HomeMy WebLinkAboutCosmos Hills Fieldwork Report 2011Alaska Village Electric Cooperative Cosmos Hills Hydropower Study: Summer-Fall 2010/Spring 2011 Fieldwork Report Looking towards Cosmos Hills in late March (photo by Elia Sakeagak) Prepared for: Alaska Village Electric Cooperative 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503-7497 Prepared by: WHPacific, Inc. 300 W. 31st Ave Anchorage, AK 99503 www. whpacific.com Funded in part by: Alaska Energy Authority Renewab le Energy Fund Grant #2195413 AVEC~ \1 \'>h\\111 \t,llllt 11<11 ttHli'IH\II\1 I'd June 27, 2011 Audrey Abtrom Ala.,ka Energy Authonty 813 Northern Light'> Boulevard Anchorage Alaska 9%03 Re Cosmos Hills Hydropower Study Grant 2195413 Summer Fc1ll 2010 Report Comment'> Dear Audrey Thank you for your March 24, 2011 comments on the Co'>rnO'> Hill'> Hydropower Study: Summer Fall 2010 Report" transmitted to me vi<l cm<lil. Below are our re'>pomes to your comment'>. AEA Comment #1: The cover letter provided with the report indic.1te<; thi'> i'> a '>urnmary of <~II field work that occurred durinp, thP '>LHT1nwr and f<1ll of 2010 for the Co'>nW'> Hill'> Hydropower effort. Yet the Hydrology section of the report I'> cur'>ory at be<.t. A December 2010 report of Hydrology data collected since August 2010 i'> mentioned but has not been mcluded m the report. Ple,1'>C provide AVEC Response: The hydrology report was not avoilable when the field report wa' prepared. The Hydrologic Network lnstallotwn Operatiom Report i; now included as Appendix f to the updated Ca>mos Hill' f1ydropowcr Study. Sumrner·Fo/1 2010 Report enrlmed with this lcttl'r. AEA Comment #2: The hydroelectric hydrologic network '>tatu'> wa<. checked on 3-22·11, only one of four '>ite'> {Kop,oluktuk) is functionmg. AVEC Response: C,cverol of tlw network repeater \tte' were impacted chmng February •,torrm. Replacement radro~ were Installed when helicopter ttme wa'> avatlable m May, 2011. AEA Comment #3: Overv1ew: La<:.t paragraph mention<:. Kogoluktuk River as one of the site<. recommended for further study. Why were Kogoluktuk field 'itud1e<. deferred until summer 2011 and left out of th1<:. effort with the exception of m,lppinf; I Plea;e expiJin in thi<, section. AVEC Response: AVEC wm very tnterested 111 completmq field ~tudie> on the Koqoluktuk Rtver However, Doug Ott, 1n on email dated June 28, 2010, stated that AVEC '>lwuld adjust the '>Ummer field work plan to only study Dahl Creek, Wesley Creek and Co~mo> Creek. After further dt~cu~~ion with AEA AVEC was granted permissiOn to usc grant fund> to complete the hydrology study and LIDAR mopping on the Kogoluktuk River, but environmental studies were not authorized for us of grand funds. AVEC and NANA remam lf1tere\ted 111 the flydroelectnc potential of the Kogoluktuk Rtver and would like to conduct additional work on the river lfl tht> future. AEA Comment 1#4: LIDAR mapping: Hac, any ground surveying been conducted to back'>top the elevation data di'>played on the orthophotoc,? AVEC Response: Yes. Survey qround colltrol wa~ performed in Kobuk by a WHPaciftc survey field crew led by Professional Land Surveyor Chad Weiler. per survey requirements of Aero- Mctnc Anchorage. WHPoCific set two '>Urvey control poinh at the Kobuk 01rport, performed a Control Survey U'>lllg Leica :.urvey grade GNSS GPS rece1ver~ running tn stottc mode, and proet:>>cd the data with reference to the Natwnal CORS reference frame using the NGS OPUS utility. WHPacific provtded UTM coord111ates and ellipsotd hetghts of these LIDAR GPS Bose Station potnt'> for Al!ro-Metric to me to collect redundant GPS base statton data at the Kobuk Airport dunng their LIOAR data collection mi~'>ton. WHPactftc ~urveyed locat1om and elevatiom of vanou:. but/ding; and improvement\ rcqwred by Aero Mrtric to properly scale the aenal photogrophy and prepare a >coled Orthogonally rectified Photo (orthophoto}, ustng the ;arne GNSS GPS equipment alonq with >urvey grade TPS eqwpment. Finally, WHPacific ..urveyed a GPS PPK check profile down the center of the entire Kobuk runway at 25-foot tlltervols for Aero-Metnc to u:.e in calibration and checkinq of thetr LIOAR syqcm '> data collection points gathered dunng the LIDAR missiOn. All GPS informatton was processed 111 Letca Geo Offtce Verston 1.0 and provtded to Aero-Metric in the '>pecifted formats along wtth copies of the fteld notl:.''>. T111s information wm odded to the Aerial Photography and LIDAR Moppmg -.ect10n of the Cosmo> Hills Hydropower Study Summer-rail 2010 Report enclosed with thts letter. AEA Comment 1#5: LIDAR m<~pping: Plea.:,e prov1de dcliver<~ble'i for thi<, effort m electromc form, 1ncluding DEMs, topo maps in AutoCAD form<tt, <tnd orthophoto'-.. AVEC Response: The LIDAR mopptng IS provided on a thumb drive enclmed with this letter. AEA Comment 1#6: Wetlzmds: Sc<tle" found 1n exhib1b of the appendix are incorrect. AVEC Response: The scale> are tn fact correct. The scale is 1 inch= 400 feet. What may be confu>ing 1s that the '>cole bar i'> divtded into 500 foot unit~, so it may look incorrect. AEA Comment 117: Fisherie'> Study: The fi'>heries report documenb fish found in a single time rwriod of July 27-31, 2011. It appears all three stream~ studied have a healthy popul<~tlon of Dolly Varden and two of the three <,treams have slimy sculpim. The<,e resident fi'>h will require • I <>nvironmental flows in the affected reache'> between the mtake <md powerhou'>e'>. Wa<, there any effort to document stream cross-section-, to help L1cilitatt' that future discu'><,ion w1th ADF&G? Wa:. ADF&G involved in study methods and '>election of <>tudy dates I AVEC Response: An agency mect1ng wm held on July 23, 2010 to di~cu~> the >ummer fieldwork. ADF&G, NOAA Fi>henc~ (NMFS), ADNR, and other re,ource agencie~ were pre<..ent at the meet1ng. Dunng the meeting, fi~heric~ fieldwork methods were pre, en ted and ogenCie'> asked questions and commented In add1tion, wntten fishene'> fieldwork protocol~ were tronsrmttcd to AOr&G on August 5 ond 8, 2010. Stream cross sections were not recorded os part of the fisheric'> study. However, general hab1tat choracten~tin Including overage reach depths and wetted channt!l widths were recorded during f1cld collections. ADF&G's Fish Resource Permit Coordinator was consulted pnor to ~ompling to determine >ampling protocol including somplmg distance and method> u>cd. Additional re>ources referenced were the ADF&G sample database and ADF&G website for fish run tirmng and potential specws presence ident1j1cat10n. Th1s tnformation wo~ odded to the Appendix C: Reconnoi~>once Fi.sheries Report AEA Comment #8: Fic,heriec, Study Under<.t,lnding the extent of c,almon habitat ic, critical to understanding how a hydro project on any of the'>e three '>treamc, can take place No salmon were found in the four day mvec,tig;ltion period However, further '>ludy will be required to under'>tilnd 1f affected reachec, m the proposed c,treams are anJdromou'> '>P<lwning and rearing habitilt. What 1s the plan to collect thilt informZJtion? AVEC Response: Research on the area streams prior to the 2010 site investigation indicated that chum salmon could be found in the Kobuk R1ver in proximity to the mouths of the sampled stream~. Record'> al.;,o indicated the presence of Chinook >olmon 1n the mmnstem Kobuk R1ver both up>treom and down'>tream of the tributorie'> sampled. Interview<, with area res1denh mdicated that limited number" of chum salmon were bctng horvc'>ted within the motmtern Kobuk River during the '>Ompling effort Based on record'> and literature rcst'arch, Chinook .~almon do not appear to be common 1n the sy)tcm and ore likely to enter the Kobuk Rtver pnor to our '>Ompling effort. The presence of chum salmon ond posSibly Chinook '>almon 1s antictpated on the Kogoluktuk and future '>amplmg effort'> on this nver ~hould he twned tn on effort to encounter '>almon runs We do not expect chum or Ch1nook salmon to migrate as for upstream as the stream \ample reaclw::. on We'::oley, Co.smos, and Doh/ Creek. The wmpling effort in 2010 did not identify ~a/man carcosse.> or live fish from prevwu~ or ongoing rum. ; ~ -_, . , .. AEA Comment #9: Fishcrie'> Study Groyling and other fi'>h may be using the stream'> but were not pre<,ent during the sampling vi'>it. What i'> the plan to document their presence or absence in the three stream<.? AVEC Response: AVEC's consultant ontJctpoted encountenng ot feast the occasional grayling or whttefish dunng our sample effort on the three streams, parttculorly on Wesley Creek (as habitat typically preferred IJy gray/tog wa) abundant). However, as mentwned only ~culpms and Daffy Varden were collected. Grayling complete spawntng runs into tnbutary stream.s soon after break up. Depending on the '>y.stem, large adult grayling may occupy the upper strl:'om reaches of tributary streams during the '>ummer foraguJg period after spawning. In additton, Juvenile grayling typically occupy backwatt'r> and lower velocity areas near where they hatched unttl maturity. In any sccnono. we would expect to collect at least several grayltng from at least one age class in some of the stream reaches sampled if they were pre<>ent. The '>ample reach length for each reoch (based on a wetted channel width multiplier) was rt>commended by ADF&G O'> the most effective way to ensure capture of all {1sh speCies present tn a g1ven somph· oreu. Pnor to the sampling effort one of the team's biologi.,ts, the fisheries consultant angled numerou~ groylmg from Cosmo> Creek wtthtn one mtle of the Kobuk River. Grayling wrthm th1s reach were numerous. In addttlon. mtervtews with team members from the local communittes of Kobuk and Shungnak 111d1coted that lakt:> trout. rntnbow trout, Dolly Varden, and northern ptke are angled from the near the confluence<o of the Kobuk R1ver wtth Dahl Creek, Cosmo~ Creek, and Wc>ley Creek. Thi'> incilcotes that the confluence orcas likely provtde 1mportant foraging and restlflg habtlol for tWWOIIIHJ and Kobuk R1ver res1dent fi>h. The upper reaches of Wesley. Co'.mos, and Dahl Creek prov1de little habitat suitable for northern pike, ore likely too >moll for lake trout, and may be too swift or tmpossible in places for upstream mtqrotion by Arctic qrayltng. AVEC ts currently studying the Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Prowct olternottves to determine wlllch alternative'> >hould be carried forward for deta1led onolysrs. Follow1ng tht> effort, AVEC could conduct more detculed envl(onmental work, tncludmg fishencc, mvcsttqatwm, wtthm the >elected proJeCt alternative':.. AEA Comment #10: In general, tll1-:, report 1nclude>:> no new engtneenng work, nor any effort <~t reduetng the number of <,ite'> for '>electing a hydropower prowct to pur<,ue a ltcPn'>e When will thl'> winnowmg proce<,•, takP place) AVEC Response: With recent staff changes, WHPonfic I> working to develop o tt>am to addre~!> the needs of the grant. We expect to move forward with the ~ite >election proce~'> m the next month. The project team will use informatwn gathered during the previou!> veor to assi'>t with the winnow1nq process, including tcrrolfl and topography, stream flow seo<,onol duration and rates, potential geotechnical fwzord.,, and other cotegorie) which would impact the [eosib1flty of a hydroelectric proJect in the Cosmos Hill> area. Our goalt.s to hove a short list of feasible and remonahle Cosmos Hills Hydroelectnc Prowct alternatives by the end of July 2011. We appreciate your comment'> on the report. We look forward to meeting with you to dtscuss th1~ proJect. Plea'>e feel free to contact me or AVEC's proJect manager, Robin Reich, with any additional questions or to '>et up a meeting. Smcerely, . } ;· .· ·I / t Brent Petru.: Manager, Commumty Development and Kt>y Account<; Attachment'> Updated Co">nlO'> Htlh Hydropower Report ':>ummer-fall 2010 Report June 2011 (w1th LIDAR mapping of the Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Project Areil on il thumb dnvt:' Copic<,: Meer,l Kohler, AVEC Jay Herman'>on, WHPacific. Rob111 Reich, Sobtice ErlVIronmental Alaska Village Electric Cooperative Cosmos Hills Hydropower Study: Summer-Fall 2010/Spring 2011 Fieldwork Report Looking towards Cosmos Hills in late March (photo by Elia Sakeagak) Prepared for: Alaska Village Electric Cooperative 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503-7497 Prepared by: WHPacific, Inc. 300 W. 31st Ave Anchorage, AK 99503 www. whpacific.com Funded in part by: Alaska Energy Authority Renewable Energy Fund Grant #2195413 Overview of Summer-Fall 2010 Cosmos Hills Studies The Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC), in collaboration with NANA Regional Corporation, is embarking on a feasibility study of potential hydropower sites and associated power lines in the Kobuk River Valley. NANA is the land owner of these potential hydropower sites. The purpose of this report is to summarize the Cosmos Hills hydropower field and office study activities performed by WHPacific in the summer and fall of 2010. In 2009, AVEC received partial pre-construction funding from the Alaska Energy Authority's Renewable Energy Fund (REF) program (awarded grant #2195413) to pursue feasibility and design of hydroelectric sites in the Cosmos Hills area north of Shungnak and Kobuk. AVEC and other project partners are providing additional financial and in-kind resources to help evaluate renewable energy solutions for Kobuk Valley communities. WHPacific, Inc., a subsidiary of NANA Regional Corporation, has been hired by AVEC to oversee the Cosmos Hills hydroelectric feasibility studies. AVEC's Cosmos Hills preconstruction program consists of fieldwork and office-based studies to determine hydroelectric project features, estimated project costs, operating conditions, environmental impacts, energy production costs and overall project feasibility. Currently, diesel-fuel power generation is the only source of electricity for the upper Kobuk River communities of Ambler, Shungnak, and Kobuk. Diesel fuel can be expensive when it has to be flown in due to shallow-water conditions on the Kobuk River. The high cost of transporting fuel to Ambler and Shungnak result in these two communities having some of the highest electricity costs of the 53 rural Alaska communities which AVEC serves. The purpose of small hydroelectric plants would be to supplement diesel fuel used for power generation. Run-of-river hydro sites in this area could provide electricity from about mid-April until early November, although the Kogoluktuk River may be able to provide power later into the winter, and earlier in the spring. In July 2010, AVEC decided to proceed with further study on Cosmos Creek, Wesley Creek, Dahl Creek and the Kogoluktuk River during the summer/fall 2010 fieldwork season, and hosted an agency meeting in late July to discuss these plans. A map showing these four sites, and the locations of the communities of Shungnak and Kobuk, is provided in Figure 1. The three Cosmos Hills study areas investigated with field-based wetlands, fish habitat, and geotechnical studies, and office-based cultural resource studies, during summer and fall 2010 were Cosmos Creek, Wesley Creek, and Dahl Creek. Wetlands, fish habitat and geotechnical fieldwork in these three streams were conducted in late July 2010. These three project study areas, along with Kogoluktuk River, were also mapped with LIDAR and aerial photography in August and September 2010, respectively. Climate/hydrological stations were installed at these four sites (Cosmos, Wesley, Dahl and Kogoluktuk), as well as four hilltop radio repeaters, in August 2010 to initiate the Cosmos Hills hydrologic monitoring network. WHPacific submitted a final reconnaissance report on the potential Cosmos Hills hydropower sites to AVEC in September 2010. AVEC Cosmos Hills Hydropower Study -1 -Revised June 2011 Figure 1: Potential hydroelectric sites under study by AVEC (map by Paula Hansen) Aerial Photography and LIDAR Mapping AeroMetric made two flights over the Cosmos Hills hydroelectric project study areas-one on August 24, 2010 for the aerial photography, and another on September 14, 2010 for LIDAR mapping. For each of the designated project areas of Cosmos Creek, Wesley Creek, Dahl Creek and the Kogoluktuk River, AeroMetric has provided (submitted as COs to AVEC with this report): • Bare Earth Digital Elevation Model (OEM) data in ASCII format (from LIDAR) • 1' Cl topographic maps in AutoCAD format (from LIDAR) • Yz' pixel resolution color digital orthophotos in .tiff format Survey ground control was performed in Kobuk by the survey field crew led by Professional Land Surveyor per survey requirements of Aero-Metric Anchorage . Two survey control points were set at the Kobuk airport, control curvey was performed using Leica survey grade GNSS GPS receivers running in static mode, and processed the data with refere nce to the Nat ional CORS reference frame using the NGS OPUS utility. UTM coordinates and ell ipsoid heights of these LIDAR GPS Base Station points were provided for Aero-Metric to use to collect redundant GPS base station data at the Kobuk Airport during their LIDAR data collection mission. Locations were surveyed and elevations of various buildings and improvements were determined as required by Aero-Metric to AVEC Cosmos Hills Hydropower Study -2 -Revised June 2011 properly scale the aerial photography and prepare a scaled Orthogonally-rectified Photo (Orthophoto), using the same GNSS GPS equipment along with survey grade TPS equipment. Finally, a GPS PPK check profile down the center of the entire Kobuk runway at 25-foot intervals was surveyed for Aero-Metric to use in calibration and checking of their LIDAR system's data collection points gathered during the LIDAR mission. Ail GPS information was processed in Leica Geo Office Version 7.0 and provided to Aero-Metric in the specified formats along with copies of the field notes. Orthophotos of the four sites, combined with LIDAR contour data, are provided in Appendix A. Wetlands Delineation A short field reconnaissance was conducted between July 26 and August 2, 2010 to determine wetland types. A report, attached as Appendix B, documents the findings of a field reconnaissance of wetlands and "other waters" (streams) in connection with the Cosmos Hills Pre-Construction Program. Field studies were conducted on potential hydropower sites on three streams in the Cosmos Hills: Cosmos Creek, Dahl Creek, and Wesley Creek study areas. Complete and intense field delineation will not be conducted until a final project site is selected and preliminary engineering is completed. The 2010 Cosmos Hills wetlands report provides data and mapping that identifies and locates stream channels and wetlands at reconnaissance level accuracy, and characterizes wetland habitats. It will provide information for the planning process and selection of the preferred project site. Wetland areas were identified based on the Corps of Engineers 3-parameter approach of the 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual and the 2007 Regional Supplement for the Alaska Region. Ordinary High Water Line along the streams was also identified in several locations, and data was recorded on adjacent riparian plant communities, channel and floodplain morphology, and topography, along with photographs. Wetland polygons and streams were digitized to produce the set of maps on an aerial photograph base. The polygons are labeled according to the US Fish and Wildlife Service (Cowardin) classification system. Photographs taken at marked data points and a transcript of data notes are included in appendices to the report. Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Study The Cosmos Hills Reconnaissance Fisheries Report, attached as Appendix C, documents the results of a reconnaissance level fisheries survey of nine separate sample reaches within three stream drainages: Cosmos Creek, Wesley Creek, and Dahl Creek. This report includes field data gathered between July 26 and August 2, 2010 on general fish abundances, habitat characteristics, and water quality. Also included are maps depicting the sample reaches within each stream basin, fish collection data, field-sketched habitat maps, and water quality data. AVEC Cosmos Hills Hydropower Study -3 -Revised June 2011 Dolly Varden were collected at all nine of the sample reaches and slimy sculpins at four of the nine sample reaches. Slimy sculpins do not appear to occupy the studied reach of Dahl Creek, but are found in Wesley and Cosmos Creek. Fish abundance was found to be highest in Dahl Creek, followed by Wesley Creek, and finally Cosmos Creek. Habitat sampled varied from slow flowing and shallow glides to high velocity cascading riffles with deep and turbulent plunge pools. Pools associated with high velocity cascades yielded the largest number of fish. These habitats are common in sampled portions of Wesley and Dahl Creeks, but less common in all but the most upstream sampled reach of Cosmos Creek. Dominant substrates ranged from gravels and cobbles in the lower reaches of Wesley and Cosmos Creeks to large boulders and cobbles in the middle reaches of Wesley and Dahl Creeks, the lower reach at Dahl Creek, and the upper reaches at Wesley and Cosmos Creeks. Office-Based Cultural Resources Study An office study of cultural and historical features within the hydroelectric project areas of Cosmos Creek, Wesley Creek and Dahl Creek was conducted by WHPacific in fall 2010, and this report is attached as Appendix D. To date, there have been few professional archaeological surveys in the Cosmos Hills and there are few known cultural sites. Some of the transportation routes into the Hills as well as other historic resources such as the mine at Bornite will need to be evaluated for their historic context. Formal consultation with the Office of History and Archaeology is likely to mirror the Federal Section 106 process. Geotechnical Golder Associates Inc. (Golder) joined WHPacific for a reconnaissance level exploration of the Cosmos Hills hydrology project from July 26 to July 31, 2010. Three of the four drainages considered for the project; Cosmos Creek, Wesley Creek, and Dahl Creek, were observed, where accessible, during the reconnaissance. The project will include foundations in support of an intake, tailrace, penstock alignment, and power generation facility. The penstock will also require thrust blocks and foundation anchoring for support of hydraulic forces. Golder's role in the reconnaissance was to conduct surficial geological and geotechnical observations for use in conceptual level design of the project. Observations also included shallow depth test pits and soil probes with hand tools. The reconnaissance observations were used in conjunction with existing geological mapping and aerial photography of the project area to conduct a general geological and geotechnical assessment of the project area for potential geohazards and general constructability issues. The general surficial soil conditions were alluvial outwash deposits within the established creek channels. Outside of the defined creek channels, within the lower elevations of the drainages, the general surficial soil conditions consisted of fine grained alluvial and eolian deposits with both unfrozen and potential frozen (permafrost) soils. At higher elevations along the creek channels, deposits consisted of fractured and weathered bedrock, potential glacial till, and colluvium. Adjacent creek channel slopes above the project areas, that were visible during the reconnaissance, generally did not show signs of recent slope instabilities. AVEC Cosmos Hills Hydropower Study ~ 4 -Revised June 2011 Based on the reconnaissance exploration and study of existing data, it was determined that conventional foundation systems could be considered for both the unfrozen ground areas and potential frozen ground (permafrost) areas of the project. The facilities could be sited to avoid permafrost areas as best as possible. A subsurface soil exploration should be conducted at specific facility locations during design development to confirm surficial observations obtained during the reconnaissance level study. Penstock alignment and drainage topography will pose foundation geometry and construction challenges at some alignment areas where the creek channels are well defined with adjacent steep slopes of colluvium and weathered and fractured rock deposits. The complete geotechnical report is attached as Appendix E Hydrology A surface-water data collection network was established in the Cosmos Hills region in August 2010 for the purpose of evaluating the hydropower potential for Cosmos Creek, Wesley Creek, Dahl Creek and the Kogoluktuk River. The primary purpose of the network and resulting field data collection efforts is to establish stage-discharge rating curves for each of the surface water systems of interest. Secondary objectives include the collection of surface-water temperature data at the main gauging stations and downstream stations located near potential hydropower outlets. Summer precipitation and spring snowpack measurements are also measured, along with air temperature and relative humidity. Surveying, manual water quality measurements and other general field hydrology observations were also recorded for the data stations and surface-water systems. The data station network includes repeater sites to help provide telemetry communications back to a base station located at Kobuk School. Selected data is reported on a project website. Additional surface-water discharge measurements were made in October 2010 to help establish discharge observations at low water conditions. Cosmos Creek and the Kogoluktuk River October discharge measurements were ice affected and are likely not applicable to the rating curve development, but still useful for understanding the early winter flow conditions at the respective stations. During severe winter storms in February 2011, 3 of the repeater station radios were impacted by potential atmospheric static conditions. These radios will be repaired during the spring 2011 field efforts. Snow surveys and station visits were made near the end of March 2011. Warm conditions and deep snowpack resulted in field crews not being able to access the Upper Cosmos Creek Station and the Upper Kogoluktuk River Station. Upper Wesley Creek and Upper Dahl Creek Stations were visited and station operations were normal and data collection systems were working well. The Upper Kogoluktuk Station has been reporting data all winter long without interruptions. Snowpack conditions are high for spring 2011. Depending on spring weather conditions, this should result in relatively high snowmelt discharge conditions. The interim hydrology report is attached as Appendix F. AVEC Cosmos Hills Hydropower Study -5 -Revised June 2011 Recommendations for 2011 work The Cosmos Hills hydrology network stations installed in August 2010 by Geo-Watersheds Scientific and Brailey Hydrologic will continue monitoring stream flow though the end of 2011. The hydrology team plans follow-up calibration visits to the climatic/hydrologic stations in early spring, late spring/early summer, midsummer and fall 2011. It is recommended that AVEC hold another agency meeting in early 2011 to review the environmental and cultural resources fieldwork conducted in 2010, and presented in this report. During spring 2011, AVEC and permitting agencies would discuss and plan any summer 2011 environmental fieldwork. In summer 2011, it is recommended that geotechnical, wetlands delineation and fish habitat fieldwork, in addition to an office-based cultural resources study, be conducted for the Kogoluktuk River site. The scope and scale of these efforts would be similar to the summer-fall 2010 studies conducted on Cosmos, Wesley and Dahl Creeks. It is recommended that further engineering design, cost estimates and detailed feasibility analysis wait until fall of 2011. This is because more than a year's worth of hydrologic data for the four potential hydropower sites will have been collected by then. At least one year of stream flow data, combined with a hydrological analysis to predict a range of year-to-year variation, is needed to estimate design flow of possible hydroelectric plants at the four sites. AVEC Cosmos Hills Hydropower Study -6 -Revised June 2011 Appendices Appendix A: Cosmos Hills Hydropower Study Areas, Combined Orthophotos and LIDAR Contour Maps Appendix 8: Reconnaissance Report: Wetlands and Other Waters of the United States, Cosmos Hills Appendix C: Reconnaissance Fisheries Report Appendix D: Cultural Resources office study Appendix E: Geotechnical Appendix F: Hydrologic Network Installation Operations Report AVEC Cosmos Hills Hydropower Study -7 -Revised June 2011 AVEC Cosmos Hills Hydropower Study-Summer-Fall 2010 Report Appendix A: Cosmos Hills Hydropower Study Areas Combined Orthophotos and LIDAR Contour Maps Cosmos Creek Wesley Creek Dahl Creek Kogoluktuk River Photos and maps by AeroMetric, Inc. Map/photo pdf exports by Paula Hansen of WHPacific Aerial photography date: August 24, 2010 Aerial LIDAR mapping date: September 14, 2010 Combined Orthophoto and Contour Map November 11 , 201 0 --5' Contour Lines Gross head (elevation change) along surveyed stream reach is 425 feet. ------=========:::~Miles 0 0.5 1 Wesley Creek Combined Orthophotos and Contours November 11, 2010 -5' Contours Gross head (elevation change) along surveyed stream reach is 563 feet ------c:::=========:::J Miles 0.5 1 Combined Orthophotos and Contours November 11, 2010 --5' Contour Line Gross head (elevation change) along surveyed stream reach is 313 feet. ----c=:====::=:J Feet 1,000 2,000 Kogoluktuk River Combined Orthophoto and Contour Map November 12 , 2010 -5' Contour Line Gross head (elevation change) along surveyed stream reach is 87 feet. ---.:::====:J Feet 0 1 ,000 2,000 AVEC Cosmos Hills Hydropower Study-Summer-Fall 2010 Report Appendix B: Reconnaissance Report: Wetlands and Other Waters of the United States Cosmos Hills, Kobuk River Valley, Alaska Report by Phil Quarterman of WHPacific November 5, 2010 Reconnaissance Report: Wetlands and Other Waters of the United States Prepared for: Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) November 5, 2010 Prepared by: WHPacific, Inc. 300 W. 31 51 • Avenue Anchorage, AK 99503 WHPanfiC Prepared for: Title: Project: Prepared by: WHP Project 539302 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA Brent Petrie, Manager, Community Development Alaska Village Electric Cooperative 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, AK 99503 E-mail address: Reconnaissance Report: Wetlands and Other Waters AVEC Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Pre-Construction Program WHPacific, Inc. 300 W. 31st Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Contact: Philip J. Quarterman, PWS Sr. Wetland Scientist (503) 372-3562 FAX: (503) 526-0775 E-mail address: pquarterman@whpacific.com RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA TABLE OF CONTENTS A INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1 B METHODS ............................................................................................................................. l C GENERAL CHARACTERIZATION OF STUDY AREAS .............................................. 3 D DESCRIPTION OF WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS IN STUDY AREA ........... 5 EXHIBITS Wetlands Study Maps: I. Cosmos Creek South, Central and North 2. Dahl Creek South and North 3. Wesley Creek South, Central and North APPENDICES Appendix A: Exhibits Appendix B: Site Photographs Appendix C: Field Data Log WHP Project 539302 A INTRODUCTION RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA This report documents the findings of a field reconnaissance of wetlands and "other waters" (streams) in connection with the Cosmos Hills Pre-Construction Program. Field studies were conducted in summer 2010 on potential hydropower sites on three streams in the Cosmos Hills: Cosmos Creek, Dahl Creek, and Wesley Creek study areas. See Appendix A for maps of the respective study areas. The estimated linear distance of the study areas are as follows: • Cosmos Creek: 3.8 miles • Dahl Creek: 2.2 miles • Wesley Creek: 4.0 miles Each study area averages an estimated 0.5 mile in width. This report provides data and mapping that identifies and locates stream channels and wetlands at reconnaissance level of accuracy, and characterizes wetland habitats. Stream channels and wetlands are mapped on an aerial photograph base. A detailed delineation of wetlands and streams is not required until a project site has been identified, as part of the preliminary engineering phase. This study will provide information for the planning process and selection of the preferred project site. B METHODS Field Reconnaissance: The field reconnaissance was conducted between July 27 and July 31,2010. The wetland team consisted of Philip Quarterman, (Sr. Wetland Scientist, WHPacific) assisted by three field technicians (NANA shareholders) from the Village of Kobuk. They were accompanied by Brian Yanity (WHPacific Project Manager), Casey Storey (WHPacific Fisheries Biologist) and Jeremiah Drage (Golder Associates, Geotechnical Engineer). The Cosmos Creek study area was reached by a helicopter provided by Pollux Aviation, as there is no road access to the site. During the flight, the helicopter flew up and down the Dahl Creek, Wesley Creek, and Cosmos Creek study areas to provide a general overview to the team. The Wesley Creek study area was accessed either by 4-wheel trail (the lower section), or by the Bornite Mine access road, which crosses the upper part. The Dahl Creek study area was accessed by 4-wheel trail. Where vehicular access was not immediately available, we accessed the streams and wetland features on foot. We identified wetland areas based on the Corps of Engineers 3-parameter approach of the 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual and the 2007 Regional Supplement for the Alaska WHP Project 539302 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA Region. We initially identified areas with hydrophytic vegetation, and perfonned further investigation to detennine whether wetland hydrology and hydric soils were present. We located representative data plots sufficient to characterize both wetland and non- wetland habitats. We recorded data on vegetation, hydrology and soils in a notebook, and recorded latitude and longitude coordinates using a hand-help GPS unit. The level of accuracy depended on overhead cover, and varied from as close as plus or minus 20 feet to as much as plus or minus 60 feet. The GPS coordinates are intended to locate the plots in a general way within a given cover type which could later be identified on color aerial photograph images. We also took photographs at each plot. We similarly located the Ordinary High Water Line along the streams in several locations, and recorded data on adjacent riparian plant communities, channel and floodplain morphology, and topography, along with photographs. Mapping Methods: Each study area was flown by AeroMetric on August 24, 2010, and true color aerial photographs were developed from these flights. After fall leaf drop, the study areas were flown again using LIDAR technology, and contour maps were developed at I foot interval on the aerial photo base. WHPacific developed aerial photo-based maps of the study areas at a scale of 1 inch= 400 feet. Data plot locations were plotted on the maps. We then analyzed the aerial photo color and texture signatures of the different plant communities and areas of open water, together with the information from the data plots to identify known wetland areas and stream channels. We also analyzed the contour maps, both at I foot and 5 foot contour intervals, and correlated that infonnation with the vegetation and open water signatures. We used this information to identify wetland areas that had not been sampled during the field reconnaissance, and corresponded with known areas based on vegetation signatures and topography. Using the combination of aerial photo signatures and topographic data, we hand-drew the boundaries of wetland polygons and steam channels on the maps. We distinguished and classified the different wetland plant communities using the US Fish and Wildlife Service wetland classification (Cowardin system). The main stream channels, including major secondary channels, were mapped. We also mapped secondary stream channels identified during the field reconnaissance, and distinguished perennial from intermittent streams. The polygons were digitized to produce the set of wetland maps (see Appendix A). The polygons were labeled according to the Cowardin classification system as follows: • PEM: Palustrine Emergent wetland • PSSI: Palustrine Shrub-Scrub, Broad-Leaved Deciduous wetland WHP Project 539302 2 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA • PF04: • POW: • R3: • R4 • u Palustrine Forested, Needle-Leaved Evergreen wetland Palustrine Open Water wetland Upper Perennial stream Intermittent stream Upland Source: Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, F.C. Golet, and E.T. LaRoe 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. U.S.D.l. Fish and Wildlife Service. FWS/OBS-79/31. Note: Upland polygons are only shown on the maps where they occur on the valley floor to distinguish them from adjacent wetlands. C GENERAL CHARACTERIZATION OF STUDY AREAS Topography: The study areas consist of three stream corridors, including floodplains, low terraces, and adjacent slopes. Each of the study areas is bordered by the Cosmos Hills, which rise to elevations of over 3,000 feet. The study areas range from approximately 800 feet elevation at the upper end to 300 feet at the lower end. Portions of each study area are confined within fairly narrow, steep valleys. Other portions have significant floodplains, particularly the lower ends, where the valleys open out into the broad Kobuk River plain. Low, flat to slightly sloping benches are present next to the streams in places. Hydrology: Each of the streams originates in the center divide of the Cosmos Hills. Flow occurs approximately six months of each year, with break-up occurring most years in May. Stream channels are mostly single, but may diverge into two channels of similar width. Secondary channels with seasonal or flood-event flow also occur. Several tributaries exist along each of the study area reaches. Several of them have flow throughout the summer and fall until freeze-up, while others flow only seasonally and dry up during mid-summer. These small tributaries may enter the main streams as a single channel, or may diverge into multiple channels, or even go underground in alluvial fans. The sources of flow are snow-melt, melting of near-surface ice within the active zone, and precipitation. As summer precipitation is relatively low, snow-melt and ice-melt are the primary sources, although occasional major storm events cause sudden increases in stream flow. There are also many areas of springs and seeps along slopes and benches adjacent to the streams that contribute to base-flow. High water tables or surface ponding develop in flat to slightly depressional areas in floodplains and low benches along the streams where water from springs and seeps accumulates. WHP Project 539302 3 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA Soils: Soils have developed from weathering of local rock materials, stream-deposited alluvium and colluvium from local mass wasting and earth movement, together with accumulation of organic material. Organic materials typically form a thin surface un- decomposed or partially decomposed active layer, due to the short season of biological activity. Floodplain and bench soils tend to be gravelly or fine sandy loam texture, often with an organic component. Within the active channels, there has been little soil development. Plant Communities: Five distinct woody plant communities were identified in the project area, following the classification in Alaska Trees and Shrubs (2nd. Edition) (Viereck and Little, 2007). They are as follows: • Closed Spruce-Hardwood Forest (White spruce type) • Open Low-Growing Spruce Forest (Black spruce type) • Floodplain Shrub Thickets • Birch-Alder-Willow Thickets • Moist Tundra Plants are identified by their common and scientific names following the nomenclature in Viereck and Little, with their Wetland Indicator Status (WIS) according to the National List of Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands: 1988 National Summary (US Fish and Wildlife Service, 1988). The dominant tree and shrub species in the Closed Spruce-Hardwood Forest community are white spruce ( Picea glauca, FACU), Alaska paper birch (Betula neoalaskana, FACU), balsam poplar (Populus balsam(fera, FACV), bog blueberry (Vaccinium uliginosum, FAC), narrowleaf Labrador-tea (Ledum decumbens, FACW), crowberry (Empetrum nigrum, FAC), prickly rose (Rosa acicularis, FACU), and various willows (Salix spp. FAC-FACW). The understory is fairly open, and the ground is covered with a thick carpet of mosses. This community occupies low benches along the streams and lower slopes. Soils are typically well-drained and gravelly. White spruce cover is dense and robust in places, with dbh up to 12-18 inches, and 90 feet in height. Typically, this community is non-wetland. The dominant tree and shrub species in the Open Low-Growing Spruce Forest community are black spruce (Picea mariana, FACW), Labrador-tea (Ledum groenlandicum, FACW), crowberry, bog blueberry, mountain cranberry (Vaccinum vitis- idaea, FAC), resin birch (Betula glandulosa, FAC), dwarf Arctic birch (Betula nana, FAC), bush cinquefoil (Dasiphorafruticosa, FAC), and various willows. White spruce is also present in smaller amounts. The trees are typically spindly and short. The herbaceous layer dominants are various sedges (Carex spp., FAC-OBL) and bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis, FAC), underlain with a thick mat of mosses. This community occupies poorly-drained level areas along the streams or on lower slopes where seepage and runoff from the slopes accumulates. Soils are typically high in WHP Project 539302 4 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA organic material. These areas are typically wetlands. The corresponding Cowardin class is typically PF04 (Palustrine Forested, Needle-Leaved Evergreen). The dominant woody species in Floodplain Shrub Thickets are Siberian alder (Alnus fruticosa, FAC), red osier dogwood (Comus stolonifera, FACW), and numerous willow species (FAC-FACW). This community is found on floodplains with alluvial soils that are periodically flooded. The herbaceous layer dominants are various sedges and bluejoint. These areas are frequently, but not exclusively, wetlands. Where determined to be wetland, the corresponding Cowardin class is PSS I (Palustrine Shrub-Scrub, Broad- Leaved Deciduous). The dominant woody species in Birch-Alder-Willow Thickets are Siberian alder, resin birch, dwarf Arctic birch, bog blueberry, crowberry, narrow-leaf Labrador tea, Steven spiraea (Spiraea stevenii, FAC), and various willows. This community is found mostly on north-facing hillsides in the project area, and forms dense, low-growing stands. The alder tends to be found in wetland areas, such as intermittent drainages, and the other species in drier sites. Alder thickets are classified as PSS I under the Cowardin system. The dominant woody species in the Moist Tundra community are Siberian alder, resin birch, dwarf Arctic birch, narrow-leaf Labrador tea, bog blueberry, mountain cranberry, and various willows. The Moist Tundra community is found both on level benches where seepage and runoff accumulate, and on drier north-facing slopes. It forms a low- growing shrub layer over an herbaceous layer dominated by sedges, most commonly Bigelow's sedge (Carex bigelowii, FAC), and in the level, wetter sites, sedges and cottongrass (Eriophorum spp., OBL). The Moist Tundra type found on benches is typically wetland, the slope areas typically non-wetland. Where determined to be wetland, the corresponding Cowardin class is PSS 1/PEM (Palustrine Shrub-Scrub, Broad-Leaved Deciduous/Palustrine Emergent). In a few locations, small areas of Palustrine Emergent wetland were found, intergrading into open water, shrub-scrub, forested wetland types. They are typically dominated by cottongrass (Eriophorum ,~pp., OBL) and sedges (Carex .