HomeMy WebLinkAboutCosmos Hills Feasibility Study 2011Geotechnical Investigation Kogoluktuk River Hydropower Site Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Prepared for: Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) & NANA Regional Corporation December 14, 2011 Prepared by: WHPacific, Inc. 300 W. 31st. Avenue Anchorage, AK 99503 WHPaCifiC WHP Project 008228 WHP Project 008228 Geotechnical Investigation Kogoluktuk River Hydropower Site Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Prepared for: Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) & NANA Regional Corporation December 14, 2011 Prepared by: WHPacific, Inc. 300 W. 31st. Avenue Anchorage, AK 99503 WHPac1fiC Prepared for: Title: Project: Prepared by: WHP Project 008228 Brent Petrie, Manager, Community Development Alaska Village Electric Cooperative 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, AK 99503 and Sonny Adams, Project Manage NANA Regional Corporation I 00 I E. Benson Boulevard Anchorage, AK 99508 Geotechnical Investigation Kogoluktuk River Hydropower Site Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study WHPacific, Inc. 300 W. 31st Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Contact: Steve Buckley, CPG Geologist Phone: 907-339-6533 Fax: 907-339-5327 E-mail address: sbuckley@whpacific.com Table of Contents Geotechnical Investigation Kogoluktuk River Hydropower Site Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 1 2 Site Description ..................................................................................................................................... 2 3 Geotechnical Investigation ................................................................................................................... 4 3.1 Slope Stability I Seismic Activity ................................................................................................... 4 3.2 Bedrock Character at Intake and Outtake/Structural Mapping .................................................... 4 4 Kogoluktuk River Geotechnical Investigation: .................................................................................... 11 4.1 TestPits ....................................................................................................................................... 11 Lower Reach ........................................................................................................................................ 11 Upper Reach ........................................................................................................................................ 19 Figure 1: Project Location Map, Kogoluktuk Geotechnical Evaluation, Study Area ..................................... 6 Figure 2: Kogoluktuk Geotechnical Evaluation, Full Extent .......................................................................... 7 Figure 3: Kogoluktuk Geotechnical Investigation, Lower Extent .................................................................. 8 Figure 4: Kogoluktuk Geotechnical Investigation, Upper Extent.. ................................................................ 9 Figure 5: Surficial Deposit Types ................................................................................................................. 10 Photo 1: Bedrock Controlled Nickpoint ........................................................................................................ 2 Photo 2: Typical Shallow Wetland Soil .......................................................................................................... 3 Photo 3: Bedrock at proposed intake dipping north .................................................................................... 5 Photo 4: WPT 89 ......................................................................................................................................... 11 Photo 5: WPT 90 ......................................................................................................................................... 11 Photo 6: WPT 91 ......................................................................................................................................... 12 Photo 7: WPT 92 ......................................................................................................................................... 12 Photo 8: WTP 93 ......................................................................................................................................... 13 Photo 9: WTP 94 ......................................................................................................................................... 13 Photo 10: WTP 94 ....................................................................................................................................... 14 Photo 11: WTP 94 ....................................................................................................................................... 14 Photo 12: WTP 95 ....................................................................................................................................... 15 Photo 13: WTP 95 ....................................................................................................................................... 15 Photo 14: WTP 96 ....................................................................................................................................... 16 Photo 15: WTP 98 ....................................................................................................................................... 16 Photo 16: WTP 99 ....................................................................................................................................... 