 +/-0.02 88.42 +I-0.02 88.42 +/-0.02 88.42 +I-0.02 88.42 +/-0.02 88.42 +/-0.02 88.42 +/-0.02 88.42 +I-0.02 88.42 +I-0.02 88.42 +/-0.02 86.47 +/-0.02 86.47 +I-0.02 86.47 +I-0.02 86.47 +1-0.02 Upper Kogoluktuk River Station ABBREVIATIONS Calib, used to calibrate PT LS, land surface MP, measuring point NIA, not available WS, water surface WS Elevation Feet Above Gauge Datum Remarks 85.15 [gauging event 85.15 [gauging event 85.15 [gauging event 84.97 [gauging event 84.96 [gauging event 84.94 [gauging event 84.93 [gauging event 84.88 gauging event 87.24 [gauging event 87.24 [gaugjng event 87.20 I gauging event 87.12 I gauging event 87.11 [gauging event 87.09 [gauging event 87.06 [gauging event 87.21 [gauging event 87.16 [gauging event 87.16 [gauging event 87.13 [gauging event 87.09 I gauging event 87.05 [gauging event 87.01 [gauging event 86.69 [gauging event 86.66 [gauging event 86.63 [gauging event ' 86.60 gauging event i I I B-8 Cosmos Hills FORM F-005: WATER-LEVEL MEASUREMENT FORM Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: NAD83 All measurements in feet, unless noted Elevation Gauge Datum (ft) 100.00 Latitude (dd-mm.mmm) N 66" 59.706' Vertical-Datum Corrections, reference survey notes in site folders Date MPID MP Elevation (feet above BP Sea Level) 8114/2010 RM4 100.00 5128/2011 RP3 88.42 5/28/2011 RP4 86.47 8/1412010 RP1 85.36 5/30/2011 RP5 85.85 Time Manual WL Reference Date, Time Unit Method Reading (ft) Point 5/28/11 16:10 DST Tape 0.06 RP4 5/28/11 16:45 DST Tape 0.03 RP4 5/29/11 20:05 DST Tape -0.30 RP4 5/29/11 20:32 DST Tape 0.32 RP4 5/30/11 9:45 DST Tape -0.41 RP4 5130/11 9:52 DST Tape -0.4 RP4 5/30/11 9:52 DST Tape 0.23 RP5 5/30/11 10:23 DST Tape -0.39 RP4 5/30/11 1 0:23 DST Tape 0.24 RP5 5/30/11 10:43 DST Tape -0.38 RP4 5/30/11 1 0:43 DST Tape 0.25 RP5 5/30/11 11 :59 DST Tape -0.35 RP4 8/9/11 12:17 DST Tape -0.79 RP5 8/9/11 14:05 DST Tape -0.78 RP5 8/9/11 14:48 DST Tape -0.78 RP5 8/9/1115:16 DST Tape -0.79 RP5 8/9/11 18:43 DST Tape -0.78 RP5 8/9/11 17:34 DST Tape -0.78 RP5 9/21/1117:11 DST Tape -0.69 RP3A 9/28/11 18:07 DST Tape -0.85 RP3A 9/28/11 16:32 DST Tape -0.85 RP3A Measured Data Values Longitude (dd-mm.mmm) w 156" 41.969' -·-··-··-·--- Reference Point Elevation Estimated (ft) Error 86.47 +/-0.02 86.47 +I-0.02 86.47 +/-0.02 86.47 +/-0.02 86.47 +/-0.02 88.47 +/-0.02 85.85 +I-0.02 86.47 +/-0.02 85.85 +/-0.02 86.47 +/-0.02 85.85 +I-0.02 86.47 +I-0.02 85.85 +/-0.01 85.85 +/-0.01 85.85 +/-0.01 85.85 +I-0.01 85.85 +/-0.01 85.85 +/-0.01 85.24 +/-0.01 85.24 +/-0.01 85.24 +/-0.01 Upper Kogoluktuk River Station ABBREVIATIONS Calib, used to calibrate PT LS, land surface MP, measuring point NIA, not available WS, water surface WS Elevation Feet Above Gauge Datum Remarks 86.53 gauging event 88.50 gauging event 88.17 gauging event 86.79 gauging event 86.06 gauging event 88.07 gauging event 88.08 gauging event 88.08 gauging event 88.09 gauging event 86.09 gauging event 86.10 !gauging event 86.12 !gauging event 85.06 I gauging event, move pt's 85.07 !gauging event, move pi's 85.07 lgauging_event, move pi's 85.06 I gauging event, move pi's 85.07 I gauging event, move pi's 85.07 I gauging event, move pt's 84.55 !gauging event 84.39 Station elevation survey 84.39 Station elevation survey Manual Water Level (WL) Readings: measured from water surface to measuring point (mp), RM is below water for positive readings ·-- 8-9 ' Cosmos Hills FORM F-005: WATER-LEVEL MEASUREMENT FORM Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: NAD83 All measurements in feet, unless noted Elevation Gauge Datum (ft) 100.00 Latitude (dd-mm.mmm) N 66" 59.706' Vertical-Datum Corrections, reference survey notes in site folders Date MP ID MP Elevation (feet above BP Sea Level) 8/14/2010 RM4 100.00 5/28/2011 RP3 88.42 5/28/2011 RP4 86.47 8/14/2010 RP1 85.36 5/30/2011 RP5 85.85 Time Manual WL Reference Qate, Time Unit Method Reading (ft) Point Estimated Error= Field estimate of water level measurement error Daylight Savings Time Start End 2010 3/14/10 11/7/10 2011 3/13/11 11/6/11 2012 3/11112 11/4/12 Longitude (dd-mm.mmm) w 156" 41.969' Reference Point Elevation Estimated (ft) Error Upper Kogoluktuk River Station ABBREVIATIONS Calib, used to calibrate PT LS, land surface MP, measuring point N/A, not available WS, water surface WS Elevation Feet Above Gauge Datum --Remarks B-10 Cosmos Hills FORM F-005: WATER-LEVEL MEASUREMENT FORM Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake 10: NAD83 All measurements in feet, unless noted Elevation Gauge Datum (fl) ' _100.00 Latitude (dd-mm.mmm) N 66" 59.159' Vertical-Datum Corrections, reference survey notes in site folders Date MPID MP Elevation (feet above BP Sea Level) 9/21/2011 RP1 100.00 9/21/2011 RM1 102.96 10/3/2011 RP2 99.79 Time ManuaiWL Reference Date, Time Unit Method Reading (ft) Point 09/21/11 15:27 Survey na RM1 10/03/11 12:50 Tape -2.37 RP2 '----·······------------~ - Measured Data Values Longitude (dd-mm.mmm) w 156° 41.517' Reference Point Elevation Estimated (ft) Error 102.96 +I-0.05 99.79 +/-0.10 Upper Kogoluktuk Falls Station ABBREVIATIONS Calib, used to calibrate PT LS, land surface MP, measuring point N/A, not available WS, water surface WS Elevation Feet Above Gauge Datum Remarks 97.56 elevation survey 97.42 !gauging event Manual Water Level (WL) Readings: measured from water surface to measuring point (mp), RM is below water for positive readings Estimated Error "' Field estimate of water level measurement error Daylight Savings Time Start End 2010 3/14/10 11/7/10 2011 3/13/11 11/6/11 2012 3/11/12 1114/12 8-11 APPENDIX C. CROSS-SECTION ELEVATION SURVEY FORMS The following forms report the cross section survey infonnation obtained during field sampling. C-1 Cosmos Hills Cross Section Project ID Survey Purpose· Location: Survey objective Instrument Type· Rod Type: Name Dahl Station RM7 72.0 7LO 70.0 69 0 68.0 67.0 66.0 65.0 640 63.0 62.0 61.0 60 0 59.0 58.0 57.0 56.0 55.0 54.0 53.0 52 0 51.0 50.0 490 48.0 47.0 46.0 45.0 44.0 43.0 42 0 41.0 40.0 39.0 38.0 37"0 36.0 35.0 33 9 Site Location/Lake 10: Oate: 811312010 Cosmos Creek.. level tripod positioned 15 feet downstream of met s:tattonn Measure cross section Weather Observations: I Leica NA720 Instrument 10: 5482372 {GWS owned) Fiberglass Rod 10: Crane Fiber Glass 50s. Rain Overcast Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Agency Responsible Elevation latitude Longih.lde Jeff Murray, Cameron Brailey (ft) (dd·mm.mmm) ( ddd-mm mmm} GWS N 66" 57.628' w 156' 52.950' BS HI Elevation Remarks II 3.91 102.39 98.48 Tape measure stretched across channel and attached to brush on left bank and T·post on right bank. Survey started at right bank, at 72'. Final point or. cross section was at 7.6', bu1 tape ended on left bank at i'. Surveyed at 1' increments, 3.01 102.39 99.38 unless significant elevation change was observed. Survey tied into elevation 'Nith RM7. 2.79 102.39 99.60 3.17 t02 . .3S $9.22 3.31 102.39 99 09 3.34 102.39 99.05 3.04 102.39 99.35 3.45 102.39 98.94 3.76 102.39 98.63 3.90 102.39 98.49 3.68 102.39 98.52 3.71 102.39 98.68 3.49 102.39 98.90 3.44 102.39 98.95 3.40 102.39 98.99 3.65 102.39 98.74 3.63 102.39 98.76 3.52 102.39 98.67 3.42 102.39 98.97 3.45 102.39 98.95 3.46 102.39 98.93 3.66 102.39 98.73 3.65 102.39 98.75 3.83 102.39 98.56 3.9~ 102.39 98.49 3.87 102.39 98.52 4.02 102.39 98.37 417 102.39 9822 4.24 102.39 98.15 4.22 102.39 98.17 441 102.39 97.9-9 4.44 101.39 97.95 ----- 4.69 102.39 97.70 5.01 102.39 97.38 Edge of water. right bank at 39.5' 6.82 102.39 95.57 6.59 102.39 95.80 6.70 102.39 95.69 6.a2 102.39 95.57 6 98 102.39 95.41 6.98 102.39 95.41 C-2 Cosmos Hills Cross Section ProjectiD: St.rvey Purpose Cosmos Hills Project Cross Section Survey Sire Locatwnllake !0: U;;per Cosmos Creek Station {pg 2 of 2) Date 8/11/2010 Time ~400 Location Cosmos Creek. Level tripod positioned 15 feet downstream of met statwr,n, Survey objective· Measure cross section Weather Observations I Instrument Le·ca NA720 Instrument 10· 5482372 (GWS owned) Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass 50s, Rah Overcast Bench Mark information Survey Team Names ::J Name Agency Responsible Elevation Latitude Longitt.de .---·~ :---Jeff MUr·;·ay, Cameron Brailey I"J (dd-mm.mmm} (ddd-rnm.mmrn) Dahi GWS N M~· 57.62&' w 156" 52.950' Station BS HI Elevation Remaric:s lltl 31,7 7.06 102,j9 95.33 30.9 7 07 102.39 95.32 30 0 7.32 102.39 95 07 28.8 7.28 iC2.39 951t 27.5 7 64 102 39 94.75 26 5 7_52 102.39 94 87 25.3 7.46 102.:19 94.93 24 2 7.45 02 39 94.94 23.1 7.24 102.39 95.15 21.7 7.0? 102.39 95 32 20 7 7.12 102.39 95.27 20 0 6.95 102.39 95 44 19.0 692 102.39 95 57 17.9 6.41 102_39 95.98 16.9 6.32 ~ 02.39 96 07 15.8 r 6.25 102.39 96.14 14.6 6.02 102.39 96.37 133 5.97 102.39 96.42 ·--~- 12_8 5.77 102.39 96.62 edge of water. left bank 11 7 5.75 102_39 96.64 105 4.67 102.39 I 97_72 9.5 4.17 1n.39 98.22 8.6 3.5 102.39 98.89 7.6 23 102.39 99.16 1.0 end ot tape C-3 Cosmos Hills Cross Section Project ID· survey Purpose Stte Loca1i0n/Lake 10: Date· 6/15/201 0 Loca1ion: Wesley Creek. Survey tripod set up 7 feet downstream on created path. Cross section located directly down path and over PT location Survey objective: Measure cress section I Weather Observations: I Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument 10: 5482372 (GVVS owned) Type Rod TypEr Fiberglass Rod ID· Crane Fiber Glass 50s Cloudv, Drizzle Bench Ma~ information: Survey Team Names I -····Name Agency ResptJnsible Elevation Latitude Lcngrtude Jeff Murray, Cameron Bralley (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) {ddd~mm.mmm) Wesley GWScientific N 66• 57.235' w 157' 01.364' Station BS I HI Elevation Remarks {It} Start on left Bank RM5 6.53 101.69 95.16 2 4.12 101.69 97.57 3 4.09 101.69 97.60 4 4.13 101.69 97.56 5 4.28 101.69 97.41 6 4.19 101.69 97.50 - 7 4.11 101.69 97.59 8 4 25 101,69 97.44 9 4.23 101.69 97.46 10 4.38 101.69 97.31 11 4A7 101.69 97 22 12 4.56 101.69 9J,11 13 448 101.69 97.21 14 4.66 101.69 97.03 15 4.69 101.69 97.00 16 4.73 101.69 96.96 17 4.85 101.69 96.84 18 5.23 101.69 E 19 5.54 101.69 20 5.75 101.69 95.95 21 6.26 I 9 95.43 22 6.66 101.69 95 03 RP2 5 55 101-69 96.14 23 7.45 101.69 94.24 24 7.85 101.69 93.84 25 8.53 101.69 93.18 26 10.14 101.69 91.55 27 10.18 101.69 91.51 27.8 11.46 101.69 90.23 water hne 29 12,19 101.69 89.50 30 12.86 101.69 66.81 31 11.65 101.69 90.04 32 11.60 10169 90.09 33 11.81 101.69 89.88 34 12.11 101.69 89.58 35 12.30 101.69 89.39 36 12.34 101.69 69.35 C-4 Cosmos Hills Cross Section Project ID: Survey Purpose: Location: Survey objective: Instrument Type: Rod Type· Name Wesley Station 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Cosmos Hills Project Srte Location/Lake ID Wesley Creek (pg 2 of 3) Cross Section Survey Date: 8/15/2010 Time 1630 Wesley Creek. Survey tnpod set up 7 feet downstream on created path. Cross section located directly down path and over PT locatron Measure cross section I Weather Observations I Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass 50s. Cloudy, Dnzzle Bench Mark Information-Survey Team Names Agency Responsible Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Cameron Brailey (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm mmm) GW Screntifrc N 66" 57 235' w tsr ot.364' 85 HI Elevation Remarks (It) 12.25 101.69 89.44 Moved downstream of a large rock 12 40 101.69 89.29 12.44 101 69 89 25 12 57 101.69 89.12 12.30 101.69 89 39 12.09 101.69 89.60 12 06 101 69 89 63 12.19 101.69 89 50 12 36 101.69 89.33 12.25 95 16 82.91 12.28 95.16 82 88 12 48 95.16 82.68 12 08 95 16 83.08 11 87 95.16 83 29 water line 10 29 95.16 84.87 9 50 95.16 85.66 8.47 95.16 86 69 7.92 95 16 87.24 7.58 95.16 87 58 7 25 95.16 87.91 6 90 95.16 88 26 6.39 95 16 88.77 6.20 95.16 88 96 5 86 95.16 89.3 5.97 95.16 89 19 5.90 95 16 89.26 5.94 95 16 89 22 5.74 95.16 89.42 5.83 95.16 89 33 6 10 95.16 89.06 6.39 95 16 88.77 6 19 95 16 88.97 5.98 95.16 89.18 5.82 95.16 89.34 5.69 95.16 89 47 5.58 95.16 89.58 5.70 95.16 89 46 C-5 Cosmos Hills Cross Section Project ID: Survey Purpose· Location Survey objective: Instrument Type: Rod Type: Name t Wesley Station 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Site Location/Lake ID: Dale: 5/15/2010 Wesley creek. Survey tripod set up 7 feet dowootream on created p.aih. Cross section located directly down path and over PT location Measure cross section I Weather Observations I Loica NA720 Instrument 10: 5482372 (GWS owned) Fiberglass Rod!D: Crane Fiber Glass 50s, Cloudv, Drizzle Bench Mark !nfonnation: Survey Team Names Agency Responsible Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Cameron Braifey (ft) (dd~mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) GWScienHfic N 66" 57235' W157"01.364' BS HI Elevation Remarks (ft) 5.76 95.16 89.4 5.83 95 16 89.33 5.82 95.16 89.34 -· 5.93 95.16 89.23 5.90 95.16 89.26 599 95.16 89.17 6.26 95.16 889 6.34 95.16 66.82 6.56 95.16 88.58 6.56 95.16 88.6 6.73 95.16 8643 6.73 95.16 88.43 6.84 95.16 88.32 6.81 95.16 88.35 6.79 95.16 88.37 6.77 95.16 88.39 6.67 95.16 I 88.49 C-6 Cosmos Hills Cross Section Project !D: Survey Purpose: location: Survey objective· Instrument Type: Rod Type Name Da~! Station RM1 40 Dahl Creek. Level tripod placed on stream bank between RP2 and Met statiM. Determine FW$ Elevation. leica NA72D Instrument 10: Fiberglass RodiD: Bench Mark lnformat'.or · Agency Responsible Elevation Latitude (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) GW Scientific 1:JO{FromF-\l11) N 66" 57_628' BS HI Ek:vation (Ill 1.60 1:)1.60 100 5.03 101.60 96.58 5482372 (GW$ owned) Crane Fiber Glass Longitude {ddd·m~,mmm} w l56~ 52.950' Weather Observations I 50s, Rain, Overcast Survey Team Names Jeff Murray, Cameron Brailey Remarks right side of stream attached to tree on far side of ATV traiL Point marked with lag bolt in ·------j--------1 tree distance at lag bolt is 702'. Began survey with TBM 1 on r,ght side of ATV trail and stream. First ground point 39 5.45 101.60 96.16 was at estimated bank. full point at 40'. Continued at 1' increments unless s:gr:ificant elevat:on change was observed f--------t------+------+--------1 Surveyed TBM Wa!er 1 in stream channel. at 27 1'. Fmal point was at TBM 2 on left side of chanr>e!, at 1'. Survey was 38 I 6.16 101 60 95.44 verified by re-measuring TBM1. 37 622 101.60 95.38 36 6.48 10"!.60 95.12 35 6.92 101.60 94.68 34 7.36 101.60 94.24 " 7.52 101.60 94.08 32 8.09 101.60 93 51 31 8.58 101.60 93 02 30 8.99 101.60 9261 29 10.53 101.6C 91.07 28 10 85 I 1o1.eo 90.75 27 1 10_54 101. 91 06 -----t---------~···· 26 11.15 10' 60 90.45 25 11.36 101.60 90.24 24 11.07 101.60 9053 ---------------·····---- 23 11.44 101.60 90.16 22 11.52 101.60 90.08 21 11 68 101.60 89.92 20 11 89 101 60 89.71 19 11.79 101.60 8981 18 11.84 101.60 89 76 1--------j-~~----j----+-----+-----· 17.5 11.97 101.60 8963 17 ~ 2,16 101 60 89 44 16 12 66 101.60 88.94 15 12.57 101.60 89 03 14 12.54 101.60 89.06 13 12.14 'IOL60 89 46 12 11.73 i _10160 89.87 11 11J34 181. 89 76 10 11.49 101_60 90 11 "\1 47 ·.01.60 90.13 1---------------·····------· 11.31 101 60 90.29 11.47 iOL60 90 13 5.2 8.17 101.60 93 43 ·····----~· 6 19 101.60 95.41 5.80 101.60 95.80 5.24 101.60 96.36 3.39 101.60 98.2' R\13 TBM1 1.60 101.60 100.00 C-7 Cosmos Hi/Is Cross Section Projec! 10 Survey Purpose: Location: Survey objective: Instrument Type Rod Type: Name RM6 Station RM6 StartofTape: 1' 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Continued 8/15 RM6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Upper Kogoluktuk River crrn;>s-section survey. Survey took place over 2 days (8/14, 8115) and included sections on the lett and the Right Banks. The water surface was used to tie the surveys from one side of the river to the other. Determine Channel Cross-Section Elevation Profile Weather Observations· I ~·~ Leica NA720 Instrument 10· 5482372 (GWS owned) Fiberglass Rod!O· Crane Fiber Glass 70s. Mostly cloudy Bench Mark Information· Survey Team Names Agency Responsible Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Cameron Brailey (n) {dd-mm.mmm} {ddd--mm.mmm) GWScientific 88.6 "66' 57.628' w 156~ 52.950' FSSIBs HI Elevation Remarks ft) 398 92.58 68.60 92.58 0.52 92.58 92.07 1.00 92.58 91.58 1-69 92.58 90.89 2.31 92.58 90.27 2.86 92.58 89.72 3.18 92.58 89.40 3.29 92.58 89.29 3.66 92.58 88.93 3.90 9258 88.68 4.42 92.58 8816 371 92.37 88.60 4.44 92.37 87.93 4.73 92.37 87.64 5.18 92.37 87.19 5.39 92.37 86.98 5 89 92.37 86.49 6.23 92.37 86.14 6.52 I 92.37 85 85 6.96 92.37 85.41 7.42 92.37 84.95 water !me. elevation of water at cross section 7.77 92.37 84.60 8.27 92.37 84.10 '------ 8 52 92.37 83.85 C-8 Cosmos Hills Cross Section Projec~ 10 S'..!rvey Purpose Location: Survey objective· Instrument Type: Hod Type: Name RM6 Station Measured WL Right Bank StartofTape 1' 10 11 1> n 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ,., 32 33 34 35 36 37 ,~pper K.og.o~ul<:~~ K1ver cross-section survey_ Survey took place over 2 days {8114, 8115} and included sections on the left and the Right Sanks. The water surface was used to tie the surveys !from' of the nver to the other. Oeterm1ne Channe! Cross-Section Elevation Profile Lmca NA720 Fiberglass Agen(.'Y Responsible I GW ~":n1ific 8.40 0.43 0 65 0.94 1.20 1 40 1.53 I 56 1A6 1.67 1.84 1.91 2 25 2 49 2 68 2.78 2.98 3 33 3.16 4.10 4.46 4 61 4 89 4.98 4.96 5,09 5 50 6 38 • 6.70 6.71 6.85 7 05 7.27 7.61 795 Bench Mark Information: ~Elevation (ft) 88.6 HI 93 55 93.55 93.55 93 55 93 55 93.55 93.55 93.55 93_55 93.55 93.55 93.55 93.55 93.55 93.55 93.55 93.55 93 55 93 55 93.55 93.55 93.55 93.55 93.55 93 55 93.55 93 55 93.55 93 55 93.55 9355 93.55 93.55 93.55 93.55 93.55 Latitude (dd-rnm.mmm) N 6(t 57 628' Elevation 85 15 93.12 92.90 92 61 92.35 92.15 91 92 91 99 92.09 91.89 91 9' .64 91 3:J 90.87 90.77 90.57 90 22 89 80 89.45 8910 89.10 88.94 88 66 88 57 88 59 88,47 88 05 86.70 86.50 86.28 85.94 85.60 82:l72 (GWS owned) Crane F1ber Glass Longitude (ddd mm.mmm) w 156" 52 950' 8AO 93 55 85 15 Water Lire, WS elevatiOn = 85 15 Weather Observations· 7Cs. Mostlv doud1' Survey 7 earn Names Jeff Murray, Cameron Brailey Remarks C-9 Cosmos Hi/Is Cross Section Project lD· Survey Purpose: Location: Survey objective· Instrument Type Rod Type: Upper Kogoluktuk River cross-section survey, Survey took place over 2 days (8114, 8i15) and 1ncluded sect10ns on the Left and the R1ght Banks. The water surface was used to tie the surveys from one side of the river to the other Determine Channel Cross~Section Elevation Profile Weather Observations I Leica NA720 Instrument ID; 5482372 {GWS owned) Fiberglass RodiD: Crane F:ber Glass 70s Mostly cloudy Survey Team Names ~----~--Hu.-,-------·--------------~----~~~--J-e_ft_M_u-rra_y_,C_a_m_e_ro_n_B-ra-11-ey------------; ~~ Re~rks Bench Mark Information· Right Bank WL 8A-O 93.55 as.1s 93.55 8H6 39 93 55 82.94 40 10.90 93.55 8265 41 11.11 93.55 82.44 42 11.01 93.55 82.54 C-10 Cosmos Hills Cross Section Pro;ect ID St,rvey Purpose Location· Upper Kogoluktuk River cross~section sur>Jey. Survey took place on August 9, 2011. The water surface elevation and west bank elevation was used tote the surveys trom the prior level survey.ng for the rigl't and left banks. Survey cbiective-Determine Channel Cross~SectJon Elevation Profile lnstrur:;ent Sontek 3.0 MHz ADCP Vllth Geneq DGPS lnstrument ID Sontek SIN M51 R~y~~;~p~e;~~~------~N~o7~~~;~~~:~~~bl~c--------4---~R~o~d~ID~:----+---------~No~t'Ap~p~li~ca~b~le----------j Bench Mark lcformation: ~--~~-----,~~~~~~~.---~--.c ~----.---~L~o~ng~it~ud~e----------------~ mm) {ddd-mm.mmm) FSSfBS HI Elevation lR' w (;(,'52 950' (It) s:u Z Left (East) Bank Side 83_ ~2 ·~--+-----...... --+------+-- 241.9 246 9 I 269.3 275 9 ! 284.0 82.69 285.0 82 60 Right (West) Bank Side Weather Observa_ti_on_s ___ _,l Survey Team t-;ames Dave Brailey Remarks C-11 APPENDIX D. WATER-QUALITY SAMPLING FORMS The following forms report the water quality data collected during field sampling. D-1 Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field-Sampling General Project ID: ..,:C;;os=m::;:o;:;s:...;H~i:::ll.;,s,..-,..,...._----- Sample Purpose: River Water Quality Site Location/Lake ID :_-=....;U;.~p;~:pe::::...r .=C.=os:;:m.:.;.o:::s;,C;:,r~ee:=:..:.k_--=S~pn:..::·n.J'g Date: 8/16/10 Time: 1040 FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coord. Northing: Measurements By: Water Depth (fl): N 66" 58.836' JM .6' WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Calibration Information Parameter (s) Owner MULTI GWS Easting: W 157" 11.170' Time: 1040 --- Meter Make/Model Serial No. IN-SITU Troll 9000 33033 Datum: NAD83 Pre-Sampling QAQC Check PASS Parameters Field Measurements Time: 1040 Depth BWS(fl): 0 .20 Temp ("C): 1.82 [pH : 8 .04 Barometeric (mmHg): 739 .70 Pressure (kPa): 0 .71 Conductivity (4S/cm): 130.80 ROO (ppm): (mg/L) 11.37 Turbidity (NTU): 0 .40 ORP NA FIELD TESTING OF WATER SAMPLES (if small probe is used) Probe: Depth(fl) Temp ("C) pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANAL YSI~ Parameter Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 Oxygen (mg/L) Alkal i n~y (mg/L as CaC03) Total iron-UF (mg/L) Filtered lron-F tot Fe (mg/L) Ammonia (mg/L NH 3-N)**- Ammonia/ Iron dilution Remarks: Field-Form Filled Out By: Jeff Murray QAQC Check By: Kristie Hilton Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 Date:_~a~/1~7~/1-70 __ Date: __ 4::...11:..=21:...:1..:.1 __ Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep 2 Post-Sampling QAQC Check PASS Method rep 3 Hach spec 0.3-15 mg/L Dig~al t~ator 1 0-4000 mg/L as CaC03 Hach spec 0.02-3 .00 mg/L Hach spec 0.02-3 .00 mg/L 0.01-0 .50 mg/L NH3-N D-2 I I I I Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field-Sampling General Project ID: -::C=:os;.;;.;.m;.;,o'="'s;-H:-"i"'lls~-:-:-:------ Sample Purpose: River Water Quality FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coord. Northing: Measurements By: N 66. 58.836' JM Easting: W 157• 11 .170' Time: 1030 Water Depth (It): 1.05' WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Calibration Information Parameter (s) Owner MULTI GWS Meter Make/Model Serial No. IN-SITU Troll 9000 33033 Site Location/Lake ID: Date: 8/16/1 0 Dat um: NAD83 Pre-Sampling QAQC Check PASS Parameters Field Measurements Time: 1030 Degth BWS (ttl: 0.50 Temp (•C): 6 .21 pH: 8.38 Barometeric (mmHg): 739.90 Pressure (kPa): 2 .12 Conductivity (4S/cm): 304.3 ROO (ppm): (mg/L) 11.39 Turbidity (NTU): 0 .20 ORP NA FIELD TESTING OF WATER SAMPLES (if small probe is used) Probe: Depth (It) Temp (°C) pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANAL YSI~ Parameter De_£th BWS (ft): D~h BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 rep 1 rep 2 Oxygen (mg /L) Alkalinity (mg/L as CaC03) Total iron-UF (mg/L) Filtered lron -F tot Fe (mg/L) Ammonia (mg/L NH 3-N)'*- Ammonia/ Iron dilution Upper Cosmos Creek -In Channel Time: 1030 Post-Sampling QAQCCheck PASS Method rep 3 Hach spec 0.3-15 mg/L Digita l trtrator 10-4000 mg/L as CaC03 Hach spec 0.02-3.00 mg /L Hach spec 0.02-3.00 mg /L 0.01 -0.50 mg /L NH3-N Rema~: -------------------------------------------- Field-Form Filled Out By: Jeff Murray QAQC Check By: Kristie Hilton Date:_---'i81:=:-:1~7/':-:1~0-­ Date: __ 4""/-'12/;;..;..11.;.__ D-3 Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field-Sampling General Project ID: -::C:-:os~m":os~H=-'"1"'11-:i:s:--=------- Sample Purpose: River Water Quality Site Location/Lake ID:._-=--=UJ:p.t::pe:::r...;C~o::s::,:m;:;o;::s....:C;:.re:=e:::k.:....