HomeMy WebLinkAboutCosmos Hills Technical Review and Alternative Assessment 2011WHPacifiC Cosmos Hills Technical Review and Assessment of Alternatives October 2011 Prepared by WHPacific, Inc. Cosmos Hills Technical Review and Assessment of Alternatives Prepared by WHPacific, Inc. 1. OVERVIEW This technical memorandum presents the results of WHPacific, Inc.'s review and assessment of alternatives in support of the proposed small-scale hydroelectric feasibility study in the Cosmos Hills area. This technical review was conducted between July and September of 2011 and involved representatives from Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) and NANA Regional Corporation, with technical assistance from WHPacific, Inc., NANA Worley Parsons, GW Scientific LLC, Golder Associates, and DOWL HKM. The Cosmos Hills hydroelectric project includes four creek drainage study alternatives: Kogoluktuk River, Wesley Creek, Cosmos Creek, and Dahl Creek. The assessment included a review and assessment of work done to date, including hydrology, hydroelectric modeling, environmental, conceptual engineering considerations, and site prioritization. There were a variety of references and key informants consulted in this technical memorandum. This technical memorandum includes the following: • Hydroelectric and hydrology assessment • Site prioritization • Design considerations • Preliminary geotechnical investigation and summary: Kogoluktuk River and Wesley Creek hydropower sites • Wetlands and fisheries summary Kogoluktuk River • Sub-regional energy delivery overview • Discussion and recommendations 2. HYDROELECTRIC & HYDROLOGY ASSESSMENT Updated stream flow and topographic information gained through the Cosmos Hills Hydrology Network was used to reassess the four project sites recommended for further study in WHPacific's 2010 reconnaissance report. These sites include Cosmos Creek, Wesley Creek, Dahl Creek, and the Kogoluktuk River, as shown in the map below. 1 Cosmos Hills Technical Review and Assessment of Alternatives Hydroelectric Power ..L!"aeka VIllage Electric Cooperative ·r o aun.ey AIM • -· • Powerllouse Penstodl .Mot:zt.:I010 WHP -fi ~...;.u.:,~-:.,'= act c Figure 1: Location of possible hydroelectric sites in the Shungnak-Kobuk area The Cosmos Hills Hydrology Network was established in August 2010 with the objective of providing climatic and stream flow conditions in the study area and the specific creeks of interest. Water level gauges and temperature stations were established at the approximate locations of future intakes and powerhouses, respectively . Figure 2 provides an example of the 15 minute water level record collected to mid -August 2011 for Cosmos and Wesley Creeks. 2 Upper Cosmos Creek Gauging Station 102 l -Or a nWaler Elevation t e Calibration Dab E • OAOC Data ~ 101 c ~ .8 100 < 1G ., LL 99 ..!: ii _g> 98 Ice Affected - Avalanche Snow Dri ft Flooding Cosmos Hills Technical Review and Assessment of Alternatives Upper Wesley Creek Gauging Statlon 93.0 r.=======:;,---.---r---,-r--r--.-, .l PT2 W ater !Jevafton ! 92.8 e CaiiJmtlon Data • OAOCDa la ~ 92.6 ------ 8 92.4 ~ 92.2 ~ 92.0 ., LL 91 .8 ..!: ii 91.6 _g> ~ 91.4 § 91 2 '" C) 111 .0 .. I \...U-J.f. :r ., J\~ "' 'TT :::1 .. C) rv_~M...~ .... _J.J 96 l>ug Sep Oc:t No• Dec Jan Fell Mar ~ May Jun Jul AUQ 1>ug Sop Oct Nov Dec Jan Fob Mar ~ Mlly J"' Jul Aug 2010 2011 2010 2011 Figure 2: Water level records for Cosmos and Wesley creeks (August 2010-2011) (GW Scientific) Ice influenced the water level gauging sites on the Cosmos, Dahl, and Kogoluktuk from mid-October to mid-May and to a lesser extent on Wesley. Water temperature records suggest Wesley Creek may have a larger groundwater component that delays or prohibits the formation of solid ice cover. Th is attribute may prolong the potential generation season and reduce the potential for icing of an intake structure. From the water level measurements (creek or river stage), a preliminary stage-dis charge relationship was developed for each site to translate water level information to stream flow (discharge). Each of Cosmos, Wesley, and Dahl creeks have had 10-11 stream f low measurements completed and referen ced to a fixed survey datum. Due to the river size and ice issues experienced at the Kogoluktuk site, only four Acoustic Doppler Current Profile (ADCP) measurements were ava i lable for the development of a stage- discharge curve. Due to the low confidence in a stage -dis charge curve with so few points, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) gauge on the Kobuk River near Kiana (15744500) was used as a proxy and unit runoff values derived from drainage area were used to estimate monthly average flow values. Figu r e 3 shows the stage-discharge curve developed for Wesley Creek. 