HomeMy WebLinkAboutCrooked Creek Jim's Lake Feasibility Study 2011CROOKED CREEK AND JIM'S LAKE HYDROELECTRIC FEASIBILITY STUDY FINAL REPORT jUNE 2011 Prepared For NON-PROFIT COMMUNITY OF ELFIN COVE P.O. Boxl ELFIN COVE, ALASKA 99825 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarcon,ult Ala>ka, Inc.G EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In 2008, the Denali Commission awarded the Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove (Elfin Cove) grant funds for study of available hydroelectric resources to reduce electricity costs. In 2009, Elfin Cove retained Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. to complete a feasibility study of a hydro project on Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake. This report presents the feasibility of a project utilizing these water resources. The recommended hydroelectric project at the Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake site is feasible, and will supply 99% of Elfin Cove's current annual electrical load. The project will provide the highest percentage of projected future electrical demand while maintaining an acceptable benefit-cost ratio. The project is estimated to lower the cost of electricity up to 81%, depending on project financing, construction costs, and excess energy utilization. The recommended project consists of two hydroelectric systems with a total capacity of 160 kilowatts (kW). The "upper system" diverts up to five cubic feet per second (cfs) of water from Crooked Creek to Jim's Lake where it is run through a 35 kW power recovery turbine. The "lower system" diverts up to seven cfs of water from Jim's Lake to a 125-kW turbine located at tidewater. The siphon intake at Jim's Lake provides the lower system with 32 acre-feet of storage, allowing this system to supply the utility's electrical loads through most peak load episodes and during short dry spells. The upper system includes 1,450 feet of 12-inch penstock and the lower system includes 1,800 feet of 14-inch penstock. The project also includes 7,300 feet of power line, 12,200 feet of communications, and 8,700 feet of access trails. Summary of Project Features and Capacity Item Project Design Flow (cfs) Gross and Net Head (feet) Penstock Length and Diameter Storage Volume (acre-feet) Turbine Type Installed Hydroelectric Capacity (kW) TOTAL PROJECT CAPACITY Project Features Upper System Lower System 5 7 137 I 124 305 I 286 1,450 feet I 12-inch 0 Reaction 35kW 1,800 feet I of 14-inch 32 160kW Impulse 125kW The recommended project's estimated cost is $1.85 million 2011 dollars. The project will reduce utility fuel usage by 28,500 gallons annually, reducing annual utility fuel costs by $114,000 (based on a fuel cost of $4.00 per gallon). The recommended project also provides 241,600 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of excess electric energy that can be used for interruptible loads such as space and water heating. Fully utilized, this excess energy can displace an additional 6,800 gallons of heating oil, reducing community heating oil expenditures by $27,200 annually. An analysis of the recommended hydro project compared with diesel power generation under a 200% load-growth scenario was performed. The analysis indicates the recommended project June 2011 -Final Report Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Pola«onsult Abska, lnc.G, would reduce future power plant fuel usage by 42,600 gallons annually, reducing utility fuel costs by $170,400 (based on a fuel cost of $4.00 per gallon). Annual excess energy output under this growth scenario displaces an additional 1,600 gallons of heating oil, reducing community heating expenditures by $6,400 annually. At an installed cost of $1.85 million, the recommended project has a direct benefit-cost ratio of 1.15 compared to continued reliance on diesel fuel for electric generation. If the significant amount of excess energy generated by the project is put to beneficial use, the project's benefit- cost ratio increases to 1.44. Under the 200% load-growth scenario, these benefit-cost ratios increase to 1.7 and 1.8, respectively. Summary of Project Economics and Performance Item Estimated Installed Cost (Design, Permitting, Construction) Annual Utility Electric Load (kWh) Annual Diesel-Fired Energy Displaced (kWh) (Percent of annual electric load supplied by hydro) Annual Diesel Fuel Displaced (gallons) Net Annual Utility Savings Annual Net Excess Energy Produced (kWh) Benefit-Cost Ratio (without use of excess energy) Benefit-Cost Ratio (with use of excess energy for heating) Range of Utility Rates with Project Recommended Project at Existing Utility Load $1.85M 359,000 356,100 (99%) 28,500 $17,900 241,600 1.15 1.44 $0.10 to $0.51 per kWh The utility's electric rates with the project are estimated at $0.10 to $0.51 per kWh under the no- growth scenario, and $0.15 to $0.34 per kWh under the load-growth scenario. The range of rates under each scenario reflects a range of construction costs and grant and financing options. For comparison, electricity rates in Elfin Cove have ranged from $0.52 to $0.58 per kWh since 2007. This project will provide Elfin Cove with lower and more stable long-term utility rates. Continued development of this project is warranted. Under favorable permitting and financing conditions the project can be built and commissioned in 2013. The following actions are recommended to advance this project. ( 1) Initiate the permitting process for the recommended project. (2) Complete designs documents for the recommended project. This should include: (a) A load study to characterize summer-time loads in Elfin Cove to confirm that the recommended 125-kW capacity of the lower system is appropriate to meet summer- time demand; (b) A plan to utilize the excess energy generated by the project, establishing the value of this energy; and, (c) Design documents for construction of the project. (3) Continue collecting hydrology data at Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake. June 2011 -Final Report ii Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polmonsull Alaska, Inc. G TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRONYMS AND TERMINOLOGY ................................................................................................................ VI 1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... l 1.1 PROJECT AUTHORIZATION AND PURPOSE.. .............................................................................................. l 1.2 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS ............................................................................................................................ 1 1.3 PROJECT EVALUATION PROCESS ............................................................................................................... 2 1.4 CURRENT AND PREVIOUS STCDIES ........................................................................................................... 3 2.0 COMMUNITY PROFILE ........................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 C01\.1MUNITY0VERVIEW ........................................................................................................................... 6 2.2 EXISTING EI'\ERGY SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................ 6 3.0 RECOMMENDED PROJECT ................................................................................................................. 13 3.1 RESOCRCE DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................................... 13 3.2 OVERVIEW OF RECOMMENDED PROJECT ................................................................................................ 13 3.3 ESTIMATED ENERGY GENERATION ......................................................................................................... 15 3.4 DESCRIPTION OF COMMON PROJECT FEATURES .................................................................................... 16 3.5 DESCRIPTIO!'\ OF UPPER SYSTEM ............................................................................................................. 17 3.6 DESCRIPTION OF LO\VER 5YSTEM ............................................................................................................ 18 4.0 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................................... 20 4.1 PROJECT SIZING ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................... 22 4.2 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................ 22 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................... 24 5.1 DEVELOPMEI'\T PLAN & 5CHEDULE ........................................................................................................ 25 APPENDIX A-MAPS AND FIGURES APPENDIX B-PHOTOGRAPHS APPENDIX C-HYDROLOGY DATA APPENDICES C.l Available Hydrology Data C.2 Jim's Lake Bathymetry C.3 Stream Gauge Station Information C.4 Crooked Creek Hydrology Data C.S Jim's Lake Outlet Hydrology Data C.6 Roy's Creek Hydrology Data APPENDIX D-RESOURCE DATA AND ANALYSIS D.l Maximum Probable Flood D.2 Review of Climate Effects D.3 Geotechnical Considerations D.4 Tsunami Hazards APPEODIX E-ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS (CONTINUED) June 2011 -Final Report iii Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polmonsult Alaska, In<. 6 APPENDIXF PERMITTING INFORMATION F.l Federal Permits F.2 State Permits F.3 Local Permits APPENDIX G COST ESTIMATES AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS G.l Project Cost Estimate G.2 Economic Analysis Assumptions APPENDIX H-TECHNICAL ANALYSIS H.l Project Modeling H.2 Project Sizing Analysis H.3 Load Growth Scenarios APPENDIX I-DRAFT REPORT REVIEW COMMENTS AND RESPONSES APPENDIX J-TABULAR HYDROLOGY DATA June 2011 -Final Report iv Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. 6 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1: Feasibility Evaluation Process Flowchart .......................................................................... 3 Figure 2-1: Recent Monthly Peak and Average Power Generation ................................................... 8 Figure 2-2: Recent Fuel and Electricity Costs ...................................................................................... 12 Figure 5-1: Project Development Schedule .......................................................................................... 25 Figure A-1: Project Overview and Location Map ............................................................................ A-1 Figure A-2: Map of Recommended Crooked Creek I Jim's Lake Project ..................................... A-2 Figure A-3: Graphical Index of Photographs Included in Appendix B ......................................... A-3 Photograph B-1: Aerial View of Small Sandy Beach, Jim's Lake, and Crooked Creek ............... B-1 Photograph B-2: Crooked Creek Gauging Station I Intake Site, Looking Upstream ................... B-2 Photograph B-3: Crooked Creek 50 Yards Above Gauging Station /Intake Site, Looking Upstream ............................................................................................................................ B-2 Photograph B-4: Crooked Creek Gauging Station I Intake Site, Looking Downstream ............. B-2 Photograph B-5: Crooked Creek at Gauging Station I Intake Site, Looking to South ................. B-3 Photograph B-6: Crooked Creek at Gauging Station I Intake Site, Looking to North ................. B-3 Photograph B-7: Cliffs North of Crooked Creek Gauging Station I Intake Site ........................... B-3 Photograph B-8: Crooked Creek 100 Yards Below Gauging Station I Intake Site, Looking Downstream ....................................................................................................................... B-4 Photograph B-9: Typical Terrain and Vegetation Along Penstock Route Between Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake ........................................................................................ B-4 Photograph B-10: View of Upper Powerhouse Site looking Northeast Across Jim's Lake ........ B-4 Photograph B-11: Bathymetric Survey of Jim's Lake ....................................................................... B-5 Photograph B-12: Jim's Lake Creek Gauging Station ....................................................................... B-5 Photograph B-13: Typical Peat Bogs in Project Vicinity .................................................................. B-5 Photograph B-14: Penstock Route through Ravine Below Jim's Lake ........................................... B-6 Photograph B-15: Site Overview from Offshore ............................................................................... B-6 Photograph B-16: View of Lower Powerhouse Site Looking North ............................................. B-7 Photograph B-17: Typical View of Power Line Route Between Project and Elfin Cove ............. B-7 Photograph B-18: Soils Along Power Line Route Between Project and Elfin Cove ..................... B-7 Photograph B-19: Debris Field Upstream from Crooked Creek Intake Site ................................. B-8 Photograph B-20: Debris Field in Elfin Cove .................................................................................... B-8 Photograph B-21: Debris Field along Power Line Route ................................................................. B-8 Figure C-1: Jim's Lake Storage Curve ................................................................................................ C-3 Figure C-2: Model Used for Creek Section Profile at Jim's Lake Creek ........................................ C-8 Figure C-3: Crooked Creek Stage-Discharge Curves ....................................................................... C-9 Figure C-4: Crooked Creek Flow Duration Curves .......................................................................... C-9 Figure C-5: 1984-1985 Crooked Creek Stage Data ........................................................................... 10 Figure C-6: 1984 1985 Crooked Creek Flow Data ........................................................................ C-10 Figure C-7: 2008-2010 Crooked Creek Stage Data ....................................................................... C-11 Figure C-8: 2008 2010 Crooked Creek Flow Data ........................................................................ C-11 Figure C-9: 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 Jim's Lake Creek Stage-Discharge Curves ................ C-12 Figure C-10: 1984-1985 and 2008 2010 Jim's Lake Creek Flow Duration Curve ................... C-12 June 2011 -Final Report v Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polmonsult Alaska, ln<.G Figure C-11: 1984-1985 Jim's Lake Creek Stage Data ................................................................... C-13 Figure C-12: 1984-1985 Jim's Lake Creek Flow Data .................................................................... C-13 Figure C-13: 2008 2010 Jim's Lake Creek Stage Data ................................................................. C-14 Figure C-14: 2008-2010 Jim's Lake Creek Flow Data .................................................................. C-14 Figure C-15: 2009-2010 Roy's Creek Stage-Discharge Curve ...................................................... C-15 Figure C-16: 2009-2010 Roy's Creek Flow Duration Curve ......................................................... C-15 Figure C-17: 2008-2010 Roy's Creek Stage Data .......................................................................... C-16 Figure C-18: 2008 2010 Roy's Creek Flow Data ........................................................................... C-16 Figure D-1: Tonalite Creek Flows During Negative-and Positive-Phase PDO .......................... D-3 Figure D-2: Geology of Project Area .................................................................................................. D-6 Figure H-1: Daily Hydro Project Performance (July 2009 through December 2010) .................. H-6 Figure H-2: Annual Hydro Performance (1975 through 2010) ...................................................... H-6 Figure H-3: Hourly Project Performance During September 2010 Dry Spell.. ............................ H-7 Figure H-4: Winter Hydro Performance Under Different Load Cases ...................................... ri-12 Figure H-5: Summer Hydro Performance Under Different Load Cases .................................... H-13 Figure H-6: Annual Hydro Performance Under Different Load Cases ...................................... H-13 LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1: Estimated Community Energy Usage by Fuel Type and Purpose ................................... 6 Table 2-2: Existing Utility Generation Equipment ............................................................................... 7 Table 2-3: Recent Electric System Statistics ........................................................................................... 9 Table 2-4: Hydro Project Performance Under Future Load Scenarios ............................................. 10 Table 2-5: liistoric Population Data ...................................................................................................... 11 Table 2-6: Comparative Median Household Incomes ......................................................................... 11 Table 3-1: Technical Summary of Recommended Project ................................................................. 14 Table 3-2: Expected Seasonal and Annual Hydro Project Output ................................................... 15 Table 4-1: Assumptions Used for Economic Analysis ....................................................................... 20 Table 4-2: Summary of Economic Data for Recommended Project ................................................. 21 Table 4-3: Sensitivity Analysis Results ................................................................................................. 23 Table C-1: Summary of Hydrology Data for Elfin Cove Hydroelectric Resources ..................... C-1 Table C-2: Flow Measurements for Elfin Cove Hydroelectric Resources ..................................... C-2 Table C-3: Manning Equation Parameters for Gauging Stations ................................................... C-7 Table C-4: Creek Sections used to Calculate A and Pat Gauging Stations ................................... C-8 Table D-1: Maximum Probable Floods at Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Creek ....................... D-1 Table G-1: Project Cost Estimate ........................................................................................................ G-1 Table H-1: Generation Dispatch Model Variables, Inputs, and Outputs ..................................... H-2 Table H-2: Actual and Modeled Electric Demand ........................................................................... H-3 Table FI-3: Expected Range of Seasonal and Annual Hydro Performance .................................. H-4 Table H-4: Comparison of Average Seasonal and Annual Hydro Performance with Performance During 9/15/09 to 9/15/10 Time Period .................................................. H-5 Table H-5: Range of Project Design Parameters Considered and Recommended Values ......... H-8 Table H-6: Performance of Recommended Project at 200% and 400% Load Cases .................. H-11 June 2011 -Final Report VI Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polauonsult Alaska, Inc. G ACRONYMS AND TERMINOLOGY ac-ft acre-foot, acre-feet. A measure of water volume equal to one acre covered in water to a depth of one foot. ADCED Alaska Department of Community and Economic Development ADEC Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation ADFG Alaska Department of Fish and Game ADNR Alaska Department of Natural Resources AEA Alaska Energy Authority AEE Alaska Energy and Engineering, Inc. ATV All Terrain Vehicle APA Alaska Power Authority (predecessor to the AEA) AS Alaska Statute BCR benefit-cost ratio BLM Bureau of Land Management cfs cubic feet per second coanda effect The tendency of a fluid jet to stay attached to a smoothly convex solid obstruction. A common example is the way a stream of water, as from a faucet, will wrap around a cylindrical object held under the faucet (such as the barrel of a drinking glass). COE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers discharge A synonym for stream flow. Flow and discharge are used interchangeably in this report. ECUC Elfin Cove Utility Commission Elfin Cove Refers to the community of Elfin Cove, or the geographic place name of Elfin Cove, depending on context. The two are synonymous in most respects. Environmental attributes June 2011 -Final Report vi Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study The term environmental attributes is used by the utility industry to describe the desirable aspects of electricity that is generated from environmentally benign and/or renewable sources. Environmental attributes are tracked, marketed, bought, and sold separately from the physical energy. Separating the environmental attributes from the physical energy allows customers or ratepayers to elect to buy sustainable or 'green' energy even if it is physically unavailable from their electric utility. Excess power, energy, electricity ft FY gal GDM Hatch HOPE in Electricity generated by the hydro project in excess of the utility's current load. Excess energy can be directed to one or more interruptible loads (such as electric heat) and may or may not have economic value depending on when it is available and how it is used. At times when there is no beneficial use for excess energy, water flow into the turbine can be reduced so that no excess energy is generated. foot, feet fiscal year gallon(s) generation dispatch model. A model used to evaluate the performance and output of proposed electric generation configurations (diesel and hydro). Hatch America, Inc. high-density polyethylene inch, inches interruptible power, energy, electricity kV kVA kW Electricity which is generated by the hydro generator(s) in excess of system demand (see excess power) and delivered to customers on a special interruptible basis. Utility generation and delivery of interruptible electricity starts and stops without notice based on water availability and other criteria. kilovolt, or 1,000 volts kilovolt-amp kilowatt, or 1,000 watts. One kW is the power consumed by ten 100-watt incandescent light bulbs. June 2011 -Final Report vii Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Pola.-consult Alaska, Inc.'S, Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study kWh LIDAR MHW mi MW NREL O&M OMR&R PCE PDO P.E. kilowatt-hour. The quantity of energy equal to one kilowatt (kW) expended for one hour. Light Detection and Ranging mean high water mile, miles megawatt, or 1,000 kilowatts National Renewable Energy Laboratory operating and maintenance operating, maintenance, repair, and replacement Power Cost Equalization Program pacific decadal oscillation. A climate phenomenon similar to the 'El Nino I La Nina' climate fluctuations in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. The PDO is situated in the north Pacific, and fluctuates on a time scale of a few decades. Professional Engineer. Licensed in the State of Alaska. Polarconsult Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. prime power, energy, electricity rpm SDR sq.mi. USPS USGS v Electricity generated to supply electrical loads on the ECUC utility grid. Prime electricity can be contrasted with excess or interruptible electricity, which is generated by the hydro project only when sufficient water is available. revolutions per minute standard dimension ratio Square mile U.S. Forest Service U.S. Geological Survey volt June 2011 -Final Report viii Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Pola.consult Alaska, lnc.G 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PROJECT AUTHORIZATION AND PURPOSE In 2008, the Denali Commission awarded the Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove (Elfin Cove) grant funds for study of available hydroelectric resources to reduce the cost of electricity costs. The funds were awarded under the Commission's alternative energy project solicitation dated December 6, 2007, and are managed by the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA). In June 2009, Elfin Cove authorized Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. (Polarconsult) to complete reconnaissance and feasibility studies of hydropower resources available to Elfin Cove. The reconnaissance study was completed in June 2010, and identified favorable projects at the Roy's Creek site and at the Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake site. Elfin Cove selected the Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake site for further analysis, and directed Polarconsult to complete a feasibility study of a project at the Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake site. This report presents the findings and recommendations of the feasibility study completed under this authorization. 1.2 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS A hydroelectric project at Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake is feasible, and can lower the cost of electricity in Elfin Cove by 6 to 81% from current electricity rates. This range reflects the effects of variations in project financing, construction cost, and excess energy utilization. The recommended project consists of two hydroelectric systems with a total capacity of 160 kilowatts (kW). The "upper system" diverts up to five cubic feet per second (cfs) of water from Crooked Creek to Jim's Lake where it is run through a 35 kW power recovery turbine. The "lower system" diverts up to seven cfs of water from Jim's Lake to a 125-kW turbine located at tidewater. The siphon intake at Jim's Lake provides the lower system with 32 acre-feet of storage, allowing this system to supply the utility's electrical loads through most peak load episodes and during short dry spells. The upper system includes a 1,450 feet, 12-inch penstock and the lower system includes a 1,800 foot, 14-inch penstock. The project also includes 7,300 feet of power line, 12,200 feet of communications, and 8,700 feet of access trails. The project location is presented in Figure A-1, and the project layout is shown in Figure A-2. The recommended project will supply 99% of Elfin Cove's current annual electrical needs, displacing 28,500 gallons of fuel used yearly at the diesel power plant. At a fuel cost of $4.00 per gallon, the project is estimated to reduce utility fuel expenses by $114,000 annually. The recommended project also provides 241,600 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of excess electric energy that can be used for interruptible loads such as space and water heating. Fully utilized, this excess energy can displace an additional6,800 gallons of heating oil annually. An economic analysis of the project indicates it has a benefit-cost ratio of 1.15 compared to continued reliance on the diesel power plant. With full utilization of excess electric energy produced by the project the benefit-cost ratio is 1.44. Further discussion on project costs and economic analysis may be found in Appendix G. June 2011 -Final Report 1 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study 1.3 PROJECT EVALUATION PROCESS Development options for the Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake site were evaluated using an iterative process to arrive at the recommended project. Initially, resource data for the Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake site were collected and analyzed along with the community's electric demand profile to identify several initial project configurations for further evaluation. The resource data included stream hydrology, lake bathymetry, site topography, and related information. Environmental and regulatory factors were also considered in developing candidate project configurations. Data from the electric utility were collected and analyzed to develop a model of the community's electric demand profile. These data were input to a generation dispatch model to determine how much prime power and interruptible power each project configuration would produce. The electrical output for each project alternative was integrated with economic data comprised of fuel costs, construction costs, operating and maintenance (O&M) costs, and financing options to develop a benefit-cost ratio. The recommended project provides the highest percentage of projected future electrical demand while maintaining an acceptable benefit-cost ratio. This evaluation process is represented graphically in Figure 1-1. June 2011 -Final Report 2 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. 6 Figure 1-1: Feasibility Evaluation Process Flowchart I I ANALYSIS I I EVA L UAT ION RESULT SURVEYS i~IIlGt:lttl~ IIUIRO!!Miita& & GIQIS head ASSEssMENTS REGU~mav IX"ttMffil HYDROLOGY Flood magnitude Pipe, power, access Stream diversiOn sites Aquatic reeources Flow duration and frequency distances and Dam sHes Aesthetics Storage capacity alignments CMIInfrastructure Special restrictions -' Property ownership ---1 -----1 ~ Bathymetry lii.IGIBI~b bOADS I PCE & utility reports Utility load profile lil.lillbli t:lli6DttfJ LOAD II Building lnventoly PROJECT COST DATA PROJECT RES OU RCE DATA CHmatedata Design and permitting costs Jim's Lake storage curve Project design approach Jim's Lake hydrology L OAD PR O FILE Construction methods Crooked Creek hydrology Prime power demand Construction cost estimate Site topography Potential interruptible energy loads Operation and maintenance costs '----....---- PROPOSED PROJECT ' ~ CONFIGURATION ' GENERATION DISPATCH MODEL ITERATIONS TO Projects how much electricity is generated by IMPROVE diesel and hydro for each project configuration. PROJECT Also projects excess energy generation . .. ~ ECONOMIC EVALUATION ..... COMMUNITY NEEDS MET? -----BENEFIT/COST RATIO? .. liCQf:tQI!'!IG DAI6 COMMUNITY REVIEW AND Diesel fuel coat Excess energy value FEEDBACK Financing plan • RECOMMENDED PROJECT 1.4 CURRENT AND PREVIOUS STUDIES Development of hydropower resources for Elfin Cove has been under consideration for over 30 years. Earlier investigative activities considered several resources in the vicinity of Elfin Cove, and the 2010 reconnaissance study identified a project at Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake as the preferred project for the community. These past studies and current investigative efforts are briefly summarized below. 1.4.1 1979 Regional Reconnaissance Study Hydropower resources for Elfin Cove were investigated as part of a regional reconnaissance study completed for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) by CHzM Hill in October 1979. June 2011-Final Report 3 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. G The COE reconnaissance study considered a 310-kW run-of-river project at Margret Creek, 6.4 miles from Elfin Cove across Port Althorp. 