__ Date: 10114/10 Time: 1240 FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coord. Northing: Measurements By: Water Depth (ft): N 66• 58.836' JM nr WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Calibration lnfonnation Parameter (s) Owner MULTI rental Easting: W 157" 11 .170' Time: 1030 Meter Make/Model Serial No. YSI556 MPS nr Datum: NAD83 Pre-Sampling QAQC Check nr Parameters Field Measurements Time: 1240 Depth BWS (ft): nr Temp (°C): 0 .00 I pH : 8 .02 Barometeric (mmHg): 744.2 Pressure (kPa): nr Conductivity (4S/cm): DO (ppm): (mg/L) 13.87 DO(%): 95.0 ORP 198.3 FIELD TESTING OF WATER SAMPLES (if small probe is used) Probe: Depth (ft) 1-------+---1----l---+----i Temp (°C) 1-------t----t-----1---+---t pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANAL YSic . Parameter Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 rep 1 rep2 Oxygen (mg/L) Alkalin~y (mg/L as CaC03) Total iron--UF (mg/L) Fi~ered lron-F tot Fe (mg/L) Ammonia (mg/L NH 3 -N) .... Ammonia/ Iron dilution Depth BWS (ft): rep 3 rep 1 rep 2 Post-Sampling QAQC Check nr Method rep 3 Hach spec 0.3-15 mg/L Dig~al t~rator 10-4000 mg /L as CaC03 Hach spec 0.02-3.00 mg /L Hach spec 0.02 -3.00 mg/L 0.01-0 .50 mg /L NH3-N Remar~: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Field-Fonn Filled Out By: Kristle HiitOn QAQC Check By: Jeff Derry Date:_~4~/1:-:5::-:/1~1 __ Date: __ 41::...1:.::9:...:11.:.1 __ D-4 I I I I I I Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field-Sampling General ProjectiD: ~C~os~m~o~s~H~i~I~~~~---------- Sample Purpose: River Water Quality FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coord. Northing: Measurements By: N 66' 58.836' ML Easting: W157" 11 .170' Time: 13:00 Water Depth (ft): nr WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Calibration Information Parameter (s) Owner Conductivrty rental Meter Make/Model Serial No. YSI556 MPS 100352583019 Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Cosmos Creek Date: 5/30/11 nme: 13:00 Datum: NAD83 Pre-Sampling Post-Sampling QAQC Check QAQCCheck nr Pass Parameters Field Measurements Time: 13:28 13:30 Depth BWS (ft): nr nr Temp ('Cj: 3.5 3.5 pH: na na Barometeric (mmHg): na na Pressure (kPa): na na Conductivity (4.S/cm): 202.4 202.9 DO (ppm): (mg/L) na na DO(%) na na ORP na na FIELD TESTING OF WATER SAMPLES (if small probe is used) Probe: Depth (ft) Temp ('C) pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANAL YSI~ Parameter Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): Method rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 Hach spec Oxygen (mg/L) 0 .3-1 5 mg/L Digrtal trtrator Alkalinity (mg/L as CaC03) 1 0-4000 mg/L as CaC03 Hach spec Total iron-UF (mg/L) 0 .02-3.00 mg /L Hach spec Fmered lron-F tot Fe (mg/L) 0 .02-3.00 mg /L Ammonia (mg/L NH 3-Nt•-0 .01-0.50 mg/L NH3-N Ammon ia/ Iron dilution Remarks: Field-Form Filled Out By: QAQC Check By: Kristie Hilton Kristie Hilton Date: 2/16/11 Date:---;21""1;.:6:,.;/1...;.1--- 0-5 Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field-Sampling General Project ID: -:C:.;os=m;:.;o::;s;:...;H;..:.i:::lls~~:------- Sample Purpose: River Water Quality Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Cosmos Creek Date: 8/10111 --=n=-lm_e_:__;;;.,~;,~;..;;.;...;;....,;1'="2""':o"='o....;;..;~-'-- FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coorcl. Northing: Measurements By: water Depth (ft): N 55• 58.836' ML nr WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Calibration lnfonnation Parameter (s) Owner Conductiv~y rental Easting: W 157• 11.170' Time: 12:00 Meter Make/Model Serial No. YSI556 MPS 100352583019 Datum: NAD83 Pre-Sampling QAQC Check Pass Parameters Field Measurements Time: 12:26 12:50 14:48 Depth BINS (ft): nr nr nr Temp (•C): 5 .4 5.5 6.2 pH: na na na Barometeric (mmHg): na na na Pressure (kPa): na na na Conductivity (~S/cm): 289.0 289.0 290.0 DO (ppm): (mg/L) na na na DO(%) na na na ORP na na na FIELD TESTING OF WATER SAMPLES (if small probe is used) Probe: Depth (ft) Temp (•C) pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANAL YSI~ Parameter Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 rep 1 rep 2 Oxygen (mg/L) Al kalin~y (mg/L as CaC03) Total iron-UF (mg/L) Filtered lron-F tot Fe (mg/L) Ammonia (mg/L NH 3 -Nt••• Ammonia/ Iron dilution Post-Sampling QAQC Check nr Method rep 3 Hach spec 0.3-15 mg/L Digttal tttrator 1 0-4000 mg/L as CaC03 Hach spec 0.02-3.00 mg/L Hach spec 0.02-3.00 mg/L 0.01-0.50 mg /L NH3-N Remarks: --------------------------------------------- Field-Fonn Filled Out By: QAQC Check By: Kristie Hilton Date: 2/16/11 Date:----::21:':::1:0::6'::/1-:-1--Kristie Hilton D-6 I I I I I I I I I Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field-Sampling General Project ID: -::C:'ios""-"m"'io~s;:-:H;"i"'ll~s:--;;;-------Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Cosmos Creek Sample Purpose: River Water Quality FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coord. Northing: Measurements By: Water Depth (ft): N 55• 58.836' ML nr WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Calibration Information Parameter (s) Owner Conductiv~y GWS Easting: W157• 11.170' Time: 14:30 Meter Make/Model Serial No. YSI30-50 07L100864 Date: 9/25/11 Time: 14:30 Datum: NAD83 Pre-Sampling Post-Sampling QAQCCheck QAQC Check Pass Pass Parameters Field Measurements Time: 14:55 16:14 17:35 Depth BWS (ft): nr nr nr Temp (•C): 3.7 3.8 3.8 pH: na na na Barometeric (mmHg): na na na Pressure (kPa): na na na Conductivity {L[S/cm): 188.9 199.0 198.9 DO (ppm): (mg/L) na na na DO(%) na na na ORP na na na FIELD TESTING OF WATER SAMPLES (if small probe is used) Probe: Depth (ft) Temp (•C) pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANAL YSI~ Parameter Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 Oxygen (mg/L) Alkalinity (mg/L as CaC03) Total iron-UF (mg/L) Fi~ered lron-F tot Fe (mg/L) Ammonia (mg/L NH 3-N)-- Ammonia/ Iron dilution Remarks: Field-Fonn Filled Out By: Kristie Hilton QAQC Check By: Kristie Hilton Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 Date:_.....;21~1;;6/~1..;.1 __ Date:_--=21:;.;1;.;;;6/:....;1..;..1 __ Depth BWS (ft): Method rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 Hach spec 0.3-15 mgll Dig~al t~rator 10-4000 mg/L as CaC03 Hach spec 0.02-3.00 mg /L Hach spec 0.02-3.00 mg /L 0.01-0.50 mg/L NH3-N 0-7 Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field-Sampling General Project ID: -::C:-,;os=m':Cos~H.;.;.II;.;.;Is:-....,.,.------ Sample Purpose: River Water Quality FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coord. Northing: Measurements By: N ss• 57.235' JM Easting: W 157• 01 .364' Time: 1535 Water Depth (ft): 1' WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Calibrati on Information Parameter (s) Owner MULTI GWS Mete r Ma ke/Model Serial No. IN-SITU Troll 9000 33033 Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Wesley Creek Date: 8/15110 Time: 1535 Datum: NAD83 Pre-Sam pling Post-Sampling QAQC Check QAQC Check PASS PASS Parameters Field Measurements Ti me: 1535 Depth BW S lft): 0 .50 Temp (•c): 7.40 [p H: 8.21 Baro meteric (mmHg): 737.80 Pressure (kPa): 1.72 Conductivity (4S/cm): 198.80 ROO (ppm): (mg/L) 11.11 Turbid ity (NTU): 1.50 O RP NA FIELD TESTING OF WATER SAMPLES (if small probe is used) Probe: Dept h (ft) 1------+---t------t---+---t Temp (•C) 1------+---t------t---+---t pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANAL YSI~ Parameter Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 rep 1 rep 2 Oxygen (mg/L) Alkalinity (mg/L as CaC03) Tota l iron-UF (mg/L) Fi ltered lron-F tot Fe (mg/L) Ammonia (mg/L NH 3-Nt- Ammon ia/ Iron dilution Depth BWS (ft): Method rep 3 rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 Hach spec 0.3-15 mg/L Digital titrator 1 0-4000 mg /L as CaC03 Hach spec 0.02-3.00 mg /L Hach spec 0.02-3.00 mg /L 0.01 -0.50 mg/L NH3-N Rema~s : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Field-Form Filled Out By: Jeff Murray QAQC Check By: Kristie Hilton Date:_----;81~1;.:7/~1~0-­ Date: ----'4/;;...1'-"3;...;/1...:..1 __ D-8 I I I I I I I I I I Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field-Sampling General Project ID: ..,c..,os=m~o:;;s:..;H;..:;I:.:.;II~s,.--':':":"'" _____ _ Sample Purpose: River Water Quality Site Location/Lake ID:_=-_ __;U:.tP:.cP;;:e:...r .:..We~s==lef.y..:C;,;.ree=k:......_ Date: 10/16/10 Time: 1220 FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coorcl. Northing: Measurements By: Water Depth (ft): N 66° 57.235' JM nr WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Calibration Information Parameter (s) Owner MULTI rental Easting: W 157° 01.364' Time: 1220 Meter Make/Model Serial No. YSI556 MPS nr Datum: NAD83 Pre-Sampling QAQC Check nr Parameters Field Measurements Time: 1220 Depth BWS (ft): nr Temp (•C): 0.08 pH: 2.64 Barometeric (mmHg): nr Pressure (kPa): nr Conductivity (4S/cm): DO (ppm): (mg/L) 13.35 DO(%) 91 .6 ORP 222.2 FIELD TESTING OF WATER SAMPLES (if small probe is used) Probe: Depth (ft) Temp (•C) pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANAL YSI~ Parameter Def>!h BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 rep 1 rep 2 Oxyg en (mg/L) Alkalinity (mg/L as CaC03) Total iron-UF (mg/L) Finered lron-F tot Fe (mg/L) Ammonia (mg/L NH 3-N)**- Ammonia/ Iron dilution Remali<s: Field-Form Filled Out By: QAQC Check By: Kristie Hilton Date: 4115/11 Date:----i4/~1~9;,.;/1..;.1--Jeff Derry Post-Sampling QAQC Check nr Method rep 3 Hach spec 0 .3-15 mg/L Digital titrator 10-4000 mg/L as CaC03 Hach spec 0 .02-3.00 mg/L Hach spec 0.02-3.00 mg/L 0.01 -0.50 mg/l NH3-N 0-9 Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field-Sampling General Project ID: Cosmos Hills Sample Purpose: -;R::;i;.;ve"'"r":W~ate~r'-::Q::-ua--::llty~-----Site Location/Lake ID:_-=:-:-:--'U""p""pe""-r We~~sl;.;;e~y..;:C;.;.ree=k;.__ Date: 5/29/11 nme: 15:30 FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coord. Northing: Measurements By: Water Depth (ft): N 66. 57.235' ML nr WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Calibration Information Parameter (s) Owner Conductivity rental Easting: W 157" 01 .364' nme: 15:55 Meter Make/Model Serial No. YSI556 MPS 100352583019 Datum: NAD83 Pre-Sampling QAQCCheck nr Parameters Field Measurements nme: 15:55 16:15 16:47 Depth BWS (ft): nr nr nr Temp (•C): na na na j)_H : na na na Barometeric (mmHg): na na na Pressure (kPa): na na na Conductivity (4.8/cm): 170.3 170.1 170.2 DO (ppm): (mg/L) na na na DO(%) na na na ORP na na na FIELD TESTING OF WATER SAMPLES (if small probe is used) Probe: Depth (ft) Te mp ("C) pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANAL YSI~ Parameter Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): Dept h BWS (ft): rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 rep 1 rep 2 Oxyg en (mg/L) Alkalinity (mg/L as CaC03) Total iron--UF (mg /L) Fi~ered lron-F tot Fe (mg/L) Ammonia (mg/L NH 3-N)'*** Ammonia/ Iron dilution ' Post-Sampling QAQCCheck Pass Method rep 3 Hach spec 0.3-15 mg/L Digital titrator 10-4000 mg/L as CaC03 Hach spec 0.02-3.00 mg/L Hach spec 0.02-3.00 mg/L 0.01 -0.50 mg/L NH3-N Rema~s: -------------------------------------------- Field-Form Filled Out By: QAQC Check By: Kristie Hilton Date: 2/16/11 Date:---::2/:7.:1~6~/171--Kristie Hilton D -10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field-Sampling General Project ID: -:C:-:os=m~o~s;..:H:-;:l::.:ll;,s,..-.,.,.. _____ _ Sample Purpose: River Water Quality FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coord. Northing: Measurements By: N 66. 57.235' ML Easting: W 157" 01.364' Time: 17:57 Water Depth (ft): nr WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Calibration Information Parameter (s) Owner Conductiv~y GWS Meter Make/Model Serial No. YSI30-50 07L100864 Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Wesley Creek Date: 1 0/6/11 Time: 17: 15 Datum: NAD83 Pre-Sampling Post-Sampling QAQC Check QAQC Check Pass Pass Parameters Field Measurements Time: 17:37 Depth BWS (ft): nr Temp (•C): 2.6 I pH : na Barometeric (mmHg): na Pressure (kPa): na Conductivity (~Stem): 133.3 DO (ppm): (mg/L) na DO(%) na ORP na FIELD TESTING OF WATER SAMPLES (if small probe is used) Probe: Depth (ft) Temp (•C) pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANAL YSI~ Parameter Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): Dejlth BWS {ft}: Method rep 1 re p 2 rep 3 rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 Hach spec Oxygen (mg/L) 0.3-15 mg/L Dig~al titrator Alkalin~y (mg/L as CaC03) 10-4000 mg/L as CaC03 Hach spec Total iron-UF (mg/L) 0.02-3 .00 mg/L Hach spec Finered lron-F tot Fe (mg/L) 0.02-3 .00 mg/L Ammonia (mg/L NH 3-N)*"-0.01-0.50 mg/L NH3-N Ammonia/ Iron dilution Rema~s: ----------------------------------------------- Field-Form Filled Out By: QAQC Check By: Kristie Hilton Date: 2116/11 Date:-----:21~1:-;:6::.;/1..;.1--Kristie Hilton D-11 Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field-Sampling General Project ID: -:C:-:os=m~os~H;.:;i:.::ll~s,..-.,.,... _____ _ Sample Purpose: River Water Quality Site Location/Lake ID:._-= __ ...:U:..cP:~:pe.::;r;..;D~a;::;h,::I-=C::.;ree=k:...,__ Date: 8/12/10 Time: 1633 FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coord. Northing: Measurements By: Water Depth (ft): N 66" 57.019' JM 1.1' WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Calibration Information Parameter (s) Owner MULTI GWS Easting: W 156" 54.217' Time: 1633 Meter Make/Model Serial No. IN-SITU Troll 9000 33033 Datum: NAD83 Pre-Sampling QAQC Check PASS Parameters Field Measurements Time: 1633 Depth BWS (ft): 0.50 Temp ('C): 5.51 I pH: 8.17 Barometeric (mmHg): 752.60 Pressure (kPa): 5.00 Conductivity (LIS/em): 159.60 ROO (ppm): (mg/L) NA Turbidity (NTU): 3.40 ORP NA FIELD TESTING OF WATER SAMPLES (if small probe is used) Probe: Depth (ft) Temp ('C) pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANAL YSic - Parameter Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 rep 1 rep 2 Oxygen (mg/L) Alkalinity (mg/L as CaC03) Total iron-UF (mg/L) Fi~ered lron--F tot Fe (mg/L) Ammonia (mg/L NH,-N)*·- Ammonia/ Iron dilution Post-Sampling QAQC Check PASS Method rep 3 Hach spec 0 .3-15 mg/L Digttal tttrator 10-4000 mg/L as CaC03 Hach spec 0.02-3 .00 mg/L Hach spec 0 .02-3.00 mg/L 0.01-0.50 mg/L NH3-N Remarks: ---------------------------------------------- Field-Form FiOed Out By: Jeff Murray QAQC Check By: Kristie Hilton Date:_--.;:8~/1~7~/1~0 __ Date: _ __:4::..;/1~21:..:1..:..1 __ D-12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field-Sampling General Project ID: -:C:,.;os=m;.;;o;:.:s;-;H;.,;.i;.;.;lls"i:--__,,------ Sample Purpose: River Water Quality Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Dahl Creek Date: 10/13/10 Time: 1620 FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coord. Northing: N 66" 57.628' JM Easting: W 156" 52.950' Datum: NAD83 Measurements By: Water Depth (fl): nr WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Calibration lnfonnation Parameter (s) Owner MULTI rental Time: 1220 Pre-Sampling Meter Make/Model Serial No. QAQC Check YSI556 MPS nr nr Parameters Field Measurements Time: 1620 Depth BWS (fl): nr Temp ("C): 1.38 !pH: 8.32 Barometeric (mmHg): 750.0 Pressure (kPa): 3.24 Conductivity (liS/em): DO (ppm): (mg/L) 12.90 DO(%) 92 .9 ORP FIELD TESTING OF WATER SAMPLES (if small probe is used) Probe: Depth (fl) 1--------~---+---+---+---i Temp ("C) t-------t----t----t----t----1 pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANAL YSI~ Parameter Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 rep 1 rep 2 Oxygen (mg/L) Alkalinity (mg/L as CaC~) Total iron-UF (mg/L) Fi~ered lron-F tot Fe (mg/L) Ammonia (mg/L NH 3-N)'*- Ammonia/ Iron dilution Depth BWS (ft): rep 3 rep 1 rep 2 Post-Sampling QAQC Check nr Method rep 3 Hach spec 0.3-15 mg/L Digital titrator 10-4000 mg/L as CaC03 Hach spec 0.02-3 .00 mg/L Hach spec 0.02-3.00 mgJL 0.01 -0.50 mg/L NH3-N Remar~: ---------------------------------------------- Field-Form Filled Out By: Jeff Derry QAQC Check By: Kristie Hilton Date:_--:4~/1~5/~1~1 __ Date: __ 4-"-/"'-18..;./_11 __ D-13 Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field-Sampling General Project ID: ..,c;,.,os;;..;;.;.m"'=o'="'s'""H"'I""IIs~_,.,,.......----- Sample Purpose: River Water Quality Site Location/Lake ID:_=-__ .:::U.r::Jppet::::.r..=D;::a,_,hi;.:C;.:ree=k;___ Date: 5/31111 Time: ___ .......;.17.;..;:~0.;.0 __ _ FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coord. Northing: N 66" 57.628' JD Easting: W 156" 52.950' Datum: NAD83 Measurements By: Water Depth (ft): nr WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Calibration Information Parameter (s) \ Owner Conductiv~y rental Time: 17:25 Pre-Sampling Meter Make/Model Serial No. QAQC Check YSI556 MPS 100352583019 nr Parameters Field Measurements Time : 17:25 18:10 Depth BWS (ft): nr nr Temp ("C): na na I pH: na na Barometeric (mmHg): na na Pressure (kPa): na na Conductivity (liS/em): 141.8 142.4 DO (ppm): (mg/L) na na DO(%) na na ORP na na FIELD TESTING OF WATER SAMPLES (if small probe is used) Probe: Depth (ft) Temp ("C) pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANAL YSI~ Parameter Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 Oxygen (mg/L) Alka li n~y (mg/L as CaC03) Total iron--UF (mg/L) Filtered lron--F tot Fe (mg/L) Ammonia (mg/L NH 3-Nt••• Ammonia/ Iron dilution Remarks: Field-Form Filled Out By: Jeff Deny QAQC Check By: Kristie Hilton Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 Date:_--:41~1-=5/~1~1 __ Date: __ 41::..1:.;:8:..:11...:.1 __ Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep 2 Post-Sampling QAQC Check Pass Method rep 3 Hach spec 0.3-15 mg/L Digital titrator 10-4000 mg/L as CaG03 Hach spec 0.02-3.00 mg/L Hach spec 0.02-3.00 mg/L 0.01 -0.50 mg/L NH3-N D-14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field-Sampling General Project ID: -=C~os=m~o~s:..;H~i:::ll.::,s,.......,.,..------ Sample Purpose: River Water Quality Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Dahl Creek Date: 8/11/11 Time: 12:00 FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coorct Northing: N 66" 57.628' Easting: W 156" 52.950' Datum: NAD83 Measurements By: ML Water Depth (ft): nr WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Calibration Information Parameter (s) Owner Conductivity rental Time: 12:00 --- Pre-Sampling Meter Make/Model Serial No. QAQCCheck YSI556 MPS 100352583019 Pass Paramet ers Field Measurements Time: 12:19 12:40 13:16 13:50 Depth BWS (ft): nr nr nr nr Temp ("C): 4.1 4.2 4.5 4.7 pH: na na na na Barometeric (mmHg): na na na na Pressure (kPa): na na na na Conductivity (~S/cm): 193.1 193.0 193.0 193.0 DO (ppm): (mg/L) na na na na DO(%) na na na na ORP na na na na FIELD TESTING OF WATER SAMPLES (if small probe is used) Probe: Depth (ft) Temp ("C) pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANAL YSI~ Parameter Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 rep 1 rep 2 Oxygen (mg/L) Alkalinity (mg/L as CaC03) Total iron-UF (mg/L) Fmered lron-F tot Fe (mg/L) Ammonia (mg/L NH 3-Nr·- Ammonia/ Iron dilution Post-Sampling QAQC Check nr Method rep 3 Hach spec 0.3-15 mg/L Dig~al t~rator 10-4000 mg/L as CaC03 Hach spec 0.02-3.00 mg /L Hach spec 0.02 -3.00 mg/L 0.01 -0.50 mg/L NH3-N Rema~s: ----------------------------------------------- Field-Form Filled Out By: Jeff Derry QAQC Check By: Kristie Hilton Date: __ 4~/:715:i/:711:::--­ Date: __ 4::..11:.;:8:..:/1..:.1 __ D-15 Cosmos Hills Project Form F·004a: Water Quality Field-Sampling General Project ID: ..,c:-,;os;.;;.;..;m.;,:;o~s""'H.;.;.II;;.;Is:-...,.,.------ Sample Purpose: River Water Quality Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Dahl Creek Date: 9/27/11 lime: 17:00 FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coord. Northing: N se· 57.628' ML Easting: W 156• 52.950' Datum: NAD83 Measurements By: Water Depth (ft): nr WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Calibration Information Parameter (s) Owner Conductivity GWS lime: 17:00 Pre-Sampling Meter Make/Model Serial No. QAQC Check YSI30-50 07L100864 Pass Parameters Field Measurements Time: 17:51 18:30 Depth BWS (ft): nr nr Temp (°C): 3.4 3.4 ipH: na na Barometeric (mmHg): na na Pressure (kPa): na na Conductivity (LLS/cm): 114.0 113.8 DO (ppm): (mg/L) na na DO(%)_ na na ORP na na FIELD TESTING OF WATER SAMPLES (if small probe is used) Probe: Depth (ft) Temp (•C) pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANAL YSI~ Parameter Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 rep 1 rep 2 Oxygen (mg/L} Alkalinity (mg/L as CaC03 } Total iron-UF (mg/L} Fi~ered lron-F tot Fe (mg/L) Ammonia (mg/L NH 3-N)*.- Ammonia/ Iron dilution Post-Sampling QAQC Check Pass Method rep 3 Hach spec 0.3-15 mg/L Digital titrator 10-4000 mgll as CaC03 Hach spec 0.02-3.00 mg/L Hach spec 0.02-3.00 mg/L 0.01 -0.50 mg/L NH3-N Remar~: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Field-Form Filled Out By: QAQC Check By: Jeff Derry Kristie Hilton Date: _ __,41;:,.1;.;51:,.;1...;.1 __ _ Date: __ __:41.;.;1"'8/;..;.1..;..1 __ _ D-16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field-Sampling General Project ID: ..,c~os;..;;.;.m"'=os'="-H"'"·"',n..,s,.....,.,.,... _____ _ Site Location/lake ID: Upper Kogoluktuk River Date: 8/15/10 --=n=-.m-e-:-""=-'....;.."'-"'-1:-':0":4~0;;.;.;.......;.;..;;.;__ Sample Purpose: River Water Quality FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coord. Northing: Measurements By: Water Depth (ft): N 66" 58.965' JM 3 WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Calibration Information Parameter (s) Owner MULTI GWS fasting: W 156" 41 .862' Time: 1040 Meter Make/Model Serial No. IN-SITU Troll 9000 33033 Datum: NAD83 Pre-Sampling QAQC Check PASS Parameters Field Measurements Time: 1040 Depth BWS (ft): 2 .00 Temp (•C): 10.90 I pH: 6.96 Barometeric (mmHg): 748.20 Pressure (kPa): 2.34 Conductivity (Y.Sicm): 263.50 ROO (ppm): (mg/l) 10.72 Turbidity (NTU): 3 .30 ORP NA FIELD TESTING OF WATER SAMPLES (if small probe is used) Probe: Depth (ft) Temp ("C) pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANAL YSI~ Parameter Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 Oxygen (mg/L) Alkalinity (mg/L as CaC03) Total iron-UF (mg/L) Fi~ered lron-F tot Fe (mg/L) Ammonia (mg/L NH 3-Ny·- Ammonia/ Iron dilution Remarks: Field-Form Filled Out By: Jeff Murrey QAQC Check By: Kristie Hilton Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 Date: _ _;BI:::,1:-:,7:,.;/1~0-­ Date: __ 41;.;..1;..;;3.;..;/1...:..1 __ Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep 2 Post-Sampling QAQC Check PASS Method rep 3 Hach spec 0 .3-15 mg/L Digital titrator 1 0-4000 mg/L as CaC03 Hach spec 0.02-3.00 mg/L Hach spec 0.02-3.00 mg/L 0.01-0.50 mg/L NH3-N 0 -17 Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field-Sampling General Project ID: -:C:-:os;..;;.;;m"'o'='s'-'H:"'"i"'ll'=s,....-.,.,... _____ _ Site Location/Lake ID: Upper Kogoluktuk River Date: 1 0/15/1 o --:;TI::Im::-e=-:...:..<;.o;..;;;;..;;..;~1~22~5 =..;..;.;.;..;;.;__ Sample Purpose: River Water Quality FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coord. Northing: Measurements By: water Depth (ft): N s6• 58.965' JM nr WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Calibration lnfonnation Parameter (s} Owner MULTI rental Easting: W 156• 41 .862' Time: 1225 --- Meter Make/Model Serial No. YSI556 MPS nr Datum: NAD83 Pre-Sampling QAQC Check nr Parameters Field Measurements Time: 1225 Depth BWS (ft): 2 .50 Temp (•C): 0.20 pH: 7.74 Barometeric (mmHg): nr Pressure (kPa): nr Conductivity (LJS/cm): DO (ppm): (mg/L) 13.23 DO(%) 90.8 ORP 205.1 FIELD TESTING OF WATER SAMPLES (if small probe is used) Probe: Depth (ft) Temp (•c) pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANAL YSI~ Parameter Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 Oxygen (mg/L} Alkalinity (mg/L as CaC03} Total iron-UF (mg/L) Fi~ered lron-F tot Fe (mg/L) Ammonia (mg/L NH 3-N)*·- Ammonia/ Iron dilution Remarks: Field-Form Filled Out By : Krislie Hilton QAQC Check By: Jeff Deny Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 Date:..:.. ·_...:4;:,/1;.:5:,.;/1-=-1-- Date: __ 4;;.../1'""BI;..;1...:..1 __ Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep 2 Post-Sampling QAQC Check nr Method rep 3 Hach spec 0.3-15 mg/L Digital titrator 1 D-4000 mg /L as CaC03 Hach spec 0.02-3.00 mg/L Hach spec 0.02-3.00 mg/L 0.01 -0.50 mg/L NH3-N D-18 I I I I I I I I I I I I Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field-Sampling General Project ID: -:C::-;os=m;:;o;::s;-H:-""ills~-;-:::------- Sample Purpose: River Water Quality Site Location/Lake ID:_-=_..:U::Jpl:!pe:.:::...r .:.:K::::ogor;o:::l=:ukt;,;::;uk::..R:..::.:.iv.:::er:...,_ Date: 9/28/11 lime: 16:00 FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coord. Northing: Measurements By: Water Depth (ft): N 66. 58.965' ML nr WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Calibration Information Parameter (s) Owner Conductiv~y GWS Easting: W 156• 41 .862' lime: 16:00 Meter Make/Model Serial No. YSI 30-50 07L100864 Datum: NAD83 Pre-Sampling QAQC Check Pass Parameters Field Measurements Time: 16:07 Depth BWS (ft): nr Temp (•C): 4.3 Jl..H: na Barometeric_(mmHg): na Pressure (kPa): na Conductivity (4.S/cm): 185.3 DO (ppm): (mg/L) na DO(%) na ORP na FIELD TESTING OF WATER SAMPLES (if small probe is used) Probe: Depth (ft) Temp (°C) pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANAL YSI~ Parameter Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 rep 1 rep 2 rep 3 rep 1 rep 2 Oxygen (mg/L) Alkalin~y (mg/L as CaC0 3) Total iron-UF (mg/L) FiHered lron-F tot Fe (mg/L) Ammonia (mg/L NH 3-Nt••• Ammonia/ Iron dilution Remarks: Field-Fonn Filled Out By: QAQC Check By: Kristie Hilton Dat e : 4/15/1 1 Date:---:4~11:-:8/:':::1~1 --Jeff Derry Post-Sampling QAQC Check Pass Method rep 3 Hach spec 0.3-15 mg/L Digital mrator 10-4000 mg/L as CaC03 Hach spec 0.02-3.00 mgll Hach spec 0.02-3.00 mg/L 0.01-0.50 mg/l NH3-N D -19 APPENDIX E. WATER-QUALITY METER CALffiRATION FORMS The following forms report results from the meter calibration checks. E-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX E. WATER-QUALITY METER CALIBRATION FORMS The following fonns report results from the meter calibration checks. E-1 Geo-Watersheds Scientific Form F-004e: Water Quality Meter Calibration Form Project ID: Cosmos Hill Project Site Location/Lake ID: --=C=-=o~sm:.:.:.=.os::...:....:.H:.:..:.ill ____ _ Sample Purpose: _W_a_t_e_r _Q'-u_al_ity.L.---------- WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Meter Make: In-Situ Owner: GWS Make: Troll 9000 S/N 33033 CALIBRATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE INFORMATION P s r aA re-ampung Parameter Date Time Standard Lot No. Conductivity 447 ~S/cm 8/7/10 nr Oakton 447 2910145 pH 4.00 8/7/10 nr In-Situ pH 4.00 OAD444 pH 7.00 8/7/10 nr In-Situ pH 7.00 OAE200 pH 10.00 8/7/10 nr In-Situ pH 1000 OAF208 Zero DO 8/7/10 nr Hanna Hl7040 1756 100% DO 817/10 nr Tetra Bubbler na Post-Sampling QA Parameter Date Time Standard Lot No. Conductivity 447 ~S/cm 8/12/10 nr Oakton 447 2910145 pH 4.00 8/12/10 nr In-Situ pH 4.00 OAD444 pH 7.00 8/12/10 nr In-Situ pH 7.00 OAE200 IPH 10.00 8/12/10 nr In-Situ pH 10.00 OAF208 Zero DO 8/12/10 nr Hanna Hl7040 1756 100% DO 8/12/10 nr Tetra Bubbler na Exp. Meter Reading Pass/Fail Oct-10 455 Pass Apr-12 407 Pass May-12 7.01 Pass Jun-12 10.05 Pass Jul-14 0.1% Pass na 90.4% Pass Exp. Meter Reading Pass/Fail Oct-10 368.6 Pass Apr-12 4.01 Pass May-12 10.1 Pass Jun-12 7.02 Pass Jul-14 0.5% Pass na 92.7% Pass Remarks: -------------------------------------------------------- Field-Form Filled Out By QAQC Check By: K. Hilton D. Piedra Date: 4/13/2011 Date: 4/13/2011 E-2 Geo-Watersheds Scientific Form F-004e: Water Quality Meter Calibration Form Project ID: Cosmos Hill Project Site Location/Lake ID: --=C:..::o;.;;;.s:..:.:m-=-os::....:..c.H:.:.:.ill ____ _ Sample Purpose: --=W-=-a::.:t:.::.e:.:.:.r Q=u=al~ity:L_ ________ _ WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Meter Make: Owner: Make: Troll 9000 S/N: 33033 CALIBRATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE INFORMATION P s r QA re-amp mg Parameter Date Time Standard Lot No. Conductivity 447 jJS/cm 8/12/10 nr Oakton 447 2910145 pH 4.00 8/12/10 nr In-Situ pH 4.00 OAD444 pH 7.00 8/12/10 nr In-Situ pH 7.00 OAE200 pH 1000 8/12/10 nr In-Situ pH 10.00 OAF208 Zero DO 8/12/10 nr Hanna Hl7040 1756 100% DO 8/12/10 nr Tetra Bubbler na Post-Samplmg QA Parameter Date Time Standard Lot No. pH 4.00 8/14/10 nr In-Situ pH 4.00 OAD444 pH 7.00 8/14/10 nr In-Situ pH 7.00 OAE200 pH 1000 8/14/10 nr In-Situ pH 10.00 OAF208 Zero DO 8/14/10 nr Hanna Hl7040 1756 100% DO 8/14/10 nr Tetra Bubbler na Exp. Meter Reading Pass/Fail Oct-10 368.6 Pass Apr-12 4 01 Pass May-12 10.1 Pass Jun-12 7.02 Pass Jul-14 0.5% Pass na 92.7% Pass Exp. Meter Reading Pass/Fail Apr-12 407 Pass May-12 7.1 Pass Jun-12 10.20 Pass Jul-14 1.0% Pass na 96.4% Pass Remarks ---------------------------------------------------------------- Field-Form Filled Out By: K. Hilton QAQC Check By: D. Piedra Date: 4/13/2011 Date: 4/13/2011 E-3 Cosmos Hills Hydro~Power Hydrologic Network Project Form F~004e: Water Quality Meter Calibration Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Site Location/Lake ID:..::C:.:o:.:s.:.:m:..::o:.;;;s.:.H.:.:il"-1 ------- Sample Purpose: ...:W..:;a::;t:::ec:...r -=Q:.::uc:::a:.:.lity::L.