3 Cosmos Hills Technical Review and Assessment of Alternatives Wesley Creek Stage-Discharge Curve 92.00 91.90 -Calculated Data • Measured Data ~ '91.80 E :::1 .! 91.70 --- Q= 4.2933{Stage-90.12jS-6407 • ~ ~ 9Lro -------~~-------------------------------------.. .I:. .!JI ~ 91.50 ----------------------------------------------------------:. :::1 ..; 91.40 ------/----------------------------------------------------, = :;; 91.30 -/--------------------------------------------------------1 0 25 so 75 Flow(ds) 100 125 Figure 3: Wesley Creek Stage-discharge curve developed from August 2010-2011 data 150 Using the stage-discharge curve, the 15 minute water level data was converted to flow. These flow values were used to determine the potential generation available from each site, along with the elevation difference between the intake and powerhouse. As was previously noted, the gauging sites were located in the approximate locations of the intakes and powerhouses. The elevation difference between these gauging sites was calculated by subtracting the powerhouse gauge elevation from the intake gauge elevation . To calculate the potential powerfrom a site the following equation is used: P='l}gQH Where : P =Power in kW 1J =efficiency (65-90%, Note: smaller units tend to have lower efficiency ratings) g =gravity (9.81 m/s2 ) Q =flow (m 3/s) H = height(m Using the updated flow and elevation data, the four sites were reassessed. Table 1 provides a summary of the reassessment . 4 Cosmos Hills Technical Review and Assessment of Alternatives Table 1: Summary of potential hydroelectric sites in the Upper Kobuk region. Hydroelectric Drainage Installed site area, sq. capacity, mi. kW River Summary Table Colour Legend Est. net Est. hydraulic head, ft. capacity, cfs #of units Turbine type Archimedes Sc Based on the above information, Dahl Creek is not recommended for further consideration by AVEC due to the lower-than-expected elevation difference between the intake and powerhouse locations. This has the effect of reducing the potential generation from the Dahl Creek site to a value below the peak village demand of Shungnak and Kobuk. Flows were also lower than expected within the Dahl Creek valley, although it is noted that 2011 has been below 14 years of median flow values based on information gathered from the USGS Dahl Creek gauging location (15743850}. Due to the lower-than-expected flows observed in Cosmos Creek, the potential generation has been reduced, even though the elevation difference was found to be greater than originally estimated. With the reduction in capacity and consideration of the remoteness of the site, Cosmos Creek is not recommended for further consideration by AVEC for village electrical generation . If infrastructure improves (i.e., a transmission line is developed between Shungnak and Ambler}, Cosmos Creek may be considered in the future should electrical demand support such an initiative. With the least amount of change from the original estimated values, Wesley Creek is recommended for further consideration by AVEC. Flows from Wesley Creek may also be available longer into the fall season due to the warmer water temperatures noted earlier. This attribute should be reviewed in greater detail and continue to be monitored. Insufficient flow data exists for the Kogoluktuk River site to remove it from consideration. Additional flow monitoring and modification of the existing water level data collection system is recommended to gain a better understanding of flows in the Kogoluktuk River. While the flow dataset used for the 5 Cosmos Hills Technical Review and Assessment of Alternatives evaluation suggest reduced generation capacity, the generation potential remains above the peak electrical demand of 660 kW for Ambler, Shungnak, and Kobuk. A hydroelectric development on the Kogoluktuk River also has the greatest potential to provide electricity for thermal heating by shaping generation to meet demand using a small dam. In the current runoff regime, flows tend to be high when electrical demand is low {spring and summer). If the Kogoluktuk site were to be developed with some water storage capacity, the generation season could be prolonged, permitting electrical demand to be met and allowing any excess power to be used to serve the thermal load through water or space heating. Because of this, the Kogoluktuk site is recommended for continued consideration. Table 2: Potential run-of-river hydropower sites in the Upper Kobuk region Criteria, each Proximity to Appropriate Estimated Expected Reduction in Total weighted 20%, and electric installed cost of length of Diesel fuel I score ranked 1 (worst) to