HomeMy WebLinkAboutCosmos Hills Pre-construction Program 2012WHP Project 34800 Reconnaissance Report: Fisheries and Water Quality Resources (Aquatic Resources): Kogoluktuk River Study Area Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Pre-Construction Program Prepared for: Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) & NANA Development Corporation January 3, 2012/Revised April 25, 2012 Prepared by: WHPacific, Inc. 300 W . 31 51 • Avenue Anchorage , AK 99503 WHPacifi( Reconnaissance Report: Fisheries and Water Quality Resources (Aquatic Resources): Kogoluktuk River Study Area Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Pre- Construction Program FERC Preliminary Permit #13286 Prepared for: Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) & NANA Development Corporation Funded by NANA Development Corp. January 3, 2012 and revised April 25, 2012 Prepared by: WHPacific, Inc. 300 W. 31st. Avenue Anchorage, AK 99503 WHPaufiC RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: FISHERIES AND WATER QUALITY COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Prepared for: Title: Project: Prepared by: WHP Project 008228 Brent Petrie, Manager, Community Development Alaska Village Electric Cooperative 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, AK 99503 and NANA Development Corporation I 00 I E. Benson Boulevard Anchorage AK 99508 Reconnaissance Report: Fisheries and Water Quality: Kogoluktuk River Study Area Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Pre-Construction Program WHPacific, Inc. 300 W. 31st Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Contact: Casey M. Storey Environmental Coordinator (503) 372-3648 FAX: (503) 526-0775 E-mail address: cstorey@whpacific.com RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: FISHERIES AND WATER QUALITY COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE·CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, AlASKA TABLE OF CONTENTS A INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1 !! METHODS ............................................................................................................................. 1 £ GENERAL CHARACTERIZATION OF STUDY AREA ................................................ 2 D DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLE REACHES IN STUDY AREA ......................................... 3 E RESULTS ............................................................................................................................... 4 F SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................ 6 EXHIBITS Aquatic Resource Sampling Maps APPENDICES Appendix A: Exhibits Appendix 8: Collection Data WHP Project 008228 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: FISHERIES AND WATER QUALITY COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA A INTRODUCTION This report contains the results of WHPacific' s fisheries reconnaissance of the Kogoluktuk (Kugluktuq) Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Area for a proposed small hydroelectric project near Kobuk, Alaska. This fisheries reconnaissance investigation is part of a larger evaluation of the Kogoluktuk River study area including geological and geotechnical conditions and wetland resources conducted by WHPacific personnel. Our summer 2011 investigation of the Kogoluktuk River study area follows on from field studies conducted in summer 2010 on potential hydropower sites on three streams in the Cosmos Hills: Cosmos Creek, Dahl Creek, and Wesley Creek. WHPacific prepared a reconnaissance report for this study area (November 5, 201 0). A total of three sample reaches were established within the greater Kogoluktuk River study area. See Appendix A for maps of the Kogoluktuk River sampled reaches. This report provides data on observed fish populations, general habitat conditions, and water quality parameters at a reconnaissance level. This report will provide information for the planning process and selection of the preferred project site. 8 METHODS Funding for the study was provided by NANA as a match to the Alaska Energy Authority Renewable Energy Fund grant funding for the Cosmos Hill Hydroelectric Feasibility Project. Field Reconnaissance: The field reconnaissance was conducted between August 30 and September I, 2011. The field crew for the reconnaissance included James Mills (Field Technician and GIS specialist, Casey Storey (Fisheries Biologist and Environmental Coordinator, WHPacific ), and Philip Quarterman (Sr. Wetland Scientist). Initially, the study area was defined as a shorter 2.5 mile reach of the river, centered on a major series of falls and rapids (referred to as the "upper cataract"). We extended the study area downstream to include a "lower cataract". The reason was two-fold: first, either cataract could provide a suitable site for a hydroelectric facility as there is a substantial drop in elevation at each. Secondly, for the purposes of the aquatic resources investigation, the upstream extent of anadromous fish passage would need to be determined. The lower cataract proved to be the limiting factor in anadromous fish passage. We sampled habitats based on the average wetted width of selected starting points and study areas. Given the large size of the river and depth ofwater, our sampling focused on WHP