-________ _ WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Meter Make: Owner: Make: Troll 9000 SIN: 33033 CALIBRATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE INFORMATION Pre-Sampling QA Parameter Date Time Standard Lot No. Conductivity 8/14/10 nr Oakton 44 2910145 pH 4.00 8/14/10 nr In-Situ pH 4.00 OAD444 pH 7.00 8/14/10 nr In-Situ pH 7.00 OAE200 pH 10.00 8/14/10 nr In-Situ pH 10.00 OAF208 Zero DO 8/14/10 nr Hanna H/7040 1756 100% DO 8/14/10 nr Tetra Bubble na Post-Sampling QA Parameter Date Time Standard Lot No. Conductivity 10/12/10 nr Oakton 44/ 2910145 !pH 4.00 10/12/10 nr In-Situ pH 4.00 OAD444 pH 7.00 10/12/10 nr In-Situ pH 7.00 OAE200 IPH 1000 10/12/10 nr In-Situ pH 10.00 OAF208 Zero DO 10/12/10 nr Hanna HI704C 1756 100% DO 10/12/10 nr Tetra Bubble na Exp. Meter Reading Pass/Fail Oct-10 nr Pass Apr-12 4.07 Pass May-12 7.1 Pass Jun-12 10.20 Pass Jul-14 1.0% Pass na 96.4% Pass Exp. Meter Reading Pass/Fail Oct-10 446.70 Pass Apr-12 4.12 Pass May-12 7.1 Pass Jun-12 10.15 Pass Jul-14 6.6% Pass na 9580.0% Pass Remarks: ---------------------------------------- Data Entered By: Data QNQC By: Kristie Hilton Date: ___ 47-:/7'130':'/2~0~171 Date : ___ 4:.:../1.:.:3:::.:/2::.:0:..:1..:..1 Deana Piedra E-4 Cosmos Hills Hydro-Power Hydrologic Network Project Form F-004e: Water Quality Meter Calibration Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Site Location/Lake ID:'-'C'-'o""s""""m'""o-'-s_H .... il_l ------ Sample Purpose: -"W-'-a:;.;t;;;.e.;..r ..::Q:.;;;u"'a .... lity"---------- WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Make: 556 MP ~:~;r~ake: -:'~::-=~:..:.~-:-ta-:-1-----SIN: ..:.cn:.:...r ________ _ CALIBRATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE INFORMATION Pre-Sampling QA Parameter Date Time Standard Conductivity 1 0/12/1 0 nr Oakton 447 pH 400 10/12110 nr In-Situ pH 4.00 pH 7.00 10/12110 nr In-Situ pH 7.00 pH 10.00 10112/10 nr In-Situ pH 10.00 Zero DO 10/12/10 nr Hanna Hl7040 100% DO 10112/10 nr Tetra Bubble Post-Sampling QA Parameter Date Time Standard Conductivity 10/14/10 nr Oakton 44 Lot No. Exp. 2910145 Oct-10 OAD444 Apr-12 OAE200 May-12 OAF208 Jun-12 1756 Jul-14 na na Lot No. Exp. 2911094 Nov-10 Meter Reading Pass/Fail nr Pass 4.14 Pass 7.050 Pass 0.10 Pass 0.93 Pass 0.1 Pass Meter Reading Pass/Fail nr Pass Remarks: ----------------------------------------------------- E-5 Cosmos Hills Hydro-Power Hydrologic Network Project Form F-004e: Water Quality Meter Calibration Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Site Location/Lake ID;_: ..:C..:o..:.sm:.:..:.;;.o..:.s.;..H;.;;.ill;._ _____ _ Sample Purpose: ...;;W...:.a..:.t;::;e.;..r..;;;Q:.::u;;;;:a.:.:.lity=4---------- WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION ~:~;rMake: -:~:-'::.:.~.,..ta-=-1----- CALIBRATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE INFORMATION Pre-Sampling QA Parameter Date Time Standard Lot No. Exp. Meter Reading Pass/Fail Post-Sampling QA Parameter Date Time Standard Lot No. Exp. Meter Reading Pass/Fail Conductivity 6/2/11 nr Hanna 1413 Hl7031 2923 Dec-15 1421 @ 19.6C Pass Remarks: ------------------------------------------ Data Entered By: Data QA/QC By: Kristie Hilton Date: ____ 2;;;;,/,.:-16;;;;,/::c-20::-1:-=-2 Date : __ .. 2:::./...:.16:::./.::.20:..1:..::.2 Kristie Hilton E-6 Cosmos Hills Hydro-Power Hydrologic Network Project Form F-004e: Water Quality Meter Calibration Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Site Location/Lake ID:_Cc...o.;..;s;...;m....;o;..;:s_H_i ..... ll _____ _ Sample Purpose: _W_a....;t..;..e_r .;;.;Q..;..u_a_lity_._ ________ _ WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Meter Make: Owner: Make: 30-50 SIN: -::0=7L;-"1:':;0708::-:6::-:4------ CALIBRATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE INFORMATION Pre-Sampling QA Parameter Date Time Standard Conductivity 9/17/11 nr Hanna 1413 H17031 Post-Sampling QA Parameter Date Time Standard Conductivity 2/16/11 nr Hanna 1413 Hl7031 Lot No. Exp. 2923 Dec-15 Lot No. Exp. 2923 Dec-15 Meter Reading Pass/Fail 1347@ 20.3C Pass Meter Reading Pass/Fail 1189@15.4C Pass Remarks: -------------------------------------------- E-7 APPENDIX F. SNOW SURVEY FORMS The following forms report the snow survey information obtained during field sampling. Density was not sampled at sites Kogo Forest, Wesley SC 1, or Wesley SC5. The regional snow density patterns vary less than snow depth, so a subset of the sites were used for density measurements. F-1 Arctic Transportation Networks Project Form F-012: Snow Survey Form Project ID: Survey Purpose: ATN Project Site Location/Lake ID'-: _c_o_s_m __ o_s_L_o_w_e._r ___ _ Date: 3/25/2011 Time: 12:15 Determine Snow Depth and SWE Location On semi-treed mountain that goes to Cosmos Repeater. Description: Survey End of winter SWE objective: Latitude: N 66° 58.282' Longitude: w 157° 07.366' Elevation: 1300 ft. Elevation NGVD29 Datum: Drainage Wesley Creek Slope Flat Basin: Direction: Slope Angle: Flat Access snow mobile Notes: Snow Depth Probe Type: T-Hand!e Probe Snow Tube Type: ~Adirondack Snow Tube Snow Course Depths (em) 1 2 3 4 5 1 93.0 78.0 93.0 69.0 97.0 2 99.0 76.0 84.0 75.0 103.0 3 101.0 74.0 75.0 72.0 89.0 4 99.0 78.0 86.0 91.0 86.0 5 93.0 72.0 89.0 79.0 630 6 91.0 75.0 91.0 86.0 97.0 7 83.0 82.0 105.0 89.0 98 0 8 74.0 81.0 82.0 72.0 940 9 85.0 78.0 91.0 89.0 92.0 10 86.0 76.0 770 88.0 92.0 Snow Sample Depths and Weights Bag# Snow Depth Weight Volume Density Organic Plug (em) (g) (cm"3l (g/cm"3) (em) c 90 728.8 3213.0 023 b 90 714.7 3213 0 0.22 f 86 606.7 3070.2 0.20 88 772.1 3141.6 0.25 z 92 757.1 3284.4 0.23 Average Density = 0.225 Average Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) =_......;.1;;.;9.~2-_cm H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent= 7.55 inches H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent= 0.63 feet H20 SWE avg. snow depth'(density snow/density water) Data entered by: Jeff Derry Data QNQC by: Kristie Hilton Date: 3/25/2011 Date: 4/14/11 Weather Snowing, bad vis,slight Observations breeze, warm Datum: NAD83 Reference Markers: Vegetation Upland Tussock Tundra Type: Other: Fresh snow, no wind redistribution Snow-Survey Team Names: Jeff Derrv. Allen Ward Average snow depth Maximum snow depth = -----'--'-- Minimum snow depth Standard deviation= __ ..::..:..:. __ (inches) Average snow depth = __ 3_3_.6 __ Maximum snow depth = __ .......... ;___ Minimum snow depth Standard deviation = --==-- F-2 Arctic Transportation Networks Project Form F-012: Snow Survey Form Project ID: Survey Purpose: ATN Project Site Location/Lake ID :'--__;;D:..:a::h:::,I.:...A:.:.:i r~s~tr..:Ji Pc:..-,--::-:-::--- Date: 3/24/2011 Time: 12:15 Determine Snow Depth and SWE Location Off Runway on tundra from Dahl Airstrip Description: Survey End of winter SWE objective: Latitude: N 66" 56.470' Longitude: w 156" 52.400' Elevation: 1300 ft. Elevation NGVD29 Datum: Drainage Wesley Creek Slope Flat Basin: Direction: Slope Angle: Flat Access snow mobile Notes: Snow Depth Probe Type: T-Handle Probe Snow Tube Type: ~Adirondack Snow Tube Snow Course Depths (em) 1 2 3 4 5 1 66.0 84.0 76.0 68.0 78.0 2 67.0 87.0 77.0 71.0 68.0 3 68.0 84.0 74.0 67.0 66.0 4 69.0 84.0 80.0 67.0 75.0 5 66.0 89.0 710 68.0 71.0 6 80.0 90.0 65.0 74.0 68.0 7 79.0 82.0 66.0 61.0 71.0 8 84.0 82.0 66.0 63.0 73.0 9 87.0 69.0 67.0 73.0 720 10 83.0 73.0 71.0 73.0 80.0 Snow Sample Depths and Weights Bag# Snow Depth Weight Volume Density Organic Plug (em) (g) (cmA3) (g/cmA3) (em) F 84 606.5 2998.8 0.20 G 84 526.3 2998.8 0.18 H 84 736.3 2998.8 0.25 I 85 737.9 3034.5 0.24 J 82 666.6 2927.4 0.23 Average Density= 0.219 Average Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) 16.2 em H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent =-...:;6.:.:.3~6-_inches H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent -0.53 feet H20 SWE = avg. snow depth*(density snow/density water) Data entered by: Jeff Derry Data QAIQC by: K. Hilton Date: 3/24/2011 Date: 4/14/11 Weather Snowing, bad vis,slight Observations breeze, warm Datum: NAD83 Reference Markers: Vegetation Upland Tussock Tundra Type: Other: Fresh snow, no wind redistribution Snow-Survey Team Names: Jeff Derrv, Allen Ward {em) Average snow depth= 73.9 Maximum snow depth = --'--'--- Minimum snow depth Standard deviation = __ ..:..:.;; __ (inches) Average snow depth = __ 2_9_.1 __ Maximum snow depth = __ 3:...:5:..:...4::__._ Minimum snow depth 24.0 Standard deviation= __ ..:..:..:: __ F-3 Arctic Transportation Networks Project Form F-012: Snow Survey Form Project ID: Survey Purpose: ATN Project Site Location/Lake ID:. _ _..::D:..:a::.:,h::,I.:::S..::ta::.:t:..:io:..:.n:......,..-:::---::-- Date: 3/25/2011 Time: 12:15 Determine Snow Depth and SWE Location On other side of 4-track from Dahl Station. Description: Survey End of winter SWE objective: Latitude: N 66° 57.682' Longitude: w 156° 52.950' Elevation: 1300 ft. Elevation NGVD29 Datum: Drainage Wesley Creek Slope Flat Basin: Direction: Slope Angle: Flat Access snow mobile Notes: Snow Depth Probe Type: T-Handle Probe Snow Tube Type: JAdirondack Snow Tube Snow Course Depths (em) 1 2 3 4 5 1 120.0 140.0 100.0 155.0 130.0 2 120.0 130.0 120.0 95.0 135.0 3 110.0 140.0 130 0 140.0 140.0 4 110.0 135.0 135.0 155.0 135.0 5 120.0 135 0 140.0 140.0 135.0 6 120.0 130.0 85.0 132.0 140.0 7 110.0 130 0 135.0 110.0 125.0 8 110.0 125.0 130.0 140.0 135.0 9 115.0 1300 150.0 135.0 130.0 10 125.0 130.0 105.0 140.0 130.0 Snow Sample Depths and Weights Bag# Snow Depth Weight Volume Density Organic Plug (em) (g) (cmA3) (g/cmA3) (em) p 96 795.5 3427.2 0.23 t 100 856.9 3570.0 0.24 k 104 756.5 3712.8 0.20 r 106 858.0 3784.2 0.23 b 106 890.0 37842 0.24 Average Density = 0.228 Average Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) =_....-2.;;9._1 __ cm H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent= 11.45 inches H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent= 0.95 feet H20 SWE = avg. snow depth*{density snow/density water) Data entered by: Jeff Derry Data QA/QC by· Kristie Hilton Date: 3/25/2011 Date: 4/14/11 Weather Snowing, bad vis,slight Observations breeze, warm Datum: NAD 83 Reference Markers: Vegetation Upland Tussock Tundra Type: Other: Fresh snow, no wind redistribution Snow-Survey Team Names: Jeff Derry, Allen Ward (em) Average snow depth = 127.8 Maximum snow depth = 155.0 Minimum snow depth 85.0 Standard deviation 14.4 {inches) Average snow depth = 50.3 Maximum snow depth 61.0 Minimum snow depth 33.5 Standard deviation = F-4 Arctic Transportation Networks Project Form F-012: Snow Survey Form Project ID: Survey Purpose: ATN Project Site Location/Lake ID:...: ..:..:K:.:o"'gc:::o...:F,;o::.re.:cs::..:t:.__--:-=--:-::-- Date: 3/26/2011 Time:_-----'1-=2'-':1-=.5 __ Determine Snow Depth and SWE Location In forest semi-clearing off of the Kogoluktuk R. up from Corrine's Cabin. Description: Survey End of winter SWE objective: Latitude: N 66° 57.095' Longitude: w 156° 44.981' Elevation: 1300 ft. Elevation NGVD29 Datum: Drainage Wesley Creek Slope Flat Basin: Direction: Slope Angle: Flat Access snow mobile Notes: Snow Depth Probe Type: T-Handle Probe Snow Tube Type: !Adirondack Snow Tube Snow Course Depths (em) 1 2 3 4 5 1 120.0 118.0 108.0 114.0 108.0 2 117.0 125.0 108.0 118.0 115.0 3 117.0 116.0 122.0 139.0 112.0 4 119.0 117.0 116.0 121.0 106.0 5 120.0 116.0 113.0 110.0 105.0 6 120.0 106.0 113.0 114.0 111.0 7 114.0 112.0 113.0 113.0 101.0 8 110.0 120.0 121.0 117.0 115.0 9 113.0 107.0 114.0 115.0 143.0 10 112.0 117.0 117.0 112.0 123.0 Snow Sample Depths and Weights Bag# Snow Depth Weight Volume Density Organic Plug (em) (g) (cm"3) (g/cm"3) (em) Note: Density information not collected at this site. Average Density = Average Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) = _____ em H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent= inches H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent= feet H20 SWE = avg. snow depth*(density snow/density water) Data entered by: Jeff Derry Data QA/QC by: Kristie Hilton Date: 3/26/2011 Date: 4/14/11 Weather Snowing, bad vis,slight Observations breeze, warm Datum: NAD 83 Reference Markers: Vegetation in a semi-clearing in forest Type: Other: Fresh snow, no wind redistribution Snow-Survey Team Names: Jeff Derry, Allen Ward (em) Average snow depth = 115.5 Maximum snow depth = 143.0 Minimum snow depth = 101.0 Standard deviation = 7.3 (inches) Average snow depth = 45.5 Maximum snow depth = 56.3 Minimum snow depth = 39.8 Standard deviation = 2.9 F-5 Arctic Transportation Networks Project Form F-012: Snow Survey Form Project ID: ATN Project Site Location/Lake ID: Kogo Sandbar Survey Purpose: Determine Snow Depth and SWE Date: 3/26/2011 Time: 12:15 Location On a sandbar of the Kogoluktuk R. up from Corrine's Cabin. Description: Survey End of winter SWE objective: Latitude: N 66° 57.046' Longitude: w 1 56° 45 '167' Elevation: 1300 ft. Elevation NGVD29 Datum: Drainage Wesley Creek Slope Flat Basin: Direction: Slope Angle: Flat Access snow mobile Notes: Snow Depth Probe Type: T-Handle Probe Snow Tube Type: 'Adirondack Snow Tube Snow Course Depths (em) 1 2 3 4 5 1 96.0 93.0 86.0 93.0 93.0 2 95.0 93.0 87.0 92.0 89.0 3 96.0 93.0 88.0 92.0 88.0 4 95.0 93.0 87.0 93.0 90.0 5 94.0 92.0 87.0 92.0 91.0 6 94.0 91.0 90.0 95.0 91 0 7 94.0 91.0 91.0 95.0 91.0 8 93.0 90.0 92.0 94.0 91.0 9 93.0 89.0 93.0 93.0 90.0 10 93.0 89.0 93.0 91.0 92.0 Snow Sample Depths and Weights Bag# Snow Depth Weight Volume Density Organic Plug (em) (g) (cmA3) (g/cmA3) (em) 4m 94 839.9 3355.8 0.25 51 94 8554 3355 8 0.25 6a 96 856.2 34272 0.25 7e 94 832.1 3355.8 0.25 9d 93 833.9 3320.1 0.25 Average Density 0.251 Average Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) "'_....-2.-3 .• o __ cm H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent 9.06 inches H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent= 0.75 feet H20 SWE avg. snow depth*(density snow/density water) Data entered by: Jeff Derry Data QAIQC by: Kristie Hilton Date: 3/26/2011 Date: 4/14/11 Weather Snowing, bad vis,slight Observations breeze, warm Datum: NAD83 Reference Markers: Vegetation Sandbar on edge of river Type: Other: Fresh snow, no wind redistribution Snow-Survey Team Names: Jeff Derrv, Allen Ward (em) Average snow depth = _ ___;:_:..:..: __ Maximum snow depth Minimum snow depth = ____ _ Standard deviation (inches) Average snow depth = __ 3:...:6:.:...1.:.___ Maximum snow depth = _ ___;3::..;.7..:.:.8:__ Minimum snow depth = __ 3_3_.9 __ Standard deviation F-6 Arctic Transportation Networks Project Form F-012: Snow Survey Form Project ID: ATN Project Site Location/Lake ID: Wesley SC2 Survey Purpose: Determine Snow Depth and SWE Date: 3/24/2011 Time: 12:15 Location Off road up from Wesley Cr station. Description: Survey End of winter SWE objective: Latitude: N 67" 00.248' Longitude: w 156° 58.747' Elevation: 1300 ft. Elevation NGVD29 Datum: Drainage Wesley Creek Slope Flat Basin: Direction: Slope Angle: Flat Access snow mobile Notes: Snow Depth Probe Type: T-Handle Probe Snow Tube Type: 'Adirondack Snow Tube Snow Course Depths (em) 1 2 3 4 5 1 130.0 140.0 175.0 75.0 145.0 2 120.0 130.0 125.0 80.0 125.0 3 110.0 150.0 110.0 75.0 130.0 4 115.0 140.0 65.0 100.0 130.0 5 100.0 140.0 85.0 120.0 130.0 6 120.0 145.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 7 95.0 150.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 8 150.0 100.0 140.0 140.0 150.0 9 130.0 95.0 125.0 130.0 130.0 10 125.0 90.0 75.0 130.0 130.0 Snow Sample Depths and Weights Bag# Snow Depth Weight Volume Density Organic Plug (em) (g) (cmA3) (g/cmA3) (em) A 106 997.3 3784.2 0.26 B 104 1008.5 3712.8 0.27 c 105 932.3 3748.5 0.25 D 102 1001.5 3641.4 0.28 E 103 936.3 3677.1 0.25 Average Density= 0.263 Average Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) = ___ 3.-1.-.9 __ em H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent= 12.57 inches H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent = 1.05 feet H20 SWE = avg. snow depth*(density snow/density water) Data entered by: Jeff Derry Data QA/QC by: Kristie Hilton Date: 3/24/2011 Date: 4/14/11 Weather Snowing, bad vis,slight Observations breeze, warm Datum: NAD 83 Reference Markers: Vegetation Scattered semi-open Type: willow/trees Other: Fresh snow, no wind redistribution Snow-Survey Team Names: Jeff Derrv, Allen Ward (em) Average snow depth = 121.5 Maximum snow depth = 175.0 Minimum snow depth = 65.0 Standard deviation = 23.5 (inches) Average snow depth = 47.8 Maximum snow depth = 68.9 Minimum snow depth = 25.6 Standard deviation = 9.2 F-7 Arctic Transportation Networks Project Form F-012: Snow Survey Form Project ID: ATN Project Site Location/Lake ID: Wesley SC1 Survey Purpose: Determine Snow Depth and SWE Date: 3/24/2011 Time: 12:15 Location Off road up from Wesley Cr station. Down from 1st snow course that day Description: Survey End of winter SWE objective: Latitude: N 66° 59.858' Longitude: w 156° 58. 724' Elevation: 1300 ft. Elevation NGVD29 Datum: Drainage Wesley Creek Slope Flat Basin: Direction: Slope Angle: Flat Access snow mobile Notes: Snow Depth Probe Type: T-Handle Probe Snow Tube Type: ~Adirondack Snow Tube Snow Course Depths (em) 1 2 3 4 5 1 120.0 140.0 150.0 125.0 160.0 2 120.0 150.0 100.0 135.0 130.0 3 120.0 145 0 120.0 145.0 165.0 4 160 0 135.0 110.0 140.0 160.0 5 150.0 150.0 150.0 155 0 165.0 6 145.0 145.0 130.0 155.0 140.0 7 150.0 150.0 130.0 160.0 140.0 8 150.0 150.0 125.0 165.0 100.0 9 150.0 150.0 125.0 160.0 160.0 10 130.0 150.0 110.0 160.0 160.0 Snow Sample Depths and Weights Bag# Snow Depth Weight Volume Density Organic Plug (em) (g) (cmA3) (g/cm"3) (em) Note: Density information not collected at this site. Average Density= Average Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) em H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent=-----inches H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent= feet H20 SWE = avg. snow depth*(density snow/density water) Data entered by: Jeff Derry Data QA/QC by: Kristie Hilton Date: 3/24/2011 Date: 4/14/11 Weather Snowing, bad vis,slight Observations breeze, warm Datum: NAD 83 Reference Markers: Vegetation Willow Type: Other: Fresh snow, no wind redistribution Snow-Survey Team Names: Jeff Derrv. Allen Ward (em) Average snow depth Maximum snow depth = _ ___:..;;..;;..~­ Minimum snow depth Standard deviation= __ :...:..;...:___ (inches) Average snow depth 55.8 Maximum snow depth = __ 6::.;5:..;..0;:___ Minimum snow depth Standard deviation= 6.7 F-8 Arctic Transporlation Networks Project Form F-012: Snow Survey Form Project ID: ATN Project Site Location/Lake ID: Wesley SC4 Survey Purpose: Determine Snow Depth and SWE Date: 3/27/2011 Time: 12:15 Location Off road up from Cobalt mine. 1 Ocm new fluffy snow Description: Survey End of winter SWE objective: Latitude: N 67° 04.039' Longitude: w 156° 56.275' Elevation: 1300 ft. Elevation NGVD29 Datum: Drainage Wesley creek Slope Flat Basin: Direction: Slope Angle: Flat Access snow mobile Notes: Snow Depth Probe Type: T-Handle Probe Snow Tube Type: ~Adirondack Snow Tube Snow Course Depths (em) 1 2 3 4 5 1 115.0 125.0 115.0 140.0 132.0 2 115.0 120.0 122.0 140.0 128.0 3 115.0 110.0 125.0 140 0 130.0 4 112.0 115.0 125.0 130 0 128.0 5 120.0 115.0 122.0 125.0 1300 6 120.0 115.0 120.0 120.0 132.0 7 120.0 112.0 122.0 117.0 128.0 8 125.0 115.0 125.0 125.0 130 0 9 125.0 110.0 135.0 130.0 125.0 10 125.0 115.0 135.0 135.0 135.0 Snow Sample Depths and Weights Bag# Snow Depth Weight Volume Density Organic Plug (em) (g) {cm"3) (g/cm"3} {em) 50 111 880.3 3962.7 0.22 51 111 885.5 3962.7 0.22 110 8800 3927.0 0.22 y 110 830.8 3927.0 0.21 y2 111 892.1 3962.7 0.23 Average Density= 0.221 Average Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) = --=2.:..:7 ·:.;.4 __ em H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent= 10.79 inches H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent= 0.90 feet H20 SWE = avg. snow depth*(density snow/density water) Data entered by: Jeff Derry Data QA/QC by: Kristie Hilton Date: 3/27/2011 Date: 4/14/11 Weather Snowing, bad vis,slight Observations breeze, warm Datum: NAD83 Reference Markers: Vegetation Semi-open, willows Type: Other: Fresh snow, no wind redistribution Snow-Survey Team Names: Jeff Derry, Allen Ward (em} Average snow depth = 123.8 Maximum snow depth 140.0 Minimum snow depth 110.0 Standard deviation = 8.1 (inches) Average snow depth = 48.7 Maximum snow depth 55.1 Minimum snow depth = 43.3 Standard deviation = F-9 Arctic Transportation Networks Project Form F-012: Snow Survey Form Project ID: ATN Project Site Location/Lake 10: Wesley SC3 Survey Purpose: Determine Snow Depth and SWE Date: 3/27/2011 Time: 12:15 Location Off road up from Wesley Cr station. 1 Ocm new fluffy snow Description: Survey End of winter SWE objective: Latitude: N 67" 01.283' Longitude: w 156° 57.267' Elevation: 1300 ft. Elevation NGVD29 Datum: Drainage Wesley Creek Slope Flat Basin: Direction: Slope Angle: Flat Access snow mobile Notes: Snow Depth Probe Type: T-Handle Probe Snow Tube Type: 'Adirondack Snow Tube Snow Course Depths (em) 1 2 3 4 5 1 130 0 135.0 125.0 110.0 112.0 2 135.0 125.0 125.0 100.0 112.0 3 125.0 120.0 125.0 100.0 120.0 4 110.0 115.0 120.0 100.0 120 0 5 115.0 110.0 120.0 1050 120.0 6 130.0 115.0 115.0 110.0 122.0 7 125.0 110.0 115.0 110 0 120.0 8 130.0 120.0 115.0 110.0 118.0 9 110.0 130.0 115.0 110.0 120 0 10 110.0 125.0 115.0 112.0 125.0 Snow Sample Depths and Weights Bag# Snow Depth Weight Volume Density Organic Plug (em) (g) {cm"3) (g/cm"3) (em) 23 110 924.2 3927.0 0.24 24 112 913.7 39984 0.23 25 112 961.2 3998.4 0.24 26 110 969.3 3927.0 0.25 27 110 926.8 3927 0 0.24 Average Density 0.237 Average Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) = _ _.;;2.;..;7.