load/existing capacity, to installation hydropower capital cost 5 (best): power line service perkW generation and road existing elec. season access demand ·- Wesley Creek 5 4 3 4 5 Dahl Creek 5 1 2 3 3 •.. Kogoluktuk River 2 2 5 4 1 (run-of-river) Cosmos Creek 3 3 2 3 2 As shown in Table 2, Wesley Creek appears to be the most attractive economically and e.nvironmentally to develop, and is recommended for further study. With an estimated capacity of 428 kW, this site is most appropriately scaled for the summer energy needs (370 kW) of Shungnak, Kobuk, and Ambler, and is located relatively close to existing road and power line infrastructure. Figure 4 shows the potential generation from a hydroelectric development on Wesley Creek compared to the electrical demand from Shungnak and Kobuk {S-K), as well as Ambler, Shungnak, and Kobuk {A-S-K). 6 4.2 2.8 2.8 2.6 Cosmos Hills Technical Review and Assessment of Alternatives Resource Supply/Demand Comparison 700 -------------------------------------------------------------. 600 +---1 --------------------------------------------------------l -S-IC Demand t:tt-----------1-A-s-IC Demand 1---------------------..---------::--ll -W~sll!!yC..n 0 1·Jan 31-Jan 2-Mar 1-Apr 1-May 31-May 30.Jun 30-Jul 29-Au& 2~5ep 2&0ct 27-Nov 27-oec Date (dd/mmm) Figure 4: Resource Supply/Demand Comparison 3. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Site investigations were initiated following the 2010 reconnaissance study that identified four potential hydroelectric sites for further study. The focus of these investigations were to confirm model values used for flows and elevation difference in the field to determine if the sites identified were suitable for further analysis and potential development. Preliminary environmental and geotechnical assessments were also undertaken to provide further information on each site. When assessing multiple sites, common data collection and field assessment techniques are required to complete the comparison to reduce the potential for a site to be prematurely discarded . At this time, all four sites have had an environmental and geotechnical reconnaissance field assessment. The information below summarizes the data that has been collected and expands on the design considerations outlined in WHPacific's 2010 reconnaissance report that recommended further study of Wesley, Cosmo ,s and Dahl Creeks and the Kogoluktuk River . Based on the outcome ofthe hydroelectric assessment presented previously, the focus of this section will be on Wesley Creek and the Kogoluktuk River . • Intake. The location for the Wesley Creek intake is heavily vegetated with large rock outcroppings. The stream bed is comprised mainly of gravels, rocks, and large cobbles. In the upper reaches, the stream is confined by weathered rock side slopes. There is a thin layer of overburden. The depth of the weathered rock materials was not determined. The degree of degradation caused by the weathering is unknown at this time and has the potential to increase costs if competent material cannot be found close to the surface. 7 Cosmos Hills Technical Review and Assessment of Alternatives The geotechnical aspects of a site tend to remain the largest risk component until the site is fully assessed by a drill program or constructed. Due to the high costs of a drill program that may be inconclusive, designers and contractors often accept the risk and modify the design as conditions are confirmed during construction. The geotechnical investigation hit refusal during their site visit, but the testing was done early enough in the year that it may not have been permafrost but frozen active layer. Permafrost is discontinuous in several areas along the creek and further mapping in the area ofthe Wesley Creek intake is recommended. Another aspect that requires further investigation is the potential for sediment transport. While the intake can be designed with some self-cleaning features, the size and quantity of suspended sediments are a key consideration for both intake design and turbine fabrication. Water samples and stream bed samples should be collected and analyzed for material type/hardness and grain size. • Penstock. The penstock route will follow the designated access route through low gradient areas between the powerhouse and intake sites. Actual routing will depend on site conditions, but the design intent is to minimize the length ofthe penstock to reduce materials costs and head losses. A preliminary terrain assessment has been undertaken and has identified areas of discontinuous permafrost along all streams. To address this, the penstock will be designed to be a combination of buried and elevated sections depending on ground