17 Photo 17: WTP 100 ..................................................................................................................................... 17 Photo 18: WTP 100 ..................................................................................................................................... 18 Photo 19: WTP 101 ..................................................................................................................................... 18 WHP Project 008228 Geotechnical Investigation Kogoluktuk River Hydropower Site Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Photo 20: WTP 111 ..................................................................................................................................... 19 Photo 21: WPT 126 ..................................................................................................................................... 19 Photo 22: WPT 126 ..................................................................................................................................... 20 Photo 23: WPT 126 ..................................................................................................................................... 20 Photo 24: WPT 127 ..................................................................................................................................... 21 Photo 25: WPT 128 ..................................................................................................................................... 21 Photo 26: WPT 129 ..................................................................................................................................... 22 Photo 27: WPT 129 ..................................................................................................................................... 22 Photo 28: WPT 130 ..................................................................................................................................... 23 Photo 29: WPT 131 ..................................................................................................................................... 23 Photo 30: WPT 132 ..................................................................................................................................... 24 Photo 31: WPT 133 ..................................................................................................................................... 24 Photo 32: WPT 133 ..................................................................................................................................... 25 Photo 33: WPT 134 ..................................................................................................................................... 25 Photo 34: WPT 135 ..................................................................................................................................... 26 Photo 35: WPT 137 ..................................................................................................................................... 26 Photo 36: WPT 138 ..................................................................................................................................... 27 Photo 37: WPT 139 ..................................................................................................................................... 27 Photo 38: WPT 140 ..................................................................................................................................... 28 WHP Project 008228 ii A. Introduction Geotechnical Investigation Kogoluktuk River Hydropower Site Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study This report contains the results of WHPacific's geotechnical assessment of the Kogoluktuk River Hydropower Study near Kobuk, Alaska. It includes the geological and geotechnical investigation for a proposed small hydroelectric project in the Kogoluktuk (Kugluktuq} River near the Village of Kobuk. The data includes field reconnaissance collected between August 30, 2011 and September 1, 2011 for a portion of the Kogoluktuk River shown in Figure 1. Two reaches of the Kogoluktuk River were evaluated for geotechnical considerations. This included bedrock geologic mapping and structural mapping, along with shallow soil probing and a review of stream and slope stability. This geotechnical investigation is part of a larger evaluation of the wetlands and fisheries of the Kogoluktuk River conducted by WHPacific personnel including Steve Buckley, Philip Quarterman, Casey Storey and James Mills. Steve Buckley, CPG, conducted the geotechnical aspects of the project; Phil Quarterman's portion included the wetlands; Casey Storey did an aquatic analysis ofthe river; and James Mills assisted in the labor process and drafting ofthe report. Lodging was provided by Nova Gold at the Dahl Creek facility. Access to the study area included helicopter support. Hikes between the upper and lower extent allowed access between helicopter drop-off and pick-up points. The field reconnaissance included physical observations of the soil and an analysis of any geological hazards, including evidence of landslide prone areas and major faults. Soil depth, condition and consistency of soil, and wetland locations were mapped and photographed at 35 test pits. Reference points were recorded via GPS and are identified in Figures 1 through 4. WHP Project 008228 Geotechnical Investigation Kogoluktuk River Hydropower Site Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study B. Site Description The Kogoluktuk Hydropower Study area is approx. 