Project 008228 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: FISHERIES AND WATER QUALITY COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA a variety of habitats with limited thalweg sampling due to safety concerns. However, our field team conducted limited spot thalweg sampling along with extensive sampling along shore margins, behind large boulders mid-stream, side channels, plunge pools, and large mid-channel pool areas. We completed sampling within three river reaches within the overall study area. The three sample reaches were placed at the following locations: I) the downstream end of the study area below both cataracts; 2) middle reach of the study area immediately downstream ofthe upstream cataract and; 3) upstream end of the study area immediately upstream of the upper cataract. Sampling Methods: Fisheries collections were made under the Alaska Department of Fish and Game Fish Resource Collection Permit number SF20 11-274. Fisheries sampling was conducted with a Smith-Root backpack electrofisher, and dip-net. In addition, a fyke net was deployed at the downstream sample reach, but was not at the middle and upstream reaches. Sampling was completed in an upstream fashion working through all available and safely accessible habitats. All fish collected during sampling were deposited into a 5-gallon bucket and retained until the conclusion of sampling. At the conclusion of upstream sampling, all fish species except slimy sculpins (Cottus cognatus) were measured to fork length, recorded, and released. Slimy sculpins were measured to total length, recorded, and released. Prior to collection activity at each sample reach, we deployed a Horiba brand multi- parameter water quality/chemistry sonde to record general water quality parameters. Parameters sampled with the meter included conductivity, pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, total dissolved solids, and oxidation reduction potential. Sample reaches were located in a manner to encompass diverse habitat types (pools, riffles, runs) and varying water depths. Habitats containing adult salmon and redds were avoided with sampling equipment, but adult salmon were recorded. In addition, salmon carcasses observed within sample areas were recorded. At the conclusion of sampling efforts, habitat characteristics were recorded. Average water depth, reach substrate composition, habitat composition, and observed field conditions and items of note were recorded in field notebooks. C GENERAL CHARACTERIZATION OF STUDY AREA Topography: The study area consists of the Kogoluktuk River stream corridor, including primary and secondary river channels, gravel bars, floodplain, river terraces, and adjacent slopes. The study area is flanked by the Cosmos Hills, which rise to elevations of over 3,000 feet. The study area ranges from less than 200 feet at the lower end to approximately 500 feet elevation on the upper slopes above the river. WHP Project 008228 2 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: FISHERIES AND WATER QUALITY COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Much of the study area outside the river channel consists of terraces and lower slopes. There are prominent rock outcroppings above the river where the channel narrows down to the cataracts, especially around the upper cataract. Hydrology: The Kogoluktuk River originates to the east of the Cosmos Hills. The channel is mostly single, with secondary channels around gravel bars in broader reaches. Four named tributaries enter the Kogoluktuk River within the study area reaches: California Creek, Glacier Creek, Radio Creek and Lynx Creek. The source of flow in the river and streams are snow-melt, melting of near-surface ice within the active zone, and precipitation. As summer precipitation is relatively low, snow-melt and ice-melt are the primary sources. Annual melting of ice in the active zone causes high water tables or surface ponding to develop in flat to slightly depressional areas on the benches above the river, and on the open slopes above the benches. Small channels, some of which we identified, originate in these areas and contribute to river flow, while other depressions are isolated from the river. 0 DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLE REACHES IN STUDY AREA Downstream Reach: The downstream reach was 1500 feet in length with the inclusion of an additional 100 feet of a tributary stream entering on the river-left bank. The sampled 1500 feet included I 000 feet of directed sampling and 500 feet of spot sampling where select habitats far away from observed adult salmon and salmon redds were noted. River width in the sample reach averaged 150'. A long river left side channel was included in the sample effort and is depicted in the sample reach aerial photograph figure (Appendix A, Figure ''Lower Reach"). Substrate in the reach is dominated by large cobbles in the thalweg and margins and large boulders interspersed along the banks and in the main channel. Current in the sample reach was swift and averaged approximately 3-3.5 feet. The majority of the habitat in the reach during the sampling effort was riffle, with lesser components of pools and small runs. Middle Reach: The middle reach was centered at the confluence of Radio Creek and the Kogoluktuk River. Sample reach length