conditions encountered. • Powerhouse-Civil. The area has limited seismic activity, magnitude 4 to 5. No visual faults were observed while on the ground or flying over. The design of the structure will be developed using acceleration values with a 10 percent probability in 50 years or better. The conceptual tailrace/powerhouse location for Wesley Creek study area is located within the creek channel flood plain with likely sand and gravel deposits that are expected to be unfrozen. If granular material is present, a shallow depth reinforced concrete foundation system could be used. The concrete foundation could be constructed on properly compacted structural fill over properly compacted subgrade granular material. Any localized areas of deeper fine grained material deposits would require a deeper excavation to prepare a properly compacted granular foundation base. Alternative foundation options include driven piles and helical anchors 1 . Based on the outcome ofthe hydroelectric assessment a detailed geotechnical investigation is recommended for Wesley Creek in the vicinity of the powerhouse. If depth of the permafrost and/or the bedrock is determined, then other foundation systems may be feasible and more cost effective. • Powerhouse-Electrical Mechanical. To determine the best generation option for site conditions turbine and generator manufacturers should be contacted. Once site characteristics are confirmed the manufacturer can optimize a water to wire package that would address the turbine, generator, switchgear and protection. Given the remoteness of the site a modular facility, designed and constructed in a controlled environment and then transported to the proposed site should be considered. • Tail Race. The lower reaches of Wesley Creek open up into a larger floodplain/floodway with alluvial sands and gravels. No noticeable beaver dams were observed. Fish were present, particularly in the lower reach, and the discharge works will need to be designed to minimize impacts and where possible enhance the habitat. • Transmission line. The transmission routing for Wesley Creek would entail a short ~2 mile transmission line that would connect to the Shungnak-Kobuk intertie. A small substation would be required to facilitate the tie in. A transmission line to deliver electricity generated from a facility on 1 See page 16 of Golder Report 8 Cosmos Hills Technical Review and Assessment of Alternatives the Kogoluktuk River could tie in directly in Kobuk. The routing of such a transmission line would require further analysis. • Access Roads. A detailed review and assessment of access roads to the two sites has not yet been undertaken. However, there is a substantial amount of road and access work occurring in the sub- region that could assist in accessing these two sites. Tribal entities in Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak each receive between $100,000 and $200,000 annually from the Bureau of Indian Affairs to assist with transportation, planning, design, construction and maintenance. Their transportation programs could assist in the development of access planning to proposed hydro sites. Once a route is identified, the Tribe(s) could elect to pursue additional funding for design and construction of the route. A separate transportation planning effort is taking place to extend the Kobuk Bornite Road to the Arctic deposit. This work should also be coordinated with hydro site access and depending on location may assist in route development. Finally, the State of Alaska's Department of Transportation has commissioned the Ambler Access study. This has potential to benefit access to these sites through an improved and coordinated effort. 4. PREliMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION: KOGOLUKTUK RIVER HYDROPOWER SITE. A preliminary geotechnical investigation was conducted by WHPacific's senior geologist, Steve Buckley, during the week of August 29, 2011 for the Kogoluktuk watershed and funded by NANA Regional Corporation. The final report will be available by December 2011. Therefore, design considerations for the Kogoluktuk are presented in a fairly succinct manner. A summary ofthis field work is provided below. Two reaches of the Kogoluktuk River were evaluated for geotechnical considerations. This included bedrock geologic and structural mapping along with shallow soil probing and a review of stream and slope stability. The results show a variety of landforms associated with two main bedrock-controlled cascade reaches. Bedrock consists of very competent granitic gneiss with a shallow north dip in both reaches. This bedrock controls upstream and downstream nickpoints and most of the stream reach is underlain by exposed