4 miles northeast of Kobuk. Hydroelectricity is being considered for seasonal supplementation ofthe current diesel generators in Kobuk and Shungnak. This geotechnical investigation is part of a larger study, which includes wetland mapping and characterization along with fisheries investigations of the Kogoluktuk River itself. Detailed descriptions of the site are contained in the wetland and fisheries reports1 and are not repeated here. The geotechnical investigation of the reach shows a variety of landforms associated with two main, bedrock controlled cascade reaches. Photo 1: Bedrock Controlled Nickpoint Bedrock consists of very competent granitic gneiss with a shallow north dip in both reaches. This bedrock controls upstream and downstream nick points in the river and most of the stream reach is underlain by exposed bedrock. The most important structural fabric in the bedrock is a shallow north- dipping foliation (20-30 degrees). Shallow soils are developed both directly on bedrock and on thin deposits of glacial outwash and ice- marginal deposits adjacent to the river. These deposits range from well-sorted cobble and gravel 1 Quarterman, Philip J, PWS, Reconnaissance Report: Wetlands and Other Waters of the United States: Kogoluktuk River Study Area Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Pre-Construction Program (FERC Preliminary Permit #13286) April 5, 2012, WHPacific. Storey, Casey M, Reconnaissance Report: Fisheries and Water Quality Resources (Aquatic Resources): Kogoluktuk River Study Area Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Pre-Construction Program, April 25, 2012, WHPacific. WHP Project 008228 2 Geotechnical Investigation Kogoluktuk River Hydropower Site Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study alluvium, to fine-grained sandy outwash, to silty wind-blown loess . Organic-rich histosols soils are developed directly on bedrock in some shallow wetlands. Photo 2: Typical Shallow Wetland Soil No evidence of permafrost was encountered to the maximum depth of excavation (approximately 2'}. This may reflect the well-drained characteristics ofthe soils in the area in general, although some of the wetland areas lack internal drainage. WHP Project 008228 3 Geotechnical Investigation Kogoluktuk River Hydropower Site Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study C. Geotechnical Investigation Five main types of surficial deposits are found along this corridor of the Kogoluktuk River (Figure 5). Brief descriptions are provided below and waypoint numbers refer to the location maps and photos provided in section 4.0. 1. The most extensive type consists of thin alluvial deposits developed on bedrock ridges. These are well-drained soils in moderately sorted fluvial gravels. They are typically found on high spots, forming a thin cover over bedrock ridges. Examples of this type of soil cover are shown in Figures 3 and 4, and in the photos of the test pits for way points# 89, 100, and 131. 2. A large part of the project area is covered by fine-grained, sandy, wind-blown loess. These soils range from fine sand to silt and are the result of wind-blown deposition related to ice-marginal glacial sediment. Examples of this type of soil are found in Figures 3 and 4, in waypoints # 99, 111, and 135. 3. Sandy loam soil is developed on fine-grained alluvial deposits adjacent to the river. These are likely Holocene terrace remnants. Test pits at waypoints #90 and 92 are examples of sandy loam soil. 4. Wetland soils are developed in shallow depressions, typically on bedrock. These depressions, in many cases, lack internal drainage, and remain saturated throughout the year. These soils are typified in test pits at waypoints #93 and 95. 5. Large bedrock slabs form colluvial deposits in some areas of the project area. They typically occur near bedrock outcrops but contain large voids and are covered by moss and spruce trees. These areas are characterized at waypoints #96 and 98. Slope Stability I Seismic Activity During the mapping and test pit investigation, any evidence of slope instability such as solifluction or slumping, or hydrologic or vegetative evidence of slope instability was examined in the field and on air photos. There are some shallow scarps developed along the immediate cutbanks of the river especially on outside bends in alluvial reaches. Otherwise, slopes appear stable and there is no evidence of any recent seismic activity such as fault scarps, slumps or landslides. The Kobuk Fault has been reported to have been historically active. It trends east-west and is located 10-15 miles south of the project area. The USGS Earthquake Database shows some minor earthquake activity in the region, though the relation of the seismic activity to the Kobuk Fault is unclear. Bedrock Character at Intake and Outtake/Structural Mapping The bedrock at both the proposed Intake and Outtake is moderately foliated granite gneiss. The gneiss consists of a medium-grained quartzo-feldspathic ground mass separated by foliation planes consisting of fine-grained mica. The gneiss is highly competent, separated by thin foliation planes typically 6" -10" apart. At the intake the gneiss has a consistent trend striking 130 degrees and dipping 20 degrees north. WHP Project 008228 4 WHP Project 008228 Geotechnical Investigation Kogoluktuk River Hydropower Site Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Photo 3: Bedrock at proposed intake dipping north 5 WHPacific WHP Project 008228 Geotechnical Investigation Kogoluktuk River Hydropower Site Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Project Location Map Kogoluktuk Geothechnlcal Evaluation Study Area 10/25/11 N A Figure 1 6 WHP Pro Kogoluktuk Geotechnical Investigation Full Extent 10127/2011 N A 0 o.s WHPacific awes Legend • Sampte l.oc8tions Figure 2 ,wer Site ity Study 97 • 0 WHP Geotechnical Investigation Kogoluktuk River Hydropower Site Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Figure 3: Kogoluktuk Geotechnical Investigation, lower Extent :. \ ... \ .