~pp. FAC-OBL). These areas are classified as Eriophorum-Carex Wet Meadow under The Alaska Vegetation Classification (L.A. Viereck, C.T. Dyrness, A.R. Batten and K.J. Wenzlick, US Forest Service PNW Research Station, July 1992). 0 DESCRIPTION OF WETLANDS AND STREAMS IN STUDY AREAS Cosmos Creek: The southernmost reach of the Cosmos Creek study area flows through a broad alluvial floodplain. The floodplain consists of a complex of shrub-scrub and forested wetlands dominated by spruce (mainly black spruce), willows, birches, Labrador tea, and alder. The stream mostly occupies a single channel, with occasional secondary channels, either active or historic. WHP Project 539302 5 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA In the central reach of the study area, the valley narrows as the stream gradient increases. The stream again occupies mostly a single channel. There is one large historic channel that has developed into a forest/shrub-scrub wetland. Warren Creek, a small perennial stream, and a smaller intermittent stream, enter from the north side. A complex of forested and shrub-scrub wetlands has developed in a floodplain area on the south bank, apparently supported by overflow from the channel. The upper reach continues as a mostly single, higher gradient channel in a narrow valley. Two unnamed streams enter from the east side. Some areas of shrub-scrub wetland have developed in the floodplain, especially where small streams enter the main channel. There is an extensive fairly open shrub-scrub and emergent moist tundra wetland on a low bench on the west side at the upper end of the study area. Dahl Creek: The lower reach of the Dahl Creek study area occupies mostly a single channel. There are a few small forested or shrub-scrub wetlands that have developed in historic channels or floodplains. For the most part, Dahl Creek has low sinuosity and relatively high gradient. The same type of channel is found in the upper reach of the study area, with no adjacent wetlands until the upper half. Two extensive linear shrub-scrub/emergent wetlands have developed on a low bench on the east bank, supported by seepage discharging from the base of the hillside. The dominant plant species include black spruce, willows, alder, bog blueberry, bluejoint, sedges and cottongrass. There is also a shrub-scrub/emergent wetland with a small pond on the west bank, near where a 4WD trail crosses the stream. Near the upstream end of the study area, extensive shrub-scrub and emergent wetlands have developed on low benches above the channel, apparently supported again by discharge from seeps. Wesley Creek: The lower reach of Wesley Creek follows a somewhat meandering course with areas of shrub-scrub and forested wetlands in places along the floodplain. There is one place where flow appears to be blocked, possibly by beaver dams, and water has ponded up in a broad area around an island between a split channel. The central reach follows a less sinuous course, with a higher gradient. A large shrub- scrub wetland has developed on an alluvial fan around a small intermittent drainage on the west side. Two small unnamed streams, one of which is perennial, enter from the east side beneath the Bornite Road. An extensive linear shrub-scrub wetland has developed in a historic channel. In the upper part of the study area, the valley opens up into a broader floodplain with shrub-scrub wetlands. Two secondary channels carry flows during storm events or spring run-off. Both have gravelly substrates and shrub-scrub cover consisting of willows and alder. A perennial stream enters from the east side. An extensive wet tundra area with low shrub-scrub and emergent wetlands is located west of the Bornite Road in an area of hillside seeps. WHP Project 539302 6 WHP Project 539302 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA APPENDIX A EXHIBITS 7 Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study +N Wetlands Study w E Cosmos Creek South s • Data Plot Locations Wetlands Classification PEM: Palustrine Emergent PSS1 : Palustrine Shrub-Scrub, Broad-Leaved Deciduous PF04: Palustrine Forested, Needle-Leaved Evergreen POW: Palustrine Open Water R3: Upper Perennial Stream R4: Intermittent Stream :Upland "Mlere two vegetation classes are shown, the first one is the dominant one 1" =400' -----.:===========------Feet 0 500 1,000 1,500 _, Map Complied bye WH-lno.,.,.,_20,2010; Projocflonc IIAD83,AK S1alo Plono Zono&;-P-Soun:ocAeo-llii'Z412010; Dalla PlOt l..caiHcn: Da1a paHI collcmd bJ GPS; Wlllndl Claulftcatlon Layer: Delineated by Phi Quarterman _,d ltgllzed by Paul• HElen Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study +N Wetlands Study w E Cosmos Creek Central s • Data Plot Locations Wetlands Classification PEM: Palustrine Emergent PSS 1: Palustrine Shrub-Scrub, Broad-Leaved Deciduous PF04: Palustrine Forested, Needle-Leaved Evergreen POW: Palustrine Open Water R3: Upper Perennial Stream R4: Intermittent Stream u: Upland "Where two vegetation classes are shown, the first one is the dominant one 1" = 400' ••••••c::====::::J••••••Feet 0 500 1,000 1,500 _, Map Complied b1: WHPaclflc,lnc., Odober2U, 2010; Prqection: NAD83,AKB*alaP!aN Zo,.8,1VIIIal PhokiSouroe:NroMebic, 0812412010; 0o1a Pto1 L-oo l>olo--· 11¥ GPS; Wo-CIMCIICdon ~.,..,._II¥ Phi Oualtonnon and-II¥ Poulo HoNen Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study +N Wetlands Study w E Cosmos Creek North s • Data Plot Locations Wetlands Classification PEM: Palustrine Emergent PSS 1: Palustrine Shrub-Scrub, Broad-Leaved Deciduous PF04: Palustrine Forested, Needle-Leaved Evergreen POW: Palustrine Open Water R3: Upper Perennial Stream R4: Intermittent Stream u: Upland 'Where two vegetation classes ere shown, the first one is the dominant one 1" = 400' ........ ~========~--------F~ 0 500 1,000 1,600 -= MlpCompllodllf: WH-Inc.,ec-21,2010; "'-' NADI3,AKIIIaltPIIne lionel:-P--A-08/2AIZ010; DR Plot..-.: !-.p!W111-bfGPS:--lol'll: DollraltdbrPNI-onddll-brPUI- . ' .... ·.:c•-··.::..;,:::'W••'·iii'~:< Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study +N Wetlands Study w E Dahl Creek South s • Data Plot Locations Wetlands Classification PEM : Palustrine Emergent PSS1 : Palustrine Shrub-Scrub , Broad-Leaved Deciduous PF04: Palustrine Forested, Needle-Leaved Evergreen POW: Palustrine Open Water R3 : Upper Perennial Stream R4 : Intermittent Stream U: Upland "Where two vegetation classes are shown, the flrlll one is the dominant one 1" = 400' .......... -==========-.......... FHt 0 SOD 1,000 1,500 Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study +N Wetlands Study w E Dahl Creek North s • Data Plot Locations Wetlands Classification PEM: Palustrine Emergent PSS1 : Palustrine Shrub-Scrub, Broad-Leaved Deciduous PF04: Palustrine Forested, Needle-Leaved Evergreen POW: Palustrine Open Water R3: Upper Perennial Stream R4: Intermittent Stream u: Upland 'VVhere two vegetation classes are shown, the first one Is the dominant one 1" =400' 0 500 1,000 -MlpCompilodby:-lllc..~21,2010: f'lqeiOixl: NADI3.AK-PiorelonoO;AoltoiP!Kmlloulca:-08/Z412010; Dllll'loi~Dolo .... -byGPS;-~I.Ifi'OI:-byPhi~ancl~by-Hon- Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study +N Wetlands Study w E Wesley Creek South s • Data Plot Locations Wet lands Classificatio n PEM: Palustrine Emergent PSS1 : Palustrine Shrub-Scrub , Broad-Leaved Deciduous PF04: Palustrine Forested, Needle-Leaved Evergreen POW: Palustrine Open Water R3: Upper Perennial Stream R4: Intermittent Stream u: Upland "'Mlere two vegetation classes are shewn , the first one Is the dominant one 1" .. 400' .......... -==========-.......... FHt 0 500 1,000 1,500 -= .... Com-~WH-Ine..~28,2010;-1Wl83,AK--Zcnoe;_I_Souom:_ .......... 10: DoloPiai~DIII--III'GPS:--~~III'PIIIICluott_Md.,..t.,-- Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study +N Wetlands Study w E Wesley Creek Central s • Data Plot Locations Wetlands Cl assi fication PEM: Palustrine Emergent PSS1 : Palustrine Shrub-Scrub, Broad -Leaved Deciduous PF04: Palustrine Forested, Needle-Leaved Evergreen POW: Palustrine Open Water R3: Upper Perennial Stream R4 : Intermittent Stream u: Upland 'Where two vegetation classes are shown, the first one is the dominant one 1" •400' 0 500 1,000 Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study +N Wetlands Study w E : Wesley Creek North s • Data Plot Locations Wetlands Classification PEM: Palustrine Emergent PSS1 : Palustrine Shrub-Scrub, Broad-Leaved Deciduous PF04: Palustrine Forested, Needle-Leaved Evergreen POW: Palustrine Open VVater R3: Upper Perennial stream R4: Intermittent stream u: Upland "'Mlere two vegetation classes are shown, the first one Is the dominant one 1. •400' ........ .c======~ ......... FM 0 500 1,000 1 ,500 -:. MopCamolodbl':-lftc..~2t.201 D;I'Iqod1on:twlOS.N<-PIInolDno8;AotloiP,_ ___ 1D; D*Piii_D* __ iii'GPS:--Uytr:--bi'PNI_..,ond ..... br,__ WHP Project 539302 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA APPENDIX 8 SITE PHOTOGRAPHS All photographs taken from upstream to downstream 8 WHP Project 539302 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA COSMOS CREEK: Plot 2: Moist tundra wetland west of stream Plot 3: Upper Cosmos Creek channel 9 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA Plot 4: Floodplain shrub thicket with small tributary entering. Wetland. hill side in foreground WHP Project 539302 10 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA Plot 8: Looking upstream to upper end of project area. Island and secondary channel Plot 8: Looking downstream to narrower canyon . Moist tundra on NW-facing hillside, mixed spruce-hardwood forest on SE-facing hillside WHP Project 539302 11 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA Higher bench in narrow part of canyon. Well-developed white spruce forest. Non-wetland Plot 12: Floodplain shrub thicket with willow , bluejoint. Wetland. WHP Project 539302 12 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, AlASKA Plot 11: Channel downstream from Warren Creek confluence. Willow/alder riparian, low bench with white spruce. Non-wetland. Plot 10: At 4WD trail ford, channel and floodplain shrub thicket. Wetland WHP Project 539302 13 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA Plot 10: Floodplain shrub thicket, willow, alder, resin birch. Wetland. Plot 10: Looking downstream from ford. More floodplain shrub thicket in background. Wetland. Moist tundra in the foreground . WHP Project 539302 14 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA DAHL CREEK Plot 11: Divided channel, floodplain shrub thicket, willow. Upper end of project area Plot 10: Open bench area with willow, bluejoint. Standing water. Wetland. WHP Project 539302 15 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA Plot 9: Pond near 4WD trail ford. Willow, sedges, bluejoint. Wetland. Plot 7: Open willow, cottongrass and sedge area with water at surface. Wetland. WHP Project 539302 16 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA Alder, willow riparian. White spruce, Alaska paper birch on slopes. Non-wetland. Plot 4: Channel of small intermittent tributary crosses trail. Stream to left. Wetland. WHP Project 539302 17 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA Looking downstream. High gradient channel. Sloping riparian bench. Non-wetland. WESLEY CREEK Plot 9: Wet tundra with alder, blueberry, Labrador-tea, dwarf birch, sedge. Wetland WHP Project 539302 18 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA Plot 10: Stream channel, floodplain shrub thicket (w i1low ). Wetland. Plot 11: Stream channel, looking upstream WHP Project 539302 19 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA Plot 12: Secondary channel, standing water, willow, bluejoint, sedges. Floodplain shrub thicket, alder, willow. Wetland WHP Project 539302 20 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, AlASKA Plot 18: View from Bornite Road. Open floodplain area with standing water, shrub thicket (willow). Wetland. Plot 20: Perennial tributary enters stream from east WHP Project 539302 21 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA Plot 5: Wesley Creek at confluence with tributary from northeast. Large white spruce. Non-wetland Plot 21: Creek channel. Riparian area with white spruce, willow, alder. Non-wetland. WHP Project 539302 22 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA Plot 22: Alluvial fan of small tributary. Shrub thicket of willow. Wetland. I Plot 3: Floodplain shrub thicket with open areas. Willow, blueberry, bluejoint, bush cinquefoil. Wetland. WHP Project 539302 23 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA Plot 2: Floodplain forest, white spruce, willow, alder, blueberry. Non-wetland. Wesley Creek channel at 4WD trail ford, looking upstream. WHP Project 539302 24 WHP Project 539302 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA APPENDIX C FIELD DATA LOG 25 COSMOS CREEK PLOT# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 WHP Project 539302 LAT 67 00 22.6 67 00 17.4 67 00 15.2 67 00 12.6 67 00 09.4 67 00 08.7 67.00111 66 59 59.4 66 59 50.1 66 58 50.5 66 59 11.9 66.98762 66 59 17.8 66.99013 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA LONG DESCRIPTION 157 06 26.0 (7 /27) Willow, floodplain, confluence of small trib. Calamagrostis, Aconitum 157 06 33.0 Bench by Cosmos Creek. Carex bigelowii, Salix spp., Alnus, Dasiphorum, Vaccinium. Sat. @ 4 in. Sandy loam, 2.5Y 4/1 w/ redox. WETLAND. Game trail higher, NON-WETLAND 157 06 31.4 S. side, OHWL 157 06 35.0 Alluvial fan, small stream. Sat. @ 10 in. silt loam w/ redox, 10YR 4/2. Alnus thick, Calamagrostis, Ribes sp., Spiraea sp., Salix spp. WETLAND 157 06 36.9 Small creek, alder, willow. Channel plus intermittent branches. WETLAND within alder thicket 157 06 41.1 Willow, alder thicket, alluvial fan. Small creek, trickle of water 157.11383 Narrower channel, canyon. Higher gradient. Willow, alder riparian. Secondary channel, south side 157 06 52.8 Top of rock. Views up and downstream 157 06 51.1 Small creek 157 11 10.6 (7 /28) Starting downstream end. Floodplain, minor channels, ford 4WD trail. Sa I ix/V acci n i u m/ AI n us/E quisetu m/Ca Ia magrostis Sat. @ 4 in. Silt loam, 2.5Y 4/1 w/ 10YR 4/4 redox (25%) WETLAND 157 09 59.5 Downstream from Warren Creek confluence. Well drained sandy loam. Picea glauco (big, 12 in dbh), Salix, Alnus, Betula pap. Low bench, NON- WETLAND except two small secondary channels (old) 157.15791 Willow, Calamagrostis opening in spruce forest. Also Dasiphora. Sat @ 4 in., histosol, lOYR 2/1. WETLAND 157 09 17.6 Same as Plot 12. Carex aquatilis. Area of Picea mariana between Plots 12 and 13. WETLAND 157.15134 Stream channel. Flood channel with OHWL 30 feet to S. 26 15 16 DAHL CREEK PLOT# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 WHP Project 539302 66 59 26.0 66.99361 LAT. 66 57 05.9 66 57 03.3 66 57 03.0 66 57 11.9 66 57 39.6 66 57 53.5 66 57 55.6 66 58 02.4 66 58 08.2 66 58 13.9 66 58 18.0 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA 157 08 51.4 Secondary channel, island. Willow 157.13922 High bench, narrow canyon, higher gradient. Picea glauco, Alnus, Betula pap., B. nona, Vaccinium uliginosum NON-WETLAND LONG. 156 53 39.9 (7/29) ATV crossing. High gradient stream. Riparian zone sloping. Alnus, Salix, Betula pap., Populus bal., Calamagrostis, Epilobium angustifolium, Picea glauco. NON-WETLAND 156 54 01.5 Historic excavated channel remnant, 8-20ft. wide. Salix, Calamagrostis. NON-WETLAND 156 54 08.3 Stream near powerhouse location. Riparian same as Plot 1 156 53 43.9 Casey's midpoint. 2 p.m. Going upstream from middle of study area. Secondary channel of small intermittent trib. Salix, Alnus, Equisetum, Potentilla palustris, Carex spp. Surface water source is small trib. 156 52 56.0 Road crossing, steep sides. Salix, Alnus. Picea, Betula pap. higher upslope 156 52 39.8 Small pocket draining off hillside. Calamagrostis, Picea mariana, Alnus, Vaccinium uti. Water at surface. WETLAND 156 52 35.3 Pocket with water at surface. Carex, Eriophorum sp., Salix spp. Another about 100 m further on. WETLAND 156 52 29.0 Similar to Plot 7. Springs draining off hillside. Salix, Calamagrostis, Eriophorum. WETLAND 156 52 22.3 Near ford. Pond with Salix, Calamagrostis, Carex. WETLAND 156 52 05.6 Big open area. Pocket of standing water on bench. Small trickles to creek. Salix, Picea, Calamagrostis, Carex. WETLAND 156 52 01.9 Divided channel, island. Salix spp. 27 WESLEY CREEK PLOT# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 WHP Project 539302 LAT 66 57 14.6 66 57 14.3 66 57 17.0 66 58 34.7 66 58 33.7 66 58 25.8 66 58 36.1 66 58 55.9 66 59 36.3 66 59 36.6 66 59 30.3 66 59 26.2 66 59 25.2 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA LONG. 157 01 20.6 (7 /30) OHWL on creek 157 01 19.9 Picea glauco, Salix, Alnus, Vaccinium. Soil gravelly. Some redox. Not saturated. Floodplain. NON-WETLAND 157 01 08.8 Floodpain. Open Salix, Vaccinium, Calamagrostis, Dasiphorum. Saturated @ 2 in. Organic/sandy soil over gravel. Strong redox @ 6 in. WETLAND 156 59 07.0 Mid-section of study area. Small trib. @ main road crossing (culvert) plus small spring on ATV trail 156 59 10.0 Wesley Creek @ trib. Confluence. Bench well above creek. Picea glauco, Alnus, Salix. Picea big, up to 16 in. dbh, 100ft. high NON-WETLAND 156 59 14.7 Small intermittent trib. w/ Calamagrostis, Salix, Alnus 156 59 10.2 Small spring 20ft. from creek on bench. Salix, Alnus, Picea glauco. Same on other side of creek, bench 156 58 49.0 Creek crossing. Bench both sides. Alnus, Salix, Betula pap. 156 58 51.7 Upper end of study area. Alpine tundra. Alnus, Vaccinium, Ledum, Betula nona, Carex bigelowii, Arctuos plus lichens. Saturated @ 2 in. 8 in. organic layer over gravel. Some seepage onto road. WETLAND 156 58 43.1 Creek OHWL, secondary channel also. Salix scrub on floodplain, both sides. Saturated to surface, water table @ 9 in. Some standing water. Salix, Calamagrostis, Potentil/a palustris. Sand/gravel. 2.5Y 4/1. WETLAND 156 58 44.9 Alnus (closed canopy) scrub, Spiraea below road. Saturated to surface. 0-6 in. organic soil, 6-10 in. fine sandy loam. 2.5Y 4/1 with redox. Rock below 10 in. Stream plus WETLAND 156 58 48.1 Secondary channel (artificial?). Salix, Calamagrostis, Carex sp., Equisetum. Below road. Standing water. WETLAND. Berm next to channel about 200ft. wide, Alnus, Salix. NON- WETLAND 156 58 49.2 Alnus, Spiraea west of road. Saturated @ 4 in. 1- 28 14 66 59 21.4 15 66 59 17.0 16 66 59 16.4 17 66 59 15.8 18 66 59 11.6 19 66 58 55.8 20 66 59 07.2 21 66 58 18.6 22 66 58 15.7 WHP Project 539302 RECONNAISSANCE REPORT: WETLANDS AND OTHER WATERS COSMOS HILLS, KOBUK RIVER VALLEY, ALASKA chroma soil w/ redox. Fine sandy loam. WETLAND 156 58 50.1 Standing water below road. Salix beyond to channel, and past it. WETLAND 156 58 47.5 Continued secondary channel with Salix, Calamagrostis. Some standing water among rock in channel. Berm with Alnus. 156 58 44.6 Secondary channel past berm (wide). Salix/gravel. Not saturated. Another low floodplain berm. NON-WETLAND 156 58 42.1 Main channel. Salix in floodplain with Alnus. NON-WETLAND 156 58 47.5 View over floodplain from road. Open, plus Salix. Standing water at base of road prism. WETLAND 156 58 45.5 From bridge, up 4WD trail. Alnus, sloping on left. NON-WETLAND 156 58 35.5 Perennial trib. From above Wesley Creek. 156 59 25.2 (7 /31) Mid-section off smaii4WD trail. Stream channel, riparian zone, raised slightly, sloping. Big Picea glauco, Alnus, Salix. NON-WETLAND 156 59 29.1 Large shrub field in alluvial fan, outwash from tributary. Salix, Calamagrostis, Potentilla palustris. Water flowing under surface. WETLAND 29 AVEC Cosmos Hills Hydropower Study-Summer-Fall 2010 Report Appendix C: Reconnaissance Fisheries Report Report by Casey Storey of WHPacific November 17, 2010 Updated June 1, 2011 Appendix C Reconnaissance Fisheries Report Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Prepared for Alaska Village Electric Cooperative Funded in part by: Alaska Energy Authority Renewable Energy Fund Grant #2195413 November 1, 2010 Updated June 1, 2011 Prepared by WHPacific 9755 S.W. Barnes Road Portland, Oregon 97225 Prepared for: Title: Project: Prepared by: Brent Petrie, Manager, Community Development Alaska Village Electric Cooperative Cosmos Hills Fisheries Resources Report AVEC Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study WHPacitic 9755 SW Barnes Road, Suite 300 Portland, Oregon 97225 Contact: Casey M. Storey (503) 372-3648 FAX: (503) 526-0775 E-mail address: cstorcv(iihvhpacific.com TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Location and Site Conditions ................................................................................................ 4 2.0 METHODS ...................................................................................................................................... 4 3.0 RESULTS ........................................................................................................................................ 5 3.1 Habitat .............................................................................................................................. 5 3.2 Water Quality ................................................................................................................... 7 3.3 Fisheries resources ........................................................................................................... 8 4.0 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION .......................................................................................... 10 5.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 11 LIST OF FIGURES Figure I Figure 2 Figure 3 Study Area and Sample Reach Map Cosmos Creek Study Area and Sample Reach Map Wesley Creek Study Area and Sample Reach Map Dahl Creek Appendix A: Figures Appendix B: Photographs Appendix C: Field Data APPENDICES 1.0 Introduction This report presents the results of a fisheries and fish habitat survey conducted in the Cosmos Hills, Alaska as part of an analysis of feasibility for hydropower sites on three streams. Three reaches were established and sampled on Cosmos Creek, Dahl Creek, and Wesley Creek. Within each reach, fish populations were sampled, habitat conditions were documented, and water quality parameters were measured and recorded. A general assessment of habitat conditions and a general population abundance of fish species in each reach are provided. 1.1 Location and Site Conditions The project study area is located in the Cosmos Hills north of the Kobuk River plain and north of the towns of Kobuk and Shugnak, AK. Each of the studied streams originates on the southern flank of the Cosmos Hills in approximately parallel valleys. Site elevation ranges from 300 feet at the most downstream reaches to 700-800 feet for the upstream most sample reaches. Sample reaches were placed in proximity to potential water intake locations (upstream-most or upper reach), a portion of the middle of the potential project reach for each stream (middle sample reach), and near the potential presumed tailrace (downstream-most or lower reach). The middle and upper sample reaches for Wesley Creek are in close proximity to one another due to site accessibility. All other sample reaches are distinctly separate from one another within each respective watershed. 2.0 Methods An agency meeting was held on July 23, 20 I 0 to discuss the summer fieldwork. Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries, Alaska Department of Natural Resources, and other resource agencies were present at the meeting. During the meeting, fisheries fieldwork methods were presented and agencies asked questions and commented. In addition, written fisheries fieldwork protocols were transmitted to ADF&G on August 5 and 8, 2010. Additional resources including the ADF&G sample database and ADF&G website for fish run timing and potential species presence identification were employed. Sampling and survey of selected stream reaches was conducted between 27 and 31 July, 20 I 0. Start points for stream sample reaches were located with topographic maps and via aerial helicopter visual survey. Stream reach sample lengths were standardized by multiplying the mean wetted channel width by 40 as recommended by Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) personnel (Bob Piorkowski, ADFG, pers. comm., 2010). Fish sampling was completed utilizing a Smith Root LR-24 backpack electrofisher, dipnet, and/or 6'X 8' haul seine. All habitat safely accessed by wading was sampled and sampling was completed moving upstream through the reach. Only a single pass with the backpack electrofisher was made through any habitat. All fish collected were identified, measured to fork length (salmonids) or standard length (cottids), and released downstream of unsampled areas. 4 Multiple water quality parameters were analyzed at each sample reach prior to habitat measurement and fish sampling. Water quality parameters measured included, pH (standard units), dissolved oxygen (DO) (g/L), temperature (Celsius), turbidity (NTU), conductivity (s/cm), oxidation reduction potential (ORP) (mV), and total dissolved solids (TDS) (giL). All parameters were measured utilizing a Horiba Multi-Parameter Sonde model U22XD-2. At the conclusion of the fish sampling effort for each reach, general habitat conditions and summary notes were made. A general assessment of habitat types, general flow conditions, location and association of fish within particular habitats, riparian habitat, substrate, and other notable observations were recorded in field notebooks. A site sketch of each reach was made for each reach as well. 3.0 Results Sample reaches are depicted for each stream in Appendix A, Figures I, 2, and 3. 3.1 Habitat Habitat conditions between streams and between each sample reach within each stream varied with the riparian habitat type, gradient, and amount of cover afforded by woody debris, large diameter substrate, and turbulence. In general, the downstream most stream reaches within each stream were similar in that the gradient of these reaches was lower in contrast to middle and upstream reaches, the riparian vegetation was dominated by willows and the cover afforded by larger boulders was not significant. At Wesley Creek and Cosmos Creek, the substrate within the lower reaches is dominated by cobbles and gravels, while at the lower reach of Dahl Creek, the substrate is dominated by larger cobbles and small boulders-the gradient is also significantly higher. Riffle habitat dominates in the lower reach of Cosmos Creek and Dahl Creek with approximately I 0 percent ofthe habitat characterized as pool (plunge pool). The majority ofthe habitat in the lower reach of Wesley Creek is also riffle dominated, but a significant component of glide or run habitat and slow deep pools is also notable in this reach. The middle reach for each stream was comparable in regards to riparian vegetation, but not in general habitat conditions. Significant components of spruce (Picea spp.), alder (Alnus spp.), and willow (Salix spp.) make up the riparian forest community along each of these stream reaches. The middle reach of Cosmos Creek was located downstream of significant valley and channel confinement and was dominated by cobble and gravel substrate, moderate velocity riffles, overhanging vegetation, and some side channel development. The middle reaches of Wesley and Dahl Creek were significantly different from that of Cosmos Creek with large cascading riffles and plunges pools over large boulders as the primary habitat in each. Woody debris and overhanging vegetation is an important habitat component in both the middle reach of Wesley and Dahl Creek. The upper reaches of each stream are significantly different from one another. The upper reach of Cosmos Creek is characterized by cobbles, large cobbles, and boulders of all sizes. The gradient ofthis stream reach is high, plunge pools are abundant, and the riparian area is 5 dominated by willows, birch, and alder. The width of the channel in this reach limits the cover effect by the riparian shrub community. Side channels are common in the upper reach of Cosmos Creek. The upper reach of Wesley Creek is characterized by very high velocity flows, swift cascades, and stair-stepped deep plunge pools. Willows and alders dominate the riparian forest and provide significant aerial cover for fish. The geomorphic position of the upper reach of Dahl Creek is on a high bench within the Dahl Creek valley. Due to this position the upper reach of Dahl Creek is characterized by moderate gradient riffles, gravels and cobbles, and a shrub dominated riparian community. A large cut bank or bank failure is found within this reach. Channel meanders and remnant side channels are present within and in proximity to the sample reach. Table 1 below provides the location, dimensions and general habitat conditions of each site sampled in the overall study. Table 1. Sample Locations and General Habitat Conditions Channel Dominant Dominant Dominant Field Number Location Width/Sample Riparian Substrate(s) Habitat Type Reach Length Vegetation CMS 10-01 Upper Reach of 34'Wide Cobbles and Riffle and Cosmos Creek 1360'Long Willow boulders cascading riffle CMS 10-02 Lower Reach of 34' Wide Cobble and Riffle ( ~0 I 0% Cosmos Creek and Willow A TV stream ford 1360'Long gravel pools) CMS 10-03 Middle Reach of 27' Wide Spruce, alder, Cobble and Riffle Cosmos Creek 1080'Long willow gravel CMS 10-04 Lower Reach of 27'Wide Willow, Cobble, Riffle, Dahl Creek 1080'Long alder, birch boulder, cascading riffle gravel Middle Reach of Boulder, CMS 10-05 Dahl Creek in 21'Wide Spruce, alder, large cobble, Cascading Narrows 840'Long willow gravel in riffle, cataract margms CMS 10-06 Lower Reach of 27'Wide Willow, Cobble, Riffle, glide, Wesley Creek at ATV ford 1160'Long some spruce gravel pool CMS I 0-07 Middle Reach of 22' Wide Boulder, Wesley Creek 880'Long Alder, spruce cobble, Cascading riffle gravel CMS 10-08 Upper Reach of 19'Wide Alders and Cobble, Cascade riffle, Wesley Creek 760'Long willows boulder, riffle 6 upstream of Sparse spruce gravel Bornite Road around middle of reach CMS 10-09 Upper Reach of 23'Wide Willows Gravel, Riffle Dahl Creek 920'Long cobble 3.2 Water Quality Water quality parameters were measured for each stream reach. Parameters are within similar ranges between all stream reaches. Of note are the turbidity readings taken for all or most of the measurements. In our opinion, the values provided are erroneous, as the optically estimated value for all ofthe stream reaches was between 0 and 10 NTUs. All stream segments observed exhibited extreme clarity. We suspect that despite calibration efforts, the portion of the data sonde that records turbidity was damaged or malfunctioning during our field effort. Table 2 provides a summary of water quality parameters for each reach. Table 2. Water Quality Data Field Location pH Con d. DO Turb. Temp. ORP TDS Number (s/cm) (g/L) (NTU) (C) (mV) (g/L) CMS 10-01 Upper Reach of Cosmos 7.62 0.362 II 58.7 8.75 NA 0.21 Creek Lower Reach CMS 10-02 of Cosmos Creek and 7.65 0.309 11.02 24.8 5.87 66 0.2 ATV stream ford CMS 10-03 Middle Reach of Cosmos 7.97 0.312 10.65 31.3 8.51 67 0.2 Creek CMS 10-04 Lower Reach 7.78 0.223 11.42 31.7 4.29 84 0.14 of Dahl Creek CMS 10-05 Middle Reach of Dahl Creek 7.87 0.223 II. I ~10 4.87 78 0.14 in Narrows Lower Reach CMS 10-06 of Wesley 7.51 0.241 NA 42.4 6.07 71 0.14 Creek at ATV ford CMS 10-07 Middle Reach of Wesley 7.75 0.248 10.88 59.7 5.88 84 0.16 Creek CMS 10-08 Upper Reach 7.76 0.267 11.04 35.4 4.71 96 0.17 of Wesley 7 Creek upstream of Bornite Road CMS 10-09 Upper Reach 7.68 0.244 10.97 62 6.48 94 0.16 of Dahl Creek 3.3 Fisheries resources Fish sampling efforts yielded fish at all sample localities with low species diversity and varying abundances between the sites. Only two species were collected during sampling: Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) and slimy sculpin (Coitus cognatus). Slimy sculpins were collected at all sample reaches in Cosmos Creek and the lower reach of Wesley Creek. Dolly Varden were collected within all sample reaches. The highest abundance of fish collected was in the lower two reaches of Dahl Creek with 98 Dolly Varden collected at the downstream most sample reach and 91 Dolly Varden collected in the middle reach. The upper reach of Cosmos Creek also yielded a relatively high abundance of fish collected (37), but the size of the sample reach and level of effort for this reach was significant. General fish abundances based on collection and visual observations were highest in Dahl, then Wesley, and finally Cosmos Creek. Catch efficiencies are difficult to extrapolate and accurately compare between the sites due to the differences in habitat and sampling conditions. Many Dolly Varden were observed, but not collected in the cascading riffle conditions found in upper Cosmos Creek, lower and middle Dahl Creek, and middle and upper Wesley Creek. In addition, visibility in these areas due to the turbulent nature of the cascade habitat made collection by dip net difficult. In contrast, the laminar surface and shallow habitat associated with the lower reaches of Wesley and Cosmos Creek and the middle reach of Cosmos Creek made collection more efficient despite the lower observed abundance of fish in these reaches. At the outset of sampling at the middle reach of Wesley Creek, the backpack electrofisher malfunctioned and could not be used for sampling. Due to this equipment failure our sampling team switched the primary sampling method to the use of a 6' X 8' seine rigged to 6' tall poles or brails. We utilized this seine to make upstream and downstream hauls into and through riffles, runs, and pools. We also employed the seine as a set net, with a member of the sample team herding fish from upstream into the set net and then lifting it up when fish were observed. While this method of sampling was presumably less efficient than the backpack electrofisher for overall habitat sampling, we found its use quite effective in sampling plunge pools and moderate velocity riffles. Dolly Varden were most often collected in association with pools of all kinds. Plunge pools, pools associated with wood debris, and pools at the tail of long riffles yielded the highest number of this species. High velocity plunge pools associated with cascades and cataracts were some of the most productive sampling areas. Dolly Varden collected during the sampling effort ranged in size from 25mm-220mm (fork length). 8 Slimy sculpins, when collected were found in most habitats including riffles, runs, and pools. The size range for this species was 18mm-90mm (standard length). Table 3 below provides a summary offish collection information for each sampled reach. Table 3. Sample Locations, Dates, Effort and Fish Collected by Site Field Reach Methods Effort Salve/in us Cottus Number Location Date Length Used maim a cognatus and Width CMS Upper Reach 34'Wide 10-01 of Cosmos 7/27/2010 1360'Long BPEF 2271 sec II 26 Creek Lower Reach CMS of Cosmos 34' Wide 10-02 Creek and 7/28/20 I 0 1360'Long BPEF 1704 sec 6 13 ATV stream ford CMS Middle 10-03 Reach of 7/28/2010 27' Wide BPEF 1679 sec 12 18 Cosmos 1080'Long Creek CMS Lower Reach 27'Wide 10-04 of Dahl 7/29/2010 1080'Long BPEF 2098 sec 98 0 Creek CMS Middle Reach of 21'Wide 10-05 Dahl Creek 7/29/2010 840'Long BPEF 1596 sec 91 0 in Narrows CMS Lower Reach 10-06 of Wesley 7/30/2010 27'Wide BPEF 1620 sec 5 8 Creek at 1160'Long ATV ford CMS Middle 10-07 Reach of 7/30/2010 22' Wide Seine 40 Hauls 26 0 Wesley 880'Long Creek Upper Reach ~30 CMS of Wesley 19'Wide Hauls 10-08 Creek 7/31/2010 760'Long Seine ~5 Sets 21 0 upstream of ~4 Kick- Bornite Road sets 9 CMS Upper Reach 20 Hauls 10-09 of Dahl 7/31/2010 23'Wide Seine 15 sets 27 0 Creek 920'Long 5 Kick- sets *BPEF Backpack electrofisher 4.0 Discussion and Conclusion Sampling efforts across three unique drainages yielded some general trends in species composition and general habitat conditions. Habitat that is dominated by plunge pools, overhanging vegetation, narrower channels, and larger substrate is favored by fish in all streams. High stream velocity has little obvious impact on the distribution of Dolly Varden in each watershed. In fact, stream velocity appears to be positively correlated with higher Dolly Varden abundances. Dolly Varden are found in all streams and in all studied reaches with varying abundances. Slimy sculpins appear to only be found in Cosmos Creek and the downstream most reach of Wesley Creek. However, the malfunctioning backpack electrofisher prevented the same level of sampling effort at the middle and upper reaches of Wesley Creek to more definitely test the distribution of slimy sculpins in Wesley Creek. Our efforts and observations found that fish abundances were highest at Dahl Creek and Wesley Creek, with lower abundances in Cosmos Creek and the downstream-most reach of Wesley Creek. Our catch of fish per unit of shocking effort was highest in Dahl Creek and lowest in the lower and middle reaches of Cosmos Creek. Based on the results of our surveys and site observations, Dolly Varden can be anticipated to occur upstream of the expected water withdrawal location for each of the stream basins. In addition, slimy sculpin can be anticipated to occur above the expected water withdrawal area at Cosmos Creek. Anecdotal information provided by local residents indicates the confluence (with the Kobuk River) and lower reaches of each of the studied streams as important habitat for a number offish species. According to this information, lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), Dolly Varden, northern pike (Esvx lucius), Arctic grayling (Thymallus arc·ticus) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) at a minimum can be found near the Kobuk River confluence of each stream during different times of the year. Presumably, upstream water diversions will have limited effect on the habitats associated with the near-confluence portions of the streams studied. 