bedrock. The most important structural fabric is a shallow north-dipping foliation (20-30 degrees). Shallow soils are developed both directly on bedrock and on shallow glacial outwash and ice-marginal deposits. These deposits range from well-sorted cobble and gravel alluvium to fine-grained sandy outwash to silty loess. Organic-rich Histosols are developed directly on bedrock in some shallow wetlands. No evidence of permafrost was encountered to the maximum depth of excavation (approximately 2'). This may reflect the well-drained characteristics of the soils in the area. There is no evidence of slope instability such as solifluction or slumping, or hydrologic or vegetative evidence of slope instability on air photos. There are some shallow scarps developed along the immediate cutbacks of the river especially on outside bends in alluvial reaches. 5. PRELIMINARY SUMMARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION: WESLEY CREEK HYDROPOWER SITE The Wesley Creek geotechnical considerations were previously documented in the 2010 report completed by Golder Associates titled: "Geotechnical Reconnaissance Report: Alaska Village Electric Cooperative-Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study." A summary is provided below. 9 Cosmos Hills Technical Review and Assessment of Alternatives • Lower Reach. The vegetation within the flood plain at the lower reach of the study area and at the tailrace/ powerhouse vicinity consisted of tall mature spruce with willow and other shrubs. The vegetation outside of the flood channel at the lower reach is generally similar with decreased density. The stream channel bottom generally consisted of cobble with smaller diameter granular deposits at areas of lower velocity stream flow. The shallow depth test pits within the flood plain at the lower reach generally showed a thin organic vegetation mat up to several inches in thickness, overlying silty sand deposits with underlying sandy gravel deposits with cobbles (STP 133, STP 134, and STP 135). The hand probes returned refusals on gravel and cobble at depths ranging from 8 inches to 2 feet. The vegetation patterns in the aerial photography suggest that localized areas of flatter topography could include wetlands and increased depths of fine grained deposits of silt and sand. Frozen soils were not encountered within the exploration limits of the hand tools, which extended to depths of 2 feet maximum within the granular material. The shallow depth subsurface conditions outside of the flood channel consisted of alluvial and eolian deposits of finer grained silt and sand. Within the sparser vegetation areas, hand probes showed refusal on frozen ground at depths ranging from 3 to 3.5 feet. However, frozen ground refusal could have been remnants of seasonal frost. The area included a tall spruce canopy of increased spacing with sparse shrubs. At lower elevations, below the study area, general signs of permafrost consisting of polygonal patterned ground were subtly evident from the aerial view of the plane ride to and from Kobuk. Discontinuous permafrost conditions outside of the flood channel along the lower reaches of Wesley Creek should be expected in isolated areas. • Middle and Upper Reaches. The middle and upper reaches of the Wesley Creek study area transition into steeper valley side slopes, more specifically on the western border. The channel becomes more constricted by the toe of the valley wall on the western border and the gentler slope on the eastern border. Upstream of the intake location, localized areas of colluvium and weathered and highly fractured rock and rock debris existed at areas on the valley slopes. The vegetation within the flood channel at the middle and upper reaches of the study area consisted of densely spaced tall willow and alder shrubs with mature spruce that decrease in size and density with increasing elevation. The vegetation outside of the flood channel at the middle and upper reaches transitions to sparse shrub and stunted spruce. Above the conceptual intake location, the valley becomes broader with increased shrub density. The shallow depth test pits within the flood channel at the middle and upper reaches generally consisted of a thin organic vegetation mat up to several inches in thickness overlying alluvial silt and sand with underlying gravel deposits with cobble. The depth to the surface of the coarser grained granular alluvial deposits of gravel and cobbles ranged from 4 inches to 3.3 feet as observed in the test pits and hand probes. The vegetation patterns and topography infer that localized areas of flatter topography could include wetlands and increased depths of fine-grained deposits of silt and sand overburden. The