was 1000 feet. Habitat along the left bank of the reach was not sampled, because of the water depth and high velocities along that side of the river. Average stream width within the reach was approximately 175 feet. Habitat in the middle reach is dominated by deep, swift runs and deep pools. Riffle habitat in the reach is concentrated at the upstream end of the reach and consists of large cascades over bedrock. Dominant substrate in the sample reach is split between the upper half and the lower half. Substrate in the lower half of the reach is dominated by large cobble and WHP Project 008228 3 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: FISHERIES AND WATER QUALITY COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA small boulders with gravel and sand bars along the bank. Substrate in the upper half of the reach was primarily bedrock and sand. Water depth in the middle reach averaged 3.5 to 5.0 feet in most habitats with maximum depth in deeper pools estimated at I 0-12 feet. See Appendix A, Figure "Middle Reach''. Upstream Reach: The upstream reach was placed upstream of the upper cataract and just downstream of an expansive shallow run extending well upstream of the overall study area as observed by helicopter prior to sampling. Habitat in the upper reach is dominated by riffle with small pools and lower velocity runs immediately adjacent to the bank. Due to the depth of the water along the left bank, access to this area was not possible during the sampling effort. Length of the upper reach was approximately I 000 feet, although all habitats were not sampled due to access and safety concerns. Width of the upstream reach at the time of the sampling effort ranged from 75 -225 feet. Water depth within the sample reach averaged 2.5 feet and consistently ranged from 2.0-3.0 feet. See Appendix A, Figure "Upper Reach". E RESULTS Lower Reach: Five species of fish were collected in the lower reach and a single species of salmon was readily observed but not coliected throughout the reach. The species found in the study reach include chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), round whitefish (Prosopium cyclinderaceum), Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus), slimy sculpin, northern pike (Esox lucius), and Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma). Chum salmon carcasses were observed throughout the sample reach and live adult chum salmon were noted spawning in the upper half of the lower sample reach. A total of twelve ( 12) carcasses and eight (8) live individuals were tallied in the reach. The most common species collected in the reach was slimy sculpin with fifty-three individuals (53) collected, followed by Arctic grayling (36), with a single individual representing round whitefish, northern pike, and Dolly Varden. Sampling effort in the lower reach was 3667 shock seconds. Most of the fish collected in the reach were found at the river margins, small pools, and in the long side channel along the left bank. Sculpins were collected within the main channel, but abundances for this species were also greatest at the margins. Active chum salmon redds were noted along the river left margin just upstream of the upstream end of the side channel and near the confluence with California Creek. Limited sampling of California Creek near the confluence with the Kogoluktuk River yielded juvenile grayling and several sculpins (included in the reach sample data). All observed and collected Arctic grayling could be considered juveniles or sub-adults as the maximum WHP Project 008228 4 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: FISHERIES AND WATER QUALITY COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA size from all individuals collected was 1 07mm (fork length) with a minimum size of 50mm. Complete fisheries collection data for all sample reaches is provided in Appendix B. Water quality parameters for this and all other study reaches are provided in Table below. Middle Reach: The middle reach of the study yielded far fewer species than the lower reach. Chum salmon carcasses or live adults were not observed anywhere in the middle reach. Within the middle reach only slimy sculpin and Arctic grayling were collected. Slimy sculpin were the most abundant species in the middle reach with 54 individuals collected and only two juvenile Arctic grayling were collected. Habitat diversity in the middle reach was much reduced in contrast to that of the lower reach. Woody debris was nonexistent in the middle reach, side channels were absent, and shallow margins were less abundant. Water quality parameters were similar to those found in the lower reach. Sampling effort for the middle reach was 1823 shocking seconds. Upper Reach: The upper reach of the study yielded two species, including thirty-two (32) slimy sculpins, and ten (1 0) Arctic grayling. Despite an abundance of riffle and run habitat and appropriate substrate, chum salmon carcasses or live adults were absent from the reach. Nearly all individuals collected in the reach were collected within several feet of the river margin on the right bank. Sampling of the channel thalweg did not yield fish. Total sampling effort for the upper reach was 2585 shocking seconds. T. bl I W. a e ater Q !" D AilS ua Tty at a-am l R h p•e eac es Parameter Downstream