10 5.0 References Piorkowski, Robert. July 8, 2010. Personal communication in a telephone call with Casey Storey (WHPacific). Fish Resource Permit Coordinator-Division of Sport Fish, ADF&G I I Appendix A-Figures Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study +N Fish Report w E Cosmos Creek s 0 1,000 - 0 Data Plot Location --Study Reach 2,000 3,000 4,000 Mlp~by: WHPacifk:, h:., ~ 5, 2010; Projlction: NA083,AK StMe Ptenelone &;Aerial Pnoto Sourot~AiroMetric, 0812<4f2010; Dolo_l __ Dolo ...... -.. GPS Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Fish Report Wesley Creek 0 Data Plot Location Study Reach ............ ===========-........... F~ 0 1,000 2,000 s,ooo Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Fish Report DahiCreek s 0 Data Plot Location Study Reach .............. ============~ ............. FM 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 ·-w..p Compiled by WI-FIIeiflc, Inc., Nowwnbef 5, 2010; P~: NADBJ, N< S._, AIM Zan.$; Aa'W Photo ScM..n::.: ~ 0812 .. f20t0; O...Pioll-11111--byGPS Appendix B -Site Photographs Photo 1. Seine utilized for sampling . • ·Photo 3. Downstream most reach of Cosmos Creek at ATV ford looking upstream. -Photo 4. Middle reach of Cosmos Creek looking upstream. Photo 5. Downstream most reach of Wesley Creek at ATV ford and bridge. Looking upstream . Photo 6. Middle reach-Wesley Creek, looking upstream. Photo 7. Upstream most sample reach-Wesley Creek at Bornite Road crossing. Photo 8. Downstream most sample reach-Dahl Creek, looking upstream. Photo 9. Middle reach Dahl Creek -looking upstream. Typical plunge pool habitat for reach. Photo 10. Upper reach of Dahl Creek at downstream end. Typical riparian community and in- stream habitat. Appendix C -Site Location and Fish Collection Data, Stream Reach Sketch Maps Field Sampling UTM 1-UTM2-Fork Total Number Date Northing Westing Genus Species Length Length CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Salve linus malmo 180 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Salve/in us malmo 220 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Salvelinus malmo 160 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Salve linus malmo 170 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Salve linus malmo 39 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Salve/in us malmo 170 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Salvelinus malmo 135 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Salve linus malmo 115 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Salve/in us malmo 145 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Salve/in us malmo 125 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Salvelinus malmo 32 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Cottus cognatus 52 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Cottus cognatus 50 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Cottus cognatus 50 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Cottus cognatus 45 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Cottus cognatus 51 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Cottus cognatus 25 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Cottus cognatus 24 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Cottus cognatus 23 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Cottus cognatus 65 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Cottus cognatus 50 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Cottus cognatus 47 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Cottus cognatus 41 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Cottus cognatus 50 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Cottus cognatus 40 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Cottus cognatus 20 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Cottus cognatus 32 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Cottus cognatus 24 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Cottus cognatus 18 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Cottus cognatus 20 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Cottus cognatus 52 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Cottus cognatus 62 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Cottus cognatus 64 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Cottus cognatus 60 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Cottus cognatus 42 CMS 10-01 7/27/2010 66.999556 157.118361 Cottus cognatus 32 CMS 10-02 7/28/2010 66.980639 157.186306 Salve/in us malmo 120 CMS 10-02 7/28/2010 66.980639 157.186306 Salve linus malmo 118 CMS 10-02 7/28/2010 66.980639 157.186306 Salvelinus malmo 84 CMS 10-02 7/28/2010 66.980639 157.186306 Salve/in us malmo 31 CMS 10-02 7/28/2010 66.980639 157.186306 Salvelinus malmo 83 CMS 10-02 7/28/2010 66.980639 157.186306 Salve linus malmo 25 CMS 10-02 7/28/2010 66.980639 157.186306 Cottus cognatus 64 CMS 10-02 7/28/2010 66.980639 157.186306 Cottus cognatus 68 CMS 10-02 7/28/2010 66.980639 157.186306 Cottus cognatus 54 Field Sampling UTM 1-UTM2-Fork Total Number Date Northing Westing Genus Species Length Length CMS 10-02 7/28/2010 66.980639 157.186306 Cottus cognatus 48 CMS 10-02 7/28/2010 66.980639 157.186306 Cottus cognatus 32 CM510-02 7/28/2010 66.980639 157.186306 Cottus cognatus 46 CMS 10-02 7/28/2010 66.980639 157.186306 Cottus cognatus 41 CM510-02 7/28/2010 66.980639 157.186306 Cottus cognatus 27 CM510-02 7/28/2010 66.980639 157.186306 Cottus cognatus 25 CM510-02 7/28/2010 66.980639 157.186306 Cottus cognatus 23 CMS 10-02 7/28/2010 66.980639 157.186306 Cottus cognatus 24 CMS 10-02 7/28/2010 66.980639 157.186306 Cottus cognatus 26 CMS 10-02 7/28/2010 66.980639 157.186306 Cottus cognatus 52 CMS 10-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Salvelinus malmo 145 CMS 10-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Solvelinus malmo 170 CMS 10-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Solvelinus malmo 130 CM510-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Solve linus malmo 158 CM510-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Salve linus malmo 125 CMS 10-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Solvelinus malmo 133 CMS 10-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Solvelinus malmo 37 CMS 10-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Salve/in us malmo 134 CM510-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Salvelinus malmo 43 CMS 10-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Salvelinus malmo 107 CM510-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Salvelinus malmo 135 CM510-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Salvelinus malmo 41 CM510-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Cottus cognatus 58 CMS 10-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Cottus cognatus 68 CMS 10-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Cottus cognatus 49 CMS 10-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Cottus cognatus 40 CMS 10-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Cottus cognatus 24 CM510-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Cottus cognatus 25 CM510-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Cottus cognatus 26 CM510-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Cottus cognatus 24 CM510-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Cottus cognatus 22 CMS 10-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Cottus cognatus 71 CM510-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Cottus cognatus 57 CMS 10-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Cottus cognatus 73 CMS 10-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Cottus cognatus 54 CM510-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Cottus cognatus 57 CMS 10-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Cottus cognatus 24 CMS 10-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Cottus cognatus 24 CMS 10-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Cottus cognatus 27 CMS 10-03 7/28/2010 66.98689 157.16452 Cottus cognatus 23 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 42 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 155 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 140 CM510-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salve linus malmo 90 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 119 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 78 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 124 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 114 Field Number CMS 10-04 CMS 10-04 CMS 10-04 CMS 10-04 CMS 10-04 CMS 10-04 CMS 10-04 CMS 10-04 CMS 10-04 CMS 10-04 CMS 10-04 CMS 10-04 CMS 10-04 CMS 10-04 CMS 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7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salve linus malmo 125 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 127 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salve linus malmo 90 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salve/in us malmo 104 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salve/in us malmo 107 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salve/in us malmo 104 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 75 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salve linus malmo 74 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 107 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 95 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 68 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 70 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 83 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 92 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 79 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 78 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 74 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 98 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salve/in us malmo 118 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 80 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 68 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 87 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 84 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 68 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 72 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 47 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 60 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 70 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 72 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 45 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 47 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salve/in us malmo 43 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 43 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salve/in us malmo 43 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 44 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 40 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 30 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 40 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 48 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 34 CMS 10-04 7/29/2010 66.95161 156.89946 Salvelinus malmo 37 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 40 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 38 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 35 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 40 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 155 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 112 Field Sampling UTM 1-UTM2-Fork Total Number Date Northing Westing Genus Species Length Length CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 123 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 141 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 125 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 117 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 132 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 118 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 114 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 142 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 113 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 130 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 115 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 105 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 128 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 132 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 136 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 114 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 118 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 103 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 104 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 113 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 108 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 42 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 97 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 63 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 110 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 70 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 65 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 73 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 73 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 62 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 62 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salve linus malmo 60 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salve linus malmo 43 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salve linus malmo 42 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 34 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 43 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 38 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 35 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salve linus malmo 36 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salve linus malmo 32 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salve linus malmo 25 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salve linus malmo 40 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salve linus malmo 40 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 38 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 36 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salve linus malmo 30 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 27 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 30 Field Sampling UTM 1-UTM2-Fork Total Number Date Northing Westing Genus Species Length Length CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 39 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salve linus malmo 34 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 126 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 140 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 155 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 125 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 114 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 157 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 130 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 117 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 120 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 130 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 103 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 108 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 125 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 114 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salve/in us malmo 122 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 117 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 118 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 107 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 113 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 114 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 112 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 122 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 109 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 98 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 103 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 93 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 74 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 72 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 77 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 44 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 40 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 45 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 44 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 44 CMS 10-05 7/29/2010 66.95957 156.88342 Salvelinus malmo 35 CMS 10-06 7/30/2010 66.954056 157.022722 Salvelinus malmo 175 CMS 10-06 7/30/2010 66.954056 157.022722 Salvelinus malmo 155 CMS 10-06 7/30/2010 66.954056 157.022722 Salvelinus malmo 155 CMS 10-06 7/30/2010 66.954056 157.022722 Salvelinus malmo 160 CMS 10-06 7/30/2010 66.954056 157.022722 Salvelinus malmo 175 CMS 10-06 7/30/2010 66.954056 157.022722 Cattus cognatus 68 CMS 10-06 7/30/2010 66.954056 157.022722 Cattus cognatus 57 CMS 10-06 7/30/2010 66.954056 157.022722 Cattus cognatus 90 CMS 10-06 7/30/2010 66.954056 157.022722 Cattus cognatus 64 CMS 10-06 7/30/2010 66.954056 157.022722 Cattus cognatus 58 CMS 10-06 7/30/2010 66.954056 157.022722 Cattus cognatus 63 Field Sampling UTM 1-UTM2· Fork Total Number Date Northing Westing Genus Species Length Length CMS 10-06 7/30/2010 66.954056 157.022722 Cottus cognatus 52 CMS 10-06 7/30/2010 66.954056 157.022722 Cottus cognatus 53 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Sa/velinus malmo 114 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Salvelinus malmo 145 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Salve/in us malmo 125 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Salvelinus malmo 128 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Salvelinus malma 154 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Salvelinus malmo 131 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Salvelinus malma 135 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Salvelinus malma 118 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Salvelinus malmo 128 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Salvelinus malma 111 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Salvelinus malma 123 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Salvelinus malma 128 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Salvelinus malmo 130 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Salvelinus malma 137 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Salvelinus malmo 140 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Salvelinus malma 113 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Salvelinus malmo 130 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Salvelinus malmo 114 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Salvelinus malma 113 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Salve linus malmo 127 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Salvelinus malma 128 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Salvelinus malma 122 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Salvelinus malma 120 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Salve/in us malma 108 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Salvelinus malma 114 CMS 10-07 7/30/2010 66.97648 156.98634 Salve linus malma 128 CMS 10-08 7/31/2010 66.974864 156.984628 Salvelinus maim a 170 CMS 10-08 7/31/2010 66.974864 156.984628 Salve/in us malmo 154 CMS 10-08 7/31/2010 66.974864 156.984628 Salve linus malma 150 CMS 10-08 7/31/2010 66.974864 156.984628 Salve linus malmo 125 CMS 10-08 7/31/2010 66.974864 156.984628 Salvelinus malma 180 CMS 10-08 7/31/2010 66.974864 156.984628 Salvelinus maim a 134 CMS 10-08 7/31/2010 66.974864 156.984628 Salvelinus maim a 125 CMS 10-08 7/31/2010 66.974864 156.984628 Salvelinus maim a 123 CMS 10-08 7/31/2010 66.974864 156.984628 Salve/in us malma 146 CMS 10-08 7/31/2010 66.974864 156.984628 Salve/in us malma 113 CMS 10-08 7/31/2010 66.974864 156.984628 Salve/in us malma 125 CMS 10-08 7/31/2010 66.974864 156.984628 Salve linus maim a 120 CMS 10-08 7/31/2010 66.974864 156.984628 Salve linus maim a 135 CMS 10-08 7/31/2010 66.974864 156.984628 Salvelinus maim a 126 CMS 10-08 7/31/2010 66.974864 156.984628 Salvelinus maim a 128 CMS 10-08 7/31/2010 66.974864 156.984628 Salve/in us malma 115 CMS 10-08 7/31/2010 66.974864 156.984628 Salvelinus malma 112 CMS 10-08 7/31/2010 66.974864 156.984628 Salvelinus maim a 113 CMS 10-08 7/31/2010 66.974864 156.984628 Salve/in us maim a 122 CMS 10-08 7/31/2010 66.974864 156.984628 Salvelinus maim a 180 Field Sampling UTM 1-UTM2-Fork Total Number Date Northing Westing Genus Species length Length CMS 10-08 7/31/2010 66.974864 156.984628 Solvelinus malmo 116 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Solvefinus malmo 124 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Solvelinus malmo 185 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Solvelinus malmo 150 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Solve/in us malmo 180 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Solve/in us malmo 135 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Solvelinus malmo 160 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Solve linus malmo 135 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Solvelinus malmo 140 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Salvefinus malmo 125 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Solve/in us malmo 130 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Salve/in us malmo 142 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Salve/in us maim a 110 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Solvelinus malmo 110 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Solvelinus malmo 139 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Salvelinus malmo 138 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Solvelinus malmo 126 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Salvelinus maim a 110 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Solvelinus malmo 115 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Solvelinus malmo 108 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Salve/in us malmo 105 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Salvelinus maim a 105 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Solvelinus malmo 100 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Solvefinus malmo 110 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Salve/in us malmo 100 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Salve/in us maim a 113 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Solvelinus malmo 105 CMS 10-09 7/31/2010 66.971751 -156.867383 Salve/in us malmo 74 I l . ~ I I •=-· ,. -i t -' 'I '• ... ----r---t I • ·If -.'• -.. LZ l -'I--- -.. - 1 --·- _J --~ -+ I I - ! - 'i I - i ~ ~ I · ' -I . ---r--- _t i ~ l __ ., € _, ·~ t I r --l -+- 1-L I ,_ ' -., ---+ I ., ' t ! l t_ m; [I AVEC Cosmos Hills Hydropower Study Summer-Fall 2010 Report Appendix D: Cosmos Hills Cultural Resources Office Study Report by Diana Rigg of WHPacific October 18, 2010 Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Cultural Resources Office Study INTRODUCTION The Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) is a non-profit electric cooperative that serves 53 communities in interior and western Alaska. Electricity is currently generated primarily from diesel fuel consumption. The costs of fuel have escalated in recent years making it prohibitively expensive to continue to provide electricity in the traditional way. AVEC is looking at a variety of technologies to relieve the costs of electricity tor their members. One of these is small hydropower generation in the Cosmos Hills, foothills to the Brooks Range.1Thc proposed project would harness one of three creeks in the Cosmos Hills to generate electricity for the area. The Alaska Heritage Resources Survey data base was consulted and the grey literature files at the Office of History and Archaeology were reviewed. This task is intended to provide baseline information on cultural resources in the area. CULTURAL RESOURCES REVIEW The area of investigation is in northwest Alaska. Kotzebue, on the coast, is slightly southwest of the area about 128 air miles away. The Noatak National Wildlife Refuge, Gates ofthe Arctic National Park and Preserve, and Selawik National Wildlife Refuge arc significant public lands in the area. Wesley, Dahl and Cosmos Creeks drain roughly from northeast to southwest. Nearby villages include Kobuk, Shungnak and Ambler. All are within the Northwest Arctic Borough geopolitical jurisdiction. Cultural Context Archaeologists believe there is evidence of people living in the Kobuk River area dating before ll ,000 years ago, but remains are largely undocumented for that time. The earliest well documented tradition is the American Paleo-Arctic Tradition.2 The original documentation came from the site at Onion Pottage, near Shungnak. Large cores are typical and were used to strike off blade preforms. These were reworked into a number of different knives and other tools. This tool tradition was related to mostly tundra hunting and persisted from approximately 8,000 B.C. to 6,100 B.C. The Mesa Site in interior northern Alaska also dates to this time frame. 3 1 Alaska Atlas and Gazetteer, 1992, P. 133 & 136 2 Prehistory of North Alaska by Douglas D. Anderson in Handbogk gfNorth American Indians Vol. 5. Arctic David Damas, Editor, Smithsonian Institution Washington, 1984 P. 81 3 The Mesa Site: J>aleoindians above the Arctic Circle 13LM Publication 86 by M. Kunz, M. Bever, and C. Adkins, P vi. October 18, 20 I 0 The archaeology of the period between 6,000 B.C. and 4,600 B.C. is poorly represented. At least one site (Mesa on the Colville River) had only a small microblade component not really associated with the paleoindian m1ifacts.4 The Northern Archaic Tradition was in place by approximately 4,560 B.C. Artifacts include bifacial knives, notched pebble artifacts and microblades . This tradition was replaced by the Arctic Small Tool Tradition by about 2,200 B.C.5 Flgua·e 1 Arctic Small Tool Tradition hllp://www.athr.m>olis.com/arctic-facts /fact-palco-cskimo.htm The Arctic Small Tool Tradition tool kit seems to represent development of a seasonal and year- round coastal hunting and fishing lifestyle. The tradition is characterized by phases such as Denbigh, Old-Whaling, Choris, Norton, and Ipiutak. The lpiutak phase or culture is thought to t·epresent an early stage of Eskimo development. The Ipiutak culture was in place by about 2,000 years ago. Figure 2 lpiutak Carving hU_n://anthronolo~: •.uwatcrloo.ca/Arctic_ArchStnff/norton.html Prehistoric Eskimo Culture represents a significant adaptation to coastal resources. This Culture is manifest by about 500 A.D. More specialized tools are found in this Tradition by about 1,000 A.D. and specialization continued into the Historic Eskimo Culture.6 The Historic Eskimo period began in 1778 with Captain Cook's landfall in northwest Alaska. Natives had access to limited trade goods from Russian exploration and were using bits of metal 4IBID,P.35 5 Prehistory ofNorth Alaska by Douglas D. Anderson in Handbook of North American Indians Vol. 5. Arctic David Damas, Editor, Smithsonian Institution Washington, 1984, P 84 6Prebistor.y of North Alaska by Douglas D. Anderson in Handbook of North American Indians Vol. 5. Arctic David Damas, Editor, Smithsonian Institution Washington, 1984 P. 90-91 2 October 18, 201 0 and beads, but influence increased and trade became more important when New England whalers frequented the coast. Traders and prospectors were living full time in the Kobuk River area by 1890. Missionaries and teachers also became more prevalent early in the twentieth century.7 Recent History Gold was discovered in the Kobuk River area in the last decade of the nineteenth century which sparked prospecting activity. The community of Kobuk was created as a supply stop for the prospectors. 8 Although mining exploration slowed down in the decades that followed, prospecting was pursued in the late 1940's at Bornite (variously known as Pardners Hill or Ruby Creek). The original prospector, Rhinehart Berg, sold the prospect to Kennecott in 1957.9 Kennecott invested in more exploration and developed a mine shaft. The shaft was closed by 1967, and interest in mining in this area shifted to the Arctic Prospect to the east.10 However the camp at the Dahl Creek airstrip and the mine buildings support current exploration activity in the area. Cultural Resource Surveys in the Cosmos Hills There have been limited, professional, archaeological surveys in the area around Wesley, Dahl and Cosmos Creeks, although there were extensive excavations at nearby Onion Portage National Landmark. Areas where archaeologists have surveyed are shown on Figure 3. J.L. Giddings is most known for his work at Onion Portage National Landmark. However he conducted investigations in the Cosmos Hills, as well (1950's and early 1960's). Edwin Hall searched for Fort Cosmos (SHU 003) in 1972 but did not locate it. He believed it may have eroded into the Kobuk River. Stephanie Stirling and Steve Klinger (Office of History and Archaeology) surveyed an aligrunent between Shungnak and the airstrip at Dahl Creek in 1981. The route was eight miles long and a 1940's era cabin was located (SHU 019) about a mile and a half west of the Dahl Creek airstrip. Howard Smith, Bureau of Land Management, surveyed some trail alignments in the area in 1990. 1 IBID, P.93 8 http://www.commerce.slate.ak.usldca/commdb/CIS.efm 9 htlp://alaskamininghalloffame.org/inducteeslberg.php 10 Ruby Creek Conner Prospect, Bornite, Alaska Prepared for NANA Regional Cotporation by Stevens Exploration Management Corporation, May 1988 P. 3-4 3 October 18, 20 I 0 Mike Yarborough (Cultural Resources Consultants) did a review of the Kiana-Selawik-Shungnak RS 2477 trail in 2006. Clarius Technologies, LLC conducted a cultural review of the Shungnak area Air Guard Landing sites in 2009. Over time, the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) has surveyed individual Native Allotments in the area. Known Cultural Sites in the Area SHU-00002: "Long Beach" an Eskimo camp ncar present-day Kobuk SHU-00003: Fott Cosmos, a winter camp used by Lt. Stoney, USN in 1885-1886 built at the confluence of Cosmos Creek and the Kobuk River. SHU-0019: Remains of a 1940's era reindeer herder's cabin. When located in 1981, the roof was already collapsed. It is located along the trail between Dahl Creek and Wesley Creek SHU-0029: Kobuk Cemetery is scattered clusters of graves just north of Kobuk NEXT STEPS The Office of History and Archaeology (OHA) is the contact office for cultural resources in these proposed project areas because this is a state funded project and has minimal Federal involvement. The OHA will implement the Alaska State Historic Preservation Act. The State of Alaska does not have guidance or regulations that mirror the Secretary oflnterior's guidelines for Section 106 consultations, Determinations of Eligibility, Dctenninations of Effect and Memoranda of Agreement. Consequently, OHA staff processes consultations for State projects using the Secretary of Interior's guidelines. The OHA should be contacted by letter once a preferred alternative is determined. The letter should request OHA 's detennination of whether an archaeological survey is warranted. If warranted, survey results will be transmitted to OHA and a Section I 06-like consultation will proceed. 5 October 18, 201 0 AVEC Cosmos Hills Hydropower Study Summer-Fall 2010 Report Appendix E: Geotechnical Reconnaissance Report Report by Golder Associates Inc. December 1, 2010 Updated February 4, 2011 GEOTECHNICAL RECONNAISSANCE REPORT Alaska Village Electric Cooperative-Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Submitted To: Brian Vanity WHPacific Inc. 300 West 31st Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Submitted By: Golder Associates Inc. 2121 Abbott Road, Suite 100 Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Funded in part by: Alaska Energy Authority Renewable Energy Fund Grant #2195413 Distribution: 1 PDF Copy -WHPacific Inc. 2 Copies -Golder Associates Inc. February 4, 2011 Golder, Golde r A ssociates and the GA globe design are trademarks of Golder Associates Corporation 103-95465 .Gol4er Assoaates February 2011 103-95465 Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 1 2.0 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................. 2 3.0 REGIONAL SETTING ...................................................................................................................... 3 3.1 Climate ......................................................................................................................................... 3 3.2 General Geologic Conditions ....................................................................................................... 3 3.3 Glacial Activity .............................................................................................................................. 4 3.4 General Surficial Geology ............................................................................................................ 4 3.5 Topography and Drainage ........................................................................................................... 4 3.6 Seismic Activity ............................................................................................................................ 5 3.6.1 Kobuk Trench Fault System ..................................................................................................... 5 3.6.2 Regional Seismicity .................................................................................................................. 5 4.0 FIELD RECONNAISSANCE ............................................................................................................ 6 4.1 Visual Observations ..................................................................................................................... 6 4.2 Test Pits ....................................................................................................................................... 6 4.3 Soil Probes ................................................................................................................................... 7 5.0 SITE CONDITIONS .......................................................................................................................... 8 5.1 Cosmos Creek .............................................................................................................................. 8 5.1.1 Lower Reach ............................................................................................................................ 8 5.1.2 Middle and Upper Reaches ..................................................................................................... 9 5.2 Wesley Creek ............................................................................................................................. 1 0 5.2.1 Lower Reach .......................................................................................................................... 1 0 5.2.2 Middle and Upper Reaches ................................................................................................... 11 5.3 Dahl Creek ................................................................................................................................. 12 5.3.1 Lower Reach .......................................................................................................................... 12 5.3.2 Middle and Upper Reaches ................................................................................................... 13 5.4 Existing Material Sites ................................................................................................................ 14 6.0 CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATION CONSIDERATIONS .................................................................... 15 6.1 Tailrace/ Powerhouse Facility .................................................................................................... 15 6.2 Intake Facility ............................................................................................................................. 16 6.3 Penstock Alignment ................................................................................................................... 17 7.0 CLOSING ....................................................................................................................................... 19 8.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................... 20 Cosmos Hills Recon _ _.:!'il-L f'!Al Golder '25' Associates February 2011 list of Figures Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Project Location Map Cosmos Creek Study Area Wesley Creek Study Area Dahl Creek Study Area list of Photo Pages Photo Page 1 to 3 Photo Page 4 to 6 Photo Page 7 to 1 0 Photo Page 11 Cosmos Hills Reoon Cosmos Creek Photographs Wesley Creek Photographs Dahl Creek Photographs Material Site Photographs ii 103-95465 ···~~ f'!A'f Golcler \257Assoaates February 2011 103-95465 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of Golder Associates, Inc. (Golder) reconnaissance level geological and geotechnical assessment in support of the proposed small-scale hydroelectric feasibility study in the Cosmos Hills area. The Cosmos Hills hydroelectric project includes three creek drainage study alternatives; Cosmos Creek, Wesley Creek, and Dahl Creek. The geotechnical assessment included a literature review, field reconnaissance effort, and conceptual engineering considerations. The work was conducted in accordance with Golder's proposal addressed to WHPacific Inc. (WHPacific) dated May 25, 2010. Cosmos Hills Recon February 2011 2 103-95465 2.0 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Cosmos Hills are located approximately 4 miles north of the village of Kobuk, and about 7 miles northwest of the village of Shungnak. Figure 1 presents a project Location map. Within the Cosmos Hills, three drainages are under study for potential small-scale, hydroelectric project; Cosmos Creek, Wesley Creek, and Dahl Creek. Hydroelectric along these creeks is being considered for seasonal supplementation of the current diesel generated power source as a way to reduce diesel fuel usage in the area. The project concept is 'run-of-river' hydroelectric consisting of an upstream intake structure, a downstream tail race and power generation structure, and a single connecting penstock. The conceptual penstock lengths vary from approximately 10.500 linear feet for Cosmos Creek, 12,000 linear feet for Wesley Creek, and 7,500 linear feet for Dahl Creek. The project will include a power line intertie to connect with existing power lines in the area. The power line alignment was not included under this scope of work. The conceptual penstock is a 24 to 36-inch diameter, insulated HOPE. above grade pipe with general alignment adjacent to the stream drainage, outside of the flood zone. Thrust blocks and anchorages will be required along the penstock alignment. Conceptual foundation options for the intake, tail race, and power generation facility are discussed in this report. The Wesley Creek and Dahl Creek drainages were previously mined by placer and hard rock methods. Due to the mining activity, existing unmaintained rugged access roads and trails exist along these two drainages. Cosmos Hills Reoon February 2011 3 103-95465 3.0 REGIONAL SETTING The Cosmos Hills are an east-west trending highland at the southern edge of the Brooks Range bordering the Koyukuk Lowland to the south. The Cosmos Hills extend east southeast across the boundary between the Ambler River and Shungnak Quadrangles. The Cosmos Hills are approximately 4 miles north of the village of Kobuk, and about 7 miles northwest of the village of Shungnak. 