1.4.2 1984 Reconnaissance Study A reconnaissance study of energy alternatives for Elfin Cove was completed by Hatch America, Inc. (Hatch) for the Alaska Power Authority (APA) in 1984. This study considered hydropower resources within Elfin Cove -including Roy's Creek, Joe's Creek, and Ernie's Creek -and recommended further study of a 20-to 60-kW run-of-river project at Roy's Creek in Elfin Cove. 1.4.3 1984 Reconnaissance Study Supplement In 1984, APA issued a supplemental report to Hatch's reconnaissance study. The APA supplement considered projects on the creeks within Elfin Cove unfeasible, and recommended investigation of a project at Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake instead. The APA proposal would divert water from Crooked Creek to Jim's Lake, and construct an 80-kW hydroelectric project behveen Jim's Lake and tidewater. 1.4.4 2006 Concept Design Report for Energy Upgrades Alaska Energy and Engineering, Inc. (AEE) completed a concept design report and construction cost estimates for upgrade of Elfin Cove's bulk fuel facility, diesel power plant, and electric distribution system in 2006. This report included limited consideration of a 100-kW hydroelectric project at Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake similar to that proposed in 1984. AEE estimated the cost of this project at approximately $1.5 million. 1.4.5 2010 Reconnaissance Study A new reconnaissance study of hydropower options for Elfin Cove was completed in 2010 by Polarconsult. This study evaluated projects at Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake and the creeks within Elfin Cove that were originally considered in 1984. The reconnaissance study found that a project at the Roy's Creek site and a project at the Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake site both appeared favorable. The community decided to pursue further study of a project at Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake. 1.4.6 Current Feasibility Study Polarconsult engineer Joel Groves, P.E., visited Elfin Cove from August 9 to August 14, 2010, to conduct feasibility-level field investigations of the Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake site. Mr. Groves was assisted by Ms. Jane Button, the community's manager for this project, on field investigations. Activities conducted during this field trip are summarized below. June 2011-Final Report 4 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polmon,ult Ala.ka, ln<.G • Completed initial topographic surveys of the Crooked Creek intake and Jim's Lake outlet sites. Surveyed key project sites to index them to local survey monuments, confirming the available head and horizontal distances between project features. • Conducted additional stream flow measurements at Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake. Stream flow was also measured at Roy's Creek. • Performed additional investigation of the overland route between Elfin Cove and the project area. • Assessed topography around Jim's Lake to determine the maximum practical impoundment elevation of the lake. • Reviewed penstock and access routes between Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake and between Jim's Lake and tidewater to guide the project design approach and evaluate suitable construction methods. Field data collected from this trip has been used to complete a feasibility study of the Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake resource using the methodology described in Section 1.3. This report summarizes the findings and recommendations of the feasibility study. June 2011 -Final Report 5 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study 2.0 COMMUNITY PROFILE 2.1 COMMUNITY OVERVIEW Elfin Cove is located on the northwest portion of Chichagof Island, approximately two miles from South Inian Pass (Figure A-1). The community is located 70 air-miles west of Juneau and 90 air-miles north-northwest of Sitka at approximately 58.19° north latitude and 136.35° west longitude (Sections 25 and 36, Township 42 South, Range 55 East, Copper River Meridian). Nearby communities are Pelican, approximately 16 miles to the south, and Gustavus, approximately 27 miles to the east. Elfin Cove has a maritime climate with cool summers and mild winters. Normal summer temperatures are in the 50s to low 60s, and normal winter temperatures are in the 20s and 30s. The highest recorded temperature is 85 degrees, and the lowest recorded temperature is minus 10 degrees. Total precipitation averages 102 inches a year, with an average snowfall of 96 inches. Elfin Cove is not an incorporated city or a federally recognized Native village. Public services such as electricity and water are provided by the Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove. The community is located in the Sitka Recording District and the Chatham School District. 1 2.2 EXISTING ENERGY SYSTEM 2.2.1 Community Energy Overview Elfin Cove has an isolated electrical system with no transmission interconnections to other communities. Elfin Cove relies 100% on diesel generation for electricity. Diesel and other petroleum fuels are delivered by barge several times annually. Other local energy usage includes diesel and gasoline fuels for transportation, wood and fuel oil for space and water heating, and propane gas for cooking and heating. Table 2-1 lists estimated annual fuel consumption by type and purpose. Table 2-1: Estimated Community Energy Usage by Fuel Type and Purpose Purpose (I) Electric Heating Heating Fuel Diesel Diesel/Fuel Oil Wood Transportation Diesel/Gasoline Total Hydrocarbon Fuels Estimated Annual Quantity 30,000 -33,000 gallons 34,000-35,000 gallons 50-70 cords 12,000-15,000 gallons 76,000-83,000 gallons Estimated Annual Cost (Z) $120,000-$132,000 $136,000-$140,000 $12,500-$17,500 $48,000 -$60,000 $304,000 -$332,000 (1) Electric system data from Power Cost Equalization Program and utility reports. Other energy data from AEA's 2010 Alaska Energy Plan Community Database, http:/(1\'\\'l\'.akenergvauthllrity.llrg/alask,l-energy-pl<ln.html (2) Based on $4.00 per gallon for petroleum fuels and $250 per cord for wood. This community profile is compiled from previous energy studies for Elfin Cove and data on the Alaska Department of Community and Economic Development (ADCED) website. June 2011 -Final Report 6 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarconsult Alaska, ln<.G Elfin Cove's energy infrastructure is in good condition. The community constructed a new bulk fuel facility in 2000. The Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) completed minor upgrades to the bulk fuel facility and constructed a new diesel power plant in 2007, and upgraded the electrical distribution system in 2009. 2.2.2 Electric Utility Organization Electrical service in Elfin Cove is provided by the Elfin Cove Utility Commission (ECUC), which is owned and managed by the Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove. The ECUC holds Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 701, issued in 2004, authorizing it to operate a public utility providing electrical service in and around Elfin Cove. Because the ECUC is owned and managed by a non-profit entity, the Regulatory Commission of Alaska has exempted the ECUC from regulation on public interest grounds as allowed by AS 42.05.711(d). The ECUC participates in the State of Alaska's Power Cost Equalization (PCE) program, which subsidizes electricity rates for residential and community facilities served by eligible Alaska utilities. 2.2.3 Generation System Elfin Cove's diesel power plant has three 480-volt three-phase diesel generators. The power plant switchgear is fully automatic with paralleling capability, and uses a programmable logic controller to match the generators to system load. All three diesel generator sets were installed new in 2007. Installed utility generation equipment in Elfin Cove is listed in Table 2-2.2 Table 2-2: Existing Utility Generation Equipment No. Equipment Prime Power Commissioned Total Hours Designated Use (kW) Date (Sert. 2009) 1 John Deere 6068 101 kW 2007 3,263 Intermediate 2 John Deere 4045 67kW 2007 11,709 Winter base and peak 3 John Deere 6061 179kW 2007 4,491 Summer peak The existing diesel power plant is fitted with a waste heat system that provides heat to the community building and shop. 2.2.4 Electrical Distribution System The distribution system was upgraded in 2009 and consists of a 7,200-volt grounded wye three- phase system without loop feed. The distribution system is installed in conduit under the boardwalks and on the ground surface throughout most of the community. On the west side of 2 Elfin Cove Power System Upgrade Record Drawings Sheet E-9, AEE, Inc., 2010. June 2011-Final Report 7 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polmonsult Alaska, In<. G, the community, the distribution system is run overhead on wooden poles. A 225 kilovolt-amp (kVA) pad-mount transformer located adjacent to the power plant feeds the distribution system.2 2.2.5 Planned Upgrades The bulk fuel, electrical generation, and distribution systems have all been recently upgraded. No additional upgrades are planned. 2.2.6 Existing Load Profile Total system electrical demand from 2003 to 2010 is presented in Figure 2-1 and Table 2-3. Average winter-time loads are approximately 25 kW, with peak loads of 50 kW. Average summer-time loads range from 70 to 90 kW. Peak summer-time loads have increased from a range of 120 to 150 kW before 2007 to a range of 230 to 310 kW currently. The increase in peak summer loads since 2007 is attributed to (1) additional loads and growth in the community over the past several years and (2) the improved automatic paralleling capability of the new power plant switchgear, installed in 2007. Before the upgrade, many of the lodges in Elfin Cove self-generated during peak load hours, as the older switchgear would not reliably manage peak loads. While some of the lodges still self-generate during peak hours, the improved switchgear makes this an option rather than a necessity, resulting in the observed higher system peaks. 3 325 300 275 250 225 :: ~ 200 ..:.: "' ..:.: ~ o:l ;:; 175 !l.. ;;. ;.,< ::2 ;., 150 "E :a ~ § 125 ~ 100 75 50 25 0 Jan-03 Figure 2-1: Recent Monthly Peak and Average Power Generation -Peak Monthly Power Generation "(T._~vcragc ~_(lf1thly Power Generation Jan-04 Jan-OS Jan-06 Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10 Jan-11 3 Concept Design Report and Construction Cost Estimate, Elfin Cove Energy Infrastructure Projects, AEE, 2006 June 2011-Final Report 8 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Table 2-3: Recent Electric System Statistics Parameter 2003 (2) 2004 2005 2006 2007(1) 2008 2009 2010 kWh Generated 215,404 387,727 344,557 342,883 235,574 (1) 377,150 339,609 325,810 kWh for Station Service 12,809 24,785 28,421 24,147 (J) 1,734 (1) 1,544 (J) 25,045 32,615 (% of total generation) (5.9%) (6.4%) (8.2%) (7.0%) (--%) (--%) (7.4%) (10.0%) kWh Sold 200,865 318,937 301,614 302,051 295,567 334,177 291,866 259,139 System Losses ((sold + station service) I generated) 0.8% 11.3% 4.2% 4.9'Yo 6.7% 10.5% Fuel Price (annual average) $1.84 $2.21 $2.94 $3.64 $3.56 $5.14 $4.62 $3.98 Fuel Used (gallons) 17,583 32,938 31,778 31,161 31,727 30,678 26,413 26,539 Total Fuel Expense $32,380 $72,831 $93,414 $113,477 $112,806 $157,599 $122,068 $105,662 Total Non-Fuel Expense $24,796 $58,949 $55,867 $28,702 $41,078 $35,406 $32,739 $43,809 Total Utility Expense $57,177 $131,780 $149,281 $142,178 $153,884 $193,005 $154,807 $149,471 Power Cost per kWh $0.28 $0.41 $0.49 $0.47 $0.52 $0.58 $0.53 $0.58 Generation Efficiency 12.3 11.8 10.8 11.0 7.4 (1) 12.3 12.9 12.3 (kWh/ a!) All data is compiled from monthly Power Cost Equalization program records provided by AEA. (1) Records from 2007 are incomplete due to power plant replacement project. (2) Data for 2003 include July through December. (3) No data for March 2006 and January through November 2008. '-' denotes data that are not available or not meaningful due to incomplete records. 2.2.7 Projected Future Load Profile Community electrical demand is a function of population, electricity cost, and available income. Commercial, industrial, and transient loads are also major factors in total electrical demand. If the hydro project significantly lowers the costs of electricity, this will encourage electrical demand from existing residents and businesses to increase. In small communities like Elfin Cove, demand often increases significantly in response to reduced electric rates. Reduced electric rates may also encourage an increase in seasonal and year-round populations, which would also tend to cause an increase in electrical demand. These effects would help to counter a declining trend in Elfin Cove's resident population since 1990. The hydro project performance was evaluated for a base case scenario (current loads continue into the future), two negative, and two positive future load growth scenarios. The base case scenario is used for the economic analysis in this study. Each scenario is a deviation from current load patterns: 1. 50% reduction in load, with total utility shutdown from October 15th-April 15th. 2. 50% reduction in load year-round. 3. No change from current load. 4. 200% increase in load year-round. 5. 400% increase in load year-round. June 2011 -Final Report 9 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Under the different load cases, total project output remains relatively constant and the portion of the project's output that is used to supply prime ECUC load varies. In scenario 1, total hydro output is reduced because the project is mothballed for 6 months of the year. In scenario 5, nearly all hydro output (98.7%) is used to meet prime ECUC loads, and the diesel power plant is needed year-round to supplement the hydro project. Table 2-4 summarizes hydro project performance under these five future load scenarios. Performance of the recommended hydro project under different future load scenarios is discussed in greater detail in Appendix H.3. Table 2-4: Hydro Project Performance Under Future Load Scenarios -50% Load, -50% Current +200% +400% no Winter Load Load Load Load Load (Base Case) Total Annual ECUC Load (kWh) 126,000 182,900 359,000 711,100 1,415,400 ECUC Load Supplied by Diesel (kWh) 0 0 2,900 178,900 763,300 (Hldro as % of total £rime SU££ll) (0%) (0%) (0.8%) (25.2%) (53.9%) ECUC Load Supplied by Hydro (kWh) 126,000 182,900 356,100 532,300 652,200 (Hldro as % of total £rime SU££ll) (100%) (100%) (99.2%) (74.9%) (46.1 %) Excess Hydro Generation (kWh) 247,700 481,400 316,600 132,000 8,300 (Excess as % of total hldro) (66.3%) (72.5%) (47.1%) (19.9%) (1.3%) Total Annual Hydro Generation (kWh) 373,700 664,300 672,700 664,300 660,500 Population Elfin Cove's population varies seasonally. The population in the summer months (mid-May through mid-September) is approximately 100 to 200. Commercial and sport fishing activity contributes significantly to the summer population. The winter population is approximately 20. Elfin Cove's resident population, listed in Table 2-5, has historically ranged from approximately 20 to 60 people, and has been declining since 1990. Elfin Cove is bounded on all sides by the Tongass National Forest, so there is limited land available for community growth. For the purposes of this study, the community's future resident and summer population is expected to remain within the historical range. The economic benefits of the hydro project can help to reverse the decline in Elfin Cove's resident population. June 2011-Final Report 10 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Pola«onsult Alaska, Inc. G Year 1958 1970 1979 1980 1990 1995 2000 2004 2009 2010 Table 2-5: Historic Population Data (1 ) Year-Round Summer Seasonal Population Population Estimates 48 NA 28 NA 29 60 49 NA 57 NA 43 NA 32 NA 26 NA 25 NA 20 NA Future Projection 20-60 100-200 (1) Population data compiled from past reports, ADCED data, the 2010 U.S. Census, and the 2008 Tongass National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan. NA: Not Available. Income Median Elfin Cove household income is presented in Table 2-6. Household income in Elfin Cove declined compared to state-wide household income between 1990 and 2000. Table 2-6: Comparative Median Household Incomes (1) 1990 2000 Elfin Cove Median Household Income as percentage of Alaska Median Household 105% 65% Income Elfin Cove $43,125 $32,031 Alaska $41,193 $51,571 United States $30,056 $41,994 2010 NA NA 64,635 52,029 (1) Data compiled from Alaska Department of Labor and U.S. Census Bureau. Values not adjusted for inflation. NA: Not Available. June 2011-Final Report 11 ~ ;:I ~ ..... 0 11.1 u ... '"' ~ Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study 2.2.8 Energy Market Energy from a local hydroelectric project will be fed into the ECUC system to offset the need for diesel power generation. Also, the hydroelectric project will at times generate energy in excess of electrical demand, which can be made available on an interruptible basis to offset other energy consumption such as space or water heating. Fuel prices in Elfin Cove have increased significantly over the past several years. The average 2007 2010 fuel price of $4.27 per gallon is 59% higher than the average 2003-2006 fuel price of $2.68 per gallon. Past fuel and electricity costs in Elfin Cove are presented in Figure 2-2. Figure 2-2: Recent Fuel and Electricity Costs $6.00 0· Price of Fuel, Annual Average $5.00 +Per kWh Utility Costs, Annual $4.00 $3.00 $2.00 $0.60 $1.00 $0.55 $0.50 $0.45 $0.40 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 June 2011 -Final Report 12 <ll -<ll 0 u ;;..., -..... -... -;:J ~ ~ '"' 11.1 l:l. Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarronsult Alaska, lnc.G 3.0 RECOMMENDED PROJECT 3.1 RESOURCE DESCRIPTION The resources considered in this study are Crooked Creek, a small creek located approximately one mile south of Elfin Cove, and Jim's Lake, a small lake located %-mile south of Crooked Creek. Both resources are indicated on Figures A-1 and A-2. Crooked Creek drains a northeast-facing mountain valley and adjacent level terrain totaling 0.7 square miles (sq.mi.) in area. The basin's elevation ranges from tidewater up to 2,048 feet along the eastern edge of the basin. Sixty percent of the basin is forested and 40% is alpine tundra and barren rock. The basin is not glaciated and has no significant ponds or lakes. Crooked Creek discharges into Port Althorp at the north end of Small Sandy Beach. Jim's Lake is a six-acre lake located %-mile south of Crooked Creek. The 0.1 sq.mi. basin that drains into Jim's Lake is adjacent to the Crooked Creek basin, situated on the west-facing slopes of the ridge that divides the two basins. The entire basin is forested, and Jim's Lake occupies 9% of the total basin area. A small unnamed creek flows from Jim's Lake to tidewater, discharging into Port Althorp at the south end of Small Sandy Beach, 500 feet from the mouth of Crooked Creek. This unnamed creek is called Jim's Lake Creek in this report. Stream flow data for Crooked Creek at the proposed intake site and Jim's Lake Creek at the lake outlet are available from 1984 to 1985 and from 2008 to current, providing 2.7 years of flow data at each location. These data are presented in detail in Appendix C. Technical aspects of these resources pertinent to the recommended project are discussed in Appendix D. 3.2 OVERVIEW OF RECOMMENDED PROJECT The recommended project consists of two hydroelectric systems with a total capacity of 160 kW. The project will supply approximately 99% of the average annual electrical demand in Elfin Cove, and will produce an additional approximately 241,600 kWh of excess energy that can be used for interruptible loads. Each hydroelectric system is described in more detail below. Technical data on the two systems is summarized in Table 3-1. The upper system will have an intake on Crooked Creek located at an elevation of 475 feet above mean high water (MHW). The intake structure will divert up to 5 cfs of water from Crooked Creek and run it through a 1,450-foot long 12-inch diameter penstock to a powerhouse located on the north shore of Jim's Lake with a finished floor elevation of 338 feet. The tailrace from this project will discharge water to Jim's Lake. This system will have an installed generation capacity of 35 kW. The lower system will have a siphon intake to draw Jim's Lake down eight feet below its natural level of 333 feet. This intake will allow for water levels in Jim's Lake to be regulated between 325 and 333 feet above mean high water, providing a total storage volume of June 2011 -Final Report 13 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polanonsult Alaska, lnc.fl!i. approximately 32 acre-feet (ac-ft). A 1,800-foot long 14-inch diameter penstock will convey up to 7 cfs of water from the lake down to a powerhouse located at an elevation of 20 feet at Small Sandy Beach. This system will have an installed generation capacity of 125 kW. The hydro project will be designed to operate in parallel with ECUC's existing diesel power plant. The control programming will operate the hydro project to follow ECUC load, so the diesel generators will be turned off most of the time. Table 3-1: Technical Summary of Recommended Project COMMON PROJECT FEATURES Access Trails Power Lines Communications Lines INDIVIDUAL HYDRO SYSTEM FEATURES Individual System Parameters Basin Area (square miles) Median Flow (cfs) Minimum Flow (cfs) Plant Design Flow (cfs) Intake Elevation (ft) Powerhouse Elevation (ft) Gross Head (ft) Pipeline Length (ft) I Diameter (in) Net Head (ft) Minimum Power Generation (kW) Installed Capacity (kW) Dam/Diversion Height (ft) Available Storage Volume (ac-ft) ESTIMATED ANNUAL ENERGY GENERATION Total Annual Hydro Energy Generation (kWh) Hydro Output used to Supply ECUC Load (kWh) (percent of total ECUC load supplied by hydro) Gross Excess Energy Available from Hydro (kWh) Net Excess Energy Available from Hydro (kWh) NA: Not Applicable. Upper System 0.56 sq.mi. 2.9 cfs 0.2 cfs 5 cfs 475ft 338ft 137ft 1,450' of 12" pipe 124ft 9kW 35kW 1.0 ft none 167,100 VALUE 8,700 feet 7,300 feet 12,200 feet VALUES Lower System 0.10 sq.mi. NA NA 7 cfs 325-333 ft 20ft 305-313ft 1,800' of 14" pipe 286ft 13kW 125kW none 32 ac-ft 505,600 Total 0.66 sq.mi. NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9kW 160kW NA 32 ac-ft 356,100 (99°A,) 316,600 241,600 (!) (l) Equal to gross excess energy less 75,000 kWh I year to replace power plant waste heat used by the community building. June 2011 -Final Report 14 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polmonsult Alaska, Inc. G 3.3 ESTIMATED ENERGY GENERATION The recommended hydro project is expected to supply approximately 99% of ECUC's annual electricity demand. During the winter months (mid-September through mid-May), the hydro project supplies 100% of ECUC's electrical requirements/ and typically has significant excess energy and generating capacity. During the summer months (mid-May through mid- September)/ the hydro project supplies approximately 98% of ECUC's electrical requirements, and is roughly matched to current ECUC loads in terms of both capacity and energy. The storage at Jim's Lake allows the hydro project to supply ECUC demand during short (approximately one week long) dry spells, but longer dry spells deplete Jim's Lake, requiring use of the diesel generators to help supply ECUC demand. Seasonal and annual hydro project performance is summarized in Table 3-2. Table 3-2: Expected Seasonal and Annual Hydro Project Output Item Total ECUC Load (kWh) Load supplied by Diesel, kWh(%) Load supplied by Hydro, kWh ('Yo) Gross Excess Hydro Generation, kWh Total Hydro Generation, kWh Winter Season (9/15-5/14) 160,700 0 (0%) 160,700 (100%) 283,200 443,900 Hydro Project Performance 1 Summer Season Annual (5/15-9/14) 198,300 359,000 2,900 {1 %) 2,900 (0.8%) 195,400 {99%) 356,100 (99.2%) 33,400 316,600 228,800 672,700 Note 1: Expected hydro project performance is based on the one-hour resolution generation dispatch model, run using hydrology data from September 15, 2009 through September 14, 2010. As explained in Appendix H, this period is representative of a typical water year in Elfin Cove. Hydro project output was calculated using two generation dispatch models. These models take in hydrology data, ECUC load data, and hydro project parameters and calculate how much energy is generated by the hydro and/or diesel power plants on an hourly and daily basis. The hourly model uses actual hydrology data for Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake for the period July 2009 through December 2010, and is used to evaluate short-term (hourly to monthly) performance of the hydro project. The daily model uses hydrology data synthesized from Elfin Cove's 35 years of weather records, and is used to evaluate long-term (seasonal to multi-year) performance of the hydro project. These models were the primary analytical tool used to develop the project configuration recommended in this report. Development, application, and validation of these models are described in greater detail in Appendix H.l. June 2011-Final Report 15 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polmon,ult Alaska, Inc. G. 3.4 DESCRIPTION OF COMMON PROJECT FEATURES The descriptions of project features in this section and also in Sections 3.5 and 3.6 are conceptual, and are based upon review of site conditions, construction costs, long-term maintenance and operational considerations, and related factors. In many cases, there are multiple viable construction methods or design decisions that can be used. In these cases, decisions will be made in the design and permitting phase of the project, as additional information on environmental, regulatory, and technical constraints becomes available. 3.4.1 Transmission Line The transmission line will be either an armored cable containing four #2 wires or cable installed in conduit. Either can be installed on the ground surface or in shallow trenches, eliminating the need to dig a 30-inch deep trench through the rugged terrain between Elfin Cove and the project site. This cable will be co-located with an armored communication cable and an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) trail that will be used to access the project directly from Elfin Cove. The trail route will first be brushed and then shaped by a combination of manual labor and small construction equipment. The power and communications cables will then be installed, and a course of gravel applied where necessary to provide a stable driving surface. The gravel will be obtained from on-site sources located along the route or at the hydro project areas. 3.4.2 Controls and System Integration Both hydroelectric generators will be three-phase 480-volt synchronous machines. A pad- mounted transformer will be located at each powerhouse to step the voltage up to 7.2 I 12.4 kilovolt (kV) for distribution to Elfin Cove. A manual disconnect and fuse will be located at each powerhouse, and a manual disconnect will be located at the point of interconnection with the existing distribution system, enabling each powerhouse and the line to town to be isolated for maintenance or repair. A separate dedicated communications cable will be installed between the hydro powerhouses and the diesel powerhouse to control and monitor both hydro systems from the diesel powerhouse. The hydro project switchgear will be integrated with the diesel plant switchgear to optimize and automate operations. The upper system will be operated to supply as much power as the flow in Crooked Creek allows. The lower system will be operated to supply the balance of ECUC demand. When the Jim's Lake reservoir is full, excess inflows can be used to generate excess energy above ECUC demand. This energy can be directed to interruptible loads. When ECUC demand approaches the hydro project's available output, the switchgear will activate diesel genset(s) to parallel with or replace the hydro depending on ECUC load, hydro plant and water availability, and minimum diesel genset loading requirements. June 2011-Final Report 16 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polmonsult Alaska, lnc.G With this project, the town's diesels will be turned off for a significant amount of the time. This will extend the life of the diesel engines, reduce usage of consumables, and conserve fuel. The existing waste heat system that serves the community building and shop from the diesel power plant can be fitted with an electric heater to keep one of the gensets warm and to heat the community building and shop. This heater can be operated using excess energy from the hydro project. 3.4.3 Access Construction access to both hydro systems will be via a beach landing at Small Sandy Beach. A construction access trail will be built from the beach generally following the lower penstock alignment and then to the upper powerhouse. Spur trails will provide access to the intakes at Jim's Lake and Crooked Creek. A trail will parallel the power line from Elfin Cove to provide reliable access to the project for operations, maintenance, and repair. Removal of rock may be necessary to build the trail immediately above Small Sandy Beach and in other areas. Construction materials will either be hauled along these access routes or be air-lifted directly to the construction sites by helicopter from beach landings or barges. 3.5 DESCRIPTION OF UPPER SYSTEM 3.5.1 Upper Intake The intake at Crooked Creek will be located at a four-foot tall waterfall 20 yards downstream of the existing gauging station. A coanda-effect intake screen sized to draw up to five cfs of water from the creek will be built behind the crest of this waterfall. Diverted flows will pass through a small stilling basin and then through a secondary screen and into the penstock. The stilling basin will be fitted with a manual bypass gate to flush debris back into the stream. 3.5.2 Upper Penstock The upper penstock will be a 1,450-foot long 12-inch diameter pipe. This pipe will be buried for the first 30 yards below the Crooked Creek diversion, but thereafter it can be buried or installed on-grade. Timber cribbing can be used to support the pipe on the side hill over to Jim's Lake. At bends, the pipe can be secured by bedding or with cables to rock anchors. This pipe can be constructed with small equipment via a 6 to 8 foot wide access trail, which is the method assumed for budgeting purposes in this study. This pipe is small enough that construction with hand labor is also feasible, as the pipe is small and light enough to be installed using small tools such as chainsaw winches and bars. No blasting is necessary along this route for access or pipe installation. The upper penstock can be constructed of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe. Benefits of using HDPE are that it is rugged, light-weight (6.7 pounds per foot), flexible, and easy to repair. June 2011-Final Report 17 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polmonsult Alaska, Inc tiS, 3.5.3 Upper Powerhouse The upper powerhouse will be located on the north shore of Jim's Lake, and will measure approximately 16 feet by 20 feet The powerhouse will contain the turbine, generator, controls, and switchgear. A 35-kV A pad-mounted transformer will be located adjacent to the powerhouse. The upper system will use a single reaction turbine such as a crossflow turbine. These turbines have flat efficiency curves from 100% to 50% of full flow. As flow decreases to 25% of full flow, turbine efficiency decreases by 10%. Below 25% of full flow, these turbines cannot function. The turbine will be coupled to a generator via a speed increaser or belt drive. The generator will be a three-phase synchronous generator. The full-flow water-to-wire efficiency at the generator leads is estimated to be 63%. This turbine may be equipped with a draft tube to increase power output The draft tube would be fitted below the turbine, and would use the head between the turbine and Jim's Lake surface to pull a suction on the turbine, increasing the total effective head on the turbine and total power output. To be most effective, the draft tube should extend below the low water level of the reservoir. The practicality of this application will depend on the final powerhouse site at Jim's Lake. The incremental energy output that may be generated with a draft tube is not used for the financial analysis in this study. 