~9-_cm H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent= 10.98 inches H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent= 0.91 feet H20 SWE avg. snow depth*(density snow/density water) Data entered by: Jeff Derry Data QNQC by: Kristie Hilton Date: 3/27/2011 Date: 4/14/11 Weather Snowing, bad vis, slight Observations breeze, warm Datum: NAD83 Reference Markers: Vegetation Semi-open scattered trees Type: Other: Fresh snow, no wind redistribution Snow-Survey Team Names: Jeff Derrv. Allen Ward (em) Average snow depth = 117.4 Maximum snow depth = 135.0 Minimum snow depth = 100.0 Standard deviation 8.5 (inches) Average snow depth 46.2 Maximum snow depth = 53.1 Minimum snow depth = 39.4 Standard deviation = F-10 Arctic Transportation Networks Project Form F-012: Snow Survey Form Project ID: ATN Project Survey Purpose: Determine Snow Depth and SWE Location Furthest snow course up watershed. Near Ruby Creek. Description: Survey End of winter SWE objective: Site Location/Lake ID: Wesley SC5 Date: 3/27/2011 Time: 12:15 1 Ocm new fluffy snow Weather Snowing, bad vis,slight Observations breeze, warm Latitude: N 6r 04.872' Longitude: w 156° 56.002' Datum: NAD 83 Elevation: 1300 ft. Elevation NGVD29 Reference Datum: Markers: Drainage Wesley Creek Slope Flat Vegetation Large open area, surrounded Basin: Direction: Slope Angle: Flat Access snow mobile Notes: Snow Depth Probe Type: T-Handle Probe Snow Tube Type: 'Adirondack Snow Tube Snow Course Depths (em) 1 2 3 4 5 1 95.0 85.0 85.0 92.0 100.0 2 115.0 85.0 88.0 88.0 112.0 3 115.0 90.0 90.0 100.0 85.0 4 112.0 85.0 88.0 95.0 95.0 5 120.0 100.0 85.0 80.0 100.0 6 95.0 85.0 85.0 83.0 98.0 7 115.0 70.0 90.0 115.0 102.0 8 90.0 88.0 80.0 95.0 100.0 9 95.0 70.0 92.0 97.0 93.0 10 85.0 70.0 77.0 100.0 103.0 Snow Sample Depths and Weights Bag# Snow Depth Weight Volume Density Organic Plug (em) (g) (cmA3) (g/cmA3) (em) Note: Density information not collected at this site. Average Density= Average Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) = _____ em H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent= inches H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent = feet H20 SWE = avg. snow depth*(density snow/density water) Data entered by: Jeff Derry Data QAIQC by: Kristie Hilton Date: 3/27/2011 Date: 4/14/11 Type: by trees in distance Other: Fresh snow, no wind redistribution Snow-Survey Team Names: Jeff Derrv, Allen Ward (em) Average snow depth = 93.2 Maximum snow depth = 120.0 Minimum snow depth = 70.0 Standard deviation = 11.9 (inches) Average snow depth = 36.7 Maximum snow depth = 47.2 Minimum snow depth = 27.6 Standard deviation = 4.7 F-11 APPENDIX G. STATION MET ADAT A STANDARDS EXAMPLE The following Kogoluktuk River Station Metadata Standards example represents the standards used at each site. G-1 Cosmos Hills Hydro-Electric Hydrologic Network Project Upper Kogoluktuk River Stream Station Data Measurement and Recording Standards Last Update: 09/20/10 Last Update By: AMcHugh Stream Station Data-Collection Objectives: Meteorological and hydrologic data to evaluate the potential for hydro-electric power generation in the Cosmos Hills region. Time Recording Standard: Always Alaska Standard Time (UTC -9). Datalogger Scan Interval Standard: 60 seconds. Time Measurement Standards: Hourly readings are recorded at the end of the hour; therefore, the hourly average water temperature, for example, with a 60-second scan interval and a time stamp of 14:00 is measured from 13:0 I to 14:00:00. For a 60-second scan interval, the hourly average would be the average of 60 min = 60 values. Quarter-hourly readings are recorded every fifteen minutes starting at the top of the hour. Instantaneous readings are taken at the time specified by the time stamp. A day begins at midnight (00:00:00) and ends at midnight (23:59:55). All daily data are from the day prior to the date of the time stamp. For example, ifthe time stamp reads 09/09/2007 00:00 or 09/09/2007 I2:00:00 AM, the data are from 09/08/2007. Data Retrieval Interval;_ Data will be retrieved manually. Data Reporting Interval: Hourly Images Cameras: CC640 digital camera. Memory Card: 2G Flash Memory Card Flash Card Capacity: ~20,000 Images or over 2 years. Images Taken: Triggered from external trigger (Logger control port. Allows images to be taken as needed.) Images Saved on Datalogger: Five. Image Trigger Interval: 60-minutes. Data Retrieval Interval: One image every hour. Connection: Direct for single camera Air Temperature Sensor: HPM45C Vaisala AT/RH sensor Operating Range: -40°C to +60°C Installation: In 12-gill radiation shield, non-aspirated. Height: 2 meters Output Units: °C. Scan Interval: 60 seconds G-2 Output to Tables: • Hourly Atmospheric Table: o Hourly Sample Air Temperature: Recorded at the top of each hour. o Hourly Average Air Temperature: 60 readings from the beginning of the hour to the end of the hour, averaged and recorded at the end of the hour. o Hourly Maximum Air Temperature: The highest reading taken during the previous hour. o Hourly Minimum Air Temperature: The lowest reading taken during the previous hour. • Daily Table: Daily Average Air Temperature: Average of all temperature readings for the previous day ending at midnight AST. o Daily Maximum Air Temperature: The highest reading taken during the previous day. o Daily Minimum Air Temperature: The lowest reading taken during the previous day. Relative Humidity Sensor: HPM45C Vaisala AT/RH sensor Operating Range: 0 to I 00% RH Installation: In 12-gill radiation shield, non-aspirated. Height: 2 meters Output Units: % Relative Humidity Scan Interval: 60 seconds Output to Tables: • Hourly Atmospheric Table: o Hourly Sample Relative Humidity: Recorded at the top of each hour. o Hourly Average Relative Humidity: 60 readings from the beginning of the hour to the end of the hour, averaged and recorded at the end of the hour. o Hourly Maximum Relative Humidity: the highest reading taken during the previous hour. o Hourly Minimum Relative Humidity: the lowest reading taken during the previous hour. • Daily Table: o Daily Maximum Relative Humidity: the highest reading taken during the previous day. o Daily Minimum Relative Humidity: the lowest reading taken during the previous day. Dew Point Temperature ==-'-' Calculated value from AT/RH Scan Interval: N/A, calculated Output to Tables: • Hourly Table: o Hourly Sample Dew Point: Calculated from the Sample Air Temperature and Relative Humidity values at the top of each hour. G-3 o Hourly Average Dew Point: Average of the 60 values calculated from the 60- second Air Temperature and Relative Humidity values. o Hourly Maximum Dew Point: The highest calculated value during the previous hour. o Hourly Minimum Dew Point: The lowest calculated value during the previous hour. • Daily Table: o Daily Average Dew Point: Average of all calculated values for the previous day ending at midnight AST. o Daily Maximum Dew Point: The highest calculated value during the previous day. o Daily Minimum Dew Point: The lowest calculated value during the previous day. Air Temperature: Cold Range Sensor: Triplicate YSI Series 44033 thermistors Operating Range: -80°C to +75°C Installation: In 6-gill radiation shield, non-aspirated. Height: 2 meters Output Units: kn, oc. Scan Interval: 60 seconds Output to Tables: • Hourly Atmospheric Table: o Hourly Sample Air Temperature: Recorded at the top of each hour. (three values, one for each thermistor) o Hourly Average Air Temperature: 60 readings from the beginning of the hour to the end of the hour, averaged and recorded at the end of the hour. (three values, one for each thermistor) • Daily Table: o Daily Average Air Temperature: Average of all temperature readings for the previous day ending at midnight AST. (three values, one for each thermistor) o Daily Maximum Air Temperature: the highest reading taken during the previous day. (three values, one for each thermistor) o Daily Minimum Air Temperature: the lowest reading taken during the previous day. (three values, one for each thermistor) • Hourly Raw Table: o Hourly Sample Sensor Resistance: Recorded at the top of each hour. "Raw" data in kn. (three values, one for each thermistor) o Hourly Average Sensor Resistance: 60 readings from the beginning of the hour to the end of the hour, averaged and recorded at the end of the hour. "Raw" data in kn. (three values, one for each thermistor) Barometric Pressure Sensor Sensor: CS I 06 (Vaisala) Installation: NO SENSOR ATTACHED Height: about 1.5 m Output Units: hPa (mb ). Scan Interval: 60 seconds G-4 NOTE: Different programming required for CS 106 and CS 16 sensors. Multiplier and Offset are different Output to Tables: • Hourly Atmospheric Table: o Hourly Sample Station Pressure: Recorded at the top of each hour. Summer Precipitation Sensor: TE525WS Resolution: 0.01 in Installation: use wind shield, locate 30m from nearest obstruction. Height: 0.5 meters Output Units: in Scan Interval: 60 seconds Output to Tables: • Hourly Atmospheric Table: o Hourly Total Precipitation: Hourly total taken at the end of the hour. • Daily Table: o Daily Total Precipitation: Daily total precipitation for the previous day. Water Height Sensor: Two CS450 (Campbell Scientific, inc) SDI-12 Sensors Pressure Measurement Range: 0-3 psi Output Units: psi, em, ft Scan Interval: 60 seconds Output to Tables: • Fifteen-Minute Water Height Table: o Fifteen-Minute Average Water Height: Fifteen minute average of all 15 readings recorded at the top of the hour, 15, 30, and 45 minutes past the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and feet) o Fifteen-Minute Average Water Height: Fifteen minute average of all 15 readings recorded at the top of the hour, 15, 30, and 45 minutes past the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and feet) o Fifteen-Minute Maximum Water Height: Fifteen minute maximum of all 15 readings recorded at the top of the hour, 15, 30, and 45 minutes past the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and feet) o Fifteen-Minute Minimum Water Height: Fifteen minute minimum of all 15 readings recorded at the top of the hour, 15, 30, and 45 minutes past the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and feet) • Hourly Water Table: o Hourly Sample Water Height: Measured at the top of the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and feet) o Hourly Average Water Height: Average of all 60 readings recorded at the end of the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and feet) o Hourly Maximum Water Height: Maximum of all 60 readings recorded at the end of the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and in feet) G-5 o Hourly Minimum Water Height: Minimum of all 60 readings recorded at the end of the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and one for each sensor in feet) • Daily Table: o Daily Average Water Height: Average of all readings for the previous day. (four values, one for each sensor in em and in feet) o Daily Maximum Water Height: Maximum water height for the previous day. (four values, one for each sensor in em and in feet) o Daily Minimum Water Height: Minimum water height for the previous day. (four values, one for each sensor in em and in feet Water Surface Gage Height Sensor: Calculation Water Surface Gage Height (water surface height above gage datum)= Water Height+ Gage Height Offset. Output Units: em, ft Scan Interval: 60 seconds Output to Tables: • Fifteen-Minute Water Level Table: o Fifteen-Minute Average Water Level: Fifteen minute average ofalll5 readings recorded at the top of the hour, 15, 30, and 45 minutes past the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and feet) o Fifteen-Minute Maximum Water Level: Fifteen minute maximum of all 15 readings recorded at the top of the hour, 15, 30, and 45 minutes past the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and in feet) o Fifteen-Minute Minimum Water Level: Fifteen minute minimum ofalll5 readings recorded at the top ofthe hour, 15, 30, and 45 minutes past the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and in feet) • Hourly Water Table: o Hourly Sample Water Level: Measured at the top of the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and in feet) o Hourly Average Water Level: Average ofall60 readings recorded at the end of the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and in feet) o Hourly Maximum Water Level: Maximum of all 60 readings recorded at the end of the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in inches and one for each sensor in feet) o Hourly Minimum Water Level: Minimum of all 60 readings recorded at the end of the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and in feet) • Daily Table: o Daily Average Water Level: Average of all readings for the previous day. (four values, one for each sensor in em and in feet) o Daily Maximum Water Level: Maximum water level for the previous day. (four values, one for each sensor in em and in feet) G-6 o Dailv Minimum Water Level: Minimum water level for the previous day. (four values, one for each sensor in em and in feet) Gage Height Offset Sensor: Calculation entered into the Public Variable with units of feet after the program is loaded. The Offset in em is calculated by the program. Gage Height Offset in ft =Water Surface Gage Height in ft above datum (surveyed value)- Water Height (measured by PT in ft). Output Units: em, ft Scan Interval: 60 seconds Output to Tables: • Fifteen-Minute Water Level Table: o Fifteen-Minute Sample Gage Height Offset: Captured at the top of the quarter hour. • Hourlv Water Table: o Hourly Sample Gage Height Offset: Captured at the top of the hour. Surface-Water Temperature Sensor: Two CS450 (Campbell Scientific, inc) SDI-12 Sensors Operating Range: -1 ooc to 80°C Output Units: oc Scan Interval: 60 seconds Output to Tables: • Fifteen-Minute Water Level Table: o Fifteen-Minute Average Water Temperature: Fifteen minute average of all 15 readings recorded at the top of the hour, 15, 30, and 45 minutes past the hour. (two values, one for each sensor) o Fifteen-Minute Maximum Water Temperature: The highest reading taken during the previous fifteen minutes. (two values, one for each sensor) o Fifteen-Minute Minimum Water Temperature: The lowest reading taken during the previous fifteen minutes. (two values, one for each sensor) • Hourly Water Table: o Hourly Average Water Temperature: Average of al160 readings recorded at the end of the hour. (two values, one for each sensor) o Hourly Maximum Water Temperature: The highest reading taken during the previous hour. (two values, one for each sensor) o Hourly Minimum Water Temperature: The lowest reading taken during the previous hour. (two values, one for each sensor) 0 • Daily Table: o Daily Average Water Temperature: Average of all readings for the previous day. (two values, one for each sensor) G-7 o Daily Maximum Water Temperature: the highest reading taken during the previous day. (two values, one for each thermistor) o Daily Minimum Water Temperature: the lowest reading taken during the previous day. (two values, one for each thermistor) Surface-Water Temperature Sensor: Triplicate YSI Series 44033 thermistors Operating Range: -80°C to 75°C Output Units: kohm, oc Scan Interval: 60 seconds Output to Tables: • Fifteen-Minute Water Level Table: o Fifteen-Minute Sample Water Temperature: Measured at the top of the hour, 15, 30, and 45 minutes past the hour. (three values, one for each sensor) o Fifteen-Minute Average Water Temperature: Fifteen minute average of all 15 readings recorded at the top ofthe hour, 15, 30, and 45 minutes past the hour. (three values, one for each sensor) • Hourly Water Table: o Hourly Average Water Temperature: Average ofall60 readings recorded at the end of the hour. (three values, one for each sensor) o Hourly Maximum Water Temperature: The highest reading taken during the previous hour. (three values, one for each sensor) o Hourly Minimum Water Temperature: The lowest reading taken during the previous hour. (three values, one for each sensor) • Hourly Raw Table: o Hourly Sample Sensor Resistance: Recorded at the top of each hour. "Raw" data in kn. (three values, one for each thermistor) o Hourly Average Sensor Resistance: 60 readings from the beginning of the hour to the end of the hour, averaged and recorded at the end of the hour. "Raw" data in kQ. (three values, one for each thermistor) • Daily Table: o Daily Average Water Temperature: Average of all readings for the previous day. (three values, one for each sensor) o Daily Maximum Water Temperature: the highest reading taken during the previous day. (three values, one for each thermistor) o Daily Minimum Water Temperature: the lowest reading taken during the previous day. (three values, one for each thermistor) CRl 000 Battery Voltage Sensor: CR 1 000 Output Units: V. Scan Interval: 60 seconds Output to Tables: • Hourly Diagnostics Table: o Hourly Sample CRlOOO Battery Voltage: Measured at the top of the hour. G-8 o rlourly Average CR I 000 Battery Voltage: Average of the 60 one-minute readings for the previous hour. o Hourly Maximum CR 1000 Battery Voltage: The highest reading taken during the previous hour. o Hourly Minimum CR I 000 Battery Voltage: The lowest reading taken during the previous hour. CRt 000 Solar Panel Voltage Sensor: GWS Wiring Harness, CRIOOO Output Units: V. Scan Interval: 60 seconds Output to Tables: • Hourly Diagnostics Table: o Hourly Sample Solar Panel Voltage: Hourly reading at the top ofthe hour. o Hourly Average Solar Panel Voltage: Average of the 60 one-minute readings for the previous hour. o Hourly Maximum Solar Panel Voltage: The highest reading taken during the previous hour. o Hourly Minimum Solar Panel Voltage: The lowest reading taken during the previous hour. Datalogger (CRIOOO) Panel Temperature Sensor: CR I 000 Internal thermistor Output Units: oc. Scan Interval: 60 seconds Output to Tables: • Hourly Diagnostics Table: o Hourly Average CRI 000 Panel Temperature: Average of one-minute readings for the previous hour. Resulting Final Storage Data Tables: See Datalogger Output Files Excel Document Notes Definitions: Scan interval sampling duration = scan rate Time of maximum or minimum values is not recorded Sample reading instantaneous reading Beginning of the hour= top of the hour G-9 APPENDIX H. METADATA STANDARDS SUMMARY EXAMPLE The following Kogoluktuk Station Metadata Standards Summary is an example of the standards spreadsheet used for each site. H-1 Kogoluktuk River Station Meteorological & Water depth Last Update: 9/20/1 0 Last Update By: AMcHugh Key Analysis and Demonstration Questions Determine the potential for generating hydroelectric power. CSI Data Station Collection Standards Summarv Tabl ---------- - ----- ---------- ------------------- Parameters -Air Temperature (HMP45C) -Relative Humidity (HMP45C) -Dew Point Temperature (Calculated) -Air Temperature, cold range (YSI 44033) -Air Temperature, cold range (YSI44033) -Barometric Pressure (CS106) -Gage Height CS450 -Gage Height Offiset -Water Height above CS450 -Water temperature CS450 -Water temperature (YSI 44033) -Water temperature (YSI 44033) -Summer Precipitation (TE525WS) Monitoring System Diagnostic Conditions -Station ID -CR1000 Temperature -Battery Voltage -Station Solar Panel -Camera Images (every hour or on demand) 2Total I# Sensors Units Point 1 ·c 1 % calc ·c 3 ·c 3 ohms 1 mB calc cm/ft c calc cm/ft c 2 cmlft c 2 ·c 3 ·x 3 OTJJ-LU 1 in number number 1 ·c 1 volts 1 volts 1 --------------- Data Files A Station Diagnostics B Hourly table for all measurements C 15-min water table L Hourly Raw Data (collected for field diagnostics) M Overall daily output R Hourly table for surface water related measurements Data Tables 15-Minute Data One-Hour Data Avg Max Min Point Avg Max Min Point B B B B B B B B B B B B B B L L B c c c R R,M R,M R,M R c c c R,B B,R B,R B,R c c c B B B B c c c B B B B c c c L L 2B 2M A,B M A A A A A A A A A HourlyDiag Hourly QuarterHourlyWatter Hourly Raw Daily HourlyWater Daily Data Avg Max Min M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M I I -·-···- H-2 APPENDIX I. STATION METADATA STANDARDS QAQC The following metadata quality assurance and quality control (QAQC) standards are designed to illustrate the steps involved in QAQC analysis of data retrieved from data stations. 1-1 •!• Data. QA/QC STANDARDS FOR DATA-COLLECTION STATIONS Data is obtained from the diagnostics web page for the project. o Alternatively, data can be obtained from the station directly using LoggerNet. •!• Original Data files. o Each station has an Original Data file in Excel. o The data found in this file is the original data retrieved from the datalogger. Each output table appears on a separate tab in the Original Data Excel file. •:• QA Process Data files: Each station has a QA Process Data file for each output table. o The data in these files undergoes the QA process and individual data points may be corrected or deleted if there is a problem. Data in these files is then deleted when moved to its Final Data file, usually once per year. •!• Final Data files. o Each station has a Final Data file in Excel. The data in these files have undergone QA and any problems with it have been resolved. Each output table appears on a separate tab in the Final Data Excel file. •!• Monthly QA Calculation files: o Each station has a Monthly QA Calculation file for each month beginning with the first month of station operation. o These files are used to check for completeness of records and out-of-range data, as well as to create summaries of selected data. •!• Monthly Quality Reporting Summary files. o The project has a Monthly Quality Reporting Summary file which is a concise summary of all of the Monthly QA Calculation files for all of the stations in the project. •!• QA Graphs files. c Each station has a QA Graph file. c The critical data from a station has been plotted in its QA Graph file. The plots are used to identify problematic data. Each graph is saved in .wmf format. If original data in the file are changed during the QA process (e.g. spikes are removed from the data set), the graph of the original data is saved in .jpg format. The corrected data is then saved in .wmf format. The plot of the original data would contain a note on the graph indicating that it is original data before the QA process. The plot of the corrected data would contain a note on the graph indication that it is corrected data after the QA process. 1-2 •!• QA Actions and Notes files. o Each station has a QA Actions and Notes file. o The file is used to document all changes to the data resulting from the QA process. o Questionable, but unchanged, data is also identified in the file. •!• Monthly QA Report. o The project has a Monthly Report for each month, beginning with the first month of station operation. o The report contains: • Title with the project name and date of the report. • Date report prepared and by whom. • Project short title. • GWS project number. • GWS project manager. • Any cooperator or sponsor IDs, agreement numbers, etc. • A list of project stations. • Description of data type; e.g., Meteorological, Stream, & Diagnostic Data. • Summary. • Introduction. • A Quality Assurance Review section summarizing the QA process. • A Measurements section detailing the measurements being made by the stations. • A Quality Assurance Results section summarizing the results for that month including data summaries and graphs. It will present and attempt to explain any out-of-range data, as well as any observed questionable, incomplete, or bad data. • A section explaining any abbreviations or acronyms used in the document. 1-3 APPENDIX J. SUSPENDED SEDIMENT ANALYSIS The following information reports the suspended sediment analysis which was conducted in cooperation with an Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (AKDOT&PF) project through University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF). This analysis was not part ofthe original project objectives or funded by the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA). Grab samples taken from the streams by GWS personnel were analyzed in the lab at the Water and Environmental Research Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks, to determine total suspended solids (TSS). Following ASTM Standard 3977-97, the samples were vacuum filtered through Whatman GF/C glass microfiber filters with particle retention of 1.2 m. The percentage of organic matter in each sample was then determined using ASTM Standard 2974 (Test Method C), in which samples are placed in a muffle furnace at 440°C for twelve hours. The following table (Table J-1) shows the TSS calculated values. The data indicates a clear reduction in suspended sediment concentration in the sampled streams after breakup; additionally, some sites (including the Upper Cosmos Creek and Upper Dahl Creek stations) show a gradual increase in suspended sediment load throughout the summer months. (Horacia Toniolo, written commun., 20 12) (Erica Lamb, unpub. data, 20 12) J-1 Table 1-1: Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Site Name Upper Kogoluktuk River Station Upper Kogoluktuk River Station Upper Kogoluktuk River Station Upper Kogoluktuk River Station Upper Kogoluktuk River Station Upper Kogoluktuk River Station Upper Wesley Creek Station Upper Wesley Creek Station Upper Cosmos Creek Station Upper Cosmos Creek Station Upper Cosmos Creek Station Upper Cosmos Creek Station Upper Dahl Creek Station Upper Dah I Creek Station Upper Dahl Creek Station Upper Dahl Creek Station Upper Dahl Creek Station g= grams ppm= parts per million mg/L= milligrams per liter TSS= total suspended solids Collection Date I Time 5/23/11 14:17 5/25/11 13:43 S/28/11 12:45 5/30/11 9:50 8/9/11 14:25 9/19/11 - 5/24/11 13:15 5/29/11 15:50 5/27/11 13:30 5/30/11 13:20 8/10/11 12:30 9/25/11 16:00 5/29/11 11:15 5/30/11 17:20 8/11/11 11:45 9/29/11 18:30 Analysis Date Time 10/24/11 10:46 10/24/11 10:17 10/24/11 10:19 10/24/11 10:45 11/2/11 10:57 10/31/11 10:36 10/24/11 10:22 10/24/11 10:25 10/24/11 10:44 10/24/11 10:24 10/24/11 10:48 10/31/11 10:35 10/24/11 10:20 10/24/11 10:42 10/24/11 10:50 10/31/11 10:38 10/31/11 10:34 Weight of Sample (g) Weight of Sediment (g) TSS w/ Organics Gross Tare Net Gross Tare Net TSS [ppm] TSS [mg/L] 1066.7 53.9 1012.8 0.3076 0.094 7 0.2129 210.21 210.24 1065.0 50.1 1014.9 0.3127 0.0932 0.2195 216.28 216.31 1053.0 50.2 1002.8 0.1993 0.0947 0.1046 104.31 104.31 1066.0 49.6 1016.4 0.1344 0.0942 0.0402 39.55 39.55 1075.9 51.5 1024.4 0.0934 0.0909 0.0025 2.44 2.44 1074.1 36.3 1037.8 0.0956 0.0941 0.0015 1.45 1.45 965.3 49.8 915.5 0.1157 0.0929 0.0228 24.90 24.90 1065.6 49.5 1016.1 0.0989 0.0933 0.0056 5.51 5.51 1066.1 50.2 1015.9 0.0972 0.0946 0.0026 2.56 2.56 1060.4 49.6 1010.8 0.0943 0.0933 0.0010 0.99 0.99 1071.6 36.3 1035.3 0.0935 0.0934 0.0001 0.10 0.10 1067.2 36.4 1030.8 0.0937 0.0932 0.0005 0.49 0.49 1008.0 49.6 958.4 0.0968 0.0928 0.0040 4.17 4.17 1063.9 49.6 1014.3 0.0934 0.0922 0.0012 1.18 1.18 1064.9 36.7 1028.2 0.0945 0.0940 0.0005 0.49 0.49 1069.6 36.3 1033.3 0.0925 0.0916 0.0009 0.87 0.87 1040.6 36.3 1004.3 0.0946 0.0936 0.0010 1.00 1.00 Tabular data from unpublished thesis (working title: Suspended sediment loads in streams on the North Slope, Alaska) by Erica Lamb, 2012. Organic Matter TSS w/o Organics ! Weight(g) %Organic T55 [ppm] TS5 [mg/L]I 0.2974 3.32 200.14 200.16 i 0.3009 3.77 204.65 204.68 0.1933 3.01 98.32 98.33 0.1300 3.27 35.22 35.22 0.0920 1.50 1.07 1.07 0.0946 1.05 0.48 0.48 0.1110 4.06 19.77 19.77 0.0965 2.43 3.15 3.15 0.0958 1.44 1.18 1.18 0.0935 0.85 0.20 0.20 0.0934 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.0933 0.43 0.10 0.10 0.0953 1.55 2.61 2.61 0.092.4 1.07 0.20 0.20 0.0942 0.32 0.19 0.19 0.0919 0.65 0.29 0.29 0.0939 0.74 0.30 0.30 J-2 APPENDIX K. SELECTED DAILY UPDATES The following information reports field events as described in selected daily updates sent to the project group. K-1 Daily Update: 8/18/10-8/19/10 Will combine reports for August 18 and 19 Current Weather: low fog and clouds, cannot see ridges, mild winds, hope to see fog burn off this afternoon Weather on 18th: rain at our location most of the day, dried out rain gear twice between field trips, cloud cover most of day, broken in evening Weather on 19th: low fog and clouds in morning, burned off in early afternoon, then scattered high clouds, 18th's Tasks: We completed the tasks at Upper Kogoluktuk River Station, installed the Hobo sensor at the Lower Kogoluktuk Station (will be a hike in during winter condition, steep slopes down to river), completed Upper Cosmos Creek Station, Lower Cosmos Creek Hobo station (at end of day on final pickup we had company at our LZ, see pictures, no problems, were prepared) 19th's Tasks: Prepped in camp in morning, weather lifted in afternoon, completed Kogo Repeater, moved and relocated Wesley Repeater when clouds lifted, installed Cosmos Creek Repeater, installed Welsey Creek Repeater, did sling load of gear to Dahl Creek repeater, worked into late evening. All stations now reporting to temp base station set up in Dahl Creek Camp. Today's Tasks: Will complete Upper Wesley Creek Station by 4-wheeler, Lower Wesley Creek Hobo station, may complete Dahl Creek late, if fog burns off will complete Dahl Creek Repeater. Will also meet with school about base station in Kobuk. Since we started on 10th, have had a little over 4" of rain, creeks and Kogoluktuk River are up. Kogoluktuk River was visibly more turbid. Daily Update: 8/20/10-8/21/10 Will combine reports for August 20 and 21 , both were long days. Current Weather: broken high clouds, no rain, ridges have been visible last two days, no morning fog, warm, caribou are showing up on North side of Cosmos Hills Weather on 20th: low ground fog and clouds in morning, clearing in later afternoon, scattered high clouds in afternoon, scattered light showers Weather on 21th: scattered high clouds in morning, no ground fog, ridges clear! 