3.1 Climate The Cosmos Hills are located in a sub-arctic environment, with a transitional climate zone situated between continental (interior) and arctic. Average precipitation in the region, recorded at Kobuk, is about 17 inches with average annual snowfall accumulation of 56 inches. Air temperatures average between - 10 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) to 15°F during winter months and 40°F to 65°F during summer. Temperature extremes exist well above and below these averages. Table 1 summarizes the recommended engineering design air temperature data for the Cosmos Hills area, comparing data from Hartman and Johnson's Environmental Atlas of Alaska (H&J) analysis of air temperature records prior to 1978 with Golder analysis of air temperature records from 1980 to 2004 for Kotzebue. The comparison data shows a general warming trend at Kotzebue. Actual conditions at the Cosmos Hills area may vary from the data presented in Table 1 due to locale and elevation of project study areas. Table 1: Recommended Engineering Design Air Temperature Data (Cosmos Hills Area) Design Index H&J 1978 198Dto 2004 Average Air Temperature 22.0 °F 23.9 °F Average Freezing Index 6250 °F-days 5850 °F-days Design Freezing Index 7500 °F-days 7300 °F-days Average Thawing Index 2100 °F-days 2650 °F-days Design Thawing Index 2600 °F-days 2850 °F-days 3.2 General Geologic Conditions The Cosmos Hills are an isolated highland, up to 3,000 feet in elevation, that are isolated from the southern Brooks Range by the Ambler Lowland that flanks the Ambler River before it joins the Kobuk River, west of the Cosmos Hills. The Cosmos Hills are on the border between the physiographic provinces of the Brooks Range and Koyukuk Basin to the south. The Brooks Range Mountains are a contractional mountain belt with the foreland basin on its north side. The southern Brooks Range contains the older rocks within the range, consisting of east-west trending rock belts of increasing metamorphic grade to the north. The sequence of rocks in the southern Brooks Range consists of a highly metamorphosed zone recognized as a schist belt, typically bounded on the Cosroos Hills Recon -~3Cc:' /"!At Golder \ZS7.Associates February 2011 4 103-95465 south by a phyllite belt and further south, by weakly metamorphosed to non-metamorphosed rocks of Angayucham Terrain. The Cosmos Hills, which forms a portion of the southern boundary of the Brooks Range, are composed of rocks from each of the Brooks Range units described above (Till et al., 2008). The upper portion of the Cosmos Hills contains rocks from the schist belt, but also a fault-bounded series of dolostone, metalimestone, and marble that is regionally unique to the Cosmos Hills. The lower hills on the south side of the Cosmos Hills are characterized by a cretaceous sedimentary series of conglomerate, sandstone, and shale (Till et al., 2008). The Kobuk River region, in the vicinity of the Cosmos Hills, is mapped as discontinuous permafrost by the Institute of Northern Engineering (UAF, 2008). Discontinuous permafrost is identified as 50 to 90 percent potential coverage. 3.3 Glacial Activity Deposits of pre-Wisconsin Kobuk glaciations have been observed between elevation 400 to 800 feet along portions of the northern and southern flanks of the Cosmos Hills. On the south, the glacial drift has been mapped in areas between the flood plains (west to east) of the Cosmos, Wesley, and Dahl Creeks (Fernald 1964). Erratic boulders have also been observed up to elevation 2200 feet in parts of the Cosmos Hills (Fritts, 1970). The younger Ambler glaciation (Wisconsin) is evidenced by extensive glacial drift deposits in the Ambler Lowland that borders the Cosmos Hills to the north, and also in subdued moraine deposits in the Shungnak and Kokoluktuk River valleys and near Kollioksak Lake. Some V-shaped valleys in the Cosmos Hills indicate the valleys were not scoured by moving ice. 3.4 General Surficial Geology Surficial geologic mapping of the Cosmos Hills shows bedrock covered with shallow surficial deposit characteristics along most of the highland above about 600 to 800 feet in elevation. Eolian and alluvial deposits, primarily sand, are shown between the floodplains of Cosmos, Wesley, and Dahl Creeks between elevations of about 600 and 400 feet. Glacial drift deposits are mapped below the eolian and alluvial units, between elevations of about 400 and 200 feet Alluvial floodplain deposits of the Kobuk River lie to the south of the Cosmos Hills, along with terrace and fan deposits abutting the higher drift deposits in the area (Fernald, 1964). 3.5 Topography and Drainage The topography of the Cosmos Hills is moderately rugged and mature, with approximately 3000 feet of relief. The southern drainages of the Cosmos Hills typically flow to the southwest, away from the range, including Cosmos Creek, Wesley Creek and Dahl Creek. Many of the creek valleys have been described Cosmos Hills Recon ~a"'' f"'!A't Golder 'Z'Associates February 2011 5 103-95465 as oversized, and likely are antecedent valleys of the ancestral Brooks Range that formed prior to isolation of the Cosmos Hills (Fritts, 1970). 3.6 Seismic Activity 3. 6.1 Kobuk Trench Fault System The Kobuk Fault System zone extends along the southern border of the Brooks Range for approximately 300 mlles, and is approximately 20 miles wide. The zone of faulting is made up of numerous closely- spaced high angle fractures. The Kobuk Fault System represents a major transcurrent fault that stretches across the southern edge of the Brooks Range. In general, the age of the major faulting is considered Cretaceous or Tertiary, however, some Quaternary activity is indicated by rupturing of glacial drift (Patton, 1973). In general, the Kobuk Fault System has been relatively inactive in the recent historical period. A rare series of shallow earthquakes was recorded about 40 miles to the east in the neighboring Angayucham Mountains in October of 1980 with magnitudes ranging between 4.0 and 5.0 (Gedney & Marshall, 1981; Page, 1991 ). 3.6.2 Regional Seismicity Regional seismicity has been observed in western Alaska, particularly on the Seward Peninsula, but also to a lesser degree north of Kotzebue. Shallow earthquakes with typical magnitudes ranging between 2.0 and 5.0 are spread over the Seward Peninsula from many active fault sources and are not concentrated from a single major fault systems. A magnitude 6.0 earthquake was recorded in the southern Seward Peninsula in 1950 (Page, 1991 ). A magnitude 7.3 earthquake was recorded in 1958, with an epicenter near Huslia, Alaska, to the south of the Cosmos Hills. The earthquake produced several failures in unconsolidated surficial deposits in an elongate northeast-striking zone that may indicate the fault zone (Page, 1991 ). Cosmos Hills Recon .C~T /'!A'f Golder 'Zi'A.ssodates February 2011 6 103-95465 4.0 FIELD RECONNAISSANCE WHPacific organized a field reconnaissance from July 26 to August 1, 2010 that included WHPacific representatives and Golder's representative. Jeremiah Drage PE. Jeremiah Drage conducted the geotechnical field reconnaissance portion of the effort from July 26 to July 31. Mr. Brian Yanity of WHPacific organized the field logistics including, lodging and transportation. Mr. Vanity provided scheduling and project direction during the field reconnaissance, including identifying conceptual facility locations. Transportation for the reconnaissance included limited all terrain vehicle access along Wesley and Dahl Creeks and helicopter access to a base camp at Cosmos Creek. The majority of the reconnaissance access was conducted by hiking to accessible project areas from the transportation access points. The field reconnaissance included a helicopter over-flight of the study drainages. The over-flight provided above ground observations of the creek drainage and side slopes. The conceptual location areas for the intake and tailrace/power house were accessed for the study drainages. The penstock alignments were not completely accessed due to terrain, thick vegetation limitations, and allotted field duration. Alternatively, each typical section of the penstock alignment was accessed for observations as determined by terrain and vegetation patterns. The field reconnaissance consisted of surficial observations for geological hazards; shallow depth hand dug test pits for general soil observations, and shallow depth soil probes for soil consistency and inferred frozen ground depth. Geographic coordinates of typical observation locations were recorded with a handheld GPS unit and are identified in Figures 2 through 4 as reference points. Additional observations were conducted between reference locations identified in Figures 2 through 4. 4.1 Visual Observations Visual field observations included terrain and topography trends; vegetation patterns; general slope grades; evidence of slope instability; and rock-outcrop and soil surface conditions. Visual observations were conducted with an initial helicopter over-flight of the study drainages that provided a broad scale view of the drainages. On-the-ground observations were conducted by hiking through the drainage valleys with emphasis on identifying general soil conditions within the typical terrain and vegetation patterns that existed throughout the study drainages. Bedrock outcrop rock samples were obtained at select locations for comparison with existing geological maps. 4.2 Test Pits Shallow depth test pits were advanced throughout the project area. Test pits were excavated using a hand shovel to depths of 24 inches. or shallower. Test pit locations were selected to provide characteristic shallow depth soil information for the varying terrain and soil consistency/density conditions. Cosmos Hills Recon •!€!. 1"'!41 Golder '2S7Associates February 2011 7 103-95465 The test pit soils were field logged as they were excavated and classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System, in general accordance with ASTM D 2487-00. Soil samples were not retained for the project. 4.3 Soil Probes Shallow depth soil probes were advanced throughout the project area for determination of soil consistency and potential seasonal permafrost active layer depths. The soil probes were manually advanced to a maximum depth of 4 feet, which was the extent of the probe length. The probe consisted of a slender rod, % inch in diameter. Consistency of probe advancement provides general soil profile information such as broad scale soil grain size, evidence of granular material such as cobble or gravel, depth of overburden over shallow bedrock, and depth of frost layer or permafrost surface, when encountered. The active layer depth, or depth to frost line, is the depth of the seasonally thawed or frozen layer near the ground surface. The field reconnaissance was conducted during mid-summer when the depth of surface thaw at permafrost areas would not yet be at the seasonal maximum, which occurs just before freezing temperature conditions occur. Additionally, at the time of the field reconnaissance, seasonal frost at non-permafrost areas may of not yet fully thawed. Due to the timing of the field reconnaissance, it was difficult to determine at some areas if the probe refusal was on remnant seasonal frost or the surface of permafrost. Other observations such as terrain features, vegetation, and test pits provided additional information in determination of permafrost conditions. Cosmos Hills Recon .c3='-Cr . /'!At Golder 'Zi7Assodates February 2011 8 103-95465 5.0 SITE CONDITIONS 5.1 Cosmos Creek The Cosmos Creek drainage is the most remote of the three study drainages with limited access and no known previous mining activity. Unmaintained all terrain vehicle trails and a BLM cat trail exist for access to the lower reaches of the study area, however, a helicopter was used for this project due to the length of the access trails and unmaintained condition. The cat trail crosses Cosmos Creek near the conceptual location for the tailrace/ powerhouse location. The conceptual facility locations developed by WHPacific are identified in Figure 2 as is observation location stops for reference. Representative site photographs are presented in Photo Pages 1 to 3. The tailrace/ powerhouse location is at the upstream area where Cosmos Creek drainage begins a large broad alluvial fan. Upstream of the tailrace/ powerhouse location, the stream channel is confined by the toe of the easterly and westerly valley slopes with limited meandering through the channel. The alluvial fan is identifiable by the larger tree and shrub vegetation that mimics the fan's geometry as visible in Figure 1. 5. 1. 1 Lower Reach The vegetation within the flood channel at the lower reach of the study area consists of densely spaced, tall willow and alder shrubs and spruce. The vegetation outside of the flood channel at the lower reach transitions to sparse shrub and stunted spruce with increasingly dense spacing near small drainage channels. The shallow depth test pits within the flood channel at the lower reach generally showed a thin organic vegetation mat up to several inches in thickness overlying alluvial sand and gravel deposits with cobbles {STP 096). The granular alluvial deposits included a layer of finer-grained silt and sand with increasing gravel and cobble with depth. Hand probe refusal depths on gravel or cobble ranged from several inches to a maximum of about 2.5 to 3 feet {STP 097 and STP 099). The hand tools did not allow for deeper test pits or probes to determine the extent and consistency of the soils. Frozen soils were not encountered within the limits of the hand tools. The subsurface conditions outside of the flood channel consisted of alluvial and eolian deposits of finer grained silt and sand with a vegetation mat and organic silt surficial layer. Within the sparser vegetation areas, hand probes showed refusal on frozen ground at depths ranging from 3 to 3.5 feet (STP 098). At areas with thicker vegetation, hand probes showed no refusal on frozen ground or larger diameter granular material within the probe length of 4 feet. At lower elevations, beyond the study area, general signs of permafrost consisting of polygonal patterned ground were subtly evident from the aerial view of the plane ride to and from Kobuk. Discontinuous Cosmos Hills Recon February 2011 9 103-95465 permafrost conditions outside of the flood channel along the lower reaches of Cosmos Creek should be expected. The maximum extent of seasonal thaw within the active layer should be expected to exceed those measured during the field reconnaissance, which took place before the end of the thawing season. 5. 1.2 Middle and Upper Reaches The middle and upper reaches of the Cosmos Creek study area transition into steeper valley side slopes with localized areas of weathered bedrock outcrops. The flood channel is constricted by the toe of the valley walls. The stream channel includes apparent secondary channels at areas. Generally, random large boulders and weathered fractured rock increase in occurrence with elevation gain in the study area. Colluvium and localized areas of talus exist at areas of steeper grade on the valley slopes. The vegetation within the flood channel at the middle and upper reaches of the study area consisted of densely spaced tall willow and alder shrubs with mature spruce that decrease in size and quantity with elevation. The vegetation outside of the flood channel at the middle and upper reaches transitions to sparse shrub and stunted spruce on the easterly slope while the westerly slope included denser vegetation cover with trees of greater maturity and size. The shallow depth test pits within the flood channel at the middle and upper reaches generally showed a thin organic vegetation mat up to several inches in thickness overlying alluvial sand and gravel deposits with a siltier matrix at shallower depths and presence cables throughout. The test pits and hand probe refusal depths on gravel or cobble ranged from several inches to a maximum of about 2.5 feet. Localized areas of thicker fine grained soil deposits that exceed depths of 4 feet existed at areas of flatter topography within the flood channel (STP 104). The hand tools did not allow for deeper test pits or probes to determine the extent and consistency of the soils. Frozen soils were not encountered within the limits of the hand tools. The general subsurface conditions outside of the flood channel included thin vegetation cover with organic silt overlying weathered colluvium and fractured and weathered bedrock outcrops, including some small scale pillars. The hand tools limited subsurface observations to the top 12 inches due to refusal on granular material. The limited observations were not deep enough to determine if permafrost conditions exist. Generally, due to the granular nature of the soils and larger void spaces associated with larger diameter deposits, permafrost conditions would include a deeper active layer depth than those observed in the fine grained soils along the lower reach. Large scale signs of slope instability were not observed on the valley side slopes. Small localized areas of talus existed along steeper slope areas. The conceptual intake location for Cosmos Creek was observed from a distance due to the hiking access route the field reconnaissance team used for observations. From a distance, the vegetation and terrain Cosmos Hills Recon February 2011 10 103-95465 conditions observed around the conceptual intake area are similar to those discussed above for the middle and upper reaches. 5.2 Wesley Creek The Wesley Creek drainage was previously mined at the middle and upper reach with some existing evidence of placer activity. Additionally, a hard rock mine exists upstream of the study area within the watershed. Existing unmaintained access roads and all terrain vehicle trails allow access to sections of Wesley Creek. The conceptual facility locations developed by WHPacific for Wesley Creek are identified in Figure 3 as is observation location stops for reference. Representative site photographs are presented in Photo Pages 4 to 6. 5.2.1 Lower Reach The vegetation within the flood plain at the lower reach of the study area and at the tailrace/ powerhouse vicinity consisted of tall mature spruce with willow and other shrubs. The vegetation outside of the flood channel at the lower reach is generally similar with decreased density. The stream channel bottom generally consisted of cobble with smaller diameter granular deposits at areas of lower velocity stream flow. The shallow depth test pits within the flood plain at the lower reach generally showed a thin organic vegetation mat up to several inches in thickness overlying silty sand deposits with underlying sandy gravel deposits with cobbles (STP 133, STP 134, and STP 135). The hand probes returned refusals on gravel and cobble at depths ranging from 8 inches to 2 feet. The hand tools did not allow for deeper test pits or probes to determine the extent and consistency of the soils due to refusal on granular material. The vegetation patterns in the aerial photography suggests that localized areas of flatter topography could include wetlands and increased depths of fine grained deposits of silt and sand. Frozen soils were not encountered within the exploration limits of the hand tools, which extended to depths of 2 feet maximum within the granular material. The shallow depth subsurface conditions outside of the flood channel consisted of alluvial and eolian deposits of finer grained silt and sand. The distance from the stream channel at these observation points was approximately 200 feet East or greater between Stops STP 135 and STP 143. Within the sparser vegetation areas, hand probes showed refusal on frozen ground at depths ranging from 3 to 3.5 feet. However, frozen ground refusal could have been remnants of seasonal frost. The area included a tall spruce canopy of increased spacing with sparse shrubs. At lower elevations, below the study area, general signs of permafrost consisting of polygonal patterned ground were subtly evident from the aerial view of the plane ride to and from Kobuk. Discontinuous Cosmos Hills Recon February 2011 11 103-95465 permafrost conditions outside of the flood channel along the lower reaches of Wesley Creek should be expected in isolated areas. 5.2.2 Middle and Upper Reaches The middle and upper reaches of the Wesley Creek study area transition into steeper valley side slopes, more specifically on the western border. The channel becomes more constricted by the toe of the valley wall on the western border and the gentler slope on the eastern border around Stops STP 143 and STP 144. Upstream from Stops STP 143 and STP 144 the channel constriction increases with elevation to the conceptual intake location near Stop STP 137. Upstream of the intake location, localized areas of colluvium and weathered and highly fractured rock and rock debris existed at areas on the valley slopes. The vegetation within the flood channel at the middle and upper reaches of the study area consisted of densely spaced tall willow and alder shrubs with mature spruce that decrease in size and density with increasing elevation. The vegetation outside of the flood channel at the middle and upper reaches transitions to sparse shrub and stunted spruce. Above the conceptual intake location the valley becomes broader with increased shrub density. The shallow depth test pits within the flood channel at the middle and upper reaches generally consisted of a thin organic vegetation mat up to several inches in thickness overlying alluvial silt and sand with underlying gravel deposits with cobble. The depth to the surface of the coarser grained granular alluvial deposits of gravel and cobbles ranged from 4 inches to 3.3 feet as observed in the test pits and hand probes. The vegetation patterns and topography infer that localized areas of flatter topography could include wetlands and increased depths of fine grained deposits of silt and sand overburden. The hand tools did not allow for deeper test pits or probes to determine the extent and consistency of the soils. Frozen soils were not encountered within the limits of the hand tools, however, thin remnants of seasonal frost several inches in thickness were penetrated with the hand probes. The general subsurface conditions outside of the channel included thin vegetation cover with organic silt overlying weathered colluvium and alluvial deposits of coarse material. At higher elevation on the valley slopes colluvium, talus, and fractured and weathered bedrock outcrops exist with thin vegetation cover and shrubs at localized areas. Generally, the hand tools limited subsurface observations to the top 12 inches. The limited observations were not deep enough to determine if permafrost soils were present. Generally, due to the granular nature of the soils and larger void spaces associated with larger diameter deposits, permafrost soils would include a deeper active layer depth, if permafrost is present. Large-scale indications of slope instabilities were not observed on the valley side slopes. Small localized areas of talus and colluvium existed at steeper slope areas. Cosmos Hills Recon February 2011 12 103-95465 5.3 Dahl Creek The Dahl Creek drainage was previously mined at select areas with evidence of placer activity both at its lower and upper reaches. Existing unmaintained access roads and all terrain vehicle trails allow access to sections of Dahl Creek. The conceptual facility locations developed by WHPacific for Dahl Creek are identified in Figure 4 as is observation location stops for reference. Representative site photographs are presented in Photo Pages 7 to 10. 5.3. 1 Lower Reach The vegetation within the flood plain at the lower reach of the study area consisted of tall mature spruce with willow and other shrubs. The vegetation outside of the flood channel at the lower reach and at the tailrace/ powerhouse vicinity is generally similar, consisting of spruce and shrub with decreased density. The stream channel bottom generally consists of cobbles and boulders with gravel and sand deposits at areas of reduced stream velocity. The shallow depth test pits within the flood plain at the lower reach generally showed a thin organic vegetation mat up to several inches in thickness overlying sandy gravel deposits with cobbles (STP 117, STP 124, and STP 126). The test pits showed sand and gravel deposits with cobble at depths as shallow as 2 to 4 inches. Cobbles were observed along the ground surface as well. The hand tools did not allow for test pit or probe depths to determine the extent and consistency of the soils. The vegetation patterns in the aerial photography suggests that limited localized areas of flatter topography could include wetlands and increased depths of fine grained deposits of silt and sand overburden. Evidence of placer mining including stream channel re-working and random windrows of mechanically moved soil existed within the flood channel in the vicinity of Stops STP 117, STP 124, and STP 126. Frozen soils were not encountered within the limits of the hand tools which extended to depths of 12 inches maximum within the granular material in the flood channel. The subsurface conditions outside of the flood channel consist of alluvial and eolian deposits of finer grained silt and sand. Observation points at Stop STP 123 and STP 125 were taken downstream of the conceptual tailrace/ powerhouse location. The aerial photography shows that vegetation density near the conceptual tailrace/ powerhouse location is similar to conditions at Stop STP 123 which consisted of tall thin spruce and sparse willow and shrub patches. A test pit located at Stop STP 123 showed 12 to 14 inches of tundra moss overlying silt with fine grained sand. Within the sparser vegetation areas, hand probes showed refusals on frozen ground at depths ranging from 2 to 3.5 feet. Hand probes also encountered areas with refusal on gravel which is not determinable of thermal state with the equipment used. Frozen ground refusal, where encountered, could have been remnant seasonal frost. However, the vegetation in the area included a tall spruce canopy of increased spacing with sparse shrubs and thick vegetation mat is conducive to maintaining permafrost conditions. Cosmos Hills Recon February 2011 13 103-95465 Random remnants of mining activity resembling test pits were scattered throughout the vicinity of the tailrace/ powerhouse location. The test pits included excavated material stockpiled adjacent to the excavation. The stockpile showed alluvial cobble deposits that are inferred to be soil removed from the test pits. Based on the hand probe observations, it is estimated that these cobble deposits exist at a depth greater than the extent of the hand probes that were 3.5 feet at maximum depth. It is expected that the cobble deposits included sand and gravel which may of been separated and deposited elsewhere after mined, or stockpiled beneath the cobbles during the excavation. 5.3.2 Middle and Upper Reaches The middle and upper reaches of the Dahl Creek study area transition into steeper valley side slopes. The channel becomes defined and constricted by the toe of the valley walls. Upstream from Stop STP 128 the channel constriction decreases with elevation to the conceptual intake location between Stop STP 129 and 130. Upstream of the conceptual intake location, the valley becomes broader with vegetation cover that obscured visual observations from a distance. The vegetation within and adjacent to the channel at the middle and upper reaches of the study area consisted of densely spaced tall willow and alder shrubs with mature spruce that decrease in size and quantity with increasing elevation along the valley walls. The shallow depth test pits within, and adjacent to, the flood channel at the middle and upper reaches generally showed a thin organic vegetation mat of a few inches in thickness overlying colluvium deposits of cobble and boulders (STP 127 to STP 128). The hand tools did not allow for deeper test pits or probes beyond a few inches to refusal on cobbles and boulders. Near Stop STP 128 and upstream of this area, the channel began to broaden into a wider valley bottom above the conceptual intake location. As the valley broadened the alluvial deposits within the flood channel included thin vegetation cover with sands and gravels. Localized areas of thicker fine grained deposits within wetland areas may exist near the conceptual intake area and upstream. The general subsurface conditions along the valley side slopes include thin vegetation over colluvium deposits of cobbles and boulders. At greater elevation on the valley slopes colluvium, talus, and fractured and weathered bedrock outcrops were visible with thin vegetation cover and shrubs at localized areas. Generally, the hand tools limited subsurface observations to the top few inches. The limited observations were not deep enough to determine if permafrost soils were present. Generally, due to the granular nature of the soils and larger void spaces associated with larger diameter deposits, permafrost soils would include a deeper active layer depth, if permafrost does exist. Large scale signs of slope instability were not observed on the valley side slopes. Small localized areas of talus and colluvium existed at steeper slope areas. Cosroos Hills Recon -~~~-:t /"!At Golder \Zi7.Assodates February 2011 14 103-95465 5.4 Existing Material Sites Two previously developed material sites exist near the Dahl Creek camp and airstrip. The material sites are located within alluvial fans of the Cosmos Hills, downstream of the Dahl Creek study area. The existing cut slopes of the material sites included alluvial deposits of sand and gravel with cobbles and random boulders. Representative photographs of the material sites are presented in Photo Page 11. Cosmos Hills Recon ··i!!t"'' /"!At Golder \ZPA.ssociates February 2011 15 103-95465 6.0 CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATION CONSIDERATIONS The reconnaissance level observations were limited to subsurface exploration depths of 4 feet or less. Visual observation of terrain, vegetation, and surface conditions along with existing geological mapping provide insight into potential subsurface conditions beyond the depths explored. Generally, the soils along each study area vary within the drainage and are relatively consistent in respect to each drainage. The potential thermal conditions of the soils are consistent for the region, terrain, and vegetation patterns. The following sections discuss conceptual foundation considerations for the general typical conditions. Site specific geotechnical explorations of deeper extent will be required during design development. 6.1 Tailrace/ Powerhouse Facility The conceptual tailrace/ powerhouse location for Cosmos Creek and Dahl Creek study areas are located in areas that have potential for permafrost soil conditions. A deeper geotechnical exploration with recovered soil samples is advised to determine the the existence and extent of permafrost, ice content, and determination of thaw stability. The foundation design for the permafrost area would be controlled by the deeper soil matrix, volume of ice within the soil, and soil temperatures. If the subgrade soils include thaw unstable fine grained permafrost soils, a deep foundation system of pile members would be an option. The climate and subsurface thermal conditions of the site would control if the piles would require a passive cooling system to preserve permafrost conditions. An insulated and passively cooled gravel pad could be an alternative option; however, the resultant heat generated from the tailrace and power house, and facility settlement tolerances, would most likely require the need for a passive cooling system. An insulated gravel pad option may be more feasible for thaw- stable subgrade soils. Installation of a pile foundation could pose constructability challenges if subgrade soils include frozen gravel and cobbles. With the existence of frozen gravel and cobbles a driven pile may not be a feasible option, thus, pile installation would require drill and slurry methods. Drill and slurry methods include pre- drilling a larger diameter hole, inserting the pile in the hole, and backfilling the annulus between the pile and pre-drilled hole wall with a sand and water slurry mixture and allowing the slurry to freezeback to nominal soil temperatures. The presence of cobbles would pose constructability challenges for pre- drilling. The conceptual tailrace/ powerhouse location for Wesley Creek study area is located within the creek channel flood plain with likely sand and gravel deposits that are expected to be unfrozen. If granular material is present, a shallow depth reinforced concrete foundation system could be used. The concrete Cosmos Hills Recon .~~~~-~'!lit Golder \ZJ7A.ssodates February 2011 16 103-95465 foundation could be constructed on properly compacted structural fill over properly compacted subgrade granular material. Any localized areas of deeper fine grained material deposits would require a deeper excavation to prepare a properly compacted granular foundation base. Alternative foundation options include driven piles and helical anchors. Due to the climate of the area it would be recommended that the shallow depth concrete foundation system include perimeter insulation for frost control. Procedures outlined in the Revised Builder's Guide to Frost-Protected Shallow Foundations (NAHB, 2004) provide methods for placement geometry and thickness of perimeter insulation. A frost protected shallow foundation incorporates perimeter rigid board insulation to decrease the depth of seasonal frost penetration around the building and limit frost jacking potential. Sitting the tailrace/ powerhouse locations for Cosmos Creek and Dahl Creek within the flood plain deposit zones could allow for consideration of a shallow depth concrete foundation system similar to Wesley Creek. The shallow depth foundation system can be more feasible to construct than a foundation over subgrade permafrost soils. Facilities located within the flood plain would require designation of flood potential and floodwater elevation in order to locate the facility above flood water elevation. A gravel fill embankment may be required to raise the facility above flood elevation. If flooding source is due to spring runoff and related ice dams or ice flows, protection measures need to be considered. 6.2 Intake Facility The conceptual intake location for the three study areas is similar in that the conceptual foundation locations include potential for both granular alluvial deposits, including boulders, and potential for colluvium. A deeper geotechnical exploration at the selected facility location is advised to determine the extent of the granular material and size estimate of boulders or larger dimension colluvium material. Conceptual intake options include a shallow depth reinforced concrete foundation system. The concrete foundation could be constructed on properly compacted structural fill over properly compacted subgrade granular material. Any localized areas of deeper fine grained material deposits would require a deeper excavation to prepare a properly compacted granular foundation base. The presence of boulders and larger diameter colluvium deposits could require a deeper excavation to remove the large diameter material and replace with classified fill for support of the facility. Any lateral thrust loads on the facility will need to be considered and may require deeper foundation anchoring Due to the climate of the area it would be recommended that the shallow depth concrete foundation system include perimeter insulation for frost control. Procedures outlined in the Revised Builder's Guide Cosmos Hills Ream February 2011 17 103-95465 to Frost-Protected Shallow Foundations (NAHB, 2004) provide methods for placement geometry and thickness of perimeter insulation. A frost protected shallow foundation incorporates perimeter rigid board insulation to decrease the depth of seasonal frost penetration around the building and limit frost jacking potential. Facilities located within the flood plain would require designation of flood potential and floodwater elevation in order to locate the facility above flood water elevation. A gravel fill embankment may be required to raise the facility above flood elevation. If flooding source is due to spring runoff and related ice dams or ice flows, protection measures may need to be considered. 6.3 Penstock Alignment The conceptual penstock piping is expected to be above-grade insulated HOPE arctic pipe. The conceptual alignment locations for the three study areas are similar, crossing varying terrain and subgrade soils. Generally, each alignment begins at the intake area with granular alluvial and colluvium deposits, transverses slopes with colluvium deposits at the higher elevations and transitions to alluvium and eolian deposits of potentially permafrost soils at lower elevations. A deeper geotechnical exploration at specific locations that define the typical subgrade soils would confirm the subgrade conditions. The conceptual penstock alignments are located outside of the existing flood plains for the majority of the lengths. Terrain geometry challenges exist for each alignment near the upper reaches of the drainages that are bordered by the toes of the valley slopes. These areas will require a cut or fill section to provide a bench in support of the penstock. A slope stability analysis, at cut and fill sections in areas of inclined natural grade, will need to be conducted as the design develops and alignment geometry is selected. Support of penstock anchors and thrust blocks could be shallow depth reinforced concrete footings, grouted anchors, or helical anchor system, depending on subgrade soils. At areas of site geometry restrictions and inclined natural grade, an alternative bench could be constructed out of gabions that are anchored to the side slope and could provide a retained earth wall in shallow cut sections. The alignments transition into potential permafrost soils at the lower reaches of the alignments. At these areas the tolerances for differential movement of the penstock pipe will control the required foundation support. The above-grade insulated pipe material and summer-only operation also contribute to design of the foundation support. To minimize effect on permafrost subgrade soils, a fill embankment section placed over the existing vegetation mat should be considered. A fill embankment section will result in uniform and differential settlement of the organic and fine grained subgrade soils with additional settlement related to thaw consolidation, if permafrost degradation occurs. At areas with anchors and thrust blocks, the design loads may require excavation and replacement of compressible subgrade soils with classified fill to provide adequate support. Rigid board insulation added to the embankment sections would provide additional mitigation against permafrost degradation, if it is determined to be needed during Cosmos Hills Recon ~~"" I"JJfit Golder \ZS7.Assodates February 2011 18 103-95465 design development. Options for support of anchors and thrust blocks could include pile foundations depending on design toads and settlement tolerances. Cosmos Hills Recon February 2011 19 103-95465 7.0 CLOSING This report has been prepared exclusively for the use of Alaska Village Electric Cooperative. WHPacffic. Inc. and their consultants for use in study and conceptual design of the proposed Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Project. Golder should be involved during design development to confinn conceptual foundation options, consider locations for detailed site specifiC geotechnical explorations, and further develop the conceptual foundation options. There are possible variations in subsurface conditions between explorations and with lapsed time. Unanticipated soil conditions are commonly encountered and cannot fully be detennined by a limited number of explorations or observation points. The work presented in this report was completed in a manner that is consistent with the standard of care expected of professionals undertaking similar work in the State of Alaska, USA, under similar conditions. No warranty expressed or implied is made. GOLD ASSOCIATES INC. ~!J~ J remiah S. Drage, PE Senior Geotechnical Engineer Richard A. Mitchells, PE Senior Geotechnical Consultant JSD/MMH/RAM/mlp Cosmos Hills Recoo ~{,~ Melanie HJ.s Staff Scientist ~- /f41Golder ~Associates February 2011 20 103-95465 8.0 REFERENCES Fernald, AT. 1964. Surficial Geology of the Central Kobuk Valley, Northwestern Alaska. (Geological Survey Bulletin 1181-K). Washington DC: US Geological Survey Fritts, C.E. 1970. Geology and Geochemistry of the Cosmos Hills, Ambler River and Shungnak Quadrangles, Alaska. (Geologic Report No. 39). College, Alaska: State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mines and Geology. Gedney, L. and Marshall, D. 1981. A rare earthquake sequence in the Kobuk Trench, Northwestern Alaska. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 71, No.5: pp 1587-1592. Hartman C.W. and Johnson, P.R. 1978. Environmental Atlas of Alaska. Fairbanks, Alaska: Institute of Water Resources, University of Alaska. Institute of Northern Engineering. 2008. Permafrost Characteristics of Alaska (map). University of Alaska Fairbanks. National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). 2004. Revised Builder's Guide to Frost Protected Shallow Foundations. NAHB Research Center, Inc. Page, RA, Biswas, N.N., Lahr, J.C., and Pulpan, H. 1991. Seismicity of Continental Alaska, in Neotectonics of North America, edited by Slemmons et al.: Boulder, Colorado: Geological Society of America. Patton, W.M. 1973. Reconnaissance Geology of the Northern Yukon-Koyukuk Province, Alaska. (Geological Survey Professional Paper 774-A). Washington DC: US Geological Survey. Till, A.B .. Dumoulin, JA, Harris, A.G., Moore, T.E., Bleick, HA, and Siwiec, B.R. 2008. Bedrock Geologic Map of the southern Brooks Range, Alaska, and accompanying Conodont Data. (US Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1149). Reston, Virginia: US Geological Survey WHPacific, Inc. 2010. Alaska Village Electric Cooperative Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Study: Reconnaissance Report. WHPacific, Inc. Cosmos Hills Recon ··a""c1 f'!Al Golder \Zl7 Associates FIGURES 2 0 2 1 inch -2 miles MIL£ ·~ SCM£ /lS SHOWN NOMFDCR GVICARIML KAN CMlO APG AVEC COSMOS HILL HYDROELECTRIC 1».1£ 2/4/2011 FEASIBILITY STUDY Anchoroge, Alaska CHECK JSD COSMOS HILLS, ALASKA ' Fl.£ No. PROJECT VIC INITY t.AAP .DWG 1».1£ 2/4/2011 F1GURE ~ PRWECT No. 103-95465 REV. WHPACIFIC I COSMOS HILU AK LEGEND 8TF' 008 ... NOTE Oti!RVATION REFERENCE F'OINT 1) CONCEF'T\JA~ ~ACI~IlY ~OCATIONSIDENTIFIED BY 'M1F'ACI~IC REFERENCES 1) AERIA~ F'HOTOGI'W'HY F'ROVIDED BY '1-MF'ACIFIC. 2) Al!RIA~ F'HOTOGRAF'HY SOURCl!: A!ROMETRICS (OCTOII!R 201 0) 1000 0 1000 -----1 Inch • 1000 fHt FEET BTF'1~ 1000 0 1000 M I 1 Inch • 1000-FEET LEGEND 8T~ 142 A NOTE OB6!RVATION REFERENCE ~INT 1) CONC!~TUAL ~ACILITY LOCATIONS IDENTI~IED IIY WHPACIFIC REFERENCES 1) AERIAL PHOTOGI'tAPHV PROVIDED BV WHPACI~IC . 2) IIE!RIAL PHOTOQRAPHV SOURCI!: "EROMETRICS (OCTOBER 2010) WESLEY CREEK STUDY AREA AVEC COS MOS HILLS HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY COSMOS HILLS , AK LEQEND STP 128 • NOTE OBSERVATION R!FERENC! POINT 1) CONCEPTUA" ~ACI,ITY "OCATIONS IDENTIFIED BY WHPACIFIC REFERENCES 1) AEFIIA" PHOTOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY WHPACIFIC. 2) AEFIIA" PHOTOGRAPHY SOURCE: AEROMETRICB (OCTOBER 2010) FILE""' PROP _STUDY_A_DAHL.dwg PI'KlJECTNe 103.gs4es 1000 1 Inch • 1000 feot 8CALI .. IHOWN Tlfll CAOO APQ ""' 21...,, CH~CI< JIO OAT! 21~11 '"' 1 1000 / ~ FEE1 DAHL CREEK STUDY AREA AVEC COSMOS HILL HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY COSMOS HILLS, AK IM-IPACIFIC I COSMOS HILLS I AK l'1a 4 FIELD PHOTOGRAPHS February 2011 Cosmos Creek Photographs: PHOTO: COSMOS 1 Photo looking down Cosmos Creek drainage from the middle reach area. PHOTO: COSMOS 2 Photo looking up Cosmos Creek drainage. 1 103-95465 February 2011 Cosmos Creek Photographs: PHOTO: COSMOS 3 Photo looking East at Cosmos Creek drainage channel along trail. Photo near conceptual tailrace/ powerhouse location. STP 098. PHOTO: COSMOS 4 Photo looking North up Cosmos Creek drainage. STP095. ·S"=.: /BGolder \2V'"A.ssociates 2 103-95465 February 2011 Cosmos Creek Photographs: PHOTO: COSMOS 5 Photo looking norther1y upstream of the Cosmos Creek study area. PHOTO: COSMOS 6 Typical Cosmos Creek upper reach stream bed conditions. -~ lfliA Golder \ZFIAssociates 3 103-95465 February 2011 Wesley Creek Photographs: PHOTO: WESLEY 1 Photo looking downstream along Wesley Creek from above the conceptual intake location. PHOTO: WESLEY 2 Photo looking downstream along Wesley Creek from middle to upper reach area. ..GoJ4er \ZP.Assoaates 4 103-95465 February 2011 Wesley Creek Photographs: PHOTO: WESLEY 3 Photo looking upstream of Wesley Creek at trail crossing at downstream boundary of study area. PHOTO: WESLEY 4 Photo of shallow depth test pit at Stop STP 136. ~At Golder '!r.Assoctates 5 103-95465 February 2011 Wesley Creek Photographs: PHOTO: WESLEY 5 Photo at Wesley Creek observation location Stop STP 143. PHOTO: WESLEY 6 Photo looking up the Wesley Creek drainage just above the conceptual intake area. {JfGolder Associates 6 103-95465 February 2011 Dahl Creek Photographs: PHOTO:DAHL1 Photo looking upstream along Dahl Creek. PHOTO: DAHL 2 Photo looking downstream along Dahl Creek. ~&\Golder \BA.ssociates 7 103-95465 February 2011 Dahl Creek Photographs: PHOTO:DAHL3 Vicinity of conceptual tailrace/ powerhouse (STP 123). PHOTO:DAHL4 Thick vegetation mat at Stop STP 123. -~ /fa Golder \ZFTl\ssociates 8 103-95465 PHOTO:DAHL5 Vicinity of conceptual tailrace/ powerhouse showing cobbles adjacent to previous excavation. PHOTO:DAHL6 February 2011 Stream alignment and confining west valley slope; middle to upper reach area of Dahl Creek. lfJ.a Golder \9Associates 9 103-95465 February 2011 Dahl Creek Photographs: PHOTO:DAHL7 Localized wetland area with thicker fine grained soil deposits; above conceptual intake location of Dahl Creek study area. PHOTO:DAHL8 Phil Quarterman and Brian Vanity of WHPacific. ~fA\ Golder \ZT':Associates 10 103-95465 February 20 11 Material Site Photograp PHOTO: MATERIAL SITE 1 Existing developed material site near Dahl Creek Camp PHOTO: MATERIAL SITE 2 Exposed bank at material site adjacent to Dahl Creek Camp runway. Shows alluvial deposits of granular material with cobbles. lfl\IGolder \ZV"'Associates 11 103-95465 !A Golder \ZPAssociates Golder Associates Inc. 2121 Abbott Road, Suite 1 00 Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Tel: 907-344-6001 AVEC Cosmos Hills Hydropower Study-Summer-Fall2010 Report Appendix F: Hydrologic Network Installation Operations, March 2011 Report by Geo-Watersheds Scientific and Brailey Hydrologic March 2011 [AVEC.~] ALASKA VILLAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE WHPactfic Appendix F Cosmos Hills Hydro-Electric Hydrologic Network Installation Operations, March 2011 Surveying Stream Section at Upper Dahl Creek Station, photograph by M. Lilly, August 2010. by Michael R. Lilly, Jeff Derry, David Brailey, Jeff Murray, Kristie Hilton , Ron Paetzold , and Austin McHugh May 2011 Cosmos Hills Hydrology Network Project Report GWS.TR.11.03 Cosmos Hills Hydro-Electric Hydrologic Network Installation and Operations, March 2011 by Michael R. Lilly\ Jeffrey Derry\ David Brailey2 , Jeff Murray\ Kristie Hilton, Ron Paetzold 1 and Austin McHugh 1 A report on hydrologic investigations sponsored by: • Alaska Energy Authority • Alaska Village Electric Cooperative • NANA Regional Corporation • Gee-Watersheds Scientific May 2011 Cosmos Hills Hydrology Network Project Report Number GWS. TR.11.03 1Geo-Watersheds Scientific, Fairbanks, AK 2 Brailey Hydrologic, Anchorage, AK ii Recommended Citation: Lilly, M.R., Derry, J., Brailey, D., Murray, J., Hilton, K., Paetzold, R., and McHugh, A. 2011. Cosmos Hills Hydro-Electric Hydrologic Network Installation and Operations, March 2011. Gee-Watersheds Scientific, Report GWS.TR.11.03. Fairbanks, Alaska. 31 pp (plus appendices). For additional information write to: Geo-Watersheds Scientific POBox81538 Fairbanks, Alaska 99708 mlilly@gwscicntific.com Fairbanks, Alaska May 2011 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................. iv LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... v LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ vi LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................................... vi DISCLAIMER ................................................................................................................. vii CONVERSION FACTORS, UNITS, WATER QUALITY UNITS, VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DATUM, ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS ........................................ viii PROJECT COOPERATORS .......................................................................................... xii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................. xii INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 2 NETWORK INSTALLATION OBJECTIVES ................................................................... 3 BACKGROUND HYDROLOGY ....................................................................................... 4 PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................... 8 SITE SELECTION ....................................................................................................... 8 GAUGING STATION INSTALLATION AND OBJECTIVES ......................................... 9 ELEVATION SURVEYING AND WATER LEVEL MEASURMENTS ......................... 10 WATER CHEMISTRY MEASUREMENTS ................................................................ 11 DISCHARGE MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES ...................................................... 11 ACOUSTIC DOPPLER DISCHARGVE MEASUREMENTS ................................... 11 CURRENT METER DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS ........................................... 13 SNOW SURVEY MEASUREMENTS ......................................................................... 13 SITE DESCRIPTIONS .................................................................................................. 14 UPPER COSMOS CREEK STATION ........................................................................ 14 LOWER COSMOS CREEK STATION ....................................................................... 16 UPPER WESLEY CREEK STATION ......................................................................... 17 LOWER WELSEY CREEK STATION ........................................................................ 18 UPPER DAHL CREEK STATION .............................................................................. 19 MIDDLE DAHL CREEK STATION ............................................................................. 20 UPPER KOGOLUKTUK RIVER STATION ................................................................ 21 LOWER KOGOLUKTUK RIVER STATION ............................................................... 22 iv SELECTED HYDROLOGY AND FIELD RESULTS ...................................................... 23 DISCHARGE MEASUREMENT RESULTS ............................................................... 23 CURRENT METER DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS ........................................... 23 ADCP DISCHARGE MEASUREMENT .................................................................. 24 WATER TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS .......................................................... 25 SPRING SNOW MEASUREMENTS AND FIELD OBSERVATIONS ......................... 27 SUMMARY .................................................................................................................... 29 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 31 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Map of Cosmos Hills Hydrologic Network ........................................................ 3 Figure 2. USGS Dahl Creek gauge mean daily mean discharge, in cubic feet per second ..................................................................................................................... 6 Figure 3. USGS Dahl Creek gauge daily mean-discharge period-of-record range, in cubic feet per second ............................................................................................... 6 Figure 4. USGS Dahl Creek gauge mean and low daily mean discharges for the period of record, in cubic feet per second ........................................................................... 7 Figure 5. USGS Dahl Creek gauge daily mean discharges for the 1 0-year period 1999 through 2009, in cubic feet per second .................................................................... 7 Figure 6. Site picture of the Upper Cosmos Creek Station (8/18/1 0, M. Lilly). The station is located on the west bank and the picture is looking upstream ........................... 15 Figure 7. Site picture of the Lower Cosmos Creek Station, looking downstream from east bank (8/18/1 0, M. Lilly) .................................................................................. 16 Figure 8. Site picture of the Upper Wesley Creek Station, looking across the stream from the west bank (8/20/1 0, M. Lilly) .................................................................... 17 Figure 9. Site picture of the Lower Wesley Creek Station, looking downstream from an old bridge on a regional trail (8/21/1 0, M. Lilly) ...................................................... 18 Figure 10. Site picture of the Upper Dahl Creek Station looking downstream from the station on the west bank (8/12/1 0, M. Lilly) ............................................................ 19 Figure 11. Site picture of the Middle Dahl Creek Station, looking south and downstream (8/21/10, M. Lilly) .................................................................................................... 20 v Figure 12. Site picture of the Upper Kogoluktuk River Station, taken on the east bank, and looking slightly upstream (8/18/1 0, M. Lilly) ..................................................... 21 Figure 13. Site picture of the Lower Kogoluktuk River Station, looking downstream from the west bank (8/18/1 0, M. Lilly) ............................................................................. 22 Figure 14. 2010 Discharge measurement locations, Kogoluktuk River ......................... 25 Figure 15. Water-temperature data from the time of installation to the October field trip for the series of downstream stations ..................................................................... 26 Figure 16. Website plotting example of data logger temperature, battery bank voltage and solar panel output voltage for the Upper Kogoluktuk River Station ................. 27 Figure 17. Snow survey site locations during March 2011 field trip ............................... 28 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Surface-Water, Repeater, and Base Station Locations ................................... 14 Table 2. Current Meter Discharge Measurements ........................................................ 24 Table 3. ADCP Discharge Measurements, Kogoluktuk River, August 14, 201 0 ............ 25 Table 4. Snow Survey Summary, March 24 to 27, 2011 ............................................... 29 LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A. ELEVATION SURVEY FORMS APPENDIX B. WATER-LEVEL MEASUREMENTS APPENDIX C. CROSS-SECTION ELEVATION SURVEY FORMS APPENDIX D. WATER-QUALITY SAMPLING FORMS APPENDIX E. WATER-QUALITY METER CALIBRATION FORMS APPENDIX F. SNOW SURVEY FORMS APPENDIX G. STATION METADATA STANDARDS EXAMPLE APPENDIX H. STATION METADATA SUMMARY FORM EXAMPLE vi DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the State of Alaska. Neither the State of Alaska nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the State of Alaska or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the State of Alaska or any agency thereof. The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors, who are responsible for the accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents of the report do not necessarily reflect the views of policies of the State of Alaska or any local sponsor. This work does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation. vii CONVERSION FACTORS, UNITS, WATER QUALITY UNITS, VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DATUM, ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS Conversion Factors Multiply inch (in.) inch (in.) foot (ft) mile (mi) acre acre square foot (ft2 ) square mile (mi 2 ) gallon (gal) gallon (gal) cubic foot (ft3 ) Acre-ft foot per day (fUd) square foot per day (ft2/d ) cubic foot per second (ft3/s) foot per day (fUd) foot per day (ft/d) meter per day (m/d) foot per foot (fUft) foot per mile (fUmi) pound per square inch (lb/in 2 ) By Length 25.4 2.54 0.3048 1.609 Area 43560 0.4047 3.587X10-8 2.590 Volume 3.785 3785 23.317 1233 Velocity and Discharge 0.3048 .0929 0.02832 Hydraulic Conductivity 0.3048 0.00035 0.00115 Hydraulic Gradient 5280 0.1894 Pressure 6.895 viii To obtain millimeter (mm) centimeter (em) meter (m) kilometer (km) square feet (ft2 ) hectare (ha) square mile (mi 2 ) square kilometer (km 2 ) liter (I) milliliter (ml) liter (I) cubic meter (m 3 ) meter per day (m/d) square meter per day (m 2/d) cubic meter per second (m 3/sec) meter per day (m/d) centimeter per second (em/sec) centimeter per second (em/sec) foot per mile (fUmi) meter per kilometer (m/km) kilopascal (kPa) Units For the purposes of this report, both US Customary and Metric units were employed. Common regulations related to water use in Alaska uses combinations of both US Customary and Metric units. The choice of "primary" units employed depended on common reporting standards for a particular property or parameter measured. Whenever possible, the approximate value in the "secondary" units was also provided in parentheses. Thus, for instance, snow depth was reported in inches (in) followed by the value in centimeters (em) in parentheses. Physical and Chemical Water-Quality Units: Temperature: Water and air temperature are given in degrees Celsius (°C) and in degrees Fahrenheit CF). Degrees Celsius can be converted to degrees Fahrenheit by use of the following equation: Snow Water Equivalent (SWE): Water content of a given column of snow is determined by knowing the depth of the snowpack and density. SWE = ds * Ps I Pw where: ds = snow depth Ps = snow density Pw = density of water. Electrical Conductance (Actual Conductivity and Specific Conductance): In this report conductivity of water is expressed as Actual Conductivity [AC] in microSiemens per centimeter (JJS/cm). This unit is equivalent to micromhos per centimeter. Elsewhere, conductivity is commonly expressed as Specific Conductance at ix 25°C [SC25] in IJS/cm which is temperature corrected. To convert AC to SC25 the following equation can be used: SC25 = __ A_C __ I+ r(T-25) where: SC25 = Specific Conductance at 25°C, in IJS/cm AC =Actual Conductivity, in IJS/cm r =temperature correction coefficient for the sample, in °C T = temperature of the sample, in °C Milligrams per liter (mg/1} or micrograms per liter <!!gil): A milligram per liter is a unit of measurement indicating the concentration of chemical constituents in solution as weight (milligrams) of solute per unit volume (liter) of water. One thousand micrograms per liter is equivalent to one milligram per liter. For concentrations less than 7,000 mg/1, the numerical value is the same as for concentrations in parts per million (ppm). Millivolt (mV): A unit of electromotive force equal to one thousandth of a volt. Vertical Datum: "Sea level" in the following report refers to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD of 1929), a geodetic datum derived from a general adjustment of the first-order level nets of both the United States and Canada, formerly called Sea Level Datum of 1929. Horizontal Datum: The horizontal datum for all locations in this report is the North American Datum of 1983 or North American Datum of 1927. X Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols AC ADOT&PF ADNR ASTM AVEC atm c em DO DVM F ft GWS in kg km 2 kPa lb/in2 m mg/1 Jlg/1 mi 2 mm J.!S/cm mV NGVD NRCS NWIS ppm QA QC SC25 SWE USACE USGS www YSI Actual conductivity Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Alaska Department of Natural Resources American Society for Testing and Materials Alaska Village Electric Cooperative Atmospheres Celsius (°C) Centimeters Dissolved oxygen Digital voltage multi-meter Fahrenheit (°F) Feet Gee-Watersheds Scientific Inches Kilograms Square kilometers Kilopascal Pounds per square inch Meters Milligrams per liter Micrograms per liter Square miles Millimeters Microsiemens per centimeter Millivolt National Geodetic Vertical Datum Natural Resources Conservation Service National Water Information System Parts per million Quality assurance Quality control Specific conductance at 25 o C Snow water equivalent U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District U.S. Geological Survey World Wide Web Yellow Springs Instruments xi PROJECT COOPERATORS The Cosmos Hydro-Electric Hydrology Network project covers selected streams in the Cosmos Hills area and the adjacent Kogoluktuk River and benefits from a number of positive partnerships, all contributing to the overall project objectives. );. Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) );. Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) );. NANA Regional Corporation, Inc. ,_ WH Pacific ,_ Gee-Watersheds Scientific );. Brailey Hydrologic );. Northwest Arctic Borough School District ,_ Kobuk School );. And coordination with NovaGold Resources Inc. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This material is based upon work supported by the Alaska Energy Authority. Field coordination and logistics support were provided by NovaGold Resources Inc. Additional support was provided by Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, NANA Regional Corporation, and Gee-Watersheds Scientific, in the form of financial and in-kind match. xii Cosmos Hills Hydro-Electric Hydrologic Network Installation and Operations, March 2011 INTRODUCTION The Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) in coordination with NANA Regional Corporation Inc. (NANA) are evaluating the potential for hydro-electric power generation in the Cosmos Hills region, which would serve low-cost power to the communities of Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak. Hydro-electric power evaluation, design and operations, and permitting of potential hydropower sites require both an understanding of the hydrologic systems being used, and operational information for the support of evaluation, design, and operations of hydropower facilities. The Cosmos Hills area is bounded on the south by the Kobuk River and on the north by the Ambler Lowland. The communities of Kobuk and Shungnak are located to the south of the Cosmos Hills, and Ambler is located to the west. All three communities are located in river valleys. Historical meteorological data collection in this region has primarily been collected for aviation support in the three communities. The USGS has operated a gauge at Dahl Creek since 1986 to obtain annual maximum flows. The site is funded by the Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (ADOT). The site is located at the west end of the Dahl Creek landing strip. The purpose of this report is to describe the establishment of a hydrologic network and its initial operations from August 2010 through March 2011. The primary goal of the network is to provide data for the evaluation of the hydropower potential for Cosmos Creek, Wesley Creek, Dahl Creek, and the Kogoluktuk River (Figure 1 ). The network configuration includes a primary surface-water station located near the planned intake reaches for each of the water sources, a secondary site located near the planned outputs for each water source, telemetry repeater sites, and a network of snow measurement sites. The project team is also planning to use the data and information from the USGS Dahl Creek gauge, called the Lower Dahl Creek station for purposes of this project. The data from the primary surface-water stations is transmitted through a 2 repeater network to a base station located at the Kobuk School. The data from this network is also reported online (www.cosmoshydro.org ). The information collected by this project has additional applications for environmental assessments, engineering design of stream and river crossings, and general water-resource, climate, river- transportation, and weather -forecasting applications. z 0 0 0 .Ji ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 0 2 4 6 B mies 0 2 4 6 B W U M km Figure 1. Map of Cosmos Hills Hydrologic Network. NETWORK INSTALLATION OBJECTIVES WGS84 156°27.000' z 0 0 0 r<i 0 0 ..... ID z 0 g c:i ~ ..... ID z 0 0 0 " lr ID ID mF·· 10/12/10 The installation objectives for the Cosmos Hills Hydrologic Network (Network) in August included the initial setup of data collection stations, stream surveying, discharge measurements, water chemistry, and general hydrologic observations to start the watershed characterization process. The primary interpretative goal of the project was the development of rating curves for the stage discharge relationship at each of the 3 primary gauging stations. Secondary objectives included basic water quality characteristics, such as water temperature and conductivity. This information is useful for baseline characterizations, and understanding the processes taking place in each of the surface-water systems, such as groundwater contributions to base flow. Additionally, the region is lacking in background meteorological observations, so the current collection of meteorological data is important to understanding the weather (short term) and climate (long term) factors that impact stream conditions and the quality assurance and quality of stage and discharge data. The collection of precipitation (summer rainfall) and snow measurement are particularly important for later hydrologic modeling and flow frequency estimates, as well as permitting and future environmental compliance efforts. BACKGROUND HYDROLOGY The study area is located in the interior region of Alaska, on the southern flanks of the Brooks Range, in the Kobuk River watershed. It is in a sub-arctic environment, and transition zone for continuous to discontinuous permafrost. The lower portions of the drainages are a mixture of forested tundra, while upper ridges are primarily bedrock exposures. The Cosmos Hills are bounded on the south by the Kobuk River, on the north and west by the Ambler River and Lowlands, and on the east by the Kogoluktuk River. The area is generally referred to as the Ambler Mining District. Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits result in rich mineral resources in the Ambler District. Gold was discovered in the 1890's and copper was discovered in 1901 on the north side of the Cosmos Hills. A mine shaft was advanced in the Ruby Creek drainage known as the Bornite Mine; the mining operation was short-lived but resulted in construction of an airstrip and a dirt road from Kobuk. There was also a jade mining operation in the lower Dahl Creek drainage in the 1940's; this operation used hydroelectric power to run a rock saw used to cut the jade. The early history of mining activities is important as it has resulted in historical geomorphologic changes to various portions of stream systems in the area, including those being studied by this project. More detailed descriptions of the watersheds will be provided in subsequent reports. 4 The USGS maintains a gauge on Dahl Creek, which will also serve as an index station for station rating curve development and additional hydrologic interpretations. Monthly summer data collection for the station began in 1986. By 1988 the USGS was reporting data for the whole summer period and by 1990 for the complete water year (October 1 to September 30). The USGS Dahl Creek Station is referred to as the Lower Dahl Creek station for this project, as it is downstream of the other two stations established on Dahl Creek. The timing of flow events from year to year will vary and has a direct impact on planning of field measurements. Figure 2 shows the mean daily mean discharge for Dahl Creek for the period of record. This plot illustrates winter baseflow conditions which then lead to spring snowmelt increases in discharge, followed by lower flow conditions in early summer with late summer floods occurring generally in August. Surface-water flow starts decreasing in September and continues to drop until winter base flow conditions are reached in winter. Figure 3 shows the maximum, mean, and minimum daily mean discharge for the period of record. This helps show the range in flow conditions over the period of record. Note the difference in the scales on they-axis for Figure 2 and Figure 3. The high daily mean flows are highest for early snowmelt floods and late summer flooding with the highest discharge events (flooding) occurring during late summer rainfall events. The variability in timing of the snowmelt flood is a little over a month. This time period also illustrates the variability in summer flow conditions that must be taken into account when planning a field measurement program, as well as hydropower evaluations. The mean and low daily mean discharge characteristics are important for hydropower assessments. Figure 4 shows the mean and minimum daily mean discharge for Dahl Creek USGS gauge for the period of record. It illustrates the range in low flow conditions that can occur during summer months. Figure 5 shows the daily mean discharge for 1999 through 2009. This plot illustrates the variability in flow conditions over the last 11 years. Note the variability in timing of snowmelt breakup flooding events, which are sensitive to the variability in spring weather conditions. 5 140 U) 120 u. (.) E ai 100 ~ ro .s:::. 80 0 Ill 0 c ro 60 Q) ::2 2!:-·ro 40 0 .._ 0 c 20 ro Q) ::2 0 USGS 157 43850 Dahl Creek Gauge Near Kobuk l I I I I ~A I I I I I I I I I I I \I ~ ~, .. ~~ 'I\ I I I ,I~ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Period of Record Figure 2. USGS Dahl Creek gauge mean daily mean discharge, in cubic feet per second. 1,500 1,250 U) u. (.) E 1,000 ai Cl L. ro .s:::. 750 0 Ill 0 c ro 500 Q) ::2 2!:-·ro 0 250 0 USGS 157 43850 Dahl Creek Gauge Near Kobuk J, ' . . 'a 1 I 1 I -•-Max1mum Da1!y Mean Mean of Daily Mean Q I -1+-M !nimum Daily Mean Q I I I I I .~ "!\ ._.At.fli "N Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Period of Record Figure 3. USGS Dahl Creek gauge daily mean-discharge period-of-record range, in cubic feet per second. 6 150 125 (/) LL (.) -= 100 <U Cl .... ctl .s::. 75 () 1/) iS c: ctl 50 Q) :::2: ~ ·ro 0 25 0 USGS 157 43850 Dahl Creek Gauge Near Kobuk -~ ot'oail ~ean 6 . . y . . -~-Minimuj Daily/ Mean 1 a --! i I I i I I I I I I I I I I l I I ~ I ' I t\ 11 ~ I \ i u ~ I \ ~ ~ l\ ! ' ~:.;~ -\ I' ......_"=! -=-...--... ... t1 I - Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Period of Record Figure 4. USGS Dahl Creek gauge mean and low daily mean discharges for the period of record, in cubic feet per second. 700 600 (/) LL 500 (.) -= ~ 400 ctl .s::::. () 1/) iS 300 c: ctl Q) :::2: 200 ~ ·ro 0 100 0 USGS 157 43850 Dahl Creek Gauge Near Kobuk I f-r---1--- I I I i I I I I ,U A -- ~ -~ liJ ~ ~ ~ {21:1~ l r==· Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec --2009 --2008 2007 --2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 --2001 --2000 --1999 Figure 5. USGS Dahl Creek gauge daily mean discharges for the 10-year period 1999 through 2009, in cubic feet per second. 7 The Lower Dahl Creek USGS Station is important in the Cosmos Hills region, as it serves as a representative stream for south facing watersheds in the lower foothills. The extent of its benefits is dependent on the collection of supporting data to help develop correlations with climate and hydrologic processes. The gauge has a potential for serving as an index station for water-use permitting and hydropower design. lnstream water reservations for permitting normally require 4-5 years of data collection. Correlation between the USGS gauging site and stations in the hydrologic monitoring network may result in a shorter data collection period for permit applications, depending on the correlations between surface-water systems. Collection of comparative surface- water and meteorological data sets are critical for environmental and engineering evaluations. PROCEDURES The following sections describe the general procedures used during the project reporting period. As continued data collection activities are conducted, these procedures may be changed to help meet current or future project objectives. SITE SELECTION The general site locations for the upper gauging stations in each of the study watersheds were determined by the hydropower assessments. General locations of the water intakes were identified, and then sites were selected that were at these locations, or slightly upstream so that stations were located on creek or river reaches conducive to discharge measurements and continuous stage measurements. The stability of channel conditions and general site access was also taken into account for each station. Downstream station locations were selected from the potential location of outlet structures for hydropower plants. Water temperature is collected near or slightly downstream of each intended discharge location from the planned hydropower plants. The temperature data will be used to evaluate the baseline temperature gradients in the 8 streams, during the anticipated hydropower-production season. Basic hydrology observations will also be collected during station visits. GAUGING STATION INSTALLATION AND OBJECTIVES The data stations are solar and battery powered. Land use and associated permit documentation were prepared for AVEC and coordinated with their permitting contractors. The data-collection platforms use Campbell Scientific equipment, which is the standard used in a majority of the North Slope and western Alaska hydrologic and climate networks. The primary data collection at each station is stream stage, with supporting data collection including water temperature, air temperature, relative humidity, and summer precipitation (unshielded). Early spring station visits will be used to measure end-of-season snow conditions. The winter snowpack conditions are important for both understanding the snowmelt flood hydrograph and summer base flow conditions. There are currently no known snow measurements taking place in the Cosmos Hills region. Field logistics can be extremely expensive in remote regions. At least two of the gauging stations require helicopter access (Cosmos Creek, Kogoluktuk River). Remote reporting of data provides cost savings in several areas, primarily in supporting field logistics. Benefits are also gained in reducing data loss due to animals, flooding and other environmental factors. Real-time data reporting will also help support other logistical efforts in the area and local communities. A base station is located in Kobuk, at the local school, with radio repeaters located on high ridges to allow communication to the gauging stations located in stream and river drainages. The data collection objectives at each of the primary gauging stations includes parameters to measure surface-water stage, unshielded precipitation, bank temperatures, shielded air temperature and relative humidity, and station diagnostics. Detailed descriptions of the data collection parameters are available in Appendix G and H for an example station. Each station uses the same data collection standards. The only exception is that one station also measures barometric pressure (NOT adjusted to sea level elevation for aviation applications). Additionally, the surface-water gauging 9 stations include cameras to help record visual observations of stream conditions, important for the general understanding of stream conditions, snow and winter icing conditions, and support of transportation logistics. Additional data for the sensor specifications and other station information is available on the project website. There are also repeater stations, used to help transmit data from the surface-water stations (normally in low areas) back to a base station in Kobuk. The repeater stations also record shielded air-temperature and station diagnostics. The primary data reporting period is during summer months. Station data is normally updated every 1 to 3 hours. Adverse weather, animal damage (bears, foxes, etc.) and other environmental factors may impact station reporting. Data loggers provide 150 or more days of onsite storage so no information is lost during periods when the telemetry network is not functioning. ELEVATION SURVEYING AND WATER LEVEL MEASURMENTS Local survey control, temporary benchmarks (TBM's), and stream cross sections will be surveyed once a year or more frequently if needed. The TBM's were established during the station installations in August, 2010. Depending on active-layer properties, benchmarks (generally rebar, or bolts in stream boulders) can move on a seasonal basis, so a set of three to five benchmarks will be installed at each site. TBM's were established to provide multiple balanced shots to help track potential seasonal movement of TBMs and make any required elevation adjustment. Reference marks (RMs) were also established to primarily provide easy measuring points for surface- water elevations at varying stage levels. Closed loop surveying will be used to measure any changes in TBMs and RMs during each station visit in spring and summer months (Kennedy, 1990). Survey elevation measurements forms are included in Appendix A. Water level measurements and adjusted gauge heights made during the August and October field trips are reported in Appendix B. It is important to characterize stream cross-sections for establishing stream gauging stations and rating curves. During the August field trip, cross-section surveys were 10 conducted at each station. This data is reported in Appendix C. Cross-section surveys include surveys perpendicular to the channel and surveys upstream and downstream of the station to establish the water slope. Subsequent cross-section surveys may be made as needed when signs of erosion or other changes are noted during field visits. WATER CHEMISTRY MEASUREMENTS The general water quality measurements made for this project include temperature and conductivity. Various hand-held field meters are used for conductivity measurements. Additionally the station data collection systems measure and store water temperature information from the pressure transducers and stream-bank thermistors. The downstream sites located near the proposed hydropower outfalls use Hobo instream data loggers that measure stream temperatures. The Hobo sensors have to be manually downloaded during station visits, or sensors are swapped with replacement sensors and downloaded at a later time. DISCHARGE MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES Discharge measurements were performed using an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and by conventional current meter methods. These techniques are described in the following sections. ACOUSTIC DOPPLER DISCHARGVE MEASUREMENTS The August 2010 discharge measurements on the Kogoluktuk River were performed using a 3.0 kHz Sontek RiverCat ADCP deployed from a motorized cataraft. This device is designed for shallow-water operation, with a maximum depth range of 17 feet. The ADCP integrates water depths and velocities along transects extending from bank to bank, and computes a total discharge for each transect. Measurement of multiple transects improves the accuracy of each measurement and allows evaluation of overall measurement precision. 