3.6 DESCRIPTION OF LOWER SYSTEM 3.6.1 Lower Intake The siphon intake at Jim's Lake will consist of a 14-inch diameter pipe extending 40 feet into the lake from the southwest shore to a depth of 15 feet. The pipe inlet will be set above the lake bed to avoid pulling in lake bed sediment, and fitted with an intake screen. A small conduit co- located with the intake pipe will house a pressure transducer that will monitor the lake level. The intake will be able to draw the lake down to the 325-foot elevation, eight feet below its natural level. On shore, this penstock will continue on grade or at shallow burial west towards the lake outlet, and will then continue down to the lower system powerhouse at Small Sandy Beach. A vacuum pump assembly will be installed at the high point of this pipe on shore near Jim's Lake to purge air from the penstock. No impoundment structure will be installed at the lake outlet to raise the level of the lake. June 2011 Final Report 18 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study 3.6.2 Lower Penstock The lower penstock will be an 1,800-foot long 14-inch diameter pipe. The penstock will be buried, installed directly on-grade, or installed on timber cribbing, depending on local terrain. Hydraulic thrust forces can be restrained by embedding the pipe in soil, using concrete thrust blocks, or with cables and rock bolts, depending on the terrain. The penstock will be installed next to the construction access trail between the lower system powerhouse site at Small Sandy Beach and the lower system intake site at Jim's Lake. Access for installation and maintenance of the penstock will be via the construction access trail. The first 1,300 feet of the penstock, nearest Jim's Lake, can be constructed with HOPE pipe. HOPE is rugged, light-weight (8 to 12.2lbs per foot) and flexible. The bottom 500-foot portion of the penstock route is steeper, and passes through a series of rock outcroppings above the beach. Steel may be a better choice in this area due to (1) its ability to span longer distances between ground supports than HOPE and (2) the higher penstock pressure in this area. 3.6.3 Powerhouse The lower powerhouse will be situated at the base of the rock cliffs at the head of Small Sandy Beach at an elevation of +20 feet MHW. The powerhouse will measure approximately 24 feet by 22 feet, and will house the turbine, generator, controls, and switchgear. A 125-kVA pad-mount transformer will be located adjacent to the powerhouse. The lower system will use a single impulse turbine, such as a two-jet Pelton turbine. These turbines have flat efficiency curves from 100% to 50% of full design flow. As flow decreases from 50 to 10% of design flow, turbine efficiency drops by approximately 20%. Below 5 to 10% of full design flow, these turbines cannot function. The turbine will be directly coupled to a three-phase 600 rpm synchronous generator. Estimated full-flow water-to-wire efficiency at the generator leads will be about 70%. June 2011 -Final Report 19 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polmon,ult Alaska, Im.G 4.0 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS To evaluate the economic benefits of the hydro project, a comparative analysis was performed between the recommended hydro project and projected future diesel generation costs. Based on this analysis, the hydro project is a lower-cost power supply option for Elfin Cove than continued purchase and consumption of diesel fuel. Use of the hydro project's excess energy or growth in ECUC demand significantly increases the cost savings offered by the hydro project. The comparative analysis also considered a range of other project configurations. These other configurations are discussed in Appendix G. For the analysis, capital costs are assumed to be amortized on a 100% debt basis, annual costs for repair, operation, and maintenance of the hydro project were estimated, and savings from reduced fuel usage and diesel power plant operations and maintenance costs were estimated. ECUC' s general and administrative costs were held constant. Major assumptions used in the economic analysis of the project are detailed below in Table 4-1. These assumptions are discussed in greater detail in Appendix G. Table 4-1: Assumptions Used for Economic Analysis Parameter Annual ECUC Electric Demand ECUC Fuel Efficiency Annual ECUC Fuel Usage for Electricity Generation Per Gallon Fuel Cost to ECUC (annual cost) Total Annual ECUC Fuel Costs Fuel Costs Displaced by Hydro Project Load Projections Project Financing Percent of Project Financed with Debt Debt term Debt interest rate Rest discount rate Value 359,000 kWh 12.5 kWh generated per gallon 28,720 gallons $4.00 per gallon (2011 dollars) $114,880 (2011 dollars) $114,000 (2011 dollars) No growth Debt Financing lQOO,{, 30 years 6% 3% Table 4-2 summarizes the annual costs and savings of the recommended project, based upon debt financing for construction. The present value of these annual cash flows over the project's 50-year life is presented with and without the benefit of the excess electrical energy produced by the project. Table 4-2 presents these economic data for the base case estimates, and also presents a range of capital and operating costs considered possible for the project. A range of estimated electric rates with the project in-service is presented at the bottom of Table 4-2. This range reflects two variables: (1) whether revenues are earned from the project's excess energy and (2) whether the community receives grant funds for construction costs. June 2011-Fina] Report 20 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polmonsult Alaska, Inc. G Table 4-2: Summary of Economic Data for Recommended Project Parameter HYDRO PROJECT COSTS Project Installed Cost (J) Annual ()perations, Maintenance, Repair & Replacement Costs (for 50years)<11 Annual Debt Paylllents(for 30years) (ll SalvageVall1e (at.ye~'f :}Q) PRESENT VALUE OF PROJECT COSTS HYDRO PROJECT BENEFITS (UTILITY FUEL SAVINGS ONLY) f.)ispli.J..<:ell'\~nt_ of Energy_Generated by Diesel Power plant Displa_<:e<]f.)iesel Fuel for Powerpl<mt (gallons) Annual Value of D~~placed Fue! (for 50years) <1l PRESENT VALUE OF PROJECT BENEFITS (UTILITY FUEL SAVINGS ONLY) BENEFIT-COST RATIO (UTILITY FUEL SAVINGS ONLY) HYDRO PROJECT BENEFITS (UTILITY FUEL SAVINGS +EXCESS ENERGY USAGE) Net Excess Hy~ro Energy(kWh Displaced Heating~uel (gall()ns peryea'f)(11 Annual V a! ue of Di~placed l-J_eatiJ1g Fuel(ci()lla:s per year) PRESENT VALUE OF PROJECT BENEFITS (INCLUDING EXCESS ENERGY) BENEFIT-COST RATIO (COUNTING EXCESS ENERGY BENEFIT) Values Used for Economic Analysis (Base Case) $1.85M $118,600 $2.54M 356,100 28,500 $114,000 $2.93M 1.15 241,600 6,800 ' '" ''''"''~ ''''" $27,200 $3.63M 1.44 Range of Probable Values $1.64M-$2.06M $103,600-$134,100 $2.26M -$2.82M 356,100 28,500 $2.93M 1.04-1.30 $27,200 $3.63M 1.29 1.61 100'}(, Debt Financedf>roject (21 . $0.43 0.47 per kWh $0.39-0.51 per kWh Estimated ECUC Electric Rate -100% Grant Financed Project (21 $0.10-0.14 per kWh $0.10-0.14 per kWh (1) See Appendix G for assumptions used in the economic analysis and the project cost estimate. (2) The range of electric rates considers utility finances with and without revenue from the sale of excess hydroelectricity from the project. Excess energy revenues are calculated based on a hypothetical sales rate of $0.06 per kWh for interruptible service. For a system with 90% efficiency, this rate is approximately equal to a fuel price of $2.80 per gallon, which is a 30% discount at a fuel price of $4.00 per gallon. June 2011-Final Report 21 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polmonsult Alaska, ln<.G 4.1 PROJECT SIZING ANALYSIS A range of project configurations was evaluated to determine the recommended configuration to meet Elfin Cove's needs. Evaluation of each project configuration considered: • Prime energy furnished by the hydro project (displacement of diesel-fired generation); • Probable costs associated with construction, operation, and maintenance of the hydro project; • Constructability and maintainability of the project, and; • The amount of excess energy generated by the hydro project (potential displacement of heating fuel or other uses). In addition to general project sizing parameters, two major project configuration options were evaluated as part of this analysis: • Whether to install a power recovery turbine on the Crooked Creek diversion, and • Whether to construct a dam at the Jim's Lake outlet to increase the amount of storage. Analysis of these options determined that a power recovery turbine on the Crooked Creek diversion is justified, whereas a dam at Jim's Lake is not. These and other findings are discussed in greater detail in Appendix H. 4.2 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS A sensitivity analysis was performed to determine how sensitive the economic analysis conclusions are to variations in assumptions and input parameters. The assumptions and inputs reviewed and the results are summarized in Table 4-3. For each variable, the input range considered, resulting range of benefit-cost ratio, and value that results in a benefit-cost ratio of 1.0 are presented. The project is most sensitive to three parameters: • Installed cost, • Financing cost, and • Fuel cost. Installed Cost Construction cost overruns on small hydroelectric systems such as those recommended for Elfin Cove can significantly reduce the project benefits. Proper project design and construction management are key to a successful on-budget project. An adaptive design that can quickly address changing field conditions using on-site materials, equipment, and labor will help to control construction costs. Also, selecting a contractor with local experience or using force- account construction with a capable superintendent is recommended to help control construction costs. June 2011 -Final Report 22 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Pola«onsult Alaska, Inc.G Parameter Installed Cost Load Growth Annual Operations Costs Financing Rate Cost of Fuel Percent Utilization of Excess Energy Environmental Attributes Sales Price Table 4-3: Sensitivity Analysis Results Base Case Value Range Range of (Benefit Cost Ratio Resulting Benefit- of 1.15) Considered Cost Ratio $1,850,000 +/-25% 0.9 to 1.6 No growth -25% to +200% t2l 0.9 to 1.7 $17,470/yr +/-50% 1.1 to 1.3 6% 0 to 8% 1.0 to 2.3 $4.00 per gallon $1.50 to $6.00 0.4 to 1.8 0% 0% to 100% 1.2 to 1.4 $0.00 per kWh $0.00 to $0.03 1.2 to 1.7 (1) The feasibility-level project cost estimate includes a 20% contingency on the construction cost. Value for Benefit-Cost Ratio of l.OQ(ll $2,146,000 (16°1<, over cost estimateOl) -17% $34,100/yr (195% over cost estimate) 7.6% $3.45/gal NA NA (2) Load growth cases assume a constant load over the project's economic life at the stated percentage of existing annual load. NA: Not applicable because variations in the parameter cannot result in a benefit-cost ratio of 1 or less. Financing Cost If the project is debt-financed, it will have a benefit-cost ratio of 1.0 or less if the interest rate on the debt exceeds approximately 7.6%. Government loan programs such as the State of Alaska's Power Project Fund offer interest rates capped at 6%. Lower rates are possible through this and similar government loan programs. Elfin Cove is also eligible for a variety of state and federal grant and loan guarantee programs that can help lower annual project costs. Fuel Cost The project's benefits are sensitive to the price of fuel. Under the 100% debt-financed base scenario for the project, the benefit-cost ratio is 1.00 at a fuel price of $3.45 per gallon. ECUC paid less than this for fuel as recently as 2005. While the long-term fuel cost is considered unlikely to be below $3.45 per gallon delivered in Elfin Cove, prices may fall below this price for a season or more in the early years that the project is operational. June 2011 -Final Report 23 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarronsult Alaska, lnc.G 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A two-system hydroelectric project with a run-of-river system between Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake and storage system between Jim's Lake and tidewater as recommended in this study will supply 99°k> of ECUC' s current year-round electrical demand in an average water year. The recommended project will also provide a substantial amount of excess energy, approximately equal to 88% of ECUC' s current average annual load. Most of this excess energy will be available during the winter months, and can be used to displace heating fuel. If ECUC load increases in the future, the storage at Jim's Lake will allow nearly all of the project's output to be used to supply ECUC load. At an estimated installed cost of $1.85 million, the recommended project has a direct benefit- cost ratio of 1.15 compared to continued reliance on diesel fuel for electrical generation. If the significant amount of excess energy generated by the project is put to beneficial use, the project's benefit-cost ratio increases to 1.44. Based on the findings of this study, continued development of the project is warranted, as it can provide a significant long-term benefit to Elfin Cove. The next major steps to develop the project are: 1. Start the permitting process. The recommended project configuration may be eligible for a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) licensing exemption, which is expected to be less costly and faster than a FERC license. Initial communications with the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) (the land owner) indicate they may be supportive of an exemption process. An agency scoping process should occur early in the permitting process to define any environmental studies needed to issue permits. 2. Continue to collect hydrology data at Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake. Existing gauging stations and equipment are adequate to continue collecting hydrology data at both sites. Routine maintenance to replenish power supplies, measure flows, and download data are necessary. 3. Conduct a limited load study to better characterize ECUC peak loads during the summer months. Existing data indicates ECUC experiences high peak loads during the summer. Characterizing the frequency and duration of these peak loads will help verify whether the lower project capacity recommended in this study is optimal. The load study should include a survey of self-generating practices of the lodges in Elfin Cove. 4. Complete project designs and prepare design and construction documents. Decide on a construction management methodology. 5. Other Alaska communities are currently designing and deploying interruptible energy dispatch systems. Elfin Cove should monitor these efforts to evaluate how well the June 2011 Final Report 24 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Pola«onsult Alaska, In<. tiS, systems perform and to help guide how the hydro project's excess energy can best be used. 5.1 DEVELOPMENT PLAN & SCHEDULE The major steps to advance a hydro project for Elfin Cove are listed below. 1. Prepare and submit permit applications for the project, starting with a declaration of intent to FERC and correspondence with the U.S. Forest Service. 2. Complete designs for the project. 3. Obtain all permits required for the project. 4. Secure construction funding. 5. Construction. The expected schedule for completion of the recommended hydro project is presented in Figure 5-1. This schedule is based on best-available information. Figure 5-1: Project Development Schedule June 2011 -Final Report 25 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study June 2011 -Final Report Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polmonsult Alaska, Inc G APPENDIX A-MAPS AND FIGURES June 2011-Final Report Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polmonsult Alaska, Inc. 4 June 2011 Final Report Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. G u Figure A-1: Project Overview and Location Map STATE INDEX MAP 0 250 E3 E3 I wus FAIRBANKS ANCHORAGE JUNEAU PROJECT VICINITY MAP ~ ~ D~NAG.E BASIN 13JJUNDARY (TYP,) ~ It N I N I /t. ~ o 4ooo \ E3 E3 June 2011 -Final Report A-1 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. G Figure A-2: Map of Recommended Crooked Creek I Jim's Lake Project June 2011 -Final Report 0 1/8 1/4 E3 E3 MILES f:l INTAKE/DIVERSION LOCATION 0 POWERHOUSE LOCATION PENSTOCK ROUTE CREEK ACCESS / POWER UNE NOTES: 1. DRAWING IS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURES ARE APPROXIMATE. A-2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. G Figure A-3: Graphical Index of Photographs Included in Appendix B 0 21 F3 F3 Fm \ NOTE: LARGE BOULDERS ARE PRESENT THROUGHOUT ~ ~ THE EXTENT OF THIS "" \_ 't>'\ DETAIL, BUT ARE NOT ""'-.. ~ REPRESENTED IN THE ...,~ ' INSET DETAil OF CROOKED CREEK DIVERSION SITE June 2011 -Final Report MILES 1::. INTAKE/D IVERSION LOCATION 0 POWERHOUSE LOCATION NOTES: PENSTOCK ROUTE CREEK ACCESS / POWER LINE PHOTOGRAPH LOCATION AND ORIENTATION 1. DRAWING IS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE RPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURES ARE APPROXIMATE. A-3 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study June 2011 -Final Report Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarronsult Alaska, Inc. f!l, APPENDIX B-PHOTOGRAPHS NOTE: FIGURE A-3 PROVIDES A MAP INDEX OF THE PHOTOGRAPHS IN APPENDIX B. June 2011 Final Report Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polan:onsult Alaska, lnc.G Photograph B-1 : Aerial View of Small Sandy Beach, Jim's Lake, and Crooked Creek Small Sandy Beach. Proposed powerhouse site. El: 20' Aerial view of the Crooked Creek I Jim's Lake Project area. July 6, 2009. Polarconsult. June 2011 -Final Report Jim's Lake El: 333' C-1 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study June 2011 -Final Report Polauonsult Alaska, Inc. G Photograph B-2: Crooked Creek Gauging Station I Intake Site, Looking Upstream Note large boulders in background (covered in vegetation). These are part of a larger boulder field (see Photograph B-19) believed to be from a mass wasting event spawned from cliffs to the left in this view. Similar cliffs are adjacent to this intake site (See Photograph B-1). Crooked Creek is flowing at 3.71 cfs. October 9, 2009. Polarconsult. Photograph B-3: Crooked Creek 50 Yards Above Gauging Station I Intake Site, Looking Upstream Crooked Creek runs at a gradient of 2% to 5% for approximately 1,4 mile above the gauging station I intake site. Crooked Creek is flowing at 1.0 cfs. July 8, 2009. Polarconsult. Photograph B-4: Crooked Creek Gauging Station I Intake Site, Looking Downstream The log that forms the outlet control for the gauging pool is evident. The data logger hardware is visible in the foreground. The diversion will be located at a small falls located 20 yards below the gauging station (red arrow). Crooked Creek is flowing at 2.41 cfs. August 10, 2010. Polarconsult . C-2 • • June 2011 -Final Report Pola<consult Alaska, Inc.~ Photograph B-5: Crooked Creek at Gauging Station I Intake Site, Looking to South View at the gauging station looking in the direction of Jim's Lake. Terrain is level for 20 feet beyond the south bank of Crooked Creek and then climbs at a l:Ph slope. Crooked Creek is flowing at 2.41 cfs. August 10, 2010. Polarconsult. Photograph B-6: Crooked Creek at Gauging Station I Intake Site, Looking to N orth View looking at the north bank of Crooked Creek at the gauging station I intake site. ECUC Project Manager Jane Button is standing near the edge of the valley floor amidst boulders 5 to 20 feet in size . The valley wall is a nearly vertical rock face . Ms. Button is approximately 80 feet from the north bank of Crooked Creek. August 12, 2010. Polarconsult. Photograph B-7: Cliffs North of Crooked Creek Gauging Station I Intake Site View of cliffs and rock outcrops on the north side of Crooked Creek Valley overlooking the gauging station I intake site. This view is directly above Photograph B-6. Augus t 12, 2010. Polarconsult. C-3 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study June 2011 -Final Report Polmonsult Alaska, Inc.G Photograph B-8: Crooked Creek 100 Yards Below Gauging Station I Intake Site, Looking Downstream Approximately 20 yards d ownstream of the p r oposed d iversion site, Crooked Creek's gradient increases to 15-40%, and flows over large bould ers. This view is approximately 100 yard s d ownstream of the intake site. August 10, 2010. Polarconsult . Photograph B-9: Typical Terrain and Vegetation Along Penstock Route Between Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake View looking towards Jim's Lake along the p enstock route approximate ly 350 feet from the Crooked Creek d iversion site. The terrain and vegetation is representative of the penstock route for the upper project. August 12, 2010. Polarconsult. Photograph B-10: V i ew of Upper Powerhouse Site looking Northeast Across Jim's Lake View looking northeast across Jim's Lake. The approximate upper powerhouse site is indicated by the red arrow. August 10, 2010. Polarconsult. C-4 • • Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study June 2011-Final Report Polan:onsult Alaska, Inc. G Photograph B-11: Bathymetric Survey of Jim's Lake Polarconsult engineer Joel Groves cond ucting a b athymetric survey of Jim's Lake. July 9, 2009. Polarconsult . Photograph B-12: Jim's Lake Creek Gauging Station The weir is visible at the lower left of the photograph. August 10, 2010 . Polarconsult. Photograph B-13: Typical Peat Bogs in Project Vicinity A peat bog located at an elevation of about 120 to 150 feet between tid ewater and Jim's Lake. Brown areas in the fo r egroun d are norm ally ponds. July 2009 was the 2nd driest July on record in Elfin Cove. July 8, 2009. Polarconsult. C-5 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarconsult Alaska, In<. G TO ELFIN COVE June 2011 -Final Report Photograph B-14: Penstock Route through Ravine Below Jim's Lake The lower p enst ock will pass through this small ravine immedia tely d ownstream of Jim's Lake. The ravine is approxim a tely 20 feet deep and has 1:1 sidewalls. Jim's Lake Creek is flowing at 0.42 cfs. August 10, 2010. Polarconsult. Photograph B-15: Site Overview from Offshore This vantage point provid es a good overview of the relative p osi tions and visibility of the key p r oject features from sea level along Port Althorp near the coast. August 11, 2010. Polarconsult. PENSTOCKS & ACCESS JIM'S LAKE (NOT VISIBLE) C-6 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study June 2011-Final Report Polan:onsult Alaska, Inc.6 Photograph B-16: View of Lower Powerhouse Site Looking North The lower powerhou se will be located am o n gst the conifer trees at the head of the beach in this photograph. There are 50 to 80-foo t tall rock cliffs that rise behind the beach under these trees. August 12 , 2010. Polarconsult. Photograph B-17: Typical View o f Power Line Route Between Project and Elfin Cove Terrain is typically moderate slopes of 10% to 25% and vegetated by mature conifer forest. July 7, 2009. Polarconsult. Photograph B-18: Soils Along Power Line Route Between Project and Elfin Cov e This u prooted tree reveals a shallow organic soil layer overlaying m ineral soils containing abundant angular rocks up to approximately 12 to 18 inches in size. July 7, 2009 . Polarconsult. C-7 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polauonsult Alaska, Inc. G June 2011 -Final Report Photograph B-19: Debris Field Upst ream from Crooked Creek Intake Site This debris field extend s to the proposed intake site on Crooked Creek. Pol arconsu lt engin eer Dan Her trich is sitting on a 20-foot b ould er. Cliffs overlooking this site are similar to those above the intake site shown in Photograph B-7. July 8, 2009. Polarconsult. t Photograph B-20: Debris Field in Elfin Cove This debris field is from a mass wasting event that occurred sometime after 1990. October 10, 2009. Polarconsult. Photograph B-21: Debris Field along Power Lin e Route This debris field, located ad jacent to the proposed power line route between Jim's Lake and Elfin Cove, is from a mass wasting event that occurred sometime after 2002. July 7, 2009. Polarconsult. C -8 • Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polmonsult Alaska, Inc. G. APPENDIX C-HYDROLOGY DATA C.1: Available Hydrology Data pages C-1 to C-2 C.2: Jim's Lake Bathymetry page C-3 C.3: Stream Gauge Station Information pages C-4 to C-8 C.4: Crooked Creek Hydrology Data pages C-9 to C-11 C.S: Jim's Lake Outlet Hydrology Data pages C-12 to C-14 C.6: Roy's Creek Hydrology Data pages C-15 to C-16 June 2011-Final Report Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarronsult Alaska, Inc. G June 2011 Final Report Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polan:onsult Alaska, Inc. G Approximately 2.7 years of hydrology data have been collected at both Crooked Creek and jim's Lake Creek, and approximately 1.2 years of data have been collected at Roy's Creek. 4 Gauging stations remain in service at all three sites. Each gauging station is described in Section C.3. This Appendix summarizes the hydrology data and analysis used for this study. Appendix] provides the daily stage and calculated flow data for all three gauging stations in tabular form. This hydrology information is used to determine the appropriate installed capacity of the hydroelectric project, evaluate the expected performance of the project, and determine the magnitude of flood flows on each creek. Moreover, this hydrology information can help assess the effect the project may have on the natural environment. C.l AVAILABLE HYDROLOGY DATA Existing hydrology data is summarized in Table C-1. Flow measurements at the gauging stations near Elfin Cove are summarized in Table C-2. Hydrographs, stage-discharge curves, flow duration curves, and station notes for the three gauges are included on pages C-9 through C-16. Table C~l: Summary of Hydrology Data for Elfin Cove Hydroelectric Resources Location Crooked Creek at diversion site Jim's Lake Creek at lake outlet Roy's Creek at intake site USGS GaugeiD Basin Size (sq.mi.) 0.56 0.10 0.42 Site Elevation latitudel1l longitudel1l (ft) (I) 478.0 58°10'40" 333.2 Begin Date End Date 7 /6/841 2) 2/13/8512) 8/22/08 Current 7/6/84121 2/11/85121 8/22/08 Current 480 (est.) 58°11'29" 136°20'03" 10/9/09 Current Number of Daily Recordsi31 202 752 202 821 462 (1) Coordinates for U.S. Geological Survey gauges are in North American Datum of 1927 (NAD 27}. All other coordinates are in NAD 83. Elevations are in mean high water at Elfin Cove. (2) Count of available daily records. Gauges may have been in service for a longer period. {3) The record count for current gauging stations reflects data through the most recent download on May 9, 2011. While a hydroelectric project at Roy's Creek is not considered in this study, hydrology data for the site is included in this Appendix for reference should that resource be investigated in the future. June 2011 Final Report C-1 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Table C-2: Flow Measurements for Elfin Cove Hydroelectric Resources Date/Time Party Flow Stage Method I Equipment (cfs) (ft) Crooked Creek at Diversion Site (1984 to 1985) 7/6/1984 13:30 Ireland/ Collazzi 0.8 0.71 Marsh McBimey(ll 11/20/1984 10:15 Ireland/ Collazzi 2.72 0.84 Marsh McBimey 3/2/198510:15 Ireland/ Collazzi 2.29 0.7 Marsh McBirney 3/11/1986 11:47 Ireland/ Collazzi 1.47 0.6 Marsh McBimey Crooked Creek at Diversion Site (2008 to 2010) 7/26/2008 15:15 Button/ Christensen 2.33 7.7 Pygmy Meter<"l 7/27/2008 16:20 Button/ Christensen 4.35 7.76 Pygmy Meter 8/22/2008 14:30 Button/ Christensen 5.38 7.92 Pygmy Meter 6/1/2009 11 :39 Button/ Christensen 4.17 7.73 Pygmy Meter 6/28/2009 16:40 Button/ Christensen 1.3 7.6 Pygmy Meter 7/9/2009 10:55, 11:20 Groves/ Hertrich 0.98 I 0.94 7.54 Hanna Meterl3l 9/4/2009 11:15, 11:40 Groves/ Glendoing 0.84/0.93 7.54 Hanna Meter 10/9/2009 12:50 Groves/ Christensen 3.71 7.68 Hanna Meter 12/9/2009 13:45 Button/ Christensen 1.07 7.52 Hanna Meter 8/10/2010 11:40, 12:15 Groves/ Button 2.41/2.25 7.62 Hanna Meter Jim's Lake Creek at Lake Outlet (1984 to 1985) 7/6/1984 11:15 Ireland/ Collazzi/ Wild 0.23 Marsh McBirney 11/20/1984 9:00 Ireland/ Collazzi 0.93 0.57 Marsh McBimey 3/2/1985 9:30 Ireland/ Collazzi 0.25 0.125 Marsh McBimey 3/11/1986 10:00 Ireland/ Collazzi 0.75 0.35 Marsh McBimey Jim's Lake Creek at Lake Outlet (2008 to 2009) 7/25/200812:30 Button/ Christensen 3.42 4.18 Pygmy Meter 7/26/2008 10:45 Button/ Christensen 1.3 3.82 Pygmy Meter 8/22/2008 12:45 Button/ Christensen 0.11 3.7 Pygmy Meter 6/1/2009 10:00 Button/ Christensen 0.54 3.73 Pygmy Meter 6/28/2009 18:00 Button/ Christensen 0.04 3.61 Pygmy Meter 7/9/2009 12:15, 12:30 Groves/ Hertrich 0.091 I 0.091 3.56 Hanna Meter 9/4/2009 10:00, 10:15 Groves/ Glendoing 0.219/0.217 3.52 Hanna Meter 10/9/2009 13:45 Groves/ Christensen 0.44 3.62 Hanna Meter Jim's Lake Creek at Lake Outlet (2009 to 2010)1 4 l 10/9/2009 14:05 Groves/ Christensen 0.44 3.69 Hanna Meter 12/9/2009 14:15 Button/ Christensen 0.219 3.68 Hanna Meter 8/10/201010:30, 10:45 Groves/ Button 0.421 I 0.422 3.72 Hanna Meter Roy's Creek at Intake Site (2009 to 2010) 9/3/0917:00 Groves 1.06 Hanna Meter 10/8/2009 16:45, 17:00 Groves/ Christensen 3.05/2.72 1.27 Hanna Meter 12/9/2009 11:45 Button/ Christensen 0.66 1.09 Hanna Meter 8/13/2010 11:30, 12:20 Groves/ Button 1.05/1.07 1.17 Hanna Meter (1) Current velocity stream flow method with March McBirney current velocity meter (model unknown). (2) Current velocity stream flow method with Pygmy current velocity meter. (3) Sudden dose salt integration stream flow method with Hanna HI 9828 conductivity meter. (4) A small weir was installed on October 9, 2009, to stabilize and improve the section at the gauge. '' Indicates data are not available. June 2011-Final Report C-2 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polmonsult Alaska, Im.G C.2 JIM'S LAKE BATHYMETRY The storage curve for Jim's Lake was calculated from bathymetry data collected in July 2009, and is presented in Figure C-1. 