20th 's Tasks: -Prepped in camp in morning, station work continued with Wesley Creek, installation of the PT's and Camera. Water level measurements, stream stage was still higher due to recent rains -Met with Art Finkenbinder, Northwest Arctic School District, at Kobuk School. They are in a transition with no principle (recent change), and needing additional teachers (math and science), We worked out using the school's Internet services for the base station, Art had previously been a teacher at Kobuk for K-2 -6 years, We were also lucky in that Judy Richards, Northwest Arctic School District Technology Director, was in Kobuk for day, so we worked out the network location and interfacing for the Cosmos Hydrology Network base station. She had her staff in Kotzebue help us that afternoon. The school uses GCI school access, which we use in a variety of other villages , so we should not have a problem getting the final network configurations working . -We will be working with teachers at Kobuk School and district to incorporate the data from the Cosmos Hills Hydrology Network into various applications and curriculum for the students, this is being done as a GWS contribution to the schools -The ridges cleared up in late afternoon, so we installed the last of the repeaters for the Dahl Creek Watershed. The attached pictures show the repeater after completion and the upper Dahl Creek Watershed area. The repeaters are designed to operate year round, off solar power, and be resistant to animal damage and environmental conditions. Battery voltage, solar panel output, temperature inside the enclosure and shielded air temperature. The repeaters will report this data online . 21st's Tasks: -Did the last Helo tasks , it returned to Wasilla after we were done -Photos of upper and lower Kogoluktuk site, water level measurement at upper Kogoluktuk site -Installation of lower Wesley Creek hobo station -Air photos of Middle Dahl Creek station (stream temperature), in attached photo, water is flowing towards top of photo, station is on cut bank in deepest section to provide data for estimated longest period before freeze-up -Installation of base station at Kobuk School -packing and sent Austin back to Fairbanks with one load of gear on Wright's (Navajo) -cleaning up in camp with Nova Gold (note: we have been working closely with Nova Gold staff and sharing resource when needed to help develop a good long-term relationship with them, important for the network operations) -James and I are staying to complete final tasks and get base station running with GCI and School District IT staff Today's Tasks: Will complete Upper Dahl Creek installation (Solar Panel, camera, measure water levels), collect additional water level measurements at Wesley Creek and check station operation, work on base station at School and GCI tech support, pack and prepare to leave Dahl Creek camp tomorrow. Daily Update: 10/13/10 I will do a series of daily reports for the current October field trip for the Cosmos Hills Hydrology project. This is our second field trip to the Cosmos Hills Networ1< and the last trip for 2010. Please let me know if you have any questions. Yesterday , Jeff Derry, Jeff Murray, and Dave Brailey arrived in Kobuk. We are using the school as a base to work out of, and Kobuk school is providing both some office and storage space, as well as sleeping and eating areas . This is one of the positive outcomes of our current and planned future work with teachers and kids . The workplan for the field trip is available on the Internal project Wiki: http ://cosmos .gwscientific.com/Workplans/Workplans (hydropower) K-3 -Primary trip objectives: stream gauging, station maintenance (including resetting pressure transducers for winter and spring 2011 measurements}, observations of icing and general hydrologic conditions of the selected watersheds. We are also adding to three sites, some prototype DC camera lens heaters to so we can attempt to extend the stream and river observations later into the winter, and be able to de-ice camera enclosure lens in the spring . Current Weather: temperatures have been holding steady around -SC. Ice has been developing at streams and the Kogoluktuk River over the last week. Some good examples are shown below. The field crew visited Dahl Creek yesterday afternoon and measured stream discharge, did some station work, and saw caribou all over the place, some example pictures are attached. The Bearing Air helicopter should arrive this morning and we will plan on starting our measurements and site work at Cosmos Creek. As icing develops on streams and rivers, there will be impacts on the stream/river rating curves . The relationship between stream gage height and discharge will start to fluctuate and not be predictable. The camera images become critical for understanding this during this early winter period. As the hydropower assessment is interested in how long water may be available during the early winter months, this becomes more important. Some good examples of stream icing is available on the following links ; http ://www. cosmos hydro. org/stations/24h r archive. php?cam= UCosmosC rk&mon= 1 O&dat= 13&yr= 1 0 -Cosmos Creek yesterday, once you look at this, change the date to 10/9/10 and compare the difference The Kogoluktuk River is more than half covered with river ice at the station section , see ; http ://www.cosmoshydro.org/stations/24hr archive. php?cam=UKogoRvr&mon=1 O&dat=13&yr=1 0 -the river ice is currently snow covered, if you go to 1 0/9/10 you will see ice is already forming on the east bank and you can make out frazzle ice in the river (click on pictures for larger images) -you can easily move to other dates and see the changes in the river conditions and chose pictures with certain lighting conditions to see features of interest -All, you will see new content on the educational page, please test out your knowledge of hydrology and lnupiaq on the crossword puzzle. We also have some of our Texas A&M University students working on additional educational material for the school : http ://www.cosmoshydro .org/education .shtml Wright's air staff had some good comments about the help the real-time data reporting will give them in flight logistics for the area. Daily Update: 10/14/10 Yesterday, the Bering Air helciopter arrived at Dahl Creek campground around 10:45. Jeff Derry, Jeff Murray, and Dave Brailey soon left for Cosmos Creek. The weather was good during the day and you can see some of their activity at images (see below links) at both Cosmos Creek and Wesley Creek. http ://www.cosmoshydro .org/stations/UCosmosCrk/current.shtml -go to 24 hour images, then change date to 14th K-4 http://www.cosmoshydro.org/stations/UWesleyCrk/current.shtml -go to 24 hour images, then change date to 14th A summary of work accomplished yesterday; -Discharge measurements at Upper Cosmos Creek and Upper Wesley Creek -Upgrade of Upper Cosmos Creek Camera with lens heater system -Station maintenance at Upper Cosmos Creek Station -Surveying and resetting PT's at Upper Cosmos Creek Station -Site visits to all four repeater stations A couple of pictures are attached for the Upper Cosmos Creek station area . The crew will tackle the Kogoluktuk River today. Daily Update: 10/15/10-10/17/10 This will be a combined report for Friday (Oct 15) through Sunday (Oct 17). A summary of work accomplished in the last three days; -Discharge measurements at Upper Kogoluktuk River (this completed all four streams/rivers -all Q measurements met QAQC review, duplicates at each site) -Upgrade of Upper Kogoluktuk River and Upper Dahl Creek Cameras with lens heater systems -Station maintenance at Upper Kogoluktuk River, Upper Wesley Creek, and Upper Dahl Creek -Surveying and resetting PT's at Upper Kogoluktuk River, Upper Wesley Creek, and Upper Dahl Creek -Site visits to all four stream monitoring sites (Lower Cosmos Creek, Lower Welsey Creek, Middle Dahl Creek, and Lower Kogogluktuk River), Hobo sensors were either swapped out or data was downloaded from each site. See http ://www .cosmoshydro .org/network .shtml for current site conditions. There is less daylight each day, so the first visible camera image is getting later each week. A couple of pictures are attached for the Upper Welsey Creek showing the discharge measurement section with a tag line across the creek . Caribou continued to provide some surprise visits on site . Cosmos Creek was also revisited to collect additional water level measurements. A picture of the changing icing conditions is shown from just upstream of the site. The crew is giving some presentations to the school today and working with some of the teachers. If needed, they will revisit Dahl Creek. K-5 Weather/River Report: 5/11/11 The Cosmos Hydrology Project group will be going in the field next week for spring snowmelt field measurements. I will send out periodic notes on weather/river conditions to help report current conditions in the Kobuk area. The high snowpack conditions may lead to high water conditions for the Kobuk area this spring, depending on weather conditions over the next few weeks. The Kogoluktuk River Gage and USGS Dahl Creek gauges are currently reporting, though both are still under ice-affected conditions. We anticipate visiting the repeater sites for Cosmos, Wesley, and Dahl Creeks later next week to replace radios and get the remaining stations online. The warm spell at the end of April and early May resulted in the water level increases on the Kogoluktuk River of about 2 feet, but it has dropped with the recent cooler weather in the last 5 days. see 14 day water height of sensor hydrograph at: http://www.cosmoshydro.org/stations/UKogoRvr/graphs/waterDepth avg 14day.png -for images on the 5th, see: http://www.cosmoshydro.org/stations/24hr archive.php?cam=UKogoRvr&mon=5&dat=5&yr=11 the east bank (lower portion of image) shows water starting to rise over the top of the snowpack along the left bank -you can change the date for the 24 hour image summary to see conditions before or after this date -see 14 day temperatures at: http://www.cosmoshydro.org//stations/UKogoRvr/graphs/air 14day.png -General station current conditions are available at: http://www.cosmoshydro.org/stations/UKogoRvr/current.shtml The USGS Dahl Creek Gage is available online at: http://nwis.waterdata.usgs.gov/aklnwis/uv?cb 00065=on&cb 00060=on&format=gif default&period=14& site no=15743850 -this site is located just east of the Dahl Creek Airstrip, water levels indicate some local melting during warm periods, but still ice affected conditions no sustained increase in streamflow The USGS gauge at the Kobuk River Near Kiana is not yet reporting. This is the first year for data availability for the Kogoluktuk River. The USGS Dahl Creek Gauge (a valuable asset in this region) has data going back to 1986. For a current description of the Cosmos Hydrology Project, the following two links provide background information; -Project website: http://www.cosmoshydro.org/ -Recent Alaska Section, AWRA, Overview Presentation: http://state.awra.org/alaska/meeting2011.html#top -see Brailey presentation in Session 8 Weather/River Report: 5/16111 The Cosmos Hydrology Project group will be going in the field Wednesday for spring snowmelt/runoff field measurements. This note is part of our periodic notes on weather/river conditions to help report current conditions in the Kobuk area. The high snowpack conditions may lead to high water conditions for the Kobuk area this spring, depending on weather conditions over the next few weeks. The Kogoluktuk River Gage and USGS Dahl Creek gauges are currently reporting, though both are still under ice-affected conditions. We anticipate visiting the repeater sites for Cosmos, Wesley, and Dahl Creeks later this week to replace radios and get the remaining stations online. The warming temperatures over the last few days have caused the Kogoluktuk River water levels to increase again and they are now higher than May 5th. Water can be seen along the east bank of the river K-6 in the images, and water can now be seen on the opposite bank above the snowpack along the bank. The ungrounded ice in the center of the channel is likely moving the upper level of the snowpack higher as water levels increase. see 14 day water height of sensor hydrograph at: http://www.cosmoshydro.org/stations/UKogoRvr/graphs/waterDepth avg 14day.png -for images on the16th, see: http://www.cosmoshydro.org/stations/24hr archive.php?cam=UKogoRvr&mon=5&dat=16&yr=11 -the east bank (lower portion of image) shows water starting to rise over the top of the snowpack along the left bank -you can change the date for the 24 hour image summary to see conditions before or after this date -see 14 day temperatures at: http://www.cosmoshydro.org//stations/UKogoRvr/graphs/air 14day.png -temperatures have been getting into the 50's but still dropping just below breezing -General station current conditions are available at: http://www.cosmoshydro.org/stations/UKogoRvr/current.shtml -The following is an internal graph, showing the water level above sensors for the two pressure transducers at the Kogoluktuk river Gauge. one sensor is one the channel (deeper water level), and the other was located on top of the river ice at bank last October. -http:/ /www.cosmoshydro. org/ /stations/UKogoRvr/graphs/waterDepths avg 14day.png The USGS Dahl Creek Gage is available online at: http://nwis.waterdata.usgs.gov/aklnwis/uv?cb 00065;::on&cb 00060;::on&format;::gif default&period=14& site no= 157 43850 -this site is located just east of the Dahl Creek Airstrip, water levels indicate stream flow is increasing, though the stream is still expected to be under ice affected conditions The USGS gauge at the Kobuk River Near Kiana is not yet reporting. Weather/River Report: 5/19/11 The Cosmos Hydrology Project group is now in the field for spring snowmeiUrunoff field measurements. Below are current conditions in Kobuk and Cosmos Hills area. The Kogoluktuk River Gage and USGS Dahl Creek gauges are currently reporting, though both are still under partial ice-affected conditions. The Kogoluktuk River has ice moving in the reach of the station and camera, it is clear downstream and some sections upstream. Ice concentrations are changing hourly. The USGs· Dahl Creek Gage should be reading close to none-ice affected conditions. We anticipate visiting the repeater sites for Cosmos, Wesley, and Dahl Creeks on Saturday to replace radios and get the remaining stations online. The Kobuk River has come up about three feet since last night. -see 14 day water height of sensor hydrograph at: http://www.cosmoshydro.org/stations/UKogoRvr/graphs/waterDepth avg 14day.png -water levels are continuing to rise each day see 14 day temperatures at: http://www.cosmoshydro.org//stations/UKogoRvr/graphs/air 14dav.ona temperatures have been getting into the 50's and have not dropped below freezing the last few days -General station current conditions are available at: http://www.cosmoshydro.org/stations/UKogoRvr/current.shtml -The following is an internal graph, showing the water level above sensors for the two pressure transducers at the Kogoluktuk River Gauge. One sensor is on the channel (deeper water level), and the other was located on top of the river ice at bank last October. -http://www .cosmoshydro. org/ /stations/UKogoRvr/graphs/waterDepths avg 14day. png K-7 The USGS Dahl Creek Gage is available online at: http://nwis. waterdata. usgs.gov/aklnwis/uv?cb 00065=on&cb 00060=on&format=gif default&period=14& site no=15743850 -this site is located just east of the Dahl Creek Airstrip, water levels indicate stream flow is increasing with diurnal fluctuations The USGS gauge at the Kobuk River Near Kiana is not yet reporting. Villagers are preparing for potential flood conditions. Various ice jams have come and gone by the village. Up by Dahl Creek in the area of the USGS gage, the snowpack is wet throughout, many areas with standing water in the snowpack. Daily Update: 5/19/11 -The Cosmos Hills Hydrology team arrived at Dahl Creek Camp yesterday on Wrights. We flew a loop up the Kogoluktuk and then to the Bornite mine, up Ruby Creek and down Wesley Creek to Dahl Creek Camp airstrip. There is less snowmelt on north side of the Cosmos Hills, Bornite Road still has a lot of snow north of the pass, mainly clear south of the pass (between Wesley and Ruby Creeks) -We brought in some parts for Nova Gold, no weight issues with flight -Johnette asked us to help Alex Sheldon and family, his sister was in Fairbanks hospital and not doing well. We sent back on the plane Alex, Rosa Horner, Sherry Horner and 3 children back to Fairbanks, taking advantage of an empty flight going back -We were able to setup in our same office tent as last August (Thanks Frank!-Nova Gold) -Allan Ward met us with the 2 4-wheelers we are renting, one is from Johnette. Allan is working with us as we need help, and he helped us during the passt March trip -We are settled in at the school and they have been very helpful -We got equipment setup yesterday, took pictures of the Dahl Creek USGS Gage, and worked out Nova Gold camp logistics with Frank Today, we are testing discharge equipment and the raft on the Kobuk River in available open sections -The helicopter is delayed by a day and will show up on the 21st The road is clear to Wesley Creek and we will be doing discharge measurements and station work there tomorrow -We will be working out plans for locating 4-wheelers and gear in case we need to move out of Kobuk due to flooding, the school is high enough not to be a problem, but the access road to Dahl Creek Camp will be cut off -Weather and snow conditions are such that peaks on the streams should occur during the next week. The Kogoluktuk has also come up and now has more ice coming down from the Ambler flat region. Still a lot of snow in the upper basin based on flying in yesterday We ate dinner with several local folks from Kobuk and Ambler, they have not seen this much snow in a long time, were able to do winter travel to areas they normally can not get to, snow cover has likely resulted in thinner ice cover on the rivers this year Weather/River Report: 5/20/11 The Cosmos Hydrology Project group is now in the field for spring snowmelt/runoff field measurements. Below are current conditions in Kobuk and Cosmos Hills area -It rained most of the night last night in the Kobuk area and there are scattered rain showers in the basin today to the east and north of Kobuk. -The river came up high enough to flood over the access road into town, with highest water levels around 2:00 last night, some erosion on the access road. K-8 River stage is down about 1/5 feet in town, but velocities are higher and a lot more ice sheets and floating ice in the river. Ice jamming potentials are still good -The lake on the north side of town is flooded -Dahl Creek is up with the rain last night (Matt will send you more pictures) see 14 day water height of sensor hydrograph at: http://www .cosmoshydro.org/stations/UKoqoRvr/graphs/waterDepth avg 14day. png -water levels are continuing to rise each day -see 14 day temperatures at http://www.cosmoshydro.org//stations/UKogoRvr/graphs/air 14day.png -night temperatures were warmer last night -ice is actively moving on the Kogoluktuk: http://www.cosmoshydro.org/stations/24hr archive.php?cam=UKogoRvr -General station current conditions are available at: http://www.cosmoshydro.org/stations/UKogoRvr/current.shtml -The following is an internal graph, showing the water level above sensors for the two pressure transducers at the Kogoluktuk river Gauge. one sensor is one the channel (deeper water level), and the other was located on top of the river ice at bank last October. -http://www.cosmoshydro.org//stations/UKoqoRvr/graphs/waterDepths avg 14day.png The USGS Dahl Creek Gage is available online at: http://nwis.waterdata. usqs.gov/aklnwis/uv?cb 00065=on&cb 00060=on&format=gif default&period=14& site no= 157 43850 -this site is located just east of the Dahl Creek Airstrip, water levels indicate stream flow is increasing and rain has resulted in stream stages not dropping The USGS gauge at the Kobuk River Near Kiana is not yet reporting. Villagers are fairly preparing for potential flood conditions. Various ice jams have come and gone by the village. The snowpack is wet throughout, many areas with standing water in the snowpack. Weather/River Report: 5/21/11 The Cosmos Hydrology Project group is now in the field for spring snowmelt/runoff field measurements. Below are current conditions in Kobuk and Cosmos Hills area -It rained most of yesterday in the Kobuk area but there are blue skies in the basin today to the east and north of Kobuk. -The river continued to rise yesterday, estimated to reaching levels higher than 2008 spring flood, town is flooded, the road to the airport is completely underwater, ice jams have continued to cause fluctuating water levels, though most flooding is due to increased discharge, ice and trees are coming down river still -water levels are up to Apron on the runway -Dahl Creek is continuing to go up with the rain last night (Matt will send you more pictures) -see 14 day water height of sensor hydrograph at: http://www.cosmoshydro.org/stations/UKoqoRvr/graphs/waterDepth avg 14day.png -water levels dropped down rapidly yesterday afternoon, possibly due to ice going out, this can be seen in online images for 20th, look at time period from 1400 to 1600, one pressure transducer may have been taken out by the ice, it stopped reporting yesterday afternoon. We will attempt to access the site this afternoon with the helicopter, which is still scheduled to show up today K-9 -see 14 day temperatures at: http://www.cosmoshvdro.org//stations/UKoqoRvr/graphs/air 14day.png -night temperatures dropped to freezing last night as weather conditions cleared ice is out in the section for the Kogoluktuk station: http://www.cosmoshydro.org/stations/24hr archive.php?cam=UKogoRvr -General station current conditions are available at: http://www. cosmoshydro. org/stations/UKoqoRvr/current. shtm I -The following is an internal graph, showing the water level above sensors for the two pressure transducers at the Kogoluktuk river Gauge. one sensor is one the channel (deeper water level), and the other was located on top of the river ice at bank last October. The higher sensor stopped reporting about the same time as the ice went out -http://www.cosmoshydro.org//stations/UKogoRvr/graphs/waterDepths avg 14day.png The USGS Dahl Creek Gage is available online at: http://nwis. waterdata. usgs. gov/aklnwis/uv?cb 00065=on&cb 00060=on&format=gif default&period=14& site no=15743850 -this site is located just east of the Dahl Creek Airstrip, water levels indicate stream flow is increasing and rain has resulted in stream stages not dropping The USGS gauge at the Kobuk River Near Kiana is not yet reporting. Villagers are getting around by boat during flood conditions. Various ice jams continue to come and gone by the village. The snowpack is wet throughout, many areas with standing water in the snowpack, side slopes have running water under the base of the snowpack Weather/River Report: 5/21/11-Kobuk Flooding The Cosmos Hydrology Project group is now in the field for spring snowmelt/runoff field measurements. Below are current conditions in Kobuk and Cosmos Hills area the attached pictures show Kobuk this afternoon, under current flooding conditions water levels are higher than recent events, some remember water levels as high during summer/fall flooding in early 90's -ice jams are creating variable stage conditions, which is pushing some ice into village -if water levels continue to go up and ice is in river, then floating river ice will be more of a problem -we helped one of the teachers move a snowmachine to the runway, which is being used by all for high ground storage of vehicles, etc -see 14 day water height of sensor hydrograph at: http://www.cosmoshyd ro.org/stations/UKogoRvr/graphs/waterDepth avg 14dav. onq -water levels dropped down rapidly yesterday afternoon, possibly due to ice going out, this can be seen in online images for 20th, look at time period from 1400 to 1600, one pressure transducer may have been taken out by the ice, it stopped reporting yesterday afternoon. We will attempt to access the site this afternoon with the helicopter, which is still scheduled to show up today -see 14 day temperatures at: http://www.cosmoshydro.org//stations/UKogoRvr/graphs/air 14day.png -night temperatures dropped to freezing last night as weather conditions cleared -ice is out in the section for the Kogoluktuk station: http://www.cosmoshydro.org/stations/24hr archive.php?cam=UKogoRvr -ice flows can be seen in noon picture -General station current conditions are available at: http://www.cosmoshydro.org/stations/UKogoRvr/current.shtml K-10 The USGS Dahl Creek Gage is available online at: http://nwis.waterdata.usgs .gov/ak/nwis/uv?cb 00065=on&cb 00060=on&format=gif default&period=14& site no=15743850 -this site is located