• 0.125 0.25 \ .. \\ .. . \, ;. .\ \ >, \ Legend 0.5 Miles • Sample Locations 0 WHP Project 008228 Geotechnical Investigation Kogoluktuk River Hydropower Site Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Figure 4: Kogoluktuk Geotechnical Investigation, Upper Extent 0.125 0.25 o.5 Mites Legend WHP Project 008228 Figure 5: Surficial Deposit Types 0 I 0.125 0.25 I 0.5 Miles I + Legend --Faull We nand ILH Ple!slocene Terrace I~.%;J AlluVIum c:JBedmck 10 10 11 D. Kogoluktuk River Geotechnical Investigation: Test Pits Test pits were conducted throughout the study area at depths of 24 inches or less and were selected for analyzing soil composition and seasonal permafrost trends. Lower Reach Photo: WPT 89 4" organic root matt over alluvium composed of 70% sand, 15% gravel (sub grounded) and 15% silt. Photo: WPT 90 Holocene Terrace with glacial outwash/moraine Silty sandy loam. WPT 090. WHP Project 008228 Photo 4: WPT 89 Photo 5: WPT 90 11 Photo: WPT 91 Active floodplain, 3-5' above bankfull stage. Willow and 5' cottonwood vegetation Bare sandy soil. Photo: WPT 92 Lower Holocene terrace 3- 5' above floodplain. Sandy loam with 2" root zone in A horizon over fluvial sand. WHP Project 008228 12 Photo 6: WPT 91 Photo 7: WPT 92 12 Photo: WPT 93 Bog/Wetland. Photo: WPT 94 Bedrock outcrop with E-W strike and 30oN dip. Foliated granite/gneiss, K- spar, quartz, biotite. WHP Project 008228 13 Photo 8: WTP 93 Photo 9: WTP 94 13 Photo: WPT 94 Looking downstream Photo: WPT 94 Looking upstream at potential outlet site WHP Project 008228 14 Photo 10: WTP 94 Photo 11: WTP 94 14 Photo: WPT 95 Wetland soil pit. 6-8" histosol on bedrock Photo: WPT 95 Characteristic open water wetland developed on shallow bedrock WHP Project 008228 15 Photo 12: WTP 95 Photo 13: WTP 95 15 Photo: WPT 96 Foliated granite gneiss with E-W strike and 20° N dip. Photo: WPT 98 Large flat slabs of bedrock/sub-crop with a thin veneer of moss/spruce. Rock is foliated granite/gneiss. WHP Project 008228 16 Photo 14: WTP 96 Photo 15: WTP 98 16 Photo: WPT 99 Grey/brown silty soil with a 3" A horizon, 3" B horizon and 4" mottled brown/grey glacial silt. Photo: WPT 100 Thin skiff of alluvial gravel/cobble on top of bedrock near proposed inlet. 30% sand, 10% cobble and 60% gravel Photo 16: WTP 99 with little to no A horizon . ~~~ Photo 17: WTP 100 WHP Project 008228 17 17 Photo: WPT 100 Same as Photo 17 but zoomed out. Philip Quarterman is in the background. Photo: WPT 101 Same outwash feature as above. Sample is a couple hundred feet above inlet. 2" A horizon, outwash Photo 18: WTP 100 sand and grey/tan mottled ~-~ sand . Photo 19: WTP 101 WHP Project 008228 18 18 Photo: WPT 111 Wetland. Reduced sulfidic soil in grey silty sand. Upper Reach Photo: WPT 126 Outlet site. Bedrock is quartz-mica schist with K- spar and foliation strikes 95° and dips 20° South . WHP Project 008228 19 r•~• Photo 20: WTP 111 Photo 21: WPT 126 19 Photo: WPT 126 Same as Photo 21, but looking upstream. Photo: WPT 126 Same as Photo 21, looking downstream. WHP Project 008228 20 Photo 22: WPT 126 Photo 23: WPT 126 20 Photo: WPT 127 Alluvial soil on hill slope . Probably Pleistocene. 3" A horizon composed of peat, 3" B horizon composed of gray gravel soil with sand and 4" C horizon composed of brown rounded cobble/gravel. Photo: WPT 128 Soil sample has 1" A horizon, 1" silty B horizon and 6" gravel with silt C horizon. WHP Project 008228 21 Photo 24: WPT 127 Photo 25: WPT 128 21 Photo: WPT 129 Meadow: Sandy soil in moderate depression with well drained, slightly reduced soil. Photo: WPT 129 1" A horizon, 6" B horizon sandy loam with some gravel and C: 5" mottled gray and tan sandy alluvium. WHP Project 008228 22 Photo 26: WPT 129 Photo 27: WPT 129 22 Photo: WPT 130 Moss bog A horizon 3" dk brown peat over 16" orange sphagnum moss. Saturated but no standing water in pit. Photo: WPT 131 Thin skiff of alluvial gravel on top of bedrock (quartz, mica and schist). W' A horizon. WHP Project 008228 23 Photo 28: WPT 130 Photo 29: WPT 131 23 Photo: WPT 132 Soil above intake. 2" dark brown A horizon, 2" dark brown silty loam B horizon and 6" mica schist bedrock C horizon. Photo: WPT 133 looking upstream at proposed intake. WHP Project 008228 24 Photo 30: WPT 132 Photo 31: WPT 133 24 Photo: WPT 133 Same as above but looking down stream. Photo: WPT 134 Foliated granite gneiss. Strikes 130° and dips 20°North . WHP Project 008228 25 Photo 32: WPT 133 Photo 33: WPT 134 25 Photo: WPT 135 Outwash ridge of windblown ·~·"'-"-~~~~~~~~)~~~~~M~ loess below a thin layer of volcanic ash. 2" A horizon, 2" gray ash, 3" brown B horizon and 4" green/brown loess. Photo: WPT 137 Soil sample has 2" A horizon, 3" buff silt with rock fragments and 6" olive silt with trace rock fragments. Soil is well drained. WHP Project 008228 Photo 34: WPT 135 Photo 35: WPT 137 26 26 Photo: WPT 138 Soil sample. A horizon has 2" root zone. Sample was taken ~~~~~~~~,\~ from a possible moraine along a steep hill slope. Photo 36: WPT 138 Photo: WPT 139 .. Sandy loam in alluvial sand · with 2" A horizon, 5" grey silty sand and 6" sandy orange/brown sand. WPT 139. WHP Project 008228 Photo 37: WPT 139 27 27 Photo: WPT 140 Sandy floodplain with cottonwood, willow and scattered spruce. WHP Project 008228 28 Photo 38: WPT 140 28