350 1 345 Figure C-1: Jim's Lake Storage Curve EST. MAXIMUM PRACTICAL SPILLWAY HEIGHT= 341 FEET ( + 8 FEET) ;3 340 ::c ::E ~ 335 NATURAL LAKE ELEVATION 333 FEET 1':1 .... t/) Q,l ~ <':! ....l 330 ESTIMATED MAXIMUM PRACTICAL DRA WDOWN = 325 FEET (-8 FEET) 325 1-------------------------~~---- 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Available Storage (ac-ft) The storage curve for Jim's Lake was used to model reservoir stage in the generation dispatch models discussed in Appendix H. June 2011 Final Report C-3 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polmonsult Alaska, Inc. G. C.3 STREAM GAUGE STATION INFORMATION C.3.1 1984-86 Installations at Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Creek According to Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR) personnel, the 1984 to 1986 Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Creek stage data was measured with vented pressure transducers and recorded on data loggers manufactured by Bob Dryden. 5 The only data recovered from the 1984 to 1986 stream gauging efforts at Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Creek was a sheaf of dot matrix printouts covering the period July 1984 through February 1985 and ADNR' s flow measurement data for both sites. The dot matrix printouts include date, stage, and calculated flow. ADNR' s stream flow database includes four measurements at each site from the 1984 to 1986 period (Table C-2). The stage and calculated flow data on the printouts for both gauging stations were compared with the 1984 to 1986 flow measurements and the stage-discharge equations for the current stations located at the same sites. The Jim's Lake Creek dot matrix printout data was consistent with both the 1980s ADNR flow measurements and contemporary data, so the calculated flow data was not modified. The Crooked Creek dot matrix printout data did not correlate well with the 1980s field measurements in the ADNR database or contemporary data. The stage-discharge equation for the current Crooked Creek gauging station was adapted to fit the flow measurements collected in 1984 to 1986, and used to recalculate flows from the reported stage data. These data are presented with current data for each gauging station in Section C.4 and Section C.S for Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Creek, respectively. C.3.2 Current Installation -Crooked Creek Gauging Station at Diversion Site In August 2008, ECUC installed a new gauging station in the vicinity of the 1984 to 1986 Crooked Creek gauging station. The gauging station at Crooked Creek is in a pool 20 yards upstream of the proposed diversion structure. The outlet of this pool is controlled by a large log embedded in gravel lying at a slight angle to the water's surface and nearly perpendicular to the direction of flow. The channel at the log is approximately 13 feet wide (See Photographs B-2 and B-4). From August 24, 2008 through October 9, 2009, Crooked Creek stage data was measured and recorded with a Hobo U-20 series sealed level logger manufactured by Onset, Inc. This sensor was installed inside a three-inch diameter perforated plastic stilling well fastened to a boulder at the edge of the pool. Atmospheric pressure fluctuations were measured with a single Hobo U-20 series atmospheric pressure logger ('barologger') installed at the Crooked Creek gauging station. Stage data at this station was calculated by subtracting atmospheric pressure from the absolute pressure measured by the sealed in-stream sensor. Roy Ireland, ADNR hydrologist, personal communication. 2009. June 2011 Final Report C-4 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polmonsult Alaska, lnc,G The barologger experienced data quality problems in cold weather during the winter of 2008-09. Substantial data gaps in November December 2008 and January 2009 are due to these problems. The data gap from early February 2009 through the end of June 2009 is due to the data logger memory being full. On October 9, 2009, the Hobo hardware at Crooked Creek was replaced with an Acculevel vented pressure transducer manufactured by Keller America, Inc., fitted to a MONITOR-4 data logger manufactured by Sutron, Inc. This hardware is powered by four D-celllithium batteries.6 Batteries must be replaced annually. An attempt to replace the batteries in December 2010 was unsuccessful due to defective replacement batteries, and the original batteries failed on February 24, 2011. New batteries were installed on May 9, 2011. As of this date, the equipment remains in service at the gauging station. C.3.3 Current Installation-Jim's Lake Creek Gauging Station at Lake Outlet In August 2008, ECUC installed a new gauging station in the vicinity of the 1984 to 1986 Jim's Lake Creek gauging station at the lake outlet. The gauging station at Jim's Lake Creek is about 10 feet downstream of the lake outlet in a shallow pool formed by loose rocks sitting on a weathered bedrock stream bed. After several measurements in the summer of 2009, it was determined that this section was not stable, resulting in inconsistent stage-discharge measurements. On October 9, 2009, a small weir was built of local materials in an effort to stabilize the stage discharge relationship at this location (See photograph B-12). From August 24, 2008 through October 9, 2009, Jim's Lake Creek stage data was measured and recorded with a sealed Hobo U-20 series level logger manufactured by Onset, Inc. This sensor was installed inside a three-inch diameter perforated plastic stilling well secured to the earthen bank with boards and spikes. Atmospheric pressure fluctuations were measured with the barologger installed at the Crooked Creek gauging station. Stage data at this station was calculated by subtracting atmospheric pressure at Crooked Creek from the absolute pressure measured by the sealed in-stream sensor. Using the Crooked Creek barologger to correct for atmospheric fluctuations at the Jim's Lake Creek gauging station created noise in the stage data at the Jim's Lake Creek gauging station. This noise was due to transient atmospheric pressure differences (windy conditions) between the Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Creek gauging stations. The same cold weather performance problems with the barologger resulted in loss of useful data at Jim's Lake Creek for the November 2008 to January 2009 period. In August 2010, a 5-watt amorphous silicon solar panel was tested at the gauging station, but failed to work due to the low ambient light at the site. June 2011 -Final Report C-5 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Pola•wnsult Alaska, In<. G On October 9, 2009, the barologger was moved to the jim's Lake Creek station to improve atmospheric correction at this station. The barologger was mounted in a large vented desiccant canister to improve cold weather performance. The Hobo sealed pressure transducer installed in 2008 remains in service at the Jim's Lake outlet station. The barologger did not exhibit cold weather problems during the winter of 2009-10. Manual stage readings on December 11, 2010 and May 9, 2011 indicate a discrepancy between actual and recorded creek stage. At this time, the cause of this discrepancy has not been determined. Because of this discrepancy, calculated flow is not reported after December 11, 2010. As of May 9, 2011, the data logger equipment remains in service at the gauging station. The internal batteries for the Hobo data loggers have a typical service life of five years. These batteries should be replaced in the summer of 2013. C.3.4 Current Installations-Roy's Creek Gauging Station at Diversion Site While the Community of Elfin Cove is not actively considering development of Roy's Creek, this gauging station will remain active through the winter of 2010-11 to collect sufficient data to support any future study of this resource. Interim data is included in this study to facilitate such efforts. On October 9, 2009, an Acculevel vented pressure transducer manufactured by Keller America, Inc. was installed at an elevation of approximately 430 feet on Roy's Creek. The sensor is installed in a three-inch diameter HOPE stilling tube mounted to a large boulder in a small plunge pool about 50 yards upstream from the waterfall. The outlet control for this pool is a series of large boulders interlocked with smaller bed materials and resting on bedrock. This sensor is fitted to a MONITOR-4 data logger manufactured by Sutron, Inc. This hardware is powered by four D-cell lithium batteries.7 Batteries must be replaced annually. An attempt to replace the batteries in December 2010 was unsuccessful due to defective replacement batteries, and the original batteries failed on january 11, 2011. New batteries were installed on May 9, 2011.. As of this date, the equipment remains in service at the gauging station. Stage data, flow data, the stage-discharge curve, and the flow duration curve are presented in Section C.6. C.3.5 Flow Measurements and Station Calibration To calibrate each gauging station, ECUC performed several flow measurements at the Crooked Creek and jim's Lake gauging stations during 2008 and 2009 using a pygmy current velocity meter. Polarconsult and ECUC personnel conducted additional flow measurements in 2009 and 2010 to complete calibration of all three gauging stations (Table C-2). The resulting stage- discharge calibration curves for the three stations are presented in Sections C.4 -C.6. The stage- discharge equations and methodology are discussed in this section and the equation parameters are summarized in Tables C-3 and C-4. In August 2010, a 5-watt amorphous silicon solar panel was tested at the gauging station, but failed to work due to the low ambient light at the site. June 2011 -Final Report C-6 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Pola"onsult Alaska, Inc. G The existing flow measurements and calibrated sections of the stage discharge curves at all three stations have good confidence at low and medium flows, which are of primary interest for hydropower assessment. Additional high-flow measurements at all three stations would be useful to increase confidence in the upper end of the stage-discharge curves. These data would improve estimates of infrequent high flow events that have limited hydropower value, but are important for design of the diversion structures. Stage-discharge curves at each station were developed using Manning's equation for open channel flow (Equation C-1). Equation C-1: Q = 1.49 n -1 A R 213 So 1'2 Where: Q =flow in cubic feet per second n =roughness coefficient A =area, in square feet R =hydraulic radius(= AlP) P = wetted perimeter in feet So slope in feet per feet Table C-3: Manning Equation Parameters for Gauging Stations Gauging Station and Epoch Crooked Creek Intake Site (1984 1985) Crooked Creek Intake Site (2008-2010) Jim's Lake Creek at Lake Outlet (1984 -1985) Jim's Lake Creek at Lake Outlet (2008-2010) Roy's Creek Intake Site (2009 -201 0) N (roughness coefficient) 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.04 So (Slope in feet/foot) 0.0016 0.0016 A p (Sectional area, (Wetted square feet) perimeter, feet) Calculated from creek section parameters listed in Table C-4. Unchanged from original ADNR calculations 0.002 0.055 Calculated from creek section parameters listed in Table C-4. Initial values of So and n were selected based on the physical characteristics of the site, and adjusted until calculated flows and measured flows were in good agreement. These values are listed in Table C-3. The area (A) and wetted perimeter (P) of the creek at the gauging station are both functions of the stage and the shape of the creek bed. A model of the creek bed profile was developed for each gauging station, and was used to compute A and P over the range of observed stages. Models of the creek bed section profiles for each gauging station are listed in Table C-4 and an example illustration is shown in Figure C-2. The computed A and P were then entered into Equation C-1 to determine flow. June 2011 Final Report C-7 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Pol..-consult Alaska, In<. G. Table C-4: Creek Sections used to Calculate A and Pat Gauging Stations Gauging Station and E~::och Segment L2 Segment L1 Center Segment Rl Segment R2 Crooked Creek Intake Site Slope= 0.05 Slope= 1.00 4.5' wide Slope= 1.00 Slope 0.05 (1984 1985) Stage 2.70' Stage = 0.70' at 0.30' Stage= 0.75' Stage 2.75' Crooked Creek Intake Site Slope 0.05 Slope= 1.00 13.5' wide Slope= 1.00 Slope 0.05 (2008 -201 0) Stage= 9.71' Stage 7.71' at7.41' Stage 7.91' Stage= 9.91' Jim's Lake Creek at Lake Slope= 0.87 Slope= 2.00 1.65' wide Slope= 0.67 Slope= 0.43 Outlet (2008-2009) Stage 6.35' Stage= 4.15' at 3.35' Stage 3.95' Stage 6.35' Jim's Lake Creek at Lake Same as 2008-09 curve, stage data for model shifted +0.07' Outlet (2009-2010) Roy's Creek Intake Site Slope= 1.00 Slope 4.00 1.5' wide Slope 0.30' Slope= 2.00 (2009 -201 0) Stage= 10.93' Sta~e = 5. 93' at 0.93' Sta~e = 2.93' Sta~e = 10.93' Figure C-2: Model Used for Creek Section Profile at Jim's Lake Creek 7.0 6.0 Segment R2 -s :I -5.0 ru 0 4.0 3.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Creek Profile Station in feet (Looking Downstream) June 2011 -Final Report C-8 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. G C.4 CROOKED CREEK HYDROLOGY DATA Figure C-3: Crooked Creek Stage-Discharge Curves 100.0 -·--··----I r -----... - 1 I I 10.0 til ~ Qj ~ ..= OJ rll 0 1.0 0 7.4 7 .6 7 .8 •• 8.0 • ~ 8.2 l • 2008-10 STAGE-DISCHARGE CURVE + 2008-10 DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS • 1984-85 Stage-Discharge Curve 0 1984-85 Discharge Measurements 8.4 8 .6 8.8 Stage (feet, station datum) Figure C-4: Crooked Creek Flow Duration Curves 9.0 100.0 -2008-20 11 Flow Data -1984-85 Flow Data 0.1 +------,-----,------,------,-----,------,-----,------,------,-----, 0% 200<> 30?o 40~o 50°o 60°·o 70% 80°o Perce nt of Time Flow is Equa lled or Exceeded June 2011 -Final Report C-9 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polmonsult Alaska, Inc.G Figure C-5: 1984 -1985 Crooked Creek Stage Data 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 +-----+-----+-----,-------r------,-----,------,-----' 7/1/84 8/1/84 9/1/84 10/1/84 11/1/84 12/1/84 Figure C-6: 1984 -1985 Crooked Creek Flow Data 100 ··-- 1/1/85 2/1/85 ------1 I I l 10+--~-~---~-+--~--+--_,r-+---~-+~---~--~-+~ J. }J\J ~~J v \~ ~~\ \) 'Itt< w \ ~ ~ ~ Jl 1 ftJ 7/1/84 8/1/84 9/1/84 10/1/84 11/1/84 12/1/84 1/1/85 2/l/&.r; June 2011 -Final Report C-10 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polar<onsult Alaska, Inc. G Figure C-7: 2008 -2011 Crooked Creek Stage Data 9.0 ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, 8.8 -8 8.6 ::s ~ "tJ 84 = . 0 .... -.:g 8.2 Cll ..,;- QJ ~ 8.0 -QJ 0.0 s 7.8 tr.J 7.6 ll 7.4 1-------~--~~~------~------~~----~------~------~------~-------r------~--~~~--~ m~oo 10/2/2008 1/1/2009 4/2/2009 7/3/2009 10/2/2009 1/1/2010 4/2/2010 7/3/2010 10/2/2010 1/1/2011 4/2/2011 Figure C-8: 2008 -2011 Crooked Creek Flow Data 100.0 ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 10.0 -Cll ....... c:.J -~ 0 -~ 1.0 X 'i W1'iU ~r li ~~I l l II ~I 1'1 11 X ~' , I 1 f I ., I''~ I I 'I ---Flow, calculated )( Flow, nneasured -... --- X 0.1 ~--------~--------~--------~--------~--------~--------~--------~--------~--------~--------~----~--~----- 7/3/2008 10/2/2008 1/1/2009 4/2/2009 7/3/2009 10/2/2009 1/1/2010 4/2/2010 7/3/2010 10/2/2010 1/1/2011 4/2/2011 June 2011 -Final Report C-11 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study PolMconsult Alaska, Inc. G C.5 JIM'S LAKE CREEK HYDROLOGY DATA Figure C-9: 2008-2009 and 2009-2011 Jim's Lake Creek Stage-Discharge Curves 10.00 .-----------------·------------------------------------------------, 1.00 0.10 I • • • • Discharge Curve (2008-09) A Measured Stage & Flow (2008-09) • Dis charge Curve (2009-10) • Measured Stage & Flow (2009-10) (2008 -09 curve is valid before 101912009, and 2009-10 curve is valid after.) 0.01 +-------~------~------~------~------~r-------~------.-------4 3.2 3.4 3.6 3 .8 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 Stage (feet, station datum) Fieure C-10: 1984-1985 and 2008-2011 Tim's Lake Creek Flow Duration Curve 10.0 1.0 June 2011 -Final Report 2008-2011 . Flow D~ta ---• 1984 -19&''i Flow Data '--------- 30% 40°o 50°6 60°~ 70% 80% 90% Percent of Time Flow is Equalled or Exceeded C-12 4 .8 100% Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. G 1.50 1.00 0.50 Figure C-11: 1984-1985 Jim's Lake Creek Stage Data ----,-------.-----T . . I I I I 0.00 +-------t-------+-----+------,1-----t-----+-----t-------' 7/1/84 8/1/84 9/1/84 10/1/84 11/l/84 12/l/84 1/1/85 2/1/85 Figure C-12: 1984-1985 Jim's Lake Creek Flow Data 10.00 - 0.01 +----~----+---~-------+----+----~----~-~ 7/1/84 8/1/84 9/l/84 10/1/84 11/1/84 12/1/84 1/1/85 2/1/85 June 2011 -Final Report C-13 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectricity Feasibility Study 4.7 4.5 -e ::s 4.3 .... tU "tS s:: 4.1 0 .... .... tU .... r./'J 39 ... . .... Q.l Q.l ~ 3.7 v Q.l bl) tU 3.5 .... trJ 3.3 3.1 7/3/2008 10/2/2008 1/1/2009 4/2/2009 10.00 I X \ j;;':v 1W:';I~•,:~ ;~;;1\~ 1.00 -1 X -r./'J ....... u -~ 0 -~ 0.10 ~ X 7/3/2009 ---Flow, calculated X Flow, measured X w X X 10/2/2009 1/1/2010 I~ 4/2/2010 7/3/2010 10/2/2010 Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. G Figure C-13: 2008-2011 Jim's Lake Creek Stage Data 1/l/2011 4/2/2011 Figure C-14: 2008-2011 Jim's Lake Creek Flow Data 0.01 ~--------~--------~--------~--------~----------r---------~--------~--------~--------~----------~--------~----~ 7/3/2008 10/2/2008 1/1/2009 4/2/2009 7/3/2009 10/2/2009 1/1/2010 4/2/2010 7/3/2010 10/2/2010 1/1/2011 4/2/2011 June 2011 -Final Report C-14 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. G C.6 ROY'S CREEK HYDROLOGY DATA Figure C-15: 2009-2011 Roy's Creek Stage-Discharge Curve 100.0 -,---------· -·--·------- 10.0 +--- 1.0 -t -------------· I I ·~· ~ i I I I .... I I ___ J ___ ----1 I I I l • Stage-Discharge Curve e Measured Discharge r--- 0.1 +--------~---------+--------~~-----------+---------~ 1.0 1.5 2.0 Stage 2.5 3.0 3.5 (feet, station datum) Figure C-16: 2009-2011 Roy's Creek Flow Duration Curve 100.0 10.0 I 1.0 j 0 .1 -1-----r-----i--- 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Percent of Time Flow is Equalled or Exceeded June 2011 -Final Report C-15 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. G Figure C-17: 2008-2011 Roy's Creek Stage Data 3.0 1.0 0.5+-------------r-----------~r-----------~-------------+-------------r--~ 10/2/2009 1/1/2010 4/2/2010 7/2/2010 10/2/2010 1/1/2011 Figure C-18: 2008-2011 Roy's Creek Flow Data 100.0 ~~--------·--;==========;--------------·---·--1 10.0 1.0 -Flow, calculated e Flow, measured 0.1 +-------,----------,----------,-----------,----------~~ 10/2/2009 1/1/2010 4/2/2010 7/2/2010 10/2/2010 1/1/2011 June 2011 -Final Report C-16 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Pola<eonsult Alaska, Inc. 4 APPENDIX D-RESOURCE DATA AND ANALYSIS D.l: Maximum Probable Flood page D-1 D.2: Review of Climate Effects pages D-2 to D-5 D.2.1: Analysis of Effects from Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) pages D-2 to D-4 D.2.2: Analysis of Effects from Long-Term Climate Change pages D-4 to D-5 D.3: Geotechnical Considerations pages D-5 to D-6 D.3.1: Area Geomorphology pages D-5 to D-6 D.3.2: Typical Vegetation page D-7 D.4: Tsunami Hazards pages D-8 to D-9 June 2011-Final Report Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study June 2011 -Final Report Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. G 0.1 Maximum Probable Flood Determining the maximum probable flood for Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Creek is important for (1) designing the in-stream diversion structure at Crooked Creek so it can withstand flood flows, and (2) determining the finished floor elevation of the upper system powerhouse so it is not flooded by Jim's Lake during storm events. Existing data from the gauging stations is compared with U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) statistical models for southeast Alaska streams to develop initial estimates of the 100-year flood flows for each creek. The USGS has developed statistical models to estimate the maximum probable floods for streams in southeast Alaska. These models are developed based on stream gauging data throughout the region, and specific parameters for the drainage basin of the stream of interest.8 USGS model input parameters and estimated flood flows are summarized in Table 0-1. The estimated 2-year flood flows in Table 0-1 are approximately 150% greater than the highest observed flows recorded at these stations since gauging resumed in July 2008. This is reasonable agreement, given the accuracy of the USGS estimation method and the length of record at these gauging stations. The estimated 100-year maximum probable flood flows are used for the conceptual designs described in this feasibility study. Table D-1: Maximum Probable Floods at Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Creek Parameter Basin Area (square miles)(JJ Mean Annual Precipitation (inches) (2) Percentage of Basin as Storage (lakes, ponds) Mean Minimum January Temperature (°F) (2) Estimated 500-year flood Estimated 100-year flood (Initial Estimate of Design Flood) Estimated 2-year flood Maximum Recorded Flow (1984-85, 2008-10) m Crooked Creek 0.56 100 0% 25 405 cfs 326 ds 125 cfs 88 cfs Jim's Lake Creek 0.10 100 9% 25 39 cfs 31 ds 12 ds 7.6ds (1) These drainage basins are smaller than the valid range of basin areas for the USGS model (0.72 to 571 square miles). These estimated flood flows are adequate for feasibility assessment, but a more detailed flood analysis is warranted for project design. (2) Data are from source maps specified in the USGS publication. Actual weather data for the National Weather Service station in Elfin Cove vary slightly. (3) Maximum flows are calculated from recorded stage data and the stage-discharge curve for each gauging station. These calculated flows are well outside the range of measured flows used to develop the stage-discharge curve, so they may have significant extrapolation error. See USGS Water Resources Investigation Report 2003-4188. June 2011-Final Report D-1 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Pola<eonsult Alaska, Inc G. Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study D.2 Review of Climate Effects on Hydropower Projects Long-term climate trends can affect precipitation, temperature, snow pack, evapo-transpiration, and related hydrological processes, changing the amount and timing of discharge in local streams, and therefore the amount of energy that a hydro project can generate. Two climate fluctuation phenomena are of interest for this project: 1. The Pacific Oecadal Oscillation (PDO). 9 Available information suggests that the output of the Crooked Creek/Jim's Lake project may be approximately 5% higher than estimated in this study during positive-phase PDO episodes. Economic analyses in this study assume that the current PDO cycle, which likely switched to the negative phase in the mid 2000s, persists throughout the economic life of the project. A transition to the positive-phase PDO is expected to slightly increase project output. 2. Long-term climate change. Available information suggests that long-term climate change may increase electrical output from the Crooked Creek/Jim's Lake project over its 50-year design life, similar in magnitude to the effects of positive-phase PDO episodes. There is significantly less confidence in these long-term climate trends and effects than in the effects caused by the PDO. Economic analyses in this study do not consider any effects from long-term climate change. These phenomena and their effects on the hydro project are discussed in greater detail below. D.2.1 Analysis of Effects from PDO In general terms, the PDO is a several-decade-long oscillation in sea-surface temperatures in the north Pacific Ocean. Around southeast Alaska, the 'positive-phase' PDO tends to result in more frequent southerly winds, resulting in greater flow of warm, moist air into southeast Alaska. The effect of positive-phase PDO events in southeast Alaska is greatest in the winter time, when it increases temperatures and, to a lesser degree, precipitation. The January temperatures in Sitka are 6° C (10.8° F) warmer during the positive phase PDO than during negative-phase episodes. 10 Warmer temperatures can transform winter precipitation from snow to rain, reducing snowpack, increasing winter discharge, and decreasing the magnitude of spring melt. The magnitude of these effects will vary based on basin orientation and elevation, but the general result is to increase the winter-time capacity factor of mostly run-of-river hydroelectric projects such as those considered for Elfin Cove. ltl The PDO is a climate fluctuation phenomenon similar to the 'El Nino I La Nina' oscillations in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. The PDO and its effects on Alaska's climate are discussed at http://jisao.washington.edu/pdo/. Climate Impacts on Hydropower i11 Southeast Alaska, J. Cherry et. al, UAF Institute of Northern Engineering. 2010. http://research.iMc.uaf.edu/-jcherry/SEAK FlNAL/seak report final.pdf June 2011-Final Report D-2 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. 6 There is insufficient flow or climate data in Elfin Cove to directly evaluate the local effect of the PDO. The last clear shift in the PDO phase was from negative to positive in 1976-77. The PDO may have shifted back to negative in recent years, but a shift will not be apparent until several years after the fact. Elfin Cove's weather station was established in 1975, only one year before the 1976-77 PDO shift. Its period of record therefore largely coincides with the most recent positive-phase of the PDO, and thus local data during a negative-phase PDO cycle is insufficient for a comparative analysis. The nearest stream gauging station with a period of record suitable for evaluation of the PDO' s affect on hydropower is Tonalite Creek (USGS gauge #15106980, period of record from June 1, 1968 through September 30, 1988), located on the south side of Tenakee Inlet approximately 50 miles east-southeast of Elfin Cove. The 20-year Tonalite Creek hydrology dataset spans the 1976-77 PDO shift, providing approximately nine years of discharge data during a negative- phase PDO (1968 to 1976) and eleven years of data during a positive-phase PDO (1977 to 1988). During the negative-phase PDO, winter (December through March) discharge at Tonalite Creek was significantly lower, and spring runoff was more intense and delayed approximately two weeks relative to runoff timing during the positive-phase PDO (Figure D-1). Discharge from July through November was similar during both phases. This is consistent with the expected effects of the PDO on southeast Alaska stream flows. Figure D-1: Tonalite Creek Flows During Negative-and Positive-Phase PDO ~0 ~----------------------------------------------------------------~ -Average daily discharge for 1968-1976 (Negative Phase PDO) -Average daily discharge for 1977-1988 (Positive Phase PDO) 0 +-----.---~~---.-----.-----r----~----------.-----~----.----.--~ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Month June 2011 -Final Report D-3 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Pol.,consult Alaska, Inc. G Expected hydropower output from a proposed run-of-river project on the Indian River near Tenakee Springs (derived in part from the Tonalite Creek dataset) was found to be 5.5% higher during the positive-phase PDO than during the negative-phase PDO. A similar variation is expected for the recommended hydro project. 11 D.2.2 Analysis of Effects from Long-term Climate Change Research indicates that current long-term climate trends are making southeast Alaska warmer and drier. On aggregate, southeast has warmed 0.45° C (0.8° F) since the 1920s, with most of the warming occurring in the winter months. Spring, summer, and autumn daily temperature variations are decreasing, with warmer nights and cooler days. This is attributed to an increase in cloud cover. Southeast precipitation has decreased since the 1920s, although the statistical robustness of precipitation trends is not as strong as for temperature trends. 12 Climate models forecast continued and accelerated warming in southeast. The rate of warming is projected to increase eight-fold from the +0.05° C (0.09° F) per decade warming rate observed in the nine decades since 1920 to +0.43° C (0.77° F) per decade over the next nine decades to the year 2100. Models also predict an increase in precipitation, in contrast to the slight decrease in precipitation observed since the 1920s. 12 Based on these incongruities, current climate models appear to have limited utility for projecting future performance at southeast Alaska hydropower projects, and historical climate trends may be a better predictor of future climate. If historical climate trends continue, the most significant effect of these changes for hydropower is on snowpack. The effect of projected climate change trends over the 50-year design life of the hydroelectric project is expected to be similar to the effect of the positive phase PDO as described in Section 0.2.1. Climate trends in Elfin Cove, based on 1975 2010 weather records, are consistent with the general trends observed in southeast Alaska as described above. Average annual temperatures in Elfin Cove have increased 0.085° C (0.15° F) per decade over the past 35 years. Over this period, spring (mid-April through Mid-June) temperatures increased 0.2° C (0.36°F) per decade, winter (early November through late February) temperatures increased 0.27° C (0.5° F) per decade, and March temperatures decreased 0.33° C (0.6° F) per decade. Temperatures from July through October have remained constant, but daily temperature variations during these months have decreased about 0.55° C (1.0° F) per decade. Annual precipitation trends in Elfin Cove are flat over the period of record. Annual snowfall was high in 2006 through 2009 (perhaps signaling a shift from positive-to negative-phase PDO at about this time). ll 12 Indian River Hydroelectric Feasibility Study. Pages 17-18. Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. November 2009. Climate Impacts on Hydropower in Southeast Alaska, J. Cherry et. al, UAF Institute of Northern Engineering. 