just east of the Dahl Creek Airstrip, water levels indicate stream flow decreased overnight due to temperatures dropping to freezing, they will be going up this afternoon and this evening The USGS gauge at the Kobuk River Near Kiana is not yet reporting. Daily Update: 5/21/11 -With river levels moving up, we move to Dahl Creek Camp late Thursday night. Be early morning water was over the access road to the airport -Frank, Nova Gold, has been very helpful, we are. using the office tent used last year, plus one other tent while camp numbers are down -We gauged Welsey Creek yesterday, making 2 discharge measurements, the stage was increasing while we were there -the station and PT's were working fine, as well as camera -we also surveyed accessible RM's and RP's -We checked out water levels in village and worked on continued preparations for field work and worked up data collected at Wesley Creek -We measured gauge heights at the Lower Dahl Creek USGS station and recorded other field observations -the Helo is scheduled to get in this afternoon and we anticipate getting to repeater sites and the Upper Kogoluktuk River Station today, there is a potential power issue with the station which may be related to PT's getting pulled out yesterday afternoon by ice . -the rain over the last 2 days and sun today will continue to accelerate snow melt in the area Weather/River Report: 5/21/11-Kobuk Flooding The Cosmos Hydrology Project group is now in the field for spring snowmeiUrunoff field measurements . Below are current conditions in Kobuk and Cosmos Hills area K-11 -the attached pictures show Kobuk this evening, under current flooding conditions -the ice jam on the Kobuk went out late this afternoon, it was several miles long according to pilots flying into kobuk -the main problem people seemed to have were ice impacts -the attached photos were taken this evening on our return Helo trip, you can see lots of river ice left on town from higher water levels -see 14 day water height of sensor hydrograph at: http ://www . cosmoshyd ro . org/stations/U KoqoRvr/g raphs/waterDepth avg 14dav. ono -water levels are impacted by ice pulling the sensors downstream and into shallower water along the bank, we will plan on visiting the site to fix the sensors tomorrow Daily Update: 5/21/11 (evening) -The helicopter arrived late this afternoon, after getting settled, we went out for a short trip -aerial survey of Kogoluktuk River, Upper and Lower station locations, and gauging portion of the river -there is still ice coming down the river and lots of ice upstream in Ambler flats -the pressure transducer lines could be seen pulled in a downstream direction from bank or river ice -will have to reset PT's, some may need replacement if damaged by ice breakup -the station may have some issues associated with the PT's being pulled downstream, will confirm on site visit tomorrow -replaced the radio at Dahl Creek Repeater Station, it is now reporting as well as Upper Dahl Creek Station · - replaced the radio at Wesley Creek Repeater Station, it is now reporting as well as Upper Wesley Creek Station -replaced the radio at Cosmos Creek Repeater Station, it is now reporting BUT the Upper Cosmos Creek Station is not reporting -from aerial surveys, it looks like the station area is covered by a large drift and stream icing, will have to conform on the ground tomorrow -There is still a lot of snow in Dahl, Wesley, Cosmos Watersheds, which are generally protected from direct solar exposure -The shallow gravel bars in the center of the Kogoluktuk River in the reach of the upper station serve to ground ice and create temporary ice jams, downstream of this point as you get into the curve before the falls, the channel is narrow and water currents are much faster, little sign of any ice accumulation in this area K-12 -the Brooks Range to the North still has a lot of snow, so the Kogoluktuk may have a way to go before snowmelt peak The lower Kogoluktuk (below the falls and before the Kobuk) has a lot of ice backed up that may or may not get into the Kobuk depending on time, teh ice will continue to thin as long as it is held in place Currently the only station not reporting is the Upper Cosmos Creek Station. We should know more about this station tomorrow. Weather/River Report: 5/22/11 -High overcast skies today at Dahl Creek Camp and Kobuk -All four repeaters and Wesley, Dahl, Kogoluktuk Stations reporting data: http://www.cosmoshydro.org/network.shtml -some graphics will be restarted on Monday note: time reporting is AST (Alaska Standard Time) -Water levels in town are dropping slowly, this morning, the road to the airport still had 3+ feet over the road -Main ice accumulation in Kobuk seemed to go out yesterday afternoon Further stage changes in Kobuk River mainly snowmelt+ any precipitation -Major flooding for Kobuk seems to be over not counting snowmelt Daily Update: 5/22/11 -Today was spent on the following, not the issues at Cosmos -Upper Cosmos Creek station visit, see attached pictures station is covered by a small avalanche, a few rocks, torn out trees, etc were observed -in the attached pictures you will see a snow marker (blocks of snow piled on top of each other) indicating the location where the station should be, there is about 12-15 feet of snow over the general area the avalanche extend past the exposed area in the tundra where initial water flow moved around the snow obstruction, the creek is now flowing under the avalanche, with some flow around it -we will need to see what emerges during snow melt to know what damage was done to the station there is still a lot of icing in Cosmos Creek upstream and downstream of the site, so will hold off a few days on any discharge measurements, will visit the site again in a few days site visit to Kogoluktuk River -pressure transducers were pulled up along bank by ice -one pressure transducer was pulled off cable (pulled apart flex liquatite), this was resulting in excess voltage drops in battery bank due to 12v power lines (low voltage/amperage) in the water from the pulled apart cable, we pulled this from the site -we did tests on the remaining pressure transducer and re-installed it and surveyed in new measurement rebar control (RP) -we also prepped the raft and gear for discharge measurements, the ice concentration was still high with some blocks coming down more than 10 feet across, we will need to wait for safer water conditions to get discharge measurements, will try again tomorrow 7 of the 8 stations (stream/river/repeater) are reporting. Cosmos will have to melt out more before we can deal with it. We will return to the Kogoluktuk River station tomorrow, though forecast is for showers and thunderstorms, so may only be able to spend part of a day there. K-13 Dahl Creel and Wesley Creek are still coming up. There is a lot of snow in the 3 Creek Basins and the Kogoluktuk River Basin . The Kobuk River is not going down much, the lower Kogoluktuk River is packed with ice that could go into the Kobuk River. (Photo s A bove of Cosmos Creek Avalanche) Daily Update: 5/23/11 Today was spent on the following : -site visit to Kogoluktuk River to gauge discharge -still truck size pieces of ice coming down, but we successfully dodged ice to find a reach of the Kogo to do discharge measurements at the current stage -survey all elevation control in and current water levels, the benchmark control is working out well and we are tied into our control from last year -Currently, the online water level reporting represents ice, out, reinstallation of one working sensor, etc. These numbers will be cleanup after we are out of the field, see for an example: -http://www .cosmosh ydro.org//stations/U KoqoRvr/graphs/waterDepths avg 14day. png -on the 19th, PT2 was ripped out by ice flow, this also resulted on a slow power drain on the battery system due to exposed sensor wires in the water -on the 20th , PT1 was shifted to shallower water near bank -on the 21st, PT1 was shifted onto the bank by ice flow -on the 22nd, PT1 was checked and reinstalled into a temporary position -on the 23rd, PT1 was checked , and is accurately representing the change in water levels when QAQC'ed against manual readings Dahl Creel and Wesley Creek are still coming up. There is still a lot of snow in the 3 Creek Basins and the upper Kogoluktuk River Basin. -for Upper Dahl Creek, see: http ://www.cosmoshydro.org/stations/UDahiCrk/graphs/waterDepth avg 7day.png -for Lower Dahl Creek USGS Gauge, see: http://nwis . waterdata. usgs .qov/ak/nwis/uv/?site no= 157 43850&PARAmeter cd=00065 , 00060 K-14 -for Upper Wesley Creek Gauge, see: http://www.cosmoshydro.org/stations/UWesleyCrklqraphs/waterDepth avg 7day .pnq -other data available at: http ://www.cosmoshydro.org/network .shtml The Kobuk River is slowly dropping, the lower Kogoluktuk River is still packed with ice that could go into the Kobuk River. Weather/River Report: 5/23/11 -High overcast skies, scattered clouds and thunderclouds today at Dahl Creek Camp and Kobuk, forecast seems right on target -All four repeaters and Wesley, Dahl, Kogoluktuk Stations reporting data: http ://www.cosmoshydro.org/network.shtml -some new graphics restarted today -note: time reporting is AST (Alaska Standard Time) -Water levels in town are dropping slowly, water still over the road in town slightly -Still ice in lower Kogoluktuk River, jammed up in lower sections of river, river was slowly dropping this afternoon, about 0.1 feet, snow-melt peak has not yet come, high water marks from ice-jam flooding about 1 to 1.5 feet higher -Kobuk River at Kiana now reporting, stage levels change a lot yesterday -http://nwis. waterdata . usgs .gov/aklnwis/uv/?site no= 157 44500&PARAmeter cd=00065 , 00060 -Main attraction in Kobuk is large blocks of ice melting around village, mother nature's ice art Daily Update: 5/24/11 Yesterday was spent on the following: -Jeff and Allan gauged Wesley Creek:http://www.cosmoshydro.org/stations/UWesleyCrklgraphs/waterDepth avg 7day.png Flow is continuing to go up, with diurnal variations -Michael, Robin, Audrey went through the following; -camp orientation and safety meetings -helicopter safety meetings -review of project presentations (powerpoints) in camp -Helo tours of Cosmos, Ruby, Wesley, Dahl Creek watersheds, the Kogoluktuk Watershed from the Kobuk River to the north side of the Ambler Flats -this also help the project as we photo-documented snow cover conditions and creek conditions in the watershed areas K-15 -aerial surveys of Kobuk and Shungnak, and the power utility lines between -tour of Kobuk and recent flooding impacts, lots of ice in the village still melting -general project discussions I have attached some pictures showing the following water levels slowly dropping -Dahl Creek watershed , looking south at old mining area, and snow on north-facing slopes -Cosmos Creek station location, station still under avalanche, stream is melting the snow out as it flow under it Daily Update: 5/25/11 Today was spent on the following, K-16 -Discharge measurement on the Kogoluktuk River -The whole group went to the Kogoluktuk Michael, Robin, Audrey went through the following; -typical station operations -data acquisition systems -survey control setups and river stage measurements -The rest of our day was spent on data and field gear prep Daily Update: 5/26/11 Yesterday was spent on the following, -Field Gear work on ADCP mounting -Preparing a second pressure transducer assembly for Kogoluktuk River, making extensions for 50' transducers -Cosmos Creek Surveys -located station, dug down to assess, see attached pictures, station in bad shape from Avalanche, note picture from last year, current tripod position is horizontal -set new rebar for water level measurements -assess gauging locations -Dahl and Wesley Repeaters -the severe thunderstorms on the evening of the 25th had a lot of associated lightning and atmospheric charging, this took out the Dahl and Wesley repeaters, we had two extra radios, so set these up and replaced the radios at the repeater sites -Worked on field data (Upper Cosmos Station Before Avalanche) Weather/River Report: 5/25/11-5/27/11 -Forecast on the 25th were for scattered thunderstorms, attached pictures show what hit the area early evening, lots of lighting for about 3-4 hours and rain most the evening, input from residents of area was this was unusual for this time of year to have so much lightning -Sunny and hot yesterday, clear and cool last night -Streams have been going up with snowmelt and rainfall over the last few days K-17 -North slopes still have 20% snow cover, though today may be warm enough to make a good change in that -most of the ice is out of Kogoluktuk Will send less frequent reports unless there are events of interest All stations are reporting this morning : http://www.cosmoshydro.org/network.shtml Daily Update: 5/27/11 Yesterday was spent on the followi ng , -Cosmos Creek -Discharge measurements -Elevation surveys -Water levels and water quality measurements -Dug out station and stream access through avalanche snow back -attached pictures show station -pulled data acquisition equipment, all impacted by flooding -this should not be assumed a usual event, but the data logger was still working. The camera was working until it went underwater during breakup flooding -so , "no data loss" for stream levels until yesterday -I attached a few example images from the camera to show stream conditions in Oct, Nov , Feb and just before after the avalanche K-18 -I also attached a few plots of the pressure transducer data to show the events that took place this winter and spring at Upper Cosmos Creek -Site event timeline Oct 14 -last field visit to site before May trip -Feb 17 last communication to site due to Feb Storm impact on repeater site -Feb 22-indications of high winds at station by snow scour features -Feb 23-Avalanche between 1400 and 1500 May 13 -start of snowmelt runoff, avalanche is acting as a dam on the stream, water is forced up and around the west side of the avalanche drift May 17 camera stops working when it goes under water (water rises within snow drift) May 27 -we dug out the station and pulled the datalogger, it was still running though was going to be impacted by corrosion soon We have some extra equipment with us, and will attempt in the next few days to get the pressure sensors on a logger so critical data can be collected before a future complete station repair visit can be planned. This will depend on the conditions of the battery bank, which we still need to evaluate. First trip in to Upper Dahl Creek Station, broke through the last snow drifts with 4-wheelers measure water levels assess stream gauging approach, water is too high for wading measurements Daily Update: 5/28/11 Yesterday was spent on the following, -Kogoluktuk River -Discharge measurements Flow was lower and the river turbidity is dropping, improving ADCP measurements, flow estimates were 5,000 cfs -High turbidity and water velocities (over 6 feet/second} can prevent the ADCP from tracking the bottom of the river bed -Elevation surveys, establish new RP's with decreasing river stage -Water levels and water-quality measurements -installed new water level pressure transducer -Camp work on equipment and data Daily Update: 5/29/11 Yesterday was spent on the following, K-19 -Dahl Creek -Discharge measurements -Elevation surveys -Water levels and water-quality measurements General station maintenance -Reinstalled second transducer in the water (moved last fall for breakup period) -Wesley Creek -Discharge measurements -Elevation surveys -Water levels and water-quality measurements -General station maintenance Reinstalled second transducer in the water (moved last fall for breakup period) -Kogoluktuk River -short visit to measure water levels and make some adjustments in the new transducer that was installed Daily Update: 5/30/11 Today was spent on the following, -Upper Kogoluktuk River -Discharge measurements -Elevation surveys, establishment of a new RP -Water levels and water-quality measurements -General station maintenance -verified operations of second transducer -this was the last measurement for the Kogo on this trip, so also had to sling-load motor and rafts back to Dahl Camp Upper Cosmos Creek -Discharge measurements -Elevation surveys -Water levels and water-quality measurements -Continued cleanup of station -battery box was full of water from flooding, cut hole in bottom of box to drain water before batter terminals corroded and developed a contamination issue, batteries will need to be replaced. Installed spare logger, charge controller, battery with an appropriate amount of Duct Tape, the station is collecting water level and water temperature data from both pressure transducers, the setup should last for a while, though is less resistant to winds or animal issues Upper Dahl Creek Discharge measurements -Water levels and water-quality measurements Daily Update: 5/31/11 Yesterday was spent on the following, -Upper Cosmos Creek -Water levels -Completed installation of battery box, securing station, verifying PT locations K-20 -Lower Cosmos Creek -replaced Hobo sensor, sensor installed in October was found and had no missing data -Lower Wesley Creek replaced Hobo sensor, sensor installed in October was found and had no missing data -Lower Dahl Creek replaced Hobo sensor, sensor installed in October was found and had no missing data -Lower Kogoluktuk River -replaced Hobo sensor, sensor installed in October was found and had no missing data -Upper Kogoluktuk River -Water levels, verified operations of second transducer -Jeff left with a majority of our field gear in afternoon -Allan and I located some ground supplies for repeaters -During flight lines between sites, aerial stream surveys Daily Update: 6/1111 Today was spent on the following, -Upper Cosmos Creek -Water levels -Downloaded data -Cosmos Creek Repeater -station maintenance, installed grounding systems, site photos -Wesley Creek Repeater -station maintenance, installed grounding systems, site photos -Dahl Creek Repeater -station maintenance, installed grounding systems, site photos Kogoluktuk River Repeater -station maintenance, installed grounding systems, site photos -Kobuk School -Checked on Base Station, mapped out breakers to be left on for school staff -Packed up all remaining gear and cleaned up work areas Daily Update: 8/9/11 We had a successful, but wet day at the Upper Kogoluktuk River Station yesterday. The flow was similar to that of last August, with steady water levels while we were there. The Kogoluktuk was running crystal clear. Some photos are attached from yesterdays work. -discharge measurement K-21 -cross-section Doppler survey at station section -reset pressure transducers in deeper water -fixed a kinked vent tube on one of the pressure transducers -water level QAQC measurements -general station maintenance -elevation control surveying -water chemistry and turbidity sampling We also measured water levels at the USGS Lower Dahl Creek Station We will be working at the Cosmos Creek Station today as soon as the helicopter works us into the schedule. (Upper Kogo Gauging) (Upper Kogo PT Sensor Reset) (Upper Kogo Station) (Upp er Kogo , Upriver) K-22 Daily Update: 8/10/11 We had a successful day at the Upper Cosmos Creek Station yesterday. The flow was measured 64 cfs (0 .5% error), with steady water levels while we were there. Cosmos Creek was running crystal clear. Some photos are attached from yesterdays work. the line across the creek in the aerial photo is the tag used for the measurement section . Jason Moyer is shown in one of the photos repairing the battery box. Jason helped us setup the station last year in August. This is the station that was impacted by the February avalanche. The station is now reporting online with a replacement radio. Note, many sensors are still not hooked up, so further maintenance is needed . -two discharge measurements -water level QAQC measurements -continued station maintenance and repair -pulled old batteries that had been underwater during spring flood , installed spare new batteries -fixed battery box and some of the enclosure connections -installed new radio at site -worked on other damaged sensors -elevation control surveying -water chemistry and turbidity sampling Dave and Jason also did one discharge measurement at Upper Wes ley Creek Station , we will return there later today or tomorrow before we leave. We will be working at the Upper Dahl Creek Station today, and return to the Upper Cosmos Station this afternoon . (Cosmos Basin) (Upper Cosmos Creek Gauging) K-23 Daily Update: 8/11/11 We had a successful day at the Upper Dahl Creek Station yesterday, and completed work at the Upper Wesley Creek Station, and Lower Dahl Creek Station. The flow was measured 46.7 cfs (0.5% error) at the Upper Dahl Creek site, with steady water levels while we were there. We also did a discharge measurement on the USGS Lower Dahl Creek site. Dahl Creek was running crystal clear. Some photos are attached from yesterdays work. Upper Dahl Creek Station -two discharge measurements -water level QAQC measurements -elevation control surveying -water chemistry and turbidity sampling -general station maintenance, replacement of desiccant, etc. Upper Wesley Creek Station -water level QAQC measurements -elevation control surveying -general station maintenance, replacement of desiccant, etc. Lower Wesley Creek Station -changed out Hobo water temperature sensors, site pictures -NOTE: we had several observations of fish splashing in the Creek, Jason saw one fish that was 6 to 1 0" long USGS Dahl Creek Station (Lower) -one discharge measurement -water level QAQC measurements -this site was measured to help compare our measurement methods and data with the USGS record at the station Some of the pictures show a currently conditions on Upper Dahl Creek and Lower Wesley Creek stations . They also show some of the training we were doing with Jason Moyer (Kobuk), who has been learning how to be a surveyors assistant, how to measure water levels at the stream reference points, and how to change out the Hobo data logging sensors. Jason also worked with us last August when the stations were setup. Both Jason and Allan Ward have been great field support and help reduce the field staff we need to bring with us . We will be working at the lower sites today and possibly visit Upper Cosmos Creek again . We leave Dahl Creek Camp late this afternoon. It is currently pouring down rain (good hydrology conditions). K-24 (Jason Moyer at Lower Wesley Creek) (Upper Dahl Creek Gauging) (Upper Dahl Creek Surveying) Daily Update: 8/12/11 We had a very wet last day, but achieved a lot in a small block of helicopter time. The attached photos show the snow stake installation at the Upper Kogoluktuk Station, with Jason Moyer pointing out some specified intervals to later use in interpreting online camera images. The replacement and installation of a new Hobo water temperature sensor is shown for the Lower Kogoluktuk Station. Jason Moyer is shown showing our Prism helicopter pilot how we replace the temperature sensors. The Lower Cosmos Creek station is shown, looking downstream of where stream temperature is measured . The Middle Dahl Creek Station is shown, looking upstream from where the stream temperature is measured. K-25 Upper Kogoluktuk River Station -installed NWS snow stake -water level measurements -PT desiccant replacement Lower Kogoluktuk River Station -changed out Hobo water temperature sensors, site pictures Lower Cosmos Creek Station -changed out Hobo water temperature sensors, site pictures Middle Dahl Creek Station -changed out Hobo water temperature sensors, site pictures USGS Lower Dahl Creek Station -flow meter QAQC comparison measurements Final packing and preparation to leave Dahl Creek Camp . (Lower Kogo Hobo Installation) (Lower Cosmos Station, Downstream) (Upper Kogo, Snow Stake) K-26 Daily Update: 9/19/11 and 9/20/11 This is the first daily update for our September trip and will cover Monday and Tuesday of this week. Brent Petrie (AVEC), Jay Hermanson (WH Pacific), Dave Braily and myself arrived Monday afternoon in Dahl Creek Camp. Alan Ward and Jason Moyer, both of Kobuk, were here to meet us. Ron Pierce, Nova Gold, had us all setup with lodging and supporting coordination. The primary purpose of this trip is the final measurements and decommissioning of the Cosmos Creek and Dahl Creek sites, and the start of winter season refinement of flow conditions on Wesley Creek and the Kogoluktuk River. Monday, 9/19 -We measured the Kogoluktuk River discharge: 919 cfs, 4. 