general subsurface conditions outside ofthe channel included thin vegetation cover with organic silt overlying weathered colluvium and alluvial deposits of coarse material. At a higher elevation on the valley slopes, colluvium, talus, and fractured and weathered bedrock outcrops exist with thin vegetation cover and shrubs at localized areas. Generally, the hand tools limited subsurface observations to the top 12 inches. The limited observations were not deep enough to determine if permafrost soils were present. Generally, due to the granular nature of the soils and larger void spaces associated with larger-diameter deposits, permafrost soils would include a deeper active layer depth, if permafrost is present. Large-scale indications of slope instabilities 10 Cosmos Hills Technical Review and Assessment of Alternatives were not observed on the valley side slopes. Small localized areas of talus and colluvium exist at steeper slope areas. 6. WETLANDS & FISHERIES SUMMARY-KOGOLUKTUK RIVER A reconnaissance-level wetlands and fisheries investigation was conducted by WHPacific the week of August 29, 2011 for the Kogoluktuk River. The study was funded by NANA Regional Corporation. Final reports will be available during the winter of 2012. For wetlands and fisheries information on Wesley Creek, refer to "Reconnaissance Fisheries Report: Cosmos Hills Hydroelectric Feasibility Study" and "Reconnaissance Report: Wetlands and Other Waters of the United States Cosmos Hills, Kobuk River Valley, Alaska." A summary of the field studies is found below. The Kogoluktuk River study area was modified upon viewing the site from the helicopter on the first day of fieldwork to include an additional cataract downstream, extending the study area by about 1.2 air miles downstream. The study area was shortened at the upstream end by about 0.9 air mile, while still including a stream reach for fisheries studies above the upper cataract. The purpose of the change was to characterize fish presence and habitat below the lower cataract, which appeared to present a similar opportunity for a hydropower site to the upper cataract. Extending downstream also allowed us to assess potential anadromous fish habitat and barriers to fish passage (see below). • Fisheries Studies: Kogoluktuk River: The Kogoluktuk River was sampled in three sections. The three sampled reaches included a reach below the cataract/falls area at the downstream end of the study area, a reach between the downstream cataract/falls and the upstream cataract, and a reach upstream of the cataract near the upstream terminus of the study area. The downstream-most cataract is a possible upstream migration barrier to fish passage. The upstream cataract is likely passable, if the downstream cataract were passable. At each stream reach, the field team sampled representative habitat that was accessible by wading. The downstream-most reach afforded the most diverse habitat of the three reaches and included side channels, plunge pools, sheltered margins, braided channels, limited woody debris, and large substrate. This stream reach also yielded the largest diversity of species (6), including chum salmon. Chum salmon carcasses were common in the reach and numerous active redds were observed just upstream of the sampling area. The central stream reach was markedly less diverse in habitat availability and in species collected. Only two species, slimy sculpin and grayling (juveniles), were collected in the reach. Salmon, alive or dead, and redds were not noted in the reach. Habitat in the central reach is dominated by bedrock, larger boulders, and deep runs. All fish were generally collected along the margins ofthe river. A tributary enters on river right near the center of the middle reach and the upstream end of the sampled area is bound by the bottom of the cataract. The upstream reach is characterized by continuous riffles of moderate depth. Little habitat diversity is present in the upstream reach. Two fish species, slimy sculpin, and Arctic grayling were collected in the upstream reach, primarily along the river margins. There was no sign of salmon or salmon spawning activity. • Fisheries Study: Wesley Creek. As a follow up to last year's sampling effort, WHPacific completed a spawning survey in Wesley Creek downstream of the most downstream reach sampled during the previous year. The team observed approximately 1,000 feet of stream channel to document potential salmon presence, carcasses, redds, and suitable spawning habitat. Despite the availability 11 Cosmos Hills Technical Review and Assessment of Alternatives suitable spawning substrate and habitat, but we did not observe salmon presence or use. In addition, we did not observe