2010. http://research.iarc.uaf.edu/-jcherry/SEAK FINAL/seak report finaLpdf June 2011 -Final Report D-4 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Pola«onsult Alaska, '"'· ~ In conclusion, available information suggests that climate change effects may cause the annual energy production from the project to slightly increase over time, slightly improving the economic benefits to the community. However, past climate trends and climate models do not agree well, so these conclusions may prove wrong over time. Based on available information, incorporating the potential effects of long-term climate trends into the analysis or recommendations of this study is not warranted. D.3 Geotechnical Considerations The prevalence of shallow bedrock throughout the project area precludes cost-effective trenching for burial of pipelines and power cables in some areas. Partial burial, on-grade, and/or above-grade pipelines are viable project options. Similarly, on-grade or shallow burial cables in conduit are practical options for power and communications. Access trails in certain areas may require removal of rock. To reduce construction costs, geotechnical subsurface investigation is recommended before access alignments are finalized to reduce the amount of blasting and ripping required. Alluvial materials at the Crooked Creek intake site may have high permeability and allow significant subsurface flows. The impoundment depth of the Crooked Creek diversion structure should be kept as shallow as practical to minimize loss of water to the subsurface. D.3.1 Area Geomorphology Elfin Cove is located within rugged and mountainous terrain, with bedrock common at or near the surface. The geology of the project area has been investigated by the USGS (Figure D-2) and reported in USGS Bulletin 1058-E, published in 1959. The geology to the south of Elfin Cove is underlain by highly recrystallized bedded schists. Beds in this area are overturned, strike in a general northwest-southeast orientation, and dip from 35 to 50°. The steep mountains and cliffs just east of Elfin Cove and the project area are diorite. Foliations in the diorite are inferred along a northwest-southeasterly strike and at a dip of 70°. Glaciation has eroded the softer schists in the area, resulting in the diorite mountains and cliffs that overlook Elfin Cove and the project area. Debris fields from avalanches, alluvial cones, and mass wasting events are common at the base of these cliffs. Three mass wasting events are apparent in the project area, as identified by aerial imagery and field investigations. One occurred in Elfin Cove between 1990 and 2002, another occurred approximately Vz mile south of Elfin Cove between 2002 and 2009, and a third older event is evident near the proposed intake site on Crooked Creek. 13 These events are characterized by the release of large slabs of rock from exposed diorite outcrops onto terrain several hundred feet 13 Photographs of these mass wasting events are presented in Appendix B (Photograph B-1, B-19, B-20, B-21). Event locations are indicated on the project maps in Appendix A. June 2011 -Final Report D-5 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarronsult Alaska. Inc. G below, and are a normal and ongoing part of the geomorphological processes at work in the area. In Elfin Cove, the contact zone between the schist and diorite formations is located along the east side of the cove. This contact zone continues to the south, passing approximately 600 feet west of Jim's Lake, and then leaves the project area to the south-southwest. Surface presentations of this contact zone are not obvious in the immediate project area. Jim's Lake and the Crooked Creek intake site are thus underlain by diorite, while most of the Jim's Lake penstock route and the tidewater powerhouse site are expected to be underlain by schist. A fault runs through Elfin Cove south-southeast to the Crooked Creek valley and up the valley into the high country to the southeast. Accelerated erosion of the fractured rock associated with this fault is likely responsible for the low areas that form Elfin Cove and the Crooked Creek Valley. The fault running through the Crooked Creek valley suggests that bedrock may be at significant depth at the intake site. BEDDED ROCKS [!] ~ }~ U nconaolidated eedimenta ~ I""llldu a.U"""'"'• gloci4l <Wwia, < atod t.al,.. :J UNCONFORMITY O Schist unit E; Pro®miM>&tlll mauivo and ochiiW.o U gr .. ...,.ro...;inclw:lu graphitie ochvt, iii phrlliu, clurt, atod tim .. ttnu (Jsl) (f) < a: ::::> .., Marble unlt ~rwrtllofL~ I..Ut mar bo owrtt.rud Figure D-2: Geology of Project Area IGNEOUS ROCKS .. Bualt Qdn Quart~ diorite Gabbro (on) inc!~ Dorite (•) Quart~ diorite Amphibolite Gabbro >-ct: }~ <t ':J 'o (/) :J 0 Ul u I~ LIJ ct: u ~a:: ,o I~ I~ ct: :J .., Proiect Area Detail from Plate 1 of USGS Bulletin 1058-E. 0.3.2 Typical Vegetation The project area is generally forested by large conifers growing in shallow soils overlaying weathered and fractured rock. Mixed conifer and deciduous vegetation tends to be prevalent where the grades are moderate and thicker soil strata occurs. Terrain with grades under 30% tends to feature terraced peat bogs vegetated by grasses and a few trees. June 2011 -Final Report D-6 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polmonsult Alaska, Inc 4 D.3 Tsunami Hazards Tsunamis can be generated from distant seismic events such as the March 1964 Alaska earthquake or the March 2011 Japan earthquake. Tsunamis can also be generated by local events, such as landslides into nearby waters or submarine landslides. The Alaska Earthquake Information Center (AEIC) was contacted about tsunami hazards for the powerhouse site at Little Sandy Beach. Detailed tsunami inundation mapping for Elfin Cove does not currently exist, but AEIC has a multi-year project to complete tsunami inundation maps for Alaska's coastal communities. AEIC personnel indicated that mapping for Elfin Cove is a year or more away. When detailed mapping is performed for Elfin Cove, the community can request that the powerhouse site at Small Sandy Beach be included in the inundation analysis and maps. AEIC personnel used an existing tsunami model to produce unofficial estimates of the off-shore tsunami wave heights caused by the 1964 Alaska and 2011 Japan earthquakes near the powerhouse site. The 1964 Alaska earthquake simulation created a maximum wave height of approximately 2.5 feet, and the 2011 Japan earthquake simulation created a maximum wave height of approximately 0.5 feet. It is important to note that these calculated wave heights do not consider the effects of near shore bathymetry or on-shore topography, which can significantly affect the on-shore wave height and run up. Local tide and surf conditions at the time of a tsunami event are also significant factors. If future analysis determines that there is a significant tsunami hazard at Small Sandy Beach, this hazard can be partially mitigated by powerhouse design. It is probable that the powerhouse foundation can be tied into bedrock, which would help the powerhouse building survive a tsunami, although it would remain subject to inundation and flood damage. Another mitigation option is to site the powerhouse at a higher elevation. A rock bench could be blasted into the cliffs at the head of Small Sandy Beach at a safe elevation for the powerhouse. This would increase project costs and decrease the head on the lower project, decreasing total power generation and project benefits. Because protective measures may increase project costs and/or decrease project energy output, a risk analysis should be conducted in the design phase of the project to determine what tsunami hazard mitigation measures are appropriate for the lower powerhouse. June 2011 -Final Report D-7 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study APPENDIX E-ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS June 2011 -Final Report Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polmon,ult Alaska, Inc. G E.l THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's online consultation guide indicates that there are no species listed as threatened or endangered within the vicinity of the project. 14 E.2 FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE Project development is not likely to have a significant impact on fisheries or wildlife resources. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG)'s Atlas of Waters Important for the Spawning, Rearing or Migration of Anadromous Fishes 15 does not indicate that Crooked Creek, Jim's Lake, or Jim's Lake Creek are habitat for anadromous species. Both creeks flow over steep rock cliffs just above the intertidal zone that act as barriers to fish passage. No fish have been observed in either creek or in Jim's Lake in the course of field investigations for this project. Based on this information, no in-stream flow reservations are considered necessary on either stream. E.3 WATER AND AIR QUALITY The project will not have a significant negative impact on water or air quality. By reducing diesel combustion within Elfin Cove, the project will improve air quality. E.4 WETLAND AND PROTECTED AREAS The project will require filling wetlands areas, such as for the diversion structure located in the creek Some of the penstock or access routes would also cross wetlands. Jim's Lake would also be affected by the project. If the project obtains a FERC licensing exemption, then it will be eligible for a Nation Wide Permit #17 for hydro projects, otherwise an individual permit will be issued as part of the FERC licensing process. E.S ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL RESOURCES No known archaeological or historical resources are known to exist within the project area. The state historical preservation office will be consulted during the permitting process to determine if any historical or cultural resources are present in the project area. E.6 LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONS Not applicable. E.7 14 15 TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND AVIATION CONSIDERATIONS http:/ I alaska.fws.gov /fisheries/endangered/pdf/consultation_guide/70 _ consult_guide_map _11x 17. pdf Catalog and Atlas of Waters Important for the Spawning, Rearing or Migration of Anadromous Fishes, ADFG, 2010. http://www .sf.adfg.state.ak. us/SARR/awc/ June 2011 -Final Report F-1 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polmon,ult Ala<k•, In,. ~ The project will not affect telecommunications or aviation. E.8 VISUAL AND AESTHETIC RESOURCES Due to the dense conifer vegetation common around Elfin Cove, the project will not have a large visual impact. Most of the disturbed areas, such as transmission, access, and penstock alignments, would be mostly concealed from view from sea. The project will be visible from the au. The tidewater powerhouse at Small Sandy Beach will be visible from sea and air. This will be a small structure consistent with the many isolated outbuildings found near tidewater throughout Southeast Alaska. It can be finished in materials and colors that would blend with the surroundings. E.9 MITIGATION MEASURES No impacts warranting mitigation are known at this time. June 2011 -Final Report F-2 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Pola.mnsult Alaska, Inc. G APPENDIX F-PERMITTING INFORMATION F.l: Federal Permits pages F-1 to F-2 F .2: State Permits pages F-2 F.3: Local Permits pages F-3 June 2011 -Final Report Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Pola<wn•ult Ala•ka, In<.~ June 2011 -Final Report Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study F.l FEDERAL PERMITS F.l.l Federal Energy Regulatory Commission The FERC has jurisdiction over hydroelectric projects that meet certain criteria. One of these criteria is whether the project would occupy federal land. The recommended project is located within the Tongass National Forest, and therefore will fall under FERC jurisdiction. For projects that require a FERC license, all state and federal permitting efforts are managed through the FERC licensing process. Small hydroelectric projects meeting certain criteria can be exempted from FERC licensing requirements, in which case the normal state and federal licensing processes are used. The main eligibility criteria for exemption from FERC licensing are: ";;-The project must use a 'natural water feature'. The upper hydro system recommended in this study is expected to qualify under this criteria. It is unknown if FERC will consider a siphon at Jim's Lake to be eligible for a 'natural water feature' exemption. ";;-The project owner must have control over all non-federal project lands. This includes private lands that the project features will occupy. Control of federal lands can be secured with land use permits from the U.S. Forest Service. Control of private lands can be secured with easements. To determine if the project is eligible for an exemption, a Declaration of Intent should be filed with FERC. FERC will respond with a jurisdictional determination that will determine whether the project must obtain an exemption or license. F.l.2 U.S. Forest Service Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake are both located within the Tongass National Forest. A project developed on these resources will require long-term land use permits from the U.S. Forest Service. Both the upper and lower systems, the transmission line, and the overland access route from Elfin Cove are located within the Tongass National Forest. Forest lands in the project vicinity are designated for "Semi-Remote Recreation" in the 2008 Tongass National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan.16 The project also lies within Inventoried Roadless Area #311 on Chichagof Island. Under the 2001 Roadless Rule in affect for the Tongass National Forest, this means the project will require approval of the Secretary of Agriculture. This approval process starts with local USFS personnel working with Elfin Cove to prepare briefing papers on the hydro project and why it is necessary for the community. These papers will be circulated through the local and national 16 http:/ /tongass-fpadjust.net/FPA_ROD.htm June 2011-Final Report F-1 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polmon,ult Al_,k,, Inc. G USPS offices for review and approval, culminating in approval by the Secretary of Agriculture. This process is estimated to take at least six months, and cannot begin until the project and resource issues are well-defined. At this time, local USPS personnel appear supportive of the project. To date, all hydroelectric projects submitted by the Tongass National Forest under the roadless rule have been approved by the Secretary. F.1.3 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permits The diversion structures, tailraces and other features of the recommended project will be located within wetlands, therefore a wetlands permit from the COE will be required. If the project is exempted from PERC licensing, then it may be eligible for a Nation Wide Permit #17 for hydro projects. Otherwise, the project will obtain an individual permit as part of the PERC licensing process. Construction-phase beach landings at Small Sandy Beach may also require COE permits. F.1.4 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency A stormwater pollution prevention plan will be required for construction of the project. F.l.S Federal Aviation Administration The recommended project will not have any features likely to present a hazard to aviation. F.2 STATE OF ALASKA PERMITS F.2.1 Alaska Department of Natural Resources Permits F.2.1.1 Coastal Zone Consistency Review The project is located within the state's coastal zone, and will go through consistency review by ADNR' s Division of Coastal and Ocean Management for consistency with the statewide coastal management plan. The project is not located within a local coastal management program. F.2.1.2 Land Authorizations The project will not occupy state land. F.2.1.3 Tidelands Pennits No tidelands permits are needed for the project. F.2.1.4 Material Sale Agreement Not applicable. June 2011 -Final Report F-2 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polmonsult Alaska, In<. G. F.2.1.5 Water Use Pennit I Water Rights The project will need to obtain water rights from the ADNR. F.2.2 Alaska Department of Fish and Game Permits F.2.2.1 Fish Habitat Pennit The project will need to obtain either a fish habitat permit or a finding that a permit is not required from the ADFG. F.2.3 Alaska Department of Transportation Permits Not applicable. F.2.4 Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) Permits F.2.4.1 ADEC Wastewater or Potable Water Pennits Not applicable. F.2.4.2 Solid Waste Disposal Pennit Not applicable. F.2.4.3 Air Quality Pennit & Bulk Fuel Pennit Not applicable. F .3 LOCAL PERMITS The project is not located within an organized borough or city, so no local permits would be required. Access and utility easements will be needed across private land in Elfin Cove for project access, the power line, and communication line to the project. June 2011 -Final Report F-3 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarronsult Alaska, Inc. G June 2011 Final Report Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study APPENDIX G -COST ESTIMATES AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS G.l: Project Cost Estimate page G-1 G.2: Economic Analysis Assumptions pages G-2 to G-4 June 2011-Final Report Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study June 2011-Final Report Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study fl. Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. G.l PROJECT COST ESTIMATE The total installed cost of the recommended project is presented in Table G-1. Table G-1 presents both the base-case cost estimate, and the range of estimated installed costs used for economic analysis of the project. Table G-1: Project Cost Estimate Cost Item Base Case Low High Estimate Estimate Estimate PRE-CONSTRUCTION COSTS (STUDY, $408,000 $395,000 $420,000 DESIGN, PERMITTING) DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COSTS Access Trails $113,000 $77,000 $150,000 Transmission Line $139,000 $122,000 $156,000 Upper System Diversion Structure $25,000 $19,000 $31,000 Penstock $47,000 $38,000 $56,000 Powerhouse $144,000 $128,000 $160,000 Upper System Subtotal $216,000 $185,000 $247,000 Lower System Diversion Structure $7,000 $4,000 $9,000 Penstock $84,000 $66,000 $103,000 Powerhouse $343,000 $314,000 $375,000 Lower System Subtotal $434,000 $384,000 $487,000 Shipping I Mobilization $109,000 $105,000 $113,000 Equipment $82,000 $76,000 $89,000 TOTAL DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COSTS $1,093,000 $949,000 $1,242,000 Construction Contingency (20%) $219,000 $189,000 $248,000 Construction Management I Administration $67,000 $56,000 $77,000 Construction Inspection I Engineering $67,000 $56,000 $77,000 ESTIMATED TOTAL INSTALLED COSTS $1,854,000 $1,645,000 $2,064,000 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study fl. Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. G.2 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ASSUMPTIONS G.2.1 ESTIMATED ANNUAL PROJECT COSTS G.2.1.1 General, Administrative, Operation, and Maintenance Expenses Typical general and administrative costs for a utility like ECUC range from $20,000 to $40,000 per year. This annual expense covers activities such as meter reading, customer service, managing the utility's business affairs, etc. These costs will not change if the means of energy generation changes from diesel to hydro or a combination of the two. Typical non-fuel operation and maintenance (O&M) expenses for a utility like ECUC are about $20,000 per year. This annual expense includes the costs of lube oils, filters, and other consumables for the diesel generators, maintenance labor, and similar costs that are related to the running time of the diesel engines. A significant portion of these costs will be avoided with the recommended project. The hydroelectric project will have additional operation and maintenance costs. This includes additional labor costs for monitoring and maintaining the hydro systems as well as direct expenses for parts and consumables. Annual O&M costs for the recommended project will be approximately $13,000 to $15,000 per year. This will include activities such as plant inspections, maintenance, routine parts replacement, and trail maintenance costs. G.2.1.2 Repair and Replacement Most of the hydroelectric project systems and components have a very long useful life. The intake, penstock, powerhouse, switchgear, turbine/generator, and power line all are expected to have useful lives of 30 to 50 years or more. Some components will require periodic repair or replacement. Minor components, such as pumps, actuators, control sensors, and similar devices, are assumed to have a useful life of five years. The water turbines may need an overhaul after about 15 to 25 years. The average annual expense for repair and replacement is estimated at $3,900 for the recommended project. G.2.1.3 Taxes Because the ECUC is a not-for-profit entity, no tax liability is considered. G.2.1.4 Insurance It is assumed that the ECUC's existing insurance policies would be adequate for the hydroelectric project. No additional annual costs are allocated for insurance. Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study fl. Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. G.2.1.5 Financing The construction cost of the project is assumed to be commercially financed at a 30-year term at 6% interest. Loan origination costs of 3% are assumed for items such as application fees, loan guarantee fees, and other origination fees. State or federal grants can help reduce the amount of capital ECUC needs to borrow for the project. Such grants would enable ECUC to lower electric rates in the community. Also, state or federal loan programs can lower ECUC's borrowing costs for the project, which would reduce annual debt payments, enabling ECUC to lower electric rates in the community. G.2.2 ESTIMATED PROJECT REVENUES AND SAVINGS G.2.2.1 Direct Fuel Displacement The recommended hydro project will significantly reduce the amount of diesel fuel ECUC consumes for electricity generation. Fuel savings are calculated using recent operating efficiency and fuel costs for ECUC's diesel power plant of 12.5 kWh per gallon, and $4.00 per gallon. G.2.2.2 Excess Energy In addition to reducing diesel fuel usage at the power plant, the hydroelectric project also generates a significant amount of excess energy that is available to the community. The base case for economic analysis assigns no value to this excess energy. The economic case that considers the potential value of this excess energy assumes that 10% of the gross excess energy is consumed by the hydro load governor system and station service, and 90% is made available to interruptible utility customer loads such as space heating and water heating applications. Of this 90%, 10% is assumed to be consumed by losses on ECUC's distribution system. The balance (81% of gross excess energy generation) can be metered to ECUC's interruptible services at a special rate. Annually, 75,000 kWh of this net excess energy is allocated to the community building and shop to replace the existing waste heat these buildings receive from the diesel power plant. All of the remaining net excess energy is assumed to be directed to interruptible services, displacing heating oil that is consumed with an assumed average efficiency of 70%. The value of this displaced heating fuel is factored into the economic analysis. G.2.2.3 Environmental Attributes The environmental attributes (EA) of the recommended project can be marketed nation-wide to earn ECUC additional revenue. The project's EAs would be sold on the voluntary market, where pricing for EAs varies. Prices were as high as $0.02 per kWh before the financial crisis of 2008, and more recently have fluctuated in the range of $0.001 to 0.005 per kWh. Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study fl. Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. For several years, there has been an effort at the federal level to implement mandatory purchase of EAs. Such legislation would likely expand the market and stabilize the pricing for EAs. It is unknown if or when such legislation would take effect, or what the final terms of such legislation will be. While EAs from the project are an additional potential revenue stream for ECUC, no revenue from EAs is assumed in the base case of the economic evaluation. G.2.2.4 Indirect and Non-Monetary Benefits The recommended hydroelectric project offers significant indirect and non-monetary benefits in addition to direct economic benefits. These other benefits include: • Reduced air pollution (NOx, SOx, particulates, and hydrocarbons) due to decreased operation of the diesel power plant • Reduced noise in Elfin Cove when the diesel plant is turned off. • Reduced risk of oil spills due to decreased throughput and handling of fuel. • More stable energy prices. With a hydro, ECUC' s electricity rates will be largely insulated from increasingly volatile world oil prices. • Secondary benefits arising from the availability of plentiful hydroelectity with a stable price. This will increase the affordability of living and doing business in Elfin Cove and will help to increase the long-term viability of the community. An example of such a secondary benefit is an increase in the population of school-age children, ensuring that school enrollment exceeds district and state thresholds for state funding year-to-year. • Economic multipliers due to the fact that a greater percentage of the utility's revenues will be retained in the local community for labor instead of paying external entities such as fuel suppliers. Local training and experience with small hydroelectric projects. To the extent that locals choose to be involved in construction, maintenance, and operation of the hydroelectric project, they will learn a unique set of skills. These skills will become increasingly useful as Alaska continues to develop its local hydroelectric resources. Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study APPENDIX H-TECHNICAL ANALYSIS H.1: Project Modeling pages H-1 to H-12 H.2: Project Sizing Analysis pages H-13 to H-14 H.3: Load Growth Scenarios pages H-14 to H-18 June 2011-Final Report Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Pola.wn•ult Al>'ka, Inc G June 2011 -Final Report Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study fl. Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. H.l HYDRO PROJECT MODELING The primary analytical tool used to evaluate various project configurations and load cases for this feasibility study is a generation dispatch model. A generation dispatch model takes in the technical parameters of the proposed generation systems (both hydro and diesel), resource availability, and ECUC loads, and then simulates operation of the proposed integrated system to determine how a project configuration performs. H.l.l Generation Dispatch Model Two generation dispatch models were developed for this feasibility study to evaluate the performance of different project configurations. One model runs at a one-hour time step and is used to accurately model hydro project performance and reservoir management over hourly to monthly time scales. The second model runs at a one-day time step, and is used to assess seasonal and annual variations in project performance. At each time step, both models evaluate ECUC electric load, and determine how much of the electric load is supplied by the hydro generators, how much is supplied by the diesel generators, and how much excess energy the hydro generators can produce. Inputs used to develop and run the models are described in Table H-1. Both models assume a single two-jet Pelton turbine for the lower system and a single cross-flow turbine for the upper system. For some larger project configurations, this assumption results in slight decreases in overall performance because the turbines have lower efficiencies at low loadings. Also, existing ECUC loads sometimes drop below the minimum operating level of these larger turbines, requiring that either (1) the diesel power plant be started to replace or supplement the hydroelectric project, or (2) excess hydro electricity be generated with water that could otherwise have been stored for more valuable future prime generation. At each time step, the models evaluate (1) ECUC load and (2) generation from the upper run-of- river hydro system, and then dispatches sufficient water from the reservoir to the lower hydro system to meet ECUC load. Both models were programmed to manage the reservoir to first meet 100% of ECUC demand, second refill the reservoir, and third direct excess inflows to idle capacity in the lower system to generate interruptible energy for the community. Any remaining excess flows are spilled into Jim's Lake Creek. If the reservoir is depleted or ECUC demand exceeds available hydro capacity, the diesel power plant is dispatched to supply the remaining ECUC load. At the next time step, the reservoir level is updated to reflect water inflows and outflows, and this analysis is repeated. When the diesel generators are operated, they are loaded to a minimum of 40% of rated output, regardless of the deficit between ECUC demand and hydro output. Thus, if demand is 100 kW and available hydro output is 95 kW, ECUC's 67 kW diesel gen-set will be loaded to 27 kW (40%), and hydro output will be curtailed from 95 to 73 kW. Depending on reservoir level, the remaining 22 kW of potential hydro output either becomes excess hydro energy or the water is conserved in the reservoir for future use. June 2011 -Final Report H-1 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. Table H-1: Generation Dispatch Model Variables, Inputs, and Outputs Input Upper System Design Flow (cfs) Lower System Design Flow (cfs) MODEL INPUT DATA (BOTH MODELS) Range of Values Evaluated 2 to 6 cfs, in 1 cfs increments 2 to 15 cfs, in 1 cfs increments 333 to 341 feet, in 4 foot increments Jim's Lake Spillway Elevation (feet, MHW) (a siphon capability down to 325 feet was included in all configurations unless noted otherwise) MODEL INPUT DATA (MODEL-SPECIFIC) Input Crooked Creek Flow at Diversion (cfs) Jim's Lake Creek Flow at Lake Outlet (cfs) ECUC System Demand (kW) Hourly Model Daily Model Hydrology data from 7/1/1009 through 12/10/2010 17 Hourly estimate from NREL model 1H Hydrology model based on 1975 to 2010 precipitation records for Elfin Cove Average Daily Load from NREL Model 333 feet, assumed 325 feet based on bathymetric survey Typical efficiency curve for cross-flow turbine Typical efficiency curve for two-jet Pelton turbine Initial Reservoir Level (MHW) Reservoir Floor Elevation (MHW) Upper Project Turbine Efficiency Curve Lower Project Turbine Efficiency Curve Project head, penstock lengths, physical parameters Based on field measurements and system design flow(s) ECUC Diesel Generator Sizes Based on existing installed equipment MODEL OUTPUT DATA (BOTH MODELS) Upper Project Output (kW, kWh) ECUC Demand Supplied by Hydro (kW, kWh) Lower Project Output (kW, kWh) ECUC Demand Supplied by Diesel (kW, kWh) Lake Stage (MHW) Gross Excess Hydro Energy (kW, kWh) H.1.2 Load Patterns and Load Model ECUC's load pattern is highly seasonal, so ECUC loads and the hydroelectric project's performance are described on a seasonal and annual basis. Seasons are defined below. 