11 During each transect, data acquisition software records the ADCP's horizontal position using both GPS and bottom-track positioning. For medium-sized streams (such as the Kogoluktuk), sub-meter positioning is typically adequate. As a result, a Geneq differential GPS (DGPS) receiver was used to collect position information via the Federal Aviation Administration's Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS). Unfortunately, poor satellite reception prevented accurate WAAS positioning, and the August 2010 ADCP measurements relied solely on bottom-track positioning. During flow conditions that involve significant bedload transport, bottom-track discharge measurements can be biased by sediment movement on the riverbed. It is for this reason that GPS position data is often recorded simultaneously. During the August 2010 discharge measurements, the clear water and shallow depth of each transect (less than 4.5 feet) permitted visual observation of the sand-to cobble-sized bed material. No bed movement was observed (nor is expected) based on the water velocities and bed materials encountered (Table 3-2). During spring breakup or rain- induced floods, a local DGPS base station should be established, or moving bed tests should be performed to quantify the possible bias of bottom-track discharge measurements. Upon completion of the ADCP measurements, the data were reviewed for internal consistency and acceptable precision measures. A subsequent office review included the following: • Reprocessing of each transect to confirm that the proper edge distances, transducer depths, and stream temperatures were used; • Review of each transect to identify lost or invalid ensembles; • Review of ship tracks and velocity vectors to identify bottom-track positioning problems; • Review of ensemble data to ensure that edge estimates are based on at least two good bins; • Comparison of multiple transects to evaluate precision. 12 CURRENT METER DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS Following procedures outlined by Rantz et al. (1982), discharge measurements on Cosmos Creek, Wesley Creek, and Dahl Creek were made using conventional current meter methods. A surveyor's tape was used to divide the stream width into at least 25 partial vertical sections (termed "verticals"). The widths of the verticals were spaced such that no vertical contained more than 10 percent of the total discharge. For depths less than 2.5 feet, the velocity was measured at 60 percent of the water column height, and for depths over 2.5 feet the velocity was measured at 20 and 80 percent of the water column height. The velocity measurements were made with a Marsh-McBirney Flow Mate 2000 flow meter mounted on a top-setting wading rod. Water depths were recorded to the nearest 0.05 feet. SNOW SURVEY MEASUREMENTS Snow is an important part of the hydrologic cycle in the Cosmos Hills. Very few if any historical snow measurements exist. The development of baseline snow conditions began in March, 2011, with the first spring snow surveys made for this project. Snow surveys are conducted by selecting sites that will help define the regional snow distribution. These would include sites in forested, tundra, and open environments. A typical site involves performing a snow-course, which includes collecting snow depth as well as snow density, using a method sometimes referred to as "double sampling". Snow-course data collected for the Cosmos Hills Hydrologic Project follow procedures as described by Derry et al. 2009. Snow-depth measurements are performed in "L" shaped patterns with aT-handle probe approximately every 3.3 ft (1 m) for 82ft (25m), then turning 90 degrees, and continuing for another 82 ft (25 m). Five snow density samples are collected with an Adirondack snow sampler at each site. To calculate average snow water equivalent (SWE) for a snow-course, the average of 50 snow depths are multiplied by the average of 5 snow density samples. The heterogeneous Arctic snowpack is more variable in depth than in density (Benson and Sturm, 1993); hence, more depth-measurement locations are required relative to density- measurement locations. 13 SITE DESCRIPTIONS This section describes the locations and general characteristics of each of the stations in the network. Table 1 lists the general elevations and latitude and longitude for each station. The elevations were measured with GPS units and not tied into any local datum control. Tabl 1 S rf e u ace-w ater, R epeater, and B ase s tatlon L ocat1ons. North West Station Elevation Latitude Longitude Ft NAD83 NAD83 Upper Cosmos Creek Station 684 6JO 00.287' 157° 06.534' Lower Cosmos Creek Station 336 66° 58.836' 15JO 11.170' Upper Wesley Creek Station 615 66° 58.945' 156° 58.824' Lower Wesley Creek Station 260 66° 57.235' 157° 01.364' Upper Dahl Creek Station 405 66° 57.628' 156° 52.950' Middle Dahl Creek Station 287 66° 57.019' 156° 54.217' Lower Dahl Creek USGS Station 244 66° 56.737' 156° 54.795' Upper Kogoluktuk River Station 321 66° 59.706' 156° 41.969' Lower Kogoluktuk River Station 279 66° 58.965' 156° 41.862' Cosmos Creek Repeater Station 1629 66° 59.421' 15JO 07.022' Wesley Creek Repeater Station 2010 66° 59.744' 156° 59.880' Dahl Creek Repeater Station 1850 66° 57.919' 156° 51.055' Kogoluktuk River Repeater Station 1707 66° 57.096' 156° 47.888' Kobuk Base Station 147 66° 54.482' 156° 52.997' UPPER COSMOS CREEK STATION The Upper Cosmos Creek Station is located in the upper portion of the Cosmos Creek watershed, at an approximate elevation of 684 feet above sea level. The station is located on the west bank of the creek, also called the "right bank" in reference to an observer looking in the downstream direction and the bank to the right is the right bank. The station is located a few hundred feet to the east and southeast of the primary helicopter landing zone. The general channel conditions appear to be well anchored cobbles and boulders. Some boulders are over 3 feet (-1 meter) in diameter. There is brushy vegetation along both banks and signs of erosional channels from overflow conditions in the west bank area. The east bank is located against a talus slope from 14 the adjacent Cosmos Mountain. The stage levels are measured in the creek just upstream from the large rock shown in Figure 6. The survey control points are located both upstream and downstream of the station location . The discharge measuring locations will vary upstream and downstream based on flow conditions at specific water level conditions. Additional station information is available on the following Internet link: );> http ://www .cosmoshydro.org/stations/UCosmosCrkl Figure 6. Site picture of the Upper Cosmos Creek Station (8/18/10, M. Lilly). The station is located on the west bank and the picture is looking upstream. 15 LOWER COSMOS CREEK STATION The Lower Cosmos Creek Station is located on the east bank (left-hand bank), just downstream of a regional trail (Figure 7). The location was chosen on a deep cut bank so that there would be a greater chance of the sensor being under ice and not frozen in during winter months . The general stream conditions are well mixed so the temperature data should be representative of the general stream reach. There is thick vegetation on both sides of the stream and the stream bed is primarily composed of gravel and cobbles. Data collection at this station is with a Hobo stream temperature sensor and manual general stream observations. There is no real-time reporting from this station. Figure 7. Site picture of the Lower Cosmos Creek Station, looking downstream from east bank (8/18/10, M. Lilly). 16 UPPER WESLEY CREEK STATION The Upper Wesley Creek Station is located just upstream of the Bornite Road bridge crossing. The station is on the west (right) bank (Figure 8). Stage levels are measured in a pool on the west side of the creek. Survey control is primarily on the west bank. The general discharge measurement location is just downstream of the station. The west bank is fairly high above creek water levels and the right bank will be underwater during flood events. There are thick alders on both banks, with some birch intermingled. There are some large boulders along the creek edges, but less than in Cosmos Creek. The general bed material is composed of gravels and cobbles . Additional station data is available at the following Internet site: ~ http://www.cosmoshydro.org/stations/UWesleyCrk/ Figure 8. Site picture of the Upper Wesley Creek Station, looking across the stream from the west bank (8/20/10, M. Lilly). 17 LOWER WELSEY CREEK STAT/ON The Lower Wesley Creek Station is located on the west bank (right-hand bank), just downstream of a regional trail and old 4-wheeler bridge (Figure 9). The location was chosen on a deep cut bank (center of photograph) so that there would be a greater chance of the sensor being under ice and not frozen in during winter months . The general stream conditions are well mixed. There is thick vegetation and scattered spruce trees on both sides of the stream and the stream bed is primarily composed of gravel and cobbles. Data collection at this station is with a Hobo stream temperature sensor and manual general stream observations . There is no real-time reporting from this station. Figure 9. Site picture of the Lower Wesley Creek Station, looking downstream from an old bridge on a regional trail (8/21/10, M. Lilly). 18 UPPER DAHL CREEK STATION The Upper Dahl Creek Station is located in the middle portion of the Dahl Creek watershed , at an approximate elevation of 405 feet above sea level. The station is located on the west bank (right-hand bank) of the creek . The station is also located downstream of Wye Creek, which is approximately 1 mile upstream of the station. The general channel conditions appear to be well anchored cobbles and boulders. Some boulders are over 3 feet (-1 meter) in diameter. There is thick brushy vegetation along both banks with scattered birch and spruce trees. The east bank is located against a talus slope from the adjacent southern ridge of Asbestos Mountain . The survey control points are located on the west bank near the station and also downstream of the station location . The discharge measuring locations are downstream of the station and may vary in location based on flow conditions at specific water levels. Additional station information is available on the follwoing Internet link: ~ http://www.cosmoshydro.org/stations/UDahiCrk/ Figure 10. Site picture of the Upper Dahl Creek Station looking downstream from the station on the west bank (8/12/10, M. Lilly). 19 MIDDLE DAHL CREEK STATION The Middle Dahl Creek Station is located on the west bank (right-hand bank), just downstream of a bend and clearing along the creek (Figure 11 ). The location was chosen on a deep cut bank so that there would be a greater chance of the sensor being under ice and not frozen in during winter months. The general stream conditions are well mixed so the temperature data should be representative of the general stream reach. There is thick vegetation and abundant spruce trees on both sides of the stream and the stream bed is primarily composed of gravel and cobbles. Data collection at this station is with a Hobo stream temperature sensor and manual general stream observations. There is no real-time reporting from this station . The USGS Dahl Creek Gauge is located downstream of this location . Figure 11. Site picture of the Middle Dahl Creek Station, looking south and downstream (8/21/10, M. lilly). 20 UPPER KOGOLUKTUK RIVER STATION The Upper Kogoluktuk River Station is located in the lower portion of the Kogoluktuk River watershed , at an approximate elevation of 321 feet above sea level. The station is located on the east bank (left-hand bank) of the river. The station is also located downstream of the Ambler Lowlands and upstream of the Kogoluktuk Falls reach. The east bank is higher and steeper than the west bank. There is thick brushy vegetation along both banks with scattered birch , spruce and black spruce trees. The station is located east of Asbestos Mountain. The survey control points are located on the east bank near the station and upstream and downstream of the station location. Some survey control points are located down the steep eastern bank. The discharge measuring locations are near the station or upstream and may vary in location based on flow conditions at specific water levels. Additional station information is available on the following Internet link : » http://www. cosmoshydro. org/stations/U KogoRvr/ Figure 12. Site picture of the Upper Kogoluktuk River Station, taken on the east bank, and looking slightly upstream (8/18/10, M. Lilly). 21 LOWER KOGOLUKTUK RIVER STATION The Lower Kogoluktuk River Station is located on the west bank (right-hand bank), just downstream of the upper falls area (Figure 13). The location was chosen on an outside bank so that there would be a greater chance of the sensor being under ice and not frozen in during winter months. The general river conditions are well mixed so the temperature data should be representative of the general river reach. There are large bedrock exposures on both sides of the river. The riverbed in this reach is likely a mix of bedrock, boulders and gravel. Data collection at this station is with a Hobo stream temperature sensor and manual general river observations. There is no real-time reporting from this station. Figure 13. Site picture of the Lower Kogoluktuk River Station, looking downstream from the west bank (8/18/1 0, M. Lilly). 22 SELECTED HYDROLOGY AND FIELD RESULTS This section will describe selected data collected during the August and October 2010, and March 2011 field trips. The purpose of this section is to provide some brief examples of the data being collected. A more detailed interpretative report is planned for December 2012. Additional data and real-time and historical plots are available on the project website (www.cosmoshydro.org). The appendices in the back of this report do report all the manual measurement collected during the three project field trips. Appendix D reports basic water-quality data measured at various creek and river locations. The supporting water-quality meter calibration forms and resulting quality assurance results are provided in Appendix E. DISCHARGE MEASUREMENT RESULTS The primary goal of the project is the development of rating curves for the four surface- water systems in the network. The following sections provide results for discharge measurements performed using conventional current meter and acoustic Doppler measurement methods. Salt dilution measurements were made in the field at the three creek stations and supported the conventional current meter methods. The step-pool system in the three creeks provided adequate locations for the current meter methods. CURRENT METER DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS Current meter discharge measurements are summarized in Table 2. All of the measurements satisfied the USGS criterion of no more than 1 0 percent of the total discharge within any partial vertical section. In addition, flow conditions and transportation constraints allowed replicate measurements for about half of the discharge measurements. Results indicate that the precision of the current meter discharge measurements was within 3 percent. Due to the presence of shore ice in the vicinity of the gauge, the October 2010 stage measurements on Cosmos Creek and the Kogoluktuk River could be ice-affected. 23 Table 2. Current Meter Discharge Measurements. Relative Corrected Discharge, Station Date Time percent Comments Stage, ft cfs difference 8/13/10 11:05 97.05 41.6 Steady stage permitted 1.4 Cosmos 8/13/10 12:00 97.05 41 0 duplicate measurements Creek 10/14/10 13:10 96.59 13.2 0.39 PT stage likely ice-affected 10/14/10 13:50 96.60 13.1 8/13/10 16:15 91.49 27.3 Steady stage permitted 1.6 Wesley 8/13/10 17:15 91.49 26.9 duplicate measurements Creek 10/14/10 15:20 91.30 9.36 Wetted perimeter at PT 2.7 10/14/10 15:55 91.30 9.61 appears ice-free 8/11/10 14:15 91.08 37.6 1 Steady rain 8/11/10 14:55 91.08 39.4 NA Stage increased by 0.01 ft Dahl Creek 8/11/10 16:00 91 09 52.7 Stage increased by 0.07 ft 10/13/10 16:40 90.75 16.4 NA Wetted perimeter at PT appears ice-free Kogoluktuk 10/15/10 13:00 84.44 335 I NA PT stage likely ice-affected River ADCPD~CHARGEMEASUREMENT The August 2010 discharge measurements on the Kogoluktuk River were pertormed at the location shown on Figure 14, about 0.4 miles upstream of the gauging station. A total of eight transects were pertormed at this location, although Transect 7 was eliminated due to low bias. As shown in Table 3, the remaining seven transects yielded a coefficient of variation under 5 percent, which satisfies the USGS criterion for acceptance. All ADCP measurements include areas near the water surtace, the river bed, and the banks where discharge is estimated because the water is either too shallow or the signal is affected by interterence. Although the shallow draft of the measurement platform permitted relatively low edge estimates, the minimum cell size of 0.5 feet, together with the surtace blanking distance of 0. 7 feet, resulted in relatively high top and bottom estimates. As a result, the proportion of measured vs. estimated flow was less than 40 percent. Nevertheless, the data are suitable for rating curve development. 24 Figure 14. 2010 Discharge measurement locations, Kogoluktuk River. Table 3. ADCP Discharge Measurements, Kogoluktuk River, August 14, 2010. Start Start Duration , Total Percent Left Right Mean Transect Bank Time minutes a, ft'/s Measured a. a, Velocity, Average ft'/s ft'/s ft/s Depth, ft 1 Right 16:59:08 0 :03:55 1,719 34.8 0.7 0.0 2 .5 2 .8 2 Left 17:03:28 0 :04 :25 1,555 36.3 -0.1 1.8 2.4 2.4 3 Right 17:08:18 0 :04:55 1,600 34.5 1.5 1.3 2 .3 2 .6 4 Left 17:13:38 0 :04:40 1 ,633 37.2 -2 .0 -0.4 2.4 2 .5 5 Right 17:1 9:18 0 :06:30 1,529 38.1 -0 .3 1.2 2 .2 2 .6 6 Left 17:26:23 0 :05:30 1,592 35.2 0 .2 1.6 2 .3 2 .5 8 Left 17:38:33 0 :05:15 1,732 38.2 1.4 2 .2 2 .3 2.7 Average 0:05:01 1,623 36.3 0 .2 1.1 2 .3 2 .6 Standard Deviation 77.5 Coefficient of Variation (COV) 0.048 WATER TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS Understanding baseline water temperature conditions is important for evaluating any type of hydropower development. We are measuring water temperature at the primary gauging sites and locations downstream in each of the three creeks and the Kogoluktuk 25 River. The locations are at the approximate discharge points for early designs of the hydropower infrastructure. Figure 15 shows an example of the stream temperature data for the lower stations . The Kogoluktuk River temperatures are warmer than the three creeks until the onset of winter. In early winter, the temperature relationship is changed and the Kogoluktuk River water temperatures are colder at the downstream station. This change in temperature relationship is likely due to the differences in groundwater inflow to the streams, versus the upstream surface-water exposure to atmospheric warming. The drop in the temperature below freezing at the Lower Kogoluktuk River Station in October may be related to short-term freezing of the sensor in river ice. The data also shows the sensitivity of the surface-water systems to diurnal temperature warming. The summer temperatures are more similar between Cosmos Creek and Wesley Creek, with Dahl Creek generally having colder temperature conditions. 12 --Lower Cosmos Creek 10 --Lower Wesley Creek 51 ~~u~~~~~--~~--~----~------LowerDahiCreek --Lower Kogoluktuk 48 8 45 -() 6 0 -Q) .... ::I -4 ca .... Q) Q. E 2 Q) 1- 33 0 30 -2 8/22 8/29 9/5 9/12 9/19 9/26 10/3 10/10 August 2010 -October 2010 Figure 15. Water-temperature data from the time of installation to the October field trip for the series of downstream stations. 26 Data plots are also available on the project website. Figure 16 is an example of the datalogger panel temperature, battery bank voltage for the station , and solar panel output voltage. This graph is for the Upper Kogoluktuk River Station and is representative of the other creek stations. The data indicates the station battery banks stayed at a high charge capacity during winter months and solar charging started to increase in February and was meeting the daily energy consumption in March. When the battery banks are fully charged (will accept no additional amps), the solar panel voltages will exceed 20 volts during clear sky conditions. Upper Kogoluktuk River Stati o n: Di agnostics u 20.0 t------+- 0 10.0 ~· 0.0 .a -10.0 Average Hourly Values ~ -20.0 IA--.ri'-Hr.-----f-J\t--1'---1-11*\--Mf-V ! -30.0 t-\diHI+-111- E -40.0 ~ -50.0 ~0.0~~~~~~--~~~~~~_.~~--~~~~ Dec-lO )m-Il Feb-11 Milr-ll Apr-11 Mily-ll -Panel Temperature Battery Voltage Solar Panel Voltage Figure 16. Website plotting example of data logger temperature, battery bank voltage and solar panel output voltage for the Upper Kogoluktuk River Station. SPRING SNOW MEASUREMENTS AND FIELD OBSERVATIONS The general snow conditions were fairly uniform at sites measured during the March field trip, Figure 17. In the lower slopes of the Cosmos Hills and the North-South transect up Wesley Creek and Ruby Creek, the snow conditions were fairly uniform. 27 The snow conditions at the upper ridges were noted to be more wind packed and have thinner snow cover. The average density at seven snow-course sites (Table 4) during the March field trip ranged from 0.22-0.26 gr/cm3 , which indicate very homogenous snowpack conditions . Due to this consistency in density, as well as traveling and sampling time constraints, at three sites (Kogoluktuk River-Forest , Wesley Creek-SC1 , and Wesley Creek-SCS) only snow-depth measurements were collected in order to ensure adequate time to collect a greater spatial coverage of snow depth. SWE was calculated for the three sites where density was not collected by taking the average density from nearby representative (in terms of general landscape and vegetation type) snow-course sites. The SWE ranged from 6.4 inches H20 (16.2 em) to 12.8 inches H20 (32.6 em) with an area average of 10.1 inches H20 (25. 7 em). The average snow depth for the study area was 43.0 inches (109.2 em). The average density for all sites sampled was 0.23 gr/cm3 . Discussions with local residents and teachers of Kobuk indicated this was a relatively high snow year, compared to at least the last ten years. z 0 0 0 "' 0 0 ~~~~~~~:::1:;; NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 0 2 4 6 8 Res J .. i' 1 ~ 1 1 i 1 1 ~ 1 ~., 1 ~ 1 M km Figure 17. Snow survey site locations during March 2011 field trip. 28 WGS84 156°22.0001 0 0 0 "' 0 0 f.·· OS!J2/11 Table 4. Snow Survey Summary, March 24 to 27, 2011. Snow-Course Site Name and Date Sampled Wesley Cr Dala Shown South to Norltl Cosmos Dahl Dahl Kogo Kogo Wesley Wesley Wesley Wesley Wesley Lower Airstrip Station Forest Sandbar SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 scs (3125) (3124) (3126) (3126) (3126) (3124) (3124) (3127) (3127) (3127) Average snow depth (em) 85.4 73.9 127.8 115.5 91.7 141.8 121.5 117.4 123.8 93.2 Maximum snow depth (em)= 105.0 90.0 155.0 143.0 96.0 165.0 175.0 135.0 140.0 120.0 Minimum snow depth (em)= 63.0 61.0 85.0 101.0 86.0 100.0 65.0 100.0 110.0 70.0 Standard deviation (em) 9.7 7.5 14.4 7.3 2.4 17.1 23.5 8.5 8.1 11.9 Average snow depth (in)= 33.6 29.1 50.3 45.5 36.1 55.8 47.8 46.2 48.7 36.7 Maximum snow depth (in)= 41.3 35.4 61.0 56.3 37.8 65.0 68.9 53.1 55.1 47.2 Minimum snow depth (in) 24.8 24.0 33.5 39.8 33.9 39.4 25.6 39.4 43.3 27.6 Standard deviation (in)= 3.8 3.0 5.7 2.9 1.0 6.7 9.2 3.3 3.2 4.7 Average Density (grlem3 )= 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.23 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.24 Average SVIIE (em H20) 19.2 16.2 29.1 27.7 23.0 32.6 31.9 27.9 27.4 21.9 (in H20)= 7.5 6.4 11.5 10.9 9.1 12.8 12.6 11.0 10.8 8.6 (ft H20}= 0.6 0.5 1.0 0.9 0.8 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.7 . . -Note: bold 1tal1cs 1nd1cates averaged value for average density SUMMARY A surface-water data collection network was established in the Cosmos Hills region in August 2010 for the purpose of evaluating the hydropower potential for Cosmos Creek, Wesley Creek, Dahl Creek and the Kogoluktuk River. The primary purpose of the network and resulting field data collection efforts is to establish stage-discharge rating 29 curves for each of the surface water systems of interest. Secondary objectives include the collection of surface-water temperature data at the main gauging stations and downstream stations located near potential hydropower outlets. Summer precipitation and spring snowpack measurements are also measured, along with air temperature and relative humidity. Surveying, manual water quality measurements and other general field hydrology observations were also recorded for the data stations and surface-water systems. The data station network includes repeater sites to help provide telemetry communications back to a base station located at Kobuk School. Selected data is reported on a project website. Additional surface-water discharge measurements were made in October 2010 to help establish discharge observations at low water conditions. Cosmos Creek and the Kogoluktuk River October discharge measurements were ice affected and are likely not applicable to the rating curve development, but still useful for understanding the early winter flow conditions at the respective stations. During severe winter storms in February 2011, 3 of the repeater station radios were impacted by potential atmospheric static conditions. These radios will be repaired during the spring 2011 field efforts. Snow surveys and station visits were made near the end of March 2011. Warm conditions and deep snowpack resulted in field crews not being able to access the Upper Cosmos Creek Station and the Upper Kogoluktuk River Station. Upper Wesley Creek and Upper Dahl Creek Stations were visited and station operations were normal and data collection systems were working well. The Upper Kogoluktuk Station has been reporting data all winter long without interruptions. Snowpack conditions are high for spring 2011. Depending on spring weather conditions, this should result in relatively high snowmelt discharge conditions. All of the project objectives have been met during the period of August 2010 through March 2011, with the exception of the impacts of the February storm event on the telemetry reporting system. 30 REFERENCES Benson, C. S. and M. Sturm (1993) Structure and wind transport of seasonal snow on the Arctic Slope of Alaska. Annals of Glaciology, 18, 261-267. Derry, J., Lilly, M., Schultz, G., Cherry, J., 2009. Snow Data Collection Methods Related to Tundra Travel, North Slope, Alaska. December 2009, Geo-Watersheds Scientific, Report GWS.TR.09.05, Fairbanks, Alaska, 12 pp (plus appendices). Kennedy, E. J. (1990). Levels at Streamflow Gaging Stations. Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations of the United States Geological Survey, Book 3 "Applications of Hydraulics", Chapter A-19. Mueller, D.S., and Wagner, C.R. 2009. Measuring discharge with acoustic Doppler current profilers from a moving boat: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 3A-22, 72 p. Rantz, S.E. and others. 1982. Measurement and computation of streamflow: Volume I. measurement of stage and discharge. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2175, 2 v., 631 p. Rovansek, R.J., D.L. Kane and L.D. Hinzman (1993) Improving estimates of snowpack water equivalent using double sampling. Proceedings of the 61 st Western Snow Conference, 157-163. 31 APPENDIX A. ELEVATION SURVEY FORMS The following form reports the elevation survey information obtained during field sampling. A-1 I Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Site Location/Lake ID: Wesley Creek Met Date: 8/15/2010 -:::Ti:-m-e-: ----";.;:;;..:."""'"..;;;.;..;""7:15::0::::0:..;_ ___ _ Location: Wesley Creek. Survey tripod set 7 feet downstream of Met station in center of the created path. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument LeicaNA720 Instrument 10: 5482372 (GWS owned) Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass RodiD: Crane Fiber Glass 50s, Cloudy. Drizzle Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude longitude Jeff Murray, Cameron Brailey Responsible (It) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) Wesley GW 100 N 66• 58.945' w 156" 58.824' Station 8S HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarts (ft) {ft} (ft} (fasl) (ft} Angle Angle RM1 2.91 102.91 100.00 Rebar farthest downstream of Met station RM2 102.91 5.49 97.42 Rebar between Met station and A TV trail RM3 102.91 3.67 99.24 Rebar directly in front of Met station when facing creek RM4 102.91 2.70 100.21 Rebar farthest upstream of Met station RP1 102.91 11.47 91.44 Rebar in water next to PT s RP2 102.91 5.77 97.14 Rebar on sloped bank between creek and Met station RM5 102.91 6.75 96.16 Rebar closer to creek on left bank RM6 102.91 5.61 97.30 Rebar farther from creek on left bank TumonRM6 RM6 5.39 102.69 97.30 dose to 0.00' RM5 102.69 6.53 96.16 dose to 0.00' RP2 102.69 5.55 97.14 dose to 0.00' RP1 102.69 11.25 91.44 dose to 0.00' RM4 102.69 2.47 100.22 dose to 0.01' RM3 102.69 3.44 99.25 dose to 0.01' RM2 102.69 5.26 97.43 dose to 0.01' .. RM1 102.69 2.68 100.01 dose to 0.01' I Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea level, BPMSl A-2 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Kogoluktuk River Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 8/1812010 Time: 1040 Location: Kogoluktuk River. Survey for PT installations and bank temperature sensor, water level measurement Survey Determine FWS Elevation" Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass RodiD: Crane Fiber Glass 60s Calm Cloudy Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Michael Lilly, James Lilly Responsible (ft) (dd-mm"mmm) (ddd-mm"mmm) RM6 GW Scientific 88.60 N 000 59.705' w 156" 41.998' (arbitrary l Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle Upper: Top survey included all RMs around Met station and RM4, which was approximately halfway down the bank to hthe water. Survey tripod was placed between Met station and path to river RM6 3.19 91.79 88.60 Rebar near bottom of bank RP1 91.79 6.44 85.35 Rebar in river, primary Wlmp WLCut 0.35 85.70 Wamr level elevation PT1 rebar 91.79 6.70 85.09 Rebar used to secure PT lines, in water PT2 rebar 91.79 0.61 91.18 Rebar used to secure Pr lines, on bank Bank Temp 91.79 5.92 85.87 Sensor Rebar on lhe upstream side of Met station RM5 91.79 0.27 91.52 Rebar at lower bank, near slope break Tum on RM5 RM5 0.34 91.86 91.52 PT2 rebar 91.86 0.68 91.18 close to 0.00' PT1 rebar 91.86 6.82 85.04 close to 0.05' Best Shot RP1 91.86 6"50 85.36 close to 0.01' WLCut 0"35 85.71 close to 0.01' RM6 91"86 3"26 88.60 close to 0.00' Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-3 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Kogoluktuk River (pg 1 of 2) Survey Purpose: water-Level Elevations Date: 811412010 Tme: 1300 Location: Kogoluktuk River. Survey separated into four parts: upper, mid, and lower, and across river. Upper included RMs arou Met station. Mid included RMs on steep bank down to river, and Lower included rebar on river bank. Across river surveyed in the RP on the right bank. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument 10: 5482372 (GWS owned) Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass RodiD: Crane Fiber Glass 70s Calm Partly Cloudy Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Cameron Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-rnm.mmm) Kogoluktuk GW Scientific 100 ( arbitrarv l N 66" 59.706' w 156° 41.969' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle Upper: Top survey included all RMs around Met station and RM4, which was approximately halfway down the bank to hthe water. Survey tripod was placed between Met station and ~ to river RM4 17.66 117.66 100.00 Rebar approximately halfway up steep bank RM3 117.66 2.48 115.18 Rebar on the downstream side of path to the water RM2 117.66 0.51 117.15 Rebar 011 east side of Me station RM1 117.66 2.67 114.99 Rebar on the upstream side of Met station Tum on RM1 RM1 2.91 117.90 114.99 close to 0.00' RM2 117.90 0.75 117.15 close to 0.00' RM3 117.90 2.72 115.18 close to 0.00' .. RM4 117.90 17.90 100.00 close to 0.00' Mid: Mid survey included RM4 and RM5, which is the highest rebar on the lower part of the river bank. Survey tripod was' positioned on the steep bank on the upstream side ofRM4. RM4 1.42 101.42 100.00 RM5 101.42 9.90 91.52 Tum on RM5 RM5 9.71 101.23 91.52 close to 0.00' RM4 101.23 1.23 100.00 close to 0 .00' Lower: Lower survey included all RM5 0.75 92.27 91.52 RM6 92.27 3.67 88.60 A-4 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project 10: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake 10: Kogoluktuk River (pg 2 of 2) Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 8/14/2010 Time: 1300 Location: Kogoluktuk River. Survey separated into four parts: upper, mid, and lower, and across river. Upper included RMs arou Met station. Mid included RMs on steep bank down to river, and Lower included rebar on river bank. Across river surveyed in the RP on the right bank. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument 10: 5482372 (GWS owned) Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass RodiO: Crane Fiber Glass 70s Calm Partly Cloudy Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Cameron Brailey Responsible (fl) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) Kogoluktuk GW Scientific 100 ( arbitrarv l N 66• 59.706' w 156°41.969' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ftl (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RP1 92.27 6.91 85.36 Tum on RP1 RP1 7.20 92.56 85.36 close to 0.00' RM6 92.56 3.96 88.60 dose to 0.00' RM5 92.56 1.04 91.52 close to 0.00' Across The across River· river survey RM5 1.04 9256 91.52 RM6 92.56 3.96 88.60 RP2 92.56 1.80 90.76 Tum on RP2 RP2 2.15 92.91 90.76 dose to 0.00 RM6 92.91 4.30 88.61 close to 0.01' RM5 92.91 1.39 91.52 dose to 0.00' RP2 92.91 1.80 91.11 Tum on RP2 RP2 2.15 93.26 91.11 dose to 0.00' RM6 93.26 4.30 88.96 close to 0.01' RM5 93.26 1.39 91.87 dose to 0.00' Abbreviations: backs!Qhf, BS; degrees, dd; feet, fl; feet above mean sea level, fasml; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-5 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Dahl Creek Met Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 8112/2010 Tune: 1600 Location: Dahl Creek. Level tripod placed on stream bank between RP2 and Met station. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass RodiD: Crane Fiber Glass 50s Rain Overcast Bench Mark Information: Survey T earn Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Cameron Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) Dahl GW Scientific 100 larbitrarvl N 66• 57.019' W 156" 54.21T Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM2 2.41 99.83 97.42 Downstream rebar. East side of trail. RP1 99.83 8.77 91.06 Rebar in channel next to PTs. PT1 99.83 9.04 90.79 PT farther out in channel PT2 99.83 9.29 90.54 PT closer to stream bank WT-YSI 99.83 7.73 92.10 In stream bank. Flex conduit slightly exposed RP6 99.83 4.03 95.80 South side rebar on Met station tripod Tum on RP6 RP6 3.67 99.47 95.80 dose to 0.00' WT-YSI 99.47 7.37 92.10 close to 0.00' PT2 99.47 8.93 90.54 dose to 0.00' PT1 99.47 8.75 90.72 PT liquitite moved while reading RP1 99.47 8.41 91.06 close to 0.00' RM2 99.47 2.05 97.42 dose to 0.00' Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes. mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-6 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Dahl Creek Met Survey Purpose: water-Level Elevations Date: 8/12/2010 Tme: 1500 Location: Dahl Creek. Level tripod placed on A TV trail adjacent to Met station and in between RM 1 and RM2. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument 10: 5482372 (GWS owned) Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass 50s Rain Overcast Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Cameron Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) Dahl GW Scientific 100 ( arbitrarv l N 66" 57.628' w 156° 52.950' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fast) (ft) Anale Anale RM1 1.83 101.83 100.00 Upstream Rebar. West side oftra~ RP2 101.83 7.41 94.42 Rebar upstream of Met station. Higher on bank RP3 101.83 8.71 93.12 Rebar upstream of Met station. Lower on bank RP4 101.83 9.45 92.38 Lag bolt in rock in channel. On side of rock RP5 101.83 8.90 92.93 Lag bolt in rock in channel. On top of rock RP1 101.83 10.77 91.06 Rebar in channel next to PTs. RM2 101.83 4.41 97.42 Downstream rebar. East side of trail. TumonRM2 RM2 4.14 101.56 97.42 close to 0.00' RP1 101.56 10.49 91.07 close to 0.01'. RP5 101.56 8.63 92.93 close to 0.00'. RP4 101.56 9.19 92.37 close to 0.01'. RP3 101.56 8.45 93.11 close to 0.01'. RP2 101.56 7.14 94.42 close to 0.00'. RM1 101.56 1.56 100.00 close to 0.00'. Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-7 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Cosmos Creek Met Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 811312010 Time: 1500 Location: Cosmos Creek. Level tripod positioned 15 feet downstream of met stationn. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument LeicaNA720 Instrument 10: 5482372 (GWS owned) Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass RodiD: Crane Fiber Glass 60s Calm Partly Cloudy Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Cameron Brailey Responsible (ft) {dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) Cosmos GW Scientific 100 larbitrarvl N 67• 00.287' w 157" 06.534' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Anale Anale RM1 2.39 102.39 100.00 Rebar farthest upstream RM2 102.39 3.54 98.85 Rebar on bank between Met station and creek RM3 102.39 4.43 97.96 Rebar downstream close to waterline RM4 102.39 3.53 98.86 Rebar downstream from Met station behind RM5 102.39 3.34 99.05 Rebar just downstream from RM6 RM6 102.39 2.20 100.19 Rebar behind Met station when facing creek RM7 102.39 3.91 98.48 Rebar on left side of creek RP1 102.39 5.25 97.14 Rebar in water fa!1her in creek RP2 102.39 4.45 97.94 Rebar in water closer to bank Tum on RP2 RP2 4.10 102.04 97.94 close to 0.00' RP1 102.04 4.90 97.14 dose to 0.00' RM7 102.04 3.56 98.48 close to 0.00' RM6 102.04 1.85 100.19 close to 0.00' RM5 102.04 2.98 99.06 close to 0.01' RM4 102.04 3.18 98.86 close to 0.00' RM3 102.04 4.08 97.96 close to 0.00' RM2 102.04 3.19 98.85 close to 0.00' RM1 102.04 2.04 100.00 close to 0.00' AbbreVIations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-8 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Cosmos Creek Met Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 811312010 Tme: 1630 Location: Cosmos Creek. Level tripod positioned 15 feet downstream of met stati01m. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument LeicaNA720 Instrument 10: 5482372 (GWS owned) Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod 10: Crane Fiber Glass 60s Calm Parttv Cloudy Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray. Cameron Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) Cosmos GW Scientific 100 Carbitrarvl N 66" 59.421' w 157° 07.022' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM2 5.93 104.78 98.85 Both PTs are next to eact other. Only access one. WT-YSI 104.78 3.95 100.83 PT 104.78 3.19 101.59 Tum on PT PT 3.47 105.06 101.59 dose to 0.00' WT-YSI 105.06 4.23 100.83 dose to 0.00' RM2 105.06 ' 6.20 98.86 dose to 0.01' I I I I I I I I Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-9 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Cosmos Creek Met Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 10/1412010 Time: nr Location: Cosmos Creek. Level tripod positioned 15 feet downstream of met stationn. Pre-move PT level survey. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass Rod ID: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) Cosmos GW Scientific 100 farbitrarvl N 67" 00.287 w 157" 06.534' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RP2 4.66 104.66 100.00 PT 104.66 6.57 98.09 Survey rod placed on back of PT pipe WL 104.66 6.01 98.65 RP1 104.66 5.45 99.21 Tum on RP1 RP1 5.37 104.58 99.21 Wl 104.58 5.91 98.67 PT 104.58 6.48 98.10 RP2 104.58 4.57 100.01 dose to 0.01' I I I I I I I I I Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea level, BPMSL A-10 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Site Location/Lake ID: Cosmos Creek Met Date: 10/1412010 -=T:-ime-: ::.