grayling in the reach despite the presence of likely habitat. • Wetland Studies. WHPacific performed a reconnaissance level survey of wetlands within the study area using an on-foot survey that investigated over 30 representative areas of potential wetlands and "waters" previously identified on the aerial photograph. We identified three broad classes of wetlands: 1. floodplain areas adjacent to ordinary high water line on the Kogoluktuk River, 2. localized depressions on the terrace above the river, and 3. broad hill slopes. We recorded the position of each of these features using a hand-held GPS unit, made notes on vegetation and hydrology, and took photographic records. Floodplain wetlands are typically narrow gravel bars or low benches dominated by willow and other shrubs. Localized depressions capture down-slope drainage and vary from open water ponds, palustrine emergent marshes, and open or closed- canopy palustrine shrub-scrub or forested areas. Hill-slope wetlands are extensive in some places, and are typically palustrine-emergent marsh or palustrine shrub-scrub, with sparse tree cover. Typical plant species in the depressional and hill-slope wetlands include black or white spruce, Labrador tea, dwarf birch, bog blueberry, willows, sedges, and cottongrass. Soils typically consist of a surface layer of organic material over gravelly or sandy glacial materials. We also identified a number of streams in addition to the Kogoluktuk River, including California Creek, Lynx Creek, Glacier Creek, Radio Creek, and several smaller unnamed streams that drain from wetlands on the terrace. After "field-truthing" areas initially identified on the aerial photo as potential wetland, we found that all wetlands could be readily identified by color and textural aerial photo "signatures." Wetland features are fairly evenly distributed throughout the study area on both sides of the river, except in areas of steep slopes. Several medium sized to small depressional wetland features are located on the high plateau above and north of the upper cataract, which has been identified as the most likely site for a hydroelectric project. 7. SUB-REGIONAL ENERGY DELIVERY OVERVIEW While the primary intent of the scope of work is to assess and prioritize the hydroelectric power potential of the four riversheds, the assessment team also reviewed sub-regional diesel power infrastructure, bulk fuel infrastructure needs, and other local renewable energy options. The intent of this section is to provide a discussion of how an integrated energy and power delivery system can be achieved that can maximize the integration of a renewable energy resource and potentially minimize the cost of additional infrastructure through the strategic design and construction of interties. • Rural Power System Upgrades and Bulk Fuel. Currently, AVEC's power-plant in Shungnak provides all electrical power to the community of Kobuk through an intertie between the two communities. Although there are some needed upgrades to this intertie, it is assumed that Kobuk's power will be provided by the Shungnak AVEC power-plant. Both the Shungnak and the Ambler diesel power plants and bulk fuel facilities are in need of upgrades and modernization and are currently on the AEA/Denali Commission prioritization list. A conceptual design for the RPSU/Bulk Fuel Upgrades was completed by NANA Pacific in 2007. Furthermore, to maximize hydroelectric and other renewable energy potential and to minimize the need to construct an additional power plant and infrastructure, we recommend designing and constructing an intertie system between Shungnak and Ambler. If this proposal is adopted, Shungnak could be the location of primary power generation and bulk fuel facilities with back-up power/bulk fuel located in Ambler and Kobuk. 12 Cosmos Hills Technical Review and Assessment of Alternatives • Wind Energy Potential. In June 2008, a reconnaissance assessment was done to assess the potential of wind energy in the Cosmos Hills area, undertaken by NANA Pacific and V3Energy. The results of this reconnaissance trip identified several wind sites in relative close proximity to both Wesley Creek and the Kogoluktuk Rivershed. The results of this reconnaissance trip have been plotted on the figure below and labeled as "Potential Wind Site." We recommend further modeling of these wind sites, identifying other alternative sites wind sites in closer proximity to Wesley and the Kogoluktuk, and deploying met towers in several select locations, preferably at sites with an incrementally higher elevation than the surrounding villages. • Woody Biomass Potential. An Upper Kobuk Woody Biomass Study is underway that could work synergistically with a