17 IH Winter-time: September 15th through May 15th. Most fishing lodges are shut down during this period, and many part-time residents are out of town. Summer-time: May 15th through September 15th. Most fishing lodges are operational during these months and most part-time residents are in-town. Tourism, recreational boating, and commercial fishing activity also increase electricity demand during these months. Hydrology data from July 2008 to June 2009 were not used because there are numerous gaps in this part of the hydrology record at both Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Creek, complicating efforts to accurately model reservoir levels. The Alaska Village Electric Load Calculator, NREL/TP-500-36824, NREL, Golden Colorado, Sept. 2004. June 2011-Final Report H-2 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study '1-Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. Table H-2 presents typical ECUC seasonal load data and the simulated seasonal load data input to both generation dispatch models. Recent ECUC operating data presented in Table 2-3 was used to develop typical seasonal loads, and the simulated load data is based on a village load simulator tool developed by the NREL. 19 The NREL model was calibrated to typical ECUC load data using monthly peak and average load data from PCE reports and ECUC records. Table H-2: Actual and Modeled Electric Demand Typical ECUC Load ECUC Load Model Winter-time (September 15 through May 14) Peak Load (kW) 80 54 Average Load (kW) 26 26 Total Seasonal Energy Demand (kWh) 153,700 160,700 Summer-time (May 15 through September 14) Peak Load (kW) 307 266 Average Load (kW) 66 67 Total Seasonal Energy Demand (kWh) 195,900 198,300 Total Annual Energy Demand (kWh) 349,600 359,000 H.1.3 Hourly Generation Dispatch Model (16 Months, July 2009 to December 2010) The expected performance of hydro project configurations was evaluated using the hourly generation dispatch model. The hourly generation dispatch model was run using hourly hydrology data from the Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Creek gauging stations. This model provides an accurate simulation of how the hydro project and reservoir interact with fluctuations in electric demand and stream flow on hourly to monthly time scales. H.1.4 Daily Generation Dispatch Model (35 years, 1975 to 2010) The 16 months of continuous stream flow data available to run the hourly generation dispatch model is insufficient to characterize the annual variability in performance of the hydro project, so a similar generation dispatch model was developed to assess long-term hydro performance. This second model runs at a one-day time step, and uses hydrology data synthesized from 35 years of daily precipitation records in Elfin Cove.20 This 35-year period of record is sufficient to characterize variability in the hydro project's annualized performance. H.1.5 Calibration and Use of Models The goal of these modeling efforts is to identify a model that accurately represents how the hydro project will perform in meeting the electrical needs of Elfin Cove. The hourly model is lY 20 The Alaska Village Electric Load Calculator, NREL/TP-500-36824, NREL, Golden Colorado, Sept. 2004. Weather records for Elfin Cove's period of record (Cooperative Station ID 502785, Period of record from Jan. 1, 1975 through Aug. 31, 2010) retrieved from http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/ncdc.html. June 2011-Final Report H-3 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study fl. Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. accurate on a short-term basis, but insufficient hourly hydrology data exists to directly evaluate if this model is providing accurate long-term projections. The hourly and daily models were compared to determine if the hourly model is representative of typical annual performance. Table H-3 presents the range in seasonal and annual hydro performance as determined by the daily generation dispatch model. This data is also presented in Figure H-2. Table H-4 then presents a comparison of the average seasonal and annual performance with hourly model output for the period of September 15, 2009 to September 14, 2010. As Table H-4 shows, the hourly model over this period is representative of a typical year. Economic analyses in this study are therefore based on the output of the hourly generation dispatch model run over this time period. The daily model was then used to verify key study findings. Table H-3: Expected Range of Seasonal and Annual Hydro Performance Minimum Maximum Seasonal Average Seasonal Item Hydro Annual Hydro Hydro Generation(]) Generation Generation(2) Winter-time (Ser_tember 15 throug_h May_ 14) Total ECUC Winter Load (kWh) 160,700 160,700 160,700 Load supplied by Diesel, kWh(%) 200 (0.15%) 100 (0.04%) 0 Load supplied by Hydro, kWh(%) 160,400 (100%) 160,600 (100%) 160,700 (100%) Excess Hydro Generation, kWh 194,500 282,200 336,900 Total H~dro Generation, kWh 354,900 442,800 497,600 Summer-time (May_ 15 throug_h September 14) Total ECUC Summer Load (kWh) 198,300 198,300 198,300 Load supplied by Diesel, kWh(%) 19,300 (10%) 3,300 (2%) 1,600 (1 %) Load supplied by Hydro, kWh(%) 179,000 (90%) 195,000 (98%) 196,800 (99%) Excess Hydro Generation, kWh 0 38,500 59,100 Total Hydro Generation, kWh 179,000 233,500 255,900 Total Annual ECUC Load (kWh) 359,000 359,000 359,000 Total Annual ECUC Load Supplied by Diesel 19,500 3,400 1,600 Total Annual ECUC Load Supplied by Hydro 339,500 355,600 357,400 Total Annual Excess Hydro Generation (kWh) 194,500 320,700 395,900 Total Annual Hydro Generation (kWh) 534,000 676,300 753,300 (1) According to the daily generation dispatch model, the minimum winter hydro output would have occurred in 2002 and 2010. The minimum summer hydro output would have occurred in 1993. (2) According to the daily generation dispatch model, the maximum winter hydro output would have occurred in 1987. The maximum summer hydro output would have occurred in 1981. June 2011-Final Report H-4 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study 11-Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. Table H-4: Comparison of Average Seasonal and Annual Hydro Performance with Performance During 9/15/09 to 9/15/10 Time Period Hydro Average Seasonal Percentage Item Performance Based and Annual Hydro Difference (Hourly on Hourly Model Performance Based Model% from (9/15/09-9/14/10) on Dail~ Model Dail~ Model) Winter-time (September 15 throu[ih May 14) Total ECUC Winter Load (kWh) 160,700 160,700 0% Load supplied by Diesel, kWh(%) 0 (0%) 100 (0.06%) -100% Load supplied by Hydro, kWh(%) 160,700 (100%) 160,600 (100%) + 0.04% Excess Hydro Generation, kWh 283,200 282,200 +0.4% Total H~dro Generation, kWh 443,900 442,800 +0.3% Summer-time (May_ 15 throu£h St;E,tember 14) Total ECUC Summer Load (kWh) 198,300 198,300 0% Load supplied by Diesel, kWh(%) 2,900 (1%) 3,300 (2%) -12% Load supplied by Hydro, kWh(%) 195,400 (99%) 195,000 (98%) +0.2% Excess Hydro Generation, kWh 33,400 38,500 -13% Total H~dro Generation, kWh 228,800 233,500 -2.0% Total Annual ECUC Load (kWh) 359,000 359,000 0% Total Annual ECUC Load Supplied by Diesel (kWh) 2,900 3,400 -15% Total Annual ECUC Load 356,100 Supplied by Hydro (kWh) 355,600 +0.1% Total Annual Excess Hydro Generation 316,600 320,700 -1.3% (kWh) Total Annual Hydro 672,700 676,300 -0.5% Generation (kWh) H.1.6: Model Results Average daily hydro performance and ECUC loads, tabulated from hourly model outputs, are shown in Figure H-1. Figure H-1 also shows fluctuations in the level of Jim's Lake as the reservoir is managed to meet ECUC loads. Figure H-2 shows the annual variations in hydro performance from 1975 to 2010. The data in Figure H-2 corresponds to the range of annual system performance tabulated in Table H-3. Figure H-3 shows a detail of the hourly generation dispatch model output for the period from September 15, 2010 through October 1, 2010. A dry spell during this period depleted the Jim's Lake reservoir, so the model activated the diesel generators to supply ECUC loads. Hourly load variations, coordination between the diesel and hydro power plants, and fluctuations in excess energy generation are all evident in the figure. June 2011 -Final Report H-5 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study ll Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. Figure H-1: Daily Hydro Project Performan ce (July 2009 through D ecember 2010) ;:.... -Q., Q., ::s 150 rJ) ~ s:: ta ~ 120 s:: ta e IU 90 0 ~ ... IU ~ ~ - 0 60 ~ ;:.... -.... ta 0 30 IU bO ta ... IU 0 > < 1,000,000 -... 900,000 ta IU ;:.... ... IU 800,000 Q., ~ ~ 700,000 -~ Q., Q., 600,000 ::s rJ) ~ s:: 500,000 ta ~ s:: ta 400,000 e IU 0 ~ ... 300,000 IU s:: ~ 200,000 -ta ::s s:: s:: < 100,000 0 I.() t-.. 0\ t-.. t-.. t-.. 0\ 0\ 0\ ..... ..... ..... June 2011 -Final Report ..... C":l I.() 00 00 00 0\ 0\ 0\ ..... ..... ..... Reservoir Level Excess Energy Load Supplied by Hydro Annual Excess Energy Available from Hydro Annual Utility Load 'Annual Load Supplied by Diesels Annual Load Supplied by Hydro t-.. 0\ ..... C":l I.() t-.. 0\ ..... C":l I.() t-.. 00 00 ~ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0 0 0 0 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0 0 0 0 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... N N N N 337 --IU IU .... --333 IU > IU ....1 ... .... 329 0 e; IU <ll IU 325 ~ 0\ 0 0 N H-6 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. Figure H-3: Hourly Project Performance During September 2010 Dry Spell ~ 120 ~ -r:: 100 0 ..... -I'll ... ~ = 80 ~ c.,:, "0 r:: 60 I'll "0 = I'll e 40 ~ 0 -I'll v 20 :s v ~ -~ 0 9/1/2010 June 2011 -Final Report 9/8/2010 -Total System Load -Load Supplied by Hydro -Load Supplied by Diesel Excess Energy Available from Hydro -Reservoir Sta e 9/15/2010 9/22/2010 fl. 337~ :r:: ~ 333~ -~ > ~ 329 ....l ... ..... 0 e 325 ~ ~ ~ 9/29/2010 H-7 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study -s. Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. H.2 PROJECT SIZING ANALYSIS A range of project configurations was evaluated using the generation dispatch models to determine which hydro project configuration best supplies ECUC's existing electric load. The primary criteria for this evaluation was displacement of diesel fuel used for generating electricity. Secondary criteria included the potential to generate additional electricity that could be used on an interruptible basis for heating or other applications. Table H-5 lists the range of project parameters that were evaluated using the generation dispatch model to assess (1) the amount of diesel generation displaced by each project configuration and (2) the amount of excess energy each configuration produced. Findings for key technical parameters are discussed in the following sections. Table H-5: Range of Project Design Parameters Considered and Recommended Values Parameter(ll Range Considered Recommended Project 1. Upper System Design Flow Upper System Installed Capacity 2. Lower System Design Flow Lower System Installed Capacity 3. Jim's Lake Reservoir Spillway Elevation 2 to 6 cfs Q(2) to 50 kW 5 to 15 cfs 90 to 280 kW 333 to 345ft 5 cfs 35kW 7 cfs 125kW 333ft Reservoir Volume Q(3J to 102 ac-ft 32 ac-ft Total Installed Capacity (Upper+ Lower Systems) 105 to 330 kW 160 kW (1) Related project parameters were also modified in conjunction with the parameters listed. For example, penstock diameter was varied with design flow to maintain acceptable friction losses. (2) Building the upper project as a water diversion system without power generation was evaluated. This configuration is similar to Options 2A or 2B considered in the 2010 Reconnaissance Study. (3) Omitting the siphon intake was evaluated as a possible project configuration. H.2.1 Crooked Creek System Design Flow (Upper System) Upper system design flows from 2 to 6 cfs were evaluated. The maximum amount of current ECUC load is supplied with an upper project design flow of 5 cfs. At higher design flows, the upper turbine would be idled during low flow periods, slightly reducing the total amount of ECUC load the combined hydro systems would supply. At lower design flows, the amount of water the system would divert during high flow periods would be significantly reduced, resulting in lower output from both the upper and lower systems. H.2.2 Crooked Creek Diversion Power Recovery Turbine (Upper System) Adding a power recovery turbine to the Crooked Creek diversion adds cost and complexity to the overall hydro project. This cost is offset by the fact that the Crooked Creek turbine provides 25% of the total electrical output of the combined hydro project. Without this turbine, the project would supply 10% less of ECUC's current electric load, and would produce 43% less energy for interruptible uses. Also, the Crooked Creek turbine becomes more important for maximizing prime electrical output from the project if ECUC load increases in the future. June 2011-Final Report H-8 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study fl. Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. H.2.3 Jim's Lake System Design Flow (Lower System) Lower system design flows of 2 to 15 cfs were evaluated. The recommended design flow is seven cfs. For project configurations with a spillway elevation of 333 feet (the natural lake elevation), the amount of prime electrical demand displaced by the combined hydro systems increases from 85% to 99.2% as design flow increases from two to seven cfs, and is then essentially level for design flows from seven to 15 cfs, with a peak of 99.6% at nine cfs, then declining steadily to 98.8% at 15 cfs. H.2.4 Jim's Lake Spillway Elevation (Lower System) Building a dam at the outlet of Jim's Lake can increase the available storage in the lake from 32 acre-feet to 77 acre-feet. More storage volume helps the project carry Elfin Cove through summer dry spells, but the maximum practical storage volume is insufficient to supply current ECUC load through common summer dry spells. Jim's Lake spillway elevations from 333 feet (natural lake level) up to 341 feet (an eight-foot tall dam) were evaluated. All configurations included a siphon capability to draw the lake down to the 325-foot level. These are the technically and economically feasible limits of storage at Jim's Lake based on site bathymetry and topography. The storage below the natural lake elevation could also be accessed by digging a ditch at the desired elevation to provide a gravity outlet at 325 feet. This would require approximately 200 feet of ditch up to 8 feet deep at the lake outlet. Much of this ditch would require blasting or ripping of rock, and is expected to be significantly more costly than a siphon system. The additional storage provided by an eight-foot tall dam allows the hydro project to meet approximately 2% more of ECUC' s existing annual loads than the siphon system alone. A dam does not significantly increase the total amount of energy that the hydro project can produce. Instead, it increases storage capacity, and thereby enables the system to generate 2% more prime energy with a corresponding reduction in excess energy output. The incremental cost of constructing and maintaining the dam combined with the potential additional time and expense needed to obtain project permits outweigh the value of this additional prime output, and therefore building a dam is not recommended. H.3 DIFFERENT UTILITY LOAD SCENARIOS Hydro project performance under different ECUC loads was evaluated using the hourly generation dispatch model for the following load scenarios: 1) No winter load, summer load at 50% of existing load (April15 through October 15). 2) Winter and summer loads at 50% of existing load. 3) Winter and summer loads at 200% of existing load. 4) Winter and summer loads at 400% of existing load. June 2011 -Final Report H-9 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study fl. Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. For scenario 1, the plant and community are assumed to be completely shut down and winterized from mid-October through mid-April each year. This eliminates all winter-time hydro output. In the summer months, load is assumed to be Vz of existing ECUC load. Total summer-time hydro generating potential remains constant. The smaller load increases the excess energy available from the project, and enhances the project's ability to supply utility demand during dry spells. For scenario 2, year-round loads are Vz of existing loads. Total annual and seasonal energy output of the recommended project remains relatively constant. The smaller utility load increases the excess energy available from the project, and enhances the project's ability to supply utility demand during dry spells. For scenarios 3 and 4, as ECUC load increases the total annual energy output of the recommended project remains relatively constant, decreasing by 1.8%. As ECUC load increases, more of the project's output supplies prime ECUC loads and less output is excess energy. Seasonal and annual project performance under three load cases is presented in Table H-6. As ECUC load increases, it eventually exceeds the hydro project's output, requiring increased use of the diesel powerplant to supply ECUC load. In the winter months, this point occurs at approximately twice the existing winter ECUC load. In the summer months, this point will occur at approximately 105% of existing ECUC load. The output of the hydro project is limited by the available water at Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake. A larger project capacity will not significantly increase hydro output. Figures H-4 through H-6 illustrate how the recommended project performs seasonally and annually under load growth scenarios. If ECUC experiences load growth of 200 to 400%, construction of Roy's Creek in conjunction with a dam at Jim's Lake should be investigated to increase hydroelectric generation and storage capacity. The Roy's Creek project would increase total hydroelectric energy output, and the dam would increase the regulating capability of the combined hydroelectric systems to supply ECUC loads. June 2011 -Final Report H-10 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polmonsult Alaska, Inc. IS, Table H-6: Performance of Recommended Project at 200% and 400% Load Cases No Winter Load 50% Year- 50'Yo Summer Round Load Current ECUC 200% Load 400°/., Load Load Reduction 1 Reduction Load Growth Growth Winter-time (Sef!.lember 15 throus_h Ma!f. 14) Total ECUC Winter Load (kWh) 25,700 82,600 160,700 316,800 629,000 Load supplied by Diesel, kWh(%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 7,000 (2%) 1 99,200 ( 46%) Load supplied by Hydro, kWh n;,,) 25,700 (100%) 82,600 (100%) 160,700 (100%) 309,800 {98%) 429,800 Excess Hydro Generation, kWh 127,000 360,700 283,200 130,100 8,300 Total Hydro Generation, kWh 152,700 443,300 443,900 439,900 438,100 Summer-time (Ma'!i. 15 throuB,h Set!.tember 14) Total ECUC Summer Load (kWh) 100,300 100,300 198,300 394,300 786,400 Load supplied by Diesel, kWh ('X,) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2,900 (1%) 171,900 (44%) 564,100 Load supplied by Hydro, kWh(%) 100,300 (100%) 100,300 (100%) 195,400 (99%) 222,500 (56%) 222,400 (28%) Excess Hydro Generation, kWh 120,700 120,700 33,400 1,900 0 Total Hydro Generation, kWh 221,000 221,000 228,800 224,400 222,400 Total Annual ECUC Load (kWh) 126,000 182,900 359,000 711,100 1,415,400 Total Annual ECUC Load Supplied by Diesel (kWh) 0 0 2,900 178,900 763,300 (Hydro as % of total £rime SU££ly) (0%) (0%) (0.8%) (25.2%) (53.9%) Total Annual ECUC Load Supplied by Hydro (kWh) 126,000 182,900 356,100 532,300 652,200 (Hl:dro as % of total £rime SU££ll:) (100%) (100%) (99.2%) (74.9%) (46.1%) Total Annual Excess Hydro Generation (kWh) 247,700 481,400 316,600 132,000 8,300 (Excess as% of total hl:dro) (66.3%) (72.5%) (47.1%) (19.9%) (1.3%) Total Annual H;t:dro Generation (kWh) 373,700 664,300 672,700 664,300 660,500 1. This scenario assumes there is no winter population or utility load from October 15 through April 15. Load for the remainder of the year is 1/2 of existing utility load. The hydro is assumed to be shut down from October 15 through April 15. June 2011-Final Report H-11 ;a ~ 6'D .. Ql c:: "'-l c:: 0 ri:J nl Ql rJ) .. Ql -c:: ~ ~ ~ 6'D .. Ql c:: "'-l c:: 0 ri:J nl Ql rJ) .. Ql = ... ~ Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. Figure H-4: Winter Hydro Performance Under Different Load Cases 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 25 7VII11W91 I -50%, No Load 10/15 to 4/15 127,000 kWh --kWh -50%, No Load 10/15 to 4/15 June 2011-Final Report l I I • Winter ECUC Load Supplied by Diesels ~ w· t ECUC L d S 1" db H d mer oa upp 1e y y ro ~ 7,000 kWh IIOII.IIIIf¥1fh ?~IIWII I BUDD kWh -50% 100% 200% ECUC Winter Load Cases (Percent of Existing Load) 0 Winter Excess Hydro Generation I •winter ECUC Load Supplied by Hydro 130,100 kWh 283,200 kWh 360,700 kWh 1111;1110 liWII 180.700kWh 82,800kWh -50% 100% 200% ECUC Winter Load Cases (Percent of Existing Load) 199,200kWh ...,IIWh 400% ... 8,300 kWh 411,1111811Wh 400% H-12 ~ ~ ~ ..... bl) .... Cll r:: 1-'1 r:: 0 <ll I'd Cll C/) .... Cll 6 6 = C/) ~ 0 6:'0 ... ... = ~ = 0 "' 10 ~ [/) ... ... Ei Ei ::s [/) Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. G 900,000 800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 900,000 800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 Figure H-5: -50%, No Load 10/15 to 4/15 . ··~ 120,700 kWh 1110,81111kWII -50%, No Load 10/15 to 4/15 June 2011 -Final Report Summer Hydro Performance Under Different Load Cases • Summer ECUC Load Supplied by Diesels • Summer ECUC Load Suppll cl by ] ]yclro 564,100kWh 171 ,900 kWh 2,900 kWh -y- -50% 100% 200% 400% ECUC Summer Load Cases (Percent of Existing Load) l D Summer Excess Hydro Generation -~--· --·-·-I • Summer ECUC Load Supplied by Hydro 1,900 kWh 33 ,400 kWh 120,700 kWh 1t<~ 111,4'1111MMI IIUIIOIIWII "• yr 1GP.ICIO'kWII ! ' -50% 100% 200% 400% ECUC Summer Load Cases (Percent of Existing Load) H-13 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Fea sibility Study ~ Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. Figure H-6: Annual Hydro Performance Under Different Load Cases 1,600,000 [ • Annual ECUC Load Su pplied by Di esels l • Annual ECUC Load Su pplied by HydiO ..J 1,400,000 .-1,200,000 ..t: ~ 783,300kWh ~ 1,000,000 -~ '"' Q,j 800,000 s:: ~ -11:1 600,000 178,900kWh ::l s:: s:: < 400,000 2,900 kWh 200,000 1aJIOOI(M 0 -50%, No Load -50% 100% 200% 400 % 10/15 t o 4/15 ECUC Annual Load Cases (Percent of Existing Load) 1,600,000 0 Annual Excess Hydro Generation • Annual ECUC Load Supplied by Hyd ro 1,400,000 1,20 0,000 ~ 1,000,000 ~ >. 01) ... Qj 800,000 1::: lJJ ;; 8,300 kWh = 600,000 1::: 1::: 132,000 kW h < 400,000 481,400 kWh 247,700 kWh 200,000 --0 -50%, No Load 10/15 -50% 100% 200% 400% to 4/15 ECUC Annual Load Cases (Percent of Existing Load) June 2011 -Final Report H-14 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarronsult Alaska, Inc. G APPENDIX I -DRAFT REPORT REVIEW COMMENTS AND RESPONSES June 2011-Final Report Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study fl. Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. June 2011 Final Report Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. polarconsult alaska, inc. 1503 West 33rd Avenue, Suite 310 Anchorage, Alaska 99503-3638 Phone: (907) 258-2420 FAX: (907) 258-2419 MEMORANDUM DATE: June 22, 2011 To: Jane Button, ECUC Project Manager FROM: Joel Groves, PCA Hydro Project Manager Response to AEA and Community Comments on March 2011 Draft Hydro Feasibility Study RE: Polarconsult issued the client review draft of the Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Final Report in March 2011. Polarconsult received comments on the draft report from the community of Elfin Cove at a meeting held on May 11, 2011 and from the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) via email on May 26, 2011. This memorandum also incorporates information and comments from a 2nd community meeting held on June 20, 2011. This memo summarizes and addresses the comments made by Elfin Cove community members and AEA. The feasibility study has been revised to incorporate these comments as indicated. COMMUNITY COMMENTS 1. Would moving the upper powerhouse back from the shore of Jim's Lake to the base of the hill improve the project? It appears this would reduce penstock, access, and power line lengths while sacrificing minimal head on the upper project. Siting the upper powerhouse in this area would reduce upper project head approximately 20 feet and shorten the penstock, access, and power line by approximately 350 feet, compared to the configuration described in the draft repori. Water from the powerhouse would then flow 350 feet along an existing minor drainage through a peat bog to Jim's Lake. Assuming this minor drainage would not need any improvements to prevent erosion from the increased flow, this configuration is estimated to save $20,000 in capital costs. The lower head would reduce prime hydro output by 2,700 kWh annually, and interruptible hydro output by 16,500 kWh annually. The present worth of the lost prime energy is about $20,000, and of the interruptible energy is about $10,000. Based on this analysis, this configuration is economically neutral or slightly negative compared to the recommended configuration. 2. Would the lower powerhouse at Small Sandy Beach be subject to tsunami hazards? How might this be mitigated? Tsunamis can be generated from distant seismic events such as the :\1arch 1964 Alaska earthquake or the :VIarch 2011 Japan earthquake. Tsunamis can also be generated by local events, such as landslides into nearby waters or submarine landslides. The Alaska Earthquake Information Center (AEIC) was contacted about tsunami hazards for the powerhouse site at Little Sandy Beach. Detailed tsunami inundation June 2011 -Final Report 110622-ELFINCOVEHYDROFEAS_COMMENTRESPONSE.DOC Page 1-1 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study POLARCONSUL T MEMORANDUM Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. mapping for Elfin Cove docs not currently exist, but AEIC has a multi-~ear project to complete tsunami inundation maps for Alaska's coastal communities. AEIC personnel indicated that mapping for Elfin Con is a year or more away. When detailed mapping is performed for Elfin Cove. the community can request that the powerhouse site at Small Sandy Beach be included in the inundation analysis and maps. AFIC personnel used an existing tsunami model to produce unofficial estimates of the off-shore tsunami wave heights caused by the 1964 Alaska and 2011 Japan earthquakes ncar the powerhouse site. The 1964 Alaska earthquake simulation created a maximum wave height of approximately 2.5 feet, and the 20 II Japan earthquake simulation created a maximum wave height of approximately 0.5 feet. It is important to note that these calculated wave heights do not consider the effects of ncar shore bathymetry or on-shore topography. which can significantly affect the on-shore wave height and run up. Local tide and surf conditions at the time of a tsunami event are also significant factors. If future analysis determines that there is a significant tsunami hazard at Small Sandy Beach, this hazard can be partially mitigated by powerhouse design. It is probable that the powerhouse foundation can be tied into bedrock, which would help the powerhouse building survive a tsunami, although it would remain sub.icct to inundation and flood damage. Another mitigation option is to site the powerhouse at a higher elevation. A rock bench could be blasted into the cliffs at the head of Small Sandy Beach at a safe elevation for the powerhouse. This would increase project costs and decrease the head on the lower project, decreasing total power generation and project benefits. Because protcctin measures may increase project costs and/or decrease project energy output, a risk analysis should be conducted in the design phase of the project to determine what tsunami hazard mitigation measures arc appropriate for the lower powerhouse. A nan-ative discussing tsunami hazards has been added to the report in Appendix 0.4 3. Design flow of the lower project is referred to as 7 and 9 cfs at different points in the report. The recommended design flow for the lower pro,jcct is 7 cfs. References to 9 cfs have been corrected. 4. How big would the trails need to be for this project? Concerned over the cost and impact of excessive trail or road building. Suggest considering use of helicopters for construction and minimizing trail work. Please see response to AEA comment #8. June 22, 2011 June 2011 -Final Report Page 2 of7 Page 1-2 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study POLARCONSULT MEMORANDUM Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. 5. How will the project encourage economic development and improve the long-term economic health of the community? The primary economic benefit of the project is lower and more stable electricity costs. During the summer months, the project does not generate a significant amount of energy in excess of the utility's existing loads, so there is little potential for summer- time economic development stemming from excess hydro energy. During the winter months, the project has significant excess generation potential, which could be used in a number of beneficial ways for the community. 6. What impact will the loss of fuel sales to the electric utility have on the community's bulk fuel operation? The fixed cost ofthe bulk fuel operation would need to be spread over fewer sales, raising the cost of fuel. Based on information provided by the community at the :\1ay 11 meeting, bulk fuel operating costs are approximately 90 cents per gallon on sales of 155,000 gallons per year. If these costs are assumed to be fixed, and the hydro project reduces fuel sales by 35,300 gallons annually (utility and heating fuel reductions), the bulk fuel surcharge would have to increase approximately 26 cents to $1.16 per gallon to keep the bulk fuel operation solvent. AEA COMMENTS 1. Executive Summary and Section 3.2 -Siphon intake on Jim's Lake: These are notorious for losing suction due to vacuum leaks, etc. Are there alternatives to using a siphon intake? What direct experience with these devices on projects, and what operational issues were documented, if any, can shed a better light on siphons? Properly designed, constructed and maintained siphons should not have problems with vacuum leaks. Siphons are not an unusual feature of hydroelectric projects and are a '"·idcly accepted technical solution. Goat Lake, Hidden Falls, and Port Armstrong arc examples of small hydroelectric projects in Alaska that use siphon intakes. Please see the attached correspondence for more information regarding siphon experience at the Hidden Falls and Port Armstrong systems. However, a siphon intake does introduce an additional degree of operational complexity on a relatively small power project. If a siphon intake is deemed unacceptable at Jim's Lake due to sustainability/opcrational concerns there are technically viable alternatives at increased construction cost. Jim's lake can be drawn down about four feet by digging a ditch approximately I 00 feet long, or drawn down eight feet with a ditch approximately 200 feet long. Excavation of either ditch would require some ripping or blasting of rock. Either of these lowered gravity outlets could be combined with a short dam to provide the same or more storage as the recommended project. FERC's decision on the project configuration(s) that are eligible for a license exemption will be a factor in determining which of these configurations may be adopted in the design phase of the project. June 22, 2011 June 2011-Final Report Page 3 of7 Page 1-3 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study POLARCONSUL T MEMORANDUM Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. 