7% error -took Brent and Jay on a fly over tour of Cosmos Creek, Ruby and Wesley Creeks, Dahl Creek and the portion of the Kogoluktuk river from the middle of Ambler Lowlands to the lower falls area along the south flank of the Cosmos Hills -We also inspected the intertie line between Shungnak and Kobuk Tuesday, 9/20 -Dave measured Wesley and Dahl Creek upper sites -Wesley Creek: 24.5 cfs, 3.2% error -Dahl Creek: 43.5 cfs, 1.2% error -Dave also took Jay and Brent to the Upper Welsey Creek station and upper area for an on the ground inspection of the creek and local terrain conditions -Alan Ward then took Brent, Jay and myself on a tour and Kobuk infrastructure and we met with one the teachers at Kobuk School -Brent and Jay then left on the late morning flight To help refine the winter flow conditions on the Kogoluktuk River, an Upper Kogoluktuk River axillary site will be located today, along with recon work to identify a potential winter trail route for access to the Upper Kogoluk Station area during winter conditions. Daily Update: 9/21/11 The crew focused on training in the morning, and preparation for the establishment of the Upper Kogoluktuk Supplemental Winter Station. Wednesday, 9/21 We measured the Kogoluktuk River again today to help start the establishment of a supplemental winter station located in the upper falls area -We located most of the winter trail section we will use, this will be flown more closely this weekend. Most of the trail exists, but needs some clearing. -We located the Upper Kogoluktuk Supplemental Winter Station located and started water level measurements today to combine with the discharge measurement, and worked out many logistical issues associated with work down in this station during summer and winter locations. The attached pictures show you some of the river conditions down in the upper falls. The bare and polished rock down near the bottom is likely the result of the annual snowmelt flooding, associated with high concentrations of broken up river ice from the Upper Kogoluktuk River. For references, this is likely flooding with ice coming down the size of 4-wheelers and small minivans choking the channel and raising flows up an average of 15 to 20 feet above the water levels we saw today. K-27 Photo notes: Cosmos_Kogoluktuk_River _Upper _Fails _11 0921_mri_P921 0161.jpg -looking upstream at the upper falls section, the target pool the station will be located is at the upper center, just before the upstream bend Cosmos_Kogoluktuk_River_Upper_Falls_Winter_Station_11 0921_mri_P921 0074.jpg -this is a closeup of the upper pool, looking straight down. The geologic bed formation result in the west bank (left hand side of picture) sloping steeply into the water, and the east bank (right hand side of picture) sloping away from the river -the water is clear, the rocks you see in the channel bottom are several meters across Cosmos_Kogoluktuk_River_ Upper_Falls_Winter_Station_11 0921_mri_P921 0095.jpg -Alan Ward is holding a survey rod on the west bank, so we could measure water levels while Dave was •nc::trP~m doing a doppler discharge measurement. Alan is wearing a floatation jacket. Cosmos_Kogoluktuk_River_Upper_Falls_Winter_Station_11 0921_mri_P921 0122.jpg -Dave is just upstream of the site in the first bend entering the falls area, the clean rock areas on the bank are kept polished by high flows (flood events), likely the most important being snowmelt when high concentrations of river ice are coming down the river and concentrated in the falls area. Tomorrow we will work out the station installation logistics, safety preparations, and attempt the doppler profiling of the channel in pool area. K-28 Daily Update: 9/22/11 Below is a brief summary of work performed yesterday. We stayed in Dahl Creek camp to work on gear preparation and training. Thursday, 9/22 -The crew focused on site preparation for the Upper Kogoluktuk Supplemental Winter Station -Training for Alan Ward and Jason Moyer on surveying and water level measurement techniques Today we will work with available Helo logistics to visit the Upper Kogoluktuk Supplemental Winter Station, and Upper Cosmos Creek Station for a final discharge measurement at this location. We will also work on winter planning for the Upper Kogoluktuk Supplemental Winter Station, when conditions will include ice and snow cover. Daily Update: 9/23/11 Below is a brief summary of work performed yesterday. Friday, 9/23 -Day off for Alan and Jason -Dave and I did an additional Recon trip to the Upper Kogoluktuk Supplemental Winter Station, to get measurement for PT locations, Helo Sling logistics, site access routes during winter conditions -Final discharge measurement at Cosmos Creek and for this trip -Dave prep'ed for leaving in afternoon -Winter logistics planning I attached a few pictures to show the conditions of the Upper Kogoluktuk Supplemental Winter Station at the upper falls and one of Upper Cosmos Creek. Below are some notes about each photo; Cosmos_ Upper_ Cosmos_ Creek_ Downstream_ Gauging_11 0923_mri_P9230128.jpg -shows Dave doing a discharge measurement, just downstream of the station, where flow conditions are more uniform Cosmos_ Upper _Kogo _River _Falls_Downstream_11 0923_mri_P9230064.jpg -shows the upper falls that forms the pool just upstream that we will be measured water levels, past observations from Alan during winter hunting indicate the pool may stay open most of the winter. Current flow conditions are around 900 cubic feet per second . At end of w inter this may drop down as low as 100 c ubic feet r second. K-29 Cosmos_ Upper _Kogo _River _Fails_ Upstream_11 0923 _mri_P9230020 .jpg -this picture was taken from the Helo, showing the falls and pool upstream, the station will be located on the bedrock outcrop on the right hand side of the picture, which is sticking out over the water. Cosmos_Upper_Kogo_River_Falls_Upstream_11 0923_mri_P9230024.jpg -this photo is looking upstream where the Kogo is just starting to turn into the Canyon, bare rock on both banks indicate high water conditions during spring breakup or summer flooding events. River ice during spring break will scour everything but large boulders along the banks. Cosmos_ Upper _Kogo _River _Falls_ Upstream _Repeater _11 0923 _mri_P9230071.jpg -this photo shows the cliffs on the north side of the bend that over look the upper falls, and will be the location of the repeater/camera station. Cosmos_ Upper _Kogo _River _Fails_ West_Bank_11 0923 _mri_P9230031.jpg -this photo shows the west bank, across from the station . Bedrock dips steeply towards the winter and will be ice and snow covered during winter, wet and slick during summer months, safety procedures are bei develo for the site so field crews can safely work on both banks. Today we will work with available Helo logistics to start removing stations associated with Dahl Creek and Cosmos Creek. These stations will be prepped for the supplemental stations associated with the Upper Kogoluktuk River. Daily Update: 9/24/11 and 9/25/11 Below is a brief summary of work performed the last couple of days. K-30 Saturday, 9/24 -Mainly a gear preparation day in camp, it was also a helicopter change out day which limited helicopter availability -Removed the Middle Dahl Creek Station -Worked on field data Sunday, 9/25 -Removed Dahl Creek Repeater -Removed Cosmos Creek Repeater -Removed Cosmos Creek Station, Final Elevation Surveys, Survey Training with Alan Ward, final water quality measurements on Cosmos Creek -Removed Lower Cosmos Creek Station -Replaced Hobo temperature sensor and took site pictures on Lower Wesley Creek Station -Replaced Hobo temperature sensor and took site pictures on Lower Kogoluktuk River Station, installed sensor in deeper water I attached a few pictures to show the stations visited today; Cosmos_Dahi_Repeater_Aian_Ward_11 0925_mri_P9250029.jpg -Dahl Creek repeater with Alan Ward, before taking it down. Cosmos_Cosmos_Repeater_Depature_11 0925_mri_P9250078.jpg -Our Helo Pilot Rick helped worked out a way to sling the stations back to camp, saving us a lot of time on site. ------. Cosmos_Lower_Kogoluktuk_River_11 0925_mri_P9250199.jpg -Looking upstream on the Lower Kogoluktuk River Station (temperature) K-31 Cosmos_Lower_Welsley_Creek_Upstream_11 0925_mri_P9250169.jpg -Looking Upstream at the Lower Wesley Creek Station, bridge in stream was built by local residents to cross the creek durin high water for hunting, this site is along summer/winter access trail. Cosmos_Upper_Cosmos_Creek_110925_mri_P9250131.jpg the pool zero flow elevation at Cosmos Creek Cosmos_Upper_Cosmos_Creek_Aian_Surveying_110925_mri_P9250127.jpg Cosmos_Upper_Cosmos_Creek_Aian_Surveying_110925_mri_P9250147.jpg -We used Cosmos Creek to do survey training for Alan, we use a lot of comparisons with rifle scopes which was a logical connection for Alan. Each trip will be used for ongoing field training in surveying and field methods . Tomorrow we will work with available Helo logistics to remove Upper Dahl Creek Station and start placing equipment at the Upper Kogoluktuk River Supplemental Station and associated repeater station. Daily Update: 9/26/11 and 9/27/11 Below is a brief summary of work performed the last couple of days. Monday, 9/26 -Gear preparation day in camp -Staged equipment for winter operations at Upper Kogoluktuk River Winter Supplemental LZ area -Decommissioned Upper Dahl Creek Station and transferred the main tripod and battery enclosure to Upper Kogoluktuk River Winter Supplemental LZ area -Worked on field data Tuesday, 9/27 -Worked on gear modifications for Upper Kogoluktuk River Winter Supplemental Station (longer PT'sO -Completed surveying, water quality measurements, decommissioning of site at Upper Dahl Creek -packed up all gear and moved some to Kobuk school, rest to Bornite Camp I attached a few pictures to show the stations visited today; K-32 Cosmos_Upper_Dahi_Decomm_11 0926_mri_P9260005.jpg - U Dahl Creek station being lifted out of Dahl Creek by Helo sling to take to Kogoluktuk. Cosmos_Upper_Dahi_Decomm_11 0926_mri_P9270031.jpg -Alan Ward stream depths (I am in creek) so we can determine the zero-flow pool depth. Cosmos_Upper_Dahi_Decomm_11 0927 _mri_P9270017 .jpg -Tom Jones (new helper from Kobuk) is helping take out a solar panel at Upper Dahl Creek. Robin, the following sites have now been completely decommissioned. All rebar, flagging, and equipment have been removed . I took some final site pictures if you need them . -Upper Cosmos Creek, Lower Cosmos Creek, Cosmos Repeater, Upper Dahl Creek, Middle Dahl Creek, Dahl Repeater Today, we are getting setup at Bornite Camp, and preparing gear for Kogoluktuk sites. Light snow last night. It should clear up today and we plan on working this afternoon at the Kogoluktuk Sites. Daily Update: 9/28/11 Below is a brief summary of work performed today. Wednesday, 9/28 -Gear preparation in Bornite Camp, Nova Gold has helped us have working space and needed resources -In afternoon, weather cleared enough to go out -Wesley Creek Repeater to replace a radio, station back on line -Upper Kogoluktuk River Station -elevation surveys, water chemistry prepared station for winter, installed Knaack box for winter operations and river gauging gear -Upper Kogoluktuk River Winter Supplemental Repeater Station -located LZ for helo and site location on bluffs, initial installation of station, verified communication with Kogoluktuk Repeater. K-33 I attached a few pictures to show the stations visited today; Cosmos_ Wesley _Repeater _First_ Snow _11 0928 _mri_P9280014.jpg ;.;l.~~~;;gelatE~r. fresh snow. Cosmos_Upper_Kogoluktuk_Winter_Supplemental_ 110928_mri_P9280080.jpg -thru -Cosmos_Upper_Kogoluktuk_Winter_Supplemental_11 0928_mri_P9280083.jpg -series of photos showing view from outcrop bluff location, with one close up of station area at pool just before first waterfall. Tomorrow, we will continue working at the Kogoluktuk Stations . Daily Update: 9/29/11 and 9/30/11 Below is a brief summary of work performed last two days. Thursday, 9/29 -Bornite camp day to work on station pre work for Upper Kogo Falls Repeater and Upper Kogo Falls -testing and diagnostics of new camera for repeater station -camp logistics Friday, 9/30 -Upper Kogoluktuk River Winter Supplemental Repeater Station -completed installation of station, just some winter prep work left -station is anchored into cliff rock, will report AT,RH, Summer Precip, Images of flow conditions in canyon, station diagnostics -station collecting and reporting data, will be accessible on web sometime next week -Upper Kogoluktuk River Winter Supplemental Station -established winter logistics area for Knack box on west bank, sling load material to site -clear brush and trees from main site, sling loads of Battery box and tripod in place -General site photos of upper falls area I attached a few pictures to show the stations visited today; K-34 Cosmos_ Upper _Kogoluktuk_River _F alls_Repeater _ Station_11 0930 _mri_P93001 03.jpg River Winter Supplemental Repeater Station, showing met sensors and camera. Cosmos_Upper_Kogoluktuk_River_Falls_Repeater_Station_110930_mri_P9300112.jpg -Looking south at Upper Kogoluktuk River Winter Supplemental Repeater Station, river on far left of image. Cosmos_Upper_Kogoluktuk_River_Falls_Repeater_Station_11 0930_mri_P9300119.jpg -Looking North at Upper Kogoluktuk River Winter Supplemental Repeater Station, station at edge of cliff falls . Cosmos_ Upper _Kogoluktuk_River _Fails_ Station_11 0930_mri_P9300091 .jpg -Looking south from Upper Kogoluktuk River Winter Supplemental Repeater Station to main station, Helo crew from outcrop on east bank. Cosmos_Upper_Kogoluktuk_River_Falls_Station_11 0930_mri_P9300121 .jpg -Looking southeast from Helo at Upper Kogoluktuk River Winter Supplemental Station, Station and Battery Box are near final locations on large biulder resting on rock outcrop, main water-level measuring crosssection is below notch and overhang in outcrop . K-35 UpperKogoFallsRepA3.jpg, UpperKogoFallsRepAS.jpg, UpperKogoFallsRepA8.jpg -example images from repeater site down at Upper Kogoluktuk River Winter Supplemental Station, pool above falls is · for develo winter di record for Kogoluktuk River. Today, we will continue working at the Upper Kogoluktuk River Winter Supplemental Stations and get the main station running and survey control started for water level measurements. Daily Update: 10/1/11 Below is a brief summary of work performed yesterday. Saturday, 10/1 -Bornite Camp work on lengthening pressure transducers for Upper Kogoluktuk River Winter Station -Secured Knaack Box and ladders at Upper Kogoluktuk River Winter Station (used for winter and emergency gear) -Drilled and Mounted Station to boulder on outcrop -mounted solar panel upslope -80 on Birch tree for better sun exposure -completed power hookups to station -Started pressure transducer installations -station was left with radios worked, verified radio operations in camp I attached a few pictures to show the stations visited today; Today we complete the Upper Kogoluktuk River Winter Supplemental Stations including the survey control points for the station, which need to account for winter and flood conditions in canyon. Cosmos_Kogoluktuk_River_Canyon_Area_111 001_mri_PA01 0021.jpg -Looking to the southeast at Kogoluktuk River Upper Falls area through Cosmos Hills, snow line is moving down each day. • • -'4 ~..,..,- ~---".& ~ .-~ . c~ """.:: ->- ~-~, ; ; ·, ~ -~~.- Cosmos_Kogoluktuk_River _Winter_ Station_111 001_mri_PA01 0037 .jpg -Looking east and down at station area in upper falls canyon, white dot in image is station enclosure, orange figure is Alan Ward in his life jacket and safety vest. K-36 Cosmos_Kogoluktuk_River_Winter_Station_Helo_111 001_mri_PA01 0045.jpg -the Helicopter just picked up Alan Ward and Tommy Jones, safety procedures for toe-in landings are reviewed each day . Cosmos_Kogoluktuk_River_Winter_Station_Area_111001_mri_Google_Earth.jpg -this is a Google Earth Image showing the upper canyon area with satellite imagery from 10/28/09. Water level are continuing to slowly drop each October and ice formation is seen along the banks, the water velocities are high in the canyon reach keeping some open water present in the canyon . The outcrop the station is located on, and the adjoining pool can be seen in the Google Image. The new camera at the repeater station is looking down at the station area and will help provide a better understanding of flow c haracteri and flood conditions. Daily Update: 10/2/11 Below is a brief summary of work performed yesterday. Sunday, 10/2 -worked in Bornite camp in morning, heavy snow, visibility and final drilling rig moves kept us in camp -weather cleared enough for us to spend a couple of hours at Upper Kogoluktuk Falls Winter site in evening -completed anchoring station and battery box to outcrop, set PTs in field, ready to deploy in water, hopefully today -Station is running and telemetry testing is complete, station is reporting data hourly I attached a few pictures to show the stations visited yesterday; Cosmos_UKogo_Falls_Area_111002_mri_PA020018 .jpg -shows us flying into Upper Kogoluktuk Falls area, lake in foreground is almost frozen over and is covered in early snowfall. K-37 Cosmos_UKogo_Falls_lce_111 002_mri_PA020035.jpg, Cosmos_UKogo_Falls_lce_111 002_mri_PA020037.jpg -West side of Upper Kogoluktuk Falls site, ice cycles are formed by water seeping out of foliation and beddi in the sha bedrock. Cosmos_UKogo_Falls_Station_111002_mri_PA020051.jpg -station shown anchored to large boulder on outcrop, site is just above indications of high water levels in the canyon. Cosmos_UKogo_Falls_Station_111 002_mri_PA020053.jpg -inside of Upper Kogoluktuk Winter Station, 3 pressure transducers (water level and temperature), air temperature, and station diagnostics (battery voltage, solar panel voltage, panel temperature) are measured at this station . Cosmos_UKogo_Falls_Station_Aian_ Tommy_111 002_mri_PA020033.jpg -Alan Ward and T Jones working on mounting the station to the site. UpperKogoFallsRepA50.jpg, UpperKogoFallsRepA60.jpg, UpperKogoFallsRepA61.jpg -images from Upper Kogoluktuk River Winter Repeater Station of lower falls area, pictures show 9:00 am (09 :00), 4 :00pm (16 :00), and 5:00pm (17:00), showing impact of yesterday's snowfall, the 17:00 image shows us worki on the lower site. K-38 We had more snow last night, will hopefully get enough of a weather window today to complete the site. Daily Update: 10/3/11 Below is a brief summary of work performed yesterday. Monday, 1 0/3 -weather was generally bad, but Helo pilot got us back and forth to the Upper Kogoluktuk Site safely -completed the Upper Kogoluktuk River Winter Station installation -it is measuring AT, 3 pressure transducers for water level and water temperature -the three transducers are for redundant QAQC measurements and to increase survival during snowmelt breakup when the Kogoluktuk Upper Falls will be in flood conditions and full of river ice -started packing gear to move to school in Kobuk on Tuesday -survey training for Alan and Tommy I attached a few pictures to show the stations visited yesterday; Cosmos_ T ransportation_Methods _111 003 _mri_PA030127 .jpg -our two most common methods of transportation this trip, this is one of the two helicopters provided by Prism on this .;.;...;.;...;.;.;....;.;.;J.;;.;.___, Cosmos_Upper_Kogoluktuk_Falls_111 003_mri_PA030027.jpg -Alan Ward is on top of the outcrop (life jacket and spiked books), and is getting ready to toss into place one of the pressure transducer assemblies, Tommy Jones is down below helping place the liquatite orotected line once it goes in the river. Cosmos_Upper_Kogoluktuk_Falls_111 003_mri_PA030031 .jpg -Alan is holding a pressure transducer assembly getting ready to toss into the target cross section of the channel, the outer metal pipe and use of liquatite helps increase the survival of the equipment during ice conditions , bedload transport (large cobbles and small boulders, and flooding. K-39 Cosmos_Upper_Kogoluktuk_Falls_111 003_mri_PA030035.jpg, Cosmos_Upper_Kogoluktuk_Falls_111 003_mri_PA030036.jpg -Alan and Tommy setting up a network of survey control points to measure water levels at different river stage and flood levels, plus carry survey control from one year to the next. Both Alan and Tommy have been learni how to use the and the basics of hydrologic survey networks. We will complete Helicopter work this morning, weather permitting (still dark outside, but could see some clouds. I will then change my base of operations to the Kobuk School and wrap up remaining trip tasks from there. Daily Update: 10/4/11 Tuesday, 10/4 -Yesterday was ground fog over Kobuk and the Kogoluktuk River, but we were able to get most of the remaining helicopter work done -Checked the Upper Kogoluktuk River Winter Station Repeater and completed its winterization -Installed a camera and did standard maintenance at the main Kogoluktuk River Repeater (example image from this morning attached) -Determined the final routing for the winter trail from Kobuk to the Upper Kogoluktuk -Packed all project gear for the move from Bornite Camp to Kobuk I will spend the last few days at Kobuk School. The help and support from Nova Gold and their staff was very beneficial for the project. Working out of Dahl Creek and then Bornite Camps allowed more flexibility in coordinating shared field logistics adapting to weather related issues. I attached a few pictures to show some of the site work from yesterday; Cosmos_Kogoluktuk_Ambler_Fiats_111 004_mri_PA040294.jpg -Looking to the Northeast at the Kogoluktuk River changing from a meandering river across the Ambler Lowland and straightening out as it runs between the Cosmos Hills before it enters the Kogoluktuk Falls region . Cosmos_Kogoluktuk_River_Lower_Falls_111 004_mri_PA040208.jpg -Lower ktuk Falls at low stage before freeze-up. K-40 Cosmos_Kogoluktuk_Below_Lower_Falls_111 004_mri_PA040202.jpg -Kogoluktuk River below the lower falls, some of the boulder material seen could be deposits from ice rafting in the various canyon areas. Cosmos_Kogoluktuk_Falls_Repeater_111 004_mri_PA040044.jpg -final installation of Upper Kogoluktuk River Winter Station Repeater, looking west and upstream as the river enters the first section of bedrock channel control. Cosmos_Kogoluktuk_Repeater_111 004_mri_PA0401 02.jpg -final installation of the CC640 camera at the Kogoluktuk River Main Repeater. Cosmos_Kogoluktuk_River_ Trail_111 004_mri_PA040161.jpg -example of the existing trail along the southeastern flanks of Asbestos Mountain. This trail has been used by generation to get to the Kogoluktuk River area. Alan Ward and Tommy Jones will help open up sections to the stations at the Upper Kogoluktuk Falls area. Winter Kogoluktuk River measurement rams will use snowmachines for site access. I am working at Kobuk School today. We will work at installing some weather cameras at the school, which is a separate project with the school. We will also be preparing for some of the final project work on Wesley Creek. K-41 1 APPENDIX L. MEAN DAILY FLOW The following information reports tables of the mean daily flow for specific sites. L-1 Upper Cosmos Creek Mean Daily Flow Page 1 of2 Year: 2010 E estimated by rating curve extrapolation and/or synthetic stage hydrograph Units: ftA 3/s Day Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun lui Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 -31.11 17.9/ E 9.44 E 6.2 E 2 --29.23 17.5 E 9.27 E 6.13 E 3 -28.26 17 03 E 9.11 E 6.05 E 4 -31.44 16.57 E 8.94 E 5.98 E 5 --42.03 16.12 E 8.78 E 5.91 E 6 . 33.8/ 15.63 E 8.48 E 5.84 E 7 56.24 15.26 E 8.26 E 5.77 E 8 67.32 14.84 E 8.18 E 5.69 E 9 --51.4 14.6 E 8.02 E 5.62 E 10 --45.61 14.29 E 7.86 E 5.55 E 11 42.64 13.99 E 7.79 E 5.48 E 12 39.61 13.69 E 7.77 E 5.42 E 13 -37.93 13.42 E 7.64 E 5.36 E 14 39.21 35.7 13.17 E 7.46 E 5.31 E 15 36.68 34.02 12.93 E 7.3 E 5.26 E 16 ----40.83 32.67 12.7 E 7.14 E 5.21 E 17 ---66.98 30.58 12.46 E 7.n E 5.16 E 18 ---113.46 29.06 12.73 E 7.21 E 5.11 E 19 --113.53 27.75 12 E 7.13 E 5.06 E 20 -89.44 26.23 11.77 E 7.05 E 5.02 E I 21 78.91 24.74 11.54 E 6.97 E 4.97 E 22 -71.24 23.18 11.32 E 6.89 E 4.92 E 23 --64.46 22.54 11.12 E 6.81 E 4.87 E 24 ---57.6 21.89 10.92 E 6.73 E 4.83 E 25 -52.86 21.26 10.72 E 6.66 E 4.78 E 26 -48.32 20.63 10.53 E 6.58 E 4.73 E 27 -44.06 20.02 10.34 E 6.5 E 4.68 E 28 -40.5 19.43 E 10.14 E 6.43 E 4.64 E 29 37.98 18.93 E 9.96 E 6.35 E 4.59 E 30 -35.4 18.45 E 9.79 E 6.28 E 4.55 E 31 --33.25 9.61 E E 4.5 E Average -59.15 32.13 13.04 E 7.54 E 5.26 E Min ---33.25 18.45 E 9.61 E 6.28 E 4.50 E Max '---113.53 67.32 17.97 E 9.44 E 6.20 E L-2 Upper Cosmos Creek Mean Daily Flow Page 2 of 2 Year: 2011 Units: 1!'3/s Day Jan Feb 1 4.46 E 3.38 2 4.41 E 3.35 3 4.37 E 3.33 4 4.32 E 3.3 5 4.28 E 3.27 6 4.23 E 3.24 7 4.19 E 3.21 8 4.15 E 3.18 9 4.1 E 3.15 10 4.06 E 3.13 11 4.03 E 3.11 12 4 E 3.09 13 3.96 E 3.07 14 3.93 E 3.05 15 3.9 E 3.03 16 3.87 E 3.01 17 3.84 E 2.99 18 3.81 E 2.97 19 3.77 E 2.95 20 3.74 E 2.93 21 3.71 E 2.91 22 3.68 E 2.89 23 3.65 E 2.87 24 3.62 E 2.85 25 3.59 E 2.84 26 3.56 E 2.82 27 3.53 E 2.8 28 3.5 E 2.78 29 3.47 E 30 3.44 E 31 3.41 E Average 3.89 E 3.05 Mrn 3.41 E 2.78 -··~·~;x 4.46 ____E______ L_}·~? __ Mar Apr E 2.76 E 2.41 E E 2.74 E 2.46 E E 2.74 E 2.46 E E 2.71 E 2.47 E E 2.7 E 2.36 E E 2.71 E 2.3 E E 2.67 E 2.2 E E 2.65 E 2.47 E E 2.69 E 2.43 E E 2.66 E 2.39 E E 2.63 E 2.38 E E 2.67 E 2.24 E E 2.69 E 2.27 E E 2.66 E 2.22 E E 2.55 E 2.38 E E 2.47 E 2.19 E E 2.46 E 2.4 E E 2.59 E 2.33 E E 2.51 E 2.31 E E 2.57 E 2.28 E E 2.58 E 2.32 E E 2.56 E 2.32 E E 2.54 E 2.37 E E 2.49 E 2.42 E E 2.47 E 2.49 E E 2.46 E 2.48 E E 2.48 E 2.63 E E 2.33 E 2.88 E 2.35 E 3.21 E 2.5 E 3.73 E 2.45 E - E 2.58 E 2.46 E E 2.33 E 2.19 E _______!_._ ... ~ E 3.73 ---~ E =estimated by rating curve extrapolation and/or synthetic stage hydrograph May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 5.07 E 69.03 20.06 23.06 25.24 5.37 E 71.83 19.47 24.4 22.92 - 4.42 E 68.1 18.87 22.06 22.76 - 3.34 E 60.23 18.05 35.15 24.58 -- 2.96 E 53.06 17.95 46.15 23.44 - 2.84 E 49.16 18.04 66.75 21.98 - 2.73 E 45.31 18.44 72.8 21.21 - 2.69 E 43.55 18.54 63.18 27.61 - 2.52 E 39.86 18.58 71.31 23.1 2.44 E 37.18 17.58 63.69 51.28 2.43 E 35.18 17.12 58.21 59.57 - 2.51 E 32.6 26.01 67.28 54.72 -- 3.09 E 29.98 19.12 69.72 48.47 6.27 E 26.4 18.23 61.59 46.81 11.46 E 25.82 19.53 57.46 47.07 88.34 24.54 20.32 58.56 40.74 23.45 19 53.41 39.16 23.98 18.93 48.5 38.54 22.99 18.71 44.73 40.46 - 21.84 17.83 42.26 33.75 - 22.25 17.84 38.64 33.91 21.8 17.42 37.27 31.51 - 29.1 17.97 35.07 29.3 21.89 18.04 34.21 27.07 207.03 21.1 22.04 31.19 - 162.23 E 25.02 19.5 34.26 124.15 22.13 19.08 28.12 96.14 21.73 18.64 26.47 72.92 21.01 22.08 24.69 59.21 19.54 23.27 31.69 66.94 -21.77 29.7 40.74 34.32 19.29 45.21 34.80 2.43 19.54 17.12 22.06 21.21 - 207.0 E 71.8.3_ L..... 26.01 ···-. 