conceptual hydroelectric generation facility for the benefit of the villages. Phase 1 (pre-feasibility) of the Upper Kobuk Biomass Feasibility Study was completed in August 2008 by NANA Pacific. WHPacific completed Phase 2 in the Summer of 2011. Preliminary results prove the concept to be biologically sustainable and economically feasible. The aim of the project is to study the feasibility of implementing a wood-fired biomass system. The studies include a variety of system scales, from the individual woodstove level up to a district heating system. Such a system would potentially serve residential and commercial building heating needs, and peak months would be during the winter months between October and May. A hydro-powered heating system would compliment a biomass system by providing energy during the low-heat-demand summer months. More detailed analysis is needed to assess the heating needs of the sub-region and how woody biomass and hydroelectric power could synergistically address thermal heating needs for the sub- region. 13 WBPailfi( Cosmos Hills Technical Review and Assessment of Alternatives Sub-Regional Power Delivery System Conceptual Hydroelechic, Diesel Power, Biomass, and \/VInd Energy Alaska Village Electric Cooperati ve .6. Intake -Existing Power line 0 SUrvey Area -Penstock • Powemouse -Power line • Potential \/VInd Site Figure 5 Sub-Regional Power Delivery System Conceptual 14 Cosmos Hills Technical Review and Assessment of Alternatives 8. SUB-REGIONAL THERMAL HEATING NEEDS As discussed in a previous section, the Kogoluktuk River has the potential to provide electricity for thermal heating by shaping generation to meet demand for the communities of Ambler, Shungnak, and Kobuk throughout the year. Thermal heating needs as delineated below can help frame the fuel switching discussion and how the Kogoluktuk River could potentially address thermal heating needs. • Ambler. Commercial energy systems capacity in Ambler totals 6,136 thousands of BTUs per hour (MBH) or 6,136,000 BTUs per hour. In addition to the homes in Ambler, there are five medium-large commercial facilities. The largest facility is the school. In addition to this, 10 residential homes are included in the proposed system design. Ambler also has 75 occupied housing units that utilize an estimated 60,000 gallons of fuel per year. • Kobuk. Commercial energy systems capacity in Kobuk totals 1,096 MBH or 1,096,337 BTUs/hr. In addition to the residences in Kobuk, there are four medium-large commercial facilities and the largest facility is the school. Kobuk has 36 occupied homes that utilize approximately 29,000 gallons of fuel per year. • Shungnak. Commercial energy systems capacity in Shungnak total 3,118 MBH or 3,118,000 btu/hr. In addition to the residences in Shungnak, there are four medium-large commercial facilities, with the largest facility being the school. Shungnak has 62 occupied houses and utilizes approximately 50,000 gallons of diesel fuel per year. 9. RECOMMENDED NEXT STEPS To advance AVEC's evaluation of hydroelectric potential in the Upper Kobuk Region, WHPacific and its team members have the following recommendations: • Complete hydrologic data collection and update hydro-electrical modeling using hourly data for Wesley Creek and Kogoluktuk River. • Decommission hydrologic monitoring stations on Cosmos and Dahl Creeks and re-use the equipment to supplement data collection on Wesley Creek and the Kogoluktuk River through the canyon reach. • Initiate a winter flow monitoring program on the Kogoluktuk River to define winter flow conditions and discharge rates and further develop the stage-discharge curve. • Complete environmental assessments (fisheries, wetlands, etc.) in support of the Wesley and Kogoluktuk sites. • Complete geologic studies and permafrost mapping in support of the Wesley and Kogoluktuk sites. • Determine suitable compensation flow for the diversion reach of Wesley Creek. • Assess the cost/benefits of a dam storage facility and required design and permitting information for the Kogoluktuk River. • Initiate contact with turbine and generator suppliers to further refine the cost estimate. • Refine cost estimates for sites and reassess project economics through additional design and associated cost estimates. • Undertake a more detailed thermal heating analysis and determine how fuel switching from "heating fuel" to electric energy derived from hydroelectric power could be undertaken. • Undertake a wind & met tower feasibility study on the higher elevation sites in closer proximity to Wesley Creek and the Kogoluktuk River. • Review the results of this technical memorandum with project stakeholders. 15 300 W 31st Ave Anchorage, AK 99503 907.339.6500