2. Section 1.2-Please reconfirm estimate of annual utility fuel expenses reduction of$121,500. This is incorrect. The correct estimated reduction in annual utility fuel expenses is $114.000. This error has been corrected in Section 1.2 and the executin summary. Other instances of the estimated reduction in annual utility fuel expenses in the draft report are corn·ct. 3. Section -The year-round future population for Elftn Cove is projected to be in a range from 20 to 60 on page 10. That is quite a large range and inconsistent with the general downward trend in Southeast Alaska's population. Either validate the high end or reduce it to a more defendable number. Please sec response to AEA comment #4. 4. Section year-round population ofElftn Cove (EC) appears to be in a downward trend. Population in 1990 was 57 and in 2009 was 25 people. Please provide further information on EC's population during the non-summer months and include the 2010 census for EC. Due to the general decline of Southeast Alaska's population and other small, rural communities around the state, AEA is concerned about the sustainability and viability of these communities that may be in decline. Elfin Cove's population has fluctuated over the past 50 years between approximately 20 and 60. It reached a high of 57 in 1990, and is currently at a low of 20 (2010 census data). A vailablc data indicates a consistent downward trend over the past 20 years. The 20 l 0 Census data, which was not available when the draft report was released in :\larch 2011, indicates that this decline continues. As is discussed in Section 2.2.7, the community's future population is one of several factors that detl'rmincs the utility's future electric load. Projecting future population for a community as small as Elfin Cove is a challenge, more so when the projection is for a long-life asset such as a hydrol'lectric project. The future population range given in the draft study is intentionally broad, as it is used to evaluate both the long-term need for the hydro project and the proper size of the hydro project. It is probable that the benefits of this project would help to stop or reverse the decline in Elfin Cove's resident population. Lower and more stable electricity rates, combined with the significant amount of excess hydro energy during the winter months, witt help encourage mm·e seasonal residents to remain year-round, and may also encourage people to move to Elfin Con. In light of the continuing decline in the community's resident population indicated by the 2010 Census data, two negative load growth cases have been included in Appendix H.3. Also, the sensitivity analysis in Section 4.2 already addresses negative load growth. Section 2.2. 7 has been revised to reflect the 2010 Census data and also to clarify the importance of the population data and projections for the economic benefits of the hydro project. June 22, 2011 June 2011 -Final Report Page 4 of7 Page I-4 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study POLARCONSULT MEMORANDUM Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. 5. Section 3.3 -The estimated energy generation discussion is very limited and does not describe the hydro projects ability to meet loads in Spring and Fall. Also, please summarize the fmdings from Section H.l in this section. Section 3.3 is expanded to include a summary of Appendix H and a discussion of performance during the spring and fall seasons. 6. Section 3.5.2 -Cabling the upper penstock to trees is not a recommended method of anchoring for long-term durability. Please update with another method. On-grade bedding or timber cribs will be adequate to restrain upper penstock movement in most areas, with additional lateral supports generally only required at significant bends. While cabling small-diameter surface-laid HOPE penstocks to large trees is a proven method, bedrock is generally available at close proximity to the surface along the upper penstock route and rock anchors can be used in lieu of trees for anchoring the penstock. The Section 3.5 narrative has been revised accordingly. 7. Drafting Jim's Lake down 8 feet will have impacts on the natural discharge Jim Lake Creek by causing flow to cease. Any fish (resident or anadromous) found in the reach below this natural outlet will see significant loss of water, including de-watering at the upper reaches. Please sec response to AEA comment #1 0. 8. Section 3.4 -The discussion of access to penstock routes, powerhouses and intakes on foot or via four wheeler trails has proven to be problematic for long term use and impractical for construction using conventional backhoes and loaders. It leads to an unrealistic expectation for the costs of construction. Would not recommend using that approach. This is an important issue common to small hydroelectric projects. In the construction phase, the basic tradeoff is the higher cost of building heavy equipment access vs. potential cost savings from using heavy equipment for construction. Over the project's life, the type of access will dictate the long-term maintenance methods used and influence long-term maintenance costs. Another significant factor is community preference -excessive trail or road building is likely to increase opposition to the project. Polarconsult has considered these factors, and the feasibility study cost estimates provide for construction access trails from tidewater at Small Sandy Beach up to the major pro,jcct features at Jim's Lake and Crooked Creek. These trails will be suitable for passage of small tracked equipment (e.g., John Deere 270, Case CX31 B, and similar). The project cost estimate also allows for an A TV trail for overland access from Elfin Cove. Construction access will not occur from Elfin Cove, so a construction trail here is not necessary. These assumptions have been clarified in the narrative of Section 3.4. Small hydro projects lacking heavy equipment access do exist in Alaska and have positive long-term track records (Pelican (1939, 800 kW), Chignik Bay (1949, 60 kW) Burro Creek (1980, 25 kW), (McRoberts Creek (1991, tOO kW) are some examples), so there is no question they can be successful. However, experienced and motivated personnel are critical for the successful long-term operation and maintenance of such June 22, 2011 June 2011 -Final Report Page 5 of7 Page 1-5 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study POLARCONSUL T MEMORANDUM Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. projects. If such personnel are unavailable, it is possible that the project will suffer increased down-time or even become derelict, which would reduce or eliminate the benefits of the project. The community will be responsible for long-term operation of the project, and needs to understand these tradeoffs and make an informed decision. Eliminating or reducing equipment trails can have initial benefits (lower construction costs) and long-term costs (more labor-intenshe project maintenance). 9. Section 5.0-Contact with the US Forest Service is mentioned. What is their position on the Roadless Rule impact upon proposed hydro development in Elfin Cove? This specific question was posed to t:SFS personnel on June 6 1 h with a response on June 22m1 • The pr-oject is located within an I nwntoried Road less Area (#311 Chichagof), and will therefore be subject to the Tongass Roadless Rule. This means that the project will need to be approved by the t:.S. Secretary of Agriculture. USFS personnel indicated that they have successfully worked through this process before for other small hydro projects within the Tongass. The approval process can start once the project configuration and impacts are well defined, and takes at least six months to complete. Section F.J.2 and the project schedule (Figure 5-l) have been revised to reflect this information. I 0. Section E.2 -It is stated that no fish have been observed during field investigations in either creek or Jim's Lake. The presence of resident Dolly Varden (or other fish) in the creek below Jim's Lake or in the Crooked Creek could cause significant licensing problems for this project, as well as reduce the available hydro energy due to need for environmental releases and preventing the lake from being drawn down. The feasibility study is incomplete without a fisheries biologist opinion on their existence (or not) based upon results of actual fish trapping in these creeks and in the Lake. It is expected that resource agencies will require fish studies during the permitting phase of the project to confirm the absence of fish in the project water bodies. ADFG's Atlas of Waters Important to the Spawning and Rearing of Anadromous Fishes docs not indicate that any of the project water bodies are anadromous fish habitat. This is consistent with the observed lack of fish and the observed barriers to fish passage and migration. This information is adequate for a feasibility-level analysis ofthc resource, and fish trapping is not warranted at this phase of study. Fish trapping and field assessment by a fisheries biologist of .Jim's Lake, Jim's Lake Creek, and Crooked Creek are anticipated activities for the permitting phase of the project. In the event fish are identified in any of the project water bodies, their presence will need to he worked out as part of the permitting process. 11. Section H.1.1 -The generation dispatch model assumes diesel loading can be as low as 15% of rated output. This low level of operation would result in significant long term damage to the gensets from "cold-stacking" and would violate the manufacturers' recommended June 22, 2011 June 2011-Final Report Page 6 of7 Page I-6 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study POLARCONSULT MEMORANDUM Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. operating load range and the associated unit warranty. This figure needs to be revised upward and the model re-run. A minimum loading of 40% of rated output is commonly cited to avoid 'cold-stacking' or 'wet-stacking' of diesel gen-sets. The model was re-run with the minimum loading parameter set to 40% of rated output and 80% of rated output. Results are summarized below. Generator Loading Description Result Parameter 40(;o minimum Typical minimum loading to Annual kWh generated by diesels increased loading a\oid ·wet-stacking' 100 kWh or 0.03% of total annual demand. ~0% minimum Typical loading for optimal Annual kWh generated by diesels increased loading fuel efficiency 600 kWh, or 0.2(;0 of total annual demand. Changing the minimum diesel generator loading from 15% to 40% or 80% docs not have a significant impact on the modeled performance of the hydroelectric project or the findings of the feasibility study. The study report narrative in Section H.l. 1 has been revised to reflect 40% minimum diesel generator loading as the base case for the generation dispatch model. 12. Section H.l.2 -Table H-2's value for total winter-time demand based on the ECUC Load Model differs from those values found in the remaining tables of the report. Please reconfirm. The correct winter-time ECVC load model is 160,700 k\Vh. Table H-2 contained a typo and has been corrected. 13. Section H.l.5-Value for load supplied by diesel for winter load is confusing in Table H-4. Add percentage in parenthesis like summer load to show % of total. Percentages have been added to clarify Table H-4. 14. Section H.l.6-Last paragraph repeats. The duplicate paragraph in Section H. 1 .6 has been deleted. June 22, 2011 June 2011-Final Report Page 7 of7 Page 1-7 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. Joel Groves From: Date: "Jane Button" <janedbutton@gmail.com> Sunday, June 19, 2011 9:02PM To: Cc: Subject: "Joel Groves" <joel@polarconsult.net> "Jim Wild" <WildJim@hughes.net> Fwd: RE: hydro siphon Hi Joel, Jim Wild asked that I forward this on to you. ----------Forwarded message ---------- From: Jim Wild <wildjim@hughes.net> Date: Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 8:01PM Subject: Fwd: RE: hydro siphon To: Jane Button <janedbutton(m.gmail.com> Talk to you in the morning. --jb Jane, Please forward this on to Joel so he will have it by meeting time tomorrow. I am working on a letter to Gov, will bring what I've got with me tomorrow- Stedman's office suggested writing letter-Jim --------Original Message -------- Subject:RE: hydro siphon Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2011 08:19:48 -0800 From:Lon Garrison <Lon Garrison(a),nsraa.org> To:Jim Wild <wildjim@hughes.net> Jim, Thanks for contacting me. Yes, at times, the Hidden Falls hydro runs in "siphon" mode when the level of the lake falls below the exit elevation of the pipeline. This is not a problem but does require some additional equipment and monitoring to ensure its continued operation. We do have to be careful how low we drawn down the lake to prevent a vortex and entraining air in the shallow intake. I would agree to the general statement that operating a siphon type system is prone to more potential difficulties but those can be overcome with the right design and planning. At Hidden Falls there are two penstocks that run from the lake to the powerhouse. Just below the ridge and the high point in the line there are a pair of vacuum compressors and Crispin valves that are used to keep the pipeline free of air. This system is completely automatic and only cycles on when necessary. It is a standard set up for a siphon installation. I am very familiar with the Port Armstrong turbines and pipelines as I was manager there for 4 years and was there when we installed 3 new turbines and the electronic governing system. The biggest problem we had with that system was the fact that the pipelines were not graded and since they were HOPE it would have been nearly impossible to grade them without continual support along the entire length of the pipe. We ended up with a half dozen air evacuation ports the we would manually use a vacuum diaphragm pump on a regular basis to keep the lines clear. I'm certain they have upgraded to some a bit more sophisticated. June 2011-Final Report Page I-8 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. No matter which system is used, gravity or siphon, you need a good design that incorporates the ability to maintain and service the penstock, but more importantly you will need a smart and reliable operator. I would wholeheartedly support a siphon installation given the proper design. This is not rocket science, it's been happening for a long time and I would venture to guess the systems that fail are those that are built without a good understanding of how a siphon operates. I've not spoken with anyone at Polar Consultants but I understand they have also worked on the Pelican system. I'm guessing they have a pretty good handle on this. I would be willing to help anyway I can and would not mind seeing you plans if you would like a layman's opinion. Best of luck and let me know if I can help. Lon Operations Mgr -NSRAA -----Original Message----- From: Jim Wild [mailto:wildjim@hughes.net] Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2011 6:16AM To: Lon Garrison Subject: hydro siphon Lon, My name is Jim Wild. I live in Elfin Cove, 32 winters now, and am writing to you concerning the use of a siphon to deliver water for hydro electric use. I spoke with Bart recently about the use of siphons at Port Armstrong and he thought that Hidden Falls also uses a siphon. Elfin Cove as the Community of Elfin Cove Non-Profit Corporation has been working on developing a source of hydro electric power since 1981, when the first recon study was done. We currently have a diesel system with community wide distribution capable of inter facing with a hydro power line. The hydro source uses a lake, where the siphon would be installed, a diverted stream to feed the lake and end result is 150 KW, ample to power Elfin Cove. So, currently there is 347K in this years capital budget to move from the completed feasibility study phase to permitting and design. The Alaska Energy Authority has reviewed our feasibility study (Polar Consultants) and commented that siphons are notorious for problems. If you have experience with the use of a siphon I am anxious to hear about it. Bart provided me with good information concerning siphon use. I hope to learn more as we prepare our response to AEA's comments and also prepare a letter to the Governor in support of our capital request. I would appreciate any knowledge you might be able to share on the subject of siphons. My phone is 907 239 2222 if you choose to call. Jim June 2011 -Final Report Page 1-9 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study fl. Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. APPENDIX J-TABULAR HYDROLOGY DATA June 2011 -Final Report Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study fl. Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. June 2011 -Final Report Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study JIM'S LAKE OUTLET CROOKED CREEK INTAKE SITE ROY'S CREEK ABOVE FALLS Date Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Nu~~:~~gsl Average Daily Stage (fl) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) Stage (fl) Daily Readings Flow(cfs) Stage (ft) Daily R Flow (cfs) !{START OF AVAILABLE RECORDS) START OF AVAILABLE RECORDS) 7/6/1984 0.39 1 0.20 0.71 1 2.36 71711984 0.32 1 0.11 0.70 1 2.31 7/8/1984 0.31 1 0.10 0.67 1 2.03 7/9/1984 0.49 1 0.38 1 3.66 7/10/1984 0.60 1 0.68 0.81 1 2.87 7/11/1984 0.53 1 0.48 0.73 1 2.47 7/12/1984 0.54 1 0.51 0.78 1 2.69 7/13/1984 EW 056~ 0.77 1 2.65 7/14/1984 0.56 0.76 1 2.62 7/15/1984 0.63 0.93 1 4.23 7/16/1984 1.87 1.40 1 20.85 7/17/1984 0 0.94 1 4.39 7/18/1984 0.72 1 %=1 0.82 1 2.94 7/19/1984 0.62 1 1.05 1 6.62 7/20/1984 0.75 1 0.74 1 2.53 7/21/1984 0.58 1 0.62 0.71 1 2.36 7/22/1984 0.51 1 0.44 0.70 1 2.31 7/23/1984 0.48 1 0.36 0.70 1 2.32 7/24/1984 0.46 1 0.32 0.67 1 1.99 7/25/1984 0.46 1 0.32 0.66 1 1.94 7/26/1984 0.46 1 0.32 0.66 1 1.94 7/2711984 0.46 1 0.31 0.66 1 1.94 7/28/1984 0.42 1 0.24 0.65 1 1.84 71~11~~ 0.23 0.64 1 1.80 7/30/1984 0. 0.26 0.76 1 2.61 7/31/1984 0. 0.37 0.72 1 2.40 8/1/1984 0.43 0.68 1 2.08 8/2/1984 0.40 0.66 1 1.94 8/3/1984 0. 0.32 0.64 1 1.80 8/4/1984 0.43 1 0.27 0.64 1 1.73 8/5/1984 0.43 1 0.26 0.62 1 1.62 8/6/1984 0.41 1 0.23 0.61 1 1.51 81711984 0.41 1 0.23 0.63 1 1.69 8/8/1984 0.43 1 0.27 0.86 1 3.37 8/9/1984 0.46 1 0.32 0.82 1 2.93 8/10/1984 0.60 1 0.69 0.69 1 2.26 8/1111984m#= 0.66 1 1.94 8/12/1984 0.46 0.71 1 2.34 8/13/1984 0.35 0.95 1 4.53 8/14/1984 0.33 0.67 1 2.04 8/15/1984 0.56 1 0.57 0.64 1 1.80 8/16/1984 0.51 1 0.43 0.61 1 • 1.51 8/1711984 0.46 1 0.32 0.61 1 1.51 8/18/1984 0.45 1 0.29 0.61 1 1.51 8/19/1984 0.41 1 0.23 0.61 1 1.51 8/20/1984 0.41 1 0.23 0.79 1 2.74 8/21/1984 0.41 1 0.23 0.70 1 2.32 8/22/1984 !=F+ 0.43 0.64 1 1.77 8123/1984 0.52 0.61 1 1.51 8/24/1984 0.38 0.85 1 =±=#.=± 8/25/1984 0.46 1 0.32 1.64 1 8/2611984 0.48 1 0.35 1.05 1 8/27/1984 0.98 1 2.96 0.69 1 2.19 8/28/1984 0.66 1 0.90 0.63 1 1.66 8/29/1984 0.44 1 0.28 0.61 1 1.51 8130/1984 0.35 1 0.14 0.63 1 1.66 8/31/1984 0.33 1 0.12 0.81 1 2.88 9/1/1984 0.32 1 0.11 0.67 1 2.01 9/2/1984 0.39 1 0.20 0.68 1 2.13 9/3/1984 0.40 1 0.21 0.69 1 2.24 9/4/1984 0.41 1 0.23 0.68 1 2.09 9/5/1984 0 0.63 1 1.69 9/6/1984 0.48 1 0.37 0.61 1 1.51 91711984 0.48 1 0.35 0.61 1 1.48 JUNE 2011 -FINAL REPORT J-1 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study JIM'S LAKE OUTLET CROOKED CREEK INTAKE SITE ROY'S CREEK ABOVE FALLS Date Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) 9/8/1984 0.43 1 0.27 0.57 1 1.17 9/9/1984 0.41 1 0.22 0.58 1 1.27 9/10/1984 0.36 1 0.15 0.57 1 1.17 9/11/1984 0.36 1 0.15 0.56 1 1.13 9/12/1984 0.36 1 0.15 0.56 1 1.13 9/13/1984 0.34 1 0.13 0.56 1 1.13 9/14/1984 0.31 1 0.10 0.63 1 1.71 9/15/1984 0.31 1 0.10 0.75 1 2.60 9/16/1984 0.31 1 0.10 1.14 1 9.20 9/17/1984 0.40 1 0.21 1.02 1 6.01 9/18/1984 0.48 1 0.35 1.19 1 10.93 9/19/1984 0.67 1 0.96 1.06 1 6.79 9/20/1984 0.66 1 0.92 0.93 1 4.28 9/21/1984 0.75 1 1.32 0.74 1 2.53 9/22/1984 0.66 1 0.93 0.64 1 1.78 9/23/1984 0.60 1 0.71 0.61 1 1.51 9/24/1984 0.55 1 0.53 0.59 1 1.34 9/25/1984 0.49 1 0.38 0.56 1 1.13 9/26/1984 0.44 1 0.28 0.56 1 1.13 9/27/1984 0.41 1 0.23 0.56 1 1.13 9/28/1984 0.41 1 0.23 0.71 1 2.37 9/29/1984 0.37 1 0.17 0.93 1 4.21 9/30/1984 0 0.66 1 1.94 10/1/1984 0.38 1 0.18 0 10/2/1984 0.47 1 0.34 0 10/3/1984 0.56 1 0.57 0 10/4/1984 0.56 1 0.56 0 (GAP) 10/13/1984 0 0.56 1 1.13 10/14/1984 0 0.65 1 1.85 10/15/1984 0 0.80 1 2.83 10/16/1984 0 0.66 1 1.96 10/17/1984 0.52 1 0.45 0.61 1 1.55 10/18/1984 0.51 1 0.43 0.61 1 1.51 10/19/1984 0.63 1 0.82 0.60 1 1.46 10/20/1984 0.57 1 0.59 0.60 1 1.46 10/21/1984 0.51 1 0.43 0.68 1 2.13 10/22/1984 0.51 1 0.43 1.24 1 12.71 10/23/1984 0.50 1 0.41 1.36 1 18.35 10/24/1984 0.49 1 0.39 1.06 1 6.91 10/25/1984 0.56 1 0.57 0.95 1 4.61 10/26/1984 0.83 1 1.82 0.66 1 1.97 10/27/1984 0.95 1 2.68 0.61 1 1.51 10/28/1984 0.70 1 1.07 0.61 1 1.51 10/29/1984 0.77 1 1.47 0.57 1 1.17 10/30/1984 0.58 1 0.64 0.56 1 1.15 10/31/1984 0.50 1 0.40 0.56 1 1.13 11/1/1984 0.46 1 0.32 0.56 1 1.13 11/2/1984 0.46 1 0.31 0.56 1 1.15 11/3/1984 0.42 1 0.25 0.56 1 1.13 11/4/1984 0 0.56 1 1.13 11/5/1984 0.42 1 0.24 0.60 1 1.44 11/6/1984 0.43 1 0.27 0.65 1 1.85 1117/1984 0.43 1 0.26 0.62 1 1.62 11/8/1984 0.40 1 0.21 0.61 1 1.51 11/9/1984 0.43 1 0.26 0.61 1 1.51 11/10/1984 0.50 1 0.40 0.58 1 1.25 11/11/1984 0.55 1 0.55 0.56 1 1.13 11/12/1984 0.53 1 0.47 0.56 1 1.13 11/13/1984 0.51 1 0.43 0.61 1 1.53 11/14/1984 0.51 1 0.43 0.56 1 1.13 11/15/1984 0.50 1 0.40 0.56 1 1.13 11/16/1984 0.46 1 0.32 0.64 1 1.75 JUNE 2011 -FINAL REPORT J-2 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study JIM'S LAKE OUTLET CROOKED CREEK INTAKE SITE ROY'S CREEK ABOVE FALLS Date Recor Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Stage Flow (cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow(cfs) 11/17/1984 0.41 0.75 1 2.56 11/18/1984 0.38 0.64 1 1.77 11/19/1984 0.43 0.68 1 2.14 11/20/1984 0.70 0.70 1 2.28 11/21/1984 0.76 1 1.39 1.31 1 16.14 11/2211984 0.60 1 0.69 1.12 1 8.65 11/23/1984 0.66 1 0.92 0.77 1 2.67 11/24/1984 0.64 1 0.83 0.68 1 2.13 11/25/1984 0.92 1 2.47 0.62 1 1.62 11/26/1984 0.95 1 2.65 II 1 1.51 11/27/1984 1 1.06 1 1.40 11/28/1984 0.75 1 1.17 11/29/19841 1 1.13 11/30/1984 0.41 1 1.13 1211/1984 0.29 1 1.13 121211984 1 0.20 0.56 1 1.13 1213/1984 1 0.11 0.56 1 1.13 1214/1984 0.33 1 0.12 0.60 1 1.40 1215/1984 0.31 1 0.10 0.75 1 2.60 1216/1984 0.31 1 0.10 1.32 1 16.51 1217/1984 0.31 1 0.10 1.25 1 13.30 1218/1984 0.32 1 0.11 1 9.87 1219/1984 0.38 1 0.18 1 2.41 • 12110/1984 0.47 1 0.34 1 1.82 12111/1984 0.74 1 1.30 1 1.60 12/1211984 0.94 1 2.60 1 12113/1984 0.77 1 1.47 1 12114/1984 0.79 1 1.53 1 1.73 12115/1984 0.60 1 0.71 0.94 1 4.41 12116/1984 0.47 1 0.33 0.87 1 3.38 12117/1984 0.47 1 0.34 0.66 1 1.91 12118/1984 0.51 1 0.43 0.59 1 1.33 12119/1984 0.61 1 0.72 0.96 1 4.64 12/20/1984 0.54 1 0.52 0.80 1 2.82 12/21/19~ 1 0.20 0.96 1 i=± 1212211984 1 0.11 0.66 1 1212311984 1 0.10 • 1 12124/1984 0 1 1.75 12125/1984 0.34 1 0.13 1 2.58 12126/1984 0.63 1 0.80 1 4.50 12127/1984 0.55 1 0.55 1 5.97 12/28/1984 0.39 1 0.20 1 3.09 12129/1984 0.32 1 0.11 0.75 1 2.60 12130/1984 0.31 1 0.10 0.62 1 1.59 12/31/1984 0.47 1 0.33 0.55 1 1.06 1/1/1985 0.42 1 0.24 1.63 1 37.61 1/211985 0.33 1 0.12 1.15 1 9.57 1/3/1985 0.32 1 0.11 0.90 1 3.73 1141-1 0.14 0.75 1 2.60 1/5/1985 1 0.23 0.65 1 1.85 1/6/1985 1 0.21 0.70 1 I 2.29 1/7/1 1 0.12 0.92 1 I 4.05 1/8/1985 . 1 0.17 0.95 1 4.59 1/9/1985 0.85 1 1.94 0.80 1 2.83 1/10/1985 0.71 1 1.13 1.06 1 6.98 1/11/1985 0.64 1 0.83 0.93 1 4.18 1/1211985 0.51 1 0.44 0.73 1 2.49 1/13/1985 0.43 1 0.26 0.66 1 1.94 1/14/1985 0.59 1 0.65 0.67 1 2.03 1/15/1985 0.68 1 0.99 0.97 1 4.90 1/16/1985 0.63 1 0.79 0.84 1 3.11 1/17/1985 0.54 1 0.52 0.65 1 1.87 1/18/1985 0 0.79 1 2.75 1/19/1985 0.86 1 1.99 1.12 1 8.51 1/20/1985 0.69 1 1.06 1.03 1 6.06 JUNE 2011 -FINAL REPORT J-3 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study JIM'S LAKE OUTLET CROOKED CREEK INTAKE SITE ROY'S CREEK ABOVE FALLS Date Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow(cfs) Recorded Number of Average Daily Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) 1/21/1985 0.51 1 0.44 0.87 1 3.44 1/2211985 0.47 1 0.33 1.20 1 11.43 1/23/1985 0.54 1 0.51 1.05 1 6.59 1/24/1985 0.95 1 2.71 0.94 1 4.43 1/25/1985 0.55 1 0.54 0.85 1 3.22 1/26/1985 0.32 1 0.11 0.82 1 2.91 1/27/1985 0.63 1 0.82 0.81 1 2.87 1/28/1985 0.88 1 2.14 0.78 1 2.71 1/29/1985 0.81 1 1.67 0.76 1 2.63 1130/1985 ~~ 1 1.18 0.86 1 3.27 1/31/1985 0. 1 1.80 0.86 1 3.31 2/1/1985 0.68 ~~ 0.77 $=$I 2/2/1985 0.50 0.76 2/3/1985 0.42 1 0.24 0.76 0.36 1 0.16 0.76 2/5/1985 0.31 1 0.10 END OF AVAILABLE RECORDS) 2/6/1985 0.31 1 0.10 2/7/1985 0.32 1 0.11 2/8/1985 0.53 1 0.49 2/9/1985 0.43 1 0.27 2/10/1985 0.34 1 0.13 2/11/1985 0.39 1 0.20 2/12/1985 0 2/13/1985 0.31 1 0.10 IIEND OF AVAILABLE RECORDS) (GAP) I I IINEW GAUGE INSTALLATION) I(NEW GAUGE INSTALLATION) 8/22/2008 3.73 48 0.89 7.89 45 8.78 8/23/2008 3.87 96 1.53 7.86 96 8.03 8/24/2008 3.95 96 1.95 7.92 96 9.91 8/25/2008 3.88 96 1.56 7.77 96 5.78 8/26/2008 3.85 96 1.42 7.78 96 5.77 8/27/2008 3.8~d=96 1.25 7.68 96 3.57 8/28/2008 3.78 96 1.07 7.63 96 2.65 8129/2008 3.75 96 0.97 7.61 96 2.28 8/30/2008 3.73 96 0.87 7.60 96 1.98 8/31/2008 3.71 96 I o.8o 7.59 96 1.88 9/1/2008 3.70 96 I 0.76 7.60 96 2.08 9/2/2008 3.71 96 0.80 7.63 96 2.66 9/3/2008 3.71 96 0.82 7.65 96 2.95 9/4/2008 3.73 96 0.89 7.73 96 4.81 9/5/2008 3.75 96 0.95 7.67 96 3.35 9/6/2008 3.74 96 0.91 7.62 96 2.46 9/7/2008 3.77 96 1.03 7.77 96 6.37 9/8/2008 3.96 96 2.00 7.91 96 9.60 9/9/2008 3.86 1.48 7.71 96 4.30 9/1012008 3.99 2.21 7.98 96 13.23 9/11/2008 3.91 96 1.73 7.81 96 6.64 9/12/2008 3.84 96 1.35 7.71 96 4.31 9/1312008 3.83 96 1.30 7.75 96 5.12 9/14/2008 4.06 96 2.76 8.03 96 16.80 9/15/2008 3.91 96 1.73 7.76 96 5.48 9/16/2008 3.98 96 2.16 8.01 96 13.26 9/17/2008 4.03 96 2.44 7.89 96 9.16 9/18/2008 3.86 96 1.48 7.69 3.88 9/19/2008 4.05 96 2.80 8.07 96 18.60 9/20/2008 3.99 96 2.22 7.83 96 7.26 9/21/2008 3.87 96 1.51 7.69 96 3.91 9/22/2008 3.83 96 1.32 7.69 96 3.81 9/23/2008 3.87 96 1.53 7.78 96 5.95 9/24/2008 3.85 96 1.41 7.66 96 3.30 9/25/2008+=*81 96 1.21 7.62 96 2.39 .78 96 1.10 I 7.60 96 2.05 I 9/27/2008 . 77 96 1.04 7.61 96 2.20 I 9/28/2008 I 3.86 96 1.46 7.83 96 7.33 JUNE 2011 FINAL REPORT J-4 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study JIM'S LAKE OUTLET CROOKED CREEK INTAKE SITE ROY'S CREEK ABOVE FALLS Date Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Stage (fl) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) Stage (fl) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) Stage (fl) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) 9/29/2008 3.89 96 1.64 7.81 96 6.88 9/3012008 3.92 96 1.77 7.78 96 5.93 10/1/2008 3.92 96 1.80 7.85 96 7.68 10/2/2008 3.97 96 2.05 7.91 96 9.38 10/3/2008 =m=t= 96 2.66 7. 11.42 10/4/2008 3. 96 1.55 7. 96 3.47 1W&WOO~ 96 1.57 7. 96 6.05 10/6/2008 3.90 96 1.65 7.72 96 E 10/7/2008 3.85 96 1.42 I 7.67 96 10/8/2008 3.93 96 1.85 7.78 96 . 1019/2008 96 1.77 7.74 96 4.94 10/10/2008 4.06 96 2.97 8.07 96 21.86 10/11/2008 4.17 96 3.67 8.10 96 21.24 .10/12/2008 3.94 96 1.88 7.94 96 10.74 10/13/2008 3.93 96 1.87 7.83 96 7.41 10/14/2008 3.86 96 1.46 7.82 96 7.12 10/15/200~H99 96 2.22 8.02 96 14.04 10/16/2008 .03 96 2.47 7.92 96 10.30 10/17/2008 3.99 96 2.23 7.87 96 8.42 10/18/2008 3.83 96 1.32 7.73 96 4.77 10/19/2008 3.98 96 2.15 7.89 96 8.97 ~: 3.84 96 1.34 7.70 ~96 4.04 3.85 96 1.40 7.84 96 7.66 10/22/2008 4.13 96 3.14 8.09 96 16.86 10/23/2008 4.13 96 3.19 8.01 96 13.70 10/24/2008 4.04 96 2.55 8.03 93 15.97 10/25/2008 3.83 73 1.32 7.69 72 3.89 1012612008 3.84 63 1.35 7.69 63 3.77 r=oo 2.23 7.91 96 9.31 4.12 96 3.07 8.11 96 17.08 4.07 96 2.71 7.95 96 10.59 3.83 96 1.30 7.73 96 4.70 3.78 96 1.08 7.67 96 3.32 3.76 96 1.02 7.79 96 6.15 11/2/2008 3.80 96 1.16 7.91 96 9.42 11/312008 3.83 96 1.32 7~ 96 6.72 11/4/2008 3.82=F=i 1.25 7.7 96 4.02 11/5/2008 3.78 96 1.09 7.65 96 3.07 11/6/2008 3.84 1.43 7.70 96 4.08 11/7/2008 3.99 96 2.21 7.87 96 8.26 11/8/2008 3.81 96 1.21 7.69 96 3.78 11/9/2008 3.76 96 1.00 7.84 96 2.71 11/10/2008 3.73 96 0.88 7.61 96 2.21 11/11/2008 3.72 96 0.85 7.60 96 2.05 11!12/2008 3.71 96 0.78 7.62 96 2.35 11/13/2008 3.71 0.79 7.64 96 2.71 11/14/2008 3.94 96 2.14 7.82 96 7.45 11/15/2008 3.97 96 2.11 7.90 96 9.31 11/16/2008 3.81 1.22 7.70 96 4.03 11/17/2008 3.76 96 I 1.00 7.64 96 2.68 11/18/2008 3.74 96 0.93 7.61 96 2.12 11/19/2008 3.72 96 0.84 7.58 96 1.67 11120/2008 3.72 96 0.83 7.58 96 1.71 11/21/2008 3.71 96 0.79 7.58 96 1.62 11/22/2008 3.81 96 1.26 7.67 P.l=i 3.60 11/23/2008 4.06 96 2.65 7.80 6.48 11/24/2008 3.84 96 1.37 7.68 3.52 11/25/2008 3.87 96 1.53 7.74 96 4.95 11/26/2008 4.19 96 3.64 8.08 96 15.89 11/27/2008 3.84 96 1.38 7.84 96 7.36 11/28/2008 3.89 96 1.66 8.02 96 13.21 11/29/2008 3.93 96 1.85 7.90 96 9.27 11/30/2008 3.81 96 1.21 7.69 96 3.92 12/1/2008 3.78 96 1.09 7.65 96 2.91 12/212008 3.76 96 0.99 7.62 96 2.31 JUNE 2011 -FINAL REPORT J-5 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study JIM'S LAKE OUTLET CROOKED CREEK INTAKE SITE ROY'S CREEK ABOVE FALLS Date Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) Stage (ft) Dally Readings Flow (cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) 1213/2008 3.74 87 0.91 7.59 87 1.93 1214/2008 3.76 52 0.99 7.84 52 7.31 1215/2008 3.78 96 1.10 96 4.08 1216/2008 4.01 96 2.30 7.94 96 10.43 1217/2008 4.02 96 2.35 8.00 96 .51 1218/2008 3.93 96 1.86 7.81 96 6.83 1219/2008 4. 7.81 96 6.88 12110/2008 4.05 96 2.54 7.90 96 9.29 12111/2008 3.88 96 1.58 7.71 96 4.30 1211212008 3.80 96 7.64 96 2.85 12/13/2008 3.77 67 1.02 7.62 67 2.33 12/14/2008 0 0 12115/2008 3.71 12 0.81 7.57 12 .52 12116/2008 3.70 96 0.77 7.57 92 1.51 12117/2008 3.73 87 0.88 7.65 92 3.08 12118/2008 0 7.61 2.19 12119/2008 0 7.64 4 2.78 12/20/2008 0 7.59 9 1.97 (GAP) INSTRUMENTATION PROBLEMS) INSTRUMENTATION PROBLEMS) 1/11/2009 3.67 93 0.65 7.64 93 3.32 1/1212009 3.82 96 1.38 7.58 69 1.70 1/13/2009 ~ 96 1.78 0 1/1412009 1.98 7.82 39 6.98 1/1512009 3.86 96 1.48 7.78 96 6.00 1/16/2009 3.84 96 1.37 7.77 96 5.71 1/1712009 3.96 96 2.03 7.90 96 9.53 1/18/2009 4.05 96 2.63 7.98 96 =t 12.79 1/19/2009 3.93 96 1.85 7.81 96 6.91 1/20/2009 m=E=96 8.00 96 12.42 1/21/2009 3 96 1.57 7.72 96 4.50 1/2212009 3 96 1.00 7.69 96 3.96 1/23/2009 3.74 96 0.91 7.9 96 11.36 1/2412009 3.66 96 0.65 7. 96 12.00 1/2512009 3.67 96 0.66 96 11.35 1/26/2009 3.68 96 0.70 7.78 96 5.84 1/27/2009 3.69 96 0.73 7.68 94 3.73 1/28/2009 3.67 96 0.71 0 1/29/2009 3.64 96 0.66 0 1/30/2009 4.08 96 0 1/31/2009 4.29 96 4.44 0 211/2009 3.78 96 1.12 7.59 86 1.82 21212009 3.76 96 0.99 7.59 94 1.81 2/3/2009 3.87 96 2.05 0 2/412009 4.15 96 3.30 0 215/2009 4.16 96 3.38 0 2/6/2009 3.90 96 1.81 7.53 60 0.91 217/2009 3.76 85 1.02 7.56 85 1.38 (GAP) LOGGER MEMORY OVERRUN) LOGGER MEMORY OVERRUN) 6/28/2009 3.63 22 0.51 7.63 26 2.51 612912009 3.62 96 0.48 7.61 96 2.12 6/30/2009 3.61 96 0.45 7.59 96 1.85 7/112009 3.61 96 0.45 7.60 96 2.01 7/212009 3.60 96 0.43 7.58 96 1.67 7/312009 3.59 96 0.42 7.58 96 1.76 7/4/2009 3.59 96 0.40 -HH-96 1.72 715/2009 3.58 96 0.38 96 1.59 7/6/2009 3.56 96 0.34 7.58 I 96 1.62 717/2009 3.57 96 0.35 '1=$=1 1.49 7/8/2009 3.57 96 0.36 7.55 96 1.25 719/2009 3.56 96 0.32 7.55 1.17 711012009 3.54 96 0.27 7. 