Middle Upstream pH 7.00 7.92 7.96 ··-··----- Conductivity (f-LS/cm) 34.7 30 33.8 Turbidity (NTU) 53.9 0.0 Estimate of< l 0 Dissolved Oxygen (g/L) 12.75 12.67 13.48 Temperature (Celsius) 10.32 6.39 9.76 Total Dissolved Solids (g/L) 0.22 0.20 0.22 Oxidation Reduction Potential (m V) NA 109 117 WHP Project 008228 5 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: FISHERIES AND WATER QUALITY COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA F SUMMARY A total of 6 species of fish were collected in the Kogoluktuk River aquatic resources study area. Species diversity was found to be highest at the downstream-most sample reach with only two species collected in both the middle and upstream reaches of the study. Chum salmon were observed and relatively common in the lower sample reach, but were not observed anywhere in the middle or upper sample reaches. Arctic grayling and slimy sculpin were the two most common species collected during sampling efforts. Interestingly, only juvenile grayling were collected in all of the sample reaches. The location of the downstream sample reach below two large series of cataracts may explain the absence of chum salmon in the middle and upper sample reaches. The absence of adult arctic grayling in all of the sample reaches suggests that adult fish may reside in habitats that were not sampled during the study due to depth and/or velocity or geographic location. If chum salmon are prevented from passing above the downstream cataract, we would assume that this would similarly prevent upstream passage of grayling to upper river reaches. G REFERENCES WHPacific, Inc. Reconnaissance Report: Wetlands and Other Water of the United States: AVEC Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Pre-Construction Program November 5, 2010. 6 pp. plus appendices. WHP Project 008228 6 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: FISHERIES AND WATER QUALITY COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE·CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA APPENDIX A EXHIBITS WHP Project 008228 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: FISHERIES AND WATER QUALITY COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE·CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA APPENDIX A EXHIBITS WHP Project 008228 Kogoluktuk Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Aquatic Resources Overview Map 1"=1000' W+E s --- - Kogoluktuk Hydroelectric Feasibility Study +N Aquatic Resources w E Lowe r Reach s I H n~n~~~~ Chum S almon Redds ~ Sampl ed Habitat 1" = 4 00' 0 --==--==~----r::::::======~ Feet 1,5 00 500 1,00 0 Notes: Maps compi led by WHPacific , December 27, 201 1; Projection NAD83, UTM Zone 4N ; Aerial Photo Source : Google Earth , 2009; Data Plot Location: Data poin ts co ll ected by GPS; Wetlands Classification: Delineated by Phil Quarterman a nd digitized by Paul a Hansen Kogoluktuk Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Aquatic Resources Middle Reach ~ Sampled Habitat 1" = 400' .. -=~ .. c=~ ........ ~========~Feet 0 500 1,000 1,500 N W+E s Notes: Maps compiled by WHPacific, December 27, 2011; Projection NAD83, UTM Zone 4N; Aerial Photo Source: Aerometric, 201 0; Data Plot Location: Data points collected by GPS; Wetlands Classification: Delineated by Phil Quarterman and digitized by Paula Hansen Kogoluktuk Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Aquatic Resources Upper Reach ~ Sampled Habitat 1" = 400' --=::::::~-c::::::.-----==========::J Feet 0 500 1,000 1,500 N W+E s Notes: Maps compiled by WHPacific, December 27, 2011; Projection NAD83, UTM Zone 4N; Aerial Photo Source: Aerometric, 2010; Data Plot Location: Data points collected by GPS; Wetlands Classification: Delineated by Phil Quarterman and digitized by Paula Hansen itMWi~!&lfl RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: FISHERIES AND WATER QUALITY COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA APPENDIX 8 FISHERES COLLECTION DATA WHP Project 008228 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: FISHERIES AND WATER QUALITY COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Downstream c. cognatus Reach WHP Project 008228 Sl 60 r. arct:icus 35 55 40 45 50 50 45 27 22 42 57 35 50 18 45 52 so 33 26 50 51 60 48 54 70 32 64 63 50 39 42 55 58 48 58 36 55 25 61 51 55 50 50 42 48 48 54 so 53 42 45 46 FL FL FL 50 E. lucius -450 P. cylindraceum -ss s.malma 55 61 95 87 55 90 87 98 50 58 58 55 58 64 58 55 55 58 59 48 48 104 107 55 113 57 58 52 110 45 54 52 52 57 53 Fl 115 Middle Reach RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: FISHERIES AND WATER QUALITY COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA SL SL FL C cognatus 62 '· mJl.natus 48 r. arcticus 65 58 47 65 61 40 58 38 58 52 63 39 57 48 68 42 45 36 64 33 51 30 58 35 47 26 49 35 54 38 52 22 67 22 49 33 43 16 58 22 60 30 51 17 67 58 51 so 52 57 49 48 33 53 WHP Project 008228 Upper Reach RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: FISHERIES AND WATER QUALITY COSMOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC PRE·CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, KOGOLUKTUK RIVER, KOBUK, ALASKA Sl Sl C. cognotu~ 58 T. orcticus 125 60 114 64 65 52 70 54 60 53 60 72 72 65 55 68 63 52 62 48 56 61 48 53 49 60 57 47 53 42 44 28 34 47 53 34 53 49 33 32 34 28 WHP Project 008228