72.80 ----- 59.57 '. L-3 Upper Wesley Creek Mean Daily Flow Page 1 of2 Year: 2010 E =estimated by rating curve extrapolation Units: ft'3/s Day Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 I _l I I I I I I 25.81 14.63 5.44 E 4.43 24.77 14.29 5.81 E 4.43 24.06 13.94 5.89 E 4.46 4 T T l l I I I I I I I I I I I r I 24.94 13.36 5.99 E 4.42 27.47 12.74 5.88 E 4.25 28.69 14.04 5.71 E 4.24 30.5 13.28 5.66 E 4.24 33.38 11.75 5.56 E 4.21 9 30.62 11.09 5.43 E 4.08 10 29.07 9.86 5.07 E 4.07 11 27.84 10.29 5.25 E 4.01 12 26.78 9.69 5.37 E 3.99 13 26.58 9.27 5.34 E 4.05 14 25.39 8.57 5.17 E 3.89 15 25 7.46 E 4.87 E 3.83 16 24 7.37 E 4.92 E 3.71 17 23.5 7.02 E 4.99 E 3.71 18 22.68 6.96 E 4.91 E 3.73 19 22.59 6.95 E 5 E 3.73 20 21.4 7.67 E 4.98 E 3.81 21 46.75 20.25 7.86 E 4.96 E 3.68 22 42.27 19.97 7.51 E 4.99 E 3.54 23 37.55 19.18 7.42 E 4.97 E 3.54 24 35.98 18.88 6.49 E 4.98 E 3.54 25 35.43 17.95 6.11 E 4.71 E 3.54 26 34.87 17.03 6.63 E 4.8 E 3.44 27 33.45 16.78 6.63 E 4.66 E 3.37 28 31.79 15.87 6.4 E 4.58 E 3.37 29 30.39 15.35 6.39 E 4.43 E 3.37 30 28.55 14.82 6.26 E 4.44 E 3.37 31 27.19 6.09 E 3.37 Average 34.93 23.37 9.16 5.16 E 3.85 Min 27.19 14.82 6.09 E 4.43 E 3.37 Max 46.75 33.38 14.63 5.99 E 4.46 L-4 Upper We>ley Creek Mean Daily Flow Page 2 of 2 Year: 2011 Units: ftA3/> Day Jan Feb 1 337 E 2.71 2 3.37 E 2.71 3 3.37 E 2.71 4 3.37 E 2.55 5 3.37 E 2.55 6 3.22 E 2.55 7 3.22 E 2.55 8 3.2 E 2.55 9 3.2 E 2.55 10 3.12 E 2.55 11 3.04 E 2.55 12 3.04 E 2.55 13 3.04 E 2.55 14 3.04 E 2.52 15 3.04 E 2.54 16 3.04 E 2.4 17 3.03 E 2.54 18 2.87 E 2.4 19 2.87 E 2.4 20 2.87 E 2.42 21 2.87 E 2.31 22 2.82 E 2.25 23 2.78 E 2.37 24 2.85 E 2.34 25 2.87 E 2.28 26 2.79 E 2.22 27 2.71 E 2.23 28 2.71 E 2.24 29 2.71 E 30 2.71 E 31 2.71 E Average 3.01 E 2.47 Min 2.71 E 2.22 Max 3.37 E 2.71 E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Mar Apr May 2.24 E 1.8 E 2.67 2.2 E 1.8 E 2.58 2.22 E 1.8 E 2.05 2.13 E 1.8 E 1.8 2.14 E 1.8 E 1.77 2.1 E 1.76 E 1.67 2.09 E 1.8 E 1.62 209 E 1.8 E 1.45 2.09 E 1.78 E 1.49 2.09 E 1.67 E 1.51 2.09 E 1.66 E 1.39 2.09 E 1.66 E 1.47 2.08 E 1.65 E 1.88 2.08 E 1.64 E 3.28 2.06 E 1.62 E 4.93 1.98 E 1.59 E 5.46 1.95 E 1.56 E 8.14 1.95 E 1.59 E 12.51 1.94 E 1.61 E 16.15 1.95 E 1.61 E 31.89 1.95 E 1.62 E 31.12 1.94 E 1.62 E 55.1 1.93 E 1.65 E 64.43 1.87 E 1.63 E 123.39 1.84 E 1.63 E 216.53 1.81 E 1.55 E 205.52 1.81 E 1.63 E 117.31 1.8 E 1.7 E 94.53 1.89 E 1.79 E 71.84 1.87 E 2.08 E 53.01 1.8 E -45.84 2.00 E 1.70 E 38.20 1.80 E 1.55 E 1.39 2.24 E 2.1 E 216.5 E estimated by rating curve extrapolation Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec E 42.63 14.31 17.38 21.43 16.3 -I E 43.03 13.66 18.71 21.59 17.6 -. E 42.52 13.18 16.85 23.28 18.46 - E 37.4 12.8 20.35 23.8 17.68 I E 33.28 12.28 24.16 21.75 17.74 I E 30.59 11.98 32.6 16.74 18.29 I E 29.25 11.8 36.14 14.13 16.19 • E 27.76 11.96 37.76 16.21 15.15 E 26.14 11.83 45.92 15.02 15.02 -- E 25.07 11.16 41.22 24.53 14.37 E 24.29 11.38 38.41 25.9 13.53 • E 23.44 14.36 44.54 29.4 13.24 E 22.3 12.88 56.32 32.26 13.84 E 21.1 11.66 50.6 32.36 14.37 E 20.36 1265 48.28 33.67 13.6 - E 19.09 12.53 46.14 31.97 11.44 18.13 11.78 41.97 31.85 10.32 17.12 11.41 41.18 31.65 10.29 16.52 10.72 40.26 31.19 10.24 - 15.89 10.3 38.76 28.52 9.11 - 15.67 10.29 36.86 29.95 7.74 15.57 10.03 34.14 25.85 8.76 18.38 10.83 31.25 24.01 8.29 - E 15.18 11.02 29.46 21.85 8.7 - E 14.73 12.58 27.4 20.08 10.35 - E 17.58 11.18 27.02 19.62 8.94 E 16.12 10.64 25.42 17.96 8.16 15.3 10.2 24.02 17.17 8.07 14.61 17.54 22.78 18.06 7.41 14 20.69 23.94 17.55 6.31 E - 17.67 24.54 5.73 E 23.10 12.49 33.69 23.98 12.10 - 14.00 10.03 16.85 14.13 5.73 E 43.03 20.69 56.32 33.67 18.46 __::__ L-5 Upper Dahl Creek Mean Daily Flow Page 1 of 2 Year: 2010 Unit<: ft' 3/s Day Jan 1 2 3 4 - 5 - 6 7 - 8 9 - 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 - 19 - 20 21 22 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 27 28 - 29 30 31 Average Min - Max Feb - - E ;::; estimated by rating curve extrapolation Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug - - -- --- -- -- - - --55.36 --. 52.72 --47.51 46.78 -48.24 57.85 73.6 -82.95 -78.38 -76.78 --73.23 -68.76 -64.2 -59.16 -54.71 -50.64 48.05 47.37 44.41 41.93 58.63 41.93 ' 82.95 Sep Oct Nov Dec 39.65 23.73 10.02 6.82 E 37.67 23.33 10.86 6.69 E 36.12 22.5 11.13 6.69 E 37.63 21.82 10.73 6.63 E 46.67 21.55 10.3 6.41 E 40.55 20.58 9.81 E 6.41 E 44.39 19.98 9.95 E 6.38 E 53.53 19.43 9.55 E 6.15 E 48.97 18.78 9.15 E 6.16 E 47.75 17.87 8.35 E 5.98 E 47.16 17.61 9.11 E 5.9 E 46.23 17.12 9.58 E 5.91 E 45.55 16.59 9.53 E 5.88 E 44.17 16.04 8.96 E 5.67 E 43.13 14.66 8.53 E 5.65 E 41.97 14.12 8.58 E 5.64 E 40.36 14.14 8.66 E 5.43 E 38.77 14.07 8.75 E 5.4 E 37.54 13.78 8.41 E 5.38 E 36.17 14.68 7.99 E 5.3 E 34.93 14.28 7.82 E 5.16 E 33.53 13.45 7.82 E 5.14 E 32.24 13.17 7.59 E 5.13 E 30.6 12.37 7.55 E 4.97 E 28.93 11.51 7.03 E 4.97 E 27.75 12.53 7.43 E 5.12 E 26.71 12.59 7.32 E 5.18 E 25.83 12.23 7.45 E 5.38 E 24.76 11.72 7.94 E 5.3 E 24.01 11.46 7.62 E 4.99 E 11.15 -4.71 E 38.11 16.09 8.78 5.69 E 24.01 11.15 7.03 4.71 E 53.53 23.73 11.13 6.82 E L-6 Upper Dahl Creek Mean Daily Flow Page 2 of 2 Year: 2011 E estimated by rating curve extrapolation Units: ft'3/s Day Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug 4.7 E I 3.57 I E I 2.82 I E I 2.46 I E I 4.04 I E I 71.22 I I 23.48 I I 22.52 4.69 E I 3.5 I E I 2.82 I E I 2.39 I E I 3.92 I E I 67.7 I I 22.94 I I 23.78 4.54 E I 3.5 I E I 2.81 I E I 2.37 I E I 3.27 I E I 68.82 I I 22.22 I I 23.44 4 I 4.48 I E I 3.57 I E I 2.8 I E I 2.37 I E I 2.99 I E I 59.47 I I 21.69 I I 25.69 5 I 4.49 I E I 3.49 I E I 2.76 I E I 2.37 I E I 3.04 I E I 53.74 I I 20.94 I I 29.88 6 I 4.28 I E I 3.43 I E I 2.69 I E I 2.36 I E I 2.92 I E I 49.67 I I 20.55 I I 37.74 7 I 4.3 I E I 3.35 I E I 2.7 I E I 2.37 I E I 2.79 I E I 46.8 I I 20.12 I I 44.12 s I 4.28 I E I 3.33 I E I 2.66 I E I 2.37 _L_ __ E I 2.77 I E I 44.61 I I 19.92 I I 43.84 9 I 4.28 I E I 3.28 I E I 2.63 I E I 2.37 I E I 2. 7 I E I 42.1 I I 19.54 I I 47.89 Sep Oct Nov 28.71 27.25 26.84 26.83 25.98 25.48 24.49 26.94 25.18 10 4.21 E 3.28 E 2.66 E 2.31 E 2.71 E 39.64 19.28 47.5 43 -• - 11 4.09 E 3.3 E 2.65 E 2.26 E 2.73 E 37.97 19.04 46.65 62.81 - 12 4.07 E 3.28 E 2.65 E 2.24 E 2.89 E 36.48 21.99 50.41 52.9 - 13 4.07 E 3.25 E 2.66 E 2.29 E 3.51 E 34.75 19.56 53.97 48.28 -- Dec 14 4.05 E 3.23 E 2.66 E 2.29 E 5.06 E 32.49 18.82 51.6 46.79 ---I I 15 4.03 E 3.21 E 2.66 E 2.27 E 7.33 E 32 18.73 52.11 47.48 ---I I 16 4 E 3.19 E 2.66 E 2.28 E 9.19 E 30.38 18.53 53.29 45.14 ---I I 17 3.98 E 3.17 E 2.68 E 2.27 E 12.99 29.35 18.23 52.27 44.32 -- 18 3.95 E 3.15 E 2.64 E 2.29 E 19.87 28.1 18.11 49.42 44.12 -- 19 3.93 E 3.13 E 2.53 E 2.33 E 30.92 27.1 17.7 47.95 45.31 -- 20 3.91 E 3.15 E 2.52 E 2.36 E 55.06 26.16 17.32 46.76 42.44 -- 21 3.88 E 3.08 E 2.51 E 2.35 E 67.28 25.93 17.22 45.05 41.35 -- 22 3.86 E 2.98 E 2.51 E 2.37 E 97.88 25.49 17.1 42.94 39.58 -- 23 3.84 E 3.02 E 2.51 E 2.38 E 121.31 27.89 17.12 40.67 38.03 -- 24 3.81 E 3.11 E 2.51 E 2.47 E 146.29 25.05 17.49 38.74 36.55 -- 25 3.79 E 3.38 E 2.51 E 2.51 E 209.05 E 24.28 18.32 36.57 --• - 26 3.77 E 3.15 E 2.51 E 2.6 E 197.18 E 27.5 17.64 35.57 - 27 3.74 E 3.11 E 2.51 E 2.75 E 154.66 E 25.42 17.08 33.46 28 3. 72 E 2.98 E 2.51 E 3.09 E 133.78 24.47 16.73 32.16 29 3.7 E E 2.51 E 3.34 E 108.03 24.01 19.61 30.72 I I -I I I I -I I -I I 30 3.68 E E 2.43 E 3.57 E 86.52 23.26 23.53 31.99 T I I I -I I -I I I I 31 3.68 E E 2.44 E - E 78.13 -23.63 30.81 Average I 4.06 I E I 3.26 I E I 2.62 I E I 2.47 I E I 50.99 I I 37.06 I I 19.49 I I 40.31 38.16 Min I 3.68 I E I 2.98 I E I 2.43 I E I 2.24 I E I 2.70 I I 23.26 I I 16.73 I I 22.52 24.49 Max I 4.70 I E I 3.57 I E I 2.82 I E I 3.57 I E I 209.1 I I 71.22 I I 23.63 I I 53.97 62.81 L-7 Upper Kogoluktuk River Mean Daily Flow Page 1 of 2 Year: 2010 E =estimated by rating curve extrapolation and/or synthetic stage hydrograph Units: ft"3/s Day Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1 I I I I I I 918.24 658.3 390.26 E 227.67 895.75 64 7.96 383.68 E 224.05 887.37 637.74 377.18 E 220.47 4 T T T I T T T T T T T T T T T T J 903.74 627.64 370.77 E 216.94 5 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 11,011.77 617.67 364.43 E 213.45 1,088. 75 607.81 358.18 E 210 1,067.00 598.07 E 352 E 206.6 1,398.83 588.44 E 345.91 E 203.23 1,520.09 578.93 E 339.89 E 199.91 10 1,269.47 569.54 E 333.95 E 196.62 11 1,145.89 560.25 E 328.09 E 193.38 12 999.82 551.09 E 322.31 E 190.18 13 949.27 542.03 E 316.6 E 187.01 14 911.7 533.09 E 310.97 E 183.89 15 1,541.57 881.68 524.25 E 305.42 E 180.8 16 1,394.05 855.77 515.53 E 299.93 E 177.76 17 1,777.06 833.55 506.91 E 294.52 E 174.75 18 2,559.30 811.22 498.4 E 289.19 E 171.78 19 2,484.91 792.39 490 E 283.92 E 168.85 20 1,955.10 780.19 481.7 E 278.73 E 165.95 21 1,621.47 768.78 473.51 E 273.61 E 163.09 22 1,432.37 756.6 465.42 E 268.56 E 160.27 23 1,287.76 742.62 457.44 E 263.58 E 157.49 24 1,185.71 727.3 449.55 E 258.67 E 154.74 25 1,113.86 716.31 441.77 E 253.82 E 152.03 26 1,061.96 707.49 434.09 E 249.05 E 149.35 27 1,026.39 698.74 426.51 E 244.34 E 146.71 28 985.96 689.79 419.03 E 239.69 E 144.33 29 962.21 679.34 411.65 E 235.18 E 142.35 30 954.71 668.76 404.36 E 231.33 E 140.4 31 939.33 397.17 E 138.47 Average 1428.5 902.6 519.9 E 305.5 E 179.4 Min 939.3 668.8 397.2 E 231.3 E 138.5 Max 2559.3 1520.1 658.3 E 390.3 E 227.7 L-8 Upper Kogoluktuk River Mean Dally Flow Page 2 of 2 Year: 2011 Units: ftA3/s Day Jan Feb 1 136.56 E 87.11 2 134.67 E 85.99 3 132.8 E 84.88 4 130.95 E 83.79 5 129.12 E 82.7 6 127.31 E 81.63 7 125.51 E 80.56 8 123.74 E 79.51 9 121.98 E 78.47 10 120.24 E 77.43 11 118.52 E 76.41 12 116.82 E 75.4 13 115.14 E 74.39 14 113.47 E 73.4 15 111.83 E 72.41 16 110.2 E 71.44 17 108.59 E 70.51 18 106.99 E 69.86 19 105.42 E 69.28 20 103.86 E 68.71 21 102.32 E 68.15 22 100.79 E 67.58 23 99.29 E 67.02 24 97.79 E 66.47 25 96.32 E 65.92 26 94.86 E 65.37 27 93.42 E 64.82 28 92 E 64.28 29 90.6 E 30 89.38 E - 31 88.24 E Average 110.9 E 74.1 M'1n 88.2 E 64.3 Max 136.6 E 87.1 Mar Apr E 63.74 E 52.31 E E 63.2 E 52.06 E E 62.67 E 51.81 E E 62.14 E 51.65 E E 61.62 E 51.57 E E 61.09 E 51.49 E E 60.58 E 51.41 E E 60.06 E 51.33 E E 59.55 E 51.25 E E 59.04 E 51.16 E E 58.53 E 51.08 E E 58.03 E 51.04 E E 57.53 E 51.43 E E 57.03 E 51.94 E E 56.63 E 52.47 E E 56.37 E 52.99 E E 56.11 E 53.52 E E 55.85 E 54.06 E E 55.59 E 55.03 E E 55.33 E 56.3 E E 55.08 E 57.59 E E 54.82 E 58.9 E E 54.57 E 60.24 E E 54.31 E 61.6 E E 54.06 E 63.28 E E 53.8 E 65.68 E E 53.55 E 68.16 E E 53.3 E 70.72 E 53.05 E 73.34 E 52.8 E 77.7 E 52.55 E E 57.2 E 56.8 E E 52.6 E 51.0 E E 63.7 E 77.7 E E =estimated by rating curve extrapolation and/or synthetic stage hydrograph May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 85.0 E 1,850.29 774.5 926.2 688.03 92.9 E 1,976.97 763.5 878.9 638.15 101.2 E 2,276.20 681.7 912.4 605.69 110.1 E 1,720.74 657.8 937.5 593.55 122.4 E 1,325. 78 676.4 1625.5 578.55 147.4 E 1,222.17 597.8 1804.2 552.74 177.4 E 1,133.06 545.0 1790.5 530.04 211.6 E 1,130.45 541.6 1638.3 640.88 - 250.6 E 1,286.01 560.0 1753.8 871.88 296.5 E 1,181.92 553.8 1562.3 906.65 414.8 E 1,037.72 561.6 1419.5 994.77 - 604.6 E 1,069.98 734.9 1281.2 990.55 816.8 1,015.04 1187.7 1432.3 919.43 1178.2 899.06 957.5 1434.3 872.59 2202.6 829.43 837.6 1257.6 897.03 3707.8 829.8 919.9 1155.1 884.02 5716.5 836.56 1306.1 1098.2 837.18 - 9184.0 E 799.37 1122.7 1026.8 879.56 - 12824.9 E 744.92 977.2 961.7 917.36 - 12773.4 E 767.63 913.6 900.1 893.81 - 12722.1 E 820.63 857.4 852.4 854.26 10470.1 E 784.57 777.8 803.4 812.55 7844.5 932.68 743.2 767.8 771.67 6084.7 1,307.46 761.8 772.4 761.07 7061.4 991.07 831.7 732.1 730.62 -- 8295.3 1,008.93 1137.9 677.7 707.77 - 5458.7 1,952.35 1063.3 638.1 689.79 - 4750.0 1,404.69 869.5 615.2 4401.4 1,015.60 799.1 587.1 -- 3218.4 878.12 871.2 594.2 - 2238.1 942.7 707.1 3985.9 1167.6 823.4 1082.1 778.5 85.0 744.9 541.6 587.1 530.0 - 12825 2276.2 1306.1 1804.2 994.8 L-9 APPENDIX M. HOBO SENSOR TRACKING The following infonnation reports tracking information for the HOBO sensors. M-1 Cosmos Hydroelectric Project HOBO Sensor and Monitoring Tracking Form Last Update: 2/18/12 MRL Hobo Sensors Inventory and Status Status Serial# Tape Color Date Status 9776557 none 9/24/2011 Missing, lost 9776558 Blue 9/25/2011 Lower Kogoluktuk 9776559 e 9/25/2011 Field Kit 9776560 Green 9/25/2011 Field Kit 9776564 Yellow 9/25/2011 Field Kit 9776573 Red 9/25/2011 Lower Welsey M-2 Cosmos Hydroelectric Project HOBO Sensor and Monitoring Tracking Form Last Update: 2/18/12, MRL Installation Record Station Date Time Serial# Action Notes Lower Cosmos 8/18/2010 18:30 9776560 installed ~allation Lower Cosmos 10/15/2010 17:10 9776560 pulled d replaced Lower Cosmos 10/15/2010 17:12 977 6~~ 'I msta lied Lower Cosmos 5/31/2011 10:25 9776557 pulled pulled and replaced Lower Cosmos 5/31/2011 10:27 9776558 installed Lower Cosmos 8/12/2011 12:50 9776558 pulled !pulled and replaced Lower Cosmos 8/12/2011 12:52 9776559 installed Lower Cosmos 9/25/2011 18:24 9776559 pulled end of record Lower Kogoluktuk 8/18/2010 14:04 9776573 installed initial installation Lower Kogoluktuk 10/15/2010 16:30 9776573 pulled pulled and replaced Lower Kogoluktuk 10/15/2010 16:32 9776559 inst:~ Lower Kogoluktuk 5/31/2011 14:35 9776559 pulle d and replaced Lower Kogoluktuk 5/31/2011 14:37 9776557 installed Lower Kogoluktuk 8/12/2011 12:20 9776557 pulled pulled and replaced Lower Kogoluktuk 8/12/2011 12:30 9776564 installed Lower Kogoluktuk 9/25/2011 19:08 9776564 pulled pulled and replaced Lower Kogoluktuk 9/25/2011 19:10 9776558 installed installed deeper for winter Lower Wesley 8/21/2010 8:30 9776558 installed initial installation Lower Wesley 10/16/2010 14:52 9776558 pulled pulled and replaced Lower Wesley 10/16/2010 14:54 9776573 installed Lower Wesley 5/31/2011 10:45 9776573 pulled pulled and replaced Lower Wesley 5/31/2011 10:47 9776564 installed Lower Wesley 8/11/2011 18:15 9776564 pulled pulled and replaced Lower Wesley 8/11/2011 18:19 9776560 installed Lower Wesley 9/25/2011 18:33 9776560 pulled pulled and replaced Lower Wesley 9/25/2011 18:37 9776573 installed also added camera Middle Dahl 8/17/2010 21:30 9776564 installed initial installation Middle Dahl 10/17/2010 17:39 9776564 pulled pulled and replaced Middle Dahl 10/17/2010 17:41 9776560 installed Middle Dahl 5/31/2011 13:30 9776560 pulled pulled and replaced Middle Dahl 5/31/2011 13:32 9776573 installed Middle Dahl 8/12/2011 13:10 9776573 pulled pulled and replaced Middle Dahl 8/12/2011 13:12 9776557 installed Middle Dahl 9/24/2011 17:22 9776557 missing cap on pipe off, HOBO missing M-3 APPENDIX N. METEOROLOGIC DATA PLOTS The following graphs report selected information collected from data stations. These graphs present data for individual stations for the period of record. Most of the stations have continuous data from August 2010 to the most recent data collection date in January 2012. The Upper Cosmos Creek and Upper Dahl Creek stations were discontinued in September 2011. The Upper Cosmos Creek station was damaged by an avalanche in February 2011 and most data collected afterwards by this station was deleted as being unreliable. The data represent single readings taken once per hour, at the top of the hour, except for the rainfall data which are hourly totals. N-1 35 30 25 20 15 10 e 5 ~ 0 :J -5 ~ -10 g--15 ~ -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 !station._,_ !Avalanche I [<><ation d~g Jj 11 I ' ~-i r-1-t 11 COSMOS CREEK CLIMATE STUDY UPPER COSMOS CREEK Air Tern Jer(ll' 'r~ t 1 ., ~ 02/2311 I UO/~/, ,.., 1 , I I ., I ! I I ! ' [ ~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~ 2010-2012 90 80 70 60 50 40 CL ~ 30 ~ 20 .2 ~ 10 QJ a. 0 E QJ 1- -10 -20 -30 -40 Figure N-1. Upper Cosmos Creek Hourly Air Temperature for the study period of record. COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC STUDY UPPER WESLEY CREEK 30~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 25 20 15 10 5 e -~ ~ -10 :J o; -15 ~ -20 ~ -25 1-.30 -35 -40 -45 -50 I. --1- -r 1 t t I I I I T T ,-r +-J ~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep ~ Nov Dec Ja n Feb 2010 -2012 80 70 60 50 40 30 € 20 ~ 10 .2 0 ~ 8. -10 E -20 QJ 1- -30 -40 -50 -60 Figure N-2. Upper Wesley Creek Hourly Air Temperature for the study period of record. N-2 COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC STUDY UPPER DAHL CREEK 35~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30 25 20 15 10 ~ 5 2! 0 ::::J -5 ~ -10 ~-15 ~ -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 ~0 G:' q__ 2! .a f! <ll a. E <ll t- ~5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan FebMar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 2010-2012 Figure N-3. Upper Dahl Creek Hourly Air Temperature for the study period of record . 25 20 15 10 5 ~ 0 ~ -5 2! -10 ::::J co -15 8.-20 g -25 t-_30 -35 ~0 ~5 -50 -55 t--' +--• COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC STUDY UPPER KOGOLUKTUK RIVER Hourly Instantaneous Air Temperature t t· ---r---+ --r- + -• r t --1-----r -r r +--r ! -1-r-·r--T +--~---f ~-~~~~~~~-~~~-~~~~~ 2010 -2012 80 70 60 50 40 30u.. 20 q__ ~ 10 .a 0 ~ -10 ~ -20 ~ -30 ~0 -50 -60 Figure N-4. Upper Kogoluktuk River Hourly Air Temperature for the study period of record. N-3 15 5 ..... ~ e ;-"15 l25 E {! -35 -4!5 -55 OCI COSMOS .. LLS HYDROELECTRIC STUDY Air Temperature (YSI) Dec 2011-2012 ... 59 41 231L ~ 5 !! ~ f -13 f I> 1- -31 -<t9 ..Q Fib Figure N-5. Hourly Air Temperature for the Upper Kogoluktuk River and Uppper Kogolucktuk River Falls, Winter 2011-12. COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC STUDY Hourly Instantaneous Air Temperature (YSI) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 25 n 15 ~ ~7 --~~Oec~~~·~~~--~~Oec~~ -u-c-.c-2010-2012 -U-WeoiOy~ -u-o.Nc- -~~~~..., Figure N-6. Hourly Air Temperature for all sites for the study period of record . N-4 100 90 80 ~ 70 ~ e_. ~ 60 '0 .E 50 :::l I Cll > 40 ~ Qj 30 0::: 20 10 COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC STUDY UPPER WESLEY CREEK • o~~~~~~~~iliu~~~~~~~~ub~~~~ Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 2010-2012 Figure N-7. Upper Wesley Creek Hourly Relative Humidity for the study period of record. 100 90 80 ~ 70 ~ ~ 60 '0 .E so :::l I ~ 40 ~ Qj 30 0::: 20 10 COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC STUDY UPPER DAHL CREEK Upper Dahl Creek Station tenninated 09/25/11 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~-~~~~~~~-~~~-~~~~~ 2010 -2012 Figure N-8. Upper Dahl Creek Hourly Relative Humidity for the study period of record. N-5 100 90 80 ~ 70 ~ ~ ~ 60 :0 .E 50 ::J :J: <ll > 40 ~ di 30 a:: 20 10 0 COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC STUDY UPPER KOGOLUKTUK RIVER Hourly Instantaneous Relative Humidity ,.,...,.;,"TTTTTT'CTTTTTT"..., I +· -j I I J. I i r " I -~· -~----!' . Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 2010-2012 Figure N-9. Upper Kogoluktuk River Hourly Relative Humidity for the study period of record. 14 2 May COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC STUDY UPPER WESLEY CREEK Cumulative Rainfaft Jun Jul 2011 Aug S.p Figure N-10. Upper Wesley Creek Cumulative Rainfall for 2011. 40 35 30 ~ ~ 25 .5 <II a:: 20 -~ 1ii 15 :; E ::J 10 (.) 5 N-6 COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC STUDY UPPER DAHL CREEK Cumulative Rainfall Upper Dahl Cre~ station termin?ted 09/25/11 16 14 '2 :=: 12 ~ -~ 10 0:: -~ 8 co :; E 6 :::s () 4 2 - . -.. ----,------- ! ' '-------}--- -_L f-- May Jun Jul 2011 1- Aug t t I ---· ---,---·--40 ! I ----------~-----35 +-----30 ~ +----25 ~ I tll i 0:: -1----20 Q) I ~ ' "' -r-15~ • :::s +--10 () 5 Sep Figure N-11. Upper Dahl Creek Cumulative Rainfall for 2011. COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC STUDY UPPER KOGOLUKTUK RIVER Cumulative Rainfall 18r-r-r-~T,~~~~~~~r-r, -r~~-T~~~~~~45 16 ------------!----------~-----------~--------!-----------~ ---40 14 --------~---------t------. -~---------l-------_J_ ---35 ~ ~ i · · E --I ~ = 12 ~ c: ~ 10 ~ 8 "' :; § 6 () 4 2 May Jun Jul 2011 ---30 ~ Aug Sep c: 25 ~ 20 ~ ~ :::s 15 § () 10 5 Figure N-12. Upper Kogoluktuk River Cumulative Rainfall for 2011. N-7 APPENDIX 0. HEALTH, SAFETY, AND ENVIRONMENTAL The following information summarizes the health, safety, and environmental precautions taken throughout the project. A series of hazard assessments were performed and evaluated for mitigation steps before the project began. The safety and environmental issues of concern, as well as the steps taken to ensure the health and safety of the field crews, are summarized in the following pages. 0 -1 Health, Safety, and Environmental Summary Daily reporting to principle project participants occurred via email or telephone, and updates were made to other entities as requested or appropriate. To ensure project participant's safety, continual risk assessments and the completion of applicable training occurred. Staff had prior experience in the activities planned during field trips and completed any relevant training, including; helicopter safety training, swift-water rescue training, bear and gun training, and outdoor survival skills training. The following safety issues were considered during the planning of field trips. I. General Safety-A Task Hazard Analysis (THA) was performed by personnel before each trip and a safety meeting including all field personnel took place every morning while in the field. A SPOT tracking device was used to log locations and was checked each day for operations. 2. Driving Safety-Safety videos were watched and all safe-driving practices were followed. 3. Helicopter Safety GWS staff attended helicopter safety training classes as required by BLM personnel. Helicopter helmets were worn by project participants and staff carried a personal emergency kit in their pockets while flying in case of an emergency exit situation. A pilot safety awareness briefing was given before each flight day. 4. Stream Gauging Water Safety Swift-water safety/rescue videos were watched and the utmost safety practices were followed at all times while working near streams/rivers. Rapid high water conditions required the use of dry suits, and life vests were required when working around water that was more than 3 ft deep. 5. Use of Hand tools All regular safety practices were followed with use of hand tools, including the use of safety glasses and gloves when necessary. 6. Bear Safety -All GWS staff participated in a l day bear and gun safety training class. A shotgun and/or pepper spray was available in the field for bear protection if needed. Only staff having current security checks, bear safety classes, and shotgun classes were permitted to handle firearms. Firearms were stored safely and in appropriate locations at all times. When accessing sites by helicopter, initial flyovers included bear spotting, and when applicable, one person served as bear watch once on location. 7. First Aid-A large first aid kit was stored at the camp, while several portable first aid kits were brought to the field each day with project staff. In addition, Geo-Watersheds Scientific staff had Wilderness First Responder and Emergency Medical Technician training. 8. Waste Management-The staff adhered to strict waste management practices. Any food or garbage remaining from items carried into the field was packed out with the field crew and environmental conditions were left as close to unaltered as possible. 9. Remote Activity Safety-Remote activities, such as environmental sampling or maintenance at unmanned sites, were accomplished with two team members on site or with a single team member accompanied by local hire personnel. A survival bag or tote was provided and taken into the field when there was any possibility of an extended stay at a remote location. This ensured the crew had the necessary supplies to maintain a camp for several days if, for instance, weather prevented a scheduled helicopter pick up. 0-2 10. Weather Conditions and Field Work -In general, field crews are prepared to work in extreme conditions, but careful consideration of winter working conditions were evaluated during each field trip. As a general rule, weather days should be taken when wind chill factors are less than -60 oF (Figure 1 ). Between -60 and -40 oF , field work should be considered for rescheduling, depending on location and type ofwork involved. During weather conditions with temperatures less than 0 oF, tenting/shelters should be used as practical. Field staff should take breaks while working in the cold, using Table 1 as a general guide for safe working conditions . The Trip Leader would make the decisions on weather-related trip schedule changes. NWS Windc 'hill Chart Temperature (°F) Calm 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -·-·--~- 5 • • 2 -28 -34 -40 -46 -52 -57 -63 15 -4 25 19 13 6 0 ~7 24 17 11 4 -2 ..g 23 16 9 3 -4 ·11 22 15 8 1 ~s ·12 21 14 7 0 ·7 -14 20 13 6 ·1 -8 19 12 s -2 -9 19 12 4 ·3 ·10 11 4 ·3 Figure 1. Windchill Chart 0 -3 Table 1. Cold weather safety practices. Sunny sky No noticeable Wind Wind Wind Wind Air wind 8 km/h (5 mph) 16 km/h (10 24 km/h (IS 32 km/h (20 temperature mph) mph) mph) oc OF Max. work r Max. work r Max. work r Max. work r Max. work below below period period period period period . . zero zero 126 to 28lli;o I 2 hr II 2 hr II 75 minutes fl 55 minutes fl 40 minutes I 129 to 31-~;o I 2hr fl 75 minutes II 55 minutes fl 40 minutes II 30 minutes I 132 to 341 2;;o I 75 minutes II 55 minutes II 40 minutes fl 30 minutes I Non-emergency 135 to 371 3~;o I 55 minutes II 40 minutes II 30 minutes r Non-emergency work should stop ps to 39135 to 391 40 minutes rl 30 minutes r work should stop 140 to 42,40 to 441 30 minutes r Non-emergency 43 and 45 and Non-emergency Non-emergency work should stop below below work should stop work should stop • For Limited Physical Activity, apply the schedule I step lower. Warm-up breaks are assumed to provide 1 0 minutes in a warm environment • An 8 km/h (5 mph) wind will move a light flag • A 16 km/h (10 mph) wind will fully extend the flag • A 24 km/hr (15 mph) wind will raise a newspaper sheet • A 32 km/h (20 mph) wind will produce blowing and drifting snow 0-4