=;;.:.:..:::..::....::..:...::.1:;-:6~:5=:0~-- Location: Cosmos Creek. Moved PT and added foam. PT1 measured on streambed next to PT. Survey objective: Instrument Type: Rod Type: Name Cosmos Station RP2 WL- Surface PT 1- steambed PT 1- steambed -~ WL Surface ' RP2 :' Determine FWS Elevation. Leica NA720 Instrument ID: Fiberglass RodiD: Bench Mark Information: Agency Elevation Latitude Responsible (ft) {dd-mm.mmm) GW Scientific 100 {arbitrarvl N 67" 00.287' BS HI FS (ft) (ft) (ft) 4.61 104.61 104.61 5.95 104.61 6.93 6.78 104.46 104.46 5.80 0.00 4.46 Weather Observations: 5482372 {GWS owned) nr Crane Fiber Glass Survey Team Names Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey {ddd-mm.mmm) w 157" 06.534' Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (fasl} (ft) Angle Angle 100.00 98.66 97.68 Tum on RP2 97.68 98.66 I -4.46 close to 0.00' Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-11 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Cosmos Creek Met Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 1 0/141201 0 Time: 15:20 Location: Cosmos Creek. Level tripod positioned 15 feet downstream of met station. Post--move PT level survey. PT surveyed hoseclamp rebar. Pt moved and in place @ 1520 Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass RodiD: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) Cosmos GWScientffic 100 lalbitrarvl N 67• 00.287' w 157. 06.534' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM1 2.51 102.51 100.00 RM2 102.51 3.66 98.85 PT2 102.51 4.22 98.29 RM3 102.51 4.50 98.01 RM4 102.51 3.65 98.86 RM5 102.51 3.50 99.01 RM6 102.51 2.32 100.19 RP1 102.51 5.37 97.14 RP2 102.51 4.57 97.94 Tum on RP2 RP2 4.74 102.68 97.94 RP1 102.68 5.54 97.14 RM6 102.68 2.49 10019 RM5 102.68 3.67 99.01 RM4 102.68 3.82 98.86 RM3 102.68 4.73 97.95 PT2 102.68 4.39 98.29 RM2 102.68 3.84 98.84 RM1 102.68 2.68 100.00 close to 0.00' AbbreVIations: backs~ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; foresight, FS; he~ght of Instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level. BPMSL A-12 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Cosmos Creek Met Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 10/1412010 Time: 16:15 Location: Cosmos Creek. Level tripod positioned 15 feet downstream of met station. Re-shot lovel survey for RM3. PT surveye ~ at hoseclamp rebar. At 1701=RP1=0.56' top of rebar down towater-calcoflset. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument 10: 5482372 {GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass RodiO: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jefl Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) Cosmos GW Scientific 100 l arbitrarv l N 67" 00.287' w 157" 06.534' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft.) (ft.) (ft.) (fasl) (ft.) Angle Angle RM4 3.82 103.82 100.00 RM3 103.82 4.72 99.10 RM5 103.82 3.67 100.15 TumonRP2 RM5 3.53 103.68 100.15 RM3 ' 103.68 4.59 9R09 ! 0.00 3.68 -3.68 close to 0.00' ! ; ~ AbbreVIations: backs~ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; fores~ght, FS; he~ght of Instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-13 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Kogoluktuk R Met Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 1011412010 Time: 15:20 Location: Pre-move survey. Jeff M Fieldbook "RP2 is mislabeled so heights do not match survey done in Augusf'. PT measure at hoseclamp. RP2 used is rebar labeled RP2 Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument LeicaNA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass RodiD: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd.mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) Wesley GW Scientific 100 ( arbitrarvl N 66" 58.945' w 156" 58.824' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM1 2.83 102.83 100.00 RM2 102.83 5.41 97.42 RM3 102.83 3.60 99.23 RM4 102.83 2.63 100.20 RP1 102.83 11.40 91.43 ws 102.83 11.56 91.27 RP2 102.83 10.20 92.63 Tum on RP2 RP2 9.89 102.52 92.63 ws 102.52 11.24 91.28 RP1 102.52 11.08 91.44 RM4 102.52 2.31 100.21 RM3 102.52 3.28 99.24 RM2 102.52 5.09 97.43 RM1 102.52 2.52 100.00 Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet. ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; foresight, FS; height of instrumenl, HI; minutes. mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-14 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Kogoluktuk R Met Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 1011412010 Time: 15:20 Location: Post-move survey. Jeff M Fieldbook "RP2 is mislabeled so heights do not match survey done in Augusf'. PT measur at hoseclamp. RP2 used is rebar labeled RP2 Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass RodiD: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) Wesley GW Scientific 100 larbitrarvl N 66" 58.945' w 156" 58.824' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RP1 11.08 111.08 100.00 PT 111.08 10.17 100.91 RP2 111.08 9.88 101.20 Tum on RP2 RP2 10.01 111.21 101.20 : 111.21 10.29 ! ! ~ 111.21 11.21 : i i : . i . l : 1 ' ' ; ' Abbreviations: backstght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; forestght, FS; hetght of tnstrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level. BPMSL ld A-15 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Dahl Cr Met Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 1011712010 Time: 11:45 Location: Pre-move level survey. Measured PT on threads. Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass RodiD: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mart Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) DahiCr GW Scientific 100 Carbitrarv) N 66" 57.628' w 156" 52.950' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM1 2.03 102.03 100.00 RP2 102.03 7.60 94.43 RP3 102.03 8.91 93.12 PT 102.03 11.54 90.49 RP1 102.03 10.96 91.07 RM2 102.03 4.61 97.42 Tum on RP1 RM2 4.56 101.98 97.42 RP1 101.98 10.91 91.07 PT 101.98 11.48 90.50 RP3 101.98 8.86 93.12 RP2 101.98 7.55 94.43 RM1 101.98 1.98 100.00 Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-16 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Dahl Cr Met Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 1011712010 Time: 11:45 Location: Post-move of PT, level survey. Measured PT on threads. Top of rebar down to Water surface= -039' Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NAnO Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass RodiD: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) DahiCr GW Scientific 100 (arbitrarvl N 66" 57.628' w 156" 52.950' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasll fft) Anale Anale RP1 10.91 110.91 100.00 PT 110.91 10.84 100.07 RP1 110.91 9.04 101.87 RP5 110.91 9.61 101.30 RP3 110.91 8.86 102.05 Tum on RP1 RP3 6.74 108.79 102.05 RP5 108.79 7.49 101.30 RP1 108.79 6.92 101.87 PT 108.79 8.n 100.07 RP1 108.79 8.79 100.00 Abbreviations: backs~ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; fores~ght, FS; he~ght of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-17 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Dahl Cr Met Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 10/17f2010 Time: 11:45 Location: Moved PT to deeper water, level survey. Moved at 1455 back in water at 1500. Post move to deeper water survey. Survey Detennine FWS Elevation. Wealher Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument 10: 5482372 (GWS owned} nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass RadiO: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark lnfonnation: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft} (dd-mm.mmm} (ddd-mm.mmm} DahiCr GW Scientific 100 tarbitrarvl N 66• 57.628' w 156° 52.950' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RP1 9.13 109.13 100.00 PT 109.13 10.03 99.10 ws 109.13 9.47 99.66 RP4 109.13 7.25 101.88 Tum on RP1 RP4 ! 6.88 ~ 108.76 • 101.68 ! i .' ws ' 1o6.76 1 9.09 l. 99.67 : ·. ' ' ' PT . 108.76 9.65 f 99.11 ' RP1 108.76 6.75 i 100.01 • : . i i j •• l : ! ; Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL ; A-18 Cosmos Hills Form F..Q11: Elevation Survey Form Project 10: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Kogoluktuk River Met Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 10/1512010 Time: 14:10 Location: Pre--move level survey. Upper RM's Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass RodiD: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation latitude longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) Kogoluktuk GW Scientific 100 ( arbitrarv l N 66" 59.706' w 156° 41.969' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM4 19.70 119.70 100.00 RM3 119.70 4.53 115.17 RM2 119.70 2.56 117.14 RM1 119.70 4.72 114.98 Tum on RM1 RM1 4.55 ; 119.53 114.98 ~ RM2 2.40 117.13 RM3 119.53 4.37 115.16 RM4 119.53 19.54 99.99 : Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-19 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project !D: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Kogoluktuk River Met Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 10/15f2010 Time: 17:10 Location: Post PT survey. Surveyed PT2 on threads Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass RodiD: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Maril: Information: Survey Team Names I Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Deny, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) Kogoluktuk GW Scientific 100 larbitrarvl N 66" 59.706' w 156° 41.969' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft.) (ft) (ft) (fasl) {ft) Angle Angle RP1 5.44 105.44 100.00 PT2 105.44 6.24 99.20 RM6 105.44 2.21 103.23 RM6 RM6 2.53 105.76 103.23 1 l ~ \ ' 1 i j ' . ; i .. Abbrevtatlons: backs1Qht, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; foresight, FS; he~ght of mstrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea level, BPMSL A-20 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Kogoluktuk River Met Smvey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 10/1512010 Time: 15:05 Location: Added RM6. Mid RM's Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument LeicaNA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass RodiD: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) Kogoluktuk GW Scientific 100 C arbitrarv I N 66• 59.706' w 156° 41.969' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM4 1.05 101.05 100.00 RM5 101.05 9.53 91.53 RM6 101.05 12.44 88.61 Tum on RM6 RM6 12.56 101.17 88.61 RM5 ' 101.17 9.64 : 91.53 ; i j i ; RM4 : 101.17 1.16 l 100.01 : ; 1 ~ Abbreviations: backsight, BS; degrees, dd; feet, It; feet above mean sea level, fasml; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minules, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-21 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form Project ID: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Kogoluktuk River Met Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 1011512010 Time: 15:15 Location: Added RM6. Lower RM's and water surface Survey Detennine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass RodiD: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark lnfonnation: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) Kogoluktuk GW Scientific 100 farbitrarvl N 66° 59.706' w 156° 41.969' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remart!.s (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM6 1.91 101.91 100.00 ws 101.91 6.09 95.82 RP1 101.91 5.14 96.77 Tum on RP1 RP1 5.34 102.11 96.77 s w ' 102.11 ; 6.28 ' 95.83 ' ~ Abbrev1at1ons: backs~ght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-22 Cosmos Hills Form F-011: Elevation Survey Form ProjectiD: Cosmos Hills Project Site Location/Lake ID: Kogoluktuk R Met Survey Purpose: Water-Level Elevations Date: 1011612010 Time: 15:12 Location: Water level survey Survey Determine FWS Elevation. Weather Observations: objective: Instrument Leica NA720 Instrument ID: 5482372 (GWS owned) nr Type: Rod Type: Fiberglass RodiD: Crane Fiber Glass Bench Mark Information: Survey Team Names Name Agency Elevation Latitude Longitude Jeff Murray, Jeff Derry, Dave Brailey Responsible (ft) (dd-mm.mmm) (ddd-mm.mmm) Wesley GW Scientific 100 ( arbitrarv l N 66" 59.706' w 156° 41.969' Station BS HI FS Elevation Distance Horizontal Vertical Remarks (ft) (ft) (ft) (fasl) (ft) Angle Angle RM6 2.40 102.40 100.00 ws 102.40 6.56 95.84 RP1 102.40 5.63 96.n Tum on RP1 RP1 6.05 102.82 96.n ws ~ 102.82 6.98 95.84 ! ·• ' .. Abbreviations: backstght, BS; degrees, dd; feet, ft; feet above mean sea level, fasml; foresight, FS; height of instrument, HI; minutes, mm; seconds, ss; BP Mean Sea Level, BPMSL A-23 APPENDIX B. WATER-LEVEL MEASUREMENTS The following forms report the water level survey information obtained during field sampling. B-1 Cosmos Hills Manual Water Elevation Recordings Last Updated: K. Hilton 5/2/2011 Site ID Upper Dahl Creek Upper Dahl Creek Upper Dahl Creek Upper Dahl Creek Upper Dahl Creek Upper Dahl Creek Upper Dahl Creek Upper Dahl Creek Upper Dahl Creek Upper Dahl Creek Upper Cosmos Creek r m k Uppe Cos os Cree Upper Cosmos Creek Upper Cosmos Creek Upper Wesley Creek Upper Wesley Creek Upper Wesley Creek Upper Wesley Creek Upper Kogoluktuk R Upper Kogoluktuk R Upper Kogoluktuk R Upper Kogoluktuk R Upper Kogoluktuk R Upper Kogoluktuk R Upper Kogoluktuk R Upper Kogoluktuk R Date 8/11/2010 8111/2010 8/11/2010 8111/2010 8111/2010 8/11/2010 8/12/2010 i 8/12/2010 l 811212010 I 8/16/2010 8113/2010 ! 1 8113120 0 l 8/13/2010 1 811312o1o 1 8/1312010 I 8/1312010 : 811312010 : 8/21/2010 ! 8114/2010 I 8114/2010 l 8114/2010 i 8115/2010 I 811512010 : 8115/2010 : 811512010 I 8115/2010 j Time 1340 1610 1737 1820 1820 1830 1501 1606 1650 1350 1042 11 24 1220 1643 1545 1645 1745 942 1605 1700 1745 1000 1035 1127 1255 1543 • Negative denotes water levels below top of rebar Reference Point temporary wooden stick @ PTs temporary wooden stick @ PTs temporary wooden stick @ PT s temporary wooden stick@ PTs RP1 -in water near PT s RP1 -in water near PTs RP1 -in water near PTs RP1 -in water near PTs RP1-in water near PTs RP1 -in water near PTs RP1 -in water near PTs -i r RP1 n wate near PTs RP1 -in water near PTs RP2 -in water near PTs RP1 -in water near PTs RP1 -in water near PTs RP1 -in water near PTs RP1 -in water near PTs RP1-in water near PTs RP1 -in water near PTs RP1 -in water near PTs RP1 -in water near PTs RP1 -in water near PTs RP1 in water near PTs RP1 -in water near PTs RP1 -in water near PTs ' l : Water Level from Rebar to Water Surface (ft) -0.91 -0.9 -0.87 -0.83 0.1 0.11 0.19 0.22 -0.24 -0.12 -0.07 -0.09 -0.09 -0.92 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.18 -0.21 -0.21 -0.21 -0.39 -0.40 -0.42 -0.43 -0.48 Variation +/-0.02 +/-0.02 +/-0.02 +/-0.02 +/-0.02 +/-0.02 +/-0.02 I +/-0.02 +/-0.02 I +/-0.02 ; ; :'~ 0.02 : I 0.02 +/-0.02 +/-0.02 I +/-0.02 i +/-0.02 i +/-0.02 +/-0.02 +/-0.02 ; +/-0.02 +/-0.02 +/-0.02 +/-0.02 +I-0.02 +/-0.02 +/-0.02 Water level Adjusted to Gage Datum (ft) 91.08 91.09 91.12 91.16 91.16 91.17 91.25 91.28 90.83 90.94 9707 97.05 97.05 97.02 91.49 91.49 91.49 91.62 85.15 85.15 85.15 84.97 84.96 84.94 84.93 84.88 B-2 Cosmos Hills Manual Water Elevation Recordings Last Updated: J. Derry 5/312011 Water Level from Water level Rebar to Water Adjusted to Gage Site 10 Date Time Reference Point Surface (ft) Variation Datum (ft) Upper Dahl Creek 1011312010 1603 RP1 ..0.32 +/-0.02 90.75 Upper Dahl Creek 10/1312010 1615 RP1 ..0.31 +/-0.02 90.75 Upper Dahl Creek 10/1312010 1713 RP1 ..0.31 +/-0.02 90.75 Upper Dahl Creek 10117/2010 1207 RP1 ..0.39 +1-0.02 90.67 Upper Dahl Creek 10/17/2010 1420 RP1 ..0.35 +I-0.02 90.71 Upper Dahl Creek 10/1712010 1520 RP2 ..0.34 +/-0.02 90.72 Cosmos Creek 10/14/2010 1229 RP1 ..0.55 +1-0.02 96.59 Cosmos Creek 10/14/2010 1410 RP1 ..0.54 +/-0.02 96.60 Cosmos Creek 10/1412010 1600 RP1 ..0.54 +/-0.02 96.60 Cosmos Creek 10/14/2010 1701 RP1 ..0.56 +/-0.02 96.58 Cosmos Creek 10116/2010 1040 RP1 ..0.54 +/-0.02 96.60 Wesley Creek 10/14/2010 1455 RP1 ..0.14 +1-0.02 91.30 Wesley Creek 10114/2010 1620 RP1 ..0.14 +/-0.02 91.30 Wesley Creek 10/1612010 1325 RP1 ..0.15 +1-0.02 91.29 Wesley Creek 10/1612010 1326 RP1 ..0.15 +I-0.02 91.29 * Negative denotes water levels below top of rebar B-3 APPENDIX C. CROSS-SECTION ELEVATION SURVEY FORMS The following forms report the cross section survey information obtained during field sampling. C-1 i ' ' i i i i ! Cosmos Hills Cross Section Pro,ect!D: Survey Purpose· Srnvey objective• llllllrumerll Typu. Roo Type: Name Dahl - Rlll7 72.0 71.0 70.0 690 68.0 67.0 66.0 65.0 64.0 63.0 62.0 61.0 50.0 44.0 430 42.0 41.0 40.0 39.0 36.0 37.0 360 35.0 33.9 Cosmos Hills Pro)!ct Site LocatkmJlake 10: Cosrf'I()S CreekMet(pg 1 of2) Cross Section Survey Date· 611112010 Time 1400 p>;mos c.-.~ tripod posiliooed 15--.....at"""- Measure cross 9edion -~: I lllica Nl\7211 -·D: 5482372 (GWS~ Flbelgloss I ROO!O: CmnefibefGkm ~F!airi,Oven:ast ---..-1: Survey Team"""""' llgew:;y~ E-..-Loogilude -Mllnay_ Cameron llfailey (t) (d<Hmumm) (ddckmum¥11) GWS NWS7.621l' W156"52.951T BS HI ~ -llll 3.91 102.39 98.48 T-measure-across ---to-on leii--T-poo;too right bani< s....,. started a! right-al TZ. Final poinloo C1116S""'*'"..,. at 7f!,I:U-""'*"* oo lell-.. 1'. Stloleyod all'.....,.,__ ' 3_01 ,unless ....--c~a~ge .... --SliNey lied ___ _,_ 2.79 102.39 99.1iD 3.17 102.39 99.22 3.31 102.39 9909 3.34 102.3S 99.115 3.04 102.39 99.35 345 102.39 96.94: i 3.76 ! 102.39 98.63 390 I 102.39 98.<111 l I 3.88 i 102.39 98.52 ' I I 3.71 10239 9668 ' l i 3.<19 i 102.39 9890 102.39 98.74 : 98.76 ! i ' ; t : 3.65 10239 l I 102.39 98.37 ; I l ! i 4.22 f 102.39 98.17 I ] I 4.41 102.39 97.99 4.44 102.39 97.95 4.69 102.39 97.70 5.01 102.39 97.36 Waterlineat39.5' 6.62 102.39 95.57 6.59 102.39 9560 6.70 102.39 95.69 6.82 102.39 95.57 6.911 10239 95.41 6.98 102.39 95.41 C-2 Cosmos Hills Cross Section Project !D· Survey PIJrpose· Coomos Hills Project Cross Section Surwry Location: P""""'~.l.sv<!llripod~15feet-ol--. Survey ollecfive: Meastn CfO$S seCtion ,-......, LeicaNA720 ·-=r ~ Fillelglass RodiO: --lnfonnation: Name Agertcy~ E-..-.:to (I) (dl-mnumm) Oalll GWS INW57.628' -liS .. -(Ill 20.0 6.!15 102.39 !15.44 19.0 6.82 1!12.39 !15.~ 17.9 6.41 1!12.39 !15.98 16.9 6.32 102.39 96.07 15.8 625 102.39 86.14 14.6 6.02 102.311 96.37 13.3 5.97 1!12.39 96.42 12.8 5.77 10239 98.62 11.7 5.75 102.39 96.64 10.6 4.67 102.39 97.72 9.5 4.17 102.39 98.22 86 3.5 102.39 911.89 7.6 323 102.39 ~16=f 1.0 - Site Location/l.alre ID: Cosmos Creek Met (pg 2 of 2) Date: tl/1112010 Time: 1400 -ClbseMilions: I st82372 (GWS _,.,.., Cntne ~Glass !5os. Rain Oven:asl Survey Teom Names I Longib.wlo Jell-.ay, Cameron llraOey (ddcHml.mnm) w 156" 52.950' - eo:loflape C-3 I I COSIIIOliiHIIIs Cron Section Pm;ect 10: Survey Purpose Location: Survey objecliw: I ~ Stalion RM1 40 I 39 i { I 38 I 37 36 2ll ! 28 I i 271 I 26 l : i 25 i 24 1 : : : ! 21 : 19 ' 17 I ! 16 ! i ! l 12 10 9 8 7 52 • 3 2 1 TBM1 DoNe.-. Levell!1>00 placedoo---RP2 ----Determine fWS Elevalioo. -Cliloeo:-.s: I leicaNA120 -Ill: 5482312(GWS-) ~ RodiD: I Cmne~Giaos SOs,Raio;~ ----s....y Team Names ~ Responsillle EliMOioo I.-... looglude Jefl Mumroy' Corno<on Brailey (-) l<kl-rmumvn) idd<Hmumwn) G'N~ 100 (from F-n11) N 66'" 57_6llr w 156' 52950' BS HI E--Ill) 160 101_00 100 5.03 101,00 96.58 T---fmmrVlt-!1#--ID-ant.-atATV-.Poinl:marked-illgbolm 5,45 I 101.60 96,16 ":.T:"esta=!.~-~!~~~=..:..:::.-..:=:"::::.g=~l SUM!yed TBU W-1 in slmam "'-'"~.at 27.1' Final poontwas at TBUZ on loll-of-. at1' Survey was 1 6,16 101,00 95.44 -bJ re-measuring TBU1, 622 101_60 95,38 I i l 10160 95_12 j 94,24 7,52 101,60 i 93Jl2 I 10,53 I 101.60 91.07 ' I \ 10,85 101.60 90,75 ' I 1054 10160 91_00 \ 11_15 101.60 90.45 ! 1136 I 101.60 I 90.24 1107 l 1011l0 90,53 I 10Ul0 I ' ' 11.68 101,60 89,92 l : 89_81 11,84 101,60 89,76 l 101 89,44 10160 88.94 12,57 I 101,60 : ' 89.46 I 101.60 89,87 ! -, 11.49 101.60 90,11 1147 101,60 90_13 11-31 10160 90.29 1147 101,60 9013 8,17 101.60 93.43 619 101,60 95,41 560 101_60 95,00 524 101.60 96_36 3.39 101.60 9&21 RM3 1,60 101.60 100,00 C-4 : I l . I : i i ! ! : ! : : i : ! i : Cosmos Hills Cross Section Project 10' Survey Purpose: Location: Sutwy objective: Instrument Type: ROd Type: Name K~ - Right Bank 1 of Tape: 4 20 23 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 ; ! I Cosmos Hills Project Slle Localloo/Lake 10: Kogoluktuk River <pg 1 of 2) Crosa Section SUrwy Date: 811412010 Time: 1600 K~ Riwf. cross sedion dividedinto-paots: Left--rigl1l bank. Measure cross-sectiOn -Obserwliono;· t.a;ca NA12ll llnslrurlaWIO: 5482372 (GWS-...1} Fibefglass I ROdiO: Ctane Fiber Glass 70s,-ciOudv ---: SUrwy Team Names "-w:t~ -~~ lDnglude Jei!M"""Y. c.meron Braley (ft) {drl-<nnunrmt) (ddiHml.mmm) GWSdeoltilic I N 66" 5&.965' w 156" 41862' BS --BS HI -Remarb 1111 lftl Left- -·~·-· : ! 1 : i . : j i ' j I [ l l i ! ; ! i l ! i I 4_10 15 6.23 ! ! ! '· j 4.61 : 85.16 waterline ! i ! 4.96 i : ; 5.50 i I ! ! ' ! 1 6.38 6.10 6.71 6.85 7.05 727 7.61 7.95 8.40 -- C-5 Cosmos Hills Cross Section ProjectiD: Survey Purpose Location: Survey objective' Instrument Type: RodTypor Name Kogolui:luk Station 38 39 40 41 42 Cosmos Hilla Project Site lo<alion!LakeiD: Cross Section Survey Dale' 811412010 ~-' Cross---twoparts: Leti-Oflllri!jlt--.... ...... -. -~ leicaNI\720 ,-10: 5482372 (GWS <Mnl!d) Foberglaslo J Rod Ill: Crane.,_ Glass 70s Mosdy doudy -llla1<lnlbrmation: Survey Team Names NJetq~-~ I<~J la1gilude Jelr u.m.y, cameron Bmiley (II) (~mrml) GW-I )II 66. 58,965' w 156. 4Ul62' BS --BS HI --1ft! 1ft! 9,99 10,61 10,90 1U1 11,01 C-6 I ' \ ' I i I ' . : I I • Cosmos Hi/Is Cross Section ProjectiD. Survey Purpose: Cosmos Hills Pro,i!!! Cross Section Survel Site Locanonlla~e 10: w.,,,_ r., ... k loa 1 of 3l Date: 811512010 Tome: 163( Location: fN"'*'Y~ sun..yq,oo setup 7---.. ... ...-pa~~L cross section -dWeelly-..paiii--PT-- Survey olljedille: Measure CIO$$ sediOn I -Obsetv.>tioos: I loslrumenl '-"'<;aNI\720 lnSirume!1t 10: 5482372(GWS<IIOIIO!d) Type: Rod Type: fiberglass Rod 10: cr.ne -Glass lsos. Cloodv. Drizzle --~-sun.., r ...... Names Name l\gef¥:y ROSflCl'l'lillle e-. Lallude longilude Jell Murray. cameron Brailey (I) (dd-mnunnwn) (ddd-nwn.rrmm) Wesley GW~ N 66• 57 235' W157"01.364' -BS .. E...,_ -1ft! SWtonl!lgllt- Rll5 6.53 101.69 95.16 : 2 4.12 I 101.1;9 f£1.57 3 4.09 I 101.69 97.60 I t 4 4.13 10U*I 97.56 i I i 5 4.28 : 101.69 97.41 ! 6 4.19 I 101.69 I 97.50 I 7 4.11 i 101.69 i 97.59 8 4.25 l 101.69 97.44 I I 9 423 101.69 97.46 I I I ' 10 1.69 97.31 i 11 I .69 97.22 ' 12 101.69 97.11 I ' I 13 ·U8 i 101.69 97.21 14 4.66 I 101.69 97.!13 I : i i 101.69 i ) 5.55 101.69 9614 24 7.85 101.69 93.84 ! : i 27.8 1U6 10169 9023 ·-lne 29 12.19 10169 89.50 30 12.88 101.69 88.81 31 11.65 101.69 90.04 32 11.60 101.69 90Jl9 33 11.81 10169 89.88 34 12.11 101.69 89.58 = 35 101.69 89.39 36 101.69 89.35 l ' I i I l ' l ! I : ! 1 ' I i l . l C-7 I ; . . j ; Cosmos Hi/Is Cross Section Project 10" Survey Purpose" ....,.,_,, Survey objective: lnstrumenl Type Roo Type: Name Wesley Station 37 36 39 40 41 42 43 « 45 46 47 46 49 50 60 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 ' I Cosmos Hills Project Site LocatioM.ake ID: wesley Creek (pg 2 Qf 3) crou Section Survey Date· 811512010 Tirrll:r 1630 '-tc..& SUrve!flrlpod se1 up 7-_on.,._polb. Cross section-direclly-poOh_.,..,. PT -· Measure cross section I -~ I Leica NIIJ20 --10: 5482372(GWS........s) Fiberglass ROOIO: D1lne Fiber Glass l.n. """""' Driale __ ,_ SUrve!fTeam Names Pqer<;y~ E-.... Laliude longilude Jejf Uumly, c.ameron Bnliley (I) (<tknm.mnn) (dd~Hnm.mmm) GW~ N f.G 51 235' W151"01.3&4' BS Ill --1111 12.25 101.69 89.44 Mowd-..amalalarge.- 12.40 101.69 89.29 12.44 101.69 8925 12.57 101.69 89.12 12.30 101.69 119-39 12.09 101.69 89.60 12.06 101.69 89.63 12.19 101.69 89.50 12.36 101.69 89.33 1225 95.16 82-91 12.211 95.16 82.88 12.46 95.16 82-68 12.011 95.16 83.011 11.87 95.16 83.29 waterline : : i i i l l i 95.16 8826 ! 86.96 5.86 ; 95.16 893 1 l 5.74 ' 95.16 89.42 I 5.83 95.16 119.33 6.10 95.16 8906 6.39 95.16 116.77 6.19 95.16 86.97 5.06 95.16 89.18 5.82 95.16 89.34 5.69 95.16 8947 5.58 95.16 89.58 5.70 95.16 89.46 C-8 Cosmos Hills Cross Section Project ID: Survey Purpose: Localon: s..vey~ lnslrumenl Type: Rod Type: Name Wesley - 74 75 76 n 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 Site Location/Lake ID: Wesley Creek (pg 3 of 3) Date: 8115/2010 Time 1630 Wesley Creek.--~ setup 7--anaealed palb~ Cross sedion-direclly_, palbandOWf PT -· MeasuntcrosssediDn I -Obsefvabons: l Ulica Nl\72lJ Instrument 10: 5482372 (GWS -.d) F~ Rod 10: Cmne Fiber Glass lios. Cloudv. Drizzle Bench Mart._, SllrwyTeanNames I AgenCy~ -.__ lJlngilu<le Jeff llloray. Camelm Bl1liley (II) (dot.nnunmm) (d<Jd.mm.111111f11) GW Scientifie N 66' 57.235' w 157' 01.364" BS HI .,_ -1111 5.76 95.16 89.4 5.83 95.16 89.33 5.82 95~16 89~34 5.93 95~16 8923 5.90 95.16 89~ 5.99 95.16 89.17 6~ 9516 111.9 6.34 95.16 88.82 6.58 95.16 !Ill 58 6.56 95.16 111.6 6.73 95.16 88.43 6.73 9516 88.43 6.84 95.16 88.32 6.81 95.16 111.35 6~79 95.16 88.37 6H 95.16 88.39 6.67 95.16 88.49 C-9 APPENDIX D. WATER-QUALITY SAMPLING FORMS The following forms report the water quality data collected during field sampling. D-1 , Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field-Sampling General Project 10: -=C~o:::s.:.:.m~os:;...:.H.:.:.il:::ls::-..,.,.------ Sample Purpose: River Water Quality FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coord. Northing: Measurements By: N 66" 57.235' JM Easting: W 157" 01.364' Time: 1535 Water Depth (ft): 1' WATER QUAUTY METER INFORMATION Calibration Information Parameter (s) Owner MULTI GWS Meter MakeJModel Serial No. IN-SITU Troll 9000 33033 Site Location/Lake ID: Wesley Creek Date: 8/15/10 Time: 1535 Datum: NADB3 Pre-Sampling Post-Sampling QAQCCheck QAQCCheck PASS PASS Parameters Field Measurements Time: 1535 Depth BWS (ft): 0.50 Temp ("C): 7.40 ipH: 8.21 Barometeric (mmHg): 737.80 Pressure (kPa): 1.72 Conduclivil.y (4S/cm): 198.80 ROO (ppm): (mg/l) 11.11 Turbidity (NTU): 1.50 ORP NA FIELD TESTING OF WATER SAMPLES (if small probe is used) Probe: Depth (ft) Temp ("C) pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANAL YS~ Parameter Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): Method rep1 rep2 rep3 rep1 rep2 rep3 rep1 rep2 rep3 Hachspec O><ygen (mg/L) 0.3-15 mgiL Oigitallilrator Alkalinity (mg/L as CaGO,) 1 0-4000 mgll as CaC03 Hachspec Total iron-UF {mg/L) io.02-J.OO mgJL Hach spec Filtered lron-F tot Fe (mg/L) 0.02-3.00 mgll Ammonia (mg/L NH 3-N)-~.01-0.50 mgJL NHJ-N Ammonia/ Iron dilution , Remarks: ------------------------------------------------------ Field-Form Filled Out By: QAQC Check By: Jeff Murray Date: 8/17/10 Date: ----4~/~13;;-;/~11;---Kristie Hilton D-2 ~ ; Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field...Sampling General Project ID: -:::C;.::osc.::.;.;.m;,;;o,;;;s..;.H;;;;il:.:.:ls::-..,.,.,.------ Sample Purpose: River Water Quality FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coord. Northing: Measurements By: N oo· 58.965' JM Easting: W 156• 41.862' Time: 1040 Water Depth (ft): 3 WATER QUALITY METER INFORMA 110N Calibration Information Parameter (s) Owner MULn GWS Meter MakeJModel Serial No. IN-SITU Troll 9000 33033 Site Location/Lake ID: Kogoluktuk River Date: 8115110 nme: 1040 Datum: NAD83 Pre-Sampling Post-Sampling QAQCCheck QAQC Check PASS PASS Parameters Field Measurements Time: 1040 Depth BWS (ft): 2.00 Temp("C): 10.90 pH: 6.96 Barometeric (mmHg): 748.20 Pressure (kPa): 2.34 Conductivity (l!Sfcm): 263.50 ROO (ppm): (mgfl) 10.72 Turbidity (NTU ): 3.30 ORP NA FIELD TES11NG OF WATER SAMPLES (if smaH probe is used) Probe: Depth (ft) Temp("C) pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANAL Y~ Parameter Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): Method rep1 rep2 rep3 rep1 rep2 rep3 rep 1 rep2 rep3 Hach spec Oxygen (mg/L) 0.3--15 mg/L Digital titralor Alkalinity (mg/l as CaCO:.) 10-4000 mg/l as CaC03 Hachspec Total iron-UF (mg/l) 0.02-3.00 mg/l Hach spec FiHered lron-F tot Fe (mg/l) 0.02-3.00 mg/l Ammonia (mgll NH 3-N)~ 0.01.n.50 mg/l NH3-N Ammonia/Iron dilution , Remarks: ----------------------------------------------------------- Field-Form Filled Out By: QAQC Check By: Jeff Murray Date: 8/17/10 Date: ----4'"'11-;-;3::':11""1:---Kristie Hilton D-3 Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field-Sampling General Project ID: -;:C::;:o"'-s;;.;.m':':os:7-7H"'il0.:.:1s~-;-::------- Sample Purpose: River Water Quality FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coord. Northing: Measurements By: N 66" 57 019' JM Easting: W 156" 54.217' Time: 1633 Water Depth (ft): 1 "1' WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Calibration Information Parameter (s) Owner MULTI GWS Meter MakeJModel Serial No. IN-SITU Troll9000 33033 Site Location/Lake ID: Dahl Creek Date: 8/12/1 0 Time: 1633 Datum: NAD83 Pre-Sampling Post-Sampling QAQCCheck QAQCCheck PASS PASS Parameters Field Measurements Time: 1633 . Depth BWS (ft): 0.50 "Temp("C): 5.51 pH: 8.17 Barometeric (mmHg): 752.60 Pressure (kPa): 5.00 Conductivity (qS/crn ): 159.60 ROO (ppm): (mg/L) NA Turbidity (NTU ): 3.40 ORP NA 'FIELD TESTING OF WATER SAMPLES {if small probe is used) Probe: Oepth (ft) Temp("C) pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISlRY ANAL YS!l: Parameter Depth BWS (ft.): Depth BWS (ft.): Depth BWS (ft.): Method rep1 rep2 rep3 rep 1 rep2 rep3 rep1 rep2 rep 3 Hachspec Oxygen {mgll) 0.3-15 mgll Digilal titrator ~Alkalinity (mg/L as CaCOa) 10-4000 mg/L as CaC03 Hachspec ~otal iro!HJF (mg/l) 0.02-3.00 mgll Hach spec Filtered lron--F tot Fe (mgll) 0.02-3.00 mg/L !Ammonia (mg/L NH 3-N)-(l.01-R50 mgll NH3-N Ammonia/Iron dilution Remarks: Field-Form Filled Out By: QAQC Check By: Jeff Murray Date: 8/17/10 Date: -~4":-::/1'-i:-2/':-:1~1 --Kristie Hilton ~ l D-4 Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field-Sampling General Project ID: -:,C:.;;os=m;;:os:7-:-H:.:.:ilc..;ls;;--;-;:------- Sample Purpose: River Water Quality FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coord_ Northing: Measurements By: N 66" 58_836' JM Easting: W 157" 1U70' Time: 1040 Water Depth (ft): .6' WATER QUALITY METER INFORMA llON Calibration Information Parameter (s) Owner MULTI GWS Meter Make~Model Serial No_ IN-SITU Troll9000 33033 Site Location/Lake 10: Cosmos Creek-Spring Date: 8/16110 Time: 1040 Datum: NAD83 Pre-Sampling Post-Sampling QAQCCheck QAQCCheck PASS PASS Parameters Field Measurements ITime: 1040 ~BWS(ft): 0_20 ("C): 1_82 pH: 8.04 Barometeric (mmHg): 739.70 Pressure (kPa;-0.71 Conductivity (qS/cm): 130.80 ROO (ppm): (mgll) 11.37 Turbidity (NTU ): 0.40 ORP NA FIElD TESTING OF WATER SAMPLES (if small probe is used) Probe: Depth (ft) Temp("C) pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANAL YSif Parameter Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): Method rep1 rep2 rep3 rep1 rep2 rep3 rep1 rep2 rep3 Hachspec Oxygen (mgll) 0.3-15 mgll Digital titrator Alkalinity (mg/l as CaC~) 11l-4000 mg/l as CaC03 Hachspec Total iron--UF (mg/l) 0.02-3_00 mg/l Hachspec Filtered lron-F 0.02-3.00 mg/l Ammonia (mg/l NH:rN)-0.01-D-50 mg/l NH3-N Ammooiallroo dilution I Rema~s: --------------------------------------------- Field-Form Filled Out By: Jeff Murray QAQC Check By: Kristie Hilton Date: __ 8""/+.17;;.:/-:-1 0::-- Date: __ 4_1-'-121_11 __ D-5 Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field...Sampling General Project 10: -:C~o:.::s:.:::m~os:=...:,H:.:::il:.::ls=--:::------- Sample Purpose: River Water Quality FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coord. Northing: Measurements By: N 66' 58.836' JM Easting: W 157" 11.170' Time: 1030 Water Depth (ft): 1.05' WATER QUAUTY METER INFORMA liON Calibration Information Parameter (s) Owner MULTI GWS Meter Make/Model Serial No. IN-SITU Troll9000 33033 Site Location/Lake 10: Cosmos Creek -In Channel Date: 8/16/10 Time: 1030 Datum: NAD83 Pre-Sampling Post-Sampling QAQCCheck QAQCCheck PASS PASS Parameters Field Measurements Time: 1030 Depth BWS (ft): 0.50 Temp (•C): 6.21 pH: 8.38 Barometeric (mmHg): 739.90 Pressure (kPa): 2.12 Conduclivity (qS/cm): 304.3 ROO (ppm): (mgll) 11.39 Turbidity (NTU): 0.20 ORP NA FIELD TESTING OF WATER SAMPLES (if smaU probe is used) ! Probe: Depth (ft) Temp ('C) pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANALYS~ Parameter Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS {ft): Depth BWS (ft): Method rep 1 rep2 rep3 rep1 rep2 rep3 rep1 rep2 rep 3 Hachspec Oxygen (mg/1..) 0.3-15 mgll Digital titrator IAJkalinity (mgll as CaC~ 16-4000 mg/L as CaC03 !Total iron-UF (mgll) Hachspec 0.02-3.00 mg/1.. Hachspec Filtered lron--F tot Fe (mg/1..) 0.02-3.00 mgll Ammonia (mgll NH 3-N)-0.01-tl.50 mg/1.. NH3-N Ammonia/ Iron dilution , Remarks: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Field-Form Filled Out By: QAQC Check By: Jeff Murray Date: ___ 8:-':/::'-:17::-':/::-:1 O:'-- Date: __ 4_1_12..;../_11 ___ _ Kristie Hilton D-6 Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field-sampling General Project ID: -.:C~os=m::=;os:;-:.H.:.:il:.::ls::-..,.,.------Site Location/Lake ID: Dahl Creek Sample Purpose: River Water Quality Date: 10/13110 Time: 1620 FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coord. Northing: N 66" 57.628' JM Easting: W 156" 52.950' Datum: NAD83 Measurements By: Water Depth (ft): nr WATER QUALITY METER INFORMA nON Calibration Information Parameter (s) Owner MULTI rental Time: 1220 --- Pre-Sampling Meter MakeJModel Serial No. QAQCCheck YSI556MPS nr nr Parameters Field Measurements Time: 1620 Depth BWS (ft): nr Temp ("C): 1.38 !pH: 8.32 Barometeric (mmHg): 750.0 Pressure (kPa): 3.24 Conductivily (4S/cm): DO (ppm): (mg/l) 12.90 DO(%) t== ORP FIELD TESnNG OF WATER SAMPLES (if smaU probe is used) Probe: Depth (ft) Temp("C) pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANAL YS~ Parameter Depth BWS (ft): rep1 rep2 rep3 Oxygen (mg/L) !Alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO:J) tyotaJ iron-OF (mg/L) Fittered lron-F tot Fe (mg/L} !Ammonia (mg/L NH:rN)- !Ammonia/Iron dilution Remarks: Field-Form Filled Out By: Jeff Derry QAQC Check By: Kristie Hilton Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep2 rep3 Date: ----:4.:,.:/1';:;5/~1+1 __ Date: __ 4~/~18~/_11 __ Depth BWS (ft): rep 1 rep2 Post-Sampling QAQC Check nr Method rep3 Hachspec 0.3-15 mgiL Digilal tilrator 1 ()..400() mg/L as CaC03 Hach spec 0.02-3.00 mg/L Hachspec 0.02-3.00 mg/L O.OHJ.50 mgiL NHJ-N D-7 Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field-Sampling General Project ID: -:C~os=m~os~H.;.;.il~ls=--;::------- Sample Purpose: River Water Quality FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coord. Northing: Measurements By: N 66" 58.965' JM Easting: W 156" 41.862' Time: 1225 Water Depth (ft): nr WATER QUAUTY METER INFORMATION Calibration Information Parameter (s) Owner MULTI rental Meter MakeJModel Serial No. YSI556MPS nr Site Location/Lake ID: Kogoluktuk River Date: 10/15/10 Time: 1225 Datum: NAD83 Pre-Sampling Post-Sampling OAQCCheck QAQCCheck nr nr Parameters Field Measurements Time: 1225 Depth BWS (ft): 2.50 Temp("C): 0.20 pH: 7.74 Barometeric (mmHg): nr Pressure (kPa)." nr Conductivity (ijSicm): DO (ppm): (mg/L) 13.23 DO(%) 90.8 ORP 205.1 FIELD TESTING OF WATER SAMPLES (if smaH probe is used) I Probe: Depth (ft) Temp ("C) pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANAL YSI• . Parameter Depth BWS (ftl: Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): Method rep1 rep2 rep3 rep 1 rep2 rep3 rep 1 rep2 rep 3 Hachspec Oxygen (mgll) 0.3--15 mgll Digital titrator IA!kafinity (mgll as CaC~) 10-4000 mg/L as CaC03 Hachspec IT otal iron~UF (mg/l) 0.02-3.00 mgiL Hachspec Filtered lron--F tnt Fe (mgll) 0.02-3.00 mgiL !Ammonia (mg/L NH3-N)-0.01-0.50 mgll NHS..N Ammonia/ Iron dilution l Remarks: -------------------------------------------- Field-Form Filled Out By: Kristie Hilton QAQC Check By: Jeff Derry Date: __ 4.;.;./.,;.;15;;./.,;.;11.;.__ Date: __ 4.:.:1.:.18::1.:.11.:._ __ D-8 Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field-Sampling General Project ID: .;C;;,:os=m:.;;os~H:.:.il~ls:-""";':;"------ Sample Purpose: River Water Quality FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coord. Northing: Measurements By: N 66" 58.836' JM Easting: W 157" 11.170' Time: 1030 Water Depth (ft): nr WATER QUAUTY METER INFORMATION Calibration lnfonmation Parameter (s) Owner MULTI rental Meter Make/Model Serial No. YSI556MPS nr Site Location/Lake ID: Cosmos Creek Date: 1 0/14/1 0 Time: 1240 Datum: NAD83 Pre-Sampling Post-Sampling QAQCCheck QAQCCheck nr nr Parameters Field Measurements Time: 1240 Depth BWS (ft): nr Temp ("C): 0.00 !pH: 8.02 Barometeric (mmHg): 744.2 Pressure (kPa): nr Conductivity (4S/cm): DO (ppm): (mg/L) 13.87 DO(%): 95.0 ORP 198.3 FIELD TESTING OF WATER SAMPLES (if smaU probe is used) Probe: Depth (ft) Temp ("C) pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANALYS!f Parameter Depth BWS (ft): Deplfl BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): Method rep1 rep2 rep3 rep1 rep2 rep3 rep 1 rep2 rep3 Hachspec Oxygen (mg/l) 0.3-15mgll Digital titrator jAikatinity (mg/L as CaC~) 10-4000 mgiL as CaC03 Hachspec trotal iron-UF (mgll) 0.02-3.00 mgll Hachspec Filtered lroo-F lOt Fe (mgll) 0.02-3.00 mg/L jAmmonia (mgll NH 3-N)-0.01-0.50 mgiL NH3-N !Ammonia/Iron dilution Remarks: ------------------------------------------------- Field-Form Filled Out By: Kristie Hilton QAQC Check By: Jeff Derry Date: __ 4;:1,;..15;;;1,;..11.;--_ Date: __ 4,;;./..:;19:::./.:.11.:..__ D-9 Cosmos Hills Project Form F-004a: Water Quality Field-Sampling General Project ID: -:::C;;.:;os=m;,;:os~H.;;.il;.;.;ls:-...,.,.------ Sample Purpose: River Water Quality FIELD MEASUREMENTS GPS Coord. Northing: Measurements By: N ss· 57.235' JM Easting: W 157• 01.364' Time: 1220 Water Depth (ft): nr WATER QUALITY METER INFORMA TlON Calibration Information Parameter (s) OWner MULTI rental Meter MakeiModel Serial No. YSI556MPS nr Site Location/lake 10: Wesley Creek Date: 10/16/10 Time: 1220 Datum: NAD83 Pre-Sampling Post-Sampling QAQCCheclc QAQCCheck nr nr Parameters Field Measurements Time: 1220 Oepth BWS (ft}: nr Temp(•C}: 0.08 pH: 2.64 Barometeric (mmHg): nr Pressure (kPa}: nr ~(ppm); (mg/L) 13.35 DO(%) 91.6 ORP 222.2 FIELD TESTING OF WATER SAMPLES (if small probe is used) i Probe: Depth (ft) Tempeq pH Eh NORTH SLOPE LAB CHEMISTRY ANALYSI! Parameter Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): Depth BWS (ft): Method rep 1 rep2 rep 3 rep 1 rep2 rep3 rep1 rep2 rep3 Hachspec Oxygen (mgll) 0.3-15 mgiL Digital tilrator j\lkalinily (mgll as CaCO:!) 10-4000 mg/L as CaC03 Hach spec Total iroo-UF (mgll) 0.02-3.00 mg/L Hach spec FiHered lron-F lot Fe (mgll) 0.02-3.00 mgiL Ammonia (mg/L NH 3-N)-0.01-0.50 mgiL NH3-N Ammonia/ Iron dilution , I I Rema~s: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Field-Form Filled Out By: QAQC Check By: Kristie Hilton Date: 4/15/11 Date: ---4;:,11,;.;9~/1,;..,1;---Jeff Derry D-10 APPENDIX E. WATER-QUALITY METER CALIBRATION FORMS The following forms report results from the meter calibration checks. E-1 Geo-Watersheds Scientific Form F-004e: Water Quality Meter Calibration Form Project ID: Cosmos Hill Project Site Location/Lake ID: --=C:....:o:....:s.:..:.m:....:o.:..s.:..H:....:ill:__ ___ _ Sample Purpose: ..::L:..:.:a.:..:.ke.:.....:...W:....:a:..:.te.:..:.r_Q::.u:;:.;a"'"li:..:.ty,__ ______ _ WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Meter Make: Owner: In-Situ GWS Make: Troll 9000 S/N: 33033 CALl BRA TION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE INFORMATION Pre-Sampling QA Parameter Date Time Standard Conductivity 447 ~S/cm 8nt10 nr Oakton447 pH 4.00 8nt10 nr In-Situ pH 4.00 IPH 7.00 8nt10 nr In-Situ pH 7.00 IPH 10.00 8nt10 nr In-Situ pH 10.00 Zero DO 8nt10 nr Hanna Hl7040 100% DO 8nt10 nr Tetra Bubbler Post-Sampling QA Parameter Date Time Standard Conductivity 447 ~S/cm 8/12/10 nr Oakton 447 pH 4.00 8/12/10 nr In-Situ pH 4.00 pH 7.00 8/12/10 nr In-Situ pH 7.00 IPH 10.00 8/12/10 nr In-Situ pH 10.00 Zero DO 8/12/10 nr Hanna Hl7040 100% DO 8/12/10 nr Tetra Bubbler Remarks: Lot No. 2910145 OAD444 OAE200 OAF208 1756 na Lot No. 2910145 OAD444 OAE200 OAF208 1756 na Exp. Meter Reading Pass/Fail Oct-10 455 Pass A_p_r-12 4.07 Pass May-12 7.01 Pass Jun-12 10.05 Pass Jul-14 0.1% Pass na 90.4% Pass Exp. Meter Reading Pass/Fail Oct-10 368.6 Pass Apr-12 4.01 Pass May-12 10.1 Pass Jun-12 7.02 Pass Jul-14 0.5% Pass na 92.7% Pass ------------------------------------- Field-Form Filled Out By: K. Hilton QAQC Check By: D. Piedra Date: 4/13/2011 Date: 4/13/2011 E-2 Gao-Watersheds Scientific Form F-004e: Water Quality Meter Calibration Form Project ID: Cosmos Hill Project Site Location/Lake ID: ...;C...;o...;s;..;.m;..;.o..:..s..:..H:.:.:.iii'------ Sample Purpose: -=La=ke.::.....::..W:..:a:::.te:::..:r.....;Q:::u=.:a:::.li:.:.ty,__ ______ _ WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Meter Make: In-Situ Owner: GWS Make: Troll 9000 S/N: 33033 CALIBRATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE INFORMATION P-Sa r QA re mpmg Parameter Date Time Standard Lot No. Conductivity 447 IJS/cm 8/12/10 nr Oakton447 2910145 pH 4.00 8/12/10 nr In-Situ pH 4.00 OAD444 pH 7.00 8/12/10 nr In-Situ pH 7.00 OAE200 pH 10.00 8/12/10 nr In-Situ pH 10.00 OAF208 Zero DO 8/12/10 nr Hanna Hl7040 1756 100% DO 8/12/10 nr Tetra Bubbler na Post-Sampling QA Parameter Date Time Standard Lot No. pH4.00 8/14/10 nr In-Situ pH 4.00 OAD444 pH 7.00 8114110 nr In-Situ pH 7.00 OAE200 IPH 10.00 8/14/10 nr In-Situ pH 10.00 OAF208 Zero DO 8/14/10 nr Hanna Hl7040 1756 100% DO 8/14/10 nr Tetra Bubbler na Remarks: EJ<p. Meter Reading Pass/Fail Oct-10 368.6 Pass Apr-12 4.01 Pass May-12 10.1 Pass Jun-12 7.02 Pass Jul-14 0.5% Pass na 92.7% Pass Exp. Meter Reading Pass/Fail Apr-12 4.07 Pass May-12 7.1 Pass Jun-12 10.20 Pass Jul-14 1.0% Pass na 96.4% Pass ---------------------------------------- Field-Form Filled Out By: K. Hilton QAQC Check By: D. Piedra Date: 4/1312011 Date: 4/1312011 E-3 Geo-Watersheds Scientific Form F-004e: Water Quality Meter Calibration Form Project ID: Cosmos Hill Project Site Location/Lake ID: Cosmos Hill ~~~~-------Sample Purpose: -"'La=ke.:.....:..W:..;;a;.;.te;;;.;;r.....;Q::;u::.;:a;.;.li;.;;otyt--________ _ WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Meter Make: In-Situ Owner: GWS Make: Troll9000 S/N: 33033 CALIBRATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE INFORMATION P -S r QA re amp mg Parameter Date Time Standard Lot No. pH4.00 8/14/10 nr In-Situ pH 4.00 OAD444 pH 7.00 8/14/10 nr In-Situ pH 7.00 OAE200 pH 10.00 8/14/10 nr In-Situ pH 10.00 OAF208 Zero DO. 8/14/10 nr Hanna Hl7040 1756 100% DO 8/14/10 nr Tetra Bubbler na Post-Sampling QA Parameter Date Time Standard Lot No. pH4.00 10/12/10 nr In-Situ pH 4.00 OAD444 pH 7.00 10/12/10 nr In-Situ pH 7.00 OAE200 pH 10.00 10/12/10 nr In-Situ pH 10.00 OAF208 Zero DO 10/12/10 nr Hanna Hl7040 1756 100% DO 10/12/10 nr Tetra Bubbler na Conductivity 44 7 IJS/cm 8112/10 nr Oakton447 2910145 Remarks: Exp. Meter Reading Pass/Fail Apr-12 4.07 Pass May-12 7.1 Pass Jun-12 10.20 Pass Jul-14 1.0% Pass na 96.4% Pass Exp. Meter Reading Pass/Fail Apr-12 4.12 Pass May-12 7.1 Pass Jun-12 10.15 Pass Jul-14 6.6% Pass na 95.8% Pass Oct-10 446.7 Pass ----------------------------------------------------------------- Field-Form Filled Out By: K. Hilton QAQC Check By: D. Piedra Date: 4113/2011 Date: 4113/2011 E-4 Gao-Watersheds Scientific Form F-004e: Water Quality Meter Calibration Form Project ID: Cosmos Hill Project Site Location/Lake ID: _C_o_sm_os_H_i_ll ____ _ Sample Purpose: -=L:::a.:.:;ke;;;....;;.;W:..::a:::te::..;;r...:Q::;u=a;;.;;li:=..tyt--______ _ WATER QUALITY METER INFORMATION Meter Make: .