96 1.29 JUNE 2011 -FINAL REPORT J-6 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove PolarconsultAiaska, Inc. Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study JIM'S LAKE OUTLET CROOKED CREEK INTAKE SITE ROY'S CREEK ABOVE FALLS Date Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Stage (ft} Daily Readings Flow (cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) 7/11/2009 3.54 96 0.27 7.55 96 1.25 7/1212009 3.53 96 0.25 7.54 96 1.09 7/13/2009 3.52 96 0.24 7.54 96 1.02 7/14/2009 ±= 3.52 96 0.24 7.53 96 0.93 7/15/2009 3.52 96 0.23 7.53 96 0.88 7/16/2009 3.52 96 0.22 7.51 96 0.74 7/17/2009 3.51 96 0.21 7.51 96 0.70 7/18/2009 3.53 96 0.25 7.53 96 0.98 7/1912009 3.54 96 0.26 7.52 96 0.85 7/20/2009 3.54 96 0.27 7.53 ± 0.95 7/21/2009 3.54 96 0.27 7.52 96 0.78 712212009 3.54 96 0.27 7.55 96 1.15 7/23/2009 I 3.54 96 0.28 7.57 96 1.46 7/24/2009 3.54 96 0.28 7.54 a 1.03 7/25/2009 3.54 96 0.27 7.51 0.72 7/26/2009 3.54 96 0.28 7.51 6 0.66 7/27/2009 3.54 96 0.27 7.51 6 0.70 7/28/2009 3.54 96 0.27 7.51 96 0.71 7129/2009 3.53 96 0.26 7.51 0.64 7/30/2009 3.53 96 0.25 7.51 96 0.66 7/31/2009 3.52 96 0.24 7.51 96 0.70 811/2009 3.53 96 0.24 7.52 96 0.86 I 81212009 3.52 96 0.24 7.50 96 0.63 8/3/2009 3.52 96 0.22 7.49 96 0.49 8/4/2009 3.51 96 0.21 7.49 96 0.44 8/512009 3.51 96 0.20 7.48 96 0.39 816/2009 3.52 96 0.22 7.48 96 0.42 8fi/2009 3.51 96 0.20 7.48 96 0.41 8/8/2009 3.51 96 0.20 7.48 96 0.42 8/9/2009 3.53 96 0.24 7.64 96 3.10 8/10/2009 3.57 96 0.35 7.62 96 2.48 8/11/2009 3.58 96 0.37 7.60 96 2.22 8/1212009 3.59 96 0.39 7.59 96 1.94 8/13/2009 3.58 96 0.39 7.55 96 1.26 8/14/2009 3.58 96 0.38 7.54 96 1.14 8/1512009 3.58 96 0.36 7.65 96 3.40 8/16/2009 3.74 96 1.08 8.12 96 23.12 8/17/2009 4.22 "=f 3.88 8.21 96 23.87 8/18/2009 3.81 96 1.23 7.78 96 5.92 8/19/2009 3.67 96 0.67 7.63 96 2.50 8/20/2009 3.59 96 0.41 7.62 96 2.43 8/21/2009 3.69 96 0.73 7.80 96 6.71 8/2212009 3.69 96 0.74 774=1= 96 4.97 8123/2009 3.68 96 0.69 7.74 96 4.99 8/24/2009 3.66 !=F:~ 7.70 96 4.02 8/25/2009 3.70 7.84 96 9.83 8/26/2009 3.83 1.37 7.74 96 5.08 8/27/2009 3.72 0.86 7.81 96 7.08 8/28/2009 3.95 ~ 2.00 8.00 96 13.38 8/29/2009 3.97 2.10 8.03 96 13.81 8/30/2009 3.81 96 1.21 7.77 96 5.61 8/31/2009 3.70 96 0.76 7.65 96 3.06 9/1/2009 3.63 96 0.51 7.60 1.94 9/212009 3.58 96 0.37 7.57 96 1.52 9/3/2009 3.53 96 0.26 7.55 96 1.25 9/4/2009 3.52 96 0.22 7.57 96 1.50 9/512009 3.51 96 0.20 7.57 96 1.60 9/6/2009 3.50 96 0.18 7.55 96 1.23 9nt2009 3.49 96 0.17 7.56 I 96 1.33 9/8/2009 3.49 96 0.16 7.56 96 1.30 9/9/2009 3.49 96 0.17 7.66 96 3.31 9/10/2009 3.64 96 0.70 7.92 96 10.96 9/11/2009 3.80 96 1.17 7.77 96 5.60 9/1212009 3.68 96 0.70 7.65 96 3.03 9/13/2009 3.65 96 0.60 7.71 96 4.35 JUNE 2011 -FINAL REPORT J-7 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study JIM'S LAKE OUTLET CROOKED CREEK INTAKE SITE ROY'S CREEK ABOVE FALLS Date Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow(cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) 9/14/2009 3.63 96 0.52 7.62 96 2.45 9/15/2009 3.57 96 0.36 7.58 96 1.62 9/16/2009 3.61 96 0.49 7.76 96 5.74 9/17/2009 3.88 96 1.59 7.90 96 9.81 9/18/2009 3.77 96 1.03 7.78 96 6.02 9/19/2009 3.68 96 0.68 7.63 96 2.64 9/20/2009 3.62 96 0.49 7.66 96 3.24 9/21/2009 3.63 96 0.53 7.68 96 3.61 9/22/2009 3.71 96 0.79 7.80 96 6.51 9/23/2009 3.89 96 1.68 8.01 96 13.30 9/24/2009 3.79 96 1.13 7.77 96 5.76 9/25/2009 3.91 96 1.78 8.05 96 14.85 9/26/2009 3.98 96 2.14 7.98 96 12.53 9/27/2009 3.76 96 1.01 7.70 96 4.11 9/28/2009 3.65 96 0.61 7.63 96 2.49 9/29/2009 3.57 96 0.36 7.59 96 1.77 9/30/2009 3.57 96 0.35 7.71 96 4.32 10/1/2009 3.71 96 0.82 7.75 96 5.31 10/2/2009 3.66 96 0.64 7.62 96 2.39 10/3/2009 3.60 96 0.44 7.58 96 1.71 10/4/2009 3.56 96 0.32 7.57 96 1.45 10/5/2009 3.91 96 2.29 8.11 96 23.54 10/6/2009 3.77 96 1.07 7.67 96 3.55 1ont2009 3.65 96 0.60 7.62 96 2.47 I!NEW INSTALLATION) 10/8/2009 3.63 96 0.52 7.69 96 3.75 1.34 35 3.35 HARDWARE CHANGED) I(NEW HARDWARE INSTALLED) 10/9/2009 3.66 89 0.50 7.69 91 3.77 1.29 96 2.67 10/10/2009 3.68 96 0.46 7.60 96 1.99 1.16 96 1.16 10/11/2009 3.66 96 0.41 7.56 96 1.43 1.12 96 0.79 10/12/2009 3.64 96 0.34 7.54 96 1.14 1.09 96 0.59 10/13/2009 3.63 96 0.33 7.53 96 0.89 1.06 96 0.41 10/14/2009 3.62 96 0.31 7.51 96 0.74 1.04 96 0.33 10/15/2009 3.61 96 0.27 7.51 96 0.69 1.04 96 0.32 10/16/2009 3.62 96 0.31 7.59 96 1.92 1.28 96 3.05 10/17/2009 3.68 96 0.47 7.73 96 4.74 1.41 96 4.73 10/18/2009 3.71 96 0.54 7.65 96 3.05 1.31 96 2.91 10/19/2009 3.72 96 0.60 7.67 96 3.49 1.32 96 3.32 10/20/2009 3.73 96 0.61 7.59 96 1.90 1.16 96 1.16 10/21/2009 3.75 96 0.70 7.62 96 2.55 1.23 96 2.75 10/22/2009 3.80 96 0.89 7.85 96 7.67 1.62 96 9.34 10/23/2009 3.88 96 1.22 7.87 96 8.22 1.60 96 9.27 10/24/2009 3.82 96 0.96 7.73 96 4.64 1.37 96 4.01 10/25/2009 3.92 96 1.46 7.97 96 13.40 1.83 96 19.13 10/26/2009 4.09 96 2.43 8.02 96 14.02 1.86 96 17.51 10/27/2009 3.88 96 1.22 7.80 96 6.34 1.52 96 6.70 10/28/2009 3.81 96 0.91 7.66 96 3.27 1.27 96 2.40 10/29/2009 3.98 96 1.77 7.71 96 4.22 1.33 96 3.23 10/30/2009 3.79 96 0.86 7.61 96 2.23 1.21 96 1.69 10/31/2009 3.75 96 0.68 7.57 96 1.55 1.16 96 1.14 11/1/2009 3.76 96 0.72 7.62 96 2.56 1.24 96 2.19 11/2/2009 3.91 96 1.38 7.76 96 5.44 1.45 96 5.43 11/3/2009 3.83 96 1.01 7.67 96 3.32 1.28 96 2.48 11/4/2009 3.78 96 0.79 7.67 96 3.58 1.37 96 4.39 11/5/2009 3.80 96 0.87 8.00 96 12.29 1.87 96 17.00 11/6/2009 3.85 96 1.07 7.82 96 6.91 1.54 96 7.31 11n/2009 4.01 96 1.98 7.91 96 9.51 1.77 96 14.67 11/8/2009 3.82 96 0.98 7.70 96 4.06 1.33 96 3.21 11/9/2009 3.75 96 0.68 7.63 96 2.61 1.26 96 2.25 11/10/2009 3.73 96 0.62 7.61 96 2.17 1.22 96 1.74 11/11/2009 3.72 96 0.60 7.61 96 2.15 1.22 96 1.78 11/12/2009 3.99 96 1.93 7.92 96 11.85 1.67 96 13.53 11/13/2009 3.83 96 1.05 7.68 96 3.67 1.33 96 3.94 11/14/2009 4.25 96 3.84 7.98 96 12.78 1.82 96 18.24 11/15/2009 3.79 96 0.86 7.65 96 2.91 1.25 96 2.11 11/16/2009 3.74 96 0.67 7.59 96 1.88 1.18 96 1.38 JUNE 2011 -FINAL REPORT J-8 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study JIM'S LAKE OUTLET CROOKED CREEK INTAKE SITE ROY'S CREEK ABOVE FALLS Date Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow(cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow(cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) 11/17/2009 3.72 96 0.57 7.56 96 1.44 1.16 96 1.16 11/1812009 3.71 0.54 7.55 96 1.23 1.14 96 1.00 11/19/2009 3.69 96 0.49 7.54 96 1.04 1.13 96 0.90 11/20/2009 3.68 96 0.45 7.53 96 0.93 1.12 96 0.83 11/21/2009 3.67 96 0.42 7.52 96 0.85 1.11 96 0.78 11/22/2009 3.66 96 0.39 7.52 96 0.76 1.11 96 0.73 11/23/2009 3.66 96 0.41 7.54 96 1.06 1.16 96 1.25 11/24/2009 3.74 96 0.65 7.62 96 2.31 1.29 96 2.67 11/25/2009 3.95 1.59 7.73 96 4.80 1.43 96 5.35 11/26/2009 4.12 2.63 96 14.24 1.95 96 21.46 11127/2009 3.90 96 1.31 mm 1.41 H---+ 4.55 11/28/2009 1.10 1.29 2.66 11/29/2009 2.10 1.59 96 8.43 11/30/2009 0.99 1.27 96 2.43 12/1/2009 96 0.69 1.20 96 1.54 12/2/2009 3.97 96 1.81 1.50 96 7.34 12/3/2009 3.88 96 1.23 7.67 96 3.31 1.31 96 2.90 12/412009 3.79 96 0.83 7.61 96 2.22 1.22 96 1.73 12/5/2009 3.74 96 0.66 7.57 96 1.45 1.16 96 1.19 12/6/2009 3.71 96 0.56 7.54 96 1.14 1.14 96 0.98 12/7/2009~ 0.49 7.53 96 0.97 1.13 96 0.88 12/812009 0.44 7.52 96 0.86 1.12 96 0.80 12/9/2009 3.66 96 0.39 7.52 96 0.82 1.11 96 0.75 12/10/2009 3.64 96 0.36 7.53 96 0.90 1.12 96 0.84 12/11/2009 3.64 96 0.35 7.52 96 0.81 1.12 96 0.80 12/12/2009 3.63 96 0.33 7.51 96 0.70 1.10 96 0.65 12/1312009 3.62 96 0.31 7.50 96 0.63 1.08 96 0.57 12/14/2009 3.62 96 0.30 7.50 96 0.61 1.08 96 0.56 12/1512009 3.62 96 0.29 7.53 96 0.96 1.07 96 0.48 12/16/2009 3.61 96 0.27 7.50 96 0.53 1.07 96 0.50 12/17/2009 3.61 96 0.28 7.54 96 1.03 1.18 96 1.34 12/18/2009 3.70 96 0.53 7.70 96 1.48 b=6.25 12/19/2009 3.70 =t= 96 0.51 96 1.45 1.30 2.89 12/20/2009 0.43 96 1.08 1.13 96 0.92 12/21/2009 3.65 96 0.37 96 3.80 1.11 96 0.75 12/22/200~~ 0.33 96 0.74 1.10 96 0.65 12/2312009 0.35 96 1.38 1.09 96 0.61 12/24/2009 3.65 96 0.38 96 1.00 1.11 96 0.83 12/25/2009 3.93 96 1.53 7.74 96 4.88 1.48 96 6.00 12/26/2009 3.98 96 1. 7.80 96 6.31 1.68 96 10.74 12/27/2009 3.89 96 1.27 7.78 96 5.85 1.56 96 7.69 12/28/2009 3.77 96 0.78 7.71 96 4.22 1.41 96 4.46 12/29/2009 3.74 96 0.65 7.64 96 2.78 1.27 96 2.37 12/30/2009 3.70 96 0.53 7.57 96 1.48 1.15 96 1.11 12/31/2009 3.68 96 0.46 7.68 96 3.77 1.11 96 0.75 1/1/2010 1iH==I 0.40 7.84 96 7.45 1.12 96 0.79 1/2/2010 0.35 7.84 96 7.40 1.11 96 1/3/2010 0.32 7.73 96 4.80 1.10 96 0.68 1/4/2010 3.61 I 96 0.28 7.51 96 0.74 1.07 96 -H%-1/5/2010 3.60 I 96 0.25 7.49 96 0.45 1.06 96 1/6/2010 ~ 0.25 7.48 96 0.43 1.05 96 0.36 117/2010 3.65 0.39 7.58 96 1.92 1.24 96 2.58 118/2010 3.97 96 1.73 8.01 96 12.92 1.90 96 18.58 11912010 3.83 96 1.02 7.85 96 7.70 1.64 96 9.72 1110/2010 3.87 96 1.23 7.84 96 7.40 1.59 96 8.48 1/11/2010 3.83 96 1.00 7.75 96 5.18 1.32 96 3.19 1/12/2010 3.73 96 0.63 7.94 96 10.31 1.23 96 1.89 1/13/2010 3.69 96 0.48 7.58 96 1.86 FHt 96 0.85 1/14/2010 3.70 96 0.53 7.59 96 1.92 96 1.36 1/15/2010 3.74 96 0.64 7.61 96 2.14 96 1.54 1/1612010 3.93 = 96 1.47 li 96 ~ 1.41 96 4.71 1/17/2010 3.92 96 1.41 96 1.38 96 4.18 1/18/2010 3.77 96 0.76 96 1.20 96 1.55 1/1912010 3.74 96 0.64 96 1.16 96 1.17 1120/2010 3.71 96 0.55 96 1.13 96 0.88 JUNE 2011 -FINAL REPORT J-9 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study JIM'S LAKE OUTLET CROOKED CREEK INTAKE SITE ROY'S CREEK ABOVE FALLS Date Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow(cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) 1/21/2010 3.70 96 0.54 96 1.37 1.19 1/2212010 3.70 96 0.53 96 1.20 1/23/2010 3.68 96 0.46 96 0.90 1/24/2010 3.67 96 0.43 96 0.76 1/25/2010 3.66 96 0.40 96 0.64 1/26/2010 3.64 96 0.36 96 0.55 1/27/2010 3.63 96 0.34 96 0.53 1/28/2010 3.64 96 0.35 96 0.67 1/29/2010 3.65 96 0.38 96 1.03 3.69 96 0.49 96 2.73 0.65 96 3.65 0.62 96 2.93 3.75 96 0.68 96 4.69 1.43 3.74 96 0.65 96 3.06 1.27 2/4/2010 3.71 96 0.55 96 1.81 1.18 2/5/2010 3.68 96 0.46 96 1.38 1.15 216/2010 3.70 96 0.51 96 5.01 1.51 2/7/2010 3.76 96 0.74 96 7.32 1.59 218/2010 3.76 96 0.72 96 3.96 1.33 219/2010 3.72 96 0.58 96 1.98 1.18 2/10/2010 3.68 96 0.47 96 1.35 1.13 2/11/2010 3.67 96 0.42 96 1.11 1.12 211212010 3.66 96 0.40 96 1.02 1.12 2113/2010 3.65 96 0.38 96 1.33 1.17 2114/2010 3.67 96 0.43 96 3.71 1.41 2115/2010 3.73 96 0.62 96 3.96 1.36 2116/2010 3.76 96 0.73 96 5.04 1.43 2117/2010 3.89 96 1.27 96 6.06 1.50 2118/2010 3.79 96 0.83 96 3.83 1.31 2119/2010 3.72 96 0.58 96 2.45 1.22 2/20/2010 3.70 96 0.51 96 2.39 1.22 2/21/2010 3.68 96 0.46 96 2.10 1.18 2122/2010 3.66 96 0.41 96 1.68 1.15 2/2312010 0.38 96 1.33 1.13 2/24/2010 0.37 96 1.22 1.15 2/25/2010 0.37 96 1.64 1.19 2/26/2010 0.39 96 1.61 1.19 2127/2010 0.40 96 1.45 1.15 2128/2010 0.51 96 3.88 1.40 3/1/2010 0.73 96 6.88 1.55 312/2010 0.71 96 5. 1.43 3/3/2010 96 0.60 7.63 96 2. 1.21 96 3/4/2010 3.73 96 0.63 7.59 96 1.80 1.16 96 3/5/2010 3.74 96 0.64 7.57 96 1.56 1.13 96 3/6/2010 3.98 96 1.73 7.64 96 2.81 1.29 96 3/712010 3.79 96 0.85 7.56 96 1.35 1.14 96 3/8/2010 3.72 96 0.59 7.55 96 1.21 1.10 96 3/9/2010 3.72 96 0.58 7.54 96 1.11 1.10 96 3/10/2010 3.71 96 0.54 7.52 96 0.82 1.08 96 3/11/2010 3.70 96 0.54 7.52 96 0.84 1.08 96 3/1212010 3.70 96 0.54 7.53 96 1.05 1.07 96 0.48 3/13/2010 3.70 96 0.53 7.69 96 3.84 1.09 96 0.59 3/14/2010 3.73 96 0.62 7.58 96 1.69 1.17 96 1.27 3/15/2010 3.79 96 0.85 7.60 96 1.22 96 1.75 3/16/2010 3.78 96 0.82 7.60 96 1.99 1.22 96 1.74 3/1712010 3.75 96 0.71 7.57 96 1.58 1.18 96 1.32 3/18/2010 3.76 96 0.7 7.57 96 1.59 1.18 96 1.32 3/19/2010 3.76 96 0.7 7.57 96 1.48 1.16 96 1.15 3/20/2010 3.78 96 0.78 7.58 96 1.68 1.17 96 1.25 3/21/2010 3.74 96 0.65 7.56 96 1.30 1.14 96 0.96 3/2212010 3.71 96 0.54 7.53 96 0.96 1.10 96 0.69 3123/2010 3.73 96 0.62 7.66 96 3.31 96 0.65 3/24/2010 3.87 96 1.19 7.66 96 3.22 96 2.52 31 3.79 96 0.84 7.60 96 2.11 96 1.67 3/26/2010 3.74 96 0.66 7.57 96 1.56 96 1.18 JUNE 2011 -FINAL REPORT J-10 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study JIM'S LAKE OUTLET CROOKED CREEK INTAKE SITE ROY'S CREEK ABOVE FALLS Date Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow(cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow(cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow(cfs) 3/27/2010 3.83 96 0.99 7.63 96 2.60 1.26 96 2.27 3/28/2010 3.92 96 1.39 7.75 96 5.09 1.47 96 5.55 3/29/2010 3.87 96 1.16 7.78 96 5.96 1.51 96 6.52 3/30/2010 3.80 96 0.90 7.71 96 4.37 1.38 96 3.92 3/31/2010 3.79 96 0.82 7.67 96 3.47 1.30 96 2.75 4/1/2010 3.74 96 0.67 7.61 96 2.21 1.21 96 1.61 4/2/2010 3.73 96 0.63 7.60 96 2.09 1.21 96 1.71 4/3/2010 3.74 96 0.65 7.62 96 2.42 1.23 96 1.92 4/4/2010 3.74 96 0.64 7.61 96 2.20 1.20 96 1.59 4/5/2010 3.71 96 0.55 7.57 96 1.58 1.17 96 1.23 4/6/2010 3.74 96 0.65 7.60 96 2.06 1.22 96 1.75 4/7/2010 3.74 96 0.66 7.57 96 1.58 1.15 96 1.11 4/8/2010 3.71 96 0.55 7.54 96 1.10 1.12 96 0.82 4/9/2010 3.69 96 0.48 7.53 96 0.98 1.12 96 0.85 4/10/2010 3.67 96 0.44 7.55 96 1.17 1.14 96 0.98 4/11/2010 3.67 94 0.42 7.56 96 1.40 1.16 96 1.18 4/12/2010 3.66 96 0.40 7.57 96 1.56 1.18 96 1.36 4/13/2010 3.67 96 0.44 7.66 96 3.29 1.34 96 3.99 4/14/2010 3.77 96 0.76 7.85 96 7.78 1.66 96 10.14 4/15/2010 3.74 96 0.67 7.72 96 4.52 1.40 96 4.30 4/16/2010 3.73 96 0.61 7.73 96 4.72 1.40 96 4.27 4/17/2010 3.73 96 0.62 7.78 96 5.97 1.54 96 7.70 4/18/2010 3.77 96 0.76 7.97 96 11.46 1.88 96 17.51 4/19/2010 3.80 96 0.87 8.00 96 12.27 1.87 96 16.83 4/20/2010 3.80 96 0.90 7.92 96 9.69 1.75 96 12.85 4/21/2010 3.75 96 0.70 7.77 96 5.61 1.49 96 5.99 4/22/2010 3.73 96 0.62 7.71 96 4.37 1.41 96 4.44 4/23/2010 3.71 96 0.56 7.69 96 3.85 1.36 96 3.59 4/24/2010 3.70 96 0.52 7.69 96 3.87 1.36 96 3.74 4/25/2010 3.69 96 0.49 7.76 96 5.43 1.50 96 6.72 4/26/2010 3.70 96 0.51 7.94 96 10.36 1.77 96 13.44 4/27/2010 3.71 96 0.56 7.90 96 9.03 1.76 96 13.12 4/28/2010 3.73 96 0.61 7.86 96 8.01 1.64 96 9.55 4/29/2010 3.71 96 0.56 7.77 96 5.60 1.50 96 6.25 4/30/2010 3.70 96 0.53 7.74 96 4.98 1.44 96 5.00 5/1/2010 3.70 96 0.51 7.76 96 5.58 1.49 96 6.17 5/2/2010 3.70 96 0.52 7.73 96 4.63 1.44 96 5.03 5/3/2010 3.69 96 0.49 7.67 96 3.47 1.34 96 3.36 5/4/2010 3.68 96 0.45 7.80 96 6.33 1.50 96 6.40 5/5/2010 3.68 96 0.45 7.79 96 6.07 1.51 96 6.54 5/6/2010 3.67 96 0.44 7.76 96 5.34 1.46 96 5.51 5/7/2010 3.67 96 0.43 7.74 96 4.98 1.44 96 5.07 5/8/2010 3.66 96 0.41 7.71 96 4.39 1.41 96 4.61 5/9/2010 3.66 96 0.39 7.70 96 4.05 1.39 96 4.22 5/10/2010 3.66 96 0.39 7.74 96 5.12 1.46 96 5.83 5/11/2010 3.65 96 0.37 7.69 96 3.93 1.38 96 4.03 5/12/2010 3.66 96 0.40 7.78 96 5.96 1.56 96 7.79 5/13/2010 3.66 96 0.40 7.75 96 5.09 1.48 96 5.94 5/14/2010 3.65 96 0.37 7.75 96 5.30 1.49 96 6.22 5/15/2010 3.66 96 0.40 7.77 96 5.72 1.57 96 7.73 5/16/2010 3.65 96 0.37 7.71 96 4.39 1.45 96 5.38 5/17/2010 3.64 96 0.35 7.73 96 4.76 1.46 96 5.56 5/18/2010 3.64 96 0.34 7.83 96 7.38 1.66 96 10.44 5/19/2010 3.64 96 0.35 7.83 96 7.28 1.67 96 10.40 5/20/2010 3.64 96 0.34 7.73 96 4.77 1.48 96 6.08 5/21/2010 3.64 96 0.36 7.80 96 6.34 1.62 96 8.98 5/22/2010 3.63 96 0.33 7.76 96 5.34 1.56 96 7.60 5/23/2010 3.63 96 0.32 7.74 96 4.88 1.51 96 6.54 5/24/2010 3.62 96 0.29 7.77 96 5.73 1.58 96 8.30 5/25/2010 3.61 96 0.28 7.72 96 4.41 1.47 96 5.70 5/26/2010 3.61 96 0.27 7.74 96 4.88 1.53 96 7.19 5/27/2010 3.60 96 0.25 7.77 96 5.62 1.62 96 9.39 5/28/2010 3.59 96 0.24 7.73 96 4.84 1.57 96 7.95 5/29/2010 3.59 96 0.23 7.73 96 4.63 1.55 96 7.49 5/30/2010 3.58 96 0.20 7.69 96 3.75 1.44 96 5.21 JUNE 2011 -FINAL REPORT J-11 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study JIM'S LAKE OUTLET CROOKED CREEK INTAKE SITE ROY'S CREEK ABOVE FALLS Date Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) 5/31/2010 3.57 96 0.18 7.67 96 3.40 1.44 96 5.08 6/1/2010 3.57 96 0.18 7.73 96 4.76 1.59 96 8.22 6/2/2010 3.57 96 0.18 7.70 96 4.10 1.55 96 7.47 6/3/2010 3.58 96 0.20 7.65 96 3.04 1.43 96 4.89 6/4/2010 3.58 96 0.20 7.64 96 2.69 1.38 96 4.11 6/5/2010 3.57 96 0.19 7.60 96 2.08 1.31 96 2.91 6/6/2010 3.56 96 0.17 7.61 96 2.23 1.35 96 3.66 Gn/2010 3.56 96 0.16 7.61 96 2.24 1.38 96 4.15 6/8/2010 3.55 96 0.15 7.62 96 2.35 1.43 96 4.83 6/9/2010 3.54 96 0.13 7.61 96 2.24 1.42 96 4.63 6/10/2010 3.54 96 0.13 7.60 96 2.09 1.42 96 4.63 6/11/2010 3.54 96 0.12 7.59 96 1.92 1.33 96 3.35 6/12/2010 3.56 96 0.16 7.65 96 2.92 1.42 96 4.62 6/13/2010 3.58 96 0.21 7.62 96 2.48 1.39 96 4.11 6/14/2010 3.58 96 0.21 7.56 96 1.43 1.27 96 2.42 6/15/2010 3.57 96 0.19 7.59 96 1.87 1.34 96 3.36 6/16/2010 3.58 96 0.20 7.65 96 3.04 1.40 96 4.55 6/17/2010 3.62 96 0.29 7.73 96 4.66 1.48 96 5.94 6/18/2010 3.63 96 0.32 7.61 96 2.21 1.30 96 2.78 6/19/2010 3.62 96 0.30 7.59 96 1.88 1.27 96 2.40 6/20/2010 3.62 96 0.29 7.57 96 1.47 1.24 96 1.99 6/2112010 3.61 96 0.27 7.55 96 1.23 1.21 96 1.67 6/22/2010 3.60 96 0.25 7.67 96 3.86 1.44 96 6.19 6/23/2010 3.77 96 0.81 7.95 96 10.75 1.81 96 14.82 6/24/2010 3.80 96 0.89 7.73 96 4.83 1.43 96 4.84 6/25/2010 3.74 96 0.64 7.66 96 3.09 1.37 96 3.75 6/26/2010 3.74 96 0.66 7.72 96 4.93 1.45 96 6.85 6/27/2010 3.82 96 0.96 7.73 96 4.74 1.39 96 4.55 6/28/2010 3.72 96 0.59 7.59 96 1.84 1.21 96 1.63 6/29/2010 3.69 96 0.50 7.56 96 1.37 1.20 96 1.54 6/30/2010 3.70 96 0.54 7.77 96 6.48 1.48 96 7.21 7/1/2010 3.81 96 0.92 7.74 96 5.17 1.42 96 5.16 7/2/2010 3.73 96 0.61 7.61 96 2.22 1.23 96 1.92 7/3/2010 3.71 96 0.55 7.70 96 4.24 1.45 96 6.05 7/4/2010 3.77 96 0.75 7.83 96 7.33 1.62 96 9.56 7/5/2010 3.81 96 0.93 7.81 96 6.66 1.55 96 7.62 7/6/2010 3.79 96 0.83 7.74 96 4.91 1.43 96 4.97 m12010 3.73 96 0.63 7.63 96 2.53 1.25 96 2.08 7/8/2010 3.71 96 0.55 7.58 96 1.66 1.18 96 1.38 7/9/2010 3.69 96 0.48 7.55 96 1.28 1.15 96 1.12 7/10/2010 3.68 96 0.47 7.61 96 2.27 1.31 96 2.96 7/11/2010 3.70 96 0.54 7.71 96 4.35 1.53 96 7.53 7/12/2010 3.73 96 0.61 7.64 96 2.86 1.27 96 2.46 7/13/2010 3.70 96 0.54 7.61 96 2.16 1.26 96 2.49 7/14/2010 3.72 96 0.58 7.70 96 4.08 1.46 96 5.49 7/15/2010 3.72 96 0.59 7.62 96 2.43 1.25 96 2.09 7/16/2010 3.70 96 0.52 7.58 96 1.73 1.19 96 1.42 7/17/2010 3.68 96 0.47 7.57 96 1.47 1.16 96 1.15 7/18/2010 3.67 96 0.44 7.55 96 1.15 1.13 96 0.88 7/19/2010 3.66 96 0.42 7.55 96 1.20 1.17 96 1.26 7/20/2010 3.66 96 0.39 7.54 96 1.02 1.13 96 0.91 7/21/2010 3.65 96 0.39 7.61 96 2.19 1.35 96 3.93 7/22/2010 3.66 96 0.41 7.68 96 3.65 1.33 96 3.35 7/23/2010 3.68 96 0.47 7.70 96 4.20 1.43 96 5.37 7/24/2010 3.71 96 0.56 7.67 96 3.40 1.30 96 2.82 7/25/2010 3.70 96 0.52 7.62 96 2.40 1.24 96 1.98 7/26/2010 3.68 96 0.47 7.58 96 1.75 1.18 96 1.31 7/27/2010 3.68 96 0.45 7.56 96 1.41 1.16 96 1.14 7/28/2010 3.68 96 0.46 7.66 96 3.12 1.27 96 2.38 7/29/2010 3.68 96 0.45 7.59 96 1.82 1.17 96 1.27 7/30/2010 3.67 96 0.42 7.56 96 1.29 1.13 96 0.92 7/31/2010 3.67 96 0.42 7.55 96 1.17 1.14 96 1.02 8/1/2010 3.67 96 0.44 7.67 96 3.51 1.40 96 4.45 8/2/2010 3.70 96 0.51 7.68 96 3.71 1.30 96 2.87 8/3/2010 3.70 96 0.51 7.62 96 2.39 1.21 96 1.68 JUNE 2011 -FINAL REPORT J-12 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study JIM'S LAKE OUTLET CROOKED CREEK INTAKE SITE ROY'S CREEK ABOVE FALLS Date Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) 8/4/2010 3.69 96 0.48 7.60 96 1.97 1.18 96 1.39 8/5/2010 3.68 96 0.47 7.63 96 2.55 1.29 96 2.67 8/6/2010 3.72 96 0.58 7.71 96 4.34 1.44 96 5.49 8/7/2010 3.74 96 0.65 7.70 96 4.05 1.33 96 3.14 8/8/2010 3.74 96 0.65 7.72 96 4.56 1.45 96 5.87 8/9/2010 3.74 96 0.66 7.64 96 2.87 1.24 96 2.06 8/10/2010 3.72 96 0.58 7.64 96 2.87 1.31 96 2.94 8/11/2010 3.73 96 0.61 7.74 96 5.10 1.47 96 5.98 8/12/2010 3.73 96 0.61 7.63 96 2.51 1.22 96 1.74 8/13/2010 3.67 96 0.45 7.59 96 1.81 1.17 96 1.26 (SEE NOTE2 8/14/2010 3.64 96 0.34 7.57 96 1.56 1.15 96 1.09 8/15/2010 3.62 96 0.31 7.55 96 1.21 1.11 96 0.79 8/16/2010 3.62 96 0.30 7.54 96 1.04 1.10 96 0.66 8/17/2010 3.63 96 0.31 7.76 96 5.93 1.53 96 9.59 8/18/2010 3.85 96 1.13 7.96 96 11.57 1.84 96 17.87 8/19/2010 3.72 96 0.58 7.71 96 4.18 1.39 96 4.23 8/20/2010 3.67 96 0.44 7.61 96 2.28 1.22 96 1.80 8/21/2010 3.64 96 0.35 7.58 96 1.62 1.17 96 1.24 8/22/2010 3.63 96 0.32 7.56 96 1.31 1.14 96 1.01 8/23/2010 3.64 96 0.36 7.79 96 6.65 1.68 96 12.96 8/24/2010 3.69 96 0.48 7.70 96 4.08 1.38 96 4.25 8/25/2010 3.74 96 0.65 7.77 96 6.01 1.49 96 7.22 8/26/2010 3.69 96 0.48 7.65 96 2.90 1.25 96 2.17 8/27/2010 3.66 96 0.40 7.60 96 1.93 1.18 96 1.33 8/28/2010 3.64 96 0.35 7.57 96 1.55 1.16 96 1.11 8/29/2010 3.63 96 0.32 7.56 96 1.36 1.14 96 0.97 8/30/2010 3.62 96 0.31 7.55 96 1.23 1.13 96 0.87 8/31/2010 3.62 96 0.29 7.59 96 1.90 1.19 96 1.49 9/1/2010 3.61 96 0.28 7.56 96 1.31 1.13 96 0.92 9/2/2010 3.65 96 0.39 7.78 96 6.20 1.54 96 9.36 9/3/2010 3.66 96 0.41 7.60 96 2.08 1.19 96 1.44 9/4/2010 3.64 96 0.35 7.57 96 1.48 1.14 96 1.03 9/5/2010 3.66 96 0.39 7.76 96 5.71 1.56 96 9.24 9/6/2010 3.70 96 0.52 7.72 96 4.49 1.34 96 3.69 9/7/2010 3.67 96 0.42 7.59 96 1.90 1.17 96 1.24 9/8/2010 3.65 96 0.38 7.56 96 1.43 1.13 96 0.94 9/9/2010 3.65 96 0.38 7.71 96 4.44 1.34 96 3.65 9/10/2010 3.65 96 0.39 7.62 96 2.39 1.21 96 1.64 9/11/2010 3.64 96 0.36 7.57 96 1.57 1.14 96 1.03 9/12/2010 3.63 96 0.32 7.55 96 1.24 1.12 96 0.79 9/13/2010 3.62 96 0.30 7.54 96 1.04 1.09 96 0.63 9/14/2010 3.61 96 0.27 7.53 96 0.91 1.08 96 0.53 9/15/2010 3.60 96 0.25 7.52 96 0.81 1.07 96 0.45 9/16/2010 3.59 96 0.23 7.51 96 0.75 1.06 96 0.40 9/17/2010 3.59 96 0.23 7.51 96 0.69 1.05 96 0.36 9/18/2010 3.57 96 0.19 7.51 96 0.65 1.04 96 0.33 9/19/2010 3.56 96 0.17 7.50 96 0.59 1.03 96 0.28 9/20/2010 3.55 96 0.15 7.50 96 0.55 1.03 96 0.25 9/21/2010 3.55 96 0.15 7.49 96 0.53 1.02 96 0.24 9/22/2010 3.54 96 0.12 7.49 96 0.51 1.02 96 0.23 9/23/2010 3.52 96 0.09 7.49 96 0.52 1.02 96 0.23 9/24/2010 3.54 96 0.13 7.65 96 3.57 1.37 96 5.73 9/25/2010 3.82 96 1.13 8.16 96 19.92 2.12 96 28.75 9/26/2010 3.86 96 1.16 7.87 96 8.40 1.60 96 9.27 9/27/2010 3.81 96 0.92 7.85 96 8.11 1.64 96 10.90 9/28/2010 3.83 96 1.04 7.94 96 11.15 1.77 96 14.65 9/29/2010 3.84 96 1.05 7.86 96 8.24 1.54 96 7.74 9/30/2010 3.69 96 0.50 7.64 96 2.69 1.24 96 1.95 10/1/2010 3.65 96 0.38 7.61 96 2.24 1.24 96 2.08 10/2/2010 3.68 96 0.46 7.83 96 7.25 1.52 96 6.98 10/3/2010 3.69 96 0.51 7.72 96 4.63 1.43 96 5.40 10/4/2010 3.68 96 0.48 7.66 96 3.30 1.30 96 2.80 10/5/2010 3.97 96 1.80 8.10 96 17.87 2.01 96 24.49 10/6/2010 3.73 96 0.61 7.70 96 4.10 1.35 96 3.46 JUNE 2011 -FINAL REPORT J-13 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study JIM'S LAKE OUTLET CROOKED CREEK INTAKE SITE ROY'S CREEK ABOVE FALLS Date Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) 10/7/2010 3.65 96 0.36 7.61 96 2.26 1.21 96 1.70 10/8/2010 3.63 96 0.32 7.60 96 2.10 1.20 96 1.60 10/9/2010 3.63 96 0.33 7.77 96 5.93 1.52 96 7.64 10/10/2010 3.79 96 0.87 7.91 96 9.49 1.72 96 12.26 10/11/2010 3.74 96 0.66 7.74 96 5.01 1.44 96 5.11 10/1212010 3.89 96 1.51 8.02 96 17.87 1.87 96 22.98 10/1312010 3.89 96 1.36 7.88 96 8.94 1.62 96 10.06 10/14/2010 3.71 96 0.55 7.72 96 4.56 1.45 96 5.28 10/1512010 3.70 96 0.53 7.79 96 6.22 1.61 .40 10/16/2010 3.86 96 +-1.17 7.85 96 8.15 1.62 96 10.50 10/17/2010 3.79 96 0.93 7.95 96 11.65 1.78 96 15.63 10/18/201F3.85 96 1.12 7.86 96 8.39 1.63 96 9.75 10/19/2010 3.72 96 0.58 7.75 96 5.23 1' 96 4.72 10120/2010 3.66 96 0.39 7.63 96 2.55 1.23 I 96 1.87 10/21/2010 3. 0.31 7.58 96 1.67 1.17 96 1.23 10/22/2010 3.61 96 0.27 7.55 96 1.26 1.14 96 0.95 10/2312010 3.60 96 0.24 7.56 96 1.32 1.18 96 1.38 10/24/2010 3.58 96 0.21 7.55 96 1.21 1.16 96 1.13 10/25/2010 3.58 96 0.20 7.53 96 0.94 1.11 96 0.79 10/26/2010 3.56 96 0.17 7.52 96 0.84 1.10 96 0.68 10/27/2010 3.55 96 0.14 7.51 96 0.74 1.08 96 0.57 1Mm01·mr 0.08 7.51 96 0.69 ±i±=96 0.51 10/29/2010 3.7 96 0.62 7.85 96 8.30 96 15.20 10 3.7 96 0.56 7.67 96 3.49 1.32 96 3.00 10/31/2010 96 0.52 7.67 96 3.40 1.32 96 3.08 11/1/2010 96 0.82 7.88 96 9.41 1.73 96 14.13 11/2/2010 96 1.41 7.94 96 10.72 1.80 96 15.56 11/312010 96 1.53 8.00 96 14.42 1.88 96 21.26 1114/2010 3.85 96 1.10 7.85 96 7.71 1.64 96 9.79 11/5/2010 3.75 96 0.69 7.74 96 5.04 1.46 96 5.52 11/6/2010 3.68 96 0.45 7.68 96 3.61 1.35 96 3.45 11/7/2010 3.64 96 0.35 7.63 96 2.51 1.28 96 2.53 11/8/2010 3.64 96 0.34 7.60 96 2.10 1.24 96 1.98 11/9/2010 3.62 96 0.31 Rt=F96 1.44 1.17 96 1.30 111101201~62 96 0.31 96 2.11 1.27 96 2.48 11/11/2010 .76 96 0.74 96 5.69 1.55 96 7.66 11/12/2010 .13 96 2.60 8.22 96 22.61 2.24 96 34.17 11/13/2010 .93 96 1.57 7.97 96 12.89 1.82 96 18.06 11/14/2010 3.68 96 0.45 7.67 96 3.40 1.32 96 3.11 1111512010 3.63 96 0.33 7.59 96 1.93 1.20 96 1.58 11/16/2010 3.62 96 0.30 7.56 96 1.42 1.16 96 1.14 11/17/2010 3.60 96 0.26 7.53 96 0.97 1.10 96 0.67 11/18/2010 3.59 96 0.23 7.52 96 0.78 1.08 96 0.55 11/19/2010 3.58 96 0.21 7.51 96 0.70 1.07 I 96 0.50 11/20/2010 3.58 I 96 0.21 7.50 96 0.64 1.06 96 0.44 11/21/2010 3.57 I 96 0.19 7.50 96 0.60 1.06 96 ±=i= 11/2212010 3.57 96 0.18 7.50 96 0.54 1.05 96 11/23/2010 3.56 96 0.17 7.49 96 0.52 1.04 96 11/24/2010 3.57 96 0.18 7.60 96 2.60 1.28 96 4.22 11/25/2010 96 0.40 7.71 96 4.35 1.42 96 5.08 11/26/2010 3.65 96 0.38 7.59 96 1.82 1.20 96 1.56 11/27/2010 3.62 96 0.31 7.54 96 1.04 1.13 96 0.88 11/28/2010 3.63 96 ~ 7.57 96 1.64 1.22 96 1.97 11/29/2010 3.89 96 7.73 96 4.73 1.42 96 4.76 11/30/2010 3.81 96 0.99 7.64 96 2.83 1.26 96 2.48 12/1/2010 3.64 96 0.35 7.54 96 1.02 1.12 96 0.84 12/2/2010 3.61 96 0.28 7.52 96 0.78 1.09 96 0.59 12/3/2010 3.60 96 0.24 7.53 96 0.88 1.07 96 0.51 12/4/2010 3.90 96 1.89 7.75 96 +6.75 1.54 11.61 12/5/2010 4.06 96 2.38 7.94 96 10.51 1.86 96 18.22 12/6/2010 3.67+=96 0.44 7.69 96 3.91 1.35 96 3.47 12/7/2010 3.64 96 0.36 7.67 96 3.30 1.36 96 3.67 1218/2010 3.66 96 0.40 7.65 96 2.94 1.28 96 2.51 1219/2010 3.62 96 0.30 7.58 96 1.65 1.18 96 1.33 12/10/2010 3.57 96 0.20 7.54 96 1.01 1.13 96 0.89 JUNE 2011 -FINAL REPORT J-14 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study JIM'S LAKE OUTLET CROOKED CREEK INTAKE SITE ROY'S CREEK ABOVE FALLS Date Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) 12111/2010 3.54 50 0.14 7.52 95 0.82 1.12 96 0.82 1211212010 3.50 96 !{SEE NOTE2 7.51 96 0.72 1.10 96 0.64 12113/2010 3.49 96 7.61 96 2.43 1.08 96 0.56 12114/2010 3.46 96 7.50 96 0.59 1.07 96 0.50 12115/2010 3.43 96 7.54 96 1.15 1.07 96 0.46 12116/2010 3.40 96 7.51 96 0.75 1.06 96 0.41 12117/2010 3.39 96 7.49 96 0.44 1.05 96 0.36 e 96 7.49 96 0.46 1.04 96 0.33 3.37 96 7.49 96 0.48 1.04 96 0.33 3.36 96 7.52 96 0.88 1.07 96 0.49 12121/2010 3.37 96 7.59 96 1.66 1.10 96 0.68 1212212010 3.38 96 7.63 96 2.54 1.08 96 0.57 12123/2010 3.37 96 7.57 96 1.60 1.05 96 0.39 1212412010 3.36 96 7.51 96 0.67 1.04 96 0.30 12125/2010 3.35 96 7.48 96 0.41 1.03 96 0.26 12126/2010 3.34 96 7.46 96 0.26 1.02 96 0.21 12127/2010 3.34 96 7.46 96 0.23 1.01 96 0.16 12128/2010 3.34 96 7.46 96 0.21 1.00 96 0.13 12129/2010 3.33 96 7.46 96 0.21 0.99 96 0.12 12130/2010 3.34 96 7.46 96 0.21 0.99 96 0.12 12131/2010 3.34 96 7.47 96 0.30 1.06 96 0.66 1/1/2011 3.39 96 7.52 96 0.79 1.25 96 2.15 1/212011 3.48 96 7.55 96 + 1.20 1.25 96 2.11 1/3/2011 3.59 96 7.61 96 2.14 1.32 96 3.11 1/4/2011 3.82 96 7.78 96 6.02 1.55 96 7.67 1/5/2011 3.75 96 7.66 96 3.29 1.30 96 2.80 1/6/2011 3.73 96 7.68 96 3.58 1.33 96 3.17 117/2011 3.66 96 7.59 96 1.81 1.19 96 1.46 1/8/2011 3.61 96 7.53 96 0.97 1.12 96 0.80 1/9/2011 3.58 96 7.51 96 0.66 1.08 96 0.54 1/10/2011 3.54 96 7.49 96 0.51 1.06 93 0.42 1/11/2011 3.51 96 7.51 96 0.70 1.05 16 0.36 1/1212011 3.46 96 7.63 96 2.55 LOGGER BATTERIES DEPLETED) 1/13/2011 3.40 96 7.77 96 5.58 1/14/2011 3.37 96 7.87 I 96 8.21 1/15/2011 3.33 96 8.08 96 15.44 1/16/2011 3.33 96 8.21 96 21.64 1/17/2011 3.31 96 8.24 96 24.04 1/18/2011 3.31 96 7.70 96 4.06 1/19/2011 3.32 96 7.56 96 1.41 1120/2011 3.34 96 812 96 29.14 1/21/2011 3.46 96 8.27 96 25.37 1/2212011 4.01 96 8.44 96 37.25 1/23/2011 3.73 96 7.92 96 10.65 1/24/2011 3.67 96 7.71 96 4.27 1/25/2011 3.79 96 7.84 96 7.55 1/26/2011 3.84 96 7.89 96 9.01 1/27/2011 3.66 96 7.67 96 3.42 1/28/2011 3.61 96 7.58 96 1.72 1/29/2011 3.56 96 7.54 96 1.06 1/30/2011 3.44 96 7.72 96 4.91 1/31/2011 3.36 96 ~96 2.55 211/2011 3.50 96 96 6.65 21212011 3.98 96 96 20.47 213/2011 3.83 96 7.93 96 10.89 214/2011 3.64 96 7.71 96 4.22 21512011 3.59 96 7.59 96 1.83 216/2011 3.55 96 7.55 96 1.20 217/2011 3.46 96 7.52 96 0.86 218/2011 3.38 96 7.54 96 1.10 219/2011 3.65 96 7.77 96 6.62 2110/2011 3.85 96 7.86 96 8.14 2111/2011 3.87 96 7.83 96 7.32 2/1212011 3.74 96 7.69 96 3.78 2/13/2011 3.63 96 7.60 96 2.13 JUNE 2011 FINAL REPORT J-15 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study JIM'S LAKE OUTLET CROOKED CREEK INTAKE SITE ROY'S CREEK ABOVE FALLS Date Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) 2114/2011 3.60 96 7.73 96 4.66 2115/2011 3.53 96 7.74 96 4.94 2116/2011 3.42 96 7.83 96 7.14 2117/2011 3.34 96 7.91 96 9.45 2118/2011 3.32 96 7.97 96 11.12 2119/2011 3.37 96 7.89 96 8.75 2120/2011 3.48 96 7.70 96 4.19 2121/2011 3.41 96 7.50 96 H, 212212011 3.36 96 7.47 I 96 2123/2011 3.33 96 7.45 I 96 7 2124/2011 3.30 96 7.45 35 I 0.17 2125/2011 3.28 96 LOGGER BATTERIES DEPLETED) 2126/2011 3.29 96 2127/2011 3.29 96 t=i2011 3.27 96 2011 3.26 96 2011 3.24 96 3/3/2011 3.24 96 3/4/2011 3.23 96 3/5/2011 3.22 96 3/612011 3.22 96 3/7/2011 3.22 96 3/8/2011 3.21 96 3/9/2011 3.21 96 3/10/2011 3.22 96 3/11/2011 3.18 96 3/1212011 3.16 96 3/13/2011 3.16 I 96 3/14/2011 3.15 96 3/15/2011 3.16 96 3/16/2011 3.18 96 3/17/2011 3.17 96 3/18/2011 3.16 96 3/19/2011 3.17 96 3/20/2011 3.18 96 3/21/2011 3.19 96 3/2212011 3.19 96 3/23/2011 3.20 96 3/24/2011 3.20 96 3125/2011 3.20 96 3/26/2011 3.25 96 3/27/2011 3.34 96 3/28/2011 3.tl? i 96 3/29/2011 3.53 96 3/30/2011 3.64 96 3/31/2011 3.77 96 4/1/2011 3.67 96 4/2/2011 3.63 96 4/3/2011 3dt± 96 4/4/2011 3. 96 4/5/2011 3.55 96 416/2011 3.51 96 4/7/2011 3.47 96 4/8/2011 3.57 96 4/9/2011 3.68 96 4/10/2011 3.62 96 4/11/2011 3.57 96 4/1212011 3.55 96 4/13/2011 3.63 96 4/14/2011 3.61 96 4/15/2011 3.56 96 4/16/2011 3.53 96 4/17/2011 3.48 96 4/18/2011 3.46 96 4/19/2011 3.46 96 JUNE 2011 -FINAL REPORT J-16 Non-Profit Community of Elfin Cove Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. Crooked Creek and Jim's Lake Hydroelectric Feasibility Study JIM'S LAKE OUTLET CROOKED CREEK INTAKE SITE ROY'S CREEK ABOVE FALLS Date Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Recorded Number of Average Daily Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow(cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow(cfs) Stage (ft) Daily Readings Flow (cfs) 4/20/2011 3.44 96 4/21/2011 3.46 96 4/22/2011 3.52 96 4/23/2011 3.56 96 4/24/2011 3.56 96 4/25/2011 3.56 96 4/26/2011 3.59 96 4/27/2011 3.56 96 4/28/2011 3.53 96 4/29/2011 3.55 96 4/30/2011 3.51 96 5/1/2011 3.55 96 5/2/2011 3.58 96 5/3/2011 3.62 96 5/4/2011 3.70 96 5/5/2011 3.66 96 5/6/2011 3.63 96 5/7/2011 3.60 96 5/8/2011 3.57 96 NEW BATTERIES INSTALLED} NEW BATTERIES INSTALLED} 5/9/2011 3.56 43 7.76 (SEE NOTE 3) I 5.39 1.45 (SEE NOTE 3) 5.19 1. See Appendix C for information on gauging stations, station histories, equipment, calibration curves, flow measurements, and related information. 2. Sensor datum drift of approximately 0.1 feet was observed on 12/11/10 and 5/9/11 site visits. This drift error started sometime between 8/13/10 and 12/11/10 site visits. Calculated flows between 8/13/10 and 12/11/10 are reported, but may require revision once cause of drift error is determined. The data from 8/13/10 to 9/15/10 that is used for the feasibility study modeling has been reviewed and does not appear to be affected by this sensor drift. Calculated flows after 12/11/10 are not reported due to this datum error. 3. Manual reading. Data loggers were downloaded before any data had been recorded. JUNE 2011-FINAL REPORT J-17