-:Y::-=S:..:...I---.,.. ____ _ Owner: Rental Make: 556 MP SIN: nr ~------------ CALl BRA TION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE INFORMATION P -S r QA re amp mg Parameter Date Time Standard Lot No. Exp. Meter Reading Conductivity 4471JS/cm 10114110 nr Oakton447 2911094 Nov-10 nr Post-Sampling QA Parameter Date Time Standard lot No. Exp. Meter Reading Conductivity 447 IJS/cm 10112/10 nr Oakton447 2910145 Oct-10 ~39.0 @ 23.59C [pH 4.00 10/12/10 nr In-Situ pH 4.00 OAD444 Apr-12 4.14 lpH 7.00 10/12/10 nr In-Situ pH 7.00 OAE200 May-12 7.04 !pH 10.00 10/12/10 nr In-Situ pH 10.00 OAF208 Jun-12 0.10 Zero DO 10/12/10 nr Hanna Hl7040 1756 Jul-14 92.9% 100% DO 10/12/10 nr Tetra Bubbler na na 8.9% Pass/Fail Pass Pass/Fail Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Remarks: ----------------------------------------------------------- Field-Form Filled Out By: K. Hilton QAQC Check By: D. Piedra Date: 4/13/2011 Date: 4/19/2011 E-5 APPENDIX F. SNOW SURVEY FORMS The following forms report the snow survey information obtained during field sampling. Density was not sampled at sites Kogoluktuk River-Forest, Wesley Creek-SCI, or Wesley Creek-SC5. The regional snow density patterns vary less than snow depth, so a subset of the sites were used for density measurements. F-1 Arctic Transportation Networks Project Form F-012: Snow Survey Form Project ID: Survey Purpose: ATN Project Site Location/Lake ID:;...._--'C-=o..;:s.:..:.m~os:..::;_C;;..r;....W:..:..::ac:cte:..:.rs.;:..:.,;.he:;..d=--- Date: 3125/2011 Time: 12:15 Determine Snow Depth and SWE Location On semi-treed mountain that goes to Cosmos Repeater. Description: Survey End of winter SWE objective: Latitude: N 66" 58.282' Longitude: w 157" 07 .366' Elevation: 1300 ft. Elevation NGVD29 Datum: Drainage Wesley Creek Slope Flat Basin: Direction: Slope Angle: Flat Access snowmobile Notes: Snow Depth Probe Type: T-Handle Probe Snow Tube Type: rdirondack Snow Tube Snow Course Depths (em) 1 2 3 4 5 1 93.0 78.0 93.0 69.0 97.0 2 99.0 76.0 84.0 75.0 103.0 3 101.0 74.0 75.0 72.0 89.0 4 99.0 78.0 86.0 91.0 86.0 5 93.0 72.0 89.0 79.0 63.0 6 91.0 75.0 91.0 86.0 97.0 7 83.0 82.0 105.0 89.0 98.0 8 74.0 81.0 82.0 72.0 94.0 9 85.0 78.0 91.0 89.0 92.0 10 86.0 76.0 no 88.0 92.0 Snow Sample Depths and Weights Bag# Snow Depth Weight Volume Density Organic Plug (em) (g) (em"3) (g/cm"3) (em) c 90 728.8 3213.0 0.23 b 90 714.7 3213.0 0.22 f 86 606.7 3070.2 0.20 -88 n2.1 3141.6 0.25 z 92 757.1 3284.4 0.23 Average Density= 0.225 Average Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) =_.....,:1;.;:9;,;,;.2:--_cm H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent= 7.55 inches H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent= 0.63 feet H20 SWE = avg. snow depth*( density snow/density water) Data entered by: Jeff Derry Data QNQC by: Kristie Hilton Date: 3/25/2011 Date: 4/14/11 Weather Snowing, bad vis,slight Observations breeze, warm Datum: NAD83 Reference Markers: Vegetation Upland Tussock Tundra T}'pe: Other: Fresh snow. no wind redistribution Snow-Survey Team Names: Jeff Derry, Allen Ward (em) Average snow depth = 85.4 Maximum snow depth = 105.0 Minimum snow depth = 63.0 Standard deviation = 9.7 (inches) Average snow depth = 33.6 Maximum snow depth = 41.3 Minimum snow depth = 24.8 Standard deviation = 3.8 F-2 Arctic Transportation Networks Project Form F-012: Snow Survey Form Project ID: Survey Purpose: ATN Project Site Location/Lake ID::..---=D:.;:;a~h:;:.I..;;.C:...r ;:.;W:.;:;a;;:;te::.:rs.;::h;..:.e7-:d::-- Date: 3124/2011 Time: 12:15 Determine Snow Depth and SWE Location Off Runway on tundra from Dahl Airstrip Description: Survey End of winter SWE objective: Latitude: N 66" 56.470' Longitude: w 156" 52.400' Elevation: 1300 fl • Elevation .NGVD29 Datum: Drainage Wesley Creek Slope Flat Basin: Direction: Slope Angle: Flat Access snowmobile Notes: Snow Depth Probe Type: T -Handle Probe Snow Tube Type: ~Adirondack Snow Tube Snow Course Depths (em) 1 2 3 4 5 1 66.0 84.0 76.0 68.0 78.0 2 67.0 87.0 n.o 71.0 68.0 3 68.0 84.0 74.0 67.0 66.0 4 69.0 84.0 80.0 67.0 75.0 5 66.0 89.0 71.0 68.0 71.0 6 80.0 90.0 65.0 74.0 68.0 7 79.0 82.0 66.0 61.0 71.0 8 84.0 82.0 66.0 63.0 73.0 9 87.0 69.0 67.0 73.0 72.0 10 83.0 73.0 71.0 73.0 80.0 Snow Sample Depths and Weights Bag# Snow Depth Weight Volume Density Organic Plug (em) (g) {em"3) (g/cm"3) (em) F 84 606.5 2998.8 0.20 G 84 526.3 2998.8 0.18 H 84 736.3 2998.8 0.25 I 85 737.9 3034.5 0.24 J 82 666.6 2927.4 0.23 Average Density 0.219 Average Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) = _ _..1.-6._2 __ cm H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent = 6.36 inches H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent-0.53 feet H20 SWE avg. snow depth*(density snow/density water) Data entered by: Jeff Derry Data QAIQC by: K. Hilton Date: 3/24/2011 Date: 4/14/11 Weather Snowing, bad vis,slight Observations breeze, warm Datum: NAD83 Reference Markers: Vegetation Upland Tussock Tundra Type: Other: Fresh snow, no wind redistribution Snow-Survey Team Names: Jeff Derrv. Allen Ward (em) Average snow depth = Maximum snow depth = 90.0 Minimum snO'tY depth = 61.0 Standard deviation = 7.5 (inches) Average snow depth = 29.1 Maximum snow depth = 35A Minimum snO'tY depth = 24.0 Standard deviation 3.0 F-3 Arctic Transportation Networks Project Form F-012: Snow Survey Form Project ID: Survey Purpose: ATN Project Site location/Lake ID:;.____;:Dc.::a:.::h::=:-1 C.::..:..r W~a;;;.:te::.rs~h;.;;e;;.:d::-- Date: 3/25/2011 Time: 12:15 Detennine Snow Depth and SWE location On other side of 4-track from Dahl Station. Description: Survey End of winter SWE objective: latitude: N 66° 57.682' Longitude: w 156° 52.950' Elevation: 1300 ft. :Elevation NGVD29 Datum: Drainage Wesley Creek Slope Flat Basin: Direction: Slope Angle: Flat Access snowmobile Notes: Snow Depth Probe Type: T-Handle Probe Snow Tube Type: ~Adirondack Snow Tube Snow Course Depths {em) 1 2 3 4 5 1 120.0 140.0 100.0 155.0 130.0 2 120.0 130.0 120.0 95.0 135.0 3 110.0 140.0 130.0 140.0 140.0 4 110.0 135.0 135.0 155.0 135.0 5 120.0 135.0 140.0 140.0 135.0 6 120.0 130.0 85.0 132.0 140.0 7 110.0 130.0 135.0 110.0 125.0 8 110.0 125.0 130.0 140.0 135.0 9 115.0 130.0 150.0 135.0 130.0 10 125.0 130.0 105.0 140.0 130.0 Snow Sample Depths and Weights Bag# Snow Depth Weight Volume Density Organic Plug (em) (g) {crrr'3) (g/em"3) (em) p 96 795.5 3427.2 0.23 t 100 856.9 3570.0 0.24 k 104 756.5 3712.8 0.20 r 106 858.0 37842 0.23 b 106 890.0 3784.2 0.24 Average Density = 0.228 Average Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) =_....;;;2~9--.1 __ cm H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent 11.45 inches H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent = 0.95 feet H20 SWE = avg. snow depth*(density snow/density water) Data entered by: Jeff Derry Data QA/QC by Kristie Hilton Date: 3/25/2011 Date: 4/14/11 Weather Snowing, bad vis,slight Observations breeze, warm Datum: NAD83 Reference Markers: Vegetation Upland Tussock Tundra Type: Other: Fresh snow, no wind redistribution Snow-Survey Team Names: Jeff Denv. Allen Ward (em) Average snow depth= 127.8 Maximum snow depth = Minimum snow depth = 85.0 Standard deviation 14.4 {inches) Average snow depth = 50.3 Maximum snow depth = 61.0 Minimum snow depth = 33.5 Standard deviation 5.7 F-4 Arctic Transportation Networks Project Form F-012: Snow Survey Form Project ID: ATN Project Site Location/Lake ID: Kogoluktuk Cr Watershed Survey Purpose: Detennine Snow Depth and SWE Date: 3/26/2011 Time: 12:15 location In forest semi-clearing off of the Kogotuktuk R. up from Corrine's Cabin. Description: Survey End of winter SWE objective: Latitude: N 66• 57.095' longitude: w 156° 44.981' Elevation: 1300fl Elevation NGVD29 Datum: Drainage Wesley Creek Slope Flat Basin: Direction: Slope Angle: Flat Access snowmobile Notes: Snow Depth Probe Type: T-Handle Probe Snow Tube Type: ~Adirondack Snow Tube Snow Course Depths (em) 1 2 3 4 5 1 120.0 118.0 108.0 114.0 108.0 2 117.0 125.0 108.0 118.0 115.0 3 117.0 116.0 122.0 139.0 112.0 4 119.0 117.0 116.0 121.0 106.0 5 120.0 116.0 113.0 110.0 105.0 6 120.0 106.0 113.0 114.0 111.0 7 114.0 112.0 113.0 113.0 101.0 8 110.0 120.0 121.0 117.0 115.0 9 113.0 107.0 114.0 115.0 143.0 10 112.0 117.0 117.0 112.0 123.0 Snow Sample Depths and Weights Bag# Snow Depth Weight Volume Density Organic Plug (em) (g) (em"3) (gJemA3) (em) Note: Density infonnation not collected at this site. Average Density = Average Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) = _____ em H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent = inches H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent -feet H20 SWE = avg. snow depth*(density snow/density water) Data entered by: Jeff Derry Data QA/QC by: Kristie Hilton Date: 3/26/20 11 Date: 4/14/11 Weather Snowing, bad vis,slight Observations breeze, warm Datum: NAD83 Reference Markers: Vegetation in a semi-clearing in forest Type: Other: Fresh snow, no wind redistribution Snow-Survey Team Names: Jeff Derry, Allen Ward (em) Average snow depth = 115.5 Maximum snow depth 143.0 Minimum snow depth 101.0 Standard deviation = 7.3 (inches) Average snow depth 45.5 Maximum snow depth 56.3 Minimum snow depth = 39.8 Standard deviation = 2.9 F-5 Arctic Transportation Networks Project Form F-012: Snow Survey Form Project ID: ATN Project Site Location/Lake ID: Kogoluktuk Cr Watershed Survey Purpose: Detennine Snow Depth and SWE Date: 3/26/2011 Time: 12:15 Location On a sandbar of the Kogoluktuk R up from Corrine's Cabin. Description: Survey End of winter SWE objective: Latitude: N 66" 57.046' Longitude: w 156° 45.167' Elevation: 1300 ft. 'Elevation ;NGVD29 Datum: Drainage Wesley Creek Slope Flat Basin: Direction: Slope Angle: Flat Access snowmobile Notes: Snow Depth Probe Type: T-Handle Probe Snow Tube Type: ~Adirondack Snow Tube Snow Course Depths (em) 1 2 3 4 5 1 96.0 93.0 86.0 93.0 93.0 2 95.0 93.0 87.0 92.0 89.0 3 96.0 93.0 88.0 92.0 88.0 4 95.0 93.0 87.0 93.0 90.0 5 94.0 92.0 87.0 92.0 91.0 6 94.0 91.0 90.0 95.0 91.0 7 94.0 91.0 91.0 95.0 91.0 8 93.0 90.0 92.0 94.0 91.0 9 93.0 89.0 93.0 93.0 90.0 10 93.0 89.0 93.0 91.0 92.0 Snow Sample Depths and Weights Bag# Snow Depth Weight Volume Density Organic Plug (em) (g) (em ... 3) (g!emAJ) (em) 4m 94 839.9 3355.8 0.25 St 94 855.4 3355.8 0.25 6a 96 856.2 3427.2 0.25 7e 94 832.1 3355.8 0.25 9d 93 833.9 3320.1 0.25 Average Density = 0.251 Average Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) =_..,;;2;.;;.3 . .,0 __ cm H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent = 9.06 inches H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent-0.75 feet H20 SWE = avg. snow depth*(density snow/density water) Data entered by: Jeff Derry Data QAIQC by: Kristie Hilton Date: 3/26/2011 Date: 4/14/11 Weather Snowing, bad vis,slight Observations breeze, warm Datum: NAD83 Reference Marl<ers: Vegetation Sandbar on edge of river Type: Other: Fresh snow, no wind redistribution Snow-Survey Team Names: Jeff Derry, Allen Ward (em) Average snow depth = 91.7 Maximum snow depth = 96.0 Minimum snow depth = 86.0 Slandard deviation = 2.4 (inches) Average snow depth = 36.1 Maximum snow depth 37.8 Minimum snow depth = 33.9 Standard deviation = 1.0 F-6 Arctic Transportation Networks Project Form F-012: Snow Survey Form Project ID: ATN Project Site Location/Lake ID: Wesley Cr Watershed Survey Purpose: Determine Snow Depth and SWE Date: 3/24/2011 Time: 12:15 Location Off road up from Wesley Cr station. Description: Survey End of winter SWE objective: Latitude: N 67• 00.248' Longitude: w 156° 58.747' Elevation: 1300 ft. Elevation NGVD29 Datum: Drainage Wesley Creek Slope Flat Basin: Direction: Slope Angle: Flat Access snowmobile Notes: Snow Depth Probe Type: T -Handle Probe Snow Tube Type: ~Adirondack Snow Tube Snow Course Depths (em) 1 2 3 4 5 1 130.0 140.0 175.0 75.0 145.0 2 120.0 130.0 125.0 80.0 125.0 3 110.0 150.0 110.0 75.0 130.0 4 115.0 140.0 65.0 100.0 130.0 5 100.0 140.0 85.0 120.0 130.0 6 120.0 145.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 7 95.0 150.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 8 150.0 100.0 140.0 140.0 150.0 9 130.0 95.0 125.0 130.0 130.0 10 125.0 90.0 75.0 130.0 130.0 Snow Sample Depths and Weights Bag# Snow Depth Weight Volume Density Organic Plug (em) (g) (em"3) (g/cm"3) (em) A 106 997.3 3784.2 0.26 8 104 1008.5 3712.8 0.27 c 105 932.3 3748.5 0.25 D 102 1001.5 3641.4 0.28 E 103 936.3 36n.1 0.25 Average Density = 0.263 Average Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) = _...;;.3.;.;1·;,;;,9 __ cm H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent= 12.57 inches H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent 1.05 feet H20 SWE = avg. snow depth•(density snow/density water) Data entered by: Jeff Derry Data QA/QC by: Kristie Hilton Date: 3/2412011 Date: 4/14/11 Weather Snowing, bad vis,slight Observations breeze, warm Datum: NAD83 Reference ·Markers: Vegetation Scattered semi-open Type: willow/trees Other: Fresh snow, no wind redistribution Snow-Survey Team Names: Jeff Deny, Allen Ward (em) Average snow depth = 121.5 Maximum snow depth :::: 175.0 Minimum snow depth :::: 65.0 Standard deviation = 23.5 (inches) Average snow depth 47.8 Maximum snow depth = 68.9 Minimum snow depth = 25.6 Standard deviation :::: 9.2 F-7 Arctic Transportation Networks Project Form F-012: Snow Survey Form Project ID: ATN Project Site Location/Lake ID: Wesley Cr Watershed Survey Purpose: Determine Snow Depth and SWE Date: 3/24/2011 Time: 12:15 location Off road up from Wesley Cr station. Down from 1st snow COUI5e that day Description: Survey End of winter SWE objective: latitude: N 66° 59.858' longitude: w 156" 58.724' Elevation: 1300 ft. Elevation NGVD29 ·Datum: Drainage Wesley Creek Slope Flat Basin: Direction: Slope Angle: Flat Access snowmobile Notes: Snow Depth Probe Type: T-Handle Probe Snow Tube Type: ~Adirondack Snow Tube Snow Course Depths (em) 1 2 3 4 5 1 120.0 140.0 150.0 125.0 160.0 2 120.0 150.0 100.0 135.0 130.0 3 120.0 145.0 120.0 145.0 165.0 4 160.0 135.0 110.0 140.0 160.0 5 150.0 150.0 150.0 155.0 165.0 6 145.0 145.0 130.0 155.0 140.0 7 150.0 150.0 130.0 160.0 140.0 8 150.0 150.0 125.0 165.0 100.0 9 150.0 150.0 125.0 160.0 160.0 10 130.0 150.0 110.0 160.0 160.0 Snow Sample Depths and Weights Bag# Snow Depth Weight Volume Density Organic Plug (em) (g) (cm"3) {g/em"3) (em) Note: Density information not collected at this site. Average Density = Average Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) = _____ em H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent = inches H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent feet H20 SWE = avg. snow depth*(density snow/density water) Data entered by: Jeff Derry Data QA/QC by: Kristie Hilton Date: 3/24/2011 Date: 4/14/11 Weather Snowing, bad vis,slight Observations breeze, warm Datum: NAD83 Reference Markers: Vegetation Willow Type: Other: Fresh snow, no wind redistribution Snow-Survey Team Names: Jeff Derry, Allen Ward (em) Average snow depth = 141.8 Maximum snow depth = 165.0 Minimum snow depth 100.0 Standard deviation 17.1 (inches) Average snow depth= 55.8 Maximum snow depth = 65.0 Minimum snow depth = 39.4 Standard deviation 6.7 F-8 Arctic Transportation Networks Project Form F-012: Snow Survey Form Project ID: ATN Project Site Location/Lake ID: Wesley Cr Watershed Survey Purpose: Detennine Snow Depth and SWE Date: 3/27/2011 Time: 12:15 location Off road up from Cobalt mine. 1 Ocm new fluffy snow Description: Survey End of winter SWE objective: Latitude: N6r04.039' Longitude: w 156° 56.275' Elevation: 1300 ft. Elevation NGVD29 Datum: Drainage Wesley Creek Slope Flat Basin: Direction: Slope Angle: Flat Access snowmobile Notes: Snow Depth Probe Type: T-Handle Probe Snow Tube Type: ~Adirondack Snow Tube Snow Course Depths (em) 1 2 3 4 5 1 115.0 125.0 115.0 140.0 132.0 2 115.0 120.0 122.0 140.0 128.0 3 115.0 110.0 125.0 140.0 130.0 4 112.0 115.0 125.0 130.0 128.0 5 120.0 115.0 122.0 125.0 130.0 6 120.0 115.0 120.0 120.0 132.0 7 120.0 112.0 122.0 117.0 128.0 8 125.0 115.0 125.0 125.0 130.0 9 125.0 110.0 135.0 130.0 125.0 10 125.0 115.0 135.0 135.0 135.0 Snow Sample Depths and Weights Bag# Snow Depth Weight Volume Density Organic Plug . (em) (g) (cm"3) (g!cm"3)_ (em) 50 111 880.3 3962.7 0.22 51 111 885.5 3962.7 0.22 110 880.0 3927.0 0.22 y 110 830.8 3927.0 0.21 y2 111 892.1 3962.7 0.23 Average Density 0.221 Average Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) =-.....;;;2.;.;7 .... 4 __ cm H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent= 10.79 inches H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent = 0.90 feet H20 SWE = avg. snow depth*(density snow/density water) Data entered by: Jeff Derry Data QNQC by: Kristie Hilton Date: 3/27/2011 Date: 4/14/11 Weather Snowing, bad vis,slight Observations breeze, warm Datum: NAD83 Reference Markers: Vegetation Semi-open, willows Type: Other: Fresh snow, no wind redistribution Snow-Survey Team Names: Jeff Denv. Allen Ward (em) Average snow depth= 123.8 Maximum snow depth = 140.0 Minimum snow depth 110.0 Standard deviation (inches) Average snow depth = 48.7 Maximum snow depth = 55.1 Minimum snow depth 43.3 Standard deviation 3.2 F-9 Arctic Transportation Networks Project Form F-012: Snow Survey Form Project ID: ATN Project Site Location/Lake ID: Wesley Cr Watershed Survey Purpose: Detennine Snow Depth and SWE Date: 3127/2011 Time: 12:15 Location Off road up from Wesley Cr station. 1 Ocm new fluffy snow Description: Survey End of winter SWE objective: Latitude: N 67" 01.283' Longitude: w 156" 57.267' Elevation: 1300 ft. Elevation NGVD29 Datum: Drainage Wesley Creek Slope Flat Basin: Direction: Slope Angle: Flat Access snowmobile Notes: Snow Depth Probe Type: T-Handle Probe Snow Tube Type: ~Adirondack Snow Tube Snow Course Depths (em) 1 2 3 4 5 1 130.0 135.0 125.0 110.0 112.0 2 135.0 125.0 125.0 100.0 112.0 3 125.0 120.0 125.0 100.0 120.0 4 110.0 115.0 120.0 100.0 120.0 5 115.0 110.0 120.0 105.0 120.0 6 130.0 115.0 115.0 110.0 122.0 7 125.0 110.0 115.0 110.0 120.0 8 130.0 120.0 115.0 110.0 118.0 9 110.0 130.0 115.0 110.0 120.0 10 110.0 125.0 115.0 112.0 125.0 Snow Sample Depths and Weights Bag# Snow Depth Weight Volume Density Organic Plug (em) (g) {em"3) (glcm"3) (em) 23 110 924.2 3927.0 0.24 24 112 913.7 3998.4 0.23 25 112 961.2 3998.4 0.24 26 110 969.3 3927.0 0.25 27 110 926.8 3927.0 0.24 Average Density = 0.237 Average Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) =_...;;2.;.;7.-.9 __ cm H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent 10.98 inches H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent-0.91 feet H20 SWE = avg. snow depth*(density snow/density water) Data entered by: Jeff Derry Data QAJQC by: Kristie Hilton Date: 3/2712011 Date: 4/14/11 Weather Snowing, bad vis,slight Observations breeze, wann Datum: NAD83 ·Reference Markers: Vegetation Semi-open scattered trees Type: Other: Fresh snow, no wind redisbibution Snow-Survey Team Names: Jeff Deuv. Allen Ward (em) Average snow depth= 117.4 Maximum snow depth = 135.0 Minimum snow depth = 100.0 Standard deviation = 8.5 (inches) Average snow depth 46.2 Maximum snow depth = 53.1 Minimum snow depth = 39.4 Standard deviation = F-10 Arctic Transportation Networks Project Form F-012: Snow Survey Form Project ID: ATN Project Survey Purpose: Determine Snow Depth and SWE Location Furthest snow course up watershed. Near Ruby Creek. Description: Survey End of winter SWE objective: Site Location/Lake ID: Wesley Cr Watershed Date: 3/2712011 Time: 12:15 10an new fluffy snow Weather Snowing, bad vis,slight Observations breeze, warm Latitude: N6r04.872' longitude: w 156. 56.002' Datum: NAD83 Elevation: 1300 ft. Elevation NGVD29 Reference Datum: Markers: Drainage Wesley Creek Slope Flat Vegetation large open area, surrounded Basin: Direction: Slope Angle: Flat Access snowmobile Notes: Snow Depth Probe Type: T-Handle Probe Snow Tube Type: ~Adirondack Snow Tube Snow Course Depths (an) 1 2 3 4 5 1 95.0 85.0 85.0 92.0 100.0 2 115.0 85.0 88.0 88.0 112.0 3 115.0 90.0 90.0 100.0 85.0 4 112.0 85.0 88.0 95.0 95.0 5 120.0 100.0 85.0 80.0 100.0 6 95.0 85.0 85.0 83.0 98.0 7 115.0 70.0 90.0 115.0 102.0 8 90.0 88.0 80.0 95.0 100.0 9 95.0 70.0 92.0 97.0 93.0 10 85.0 70.0 77.0 100.0 103.0 Snow Sample Depths and Weights Bag# Snow Depth Weight Volume Density Organic Plug (an) (g) (cm"3) (g/cm"3) (em) Note: Density information not collected at this site. Average Density = Average Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) = _____ em H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent = inches H20 Average Snow Water Equivalent -feet H20 SWE avg. snow depth*( density snow/density water) Data entered by: Jeff Derry Data QAIQC by: Kristie Hilton Date: 3127/2011 Date: 4/14/11 Type: by trees in distance Other: Fresh snow, no wind redistribution Snow-Survey Team Names: Jeff DerTV. Allen Ward (an) Average snow depth= 93.2 Maximum snow depth = 120.0 Minimum snow depth = 70.0 Standard deviation = 11.9 (inches) Average snow depth = 36.7 Maximum snow depth = 47.2 Minimum snow depth = 27.6 Standard deviation = 4.7 F-11 APPENDIX G. STATION METADATA STANDARDS EXAMPLE The following Kogoluktuk River Station Metadata Standards example represents the standards used at each site. G-1 Cosmos Hills Hydro-Electric Hydrologic Network Project Upper Kogoluktuk River Stream Station Data Measurement and Recording Standards Last Update: 09/20/10 Last Update By: AMcHugh Stream Station Data-Collection Objectives: Meteorological and hydrologic data to evaluate the potential for hydro-electric power generation in the Cosmos Hills region. Time Recording Standard: Always Alaska Standard Time (UTC-9). Datalogger Scan Interval Standard: 60 seconds. Time Measurement Standards: Hourly readings are recorded at the end of the hour; therefore, the hourly average water temperature, for example, with a 60-second scan interval and a time stamp of 14:00 is measured from 13:01 to 14:00:00. For a 60-second scan interval, the hourly average would be the average of 60 min= 60 values. Quarter-hourly readings are recorded every fifteen minutes starting at the top ofthe hour. Instantaneous readings are taken at the time specified by the time stamp. A day begins at midnight (00:00:00) and ends at midnight (23 :59:55). All daily data are from the day prior to the date of the time stamp. For example, if the time stamp reads 09/09/2007 00:00 or 09/09/2007 12:00:00 AM, the data are from 09/08/2007. Data Retrieval Interval~ Data will be retrieved manually. Data Reporting Interval: Hourly Images Cameras: CC640 digital camera. Memory Card: 2G Flash Memory Card Flash Card Capacity: -20,000 Images or over 2 years. Images Taken: Triggered from external trigger (Logger control port. Allows images to be taken as needed.) Images Saved on Datalogger: Five. Image Trigger Interval: 60-minutes. Data Retrieval Interval: One image every hour. Connection: Direct for single camera Air Temperature Sensor: HPM45C Vaisala A T/RH sensor Operating Range: -40°C to +60°C Installation: In 12-gill radiation shield, non-aspirated. Height: 2 meters Output Units: °C. Scan Interval: 60 seconds G-2 Output to Tables: • Hourly Atmospheric Table: o Hourly Sample Air Temperature: Recorded at the top of each hour. o Hourly Average Air Temperature: 60 readings from the beginning of the hour to the end of the hour, averaged and recorded at the end of the hour. o Hourly Maximum Air Temperature: The highest reading taken during the previous hour. o Hourly Minimum Air Temperature: The lowest reading taken during the previous hour. • Daily Table: o Daily Average Air Temperature: Average of all temperature readings for the previous day ending at midnight AST. o Daily Maximum Air Temperature: The highest reading taken during the previous day. o Dailv Minimum Air Temperature: The lowest reading taken during the previous day. Relative Humidity Sensor: HPM45C Vaisala AT /RH sensor Operating Range: 0 to 100% RH Installation: In 12-gill radiation shield, non-aspirated. Height: 2 meters Output Units: % Relative Humidity Scan Interval: 60 seconds Output to Tables: • Hourly Atmospheric Table: o Hourly Sample Relative Humidity: Recorded at the top of each hour. o Hourly Average Relative Humidity: 60 readings from the beginning of the hour to the end of the hour, averaged and recorded at the end of the hour. o Hourly Maximum Relative Humidity: the highest reading taken during the previous hour. o Hourly Minimum Relative Humidity: the lowest reading taken during the previous hour. • Daily Table: o Daily Maximum Relative Humidity: the highest reading taken during the previous day. o Daily Minimum Relative Humidity: the lowest reading taken during the previous day. Dew Point Temperature Sensor: Calculated value from AT/RH Scan Interval: N/A, calculated Output to Tables: • Hourly Table: o Hourly Sample Dew Point: Calculated from the Sample Air Temperature and Relative Humidity values at the top of each hour. G-3 o Hourly Average Dew Point: Average of the 60 values calculated from the 60- second Air Temperature and Relative Humidity values. o Hourly Maximum Dew Point: The highest calculated value during the previous hour. o Hourly Minimum Dew Point: The lowest calculated value during the previous hour. • Daily Table: o Daily Average Dew Point: Average of all calculated values for the previous day ending at midnight AST. o Daily Maximum Dew Point: The highest calculated value during the previous day. o Daily Minimum Dew Point: The lowest calculated value during the previous day. Air Temperature: Cold Range Sensor: Triplicate YSI Series 44033 thermistors Operating Range: -80°C to+ 75°C Installation: In 6-gill radiation shield, non-aspirated. Height: 2 meters Output Units: kn, oc. Scan Interval: 60 seconds Output to Tables: • Hourly Atmospheric Table: o Hourly Sample Air Temperature: Recorded at the top of each hour. (three values, one for each thermistor) o Hourly Average Air Temperature: 60 readings from the beginning of the hour to the end of the hour, averaged and recorded at the end of the hour. (three values, one for each thermistor) • Daily Table: o Daily Average Air Temperature: Average of all temperature readings for the previous day ending at midnight AST. (three values, one for each thermistor) o Daily Maximum Air Temperature: the highest reading taken during the previous day. (three values, one for each thermistor) o Daily Minimum Air Temperature: the lowest reading taken during the previous day. (three values, one for each thermistor) • Hourly Raw Table: o Hourly Sample Sensor Resistance: Recorded at the top of each hour. "Raw" data in kQ. (three values, one for each thermistor) o Hourly Average Sensor Resistance: 60 readings from the beginning of the hour to the end of the hour, averaged and recorded at the end of the hour. "Raw" data in kQ. (three values, one for each thermistor) Barometric Pressure Sensor Sensor: CS I 06 (Vaisala) Installation: NO SENSOR ATTACHED Height: about 1.5 m Output Units: hPa (mb). Scan Interval: 60 seconds G-4 NOTE: Different programming required for CS 106 and CS 16 sensors. Multiplier and Offset are different Output to Tables: • Hourly Atmospheric Table: o Hourly Sample Station Pressure: Recorded at the top of each hour. Summer Precipitation Sensor: TE525WS Resolution: 0.0 l in Installation: use wind shield, locate 30 m from nearest obstruction. Height: 0.5 meters Output Units: in Scan Interval: 60 seconds Output to Tables: • Hourly Atmospheric Table: o Hourly Total Precipitation: Hourly total taken at the end of the hour. • Daily Table: o Daily Total Precipitation: Daily total precipitation for the previous day. Water Height Sensor: Two CS450 (Campbell Scientific, inc) SDI-12 Sensors Pressure Measurement Range: 0-3 psi Output Units: psi, em, ft Scan Interval: 60 seconds Output to Tables: • Fifteen-Minute Water Height Table: o Fifteen-Minute Average Water Height: Fifteen minute average of all 15 readings recorded at the top of the hour, 15, 30, and 45 minutes past the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and feet) o Fifteen-Minute Average Water Height: Fifteen minute average of all 15 readings recorded at the top ofthe hour, 15, 30, and 45 minutes past the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and feet) o Fifteen-Minute Maximum Water Height: Fifteen minute maximum of all 15 readings recorded at the top of the hour, 15, 30, and 45 minutes past the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and feet) o Fifteen-Minute Minimum Water Height: Fifteen minute minimum of all 15 readings recorded at the top of the hour, 15, 30, and 45 minutes past the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and feet) • Hourly Water Table: o Hourly Sample Water Height: Measured at the top of the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and feet) o Hourly Average Water Height: Average of all 60 readings recorded at the end of the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and feet) o Hourly Maximum Water Height: Maximum of all 60 readings recorded at the end of the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and in feet) G-5 o Hourly Minimum Water Height: Minimum of all 60 readings recorded at the end of the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and one for each sensor in feet) • Daily Table: o Daily Average Water Height: Average of all readings for the previous day. (four values, one for each sensor in em and in feet) o Daily Maximum Water Height: Maximum water height for the previous day. (four values, one for each sensor in em and in feet) o Daily Minimum Water Height: Minimum water height for the previous day. (four values, one for each sensor in em and in feet Water Surface Gage Height Sensor: Calculation Water Surface Gage Height (water surface height above gage datum) Water Height+ Gage Height Offset Output Units: em, ft Scan Interval: 60 seconds Output to Tables: • Fifteen-Minute Water Level Table: o Fifteen-Minute Average Water Level: Fifteen minute average of all 15 readings recorded at the top of the hour, 15, 30, and 45 minutes past the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and feet) o Fifteen-Minute Maximum Water Level: Fifteen minute maximum of all 15 readings recorded at the top of the hour, 15, 30, and 45 minutes past the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and in feet) o Fifteen-Minute Minimum Water Level: Fifteen minute minimum of all 15 readings recorded at the top of the hour, 15, 30, and 45 minutes past the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and in feet) • Hourly Water Table: o Hourly Sample Water Level: Measured at the top of the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and in feet) o Hourly Average Water Level: Average of all 60 readings recorded at the end of the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and in feet) o Hourly Maximum Water Level: Maximum of all 60 readings recorded at the end of the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in inches and one for each sensor in feet) o Hourly Minimum Water Level: Minimum ofall60 readings recorded at the end of the hour. (four values, one for each sensor in em and in feet) • Daily Table: o Daily Average Water Level: Average of all readings for the previous day. (four values, one for each sensor in em and in feet) o Daily Maximum Water Level: Maximum water level for the previous day. (four values, one for each sensor in em and in feet) G-6 o Daily Minimum Water Level: Minimum water level for the previous day. (four values, one for each sensor in ern and in feet) Gage Height Offset Sensor: Calculation entered into the Public Variable with units of feet after the program is loaded. The Offset in ern is calculated by the program. Gage Height Offset in ft Water Surface Gage Height in ft above datum (surveyed value)- Water Height (measured by PT in ft). Output Units: ern, ft Scan Interval: 60 seconds Output to Tables: • Fifteen-Minute Water Level Table: o Fifteen-Minute Sample Gage Height Offset: Captured at the top of the quarter hour. • Hourly Water Table: o Hourly Sample Gage Height Offset: Captured at the top of the hour. Surface-Water Temperature Sensor: Two CS450 (Campbell Scientific, inc) SDI-12 Sensors Operating Range: -1 ooc to 80°C Output Units: oc Scan Interval: 60 seconds Output to Tables: • Fifteen-Minute Water Level Table: o Fifteen-Minute Average Water Temperature: Fifteen minute average of all 15 readings recorded at the top of the hour, 15, 30, and 45 minutes past the hour. (two values, one for each sensor) o Fifteen-Minute Maximum Water Temperature: The highest reading taken during the previous fifteen minutes. (two values, one for each sensor) o Fifteen-Minute Minimum Water Temperature: The lowest reading taken during the previous fifteen minutes. (two values, one for each sensor) • Hourly Water Table: o Hourly Average Water Temperature: Average of all 60 readings recorded at the end of the hour. (two values, one for each sensor) o Hourly Maximum Water Temperature: The highest reading taken during the previous hour. (two values, one for each sensor) o Hourly Minimum Water Temperature: The lowest reading taken during the previous hour. (two values, one for each sensor) 0 • Daily Table: o Daily Average Water Temperature: Average of all readings for the previous day. (two values, one for each sensor) G-7 o Daily Maximum Water Temperature: the highest reading taken during the previous day. (two values, one for each thermistor) o Daily Minimum Water Temperature: the lowest reading taken during the previous day. (two values, one for each thermistor) Surface-Water Temperature Sensor: Triplicate YSI Series 44033 thermistors Operating Range: -80°C to 75°C Output Units: kohm, °C Scan Interval: 60 seconds Output to Tables: • Fifteen-Minute Water Level Table: o Fifteen-Minute Sample Water Temperature: Measured at the top of the hour, 15, 30, and 45 minutes past the hour. (three values, one for each sensor) o Fifteen-Minute Average Water Temperature: Fifteen minute average of all 15 readings recorded at the top of the hour, 15, 30, and 45 minutes past the hour. (three values, one for each sensor) • Hourly Water Table: o Hourly Average Water Temperature: Average of all 60 readings recorded at the end of the hour. (three values, one for each sensor) o Hourly Maximum Water Temperature: The highest reading taken during the previous hour. (three values, one for each sensor) o Hourly Minimum Water Temperature: The lowest reading taken during the previous hour. (three values, one for each sensor) • Hourly Raw Table: o Hourly Sample Sensor Resistance: Recorded at the top of each hour. "Raw" data in kQ. (three values, one for each thermistor) o Hourly Average Sensor Resistance: 60 readings from the beginning of the hour to the end of the hour, averaged and recorded at the end of the hour. "Raw" data in kQ. (three values, one for each thermistor) • Daily Table: o Daily Average Water Temperature: Average of all readings for the previous day. (three values, one for each sensor) o Daily Maximum Water Temperature: the highest reading taken during the previous day. (three values, one for each thermistor) o Daily Minimum Water Temperature: the lowest reading taken during the previous day. (three values, one for each thermistor) CRl 000 Battery Voltage Sensor: CR 1000 Output Units: V. Scan Interval: 60 seconds Output to Tables: • Hourly Diagnostics Table: o Hourly Sample CRIOOO Battery Voltage: Measured at the top ofthe hour. G-8 o Hourly Average CR 1 000 Battery Voltage: Average of the 60 one-minute readings for the previous hour. o Hourly Maximum CRIOOO Battery Voltage: The highest reading taken during the previous hour. o Hourly Minimum CR I 000 Battery Voltage: The lowest reading taken during the previous hour. CRlOOO Solar Panel Voltage Sensor: GWS Wiring Harness, CR 1000 Output Units: V. Scan Interval: 60 seconds Output to Tables: • Hourly Diagnostics Table: o Hourly Sample Solar Panel Voltage: Hourly reading at the top of the hour. o Hourly Average Solar Panel Voltage: Average ofthe 60 one-minute readings for the previous hour. o Hourly Maximum Solar Panel Voltage: The highest reading taken during the previous hour. o Hourly Minimum Solar Panel Voltage: The lowest reading taken during the previous hour. Datalogger (CRlOOO) Panel Temperature Sensor: CRIOOO Internal thermistor Output Units: °C. Scan Interval: 60 seconds Output to Tables: • Hourly Diagnostics Table: o Hourly Average CR I 000 Panel Temperature: Average of one-minute readings for the previous hour. Resulting Final Storage Data Tables: See Datalogger Output Files Excel Document Notes Definitions: Scan interval = sampling duration = scan rate Time of maximum or minimum values is not recorded Sample reading = instantaneous reading Beginning of the hour = top of the hour G-9 APPENDIX H. METADATA STANDARDS SUMMARY EXAMPLE The following Kogoluktuk Station Metadata Standards Summary is an example ofthe standards spreadsheet used for each site. H-1 Kogoluktuk River Station Meteorological & Water depth Last Update: 9/20/10 Last Update By: AMcHugh Key Analysis and Demonstration Questions Determine the potential for generating hydroelectric power. CSI Data Station Collection Standards SIJIT1111.!!!Y . .Tab,le .. Parametere ·Air Temperature (HMP45C) • Relative Humidity (HMP45C) -Dew Point Temperature (Calculated) -Air Temperature, cold range (YSI 44033) -Air Temperature, cold range (YSI 44033) -Barometric Pressure (CS1 06) -Gage Height CS450 -Gage Height Offlset -Water Height above CS450 • Water temperature CS450 • Water temperature (YSI 44033) -Water temperature (YSI 44033) • Summer Precipitation (TE525WS) Monitoring System Diagnostic Conditions -Station ID • CR1000 Temperature -Battery Voltage -Station Solar Panel • Camera Images (every hour or on demand) 2Total # •. sen~pfs 1 1 calc ''C 3 "C 3 ohms 1 mB calc cm/ft l c calc cmlft c 2 cmlft c 2 oc 3 "\ 3 01}/L(J in number number 1 "C volts volts Data Files A Station Diagnostics 8 Hourly table for all measurements C 15-mln watar table L Hour1y Raw Data (collected for field diagnostics) M Overell dally output R Hourly table for surface water related measurements Hour1yDiag Hourly QuarterHour1yWstter HourlyRaw Dally HourlyWater -·· ·····~·-· bat8-fatlles ...... ··-•· ·- 15i~~~~:~fx~. ~-~~~.J·~.oinl:·~~;~~~~~--·: __ ~1;;····~ .. -·Dail~ Data .. floint Avs Max Min B 8 8 M M M B B 8 8 M M B B 8 B M M M B 8 M M M L L 8 c c c R R,M R,M R,M I M M M R c c c R,B B,R B,R B,R c c c B 8 B 8 I M M M c c c 8 8 8 B M M M c c c L L 28 2M A,B M A A A A A A A A A H-2